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don't you love a day when you have big list and you kick butt at it?!

post office

check check check!

it's the little things that make me happy….

like finding $5 dvds that are good at the grocery store.  YES!

like 2 magazines in my mail box on the same day.

like yummy salsa and sour cream with chips for lunch.

like texting with a friend half a country away….ahhhh.

i have more good things to tell you about.
REAL good things.

over one hundred of you asked me for the address to send your crafty goodness to the 
water4christmas etsy shop.  

it will open december 5.
be ready to shop.  
(confession….as of now…i still only have the one shirt and one burp cloth made….)

but it's not about me….it's about YOU crafty ladies!  
you are SO AWESOME!


another cool….REALLY COOL thing…..the
YOU can be a part of it too.

the Adventure Project is this:

read this post.   and this post.  and this is a good one too.

you can help by buying COAL for christmas. 


check it all out at the ADVENTURE PROJECT.
we can't wait for you to join the tribe.

blog it…facebook it….tweet it…join us….BUY COAL!

i know that i spent a lot of money this weekend on stuff for my family.
just stuff…to play with…or wear to feel pretty in…to entertain us.
and i am guessing you did too.

not stuff to keep us healthy, alive and safe.
i spent money on just stuff.
buying coal is so much more important than my STUFF.
i am excited about this opportunity! 


julia - uh..$4 for Elf at Target….

Casey - I need one of these days..

shelley - ok…i know this post is about more than your list, but crazy that this morning as I was opening my blinds and looking around my messy came to my mind. I have never even met you, but I thought “how does Meg get all this done, have such a beautiful family and home…and look so great” geeesh !! Then you go and post this list ugh !! Oh well. Jude is down to nap, guess I need to get offline on onto the chores.

Lisa - Thanks for providing us with the info and organizations where we can give. I think sometimes people want to help but don’t know where or what to give too. By talking about it on your blog you are giving lots of people an opportunity to feel like they are a part of something that is helping others! Hopefully this will spur others to continue doing this all year long! I am trying to never forget that there are so many who need our help. Its easy to forget and live our lives as if they don’t exist. My prayer is that I would never push these issues aside. Thanks for using your blog for these kind of things as well as all the other fun and real things you share!

Trina McNeilly - Ok.. I like how getting you’re groceries done makes you happy. I’m going to keep that in mind tomorrow when I go. I don’t know what it is about the grocery store but it is like my least favorite place.
I had a little something to say about you and christmas decor on my blog today 🙂
Glad you are having a great Monday!!!!!
xo Trina

april - very cool…i will check these charities out!!!

christy - finding 2 good 5$ dvds at the grocery store is awesome. but i think giving coal for christmas is even more awesome!!

Gina - I’d still love to get that address for Water4Christmas too. I’ve e-mailed you and someone else and haven’t gotten it. I’m sure I just got missed in the awesome response. Thanks!!! 🙂

emily - what a cool new organization. We are exchanging donations to our favorite charities in our family this year and I have yet to decide! I’m going to take a look at this one and perhaps someone will give coal on my behalf this christmas!

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another last of the firsts….


i have had just about enough of this growing up junk!
she needs to stop it.
just stop.
kids aren't supposed to lose teeth until first grade.
this is so unfair to the mama.

but it's pretty cute either way.

especially when it fell out while eating a brownie.
she looked horrified and i said "what's wrong?"
and she spit out her tooth!
then her eyes got huge and her smile was ear to ear (with brownie all over mouth) and she screamed
and skipped away to tell her siblings.

craig looked at me and we both made the face that means "that is the cutest thing ever" to each other.

George Quirk - How much did she get from the tooth fairy? OK, jokes aside, I agree that it’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. I can’t even stop laughing right now. =D

Tammy @ Making a House a Home! - Aw, she is so cute! Congratulations Annie! They grow up so fast!
My daughter always kept her teeth, she didn’t want the tooth fairy to take them away! Not even for money!

coffee and daisies - i know how you feel about the youngest growing up to quickly. i have a daughter that is 6 and even though i love the idea of her maturing and being independent, i can’t help but still (desperately) look for features that remind me of when she was a baby…(does that make sense?)
i love the fact that her hands still look little and chubby, she sleeps with a teddy bear, and she still loves to be cuddled…yay!
they grow up TOO FAST!!!!!

Crystal @ Ordinary Days - I sooooo know how you feel. Tonight we had a “Hanging of the Greens” service at church. Megan snuggled in my lap the whole time and I held her a couple times when we were standing. It hit me hard that this would be the last hanging of the greens service where I would probably be able to hold her. 🙁 Why do they have to get bigger?

Lisa - Aw! That makes me want to cry! And she’s not even my baby girl! haha. I know my day will come…

Kat - Another beautiful milestone.
So glad you recorded it with a photo 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Stop it!!! Calvin just lost his tooth – the one right beside Annie’s goner – an hour ago! Sniff sniff. And I thought the same thing – it’s supposed to happen NEXT year!

Lorilee - AWWW! She looks so excited! I lost my first tooth LITERALLY! I dropped it down the drain while rinsing it off! I am looking very pathetic in the photo my mom took! The tooth fairy did come.

Lindsay - PRECIOUS!

Melanie - She looks so cute!

Julie - I’m always a little sad when I know that we’ve experienced a last time for a first among our brood of five too. Hubby and I also have the “cutest thing ever look” for those moments ~ sweet! Your Annie is so cute! 🙂

pam - I LOVE her reaction! She is adorable. It is hard to watch them keep growing up…especially the youngest one….so many first lasts with them. Our oldest lost her first tooth a week before her 5th birthday. We were eating out, I looked over at her and she had her hand out with something small and white on it. She had tears and said, “I’m loosing body parts”. I didn’t know it happened that young and none of her friends had lost any. Needless to say we were all trying to control our laughter while we told her it was part of life.

april - she does look so happy….conrats annie….love the pic….<3

Marisol Avila - So cute!! You can see the happiness in her eyes & smile!
PS – Where did you get the polaroid frame? 🙂

Courtney Walsh - awww, she is early! My son just lost his first tooth and he’s an OLD first grader (already seven.) I was starting to imagine him graduating high school with two rows of baby teeth. lol It IS adorable though! 🙂

Amy - Our sweet daughter, who is is kindergarten, JUST lost her first tooth yesterday TOO!! I got a bit teary eyed as well….They look alike!!
Congrats to sweet Annie!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i’m a sap too…it’s okay!

Holly - oh how sweet! My boy doesnt have any loose teeth yet so it is looking like first grade before he will lose his!

Shannon - Ha ha! My youngest lost her first tooth eating a fruit roll-up! What’s even better is that she had no clue…she swallowed the tooth and didn’t even realize she’d lost it!

Amy Lynne - Mine started losing teeth in Kindergarten too. My oldest lost his first tooth at school. I picked him up and knew something was different about his smile. It was too cute!

Grace - Congratulations, Annie!
(Great picture, Momma!)

Jessica Kujawa - Such a cute picture! My daughter started losing hers at 5 yrs. old and I said the same thing…first grade pics are supposed to be the ones with teeeth missing…not kindergarten! 9 teeth later and counting! sheesh…

Nikki - Yay Annie 🙂 How much does the tooth fairy pay in America?
I was reading Mary’s comment above about forgeting to leave money. I forgot for not one, but two nights… I felt so bad… but covered up by saying that the tooth fairy couldn’t find it. On the 3rd night Yana left notes all over the house… thank goodness the tooth fairy came 😉

Heather - Ahhhhh. I hear you. My oldest lost her first two teeth earlier this year. IN JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN!!!! She had barely turned five. 🙁

Mary - I just hope the tooth fairy remembers to stop by. Have you ever seen a child’s face walk down for breakfast with tooth in had that the tooth fairy had forgotten, followed by a panic look exchanged between parents? Not a proud parent moment but one they will remind you of and laugh about as teenagers!

Beth @ Dirty Laundry - I tell them to stop growing ALL THE TIME! No one ever listens to me. Congratulations to Annie. I hope the tooth fairy remembers!

Sophie - Aww, this is so precious! I can still remember the first time I lost a tooth – I was absolutely terrified!
Congrats, ‘lil lady! (:

Janelle - And after making that face to each other, are you sure you didn’t add, “are you sure you don’t want just ONE MORE?!” – ha! Because that’s what I would have said to my hubby…

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thinking about…..

i hope for this kind of day soon.

i would be wearing these… 
while wrapped up in this….


drinking a peppermint latte…..


reading my Holiday magazine….


listening to my favorite christmas music….


while my kids decorate the tree….


sounds nice doesn't it?

happy weekend to you.
did you shop for black friday?
i always do.
you couldn't keep me away from stores on black friday!
i love it.

Yaz - the whole thing made me salivate!

julia - Didn’t you mention that mag before??? I get the feeling that it’s following you around from room to room whispering “read me”

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Girl I got those exact slippers on right now, except mine are pink and orange. So comfy and cute! We were driving home on Friday. I’m holding out for Cyber Monday;)

Kathryn - eeps! i ordered those exact slipper boots from ON and they came the day before thanksgiving! looooove them!! 🙂 they make me happy. 🙂 hope you get a day like that very soon! 🙂

amac - Charlie Brown Christmas is my favorite too! I just LOVE it!!! So soothing, so classic, and wonderful in every way 🙂 I live in a country that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so no black Friday sales 🙁 I did online shop a little. Does that count?!

AshleyAnn - You couldn’t pay me to deal with crowds on Black Friday! All those pictures make me miss flip flops and iced lattes…debbie downer i am.

Kristin S - Hilarious to read through the comments.
Yep, hit Target around 4am and watched everyone in the LONG organized line. Once they all got in, I entered. Thankfully I wasn’t there for electronics. Those people were psycho. I got everything on my list and people-watched. Went back later with returns on some impulse buys I think will be cheaper later. 🙂
Drove through Chick fil A drive thru around 5am and was back in bed by 5:30.
Now dish. Where are those slippers from???

Stephanie - I did shop, but from the comfort of my chair! I don’t like shopping much by going out. I usually find ideas and items for people throughout the year, then supplement with handmade gifts. Much nicer that way, plus I spend shopping time making things, which makes me feel much better!

Margo - I did the black Friday shopping thing for the first time in my life – it was crazy! I felt sorry for the guy in line in front of me at super Target at 3:45 am who said he only went there to get Deli meat! The woman in front of him asked him why he didn’t just go to the grocery store – he didn’t have an answer!

Charla - You are crazy. I can’t fathom the frenzy that is Black Friday. My sanity is worth more than saving a few bucks. End of story.

The Fairy's Apprentice - hope you’ll be doing that soon! No black friday shopping for me, even on internet, but I wish I would have done it. I ordered some photo funny gear from (a big THANK YOU!) and I’m waiting for it to come. I didn’t buy any of the Christmas presents, but I have a nice list on my mind.

Gemma - Looking forward to seeing some Thanksgiving pics!!!
Gemma x

leonie - tell me thats not your tree! I read it as though its a ‘dream’ day not one that has happened yet… am I wrong???? just wondering is this black thing you speak of crazy shopping day???I have no idea….love love those slippers!

Melanie - I’d be the one at home with the slippers, coffee, and music while you were out shopping:)

danielle - love!

Janelle - No Black Friday for me – the only store on the island that has a big sale is Kmart and I’m not getting up at 5:30am to go to Kmart. No thanks. Can’t wait for the container of Christmas trees to reach the island though – I’m ready to decorate our tree!

Regina - that looks like a lovely day indeed! how in the world do we get a day like that . . . or i’d settle for an afternoon that way!

Grace - A peppermint latte sounds perfect for this chilly day!
I did go shopping yesterday—but didn’t have to face Black Friday crowds. I went to the Fiestaware outlet to get ready for Christmas!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend with your family. 🙂

Lisa - Love the slippers and that tree, WOW, that’s great inspiration for decorating our trees this year, huh??! I didn’t do Black Friday shopping this year because my oldest daughter was ‘t able to be home from college this year, and she is my co-conspirator! I missed her and the shopping! I did do some online Black Fri. shopping though 🙂

Kelly Webb - I want the boots! Where did you find the boots??? They need to be on my Christmas list 🙂

Becky - Sounds totally wonderful. I too would love a day like that – any ideas how I can make it happen ??!!!!!

Chris - I braved the Black Friday nightmare and then came home and had some hot cocoa and read that same magazine while the husband took a nap.
Have you tried the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks? It’s total happiness in mug…or cup.

Sheila - No, no and another no. Did black Friday just one time, long time ago, and never did it again. I admire your spunk for getting out there though.

april - Yum for the latte….and I had a craft day instead of shopping…have a great weekend!!!

coffee and daisies - i LOVE your taste. Just fabulous!!! Have a great weekend 🙂

Tanya H - ohhhh I want that day. sign me up!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I can. Not. stop thinking about the SNL “I Love It” thing you introduced us out-of-the-loopers to. Thanks for reminding me all over again. Every time I or anyone else says “I love it!” I think of that funny guy…

Rach - Well that just sounds like the perfect day to me!!!

Leigh - No Black Friday shopping for me. I had to work but I’d probably avoid the stores/crowds even if I’d had the day off. I’m 90% done with my Christmas shopping anyway:)

Crystal Siltman - I love this post! This is so me! Enjoy your weekend!

Julie - this year i have a 3 month old, so i was planning on sleeping in (haha… sleeping in with a 3 month old!) but when i woke up, i HAD to go shopping. it’s a tradition my mom and i do every year, whether we have a list of things to buy or are just window shopping. at 9:00 i called her up and said “Be ready in 15 minutes.” so we went for 2 hours while baby napped at home with dad and brothers. we are usually out there between 4 and 5, but better late than never is what i say!

Holly - I love it! We are having some major house stuff done on monday that requires a lot of furniture to be moved around for a day so no tree this weekend for us. I did do a bit of shopping but today I have photos all day and maybe an hour to kill in betweeen so I might have to do some more then! Happy weekend Megan!

Jana - No Black Friday shopping for us. Stayed in and played in the craft room today. Hope you found some good bargains.

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french bull discount.

remember how much i love french bull?

come over her and see what i have for you…..

Rocket French - Nice selection of colourful items. The leather handbag would a make a perfect gift.

Renee - Too funny. I just got a delivery of the kids plates and cups in the mail today!

leonieke - what a nice site! if you like those happy colours you should really like our dutch store they also have verry colourfull stuff.

Jennifer O'Steen - this is definitely where my (future) wedding registry will be! thank you so much for sharing!

Penny - Ok, this is probably a stupid question and I maybe missed something…Do you have two blogs, why do we link over to see what you are posting. Just curious. French Bull has some cool stuff. Love the dishes.

Vera - Happy Thanksgiving!

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from the money raised last year….

Water For Christmas well in Gbeivonwea, Liberia. from charity: water (special donors) on Vimeo.


happy thanksgiving.

we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.

Ann - Beautiful and well said.

Michelle - I’d like to send something too-
address pls.

karen - That’s beautiful!
Happy Thanksgiving.

Heather - MEG!!! I still need your address to send along a craft. 😀

april - you are so right….:)

Crystal @ Ordinary Days - Cold chills. How can I help?
Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful for your blog. 🙂

Janelle - You’re going to let us know when we can start shopping on that etsy shop, right? I’m ready to buy for Africa!

Jenn Shock - SO awesome! Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for being an inspiration 🙂

Bec - Hey- I was listening to a podcast the other day and learned about these. I know you love giving clean water to Africa and these things are amazing! I think my husband and I are going to donate several this Christmas season.

Melissa - Meg, are you still accepting handmade things for the Etsy shop?

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i love this!

this house print is hanging in my dining room.
i think it's fabulous.
i love it in the off white frame on the off white wall.
i LOVE all the colors.


the artist, judy kaufmann is a sweet girl in barcelona, spain.
she has a neat etsy shop with prints that full of cheerful colors.
wonky little houses with tons of windows are my favorite.


don't you love it?
oh those colors make me happy.
and the cute little birds?  

go check out her shop.


Il_570xN.190308069 Il_570xN.193962381


natalie - wow, LOVE her work. going to have to add some of it to my walls!

Emily - You find the COOLEST things on Etsy. Thank you for all your links. I love your taste. 🙂

Katie @ explanation required - Love it! Going on my wishlist!!

Lucylu ~ - beth did not post the comment above it was going to be me, but i accentually did not change her information!

Vrenith (aka, Beth) - I Love The Pictures Meg!

sherry - LOVE that green circle/tree print. So fun.

normal daily chaos - wauw, it looks great, i’am going to check out haar etsy shop.

jennifer - LOVE that! The cute little birds on all the rooftops… It makes me smile just looking at it!

LeAnn - I do love it, it would look great in my house:)

Anna Marie - So does that mean the dining room is almost done? When will we get to see it? I too, love wonky houses. Cute print!

sara @ it's good to be queen - can’t. wait. to. see. your. dining. room. 🙂

Holly - I really love the colors. I will check out the link!

Lisa - I love those too! Very very cool.
So do we get to see any more of your dining room yet?

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craft thursday #15

of course….since i shouted to the world how much i loooooove being a mom…
my kids gave me the hardest day they have in a long time.
no dessert.
drive me nuts kind of day.
starting immediately at 6:50 AM with a full blown temper tantrum about a shower ending with tears at dinner.
it's like they knew i had written that yesterday and they wanted me to prove that i love it.
i proved it by giving myself a time-out.
after a frustrating dinner that took me 45 minutes to make never leaving the stove top….
which was met with tears and complaining to no end….i cleared my plate and took a super long hot bath.
daddy put them to bed.
and i watched Oprah's Favorite Things on dvr.
and you know…after watching that show how could anyone be unhappy?
everyone is so excited and crying and hugging.
i made it through another day.

and i still love being a mom.


ok….it's turkey time.

this craft was really fun.
the first part was nice…we went for a walk and filled a grocery bag with colorful leaves.

then we turned the leaves in to turkey feathers. 
we started with large circles cut from cardboard.
i just took stuff out of our recycle box and traced around a plate.
you can also use paper plates….but i wanted them to be bigger than that.

i covered annie's with glue.
talby used the glue gun.

we covered the circle completely with leaves.
it was so pretty watching them.

the glue was being used generously.

we had to cut the stems off with scissors because when they tried to break them off with their hands
the leaves would rip.

and i admit that about now in this project a fight broke out about….glue? markers? who knows.
but i yelled "NO.  we are NOT doing this!  GET CRAFTING NOW!"
because i know that when your hands and mind are busy with art…the fighting ends.


the head was cut from a grocery bag.
the beak and feet were orange painted cardboard.
but construction paper would be fine.

googley eyes!
all kids love googley eyes.

IMG_4706 IMG_4723
                                                                                      talby made some glasses.

sean's has the mustache.
IMG_4712 IMG_4722

annie came up with the idea for making clothes, arms and writing "Don' eat me for thanksgiving" – so cute!

if you live somewhere that doesn't have all these pretty leaves on the ground…you could use paper.
or fake leaves.

i found this craft through the crafty crow.


some of you have asked me what i do with all their art projects.
i hang them up!
some of them.
talby has hung most of hers in on her closet door.
and we pass them out to friends or family who visit.

and i am ok with throwing projects away after time.
i am not a saver.
i can throw stuff out without the guilt.

The Best Thanksgiving Activities for Kids - Joy in the Works - […] Nature Collage Happy Thanksgiving Banner from Joy in the Works Zentangle Turkeys from Play Dr. Mom Leaf Turkey Craft by Meg Duerksen of Whatever […]

alice mendoza - Hi!
I loved your continuous drawing owl project but cannot find it when I click on your website from Pinterest. I looked it kids projects too. Thanks for any hints! Alice

Kristin Hayne - Love the art wall.
Love the turkey art (made placecards like that for the kids this year and everyone thought it was genius. Gave full credit to you!
Congrats on the COKE trip. Well deserved!!
You are awesome and you do plant the seeds in a lot of minds out there. This world needs more Moms like YOU!!

jennyonthespot - those are Cuuuuuuuute! I LOVE the googly eyes!

Cassi - Your turkeys look adorable! Thanks so much for linking to The Crafty Crow 🙂

Jen - love the turkeys, how cute! we hang up kid artwork too, then I feel like we really get to enjoy it and I don’t mind tossing them after a few months 🙂

Mary - I wonder what each turkey’s name would be ~ they have such distinct personalities.
i proved it by giving myself a time-out . . .
A perfect solution.

Ky - Meg, can I be one of your kids? I promise not to fight or eat too much.

Jennifer - man we had to look high and low for leaves in So. Cal but we found some, and just made our turkeys, thanks! love it!!

Kristin S - I love my family but… would you adopt me? 🙂

Jeannie - If your testimony for God was not so strong, satan would not have had any reason to mess with you! bless you for boldly sharing your faith and guiding many of us to say out loud that we, too, choose to give honor to God in our days of dirty dishes, laundry, and children squabbling. thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The Fairy's Apprentice - I loved your post because I’m feeling so guilty when I’m upset with my 3 kids! It makes me feel I’m not alone and this is not a battle.
This craft project is such a good idea! You’re such an inspiration!

Leslie P. - Hm…I like what you said about how doing art together makes the arguing disappear. Insightful. I adore those turkeys. Wish we had better and more fall leaves in Socal. Mostly I love the way you regularly demonstrate that beauty in a family is FOUND in the mixture of personalities and emotions, not just in the happy parts.

Casey - Love all their artwork hanging up! Can’t wait to have kiddies of my own to do things like this! I have taken a few pieces of my old artwork/schoolwork and few of my husband’s and plan to frame it for a playroom one day. :]

amy jupin - love talby’s turkey’s glasses.
love the art wall.
love that my kids aren’t the only ones acting wild and crazy. 🙂
and i loved reading about your coke trip. you are awesome.
you really are!

Vicki - So do we call it karma when that happens…when we say, “oh ya, he is a really good dog, never messes in the house.” And then you come home from dropping the kids off from school the next day and the darn dog has just pooped all over the play room. How do they know is my question!

Kori - Things I love about this post:
1. You yelled. Makes me feel normal although I know there are moms yelling at their kiddos all over the world even as I type this.
2. Daddy put the kids to bed while you took time for yourself. My son is 13 and still likes to be tucked in by me, which I have no problem with, but sometimes it’s nice for dad to do it while I read.
3. (my favorite thing) You are capable of throwing away projects. I sooooo need to learn how to do that! I recently tossed a cereal box/paper towel roll robot my son made when he was three and I STILL have guilt over it even though I’ve kept TONS of other stuff!
Your honesty and kindness is such kind gift you give to us blog readers daily that I really appreciate. Makes me wish we were neighbors. 😉

crystal - I give myself time-outs all the time! I’ll say to my daughter: “Mommy needs a time-out,” then I’ll stomp up the stairs and close the door. When I come out, I’m a much nicer Mommy! I think all of the time, how does Megan do it with 5 kids??? How did she survive when all of them were so little! My kids are so demanding, and I only have 2!!!!

Rach - Have you ever thought about being a referee? I can imagine that you come highly qualified after keeping the peace with 5 children in the house.

Tracy - Am off to get some google eyes – my daughter saw these and we now have to make them!! Great idea!! Love it!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen R - I love reading your blog…it is so honest & real! What a great craft too. If I can find some leaves(I live in California!) we are making those turkeys. Thank you for sharing Meg! Happy Thanksgiving!

april - those are super cute and colorful….

candace - i will have to save this idea next year for my classroom. too cute! and your art wall makes me happy, dreaming of the day i can do that with my own kids!

Ali Richardson - I love them, they look GREAT!!!! I posted on my blog about the Water4Christmas Etsy shop and linked back your blog and to the shop. Hope it helps 🙂 My ornament is on my way to Del Mar as we speak. Thanks again for doing what you do 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love the gallery. I used to hang them on my bedroom window before we moved… I need to get back to that! Have a very happy Thanksgiving sweet Meg!

a pocket full of posies - Too cute!!! and I LOOOVE them all hanging together- a little art gallery!! (we have several of those around here- cause I can’t seem to throw anything they do away- wish I could!- we are running out of walls!)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Many Blessings!

Beth - so cute! Glad you showed what you do with crafts, I’ve often wondered. You’re not the only mom out there throwing away old projects ( I do feel guilty, but NO MORE!)

Four Flights - we have tons of leaves in our house right now. this is a great project to do with them!

Toni :O) - Such cute turkeys! Sorry to hear about cranky kids…I’m cranky because I have to work tomorrow and my whole family is off…sigh…I DESPISE new jobs…blech! Here’s a suggestion, before you throw them away, just take a picture of them since you’re such a great photographer! I usually do that before I recycle art projects…then I don’t feel so bad when I do it.

Staci - Love it!!!!! This is what my kids can do while I”m chopping and dicing and chiffoning for 35 people that will invade our house on Thursday 🙂 But I love it! Thanks Megan!

Laura Phelps - SO TRUE! Just wrote how good I am with children, and ALREADY TODAY I wish I had none around me!!!!!
I throw everything away. My kids must think we have a hidden gallery somewhere…they think I have it all…
home, out of the backpack, in the garbage, the end.
can’t save it all.

Elizabeth Gleason - I don’t know what it is. I don’t even know you. . . but just reading your blog makes a bad day not so bad. So Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful you brightened my day:)

Heather R. - Love the turkeys. One wiggly eye big,one small…ha! And Annie’s clothes on her’s(reminds me of Chick Fil A). 🙂
Hope you have a better day. Bickering is great, huh?(ugh.)

Stephanie@Geezees - Love this Thanksgiving Day craft!

Katy - Ooh, I think I will make some turkey art with my girls. 🙂 Hope today is a better day for you (and you get dessert)! PS: I love Oprah!

carols - I usually smile at the artwork, but these are so dang cute I even laughed. Ah yes, I also had some monster mommy moments yesterday with my 12 yr old son. Yup, my kids get my highs and my lows. Their darn good kids though, so I gotta believe in the end, it is all working. Enjoy all your little turkeys this week!

Kimberlee J. - I don’t keep all our treasures either. I put them up on our back door and when the door is full, I take a picture. I then throw all but anything with hands or footprints away.

Suzanne - What treasures! I’m working on the “throwing things away” deal-it’s just so hard.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your lovely family!

Penny - Sorry about the cranky kids! I get so angry when I work hard on a meal and no one appreciates it. Glad you were able to relax with Oprah. I love how you have the kids artwork hung up like that! It looks so happy and cheerful. You are a great mom!

Amy Lynne - I love those turkeys! It is so cool to see the art wall! Thanks for sharing the good and the bad, it keeps it real!

Gemma - Hi Meg.
The Turkeys are so funny!!!!
Love that you can throw them away after a while…I need that kinda attitude!!
Gemma x

Katy Stone - i love how each personality came out in these! i also love how you display their work- i’m sure it makes them so proud and encourages their creativity.
yay for craft thursday! 🙂

Holly - so cute!

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