lots and lots of pictures from the weekend.
three of the girls flew to kansas…two from california…one from alabama.
two of the girls drove from oklahoma.
the rest of the girls were local within 30 minutes.
three of us went to the airport to pick them all up…there were even some tears of joy upon meeting in real life.
craig is a super star and took all of our kids to his mom's for the weekend…with the stomach flu.
all the blogger girls stayed at my house.
i have lots of beds….a little known fact apparently.
everyone had their own mattress.
we must be mattress hoarders.
my dining room that turned into a game room decided to become a craft retreat lodge this weekend.
we fit in there so well!
all the sewing machines were on the pool table!
it was like the room was made for it.

on friday night we made our first craft led by julie.
we used this tutorial by little miss momma.
they turned out so cute.
almost everyone chose a different color.
you need to make this!
kimberlee didn't have on lipstick so we had her use her necklace for lipstick.
lots and lots of chit chat while we were crafty.
and i see waffle's paw at the bottom left corner of this picture.
he was by our sides every minute….loving the the attention from the ladies.
there was so much good food.
cindy made breakfast on saturday.
we got to sleep in….a requirement made by me.
don't you hate going places for a "retreat" and then have to be at breakfast by 7:30 am??
there was even a sweet little baby in attendance!
after cindy filled us with crepes with fresh fruit and quiche we loaded into a 15 passenger van to go antiquing.
we debated about decorating the van with bunting……
so fun.
we are any stores DREAM.
a van pulling up with 10 women to shop???
we were met with big smiles.
9 out of 10 ladies left with new found treasures.
cole with his mama picking out all the best doilies.
i took them to my favorite antique store…Bearly Makin It.
so much to choose from.
if you are in kansas….you should go.
heather found silverware for her party planning business.
a total score!
anyone need a milk jug???
loving the sunshine!
all the ladies took turns holding sweet baby cole.
it was our pleasure.
he hardly made a peep the whole weekend.
and everyone had envy of julie's gorgeous hair….it is soooo pretty.
on saturday in kansas we had a really odd extremely warm day.
we were so grateful for it.
can you guess what i bought from all these goodies? ha ha ha
after a sonic happy hour run we made it back to my house for more crafts.
the ruffle pillow tutorial heather taught us with is here.
3 women had never sewn on a machine before.
they ended up being ruffle making rock stars!
they did fantastic.
ashley's machine made the best ruffles…we all waitied for our turn on her machine.
no one knew what the secret was….but it worked….no gathering required.
i love being around people who love technology as much as i do….
threading a needle….
the third craft was embroidery hoop art.
we were given lots of examples that we could make or we could make our own design.
amy's was amazing.
we stayed up crafting and listening to frank sinatra on pandora and eating tiramisu until 2 in the morning.
kimberlee made breakfast on sunday.
there was frosting involved.
another great thing about crafty girls weekends….women clean up.
there were cameras everywhere.
and fabric everywhere.
and my brass lamps from the thrift shop. :)
there is a peek at amy jupin's ruffle pillow.
i am in love with the ruffle pillows…i want to make a hundred of them.
and her turquoise flower necklace is also in the picture.
these were all of our hoops together…not all finished but all together.
mine is the one right
here under these
trying to set up our cameras for a group shot….caught kimberlee being silly.
jana (no blog….yet) and amy jupin.
jess and julie.
ashley and cindy (also no blog….YET).
cindy came with ashley so she didn't have to drive alone and show up to a house full of women she had never met and be trapped with us if she didn't like us…
turns out we LOVED them both!
very much.
heather, cole and me.
amy (my neighbor) and kimberlee (my cleaning partner)
and that was that.
they went home with their suitcases full of new crafts, antiques, julie's messy flowers and full tummies.
and i haven't stopped smiling since.
God gave me blogging.
He gave me a gift that i get to continue opening when i meet new friends from all over.
God is so awesome.
my mind feels full of creativity.
my heart feels full of love and friendship.
my body feels too full of cinnamon rolls and cheesecake.
the retirement center has been missing me.
my bloggy friends left just in time….we are snowed in here and it's FREEZING.
my house has never been this cold.
i am bundled up in a blanket with many layers and hot coffee and i am still frozen.
Lida - He is Father Christmas.
ashley jensen - I really like my 18-55 lens that came with my camera. I got the 50mm f/1.8 for Christmas and am slowly learning to like it. I plan on getting either a macro (though my P&S takes great macro’s) or 20mm f/2.8 next.
julia - I actually thought for a second “Gee, how did she get a picture of her lens?” I’m BRILLANT!
lindsey - i will buy too if available!
amy - Nothing to do with the lens, but I want your mom’s ritas recipe that Sonia is talking about…
Natasha - Lemme check with my honey; I know he has a 18-55mm, a 50mm and a 100-300mm, but I think he wants something in between…
Sue - What a beautiful child -how do the girls at school get anything done?
Jennifer Tracy - I love how you even made your lens look pretty with the pink background.
marcy - Yah… you’ll love the 24-70. It’s on my camera 90% of the time.
Katie - Just wondering…what is your favorite lens right now?
Sonia - this totally has nothing to do with your lense for sale, but we just drank a pitcher of your mom’s ‘ritas, and omg… they were delish!!! def gonna be a must have around here!!
Donna Bailey - I would certainly buy it if it is still available!
elisa - Ha- wish I had known. I just bought this lens too. Then realized I really wanted the 50 1.4 instead.
But…. I already have the 24-70. And it’s on my camera 90% of the time. It’s an awesome lens. Seriously you will love.
Alysa - i’ve got $700 saved up for the 24-70 lens – can’t wait to get it, too.
AshleyAnn - Well this post makes me a wee bit sad….this is one of my favorite lenses. The 24-70 I am learning to love though….if you like zoom you will love it!
jemimah b. - oh bummer i was too! too bad 🙁 enjoy Darby!
Amanda - oooh, I’ve been thinking about this lens. Too bad Darby beat me! 🙂 Enjoy!!
Pamela M - I wonder how much customs would cost to send it to Canada. I would love to buy this lens from you.
I just got the Canon 24-105mm 2 weeks ago and I LOVE it. It was between the 24-70 and 24-105 and I went with the 24-105 because of IS and it weiged less than the 24-70. I need IS. LOL!
Jaimie - wish i shot canon.
Andrea Siebert - i just bought the 24-70 as well (nikon) LOVE it!!!!
Regan - Just got the 24-70 and am in love! But, I still love my 85 as well. Hope someone can get some use out of this lens — it really is amazing for portraits!
Darby - Meg, I am interested! Darby
Trish - agreed about the 24-70!!! I LOVE mine… it was the first lens I bought. Very versatile!
Julie K - You will LOVE the 24-70 … it’s my go-to for ALL of my sessions. 🙂 I know one of your many many fans will want this beautiful lens … someday I’ll add this one to my collection too. Wish I was in the market now!