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things to do when your kids aren’t home….

besides the obvious….

leave the computer logged in 24/7.

wear a halter top.

leave a bowl of m&ms out on the counter for three days and still have m&ms in it.

stay up late watching "Outlaw Josey Wales"

leave my make-up bag UNlocked for three days straight 

wear heels for a date!

martinis and steak.

see a 2.5 hour movie and not have to drive a baby sitter home when you get home after midnight.

eat ice cream at 12:30 at night.

watch an entire U2 concert dvd in the morning…..REEEEAAAALLLY LOUD.

yard work that would take hours with kids….takes 1 hour total.

sonic happy hour…for only two.

eat salads as the main course of a meal. 

stay in pajamas until 1:30 in the afternoon. 

watch the simpsons. 

sleep in until 10 am.

watch a PG13 movie on the living room tv in the middle of the day. 

hang curtain rods in the dining room.

hit balls at the driving range on a sunday afternoon.

grocery shop together.



can you tell we had a great weekend?
we are refreshed and ready for the kids to come home.
thanks to the grandparents for watching all our of tribe.

when was your last weekend "getaway" with no children?

katherinemarie - Serious slice of HEAVEN!!! What a weekend. I need one of those!!!!

Sarah D - My hubby and I celebrated out 9 year anniversary by going to Six Flags, NJ! It was amazing. It was the place where I got him on his first roller coaster over 13 years earlier when we were dating! We had my in-laws watch our 3 kids for a few days. Then we went to NY to see the Statue of Liberty. It was so amazing to finally see her up close. Had THE best pulled pork sandwich too 🙂
It was just a relaxing time alone w/ my husband. Much needed! So many couples don’t take that time together and it is very important to keep that spark going. Glad you had a perfect time alone!!!

Karen - Are you kidding?! We just got ‘rid’ of the kids and now it’s grandkids! But it takes my mind off the fact that hubby is a work-a-holic and I can’t remember (literally) the last time we had a date, much less had one that he was ‘mentally present and engaged’. Sigh.
But Yay for you! You keep it up, and then I can live vicariously through you!

jaz - Oh. My. Gosh. I am so happy for you! Woohooooo!!! What a great weekend, kid free!!!

Tami - We get a night by ourselves every once in a while. But our favorite time together is one long weekend in the fall and one long weekend in the spring. We go to Tybee Island and just lounge on the beach. We are headed that way in weeks!! Woo Hoo!!!

cindy mandernach - you can leave them with other people????!!!????
i think i’ll try that sometime…. 😀

Melissa Morrill - I don’t know how you do it, and I only have one!! What a treat to have to whole weekend!!!

Haydee - Weekend one??? Never, but this past weekend I went to the theater solo, by choice & it was pure bliss.

Julie - wow, that is AWESOME!!

Jen - love it! it’s wonderful how much you can get done and still relax when you have a little time to yourselves!
since I don’t like to leave the kids under 2 overnight, we took a little one night getaway a couple months ago, before baby #3 was born. the kids went to the grandparents while we enjoyed a romantic night at a nearby lodge & spa!

Carrie K - i dont know why but that little lock next to your makeup bag cracked me up…lol
congrats on such a fabulous weekend…you look really really happy 🙂

Britanie - The last week of July 2010! Each year my Mom invites all the grandchildren to her home for Grandma’s Week, this year’s theme was “Grandma’s Gone Wild” and was based around jungle animals and safari. We had the best week: organizing, eating out, girls nights, crafting, late night movies, good food and eating it when we wanted. There’s nothing like some time without children to recharge and really appreciate them when they come home!

Melissa Lynch - Love it! Which one gets in your makeup?

Bec - Ok, the lock on the make up bag is cracking me up! Super smart idea.

Gemma - Your weekend sounds great!! Love it 🙂
Gemam x

kristine - sounds uh-mazing!!!!!!!!!

krystall - My oldest is almost 9 and I’m still waiting for my vacation from my life…..pretty sad really!

Michele - Looks so fun! Last weekend my kids and my husband were gone for one night so I was a bad girl and made chocolate chip cookie dough and ate it while I watched Julie and Julia!?!? Don’t tell my bootcamp instructor!! Our anniversary is coming up in a week and we’re going for a small getaway…you reminded me we didn’t golf once this summer, maybe we’ll squeeze that in too.

deb meyers - just had to laugh at this. I watched (and took into my heart as a new fave) “(500)Days of Summer” while kids were away this summer. Wouldn’t even want to explain why I can watch it and they can’t.
great times for you!\
deb meyers

edie - the lock on the makeup—genius! i see you’re a mac girl, which makes the lock even more important. and the shoes–to die for.
what a wonderful, beautiful gift. y’all are so cute together!
lots of love,

se7en - Wow!!! You guys were so busy – you just about did everything except eat the M&M’s… you must have been looking forward to it for ages!!! And will remember it for even longer!!!

Kirsten J - Just so jealous.

jimaiemarie - omg, i love that you have to lock your make-up! LOL! My mom isn’t a girlie girl at all and doesn’t wear makeup so this idea would never occur to me- you are genius! haha! I love it.
Congrats on your alone time, I bet it was just heavenly 🙂

Rosemarie Carroll - Before the baby was born, we tried to get away alone at least every other month. We have grandparents FIGHTING over who gets the girls – we are lucky. Now that we have a 10 week old, he stays with us while the girls go – but that’s OK!
Glad you guys got some time alone – it’s so important!

Kim from 3 peanuts - Ummm let me think…NEVER! You cannot even know how lucky you are. We don’t have grandparents to do this for us and we SO need it!
Glad you had a great time.

jody - This is soo depressing!! We’ve had ONE date in five years – we have four boys under 5…and we know we need to take the time to do this but we have no family close by & know no one who has 4 kids to swap nights out with!! (don’t feel right swapping with other parents that have 1 or 2 kids!!) And finding a sitter? No luck again. Anyways, our 10th anniversary is this week & he is still my love.
What will we do on our anniversary? Hmm…get Chinese or Mexican take out?? Maybe watch TWO episodes of Mad Men?? Ha! so pathetic maybe but at least I have him next to me!!!
Thanks for the blog & fun photos to inspire us ALL to enjoy the beauty in life – no matter how small or trivial the beauty may appear to be.

tasha roe - very cool! now….just need to find a place to stick my kids for the weekend. lol

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Kay..the lock on the makeup is hilarious and genius!! I liked Inception a lot and I’m diggin’ the heels and the M&M’s.
Last time we had time to ourselves…earlier this summer. We got the heck outta the homestead and booked it to the big city and went to a giant concert and stayed in a hotel and then did sight~seeing. I find my husbands jokes a lot funnier when I’m not humoring toddlers all day…why is that? 😉
Your time sounds like it was wonderful!! 🙂 - Love it, Meg! That’s wonderful that you were able to spend some great down time together 🙂
We have some friends about 10 years older than we are that really stress the importance of “creative” time alone – sometimes they’d swap babysitting weekends with another couple or plan a grandparent visit to coincide with two nights out for them. They’ve never had family close by, and they’ve had to really plan & think outside the box, but they’ve done it regularly (2x a year) for a while now. They have 8 kids – they *have* to work at getting special time alone 🙂
We’re inspired by their example, but with family close it’s easier for us. We were out for a long weekend sans kiddos in February, but we’re planning for another 3day/2nighter later this fall.
~Jacci in Ohio

Amy Lynne - Sounds like a great time to me. I am glad you both had a good rest!

jennibell - This sounds like the *perfect* anniversary weekend! And what makes it so perfect is that is was so normal. . .at home. . .mixture of laziness and productivity. Love your pictures and that your hubby remembered the roses 🙂 Every marriage needs one of these every once-in-awhile for sure. Last time we were home alone. . .??? Can’t remember. Honestly. I know two years ago for a combined b’day/V’day gift his parents came to our house for the weekend so we could get away to Nashville. . .that was nice. But I have to say home alone would be better!

Sandy - Sounds like a wonderful time! A lock on the makeup bag…we learn something new about you everyday. I’m curious if that is to keep Lauren or the little ones out? When my older brothers were teenagers my parents had a lock on the refrigerator. Seemed silly and embarrassing at the time, but now that my son is 16 I understand. 🙂

Jessi - Still haven’t had one.
And I think it’s hysterical that you lock up your makeup bag.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh, how I pine…

josephine - I am so jealous right now…

Rachel - Too funny! My husband and I tried to go on a “date” last night, to a movie, but our daughter decided she wanted to tag along. She’s 18 – you’d think she wouldn’t want to hang out with the old folks!
p.s. LOVE your shoes!

Shawna - LOVE it…the first line killed me {besides the obvious} – you’re great!
Loved that you took time just for yourselves..and that you have to lock your make up bag and just about everything else! Glad you rocked each other this weekend!

Niki - Sometimes it makes me laugh seeing how much we have in common. Outlaw Josey Whales? Are you kidding me? “I reckon, not.”

Irene - Look at all your pretty MAC makeup! I see why you lock it up! I think we both have an addiction in common…

Melanie - Sounds like a GREAT weekend. I am in the process of moving and I have had no internet for two weeks. Just got a MIFI card and I am back in business. Can’t wait to get caught up with all my blog friends.

terri - i love those ruffly heels! very sexy!

Jen - Can I ask WHY you lock your make up bag??? I guess I am clueless. My kids never got into stuff like make up, etc!
Looks like you had a great weekend–and you deserved it! Why no pic of the halter top though?? 🙂

Jessie - I LOVE those black heels! Where did you get them??? And I laughed when I saw you locked your make-up! I had only thought about locking the cabinet, not my actual bag, genius!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh it sounds perfect… I think date nights should be a manadatory thing for married couples. I really miss the grandparents close. We used to get whole weekends too. Pure bliss:)

Lori - Glad you had a great time! We used to have weekends alone more when the kids were little, because they LOVED going to the grandparents’ houses. Now that they are teenagers, they still love their grandparents, but they do NOT want to spend the weekend at their house anymore. Not cool, I guess. But we also are only 3 years from being empty nesters, so we try to enjoy the time with our son still at home, with an occaisional date night.

Gwyn Rosser - How wonderful ! I’m giggling at your locked makeup case….how clever is that? Love it.
Gwynie Pie
@The Pink Tractor

Nikki - Wow, you had a wonderful kiddie free weekend! Our last weekend getaway was about 4 years ago… I think we need another one!
Do you really lock away your makeup? My girls are 7 and 6… so it’s not an issue yet.

Elizabeth@BlueClearSky - Sounds like you had a lovely, and refreshing, weekend!

Lisa - That sounds PERFECT! Glad you enjoyed the weekend. And I’m wondering why I have never thought of a lock on my makeup bag. Last getaway without children…June to Chicago for our 10th anniversary. Pure bliss.

Kimberlee J. - Last weekend I was home alone for 24 hours. No husband. No kids. Too short. Much too short.
I’m so happy your anniversary weekend was a spectacular one.

rhonda - DEFINITELY getting a lock for my makeup bag! YES. I have 2 boys and I have issues with the makeup.

Stacia - This sounds amazing. Like everyone else, I love that you lock your makeup bag. We haven’t had more than a night out since the kids were born…

Beth - Getaway with no children? Wow, you all are SO lucky!!! Sounds like you all have fun. Sorry I can’t say I’ve had one, but it sure begs to be looked into 🙂

tam - wow! sounds like a wonderful weekend! Your shoes are wicked cute. I find it amusing you lock your makeup bag 🙂 Um, the last time we had more than one night alone was almost 5 years ago. Now when we do have a baby sitter, it’s because we have a wedding or something. I would LOVE an entire weekend HOME, without concrete plans.

carla - U look about 25 in that photo u know. Anniversary weekends obviously you :-). Ours are too little to leave yet so it’s been a while since we had time alone but it’ll be fun when it does happen 🙂 I’m afraid the m&ms wouldn’t last two seconds here ‘no’ matter where the kids were lol

Hannah - cutttee shoes! you should do a whats in your make up bag post!

Dawn - I really love reading your blog each day. Your pictures are amazing and it sounds like you too had a lot of fun.

Lorie - I love it! Although I am not sure that there would be any M&Ms left….and then I wouldn’t be able to blame the kids for eating them!!

melissa - well, hubs has been in the desert for 6 months. before that, we had an evening at the army ball. ummm…can’t recall a time in the recent that we’ve had just the two of us. maybe next year when he gets home??

going to be bankrupt - Let me know if the grandparents are available for my children next weekend…because i hired a sitter for the entire day/evening.
That will cost a good $150…and won’t include my meal.
Not funny.

Catriona - We had a hectic night away from our 2 last year so we could go to a wedding but it wasn’t a relaxing break. Now we have 3 (5, 3 and 3 months) and are building up to a proper weekend away for our 10th wedding anniversary next July. Already looking forward to it! What a blessing to have willing grandparents who understand what a great gift they are giving you by looking after the kids.

jeana - Oh how fun! So simple and relaxing. We went to Boston for four days in June. FIRST time ever leaving the boys that long. My sweet parents kept our 3 boys and had a blast. I’m so glad you are renewed, have a great week!

Jessica Kujawa - sounds like heaven! so happy you enjoyed yourselves!

kathy Eller - I think I honeslty thoguht that i was the only one whose maeup gets moved around. I have four boys and one girl 🙂
Sounds so wonderful and like you really made the most of your time.
BUT I bet you sure missed them:)
This is something that I ahve been praying about. We shoudl be celebrating our 15th anniversary next week. I say should be becasue we havent celebrated any tohers they just come and go as we pass liek ships in the ngiht discussing financial, health and children dilemmas. I keep wondering if time together just isnt goign to happen for us in this season or if I need to MAKE it happen. Still praying:)

Nicole Q. - So glad you had a good weekend.
I never thought of an actual LOCk on my makeup – that needs to be on my to do list.
Our last getaway weekend was in July. I’m in need of another one and I love the idea of it being at home!!
Love your highlights in the pic of you and Craig!!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Sounds like a fabulous anniversary weekend!
My father-in-law has let the boys spend most Friday nights with him for about 6 months now.
That can only be described as sheer bliss!
We can go out for ‘hot dates’ to the local hole-in-the-wall Mexican joint and have dinner and margartias for less than $20!
Cheap, hot dates!

bobbie - I took me a minute to get the obvious. I’m such a dork. It’s hilarious that your makeup bag is locked. I’m going to be there too one day since I have three girls.

merlin - Happy for you, sounds wonderful.
Now, the self-pity, not really, just reality.
Our oldest is soon to be 17, we’ve never had any time alone since we became parents…zero support for a day or night together without children.
We will do it differently when our kids are married with their own kids, we know how important it is for a marriage to be nurtured and the cost of not nurturing the relationship. Everyone in a family is better off when the parents have looked after themselves.
Even without my kids at home the bowl of M&M’s would be empty….just a confession 🙂

Stephanie - That sounds heavenly! I’m jealous! lol It’s been a LONG time since we’ve had a day and night to ourselves. It’s much needed! 🙂 I’m glad you guys had such a great time!

jill - I was lucky to have 5 glorious days to myself, in my own home just last month….what a luxury!

sara's art house - super, super, super fun! Good for you!!!! I had to laugh that you have to LOCK your make up case! 🙂 🙂

Lisa Cash - I see I’m not alone in wishing I had thought of a lock for my makeup bag! LOL! What I really needed was a lock for my closet. My daughter has left for college, and just yesterday I found ONE of my lonely shoes in her bathroom. I didn’t even know it was missing. No telling where the other one will turn up!

Debbie S. - My husband and I left our four kids with my parents last September and flew to Lake Placid New York for a destination wedding. That was the very first time (in 13 years!) that our kids have ever stayed the night away from us. It was pure bliss 🙂

Ali - My in-laws had the kids a couple of weeks back. We painted two rooms and made as much noise in the evenings as we wanted. Ate lots of kid-unfriendly food with loads of chillies and didn’t do any laundry at all for 3 whole days!! The most striking thing was the spontaneity of life – kids just seem to come with planning requirements. Though it was good to get them home too.

Nina - a lock for your makeup bag! man…wish I had thought of that when my girls were younger. Well, before you know it they will be all grown up. Our’s our grown now and what you describe is our time, all of the time… will be here before you know it so enjoy!

Julie - Never and we need one!!! Glad to see you guys do get those (aren’t grandparents wonderful!) and that you had so much fun together!! It’s why you’re still married and loving it! Good for you!!!!!

Tanya H - First week of August actually! It involved work, but we were away from home, kid-free! We went to a play at 8pm and dinner twice and lunch twice and it was lovely! It was our early anniversary celebration and perfect. 🙂
I like your weekend too! I prefer alone-time at home for that whole food, daytime movie thing too. giggle

Holly - so glad yall had a good weekend! I love that you wear a halter top when the kids are gone. Sounds like something I would do because we all know halter tops are NOT appropriate with kids around,lol!

Amber - Wow, I can’t remember the last time I got more than a few hours away from my child. I’m a single mom and babysitting is expensive so it’s usually only a couple of hours of separation.
Wait, does school count? In that case, the last three weeks I’ve had like six whole hours to myself LOL
Next time you are childless would you like to come over to my house? I like all those ideas you shared and would love if I had someone to do them with LOL

Beth - huh? Weekend getaway without the kids? What is that anyway? I thought a 1 1/2 hour picnic away from the kids was doing good. Can’t imagine a whole weekend . . .
Looks like you enjoyed it!

Emily - we have never had one. in 5 years. we have never even done anything special for our anniversary…in 5 years. not even gone out to dinner. So this year we are going to Chicago for the weekend, staying at a fancy hotel, and having dinner on a boat to watch the New Years fire works. it’s going to be glorious

Emmylou Hart - A lock for your makeup bag! Why didn’t I think of that. I would love to not find my son had poured water in my mineral powder or my daughter had put mascara all over her face. Looks like you had fun! But I bet you missed them a little

Krista - Love those shoes, perfect for a date night! You really accomplished a lot, amazing what you can do when you don’t have to listen to “Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom” nonstop! Looks like you had a great weekend!

virginia - cute shoes! inception was such a good movie.

Melissa @ the inspired room - You did all of that in one weekend? Wow, amazing what two can do when they are on their own for a couple of days! Bliss!!!!

Mary Ann - Hmmm … both of us, without our son? Before he was born (3 years ago). Wow … that’s too long! Something needs to be done about that! Fun post! Thanks for the ideas!

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one of these things is not like the other…




love that dress!

Mandy Allbritton - I love your blog – can’t remember how I came about it?! But I have the same running shoes. I love the Brooks Ravenna! And your choice of other shoes are awesome!
The colors in you photos are amazing. I love reading your sweet blog-

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - wow, you’re shoes are so orderly. mine are in a huge pile that i have to dig through on my closet floor. i’m beginning to not believe you when you say you are not clean. just sayin’. . .

j - you lock your make up? I don’t know if you watch Real Housewives of DC (or admit to it!). Um, I don’t, I was just flipping channels one night, anyway, a girl on there has a lock on her closet to keep her 20 yr old out. I couldn’t believe it but then mine isn’t old enough for that to be a problem.

jennifer - Too Funny!

Lorilee - I could only walk in one of those pairs of shoes!

heather - agreed…that’s a lot of heels! i have a closet of flip flops and then the oddball running shoes & heels! 🙂

in the hush of the moon - love the shoes… new here, visiting from farmgirl paints… i am an artist and love your work, your colors, your photos, your faith… i might stick around for awhile, friend.

Juli - Sesame Street song…were we all just that dumb back then because that is such a no-brainer, even for my 2 yr old. How could we have possibly found that entertaining?!

Tracy - ohhh I have shoe envy….love the shoes (from what I can see) they look so cute and fun! My fav kind.

kristine - *er, they hurt my feet just looking at THEM not ME! too late to be typing i guess…going to bed (unusual since it’s ONLY 10pm). hope you’re having a great holiday weekend!

kristine - cute shoes. you’re def rockin the heels! they hurt my feet just looking at me. but since i switched to wedges this season, i’m much more comfortable. you asked, right?! that was a long song for figuring out which one was not like the others…funny 🙂

Jen - You have some sassy shoes, girlfriend!
Love the retro video clips this week!

bobbie - that is the exact opposite of my closet. Twenty pairs of sneakers with one pair of heels.

Dineen - You are just too funny with your You Tube videos!! I remember this song! Thanks for making me laugh the past two days. I really, really needed it! : )

jeanne - What is wrong with that dress???:-)

Lisa - Are those all your heels??? 🙂 I’m impressed if they are cause my shoes would look the opposite. Lots of flats and tennis shoes with 1 pair of heels! I’m not very fun in that way!

Holly - lol…too funny

Julie - Yeah, not like the others, but you need the one to look great in the others! 🙂

chasity - cute.

anna. - I sing that all the time and crack myself up! Love it!

Gabi - Hi Meg,
I just found your blog, love it.
Great picture 🙂

Janie Fox - I wore a rust dress almost exactly like that when I worked at a local chicken restaurant during high school summers..It was our uniform.Yikes!! Hated that job and that dress!!

Kimberlee J. - Which one of these is doin’ it’s own thing????
GREAT pic!

linda@limein the coconut - Hmmmmm. Give me another minute…I’ll figure it out……

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solid gold

did you used to watch that show?!

i am sorry.
this post has nothing to do with that show.
but i started typing the title and Solid Gold came to my mind.  
then i googled it.
i spent the next ten minutes laughing so hard i was crying.
that is the funniest thing i ever seen.
it didn't seem that funny in 1981.

Latoya Jackson comes in at 4:45.  
the Rocky theme song is at 8:00…..YOU HAVE GOT TO WATCH THAT.

then it loses sound after rocky.

wasn't that a good way to start your saturday?!  craaaazy.

this post was supposed be about my gold mirror i found at the antique store last week. 


it was $9.10 and it said FIRM.
cracked me up.
"i won't take a dime less for it!"  

while the kids did rainbow wind catchers….i painted my mirror.
and then i hung it up!

now our kitchen has a turquoise mirror for checking your hair before school..
seeing if you have syrup on your chin…
mom having eyes in the back of her head….

it's magic.


i can't resist.
here's one more video. 

they are kind of…..

sorry if your eyes are burning. 

Valerie Page - Where did you find that cute red purse? I am looking for one just like that:)

Jennifer - Your mirror is a shocking pop of color! I love it but I completely lack the creativity to come up with stuff like that. 🙁 It looks great.
I loved me some Solid Gold. The costumes are so revealing and their moves look like stripping moves. Those poor women in those heels! I really didn’t think the first clip was too bad until the Rocky part. ????????? What the hell was that all about? I always thought Marily McCoo was beautiful. Do you remember that she’d get to feature one of the top 10s of the week? She alwayas slaughtered it! hah! And where did that Steve Perry/Kenny Loggins song come from??? And Oxo? Or even that Paul McCartney song. I must not have been into music that year.

Heather R. - Solid Gold Dancers…ha! I love the mirror. Pretty. I have a hall mirror with book pages decoupaged on it. 🙂

julia - thought I should come clean…the pics of your kitchen are in my “fantasy kitchen” folder on my computer….

jtbuggster - luv luv the mirror!

pam - you look gorgeous in the ikea cupcake apron!! 🙂 love it.

melanie - i cant believe my mom let me watch this! hahahahahahha!

the whyte house - is it from the antique store just passed the train tracks?? if so, that’s cheap for that place! 🙂 the mirror looks great and really pops in the kitchen. nice find!

Katie - Just wondering what kind of paint you used on the mirror?

Dee - My favorite on Solid Gold was the muppet, Madame. Hehe. Love that mirror. I’m going to paint a chair that color today.

jeanne - The mirror is perfect! We were not allowed to watch Solid Gold..unless mom wasn’t around and then dad would turn it on:-) HAHAHAH……now I understand why. My sister and I would go out in the garage and make up our own Solid Gold moves…I am sure you want to see them right now!!!!

amy jupin - i used to watch this show religiously but i totally must have blocked it all out of my memory. was every episode this bad? surely. but how could i not remember just how bad it was????!!
when that girl dancing to duran duran started doing the worm i spit out my coffee! actually, i need to show that to john…
p.s. love the mirror!
love the turquoise!

Krista - I forgot about that show completely until you showed it today. I watched it every week, like one of the other posters I too was from a 4-channel no cable household. I remember the really thin dancer with the black hair down to her waist, she always got the solo dances, I guess she was their “best”. Funny, if it was on today, I think my girls would love it, and I’d be worried that the dancers didn’t have enough clothes on!

Katy Stone - i love the color!!
on a completely random, unrelated note, I made your meatball recipe (in Africa!) this week for my hubby and his pathetic-starving-bachelor-best-friend and it was such. a. hit. (ok, so they’ll eat anything, but they’re still raving over them!) consider your recipes now international. 🙂

Susan - I noticed your counter tops in the kitchen are always shiny and have alot of reflection.Could I ask you what you spray on them to keep them that way.

Jennifer - Evidently I told my kindergarten teacher that all I needed in life was my parents and Solid Gold. My babysitter loved it. ahahha!

heather - love the mirror AND love the solid gold flashbacks! who didn’t watch that show? how the heck else were we supposed to know how to dance to The Reflex? LOL! That was too funny!

Farmers Wifey - Oh THAT show..we got it here too in Australia…words really fail me except to say, I love Latoyas glittery headband…..

Ashley - Ah, nevermind. I see now… Waffle treats. 😀

Ashley - I love your kitchen and I adore the mirror! Ok, I have to ask… is that a huge jar full of gummy worms? Awesome.

Christina - It’s amazing what your eyes can see!! No pun intended. 😉 I don’t have the gift of looking at something as it is, and seeing it as it could be.
Including myself. hmmm.
You are a wonder! I love the wind catcher, too.

Juie - Meg, I love the turquoise color. Oh, and your leopard cane back chair. And that red purse. And the subway tile & black granite countertops with the white cabinets. Ok, it’s just weird how much we have in common.
And by the way, thanks for linking to my knock-off PB USA Chalkboard in your sidebar!

Prudence - loved solid gold, sister and I would gather round and watch it weekly! the spandex body suits, the dance moves, it was fabulous!

Dandy - I would totally have passed over that frame and though ugh, who wants that? But then you painted it turquoise and its gorgeous! I love the color scheme in your kitchen, the pops of red and turquoise are perfect.

Lorie - I LOVED that show!!! My sister and I would LEAP off the footstools in our living room. I also love the mirror, by the way….you always have such good taste!

Mandi - Love the turquoise mirror with the red EAT…they are my wedding colors!

j - I love, love, love your mirror.
And I used to watch Solid Gold (we didn’t have cable).

Tracy - that mirror is not only magic it is perfect! Nice touch.

Valerie - Oh my goodness love your mirror. I’m really into decorating with grey and white right now, but I love how you use color in your home. Such a fun post! - And I thought Beyonce was an original, turns out the leotard and booty, hip shake have been done before;-)

Kristin - Love the mirror – very fun! Now I am going to be looking for one I can paint orange and hang in our kitchen.

Denissa - HAHAHA!! I LOVED that show when I was 7, thats what I wanted to be was a SOlid Gold dancer…nice! And yep now it does seem really dirty, especially for the time.
The mirror is perfect! I’ve been on the hunt for something w/ a frame like that, no luck the turquoise! 🙂

Jessi - Off to copy some more…. 😉

callie grayson - love the mirror!
and why do I not remember this show?? I do not ever remember watching it.

Heather - fantastic!!

Holly - love that mirror. what a great project!

Ronda - Great project! What color and type of paint did you use?

Ali - I love that mirror!!! Ugh! At your antiques store, it says $9.10 FIRM. At mine, it would have said $29.10 FIRM. Antiques in CA are so $$$! My sis bought that same mirror at a flea market already painted turquoise and it was $40. Ah well, I guess it’s marked up to make up for the ocean view 🙂

jennifer - That is SO awesome! The mirror… I haven’t watched the video yet.
What color and kind of paint did you use? I’ve got a mirror that could really use some help.

alaina - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the frame! Whoda thunk it?!!! Your
Be filled with Joy” or the other one you bought would also be cute in that mirror frame. Thanks Meg! I just might have to try my “uncrafty” hand at this…now to find a mirror! Happy weekend!

Keli Cook - Nice score, Meg! I’m off to do some garage sale-in’ myself!

nikki @ nikkisnacs - the mirror looks GREAT in your kitchen!

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - Hmmm… the 80’s. Delicious.

Jen R - This is why I LOVE visiting your blog….a darling turquoise mirror re-do AND Solid Gold…all in one post! Thanks for a laugh this morning!! 🙂

Lisa - We used to tell our daughter (who is now 28) that she could be anything she wanted when she grew up EXCEPT a Solid Gold dancer.

Karen Lehmann - whoa. there was a whole lotta shakin going on there. and I’m not sure it was good. 🙂

Kirsten J - Oh my – yes! I wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer, doncha know. And we were just trying to explain to the kids the other day about American Bandstand…..they didn’t get it.

Kori - The mirror turned out great, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the videos! I watched that show every weekend and loved every minute of it…apparently I still do. 🙂 Your blog is awesome and I can’t wait for every new post. I have one question that maybe didn’t make your list, or maybe I missed it…is Talby a family name, or just something unique that you and hubby came up with? I’ve never heard it before (my son’s name is Guerin-sounds like Darren-so I hear that all the time), but I love it!

beth - LOVE your painting apron! I need one… Love you posts. You are an inspiration and you always put a smile on my face.

the domestic fringe - The mirror is great and I LOVE your kitchen!

Meg - oh meg! every time i see your kitchen, i literally swoon. and of course, i love the mirror!

kristine - 1. do you think solid gold is a clash of american idol/so you think you can dance 80s style?!
2. “you can’t get what you want if you don’t know what you want” YOU WANT TO DO A BACKBEND AND KICKOVER IN A RAINBOW STRIPED LEOTARD! haaaaaaaa hahahahahaaha
3. rocky-whoa!!
4. wish i could hear the music for “let’s hear it for the boy” – guy looks like a great dancer!!!
5. the mirror looks awesome! love the splash of turq!

Daniele Valois - LOve the turquoise with the red letters and red purse! Yay!

alamama - hahahahahaha! i used to want to be a solid gold dancer! ugh! they are dirty! love your mirror!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I kind of hope the $9.10 seller happens upon this post and sees that you “ruined” her fancy gold mirror by PAINTING it TURQUOISE! Can’t you just imagine that she found the goldness and the glitziness to be the very best part? “This mirror is GOLD! I won’t take a dime less than $9.00. No, $9.10!”
I love your turquoise mirror. It looks tres West Elm. It’s a perfect fit.

Danielle - WOW! Love it!!!!! Awesome mirror, great color choice! Looks fantastic!

Amy - I have the same apron! Love it!

patti - I have that same mirror, sadly it’s gold but it’s been by the front door for years now and it’s what we use for that last minute check your teeth/hair/whatever before you leave. I like your color better.

Lorie - The mirror looks great! I love your kitchen! The video…not so much! ;D

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - LOL Love the videos, Solid Gold was a must watch back then…what were we thinking??
Love the mirror and your apron is So Cute, where did you get it?

Marla - Clara saw some of the first song on the Solid Gold clip and said very seriously “That’s ridiculous! Look at their clothes!” I especially liked Latoya’s one black glove, but was bummed I couldn’t hear “Let’s Hear it for the Boys”.
Love the turquoise!

Jill - Great mirror! I love turquoise and red together.
Solid gold… I LOVED that show as a young girl. I didn’t remember it being so risque. I’m gay (of course I didn’t know that at age 9), and now in retrospect I think I understand why I loved that show so much! Ha!

Jessica Hoffman - I still love all those songs on Solid Gold… is that bad!? Love the POP of the mirror!

Jessica Kujawa - awesome! i love the mirror, and the EAT letters, and that chair…swoon!

Marisa - Cute mirror. Gorgeous bag!!

Edie Wadsworth - Hi-Larry-Us! And love the mirror. It’s perfect right there. And it happens to be my favorite color. Very awesome tribute to you on Farmgirl Paints. She’s right ya know, you’re pretty awesome!
Happy Weekend!

Gwyn Rosser - I LOVE that color. I have several cans of a beautiful turqoise that I’m having t restrain myself from using….everywhere. Great look for that mirror. It just fits perfectly with your absolutely delightful kitchen. I love the colors in your house — very energizing.
Also, cuuuuuute purse! 🙂 on a very cute chair !
Gwynie Pie
@ The Pink Tractor

Janie Fox - I loved the video… I was a newly-wed so I could watch if I wanted and I did!! I was a fresh college grad but secretly wanted to be one of those dancers… skanky dancing!haha Thanks for the re-live I loved it. Love the mirror too. One of my favorite colors, just below my fav PINK.

Amy Lynne - You are too funny! I remember Solid Gold being so cool when I was a little kid! Your mirror turned out beautifully! It always amazes me what a can of paint can do. Have a great weekend!

Amanda - Ok, thanks for the morning laugh!!! 1981…I would have been 8 yrs old and when someone asked me what I wanted to be it was “a solid gold dancer!” Now I see why I had to fight with mom to watch that show-lol. They do seem a little risque’ now, eh? The risers they used to dance on look like the old planters from our mall we used to sit on before they remodeled in the 90’s-lollllll.
I love the mirror btw, adds a great little pop of color in there! Great idea! (and looks like the same robin’s egg blue I used on my daughter’s desk :))

Kristi - That is so cute! I love, love, love the punches of aqua and red. It is such a fun retro color combo!!! Now I just have to hunt down a fun mirror to paint!!

Megan - Oh man, those gals can move! The Adam Ant one cracked me up. I remember watching this all the time, we loved it!
Loving the color you chose. The mirror looks fabulous in the kitchen!

Jill - love the mirror! maybe new baby and i need to go thrifting today and leave the big kids home with dad. 🙂

Jessica - ditto Tara!! Thanks for the laugh!! Awesome mirror!! What color paint is that?

Tara - and this is why i come to your blog
you are hilarious.
and real.
i love that you didn’t move the window cleaner off your kitchen countertops when you took the picture of your kitchen with the new mirror in all its awesomeness.
you inspire me to LOOSEN UP.

Michelle - I loved the solid gold dancers when I was a kid! In fifth grade, when hair bows on a clip were popular in my school, I got a bright gold one just so I could pretend I was a solid gold dancer. Ahhhh good times.
Thanks for the laugh this morning Meg!

Cori - Love the mirror in your pretty and clean kitchen! Loved the video! Sometimes I like to blare reruns of Casey Kassum shows(Sp?) in my kitchen on Saturdays, (They play it on the 70’s channel on xm) I am totally dating myself!! I love to hear him say “Now here’s a new song from a young man, Mr. Bruce Springsteen” I close my eyes and I am young again too!! Until I hear Mommy, Mommy, Mom Mama Ma Mommy and I am Back!
Enjoy you weekend, Happy Anniversary.

paige - great redo! looks super duper cute in your already super duper cute kitchen

Kat - Will check out the video’s later, as I do remember Solid Gold, lol.
Just had to say the mirror looks fab. A real pop of colour.
I already love the red in the EAT letters and love, love your red handbag!!
Those rainbow sun catchers are gorgeous.
I must do those with my kids, seeing it is holidays here in little o’l Tasmania, Australia.

Red Nomad OZ - Your mirror is fab. But Solid Gold? Now THAT brought back some even more fabulous but embarrassing memories. What were we thinking back then?!?!?!
Happy travels!

Sophie - What a gorgeous mirror! I LOVE how it looks in your kitchen (:
And those videos are hilarious! I live in England so it was never on here, but I feel like I need to watch me some more of that.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Oh, my!
When I read ‘Solid Gold’, Soul Train popped into my mind.
Sooooooouuuuul Train!
Oops, wrong show, right decade!
LOVE this mirror!

Lisa - Cute cute cute. Love the colour, love the idea.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Just curious what kind of paint you are using. I have some gold gilt frames I want to paint but wasn’t sure if a regular can of leftover paint would do the job?

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my eyes! The googles, they do nothing!

Mandy - I love it! My kitchen has recently been painted in a similar color scheme!

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noodles & ham…my kid’s favorite meal!

i have a loooong history with my friend Lynette.
i first met her when i was a freshman in high school.
she was the youth pastor’s wife at the church youth group i had just started  atending.
i was stuck like glue to her.
i needed her during those hard teenage years from all the drama i created around me.
she was easy to talk to and i loved being around her….and her family too.


then i got married on her birthday!
and made her wear that floral print dress with the lace doily ON HER BIRTHDAY!

years later when i was visiting her with a bunch of my little kids….she served us dinner at her house.
i think talby was a newborn!
we have been making Lynette’s dinner ever since.
Sean even had it for his birthday dinner this year!

this is what you will need:
(this is not a meal for watching your weight…which means it’s yummy)

mix all the ingredients except 1/2 c. milk, cornstarch and ham.


when it’s all combined in a saucepan….add the ham.


after 15 – 20 minutes add the cornstarch to the milk until it’s dissolved.
add the milk to the sauce to thicken it.

serve it hot over spaghetti or egg noodles.


my kids love this.
me too.

happy birthday lynette!
thank you for being so special to me for 20 years.
(can you believe that?!?)


oh and it’s still my anniversary too.
all these years later.
sixteen years.

to celebrate we are going to light 24 candles that sparkle like stars.


we have the weekend all alone… kids.
it’s going to ROCK!




evelania - Measurements would be great if you wouldn’t mind–thanks!

patty - congrats on your anniversary & have a wonderful, restorative weekend! {ps: love the mirror in the kitchen, too!}

KaraM - I LOVE the bow in your hair! I just got married…can’t wait to see what I think of my pictures 16 years from now!!

Valerie - So excited to try your recipe! I love food that isn’t calorie sensitive…tastes sooo much better! I just found your blog! LOVE IT!

Janie Fox - Happy Anniversary!!Enjoy your kid-free time… how about baby #6??
The grandkids and I made the rainbow wind catchers today. Big hit!! thanks!!

Kathryn S - Happy Anniversary! That meal is a way fancier version of the ham gravy my grandma taught me to make (hers was just ham in a little butter and then simmered with water to make gravy). It’s one of my favorites and one of the few things both kids will eat willingly!

Laura - Happy Anniversary!!!

jenn - Happy Anniversary!!!!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy your alone time w/your boyfriend!

Life with Kaishon - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Wishing you the happiest of anniversaries : ) The meal looks scrum diddly umptious. And so does that lace doily : ) Lace collars are pretty as can be! : ) Or not. Super nice to meet you. Visiting via Farm girl paints.

Dar - Great recipe we have a similar family fave. My family requests this for birthdays, too. Have fun in California. Come visit us in Huntington Beach:)

Megan Bellomo - Wow, I can’t believe we share the same anniversary (name too, crazy stuff). I have been reading your blog for a little over 6 months or so now and find you and your family to be so normal. I enjoy looking at your photographs and fun ideas with the kids. I hope this doesn’t seem odd, but I love your blog because you are so NORMAL! Any-who Happy Anniversary and enjoy your time away from your children, I know we will enjoy time away from ours for just the 2 of us.

Julie - Cool people got married in September. I love that your youth pastor’s wife had such a role in your life. I hope that I can be that to our students as the decades go by. Happy Birthday Lynette! Happy anniversary Meg and Craig!

Courtney Walsh - Aw, Happy Anniversary, Meg! 🙂
Oh, and YUM.

Tanya H - Happy Anniversary!!! We had our 11th on Wednesday! 😀

Jamie - I will have to try that recipe! Yum!
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your weekend alone!

Elise - Have a great anniversary!!!

Transparent Mama - It looks yummy. Happy Anniversary. Have a fantabulous weekend.

Michelle - Happy Anniversary!!!

amy jupin - happy anniversary meg and craig.
enjoy your weekend ALONE!

Suzanne D - Have a wonderful anniversary!!

Sugar Mama - Looks like a great comfort food dish… especially when the cooler weather is just around the corner.
Am I the only one that can only eat comfort food when it’s cold out? Is that strange?

Alexis @ Finding Prose - I’m visiting here from Farmgirl Paints.
I have been trying to find some new recipes and the one above looks delish! This is why I love blogging because you can find recipes in posts and you also find some great blogs to read while cooking!
Congrats on 16 years of marriage! You get the house all to yourself??!! I’m so jealous;)

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - Happy Anniversary … and Hooray for a kid-free celebration!

Shelly Reil - Happy Anniversary!! Must have been a popular day, its my parents’ 45th anniversary and their great friends’ 47th anniversary. Have a great weekend, love your blog!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Yummo! Happy birthday Lynette & Happy anniversary to you. 24 years is something to hoot and hollar about. That’s amazing! Loved the pic of you two. Have a great kidless weekend.
Oh and I am sooooo not alone with my blog crush. Apparently everybody else loves you too…WHAT?? I saw you first;)…ha!!!

Nicole Q. - This post made me cry because Lynette has such a special place in my heart and life too!! I’m glad she’s touched your life!
Have a rockin weekend with your man!
Happy Anniversary!

Meg's mom - Happy Anniversary Megan & Craig! See the kids later tonight – that’s at the Flying J!

Mindy Harris - awww…happy anniversary, guys!
that recipe looks easy..i’m all about easy.
i see you used some pillsbury flaky biscuits with jelly on top? we love pillsbury around here. so terrible for us but SO GOOD.
i am up to running 2 miles now; i tried your focal point idea and it worked…i run on a treadmill though (and just stared at a splotch on the wall).

sarah - Happy Anniversary, have a great time!

Staci - OH MEGAN!!! Sooo glad you get a weekend to yourselves!!! It’s going to be great! Hope you guys have a super anniversary!!! And Happy Birthday to Lynette!!! So thankful for gals like her in our lives 🙂

debbie - Happy Anniversary. Enjoy your child-free weekend!

Kelly - Happy anniversary!! Happy birthday Lynette! Kelly

AshleyAnn - the candle comment…that is funny stuff

Heather R. - Happy Anniversary! To many more.

Laura - I am hoping that your secret to a beautiful marriage is hidden in that ridiculously fattening recipe!!!!!
have a lovely weekend Megan with your handsome hubby….

Krista - Have a great weekend & Happy Anniversary! Gosh a whole weekend alone, how will you ever fill the hours (wink, wink)!

Sophie - Happy anniversary Meg!
And a very happy birthday to Lynette, too (:

Dana Banana - I am such a DORK!! Happy ANNIVERSARY not birthday…. that will come soon enough!

Dana Banana - Happy Birthday friend!! Hope your weekend is fabulous!!!

Holly - I am soooo jealous of your weekend without kids! Maybe for our anniversary someone will volunteer to watch ours……i think I am going to arrange that! Have a great weekend Meg!

terri - hi there! i found you thru farmgirl paints! i love your blog and your photography is amazing! adorable house, home, kids!!! nice to ‘meet’ you! xo

tam - Happy Anniversary. I hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend (I’m a little, teeny smidge jealous 😉

Lori - Enjoy your special alone time with your husband! And thanks for sharing the recipe…

jennibell - I love that picture of your heads together. . .I don’t think I’ve seen that before. So intimate. Have a *great* weekend. . .don’t even know what I would do with an entire holiday weekend with no kids and no responsibility except being with my man. Enjoy every minute of it!

Tracy - Oh the recipe sounds and looks delicious! YUMMY! Congrats on your anniversary and the alone time with the hubby! Have a great time and a relaxing weekend! xoxoxo

se7en - Oh congratulations!!! What a special friend, what a happy teary post!!!

Gemma - Happy Anniversary!! Lovely idea about the candles : )
Hope you have a fun weekend! Don’t be too naughty heehee!!
Gemma x

Susan - I just found your blog. My friend told me tonight that she thought I had sent her here, but no, this is my first visit and I have really enjoyed looking around. I love photography too and hopefully someday it will be more than just a hobby. Is that a labradoodle you have? I have one. Love your house. Oh my, it is beautiful. So my question is how do you edit if you don’t use photoshop yet? I have PSE8 and it is a bit overwhelming. I can do a few things, but I have so far to go. Anyhow, just wanted to say hi.

Julie - Happy Anniversary! We recently celebrated our 23rd ~ time flies when you’re having fun!!!!

Dandy - Happy Anniversary!
That dish looks great.. do you have any measurements?

Alicecrumbs - Ah! Congratulations! Enjoy every second of your kid-free time. Xxx

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Anniversary!! No kids?! Sounds like trouble 🙂

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she scared the dog.

IMG_5074 IMG_5075 IMG_5085

good times.

ok…..i have answers to the rest those questions you asked on july 27.

1. what kind of floor cleaner do you use on your hard wood?
 i use WOW with a dry mop.

nothing else works for me.
it's not like i clean them that often….if company is coming…or a 2 liter explodes on the floor. 
but really i am the LAST person you should ask about cleaning.  
i am not clean. 

2. do you have a theme in your home/color palette?

i like maps and globes.
Img16l (image from pottery barn kids)

most of the color in our house is the same colors as those on maps and globes.
most of all i love red.
but just pops of it….not a whole red wall or red couch.
there is nothing wrong with those it's just not for me. 

3. where did you get that granny square afgan?

an antique store in my town. 

4. how do you paint woodwork?

 we have always just started with Kilz primer.  KILZ_ProductPgImg_KILZ21G_105x125

then two – three coats of Behr Ultimate White semi gloss paint.

5. where did you get that Be Kind To Others print?

Il_fullxfull.166888830  Il_fullxfull.166689325

from Katie at The Wheatfield.
i just ordered the Be filled with JOY one this week too. 

6. what is your favorite U2 song?

  Miracle Drug

  Beautiful Day
  Original of the Species

should i go on?

7.  what is your favorite dinner to take to friends' when they need a meal?

     lasagna, garlic bread, salad and brownies. 

8.  did you like
Love & Logic for Teens?


   i felt like it was written FOR me….like they were living in my home when they wrote it.

9.  what kind of camera do you have?

i have a Canon 50D  and my lens is a 28 – 105 lens.


i use it most of the time because i am most comfortable with it.
i have an 85mm lens also. 

10.  what fun camera stuff do you want to get next?

i don't even know.  
i bought photoshop but i am afraid to load it on my computer. 

11.  do you take your camera everywhere?

i take it in my purse if i think i may want to take pictures.

it fits right in there.
i don't have a point and shoot that would fit nicely…i just don't think i would use it that much.

12. how did you get started in your photography business?

people told me that i should "take pictures" for years.

then someone asked me to photograph their family and i did it and had fun.
THEN i got brave and said "i am doing this for a job….anyone want to schedule me?"
and they did.
and now i have a business.
the hardest part of all of it….getting the guts to say "i want to be a photographer" out loud. 

it's a journey. 

13. are you self taught?

there are a million more things i want to learn about photography.
i don't feel like i can give advice….because i don't know the "right" way to say it…or the right way to do it.
i just keep learning at every shoot and with every set i edit. 

14. are you a help-out-at-school kind of mom?

for ten years i have had younger children at home so bringing them into their siblings classrooms was not going to be much help any way.  

and….i don't like school.
i disliked school as a kid and i still get a little weird-o feeling when i am there now….and i am a grown up!
that is a strong statement to say i disliked all school but i was in trouble A LOT.
i was a handful for all my teachers….so i was disciplined by all my teachers (with good reason).
i have good memories but not warm fuzzy feelings about school itself.

and now that all my kids are in school and i get my first real break in 15 years
i am not really dying to go be with them all day.
or any of the day actually.
15 years with babies or kids at my side = break time for mom.

but if you are a school mom….GOOD FOR YOU!!  :)  YOU ARE AWESOME.

15. what did you want to be when you grew up?

i probably had thoughts of being a dancer (like on In Living Color) or something ridiculous.
but i knew from the beginning that i wanted to be a mom.
so most of my dreams were of just that…..holding babies….lots of babies.  

16. how did it feel to be pregnant with your first baby?

that is a story for another time….. 

17.  can we hear your love story?

that is a another story for another time….. 

18.  how do you find time to workout?

when my kids were little i used to go to the Y and use the nursery.
i went there all the time.
i loved it.

now i wait until they are in school and then i go.
i started the running thing because my friend is a great runner, motivational and running is easy.
by easy i mean….you can do it any where, anytime of day and even if you did have a child they could be in a stroller.

this much i know….
once you make exercise a priority you will be amazed at how you suddenly can find the time.
not that i have done that.
but i know it to be true. 

19. do you like sweetner in your iced coffee?

at home no.
at starbucks i ask for half the usual amount….they make their coffee so much stronger than i do. 
but i don't like the taste of liquid sweetner. 

20. do you have tips for starting running?

shana is laughing (if she's read this far….)

my tips :  JUST DO IT.

walk a little to get warmed up then start jogging.  
look up ahead and say to yourself "you can make it to that tree"  and then get there.
and if you can't ….then walk and try again when you catch your breath.  
and keep going.
and keep trying.

i have not perfected this and don't feel legit but i am doing it. 

21. how do you manage your days?

i stink at that. 

22. how do you have such a strong faith?

this deserves a whole post.
but in short….i love jesus.   He is the truth.  i believe it.

23. have you ever made a blog book through blurb?

no….but i would like to. 

24. do you ever feel overwhelmed?

who doesn't feel overwhelmed?  
life is hard.
everybody has crap that hurts their feelings or brings them down.

when i feel it creepin' in….i usually whine to craig or my friends first.
then i spend some time with God.
then i do something like….clean the windows or get some new shoes….or something to change my attitude.
art helps.
fresh air helps.

life is hard but it is so good.

"whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy….think on these things"

26.  how can you go and on and on and bore everyone with all your thoughts?

oh boy…..i am sorry for how long i talked your ear off.  :)
but you asked. 

i have a recipe for you tomorrow.  

ymetusql - [url=”″]nfl jerseys league[/url]

Cassie - i just bought “The Wild Air” picture from the wheatfield last week. giving it to lani for her birthday. hoping to find a cute, ornate used frame and paint it. thanks for introducing me to her etsy shop!!
miss you….

kristine - ha! i wanted to be a fly girl too!
i know #26 was your own question 🙂 silly! if we didn’t want to read about you we wouldn’t come to your blog! you’re good for a smile!!!

Valerie - Hi, it’s me again! I’m not stalking you, just found your blog and reading through it! Love it! I love people like you that tell it like it is! Thanks for your honesty.

nikki @ nikkisnacs - Great running answer! I’m still trying to get to the running part, mostly walking, but I will get there.

Jill - Thanks for sharing!!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - I LOVE YOU MEG !

Stephanie Rodriguez - Someone actually asked you how you bore people? Of all the blogs I read, yours is so amazing and interesting. I love your pictures and blogs!!
Have a blessed day!!!

Michele - Good stuff! Love your blog!

Laura - I mss you…that’s all…why can’t I find a friend here like you?

Anne - So lovely to discover you via Becky’s post!
You sound like a pretty cool chick, I reckon I’ll be back. 🙂
P.S. Yay Jesus!

Kristin S - Love it when you answer questions.
Love that you love Jesus and that was your answer. Enough said.

Suzanne - I love that you are afraid to load Photoshop on your computer! When I bought my MacBook I didn’t take it out of the box for a week…lol.
Just do it Meg, when you are ready 🙂 I have seen in person what PS can do and it is amazing!

j - I’ve bought two prints from Katie at the Wheatfield. Thanks so much for the tip.

Amy Lynne - Oh bubble wrap! My kids split it up from packages and GO TO TOWN! Thanks for sharing and answering so many questions! You rock!

Rachel - #26 – really? That wasn’t a real question, was it? No way!
I love reading your blog. Your life is SO different from mine. I find it interesting and inspiring. Keep on babbling!

Kacey - Your “questions answered” and random thoughts posts are the best!

Christine Ishmael - whoever wrote question 26 is a poo poo head…

Karen - Where do you find that floor cleaner? I searched and all I can find is information about ordering it online…but I want it TODAY! lol!

Jennifer - That is seriously one of the funniest things I have ever read. Seriously. I don’t like school.
It makes me think of the movie Grease where Sandy is inviting Danny over to her parents’ for tea. He says he doesn’t like tea. She says you don’t have to drink tea silly! He says I don’t like parents.
Unexpected, and very funny. HA!

Transparent Mama - Super fun. This is my first time by. Becky from Farmgirl Paints talked about you today. I will be back.

bobbie - You should totally load photoshop on your computer. Then go to the pioneer woman and download her free action sets. It’s like on steriods. Then you’ll be obsessed with action sets and buy a zillion of them. You’ll go broke on them, but you’ll be happy. Everything I know about photoshop I have found using tutorials for free online. It’s hard to start but soo worth it.

Kara - Thanks for being real – It is great to read about your life not just the good stuff but the real stuff that happens everyday –
Thanks for the great pictures that you take-

Katie - Your blog makes me smile!
From an at home mom with a 5, 4, 2 year old and a 2 month old.
ps, I love all the fun art project ideas and how practically and authentically creative and fun you seem to be.

Staci - Thanks for sharing Megan 🙂 I just popped over and order that Be Kind to Others….she was out of the 8 x 10 the last time I looked and today…she has it!! YAY!!!!

lisa - i heart your thoughts : )

Kari - I love your honesty and your blog! I read it every day (or whenever you post – I’m not a creeper who comes by and rereads everything 🙂 ). Thanks for sharing your heart and your thoughts with the rest of blogger world! I appreciate you!!!

Heather - I love your honesty, cracks me up and makes me think. Thanks!

Heather R. - I need to find the motivation to run. You make me smile and Starbuck’s pumpkin spice lattes are out :)!

carols - Love your blog. I needed that book reference today, I’m sad about my teen!! Hopefully this will help. Fun answers to all.

Meredith Salmon - That for all the answers you are not boring. I look forward to reading your post daily and when it has not changed yet, I get bummed. Also, I just started to learn to run on a FREE program called “Couch to 5k”. It is what you talked about doing a little at a time. I am going on week 1 day 3 tomorrow. So far so good. Thanks

se7en - I just love this post – full of everything!!! Wonderful!!! Have a happy day!!!

Lisa Cash - Today is my first visit to your blog. Becky at Farmgirl Paints blogged about you today so I’m visiting. Love it! You mentioned a book on parenting teens. I just dropped my daughter off for her freshman year at college (**small sniffle**), and there was a similar book that helped me through the really tough teen times. If you’re looking for another one with practical advice, check out: Yes, Your Teen is Crazy! by Michael J. Bradley.
I’m thrilled to have found you out here, and I’ll be back for sure! Thanks!

Sugar Mama - Didn’t bore me! And, I wanted to tell you that I might be printing off a picture of your to take to my hair stylist in a few weeks. I’m getting some color added (finally) and I love the funky style with chunky hi-lites. Hope you don’t mind… and if you do please let me know.

Julie Harward - Hi Meg…I came over to say hi from Becky’s (Farm Girl Paints)…love your blog, I can tell what a great mom you are to your beautiful family. I have 8 kids and we did lots of projects too. Love all your photography too…awesome blog! Come say hi 😀 - Meg, you are a beautiful photographer. So creative. LOAD PHOTOSHOP! You will LOVE it once you understand the tools. Here is a website to help you get started:
Jump into it and have fun!

Kimberlee J. - Authentically you. 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
Your writing captures your speaking voice so well. I get all formal. I can’t seem to help it. Or maybe I am more formal. I don’t think I am but my writing would give that impression. Kind of like now maybe? Your blog makes me feel as though I’ve had a chat with a girlfriend. Love it.
Thanks for the info on becoming a photographer. I’m at the beginning of that journey. So glad you gave the link to your prints. I’ve been wondering for awhile, and now I know where to go.

Karen H. - Was #26 a REAL question???? I love your thoughts! We are bestest friends and you don’t even know me!!! Love reading your blog – your fun, and REAL, and NORMAL… not easy to find!!!

Tricia - Meg: Thanks for sharing your life with the world. Your blog makes me smile! Tricia

jennifer - Oh how I love your answer to #14. You took the words right out of my mouth.

Kylie - Have you tried the Nike+ for running? It is about $30, and it will sync with your ipod. It tracks how far you run, your pace, how many calories you burn…you download the info and can track it online. You can set different goals. I run (when it is convenient….and not too hot in Texas), and this is the only thing that helps keep me going.

sarah - Enjoyed reading. thanks for sharing 🙂

Trish - If I lived in Kansas… I would want to be your friend 🙂 I guess after writing that we could be friends no matter the distance!

Jody Bachand - You are NOT boring! I love your blog and your honesty as I can relate to so much of it! Keep being you Meg! Jody B.

Eden - HELLooooo
just discovered you in Flea Market!
i only have one, a ten year old girl, and she is a most spirited creative soul…going to check out this book…could be just what me Mommie, needs for these preteen years…mmmm…favorite U2 melody…Streets have no name…makes me think of Heaven…my camera…is tiny but ever so handy and I take it everywhere, my powershot by Cannon captures images i cannot bear to be without, and i love it, for so many reasons and it is green. I love GREEN…and those crafy paper wind drifters. i love them too and am definately making some with my darling creative child…i love it here…so happy i discovered a pretty mommie and her five darlings!

elisa - I’m not a school mom either. Sometimes I feel bad about it, no actually I don’t really ever feel bad about it. But I felt I should say that.

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - Love the bubble wrap…my boys did that yesterday LOL!
Great questions and answers 🙂

Jodi - LOL, I should know better than to ask you your favorite U2 song! I have never been able to have just one either. It’s for sure a top 5 kind of question. Have you ever seen the movie High Fidelity? You and Craig might like it if you ever get a chance to see it. And, it takes place in Chicago.

Routhie - I love your answer to no.14. I only have 2 kids, but going up to school for more than the occasional holiday party is just not going to happen. My younger one is distracting and it makes the day shorter. I did not even want to help on the days she was in school because those 3 hours were precious time in which I was able to check email, clean without the mess following me, or grocery shop. I also hated school and feel strange at my children’s schools. I feel like such a fraud!! lol

adrienne - makes me smile! #24 so real!

Sandy - Whatever is NEVER boring! Thanks for sharing.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh and I almost forgot. I blogged about you today;)

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We have bubble wrap on our floor right now and I’ve been too lazy to pick it up. Every now and then the girls will walk on it and scare the crap out of me.
Thanks for the honesty about being a school mom. I feel the same way. I don’t like it either. I want to be there…to feel in the know and be a presence with my girls, but it’s sooooo not my thing. I would really like some time to myself. I told little chick’s teacher I was available whenever and now I’m kind of kicking myself. I’ve been waiting for this day for 10 years…

Catriona - That last question, was that Lauren…?!

Michelle - Love these questions and answers Meg!

Janine - Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I have a question for you. How is your progress going on your Birthday year list. I believe it was 35 things to do before 35. Just wondering because I have the same birthday as you. I think this year I may make one of those lists.

a pocket full of posies - favorite answers: #22- AMEN!!!
#21- me too!
#24- me too AGAIN!
So fun to read!

Amber - ok this post brought me to tears. especially the jesus part. i want to be a mom just like you! so inspirational and motivating!!

PinkPeanutButter - I can’t wait to try out another one of your recipes! 🙂

amy - I love posts like this – thanks for allowing us a peek in your world and for being real about it. I love your transparency.

Elissa - i l O V E popping bubble wrap!
thanks for sharing. you’re just fun 🙂 SOOO glad for you to finally get some time to yourself in the day. yay for school!

katie - love your humility and your honesty. it’s what keeps us all coming back. 🙂

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - it wasn’t boring. i loved all of this. so fun. 🙂

Holly - love it Meg! You are fab!

paige - darn…i must clarify
i realize waffles image did NOT make it into the post
but just a reference is good enough for me
waffle is also the man!
( oh dear…i think he’s a male…)

paige - always love it when waffle makes it into your posts!
thank you for freeing us on the school mom issue!
praise the lord for a honest woman!!
oh yeah –bono is the man!

Sophie - I love these answer posts!
And from your answers, I feel like you’re me, just a bit in the future. I’m only 17 at the moment, but in the future, I mainly just see myself having kids. I want 5 babies (:
I too want to be a photographer, but since I’ve had no actual training I’d find it difficult. People in England are much more into the posed studio kinda shots than natural photoshoots like you do. BLERGH.
I think in 20 years time, I wanna be just like you (:

Gemma - Hi Meg!!
Love your answers : )
Gemma x

Katy Stone - i love you and your love for the Lord and your sense of humor.
and i hope you really will post your pregnancy and love stories sometime!

leonie - hahahha love it! we could soooo have coffee or wine or cocktails… any chance of visiting Australia????? You make me feel normal! xx

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - 🙂 You make me smile! Go Meg!

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craft thursday #9

we made rainbow wind catchers.
they are so pretty.

you will need:
paper plates
glue sticks
a stapler


i cut paper plates in half.
they painted a rainbow on the back sides….both halves.

it doesn’t have to be a perfect rainbow.
or in perfect roy g. biv order.

after they were dry….
we used a glue stick to add the streamers.
i cut my streamers in half because their paint lines were small.
so if your streamer is 2″ inches wide and 15″ in length then i cut the width.
leaving me with two 1″ x 15″ streamers.
i just folded up my streamer and then made one cut through the middle….simple.
in theory you would add the color of stremer under the color of paint.

but it’s art….that means you get to do whatever you want to!


my new favorite craft thursday project.
it’s lovely when the window is open and the breeze blows in!

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glue streamers to the inside of both halves of the plates.
then we stapled the two plates together.
i tied a knot in a loop of yarn and then stapled it in when putting the plates together.


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i loved this project.
and even sean did it willingly.

it must have been the streamers.

Sean Carter - very cool! I love to see what the minds of children can come up with even simple things like paint or floral supplies.

Maro's kindergarten - Hi! I wanted to let you know that I loved this craft and I have featured you on my new blog post about Spring weather crafts! You can see it here
Have a nice day!

Agnes Rhodes - I love this, going to do it with my girl scout troop tonight!

Melissa@ The Chocolate Muffin Tree - Love this! So simple, but beautiful!

Gina @ Special Happens - I love this! I think I’m going to have to do it with my kiddos! They love rainbows! - So beautiful and colorful! Fabulous!! I wanna try it 🙂

Cathy @ NurtureStore - These rainbows would just brighten up any room – I love them. I’ve found you through the Crafty Crow – so pleased you liked our sunflowers.

Jennifer - love, love this fun project…buying the supplies tomorrow!! love your blog too!

kristine - gorgeous!

Jessi - If you’re curious how this craft turns out with a 2 1/2 year old:
It was fun 🙂

Laura - B-E-A-UTIFUL!

Amber - I can imagine myself standing oh so nostalgically at the sink and dreaming about how joyous my day is going then the wind comes in and all the streamers go into my mouth and I spit and spew. 😀

Lorie - I knew as soon as I saw the gorgeous bright colors in my Google Reader that this post was yours! I love it! What a fun project!

PinkPeanutButter - So cute! I may have to do this craft with my girls!

Selina - So pretty!

Ellen - I love love this! I teacher first grade, and I think we’ll do this next Friday to conclude our study on color words! Thanks so much for sharing! 😀

Jess - Awesome! I will definetely have to give this one a try. Thanks!!

Shauna - i am TOTALLY doin’ this with my kids!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Every time you craft I have a new “favorite.” But this is truly my favorite. 🙂

Ruth - these are SO awesome. i want to make one!

melissa@afamiliarpath - i love this. they are so beautiful!

alma - these are awesome! where do get ur ideas from?

elisa - Love the pics with the light behind them 🙂

Gussy - love, love this! off to Tumblr this…

Nicole Q. - Oh happy colors!! I laughed when you mentioned old Roy G. Biv — did we all learn it that way?

Casey - This is by FAR my favorite craft project you have done!! I am going to the store today to get plates and streamers!! We ARE doing this project. Love it!! Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I love the streamers!! I know my Nate would have a blast with this one!

Taylor-Ann - cute project. I love that every Thursday you and the kids do something crafty. What a great family tradition to have.

Deanna - Love love love this project! Definitely going on my list….along with any other of your crafts that we haven’t done yet! 🙂

SeaminglySarah - beautiful!

a pocket full of posies - L-O-V-E them!!!! so pretty!…now “somewhere over the rainbow” is right where you are!
thanks for sharing!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
This will definitely be added to my tumblr favourites for a rainy day. It is sooo cold here in Northern Canada right now, it will be nice to have something fun and colourful to brighten up our day. Your a great mom.

Lisa - Love it! I miss having windows that open up the way yours do. I am from Wisconsin but live in Arizona, our windows here slide open sideways. Not quite the same 🙂

Sugar Mama - I wonder if this would work for my older daycare kids? Not sure if the 3 year old would paint the rainbow, but she could sure try!

Jacqui - I love it! its very pretty!!

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - Very Cute idea! We made one similiar on the 4th of July. I like the rainbow one best though….might have to steal this idea 🙂

Courtney Walsh - wishing my paints weren’t packed right about now! Love this!

Juli - What is the name of the granite on your kitchen counter top? We just installed “Blue Pearl” in our kitchen and loooooove it.

tami - Your baby is getting big! Where is her pink tutu? Love the crafts!

Amanda Jo - You always have the best ideas!! Can’t wait to try this one out at home!!

Megan - Oh so fun and darling! What a great idea!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Of course you did!!!! Those are beautiful. Love all of your creative projects. They always make me smile:)

tara pollard pakosta - how gorgeous!!!
I love your craft thursdays!
we tried to do one every week, but it
just never happened….my girls love it though!

Jaime - Meg… what a cool craft!
I am going to put this in my favorites list, and pull it out again in the spring. I am so excited about the upcoming holidays, I am ready for Halloween crafts!! lol… Got any of those you want to blog about?! I could always use a good idea or two! =)

Corrie - Hi, I found your blog through OhDeeDoh, and I am so excited to see that you love and support Word Made Flesh! I went to Asbury College, where Chris and Phileena also went, and WMF has had such an impact on me over the years. I visited them in Kolkata (Calcutta) years ago, before I had my kids. I also love Amy Butler fabric and simply being crafty!

Amanda - Adorable! We’ll definately try this one!

Anna Marie - Well lookie there, a rainbow craft for Miss Megan the rainbow queen! I love it!!!

Heather R. - pretty 🙂

Liz - roy g.biv
love that

Suzette - those are so pretty!

Kimberlee J. - Now this is a craft I can do! Easy on the budget, easy on the eyes, easy on the nerves. All things to be considered when I am the mom doing the craft.

kat - Super fun! I love how these turned out!

Jessi - Think I could do this with my 2 1/2 yr old? Nah, probably not. So I’ll just make a couple myself 😉

Melanie - It looks just like you Meg! Happy and fun.

Four Flights - so pretty! thanks for sharing this great craft!

Holly - very pretty Meg! We are definately going to try this!

firefly hill - Great idea…love all the colors!

tam - Awesome idea. I love the colorful rainbows! Thanks for sharing.

Tracy - Those are SO neat! I love those and such a great idea! Thanks for sharing, Meg! xoxoxo

widge - wow they are so cool! awesome idea and you are inspiring me to play with my kids…some day 😉

Shelly DeBoer - so i’m up at 3:30 and can’t sleep even though i am sooo tired… and i’m grateful…grateful that in the wee hours of the morning i can entertain myself with your beautiful little blog. LOVE the rainbows!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
I love it…Very pretty : )
Gemma x

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blue lily

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i had just whispered a line from "it's complictated"….cracked him up. (can you guess which one?)
i like this shot a lot.

and then this was taken by annie…luring her back into the picture taking.
she had run down the alley saying she was done with pictures.
wendy was awesome and shared the camera with annie. 
i love it.


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this one is my favorite.
this one will be BIG in our house.

i love that MY family is captured for a moment in time….and that i am in the pictures with them.

blue lily has a passion for color.
and you know i like color….so we are perfect together.
(me and the hundreds of other families they have worked with…)

wendy and tyler work seamlessly together.
i enjoyed watching them work….and took mental notes.

they travel all over the WORLD taking pictures.
that is the best job.


thank you wendy and tyler for this day…this memory….this gift of frozen time that cannot be taken away.
you are so good at what you do.

now….go see if they are coming to YOUR town soon.
and if they aren't, then pick one and go there anyway…you will be glad you did!


*ps….thank you kim(berlee) for helping me look so fabulous (at least i felt fabulous).
you were a trooper through all those stores…all those jeans….all those shirts…all that makeup.
thank you.

**pss….typepad is not doing some of these justice.
they POP with color and are super sharp.
if you click on them it's a little brighter.
i don't know why it's doing that.  and i am not going to figure it out today.

xfjjhjmo - [url=””] 2012 nfl uniforms[/url]

anne c - I love your family! 🙂 “Yall” are all so beautiful and fun! I thought the pictures where really good and you are right…they are AMAZING once you click on them! I don’t understand why it is so different on typepad…either way…how great to get wonderful pictures of the whole family!!?? love love love them all!

Lauren - Meg, I love the photos. Your family is beautiful. And I love the color choices for the photos… amazing!! I don’t know how you can choose which ones to print! Good luck with that!!

Meli - You have a gorgeous family!!! I love ALL of the snap shots. I really do. Thanks to Becky for hooking me up with you….

mel - Meg! These pictures are gorgeous! What a beautiful family you have! Love, love, love the last one. I really, really want family photos done this year…I just checked out Blue Lily’s site, they will be in San Fran but not until March 2011. I might just have to hold out until then!

Danell Anderson - Wendy and Tyler are my neighbors…sort of. Live down the street. They are pretty awesome and have the knowledge to make everyone look awesome too!

melissa*320 sycamore - gorgeous, meg! you are looking so good! love the color…

Jennifer - What a beautiful family! - Meg – you look awesome 🙂 I began losing weight right around the same time you started talking about running & stuff, so I’ve been totally noticing your progress! You look FANTASTIC 🙂
These are such great photos of everyone – your kids are precious and I love the one of you and Craig looking at each other smack in the middle of them. That’s what it’s all about, man. “You and me, babe, surrounded by all this nutso chaos!” 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing them.
~Jacci in Ohio

Jamie - Awesome pictures! What a beautiful family you have!

Charla Liedahl - Lovely! I’ve been meaning to tell you that your little Annie is the cutest bug! Her sweet smile melts my heart every time I see her picture! And small world…Tyler of Blue Lily is my friend Lavender’s brother. I remember when he was little and obnoxious…over 20 years ago!

Jill Utecht - LOVE these pics Megan! Can’t wait to see your favorite up in your house. It is BEAUTIFUL – everyone is looking their best – the perfect family picture!

Melanie - Great pictures and your family is beautiful.

cindy mandernach - we are booked for the clarkston michigan session on sept 11….i am so excited i could pee my pants. the pics look great. now to go and get some fun clothes…
ps i emailed you

angela - EVERYONE looks great! What a great looking family! YOU look SO SKINNY!!!!!!!!!!!

mary elizabeth - the pictures are amazing! i love them so!!!! i must say you look smokin’ hot!!!! that top looks so good on you – the color is perfect!!! make sure you post a picture of the big picture once you get it in the house!

Tracy - Awww… such WONDERFUL family photos, Meg! Thanks for sharing and yes, you did look “fabulous”! I had to LOL about Annie running down the road saying she was “done” with pictures! HA! Too cute! Have a great day! xoxoxo

Beth - BEAUTIFUL pictures!! Love them, all that color is amazing. Your kids are beauts.

Nikki - I love the photo’s…. You must be so happy with how they turned out.
I need some family photo’s, I take so many of the kids and Orsen and I’m hardly ever in any 🙁

PattyL - I NEVER comment on blogs, but just have to say, I’m really happy for you!! You must be in love with these shots! You give alot of joy through this site, I’m glad to see you will receive such joy every time you look at these.

Londen - Were you talking about the feeling groovy part? I love that movie, and I love your family photos! Beautiful family!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Ok ~ first of all, those pics are amazing! You look fabulous!
Secondly, I just lost an hour looking at their website 🙂

Margo - These are amazing! Great pics of your family!

Jess Mead - Awesome pics and everyone coordinates so well! Super Cute!!!

Griswold Fun - You have a beautiful family!

Lora - Great pics… what a lovely family.

Janie Fox - I love color too and these are fab. You are a beautiful family!!

PinkPeanutButter - Beautiful!! I love it!!

j - beautiful, beautiful pictures – and a beautiful family too.

kristine - i have been wondering if you got them back yet! yay!!! your family is gorgeous – you all look awesome and the colors are perfect! nice work and congrats on getting great family pics that you are in! cross it off the list! woohoo!!

Beth @ Dirty Laundry - Photos are awesome and you look super skinny! I am going to go buy that outfit! (Not that it’s just the outfit, you look terrific all the time!:)

Nicole Q. - You look FABULOUS Meg! Before I even read which one you picked as your fav I had thought, “This one is my favorite.” Love the pose of everyone and the green door sort of thing in the pic. I love the way you are holding onto Craig. Lovely!!

Donna - BEAUTIFUL! What a fun and cute family you all are!

Emily - Um. You look like the kind of people I would like to be friends with. Can we be friends? I have a crush on your beautiful family. Love your blog.

Sophie - Such gorgeous pictures! And I’ve got to say Lauren’s growing into such a stunning young woman!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - wow wow wow i love them ALL!! i absolutely LOVE the one of you all spread out against that brick wall with you and craig looking at each other and the kids watching. love.

Staci - Was JUST thinking about your photos yesterday…wondering if you’d gotten them yet 🙂 LOVE them !!! You look so tall and sleek! They are just beautiful!!!

Kelly - Great photos!!! So fun to have for you! kelly

Nichole - Beautiful photos, but Annie’s left arm looks so strange in the jump photo, lol! I love them!

Jodi - G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!

patti - Absolutely beautiful!!!

Christy - Love em!! I love the wardrobe!! The colors are awesome!!

Aimee - I love them! I love all the color and I love how all your outfits go together but aren’t super matchy-matchy. You look fantastic in these Meg!

crystal b - They turned out so great! I just love the colors. Hey . . . did you get brave and try the pork yet?

Tricia - Meg, they are GORGEOUS!!

Heather - these are fantastic!! what a gift!!
my mom won us a photo shoot from a silent auction and i just cannot wait to get to do it. especially now. your photos are just beautiful.

tam - Amazing Photos. Such a beautiful thing to do, you will cherish these photos forever. 🙂

angela - AH.MAZING! These are absolutely gorgeous pics of your awesome fam!

Vera - These are FABULOUS!! And YOU – you look amazing!! Okay that’s it, I’m going off sugar again. *sigh*

jennifer - Love these pictures and the colors you picked are awesome and I love your hair too.
My favorite is the one of your whole family with you and Craig holding hands and Talby standing there with her hand on her hip looking up at the two of you. SO cute! That’s exactly what my daughter would be doing… Adorable!

Logan - Love them all. I know you are glad you did this and eventually your children will be glad too! 🙂

Stephanie@Geezees - Meg, these are beautiful photos of you and your family. I wouldn’t be able to pick just one favorite.

sarah - They look great!!
I love each and every one of them.

Amanda - They’re all so good! I have always dreamed of having her or Tara Whitney do our family pics…I’m never in any with my kids as well-don’t know what that would feel like! lol. Looks like she was already in Chicago last month…and we are 3 hrs south
🙁 Bummer!

amy jupin - i love the blue and yellow.
i love the way annie is hugging on your leg.
i think lauren looks beautiful.
i’m jealous of your shopping trip with kim(berlee)–and thank you for introducing me to her. 🙂
i think it’s about time i get out from behind my camera and get some family shots too.
but i can’t stop thinking that maybe “you’ve gone native?” (i’m cringing but laughing hysterically!)

Krista - Beautiful pictures, I love the color! Last one is my favorite too!

Jess - These are perfect Megan. The last one is my favorite too. I can’t wait to see them in your house. Can you come to my house and tell me which pictures I should print for my walls?? 🙂

AshleyAnn - So I almost emailed you yesterday asking if you had these yet….they are so great! It did make me think, “wow…that is a big family!” The outfits are perfect, the location, the colors….awesomeness!

Courtney McIlwain - I love your shirt. Where did you get it? The pictures are great!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That last one is soooo good. I can see true happiness in everyone’s eyes. You and your brood. You must be so proud. And have you lost weight? Lookin’ smokin’ I must add.
I’m going to do a spotlight post on you. Would it be okay if I used a few pics of you and some of your house on my blog?

alamama - you look fabulous! your running has paid off! i love looking at your family! thanks for sharing!

RLG - I cannot thank you enough for this post (which is extraordinary and beautiful). I was able to schedule them! Thank you for the resource, Meg. You’re awesome to share. xoxoxoxo

Talysa - I love them! My fav is the one of all of you on the staircase though. Just love the composition.
And the line…hmmmm….so many to choose from.
“Home Sweet Home” ??

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
Thanks for mentioning the colour. I did click the last photo and it was sooo much better. Sharper, clearer and bright. The originals must be amazing. You did a great job on the colour coordination with the kids. Not so much that its cliche but fun and unifying.
A beautiful family.

Kate - You really have such a beautiful family! Everyone looks great! Love!

Elissa - look how gorgeous you all are! i need to be in some pics with my family one of these days 😉

Kelly - Love the playfulness of the pictures….beautiful family!

Sue K. - I cant believe how big the kids are now!!! You have such a beautiful family Meg 🙂 I esp. love the one with you all on the stairs and the one that Annie took (too bad she isnt in it). HUGS!!!

Tara - love these family shots.
we’re getting our family pics taken in October when we go home to visit family.
you look fabulous, Meg.
the jeans..the shirt…the jewelry…the shoes…

Julie - Really GREAT family pics! Gorgeous family! It takes a great photographer to get great shots of so many ~ we’re a family of seven too and the thought of family pictures overwhelms me! Yours are beautiful 🙂

Annie - These are just fabulous! I love them all, but the one of you all on the steps and the one of you all being silly at the camera… those are perfection! What a fun family!

naomi - you DO look fab! extraordinarily FAB!!!
great family photos …
(reminder to get someone to take OUR photos …with ME in them!)

Missy - Oh my! These are fabulous! Gorgeous family, gorgeous photos!!!

deb meyers - these are great! Glad you trusted your gut with the clothing choices, too.
Say the line… i loved ‘it’s complicated’ (mostly for her home’s interior, and her 50-something wardrobe) but no lines jumped out at me … unless, the laptop scene?!
deb meyers

Lisa - LOVE!!

Kat - Awesome!!
I have been waiting to see your family pics.
The colours look fantastic Meg. You did a really great job of coordinating everyone.
The last one is also my favourite and I really love Annie’s shot.
I like they way everyone is looking down at her.
Can’t wait to see them framed and in your house.

Gemma - They look great!!! I love the scenery and all the colours : )
GOOD STUFF! You all look gorgeos btw.
Gemma x

Viktoria Slutsky - GORGEOUS!!!! I love the reflection of the girls, cool idea! and all your family sitting on the stairs and the brick wall behind you, just awesome pics, great colors!!!!

Viktoria Slutsky - GORGEOUS!!!! I love the reflection of the girls, cool idea! and all your family sitting on the stairs and the brick wall behind you, just awesome pics, great colors!!!!

se7en - How special is this!!! And you have a jump photo – Awesome!!! I would love to know how to actually do that!!! I totally love Annie’s pic!!! Have a happy day!!!

Dianna@DecorMadeSimple - Your right, these are great pictures. I like the brick building as the back drop. My favorites are the kids jumping and the girls reflection in the puddle.

Alisa Lewis - Beautiful Family! Love the pops of color!

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