Masthead header

no time to blog….very random.

good morning.

i have a mission today.

i have been cleaning every room in this house for a week now.
DEEP clean.
you know….vacuuming baseboards….moving furniture…trash bags of trash….trash bags of donations.

today is another challenge.
the dirtiest room in our house.
and then all three bathrooms.

i know….yuck.

so since that is boring and i am only one cup of coffee into my morning i thought i would pull random
pictures from my old computer's iPhoto.
i am scrolling iPhoto….trying to be random and choose but not go through and choose the best one.
it's fun. 

here goes.

 scott leaving for his first time to camp.                                                                                                   2009


um yeah….i look skinny….and young.                                                                                                              2007

i don't like this game.


for ashley.


when did he stop being so little and toothless??                                                                                2007

this game is mean!                                                                                                                                  2008

who thought this was a good idea?!

yummy.                                                                                                                                                   2009

i love this man.

(you win….you always do)

sweet babies.                                                                                                                                         2007


jenny and i pretending we are on mad men.                                                                                             2008


tiny newborn baby waffle.                                                                                                                         2008
i want to kiss his tiny puppy face.

auwwwww.                                                                                                                                           2008

her writing skills are so different now.                                                                                                       2008
she is very precise now.
i miss wonky letters.

now i miss my babies….AND my flowers….and the SUNSHINE!!!                                                               2007


ok…one last pic.

party like a rockstar.


ok…i have now had three cups of coffee.

and my heart is filled.

i am off to crank up the music LOUD and clean for the next 5 hours straight no stopping.

i will destroy any dust bunny that gets in my way.


happy wednesday. 



racheldenbow - Oh wow. This makes me want a bigger house so I can have at least three more kids and two dogs and lots of laundry! I’ll take the extra laundry!! Thanks for a little perspective there. It makes me want to be more intentional about time with my kids today as we’re snowed in.
I hope your weekend with all that fabulous company was the best!!!

danyele - i have got to mop this house, do the laundry and clean clean clean. i’m seriously in need of motivation. this was a great start, but need 4 more cups of java first.

Lisa - LOvE the pictures, so fun to look at oldies of the kids, sad too though πŸ™

Mama - Love your blog! Great photos.

danielle - my favorite is the madman picture πŸ˜‰
happy day, friend!

Holly - I am on a similar mission tomorrow. I cant wait. Actually I thought of you when I bought a “whatever” shirt yesterday at the Lifeway store. If I can find it online Ill send you a link.

Amy - This is a great trip down memory lane, great pics of a loving family!
Amy @

donna - i am so glad that you decided to start this blog – because you don’t know how it uplifts me when i am having a not so great day! thanks again meg.

julia - Please tell me you were a good blogger and took before and after cleaning pictures. I love make over stories!

princess lasertron - baahahahahha that annie

Courtney Walsh - Toothless looks like my Ethan now. Thank you for pointing out that he won’t stay that way forever…because today I could’ve wrung his little neck!! lol
That last pic…priceless!

Gina - Thanks for the reminder to treasure wonky letters-I only have more little person making those anymore, and they’re getting less wonky by the day. I know I’ll miss that too!

Holly - If I could press REWIND and freeze my babies into one stage of life, it would definately be during the toothless grin stage. Soo Sweet!!!!

Kristen - i love waffle! what breed of dog is he?? (sorry if you’ve answered this already…)

amy jupin - meg,
the pic of you and chicago jenny made me spit out my coffee. literally!
all the others made me feel so happy and smiley.
i know i’ve said it before, but you have a beautiful family!
a sweet, lovable, goofy big ol’ family.
you lucky duck.

Tara pakosta - Your blog is my happy place!!!
Great and fun shots!!!

crystal beutler - Can you just follow me around and snap pictures of the little moments in my life?? You capture it so well. You have such an eye for the details, and that my friend, is what makes you an artist.
Hey, funny you wrote about this. I wrote about the same thing!

Heather R. - Love the flowers, miss the sunshine, love the pic of Annie after “Partying like a rockstar”. Too cute. You go get those bunnies! πŸ™‚


happygirl - I enjoyed this blog so much. Thanks for sharing your family pics and sharing your DEEP cleaning story. And thanks for your commitment to blogging. It encourages me.

Tonya - Fun post, Meg! It’s a good reminder to occassionally go through old pix…your babies are adorable!

Tracy - Awwwwww……. I love these pictures and miss my “babies” too. The sunflowers are beautiful and since I currently live in the Northeast and am under a snowstorm and am really miss the sun and the warm temps! Xoxoxo

Karen Gerstenberger - What a lovely posting. Your family is so precious.
I don’t mean to pry, but between the baby pictures (including Waffle) & the heavy-duty cleaning – you couldn’t be expecting, could you? =)

kat - Love these pictures!!! Great post! I hate cleaning too, not one of my strong points, but you better believe I bust a move when I’m doing it.

Sonia - Ha! I love the Mad Men photo. I just finished Season One and thought to myself they really go overboard with the smoking. And it’s funny to see how they were so at ease over parenting…(smoking while pregnant, plastic bags over kids heads, no seat belts!) Your kids have grown up so much! Love it all!!

Shayne - Hope you had a super-productive day! And loved the pictures, especially the falling asleep on the feet. πŸ™‚

Ky - AWESOME post Meg! I felt your nostalgia and you made me giggle…more than once.
Happy cleaning! I HATE cleaning, but loud music sure helps make it fun.
Ky from Melbourne x

Toni :O) - Okay, you had me at Waffle’s ADORABLE photo and then Annie shows up last and I busted out laughing. Gosh, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog…it’s just one of the best out there EVA!! Now I feel guilty that it’s been too long since my own house was cleaned…sheesh, thanks a lot! LOL!

erlfisher - “KA-POW- Really?” Do you love that QT commercial as much as I do? And those flowers — awesome!

Rachel / cREaTe - awwwww! that is a sad, but sweet little game. happens to me every time i go through my iphotos, too. πŸ™ by the way, that pic of annie sleeping standing up – i think i remember that from your new years a couple years ago after i 1st found your blog! so adorable. have fun cleaning! πŸ™‚ i admire your gusto!

Stacie - Love it! Happy cleaning!

Tanya H - This post was loads of fun for me, and I loved your commentary. That last pic of Annie is fabulous! My brothers and sisters have hilarious sleeping photos and my kids never do that. maybe I don’t work them hard enough… LOL! or party liek a rockstar enough!
Good luck with the cleaning!

Mary - Mad Men
Gotta love it.
I grew up in that world and marvel at it every time I see an episode.
We had that TV
I had that wallpaper
We drove that car
Those were our kitchen cupboards
My mom had a dress like that
That was my favorite doll (Patty Playpal)
etc . . . .

Sheri - I love love love your blog. You totally rock! Just thought I should tell you that πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - Love this post. Thank you! Hope cleaning was a success.

Lisa - That picture of Talby hanging upside down is just perfect. Such beautiful color…and her little flip-flopped feet. All of these are precious. Thanks for sharing!

Kristin S - Love.
And you ARE skinny!

Jessica - That last picture cracks me up! I have a pic of my middle son when he was about 3 in a similar position. He fell asleep on the stairs at my parent’s house. Thinking about that makes me miss the baby stage!

Staci - You go girl!!!!! Loved the pics down memory lane πŸ™‚

Dawn - That is too cute and such a great idea to just pull out those random photos and remember all those time.

Denissa - I’m on the same mission!! 1 bathroom down, 2 to go..needed more coffee and made the mistake of stiing down! Then realized I missed a few days of posts!! πŸ™ now back to scrubbing..ugh..

sarah - i love the deep clean! and purging…it feels so good. you feel clean and wonderful and somehow SIMPLIFIED! you go girl!

Joy - I feel guilty now about my dirt and pictures. Maybe that will inspire me as well.

AshleyAnn - So I saw the frog and thought “Meg! Not another frog. You are killing me.” Then I saw it was for me. I am not sure if I should say “thank you”.
Cleaning baseboards….a week of cleaning…you should stop and go read a magazine or something. Clean houses are overrated.

Tara - LOVE this…
need to pull some old photos and stroll down memory lane….

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Spring Cleaning!
Love your old photos : )

traci in virginia - That last picture is priceless! Sometimes you just gotta take a nap!! πŸ™‚

angela - I should be destroying my bunnies too…but……….

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - I will be joining you today! I’ve been saying that all week to myself so maybe it will happen if I tell you. My super cleaning will be a little slower since I have a 4 year old helper wanting to play insead of watching me clean.

becky@oursweetpeas - Love it. Thanks for a smile this morning. I love a women that loves her husband and kids. πŸ™‚ Here’s to you for doing the worst room AND all 3 bathrooms. I am just aiming for the 2 grossest bathrooms. Twin 3 yr old boys = the MOST DISGUSTING BATHROOM FLOORS EVER!!!!!!

Lori - I am deep cleaning today too! I can’t believe that we can all breathe given the amount of dust I am finding! Good luck!

Tara M. - I decided to deep clean my bedroom yesterday. My heavy blackout curtains hadn’t been washed EVER. Read the label, it said dry on low heat. I guess they were serious! They came out all stuck together. Guess I’ll be buying new ones!

shauna reed - i just really love this game.
especially with dramatic Legends of the Fall music on while i look at the pictures of your babies.
don’t try it.
if you want to clean or do anything besides turn into a crying mass on the floor in front of your computer, don’t try it.

RLG - You rock, Meg.

Kelly - KA POW! Have fun! You can do it. I’ll bet you are all kinds of awesome today! This was a fun post! The pic of Talby (right?) hanging upside down in front of that field is just beautiful! Greeting card material. I also like the frog. πŸ™‚ How is it that frogs can look cute? Kelly

Jen H. - Fun post! πŸ™‚ - I LOVE to clean!! I used to beg my mom to let me clean our bathrooms. I even like to clean other’s houses. I think I should have started my own cleaning business!
(I have been reading your blog for a few months now and you have inspired me to create my own blog. I started a couple days ago and so far I really enjoy it!)

Dani - When you are done, my house is only a flight away and I know for sure I have some dust bunnies that need your KA POW!
Love the pictures. Makes me want some spring weather!

sandy toe - Wish you lived could do mine! Maybe the music helps???
sandy toe

amber - Awesome last picture. The frog made me laugh out loud. And I LOVE deep cleaning. It feels so good when it’s all done. Happy cleaning!

Heather - that picture of the girls with the flowers is making me miss the spring sunshine and little feet in flip flops.
happy cleaning day!!

T.O. - Great post! When I saw your Mad Men picture – I thought Hmmm…I never pictured Meg as a smoker….ha ha!!

Becky Bridge - I don’t remember how I came upon your site a couple of weeks ago, but I’m glad I did. You are so funny and adorable and relatable and make me wish I lived near you so I could hang out with you!!
Thanks for posting and for being so real!

Deb Meyers - wow, i started reading you when Annie was a little thing. I’m going back to my cleaning, too, cause I don’t wanna feel older anymore either ; )
deb meyers

Krista - AWWWW they’re not even MY kids and I am loving seeing them so small, I guess I’ve been reading your blog for a long time. Love seeing how everyone has changed over the years – how does Craig manage to look exactly the same?
Good luck to you on your cleaning, you’ll be so happy when it’s done!

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - Party like a rockstar, that caption sums up a fabulous picture! Isnt it crazy to see how much time changes things? great pictures.

BriBedell - Hilarious! I need to be doing this too, but my third pregnancy is killing me right now. Off to ride the couch I go!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi! Oh, I was just checking my reader for some get up and smiles from you and you popped in!
Just what I needed πŸ™‚

Holly Rhodes - You go girl!!!! I love deep cleaning! I do it after Christmas and in the Spring!! My mom always did it when I was growing up and I always helped and we jammed out to Madonna and I still do that!!!

Jen Joy - Party like a rockstar, indeed! I love that photo. Adore it, actually.
And YAY for cleaning! If we do our spring cleaning early, does that mean spring will come sooner?! I sure hope so! πŸ™‚

april - Hahahaha
funny stuff man…

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great give-away

i am so excited because the winner was randomly chosen and it chose

Oh Meg,
It reminds me of when I dug through my mom's old jewlery, and she gave me some of my/and her favorite pieces. Sadly, mom is more and more sick with dementia, but seeing this jewlery reminded me of better/warmer times with her. I miss that part of mom very much! But I do have many great memories. Thanks for posting the jewlery. GB

Posted by: GB Jost | January 25, 2011 at 10:27 AM

yay for GB!!! 

she is my real life friend!!  :)
she has bella…waffle's sister. 

i have photographed her mother.  i love that you shared that GB.

NOW….GB gets to pick something from crystals' shop.
i love random goodness.




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isn't it all so beautiful?!!
everything here is made by crystal beutler.
she is my super talented friend.

crystal and i email each other often.
i think she is so funny.
when i get organized and brave i will cook HER recipe for pork loin.
she emailed it to me during my year of being 34.
and i still have not done it.
i am such a baby. 

i love her blog.

i love her shop. 

today she is giving away a $40 gift certificate to her shop to one of you! 

leave a comment today to be entered.

and then…..go grab something from her shop because only ONE of you will win.  

(crystal….i will see you at SPARK….right??!)


Desseray - beautiful Jewelry. Pick me! Pick me!!

Jessica - Love all the jewelry! Its beautiful!

Michelle - So very nice- added to my favs

Susan - Beautiful! Just Beautiful.

Emily - I love your jewelry. It made me happy just looking at the pictures. πŸ™‚ Have a great day.

Genie Blazi - Beautiful stuff..would love to win!

rebecca - So pretty! I need some girly stuff in my life. πŸ™‚

Jamie - great things, love it!

Sara - Love the vintage feel! πŸ™‚

Melissa - Here’s hoping!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Wow so many comments!!! I would love to win, I sure could use a pick-me-up lately…

Beth - Pretty!

sharon morrissette - yes, please !

Momma Bug - Oh PLEAZE let me win?!!!!
What fantastic feminine little things πŸ™‚

Amy Moon - Outstanding…I feel prettier just looking at it! πŸ™‚

Rachel - GAH! Those are beautiful! I need to return to her Etsy shop again when my husband is not eyeing me suspiciously (think the drool and the one-handed attempt to type my PayPal login gave it away??? πŸ˜‰

Chelsea - how unique is this jewelry? so beautiful I love it!

Michelle - Beautiful! I would love to win!

erica - Oh, so pretty!

andrea - Beautiful! Such talent…

Meredith - Oh, sooo pretty!!!

Ali B - She has prettier stuff than anthro. That is saying something!!!

Denise - Her jewelry designs are gorgeous!

dawn - wow – such great stuff!

Heidi - Meg, I love reading your blog! Ps. My lab does the exact same thing with his blanket as waffle does…all snuggly between their front paws !

Jessica - It’s all so beautiful! She’s very talented!

Olga - My 11 year old daughter loves the styles! Gorgeous!

ronda beeman - I especially like the “All is Well” necklace. It makes me think of the hymnal It Is Well With My Soul, which makes me think of my mom. Thanks for sharing such great pieces!

Rebecca - Beautiful jewelry! Thanks for the chance to win!

Tammy - oh my, so much just screams “buy me!!”
She seems like a great gal to have as a friend.

shelly@familyblt - Pretty Pretty! Love her stuff!

Alisa's Garden - Beautiful! I will be sure to buy some of her work!

Kelly - Beautiful! Love the All is Well lice!


Yolanda - love the vintage look of the pieces…gorgeous! thanks for sharing and i’m headed over to her shop!

Heather - I smiled when I saw this jewelry because it’s sooo my Grandma, who is in heaven. It’s beautiful, stylish, current and sweetly Grandma-ish… in a good way. I love this stuff!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Beautiful stuff! I’m going to check out her shop now!

crystal beutler - Meg . . . you better believe you will see me at Spark. I’m saving you a seat right next to me. And . . . I will even come and pick you up at the airport!!! I seriously hope you can make it this year.

Laurie Foster - Just checked out her Etsy shop. Love all of Crystal’s jewelry! Such a wonderful vintage look…how beautiful!

Jenn Shock - Gorgeous…just gorgeous!

Mrs. - The “All is Well” reminds me of my favorite hymn, “It is Well With My Soul”. Naturally, I don’t expect to win, but I am now going to bed with that song running through my head, so in a way, I have already won! Thanks.

April - Great giveaway! Gorgeous jewelry. πŸ™‚

Sharon - LOVELY!!!! Thanks for introducing us to such a talented lady!!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Luv your creativity and honesty!!
Kind Regards,

Melinda redmann - Beautiful!! I’m off to check out etsy now.

Dawn - Love all of these pieces…Beautiful

Nicole - I pretty much fell in love with her stuff after I saw NieNie wearing her All is Well necklace! Great giveaway…thanks for the chance to win! I’ll be ordering if I don’t win!

Carla - So gorgeous! I love the vintagey-Jane Austen meets Carrie Bradshaw vibe.

jodi @ back40life - thanks for the head’s up on all the pretty…love the vintage look and feel!

cassie o - be still my heart! these are all gorgeous…it’s not very often that i like EVERYTHING someone has designed.

Jennifer Ware - Oh my those are all just beautiful.

Katie - Wow there are a lot of comments! I love the magpie bracelet…all are beautiful…my little girlie liked it as well. Well Done!

Joanna - I’ve been yearning for a piece of antiquity for ages. Here’s to winning some lovelies.

Cortney Hardy - They are all so lovely! I love me some good jewlrey!!

Lisa - Ooh, sparkly!!
Thanks so much for sharing!

Abby - I love the hairpin. Great giveaway.

Kimberly - i absolutely love this jewelry. great stuff!

Jen - This jewelry is beautiful! I love it.

Laura r - Oooooh! Me likey! πŸ™‚

amy tibbs - What beautiful jewelry! Thanks for the tip and I can’t wait to check out her shop!

Jennie - I love the vintage feel of all of this!

Ashley B. - I love this jewelry! Pick me, pick me! πŸ™‚

Brenda - Everything is beautiful…

alise - absolutely gorgeous. thanks for the chance to win!!!!!

Meredith - BEA-U-TIFUL!!!! Hope I win!! πŸ™‚

Kristen Chapman - Beautiful!! Love the All is Well one you showed.

Jennifer F. - Ooooh! Those make me think of my Grandma and that is NOT a bad thing! So very, very pretty.

Elizabeth Highsmith - holy moses! it’s beaut-i-mas!

Colleen - That flower one has my name on it! I love it and I hope I win!

haydee - Oh, they’re all so beautiful!!!!

elizabeth - BeAuTiFuL!!!

Ashlie - Beautiful! I would wear any one of these necklaces. I just know they would garner lots of “Ooohh, where’d you get that?!” πŸ™‚

Elizabeth Forsgren - I love it! Pick me!

Melissa - beautiful stuff!!! What an awesome give away!

Tessa - I absolutely love the “All is Well” necklace. Awesome!

Timi - Pretty, pretty, pretty. Love the “all is well” necklace. My favorite. Being a single mom, i could look down sometimes and remember “all is well” even when it seems it may not be.

kristen - oh yes – “all is well” and would be well if I could win that jewelry!! love it!

Danielle - Soooooooooo pretty!

stacie - beautiful! pick me, pick me πŸ™‚

Stacy - Very vintage looking! Love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Laura - These pieces are beautiful. I’d love to win!
Also adding as an easy favorite.
Have an awesome day!

Denise - Beautiful jewelry…love it!!!

Melissa - BEAUTIFUL!

rae - oh wow! such beautiful stuff!

Carrie H - Her jewelry is amazing! Everything is so beautiful. I especially love the Magpie bracelet. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Talysa - Very unique pieces…oh I love!

Misty - That is some nice looking jewelry! Just gorgeous!

Margo - These are amazing! Crystal is very talented!!

Erin McCall - PICK ME!! PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!! PLEASE!!!

Erin - Love the all is well necklace!

mia - i am so in love with these!

KelleyW - I’d love to win! Thanks!

Michelle English - Beautiful! These would look great with MANY things I own πŸ™‚

Karyn - Beautiful!!!
Oh, and Meg…..your blog makes me happy! Happy, happy, happy. With or without “giveaways”. πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Love her stuff. The colors are amazing. I need the “keep calm and carry on” necklace. Life is spinning out of control… must reel it in!!!! πŸ™‚
Tracy (

Lisa - Wow. So beautiful!

natalie k - All is well. Brillant.

Rebecca M - Really pretty! All is well.

loniann - Love these! I can see myself wearing one in the near future! Okay, well, if I don’t win, I will have to bug hubby for a valentine’s pretty!

Sally - Ooooohhhhh…….LOVE these!

Amanda Larkins - Those are gorgeous!

julie - I never win anything. Do you think that will help my chances?

Emily - Wow! I love these pieces. Perfect to wear for Valentine’s Day!

adrienne - oh so pretty!!! love the feminine touch of her designs.

Kristin S - While scrolling through the photos and before reading your words, I thought, “BEAUTIFUL!”
I like that these are different from what I’ve seen lately on etsy.

Tiffany Olson - Love this stuff – vintage yet modern! Hope I win πŸ™‚

Ashley - Beautiful pieces! I never win anything, but it is worth a try!!

Jess Mead - Everything is so lovely!!!

Kate W. - Beautiful!

Lisa B - Beautiful jewelry I would love to have as mine!

Leigh - Such beautiful and unique pieces! Love it.

Laura Martin - Beautiful! I’m a teacher and the little girls I teach would get a BIG kick out of these!

Meghan B - wonderful! her pieces remind me of tea time, girlfriends, and dresses. i would love to wear her work!

Vonda - Such incredibly cute jewelry! You always make me smile!

Amy jupin - Off to check her out now… πŸ™‚

jess - i would SO love to win this…need it after the day i had! this winter is getting to us all! what a beautiful shop…love it all!!!

Jessie - 581 is A LOT of comments. You have A LOT of readers. Probably because you are so interesting. Thanks for blogging πŸ˜‰

Jennifer Weathers - Pick me, Pick me! Very cute!

Tracy - How unique and beautiful. I love the vintage look of this jewlery. Thanks for the chance to win a gift cert.

michelle pulley - Beautiful jewelry!!!!

Eli - What beautiful and fun necklaces!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, these are really beautiful!

Katie - Pork? I’m still scared to cook chicken in anything other then the crockpot! love the jewelry!

Liz - Very classy and fun Love it! Checking it out!

Jamie - Sooo pretty! I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

Sam Miller Gott - Love those earrings!

Mindy Murray - I love everything!

Kimberly Au - Another Etsy shop to add to my list of favorites!

jen smith - oh my word! love her necklaces!!!

marybeth - so feminine!

LibraryGirl62 - How would one choose???? I love Crystal and her blog is in my reader…along with yours πŸ™‚

Heather - sooo pretty! Cool to have such talented friends. πŸ™‚

Jill B. - She has beautiful jewerly. I love the “All is well”.
Thanks for sharing.

Erin - I love her stuff, its so PRETTY!!! I read her blog too!!!! I love it. She makes me laugh. πŸ™‚

mary - Oh my, what to pick?

JustMommer - Pretties!

JustMommer - Pretties!

Shelly Primm - very beautiful pieces!

Meaghan - So pretty! I love how she takes pictures of the jewelry with vintage glassware. I think I need a new pair of earrings. Thank you for the chance to win.

Kelly - I would love to win any of these!

Robin - I love giveaways! And when I opened your blog and saw the All is Well necklace it brought tears to my eyes. I just lost my Mom 12 days ago and that simple statement flew right into my very soul when I read it…even if I don’t win…thank you for sharing today.

Stephanie C. - Gorgeous stuff!

courtney - L.O.V.E!

Whitney Benson - Love this stuff!

Trish - YUM! One of each, please!!

sam - i absolutely love your blog. thank you so much for writing it. i think i visit it every day. and while that probably sounds stalker-ish, i don’t mean it that way. πŸ˜‰ and the jewelry in this post is lovely!

Steffie - L-O-V-E!

MJ - I love all of the jewelry in the shop! The flowers are all so gorgeous

Sabina - Lovely!

jessica kiehn - oooh love this. Good mixture of vintage, feminine beauty. Thanks for the give-away, Crystal!

colleen - Have never won a blog giveaway but would love to win this one! thanks!

martha beltran - Beautiful Jewelry! good luck to me jaja!

Dmarieb - Love the jewelry! Even Waffle would look good with a piece of this collection!

Maria - such a cute etsy shop! thanks for sharing her blog too!

Lynette - B.E.A.utiful pieces!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Amy - Beautiful jewelry! Thanks so much for sharing!!

steph - oooh… drooling over her stuff! i’ve looked at a few of her things via nienie before. crystal b makes beautiful things!!! she’s so lucky to look at such pretty items every day! sigh…

Allison Trammell - love her jewelry!
love her blog!
wish I could make pretty things like that!

amy S - Please let me win.. Please let me win… Please let me win.. Does begging work? Love EVERRYTHING!

Catherine Arnett - Lovely jewelry! So romantic.

Jenn - I love it all!!!

staceyb - Her jewerly is so deliciously fun and feminine!

MomBE - Thank you so much for the chance to win something so lovely!!!

Alexis Hamilton - woo hoo..give aways. they all look so fun and pretty.

Tara Swartzendruber - I love Crystal’s necklaces. I own two of them and I get so many compliments! I would LOVe to win another! I know just which one I’d get. It has to have orange! Thanks for the great give-away!!

Stefanie - Love vintage looking jewelry…and it just so happens that I NEED new jewelry πŸ™‚

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - So beautiful – I especially love the “All is Well” one – the moto of my LIFE! lol.

Margaret - Here jewelry is gorgous!

meredith - ohh wow, it’s all so pretty!

jamie - meg,i love love love your blog. my family thinks i’m nuts. the handful {or two} of blogs i visit, it’s like visiting friends and when i leave their home at the end of the day, i feel energized, inspired, loved, and so much more. thanks for sharing your life. and this great giveaway!

Rochelle - Beautiful jewelry! On my way to see the rest of her stuff after I look at your latest entries, Meg!!

Angela - those earrings are beauties!

dixie - beautiful, BEAUTIFUL stuff!! love it!

Lindsey - Such pretty things! I love the “All Is Well” necklace!

rochelle - so lovely! i love the vintage feel to her jewelry!

Lea - I love her jewelry and especially love the cream rose necklace!

Laura - so pretty! i love everything!

Becky Joyce - Her stuff is amazing! Love it all!

Meredith Gibson - I have never commented before, but I love your blog! Thanks, Meredith

Linda - Such beautiful pieces. I love the “All is Well”

Tami - Oh my goodness! Her jewelry is beautiful. What a great giveaway!

Sheryl Savoie - Oh, I love it all!

Wendi - What little beauties!

Juliann - HI Megan – I love the “all is well” piece….
πŸ™‚ Happy Winter Day to you and your family πŸ™‚

Becky - beautiful jewelry!

Kyle - so lovely! i would love something pretty to wear for valentines day πŸ™‚

Keisha - These are BEAUTIFUL! love the “all is well” necklace!

Amanda - What beautiful creations : ) Great giveaway!

CAROL B - I love her style of jewelry!! Also I clicked on her blog, and now she made me hungry for hot dogs!!

Tina - Just found your blog and love, love, love it!!! And what beautiful jewels – perfect for spring :o)

beki - Oh, her stuff is so fun!!

merlin - more than 500 comments, wow, but, I’ll never win…. if I don’t at least leave a comment then I won’t even have a snowball’s chance. So, here is my pity plea, to please pick me.

Wendy - WOW! Love those!

Tim - Oh let me win please, I need a Valentine’s gift.

Michelle McKee - Completely beautiful! ::crossing my fingers::

Toni :O) - Oh how fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

Beth - Oh heck, so many entered this…gosh not a chance but I love her vintage style jewerly! On the way to check her blog and shop out.

lisabella - Oh, she has beautiful things!

Andrea Siebert - LOVE her jewelry!

Rae - Wow, so unique & dainty! I love it! I’m a big fan of it all!

Deb A. - Beautiful Jewelry! I LOVE the “All Is Well” necklace. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kristin Joy - yes please.

Courtney - ohmygoodness! I will definitely be checking out her shop! I’m getting married in October and looking for some fun accessories for me and my bridesmaids!!!

Lacey - so beautiful. Would love to win.

Kate - Look at you and all your comments – rock star! That magpie bracelet is calling my name! πŸ™‚

Heidi - What beautiful things! LOVE this giveaway!

Jenn - Nothing like a giveaway to get the comments coming. These pieces are lovely…so cute and vintagey.

Kristin - Beautiful Jewelry!

Lisa - What beautiful pieces! Perfect for spring.

Rebecca L - Beautiful! I would love to win.

sarah - so beautiful and classy!!

Jennifer O'Steen - this is something i would definitely love to win! her pieces are so beautiful & unique!

Stephanie - So pretty!!

Ana - The pictures you posted of her stuff are amazing! I can’t wait to go check out her shop- such pretty stuff! - commenting to enter to win the fab jewels, but also wanted to say I fancy your blog each week :0)

Naomi Williams - beautiful jewelry!

Dana Banana - WANT !!!

Lynda@Me and My Pink Mixer - Beautiful jewelry!!! THanks for the giveaway πŸ™‚

tracy - How Pretty!! Pick me!!

Lavender Dreams - I think everyone in blogland got excited! I’m off to look at her shop! Love her beautiful jewelry! β™₯

Misty Denman - Thanks for introducing me to a new blog and beautiful, beautiful jewelry. I love it all!

Nicole M - wow, those pieces are gorgeous. I love them all. THanks for the great giveaway!

Rachael - These necklaces are beautiful!! I would love to have one!!

Jen N - Oh I love her style. So vintage!

Kelsey - Fingers crossed!

Courtney - So many pretty things!

Christy - Uh, yes please! How pretty is her stuff?? Love it!

Shairee - Such a fun blog to visit & WHAT talent! Thanks for sharing!!

Kelly - This stuff is adorable. I will definitely add her to my favorites!

Zainab - I loooorrvveee the All is Well necklace!!

Tammy - Wow, these are beautiful!

Sara - Beautiful!

Laura - Love it! πŸ™‚ Pick me!! πŸ™‚

Merissa - I love that her work is the perfect balance of “vintage, classy, elegant” but also “wearable, everyday, casual”. What is even more impressive is her photography and marketing skills. I love the way she displays the “vintage classy elegant” jewelry on everyday items like cups, to-do lists, plates and papers. What a great representation of a woman (mom, wife, etc) who may be struggling to balance the “everyday/mundane” things going on but still enjoys that feeling of elegance and classiness.
Make sense to anyone but me? Am I the only one whose mood can change when i put on a beautiful pair of earrings?

katy - Pretty sure I’d like all of it, so beautiful!

kim phipps - cute stuff—would love to win…

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - I love this jewelry! Feminine, vintage, beautiful….!

Jessica - Ooh, this is all so pretty! Crystal is so talented. Love her style.

Alyssa Doyle - I love the look of…everything! πŸ™‚

kristen - oh these are beautiful. thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Catriona - How pretty – right up my street! Hope I win. x

Cindy in WA - Wow! So pretty! I’m going over to peek at her beautiful pieces now… πŸ™‚

gina f. - all of the pieces are so beautiful!! it would be hard to pick just one.

Anne Marie - Wow, so so pretty!

katie - beautiful jewelry!

Becky J - Love the old-fashioned goodness of her gorgeous jewelry….I would love to win… πŸ™‚ Thanks so much!

Cindy - I would love to get the “all is well” necklace for my stepmom. She has had a really tough year, and I think it would be the perfect gift!

kristine - I just adore her creations! Beautiful. And exactly the kind of jewelry I have been looking for!

julie - Wow so beautiful

Emily - Beautiful Jewelry!!!

amanda - Adorable jewelry! Can I me win please? πŸ™‚

Melissa S - Love it all!

Jessica - Beautiful! I love the vintage feel to most of her pieces.

Michele - OH, Wow!!! Beautiful. My favorite is the all is well necklace!

ana hogan - Beautiful jewelry! Thank you for the chance to win!

Beth Ann - What beautiful pieces! I am pregnant with my 3rd and have been wearing the same few basic pieces of clothing and have been dressing & changing my outfits up by fun big jewelery that makes a statement – these would fit the bill!

Denise - I love the vintage look! Thanks for the chance to win. πŸ™‚

Jen - So, so pretty. Love it all.

Jules - So pretty. I love vintage-y jewelry! Fun giveaway!

Lelia - I love the jewelry!!!
P.S. I made your choc. chip cookies – they are YUMM-O! =D Thanks!

Lindsay - PICK ME! I promise to keep my babies from pulling these off my neck– they’re too pretty!

Iris - So beautiful!!

Brandi - These are all so pretty!

Penny - What beautiful jewerly! I would love to win, but I never ever win anything! Honestly, I can’t think of a time I have ever won a thing!

Larissa - Love, love, love this jewelry! I may hvae to buy myself a Valentine’s present from her shop!

Tracie - Oh how pretty!

Erin - beautiful work! thanks for sharing your talent.

Karen - So beautiful!

Jennifer - Great giveaway indeed! It is all so beautiful, and totally my style of jewelry. Thanks

Heidi - BEAUTIFUL!!! I think I own about 2 pieces of jewelry! I need these!!

Sarah - Beautiful BEAUTIFUL jewelry! I’m looking for something unique to wear on my wedding day. Something from there might just do the trick.

Kate S. - Oh, my, so gorgeous!

marya - Such beautiful pieces!

Jennifer Wilde - Just love it all, what talent.

betsy - Awesome stuff! She’s very talented!

Lisa - Beautiful and feminine….love it!

Christy - eek! I am in love with the Madpie bracelet !! & everything else in her shop!! So unique!

Rachel - I have always loved pieces on etsy!

Holly - very pretty! Crystal definately has talent!

Linda B - That is lovely!

Juli - ohhh…. everything is soooo pretty! how to pick one thing?

karenth - Wow – I love the stamped necklace!!

julia - Simpletruths - I love how you ended this post: “and then…..go grab something from her shop because only ONE of you will win.”
So true! – I’m heading over to her shop right now πŸ™‚

Britanie - Too many darling things to choose from! She is very talented!

Astrid - Oh so pretty!
So, what is the pork loin recipe????

christy - Can i just say BEAUTIFUL!!!

Kathryn Jennings - Oh, how I <3 the ALL IS WELL necklace!! So sweet!

Kate - beautiful, beautiful beautiful!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Amazingly gorgeous fluffery!!!
And I just cooked my first pork loin last week. Rubbed it up with lemon juice, zest and chopped garlic, then cooked it for 25 minutes at FIVE HUNDRED degrees. Let it rest for 5 minutes. Delish!

Leah - So beautiful! I’m going to look at the site now.

Jill - Ooh, it’s all so pretty!

Janie Fox - Generator… generate me!!

Mindi - Wow. Great stuff. Love it.

Holly - Oh my, what beautiful jewelry!

Dani - That is some beautiful jewlery! It reminds me of my Grandmama. She had beautiful beaded jewlery!

Paula Montalvo - So Beautiful! I love the delicate feminine look of all her jewelry!

Ali Richardson - Her jewelry is SO beautiful I love how colorful it all it. I definitely want to with this one!!!

Susan - truly beautiful art to wear.

Holly Todd - Love the jewelry, hope I win!

Flipflipmeheidi - Lovely & Romantic!

Kate - Oh, they are so beautiful! Pick me!

Tami - Dude!! You get a lot of comments on your blog! Only my family looks at my blog so I get a comment about once a month! HA!! I would LOVE me some jewelry!!

Vicky K - they’re so pretty! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Carrie Haywood - wow.. they’re all soo pretty!!!

Robin Allen - I love this stuff…I wear this type of jewelry nearly every day to my job at our local bank…I think we were twins seperated at birth…our tastes run so similar and OH I live in Kansas too…LOOOOVEEEEE this

Liesl - I can’t get enough of these necklaces! I teach middle school and have to change things up a bit every now and then!

Tere - Thanks for the Etsy link and the chance to win. Beautiful!

Ashley - Beautiful pieces!

Kim - Beautiful. πŸ™‚ Love it all! Want!

Quinn - Gosh, her stuff is gorgeous… I would be lucky to own any of her things.

Valerie - Yes, please! I would love to win ANYTHING from her shop!

Julie K - I have *hearted* her items several times! I love her stuff – would love love love to win this giveaway!

Michelle - Love, love!!!!!! πŸ™‚

Meredith Salmon - I love her stuff!!!! Can’t wait to check out the blog and her shop.

Courtney Mc - so sweet and girly! love it!

megan - what a great giveaway. her stuff is beautiful! thanks for sharing.

Alison - This brought me right out of my grouchy mood πŸ™‚ I love these.. what a talented lady and such gorgeous jewelry!!

Janelle - Yowza! With 377 plus comments, I’m not sure my chances are that great…but with a little faith and hope…I enter!

Christen - I really like the one that says ALL IS WELL so cool

Alexandra - beautiful jewelry! I hope I win πŸ™‚

julie h - oh wow! her pieces are AMAZING!

Stephanie - Beautiful.

Sarah - I love her jewelry! It is all so pretty!

Kim S - Beautiful pieces! I love her color combos.

Jennifer - Beautiful! I love all the pieces! Loving your blog by the way…I am a new follower!

Katrina - Those are some gorgeous pieces. I will have to get one either way.

karen - I love her style! I would be happy to own a peice of her jewelery πŸ™‚

Rachel / cREaTe - love it! i am really really loving the “all is well”. πŸ™‚ how awesome to sport that.

Andrea - So amazing!! She’s so talented!!

Bailey - Absolutely beautiful! I love the vintage look of the jewelry – thanks for the introduction!

Lindsay - Gorgeous!!

SoCalLynn - All of her jewelry is so beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

Michelle Pucci - Wow! Beautiful stuff!

Jen H. - Gorgeous jewelry! Love, love, love!

ali - ummm….cute!! love it all!!

Amber - I love it all!

MirandaM from KS - Oh wow, how beautiful are these! Good thing Valentine’s Day is coming up….think I’ll leave her etsy shop up on the computer!

Heather K - How pretty!

Sonya - Beautiful!!!

Jenny Joy - Oh. My. Her jewelry is GORGEOUS. Love it!

Alice H - Beautiful! And I want the pork loin recipe.

Tanya H - YES! These are all absolutely beautiful!!

Elizabeth - Very beautiful pieces, love the Fleur Gouttes!

Jenifer Higgins - Oh, I love the colorful vintage look! Thanks for the chance to win!

Amber G - Oh I love them all. So beautiful

Liz - Sign me up! These are gorgeous pieces!

Maine Mummy - Oh I love that style

Jenae - Such pretty jewelry, I love it!

Allison S. - So lovely! Thanks for sharing!

Ashley - Love these! So vintage and beautiful…

TonyaElise - I love it! Vintage inspired jewelry…wonderful.

erin - how beautiful! thanks!

Stacie - I was very inspired the “ALL IS WELL” necklace. I read the nienie dialogues and would love to wear this necklace in honor of her. She is an amazing inspiration.

Lauren - oh! it’s all so beautiful! i would love to wear one of these on a date–they would make me feel so pretty.

Rachel Walser - Please enter me! LOVE!

Christy - Swoon…would love to gift myself with something like this for Valentine’s Day!

GB Jost - Oh Meg,
It reminds me of when I dug through my mom’s old jewlery, and she gave me some of my/and her favorite pieces. Sadly, mom is more and more sick with dementia, but seeing this jewlery reminded me of better/warmer times with her. I miss that part of mom very much! But I do have many great memories. Thanks for posting the jewlery. GB

Amy - I love her stuff. I came across it on etsy one day and fell in love.

Aimee - Very pretty jewelry. I love the flowers!

Chelsi Lecrone - Wowzers! It’s all darling! I think I’ll have trouble choosing, but I’ve accepted the challenge πŸ™‚

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I think these are beautiful. I love the celadon bracelet with the fuschia flower. You always choose such wonderful jewellery Meg, thanks for the link.

Jennifer - I would love to own a piece of this beautiful jewelry! Crossing my fingers!

Joy - I would look so grown up wearing one of those beauties.

mandy friend - oh my gosh, this is the best giveaway yet!

Kelly - I need the perfect piece of jewelry for a Valentine’s Day date with my hubby!

Mandy Forney - I love the all is well necklace it’s lovely! They are all beautiful!

Elizabeth - Isn’t it amazing how a few words can make you feel so happy!

Laurel - Gorgeous….scooting over to her shop now!
Great giveaway!!

Meg - Gorgeous vintage-y goodies! I love them all.

Kristin Hayne - Such a gorgeous style she has…..
did I just talk like Yoda?

Jen - I love these, too. Thanks for the chance!

Joanna Peck - Oh My Goodness! Her pieces are so beautiful. Very talented lady!!

Jennifer Paulsen - All is well-that is so perfect. All of these are beautiful!

erin j - Super cute stuff!

Kimberly - So incredibly beautiful.
I am a new follower and am really enjoying your blog!

Rebecca Ragan - Gorgeous! I already know how I will use the gift certificate!!!

karen - love them all!

nicky - unbearable cuteness!

Sarah - Beautiful! It would be hard to choose which piece to buy!

Wendy - BEAUTY!!! Please pick me! love the stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!

Lindsey - It’s all gorgeous!

Debby - Beautiful stuff! Love that vintage/antique look.

Jen - I LOVE the All is Well necklace!! It is all so purrtyyy!!!

G. - Yay! I love jewelry. πŸ™‚

shannan - pick me!!!!

Maggie Miller - Would love to win this fab jewelry! Love your blog!

Laura - Isn’t that a lovely post! I love jewelry, and what she has created is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jen - I need a couple birthday gifts–some of these would be PERFECT! Thanks!

Suzy - LOVE THESE!! They remind me of my great grandmother who I LOVE!!

shan - LOVE! So very beautiful.

Keri - Wow! Beautiful pieces! I hope I win!!!

Beth - Wow–everything is so beautiful and unique!! love it!

Rebecca - Oh my. Those certainly are pretty. Thanks for reminding me that we all need a little something pretty, especially us moms.

Shelly foster - Oh my goodness! I have my fingers (and toes) crossed for this one ! I want the beautiful “all is well” necklace baaad !! Thanks for the chance !

Megan - love it! Thanks for sharing!

Laura Phelps - ALL IS WELL
I could use that
so, I am going to check her out..and then I am going to forward her link to Nick for Valentines Day - Oh my goodness these are lovely! I’ll definitely be keeping my eye on this shop.

Myriah Mae - BeAuTiFuL!!! Love it!

Lindsay - cute, cute, cute, cute! if i don’t win, i’m definitely going to have to buy something of her’s on my own. but wining the $40 gift card is always a bonus…especially when i’m trying to save $$ and stay within the budget:)

Megan McCulloch - LOVE THAT. :]

Karen - My 21 year old daughter loves vintage jewelry. What a perfect Valentine gift any one of these would make for her!

Leslie P. - holy moly. these are so me. i want to sleep in them.

Laura Lee - these are so classic… love them!

ellie - how quaint and vintage looking her pieces are…i love the one with the flowers in the middle wit the blue bead hanging down….gosh..please enter me!

Kylie - I LOVE her pieces!

Kimmy - Awesome jewelry. So delicate and beautiful, very much like a lady. Thanks so much for both of you for this awesome give-away!

Jessica - love love love! one of everything please! πŸ™‚

Jen N. - What an awesome giveaway! Her stuff is great!

Diane - THere wasn’t a single thing that I didn’t like. The jewelry is just awesome- right out of my grandmas’s rose box.

Angie - Everything is so beautiful. I think the earrings are my favorite though.

sarah - My favorite is the “All is well” neckace! So Pretty!

Julie Baldwin - I definitely hope I win! I need something girly and beautiful.

jennifer wood - All is well is my mantra! Seriously I say it several times a day.
All is Well and I am grateful

Bethany - Pretty! What beautiful stuff!

Jody Hanks - So pretty!

Diane - LOVE the jewelry!!

Jill T - love. love. LOVE!

jennifer - You are right… everything IS beautiful!

Christy Vincent - I love these! So pretty!!

Gram - Absolutely lovely!

Jen - WoW Crystal’s work and craftsmenship is AMAZING… Thanks for the Giveaway day…

Mel Vaz - Very pretty. I love your blog yesterday, especially how you repurposed around the house containers instead of purchasing new stuff!

Jennifer - lOVE the first necklace!

Stacie - Beautiful stuff!

brinn - gorgeous!! thanks for the chance to win!

Nicole - So pretty! I never win, but I thought I’d try.

June - Love the “All is Well”….makes me feel calm!

april - Wow these are soooo cute!!! Love them all…..

Anna - Wow! Beautiful!

Jody - such pretty jewelry! I’ll be going to her blog to see what all there is!

Brandie - I lover her jewelry and her blog. I just recently started reading it and she cracks me up!

heather - awesome jewelry! so unique and pretty!

brittany - OOOhhh!!! so pretty! Love your giveaways and blog!

Liz - These are gorge!

Lisa - Love the one that says, “All is well.” I need that reminder these days. Beautiful work.

mary beth - Wow, they are all so beautiful! What a great giveaway, Meg..thanks!

Lydia S - meg! your blog makes the boredom of work so much easier to swallow! Crystal sure is talented… those are all beautiful!

Robyn Farmer - OH.MY.WORD….all of it is so beautiful!


purejoy - love the romantic vintagey look. i wouldn’t mind winning one little bit! ; )

Donna B. - Wow. This jewelry is beautiful. I love the vintage look. I am going to check out her shop right now.

Mindy Harris - meg thanks for the giveaway opportunity. etsy can be so overwhelming (i have my own shop full of vintage stuff–it’s been slow, but fun!) so it’s nice to be pointed in a direction, especially regarding jewelry.

sabrina - What a fun give-away! Everything is so pretty!!!

lala - Gorgeous jewelry! I love Crystal B’s etsy shop!

Kristi Barrett - gorgeous stuff!

Melinda - Beautiful jewelry…thanks for sharing.

Melissa - Love the jewelry…hope I win!!

Debbie Smallie - Pick me!

Amanda Jo - Oh I LOVE it all!!!!!!!!!!!

Maria - Love it! I really need a pick me up today…

Lindsey Jo - gorgeous jewelry!!

Karen - Love this jewelry. Each piece is so unique and dainty!

Jen @ areafarehome - Pretty! Very feminine and sweet-gonna check out some more on your Etsy!

Melissa - I think I need that “All is Well” necklace to remind me, when I feel like it isn’t.

casey - Love the vintage look! Very talented friend you have there!

Rebecca - love, love, love, this jewelry!! she most certainly IS super talented!

Angie - So cute! Love the vintage look of this stuff.

Ashley - that jewelry is GORG! I love the vintage look of it!

Robyn - Yes, I agree, all her stuff is great! I would love some of that jewelry.

Jessica - her stuff is adorable! Love it!

theresa - so pretty! love them all.. going to check out her blog & shop now! πŸ™‚

Beth - Beautiful!!!! I would love to own something of hers.

Cherie - Wow! Those are so pretty and feminine. Love it!!!

Kathi - Very pretty.

Trish - yum. the end.

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I love Crystal’s things. I have one of her necklaces and wear it often.

sarah - Beautiful!

Sonia - So pretty!!! I hope I win!!!

Melissa Martin - Wow! Beautiful jewelry! Definitely one of a kind.

MGF - So so awesome
WOW and great necklace or earrings, really there are such great choices

Laura - I love the “ALL IS WELL” necklace.

Jillain Foreman Williams - pure angelic loveliness…..

elisabeth (bovagoods) - wow. wow. wow. i need one. πŸ˜‰

Christine - So pretty! I would love to win!

Kirsten - That “All is Well” necklace spoke to my heart this morning. I have so many things weighing on me this week, both my sons have medical concerns that require surgery, the college where I work is dealing with a missing student, and my extended family is still reeling from an unexpected death… But God is on his throne, and the earth shall not be moved! So all, indeed, is well.

Ashley - What gorgeous jewelry!

Kelli - Oh no! Am I too late?? These are so fabulous! Would love to win one!

Stephanie - I have the “all is well” necklace and I adore it! I would love to add to my collection since it is all so beautiful.

Heather - Wow! My jaw is on the floor. This jewelry is absolutely beautiful! What a talented, gifted woman.
Thank You for the giveaway. On my way to her shop now!

Jessica - i have a crystal b necklace but of course i would love another piece of her beautiful jewelry!

amy - so pretty and vintagey! Is that a word?

Taryn - Beautiful! Have just the person in mind that i’d love to give such a gift to!!!!:)

Rebekah Brummel - BEAUTIFUL!

Hollie - So pretty!

Sheryl - So incredibly vintage-y! I love them all!

Laura in LA - Oh so cute!

Amanda - So cute! Love the vintage look!

Dawn - Lovely jewelry!

alamama - such pretty jewelry. thanks for the chance!

Tracy B - loving it- I will be visiting her shop

Terri - It is me again, I went to her shop and wow, such unique items. I found about 5 pairs of earrings I want plus a couple of bracelets. Just gorgeous!

Anna Marie - Oh my goodness that is all so beautiful! I want, I want, I want…

Chantelle - Beautiful stuff! (Oh and your post yesterday about your craft cupboard was, well, a relief. I figured everything in your house was perfect!) God bless.

jodi - Love the jewelry’s vintage vibe… goes with my vintage wrinkles and gray hair.. ha.

Emily - I LOVE those necklaces! Great giveaway!

Jen - oooooooooo…..i NEED a little pretty!

jackie - Beautiful! What a fun surprise this would be during these cold winter days. Thanks.

Ronda - This shop is one of the first that I put as a favorite on etsy!
I LOVE her things!!

Melissa - Beautiful!!! I love all of them!

Alisha Gibb - Oh, this is so beautiful and delicate. I love it all. It’s so feminine!

tricia - Just beautiful!
PS Your craft closet looks great! Can you come and organize mine?

Miraclebalsitis - Breathtaking, gorgeous. Talent.Talent.Talent. That combined with a little frill and feminine touches= fabulous. Pick me!!

Sarah - Pick me…. It’s my birthday, I turn 32 and I love sparkly things. πŸ™‚

Terri - Absolutely gorgeous! I would love to be the proud owner of one of those pieces. Your friend is very talented.

katie - love this stuff!!! such pretty jewelry!!!!

Robyn - So pretty! I love her stuff! and your blog! I always makes my day!

Erin - All so very pretty!! I love that look. I love jewlery!

Kristi - I have her all is well necklace, and love it! she is sweet!

Katlyn Richter - I am absolutely drooling over these pieces…love these! And everything in her shop. Thanks for sharing!

Shawna - Love the crystal necklace but all are very pretty. You can cook a pork loin, go for it!

Jerusalem Greer - those are FAB! love them so much, what a great giveawa!

Kari - Beautiful stuff! I just added her shop to my faves.

Rebecca - Gorgeous!

Aubrey - How lovely!! Thank you!

Regina - Perfectly my style! *LOVE*

Edie Steinmann - Such gorgeous things! I especially love the All is Well necklace; it brings back memories of playing All is Well with my Soul in college marching band!

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - Be still my heart. Gorgeous. pick me pick me pick me!

Katy Stone - wowww!! i love love love. esp the “all is well” necklace!

Jen D. - How vintage-y and awesome!!

Rachel Giles - Beautiful Jewelry!!

Kara - Oh my, her jewelry is beautiful! I hope I am the lucky winner!!

Michelle Whitlow - oh wow, everything is so pretty!!!

Kendra - Pick me pick me!!!

Ryanne - Lots of pretty earrings to make a girl feel good.

Elizabeth - I’m loving it all….wonderful mom gifts!

Heather R. - Love the “All is Well” neck-a-less(how my daughter says it). πŸ™‚
She has talent. When is Spark?!

Tina - I love every piece of jewelry and would be proud to wear it if I win!

Tiffany B. - ALL IS WELL! Love, Love, Love it. All is well because God is GOOD! Lovely pieces, thanks for sharing! Tiffany

Brianna - Wow, her jewellery is beautiful. I’m thinking of Christmas gifts already! I love your blog as well, been reading for a while, although never commented before. Thanks for this great giveaway Meg!

michelle - Love your blog! I’m also loving this jewelry!

Maria - Beautiful, vintage style jewelry…my fave!

Kelly - Beautiful! Can’t wait to check out her other things!

mrs. may - I love Crystal’s jewelry. So very pretty!

kathryn Geddes - Looking at those pictures conjures up sentimental feelings….they look similar to something my Grandma always wore. -sigh- Beautiful, just like she was.

Kristy - I have so many of her items in “my favorites” just trying to decide what to order! Beautiful!!

brianna - wow, this jewelry is so beautiful! i love it… i have a “craft closet”, which my husband refers to as the “crap closet”… what does he know? i really have to get it organized, i love how you upcycled things to make them useful… im making many mental notes to self… thanks meg…

Becki G. - Love the sweet vibe of the jewelry.

Ashley Crenshaw - I saw the All Is Well and felt a breath of fresh air! I’m sending my son to a sitter for one of the first times today and have been super anxious this morning. All is Well is a great reminder! Thanks Meg for sharing!

Stephanie Allen - So beautiful!

Suzette - Wow! Those are some gorgeous pieces of jewelry! Headed to her blog now……

debbie - Pretty and vintage!!! And do not be afraid of the pork tenderloin…if I can do it, so can you πŸ˜€

natalie (the sweets life) - wow love all of her stuff! thanks for the giveaway!

Russanna - Oh, I love this! I love her style!

Keli - oh my….would LOVE LOVE one of these pieces!

Biz - I need this necklace!
It’s perfect for a military spouse. We learn early on that home is where the Air Force sends you!

Kerrie - Oh, I would love to win $40 to do some shopping! I love vintage!!! thanks

Roberta - Oh, everything is so beautiful!! What a talented lady!

Angela Miller - Absolutely gorgeous! Especially the “There’s no place like home” πŸ™‚

Carol Davis - love love love…want want want πŸ™‚

Nicole - pure awesomeness!

Kelley J - How lovely! I’m headed to her website now to see more!

Lindsay - wow! she makes beautiful pieces. i especially love the ‘all is well’ nienie necklace!

AMANDA - Sooo cute!

deborah@applesinwonderland - gorgeous darlink:) how would you choose? and don’t feel too bad….i made my first turkey this year–my 43rd year. i’m not a baby…..i’m a wuss.;) hope someone that needs a little sunshine wins!!!!!

Allie - I have one of her cjane neckalces and it is one of my all time favorite pieces. I am now dying to have Fleur Collier – Madame Warren in Lavender – thanks for the giveaway!!

Michele - Beautiful!

Angie - It is all just so lovely! Some of the pieces look just like the things from my grandmother’s old jewelry box. Love it.

Lisa Tyner - Fun stuff!! Love it.

Katie - Her jewelry is beautiful! I recently had a baby and am still in the interim stage of clothes so a new necklace will definitely lift the spirits. Love vintage anything!

Niki - Gorgeous! Love the “ALL IS WELL”!

Karie - Wow…so pretty!

Sharla - Wow, yes, these are all awesome! I’m going to go check her out.

Meredith - Very pretty – so hard to choose!!

Stefanie Shultz - All is Well…love it!!!

Lorie Yoder - Oh my gosh….I kept looking, and each one just got better and better. It’s TOTALLY my style! I will go check her out. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah - Beautiful jewelry. Love your blog!!

Ruth - Oh my goodness, that is beautiful!

Barbara - It would be hard to choose, but what fun it would be to win and pick a piece of beautiful jewlery!

Happygirl02 - I LOVE her stuff. Something is happening to me in my mid-thirties…I’m becoming girly. Her stuff is so perfectly feminine. 4 years ago, I would have scoffed at the femininity of it all. But now, I WANT SOME! πŸ™‚

Jill R. - So many pretty things….I want it all!!

Erin - Love it – the “it is well” is just too beautiful. I’m headed over to check out her shop pronto. Thanks!

Tami Veer - love the “All is Well” neclace!!

Amy - Very pretty!

deanna janssen - So pretty! I love them all! Especially that All Is Well one!

Ariel - Sounds good to me!!!

Abby - So cute!

shawnette - Love the fun vintage look.

Julie H. - LOVE this jewelry-so beautiful!

kerry - wow, i love each and every one of these pieces!

Stacey - So pretty!! pick me!

Jill - Wow! I love everything in the shop! I think my favorite is the Collier – Madame Tingey. I love the story for the name of the necklace, too! Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

Nicole - Those are amazing!

Alysa - such great stuff. i especially love the fleur collier madame warren in lavendar – it just sounds romantic – don’t we all need one?

Lindsey Wolosiewicz - these jewels are beautiful! would love some fresh new jewelry to wear.

Kimberly - I love her jewelry! So unique! Love your blog, too, Meg!

Melissa - Those are so beautiful!
What a fun giveaway!

Jessica - so, so pretty!! I hope I win!!

LeAnne Cotton - all so elegant and beautiful – it would be nice to win

Christy - BEAUTIFUL! I love the vintage look.

stodd - I have a necklace from her shop and I love it! I’d love to win and get more!

Jessi - Gaw-geous.

Stephanie - BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

Lori - I love it all! What wonderful, fun jewelry!

Amanda - Beautiful! she’s so talented. My mom would love anything from her shop. And her birthday is coming up πŸ™‚

Jill - So many pretty things! Love all the shiny!

carmela - oh my…the jewelry is beautiful..would love to win!!

traci in virginia - Wow, her jewelry is beautiful. Definitely will be on my favorites list!

Hannah - Everything is SO pretty! I want it all!

Crystal Swoverland - Thanks for sharing your friends and their talent with us, Meg! I am always inspired after reading your blog…thanks for being you!

Elizabeth - Oh I love these!!!!

Becky Bridge - Oh so pretty! Going over to look at more right now!!

Stephanie - Love the vintage look! I recently picked up a vintage-looking bracelet at Buckle. I think handmade is so much better though. Fingers crossed.

Amanda - eeeep pick me!! Such pretty stuff!

Kimberlee J. - The girls got talent. Lovely pieces. Want.

Michelle Burke - So girlie…which I LOVE. I don’t have a ton of the ” I feel pretty” stuff, I am going to have to go look at her items….. I so enjoy my daily coffee and blog time, thanks for making it fun!

Amber - Wow so many goodies!!! Gret shop!

Janet - Her jewelry is beautiful. I love all of her pieces.

Lindsay - Loving your recipes. Keep them up! Make the chicken croissant casserole this week and going to try your chip dip today! Thanks for those and your giveaways. PS I think we are tv show twins. I love Mad Men and Parenthood. Cant get enough!

Janelle - I’m leaving a comment πŸ™‚

jennifer - Oooooohhhh, I am coming out of lurkdom for that pretty stuff!

stephanie - Oh, gorgeous!! I love the asymmetrical necklaces!

sarah - Oh sweet!! I am really loving me some vintage as of late.

Jo(ke) - Absolutely beautiful. Just looking at these pieces makes me happy. My younger sister was reading along with me about this give-away so if I win I’ll let her use the certificate. That will make me even happier!

anna - want me some!!

Karla Schaitberger - Thanks for sharing…her jewelry is beautiful!

Susan - Vintage!Love it.

Melissa - Beautiful…..

courtney - i’m in love with all the little flower bud earrings…and how cute are those bobby pins? perfect accessories for any outfit!

Jermaine D. - What neat jewelry! I especially like the “all is well” necklace!

Stacy McNew - What lovely jewelry. I would love to have the There is no place like home necklace. But it would be really hard to choose. I think I am up for the challenge!

April - they are all soooo cute~ love it all!

Lori McDonough - Lovely! Thanks for the chance to win! Have a great day!

Erin Johnson - Soooo pretty!

Melissa Mae - That seriously has got to be some of the most beautiful jewelry I’ve ever seen!

Melissa - Very pretty! Thanks for the giveaway.

FeFe - They are all so beautiful! I think the “All is Well” is my favorite.

megan tyler - Wow, LOTS of pretties in her shop! I would wear them all! Love your blog Meg!

Julie - wow, really unique gorgeous stuff!! beautiful, and thank you!

Emily - Gorgeous!!! I love it!

Jessica - Beautiful!! The yellow and pink one makes me smile.

Lisa - Beautiful jewelry! I’d love to win this one!!! πŸ™‚

Jennifer McCall - Collier – Madame Knudsen is my favorite! I think my sister and I need matching ones!

Micah - Love the “all is well” necklace. Her jewelry has the neatest look!

Rene Schmidt - That first bracelet is beautiful … LOVE it!!

Kimberly - I am going through such a rough spot in my life right now and that jewelry instantly lifts my spirit. It just says happy. I LOVE it!!!

Christa - Wow! That is beautiful!
Would love to win!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh my word, i gasped when i saw the pictures. Her jewelry is amazing. So unique and beautiful…love. it.

Diana Yarborough - So beautiful. I can’t wait to look at her website.

Gina - These are beautiful!!! SO sweet of her. THank you!

Libby - Love them! Pick me, pick me!

Carol S. - Pick me! Would love some new baubbles. Off to look at the pork loin recipe…

Julie - Love it all! The “all is well” necklace is priceless. So sweet!

kristin - “all is well” is my theme for the year. with or without the gift certificate, i might have to get it.

jenn - This is gorgeous jewelry. What a feminine treat something like this would be – especially in the face of glorious, messy, wonderful life with young children!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - after the difficult past couple of days I’ve had, I sure could use a pick me up….crossing my fingers to win!
Jewelry is ALWAYS a good pick me up

Ruth H. - These things look pretty, pretty, pretty.
P.S. Have you seen these rainbow pancakes, yet?

amosclutchpedal - Lovely jewelry and lovely photos. I never win anything…pick me!

Rachael Umstead - fantastic. I have never seen jewelry like this. love it!!

Karla - I love how different they are – so funky! I would love to win one!

cheryl - thanks for this chance…i LOVE her work!

DANETT - So classic and one of a kind. I would be honored to wear one of her necklaces!

Katie - It’s so cold here in Minnesota (brrrrrr). If I can’t feel the sunshine, it sure would be nice to wear a little bit of spring! Beautiful jewlery!

rosemarie - love the necklaces -originial

Laura @ PARING DOWN - Beautiful jewelry deserves beautiful photography – two in one gorgeousness. Thanks for the chance!
πŸ™‚ Laura

Hall Becca - love the jewelry! it’s all pretty, but i especially love the “all is well” necklace!

Lizelle - That’s a whole lotta pretty!

Dawn - Her jewelry is beautiful!

Teresa - Her jewelery looks gorgeous!

Jeannette - It’s all so lovely…….as for the pork loin, do it in the crockpot…….hard to mess it up in there :o)

Deb - fun and funky…love it!

Carla - Oh I love that jewellery, it reminds me of cameo brooches, which have always held a fascination for me! Love this blog!!

Katie - Beautiful jewelry-very talented!

catherine hicks - Love this….simply beautiful!

Kelly - I love the vintage look of this jewelry. Thanks for sharing!

Leslie - Love!! Thank you for sharing!

Mallory - I have so many birthdays coming up this would make an awesome gift.. but at the same time — I really want to use it just for me!

Sarah - All is well… I love that. If I don’t win it, I’m buying it myself. My husband is deployed and sometimes I just need a good reminder that all is well.

Alissa - It’s all beautiful….it would be so hard to choose what to get!!

Pamela M - Beautiful, classy and extremely generous of her. I would love any of these.

Kristi - Wow, all of her pieces are absolutely gorgeous. I’d love to win this giveaway!

Benay - Very pretty! I hope I win!

Katie - That jewelry is gorgeous! Love your blog!

Anne - her jewelry is beautiful, and i always love reading your blog. it is so bright and funny and makes me happy!

amac - Beautiful jewelry! Meg, reading your blog is always a bright spot in my day πŸ™‚ Love it!!

Susan - Pretty jewelry…so “girly” – thanks for the contest!

Vita - Awesome. This happens when you do what you LOVE !!!

Gemma - So elegant and the colours are so spring like! I’d love to win : )
Gemma x

Eileen - Nice pieces of jewelry!

Carrie - LOVE this jewelry! Thanks for a fabulous giveaway, Meg!

Caitlin Baker - Wow, everything is so pretty and feminine!

Diana - Lovely. Pick me!

PaisleyJade - WOW – her creations are amazing! Count me in!!

Jaclyn - So beautiful! I’ve actually been searching around etsy looking for a necklace. Perfect timing!

Ingrid - BEAUTIUL!!!! I hope I win. Going to check her shop now~ x

Elizabeth - Pick me! Pick me!

shauna reed - this is the prettiest jewelry ever!
i would wear it all!
pick me!

Jaclyn - I really like the “All is Well” necklace!

Sarah - Oh my, her work is beautiful! So classy, but really fun at the same time.

rhonda - Um, OMG. Must have. need. love. Going to add to etsy favorites and shop often!

meghan - oh i love the classic look! So feminine.
happy monday πŸ™‚

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - gorgeous. πŸ™‚

Aimee - Wow, her stuff is absolutely beautiful! - I want everything! So romantic an delicate jewelry!

Tamara - oh my – this jewelry is BEAUTIFUL! i found your blog through life in grace…and i’m glad that i did! your craft cupboard gives me hope (i’m not super crafty though so i don’t have as much stuff to organize) and a doggie named waffle?! that’s just too cute!!

Wendy - There are so many pieces I want! Her jewelry is wonderful. β™₯

Nicole - Beautiful Jewelry! I LOVE the “There’s No Place Like Home” necklace; I am a big Wizard of Oz fan. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brandy - Love the jewelry. And am slightly addicted to vintage looking things lately!

Kori - So. Yesterday’s post inspired me to clean my craft *room* (took ALL day, but so worth it!) and today’s post makes me desperate for color!! It’s been white and grey at my house for far too long! The jewelry is sooo beautiful and you’re lucky to have such a talented friend…pork loin scares me too, but looks yummy.
Maybe one day….

Vicki - This is GORGEOUS! and her other jewelry is just so beautiful, too! LOVE it! Thanks for sharing this.

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craft cupboard


i have this pressure that i put on myself that YOU think i have a really organized, pretty-to-look-at craft cupboard.
well…this is it.
what do you think?

i texted my friend and said "i'm cleaning my craft cabinet!" 
she wrote back "i haven't seen your craft room"
me: "no…the kids' craft cuboard…not my crafts"
she: "you have a whole cupboard?! i have a shoebox"

that cracked me up.
yes….i tend to be a bit on the hoarder side when it comes to craft supplies.

i couldn't stand that cupboard one more day.

i emptied it completely on the day we had the snow day….with NO snow.

remember i did have a whole pot of coffee myself….
(call me Magda….at least i wasn't vacuuming under the couch!)


i found places for everything….put everything together that belonged together….made labels!




top shelf: ALL the stuff i have been collecting for a year for our junk sculpture….coming soon.
third shelf: ribbons/styrofoam stuff/crayons/beads/yarn/clothes pins/old christmas cards
second shelf:  paint/glitter/glue bottles/tape/glue sticks/hot glue guns/ watercolor paint/feathers/pipe cleaners
first shelf:  construction paper/white paper/pencils/pens/scissors/paintbrushes/rolls of white paper

the cans are recycled….peaches or tomatoes
i found two packs of pencils from school supply shopping….i sat and sharpened them all! 


craft thursday just got better!

and the best part…..i did it all for free!
no fancy organizers.
no running to the store.
just used what i had.

craig will be so proud.  :)


crystal beutler - Man . . . can you come over and fix me. I soooo need to do this. You are going to laugh when you read my post tomomorrow. These pictures and your words today inspire me. My whole craft room looks worse than your first picture. And it plagues me.

Quinn - I am obsessed with clean, and this post made me feel so happy. And I mean I cringed at the first picture, and got progressively happier hahahah. Very impressed!

Tara - so impressed.
no money spent…makes the whole thing more impressive.

Andrea T - super insiring post. especially the part where you did it all for free, no running to the store. i am not that strong!!

Stefanie Shultz - Not sure how to get this to you, please check out this blog and pray for this family. I do not know them personally, but I’m touched by their story and I’m sure you will be too. Thanks~

julia - I’m feeling pretty inadequate that my kid just uses a pen and computer paper. I’ve got to find my “A” game.

Katie - I have a free standing craft cupboard…it used to be in my husband’s room growing up. My MIL gave it to me this summer and I painted it white and have lots of craft supplies in it. I use left over canning jars or any glass jars to put supplies in…can you believe I do that with 4 small kids?!
I did see a blog that wrapped twine around old formula jars and then added a ribbon on the top and bottom and then tied labels on…cute but more work:) I am saving all the formula cans, baby food jars, and pasta sauce jars for something yet to be determined.
Have fun creating!

Leah - You know what’s funny about this? You say you’re not an organized person. But looking at what you accomplished totally inspires me to organize all my craft supplies too. I’m ready to put on a pot of coffee and get started!

Amy jupin - “If I knew you in real life I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils…”
Now I wanna watch ‘you’ve got mail’
And ‘something about mary’

Kristin S - Your built ins are glorious!
Isn’t sharpening a pack of pencils so satisfying? I can smell them from here in NC…

nic - this makes me want to come over and play.
we have a craft box…and then the rest of the house, which is scattered willy-nilly with mislaid supplies. so really, we have like a whole craft HOUSE.
which needs to be purged and straightened and herded. oh bother.

Vera - I am so jealous that you have all that STUFF. I used to be a splendid craft hoarder, but now my kids just use it all up pretty much the minute it comes into our house. I filled a HUGE cookie jar full of crayons (like 4 of those giant Crayola boxes full) and they were all gone (used, lost, who knows!) within a month. Glue? FORGET IT. It makes me crazy. Maybe I’ll re-stock and then put a LOCK on it!

Victoria - Looks great and might just motivate me to do my own….

Nicole Q. - Looks beautiful!

Stephanie - Wonder if we could start a hoarder of craft supplies support group, I’d be a lifetime member! I think we have a million pencils lying around our house and I would love to sharpen every one of them! My rule is they must have a sharp pencil to start their homework, weird I know!

Michelle - Love, love, love! Now I’m wondering if you printed the labels off your Mac and if so, what font did you use?

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - wow! that was a lot of work! it looks fantastic! your craft room inspires me to make something!

kat - How fun!!! It looks amazing and now you can see exactly what you have to work with. Awesome job Meg!!!

Brittany - This post makes me so happy…I love seeing things get organized! It give me the itch to start some organizing of my own!! Very nice!!

Jessie - I love your closet! This makes me think of my favorite cabinet when I was teaching. I had it labeled with all of my favorite craft items. I would open and just feel happy! I brought it all home with me but need a nice big closet like this that is organized to keep it. The bins and tubs I have get messy way too fast. I love all the fun colors and craft items. Makes me want to do something fun with my boys today!

sarah - this is the sort of thing that i would add to my daily to-do list just to be able to check it off.
well done, my friend. you’ve inspired us all.
and what lucky kiddos to have such a crafty mama!

Rach - I hope to have a closet like this for my kids when they are older and I am personally attached to my P-Touch labeler and repurposing tins so hopefully it will look like this. Oh, and if I could lift my couch, I would TOTALLY vacuum under it!

jenn - It looks wonderful! And that gum-ball container!!! Mmmm…I’d be tempted to chomp into one of those beads. πŸ™‚

Kate - I sharpened a whole box of pencils on Saturday night. My husband could hear it going and going and going. . . he finally came to check on me! (I like the old fashioned sharpeners.) It’s such a relief to find a project that you can actually start and finish. Great job!

Courtney Walsh - I would so love to have a craft cupboard. And a new house. πŸ™‚ Looks pretty dern awesome!

Laura Phelps - I have a craft shelf
and a craft bin
a baking shelf
and a sprinkles lazy susan
and they are ALL a complete mess
when I lose this cold and feel better, the pot of coffee is going on and I am getting to work
probably not
but I will make that pot of coffee at least

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Hmm? Just as I figured, now that the kids are all in school your inner Martha is emerging. I’m not sure if we can be friends now, as I don’t know how to get over this closet envy I’m experiencing?
Dana: )

Shannon - That seriously looks like all of my closets. It’s embarrassing whenever someone comes over and opens a closet, like Monica’s closet from Friends πŸ™‚
I don’t have that many craft things but then again I only have 2 kids. Good job taking the time and organizing all of that. I hope your kids are back in school so you have some you time again!

Sharry - This is the “same” mess I’ve been tackling for a month and I don’t have kids – just too much fabric and all its accessories!

Dani - I actually started doing this the other day. My husband built some shelves in the hall closet for my craft supplies. I didn’t realize how many I had! I had supplies all over the place. Under the bed, top of closets, in kitchen drawers…. EVERYWHERE! So glad I have most of it organized and in the same place!

Kerri - I find there is something very therapeutic in sharpening pencils. Why is that? I also like the way they smell – LOL! Of course I am a teacher, but still…
Great job on the cabinet!

kbonikowsky - “i sat and sharpened them all!” Too funny.

Diane - Now could you come and do my Quilt Room?

Shoppin4sophia - Thanks for showing a re-do that costs no money! You know, sometimes all of these blogs make me depressed with their major overhauls. They say, “this only cost me $$$blah, blah.” Well, do you know how long it takes to save extra $$$$???? Anyways, thanks for that. I appreciate it.

Marie - Oh man I need to organize so bad! Thanks for the idea on using cans! I mean i know its nothing new but it was like a “oh yeah” kinda moment lol!

Kristin Hayne - This post just made my heart soooooo happy. I LIVE for organizing…. if you lived in Colorado, I would’ve done this for you for FREE!!! Good job. Makes everything easy to get to and the kids can find things without making a GINORMOUS mess…. LOVE it!!

Beth - Looks amazing! My craft cabinet could use some more shelves, love how yours are spaced. So…..question: how do you use the tin cans when they have the sharp edge around the top?

Carly Winborne - oh, i am in absolute heaven. the labels make my heart beat fast. love.

Aneta Kudasik - You are such a fun mom! I don’t know anyone who is like this for their children! Good job on the cupboard!!!

ashley jensen - Ah the joy of organizing. I recently organized my craft cabinet and no longer dread looking it it. It looked like yours but smaller.


Beth - I love your craft cupboard! I am going to have to fix one for Lexi…All her stuff is everywhere from bedroom to living room and where ever else she leaves her stuff.

Cathy - Love it! Of course, for me….the hardest part would be keeping it that way! πŸ™‚

Rachel / cREaTe - AWESOME. the before pic looks just like nearly every cabinet & closet in my house. and other areas where things get stashed. this past weekend, we had an impromptu party. 16 people showed up at my house before i even got 2 minutes to do a tornado sweep through the house. it was so embarrassing & totally has me wanting to set the bar a little higher on how i keep my house on normal days. πŸ˜› blech.

Jodi - I did that just before Christmas… My craft closet…
I need to reorganize it again… :o)

Amanda - Your before pic looks like my craft supply areas…I think they are split into 3 different spots πŸ™
Makes me want a label maker once again…lol. Looks great! Feels good, doesn’t it?

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - well done!!!
we’ve got a craft closet that stays pretty well stocked thanks so a certain grandmother who’s also a preschool director. πŸ™‚
one of my favorite parts of my job as a Professional Organizer is finding clever and creative ways to store items with what you already have. though it is fun to purchase pretty color coordinating (and functional) storage boxes, bins, and/or baskets it’s not a NEED to simply get things in order. your cupboard looks great!

Bobbie - You should see my craft shelves in our garage. Two huge industrial sized shelves that look like a little hurricane went off in my garage. Maybe you’ll inspire me to clean them soon but only after a pot of coffee

deborah@applesinwonderland - spectacular!!!!! my craft cupboard, sets of drawers and large portion of the basement may require my own barista and an IV set-up. good to know it can be done. πŸ™‚

Candy - Looks awesome! You totally crack me up, at my prayer group the other night we had a Magda reference! Too funny.

elisa - Amazing what coffee will do for you!!

sandy toe - I had to laugh at your comment- When I organize…I also buy! Terrible habit of mine!
sandy toe

Kelly - I love organizing and labels! So fun! Kelly

jenni@talkinghairdryer - You can do anything as long as you have a pot of coffee and a box of cupcakes! Love your clean, usable space.

Staci - WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!! Looks awesome!!!!

Penny - Wonderful Meg. It looks great. You have inspired me to tackle my craft room. I am having our next Craft Club at my house and I know the ladies will need something from that room and it scares me! You have inspried me to get it done. Thanks! And what a great place to hide the cupcakes! πŸ™‚

Shairee - oops – meant only if it could stay that WAY!!

Shairee - Oh, if it could only STAY that why!!

Elissa - ok, so what **I** want to know is…. can you come to MY house? πŸ˜‰

Barbara - awesome job! what I would give for an awesome cupboard like that…. so would my daughter!
what really intrigues me is how you plan on using the hostess cupcakes in the junk sculpture πŸ˜‰ teeheee

Kimberlee J. - Yay for you! Exhale…I love a space cleaned out and organized–Even if it is a shoebox. πŸ˜‰

Shayne - I love what you said about Craig being proud because you didn’t run to the store for anything to help you organize! So tempting, isn’t it, to go buy matching containers? But you did a lovely job and avoided that extra expense!

Carol S. - That’s a million dollar makeover! Bet that felt great. I keep looking at that empty space above the construction paper trying to figure out how you can get a second or third level for different paper types above it…there are organizers like that but hmmmm….for free…. Anyway, IF we get a snow day, I’m doing something similar to a junk closet or room. Have a wonderful week Meg.

Julie - Looks great! I did the same thing with our “kid’s cabinet” in the kitchen. What a disaster. Now I just need to find the tape for the label maker…it’s here somewhere! I’m digging myself out of my house one inch at a time now that my babies are all in school!

Amy Lynne - Love it! I especially love that you didn’t buy anything to make it more organized! I am all about re-purposing these days, so it’s nice to see when other folks are doing it too! Great job!

Lorie - Once again you inspire me. I need a snow day without any snow to get my pantry done!

se7en - We are in our last week of school and I am just dying to do our annual sort… of the craft/school/puzzle/games dresser ( I love yours!!! And I could look at close up pictures of crayons and markers and beads all day… everyday!! EVERYDAY!!! Thanks for the happy post!!!

Katy - I can’t help but disagree with the previous comment made by “Georgia Rowe”.. Doesn’t she know that you are never too old to craft?? πŸ™‚
Great job organizing, Meg! You have inspired me (what’s new?).

Jen - I love anything with a label!
Looks great. There is nothing like a clean cupboard to make you feel good – at least I’m a bit on the sad side like that.

Heather - looks great! I could stare into that huge jar of beads forever… πŸ™‚

Gemma - You did a great job – I love label makers!!!
Gemma x

georgia rowe - I want to come to your house!!!!!!!!
I love crafts, but being 23 i dont have much to craft, i need to borrow some children to do craft time with i think :o)
I cant wait to have kids so i can draw and make things with them.
Well done on the ‘free’ organising!!! i always keep old food tins, and Sauce jars to store things in. Douer egberts coffee has the best jars, there so posh! – its worth buying their coffee just to keep the Jar ! haha

Simone - ahhh sweet organisation πŸ™‚

sue - You are a clever girl.That looks very organised.I cleaned my scrapbook/craft area too this last week and now i stand and admire it also ,ha ha.

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - So…are there craft supplies or cupcakes in the Hostess box on the top shelf??

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Nice!
I know you guys will make some great stuff.
I love a freshly cleaned-out cupboard.
Mine never seem to stay that way.
How does everything seem to migrate out of place so quickly?
I wish you no craft cupboard migration.

Lisa - My first thought when I saw the picture of your cupboard messy was “At least she has a craft cupboard!” I’m not crafty so the extent of my crafts is crayons and coloring books. They all fit in one small bin! πŸ™‚ Your clean and organized cupboards make me want to organize my whole house! πŸ™‚

Amber - Holy Cannoli!
Just kidding. πŸ™‚ My whole house is an unorganized mess. πŸ™‚

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waffle is a dork.

i really hope the grandma that made this afgan that i bought at the thrift store is not reading this.
it was fifty cents.

it is waffle's blanket.  

and we can't touch it….he gets crazy.






what would we do without our goofy waffle dog?

he is such a happy part of our life.

except when he runs away….then he is an unhappy part of my life.  


Shannon - awwww…..we love our goldendoodle maverick too! i swear they could be brothers! does waffle steal all the food off your counters? maverick is a pro!

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Better a 50 cent thrifty afghan than something your nana knitted!

Carolyn - Seriously, no better dog than a golden doodle (although there are some great contenders!).
We love ours too!

Lia - I have to tell you that one of my favorite parts of your blog is Waffle. I think he is so dorky, cute and sweet looking. Whenever someone asks me what kind of dog I’d like I pull up your blog and show them pictures of Waffle. Thanks for always sharing pictures of him!

Cindy in WA - Ahhhh Sweet Waffle. He looks like his is sucking his thumb, with his favorite blankee.

Beth - I have fallen in love with your Waffle, awh heck your family! Your such a great 1st family! Yeah your queen in my eyes!

elisa - I love him πŸ™‚

crystal beutler - That is one cute blanket — bummer Waffle called dibs. He is sure a cute dog! Love the pictures. You have such an eye. I need lessons from you. I do.

Timi - Our chocolate lab Gus had a blanket we got him as a puppy. He slept with it, carried it around the house, and even would sneak it outside when he could. We have found it in the most random places. 11 years later, it is completely done for, but I still have a small piece to cherish and remember him by. Dogs are such characters. Waffle is adorable.

Rachel / cREaTe - i think i said “OH. MY GOSH!” about 5 times in a row right now, just scrolling down the pics. OH MY GOSH. he is the cutest, funniest dog i have ever seen. and his scruffiness – i just want to throw myself at him. and seriously, he must know somehow that having a blankie makes him 10x cuter than he already is.

Laura Phelps - I want to be waffle

Kelly - I love when you do Waffle posts. Dogs make our lives so interesting. They truly are family.
Waffle looks like he fits in well with yours. He is sooooo cute!

heather c - we LOVE waffle!!!!

Jessica - omgosh!! LOVE Waffle!!

Kyley Ochoa - OUr goldendoodle has a monkey that we cant touch!!! LOL! LOVE THEM!

Jill - Waffle is just too cute! I love that he loves his blanket. My grandma made tons of those afghans…. she would love it if it was in the paws of someone who loved it as much as Waffle does. By the way… my grandma was from Kansas…. you don’t think……?

Stephanie - He is just so cute… I love it when they cross their paws over something they are trying to hold on to! I want to squeeze his curly sweet face:)

Shana - That half-grown-out hair is so cute on the dogs.
Ours looks the same way and I have to compliment him daily on how adorable he is.

melissa @ the inspired room - I love Waffle.

PaisleyJade - He is so cute! Our dog “Boo” has one too… but she’s not as protective (maybe she thinks it’s ugly and would rather have a cooler looking blanket!).

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Loving you loving your dog. I have one of those too…a great big dorky dog that we all love very much. I swear she has know idea she’s not human. HA

lorraine lewis - someday i want a waffle dog- my husband has to die first because he always says “over my dead body are we having a dog”!
his nick name is *mr. we are not having any more pets*
i think your blog is so darn cute!

Tracy - I love waffle and not only because he has the best name! the kids think we should name our next dog Pancake because I love waffle so much. Our lab passed away in April and he too was a dork, the things he would do…but he was my 90lb lap dog dork! Would love a golden doodle but I think we are going with a greater swiss mountain dog…we all had to agree.
Love your Waffle posts, he may be a dork, but it suits him.

Heather - yay!! I LOVE Waffle!!!! πŸ™‚

Melanie - I love Waffle. He is so darn cute.

paige - i love it when waffle makes the blog!

Debi - Love Waffle’s hair right now. Very becoming!

Cris Marsh - So cute…We bought a wireless fence system for our cockapoo. Best money we ever spent.

Beth - Very cute! He looks a lot like our Labradoodle, Bentley. πŸ™‚

meghan - We need a waffle in our lifes! love his blankie. nice shots too!

virginia - awww, what neat and interesting pictures! very creative.

Katy - Hey.. I made that blanket!!
Not really, just wanted to scare you for a second. πŸ™‚
Waffle is adorable!

Gemma - I love Waffle !!!!! xxx

Lisa - I love waffle posts! He is awesome.

Staci - Sooooooooo sweet!!!!1 It really is crazy how those little things walk right into your life and you can’t imagine what it would be like without them πŸ™‚ I love Waffle’s blankie!

Melanie - He really is cute. We have a maltipoo and he drives me nuts!

Jen R - OMG, Waffle is too cute! Our golden retriever brings us tons of crazy & happy all at the same time. Plus, she is a 90lb. lap dog! She doesn’t “get” her size! πŸ™‚ - I heart waffle!!
Hubs is going to get us a Newfoundland….I’m so excited to get a big doggie!!!

Amanda - We’re thinking of getting a dog. Waffle is so cute and seems to love the kids. If you don’t mind me asking… did you buy him from a breeder? We’ve been looking here in TX breeders want $1K. yikes!

karen - We love Waffle. Our dachshund doesn’t like her blanket. She only likes our

Finding Home - Is he a Goldendoodle, we have one crazy two year old little lady who’s name is Bailey, a Goldendoodle, a dork, and a love! Have a great day, Laura

Michelle - I laughed when you said the ‘except when he runs away, then he is an unhappy part of my life.’ Totally relate. Our lab can jump over our fence. . grrr. She choses to do this on the worst nights, like when we bring our baby home from the hospital or when we have 20 people over.

Mallory - Waffle is sooo cute – your pictures make me miss having a dog. My old dog had her own blanket, too. She would make a little cocoon in her blanket where all you could see was her face. Wahh I want a dog now πŸ™

Deb Meyers - SAY NICE WORDS, Waffle.
deb meyers

Jenny Joy - I heart Waffle and all his photos. πŸ™‚

kristine - i want a waffle dog! natalie told my husband to sell our dog so she could get two kittens! ha ha

adrienne - we have a beagle who has her own blanket too. she drags it around everywhere, so we nicknamed her linus (from snoopy) πŸ™‚

Rebekah Brummel - Underground electric fence changed our life. Even our dog is happier, running free with no worries. . . . . the professional installed ones work, and the ones you can put in yourself don’t (in our experience)

amy - ha! Our goldendoodle also has his own afghan. He keeps it in his crate though, where he still sleeps, because he cannopt be trusted yet to roam free at night!

betsy - I want to come meet Waffle! He always looks like he has a smile on his face. My schnoodle is definitely one of the best parts of my life. Unconditional love from a pet is priceless! πŸ™‚

Emily - He is adorable! What kind of dog is he? I love his curly, crazy hair! Dogs are such an important part of the family and their unconditional love is invaluable! : )

Shannon - Dogs are the best.
Waffle is adorable and I love that he has his very own blanket!

Tammy - He is beautiful! Love the pictures!

Jamie - He looks great. I love the length of his hair. I cannot believe how much he looks like our doodle!

Christy - LOL! Our first”baby” was a great dane named Magnus. He also had a special blankie. If i had to wash it he would follow me to the laundry room whenever the dryer buzzed, grab the blanket as soon as I opened the dryer door and run off to his bed. He was also a big dork, but he was our dork. =)

pam - We decided that our new dog we adopted last March is the BEST part of 2010. Our girls say they are fine with the fact that they KNOW I love Molly more than them. :o)

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pumpkin muffins

my mom has made these muffins my whole life.
they have always been a favorite.
and my kids love them as much as i did.


the last time that pumpkin disappeared from the grocery store….i had some anxiety.
so when it came back….i bought 12 cans.
(do you even know what i am talking about?? our stores here in town had NO pumpkin for a long time… yikes)

i didn’t ever want to run out.


the recipe is simple enough.

and i have to say…it IS better than the quick bread pumpkin mix you can buy next to the cake mixes.
but i buy those too.

it’s all about how much time and energy you have for the day isn’t it?

i use the big scoop from pampered chef for my muffins….do you?

it’s the only thing i use it for.
do you have one?
what do you use it for in your kitchen?
for me….it’s called a muffin scoop.

bake them for 20-25 minutes and cool.

then i make some glaze.
my mom always made the glaze really thin so that it was pretty much opaque.
like this….


but i make it thicker like a runny frosting instead.
i like to SEE the frosting.
it makes me happy.


it’s the same reason i want the pink donut at starbucks…it looks happy.

the recipe is the in the Awesome Recipes rainbow square to the right.

have you clicked through those rainbow square categories?
i clicked through the 365 one last night and boo hoo…my kids are so much bigger already!
it was 365 from 2009.

enjoy the pumpkin muffins!

your house is about to smell amaaaaa-zing.

(imagine me saying that out loud…like Oprah…amAAAAAA-zing!)




Kimberly Dial - I know this is a bit late but did you post the pumpkin muffin recipe & I can’t find it? They look delicious and I was tempted to make them this evening ….

Kimberly Dial - I know this is a bit late but did you post the pumpkin muffin recipe & I can’t find it? They look delicious and I was tempted to make them this evening ….

Amanda - I use my scoop for mashed potatoes, makes them look pretty on the plate:)

Tess S. - the great 2010 pumpkin scare. i kid you not… i was in panic mode. PANIC mode. i bought TONS of pumpkin. and used it all. it was a pumpkin-palooza bake fest for 2 straight months.

crystal beutler - I’m a huge fan of the pumpkin muffin. I love them with chocolate chips. And, I love pumpkin cookies too. Can’t wait to try your recipe. I don’t know what happened with the pumpkin — but it happened here too. There must have been a pumpkin recall — tainted cans?? I freaked out too. I now have pumpkin food storage.

Jenny Joy - I made your muffins tonight. Oh. My. Goodness. AMAAAAAAAA-ZING, indeed!!! Thank you for sharing it. πŸ™‚

Jessica J - I think your more solidly *white* glaze is “opaque” and the one your Mom makes is “translucent”. πŸ™‚ Not to be a stickler, but I prefer the opaque version too and didn’t know what one you were referring to. πŸ™‚ These sound delish btw!

Desiree - We had the same problem here, no pumpkin. And it was the holidays! I was in shock that I couldn’t find it anywhere, and it took forever to reappear. I can’t wait to try your recipe, thanks for sharing!

Jessica Kujawa - Hi Meg!
I cannot wait to try this recipe!!! I love anything pumpkin. I had to tell you that as I type, I am making your chicken tortilla soup, and since I discovered the recipe I make it once a week. It’s our absolute favorite! My daughter loves your stuffed shell recipe and that is on tomorrow nights menu. I have the small Pampered Chef scoop and only use mine for cookies. I think it’s to “ball melons”. Must have bought it “pre-kids”, cause the thought of spending time “balling melons” sounds ludacris to me…lol
Have a great weekend!

Rachel - I just used my Big Pampered Chef scoop to scoop out a hole of buttermilk biscuits from a can to make homemade donuts. We got donuts and donut holes from those awesome scoops.
My husband almost always uses the scoops to scoop out watermelon.
I love pumpkin muffins too.

Katy Apicello - Oprah is amazing! “You’re all going to AustrAAAAAAAAAAlia!” Love it. πŸ™‚ And I love that you posted these muffins because I have been looking for something like them for a while!
PS I have the scoop too. I pretty much only use it for cookies and muffins. πŸ™‚

ashley jensen - I had (can’t find it) a pumpkin muffin recipe where you mix 1 can of pumpkin with 1 box of cake mix (spice works best). You might have to add one other ingredient but I can’t remember! Slap some cream cheese icing on them and they are to die for!

Micah - LOL love when Oprah says things like that.
I DO know what you’re talkin’ about with the pumpkin. :O That was AWFUL. I bought six cans. lol
as for the scoop… yep, its the muffin scoop around here too.

dixie - we were also out of pumpkin here in maryland! now every time i see it i stock up out of fear. i seriously have like 7 cans in my pantry right now. maybe it’s a conspiracy that libby started! ha! love your blog meg!! also, love parenthood!!

Beth - I remember the pumpkin shortage of 2009. Those were sad days. I also own the big pampered chef scoop. I use it for muffins and monster cookies (a healthy cookie recipe I make — hey, it has 7 grain cereal and RAISENS it it, it must be healthy, right? Just don’t mention the butter, sugar, chocolate, etc.).

Jeannette - I remember the pumpkin shortage too…..I freaked out a little because Thanksgiving just ain’t Thanksgiving without my Granny’s homemade pumpkin pies. I will say she had already stocked up so we had us some yummy pie. This year I bought a bunch extra too and still have a few so I too will make muffins, sounds like breakfast for us in the morning :o)
I don’t have a cool pampered chef scoop but I do have an ice cream scoop that looks almost the same and that’s what I use!!!

Megan Duerksen - Funny — I just made pumpkin muffins the other day — my grandma’s recipe. I remember running out of pumpkin, too! So, my solution was to make my own this fall. I just steamed, pureed, and froze in baggies!

Jenn - I love my Pampered Chef scoops. I have two sizes and use them for everything that needs scooping. Thanks for sharing.

Jaima - I use the scoops for a lot of things! Cupcakes/muffins, the small scoop for cookies, I use them to fry hushpuppies at my Dad’s restaurant, and many other things.
Love your blog and honesty. It always makes me happy.
In actually in route to Kansas as I post this. My first time. Coming from Nashville to introduce our newborn to her Greatgrandmother for the first time. She lives in Salina.

betsy - Those muffins look yummy, but I was mostly distracted by your super cute Jayhawk tshirt! Love it πŸ™‚
Rock Chalk, Jayhawk!

amy nicholl - I just scored a 12 pack of organic pumpkin off Amazon for $10. I make these pumpkin chocolate chip muffins all year long and my stores always run out in Michigan. If they actually carry pumpking it is really expensive. I love freezing the muffins for the kids to bring them out at anytime they crave one.

Jen@thecottagenest - I know exactly what you are talking about the pumpkin. I was in such a state about it that I ordered a case of organic pumpkin from amazon. Yep. I’ve still got several cans so you can bet I’ll be making these. Although maybe not especially soon as I am doing weight watchers right now! Also, I want you to know that we love your crescent chicken recipe. I hope to try your blueberry buckle recipe soon. Love blueberries!

Lisa - I use the pampered chef scoop for muffins too! And now to scoop ice cream cause my ice cream scoop disappeared! πŸ™‚ Gonna try that pumpkin muffin recipe soon!

courtney - Every year we are at a pumpkin loss here in Hawaii. The commissaries just don’t carry enough of it. So when Amazon put the organic pumpkin on sale after Christmas many of my baking friends stocked up!

Tiffany - I have several things that I make year-round with canned pumpkin and this year when the organic canned pumpkin went on sale after thanksgiving, I grabbed a bunch. These muffins sound good enough to be worthy of using one of the cans. Now I want muffins AND cinnamon rolls. Yummy carbs, now I want to go eat my stress away.

Renae - This is a little strange because yesterday I said something about you being similar to me and last night I went to a Pampered Chef show and bought the scoop for muffins! Then I just looked at your house pics and on the HUGE (gorgeous btw) chalkboard featured with Talby is my FAVORITE bible verse of all time! I hear Twilight Zone music playing!! Can’t wait to try the pumpkin muffins, think we’ll love them.

Brittany - I made pumpkin muffins today too!! It’s just that kind of day. I’ll have to try this recipe next time…yum! I love those pampered chef scoops…I have one in each size and use them ALL the time! Thanks for sharing!!

Shann - I DO remember the pumpkin shortage. I have 8 cans in my cabinet at the moment. πŸ™‚ And, I also have a Pampered Chef scoop also called the muffin/really-big-cookie-scoop. And, I also have a yummy pumpkin recipe like yours. I also make it into mini bread loafs and pass out pumpkin love to my neighbors. Pumpkin stuff rocks…doesn’t it? πŸ™‚

Erin - MMM I cant wait to try. I dont have the scoop yet, my mother is having a pampered chef party next week, it’s on my list of things to purchase. I LOVE pampered chef!!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Yup! But mine is called an ice cream scoop.
Go figure?

Heidi - I make the same ones… when the great pumpkin shortage hit here, I had my husband drive me around to 4 towns before we finally found a small town grocery store that had some. I bought all 27 cans thinking when all my friends and family ran out they would come running to me for pumpkin…. good thing that stuff doesn’t expire fast.. I probably still have 24 cans of it.

Christa aka the BabbyMama - You had canned pumpkin disappear, too? Seriously, there was not one can in my local market for more than six months. Do you have any insight into why that happened? It gave me the creepers.

Stevie - i have been looking for a pumpkin muffin recipe. my youngest (very picky) loves pumpkin bread so want to try muffins. Add chocolate chips he’s gotta love them….right?
love your shirt…ROCK CHALK GO KU!! πŸ™‚

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - I love anything pumpkin! I started making my own puree this year with our leftover Halloween/Fall decor pumpkins, it is super easy. Bake, puree, and freeze. I don’t have to worry about finding it in a can.
I have the scoop but its the medium sized, I use it for my cookies and to scoop melon in the summertime.
I’ve been through the recipes, the enchiladas and cresent chicken have been added to our family dinners!

liz kartchner - love pumpkin anything!!! πŸ™‚
just found your blog… witty and colorful. just how I like it.

Jen - Can’t wait to try this recipe… I use my PC scoop for muffins and cupcakes too, but I also love it when I make pancakes… Perfect size!

Tracy Boldt - I stockpiled pumpkin that year, too! My family made such fun of me! I never ran out, though:)
Mrs. B.

Jenny B. - I went to look for your 365 button, but got sidetracked by your scrapbook pages. πŸ™‚ I do all digital scrapbooking now, and I LOVE IT. I remember spotting some scrapbooks on one of your shelves in a photo a while back, but I never noticed that you had pages posted online. Fun!

Heidi - YUM! Those look really good. I had cinnamon squash muffins on the agenda for today, but I think I’m changing my mind. πŸ™‚
The pink donut at Starbucks makes my 2 year old happier than anything else on earth. I’m not sure $.85 could be better spent!

anna - dear meg,
stop posting yummy delicious food that i want to eat all of the time…

Beth - Yummy looking for sure! I have only eaten a pumpkin roll but I need to try these muffins.
I don’t have one of those scoopers but I need to buy one for me…I have seen so many in blogland use those things for cupcake/muffin pans…I always use my measure cup and make a mess on top always.

Leah - Okay, I’m a total nerd because I click through your rainbow squares quite often getting inspired with ideas. I’m doing my own 365 right now, so I’m loving your photos. And your house photos are great too! AAAAAMazing!

Kelly - I’m with you on being able to see glaze. πŸ˜‰ Happy indeed! And yes I remember the pumpkin shortage! Kelly

Krista - Love your recipes Meg, they’re not too time consuming, and they’re with NORMAL ingredients!
Just printed off your chicken enchiladas and baked french toast. I was driving in the car and started thinking about the enchiladas…Have to make them soon! YUM!

Tammy - They look so yummy!
I love my Pampered Chef scoops! I use the big one for muffins, the medium one more for cookies, and the small one for mini muffins!

Cari - Yummy! I could totally go for a pumpkin muffin right about now. And since I, too, have several cans in the pantry thanks to the WEIRD pumpkin shortage, I guess all I need to do is get off my rump and make some! πŸ˜‰

Martina - I have a scoop like that only it’s OXO brand and I got it off Amazon because it was cheaper than Pampered Chef and I love OXO products. I use it for making cookies. I swear it changed my life! No more dirtying two spoons, getting my fingers all sticky and trying to make cookies all the same size. I’ll definitely use it next time I make muffins. These look delish!

Laura Phelps - that pink Starbucks donut DOES look happy
snowed in (again, and oh my gravy I just might kill my kids or myself today!)
and I have no pumpkin
…I think…
maybe I do
regardless, think I need to go make me something HAPPY
it is WILD over here today

Shannon - Yum, I have a ton of cans of Pumpkin left from Oct/Nov these muffins would be perfect to make. Oh and they must be healthy because there is pumpkin in them right? πŸ™‚

Tanya H - Yes I read your rainbow boxes! I keep wanting to try your meatballs and peanut butter pie! πŸ™‚

Joy - I use my Pampered Chef “muffin scoop” for meatballs. It makes it so much less messy and they end up to be uniform in size so they bake better.

Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - I’m doing my first 365 this year – I’d love to know how you created your pics in that format. So happy and colorful! Thank you.

Tiffini - beautiful picture of muffins…sounds yummy…I want one NOW!
you, as another normal human being inspire me…keep creating your art:)

RLG - LOVE pumpkin muffins.
All of your recipes are so good.
You’re sweet to share.
Have a great weekend. xo

karen brown - i use that pampered chef scoop to make BIG cookies for the kiddos. Just squish it down a tad and they are like 4-5″ across. Then you can say you only ate ONE cookie! πŸ˜‰

Tara - Meg, Thank you for your beautiful blog – when we were considering moving to a small KS town after my husband finished school I was scared – would it be too rural? Would I find friends? But your blog made me brave — if someone as wonderful as you with a beautiful family and a gorgeous home can live in a small KS town, then surely there must be more wonderful small-KS-town people, right? πŸ™‚ Anyway, we’re here now, and it’s been a few months, and what-do-you-know, the small KS town is a good place to be. Thanks for sharing your life!

Jen Brandt - Meg, Love your site! Those pumpkin muffins = yum! Will have to try them. Question for you: what type of grated cheese do you use for your stuffed shells?

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - I love pumpkin muffins, but i always feel so funny making them when it’s not autumn. weird, i know! i have to get over that. πŸ™‚
i esp. love chocolate chips in my pumpkin muffins. we also love pumpkin biscuits for breakfast, but, again, only in the fall. πŸ™‚

Mindy Murray - I know exactly what you are talking about with the missing pumpkin …. when it came back I bought several cans too … we make pumpkin pancakes often here … they are so yummy … I’m going to try your muffins. I need a big scoop!

Molly - How funny – I’ve been making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies all week! Must be something in the air… I love the scoop idea. Right now I use a measuring cup and it makes a big mess.

jennifer - I totally did the same thing the first time I saw pumpkin back in the store. I stocked up! And I have that scoop and call it the muffin scoop too. I use it to scoop pancake batter on to the griddle too though. Can’t wait to make those muffins. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Rachel / cREaTe - i made some chocolate chip pumpkin muffins a couple years ago & they were SO GOOD! although, add semi-sweet chocolate chips to almost anything & it’s a winner – banana bread, zucchini bread. however, i’m making cheddar beer bread today & i will not be putting any chocolate in there. i love your recipes & have some bookmarked, just waiting to try! πŸ™‚

Dee Stephens - Making them this weekend! I’m going to use real pumpkin though.

Kerri - Gosh – back in October, I couldn’t find the pumpkin either! I thought I was confused. Luckily my Grandmother had a stock pile! Like you, though, as soon as I saw it in the store, I bought a stack!

Jodi - I LOVE pumpkin ANYTHING (well.. just about). Thank you! :o)

elisabeth (bovagoods) - LOVE pumpkin! i make pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting every fall. no one else in my house eats them and i end up eating every single one in about two days. yum. your muffins look reeeeeeallly good too. the glaze. i feel the same way.
i have the medium scoop from PC. i use it for cookies and cup cakes. LOVE it for cookies. makes them all uniform and the same size. and no sticky fingers. πŸ˜‰ just saw above, someone uses it for pancakes. brilliant!

Laurie J - I’ve always used a 1/4 cup to scoop my batter into muffin cups. Looks like I’ve got the start of a wishlist for my next Pampered Chef party (you get invited to what, like 4 of those a year?!) Anyways, the recipe does look amaaaazing. thanks for sharing!

Lisa - funny, I just made pumpkin-chocolate chip muffins yesterday! yummy!

Jen - Two things..
1) Good idea re the scoop.. must get one. Use a small one for cookies.
2) You’ve no doubt heard of the big floods down her in Australia. There goes the poor pumpkin coming from Qld. Those poor farmers πŸ™ My husband and I are going to plant some pumpkin so we have some this winter in meantime (and buy up big when the farming communities get their crop up and running again of course.
x Jen

shea - I’, not a huge fan of pumpkin but these look yum. I love using scoops for baking. I have a few different sizes and use them for cookies, pancakes, muffins, etc. I like to pretend I’m a perfectionist with everything uniform. Oh yeah- we also use them for ice cream!

Ruth H. - The pumpkin shortage FREAKED ME OUT! I didn’t hear about it until I went looking for canned pumpkin, a couple of days before Thanksgiving, last year. (My personal pumpkin everything craze officially begins Thanksgiving week and goes on until January, when my family has had enough.) I kid you not, there were only two cans of pumpkin left on the shelves of my grocery store, and they were organic. I paid $7 for two cans! This fall, I stocked up.
Have you tried the pumpkin bread pudding recipe that Pioneer Woman talked about Bobby Flay making? I made it at Thanksgiving. None of our guests ate it, because it was somewhat homely looking and I had nine pies out. The day after Thanksgiving, I made my family try it, and we were hooked. It was amAAAAA-zing! Don’t let the recipe intimidate you: MAKE IT! You’ll be so happy that you did!

Jill - Stores out of canned pumpkin would be tragic. I get teased by friends for making pumpkin bread year-round. Whatever. I use my big scooper for making meatballs also. Yes, they are big meatballs.

deborah@applesinwonderland - i make/bake a chocolate chip pumpkin bread, but i like muffins/cupcakes better…..i’m all over this. i’ve plenty of pumpkin, but i worried about my favorite soap disappearing altogther a few years ago and bought it all up. apparently, i bought it ALL up–i cannot find it anywhere and i have only 37 bars left:)

shannon - I actually just made your recipes (rainbow cake) my kids loved it. I will have to try the pumpkin muffins next. They do look yummy.

pam - I remember the great Pumpkin shortage….I think I still have cans that I bought then…I kind of went overboard. Have you tried putting mini chocolate chips in your pumpkin muffins…AMAZING. Our youngest LOVES those little pink donuts…she smiles just as she starts to bite in to the first one.

Angel/TaDa!Creations - I did exactly the same thing! I now have 12 cans of pumpkin sitting in my pantry. I’d prefer 24, but I didn’t want to be rude. I figure 12 is enough to make pumpkin pancakes twice a month until it comes back in the fall. Here’s my favorite recipe Now I’ll have to give your muffins a try too. They look delish! - I’m not going to lie, my sister posted something on her blog about speaking in the Oprah voice, and ever since then I say mostly anything exciting in the Oprah voice. Yesterday during my shower I used this voice to say “Lather up my HAAAAIR!” It made my morning to see you say “AMAAAZING” with Oprah’s voice inflection. So great.

Mari - I use the big scoop for muffins and cookies. The small scoop works well too– but then I’d end up eating more of the mini muffins and cookies. That would ruin my diet. πŸ™‚

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I have never tried pumpkin anything…maybe I should!
Gemma x

Kirsten P - Meg, I remember when the stores didn’t have any pumpkin. A store employee told me the pumpkin crop was so poor in 2009 that they didn’t even harvest and can pumpkin. It was a long year because I make pumpkin pie all year long, not just at Thanksgiving. So glad the pumpkins are OK now. πŸ˜‰

Ansley - they look delicious, meg!! πŸ™‚

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i am convinced that the writers for Parenthood have hidden cameras in my home
and they are recording everything that goes on and they are making our life into a show.

it simply must be!

it is too real NOT to be the only answer.

i can't even show you a clip because it's too obvious what is so similar. 



i promised cinnamon rolls over the weekend….it didn't happen.

i finally decided to make them on sunday night.
craig ran to put gas in my car and i asked him to get the whole milk i needed.
he came home and sat in the kitchen with me while i was making them.
i poured in the first three ingredients.
then realized i had no flour.

9 cups is kind of a lot to ask your neighbor for….at 9 PM.  :)

so i FINALLY made them on wednesday.


they are PW's recipe of course.  

she makes me feel like i can make anything.
she makes me feel like wonder woman in my own kitchen!
i love her.
i wish she was my friend.
the end.


i have vacuumed a total of 25 hours over the past two weeks…give or take.
my vacuum broke in october.
i got another one
(eureka smart boss…i just looked around amazon and clicked buy and that was that…i'm not a researcher….) 
and now i have been vacuuming everything that was neglected for so long.

it's so gratifying to suck up all the dirt!

IMG_7132 IMG_7149

we have a day off of school today because of ice.
my husband said it's totally fine out there on the roads….so that means that it's all for nothing.

but i did get to sleep until 9:00….that rocks.
talby and i are cuddled up in our super soft robes.
and i made a FULL pot of coffee today and i am gearing up for….shall i say….a loooong day.

they are currently watching Meerkat Manor on Netflix.


elisa had this on her blog.
this song is always on our Coldplay/Kings of Leon/Mumford & Sons station we made on Pandora.
(HOW did we LIVE before PANDORA!????)

i love it.
and now i love it even more that i can picture this adorable little girl singing with her daddy. (i assume)

and lastly….
i am going to pretend i am not sad i am not attending ALT Summit.
i just want to be there to see what it's like….and listen…and be invisible….so i could take it all in with CONFIDENCE!


that is the truth.
if i was there i would be so nervous and feel so out of place…..but i want to be there.


and by the way….lots of you asked me if i felt scared about the blue lily workshop….OF COURSE!!
i am always nervous to be somewhere that i feel unqualified.
or to be around people i don't know.
or to be far away from my family.
or or or…..

but if fear is holding you back from blue lily…DON'T LET IT!!
if you come to san diego…i will be there with you.
there is nothing to fear about me.
i promise.
i will fill the room with nervous laughter and hold your hand.

or you will hold mine.

ok….MORE coffee please.

wish me luck today.
five against one. 
not really a fair fight. 

Debbie - Hi Meg, I’m over here peaking around your blog. Hi, I’m Debbie. I’ve been here for years actually. No you don’t know me because I’m shy that way. Anyway, I decided to come back to this post and thank you.
Yes, thank you MEG for posting this back in January. Since I love your photos, blog and respect your recommendations…I ended up signing up for this class the very day you posted this and introduced me to blue lily. I’m so impressed with blue lily blog and find them to be such a burst of sunshine and laughter.
Thanks again, I’m so excited and finding it hard to contain my joy. I look forward meeting you too.
Blessings – Debbie

Heidi Jo the Artist - Just got Meerkat Manor for the kids yesterday, they love it! Thanks for writing what’s on your mind, fun to get new ideas for me/the kiddos. πŸ˜‰

Brooke - Love your new header! And my hubby and I watched this video together and it is so cute!! In fact, I might go watch it again! I love it!

alyssa - my heart goes pitter patter for parenthood. I LOVE that show. It is pretty much the only thing I watch anymore. so good.

Jennie - oh PW. her shredded pork might be the best thing i ever ate. i haven’t made the cinnamon rolls yet, but they are next on my list.

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - Parenthood ROCKS!
And if you’d love a delicious cinnamon roll recipe with a little less work, here’s our favorite (made with the aid of the bread machine):

Jen - I agree with the others, I wish you were my friend. πŸ™‚ Love your blog

stacie - i’m a quiet reader of you blog. you are my favorite though!! i don’t ever think i’ll be a professional photographer but i wanted to sign up for the blue lilly weekend just to meet you, and hang with you and learn with you and laugh with you. i love that you are so real. you write straight from your heart … i’m learning to travel from my head to my heart more often.
it’s four to one at my house today. oh my!

nicole i - ok. i don’t really know you but i sure do like you. wait that sounds stalker crazy like but it’s not. you say things i think but don’t say….and you like parenthood, madmen, kids, Jesus, africa and so on.

karen - I made your ‘lunch’ for dinner tonight. My husband and son loved it! Thanks!! I love your recipies!

Renae - I think you feel about PW the way I feel about you! I’ve not been reading for too long but you’re me, I can tell. I don’t know what that says for you unfortunately! πŸ˜‰ I love me some Parenthood, Pandora (I have a Jack Johnson station), and my 6 year old son and I just made PW’s cinnamon rolls a couple of weekends ago and I hear you. I seriously have been telling everyone I know that my rolls turned out so great…so proud of myself. Thanks for the daily laughs! Hugs, Renae

Emily - I am new to your blog, I have loved being part of your world. I have to say that this crazy post was really funny! I could tell by the end of the blog post you were more than one cup of coffee in…hehe. I hope you had a great day, and your kidos surprised you! BTW, love the red coffee cup! : )


nOT SURE why i was in caps.
Also, parenthood rocks.

elma riedstra - Lov love LOVE the video!!! The little girl is sooo cute. We have no school tomorrow so it is be withthe seven:) have a wonderful day!!!

Kristin S - You want to be friends with PDub like we want to be friends with you.
Seriously, your random posts are my fave.

Leigh - Now I’m totally curious about your Parenthood similarities! I love that show.

Tonya - We LOVE Parenthood too! I love that the show can make you laugh like crazy and bawl your eyes out all in the same episode.

Tara - LOVE parenthood.
my husband and I laughed so hard last night that we nearly cried.

Maria - PW cinnamon rolls are the best! I never have whole milk, but always have skim and half and half. I just fill up the cup almost all the way with skim, then top it off with half and in a pinch if you’re ever stuck. I cannot tell the difference.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi! I LOVE this video… especially when she kinda yawns at the endish (I think)…
Hope your snow day was good. πŸ™‚

Margo - Mr. Duerksen was right – the roads were fine. I left town 45 minutes earlier than normal to make sure I had plenty of time to get to Wichita. I got there so early! Lucky for my department I was feeling kind and I stopped at Lamars for donuts and still got to work 30 minutes early! Hope you enjoyed your day at home with the kids!

Jessica J - I love PW and just made her cinnamon bread the other night! So YUM!
If my vacuum broke down it would be 24 hours before we were walking through animal hair ankle deep (we have 4 cats and 2 dogs!) so thank you Dyson for making an amazing animal hair vacuum.
I love your blog and have been a long time lurker — so, Hi! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - ahah! Wish I could feel more sorry for you but I am a teacher and LOVE snow days more than my students do. Now a snow day without my kids….??? that would be insane wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I was in my house alone for even an hour.
I absolutely adore Parenthood. Such a great snow.

andrea -

meg, please consider putting a link for joannes blog, she needs our prayers.

candace - Parenthood – I watched every episode of Season 2 last week on OnDemand. Then, I ordered the first season from Netflix – DVD 1 came today. I just told my husband I haven’t enjoyed t.v. this much in a very long time. Yay for maternity leave time to watch all of it!
If you need more dirt to suck up, you are free to follow that snow/ice and come vacuum my house to your heart’s content!

heather - Love Parenthood.. love cinnamon rolls…need a new vacuum…love that song. perhaps I should move in?
fav part of that video? “one day i’m gonna whistle?” too cute!

Carol S. - super cute video, can’t say I know the band but I definitely know and like the song. Good luck today…it’s almost over. I’m bummed, everyone is having snow days but Chicago!!

kristine - LOVE that video. for as many times as we’ve played that song at our house i’m surprised my daughter can’t sing it herself! we saw edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes last summer. made me want to be a hippy real bad πŸ™‚
also LOVE those cinnamon rolls. wish i could come over and help you devour them. so craving a sweet now!

Laura Phelps - if you were my neighbor I would TOTALLY give you 9 cups of flour
Nick and I once asked our neighbor for two glasses of WINE
I am laughing remembering this…
we had already had a bottle
but wanted a little more
and we were drunk enough to go and knock on our neighbors door!!!!
they gave us a bottle πŸ™‚
I miss you

Alisa - i wish pioneer woman was my friend too…. see, that is the sad thing about blogs… you get so close to people that you’ve never met. i love your thoughts…always refreshing.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - love mumford and sons! pandora is the best.

melissa - every post. it’s like we were seperated at birth…only you inherited all the style.
my vacuum is currently broken. how does a family of 6 (mine) live without a vacuum??? i guess i need to head over to amazon myslef. i’m not a researcher either…except for on price. i want cheap but, it needs to work!

Amanda - I’m pretty sure I started watching Parenthood because of you – thank you! I love it! But now I’m gonna have a hard time watching it and not SEEING your family in it. HA!
And why on EARTH did they call a snow day today??! Well, I’m glad for my teacher friends, because I remember when I was a teacher and I longed for snow days and we never got them. But seriously, how dumb to call it TODAY and not last week! Go figure.
Hope you survived the day.

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh i hear you. we are having a snow day here too….sigh….

RLG - I think Parenthood is the BEST show on tv.
Why isn’t it nominated at the Emmys???

angela - you know what i love most about blogland – that it is truly much smaller than it appears – after reading your blog as i ate my lunch today, i called my dad b/c he is a teacher at the high school there, and i just wanted to see if he was really off today (not that i didn’t believe you, but this can all seem a bit surreal) – a lo and behold, he was home! so – because i read your blog – i got to have a wonderful conversation with my dad (i’m in buffalo, ny now and continue to marvel at all the snow days i read about and we just have to keep plodding along because we have things like snow plows here)AND over the course of the conversation i found out that my dad is lauren’s geometry teacher! see – small world!! hope your day was tolerable and know that you brought a smile to another 2 faces today!!

Amanda - Those cinnamon rolls look awesome-maybe I’ll be brave enough to try her recipe now…
I’ve been looking for a new funky robe and I’m all about black w/ white polka dots!! Where did you find that? It’s so cute!!
Try to stay sane today…;)

Kelley - Then there will be two of us nervously laughing as we are surrounded by no one we know next month at this workshop.
I LOVE the closeness between that little girl and her dad while they’re singing and her arm is draped over his or the guitar. Too sweet.

stacie jameson - I’m sitting in ICU with my son Noah and this video put a smile on my face today Thanks its just what I needed.

Kimberly - Fear…yes it does get to us one way or another. I am stepping more boldly out of the shadows and just beginning to comment on your blog and others that I follow. I have been scared to do even that. Scared that nobody will visit my blog. Scared that I don’t have a good enough camera. Scared that it isn’t as full or fancy as other blogs. 2011 is going to be about believing that we all have something authentic to offer…including me! Thanks for always sharing the truth as you see it…it is so comforting and sooo inspiring.

Gemma - Love your little random posts : )

elisa - Did you see them on Ellen yesterday?? She was a-dorable!!

Kirsten P - I couldn’t quite catch all the lyrics on the song by Alexa and Jorge so I googled them. In case some of you didn’t either, here’s the link:
Thanks for posting the video, Meg.

dawn - I pretty much have the same thing to say as Trish (a couple posts ^^^^ up there)… I love your blog, you really do make me smile. And yesterday I was soooo super duper grumpy — so this is a great way to start the day. Thank you. πŸ™‚

amy jupin - parenthood rocks me deeply. and i have to say, i think of you quite often when i see the teenage drama stuff. that is so HARD.
i love that song, home, by the way. everytime i hear it, i STOMP around like a little kid and it feels great! πŸ™‚
we were out of school for the ENTIRE week last week. and monday too for the holiday. i was going crazy. but i made it, i survived. you will too.

Trish - You make me smile. the end.

Heather R. - We are in Leavenworth…living the snowday dream, too. Love the video you shared. So sweet. Coffee mug, clink.

Janelle - Parenthood is just delightful. Didn’t you just love Craig T. Nelson when they were talking about who wears the pants in the family and then he said how that sounds awful or something like that? Just cracked me up.

Alli - Oh my word…I have the same vacuum as a famous person :-).

Amanda - Parenthood is soooo good! On so many levels. totally afraid to be the parent of teenagers one day.

tinycandi - I would definitely go if I could afford it! I hope you have a great time! I’m jealous! πŸ™‚

annie - i manage to get a little teary-eyed during every episode of Parenthood. Love it, and the music? Perfection!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - Oh how I heart PARENTHOOD – such a great show!
Wouldn’t it be great if ALL us bloggers could be real life friends even just for a day? πŸ™‚
Hope your day flies by without too much drama, mama!

Kori - O.M.Gosh. That video is just about the cutest thing I’ve seen!! I love when she comments about herself whistling one day….

Stacia - πŸ™‚
I love Parenthood too.
I was just thinking yesterday that I could maybe be okay with the kids growing up a little bit (and sleeping!) and having conversations with them.
Then I watched that episode (a day late) and I am back to “Please stop growing up!” I dread having a situation like Hattie’s w/ my daughter. Just dread it.
I too (like another commenter) wish it was longer every week.
I wish you were friends with PW in real life too. And then I would be friends with you (in a dream world) and you could introduce us. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
And MommaH’s comment is awesome!

merlin - Could you do a review of the vacuum? Bag/bagless, effectiveness on dog hair both on the floor and on the furniture, and then the usual stuff, comfort and ease of use blah blah. I NEED something that WORKS, that is not going to bankrupt me with fancy bags, or exhaust me as I drag attachments and heavy equipment around.
OK, that would be much appreciated. Maybe you could persuade the Eureka company to offer up a give away….that is how sad my life is, I would LOVE to win a vacuum πŸ™‚

elisabeth (bovagoods) - LOVE parenthood. i have always wanted to make those cinnamon rolls. they look soooo good. lots of colorful rainbow goodness on my blog the past two days. totally thought of you as i wrote them. πŸ˜‰ can not wait to hear all about blue lily. so fun!

becky - i was thinking about you & your sweet family while i watched parenthood with my hubby on tuesday… because you’ve said before it’s very REAL. i loved when hattie said “i don’t get why you’re taking my door off – i didn’t do anything wrong” right after she LIED to her parents multiple times.
i looked at the hubbs {MY high school sweetheart} and said, ‘does she NOT realize why they don’t trust her?’
he replied ‘we did the EXACT same thing’.
too bad he’s right. ugh. i hate it when that happens.

Melanie - I love Parenthood. I am so thankful that I have a 16 yr. old BOY and not a girl:)

Candy - Your awesome! I feel like YOU have cameras hidden at my house! We have a snow day today as well, and I have made those cinnamon rolls and done the exact thing, but it was sugar for me, the sugar is pretty important. I too, wish you were my friend!

Heather - You must have a big fan base in Olathe! I came across your blog at The Lettered Cottage a few weeks ago, so I was tickled to see where you live (I grew up in Hutch). Anyway, the video is too cute!

Pamela - Love Mumford and Sons. Love Pandora. Love those cinn. rolls. Enjoy your ice day!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - You have a gift… I feel as though I just sat down and had a chat with a good friend. As does every single person who will comment here today. You have what PW’s got. A je ne said quoi, I’m sure you two would be fast friends. The coolness in the room would be tangible.
I really like MommH too : )

lauren - You rock.
I wish you were my friend.

Kate - Sometimes Parenthood stresses me out. I get so tense about Hattie and Alex and Adam and the thought of my 6 and 2 year old girls! Eeek! Everytime it is over I say, “I wish it was a bit longer.” It is starting to make my husband insane. πŸ™‚

MommaH - Megan, I just have to tell you right here and now: YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT!!! Take it from a woman older than your mother (probably),who always felt out of place and self conscious everywhere, at your age – there is really nothing to be all uptight about. Nobody else has it together either.
I see you young Mothers at church who are 25 – 45 and older, and I think, “I don’t think I was ever that cool when I was that age.”
When I see YOU at church you always look so cute, as do your kids, and even if Annie and Sean are fighting over a chair, and you are exasperated, you are fine. NORMAL.
I see what you create on your blog – with your house, your fabrics and your camera and I am awestruck. You are incredibly talented, and you don’t need to be afraid or back up from anyone!
There. That is my mommy sermon for the day.
You are loved, dear Meg. By people you don’t even know for sure. Be blessed!

Alicia - Hi Meg! Parenthood is also one of my favorites. I am often surprised how many times I get teary-eyed while watching…signs of a great show!
My 12 yr. old is not quite there but I see signs of future sassiness! I hope your day goes smooth and school is back to normal tomorrow…we moms need all the days we can get!

Penny - Love Parenthood. Glad I am not the only one who cries during the show. And I did cry during Alex and Adam’s conversation. It is very real.

shannon - I love pandora too but we hardly listen to it anymore since we have sirius. We are home today because of snow though and probably tomorrow b/c it will probably freeze tonight…not good. I am supposed to go to a concert tomorrow and my momma is flying in from arizona on saturday….not cool. (no pun intended). Anywho…got any craft ideas for our long day at home too for children 4 and under? πŸ˜€

Deb Meyers - hey…that is an adorable little girl! On Youtube there is a link to an Alexa T=shirt @, apparently to help a college fund.

Teresa - I am not married, nor do I have children but I cry at some point during every single episode of Parenthood. Every single one. This past week it was during Alex and Adam’s conversation. Love that show!

Heather - I am a regular reader, never really a commenter, but I had to say that your last line about the 5 against 1 not being a fair fight was so cute, clever, and hilarious. I so enjoy your attitude and blog.

Casey - I have never seen parenthood but have heard such good things about it. I guess I need to start watching it!
I promised my kids cinnamon rolls too but STILL haven’t made them. I have to clean the kitchen first. Boo.
How adorable and sweet is that video! I loved it!

Toni - I LOVE parenthood!! That show is so realistic. Seriously, Tuesday night is my favorite night of the week!

Amber - You will be amazing at the photo conference. I’m so happy for you

Jodi - Pandora Rocks… enough said… not sure if this guy is on Pandora yet or not, but you must google Jadon Lavick. simply.amazing.
Enjoy your day!! :o)

Karen - Hey Meg~
We are snowed in in Olathe today too; 6 inches and I need to clear a path from the garage to the street to get the trash out.
I laughed out loud at your Parenthood comment! I am with you there on that one. My 18 year old daughter and I watch it together and for the last episode I just kept looking at her and asking “is that what daddy and I sound like”? What about Modern Family; do you watch it? Last nights eposide was hilarious! Thankfully that “situation” hasn’t happened to us, but just the thought of it gives me hives!!!
Enjoy the coffee and your kiddos today!

Traci - i love parenthood.

Alisa - I’m not liking the news that your kids are off due to ice today. My 17year old is traveling from KC to Wichita today on a big tour bus for a thespian conference….eeek! I hate bad weather, especially when someone else is in charge of the driving.
Iβ™₯Parenthood too. It does seem a bit too real sometimes when I’m watching it.
I love that video too, watched it this morning on Miz Booshay’s blog and it just made me smile.
Blessings for a happy day~

Michelle - GOOD luck with all of the kids today!

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spicy rice & bean dip

this is my lunch at least once a week.


it’s simple.
i made it up.
i am sure others have thought of it….but when i say i made it up i mean that one day i was craving some spice
so i looked through our cupboard.
i had these ingredients and i threw them all together and ate it with chips.


rice…rotel…black beans….cheese…tabasco….chicken…chips.

i make one cup of rice in the microwave.
it takes five minutes.
my friend shana said “you make rice in the microwave?!” Β and i asked surprisingly Β “is there another way?”
neither of us had ever tried a different way from what we’d learned.
i learned how to make rice on my own…by reading the totally generic brand box microwave directions.
in our apartment…16 years ago.
i have never even looked to see if there was another set of directions on the box!
i am dorky like that.


when it’s ready then i pour everything in the rice bowl.
except i only use HALF the black beans.
i just put the other half of the can in the fridge for my second batch later in the week.

i use like…three? shakes of tabasco…maybe four.

and a hand full of cheese.


sometimes i warm it up for another two minutes.
but sometimes i don’t.

ONCE i had left over corn with cream cheese from the night before…i threw that in…oh yeah….it was delish.


i grab a bowl of chips and i eat till i am full Β πŸ™‚

and that is it.
it’s good.

and easy.

and not THAT bad for you….i think….maybe the chips?


i am hungry.

i think i will go make some now.

also….i have wrapped it up in tortillas and eaten it that way.

and my friend would like to add LOTS of cilantro in hers…it is probably yummy…but i NEVER have cilantro…
so i can’t prove it.


Heidi Jo the Artist - I’m going to have to try this! I love about anything I can dip a tortilla chip into. πŸ™‚ I’m a big fan of layering tortilla chips with cheese, salsa, sour cream, lettuce, olives and whatever else I have on hand that sounds good at the time! πŸ™‚

Kristin S - Made this for dinner tonight with 1/2 the rice (first time EVER using instant rice), pepper jack cheese, and a TON of cilantro. YUM! Thanks for the post.

nicole - yuuum!! this looks incredible! πŸ™‚

amanda - I found your blog through the top room redos thing and have been reading it ever since. You are so cute and I love the guest/playroom and have also made (and love) this concoction (for the past two days). Thanks for sharing!

Martina - My mom always made minute rice (the microwave box kind) growing up. I never liked it that much. Then my Brazilian friend introduced me to regular rice cooked in a rice cooker. I got hooked! It takes longer but it’s just as easy and I much prefer the taste.

Lisa - Yummy! This looks awesome. I’m forwarding to my daughter who’s looking for easy (cheap!) meals to cook in college. This is perfect, plus the Rotel will give her a taste of home since she’s moved to the east coast from Texas.

Iris - I was at a loss of what to make for lunch so I tried your idea. I skipped the meat and the chips because I was too hungry to wait to prepare the chicken, and didn’t have any chips so I just added more rice and used a salsa sauce we got in Costa Rica. YUMM!!! Thanks so much for the idea. I could eat this several times a week too.

Amy - Thanks to this post, I am eating a yummy lunch today. I substituted salsa for the Ro-Tel though because smart old me didn’t read the directions closely. lol But still yummy.

Melissa - Tried it. {minus the meat} love it. Will be having for lunch again today!

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - Oh YUMS! So bummed that I cannot find RoTel here in Canada. The Pioneer Woman has a recipe or 2 using it, also. Wonder what I can substitute it with? Thanks for the recipe and scrumptious photos.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I’m always looking for something to eat for lunch that is NOT a sandwich. I think I will have to try this….looks yummy.

Heather - Looks yummy!! I wanna eat it up with those scoops chips!
Just promise me you will NEVER add cilantro.
Unless you want it to taste soapy.
Because that is what cilantro adds- it tastes exactly like detergent. [shudder]

Emily Zimmerman - Hello! Looooove you blog!!! And I read all the time! You have me cracking up out loud! Love the new recipe! Can’t wait to try it out tomorrow for lunch. Those ingredients are staples in my house. Have you tried black bean corn salsa?? It’s black beans, corn, diced tomatoes with jalapenos, diced red and yellow pepper, diced red onion. Serve with chips…Yummy! Also try diced tomatoes with jalapenos, a package of cream cheese and sausage. Heat and serve with chips. You won’t be able to pull yourself away from the bowl πŸ™‚ Enjoy!!

karen - Yum, I’m going to do this. I bet my 3 year old would like it too…with out the hot sauce.

Kristin S - Meg, awesome combo! My friends make fun of me for having this for dinner at least twice a week:
Pop tortilla in toaster oven – toast
Spread with 1/2 can rinsed/drained black beans and then some shredded cheese. Toast again.
Pile high a ton of romaine lettuce.
Sprinkle with sour cream and plain tomato salsa (I like Trader joe’s restaurant style)
I’m going to try yours next…

Kate - Yummy yummy! I would definitely add cilantro – and ya know what else? Hominy. Right from the can. That would give it a nice chewy chompiness….

the domestic fringe - That’s awesome! I’m going to make it. Thanks.

Kate - I ate so much of that the year we lived off campus in college that I can hardly stand the sight of it now. So. . . eat in moderation or you’ll never be able to even see it again! πŸ™‚

Jess - Yummy. Just like Chipotle. I would definitely add lots of cilantro…it would make it SO much better. And maybe some avocado. Have you made PW restaurant salsa? So good. You might need some of that too. πŸ™‚

Courtney Walsh - I do something similiar but never with chicken!! Hmmmm…thanks for the brilliant ideas!! πŸ™‚

Candy - Yumm, yummy, yumm! I do almost the exact thing, but use a lot of sour cream and salsa instead of rotel!

barb - Hi Meg. Love your blog and check it daily πŸ™‚ I was wondering how you like Typepad. I want to start my own blog to keep up-to-date with family and am checking my fav blogs to see what they use. And your my fav!

jenn - Oh yum. I make something similar, but when I make it, I make a TON – grilled chix, some lime juice, cilantro, black beans, purple onions, cheddar and pepper jack cheese, brown rice, etc. and I make a TON – and buy three dozen tortillas, I stuff ’em, roll ’em, and wrap ’em up in saran wrap, and load ’em into the freezer, and wha-la – three dozen frozen lunches!!! When the husband takes them, by the time he eats lunch, they’re perfectly defrosted and ready to warm in the microwave. I highly recommend it!

Julie - I love how you are so hardcore that you can handle the awesome that is both Rotel and Tabasco. I am more of a Cholula girl myself. I could drink it with a straw, but have been know to occasionally cheat with some shakes of Tabasco.
Honestly, where have I been with this new fangled invention of microwave rice? For serious? No big pan on the stove and the thirty minutes of patience. Consider my world changed.
Yes. Cilantro. Then more cilantro. Adore. Even the cilantro Rotel is amazing.

Sarah - I would love that COLD, with LOTS of cilantro. You would love cilantro, I just know you would.

Katy - Looks DELISH! Except, I can’t do beans.. Yuck! Love love love when you post recipes. πŸ™‚

Lindy Mint - Yes, but what’s for dessert?

sara @ it's good to be queen - okay, i am coming back to report. i bought the stuff this morning & am currently eating it…yummy yummy in my tummy. this is my new lunch of choice. πŸ™‚ also, i microwaved rice for the first time ever….so liberating!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This has my name written ALL over it. And I decided a very long time ago that tortilla chips aren’t nearly as bad as, say, a potato chip. No way. No can do. Just put it out of your head.

Ashley - I haven’t had that in years! Well, not in a non soup form anyway. Hahaha! I guess that’s what I’m doing with the leftover chicken from the other night. Mmmmmm. Thanks for the idea!

Kristen Chapman - Dude, that is going to be my lunch tomorrow. Sold.

Tara @ Tara Being Tara - We make something similar for dinner:
Put some (however many you want) frozen chicken breasts in the crockpot.
Add one bag of frozen corn, one can of salsa, a packet of taco seasoning, can of black beans and can of diced tomatoes.
Cook on low for 4 – 6 hours.
We eat it over rice, with chips, or even as a hearty “soup.”

katie - oh, i can picture myself throwin’ down on that, especially while on the computer(very dangerous to eat and blog)!!

jennifer - I love that meal! I’ve made it many times. SO easy and good!

Laura - Seriously, it scares me how much we have in common. I fix this all of the time as well, but I either use turkey smoked sausage or no meat. I make it exactly as you do, even with the ro-tel tomatoes. Yum! Sometimes I use brown rice, just depends on what is in the cabinet. Sometimes I saute onion and bell peppers before mixing together. Just depends on how much time I have.

Talysa - Is it lunchtime yet?!?!
I have two quick questions.
#1. Are you on Twitter?
#2. What size is your Africa print on mantle in your dining room? My husband went to Haiti last year and you gave me the perfect anniversary gift idea for him. Will hang in his home office. πŸ™‚

Barbara - how do you handle the chicken part of the dish? leftover chicken breast? deli chicken? I don’t eat chips or rice, but i could easily see this being a delicious taco salad kind of thing… I would definitely add a nice fat blob of sour cream, though! yum!!

Jill - okay…first off this looks super yummy and I could prob eat it almost Every day! However, I feel as tho I should prob email you the rest of my comment *hangs head in shame* I have never made rice in the microwave. You totally lose me when you speak of this. Serious. I’m not kidding. It sounds like something I need to look in to… O_o

Keri - This sounds and looks yummy. I’m sure most of the people in our house would eat it. We love Mexican foods. I’m sure this would be yummy with taco seasoned ground beef too. Mmmmm. I think i’ll have to try this one evening.

Staci - YUM!!!! I haven’t had internet for a few days…and wow! You should see my house! Nice and organized! Should that telll me something???? ANyway, just wanted to say congrats to you on your last post!!! That’s soooooo exciting!!! You are going to do awesome!!! YAY MEGAN!!!!!! Now, off to make some rice….only I do it in my stove πŸ™‚

mel - that lunch is right up my alley! i *love* nachos with my homemade hot sauce/salsa. it is my go to lunch. this would be a good change up from that though. i never think to make rice. and, i would definitely have cilantro. i even add it to salad. love it! and avocado! πŸ™‚

Kyley Ochoa - Sounds DELISH!! I will have to try it with CILANTRO! I love CILANTRO!!!!! Thanks for the yummy recipe!

Beth - This is not a mean post….
Yuck…I am such a picky eater….now my husband would love this spicy dish since he loves hot foods…I will have to try this for him only though. I would have to fix the real rice as in the 25 minute rice…he can tell the difference.
Now I fix something like this but baiscally it is hamburger meat, cheese, sour cream and refried beans layered in a dish with my chips…I am sure you have heard of this before…
Well hope you don’t think this was ugly…I just like to tell the truth in anything I post…hehehe…but I am sure lots of others will love your dish. I still love your blog, Meg!

nic - that looks amazing. on a similar vein, i could do a taco salad seven days straight. yum!

Amber Pamper - I make something similar to this but I sautee it all up with onions, cumin, and cilantro. mmmmm. Then I make a quesadilla out of it. πŸ™‚

tasha roe - this totally reminds me of my favorite thing to eat at fast food. does chipoltle or qudoba count as fast food? anyway…. it’s a nake burriot and it’s heavenly! chop up some cilantro and toss some corn and squeeze a lime. oh man….. i am hungry now!!!!

Amanda - totally like Chipotle burrito bowl. LOVE! thanks for the recipe. I forgot it was something we could make at home. duh!

Melissa - I knew I loved you! That recipe is right up my alley!!!!

Kelly - My favorite lunch is very, very similar to this. πŸ™‚ Yummmmmy!

Maria - yum…I shouldn’t have read this before breakfast.
I have something similar..leftover chicken, leftover taco meat, plus cilantro if I have it on hand, and avocado…minus the beans. Sometimes I’ll throw it on a quesadilla and eat it like that.
Martha Stewart has a super easy stove top rice ‘perfect white rice recipe’ that I use all the time, in a huge non-stick pot…takes 15 mins for 3 cups…easy peasy. I did not like my rice cooker, so when it died, I never replaced it. Here’s the recipe if anyone cares to see it…
Now off to find food…

jenn - Oh YUMMMM….now I’m going to have to go to the store and get the stuff to make your throw-together lunch. πŸ™‚

Rachel - Well, okay then. I now know what Ro*Tel is. I’ve never seen that in Canada, but I’m sure we must have something similar here.
Thanks Google.

sarah - Yummo! I was thinking how good that would be on tortillas as I was reading through and then you mention it. Will for sure be giving this a try!

Rachel - Mmmm…sounds good. I’d definitely addnthe cilantro! But what’s rotel? I’ll google it.

CK - Yum! Add some sliced avocado in that and I would be hooked for life! Thanks for sharing.

Debby Graber - Megan, I do the same and it is my favorite! Except I add cheese on top to melt and fritos on top of that.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Yum, that looks so good. Thanks for a great idea.

Adrienne S - That is my go to lunch as well. I never make the rice because i only know how to make it on the stove and it takes 45 min. I guess I will have to check out microwave directions.

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh yum, this looks great. i’m adding all that stuff to my grocery list. yummmmmmm….

Kimberlee J. - A make your own Chipotle bowl, right? Yum. I’ll take cilantro…lots of it and a little lime please

Shana - LOTS of cilantro!

Tara - I have a very similar lunch that I do a few times a week…same except without the rice.

erica - I make a “Texas Caviar” that is similar to this w/ black beans, fiesta corn, Rotel (w/ lime & cilantro), avocado, and a few spices. So good on everything from chips & chicken to burgers & eggs…YUM!

Traci - looks good meg. i will have to give it a try. i have never made rice in the microwave. and yes…i would add lots of cilantro. my favorite herb.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - My husband – who rarely cooks – makes something similar that we call Hoppin John. This week he used black beans and rotel instead of the usual redbeans and tomatoes. I need to tell him about the chicken, cheese, and chips.

angela - I mean FETA makes everything Betta!

angela - I do something kinda’ like that but I use Feat cheese….’cause you know, Feta makes everything Betta!!! πŸ™‚

Carla G. - Hi Meg! Question for you….totally unrelated to THIS post, but it does have to do with your next post. (I just thought you would see [read] the question faster if I posted it here….sorry, rambling….)
Where do you pick up your jewelry pieces? I ALWAYS LOVE the pieces you are wearing in your photos! I love, love, love the blue shirt, jeans, yellow shoes and mixed jewelry you have in your family photo….why can’t I do that? Help me please!!!

Jenny - This does look yummy.
I would definitely add cilantro (coriander, as we would call it). It is one of my favourite flavours.
I have never made rice in the microwave either – always on the stove.

Sonia - Hey Meg, one of my New Years goals is to try new recipes. I made this Chicken chili the other night and it was DELISH!! I got it from Kraft. Here’s a link to it…

Gemma - Hi Meg!
This looks so yummy..will have to try and make the same kinda thing : )
Gemma x

Teresa - That looks wonderful…..

Dana@Bungalow'56 - This looks like something I could hunker down and eat in a beach house in San Diego ; )

Rebekah Brummel - Rice from the freezer (Archer Farms) is yummo

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