Masthead header

fall sports….2 of the 4.

lauren is on the left in the black.
this year it has gotten very exciting to watch.
really big difference from freshman or jr. high teams in the skill level…very cool.


it is fun seeing all those years pay off.
and it is obvious that she likes it and wants to win.

annie was ready for sean's game.
my friend and i thought she looked like a superhero.
Rainbow Girl!
she just needs a cape and some fun glasses.

she isn't in any sports but keeps telling me she is going to play JAM in the winter when she's 6.
JAM is basketball fundamentals on saturdays mornings.
in her mind she is already a basketball superstar.  :)

we signed her up for soccer earlier this year and she bawled her eyes out and never played a game. 

i try to give her rewards for being dragged all around to places that she'd rather not be….lots of waiting. 
but she should get an award for being best dressed at today's game. 

sean is number 65.

he is the first one squatting down on the line.

the best part of sean playing tackle football this year….he LOVES it.
i am so glad.

confession: i am a bad sports mom.
my ADD keeps me from paying too much attention.
i am there….but you won't hear me yelling at the ref or noticing if it was IN or OUT.
maybe with all the kids being older i will get better.
i am proud of them playing and trying.
i just have such a hard time really getting into it.
am i the only one?
i feel like it when i am there….like i am the only mom there that isn't INTO this game.

and i really can't handle coaches being hard on kids when they mess up.
even if it's "part of the game" or whatever.
i get really uncomfortable.

i think that's why i was a cheerleader.
no coaches and it's encouraging and happy.

labatterie - I have even missed a goal or two made by my kids at soccer, I think it has to do with the fact that I am chasing a toddler too.

marylea @ Pink and Green Mama - Love the photos of your kids — you must be such a proud mama.
I know those teenage years are right around the corner for me but I’m trying to slow things down and enjoy every day while they’re little (even though it’s FLYING by)
I think Annie’s Rainbow outfit is FANTASTIC!! She needs me to trick out her sneakers with my Rainbow Sharpies and she’d be rainbow from head to toe!! : )
Pink and Green Mama,
MaryLea - My girls play VB too. The season is passing fast, as it is nearly time for basketball…our favorite season of the year!

Erin McCall - Every time I see Annie, I just smile! She is fearless with her wardrobe! Love it! Keep up the awesome and inspiring work!

the whyte house - oh, hs vball. miss it. she has great ups!! 🙂
i’m glad you have ADD at games..i LOATHED the sport parents and all of their yelling. my sister played varsity vball, basketball and softball several years ago for canton-galva and they had THE WORST and RUDEST parents ever. i couldn’t believe how they acted! i blame it on the super small town and how that was their main source of entertainment! 🙂

Christina - Fun! And Sean looks so big! Is he way bigger than other boys his age? Such a cute picture of him at the end there. 🙂

Chaos-Jamie - I’m sure in your bajillions of comments someone has already said this, but I’m too lazy to read them: Really, WHAT is the point of the super short tight volleyball shorts these days? I don’t remember my longer, looser shorts hampering me in any way. THOSE? I’m certain I’d be more worried about my butt hanging out than keeping the ball off the floor. Then again, I’m ancient. 🙂

Joanna Peck (Jodi) - Hi Meg, I have a rainbow “cape” for Annie. It may be a bit too big right now, but she will still love it. Can you send me your address? Thanks, Jodi

Michelle - You are not the only one. I have a hard time getting into my kids sports too. I have one in Karate and three who swim. I have been to some of my nephews baseballs games and the way parents freak out and act immature drive me nuts. I am so embarrassed to be around those type of parents…I think their kids are going to grow up resenting them for acting like a$$e$ at their games. And when the coaches start acting like total jerks to a bunch of 10 years old…don’t get me started. I know a lot of grownups whose parents acted like that at their games when they were young, and every single one is totally embarrassed by how their parents acted. Get a life, I say.

Lyndee - Has anyone ever told you that you look like the artsy crafty babe? I swear you two could be sisters 🙂 This is her blog link..

Courtney Walsh - Your new blog banner might be my favorite one so far. I love it. If I knew how to change mine (and knew it wouldn’t take me 3 hours to figure it out,) I’d change mine more often. My nearly 3 yr. old is 18 mos. in the photo in my banner. lol
Sean LOOKS like a football player!! How fun! And Lauren is rocking the v-ball! I am a bad sports mom. I haven’t put my kids in anything since we moved…BUT I fully intend to force my daughter into dance. 🙂

Lucylu ~ - Hi Meg I Would Like To Tell You Jakes Birthday Is TODAY!

Sugar Mama - My daughter loves playing volleyball! She’s only 7, but gave up dance because she enjoyed volleyball & basketball much more. And the rainbow outfit… adorable! And she’ll love to see that picture some day of her very creative outfit.
I was a cheerleader too… but our coach was almost as hardcore as the football coaches. That’s why I quit. I would cry when she yelled at me. I’m still that way. ;o)

Lynette - I am the same way at my kids sports, I have even missed a goal or two made by my kids at soccer, I think it has to do with the fact that I am chasing a toddler too. I love that they play, I am exciited for them, just not that great of a sports mom!

Phoenix_Rising - A lot of the parents from my Kiddo’s soccer team aren’t into watching the game. They socialize or drift off into daydream land. I on the other hand sit there and cheer and scream like crazy. I’m also a first year soccer mom 😉
I can’t help it. I love watching sports and yell and cheer the same way at my tv.
I don’t think you are the only parent who doesn’t get into the game.

Lisa - Oh those poor youngest kids…Dragged all over the place! 🙂 I have four kids and am at the beginning of the busy, multiple kids in sports, stage. It is crazy!

Anne Marie - *kids’

Anne Marie - As a woman who played sports for fun from K-12, parents who cheer for their kids achievements without getting mad or trying to red are the best. That’s not ADD, that’s a cool, easy-going mama!

Katie - Your confession totally made me giggle. I am Loser Mom when it comes to sports. All I can say is, Thank heavens for Daddy!
I make myself feel better by reminding myself that I make killer chocolate chip cookies for them to enjoy AFTER the game 😉

Holly - two of my girls cheer on the same squad for the local rec football team. We finished our regular season saturday night and start playoffs in 2 weeks. I have a hard time paying attention to the game also. I end up chatting with my mama friends.

adrienne - way to go lauren!!! great verticals!! sean is precious… i’ve been there too, uh well still am! enjoy…

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - Um….Annie looks like she grew a foot….lols….what are you feeding her?

Sandy - Totally agree with Kristen J…coaches can make or break a kid with a sport. When my daughter first played softball her coach was the county prosecutor…and he acted like it to the girls. Made me furious because otherwise she loved it. Never played again though. 🙁

angela - For years my life was consumed with my kids and sports….I miss it!

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - You are not alone! I go to my kids games and wrestling matches, etc and have absolutely no idea what is going on. I just try to cheer when they are up to bat or make a basket or be encouraging when they “pin” someone – have no idea what that means, other than I think they won.
But they enjoy doing their sports and I think they enjoy seeing me there watching them…I think that’s the important part anyway, the support. I go to their concerts and plays and try to support whatever they are in, but I don’t really get into it like other moms do…I don’t volunteer or sign up for committees, etc. It’s just too much work for me and I have enough stuff on my plate just by having 6 kids in so many different activities.
Love Annie’s outfit! She’ll find something she’ll want to do someday. My youngest is always dragged around to all of his older siblings stuff too. I don’t think he minds to much since he gets special treats and stuff when he there LOL!

Heather - Sean obviously loves playing – he’s glowing! What a great photo. A mom that goes to their games and takes pictures of them playing is involved in their kids’ lives and in making memories for them to remember. THAT’s what is important. Way to go!

Jen T. - When I bought my 15 year old her volleyball shorts, I about died. They’re SO SMALL!
My 14 year old son also plays tackle ball and has been since flag when he was a wee Kindergartner. He’ll be moving up to freshman football next year. I honestly don’t mind when the coaches yell at the boys AS LONG AS they have a good relationship with them. If they spend more time talking and praising them than they do yelling, that’s fine with me. However I won’t tolerate belittling a child. Luckily we’ve never had a coach that does that. They always have much respect for their players and the players for the coaches.
Anyhow ,I just had to delurk to leave a comment. Volleyball and football get me excited! I’ve been following you for a long time I don’t think I’ve been brave enough to leave a comment before. So, Hi!

carols - Great sports action shots, and your daughter has excellent middle form. My son plays high school volleyball and I LOVE it. I don’t miss a play or point if I can help it. I’m one of the strange ones that likes hanging around a fieldhouse all day at a tournament. He’s a junior, plays club, and it teaches him lots. Youngest son is football, basketball, and baseball…and basketball is by far is the best to watch. My parents come to lots of games, and are sporty, so I mostly talk with them and we usually are analyzing plays, lol. Fun family time. Love watching sports. Beautiful pictures, sweet Annie. Have a fun weekend.

Gemma - It’s nice to have your kids love sports so much!! It’s not such a huge thing here in the UK (apart from football).
Lauren looks great & Sean is looking so grown up!!
Love Gemma x

Julie - I’m with you on this one ~ I go to their activities and games and I try to watch and pay attention but I don’t always succeed. For my kids, they are just happy that I’m there and they like it when I bring my camera along and take a few pics for them to see later. I think it’s most important that they feel supported and frankly, the parents yelling and screaming on the sidelines are unnerving for me. I was a cheerleader too and I kinda feel like that’s the best thing to be for my kids ~ on the sidelines cheering and smiling, but not necessarily watching every moment of the game. 🙂
I LOVE rainbow girl!

Lisa - I am so w/ you on not paying too close attention…I spend most of my time talking to the parents, there’s always some there I know or haven’t seen in a while…after so many years of watching my kids play soccer and now tennis, it’s a little hard to stay enthused…but I love that they play and they appreciate that I am NOT one of the parents they can hear on the field!!

Jessie - Ha Ha, you’re so funny! Hope this makes you feel better….when I was younger I played sports year round. I NEVER remember hearing my parents during the game. EVER. They always cheered and yelled at the ref, but I was too into the game playing to notice. The post game ‘good job’ was all I remember 😉

jaz - You daughter gets some serious AIR! Wow!!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - My eldest plays goalie for her tier one soccer team. I watch… but only when the ball is in her end, then I’m dying inside. Having a goalie in the family is a totally different experience, you cannot help but watch their every move. Their mistakes make or break the game and it feels like its all on their shoulders. It is very intense. She also plays volleyball. I much prefer that, and yes unless she’s serving I often miss a lot of what’s going on.

Michelle - I’m not yet a sports mom, (my baby is only 1), but my husband coaches- 7th grade girls basketball. We faithfully go to all of his games- I watch maybe 20% of the game. Mostly I zone out. If I’m lucky there’re other mom’s there to talk to. I do care! I love him, his girls, the idea of the game. . .there are just so many games. . .
Love your blog. Read it daily. Encouraged that I’m not the only one 🙂

Lisa - I hated to going to games – BORING – worst sports mom ever. When she was younger, my daughter only cared about being picked for the team – when it came to actually playing and practicing, she was not remotely interested. Most of the time she’d end up crying with hurt feelings because someone on the other team was trash-talking. I was never sorry when she didn’t try out again the next year. 🙂

Sonia - My son plays Rec football. He’s the only one I keep up with. I sometimes feel bad thinking I should be cheering the whole team on, but mine is the tallest on his team and I have a hard enough time keeping up with him!! I’m like you though, I don’t like the harsh words to the kids. I tell mine to have fun and just do his best!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Great action shots Meg. That’s hard to get. I wouldn’t be caught dead playing volleyball because of those shorts! Can you imagine?:0 I try really hard to pay attention at the girls soccer games. I like to cheer…maybe too much. You are keepin’ busy girl.

Julie Weaver - I love Rainbow Supergirl! So much so, that I want those pants/legging for my daughter. Are they new, if so where did you get them? I’ve been telling my daughter for weeks that we will make some tye die shirts. Maybe we can have a Rainbow Super family!!
I don’t think I’ll be a very good sports mom either. My kids are still little, but I can’t see myself getting into it.

Beth - Sean looks so happy! That’s awesome. And Annie the Rainbow Supergirl — I love it!

Beth - Yeah, I’ve never been diagnosed with ADD, but when I used to watch my hubby to be playing football in college . . .well, I really tried paying attention, and once in awhile I saw him do things and cheered for him even if they were bad things 🙂 I was too busy talking. Still true sometimes when I watch my kids play. So I get it!

Mindy Harris - sean is a hearthrob! i know you don’t want to hear that yet..i am not much of a sports fiend AT ALL…i graduated from k-state and get really embarrased when people ask me how their football is doing.
because i have no idea.

valerie @ chateau a la mode - Goodness me, I can relate…my poor kids when they played sports and danced…I’d always be visiting with other moms and my kid would do something spectacular and someone would have to tell me all about it so that I could let my kids know “Yes I saw that, wasnt’ that great”. Just a little mom fibbing! I totally get it and I hate coaches that take everything so serious too.

Julia - I love your rainbow super girl -I have a Strawberry Super hero.

Shann - I’m with you…I get very uncomfortable when coaches get mad at the kids. Annie is darling as ever. That little girl has made me smile so many times when I read your blog. And, I played volleyball in high school as well….some 25ish years ago…ahem. And, I am sooo thankful we did not have uniforms like Miss Lauren. I would of died. My legs did not look half as good as hers do. 🙂 Have a great night Meg!

Kirsten J - Heh! I’ve always got some story to tell the moms in the stands, I’m always yakking….and try to focus when my girl is up to bat. And…I played volleyball until my sophomore year – yay Lauren! And coaches can make or break a kid, especiall about age 12 or so….been there, done that.

Jen - My 3-y-o would freak over Annie’s outfit. Her rationale for getting dressed is this: “Momma, I (always) match because all of these colors are in the rainbow. I match the rainbow, so I match!”
Can’t argue with that.
Kids are great.

se7en - Annie is a darling!!! Your Rainbow Girl rocks!!! Love the pic!!!

edie - love annie’s style!
we had the same experience with emme when she was 5.
she came bawling off the field and screamed, “there’s a lot of people and they’re running fast and KICKING”
now she’s happily a dancer.
and lauren—-looks awesome!

Melanie - Great pictures Meg. You crack me up with you and your ADD:) I can see you at the game visiting everyone while the game is going on. Mrs. Social!
Have a great weekend!

Amber - I’m like Annie! So not into it but always looking dapper. 😉

Dana Banana - Cheering was the perfect fit for those of us with ADD! Except for when we would totally be cheering for the wrong thing…..D E F E N S E (whoops, we are on the offense!)

Katy Stone - 1- made me miss my volleyball days. how fun.
2- i’m far from having kids, but i’m pretty sure i’ll be the same way. especially when it comes to coaches being too hard on kiddos. i’ll be the mom saying “it’s ok, he tried hard!”

Tere - Look at that sun! And the kids are getting so big! Sean towers over much of his team.
Thanks for sharing….fall sports has taken over our house much like yours. I love the physical activity for the kids and the bonding with classmates and friends.
My Lilia (5), this her first year in soccer. And she’s doing it because she is with her a cousin. Last year she was a dance and swimming drop out. Cried the whole time too.

Krista - Rainbow Annie! Gosh your kids are getting so tall, I’ve been following your blog for a while, and watching them grow — time passing before our eyes!

Sandy - Good luck to the fall sports teams! My daughter played volleyball…I loved watching her progress from 4th grade VB at the Y to HS & traveling Open tournament teams. Lauren gets some good height on her blocks…which always amazes me how they can do that! Sean looks bigger than most of the other boys…he must like that too. 🙂 Annie is Adorable As Always! My first thought was Rainbow Bright…do they still make those?
Lovely family!

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35 years and one week exactly.

i got my martini lunch yesterday.

i know….again with the sweater.
i just really like it. 
i do have other cardigans….i promise.

the martinis were half off.
we missed the fun glasses though.
they didn't have a caramel apple so i got a Pamatini…pomagranite and pineapple….very yummy.

kimberlee treated me to lunch…a week after we originally planned.
which was perfect because we were both in much better moods than the week before.

we ate a lot.
we stayed longer than anyone else.
we laughed…we teared up…we LAUGHED.

then we hit the GAP and i tried on all the skinny jeans in my size.
because i have to find something to wear with my boots.

girlfriend time is THE best.
it's calming.
it's refreshing.

i always….ALWAYS…feel better after time with my girlfriends.
you can't miss out on that.
i don't ever want to.

thanks for lunch and a wonderful day KIMberlee. 

deborah@applesinwonderland - girlfriend time is sooooo necessary. truly. and please keep rockin’ the sweater–i have it in the pink, grey, olive and cream. hello? and some days i rock it with a ruffled shirt. whatever makes you happy, i say. i also say, cheers to 35 and 1 week:)

Heather - My goodness you are beautiful. I always admire the colours you put together. And I NEED me a sweater like that!!!! Damn Target-less Canada.

Melinda - Please stop apologizing for your fantastic sweater….I love that you can even get such a cute sweater at Target and that it is great enough to wear over and over, that’s even better…thanks so much for the peek into your life through your blog..I love it.

Melanie - Skinny jeans? I WISH I could wear skinny jeans! At age 48 and being about 15 lbs overweight with flabby thighs…well, let’s just say that wouldn’t be too attractive in those “young”, tight pants!
That bracelet you have on – the one with the drop of water? I have the same one! Ordered from etsy with proceeds going to build wells in Africa, right?

aimee - i am with you on those cardigans! i swear, i have multiples too. when you find something you like, you know the rule… buy every color!
BEAUTIFUL pic of you!

Amy - I’m in love with my pink ruffle sweater from Target too… wore it yesterday 🙂
Scroll down a tad…
Happy belated Birthday Meg… and thanks for always having something funny, insightful, encouraging, or just plain NORMAL to say almost every day. I love your blog!

danielle - your hair is FABULOUS!

Melanie - Sounds like a great day! I love the sweater so no worries there:)

Lisa - What a nice day, there is nothing like girlfriend time, I so agree! the sweater is darling 😉

kat - I love spending time with my girlfriends too! That martini lunch sounded positively divine! Welcome to 35, I just turned 36 and am on the climb to 40…. Yikes!

shauna - i am glad you were born.
how else would i have found the rainbow cake???!
you make the world better.
you are real.
you are funny.
you love people.
you are a good mom.
yep, good call being born.

Kacey - I love the pink cardigan! Glad you finally got your bday lunch and girlfriend time. 🙂

Kari - Food, drinks and a girlfriend – what a fun day! Don’t shame the cardigan… if we were friends I’d raid your closet. You always look so fricken cute! Your clothes, the jewelry … love it all!

Damaris - Happy happy Birthday. I can’t wait to be 35. I think my kids will be potty trained by then and I won’t have to change diapers. Sounds amazing.

Courtney Walsh - I have never had a martini. Or a martini lunch.
I think I need to do this for my 35th in December.
🙂 Thanks for the idea! Oh, and I have a gray cardigan with ruffles and I LOVE it. I would wear it everyday if it matched my yoga pants.

Kristin S - Oh, the pink cardi.
I say keep it coming.
But every time you post a pic with it, I have returners remorse. I bought and returned it to Target because I have a cardigan problem. Too many!

Nina - girlie…you look fabulous!! I’m late but happy birthday!!

Jen@thecottagenest - Target has a cute skinny jean called the Slouchy Skinny for about $30 that look really cute on even if you aren’t a stick thin girl!

Kimberlee J. - I told you should’ve put lipstick on. I am lipless.

Rach - I agree with you. I don’t get enough of it. I think as a mom it allows you to feel like yourself again… like an individual instead of a parent or a wife. Maybe with all the kids in school now you can make it more of a regular thing. 🙂

Kristin - So true! I just had lunch with an old friend from college this week (toddler-free) and it was just what I needed. 🙂 Glad you were able to enjoy your birthday lunch – even if it was a week later.

Tonya - I think our lunch is way overdue! Miss you lots. Phil read your post and said “she’s hilarious”. I could use a good dose of you in my life right now!

Valerie - You know what?…you crack me up. You’re so fun and it looks like you really enjoyed your 35+one week birthday lunch…good for you and good for girlfriends that care.

merlin - I have never had a martini.
I thought they had olives or am I waaaay out of date/style?
Lunch out, yeah for you. Would you recommend that I try a martini? and what kind?
Maybe you could do an entire post on martinis, you know, for educational purposes.

Amber - Happy belated birthday Meg! I’m so glad you got both the massage and the martini lunch. 😉 and I am so in love with rufflie-type-things.

melanie - Your lunch looks amazing! I am quite fond of grapefruit martinis and fun glasses. What a nice way to spend the day. I wish my girlfriends lived closer, but it probably saves me from spending too much money and hangovers – ha!
I once had a pink ruffled cardigan that I wore to shreds. serious. my new cardi of the moment is a consignment find, a JCrew multicolor one. i’m wearing it right now.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love pasta.
I love Kimberlee’s plaid shirt.
I love the Gap.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - 1. You look beautiful!
2. Ahem, Yay for martinis!
3. I love my friend Meg.

Jessica - old navy has some pretty cute skinny jeans right now. and they are cheaper than gap. i mean i love gap, but i do like a bargain too! happy hunting!

purejoy - you look delightful in your pink ruffly cardigan and your colorful chunky necklace. seriously, you look beautiful, 35!
skinny jeans… sigh. someday.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - happy 35 and one week. too funny. wish i was there. the margarita sounded yummy and i could use a pair of skinny jeans;) happy weekend girlie.

Heather - A good friend is such a beautiful treasure. So glad you’ve got a good friend in Kimberlee.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Lovely lunch : ) Very relaxing!
Gemma x

brooke - looks like Bella Luna!!!

Karen Lehmann - is that the ruffle cardigan from TARGET? I think i have the same one in, I’ll call it, military green…i had to go up a size and it still seems short – i think thats the style – is yours short too? anyway I got it for a steal ($8?) and i really love it too…
I am ordering a few things from 31 bits this weekend and have been talking to them about having a party here. what a great cause. thank you for bringing it to our attention! 🙂

angie - the sweater…. love it!!! i have it in black and want to go back and get the charcoal grey… it’s super cute!!!! glad you got your lunch!!! happy 35 to you : )

Laura - I need MEG TIME.
glad you got your lunch
and martini
and time with a girlfriend
my turn next…can I borrow that sweater???

Naomi - That photograph of you is beautiful.
35 looks good on you!

Nikki - Happy Birthday (again)….Cheers 🙂
1… I like your pink cardi
2… Lunch looks devine
3… Off to check out Kimberlee’s blog 🙂

Widge - mmmmmmm whatever you guys are eating looks sooooo good. yay for half price martini 😉

Sophie - Happy Happy Birthday!

pam - Our 21 year old is CONSUMED by all things ruffle…she would say there is NOTHING wrong with embracing the ruffles. :o)

Trish - I love that sweater, you can wear it everyday if you want to!
Glad you were able to get your birthday lunch.
i just spent an hour reading Kimberlee’s blog. She’s great fun. And those amazing vintage soiree and barn sales that you all have there make me want to move to Kansas…..
hmmm, am I ready to give up Bush Alaska?

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i downloaded the Parenthood soundtrack.
(i used itunes though…cheaper)
i have listened to it three times already.


these boots are now mine in black.
they will be my favorite shoes this winter i promise.
oh yeah….and these too in gray.

and i let my dad buy me this coat.…in charcoal….it is just so cute.
thank you dad.
my birthday card came just in time.


the dining room is almost done.
it is not like that is exciting news….but i will be happy to be finished painting things and thinking about it.

had to share these three pics.


i have a soft spot for babies that suck their thumbs.
i was one of them.


thanks for the encouragement about my moody posts.
i like that we are all in this motherhood, sisterhood, trying-to-be-a-good-wife thing together.
and that it's ok for me to tell you how i feel.

i feel comfortable here….if you didn't notice.

and my wednesday was GREAT.
thankful for that. 

Cheryl - Well i’ve been visiting your blog for some time and have not commented yet – but i see a lot of similarities in this post, so figured it was time to “out” myself! 🙂
I was just looking at that coat in Old Navy the other day! Super cute boots. Another Parenthood fan here! Such a great show – and good music too.
I really enjoy your blog – your stories, pics, recipes – thanks for sharing! 🙂

Melanie - I am LOVING that coat. Can’t wait to see you in it. Pics please.

Toni :O) - I heart your blog so stinkin much…it’s nuts…you’re so real life and I love that about you and your blog. Love Parenthood…it truly is such an amazing relatable show, scary how much it is like my life. Great boots and coat..what a lucky gal you are and I’m glad you had such a nice deserve it cause you’re like a SuperWoman/SuperMom with all those beautiful kids of yours…I admire you so much! Great photos as always, that baby is so smoochable.

dawn - Love your new treats! I’ve been wondering how your 31 Bits party went… Maybe I missed a post? I was thinking of having one — I love what they stand for and I also love their jewelry!
And feel free to share how you’re feeling — I think that’s why we all like your blog so much — we can relate!

twolittletots - so happy you had a great wednesday! good days are the best. and i love the coat that you got…i have my eye on that one too…in charcoal as well!

Kelli - Love the pics Meg! We had a wonderful time! We can’t wait to see the rest of them!

Kelly - Really cute coat! You inspired me to go shopping on zappos for some boots. love thumb sucking babies as mine is one. 🙂 Kelly

Kristin S - Keep the real coming. We all need the encouragement to be real and honest.
You got the ruffle pea coat!!! I posted about it last week and my friends laughed at me for posting about coats. I don’t care. I love them. Love THAT one.

Jenn T - Friday night will be fun – so what kind of drinks are you serving?? Does it depend upon what type of day you had?? just joking – it will be fun to be with the girls

karen - ooo..can’t wait to see your dining room!

kim - have you heard the song “live forever” from the “namaste no more” episode!?? the song is by drew holcomb and the neighbors, and if you don’t know them yet you will LOVE them. drew’s wife, ellie is in the band, too. so cute. such amazing voices. i just heard them sing that song at a young life retreat, and it is beautiful.

Michelle - Meg, I have those boots in black. LOVE them, they’re super comfy! You have fabulous taste.

Renee - You are FABULOUS! In case no one has told you lately! 🙂 thanks for sharing so honestly!

Ellen - I’m not a mother…nor am I a wife…but it’s great to read a blog that is real and not sugary all the time. When I get married (eventually…still waiting on God to give me some prospects!), I hope to be just as honest with my feelings and not feel as if I have to be perfect all the time.
I love reading your blog posts…moods and all!

Jennifer - i luuuuuuuuuuuuurve the thumb sucking baby picture!! it makes my boobs hurt! i know that sounds really really odd, but i married into a family who says that and it has stuck with me! sorry to be the creepy weird girl!

Christi - I love the coat and boots you selected. I’ve been holding out on buying a few of their coats, hoping that they will do their $20 coat sale again this year!
Question for you — do you have a meatloaf recipe that you make and love? Your recipes always turn out and I am trying to find a good, classic meatloaf.
Thanks Meg!

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - Thank-you for sharing life with us, Meg.:)

jennnibell - I love, love, love your style!!! I think I may need a pair of those boots too. . .but I’ll take brown 🙂 My black ones have gone out of style and are now back in — ha! Thanks for the great links. Love the coat too but I will have to get rid of one to buy another and I just don’t have one I’m willing to part with yet. . .
Thanks for being your real self here. . .makes me feel like I’m sitting down with a real friend with real joys and struggles and advice 🙂

Lindi - glad your wednesday was great!! here’s to a whole year of great days!! thanks for being you and REAL all the time and for being soooo inspiring!!

Emily - tahnk you for being you… and inspiring me.

Angela - I’m loving all the new banners lately! Very fun.
And keep sharing those feelings – we can all soooo relate.

Laura - i love that you share such simple things that bring great happiness
you are always good for that
im getting my tooth pullet today at 3..ugh
toothless at 40
now I need me a little happiness!!!
and my annie still sucks her thumb 🙂

shauna - i like the new header.
and the middle picture of the two babies. so great!
also, my husband got one of those necklaces last night, what are they 21 bits? well i saw them on your blog and was wishing you weren’t so far away and could stop by and get one of yours, but then we saw some at a little shop and i was so happy.
i love it.
ps. i heart feelings

Diana - I have boots like your gray ones… mine are a soft light brown and sooooooooooooooo comfy. You will love yours. ♥

Lisa - I have been looking for boots for so long and they were all over $100!! I had settled in my mind that I wouldn’t be able to get any. Love Old Navy prices…I may end up copying you with the first pair. 🙂

`Kelly - AH! I want those boots (in the lighter brown)! I even tried them on a few weeks ago and almost convinced myself to get them but I decided to wait for my birthday to roll around. The coat is super cute too! I bet the Parenthood soundtrack rocks! I might have to go have a listen!

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - Those boots ROCK!!! And the ruffles on that jacket totally look like you!!!

Carrie K - oooh thanks for the heads up on the soundtrack! im in love with that show!!
the black boots are AWESOME and the coat is freakin ADORABLE…cant wait to see you rockin it 🙂

Dana@Strawberrytart! - Because of you I started watching Parenthood. I am not sure how I missed it before. I will have to check out the soundtrack!

Staci - And now, I’m off to buy those boots in the cognac brown!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad your Wednesday was better 🙂

Amy G - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Parenthood!!!It is sooooo like real life! Do I get a sticker now?? LOL! Have a Blessed Day!

Sugar Mama - Because I have no sense of fashion, could you please do a post on how to wear those boots? Maybe put together a few outfits that work with boots like that. I love the boots, but I know I would wear them all wrong.

Tam - I’m happy to hear you had a great Wednesday. I LOVE Parenthood, would love the soundtrack, I’m embarrassed to admit, I dont know how to use iTunes, maybe I’ll need to learn! I’m loving the boots, I wish I could find ones that would fit my calves. 🙁 Can’t wait to see the dining room! HAPPY THURSDAY!

angela carter - coat = adorable, boots look comfy, i have a grey pair similar. your blog always brings a smile to my face!
by the way – i love that your links don’t take you away from your blog.

Trish - oh my word that coat is scrumptious!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I must have missed that post. My parents have been here for a week. I’ve been moody too. Sad really for no reason at all. Hope it lifts. I think I’m gonna go for a run…maybe have a good cry. PRAY!

Annie - Oh…. I want the Parenthood soundtrack so badly!! Is it worth buying? I love that show, and the music is always spot on. Maybe I’ll bit the bullet and go to iTunes now…

Kimberly - Ahhhh….retail therapy 😉 I LOVE that coat!!! I may take a little trip to Old Navy today….
Oh, and 2/3 of mine were thumb suckers. My ovaries hurt just a smidgen when I see little ones doing the same.

Maureen - Okay, me pushing music selections again since you brought it up. Love the Avett Brothers and Josh Ritter that are on the Parenthood soundtrack. “Emotionalism” from Avett Bros. is one of my all time favorite discs and “The Animal Years” from Josh Ritter is great as well.

Mindy Harris - dream part II: oh and you decided to pay me BEFORE i did all the work. so before you guys headed off to paris, you stuffed some bills down my shirt so i wouldn’t argue with the amount or lose it.
i need to get a life i think.

Mindy Harris - both my kids suck their thumbs and i find it adorable.
also, and i promise i’m not a weirdo, last night i dreamed that you hired me to babysit your kids for 1 full week so you and craig could go to paris (!). you didn’t have an instruction sheet so i was a little overwhelmed. except in this dream you had 2 blond-headed girl twins who were around 2, and all over the place. the first thing i did was breathe in the wonder of your home!

Heather R. - Have those first pair of boots in the camel lookin’ color…love ’em. The baby is so sweet. I love that first pic. Love the ruffle coat.

Tara - i was a thumb sucker, too.
and so was my middle child.
we’re going to the orthodontist today to start braces.
{the not so fun part about thumb sucking}
love parenthood.

n - cute boots! and adorable baby!
i’m glad you feel comfortable in your OWN blog!! 🙂

jodi @ back40life - love the coat…wish I didn’t already have one super similar {with no ruffle 🙁 oh well}
ah…the parenthood soundtrack…bet that is a fun one…we LOVE that show!
love all your sharing…feelings or not…yours is one of my favorite spots to check in on every morning!

kristin - you won’t be shocked to know that i have those same boots.
hee hee hee.
and i LOVE that coat!
and i wish i could come tomorrow night, but we have friends coming from out of town…don’t know if i can pull it off. we’ll see.

leonie - OMG I think I am in love with you…. not creepy I promise….. I clicked on the link to look at the boots to see that old navy now ships to Australia I couldn’t be happier! we have very similar tastes
Leonie x

Amy Lynne - Awesome boots and jacket! I am glad you had a better day!! I think we all have days where we want a do over button. Happy Thursday!

Kathleen - Love the boots….I’ve been thinking that I need some boots….must be that time of year. The coat is great!

Julie - Hang in there Meg! Buying boots always makes me feel better!! Yours are very cute! LOVE the thumb sucking baby ~ too cute. Only one of mine sucked her thumb and I miss that!! And she looked just like this little sweetie ~ blonde and blue eyed!

Nikki - Glad you had a great Wednesday. I love hump day….it’s all downhill to the weekend… woohoo!
Love your boots and coat.

Kat - Nice work with the pressies Meg!
Must go listen to the Parenthood cd. I love that show and we are only on the first series down here in Aus.
Hope tomorrow is a great day too!!

Ruth - i am heading to new york next week (from london) and oooooooh i am looking forward to the shopping – love your boots and coat!

annalea @ our hartbeat - we just finished painting our living/dining room area monday. (trim went from stained wood to white as well). finally put the room back together and it feels so good to be done.
my youngest sucks his thumb and it might just be the cutest thing ever.
and i want a new pair of boots now.
hope the rest of your days this week are great too! happy belated birthday!

Jenni Carlisle - Love the first pair of boots! I have been looking for some and never thought about Old Navy…I know, lame sauce! Woot, woot..thanks! PS Told Julie that David Crowder is a local…next road trip? 🙂

Heather - I’m glad, too that you had a great day. I really enjoy reading your blog. - Glad you had a great Wednesday! Here’s to many more great days!

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not so good.

it was the kind of night you just want to end.

rushing out the door just as craig got home.

parent teacher conferences….back to back to back.

one ran so late with the family before us that we missed our last one.

kids in three different places….one hit in the face with a soccer ball…one calling in the middle of a conference….one yelling at the other when we walk in the door….us feeling guilty for missing the others game.

burned dinner because of the late running (45 minutes!!) conference.
i had dinner in the oven…planned ahead…so we could eat together.

food that is only for school lunches eaten after school…out of boredom.

angry parents.

angry kids.

tired parents.

tired kids.

hot bath.

cold beer.

the end.

here's to a better tomorrow….. 

watch this…it's funny.

everybody loves JT….especially me.

***craig says i have been writing a lot about my feelings recently.****************************** 
i said something rude back to him.
then said "i've got a lot of feelings!!!"

you don't mind me talking about my feelings….do you?  
and i guess if you do….i can't really do much about it.

i gotta be me…. 

christine - Meg, I haven’t visited in a little while and I’ve been reading back seeing what you’ve been up to. I paused and watched this little video (headphones on). I was giggling so much that the hubs had me play it back again so he could listen too. Ah, what a much needed laugh we both got.
Again, I’ve not been visiting lately…and haven’t read back too far, but I’ll just say this – share your feelings, sister. Be open, real and transparent, just like you always are. It’s refreshing and encouraging, and sometimes it’s nice knowing that other people go through the same ups and downs, ins and outs.

Michelle @ Faith, Trust, and a Little Pixie Dust - That was such a fun video. Thanks for making me smile!
Warmly, Michelle

Suzanne - love that you share your feelings…wish everyone would be so honest and real in every day life.
love you Meg.

Julie - thank you for sharing your feelings, and for posting that video. it made my day!

carols - What, and no pictures of you when you took out the burned food?! I still laugh when I think of the one day you were a tad grumpy and undergroomed…and shared the pic with all of us. Been there, done that, and thanks for sharing. I’m sure it’s a bit uncomfortable for Craig (and Nick and a few other blog dads) that so much life is hanging out there. They’ve gotta know it comes with the territory of having such a fabulous lady as their spouse. Double posting here…your fashion finds are fab, gotta go copy them quick. Smile.

Dina - Jimmy Fallon will be my next husband… yes, he will.

Karen Gerstenberger - It’s YOUR blog- you can talk about anything you want to! No one has to read it if they don’t want to…and I do want to. I love your blog. God bless you. The men don’t have to understand everything.

Cori - I like your feelings. They feel an awful lot like mine on any given day. Thanks!
I don’t think I’ve ever commented before but I’m Cori and I lurk around here terribly. 🙂

Christina - Goodness gracious. What else is a woman going to write about? Not to be awful…but, that’s what there is. haha
We’ve had some pretty terrible days here lately. I wish I could turn back the clock (sometimes 10 years, ha!), but like you say, here’s to a better tomorrow.
Although, that’s what I said yesterday, and I’m pretty sure today was worse. Oh well.
You write what you want…it’s your blog. We all love it. You are for real, you know? It’s not always all rainbows and sunshine. Except for your banner. There it is always rainbows and sunshine. But that is as it should be. 🙂

Betsey - That video was pure awesome-ness! Put a smile on my face and my husband loved it too! Thanks for sharing!!!!!! Not only the video, but sharing your honesty is the best. I appreciate you!

Amy Petz - I love that clip! Thanks so much for sharing and please continue to share your feelings. It is nice to know that it is possible to be awesome and real.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Awesome! I giggled and shook my booty. Rock on.

dani - This is Hilarious! As I am reading about your burnt dinner, I am burning ours! It is so funny that my kids totally know what to do- calmly they turn on the stove fan, open all the windows,
and then continue on with whatever they were doing. It happens all the time here obviously 😉

peta - talk away. a problem shared is a problem halved.
hope today is better!

Leigh - you write about anything you want. We wouldn’t click here daily if we didn’t like being here! You are very real…

Kate B. - When I was a kid it was Michael Jackson. Now it’s Justin Timberlake. Thanks for sharing!

betsy - I knew it! We would totally be friends in the real world 🙂
I’ve been watching this video all week of my boyfriends, Jimmy & J Timbo. Who DOESN’T love Justin?
Sorry it was a crummy day … just so you know, teachers hate conferences that run that long, too! I actually started to run a timer at my conferences to avoid that situation!

Maria - sorry you had such a yuck day…hopefully the rest of the week is better.
Love that Jimmy and JT video…I just tweeted and facebooked it out just the other day!
Speaking of twitter….are you on there somewhere?

Sarah - That video is AWESOME! I love me some JT too. 🙂 It’s funny, my husband said something like Craig said to you yesterday also. I think it is great to express what you’re feeling. As far as I can tell, honest is better than hidden and miserable.

ashley - Aaaaw! Bad days stink. I have one so far, and I feel hectic. I sometimes don’t know how you do it. I hope it all starts looking up for you!
And as for feelings, thanks for being honest. It makes the peanut gallery feel normal. 🙂

Stacia - Love your blog and that you share your feelings. 🙂

Lisa - I hate days like that! Always wishing it would just end so we can start all over. I also hate when I end up being grumpy at my husband cause of having a bad day. Hoping the rest of the week is much better.

Routhie - I love hearing about your feelings. Makes me feel normal.

Jennifer - Honesty…a great virtue and one of the many reasons so many of your followers keep coming back to your blog. You are a voice for so many mothers out there who put their heart and soul into this thing we call motherhood. It is not an easy job and there are days that are just downright icky, awful and stressful! Thanks for keeping it real, Meg.
I can feel your pain though on the husband’s remark…my hubby often tells me he thinks I put “TMI” on my blog. I think it’s just a guy thing! 😉

Kimberly - Today is just one of those days I would like to curl up in my favorite chair with my favorite pajamas with a cup of tea and weep. Weep for things that have been so hard lately. Weep for the loss of my Uncle. Weep for hard lessons. Weep for grown children who no longer sit on my lap. Weep for weepings sake. And I sooooo appreciate you being honest and real and making me feel that I am not alone. - You are soooo normal and I love that you write about it!

Courtney Walsh - been there.
and i love that JT/JF video. we watched it the other day and it made me fall in love with Jimmy Fallon all over again. I mean, I knew Justin could do that but was kinda clueless Jimmy could add “Rapper” to his list of talents. 🙂

Jennie - hate stinky days like that. love your vulnerability and authenticity on here – and really love that you ended the day with a cold one. hope today is better!

Kimberly - I wrote an eerily similar blog this morning… and I L O V E Jimmy and Justin :))

Tara - your honesty is why I keep coming back.
love it.
don’t change.
glad God made you!
you make the world sweeter.

Diana - It’s YOUR blog, YOU write what YOU want. You do NOT have to apologize for anything that YOU put on YOUR blog.
{big hugs} for a better day ♥

aimee - don’t days like that just SUCK! way to top it off with a cold beer!

BULLYMAMA3 - Thanks for keeping it real…and for that awesome J.T. video…a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day!!

Gina in Louisville - i like your feelings

crystal - I LOVE it when you talk about your feelings. Those are definitely my favourite posts. They just make me feel normal (because I have the same kinds of days)!

elisa - right there with ya sister. Feel better 🙂

purejoy - someone didn’t say when it rains, it pours for nothing!
life can be chaotic. it’s okay. and if you want to pour out your heart… it’s okay. that is what we’re here for (not to listen to a steady stream… but we support each other, that’s what i meant). i think my husband’s greatest fear is i’ll pour my heart out for the whole world to see (yep. all four of my readers) and he’ll look bad or something.
he’s not a fan of blogging/myblog/facebook. can you tell? haha

Julie - Bring on the feelings. I have a couple of empty barstools that are open for therapy and some brown sugar in the pantry.
Stuffed feelings and the guise of a perfect life can only do one thing… make one CRAZY!!!!
I love the mess. The real, messy, mess.

Cris - Thanks for posting the video! It made my day!
I figure if people don’t like feelings they can go elsewhere. Thanks for “keeping it real”.

Courtney - Love your feelings 🙂
Love the video! Thanks for sharing!

jen - well, that video just made my whole week!
ill be hijakcing that for my own blog soon.
and… feelings are a good thing.
glad you do share them!

merlin - We are trying to make talking about feelings a priority in our family. Without judgement. Culturally we aren’t supposed to show our feelings, it seems more socially acceptable to bury feelings in alcohol or drugs and then find and get help for that secondary “problem”. So,I try to be grateful for the show and communication of emotions, especially the uncomfortable ones….at least they are being expressed. Blindly I hope that this will be enough that none of us will be or become a statistic of addiction or violence.
You have a big supporter of communicating feelings from this reader.

Elissa - i only have three kids, but a lot of nights feel like your post. it’s good to share 🙂

Mindy W - I hope to be encouraging. Some days just end up going down the toilet but if you can still give glory to God in the end that’s what matters.
Don’t mind us readers’ comments. We either just had a day like yours, am currently having a LIFE (me) like your day, will have a day like yours or must be dead since who does not have a day once in a while(?!). Hang in there and be encouraged!

Tam - Oh sister, who hasn’t had days like that?!? I appreciate you for keeping it real! You are my favorite daily read, I look forward to your posts….and JT and Jimmy? PERFECTION! Thanks for sharing!

Laura - Hooray for not having it all together every day! There is no “normal”.

Suzanne - Thx for the video clip! Looooove it!

Janice Freeding - You are always complaining about something. WHy don’t you thank God for everything you have.

BriBedell - 1.I am NOT looking forward to when my chidren will have parent/teacher confrences…*shakes in fear*
2.Let it out. All those feelings. Husbands don’t get it, if you have good people to tell them to. Better them, than him. Am I right 🙂 (well certain feelings of course)lol
3. I could watch that video all day long!

Kerry Wiebe - I’m just so glad you are normal!!!

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - But guess what??? You made my night yesterday by being the first person to leave a comment on my blog!!! I was so happy!!! Thank You!!! Feelings are OK….my husband would have said the same thing…lols….Im a teacher and parent conferences always suck…so if you’ve gone this long without a night like last night you’re doing REALLY GOOD!!! Hope today is better….

Tracy - So sorry you had a bad day, take comfort in knowing though that we ALL have bad days and if we didn’t then, well, we wouldn’t be human. Bad days keep us real. I love how you are so honest on your blog, it keeps you real.
Hope you have a great day (or at least a better day than yesterday) today!

tasha roe - JT is the best! Did you see him with Andy Sandberg on SNL? It was only like a minute long, but still very, very funny!

niki - I LOVE JT!! Thanks, that made my morning.

karenjean - Meg,
We all have those days. As for writing about your feelings, I have to say that that is one of the reasons that I enjoy your blog. You are so real about you life. I find that and you inspiring. I am not sure how you do it but keep it up!

patti - yesterday was hard for us too. and I’m embracing today as a new day. oh, and by the way, I heart JT too and I laughed so hard at that the first time and again and again. 🙂

Phoenix_Rising - I like when you blog about the occasional bad day or huge stress in your life. NOT that I like you have those things, but you make me feel normal and you make motherhood into a universal condition… if that makes sense. Please don’t stop blogging. Our blogs are where we can release our inner thoughts and workings.

MGF - Thank you
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
I really realy needed a GREAT laugh this am.

virginia - i don’t mind! it helps me realize that i am not alone in my crazy :0)

Jennifer Tracy - Your true feelings combined with your sense of humor are awesome to read! I have 6 kids and I can relate.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - C.r.a.c..k.e.d me up, when you mentioned Craig’s comment. They try to be so helpful, at oh-the-so-wrong moments. I laughed because the conversation could have been in my house. Love your feelings! Especially when they come with your wonderful photos.

annie - meg, i’m a friend of a friend of a friend…who has been reading your blogs! thanks for posting your feelings-i am so there, right with you! it’s good for mom’s to share!

Krista - Well, it can only get better from there, right?
Thanks for the awesome clip, I have shared it, too funny! I can never stay up that late and miss his show.
The blog is free therapy for sure, so share away, you know we’re all in the same boat together!

Suzanne - I think you should be commended for trying to attend that many parent teacher conferences on one night! Sorry about the dinner…that would be a bummer! I’m hoping that today is a better day! And for the feelings…it was your birthday…I think that makes people think and evaluate their life. But, my husband would say the same thing as Craig…and I would probably say something rude back to him!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - I hope that video made you smile cause it sure brightened my day and made me laugh.

shauna - i am grouchy this morning.
now i am smiling.
really, who could not think JT is so cute and funny?
i loved that clip.
maybe i WILL feed the children now 🙂
instead of just giving them gruel.

Sugar Mama - Those kind of evenings make me become the type of mother/wife I do NOT like to be. I’m a control freak and I hate when things seem out of whack. I seriously start coming undone when my family is all over the place.
About the feelings, I’m assuming mostly women read your blog, and we all GET it. It helps us all feel normal and relate to one another.

Leigh - This is your blog, not Craig’s. When you share your feelings, I feel much less alone. I’m so sorry you had a disappointing evening, but there is a comfort in knowing I’m not the only one who has similar experiences and responses to those situations.
You are a blessing. I appreciate you.
Leigh in Virginia

shelly - Meg–it must be a girl thing to get! We all have a lot of feelings and sometimes its nice to know we’re not alone in this messed up, running late, burnt dinner world—and its ok to take a bath, have a beer and call it a day! (That was me last wednesday by the way!)

Judy - thanks, I can’t stay up late enough on the east coast to watch Jimmy.

Karen Lehmann - how did they remember all that? my three year old and i LOVED watching that!

Meredith - It’s your blog and you can talk about feelings any time you want. I’ve had days like that when the best part is going to bed and ending it. Hang in there!!

Lisa - I like it when you think out loud 🙂

jennifer - That clip was awesome! And so are you. The fact that you’re honest about how you feel is what keeps you real and that is why I enjoy your blog so much. Maybe today you could cash in that raincheck for the martini lunch. 🙂

regina - I think you are awesome!! LOVE how real you are! Wish we were neighbors:)

Amy - It’s awesome that you can get past the icky day. JT and Jimmy Fallon were greatness!

Christy - OMG!! totally rockin out to that JT clip, I luv it

Adrienne S - I like hearing that other families are just the same as ours! Sometimes I think I am the only one who has a crappy day like that.

Staci - I love you and your feeling Megan!!!! And I do hope you have a much smoother day today!!!! Love ya Bloggy Friend 🙂

Kimberlee J. - I vote for feelings.
No surprise there.
Sorry about your yucky day.

kat - Oh, days like that are exhausting!!! Good thing today is a new day! Love that clip, it’s so hilarious!

Meredith - Tell Craig that you could always stop talking about your feelings on your blog and instead just talk exclusively to him….all the time….about everything….because men love that! Hope you had a good night’s sleep and wake up to a new, fresh, happy day. Meredy xo.

vanessa - It’s your blog, and you can cry if you want to 🙂 Of course you can atlk about your feelings! And if it makes you feel any better, we have those days at our house too!

pam - Reminds me of “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”.

Julia - Chica-consider this free therapy. - I love that video, my husband showed it to me a few days ago and it made me laugh out loud. Our parent/teacher meetings are in French and I always leave more confused and than informed. Here’s to beer and wine. Cheers!

Melanie - Sorry that you had such a terrible day. Some days you do just want to go back to bed.
Here’s to a new day!

Heather R. - Why we read you…you have good and bad days, too…
The video made me smile. Thanks.

Grace - It’s disappointing when a day doesn’t go well.
But it’s doubly disappointing when you put a lot of effort into coordinating something, and it still doesn’t go well. Sorry that happened. It’s frustrating.
The only good thing about a bad day is that it comes to an end, and you can say, “Tommorow will definitely be better!”

Tyler - Thanks for keepin it real! The clip is great!! It made me smile!

Kat - One of those ARGH days!! We all have them.
I love that you talk about your feelings and that you are REAL!
It makes me feel better about all the feelings I need to get out.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.’
Go do something nice for yourself tomorrow.

tara - keep the feelings coming!

Ashley - Awwww Meg, I have had those days too. Hopefully tomorrow you will wake up to a BIG cup of coffee and a great day!! LOVE your blog… and your feelings!!

Lisa - Bummer about the burnt dinner, and the crazy evening. Dont you just hate those times when everything works against you and the stress is through the roof.
I say let the feelings flow girl, its your prerogative.

Tracy - Awww.. I hate those kind of days – they are the pits! I hope today is a much better day for you all. Big hugs, Meg! :o)

Erin - In a world where people are taught to hide their feelings and pretend like everything is always ok, I think your honesty is refreshing. Hope today is better for you.

Selina - What a horrible day! I hope tomorrow is better for you! I love hearing about your feelings. At least they are real.

michelle - you are SO AWESOME Megan! your realness is a treat in this superficial world. you make me ache for you but then you turn around and make me laugh my head off. all in the same post!
today will be better. it’s wednesday!

Susan - I am sending you the Biggest Hug and i know tomorrow will be better.Off to bed now…Night Night!

Jenni Carlisle - sorry for the sad day, love the feelings, and hilarious. love jimmy fallon!

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it’s not you…it’s me.

my thoughts yesterday…were just thoughts.

when i was sitting in my empty kitchen surrounded by dishes, laundry & dirty counter tops.
in my sweats.
and no one to distract me….it was Q U I E T….

those were my thoughts.

but i KNOW for a fact that:

*35 is not old.
*my house can be messy while also being a good wife and mama.
*i can lounge if feel like it…it's ok to just BE.
*i have kids to do the laundry.
*i can have lunch with my girlfriends and i will every chance i get.
*i can go back to bed after i drop kids at school if i am tired. 

what i am trying to say is…..
i am excited for this new chapter!
and i can make it anything i want it to be…i think.

today i just have a couple random pics for you.
none having anything to do with the other.


how many dirty socks can you find in your kitchen?
love this….i have no idea why.

i have been painting…..

i could watch this show all day long.

when we went to bed there were 28 oil pastels in this box.
when we woke up….there were none.  
i guess they taste good to dogs.
i had no idea.

i got to meet another awesome blogger Lori.
she was in town and dropped off some vitamins for africa to me. 
go check her out.

kashya - haha those dogs probably had greasy poops for awhile – I know mine did when he went through a box of those oil pastels.

Kelli - Found the coffee mug here at Crate & Barrel. 🙂

Christina - I am wondering about your dogs?! And…did it affect them, if you know what I mean. 🙂 Goodness!
Do you paint inside your house? And the fumes are fine? Just curious. 🙂

tasha roe - ahhhhh the gun show. 😉 When hubby and i first started dating he worked construction. yum! that’s all i can say about that. lol

Nike Shox NZ - You are right. I am agree with you. Your blog lead people to right direction. After reading your blog I konw much thing ,For example I konw how to get well to other peoples,and now I have a lot of good friends and we help each other ,thank you very much …….

Mary Beth - The BEST thing about the empty house is THE GOING BACK TO BED!!!! No guilt. You earned it back in the newborn daze. 🙂 - I love your randomness!!!! (Is that a word?)

Rach - I need to remind myself of this much more often…
*my house can be messy while also being a good wife and mama.
Thanks. 🙂

karen - The SOCKS! Thank you for showing that! I have socks too…my husband takes part in that too! sigh!

Lisa - I love reading your blog and rarely comment for some reason. I’ll try to not remain a “lurker”! 🙂 Now this has nothing to do with your post (although I also totally related to the sock picture!)
I was making my husband watch a youtube video of Beth Moore cause I think she is a gifted teacher/speaker and we watched a promo video that her ministry put together. Anyway, I could have sworn I saw you in the audience! hahaha Its probably not you but to someone who only sees pictures of you on your blog and doesn’t know you in real life, it looked a lot like you! Here’s the link just in case you want to look.
Back to your post… I am also looking forward to the days of all kids in school. I think I will exercise more when that happens! 🙂

linda - he is going to poop you a rainbow!!! what a sweet dog…i am sure he was thinking of you and how much you love anything rainbow…and knew you would love the end result! your blog is one of the highlights of my day!! 🙂

Laura - you have a new craft for crap art!

Ashlee - Great post! Love the oil pastel mystery. Hope your dog doesn’t yak. By the way, we tried your chicken and biscuits last night. Yum! Yum!

Katie - We actually have a laundry basket in the kitchen! Even though all the bedrooms are upstairs we have a ton of clothes on the main floor! Little ones:)We did the birdhouse project today…lots of fun for my 6, 4 and 2 year old!

Georgia - HA – cant believe waffle ate the pastels! silly dog! lol

Amy G - You are absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!! Things for making me happy!

linda lou - you can sent that guy to my place i’ve got lots of windows to look out at him (: (:………..and its ok to go back to bed after the kids are gone, i’m still doing it (: blessings,

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Socks… they are little creatures aren’t they!

Shelly DeBoer - Oh Meg…. thank you for posting all the dirty socks found in the kitchen. I always swear that is going to be the death of me… I am always thinking “seriously, how many pairs of socks do we wear? and why do they never ever get thrown down the chute instead of left to lie in every room?” Drives me CRAZY! Reading all the posts makes me feel like maybe this is simply NORMAL after all… LOL
Your posts are always sunshine in my day!!

Courtney Walsh - I want that coffee mug! How cute is that??
and what is with the dirty socks?? I have been finding them everywhere!!!

Iris Brown - I am so hooked on your blog! I stumbled upon you from jones design I think and I am in love. Your like the funny, real, girlfriend and mother I’ve always wanted and now can appreciate through your thoughts and pics through your wonderful blog. You crack me up with the pastels and the gun show with your hubby! Please keep this blog up and I wish you could live closer to me. You should uproot and move to MN 🙂 Have a great day!!!

Sandee - Oh my gosh.. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that finds that many straggler socks in the kitchen and all over the house for that matter… Can’t wait to see the finished product of what you’re painting!
Lovin’ all your thoughts on being 35 now.. I’m turning 35 in a week and half!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I totally understood what you said yesterday and I understand today, too. Last night I oddly thought of you…I thought, I wonder if she’ll ever just go back to bed? (Can you tell I’m in those years where “that time” feels a million miles away and I’m just Tired??) So, thank you for answering my unasked question. If you ever really miss the mayhem, I’ll give you my digits and we can conference you in. Delightful back-ground noise!

Brook - Ugh the socks!! I am ALWAYS picking up socks. So glad I’m not the only one with socks strewn all over. Can’t wait to see what the dresser looks like finished.

Erin Darlage - Wowzers! All men should own a navy blue cut-off and a jack hammer.

Marie Tere - You know Meg….I like you for just the way you are. I hope you don’t feel like you have to explain what you mean…justify your thoughts. It is YOU! And that’s why I like you!

BULLYMAMA3 - I love your past few posts…I have been thru those exact same feelings…my youngest started K the same fall that I turned 40…I can so relate to what you are feeling and I love how honestly you have summed it up. It is okay to just “be” sometimes and that may be one of the best ways to recharge our mom selves. Even though my kids are gone in school all day there is so much to deal with when they get home…it is important to be ready for that!! Somedays it is projects, to do lists and excercise, somedays it is time w/friends and sometimes it is just “being” that does that. Thank you for your wonderful blog, it often times helps me thru my day.

Heather - If that went into the dog – what colour will it be when it comes out? Could be interesting.

Sandy - We are in the early stages of painting our kitchen cabinets. Our thought is we’d like to paint the hinges rather than buying new, but wondered if the paint would make them inoperable (kinda like painting a window shut). I noticed the hinges on the doors you are painting. Is it ok to paint them? I’d love to hear an opinion from the “pro painter”. Thanks!

jennifer - Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one who had a dirty sock collection in my kitchen. One of my kids pulls them off and sets them on the counter. Lovely!

Jenny - I love the sock picture…it reminds me of my house. =)

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - Is all that painting for your dining room??? can’t wait to see it! i love that pic of your kids too. that’s happy stuff. and i think i need to rent a jack hammer and make my husband jack hammer something…

aimee - the oil pastels… i am choking over my coffee…

julia - You have such a happy and colorful home – even your dog has colorful poops.

Kimberlee J. - You’re giving me the “it’s not you, it’s me” routine? I invented “it’s not you, it’s me”. Nobody tells me it’s them not me, if it’s anybody it’s me.-George.
Yeah for lunch dates!!!!!!!
And husbands who show their muscles!
And kids who put away their socks…it’s probably more likely that Waffle will eat them, but it could happen.

angela carter - i am so wishing i could do all those things after dropping my kids off at school….i however took the route of getting a pt job while they are at school, which i love, but darn it some days i just want to drop them off and crawl back into bed! enjoy

Karen Lehmann - I love that you are painting that dresser in your house because right this minute I am painting a dresser and several chairs in my dining room! You make me feel normal…or less lazy than I think I am when I am doing something the “wrong” way again…

Michelle Whitlow - I think you’re going to have a colorful yard pretty soon!!!
And, umm, I think I need to get my husband a jackhammer 😉

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - So glad you are enjoying the new chapter. I am too. Why is it that I have more time and less gets done?? Still trying to figure that one out:)

becky@oursweetpeas - For you it is dirty socks and for me it is hot wheels cars. I counted 20 after just cleaning my family room. 🙂 We are about the same age (turned 34 in june) but at different stages of this parenting thing. Right now grown up time is close to non-existant with twin 3 year olds and an almost 3 month old. I love reading your blog and as I think I said before, (sadly, I cannot remember if I have commented before) I love the fun you have being a Mom to your kids. I too try to get sucked into their little world as often as possible. 🙂

Lori - Forgot to add that I hope your day is EXACTLY what you want it to be.

Lori - Whoasie – impressive…and I think you know what I’m referring to. Also, I LOVE the coffee cup. Where did you find it?

Phoenix_Rising - Rainbow colored dog poo thanks to pastels! You will do anything to find more rainbow colored items, won’t you?! 😉

carolyn - it drives me crazy when socks are inside-out. i hate sticking my hand in and fixing them…

Amy - I am so glad to see you have dirty socks in the kitchen! I probably have that many in my family room right now!! It is the first place my kids take off their shoes and socks after school and I don’t always get them picked up everyday!!

Amy Lynne - That pile of socks looks so familiar…are you sure you didn’t sneak out to CA again? I have to tell my boys they need to put their sock colonies in the laundry room all the time!

the leonard 4 - hi meg…i emailed you a 1.5 or 2 weeks ago to get the address so my family can send some vitamins, but thought it might have gone to spam since i haven’t heard from you. so, i thought i’d try the comment route. please email me when you have a minute! 🙂
p.s. love this post!

Trish - yay… rainbow poop! 🙂

Melanie - I guess people were worried about you but I understand what you were saying. Just enjoy this new phase in your life. The day will fly by so fast you won’t know what happened.

shelly - Oooooh a free gun show, nothin better 😉
I was Just yelling…ummm…politely asking WHY we had so many socks in the kitchen! They’re like one room from the laundry room…really?!?…Really?!?

donna - you are soooooo funny – watching that show all day long – that cracks me up. i would be watching that show too ~ your hubby is HOT……..but then again – you are such a doll, you make a cute cute couple 🙂 by the way Meg – 35 is not bad, it’s 40 that got me – lost my 20/20 vision, my waistline and my patience!!! have a wonderful day 🙂

paige - i absolutely love that everytime i swing by here
i open up a blog written by a real woman
a gorgeous woman
raising a real family
(apparantly married to a hottie or at least appreciate a hottie workman)
who loves the Lord
& who keeps it real
i love that
you rock meg . you just do.

april@gingerbreadgirl - Im wondering where your newly painted furniture is going….love it

Grace - Love the header photo—very vibrant!
The photo with the socks—we are living the same life, only yours is multiplied since you have more children. But everywhere my son goes, there are socks on the floor. 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Colourful Poo..great fun! lol
Gemma x

ky - Beg my pardon…I mean ‘gawk’.

ky - I could watch that show all day too. I’m very sorry if that is your husband. Don’t mean to gork at another womans man. Lucky you if it is.

Andrea Howe - Are those Craig’s arms?!?! Oh. my. word. Nice 🙂

laurenjean - pretty poop !! lol !!!

Lisa - Yummy…and I’m not talking about the coffee or the oil pastels. 😉
We had a similar incident with oil pastels, and then we were scooping rainbows from the yard for the next couple of days(sorry if that’s a little crass – but it was pretty funny at the time).

pam - OH FUN!!! You might have pretty poop! :o)

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my new grown up life.

at our school they start kindergarten half days for the first 9 weeks.
then they go full day the rest of the year.
i guess it's to ease into it….easier adjustment for everyone.
i love it.

annie has had me walk her to her classroom everyday.
none of my other kids wanted that.
so of course i did that today too.
i think i would've been sad if she didn't want me there today.

soon she'll go in with her brother and sister but for a while i will still walk her in.
it gives me motivation to get out of my pajamas now before we leave for school.

this picture sums it up.
double hand grasp on mommy.
she said all morning "my stomach hurts" and she wanted lots of extra help getting dressed.
she was so nervous for her day. 

THIS is annie's look that means she is nervous.
i LOVE that i captured it.

and then she was ready for me to go.
thank goodness.
i couldn't have handled any crying….without crying myself.
so glad she was brave.


very strange feeling to be all alone so early in the day.
i am fine with time alone.

it's not that i MISS my kids when they are at school….i don't. 
i know that they are safe and happy and that they will be home again soon.
what i am feeling is that annie is my last baby and now she is a big kid at school.
and i am 35.
so i am old and alone.

just kidding.
i mean….i AM old and alone….but it's not a bad thing.

a new chapter of my grown up life begins.
i can only go to MOPS meetings as a mentor mom from now on.
(i haven't been to MOPS for 6 years but i remember thinking with five kids i could be in MOPS forever) 
i have no excuse for a messy house anymore.
(except for those five kids again)
i have no excuse not to exercise.
i have no excuse for dinner not being ready.
i have no excuse to have a MOUNTAIN of laundry like i do right now.

i have no excuse to not be reading my bible and spending real time with God.

those are my areas to focus on in this new grown up life i have been given starting today.
whether i asked for it or not.

with that….i am out the door for a long run.
i am going to blast my music and cry if i want to.
but i don't think i will. 
i think this grown up life is going to be pretty good. 

ps….i went dancing this weekend.
it was one of the best nights i have had all year. 

Trina McNeilly - Change is always different, exciting and scary but it will be good….so very good.

Rebecca - yes, i have no excuse either (although my kindergartener is only in school every-other day)… i really need to get back into my routine. especially reading my Bible. thanks for the reminder… i really need to be accountable for this. good luck with your new-found quiet freedom. enjoy it.

kristin - this made my heart skip. i know that face too. my protective-preschool-teacher feelings just came up. i know she is fine too.
and i have felt like i am on vacation every day. : )

Sue - My son’s are grown and in their 30’s but today reading your blog I almost cried remembering the fist day of kindergarten and then again the first day of Jr. High. That was the hardest for me. I remember both of my son’s did NOT want me at the school and made me go back to the car and leave because they could see I was going to cry. They were men to me that day and really it was harder letting them go to Jr. High than Kindergarten. I only had two but you have 5 what a blessing that is.
Now that you have time, my advice as an old woman, is relish that time with God and everything else will fall into place. Blessings, Sue

shauna - i love her nervous face…good job momma.
there is just something about that little sweetheart!
on her last day of preschool, i had only read your blog once or twice and i fell in LOVE with her!(i think cause she reminds me of my ella)I wrote you a LONG comment, and then it somehow got erased(grrrrrr) and i got all discouraged about commenting…
i got over it 😉 thanks for sharing with us…

Julie - Grown up life is complicated. Sometimes I really crave it and look forward to it, but then other times it makes me sad. You are a running/ laundry/ cooking/ cleaning superstar though!!! Bring it! Yay for cute, brave Annie.

Nikki - All my kids are at school this year…my house is still messy, I still have a mountain of washing and I don’t exercise… I think I spend too much time shopping, having coffee out with friends and way too much time on the computer… oh well… and now you’re telling me that next year when I turn 35 I’m considered old… oh well 😉
BTW, I love Annie’s nervous face…. too cute.
I’m off to clean my messy house before the husband and kids come home and realise I’ve been lounging around all day.

Leah - Love your new header!

Sandra K - So please do a post on the night of dancing…!

amy jupin - i don’t know why, exactly, but this post made me tear up meg!
i think it was the pic of annie’s death grip on your hand or maybe seeing her with her hands over her eyes.
so much emotion in those little pictures.
gheez, there i go again.
i think i need some chocolate. (or a martini, or maybe a chocolate martini??)

april@gingerbreadgirl - Im LOving your new blog title pic!!!

crystal beutler - I haven’t had kids at home for years now. I STILL have mountains of laundry, I don’t exercise like I should, dinner is never on time, the house still isn’t clean. I’m doing something wrong. 🙂 That, or I’m busier now that I was before kids went to school all day. Go figure. I’m worried about what’s going to happen when they leave home for good.

The Lady of the House - LOVE the header girl – you’re so creative! & Your baby girl is so darn cute! I just about bawled when I saw that picture of her with her hands over her face… I have 2 boys (so far) 3 and almost 1 – I’m nervous about this step, I’m glad it’s not here yet! 🙂
The Lady of the House

Melissa - So good to get out and dance isn’t it!!!

aimee - if that face in the hands isn’t the cutest picture ever! and you are not in the least bit old!

Kat - I love this post Meg!
Makes me want to smile and cry all at the same time.
I am already struggling with the fact that I am not pregnant and having another baby like I normally am.
Trying to decide whether to stop at 4 kids or stretch myself to the limit and have #5…
Annie is so gorgeous. I love how you captured the moment, esp the hand holding and her nervous face. Bless!
Yay you for your positive attitude, for being sentimental and for going out dancing.
Can you do a post about the dancing? Sounds fun and I need more fun!

Dineen - My grown up life starts next year when my youngest heads off to 1st grade. Thankfully, we only do 1/2 day kindergarten here. I LOVE having her home with me in the mornings! I’m really sad just thinking about next year. But if you can do it…then maybe I can too.

beth - Grown up life…I just joined the grown up life again…my three kids are 12 years apart so I know how you feel…I can say I will not have anymore babies so I am all grown up for good and I haven’t hit 50 yet…soon though..hehehe
Enjoy your time!
Oh yeah I borrowed on of your pumpkin pics as my backdrop on my puter at work…hope that is alright, it brightens my day…all your pics but only nature ones I will use. If not ok please let me know and I will not do it again. I never share any pics of course.

se7en - Oh Isn’t Annie a darling… You are both so brave!!!

Julia - You are not old. 40 is old. So old. And sad. Old and sad. Hopefully you’ll handle it as well as I am.

Julie K. - I’m so jealous! Just being honest here … I feel like a grown-up trapped in a mama’s body. You know I love the little people but I would love to have all day to focus on all that must get done and be fresh for them when they come home!! Enjoy!!! 🙂

karen - awww..that was a touching post.
You are so lucky to have five ‘grown’ up kids and be 35 years YOUNG!!
I am 32 years old with a 3 year old and a 4 month old. They are my heart.

sandy toe - I started that grown up life this year too. But, I didn’t know I couldn’t have a messy house anymore???
sandy toe

Georgia - Hey, just think how many extra photo shoots you can fit in!!! 😉

emily - ook. there are some 35 year olds who are just getting married, or beginning to have babies- you’re not old. stop saying that. you’re just in a new phase of life.

Tamsen Fussell - Just want you to know that I am a mama in Montana with 4 kids all about the same ages as yours. I, too, have the teenage daughter…and the sweet kindergartener- with 2 others thrown in the middle for good measure! I totally can relate to sending your baby off. And to having a whole day to yourself. And to feeling old- ha! Thank you so much for your blog- making me laugh, and cry, and not feel so bad about my own mountain of laundry…:) -Tamsen

jodi - first of all, meg–you are not old. OLD PEOPLE DO NOT GO OUT DANCING! ha good for you.
secondly, we moved back to the northeast last year and i became a mentor at the mops i started 18 years ago.. s u r r e a l
being “old” rocks (and i am much older than you)

Karen Lehmann - i LIKE that “easing” into the school year. Your school system has it right!

Catriona - “i have no excuse to not be reading my bible and spending real time with God.” Start with this and the rest will take care of itself – you know it!
Enjoy your week – soon it will be the weekend and everyone will be around. x
PS 35 is NOT old!!!

Deanna - Aww..Annie in full time school! Just remind yourself that summer is only 8 months away and then they will ALL be home! 😉
And come check out my give-away if you get a chance-

Cari - The pictured you captured of her holding your hand brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful. (I guess I am officially no longer a “lurker”.) 😉

Laura - I am going to go with “the best is yet to come”
we are young
have I mentioned I love you?
and I love Annie
that face
so glad I got to see it in person

Karen - Grown up life is good! (just different)

Ashley - I literally teared up looking at the pics of you dropping Annie off. Of her holding your hand so tight. My daughter is only 11 months old, and it will be a while before I have to send her to school, but I teach and leave her every morning….so I feel your pain. 🙁
But I bet it feels great to know that you’ll have some time to focus on other things while the kiddos are at school!:)

Courtney Walsh - I have to be honest and say I love that you were honest in saying you don’t miss your kids when they’re at school. I really don’t either. I love my time with our youngest and I know that once he’s gone, I’ll love my alone time too. I feel kinda rotten saying that, but I think it’s a good thing that I like to be alone sometimes.
🙂 Makes our time together that much sweeter! Hope the run was wonderful, Meg!!

Andi German - I’m so glad you went dancing! Not been dancing for ages … but I did dance today – in the kitchen to an old tape I found that’s 20 years old!!! I had my own little rave. Have been lurking for a while – decided to comment. Love your blog.

purejoy - if i can embrace my empty nest and grownupness, you can embrace yours. what a thrill to be embarking on something oh-so-new!!

Karen Gerstenberger - I think you are right. So why is it, though I didn’t cry when my kids went to school for a full day, that this post makes me want to cry?
God bless you and your family. I have faith that He will lead you every step of the way, as you listen for Him – double-hand-grasp, like Annie’s.

deb meyers - i’ll never forget when the realization dawned on me — after a few weeks of whining “I am home all day, why can’t I get everything done?!” that the time I actually had at home ALONE was only 4 hours. But I had been telling myself it was ‘all day’ (which means, what, 12 hours?) but it wasn’t 12 hours. Does that make sense?
deb meyers

patti - i’m learning to grasp my grown-up life too…but I’m 41 and still have a 3 year old. guess it took me a little longer to grow up. 🙂

Jill J - You are braver than me. When my baby went all day a few weeks ago, I balled my eyes out. I am old and alone and I don’t know if I like it. Maybe I would feel better if I went dancing too?! 🙂

Maria - love it. Enjoy your new life…
and that laundry pile?
still there for me.
but I’ve only been in my new life since mid-August…so, barely getting over my ‘last-child-out-the-door-time-to-go-back-to-bed-nap’
starbucks helps.

Elissa - i wish our kindergarten did this. we are 1/2 days all year and my K boy is totally ready for a full day. he says K is easier than preschool! oh well… it is what it is. enjoy being having a grown up life! i’m looking forward to it 🙂
i haven’t been dancing in a DOG’s age.

Megan - Yea you! My youngest started K last year and it was quite an adjustment for me. I felt like I had to do that ‘no excuses’ list you wrote about perfectly everyday. This year I am trying not to take it so seriously. Like this morning…I drank my coffee and watched a movie on the couch – just because. {And I’m not going to feel guilty about it.} Here’s to a great new start for you and hoping you get some mornings on the couch! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I love this stage. My youngest is seven. Wonderful snots. Used to love dancing…. so where do “Old” moms go to dance? Just curious.

Tiffany Ruda - I reeeeaally can’t even begin to wrap my head around that stage of mommy-hood, but it’s awesome to hear about your new season. I hope you enjoy every moment! PS, love your blog.

Routhie - Your bravery is her bravery. I never tire of watching my girls change and grow. Have fun with your new grown up life! xx

Krista - Love the double-hand grasp, that Annie is such a sweetie. I think you’ll both be loving this new life! Kindergarten is such a blast!

Cassie - oh my goodness. that nervous look is exactly like ayla’s nervous look!
enjoy your long run! (is that possible??)

melissa - I am starting to get a little taste of grown up life with the girls in preschool 2 days a week and I am loving it so far!
Enjoy, it sounds good to me!

Melanie - I like my grown up life too:) I think that you will do just fine. You will see though that the time goes by so fast! Enjoy your day.

Heather - Yikes! Grown up life – yikes!

Lora - Love this post. I’ve seen that nervous pose before too. My baby is 10 and I still miss him being home with me everyday… sometimes, but most of the time I love my home alone time.

Gemma - Like I said before…soon this will become your ‘norm’ and you’ll rarely look back! Until then just keep on keeping on : )
Gemma x

Trish - It’s your party and you can cry if you want to! or not 🙂

Judy - Grown-up life is great. Hugs.

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our last day















friday was annie's last day of afternoon kindergarten.

our morning times together will be over.
she is a big girl now.
i will miss her at home with me.
and having one more kid to get ready in the morning will be crazy.

we spent our last day at the nursery picking out some fun pumpkins.

life goes on. 

Logan - I’m behind on my reading after being out of town all week last week with a sick mother. I LOVE the pumpkin pictures. Good job with the photography.

crystal beutler - I lovvvvvvvvve these pics. There’s just something about big orange pumpkins that makes me melancholy. I need to get myself to a pumpkin patch.

Four Flights - beautiful pictures. I like the one with warts all over it 🙂
So do they do afternoon for a period of time, and then switch to mornings? Interesting…

Heather R. - I blinked…they grew. hugs.

Mindy Harris - Annie has a frosty! My guilty pleasure.

carols - Awww…a new chapter is going to start. I like the comment that each stage brings wonderful memories. (though, some of these teen adventures I could do without). It’s all part of the big plan. Annie is a happy kid, and I know you have a lot to do with that Meg. Keep doing it!!

Kelle - Love. I miss a good cool fall. And, I always have to laugh at the “warty” pumpkins.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I know it’s sad. A new chapter starting. But trust me you will love it. Gorgeous pumpkin pics. I learn so much from you. I need to zoom in alot more to take better pics.

Melanie - Now you will have the whole day to yourself. Enjoy it. It will fly by.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Happy Belated Birthday and great pumpkin pics. You will keep busy all day, I know you will. That’s the best rememedy I think, for scraping yourself off the floor…at least that’s my plan.

Gemma - Great Pumpkins! So sad that it was the last day of all those memories but soon enough it will become the norm.
Gemma x

Diana - No way! We were there picking out some cute pumpkins today, too! My fave are the Turks Turban. And a couple beautiful mauve mums. So pretty.
I will refrain from telling you how fast time will now fly. Nope, not gonna go there. You didn’t hear it from me. 😛 LOL!

No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane - What a great last morning together! 🙂

Katie - I love Grace’s comment!

Heather - Freaky pumpkins! I’m going to miss Annie at home with you, too! I love watching her grow :o) she’s so cute! I hope you’ll still take lots of pictures of her – you know, doing homework and things ;o).

Flower Patch Farmgirl - “What did I miss here? Why is she done already with afternoon kindergarten?” she wondered aloud.

Nikki - So sad… my little Ezra started full time school this year and I’ve been lost all year 🙁
The pumpkin sign is very cute.

Sandra K - I was wondering why she’s done with afternoon kindergarten, she switching to morning kindergarten or an all day program? Is this something your school does to ease the transition?

Grace - I used to get upset when my daughter was a baby—not wanting her to get any bigger, because I thought she was so perfect then.
And then she grew. And continues to grow. And while I tear up remembering different milestones, I can’t imagine not knowing who she is now.
What a wonderful gift, to live in every moment and see the people that God is creating our children to be.
Glad you were able to have that one-on-one morning time with Annie. She seems like a special girl. 🙂

jen - IS she going into full day kindergarten? Do they ease them into it by starting them at half day? Interesting. I think it’s for the kids AND their parents. :o)

Selina - What gorgeous rich colours!

Tara - what a wonderful time! i love how you captured all those textures!! just wanted to let you know that today i used one of your Thursday crafts with a group of girls from a slum in my city in the Southern Hemisphere. Thanks for the idea….I keep checking back for more. 🙂

amber - great shots! did you make her shirt? it is darling - Awww…that post tugs at my heartstrings. My youngest had her last day of afternoon kindergarten nine (?) years ago and you know sometimes it still makes me sad, but I will tell you that each new chapter brings with it new, wonderful memories. I love your positive attitutde.

AshleyAnn - Well it was a good attempt at a happy post with all those beautiful pictures…but it made me sad…for both of you. But then happy for both of you too. Awesome job at making the most of that day!

ali - It’s hard – but nice to have a great day together to remember! And those pumpkins were awesome.

Christina - What a fun day together. I love her shirt!
Changes are hard…but good for us, no? I don’t like them at all, but, as you say, life goes on. 🙂 They have to grow…but so do I! haha I bet she’ll be full of stories for you each day.

Sharla - dadadadada life goes on (love the pumpkin pics and now I’m going to be singing all day – thanks!)

julia - Some pumpkins are truly terrifying.
I’m going to be boo-hoo-ing big time next year.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Such a fun day together!
I bet Annie is so excited!
And after a few days, you’ll probably enjoy it a lot too!
You are right, life does go on… such a positive way to think of it!

linda lou - beautiful fall colors what beauty you have found in your photos …………blessings, lindalou

Susan - I love the pumpkins, the colors and the nursery. I can’t wait to get in the full swing of Fall. I’m putting up my Fall decorations today while enjoying our apple cider and pumpkin spice cookies.
I thought I was going to be an emotional wreck when my youngest started school full time, now I just find myself giddy with the thought of the things that I can do without having to leave in an hour to go pick someone up. Is that selfish?

Art Cant Hurt - the names of the pumpkins in the photo made me smile!
special memories you’re making. life moves forward whether
we want to push the pause button to enjoy it longer or not.
take care! xoxo

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