and 2010…. scott: 7th grade annie: kindergarten the first day went well for the four youngest. she was dying to get there. we rode bikes to school for her. and my afternoon was very nice. i think i am going to be ok.
We are going on September the 1st. Good luck to your kids, they are beautiful! You are so lucky to have 1/2 day Kinder. Here in TX we have full day Kinder, 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. I am sending my youngest of 3 to Kinder tomorrow, hope I don’t lose it right there in the hallway! Thanks for sharing your days with all of us, so fun!! lovely pictures – my daughter saw your daughter with the rabbit t shirt she begged me to ask you where it is from she so wants one. many thanks. Shauna Johnston
My “baby” starts full day Kindergarten on Monday. I have NEVER cried when the girls have started or my “baby” starting preschool. Like you, I always looked at those women like they were nuts! But somehow this seems different. I was telling the “girls” in my Friday Bible study that ‘the mom in me will probably cry and cry, but the woman in me will be excited!’. Like your Annie said, now I can sew, paint, work on the house, garden, go to the library, shop,…. But I will still miss my “baby” – my only boy.
Cute pics. Love the pic of Lauren with Annie in the window. Pretty girls. Handsome boys. I have a friend who has a little boy named Talbey (spelled differently than your Talby) Really cute name. i’ve decided i’d like to try to be the first comment on your blog one day. that would be cool. 🙂
tears!! sounds like you are doing your job. that little one is ready to fly! My little girls are 2 and 4 years old – and I have to say, I hope they are not as beautiful as your Lauren when they are in 10th grade!! And yes, I said NOT – my husband will have a heart attack trying to keep the boys away! =)
Lauren is so beautiful..ok all your babies are! Her owl necklace is fab! It’s going to be a great year! Your kids are precious…and blessed! gawwwwsh I wish I had laurens thick beautiful hair and dark skin. She is so gorgeous and chocolatey isn’t she. What a heart breaker. Absolute stunner. Ok…I feel really feel dumb. I don’t know how it escaped me that you had FIVE kids. FIVE! I’d be crying too if my baby were going to kindergarten. That was so hard. 1st grade was the hardest though for me because it was all day. Your kids are darling. Lauren is so beautiful. You are blessed. i didn’t realize that lauren is only a year older then my DD. she looks much older. talby is so beautiful! …and their off! I’m glad the first day went well for the 4 youngest, i’m sure Lauren will have a great day too. My kids won’t start school for another 2.5 weeks. For some reason, I’m struggling with the thought that my oldest will be in 4th grade. I didn’t cry when either of them started kindergarten, I’m thinking I might with QB starting 4th grade. What is wrong with me?!?!? Your kids are so stinkin’ cute. I love that you document them on the first day every year. I’m gonna be sad this year. My youngest goes all day. What in the world am I going to do with myself?? Trying to resist saying this…”Run Megan, Run!” Ha. It’s hard for me to even imagine your feelings right now, as mine are 2 1/2, 15 months and 1 who is still baking. Hopefully you are able to find the joy in your new chapter and spoil yourself during you new found “ME” time. Also, your oldest is absolutely STUNNING!! God Bless!
Good for you mamma! lauren is gorgeous!!!! have fun shooing the boys away;) i also have a 3rd & 7th grader this year… plus a 1st!!! we go back tues. can’t wait!! My kids are the same grades this year too, except instead of a Lauren, I have a 3yo still at home. I’m so excited for our year to start on Monday. I love the picture of the oldest posing outside and the youngest looking from the window! Oh, Megan. I know. I did the ball-baby thing too. Your kids look absolutely adorable and your photos are perfection! 🙂 I definitely think you’re going to come to LOVE those afternoons to yourself…and love having them all back home in the evenings!! 🙂 Seriously love that one of Annie looking out the window at Lauren! I can’t wait to work with Annie in art — I think that will be fun!!! And your other kids, of course are so great! Looking forward to seeing them again in art class too 🙂 Glad things went ok taking Annie the first day! i’ve been ramping up for weeks on how i’m going to feel with my oldest starting kindergarten and my youngest just about to turn 3 and start preschool. i think i’m going to be a mess on september 7th! school starts late in our district…but i’m ok with that…for now 🙂
sounds like you stuck to your plan!!! Lilly started Kindergarden this year too…she is with me at my school but in a different building. I have been trying not to be a stalker. ha ha.
can you believe school starts so early this year? we started the 11th. your kids are gorgeous! and yes, you are going to be OK! That explains Shoeless Annie. Glad to hear the day went well for you. Your blog never fails to make me smile. Your kids are beautiful and it brings back memories of many first days of school. Love Annie admiring her big sis going off to high school. School doesn’t start till after labor day here so it seems a bit early (and hot) and hot to be thinking about school just yet for me. Oh, I love how you have four years of photos! It so cool to look at how they change from year to year. LOL, I wondered why Annie didn’t have shoes on. Gosh the kids are darling and Lauren is gorgeous. I have one going into 5th and one starting kindergarten on Monday. We met the teachers last night. They seem very nice, high hopes for a great new year. that picture of annie looking out the window behind lauren made me cry. it just made me think of little girls waiting for big dreams to come true. and big girls making their way in the world…making those dreams reality. it is really touching to think how far our littles come from that first day of kindergarten!
Cute! I didn’t realize I had been following your blog so long, but I totally remember that post from 2 years ago. Time just flying… I know you are going to be just fine 😉 And I’m glad your Annie will too 🙂 And of course, cute pics of oh so cute kids 😉 Happy Weekend!!! stained glass candles came from aimee at artsyville. when the glue is dry then they are done! Having kids of my own, it is great to find cool craft ideas that can allow them to show off their creativity. Something like this is great to do when they start picking on each other in the summer because they are getting bored. Beautiful projects made by kids. I sooo loved it!
Love this idea.
Love these, they are so pretty, and the kids are adorable! Great Craft! We’ve only done it with baby food jars but I like these tall ones. In Canada school starts Sept 7. I’m curious when your school year ends since you start 2 1/2 weeks earlier than we do… I love it! And I love your blog. It’s one of my favorites! very cute candles! Hope the first day was good!
Our Dollar Tree has tons of them, I think both with and without the graphics.
I love this idea! My girls would love making these and it is totally doable on short notice when boredom strikes.
Talby’s your girl all right. Loving craft Thursday and meaning it! BEEYOUTEEFUL!!! Love em 🙂 Can’t wait to hear the full reports 🙂 Our school started today…I thought I might leave skidmarks trying to be the first one out of the parking lot….alas, I tried to restrain myself from RUNNING to the car 🙂 heeeheee 🙂 Both my boys wanted to ride the bus this morning…WHAT? The FIRST day of school??? I said yes, sent their cute little selves off and beelined it up to the school to make sure they made it 🙂 I felt like the whole time I was forgetting something 🙂 Oh yea, that would be bc my van was empty 🙁 Hope you have a blessed day!!!!!!!
I hope you had a great run/cry after you dropped Annie off! 🙂 Our ‘baby’ started K on Tuesday and he was full speed ahead! I am off to Walmart to get these so the grandkids and I can do it tomorrow! Great idea! Enjoy your kid-free days- it is pretty darn good when they all drive off in the bus! The day will be gone before you get half done what you wanted to!
We call ’em Jesus candles 🙂 Great idea for a craft. They’ll probably look cool when they’re burning.
Awesome idea and so easy! We have a week to go until school starts, and we’re doing this craft at our house for sure! Funny you mention the ethnic section of the grocery. Ours is huge, and I live in the middle of nowhere. Yesterday while shopping alone (love that) I was marveling at all of the strange foods and drinks that I have no clue about. Coconut water w/ bits of coconut floating inside it? Intriguing!
A few months ago I was in the aisle at Target that had these candles. I was trying to get one of every picture. After a few minutes, I looked over and my daughter was looking at me like I was nuts. I thought, “I’m not even Catholic, why am I doing this?” So I put them all back. Those are very pretty candles! Wishing you all a great school year!! 🙂 how fun and simple! i hope you’ll post an update once they’re lit and burn down a little. i bet they’ll be magical! 🙂 Hehe! That is easy! Love the look on the kids’ faces! Very successful pitch on the part of Staples. At that time of the year, we parents can have a good kick out of our children’s back-to-school distress. I’ve seen a similar TV commercial here in Toronto. I must say, that is one of those commercials that make the viewers go laughing and thinking at the same time. I mean, just look at the faces of those kids, dreading about getting back to school while their dad’s dancing around to low prices. yes!! This one and the one with the little girl and Alice Cooper are my favorite ones this time of year. “I thought you said,’School’s out for EVER.'” 🙂
Hahaha I distinctly remember watching that when I was still in elementary school! It was a Friday evening the first time I saw it. My dad thought it was awesome.
haha funny funny funny love it! had to immediately put it on my fb and tweeted it out… Hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh! This IS the best commercial ever! I nearly died laughing the first time I saw it. My son, Ethan, glared at me in disapproval. Good times… Thanks! I haven’t seen this on TV this year yet and I always look forward to it at back to school time. It never gets old. Love, love it! I love this commercial! As soon as Target sets the back school section; this song plays comes to mind. kids grow up so fast but man, do I love when they’re gone for a bit…it helps to appreciate them more. lol… Hahaha… thats so funny!!! Thanks for sharing.
Oh that’s funny. We don’t have American TV so we miss all those funny commercials. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 I agree! I laugh everytime. Then I remember that I’m planning on homeschooling and am instantly annoyed with everyone who sends their kids to school. lol.
I so remember this from when I was in highschool. My mother lovedd it too! Looking forward to hearing how your day went. My kids have been back for two days and I still am adjusting. I didn’t sleep well at all the night before, so I took a little nap today. How lame is that! I love how you described that you are taking time to figure out who you are. Love that. I have a 3rd and 5th grader, and I spend a lot of time at their school doing stuff…trying to see them whenever I get a chance. My heart still aches for them even though I know this is where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. It’s all hard! Love, love, love it. So very true. My mom had 6 kids and rejoiced every year when she could say, “Early bedtime! Tomorrow’s a school day!” Love it! And we’re not even in holidays at the moment:) Good luck with getting all five lovely ones off one their first day. Do you have a “Tissues & Champagne” morning for all the kindergarten mum’s? We have that here and it’s a fun way to meet….over tears and laughter. “Laughter through tears – that’s my favourite emotion!” One of my favourite movie quotes ever. Meredy xo.
Random question since I’ve been looking at both of these – what kind of screen and projector do you have? Thanks.
I am 45 and have 4 kids. I am sending my baby to school in 2 weeks. I feel like I will cry. Then I may dance. Then I will probably cry some more. Then I will do wash. Enjoy it all Meg! you are just too hillarious! I remember the pre school comment my oldest made while reading your blog today. He said, Mom I can go up to the door all by myself without you and Jamie. You went with me to meet the teacher yesterday. His younger brother and I sat and watched him go up and open the door and go in. I will always remember that day as long as I live. The independence of it all. They grew up and now they have babies of their own. I love it!! I always wonder about the moms crying too…but when I drop off my last to kindergarten…I just might too! Enjoy your school kick off!! I’m crying for you. 🙂 My daughter is only 17 months old and I am projecting the very same day in my mind and while I will be excited for the free time, I will be as sad as you are right now. Big hugs. I hope it goes well and that the run is cathartic. Good luck!!
I sooo feel your pain about school starting. My “baby” is going to be a SENIOR tomorrow! It is my last “first day of school”. I love being a mother so much and I am having a hard time. This time next year, I will have no one at home. All three boys will be gone and I am very sad about it. People say it is exciting and a new chapter, but I don’t feel that way. Where did the time go? I teach Kindergarten and I know people will be crying at school in the morning. I just hope I’m not one of them…… Oh, my friend, wait until you prepare to send the oldest off to college~I cry daily and it is a year away 🙂 Oooh…I’m a huge fan of the fake cry. I pull that one out with frequency. I’m thinking you are allowed two tears tomorrow, but just two. OK fine, you are allowed five, but just five. One for each baby/child. And then – you run!
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and pull out “The Gift of an Ordinary Day” and she can help you make that transition! Looks like a great way to end the summer. This was me and my husband last year. Our baby started kindergarten and we couldn’t believe it was possible. It was a little easier for me, since I work at his school. A little more difficult for my husband. Our youngest stayed with him three days a week since the hubby works odd hours. It took him awhile to adjust. You too will find a good place. I want to live at your house. I really do. Interested in adopting a married 26-year-old? I’m a nanny and I clean and cook. Just a thought. OMG! I am so starting a savings fund for a PROJECTOR!! I LOVE it. My kids will think I’m awesome. Thanks!! that party looks straight out of a martha stewart living article. the outdoor movie is too adorable for words. i can not wait to do these types of things someday when all of the babies in our family are older. 🙂 good luck at kindergarten drop-off…. 🙂 Can you please explain more about your outdoor movie night? I am SO wanting to do this for my daughter’s 5th birthday in September. What kind of projector did you use? Did you rent it? Thanks so much!! PS: LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! Megs, Thanks again for inviting us it was awesome! In fact Natalia wants to do the same thing next May after 8th grade graduation! See, you are cool or at least my teenager thinks you are!!! I love the pic of Kenton I was wondering if I could get a copy sometime if you get a chance. I just wanted to tell you that if you need a baby fix just give me a call and I’ve got one I can share. Talk to you soon Love Ya! FUN party!!! I was one of “those moms” at Kindergarten drop off yesterday – except it was my oldest, not my youngest. I didnt’ think I would cry, but it just hit me how crazy fast these five years went by, and how our lives would never the same now that we’ve entered School World. I’m excited, but it was a little bit traumatic. Good luck with Annie!! We’ve been dying to do the outside movie. Did you rent the screen and projector???
Your party rocked!!! I still cry and go through withdrawals when school starts, and I have a 5th grader and 1st grader. Great party, I wish we had our house and not an apartment on the 11 floor… This really hard for me too, my youngest is going to the 1st grade this September and I know I will be crying lol… This really hard for me too, my youngest is going to the 1st grade this September and I know I will be crying lol…
I wanna come to your party!!!
Details! Details! Did you rent a projector and screen? Where? Was it expensive? I love that you are a DOER. I have all these IDEAS. I think, and think about something, but generally don’t DO it. You say you are going to do something, and you do it. Love it. Good luck with the first day of school. I know it is going to be hard, but you will be okay. What fun! I want to show a movie outside this fall when the nights are just a little cooler!!!! Hope the first day of K went great today and that you got your run in AND went to the laundromat! that will be me next year. with all of that free time I’m planning on having a nervous break down (and crying lots). I agree…I’ve never cried…I have another year until my Jake is full time…we only have 1/2 day Kindergarten here. So I have another year to find myself 🙂 And I soooo wish I knew how to sew…it’s my goal…so maybe next year, when I’m dropping him off allll day….I’ll be able to sew something by then 🙂 Have a great day Megan!!!!! And WHAT FUN that party looked like 🙂 I want to do an outside movie so badly!
I am not a crier at school either. But this year I have my girl starting middle school and my son (baby) starting Kindergarten. I thought I was fine, I work at his school after all….but I just saw him in the school doing the tour on the first day and the sweet look on his face — “there’s my mama” — that made me cry! At my school we had a “boohoo/yahoo breakfast” every year for the parents after they dropped their kiddos off. Finding our identity as moms is truly a challenge I feel. My sweet mother-in-law treated me to a massage with a great massage therapist the other day and as I lay there I tried to think of what my identity is now and how to even see myself. Thanks for writing about your thoughts and feelings. Kelly What an awesome idea for a back to school party! Love it…and good thoughts and wishes coming your way. Change is always difficult in the beginning, but then we adjust and things begin to feel normal AND comfortable again in our lives. I love the advice Annie gave you…just sew! Too cute! 🙂
I’ll probably be at school crying too. And I don’t have the excuse of Ezra being my baby. But I really thought he would be, so that’s what I’m attributing all the tears to. (Yes, I’ve already cried) Maybe he and Annie will be in the same class. I think those two would have so much fun together. See you in the morning!
LOVE the outdoor movie idea. And you’ll figure out who you are, I’m sure:)
I wish you were my neighbors! Looks like it was a perfect summer evening. Hope all goes well with the big Kindergarten sendoff, I am sure Annie is thrilled at what lies ahead for her! My baby went off to kindergarten this morning leaving me to figure out who I am. Reading your post makes me feel a bit better knowing I’m not the only one feeling this way. Again, love your blog 🙂
I love how Annie knows you well…she knew what to say that in her mind would comfort you. She’s really cute. Just think of the joy you will feel going grocery shopping without that ever present question, “Mom can we have this sugar laced high fructose based fake food that should be banned by the FDA which will make us go crazy on a sugar high for hours? PLEEEEEEEESSSE?????” We went to Walmart yesterday and I think my ears were bleeding at the end. Side not though, I won’t be crying next week. I already have lunch plans:D
Your party looks so fun. My 5 year old – my last baby- is going to Kindergarten too. I felt a lump in my throat when I typed that! We start school in September so we have a little more time. I asked her the same question “What will I do all day without you?” and she said “Mom, you can go shopping!”. Too funny. I’ll be finding myself as well. Wear water proof mascara tomorrow just in case! 🙁 What a great idea! I love the outdoor movie. I hope all of the kids enjoy their first day back and you enjoy your sewing time! What a fun party idea! I have seen a couple of outdoor movies lately. hmmm…wonder if Hannah would like an outdoor movie party?….BTW Meg, my boy went to kindergarten this yr and he asked when I was leaving! Cool outdoor movie/ice cream party. Our girls would L.O.V.E. that! Did you rent a screen/player? First day of school here, too. I hope it is a good school year for your kiddos and for you. :)! What a great back to school treat and it looks like everyone had a great time. I am one of those moms…the ones that cry, and my 2 are going into 3rd & 5th. I did cry the hardest when my youngest went into Kindergarten though…it does get easier and you find things to occupy your time. I hear you about the babies vs children…but they will always be your babies no matter what age and you adapt. Good luck, hang in there and pack a baggie of tissues just in case. : )
This is such a nice idea. Mt kids go back next Wednesday. They’re half-way through high school, so I am not sure they’d be jazzed about an ice cream social. Looks like a whole lot of fun, Meg! Hard to believe school is starting for everyone but us already. We don’t go back until September 2nd and they don’t get out until the 3rd week in June. YUCK! Love the idea of the outside theater – I have yet to see the movie UP and we are huge movie buffs – what is wrong with us?! LOL I can’t wait to see the first day of school photos as always. My 2 babies will be in 10th and 11th grade this year. Talk about a scary thought! Yikes! I had to LOL at Annie’s comment that you can sew – too cute! I hope you have a wonderfully peaceful and enjoyable day today. Big hugs! :o)
Wat a great way to celebrate back to school!!!
I know just how you feel…I dropped up my 3rd child off at school for her first day yesterday, a I still have a 3 year old at home, but I just kind of walked around in circles not knowing what to do…although my ambitious to-do list is a mile long. I didn’t cry…I did that when the first went to school, and will probably do the same when the last goes, but my heart was tearing! And yes I could sew too…if the inspiration would come back! just when i reach the end of my rope….my patience is gone….i am acting a little crazy…a lot angry… Thanks for your post. I have been struggling with these same feelings. I have not been the wife or mom God has called me to be lately. My oldest started kindergarten and I am adjusting to a new stage of life. I love the Proverbs 32 women- that’s so me! Hang in there- I hope your week has gotten better.
Megan, thanks for being real. Being a mom is hard and I’m only four months in but thank you also for sharing the sweet things like annie coming in that make it so great. God has not given us more than we can bear! Kelly
Oh we ALL have those days…How lucky and loved are you to receive 3 random gifts on the same day? 🙂 Will you email or post where the 2 came from? I’m guessing these ladies have Etsy shops…? You are not psycho!!! I think every mother has felt these feelings, and it’s a shame we don’t share this more often with each other. Instead, we all go along feeling like we are alone and slowly losing our minds. Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty in talking about your feelings and struggles. Our pastor has been talking a lot about this lately – about exposing ourselves and not living with a facade that everything’s “fine.” As Christians, we struggle and make mistakes, but the great thing is we have a God who continues to love us and grant us His mercy. This is our testimony to others – not that we are perfect but that we are saved.
I’m quite sure we have all been there. I have yet to meet a woman or a mom who hasn’t. As women we are loving and passionate and creative and smart. We aren’t perfect. That’s God’s thing. And it’s important to let our kids see that we can be wonderful and still have bad days. Hope your day is better. Sweetest Meg, hang in there. All I can say is that I am so thankful for your honesty. I am so glad I am not alone. hang in there 🙂
oh, and p.s. here is a link to her stuff:
oh, you are so loved! i’ve been a huge fan of michelle’s artwork for years. her stuff is so amazing. i love the little wooden blocks. what a lovely day for you – revel in it! If you’re crazy, I am far more so! Personally, I think you sound much more like a frazzled Mom than a psycho. oh how i love to read your blog. you are so real!
As a 30-year old child, 🙂 I am now realizing how wonderful my parents are, and what a great job they did. So, maybe your kids will come back to you in 10-15 years, spend the night in your home for Christmas or some other holiday, and then rise and call you “blessed.” I know I am recognizing that in my mom now more than ever. I just didn’t see it back then. 🙂
Great post, just what I needed today 🙂
i. hear. you. oh man girl, i have been straight up psychotic lately. i don’t think my boys or my husband knows what the heck to do with me. seriously, i’m like a maniac. i keep praying that getting back into a routine will help…but i so need some alone time with Jesus i think . you don’t sound psychotic at all, by the way. you sound so normal, so thanks. misery does love company. 😉 meg you are so real and many women feel like you..moms don’t think their kids are listening to them and it’s all just a waste of time and energy(trying to be mom), but kids are listening and when their mothers are not around and they do the right thing, and when they grow up and turn into adults we are proud of them. we taught them well… Could you please share who gave you those painted signs/pictures? Love them! Meg your post was just what I needed to read. I had a night like yours last night. This made me smile because your post sounded like most all of us feel. Being a mom is such a blessing and such a burden. But we aren’t expected to do it alone – God is big and He walks beside us … usually doing the heavy lifting. 🙂 I hope you are feeling better today. From one frazzled mama to another, I know how you feel. Thanks for the encouragement and lifting me up. Hope today is wonderful for you! (Otherwise, just get yourself a hat…) Just kidding, seriously though, I hope today is a better day, my friend! Oh by the way Martha Peace has a book called Damsels in Distress about how to handle the emotions that all women have in a God honoring way. Meg this post strikes a cord with me. In our humanness we are never going to cut it. I often feel like you do, all over the place. I get angry then think “How does that look to my kids?” or “How am I reflecting Jesus?”. I think that excerpt you put in your post is right on. Less us and more of Him! Gevay
as mamas we are a little crazy sometimes but as so many of the comments suggest and as mine will suggest also, you are not alone. keep being honest and we’ll keep responding and encouraging you and one another. our hope is in Him and as long as we know that, then there is joy waiting for us in the morning 🙂 be blessed Meg!
This is perfect timing for me. I just scolded my son last night because his glasses were missing & then I found them, high on a shelf to where only I would have put them. 🙁 What a reality check. this is just what i needed to read this morning. thank you so much. my husband left for business and being by myself for 4 days creates so much anxiety in me. our 2 year old daughter has special needs and uncontrolled seizures so needless to say there are moments in every day when i am simply scared. and not having him near makes it even harder. sometimes i feel like i can’t do this but having encouraging words and reminders like you posted help more than you can imagine. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m making Your/Craig’s bbq meatballs for Calvin’s First Day of School dinner tonight. Why should that make you feel better? I have no idea. But I hope it does. But just in case it still doesn’t, I’m also making homemade mashed potatoes and PEAS (C’s fave) and Ginger Peach cake that is actually more of a pie-ish sort of thing. Not crazy at all. In fact, it is comforting to know that I’m not the only one with what feels like schizophrenia at times. It always happens when I’m relying on my own understanding and abilities instead of His.
Thank you. I thought it was just me. Even a diet busting ice cream cone and drive by myself couldn’t lift my horrible mood. On top of that, I know I’m letting my kids down by being so crabby. But like everything else in life, we’ll all endure. Tomorrow is another day. With any luck, it will be a better one. Or at least less crabby! 🙂
God IS good and thank goodness for that because us moms get a little crazy at times. Thanks for always speaking the truth … Nope, not crazy at all, just real. I totally relate, and while I hate those times when I’m the crazy, angry, mom, I think they help push me in the right direction. They’re like a signal that something’s gotta give, or change, or be adjusted, you know? You’re amazing. Hope today goes better 🙂
Grab a girlfriend and go see “Eat, Pray, Love” with Julia Roberts AND grab the book to read…it changed my attitude and gave me a “big girl pill” at the same time…I’ve been a much nicer mom/wife this week because of the message…hopefully it will last…love ya Meg and your not crazy girl, we all feel these things…I wish my brain would slow down sometimes and just shut off…but I better be careful what I wish for! ha ha
thanks for sharing and being so real on your blog! It’s helpful to a future mama to see the “real” side of things that can so often be left out. Proverbs 3:5-6…that says it all 🙂 Thank you so mch for posting this and for being so real. I love that you’re vulnerable and allow your readers to go along on the journey with you. I feel the exact same way! Some days I’m teary because summer is over, then the next minute I’m frustrated with my kids and can’t wait to have a little more space during the day! I have thought the same thing with my blog…that I must sound like I have split personalities sometimes. The reality is, that it’s the journey that allows us the ups and downs. It’s the ebb and flow of our human-fleshy side and the spiritual-loving Jesus side. I pray, like many moms do (I think!), that the Jesus side wins over more than the fleshy side and rest in the fact that God has more grace for us than we give ourselves. You seem like a great (and really fun!) mom! Keep up the good work 😉
Meg, thanks for sharing. I struggle with being a Proverbs 31 woman as well as the fruits of the spirit. I was once told if I couldn’t identify all of the fruits of the spirit in my life that maybe I didn’t really have Jesus in my heart! That messed with me for a long time but I’m learning that it is a process just like you are. I told my daughter last week while I was so busy getting ready for vacation and preparing the house for remodel that is taking place while we are gone that I was ready to take her to the nearest fire station and leave her! She’s 10 and the light of my life and the closest thing to Jesus with skin in my life but sometimes…It’s just being overwhelmed. I only have the 1 daughter and you must be 5 times as overwhelmed as I am. Thanks for sharing your very normal life and helping the rest of us feel like we are not alone! You had the same evening as me last night! Sigh…….thanks for sharing.
sunday was my melt down. I was so hard on everyone and said some pretty harsh words. then sure enough, joyce meyer talked about our words yesterday and how powerful they are. let’s just say I was deeply convicted. thankfully, i am forgiven. I appreciate your blog so much… it’s real… it’s how I feel so often and it’s nice to know I’m not alone… thanks for bringing inspiration, family love, the love for GOD and so much more to my life! Crazy or not, this post inspired me. the washing machine is STILL BROKEN???????????????????????????? I was there when it got fixed!!!!!! that gospel truth is exactly what you (&me!) need. so glad you heard it in that book & were encouraged!
Right there with you. I needed this badly this morning. Yesterday late was a wreck for me too. Here’s to the One who can improve any situation when we recognize Him in it. Love you. What a blessing!!
Meg, thanks for being honest and sharing your life, the ups and downs too. You aren’t crazy, rather you are normal. My son doesn’t start school until 9/7, but we take my daughter to college for her first year a week from today…so I am up and down, between YES YES YES and NOOOOOOOO. A bittersweet time that includes lots of nostalgia for sweet hugs from my kids. Hugs! Sounds like life! There are ups and downs, great days and days we wish for a “do over” button! It’s all the pieces that make us appreciate what we have even when we have to take a deep breath and pray for peace in our hearts to make the situation better! I’ve been taking a lot of those breaths lately, but I think it’s the time of year that has everyone a little squirrel-ly! Good luck sweetie, things will settle down and you will have better days!
I just discovered your blog recently (how did I not know about you until now??). I am in love with your blog because you’re so honest. . .Thanks for keepin’ it real! This was encouraging to read. Thanks for being so real. Praying now that Christ will restore you as you sleep and you will wake up refreshed in His spirit! Awww… sending big big hugs your way my friend that today is a much better day for you. No matter how hard of a good mom, friend, sister, wife we all try to be – there are just those days that get to us and break us down. I think you are a fantastic mom and can’t imagine you ever getting angry – LOL On the flip side – I think it was SO SWEET that Annie came and gave you an “arm” hug – she must have known you really needed it and God sent her to bless you at that very moment. :o) I hope that today is a much better day for you and I look forward to seeing the new back to school photos of your beautiful family. xoxoxo
Meg, I think so many of us can relate to this and I think it really comes down to expectations. We, as mothers, expect so much of ourselves (especially ourselves), our kids, our husbands, and we really do want our lives to be picture-perfect even though we know they aren’t and never will be; not that there’s anything wrong with expectations, even very high expectations. Expectations are good ~ they give us something to live UP to. But sometimes we have to bring them down to our real life experience. I’ve learned to expect from Christ and He (alone) lives up to those expectations ~ He never fails. Thanks for sharing the devotional ~ very good, very encouraging. Hope you are feeling better soon! 🙂 Meg, I think this post is just perfect. I struggle so. I struggle with being a Christian and having depression and OCD. How does it work? Why isn’t Jesus enough? But really, do I even give him a chance to be? Those are such powerful words that you shared. I love that…Proverbs 32 woman. How that rings true! ha I can lie in bed feeling so angry and resentful because my littlest one won’t let me sleep and get so furious and hateful in my head that I don’t even go to church. My husband is on staff! Talk about not setting the right examples. I don’t really know what I’m trying to say. Thanks for sharing your honest days.
i know i have posted it before but it is just too true. I think I just fell off the couch! I had never seen that before — so funny!
Made my morning. You are not alone. oh my – I SO needed this today, I feel ya girlfriend! 😉 that was sooo funny…i almost peed my pants!!!
So exactly right! I’m ready to be led away for a couple days of solitary . . . ah, that’d be lovely!
That just made my day….I just wrote a post on my bleh feelings. That pretty much sums it up. I am going to share on FB!!! Love it. You are awesome! I love it! I’m pregnant and I’m certain my husband thinks I get this way on a weekly basis! LOL! Thanks! right there with you my friend. Hush…don’t say that S-word. I’m a teacher and I’m just not ready to go back yet. I’m savoring the last remnants of summer. So, shhhh, leave us in peace a litlle while longer please. That’s the first time I saw that, so funny!! My husband LOVES that one! I completely needed to laugh my a*# off. Thanks for the video. HAHAHA Yes!! That was great, thank you. I have never seen this before. Lord knows I feel like this some days (period optional).
Oh my gosh! Hadn’t seen that one before! BTW, it hurts to laugh while you are drinking soda, and the soda comes out your nose. Just sayin… Ugh. I just started back for the first time in 13 months. (I have a 4-month-old, lol.) I wish it were time for school. But my three sons are all too young. HEEEELLLPPPP!!!! 🙂 My husband and I laughed hysterically at this skit. It is one of my favorites for sure. Especially the line about the hat… |
Holly - Hi! Where did you get that Dunder Mifflin coffee cup? I can only find them in white and would love to have a blue one.
Kelly - We got our own copy of Are You My Mother? in a care package on Saturday! I love this post. Great photos! Especially love the eggs and would like to snatch that hostess cupcake right out of that lunchbox. 🙂 Why are they so good? Kelly
Laura - you are so flippin talented
you see such magic in the ordinary
and bring to life all of Gods goodness
HIS greatness
in the simplest form
you are amazing
LOVE this
LOVE you
Emily - LOVE THIS! Wish I could take meaningful “whatever” pictures!
Gemma - Hope you had a great weekend : )
Gemma x
Cassie - WHAT?!? you have a dunder mifflin coffee cup?? where did you get it?
Heather @ Cookie Mondays - love, love, love that verse!
merlin - I’m having one of “those” kind of mothering days and I see the book title in your photo “Are You My Mother?” and I think it should say “How is it that I am your mother?”
Do you ever have those kinds of days when you just wonder how things got so out of control when you have such good intentions?
melissa - i have to admit i’m clueless about dunder mifflin…maybe i’ll google it.
i love this post! i just might be doing my own around the house post here soon!!! thanks for the super idea!!!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - This is my favorite.
Heather - One of my very favourite verses.
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Saturday! Have a great weekend!
Lynette - Love the Nebraska puzzle piece on top – Yay Nebraska! Love your pictures. Thanks for the smile today.
jaz - Lovely!
amber - ahhh…dunder mifflin!
Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - Beautiful photos – I would love to know how to create a collage like that!
Megan - This is so cool, Happy Saturday to you and yours!
laura - life is good:).
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Happy Saturday right back atcha:) I woke up happy today. Love that feeling and days like that. Have a great one Meg!
naomi - Love it! And actually, I think you put the Nebraska piece on there (right side up) for ME!
Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Was that a light I saw on- on the washing machine?
Does that mean it’s working again?
Regina - i enjoy your blog so much and i especially LOVE this post ~ i love all the creative captures! i’m pretty sure we have that red & white polka dot canister. i use it at christmas. happy saturday to you too!
Julie - This just makes me happy. I always LOVE your blog, it is so colorful. How do you make these mosaic displays? I am sure it is easy but I am a computer and photo dunce.
Dina - Love it, love it, love it ALL!
Viktoria Slutsky - Love your blog, love reading your posts, thank you for the inspiration!
Viktoria Slutsky - Love your blog, love reading your posts, thank you for the inspiration!
Carla - I come on here looking for a pretty fix and you don’t disappoint 🙂
Krista - Happy Saturday to you & have a great weekend!
Clare - I love visiting your blog Meg, everything about it makes me smile. Happy Saturday to you all (“,)
mindi - Love love love the Dunder Mifflin mug! It looks huge!…that’s what she said! lol!
Kimberlee J. - I love this. You should know that I am blatantly going to copy this idea. 🙂
Oh Hostess cupcake, it’s been way too long. (I was talking about the actual cupcake, but if you want me to call you “Hostess Cupcake” I can.)
AshleyAnn - How sweet of you to put the Oklahoma puzzle piece on top as a shout out to me…:)
Those egg shells can be composted. Learned that this week.