good times.
ok…..i have answers to the rest those questions you asked on july 27.
1. what kind of floor cleaner do you use on your hard wood?
i use WOW with a dry mop.
nothing else works for me.
it's not like i clean them that often….if company is coming…or a 2 liter explodes on the floor.
but really i am the LAST person you should ask about cleaning.
i am not clean.
2. do you have a theme in your home/color palette?
i like maps and globes.
(image from pottery barn kids)
most of the color in our house is the same colors as those on maps and globes.
most of all i love red.
but just pops of it….not a whole red wall or red couch.
there is nothing wrong with those it's just not for me.
3. where did you get that granny square afgan?

an antique store in my town.
4. how do you paint woodwork?
we have always just started with Kilz primer.
then two – three coats of Behr Ultimate White semi gloss paint.
5. where did you get that Be Kind To Others print?
from Katie at The Wheatfield.
i just ordered the Be filled with JOY one this week too.
6. what is your favorite U2 song?
Miracle Drug
Beautiful Day
Original of the Species
should i go on?
7. what is your favorite dinner to take to friends' when they need a meal?
lasagna, garlic bread, salad and brownies.
8. did you like Love & Logic for Teens?
i felt like it was written FOR me….like they were living in my home when they wrote it.
9. what kind of camera do you have?
i have a Canon 50D and my lens is a 28 – 105 lens.
i use it most of the time because i am most comfortable with it.
i have an 85mm lens also.
10. what fun camera stuff do you want to get next?
i don't even know.
i bought photoshop but i am afraid to load it on my computer.
11. do you take your camera everywhere?
i take it in my purse if i think i may want to take pictures.
it fits right in there.
i don't have a point and shoot that would fit nicely…i just don't think i would use it that much.
12. how did you get started in your photography business?
people told me that i should "take pictures" for years.
then someone asked me to photograph their family and i did it and had fun.
THEN i got brave and said "i am doing this for a job….anyone want to schedule me?"
and they did.
and now i have a business.
the hardest part of all of it….getting the guts to say "i want to be a photographer" out loud.
it's a journey.
13. are you self taught?
there are a million more things i want to learn about photography.
i don't feel like i can give advice….because i don't know the "right" way to say it…or the right way to do it.
i just keep learning at every shoot and with every set i edit.
14. are you a help-out-at-school kind of mom?
for ten years i have had younger children at home so bringing them into their siblings classrooms was not going to be much help any way.
and….i don't like school.
i disliked school as a kid and i still get a little weird-o feeling when i am there now….and i am a grown up!
that is a strong statement to say i disliked all school but i was in trouble A LOT.
i was a handful for all my teachers….so i was disciplined by all my teachers (with good reason).
i have good memories but not warm fuzzy feelings about school itself.
and now that all my kids are in school and i get my first real break in 15 years
i am not really dying to go be with them all day.
or any of the day actually.
15 years with babies or kids at my side = break time for mom.
but if you are a school mom….GOOD FOR YOU!! :) YOU ARE AWESOME.
15. what did you want to be when you grew up?
i probably had thoughts of being a dancer (like on In Living Color) or something ridiculous.
but i knew from the beginning that i wanted to be a mom.
so most of my dreams were of just that…..holding babies….lots of babies.
16. how did it feel to be pregnant with your first baby?
that is a story for another time…..
17. can we hear your love story?
that is a another story for another time…..
18. how do you find time to workout?
when my kids were little i used to go to the Y and use the nursery.
i went there all the time.
i loved it.
now i wait until they are in school and then i go.
i started the running thing because my friend is a great runner, motivational and running is easy.
by easy i mean….you can do it any where, anytime of day and even if you did have a child they could be in a stroller.
this much i know….
once you make exercise a priority you will be amazed at how you suddenly can find the time.
not that i have done that.
but i know it to be true.
19. do you like sweetner in your iced coffee?
at home no.
at starbucks i ask for half the usual amount….they make their coffee so much stronger than i do.
but i don't like the taste of liquid sweetner.
20. do you have tips for starting running?
shana is laughing (if she's read this far….)
my tips : JUST DO IT.
walk a little to get warmed up then start jogging.
look up ahead and say to yourself "you can make it to that tree" and then get there.
and if you can't ….then walk and try again when you catch your breath.
and keep going.
and keep trying.
i have not perfected this and don't feel legit but i am doing it.
21. how do you manage your days?
i stink at that.
22. how do you have such a strong faith?
this deserves a whole post.
but in short….i love jesus. He is the truth. i believe it.
23. have you ever made a blog book through blurb?
no….but i would like to.
24. do you ever feel overwhelmed?
who doesn't feel overwhelmed?
life is hard.
everybody has crap that hurts their feelings or brings them down.
when i feel it creepin' in….i usually whine to craig or my friends first.
then i spend some time with God.
then i do something like….clean the windows or get some new shoes….or something to change my attitude.
art helps.
fresh air helps.
life is hard but it is so good.
"whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy….think on these things"
26. how can you go and on and on and bore everyone with all your thoughts?
oh boy…..i am sorry for how long i talked your ear off. :)
but you asked.
i have a recipe for you tomorrow.
katherinemarie - Serious slice of HEAVEN!!! What a weekend. I need one of those!!!!
Sarah D - My hubby and I celebrated out 9 year anniversary by going to Six Flags, NJ! It was amazing. It was the place where I got him on his first roller coaster over 13 years earlier when we were dating! We had my in-laws watch our 3 kids for a few days. Then we went to NY to see the Statue of Liberty. It was so amazing to finally see her up close. Had THE best pulled pork sandwich too 🙂
It was just a relaxing time alone w/ my husband. Much needed! So many couples don’t take that time together and it is very important to keep that spark going. Glad you had a perfect time alone!!!
Karen - Are you kidding?! We just got ‘rid’ of the kids and now it’s grandkids! But it takes my mind off the fact that hubby is a work-a-holic and I can’t remember (literally) the last time we had a date, much less had one that he was ‘mentally present and engaged’. Sigh.
But Yay for you! You keep it up, and then I can live vicariously through you!
jaz - Oh. My. Gosh. I am so happy for you! Woohooooo!!! What a great weekend, kid free!!!
Tami - We get a night by ourselves every once in a while. But our favorite time together is one long weekend in the fall and one long weekend in the spring. We go to Tybee Island and just lounge on the beach. We are headed that way in weeks!! Woo Hoo!!!
cindy mandernach - you can leave them with other people????!!!????
i think i’ll try that sometime…. 😀
Melissa Morrill - I don’t know how you do it, and I only have one!! What a treat to have to whole weekend!!!
Haydee - Weekend one??? Never, but this past weekend I went to the theater solo, by choice & it was pure bliss.
Julie - wow, that is AWESOME!!
Jen - love it! it’s wonderful how much you can get done and still relax when you have a little time to yourselves!
since I don’t like to leave the kids under 2 overnight, we took a little one night getaway a couple months ago, before baby #3 was born. the kids went to the grandparents while we enjoyed a romantic night at a nearby lodge & spa!
Carrie K - i dont know why but that little lock next to your makeup bag cracked me up…lol
congrats on such a fabulous weekend…you look really really happy 🙂
Britanie - The last week of July 2010! Each year my Mom invites all the grandchildren to her home for Grandma’s Week, this year’s theme was “Grandma’s Gone Wild” and was based around jungle animals and safari. We had the best week: organizing, eating out, girls nights, crafting, late night movies, good food and eating it when we wanted. There’s nothing like some time without children to recharge and really appreciate them when they come home!
Melissa Lynch - Love it! Which one gets in your makeup?
Bec - Ok, the lock on the make up bag is cracking me up! Super smart idea.
Gemma - Your weekend sounds great!! Love it 🙂
Gemam x
kristine - sounds uh-mazing!!!!!!!!!
krystall - My oldest is almost 9 and I’m still waiting for my vacation from my life…..pretty sad really!
Michele - Looks so fun! Last weekend my kids and my husband were gone for one night so I was a bad girl and made chocolate chip cookie dough and ate it while I watched Julie and Julia!?!? Don’t tell my bootcamp instructor!! Our anniversary is coming up in a week and we’re going for a small getaway…you reminded me we didn’t golf once this summer, maybe we’ll squeeze that in too.
deb meyers - just had to laugh at this. I watched (and took into my heart as a new fave) “(500)Days of Summer” while kids were away this summer. Wouldn’t even want to explain why I can watch it and they can’t.
great times for you!\
deb meyers
edie - the lock on the makeup—genius! i see you’re a mac girl, which makes the lock even more important. and the shoes–to die for.
what a wonderful, beautiful gift. y’all are so cute together!
lots of love,
se7en - Wow!!! You guys were so busy – you just about did everything except eat the M&M’s… you must have been looking forward to it for ages!!! And will remember it for even longer!!!
Kirsten J - Just so jealous.
jimaiemarie - omg, i love that you have to lock your make-up! LOL! My mom isn’t a girlie girl at all and doesn’t wear makeup so this idea would never occur to me- you are genius! haha! I love it.
Congrats on your alone time, I bet it was just heavenly 🙂
Rosemarie Carroll - Before the baby was born, we tried to get away alone at least every other month. We have grandparents FIGHTING over who gets the girls – we are lucky. Now that we have a 10 week old, he stays with us while the girls go – but that’s OK!
Glad you guys got some time alone – it’s so important!
Kim from 3 peanuts - Ummm let me think…NEVER! You cannot even know how lucky you are. We don’t have grandparents to do this for us and we SO need it!
Glad you had a great time.
jody - This is soo depressing!! We’ve had ONE date in five years – we have four boys under 5…and we know we need to take the time to do this but we have no family close by & know no one who has 4 kids to swap nights out with!! (don’t feel right swapping with other parents that have 1 or 2 kids!!) And finding a sitter? No luck again. Anyways, our 10th anniversary is this week & he is still my love.
What will we do on our anniversary? Hmm…get Chinese or Mexican take out?? Maybe watch TWO episodes of Mad Men?? Ha! so pathetic maybe but at least I have him next to me!!!
Thanks for the blog & fun photos to inspire us ALL to enjoy the beauty in life – no matter how small or trivial the beauty may appear to be.
tasha roe - very cool! now….just need to find a place to stick my kids for the weekend. lol
Tanya @ Life in 3D - Kay..the lock on the makeup is hilarious and genius!! I liked Inception a lot and I’m diggin’ the heels and the M&M’s.
Last time we had time to ourselves…earlier this summer. We got the heck outta the homestead and booked it to the big city and went to a giant concert and stayed in a hotel and then did sight~seeing. I find my husbands jokes a lot funnier when I’m not humoring toddlers all day…why is that? 😉
Your time sounds like it was wonderful!! 🙂 - Love it, Meg! That’s wonderful that you were able to spend some great down time together 🙂
We have some friends about 10 years older than we are that really stress the importance of “creative” time alone – sometimes they’d swap babysitting weekends with another couple or plan a grandparent visit to coincide with two nights out for them. They’ve never had family close by, and they’ve had to really plan & think outside the box, but they’ve done it regularly (2x a year) for a while now. They have 8 kids – they *have* to work at getting special time alone 🙂
We’re inspired by their example, but with family close it’s easier for us. We were out for a long weekend sans kiddos in February, but we’re planning for another 3day/2nighter later this fall.
~Jacci in Ohio
Amy Lynne - Sounds like a great time to me. I am glad you both had a good rest!
jennibell - This sounds like the *perfect* anniversary weekend! And what makes it so perfect is that is was so normal. . .at home. . .mixture of laziness and productivity. Love your pictures and that your hubby remembered the roses 🙂 Every marriage needs one of these every once-in-awhile for sure. Last time we were home alone. . .??? Can’t remember. Honestly. I know two years ago for a combined b’day/V’day gift his parents came to our house for the weekend so we could get away to Nashville. . .that was nice. But I have to say home alone would be better!
Sandy - Sounds like a wonderful time! A lock on the makeup bag…we learn something new about you everyday. I’m curious if that is to keep Lauren or the little ones out? When my older brothers were teenagers my parents had a lock on the refrigerator. Seemed silly and embarrassing at the time, but now that my son is 16 I understand. 🙂
Jessi - Still haven’t had one.
And I think it’s hysterical that you lock up your makeup bag.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh, how I pine…
josephine - I am so jealous right now…
Rachel - Too funny! My husband and I tried to go on a “date” last night, to a movie, but our daughter decided she wanted to tag along. She’s 18 – you’d think she wouldn’t want to hang out with the old folks!
p.s. LOVE your shoes!
Shawna - LOVE it…the first line killed me {besides the obvious} – you’re great!
Loved that you took time just for yourselves..and that you have to lock your make up bag and just about everything else! Glad you rocked each other this weekend!
Niki - Sometimes it makes me laugh seeing how much we have in common. Outlaw Josey Whales? Are you kidding me? “I reckon, not.”
Irene - Look at all your pretty MAC makeup! I see why you lock it up! I think we both have an addiction in common…
Melanie - Sounds like a GREAT weekend. I am in the process of moving and I have had no internet for two weeks. Just got a MIFI card and I am back in business. Can’t wait to get caught up with all my blog friends.
terri - i love those ruffly heels! very sexy!
Jen - Can I ask WHY you lock your make up bag??? I guess I am clueless. My kids never got into stuff like make up, etc!
Looks like you had a great weekend–and you deserved it! Why no pic of the halter top though?? 🙂
Jessie - I LOVE those black heels! Where did you get them??? And I laughed when I saw you locked your make-up! I had only thought about locking the cabinet, not my actual bag, genius!!
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh it sounds perfect… I think date nights should be a manadatory thing for married couples. I really miss the grandparents close. We used to get whole weekends too. Pure bliss:)
Lori - Glad you had a great time! We used to have weekends alone more when the kids were little, because they LOVED going to the grandparents’ houses. Now that they are teenagers, they still love their grandparents, but they do NOT want to spend the weekend at their house anymore. Not cool, I guess. But we also are only 3 years from being empty nesters, so we try to enjoy the time with our son still at home, with an occaisional date night.
Gwyn Rosser - How wonderful ! I’m giggling at your locked makeup case….how clever is that? Love it.
Gwynie Pie
@The Pink Tractor
Nikki - Wow, you had a wonderful kiddie free weekend! Our last weekend getaway was about 4 years ago… I think we need another one!
Do you really lock away your makeup? My girls are 7 and 6… so it’s not an issue yet.
Elizabeth@BlueClearSky - Sounds like you had a lovely, and refreshing, weekend!
Lisa - That sounds PERFECT! Glad you enjoyed the weekend. And I’m wondering why I have never thought of a lock on my makeup bag. Last getaway without children…June to Chicago for our 10th anniversary. Pure bliss.
Kimberlee J. - Last weekend I was home alone for 24 hours. No husband. No kids. Too short. Much too short.
I’m so happy your anniversary weekend was a spectacular one.
rhonda - DEFINITELY getting a lock for my makeup bag! YES. I have 2 boys and I have issues with the makeup.
Stacia - This sounds amazing. Like everyone else, I love that you lock your makeup bag. We haven’t had more than a night out since the kids were born…
Beth - Getaway with no children? Wow, you all are SO lucky!!! Sounds like you all have fun. Sorry I can’t say I’ve had one, but it sure begs to be looked into 🙂
tam - wow! sounds like a wonderful weekend! Your shoes are wicked cute. I find it amusing you lock your makeup bag 🙂 Um, the last time we had more than one night alone was almost 5 years ago. Now when we do have a baby sitter, it’s because we have a wedding or something. I would LOVE an entire weekend HOME, without concrete plans.
carla - U look about 25 in that photo u know. Anniversary weekends obviously you :-). Ours are too little to leave yet so it’s been a while since we had time alone but it’ll be fun when it does happen 🙂 I’m afraid the m&ms wouldn’t last two seconds here ‘no’ matter where the kids were lol
Hannah - cutttee shoes! you should do a whats in your make up bag post!
Dawn - I really love reading your blog each day. Your pictures are amazing and it sounds like you too had a lot of fun.
Lorie - I love it! Although I am not sure that there would be any M&Ms left….and then I wouldn’t be able to blame the kids for eating them!!
melissa - well, hubs has been in the desert for 6 months. before that, we had an evening at the army ball. ummm…can’t recall a time in the recent that we’ve had just the two of us. maybe next year when he gets home??
going to be bankrupt - Let me know if the grandparents are available for my children next weekend…because i hired a sitter for the entire day/evening.
That will cost a good $150…and won’t include my meal.
Not funny.
Catriona - We had a hectic night away from our 2 last year so we could go to a wedding but it wasn’t a relaxing break. Now we have 3 (5, 3 and 3 months) and are building up to a proper weekend away for our 10th wedding anniversary next July. Already looking forward to it! What a blessing to have willing grandparents who understand what a great gift they are giving you by looking after the kids.
jeana - Oh how fun! So simple and relaxing. We went to Boston for four days in June. FIRST time ever leaving the boys that long. My sweet parents kept our 3 boys and had a blast. I’m so glad you are renewed, have a great week!
Jessica Kujawa - sounds like heaven! so happy you enjoyed yourselves!
kathy Eller - I think I honeslty thoguht that i was the only one whose maeup gets moved around. I have four boys and one girl 🙂
Sounds so wonderful and like you really made the most of your time.
BUT I bet you sure missed them:)
This is something that I ahve been praying about. We shoudl be celebrating our 15th anniversary next week. I say should be becasue we havent celebrated any tohers they just come and go as we pass liek ships in the ngiht discussing financial, health and children dilemmas. I keep wondering if time together just isnt goign to happen for us in this season or if I need to MAKE it happen. Still praying:)
Nicole Q. - So glad you had a good weekend.
I never thought of an actual LOCk on my makeup – that needs to be on my to do list.
Our last getaway weekend was in July. I’m in need of another one and I love the idea of it being at home!!
Love your highlights in the pic of you and Craig!!
Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Sounds like a fabulous anniversary weekend!
My father-in-law has let the boys spend most Friday nights with him for about 6 months now.
That can only be described as sheer bliss!
We can go out for ‘hot dates’ to the local hole-in-the-wall Mexican joint and have dinner and margartias for less than $20!
Cheap, hot dates!
bobbie - I took me a minute to get the obvious. I’m such a dork. It’s hilarious that your makeup bag is locked. I’m going to be there too one day since I have three girls.
merlin - Happy for you, sounds wonderful.
Now, the self-pity, not really, just reality.
Our oldest is soon to be 17, we’ve never had any time alone since we became parents…zero support for a day or night together without children.
We will do it differently when our kids are married with their own kids, we know how important it is for a marriage to be nurtured and the cost of not nurturing the relationship. Everyone in a family is better off when the parents have looked after themselves.
Even without my kids at home the bowl of M&M’s would be empty….just a confession 🙂
Stephanie - That sounds heavenly! I’m jealous! lol It’s been a LONG time since we’ve had a day and night to ourselves. It’s much needed! 🙂 I’m glad you guys had such a great time!
jill - I was lucky to have 5 glorious days to myself, in my own home just last month….what a luxury!
sara's art house - super, super, super fun! Good for you!!!! I had to laugh that you have to LOCK your make up case! 🙂 🙂
Lisa Cash - I see I’m not alone in wishing I had thought of a lock for my makeup bag! LOL! What I really needed was a lock for my closet. My daughter has left for college, and just yesterday I found ONE of my lonely shoes in her bathroom. I didn’t even know it was missing. No telling where the other one will turn up!
Debbie S. - My husband and I left our four kids with my parents last September and flew to Lake Placid New York for a destination wedding. That was the very first time (in 13 years!) that our kids have ever stayed the night away from us. It was pure bliss 🙂
Ali - My in-laws had the kids a couple of weeks back. We painted two rooms and made as much noise in the evenings as we wanted. Ate lots of kid-unfriendly food with loads of chillies and didn’t do any laundry at all for 3 whole days!! The most striking thing was the spontaneity of life – kids just seem to come with planning requirements. Though it was good to get them home too.
Nina - a lock for your makeup bag! man…wish I had thought of that when my girls were younger. Well, before you know it they will be all grown up. Our’s our grown now and what you describe is our time, all of the time… will be here before you know it so enjoy!
Julie - Never and we need one!!! Glad to see you guys do get those (aren’t grandparents wonderful!) and that you had so much fun together!! It’s why you’re still married and loving it! Good for you!!!!!
Tanya H - First week of August actually! It involved work, but we were away from home, kid-free! We went to a play at 8pm and dinner twice and lunch twice and it was lovely! It was our early anniversary celebration and perfect. 🙂
I like your weekend too! I prefer alone-time at home for that whole food, daytime movie thing too. giggle
Holly - so glad yall had a good weekend! I love that you wear a halter top when the kids are gone. Sounds like something I would do because we all know halter tops are NOT appropriate with kids around,lol!
Amber - Wow, I can’t remember the last time I got more than a few hours away from my child. I’m a single mom and babysitting is expensive so it’s usually only a couple of hours of separation.
Wait, does school count? In that case, the last three weeks I’ve had like six whole hours to myself LOL
Next time you are childless would you like to come over to my house? I like all those ideas you shared and would love if I had someone to do them with LOL
Beth - huh? Weekend getaway without the kids? What is that anyway? I thought a 1 1/2 hour picnic away from the kids was doing good. Can’t imagine a whole weekend . . .
Looks like you enjoyed it!
Emily - we have never had one. in 5 years. we have never even done anything special for our anniversary…in 5 years. not even gone out to dinner. So this year we are going to Chicago for the weekend, staying at a fancy hotel, and having dinner on a boat to watch the New Years fire works. it’s going to be glorious
Emmylou Hart - A lock for your makeup bag! Why didn’t I think of that. I would love to not find my son had poured water in my mineral powder or my daughter had put mascara all over her face. Looks like you had fun! But I bet you missed them a little
Krista - Love those shoes, perfect for a date night! You really accomplished a lot, amazing what you can do when you don’t have to listen to “Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom” nonstop! Looks like you had a great weekend!
virginia - cute shoes! inception was such a good movie.
Melissa @ the inspired room - You did all of that in one weekend? Wow, amazing what two can do when they are on their own for a couple of days! Bliss!!!!
Mary Ann - Hmmm … both of us, without our son? Before he was born (3 years ago). Wow … that’s too long! Something needs to be done about that! Fun post! Thanks for the ideas!