Masthead header

rain…football….australia…chili…cream puff…whoonu?

both my boys got to play tackle football in the pouring rain yesterday.
and they loved it.
they even included "thank you for letting us be able to play football in the rain" in their bedtime prayers.

but their mother?  she was far less excited about the rain.
my grandmother and my cousin Nell, whom i have not seen in 6 years because she lives in australia were
coming to my house to watch the football game and eat dinner.
and then it began to pour.
and pour.

we did not go to the game and sit in the rain.
we waited for the rain to stop and saw the last 41 seconds of scott's game from the car windshield.

then headed back to the house for chili and cream puff dessert.
it was the best kind of night for chili.

the girls convinced Nell to stay for a game of Whoonu.
and grandma played too.
she chose to sit on the floor….even with all the chairs my 92 year old grandmother CHOSE to sit on the floor.
she is amazing.


annie can't read yet so the person sitting next to her has to tell her what the cards say.
she pretty much still picks randomly with out thinking what the card says but still she is trying.


playing games is always a bit…..chaotic.

we love this game.
you need to put it on your christmas list if you don't have it….easy and silly…and QUICK.



these were the cards chosen for me.
how to chose what i like best to least from these?!  
i think i picked monkeys for the #1 choice.

it was nice to have them….even in the rain.
safe travels Nell.
can't wait to hear of all your adventures to come. 

***edited for kathryn
my table.
it was our dining room table in our apartment days. it was from sam's club on clearance.
i think i paid $90 for it.
i used my birthday money to buy it…i remember it being a big purchase.

it was oak.
i kept it like that for years.
then i painted it white….distressed it with a sander and then polyurethaned it. 
that was 8 or 9 years ago now.
our family was now 7 and we only had room for 6.

then we moved here and got a BIG dining room table that seats 12 and the first table seemed so small.
i had the legs cut down and we made it a BIG coffee table in the kitchen seating area.
and i can bleach it over and over and it cleans up when i need it to….
and the kids can paint and use markers and glue and glitter and it's ALL GOOD.
no worries about the old table.

Refrigerator repair Arlington va - I agree Really Nice Family and Nice photos

Windshield Replacement Phoenix - I agree… Great Family

Windshield Replacement Phoenix - You have a wonderful family.

Windshield Repair Phoenix - You have a great grandmom…actually I dont know about that game but I will include that on my shopping list. Nice family bonding now I missed my family too.

Auto Glass Mesa - Nice family bonding. Your mom, it reminds me of my grandmother she is so adorable.

Auto Glass Phoenix - I dont have an idea about whoonu games, but it looks like interesting games,and by the way your mother is so amazing she is 92 but she is strong, hope that I could also reached that age too.

mesa windshield repair - I wander who will replace him, hope it would be a good governance next time.

Wendy - We love Whoonu too! I had actually forgotten about that game – we had a house fire in April and have slowly been replacing the things we lost. I’m thankful for you post – now I’m adding Whoonu back on my “replacement shopping” list.

Pam - We LOVE WhooNu!! We can all 8yr old all the way up to the 15 yr old..All the Cranium games are great.. - Love the game night! I’ll have to try Whoonu! Thanks for sharing.

Tempest Ahoy - Another Aussie reader here ๐Ÿ™‚

Michelle - Australia - How excited was I to see a post of yours with Australia in the title! Let us know when you are coming to visit and all your MEG fans will have to club together to provide you with accommodation across the length and breadth of our great country!!

edie - your grandmother is beautiful. and i would pick dictionary first—because i’m nerdy like that.
i’ve been thinking of you this week meg and i just wanted to say that it’s a privilege to get to peak into your life. i am thankful.
lots of love,

Kat - Love your Grandmother, the table, fun with the family and Australia! (Aussie, Aussie.)
Meg, you look like you have lost weight with all your running ๐Ÿ™‚

Denissa - How fun, your grandmother is adorable ๐Ÿ™‚ we love whoonu!

julia - You have the coolest grandmother! For most 92 year olds being on the floor is a very bad thing.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Thanks for the info about the table…you did a great job. Never even heard of that game before. Reminds me we need to start game night again.

Ingrid Blanchette - so fun! will have to try out that game.
i spy with my little eye a ‘orange county’ starbucks mug on your table :). hope you had a great time visiting here…
vitamins should have already arrived in CO!

Kacey - Never heard of Whoonu! Sounds like fun.
Your coffee table reminds me of ours – painted white and distressed by us, then further distressed by the kids over time, and always where games are played and messes are made!

Rach - I love that you still have a Grandmother and that she will sit on the floor to play a card game. How awesome is that!

Julie - I love Who Nu!!! It is the best way for us to get to know the teenagers in our youth group when they are new and scared of us. Food, swimming and Who Nu. Three necessities in youth ministry. Apples to Apples is fun too with big groups. Love it.

Staci - Your grandmother is completely awesome!!! I love her and don’t even know her ๐Ÿ™‚ We don’t have Whoonu…but you can bet I’m getting it today ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - I hope to be able to sit on the floor when I’m 92, how great is that!
We have that game and it’s probably our family’s favorite. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s so fun, yet so simple. We also like to reverse it and have everyone pick the person’s least favorite. ( I hope that doesn’t make us sound like a negative bunch!) I’m so grateful that my husband and kids all love to play board games together.

Kathryn - I want to know about that table. Did you buy it that way or did you paint and distress it yourself?? I want to do a project like that and need advice.

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to this…over and over.

it has been speaking to me in a way i can't explain.
love it.
love this calm acoustic version. 

wiping tears off my cheeks. 

concerto de parabrisas - Such a nice substitution.

Stephenie Avarello - I just saw them in concert this week (for my birthday). My favorite band!

Leigh - That is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Meg.

Courtney Walsh - love when i find a song that speaks to my soul. i am going to listen to yours now. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Dearest Jesus. Thank you. I want your healing. Thank you for using Meg to shine with the beauty of a rainbow. - Thank you Lord for your mercies, which are new every morning.

Amanda Jo - Tenth Avenue North is AMAZING!!!! Got to see them in concert last month. If you haven’t already, you should check out their song All The Pretty Things. Puts me on my knees EVERYTIME!

jen - i hear this song all the time. but have never really listened till just now. it’s beautiful. thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

Beth - Love it too!!! Thank you for sharing….hadn’t heard the acoustic! Enjoy your day!

Casey - Love, love, love this song! Always crank up the volume when it comes on. I just adore Tenth Ave. North.

Sugar Mama - Oh, I love this song. When it comes on KLove I crank up the volume, but I’ve never heard this acoustic version. I’ll have to listen to it again when I don’t have 2 screaming babies and 5 active toddlers running through the house.

Alicia Gallagher - Absolutely love this song! I am involved in Elijah House and someone introduced this song to our class ~ it’s meaning and depth is…divine. Tenth Avenue North has many great songs ~ but this one is perfect! I’ve come to love when the light meets the dark ~ there’s such beauty there!

julia - Okay, I found it. Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North. I found it on iTunes but they don’t have the acoustic version.

Vicki Esh - Who is this? I want this on my ipod!

purejoy - loved this as well. a new song for my heart.
struggling with walls this very day. i could tear them down, but that would mean putting the anvil of pride downโ€ฆ haven’t been able to pry my white-knuckled grip from it yet.
but i’m working on it.
thanks for sharing the beautiful song.

julia - Meg – can this be downloaded?

edie - psalm 56:8 you have kept count of my tossings and put my tears in a bottle.
love to you friend. i’m right there with you.

Meredith - So beautiful Meg. Who is the singer? It gave me chills. Meredy xo.

Nikki - What a beautiful moving song…. I haven’t heard it before. Thanks for sharing x

shelly - Tonight must be the night for restless hearts!
Thank you Meg, what a way to end a broken heart night—this truly is where the healing begins!

Trish - I wish I could convey to you just how timely this is for me. I so needed this!
I am in the midst of some major heart struggles and I am seeing my own ugly heart issues being manifested in my ten year old. It hurts.
Thank you!

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random nothing

it was red day at kindergarten.

i can't believe those long legs are annie's.
she needs to quit growing up!

sean asked me at walmart "do you think this weighs as much as a human head?"

in the car on the way to school the kids were talking about putting the cat in the file cabinet.
and how the cat didn't like it.  (really?  shocking!)

scott said "i would go crazy if i got stuck in a drawer….i am so claustrophobic!"

and sean yells "YOU AREN'T ALLERGIC TO MILK!"

waffle had to go to the vet.
annie drew murals on the marker board.

this was one of my four pictures in cali.  
another one is just like it.
that's amy in the background taking pictures of something else.
i wish i could make a whole mosaic wall somewhere….for real.

AND that's all i got.

i am so tired.
can't quite kick it yet….the cold and catching up from staying up all night the day we flew home.
and the laundry that awaited my arrival.
and the empty refridgerator.
and the GRAY skies today.

i am going back to bed…for a little while.
this is me.

Kelly - Oh that first photo makes me miss color days in kindergarten from when I was teaching. I’d try to find out the color & dress in it too and then find songs for each color that we could do in music class.
Sean’s watermelon question cracks me up.
I hope you get good rest and feel so much better. I can relate. I have *not* been able to fall asleep this week. I just lay there and lay there, ugghh . . . then I’m a tired mess the next morning. blech . . . God answered prayers for a better night sleep last night. Praise Him!
Oh and the mosaic. You *could*! It would be wonderful. Dare you . . . ๐Ÿ™‚ Kelly

Mindy Harris - hope you feel better once and for all, darlin’.
i would love to mosaic our fireplace but i have NO idea where to start. i love the mirror in your half bath–with the birds.

Dianne Avery - I was really into mosaic furniture in the 80’s. Don’t start, it’s addicting!!

Heather R. - When is daylight savings time?! I need an hour somewhere. I love the clip and Annie’s mural. ๐Ÿ™‚

kathy b - It’s so nice of you to post photos for our enjoyment even though you don’t feel that great!
Kathy b

Christina - Love, love the kids’ comments. ๐Ÿ™‚
I think that one day you will, indeed, do an entire mosaic wall. Please show us when you’re done, okay?

amber - hahahahahaha ๐Ÿ™‚ that always makes me giggle.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Feel better soon. That video was hilarious!

Julianne Brimner - Okay the claustrophobic cracked me up because it reminds me of another story. One of my friends owns a vacation cabin in the woods where there are lots of places to explore, including caves. Her son told his aunt, “Mom, can’t go in the caves because she’s lactose intolerant”. Thought you’d enjoy the flip side.

meaghan - oh my gosh! hahahahaha! love tommy boy hahahahaha!

Janie Fox - Love the claustrophobic… you are not allergic to milk. I truly laughed out loud. I miss the days when my kids were driving me crazy… well sometimes! haha!!

Jennifer - Look on the bright side, an empty fridge might be a good time to wipe it down with a hot, soapy washcloth. Oh no. I sound like my mother. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you feel better soon. You are too cool to be sick!

Kori - during your stay in cali i was moving away from cali! i was born and raised in orange county (huntington beach), but needed a change…so here we are in spokane, wa. so far so good…loving the weather. anyway, i read amy’s blog and got a little sad at the pics she had of all ‘my’ places. i had to laugh when shopping at the spectrum was mentioned-went there a lot as right before our move we lived in irvine. did you hit up fashion island? south coast plaza? the antique shops in capistrano? i hope so. ok, take it easy and get some much needed rest….zzzzzzzzzzzz

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - I love that you take pictures in Walmart LOL! Who does that ?? I should start whipping out my camera in Walmart too, people would probably duck and cover thinking they were about to be posted on those “people of walmart” sites hehehe!
Feel Better!!

Kristy - I wish my Charlie could meet that Annie. He’s also in Kindergarten and loves his chuck taylors with patterned socks pulled way up….or his cowboy boots with shorts depending on his mood ๐Ÿ™‚ He’s just yummy! One more song for your ipod when you are back to running – “Freedom” by George Michael. Great for cleaning house too. Feel better mama! ๐Ÿ™‚

Valerie@chateaualamode - I love that you can make a post on your blog like an episode of Seinfield…it’s really about nothing, but you make it into something fun! Hope you feel better soon!

mandy friend - I love your blog and your randomness. And I love that your house always sounds as chaotic as mine!

pam - I’ve got a grand wall on my front porch where you can do your mosaic. :o)

kristin - I freaking love your video clips!

Lisa - That is one of my favorite scenes from Tommy Boy! Too funny!!!

julia - The best thing for you is sleep – don’t feel guilty about it.
That mosaic wall is great. Maybe Annie could come over and go through my closet for me – I need some pizzaz!

shelly - Ok–I’m going to have to break out the Tommy Boy now! Kids crack me up–and yes they grow to fast :/
Love mosaics—I have a mirror just waiting for some tiley goodness!
Get rested up–hope you feel better soon ๐Ÿ™‚

purejoy - making the mosaic i’m afraid would not be nearly as much fun as the smashing partโ€ฆ
i seriously love the way your kids think. a watermelon head and then debating why the cat didn’t like being in the file cabinet. and having the freedom to make wall art on a dry erase board.
i wish you’d adopt me.
think of how colorful my life would be!

Sugar Mama - I love the red converse. I want to get a pair… haven’t decided on the color. Have you seen all of the cool new autumn colored converse?!
and i love your dog. i pulled up your blog the other night to show Sugar Daddy and my kids a pic of your dog, because i want one just like him. could you please clone your dog for me? ;o)
enjoy your sleep. and the gray sky.

jennifer - Love that clip! Really needed that laugh this morning.
Go back to sleep and get well soon!

Michelle Whitlow - I have to tell you, that’s one of my favorite lines out of that movie!!! Whenever my kids are in their rooms with the door shut I’ll knock on the door and say ‘housekeeping!!’ hehe

amy jupin - i’m with ya meg. me need sleepy. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

angie - Thanks for the laugh, heavy heart today…no housekeeping!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - That mosaic is so pretty! That would be fun!
Have you seen the movie “How to Make an American Quilt”?
One of the characters was creating a whole mosaic wall made out of ceramics that she’d smashed over the years –

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - It’s the worst when your jet lagged and ill..hope you’re better soon!!
Gemma x - Red day! Awesome idea, why we don’t have that?

Kimberlee J. - Me sleepy, too. No housekeeping today. ๐Ÿ™‚

Trish - love tommy boy. thanks for the laugh. i felt the same way today, blah. how come when we have to go somewhere the kids are super hard to get out of bed, but when we nothing to do… they are out of bed earlier then they need to be? i will never understand that!

Amanda - Hilarious! go back to sleep… all the kids are in school! Yay!! (lucky)

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colors of today













i have a big box of 31 Bits here in my kitchen…getting ready to send out my invites.
it is GORGEOUS jewelry!
i am in love.

i am feeling better.
almost perfect.
guess that means i will have to exercise tomorrow……oh goodie.

and i guess at 6:07 i should think about fixing my family dinner.
i think cereal is sounding really yummy. 

mwmnioon - [url=”″] new nfl jerseys[/url]

dedoUsemGrott - Ich denke, dass es der ernste Fehler ist.

snusnemeala - Desidero incoraggiarvi a cercare un sito in cui molti articoli sul tema che vi interessa.

affenonex - Es ist die einfach bemerkenswerte Antwort

Beescerse - Entschuldigen Sie, dass ich Sie unterbreche, ich wollte die Meinung auch aussprechen.

Trina McNeilly - This is one of my fav things about your blog…. all of the gorgeous color. Love to look at it when things are a little gray!
x Trina

Allison Trammell - I have been blog stocking you for a year now ๐Ÿ™‚ and i wanted to say thank you letting me have a sneak peek into your world/family/home ๐Ÿ™‚ and i love your toe nail polish in this post! I’ve been looking for that color! where did you find it?

Diane - Love the colors of your pictures. The tea cup is beautiful. I always smile when I look at your pictures. Thank you! - So bright colors, very inspiring, I love the striped pot and of course the beads

Kelle - this made me happy. hope all is well! xo

Biz - I need that striped pot! It’s awesome!

Brooke - Love all the color — and the blue nail polish!!! Cute.

Lisa - That makes me happy! And I love the filled with joy print. I have it, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

jeanne - LOVE the blue nail polish and that vintage tea cup is so beautiful.

julia - Love all of the yellow, red and blue.
You’re a bold girl going blue on your toes. I’ve been putting disco ball glitter polish on mine – maybe the tacky side of bold.

jaz - Oh Meg, you HAVE to participate in our little online photo challenge this month – Something Old and Something Beautiful – it would be wonderful to have something from you ๐Ÿ™‚

Courtney - I will be purchasing some 31 bits for a couple of friends for Christmas! This is a perfect gift thanks for sharing! I read the blog and it was soo inspiring!
Invite me I only live 4 hours away ๐Ÿ™‚ Or if you attend a K-state game let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

Valerie - I love that you have cereal for dinner and admit it (heehee)!

Grace - Love he pictures! What kind of camera do you have?

Mindy Harris - i want to be invited. ๐Ÿ˜‰ thank you for such pretty pictures today.
i am up to running 5K and am doing Komen for the Cure Saturday; super excited. found some a nike running tunes track and it really helps!

Heather - Beautiful colours! Hope you’re better very soon.

edie - your colors always inspire! glad you’re on the mend and so happy for you (a little jealous too!) of your fun in cali. can’t wait to see that quilt. i’m working on one too and am pretty sure yours will be done first. bought the paint and letters for ‘the sign’ over your bed at julie’s. too many projects–too little time.
love to you dear!

Irene - Meg – I just want to say thank you – I love your blog and today’s post helped me see some light on this rainy Dublin day.

Gemma - Thanks for brightening up my day Meg!!!
Gemma x

carols - Fun colors, glad you’re feeling better. Ugh on the exercise. Love the commenter suggesting YO-YO for dinner (you’re on your own)…never heard that, but DEFINITELY will be using it!

Katie - It’s so funny because it’s 6:06pm here, and I have no idea what we’re doing for supper either!

andrew jones - love the blog and the colors. keep on blogging. i must show my wife.

Julie - Your blog is so much fun!!!! Lots of Joy!

Beth - Love that jewelry!!!

Vera - Happy colors! I always feel creative after reading your blog. I should stop reading it late at night when it’s waaay too late to drag out a sewing machine or piece of paper ha!

Lorilee - Cool beads! I think I made some in my younger years! Awesome photos!

annalea @ our hartbeat - i want that tea cup. so awesome.

Dana Banana - All of these pics made me smile. Love the jewerly…so colorful and just plain happy.

Tara - love cereal for dinner….
love the colors in this post…
especially your blue toes!

jennifer - When I’m having one of those days we have YO-YO for dinner…
You’re On You’re Own.
Those are good nights! ๐Ÿ™‚
Those beads look gorgeous. Gonna go check them out.
Glad you’re feeling better.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Magazine beads!!
I love your rainbow days.

Stephanie - Love your blog, you are so creative! Love the hat too, where did you find it? Or maybe you made it? And I had no idea that was Windex, had to go back to look at the photo again ๐Ÿ™‚

Trish - You have got to tell us where you got that hat. The one in the first photo. love it!
that jewelry is very pretty! I think my sister has a bracelet from them?!

linda lou - i’ll take some of that jewerly asap………..(:
loved all the photos..blessings, lindalou

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love the Wheatfield print. Finally jumped on the band wagon and ordered my first one. I’m afraid it won’t be the last. Love your color filled world:)

Margo - I am glad you are feeling better and I too love the blue toes! I bet you are having tons of fun looking through your box of 31 bits!

Erin - Are you having a 31 bits “party”? If so, could you please contact me. Thanks!

Kimberlee J. - I feel happier just looking at all of this color. Thanks for the boost. I needed that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Holly S. - I love the blue toes! ๐Ÿ™‚

amy d - dang girl…you can even make windex look pretty!
can’t wait to see the 31 bits stuff! glad your feeling better!

Nikki - A few weeks ago I tried to give my family cereal for dinner… they thought I’d lost my mind… so we settled for baked beans on toast.
Love all the pretty colours… especially the blue toenails ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - my friend tenley recently did some modeling for 31 bits. their jewelry is gorgeous…
love all of the color in these pics. and i feel ya as far as dinner goes. those dreaded words, “what’s for dinner?” ๐Ÿ™‚

Michelle - I love this post. . . your colors make me happy.

Amber - Love the hat in the 1st pic. I have to ask if you made it or if you bought it and where????

Brittany - You can never go wrong with cereal for dinner ๐Ÿ™‚

laurenjean - Love the toenails !

Melanie - LOVE the bright blue toenail polish! ๐Ÿ™‚

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winners, california and home.


winners for the lisa leonard necklace…..trish, vicki, alicia.  

email me your address girls.
thanks lisa! 


california was SUPER FAB.
i went with my neighbor amy who goes to cali all the time and knows where everything is.
our flight was lame…broken/not broken door….de-plane….re-plane…wait wait wait.
crazies sitting on all sides of us.
but we made it and arrived at julie's where dinner was waiting for us….need that recipe.

i took 4 pictures during my trip.
i wish i could show you all the happy colors of her home or the rainbow quilt i slept under or the painted starfish 
because you would LOVE every bit of it.
but i was having too much fun for pictures.

this is one of my pics….MY QUILT.
i made a little progress on it and while i was at photo sessions amy finished all the strips for me!
only 27 steps left before it's finished.  :)

i met so many fun people on my short trip!
julie's friends, her family and then all my fun family sessions.

the three of us shopped and talked and ate.
for three days.

we did not sleep.

and one night i cried a lot.  
i have issues people…now julie knows them all.
she could be my new therapist…maybe she could start charging me for email therapy sessions? 

and i am now in love with ben afleck after we watched The Town…in the third row.

i have a new love for starbucks, tommy lee, fight club and therapy dogs. 

we had every square inch of our teeny carry-on lugguage FULL.
and then at 3:25 AM amy and i drove to LAX….boo-hoo.
it was a bummer to leave.

i love blogland and all it's happy intersections.
i love julie and her family.
i love california.

i do not love the KILLER cold i came home with….it's brutal.

i love my husband because he can flawlessy care for his family without me…even come home to a clean house!
i love amy for being adventerous and FUN to travel with.
i love all my new memories of the third weekend of september.

now….back to bed for this sick sleepy mama.

north face clearance - Happy to see your blog as it is just what Iโ€™ve looking for and excited to read all the posts. I am looking forward to another great article from you.

clarice - hey janice d…….meg had not had enough sleep so give her a break besides as women we can cry anytime,anywhere and so on when we want ): you must be a really coLD person…..go meg(:

The Lady of the House - So glad you got away for a little “girl time”. Feel better & I’m totally lovin’ the quilt so far.
The Lady of the House

Dar - This So Cal girl would love to read about all of the cool places that you went while here. Also, sorry about the weather, we never really had a summer this year. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

Jennifer - Wow, you are lucky!! Last weekend, no kids and this week with girlfriends! How do you do it with five kids??? I have three and I get a night every once in awhile but I’m so jealous. I don’t even know how I’d act if I got more than a few hours… Can’t wait to see how the quilt turns out. I love the fabric.

Gemma - Hi Meg,
Glad your back : )
Hope your well soon X
Gemma x

melissa - YAY!!! You’re back!!!!

Jodi - Also crushing on Ben Affleck after seeing The Town! That shot of him doing pull ups? Um, Hello! And his voice was super sexy too. Glad you had a fun time in CA.
Hope you feel better soon.

Sugar Mama - Isn’t it awesome being married to a capable man! Makes being away that much easier… and special. Glad you had a fabulous time! And I LOVE the patterns of the fabrics you chose!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This sounds so much like the week I had! Except for the CA part…

deborah@applesinwonderland - gotta’ adore a man that can bring home the bacon AND fry it up in the pan;) You know you picked up a nasty airplane virus? i think the airplane air is all from 1972 or 1974. truly. feel better:)

becki - Yay for girl time!

Anna Marie - CRAIG…I am impressed!
Meg…glad you had fun. Now get better so you can post more happy blogs. I missed them ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mindy Harris - Glad you got to get away, Darlin’. We all need that every once in awhile and I can’t wait to do the same after my baby girl is “off the boob.” Ha.
Praying you will feel better soon. Your quilt is going to be just beautiful. Kudos!

Valerie@chateaualamode - Awww, take care Meg…sounds like it was a wonderful time! Happy for you to have some girl time…it’s important for us moms.

Trish - Did you hear me holler all the way from bush Alaska?!! You seriously made my day. I have been fighting with a nasty computer virus all afternoon so this was WONDERFUL news!
My husband can also flawlessly care for the kids, albeit there’s fewer here, while I’m away. And I LOVE that.
i’ll be e-mailing you as soon as I am sure my ugly virus is totally cleared up.
oh, and I have issues too. they’re not pretty.

PinkPeanutButter - Sounds like you guys had a great time!!! Love the quilt!

Julie - Hockey masks.

Margo - I am loving your quilt!! I hope you feel better soon!

Kat - Meg, you are not alone. I was crying in the car on the way home from school drop off today. I guess I have issues also.
Thanks for always keeping it real and making those of us who read your blog feel like we can share a little part of your life.
Oh for some girlfriend time, sigh. (I think that is part of my issue atm.)
No pictures means you were too busy living in the moment, which is fantastic!
I hope you feel better soon and am glad you got to get away and have me time!

linda lou - beautiful colors in the quilt (those are my favorite(:)………..glad you got to go to california and my prayers that you feel better soon. blessings,
linda lou

miss r - Girlfriend time is the best!

Nikki - Sounds like you had a wonderful time…. but, no pictures ๐Ÿ™ Oh well, I guess you were too busy having fun (which is a good thing!) I love the colours of the quilt you are making.
Sorry to hear that you’re sick, hope you get better soon.

Jen M - When I come home with no pictures I know that I was truly living in the moment. And those are actually some of the best memories.

Conny - The girls get away weekends are always too short! But I can say I’ve done a few quickie trips to Minnesota for the girl time. :>) Don’t forget to visit Northern California some time ~ it’s like a different state than Southern Cal ~ who knows, you may like it too.
Love your blog. I’m a recently new reader.
~Conny in the Silicon Valley

Jess - Glad you are home, but so sad you are sick. Yuck! Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - If the rainbow quilt you slept under is the one on her “Nothing Better” post, then I bought one just like it this weekend. My Target had them on clearance for $10. There was one left and I grabbed it and did a happy dance in the middle of Target— I kid you not— a happy dance! ๐Ÿ™‚
Crying with friends over our issues is the best therapy! We all have issues! But it’s especially nice to have friends that still love you after they know your issues! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Get some rest and feel better! I missed you while you were gone. I kept refreshing your blog… ::open, open:: like the Mervyn’s lady.
So glad you had fun!

Shauna - i just love you. you are a light to my day today.

jennifer - So glad you had such a great weekend! Good friends that let you let it all hang out are the best. Rare, but the best!
Love the fabrics in your quilt and I can’t wait to see it when it’s done.

Kari - I just adore reading your blog. You are such an inspiration. I cry a lot too but mostly lately b/c my grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. I try and think about the fact that she lived to be 88 and was well traveled and still living on her own and driving and everything. Not everyone can say that… But other times I think I cry b/c I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life!

pam - So cool you could have such a fun trip/therapy. Bummer on the sick…sleep is good. I told my dad about Roy’s…his response, “oh yeah…been there, really good stuff. I think it’s been there for like 50 years.” “WHAT? How come you never took us?” “I don’t really is good!” I feel he failed me in my childhood. :o)

Staci - Your trip sounds absolutely positively awesome! Hope you are feeling better very soon! And yay for husbands who can take care of our family when we leave like it’s no big deal ๐Ÿ™‚ I LOVE that!!!! And yay to the winners!!!

bobbie - I love Julie is a broken link. Love the quilt!

Andrea Howe - It was so great meeting you Meg. You are beautiful! I have a couple of pictures I will send you from our meet up, and I can’t wait to see the ones you took! Oh, and Art and I went to see the Town last night and have mercy, Ben Affleck is a doll, even as a bank robber. I put on Facebook this morning that he made me want to fall in love with a bank robber! HA! BTW, I have decided that after now having met you, I will no longer be a stalker, but actually leave a comment. If you hadn’t already guessed by my knowledge of your blog, I do actually read every post ๐Ÿ™‚

Janice D. - Why so much crying. Stop being so dramatic. You have a wonderful husband, healthy children and you still have time to travel to visit a friend while your husband takes care of the children and your house. Give me a break and go cry for something that really matters.

Bobbi Jo - Totally crushing on Ben Affleck too after seeing The Town. You know it’s a good movie when you’re totally rooting for the bad guy.

Transparent Mama - Hope you said Hi to California for me. The quilt looks adorable.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - i already told julie, but i am super jealous ๐Ÿ™‚
third weekend of september last year, we were there!

amy d - this whole post made me smile and laugh out loud! it was so much fun…EVERY BIT OF IT (except shrimpy car with no key fob!) i barely took any pictures too…just too busy having fun!
thanks for the awesome adventure….ABORT! ABORT! ABORT! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trish - Oh man I thought I was the winner of the necklace til I clicked on Trish’s name. Oh well ๐Ÿ™‚
Maybe you could do skype therapy! More interaction!
Sounds like so much fun… One day I will be that adventurous and just fly off to cali for a weekend to meet people ๐Ÿ™‚

Georgia - Hope you get well soon!
Sounds like a fun trip ๐Ÿ™‚
Im Loving that quilt your making, very colourful and cozy looking ๐Ÿ™‚
xxx Geo xxx

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vitamin awesome-ness

hi girls.

i haven't emailed any of you back yet with the address yet.
you have not been forgotten.

i am in california.

in julie's super fun house…eating yum-o food and getting ready for photo sessions.
i am having a great time.

when i get home to kansas i will respond to all the awesome emails!

i think together we are all a powerful force!
it's going to be AMAZING.

love you all for wanting to help.


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Jordan Shoe - More speculatively, it could make long-distance space travel more feasible by slowing down ageing and reducing the consumption of oxygen and food. - Hi! Could you email me the address for the vitamins? Thanks!

Melissa - Hey Meg,
Doesn’t God just amaze you sometimes with His awesomeness??? On Thursday my heart friends and I met and we were talking about how to do big things for the Kingdom, and how as moms of littles, we sometimes feel like we can’t. After all, the littles are our main mission fields right now and they just don’t travel well!(We have 23 children between the 9 of us) Then, I came home and saw your vitamin post!!! YAYAYAYAY!!! I was so excited to share w/my girls and now we are going to collect vitamins to send for the trip! Everynight as I’m passing them out to my kiddos I’m praying for those sweet babies out there, for who a vitamin is a treat. Thank you so much for making people aware of situations like this and offering easy ways to help! OK- now that I’ve rambled on… I need the address.. ๐Ÿ™‚

melissa - ok, i’ve been patient enough.
i read your blog everyday and for three days there’s been nothing.
no new posts.
please come home soon!!!!!!
i need to see your bright pictures.
i need to be inspired by all the color in your world.
(are you a little freaked out by this comment??? LOL)
((i’m starting to scare myself))
i just really enjoy reading your blog and totally am missing new posts!!!!!
a very loyal follower

jaz - Yes, we will send some!!

Sarah - Your readers could request free vitamins using this link… Think of all the money they’d all save! ๐Ÿ™‚

Meredith Salmon - My family thinks that I make the best meatballs after using Meg’s recipe. We love them.

Liz - You should do a cookbook. Just made the crescent chicken, and tomorrow am making the ham and half & half recipe. we loved the meatballs.
Could we just move in with you?

Heather Ferger - Where are you in KS? I am in the KC suburbs.

julia - now you’re going to have to go to the East Coast…to make things even.

Lori - Ooh, haven’t done a quilt in years. Sounds like you’re having a blast. Enjoy.

peta - have fun!

Laura - where are you in California? That is where I am!! Hope you are having fun!

Kelly - ahhh! have you ever sewn a quilt before. we love california! Kelly

april - YAAA hope you are having fun!!! The weather is perfect right now!!!

Holly - That sounds like a fun time. I’ll be right over…from DC!

Holly - have a fun time Meg!

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when our group went to africa in march, each of us was given something to collect and bring to donate.
my suitcases were full of birthday cake mixes and the pillowcase dresses.
all together we had 11 big suitcases full of donations: books, first aid, sports equipment, gardening tools
one suitcase was FULL of vitamins.
we filled a room in the Ale' Ale' House.  
it was awesome.

after the Good News Club on saturdays in Kroo Bay the children are given an egg.
we were told that for many of them it would be the only protein they would have all week.

we were told that since our visit they have been able to give each child a vitamin with their egg.

it's not anything we would get excited about here in the US…right?  an egg and a vitamin?
but for that to be all they get each week?
it breaks my heart.


we received an email that they have run out of vitamins and wondered if we would be able to collect more.



we said YES!
it's an honor to help.
we are sending all of our vitamins to a central location…jody's house in colorado
and the next person going to freetown will take our vitamins with them.

i took my kids and let them pick them out.

can YOU help?

1. buy children's vitamins.

2. email me for the address for where to send them.   ( )

3. send them.  (if you are local you can give them to me anytime)

4. smile. 

5. pray for all the children who will receive them.

we can do this soooooo easily.

jody and cassie and pam and kari each blogged this today too…said it so beautifully.

i loved what jody added at the end of her post….and i am going to paste it here:

Iโ€™m quoting in full here Jaime, a missionary in Costa Rica.
She describes this incident where she delivers food to some desperate kids:

โ€œIโ€™m gonna go fight poverty for two and a half hours.

2.5 hours on a Tuesday morning to solve the biggest problem in the world. What a joke.

We will show up with a bag full of bread and an armload of bananas, and the children will clamber around us like ducks at a pond. A bunch of little ducklings, falling all over each other for a bit of bread and a soft pat on the head.
And for 2 and a half hours we will laugh and play and eat, and we will talk about Jesus. And when we leave, they will be just as poor as when we arrived. Poverty taunts us as we drive away.
Itโ€™s overwhelming.
The problem is so big, and we are so small. It feels ridiculousโ€ฆ showing up to war wielding a loaf of bread.
Of course thatโ€™s how David showed up. Just a shepherd boy with some bread for his brothers, a kid who was quick with a sling shot. He chose for battle against a giant, not a sword, or the kings armor, but five smooth stones. And he won.
He said to the giant:โ€You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and Iโ€™ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORDโ€™s, and he will give all of you into our hands.โ€ ~1 Samuel 17
I kind of love that.
Iโ€™m going to feed the ducks, now.
And then, with all my might, I will hurl a tiny pebble at their giant enemy. And I hope it hurts like hell.โ€œ


And I love that.
So pick up your pebbles, people. Here we goโ€ฆThanks for joining us.

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Lori - Sweet Meg- I would like to do this with my American Girl class. We are going to be doing a service project while studying Molly. Could you please tell me where to send the vitamins? Thanks so much! Lori

Brenda - I would love to donate and I will send you an email soon.

Beth Schobert - Meg, we are doing this for our family Christmas instead of gifts. Will that be too late? Can we send them later? Please let us know if there are other things we could collect and send.

ThinkTHEBOXing - Why just bring one suitcase load at a time? Is there a way we can ship vitamins directly to these kids?

Traci - Hi there,
Would you be interested in doing a giveaway/review on my blog, Ordinary Inspirations? Also, I’d love to have you Sponsor Ordinary Inspirations by running a fabulous ad in my sidebar!
PS: I’ll send you more details and stats if you are interested.

Kristin S - What a great way to tangibly help!
Just posted on Facebook too…

Selina - I’d love to help, but sending vitamins from Australia is so not worth the money. Can I have an address so I can mail them from Amazon too? Thanks!!

Laura - you rock

Meg B. - hmmm, I’m local and my school gives kids vitamins each day for free. Maybe we could get a bulk rate. I’ll check into it.

Transparent Mama - I love how the blogging world can come together to give vitamins to needy children in Africa. Very cool.

Melanie Neumann - I emailed you for an address! This is awesome.

PinkPeanutButter - I emailed you for an address.

jennibell - GREAT idea!!! Would love to know how many suitcases this post generates!!! I blogged about it today ( and am sending you an e-mail so I can send vitamins to you this weekend. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give.

Sheryl - Amen Sisters! I’ve got my pebbles ready! Although mine are aiming at the poverty giant in the Philippines. It’s everywhere ladies, pick a place a hurl those pebbles!!

Chantel - I will definitely be doing this! I even reposted it on my FB and Tumblr. You will receive an e-mail from me shortly for the address!

Lynda - Hi Megg,
Yesterday I read your post and commented on it… I live in the Netherlands I can’t help you as I want to……I think…but I thought about it last night, and I want to ask you….CAN we help from here? ANy idea?

Tina - Thanks for posting this! We’ll be sending lots of vitamins.

Liz@Loving Mom - What a wonderful and easy way to help out! I just sent you an email asking for more info. I am going to share this on Twitter and Facebook as well.

Christina - Chills. What a great post from Jaime, too.

Rebecca - will definitely send some vitamins out. i love the idea of taking the kids shopping – getting them involved and teaching them the value and joy of being a blessing to others!
posted this on my blog as well. thank you for your heart to serve others!
-Rebecca H.

Suzanne - These children capture my heart with each picture. Simply beautiful!

Margo - Thanks for allowing us all to join in on this! I will be buying vitamins and getting them to you!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Megan-
Just wondering if there is anything else they need? When shopping for vitamins today at Target, they had all of their school supplies 75% off. In looking at some of the other pictures, I saw piles of glue and such. I’d be happy to pick up those suppies, too, especially while you can get so much for great prices- and mail them with the vitamins. Are things like glue and children’s scissors needed?

Rachel - Please send the address – I’ll have them shipped straight over from Amazon.
Thanks so much! God Bless

laura - I’m visiting Jessica McClenahan until Sunday and then will head back to Colorado. Not sure if you would prefer to wait awhile and just send a bunch at one time to Jody but if you would like me to take what you have already collected I’d be happy to. I’m just a few minutes from her. Anyway, thought I would throw that out there just in case. Call Jess if you would like me to. Otherwise, no worries and happy vitamin collecting! ๐Ÿ™‚

karen - I am sending mine to Jody directly also thru Amazon
free shipping over $25

Lisa - I sent my vitamin order directly to Jody via I’m glad I could help a little! ๐Ÿ™‚

jennifer - Absolutely!!! Please send me the address where to send them.

Christy - Thanks for posting this! Ordering some vitamins via Amazon & sending directly to the address. Easy peasy! Seriously, this is less than a meal out with my family & goes for a lot of good.

Megan - Sent money to Jody thru Paypal. Thanks for the opportunity to give!

Lisa utu - Love this! And love the quote at the end. Powerful!

Melissa Lynch - I sent the e-mail from my office for the address. I am computer ignorant. Can I share your post on my facebook so I can mail a HuGe box of vitamins?

Karen Gerstenberger - This is awesome and beautiful. The Bible quote brought tears to my eyes, because that is how I feel about cancer research. I will do what I can to move this forward, so that one day, no more children and families will suffer what Katie (and we) suffered. NO MORE.
If you have a moment, PLEASE go to my blog and watch the video of the new cancer researcher in Seattle, Dr. Mike Jensen. He is a bit like David, with the tiny T-Cells and the big mission. I believe that he is going to move this forward, and the video will inspire you with HOPE.

SeaminglySarah - Okay, maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones talking, but the quote from Jamie made me cry.
Plus I love the mention of a “Good News Club.” When my mother in law was hit with cancer a 2nd time she came up with the “Good News Report.” She only focused on good news, god’s news. The positive attitude and optimism she carries is inspiring. I always thought her “Good News Report” was cute, but now I can tell her it’s catching around the world! =)

Esther - Wao….thanks Meg for this, will email in a sec for address. Tears running down, I’m a Cuban refugee and I totally been there so come on girls let’s do this for these children. Hugs~

Christi Hoffman - LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this! I shared this on my FB! Thanks..

Dana Banana - I will buy several bottles this week and bring them to your house on Sunday. This will be a great service project for our family. Thanks for giving us the opportunity.

Lisa - Email sent – let us know when the person is leaving so we get them there on time! ๐Ÿ™‚

amber - Yes! Another great way to teach my little girl about how the world around her is so imperfect. And how blessed we are to be able to serve. Thanks. I’m going to stick this on my blog too.

misty - i just cried my eyes out reading this. I am sending this link to our pastor & hope our church can help. also i will be sending vitamins. i’m emailing you for the address now- thank you for this post

Shauna - thank you for blogging this. i needed this this morning. i am in. i will blog this later and email you for the address. also, while i was reading your post, i was listening to pandora’s elizabeth mitchell station and a man was singing “i can change the world with my own two hands”. not sure who it was singing, but I am gonna just take that double whammy encouragment as God’s voice to me ๐Ÿ™‚ off to get my vitamins and obey Him…thanks for being you, Meg.

AshleyAnn - Will be adding this to my post tomorrow…it fits in so perfectly. You make me happy Megan.

Tara - crying and overwhelmed.
gonna email you and get the address…

Emily - Thanks for reaching out to us! Can’t wait to help out.

Carmine - Just a note too, if you can’t physically send the vitamins, Jody is collecting donations via paypal and she’ll go buy the vitamins. Her paypal is jodylanders @ gmail . com (remove the spaces in paypal)

Nicole - Absolutely!!! Going out today! And just so happen to be heading to the post office too! Hopefully I can get your address in time!

shannon - Yes ma’am we will help! I will do a post on my blog later this morning also!

Molly Pearce - Oh yes I can help! I love this! I love what Jaimie said, very humbling, very sad, but very true about God’s love for us and He fights for us everyday! I will send you an email now chicky!!
~Molly P

Tracy - Yes, I’ll be happy to help out and help those babies over in Africa. That’s such a sad story but one I’m so glad you were able to experience and share with the rest of us here. Thanks for the opportunity to help out in some small way. I will send you an email later today to request the address of where to send the vitamins to. P.S. I have also added this link on my blog to help spread the word! Big hugs, Meg! :o)

Julie - My mother hosted a Good News Club in our home. It was during one of those club meetings, I was saved. Very near and dear to my heart. The pebbles do seem so tiny, but hurling anyway. Thanks for the opportunity to help.

Lisa Cash - Already sent the email – I’m in! Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to help out!

Lynda - I can only help with 4 and 5 :(….I’m sorry! I would love to send some vitamins! Beautiful pictures of even more beautiful children, thanks for reminding me…….

Lisa - great idea meg, am sending an email now.

pam - Wow…never bought vitamins before…so colorful, so fun….so humbled. I’m in…email already on it’s way.

bobbie - I’ll so be doing. look for my email soon.

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