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pics of our week

hamster webkinz!!

close up snowman painting by talby.

opening a family gift.


sean and his best friend….his new kindle.


talby and her new point and shoot camera.

the most thoughtful and precious gift i received this christmas.

annie's new doll.

drinking straw glasses.

two sleepy parents on christmas morning….full of happiness….grateful for all of it.

the cheapy ping pong set that turend our dining room table into a ping pong table.
the hit of the year.
the best gift we gave….the whole family is into it.

our dining room is now just a game room.  :)

except the two times a year we will eat in it.


new sparkle shoes.

the fondue party with the duerksen side.


playing more of the name game.


annie won the game.
with the name Larry King.  
NOBODY guessed that she would have that name….she was SO HAPPY.
i told her to write it.
but she kept it a secret and never gave it away.

my sister and i….she'd been here five minutes and my dad said "let me take your picture"  
he always does that.
isn't my sister's hair color beeeeautiful?! i love it.
i am thinking about reddish.  and i love hers.

i wish i would have had some lipstick on….

opening gifts with my side of the family.

"thank you for the robe great grandma!!!"

ping pong table is back to a dining room table…..

the kids table.
they sat for like 5 minutes and then they were gone to play barbies.

it's been a busy christmas.
FULL of family.
FULL of food.

i am tired now.
i bet you are too.

and….i admit to having a meltdown and crying myself to sleep on christmas eve.
just like last year.
craig calls it CCB….christmas crash and burn.
but i woke up feeling fabulous and ready. 
i just needed to cry it all out before hand….
the stress of finishing it all….christmas eve being not as great as i wanted….having nothing baked….
unrealistic expectations for everyone and everything.
do you do that?
is it just me?

if it is….that's ok.  
i can handle it.

i was content in the morning.
i was full of love and so happy to be right where i was with my favorite 6 people.
it was good.
the best christmas we have had in a few years….even with my crying in the dark at midnight.

how many days till these kids go back to school????? 🙂

Heather - No meltdowns on the Eve or Christmas day but my husband and I had our annual boxing day fight. 😛 I was tempted to actually put on gloves.
I adore that snowman picture!!! That’s a keeper.
And with or without lipstick, you’re purdy.

lindsey - the pleated poppy - love the pics! and i nearly fell apart christmas eve, too! we were away at the inlaws, me all proud that i was done a week ahead of time, helping my mother-in-law wrap (as i gloat) – then it hit me! i forgot gifts for 2 of my kids! not that i forgot them at home, but i forgot to get them at all! thankfully the m.i.l. had loads of extras for me to choose from. tears were definitely fought back.

julia - Info on sparkle sneakers…pleeeaassseee?
You Christmas looked wonderful.

nancy m - I have CCB every year, and I have a tiny childless family. I can certainly imagine the pressure of making perfect christmas for your large family. Thanks for your blog, I enjoy it. Love the snowman artwork – you could make that into shirts. Happy New Year!

Wendi - LOVED so much about this post – your photos are amazing, Talby’s snowman is adorable and print-worthy, your house looks festive and fun and your family seems happy and content. I would love to know how to play the name game – sounds fun on New Year’s Eve. I will google that. Thank you for the time you take on your blog. I love it!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - no it’s not just you. it’s absolutely exhausting. lots of pressure. have to say i’m glad it’s over. oh and now i have 10 pounds to lose…whohoo! have i said lately i love your blog? well i do. have a wonderful new year meg.

Amy R. - Love your pics! Wow! I thought it was just me who has meltdowns on Christmas Eve and secretly [hates] all the pressure and stress. I actually avoided it this year because I tried to plan ahead on the wrapping and gave myself permission to cook/bake less. Our mothers never told us about CCB; at least mine didn’t. Happy New Year! My resolution is to have less expectations and enjoy life more!

karen - great pics…had a smile on my face.
go black meg!! HOT with your blue eyes!!

Chris - CCB – perfect description. It happens to me every year. Most of it because I tend to procrastinate. But definitely also because of high expectations. It’s OK. You’re not the only one:)

Sam Miller Gott - I won the name game on Christmas with St Patrick!

Danielle - I cried on two days the week before Christmas at least once on Christmas eve —-missing my mom, and things not going exactly the way I have envisioned in my head! I would remind myself that it’s not about me it’s about Jesus which made me cry more b/c I was being such a JERK!

Amy Sawyer - THANK YOU for making me feel “normal”! Relief to know I am NOT alone…. or crazy!

Bethany - My husband says, “It’s not Christmas until Mama cries!” So I can totally relate! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family and Christmas photos!

Jenna - Your blog always makes me happy … even when the subject matter isn’t happy, your openness, honesty, and pictures are. I LOVE the drinking straw glasses: you must have read the Real Simple gift guide? 🙂

Elissa - you make me smile. i cried on christmas eve too. my kids made me SO mad. but, yeah, all was good in the morning. beautiful pics…

Cynthia - Love your sweet family, fabulous house (just my taste) and your down-to-earth attitude about so many things. My youngest (of four) is 20 so I’m past the younger-kid phase, unlike (I suspect) most of your readers. But I still find so much to admire. Today I’m especially admiring Talby’s snowman; it is a true work of art. And yes, I’d pay for a print of it too!

Nicole Q. - Loved all your pics . . . I want to live at your house – you have the best set up for entertaining! The holidays do bring such a mix of emotions – extreme gratfulness and meltdowns. I had mine this morning and we have another round of celebrating over New Years. I think I’ve pulled it together. I think?? Hmmm.

Kirsten P - Loved all the great photos from your family Christmas. Did you have scrambled eggs, sausage links and monkey bread for breakfast?

kristiina - Our kids are still too little for Christmas to be crazy yet…but I wanted to drop a comment to tell you how much I LOVE starting my day with you. I love how you are so open and let us, the readers, into your life. Thank you!!

Julie - I also love Talby’s snowman! And who made that amazing quilt? I’d love to know – it’s so beautiful!

Alicia - That was me on Christmas Eve too- just upset that it wasn’t going as I’d planned in my head! And disappointed that i hadn’t done any of my baking either! So don’t worry, you weren’t alone! My mum told ne I had to relax & not have such high expectations of my family in the lead up to Christmas- she told me I’d been watching too many American tv shows (like Brothers & Sisters) where they all have a big family thing on Christmas Eve, and said “We live in Australia. This is our version of Christmas. A hot Christmas!

Jen - My Christmas meltdowns are year round. Not often.. but every now and again we all need them (at least I do!). Crying it out makes you feel SO much better. Despite the tears hangover, it’s always a good thing afterward. Your Christmas looks fab! xo

Kristy - CCB…made me laugh out loud! This post made me feel so much better about my pre-Christmas stress. My Christmas “tradition” list seems to keep growing….that is good and bad. We women put way too much on ourselves and are too hard when we don’t get it all checked off. I was able to be in the moment, finally, on Christmas day. Something to work on for 2011! Thanks for keepin’ it real Meg! ps – Talby is quite the artist….just like her mama 🙂

melissa - love the ping pong table.
love the snowman.
love the random family picture goodness.
i should have pulled my camera out more often this year…

Angela - This was the first year in a while that I didn’t have a melt down. My Daddy was killed on Christmas eve 9 years ago so every year I have gotten better and better about realizing what really matters. My oldest is 19, my youngest is 8, I know my time is limited with these amazing people. I SO love all your Christmas posts! xoxo Meg!!! ~Love, Angela~

the domestic fringe - Glad you had a great Christmas! I enjoyed all your pictures.

jennibell - Thank the Good Lord for wonderful, supportive husbands that not only allow us to have our CCB but *name* it for us too!!!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas and blogged beautifully. I read every singe comment — lots of group support out there 🙂
Happy New Year – think we’ll do a list like you’ve done in the past on Friday as a family. . .thanks, as always, for the inspiration.

amy d - first off, talby’s snowman is the BEAST!
…and where was waffle? 🙂

Michelle from Australia - My Christmas meltdown came at 10.30am on Christmas Day. I just lost it. Cried buckets, lay down for ‘a little while’ and woke up 4 hours later. At least my husband waited for me to wake up before serving Christmas lunch 🙂 So glad I’m not the only one out there who exhausts herself in the lead up or during big events.
Thanks for sharing Meg!

Cherie - I am a long time reader of your blog, not sure I have ever commented though. You inspire me to be a better mother. Your so creative and engaged with your children. i love it!! I get so many ideas from your blog of cool and fun crafts I can do with my kids. And your blog always makes me smile with all your fun colors. Thank you!! ~ Cherie
Oh and my kids saw the ping pong table pictures and want to know where we can get one! It would be a big hit!

Meredith - CCB is going into the family dictionary….right next to a picture of myself in the foetal position sucking on a bottle of vodka. Beautiful photos Meg. You certainly have a gift for creating a warm, inviting atmosphere whatever the occasion. I was reading about Brave Girl Camp the other day and thought of you…is that something you’ve considered attending? I actually thought you could probably run your own version of it in Kansas:)
Hope you continue to feel blessed and happy these holidays. Thank you for creating such a beautiful place to visit in Blogland. Meredith xo.

destiny perkins - That is the cutest snowman painting!! I love it! It needs to go in a BIG frame in your house! 🙂
Oh, and what a beautiful early morning picture of you!!

codi - I had two meltdowns. One a few days before Christmas, the other Christmas Eve. Hubby said we weren’t going to the Christmas Eve party (at his parents). The whole way to Grandma’s house I cried, I was in a bad mood most of the party. Then we made 150 hygiene kits, it was WONDERFUL! It brought me out of my ugly, no good mood!
Why do we do this to ourselves???

EllenVR - Awww…we played the name game!! My hubby won. He was Dr. Phil, which was REAL weird for him. Obviously it worked. Although it probably wasn’t as weird as Larry King for a 6 year old!

Grace - CCB—love that you put a name to this! Mine was on the way to church Christmas morning, until the following afternoon.
Thanks for sharing your family with us!

sara's art house - Love it all!!!!!!!!! Can I live at your house!?

Serena - LOVE the picture with great grandma getting a hug from the little one. Made my day, and was a good reminder of true living. And yes, thank you for your honesty. You’re so not alone! Lovely pictures. thank you for sharing.

Alison - I cried too, during Candlelight service. My whole family visited my sister in Michigan. My Mom and Dad showed up on the 23rd, Dad was super sick. We found the ER in MI, never been there before. He got drugs, my 2 nieces where home with stomach aches feeling very sick, my kid got the stomach flu and it felt like a big mess. God reminded me during the candlelight service that he was the center of our holiday, not the flu, ER or toilet in the potty. It worked out just fine and is a good reminder that Christmas is only one day. We have 364 other days to be happy and thankful too. And God is with us all of the days. Thanks for sharing your story.

Beth - I always love reading your column. But one thing that I have learned after almost being done raising my 4 children is to let things go at Christmas– it doesn’t have to be perfect and some things can be done after Christmas– cookies taste just as good after the holiday when there is more time.

Tracy Fisher - Loved your Christmas story… especiall the Christmas Eve cry! I remember my mom saying to me this year “You can stay home and wrap gifts and have some quiet time instead of goin to church with us this year.” Funny things… church was actually just what I needed. I wrapped fast so I could go. And it was quiet (in my own mind). Christmas is real. Everyone has chaos… I think..haha. Can’t wait to hear your 2011 stories. Happy new year to you and your family. Tracy (

shauna reed - oh meg.
i am glad you said this, cause i sorta thought it was just ME.
i was also getting sick, which doubles my inablity to look at things from a realistic perspective.
also we have had alot of “family time” which means not just our family of five, but also my husbands family. i love that they come but by the end i really need it to be just us! please! don’t tell, kay?

Kat - No it’s not just you.
I have been cranky off and on since Christmas day.
I think with all the build up, busyness and hype it is only natural to have some Christmas crash and burn. (nice phrase Craig, I may steal that one.)
Life with a large family is busy and I know I have my fair share of Mummy meltdowns.
The important thing is we do enjoy those special moments.

Connie - You and Craig are too cute…and I LOVE Talby’s snowman…what an artist
Is the Dining room finished? I love the stars you have hanging in the window..Where did you find them?
.Also, I’m relieved to hear I’m not the only one that has a meltdown on Christmas Eve..I think we put too much pressure on ourselves to give our families the perfect Holiday..Every year I make a list of more traditions that I want to add the next year.
Happy New Year Meg…I look forward to your blog everyday

KTG - Out till 12am with a 2 year old and 7 month old on christmas eve–ra b/c others had a late start. meanwhile I scrambled littles there on time.
Woke 6am christmas to bake monkey bread, herded everyone to in laws. Greeted with “aren’t you All about xmas!” -It was 9am.
“We were about to call you everyone here is vomiting”.
Had my CCB on the way back to my house a few hours later when we were to host christmas day impromptu for the rest of the not sick family members.
Every year it’s something.Next year I will embrace my CCB!

purejoy - thanks for inviting me over for christmas. great photos. love the sparkle shoes. my favorite.
totally get the CCB. i try really hard to lower my expectations and stress level. love that you are surrounded by so much family. what a blessing.

flowerpowermomma - Time has a good way of adjusting some memories of Christmas’s past. I look back on when the kids were little and remember the good times, tender times, silly times. We had the same struggles everyone else has, but now I remember the good.
The tears may still come, that’s okay. God gave them to us…He understands completely.
Sweet pictures Meg, and yes, a sweet family.
ps. my hubby and I sometimes anticipate having the house back to ourselves, which is our version of counting down until school starts back up!!!

Jennifer - Your husband nailed it with that term. I thought I was seriously the only one who did that. My kids are so young but I’ve done that the last two years on Christmas Eve. And the worst part is I lash out at my poor husband because I feel like I’ve done everything even though its me who puts out the advent calendar and we have to have a million little things that I HAVE to do every year. But its really me who expects all of this.. not my 3 small kids who just want colored lights, to hold a candle at church, and for santa to show up 🙂 I also woke up completely refreshed in the morning.
Thanks so much for the honesty. Made me feel not so nutso. I rarely comment but I just had to for this one. We had a great Christmas too. We had a ping pong table growing up and it was the best. We still have lots and lots of very exciting games when we all get together there. Plus its in the basement with the fridge with the beer in it which could explain why everyone ends up down there.
Love your blog! Jennifer

holly - i would seriously PAY talby for her snowman painting (or a print of it)…
my boys and i have had hours of fun with that lil’ ping pong set…
and yes, tears galore… but a wonderful christmas!

Linda - First of all I love your home it is so bright and colorful it just makes me happy and makes me want to either live there myself or at the very least copy all your ideas! Every time I see part of your home I just want to see more and more of you amazing ideas! And yes I have the after Christmas crash. Mine usually doesn’t hit until late Christmas day but than it tends to linger on for a good day or two. This year in particular. I think it has something to do with our crazy weather here in the Northwest. I really can’t wait this year for my kids to go back to school. How sad is that. Oh well Merry Christmas. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and family traditions with us crazy bloggers! Hope you have a Happy New Year!

Rhonda - Love these pictures! Love the new sparkle shoes pic too!!!
I admit to having about 3 Christmas meltdown’s this holiday season…but, life is beautiful and we’re human. 🙂

Sarah - Same here….CCB…..totally. I always set my self up for it though… many beautiful projects I want to complete, things to cook and bake…beautiful packages to wrap….wanting things to be so picture perfect….things that nobody else notices, but it always gets me…I think so many women do the same….but I just LOVE the holidays, even with the crash and burn.

Dishes in the Dryer - Wow, I don’t know how many different houses you were at but I loved the room colors and the floors and everything about the decorating in the pictures.
I am a new follower…Merry Christmas!

Meredith - I was more pulled together this year than last and I think it was because I start the calender now of when I want to have things complete. Still goes by way to quickly. I feel organized at first and then “bam” there it is. I did not make cookies, but I was not wrapping presents for my family in the afternoon before we go see them. They were already done. My husband also takes my oldest to Chuck E Cheese one night before Christmas so I can wrap his presents. Next year he will have to take the little one too. Best year, can’t wait till next.

Leslie P. - CCB is classic. We all have it. That syndrome comes right before CDIH – which is what our husbands get: Christmas Deer In Headlights. I just ended my most recent post with the same sentiment! When??

Lisa - I so know where you are coming from!!!! We hosted Cmas Eve at our house and I definitely bit off more than I could chew. In the end it left me disappointed and I never got to truly enjoy the holiday for what it was. I do however have twelve dozen extra cookies/candies to show for it. So not worth it!!

Heather Young - Meg, I absolutely love your house. It is absolutely everything I would ever do/ pick out if I could start from scratch. Your design is unique and eclectic- you should consider showcasing your rooms again, and share how you came up with your decor. Anyways, love, love you and your family and enjoy following your blog!

Jennifer VeStrand - CCB in our house too! Two questions: would you please explain the name game? And where did you get that ping pong thing? I KNOW our boys would LOVE that.
Merry Christmas Meg!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Completely understand CCB!
I didn’t get anything baked or any of my Christmas goodies made this year.
That made me sad, but then it dawned on me that I just needed to let it go and live in the moment.
I survived!
Life went on!
But, I’ve decided that my word for 2011 is “No.”
I’m going to learn to say no, so that I can say yes more to my family and myself during the holidays!
Because all too soon my children will be grown… and I don’t want to have missed it.
So glad you and your family had a great Christmas.
And Laurel’s hair looks ahhhh-mazing!
P.S.- We got a ping pong set like that for the boys, too. We could have saved a lot of money by not buying the other toys, because it’s the ping pong they’ve played with the most! 🙂

Tara - it’s me, too.
i cried christmas day.
pretty sure my family has confirmed that i am psycho.
loved your pictures….
especially the ones of your kids while they are smiling really big and laughing.

april - CCB….Im gonna have to use that one…lols…looks like a wonderful christmas….love your pictures!!

Gina - Great photos! Yes, I have meltdowns too sometimes. This year it was during our family get together with my husband’s family. Nine kids 11 and under, seventeen adults, my two barking dogs…it was just too much this year. I was soooo overwhelmed that before people could leave I had determined NOT to have a get together next year but the next morning I got into God’s Word and it was medicine to my bones. Yes, I will have a family get together next year but I will have some type of quiet (yeah, right) activity for the kids. I already promised my husband I wouldn’t vent about his LOUD family either. 😉

MGF - You are always so open with your true emotions.

Melanie - I love the photo of Annie winning the game. Priceless!

amy j. - Did you read about our Christmas Eve? 🙂

Jodi - It’s not just you! I had a melt-down of sorts too, but I couldn’t express it to my husband b/c most of the meltdown had to do w/ his side of the family… So, my Mom got to see my meltdown instead. But it all turned out ok. It always does right??
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Talby’s snowman!! Snowmen (or snowPEOPLE if I want to be PC about it) are my favorite. I have them all over the house during Christmas.

Katy - Did you see this post of Julie’s?
It was like she wrote that post about me. I am totally an “over the edge freakshow” when it comes to ANY event or get together that involves me doing all of the work.. It always ends in a meltdown.
And can I just say that I will never be tired of your blog? Your pictures always make me smile. 🙂 Hope you all have a great New Year!!

Curious Details - are YOU the only one???
heh heh heh….
I’m STILL crying!

Holly - we had snow on Christmas which was cool….I almost had a meltdown on Christmas morning when I realized that it was time for us to pack up and go on our Christmas suprise and I wasnt going to get to have my post presents recovery nap! Alas, we had a great time nap or no nap!

pam - Great pics. I LOVE the sleepy morning shot of you and your husband….beautiful. We have that same kind of ping pong table…sew together fabrics and keep it on your table…a HUGE table for large gatherings.

jodi @ back40life - ooh I totally get it! We had sworn we wouldn’t work right up until Christmas, and still ended up getting our last 8 orders out on the 24th…and that morning, the 2 kiddos both melted down and were crying and I knew they just needed some attention, but I had no time to give to them because I had to get those stupid orders finished. sad, sad moment.
and then Christmas Day was fabulous…we even got snow, which NEVER happens for us, especially not on Christmas!
and then the 26th was HORRIBLE. I had such high hopes for it being a fun family day, and instead we spent the WHOLE day putting the house back together which put me into a terrible funk…miserable.
thankfully God’s mercies are new every day. loved seeing your pics…your fam is beautiful…thanks for letting us peek in!

Shann - I totally understand your meltdown. Things did not go “according to plans” at my house either this year. My dad had a quick trip to the ER and the flu bug showed up and brought nastiness to my house which resulted in less than joyous moods. Just to name a few. I do think I try to hard at times to paint this “perfect” picture in my head of what Christmas “should” be. When really it is all about the baby. I get side-tracked sometimes. Sigh… Thanks for sharing your pictures and your sweet family with us. 🙂 p.s The kids go back to school in 5 days…but who’s counting? HAAAAA!!!

Katrina - You know, I was worried that I was the only one who had those meltdowns. My family gives me such a hard time about it. But the next morning when the kids see their presents from Santa and their eyes light up, well it couldn’t get much better than that. Even makes the meltdown worth it in the end I think.

Desiree' - not just you…major meltdown at 11:43…I know the exact time because I saw my watch right as I was lying my crying face down onto my arms…we’re always so hard on ourselves to make everything just right…*sigh*
Love your pics…Love that God always makes things beautiful even with our meltdowns…Love that our kids never know the difference and only feel the love and joy of Christmas! 🙂

SoCalLynn - I love how much fun your family has together. We only have one daughter at home, 11 years old, all of our family lives scattered throughout the country and due to a family emergency in November where we spent all our money, we couldn’t travel this year, nor could they. So we had a really quiet Christmas…it would be fun to have lots of young cousins and aunts and uncles around but it just doesn’t happen for us.
We got that same ping pong set and haven’t used our dining table since we got it! We are challenging ourselves to get really good with both hands, not just our dominant hand!

Jen R - Your family is darling and your honesty – refreshing. Thank you for sharing your pictures! They look full of fun & love. And…you are not alone in the meltdowns. There should be some kind of Meltdown Sisterhood. 🙂 Have a Happy New Year!

Camille - Haha! I thought I was the only one with CCB – and what a great name for it! You’re right, sometimes a good cry is just the ticket to feeling refreshed and able to enjoy the day the following morning.

Heather - CCB, I love it!! That is the perfect term for what inevitably happens every year. Mine always comes on the 26th when it is all over and I feel the letdown. I spend the entire day thinking of everything I wish I had done. Next year I can tell my hubby that it is a “real”thing with a “real” name, I will just leave out the part where I found the term. Happy New Year!!

shelly - Oh my…I had a HUGE meltdown!!! Of course, I was baking bread, letting cinnamon rolls rise, trying to finish sewing projects AND cutting out sugar cookies!. I lost it when our middle son accidentally bumped the tray of drying cookies and knocked them all over…onto the floor…frosting side down of course!!! (Yes, it was my fault because I set the rack on a big bowl so that I’d still have some counter space..epic fail…major mommy meltdown!)

Staci - Wow!! So many things I love about his post….Annie’s sleepy eyes and Talby’s snowman!!! Love the tired picture of you and Craig…I think we have that same picture! Whyyyyy do we put so much stress on ourselves every year to make it perfect?????!!!! I have to admit….we scaled back ALOT this year and it felt reeeally good! Annnnd, going to Christmas Eve Mass ALWAYS puts me in the right spirit!!! Glad everything turned out for your beautiful family! Oh yea, and YES! I lovve your sister’s hair color!!!!!

Laura - I love the snowman picture, too! And your house is so cool! Love the game room! No, you are not alone. I was so grumpy because of comparing myself to another, which I know is so foolish. And I didn’t have everything the way I wanted it. But, as you said, it ends up good. We are together. We are so blessed, you know? Think of so many who would love to trade places with us. And we had a white Christmas in Alabama! Yay! I have already been assessing this year and making lists for how to make next year go more smoothly. Happy New Year, Megan!

Jessica @ My Ardent Life - I had a huge, ugly meltdown on Christmas Eve that I’m not sure I’m brave enough to blog about. I broke a lamp (on accident). I really struggle this time of year. I’m aiming for better in 2011! Even though the past 5 Christmases have been wonderful, I STILL get worked up, thanks to so many horrible ones before that (I’m talking deaths, drunken father fights, a suicidal uncle admitted to the psych ward, and the one in 2005 that I spent alone).

Heather - Love all the pics! JUst wanted to add that I, too, often see pics of myself and think, “I wish I’d put lipstick on!” Makes a WORLD of difference, doesn’t it? Little things…

Beth - P.S. I love Talby’s snowman!

Beth - I totally do that and always feel inadequate and unfinished on Christmas eve, only to feel so full of love and gratitude on Christmas morning. Not just you at all. I’ll bet you’ll get lots of comments today supporting that. We women are hard on ourselves, we expect ourselves to do it all and get it all done and never falter. Your Christmas looks like it was wonderful! And the kids go back to school WAY. TOO. SOON!!! 🙂

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gingerbread….graham cracker houses…2010.

for me….the best part of this project every year is setting it up.
it is so pleasing to the eye.


my kids must have asked me TEN times in an hour "when will we do the houses?!"
i don't like to start a craft until i am ready.
i need things set up.
i need things a little teeny bit organized.
i need to have it ready so i can sit and watch, take pictures or video and be able to help.
when i am not prepared…i end up with a short temper….and snap at them for silly things that aren't their fault.


i built the houses for them with hot glue….
even after the complaining that we weren't using REAL gingerbread.



we worked in the dining room for two reasons….
it was clean and the afternoon light pours in this room.

my kids wore their pajamas ALL day.

scott uses this word for EVERYTHING.
"my gingerbread house is beast"
"this hamburger is beast"
"my muscles are beast" 
and the other kids (and their mother) have started too….

"this latte is beast!"  "this casserole recipe is BEAST!"  "that mini van is BEAST!"  ha ha ha i am kidding.



i can't imagine doing this more than once a year.
it's too much work to even consider doing it more than that….

not that anyone was asking me to do it in the summer.
just thinking about how much work they are.

i got a flip video camera on black friday.
i love it.

please enjoy my first video.   

lauren didn't join us because apparently she was upstairs watching sponge bob and criminal minds.
i made her a house but i was forced to have to decorate it myself.

guess who was still at the table 20 minutes after all four other left?  
putting cinnamon toast crunch on the roof as shingles!

i was calling it art therapy for the day. 

Georgia - Finally got round to seeing this video.
The wierd thing is i never wouild have guessed that Annie had such a deep voice! i thought it would be kinda high pitched squeaky … she sounds SO CUTE!!!! i like ur ‘Yes’ as in ‘dont talk to me im filming Yes’ to her questions! haha

Kelly - How fun! I love the video. My hubby got a flip for me for a wedding present a couple years ago. So fun. Maybe I should post a video on my blog sometime. It was so neat to watch yours and hear the voices of all of you. Have a great day today! Kelly

Sue - We have made graham cracker gingerbread houses for about 15 years. My girls are now in their 20’s and we still have to make them. Their childhood friends still come over too, with new friends joining us. It is a tradition I hope we never lose.

dkim - I’m sure you probably know, but you can get icing that hardens like cement to keep the houses together. Available at michaels oe possibly in the little kits. I have made these for many years but have finally retired. I told my teenagers they were welcome to make it themselves.

suzyhomemaker - first time to visit your amazing blog and i must say i feel right at home…from your “24 hr jammie jam” (all day in PJs is a way of life for us during the holidays) to THE teen buzz word of the year. “beast” has now replaced “dude” as the go-to noun/verb/adjective/adverb in our family lexicon.
your blog is BEAST! all best in 2011!

Jenni Carlisle - That video was B*E*A*S*T! Hahahaha! I could eat Annie up! I love how she kept taste testing!

karen - So cool to hear your voices!
Annie seems so grown up when she talks! I wouldn’t have thought that!! Sean is a cutie pie!I love your voice too!
Great video.

Jane Flores - I make gingerbread houses for Christmas with my niece – this year was the first we missed in at least 8 years! When her baby sister came along, Erica didn’t want to share the weekend at Aunt Jane’s, so Sophia and I do haunted gingerbread houses at Halloween! I’m addicted now – I covered heart shaped boxes with the little conversation hearts for Valentines. I’ve covered pumpkins with candy corn for Halloween and I have a big plans for Easter this year!

Jill - I have to laugh at your little one… eating all the candy 🙂

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - I somehow found myself hosting a gingerbread house making PARTY with my 2 oldest girls, so I was managing 7 kids hyped up on sugar….Yowza! I blogged it here:
And I agree, the set up is the best, so colorful!

BeckyB - You’re my hero! I loved getting a live-action peek into your fun! Thanks so much for sharing.

Julie - Cute! We did those last year and now I’m wishing we had done it again this year. Got too busy! Loved the video!

Heidi - That is hilarious that the “beast” thing is big in your house too- my 15 year old stepdaughter uses it for everything, as do all of her friends. Except most of the time we hear “so and so is the beastiest QB on the team” or more recently, “your dad is the beastiest point guard Ive ever seen” 🙂

Jessie - Awesome video! I always wondered what your voices sounded like…it’s like reading a book and finally getting to see the movie 😉

elisa - Everything looks so pretty Meg. 🙂

Jeanne - We love doing this too! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I am hoping that we get to spend time together again in the new year.

kasey - so awesome. I made “peep” houses back in April for lola and her girls scout troop to decorate…but i used the squirt frosting the day before and let them dry overnight.
cool beans.

Susan Lehrman - Meg, have you ever tried royal icing for this project? It’s made with powdered sugar, water and meringe powder–really easy. You can get the meringe powder at Hobby Lobby, maybe Graber’s and maybe WalMart although the Newton WalMart has cut down on their craft section. Royal icing is really easy to work with…it dries before I get each graham cracker house done. It also dries quickly for the kids when they’re sticking their candies on. I like to use it because my grandsons like to eat their houses (yuck!). My granddaughters of course save theirs!

becky lee - I love, love, love your blog so much! I am a bust pastor’s wife/emergency room nurse with a 3 year old and 6 year old. We also hope to start the adoption process in the next year. Anyway, your blog is so beautiful and brilliant and a great inspiration to me on how to get the most out of family time. I’d love to email you, but your default link isn’t working. Could ya send me your addy?

Kara - We made a gingerbread village with our 4 1/2 year old twin boys and 3 year old daughter. It was quite a feat…and I was just like you…still crafting and decorating 30 minutes after they were done. I just HAD to make icing icicles. Just HAD to.
So fun! Happy New Year!

MGF - Awesome. I think it was brilliant to have the houses set up before hand.

Vera - Your set up is GORGEOUS!! I do this every year with a pack of 3-5 year olds (last year 2-4 year olds!) so I just use paper cups and a plastic table cloth so I can throw it all away after… but your way is much prettier. I hate disposable dishes, so maybe next year I will do it your way and deal with the clean up.
I make icing out of egg whites, cream of tartar and powdered sugar and I beat it on high for about 8 minutes – that stuff is seriously like concrete and holds as well as glue. And if you’re not scared of raw eggs, it’s yummy too!

Amy jupin - Your dining room looks beast.
I think these pics are totally beast.
And I’m totally loving all these craft posts too. They are so beast it’s sick.
Don’t I sound coolio talking like this? Not so much huh? 🙂

Beth - I LOVE art therapy 🙂 Where’s the picture of your house though??? I just got the book “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” from the used bookstore for half price (all of their books except internet books are half price right now!!). Want to do it with me? We could call it our grown-up art therapy time 🙂

Holly - ok so beast is the word in our house right now. Hannah says it all….the….time!
Love the gingerbread houses. I did not use hot glue and well ours looked more like shacks! I am using hot glue next year!

Juli - Oh cool! I loved watching your video! Annie’s voice didn’t match what I thought it’d sound like. She sounds more grown-up than I expected. I expected a tinier voice with those cute little kid lisps. nope.
Flip video…arent they BEAST?!

leonieke - gos, i can’t even imagine how much work this is, (and even more after everyone has finished his house…..). i think this is a project that i adore seeing at your blog,but with a big worning on it “don’t try this at home 🙂 ”
you must be the best mother there is.

Rebecca - I LOVED the video. I’ve been following your blog for years, and it is so cool to hear the voices that go with your kids. They are so well behaved! I love Talby’s face when she is working on a project — so serious! I can’t believe how your boys do the projects too, amazing. My son loses interest after 5 minutes. And Annie sitting there eating the candy was hilarious. Thanks for posting. Hope you guys have a wonderful and happy new year.

Lisa - Love it! Really wish I had more kids ;)They grow up too fast!!!

Bryony - This seems like a fun project but such a waste of perfectly good food. You could have used icing or marzipan or something to glue the houses together and then it’d have been edible afterwards?
I just don’t like to see wanton waste like this, it makes me feel uneasy 🙁

Joye - Is there anyone that has/or is going to start some type of campaign for Edie from Life in Grace??? Would love to help replace things or give money to a fund towards her rebuilding process. That’s what this season is all about….and Lord knows she’s given so much to all of her readers! I don’t have a blog so don’t know where to start, but you are all very powerful ladies with big voices. Let us know and let’s spread the word!

Julie - Two of my kiddos watched this with me and they kept asking “Mom, is this for REAL?” haha! Then one of my boys whispered in my ear “They’re eating the candy!”
So fun!!

meaghan - LOVE The video!!! i don’t know why it was so fun to actually hear their little voices?! hot glue is genius! xoxo!

Lucylu ~ - oooooooh… awesome!

Stacy - The “beast” thing is so funny, my 12 year old son says everything is “clean” this new hat is “clean”, we all find ourselves saying it too. Love your houses!

Katy - I think we are going to do graham cracker houses next year. They look so cute. 🙂 And you are making me wish I got a Flip on Black Friday!

nic - your graham subdivision is so festive; love the photos (and your gorgey bowls–ohmy!). we do this every year as well on my birthday (dec 21st)…i call it forced family fun, and all within dragging-to-the-kitchen-range MUST participate.

adrienne - very fun!!! love the video too 🙂

Becky - I lOVE the idea of hot gluing the graham crackers. We tried the tiny gingerbread houses this year and they were quite the disaster. I also like the fact that you – like I – need to set everything up! I say whatever keeps craft time fun is worth any amount of pre-craft-crazy-mama! 🙂

virginia - i guess sean

Lynda@Me and My Pink Mixer - Such pretty bowls for all the candies! Great idea using Graham Crackers ~ I’ll have to try this next year. My teenage daughter and I love watching Criminal Minds – it’s one of the few things she will do with me 🙂

Kelly - Cinnamon Toast Crunch as shingles! Brilliant! We do one big sugar cookie house at our second Christmas with my in-laws. This year they aren’t coming until January 7th so I still have awhile to gather my supplies. 🙂

Amy Jo - Love this! Also, I teach 7th grade English in Oklahoma, and BEAST is all the rage down here, too. 🙂

Nicole Q. - This is the first year since having kids that we DIDN’t do a gingerbread house. After seeing your pics I may just have to do one next week before kids go back to school. Shoot! Your pictures got me – I’m like you – I need a little organization first! Hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Staci - Ohhhhhhhhh 😉 I love Annie’s little voice 🙂 We tried your trick of hot glue and crackers this year…I liked it…but how in the world do you get those crackers to break with a triangle point??? I think I may have cursed a few times ;( heehee 😉 Kids had a great time though 🙂

Melanie - I love the idea of the glue and crackers:) Do you love your flip? I have been wanting one.

Nicole - Hot glue is genius! We had a bug party with 3 year olds and I made 20 houses with melted sugar for the glue! Ugh! Next year it will be a hot glue party!!

Lorie - You do the coolest things with your kids! Love reading all about it…and everything else! Keep on keepin’ on!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - this is my first year that i DIDN’T make a graham cracker gingerbread house with my kids 🙁
it’s always my favorite craft to do with the kids, but somehow it just got pushed aside. next year i won’t make that mistake again! your houses look lovely.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - We did a kit for the first time this year with two 3yo’s and an almost 2yo. IT. WAS. WILD!!!
Glad to hear I’m not the only one who needs a touch of organization PRIOR to the crafting craziness 🙂
All of the accessories are definitely eye candy 😀

kristin - i love this for so many reasons. sean reminds me of micah…his pondering look, questioning, the patterned candy. i love that annie is asking questions…that reminds me of preschool. good boy, scott, for working with such enthusiasm. even though he’s a boy, he reminds me of naomi. and talby, so quiet and working so carefully.
merry christmas!

Denise C. - How sweet! I just came across your blog (through Clover Lane). Love it! 🙂

Anna Marie - I love that you did the video! I hope there will be more. It is fun to be able to put voices and mannerisms with faces. Makes you all even more “real”…haha.

Tess S - i watched the video with my 3 (nearly 4) year old.
madeline: “who’s that?”
me: “her name is annie.”
madeline: “oh, that annie sure is cute!”

debbie - The kids. The colors. The sweet voices. The cuteness!

Sarah - Great Post! Love all of the colors and your pretty bowls! Great video, adorable kids and love the music!! And the “Beast” thing cracked me up…..with 4 boys between my hubby and I we hear this ALL. OF. THE. TIME. SO funny!

Trish - We need to see the finished products 🙂

se7en - Ha Ha – I am a firm believer in art therapy… I do it all the time!!! Folks always say: “Where do you find the time to craft?” The real answer is that my sanity demands it!!! Hope you guys are having a really fun time!!!

Tere - Love the colors. Love the houses. Thanks for the share, and the voices! It was great to hear them.
And the sneak peak into your dining room. When will it be fully unveiled? Can’t wait. Happy New Year.

Monica Huete - Hummm, they look yummy !!!
SO beautiful !!! … ^___^

Leah - Great post! You are a great mom for putting all that effort into that project. I only have one kid and I’m not sure I can do that just yet. By the way, Talby takes her crafting VERY seriously!

Rhonda G. - Loved the video…It was BEAST! Happy New Year to you and your sweet family.

Kori - We made one this year…first time ever. Is that bad? Anyway, I too found it to be something that (most) everything else needs to be done in order to do it in a stress-free manner. We bought a Wilton kit, and while it was great and had pretty candies, the icing needing an hour to set for the walls to be stable was too long for us. We did other things in that hour and ended up only getting halfway through. I think next time I’ll try something different.
I must say it was very fun seeing your blog come to life! I like it!! 🙂 - So much color! This very inspirational, thank you!

Christina - You are so great! We have kits and have yet to find the time to do them. Are you allowed to make them after Christmas?! 😉

~Debra - Beautiful pictures! That sure looks like a lot of fun! We haven’t done a gingerbread house in years. Maybe next year?!

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christmas craft #5

talby wanted to show me how to make a poinsettia….her teacher taught her.
i took pictures of each step as she taught me.


1.  cut the corners of the red paper about 6 inches toward the center.

2. fold one side of each corner to the center.


3. put all the petals together with a brad.

4. cut leaves out of green paper.

5. open the brad and add in the leaves….re-close the brad.



6. TA – DA!!!  beautiful poinsettia in 3D.  

i love it.
think how cool it would be to make a bunch….in pink and white and red!   
so pretty.

Annie - I love pinwheels!! these are so cute. Love reading about all the crafts you do with your children. Making wonderful memories of time spent together-that they’ll take with them forever! Blessings, Annie

MGF - My middle son would love this paper craft. Thanks for the idea

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Great job, Talby! This is beautiful!

Lucylu ~ - i bought a Poinsettia for my neighbor today! (weird!)

danielle - love this!

Natasha - That’s so cool! When I was in school, we used to make something similar, but attached it to a long dowel or straw so it would be used as a windmill/pinwheel. I never realized how much they look like flowers too; thanks Talby!

amber - lovin the hannah montana pjs…

Janie Fox - LOVE this! so cute! I agree a bunch in pink, red and white… too great! I am so happy you take time to enjoy your kids. Their childhood truly does go so fast! Happy New Year to you!

kat - That is so adorable!!! I love it! Talby did a great job demonstrating! She is such a cutie!!!

Holly - very cute!

april - those are cool…thanks for sharing!!!

Kirsten P - Tell Talby thanks for showing me how to make a poinsettia. And also tell Talby that I like her name.

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cutest christmas video…..

Stephenie Avarello - I love the party at the end. Sooooo cute.

Sheridan Eketone - my friends hubbie edited this! Isn’t it FABULOUS! Good to see that a KIWI film is enjoyed over there 🙂

Lucylu ~ - super cute!!!!

amber - I’m in love with this video. My 3 year old & I have watched it many times since Christmas Eve:). SO sweet.

Jen - This is precious! Thanks for sharing.

Kirsten P - Meg, I loved this video! Thanks for sharing. I put the link on my facebook page.

sandy toe - Very cute…..
I am having a giveaway…love for you to come over:)~ Changed my blog a bit:)
Sandy Toe

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh my word! that is the best video EVER!!

Sarah - So perfect, So beautiful!

Michelle from Australia - Truly, totally and utterly superb. The party glo sticks? The littlest shepherd? Oh I loved it all. - This is so cute!!!!

Mindy Harris - so precious.
out of the mouths of babes.
cute and made me cry.

shauna reed - amazing, meg!

Sara - I love this!!!! So cute!!!

Erica - ohmy. love this. thanks for sharing.

~Debra - That is cute! Thanks for sharing it!

melissa @ the inspired room - that is too cute!!!
Merry Christmas to you!
xo & blessings,

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christmas craft #4


we used the felt squares from this wreath craft and cut the squares even smaller.
for this craft the squares were about 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch.


we took two squares together and put a pin through them pushing them hard into the styrafoam ball.

at some point before you get too far make a loop with ribbon and push a pin in it….to hang it later.

then fill it in until it's full.

i made the squares really close together and pushed the pins in as far as i could to make it look like flowers.

annie's hands were smaller so she got tired quicker…..i like hers the way it is too.
talby's was filled in but the pins not pushed in as far as the top one.

i like this version too.

there is no wrong way to make art.


melissa - i just made your pom-pom and felt wreath ornies the other night…and i have extra styrofoam balls and felt squares. i’ll be sure to pick up straight pins tomorrow at walmart to make these!!
you’re awesome!

melissa - i just made your pom-pom and felt wreath ornies the other night…and i have extra styrofoam balls and felt squares. i’ll be sure to pick up straight pins tomorrow at walmart to make these!!
you’re awesome!

Kimberlee J. - Do you remember me telling you that my art teacher was judgmental and maybe that’s why I hyperventilate when I have to “craft” something???? I so smiled and felt validated when I read the last line of your post. Thank YOU. 🙂

COZY KITCHEN BY THE SEA - CUTE.CUTE.CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Debra - Lovely!
Merii Kurisumasu from Japan!

Lucylu ~ - man!!! we made the SAME thing last year except we used pompoms!

Sugar Mama - Oh, I LOVE this idea! I think it would be awesome to have a small tree covered in these. I’m saving it to my pinterest for next year.

Beth - THERE IS NO WRONG WAY TO MAKE ART!!!!! YEAH! I wish everyone would hear those words and believe them!

Jenn A. - I don’t even have kids (yet) but I love seeing your craft ideas! Thank you for taking the time to post them-these turned out so cute!

Sonia - great idea! {again!} we have tons of felt left over from the wreath project. i just wish i had some girls to craft with me! my boys didn’t care for the craft projects that much. oh well. i had fun doing them!! thanks again for all you’re great ideas! i love your blog.

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merry christmas.



"Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event

that is meant for everybody, worldwide.  A Savior has just been

born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master.

This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket

and lying in a manger."  

At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing

God's praises:  "Glory to God in the heavenly heights.  

Peace to all men and women on earth who please him"

Luke 2:11- 13

Karen Gerstenberger - I love this translation of the Scripture passage – and your card! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

Grace - Merry Christmas, Meg! God’s blessings to you and your family in the new year. 🙂

Sandy - One more thought – do I recognize that picture as the one Annie took of mom & dad???

Sandy - As I was scrolling down the page I thought to myself that you have an extra square for another baby, but then I saw your name and date in that square. I guess you really are done having kids. lol You are a terrific mother & father and your children are as blessed to have you both as you are to have them. Merry Christmas to the Duerksen’s; I hope it was great and can’t wait to hear about it and see pictures.

angela - Love the card!!!! What a great family!


Michele - Merry Christmas!

Tammy - Hope you had a blessed Christmas with your beautiful family!

danielle - merry christmas, you beautiful family, you!!
our hope has come! glory to the newborn King!

jackie chappell - amen !!! from florida

Jenn A. - Merry Christmas to your family, too!

Lisa - Hope you have a white Christmas in Kansas like we do in Illinois

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Hope you are having a great day with the fam Meg. Lots of love:) Merry Christmas!!!

kat - You card is beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Lorilee - Christmas Blessings to you and your family!

Julie - Merry Christmas Meg to you and your family!

Jennifer - Merry Christmas to you Megan! Hope you have a special day with minimal meltdowns!

Melanie - Hope you have a great Christmas! Your pictures are gorgeous!

elma riedstra - Merry CHRISTmas to you and you family and a BLESSED new year!!!

Susan - Merry Christmas Megan!

~Debra - Merii Kurisumasu from Japan!

Nikki - Merry Christmas!

T Galle - MeRrY ChRiStMaS to you Megan! Have a wonderful day with your family!

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hockey and donuts.

*edited…i forgot the pics of me and lauren!  they HAD to be on this post….i was sleepy when i was writing this the first time.  

we got tickets for a Wichita Thunder Hockey game.
i told my kids we were going to a game for family night.
it took over ten guesses to land on hockey. (basketball? football? baseball? ice skating?)
none of them had been to one before…and i have only seen one.



honestly….they loved it!
talby asked if we could come to them every week.
there was fighting and penalties….cheering and music….all good stuff.



sean got a frisbee that was thrown into the crowd.




all of my kids are happy just about anywhere if there is dr. pepper involved.
except talby….she's a pepsi girl.

this photo required a bribe….can't recall what it was.
he's getting too cool for pics with mom.  

on our way out to the car lauren and craig enjoyed the free massage station.
it was "Ladies Night" at the hockey game so the halls were filled with tables of businesses giving stuff away.


then the kids and craig slid down the railing….and only one kid fell.
(and that kid deleted that photo off my camera while i was using the restroom at KK.)

we drove through neighborhoods and looked at the lights on houses taking the long way to Krispy Kreme.

IMG_5588 IMG_5578

family night is always better with late night donuts.
we hadn't been here for a long time.









i am exaggerating…but that is me doing the teenage wink that i seem to see everywhere on the facebook and the googles and the intra-nets.


this really was a good night.
you know i tell you when it isn't.  
and this was.

oh….i am so dang hungry for a donut right now…..not cool. 

IF you are interested in winning a $100 MasterCard you can click over to my other blog.
i am talking about a new site that has great deals.

BUT….IF you are feeling like a cranky pants and don't want a mastercard….DON'T GO.
it's totally fine with me if you don't like my ad posts.
don't read them.

it.  is.  OK.

but no MasterCard for you.

kristine - glad you had such a great family night. i love hockey too. such a fun sport to watch. natalie is only three and asked for ice skates when the game was over. sweet! 🙂

elisa - Merry Christmas!!

Rach - I have GOT to get to Krispy Kreme!!! NOW!!

Mary - Who loves her daddy?
That look is priceless.

Trish - If you ever head North of the border you need to try Tim Hortons. 🙂 Mmmmm…
Have a very Blessed Christmas!!

Laura - Did you get your coat at Von Maur? I think I tried it on in black. I wanted it, but already have a perfectly good black coat and couldn’t rationalize it, just for the cute ruffles. Have a Merry Christmas out in my home state of Kansas! Oh and I am making your Rainbow Cake in Christmas colors for Christmas eve at my house…off to frost it now!

kathy b - would you believe…Krispy Kreme went out of business here in the California state capitol where I live!
Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you and your family.
Kathy b

Julianne Brimner - We love Krispy Kremes except they are no longer carrying their cheesecake doughnut which is my fave. Meg, could you please do something about that for me…ha, ha. Glad you all had such a grand family time.

corie - Meg, thank you so much for being part of my morning coffee, when everyone in the house is still asleep. When it’s just me and I can start my day off as mama and wife with the best intentions, before all the hard parts of parenting kick in. I savor peeking at your blog each morning, for over a year now.The craft ideas, the photo ideas, donating to Africa, honesty about the work it takes when you fiercely love your family. All of these inspirations from you have made it into my home. XOXO, thank you and merry Christmas!

Jenn A. - “crankypants” haha!
Love the family pics and that seems like such a fun family night adventure!!! Thanks for keeping it real.

linda@limein the coconut - I THOUGHT I recognized that wink!
Merry Christmas to you and your brood…and I mean brood in the very nicest of ways…

Carrie - Loved this post! Made me happy! I love your family night posts and I adore seeing the happy teenager pictures.
Are people seriously still giving you a hard time about the ads. I don’t want to sound rude, but people can simply stop coming if it bothers them that much. It’s rude to continue to come by and just complain. Come on people!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh girl you are so goofy. Love your wink. That night right there would be BIG in our house. Nothing we love more than donuts and HOCKEY! Matter of fact we are going for donuts in our jammies in the morning and I got hockey tickets for my honey for Christmas…all is well:) Merry Christmas Miss Meg.

Lisa - Looks like a perfect night! What fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am totally craving the Krispy Kreme. You are precious.

Heather R. - LOL with the teenage wink. The pics of you and Lauren are great. You crack me up!

Margo - Looks like you had a great time! I haven’t been to a Thunder game in a couple years now – makes me want to go!

Melanie - Looks like a fun night and who doesn’t like a donut to top it off.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Being from the land of snow and hockey…that would probably be the FIRST guess anyone around here would have if you mentioned going to see a! { games are so expensive here it’s a rare occasion to ever get to one!…supply and demand I guess}
GOOD family nights are awesome 🙂

Julie - My kids would love a night like that! Fun family time!

Maria - It has been sooo long since we’ve had KK…might need to break down stop and get some soon…
Looks like a fun night at the hockey game!

shelley - We love hockey !! Definitely a hockey family. My oldest has played on a travel ice hockey team since he was 11 and my hubby is from the of course he played from age birth through highschool. Pro hockey events are a blast too ! I love the Krispy Kreme pictures. We had one here but it didnt last long..Californians are just too health conscience i guess.

Whitney Benson - I would buy a gym membership. Can you say SHAMU?? 🙂

Kori - Gotta love hockey!! Thanks to my son, it’s my life. Have great Christmas…

Kat - I love that you guys have special family time.
Looks like such fun and what a beautiful family.
You are very blessed Meg!
Hope your Christmas is wonderful together.

Kate - We used to go to those hockey games when we were at Bethel – they were always a good time! (Love Sean’s Bethel sweatshirt!) 🙂

Julie - Aww, our KK closed a few years ago. They are finally doing something with the building though… Panera!! But this post made me miss the warm KK donuts we used to eat on weekends (or when I was pregnant!)
Family night looks fun. Family night out is still too stressful for us, so it usually involves pizza, movies, and games at home.

lala - I wish there was a Krispy Kreme around here! Fresh donuts, YUM. My mouth is watering. Gas station KK’s are stale and gross – always a disappointment!

se7en - Your kids are totally cool… Just sweet, sweet, sweet!!! Thanks for sharing your life and times!!!

Holly - ok what an awesome night! It is great when you get to have a family night that all of the kids love…especially the teenagers!

sara @ it's good to be queen - that pic of all your kids in the KK booth is so sweet. what a great moment you captured. 🙂

Tanya H - Hee hee, love ya. Our family is going to a college basketball game tonight. Our first ever… should be an adventure! 🙂

Sugar Mama - You crack me up! Love your sense of humor!!!!

Hoosier at Heart - I just love that pic of you in the hat. What were you thinking when that was taken? Your expression cracks me up. Looks like a great time was had by all!

tasha roe - you have the best lips ever!
just sayin’.

Rachel - I live in Canada so hockey is a way of life. I’m so glad your family enjoyed the game! It’s awesome fun…eh?
I could do without the doughnuts, though. I’ve managed to convince myself that they will always disappoint me…wish I could do the same with chocolate.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Jill - What fun! Hey…. just wanted to tell you that I tried one of your craft ideas in my classroom. So fabulous! Thank you for the idea. I have them on my blog… showing off what my students made! Merry Christmas.

Carla - All those smiles, fantastic 🙂
I have a mastercard already, what I’d like is someone to pay the bills for me. And a Krispy Kreme Donut nearby.

Kristin Joy - i am glad someone is paying you for this site 🙂 i would if i could, girl. i have loved it now for two years and i appreciate every second you spend on it, & i’d troll through way more ads than that just to read. love it. merry christmas.

Debra - Gotta love hockey! I’m Canadian,eh!

Jodi - Love it when family nights go great. I don’t know how you do it w/ 5 kids though. Just my one can get a bit cranky if sharing the spotlight w/ her cousin. :o)

Jaime A. - lol… the second part of your post is funny!
ur the best, meg.
truly you are! 😉
Oooh, love Krispy Kreme.

Kerri - My husband used to play in that league against the Thunder. Fun times!! 🙂

AshleyAnn - Can I tell you how much I love the very end of this post (the part about your new site)?! I love it. You make me smile.

amy jupin - family time can be great!!
(sometimes it can be down right scary though too) haha
and free massages…JACKPOT!

Angie M - Love, Love hockey games with the family!

Tracie - We just moved to a town with a Krispy Kreme and we LOVE it! I have so many childhood memories of the warm donuts sign being on and eating them fresh. YUM!

Phoenix_Rising - I am from the home of Krispy Kremes 🙂

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