Masthead header


thirty five is going to be a big year.
i can feel it.
i don't what i feel exactly but i can tell that it is going to be…something.

deep thoughts….i know right?  ha.

but i am just saying it now.
i feel different.
i feel a change coming.

i hope it's not menopause.
i would prefer it be something more fun than that.

and i have no answers.
i am not hinting at anything.
i just FEEL like 35 is the beginning of SOMETHING big.

so there.
ps….thanks for all the birthday well wishings….so many de-lurkers yesterday….cool. 


after i had been awake for a total of three minutes my husband and kids gave me their cards and
in one of the cards was a spa certifcate.
happy mama.
but the kicker was that it was for 12:40 that day.
during my martini lunch that i was so excited about.

i will be honest with you ladies……it took me awhile to let my lunch go.
i really was craving some girl time.
i miss my friend.
i contemplated changing the appointment all morning…but i wanted to honor my husband.

so i didn't.

i went to the spa (i know i know…i am a big baby…whining about a spa…get a life meg!! )
i did not talk to the girl giving the massage.   (even though i desperately wanted to say "i have that shirt!" i refrained)
i just wanted my massage.
i didn't want to hear her gasp when i said i had five kids.
i didn't want to hear her say "well no wonder you are so tense!"
so i said nothing at all except that i wanted full body and to be firm.
(that is graphic…sorry)

well…it was….she did her job.
it was nearly painful.
but in a good way.
soooo good.
clearly i needed THAT more than i needed my lunch.
i felt fabulous.

thank you craig.
you are so kind to me….even when i did not jump up and down with excitement about my awesome gift.
i totally should have.
that could be the best gift you have ever given me!
definitely in the top five.

i saw jane get that gift on mad men and i said "anytime you want to get me that…go for it"
and you did.
and i was totally surprised by it…..i thought it would be an ice cream maker like talby wanted to pick.
it was a STELLAR gift. 
i am such a baby.

someone left this on my door.
i think i know who….but i am not positive.
will the real slim shady please stand up?


in my other target ruffle sweater.
no makeup….massage and facial still evident.

i cannot believe our smoke detectors didn't go off.
that reminds me……i bet we need new batteries in our smoke detectors.

then everyone got the gimmes and wanted the first piece.
but we all know that the first piece of ice cream cake goes to the birthday girl….don't we?

i ate it and it was YUMMY.

now….i must get some sleep.
my body is exhausted from all the pampering it endured. 
it's rough being queen for the day.

35…'s gonna be a big year.

bring it. 

Ann R. - Wanted to comment on the last two posts… It seems to me, (I have come to the conclusion) that when I have a day like you first had, i.e. have your own schedule, can do what you want when you want to, get errands done, maybe have your fave drink at starbucks or something and the day just seems so on target. Either later that day or the next day, something in the atmosphere shifts and gives you a totally poopy day, like you referred to….it’s almost as if we are getting punished for having a lil carefree mommy time without guilt or something. Do you know what I mean? I mean it all comes crashing down – and you wonder – why, what did i do, seriously! Tell me if you can relate. And not to bust your bubble now that your daughter is in all day kindergarten, but I too said the same thing about getting stuff done and I just cannot get motivated or stay on task. Seems halloween is around the corner, then thanksgiving, then christmas, then our school fundraiser and it all is still there waiting for me. Although you seem more organized than I, although I try to be! Enjoy the time to yourself and I for one love your blog and appreciate your frankness, because that is what makes us who we are and I hate when women act like all is just roses, when really we all have our moments etc. Its one big family of women who can relate to each other!
Take care – and as my mom says “this too shall pass”!

Trina McNeilly - Happy Birthday, a little late. Hope you had the best day ever. i know 35 will be a beautiful year for you!!!!!!!

Kelly - So glad you had a wonderful birthday!! I turn 35 in June! Kelly

Lisa - Happy belated birthday! I hope you do have an absolutely amazing year.

crystal beutler - Something amazing is going to happen this year. I just know it. My thirties were my best years ever. I didn’t even get married until I was 35. And look at you . . . and what you have accomplished. You are miles ahead of me. I can’t wait to see the story of your life continue.
You birthday looked awesome btw.

Tricia - I’m late, (as usual) but wanted to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, Meg!!!
I’m sure that 35 will indeed by a great year!

Erin - Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope 35 is a fantastic year for you….I’m 35 as well and am going to embrace it, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. I absolutely love your blog!!!

kim - Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait to watch your 35 story unfold…

Karen Gerstenberger - Dear Meg, I’m sorry I missed your birthday and posting on it. Happy (belated) birthday – may it be the start of a fabulous year!
My Nana Emilie (whose French mother lived with my mother’s family) used to say that a woman of 30 (or was it 40?) is a REAL woman – implying that the fun/fulfillment of potential/beauty/depth BEGINS then. So the older we get, the more interesting we can be…and you are still quite young. =)
I see that you are embracing it all, and that is good – it’s gratitude, and gratitude is so important to happiness. God bless you and your family!

sara - hi just to wish you a happy belated birthday…i’m 42 and believe me hun life definately gets better..i am so happy in my new life(long story) but its great and i’m so glad you have a plan and enjoy is precious enjoy..
take care

Darlene - Just found your blog.
You are TOO cute!!
You know…. I felt the same weird strong sensation when I turned 35 a few months ago.
Like, I finally knew what I wanted, and I was willing to say ‘no’ to get it…..
Happy Birthday.
btw. love the name of your blog

Lindsey - Happy Birthday! I am one of your daily lurkers that de-lurked for your birthday. Love your stuff! Thank you for making my day bright everyday! I hope 35 is your year for wonderful things!!!!!!

Beth - Happy birthday! I’ll turn 35 next year and I think I know what you mean: it feels different. Happy 35 years!

Jennifer M. - Must have one of those adorable sweaters!!!!! I can’t find them at my Targets–yes, that’s plural. I am a Target Queen. Which brand is it–Merona or Mossimo? Thanks for your help! πŸ™‚

aimee - oh, RATS, i’m late! – happy belated birthday! sounds like it was just wonderful! i have that sweater in grey and cream and i love ’em!

eva - Happy Bday – that cake looks delicious.. i hope 35 is GREAT

the domestic fringe - Happy Birthday!
I also turned 35 this year and had the same kind of big feelings for the year…like something’s changing. I don’t know yet. The only big change is my fat shifting. Hopefully 35 will bring better change than that! πŸ™‚
Your special day sounded delightful. Make it a wonderful year!

sandy toe - Happy birthday…your blog is a blessing!
sandy toe

Valerie - I just have to tell you that I love your blog! It’s so real and so fun! The pictures of you with your cake were amazing! I’m 49 and trust me you will only get better with age so enjoy!

Wendi Siyajuck - What a blessing! I can’t wait to read what big thing is next…

jill - Happy Birthday Meg – don’t know how I missed it yesterday! You are still a baby at 35, enjoy every minute. I have loved my 40’s…so far…With age comes a sense of peace and definitely wisdom along with those years. I find I am so comfortable in my own skin. Your day sounds heavenly….but I totally GET your disappointment with missing your martini lunch, I hope you did THAT today.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - so glad you had a great day. πŸ™‚ i understand that feeling of something big coming. i have that feeling lately too…and i have no idea what it means. kind of fun though. have a great weekend! πŸ™‚

Diana - β™« happy birthday, neighbor β™«

Dianne Avery - Happy birthday!! Your sweater is adorable.

Lisa K - Happy birthday!!! I’m glad it was wonderful. You are a treasure πŸ™‚

april@gingerbreadgirl - oh snap…no martini!!!! Oh well…have one today instead!!! Glad you had a great day!!

elisa - Ohhh Happy Birthday Gilry!! You are just a baby πŸ™‚

carla - Happy birthday, I turned 35 this year too…. Still not too sure how I got here so quick!!glad you had a fun day. Love love love your blog πŸ™‚

tasha roe - fun day! glad your day was special.
ps – loved that sweater!

Courtney Walsh - Your post yesterday set off some bells in my head. I’ll be 35 in 3.5 months. I am not ready. I have things to do.
The massage sounds so wonderful and makes my body ache for firm hands that rub the stress away. Fer reals.
Glad you had a great birthday!! πŸ™‚ You so deserve it. Bring it on 35…it IS gonna be a great year!!

Kacey - Sounds perfectly lovely – even if you did have to reschedule your martini lunch. You look so beautiful and happy and relaxed!

Transparent Mama - It always stinks when two or three really good things are scheduled at the same time.I love how you chose to honor your husband.

jennibell - I love those feelings when it feels like something “big” is around the corner. . .probably something you couldn’t imagine in a million years either — ha! Or maybe it’s just more of the same, but more vibrant. . .know that you’ll continue to share with us and that makes me smile πŸ™‚ And the best part is that someone actually took your picture with your cake. . .I always have to *ask*, which then takes away from the picture, y’know? Anyways. . .happy 36th year!!! Here’s to the best ahead. And maybe an caramel apple martini this weekend?

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Happy Belated Birthday!

Debra - Happy Belated Birthday!! I also turned 35 this year (in April) and I hope that your feeling that this is going to be a big year is right:) Here’s to 35+ many more happy birthdays!!

Sugar Mama - Do you have any cake left over? I always secretly hope I’ll be invited to parties just so I can have a piece of cake. And yours looks amazing!
and Philosophy body wash…. my favorite! Happy day to you! And you feel that it will be an awesome year… it WILL be an awesome year!

Wendy - Meg, you look adorable with spook lighting. That can’t be said for anyone else.
Happy birthday, and I miss you! Can that we said if we’ve only ever spent one hour together?

Beth - Yikes! ONe day I’m out of town and don’t read your blog and you go and have a bday! Happy Birthday!

Carol - Happy Birthday! Your gift was totally awesome! I think Talby had ulterior motives when picking out an ice cream maker πŸ™‚ Love the sweater!

Jen@thecottagenest - Meg- I am wearing that grey sweater right this minute! I hope this next year is amazing for you!

Regina - i love love love your new header!
so glad you had a good birthday.

Lanny Stanard - Very nice… looks like you had a great birthday πŸ™‚

Andrea@Flourishing Mother - Happy Birthday!!
I am glad you enjoyed your day! =)
I am a lurker…
but I had to say I totally know that feeling of waiting for the gasp when you say you have five kids during a massage. (I have five kids!!!) Too funny.

Katie - I am glad you had a good day! I always try to stretch it out to Birthday Week…because we have family close by and get to celebrate with everyone!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You looked beautiful. Love the glow of candles…great shot. What a sweetie giving you a massage like that. So glad you had a great b-day. It IS going to be a great year. I feel can feel it too…BRING IT!

sarah - I missed it yesterday, very sorry about that… Happy belated Birthday!!!
Sounds like you had a fantastic one, and I know this year will be so amazing for you.

Lisa - Happy Birthday Meg! Glad you has such a good day! Here’s to a fabulous year!!

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - Happy (now-belated) Birthday, Meg! Happy to hear you had a great day.

Maria - Glad you had such a happy birthday…love those spa gifts…I have told hubs the same thing many times and he came through this year…
love the sweater!
and that cake!….I am in seriously need of chocolate now…kids will be overloaded this weekend I think….

Nicole Q. - Not sure why but your post made me cry. Maybe it’s because I need a massage or because I love that your year is going to bring something good . . . and I feel that about my year . . . on the brink of something – just don’t know what yet. Or maybe I just started my period, oh yeah that’s it! Ha!! Glad you had a great day!

Gemma - Glad you had an alrighty day : )
You look fab!!
Gemma x

Heather R. - Happy Birthday, Meg. You RoCk!!!

Meaghan - Happy Birthday Meg!
It is so cool that you are so excited for something big to happen! I will be 35 in almost 4 years…now you have me excited about it too. πŸ˜‰ Or maybe something exciting will happen to me while I am 31 and a half….

Paula - Another lurker coming out of the shadows (in Australia) to say happy birthday… I’m a year ahead of you and I think with age comes some kind of contentment that is hard to describe, but I feel, like you, that good things are ahead. Perhaps its just a letting go of stress from yound children etc.
Enjoy. Love your blog

Beth - I know, too, how you feel about not talking. Every time I get a massage, if I say anything . . . the masseause takes off and talks non-stop my whole massage. NOT relaxing. It’s like I have this flashing neon sign on my forehead (or somewhere else in this case) that says “talk to me, tell me your life story.” I have that sign on most of the time (believe me, people in the strangest places tell me intimate details of their lives), but I don’t really want it on when I’m having a massage.

Lauren - Happy happy birthday! Way to go on embracing a new year! I can’t wait to find out along with you what that “something” is! Looks like a fabulous b-day!

becki - o happy day!!!

Jessica - sounds like you had a great day! Happy Birthday!

carols - Happy Happy! What a wonderful gift. You’ll love 35. It is ALL Good.

Kimberlee J. - Happy Birthday, friend. We’ll do lunch next week…and I’m still buying. πŸ™‚

julia - I know how you feel about not talking. Once in a blue moon when I get a pedicure I REALLY don’t want to talk. I feel like such a meanie but COME ON! Usually I have been rushing around the entire day dealing with OPS (other people’s stuff). I just want 30 minutes.
Love your cardi.

Grace - Happy, happy birthday! You look great—glad someone grabbed the camera to get your picture with your cake. πŸ™‚

Nikki - Happy belated Birthday! Looking hot chicky πŸ™‚

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - happy birthday!!! 35 look fabulous on you. πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - PS – Again with the sweater.
I saw these tonight at Target, but our Target only had a weird green color, and only in XXL. But still, I knew it was “the sweater”. Thanks for buying all the good colors…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - We are the only two people awake in this world.
Happy birthday! It was my SILs birthday, too. Only I never did call her to wish her a happy one. Awful. Maybe I should do it right now???

Leah - Happy Birthday, Meg! Since I’m in California, I’m technically not too late by my time. Sorry I did not de-lurk earlier. I too will be 35 this year (November) and I already have the same feeling as you — I can feel that it’s going to be a big year. By the way, reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day. So thank you and I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday!

jaz - Happy Barfday! (As they say in this family πŸ™‚

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halfway to seventy!


today is my birthday.
it's going to be great because i keep saying "it's going to be great" to myself over and over.
to convince myself.

remember my list i made last october?


i did GET photoshop….i just didn't learn how to use it yet.
i did make a painting but it wasn't the one i was dreaming of in my head so i don't want to count it.
i did NOT sleep till noon….once i slept till 10:30 and stayed in bed till 11:00.
i did NOT lose ten pounds.  i lost 5 though…that is better than none.
i did NOT learn how to cook pork but crystal b. is helping me on that.
i did NOT go dancing.  BOO.  i should have done this…i love dancing.
i did NOT even once think about painting the trim in the craft room.
i did NOT send my friends b-day cards.  good intentions…..
i did NOT do the weekly meal plans.  that was never going to happen…my brain does not work that way.
i did NOT make peppernuts.  THIS is the christmas.  it has to be.
i DID start to sew a quilt.
i did not paint the laundry room….because we are going to gut it eventually….so yay.
i did NOT take a trip with my sister…but we will travel together in the end of october…so we can count that.
i did NOT go camping in a tent outside.  that is a funny one.
i did NOT host a craft weekend at my house….i still want to….something to work on.
i did NOT do a freezer meal swap.  that is ridiculous.  i have to do that again soon!! 

and even after reading all that i do not feel i have failed.

i DID got to africa.
i DID start running.
i DID give up sugar for 3 months.
i DID spend everyday with my kids all summer.
i DID go down a slip n' slide.

 those things count for at least three things each….right?

i don't think i will make another list.
because my everyday to do list is already so long.
but some times i surprise myself.

today….i am going to have a carmel apple martini WITH MY LUNCH because i want to and i can.
i am thirty-five.
the guy didn't card me at walmart for my spray paint OR my beer.
it's official.
i am all groweds up.

Betsy - You go Girl – 35 is a great time to be alive and well! I am hitting my 50 mark in January….Oh to be 35 again and to know what I know NOW!!! Much joy to you on your special day!

Tara - i love this post.
yay for celebrating the things you DID DO on your list!
you are in deed ALL GROWED UP! πŸ™‚

Lisa Cash - Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great one!

Trish - Happy Birthday!
You inspire so many and do so with much love and grace.
Happy second half to 70 to you!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Happy birthday, Meg! I turned 36 on the 18th and celebrated by 12th anniv. the next day. It IS going to be a good year!

Beth - Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great year! On the meal planning — it is totally not me either. I mean *really* *not* *me*. I’m about as organized as. . . I don’t know, the most unorganized thing you can think of. But, I started doing it a number of years ago and it has made my life SO MUCH EASIER. Maybe you’re just a natural at stocking up on what you need to make meals, but I was always out of something I needed and it was either run to the store AGAIN or eat junk. My newest goal is to include my family in the planning and making, er I mean letting, them cook part of the time. Oh, and camping. In a tent. It’s awesome. I think you might like it πŸ™‚

Liza - Aloha – Many blessings on your day and your ‘new year’. Hau’oli La Hanau ~ happy birthday in Hawaiian ~

Krista - Happy Happy Birthday~ I would say you accomplished a LOT! Awesome…I love looking back at those lists and seeing what can get done over the span of a year. Hope you had a happy day and a yummy martini πŸ™‚

Tanya H - THAT is when I started reading your blog! Someone said something about your list and I came to see. You rock. Happy Birthday and thanks for making the world a little brighter and more fun! So far, 30 is my fave. Don’t see why 35 shouldn’t be too!

Tricia - Happy, happy Birthday, Meg!!!!

Heather - Happy All Growed Up Birthday!!!

Michele - Happy Birthday!

Suzanne - Happy Birthday my virtual friend πŸ™‚

Donna - Happy Birthday!! You are a fabulous 35!!

Jules - Happy birthday Megan! Hope you have a fabby day! I’m a September baby too! Hope 35 is a fantastic year for you and your family! Xx

Daniela - Happy Birthday!

Shelly Primm - happy birthday! i hope you had a fantastic day. i love reading your blog. thank you for sharing your life with so many strangers! πŸ˜‰

Margo - Happy Birthday!! Welcome to 35 – hope you had a great day!!

Amnah - Happy birthday Meg!!

Elizabeth@BlueClearSky - Happy ‘half way to 70’! I guess that would make me halfway to 90! Now that is painful ;(

Maureen - Megan-
“Don’t make me sing…” hAPPy Birthday to you!!! I am forever in your debt for pointing me to that SNL clip. It is my new favorite and I say it to my family all the time. We just had a family wedding of a niece and I said, “Isn’t this a wonderful party!” in her voice and my 14 year old son cracked up. Anyway since you shared, I will share with you. Download from Itunes, Al Anderson’s song “Trip Around the Sun.” as a birthday treat.A friend put it on a mixed tape years ago for me and now we play it for everyone’s birthday in our family. My daughter just turned 17 on the 27th and I played it from my Ipod while I drove her to school. She said, “Here we go” when I started it but they really get a kick out of it. Happy Birthday, I would kill to be 35 again. Good year.

christine - hope you had a memorable day!
happy birthday!

Jacqui - Happy birthday Meg!

Susan - Happy Birthday!

Alma - feliz trienta cinco!You truly are an awseome lady!

Julie - Happy, happy, happy birthday! May your year be blessed!

Stephanie - I faithfully read your blog but have never made a comment. Happy birthday! Today is my daughter’s 6th birthday too… I am attempting to make your rainbow cake for her party! Wish me luck!
Hope your day was wonderful πŸ™‚

Leigh - Happy birthday, Meg! I still think your list is great even if you didn’t get to cross everything off. I think your trip to Africa should count for 20. When I first came to your blog, you inspired me to create my own list (31 Things) and it has been fun working on it! Thank you for the inspiration.

peta - happy birthday!
may you continue to be blessed x

Kari - HaPpY BiRtHdAy! I just turned 38 last week. Like my wise friend said, 40 is the new 20 but 38 is just 38. Ha!

Logan - Happy 35th birthday, Megan! Hope you are having a wonderful day. By the way, I am very impressed with all that you did do! Way to go!
PS. Love my Wet n Wild lip glosses. Thanks for the “heads up” on that one!

Nikki in Austin - happy birthday, friend! if you ever visit austin, i’ll take you dancing (that’s one of my favorite, albeit infrequent, things to do too). here’s to hangin’ on to 34 as long as i can. well, six more months anyway. bathe in the blessings of being wooed and extravagantly loved by our awesome Father!

Dave - Looking forward to your movie about your social media web site.
Happy Birthday. You rock!
Chicago Dave

Courtney Walsh - aw, happy birthday, friend! πŸ™‚
hope you have a color-filled day!!

Jennifer De Los Santos - Happy Birthday! We got Kate’s pictures today!!! Haven’t looked on the CD yet, but the printed ones are great. Of course, I wish I looked better/thinner, but it is what it is. Thank you for making me be in the pictures. THANK YOU!

Anessa - Happy Birthday! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog everyday. Love the stories, photos, kind of wish I could be part of your family. Oh and I went to a flea market this past weekend and started my own Santa mug collection inspired by YOU! Thanks so much for such a wonderful blog. Puts a smile on my face πŸ™‚ Again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Brenna - Happy Birthday to beautiful you!! Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 35!!! I think 35 is the new awesome!!

Tracy Sharlette - Happy Birthday Meg!! I hope you had a beautiful day and hope for the best year ever for you!! How was that martini?

Jennifer - Hope your day is special, Meg!

Heather - Happy Birthday! A crafting weekend sounds so fun. I hope you get to do that one this year. πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - Happy Birthday Megan! I hope you have a super awesome birthday! πŸ™‚
Love your lists, maybe because they are so bright, colorful, and happy! I need to make mine more like that…I did eventually make mine: However, I turned 31 in April, so I’m working on getting more done on my list for age 32, still have a ways to go, but I feel I get more accomplished when it is written down.

Simies - Happy Birthday! I love your blog!

Staci - I hope you have a lovely lovely day!!!!! And wow! A caramel apple martini?!!! I have GOT to remember that one πŸ˜‰ Sounds super delish !

Kasey - Thanks for taking the time to share part of your life with us. Your blog is one of my very favorites! Happy birthday!

Beth @ Dirty Laundry - Mmm, yum, the caramel apple martini sounds like a great way to celebrate! Your list was daunting, and you did so much! Way to celebrate the big AND little things in life. Happy Birthday!

cassi - Happy Birthday! What a great way to plan out things you want to do. Congrats on achieve some of them

sarah - you are so treasured by this community of women…thank you for sharing your struggles and fears and mistakes as well as your creativity and wittiness and triumphs. you manage be to be authentic on the internet–no small feat.
i hope in this next year you know God more than you ever have before.

Lauren - Happy BIrthday, Meg! I hope its a fabulous year!!!

Julie - Happy birthday Meg!! How did I not remember you share a birthday with my (now) 6 year old?! I think your martini sounds better than the Hi-C orange drink my son ordered at McDonalds for his birthday lunch. So I just turned 34 not too long ago and when I read today’s post I thought, “Oh, I should make a 35 Things to do Before I’m 35.” Then I kept on reading and now I’m not so sure I want to. There’s enough pressure on me already! Mom to 4 kids, wife to 1 big kid (ha!), and teacher to 24 kidlings. But then making a list may force me to do some things for myself. I don;t really do all that much for ME. I’ll need to think about this.
Anyway, I know I already said it, but I’ll say it again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Enjoy YOUR day! πŸ™‚

Allison Y. - Happy Happy Birthday!! Thanks for brightening my day(s) with you happy blog!

Jen - Happy Birthday, Meg!

Daisy Cottage - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, Happy Birthday!!! You have done so many amazing things! What a great year for you!!

Christina - I remember last year reading that you were turning 34 and that you had this list for before you were 35, and being surprised because I had thought you were older than I am…not because you look older, but because you seemed so much more grown up. πŸ™‚ I just turned 36, and I still feel like I’m 17. Such a child!
Anyway, I hope that your day is wonderful and full of special and fun surprises!!

sarajane - happy birthday! Hope your day is wonderful and relaxing πŸ™‚

gingerbread girl - So did you have a martini??

Lucylu ~ - Happy Birthday! YOU rock!

Susan - Happy Birthday from Las Vegas!

tracy - Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday, dear Meg,
happy birthday to you!
it’s just not official unless you have the song!!!
best wishes for a great day and blessed year.

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - Happy birthday!
I didn’t know they carded for spray paint?! I’m only 22, and I’ve never been carded for it… I’m not sure what that means!? lol.

pam - Oh, Happy, Happy Birthday, dear Meg. Wish I could hug you today.
I love who you are inside and out and hope today is as special as you are. How could anyone NOT love your sensitive spirit, your compassionate heart, your tears that flow straight from Jesus in your heart, your humorous whit and your beloved artistic gift. YOU are unique and lovely.
Maybe we should have a girls night in a tent? for real. Oh how the laughs would flow in the dark.
Much love, friend. Happy Day.

Sharri - Happy Birthday Megan!

Alisha Gibb - Happy Birthday! Enjoy that martini. Who needs an excuse on their birthday?!

Faith Hope & Cherrytea - HaPpieSt BiRtHdaY!
for today & blessings on your new year :))

Faith Hope & Cherrytea - HaPpieSt BiRtHdaY!
for today & blessings on your new year :))

Valerie - Happy Birthday to someone I don’t know, but feel like I do! Enjoy that martini πŸ™‚

Tina - Happy birthday! You are amazing!

Elise - Happy Birthday!! You’re the greatest and I hope your day is incredible because you absolutely deserve it!

Denise - I hope you have a wonderful day!

Pamela M - Happy Birthday to you. I am a fan of your blog and this is the first time I have written. I am no longer a lurker from this point. tee hee!
In 10 years from now, you will look back and say you were just a baby. Try it, think back 10 years when we thought 25 was old-ish. It works, right?
Have a great birthday. I have to wonder if those precious kids of yours have made “hand made” cards for you!

Jennifer O'Steen - Happy birthday Meg! I hope you have a fabulous day!!

tara pollard pakosta - Happy Happy Birthday, Beautiful, Inspiring, Creative, GEnerous, Loving & KIND Meg! You have done more than you know! Everyday, I come here and am ispired to be a better person, mom, siser, friend etc. You radiate joy, real-ness, love more than anyone I know! Have a fabulous day! I am off to paint a beautiful sheet for my LISTS! I turn 40 next week!!!

ann - HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEG! I hope your day is super and special. I think your blog is awesome as it reflects how awesome YOU are. Best wishes! Hugs, Ann

OnlineSurveyJobs - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You went to Africa really or you’re just saying that?

Heather - happy birthday meg! i turned 35 this year too and even though it’s not much different then 34 i feel all growed up, too. πŸ™‚
i hope you enjoy your day. you deserve it!!

mandy friend - Happy Birthday Meg!!! I turn 30 in Dec, and you had inspired me to make a list too….crap I need to look at that! I love reading your blog:)

Sara - Happy Birthday Meg!!

Meredith Salmon - Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy that martini.

Kristy - Happy Birthday Meg! You are my favorite blogger! And regarding the poundage….don’t worry about the number…you ARE running and taking care of yourself. You ARE healthy and beautiful! And you will look back a couple yrs. from now at pictures of when you were 35 and think, “what was I fussing about?….I looked pretty damn good!”. Cheers to you hotness!

AmyB - Happy Birthday!!!

Kristen - Happy Birthday!!!!! You must be special, because it is my birthday too!!!! I love reading you every day….keep up the good work! I am thinking of making a list too……30 things to do by 30. I am 28 today. You are soooo inspiring! (oh, and i also would love to have 5 sweet kids like you too….I have 2 amazing ones of my own) Have a wonderful day!

transparent mama - Happy Birthday. That is a hilarious smorgasbord of a list.

Diana Thompson - Have a wonderful, happy birthday!! I love your blog and your colorful life!!

mel - Happy Birthday Meg!!! Hope you have a wonderful day…enjoy your apple martini, you deserve it πŸ™‚

merlin - Happy Birthday to you.
Thank you for all the sunshine and comfort you bring into my life through your blogging.
Enjoy your celebration.

Joni - HaPpY bIrThDaY, mEg! Hope it’s a BEEYOOTIFUL day for you and your family!

Kacey - Happy birthday! You have accomplished so much – be proud of yourself! πŸ™‚

Molly Pearce - Happy birthday Meg! Hope you have a fabulous year!
~Molly P

Beth Twist - Joining in with all of the other well-wishers… Happy Birthday!
I am rapidly nearing the end of my 35th year, and still have one thing to cross off my list (I gave myself a full year, and not nearly as many to-dos!)… get a tattoo. I figure I can handle natural childbirth, so a little needle action shouldn’t even come close to comparing with the pain I have experienced, right?
I have decided that for my 36th year I want to gain enough blog readers so that my birthday wishes can equal a quarter of yours. πŸ™‚
May God richly bless this new year for you… I know that He will continue to do great things in your life.

stacie - Happy Birthday!! I hope you’re enjoying that martin right now! You are really a neat girl, young thirty five year old. I can’t believe I’m the same age as you … I love reading your blog and seeing all that you do. Here’s what I get from it: you are talented in many ways. you are amazing. you are creative (duh!). you love God. you know what’s most important (faith, family, friends, fotography :)). I’m glad I found you. If you are ever in Columbus, OH call me … I’d love to have you here for a sleepover! For reals. Oh, happy day, Megan!!

elz - Happy Birthday- 35 is going to be great! You can also cross off- Make others’ lives better by writing and posting b/c I love your colorful posts and they always cheer me up/make me think.

carrie - Happy Birthday!! Enjoy that martini!! You deserve it! Have a great day!

linda@limein the coconut - Happy Happy day. But dayum….I’ll be half way to 100 on saturday. Never thought of it that way…..geeeez!

shelly@familyblt - Happy Happy Day of your birth! God danced the day you were born!
Hope your martini is delish!

mel - next month will be my 35th too. kind of freaks me out. i think you’re right though. we’re “all growed up” now. hope you have a wonderful birthday meg! enjoy that martini! πŸ™‚

kristin - happy birthday!!

Janine - Happy Birthday!! Thanks for your awesome blog! September 30th babies rock! I turn 32 today, and I just can’t make one of those lists because I know I would feel bad for not crossing everything off of it. Have a great day and a great year!

RLG - Happy Birthday, Meg!
Gosh, you’re so young. Too young to give up sugar! LOL
Hope you’re having a super fantastic day. Can we see a picture of you with that drink??? xoxo

melissa - Happy Birthday Girl! Enjoy it and live it up…make it a good one!

crystal beutler - Happy Birthday Friend! I’m sending you a birthday present. What’s your address again!
I loved your birthday post by the way. I’m so jealous that you got to go to Africa. How cool is that!

april - Happy Birthday!!! Have 2 martinis!!!! You deserve it!!!!

Rach - Happy Birthday!!! You will love 35. πŸ™‚

Susan - Bonne Anniversaire!
I love your list. Don’t make a new one, just keep knocking things off your old one and change the name to “Things I want to accomplish in the next 10 years”. That’s got to be doable yea?

The Lady of the House - Awesome! I was thinking the same thing about the slipnslide thing – You rock girl! Happy Birthday and Enjoy that cocktail with your lunch, doll. You DESERVE it!!!!

Lisa - Have a great birthday!!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - hAppY biRthDaY to you…
hAppY biRthDaY to you…
hAppY biRthDaY dear MEGGGGGGGGG…
… and many morrrrrre!
just so you know… i sang that outloud too! :O)
big ‘ol hugs & buckets of wishes to YOU! β™₯

Jamie - Happy 35th! Enjoy your day!

Denise - Happy Birthday! I hope your day is very blessed.

Art Cant Hurt - sounds like a plan! enjoy yourself!

Robin H Allen - Happy Birthday….
35 is still VERY young…I just turned 50 and wish I had made a list at 35 so that very nearly all of it would be crossed off by now…You have MUCH to be thankful are so clearly multitalented and God smiles on you frequently…and in turn you share the blessings with us your faithful followers…
Color your days and don’t get too worried about staying in the lines…
check out my daughters blog… she and you share alot of common things…
Have a great day!!

se7en - Oh Happy Birthday!!! You did SO VERY MUCH MORE than your list!!! Hope your next 35 years are just as fun!!!! September is clearly the month to have a birthday!!! Lots of love!!!

Mary Ferrara - Happy Birthday Meg! I just love your list, and this blog is one of my faves. You rock Meg! Hope you have an amazing day!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Ah… to be so young. Enjoy it. Really, really enjoy it. That is all I have to say.

Suzette - I’ve got you beat by 10 years (and it stinks!). I was 35 when I gave birth to my one and only child so you’ve already outdone me by four of God’s gifts!!! Have a splendid, joyous day! And thanks for making my day every time you post!

Allison - Happy Birthday funny girlie! Love ya!

Dineen - Happy Birthday Meg! Thanks for making me smile every day!

Sugar Mama - You Go you 35 year young Girl!
Enjoy that martini! (I miss being carded)

Amanda - Happy Birthday – love your new header!!

Cindy Trudo - Happy Birthday! Hope it’s happy. You have such a lovely life on this little blog. Your happiness and candidness is so inspiring. I know you will be blessed by sharing with others what you have been given. πŸ™‚

Lisa - Happy birthday, Meg! 35 was a wonderful year for me as I had a new baby boy to love. Now he is 6 and all growed up like you. πŸ™‚ Enjoy your day!

Katie - Happy Birthday! My birthday was this past Saturday, and I turned 36, so we’re about a year apart!
Thanks for the song you posted a few days ago. I listened to it over and over and over again especially through a rough Monday. Here’s another song that has really been a blessing to me lately: Maybe you’ll like it too.

jennifer - Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!!!!

Sandy - Happy Birthday, Meg! You deserve to be treated like a queen today. I do remember your list from last year and I started one for myself….45 things to do before I’m 45 (February 2011)….I’m still having trouble coming up with 45 things so you are WAY ahead of me!! I should get back to the list though, I can probably think of some new things since it’s been set aside for awhile.
Enjoy being 1/2 way to 70!…better than 1/2 way to 90! yikes

Auntie Susan - Happy Birthday, Meg!

Missy - Happy Birthday! My birthday is tomorrow!(34- maybe I should make a 35 before 35 list??!?!?) Last year I cried for most of my birthday for no other reason than I always have expectations that my birthday is going to be super fabulous… and it wasn’t. It was pretty normal- always is, and yet for some reason I am always surprised and let down by this fact. Weird, I know. Well, I hope we both have a fabulous birthday this year! πŸ™‚
I love spray paint too- just spray painted a spooky Halloween wreath for my front door. I posted it yesterday on my blog- check it out if you want!

Marisol Avila - Happy Birthday Beautiful! Hope you have a blessed year! You deserve the best – thanks for sharing your life with all of us!

Dana Banana - I will make peppernuts with you!! Plan on it.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Well girlie I hope you have THE best day evah. You’re a young one! Live it up and tell us all about it:)

Kelly - Happy Birthday Meg! Today is my birthday as well! (32) Hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!!

Lindsay - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have an awesome day! Have you heard of It has tutorials on all things Photoshop and more. I think there’s a monthly cost, but it would definitely help you learn it! Good luck!

brantlee - Happy Birthday Meg! Hope you have a great day!

Vera - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEG!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristi - you rock! have a great day!

Stacy Christy - Happy Birthday Meg!! I can only hope I’m as fabulous as you are when I’m 35! Have a wonderful day!

Brice - Happy Birthday. We still love our pictures from last fall.
And I just had to comment that you can’t “make a painting.” That is what a craft person would do. An artist paints or creates, not makes. πŸ™‚

Cori - Happy Birthday, you’re so young! Have a great day. btw I made your Apple Bar recipe this weekend after picking apples with the family. Now my dh requested that for his birthday cake!

bobbie - Happy Birthday! You are entering 35 with grace and style.. and a carmel apple martini

Routhie - Happy birthday! I love the new Whatever photo at the top too. Many happy returns. <3

Jodi - Happy Birthday Meg!

a pocket full of posies - Happy! Happy!! Birthday!!! 35 IS great!!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Many Blessings!

Lisa - Happy happy birthday! Thanks for introducing me to the summer list, crescent chicken, Hillboro, the Marion barn sale, Crazy Love, COLOR and so many other great things in this year of your life. (What is it with pork anyway? It taunts me. I have given up.) Hope you have a wonderful day!

Shauna - such a big girl!
thank you for sharing parts of your big girl life with us.
i am glad you were born.

Heather - You’ve done so much. Good for you! A very Happy Birthday – YOU are great.

Ashlee Archibald - LOL! I love your blog title!
Happy Birthday Sweet Meg! Enjoy your day, and your apple martini! You are such a hard working Momma and deserve nothing but the best! xoxox

Debby - Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day. And thank you for brightening mine!!

Rachel - You did LOTS!
And keep in mind there are decades left for you to cross of the rest of the items on your list. DECADES…
Happy Birthday!

Ali - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite blogger! Thanks for making me laugh, inspiring me, and helping me feed my family (i LOVE your recipes.)

Tyler - Happy Birthday! I am a new follower and just wanted to say you inspire me everyday:)

Tammy - Happy Birthday Meg!! You are an amazing woman who inspires so many each day!

Wendy - Happy Birthday Meg! You’ve done more in your 35 years than I have in my 41. You are awesome and you should give yourself credit for all you’ve accomplished! πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - Maybe you can have a caramel apple tini next week, too.
Love ya!

angela carter - happy birthday!

Sara - Happy Birthday to You!!! We should all congratulate ourselves on our accomplishments, love that you are celebrating what you HAVE done, not dwelling on the other things! PS. Love the new whatever banner. πŸ™‚

Kathi - Happy, happy birthday, CHICA! You always brighten my day, wishing I could brighten yours. Have a wonderful celebration and enjoy the next half to 70!

Laura - I will make and drink a margarita in your honor and celebrate the fabulous YOU!
I WILLL PRAISE THE DAY YOU WERE BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole Q. - Happy Birthday! You have touched so many lives with your thoughts, your creativity, your honesty, and your passions! Hope your day is full of beauty and your carmel martini is DELICIOUS!!! Take an extra long sip for me and dance in your living room! :))
(Today in my mother in law’s birthday too!)

jennibell - Happy, happy birthday!!! I love the list. . .it’s good to have goals. How did you make it so colorful and with all the different fonts? It might be more fun to have one if it was done up pretty like that πŸ™‚ I love that you accomplished so much…and many things that weren’t on the list too — yea! We would be awesome neighbors I think πŸ™‚ Have a great day and enjoy your martini at LUNCH. . .it’s the little things, huh?

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - Happy birthday, Meg! I think you still accomplished a lot…that was a long list and a year is only so many days.

Kait - Happy birthday Meg!

Robin - happy birthday πŸ™‚

Katie - Happy Birthday! Personally I think you did a lot plus the everyday things you do and being a mom of 5! Thanks so much for the art website…I glanced over it last night and it looks so fabulous! I can’t wait to see my kids try some of it! They are at such precious ages and I want to capture it. Blessings to you today!

lorel - have a great day Meg! love you! Happy Birthday!

alamama - Happy Birthday! Enjoy!

Krista - Happy Birthday Megan! You put a huge dent in your “TO DO” list already, plus all those other awesome EXTRA things that came up along the way. You can only plan for so much, you have to allow for chance too. Have a wonderful birthday, I am jealous about your lunchtime martini. Do you have a lunch date?

Amy - Happy Birthday Meg!! Enjoy your day!!!

jennifer - Happy Birthday!
Martini’s at lunch will make any day great, if you ask me.

Laurie - Happy Birthday! I love your blog! I am a whopping 2 days older than you. Turning 35 has been rough! I made a list too πŸ™‚ Have a great day!

LobotoME - Happy Birthday Meg! Wishing you many more years filled with health, happiness & adventure! xo, jenny

maria - Happiest Birthday Wishes Meg!!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - Happy birthday!!K

linda - happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday deaaaarrrrrrrr meeeeeegggggggg, haaaapppyyyyyy birrrrttttthhhhdddaaayyyyy tooooooo yoouuuuuuuuuuu…hope you have a wonderful day…find time to relax and enjoy and celebrate YOU!!! πŸ™‚

Gevay - Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your life with us! Hope 35 is an awesome year!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Happy Birthday Meg. I hope your day is fantastic. Thank you for your blog. I love your honesty, humor, and beautiful pictures.

Cassie - happy happy birthday miss meg!!!!
love you!
wish i were having an apple martini with you over lunch today! πŸ™‚

tasha roe - Happy, Happy Birthday!!
What an exciting year!
have a great bday!

Holly - Happy Birthday Meg!

Emily@remodelingthislife - Happy birthday Meg! I like that you made a list of the things you did do.
Hope this next year is just as full as the last!

Gemma - Happy Birthday Meg!!!
I hope you have a great day. Take lots of pictures so you can share them with us : )
Gemma x

amy jupin - i am proud of you.
what a year of accomplishments!
happy birthday megan!

Micah - Happy Happy Birthday!

elizabeth of course - HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! You have the prettiest birthday list I’ve ever seen!

jodi @ back40life - Happy, happy birthday Meg! Hope it’s the best one ever!

Janet Biernacki - HAPPY 35th BIRTHDAY!!
When I turned 36, I liked that number so well, I stayed on it for 4 years! But I’m long past that now and can honestly say, being 52 is just as sweet.
You are a joy to read, and see your photos. I know some days you question your sanity, and parenting. Hang on little momma, you’re doing just fine. I know it’s crazy days, but they don’t last forever.
I am flying from Kansas to Indiana today in honor of a delightful friends 50th birthday today, also. I shall raise a toast you both this evening.
May you have cake, and joy.

Vicki - Happy Birthday Meg!! Hope it’s a great one!! πŸ™‚

Angela B. - Happy Happy Birthday!

Amy Lynne - Happy Birthday! I’ll be joining you at 35 in February! I hope you do have a great day and a great year!

Chaos-Jamie - Happy Birthday, Meggie! 35 isn’t sooooo bad…yet. πŸ˜‰ No, it WON’T be!

FeFe - Happy Birthday to YOU, MEG…my favorite blogger! I had to laugh at the spray paint comment. I was a little disappointed the other night when they didn’t card me for mine. Hope you have a fantabulous day!

carolyn - happy birthday. you are such a sweetie. you make me smile and even cry sometimes. xo

tami - Happy Birthday dollface!

Cindy Ashmore - Happy Birthday Meg!

Lisa - I hope you have a wonderful birthday Meg!! Your list inspired me to make my own because I think everyone should have goals, no matter how silly. If we didn’t have anything to strive for, the monotony of motherhood might just drive us crazy!!

Lane - Happy Birthday! I say you accomplished A LOT!!!! Congrats!!! My birthday was last Monday and I’d like a caramel apple martini too! Where in the world can I get one?! I’ve never even heard of one!!
Have a great day!

pam - Happy Birthday! Perhaps to help you celebrate 35 even more…I’ll share where you’re NOT. In the 50’s you might look at the title of this post…. halfway to seventy…..and be stupified because you might not have a clue what the answer is. Okay to be fair it’s early in the morning…I’m sure I would have known the answer MUCH faster if it was noon. I’m not sure I could think of 35 things to do. Hope your day is GRAND and that the Martini goes down smooth.

Gwyn Rosser - Happy, happy birthday to YOU!!!!! Keep on makin’ those lists. It’s what will keep you young. For real. I totally believe that. Having goals gets you “out there” and that’s a very good thing.
Enjoy your day. Blessings,
Gwynie Pie
The Pink Tractor

julia - Happy Birthday!
I’m old enough to be your babysitter.

Tracy - Happy birthday Meg! You could look at it this way…you are 29 with 6 years experience, that is how I look at it and I am turning 38 this year. Being older and wiser (he! he!) I can say that 35 isn’t bad, it is another number and you are only as old as you feel. You have accomplished enough and more than you set out to do. I have a daily list and a project list and while I know I will never accomplish everything it is fun to try…it gets all the “extra” stuff out of my brain so I can focus on what is important.
Hope you have a wonderfull amazing day!

Jen@thecottagenest - Happy half way to seventy Meg! I loved reading your last years list. I loved it’s whimsy and randomness. That’s my kind of list. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Lisa - Happy birthday! So many wonderful things that you DID cross off your list. Going to Africa has got to be worth much more than three.
When I read the title I spun out a little. I am 35 in a few months and thinking that is half way to 70 – wow that crazy! Now I must revisit my list to see how many I have crossed off. MMM

Denise - Happy Birthday Meg!!! Thanks for making our world more colorful & pretty! Enjoy your day πŸ™‚

tara - ah to be 35 again!! you are beautiful.
happy birthday dear meg!

lorelei - Happy Birthday Meg! ROCK ON!!

Teresa - Happy Birthday! I pray that God continues to bless you with happiness and good health!

tam - Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a fantastic day! my 35th is right around the corner….eeek.

Shann - Happy birthday! πŸ™‚

Tracy - Happy birthday, Meg! Have a great day my friend! 35 is a just a number so yes, it is will be GREAT for sure! Enjoy that Apple Martini with your lunch! Big hugs! xoxoxo :o)

Sandy - Happy birthday Meg! This is my first comment ever – but I’ve read your blog everyday in the past few months (and I love it!). Lots of hugs all the way from Sydney, Australia!!

Kat - Happy birthday fabulous, fun, inspiring, colourful, real and beautiful Meg!!
I hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy your martini, get to eat lots of cake and dance sometime soon.
Cheers to you πŸ™‚

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday, sweet girlie!!! And…*ahem*…I just turned 1/2 way to 98, if that’s any concillation….
Did I just admit that??????????????

Widge - Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I turned halfway to 60 this year and I’m still trying not to freak out πŸ˜‰
Your list is fab

angela - Oh, have a BEAUTIFUL day!!! Happy Happy Birthday to a wonderful blogger!!!!

edie - Looks like a great year Meg! You sure have made mine brighter. Thanks for all the rainbow inspiration that you bring. And yay for you on the martini at lunch. Can you fit the dancing in then too?
hugs and happy happy day!

Patti - Happy birthday! Thanks for being born so you can be around to make all of our lives a little happier each day…just by doing what you do! πŸ™‚

Julie - Happy Birthday Meg! Make it GREAT!

leonie - Happy birthday, I too turned 35 this year, I started a list, boy my list is LONG!!! too long I think….. but I already have two things ticked and I have been 35 for two whole months….. also my things are very BIG and I want them done before I turn the dreaded 40….. so I have a while… hope you have a fabulous day Leonie xx

Wendi Siyajuck - Happy Birthday!!

Anja - Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day, lunch martini and all… πŸ˜‰

Sarah W., Oregon - Today (the 30th) is my 35th birthday too!! I’ve been feeling weird about it, but sharing it with you makes it just a bit easier. I asked my husband if I’m middle aged now (he’s younger.) he said not quite, but almost. Blah. Regardless, I thank our Lord for another year of life and health and joy. Happy B-Day!

Ruth - happy birthday wonderful lady!!

laurenjean - happy birthday !Thanks for being AWESOME!!

Catriona - You are just 5 weeks younger than me which means our lives have run (sort of) paralell-I like that! Have a great day filled with treats. x

Sonia - Happy Birthday!!

Jeannine - Happy Birthday Meg!
I’m sorry I don’t comment often, but I LOVE reading your blog!
Hope you have a wonderful day =)

Four Flights - Happy Birthday Meg! I think the things you did do, especially the Africa part, counts for 5 times that. And I don’t blame you for not making another list. I’ve seen quite a few of these lists floating around Blogland and it just seems really overwhelming to me.

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craft thursday #11

this craft came from Art Projects for Kids.
she has a great site full of ideas for all ages.

my kids were missing their craft time because they were WAY into it today.
which makes me so happy.

i gave them square paper (the sketchpad paper cut smaller into a square) 
and a pencil.
they had to draw a tree with no leaves where each branch went off the page.


then with a crayon or oil pastel….color the tree.

then fill in every space with a different color.




they loved this craft.
i was surprised by that but i am not complaining.

the girls made two each.

sean took two days to finish his because it had to be perfect.

IMG_8769 IMG_8771

IMG_8773 IMG_8805

Jessica - Did this with my students today after one of them said “Look at that tree…. leaves all gone”. We enjoyed it, so thank you and happy birthday!

Kacey - I love this craft! And your header matches – so cute!

Gina - I love this project-might have to do it tomorrow with the kiddos.
Oh and Happy Birthday! Hope it was wonderful.

alice - i love perfectionists! how perfectly perfect! and a fun craft!

lorel - We do a similar lesson with my kids at school, except we use the paint for the tree, and oil pastels for the negative space. Most of my students really like it. Check it out on our artsonia page:

jennibell - I love this craft!!! Actually, I love most of them, and love that you find them and try them first so I don’t have a lot of good intentions that fail in the end b/c something is missing, it’s too hard, etc. — ha! I work at the YMCA in YPlay and usually have the older kids (6+) and am going to do this with them during Fall Break — it’s just like summer. . .YPlay gets all filled up with kids who are usually in school. This will be fun!

Krista - They came out beautifully! You can tell Sean really took his time, I love Craft Thursday pictures!

barbara - love this! looks like stained glass, almost.
& happy belated birthday, too πŸ™‚

jennifer - That is really cool!
Love your new banner too.

Four Flights - Beautiful! I didn’t know Crayola made pastels…good to know.

Christina - So simple, and so beautiful! I’m doing this soon!! All three of mine could do it – bonus! πŸ™‚

Erica - Sean’s looks great!! Nice easy project!!

Nicole Q. - Love it!

julia - It’s so fun seeing their finished projects.

Kelly - it is perfect too! that looks wonderful! Kelly

Melanie - That Annie is as cute has ever!

mandy friend - Sean sounds like my 9 yr old! And you are a way cooler mom than me letting that stuff on your table!

Emily B. - It’s fun to see each personality come through their artwork! And how cool that they had missed the craft-time… I hope I’m as faithful with my two-year-old to develop this side of her.

Sara's art house - Love this!!!!!!!

Stephanie - Beautiful! We are swamped with homework, sports practices and lessons over here…no time for crafts. When my boys were young we played with playdoh and crayons, now they are onto bigger projects like helping in the yard and soon it will be time to carve our yearly pumpkins for halloween. The only other “crafts” they do is during art class in school and they have made some neat paintings I have kept, now I just need to figure out what to do with them and how to preserve them…any ideas?

laurenjean - sooo cute ! i was just telling a friend of mine about all your cute crafts !! Now I must try this with my girls πŸ™‚

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Little artists they are! So pretty each one.

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - So cute!!! Can’t wait ’til my little one starts painting and coloring like this… lots of colorful pieces to put in frames. πŸ™‚ Your kiddos are adorable.

Sandy - Sean’s time and hard work paid off. They all look great.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I look at this post, and I realize I need a big wonderful coffee/craft table. Then of course we would become a wonderful crafty family. It’s the table right? Please tell me it’s the table: )

Jennifer - Way cute! Love all the bright colors…
I’m so loving all your craft ideas for the kids. I am about to be a full-time stay at home mom again–yippee!!, and will definitely need to try some of these ideas to keep my 4 year old busy! πŸ™‚

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just a normal day.

my day today has been like any other normal nothing day.
but i have some pictures to prove it. 

spray painting anything that doesn't move.

 "hemming" the curtains with no sew iron on tape.

admiring my 31BITS necklace in every mirror i walk past…and windows too.

sonic happy hour large cranberry limeade.

watching the kids play zingo….talby won four games straight! 

make craft thursday (on tuesday).

making chicken tortilla soup for dinner.

excited that craig brought home season one of Mad Men from the library!  
we are hooked.
now we just need to figure out what is going on…starting in season 4 wasn't the smartest way.

also loving Parenthood again this season.

the daughter driving with the mother….it was PERFECT.  dead on.
like….THAT could have been filmed in our home word for word. 

until the end when the daughter apologizes!!!
that scene….doesn't happen in real life….at least not in our house.
and i was ticked at the show.
but i will still watch.

Courtney Walsh - omg. parenthood is so good. i love it. and i have to say, i felt sorry for hattie. christina is kinda neurotic and crazy sometimes!!! ack! i say that but i’ve never had to teach a teenager to drive!!

elz - I did the same thing- started with Season 4 of Mad Men. But, I don’t care, I love the show and the clothes and design. I need to go back through and weatch all of them…some weekend when I have nothing else to do…

Melanie - I LOVE that show. My son is 16 and doesn’t even have his restricted license and I will continue to drive him wherever he wants to go:) I dread the driving thing.

Tanya H - Parenthood is our FAVORITE. And that episode was so me even tho my kids are still little. I have a “castastroph-non-real-word” all the time, LOL.

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - love 31 bits. my friend tenley just modeled for their elasticity campaign. pretty awesome stuff.
also, parenthood is one of my new fave shows. feels so authentic. loved last night’s episode.

Valerie - Love Mad Men…and now I’m going to have to watch Parenthood too. Love that clip and can totally relate (I have 2 teenagers driving) I love when the mom says, “Our daughter totally sucks at driving” I so get it πŸ™‚

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I so HEART the show Parenthood! πŸ˜‰
I’ve got two side tables that are due for a little paint job . and, I’m liking your thinking on the new-sew curtians!

Kate B. - We love Parenthood, too. The latest phrase in our home is this: “I hear you, and I see you. I learned that at marriage counseling.” Good stuff! It was a long summer waiting for new episodes on hulu! πŸ™‚

Tabitha A. - Megan, I am a long time blog stalker first time commenting! LOL Anyways, I adore the necklace you are wearing and I love that it goes to such a good cause!!! However, I am not sure which one you are wearing…I am hoping it is not a Meg Duerksen one of a kind…do you think you could post which one it is because I might pick up a few! One for me, and some for presents!

Stacy Christy - hey I think I saw you at Target this morning. Wanted to say “Hi, I love your blog!” but thought it might be creepy from a stranger in the parking lot. It looks like you’re well on your way to having a great day!

Taylor-Ann - Sounds like a fun and productive day…not boring at all. Come to our house and I’ll show you some boring.

transparent mama - Love Parenthood too but have never watched Mad Men. I am very impressed by the library visit.

Julia - Sopa de Tortilla is my favorite soup!! yum. I’m just waiting for the weather to cool down some.

katy - Needing to spray paint some frames myself. ……cute necklace and YES, love Parenthood!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. Cranberry limeade is my ultimate favorite.
2. I need that pink cardigan in my life.
3. Mad Men is tied for first place as my favorite Netflix show.

Sara - MAD MEN IS THE BEST!! You will LOVE it. I am so addicted that I re-watch old seasons. Awesome characters, great acting, and seeing the differences from past decades is both entertaining and disturbing…who would want to smoke that much?!?! GROSS!

CarrieBeth - i love posts like this on blogs! just seeing everyday things is so fun to me!

jennifer - Love Parenthood! It’s my favorite show right now.
Zingo looks fun. I might need to go check that out.
Silly question… What brand and color is the spray paint you’re using? Those frames look great!
And I love your necklace too. I’m thinking those are going to make some great Christmas presents this year!
Thanks for sharing your day!

Vera - That was a lovely day! I am sooo in love with Don Draper, I mean, Madmen.
Okay, so I really hope this doesn’t sound spooky stalkish, but I had a dream last night that you were coming to visit me. And I decided I had to have some beer, but it had to be GOOD beer, and so late at night – with my baby in tow! – I was walking from gas station to gas station and to Walmart trying to find some good beer, but all they had was Budweiser and Miller Lite, and I was getting really frustrated, because you were back at the house waiting for me. Craaaaaaaazy. LOL!

Abbey - Parenthood is my favorite show, and I’ve heard that Mad Men is a must! Right now my husband has got us watching 24 every chance he gets πŸ™‚ By the way, I am buying 31Bits jewelry for all my family’s Christmas gifts. Thanks for the link!

Lindsay - Just finished watching Seasons 1-3 of Mad Men and caught up on season 4 in 3 weeks. Now waiting a whole week for a new episode is torture!!!

Sharla - Love parenthood. Don’t love the fact that I never remember when its on.

Ashlee Archibald - Looks like a really great day to me <3 xo

jody - Meg- any games you can recommend or did you do a post on this once?? Looking for game ideas for Xmas for the kids….I’m getting Zingo!!
Love your blog. Highlight of my day from being home with 4 small boys!!

natalie (the sweets life) - ahh I’m with you on loving Mad Men and Parenthood. I’ve caught up on the first 2 episodes of Parenthood this season and it continues to be great…in fact the reason I like it, like you said, is because I think it’s SO true to life in terms of family dynamics and whatnot. Love that they include kids with special needs, teenagers fighting with parents, etc. The dialogue, everything! is just so spot on!! Okay enough raving πŸ™‚

Kristina - I love your blog. I just found you a few weeks ago — not sure of how that happened — but now you are a daily stop. I especially love the way you use bold colors — it wakes me up while I’m drinking my coffee.

Lisa - I tried so hard to stay up for Parenthood, but I just couldn’t make it πŸ™ Good think for on demand, I should be able to catch it later this week… I hope! Your day looks wonderful!

carols - Haven’t watched Parenthood yet, except for that clip. Heard good things about it. BUT (and this is a turnoff for me)…how old is the actress playing the mom? Whew, makes me feel soooo ancient. Just checked, she is 39 but gotta say she looks around 30 and similar in age to her daughter. Guess I waited to have kids and am feeling the old age at 47. Anywho, fun glimpse into your day.

Annie - You’re one of the first bloggers I’ve heard mention Parenthood! Isn’t it fabulous? My husband and I love it… So glad to know we’re not the only ones!

Jen - LOVE LOVE LOVE Mad Men AND Parenthood! Those houses make me actually think I might be able to live in California! Love the Tar-jay sweater too! πŸ™‚

karen - My favorite is the cranberry limeade

Katie - As a mom with 4 small kids…it is amazing what you can get done in a day…but I think you have been where I am. I love this blog and have started “craft tuesdays” here. We made the butterflies you guys made and also watercolors. I am looking forward to doing more. Keep the project ideas coming! Love from MN.

Kat - As Widge said we have only started the first season here and I am really enjoying it!
Love the family dynamics and the bond of all the grown siblings.
I hope our 4 kids are that connected when they are all grown up.
Your normal day looks pretty busy to me.
YOu seemed to get a lot more achieved today than I did πŸ˜‰
Cute and colourful necklace.

jamie - OH MY GOSH i so very much love love love parenthood. it’s so real. i laugh. i cry. i love how everyone interupts {how IS that word spelled} eaachother all the time. {love}

Widge - I absolutely LOVE parenthood! It only aired over here a couple of months ago and we only got 3 episodes before it has taken a massive break! REALLY hoping we get it back here!!!
And man your drink sounds good..

Julie - You are killing me with the Sonic pics. In 8 1/2 months, I’ll be back in the good ol’ US of A and hopefully a Sonic nearby. Love Happy Hour!! Your day looks perfect to me!

Christy - Parenthood is great, watching it now.
Mad Men is AWESOME! LOVE IT! I caught up last year via Netflix.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I am sooo not looking forward to that day. My blood pressure will go off the charts!

AshleyAnn - White spray paint + 11 frames…tackled that last month for my living room. Is your finger white now? I think mine still is a bit.

Joyce patton - Meg- love the frames! would you mind sharing what color your white spray paint is?

Anna Marie - I. LOVE. MAD MEN.
My husband and I are also hooked. We caught up via Netflix. Watched the first 3 seasons in the last few weeks. They make smoking and drinking look so classy. Nowadays it looks so trashy when someone smokes and drinks THAT much. I adore all of the clothes the women are wearing and that most women aren’t toothpicks. Also, have you caught all of the “generation” stuff that has changed so much. Like kids not in carseats or even buckled up. The price of postage and various items. I love it all…even though Don Draper is a flippin’ man whore. Sheesh! Keep your pants on dude.
Have you seen The Town? Don (Jon Hamm) stars in that. It was so weird for me to not see him in 60s clothing and smoking and drinking since I have watched so much of him recently.
Ok, sorry for going on and on. Glad you like it too πŸ˜‰

Heather - Hahaha! I’m a longtime lurker but I’m not sure if I’ve ever commented before. Your thoughts on Parenthood cracked me up, though, and I wanted to tell you that I just think you’re the cutest.

Heather R. - I like Michelle’s cliff hanger comment. I can’t wait for the reveal. I CAN wait for the “teacher our daughter to drive” phase! πŸ™‚

Angela - *LOVE* Parenthood!!

Susan - Oh my gosh….I love that necklace. I just went on their website and I think I’m coming into some beautiful new jewelry soon.
I must be living in lala land because I’ve never even heard of Parenthood. I love that driving clip….I’m so there right now. However, I’m more like the Dad and my husband is more like the mom. That show totally reminds me of Modern Family, yea?

Four Flights - Yes, definitely go back and watch Mad Men from the beginning. You will be a better viewer for it. Season 1 will get you intrigued, Season 2 will shock you, and then Season 3 will straight out knock your socks off. The finale in Season 3 is just about the best TV I have ever seen, although there have been a few episodes in Season 4 that make me think “pure genius.” Art and I are Mad Men dorks to the max (I even have a picture of Jon Hamm taped up in my office; yes, I am a teenager)…
On a non-Mad Men note, you look great in your necklace! I would be admiring myself too πŸ˜‰

Trina McNeilly - I like this post… seems like a good day! I have been thinking about watching parenthood.. i need to give it a try, I think!

Amber - I β™₯β™₯β™₯ Parenthood too! And I SO dread that day, b/c it will be exactly the same way in our family.
Cute necklace!
And I hope you’ll show us what you’re doing with the spray paint!
β™₯ Amber
Silver Lining

Katie H - Love Mad Men! Been watching it for a year or so now, but my husband and I both joke that we’re not smart enough to catch everything and should probably find and “easier” show πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi. Lar. Ious. I am laughing so hard at that clip. πŸ™‚ Awesome

Janine - God Bless the ordinary, normal, boring days because in an instant you can have craziness, and your whole world turned upside down. Only then can you truly appreciate those boring days.
Love that necklace by the way. I think I may have to get one of those. A birthday present to myself. We share a birthday on Thursday so – Happy Birthday early!

Lori - I love Parenthood and how it depicts reality. My teenage daughter watched it with me last season, but now she is at college for her first year and I miss watching it with her. (Except the awkward episodes like the one about the big O!haha). I missed the season opener this season so I will have to watch it on the computer. Love your necklace!!

Jennifer - OK–I’m your woman if you have any Mad Men questions…been hooked since season 1 (Don Draper *sigh*) so fire away! Season 1 is great, but season 3 will be a tough one, so get ready. The clothes are so great, the furniture–it’s the best! πŸ™‚

julia - I love Sonic Happy Hour – we have organized MANY an outing around it.

Casey - I so need to be watching Mad Men. I know it.
LOVE Parenthood. Enjoying it more than any show in recent years. Such a great movie to go off of……and their twists have it made it even sweeter and up to date.
ps – we’re in California now…….were in KC……..we packed up the kids and moved!

Donna - I LOVE Parenthood! I don’t have teenage girls yet (i have 3 girls too) but I love everything about this show. I almost wish they were my family! Love your frames btw!

Julie - I love every single thing in this post. I would totally steal that 31 bits necklace from you when you weren’t looking. So to maintain our friendship I better get my own. Then we can be super dorky matchers who spray paint things.

Lisa - LOVE your necklace and your sweater!! Would you mind sharing where you got them? πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - No sew tape? What? This might be the answer to all my problems!

Michelle - frames a curtains for the dinning room?!?! It’s like an end of the season cliff hanger. . . waiting all summer for the premier. Can’t wait to see the dinning room πŸ™‚ I just wrote down the recipe for the soup you are making tonight. . it sounds so yummy I want to ditch the meal I planned to make tonight and run to the store to get what I need to make your soup.. . but I will have self control and make it tomorrow – ha!

barbara - love your frames! such a simple but great idea.

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i am a dork.

so this is what i look like if i am taking your picture….HA!

andrea was one of the family sessions i did in California.
her husband had a much nicer camera than me….jealous.
he took some pictures of me getting andrea's blog profile shot.
and then some of our new friendship…bonded for life through blogs.

i was posing like we were a couple.




isn't andrea so cute?
go check out her NEW blog…she has great taste!
AND she brought me cake pops.
they were amaaaaaazing.
i had never had them.
and now i want to make them in my house…or maybe just eat them in my house.

and as if you weren't sure i was totally spazzy with people i just met 45 mintues before…
here's me and jamie:

and here's me and shiela:
you girls are so such good sports.
i loved meeting all the california families.
it was so cool to be so far from home and feel "at home" with complete strangers.
and now…we aren't strangers anymore.

new friends.
i love that about my job….everybody is just so nice…i meet all the best families. 

OnlineSurveyJobs - I love your haircut. I tried to get a haircut like that once. It turned into a frizzy triangle looking dome thing on my head. Not so cute.

Courtney Walsh - aw, super fun, Meg! I think it’s cool to have a shot of you taking a picture. How fun! πŸ™‚

Laura - That first girl?? I want her shirt. Please find out where she got it.
You are easy to be friends with Meg…

Judy - Love your necklace, Meg.

Kirsten J - You. Are not a dork. And I have the same picture with me and Miss Tara Whitney….just needed proof that we existed in the same space at the same time. And if you ever come to Seattle…or I should travel to Kansas…I’d want the exact same pic πŸ™‚

Genn - Hi Meg,
You are SO not a dork! You always look adorable. I bet her blog profile pics are going to look awesome!!
Also, that last picture of your last post is FANTASTIC! I hope that couple frames that one and blows it up big. It is so genuine. Great shot.

Jennifer - Love the pics and gosh Meg…I think I’ve said it before, but I just LOVE your hair!! πŸ™‚

Andrea Howe - A couple of things. First, thank you for your kind words and shout out to my new digs! How nice are you? Second, your camera is technically nicer, we just had a nicer lens (Art made me say that :). Third, you are beautiful in these shots, especially that last picture of you and I. Fourth, Hmmmm, what was #4? Oh yeah, thanks for all the Tucker for Target tunic love ladies! Love me some Target, especially when you can get shirts from designers that normally retail for $300, for $30! BOOYAH! That’s Cali dorky mom speak for heck yeah!
p.s. as I’ve already said before, it was an honor to meet you. You gave me lasagna (I had never made one before your recipe), and you gave me beer margaritas, the least I could do was bring you some cake pops!

karen - Meg, you look great!!
I also think you would look stunning in a very deep dark brown hair colour or even a soft black!!
I love your eyes πŸ™‚

Nikki - Why are you a dork? I love the photo’s… you guys are very cute. Not dorky at all!!! I love her orange top.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Her shirt is adorable. Now off to check out her new blog. Oh and you need to visit ME!

Elizabeth - I’m so sorry that I missed your visit out here!

allison - my response to “I am a dork” …welcome to the club πŸ™‚

Shauna - you are a nut.
a nut with good make-up.
my favorite kind.
my friend and i were trying to think up something funnier and crazier then the whole “throw your cell-phone into your yard” idea. we new you were visiting the OC and were thinking of trying a “Lucy and Ethel” type hunt down. WE are dorks.

Crystal - I’m a photographer too, but I’m looking for a photographer to do our family pics & daughter’s 2 year photos. Do you ever come to Oklahoma (tulsa)? Oh, and I just learned about cake pops on Friday! A girl brought some cake balls to work for us & we were searching online for a cakeball recipe & came across all the cute cake pops! I was so excited & wanted to just come home & make them ALL! And, like a previous comment, I’d love to hear about your new camera! I have a Canon Rebel. I love your blog, I’ve become addicted! Crystal

Jamie - Geez, you’re so cute! And, whoa, that picture of me is reaaallly close. ha, ha. I’m glad one got taken of the two of us together. It was really fun to meet you! Thanks for the opportunity!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Would you ever do a post on your new camera. You used to have a rebel and now you’ve upgraded. How is it different? Love to know. Love your outfit and necklace. Loved the orange tunic too. Everyone looked so good. I am inspired to go shopping. Not something I usually write.

transparent mama - I love that you are a spaz and a dork. It is so much more fun than being a serious, boring professional type.

Valerie - I hope you’re coming back to California soon! I would love to have you take my family’s pics. All you gals look adorable!

Mindy Harris - yep i’m hooked on andrea’s blog now. and i love heather of blessed little nest/life made lovely. neat people.

Miranda - Love these pics of Andrea (a friend)! so glad she brought you the cake lollis – yummers!
Lorelei – A’s tunic is Tucker for Target.

julia - you aren’t a dork. love your outfit.

The Lady of the House - Loved this pics – how much fun to go meet these cali gals!!! LOVED your black and white stripe πŸ™‚ Hugs, The Lady of the House

laurenjean - So cute !! I am a photographer too, and it seriously is the best job.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OH, beautiful ladies! I’m so happy for you! You are really doing what you love ~ you can tell!!

a pocket full of posies - So fun!!! wanna come visit here and do a session?? really…maybe when we move?…I’ll bribe you with cakepops and other goodies! πŸ™‚
Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!

Kristi - Lovin’ your hair chicky!

april - so jealous!!!! Wish I could have done a session!!! Def NEXT time….lol….looks like you had a blast!!! YA!!!

Lorelei Eurto - I love that dress/shirt that Andrea is wearing, do you happen to know where she got it?

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HAD to share…

i had so much fun meeting katie and her family.
they sang songs….and said so many silly things that made me laugh.







they brought me 31 containers of vitamins!
they collected them from friends and family and brought them to their photo session.
i was so happy!

katie…i know you had a hard day today and i hope these make you smile.
i LOVED meeting you and look forward to our next one.   

ps:  i adore your hair.  really really love it. 

Vcgkyhvrtlgt - pj queen-cute pjs,and a robe,hair in piggytails,teddy bear,sleep sprlees,and ofcouse a crown(cause u won the pj party get it?)devil-aong red robe/cape thing,pike fork,devil horns,and red make up.angelcat-which is what im going 2 be)whichfariey/buttterfly im 14 to so i no what u mean,i was loooking 4 one and all of the costumes in my size were slutty and really short(frist my mom would kill me 4 wearing them,second i cant 2 school,third i wondent wont 2 wear somthing so sutty)

OnlineSurveyJobs - Now THOSE are great family photos. I’d love to have something like that done one of these days with my two daughters and husband.

Carla - Just perfect, what a goodlooking family. I love the second one, of the two older children looking at the baby as if to say “isn’t she just so cute :-). And yes, mama’s hair is fab πŸ™‚

Kate B. - I am pretty amazed by all the great hair comments, I’m really just a lazy Mom. πŸ™‚ The polka dotted dress is from Target. And no, they’re not fraternal triplets – whew! Grace: 6, Judah: 5, Louise (Lulu): 2 1/2. Katie

Maeva - Please ask Katie where the polka-dotted dress is from! I’m really jeal!

Kimberlee J. - Love that turquoise wall…and the grayish steps.
Cute family photographed by a cute girl. NOT dorky!

Heather @ It's All Good! - So, so talented. God has surely blessed you!

Mindy Harris - what an adorable family!! those siblings look happy to be together.

Erin @ Cultivating Home - What happy children! These photos brough a smile to my face and joy to my day. I wished I lived closer so you could capture my family in photograph, too!

Anita - Meg,
I am giving you an award on my blog.
Please join the fun.

Heather - Love, love the pics. I’d love to be able to take such good pictures. Good for you!!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - What an adorable family! Those picture are great!

jennifer - Those are such great pictures!
I love her hair too. Such a cute cut and she pulls it off so well!

Christina - These pictures are really great…as always, you have such a way of capturing wonderfully real moments. My favorite? In the one where they are on the steps, the two kids in front…their feet are doing mirror images of the other. Awesome! πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, these pictures are GREAT! Her boots are adorable!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I ADORE her haiiiiiiiiir!

Brooke - SO CUTE! I love the picture of her and her hubby. So many people warn us and scare us about what will happen when our family gets large….we will lose our marriage. But your family, this family, many families around me remind me that marriage is what you make it πŸ™‚ Love the pictures!!

Emily@remodelingthislife - I was thinking how much I love her hair too! I also love your hair. I have hair envy.
Great pics!!

amy jupin - oh my goodness.
cutest family.
love the orange.
and the pink.
and the generosity!
and that cute hair!!
and oh my you are really getting so very good at this.
you are a natural.
really, friend.
so so good.

Rachel Wathen - So strange how the internet connects people! I knew you in high school Megan, and knew Katie through MOPS when I lived in Abilene. Two sweet ladies. The littlest one was just a baby when we moved. Lovely family, lovely pics.

julia - That last picture is priceless.

linda - love her hair too!! cute pics, cute clothes, cute couple, cute family!!! so close in age…at first i thought triplets, then maybe fraternal twins…or just close in age? either way, adorable!

Kirsten J - What a gorgeous little family – and I agree about Mama’s hair – super cute πŸ™‚ - I wish you were closer to me to have you take my family’s pictures. I would love that. Keep me posted if you come back to So Cal.

Lisa - That was the first thing i thought when i looked at these pics. “She has great hair”. So Meg, are you gonna go short???
Great happy pics.
Ever thought about coming to Aussie, you could do our photos then. πŸ™‚

Sharla - these are great!

Jaime Melcher - Great pictures… adorable family! πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

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vitamins :)

it has been brought to my attention that i was misunderstood in the vitamin emails i sent out.

this is what i sent to every single one of the 400+ people who asked to help donate vitamins.

πŸ™‚ vitamins…….
please send your package as soon as possible to:
Jody Landers
*****************, CO ******
thank you for helping!!
OR…if you'd like to paypal money for jody to purchase the vitamins for you….she is at ******************* in paypal.
she is doing this for many people who did not want to pay for shipping.
it is completely up to you.  THANKS! 

Matthew 25:34-40 (The Message)

 34-36"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what's coming to you in this kingdom. It's been ready for you since the world's foundation. And here's why: 

   I was hungry and you fed me, 
   I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, 
   I was homeless and you gave me a room, 
   I was shivering and you gave me clothes, 
   I was sick and you stopped to visit, 
   I was in prison and you came to me.'

 37-40"Then they are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was meβ€”you did it to me.'





every single email had the smiley face and the word vitamins at the top.
it was not meant to be rude about the mispelling of vitamins.
if you mispelled it….i didn't notice.

let's refocus and use our energies for GOOD.
let's take our knowledge that there are those who need unity and love and let's work towards that.
let's not tear each other down.

i am SO SORRY for the misunderstanding.
i promise you that YOU were not being made fun of in any way.
i put the smiley face there to say "i am happy you asked about vitamins"

thank you for being willing to help.
God is using us in a bigger way than we could have imagined.
i am very excited about it.

THANK YOU for sending the vitamins.
THANK YOU for helping the children i talked with and prayed with.
THANK YOU for answering YES when God prompted your heart. 

SΓ£o Paulo - Im a big fan here, i always love reading your articles.

Betsy Somerville - Hey I just LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOG… I am amazed how folks get so easily offended at times….but onto more important things..
Puritan’s Pride is having a sale through today if anyone’s interested…It’s buy 1 get 2 free! That means I can get 3 bottles of Gummy vitamins for around $12.00. What a deal! I’m ordering mine through my website, where I can make money back on the purchase as well and then donate that to charity too! It’s a win win. I am so glad to be able to help…

jennibell - Don’t let Satan distract you!!! He will attack fiercely when he sees good being spread. Know that your faithful readers are lifting you up and carrying you. . .and calling evil what it is. . .and I boldly ask, in Jesus Christ’s name, that evil not attack you through this social medium and that you continue to be Jesus’ hands and feet here in Blogland. Amen.

Courtney Walsh - huh? for real?
no worries, meg, you’re awesome. when is the vitamin deadline? i need to get mine sent. are there specific kinds that are preferred?

Holly - Hi Meg! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. My good pal & sweet girl Carin over at cjsramblings directed me to you, as we have become quite good friends and email each other on the trial and beautiful tribulations of her raising 3 girls, and I raising 3 boys. Both alone. Sort of. Ex husbands who only worry about the twit on their arm, while we, the mother, the woman, the friend, the healer, the laundry do-er, lunch packer; but most importantly worry about our babies hearts most of all. She is such a love.
ANYWAY!!!! Started reading your blog as a suggestion from her because from time to time our convos became about those blogs, what we call “The Shiny Happy Mommy” blog. I think you know what I mean. Look! Look everyone! I SAID LOOK at my beautiful home (never messy or cluttered), my oh so perfect children (who”s Shiny Mommies must be idiots to never allow the kids to mess up the home once in a while…and HELLO teach them responsibility by picking up the mess they are never allowed to make…good Lord!) and of course, there is my perfect, faithful, straight, honest husband. We never fight, too. Ever. About anything. Ever. Believe me? Well you should. Cuz I am a Shiny Happy Mommy. My kids NEVER throw tantrums and cry. Never ever ever!!!
See what I am saying?
Its all so easy out there in blog land to recreate a version yourself that in all likeihood is one she truly wants to be in her heart & soul.
I did not find that with your voice in your blogging. Or a posed phoniness in the beautiful pix u take of your beautiful family. It works so well because you are real and make no excuses. And that, my love, is seen quite clearly by those of us out there who are the same and laugh about each others trials & tribulations of this whole crazy thing! It is all a reflection of YOU. As a woman, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, and I hope one day (if I am lucky) a friend. I simply respect how you call on God and his teachings/words to make sense out of lifes PUZZLEZ. I read them, and after wiping my tears, and nodding cuz I relate, I close out of your blog feeling refreshed from your writing and from the example’s of the word of the Lord to inspire me and give me strength. As well, that too has a ripple effect on my family. And I thank you for that. And for being you.
That, and lots of other reasons (loooove ur reciepies!!!) are why I will keep coming back. Friends have been encouraging me to begin a blog or even write a book of my own life from at least the last 20 years. I have been through too much. And thank God, some, most of my tales are hilarious. Downright sidesplitting. Also, some are about the challenges of life. Tough. Rough. You cry til u bleed challenges, which I will not go into further here. However, if you do find a quick moment, I’d love the chance to chat with ya via email listed below, and maybe after a few gettin to know ya emails, perhaps you can throw some of those inspiring words of wisdom my way on the next big step in this social medium…having a good old fashioned girly, giggly phone chat! With all that is available to us now by way of communicating, I always tell my boys they would have not lasted ONE DAY in the 80″s!!! HAHAHAHAHA….
My bad on the looooog response. I just found so much beauty and a realness to your words. Instant respect. Hope to hear from ya!!!

Sugar Mama - oh, i thought for sure you were being incredibly rude and mocking me because of my poor spelling.
by the way, i’m joking. ;o)
thank you for organizing this project. whether we can spell vytimins or not…. we can all help ;o)

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - for reals? boo!

Karen - Oh, that’s such a sad misunderstanding! I can also say that you’ve kindly responded personally to several silly questions from me, and I can’t imagine you being sarcastic about spelling.

karen - I just don’t see it??? how can someone take offense??
take this πŸ™‚ and that πŸ™‚
πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Sheila - I must be real slow…because I just got it now. I can see where someone might take offense – but I hope they realize it was not intentional and that everyone got the same email. Thank you Megan for allowing God to use your blog to reach those who feel prompted to help. Have a happy day!

Jane Mc - You’re the best Meg!

kathy b - Thank you for sending out 400+ emails for this! That in itself is a great ministry.
Kathy b

Phoenix_Rising - haha, I would have just felt lucky to have a ‘personal’ email (since I knew you were copying and pasting based on the overwhelming number of responses)

Mrs. Dunbar - I took the email the way you meant for it to be, a “Hey, thanks for helping… here’s the info you need.”
Thanks for orchestrating this, it is in numbers that His love will be shown to the whole world.

Meaghan - Thanks for doing this, Meg!
πŸ™‚ - πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ thanks for helping Meg!

Heather R. - Our vitamins are on their way :)! Thanks for inspiring us.

Diane - Oh for crying out loud … why do we get our panties in a bunch??? LOL I never even noticed it … I saw the smiley face as a quick way for you thank us for latching on to this idea. THANK YOU for getting this project out there. I never think of anything creative but love being able to be a part of something.

alaina - I am completely baffled by your post. I truly don’t understand what was offensive. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure it out (a waste of time no doubt). Obviously, whoever it is, is not a follower of your blog, or they would know the truth. Hang tight got lots of support from your blog world! We love you!! And you’re in good company, Jesus was misunderstood too – and He was perfect! *HUGS*

Suzanne - See, I meant “painting” instead of “painted”, DUH……
Have an awesome day!

Suzanne - I couldn’t get this out of my mind while I’m painted my front porch so, I came back to see if I was one of the ones who misspelled the word, and yeah, that’s me, so what? My heart is in it for the children not my pride. I love your heart Meg, and keep on keeping on!

Suzanne - And so, Life Beats On…..Your Awesome!

Krista - Your faithful blog-followers know your heart and what was intended. As you can see by all the comments, no one else took your πŸ™‚ to mean anything else but pure happiness and enthusiasm for a great cause!

Lynn - Sorry to hear some people were upset – I took the πŸ™‚ as a celebration symbol.
My vitamins went out last week, thanks for letting us know they were needed!

Gevay - What? Someone really got their feelings hurt? Seriously it’s about the KIDS not YOU, people! πŸ™‚

Kristin - Oh my – didn’t even think twice about it – I thought you were just happy about our interest in sending vitamins – thanks again for organizing – we are picking up vitamins today!

Lane - I’m sorry that you even had to clarify this in a blog post! I had no idea what you were talking about though! Haha…thanks for organizing this and for reminding me to send my money to Jody!! Love your blog!

Judy - I didn’t notice anything, or care….I think it’s SO FABULOUS that you would take time out of your busy life to do this project!!! My vitamins are in the mail, priority, and should arrive in Colorado tomorrow!!! So happy to do such a small thing that can help!!! Thank You!!! Judy

Denise - I’m wondering if October 1st is too late to send out the vitamins. We have zero $ until then and I really want to participate! Thanks!

carols - πŸ™‚ no clue of the issue, you’re cool. Missed checking in a couple days, and am listening to your music from yesterday’s link…ironic….”this is where the healing begins”. It’s always something. Be happy, you are so solid. Leaders get guff. You’re cool.

Rachel Guidry - Meg, you are a wonderful person. I really enjoy your blog. Everyday you inspire me!!
Happy Weekend!!

meaghan - lame. not you πŸ™‚

Erin Mumford - I think that what you guys are doing to help is AMAZING! I didn’t read into the email at all. I sent my $$ via paypal! Thanks Again

Janie Fox - I was so confused by this post… then it dawned on me that someone got their feelings hurt. Silly world! I did paypal -a first for me! Now I know how , so lookout Visa bill!! haha

patti - wow.
amazing how focus can be turned so quickly.
it was nice of you to write this, but sad to me that you had to even go there.
keep on keepin’ on, Megan. You are wonderful!

julia - Now I am seriously confused about how to spell “vitamins”. It doesn’t help that there is a vitamin shop near us that spells it slightly differently.

jennifer - Seriously?!?!
Thank you for all the work you’ve put in to this vitamin “project”. You are awesome and have such a generous heart.
I hope you’re feeling better and have a wonderful weekend!

amanda - haha! i went back and checked mine too!

siobhan - meg your awesome just saying:)

Julie - πŸ™‚ two flush.

Georgia - Some people!!! grrr
You havent a bad bone in ur body πŸ™‚
Well done you for doing this to help others.

Christy - i don’t think I would have ever noticed if I was the recipient. *lol* C’est la vie.
So excited that you alone reached 400 people! That is totally, TOTALLY awesome. Love it!

AshleyAnn - Goodness..the fact you even had to write this post…you are a nicer person than I!

Sherry - Wow… a little ridiculous if you ask me (whoever “misunderstood” you). However, I sent my vitamins today! So happy I can help in my small way (didn’t send 20 bottles but I hope every little bit makes a huge difference). I love what you’re doing!

Kendra - oh geez, how petty. i’m sorry someone discouraged you like this. boo!

Laura - I wish I could give you a big hug sweetie!! God knows your heart! πŸ™‚

Shelly - well, that’s just petty!
here we are talking about little kids needing vitamins and people get their knickers in a knot over spellings and a smiley face?!? you Meg, are a much better person than I am!
πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

pam - I love my current level of brain function…I still don’t get how there could be a misunderstanding….so happy about that…sucks when others “issues” mar such a cool thing. Thank you so much for sharing the opportunity….we’re struggling to keep 45 employees paid BUT I knew I needed to do a little… life is SO GOOD and EASY compared to those kids. Still blown away by an egg and a vitamin a week…glory I’m spoiled

kim york - HeHe must say made me go back to my email to see if I misspelled vitamins πŸ™‚ Don’t stress over it..You are fantastic!
My 20 bottles of vitamins will be mailed out on Monday..Thanks for sharing with us so that we could contribute.

Janet C - For real? I agree with the person that said “No good deed goes unpunished”. I enjoyed the smiley face, at face value (ha ha). Please don’t let these nitpickers get you down.

Janet C - For real? I agree with the person that said “No good deed goes unpunished”. I enjoyed the smiley face, at face value (ha ha). Please don’t let these nitpickers get you down.

amy jupin - mean people suck.
and this is just ridiculous meg! ridiculous, i tell you!!
if only people would give that much energy in helping others!
can you imagine??
i knew precisely what you meant! πŸ™‚

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I would have never thought that!
You just come across too bubbly to ever intentionally be mean-spirited.
It stinks when people don’t get what we meant, the way we meant it.
However, you’re doing something wonderful, and that’s the bottom line!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Oh dear. “No good deed goes unpunished.” Don’t think another thing about it – I’m shure gladd I diddn’t missipell vitaminds.

Melissa - Meg if you give me the Paypal address I will send her some money.

Lisa - Don’t worry, Meg, I didn’t think you were making fun of anyone. Enjoy the first beautiful weekend of fall! πŸ™‚

Catriona - What a gracious response to your misunderstanders. Draw a line and try not to think about it anymore. Bon weekend!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - oh mercy. it does seem that when you’re obeying God, misunderstandings seem to pop up. that stinks! sorry, that is frustrating.
have a great weekend!

Amber - Whoa…poor girl. I hate stuff that gets out of hand. It’s just the way Satan tries to steal joy. Yay for you for pushing through! And btw…thanks for doing this. It felt so good sending those off to kids who so desperately NEED.

Jalissa - Haha well I totally missed all that may have happened, but my vitamins have been sent to the address provided. Hope they made it!

Meg - I have no idea what this all means but I’m glad I donated money.

rosemarie - i tried to email you and the email would not go through can you send me the info? thanks

Art Cant Hurt - technology can gum up the gears of communication, but then again so can
negative people out to gloom on anyone’s day they can. sorry it happened to you!
fret not, sweet-meg-of-kansas!
this morning my seven year old awoke in a particularly bad mood – which is very
uncharacteristic of her. so to make her laugh i said, “oops, looks like i accidentally
woke up snow white’s 8th dwarf, POOPY!” i bet people would have a field day with
THAT if i posted it on my blog…..all sorts of “non-pc” things and rudeness that could
be read into that and none intended to be hurtful or bad or ANYTHING….
but it made my little one laugh…and snort…and get out of her funk before she’d even
brushed her teeth.
so more power to the people LIKE YOU who are out there trying to help someone and make someone’s day a little better – whether it be grammatically correct or whatever. no worries!
take care πŸ™‚

Courtney - You’re a sweetheart! Sometimes I hate all the πŸ™‚ emoticons because of how easily they can be misread!

dori - how anyone could think that you were being rude is beyond me. my box of 20 bottles is schedule to be delivered to jody tomorrow.
i’m wondering though….how will she carry all these bottles????????

Lisa - Oh dear. Isn’t it the worst to be misunderstood? Makes my stomach churn. Press on – awesome project!

Angie Mathis - I’m confused about the vitamin comments. I sent mine yesterday with many prayers.

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