Masthead header

someone pinch me….i think i’m dreaming.

i have to tell you my big news.

it's BIG.

i am going to GoPro with Blue Lily in San Diego on February 25 -26th.

i am so excited about it….like….craaaaaaaazy excited.

wendy & tyler are my favorite.

my super duper FAVORITE. 

i first found them when i saw their work at NieNie's blog….in 2008.
i thought their family photo was the most beautiful i had ever seen.
and i have read the blue lily blog ever since.

they took our family pictures this summer while we vacationed in chicago.
you can find them in a city near you this year i just betcha. 


and now….they are going to teach ME.
i can't believe i am even able to write that.

at GoPro i will learn things about lighting…non-ideal lighting….confidence…..staying fresh and creative…
finding my own style….workflow in lightroom….studio lighting….
and probably a billion other things i don't even know that i don't know yet.
we have multiple shoots with real people.  
(i guess why would they do a shoot with fake people…but you get what i mean right?)

i have heard we get to eat really good food…bonus!

it's at big house ON THE BEACH!
not a conference room.
not a hotel.
a house on the beach…we all stay there together!
this is like a dream workshop…for real.

i get to meet a bunch of people who are passionate about the same things i am AND we get to stay together.

have i mentioned that i am excited about this?!

more great news….
i would loooove to meet YOU at this workshop!
there are still spots for the February weekend.

all the info you need is found here.

did you know that they are also teaching in London, England and Melbourne, Australia?! 

how awesome is that?  
how cool would it be to take a vacation there tagged onto a blue lily workshop?
or just for those of you who live there….they are coming TO YOU!
you are so lucky.
your photography skills are about to go BIG TIME.

i am so ready for an awesome (dare-i-say LIFE CHANGING???) weekend with two people i admire so much.

i hope you can come.

let's go together!
think how BEAST we will be at photography when get home?!!


and for the record wendy and tyler….i expect to do this when we are together.

go to their blog and you will be inspired….you will be soaked in color… will smile…i promise.
it's impossible not to smile while you read their goofy stories
and see the LIFE they capture in their photos.


so darn excited. 

Kami - I am so jealous! They are my photo heroes! I took a basic class from Wendy at SPARK in Sept. Love her!

Sarah - Awesome!!! Can you come back and redo the entire workshop for us? 🙂

elisa - I want to go!!!

Kelley - I’m waiting on Wendy to send me the invoice so I can make the payment. Soooooo Excited!!!

Julie - For realsies? Yay yay yay and then one hundred million more yays. That weekend is going to turn everything upside down for you in the best possible way. A life dream/ bucket list/ no way it would ever happen/ all in one.
I am so excited to see what you soak in under the pretty San Diego sunshine.

Lisa - Wow, sounds really amazing!!!! Can’t wait to see your posts of it all…..and in SD too! Awesome!

Jess Mead - Sounds lovely and the weather will be perfect!!! If you are like me you are already so tired of our cold snowy Midwest winter!!!

Holly - Wow. Just…WOW!!!!
Many, oh so many, congrats to you, Meg!
I so wanna go…in fact, here’s the thing: I’m going to just have to go. Starting my own photography business is something friends and family have been encouraging me to do for years.
Just. Need. That. Extra. Push. From. Within. Myself.
And, to somehow grow overnight from self-conscious, into SELF ROCKIN’!!! (Did you go thru this when you got started as a pro photographer?)
Hope. It’s an amazing thing. And I hope to be able to grow some “you know what”, just throw caution, vulnerability, self-doubt, fear of falling flat on my face to the ever-lovin’ wind and get my tail out to SD…And just DO IT ALREADY. Aside from being a mama to 3 amazing boys, my other passion: taking pictures. Especially of them, and our crazy life. Love it. To the moon and back. Its most definately evoloved into an “art”, house art if you will, over the years. Hence the suggestion from fam n freinds.
And, of course, hopefully I will be able to give peeps the fabulous gift of being able to say to me: “Ha! I told you so!”. Because I am so mature. *big sigh*.
Thanks so much for the inspiration!!!

Jenny B. - What a great opportunity! A house on the beach… learning about photography… with a bunch of fun people!? Sounds like a good time to me! By the way, I saw a bird with a french fry this morning and thought of you. 🙂

eryn - I just emailed my hubby the link, my oh so subtle way of saying, PUH LEASE baby?? We’ll see. Maybe a great way to spend our tax return, I’m thinkin’.

Julie K - If I had an extra $1000 I would be there with you! I’m looking for a workshop this year too but … I think I have to stay local – are you aware of any good ones in Chicago? I’m having a hard time finding one that I know will be reputable. 🙂

Nicole Q. - SWEEEET. So happy for you girl! I’m in the research and saving stage of buying the next up camera form my point and shoot. Might be out of my league ya think? HA!! Have a great time! How cna you not ON THE BEACH with your CAMERA!! How fun!

Julie - That’s great Meg!! You are already a GREAT photographer, but isn’t it fun to learn new things about the thing we love to do. You go girl!! Happy for you!

Stephanie@Geezees - Sounds like fun! Can’t wait to see pics!

Ashley - I’m SOOOO excited for you! That will be the most amazing experience! I wish I could go, but I’m officially on “stay in town baby watch” starting next week.

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Lucky! I’m terribly jealous. I would love to be a better photographer. Or even just a competent one!

Von - Fantastic! Just had a look at their work and can see why you’re so excited. Looking forward to seeing some of your work afterward – it’s already fabulous 🙂

karen - Good for you Meg!! Take lots of pics for us please!

julia - Simpletruths - That’s so great!! My goal is to be good enough to go to one of their workshops next year

Lori - I love your blog! It’s my favorite! Blue Lilly did both of our girls weddings last year and they both turned out beautiful! Would love to have more family photos with her soon. Could you tell me what color you paint your crystal chandelier. Is it white or cream, spray or brush? I am thinking of painting one of mine and don’t want to make a mistake.
Thanks, Lori

laurenjean - I LOVEEEE Blue lily !! I won a contest abut a year ago from Wendy and had some AMAZING pictures taken by her out where I am in AZ. You will learn sooo much !!!! I would love to go !!!!!!! She also donated a package to my MOPS group . How cool is that !!!

Tracy Fisher - I am so jealous. I love that they invited you. I read their blog stoy about Mexico (the food). So funny. So honest. If I had more minutes in my day I would join you all. I have wanted to learn how to take better photos. But for now I am committed to tshirts, art and of course the family… and the next 40 days (I am trying to lose 10 lbs…yikes). Please post your stories of your trip. I can’t wait to hear.
Tracy (

Lori Danelle - EEK!!! I am so excited for you! While I would love to be there with you, I cannot think of a person who would enjoy this experience more! Now you can actually enjoy that fancy-schmancy Photoshop program instead of just thinking longingly about it while it sits in the box!!! 🙂

Laura - That is freakin’ awesome! I just discovered their photo blog a few weeks ago and fell in love. You will learn so much! Your business will grow! What an amazing opportunity.
You are now moving on to the next phase of your life my dear. Enjoy every single second of it!

Kelly - I am so excited for you!!! Woohoo!!!!! Kelly

jennifer - Yeah! So excited for you! Definitely beast!

Sara - I am very excited for you, there is nothing as stimulating as learning more about something you already LOVE and are totally INTERESTED in. I’m so proud of you for going for it!

jennibell - Can’t wait to hear all about it!!!!!!! So excited for you 🙂

Amanda - So exciting!! What an opportunity! Look forward to hearing about it here. weeee!!

Kyley Ochoa - Love your BLOG! We are long lost sisters! I love anything RAINBOW and my goldendoodle!:)
Check out my blog if you ever get a chance!

jenn - WOWZERS!!! I am so happy for you!!! And so wish I could go, too! Learn lots and have a blast!!!


Ariel - So jealous…wish I could. I will be on my way to Austin for my first half-marathon. Pray for me, and that I don’t die! 🙂

Keri - That’s awesome! I hope you learn a lot and have lots of fun!!

Jenn Thomas - I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this yesterday! I am so glad you will get to have this experience! I am jealous because you are going to be by the beach! I am sure you will learn a lot that will make the pictures you take in August for me even better! more unique!
Love Jenn T

Jodi - That sounds like so much fun!!! So excited for you! :o)

jeannett - green. jealous. boo.
BUT SO EXCITING FOR YOU!!!! please tell me you’ll be hanging out in cali a few extra days? right? right.

ruth - oh oh oh
whyyyyy did you have to mention london… now i want to blow all my savings!!!

Shayne - What a fantastic opportunity! Happy that you are able to embark on this amazing journey. 🙂

sarah - Ok, so I will make you a deal. YOU go on this totally cool weekend and I will wait here in freezing cold, snowy and windy Chicago. BUT, next time you are here to visit, you will use your BEAST skills to photograph my babies okay?? This way I will be less jealous:)

Heather R. - Beast for sure! 🙂 Excited for you. Can’t wait to see your mad skills on your blog in the spring.

Lisa Lentini - Sounds fun! The price tag is a bit big though. Hope you have a blast!

Sarah - I was all ready to complaining that all the cool things are in America until I saw they were coming to England. I’m nowhere near Pro but I definitely going to check out their beginners workshop, exciting!

Victoria - Well i just checked out their website and think you’re photo’s are just as good as theirs (to my untrained eye). I love how you can capture someone’s soul, and how every picture tells a story in itself! Keep up the good work!

Gemma - EEK! How exciting?!?! You’ll have great fun!
Gemma x

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, PS, how fun for you!

melissa @ the inspired room - I need to be beast at photography. BEAST? Wha?? lol.
I need to buy a big girl camera first. Then maybe I’ll go with you. Someday.

se7en - Awesome!!! You sound wonderfully happy and I hope it is just totally brilliant for you!!!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I am so excited for you. You better blog us about your adventure.

Katy - HOW fun is that!? I’m dying inside because I wish I could go, haha! Our wedding is 3 months away so all extra money is going to that. Take lots and lots of notes and report back to us. 😉 Have fun!

Leah - This looks AMAZING and I live here in San Diego! I don’t think I can afford the $900 right now. But I’d love to meet you. Interested in doing a photo session for me?

Kacey - You lucky girl!!! I would so love to be joining you. Wendy did our family pictures back in November – something I had dreamed about for a few years. It was fabulous! Enjoy!

Trish - Oh my word… so jealous! I actually just contacted them and asked a few questions about the workshop. I’m gonna ask the hubby tomorrow… I would freak out if he agreed to let me go. It’s a long shot, but I have to try! Thanks for the heads up 🙂

shauna reed - meg.
this is so exciting!
i am so looking forward to watching you grow through this!
and just be inspired!
if i was a pro i’d love to do a weekend like this!
maybe someday…
but last year i did a simple one day workshop just for partents with wildflowers photography and it was a highlight of my year…so inspiring!

betsy - Ooooh … I want to go. That sounds like a blast. Too bad I have my teaching job. And another certification I’m working on this year. And zero money in my savings.
But now that I know about these workshops, I have a goal. I’d love to save up for something like this that is just for me! Thanks for sharing and giving me something to work towards! I can’t wait to hear about it. Please tell us that you’ll be sharing pictures of the house and the beach and the sun for those of us still stuck in Kansas 🙂

sarah - You are going to have such a great time and learn so much and be so refreshed!
I’ve really enjoyed the 2 workshops I’ve done.
I love workshops, they allow you to grow and learn.. there’s always room for that. And meet new fun creative people. I love that.
I wish i had the money to spend on another one so I could come out and hang with you and them and take pictures and meet more people and soak in more amazingness. It would be SO great. But I’ve gotta hold on to that money for my 5 year anniversary trip with my hubby 😉

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - YAY! Good for you!! I know two of those girls in the last picture, one I went to elementary thru high school with! That will be an AMAZING experience! AND I’ll just miss ya… we’ll be on our annual family SD beach house vacay in March. FUN! I wish I was a super awesome photographer like you. 🙂

april - that sounds great!!! Cant wait to see what you learn….
If I only had 900 bucks right?? lols
So close yet so far…:)

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is it bad that….

i saw glitter in my coffee this morning and i drank it anyway?


that i ran to the grocery store for a Red Box movie for a sick kiddo at my house and left the grocery store with no movie….and 3 cans of hot cocoa, two boxes of dark chocolate cookie mix and box of little debbie brownies?  
is that bad??

that i think about the characters from Mad Men all day long?  i hear don draper everywhere!


that while i was on a vacuum rampage and pulled my bed out from the wall, i realized it had never been moved or cleaned behind….since craig bought it for me….five years ago????


that i saw this photo of angelina and it said she was 35 years old…just like me and i said a swear word out loud???


how can we be the same age?  I thought she was way older than me!  
so that means…
1. i look way WAY older than i thought.
2. it is possible to look like that at 35….if effort was put in place.


(that was not the word i used…..)


steph - oh my gosh… NO, NO, NOOOOO! angelina is not hot. she is WAY too skinny. blech! no curves… just bones, bones, bones. and the thing that makes her the most unattractive? her horrible scowl on her face at all times. i swear she has no teeth b/c she never ever smiles. not lovely… not ever. she is not real. i think she’s an alien. honestly. ha ha ha!
you are BEAUTIFUL and real and honest and lovely… inside and definitely out. cheer up, my friend! you know WE all love you more than brangelina! 😉 xo

Sara - Thank you for this fantastically funny and refreshing boost to my utterly uninspired day! 🙂 You are fun, fun, fun.

julia - Simpletruths - Ok – first I’ve got to say that Angelina may be thin, but no one should aspire to that level of skinny. More than once during The Tourist my husband mumbled “I need that woman to eat a pork chop and an ice cream sundae…”
Plus when they’re not all glitzed and glamored up most of those folks look pretty regular.
My 2 year old son likes to stand on our bed and check to see if his play fork is still on the floor. He dropped it behind the headboard about a year ago….

Jenny Joy - Meg, I lurve you. 🙂

sandy toe - OKay…love the glitter in the coffee…I probaly would of drank it too! Whats a little glitter-
sandy toe

Sarah - Hey Meg! I don’t think I’ve commented before, but I couldn’t resist the Angelina comment. I *think* I remember reading somewhere that between the two of them for one of the Salt premieres, she and Brad Pitt spent (or the studio spent) around $200,000 to make them look like that. For one night.
So, it’s not real:) Love your blog.

Holly - Hi Meg!
Loooove your blog. I think you are an amazing mama.
Ask yourself this: Do you think Saint Angelina runs out to Red Box for one of her sick kiddos? Nope. And it is highly doubtful the team of nannies are running to Red Box, as well.
So there.
Meg: One
Angie: ZIP…Zero…Nada
Bring it, Angie!

karen - yah sure..AJ is a stunner…and looks great…but most of us would be like that if we had millions.. no wait..billions!
And her legs to ME…are too boney and skinney. And that’s coming from a fairly skinney gal.
Oh and you look like your just stairing your 30’s…with a husband, 5 kids and a dog to top it off!!

Jill - She is WAY too skinny! Seriously!

Darcie L. - Angelina probably also has the $$ for a personal trainer and/or a nanny to watch the kids while she works out. And she gets paid millions to look like that for movies, so cut yourself some slack. (I do!) If you got paid a salary to have nice legs, maybe you’d look like her! I think you’re cute just like that.

Mrs. Edberg - You are right on target with where I envision myself some years from now with (hopefully) kids in the picture. There’s nothing you can do about it, and I think you look better then jolie – with all the help she no doubt gets, you think someone could get her to put some meat on those bones!

karen - If I lived in the Waldorf Astoria for 100K a month, I could look like that too….
Right…tell me I am right…….BTW I love Little Debbies shaped like hearts!!!!

nic - ha, this post made my morning! or my afternoon. (ohmy, where did the day go…i’d best get my rear in gear.)
ps i’m pretty sure angelina is a cyborg. no worries there.

Paula Montalvo - Angelina has an eating disorder!! She would never eat Little Debbies. She has a staff of people who train her, raise her kids, do her makeup, buy her clothing, and clean her house! You are a wonderful wife and Mother! Super Cute to Boot! You are a REAL person……….and thank heaven for that! Could you imagine all the pressure that woman feels??? We all pressure ourselves enough……..imagine if photographers were following you everywhere??? THE HORROR! Your colorful home is full of love and creativity! Glittery coffee is the BEST! Blessings Paula <3

simply stork - mmmmmm glittery coffee… my favorite :o)

angie - Right there with you on all of it!
The Jolie has a personal trainer, personal chef, and it is her career to be skinny!
You are just as beautiful as she is, you just don’t realize it!

Stacy Kearney - I love that you drank glitter.

Elizabeth C. - I think glitter may actually have a little nutritional benefit…

tasha roe - you are hysterical.
soo….you need to come visit stl because john hamm is a native and does a bunch of blues hockey commercials on the radio. it’s delish!!! i gasped when i heard the first one and hubby thought he was going to hit something. lol

Laura - You look awesome. Seriously. I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. If I didn’t mean it I just wouldn’t say anything at all. ;o)
Hope the sick kiddo gets to feeling better!

joana - I just see a skinny girl with lots of money to keep up with the look! The pressure must be horrible!
I prefer the real world! love the way you just say it out loud!

Lisa - No judgement here! Especially when chocolate is involved! 35…. Really ?

Kristen@JLS - i think i need to start watching this mad men series. angelina needs a big mac. with fries. super-sized.

Rachel Giles - I think those are disgusting legs, WAY too skinny!!

Tara @ Tara Being Tara - Haha you just made me laugh out loud. Forget Angelina!! I think she’s an alien.

Allison Trammell - if we all had as much money and people fussing over us like angelina does, we would look like that too!! 🙂

Iris Brown - I read quite a few blogs and what’s refreshing on your blog is that NONE of your post (which you amazingly do almost everyday) seem forced. 🙂 However, you probably have a barrels of “material” to post from your 5 kids & dog. Your so funny and real and encouraging, and quite clever in capturing the mundane everyday, yet its poetic when you do it and reminds me to relish my moments with my kids.
I have a couple questions forgive me if you answered this in a previous post:
Are you talkative amongst your girlfriends?
Do praise from readers (like me) get old or redundant?
Just wondering. Have a good evening!

mary beth - Glitter = fiber! That AJ does not look normal in any way. I think the surgeons took her leg tissue and put it on her lips and it does not look normal. There. I got that off my chest! I’m 58 and I hate it when my husband sees someone on tv and they say her age is 59 or 60 and he hollers, “she is how old?” and looks over at me… It’s a joy ride for sure! chocolate = breakfast of champions is what I say!

ain't for city gals - It’s ALL good…lol..whatever is my favorite word!

Tracie - I would also look that good if I had someone to take care of my children and cook for me! I’m 35 too and I don’t look like that either.

Nicole Q. - Love the header pic.
You made me laugh with this post! :))

merlin - You couldn’t pay me to be her or have her legs/body. I’ll take my cankles and life’s problems any day over her’s.
Now, I might consider walking in your shoes for a day….but what would I choose to do: a long soak in your fabulous tub?, game night?, being crafty? taking great photos? Yep, in a heart beat, even to do the laundry….your life seems worth living.
But truly, I am so grateful for my own, lumps and all.

Camille - So, if I am 29 and don’t look a thing like that… it’s worse. Much worse. Ugh.
Oh well, happy healthy kids and no nanny or nutritionist on staff makes for a slightly different shape!

Kristin S - I’m not buttering you up. YOU look much younger than 35 and she looks much older.
For real.

Lisa - Hmmm… I’m thinking Angelina needs to eat a few of those Little Debbies brownies.

Leigh - Angelina has housekeepers, nannies, assistants, trainers, and probably many more other people that allow her to look that good. If we all had that kind of money and help, we’d be causing other people to swear:)

midwestmom - Sorry, just have to say that Angelina Jolie does not look hot in that picture, or ever! She looks starved!! JMO!

Lisa - Love this post! We moved once and I realized I had never vacuumed under our bed… for 5 yrs too! And her legs… too skinny for me! Celebrities are not normal people… I’m sorry but they aren’t! But they can make me feel bad about myself sometimes. Ok, gotta go eat some more rice krispe treats! 😉

Cathy - Uh… who cares about Angelina? She’s not real…..she’s the product of plastic surgeons, extreme pampering, make-up artists, and hairdressers. You look exactly your age, and better yet….you are REAL! Besides….your a better mama than her. You can bet she ain’t having craft days or game nights with her kids- the nannies are. Love you, Meg…. embrace who you are.
P.S. Her legs look like toohpicks. She’s a plucked chicken…. so there!

Michele Renee - Wait — has no one yet mentioned AJ’s plastic surgery? And the Botox? And yes, I agree her legs are like sticks. And she has at least one nanny for every kid.
P.S. I wish I were 35.

Heather - If it helps, I was born the same year as Kate Middleton, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Biel. They don’t have kids yet and neither do I, but I still look nothing like them! I sincerely doubt my SKELETON is even a size 0. 🙂
Seriously though- I’m sure being physically beautiful in a mainstream way is great, but I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin. I’m still working to be in better shape, but mostly because it makes me feel good, and is good for me. I will be watching the Golden Globes tonight and admiring the pretty gowns, but in reality, I’m soooo glad I don’t have a job that requires me to constantly make public appearances looking flawless. And to have to employ a staff of people to make that happen! That would get old FAST.

the domestic fringe - Ha! If it makes you feel any better, I just thought a bad word after seeing that picture. I too am 35.
Let’s change the subject…your grocery store items sound delightful!

Rebekah - Jon Hamm IS everywhere! He and John Slattery do the voice-overs for every single commercial on television.

Sonia - Silly girl! Wouldn’t it be so easy if we all had someone to cook healthy meals for us, someone to show us all the right workout moves for 3 hours a day and someone at home watching our children while we worked out? Don’t forget photoshop. Besides, Angelina is too skinny. Speaking of skinny, just read an article about the ANTM winner that her waist is 18″!!!! What? That is like my thigh!!

lindsey - you’re awesome

Cari - Not bad at all. Just human. And that’s what keeps your faithful blog readers coming back for more!
(Btw…I went to Target last night and my family was with me. There were clearance items on every row, but I had two nine year olds and one husband stuck to me like velcro. Not enjoyable in the least. And no popcorn combo either. I will be going back to Target on Tuesday — ALONE!!!) 🙂

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Well, Angelina looks that way because she is a MANEATER!
I cannot believe she is only 5 years older than me. I would have thought she’s in her 40s. She has GOT to be fudging somewhere.

The Fairy's Apprentice - you look so great, you don’t have to worry about that!
the glitter in the cup of coffee made me laugh, I do exactly the same! and I cannot say that about me 5 years ago, what’s wrong with us??? 🙂

Michelle - love the sparkles in your coffee cup.

Kerri - If it is bad…then I’m right there with ya!

kristine - you’re way hotter than angelina. and i’m being serious. you LOOK like you love life and she looks miserable. and fake. and she looks old because she’s so skinny. am i being mean? she might get to travel all over and be skinny BUT you’re nice to your fans 🙂

Gemma - Hi Meg!!
Heehee….you probably just needed a chocolate fix.
These celebrities get so much help to achieve their ‘look’…Remember she probably hasn’t pushed 5 kids out of her vagina! HA!
Gemma x

Melanie - You don’t have 10 nannies to care for your kids and you don’t have make up artist to fix you up…..don’t you worry about her, girlfriend.
You look great just the way you are:)

Krista - this is one of my favorite blog posts from anyone that i’ve read in awhile…it made me smile and laugh out loud. thanks 🙂
enjoy your chocolate—yum!

Michele - Not bad at all! Love your random post. I’m getting off the computer now because I promised my 4-yr-old computer time…is that bad? Maybe so 🙂

Wendi - My thought about Angelina is that she spends waaaaayyyyy more time on looking good and someone else is raising her kids. I mean, there are only 24 hours in a day, and looking that good takes time for any thirty something woman. Your kids are blessed AND you are beautiful!

Sara - awesome post. i am so glad to hear that there are others out there with the Don Draper obsession. i could think about him 24/7. i also love the fact that you point out the same thoughts and insecurities we all have. Angelina makes me feel super special too.

Heather - I used to work with a guy who went to college with Brad Pitt. He HATED Brad because he “stole” the co-worker’s girlfriend while they were at the University of Missouri, long before Brad was famous. I wanted to tell him, “Boo-freakin’-hoo! So you lost your girlfriend to Brad Pitt? Who can blame her?”

Megan - If it makes you feel better, I don’t even want to know what is behind / under my bed. And Angelina may have great legs, but her arm veins sick me out. Hope that makes you feel better.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - MEG, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!

Micah - Maybe that is a WAX statue of Angelina! lol
Genes… i think it just comes down to genes.
That’s my thought and I’m stickin’ to it! LOL

Staci - None of it bad at all 🙂 Annnnd, we’d allll look like that if we had people making us salads on a whim…whenever we wanted…and healthy food….at our beckoned call 🙂 But yea….dannng, those legs 😀 We won’t eeeeven talk about, k? Cause I am coming up on 39!!!!! YIKES!!

Juli - How bad is it that I was so pathetically skinny in high school (not so much anymore!) that I look at Angelina’s legs and am repulsed & think “skinny little chicken legs”?

Janelle - I turn 32 next month…does that mean I have 3 more years to look that good? That’s how it works, right?

Beth Ann - You know – if you drink glitter it has to come out, that is something to look forward to?!?! Perhaps?!? Perhaps not?
Enjoy your chocolate! I am going to make these today – Better than crack brownies, not that I am able to compare the 2, but I would imagine that they are good.

Lorie - You crack me up lady! How do you stay sane during the day?

Amy - No offense to you Meg but I think Angelina and Brad both look like skanks. No amount of money can hide that. I always tell my husband they look like they escaped a trailer park. lol.
You on the other have beauty inside and out. You have beautiful eyes and a womanly, real body (that obviously your husband finds attractive 😉 ). You are beautiful. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Too funny about the bed. I move furniture all the time. But I know I’m weird in that way.

Routhie - Just before I read this, I moved my kitchen island, bought about 3 years ago, and realized 2 things. 1: I had never cleaned under it, and 2: not only has the long-haired cat been hanging out under there, she has also shredded a cardboard box.
Don’t look at photos and compare yourself to celebrities. Angelina Jolie lacks in every way you count. She will not have all the wonderful memories of her children that you will have when your own are grown.

Jacqui - too funny. thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning!! and wow 35, she makes me old!!

Nichole - I would agree with you, those fixed up photos of Jolie make her look great. I bet she looks a little ragged in photos that aren’t edited to make her look better, though. 🙂

RLG - Meg, you are MUCH more attractive than Angelina Jolie.
She is just GROSS. Really. very. gross.

Shelly DeBoer - Laugh out loud funny… you made my Sunday morning!

Tasha - may i just say…all i see when i see angelina is skinny…and that doesn’t make anyone beautiful. just sayin’

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i’ve found glitter in my coffee and i’ve drank it anyways, it’s true.
and i’m not even going to think of angelina…i tell myself if i had a tons of money to pay for nannies to watch the kids while i train, and if i could pay a trainer, and had millions of people hoping to catch cellulite on my legs, then i’d have legs like that to. 🙂

Carol S. - Just wait. It was probably around your age I started to be aware of tv moms, advertisement moms, and thinking they were casting way too young. I’m 48 now and feel 35 inside. I probably look about 47ish. I keep thinking of all the things I CAN’T control in life, the one thing I CAN control is my temple (my body)…yet I somehow choose to be curvy and 15-20 lbs. away from hot body. It is a choice somehow. Sitting here instead of treadmilling. Loved this post, fun to dream on about Don Draper.

Lorilee - I haven’t vacuumed in 2 weeks. My excuse is that my SEBO canister vacuum is in desperate need of new filters and a bag. I am waiting for them to arrive from Germany I think! They don’t keep the filter packs in stock here. It makes a great excuse. I have been swiffering though.

Katie - good genes and airbrushing…tons of money, personal trainer, the pressure of having to look nice to make money and stay popular…this is what I attribute the looks to. I would rather have the freedom to eat chocolate!

Janelle - Hee hee. Thanks for the Sunday morning chuckle 🙂

sarah - Glitter in coffee…..that will make your insides all shiny and new! The gift that keeps giving:)

Tara - this post has started my sunday morning off….just right.
the post and this extra large mug of coffee. (with no glitter)
none of those things are bad…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
and, about angelina. hummmmmmmmmm. i would have said a bad word, too.

jeannett - honestly, i think she’s way too skinny. look at her knock knees. like a little kid. with baby oil slathered on. except i bet it’s some $800 per ounce oil that she bought in dubai or something. but in general…yeah. i’m 30 and i don’t look a thing like i should. but here’s what i always say (and i’m actually being serious): if i had a personal chef and a personal trainer and someone who tailored all of my clothes specifically to my body, i’d look pretty fabulous too. we all would. and angelina…without those things would still be beautiful, but doubtful she would look like THAT.
brad on the other hand…oh. my. my heart stops sometimes. if i were married to him, we’d never leave the house. true story.
is that bad?

Ruth - she’s creepy. you’re not. rest easy!

Shayne - She may be 35, but it’s quite clear that she never gets to eat brownies or hot cocoa or anything in the chocolate family. I may cease to exist without chocolate.
Enjoy Sunday with your family. 🙂

happygirl - Meg…So funny. I can’t get past all AJ’s tattoos, so she does not threaten me. Oh yeah, and I’m WAAAAY older than you both. And you know she’s been hungry for all 35 of her years. As far as drinking glittery coffee, BRING IT. Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging me in this wonderful adventure at a time of my life when I was beginning to feel useless. There is so much encouragement out here in blogland. I know there is always the opportunity for the negative, but there does seem to be SO much positive encouragement. I LOVE IT. *oh yeah, I want to be Joan on Mad Men*

angela - Going to vacuum under/behind my bed. Wish me luck…it’s been lots of years.

Michelle from Australia - I decided long ago that Angelina is not human. I’m sure she belongs to some kind of super skinny alien like form that are put on earth to torture all exercise hating, chocolate loving Mothers. Me included. p.s. Hope the sick kiddo is on the improve!

Trisha - Oh my. Chocolate has been on the top of my list lately. I decided to try the sugar fast you did last year. Because I can. Because I am addicted. Anyways I caved in on day 3 I am an idiot.

Janie Fox - Angelina isn’t real, she has been engineered in a lab. I have proof, well I say I do. You’re supposed to vacuum behind beds? Dang… not the word I used!

Angela - For real?! Did you just hijack my life? I’m older than you but I SO feel your pain!! What kind of Moms would we be if we didn’t come home with Little Debbies?
Have you seen The Town yet? It’s kind of a dude flick but it’s good. Watch it!

Carla - Ha, angelina’s twins were born just before my DS and I remember crying at her Hello Magazine perfect photo shoot. Where was the 40lb of left behind pregnancy weight??? She looked perfect. And I still have 20lb of pregnancy weight left behind, even though the product of the pregnancy is just about running around. She’s half french, that’s my excuse.
I need to start watching Mad Men!
I vacuumed behind my bed two weeks ago. Great feeling. I bet Angelina doesn’t know that feeling. Poor her 😉

Leslie P. - you are hilarious meg. and you’re killing me with that new header! what delicious fabrics just begging to be brought to life!

melissa stover - oh and also marketing. i think about marketing a lot now. do you?

melissa stover - i think about the mad men characters quite a bit too. i didn’t have a thing for don draper until i started watching from the first season. i started at season 4 and just now got caught up. oh my, i love him in the first 3 seasons.

Marisa - This post was hilarious. Cracked. Me. Up. I can SO relate…with everything you mentioned. Thanks for brightening my Saturday night. 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Time + money + staff + genes = those legs, etc. Oh, and she hasn’t been pregnant and given birth five times!
Please, please cut yourself YARDS of slack here. You are a full-time mother. She is a grown-up whose job is to pretend to be other people, and she gets paid millions of dollars to do so. Who do I admire? YOU.

Jennifer Williams - I can so relate to this post!
I went to the store to day for baking soda and vinegar to declog a drain and left with stuff to bake a cake, hot chocolate and a magazine.
I see so many stars that I could swear are years older than me but then I find out they are actually younger. I could have sworn Angelina was in her forties.

sarah - the most important thing about us is not how we look!
i know its cliche but sometimes it is important to say it out loud and remind ourselves.

nicole i - no, no, no, no, no.
i think ms jolie has a entourage of people helping her vacuum behind the bed her husband gave her, someone cleaning up glitter and making coffee, renting movies and grocery shopping for her.

Lisa - Yep its bad.
Ha but I love all of it! the choc cravings, the lack of vaccuming, the swearing over angelina… we all do it.

sue - P.S. She is 35.

sue - Oh Meg! You crack me up!!!!!

Bobbie - I moves my bed to vacuum behind it this week too and I broke it. Oops. We just don’t discuss it.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Chocolate seemed to be on your mind? I can relate whole heartedly. I just watched my first Mad Men episode last night. I can’t stop thinking about all of them. And the time, and how women were treated. I am h.o.o.k.e.d. Megan, come on? Those legs aren’t real. Steee… retched my friend. And tonnes of smooothing. At least thats what I tell myself. Now go and look at a picture of Meryl Streep, or Joan Cusack and have a cup of hot chocolate along with one of those brownies. Life is just too short!

Holly - Oh Meg! You look great! I bet she isnt nearly as funa nd creative as you are! 😉

Leonie - she cannot be our age she has to be 25 for sure!!!!

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today you can find me……

at target in real life.
with a warm coffee in one hand and clearance items in my cart.

and then a fabric store after that.


but in blogland….

i am talking about game night and Sara Lee over here today. 


Leah - I loved your new header! You are so creative. I wish I had the patience to sew!

April - off topic but just had to say thanks for the “happy things” list – I love browsing it 🙂

Kim Thomas - signing in from Canada. Windsor Ontario that is. I just love shopping in Target in Detroit…I work there so I too enjoy shopping the perimeter for clearance deals. I was so excited to hear that Target is finally coming to Canada. They bought out some leases on a department store here called Zellers and will convert some to Target stores in 2013-2014. YESSSS!

Kristen@JLS - Sounds like a great day. Please share with us what what beautiful fabric you picked out! xoxo,

Mrs.B - I need to go to Target today myself, but I’ll just stay home & clean…

Angie - Lucky you have a target close by. I have to drive an hour away to go to one. I love that store!
I just want to say tht I like reading your blog. You give me inspiration and I love your home and projects you do. I read your blog evey day.

Jenn - Mmmmm, Target clearance… my favorite! Hope you found some A.MAZ.ING deals!

Lorilee - I spent a couple of hours in Hobby Lobby this evening after school! I only needed a styrofoam wreath form, but I HAD to check out all the sale aisles. I found my Bunco prizes for March-50% off.

julia - Simpletruths - I love Target. Enjoy.

Tracy Fisher - I love “family” night (Fridays since my husband works Saturdays). We actually play Jeopardy on TV and various Wii games.. and occasionally Yatzee. But our favorite game is called HEADBANDZ. We played it in CA over Thanksgiving, with 4 families, all ages and had the BEST time! I need to find it online since Target and Toys R Us were sold out when I asked. You have to look for it. It’s like Apples To Apples, but you wear your word on your head (on a headband) and you have to guess your own word as others laugh at you.. and it is timed. Great time. Many laughs. And I’ll bet Sara Lee poundcake dipped in chocolate fondu would go perfect with it! Tracy (

Amy - sorry to go off topic but I think you might want to know that when I logged on today under the Blogher logo was a few links for “meeting russian women” advertisements. Just a little weird.

Beth - wish i lived in the same town as target
i just bought me some fabric today to maybe play around and make something
seen lots of blogs with easy things to creat so i plan on doing it this year…wish me luck

Kerri - Love the new header!! 🙂 Now I feel compelled to head to Target (pronounced “tar zhey”)

gina f. - Sounds like you are headed to my happy places. Have fun and i hope you score some great bargains!

Tara - Target clearance ROCKS. I stocked up on toys like you would not believe. I don’t think I will have to shop for a birthday party present for the year! Enjoy the quiet time.. I went w/ my 2yo twins in tow. Far from quiet.

Kori - I heart Target and a coffee! Have fun..

Jessica @Zocal Creative - Oooh! I love Target clearance! My husband however, loathes it.

Amanda - Isn’t Target the best?! enjoy your day

sarah - That’s where I was yesterday 🙂 Enjoy it!

Cari - In my book a Target trip is not complete without a popcorn combo. And I usually leave a little trail all around the store. Ha! Enjoy your day! 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - maybe i’ll see you there. 😉 love the target end-caps.

Janene - My kind of lovely: )Enjoy!

Holly - Today you willl find me with my teenager going shopping. We will also be going to a fabric store during that time. I dont know if she knows that or not!

happygirl - Love your new banner. I remember when I sewed my son’s clothes and baked bread. Now I work for the man to make sure my son has health insurance until he’s 26. Don’t we do it all for our kids?

Tess S - i can’t believe we haven’t run into eachother in the clearance section at target. ah… maybe it’s because we’re in target stores states away. i have to say it takes some serious restraint to be able to wait out a much loved item for the clearance section.

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one day.

"getting ready to go to school was like getting ready for extended deep sea diving"  
name that movie line.

– 2 degrees.
a very cold school drop off today.

spoiled rotten dog…cuddling by the space heater.

best heart yet.
annie found it in the yard last week…so random.

mmmm….hot coffee.

mail has arrived….happy mail.

time to start a project…

cut and cut and cut.

pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips.
two dozen gone in one day.
my kids love them.

my snack…apples and peanut butter and a little honey.

lasagna for dinner.

be happy.
she's happy because she just ate some chocolate apparently!

she gets him super wound up….they are good buddies.  :)


oh yeah….that is the best picture in the bunch.  

hot bath.
glass of wine.
Mad Men Season 3.

it was a good day. 

Faith - Mmmm. Your pumpkin muffins look divine!

tami - I havent had a hot bath in so long, quick showers usually. I think i will do just that today!

Anne Good - Where did you get the pug shirt? I LOVE it! I have a dog blog and I would love to get my hands on one!

Courtney - It is everyday pictures of life that makes me happy! Your blog makes me HAPPY!! In my time of despair this is a fabulous reminder of what I am surrounded by, thanks for that!!

allison - the pumpkin muffins look and sound amazing!!
can you please maybe post the recipe? 🙂

Paula Montalvo - I have recently found your blog and Love it! Agreed……A Christmas Story! My favorite Christmas Movie EVER!!
Looks like you made the most of a VERY cold day! You are a girl after my own heart…….Bath, candles, wine and Mad Men!! I think we are cut from the same cloth! Blessings <3 Paula

Rach - Spoiled dog for sure, but smart too. I’ll send you guys some warm weather. It’s down right balmy out here right now.
Happy for your good day. I love days like that.

Linda - Love Love Love this kind of post. So bright and colorful yet simple and real. It’s what I love most about your blog. Thanks for brightening my day!

Jen - so glad my kids aren’t the only ones who can down a dozen pumpkin muffins like there’s no tomorrow!

Blanca - That is a perfect day, Meg.

Mary - I am intrigued by your sewing project with that fun fabric and look forward to seeing what you are making.

Jill Tracy - Seriously LOVE this blog Meg! I love seeing your day to day with your family. I love how open and honest you are. And all the color, yep love that too 🙂

Melissa - I love ending the day with a warm bath.

Danett - Love this idea. I think I am going to try it tomorrow.

Dandy - Love it- I might try that tomorrow.
It was 76 at the beach today- I’ll try to send some warmth your way 🙂

Liz Prince - LOVE your blog. I only read three daily and yours is always first 🙂 Can you PUHLEASE email me or post in your comments where you got that multi-colored cream fabric w/ polka dots? I NEED IT! Thank you so much!

karen - i’m glad you had a good day.

Jaimie - I just love how real you are. I love that you don’t “stage” your life for photos. You show a coffee mug on a paper towel, not delicately placed in a totally white background on a nice little plate. It’s so real and comforting and I think that’s a big part of why people love you so much. : )

Lisa - Please share the pumpkin muffin recipe!! Thanks for always brightening my day.

Julie - I never knew pb and apples was weird?? now pb and pickles… not too sure about that!

sarah - Oh you had me with the space heater AND the hot bath! Is it spring yet?

Kristin S - That IS a good day!

kat - Fun, Fun, FUN! Whad’ya get from Piperlime? Also, where do you buy your fabric from? Do you order it online?

Kimberlee J. - Nice movie quote. 🙂
Happiness is Waffle in front of that heater. I have been freezing today. I am about to join him.
Happy Mail rocks.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - That is some great fabric you have there. I can’t wait to see how you are using it.

sarah - Wow that’s some serious cold weather.
I love the pictures of your day 🙂

deedee - loved the post! loved the header! loved the pics! i love your blog… 🙂
those muffins look good.. would you be willing to share the recipe? i’ve got this great recipe book that i want to fill for the little ones. 🙂

amy jupin - love the new header.
all that fresh new fabric…yummy!

amber - cute new header. i can’t wait to see what “project” you are talking about.

Tracy Fisher - Had the rainbow cake at my daughter’s 13th bday… glazed apple bars at a friends house… and just made the Mexican chicken the other night… All were delicious!!! Can you please post the pumpkin muffin recipe? Pretty please???
Tracy Fisher
ps.. loved the Be Happy shirt with chocolate on the face… I love youth!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - If you want to feel warmer, just pop over to see what real cold is. And now, even though I’ve stopped drinking coffee at home, I am about to get up and go make myself a cup. Your happy cup of java did me in.

Sam Miller Gott - A Christmas Story!! Yeah for hot baths and wine. x

Gina - Love that movie! Stay warm, looks like it was a great day for a hot bath too!

gina f. - cute pix! Can’t wait to see what you are making with that beautiful fabric! Have fun!!

Lindsay - apples and peanut butter = greatest snack EVER.
I wish so badly that I had an awesome bathtub. We’re in an apt now with a shower/bath and I don’t do baths in shower/baths. Is that weird? I’m grossed out by the walls. And that it’s an apt. Ew. Can’t wait to have a home with a NEW tub. I will soak forever.

karen - You can put your arms down when you get to school!!!
My family spent Christmas in NYC and our hotel did not have the channel that showed A Christmas Story all day. My family really missed that.
We love Waffle

Maria - mmm…you just reminded me that I was going to try to convert my pumpkin bread recipe to a chocolate chip pumpkin bread recipe…this weekend might be perfect for it!

patti - Love your new header!!! Where do you find such beautiful fabric?

Alli - What a fabulous day!


jennifer - -love your new header
– A Christmas Story?
-It was 10 below here yesterday when I dropped the kids off. SO wrong!
-PiperLime always makes for happy mail.
-what are you going to make?
-I really, super duper need your recipe for those muffins! 🙂
-have you tried apples and almond butter? That’s my favorite.

margo sexton - You wrote about this a few posts back but I wanted to comment on it. You wrote that you love movies with Vince Vaughn PLEASE tell me I am not the first person to tell you your husband looks very very much like him. I have thought it for as long as I have read your blog. Just wanted to share and would be curious to hear if you have been told that

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - eeeek! are you making a quilt??

Carrie Kiser - Perfect day indeed.
Especially if there was no “you know what” out in the hallway on your only clean towels while you were in the bathtub! LOL

april - love this post!!! -2 degrees is way to cold!! Waffle may be the samrtest dog ever to lay in front of the heater…I would do that too!!! lol

Jenny Joy - I can’t wait to see what you do with all that adorable fabric! Pillows? Something else? I’m sure it will be great! 🙂

Beth - Love the last picture especially if it is that cold where you are at.
Yeah I agree can’t wait to see what you make!

Shannon - A Christmas Story! I love that movie so much and I love coming here to lurk at your blog 🙂 Your pictures are the best, your family is adorable and I want your house!
Thank you for always sharing your life with all of us.

ashley jensen - I love heart shaped things and a rock like that would be on display in my house if I found one! Our dog likes to lay in front of our space heater (in our computer room) too.

Ryanne - Love the new header. And envious of your bathtub!

Stacy - oh ya hot baths are my new obsession. I have to run in icy snow packed Wichita so you know what i’m dealing with. I can’t seem to warm up so i find myself soaking up some warmth in the bath. & I need your pumpkin muffin recipe!! They look wonderful!

nancy beach - so where do you get all your wonderful fabric? I LOVE all the colors.
Don’t you love the Piperlime boxes? I turned mine inside out and reused it that way.

Cari - Well, I thought 7 degrees was cold this morning. I’ve got nothing on your -2! Ha! 😉 And there’s nothing like a handwritten note in the mail. It truly is a lost art! Stay warm today! 🙂

Janie Fox - AWW I adore Mad Men. I have just started watching How I Met Your Mother….loving it. I might steal that Waffle!! And Talby and Annie- too cute!!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - And I thought my family was the only one with spoiled rotten dogs! LOL. My mom has a chihuahua that will scratch at her house coat until she open it and lets him in to snuggle. If she is sitting down, he is right there tucked under her arm. It doesn’t matter if it is winter or summer. That’s his spot.

Laura - That last picture just made me relax… I realized I was sitting at my laptop all tensed up.
And, as always, I adore your dog.
(and I adore the fabric and Piperlime box)

chasity - a christmas story???
love this one too~
fragile….must be italian
great photos!

happygirl - I think one may have had to live under a rock for 20 years to not ID the movie. I LOVE your day, all but the -2 degrees. I could live without that forever. Please stop by my blog some time. You have inspired me.

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - My favorite is apples and fat free caramel. Yummy! Looks like you had a fantastic day.

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Line from A Christmas Story, ha!
I love peanut butter and apples too.
After your house tour photos, these are my favorite kind of posts! 🙂 Stay warm!

katie - i LOVE apples & peanutbutter!! I think it’s hillarious when people say it sounds weird!! and your dog is soooo stinkin cute!! He’s getting fluffy again!!!

Sarah - Oh those muffins sounds so good, would you be able to share the recipe?

Tammy - Great pictures!! Love the one of the puppy by the heater. That is hilarious. =) Beautiful girl in the pictures too!

kasey - starting season 3 of mad men myself today.
with a glass of wine.
in the afternoon.
as soon as Fin gets on the bus at noon.

Christy - Can’t wait to see what your going to create!

Kimberly - Hi Meg….I have been following your blog for over a year and here is my first public appearance! What made me finally speak you ask???? Peanut butter and apples…I have been eating that since I was a little girl… glad to know I’m not the only one. Other friends thought it was strange but it tastes oh so good!!! I love your home, your family, your blog, your photos…the way you see life and share with all of us. You are a blessing to this world. keep sharing! xoxoxoxo

Elisabeth - This cracks me up because we had 6 inches of snow in Atlanta and are on day four of school being closed! We have cabin fever–wish we were as snow hardy as you all! What are you planning to make with all the gorgeous fabric?

Shana - A Christmas Story!

elisa - Sounds perfect 🙂

Melissa - Love this post!
You really did show a perfect day.
Especially the tub at the end!

Shayne - Love the space heater picture! That’s exactly where I would be. 🙂

Tara - perfect day.
all except the 2 degrees part.

Jen - Can you give us your pumpkin muffin recipie?

danielle - looks like a wonderful day, indeed.
love your header…and that fabric… can’t wait to see what you’re making!
and i could use some of those muffins. for reals.

Jess Mead - Adorable pics, as usual!!! The last one is my favorite too. Glad to see you shop Piperlime. I can barely find anyone that even knows the store exists. Love it!!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Looking forward to seeing what you make!
Gemma x - “A Christmas Story” which I think is the greatest movie of all time. - Apples and peanut butter? Hm… interesting
Loved your red coffee mug, yesterday was looking for red plates, love red dishes!

Kori - Apples and peanut butter are yummy together….
Have you tried a peanut butter and (sliced dill) pickle sandwich??
SO very good. Promise. 🙂

PaisleyJade - Such good photos – going to have to try apples and peanut butter now!

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a couple of things….

i keep forgetting to tell you that Layla featured me on her before and after post last week!

it's cool over at layla's!
she makes your pictures do this presto-chango thing and then voila! it's a whole new room
just by clicking your mouse!
go see her other before and afters too.
her site is FULL of loveliness.


water for christmas.

please read this post if you are interested in making items to donate to the etsy shop.

the water etsy shop will close on jan. 15 but will continue to accept items to sale.
in the summer it will reopen  for Christmas in July.

we can keep giving clean water all year round! 




this came in my mailbox yesterday!
it's so cute.

i met the artist/shop owner mary at the kane county flea market in may. 
i was shopping in her booth…her booth was always one of my favorite booths years ago when i lived in IL.
she has LOTS of furniture painted white.  gorgeous furniture.  
she said "are you Meg Duerksen?  i love your blog."
i about died.
i was states away from home….and at the moment i was all alone…no one was there to hear her ask! 

i texted my husband "i just got recognized from my blog at the flea market"  
he wrote back "of course you did….those are your peeps!"
it was FUN.
she was busy with everyone buying everything in her booth but i grabbed her card.
went home and looked up her blog.
it's so pretty.  
she does miracles with a can of white paint!  she is my hero.

and she just opened an etsy shop.
so i grabbed an M for me.
it's fabulous. 


i got my baby fix.


i enjoyed photographing one of the most calm content babies last week.
she would be looking at me….engaged….then close her eyes for a 10 minute nap….just like that.
on her own.
no rocking or pacifiers or shhh shhh shhhhhhhh in her ear.  (my babies LOVED that) (also loved the football hold)

miss betsy baby was a DE-light.

and so is her mom.  :)

Jenn - off to check out the link loveliness you shared. 🙂
That baby picture-oh, how sweet is she?
And I love your fabric/happy mail, too. How fun. Glad you’ve had some good days and have documented them, too.

Mary G. - PLEASE put me in touch with the mother of that adorable baby… I MUST have the pattern for that adorable crocheted hat!
If the mom didn’t make it, maybe she can tell me who did (hopefully it wasn’t a flea market find!) and I can get pattern instructions.

Rebekah Brummel - You are a rock star in Kendall County too. . . . posted a link to your blog on Facebook once and was surprised how many people I know read you blog, . . . . . I’ve been going to the Kane County Flea Market with my mother since I could walk. . . . once a month we ditched church for a holy experience in St. Charles. . . have you tried the pastries from the french nuns? Yum. . . . . the Sandwich Antique Mart is great too, better quality stuff, big trees = nice shade in the summer, but smaller size flea market

Dandy - OMG is that your room?! I bookmarked that on ohdeedoh ages ago. Its in my inspiration file. Love

aubrey - just come to utah again and i’ll say the same thing to you–and i’ll bring my friend that also loves your blog so we can both go ga-ga. because we will. you’re awesome.

Cara @ Twice Lovely - Megan… I found your blog from Layla’s feature–lucky you to be featured! I want to do my playroom in a similar style, but I know it’s going to take lots of scavenging on my part. Wish me luck. Wanted to let you know I’m so in love with your blog. Will be coming back often to visit! A pleasure to meet you.

Katie - Congrats on being featured on Layla’s! I LOVE the bathroom…I have been collecting silver not sure what to do with it…now I know!
Also my son loves to read and I showed him the room and he thought it was great…maybe someday we can do something like that for him!

Rachel / cREaTe - your husband’s comment made me laugh!!!! totally sounds like something mine would say since the flea market types would definitely not be HIS peeps. 😀 sounded like an awesome time! love your “M” necklace. and what an awesome photo of baby betsy. LOVE all the COLOR!!! and of course she’s PRECIOUS all in her slumber.

shelley - meg…wow that little one is adorable !!! i miss my babies..

Janelle - I think that is my all time FAVORITE professional photo you have shared on your blog. WELL DONE. =) Adorable baby.

Mindy Harris - also i just ordered an “m” necklace, too.

Mindy Harris - THE BABY!!!!! that’s one gorgeous little girl. i wish i knew how to knit so i could make beanies like that.
i talk about your blog all the time. “how can mine be cool like meg’s?”

Stacia - I just love your posts. That baby is darling…makes me want just one more.

Jenny B - I just clicked on Mary’s blog, and before it was even finished loading, I starting saying, “ooooh!” 🙂

Anessa - Just went back and went through each of those blog posts and room redos. So enjoyable. Just wanted to say Thank You for your blog. I read and look forward to it everyday. Wish I ran into you at a flea market I would probably act like I ran into someone famous! or be to shy to say anything and then be mad I didn’t say Hi. Hopefully one day… Thanks again for a great blog.

Tracy Fisher - Can you please refresh me on what I do to donate to your Etsy/Water shop. I’d love to help. Thank you, Tracy Fisher ( or
p.s…. That baby makes me wish I could have more. Age 46 is too old/ too worn out/ too tired/ too jealous of youth! I can’t wait to become a grandma some day though. 🙂

Courtney Walsh - I love that playroom/guestroom so so much.
I really like color, and I love that you use it everywhere!! 🙂

Kathi - Love the pictures of the baby, your style, your blog. Read it every day. I ordered 3 of those awesome letters for Christmas presents. Loved them.

sarajane - LOVED the picture of betsy kate! Thanks so much for taking them. I have looked at this picture many times today…it’s very calming when betsy is fussy and the other 2 are running crazy 🙂

Mary - Awwww….Meg…you are the BEST! Thanks for lovin’ my M, and lovin’ my crazy white booth! Ok, so what is so funny is that I was on my phone texting everyone I knew…that knew you…saying “OMG! Meg was just in my booth! And I couldn’t even stop to talk to her!”
Fun times. Lets do it again. Soon. Only this time lets say more than 5 words. ;o)
You are awesome, my friend.

Cherish Stockdale - love that baby picture! so cute & love the polka dots!! 🙂

Tara - determined to learn to take pictures like you….
mad skillZ.

cecilia - hi meg!
love your blog! I also love the leaded glass over your mantle…where did you find that ? was it salvaged from your house?

Heather - that M is so super cute!
but that baby…in that hat, well, she’s kinda making my ovaries hurt cause she looks so sweet. - Just came across your blog. You are so inspirational to me as I try to write my own! Thank you for being so caring about others.

Melanie - Love the M and love your hubby’s response:)

Erin - I love your room that Layla featured! That is how I found your blog and I’m so glad I did. I am a mom with a big family too (4 kids ages 9,7,4, and 11 months). You are an inspiration.

amy jupin - ok, ok, i admit it.
i have baby fever.
whew. it feels good to get that off my chest. 🙂

Dani - That baby is PRECIOUS! Sweet little nose! Makes me miss the baby stages. Mine are growing so fast!

Kate - Yay for Betsy Kate! Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures! 🙂

Melissa - Your house is so bright and cheerful I love it. I also love that you let the kids mess it up. Great mom!

sarah - oh what a sweet baby! i love your redos as well! thanks for inspiring me.

jeannett - oh. my heart. it stopped for a moment. oh. my.
you’re coming to cali in early september right? right. because you NEED to take pics of my babe. need. the bright colors kill me.
and, um, you have officially made it meg.
getting recognized at a flea market AND making layla’s blog???!!! holy smokes girl. i should probably get your autograph now before you get too big!

Lori - I just spent the better part of the 7:00 a.m. hour perusing your redo’s. LOVE them all.

happygirl - Love your room re-do. And..loved that thing with the mouse and the changing pic. That’s a fun feature. You are so inspiring to me, Meg. Please stop by my blog and say hi.

Gemma - Hi Meg!
The baby is adorable!! I love your job : )
Gemma x

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hello beautiful snow!

we finally got some snow.
we have waited and waited.

after all day of cleaning out closets with movies running in the background….i picked up my kids from school.

all they could talk about was playing in the snow.

the girls set to work on building a snowman right away.

sean wanted to build a snow fort.

snow angel break!


then they all trudged inside dripping wet ready for hot cocoa with marshmallows.

what a great life! 

i love this snow… long as i am inside watching it in my slippers drinking my hot coffee.  

Kelly - Great pictures! looks like fun! Kelly

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - awesome snowman! No snow for us here in Southern California.

crystal beutler - You have got such an amazing eye. I seriously can’t wait to see what you do when you get out of automatic mode and use photoshop. You have the gift my friend. I wish I had the gift. 🙂 It’s just not happening for me at the moment. Are there classes on “learning to see??” You should teach that class.

Mary - Pretty cute snowman indeed!

Melanie - I like it to as long as I can stay inside:) I just don’t like the ice that has come with this storm.

Gina - Beautiful! We’re wishing for more snow in our area too-we’ve only gotten enough to tease us. Enjoy it! (and the cocoa!)

Logan - We had snow in SC this week too, for the 2nd time this year. I love your pictures. The colors show up so well and tell Annie that I just love her gloves! I had huge gloves on yesterday too when my husband and I were walking in the snow on the golf course behind our house with our Golden Retrievers.
How deep is your snow, Meg? Looks like you got a lot! We had nine inches and that is a lot for SC.

Lucylu ~ - Aaaahhhhhhhhh cute snowman! we have FIVE inches sooooo cold!

Traci - Great photos. Wish we had snow! instead we’ll drive 2 hours this Saturday to visit it.

The Lazy Dazy - Ahhh! Awww! So Jealous!
Hope to see it here in West Texas before winter leaves us.
Looks like a blessed day.

Transparent Mama - This California girl loves the snow too. Now that we live in Montana, we get to enjoy it all the time. This reminds me that I actually need to get out of the house and take some snow pics of my kids.

Kim - Funny you guys got lots of real snow and your kids still go to school..We get a few inches here in good ole Alabama and EVERYTHING closes down yes even Walmart for 1 whole day ;)…2 days out of work and school and working on #3…funny funny….but we sure do enjoy it…

Courtney Walsh - We got tons of snow here too, Meg and I am loving it…from inside the house with a cup of hot tea!! lol 🙂
This morning, when I dropped the kids at the bus stop, I was cursing it because I got stuck in a snow bank. How embarrassing. Geesh. I had to call my husband to explain to me how to get out!!
I feel so manly that I did it. 🙂 Hope you’re doing well. By the way…thank you so much for listing me as one of your favorite blogs. I am NEVER on those lists…and that was super sweet of you. AND…the feeling is oh-so-mutual!

Janine - I hate the snow. And we are hunkering down tonight for a good 12-15″ of it. That’s on top of the 20″ that hasn’t melted yet from the Christmas blizzard. I can’t wait till summer!

simply stork - I love the snow…when it snows around here I get to stay home :o) in a world full of teenagers and tweenies…that, in and of itself, is a rarity :o)
Enjoy your snowy days of goodness!

Missy - That’s funny that you just now got snow… here in Fargo we have 50 inches already- 30 inches more than normal for this time of year! (much to my dismay)

Dani - We got 8 inches! That was more than I have ever seen here in Mississippi! I, unfortunately, have a cold-hearted boss that made me work. My kids enjoyed it the red-neck way with fishing boats pulled behind tractors, tire inner tubes down steep hills, and some garbage can lids pulled with a 4 wheeler! Too bad I was too busy doing NOTHING at work to enjoy it with them!

Lisa utu - Love the snowman! That’s exactly what my kids snowmen look like too! I think snow is beautiful… I especially love how quiet it is as it snows. Well the snow is quiet, not my kids or house! 🙂

MGF - I have a love/hate relationship with the snow.
But it finally snowed in my neck of the woods recently too

Ali Richardson - That pretty white snow looks magical to this SoCal girl. I know there is soe hassle that comes along with the snow, but from inside looking out (or from my blog looking at yours), it looks dreamy 🙂

elisa - I am watching the snow fall, sipping coffee, reading your blog. Perfect!

Julie - My poor kids have never touched snow. Ever. Your backyard looks like paradise to me right now. It’s probably way more romantic to think of snow when you don’t have to actually deal with the snow part… but I’d love some, if just for a day.

Jodi - I’m NOT a fan of snow… we don’t get it much at all in South GA, thank goodness. I think everyone should experience it just once though. Especially kids! They can make just about anything fun. :o)

HEATHER R. - Snow day #2 here. Sledding, dripping clothes, dryer, repeat. But it is good fun to watch. Hot coffee mug “clink”. 🙂

Nicole Q. - We got the snow too! Played yesterday but today the windchill is -20. Oh my!! Dangerously cold!! AHH!! Thanks for linking me on your last post. I got some serious traffic – ha! Wondered where they were all coming from until I read your post!! I won a blog makeover from “Blessed Little Nest” in the Water Giving Drawing – how fun! Have a great snow day!

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - Its not snowing here (did that yesterday) but burr is it cold… a whole 8 degrees. Hello Oklahoma weather. Hot Chocolate and marshmellows sound delightful!

Jessica Johnson - lucky, lucky, lucky! we wimpy Californians are just freezing with no snow. have fun! 🙂

Mindy Harris - talby looks like a gap model in the last picture. 🙂

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - I love snow from the inside too 🙂

debbie - Nothing cuter than kids bundled up in coats and hats and mittens! We have lots of snow predicted for later today. Hope I can stay inside in my slippers drinking coffee 😀

danielle -!!

Katy - Oh, what I would give to be in the snow! We live in Florida and it hasn’t snowed here since the 80’s! With the exception of last year, which was only enough to leave a slight layer of it on the top of our car.. 🙁 My girls are 2 and 3 and I know they’d love it! I think I need to plan a trip somewhere up north so they can see it!
Love the girls’ coats and Talby’s scarf. I was born in KC. 🙂

Tammy - I cannot stand the snow, but my son loves it! I love watching him play in it. So fun. I don’t understand how they can stay out in it for so long. HeHe. . . I freeze my butt off. =)

AshleyAnn - Wow you got so much more than we did. My kids played a little in it..then the 2 year old started crying because the snow is cold. And the fun was over.

Andrea T - Our 3rd snowstorm is looming over our heads tonight! We are at 30 +”s so far this winter. Needless to say I have a countdown to spring on my chalkboard…..68 days 😉 ENJOY

Holly - we have had a ton of snow this winter so far and we are in Tennessee!

Tara - i sat at my computer this morning and realized that you left a comment over at my blog. i don’t know how you found my it, but i am so, so, so glad you did. 🙂
love the pictures of your littles playing in the snow. we’re in orlando, so there’s no snow for us, but my family back in north georgia has about 6 inches!!! wishing we were home right about now.

angela - Funny that you had all that snow and your kids went to school. In NC we get a THREAT of snow and they close school. Promise. Yesterday we never saw one flake until 4:00 PM….but schools were closed ALL DAY!

Shayne - Love the snowman!
So glad to hear you say that you enjoyed it from the inside with coffee. My kids asked me to come out the other day and it was Just Too Cold! I sent their father instead…
Enjoy the winter wonderland. 🙂

Gemma - Haha Yeah I like snow for a day or so then it can all go away…We had ours before Christmas and it was icey EVERYWHERE. Not great!
Gemma x

se7en - Would you just look at all that snow!!! We dying of heat and crawling in and out of the pool all day long… enjoy the coolth!!!

Kirsten J - Ha! Here in the Seattle area, they keep promising snow….and….nothing. Cold, damp, a little drizzle….and *maybe* tomorrow night….

Tiffany - We got the second highest snowfall on record here yesterday – 10 inches!! I know for most people, this is not an issue – but in Tennessee, it brings the world to a standstill – the closed schools before the first flake fell. 😀
Needless to say – sledding, snowball fights, snowman building, snowangel making, downhill racing and anything else snow related took place from sun up to sun down at our house today!
Glad your crew had fun today! Nice pics – how did you do that in your slippers from inside the house. I tried that…and got roped into a snowball fight…

Trish - I love snow too! but by April I’m ready for it to be all gone. Who am I kidding, by late February I’m ready for it to be all gone and by April I’m ready to move away from Alaska!
Glad you guys were able to enjoy it!

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answers two.

what are your favorite blogs?

here are a few of my faves in NO particular order:

julie     ashley   PW   shauna    kimberlee    nic     michelle    laura   *e*     tara    jasmine  kelle  wendy
sarah      carissa    megan    jess     elizabeth    crystal     melissa     edie    jeanne     elisa   amy
julie   heather    amy     karen     aimee    jenny      kristin    courtney     heather    marylea    emily   

how is that for a list?! 

how long have you lived in that house?

6 years.
we moved here when annie was 2 weeks old.
it was planned for months.
we chose to leave the "city" life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas.
just 25 minutes from where both craig and i grew up.
it was one of the best decisions we ever made for our family.
we haven't regretted it once.  

this house was a real project.
K13 our living room.

K10  the playroom/guest room.

K3 our kitchen.

K12 talby and annie's room.

the yard had no grass.  the walls were all wallpapered.  and it was not pretty.
but craig and i could see the potential and it had GREAT bones. 
and we've been working on it ever since.

who gave you the Meg quilt?


my super fabulous friend PAM who took me all the way to africa.
she was so excited to give it to me shouting "IT"S THE NAME OFF YOUR BLOG!!!"
i loved that by making it she got some time to be creative for HER.  
that made me as happy as the gift itself…to know that she enjoyed her sewing time while making it.
it's so cool.
pam you are an artist!

how did you find time to be creative when your kids were little?
i just did it.
i had scrapbook stuff out everywhere all the time.
i painted a dresser in the middle of my living room.
i sewed on the dining room table.
i just did it.
i couldn't NOT do it….i have to make stuff.
(this was in 2008 with my scrapbooking girls)

go away with friends for a craft weekend…or have one at your house.
that was so good for my creativity and social needs when i had little ones at home.
find a retreat house near you or a rental and GO!

and sometimes…you don't even need to bring crafts. 

when did you get to start sleeping through the night?

we finally got to sleep through the night on a regular basis about 2 years ago.
when annie turned four…everyone else was older and we realized we finally felt rested.
it was a 13 year stretch of rarely sleeping all night.
and we survived.
i think my bed is my favorite spot in my whole house!

i love to sleep….is that bad?
what does that say about me? 

what kind of lens do you use….and camera…auto or manual?

i have a Canon 50D with a 24-105 lens.  
i also have an 85mm lens but it's hard for me to use.  i feel i have to be VERY far away when i use it.
like shouting to the families i am shooting…but it's a good lens. 

i am ready for a new lens….if i can save my money long enough!

i had a 50 mm lens but i sold it to lauren when i sold her my Canon Rebel in April.

i used a canon rebel since i started this blog until this past april….it's a great camera!

i shoot in auto focus but will be switching to manual more this year….when i can….i hope.

can you tell us your birth stories?

here we go… was 1995…..on a dark and stormy night….

just kidding.

check out these lovely photos….
IMG_6764 IMG_6768

newborn lauren in the purple hat.

<— 1998 pregnant with scott.

my birth stories are more funny than anything else.

i had epidurals with all my girls and not with my boys.
i chose to have the epidurals because it hurt more than i could handle.

newborn scott.

sean just born.

2000 – 10 days before sean was born.                                          talby just born.
IMG_6773 IMG_6786

my boys' labors were quick…both 5 hours total.
talby's was long (for me) and lauren and annie were induced….meaning longer HARD contractions.

i had no c-sections or horror stories of 30 hour labors or morning sickness.

i learned how to breath….on my 5th baby.  
i never knew i was holding my breath during contractions.
but i was.
i never took a lamaze class….or had help from a lactation consultant…because i thought i knew it all.
and believe me….i did NOT.
chicago jen's mom was my labor and delivery nurse who taught me how to breath.  i love her.

we barely made it to the hospital with sean….that was crazy.
craig had to lie down….on the delivery room floor.
it was all just too much…happening too fast…he was light headed…and then BOOM…there was SEAN!

craig and talby.

one of my most favorite photos…
talby liked to be held after her naps….this day we were cuddling on the porch swing…..with baby annie crowding in on our space!

2004 – my friends lisa and chicago jen were at annie's birth…..that was AWESOME!

IMG_6803  IMG_6781

talby and annie                                                                                newborn annie.

with scott and with talby i went into the hospital before i was in real labor and came back home.

i wish i would've nursed longer but i had a crazy deep down reaction after a few weeks in with all of them
that i needed some breathing room!  
i just couldn't nurse any longer.  
i felt smothered.  
but it didn't feel that way feeding them a bottle.  
the shortest i lasted nursing was 2 weeks and the longest was 6 weeks.  
i always wished i was one that could have made it a long time….but i wasn't. 

are you going to stay home now that your kids are in school?

i sure hope so.
i have my photography business and this blog and the etsy shop to provide income so YES i will be staying home….if you can even call that staying home….because really….that is a lot of work!

what does craig do for a living?

he is a commercial banker.
and he looks good in a suit.  

do you have any advice on raising teenagers?

stay consistent.
try not to yell or engage in arguments.
find a close friend to share your feelings, frustrations and fears with…don't hold back.
talking about things you are dealing with out loud makes a HUGE difference in how you feel.
with a trusted friend you can share ideas, get advice or let them show you a new angle of parenting.
it's safe.

that is all i have learned so far….. 

was your house in a magazine?

not pictures but linda featured me as a Blogger in Flea Market Style in 2010.
Scan 110090000
and there was a blurb in Country Living in 2009 called My Country Life
Photo 1763

do you have a kindle….do you like to read….what is your favorite book?

we got sean a kindle for christmas but i don't have one.
nor would i want one.
i am not a reader.
i wish i was….
my dad and my sister are crazy about books.
sean, lauren and talby are in love with reading.
i don't have the ability to concentrate that long.  
i did read "A Long Way Gone" last year before going to africa and it was fascinating.


and so sad….and traumatic.
i think it was made so much more real because i went to that exact place the next week.
and met boys who would have been that same age.
it was a life changing book to me.

and of course….Crazy Love.  


why do you workout in an assisted living facility?
i live in a small town.  
i drive to a different really small town to workout because the gym there is nicer….and less expensive.
you can buy a membership there because it's the only place in that community as far as i know.

i like it because i am the youngest…it's REALLY quiet…and it's almost always nearly empty.
the machines have tv sound with headphones and i can watch will & grace on lifetime and no one cares.
or regis and kelly!

(this is not at my gym…this is a stock photo from google images…and these people look way more active than at my gym 🙂

if you want to feel strong and fast and young….workout at a retirement center! 
seriously…it's helpful mentally.

WOW that was a really long post!

Angelo - I honestly can say i hate apple. i gueartne its a bunch of old dudes that just don’t understand.who ever buys this thing is mentally challenged. Its a bigge i touch. THATS IT.a few more gonna say though, congratz on the iphone. but your next 10 products don’t need to be the exact same shit. its old. for fucks sake -.-

ann foster - have you read the blog
she seems like someone you might enjoy. i do.
love yours!!!everytime i read it.

ellen patton - Thanks for sharing some favorite blogs. I already read some of them but am happy to add a few more good ones to my reader.

Stephanie Howell - I just want to say i adore you. And you are fabulous. That is all.

amy d - ahh thanks neighbor…
you could’ve put all you kids baby pictures up with no names and i could still be able to tell which ones are which…they all look so much like their baby pics. i love all the different hair do’s through the years!

Shannon - That pic of Lauren was the same one you sent right after she was born. I can remember thinking she was so beautiful and I couldn’t wait to have my own.

Liz - Aw Meg! I’m so flattered to be listed w/ your favorite blogs. Seriously! What a treat first thing in the morning! And congrats for having your playroom shown on Lettered Cottage, you deserve it! I’m trying really hard to use that pic as a jumping off point for the nursery. 🙂

Linda - Great post! Love the before pictures! I would love to see like an old blueprint of your house. I have always just been in love with old Victorian styled homes. Thanks for the home tour! Awesome!

Sarah - Thank you thank you thank you. I am flattered seriously. And I loved seeing your pregnancy pictures. You look so cute.

Lorri - I have a sweet little Annie, too! Loved reading your blog tonight.

rebecca - these are my favorite blog posts that you do!! because everyone’s life is so interesting and different… i hope you don’t ever feel like the posts are too long, boring or self-focused. because i love them!!

Julie - I will never be able to fully appreciate the awesome awfulness that once was totally matching wallpaper and fabric in the guest/playroom. When the curtains were closed… it must have looked like a windowless make believe funhouse. To think that was chosen on purpose. For lots of money. That the owner was excited. Wow. Just wow. The good old days!!!!! Can’t believe how much you guys have done in six years. That is crazytown!!!

Jaime - Love your honesty in all your posts and I got teary eyed looking at all your “baby” pics. Beautiful. What a blessing it is to be a mom, and it goes too quickly.

Emily - thank you for your blog… you inspire me…

Brooke - It is so weird to read about someones life for over two years….everyday….and not know them. But to be honest, meg, if I saw you on the street, I think you would be so concerned. Because I would walk up to you and talk to you about talby and annie and sean and lauren….we would talk about craig and how he reminds me of my hubby (minus the banker), how I hope to stay home with my kids and continue blogging, create an etsy and continue to pursue photography, etc,etc,etc.
SO, here’s hoping to you never seeing me on the streets, since I live in Georgia. I love the dining room. It looks SUPER cute!

Elizabeth - I loved this post and never comment but had to on this one because I enjoyed it so much:) I’m so impressed with the transformations you have made on the house – SO Lovely! You wrote you “chose to leave the “city” life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas” and we are currently seeking to do this same thing! We live in the Philadelphia area and are anxious to relocate near southwestern PA to be close to my husbands family and where he grew up. We’re having a heck of a time getting considered for jobs though since we are out of the area. Any tips on how you made the move happen?!? Would LOVE to hear them! I hope by the time my son starts school (he’s 2 1/2 now) to be near family in a permanent home:)

andrea - Love the q and a!
Do share more house pictures! I love seeing before and after and I get so much inspiration from you!! Love this blog, Meg!

Carol S. - Love the porch picture with Talby, sooooo sweet. Miss those snuggles! Great answers.

No.17 CherryTreeLane - the pictures of you pregnant and of the babies made me tear up. time moves so fast….

Mallory - I love what little I saw of your scrapbooks! Do you think you could post a couple layouts? I am always looking for inspiration. Love your blog!

HEATHER R. - I think I can see where you look like that Dixie Chick near Annie’s birthday. I love the pics of the house. I bet you know the best way to take down wallpaper, huh? 🙂

Sarah - love these answer posts! Fun fun! Great pics! Can we still ask questions??? LOL If so, have you ever posted pics of your chicago house? And, any plans for the awesome upstairs room??? That room is “BEAST”. HA!

amy jupin - meg, your birth stories and pictures are adorable. you look so young (and freckled and sun-kissed) and so in love with each of your babies. i couldn’t stop smiling and giggling, looking at you all preggo and the sweet newborn pics.
and my, oh my, how your home has changed! i never really knew how much work you guys did to change it. the house seemed so dark and chopped up before. now it looks so bright and spacious–what a transformation!
i loved this post. i’m thinking others did too. thank you for taking the time to do this. you have a generous, giving heart. 🙂

shauna reed - i love these answering questions posts….you might think they are dumb, but they aren’t. they are fun. makes me feel like i really know you in real, non internet life.

Kristin S - Loved this answers post too!
I work out at a “wellness center”. Today we are waiting for a snow/ice storm to roll in so I’m working from home. Anticipating closing of the gym early, I decided to head over around 10am to exercise. Totally forgot that cardiac rehab was going on. I was the youngest there by 30 years this morning. Since I normally go after work or late in the evening, this was a whole new world!
But at least it isn’t a meat market.
Love your stories Meg. AND you look younger now than 1995!

princess lasertron - cool answers 🙂 your babies are so adorable.

Shar - Great post. You are so pretty and photogenic. Even in pregnancy! Thanks for sharing…

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I’ve already checked out some of your fav blogs even before reading the post. Thanks a bunch. I think I will also check out my Nana’s retirement home. Your last bit of advice made me smile. I need to start hanging around seniors more for sure.

Heather - Oh,your pregnancy and newborn pictures made me cry! Thanks for sharing pieces of your life 🙂

Kari - wow! sometimes i read your blog and i feel like i’m reading a lot about myself…. i have the same haircut, felt the same way about nursing my kids, just recently we sold our FR furniture and put in a 3-in-1 table and a foos ball table. i just wish i could get my husband to work on our 70s house like your husband works on yours 🙂 he does fix cars though – he can do brakes and everything – just doesn’t like home projects so much. oh well! snow day here in nebraska – enjoy your day!

Ashlyn@pinecone - I really love what you have done with your house. Seeing the before to now is pretty amazing.
Have a fab day,

crystal beutler - Cool post. Man, you worked magic with your house. I would never know by looking that those pictures it was the same house in your blog. You guys must have worked like dogs!!! Dogs!!!! Thanks for the shout out friend. I have to say “right back at you!” You are one of my favorites too. I always end up inspired when a stop here. 🙂
x0 crystal
p.s. I’m counting on your for Spark. I’ll give you a heads up when I hear about registration.

RLG - You look fourteen (in the picture at the hospital with Annie)!
Fun post, Meg. xoxo

Maine Mummy - Wow. “i needed some breathing room! i just couldn’t nurse any longer. i felt smothered.” My baby is 16 months old and I have never been able to appropriately sum up what I felt – maybe for fear of being judged. Thank you. Knowing that someone else felt that is amazingly liberating!

Shana - I knew Pam made that! It was screaming of her.
Forgot how much work the house has been.
Don’t think I’ve ever heard any birthing stories.

Carla G. - Wow! I’ve missed these two days and really enjoyed catching up!! As I sit here in my quiet house, thinking about what I want to do today, it was delightful to get to know you better!! Thanks so much for everything!!

michelle - Your explanation for working out at the assisted living facility is HILARIOUS! Great blog!

Anna - WOW! I’ve never seen such beautiful “I just gave birth” photos EVER. So beautiful. I was bloated and had multiple chins after I gave birth to my babies (and I was never brave enough to post them!)
Congratulations on your beautiful family and beautiful home.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
Wow looking at the transformation on your home is AMAZING! The pictures just look so stressful but your home now looks so welcoming : )
It’s great that you’ve got your own business type thing..inspiring!!
Gemma x

Kori - Thank you for answering our questions…it’s very cool of you. You seem like a fun chick and I feel like getting to ‘know’ you this way is better than not getting to know you at all.
Does that make sense?? Hope so.

Jeanne - You are the sweetest!!! Thank you for including me. One of my friends just told me. I LOVED seeing the photos of you and your babies…YOU looked like a baby too!!!!

Michele - Thank you for sharing! Your advice about raising teenagers was so wonderful and helpful for me to read. Thank you!

Amy - You are a beautiful woman, Meg. You have lovely eyes.
It is really fun reading all your answers. I LOVE your home, before and after. You have/had great vision to get it to where you are today.
LOVE the pregnancy and baby pictures. Makes me wish I were pregnant again. Then again, I’m enjoying having my body to myself for the first time in 6 years. lol.
Can’t wait to read the rest of your answers.

Allison - Thanks for answering all these questions. And wow, you looked fabulous right after having your babies!

Jenny B. - Meg, you are so fun! 🙂 I can’t wait to check out all your favorite blogs. And you look amazing in all your hospital pics!

bobbie - I love all the baby pictures, so sweet.
I blogged about why God gave women creativity today and then I read your post and it just confirmed it to me that I need to keep making time to be creative. thanks 😉

jessicakiehn - this is great! You guys are totally made for each other to be on the same page and tackle that house together. And look what’s come of it! That’s a beautiful thing.
LOVE your maternity pics from the scrapbooks. You’re like me, you’re belly gets HUGE! None of this “can’t even tell you’re pregnant” going on.
And the picture of you and Talby on the porch swing, pregnant with Annie is literally one of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen. I deeply love motherhood and pregnancy and this so beautifully captures both.

joni - I’m loving these posts!
I’m a new reader and was wondering is Lauren not your biological daughter?

Libby - Thank you, thank you for your refreshing honesty! Your sense of humor and zest for life make for some fun reading. And what a good reminder – if I want to tackle some projects NOW, even while the kids are little – I just need to do it. Enough already! 🙂

Joyce - wow- you are gorgeously big with your babies! I got belly on my knees big with #3- wondering what this one will be- although Im tiny so far!
Thank for sharing your answers 🙂

Ryanne - I soooo needed this post for several reasons. Especially about sleep, raising young ones and needing time for yourself. I absolutely loved that photo of you and Talby on the porch swing, it made me want to cry. Too sweet. Would you ever come to KC to do photos? How far is Newton from KC?

emily anderson - so, i feel like when i start a comment here, i need to always either begin it, or end it with “whatever”…
so, thanks for putting me on your bloggy list. whatever.
(oh, and i love your prego pics 🙂 )

Risa - Megan,
My mom said she talked to you at Amy’s wedding and that you said I should comment sometime. So here I am. I ADORE your blog . . . I think it’s all the house pictures I love best, so I extra-loved this post with the pre-reno shots =) And I’m loving these “answers” installments!

Jess - Love the old family pictures. “Little Talby” is so cute. That picture of the two of you on the porch swing is just perfect.

hayley - 1. you look absolutely beautiful in the pics right after having those babes.
2.i have been up forever watching HIMYM. it’s 4:30am here in germany. i haven’t slept. hilarious, and addicting.
3. thanks for posting up those blog chicas. i love kelle. i’ll have to creep the others tomorrow.
thanks for always having such great posts 🙂

Holly - I have a stack of photos from when we first bought our house that I need to scan. We have been here for almost 5 years and like yours we saw its potential. It also has good bones!

Heidi Hentze - Hi Megan, Thanks so much for sharing! It’s always such a treat to read about your life because of the spirit, energy and goodwill you bring to all you do. I stop by most everyday to experience a little of your world. Your photos tell such a story, you have a gift for capturing all the small moments that constitute the goodness that life can be; and is. I think it is very generous of you to spread the joy; thanks:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I love sleep.
2. I LOVE Courtney. So happy to see her on your list!
3. Those wallpaper stripping photos make me cringe. That has been the story of my residential life.

sara@augustfields - that was a long post! it was GREAT! thanks for the fun read and encouragement 🙂

Colleen - I just listed your blog as one of my favorite blogs on MY blog! Lol!

sarah w. - that picture of you on the swing pregnant with annie, holding talby is beautiful. Perfect. Heart melting.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love sleep, too 🙂 It makes me happy. Bri gave me a one hour nap today AND did some work for me. It was the best thing he could have done ever. I love sleep. Amen.

kendal - had no idea one could work out at a retirement facility. and i read a long way gone recently. loved it. (i’m a reader, so i read numerous books on africa recently when i moved from 8th grade to 7th to teach social studies.) your blog is fun!

Michele - I really liked learning more about you. I like your everyday posts, but I enjoy the Q&A, too. I’ve been wondering about your camera and lenses and now I know. I think it’s too funny that you work out with the geriatrics. So great! Thanks for sharing!

sue - Well Meg ,you have done it again. A great blog to read and I think you answered my question on what camera and lens do you use. Thankyou.

Vera - I’ve been stepping away from my computer a little lately to spend more time with the kids, so that means skimming blogs on Google Reader instead of opening them… BUT I had to come here and tell you that you look SO amazingly beautiful and radiant is every single one of those after-birth pictures!

Sandy - I love what you’ve done to your home and hadn’t realized it’s all been within the past 6 years. You’ve done an amazing job!

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh I just love seeing all your pictures of your house when you first bought it. It makes me feel like a less insane person for the last house we owned, you just had to have vision! Your house is so gorgeous, it just needed your magic touch to bring that out.
And your pregnant photos! LOL! I don’t think I’ll be sharing mine any time soon. You are a brave woman, and so darn adorable.
Ok so seriously, if you hadn’t put me in your list of favorite blogs you’d have been in trouble. 😉 Thank you Meg.
Happy night!

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