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monday and now…..tuesday!


in case there was confusion…i don't hate valentin'es day.
i am not against it.
it's just not for me.
maybe if i was lavished gifts and attention on that day….i would probably think it was cool.
but that has never happened (and i am not asking for it to) so i guess i think it's just another day.
and honestly….one more thing to put pressure on me to mess up…forget some detail or disappoint someone.
BUT i didn't.  ( i don't think?)
i made the heart pizza.
annie was thrilled.

IMG_8254 IMG_8260

i have had some happy mail this week.

marnie from simply natural sent me a package of goodies.
a girl can never have too much lip balm.
thank you marnie.
me and my girls had fun opening it.

then there was THIS!
i was quite surprised with a BIG box from the ups man.
it was filled with soap from Out of Eden….love their soaps.
and then a lovely letter and this totally FUN big artsy collage frame.
i love it.
it's detailed and sweet…comeplete with africa and waffle and whatever and a camera!  
it is really fabulous.
thank you.


and katie…i don't have a picture but i LOOOOOOOved the package from you too.  :)
red polka dots?  you know i am a happy girl.


how about i send YOU some happy mail?? 


these are goodies from the craft weekend i had at my house!
i made each of the girls a mini clipboard in yellow polka dot.
julie made everyone a messy flower in the sweetest gray dot fabric!
amy d. made the adorable ruffle pillow and rainbow flower necklace and she has made more and wanted to share!

i would love to send this to one of YOU.

leave a comment to be entered in this giveaway answering this question:

if you could come to a craft weekend in kansas with strangers from blogland….would you?  

i am tossing around the idea of having another kind of craft weekend….with you.
what do you think? 


mary - Your last craft weekend seemed like a wonderful time of relaxation and crafting. I would love a weekend away from the kids to meet new people be creative. I live north in MN so it can’t be too far of a drive to where you are.

lacey poag - o my YES yes YES!
when i looked at your fun pictures i thought, “i want to be a part of that fun crew of cute girls!”
and i love each item you made
please o please o please o please!

Tiffany - Holy crackers YES M’AM I would BE THERE! How FUN!!! I think it would be a BLAST!!!
I love this giveaway…I adore all the BEAUTIFUL-FABULOUS goodies!!
Thank you for a chance to win!♥

Faith - I would love a crafty weekend getaway!

Jennifer O'Steen - i have always wanted to have the opportunity to craft with you. however.. i live in alabama, which is pretty far away from kansas. you inspire me so much, and i would love to just see your house and learn tricks from you! you are awesome!

Courtney - Megan,
Are you kidding you really have to ask that question!? Of course I would attend! It would be an easy drive since I live in Ks already but holy moly it would be an honor! I mean you are being featured in Holiday and I LOVE LOVE that catalog!

Heather - I would LOVE to come to Kansas for a crafting weekend! I love the adorable goodies you guys made.

Desseray - I would come if i could fly for free. Loving the giveaway…i have my eye on that messy flower pin!!

Anna - i would love to come to kansas to craft with blogland ladies…
what fun that would be!

shan - I would love to!!!!! Love your blog 🙂

I’m in KC & it would be a quick road trip!
Let me know the time & place & will gladly, I mean SADLY, leave my hubby & kids! 🙂

Chris - I would SO love to come to a craft weekend with you!

Cris - I would absolutely come to Kansas for a craft weekend (with strangers).
Love the prize too. Thanks for the chance to win.

Michele - Let’s see…craft weekend. In Kansas. With strangers?
Heck, yeah! I’d hop a plane and come! =0)

Nicole - I would be there in a heartbeat!:)

Sara M. - I would love to come for a craft weekend! I was so jealous when you posted about the other weekend you hosted.

joana - I think I would! Despite the fact that I live in France! but you see there is this tinny little hypotheses that we might move to Topica, Kansas! I really didn’t like the idea so much, it’s too far away, long journeys to get home as in Lisbon, Portugal blablabla but since I found out that you live near by I might consider! Just might!!! Not that I have a saying in the all process. That is with the big bosses of my husband company!!!

Mary - Yes, I would come. I’m always excited to meet new friends from the south. I grew up in Texas, now live in Oklahoma, and possibly have a move to Kansas in the near future.

Mya - Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!!

brantlee - I would be there in a heart beat! Sounds like a great idea!!

Kaye N - ummm…YES! although i’m not crafty in anyway. but would love hanging out and enjoying some girl time.

amy - i would, i would. i think.
it would be out of character for me…total strangers…but likre these blogging convention things i fantasize aout going to, i would love to go…if i could make myself. and i think i would.

Kate - I would definitely want to come to a craft weekend!!!

Allie - I’d love to come, I wish more of my local friends were into crafts! 🙂 My fingers are crossed!

Jennifer - I would love the prize, and love to come to a crafting weekend!!!

Roberta - Oh my goddness I would totally come given the opportunity. Money might being an issue for me to actually do it but I would be thrilled to spend a crafty weekend amongst such talent! I love the goodies and sure hope I win. Thanks for the chance.

Lisa - I don’t know. I’m sort of shy, but it looked like so much fun. I might just do it!

Linda - I would love to participate! I’m pregnant and live in NJ, so I don’t know how realistic my hopes are, but a girl can dream!

maria wilson - that would be fun.

Heather - Without question, YES!

Lindsay - Adorable! I would LOVE to come craft with you!!!

Katrina - I would absolutely love to come! Your girls weekend included 4 girls who’s blogs I read daily. It would be crazy wonderful to meet you and anyone else who might be included.

sara - oh yeah, i’d be at a craft weekend in ks. the fun there i can only imagine!

deborah@applesinwonderland - if the stars all aligned, i’d be there with my mod podge, favorite scissors and a suitcase full of beads, fabric and rick-rack. i’m waiting for today’s post–wednesday. it’s like i’m a mind-reader, isn’t it? spook-kay. 🙂 have a wonderfilled day:)

Megan - I’d DEFINITELy come to a craft weekend!!!

April - I <3 Waffles polka-dot bow tie (and Annie sticking out her tongue! Me too Annie! :p Valentines Day!)

Donna - If I click my red shoes, will it take me to Kansas?? I would love to come craft with you!!

Kyley - yes! That would be so fun!!!!

Megan - YES!! Ofcourse I would go and meet stragers who are crafty people. You learn so much from others….and great conversation (I bet!)

Lynda@Me and My Pink Mixer - I would totally come to Kansas for a craft weekend with you!!
I so want to learn how to use my little pink sewing machine that I have had for 3 years now!! I’ll make you cupcakes 🙂

Kari - It sounds like so much fun! But, I’m not very crafty at all…

sara's art house - Oh my word! That would be soooo fun! 🙂
Great giveaway!

cassie o - i would totally come. though my crafting skills are definitely not on par with the likes of you. you’d have to be patient 🙂

Brooke - Umm, can you fit 827 people in your house? Because that is how many comments I see. For the record, I’ve been reading for years and years….so I feel like I am a loyal blog friend 🙂 And, YES, I told my friend that after I saw your pictures, it felt like a bunch of my friends hung out without me, and I’m jealous. Now, let’s be real…it’s not like we’re real ‘friends’….I’m not at blog status that you are…but enough rambling.
I would be there.
In Kansas.
Today. 🙂
Can’t wait for your store to fill up!!!

Annika - I think I would. But only if I could remain shy and quiet and people would not think it weird that I’m mostly craft and almost no talk and that my blog has only been going for about 15 posts…. Oh, and if I had the money for the flight…. :o)

Andrea T - I would save all my pennies in a jar!!!! I dont think i could stop smiling or talking I would be soo excited !

Sonya - I would love to come Meg but think it might be too far to travel from Australia! I love reading your blog and comparing the difference of living in a different country Thanks Sonya

asibtroy - I’d DRIVE to Kansas! I think sharing in the wonder of crafting, antiquing and friends that are women with families and blogs is just the thing an aspiring (crafty crafter, antique-er and just figuring out how to be a mom-mom) chick like me, needs!

Heather - Duh!Of course I would come!

haydee - I would so love to come. I even considered going to blue lily GoPro in San Diego just so i could meet you but that would be too weird considering i’m not good with my Canon at all. So sign me up for a craft weekend. That’s more up my alley!!!

Kat - I would, even though I am craft challenged and live across the other side of the world in Australia.
It would be very cool to sit, chat, eat, drink and laugh with you girls, as well as attempt to craft! - Hey, Meg! I may be young, but I would ABSOLUTELY love to spend a craft weekend with other bloggers! I live in New York and have never been in Kansas, and would love to meet everyone!

Lori - Oh, that would be so fun!
Thanks for the chance to win these lovely prizes!

Stacey - Omg! Yes,yes! That would be so much fun! This mama would love a fabulous crafting weekend! I would also LOVE to win all of these beautiful items!

jessicakiehn - i’m fairly certain you will be getting a resounding YES!!! from everyone. Including me:)

michelle - That would be FUN!!!! YES!!!!

Christen - ya that would be awesome 😉

gina - I think maybe, perhaps, yes?

meredith jayne - of course!

Nikol - I would love to come to a craft weekend at your home. I have always wanted to visited Kansas, as a child I was obsessed with the Wizard of Oz. Now, I’m obsessed with crafts and creativity. A dream vacation!

maribeth - um, yes please!

Crystal Swoverland - A craft weekend would be awesome! A chance to meet you and others like you sounds like an amazing time!

Jessie - I sure would come if I could! I was born in Kansas, but have been in the south since I was 2. I have no memories of Kansas.

Lisa - Would love a craft weekend!

Trudy - Well, I am already in Kansas & I would LOVE to craft with you!! 🙂

Dena - YES, YES, YES – I would LOVE to come for a craft weekend!

Kendra - Would LOVE to come! Would be a huge step out of my comfort zone, but would be so worth it I’m sure!

amanda - I forgot to answer the question. Yes, yes I would.

Kathryn - oh my goodness, i love annie in those red heart sunglasses! lol perfect. and i would LOVE to come and meet you in “real life” and craft away! but i would have to bring my little sister, lauren, who has connected on fbook with your lauren and would simply fall over if i told her she could go meet her with me! :}

Rachael B - that would be so much fun! I love to craft and meet new people!

Jennie - How fun would that be?? I’d love it! Some girlfriends are trying to plan one here in Tennessee, but I’m up for a craft weekend just about anywhere! I’d definitely come – but only if I can meet Waffle. 🙂

Lydia - I’d love to get away for a craft weekend!! It looks like you gals had so much fun!

melissa - I’m in! Only a hop, skip and a jump away.

Jen R - Oh my! Of course…if I could get from California to Kansas…a huge YES. Your previous craft weekend looked like SO much fun. I’m not sure if you’ll have room for all of us! 🙂

Amy Kate - I’m there…I’ve been dreaming of my own ever since I read your post on yours. Blessings!

Nicole M - I would love to come to a craft weekend in Kansas. I would be terrified and timid and second guessing, but I would get on that plane in my “big girl pants” and go. What do you have up your sleeve Meg?

Lisa - In an instant!

Kimmie Elks - Uh…yeah i would! i have an idea….why don’t we have one here, at my house in sunny Florida!!! i’m 10 min. from the beach! i don’t have my own blog but i read/stalk plenty of them 🙂

becky - Craft Weekend? Yes please! i’ll bring the cute baby for cuddle time!!!

Mary - WOW! I would absolutely love to come. It sounds like such a wonderful weekend filled with creativity and fun. YES indeed I would catch a plane for that!

shea - Yup! You bet your bottom dollar!

Lin - YES! YES! YES! I would love a craft weekend. I am trying to do a mini version in the next few weeks with friends if we can get some free time, at the same time. I really enjoy your blog. I check in every day. Your photographs are inspiring. I am saving now to upgrade my camera.

Mrs. Dunbar - I’d absolutely come. Maybe I’ll try and talk Julie into having one at her house, and you can come to that too.

danielle - um. yes. consider my plane ticket bought.

Stacia - Yes. I would. 🙂

Lori - I’m a new reader to your blog, who loves crafting, but doesn’t make much time for it. And, if you caught me on the right weekend and in the right mood, I would totally head north to KS for a crafting weekend.

Jenna - Yes! I am originally (and forever) a Kansas girl … I love antiquing (is that a word?) and I’m a rookie crafter, but you are an inspiration!!

Melanie - I think that sounds like fun! I would have my friend Kristi go on my behalf, though, as she is the crafty one 🙂 she makes annual Christmas ornaments, and sews, too. I admit it, crafts make me nervous! but I do so admire those who can, which is why i hang with people like Kristi and blog crush on people like you.

ronda beeman - Oh my lanta, what an awesome opportunity that would be! I think it would be so neat to learn new creative ideas from other talented people! Plus, to form friendships with other bloggers – how awesome! Love your blog!

Kodi - I found your blog because someone posted about the craft weekend! Id love to come! 😉

Megan - I would absolutely come!

jennyonthespot - Yes. Uh – YES.

Liz - I would absolutely attend a craft weekend in Kansas…I have so many crafts that I would love to have a WHOLE weekend to do that would be incredible. I would bring the all time favorite frosted rice crispy bars and beg for some sewing tip for the new-by!
I am planning on making the ruffle pillow after spring cleaning shirts become available!

midwestmom - wow, that would be fun!!! i would LOVE to!!

Ashley - Yes – I would come – by I think I would want to bring a friend – for my scaredy cat security blanket! :0)

erica - Most definitely! It looked like tons of fun. Good for you guys!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Your last get together looked like a wonderful time. If my air miles don’t run I would come : ) Hmmm, I wonder if a craft with toilet paper rolls would go over well?

Melissa Morrill - Yes. Plain and simple yes. OH MY GOSH YES!!!!

Robin - HECK YEAH I WOULD!!!! In a heartbeat!!!!

Amanda - oh for sure!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hmmm…that’s a good question. My first inclination is to say YES, then I remember that I am shy and I might be scared, but I would love to meet you because I think you are awesome.

Erin Whitney - Um…duh, I would LOVE to come! I like to think I’m crafty and I LOVE to make things, but we recently moved into a 1-bedroom apartment for our little family of 3. Not much room to craft…So, in short, yes. I’d love to. 🙂

Lana - I would! But I’d definitely be out-crafted…ya’ll are amazing! 🙂

Timi - YES, YES, YES, YES! I think a girls getaway craft weekend sounds amazing right now.

Amy - I’d be there in a heartbeat! I’d love to meet you. I think we’d be great friends 🙂 - I would LOVE to come to a crafty weekend!! Hello Kansas, nice to meet you!
Reasons it would be AWESOME if I were invited to your abode:
1. I love meeting new people
2. I love being crafty
3. I love hanging out with women and make crafty-type things
4. I think I have a few interesting ideas up my sleeve to share
That would be quite a trip! I live in Washington State just north of Seattle.
—–Northwest Represent!!!!!!——-
We do a fun thing at our church called WIP (work in progress) Night that sounds like a mini version of your fun weekend!! I look forward to it every month 🙂

Lindsey W. - Of course! I have to say, your craft weekend post was one of my favs – Julie, Ashley and Jess are 3 of the other blogs that I religiously follow and pirate crafty ideas from! It was great seeing you all together and it looked like such a fun and inspirational girls weekend!:-)

Jennifer Miller - I would totally come to Kansas for a craft weekend….i cant think of anything more fun…It makes me happy to read your blog everyday and would love to meet you and waffle…its not too far away either..i would cook 🙂 - I would love to attend a craft weekend! I believe that we’re never done learning and I’m sure I would learn a LOT!

Kelly Webb - Meg,
I live in a house full of boys.
I. Need. Girltime.
That is all.

Laura - Pick me! Pick me! And I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to come to a Kansas Craft Weekend! 🙂

Leslie - I would totally come to a craft weekend in Kansas? I just have one question. How much wine am I allowed to carry on a plane? A bottle of tequila may be easier…

Tara - Absolutely…you girls seem so fun. I would love to get some new craft ideas from all of you!

Emily E. - I would come in a heartbeat!

Nancy - Hello…. I just packed, let me know the weekend 🙂 I would be there in a flash!

Jessica - That would be so awesome! Not many of my friends craft so I am always looking for someone to share the fun with!

lindsey patrick - totally! where do I sign up? 🙂

melissa tichy - i would love to, but it would really push me past my comfort zone. but everyone seems so nice i would have to go 🙂

Linda - That would be amazing! What a fun idea! If I could figure out the $ and what to do with 4 kids I think it would be awesome! And wow I’m like post #751 that’s a lot of people!

Rachel J - Yes- and I will provide the baking!

Shannon - Pick me, Pick me! :0)

Leslie - I would LOVE to come and meet you and get my crafty on! BUT…I would have to figure out what to do with my 2 year old. Not exactly craft weekend material…hehe…Also, I’m not sure I could be away from her that long yet!

Lori Tacchino - Make that good “eats”…

Lori Tacchino - How fun would that be ?!? I love the girls you had last time. Love all of your style, creativeness and good east you enjoy together. What a blast!

JaneMcT - That would be fun!

Sandra K - Sure! I love just the idea and this giveaway! Thanks so much!

catie - heck yes i would! except…i already live in kansas…so it wouldn’t be all that far. i do live in SOUTHERN kansas though…

Jen Nordstrom - Yes yes yes but what I really want to do is come craft with your kids on snow days!!!

Tracy - ABSOLUTELY!!! That would be fantastic!

Brooke - of course 🙂 i love crafting days (or weekends ;))

Stephanie - Heck yeah I would!

EllenVR - YES! I only live in Oklahoma!! I love crafts even though I’m not that good at them, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE junk and antiques and turning cool or crappy old stuff into fun, bright newish stuff!!

Sarah - I would so be there! I think crafting is so much more fun with a group

Mary Lynne Jones - Um….YYYEEESSSSS!!!! a craft weekend in Kansas would be fantastic!! & I could “run” by & see my family in Buhler!

Jenna B - I would be honored to craft with you 🙂

Amy - Honey, I would be there so fast….ready to get my craft on. It wouldn’t be just b/c I need to escape my kiddos for some adult conversation. No, that wouldn’t be it at all. And Arkansas is so close. It even has Kansas in it. Ha. 😉

Kristin S - In a heartbeat!
I used your post on the crafting weekend in a seminar I gave at my ministry’s women’s conference as an example of how small the blog world can really be and how much I’d love a weekend like this!
My craft room is still in process so crafting has been halted for a full year! U. G. H.

Heather - um….ya!!!!
in a stinking heartbeat.

Lisa B - I would love to come to a craft weekend in Kansas and make a stop in Topeka to visit friends!!

Alicia - Would I come to a craft weekend at your house? Absolutely! I’d have to fly all the way there (14+ hours from here in Sydney I am imagining)but it would be totally worth it!
And if you could invite Julie… and Angie Smith too… and, and… my list could go on. Well then that would be totally perfect and I would float to the very top layer of blogland heaven 🙂

Beth - yes! it would take all the nerve I have (and then some :), but how fun. however, I’m not in KS, but I’m your “neighbor” in CO. ha ha.

Shelley - Yes, Yes and Yes!! :-))

emily murn - I would totally come to a craft weekend in KS- I’ve never been there. Would be a fun road trip from Chicago

Jen - I would way need to step up my craft skills to hang with you girls! YES!

Amy Coose - I’d do it in a heartbeat!!

Danae Kaufman - Heck yeah! So fun, I live in Kansas so I’m game. 🙂

Denise Posey - I’ve never been to Kansas…might be kinda interesting! Crafting would be fun!

michelle pulley - Of course I would!!

brittan - Oh my goodness, I would LOVE to!!!!!!! As a matter of fact I’ll start the drive right now! Haha!

betsy - Of course! How much fun would that be? I even started mentally planning a craft weekend with my girlfriends after reading your original post. If I can stand to wait until summer, we can pepper our crafty time with breaks by the pool 🙂

Meghan B - You bet I would. When I read your post about your weekend with the ladies I wanted to be there.

Sarah - ummm…YES! I am not even that crafty…but OH, I would TRY! Just to hang out with you and other cool peeps…SIGN ME UP!

Mary - I would come to Kansas! I grew up there, my inlaws are in Salina, my parents are in Garnett, and I have a good friend in the Newton/Hesston area. In fact, I’m planning a stop at that antique store in Marion the next time I’m there. Anything to get out of the Colorado cold!

Michelle - ummm. . . YES! Except I wouldn’t have to come far because I live in Wichita. BUT it is like my idea of a dream weekend 🙂
Love the goodies. Yellow polka dots- so cute!

Elizabeth - You know I think I could come! I would be very nervous and probably try to change my mind a dozen times in the days leading up to it but once I got there I think I would have a blast, and I would LOVE to have some crafty girl time

Amanda Larkins - Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!

kim - yeah it would be awesome!

Jennifer - I would love to come craft with you for a weekend! Let me know when! ;0)

Tonya - I’d LOVE to spend a weekend crafting w/you AND I’m already in KS! Maybe some of your craftiness would rub off on me! 😉

Amy R. - I would so be there and would love to meet you and craft with you! IT looks like from the response though that you might not be able to have it at your house this time.
That would be a blast and of course I would love to win the goodies you made!

rachel / - at least i’d feel like i already knew 1 person in the room [that would be you, of course]! weird, but true. HA! by the way – KS isn’t so far … i live 12 houses away [from the state line – not you.] 😉

Danielle - I would love to!

CASSIE - Yum yes yes and yes please I would soooo come!! I am a crafting queen!

stephanie @ providnece handmade - I’m totally going to steal your day post titles – I hate trying to think up good blog title posts. And YES. I would ride my bike to Kansas. 🙂 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Yes, because I love your blog, crafts (especially simple quilting for the hospital) and my BEST FRIEND moved to Kansas!

Suzanne D - Heck yes I would come to a craft weekend in Kansas! I love the big collage picture frame – awesome!

Rachel - Yes! I would definitely. And while I would be traveling from Oklahoma, my MIL lives in Kansas (close to you) so it would be a fun trip to make and my 4 kiddos would have childcare.
And sewing, I’m still learning but I’m very eager to learn. 😉

Molly - Would I come to craft weekend? Um, yes! Of course! I’m not super far, just up in Lawrence, but I LOVE to craft.

Erin - That would be so much fun!

Sarah - YES! If I could get off work, I would! I was telling hubby all about your craft weekend and how much fun it sounded like! I was totally jealous of the awesome antique shop pics too! It looks like an AMAZING one! Kasas and strangers from blogland….. sounds like a blast!

Alise M. - Definitely!!
Considering I’m a junior in High School I’m not sure how my mom would feel about that exactly, but I would love to!! 🙂

Julie - Yes. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely!

Denise - This would be such a dream come true! An important thing to cross off my bucket list! Also, I could bring something to you that I have been wanting to ship you but it is BIG and heavy.
Please make your plan and let us come to see you, your amazing house and your lovely state! Oh and I love all the things in the give away! Thanks for your willingness to share with us.

Hollie - Yes! Please pick me!! It would be so much fun 😉

Amy Jo - Haha…YES, absolutely! 🙂

Carrie K - yes yes yes times a MILLION! seriously…not kidding!!! it would be pretty much close to perfect…

Margo - I would absolutely come and since I only live across town I think I could handle the commute!!

Katie - I’d love to come and craft with strangers – way less pressure than with those that you know 🙂

Chelsea - I would come! It would be quite a trip from central Texas!

mkpoggie - Oh my gosh, WOULD I? I would loooove that. I’m from beautiful, amazing Kansas and stuck in the desert and never get time to craft. (if you doubt my love for the sunflower state, I wear a silver Kansas-shaped necklace basically everyday) But, alas, tickets are expensive and I’m a preschool teacher, so time off is scarce. Sigh. A girl can dream…

LibraryGirl62 - Would love to, but it is a looooong way from Naples. FL 🙂

Lena K. - I actually thought about this when I saw your photos from your weekend because one of my best friends is one of your blog friends and I wondered if she would have gone if it came up. I don’t blog, but I LOVE reading all the goodness you girls put out there! Honestly, if you lived within driving distance I would love to craft, but I would feel so uncomfortable hopping on a plane and staying with someone I have never met in person. Maybe if I were a blogger, I’d feel the bond?

Andrea - Hi Meg!
First can I say that I am tickled pink to ‘kind of’ be featured on your blog ;). Katie ordered a whole bunch of my “Oh Snap! Mini Wallets” and told me one might be going to you if it had polka dots. Well good thing I LOVE polka dots … I think half of the ones I sent her had some form of polka dots.
And UHM … YES, I would love to come craft in Kansas. One because I already feel like I know you and several other crafters through their blogs and e-mails, etc. But I think that after the initial nervousness it would be nothing short of wonderful.
So name the when and where … I’m there ;). Maybe I can ride sketchy air with Julie ;).
Happy Day!! Enjoy your polka dots!!

Dianne - I read the post about your crafting weekend and thought it was the coolest idea. I was excited that a couple of ladies came from OK, and wondered what a girl would have to do to get an invite… get a blog? bake waffle some biscuits? bring a cute baby? Sounds like fun.

Laurie Schmotzer - Wow! That would be a dream! But, alas, I never win anything! Love your blog…makes me happy and inspires me!

Holly Cox - I absolutely would…in a heartbeat! I’ve never been to Kansas, but if I did, upon returning home, I would have to say “Holly, you’re not in Kansas anymore” bahahaha! 😀 Funnies aside, I absoutely would come to Kansas for a crafty weekend…especially since I have no crafty friends that live near me.
It’s just me.
Blogland is my only crafty circle!

Donna - Letmethinkaboutit YES!

Joni - I would love to! i wonder how dad would like watching all six children.

Adrienne - would love it!!!

e l l a - all expenses paid? (kidding) ;D Yes! xo

Terri Upton - i would love to come to kansas! i’m not shy but i’m also not creative. i could learn and just have fun. i never get happy mail so i would love to receive some. thanks.

Joy C - I’d go to a crafting weekend at the north pole if it meant meeting up with the talented ladies that were at your place!

Kate - I think you should get a paycheck from the Kansas department of tourism. I am LOVING all these people wanting to come here. 🙂

Mrs. Wonder - I never get my craft on, just look at blogs. I’d love to be surrounded by crafters!

Tegan M. - I totally would have come. 🙂 We’re doing mini-craft night at Heather’s (Cookie Mondays) this Friday. Although, we all kind of know each other, so it’s not quite the same.

Beth in Utah - Absolutely!

jennibell - Oh yes, I would come. . .yes, yes, yes!!! No kids??? That would just be the BEST. Crafting, food, friends, antiques. . .what could be a better way to spend a weekend?

Cassy - Wow! Someone is going to be one lucky, happy girl if that happens… maybe me! 🙂

shelby - oh my goodness, I would love to come to a craft weekend in Kansas…the opportunity to see a part of the country I have only flown over and to craft with other people who love what I love…I would definitely want to come!

JoLynn - That sounds like so much fun!! I’d especially love to come with a crafty friend to share the trip with! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.

Vicki - ooo! I would LOVE a crafty weekend like you had with the ladies. It all looked so scrumptious and FUN!!! But I wouldn’t be able to come right now because our cash-flow is nil and we’re using our air miles to go to my husband’s Grandma’s 95th birthday party in April. But you can have a crafty weekend here! :o) Feel like a trip to Portland?

Emily - OOooh, that would be so fun. I would be a little nervous about meeting new people, but so excited, too. Love those ruffles!

holly - Let’s see, would I come to Kansas for a craft weekend? YES. I’d be a little nervous about being with strangers, but I’d get over it. Especially if I got to try one of your famous margaritas 🙂

Christy - Would love a craft weekend in KS! We have family we visit every few months in KC so it wouldn’t be a tough trip!

Stina - I would.

Emilee Prenevost - Would I?!?!?! I would totally LOVE LOVE LOVE to come!!! 🙂 I seriously read your blog every day if possible! (some days i dont have internet…lol) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES I WOULD LOVE TO COME!!!! and I’ll take pics for you! totally! 🙂

a pocket full of posies - ABSOLUTELY!-POSITIVELY!- YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! I’d be there with “bells on”!…bearing lots of yummy treats and goodies to share!!!
too fun!!!

Christine - I would definilty come to a craft weekend! It seems like it would be so much fun!

Sandy - I don’t have a blog and I’m not entirely crafty, but I would love to meet YOU and your family AND WAFFLE!

k - I feel the same way about holidays……lots of ideas out there, but end of not doing much because it’s so over whelming and I may mess up!
thanks for your posts and inspiration!

Whitney S - That would be so much fun! I guess it would depend on when and how much flights are… but I am always jealous of your craft getaways/ stay ins. You have also made me really want to see KS… I look forward to your 4th of July post so I can see what your awesome little neighborhood did!

Shanna - HECK YEAH! That would be SOOOO fun!!!!!!!
OH for Exciting! TY! xox

Julie Schmidt - I’ll go anywhere! I always say “a weekend away, is a weekend away regardless of where it is”. But a crafting weekend away….I have never done that – would love it!

Libby - A craft weekend sounds fabulous. But I’d have to come with a disclaimer – I try hard to be super craft mom, but don’t have a crafty bone in my body. That said, I’m funny, I can cook and bake, I love to met new people and have no problem flying across the country to meet total strangers. Just no axe murderers allowed OK?
About Valentine’s day – I right there with you. I just don’t get it…forced love day? All the silly cards and candy? Though I do love an excuse to bake some sort of treat, but I don’t need a holiday to do that.
Can’t wait to see Wednesday’s creative title.

Rosemary Gustin - Ummm, yeah, totally! When and where? I’ll be there!

Jen - ABSOLUTELY Meg! You are such an inspiration to me and I feel like I already know you!

Ani W - I would love to! I have been missing my crafting time soooo much since my youngest was born: June. I doubt I could get away with it, but daydreaming about it is almost as good… 🙂

Anne-Marie P. - Yes I would come and I would bring my mother who reads your blog all the time!

s - I’m totally non crafty but I could pretend to be just so I could eat some of that yummy food you showed from the last craft weekend! I’d do dishes!!!

Tiffany - Great give away! Thanks 🙂 As far as coming to Kansas – from Michigan, not knowing anyone….. I would be nervous but excited. It would totally be fun having you host it! 🙂 Have a great day!

Rachel - I would go if I had the means to get there (I live in Canada). But, I admit, I’d be apprehensive about meeting so many new people. I’m a little shy. Would you make me feel comfortable? 🙂

Rebecca Frame - Yes…in a second! And hopefully I would leave with the ability to sew!

michele zakeri - Wahoo!!! I would come! What a fun opportunity!!!

Lauren - I just came across your blog and i LOVE it! So much fun stuff! Love to find a fellow Kansasan out there on the net too, who wouldn’t love a crafty weekend:)…

Miranda - I would love to come to a craft weekend! I love a weekend getaway, PLUS doing crafts!!! Doesn’t get any better!

Babbler - Ummmm, YES. With a capitol YES! What a nice idea. I’ve never spent time in Kansas and it looks beautiful. And I’d love some crafting tips.

Becky - I would totally come for a craft weekend with you! Because of your previous craft weekend posts, we did a craft weekend here in November and had a great time!

Juliann - sure Megan 🙂

Amy - What a cool giveaway! Thanks for sharing these awesome goodies.
I would love to come to Kansas for a craft weekend. But my husband says driving through Kansas is THE most boring trip ever. SO I’d have to fly. Hahaha!

merlin - I am a homebody, I am an introvert, I am not crafty….BUT how I would love to experience a weekend being crafty with you and finding out if you are what you seem in blogland.

jamie - Sounds like so much fun!!

Rachel Bosket - No doubt I’d love love love it!

Ry (AKA: LUCY) - Wow! SUPER cute!

Quinn - Heck yes I would come! Although I am young and probably wouldn’t fit in too well… I love to craft no matter what!

Lauren - Wow! A craft weekend would be amazing!! Love the idea!!

Andrea - I would so be there, and my husband would roll his eyes and think Im crazy for meeting another “Stranger” from the computer.

Becky J - I would LOVE…big time, to come play/craft/antique for a weekend….I live in PA….and then we could come play in my craft room/basement and eat lots of yummies and thrift shop/antique around here…Sisters in Christ 🙂 Becky

Sara - I already live in KS {which I LOVE} and you don’t seem like a stranger, even though we are. I would definitely come to a craft weekend!!

julie f. - sure, count me in! i’d have to have inspiration in the craftiness, though. i’m not so creative myself.

Janet Dreher - Meg,
That’s so funny you would ask this question.
After I read about the craft weekend on both this site and on Jess’ site, I thought, How does a person get invited to a week-
end like that?
So yes, I would love to come to a craft weekend.

Amy - I would totally come for a crafting weekend in Kansas. How fun would that be??

Tracie - It would be AMAZING! I would probably be nervous, but it would be so much fun to learn new things!

Amy L. Weber - Heck YEAH! I would totally come!! I’ve already attempted the flower necklace, and SO want to learn how to make the fabric flower. The ruffled pillow is on my TO-DO list for sure….

Jessica Johnson - um. yes, please. me and the 625 others. i’ll bring a tent?

Andrea - WOW! – Girl you certainly stacked up the comments on this one!
Who wouldn’t want to come and craft for a weekend sans kids and with other females? Have adult conversation???? What?!!!

Michelle - Oui! Bien Sur! 🙂

Christine - I would come to your craft weekend, no question about it! I feel like jumping up and down and saying “pick me, pick me.” ha. You are too cool. 🙂

Jenn - I would love to come. But would be completely terrified.
I am a bit socially awkward.
Doesn’t that make me sound like a wonderful house guest?

Holly - absolutely, Oh my goodness, what do I wear???

Vickie - I would totally do it! That would be my dream vacation.I don’t sew yet and would love to learn. I love to transform things. going to thrift stores and garage sales is my favorite. At the moment I am painting a kitchen table and chairs.I hope you decide to do it again. Have a great day.

mel - So I guess I never answered the question…YES, I would be honored to come for a craft weekend! I love doing crafts, specially if it was with all of you ladies! That would be awesome!

shiela - of course, i would! love the colors-as always.

merran tatum - are you kidding? that would be like a weekend of heaven here on earth. i would just die. i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to!

alaina - OMW!!!! You read my mind!! When i read through your post from the last time you had a creative weekend with blog friends, I must admit I felt a little tinge of jealousy, sighed, and said to myself….”How fun it would be to be one of the chosen! I want to go be in real life with all these wonderful people I have been stalking for so long!!!”. Okay, that stalking part, pretend you didn’t read that because then you would be afraid to pick me! So, all shame aside…pick me, pick me, pick me…although I suck and I don’t have a blog.

Holly - so, you are asking me this time? I was wondering when I would get an invite:)

mel - Um yeah! I would love love love love to receive this in the mail…I think I would have a heart attack!!! You girls are sooooo crafty! LOVE IT! I hope I win! Fingers are crossed <3

Jana - I would be there with bells on. I love your blog I look forward to it everyday! It is so bright and cheery, it’s my morning sunshine! - I would love to come! And I don’t have far to go – I’m in Kansas too. In fact I’m heading to the antique shop this weekend on your recommendation! I’ll be in Wichita for work and decided to extend my stay. Looks like a great place to make an awesome find! Thanks for sharing!

Liz - Of course!!!! I love all the color you use, its always seems to come together in the happiest way!

Kameron - I live kinda far from Kansas, but would love to have a craft weekend! The thought of it makes me swoon!!!

Daniele Valois - ABSOLUTELY!!! In fact, I may never leave!!!

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - How fun would that be?! Sign me up! My SIL (your used-to-be neighbor) has been wanting me to come decorate her house. I could just make one big trip out of it!

Kelley - I would TOTALLY come! I read the blog wishing I was a “blog super star” that could get invited!! That would just be the neatest weekend of my life!!

Erika - Well now, I live in Manhattan, KS, so the trip would be pretty easy. 🙂 I might be slightly intimidated, however. While I love to being creative, I don’t have much time to do it, so I’d probably feel out of my league. But it definitely sounds fun. I have 3-4 sewing projects I could work on!

taniawillis - holy guacamole!!! please, please, please tell me you aren’t kidding? what will it take for *me* to be *the one* you pick who gets to come!? i’ll wash the dog, or scrub your floors, or send you something with rainbows every single day during the month of your birthday. 🙂
you have NO idea how much i’ve been talking about your craft weekend–to anyone and everyone who will listen! give those goodies to someone else—-just make sure i’m on that invitee list. deal? (heheee. i’m so not kidding.) xoxo, tania (i’m totally not a crazy stalker woman. just totally in love with the inspiration you share!)

Melissa - Would I come???
I have friends all over the world, but not one in Kansas! I guess we will see if it is God’s divine intervention that we meet! I sure hope so! Melissa

Emily - Only if you teach me how to sew…I’m so intimidated to try on my own!

ashley - I would but….my craft would just have to be cooking. I swear I don’t have a crafty bone in my body unless it involves something culinary.

Michelle - i would LOVE to be a part of a weekend like that. i am inspired just by your ideas that you all did. sounds like such fun fellowship and girl time!

Regina - i would be all over a craft weekend w/ you & julie. sometimes i feel like such a stalker bouncing b/w you, julie, & elisa lou’s blogs. my favs! i can’t imagine creating, chatting, & spending time w/ ya’ll! i love your giveaway goodies. how fun! the necklace is on my “to do” list and i’ve added her blog to my list!

Jacci - totally. TOtally. toTAlly. I showed my husband photos of your craft weekend the other night – he’d be 100% behind it. It would be so good in so many ways 🙂

Moriah - Yes YES! Awesome,and I am loving that polka dot clipboard!

Karen - I would come, but I would come to get the crafty, I wouldn’t bring the crafty. aka, I have no craft skillz.


Julie Weaver - Yes, I would absolutely come!

Michelle - OMGosh!!

Kristina Abel - I would just be beside myself. I need inspiration to be more creative and also to learn how to better balance my work/life time. I love my job, but when I come home I’m wiped out and I don’t even have kids yet! I currently have about 20 projects that I own supplies for and have never had the time to finish. The thing that was most inspiring to me was the comaraderie between the women and how everyone learned a bit more about themselves during that trip. Plus, my sewing machine would get more love if I could learn how to really use it!
Eat, craft and antique – that’s my ideal vacation! 🙂

Amber - I would come in a heartbeat!

Dawn - I would love it. My goal is to be more crafty but my friends aren’t having it.

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - O.K. so I think I already left a comment but my computer shut down…so I think it got lost…SO I AM SOOOOO there! I will come and craft and cook and clean…it is so much easier to do at someone elses house! What an absolute blast that would be. Is this like a give away…I never win those things…EVER…but I would jump on a plane to hang with you…your hilarious…and I L.O.V.E. to craft! O.K. so let us all know like a.s.a.p. what the dealieo is!

Laura - I would TOTALLY be up for a crafting weekend!!!

lesley - Oh yes, I do believe I would come, but let’s be clear….you’re talking about crafting with YOU in KS, right? Cuz if it’s some creepy old lady you found in the cellar, I’ll have nothing to do with it. 🙂

Linda B - Yes, if I could convince my husband he could handle the kids on his own …

Jenny Logan - I am not too terribly crafty, but I would love to have a fun craft weekend!!

Jessica - I would love to, if I had a way of getting there. I used to live in Manhattan when I was a student at K-State (I know, you’re in Jayhawk town…how was that game yesterday 🙂 ?), so I’d love an excuse to go back!

katie m - I would REALLY REALLY want to…but I dont know if I could leave the family…plus I’ll have a newborn soon too. 🙂 Plus I would be really nervous. hehe


Tracy - I most definately would! I’m thrifty, not so much crafty…more of a ‘wannabe’. A room full of strangers doesn’t scare me near as much as the sewing machine! 😉 I’m within minutes of you too!

Kristin - I would if I didn’t have to fly! Houston to Kansas can’t be that long of a drive, right? 😉

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - I am soooo there…tell me when! I want to come craft…and laugh while listening to you! I will even cook…I will clean too…but I am a much better cooker than a cleaner…that makes it sound like I am not clean…no I just don’t love it like June Cleaver…you get it. YES I am there…tell me when! What an a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e baahhlast!

Gevay - I’d be nervous about meeting new people (I always am), but I would come!

Lisa - I would so be there! If at all possible!

Lynne - Of course! Just would be worried that I would be out of my Crafting League!

ali - YES! YES! YES! I would most definitely travel to KS for a craft weekend!

Sarah Vaughn - wow, so super cute! I love your blog, love it!!!

Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - I was hoping you would ask. My husband calls you “the friend you’ve never met”, so it’s only fitting that we actually meet one day.

Stephanie Ginther - oh my goodness, oh my goodness… i found your blog right after you had that craft weekend and i was so jealous of it. KANSAS is my favorite place on face of the earth.. I was born and raised here and I go to KU now. If you had another weekend, I would be there in a heartbeat!

Vicki - Are you kidding me? Of course I’d love to head to Kansas to craft with you! (Especially if we can stop by that antique store, too!). In the mean time, I’d love to win this fabulous giveaway!!

Jennifer - I would love to say “in a heartbeat”! But, I’m not ready to leave my babies for that long yet, so I guess my answer is “In a heartbeat! in a few years….” :o)

Valerie Alexander - Oh yes, Yes, YES!!! It would be delightful. I just want to see your house, looks lovely from all your pictures. Oh, and meet you too! 🙂 I follow a lot of blogs, but you by far are my fave!!

Christy Pair - Totally. I live in Kansas and LOVE craft weekends.

Michele - I would absolutely love to come for a craft weekend! I am not sure how crafty I am, but I am a lot of FUN! 🙂

virginia - totally!

Kara Tait - HECK YES, if someone sponsored my flight 🙂

Laura Phelps - I think you know my answer.

mandy friend - i so would come. but i’m half way across the country in Oregon! unless you wanted to fly here and then road trip it with me? we could hit up every sonic and antique store on the way! Ha!

Donna - I would LOVE to come to Kansas for a Craft Weekend!!! I even have a free plane ticket:) I don’t drink coffee but I would bring loads of Diet Coke and lost of money to spend at your awesome antique stores. I would love it!

siobhan - i would be there in a happy second:)

Valerie Page - I would LOVE to come to Kansas for a craft weekend. But I have no airfare money with having 3 girls. Would you ever consider coming to Vegas? I LOVE THE CLIPBOARD and PILLOW!!!!

Shannon Grund - Ummmm, SHYEAHHHHH. I would totally be there !!!

Courtney - i don’t know if i would come…it would be so scary to me! does that make me ineligible for the fun stuff?? 🙂

Rebecca L. - I LOVE crafting, and I would double LOVE to see your house in person–you and I have such similar taste in style. So, YES, if I could. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE polka dots. That clip bord is adorable.

Ashley - I think a craft weekend in Kansas would be the best thing ever!! I never get out and do anything FUN, or travel anywhere I have never been! School pretty much consumes my whole life, and I would LOVE to learn from a group of ladies what crafting is all about!! That would be a dream come true!

christi - i would totally do a craft weekend with bloggy people!! and annie’s glasses are fantastic!!

Mrs. Edberg - I would totally come to a craft weekend! But, only if I could bring my mom, she’s in desperate need of a min-vacation and I could use it as her college graduation gift!

Kim K. - I would love to come – can my dog Piper come too and play with Waffle? I think she has a little crush on him (or her??). Love the crafts!!

tracy b - oh, I would be so nervous I would talk myself out of it, and then regret it and then build up the courage to just do it already. I am working on being brave 🙂
love the giveaway!

jeana - I would LOVE to, although I’m not very crafty, I love to learn =]

Sheri - I love craft dates – my friends have them often – would be in in KS or FL – you could join us too 🙂

tiffany - i’m not a crafter AT ALL 🙂 which just makes me appreciate these things even more.

Nikki - I would totally go if I were closer. What a cute giveaway!

Juli - I’d go in a New York minute! I lived outside Wichita for six years when I was a child, and I miss it still. And the opportunity to make new friends, craft for a week, and see your beautiful family and lovely house…too wonderful to miss!

Emily - That would be so much fun!!!

Stacey F - I would LOVE to come, but there is one problem I’m not the most crafty person; however, my daughter is and she would so be in heaven …..already making some of the so cute crafts you showed!

Gina - Heck yes! That would be so fun!

Casey - I would love to! How odd would that feel though… I have had at least one child with me at all times for the last 11 years. Being childless for a girls weekend would be awesome!

Erin - WOW! That would be awesome!!! I would love to!

Cherish Stockdale - Heck ya I totally would! But I’d have to ask Julie what airline is sketchy air so I could get some cheap tickets out!! 😉 such fun things love them all! 🙂

Shawna - Yes! Kansas is a long way from home (Vancouver Canada) but why wouldn’t I!?!?!? Would be so fun!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh mercy i would so love to win this! best giveaway ever…such fun, happy things. 🙂 and YES YES YES i want to come to a craft weekend in Kansas!!!!!! waving my hand furiously and holding it up higher with my other hand. 🙂

Mrs. B. - I love to win prizes, but I definitely do not like to make crafts…so I would have to sit and laugh, read, eat, drink coffee, or play the piano at a craft weekend;)

sam - Yes, I would.

Melissa - YES, YES, YES!!!!
would be so fun!

Olly - Please let me know when, maybe a few weeks in advance, cause i would have to book a flight from frankfurt (germany)… cool would that be…..:-)))) greetings from germany…..and looking forward for your etsy-shop to open, hope you ship to germany too….olly

G. - I think it would be a blast to come to a craft weekend! 🙂

Michelle Whitlow - Ya know, I was thinking when you posted about your craft weekend that I was *so* jealous! For some reason I just really haven’t found people who love to craft as much as I do {{sad face}}. I’m hoping with an upcoming big move that maybe I’ll find some girls that love it like I do!
Btw, your giveaway totally inspired me…I have an old shirt of my daughter’s that looks just like that pink polka dot background. And seeing that ruffle pillow makes me want to cut it up and make a cute pillow out of it 🙂

Christy - I want to come so badly! I live close too:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Well, I sure would WANT to go. I can tell you that.

Amy M in Indiana - If I could come, I would love to! How fun would that be??!!

Megan H. - I would in a HEARTBEAT! (if someone else would pay my airfare! 😉 lol) How about you come to Wisco??

Ashley - I would totally come craft. I already live in KS, so I wouldn’t have to travel too far, but I still think it would be awesome :o).

Elizabeth - Absolutely I would! I want to learn from the best!!!

Monica - Of course I would come, Sketchy Air flies almost any where!

Whitney Benson - Let me think….YES! Except I would feel so inadequate. The only thing I can do is scrapbook, but I would LOVE to learn how to sew!

Dawn Eshnaur - I already commented once about how my friend and I would LOVE to come to a craft weekend! She is from Newton so we feel we already know you!!!

Cathy - in a word…. YES!!!! I WOULD COME!!!!!! I’m an art teacher. I have GOBS of ideas…. AND I’ve been dying to meet you anyway. SO…’s simple……PICK ME!!!!

Jill - I am commenting not to win the drawing (although it would be nice!)….but to tell you that YES, YES I would come for a craft weekend! The time away, being creative, girly chit-chat, good food. Sounds wonderful!

katie p - i love these crafts! i need to learn how to use my sewing machine :/

Laura - I would fly to Kansas and how I would love to spend a quality weekend with other women….and create, eat, shop, laugh. I can’t think of anything better. I’m nursing a baby right now, but I’m ready to purchase my plane ticket!!!!
Love your blog. Am a young (well, older than you, but we are young 🙂 Mom to seven.
I try my best to be crafty, but am not very creative 🙁

sherry - I would love to come. My whole family lives in KS, I live in Seattle…would be a perfect opportunity for sure. Can I bring my madre?

Amy D. - I would totally come to a craft weekend! How awesome is that!?

Michelle Burke - Would love it so much. Mainly because I am a wisher-wanter-watcher and not enough of a do-er(make sense?) lol…it looked so fun and the food…ohhhhh, to die for…..!!!!!

gina f. - a craft weekend in Kansas?…now that would be a dream come true! I loved all the projects you did and would love to go antiqueing/thrifting.

Maria Burke - I would totally come!!! 🙂

Christy - Totally would!

Angela - I’ve never been to Kansas, so hey, I’m game. And I love to craft – you have definitely inspired me to carve out time to create. And just so you don’t think you’re alone regarding Valentine’s day. I’m right there with you. I love my hubby, but he has never been and never will be a huge Valentine’s Day celebrater. But that’s perfectly OK with me.

Leah Jones - yes I would love to come! and love those goodies you’re offering! Checking your blog every day makes me smile 🙂

Pam - I’d be all over a craft weekend in Kansas!! What a fun idea.

Redshoesrolling - If you would have asked me that a year ago the answer would have been a definite no. But after reading your blog for a little over a year now, I would come for sure. I feel such a kinship with you as a wife, a mother and a child of God. I would be really nervous about it, but I would go for it.

Terri - Umm… YESSSSS! And you things from craft weekend are really cute. LOVE.

jen smith - oh absolutely yes!!! i may want to come more to see your house than to craft but i LoVe crafting too so it would be a win win for me!!!

Kim - In a heartbeat. 🙂

Beth Iversen - I live in Kansas and am a Railer grad. I would love to have a craft weekend. I do not have a lot of friends that like to craft. I was sort of made fun of and called grandma for my crafting intrests. Happy to find a craft community online. Love all bright colors!!

staceyb - ummm, Yes. yes. and YES! 🙂 these are happy thoughts indeed.

Natalie - Heck yeah!! Would love too!

Tanya H - HECK YES!!! Are you kidding?? That would be so awesome! I *would be a bundle of nerves but it would rock the whole year!
I love your happy mail!!

Karen Lehmann - i would give anything….a tooth, an arm, my first born child. well, maybe not the firstborn – she’s fully trained…but any of the others. or the dog…yes, I would definitely give the dog.

Nichole Kopp - I would love to come a tour of your house, meet your lovely family, and craft who could ask for more! After reading your craft weekend post I immediately emailed my best girlfriends and said we should do this! I’ll come to KS you come to WA, deal?

Ayelet - Oh yes, I would definitely come!

sarah - Umm duh. I’d totally want to come.

Jen - I would! I love meeting new people.

Jenn - I love the idea of craft weekend in Kansas however the reality of making it happen with two small kids and a full time job is pretty dang small… However if you are ever visiting Seattle and want to pop over the mountains to my house I would happily host a NW craft weekend! Glad you are enjoying all your crafting these days!

marnie scott - i would SO love to meet random women, and leave with new friends. glad you all enjoyed your lip balm gift!

ROBBIE - no pondering just a simple YES!

SammaMichelle - well holy cow batman I would!!! I would love to win those swah-eet crafts too. I live in Texas so I’m sure there are even other crafty bloggers that would love to carpool and come craft with you. I would be Verrrry verrry nervous but I’d still come!

Jacqui - yes …. oh my goodness YES!! spending a craft weekend with unknown bloggers who make the most wonderful things and write the most amazing blogs ….. ahhhhhhhhhhh YES!

Deborah - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Let me make sure you heard…..YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I would so come! Sounds like so much fun!

Wendy - I would for sure! I think it would be very fun. Love craft ladies nights. Do them sometimes at my house. Need to have another now that I think of it.

Jessica - that sounds kind of cool..!

Courtney Hohimer - oh my gosh YES YES YES AND A RESOUNDING YES! I would LOVE to come to a craft weekend with a bunch of blogging crafting strangers!

Ashley - I’d do it in a heartbeat! It almost doesn’t seem a couple of states away, and blogland isn’t THAT big. 😉

Karen - I would LOVE it! I keep teasing my hubby that he needs to send me away on a crafting/sewing weekend for my 30th birthday- this would be perfect!! Love the stuff you gals made on your crafting weekend- so fun!

Vonda - That would be soooooo fun!!!!!! 🙂 I don’t leave my family much, but it would be an amazing experience for sure! I love your blog and if I only have time to read one in the morning, yours is IT!

Shannon - YES yes yes I would!

Jill - Yes!! I would love to craft for a weekend!

Courtney - Oh.My.Goodness YES! The answer is yes a million times and not just for the free craft goodies… for the CRAFTING, girlie time, good food, making new friends, and antiquing!!! I hate to admit it, but I was immediately jealous when I saw the gorgeous shots of the antique store.

Courtney Henson - Wow, so me and 476 other gals are totally meeting at your house! Do you think you could accommodate us all? I say yes a thousand times because I already know the power of blog friendships. I have made some of the dearest friends through blogging and many I get to be “real” friends with now too! We did a blogging retreat last March on the Washington coast. We had blog friends come from as far as Australia, the South, the Midwest, California…we were really representing! It was a sweet, beautiful, God filled weekend. It is really amazing how God can bring friendships out of this old internet thing! Loved seeing your craft weekend with all of your amazing blog friends!

jaye h. - oh yea…I’d be there! My daughter and I LOVE visiting your blog! You inspire us to be more creative. We talk about things we’ve seen on your blog as if we know you personally. My husband just rolls his eyes…he just doesn’t get it…but that’s okay!! 🙂

Alisha Gibb - Heck ya! That sounds like so much fun!

Jen K - That sounds very enticing! I would love to win the giveaway so I don’t have to try and make my own necklace and pillow! 🙂

Karrie Ann - YES! Absolutely! I just found your blog last night and am smitten! With husband out of town and kids asleep I had an unusual opportunity to look for sewing projects on-line, which lead me to your “craft weekend” post. I live only an hour and a half SE of your Marion antique store! I THINK I could leave my littles (2,3, and 4) for an treat like that!
In His Peace,
Karrie Ann

Deb A. - How cool would that be. I would love to come. Do I need to have a blog?

Heather - Yes, yes, yes I would come! And I’m not too far away (live in Olathe with some family still in Hutch).
Oh, look at the can of worms you opened!

Rachel - A craft weekend would be awesome, just like this giveaway!

Jill Tracy - I would totally love to come for a craft weekend! Sounds F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C!!!!!!

Julie Baldwin - I absolutely would come. However you would all laugh at my Type A personality way of doing crafts (I’m a CPA, really, really Type A).

Melinda - I love Kansas…it would wonderful. i Have my ruby shoes too,

Ryanne - Oh my goodness. I totally would. I am trying to teach myself how to sew, so that would be so motivating for me, not to mention fun. Oh, I would love, love, love, love to.

Donna Bailey - I would LOVE a craft weekend! I make lots of fun things, I love to sew and papercrafts are also a favorite. But I really love to cook for a group. I would be happy to make great food for everyone!

Emma - Absolutely! A reason to get away for the weekend, craft, fellowship and fun! What more could a mom of a 19 month old ask for!

CAROL B - i love craftin’ but I would be much better suited with the girls I hang out no I wouldn’t, but now if you said we would all go junkin’ then I’d be there in a heartbeat!! I love that big polka dot flower and thats what I really want!!

cristen - Are you kidding me!!!??? I would love to come to a craft weekend. After you posted your last one I thought…how can I do this in my house with friends near or far? I just loved the idea!
I also would love to be entered to win these gifts. Love them but love them more because they are hand made!

Renae - You wrote this post specifically for me right? Of course I would come! And i’d pay for my own gas. 🙂

Tere - I’d come. All the way from Seattle, WA. I’d bring a BIG suitcase full of craft goodies and big enough to bring some vintage finds home. I’d cook and clean.

Stephanie - I would probably freak out thinking no one would like me and say I would come but then not but then my husband would make me and I would love it and never want to go home.

Sarah - I think I would! It’d just have to fit in the budget. Provided stuff would help! 🙂

Robin - I would absolutely LOVE to if I could swing it during the timeframe it was planned! None of my girlfriends here are crafters so I’m all alone in my craftiness most of the time. So sad! 🙁

rebecca jordan - ABSOLUTELY! and i will be very excited and take lots of pictures and blog about it and maybe die with excitement (okay not die… thats a little intense.)

Gail - Yes, I live in Wichita and would love to come and craft with you for a weekend. I love how bright and cherry your blog is, a nice change from all the white and neutral which I adore as well.

Jenn - I think a craft weekend would be fun. It would have to be a learning weekend for me because I don’t know how to do any crafts. I grew up in Kansas and now I’m in Kansas City, so I wouldn’t be too far away.

Jen - YES YES YES… How awesome would a craft weekend at Meg’s be… Love all your goodies made from the last time… I think I commented on yours, Julie’s, and Ashley’s blog about the weekend one word… JEALOUS! Pure Goodness for sure!

Molly Pearce - Yes! But I would have to drive because I am horrfied of planes, ha ha! I love me some crafts! At church the youth girls want to have a “craft time with Molly”, ha ha! Have a fabulous day!!
~Molly P

Christy - YES! I think it would be a blast. I am pretty shy, but something tells me being there I wouldn’t be. 🙂 Crafting, antiquing & girl time, sign me up!

Angie - I don’t know if I would come to a craft weekend. I would want to, but I would be so nervous!
P.S. Those sunglasses are a-mazing!!

Kristin Hayne - Heck to the yeah!!! I try and do a couple girl trips a year to do crafty things and would LOVE to partake in a weekend like this!! Would probably even pay to do it!! 😉 That would be super nice and generous of you!! Thanks for the chance Meg!!

karen - I would love to come to KS for a craft weekend, but really just to meet you!

Tracy D. - Yes!

Sharla - Would LOVE to come to a craft weekend – I’m a short drive away and would SO be there! 🙂 Love that rainbow necklace. . . .

nicky - YES YES YES! my friend Jina and i were just talking about your craft weekend and how much we want to have one. it looked like such a fun respite for busy moms. and we are both sewing machine virgins so we loved to see that you showed other newbies the ropes!

Yolanda - I would, but I don’t think I am crafty enough to hang with all you talented ladies! Thanks for the giveaway though. 🙂

Leslie - OMG!!! How I would love to come to your girly craft weekend and make pins and necklaces and pillows and clipboards…oh my!!! What a fun time to be with such creative girls and laugh and craft and laugh and drink coffee and be silly!!! :}}}}}}

Krista - I would come if you didn’t live so far away…
(I LOVE this giveaway!)

rychelle - yes, yes, YES!
(until then, you’ve inspired me to host a craft weekend for some girlfriends here in vegas!)

Nicole Q. - I’d be like Kimberlee fearing the craft projects with such PRO crafters but I’m all over the shopping and girl time!! Love a weekend with you and some girls. I told Kimberlee the other day I need to come down for a week this summer with the kids and we can all three hook up.

tara - of course! i suck at sewing though. would there be non-sewing crafty stuff? 🙂

BriBedell - I live in Michigan, would love to come to Kansas and hang with some ladies and get my craft on! (Then I could visit my friend who moved to Kansas last year) Yay!! Pick me 🙂 Would there also be some antiquing invovled?? I would totally drive my mom van there just so I could bring a lot of stuff back <3 LOL

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - A craft weekend sounds like so much fun……would waffle be there???????? I {heart} waffle…..

Nicole Ackman - I would love to come, but we dont always get what we want. I am luck to be able to leave the house for a few hours to craft an that is when I am going down the street

Kelly - uh, OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Mindy Harris - meg,
i think it’s so neat that you get happy mail from your readers. my blog is much smaller than yours, but from time to time i will get a blessing in the mail that totally makes my week!! and a BIG FAT YES to the craft thing you are wanting to host. i am considering hosting my own and was going to ask you if you wanted to be a guest sewing expert. i have friends in CA and NYC who want to come….but if you host your own, then, well maybe we’ll all be there. would you have enough mattresses? i live in wichita so if you needed any of your crafting invitees to have another place to stay they could stay at my cool mid-century decorated home! 🙂 thank you for being an encourager in my life. a motivator to be confident in my abilities!

Lisa - I would want to but I don’t craft… like at all. I think God gave me other great qualities but creativity was not one of them. I wish I was more creative and crafty. 🙂

patti - In a heartbeat!!

Staci - WOW!!!!!! I soooo won’t win this…but I would sure love to 🙂 And YES YES YES!!!! I would LOVE to come and craft with you!!!!! I only live in Oklahoma….would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!!!! Can you tell how excited I am 🙂 I have to tell you…I sewed….a duvet…well, more like a blanket this past weekend!!!! This is exciting because I don’t know how to thread a needle 🙂 How do people work with allll that fabric???!!! Okay, seriously….I would love a craft weekend in Kansas!!!! I make some mean monkey bread!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway Megan!!!

Melissa - I would love a weekend crafting with new friends! I don’t have a blog of my own (yet) but I have a couple of name ideas that I’m kicking around for my new-mom craft blog. This would be a great way to get started! 🙂

Mary P. - I don’t even want to think about it since I’m working on being content. I would so love it though. FYI, we had pizza last night too and that was it. Have a good day!

because love is a lifestyle - That would be so wonderful! I would love that! Pick me, please pick me, hee hee!

Erin Kirby - yes! i would just have to convince the husband to watch our newborn twins! ha!

K(is)Sing - Yes! That would be awesome! I’ve always wanted to go to Kansas. 🙂

Sabina - I would love love love to come for a craft weekend 🙂 but I live far far far away (Poland) so it might not be easy for me to just hop on a plane and come to you…but I sure love reading your blog : )

Dani - Heck Yeah! I would love that! I have a ton a crazy crafty ideas, but never have time to get them done. A weekend of meeting people and crafting…. ahhhh a dream come true!

Sonya - ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY! 🙂 Love your blog, love your crafts, love your personality!

Mandi Buccafusco - Yes! I would definitely want to come but since I’m not a “good” crafter, I would just watch and see all the cute things everyone else makes. I LOVE all those prizes! And I LOVE your blog.

Heidi - Of course! 🙂

Heather - I’m SO in. How much fun that would be!! We could watch hilarious movies and sew and drink coffee and scrapbook and go to that awesome antique place you took the bloggers to! It would be like a super-fun dream. 🙂

Kirsten - Do you have to have a blog to come?

Maria - I so would! Sounds like so much fun!

Jessica Clevering - I would love, love a craft weekend!

jess - it looks like everybody is IN!!! are you ready for us!!!????

Cora Anne Designs - I would come! I would come!!

erica - sounds like FUN!!!

Jennifer Allred - Ummm, yes for sure! Just down the road from you in Wichita so it is totally do-able for me too! Really wish I could have crashed your last one 😉
And as a random aside, we have done many of your craft thursday ideas on any given day, but this summer we’re going for a special day just for crafts b/c we had so much fun over the past few months! Wouldn’t it be cool to have lots of mamas everywhere doing craft days on all different days with their kiddos?
OK, back to regularly scheduled commenting! I WOULD LOVE TO COME CRAFT WITH YOU!

ShelbyP - Oh, that would be fun! And I live withing driving distance. Craft weekend is a great idea!

megan - heck yes, i would come!! sounds like so much fun!
i would just have to figure out how to get there!

Kimberly - Oh yes I would!!! How much fun would that be, wow!!

Kate Cupps - Maybe I’m the only sane one here, but I think going all the way to Kansas (from AZ) to craft with a bunch of strangers is out of the question! I’m sure you’re all lovely ladies, but no… I just couldn’t do it. 🙂

Lisa - I thought you’d never ask!! Of course I would! I would probably have to do more of the cooking than the crafting because I’m sewing challenged! 🙂

jodi - In a heart beat!

Regina - I’d be there with bells on! 🙂

Alisa - I love to craft but kansas is kinda far from me (Utah) so don’t think I could make it.
I look forward to reading your blog everday. Thanks for sharing.

Leah - I’m in. Let me know the date.

elisabeth (bovagoods) - i wonder if my bernina would fit in the overhead compartment? 😉 i would be there in a heart beat!!!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, I would honestly love to.

Karyn - ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!? I would LOVE to come to Kansas to meet you and craft! All the way from Western Canada!

Bailey - Would LOVE to travel for a crafty, girly weekend!!

Stacey - Absolutely!!!! Fun fun fun! Your blog and these crafts are adorable!

Andrea T. - I am a very outgoing person so I would LOVE to come to KS for a craft weekend 🙂

jennifer s - Heck ya! and since I live in Kansas it would be a short 4 hr trip south. Love LOve the messy flower pin, must make one

Lindsey Jo - if the stranger was you, yes. if the stranger was really a stranger, maybe.

Alison - yay!! How fun would that be!!! and i would get to meet you!

Lelia - How fun! I would come!! I would need major help w/the crafts — I’m not too crafty! 😮 I love seeing all of the pretties that you all create though! =D

jennie sanders - oh my gosh , yes!!! That would be a dream. I have been reading and enjoying your blog for about a year now. You are so creative and inspirational. Would love to get together and craft!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - ummmm, HECK YEAH!
I’d load up the suburban with my handy, dandy sewing machine, some Dove chocolate, and hit every Sonic between SC and Kansas in route!

Jessica - I would be nervous & EXCITED to be blessed with the presence of fellow crafters & the amazing energy that come with them…I love your honesty Meg, makes me feel NORMAL that I am not the only mom with the thoughts you have! Granted I only have 2 children, with a 3rd on the way…I don’t know how you keep the cool with 5! I would be racing to the airport if I had the opportunity!

Kristi - I am in Canada- so it is a bit far, but man, would it be fun!

Blaire - I would LOVE to come to a craft weekend in KS! I wonder how long it would take me to get there from TX. Hmmmm. There is nothing better than making something with you hands while spending time with wonderful women!

Kirsten J - I *think* I would come…I’m kind of a chicken about traveling….but a craft weekend would be a good carrot at the end of the stick for me.

Debbie - Yes, yes, yes. It would give me TIME to craft.

Shelly foster - Oh my goodness gracious ! YES, YES, YEEEEESSSSSS ! I would so be there …in a flash !

Jody - I would actually come too – I cannot imagine getting away to JUST DO CRAFTS!!! how utterly awesome. I am home full time with four boys. I squeeze in craft time whenever I can!!!
Love your blog. Now…how far away is Kansas from WI?? :)))

Laura - yeah!! I need a ruffle pillow in my life!

Alisa - I would totally come!!!! I live in Kansas too so it wouldn’t be too far, but all the more do-able, right? Plus, I love to craft so it’s a match made in heaven 🙂

Allie E. - Be there or be square!

Holly - Um, in a heartbeat! (even better if I could bring my sister – we could road trip it in my MINI Cooper Convertible!)

erin - would feel like i had won the lottery if i went crafting in kansas!!

Alice H - I definitely would come to Kansas for a craft weekend! I need a break 🙂

Hayley - Of course! I’d love to come.

Megan - I would. I would be terrified, but I would…..maybe.

amanda - please, please, please can I have it? love this cute stuff!

Hannah - i most definitely would. 🙂

steph - oh gosh… it feels like the school yard all over again! ha ha ha! pick ME, pick ME, PICK ME!!!!!!!!
it’s so funny you post about this b/c the whole time i was reading your post about the crafting weekend, i was like, “man… is this weird but i SO want to be there too!!! i don’t know these women but i know i’d have a blast!” and now, here we are! so in a short answer, YES i’d love to come for a craft weekend. i would totally be there in a heartbeat. give me a chance… i promise i’ll bring YOU some goodies!!!! 🙂

elz - I would love to come to a Craft Weekend with you. Kansas is a little far away, but maybe a roadtrip?!

Tiffany Kraght - oh my goodness, i saw your post about your crafty blogger weekend and instantly called my sister in law and said we have to do that!!!
i also bookmarked the necklace tuturial so i could make one for myself!

Shelby - YES! It’d be a long drive but that’d be SO cool!

Sophie - I would TOTALLY come to a craft weekend in Kansas.
But I doubt it’d ever be possible for me. I live in London so it’s a LONG way way from home… And probably very expensive to get there 🙁

Amy James - When I read about your weekend I remember thinking how brave everyone was to come together. At that time I asked myself if I would be brave enough to go if ever asked. It made me nervous just thinking about it. I am working so hard to get out of my box and I answered myself with a definitive “YES”. And yes, I do talk to myself 🙂 Love you, Love your blog!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - I’m thinking you didn’t get many ‘no’s. I would love to come back. With no baby distractions.

Danielle H. - Oh, I would so totally come to a craft weekend!!! So many peeps in my life just don’t understand the joy that is crafting and the joy that is reading blogs of “strangers”!!! Since watching The Wizard of Oz since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted to visit Kansas…..

Myriah Mae - I would absolutely LOVE to come to a craft weekend at your house!!!

Geli - How did you make the yellow polka dot clipboard? For some reason
I love clipboards….

Sami - Wow, you’re going to have a really packed house at this craft weekend!! And I do love me some friendly crafting…

shannan - Can I come tomorrow???? How about I host a craft weekend here: and you can be the guest of honor on the west coast? I know you have some girls out this way! But Kansas would be awesome!

Kerri - I couldn’t leave my boys to come – which is why I need the package! haha 🙂 I think when my little one is 5 I will feel better about traveling without them. There will be time for me again one day, these days are too precious and fleeting for me to miss. In the mean time, I love watching all of the fun things you ladies do! I think you should totally do another weekend!

Amber G - I would love to come to a craft weekend, you all had too much fun.

debbie - My bags are already packed for the craft weekend! Even thought I can be shy, I would have no fears that everyone would be nice and friendly, because the women who read and comment on your blog are an awesome bunch!

kat - Yes, yes, a thousand times, YES! I mean, um, sure, I’d come to a craft weekend at your house… I get super excited just thinking about it!!! Fun company, fun crafts, yummy food, tons of laughter, count me in!!! Please. 😀

robyn - definitely! i went to my first craft weekend in november, and it was heavenly!!!

Karina - I would have to get a passport but I’d love to come. The only part of the USA I’ve been to is Seattle. How far is it to Kansas from here, hmmmmmmmm…according to google, I could drive there in about 26 hours. Which I might do if I could bring my husband and three kids! We have relatives in Ohio, so we could make it into something of a pilgrimage…How many days/weeks can we stay??? (you are probably already regretting this idea, huh?)

april - I would come in a <3 beat!!! It would rock and be so much fun! Those goodies you girls made were so cute and make for a great giveaway!

Jessi - YES.

Stacy Heffington - Absolutely! Oh yeah! Who wouldn’t be up for a girls trip and crafts!!!

Nichole - yes, yes I would, because I wouldn’t have to fly because Nebraska is close by 🙂

Sara W - Yes, I think it sounds fabulous!

Laura - What a lovely giveaway!
I thoroughly enjoyed checking out the blogs you linked when you posted about your craft weekend. Such special ladies, every one of them. I looked at the pictures and read through the story of your weekend together and felt like I was missing from that picture. 🙂 I craft all the time. I have a hard time just sitting without having my hands occupied making something. I’ve made tons of cabochon magnets lately, and you can usually find me making cards, scrapbooking, making Alphamom’s snow globe soaps, or just about anything.
Thanks for the opportunity for one of us to enjoy the craft weekend’s labors!

katie - i loooove this giveaway!!! i would totally do a craft weekend, how fun to meet new people!

Melissa - YES!

Katey Deasy - Girls craft weekend anywhere sounds awesome! I’d do breakfast!

Amanda Jo - I would TOTALLY craft with a bunch of strangers in Kansas!!! It would be SO much fun!!!

Tracy - Ummmm…is there really 2 answers to that question? Yes! Yes! yes! (i guess that is 3 answers). I will even start saving my pennies for air fare right now he!he! (cuz it just might take awhile).

Shannon - If I was super crafty and creative like you I would but I am not so I would spare you from being bored with me 😉
I would go if I could just come and hang out..maybe I would cook and bake for you guys that would be fun!

Megan - Totally! Nobody crafty around here. Love to meet new people!

Shivaun - Ummmmm….. a resounding YES!!! I like you 🙂
I just googled it, and I’m about 10 hours away. I think I’ve got Delta miles somewhere, too… I’ve got a chubby 3 month old you could smooch on! I’d better get packing! 😉

Elizabeth Walters - UMMMMM YES! An added bonus is that my sister lives in KS (and I live way down in Texas)and you know what we would be even MORE awesome?? IF she came too! We LOVE crafting!!!

stephany - ABSOLUTELY! I love Kansas…used to drive all the way across it from Denver to Kansas City, MO to visit my aunts, uncles and grandparents every summer! ;^)
I would love to attend a craft weekend with amazing crafty ladies! I would like to do one here in Oregon, so to see first hand how you do it would be awesome!

Staci B - I would absolutely go to a craft weekend in KS! So much fun to be with great ladies creating!

Amanda - Be there in a heartbeat-lol. How long of a drive is it from central Illinois? 😉

kim g - I would love a craft weekend. What a great idea! Would love to have one with all my friends. Love your blog….thanks for always sharing!

Suzy - I think that would be a blast! It would be therapeutic to have a not only a ‘girls weekend’ but a ‘crafting retreat’ thrown in the mix?! What crazy heaven have I died and gone to?!?!?!:) Thats a big yes from a gal out in Utah, who doesn’t blog, but loves to craft, and loves good friends! Thanks

Camm Taylor - Craft weekend! Would love it! I do have to admit that I am not as ‘crafty’ as you girls…I do love to pretend! I just made my 2nd pom pom necklace like yours. I have gotten tons of compliments! My girls and I love to do the art projects that you do with your family!

Denise Sandberg - Of course I would come! I love doing crafts! and my girls are OLD enough to be without MOM for a weekend!

Jen - I would totally come…and I would be weirded out about it after agreeing to it, and then when I got there I would be like, why was I weirded out?!! It would be amazing, and I would love it!

ashley jensen - I would TOTALLY come to a craft weekend! I would totally be freaking out before hand since I am pretty shy but would get over that! I am only 4 hours away so I could definitley drive!

Janelle - I would LOVE that! Although, tickets from the Virgin Islands may be a little pricey to Kansas. And being the only athiest in the group may make me feel a little out of place! But I think it would still be a blast, I love to craft and am stuck doing craft “kits”. I love the creativity of actually making something not from a kit!

ashlee - i would love to come to a crafting weekend so fun!!!

Katelyn - If I wasn’t a poor college student on the east coast i would be there with bells on! Looks like y’all had amazing fun at your last craft weekend. Meg, love your blog, it’s a daily read!

Tammy - absolutely. no better way to make new friends then to be thrown together in a situation and make the best of it! And I’ve never been to Kansas, so it’d be an exciting adventure!

Elena - I might be one of your youngest attendees, but it would be so awesome to be surrounded by other craft-lovers for a whole weekend!

Nikki - Dude!! I would totally come! Kansas is only one state away from Colorado, after all 🙂 Whoever would say no to that is nuts! Ha!
Cheers 🙂

JennR - I was just telling my husband about this LAST night- how I really admired how you did this, and how much I love your blog and hope that our home is like yours once we have kids. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to come. I just got an antique letterpress that I’m a little afraid of, and would love to have a group of creative women to figure it out with!

Mindy Murray - I so would come to a craft weekend …. I’m trying to be more outgoing ….. and I LOVE to craft, sew, scrapbook, learn something new, anything to just be creative and get a little messy!

Rachel - YES! I’m one of those people that can walk into a room/house full of strangers and strike up a conversation. But, beware…I am a morning person! 😉

Jes - I’m not crafty, I’m a wanna be, but would absolutely show up, hoping to learn a crafty thing or two!

erin j - Yes, please. I don’t do a whole lot of crafting but would love to learn and I miss Kansas so much it hurts (we’re currently living in Chicago…so take lots of pictures of storms if you get the chance).

Sarah Hansen - Totally! I live in Nebraska!

Beth - I love these crafty things, I made a necklace this weekend. The pillow is next on my list. Would love win these to see them in person (to see how well I made mine!)

Jenny - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! It makes me happy! A craft weekend – WOW – amazing fun! Crafting, shopping, hanging out with lovely people…doesn’t get any better. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Lindsay - Most definitely. I’d love some inspiration and fellowship with crafty girls! :

julie - silly question … of course we all would!!! Fun, Fun !!!

Sharen M - Oh Goodness, I’d be there. I’ve been daydreaming of being crafty! It would be an honor to be around other experienced crafters! All it takes is one step to make a start!

Heather - Meg – I would totally come! I live in Kansas, just a few short hours away from you! But here’s the thing – I am NOT crafty! I dream of being crafty. I have crafty thoughts, but then I am paralyzed to actually do anything with those thoughts. I am clean. I like to cook. I bake well. If I’m going to do a “craft” it usually consists of something we can eat when we’re done! LOL Dual purpose craftiness! I love it!

Andrea - I totally would come to a craft weekend with complete strangers! I bet it would be fun, and very much needed!

Jaima - YES, I totally would! I’ve sort of stalked your blog for quiet some time. My husband’s grandmother lives in Kansas and we were there a few weeks ago. We live in Nashville.
And thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Karen - I want the answer to be YES but I’m sure you want me to be honest so the answer would probably be no. I’m painfully shy around new people and the thought of going somewhere by myself to meet a bunch of new people makes my heart beat crazy fast. In fact, when I read that you had done a craft weekend with people you didn’t know before, my heart was beating crazy fast for you.
Love your blog…it’s the only blog I MUST read everyday!!

Laura - Love the prize!! Love the idea of a craft weekend! Not the most crafty YET… but I can learn, right?! Totally awesome! =)

jenn - I would be there in a heartbeat! It would be so much fun! I love the flower pin… too cute 🙂

Andrea Boone - Meg!
I would love love love to come to a craft weekend with you..
I promise not to be so scared of you thinking I was a freaky deaky stocker that I don’t talk much.. like when you took my kid’s pictures!!Which I LOVE still.. can’t wait until spring for more.
So, Yes I would be there in a heartbeat!!
You Rock and inspire me everyday!!!
so YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

dawn - for sure!

Holly - I would love to come to a craft weekend! I was just lamenting to my husband that I have wonderful friends, but no one likes to do any crafts! and I am not happy if I am not doing something!

Gale - I’d be there in a heartbeat – since I only live about two hours away! 🙂 I read your blog first every morning to remind me there are colorful, cool, fun people close to me….and have used your Mom’s margarita recipe from the craft weekend post quite often since I read it! 🙂 What fun it would be… sign me up!! (cute, cute goodies, too – can’t wait for the shop to open!) Also, BIG congrats on being chosen for Matthew Mead’s mag!!! You’ll be a perfect fit! 🙂

Shawna - I would love to come, but my kids keep me busy right now.

Becca - Oh yes I would LOVE to go to a craft weekend with all of you talented ladies 🙂 That would be so fun. I do have a 3 year old and 9 month old at home though.. so working that out would be.. interesting 🙂

Kelsey - Of course I would attend a craft weekend in KS, but your going to need a big house with 300 of us there.

Jeannette - I would LOVE to come crafting with you and other bloggers (or non bloggers). I don’t have a blog YET, I am still mustering up the courage :). I’m in Florida but I’d be on a plane in a minute….count me in!!!!!

Shiloh Walter - I am a wannabe crafter…..All these ideas, but never finding the time to follow through. I would love a craft weekend, and I’m only a hop, skip, and a jump away! - I would love it!!! I would have the best time, i need it so badly!!

amy Mumaw - Oh yes, I need to learn how to craft!!!
Amy Mumaw

Kimberly - totally!! except i cannot craft.
i love that necklace!!! i must have it. amy, do you sell them?

Jenn - I would if I could. I love meeting new people.

kate - Would love to but even more think it would be fun if we organized a bunch going on during the same weekend at different places around the country….can I host Southern California?!?!?

Jennifer - I so would! You guys looked like you had such a great creative time. I find that I am the most creative when surrounded by other caring creative people.

Molly - YES! some of my favorite bloggers were at your last one! If they were there again (and I am not saying they would have to be to get me to come) but if they and you (of course) were I would be like a 7 year old at a Hannah Montana concert!!! and my husband would laugh at me for my complete excitment! But even with all my excitment I would probably still need to bring a friend along:)

alamama - totally! what great fun it would be! i’d even wash my floor for that one! heehee!

Heidi - YES YES YES! I know Amy J. through her co-worker Nancy. We were both so happy and jealous that she was getting to come to craft weekend!

Stefanie Arnold - heck yes I would come! I would come a non-crafty, clueless lady and leave, one quite inspired, newly creative genius… just like you all 🙂 I’m getting my first sewing machine soon, so I plan on the year 2011 holding many creative moments in it for me 🙂

Tonya - Meg, there are over 200 women who want to come to your craft weekend (there will be many more as the day progresses, I’m sure!), yet somehow I feel there is a chance I could win/get chosen/finagle my way in. HOW DO YOU DO IT??? How do you make each one of us think we could be bffs if ONLY we lived in your town. It’s true. AND I was just lamenting the fact that I don’t have a blog so I couldn’t be invited to your bloggy craft party. Also true. SO what would I do if I came to craft weekend in Kansas? Drool, stare, creep, and snoop, all while trying to appear cool, composed, and worth your time. And I would craft my heart out.

Ashley Crenshaw - I would LOVE to come back home to Kansas and go for a craft weekend!! But.. we’d have to go treasure hunting too! 😉

stephanieT - yes, i would TOTALLY be there…. 🙂

Tracy - I’m not as talented as you, but I would definately come just to meet you and other fun filled girlies 🙂

christy - That would be amazing!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - It looked like you ladies had such a fun time with your craft weekend, how could I refuse!?! I especially loved the embroidery art!
I would have to bring a newborn though, we just had our third child, a son on January 28th!! I’m not a good blogger though, better at reading them. 😉

Sabrina at Tutus and Chaos - You bet I would! I’m another sewing newbie you’d have to help out though.

Cassie Allen - Be in the company of women where we can laugh and share and create and escape? It sounds like a small island of awesomeness. Yep. I would love to be there!

Jamie - YESSS!!! Because going to Kansas would mean I would be going home (I live in Colorado)! I miss Kansas people!!

Jen W. - Oh I’d be in. Scared, way out of my comfort zone, but exhilirated because that’s what living is! Taking risks and getting out there – 2 things I’ve avoided at all costs before but am learning to kind of like…
PS- You’ve made me a lover of rainbows. 🙂

Katie - Of course I would! Be there in a heartbeat!

Kelly - yes, yes I would. If I could meet my *husband* online first and then in person, why not friends? And it would maybe/possibly help me learn to sew! I have gotten the bug to learn. How cool of you to be so open to doing something fun, out of the box and creative! Kelly
p.s. You have a lot of readers from Australia! Fun.

Meredith - I’m in…name the date! 😉

Lindsey - Hmm. I’ll be in Manhattan, KS in April. Sounds fun but I’m not the most crafty person in the world. I do like to get crafty with my camera though!

allie - i would love to come and craft! you need to open an etsy shop!

Nikki from Austin - for sure…and i’ll bring wine from the texas hill country to add to the enjoyment of the weekend. 🙂

Vera - Oh my gosh YES!! I have been obsessed with the idea of a craft weekend because of you and Jess, and so I decided just last week that I am renting a B&B here in Arkansas for some of my friends and I for my birthday and having one of my own, and I am SO SOOO excited. But my best best friend lives in Kansas City and I really need (want!!) to visit her this year too, so I would totally plan a trip up there for some crafting fun AND visiting her. Love all your goodies 🙂

tobi d - Totally!

Jill - TOTALLY! I would come in a heartbeat! (I would need to bring my super adorable baby boy, though) 🙂 I reposted your craft weekend post to my facebook page and hinted to my friends that we must do something like that for my birthday. I live in a house of little boys and never get enough craft time. Ever.
Thank you for the super cute giveaway!

Tracey - In a heartbeat!!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - ABSOLUTELY!!! I loved reading your blog post and looking at the photos of your craft weekend you hosted, the entire thinking how can I get in on that?!?!

Mary-Beth at Short, Sweet Season - I would SO come! Yay for craft weekends!

Verna - I would definitely come to a craft weekend. Ok, allowing for the ability to find a babysitter or have my hubby off work enough to do it. 🙂

Beth - Oh you know it!
That would be awesome….love all those goodies! I need some teachers to help me with my sewing machine I bought a year ago and still have not taught myself how to sew.

Valerie - Yes! What fun! One idea would be to let the winner to a craft weekend bring a friend – may make going to a new place easier(Pioneer Woman does this for her giveaways, which is what made me think of it). I am inspired by your crafts all the time. That fabric in your title has me drooling…and has sent me back to the quilt shop despite my hiatus from having 3 small children …thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Beth - I want, I want! I have been eyeing the fabric flowers since your blog weekend post! Pick me. And yes, I would so come to a blogland weekend of fun!

Anna Marie - If everything panned out for me I would be there in a heartbeat. However, I am due with our 2nd in 3 months and a newborn might make that a little difficult. But I would SO wish I was there!

Beth - Yes, yes I would. And I’d love every minute of it! Thanks for asking.

Laura - I wouldn’t be opposed, but I am not very crafty, so I’d help cook, clean up, and take photos. I’d watch very closely at all the creativity. I’m so inspired by all of you crafty women!

Stephanie - I’d be there with bells on!Thanks for sharing the love!

april's craft nest - craft weekend? a weekend dedicated to craft? that sounds like the best time ever! except i would be very nervous and my husband would make me even more nervous! “you’re meeting people you’ve never met, except on-line….in another state….and you have to get on a plane to get there…?” even with all that though…that sounds fun! 😉

courtney - oh my goodness! how fun! welp, i would definitely consider coming. when i looked at your pictures from craft weekend, i thought i would totally fit in with you guys. the reason i’m not saying YES immediately is because #1. i am sooo scared to fly and i’ve never flown by myself. #2. i’m so not crafty. BUT you had some non-crafty friends and i know you’d welcome me with open arms – crafy or not! :o) oh, and did i mention i totally love that prize of rainbowy, bright goodness? i would be so excited to receieve that in the mail!

Melissa - OH! I absolutely would come! When I read your post I was thinking, man I wish I had freinds that would do something like that- so awesome! (not that my friends aren’t awesome…just a different kind of awesome!) Have a great Tuesday!

Jenny Joy - I live in Kansas, and LOVE the idea of a crafty weekend. That’s the kind of stuff that feeds the soul, me thinks. It would be a tiny bit scary at first (crafting with strangers), but I’m pretty sure that anyone in attendance wouldn’t be a stranger for long. 🙂

Sarah - I would definitely come. And my in laws live in Kansas so they could watch my girls!

Laurie - Absolutely. That’s my kind of weekend!

cindy - I would love to come to meet you and your friends and craft with you guys! Sounds amazing! Your blog has inspired me in so many ways! Thank you so much. I don’t know how you make friends from blogging as you and others have mentioned because I just feel like a blog stalker most of the time. Events like this would make it possible without it being weird you know? 🙂

ingrid - crafting weekend in kansas….sign me up (please)!

Jessica M - I would love to come. I might just need a little pep talk 🙂

Naomi - Gosh, I would love to attend a craft weekend, but I’m a student in the UK so I think the airfare to Kansas would be a little too much for me!
Naomi x

Amy - Are you kidding….we’d overtake you town!!!!!

Anessa - I would Love, Love, Love to come!!! 🙂 and I would LOVE all those goodies too.

Kirsten - But of course!!! This would be a dream come true… Creative fun people, getting away from the everyday mess and responsibility of life, and being able to enjoy adult conversation! Bring it on, baby!

colleen - Yes, I would come…In fact, when i saw that one of the girls who came was from Alabama (like me!) i thought how nice it would be to have traveled with her! Maybe as a stow away in her suitcase! Have been toying with writing a blog and would LOVE to be around those amazing women (and the hundreds more that are out there writing wow-worthy blogs).

Jenn Shock - I would be there in a heartbeat! Just give me ample time to look for good airfare! I’d love to meet you and see a new state I’ve never been to.

Sarah - Are you kidding??? Yes I would come! Tulsa isnt that far from KC…

Janae - Sounds fun. I’m an introvert, but love to craft.

LeAnne Cotton - I love to craft – I would come if I could. Sounds fun!!

Routhie - Absolutely! What a treat!

Carrie - I only live a couple hours away…would be fun!

Rebecca - heck yeah, I would! I’d be nervous…but I’d do it in a heartbeat!

Monica Green - Yes! I would love going on a craft weekend, for sure!

lauren - I would absolutely come to a craft weekend with you! For realz!!! My friend and I are trying to plan one of our own! SO much fun to be had!

Ariel - I absolutely would…but I would first have to find a magic wand and make my Mother appear to watch my kids. Hubby is in the Air Force and they don’t give days off…bummer.
Everything you do makes me smile, and makes me feel like a long lost little sister. I think you are the coolest!

CathyC - Oh Man, what are my chances when there are dozens and dozens of lovely women to choose from? OF COURSE I would go to a craft weekend in Kansas with strangers! why on earth not? To meet you (you are my hero that sent me the right way). And since you are picking them, then I know I would learn a lot more than how to craft from each and every one of them.
Have a great day Meg!
Caterina (Cathy)

Natalie - I would love to do a craft weekend with you! I love crafty stuff, but don’t have anything to craft with.

taralee - yes, i totally would! i live in sw missouri, so it wouldn’t be far!

Katherine - I live in Alabama, but I would do everything I could to be there!

Lynette - Definitely, how fun! That is a fabulous giveaway!

Carrie - How sweet of you to share! And I think that I will be in the majority when I say it would be awesome for you to have another craft weekend. I think all your followers were a little jealous we couldn’t be at the first one. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

Jennifer - Are you kidding me?! Do you even have to ask? I would freak out if I was able to visit you for a craft weekend…fingers crossed.

alyssa - umm, yes please.

Morgan G. - Would totally come love crafting and looks like you guys got some great shopping out there in KS!!!!!

Rebecca E - Hi!! Love all the color on your blog!! Such a happy way to start the day!! I don’t really know if I couldmake all of these amazing crafts but would love to try!! Thanks for giving us a chance to win these fun things!!

meredith - ohhh i would love to come! i live kind of far away … but it would be a dream weekend! 🙂

Karie - Absolutely…I’d drive all the way from Wichita 🙂

Christie - That would be amazing! Enjoying your colorful posts!

Marie - Ummm….let me think about it…YES! Are you kidding? That would be AWESOME!!!

sarah c - Absolutely! It would be a lot of fun!! You should do it.. and invite me ok?! 😉

stevie - Ummm….YES! I would definetly come for a craft weekend.

Becca Fort - Of course I’d come to kansas for the weekend! I love to travel and love meeting new people even more so I’m there. Plus, I have a killer sewing machine and some cool fabric but less than stellar skills on the machine. so it would be a great learning experience too.

Penny - I would be there in a heartbeat. It looks like my kind of weekend.


Janine - You know from reading your blog, and a bunch of others I feel like I already know you guys. Which is so weird because you haven’t a clue who I am. I might seriously consider a trip out to Kansas to craft! Oh and that necklace is adorable.

Tania K - I would love to. The only problem I not as crafty as you 🙁

Meggan D. - I LOVE the idea of a craft weekend. And I’d like to think I’d go. But the truth is I need to take a vacay with my husband before I dash off on my own 😉 I really loved seeing your photos, though. The ALL inspire me… not just the craft weekend ones. Thanks for putting yourself out there. I enjoy reading your blog!! (And we share a name…. spelled differently, but still!)

Jessica B. - Craft weekend….uh, yeah! That would be incredible. Love all the cute gifts. I made the flower necklaces in mini size for my three girls for Valentine’s Day. They loved them 🙂

heather - I’d love to craft with you Kansas girls! I feel like I know you already anyway. 🙂 I actually made one of the flower necklaces myself…nd made some more of the “puffs” into headbands and clips for my daughter’s hair. Loved the idea!

katie phillips - Ummmm, DUH!! I think that would be awesome. Enough drooling over all these Blogs I love so much! To be able to meet and spend time with women so full of creativity and passion for what they do, would be amazing!!

Edie Steinmann - You better believe it!! Except I would feel so young and dumb and untalented. But I could get over it!

Laura in LA - Oh I would love to! Although since I am not particularly crafty, I would probably ooh and ahh at what everyone else was doing.

Mimi - ohmygoodness!…of course I would. I would LOOOOVE to!

Carla Grace, Middleburg, Florida - Oh yeah…you betcha baby! I would love to have a crafty weekend with gals that share the same likeness to glue, fabric and ruffles…heck, anything crafty is always fun!!

Carla Graves - I’d like to think that I would (because I would love to), but I probably wouldn’t. 🙁 How sad is that? I live in WA state and there’s work and the kids, and . . . and . . . and . . . I would be like the one girl you mentioned who brought a friend because she was nervous! But I’d love to meet you and be crafty with you!

melissa - did i tell you about my dream? yes. it’s {probably} a bit creepy that i dreamed of you…the night after i read about your fabulous crafty weekend with the girls i dreamed that you invited me over for a craft weekend too! it was so much fun! i promise i’m not creepy or strange…i apparently need to get out more. :o)
i would love, love, love to win this happy mail. i truly need more of it!

Cory - Ok 1st of all – sweet little giveaway!! 2nd – A craft weekend would be my DREAM!!

Christy - heck yeah! I’d be honored to come to a craft weekend with you guys!

Rachel - YES! That would be so fun! (If we’re still here!!)

Erin - Could I please? A girl’s weekend free to do crafts without blowing noses, changing diapers, or sports on the TV? Sounds like a dream come true!

Jodi - I would surely love to come to KS for a craft weekend! I must get over my fear of flying first… or just take an extra day or two to drive… :o)

kristine - heck yeah i’d be there!

Krista W. - I would sooo come!! I LOVE what you create and would love the chance to peek around the “little” antique store you guys went to!! 🙂
LOVE that clipboard…would love a tutorial too!!!

Kathi - I would! I feel like I know you, even if I don’t really.

Christine Ishmael - I’m only a couple states away…I’d do it in a heartbeat even though everyone in my fam would think I was nuts going off to craft with strangers! Your last weekend looked like so much fun!

Gina - I think it would be totally fabulous to meet you and craft and shop and eat and sleep (a little) all at your wonderfully colorful and crafty home!!! I seriously think you should plan MULTIPLE craft weekends, maybe 1/quarter? That is if you wanted to kick out hubby and kiddos that often! Have you seen how many people said YES?????
from Texas

Pipp - That would be so much fun – just tell me when – lets do it!
Love that collage frame – so fun!

Debby - I’d love to…need to actually start crafting again to get the ball rolling. It’s amazing when you have to stop for a while how hard it can be to get going again.

Ashley - Meg! I would totally come to a craft weekend! My soul NEEDS a craft weekend!
Plus, seeing your house is way up there on my must do list! Although I practically feel like I’ve been in it, from looking at all your photos! I love going in other peoples houses and seeing how they decorate and checking out the architecture. Sometimes, on Sundays my hubby and I pretend we’re looking for a new house just to go in some of the beautiful open houses for sale! It’s fun to dream!;)

elisa - hope your house is big enough

Rachel J - I think that I would die and go to heaven! A weekend at your lovely house with you and waffle….I mean seriously! I must admit….I’m not the most craftiest of girls, but have really been wanting to unleash my inner creative beast ( a friendly beast of course!). Either way, I will continue to read your blog and love the pics! Have a blessed day dear Meg! 🙂

Misty D. - I’m not very crafty, but admire and like gals who are. It would be fun to come and learn something new!

Kate - I would in a HEARTBEAT! Well, I would if I could – I might have a baby strapped to me – and I er, um, don’t really know how to work a sewing machine – but I would adore a craft weekend. Sometimes, a weekend with the girls (even girls you just met) is very refreshing.

Jackie Bennett - YES!! I am due with our second at the end of May and I need any excuse to take a vacation and have girl time before then 🙂

Jen N. - I’d be totally nervous, but yes..that would be awesome!

Leadia@TheBreeder'sDigest - In a heartbeat! I live in the Chicago burbs and always think…I sure would like to have Meg over 😉

Sarah - I would totally come and I have a newborn baby girl that would have to come with me to “help” with the crafting. 🙂

Marie - I would totally come to a craft weekend in KS!! The past 4 1/2 years I lived in Wichita and I think you and I have some mutual friends or know friends of friends, ha! We now live in Ohio but I love ANY excuse to come back to Kansas! We miss it so!

seb - I would come back to Kansas if I could craft with you!

tiffaniboren - Yes, yes..I would love to come to a craft party at your house! I live in Texas but I suppose I could board a plane and get there but hey it would be an adventure. Pick me!

Katy - I would so love to come…..but I’m due with #4 in April! Sounds like you have plenty of people for craft weekend…maybe you’ll have one later in the year.

ajdked - I am crafting impaired, but I’m willing to try even at the risk of humiliation!

Amy - Heck yeah, I would come to a craft weekend in Kansas. My husband might freak out over the idea of sending me off to the clutches of strange women (he has a tendency to be, um, overprotective like that) but I would do it in a heartbeat.

Tiffany - I live way too far, but I would luv to come. Perhaps you could draw up an agenda for us Northern’s and we could follow along. P.S. Send me the loot 🙂

Katie - You couldn’t keep me away from a craft weekend in Kansas! How much fun!

Valerie - Um, a big ol’ fat HECK YES!!!!!
I could easily drive up from T-Town, just a hop skip and a jump from Oklahoma to Kansas. I love me some crafty time, and new friends? Who doesn’t love that?!

jeannett - um, yes, yes, yes! crafts, no kids, rad chicks. where do i sign?

Kylie - yes!!! I can’t sew..I WANT to, but I guess I need a machine to practice on…..

Kyle - i was totally jealous of your craft weekend. i already live in kansas and i’d love to be there.

Kate - Crafting and meeting new blogland friends? COUNT ME IN!!

missy king - well. yeah. i would love nothing MORE than to fly across the beautiful country to join you. i have only ever driven THRU kansas, never stopped to visit. 🙂 My husband chuckled at the idea, knowing full well, that that would mean he would be in charge of the 4 kids we have, ages 2-7, and expecting the 5th (yippee) in july. would me some trendy new stuff. your blog is adorable. loving it, as i just found it a little bit ago. have a smiley day! missy.

Stephanie C. - I totally would….if money and time weren’t obstacles anyway!

Kristi - Make room for me!!! :o)

Kendra - I am always up for that kind of thing. Meeting new friends, hearing people’s stories, having something tangible to take home with all of the intangible sounds super fun! Also, the last time I left for a weekend, my sweet husband did all of the laundry. I can’t lose.

melissa rice - I would love to come. a weekend away with even friends you haven’t meant yet sounds fun and exhilerating!!!

Amy - I would come if I could bring my blogging friend Katie (who loves your blog). She would CRY if I called and said, “Hey! We’re going to Kansas! To make crafts with MEG!” 🙂

Julie - I would love to come to KS and craft with strangers!

jenni - I would TOTALLY come to a craft weekend in KS! I love that you are gathering people from the blogosphere to have face to face interactions. It would be AMAZING to be a part of that.

Karen - I would absolutely come — from NYC! Even though you don’t know me (and this is only my second comment ever), I read your blog daily and I feel like I know you. I’ve already copied your rainbow cake, made your spinach artichoke dip for Christmas Eve to rave reviews, and even taken my family on a road trip to California inspired by your trip.
If you ever take your family to NYC, you have a “friend” here who will be happy to show you around. (My two boys are the same ages as your two oldest.)

Lisa - i’d probably have a panic attack, but i would so love to come!!

sarajane - i would love it! although i can’t sew and am not very this a problem? 🙂

Niki - Yes, yes, yes!!! Especially since I am already in Kansas! 🙂 AND especially if we could do some antique shopping!! Love that! It would be fun to hang with girlies from blogland!

DANETT - All this stuff is so cute, colorful, and totally me! I am just starting to craft. It runs in my family and I am learning and loving it. I just bought my first sewing maching this year and made my daugther super cute pillows for her bed. I am working on much more and would love a craft weekend if it would fit in my school schedule! Thanks!

brianna - i would love a craft weekend, in kansas nonetheless… i have family in kansas i haven’t seen in a long time! maybe one day life will give me time to make a trip up there… that would be so freaking awesome!! but for now i must keep my feet in Texas soil… why do the two have to be so far apart!!

Brandi - A whole weekend of crafting wonderfulness? Count me in!

tasha roe - hells yah!
am I allowed to say that? lol
i could bring a craft project and some yummy treats from The Lou!!

Carrie - That would be amazing!!! I’d come in a heartbeat. It always looks like you girls have so much fun!

Tracey Garcia - I would LOVE to come to a craft weekend. How far is KS from TX?

Ash - I would consider it, but not sure I would commit…But I would like to try to make some of the things you made!

Happygirl02 - Yes! I can’t really sew and I’m crafty when someone else provides the ideas but, YES! It would be so much fun!

jenny - You have no idea how many times I have had this exact thought-how I would get on a plane, head your way and explain why I truly am your new BFF! I have thought how crazy you’d think I’d be b/c I’m slightly obsessed with your blog, your photos, your creations and how you might very well send me home early b/c you’d think I’d lost it! It would be uhhh-mazing!

Amber - EEKkkk just what I need!!! A weekend with others who “get” me!!!

Kayla - Umm, yeah! You made it seem like it was fun…laid back…doable….stress free….and with lots of giggles…oh and food….the food looked great!

Sarah M - I would love to come to a craft weekend – I have family nearby. However I would be seriously nervous meeting new people.

Maine Mummy - As long as my 17 month could come along for the ride – absolutely!

Cathy - Oh How fun would this be???? I would love this!!!!

Stephanie - I would be there in a hearbeat..but have to brin my friend along because we both totally stalk your site and call each other and talk about our friend Meg…you know, like we actually KNOW you 🙂

Jen - stanger strangers? I’m not sure. But blog friends?!?! um, heck yes! I would be there in an instant and then…maybe not leave. WAIT! I shouldn’t have said that…now I’ll never get to go to a KS craft weekend!

Emily Zimmerman - YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!

ashley - that would be the best weekend!

Micah - LOL THAT would be SO fun! I don’t know if I could actually work it out though…. I mean, I’d hafta rent a wife for my family while I’m away because it seems they might cease to exist without me (eye roll) and probably rob a bank in order to buy a plane ticket (which MIGHT get me in a teeeeny bit of trouble but HEY, it would be my very FIRST plane ride EVER!…might be worth the risk). It could happen! So yeah, I’d come!

Jessica - O M Gosh!! I would TOTALLY be there!!

traci in virginia - Yep, if I could arrange childcare I would be there!

Vanessa at He Gives Hope - i’m there!

Trish - fun giveaway! I love the color of that pillow 🙂
craft weekend… yes please 🙂

Amber - That would be amaaaaaaazing!!! I’m completely NOT the best crafter, but who better to surround yourself with than a bunch of gals who know their stuff!!!

Beth - No doubt, I would come. Travel might be an issue, but I would bite the bullet and just do it!

Biz - I tend to clam up around new people, but I think crafting for a whole weekend would def. get me out of my shell! So I’d love to come crafting!

Shannon - I LOVE LOVE LOVE those goodies!!!! 😀 And yes if I could have the opportunity to go to Kansas for a whole weekend with YOU and CRAFTS! Oh MY!!!! That would be HEAVEN!!!!! And I would JUMP at the opportunity! 😀

Maria - In a heartbeat. I would so be there. Love crafty girly getaways!

keely - i’m not crafty at all and my answer is still YES!!!

Eli - I would come in a heartbeat!

Sonia - OMG!! A ticket would be like $300!!! I would so be there!! I would be nervous, but we could drink lots of “Mom’s Margarita’s” cause they are my new favorite drink! And we could make all kinds of things with rainbows on them!! I wanna come!!!!!

Cameron Davis - I would love to come some day…even though I am just beginning to touch in to my “crafty” side I feel like I would learn a lot and have a really fun time!!

Nicole - How fun would that be?! Even though I’m not crafty, I AM good at talking, laughing, & eating. And I’m great at receiving cute crafts…so some of the advanced crafters could share their awesomeness.

Katy Frame - OMG! I would DIE if I could come to your house and craft! Yes yes yes! 🙂

shawnette - I would love to come to a craft weekend with you IF i could get off work, someone paid for my air fare, i had a sitter for my kids and husband,oh lets see what else…

Angela B. - I would love to. Probably would be a little surreal…

Karen - I would completely love to come and meet you for a craft weekend. But I would not fit in at all, haha! I am a seventeen year old high school student…I am not a mother…I do not know how to use a sewing machine. Nontheless I love everything about your blog! I’ve been reading faithfully for years. Is this weird?

misty c - um, YES!!! I would be so giddy…I have not had a girlie getaway in forEvEr!!!
love your inspo…

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I was so envious of all you girls getting together that weekend. If there were any way I could get there I think it would make my month. Every girl needs to get away and get her craft on with other women every once in awhile.
Id LOVE to win these goodies:)

Tanya - If I wasn’t so far away I would say yes! I’ve become a little braver as I’ve become older, got married and had babies so being around strangers doesn’t terrify me as much. I loved looking at your pictures of your craft weekend and it made me think I need some friends like that 🙂

Lindsay - I would totally love to, but I’m a few states away & would probably freak a little at knowing no one personallly. 🙂

juliana whisman - I live in Kansas and when I saw your post about the weekend, I thought, ‘man, I want to be invited to something like that!’ What an amazing, fun, and gorgeous honor that would be!!

Courtney - Since I am in Kansas everyday, I would totally come!

Amy Harris - A chance to hang out with amazing women who have a heart for God and I get to craft?? My bag is packed! What time should I be there? 🙂

Carol S. - Lovely prizes! Craft weekend sounds fun. I could bring out my creative side, that gets stifled alot as a part time accountant! I’d like to suggest a paint by number table, where you would find me. Oh, and my Valentine’s Day was low key too. After I left my husband his homemade card by the coffee maker, when I came down in the morning, his name and “husband” were crossed out…and my name and “wife” were penciled in. Lame but sort of clever!

martha beltran - it would be sooo cool ! happy week !

Laura - Sounds super fun and I’d love to come!
Thanks for the giveaway.

megan - holy mackeral YES! I would do ANYTHING to spend some time out of Maine! while it is a beautiful state..the best time to be here is really july, august & september….other than that, count me in!
i would love the awesome goody package…the colors would help me to make it to spring (which never comes…but summer arrives in July!)
thanks megan-
megan from maine

Jennifer R - I would love to come if I could ~although, I am not crafty at all! Maybe it would change me : )

Katrina - In a heartbeat. So fun! You inspired me to at least think of doing the same thing with some friends here at home. Hmm…

Natalie @ Book, Line, and Sinker - I’ll don my red ruby slippers for an event like that! Just promise me no tornadoes, please–I’m from the east coast and wouldn’t know what to do! Oh, and also promise that this isn’t an elaborate scheme just to get me out there to help give Waffle a bath or tackle your mountain of laundry!

Karen - I would come! It sounds wonderful!

Tim - um … no. but my wife would!

amy wade - i would totally come! i love to craft…would love it if you could do a tutorial for the clipboard on your blog!!! also, i personally know your neighbor so you know i am not some crazy person. LOL!

kate - Sign me up- I’d come!

Janelle - I would love to come but I would be nervous 🙂 We live in the Chicago suburbs and have lately been unhappy with our schools/neighborhood/etc….it’s just too much you know??? Anyways, my husband and I were talking the other day and I said, “how about Kansas?” He said, “KANSAS!?!?” 🙂

Liz - As long as I could afford the flight from NY to KS, of course! I’ve already printed out the crafts you did on your last one and am planning a craft day/night with my girlfriends here! Love your blog 🙂

Jenn - Heck yes I would! I really want that polka dotted flower, pick me! 🙂

Carrie - While I tend to be shy in a group (at first) I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet you and craft with others. I feel I am a latent crafter. I started crafting when I had kids (for the fifteen years I worked with kids they always cringed when Miss Carrie was in charge of crafts lol)
It’s trite I know but your blog has been an inspiration to me as a stay at home mom. It was my longest learning curve for a job. You keep it real and have fun while doing so! So yes… I would love to come and meet others while bonding over crafts! Just wait till June when my baby is done nursing…rather not tote him with me all the way from Ohio! 😉

Angela Miller - In a heartbeat!!

Nicole - I would DIE!!!!!!

Corinne - Sure wish I was crafty…but I love reading and seeing your crafts.

Mary Craig - Oh I totally would if for no other reason but to see y’all in action! I’m not so good at crafts, but that hasn’t stopped me yet! 😉

robin allen - Heck I just live a couple of hours away and would LOVE to meet new friends that share the same love of a fun, happy, colorful, faith filled life….I live vicariously through your blog…I would love to be invited…check out my facebook page and look at my photos and see that we LOVE the same things….Invite Me…and I will come…

Becky - OOOOO…yes please! - Ohhh Heck Yea!!!!! I would be so so Thankful to be able to do some crafting with the fuuniest, craftiest chick in Kansas!!!!!! Wow, that would ROCK!!!!!
Michelle Torres

Amy - In a heartbeat!!!!!!!

Jermaine D. - I would love to come to a craft weekend in KS, but I live there too so I wouldn’t feel too far from home!

Erin T. - That would be so cool! I would love to come to craft weekend. 🙂

Kimberly - Seriously?!??!?! Need you even ask that? I’m looking at flights right now. 😉
You’d have to help me with the sewing though. I’m still figuring that out.

Sarah Mahan - Of course, I would!


Astrid - You bet I would! Happy Tuesday!

Adrienne S - I would definately. I would love to have that inspiration to do more crafting…step out of my box a little.

FeFe - I would be there, for sure! But even if I didn’t get the invite, I ‘d still craft along with ya. I went out this weekend and got supplies to do the embroidery hoop art and the ruffle pillow. I’ll get started on that as soon as I finish counting these thousands of box tops for the elementary school…yikes!

kristin - ha. i would be totally intimidated, probably end up playing with the dog, offering to refill drinks.
but oh. if i don’t win this, i want to hire amy d to make me a necklace like that.
i loved the photos of your weekend. i truly am happy for you.

Erin - Crafting weekend at your house would be awesome! I’d love that – i’d come!

Hannah - where do i sign up?? 😉 i think that would be more fun that i could possibly imagine!!!! plus…i have never been to kansas…and that would be cool! 🙂

Mary - I would! Teach me your crafting ways oh wise Whatever woman 🙂

jodi @ back40life - ooh – would do my best to be there in a second…how fun!

Sarah - Definitely!!!!!!

Jill - Crazy fun! I’d love it!

Sarah D. - sure thing! 🙂

rosemarie - i feel like i know you already ..yes

Katy Stone - yesssssssssssss… and i want to know if anyone would actually say no to that- ha. my friend in tx and i were skyping last night and talked about our future craft weekend “like meg’s” (b/c we’re on a first name basis and all…) i’m living in africa now, so how about we wait another 3 months for said weekend? 😉

Heather - I’d definitely WANT to come. Like, really, really want to come so badly. I’d have to see how much airfare from Toronto to Kansas was first. 😉 I would absolutely be thrilled to meet you.

Lorie - With you Meg…that would be all kinds of wonderful! My husband went to Hesston College, and can’t stop talking about how wonderful Kansas is…..YES, I WOULD COME. Don’t they always say….if you build it, they will come.

Melissa - Of course…I would love love to come!

Julie Campbell - Wow! I bet you LOVE it when you see Big Brown pull up! How cool! I would love to have a craft weekend away! The stranger part doesn’t bother me… usually it’s just finding babysitters & fitting things in the budget. I love all of your projects & I think it would be a blast!

Jen@thecottagenest - Of course! I think it is such a fun idea that I think I want to do one myself one day!

Connie - I would love to come…I’ve never been to Kansas…Who wouldn’t want to hang out with you for the weekend making fun crafts and antiquing…Pick me Pick me!!

Lane - Ooooh definitely, for sure!! How fun!

Amy Lynne - Oh Yeah! It would be hard to leave my monkeys, though. It would definitely be something to think about!

stacie - I’d love to come!! Pick me, pick me.

Adele Chalker - Oh the things I would just love to do…
Sew a quilt or maybe 22…..
Lose 10 kilo’s, now that would just do!
Open my etsy shop,
make millions from paper and glue..
and last but not least
travel 14219.76 kms from Australia to Kansas City
Just to see you!!!
Does it show that I have a 6 year old and we read a lot of Dr Seuss?

Angel/TaDa!Creations - I would absolutely, without a doubt, 100% for sure come! What a fun giveaway too.

Ann R. - Would LOVE it! I used to go (that makes me sad that I actually put used to-only cause it has been 2yrs since my last scrap weekend and I used to go twice yearly!) all the time. Loved and imagined a weekend like yours when I saw the wonderful photos. Not that I would not feel comfortable with you and friends, I am sure that I would fit right in and love every minute but it would be great to bring my friend who usually goes with me too. (Not inviting her, just sayin..) My husband just got a new job offer yesterday after being out of work for 3 mo. so maybe I can start planning something again. Thanks Meg, and maybe if that does not happen, I could just plan one on my own!

Carrie - I would be at a craft weekend in a heartbeat. I am inspired by you everyday and would love to meet up with you and other woman for a crafty weekend. My blog has been “inactive” for a while, but I recently started updating it again and I check you out everyday. I was a little “jealous” when I read about your last crafty weekend.

Beth Ann - I’d be there in a heartbeat! A weekend away, to be creative? gab? no child/husband related responsibilities? just hang out? maybe shop? SIGN ME UP!

Lisa - Meg — I’ve been reading your blog for months and have never left a comment. Your blog has awakened me and helped me see colors again in life. I’ve been getting my craft on — even busted out my old singer. I feel 100% more alive and in tune with myself and my kids. I would love to visit you in Kansas and do some serious crafting – and I would love to win the goodies from your craft weekend. Thanks for your daily inspirations!

Nicole Rickman - In. a. HEARTBEAT!!
every single one of these gifts is beautiful!!

Heather R. - I’ll be right over! 🙂

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - Totally. Or I might chicken out… 😉

Holly - Oh cool! I have been thinking about starting out witha craft night at my house since reading about your weekend, but I would LOVE to be there for a whole weekend! - Sure, I’ll come. I’d like to wait to come when it is a bit warmer. February weather can still be a bit dicey. I remember your snow pics.

Jen - I am as crafty as a big rock–not to mention, I live a LONG way from Kansas (Baltimore)–but I would totally come for a craft weekend–just for the fellowship (and the food!!)/ 🙂

Dawn - If I had the means to get there, absolutely!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I can’t wait to see the goodies you are making for your shop – maybe I can get my hands on one of those pillows this time around! 🙂

Bethany Rodriguez - Well, I’m already in Kansas. But, I was totally jealous of your last weekend, so yes, I’d come.

Amanda Angert - OMG! I would TOTALLY come to your craft weekend! I was drooling over your pictures and feeling jealous of all those women!

Angie M - I would TOTALLY be there! Sorta can’t believe I wasn’t invited to the last one…..;)

Bernice - That would be so amazing! I’m not very talented, so I’d probably just end up watching everyone else in awe, but I’d learn so much! Too bad I’m way out in Australia…

Karen Giddings - Sounds very cool. Looking forward to seeing the details. 😀

Katie P - That would be an amazing weekend! I love to meet people and craft until I drop! What a fun idea.

Suzanne - Definitely!!! I love getting away and being creative. And I would love to meet new people that enjoy being crafty!!! I think it would be a ton of fun and inspiring!!

Tess S. - i’d loooove it.

Aimee - I would love it!!! I live in southern cali and all my friends or family just arent the crafty type so I am all my myself…

tam - absolutely! I would be completely nervous about meeting new people but totally do it! 🙂

angie128 - Yes! But I live in Memphis and that’s too far away. Boo.
But I would love to come and do crafts.
And play with that sweet Waffle too.
And be in your happy house.
And play with your glue gun.

Stephanie - I would absolutely come to Kansas. Never been there.

Ashlee Archibald - OF COURSE! I would love to come! thanks for inviting me 😉 xo

jackie mccobb - If I could come, I would. But I live in Paraguay and that’s pretty far away… 🙂

erica - oh heck yes i’d go to kansas! im not the most crafty – im more “crafty wannabe”…:D

Kit - If I could get there, then I would come. I’ve never been to Kansas! But I would also be really nervous.

Sarah - If I could aford the flight from the UK then I would. Any excuse to visit America is a good excuse

Heather H. - I Love that necklace! Just the idea of a weekend away has me excited!

Nicole - i would. goosebumps. 🙂

Alissa - Oh, yeah!! For sure! In fact my friends and I who follow your blog have already talked about making the drive (8 hours!) to go to the antique shop you girls went to on your craft weekend and then driving by your house just so we could say we saw it:) A craft weekend at your house would be so great!

Pamela M - I have a passport. What time does the plane leave?

edie - It sounds completely dreamy and inspiring and I’d LOVE to. Speaking of dreamy and inspiring, so wish I were joining you for Blue Lily Ms. Meg. Hope you have a ball.

Though I have to say that i have a very little tiny problem that may disturb our plans…I LIVE IN RIO DE JANEIRO -BRAZIL!!!! 🙁
I love your blog, really do…I certainly would LOOOVEEE to go to your simply the best craft weekend…have the opportunity to meet you in person, that’s a dream come true…but the distance is an obstacle…sadly
Ana M

mary elizabeth - Um, YEAH! I’d be on a plane or in the car as quick as I could grab an ATM card to get there! I would totally love to come over to your house and play all weekend!

nancie - sounds like fun to me!!
i LOVE the things y’all made…

Karen - are you accepting crafters from Australia???

Kerry - I would FLY there all the way from the UK just to spend the weekend crafting with you 🙂 count me in x

Kathie Simmons - I am very shy, but I am getting ready to take some chances. Even if just to tell you that you are my 12-year-old’s grown-up twin. Although my Meg has lighter hair than you do now. Tomorrow she is getting the tips dyed blue because, and I quote, “I need more color in my life!” It’s eery.

Susan - Of course! I love the Midwest, antiques and meeting new people. Sign me up 🙂

Jen - Yes!! But like Michelle I live in Australia so it might be a bit far (maybe one day). You are always welcome here for a craft weekend 🙂
My craft weekend would also be a cooking weekend where we share our favourite dishes.
Maybe I should hold one at the same time and we can skype in.

Michelle from Australia - I live in Australia. It would be a bit of a long trip. But with about 12 months notice (I know this is not possible but I can dream right??) I might be able to make it!

Amber - hi. the answer would totally be YES. (i would just have to work out the round the world trip first 😉 But i think it’s a brilliant idea. Do it!! x

Jennifer - OF COURSE! I wouldn’t even have to buy a plane ticket…it would just be a few short minutes! I’m not that “crafty”, but would come up with something! I do have some FABULOUS crafty friends in the area!

princess lasertron - duh! I could and I would!

~Debra - I absolutely would attend, if I didn’t currently live in Japan. Assuming at the time that I was living Stateside I would be there in a heartbeat but more than that, I’d also make a side trip to Wichita which is where I was born. I haven’t been back to Kansas since I moved away at age 5.
By the way, I’ve always wanted to ask you how you get so many lovely items? It seems like you are “always” getting packages from people. Do you ever have to buy anything? ha ha!

leslie @ topofthepage - i would totally come!! if kansas was like one thousand miles closer to california. so i could attend in my heart. how’s that?

Ali - YES!!!! That would be amazing!! I am far away in CA but if I could make it work with the kids and the $$, I would be there in a heartbeat! F-U-N!

Casey - Oh that would be lovely, but I think my four little ones would miss me a wee bit. Maybe when they are just a smidge older. 🙂
Love that ruffle pillow by the way!

Kori - heck yes i would!

Virginia - A craft weekend would make my heart so happy! And I’ve never been to Kansas…

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Of course!
You host first and then
I’ll host the second time out here in California.
I can definitely kick my family out for the weekend.

georgia - Ohhhhhhh my!!! If I could afford the flight to kansas from the uk I would be there before you can say whatever!
🙂 xx

kelly - O yes I would come in a HEARTBEAT!!!!!!!!!

Carrie - I’m there.

karen - Yes. That would be sooooo wonderful.

Lori Danelle - You know I would!!!! Especially since you’re a stranger that I sort of know & we know all the same people!
Plus, my Mom would love to baby-sit while I was there. 🙂

the.mrs - Are you kidding?! Why, of course!! What a lovely little escape that would be!

Jaime - Yes, I’d totally be there for one because I love meeting people, hanging out and get to know them and two because I could really up my craft meter and I think hanging out with you and other crafty people might help! LOL

Sue Linse - can i come with Alyssa, Julie and Melissa?

Lori - Yes! Yes! YES! I am THERE. I have relatives in Kansas so I can drop the kids off.:) I make a FAB Triple Chocolate Mess in my crock pot. Can I come?:) Lori

Sarah K - Yes, yes, yes! Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

Miranda - I only live a few hours away, so I’d definitely think about it!!

Alysa - oh 100% I would be there … and I’d bring Julie K. with me … and Melissa and Kristin and it would be just about the happiest weekend ever. Pick us, pick us! =)

nicole @ deliajude - YES! Are you paying the airfare?

Denise - To be honest…I wouldn’t come. If I have time away from my family I want it to be in Boston with my Nana. Besides, I don’t craft which is why I need to win this prize since I’ll never make any of this great stuff for myself! 🙂

Wendy - Your blog is such a happy and colorful place. I love visiting every day. I am in WA state and would LOVE to come for a craft weekend! ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

Kristy - Since I only live a few hours from you, I would LOVE to come to a craft weekend! I feel a little connection to you and your blog as I too am a Chicago girl who as moved to Kansas. Your blog is the first I read everyday, as it adds a little color to my morning. 🙂

Lori - ABSO-STINKIN-LUTELY! I love crafting, and meeting ppl across the miles is totally my bag, baby!

leonie - oooh now I can comment…I am going to repost here just cause I can!……………Hey Meg, I cannnot always leave a comment on your posts and I so would love that pzize! I would definately come I’d bring the wine, cheese and enough money and room in my suitcase to shop til I DROP!!!! OMg what I would not give for soma USA shopping! xx

Christina - I so love how you see a rainbow everywhere…it’s like you have a keen sense of God’s goodness and faithfulness and how it is manifested by the rainbow. I would totally go to a weekend like that…but I would be really nervous because I think I’m weird. 🙂 I LOVE that lip balm.

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i have stuff to do today.
boring regular stuff….run to the store….run to the post office….laundry…all that glamourous stuff.

but i want to get it all done quickly so i can get back to sewing.
there are going to be LOTS of super happy pillows in the shop!!!
i am having so much fun up in my craft room.

i bought another 28 yards of pom pom trim this weekend.
good times.

happy valentine's.
i am making a heart shaped pizza….and that is it. 
forced holidays make me more mad than anything.
if i wanted to i could have spent a hundred dollars on stuff for my kids….that they don't need.
instead i will make the pizza….tell them i love them….and we will survive.
my kids took the plain old sign and fold valentine's to school.
no candy!  
oh how embarrassing…not.  
did you see that there is now a whole ISLE of candy that is bagged in counts of 24 for you to buy to make valentines???
people….this is madness. 

debbie downer.

and i will get to enjoy the sports illustrated swim suit magazine always arrives on valentine's day.
that's always a fun extra cruel treat to the day….if you want to get me mad…
let's talk about THAT!

i think i will watch a romantic comedy while sewing.
or actually just a comedy!

and eat chocolate.

and grab a sonic drink….even before happy hour (GASP!)  oh yeah….i'm doin' it!
don't try to stop me.

it's going to be BEAST!

(especially the part when i get to throw away the magazine…YAY for that)


Sarah - Oh I LOVE YOU! Because I think it’s all madness too! I mean, wasn’t it just Christmas a couple weeks ago??? It sure seems like it! Why do we have to make things so complicated and commercial and icky?
On Valentines Day I laughed at myself because have you ever watched Dan In Real Life? It’s one of my favorite movies. There is a scene where his teenage daughters screams at him, ‘YOU, YOU are a MURDERED of love!!!” That’s what I felt like. When I took my glitter heart (my one Valentines decoration) off the hook above the kitchen sink and pitched it into the garage to be thrown up in the attic, I said, “I am a MURDERER of LOVE!” It felt good.

Sharry - I LOVE YOUR HONESTY! Starting in October and going on through February I am so overwhelmed with holiday overload. I am grateful Easter is late in April. Now there’s a chance I can truly celebrate Easter’s meaning!

Holly - Awesome! Well said Meg! and heart shaped pizzas are a ritual every year here! Completely low-key and they go perfectly with a glass of wine 😉 perfection!

Lindsay - hey meg! just wanted to give you a tip. you can sign up not to get the swimsuit issue and then they will send you an extra issue later in the year at the sports illustrated website. or you can call them. its pretty cool. but if you take pleasure in trashing it, go for it!

princess lasertron - that glorious ball trim. love it! xo

Jen - I’m not a big celebrator (is that a word?!) of V Day… so you and me both. Loving the colours in your craft room. x

Elizabeth - I didn’t even make a heart-shaped pizza. We have hot dogs for dinner! Talk about rebelling against the forced holiday. But we are making up class Valentine’s Day parties at school on Friday, the 18th. I’ll get Valentine’s and candy half-price. That’s something to get excited about!

Kit - I am so with you on that terrible magazine. It doesn’t come into our house, but I wish I could hide every copy that I (and my three boys and little girl) have to see in the stores. It is wicked.
Guess I’m a Debby Downer with you!

Katie H - I’ll be honest….
I sent my kid to school with Valentines & candy and he came home with tons of candy….and I’m okay with that! I even got all three of my kids ring pops and little $2 puppies that say, “I wuf you.” I figure it’s no different than stocking stuffers or Easter baskets. Neccessary? No. Fun for the kids? Yes. My kids made me paper Valentines that I love. Also, my husband got me a gift card to the salon for a massage and hair cut. He does this on non-holidays sometimes, too, but I like that there is a holiday just for showing our love for one another–whether it’s through gifts or kind words.
Thanks for your input on V-day. Hope you don’t mind mine 😉

Kristin S - You are a good, honoring wife to pitch that SI!

Kirsten J - I’m with ya sista – DH was bummed today, because he’s been too busy to buy me anything for Valentine’s. NOT a big deal to me. At all. Those Hallmark holidays make me nuts. And get this: I remember being 20something and dumb and buying SI for him for Valentine’s – what was I thinking?!?!!??

kristine - you’re hilarious. i hate the stupid swim suit edition. it doesn’t come to our house fortunately but barf…
hope you had a great day! we are having lasagna that i got from my freezer meal swap and i picked up a little raspberry tart from the bakery at the grocery store for $4.99. DONE!

Tracey Garcia - My kids took sign and fold Valentines with candy—that I bought at Christmas clearance. Sweet tarts and laffy taffy don’t go bad!! And tomorrow, I’m going to Target to scoop up clearance valentine candy! 🙂 Cuz it tastes the same whether I paid full price or not. I did get the kids a couple of small lego things (again on clearance) and then I made yummy cupcakes. And that’s it–I’m not a fan of Valentines really–just another day!

Libbi - what is the link to the shop?

Lisa - My husband asked a few days ago, “We still don’t celebrate Valentines right?” Haha! We also aren’t big on this holiday. And I too sent my kids to school with no candy and the fold and sign valentines. Glad I’m not the only one! 🙂

meg schmidt - Oh wow, this absolutely cracked me up. still laughing actually. hope you have a lovely night. 😉

taniawillis - oh meg….i love you. *sigh* thanks for being a bright spot in my otherwise discouraging day. 🙂

Kelley - Glad I’m not the only Debbie Downer today….

Kelly - Plain old store-bought Valentine’s went to school with my boys today too. My kindergartener just unloaded all his Valentine’s and our treat box is now refilled.
Way to go on the mail interception! I hate that magazine!

Carrie - I always feel so much better when I leave your blog! You make me laugh!

jennibell - Deputy’s Wife, where do you live??? I want to move there!!! Can’t stand the junk the kids bring home from school. . .anyway, love that you “tell it like it is” Meg! Thanks for the laugh and the eye candy at the beginning of the post. I’m not much a fan of commercial holidays but this year my kids were the leaders in the V-day “celebration” — they all came downstairs with cards they hand-made for one another (no prompting from us!) and the boys even found “gifts” in their room to give the girls. . .so sweet. Was glad we had decided to give them BAM gift certificates so we (the parents) weren’t the only ones standing there with nothing to give. I gave the kids $20 to spend at the store and they bought things to make goodie bags for all the neighbors — can’t say “no” to that either. At least they have the right spirit about the holiday!! Have a great day, Meg! I know you show your family daily how much you love them — no wonder you don’t need a holiday!

Heather - I LOVE Debbie Downer, and that was my favorite one!! They recycle that feline AIDS statistic in other skits too, which is hilarious. It’s so great when the actors start cracking up on live tv. That whole Lohan episode was actually really good- there was an Amy Poehler “Amber” skit with her that was really funny, and a funny Harry Potter one too. Maybe she won’t be too bad when she hosts this year?
My hubby and I don’t do the commercial v-day stuff either. Our tradition is to cook a delicious dinner together, and I love it. Tonight we’re making arroz con pollo. Yum! 🙂

Deputy's Wife - Our state recently passed a law that states only certain kinds of treats can be eaten at school. A lot of people are complaining, but I am not. I am sure you well know about the amounts of candy these kids bring home on Valentines day. Not that I don’t like candy, I LOVE it, but not grocery sacks full of it.
The boys did Valentines and I bought pencils for them to pass out. I work at school and kids NEED pencils this time of year! My 1st grader was so depressed about a candy free Valentine party he said to me this morning “What’s next? Chocolate covered broccoli???” Heh. Love that kid.

Robert Goulet - You must not love your kids.

erica - heart pizza here, too – im off to school to play a game with candy hearts and first graders:)
i can’t wait to see the pillows in your shop – i’ve been checking daily!

Staci - Love this post!! We did the same thing….just got cards and I didn’t even attach a pencil or candy to ANY of them!!!! Felt kind of bad….and then I got over it reeeeally fast! I’m making heart shaped pizza tooo tonight!!! Not even gonna make a salad 🙂 Have an awesome day in your craftroom with that Sonic drink 🙂

Nicole Q. - We’re doing Dr. visits at our place today — fun fun and my kids take the fold and sign v-day cards too and THEY LOVE IT!! Happy Love Day! Jason’s gone for his long seminary classes starting tomorrow so I’ve got the romantic comedy line up ready to go for the week. :))

deborah@applesinwonderland - heart-shaped pizza sounds good. we’re doing a bean burrito bar…..because beans beans they’re good for your heart…..(you know the rest). can you tell i live with boys, sheesh?

Toni - Your comment about Sonic cracked me up. I always feel guilty if I order a drink before happy hour. Like its something I should be ashamed of. Haha its a strawberry diet dr. pepper for crying out loud!

Kristin M - Oh my! LOVE the pile of fabrics! I *need* the rainbow striped (or is it zig zag) one! Care to share where you got it?

ashley jensen - Aren’t you a spunky little thing today! I have a friend that is making a heart shaped pizza too. My husband says it is stupid to try and show someone how much love them just one day out of the year, you should do it EVERY DAY! I totally agree.

Jen - Valentine’s Day…I AGREE!!!!!

Keri - We aren’t doing anything either for Valentine’s. One reason is because the hubby is sick with a stomach bug… yuck.

Karen Gerstenberger - I hope you have a happy Valentine’s Day, even thought it’s a holiday mandated by the greeting card industry. =) You can still enjoy it with your loved ones!
Thanks for the Debbie Downer sketch – we all know people like this; that’s why it’s so funny! My fave SNL sketches are the ones like this one when the actors can’t stop laughing (like Chris Farley’s motivational speaker). So much fun!

karen - Happy Valentine’s Day Meg…really looking forward to your Etsy shop.

Meg's mom - Hope you don’t mind that Grandma and Grandpa sent candy for valentines day!

Tracie - We don’t do V day at our house either. I made cupcakes with the kids yesterday because my 85 year old grandma bought them sprinkles and reminded us about 75 times that she wanted a cupcake on Valentine’s Day. I’m having lunch with her and my mom today and taking her a cupcake! My kids also did the fold and sign store cards and had parties at school. Super fun and I don’t do anything besides buy the cards for them.

Anne @ Baking Me - Great clip, thanks for sharing!

LeAnne Cotton - Debbie Downer was so funny! Thanks for sharing!

Alisha Gibb - I agree that Valentine’s Day is just a money maker holiday. Everyday should be devoted to showing your loved ones how much they mean to you. We crafted our valentines for school, no candy. My kids will get a crafted valentine minus the sweets and gifts.
Can’t wait to see your pillows! Love, love, love your creations!

Gina - love Debbie! so, so funny. thanks for the laugh!

Cari - LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!!! I am dying laughing!! That is my FAVORITE SNL skit of all time. I can’t not watch it without almost peeing my pants! Hahahahaha!! So funny! As for V-day, I hate the commercialism, but love the day. Woke up early to make heart shaped biscuits and sausgae…have a heart shaped strawberry cake in the oven right now…It’s just fun for me. My girls got a new pair of $5 earrings & a pair of Toms from us. Nothing over the top. Enjoy your ordinary day. I think I’ll watch Debbie one more time… 😉

katie - yes! i love it when other people admit to hating “forced” holidays! i can’t stand being told when to tell people i love them. 🙂 i knew i could count on you, meg!

Ryanne - Word! I totally agree about the forced holiday. I did make my kids heart shaped crayons, and will make heart shaped cookies today. But yesterday at Wally World people were buying lots of valentine STUFF, and I just couldn’t do it. Anyway, I can’t wait to see all of the yummy pillows in your shop. Keep us posted.

Kerri - GO Meg!
I am telling the truth when I say that as a teenager, I saw the Kathy Ireland SI and have never recovered!!
I think homemade Valentines have much more charm!

Jenni - Mine brought cheapo cards to school as well. But they did have candy…because I wanted the leftovers. And heart-shaped pizza is totally in the cards for us too.
And, now that you’ve put it in my head, a cherry limeade might be as well.

jennifer - Oh goody! I’m not the only one that feels this way about today. Way too commercial for my taste.
Have you seen the movie Valentine’s Day though? I loved it! Thought it was hilarious. Enjoy your day!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - my my.
I think someone needs a big o’l valentine smooch.
Craig? craig?

K - You are truly hilarious! Too bad we do not live closer…we’d be great friends! 🙂 I have almost the same day planned…in fact I am sitting next to what we call “laundry mountain” right now!!! Have a great Valentine’s!

gboll - I agree 100%. I am so not into Valentine’s Day. I feel like it is totally out of control and really is about spending money. I can let my husband know I love him any day, why wait till a holiday? Lucky for me he agrees with me and just so happens his birthday is today so we celebrate his birthday. Very low key though because that is the way we like it! 😉

Beth {Embracing Twentysomething} - This. made. my. day. I love your honesty and spunk. Thank you for your thoughts – I lauded out loud. That pizza is perfect and just enough to recognize this hallmark holiday! Happy day. 🙂

Jenny Joy - I am so glad to hear that I’m not the only mother who has resisted the urge to buy a bajillion little heart-ish, Valentine-ish things to for my children. Cripes. We have enough crap around here.
And I’m LOVING your pillows. For real and true. 🙂

Deanna - Oh gosh!! You said BEAST…so it’s not just my kid huh?! And my kids have over 24 kids in their classes….

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - You need your own show..called whatever…I would watch it everyday! You are hilarous…in person too? Ever meet a writter who is so not how they write…I am guessing you are super funny in person too! Hey maybe I will produce the show …well if I had the cnnections…which I don’t, or the money ….which I don’t…but anyway…I would watch it! We make a heart shaped meatloaf covered in ketchup…thats it. Happy….Monday!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Monday!! Have a great day and I hope you get lots of sewing time after all the errands!

Lisa - LOL – My 11-year old always says EVERYTHING is going to be beast! Brought a smile to my face this morning! Happy Hearts Day! Lisa

Sarah - Too funny! I’m not that into valentines day but I did wear pink to work… at least I tried… right?

Heather R. - I wish our Walmart carried ball fringe. 🙁
Love the heart shaped pizza idea.

Trish - oh happy fabric… makes me want to sew! we don’t do a whole lot for v-day either. although my sweetie of a hubby bought me a basil plant i’ve been wanting 🙂 we did the same fold and sign valentine… no candy! happy ‘valentime’s’ day that’s how my kids use to say it… i miss it!

Hannah - bahahahahahah! i totally agree! valentine’s day is over-rated! 🙁 i did make my daughter a heart shaped sandwich this morning though…as for the rest of our day…running errands! fun times! 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Calvin’s party was Friday and this Mom did NOT get the memo about the candy OR the McDonald’s coupons. And his valentines didn’t even FOLD! They were just little, chicken-scratched squares.
Oh, the humanity.

Katy Frame - We aren’t doing much for V-Day either. I made heart shaped cinnamon rolls and pink milk (found the idea here: ), but that is the extent of our festivities! We know we love each other.. We don’t need a commercial holiday to tell us that. 😉

karen - Gotta love Debbie Downer
Hope you have a relaxing Valentine’s Day

Bethany - To give you a Valentine’s laugh…just after the racy Victoria’s Secret ad that aired during the Super Bowl, my 9 yr. old daughter said,”Now why would they put that ad on during a football game?? Men don’t buy girl underwear!” LOL!! I throw the Swimsuit edition away to. Such satisfaction!

Jen - i laughed out loud in my office at work…by myself. hilarious. that debbie downer video is funny forever! thank you for sharing that with us! and SI swimsuit edition? ick. shread that!

Jennifer - I’ve never hated or loved valentines day… it cracks me up how some people absolutely loathe it. Even though the stores act like it, I personally don’t know any Valentine fanatics 🙂 I like it because january and february are long and its a nice excuse to give little treats, flowers, and let the kids party down in the little grades at school.
Your day sounds fantastic! I can’t wait until your shop opens!

sara @ it's good to be queen - can’t wait to see all those pillows! they look so fun and happy! and i guess i am alone here but i love valentines day! also, you can opt out of that dang swimsuit issue by just going online to your account and checking a box to opt out. i am so happy to not see that coming in the mail!
enjoy your day of crafting!

Tiffany - don’t just throw it in the trash, rip it up so too. i’m way too downer for vday huh.

Elissa - this is EXACTLY how i feel about valentine’s day.

Sheryl - I love the addition of Debbie Downer. My husband once used that illustration/noise during a sermon – it was HILARIOUS – but I don’t think the old people got it. 🙂 Have fun sewing!

Gina in Louisville - Love Meg Day!!!!

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - HA! 🙂
That’s a whole lotta color-me-happy color in that stash…enjoy!

Holly - Our stove is broken so no heart shaped pizza for us, boo. We put out some chocolates for the kids this morning and I threatened them if they did not save at least one for me later. How bad is that!? I forgot to get any cookies or candy for school so I sent the boy with a pack of plain cookies. No pink hearts or anything fancy, but we did get Valentines with pencils!

Nicole - I’m taking myself shopping for valentines day!

Micah - BEFORE Happy Hour?! Gasp! You are a WILD woman!

kristiina - omg, debbie downer….i’m crying i’m laughing so hard. thank you for, yet again, brightening my morning.
(and here here! re not succumbing to the Hallmark Holiday!!)

Melissa - Can I please tell you how many Victoria Secrets swimsuit catalogs I’ve thrown away in the last month??? What a waste of postage…and paper.

Kelly - We had a family date on Friday. It was wonderful and a great way to celebrate for us. My husband took the day off and we ate breakfast together at home, went to the post office and thrift store, dropped off some items at a church for their foster/adoption ministry, ate lunch and dinner out, went to a park to play, drove around and saw new parts of our city, took pictures (my husband getting to try out a new to him lens) and got Italian sorbet. It was a neat day just to spend together, no computers or distractions. Kelly
p.s. absolutely throw away the magazine. gets my blood boiling!!!

Michele Renee - Loved this post. Watched and laughed at the Debbie Downer skit. My youngest in 4th grade didn’t even want to do the Valentine’s so I guess we are officially over that. On the other hand I had to drive all around this weekend getting a rose with the 7th grader to give to a girl and the 9th grader got a card to mail because he is grounded and couldn’t see his crush and so I suggested he get a card and mail it and I had to show him how to address an envelope. And tonight is a double header hockey game for 7th grader. Hubs and I exchanged cards at 6:30 a.m.
Oh and 9th grader gets SI mag and he once pointed out that I check out and make a bigger deal out of that issue than he does.

Catherine - I LOVE the clips you choose to post!! I enjoy them as much as your blog. It totally made my day….I love the skits where they are cracking each other up and trying to stay in character. Thanks for all you do!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Valentines Meg!
I love your happy Cushions : ) Looking forward to seeing them !
Gemma xXx

Kimberlee J. - Did you know that one can opt out of the Swim Suit edition? It’s true. We don’t get one and Sports Illustrated comes to our house every week. I’d also love to say that it was my husband who initiated this…how do I love him? Let me count the ways starting with NO SWIM SUIT ISSUE!

Routhie - I never send candy with my girls and I always give them the same gift: special socks. Never too many of those lying around! I don’t boycott the day like my best friend (3 relationships ended on the 14th), but I just use it, like many other days, as an excuse to buy champagne. 🙂 Have a happy day in your own way!

Shayne - So glad I got to wake up to your post this morning. Now THAT was the way to start off Valentine’s Day!
Love your idea of a heart-shaped pizza. I’m not sure what we’ll do for dinner. Husband’s out of town—it may end up being hot dogs, because I would get Mom of the Year for serving those!
We celebrate simply. Starting with a white tablecloth, red fiesta bowls and mugs to serve breakfast.

keely - I love everything about this post. It’s such a “stick it to the man” kind of post…or something. 🙂

villa ibiza - Great post…!!! The way you have written this blog is awesome… Your craft in the beginning of the blog is the best part of this post….I also wish you a great and lovable Valentine’s Day….Amy God bless you…

Hoosier at Heart - Just breathe though it baby girl. I was in a fine mood this morning until I realized it was Valentines day. GRRRRRRRRR.

~Debra - Emma from Malaysia~I understand your frustration. I live in Japan & by the time I get to the shop, everything is sold out as well. I am sorry you haven’t been able to purchase anything. I hope you can soon!
~Debra in Japan

happygirl - We don’t celebrate Valentines Day over at the Happy house either. I made my husband and son’s favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. Get it? Red – spaghetti sauce? So holiday, right? Anyway, I’m with you on this one. Have a wonderful heart day sewing up a storm. Oh yeah, and holidays that you have go to work shouldn’t really count.

Alissa - Glad I’m not the only one who isn’t into spending a whole bunch of money for this “holiday”! I will be making some cute chocolate and strawberry cakeballs with my daughter today and heart shaped pizza also for supper for us. Have a wonderful day!

Liz - Love your blog, can’t wait to see what you put in the shop.
Happy <3 Day!

Shann - Can’t wait to see what you make in your shop! With 28 yards of pom pom trim…it’s gotta be good! And, I am with you…the swimsuit addition needs to be thrown in the trash. Heck, I would even find more satisfaction putting it through the shredder. Hummmmmmm????? Have a great day Miss Meg! 🙂

Tracy - LOL you crack me up, Meg! I love the new pom pom fabric and the bright colors – SOOO CUTE! And we are your normal “boring run of the mill” peeps over here too – my kids have outgrown the Valentine thing – but I didn’t do anything special for them either except make a heart shaped brownie with icing and pink pearl sprinkles and tell them I loved them – they LOVED it! HA! I think simple is always best! So YOU ROCK! 😉 Happy Valentine’s Day, Meg – have a great day! xoxoxo

Emma - Hi Meg, I’ve been following your blog ever since i first stumble upon…more than 2 years ago. I love your blog so much…well i’m addicted to your blog. I love your stack of fabric in this post…how i wish i manage to purchase a few of your pretty, happy colorful pillows for my home. I’m always a bit to late to reach your shop. it was often sold out when i reach there as we are in different time zone i guess. I’m from Malaysia. I wish I live in the same town you are that i can ran to your place to purchase those beautiful pillows!

Pati - Your pillows look soo pretty and colorful! Love you and yaaa for throwing out that stupid magazine!!!! Have a great day:)

heidi - I’ll join in with another “you inspired me” comment- my kids are off school this week so we are doing a craft every day. They are so excited. 🙂 thank you!
we are doing a special steak dinner complete with dollar spot mailboxes full of “love notes” written by each family member. I’m hoping the kids are actually loving with what they say to each other!

Leah - I was so inspired by your crafts last week that my daughter and I crafted our little hearts out this weekend (no pun intended). Check out my blog with photos and a shout-out to you. Thank you for the inspiration!

Julie - i’m the first to leave a comment today.. yeah me!
we are having heart shaped hamburgers today and that’s it.
my kids also have only the valentine cards to pass out… and they are from the dollar store. score!
i wish i could spend my day crafting, but i actually have to go to school and throw a valentine party with 24 cupcakes and cookies and juice boxes… oh yeah and boxes of chocolate i cannot eat. i don’t mind. the kids love it. but since we are being honest, i would rather be crafting… in your craft room. ha!

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paper cuts


how cool is this?!

have you seen lori danelle's work?

she is an artist.
she is a paper cutter.

such delicate work….i am so impressed.


she made this artwork from a tiny finger print from me.
and one from craig.

the time it must take to create such detailed work is incredible.


i can't wait to find the perfect spot for this in our home.
it tells a story.

it is a combination of who we were from the beginning to who we are now….out of paper….in art.

it's lovely. 

go check out lori's shop and blog.

she is an artist and blogger that i am so happy to know.

Jenn - that is pretty fantastic! (in both senses of the word) just wow.

taniawillis - the link is broken for me. wah!

Dawn Burke - Love it !

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I have to agree with the two comments above. Im sure its an amazing piece of art and Ive definitely never seen anything like it but Id never be able to afford one either.
I cant wait to see where you put it:)

Gemma - So lovely but very expensive (but I imagine it takes time to make it!)
Gemma x

Georgia - This is so lovely! – very pricey though – ouch on the purse!
Incredible work though, an amazing artist!

Transparent Mama - People are just so crafty. I am always amazed since I craft deficient.

Tracy Fisher - So awesome!!!
Tracy Fisher

Mel - Hey!! Your names rhyme!! I love it. : ) Happy Valentines!

Leigh - Lori’s work is amazing and she’s an amazing person in real life too! I was lucky enough to meet her at Blissdom and I love that we live in the same town.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - I never thought about how that rhymed 🙂 Too cute!

danielle - love her work!

Anne @ Baking Me - That is really cool. I love art work that has such great personal meaning behind it. So creative!

Jen Joy - That is the coolest, most unique thing I’ve seen in the blogsphere in ages! So awesome!!!

Kelly - wow! Kelly

linda anderson - wow!! incredible!! original, heartfelt, cool, conversation piece, amazing…i could go on and on…

Cory - OH my I am SO obsessed with these! They’re amazing!

Sandy - That is so cool!

Jill - very cool! what a unique piece of art. that must have taken FOREVER to make.

DANETT - This is so cute. I love it!

Hannah - i love that! what a great wedding anniversary gift that would be!

Hannah - i love that! what a great wedding anniversary gift that would be!

Southern Gal - What an original idea! Love it.

happygirl - Wow. Can you tell us the size of the piece? I’ve never seen anything like this.

Janine - I think that is going to be my anniversary present to my husband this year. So cool. Now to get his fingerprints without him freaking out!

Holly - very cool!

pam - WOW…that is amazing

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craft thursday

two days in a row??

and there are many more to come….

this idea came from a few different ideas 
but mostly first from pink and green mama….marylea.

i bought three sizes of doilies.
you can usually find them in the wedding isle at craft stores or walmart…lots of places have heart ones out right now in the valentine's sections…not my thing but maybe it's yours?  

we opened them and i just let them paint.

i suggested rainbow patterns but it didn't matter at all.
anything they made looked pretty.


this table was COVERED in paint by the time we were done.
this was just the beginning.
we made A LOT of painted doilies.


it is ok if the colors bleed together….it good even!


after they were dry i took them all up to the craft room and sewed them together.


i love how there is no pattern….only color.




 i love the detail of the lace but that it's not girlie or precious.



sean did not participate in this one.
he ran the other way.
not all crafts can have swords or dragons son.

and what easy clean up this is….just wipe up the table and done!
we use crayola watercolors….$4 from target or walmart…..less water makes brighter colors.


and in other news…..

i decided to watch Steel Magnolias yesterday while sewing.

yeah….because who doesn't love to bawl their eyes out while sewing?

i have seen it at least 20 times.
at least!!
and i cry every time.
it's heartbreaking and deep and lovely and pure.
and funny.

Steel Magnolias


i watched it first at a teenager….with my sister when she was in college i think.  

for year and years i identified with julia roberts character….she is young,

independent and trying to break free from her mom.  she is sassy. 

(and has bad pants and giant hair)

then i didn't see this movie for a quite a few years.

and watched it again probably 2 years ago.

it was like a crazy bizarre twilight zone moment… watching a different movie!

i was a different person seeing the same movie 15 years later.

i had completely become the mother….sally field.

i understood every thought she portrayed.

all the feelings that go with loving your child so much….trying to protect them.

the frustration of them not listening.

i had changed.  i was different.  i saw new things.  

it made me love this movie 1000 times more than i already did.

has this ever happened to you?



lori - what did you use to sew them together? a regular needle and thread? how did you keep them from folding?

JDaniel4's Mom - What a beautiful craft! I came across in on Pinterest and had to stop by to see how you made it. - absolutely beautiful craft! I am so putting that on my list of things to do and sharing it on my FB page. 🙂

Mazz - those ‘rainbow’ doilies lok awesome…thanks for sharing, great idea for “Mazz’s Munchkins” family day care and also in my scrapping 🙂

debbie - very pretty and colorful banner. Im sure they had fun painting them.
Steel Magnolias is one of mine and my two daughters (ages 20 and 22) favorite movies.. and I cry absolutely every time I see it.. the cemetery scene does me in.

beki - steel magnolias – one of my most favorite movies!! if it is ever on tv (which it is often) i must stop and watch it.
also, LOVE that doily garland. i think i need to make my kids make me some :))

Debra @ A Frugal Friend - Oh I always loved Steel Magnolias and the good cry that went along with it.
THEN, I was in the hospital with my mom so unexpectedly. Talking to her. Asking her to open her eyes. Begging her to open her eyes when the doctors came in. The most heartbreaking moments of my life.
Not sure I can ever watch Steel Magnolias again…..I know I would cry so much harder and remember my mom….but I would laugh too.

Erin - Okay, I love your blog and don’t think I’ve ever commented until now. Your post made me get all teary- loved the project, but especially your comments about the movie. I feel the same and I can’t watch that movie without seeing myself as Sally Field’s character. My daughter is 1 and has a rare heart problem that is difficult to survive into adulthood- and for those who do- pregnancy and childbirth are considered life threatening and therefore “not allowed”. Needless to say, I sob every time I see this movie and wonder how life will unfold for her as she becomes an independant woman and I try to hang on to my little girl.

Julia - I am definitely doing this.
I remember when you had 20 or so comments….those were the days…

Amy - i had the same exact movie experience when i recently re-watched “hope floats” & the mom says “mothers love their little girls, even if they show it poorly.”
steel magnolias, hope floats & beaches . . . they get me every time!

cassi - I felt the same way about this movie this year!

Trina McNeilly - I LOVE the doilies….. so gorgeous!

marta - colorful doilies may be my new favoritest thing.
p.s. am running out to watch S.M. again. haven’t since i was tiny. thanks for the shove in the right direction. happy valentine’s meg. so glad i discovered your pretty site.

Red Stethoscope - Oh man are those doilies beautiful! What a great craft project!
I love Steel Magnolias, and although I haven’t quite transitioned into the role of mother, I do see new things every time I watch it. I’ve probably seen it twenty times and still cry every.single.time.

patti - I just commented to one of my friends how my favorite character has changed in this movie as I have aged and changed. Right now I think it is Olympia Dukakis saying, “If you can’t say anything nice, come sit next to me:”

Amanda - Hmmm. Never been “allowed” to see the movie. I am a type 1 diabetic and my amazing mom forbade it when I was diagnosed at age 11 (probably because she didn’t want either of us to watch it). I love my mom. Sometimes I am curious about it, but I think she may be right on with this one for me. Of course, I know the basic storyline. Now, I have THREE wonderful little ones and am a super healthy gal and had super amazing pregnancies. God is so very good . . . and I am not scared of a little hard work to get those sweet babes in the end. 🙂
Thanks for sharing all the fun stuff!!! I triple HEART love your blog. Really.

Cindy Wells - I watched this with my daughter during one of our snow days & thought of you :). Like you I had a brand new perspective & saw a whole NEW movie. It was so CRAZY… I think I cry more identifying with the mom. Love the movie….never gets old. Love the craft too, can’t wait to try it! Cindy

Kristen Chapman - I felt that way about “Little Women” – for years I always identified with one or more of the girls, and then last year I reread it and all I could think of was “I wish I was a mother more like Marmee.” 🙂

Ana - What a great idea, Meg! They do look beautiful.

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - Loving that cheerful doily garland…I think we’ll just have to make that one today! And I thought it was THE funniest thing to read about Steel Magnolias in this post when I was just (like 10 minutes ago) lying in bed, thinking back to the last time I saw…Steel Magnolias! Ha! Double ha!
Just read about the SUMMER photo opportunity- that is so awesome! You have encouraged me, and reminded me, that God does indeed take joy in giving us the desires of our heart. Congratulations!

Holly - the doilies are lovely and I LOVE Steel Magnolias! Sounds like a great day to me!

Ali Richardson - I love love love those doilies! They look magical all strung together! These would be so beautiful strung from the trees for a garden party or wedding. SO beautiful and you captured their beauty so well…as usual 🙂

Sarah {Monogram Chick} - What a beautiful doile garland. I agree, I love color too and Steel Magnolias!

Drea - Wonderful craft! added it to my to do list 🙂

Erin Leigh - Love, love, love these! What an easy, cute idea.

Tara - oh good grief….now THIS is my favorite craft you’ve ever done. i swear i say it about every one of them.
And, i think i can honestly say that i’ve watched steel magnolias 50 times in my life and every single time, i have always related to sally fields…it didn’t matter if i was 17 or 26 or 37….

Meredith - p.s. I think you should festoon the family car with your doilies while you’re doing your school run.

Meredith - Clearly I can NOT watch this movie yet again….I was already welling up during that clip. I watched this as a teenager, but watching it as a Mum makes it even more poignant and gut-wrenching. “Laughter through tears, it’s my favourite emotion”. Love it. Meredy xo.

heather - lovely!!! water colors with doilies…who knew?
i don’t think there’s been a happier pairing with doilies, though.
they’re just perfect together.

Julie K - Oh this is so so pretty! I love this and am totally doing it with Kiana – we did coffee filter hearts today but the doilies I LOVE! and not normally a doilie type. LOVE this.

Katy - Oh, how I LOVE Steel Magnolias! Must watch it again soon. 🙂
So how do you like your new sewing machine? And what have you made with it? Mine crapped out on me last week so I am in the market for a new one. Don’t need any fancy dancy features. Just a “simple” one. I have been eyeballing the one you just got.
PS- Doilies are my favorite! Not sure if you’ve ever heard of Papertrey Ink or not, but they just announced that they are coming out with a doily die (for a die cutting machine)! You can bet I will be first in line (online) to buy one of them so I can make unlimited doilies whenever I want! 😉 Here’s a post where you can see them (not my blog, fyi)
Another PS- I keep looking at your blog post about the crafty weekend and I am so, so jealous! Looks like you all had SO much fun!

Janet - Can you or any of your readers recommend a good sewing machine for a beginner? Just for some basic sewing & crafts and all the fun ideas I get from this blog!

taralee - aww…meg!
i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when i was 15 (2000), and i JUST saw “steel magnolias” for the first time LAST year! i had been wanting to see it for awhile, but had NO idea that shelby died! my husband waited until i was in an ‘okay’ emotional state to watch it. it was still brutal.
i never would have guessed that your blog would network me with other ladies who experience t1! thanks for that.

Shayne - The doilies are Absolutely Gorgeous! This will be our craft for tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I have never watched Steel Magnolias. So now, of course, I will have to.

Renee - I am a southerner and it’s a prerequisite to love Steel Magnolias! I have an aunt almost identical to the Dolly Parton character. She is lovely. “Aunt Rubye Faye” I think it would be fun to be friends with Weezer. What a grumpy mess she is. Would you believe that I do not identify with ANY of the characters? Weird, huh? But my daughter is only 4. So I’ll give it a few years…

Beth - I LOVE COLOR TOO!!! I love that craft and I love that movie. I love the paints on the table! It makes me laugh at school when kids get all worked up about Paint! On! The! Table! . . . I just like, no big deal, it wipes off. And if it doesn’t, it makes the table prettier anyway! Have you seen the movie Crimes of the Heart? It is one of my all time favorites. I have it in vhs if you want to borrow it. We still have a vhs machine but most people probably don’t. It’s a funny movie, dark humor . . .but some deep, good things too.

Hannah - you are so creative! i have to tell you..that always seeing your bright colorful house and art has made me want more color in my house! you inspired me! and SM…the 🙂

Tonya - I LOVE Steel Magnolias!!! I went to the theater w/my mom to see it when it first came out…we bawled, laughed, bawled, laughed. It’s one of my favorite mommy memories! I can find a quote from that movie for almost any situation!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I love your project and Steel Magnolias is one of our favorites. I watched when I was pregnant and now have a daughter named Shelby – hormones. I fell in love with the name all over again.

se7en - From one totally color lover to another… Your kids sure know how to make things look so good and colorful and so pretty …. wonderful!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

Shann - I love this craft!! It is wonderful!! And,I know exactly what you mean about the movie. I named my daughter Shelby from this movie. And, now as a mama I can totally relate to Sally Field and her character. Wonder when I will become Ouiser?? 🙂

kate - how pretty! and yes…it’s amazing how watching the same movie but at a different time in your own life makes you see/feel completely different things…i always think this when i watch..
“terms of endearment”

Michelle - love these. . .and love steel magnolias. best. movie. ever.

Cory - OHH my I love Steel Magnolias. It’s one of the only movies I can think of that makes you laugh so hard your sides hurt & also bawl your eyes out. It’s a good feeling.
p.s. I didn’t comment on your craft weekend post, but can I just say DREAM!! I think if I could come up with the perfect weekend in my head it would look just like your craft weekend with the girls!

Jennifer Allred - LOVE the doilies! They were already on the short list of fun things to do this weekend, but I think they just moved to the top.
And on the Steel Magnolias front – when we were pregnant with our 2nd son we didn’t know if he was a boy or girl. Long story short, my hubby and I were watching this movie and he suggested the name Jackson if we had a boy. So it was decided right then and there he would be our Jack. Fast forward to when Jackson was 27 months… he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes! The first time I saw this movie after his diagnosis I couldn’t keep it together. I honestly believe that the Holy Spirit gave us the prompting for his name. I will never see this movie the same way again!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - yes – the movie experience has happened with me…
the movie:
how to make an american quilt

Jenny B. - LOVE the doilies! And, the movie thing has happened to me too. I saw Freaky Friday (the Lindsay Lohan / Jamie Lee Curtis version) when it came out in 2003… the year before I became a mom. I totally identified with the daughter. I saw it again recently (after having 2 children), and I totally identified with the mom! It was freaky. 🙂

Sarah - I love this idea! Beautiful! Now I just need a sewing machine…

Jodi - YES! That’s exactly how I felt after I watched it later on as a mother. My mom reminds me of Sally Fields (they are both, small, petite women and their mannerisms are so alike), so seeing Sally Fields cry is a lot like seeing MY mom cry and I lose it everytime.
LOVE the craft today! :o)

Janine - Very pretty garland! I like the way the sun illuminates them.
I can totally understand your transformation with Steel Magnolias. It happened to me with my favorite book series. I adore the Anne of Green Gables series. I have read them many times since I was a kid. Every few years or so in fact, and every time I identify with a different part of Anne’s life and see it in a whole new light.

Vera - Oooh pretty craft! One of my best friends and I saw a local theater production of Steel Magnolias a couple of months after we each had our first child (daughters!) and we walked out of there SOBBING.

leonieke - wow…great colours..
and by the way,.if you like colors you should really visit the yvestownblog. she has a great house,..alll white with lots of colors!

Christy - Yes! yes, yes, yes! Same movie…I experienced the same thing with Steel Magnolias! I saw it a couple of weeks ago and my daughters watched it with me. I saw it from a whole different perspective than when I saw it as a teenager.

happygirl - LOVE Steele Magnolias. The best line in a movie EVER is when Olympia Dukakis says “Well, you know what they say: if you don’t have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!”

Catriona - “Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair”

shauna reed - oh for heaven’s sake.
it is such a good movie.
and yes. yes , to say the least that has happened to me…in SO many areas of life.
ps. the doilies….swoon.
will you be my mother?

Beth @ Dirty laundry - Of course, swho doesn’t love Steel Magnolias? My favorite part is during Sally Field’s cemetery speech, when she says, “I just want to hit someone!” And Olympia Dukakis shoves Weezer at her and yells, “Here! Hit this!” You’re already bawling your eyes out, a huge emotional release, and in a split second you’re laughing out loud (and then you go back to crying), but that speech is a neat little roller coaster ride!
I love your rainbow doilies!

Kimberlee J. - I identify with Dolly Parton. 🙂

amy jupin - oh girl. you are going to have a zillion comments on this post.
you are so right about steel magnolias.
amazing movie, so deeply touching and gut-wrenching and sweet all rolled up in one.
and now that i’m officially a southern gal, this movie took yet another turn for me.
so weird how movies can make us FEEL.
anyways, love the doilies, love the rainbow colors, love the movie, love all of it.
happy friday! 🙂

Hoosier at Heart - Beautiful doilies! So fun. My daughter and I have tickets to see Steel Magnolias at a dinner theater here in town for our birthdays. We’ve seen the movie many times. Can you imagine it played out on stage? How much tissue should I bring? YOU SHOULD BE THERE WITH US!!

Jennifer Evans - I had that exact experience with this exact movie! I watched it a few months ago after a long time and I remember when I had watched when I was younger I would think that sounds just like my mother- ugh! When I watched it recently I so Identified with her and felt those feelings and totally understood her in way I couldn’t have before having daughters.

Janelle - Ok. I’m pathetic. Even just reading your post ABOUT Steel Magnolias made me cry. Great movie…but one I probably shouldn’t watch over and over! Sniff, sniff!

Lisa - Love the craft! Thanks for posting!
It is funny you say that about Steel Magnolias. I watched that movie a few months ago and as I was crying, my husband asked me why and I told him I was so sad for Shelby but was also sooo sad for the mother! It was like I could completely relate to both sides.
Love your blog. Thanks so much for being a bright spot to my days! 🙂

Debi - Steel Magnolias- that movie means so many different things to me. I’ve always loved a good cry, so that made it a favorite for me when I first saw it.
Then, many years later, my daughter, Anna, was diagnosed with diabetes. Her first question after diagnosis? “Mommy, will I still be able to have babies when I grow up?” How’s that for a heartbreaker? How do you wrap yourself around that????
Happily, diabetes treatment protocols have changed immensely since Steel Magnolias was filmed. Women with diabetes can now, under carefully controlled situations, get pregnant and have healthy babies without permanently harming themselves (or dying). Amen for that- thank you Jesus.
And yes, I AM M’lynn. Anna’s only 13, and I’m 47, but I soooo identify with that loving and protective mama.
Have a great day!

Sarah Alcantara - totally agree about the cemetery scene…so heartbreaking….but what a great movie!

meghan - favorite all time movie. I haven’t watched it in years…i should probably watch it again. I love those kind of transformations. love. love. love.

Kelly - Weird you should post this today. We got everything out to do this exact same thing yesterday after school and found out that sometime since we last used the watercolors a certain almost 6-year old boy popped all the dried paint things out of the strip. So we had empty paint cases. I got more this morning so we can do it today. I too love color! 🙂

Anne @ Baking Me - It’s been a few years since I’ve seen this movie, but the last time I watched it was with my husband because he had never seen it and I thought he should. I don’t think liked it as much as I told him he would 🙂 He is a bit wary of my movie suggestions. But I think this is a great movie!

Andrea T - we use our IKEA cups for water paint cups too 😉 i have extra doilies from vday….doing this one! we need color after all of this snow. thanks for sharing

Tiffany - Yes I am definitely now the mom. Helmet hair and all. :0)

pam - Meg I have no small children at home…well we have NO children at home but I have a special folder with craft idea that you try. I will save them for our future (hopefully) grandchildren. COLOR is so life giving to me. I LOVE the jewel tone doilies…blues, purples, green…so fit for my queenly status.

Lauren - Steel Magnolias is my all time most favorite movie! I cry everytime!

Deputy's Wife - I love that movie and I totaly get what you are saying. When I first watched that movie, oh so many years ago, Julia’s character was the one I was focused on. Now, I identify with Sally’s character! That scene at the cemetary??? I bawl like a baby everytime.
Maybe our parents were right, we do grow wiser as we age.

Wendy - Those are great! Might have to make some of those to decorate with for my girls birthdays coming up.

Jill - maybe sean would like it if you used coffee filters instead of doilies? 🙂
cute craft!!

karen - Pretty doilies!
Hmmmm…that is really cool that you saw it in a different perspective. I’ve been a mom for only 3 1/2 years now and haven’t watch in over 5 years.

ashley jensen - I have seen Steel Magnolia’s a number of times. Haven’t watched it since becoming a mom but I cry every stinkin’ time. Then again I cry at commercials, cartoons, books, etc. It’s pathetic and wonderful at same time what having a child does to your heart.

Ana M - Never see this movie…:(
but now I’m definately going to …
I love your projects…they are simple and real…
I’m a mom of 4 in very different ages but I can try that…
Love the way you write…feels like I’m sitting right next to you and you just copy my thoughts…
God keep blessing your adorable family…
Ana M

Nicole - I held a craft Thursday yesterday with my 5 children Meg! Yes, you inspired me! (as well as the need to get 60 valentines completed!) We used glitter, stickers, paper, glue sticks, tissue paper- and they were ALL gorgeous! I will have glitter everywhere for the next year since the 3 year old loved the “sprinkles” but we had FUN! Thank you for your inspiration!

Courtney Walsh - Such a cute and simple project!! Love it so much. Doilies are pretty to begin with.
I got to play Shelby twice in two different theatrical productions. Yeah, it was pretty draining! I haven’t watched the movie since…I just can’t get through Sally Field’s cemetery speech. Gosh. What great characters.
Have a great weekend!!

Jennifer - Those are beautiful! I think I’ll do something like this with my Sunday School class this week, but with heart doilys and no sewing! 😉

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craft thursday #16

i have a bunch of craft thursdays to share…because of all these snow days!

so we could technically call them CRAFT  snowDAYS.

we have to craft to keep our sanity.

or at least i do.

i highly recommend that when you set up a craft for your kids that you stop yourself
and DO the project with them….it is calming….relaxing…i am not kidding.
even if you feel dorky drawing a huge chameleon or painting a doilie….you will feel better when you are done.
trust me.
just throw it away when you are finished if you feel embarrassed.
but if you did the craft you will feel calmer than if you didn't.
that's MY theory.

snow day art therapy….i am grateful for it.

i am not a valentine-y girl.
it's the hearts.
i am not a big fan of the hearts.
but this one was cute.
i saw it on a blog….i left a comment….but i can't remember the blog.
so if you made these at your house, THANKS for the inspiration.
********it's HERE – thanks for commenting!!!*********

you need construction paper, contact paper and yarn or string.

(chocolate mustache….marker hands…the norm for miss annie….love her like crazy)

cut one BIG heart and then cut out the inside so you have one big empty heart.

then cut bunches of little hearts also out of construction paper.


cut a piece of contact paper big enough to fit your empty big heart.

smooth out your empty heart onto the contact paper…sticky side is up of course.


then fill in the empty space with the little hearts.



when it looks full to you….lay another sheet of contact paper on top.
both sticky sides together now.
smooth out the air bubbles….this step is slow.
start at one corner and work across.

but really….don't worry if there are wrinkles or air bubbles.
it's OK.
it's just a valentine decoration.
it's next week.
just hang it up anyway.  :)


cut around the outside of the heart leaving a small border of contact paper.
punch holes and string yarn through to hang in the windows.

all done!


speaking of art….

have you checked out Chrissie Grace and her shop?

she sent me this print and i LOVE it.
collage and scripture and COLOR.

go check out her etsy shop and her blog.

thank you chrissie.

Lorie - You are super crafty. I have been inspired to try so many new things lately. Knitting, Crocheting, Scrapbooking….. Keeps the mind busy.

Tanya H - We did these last night!!! Thanks for an idea becuase my daughter was pretty disappointed that we weren’t decorating for Valentines.

Kim - I have just recently started reading you blog and I just wanted you to know that I love the way you write, I love your ideas and thoughts and have moved you right to the top of my “must read” blog list.

leonie - Meg I did this craft with my class of 6 Non-verbal, Autistic boys yesterday, was a very fun tactile experience….. I do this activity at christmas time too…. bells and trees fill our windows beautifully, but I use cellophane then they are gorgeous leadlight windows xxx thanks for the idea…. I am sure their mums will love a little love on valentines day….. now any ideas for mothers day????

Mya - I <3 Annie and Talby is looking so beautiful in that photo!!! I love reading your blog I finally started my own blog..Pls visit the blog and give me your feedback :)

danielle - ps: i loved your comment about nursing. i felt the same way…like before someone told me that i could actually stop i didn’t even realize it myself.

danielle - need.that.print.
and what in the world i need to do these crafts!

Alison - I love your craft days with your kids! it has inspired me to do more of those with mine! My mom always says, they are arent going to remember how clean the house was, or if the laundry was always neatly done, they will remember how you made them feel. Craft days are just one of the many ways I am learning to connect on their level and make their little hearts happy and warm.Love that print. isnt Etsy the greatest?! 🙂

crystal beutler - Super cute craft. You do the funnest stuff with your kids. 🙂 And, love the print, especially the scripture.

Jen - Talby is growing up so fast!
There are three days that I wish I lived in America – Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Though it’s not big down here, I think Lucie & I might do some heart work.. thanks for the ideas. x

Maggie - I love your necklace in the picture…where did you get? I’d love to get one and have seen them before but don’t remember where

vakantiehuis costa brava - Really a good piece of Art and craft.The heart is really beautiful.I will prefer this art and craft with my daughter too.

Jenny B. - Oh, I forgot to say… I’ve never noticed before how much Talby looks like you. I definitely see a resemblance in that close-up of her cutting the little heart.

Jenny B. - Oooh, I love this craft! I wish I already had all the supplies… and didn’t have 2 feet of snow everywhere so I could go get them! I also love your rainbow yarn! 🙂

Tracy Fisher - Love your craft days. And how about that fabulous print you received. That verse says it all. I think I need to order one. I love when words fill my house… people that stop by always tell me they love reading the art in my home… hmmm… they are probably just being nice… but I will order one from her.
Keep up your craft days. I need an idea for a whole week off in two weeks.
Tracy Fisher (

Amanda - What a great simple craft! Thanks for sharing


Pamela M - So cute. We made a couple of valentine crafts – both using recycled crayons. Do you have any of those kicking around? lol!
If you want to take a peek, you can find them here. They were super easy to do.

Tess - Meg! Thank you for sharing the picture. I went to the Etsy site and bought the Risk picture – so excited to hang it in the house!

Amanda - I’m totally doing this with my kids this afternoon! Thanks for the easy and fun craft. My heart puncher should help me make hearts super quickly and hopefully this will bring up the spirits of my four year old daughter who has DOUBLE pink eye, DOUBLE ear infections and strep! Yikes!

Anne @ Baking Me - That heart is adorable, I want to make one and don’t even have kids 🙂

elisa - I have one of those hanging in my window. He made it at school tho.

Jenna - Keep ’em coming … they are inspiration for me to get crafty on my snow day(s)!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I love those scripture pillows! Stay warm and have a great day!

Christie - Thank you for sharing such wonderful faith based Etsy shops. I love seeing scripture and phrases incorporated in their art. It’s soothing.

colleen - Oooohhhhh! I love that print! That is a verse that i have prayed for our home many times… Have seen it once before in black and white painted on barn wood but I LOVE those colors! I live in Alabama and we have beautiful snow today – the kind that looks really pretty but the kids can still go to school for a full day! 🙂 I am having a “me” and cleaning day in my nice WARM house! Ahhhhhh!

elz - Cute craft. Might have to do this one with the girls this weekend…after we finish the class valentines!

Jessica - This is a great project! Definitely will be doing this one this weekend… 🙂

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - My kids and I have done crafts similar to this one before. Your’s is Very cute! We love doing crafts too, we do them all the time (almost every day. when I’m not working).

jenn g - my son’s preschool class did this craft this week. they cut up small pieces of colored tissue paper for the center though. the little hearts are cute!

nora - super-cute craft! i’m going to try to adapt it to my 20-month old son, who is currently in love with glue sticks and gluing things, when we’re stuck inside for yet another bitterly cold weekend!

shannon - Love this craft…alas we have another snow day as well! If I had contact paper we would be making this craft….there is so much snow I can’t even get out of my driveway to get contact paper even if I wanted to! Thanks for the link to chrissie’s blog…I have now added her to my blogs….great etsy shop! 😀

Jodi - LOVE the hearts. :o)
Your girls are adorable!
And you’re right, crafts calms the soul….
And thanks for the info on Chrissie’s shop, I’m going to check her out now!

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Here’s a funny thing: My daughter isn’t old enough for anything involving scissors or glue or really anything other than drawing a line on some paper (and her attention span for that is about 2 secs). But I want to make some of these 🙂

sara's art house - Super cute craft!!!! ANd I love Chrissie Grace 🙂

candace - i ran across that esty shop yesterday….the rainbow pillow was on another blog and i fell in love.
i think it is the slowing down and “being in the moment” that can be so relaxing when creating. or watching kids as they create.

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - love ’em both!! 🙂

Sarah Mahan - Hey that idea came from my blog. I remember you left a comment on my blog. You are welcome for the inspiration. I feel honored that you actually used my idea.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Really love pretty!

tara - Hi Meg…this isn’t the craft that you used, but I had this in my inspiration files for v-day crafts to try….
same kind of look…

Melissa - Today is a snow day and today we will make this craft!
Do you frame and hang all of these prints girls send you?? I mean, you could totally send some my way after you show them on your blog! :0) just kidding…maybe.

happygirl - I’m not much of a Valentine’s Day girl. 🙁 Heart just don’t send me and I should NOT eat the chocolate. LOVE the print. Is that your mirror in the print? I think the crafting you do with your children is wonderful. I love the pictures.

Shann - I used to make those hearts with my kiddos. I love them!! We would use different colored tissue paper for the little hearts in the inside. Then when you would hang them up in the light, they would look like stained glass. What a fun craft you made! 🙂

se7en - Totally totally love your hearts!!! And I have to agree my kids crafts keep me sane… just pottering along with them slows the pace down and chills us all out… enough to live again… It is very refreshing to stop and be with my kids and chat like people rather than just working away being the command center!!! Definitely refreshing!!! Lovely!!!

Mary Beth - …and for the rest of their lives, they’ll remember a Mom that sat with them. And made Memories.

~Debra - Great craft! And that print is awesome!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Oh my goodness. Talby looks like she could be 16 in the third picture! Talk about a trip into the future. The hearts look lovely. I used to do a stained glass project with students for Christmas with tissue paper and black construction paper. This would have been much easier : )

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as i drove my kids to school yesterday i realized my day was not going to go as planned.
i was supposed to spend the day with my friend…going to bible study…then lunch…then target.
there was a blizzard in front of me.
and i was so cold.

i ran into walmart for my few groceries i needed and white thread and pom pom trim.
the man at the cutting counter said "you want 10 yards of this snowball trim?!" then gave me the weirdest look.
he had to be thinking "she came here in a blizzard….for this??"
yes i did.
i could barely get my cart to my car by the time i came out.

the SNOW!

i came home and planted myself at the sewing machine only stopping once for an email & cocoa pebbles break.

it was a lovely day even if my plans were completely different.
i had a front row seat to the snow coming down.





thank you mom….my machine went nuts officially so i am using the "new" one now.
it's nice.
much nicer than my old one.






it took me 55 minutes to pick up all my kids from school.
that is a long time.
and i slid into a curb….hard.

craig had the kids shovel snow with him…i was in charge of hot cocoa and marshmallows.

my children are off of school today.

do you think they will notice if i just stay up in the craft room and sew all day again?????

Trysha - Love the snow! I am not ready for Spring. I want more snow and hot chocolate days.
(I’ve been reading your blog for a while and it’s the first one I put out there when someone asks but I’ve never commented. I’m weird like that.)

danielle - love the snow, LOVE the pin your wearing and your pretty face!!

Andrea - Oh – good idea about the heater by your feet! My feet get cold in my craft room too. (pleasures of an old house) They probably are on sale by now too…..

crystal beutler - I’m dying to know what you are making with all that cute fabric!!! Man, we would have so much fun if we lived near each other. I looooove to sew.

Melanie - You are wearing Lisa Leonard necklaces! I love her stuff. 😉

Danielle Albini - I love the flower on your shirt Meg! Did you make that? If so, how?!:)

elisa - I am so over winter- but I am snuggling with the pillow you made for me- with white snowball pom pom trim 🙂

BeckyB - I just loved this peek into your day! Loved it. And I smiled as I thought of you thinking about capturing it for your blog. You did an amazing job – I felt like I was in your house with a chair pulled right up to your sewing machine, cocoa in hand. Thanks so much!

Kimberly Dial - I loved this post. Made me feel warm inside … which is great because it’s anything but warm here in WV. You inspire me to get my machine fixed and then LEARN how to do something wonderful with it 😉 Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - I loved this post. Made me feel warm inside … which is great because it’s anything but warm here in WV. You inspire me to get my machine fixed and then LEARN how to do something wonderful with it 😉 Thanks for sharing!

Tara - i just love this post Meg.
my sewing machine is in the shop…it was my mother’s and she got it when she was married…so it is old. but I love it on so many levels. when I get it back I am going to make stuff just like you. I might even use the snow ball trim if that is OK:)

Nicole - I got that same sewing machine for Christmas! Now I have hope that I can create some beautiful things with it like yours 🙂 I am still learning, but I have high hopes!

bobbie - I’ve never seen snow like that in my life! I’ve only seen snow enough times to count on one hand it it was all under a few inches. The joys of living in TX. We had ice today and we all thought the few icicles were miraculous!
Now I’m going to burrow under covers until it’s back into the 70’s on saturday.

Jessie - Just wanted to say THANKS for leaving up all your Happy Things. I LoVE them and peeking through them for inspiration!

imoomie - I always say if your going to be surrounded by snow…make sure you have enough snowball trim on hand :)…Enjoy!

Rach - Amidst the boring 75 degree sunny weather we are having out here in LA, it was a wonderful sight to see your picture of snow. Ahhhhhhhh how I envy the snow bound states.

becky - my hubby had to run to the fabric store FOR me last week when we were snowed in. i’m too chicken with the littles in tow!! happy sewing!!

Emily Zimmerman - I just love you!!! You had me laughing out loud!!! Then I had to explain to the husband why I was laughing and your little grocery/fabric run even got a chuckle out of him. Pretty impressive if you can get the husbands laughing 🙂 Love you and keep the great stories coming!!!

No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane - I’m jealous of your snow day….
and I can’t wait to see what hits the shop!

Amy R. - A girl after my own heart! I would do the same if I was going to be stuck inside all day. You do bring a smile to my face and your blog is such a blessing to read!
Thanks for sharing your days…

Tonya - I heard your area got pounded w/snow…crazy!!!

eliz. - found out today that our walmart is no longer carrying any sewing products/ fabric. The worker told me that they are enlarging electronics. Guess they are going where the $$ is. I am so sad to see it go. It was so nice to be able to pick something up there as I was grocery shopping. She thought it was going to happen at all walmarts across the country. I am in ohio

Sharley McMullen - OOOHHH COLD and SNOWY!! I’m here is warm sunny So.Cal and was looking for you “Mom’s Margarita” recipe?? It wasn’t in your sidebar – could you share please:)
ps I’m Don Beverlin’s cousin

sue - Your post made me giggle.We never have snow like that here in the Mohave desert.I would like one day of it though.Ha Ha.You say your house is cold.Do you have a working fireplace that you could light up with wood and keep warm.?

Meredith Salmon - Reading your post just reminded me that I need white thread tonight too to finish my boys Valentine’s Day shirts. I may even do one for myself this year. Enjoy the snow!!!

sarah - self-portrait=adorable.
we’re so sunny out here on the west coast, it is hard to imagine the blizzard! enjoy being cozy and warm.

Lindsay - I love reading your blog! It is super sweet! Thanks. And your love of color is so inspiring! Where do you find such amazing fabric?

Taryn Smith - Loved Annie’s red cheeks and cute picture of you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You are so fun…I wish I had a snow day. I’m here in Southern California where it’s 73 degrees today. I’m wearing flip flops and the sun is shining. I love that, but I would love to experience what a snow day would be like when I would HAVE to stay in and have hot cocoa and marshmallows. Although I could miss out on the hitting the curb and taking 50 minutes to pick up kids…not fun.

Courtney Walsh - Seriously the best way to spend a blizzardy day!! And I’ve been known to spend more than one day in a row doing artsy things so I say go for it! 🙂

debbie - Love your necklaces and that pin is AWESOME! Your craft room looks so cozy! Love that it isn’t all magazine perfect and that you actually use it!

Amy - Do tell….what are the snowball for??

Erin McCall - Wow!! That is crazy! My kiddos are off too, but for ice. No pretty snow! Stay warm.

Courtney - can not wait to see what you are making!!! Stay warm!

Renee - Isn’t a beautiful life, isn’t it??

Beth - your day sounds wonderful. and I love that pom pom trim….i’m so bummed our walmart got rid of their fabric dept. Now they only have a handful of really generic craft things. enjoy your snow day!

Ryanne - Love the picture of the snow falling down on the trees and road.

Susan - Staying in the craft room sounds like a good idea to me. I schlepped out this morning in -3 degree temps to take the kiddos to school, not fun, accidents all over the place, idiots on the road. I say we just shut it all down and wait for spring.

Leslie - you are so cute!!! I want your messy, crazy, colorful craftroom. 🙂 Love your blog, keep it up! It makes me smile a lot!

Leah - I love seeing that beautiful photo of the snow. I want snow! Of course, this is easy for me to say because it’s sunny and in the 70s here in San Diego. Just think, you’ll be here in a few weeks. I’ll keep the sun for you!

Jennifer - What an adorable picture of you! I can’t wait to see what you are making. We had the snow in CO yesterday too, but it wasn’t that pretty, didn’t amount to much. And this morning when I took the girls to school it was -6. 🙁

crystal - Funny your kids are still going to school in the snow… in Oklahoma they will have been out for 2 full weeks if they miss thurs & fri this week, which with the foot of snow we’re getting again today, looks very likely. I should have used my time off to catch up on some scrapbooking but I didn’t. I didn’t do anything. Now I wish I had. Oh well, maybe by the time we have another Oklahoma Blizzard I will be more prepared & organized to scrap. For now, I’ll just read your blog & call it a day! I’m fine with that!

Heather - that photo of you is so stinking cute.

Stacia - I loved this post! I am looking forward to snow days like that someday…my babies are not in school yet. I really, really loved how messy you craft. Is that insulting? I don’t mean it that way at ALL. My craft room looks exactly like that when I am working on stuff. Enjoy having your kids home, hope they let you get something done:)

Anne @ Baking Me - What a wonderful way to spend a snow day!

Sarah - Your blizzard just hit us here in Tulsa. Cold weather and harsh winds do not make for good “go to work” weather. Looks like I might be pulling out my sewing machine also!

Heather - I’m a little east of you in Olathe. Hubby came home last night and announced we could get as much as 6 inches…on top of the 11 we had last week. I was quite relieved to find only 2 inches on the driveway this morning!

Staci - Myyyy bets arrrre….if they can find you out in the bedroom….they will find you out in your craft room….just sayin’???!!! heeeheee 🙂 Good luck though! My boys are off of school too today….I think we will be making days up until July 🙁 ah well! They are STILL asleep! I love it! and I also love that picture of Annie!!!!!!!! Hope you can get some crafting in!!!! Stay warm!

Lisa - Love Annie’s sweet, red rosy cheeks!! 🙂

AshleyAnn - love the pic of you. I bet your kids won’t notice you missing…mine never do on snow days!

Julie Weaver - I love waking up and seeing that you have posted. It makes me so happy. Your honesty and happiness make me appreciate my life even more.
Thank you.
And btw I bought that school days writing fabric because i love it up in your blog banner. I searched and your post about it was the first thing to pop up. Yay!

Drea - Your sewing area looks cozy! I went to walmart yesterday just to find wipe cases so I could make some custom wipe case covers for friends having babies… ended up spending like $100 some how on food and such.. how weird… oh and the wipe cases were SOLD OUT – how is that possible?
O well 🙂

monica - I love reading your blog every day. You are such a positive, fun person, with such a nice family. Monica

Edie Steinmann - The idea of pushing a cart through the Wal-Mart parking lot in the snow is so foreign to me that I had to giggle while imagining it! I’ve seen snow flurries here in south Georgia twice this winter and that’s unusual! Sounds like an awesome day!

Michelle - I wished it snowed here! I am embarrassed to say I have never seen snow in my life! I live in California and the coldest it has gotten here is maybe in the low 20’s, guess we shouldn’t complain!

Meredith - Nice post! Makes me long for a snow day, hot cocoa, no children, and a list of fun projects.

Jodi - what I would give for a chance to sew all day… being a newbie sewer, I need all the practice I can get! But… I don’t want the snow… so…

Jaimie - I really needed a post from you this morning and this one was perfect. Gotta love a little pom pom trim. : )

shannon - Happy crafting Meg! I say you stay in your craft room all day! I would do that too except my kiddos are still under the age of 5…they still have to have me! We have snow here and my oldest is in preschool but they cancel school here for even one snowflake! grrrr….I LOVE your blog! I follow you every single day and I look forward to reading it every single morning with my cup o joe! I have a weird question though, the other day you were talking about being in bed b/c it was warm…..and your bible study….my question is what do you study? I find myself stumped if I don’t have study material in front of me. Something to read and study along with my bible. do you buy your own studies? I am part of a bible study but we only meet once a month….kinda hard to study daily about it, I think.

Amanda - Sewing in the craft room sounds like such a nice cozy day. I love the picture of the snow. I can’t get over how much (I’m typing this from Florida)snow!!! I wouldn’t last a week in the snow – I’m a lizard!!!!! Stay warm. BTW….does Waffle go out in the snow?

Jamie - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. It always makes me SMILE!!
Can I just say I love your necklace…I think you have blogged about it before, but just for simplicity…could you tell me how I can get my own? I think I want one…maybe as a valentiney or anniversary present.
Thanks so much…for being you…and I am so glad that you think God is AWESOME…I DO TOO!!!

Heather - Okay, how cute are you? Love your two necklaces together. Love your sweater and shirt underneath! I’m buried in snow here in Toronto and am just about to shoot holes in my freezer. LOL Perhaps some crafts would melt my soul.
Now…where’d you buy that sweater? And the long sleeved tee? If you say Target I can’t be your friend anymore. 😛

Katie - Of course you need pom poms before the storm:) I ran out once earlier this winter and bought $12 worth of felt…that was a lot of felt! We have below zero temps this week and my husband is on a business trip:( We will survive! Happy Crafting!

Tara - can not stinkin wait to see what you are sewing up with that trim…..saw a glimpse of the fabric and love it.
as long as you’re letting the kids do what they want {within reason}….they could probably care less that you are in that craft room. :))))

Tess S. - looking good, meg! i’m hoping to get my hands on one of those pom-pom trimmed pillows of yours!

ashley jensen - I have only gone to work the 3 out of the last 8 days because of the snow! I am so not complaining though. I would rather be home. From the sounds of how your “romantic evening in the bedroom” went the other night, I doubt they will forget where you are.

Astrid - I think I can one-up-you…during a recent snow storm I went and bought…..
(we’re going on vacation to Hawaii soon and it was on my to-buy list…just picked an interesting day to buy it!)
I NEED to get crafty. Just having motivation/inspiration trouble.

happygirl - You are one dedicated crafter, meg. Good for you and stay safe out there.

Micah - ehhh so what if the dirty dishes reach the ceiling and noone has clean underwear. I say SEW! LOL

Ang - You make it sound like so much fun being cooped up. I’m suffering from cabin fever. I’m adoring your blog, btw!

Janie Fox - We had that last weekend and had to move our daughter in it. It was pretty but inconvenient. I love the pom pom fringe! Our Walmart has no sewing stuff in it….little town. But at least we have a Walmart. It is 0 degrees here today. I don’t want to leave the house. Sadly, I have no pom pom fringe either. And no cocoa pebbles.. now I think I have to leave.

Maegan - I’d say that is a perfectly wonderful way to spend the day.

Hoosier at Heart - Your Target sells sewing stuff? That’s awesome! My days rarely go as planned. I am a list-maker. I am also a Type-A and if I don’t get everything crossed off my list I feel kinda “let down”. Maybe if I only put 3 things on my list I could be happier. That is if my list only said, 1) Eat Peanut M&M’s while watching HGTV, 2) Spend 2 hours searching blogs, and 3) Go to bed early. Hope it warms up there soon. Have a great day!

leonieke - what are you making?

erin - I have days like that a lot. I am very type A too so they drive me nuts! Boo. At least something pretty looks like its coming out of it. You will show us what you made with that trim right?! Love the zebra too!

Wendy - That snowy tree picture is rad!

Kat - Wow that snow is amazing! What a beautiful shot.
I love how you capture little shots of your day. You inspire me with your photos and the little details Meg.
Seem so strange to see snow when we are in summer here in Aus and spent the afternoon at the beach!

~Debra - My vote is that you need to sew until your heart’s content. You deserve it!

Heather - awww, I love Annie’s sweet rosy face. 🙂 Sounds like you had a perfect day after all!

princess lasertron - that snow is so beautiful.

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this is where i am sitting right now… bed.
because it's warm.

after i blog i am going to work on my bible study.
in bed.
cause it's WARM!

i am super talkative today. 
so much to tell ya….or not….just stuff i have in my mind.

we watched Secretariat this weekend.
i liked it.
who wouldn't?
and then i bought the song "Oh Happy Day" on itunes and i have listened to it 25 times since.
you should listen to it too….i am right now.

and then i bought "i'll take you there" by the staple singers.  :)
1972 and 1969.
making me happy this morning.

did you watch the super bowl?
it was on in our home and my men watched it.
i made cupcakes…..played games with the little girls….read books to them….and put them to bed.
then i hid in the craft room sewing.
i didn't see one second of the super bowl.
and that is just fine with me.
it was so loud…i just had to be far away.

how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60's and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.

lots and lots of bunting.

i am getting my etsy shop stocked up again.  woo-hoo!!
pom poms and polka dots and rainbows are all around me.
(my shop won't be open for weeks….i promise i will give you plenty of heads up….)

did you know…..that even with a lock on your door….it is difficult to "be romantic" in the daytime with 5 kids?

well it is!

every 30 seconds a different kid was knocking on our door yesterday!

"mom….mom….mom….are you in there?"

"MOM….can you help me?  i need my shoe tied.  MOM????"

"DAD?  where's MOM?"

knock knock knock "MOM? can i have some ice cream?"  

"mom….hey mom?  when are you coming out of your room?" 

"mom?  the computer keeps freezing. can you come fix it?  MOM….can you fix it NOW?"

and then a blastingly loud rendention of chopsticks on the piano in anger because i wasn't coming out of my room fast enough for their liking.

BUT….romance MUST BE MADE.
no matter what.
it's important.
they will survive without their incredibly important requests of snacks or more computer time or help with zippers met instantly.
mommy and daddy need the romance!

with five kids we have gotten pretty good at ignoring the distractions in exchange for "romance"
but yesterday was one for the record books.

i know.

instead of knocking on my door non-stop they should have been folding the laundry!

the host for SNL was Dana Carvey.  
it made me happy….made me feel all nostalgic….thinking about high school.
wayne's world made me feel like i was 15.
how many times did we quote that in the 90's???

this skit was so dumb but funny. 


i apologize for that.

ok…i need to move on with my day.

and let you move on with yours!  :)


the winner of the Jolly Goode poster is…………

LOVE the poster! I have spots of red in my kitchen and this would be perfect. 🙂 This weekend – Saturday is working on my new craft storage and Sunday is Super Bowl. GO PACKERS! 🙂

Posted by: Sarah | February 04, 2011 at 02:21 PM

sarah….email me your info ok?



Tawnya - I just stumbled upon your blog. I was in a terrible mood, but if that picture is truly of your laundry pile, you have just made my whole day better. I have one to match 🙂

jennibell - I hear you on the “romance” thing. Last Saturday morning might have been one for the record books for us too 🙂 TMI but necessary to know others are in the same boat and MAKE IT WORK! I have to laugh at those who only have two little ones, some still in cribs, and “can’t be together” — ha! MAKE it happen. Good for you!!!!
Hope the snow is melting by now and you are warming. My one daughter is studying the state of KS in her geography book right now — made me think of you, someone I’ve never met. Ha! I love the blog world.
All your new fabrics and pompoms sneak peeks are exciting 🙂

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I watched about 5 minutes of the end of the SuperBowl. My husband and I are just not into watching sports.

Ashley - I love t.m.i. and I would love to know you and C make it work! PLEASE SHARE!! I look up to you a whole lot and really respect what you have to say about those “romance” situations! I would also love to see how you do your bible study!! I cant get enough of your blog!

Jan - Just loved this post! Just now “found” your blog via Matthew Mead…congrats to you!
Got the “Twilight Zone” chills when I read about “Oh Happy Day” because in the post I wrote last night I mentioned that it was my Grandma’s favorite song…hadn’t thought about it in years til I wrote that post…

Phoenix_Rising - That ‘tmi’ is what keeps your marriage alive and thriving!!! You are awesome <3

Carrie - I’m new to your blog and I just love it! You crack me up!!!

Karen Lehmann - oh…and I snuck away from my kids on Sunday…after being away from them all day long at a swim seminar…and I snuck away and met my husband at the hotel where he is staying for work, about 40 minutes away from our home, so that I could get some romance without those kids knocking on my door…(i kinda felt like a hooker) lol

Karen Lehmann - ok – i know you probably dont read all of these but i have to say that I turned on “oh happy day” and then I kept reading your post. I came to the part about the “romance” while the kids were trying to beat down the door and I just burst out laugh. Out loud laughing. really loud laughing. in my kitchen. by myself. and all I can say is… THANK YOU! 🙂

Amy - Lol Same goes at our house…. Lol thought it wAs just us it is awesome to hear it is not. I just found your blog today. I am really enjoying reading it. You are real! That is what i admire most in people. Love your stack of laundry.

kasey - umm….excuse me…but bryan and i tried to get in a quickie on sunday as well.
our doors don’t have locks…enough said.

Christina - “how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60’s and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.”
That made me laugh and laugh.
I loved Secretariat…I cried, and I thought it was so exciting. It made me want to know more about horse racing. For a minute, anyway. But…there are all these worlds out there, you know? The worlds where people know their stuff (or learn it really quick, and succeed!). Anyway, you’re so great!

kris - Laughing sooo hard! TMI? Nope, just real!
ps My family LOVED your baked french toast! So much easier than pan fried…and it is all ready at the same time!
Thanks Meg!

shauna reed - i assume you are using the term “romance” loosely…… and baby, you know how i love me some “oh happy day” and a good bunting… fact, some “romance” under a bunting and listening to “oh happy day” may be fun to try….hmmmmm…just a thought.

betsy - How lucky am I that I ALREADY have some of your fabulous bunting for my classroom?!?!?! Very!
I still quote Wayne’s World all the time.
“Camera one, camera 2”
“I don’t even have A gun, let alone multiple guns to necessitate the need of a gun rack.” “Fine, Wayne. You don’t like it? You know if you’re not careful, you’re going to lose me.” “Lose you? I lost you two months ago. We broke up. Are you mental?”
Too funny!

Melanie - The TMI is so funny. I think that it is hard with a 16 yr. old in the house. They KNOW what you are doing and the little kids don’t:)

Alison - oh, and I love the enthusiasm you have for the Lord. So glad when I see a post that gives praise to our awesome saviour. What would we be without him!

Alison - llllove your blog!! cant wait to see your Etsy store!! I just opened an Etsy and am having so much fun!Definetly going to Favorite you… I can already tell it’s gonna be awesome!

anna - hey meg,
could you show us how you do your Bible study, I always love learning that from other women. In fact…. I would LOVE to see a post about faith, coming to Jesus and what your faith looks like in your day to day life/ with the kids…pretty please! 🙂

Michelle - Yeah for romance!
“Party on Meg!”
“Party on Craig!”

Andrea T - thank you for that. you have no idea how normal that made me feel! you may say t.m.i but sometimes its what you need to here. I will be stalking the etsy shop date. i missed out last time, i need to add some rainbowy kansas to my jersey

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Heh, I simply DO NOT understand how you managed to stay in bed… once my daughter is awake, she is not going to let me have a spare moment to myself. Maybe it’s a two-year-old thing? Is there hope for us once she’s older?

Hoosier at Heart - Is that seriously your laundry? Holy crap. This is why I come here, I feel almost human again.

kate - Laughing because we used to have nights where my parents would all of a sudden let us stay out past “when the streetlights came on”. Wink wink.. No way would we have pressed our luck and even set foot in the house until my mom called us inside. If the house was a rockin’, we never had a clue….
It was only until later in life that the lightbulb went off..heywaitaminuteeeee
ps: I’ll Take You There-great song. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re old.

Ruth - Okay I feel SO much better about my pile of laundry after seeing yours!
Here is my question for you: where do you buy your fabric? I have been to 3 different Jo-Ann stores in the past week looking for bright & funky cute fabric to make some dresses for my girls and I can’t find anything like what you have there. Is there some sort of online source I don’t know about? Please help!

Michelle - Can I just say that I love TMI chatty Meg? You made me laugh heartily.

Kat - So grateful for some chattiness, especially seeing I am in need of a chat and I have no one here to talk to except four children under the age of eight, who are still home on summer hols (in Aus)for another week. Sigh.
Thanks for making me smile Meg and as always keeping it so real.
Love that!

Kate - Hahahaha! I love the post and love all the Modern Family references. That was ONE FUNNY episode. My favorite line was, “I don’t know what they were doing. But I think Dad was winning.” 🙂

kristine - that skit was funny. she sounds like she should be on jersey shore. oh my…
love your bunting craftiness! wish i could place a personalized order!!!
glad you got your romance on… maybe that’s why you’re so happy?! 🙂

Hannah - HA! i love that you talk about romance. i only have 2 kids and i can’t even go to the bathroom in peace! AHHHHH! 🙂 they can play fine for HOURS and the min. i walk out of the room, they come searching! it never fails! love your blog…to pieces…

Carol S. - Thank you for the SNL skit! I don’t watch it anymore, used to and that was very funny.

Erin Leigh - Love tmi & love the bunting… so cute!

Shanna - I am in love with the fabric with the school paper & letters on it. Where did you get it? Thank you! xoxo

Tracie - I agree that romance has to be made and I only have 2 kids! We used to put a movie on and then run upstairs. The laundry can wait or the kids can wear wrinkled clothes!

katie - love this post 🙂 love the comments. GOOD FOR YOU and for everyone else that that chooses lovin’ over laundry, my kinda gals!!

Tara M. - O.k. that romance story was funny! At least they didn’t walk in on you two! Did you see the Modern Family episode where the kids walk in on the parents?! It was pee in your pants funny!

Lisa - Love it. I saw you made The Nester over the weekend! Sweet!

Amber - Okay, that girl in the skit reminds me of Vienna from the Bachelor last season. lol.

happygirl - I thought SNL with Dana Carvey was so funny. Especially the Wayne’s World and opening monologue song. Oh yeah, and church lady and the Kardashian girls.

Jessica - I love this post!!
Love, love, love it! Totally makes me smile.

marta - oh goodness. i love me a colorful bunting. please please please let me know when your shop opens. yay. happy productivity. glad i’m in good company with this laundry stuff.

Gina - that is so normal, to try to fit in romance-it’s tough to do that but so worth it! We’ve done the same thing…thank goodness for the locked door! once we found a bunch of notes that one child had slipped under the door while we were locked in. Respect for mom and dad’s privacy is very important for them to learn!

Shelly foster - Oooooo……would LOVE some of that bunting for my nursery ….getting baby boys room ready now ! When will your etsy shop be open ??

Karen Gerstenberger - I agree – romance must be made, and time must be given to make it happen – and happen well. Good for you and Craig! When you are older and the kids are away, you will have a REAL relationship, instead of wondering, “Who is this person? Why did I marry him?”
Gregg & I have always made time for dates, and for romance – even when Katie was in the hospital. We were sleeping in separate places when she was in treatment – Gregg at Ronald McDonald House with David and me in the hospital with Katie, M-F; then we would swap places on the weekends, so each of us had time one-on-one with each child. When she was an outpatient (between each of the 5 weeks of chemo sessions), we all slept in one room and shared one bathroom at Ronald McDonald House. It was hard to find time to be alone, but the support of family made it possible. We needed to look into each others’ eyes, debrief, share what we were seeing and feeling, talk about what was next, and cherish one another. I think it helped us to weather everything – her passing, this new life and our grief.

Brook - Hilarious post today. Did you see the Modern family a few weeks ago where the kids bought them the door lock?? So funny. “MOM!!!” You can just never escape those kids. So excited to see what kind of goodies you get stocked up in your shop. Oh and I didn’t watch one second of the Super bowl either. Even better my hubby and big boys left and watched it at the neighbors. I painted and crafted which is more fun anyway!

julia - Um Meg…so if I show up at your house will you let me fold laundry?
Soooo, I was just wondering if you’d share with me where you get you print your photog canvases. Please, I can’t handle any more tough love like the making of the number 5.

rosemarie - i know how you feel even after 9:00 @ night my kids are still knocking on the door for me. i sometimes make my husband move our dresser in front of the door for fear they will break the door down..

Laura Phelps - I am cracking up because I experienced the SAME THING on Saturday morning…
“MOM! Open the door!!”
“Mom! Can we come in!!”
Finally I shouted, “In a minute! Your father is naked!!!”
They went running!!
and I didn’t have to lie! HA

Sarah - TMI is what makes life interesting!

Gevay - I have “Oh Happy Day” written on my chalkboard sign the hangs outside our front door. I’m with you, Sunday afternoon is a great time for romance! Have a great week!

Danielle - That exact same thing happened to us yesterday concerning the romance department:) Thank you for posting that song, I have listened to it three times in a row and posted it to my facebook. It’s gray, cold and rainy where we live, but it is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Perfect song to help me keep my attitude positive on a day like this:)

Tara -
and i love that you talk about locked doors and attempted romance with your husband.
also love that you had victory in the department of romance despite the screaming and the needs and the questions from your children.
i need to learn from you.

stefanie Arnold - its NOT tmi… because all of us married couples should be doing the same thing! Or, at least trying to with our kids doing the same as yours 🙂 My parents used to tell us kids “its healthy for your security” when we’d complain that they were dancing in the kitchen or suddenly “making out” 🙂
I love your chatty mood. Its how I typically feel first thing in the morning. Happy week!

Marie - Ahahaha that is sooooooooo my house! I have 4 kids and it seems like when that door locks they are right there to knock on it or try to open it even tho it is clearly locked! GAH! lol! My god Dana on snl was great. I love waynes world.

becky - romance??? i have no idea how you do it, but i’m so thankful that you DO – that gives me hope! We only have two kiddos {newborn & a 2 yr old} and romance doesn’t happen now because we’re EXHAUSTED… but you’re right. it just needs to be made. maybe tonight…… 🙂 thanks for sharing

Donna - Well the romance happens during the day at our house too, but we only have 3 kids knocking on the door! Sometimes we like to put a movie on for them and that keeps them entertained:)
I can’t wait to see the new things in your shop!!

amy - Loved the randomness of the post – hilarious. Random side note: I have the same alarm clock. $5 at Walmart or something? 🙂 Enjoy your day!

jen smith - I love ‘oh happy day’!!! have you seen sister act 2? one of my favorite renditions of the song.

georgia - Hi meg, when will you post about laurens 16th birthday! What special present did u get her for her sweet 16 🙂

Suzette - Romance! Made me think of the recent Modern Family episode. At least you have a lock!

Jana - That’s Right! Gotta keep the romance ALIVE!!

Emily - This was funny, talk about keeping it real… : ) I am glad things worked out in the end…
Enjoy your cozy time in bed with the Bible, sounds lovely!

Staci - I am sitting at my computer…eating leftover guacamole and chips from the SB and LOVING the fact that my boys are BACK IN SCHOOL TODAY!!!! Getting stocked up and ready to go for snowstorm #2 on Wednesday!!! CRAZEE!!! BUT…with kids sleeping in late…there was a llitttle time for some romance 😀 heeheee 😉 Have a great day!!!

the whyte house - lol. love this post. i am a t.m.i. person and i don’t care! 🙂

Katie - Did you see the nice shout out to you and Ashley on Nester? Love the love!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hello Chatty Kathy or Chatty Meg, I am actually in bed reading blogs as well. I can’t use the excuse because it’s warm, just that it’s comfy and the kids are off to school and no one will know that I’m back in bed 🙂 and soon I will get up and hit the ground with my feet running, so for now I’m enjoying my blog reading in bed. Have a great rest of your day.

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - Love the song, I’m listening to it right now. I’m a lover of old music for the 70s. I’m thinking a lock on our door is something we need to buy asap. It’s been a long time since we have had some afternoon romance.

Shannon - I didn’t watch the game Sunday either, the girls and I played outside and baked. I did eat all the snacks though 🙂
LOL at your TMI. I can’t even shut my bedroom door to take a shower without the knocking wanting to know what I’m doing they have to be with me 24/7 and there is only 2 of them!

Sheri @ Design Pop Interiors - I can’t think of a better way to start the day than with “Oh Happy Day”. Maybe I’ll listen to it first thing every morning – I bet it’ll be a great week. Thanks, Meg!

Tracy - LOL about the “romance” and knocking on the door by your children. I would LOVE to know your secret because I have yet to figure out how to “ignore and tune-out” my two 17 year olds when we are trying to make time for “romance”. HA! HELP! 🙂

bobbie - Have you heard O Happy Day by Kim Walker / Jesus Culture? It’s my favorite song ever. We played it right after our last baby was born because it was a happy day. Here’s a link in case you haven’t because you need to!
Also, our bedroom door does not close. Our house shifted and it just won’t close now. We’re going to try and fix it this weekend!

Nicole - I cannot wait to see the pennants! The fabrics are so cute!

Barbara @MadreMinutes - So glad to see someone else’s desk looks like mine…..Love your shop and look forward to learning more from you.
You can find me @MadreMinutes on MomTv and MingleMediaTv
Take care
Kindest regards,
Barbara Collins

Jamie - One time back when my now 9 year old was about 3, my husband and I were trying to be romantic in our locked room. Found out after the romance was over that our 3 year old was under the bed the whole time snooping for Christmas presents. Oooooops. He never asked and we never mentioned it. LOL

Tanya H - Eh, tmi is okay. makes me feel normal. we have a challenging time having a conversation without an audience. some things just cannot be discussed in front of kids. but the minute the door closes, they take that as a cue to either fight or neeeeed us.
I like your chatty morning. 🙂

Layla - I. Must. Have. That. BUNTING!!!!!!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go start hitting refresh on your etsy store ALL DAY! 😀

Sue - Hey Megan,
I wish you still lived here on Henry. I wish we could hang out…like the thousands of other women who read your blog. But I at least know you :). Happy belated birthday to Lauren! Sweet sixteen…Josh’s is next week…but he’s not so sweet. Enjoy your morning in bed!

Trish - 🙂 you are chatty this morning….
can’t wait to meet you in 17 days. AHHHHHH!

Laura - Romance MUST be made, you are right. And in our house I do not keep it a big secret from my children that romance is important. I don’t share with them details, but I let them know that their father and I need time alone. They don’t bother us because they do NOT want to know the details. LOL!

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