Masthead header

i am a party animal.

the day after liza's party i got to be the decoy for Chicago Jenny's birthday party!

she picked me up from my lunch with my parents and sister before they flew home.
as we walked towards jenny's car her kids asked "Who is that with Megan?"
Jenny answered "that is her mom and her sister." 
and Jake said "but mom….i thought YOU were her sister."


that made me so happy.

she drove me to IKEA.
i purchased big cardboard light up stars for christmas….can't wait.

then we dropped off her kids with dave.
and went to dinner….just the girls.
i made jenny choose because it was her only birthday dinner she was going to get with me.

we ate very well at cheesecake factory.
and talked about everything.

oh how i miss her!

we were ready to go and i was secretly texting her husband "we are leaving now"
he writes back "which cheesecake factory?"
i write back "i have no clue."

when we got back to her house it was full of her friends and her mom had helped dave with lots of food.
it was FUN!
she was very surprised!
"WHAT? WHaT is going on?!"

dave had arranged for two manicurists to come and we got our nails done!


there were three kinds of cupcakes.
i discovered the lemon ones at breakfast the next morning….i had two.
IMG_2803 IMG_2797

abby won first prize for their owl pumpkin!  isn't that an amazing owl?  jenny is a nicer mom than me….

dave….he was the only man at the party….he is a wonderful party host…he's good people.


i got to meet her new friends and see some old friends.
the last guest left after 1 AM.

it was so fun to be a part of it all.

BUT…i missed out on 4 hours of time with just jenny!!!

we need more time….all the time.

happy birthday chicago jen.
i can't imagine being as old as you are….wow.


amber - how fun! what an adorable husband to get all of that set up for her. glad you had fun!

Nicole Q. - You have me in tears missing my BFF!!

Tamara - Hello
I am addicted to your blog! And as a new blogger thats big! I read farmgirlpaints all the time and ever since she did that ‘blog crush’ post about you, i have been in love!!! i read your blog everyday!
We have a new blog, my friend and me, and we stole your idea for craft thursday and used your icon. I hope thats ok. We put the link under it so people knows its yours, but if thats not ok tell us and we will take it down for sure!!!

jackie - What a fun time! Aren’t friends great! Jackie

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - sounds fun…girlfriend time is the best…

julia - I was thinking “decoy”? Like a duck? I finally got it.

Courtney Walsh - such a sweet time with good friends. And what a sweet hubby she has!! 🙂
and let’s not talk about those cupcakes…I’m salivating over here!

jenny - i have a lime and bright blue daisy pin identical to the one you are wearing above-i love it! my grandfather bought it for me when i was a teen and we were in an antique store together. seeing yours made me think of it and him today and made me smile. :0)

*LuLu* - hey, who won the giveaway for “the glass is half full” picture

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - love me some IKEA. great fun and cupcakes too…yum!

Leadia Jarvis - Boy you managed to pack a lot of fun and love into a short time. However…next time you are in the area I’m going to have to kidnap you to take some family photos. For real.

virginia - ooh cheesecake factory! have you tried the pasta divinci? it’s my favorite food ever now.

kasey - and to think i thought that was you at Ikea…but didn’t think you had a twin.
I have those same lights….i went a little crazy in the xmas section!!

Gemma - So lovely!! I’d love to get my nails done : )
Gemma x

Ingrid Blanchette - how fun of a weekend! and i love the paper star lanterns! i’m swedish so there is a lot of history to those stars. they are literally hung in every window of every house in sweden. it gets so dark in early october…so we swedes do all we can to light up the house. it’s a sing to welcome guests in the house. my parents will have them in their windowns in vaxholm sweden and me&my husband will be hanging them here in costa mesa california! enjoy them in kansas too….you will love them!

Kim Barlow - Hey Lady: I saw this and thought of you…check out the birthday cake….

Flower Patch Farmgirl - One of my dearest is over in Rockford, IL. I miss her like mad. It’s no fair. We make plans to see each other and say that all we really need is a park bench to sit on, because all we do is TALK. (Well, and eat.)
The two of you remind me of the two of us.

Laura Phelps - OK
I must be hormonal
this made me cry
I just love seeing happy friends
and cupcakes
pretty ones, too
and a loving husband, who arranges parties
all good stuff
you ARE a party animal

Holly - Awww, you gotta love Dave! Sounds like great time

Julie - I LOVE it when kids confuse friends for family. 🙂

Amber - Um….Ikea light up christmas cardboard goodness?!?!?! Pics pretty pretty please!!!! I need to know if I need to send my sister there before she comes to visit me for a crafty sewey sistery weekend!!! : )

valerie @ chateau a la mode - How special to have such amazing people in your life. Looks like you are a very blessed lady.

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one hundred years.

i flew to chicago last week for a celebration.
a major celebration.
my great aunt turned 100 years old.

she is in the sailor suit on the right.
my late grandfather is on the left.
isn't it unreal? 
can you even imagine?  ONE HUNDRED YEARS!!!

my sister, my parents, my grandmother and my aunt and uncle flew from kansas for her party. 

she is described as "sharp as a tack" by everyone.
she lives at home and up until last week only had part time care.
she fell down last week and hit her head so she was bruised up for her party but is back living at home again.
pretty impressive.




so many friends in one room.
i asked everyone how they knew Liza and for how many years.
it was so cool to hear their answers.

my sister and i sat with the women that owned a boutique with her in 1965 – 85.
loved hearing their stories.

talby, annie and i painted a banner to bring their birthday wishes along.

i was saying "i have missed you!"

when i lived in illinois i would see liza fairly often.
i always brought my kids over in their costumes on her birthday since it was so close to halloween.

this summer liza sent me a shirt she'd embroidered for her son in college.
she asked me to make it into a pillow for her.
it took me months because i was so worried about ruining it.
but i pulled it off.
and she was thrilled.



i sat by this lady.
she asked me about how many children i had….i told her five…and she said "i'm the oldest of five"
then she said "it's so wonderful. you will be surrounded by so much love the rest of your life"
and i lost it.
she just seemed to get it.
get how special a big family is and how much i love them all.
i was a weepy emotional girl… a good way.
hearing all the stories and having it be such a special day made me choked up.

you always know what liza is thinking.
she will just say it….no holds barred.
her son thanked everyone for coming and it was her turn to speak and she said
"thank you all so much for coming…but i wouldn't wish this on anybody" 

that IS liza.



it was a beautiful celebration of her life.

Pam Bryant - Meg just wanted to let you know I read the article in the Arkansas City Traveler. I noticed the web site so I wanted to check it out. I also happen to know the Kim Ranney thats in the picture. We rented from him for 6 1/2 years. We lived south of town on the Pretty Penny Horse Farm. I was wondering how you are related to Kim.
Also want to share with you that my grandmother will be 98 in Feburary and is doing pretty darn good for her age. It’s totally amazing for someone to live such a long life. Congrats to Liza
on celebrating 100 years. God Bless Her!!!

Amy Brewer - How awesome! I hope as look as great as she does when I am 100! My great grandmother lived to be 104. When she turned 100 our preacher announced at church it was her birthday and how important her birthday was, she scolded him after church because “you should never tell the age of a lady”. She was a spunky old woman and I hope to be just like her.
Family is fantastic. We only have three kids, but every day I am overjoyed with the fact that we have the three we have!

linda lou - meagan i was so touched by your great aunt liza’s celebration! (: so sorry about her accident just before the party sounds like she was very lucky, God was looking over her (: blessings,

deborah@applesinwonderland - such a sweet sweet post. that funny fiesty attitude works for her, gotta love that!!!! my dear grandma was also born in 1910. it was a very good year:)

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I LOVE old people. Love them. They are a rich heritage that are overlooked far too often! I am so impressed at how many people were there who seemed quite advanced in age! I always think it’s sad when someone is “on in years” and they have no friends or peers left.
Great post, great pics, great tribute.

Karen - Awww. How sweet. I have 5 kids too, and that woman got it exactly right. Though I sometimes thought I might go off the deep end, it all pays off in the end. My most troubled child is now my most vocal in voicing his love for his whole family. He never fails to make me tear up, because he has come so far, and I fought so hard for his soul! The kid who couldn’t wait to shake the dust of this home off his feet, has since bought a house only one road away, and I get to babysit for his daughter, plus they have one on the way! God is good! Two others are out of state now, but always keep in touch. The two youngest are finishing college, so we’ll have to see where they end up, but they always want to come home. When they all get together, they always, even as adults, end up in a (literal) tangle on the floor, resting on each other and discussing how things are going. After everything is discussed, they eventually they end up in laughter! That’s LOVE!

Trasie - It is so funny that you posted this. We are getting ready to go to SW Kansas to celebrate my Great Grandmother’s 100th birthday as well. She still lives on her own, drives, and is still sharp as a tack and I too love to hear her stories. I am so blessed to still have her and blessed that nearly all of my kids are old enough to remember her. She still plays games with them, reads to them, tells them stories, prays with the every night before they go to bed when we are there…..It is just amazing. Like your Aunt, however, she is so ready to go and says she never knew what lonely was until she got old and all of her friends have long gone, some of her family has gone on, and she tells everyone she is just ready to check out and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t wish it on anyone either.

Jenny B. - Oh, wow. How wonderful! I got all choked up when I read what the lady said about having five kids. And then I read that you cried too! And then I cried some more. 🙂

Jane Mc - Beautiful Meg….just beautiful

Sarah Kate Branine - I came to your blog to thank you for the link to my yarn letters…..
but I found so many more things to comment about!
Let me just say that I love this post and it brought tears to my eyes. Love your great Aunt’s pretty red jacket and her sweet face. What a celebration–100 years! amazing!
oh, and your necklace? hello? I might need a little tip on the source of that one;-) that necklace is super fantastic!
many thanks for the link,
sarah kate

Kirsten J - Oh how beautiful!!! Loved every word – and you know, once I read an interview with Martha Stewart (*before jail…*) and she said her only regret in life was not having more children. I wish I had a “middle” in between my 20 and 11 year old….

Lisa - Beautiful post! Your comments about a big family bought tears to my eyes. We can all hope we will live that long and be surrounded by so much LOVE!

Sandy - That’s so wonderful! Thanks for sharing Liza with us.
I have to admit I didn’t read very carefully in the beginning and I thought she was your grandmother. The whole time I was reading I couldn’t get over the fact that your grandmother and grandfather knew each other at such a young age. (how cool would that have been?!) Anyway, before I commented about it I went back up to make sure I had it right and, sure enough, I was wrong (and I’m admitting it anyway – ha).
Looks like a wonderful time and it’s just like you and your lovely daughters to make her a sign. I’m sure she loved it.

Ann R. - Awesome! We just lost our gram on sept 10th and she was going to be ninety two this past month. We miss her dearly and am sure you have the same sort of relationship with your aunt. I just adore older people….i make the kids understand the importance of respecting and taking time for them too. Would have been cool to bump into you – oakbrook cheesecake factory? My mom and sister and i are going to go away shopping next weekend to oakbrook/aurora for a christmas/girls weekend and I am so excited! Thanks for sharting,,,,,

Tammy - Happy Birthday to your Great Aunt Liza!
Beautiful pictures, post & family!

AshleyAnn - That is amazing…and some pictures that will be cherished for generations to come. I love her quote about big families…

Genn - Happy Birthday to your Great Aunt Liza! She looks fantastic for 100!! My Nana (who is my mom’s grandmother and my great grandmother) is 97 and it is so crazy to think of all that she has lived through and seen change in this world!! I think it is also sad to think of all the people they have loved and lost too by the time they are 100 years old. They must know a lot of people in heaven already.
How great for you to make it to her party.
That picture of you with the pillow for her is so sweet.
And the one of you with the lady who said how much love you will have with your 5 kids too. You can see those happy tears in your eyes.
Beautiful post.

Michelle - Australia - Beautiful post Meg. Lovely photos too. We leave our little home in Australia tomorrow morning to fly to HAWAII!!! I am very, very excited. I’m going to miss my internet access whilst I’m away so I’ll have to catch up on WHATEVER when I get home in three weeks. But in the meantime I’ll be able to buy Reese’s pieces without paying $5 each for them. My waistline isn’t going to like this trip but my tastebuds are very excited!
Keep up the great work and thank you for letting us in ‘blog land’ share on your journey.

Christina - Truly beautiful and special…the time with your aunt, family, and the people in her life. That’s all! 🙂

lori lucas - This is to Angie above. I hope you see this. We also were surprised (to say the least) about our number 5. Our youngest two are exactly to the day 14 months apart. My husband was in shock for about three weeks. I got over it more quickly, …..because I had to! Our #5 was delivered in the car…by my husband…on the way to the hospital. I still say it was God’s way of making sure they would have a special bond. And they have. That shock at finding out about #5 is long forgotten. We often say, “Can you even imagine if we had not had #5?” Angie if you see this you can contact me. I have SO many stories about God’s plan in our lives by giving us Five. Believe me. You are blessed. You will know that soon. Lori Lucas

Valerie - Such a sweet post and wonderful tribute to your Great Aunt. At first I thought we must be related, but then realized only the minor details were different…I flew to Oklahoma City to celebrate my grandmother’s 90th birthday. My mother is the youngest of 6…she has FIVE older brothers. Can you imagine if my grandmother had not had “just one more”?!!!
I only have three, but they came after years of struggling with infertility. I love Mimi’s comment that it isn’t necessarily the number of kiddos you have, but the nurturing that you do with the ones you are gifted with. While I would love to have more, I know that three after the age of 35…my youngest is 3 months and I delivered 3 weeks before my 41st birthday…is truly a blessing!
So glad you were able to partake in the celebration. May longevity be yours as well!

Kat - More tears here from me too!!
Meg, I just adore reading and looking at your blog and seeing and hearing the emotion you convey, it’s beautiful!
You have such a lovely warm, open face too.
I have been going back and forth wondering if we should take the plunge and have #5 this week, so how timely that I read your post!!
Angie, it will all work out and must be meant to be.
Sometimes I think making the decision to have another is the hardest part. Well it is for me.
Still undecided on that one.
What a lovely lady and what am amazing life she must have had.
My Nan is 97 and I am sure she will make it to 100, although she has dementia now which is very sad.
Keep enjoying your beautiful family Meg and sharing all the good and hard bits with us.
I LOVE checking in every day with you 🙂

jessica kiehn - looking at that last picture, i just thought “she’s done that 100 times”
I about lost it on the 5 children thing, too. My husband’s the oldest of 6, I’m the middle of 5…we love big families. And she’s right, there is so much love.

kristine - happy bday liza! the pillow is great! what a sweet gift “the oldest of five) gave you. I was about in tears!

Laura - It’s true…I’m the youngest (at 40) of six children and have been surrounded by love my whole life. Beautiful post! 🙂

traci in virginia - Ok, you made me cry! So glad you were able to go! And to Angie above…you can do it! It will be wonderful! Congratulations!

Angie - Just found out I am pregnant with #5. #4 isn’t even one year old yet and we were done. I was nursing and on birth control. AND I just opened my own dental practice one month ago. So much debt, so many kids, not enough of me or my husband. But for some reason God decided we needed a surprise. Who gets pregnant on birth control, breastfeeding, and hardly doing what it takes to make a baby because we’re too tired? ME. It’s unthinkable how I’m going to make it. But after days of tears I now try to remember this baby is an encore performance and God will walk us through this because HE made it happen:)
My sister is the only one who knows besides my husband & me. She forwarded me your post to encourage me that 5 is amazing and I will never regret this surprise (SHOCK!). I know in my heart this is true & I’m thrilled that God chose to give us another. Just don’t know how it’s going to work since it wasn’t in my plan:)
Anyways, thanks for your post and your encouragement…I need to see moms of 5 doing it well!!

Rachel - How wonderful!
Meg, every time I read your blog, I wish I had a big family and that I came from a big family. You have so much love and happiness surrounding you. You are blessed!

talysa - Well shoot…now I’m choked up. What a great day. I can just feel all of that love through your pics. Your aunt Liza is precious. And may I just say you always have the best necklaces. 🙂

mimi - Amazing to think of what she has witnessed in her lifetime! My Nana passed away 3 years ago at 95. Her mom and dad were one of 8, she was one of 5, and she had 5 kids of her own. On my wedding day she asked me how many kids I wanted to have. I told her that I didn’t know at that point…perhaps as many as God had planned for me. She told me to always remember that it wasn’t the number of ties that bind one’s heart, but rather the strength of those ties. She said she had witnessed plenty of large families that barely got along, and those members that got together out of obligation. Love can be strong in families of any size, shape or just needs to be nurtured well!

citymouse - I love what you said about big families. I am the oldest of five and have five children of my own. I couldn’t imagine it any other way!

Sarah - Beautiful Post….Simply beautiful!

Fruitful Harvest - Beautiful~
I have tears….Old people carry a key to the past.
I love listening to their stories of yeteryear!
What lovely memories,awesome pictures and gift to have shared time with your Great Aunt…..telling her how much she means to you! 🙂
Peace, Love and Joy,
Georgiann {momma of 6 so far}

kylie - Oh that’s fantastic!
She’s fantastic!

amber - That’s awesome. Family is so cool.

mel - That’s wonderful to be able to celebrate such an awesome milestone with your loved one. And I just had to comment to tell you how right that lady you talked to was. I’m your age and the oldest of five. My siblings are absolutely the most wonderful gift my parents ever gave me. I adore coming from a big family. The only thing better would be having my own. I only have two but I love coming to your blog and reading about all your kids!

lori lucas - I also have FIVE childern. I raised them in Hiawatha,Kansas (which is the northeast corner). I now live in Oklahoma. My children are 21-28 years old now. Yes, if you did the math, I had five children in seven years. All single births. And I lived through it. And when I say that I mean I LIVED through it. They were the most wonderful years of my life, so far, while I was busy every single night going to ballgames and concerts and practices and lessons. It was a wonderful, magical time. Now when we are all together it is special, since everyone lives different places. My uncle passed away in January and he too had five children. I took all 5 of them to see him in the hospital and we filled the room. He wrote me a note (he could not speak at the end), and he wrote, “Who would have 5 kids.” I said, “Only a couple of crazy people I know.” He wrote back, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you it is not GREAT (he wrote it like that) to have 5 kids.” I said, “I agree. But there are very few people that know the secret these days.” He wrote back, “But you and I did. And we’ll always be happy we did.” That was the last time I saw him alive. But when I think of five children, there is nothing but wonderful memories. Enjoy every minute of it! Lori Lucas

Ruth - congratulations! wonderful pictures. wonderful people. and such a photogenic family!

tara pollard pakosta - it’s funny how when people live to be 80 or above, they sometimes are just ready to go meet the Savior, they feel they are done. I can’t believe it, 100 years old! she’s so cute!!!
love the pillow! love your being sweet and crying at the love of a big familY! I am the youngest of 7 and I so “get it”….we have 19 grandchildren, 2 greats and 1 more great on the way, always someone to talk to, be there for you, I LOVE IT!
glad you love having lots of kiddos! I always wanted manY! I only got 2, so I love reading your blog!

Courtney Walsh - oh my gosh, I almost lost it just reading those comments about being surrounded by love for the rest of your life.
I love that. 🙂 Love it.

Camelia - Happy, happy birthday! She is an amazing little lady, I wish her all the best in the world!

Suzanne - Great Post! Today is the 1 year anniversary of my Grandma’s passing – she was 97 years old. I miss her wisdom everyday.

Rach - Weepy is good. I cried reading it. She must be a pretty amazing woman with some wonderful stories. What I wouldn’t give to sit down with a pot of tea and and afternoon to spare to talk to a woman who has been around for so long.

LuLu - wow! a lot of years for one person.
oh! and i am just asking but who won the giveaway?

Elizabeth Highsmith - i will confess i did not cry, but i might if i don’t find out where your beautiful necklace is from? love it! and love big families as I am from one. sweet post, meg. your blog is always ubberly delightful!

purejoy - surrounded by love… indeed!
i went to my husband’s great grandmother’s 100th birthday last summer in colorado. i had never met those people before in my life… but i had the best time. talking to so many older folks and seeing how they all fit on the family tree. it was fascinating!
glad you had such a great time. 100 years… it’s amazing. my own grandmother lived to be 103. what a sweet treasure!

Lyndsey Bowman - Hey Meg! I am 1 of 6…. The youngest. Being surrounded by people I love is great! Great post! You are beautiful. I loved the banner in multiple different pictures.. so cute!

Julie - Meg, thanks for sharing this beautiful post. As a mother of five, it’s nice to be reminded that being surrounded by all that love for the rest of my days is worth every bit of the “grunge” work I do today. What a GREAT old family picture. Your Aunt is what I’m afraid I’m going to be when I’m 100 years old ~ very blunt. Guess if you live that long, you’ve earned the right to be. Looks like she had a good day despite her bruises and bumps. 🙂

`Kelly - Add me to the list of people who are all choked up & teary. How special that you got to be there for such a wonderful celebration! Is it weird that I can see a resemblance between you & your grandpa from that photo at the top?

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love that that sweet lady said you’ll be surrounded with so much love the rest of your life. that’s so good. i always say, i want my house to be full of family forever. that makes me all weepy too! i cannot imagine being a little girl in the time period she was little and then seeing how the world is now. wow.

Celia - I’m in tears reading about your large family and all of the love shared. My husband and I have a two year old and hope to have many more children. We both come from large families… many aunts/uncles, cousins, and knew many of our older relatives (great grandparents, great aunts, etc). We hope to have the love in our immediate family that you have in yours…. and be surrounded by your children and memories throughout our lives. Love your blog. For some reason this one just hit a soft spot. Have a wonderful day! 🙂

elisa - Oh Meg- no words. Perfect.

Tracey Husted - Simply Beautiful! I only have one child but I come from a family of 13. It’s awesome to have so many siblings. Your family is awesome too. You can just feel the love through your blog. Even when the kids are being naughty…it’s so worth having all 5 of them. You’re an amazing mom! You make me smile!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - that is just the sweetest thing. you are blessed meg…5 children. someday all the work will pay off and you will be surrounded by their families and children…wow! thanks for sharing such a tender post. 100 years – AMAZING:)

Laura Lee - Now you’ve got me all weepy 🙂 What an incredible thing to get to celebrate!

Susan - Now I am crying ! What a wonderful written memory of your family.I applaud you.

Cari - Beautiful!! Beautifully written, and such a beautiful lady. She’s seen a lot in her 100 years!

Staci - So beautiful Megan 🙂 And that first picture with the birthday cake….LOVE IT!! What a beautiful life 😉

Denise - Thank you for sharing. 🙂

Anna Marie - Wonderful post! Poor thing I feel terrible for her with that huge bruise on her head and face. Ouch! So glad you got to go out to celebrate!

Sophie - Liza seems like such a sweet lady, and 100 is such an amazing age.
I totally understand the large family thing with the lady near you… I really want a big family some day, at least five kids… When I tell people they always see fit to remind me how much money it’s going to cost, how much laundry I’ll have to do, how often I’ll have to drive my sons to soccer or baseball and my daughters to dance class. I always tell them that I know all of it, and that the love I will be able to give all of them and my husband will be totally worth it. I’m so glad that there’s at least one more person out there who understands.

Wendy - Love this! What an inspiration!

Diana - wonderful celebration for a wonderful lady. so glad you were able to go and share such a special time with your sweet aunt. awesome job on the pillow. =)

MGF - My grandmother turns 94 this year. I think that is amazing to see how things have changed for her in her life.
Glad that you got to spend it with her.

Aimee @ In THIS Life - Wow, you got me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Liza!
Now I miss my Great Aunt Mattye…she would have been 100 in a couple of years. Her brother, my grandpa, who died before I was born, would have turned 100 this coming Christmas day. Sniff.

jeannett - I love it! The pillow is priceless. Im actually going to make one for my gma from my gpa’s old ties. Terrified.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Beautiful!
And I’m glad I haven’t put on my mascara yet. *sniff*

pam - Beautiful. I have a 92 year old Mother in law who could easily live to 100…so healthy. She too is pretty bold. I think as she got older there were just a lot of things she had figured out and didn’t want us wasting time. So cool you could go.

Brooke - That sounds amazing. I am so glad that you were able to go. And the sweet lady that is the oldest of 5…..such a good reminder!!
PS…i love your necklace!! 🙂

kat - Precious! I lost it too when I read what that lady said to you. How sweet! You are truly blessed.

alaina - She’s beautiful. I had a lump in my throat when I started reading, and then I got to your pic with her and I boohooed! Geez Meg…i have to go to work!!!!! Seriously, what a beautiful legacy.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
She does look sharp as a tack. My Nana is 93 and i see how hard getting older can be. You aunt does speak truthisms. I’ve already decided living to ripe old age isn’t all its cracked up to be. The Beep Beep pillow for her son, and he is likely a great grandpa himself. So special. We never stop being moms do we?

erica - that had ME teary eyed! wow, what a precious lady and special time to celebrate!!

Christy - so touching, what a great lady

Amelia - I love the comment about the 5 children. I have 3 and have always wanted 5. I’m currently trying to talk my husband into just 1 more. I think I’m going to send him this link…

Janie Fox - Crying here! I get it ! I had 5 but lost my twins when they were 17 days old. I was able to have 2 daughters after that , but then I had to quit… doctor recommended. I am blessed to have 3 grown daughters who all have married and live close by with my it is all good. My dad is 91 and my mom is 86… hope we have 100 yr celebrations too. God bless you.

Jodi - This entry brought tears to my eyes. You are so blessed to have Liza in your life!!!

Linda - Thank you for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes and memories filled my heart. My own grandfather lived to be 101. And I loved him so dearly. I am the youngest of 5 and it truly is the best to be from a large family. That woman you sat to is right there is so much love. Thank you for sharing. I know am I am complete stranger to you but somehow it really touched me. So thanks again.

Holly - My grandmother turned 100 in February and I’ll never forget when she told everyone that she was 2 years old when the Titanic sank. Wow!

Mandy - This is a wonderful post, thank you! My grandmother will be 83 on Christmas Eve and I am overly grateful that my five children are able to know and love her. We have five living generations going right now. She comes from a line of women that have lived up to 103 yrs. of age and I do pray that one day my future grandchildren will also have the chance to meet her. Amazing!

amy jupin - meg, you made me cry.
at work.
and it’s not the first time, either, missy!
but these pictures–gheez, so emotional and full of so much wisdom.
makes me feel so…so many things. but mostly, makes me miss my grandparents and family far away.

Cutzi - I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Annie - You had ME tearing up with this post! What a precious gift family is!

Denise - This *is* amazing. I got teary-eyed, too. My Nana is 87.5 years old, and I can only hope and pray that one day we’ll all be celebrating her 100th birthday. God bless Liza!

Deb - I teared up with you at the thought of being surrounded by so much love. I’m even more glad I had four children 🙂

Kimberly - Ah, geez…now I’m teary-eyed. Great post, Meg.

Karen H. - Okay, I cried too. My husbands Grandma turned 92 last week. They asked her, “Do you have any regrets?” and she said “I regret not having MORE kids!”…. She has 8 children, dozens of grandchildren, several GREAT grandchildren and a few GREAT GREAT grandchildren! She said when you have lots of kids, you get to be around lots of babies your whole life. sob…

Jessica - She is beautiful! She doesn’t look like she is 100! What wonderful stories she must have to share.

Sugar Mama - I see other readers cried too…. so I don’t feel like such a cry baby. I lost it just reading the post and looking at the pictures. Having 5 kids was my dream, I have 3, and I’m happy. But I see so much truth to that… you WILL be surrounded with love because you are an amazing mother.
The picture of you with your great aunt is very touching. I’m especially emotional this week as I’m missing my own family. Thank you for sharing these moments!

Jenny - Wow! What a wonderful celebration to be a part of!! And as always, beautiful pictures!!!

Alysa - Whew. Glad I didn’t have the mascara on yet. Cry-baby over here in Chicago lost it when you said what the lady next to you said about having 5 kids. Beautiful. All the weary days of today will bring love and joy in the decades to come. A great reminder.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Awww – That is amazing!!!
It must of been a lovely day for her : )
Gemma x

Heather - Beautiful pictures. Beautiful woman. Incredible milestone. Happy Birthday Liza. God Bless her!!
I get choked up like that at family events- any family event. I am always filled with such gratitude that it overwhelmes me.

Sara - sweet post – and what a sweet celebration.
thanks for sharing with all of us

Georgia - Meg, i was in tears at the photo of you telling your aunt you missed her.
Then again in tears when you said about having 5 children… i want a big family to be surrounded by love.
Lovely post 🙂 xxxx

Christine Ishmael - Hey Meg – LOVE this post…I have 6 kids and although it’s been difficult, the blessings are amazing…I bawled reading it right along with you. People have thought I was crazy having 6 kids but we have so much fun together! Happy birthday to your great aunt, she deserved a big party!

Jen - now I am in tears and also laughing at your aunts remark!
great post.
noticed she has her natural teeth 🙂

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it was good.

bat girl.

football player (easiest costume ever!)



trick or treating with the neighbors.


half our pumpkins are rotten….gross….but still pretty all lit up.


the weather this year was gorgeous for trick or treating.
i don't know that for sure because i only went around the block…..
but it seemed nice as i opened the door to pass out candy.  

everyone gave me their butterfingers because it is my favorite.

my kids asked me today what we were doing for new year's eve.
not really on my list of thoughts right now kids!

i think my run will need to be extra long today.
but i would rather eat butterfingers and take a nap.


the winner for the Studio Mela Print will be tomorrow….November 2.
leave a  comment in the post below if you haven't already.


Wendy - LOL, my son & his cousin play football and they were also football players for Halloween. Yay for easy!

mel - super cute costumes! And, I will send you ALL our Butterfingers (yuck!) as long as you send me Reeces Peanut Butter Cups! 🙂

jaz - Hey she scored BIG TIME!!!

Renee - Love kids in costumes. So cute! My daughter was Dorothy, too. It was my favorite costume so far for her! Love the jackolanterns. We completely forgot to carve our pumpkins this year. Crazy?!?

lorel - I am probably the only one that would think this, but the pic of Annie and Sean reminds me a little of “The Blind Side.” ha He seems so much bigger than her. Glad you had a good Halloween!

stjerneglass - Ruby slippers! 🙂

Four Flights - ahhh, I had a Dorothy too 🙂 Love Bat Girl!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Butterfingers are not common here. We have Crispy Crunch…do you have those?
Similar but more peanutty-salty and less peanutty-candy-ish.
I love the pics of the kids and I love that they’re carrying the plastic pumpkins…love it!

Mrs. - Mr. has been out of work since February. That poster is practically a necessity here at our house!

Kerri - I love the look of your porch and street – oh to have sidewalks in our town….

Courtney Walsh - I love the picture of the jack-o-lanterns all together…so festive and perfect!! 🙂 FUN!!!

Kellie - Prettiest Dorothy I have ever seen! We also had beautiful weather here in GA. I stole all the kids snickers and threw them in the freezer for my rainy days. hehe!

aimee - eating butterfingers sounds like a plan to me! and i love that demented pumpkin!

Tracy Sharlette - Love the costumes! Esp the ruby slippers!! One of our favorite movies? You could do the whole Wizard of Oz main cast if your kids would agree….lol…I know I’m funny! 🙂

Lyndsey Bowman - My son plays tackle football too and he was a football player for halloween… No money spent= Job well done 🙂
~ Lyndsey

rosemarie - at least you remembered to carve pumpkins this year!!

Tracie - We only had a few trick or treaters, but the majority were teens and ADULTS! It was crazy. We give the Butterfingers to my husband and I eat the snickers! Enjoy the candy.

crystal beutler - Love your pics. Hope your kids had fun trick or treating and brought you home lots of Butterfingers. I go for the dark chocolate candy bars. 🙂

kayem - Love the colors of this print!!

Camelia - Beautiful! They are so cute and seem so nice to each other! So pretty!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We had perfect weather too. Great pics. You captured it all:)

julia - gimme some TWIX!!!

jennifer - Funny… the rot makes the pumpkin look scarier. Perfect!
My kids give my husband all their butterfingers for the same reason. Lucky him!

Sugar Mama - The pumpkin with the bow… perfect!
I also like the one with the eyes looking to the side.

Ann R. - Loved Halloween, glad it was on a Sunday, weather was beatiful, but am sorta glad it is behind us and now omg Nov. 1st!
Great pics!!

sara's art house - Butterfingers are my fave too! Cute, cute pics!

Niki - I thought of you as I dressed my youngest up as her favorite character, Olivia! Your bathroom makes me smile every time I see that picture of her!

kat - So cute! Love the pic of Talby and Sean walking down the street! We had lovely weather too. My little girls walked their little legs off. They were exhausted, but we had a wonderful time. Happy New Year!!! (couldn’t resist, so, have you figured out your plans yet? ;P)

Sandy - Love the halloween pictures and the prints you posted. I especially like the It’ll be OK…my best friend’s answer to everything when I’m feeling down. I love all of them though!! Pick me, Pick me!! 🙂

Rebekah - Thanks for reminding me about New Year’s Eve. We have a party every year and it’s time to get my invitations out before people make other plans! Your kids are cute. And I love that crazy headdress the little pink fairy neighbor girl is wearing. Very Bob Mackey! 🙂

Laura Phelps - Luke just asked me what day the Easter Bunny comes.

Kimberly - I scoured three kids’ baskets for a Butterfinger. Not a one to be found. I love Butterfingers.

Mary - Such sweet faces and forever memories. I do have one Butterfingers leftover from passing out treats if only you were closer.

Sally - Hi Meg,
I absolutely love your blog – have been following it now for a number of years. You are an inspiration as a Christian, Wife and Mom. I wonder if you could give me some advice. I’m a relatively new Christian and really struggled with Halloween this year. Our eight year old love’s T&Ting and we always spend the weekend with very dear friends. However, alot of people in our Church frown upon the event and I struggled between feeling guilty and not wanting to spoil it for my son and friends. How do you handle it?
Thanks Meg, would love to know your thoughts.

amy - We had beautiful weather for trick or treating here in Indiana too. Your kids looked so cute! I noticed that your oldest wasn’t in the Halloween pics. My oldest (15) wasn’t around much this year with the other 6 kiddos and it made me so sad! Would love to win the print! I need those kind of remiders everyday! Thanks for the chance.

Kimberlee J. - Rotten pumpkins are the scariest!

Crystal - Love, love, love that picture of Annie!! The one with the candy. You MUST frame that one!!

Grace - Memories being made—love it! And you’re right—Butterfingers are the best!

Tracy - Looks like a lot of fun, Meg! The kiddos look cute as ever and looks like they “scored” big! Love the neighbors cute kid costumes and Annie’s red shoes with her Dorothy costume – too cute! Enjoy your run and relax today! xoxoxo

Kerry - Oh they all look super sweet!! Love the Dorothy shoes 🙂 Happy Halloween!
Kerry x

Susan - For some reason the dog looked super clean? LOL. Pics as usual where great.Off to bed.Night Night from Nevada.

Gemma - I love their costumes and your pumpkins..they’re great!!
Hope you have a good day!
Gemma x

Ali - I love that picture of the two of them from behind – looks like you guys had a really good time!

Tressa Duerr - Meg,
We also had nice weather here in Ohio – no coats yeah! they just spoil the costumes- the sunset was absolutely amazing. It could not have been a more perfect night. Your kiddos are adorable! But I couldn’t help but notice the older two were missing. Only our baby went this year. It is kind of sad when they feel too old for trick or treating.
My daughter showed me this artist on Etsy and I immediately thought of you! Thanks for sharing your colorful view of your world with the rest of us. Your testimony of faith in Christ has blessed my life in many ways. I will never forget the story and pictures of the African children. I thought of them the other day when we carved our pumpkins that are now rotting on the porch. I thought of how much food we waste just for the fun of it. – dyeing eggs and carving pumpkins Because of your testimony, I was reminded of those children and said a prayer for them. God is using your life, your blog to show His love toward all of us. Thanks for being a willing vessel. Tressa Duerr

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positive thinking

                                                              i have a giveaway for you today.


                                                                    i love Studio Mela.
                             i have lots of her prints and i bought this one for one of you!

                                                     other favorites of mine from this shop:

Il_570xN.186050086 Il_570xN.186340480

Il_570xN.186052004 Il_570xN.182545288

Il_570xN.176996818 Il_570xN.176380242

isn't it great?!
i love her work.

leave me a comment to enter to win the turquoise "HALF FULL" print.
tell me something positive you tell yourself or others…..

THEN go to her shop and buy something for yourself.

or a christmas gift…birthday gift….i-really-like-you-cool-friend gift…..

you could put it in a cool frame….i would love that gift!

go be positive today! 

AND SHE'S HAVING A SALE! buy two get one free….awesome. 

Her prints are too cute! I'm ordering a few for my school library.

My something positive is "I don't have to worry; God's got it."

Posted by: Jenny | October 30, 2010 at 05:06 PM

if that is you….check your email. 
and maybe your spam.
so many of my emails go to spam…strange.


amac - I tell myself that contentment is a choice, not a feeling that will just fall from the sky!

Karen - The sun is shining here in Australia – Spring has sprung! I’m always a better person when the weather is fine… my kids seem cuter too 🙂
I just came across your blog a couple of days ago and have devoured it. You make me feel like my normal is normal! Thank you!!

Denise - I always tell myself “this to shall pass” & to friends I say ” don’t worry be happy” – it’s cheesy but it works!!

Tracy Fisher - I LOVE this art. As an artist I especially appreciate wise words with a simple twist. We can’t get lectured by our parents anymore, so we now resort to posters/prints/art on our walls to remind us to behave… and live a good life!
Tracy Fisher

traci in virginia - Very cool. She has lots of great things in her shop! Thanks for the tip!

Kari - As I go through my day teaching, parenting, wife-ing, living… I always try to remember the Serenity Prayer. It helps me remember it isn’t all up to me.

Kelli - I tell my teenage students to make wise decisions. I pray they listen!

Ranee Brokaw - “wherever I am, I am content”…I read it in a book and it stuck with me. and, I LOVE the half full print!! Such a good reminder for me when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I already had this on my Christmas list but I might have to check out the sale!

jackie chappell - love these prints ..
half way full is the only way to think !!!!
thank you for allowing so many to peek in the window of
your life .. you encourage lots of gals !!!
= ) jackie from florida
who knows .. one day you might be reading mine ..
…. hmmm maybe ..

alise - I always tell myself this good advice from dear old mom – “this too shall pass”.

Robin - I read something in January…”Be Kinder than necessary for 90% of the people you meet have worse things going on in their lives at that very moment”…I thought 90% was a HUGE # and not sure I agree with the statistic…however…if even 50% of the people I meet on any given day have worse problems than mine it made me stop and think about how truly blessed I really am! Since then I have chose to show LOVE each and every day…whether it is to my own family…the check out girl or the car driver in front of me! It hasn’t always been easy and I have had to offer a ton of prayers to keep focused! But it has put me in a different place in my life..a place that I am quite thankful for!!

Courtney Walsh - so fun, Meg. I’m going to check out her artwork now. I could use a constant reminder that the glass is half full! lol 🙂

Juli - I like to sing a song by the Sidewalk Prophets to my friends and to my kids to build them up …
“I’d tell you just what you mean to me, tell you these simple truths, Be strong in the Lord, never give up hope, you’re gonna do great things, I ALREADY KNOW! God’s got his hand on you so don’t live life in fear. Forgive & forget but don’t forget why you’re here. Take your time and pray and thank God for each day, His Love will find a way…”
I love it so much.

Sandy - I love Studio Mela! I think I’ll buy the “It’s about Love, ….You Get What You Give So Give Good.” and I’d love to win your give-away!!

Hanna - In our house we say “keep moving forward”- from Meet the Robinson’s. We also give out a lot of hugs.

Alexandra Horn - I remind myself, “Jesus suffered more than I ever will…and he did it for me”

Megan B - The bird with the french fry is classic. Love it.

amanda - i like to tell people it could always be worse.

Suzanne D - That no matter how “bad” things seem, God loves me and has blessed me with so much.

ang - I tell myself, “Only 4 days until the weekend.”

shelby - I tell myself that no matter what, my girls think I am a good mom 🙂

Kimberly - As a relatively new runner, I tell myself….I can do this, I can do this, I can do this 🙂

Trina McNeilly - I tell myself… one day at a time and tomorrow has enough trouble of its own. But I’m having a hard time with that lately! xo

Meg - My positive thought today: You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, which is kind of the same thing.

Ashley B. Chandler - Life is hard, but God is good.

Karen - Relax…

Leslie - If this is the worst of my problems, I’m doing pretty good!
Helps me put things into perspective.

Vicki - Oh goodness gracious. At my house my husband and I are always teasing each other about “cup half full, cup half empty” thinking. I am a cup half full kind a girl…he is a cup half empty kind of guy. There’s just nothing better than uplifting the good in others and not the bad. So I say pour a little more in that glass…fill it right on up to the top!

Lisa B. - My grandmother always taught me, “You are no better than anyone else….and noone else is better than you.” Inspiring words…inspiring prints!

natasha wheatley - Smile.
It’s as plain and simple as that! 🙂

Wendy - At church this weekend the sermon was take your tricks and turn them into God’s treats. I loved it becuase it was about how you can turn your sins into good things and about forgiveness. So love your blog!

Melissa - I tell myself that the days are long, but the years are quick. When my kids/job/chores are too much, this reminds me to live in the moment, because the moments will pass much, much too quickly.

Jennifer - i am a daughter of the King!

Anna - God will not give you more then you can handle!

Jenn Shock - I use this to start off a lot of things, “If it be your will Lord….”

Courtney M - *just smile*

Heidi Jo the Artist - Stay positive! It reflects who you are and how others view you. 🙂

Katie M. - What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
I find myself sharing this with people more and more!

Kristyn Hansen - God will forgive us if we ask, so forgive ourselves and move on.

Heather M. - I tell myself, “I can do hard things.” Then I do them.

Callie - Counting my blessing, naming them one by one.

Candy - God is in control, ALL THE TIME! I forget sometimes and try to fix it myself, when what I need to do is always lay my problems at His feet.

Betsy - ..there but for the grace of God go I….or, a baby ruth bar actually has a lot of protein…:)

Leah Warner - I love them!!!
I love the comment I just read on your comments about Karma…my favourite saying is ‘what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!’. It really does help (remembering walking to work a few years ago in -40 temperatures!).

Jill - We’re moving soon…away from all of our family and friends. One of these posters would be great to keep me thinking positively!!

Donna - I like to tell myself that “tomorrow is a new day.” And that even a bad day is not a wasted day. Just look for something positive that happened that day…..there’s always many things!

Erin - I tell myself and my son to BE KIND daily…

jennifer - Cute stuff. Love it! Please count me in! :o)

Heidi - Be grateful and smile. Even in bad situations, there is something to be grateful for. I have to remind the kids of this often and it helps me too!
I love those prints, I’m pretty sure I need them all!

jessica kiehn - i tell myself that God orders our steps. Since I am faithful to Him, He will be faithful to me. It’s that simple. Simple, yet huge, and beautiful.
Love the prints!

Sarah Mahan - I try to remind myself that good things will come out of bad things.

amy - my boyfriend broke up with me two days ago and throughout the past 2 years that we had been dating, i allowed him to be the one responsible for my happiness. so– throughout this hard transition, I have been telling myself that I am surrounded by love and that i am worthy of this love. it helps to fill the void while i learn how to get back on my feet again =D

Roberta - Love the picture! That’s something I need to frequently remind myself. It would be nice to have a visual reminder on my wall.

Dawn Gahan - I tell myself that all the years of being a strict parent (at least in today’s standards), grounded in Christian values, were worth all the discipline it took me to be consistent. My daughter has grown into the woman I wish I had been when I was that age.

Amanda Garrett - i always tell myself “it could be a lot worse!!”. that’s positive, right???

Meredith Salmon - I have had this taped to my computer for the past 9 years (switched jobs in the middle as well)
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life”.

Tonya - Oh I love her work!!! Anything from her would be PERFECT in my newly painted kitchen!

Terri - I try to remind myself to breath when things get to be overwhelming!

Angie - Oh my goodness, I love these! I am redoing my girls’ bathroom and hallway between their rooms and how perfect would these be to give some sunshine to their mornings! I would love this one and then get a couple more to line the hallway for some positive inspiration!

Lisa - Love these. I needed a little “half full” reminder today.

Amy - I love her work! I hope I win!

purejoy - happier than a bird with a french fry?? i would be if i won the print!! i am someone who has to consider for a moment before i see the glass half full. i’m hoping one day soon it will come super naturally!

Julie Weaver - Everything is temporary. The good, so enjoy it, and the bad, so don’t get caught up in it.
These prints are so awesome.

Robyn - “Just breathe! Will this really matter in 5 years?” I say that to myself alot 🙂

Hannah - I always try to remember that I am not alone and will never be.

Amy - As a teacher , i need this

Jessica P. - I tell my husband one reason I love him more than the day before each night before we fall asleep.

Jaime Rice - I sometimes tell my girls that there saddness is to remind them of the hope of heaven. How heaven will be so sweet and wonderful.

brianna - keep calm and carry on… so freaking true, especially with two toddlers! ha!

Michelle - ‘Don’t worry about it, God has everything in control’

Jessie - LOVE her prints! It’s going to be ok is my favorite…I think. They are all so pretty and thoughtful!

Jody - While in the process of adoption, I keep reminding myself God’s timing is perfect.

annalea @ our hartbeat - my hope is eternal and my God is good.

Whitney - Just breathe and smile and the bad stuff will pass- it always does!

Tanya H - Loved reading thru a lot of these (tho I didn’t get them all)! I too try to keep my faith in God and know that for me, so far, it could always be worse. These fun signs are great! 🙂

Jennifer A - we are a Nemo family too… just keep swimming, just keep swimming… but on a more serious note, I remind myself that God is working in my life and that everything He does is for good.

Christy - I tell myself and others that there is no use fretting over the past when you can’t change it. You just have to look forward to the future and determine what you need to do better next time and do it.

Ashlee - I just try to see myself the way God sees me, which is so hard. But, such a sweet thought.

Regina Troyer - Happiness is a choice, and I can choose to embrace the situation , or I can be miserable!

Christy - I tell myself every day to remember that it is God’s plan, not mine. And every night at dinner, my kids list “5 good things” that happened that day. This helps them to focus on the positive.

Linda Garcia - I love the beauty and simplicity of “the glass is half full”–both the sentiment and the colors and flowers on the print. I think it would be great to see this every morning to keep that feeling top of mind as you start your day. Thanks for sharing this with us!

angie - i LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture… i always say “glass half full”

Allison S. - Oh, I would love this print for my mother. She’s struggling so much right now. These prints just radiate positivity!

sarah - Tomorrow is a new day. Deep breaths. Both of those get me through rough days.

Denise - pray and remember- this too shall pass!

Jodi - I am so blessed, even on bad days. I am just in a really happy place. I try to stay positive as much as I can.
This too shall pass……. - The silver lining is always worth finding. I know, I know, how perfectly Pollyanna.

Ashley - These are beautiful and inspirational! I need this sign to hand on my dining room wall that I see constantly. There is nothing there…I haven’t been able to find the right thing…but I think THIS print is it!!!!
I am always telling myself and my hubby to….”take a deep breath”. It’s good advice, when you’re mad, tired, maybe a little too excited, worked up or frazzled.

jennifer - I think that sign rings so true. No matter whats going on in our world we should always remember this phrase.

Laura Phelps - love these
on my gift list for sure

Mandy - My favorite is the IT WILL BE OKAY print. I need to constanly remind myself of that while raising these five little ones!

Lori - I love these prints! I usually recite “faithful heart, quiet mind” to myself when I’m in a pickle:)

Lali - I suffer from anxiety attacks so I have to always remind myself to look on the bright side in order to make it through…it’s still a daily battle.

Happygirl02 - Sorry – I missed the part of your post that said to leave a comment about something positive I tell myself or others….I tell others that God is bigger than our circumstances and that He has everything under control…we just have to give Him the space to do His thing!

Staci - Wow! I almost missed out 🙂 Thanks for this opportunity Megan 🙂

Happygirl02 - I’ve never seen these. They’re adorable! I’m going to have to buy some now…. my husband thanks you for giving me something else to spend money on 🙂

Amy - I try to remind myself that today is a gift. I try not to look too far ahead and not too far back. By the grace of God, I only have to make the best decisions that I can for today.

Nikki from Austin - LOVE the prints. Great idea to visit her shop for Christmas gifting!! The most positive thing I say to myself and my family each morning is, “THIS is the day the Lord has made! Let’s choose to rejoice and be glad in it!”

Deanna - I tell myself that whatever is making me sad, upset, grouchy, ect…to CUT IT OUT, quit complaining! There are alot of people out there that have worse things to make them sad, upset, grouchy, ect…and they walk around with a smile on their face!

Christina - “Dance like nobody’s watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like no-one’s listening and live like there is no tomorrow.” Every day is a blessing and if you don’t live it to the fullest you will look back and regret the past and this is just not acceptable.

Jules - Quoting Helen Keller: “Keep your face to the sun and you will not see the shadow.” Love the prints! :)LOVE your blog!!!!

Camille - Think about your blessings first. It is humbling to see how many gifts you’ve been given by God.

Tami - I think the picture of Annie in the post above is so precious! The close up of her face just rings innocence! I wish you lived in the Northeast to take some pics of our family!

tara - i say, to my daughter especially, to love one-self and that the best remedy for feeling down is to do something kind for someone else.
beautiful prints…they are so meg.
must get me one…

Jessica - I love these prints!!!
When I’m not feeling so positive, I just tell myself to fake it until it’s true! Pretending to be positive, usually ends with actually being so…

Lisa - What a wonderful print. Inspiring and a reminder to think this way. Where do you find all of these wonderful items? I always love looking at the list of “Happy Things”
Take care,

Von - The favourite around here is: “Gee that hurt, but I’m OK!”
Conviction optional.
I’m a new convert to Half Fullness, and it’s working out pretty well so far.

kim smart - i usually tell myself to just be calm and take a deep breath and say a prayer and it will get better! i know it’s not really anything profound but it helps me 🙂

elizabeth - i think of how fortunate i really am. even when times are tough – financially and otherwise – i know i have it so much easier in the US than most people in other countries.

Lacy Brauner - It is not an accident, everything happens for a reason. I dont believe in coincidence, I believe in God.. it is a God thing:] It is not a coincidence you couldnt make it on time, it happened for a reason, maybe God saved you from something.. that is just one tiny example.. Happy Fall Meg, still love your site the most, been lookin everyday for about 2 yrs

Gillian - To be honest, I quote Dory (a la Finding Nemo) several times a day in my head….Just keep swimming….just keep swimming. I don’t know why, but it helps….a lot. Even better when I hit the operatic part.

Emily in MO - That i love you…..

Christine - I always remind myself: Looking back after facing something unknown or difficult really never was as ‘scary’ as it seemed it would be! Does that make sense to anyone else??? 😉
Love these prints & LOVE your blog!!!!

Nicole Q. - I tell myself “God is in control.”

the.mrs - pick me me me me!! gotta love some optimism hanging on the wall!

Anne - We’re going through some things right now that seem like they’ll never end. I keep telling myself and my family, “in two weeks, two months, two years, xxxx will be nothing but a memory.”

Melanie - This two shall pass:)

Michelle Myers - “God’s gotcha, Girl!”~ I force myself to remember that no matter what, God’s always got my back! 🙂

Tanya - Just breathe and don’t dwell on things are two of my favorites.

Lindsey Wolosiewicz - i constantly tell myself i am sexy as all get out. ladies you are all sexy to the max! he he!

kendyl sisk - God never makes mistakes.

Holly - I know someone with a license plate that says “Be Happy.” It is a reminder to me, even on cold, rainy days when the world doesn’t feel like a happy place (we all have those days, right???). So I tell myself, “Choose to Be Happy.”

tobi d - i tell myself to fake it until i make it. I might not know how to do somethings but i am a fast learner! So I fake it until i make it!

Julie Briggs - It is what it is…God is in control.
I have to remind myself OFTEN that God is in control and not me (thank goodness). - I tell myself that my happiness is up to me. No one can control whether or not I am happy, except for me.

janene - A mantra. . .one of many I rely on.

Arielle - That there’s nothing I can do to make God love me any more, or any less. Sometimes that feels SO counterintuitive because it’s definitely not the way the world works, but I’m so thankful that I can rest in the truth of His saving grace.
Love Studio Mela! Her stuff is so happy and fun!

Carmela - I remind myself constantly that Gods in control…what a relief!!
Love the prints and your blog!!

Queen B - I am always telling my daughter (& often myself) to be half full! Perspective is such a powerful tool…

kristen b - hey meg,
love those prints! i have several reminders that have already been mentioned but have you heard “don’t sweat the petty. . . pet the sweaty” ? you can take that to fit a variety of situations, huh 😉

Jill - If your glass is have empty, add ice!

Karie - God’s mercies are new each morning

Mallory S. - I can’t believe you have 376 comments already! One way I stay positive is by telling myself everyday that God has me on this planet for a reason. I may not always know the reason, but he is going to use me WONDERFULLY, whatever way he has planned. This song sums it up for me.

Amy Lynne - I love her stuff! Thanks for the chance to win!

Laura - Beautiful reminders…..

Suzanne - We always say “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, You Don’t Know What Your Going to Get Until You Take a Bite”. We tell our children take chances as they are given to you, what’s the worse that could happen? At least you Tried!
Happy Halloween!

Anne - I have two mantras I like to live by, and encourage our kiddos to do the same:
1) Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2) You must BE a friend to HAVE one!
Love all these uplifting reminders for daily good deeds!

Lisa - I, too, always say “this too shall pass.” And I’ve become a big fan of “love what you’ve got,” since my wishlists seem to be never-ending lately! Must be that Christmas season…

Carrie - I tell myself that my children will not remember the sink full of dishes but they will remember that I sat and played with them!

Beth - I love the paintings!

shea - God is all-powerful and everlasting and everything will be good.

lifeologia - I tell myself the old nike slogan all the time :

Keshet Shenkar - Love her stuff so much! Reminding myself that life is like a tapestry, and right now you sometimes only see the knots in the back.

Hannah - life…goes…on.

Christie - Today is the first day I have seen this blog. It is all so cheerfull! How wonderful! The artwork in the give away is great too! I love the one about the rainbow and the rain.
~ Christie

Amy Coose - There’s really a lot I tell myself to keep me on the positive side of things. My faves would be to not sweat the small stuff, know that I am not in charge, and tomorrow is a new day. I love this print, her work is fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jenny - I tell myself, like that country song, “you’re gonna miss this, you’re gonna want this back” when I’m holding my 3rd child who just turned 1 month old at 3am.

Jennifer - God is in control!

Julie - Every day I remind myself that there is no point in worrying about things in the past or things in the future. To quote Master Uguay (Kung Fu Panda), “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift–That’s why it’s called the Present.”

Brooke - I want one 🙂 Love it!!!!
I lost my sweet baby to a fatal birth defect six weeks ago. The glass is half full perspective: I got 8 months with him kicking me in my belly and then a precious five hours with him on this earth. SO, so, so special. COMPLETELY an amazing blessing from above.

Tracie - I tell myself that I am a daughter of the King and that He chose me to be as I am. I am perfect because I am HIS!
PS – I love the bird/ french fry one so much!

Jhull - “Thank God for nap time!” I cherish those hours in the day to have some me time.

Dana Maize - I loved reading through these comments – did you know how many readers you had? lol Giveaway bring out those of us who don’t usually leave a comment. 🙂
I’m a naturally positive person, and if I need to encourage someone, I usually try to help them find the plus side of a situation. Because really, there’s always something, especially for the believer that knows God’s mighty hand is over their situation and nothing takes Him by surprise!

BeckyB - I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength!
Thanks for this great opportunity!

Kirsten J - My glass really is half full. I’ve always had that role – at work, my boss calls me Polly Positive. What can I say? Cognitive therapy – it works!

Karen - My baby girl hasn’t slept a whole night yet…. and shes 7 months old!! That means I haven’t had a whole nights sleep for over half a year! To stay positive I tell myself that every sleepless night is a night closer to my dream of 8 hours in a row!!!

Bri - I have been a fan of this shop for a while now, yay! The turquoise one is my absolute favorite!
I tell my daughter everyday that she is loved, and beautiful, and that God made her in His image! I want her to grow up with a strong self-confidence and a knowledge of her worth in Christ.

Molly - Everyday I tell my girls that I love them so much and that they are beautiful.

Becky - I am always thankful for the things I HAVE rather than wish for the things I don’t have.

Stephanie - I tell my husband he is hot, and he gets a cute “aw shucks” grin on his face. I love making his day that way!

Elizabeth holder - It’s okay that I am not perfect

patty - these prints are beautiful..
i teach fitness classes and i love to say to them, “YOU.ARE.BEAUTIFUL!” because i don’t think we hear that enough…

Lori - You have such great taste. LOVE the bird with the french fry print 🙂

Nicole - “the joy of the Lord is my strength!”
My husband is so positive that he always says, “I can’t even imagine what a bad day would be like.”…& let me tell you, he’s had some BAD ones:) hope we get to bless our house with this!!

jamie - {don’t rush} that means no rushing. no saying {quickly} or {hurry} or words of that nature. just. don’t. rush.

Pipp - I love this one: Don’t let fear of failure discourage you – You are a power for good – You will make the world a better place. Another one is: Be a positive person – What you put out – Is what you receive.
Love your blog!!!!

alyssa - someone else has it far worse. WE ARE SO BLESSED!!!

robyn - God has a plan, and it’s a good one 🙂

Jenn N - Love the prints on her site!
I always try to see the cup as half full. It’s tough sometimes, but I always try.

ashley - I tell myself to count to ten, even if it doesn’t work at the time. “And this, too, shall pass.”

Kim - I love this quote & mentally try to use it everyday. I was not brought up in an optimistic family…they are always glass is empty mentality. It wasn’t until I met my wonderful husband that I began to change my thinking. When I’m feeling overwhelmed lately I really try to do something nice…pay for someones coffee in the Tim Hortons drive thru or write a note to someone. It helps to change my thinking and my mood and to see someone happy. I also try to remember my plan is not the plan…my life is going to be whatever God has in store.

Jane - I work in special education and when I’m having a tough day with a parent I remind myself that I’m able to wave goodbye to the kids at the end of the day – gives me a little perspective and helps reduce my frustration!

Libby Donovan - When my children are complaining about something, I make them tell me something positive about the situation as well.

Beth - I love their things! A month or so ago, I bought “God loves You” and “Ignore the Rain.” I also love “Go with the Flow.” It’s so hard to choose when ordering. I enjoy reading your blog-and check in everyday! It makes me happy! 🙂

Kristin - I love the glass half full – that is a mantra I have to remind myself of – as hard as some days seem I am so blessed and should not take it for granted and think that my life is rough – it’s not!!! Thanks for this change to win!

Cherith McC - “You make everything glorious, and I am Yours!”
This Dave Crowder song really encourages me that God has a work for me and will work through me. He will make me more like His Son. Love your blog.
Hong Kong

Ruth - i heart studio mela!
love mother teresa’s reminder – ‘we can do no great things, only small things with great love’. it’s powerful 🙂

crystal - When it’s a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, I remember what my older sister told me: “Tomorrow will be a new day.” And then I know that tomorrow will be better. Because it always is. And I can make it until tomorrow.

Tracy - I tell myself that Jesus and my family love me…no matter what.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I just tell myself ‘Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS’!
Thank you so much for sharing this shop! I have been looking for the French Fry print!
Happy day!

Sharla B - I struggle with worry and am so thankful for people who speak truth into my life!

Lori in Iowa - Ironically, I tell myself that the glass is half full. And I believe that! I prefer to find the positives in any situation. Life would be too depressing otherwise.

Anita - I always say “Jesus is still on the throne!” Even when it feels like the end of the world, I am reminded that He’s in control and is still God.

Dee D. - God is great…all the time! I find myself saying that out loud more and more, not only to encourage others, but also so that I can hear it. It’s true – He loves us!

Christina - I tell myself to keep clinging to hope in the Lord. That’s by the minute, sometimes. 🙂

Ellen - When I’m down I like to sing “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy…” or “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength” sometimes to myself, sometimes out loud…depending on where I am and who’s around me 🙂
I love this! I just saved the shop to my “Gifts” folder on my favorites tab…it’s the only way I can remember things like this when I’m trying to think of a fantastic gift!

LK - I remind myself that I get to go to Heaven because of His Grace!

Erin - I tell myself that each day is a gift. I almost died after having my last baby (had to have a major blood transfussion and emergency surgery) 6 months ago. I’m grateful to God every day that I am here with my three beautiful children. I love being their mom and can’t imagine a better life.
Oh – and I love your blog Meg. 🙂

Ady - I always tell people to believe in themselves and to leave things in God’s hands. You are loved.
I love the prints and can relate!

Carrie - LOVE the glass is half full pic…thank you for a great giveaway!!

Deb A. - Having a good attitude and the willingness to change.

sherry - This would be perfect in my kitchen. LOVE it. So cute.

Ali Richardson - “It can only go up from here!” Ha ha. It usually doesn’t make people feel better, but they may chuckle a bit which usually lifts some spirits. I am in love with that print!

Rachel - It’s so cheesy but I’ve taken the “stay calm and carry on” mantra into our lives very much. My son freaks out about the small stuff and we all need to remember that so much of it is the small stuff and to breathe… just keep going on…

Karen Lehmann - oh my gosh the power of positivity! I love them all!

Melissa Shepard - I remind myself of jer. 29:11… God has a plan… and it’s all in His hands…such a good feeling, but we seem to forget too often!

Brigid - OK, the bird and french fry print is hilarious! Love the messages in all of them.

Shairee bass - Just keep smiling 🙂

Renee - I tell myself that my life is not my own. It was bought with a price. I LOVE the prints!!

Rachel - I tell myself that I am right where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m supposed to be doing at this point in my life. It reminds me that life is good…and there is a reason for everything.

Jennifer Henry - That I am so greatful to be able to stay home with my kiddos. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

LibraryGirl62 - I am doing a LOT of volunteering for my daughter’s high school band-and I have the BEST people to work with 🙂

Erin - I tell myself ‘this too shall pass’ and then I ask time to slow down just a bit because it isn’t actually that bad.

Sarah - “If everyone put their problems out on a table you’d be reaching for yours first.” I am not sure if it’s positive, but I try to tell myself this when I am boo-hooing about my life.

Dawn Eshnaur - I always remind myself that God is in control. I try not to worry because my Father will take care of me and my family. I would love to win this print….I am making a “mom room” full of girly things just for me! I have three sons and a husband so I am in desperate need of a cute girl room! This print would be PERFECT!

charity palmer - I remind myself often that GOD is control. He is the one who is holding us in HIS mighty hand! And that’s all the encouragement we need 🙂

Rachel - I love DazeyChic! (Well, that’s the name I found her under for the Happier Than a Bird With A Frenchfry poster that I just included on my Etsy Favorites post! 🙂
Something positive I tell myself? Usually it’s that God has a plan. He doesn’t ever get surprised. Even when things are beyond my understanding (even my deafness, He can make good things happen).
What a great idea for a giveaway!

Sarah B - Love her work…and I am always telling myself “You Are Blessed”!

Sharla - Love her prints every time I see a glimpse in your posts! I tell myself to be true to myself all the time – when making decisions, when trying to figure out how to compromise with coworkers, etc.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I found her site through your blog a while back. I love all of her prints. Whenever my girls are upset about a mistake they’ve made, I always remind them mistakes are what will them where you want to go, that they are absolutely necessary for future success, and then I simply say, 1000 light bulbs, referring to the Thomas Edison story. It always makes them smile.

marya - These posts have been encouraging! I have been not too positive lately due to some things we have been going through and this was just what I needed. Thank you!

Amy - Love this stuff. I am going to take advantage of her sale and cross my fingers that I win this print!

jody - “every little thing, is gonna be alright…”

jenni - “Everybody freaks out”. Something my husband and I tell each other and other people in our lives. Gives us permission not to feel like we have to do things perfect.

Amy Jo - I absolutely love the lyrics of Carrie Underwood’s song, “Temporary Home”. They encourage me when I feel overwhelmed… “This is my temporary home, it’s not where I belong, windows and rooms, that I’m passing through…”

Gayle - This is just a phase…I hope.

kari - I know someone mentioned this, but it’s also my go to phrase, “this too shall pass”..Whether it’s the baby’s middle of night wake-ups, kids being sick, broken appliances, cars breaking down….this too shall pass!

Melissa - I love this artwork!

Dawn Zaffron - it’s so simple yet so powerful! I hope I win!

traci in virginia - I tell my children to always be nice. You never know what someone else is going through. “Just be nice!”

Janelle White - Oh…I am seeing my chances are not too good but I’m trying to think of my glass as half full 🙂

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - I am a child of God, as long as I let go and let God, me and my loved ones will be OK!

kat - I love her stuff! I would hang the “Today, do something unexpected” sign on the door to my garage so I would see it every time I left the house. So fun! I love doing unexpected kind things for people, it is so rewarding!

Bec - So pretty! Definitely see some good ideas for Christmas presents.

jodi @ back40life - I keep reminding myself that serving others is both a blessing to them and to me…getting my mind off of myself is a powerful thing!

karen - I tell myself where there’s a WILL there is a WAY.

Gretchen - God is in control… thank goodness!!!
I love looking at blogs to get ideas, find new blogs, or find out about something cool like these prints. Thanks for sharing!

Janet C - I try to keep in mind that things will work out, since they generally do. And I believe in the law of attraction.

Janet C - I try to keep in mind that things will work out, since they generally do. And I believe in the law of attraction.

Heather - every single day i remind myself that God gave me the power of choice. i can choose to let life pull me down or i can choose to live a lovely life. so i work my fanny off everyday to find the happy.

caylen - this exact phrase- the glass is always half full!
(and if it isn’t, it’s always happier to think it is 🙂 )
love her posters!

erin - i tell myself that god will never give us more than we can handle. repeating those words over and over again today as we mourn the loss of our sweet puppy.

Denise - I would enjoy any of these prints, thanks for the chance.

Anna Marie - If I am having a hard time I always say, “This must be in God’s plan for me or it wouldn’t be happening.”

Elise - Holy hannah those are beautiful!
I tell myself I’m pretty when I look in the mirror. It’s changed my perspective and I do, in fact, feel pretty.

Kathi - This is the day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Gentry Tubbs - “Quality over Quantity… Quality over Quantity”
It can be applied to anything. Homework.. Time spent with the family… Anything!

nancy - When my thinking gets :-/ or my day is going terribly, I remind myself of PLANTR. …whatever things are pure, lovely, admirable, noble, true and right, think on these things. I even shared that with my children in the car the other day.
And, I try to think of person to go with each:
Pure — my little boy
Lovely — my little girl
Admirable — the way my Mom battled ovarian cancer
Noble — the way my husband takes care of us and lives with integrity
True — my husband and I as one
Right — the way we try to live for Christ as a family
Having that little acronym has helped me for many years.
Thanks to you, Meg, for brightening my days.

jenn - I love her prints! i have the today i will be happier then a bird with a french fry on my fridge!!!

Margo - I remind myself to count my blessings – my dad used to tell us that when we were young and to be honest I hated when he said that – he always said that my grandmother reminded her children of this daily. It’s amazing that even though I hated those words so long ago they are so, so, so true!

Pat - Here’s my comment: This is the day the Lord hath made – rejoice and be glad in it. (one of my dad’s favorites)

elisabeth (bovagoods) - God has it all planned out….

Brianna - It’s not an accident!

eva - don’t sweat the small stuff.. i know its a book series but its speaks so true.. just enjoy them because those my friends are little pieces of heaven..

Cameron Paneiko - focus on what i DO have, not what i don’t…
because it is SO MUCH.

Suzanne Lay - I tell myself that God is in control and that everything belongs to him; that it is not mine. Keeping that focus seems to help me through my days…even the worst. Because if he is for us then there is nothing that is impossible!!

adrienne - i’m always saying to my kiddos “because nice matters”… very cool give-away!

Kelly - I have WONDERFUL friends – and I always try to be a good friend : ) Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - When I’m having a tough day with the kids I tell myself: someday, I’ll miss this. It works…most days. 🙂

Mandy - I always tell myself that I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darnet, people like me. (That’s only about 35% joke.)

myrnie - I tell my five-year-old that if wishes were fishes, we’d all be pescatarians…she looks at me funny, and I ask what she’s going to do to get what she wants 🙂

Valerie - Love this! My glass is always half full — I take after my dear dad. I’d love to hang it up in my crafting room where I could see it everyday. Thanks for the giveaway!

Trena - …with God all things are possible. He knows the beginning from the end…my job is to believe, pray and trust!

sarah - This too shall pass…

Tammy - Thanks for offering this great gift! I always remind myself that “With God all things are possible!”

Kristi Barrett - This too shall pass…

Sugar Mama - My husband has a really hectic schedule that leaves me playing “single mom” a lot. So when I start to complain about it I quickly tell myself, “He has a job. He has a good job with benefits… be thankful for that”.

Lisa - I tell myself ALL good things are happening today.

rychelle - i have the bird with a french fry print, and i love to share that quote with everyone!

Jenny - Her prints are too cute! I’m ordering a few for my school library.
My something positive is “I don’t have to worry; God’s got it.”

Jacqui - ok just breathe, cause they won’t be this young and curious for much longer!

Michelle - I remember the Cross. . . that the greatest is love. . . and that God has promised to work all things for good for those who love him (in his timing of course). This fills me with joy even in the face of terrible things.

Jen - if I’m having a bad day, I tell myself that tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.

Cindy - I always try to keep things in perspetive by saying “10 years from now will it matter?” No but being a good friend, mom or wife WILL matter!

jess - even though the kiddos drive us bonkers on a regular basis…i am constantly reminding myself “they ARE good kids” and we are doing to the best we can as parents…that counts for something right?!

Ali - Choose to be grateful.
If you look hard enough, you can always find the positive in anything. I choose joy!

Jennifer O'Steen - keep calm, carry on. the little things you are worrying about do not even come close to the things that other people are having to deal with. we must always remember that the glass IS half full!
ps.. heading over to her shop now, i know my friends would love these prints for christmas!

Amanda F - Lately, I’ve been reminding myself that children are a gift from God. Even when they are fighting, slamming doors and making ugly noises at me. Gift from God… Gift from God… And if I can keep calm, patient and happy, it will rub off on them.

Crystal - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strenght. Great giveaway!! I hope I win!!! 🙂

gina f. - Everything happens for a reason! I love these prints! Thanks for the giveaway!

amber - I always remember: I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
I really love studio mela too:). My baby boy is the proud owner of her “God loves You” print. Yay!

Elizabeth - This too shall pass. . . I remind myself of this when my four kids are in a “not so fun” stage. More importantly though, I remember to cherish the moments of the really fun stages, because those too shall pass.

sarah harper - On a bad day, I just repeat “The joy of the Lord is my strength!” Nothing else matters. 🙂

shelley c - I tell myself “It is all going to be good. Breathe!”

jen nordstrom - Tomorrow will be better.

Janet - I would like all of them hanging in my home! What great reminders that make you smile!
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Cor. 2:9

patti - i always tell myself if i’ve made mistakes today whether it be having enough patience with my kids, saying the right things, etc…”tomorrow is a new day. i have the power to control the outcome.” – my mantra lately.

Lisa - Love these Meg, I am really trying to be positive, I am in the middle of court battle with my ex-husband over money and I’m trying not to be sick to my stomach all the time. I put this quote I saw on the Brave Girls’ Club FB page as my status this week:
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” -Mary Anne Radmacher

Barbara - I like to say ‘Keep the peace, and keep on truckin’!’ =D
love the prints.

Cris Marsh - My youngest son and his wife have had several rough weeks (health problems). I told them to give the problems to God and focus on the blessings in their lives.

Nicole M - I would LOVE that print.
I often praise my husband for working so hard for our little family. It really encourages him when I do that.

Dawn - Great quotes. I love those.

alaina - It is well with my soul(my favorite hymn)….maybe not always with my circumstances, but it is always well with my soul. Because of that, I have a choice to be happy or not (obviously some days are easier than others!). I can choose to wallow in my circumstances or take joy in the assurance that it is well with my soul because Christ is my salvation, my eternity! So, knowing that, my glass has got to be at least half full, not half empty!!

Tonya - i tell my self everyday that i am thankful for my 2 healthy children.
it could be worse..

Brenda - I attended a funeral this morning for a church family member whose son was killed in Afghanistan, Spc Tom Moffit. I was reminded of the verse Joshua 1:9 which was his Mom’s favorite verse: Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Brittany - Love it! So simple and cute.

jen smith - one of my favorite quotes from a friend of mine is “if He brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it”.

Sally - I’m a good Mom….

Tami - God is Good. All the Time!

Amanda - I often remind myself, husband and kids in the moment of disappointment that life is just not fair, but we are so very blessed in spite of it all.

melissa - I remind myself to breathe. Sometimes we get caught up in the chaos of the moment. If you just take a moment to breathe you can gain some perspective.

Erin - I remember that gratitude counts for alot – there is always something to be thankful for.

Lori - No matter how frustrated I get with my husband or children, no matter how tired I get of doing the same housework over and over again, no matter how tiring it gets to pinch pennies, no matter how bad of a day I might have….I always try to remember that my life is so much easier and more comfortable that many others’. I have a roof over my head, nice clothing to wear, and always something healthy to eat. Not to mention, a loving family. Many people do without one or all of those things. I always try to remember to be grateful.

Jennie - I am far more sinful than I ever dared to imagine, but far more loved than I ever dared to dream!

Sandy - drop it at the feet of Jesus- thats all i say- easier to say than do.

Trish - This summer I got a tattoo. My first at the ripe ol’ age of 37.
It says “Choose Joy, Psalm 28:7”
It’s on my forearm and is super cute! It is my daily reminder that The LORD is my strength and my joy!

Jaime - My mom always said that someone else has it worse off than I do so I remind myself of that whenever I start feeling like I need a pity party!

Amy Harris - If God is for us, who can be against us? Be happy for this moment, for this moment is your life. 🙂

Stephanie - I lost about 50 lbs five years ago on WW. I try to go to meetings every week, for myself and for the other people that are there struggling. I know what it is like to be 50lbs overweight and want them to know that they can do it! I did it and have stuck to it!

Heather - DEEEEELIGHTFUL! I love them! I hope I win! =)

shannan - make every day count. you will never get another one like it

Dawn - How wonderful! I think I will get prints for Christmas gifts… My mother’s motto since our car accident has been “It’s going to be okay,” and it would be awesome for her to hang it on her wall to see everyday. And the bird with the french fry…my sister is like that. These are perfect!

Amanda Fuentes - Tomorrow is another day. (I love Gone with the Wind too much.)

*LuLu* - i tell myself that i can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! so pick me!

Sarah Wolfe - I want one

abby - A simple “it’s ok!”. Of course I get upset about little spills or accidents sometimes, but I really try to emphasis that it’s OK. 🙂

Lindsey Jo - zephaniah 3:17 is such an encouraging and positive scripture for me.
the Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.
God loves me soo much that he sings over me! how great is that?!

Rachel J - Less is more. (In almost every area of my life.)

Amanda - I tell myself everything happens for a reason and it will all work out the way it’s supposed to!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Nothing surprises God.
I love reminding myself of this. It makes me feel very small and out-of-control, which is an unexpectedly fantastic combination.

Jamie J - A few clouds and rain are needed to make a garden grow…..

Kim - I remind myself daily that everything happens for a reason. I try to look at every situation, opportunity, crisis etc … and remember to make the most of it. It all works out in the end.

ann - Remember that God made you in HIS image! How amazing is that!

Heather K - Recently the President of the Company I work for told me that a former employee once told him “Paranoia will destroy ya”. It’s amazing how helpful that reminder has been for me as of late.

Kelly - Oh I SO NEED this poster for my room at school. My teaching partner is a half empty if you know what I mean and it would be a subtle reminder for all of us to look on the bright side.

Beth - Something positive I tell myself AND others (my family and my art students, specifically) is “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. Sometimes easier said than done, but a good idea to stick to.

brittany - I love these prints too!!
I tell myself and others- you are where you’re supposed to be. When the time is right, things will change and shift. I also have to remind myself to be intentional about recognizing the good things, in the midst of all of the ‘bad’ things. It’s all part of the path. Things, people, and situations will look and seem drastically different the further along the journey you get.
Thanks for doing this!

elizabeth - I AM ALIVE

Anna - I LOVE it!! Please, oh please, pick me!!!

Mallory - I remind myself often that everything happens for a reason, and that God has the control – not me. Also, as a 21 year old, I’m making important choices on my own now. But I do always try to think of what my parents would think about my choices – would they be upset or proud? It’s a pretty good filter! 🙂

Lisa - Something positive- I’m really good at apologizing when I’m wrong, which is often lately. (It’s been a stressful couple of months.)

Valerie - Just love everything about your blog…signs are great fun♥

sarajane - happy kids are more important than a clean house….for now 🙂

Carolyn - Love that reminder! It would be great in my new (old) house that we are trying to decorate! 🙂

katie - i tell my husband that he looks nice all the time. (it is pathetic that i just thought hard for like a full minute and couldn’t think of a positive thing that i tell myself.)

ShelbyP - Wow, her stuff is SO cute!

Heather - God is with me, through the fire of what I’m going through. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!! The circumstances of my life are tough right now, and this has been lifesaving!

sara's art house - “With God All things are possible!”
I love your blog- always- I don’t comment as much as I should- but I always leave happy 🙂

Stephanie - I always have to remind myself how fast time goes by. What I am making a big deal out of today – chances are I won’t remember it next week. Maybe not even tomorrow. Love your blog!

Gevay - I tell myself and my kids that God sees everything the good and the bad and someday we’ll stand before Him and explain ourselves. I helps me not do some of the thoughtless things that so easily come out of me!

tami - Love all the artwork you and your family do! Soo creative! xoxo

Becky - With so many of my problems, it helps me put it into perspective to think, “It’s just money!” Because in the end, money is a light and momentary trouble!

Alyssa - I tell myself that the weekend will always come!

Cat Sasser - “The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It’s greener where you water it.” 🙂

Vicki @ girlymomwrites - I tell myself the sun will rise again tomorrow and I get to start all over.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i love her stuff, i have a print of hers, too 🙂
I tell myself that God chose me to be the mom of my kids, if he chose me to be their mom then i MUST be just what they need.

melissa ann - Positively adorable 🙂

Jenny B. - Love it! I am always striving to be a “glass half full” kind-of girl. 🙂

Summer Crosbie - We’ve been potty training my oldest son so lately you can hear a lot of ” good jobs” at my house. Great giveaway!

Jenn - Wow I love this print. I make sure to tell people when I am praying for them – it’s so nice to know when someone is caring about you! I also try to remind the other young mom’s in my life (including myself) that they are doing a great job, even when it feels like our children are holy terrors 🙂 Moms need encouragement.

Shawna - Keep Calm and believe in yourself

Jennifer - I love this and need it for my hubby 🙂

Mary - Things are always better in the end. If it’s not better, it’s not the end. 🙂

Linda - Its kind of funny I just got my “Ignore the Rain look for the Rainbow” in the mail and she included a small copy of the French Fry quote which I loved! I try each day to look for ways to find joy in the simple things of life. A ray of sunshine, my son tying his shoes. I truly believe that it is the small simple quite things of life that bring us true happiness. I hope you have a happy day today too.

Valerie Page - Whenever something bad happens to someone in our family or a close friend, I always tell them to think, “This too shall pass.” My mom has been saying that to me for years. I remember being in a dentist chair, getting an implant for my tooth and I was in agony. I pictured myself on a beach in CA and kept thinking , “this too shall pass.” it works every time.:)

Jennifer - We own our own business, and it seems that there is always something coming up. I am constantly saying- “it will all work out-God has blessed us this whole time, and it will work out this time”.

Alexis - I tell myself that no matter what may be happening, the world will keep on turning and there is always tomorrow. It really helps!

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - I love them all….thank you for the reminder…I DO need to be positive!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!

Shanalea - God is in control. He can do it and it is not dependent on me.

Nichole - Generally, I just tell people that being positive confuses the world and often runs off people who can’t stand to hear the positives. If you smile and always tell people “it’ll be okay!” when they come to you and complain, either they use the support or run of screaming because you aren’t complaining with them.
I think there’s a quote about smiles confusing people: smiles really do.

Laura @ so alaurable - “Be gentle with yourself” from Desiderata:
Thanks for the chance!

Marisol Avila - I ran five miles today even though I wanted to stay in my warm bed.

Casey - The sacrifices we are making today, will benefit us greatly tomorrow (or later down the road)
I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me.

Tegan M. - Such gorgeous prints. If I win that, I would want to put it in my craft room (haha, more like corner) but I *should* put it in a shared living space so everyone can enjoy it! Kitchen? Okay. 🙂

Donna - When I worry about something I tell myself “right now we are ok.” (Can’t remember where I first saw that.)

Amy Mierzejewski - I always read the bible or pray for encouragement and God always has something specific for me there. I love her artwork!

Jaimie - very cute!

LuLu - my oldest daughter {14} started high school this year and when i walked into her room she made herself a reminder on a pink post~it… it says “don’t forget to be awesome” it touched my heart that she wrote herself a motivation saying… everyday i walk into her room and see it still stuck to her mirror and i think of that saying and how we all can use that saying for all areas of life.
I adore all these sayings and the colors are gorgeous

Sarah - What great Christmas gives, or pick me up gifts. Such great reminders.
I have so many that run through my head, but ultimately “God is perfect and I’ve given all to him” is what usually is ringing around my head.

Courtney - I pray. And I tell others I will pray for them and then I really do. I don’t think there is anything more encouraging than knowing you are being prayed for.

Becky - Love these prints!!! - Love that beautiful print!! I always tell myself..If he (God) puts me through it, he will pull me through it!! Love your blog and your beautiful family. Thanks!!

deb - I teach Kindergarten so I am constantly telling little folks that they can do it! And the best part if when the decide for themselves that they can do it.

Tabby A. - Fun prints. I really like that french fry one! I am always telling myself, Yard by Yard Life is Hard. Inch by Inch Life’s a Cinch!.

Betsy - Oh, this is SO me! A friend directed me to your beautiful blog…and wow…you’re gorgeous yourself! 🙂

Gina - God is in control. He knows everything about me and my life. 🙂 My daughter’s nickname is Mela. Love the picture and thanks for a chance to win. =D

BriBedell - Love it! It would look great in my orange kitchen or green living room 🙂

Barbara Backes - I always tell myself and others to just “BREATHE, it will pass”. LOVE her art work:)

Mary Anne - Just be you! Everyone is always focused on being someone else. The most positive thing to remember is to always be yourself!

Sam Miller Gott - I’m a pretty darn good gift giver!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I have decided to be conscious in the moment and present heart, body and soul for my kids, my hubby and my life.
I always tell myself…”You won’t look back and wish you’d worked or cleaned more”.
Love the giveaway, love your outlook 🙂

Stacy - I am telling myself right now as my father is very sick that he will get well, he still has some good life to live!

Lynette - Meg,
I work with Special Education students, helping them find career programs that fit their ABILITIES — when we focus on what they CAN do it so often the first time they have heard positives in their school career….

Cindy Porter - Currently: Follow your bliss! My “bliss” is found in the Lord Jesus Christ…….always! I’m a grandma (gigi) who loves your humor and your ideas are used for my grandboys!! I am also an SLP and had to smile on your comments about volunteering at school. When work gets tough, I tell myself I am following My Bliss!

Mindy Harris - the one with the quote coming out of the house is so awesome.
i married a half-glass-full wonderful man, and being his wife for 7 years has turned me into a bonafide optimist. i am so lucky.
my favorite verses are Isaiah 61:2-4 and they always perk me back up, particularly: “You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord.”
It only gets better.

Ayelet - I think Scarlett said it best: “Tomorrow is another day.” I repeat that one to myself (and a whole lot of other people!), almost daily.

Stefanie - Keep calm and carry on 🙂

Sarah - Postive thinking, eh? Somedays that is harder than others. I try to remind my girls just how thoughtful they are and when they share with each other, I try to point out how kind that is. It doesn’t happen often but when it does I want to encourage it.

Ashley - A friend of mine has had a broken foot for the last 12 weeks and has been having a hard time dealing with all the difficulties that come along with that. We were just reminding each other the other day that even when you feel your lowest, the glass is indeed half full.

Mary-Beth - I just remind myself that my God is bigger than my circumstances…I like to think of Sara and her new baby Isaac…God gave her laughter even in her very old age.

Quinn - I keep my positive attitude up by spending a whoooooole lot of my time volunteering where ever I can.. and I love it. Getting to know new people, and their stories. Opening up my eyes to new life. It always makes my day.
The other prints are sooo sweet. 🙂

Debbie Smallie - One foot in front of the other…keep it simple 🙂

Kate - i like reminding people that they are beautiful and loved!

steph - hmmm… something positive… i laugh all the time. through the happy times (naturally), the sad times, the angry times, the hard times. it’s my release. i often laugh through tears. i would love this print. it’s so beautiful!!!

Ella - I used to be a half full person several years ago. Some tragic events unfolded regarding DH’s DD due to a less than sane Ex. It changed DH and I more than we’d like to admit to sometimes. But we’re forging a new life and moving on as with our new family. This would be a lovely sentiment to help remind us (especially my DD) that not all of life is half empty. My most recent sentiments repeated to our children is “be nice or be quiet” and “share your happy, it’s catching”! Many lovely options, looking forward to collecting “Live Simply” and “Give Good”.

Emily @ Little Home - When I get grumpy about something in my house that is needing updating or repaired, I remind myself that compared to most of the world, I live in a palace.

Leadia Jarvis - Even if I don’t win, still gonna buy. It’s never a bad idea to give yourself a few happy reminders.

Susan - My sister has spent the last year or more homeschooling her girls while her husband ran the political campaign for the governor of Ohio. She was alone most nights and rarely got any time to herself. She also does a ministry for international students and takes great care of her close friends. The election is coming up this week and I’d love to send her a reminder of how well she did as a practically-single-mom this year!

Dawn - My oldest daughter is in college and I find myself around test time which seems to be every week this year to …Pray, believe, and to keep calm and carry on, you are smart, etc. and sure enough evertying turns out well. But it’s hard when they are away and they call and you can hear the pain, fear in their voice. You have to be positive for them.

Beth Ann - Pretty

Janie Fox - All things work together for good to those who love God… Romans 8:28. I LOVE these prints… going to go shop but PICK me!!

Jenny R - That no matter how hard I think my life might be right now, there is always an opportunity coming for it to get better. 🙂

Sarah - I remind myself how good my life is and how small my worries seem in the grand scheme of things. I remember all the amazing people I have in my life and how great my Creator is.

Erica - I always make up stories in my head (or to my husband) about why strangers act the way they do. Why is that woman driving so fast? Her son must be home alone and sick and she really wants to get to him. I know that my “stories” probably aren’t true, but it helps me stay positive when I try to see it from their perspective.

Courtney - God doesn’t give us hard things, that we can’t handle.

Carla G - I know that I am “fearfully and wonderfully made”. This is definitely something positive about myself! 🙂

Maria - Oh I love these prints – I hope I win!

Alissa - My framed quote above my kitchen sink is…..”Every little thing is going to be alright” Makes me remember that most things are just little things and I WILL be okay even when things are rough:)

stephanie - Cute print! I guess the top couple of things that strike me that I’m trying reminding myself of is to say yes to my kids more than no, and to take it one day at a time. (I just had baby #4 and am living on very sleep – but it’s worth it!) : )

mkpoggie - Something that I repeatedly told myself in the last months before my wedding and that I always pass on to my panicky bride friends is, “It’s all going to work out and it’s all going to come together. Because it has to. And, either way, you’re getting married. So it’s all going to work out. Now relax and have a margarita.”

Courtney - Oh, they are all lovely for sure! I’m just about to redo my daughter’s bedroom to turn it into a room for her and her new baby sister to share in a couple months – I can see several of these prints adorning the walls!

Jen N. - I love Studio Mela!
I try to just remember that what seems like a huge deal now, might not be so important later. It’s all about perspective.

Lora - I think, “What are you afraid of? God’s got you in the palm of His hand!” - Something positive…hmmm…well, even though I have an enormous belly, I have a good reason! I am 23 weeks prego!!

Angela Miller - My youngest son is a cancer(neuroblastoma)survivor and we are dealing with the “after effects” of it all. Most days I tell myself (and my husband, “A bad day with Charlie, is better than any day without him”. It helps. A lot.

Ingrid Blanchette - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Have made a huge mural that hangs over our it because it reminds us of God’s promises!

Ingrid Blanchette - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Have made a huge mural that hangs over our it because it reminds us of God’s promises!

Laura - My husband and I continually tell ourselves and our children “treat others as you would want to be treated…” especially during the hardest of times.

Mandi - Just breath! This is not the end of the world and everything will be okay! (Currently planning a wedding–ahhh!)

Beth Donnelly - I love this print (and so many of the others as well)! I always try to remind myself when I’m going through a stressful or hard time that if God brought me to it, then he will certainly bring me through it. He is a mighty and gracious God. 🙂

Routhie - Karma. It reminds me not to give up on myself or other people. Recently, my 4yo daughter was separated from my husband at the Philly zoo on an extremely busy day for almost 30 mins. I was at home cleaning and felt helpless, but immediately reminded myself that there *are* good people out there. A young couple found her; the husband notified security while the wife sat with her. I wish my husband would have gotten their number or something so I could have thanked them. I told my daughter she met some angels that day.

Beth - I remind myself (and my husband!) that God has us here (our specific town) for a reason–and it’s HIS reason, not ours. It’s not always easy to remember that.

cassie o - …the perfect prize for a positive patty

Angie - “This, too, shall pass…”

Kimberly - It’s just a phase….

Alexis Hamilton - i tell myself that i really do have all the strength i need to move forward within myself; i’m stronger than i think.

Amanda - Shelli bought a set of vintage barware/glasses from me several years ago and I have been following her ever since. Love her work. She’s a doll.

Julie H. - We try to think of all of the GOOD things that we are trhankful for!!!

courtney - my mother-in-law has a little sign haning in her house with this saying:
“there’s so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it little behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us!”
my husband and i say it all the time and people look at us like we’re crazy . :o)

amalisa - I loved reading what other people had to say about being positive. My own reminder is life is a process and where I am is where I am.

naomi - I tell my self (when I feel like I’m screwing up my kids or not doing well with the house or whatever…) “My kids won’t remember as much WHAT I do as HOW I do and WHY I do.”
Keeps me chill and purposeful in my actions.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Of course I would love her style. Hope I win this one. Happy weekend Meg.

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - Aww love those! I like to say (bc my dad used to say it) “God doesn’t make junk”

kristen - I run to the Throne instead of the phone – it is good to have friends and support but only Jesus can calm the storm.

jenn g - you may not understand why now, but everything happens for a reason. it is all part of God’s plan :o)

Penny - I need the half full one for my husband to see every morning! He is so pessimistic some days!

Sarah - I tell myself to let go and let God! I love the prints!

Rebecca - Be still and know that I am God. The being still part is usually the hardest.

brooke - I have always been a glass half FULL girl so I love that one! Her art is amazing. I adore the bird french fry one! I always tell my 10 year old son to just be himself and not worry how others act, dress, talk…..because he is perfectly awesome just as he is!

jenn - My go-to pick me up lately is “God’s got this!” Just a reminder to stop stressing and worrying about things outside of my control.

Lori - I’m pretty in love with the bird and the french fry one. I distinctly remember seeing that when I was a kid and we went to this OLD outdoor McDonald’s (very rarely, it was a treat back then) Those little birds were giddy.

Evelyn - I really need that ‘glass half full’ print. I added Studio Mela to my etsy favorites, so I can go back and buy some prints for xmas. I’m going to put some on my wishlist too – love that ‘happier than a bird with a frenchfry’ one!

Mary Ferrara - What a lovely giveaway! I tell myself that God only has plans to prosper me and never to harm me. What gorgeous prints!

Michelle - I have to remind myself everyday that God has a true purpose and plan for my life, and that he will always work everything out for the best, and how truely blessed I am to have four beautiful daughters, and a very loving Husband that I miss so badly… He is overseas, and I beleive that has been the hardest thing I have had to deal with the last 3 years, but God has a plan!!!! Have a fun and safe Halloween!!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - what a great giveaway! i would love to win this because i am a glass half full kinda gal. and it’s super cute. and you are super cute. the end.

Amber Pamper - Those are beautiful! I’d love to have a whole wall covered in them with white frames. 😉

mary - i am totally a glass half full person
married to a glass half empty with a side of cake man
and surrounded by alot of empty glass people…
have a great day miss meg!

erica - God is good…ALL the time!

Kit - Meg, I have to remind myself that I am a beloved daughter of the KING! And that I can not do anything to make God love me any more or less.

Kimberlee J. - “You’re good enough. You’re smart enough. And gosh darn it people like you.” Ha.

Julianne Brimner - What a great reminder of how full my life really is. I think I will focus more on that today instead of those little things that drive me nuts.

denise - God has been telling me lately to be myself, and don’t change myself just because it makes other people uncomfortable, God made me this way for a reason, I am suppose to let my light shine.

carols - What an amazing way to start my day, with all these positive thoughts. Thank you Meg! I thank God for my healthy husband and kids, and remind myself that if I have that, I have it ALL. The rest is fluff.

holly - That is so wonderful. Think I might end up buying a couple too. We just moved to a place and while it is not perfect, it is wonderful. So far those that I have met have not shared the philosophy that so much of lif id what you make of it. I want to leave here as positive of a person as I came here, and I think that one or two of these prints might remind me of that!!!

Sarah - I believe that no matter how difficult life is, there is One who knows every single thing about me and that He made me for a purpose. It’s sort of vague and without real direction but oh so comforting to know I’m not doing this life alone.
Love the prints.

Sheila - If God leads you to it, he will lead you through it.
…and sometimes I tell myself to strap on my big girl pants and get going!!

Heidi - So lovely- and a great reminder!

Kristin Joy - Be deliberate about how you think, how you live your life inside & outside your head, Kristin! You have a choice, you are in charge of your thinking. Who you are as a person, moving through your day, shapes other people!

kelly kettrick - HALF FULL! Love it!

kelly kettrick - HALF FULL! Love it!

Wendy - I tell myself and my family to keep “looking up” no matter what. God works in mysterious ways.

Biz - I love it! When every I need a positive reminder I wear a necklace I bought from ‘s etsy shop. It says surrender and it’s a reminder to myself that I am not in control, God is 🙂

keely - I tell myself and others that God’s plan is good pleasing, and perfect.

Michele - I’ve never heard of Studio Mela. Thanks for sharing. The power of positive thinking can do wonders. “The Glass Is Half Full” Amen!

Jen - I’m a psychologist, so I say lots of positive things to others. ( ; One thing that many people seem to need to hear is to be compassionate with yourself. Allow yourself to make mistakes, not be perfect and take time to enjoy the life that God gave you.

kristiina - “The day responds to you”…love this because it reminds me that you get what you put out there, so smile! (My son’s tai kwon do teacher said that in class once and it really struck me.)
Thanks for the chance–I love her stuff!

Christy - I remind myself of how blessed I am and all that God has done for me!

ellen - i remind myself of what elisabeth eliot says: just do the next thing. when life is most overwhelming it’s a comfort to simply focus on the thing right in front of you.

Jill - Whenever something ‘bad’ happens I just tell myself, ‘if this is the worse thing that happens to you all week then you’re having a great life’.

Jamie - that God is in control!

kribss - JUST BE! [from the great tara whitney]

Rebekah - I find myself repeating the old classic, “I’m good enough, I’m smart and, dog-gone-it, people like me!” Silly, but also quite profound.

Jessica Berryhill - I am always saying that nothing takes God by surprise. It’s so true! We may be shocked by some news or experience but our God is never surprised.

Sara - I tell my self all.the.time. to ‘keep calm and carry on!’ along with 1,875 other fun, positive things. 🙂 It helps and is EASY! Love the prints!

Dawn - I am constantly reminding myself that things could be much worse than they currently are. We have a roof over our heads, a job, and our health. What more could we ask for! We have to be thankful for that!

Carrie - Love that print! They’re all fabulous. Everyone could use a reminder that in one way or another, they are blessed.

Jennifer VeStrand - I love it! I need this reminder because I am definitely NOT a glass half full type of person. My constant reminder is “Be still and know that I am GOD”. No better reassurance!

Stephanie C. - I always tell my husband that all we can do is what’s best for our family and if we do that everything will work out

Michelle - My neglected blog is “Glass Half Full” – this could be my inspiration to give it a jump start? Actually Meg, YOU are! Happy Saturday, M xoxo

Annette - GET OUT!!! I just put that exact print on my “favorites” list on etsy! Love, love, love it!
I tell myself (and my kids) that “enough is as good as a feast”. Works for all kinds of situations.

Katie - Love it…actually my husband would love it. I might check out the God Loves You one as well. What a great reminder!

Jennifer - I teach Kindergarten and I tell my kids every morning, “Good morning, V.I.P’s”… I want them to know that they are important people, to me and to the world!

jenny - when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

Angie M - Keep an open mind and a smile on my face and remember it’s not about me!

Corrie - I try to remember that I am the beloved. 🙂

Kim walker - I remind myself that positive thinking is better than negative and god is with me.

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - “You were created by a creative God, in His image.” I like to remind people that there’s a little creativity in each and every one of us, whether it’s through art, music or words. That’s what makes our world so colourfully beautiful. 🙂

Robyn - I tell myself to breathe. Just take a deep breath and let it out slowly, then do it again. Now I can tackle anything one step at a time.

Suzette - To stay positive I pray. A lot.

Jill - My Grandparents, who have both passed away both loved cardinals. Every time that my family sees a cardinal outside now, we are reminded of them, and we always take it as a sign that everything will be fine. I can’t even tell you the number of times a cardinal has shown up just when I need it…when my husband was in the hospital, on my daughter’s first day of preschool this year..the list goes on!
I LOVE Studio Mela and own a couple of her prints already, including three that you have shown here!!

pam - No matter what is happening, “God is still sitting on His throne…so I do believe that He is aware, He sees and He has not looked away…just breathe out”.

Maureen Troop - Something positive….I’m positive that God loves me and holds my everyday in his hands!

Jcole - I tell myself that God is never surprised about craziness in my life. I am the apple of His eye – Bible says so!

Jill - I do a lot of chanting ‘it will all be fine’ and it usually is! =D

Amy - I always remind myself to take time to listen to the music I love. It always calms and centers me.

Trish - I tell myself to just breathe and believe. It will all be ok.

colleen - These are the days we will look back on as “the good old days”.

Deb - Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff!

Kerri - These times are golden, we just don’t know it yet.:)

robbie - a positive reminder of god’s true blessings…

Jessica - This is not something I came up with myself, but it always makes people laugh!
I am happy when it rains, because it would still rain if I wasn’t happy!
Have a lovely day!

FeFe - I love them all!

connie - I say……God only gives us what he thinks we can handle….I must be very strong sometimes!

becky @ oursweetpeas - I always tell mothers of newborns or that are in a crazy stage “this too shall pass”. I try and remember that also b/c no matter how crazy my life is with 3 under 3 1/2 a day will come when my house is eerily quiet and I will miss the chaos.

Kirsten J - I say….this is lame….and only works for some people….”at least you don’t live under a bridge!!!!”

Kat - This too shall pass, or tomorrow is another day, or remember to breathe and smile, you can do it!! 🙂

Gemma - To stay positive and to remind others, I say that there is ALWAYS someone less fortunate than I am…It kicks my butt into gear : ) lol.
Gemma X

Julie - To stay positive, I remind myself that Christ is my strength. To me there is nothing more positive than knowing Him and knowing that He is in control. 🙂

Lisa - Something positive… That God created me with ME in mind. That as i get closer to Him, i become everything he created me to be.

L - I tell myself “I could always have less”

kathy Eller - Honeslty? I just remind myself that I have to step and turn this around. NOt very profound huh? Obvioulsy I need a georgous inspirational print:)

Liza - When faced with a crossroads, remember “All roads are good” ~ Blessings always

Vicki - I have to remind myself to allow God’s grace to soak in instead of getting frustrated at myself for my own inadequacies or failures. It can get tough sometimes!

erica - I remind myself how blessed I am to be a child of God!!!

dawn - “Remember to breathe.” I use that one a lot — if nothing else, I slow down for a few seconds and add oxygen. 🙂 And “everything happens for a reason” — even though I seriously question it from time to time.

shiela - what i have to remind myself & my kiddos…be grateful, don’t take things/people for granted, share, obey.

Brittany - To keep positive, I pray. I tell myself…it’ll all work out the way God has planned and in my head I play Ellen DeGeneres’ voice (Dori from Finding Nemo): “just keep swimming, just keep swimming”…
I love Studio Mela too! Lovely art!!

Elyce - I tell myself that this too shall pass all the time.

Mary Beth - I tell myself that nobody is looking at the zit on my chin. They are thinking about the zit on their OWN chin!

Leah - I constantly remind myself to let my daughter stop and smell the flowers because she’s doing that for the first time. It’s sobering to really think about that.

Kelsey - I tell myself that everything will be ok even when I can’t see that it will because God is in control and he ultimately will always work for His glory and for the good of all mankind. He tells me that I can trust in that promise and that it is sufficient.
Love the work! Thanks!

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totally random in every way

dreaming about everything in the american girl catalog on the trampoline.

scott is #80


scott played great in his first year of jr. high football.
it is pretty cool seeing him in those black and gold uniforms. 

sean found this BIG bug in the yard and we watched it climb.
he went in and got an insect book but we couldn't find anything like it.

craig and all his girls took the dog on a walk in the woods.

pretty porch pumpkins.


see….i told you it was a random post. 

Jacci in Ohio - Well, I see that your womderful readers have already told you that Sean found a wheelbug. They’re one of the bugs in the “Assasin Bug” category. So fun to look at, but good thing he didn’t try to hold it 🙂

Erlita Fisher - Elisalou had a similar bug on her blog…
Looks perfectly Halloween-ish to me!

patty - what beautiful glimpses into life…
my daughter has already dog-eared the whole catalog and declared this coming xmas an”american girl christmas!”… for about a week, then she took it back.
oh to be young and full of dreams!

Mary - Ahhh . . . the american girl catalog.
I had as much fun as my daughter back in the days when we ordered those delicious accessories.

Christina - You’re so cute!

Sally H. - It’s a Wheel Bug, that huge hook thing can cause a bite that causes bit whelts. But they are not aggressive, and beautiful to look at. Isn’t nature fantastic!

aimee - i love random!! 🙂

elisa - Don’t research assassin bugs!

Jenn - Oh my gosh I totally used to dream over the American Girls catalog when I was little too. I remember saving for 2 years to buy Samantha… Ahhh, good memories. My mom still buys clothes for her at Christmas — 21 years later.

Heather - That is a wheel bug and they are rockin’ cool! Looks like a stegosaurus! We live in KS, too and we’ve been finding them in our front yard.

Mindy Harris - The Sean picture is precious. He still has a eensy bit of “baby” left in that purdy little face.
And Craig…*blushes*

Karen Greenfield - My daughter is 25 and I am 61 and we are right there with the American Girl catalog choosing, daydreaming, wishing I’d had it as a child…….which dolls do they have? I have Kirsten, Dinah has Flick (Felicity), Josefina, Addie and we inherited my Mother’s Molly when my Mom died. They are all looking forward to getting into their best outfits and sitting our for Christmas. xxKaren

Valerie - That’s why I come by to see what random thing you’ve posted today. Have a great weekend.

karen - I just booked my family with a session with Blue Lily is Houston in May.
I knew you would understand how excited I am…my family is not too excited now but are in for quite a surprise!!!!
I can’t wait.

Cari - Sometimes randomness = awesomeness.
Oh, and if you see some weirdo continually clicking onto your site from the Little Rock area, don’t worry. It’s me. I’ve been enjoying going back to the beginnings of your blog whenever I get the chance. I’ve laughed and cried. Our stories are eerily similar.
Happy weekend!

Chelsea - We’ve always called those bugs “stink bugs”… They make a stinky smell like a skunk!

Staci - I love random 🙂

Jill - I’ll have to tell Sean that I’ve seen 2 of those same bugs at my house. Very weird looking!

a pocket full of posies - LOVE the apron!!! too fun!
Have a wonderful/fun weekend!

Rach - Sometimes random makes more sense to me. 🙂

Lisa - My girls have been carrying the American Girl catalog around for a week! My personal favorite…the $300 camper…sheesh.

*LuLu* - Say Hello To The Pancake King For Me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sugar Mama - You have just inspired me to take more every day photos…. the “just because” photos. They are always my favorites to look at!

Krista - Yikes! That is a Wheel Bug or an Assassin Bug!!! HATE THEM!! Luckily I didn’t find any this year, had lots last year.
Love Craig’s apron, did you make it? Cute stitching!
My girls also drool over the American Girl catalog. I am wondering if you have any at your house and how your girls take care of them. They’re a big investment, and though my daughter’s really begging for one, I am worried it will end up at the bottom of a pile of stuff in the play room and be forgotten. They’re still not understanding the concept of money, $100 and $1 are all the same to them!
Happy Weekend to you!

Tammy - I love your blog & love your random photos! Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh, and I love the ‘pretty porch pumpkins’!

Jennifer De Los Santos - In my attepmt to organize every minute, I constantly fail, and “randomness” happens. I am growing to love the random daily things that make me smile.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - A man who cooks AND wears an apron IS hot, hot, hot!;) I love your random posts. Have a great weekend girlie.

sharron - I saw a commercial last night and it looked like your Annie!
Happy Random weekend!!!

jennifer - My daughter would love to be right there in the middle of that American Girl drool-fest. Too cute! And all those pumpkins on the porch are great! Love all the different colors and sizes.

Carly Winborne - i think it’s funny that your husband is wearing an apron that announces him as pancake king yet he’s making bacon. that just made me giggle.

Mary - Ok, so I was just informed by my hubs that “stinkbug” is not what this one is really called. That is just its nickname around here because when you kill one (yes, that sounds just bad when you type it) they smell like sour green apple.
Ok, thats all I got.

Mary - I love your random posts! The pic of you and Talby in the car is my favorite. And isn’t that a Stinkbug??

Kimberlee J. - That pancake king apron cracks me up!

tasha roe - random is good!
isnt that a stink bug?

Juli - I love the picture of you & Talby in the car-so Norman Rockwell. My 9 yr old has been pouring over the AG catalog too.

Keri @ Keri's Korner - I just love your pics. Even though they are random, they are great!!

Suzanne Speight - Can I just say that I love Waffle? I have even shown him to my husband, and sometimes I will see a dog that resembles him and yell, “Look, there goes a Waffle!” What kind of dog is he and does he shed? (I’m sure you answer this a lot, sorry)

Sarah - I used to do just what Talby and Annie are doing – I’d look through the American Girl catalog for hours! My friends and I would pretend we were the girls in the catalog – oh the memories! It’s good to see little girls haven’t changed all that much!

Crystal - Random is my favorite! How cool is it that Craig is “man enough” to sport that apron!! lol Have a great day!!!

Melanie - Sounds like a perfectly normal day:)

Holly - How do you get your husband to wear an apron? Mine just won’t. Great pics.

Tracy - LOL those are GREAT every day photos and Random is always interesting! Have a great day and a great weekend, Meg! :O) xoxoxo

Liza - Aloha – The bug Sean found is called a Wheel Bug. Visit for great info on all sorts of winged, crawly and creepy things.
Happy random time from the land of Aloha ~

Julie - Random is where the good stuff of life is ~ it’s the not planned, just living stuff. Like it!

Jenni Carlisle - I {heart} random. Love your porch pumpkin patch. We use to have the plates your Hubs is holding in the last pic. How’s that for random? Have a fab weekend!

Taking Heart - I love random little notes in between the random photos… very… random.
Have a great weekend!!!

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love my job.

because i get to meet special people every single session.

shiloh…it made my day to meet your sweet girl.
thank you for trusting me.
i hope applebees was a great reward for all the smiles we got.

she is fabulous!

Shiloh - Thanks Meg for the great photo session! Tons of fun. 🙂 You made my girl feel like she was on top of the world like I knew you would. What a special day!

Shauna - What a great shot! Also, it’s not too often I hear of someone with my name. 🙂

Kate B. - You’re pretty awesome. 🙂

Lee Anne - I love how that sweater just ‘pops’ against her fabulous hair color and the red brick behind.

Sarah@Clover Lane - What a beautiful girl. Wouldn’t it be great to have naturally highlighted hair like that? Shallow I know but I want it!

Heather - love her haircut and the life in her smile!!

Courtney Walsh - awww, you are lucky! 🙂 I love the green in her shirt! So bright and fun! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Love the sparkle in her eyes… makes me wonder what you just said to get that reaction? : )

Lanny Stanard - What a doll…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - so cute…and they are blessed to have YOU too! Geesh what I wouldn’t do to have you take OUR pics;)

KTG - sweet

Lisa - they say when you do a job you are passionate about you dont work a day in your life. Gorgeous pic.

Holly - Beautiful girl! You are truly blessed to love what you do!

Julie - You have a GREAT job! And you do it so well. Very cute girl ~ love the green!!

Gemma - So adorable!! You do a great job : )
If any of you get a chance please visit my blog…I’m getting a bit lonely over there!! : (
Thanks : )
Gemma x

ky - Fantastic photo! Fabulous smile!

Mary Beth - When that screen popped up on my computer I had a BIG smile on my face! Love the green sweater, too. So CUTE!!!!

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Camelia - Pretty indeed! Your pictures are great, they produce emotions and this is what it counts! Love them!

patty - oh those textures!

Lori Danelle - While I agree that every other photo you posted is amazing, . . . .
I CANNOT BELIEVE you took a picture of box elder bugs!!!!!!!!!
I hate them with every ounce of my being. I can’t describe to you how they make me feel anytime I see one! But then that’s the biggest thing about them. There is NEVER just one. There are hundreds if not thousands of them.
In a pile.
A huge disgusting, swarming, pile.
I will admit, though I have never done it out-loud, that if there was just one box elder bug (and never, ever the pile) I would say that they were pretty. BUT, since that isn’t the case and the pile is a constant with these vile creatures, I will maintain my disgust for them.
And yes, very unknowingly, you have hit a nerve with me. 🙂
I might be ridiculous, but I just can’t help it!!!
(you’d probably be laughing at me right now if you could see me as I write this. I’m quite agitated & animated as I type!)

jaz - OooooOOOOoo I think you need to enter some of these into our photo challenge this month (the two categories are ‘seasons’ and ‘love’ and need to be emailed to me by tomoz) I love the pumpkin! And I love all the old textures in this old country! Australia is so young in comparison – especially perth where I am from…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - beautiful Meg!

Emily - LOVE!!!

Trish - You make the “mundane” come alive!!

katie w - beautiful photos!

patti - i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…i just love chipped paint!

julia - Hey Meg – I’m giving away a bag…

asnipofgoodness - Just found you, and boy am I glad I did, because, OMGoodness it is Fan-crazy-tastic, and your pics are Wonder-rific-ful I LOVE it all….and shoot me to the moon, for not finding you sooner, because I can’t even wait to see more, or find out what is next, or stop thinking that I wish I was you, I mean, not that I want to stop being me, cause I like me, and I like the life God has given me, I mean I love it, but I want to be more you like, with like the colors, and the textures, and the beauty, anyway, thankyou, for showing the world from a little different perspective, and sharing it, and making it all so super yummy anyway,thanks! You are awesomness personified!

gina f. - phenomenal photos… totally capture fall.. i love them!

Happygirl02 - what kind of camera do you have? It takes GREAT pictures!

Kacey - Fantastic shots! Love the autumn feeling.

Ali Richardson - GREAT shots!

Emily B. - Beautiful shots, you have a great eye! I would never have taken one of those red beetles… but it was really cool! Thanks for the eye-candy!

Arielle - so pretty and festive!! you are so talented. i love clicking over every day for a little dose of happy color. 🙂

Valerie - Very pretty!

tasha roe - and that is why fall us my favorite! - To echo everyone else’s thoughts… what great colors and textures. I just love fall!

Kimberlee J. - This reminds me that I need to get outside TODAY. Thanks.

April R - we live in Florida and it’s still humid and hot here…these help. Thanks =) Just wish I could smell the fall too… with these, almost…Have a blessed day

Courtney Walsh - Loving the fall feel. What lens are you using?

Crystal - Gorgeous pictures!! I love the amazing way you see things. You have a gift to help others see the beauty in them as well. I thank God for finding your blog. 🙂

jennifer - Great pictures! I really like the rusty… handle thingy. 🙂 What is that?

Mel - I love your photos!! Thanks.

jeni - makes my heart sing 🙂

Jodi - VERY pretty!!!
Tell me something, what blog template do you use? The only ones I’ve found make my pictures super small. I love the size of your pictures! Thanks!!


Heather - What beautiful eye candy this morning! I love how you see such “ordinary” objects as a work of art. Fall is always a strong reminder of what an awesome God we serve!

Barbara - love these! Fall is *such* a good model =D

Talia - What a lovely look at Fall (which is my favorite season!).

Dawn - Beautiful! They would make a great wall display!

julia - Thank you for giving me my Fall fix! Great pictures.

Melanie - You always see things in such a creative way. Very pretty.

Lanny Stanard - I agree 100% …

se7en - Pretty indeed!!! Pretty Amazing!!! Love it!!!

Kat - Love the textures and colours.
Great shots!

Holly - Yes. I want to thank you for posting these. I miss Indiana so much this time of year with all it’s colors and smells. It’s just not the same living in Arizona. I’ve been here for 20 years now (hard to believe) and I almost forgot how beautiful they can be. So thank you, thank you.

Susan - Meg. Great Pics. What camera did you use and what lens? I am thinking of getting a new camera for xmas. Many Thanks, Susan.

Julie - I love texture and patina! Very pretty indeed!

Sarah - My sister sometimes takes texture pictures, like those pics of bark. She prints the texture pic larger, and puts another picture on top, so that it has a nice border. You should try it sometime, it looks really pretty.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Mmmmm… Pretty 🙂

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