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Roy’s BBQ


on saturday before sean's football game we got to eat at Roy's BBQ.
it is, by far craig's favorite BBQ in kansas.
i hadn't been in so long.  
i was excited about it too.


it's in an industrial area of town and it's really tiny.


you walk in and it smells like smoke….from the grill…really strong.
talby and annie held their noses for the first 15 minutes.




the HAPPY and the not-so-happy.
as happy as craig was to be eating there is the exact opposite of how talby felt.
boo hoo.
we can't please everyone all the time can we?

annie was happy…she got to have dr. pepper.
i was happy.   
why wouldn't i be?  i had potato salad, my michelob ultra and the restrooms within 3 feet of me.

scott was with us too but wanted no photos.
he loooooves this food.
his meal was gone before the rest of the family even sat down at the table.

they close when they run out of food.
it's happened to us before….showing up and they were out of food.

it's good.  
soooo good.

it's in hutchinson, kansas….and they have a website.  :)

did you enter the lisa leonard givewaway?

click here to enter.

i will announce the winners tomorrow.  

this is a new favorite picture of mine.
susan i hope you LOVE it!!!

(again….it's much more vibrant when it's not in typepad….so weird!) 

eds - I’ve always thought it’s so cute how little B has the same curly hair as his big brothers! Aw.

Wendy - “and restrooms within three feet if me”
Haaa! Too hilarious.

Michele - My husband and I have been known to plan entire trips around good BBQ joints. The Texas hill country has some amazing ones. We even bought a book titled Follow the Smoke: 14,783 Miles of Great Texas Barbecue. Can you tell we like BBQ, just a little bit?

Jennifer - Oh my! Your pics make me hungry. BBQ is the best, and I LOVE me some good potato salad with it, too. πŸ˜‰
If you are ever in the Austin area…you must go to Salt Lick BBQ. It’s mine and my hubby’s favorite BBQ joint. Some of the best in the state!

Bec - Talby is missing out if she doesn’t LOVE bbq. I could probably eat good bbq everyday. I got spoiled when I lived in TX.

the domestic fringe - Mmmm…the BBQ looks SO good! Love your beads…super cute.

crystal beutler - I am dying over the pictures of BBQ. My favorite food ever.

Routhie - My cousin loved Roy’s bbq! You’ve inspired our dinner tonight of pulled pork sandwiches with grilled buns. Cannot wait until I get back to TX for Thanksgiving and have some real bbq!

ali - I don’t think I have ever seen a picture of Talby not smiling!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - Those down home places are just the best! I think our kids could have quite the showdown in the pout department – Talby’s is pretty good, but my Owen, – well, lets just say he’s had a lot of practice! πŸ˜‰

Michele T - That food looks so good!! I love eating at local joints. I love that they just close shop when they run out of food. Makes sense, right? Does that happen often, ya think?

Daisy Cottage - Hey Meggie…
Just wanted to say hi and tell you again how much your blog brings me joy – thank you for all that you share….. what a fun post! We have a little BBQ place very similar to this too. Fun capture of the every day – you are too cute for words.

Sara - I like the hot beer, lousy food and bad service sign. hee hee.

MGF - LOVE love lOvE BBQ.
But I know that is how my family would react.
There’s always someone no happy about something

Whitney H - My grandparent’s live in Hutch but I’ve never been to Roy’s. Our family favorite is Hog Wild!! It’s a must everytime we’re in town!

linda lou - susan you have such a beautiful family (:

Jessie Hurst - The bbq looks so tasty and such a fun place. I made your stuffed shells tonight and they were a big hit. My two year old picky eater even hate two whole shells and said they were delicious! This will definitely be a new favorite meal at our house.

Lori - My goodness. There is NOTHING like a down home, hole-in-the-wall bbq joint. The best.

jennifer - Mmmm…. BBQ… YUM!!!
That’s such a great family pic!

AshleyAnn - I am jealous of your ability to always pull off the best jewelry…it looks great on you! The happily fed by BBQ smile looks great on Craig.

Melissa - I live in Hutchinson and you are right…Roy’s is the best! The bread is every bit as good as the meat and sauce. The commercials on the radio say that trains will stop on the tracks across the highway to go into Roy’s for lunch. It is yummy!

Christina - That food looks gooood!!
And the pic at the end is amazing! You got everyone smiling so beautifully!

amy jupin - talby’s pout is classic.
i’ve seen a few like that around here lately too…
ok, so you know i’m a southern girl now, so we have our fair share of bbq, but one of the best ways to eat it is
the stuffed potato: a big honkin baked potato, loaded with butter, sour cream and chives and topped with bbq. add any sauce as desired.
no matter how cranky pants anna is, she always perks up for the stuffed potato!!

Heather Richter - We had a new BBQ joint open up in Leavenworth, KS. It is pretty good and small. A nice deck to relax…”All Slabbed Up”. Great brisket! I have Craig’s face there, not Talby’s. Bless.

Katie Hammerschmidt - I looove Roy’s, too….but it’s been a while since I’ve had it. My parents (who still live in Hutch) usually have some of their sauce in the fridge. YUUUUM.
My next favorite Hutch restaurant is Ken’s Pizza. Then Anchor Inn….shall I go on? πŸ™‚ We’re heading back for the fair this weekend and I’ll be loading up on all sorts of fried stuff!!

Valerie - You’re making me hungry! Love a good BBQ!

kristi rediske - Sounds like a great place to eat! Makes me hungry! Love the family photo-so cute of all of them.

Elizabeth@BlueClearSky - It sounds like a wonderful place to eat. Nothing like that around here that I know of.
Great photo of that family, too.

amy d - that awesome family picture…what a bunch of foxes πŸ™‚

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Gotta love Kansas…if just for the bbq;) Love that pic of you shoveling food in. You crack me up!!

Carla - Wow, those boys have the best hair πŸ™‚

Transparent Mama - The bread looks yummy too. All barbecue joints should be owned by a guy named ROY!

Suzanne - Looks yummy! Here in Virginia we have the “Smokey Pig” – your joint looks very similar to it. Love me some BBQ!

erica - what a great photo! have you thought about making a flickr account and uploading your photos through there, and then using the html code (when you click on the photo in flickr it’s under “share”) to put them on your blog? i was having the same problem with my photos then found out that many sites distort the quality of your pictures when you upload through them. flickr does not, so they look beautiful when you post them to your blog. just wanted to share since i was having the same problem πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh ~ now I want BBQ! Fun! Your jewelry is soooo cute in that pic! Have a great day!

Iris - Mmmmm…Roy’s BBQ. I’ve been there once…who would have thought a girl from Canada would have been to Roy’s BBQ. It is so deliciously yummy!! I finally found a BBQ sauce and a slow cooker recipe that is close to the yumminess of Roy’s, but will never be quite as good. When you live in the far north you do what you can to get close to the real thing.
BTW, I love reading your blog. You are an inspiration…and bring me back to my love for Kansas with the familiar places you talk about.

Heather - We don’t know much about BBQ here in Canada. Like, it’s still just a verb here. I’ve always wanted to try it, though. Think they do delivery?
The photo WAS fabulous of the curly haired boys. You probably already did, but I think a crop of just the mamma and the dark haired boy would be a good one, too. What a great shot. You really have great talent. In your photos, the people always look relaxed and that’s a real knack. A reflection of the sweet disposition of the photographer, I’m thinking.

Rebekah - Those kinds of places are the best. We have a place in our town called, “Carl’s Perfect Pig.” It’s pretty small, shamelessly pink inside, not at all swanky, and always packed. We love it.

Kelly - That looks good and I have to admit I am often more like Talby than Craig and Scott when it comes to bbq. Actually, it’s not so much that I mind eating it, I don’t like smelling like it like you described as soon as you walked in the door. I always want to go home and shower and wash my hair afterwards. πŸ™‚ Kelly

pam - I grew up in Hutch. I’ve never heard about this one. When we go see my parents we go to Hog Wild….we bring home a 6 pack of their sauce. We’ll have to try it next time we go down to see them. I LOVE Bar-b-que places that aren’t open a lot and close when they run out…they tend to be really good.

Staci B - Yum! Looks so good.
Here’s a tip to get your photos more vibrant on the web. When saving them, use “save for web and devices,” then make sure that ICC profiles is checked. That will make a huge difference.

deborah - aw….poor talby. i would’ve totally ate her bbq–to take it off her hands, of course. is that wrong?:)

Kimmy - My husband hunts near Hutch so he only gets to enjoy Roy’s a few times a year. But let me tell ya, he brags about it all year long afterward! I just sent him the link and said “I guess you aren’t the only Roy Fanatic out there.”

miss r - Mmmm I wish there was one near me.

Belinda - I don’t think there is a BBQ cafe in the whole of the UK, after seeing the foodie close-up I’m going to have to find out! Kansas is a little far to go for a BBQ, sadly.
Lovely blog, glad to have found you! Belinda

Keri - Mmmm… I wish there was a BBQ place around here that served BBQ on that kind of bread. That sandwich looks really good. Makes me want to go find one for lunch.

alamama - yum! glad to see that other people have kids who don’t like the food!

Kimberlee J. - Roys BBQ is the best…even though you smell like the place everywhere you go afterwards and people KNOW where you’ve been. I can’t believe you wore such a cute outfit. Smell those beads today. Do they still smell like hickory or mesquite or whatever they use? πŸ™‚

jeana - Oh I just love how all the boys in the last picture have CURLY hair. One of ours does and he hates while everyone else loves it…boys. Of course we love bbq here in TX and that looks great!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yummy BBQ!! I’m jealous lol
Gemma x

Kristin - Great to know about the bbq place! Hutchinson is the closest “big city” to us, so we go there quite a bit. We will definitely try Roy’s.

Karrina - Alright, where did you get your beads? They are mouth watering!

Jodi - I L~O~V~E, LOVE BBQ!! I’m the only one in my family that could eat it just about everyday. We used to have a place like that in my hometown but the owner sold it and the new owners made it into a cafe of somesort…. :o)

Susan - Love it!
I showed Brayden the picture and he said “I want to see megan” so I scrolled up to the picture of you eating potato salad and he said “I like megan” πŸ™‚

Denise - I LOVE your jewelry, Meg! That quilt/blanket the family is laying on is awesome too.

Holly - we have a bbq place like that here…love it! What a cute family!

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i am a happy girl

my mailbox has just been such a happy place recently.
annie loves to bring it to me too and her enthusiasm for packages and catalogs is sweet.

this package was from lisa leonard.
everyone knows lisa….right?
i know you do.


i think i gasped when i opened the package.
and i have worn them both in the the three days i have had them!  :)

i was looking at this necklace with all my babies names and thought "this is ONLY for me."
no one else would find this special.
my mother has other grandchildren so it wouldn't be enough.
same with my mother-in-law.
and it's way too girlie for craig to wear.  HA!
there is no one in the world that would cherish this necklace like i do.
how special this is to me.

i love everything in lisa's shop.
i think it's so cool that real live celebrities wear her jewelry…seriously.

(ps: have you heard that miranda lambert song "the house that built me"?  i really like it)

i love reading lisa's blog.
i love to hear about her family…dream about having curly hair….and see her cute outfits on wednesdays.
and she is a great photographer too.

would you like to WIN some lisa leonard for yourself?

click here. 

Hannah - These are absolutely beautiful! I know my mother would love to have one of those, too. Love your blog Meg!

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craft thursday #10

inspired by eric carle's beautiful butterfly.


i doubled pieces of construction paper and cut lots and lots of shapes…totally random and free hand.

some pieces were wing shaped or body shapes but the rest were just odd shapes.

and they each had a glue stick.



they got busy.
and stayed busy for almost 45 minutes!




talby….whimiscal and happy.

 annie d…..colorful with extra details.


sean's…..identical pattern and perfectly symetrical…sooooo sean.  

ine was the yellow one.
i made it before we started as an example for them.

they were planning who they were giving their butterflies to while making them….i love that.

and just for fun…
more butterfly inspiration for you!
(click on the picture if you want more info.)
Butterfly wand copy  Il_430xN.144840407 





3422249197_c88dbc4e27   Il_430xN.147791803

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Sheila - Don’t know if someone already said this, but this would be fun with a felt board.
sorry if I repeated this idea.

anne c - sean’s looks like an african mask…so cool!

Trina McNeilly - I love all this butterflyness…. I so need to get crafting with my kids.
Just so you know… you so inspire me….. 5 kids, a happy marriage, love for God, a successful & fun blog, your own photography business & I’m sure a number of other things that you juggle. Thanks for sharing you’re life with all of us!

Elizabeth - Thank you for the great project! It inspired me to do it with my little one…and blog about it!

crystal beutler - You do the funnest things with your kids! Hey were your ears burning this weekend. I was sitting at the table with a group of women at Spark and I heard this Australian woman name Jasmine mention your name. I said “Do you know Meg? I just love reading her blog.” Then Blue Lily, Jasmine and I had a sweet conversation about you!” You definitely have to come next year. You would seriously love it! And I would love meeting you in person!

Christa aka BabbyMama - I love the swirly mouth butterfly! What a fun idea πŸ™‚

Wendy - Love this idea! This makes me think of the amazing Butterfly House in our area. If you are ever in St Louis, you must stop and visit – it’s simply magical.

Biz - Super cute! That was one of my favoite books as a kid. Here is another crafty idea. I assume that you have a large amount of scrap fabric so this might be perfect for the kids. You could get smaller wreath forms so they could hang them on bedroom doors and wouldn’t take as long to make.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Awesome craft. Butterflies are my favorite! - How cool is this project!!! You know, I have been following your blog now for alongtime, and I have never left any comments before, but I just have to now… Not a day goes by that I do not fit you in my busy schedule, I mean seriously I am addicted to checking out what you do next with your family, or just you being YOU!!!! You make me laugh all the time, and you also make me think alot too!!! I have always admired you for so many reasons, but that would take a entire email problay to explain, but for no other reason than the fact that you are a Mom as I am with four daughters, and I admire all the things you try to do with your children to keep them busy and enjoying this life in a fun and creative way… I hope you know as I am sure by now you do, how Wonderful you really are!!!! Have a great day!!!!
Michelle Torres

Erin @ Cultivating Home - I’m so glad you posted this idea! My three year old loves art projects and this will be perfect for him.

Syaheeda - i recognize the book! it’s the hungry caterpillar! i used to read it to my nephew all the time! anw, what a fun craft idea! thanks for sharing!

Heather - scissors, glue and paper. Life doesn’t get much better. I really liked the outcome!

Christina - What is awesome about this is that it is so totally simple and everyday, but with the direction you gave them, they had such a good time and were sooo busy! Love the simplicity…as usual you are inspiring!

melissa - Love it. I think the girls and I will be making butterflies soon!
Thanks for a wonderful idea!

PinkPeanutButter - How cute! I may have to steal this idea from you! Thank you for posting it!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I love it so so much!

kat - Those are GORGEOUS! I love all of them, especially Sean’s!

Jess Mead - Love it! Added it to my ‘Stuff I Love’ section!!

candace - Have you ever seen a video of Eric Carle at work? It is fabulousy amazing! He sits in his studio and paints tissue paper with watercolors. Then, he cuts them up to create the actual images you see in the books. I LOVE Eric Carle for the richness of both his books and art!
Your butterflies are great!
Went to his website and found the link below. The video I saw in college was a lot more interesting but you get the idea here.

julia - will you come and do crafts at my house? I’ll just pick up after you guys (you can do the rest :))

Melanie - I love the butterfly bouquet! Beautiful!

sara's art house - I Love this!!!!! eric Carle is my fave- and the very hungry caterpillar is THE BEST! What a fun project- I have to do this with my kids!!!!

jeanne - I love that you do this with the kids each week!!! You are such a good mommy:-)

Emily E. - I love the butterfly craft and will definitely be borrowing this for my own little ones. What do you usually do with all of the cool projects the kids make? They spend so much time making them, I always feel bad when they end up in the trash… Any ideas?

Jenni McIntire - I had your blog open in Google reader. My 4 year old son saw the pictures of this craft and begged me to help him make a butterfly, too. He especially liked Talby’s. He said, “I want to make my butterfly just like that.” Thanks for the idea!

Spencer - So sweet….. Several years ago we took my grandson to an Eric Carle exhibit at the art museum…. He loved it.
Warm blessings,

jennifer - so cool! such a great idea!

tara pollard pakosta - how fuN!!!!!!!!
I need my girls to do these!!!
We homeschool now and are making an art day
with their best friends every friday!!!
thanks for always inspiring me!!!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - SO fun!
L.O.V.E that ‘Free to Fly’ print! πŸ˜‰

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - Gorgeous!!!! This is one of my favorites that you have done.
Just a question – can you post the link to the butterfly bouquet? When I click on the picture it takes me to the picture url on your site not more info about the picture.
Thanks for all the inspiration!

Dandy - I love how all the kids have their own style.
I’m dying over that butterfly bouquet!

Beth - Very cool! That first “inspiration” picture, the butterfly wand. WOW!! Check out (the red line at the top is sculpture, which is my favorite. I think you’ll really like her stuff — not butterflies, but bright colors and cool paper sculptures. I’m trying to figure out a lesson using her work for inspiration, The butterfly wand inspires me too!!

Penny - The shot of Talby cutting is just beautiful. She is deep in thought. Love it. Great idea, too.

Beth - GREAT craft!! So pretty. I’ll be trying this with my kids for sure very soon. THanks!

simpledaisy - Lovely!!! I love that book too:)

Holly - so pretty Meg!

Michelle - This is a great idea Meg. I love it because it’s easy enough for my 3 year old.

Tam - Oh the butterflies are beautiful. Great idea. Eric Carle books have always been a favorite of mine….

Claire Wood - Love this. We have done a similar craft with the book, ‘Color Zoo.’ I cut out basic shapes in a variety of construction paper colors, and the object is to use the shapes to make different animals. My kids got very creative. Another book/craft/project we’ve done is to have a ‘Pinkalicious’ Party. My girls love Pinkalicious and so we made pink cupcakes with pink icing and had pink lemonade.
Your crafting totally speaks my Love Language.

firefly hill - Beautiful! I love that you used Eric Carle for inspiration…

Kat - Beautiful Meg.
You do the most awesome and inspiring craft with your kids.
One of these days I will do some with mine.

Nikki - I look forward to your craft Thursday posts.
I love the butterfly’s… what a great idea!
Sean reminds me of my son Eli πŸ™‚
Nikki πŸ˜€
*mums notebook*

Kristi - Love the imagery you chose at t he end of the post. What a great idea for a craft! I bought the supplies to do the flower watercolor art you did, at the beginning of the summer, but we still haven’t gotten around to it. πŸ™
Just just have the best ideas for getting your kids together and getting them to be creative.
~ The Speckled Dog

carla - How timely, my little lady and I were just reading the vhc last night πŸ™‚

Julie - LOVE that idea! Your creations are beautiful. I’m so going to steal this idea and do this with my kiddos. Thanks for the inspiration!

PaisleyJade - Beautiful!!! Such a great idea!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, LOVE this idea! glue sticks. that makes mine very happy.

The Mother Lode - What beautiful butterflies!

Lisa - Wow what a great idea meg. This is definitely something I could do with the girlies. I was just thinking of you as i posted about making cornflour paint. I think your kids would love using it.

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storms, walmart and a request.




i took these pictures a month ago.
a storm that was so eery as it blew in really quickly.
the clouds felt so low and dark.

* i opened the drawer yesterday where we keep our toilet paper and it had nothing in it but baseballs.

* i saw a woman at walmart yesterday wearing a t-shirt that said "I TWITTER NAKED"  
  it was wrong on so many levels.

* not only did i EAT at a walmart mcdonalds….i used the bathroom at walmart too.  
  i felt like i needed a Germ-X bath when i got home. 

* yesterday i was at my childrens' sports practices, game and school way too many times.

* i cleaned my kitchen at 1:30 AM.

* i received THESE in the mail today….very fun….THANKS!

* i get to eat Roy's BBQ for lunch tomorrow.

* when i was running yesterday i was dying for it to rain so i could quit.  

* it didn't.

* oh that same run….three squirrels were playing chase and ran RIGHT in front of me…like within a foot.  
  i screamed like a girl and leaped in the air all goofy.  

which bring me to my last request…..
MUSIC for work outs.

i am so bored of my playlists on my iPod.
i want to know your favorite songs you like to listen to when you workout.
don't worry about offending me with your choices….i like rap.  i like rock.  i like pop.
i have all of that.
i want a song with a serious beat.

i want to know your REAL favorites.

(but my current favorite is Ke$ha….Your Love is My Drug)

susan - believe or not …sugar sugar by the archies :0 its just fun

Anne-Marie - I’m a runner too. I need music to give me a good butt-kicking. Here’s just a few.
INXS (80s is my era)
U2-lots of old&new. “No Line on the Horizon” is great!
Gavin DeGraw- “I Don’t Want to Be” & “In Love With a Girl”
Train- “Hey, Soul Sister” & “If It’s Love”
Maroon 5
You can also download Pod-runner to your Ipod. All heavy beat.
Happy Workout!
AM from CT

Andrea - I don’t see any of these above, so…
One Hot Momma – Trace Adkins
Undo it – Carrie Underwood
The way you make me feel – Michael Jackson

Caron - Try Podrunner on iTunes. Free downloads with music that won’t distract you from your pace, it’s good for training and trying to step up a notch. The music is catagorized in beats per minutes to help you stay focused. It’s maybe not for everyone, but it is helpful. I used it in a marathon to keep my pace steady. One earphone in, one out for safety!

Re - ‘Jealous of My Boogie’ by RuPaul!!

Caron - A year ago, I quit listening to music while I run. One song I loved for the pace that no one has mentioned is Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-lot. That’s great for keeping feet moving.

carla - Among my favourites are AC/DC, especially Thunderstruck ((the opening riff will have you running a six minute mile :-)) and most of palookaville by Fat Boy Slim, especially Wonderful Night. Hth

Jennifer Ann - I know this is a way late comment. I don’t spend that much time online….I have a 6 month old. However, I am also a fan of that Ke$ha song. You should check out the DJ called Girl Talk. We bought the CD called Feed the Animals on iTunes. It has so many good mixes for working out. It can keep my legs going when my mind is screaming “Stop and get ice cream now!”.

Terri - Oops! I forgot by new favorite. I LOVE the new Eminem and Rihanna song “I love the way you lie”. Again, I could go on….

Terri - I love Lay’em Down by Needtobreath; Hold Us Together by Matt Maher; Bright Light by Matchbox 20; All Night Long by Joe Walsh. I could REALLY go on but I don’t have my ipod at work with me (yep, reading your blog at work!!) I love it. You inspire me in so many ways. Thank you for your blog and for opening your life for us to see. It is wonderful! Take care and have a blessed and wonderful day!

Tracy - Hey! Hey! by Superchicks and Last Dance for MaryJane by Tom Petty are good ones. The Petty song has a strong beat, almost like a cadence. I will look for a few more too. Also go to they have some set up for the Couch to 5K running program and even if you are not following the program, you might find there playlists (at least the song choices) helpful.

Tami - Anything 80’s with a beat. But I also love Pink, Gwen Stefani, and Katy Perry.

elz - Mine are listed here
My favorite is How Low by Ludacris, I has a great beat! You simly can not stay still with it playing.

Kameron - The best running song is “Canned Heat” by Jamiroquoi. Think dance scene in Napoleon Dynamite. It’s long and gets me pumped up every time!

Kiki Craig - Have you ever heard of Robbie Williams? He’s a favorite of mine. Some are lovey soft music, and some have a great beat! And he’s nice on the eyes….

Lynn - Pink is really good. She’s got a lot of really bouncy ones. I have a playlist with a lot of her fast paced ones that I play when I need motivation to keep moving.

April Brown - I just found this website yesterday because I was having the same problem. All of my music was too boring or too repetitious. I LOVE all the different choices of styles and energy (and the fact that you could listen to them on the site).

caroline - Try The Black Keys, Arcade Fire, Kings of Leon, Janelle Monae for new bands OR go back to the 80s and get some Loverboy, Bon Jovi, Joan Jett, AC/DC, and Def Leppard. That would be a rocking good run!

Denissa - I’ve been sucking wind BIG time on my runs lately πŸ™ but Pink ,Lady Gaga, and some Kelly Clarkson are always good ones to give me that little extra when I have no more! πŸ™‚

deb meyers - hahahaha, and I just remembered an oldie I haven’t used since my kids were littttttle:
From the Prince of Egypt soundtrack, the Chariot Race.
deb meyers

deb meyers - from The Apostle soundtrack (and my Sun. a.m. workout):
“I’m a Soldier” … Lyle Lovett
“Victory is Mine” by Sounds of Blackness
deb meyers

whitney - List of Demands (Reparations) by Saul Williams.
It’s from an old Nike ad and is great to run to!

Courtney - If I worked out more than once every six months on average I could answer your question, instead I have a little story for you. One time, while I was pregnant with my daughter, I was so nauseous I couldn’t hold it any more and had to use the walmart restroom to vomit. Talk about wanting a Germ-X bath when you get home.

Renee - kanye west’s touch the sky is the best & so is stronger obviously.

Dana - I read every comment to see if anyone suggested these. My fav is
Shewolf- Shakira

Deedra P. - Mockingbird – Rob Thomas
Misery – Maroon 5
I added these to mine last week and they are AWESOME!!!

Mary Ann - Great post! I need new music as well and I’m constantly scrambling for a pen and paper when I’m in the car to write songs down! A few that I love:
Cha-Ching – Hedley
Rock & Roll – Eric Hutchinson
Hey There Delilah – Plain White Ts
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
Cursed – The Swell

Amy - Flawless(go to the city) george michael
Lyric “your beautiful, you are and you know it”
great great beat
FYI there is some bad words not for the kids but that’s why I listen to it when on my ipod while out walking.

Karyn - DEFINITELY Mika. My ‘treadmill playlist’ has “Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)”, “Relax, Take it Easy”, and “Love Today.” More of a power walking tempo, but still great.
Jennifer Lopez “Let’s Get Loud” is great too!

Sugar Mama - so, I didn’t read through all of the comments before posting, so I’m sure I’ll have some duplicates:
Black Eyed Peas: I gotta feeling & Let’s Get it Started
Fall Out Boy: America’s Suitehearts
Gavin DeGraw: I don’t wanna be
Natasha Bedingfield: Pocketful of Sunshine
Rehab: 1980
Train: Hey Soul Sister
Any of the more upbeat Vitamin String Quartet songs
Sara bareills: King of Anything & Love Song
Nelly Furtado: Maneater
I don’t have my iPod sitting here and can’t remember the rest. Hope it helps!

Georgia - My favourite ‘Happy’ song at the moment is-
But im also loving…
Beautiful Monster – Ne-yo
Club cant handle me – Flo rida
Airplanes – B.O.B

Javanut - -C’mon C’mon by The Von Bondies (The theme song to Rescue Me…the music from that show is GREAT)
-Be A Man by Hole (Great for pounding the pavement!)
-At Your Side by Moby (the Moby cd Play actually has some great running tunes…)
-TNT by ACDC πŸ˜‰
-O…Saya from the Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack. It’s GREAT for running.
-Say Hey (I love You) by Michael Franti (this makes me wanna dance and smile at everyone I pass by but maybe it will keep you moving!)
-Move It, Hermeitco and War Again by Balkan Beat Box. Very different beats and music but mixing it up I find helps a lot…
Good luck!

Jenna - It’s embarrassing, but … Shakira “Hips Don’t Lie”

Samantha - I agree, I need something with a good beat for any kind of walking/running.
She wants to move – N.E.R.D.
Shooting Star (Remix) – LMFAO <-- REALLY good. Krazy - Pitbull ft. Lil Jon Dynamite - Taio Cruz Club Can't Handle Me - Flo-rida If I Had You - Adam Lambert Hit the Floor - Linkin Park (good to get some anger out)

jody - try no music,
listen to nature, to the quiet,
to the rhythmic striking of your feet on the ground…
God always speaks to me on my runs…if i listen.
just my 2 cents…
keep running!:)

Melissa - No play list here-but I do agree with your excitement about eating at Roy’s!!!
Love your blog!

Jenny Wren's - I love that Ke$ha song too! At the moment, I seem to work out best to the real rocky tunes on the Marie Antoinette SDTRK, Hong Kong Garden is one of my favorites, for some reason I seem to walk faster or “ski” harder to it. The slower songs are good for your down time or when you are just warming up. I also go through phases of 80’s soundtracks and “Footloose” is at the top of the pile at the moment! πŸ™‚

jamie - Here are few that I like:
I’m Alive- Celine Dion
Break my stride- Mathew Wilder
Take on Me- Aha
Rosanna- Toto
Never Again- Kelly Clarkson
Invisible touch- Genesis
I love anything from the 80’s.
You are inspiring me now to get my butt up and get to running too. Thanks Meg.

becki - You listen to Pandora radio, right?
Crank it up one day when the kids are gone and you’ll get some inspiration there, too.

Ann - I am a bit old school in my workout choices:
Janet Jackson – Love Will Never Do Without You …bonus: the Herb Ritts video is in my head featuring Djimon Hounsou.
George Michael – Freedom 90 and Fastlove

Brandy-Rena - After Midnight – Travie McCoy
Peacock – Katy Perry
DJ Got Us Falling in Love – Usher
Dynamite – Taio Cruz
Bobblehead – Christina Aguilera
369 – Cupid
Damaged – Danity Kane
I Don’t Care – Fall Out Boy
Club Can’t Handle Me – Flo Rida
Lose Control – House of Heroes
Winner – Jamie Foxx
Can’t Be Tamed – Miley Cyrus
Swing – Savage
Feel It – 3 6 Mafia

Bec - Percussion Gun – White Rabbit (you said you wanted a beat!)
Uprising – Muse
Kids – MGMT
Im’ma Shine – Youngbloodz
Bring me to Life – Evanesence
Hi – Psapp
Call On Me – Eric Prydz
Ave Mary A – Pink (or pretty much anything by her)
All I Ever Wanted – Kelly Clarkson
Stronger – Kanye West
Magic – B.O.B.
Ooh Ah – Grits
The Gift – Angels and Airwaves
Heard it on the Radio – The Bird and the Bee
That’s the condensed version πŸ™‚ I have to have a variety of music otherwise I get bored.

Shelly - I have a friend that runs a lot, she told me the other day that Lady Gaga is good… a lot of upbeat stuff.

Rachel - Love the photos….try DJ Girl Talk. He mixes old rap/hip hop with stuff like James Taylor, Rick Springfield etc. Very cool mixes and great to work out to or even dance to, because we all know its fun to dance around by yourself!! I don’t think he is on i-tunes, but you can find him on Amazon which will then transfer to your i-tunes account!!

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - I’ll confess I totally listen to Ludacris when I’m running. So, so, completely, entirely offensive…but good workout music nonetheless. I’m sure no one would ever guess that’s what I’m listening to by looking at me. πŸ˜‰
Of course, Eye of the Tiger gets everyone pumped up, too. Happy running!

Libby B. - Wow. Lots of great choices here. I like Regina Spektor a lot. Also, Rage Against The Machine, Bjork, The Shins, Gossip, and The Killers.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
Thank you for this post as I am bookmarking it for myself. This is an amazing list. I’ve been wanting an exercise soundtrack for awhile now. Hopefully a lot of these will work for us walkers too.

Jill - Holy Cats! Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!
Very cool but very eerie! After living through a tornado I look at those clouds in a whole new way!

Kimberlee J. - So fun to read what everyone is listening to during their workout…and that so many are working out. Inspiring.
And now at 4:30ish in the morning all I can think about it Roy’s BBQ sauce. Buy a few bottles and bring them home. You won’t regret it.

misty - Pump it – Black eyed peas
De ja vu – Beyonce
Anything punchy, bouncy and fast

Sarah-jayne - just had to say that i came to america a few months ago from englad and had an amazing time. i have a supermarket obcession and spent alot of time in walmart (terrible i know)
Just had to say that i listend to Ke$ha – your love is my drug all the time over there and love it!!!
Your blog is brilliant and i always look forward to reading what you have been up to.

Eryn - House music!! It has so many crazy beats that you can totally fall into step with when jogging. Love it!
A few of my favs:
1) Infinity by Klaas
2) Where’s Your Head At? by Klaas
3) Our Own Way by Klaas
4) This Time by Klaas
5) The Way by Klaas
6) Downtown by Klaas
7) Work It Out by Klaas
…Ok, so I have a minor addiction lately to Klaas. And I do not use this music to run. But it totally always makes me FEEL like I should… I just am not a huge fan of running incidentally. Hm, bummer. Anyways, you will totally love running 95x more when you have these crazy, perfectly-timed-beats-that-always-seem-to-match-your-stride, intense songs pumping through your headphones! Promise!! <3

LibraryGirl62 - In Walmart~I once saw a VERY pregnant woman who was all of 4’10” tall with a shirt that said : ” I have the pu$$y, I make the rules” I threw up in my mouth a little…

Kristy - I’ve just started running again…such a love hate relationship!
May I suggest:
American Boy – Estelle with Kanye
Hard Times & It’s Like That – RUN DMC
Bennie & The Jets- Elton John
Where It’s At – Beck
Empire State of Mind – Alicia Keys
Closer – Ne-Yo – I don’t think this was mentioned more than once or twice. I heard this in a spin class awhile back and added it right away. GREAT push song.
Free – Zac Brown Band
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond (you might be surprised)
I do not see this last one on here. It’s a slower one. I’ve never skipped this one when it comes on while running. You will play it over and over, you just can’t get enough. I know you will love it! So much emotion:
Kandi – One EskimO

Leanne - i would have to say that my top 2 albums (okay, some songs i skip) for working out are linkin park “meteora” and P.O.D. “sattelite”.

Stephenie Avarello - I asked my daughter for some suggestions too:
B.Reith – The Comeback Kid
Superchick – One More, Its On, Alive
Barlowgirl – One More Round, My God’s Enough (with Todd Agnew)
Krystal Meyers – Only You Make Me Happy, Make Some Noise
Britt Nicole – Headphones, Welcome to the Show, Glow
Skillet – Hero
VOTA – Hard to Believe, I’ll Go
Newsboys – I am Free, Wherever We Go, Something Beautiful
Stellar Kart – Automatic, Activate

april - Those are great storm pics!!! You wont see anything like that when you come to Cali…lols

Melanie - Ensengo – Selah awesome beat and worship too!
and I am going to bring you back into the 80’s with…
Here I go again — White Snake
I alwasy start my runs off with this one. It is AWESOME! Try it. I promise that you’ll love it.

Julie - I think that if I actually ran, I would listen to (the tempo seems right):
C’mon C’mon – The Von Bondies
A-Punk – Vampire Weekend
Starlight – Muse
Bulletproof – La Roux
Borderline/Open Your Heart – Glee Cast
Kids – MGMT
Under the Milky Way – The Church
Just Like Heaven – The Cure
Times Like These – Foo Fighters
Everlong – Foo Fighters
Glass of Water – Coldplay
I Melt With You – Modern English
Don’t You Know You’re Beautiful – Seabird
Sweet Disposition – The Temper Trap
And then when you are back home, enjoy some ice cold water and listen to:
A Beautiful World- Tim Myers

Sarah - If you can get on board with a foreign tongue…Regaeton. It’s basically Spanish hip hop. I love it. My husband loaded a bunch on my iPod for my runs. Good stuff. πŸ™‚

janelle - Run to The Killers…most songs are good for it.
Vampire Weekend…makes you happy while you run – crazy but true.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - I have 96 songs on my workout playlist. I wish I were motivated enough to get through 12 of them. Blah…..
Michael Jackson, Don’t Stop til You Get Enough, Rock With You
Prince, 1999, Little Red Corvette, Baby I’m a Star, Let’s Go Crazy
Dazz Band, Let it Whip
Jeffrey Osbourne, Stay With me Tonight
Bee Gees, Jive Talkin, Night Fever & Stayin Alive
STP, Vasoline
The Outfield, Your Love
Sister Hazel, All For You
Jay Sean, Do You Remember & Down
Flo Rida, Low
Good Charlotte, I Don’t Wanna Be In Love
Melissa Etheridge, Piece of My Heart & I Run for Life
Uncle Kracker, Good To Be Me
Goo Goo Dolls, Long Way Down, American Girl, Slide
Earth Wind & Fire, September
Van Morrison, Brown Eyed Girl
Jimmy Buffett, Cheeseburger in Paradise
Van Halen, Dance the Night Away
Kool and The Gang, Get Down on It
Metro Station, Shake It
Marky Mark, Good Vibrations
Those are the songs I don’t fast forward or skip.

Hilary - Cobrastyle by the Teddy Bears!
(so fun)

Syaheeda - viva la vida (coldplay)
use somebody (kings of leon)
my life would suck without you (kelly clarkson)
when im running that last stretch that feels like forever, i’ll listen to Kanye’s Stronger

erin - had lots of the same suggestions that were already mentioned, but these are a couple of my new favorites:
“sleep now in the fire” by rage against the machine
“imma be” by black eyed peas
“it’s a new day” by

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - I just bought the Lady Gaga cd “The Fame Monster” – I really like Bad Romance… it gets me going. πŸ™‚

Kendra - The Killers. Mumford & Sons. - this is my workout playlist :]
1. power – kanye west.
2. love like whoa – the ready set.
3. f*** you – cee lo green.
4. like a g6 – far east movement.
5. just a dream – nelly.
6. secrets – one republic.
7. the man that got away – judy garland.
8. getting some fun out of life – billie holiday.
9. beyond the sea – bobby darin.
10. in the mood – glenn miller.
11. smoke a little smoke – eric church.
12. little miss can’t be wrong – spin doctors.
13. if it’s love – train.
14. our kind of love – lady antebellum.
15. ‘fore she was mama – clay walker.
16. gone – montgomery gentry.
17. magic – b.o.b.
18. stuck like glue – sugarland.
19. fly – sugar ray.
20. just the way you are – bruno mars.
21. while you’re still young – montgomery gentry.
22. only prettier – miranda lambert. (LOVE this one)
23. makin’ me fall in love again – kellie pickler.
24. could it be you – h wood.
25. everyday a star is born – jay z.
26. got your back – t.i.
27. light of the morning – band of skulls.
28. lover – devandra banhart.
29. crazytown – jason aldean.
30. up on the ridge – dierks bentley.
31. rock that body – black eyed peas.
32. cooler than me – chris posner.
33. bulletproof – la roux.
34. whistlin’ dixie – randy houser.
35. ain’t back yet – kenny chesney.
36. hip to my heart – the band perry.
37. i can’t get next to you – the temptations.
38. giddy on up – laura bell bundy.
39. keep on loving you – steel magnolias.
40. i’m awesome – spose (hilarious).
41. put a girl in it – brooks and dunn.
42. hillbilly bone – blake shelton.
43. she’s country – jason aldean.
44. wonderful – gary go.
45. rosalita – bruce springsteen.
46. smooth – carlos santana.
47. lisztomania – phoenix.
48. every day is a holiday – esthero.
49. my give a damn’s busted – jo dee messina.
50. i still remember – bloc party
51. this will be (an everlasting love) – natalie cole.
52. there she goes – the la’s.
53. ca. – buckfast.
54. what you know – t.i.
55. sundress – ben kweller.
56. follow you down – gin blossoms.
57. cold december – matt costa.
58. let’s be friends (skin to skin) – bruce springsteen.
holy cow… i just realized i gave you fifty-eight songs. yikes! well, i hope you enjoy ’em all. :]

Sally - I second so many of these songs, but I have this horrible problem of getting bored of a song and then wanting to switch it and then not finding just the “right” song. You are probably really going to laugh, but when I was training for a half marathon, I actually got the Harry Potter series on cd from the library and put them on my ipod (shhh! don’t tell the library!) Honestly, it was the best idea I ever had. Very distracting so I wasn’t thinking about how much I hate running and entertaining at the same time!

Lisa - Black Eyed Peas (several of their songs) and the song that I think is called “Hey, Soul Sister”?? I may totally have that wrong since I’m horrible with titles and names. I have NO idea who sings it. πŸ™‚ I know what you mean about getting sick of your workout music. I have to switch mine every once in awhile. Problem is you run out of songs! Good Luck!

Ashley B. - Panic! at the Disco (that’s the name of the band, exclamation point and all) has some weird song titles, the main one I’d reccommend is “The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage,” but I like the entire CD called A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out (which has that song on it). Interesting lyrics with a catchy, very energetic beat.
Also, Fallout Boy…they’re my main workout soundtrack. The two CDs I have that are my fave (I put my CDs on my Zune, which I take to work out), are called From Under the Cork Tree, and Take This to Your Grave.
I’m 23, and like rock music, but I consider these pretty tame, so I hope this helps πŸ™‚
PS-I love your blog!!! Lol the colors and content both, they make my day πŸ™‚

Taylor - This remix of Britney Spears’ Toxic and Usher’s Yeah is AMAZING! It always makes me want to run. Unfortunately, its only on YouTube, but I know there’s multiple sites for burning YouTube stuff to your itunes! Trust me, its worth it! πŸ™‚
Btw, the pix of the storm are STUNNING!

kat - Here are a few fun ones to get you moving… if nothing else, you’ll be shaking your groove thang…
Party Up (Up in here) DMX
Imma Be (Black Eyed Peas)
Stayin’ Alive (N-trance)
Say my name (Destiny’s Child)
No Diggity (Blackstreet)
Ghetto Superstar
You Can Do it (Ice-T)
This is how we do it (Montell Jordan)
Young Forever (Jay-Z)
Empire State of Mind (Jay-Z)
Country Grammar (Nelly)
Rump Shaker (Wreckx n effex)

Victoria Vicary - “Come on Eileen” by Save Ferris
“Hey Ya” by Outkast
“Raspberry Beret” by Prince
“Ray of Light” Madonna
“Bad Reputation” Joan Jett
“Shut Up and Let Me Go” Ting Tings
Love your blog. Happy itunes shopping!

julia - oh, my husband had me download “Welcome to the Jungle” on my iPod between my first and second half marathons last year. My time improved by 10 minutes.

julia - I know a Southern Baptist shouldn’t admit this but I just downloaded “Poker Face” and “Just Dance” by Lady Gaga onto my iPod.
When I heard Poker Face in the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, I had to have it.
I can’t wait to read other suggestions.

Dawn - I like all music so it’s really hard for me to suggest. I have a teenage son and when I get in a music rut I have him download some stuff for me. Sometimes it’s really cool. If you don’t have a teenager, ask a neighborhood kid. They’ll do it and maybe even enjoy it, go figure. Anyhow I really wanted to comment on the storm. I grew up in Iowa and I really miss the great storms we used to have. Nothing like that in Southern California.

Ann - cascada “evacuate the dance floor”
justin timberlake “sexy back”
timberland “the way I are’
soulja boy “swing” <--- GREAT etelle "American boy" thousand foot krutch "rawkfist" and my fav: ice cream paint job πŸ™‚ have fun running!

Mary-Beth - Green Day’s American Idiot has the best beat to set up a running pace…if you run in line with the music, you’ll be at a 10 minute mile pace. I have been using this song for about 4 years now to get me through the last leg of each run! It works. I also start with Patty Griffin’s “Love throws a line,” though mostly for the words, not the tempo.

erica - My two new favorites:
Mary J Blige- Whole Lotta Love
Avril Lavigne – Hot

Jennifer O'Steen - this is totally random, but it reminded me of something you would like

Mary - These are my favorites that haven’t already been posted. Enjoy!
“Pocket Full of Sunshine”- Natasha Bedingfield
“I Am Not My Hair” – India.Arie (The version featuring Akon)

Julie - MJ-Smooth Criminal Black Eyed Peas-Imma Be, or anything they sing

Mindy Harris - Madonna’s Confessions on a Dance Floor has a few I like, namely, Forbidden Love. Sometimes I just set it to repeat that song and I’ve done that for, oh, 5 years?
Also, there’s a song by Nelly Furtado called Maneater that gets me kindof mad (like “yeah I’m a maneater!), which makes me run better.
HAVE FUN gettin’ your run on.

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Great storm pix!
I’ve got some of the already mentioned songs on my running/workout list. Here are some that I haven’t seen:
Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm
You Can’t Stop the Beat from the Hairspray soundtrack
One Week by Barenakes Ladies
I got a feeling by Blackeyed Peas
Take a Chance On Me from the Mama Mia soundtrack
1 2 3 4 by Coolio
Salvation by The Cranberries
Gives You Hell, Lady is a Tramp, Bad Romance from Glee
American Idiot, Holiday, Welcome to Paradise by Green Day
Family Affair by Mary J Blige
A Girl Named Tennessee by Needtobreathe
Get This Party Started, So What by Pink
All Mixed Up by 311
I love seeing what other people are working out to!

Melanie - I love your photos of the clouds and yes, they are scary. They do look low too.

Teresa - Me Against the Music – Britney Spears
California Gurls – Katy Perry
Hot n Cold – Katy Perry
Lose Yourself – Eminem (great song that gets me pumped up when I feel like quitting.. seriously)
Not Afraid – Eminem
Get Up – Ciara
Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado
All For You – Janet Jackson

Amber Ferrier - Sometimes when I’m running I need the mellow lose yourself kind of music. The hard hitting rap and rock sometimes gives me a headache. So I go for:
Ryan Adams-Come pick me up (awesome song)
Whiter shade of pale
Iron and Wine-Flightless Bird, American Mouth (amazing)
Duffy-I’m scared (you’ll love it)
Hope these help!

Lana - My 3 faves…
“Run” by Collective Soul
“Ordinary” by Train
“Yesterday” by 30 Seconds to Mars

Holly - Almost the whole Kings of Leon ” Only by the Night” album….it is really good..looks like you have a lot of great suggestions Meg. That storm did look scary!

Routhie - Once upon a time, I clubbed all over the world. I still find that same dance music is a good motivator to keep moving and it’s fun remember when…. Best part is, most of the albums play like one long cd with no breaks in between. It’s no wonder I used to be skinnier! They are a fast, strong beat. I recommend the Ministry of Sound Annuals–I am currently enjoying 2000 but a lot of late 90s and early 2000s are really good. Most dance music compilations are pretty good if they are coming out of the UK.

Danielle - I really enjoy most every song on the “Daredevil” soundtrack.

Betsy - I just ordered the “doodle me” notepad from lobotoME yesterday for my mother’s b-day. I saw them in Real Simple. I want one too!

shelly - To work out, i love most anything black eyed peas. Pump It always gets me moving faster!

Heather - I am not really a runner. I need good music as a bribe for myself to even go work out! Here’s my current playlist:
Kids- MGMT
Electric Feel- MGMT
Africa- Toto
All the Small Things- Blink-182
Zak and Sara- Ben Folds
Beautiful Life- Ace of Base (go ahead, laugh- the beat is good and it reminds me of Night at the Roxbury!)
Billie Jean- Michael Jackson
Dead Man (Carry Me)- Jars of Clay
Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough- Michael Jackson
Eye of the Tiger- Survivor (this one is ESSENTIAL for me!)
Float on- Modest Mouse
The Fox- Nickel Creek
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun- Cyndi Lauper
If- House of Heroes
Hello Hurricane- Switchfoot
Here is our King- David Crowder Band
New Shoes- Paolo Nutini
Jessie’s Girl- Rick Springfield
Kick Drum Heart- The Avett Brothers
Life In Technicolor ii- Coldplay
Lift Your Eyes- Leeland
Sadie Hawkins Dance- Relient K
More than Fine- Switchfoot
My Future Decided- Hillsong United
Mykonos- Fleet Foxes
O Valencia!- The Decemberists
Oxford Comma- Vampire Weekend
Telephone- Lady Gaga and Beyonce
Since U Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson
Somebody Told Me- The Killers
Spaceman- The Killers
Stole My Heart- Little and Ashley
Uptown Girl- Billy Joel
What’s my Age Again?- Blink-182
You don’t know me- Ben Folds feat. Regina Spektor
It has to be A LOT of songs so I can skip freely!! Funny that it’s mostly alphabetical- guess that’s how I added them. πŸ™‚

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - 90’s Dance Tunes!
Seriously, ain’t NOBODY fat in the 90’s. LOL
Here are a dozen on my (mock) iPod that make my treadmill time fly:
1. Rythmn is a Dancer – Snap
2. I’m Gonna Get You – Bizarre Inc.
3. Ooh Ahh, Just A Little Bit – Gina G.
4. Mr. Vain – Culture Beat
5. It’s Like That – Run DMC
6. The Key, The Secret – Urban Cookie Collective
7. Be My Lover – Corona
8. Now That We’ve Found Love – Heavy D. & The Boys
9. Strike It Up – Black Box
10. Ya’ll Ready For This – 2 Unlimited
11. Get Up – Technotronic
12. This is Your Night – Amber

the whyte house - i just added on my player:
the heavy-how you like me now(kia commercial song!)
radiohead- 15 step
paramore- brick by boring brick
foo fighters-everlong
linkin park- faint
florence and the machine- kiss w a fist, dog days are over
two door cinema club- i can talk
muse-(they have a lot fast paced tempo music)
hyper music
map of the problematique
stockholm syndrome

Ashley - A few that keep me movin’ on the treadmill… πŸ™‚
3 (One, Two, Three)- Britney Spears
7 Things- Miley Cyrus
Good Girls Go Bad- Cobra Starship
Lip Gloss- Lil Mama

patti - i love working out to Gwen Stefani and OK Go. Also old rap…like Rob Base and DJ Easy Rock.

Jenn - Well I think you have plenty of ideas already… but if you need more here are some…
I don’t have much time to run these days, but I rock this on my ipod while at work and I’ve been known to dance my way to the color printer room, and then get caught dancing when someone else comes in to get their stuff. Very embarrassing πŸ™‚ Anyway, these are the same songs I love to work out to. Good beats.
Hey Mama – Black Eyed Peas
Sexy Back – JT
Low (feat. T-Pain) – Flo Rida
Shake Your Pom Pom – Missy Elliot
Church (feat. Teddy Verseti) – T-Pain
369 (feat. B.O.B.) – Cupid
I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
Let It Rock – Kevin Rudolf and Lil Wayne
Morning after Dark (feat. Nelly Furtado) – Timbaland
Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bill) – Wyclef Jean feat. Akon, Lil Wayne, and Nia
Pump It – Black Eyed Peas
Warrior Pt. 2 – Lloyd Banks
Live Your Life (feat. Rihanna) – T.I.
Evacuate the Dance Floor – Cascada
Everybody Got Their Something – Nikka Costa
Its Going Down – Blackalicious

Kirsten P - In August my son discovered that “Animal Arithmetic” is the best running song ever written.

ashley - I am so glad you added this! My playlist is so boring, too!
I’m really liking:
“Say Hey” by Michael Franti
“Round & Round” by Selena Gomez (I have kids, too. He loves the Disney Radio Station)
“A Year Without Rain” Selena Gomez
A ton of the remakes from Glee
Robyn has some good, some bad, and some remakes.
Lady Gaga is usually good for running
If you want a good laugh while you run, my friend loaded Whip It by DeVo again.

Danielle - I don’t run….but if I did this would definitely be on my playlist……Say Hey (I Love You)—Michael Franti and Spearhead

ali - OMG, these lists are AMAZING!
And all I can say is, “Mama said knock you out!”
(heading to Itunes right now to buy it)

Brianna - 2 Step Remix – Unk
Pump It – Black Eyed Peas (or most anything Black Eyed Peas for that matter!)

jeana - Okay, I’m sure you have plenty of suggestions…but here ya go.
Landslide-Stevie Nicks
ClickClickClikCLick Bishop Allen
*Dream Priscilla Ahn
Lollipop-Mika (such a FUN song)
One love-Bob Marley
Be Ok-Ingrid Michaelson
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Unashamed Love-Jason Morant
Hold Us Together-Matt Maher
You are the Best Thing-Ray Lamontagne
Thinking Drinking Sinking Feelin Slow Club
Soul Sister-Train

Vicki Esh - Wow! There’s a ton of suggestions on here! I may end up redoing my running playlist. Here’s what’s on mine:
I Gotta Feeling (Black Eyed Peas)
She’d Be California (Rascal Flatts)
Earthquake (Family Force 5)
Summer Nights (Rascal Flatts)
Jai Ho! (PussyCat Dolls)
Last Name (Carrie Underwood)
Pump It (Black Eyed Peas)

sarah - I’m not really a huge Christian music fan, but the entire first album by Jars of Clay (entitled: Jars of Clay) is awesome for running!

Jennifer - Your so funny! Love your blog. My favorite song right now while I workout is Here in this moment by Beckah Shae (Christian). It’s awesome. You’ll run sooo fast listening to it!!!

laura - mates of state. love them!

Molly - Dispatch
-the entire album Bang Bang
– especially songs The General, Bang Bang, Two Coins, and Out Loud.
-unique is my dove
-ancient lullaby

Jennifer McCall - These are all older songs that I love and never rotate out of my playlist!
Easy – Paula DeAnda
Let’s Get Married-remix – Jagged Edge
1980 – Rehab
It Takes Two – Rob Base
The Zephyr Song – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Swing – Savage
Numba 1 – Kardinal Offishall
Mr. Brightside – The Killers
Best of You – Foo Fighters
Dangerous – Akon
Sweet Dreams – Beyonce
..and two of my new favorites…
Your Love – Nicki Minaj
Animal – Neon Trees

Krista - What a good idea for a post, I got a lot of good ideas, I’m scribbling them down so I can hit iTunes later and add them. I agree with Ke$ha and Lady GaGa, they’re awesome for running. Recently, I downloaded a bunch Wham and George Michael songs, good tempos and make me wish I was 16 again. πŸ™‚

Kristi - Walmart, always a good source of amusement and cheap products! Here is what I currently have on my mp3 for running purposes:
Jai Ho (Slumdog)
Blaze of Glory (Bon Jovi)
Just Dance (Lady GaGa)
Don’t Stop Believing (Glee)
Distrubia (Rihanna)
Telephone (Lady GaGa)
Let It Rock (Kevin Rudolf and Lil Wayne)
O . . . Saya (Slumdog)

beth - Guess I may be weird one…I have been playing Zumba music and it gives me so much energy.

Jennifer Johnson - Hi! I am a new blogger and came across your wonderful blog! I run 2 miles each day and I love listening to “Teenage Dream, by Katy Perry, Dynamite by Taio Cruz, and The Fray” sounds we are into the tame type of music. I would love to run with you sometime and talk about your amazing blog! Check out my blog sometime when you get the chance.

Liv Hochhausler - Right now, anything by Passion Pit, INDEPENDENT by Webbie, Calabria by Enur ft. Natasja.

Maria - ok, I’m going to retract one of my songs:
run this town-jay-z
just re-listened to whole thing and its much slower than I remembered…probably a better stretching song…

allison - What really keeps me going…K’naan..”Wavin’ Flag”
I will have to look up the rest….

karen - Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me by the Pussycat dolls.
That Dad’s life video is too funny. My husband want one of those mowers soooo bad.

Meg - for running and/or just working out these get me moving and make me feel so stinkin’ liberated:
Are you gonna be my girl – Jet
Baba O’Riley – The Who
Back to Life – Soul II Soul
Bad Romance – Lady Gaga
Band of Gold – Freda Payne
Don’t you forget about me – Simple Minds
A Dustland Fairytale – The Killers
Gangsta’s Paradise – Coolio
Gold Digger – Kanye West
*****Goodbye to you – Scandal (I LOVE THIS SONG)*****
Groove is in the heart – Deee-Lite
I’m coming out – Diana Ross
Say Hey I Love You- Michael Franti and the Spearheads
I could go on and on and on… but I think this is a mixed bag of songs. Enjoy!

denise - How about some oldies….CCR, Beatles, Elvis. I love Wipe Out, Sugar Sugar, We Got the Beat.

Maria - Here are some of my most recent favorites:
Take it off-Kesha
Rock that Body-Black Eyed Peas
Boom Boom Pow-Black Eyed Peas
Run this Town-Jay Z (careful, there is a clean version of this available, but I accidentally got both)
Bad Romance-Lady Gaga
Jump-Flo Rida/Nelly Furtado
as you can see, lots of pop/rap/hip hop…all courtesy of my ZUMBA classes for the most part…

Kirsten J - Nothing new here – I’m all about Black Eyed Peas and Pink.
But I listen to books on tape…well, they’re these “Players” you can get from the library. Give me a good book, and I’ll walk for 6 miles – really!

ellen - Here are my faves:
1. “Jealous Again” –The Black Crowes
2 “Airplanes” –B.o.B.
3. “When I Get There” –Ben Rector
4. “Mr. Mailman” — Ben Rector
5. “Friday I’m in Love” — The Cure
6. “Little Lies” — Dave Barnes
7. “Rusty Old American Dream” — David Wilcox
8. “Video” — India Arie
9. “Human” — The Killers
10. “Heartless” — Kris Allen
11. “Undeniable” — Matt Kearney
12. “Sailing on a Ship” — Phil Wickham
14. “A-Punk” — Vampire Weekend, really anything by them!
15. “Almost Everything” — Wakey! Wakey!
16. anything by The Cross Movement

meg - at the gym i love, love, love jay z and ac/dc. weird, right? it works for me!

Bailey - Oh, and I LOVE those pictures! Would love to experience a midwest thunderstorm some day!

Anne - I love to get new inspiration for my running playlist too. It’s funny, a lot of the songs I like to run to are not songs I would choose to listen to at home or in the car – and certainly not in front of the kids! Here are some favorites:
According to You – Orianthi
Lose Yourself – Eminem
Mercy – Duffy
I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
Wait and See – Brandon Heath
Almost anything by Kelly Clarkson or Pink
7 Things I Hate About You – Miley Cyrus
Girl – Beck
Dirrty – Christina Aguilera
Bootylicious – Destiny’s Child
Gold Digger – Kanye West
Country Grammer – Nelly
Ex-Girlfriend – No Doubt
Hey Ya – Outcast
Fast Cars and Freedom – Rascal Flatts
Free Falling – Tom Petty
One Week – Barenaked ladies
Best of You – Foo Fighters

Mariah Fraser - Get Me Bodied- Beyonce
We Run This- Missy Elliot
Hey Mama- Black Eyed Peas
Firestarter- The Prodigy
She Wants to Move- N.E.R.D
Toxic- Britney Spears
Crazy in Love- Beyonce
Pump it- Black Eyed Peas
Dum Diddly- Black Eyed Peas
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’- Michael Jackson
Little of your time- Maroon 5
Gettin’ Jiggy with It- Will Smith

Bailey - A few of my faves while running (my playlist is very diverse):
It’s All Right – Traveling Wilburys
About the South – Rodney Atkins
I Know You Want Me – Pitbull
Tu Compania – Keith Urban
Paralyzer – Finger 11
Free and Easy – Dierks Bentley
Crazy Bitch – Buckcherry
Womanizer – Britney Spears
Another One Bites the Dust – Glee Soundtrack
Fighter – Christina Aguilera
Dirty – Christina Aguilera
Good luck!

Christine - I have the perfect mix of songs. It’s on my “Nike Workout” playlist that I use with my Nike running thing.
Airplane – B.O.B.
Animal – Neon Trees
Anthem Part Two – Blink 182
Baby – Justin Beiber
Blah Blah Blah – Ke$ha
Bulletproof – La Roux
California Girls – Katy Perry
Can’t Be Tamed – Miley Cyrus
Daylight – Matt and Kim
Disarm – Smashing Pumpkins
Empire State of Mind – Jay-Z
Fix You – Coldplay
Getting Over You – David Guttea
If I had You – Adam Lambert
Impossible – Shontelle
It’s Over – Drake
Kids – MGMT
Lisztomania – Phoenix
Lose Yourself – Emenim
My First Kiss – 30H!3
Naturally – Selena Gomez
Not Afarid – Emenim
OMG – Usher
Party in the USA – Miley Cyrus
Rock that Body – Black Eyed Peas
Savior – Rise Aganist
Say Ahh – Trey Songz
Sexy Bitch – David Guttera
Sometime Around Midnight – The Airborne Toxic Event
Sweet Disposition – The Temper Trap (MY FAV! From 500 Days of Summer and many commericals :))
This Too Shall Pass – OK Go
Tik Tok – Ke$ha
Time To Pretend – MGMT
Your Love is My Drug – Ke$ha (I know you already have this)
1901 – Phoenix
I’m 20 so these are so hip songs πŸ˜‰ Enjoy!

Courtney - Gosh I hate WalMart, I avoid it like the plague and HAVE to go there tomorrow… they just can’t be beat on kids eyeglasses, unfortunately πŸ™
I think my playlist might be Canadian-heavy because of my proximity to the border πŸ™‚
Lose Yourself- Eminem
Feel Good Inc- Gorillaz
Alligator- Tegan and Sara
3 AM Eternal- The KLF
anything GLEE
anything WICKED
She’s a Genious- JET
Love is a First- The Tragically Hip
Dropkick Queen of the Weekend- The Dudes
Help I’m Alive- Metric
Viva La Vida- Coldplay
Move to Bremerton- MxPx
Epic- Faith No More
When You Were Young- The Killers (this one has the PERFECT beat for a run… nothing else is quite as good)
Sunday Morning- KOS
I would love to hear if you end up liking any of these! I think that people are so invested in their music, they love to know when something has resonated with someone else. Don’t you think?

Lindsay - Some of my favs to run around Newton!
Somebody to Love – Glee
Bust A Move – Glee
Proud Mary – Glee
Gives You Hell – Glee
Dream On – Glee
4 Minutes – Glee
Sexy Back – Justin Timberlake
Senorita – Justin Timberlake
Rock Your Body – Justin Timberlake
Anything by Journey

Jessica - anything by Lady GaGa is great for running! I also like me some T.I. and Justin Timberlake πŸ™‚

becky - well, it’s good to know that walmart is filthy all over the country. it’s making me less of judgmental of my fellow townfolk – and by townfolk, i mean filthy disgusting poo smearing pigs. okay, i have a ways to go with the less judgment thing. at least i have a gallon of hand sanitizer in my purse in the meantime. and back when i used to run, i ran to pink – girly rock anthems are the best for running…and don’t judge me – i love me some angry eminem when i’m running. good luck.

Carin - Check out this webite that has some playlist based on your pace.
If I listend to music while I ran, I would totally use one of these lists.

raquel - tick tok, say hey, fergalicious, i gotta feeling, steal my sunshine, i wanna be sedated, mr brightside, viva la vida

erin - I know I’ve seen some of your kids in KU t-shirts… there’s an amazing new download for a Jayhawk anthem called “Game On” {rap} here: The rumor is that he’s going to perform this song at Late Night this year, big fun for Allen Fieldhouse!

lcmarschall - Try Podrunner free downloads on I-tunes. The interval training ones are great for just zoning out and getting it done!!! Great storm pics, I live in Florida, we get cool looking clouds coming in off the Gulf.

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - To be honest – I love the Glee soundtracks to work out to! I don’t know if any of the songs have a very strong beat, but they sure make me laugh and keep my mood upbeat while I work out, which is a definite plus when working out can put me in a bad mood sometimes. I also love to listen to “Rent” from the musical by the same name. It gets me running fast!! It has a very strong beat and if you sing along during, you will probably sweat even more! πŸ˜› Good luck!

katie - i love you meg, but not enough to type out my whole list. πŸ™‚ my absolute FAVORITE music to run to is Vampire Weekend.

Transparent Mama - I Fought The Law by Green Day. Great for running.

Leah - Dang..people really have some great ideas! I listen to Skillet and Heath McNease a lot!

Sarah D - I just love how real you are! Loved this post. Have been reading this blog for a long time now. I comment every once in a while.
Here are my suggestions.
One Republic-All the right moves.
Sanstorm -Best Techo club mix ever- (this one will make you MOVE and its almost 7 minutes long!)
Michelle Williams-We break the dawn
Enjoy! Keep up the good work!!

Sandra K - Oooh, I can’t wait to read everyone’s suggestions because I need new music, too! Here goes:
Mama Said Knock U Out – LL Cool J
Crazy in Love – Beyonce
Waking up in Vegas – Katy Perry
Beautiful Day – U2
Love Lockdown – Kanye West
Gold Digger – Kanye West
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond (oh yeah!)
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Blister in the Sun – Violent Femmes
Chelsea Dagger – The Fratellis (excellent for running)
Dani California & Higher Ground (2 songs) – both by Red Hot Chili Peppers
First Time – Lifehouse
Freedom – George Michael
Groove is in the Heart – Dee Lite
It’s the End of the World… – REM
Jump Around – House of Pain
Just a Girl – No Doubt
Mercy – Duffy
Redneck Woman – Gretchen Wilson
Rehab – Amy Winehouse
Shattered (Turn the Car Around) – O.A.R.
4 Minutes – Madonna & J. Timberlake
Yeah! – Usher

Mary - 2 of my favorites:
Closer by NeYo
Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis

Suzanne - Wow, the pictures are awesome.
I started with “Jazzercise” in the 80’s so I have my ole’faithfuls like:
Technotronic – “pump up the jam”
Technotronic – “move this”
Cake – “short skirt/long jacket”
And lots more that I will keep to myself. I’m such a nerd!
My family ignores me when I come down the street from a good long run! I tell you, a nerd!

natalie k - here are a few of my jams that actually make me run faster:
Howl – Florence + the machine
up up + away – kid cudi (clean version)
sleepyhead – passion pit
lisztomania – phoenix
1901 – phoenix
black betty – ram jam
electric feel – MGMT
that’s not my name – the ting tings
bandages – hot hot heat
miracle drug – AC Newman
push – madonna
m79 – vampire weekend

Kait - Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
Tighten Up by The Black Keys
Bulletproof by La Roux
Folding Chair by Regina Spektor
Magic Trick by M. Ward
Ruby by Kaiser Chiefs
Show Me What I’m Looking For by Carolina Liar

Chris - I love Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice – it has a great beat and puts me in a good mood!

jennifer - Move and Rawkfist – Thousand Foot Krutch.
Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That – Robert Randolph
And a lot more that’s already been suggested. πŸ™‚

Angela - I am not a runner. I don’t even exercise even though I should.
But my husband is a runner. A marathon runner. And here is what he likes to run to. πŸ™‚
“Lose Yourself” by Eminem
“DJ Got Us Falling in Love Again” by Usher
“Enter Sandman” by Metallica
“I Kissed a Girl” by Katy Perry
“Not Myself Tonight” by Christina Aguilera
“Coming Undone” by Korn
“I Made It” by Kevin Rudolph
“Heartbeat” by Remedy Drive

Sarah Friesen - I don’t remember if I’ve left a comment on your blog or not, but I’m local — go to GCC…Was with you at the crafting weekend back in December in McPherson. I really don’t have any good music recommendations for you, BUT I just have to say I’m jealous you’re eating Roy’s BBQ…My husband introduced me to that place when we were dating, and to this day, it’s my favorite BBQ place. We don’t get to go there often, though. I hope it was tasty.

Jen - Here’s what’s on my “Running” playlist (some fast, some slow, some inspiring…little bit of everything):
Come on Get Higher – Matt Nathanson
Sick Cycle Carousel – Lifehouse
Forever – Chris Brown
Untouched – The Veronicas
Love and Memories – O.A.R.
Here is Gone – Goo Goo Dolls
In My Head – Jason Derulo
Breakeven (Falling to Pieces) – The Script
Halfway Gone – Lifehouse
The Man Who Can’t Be Moved – The Script
More – Matthew West
Beautiful Disaster – Jon McLaughlin
My Wish – Rascall Flats

ali - All time favorite running playlist. Its titled….
Lady Sovereign- Random
Shut Up-Black Eyed Peas
Get Right- Jennifer Lopez
99 Problems/One Step Closer- Jay-Z/Linkin Park
One Thing- Amerie
Can’t Stop-Red Hot Chili Peppers
Lose Control- Missy Elliot
Lose My Breath- Destiny Child
Hollaback Girl- Gwen Stefani
B.O.B. – Outkast
She Wants to Move – N.E.R.D.
Crazy In Love- Beyonce
4 My People- Missy Elliot
Love Missy Elliot, she has great beats and fun songs!

Connie - Ok, I am a dancer and need a serious beat when I am working out!
Here are some of my current favorites:
King of Anything- Sara Barielles
Chocolate- Soul Control
And She Said- Lucas Prata
Boom Boom Pow- Black Eyed Peas

Sarah - Oh my gosh! People really know their music. I love Neal Diamond. You don’t want any music advice from me.
I LOVE those storm pictures. Summer storms are my favorite. Those pics are beautiful.

amy nicholl - Black Sheep by Metrix
The ENTIRE soundtrack of Whip It
break your heart by Taio cruz
answer to yourself by The Soft Pack
Vampire Weekend

Debi - Let’s Get Loud- Jennifer Lopez (I KNOW!)
Fine (radio edit) Mary J. Blige
Family Affair (radio edit) Mary J. Blige
Right Back Where we Started From- Maxine Nightingale
Jam for the Ladies- Moby
Into the Night – Santana

Whitney - outkast ‘hey ya’ is my alltime favourite for a workout…so much so, that when i hear it now (just on the radio)…i’m ready to workout!

siobhan - toby macs new album tonight has so many awesome songs,and i like good old madonna and brittney:)

Vicki - Ok, you can laugh – it was totally by accident, but I have most of the songs from the soundtrack of the Disney Movie “Jump In”. Believe it or not, they really have a good beat and keep me moving. It’s a movie about jumping rope, so it is pretty upbeat (just got rid of the slow songs).
Black Eyed Peas – a bunch
Britney Spears – a bunch
Shakira – Objection
J Lo – Do it Well
I know – weird combo. πŸ™‚

Meredith Salmon - I have different play lists for different work outs. Slower music in the beginning and the end. One of my favorite play lists is Madonna – Ray of Light and then Prodigy (there beats are great) I like that because I tend to sing while I am running and then feel like a fool. Love Prodigy!!!
Fuel my Fire
Smack my B*&#@ up
Just a few of my favorites

Lori - Loving Getting over You (David Guetta featuring Fergie). πŸ™‚

melissa*320 sycamore - Almost forgot: sounds crazy, but “Call of the Champions” by John Williams and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Not kidding. It was the theme of the 2002 Winter Olympics~I blast it and it gets me through my last loop on my run. So inspiring…it makes me think I’m in the Olympics. Or something πŸ™‚

Lauren - David Crowder Band’s Church Music CD is full of great workout songs!
A few more:
Free Your Mind – En Vogue
Dance, Dance, Dance – Mandisa
Freedom is Here – Hillsong United
Yours Forever – Hillsong United
Your Name High – Hillsong United
Please Don’t Stop the Music – Rhianna
Boom Boom Pow – Blak Eyed Peas

tasha roe - i have 2 work out mixes – one for pop and one for rock
pop mix:
Nightlife – Anja
Brass Monkey – Beastie Boys
Crazy in Love – Beyonce
Single Ladies – Beyonce
Pump it – Black Eyed Peas
Womanizer – Britney
Bootylicious – Destiny’s Child
Till I Collapse – Eminem & Nate Dogg
Fergalicious – Fergie
Glamorous – Fergie
SexyBack – JT
Lovestone – JT
Rock Your Body – JT
Gold Digger – Kanye
California Gurls – Katy Perry
Tik Tok – Ke$ha
Blah, Blah, Blah – Ke$ha
Milkshake – Kelis
Superstar – Kimberly Cole
Peep Show – Kimberly Cole
Bad Romance – Lady Gaga
Love Game – Laday Gaga
Poker Face – Lady Gaga
Electric Feel – MGMT
Ride Wit Me – Nelly
When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls
Break Your Heart – Taio Cruz
Dynamite – Taio Cruz
Don’t Trust Me – 3OH!3
In da Club – 50 Cent
Me, Myself, and I – De La Soul
now for the rock list:
Back in Black – AC/DC
Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution – AC/DC
Do It For Me Now – Angels & Airwaves
Light of the Morning – Band of Skulls
Unconditional – The Bravery
Holiday – Green Day
My Hero – Foo Fighters
Everlong – Foo
In Your Honor – Foo
No Way Back – Foo
All My Life – Foo
Stacked Dead Actors – Foo
Take Me Out – Franz Ferdinand
This Fire – Franz Ferdinand
The Fallen – Franz Ferdinand
Do You Want To – Franz Ferdinand
Tick Tick Boom – The Hives
Hate to Say I Told You So – The HIves
Change Your Mind – Killers
Bling – Killers
Are You Gonna Go My Way – Lenny Kravitz
American Woman – Lenny Kravitz
Dashboard – Modest Mouse
Bulls on Parade – Rage Against the Machine
Bombtrack – Rage Against the Machine.
I could really start an alternative list too….hmmmmm
now that i think of it i have a classic rock one too. lol
i heart playlists. πŸ™‚

amalisa - LCD Soundsystem has some great beats and I love “Weapon of Choice” by Fatboy Slim.

Kari - We do Rihanna’s “Shut up and Drive” at Jazzercise…. also a song called “Evacuate the Dance Floor” but I’m not sure who sings it.

Julie - 2 good ones:
Akon…Sexy Chick…makes you wanna exercise so you look sexier πŸ™‚
Jason Derulo-In my head

Juli B. - A few of my favorites are –
Fat Bottom Girls – Queen (obvious reasons)
Over My Head – The Fray
When You Were Young – The Killers
Freedom – George Michael
Crush – David Archuletta
Crazy – Seal

Aimee @ In THIS Life - I have to agree with Kodachrome and Grace Kelly…
One that ALWAYS gets me pumped is Erasure’s “I Love to Hate You.” When it comes on while I’m on the elliptical, I wear myself out!

Christa - “Your Love is my Drug” is my favorite right now too! I also like Kanye West’s “That that don’t kill you makes you stronger” (I know that’s not the exact title, but it’s something like that), Justin Timberlake’s “Bringing Sexy Back” is always a classic (sometimes I even do that “yeah!” parts out loud at 6am on a dark street by myself). And I also like Carrie Underwood’s “Undo It.”

melissa*320 sycamore - Hi Miss Meg~
I love the Rocky soundtrack!
Also, Billboard Top Hits of 1987 is the bomb, my favs for workout are You Keep Me Hangin On (Kim Wilde), Heaven is a Place on Earth (Belinda Carlisle), Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now (Starship), I Knew You Were Waiting For Me (Aretha Franklin & George Michael)
You go, girl!

PinkPeanutButter - LOL! “I twitter naked” …then why are you wearing a shirt?

Trish - Kutless and Starfield!
Starfield has beautiful words too!

Stephanie - What gets me all pumped up are the funk-beats of the Red Hot Chili Peppers! I love it!!

pallie - Anything from the Black Eyed Peas…they get me moving!

Molly - Pump It- Black Eyed Peas. Disturbia- Rihanna. Forever- Chris Brown.

Nichole - Forgot to add:
Just about anything from the Black Eyed Peas

Sara - I was going to suggest Ke$ha! I love that song for working out. I also like Dynamite by Taio Cruz, Matt & Kim- Daylight & Good Ol’ Fashioned Nightmare, REM- The Great Beyond, Dashboard Confessionals- Vindicated, Cage the Elephant- Back Against the Wall, & The Script- Breakeven.
Hope you get some good music. I CANNOT workout without an ever changing playlist. It completely makes or breaks my workout.

Jen - I know of some GREAT Christian upbeat stuff…
-the new “Newsboys” is pretty sweet
-anything “Toby Mac”
-“Press Play” is the band and the song is “NY2LA”…AWESOMENESS!
-“B.Reith” is excellent.
-“Byron Mr.Talkbox Chambers”…all of it is GREAT workout….but “In Control” is a fav.
All of those are available on iTunes.
Thanks for the blog…your honesty and creativeness. Your thoughts have blessed me.

Nichole - Here are some of my favorites:
Dynamite by Taio Cruz
Airplanes by B.o.B
California Girls by Katy Perry
Ignition by TobyMac
Awake and Alive by Skillet
Hello Sunshine by Barlow Girl
Million Voice by Barlow Girl
Love The Way You Lie by Eminen

A. Rigsbee - Totally going to check out everyone’s suggestions =)
It’s hard to find truly “clean” music that has a great workout/dance beat bc just bleeping the words out doesn’t count. *sigh*
On my “RUN” playlist:
PAUL OKENFOLD: just about anything by this guy but recently “Ready, Steady, Go” and “Faster Kill Pussycat” (horrible name, I know. Did you know Brittany Murphy could sing like that?)
*also, Pandora does a good mix of his music if you make him your station
Kayne West: Stronger (workout remix)
Bush: Machinehead
Basement Jaxx: Red Alert and Where’s Your Head At
Bond: Viva! (Orion Mix) and Allegreto
Nikki Costa: Everybody got their somethin’
Fatboy Slim: Weapon of Choice
Will Smith: Switch
P.O.D.: Alive

pam - I feel moved to start praying that you get a Target closer to you….there is no reason for your suffering through Wal Mart to continue.

Heather - Californis Gurls-Katy Perry
Whatya Want From Me-Adam Lambert
Animal-Neon Trees
Dog Days Are Over-Florence+The Machine
Grace Kelly-Mika
Just Say Yes-Snow Patrol
Make A Circut With Me-Polecats
These get me going.

Michelle - One of my favs – has a GREAT beat for running/working out is called “Movin'” by Group 1 Crew.

angie - Ronnie Freeman–Breakaway
Elvis A little less conversation

Martina - I’ve been loving One Republic’s album Waking Up for quite a while now. I don’t exercise but they’ve got some really rhythmic stuff… “Make for You” “All The Right Places” “Everybody Loves Me”

Ashley Crenshaw - I have to listen to rap or vintage (better than saying classic) rock.
“Pro Nails (Rusko Remix – that’s very important to get the remix)” by Kid Sister.
“Get Outta Your Mind” edited/clean verision by LMFAO ft. Lil Jon
“Crazy Train” by Ozzy
“Stillborn” by Black Label Society ft. Ozzy
-those are my ‘heavy rotation’ for now. It’s keeping me pumped up while Jillian (Michaels) kicks my butt.
AND thanks for the pictures of the Kansas storms! I miss it dearly!

karen - This is going to date me, but I LOVE Jackson Browne’s album, “I’m Alive.” It’s supposed to be about his breakup with Darryl Hannah, and the title song is so full of energy that it makes me want to punch the air. The other songs vary in intensity, so if you are doing a run-walk, it’s great. I also love the Beach Boys, the OLD Beatles’ songs & Elton John, and anything by James Taylor. Hope this helps you get your motor running again!

Elizabeth - How about “Animal” by the Neon Trees? I love the beat there.

Amanda Jo - Anything by David Crowder Band – so worshipful and energetic!!!! Reliant K is also very good.
I also like to revisit 90s songs – Third Eye Blind, Matchbox 20, Everclear, Pink (her new stuff’s ok too, but I like her older songs), NKOTB…

Karli Hurren - On my long runs I would get soooooo sick of the music! I started listening to downloaded (audible) books. They don’t have quite the ‘pump you up’ vibe that music does but it’s a great way to pass the time!

Cutz - Here are my favorites from my running playlist (not that I’m a runner or that I use it regularly). In general, I do not listen to a lot of music with profanity…but somehow it just seems to fit when you’re running.
1. Supermassive Black Hole – Muse
2. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas
3. Just Dance – Lady Gaga
4. Here It Goes Again – O.K. Go
5. Check Yes Juliett – We the Kings
I’m a Jazzercise instructor so a lot of these songs are also Jazzercise songs. The first two are my favorite. (and coincidentally are the only two non-Jazzercise songs)

Tracie - Kanye West – workout plan
love the one your with – CSN

Leadia Jarvis - I’ve just started running again and I just added these to my iPod. Even though some of these are not necessarily my favorite songs, they are just the right “speed” for me.
“Magic” by B.o.B. featuring Rivers Cuomo: happy and bouncy
“Tightrope” by Janelle Monae: fun and funky.Love this one.
“Burn it to the Ground” Nickleback: my boys tell me this is a WWF theme song but it’s hardcore in a “get pumped” sort of way.
“Waking up in Vegas” by Katie Perry: sort of overplayed but it has a great beat for running
Same goes for “I Like It” by Enrique Iglesias and Pit Bull.
“F*** You!” by Cee Lo Green The “clean” version is “Forget You” It’s a great kiss-off song with a good beat.
“Take it Off” by Ke$ha. It’s a good rhythm for running and kind of silly.
I like the Glee version of “Defying Gravity” and Beyonce’s “If I were a boy for warmup/cooldown.
What are you listening to now?

Amy C - Telephone by Gaga and Beyonce!! I get goosebumps and feel completely invisible!

kristin - Great Post!
“A Little Less Conversation” Elvis (The Las Vegas ((TV Show)) Edit)
“Suspicious Minds” Dwight Yoakum
“You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” The Offspring (adult only lyrics!)
“L.O.V.E.” Ashlee Simpson
Those are a few that got my lazy butt trained for my first 1/2 marathon! Good luck!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I need some new tunes too. I have a playlist I’ve listened to about a million times. So I’m sure I will be checking back often to see what everyone says.
Here’s my list:
Justin Bieber…Somebody to love
California Girls…Katy Perry
Kesha…Tik Tok
Miley Cyrus…Party in the USA
Jason Derulo…Ridin’ Solo
Flo Rida…Low and Right Round
Creed…Freedom Fighter and Signs
Alter Bridge…Come to life
Family force 5…Earthquake and Supersonic
Lady Gaga…Lovegame
Linkin Park…By myself
The Pussycat Dolls…When I grow up
TobyMac…Tonight and Funky Jesus Music
Newsboys…Born Again and Impossible
Flyleaf…I’m so sick
Black Eyed Peas…Boom Boom Pow
These are my favorites. Happy running. I’m right there with ya!

Beth K. - Okay, this is really dated, but I still like the Rocky soundtrack. I used to have the tape (dating me)in high school and used to run to it all the time. I still like it – good beat in a lot of the songs. I think it is actually the fourth Rocky movie (when Apollo dies) – it has “Living in America” on it. Now I must go and dig through boxes to see if I can find the tapes that I still have so I can pull out that tape! πŸ™‚ I just have to tell you – your blog makes my day everyday – it is one of the first things I check every morning and then again a few times a day. You just brighten my day!

Kari - I love your pictures! That is incredibly eery!!!
I’ve got nothing for songs…I’m planning on looking at the recommendations you get πŸ™‚

mandy friend - Toby Mac, Hawk Nelson, Todd Agnew! They’ll work out your spirit as well as your body!

Claire Wood - Johnny Cash, “Get Rhythm”
Rocky IV Soundtrack, “No Easy Way Out” (This is the song when he trains in the snow in the USSR)
Salt-n-Peppa, “Push It”
Dolly Parton, “9 to 5”
Snoop Dog, “California Love”
Lionel Richie, “Lady”
Whitney Houston, “I’m Every Woman” and “Wanna Dance With Somebody”

Danielle @ Transforming Home - I love Chris Joss’ Discotheque Dancing – really funky, fun, I can’t listen to it without running around.
Have a great weekend..

a pocket full of posies - Bottums Up!!!!- not sure who it’s by, but it HAS-GOT-A-BEAT!!! it’s new “on the teenage scene”! πŸ™‚ LOVE IT! you can’t help but move when you hear it!

Pati - I am sure you have these already, but these get me through my workouts. Katy Perry/ Timberland “If we ever meet again”. Bryan Adams with Mel C “When your gone”. Paul Simon “Kodachrome”. Brandon Flowers “Crossfire”. Taio Cruz “Break your heart”
Love your blog <3

jenn - BTW ~ love.Love.LOVE the photos. I love cloud photos and storm clouds are the best. πŸ™‚

Tammi - A few faves from my “Gym” Playlist
“Teenage Dream” Katy Perry
“Can I Graduate” Third Eye Blind
“Never Let You Go” Third Eye Blind
“Shake It” Metro Station
“Headsprung” LL Cool J (dont laugh! good beat!!) haha

Alisha Berry - So What by P!nk and the Glee sound track (well, all the fast songs on it) are my current faves.

RLG - I really like the soundtrack to Twilight (esp the 1st song).
LOVE the pics of the storm. Very cool. xoxo

jenn - Ignition by tobyMac…great beat and yells at you to kick it up a notch” a couple of times throughout the song. πŸ™‚

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my neighbors





so much fun!!!

Stephanie@Geezees - Great shots Meg πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - cute, cute, cute! three kids. now that’s a nice number. story is only 4-months old so i better wait!

amanda - I love jumping pictures! I’m going to take some of my children doing that tomorrow!

anna. - I love to see Daddies be silly! Good for them! Way fun.

Jenn T - I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures – funny funny. Kassade isn’t a cheerleader but she is in dance. That is a very normal picture for those two.

purejoy - jumping photos are the best! (and so hard to do!!)
the girl is seriously skilled

Katie - The girl is a great jumper! And she is wearing jeans too!

julia - that last picture is great – I’m guessing they’re brother and sister? I would love, love to get a picture like that of my older two – it wouldn’t be a normal thing for them to do but then I could pretend that they would do something like that together.

jeanne - I love photos like this!

Nancy - I would have loved to watch that photo shoot. Very smile-inducing. Great pics, as usual!

amy j. - Wow. If Kassidy isn’t a cheerleader… she should be. Seriously. And I’m with Amy D… Russ has the best facial expressions ever.

deborah - omgosh….how fun?!!!! i especially love that the curb says, *reserved*;) most excellent!!!!

Taylor-Ann - I love the little girls face in the jumping pictures. What a doll.
PS…great pictures

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That little blonde cutie with the curls is adorable! Great family pics. They looked like they were having a ball:)

Shanna Mead - Oh Megan! Once again you have captured the fun in that family! So glad I can claim them as part of my family. Love them all so much and these pictures are great! You always do a great job!

Jennifer - are those jumping teenagers, siblings?? they look like they get along!!!! good for them!!

Micah - LOL that LOOKS like fun!!!

Transparent Mama - Amazing height and the colors are perfect. Love these.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - How the heck did they do that. It looks like they were jumping off a trampoline? But it doesn’t look like you took the picture down low? Did they jump off the curb? It doesn’t look like it. Sheesh.. this is going to keep me up at night.

Karen H. - I wish I could jump like that!!! Did they jump off of something?

Sandy - Cheerleader, right? No one else can possibly jump like that. πŸ™‚

Carrie K - oh my gosh…best jumping pictures EVER πŸ™‚ love these! what a super cute family!

melissa - how did they get so much height in their jump???
I love the expression on the man’s face!!!

Emily - I soooooo wish I lived closer to you!

Staci - WOW!!! Is that little London??!!!! She’s so big now ;( And really, you should just take your camera on the road girl! You so rock!

kat - Those pictures are super fun! The neighbors look like fun too!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, those are great pics! Amazing shots!

Christy - Too funny, I love the dad’s face..

amy d - russ’ expressions crack me up! great photos!

Holly - they look like a fun bunch! Great shots Meg!

Tam - Love them! I really want to get fun family photos taken πŸ™‚ they look great!

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no title

making this for dinner.

hanging these in the dining room

admiring this fabric that just arrived in my mailbox

waiting for this print to arrive.

watching this……again.

snacking on these

drinking this

and i am editing pictures.

like these:




nothing much else to say today.

california photo sessions….be watching for an email form me tonight.


Rebekah - So jealous of your Nicey Jane!

Stephanie@Geezees - What beautiful shots, love your photos!

Wendi Siyajuck - Dana looks gorgeous!!! Can you make me look that good too? hehehehe. I love looking at your pics.

Jessie Hurst - Thanks for being so inspiring! I found your blog from The Macs a few weeks ago and have loved reading all your posts. The craft Thursdays are one of my personal favorites and my boys love the Sharpie art. You have inspired me to cook which was one of my bucket list items. Tonight I made your chicken enchiladas and they were awesome. My husband loved them and was so proud of me:) Thanks again. I’m going to try something else next week.
Love your blog:)

Rach - Oh how I wish I had the energy to make that soup because I had to wipe the drool off my keyboard when I looked at it. Yum

julia - Ooohh! I love that fabric. I did NOT need to see that!

terri - nice. sweet. post!
you’re a busy girl!!!

amber - I watch Julie & Julia all the time too. My 3 year old thinks she should get to watch it too. One day, we’ll watch it, just her & I. Until then, I’ll just re-enact it for her….I’m sure she’ll like that. πŸ™‚

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I love that print! Thank you for sharing the link and found 2 of them that I have to have!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - lucky California people!

Sugar Mama - Could someone please bring me a route 44 cherry limeade? I’m stuck in my home with 7 kids. Thanks! I appreciate it. ;o)
I haven’t seen that movie yet. I guess I should… since I love to cook and all. I’m just worried that I won’t agree with all of the great reviews.

jamie - i have those same exact IKEA curtains hanging in my house. {love} them so very much. and i more than {love} IKEA.

Michele - Thanks for sharing the recipe! Looks good. Great photos!

Amy Lynne - I love that print. I’ve had a rough week, but that reminder will stay in my mind. Thanks!

Jennifer - Stunning photographs, Meg!! πŸ™‚

Amy - Sounds like a good day to me! i am waiting for prints from Studio Mela too! I can’t wait!

Dana Banana - Love scrolling down and BAM there’s my beautiful family! Thanks for taking such great pictures, can’t wait to see the rest. It’s a great feeling checking our Christmas photo session off of the list!

Staci - Guess I need to see that movie! Just saw Valentine’s Day last night….I’m a littttle behind πŸ˜‰ And I am waiting on my Be Kind to Others print!!! Can’t wait πŸ™‚ But I’m thinkin’ I may need to one you got….I’m generally a glass half empty kind of girl πŸ™ Looking at that cheery print might help me to stay positive πŸ˜‰ And wow! Those pics are some kind of good πŸ˜‰

virginia - fact: i love that movie
question: when can we see the finished dining room awesomeness?
you could always take pictures of me, but ‘I never smile if I can help it…. Showing one’s teeth is a submission signal in primates. When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life’

Trish - you should be like Blue Lily and do all traveling sessions… I would have done the one while you were in Michigan πŸ™‚

the domestic fringe - Beautiful photos!
Enjoy your evening.

jennifer - Can’t wait to see the finished dining room pics.
LOVE Heather Bailey fabric! What are you going to do with it?!

Penny - The second to last picture just made me tear up. I don’t usually do that! You captured something really special there. The look on her face, the gentleness in the dad, the newness of it all. Beautiful!!

Jocelyn Stott - Can I come over for dinner? That looks amazing.

laurenjean - Love that movie πŸ™‚ I could watch it 100 times πŸ™‚

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Dear God, like I needed ANOTHER idea to copy from you. I’ve hearted the Katie Daisy prints foreva and finally got a few. Now you show me new Etsy print love. & Designer. Felt. Who knew? Love your blog and posted about you today! Please come to MD soon for a photo shoot?

elisa - your pics are gorgeous

Kelley - I followed your print link to Shelli’s shop and didn’t get out of there until I had four prints in my cart. LOVE her sentiments and can’t wait to get my hands on my own!

Nicole Q. - Love the print you just ordered! I was about to order the rain/rainbow one you mentioned — I loved it but it was sold so I think I’m going with the butterfly and I know I’ll love seeing it each morning! Enjoy your yummy soup for dinner!

Heather - i think your day sounds really swell. i heart that movie.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I LOVE that movie. I may have it memorized. Don’t tell πŸ™‚
Also, I think you should stop by AZ and have a photo session. The. Happy. En. Ding.

Rachel Schindler - Great pics! I love me a sonic, route 44 diet coke. I am addicted. Your cheesy potato soup looks yummy.

Brianna - Hi Meg, please excuse my ignorance, but what is American cheese? I notice that your soup recipe calls for it. I’m Canadian, and I have no idea what that is….

Julie - I really don’t miss much about the US (we live in Germany) except Sonic ~ silly I know, but I really miss having a cherry coke with all that wonderful ICE!! Our plan is to hit the nearest Sonic as soon as we arrive on US soil next summer! Can’t wait!!! I’ll be showing the Sonic link to my kids tomorrow. Thanks! πŸ™‚
Love the pictures ~ really great shots!

Chaos-Jamie - Oooooo those Maxfield eyes!

pam - Oh how we wish Ikea would open a store in Kansas City.

Christine Ishmael - when your ready to take pictures in Utah, let me know…I’ll get buttloads of clients for ya…fun post…I had to work for it!

Holly - sounds like a good day! We had craigs favorite for dinner the other night..yum!

Krista - That was like a hide and seek post! Love Sonic Happy Hour, I learned about it from your blog!

Courtney Walsh - love it. go you. πŸ™‚

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - can you detour to northern california?
this post was the highlight of my day πŸ™‚

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dying sunflowers










i was here too late.
i may still drag my family out here anyway for some pictures in the dead flowers…if it rains.
it was dry dry dry out here…dust everywhere.
i had a one thought while clicking away with my camera "GOD IS AMAZING!"

such beauty all around me.
these are such a special treat… sunshine right in front of me!

AmyB - So pretty!!!

Beth - Can I use your sunflower pictures for an art class project? They are so much prettier than fake sunflowers. πŸ™‚

~LucyLu ~ - I love the sunflowers where were they? last time we saw you, you could not find them anywhere!

meghan - God is amazing. Those flowers are just little reminders…love it.

Laura - I’d like to schedule a photo shoot for the family in dead flowers portrait
LOVE that

candace - AMEN! πŸ™‚
Thank you for sharing the beauty of God’s creation.

katherine - I LOVE sunflowers, they are my favorite….your pics are gorgeous! And yes, God is amazing….love your blog too ~ Blessings, kathy

Courtney Walsh - LOVE sunflowers. they are so happy and fun. Your shots are super awesome! πŸ™‚

Transparent Mama - Amazing photos. You said you don’t use Photoshop. I am just curious what you use to edit them.

Lauren - Wow, these are sorrowfully gorgeous. And the close-ups–what design! I love those little details that He throws in there πŸ™‚

Taylor-Ann - I just love your photo’s. They always look so beautiful and these sunflowers are no exception. They don’t look dead at all.

julia - you could do a representational sort of photo shoot with the flowers. have your kids look sad/neglected, have them roll around in the dirt. call it “late in the season” or maybe “past due” something like that. As Tim Gunn says “Make it work”.

Elizabeth - I always think they look like women’s heads — here, bowing to the universe…

Biz - You are so talented!

Gemma - I love sunflowers : )
Gemma x

Sugar Mama - Have you ever seen the dark red sunflowers? So pretty! I like to mix those with the classic sunflower. God IS amazing! How can that be questioned when surrounded by nature?

Privet and Holly - If you hadn’t said
they were half dead,
I never would have
known…..I was too
captivated by the
THOUGHT of a whole
field of these beauties…
xx Suzanne

Heather - In the face of beauty, how can we not believe?

Angela - love your sunflower photos. even half dead they are beauties. the flowers, not your photos. love your new mirror by the way. i have one hanging in my garage waiting to be painted. turquoise or yellow. it can’t decide. indecisive mirror!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’ve got your sunshiny sunflower print right in my living room. Makes me happy every time I look at it. They are an amazing reminder of God’s handiwork!

charity palmer - Sunflowers are my favorite flower πŸ™‚ And GOD is AMAZING! I love your blog!

Sheryl - Just wanted to say that you inspired me to run. Not run away, but run “just to that tree”. Thanks, I really want to get in shape and you are my inspiration to try running.
I also wanted to say thanks for giving my “Project Pillowcase” a boost — we ended up with 107 dresses to send with this group going to the Philippines! That is totally, TOTALLY awesome — and so much GOD.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That last shot is plum-perfect.

Heather - Amazing indeed. Beauty around every corner…and everywhere in between- if we take a moment to look.
Meg- your photography is amazing! I can not get enough of it. What a gift you have been given!

Amanda - Gorgeous! I’ve wanted some neat pics of some sunflowers…but~
Please be careful out in those fields…There is a HUGE sunflower field behind my father’s house and I took my camera and started out there one day with the kids and he stopped and wouldn’t let me. He said they plant those for the (i think?) Doves because it draws them in and the hunters hide in the flowers and dove hunt…just passing that along πŸ˜‰

Amy - These photos are beautiful!

Kasey - These photos brought a smile to my face and brought back memories. When I was in the Middle East I remember seeing fields and fields of Sunflowers. It was amazing… kind of strange to see such a thing in the middle of Iraq, but it almost gave us a sense of peace. Very beautiful flowers.

shelly - Beautiful!
You’ll have to make a quick trip to il, my best friend has a little field of them that just started blooming late last week! (She gave ma a huge bunch of them…I put the lovelies in my livingroom and then my poor hubby started sneezing like a machine gun! Oh well…they look nice sitting on the porch too ;))

Tara - such beauty from God!!!

Holly - so pretty!

paige - so true! i love a glorious sunflowershoot too!

Tracy - Absolutely gorgeous pictures as always, Meg! You never cease to amaze me in capturing God’s beauty even in dead sunflowers. Awesome! :o) xoxoxo

PaisleyJade - He is! Beautiful photos! While we were in Israel we saw fields and fields of dry, dead sunflowers and I just wished I could have seen them in full bloom.

jaz - What beautiful amazing pictures (and flowers) !
Do you want to do our little photo challenge with us this month? The two topics are “Something Old” and “Beautiful” – those sunflowers would sure fit in the Beautiful category.

sarah - love it!
what did you use to round the corners of your photos like that? it’s so in right now…

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