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i have lost my mind.

i decided on vacation that i was SICK of tv and video games.
while on vacation i loved the kids' relaxing morning tv time while i slowly woke up.
but then it was just hard to get it OFF again.

so i decided that until school starts….no more tv or computer.

the sign is just a reminder for them.
it has been very different.
we have NEVER done this.
my kids are so confused.  disoriented.  lost.  zombie-like.

they have no idea WHAT to do.

i have entertained them all that i know how.
i need some ideas.

WHAT do you do with your kids?!
what do they play?
my kids don't know how to play?!!!

it's 100 degrees outside…..they won't go out except for a short bit to swim.

help me ladies.
i have crafted my heart out and they need something to do ON THEIR OWN.

conversation overheard yesterday with annie and her friend:

annie:  let's make cards!

friend:  yeah, let's make a card to give to your mom that says "you're mean"
            for not letting you watch tv.

annie:  i don't know how to write.
ps….this no computer and tv rule does not apply to me.

all my work is on my computer.  
and i don't watch much tv except at night when they are all in bed.

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BBQ Meatballs…craig’s favorite


my feast of goodness cookbook.
it’s a cookbook from the church craig and i were married in….made in the 90’s.
it’s one of those that all the women of the church submit recipes for as a fundraiser.

it has been well loved.
it’s a mess….dirty, crumpled, pages falling out.
i left it on a hot burner once and the cover is burned!

on page 56 is Judy Schroeder’s Meatballs.
i have been making this meal for 15 years.

i don’t know who judy schroeder is.
but i thank her for this wonderful meal.

you will need this ……and brown sugar.

now….you can’t make this meal without getting your hands dirty.

everything goes in a bowl and you mash it up.
i have always used my hands.
if you want to take your time with a spoon….that is up to you.
i can’t imagine it working though.
my hands have always been what i use.
i guess you could wear gloves.
i don’t.

it’s slimy.

mix it up till it looks like this.

then you make them into meatballs.

i should have had 24 but i ended up with 25.
just make it fit.

(it is killing me not to mention anything about pete schweddy right now…..)

put in your oven at 350 for 30 – 40 minutes.
while it’s cooking you make your bbq sauce.

super easy.
take the pan out of the oven and put on the sauce.

i just put one spoonful over each meatball.
of course….i have to leave a few without sauce….for the picky eaters.

then you put it back in the oven for 10 minutes until it’s bubbly hot.

and that’s it.
we ALWAYS have mashed potatoes with this dish.
and i feel weird that there is nothing green on this plate.

i also feel weird wearing heels and white pants while holding a plate of meatballs!

is this weirder??
smiling AT the camera with a plate of meatballs?

the point of making this meal was to make craig smile.
he did.
he walked in the door and smiled and said “OHHHH! it smells goooood in here!”
exactly what i wanted to hear.
annie threw a major fit about having to eat a meatball
even after i had made it without sauce JUST for her.

she. threw. her.  meatball.

do you think june cleaver had to deal with that?

catsup is ketchup.
my grandmother always pronounced it catsup…so i didn’t even think to mention what it was.
yes….catsup IS ketchup.

******second update!
i had just come from church and that is why i am dressed up.
craig stayed for church business at the last service of church so i was able to prepare
“sunday dinner” the way he grew up with…and loves.
i don’t usually deck out in jewelry and white pants to make saucey meatballs.
but i wanted to still look cute when he got home.





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a few answers.

you sure had some great questions!
i wrote them all down and i am going to randomly answer some now & some later.
here goes:

1. how much time do you spend on personal appearance?

not much.
most days i don't wear make-up, i "do" my hair every other day or so,
and wear capris and t-shirts nearly everyday.

BUT i DO try to look decent most days by the time my husband gets home.
i pop a piece of gum in my mouth before he walks in for a minty fresh kiss…change OUT of my pajamas
from the night before….or my nasty gym clothes from the morning workout that was 7 hours prior.

he has always been sweet to say that he thinks i am a "natural beauty" (aauuuwwww)
so i don't worry too much about needing makeup.
i feel better about MYSELF though when i am wearing makeup. 
if i only have a little time….i will put on powder and lip gloss….and mascara

2. what kind of friends are your favorite? 

confident women.
kind hearted.
honest about their lives.
honest about their hurts and struggles.
accepting of my flaws.

not all friends are like this.
but when you find them…you know.
they are the ones worth keeping.

3. what is it like to have a teenager?


there were many questions about raising a teenager…what is it like?  what's your advice? 
how do you talk about sex? what are the rules for clothing? chores? cell phones? etc.

guess what….i have all these same questions!!!
i have to be careful because my teenager reads my blog.
(she claims she doesn't because it's a "stupid lame blog" but i am smart enough to know better)
since she reads it i have to chose my words differently than if she didn't.
mothers could understand me 100% while teenagers would get the exact opposite from what i say.

so….i will say that…so far….raising a teenager has been….


but really…there is nothing i could tell you that would prepare you for it.
like childbirth.
it's all talk until YOU are living it.

it's hard.
and possibly wonderful at times.
i am hopeful for many more of those times.
and there WILL BE as we all get used to what it means to be parents of a teen and just to BE a teen.
we are ALL learning as we go here.

i TRUST that God is in control.  
HE will cover over my mistakes in raising my children with HIS Grace.
i am trying my best with God's guidance and that is the best i can do.
i pray for "grace like rain" to come over my parenting…please.

she is learning to drive.
it's quite an experience.

4. where did you get the rainbow shoes?
they are from ———–.

5.  do you have an accent?

not really.
i think i sound "normal".
i sound….like american actors on tv…?  

helpful answer?  doubtful.
kansans don't sound like texans if that is what you meant.
someday i will post a video so you can hear me.
6. how do you pronounce your last name?

great question!
duerksen is pronounced DERK-sen.
i don't know why the U is in there….it's a german thing i am guessing.

7. what is your favorite George Clooney role?

oh my.
i just got all sweaty thinking about all the george clooney roles that i love.

i loved him on ER.
like really loved him.
when nurse carol left the show and HE showed up at the end…i rewound that tape like ten times!
he is dreamy.

i loved him in Out of Sight….he was steamy.

Up in the Air….because he seemed human.

Oceans Eleven….because he is so good at being handsome.

i could go on and on.
but let's just look at him for awhile….i love the gray hair.
George Clooney -1-300 
George_Clooney - 3 - Good_Night_and_Good_Luck


8.  do you sleep?!!

i am a night owl.
i love to sleep in.
i don't sleep a LOT but i do loooove to sleep.
i go to bed late (midnight or after) every day…unless i am sick.
i always have since i was a kid…my poor mother.

9. how did you meet chicago jen?

i met jenny at our apartment building in Des Plaines, IL. 
i was 22.  (whoa)
we lived in the same hall with one apartment between us.
she and dave were newlyweds….we had been married two years? i think.
we only had little lauren at the time.

i soon found out that her aunt was MY HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH TEACHER.
for real.
Senora Ens was jenny's aunt.
and that jenny had visited her aunt every easter growing up.
in kansas….from illinois.
Senora Ens lived ON MY BLOCK!!!
so our entire childhood….we were a block apart on easter and never knew.
and i was most likely the worst student Senora Ens ever had.
i spent more time in the hall than the classroom and i got a D-… embarrassing.
she was craig's teacher too but he transferred out right away to Weights Class instead.  

jenny and i went to the same church in glenview.
we started a small group bible study with a few other couples….and the rest is history.
lots and lots of history.

love you chicago jen.
and dave…i love you too.
but i promise not to hug you.

can we see the dining room?       

it's not done yet.
craig has done all the work that he can and we are waiting on me! 
he painted for HOURS.

i have curtains to make….furniture to paint…pictures to hang.

i PROMISE i will show you when it's done.
why wouldn't i?!!

11. are you a shy, quiet person in real life?

i don't think anyone would ever describe me as quiet.
and i don't think that i am shy.

i get intimidated and nervous sometimes.
but i don't think that i am shy.

i like to talk. (understatement)
and i love making people laugh.

my personality is Sanguine on those tests you take.

12. do you and craig ever fight?

we are not perfect.
did you think we were?
surely not.
of course we fight…but not often.

right now…we have very little to fight about.
we try to talk about issues that may come up.
and to speak kindly to each other and about each other when we are apart…aka: husband bashing.
marriage is hard work that takes upkeep and determination.

seriously……we are having so much fun together! 
i spend a lot of time thinking about what i can do for him and i feel he does the same for me.
for example, i made one of his favorite meals for sunday lunch today and he seemed surprised and happy.
that's love.
and later he sent scott upstairs to me with a plate of dinner while i was working.
kind of like breakfast in bed.
it was so sweet.

13.  where can i find…..

the rainbow ribbon…….walmart sewing/craft dept

the red EAT letters…….pottery barn clearance 3 years ago.

the red and white bowl……anthropologie 6 months ago.
cute purses………..elisalou

recipe for rainbow cake……..may 22, 2009

be kind to others print………..the wheatfield. 

where i print my pictures…… 

14. your husband is hot. 

wait….that wasn't a question.
it is fact.

he is scrumtralescent…i just made up a word on the spot.  :)

15. what do you like most and least about blogging.

i love the community we have here in blogland of mostly happy, kind people.
i love the encouragement you give me and the feeling of accomplishment of having my family's
story recorded….good and bad.

i dislike….the time it takes to download pics on a post.
am i doing it wrong?
surely there is a way you could just drag them across from your files to your post?!
it would save me SO much time if you can.

and i dislike people who are mean….leave mean comments…take their time to actually write 
something that would hurt someone else.  
least favorite for sure.


i think that that is ENOUGH about me for today!!!

that was probably too much actually.
hope you aren't asleep by now.

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other fun stuff to do in small towns in michigan.

walk down the road to the Fluff & Suds for an ice cream treat.
(dave….i forgot to pay you back for this…sorry)


go bowling on dollar bowling night.


pick fruit.
we picked cherries and peaches.

smiley face on her peach.

we teased poor lauren stuck at a peach farm with her family saying "what are you texting?!"
"text: i am sitting on a stump in a peach orchard.  what r u doing?"
but she called me out with the dreaded "you text MORE than i do!"


go see a movie.
$5 tickets and .50 pop and .50 popcorn!!!
for a NEW movie….we saw Despicible Me.
the LOMA rocks!

but the best entertainment we found was something Dave brought with him.
it cost $6 total.
it deserves it's own post.

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block party

my kids have been waiting all summer for this day.
they couldn't wait to put up the barricades and block off our street.
all the kids on our block rode their bikes in the street all day.
they love that freedom.

we partied on friday instead of the 4th and thank goodness we did.
it's been raining all day long here.

i have a ton of pictures…
russ and jennifer bring out the bonzai falls.
it's the kid's favorite part of the day.
they were on it for about four straight hours.
we call this the firecracker walk.
the kids go around the circle and when the music stops we draw a number
and if it's the number they are on
 they get to pick a prize from miss amy's bucket of kids firecrackers.

finally her number was called.  
so funny.
water balloon toss.

the men of the block working the grills.
the one is red is quite handsome i must say….especially his hat.

we had PLENTY to eat.
i ate way too much.
it was all really good….rhonda's salsa was SO good…i need her to make me a huge bowl.


the other miss amy made sidewalk chalk paint.
the street was so pretty.
i am going to make some more of that here too.

there was a weird app on russ's phone that makes you look fat…..whatever.

it was a great party.
annie wanted to go to bed before the big fireworks.
i went in and laid down with her…when i woke up she was asleep and the big fireworks were done.

i missed them too.

after we cleaned everything up in the dark at midnight we had our annual adult water balloon fight.
it's a tradition.
this year was very tame.
i think because russ and cory went in early.
next party….we are gunnin' for both of you…the cooler is getting dumped on them and not amy.

way to go neighbors.
our block party was super-great… we used to say in cheer.

(miss amy #1 ….blogged it here)
(miss amy #2 ….blogged it here)

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winner and wednesday

the winner for the pillow is….

And one last time I voted for it.

Tammy…i emailed you at the address that you use to leave comments.  (tammygilliam)


i won second place.
not an iPad but an ipod touch.
and you know….that is pretty awesome too!

i don't know if i will listen to the Howling Bells….but maybe?
i am so excited to get it!

an iPad would have been great….but this is just as great to me.
and my kids wouldn't even think of asking to share this with me.
the iPad…they would ask everyday.
and mine would end up like Pioneer Woman's…i am sure of it.

Peanut Butter Baby won in the end.
and he was a really cute baby.
i am happy for her.
she said her husband would be using it for med school… that is awesome!
good for her….congrats Kierra.

you know what?
i am feeling good this morning.
i haven't even had coffee yet.
but i am feeling good….God is good….my husband rocks…my friends are fabulous….i am happy.

so how about two more winners?

and now vote # 2….you are still in 1st place girl!

vote #4 – man i hope you win!!

i can't wait to make pillows for you.
i love my blog readers.
you have no idea how all your kind comments and encouraging words lift me up each day.

my mom is visiting today.
two bathrooms need to be deep cleaned.
i have photos to edit.
and we are having another overnight guest.
i bet you know her.
i have never met her in real life….or her family who is coming with her…and her cat and hamster.
i will tell you about it tomorrow.
but right now….i need to change the sheets, vacuum the rug and scrub a toilet so she can be comfy.
remebering Rachel's video today "i am here to serve with joy"
i forget so quickly.

i am calling on two verses today:


i always love the whatever verse. 🙂
go out today and be kind to others.

i hope that all of YOU have a wonderful day today.

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my goofy kids


sean:  i wish my last name was AWESOME.



sean:  i bet there is no one in the world with the last name Chickenspray. 
i bet he's right.


annie: MOM! sean is eating his breakfast in his underwear!
         (she is also standing there in the kitchen telling me this….in her underwear!)

 sean: annie…these aren't underwear.  they are boxers.  
        Hunter eats his breakfast in his boxers all the time.
        (Hunter is my teenage nephew that we have not seen in 6 months)

annie: well sean…HUNTERS are mean and do bad things like kill animals!  
         (so confused)
me: would you both stop fighting! just try to get to along!!!

annie: hey sean…do you want to try that? should we just not fight and be nice?

sean:  annie…when someone is bothering me i just try to not listen and ignore them.
          except when it's scott.
          he just annoys me so bad and i then i get so mad……

annie calls raviolli "graveeoli"

she calls sharpies "pern-a-get mawkawrs"

she always says "in-specially" for especially. 


she said
"chocolate rocks.  vanilla does not rock…but chocolate does rock!" 


annie: "mom, can we have more babies in our house?"

me:     "well…i would like that but it's up to God.  
            if God wants us to have more babies…we will."

annie: "ssshhhhhh…be quiet…… i hear jesus.  he's says… get to have more babies!"

me: "HA HA HA…you'll have to tell daddy about that"


annie said 
"today i'm going to bring my fake In-merican girl to school…AND MY WORMS!!"


sean: "MOM…would you have the crown of knowledge from harry potter…
          or a pan of baked potatoes?"

before i could answer he said "i know i know…crown of knowledge.  me too"

ME:  "i like ET because it was the first movie i saw in the theater.
        we didn't go to movies very often like you guys do.
        there weren't as many movies for kids and it was too much money"

talby: "so you were POOR?!"

ME:  "yeah…we kind of were…sort of"

talby: "did everybody wear knee high socks?"

sean: "and those hair things….scruncies?!"

what in the world? 

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