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just stop and think.





Jena Simms - Thank you for posting this, drop to my knees and pray right now, video. I am in love with my creator and know he loves me more than my understanding takes me. I just found your blog today… What an inspiration. Funny thing is, I think we are moving to your town in just a few months…God is so big he cordinates life’s introductions perfectly. Nice to meet you Meg!

Karina - He is so charismatic, I wish I could believe him.
I don’t.
But he is very engaging to watch, and thought-provoking about lots of things other than God, such as love and the amazing fact that the universe exists regardless of how it came to be.
Plus, that is one beautiful part of the world and a joy to look at!

Tara - Thank you for this….needed to hear all of this. Made me want to open my heart more to God and give him more than I have before! Thank you so much!

Courtney Henson - Read this book for my little book group over the last few months and was challenged, inspired….I could go on. Really, really good! Now we are reading One Thousand Gifts. Awesome and challenging as well!

Katey Deasy - I bought Crazy Love last week from Amazon and it’s sitting in my pile on my desk. This video made me move it to my nightstand. Will start it tonight. Thanks for sharing.

Georgia - I dont really believe in God or anything.. but the beginning part of the video is so true, i love that feeling of loving something so much you want to scream and cry and squeeeze it so tight… it makes you feel ‘real’

Laura Phelps - perfect way to begin the Lenten season….
who is this man?
he is adorable
I am sucker for a guy who loves God AND surfs πŸ™‚

Christy - Wow, I needed this, this a.m. Wonderful

Lisa- Domestic Accident - What an amazing way to start my week. Thanks, Meg, that was beautiful.

Amy Lynne - wow! I love listening to him speak!

Carla - I believe it all came from nothing, one fantastical amazing wondrous accident. No sin, no scorecard, no great arbitrator in the sky. Just one brief chance to make it count, to live it up. And I believe the world is all the more beautiful for it, that life is all the sweeter for it.

sandy lutz - i love this video and his books. He has a refreshing way of sharing. We did his study Crazy love and forgotten God in our small group bible study for church. loved it. He has other great videos out there to on his Crazy love website .

kim smart - what a great message! thanks for sharing this. i haven’t heard of him before now but i’m going to look up this book “crazy love” and check it out! God does work in interesting ways…

mandy friend - i had the joy of having him as a guest speaker on a mexico mission in highschool youth group(he was pals with my pastor, back before he was ‘famous’;)) my favorite thing he said that weekend was “the Christian life is like pizza, when it’s good it’s amazing, and when it’s bad?…it’s still pretty good”

Melissa V. - Love the encouraging video.

Naomi Williams - B/c you put that balance beam thing on your blog a while back, our teen girls are now doing Crazy Love for SSchool, and we’re LOVING it! Just thot you might like to know πŸ™‚

Cory - L O V E this video. I’m going through Crazy Love for about the gagillionth time. It’s great. Love me some Fran Chan!

happygirl - Crazy Love. I need to read it. I need to remember this is how HE feels about me. Thanks Meg.

purejoy - crazy love. on my list. in fact… downloading it to my kindle right. now. seriously.
thanks for the reminder.

Jacci - I love me some Francis.
He’s so stinkin intense. Love it.

Nicole Q. - Sweet stuff.

Janie Fox - I read Crazy Love and Forgotten God. I love the way he puts things. Word indeed!

Jenny B. - “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light standβ€”shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (The Message)
I asked my husband to come watch the video with me, and he said, “Hey, that guy looks familiar.” He went and got the book he’s reading for a Sunday School lesson he’ll teach in a couple of weeks, and it was Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. I always find it amazing and a little amusing how God puts things in front of us in so many different ways to get our attention. Obviously, there’s something I need to pay attention to here. πŸ™‚ Thank you for letting your light shine!

Jen - What a great reminder. My first introduction to him – must find out more! Haven’t come across him (maybe it’s being an Aussie and all).
Thanks for a great share!

Natasha - Love it! We’re actually looking into getting his book for all the ladies that attend our women’s retreat in May. Can’t wait to get my hands on it.

ingrid - LOVE francis! he’s speaking at our easter service this year and i’m sure he’ll be awesome! crazy love is awesome with all the videos….i just posted one of his videos on my blog a few days ago – the balance bean video – check out that video if you haven’t seen it – super powerful! adore your blog!

pam - I love the way Chan things….word indeed!

Katie - Reading his book Crazy Love right now!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Ahhhh, refreshing…wise…inspiring!
Loved that!
(And, if I didn’t already have spring fever, I’d surely have it after watching that video. Sure wish our beaches in SC looked like that!)

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three things.

1.  i listened to an entire justin bieber song in the car today alone.
     because i like it and my kids don't.
     they are on the "justin bieber is lame" bandwagon.
     annie is on the fence.
     she says yells "GUYS!  it's OKAY if you like justin bieber….it's OKAY! i don't but it's not bad if you do"

     (she may have heard it many times from me…maybe….but it's true!  it IS ok) 
     even if you are 35.
     it's just catchy. 

2.   please enjoy this video that makes my heart nearly burst with so many feelings.
      so proud of her….
      so sad to lose my baby officially….the last one to learn to read.
      so happy that she can do this….
      so proud to be her mom.

3.  yesterday i went antiquing with kimberlee.
     look what i found.

awesome green suitcase with fabulous wear and tear…..

but wait….there's more.  
inside it had ROLLER SKATES!
IMG_0323-2 IMG_0325-3

i lived in skates growing up.
i wore out our neighbor's driveway on my roller skates wearing my gray sweater with colorful stars.
i was going to win the grand champion roller skater….something i made up in my head….but i was going to win.


they are even my size.

for reals!!!!!
i see some shoe lace pom poms and knee high socks in my future……



salt lake insurance - It’s not wrong to do the things that you want.

Sarah - Baby, baby, baby, OH.
I love that song.
I told my daughter I was going to be a Justin poster and put it in my room.
She said, “That is wrong on so many different levels.”

Dani - I found a pair of skates last summer at a yard sale. They were my sons size. I got them home and realized they fit me too! I skated all over our house and my kids loved it as much as I did!

Kim Barlow - Smiling…totally smiling…

Courtney - Obsessed with that green suitcase and those roller skates were a little sign from God! Small story about kismet, fate, whathaveyou…My husband rode a unicycle as a kid, he is 50 now and last week on the way home from a birthday party we saw a lady riding a unicycle. Odd, huh? We drove to the only bike shop in town, which was closed, but the owner was still there, he opened the door and sold my husband a 24″ unicycle…it was meant to be…gave me goosebumps when I watched him wobble down the drive on it the first time! God at work!

amy S - Love the vintage skates and suitcase! I was a skater girl growing up too! Loved Tootie on Facts of Life because all she did was skate. I wanted to go to that school so I could skate around the halls like she did. I feel your pain on your baby growing up. My 7th child and baby is about to be fully potty trained and I am sad about that! I know, weird but I can’t help it. No more going to the baby section at the stores to buy supplies. I have been going there since 1995.

cathy - I remember the days when the boys started to read in English they already read Hebrew but it was not the same I wish I had a video recorder then. Nice rollerblades good luck on the roller derby.

Jen - Loved hearing your lovely voice! It’s not what I imagined, but not sure what that actually was πŸ™‚
Annie is just wonderful. Great book choice πŸ™‚

Alicia - As a soon-to-be primary (elementary) school teacher (I graduate in June), I’m so glad to see you
1. Reading with Annie!
2. Not just giving her the word, but asking her “What rhymes with ____?”
That is the best way to teach your child to read! Making them think about the context of the words and the story- as opposed to jthe old “sound it out” philosophy.
You are such a good mum! This little video just warmed my heart! I think you should post more videos of your kiddos on here… so sweet.

krys - That is serendipity. Love the case, love the skates. Wonderful blog you have here. I am glad I stumbled and rumbled into it. Happy Weekend.

roller derby champion of 1989 - maybe when we get together to drink that wine you were talking about…we could hit the roller derby.
I’ve been known to wear some short shorts with my knee highs.

Terrie Galle - BriNg …briNg your skates…stupid new laptop small keyboard

Terrie Galle - Brig your skates on over to Hutch tomorrow! We are headed to the skating rink to celebrate my nephew’s 9th birthday! This will bring back some good old memories!!! πŸ™‚

Holly - Brian just came home a couple of weeks ago with a book that he could read and he was so stinking proud! He is my baby. He does love Justin Beiber, but the other kids think he is just okay. Love going antiquing with a good friend!

Biz - Loved listening to Annie’s read!
So adorable.
I used the book Old Hat New Hat a Berenstain Bears book to teach my brother to read.
Rhyming books make it a little easier πŸ˜‰

angela - Mentioned you on my blog post today.

Heather R. - Go, Annie, Go! I just flashed back on my skates. Blue pom poms bell in the middle of them. Rainbow on the side, with knee highs. So COOL!!! I love your find. πŸ™‚

Ali - Bless her little reading self! It’s such a massive step – the beginning of the whole world opening up to her and she is doing so well.
My skates were blue and red and oh how much I loved them. I took my boys to the rink near my parents place and blew them away with my skills. Nice to know that even boring old Mum still has some surprises up her sleeve!

Lorie - How awesome! Don’t worry, I’m 36, and on the fence about Justin too. The kids at the elem. school where I work are all bout the Bieber Fever!
I’m meeting my best friend who lives 3 hours away at an antique mall this weekend. Maybe I’ll find my own roller skating suitcase too! My parents took my sister and I to a roller rink every Sunday after church. It was GREAT!

Jaimie - OOOOOOH, Love!!! I’m in love with the suitcase! What a perfect color! And what a score with the skates! You go!

Holly Cox - Those skates and that case are ABSOLUTELY awesome! Love it!

Lisa - Love that you were listening to Justin Bieber by yourself! And I LOVE old suitcases and I LOVED skating up into my adult years. Wish I still had my skates. Lost them at some point. I am also so close to my youngest of 4 being out of diapers. That one I am looking forward too! πŸ™‚ Annie sounds so sweet reading. Love those moments!

Staci - I sooooooooooo wanted those pom pom thingies too!!!!!! Sweeeeeeeeeet Annie πŸ˜‰

Suzanne - annie is the sweetest.

Jennifer O'Steen - that video is so cute! i love watching little kids learn how to read πŸ™‚ i totally wish we had antique stores like yours around here.. a girl can dream

Rach - And you are going to be so awesome skating around your neighborhood!!!

Janie Fox - Dang girl, I will fight you for those skates and that case!

betsy - Listening to Annie read warms my heart. As a 4th grade teacher, I rarely get to see or hear this sounding-out-every-syllable-reading-and-then-being-confused-by-words-like-of-and-know.
She did SUCH a great job!
Tell her that I say,
she’s on her way,
keep reading every day,
and soon it will be May!

karen - Really nice video…couldn’t help but smile.
Annie sounds so grown up…i wouldn’t have thought! And this may sound weird…but i love your voice! We need to see more of you on a video. Craft Thursday Video Tutorial!!

Elizabeth - I bought a Justin bieber song on iTunes today. And I LOVE Annie! So proud of her!

Ashley - she is so precious! I love her little voice! Kind of bittersweet, huh? how cool that you videoed it! I am so doing that when my girl starts reading…sniff!

Kristin S - 1. You’ll treasure that video of Annie forever!
2. Love the toe shot.
3. Fun to hear your voice. For reals.
4. Video brought back memories of when I taught 2nd grade. The days the late bloomers learned to read were my absolute favorite.
5. You pushing her hair behind her ear is a total mom move. My mom still does it! “I want to see your face” she says.
6. A few weeks ago Bieber annoyed me. Now I’m a closet fan. Is that creepy?

Amy Lynne - Congrats on your new reader! That is such a special thing to learn to do in this life!

Kelly - Oh my! It was so fun to listen to Annie read and you talk to her. So sweet. I loved the way she looked around the page hoping to see “a-s-k” somewhere else on that page to remind her. Lovely! Kelly

Krista - It was so nice to hear your voices, they were totally different than the ones I hear in my head when I read your blog! Go Annie! She’s awesome!
I downloaded JB on my ipod… but I say it’s for my girls. Like you said, the tunes are catchy!

Jenny B. - Oh, how fun!!! Congrats to Annie on learning how to read! Oh, and you should check out Cathy Zielske’s blog. She was a champion figure roller skater back in the day. πŸ™‚ Cathy Zielske: Glory Days

Heather - Oh yes, you have to have the pom-poms! This may be completely gross, but I still remember how the inside of my roller skate case smelled, like leather, paste and old socks. My skates had lavender wheels, the case was lavendar to match and there was always a tube of (nasty) grape-flavored lip gloss inside.

Jessica Johnson - sweet, little reading girl. and love the biebs. but it’s a secret, too.

Southern Gal - Actually it’s “I’ve GOT a brand new pair…”
That was bugging me when I read it back. Sorry.

Southern Gal - Oh, the pom-poms! I had a few different colors that my mom and I made for mine. I would change them out as my mood changed! Loved seeing your find. I’ll show my age and tell you I started out in the adjustable skates you wore over your shoes and had a key to change the size…you know, “I have a brand new pair of roller skates, you’ve got a brand new key.”

Sandy - I love listening to Annie read. I miss those days. “K – now”…words like that can drive a young reader crazy but she never got frustrated. Way to go, big girl!!

Alisa - I love how she looks around the page at the picture to figure the words out that she gets stumped on. My girls both did that (I’m sure it is universal) as they were learning to read. I am a third grade teacher, so watching this happen just warms my heart. Oh, and we have those same bed sheets…. just in case you wanted to know that.

Heather - Oh how I miss my skates. I rocked those skates and the pink fuzzy dice I had on them.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Oh, that sweet girl sounding out her words. Love it!!
{and the green suitcase? SCORE.}

Shayne - Great job Annie! May your life be filled to the brim with books you love.
Love the roller skates—and the fact that they are your size is just perfect!

georgia - Meg if them skates are your size you totally need to take them for a test ride! Obviously don’t go hurting yourself, but go do it, it will be so much fun!!
I love the video of annie so cute! You have a really soothing voice πŸ™‚
Have you thought of doing a video where we all ask questions, you pick the best ones and answer them by video? Would be fun πŸ™‚ xx

crystal beutler - I am so jealous of that green suitcase and the SKATES!!!! Do you know how much I loved skating as a kid. I had the metal kind you attached to your shoe with a skate key. So cool, and yet so lame. They always fell off.
Let go to the roller rink next time we meet up. πŸ™‚ Just kidding. I would probably kill myself.
Your little daughter melted my heart. So cute.

candace - As a kindergarten teacher, Annie totally trumped this post in my opinion. And I LOVE how she didn’t even flinch when you tucked her hair behind her ear. Good choice for independent reading too.

Kari - Very cute! Roller skates were a huge part of my childhood as well … the roller rink which had a forest scene in CARPET on one of the walls … like a giant latch hook rug. What a big day for Annie (and you!) Can I ask how you edit your videos? I have tried a few different methods but then I can’t upload them to blogger.
P.S. Is it weird that I was shocked when I heard your voice? All this time I was “hearing” your voice in my head, but then realized I’d never actually heard it until today. Oh blogland, how you tease me. πŸ™‚

Tina - Oh Meg! Now I KNOW for sure that we were meant to be friends! Seriously….I was a “three times a week” at the rollerskating rink girl with my best friend Kathleen. We’d beg for rides there all the time and did all kinds of chores to earn money to go skating. Boy did we have fun. But I thought it was cool to purchase the boys black speed skates and so that’s what I sported all around Skateworld rink in Vandalia, OH. I purchased them used from another regular skater, and even though they were about 2 sizes too big I’d wear really thick socks. My husband and I both became roller bladers, but I still have those black speed skates tucked away in a box somewhere in my basement. I think I’ll go look for them! πŸ™‚

sara's art house - LOVE the suitcase! Love the roller skates!!! I lived in roller skates too…we would go to my friend’s basement and skate for hours. Good memories!

Jill - I check your blog while I am at work. I have never commented before (besides telling you to host a craft weekend) πŸ™‚ But I just have to tell you that I started watching the video of Annie and here I am crying. At work.
My first baby is only one year old. I’ve never taught a child to read, but I so look forward to reaching these milestones. Thank you so much for sharing!

Courtney Walsh - I listen to Laurie Berkner by myself in the car. Which one of us needs to be more embarrassed? lol
LOVE the roller skates!! How fun are those? And the suitcase is awesome. I’ve been thinking about cool suitcases…but I gotta say, I love that you didn’t go for brown and boring! The color is awesome!
PS. Annie = adorable.

Nichole - I love how when she’s reading, if there’s a word she can’t pronounce, she’ll look at the other words on the page to find something that looks similar! She’s so smart!

shauna reed - she is precious. her hair. her toes. her sounding out. your voices. you are a sweet momma.
a SWEET MOMMA with rollerskates in a green case…

Ali @ HuYoung Heaven - Love the color of that suitcase! And the roller skates are awesome. I never got into rollerblading, but roller skating….that I can do.

Mindy Harris - antiquing with a friend sounds like the perfect day. love those skates/suitcase. great color.

Jessica - Oh my goodness! The memories of skating in our basement & driveway! I forgot all about that! Thanks for the reminder!

jennifer - I may or may not listen to Justin while alone in the car. Just don’t tell my teenage sons. I’m pretty sure they would disown me.

Shann - Do you remember how to “Shoot The Duck?” Oh…what fun and wonderful memories. Thanks for taking me back today. πŸ™‚

tara - i heard justin bieber for the first time this weekend at a college womens retreat…..they couldn’t believe that i hadn’t heard his music.
so, when the music came on, i said, “who’s this girl singing?” to which they replied, “GIRL!!!! IT’S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!”
it was catchy and i did like it…but what in the world will happen when his voice changes?
love the great find….lived in roller skates, too, growing up…..used to “slow skate” every saturday night at the toccoa skating rink. no joke. i think i feel a family night coming on……

Shannon - Please take a picture of yourself wearing these, it would be great πŸ™‚

Sarah - Love listening to little ones learn to read! So exciting for your baby. Ps she’ll always be your baby (Im the youngest in my family and love it when my mom says I’m her baby)

Amy G - That is AWESOME thanks for the smile!!!

Pamela Gordon - Love the suitcase and the surprise roller skates inside! I roller skated as a kid on the really old fashioned kind that fastened on your shoes and had a key to adjust them! I rolled along the paved sidewalks on them. We live in a rural area and in the 70’s there was a roller rink down the road that used to be a pig barn. They rented the ‘modern’ ones as in your pictures. It was a lot of fun! And guess what?? Justin Beiber is Canadian like me. πŸ˜€ I don’t listen to him but his songs are catchy tunes. Have a great weekend!

Laura Phelps - and I anxiously await the video of YOU roller skating!

sarah - i’m imagining you hopping onto a train for an adventure, your stylish, vintage suitcase tossed casually over your shoulder. darling.

Courtney Henson - Love your roller skates! I once found old ice skates in an old case with socks! I fondly remember roller skating in circles around my garage as a kid! And going to the roller skating rink for parties and even for school field trips. They always had the most awesome sticker machines there….good to fill your sticker books up with!

Leah - Okay, first of all, LOVE the suitcase and rollerskates. What a find! Second, congrats on such a milestone with Annie! I know how I feel when I see Sophie learn something brand new that I take for granted that I already know. What an exciting moment for you! And third (going with your blog title today), we recently made birdhouses with kids. Here is the post if you need a Craft Thursday idea:

Hannah - awesome find!! the old roller skates like that TRUMP roller blades….can you skate backwards??? love love love the color of that suitcase! πŸ™‚

Erica - Ok, I think you are the coolest. Reading your blog and seeing all of the COLOR that you post about makes me so happy. Today I thought I’d leave a message because as I was flipping through my Pottery Barn Kids catalog I saw this room and thought, Pottery Barn has been getting inspiration from Meg’s Blog! Just look: In their catalog it looks even more like you with a globe on top of the bookshelf and it shows more of the room.

Erin Ward - I can’t believe the skates were your size and everything! Crazy! I totally love the case.
And don’t feel bad. I’ve been known to enjoy a JB song now and again. πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - Let’s rent out the roller rink…maybe Amy knows someone. πŸ™‚

Tam - Annie reading is adorable! oh I miss my boys reading like that. My youngest loves Justin Beiber, it’s music I can car dance to, too. Amazing find with the skates and green suitcase. I’m antique’ing/thrifting tomorrow…I hope to find good stuff!

happygirl - Oh BOY!!! The saddest day in my town was when they closed the roller rink. And I remember taking roller skating lessons when I was in 3rd grade. My mom made me wear a dress. It buttoned all the way up the front. I fell. ALL the buttons came undone. Humiliated. Seriously. Still feel the shame. Ha ha. Btw, rent the movie Whip It. Quite entertaining.

Amber - lil bit obsessed w/green (that exact shade!) and that suitcase is AWESOME!

cathieb - where’s the love button for this?
so awesome – can’t what to see you in action ;o)

Michelle - MEG! You seriously have to post a video of the roller skating action. I’m guessing you’ve still got it in you to be the grand champion roller skater. No doubt. And you could skate to Justin Bieber. Just throwing it out there.

Heidi - My dad just recently found his mom’s old skates in a VERY vintage old suitcase and gave them to my daughter (who is 9) and they FIT! I remember wearing those exact same skates when I was younger (not 9!). Love the fact that they have been passed along and will continue their journey. πŸ™‚ They look just like the ones in your picture, except I think their wheels are orange.
Annie is a doll. We have a split household on Justin too- but I do notice everyone singing along in the car. πŸ˜‰

Maeva - Annie sounds so grown up!

julia - Dear M. Please join my roller derby team. No pushing is allowed. Yours. J.

sara @ it's good to be queen - annie is so adorable!!

Carrie - Please let us see a video of you roller skating.
We had a roller rink near us that all of the kids would go to on Friday nights. It was called Starlite Triple T (funny) and I think I spent every Friday night from 5th through 8th grade there. It was so much fun. Now, at 34, I am pretty sure I would be terrified to roller skate.
PS – It’s totally ok to like Justin Beiber.

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one year ago….

i was in africa.

i had just slept in a bed at the YMCA in freetown and had seen a whole new world.

i was a crying mess.

i felt so spoiled.

my heart was forever changed.



i am still so proud of him.
he and i have written letters all year.  
he sent MY family gifts and a letter in his handwriting at christmas.
i hope i get to see him again someday.
he is doing custom embroidery work on a steady basis now.
it was a privilege to have met him.



how has an entire year gone by?

i want to go back.

i want to see those faces again.

i want to see God there again.

this was my post the day i came home.

(all of my africa posts are together on the rainbow africa button at the top right.) 

Love - i just got back a few weeks ago and already figuring out how to get back. my heart is always there.
love the one of the baby smiling up from mama’s back. =)

amy jupin - i still love each of these pictures.
what a story they tell.
some of your best work here, meg. so good.

Melissa - I am curious as to who you went through to go on the Africa? Was it the YMCA? I would like more information. I really want to go, but there are so many groups out there I just am not sure where to start.

Jenn B - I have been to Africa twice once on a missions trip and once with college and you are SO right – it changes your life. Thank you for sharing your story. I love your photos!

dotsie (aka podso) - I’m so glad I stopped by today to see your wonderful, emotive pics of your visit. It is very true, you cannot spend time in Africa without being changed, and leaving some of yourself there.

kari - oh meg…the memories that flood back each time i see these pictures. it’s been heavy on my mind and heart as well. miss you, friend.

crystalbeutler - Wow. What an incredible experience. You pictures are so beautiful — the people are beautiful. I would love to hear the story of how and why you went to Africa. My cousin’s daughter is going over this year. I don’t know much about it — only that it involves sewing machines. She asked me to donate money. It sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. Making a difference, changing lives . . . humility, gratitude. It doesn’t get better than that. I know two girls who need that experience. πŸ™‚ Maybe one day, it will happen.

ronda beeman - What an incredible God we serve! To see Him working in all kinds of places, especially in countries that need His love. Thank – you for the pictures and for the encouragement and reminder to be praying for His love to spread to every single corner of the world.
Such a blessing to see the smiles on these kids!

Heather - It sure doesn’t seem like its been a year. I remember praying for you and waiting hungrily for the pics you would share. I love the guy sewing – it needs a caption something to the effect of, “yes you too can have gorgeous muscles like these! Purchase your singer treadle machine now for only 4 easy payments of….”
I want you to go back, too! Would it be a do-able trip for you and your oldest before she graduates and leaves home?

amanda - I remember these pictures … those in the church were haunting (in a good way) – I couldn’t shake those sweet faces for a few days. Wow, it doesn’t seem like it’s been a year!

evelyse - what an awesome experience!

Tracy Fisher - Just as you remember them… they are still thinking of you. πŸ™‚
What a treasured memory. Don’t you love how the mind can keep that stored forever?
Tracy Fisher

Haven - My sister just came back from Sierra Leone, and is so ready to go back. She went as a photographer through the Women of Hope International to not only capture the people of Sierra Leone, but to teach some of them to take pictures for the organization. Thank you for sharing these pictures. This really puts things in perspective of what she saw, because she is still working on her pictures. She was not able to show us quite yet! I am very anxious to see them! Anyhoo, thanks again!

danielle - awesome, meg. i hope to do a short term mission trip in the not so distant future.

jaz - This is when I very first saw your blog, and I was absolutely and utterly blown away πŸ™‚

Kelly - A bunch of our area churches do an annual missions conference. This year was unique in that all the missionaries here work with ABWE in Togo. ABWE is currently building another hospital in Mango,Togo which is a really big deal. Another ministry in Mango they talked about was a sewing school run by a native man named Nogbebji. (Here is an article about the school –
Our area churches have decided to send a work team to help with the hospital next spring. My husband and I are praying about going. I told our pastor I would LOVE to see the ministry of this school! All that to say, I was thinking of you & your trip during the last two weeks of our missions conference. I can’t believe it was already a year ago!

Courtney Walsh - Cannot believe that was a whole year ago, Megan. That’s crazy. Such an indelible print they’ve left on your heart…
And I’m sure you left the same print on theirs.

Tonya - these pictures make me cry every time. i have to keep these pictures and images in front of my face to keep my mind on all of God’s creation…not just my own little world. Your time there and the way you have captured it has made a difference in me.

candace - the picture of you showing the kids the image you just took…..i can hear my little friends from africa saying “snap it. capture me.” and how precious is that little boy just to the right of the man leading prayer…his hand over his heart instantly made mine melt!
you sure do know how to capture and share the beauty of God!

Sara - The 8th picture…the small boy crying while being held, brings me to my knees in prayer for these people. Dear Lord, we are so blessed. Thank you for sharing.

kae - i love the way you have captured the moments/images. very inspiring & touching! & i really love the way you keep in touch with that guy sewing. you’re an inspiration to me in many ways…as a mom, as a crafter, photographer, blogger, etc. thank you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a beautiful post. You have a beautiful heart Meg. Thank you for sharing your journey.

jen smith - aren’t missions trip amazing?! my husband and i have been on many many trips(mexico, bahamas, peru, philippines, argentina) and the one thing i have learned through them all is people are the same no matter where they live and god is still god no matter where you are.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, wow. Has it really been a year? I remember crying as I read every post. Our blessings are so great. So big. How often do I take them for grated and complain and worry and worry more? Meg, thank you so much for being such a beautiful, beautiful vessel that God shines so brightly through.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - What beautiful pictures, Meg. I know you have a very passionate heart for Africa and its people so Im curious: do you feel as if God will ever call you there to serve?(I mean for more than just a visit).

Kimberly Dial - Amazing … I loved this post! Thank you for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - Amazing … I loved this post! Thank you for sharing!

Maria - Wow, a whole year already….I loved your pictures of Africa, they were so vivid and alive. Thank you for helping us to remember.

Lisa - Goose bumps seeing the pictures again! I still remember the boiled eggs and the vitamins and all their sweet faces…awesome.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Puts my little adventure completely into perspective.
Thanks Megan,

Jenny Joy - I remember reading about your journey. In fact, I remember it well. So powerful. So emotional. It filled me with hope. I could feel all the love that you had for that experience and how much it changed you. I’m so glad you gave us all the reminder. Thank you!

april's craft nest - oh meg, these photos are wonderful. you can feel the emotion in them. the little boy with his hand on hhis heart in church- oh my gosh! the little boy sleeping on the backpack….the oerhead photo of the shantytown, your friend with the muscles at an old sewing machine. these images will stay with me. thank you!

Routhie - All the emotions I had reading your Africa posts always bubble right back up when you speak of your time there. I would love to make such a journey and help. Surely something larger could be organized?

Janine - You don’t have to go to Africa to “see God”. It’s just easier to there because of the dire situation. You just have to open your eyes a little wider to see the need at home. Going there was a great thing indeed, and clearly the need there is immense. But do what you can from here. Focus your energies in your own community and you’ll see the same rewards.

Cassie - me too, meg.
me too.
i have been SO reminiscent the past few days thinking about “one year ago today we were getting on the plane.” or “one year ago today we met david and sheku”.
and i ran into sheila yesterday at the school and we had a “moment”. πŸ™‚ her thoughts, too, have been taking over by memories of africa and longings to go back.
all that to say “miss you” and “love you” and “thinking about you”.
did we really go there??

Heather - Those images are simply stunning. And make me wonder what the heck I whine about. Really, though. What do I have to whine about? Thanks for this reality check on a dull, cold March morning as I feel sorry for myself that both of my kids are sickish and I’m closing in on 41. Sigh.
That pic of the young man at the sewing machine is so beautiful. And you are so blessed to have made this friend and to have kept in touch. You really never cease to amaze me.

Cara - I can’t believe it has been a year already since you were in Africa! After reading about your trip, I started dreaming about my own trip. I’m hoping to go on a similar trip sometime in the next few years. As usual, your photos are stunning!

Kimberlee J. - There is much to say about this.
A million questions I have for you about these beautiful people.
I hear a tugging for sure.

Meghan B - My how a year flies, but because of your images I’ve thought of your trip many times since you’ve come back. They pop into my head when God wants to remind me of the countless blessings I have in my life and His call to serve others. Thanks.

Tara - love every image….
reminds me of my time in India….
I want to go back, too, because a part of my heart is there…..

Tricia Anne - Oh how those images tug at my heart.
I have never had the privilege of doing mission work abroad.
I can see how your life was changed after going.
I can feel it in the picture you posted.
Thank you for doing so. Sincerely, Trish
ps. I am a new follower of your blog and so glad to have found you. I am looking forward to becoming better acquainted. Have a nice day. :o)

happygirl - Thank you for sharing your images and thoughts of Africa. Isn’t it amazing. God has made this world so big and so diverse. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to travel and experience all the differences. I’m glad your heart was able to grow in this experience. I know you’ll pass a heart for all people to your children. <3

Katy Stone - come visit me! πŸ™‚
oh, how i love your pictures. i still have to pinch myself sometimes that the Lord has called us to call this place home for (at least) a year.

se7en - Wow a whole year has past… your trip blogging had such an impact on my life and your journey raised my already aware awareness too new heights. We live in Cape Town, South Africa – so much closer than you do to the very heart of poverty and it is so easy to drive by and donate goods and hand out a few coins at the stop light… and never feel the pain. So thank you for your heart wrenching trip, I remember crying over those kids and their eggs the same day I had gone to by candy for sunday school class. You certainly helped me to take nothing for granted and to give away far more than I thought we had just because someone else really did need it more. Thank-you.

leonieke - seems to me you have a interesting life.. all the travelling combined with your family.. wow!

Lori - Such beautiful, meaningful photos. The artist’s eye has truly shown through.

jen @ tatertots and jello - Wow – such powerful images. I hope to go one day. You are such an inspiration to me.

Melissa Morrill - I can’t believe it’s already been a year!! I loved all your posts about your Africa trip and the day that you left I cried with you!!
You are such an inspiration to me.
God is so good Meg.

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men in belted sweaters.

this was an email that i got from jaz.  (i begged her for it)
it's fabulous.
you MUST read the advertisements….MUST.

the hat…..oh the hat.






for me it is a natural transition straight into the Barry Gibb Talk Show on SNL….

talkin' bout chest hair, talkin' bout crazy cool medallions.

funny stuff.

in other news…….

come over to my other blog to read about la crΓ©me coffee creamer today
and enter to win a $100 visa gift card.


ported barrels - And of course, please pay attention to the overall work being performed.

ΧœΧ€Χ¨Χ˜Χ™Χ - Great photos of old 1970s. I like the fashion of that era. There are vary huge change between 20th century and first generation.

Emery Sprau - Well, I find the belted sweater cool. Sweaters did leave the limelight in men’s fashion and bringing this back now would add sophistication to modern styles.

herringbone - This is crazy! You made my day happy! You know, your photos are so funny! I guess those outfits are out of fashion today.

Edward Facinelli - Hahaha… Nice to see these old school ads! The sweaters’ styles look like costumes on some fairytales! LOL! At first glance, the sweaters look something like Robin Hood’s clothing. Hmm… One can clearly see how flamboyant fashion styles were before – that retro feeling.

Supra Shoes - I describe, I’ve witnessed with my own eyes. In no particular order of severity, without any intention to shock nor pass judgement, these fish have been subject to survival challenges that could yet be turned into a reality TV show. Let’s cut to poo, firstly. I’ve seen humans poo by the lake’s edge. My neighbour washes the bird poo from the base of her birdcage into the lake. Her husband, I saw one day pick up a dog turd with a yellow trumpet flower and piff it into the lake. He said hello to me and smiled as he did it.

Air Jordans - Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; can transfer knowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man’s actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy.

Coach handbags - Other inventions – the vacuum tube to amplify sound, and coaxial cables to link long distances on land and under the seas — greatly expanded phone service. Transistors replaced the old vacuum tubes, and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated the necessity of landlines. Today, bundles of glass fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.

amy jupin - i almost peed my pants looking at this.
at work.
then we photoshopped my friend’s face onto one of the guys bodies and laughed until we cried.
thanks for sharing!

Blog - HAHA! Thank you so much for this. Made my day. Love your blog!

Prudence - Thanks for these hilarious pictures!! TOO TOO FUNNY!!!

Lisa - Mercy! This is by far the best way to start a Friday. Thank you! I can’t stop laughing.. will share for sure.

Pippa - These are a Hoot! Also, need to comment on your LaCreme post – and your comment about going to bed thinking you can’t wait until morning to have coffee – I thought that exact thing just last night – CRAZY! Doesn’t help that there is a Maxwell House coffee plant here in Jacksonville, FL and you can smell the coffee when you are in the downtown area – SMELLS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD! Happy Friday!

Jennifer - “you’re a walking turn-on”…I’m dying. My 6 year old came to see what I was laughing about and he asked “Is that his long underwear??” LOL. Thanks for the hilarity this morning. πŸ™‚

Maskman - Kill it!
Kill it with fire!
Kill it before it eats the kids!

Shamed - I’d send this to my dad but I think he might still have the shirts in the first picture in his closet. I almost swear he wore one for Easter last year.

emily - this is priceless!! i added you to my pinterest so that i can laugh every day!! great post!!

Mary Lemon - I remember lime green “leisure suits” and unfortunately we tho’t they were pretty cool at the time. The terry cloth “jumpsuit” is really somethin! And I think the belted sweaters must not have made it to Nebraska! You know we’re always several years behind the big fashion hits!
I loved Karen’s comment about her dad and getting out of his way . . . that made me laugh as hard as the ads. Thanks Karen for sharing that! I needed to laugh today and this ad and the comments really made my day!

Cherished Hearts Vintage - OH MY! Tooooo funny. Thank you.

Sharyl@Thelittlebrownhouse - Oh my!! Cracking up!! The Barry Gibb Talk Show is an all time favorite of mine!

amber - Holy cow. Bob, Paul, & Steve. Jump suits. Wow. Wow. I can’t wait to show my husband. He’s gonna be totally grossed out…so fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Biggest hit at the office EVER

Libby - “You’re a walking turn-on.”
Or… or maybe something else all together.

Jennifer Williams - Ha! I needed a good laugh today. Thank you for sharing.

Trish - OH MY Goodness!! So funny, Uggh, my side hurts from laughing so hard.
I’m gonna share this on FB πŸ˜‰

sara's art house - HILARIOUS!!! πŸ™‚

Kelly - oh my! πŸ™‚ Kelly

Tiffany - Thanks for sharing that! πŸ™‚ All I kept thinking about was Ron Burgundy in Anchorman. All those models have those weird lusty faces like they’re wearing cologne named Sex Panther.

Melinda - Oh my! Although it was the end of the era I do have to admit that the top picture, light blue ensemble, looked very similar to one my husband once sported. Haha! I know fashion often repeats itself and some of the fashions (think Rachel Zoe) are pretty cool again there are some (like the male jumpsuit) that should be outlawed! Thanks for the trip down memory lane : )

Kristin S - “shoes sold on 442” Thanks, I was wondering.

Julie - THis was the seventies right? Like as in my poor little baby and toddler eyes could have seen men in baby blue, gold belted, terry jumpsuits, leisurely leisuring around town. With their junk for all to see????
So glad that memories of the younger years fade! So glad that my dad did not embrace this fad. Or did he? Do I need to look through my childhood albums? That is a scary, scary thought!!!!

crystalbeutler - Too stinkin funny. These is my days, girlfriend. I so remember the jumpsuits!! Hideous then, hideous now.
The guy on the right in the first photo looks just like one of the checkers at my grocery store! He’s still livin the dream.

Jacci - Megan. My dear.
There is so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin.
Why do I feel like your gonna pull out a couple of these ad lines on Craig when the kids aren’t around?
lol. and ha.
btw, thanks for sifting thru SNL for me and showing the funny, clean clips. that’s a bonus πŸ™‚

Dawn - I am scarred for life. Seriously.

kasey - “quick as a flick of her tongue”….
no need to say more.

karen - this is probably sharing too much, but my dad rocked the jumpsuit, you just did not want to be in his way when he was trying to make it to the bathroom, I am not sure how easy those were to take off…..not as easy as portrayed in the ads…………………..:)

hayley - wait…people were really getting laid in these things?!

Jamie - I’ll take one jumpsuit for my husband. Skyblue, to bring out the color of his eyes.

Kimberly - hahahahah!!!! “… Bob, Paul, and Steve want patterns and colors that swing too.”

Jenny Joy - BWWAHAHAAAAAAAAA… The men in the jumpsuits? Those dudes and their “packages” are scaring the bajeebers out of me. Seriously. My eyeballs might never really be the same!

Ang - I am dying of laughter!!! So, so great!

Ana - Well, that was the 70s with the horrid fashions, but at least guys wore pants ABOVE the crack line. Now all you see are kids with their pants below their ass… I’m sorry, but I would take the 70s any day.

Shannon D. - YIKES! I am just trying to picture my husband or any other man I know wearing these HOT clothes….enough of that.

kat - Dying laughing here!!! So are you making some of those svelte belted sweaters for your shop?

Courtney Walsh - I am laughing out loud. My 3 yr. old thinks I’ve lost it.
hahahhahaa. THis is SOOOO funny.

steph - oh… my… word… HILARIO!!!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
“fits so tight, it shows ALL you’ve got!!!! are you man enough to fill it?”
c’mon… you’d think they could find some better looking faces though?! seriously?
these guys… not so hot.
and who the he** are bob, paul and steve?! they look like the tech guys i used to work with when i was 19 at the accounting firm.
wait… maybe that WAS their names?!?! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Jeff Nussbaum - I want to be a walking turn-on!
One thing that does amuse me: these ads have some semblance of proper grammar, which is equally as out of fashion as the clothes.

kate - lolololol!…”designed for people like you, who make things happen”…ohh lala…!

Heather - Hawt!!!

Lisa - I just sent the link to my husband. I can hear him shouting “Huh UH!” over and over. LOL. This is great!

jennifer - That is priceless! I can’t help but think that there was a certain demographic those ads were targeting… I’m just saying.

Sugar Mama - I want my husband to wear one of those outfits for Halloween! bwa ha ha ha… I’m cracking up! The daycare kids are staring at me like I’ve completed lost it.
Those guys posing are kind of creepy… their faces??? What is up with that?

Jen - This is hilARious! I posted it on my facebook wall.

Ruth H. - “She’ll eat you alive.” BWAAAA HAHAHAHA! Hilarious!

meaghan - OH. MY. GOSH! that was INSANE!!!! “quick off with a flick of her tongue” ?!?!?!??!?!?!? ahahahahahahhahahaha! you just made my day!

Amanda - LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I loved reading that ad!!! Oh hilarious! Can’t wait to show my husband when he gets home-I’m gonna tell him he’d look hawt in that jumpsuit-LOL…Wonder how fast he’ll run?

ashlee - dude… my dad totally rocked the one piece jumpsuit:)

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yipes!!! That’s what I grew up with! That had to be the most awful time for poor men to wear clothing. Don’t even get me started on the jumpsuits. A man should never, never, ever be in a jumpsuit…just WRONG!

Anne @ Baking Me - The baby blue jump suite is my favorite hah!

candace - my first thought on the hat…..where’s Curious George?
these are hilarious!

sara @ it's good to be queen - with a smooth comfortable fit that makes the most of your body…ha ha ha ha ha! i almost spit my coffee out. wow, that is more of him than i wanted to see this morning.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I refuse to believe that any one ever took Bob, Paul and Steve seriously. Can. Not. Do it.

Amy - Haha you made my day…tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks;)

Rebekah - Guys who make thing happen, eh? Yikes.

adrienne - thanks for a great laugh this morning!!!

Christy - omg too funny!! luv the chest hair & the outfits..

Lynette - Oh. My. Goodness. So funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

Sarah - Wow! And, awesome!

happygirl - Thanks for bringing sexy back. That was my era Meg. I LOVE the trip down memory lane. Btw, most guys only dressed like that on VERY special occasions. Dontcha wish you could’a been a fly on the bathroom wall for the Big Zip?

Anna Marie - When I started reading the paragraph on the “One. Easy. Piece.” ad my mouth dropped open. Wow! I am now scarred for life, thanks Meg πŸ˜‰

Elissa - this is just cracking my can this morning!!! thanks for the laugh!

Cory - Oh my. I have absolutely no words. Oh my.

Tricia - I’m trying to picture my husband in these outfits and, thankfully, cannot! So, so funny.

Andrea - “quick as a flick of her tongue”! I couldn’t believe it! And we say advertising today is suggestive!

Michelle - My favorite is the AH Men. That, and did everyone in the 70s have a mustache??

rebecca - Bwahahahah!!!! Thank you for a great laugh this morning, even before I’ve had my coffee! “Fits so tight it shows all you’ve got…you’re a walking turn-on.” Oh my… πŸ™‚

Hannah - hahahhahahhahahahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!!!! i can’t believe women even found men dressed like that attractive!!! πŸ™‚ thanks for the laugh!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

ashley jensen - The Barry Gibb Talkshow skit is one of my favorites!! Love it!!

Tara - laughing before I have my coffee…..that never happens!

Mummy's Dress - Bahahaha!!!! So funny.
The one easy piece ad is so wrong… on so many levels! Are you man enough to fill it?

Mary Beth - Hey, that’s my Homecoming Date!!!!
Us late 70’s graduates don’t really think these are so funny, although we MAY be cringing!!!

Hoosier at Heart - Quick as a flick of her tongue? Wow! That some really descriptive advertisement there.

leslie @ topofthepage - the wording in the “one easy piece” ad is so suggestive! i can’t believe it. so super gross, dude. and a little awesome. i have trouble with some v-neck tee shirts guys are sporting lately, and look at that chest-plunging atrocity in the first one! ewwww.

Jennifer - I was laughing so hard! snorting and tears too! that one easy piece ad has got to be the funniest ever! this is the best!

Jen - Hilarious!
Stretch terry? Seriously? That’s so wrong.

Marisa - Oh my goodness! It’s almost unbelievable.
I’m with Lisa. . . I look at our outfits today and think, “What will people say about us in 20 years? What could they find wrong with this outfit?”

Heather - In sane. Scary. Easy?

Sarah W. in Oregon - Oh my. Thank you!! My husband and I are howling. Howling! Reading the One Easy Piece ad put me over the edge.

Lisa - Those outfits are hilarious! Funny to think that years from now people will look back on what we were wearing and think the same thing!

Ali - Terrifying.

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just a short 5 hour nap….

was all i needed to recoup from the awesomeness that was this weekend.

how can i describe the GoPro?
i have been trying to think of ways to sum it up.

when i got to talk out loud to craig about it last night i almost cried….because my heart is full.

for me….it was the absolute perfect environment to learn.
i never have done well in a classroom setting.
i have a very short attention span when put in a setting that is restricting.
so learning like this about something i love was dreamy.
it seemed out of body.
i didn't think that this kind of learning was an option for me…..and that is what made me teary.


having freedom to walk around, talk, interact and say "wait go back…i missed that."





this is a photo that i like to call "PAY BACK".
crystal b walked in friday morning and i was shocked!
it was such a SUPER surprise for my email friend to walk in the door!  
blogland rules!

the entire oceanside of the beach house was floor to ceiling windows.
some people get to live like that everyday??


everything was high end…very fancy….ooh la la.
check out the creepy 7 foot portly chef statue in the background…..
i did double takes ALL the time thinking someone was standing there.
so weird.
he was a source of entertainment for everyone.

this is the view sitting at the kitchen table.
come on!!!!

"did you see that sky today? TALK about blue." (name that movie)

we had a family shoot to watch and learn.
and then take our own shots.
these are a couple of mine but i didn't edit much like we were taught because i need lots more practice.




the kids were troopers!

then we practiced on each other.
(i am missing two people in the group….sorry girls)
IMG_9537-1 IMG_9667-35

IMG_9556-8 IMG_9570-14

IMG_9547-4 IMG_9552-6
cam was the token dude.
he was good at tolerating the ladies…very fun to be around.  HI CAM!!

and tyler is hillarious.
i laughed more this weekend than i have in quite awhile (except for when i was in da club in my cardi)
"being tall is pretty much the most amazing thing you can be"

we had a time learning how to shoot in studio light.



then we had a bridal shoot on THE bridge.
if you know wendy and tyler's work then you know the bridge.  :)


kansas doesn't have views like this in too many places….or anywhere.
today is wendy's birthday!
happy birthday to the coolest red head i know. 


every minute was good.
i learned SO MUCH.

i have so many things to remember and review.
i left with a really happy heart and completely encouraged to continue to find MY purpose in photography.
to make my business be what i want it to be.
to be awesome like wendy and tyler.

but that is not possible.

they are out my league in that department.

do you realize they are leaving for the next 9 months to travel & photograph and teach all over the world?! 
as a family.

they rock.
in every way.

thanks for THE BEST weekend wendy and tyler.
i had really high expectations and you far exceeded them.
i am full and overflowing with joy. 

********************************************************************** - It’s in your interests to create a customer journey from landing to conversion that’s as streamlined.

Wendi Garland - Hi – I looooove your blog. I live here in San Diego so hearing about the Gopro workshop (and that it was right here!) was so neat. I need to go out an find ‘the bridge’ – it looks like a fun spot. Many thanks for your awesome blog.

Debbie - Grrr. I hit post too soon, sorry!
I also wanted to say your photography from the workshop is amazing! I hope we can swap some shots…

Debbie - Again, thank you so much Meg for introducing me to Blue Lily. They were amazing and much better than I could have ever dreamed.
What a joy to meet and visit with you IRL!
I’m getting rest as needed. πŸ™‚
I spent the afternoon with Dana yesterday and continued the party with her. We had a blast!

Trina McNeilly - So happy for you. Looks like it was beyond amazing. Love Wendy and fun to meet them at ALT. And yes, what a dream to travel with you’re fam and take amazing photos!
xo Trina

Tracy Fisher - My favorite part was… “My heart was full”. Lucky girl. Lucky girl. That might be the best description ever.
Tracy Fisher

amy jupin - lots of things i want to tell you, so much happiness for you, so proud of you, so excited for you, but the right words just aren’t coming to me…i guess mostly i want you to know that i feel so happy that you are rediscovering YOU.
that you are getting the chance to do things that you sacrificed before, that you are slowly and most surely becoming who you want to be, discovering that fire in you, and going for it!
there is so much in you meg, so much.
and when i read this post, and see you so insanely happy, i get choked up too.
it’s insane, i know.
it sounds so creepy, i know. i’m sorry.
you look happy and content and comfortable being you and…beautiful too!
the hair! and the little bits of long bangs!
ok, ok…like i said, the right words are missing. but i bet you know exactly what i mean, don’t you, friend? πŸ™‚

Kristin S - So glad you enjoyed your time!

Kellie S. - LOVE your haircut
so happy for you and envious of your creative life!

jennifer - It sounds (and looks!) like you had such an amazing time. Yeah! And I super, duper love your hair. It looks so good on you!

Heather - I’m so happy for you, Meg!!! So amazing.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - What a great time you had!! The pictures are lovely. It must of been a very inspirational location : )
Gemma x

Rach - Alright… now I want to go! πŸ™‚

Danyelle - What a wonderful, happy experience! I can relate to your overwhelming feelings, that always happens to me too. πŸ™‚
Oh, and hooray for meeting Crystal B. She one of my favorite people. So kind + genuine.

danielle - YOUR HAIR! oh my goodness it is fabulous.
“in da club in my cardi”

Anne Marie - first time here I “think”…..and this ‘go pro’ sounds like it was a very enhancing experience! I would love to go to something like that –

Tiffany - how cure is ur haircut! thanks for sharing ur experience, it’s fun to read your words and to share in the excitement. i’m not a weirdo. promise.

Amanda Evans - OK, so I may have cried a little seeing one of the pics you took of Ken and I. I love it. LOVE it. Thanks so much, if you could email it to me I would really appreciate it.
Amanda πŸ™‚

Ha ha… quite awesome indeed. It was an incredible pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet “the one and only” Megan rockstar blogger mom photographer (any titles I’ve missed? lemme know…)
Hey, I’ve got some kick butt photos to send you… of you.
I consider myself blessed to have spent time with and learned from you and the group last weekend.
Check yer emails.
All the best,

AshleyAnn - Wahoo….I’ve been waiting for this post. I am a bit distracted by your awesome haircut! I can’t wait to see where all this leads for you…good times.

Jaala Allen - Thanks for the Emperor’s New Groove reference. One of my all time fav movies. Thanks for sharing these! How fun! What part of CA were you in??

Rebecca - You hair looks AWESOME, very good cut for you! keep up the great blog!

lisa - emperor’s new groove is THE best most quotable movie in our house. and it’s not because of our 11 month old … i have loved that movie for YEARS!
beautiful pics … awesome trip! luckeeeeeee!!

Katy Frame - Great pictures, as always. Glad to see that you’re back safely and that you had a blast. πŸ™‚
I found a couple of things out in blogland today that reminded me of you..

Lindsay - What a fun adventure! And as a side note, love your new haircut!!!

Sugar Mama - Meg,
My heart is full FOR you. I was overwhelmed with emotion reading this, especially when you wrote that you felt you had found your true purpose. That tells me that we can ALL have that… we just might have to put ourselves out there.
What an incredible experience for you. Thank you for sharing it with all of us and reminding people like me that we CAN feel full from the things we love in life.

Elizabeth - Okay – this has absolutely not one little thing to do with photography (sorry!) but i am dying to know just where you got that shirt you’re wearing in the last pictures?!? the cream colored one you’re wearing over the green?!? I am in LOVE!!! It looks so beautiful on you!!! please do share…

CathyC - Meg, you look So Happy!! I’m glad you had a wonderful time. And your hair Rocks!!! πŸ™‚ - Thanks to your first blog post about this I found their site and asked if they could come to Paris and they said YES!!! We are getting our family photos with them and I’m beyond excited!

Jen - Firstly, I love your hair do. It’s my favorite do on you of those you’ve had since I started reading your blog! It’s always nice, but this one is especially so and the color suits you so well.
I am so pleased to hear that you had a great time! How wonderful it looks.
I am still going on and on about having family snaps by Wendy & Tyler down here in Melbourne, Aus in a little over a month. When you do your world tour, I’ll book in too πŸ™‚

Rachel - GAH! That sounds like an AMAZING experience!!!
And I am kinda laughing at myself for trying to figure out what those flying saucers were in the first ocean picture! hee hee!

Courtney - I’ve already noticed an improvement in your work and I mean that in the absolute nicest way! I hope that’s read as a compliment πŸ™‚

Heather - I love that you had that opportunity. What a beautiful setting! I already think that your photos are absolutely top notch. But being better is always so fun! I can’t wait.

Rebekah - I’ve been reading your blog for awhile… maybe commented once. Then a few days ago I read your story about getting married young, five babies in ten years, etc. Now to read about your new experiences in figuring out your style (love the MJ clothes, too), a passion in photography, having the opportunity to learn/travel…. I am so happy for you! You’ve found your “sweet spot” as Max Lucado would say. πŸ™‚ Congrats and blessings.

karen - So great Meg!! FYI..your shots are great!
Love that red neckalace. You look super in dark hair..go black!!

Janet - Yay! I am so happy for you that you got to go, enjoyed it, learned some things and had fun!

Kris - Wow….what a wonderful opportunity! I hopped over from my friend Holly’s blog, and found myself going back, and back and back to read as much of your blog as I could. On the photography, I love it too, and so does my daughter. In fact, she got way into it, and has taken a few online classes, and is now doing some photo sessions for friends. She would have loved to do this workshop. We are near San Diego too!!!
I love your blog. So fun. I will be back.

the.mrs - So fun!! And Wendy’s bag!! You could do a giveaway of that bag with this entry as the only entry and I would not be angry!! πŸ˜‰

amanda - Such great pictures! And the sky .. wow, it is really blue!

Heather - Glad you had a great time, but I am posting because I can’t get over how good this haircut is on you! πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - you under estimate your talent my dear friend
you are in a league of your own
this is beyond fabulous

melissa stover - i think that’s incredible. i’d love to be able to do something like that.

Kacey - Sooo thrilled for you, Meg! I know it was absolutely fabulous. We just loved Wendy when she did our family photos – I bet she is an amazing teacher.
Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. Some day I will go to a GoPro workshop!

crystalbeutler - I am laughing my head off at “pay back” I look INSANE!! Sadly, I think I look like that most of the time. πŸ™‚
My favorite comment all weekend was “I have news for you, he already knows he’s short! No surprise there!” So funny.
It was super awesome spending the weekend with you!! Hope we can do it again sometime. Like at some cool craft retreat . . . hummmm still trying to figure out how we can make that one happen.

Cari - The beach. Sigh….
So glad you had a wonderful time. Your joy is spilling over.

Shayne - So glad you had a wonderful time!
Love your new cut, btw.

mel - So fun!!!! What an amazing opportunity!
I would LOVE to do something like that one day!
So happy for you & can’t wait to see even more awesome photos from you! πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - Do you know how happy I am for you?! I love it that you got to go there. I love it that you learned the way you need to learn. I love it that the people you lived with for the weekend weren’t Sleeping with the Enemy Weird AND I love it that I will get to see you put it into practice here. Shine on.

Kelly - Love, love your hair, Meg. Such a fun weekend. So glad you got to go. Kelly

Cory - Oh my goodness! This looks stinkin’ amazing!
P.S. It’s super awesome that you added a link to Libby’s story under your happy things!

Carolyn Dewey - Looks like a really fun time. I am SOOOO homesick for California. LOVED your photos of the BLUE sky and ocean and I’m stuck here in Kansas! Kansas has its moments, but there’s NO place like Southern California!

Renae - Hey Meg, looks like a fantastic time was had by all! I wanted to share a site of a photog friend of mine whom I think is amazing and does beautiful and amazing work. She works out of Fremont, Nebraska so we have a lot of the same types of settings (though nothing like the bridge) that you probably have in Kansas! I thought you might get some inspiration from her!!

happygirl - Either every person you photographed is GORGEOUS or, YOU REALLY ARE TAKING AMAZING PICTURES!! I wish I could look as great as the folks in the pics you took. I LOVE IT.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - What an amaaaazing experience!
I am so happy for you!
I’m so jealous you got to meet Trish! One of my favorite bloggy friends.
And now, after seeing your photos I am totally geared up for my trip home in two weeks!!! (I’m making Cindy’s yummy quiche one of the mornings.)
Now, please teach us everything you learned πŸ™‚

Lena K. - hey, you were 4 miles from my house! You passed my house off the 76 to get to the old bridge! Glad the rain wasn’t too crazy.

Sara - I am so proud of you for going, and by the way, LOVE the haircut. Its SOOOO cute. Sassy even. Heh heh.

Maria - Looks like such a Fun weekend! I love your new do! So cute!

Tricia - Your trip sounds amazing! I’m glad that you were able to have that experience. Love your new hair cut!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m rejoicing with you – at God’s goodness and love for each of us, exactly as He made us. This is another proof of that, to me. Thanks for sharing the joy with us!

Hoosier at Heart - What an amazing opportunity for you. I’m so happy for you that you were able to go, learn and enjoy yourself so much. Keep sharing with us and don’t forget about us little people when you’re all famous and everything.

Mary - haha, I laughed out loud when I read “in da club in my cardi”. Only because that’s me…and I’m only 21.
I’m so happy you had a wonderful time, Meg! I love your blog!

Holly Cox - I’ve got a question…SOMEONE ANSWER because it’s driving me nuts….
Is the girl in this pic : (long dark hair in the middle)
one of the girls from the Eighteen25 Blog, in this pic:
(long dark hair in the middle)
If not, they could so be twins! - First of all you are totally rockin’ that new haircut. So glad that your expectations were over and above what you had hoped. Go Meg!

shauna reed - um.
i want to steal that necklace in those last photos.
if i was there i might just rip it right off.
SO glad you had a good time meg!

kat - Lucky, lucky, LUCKY girl!!! That sounds amazing on every possible level!

Shannon - I was in San Diego last week! It is a fantastic place! So beautiful. The fact that people get to live like that everyday makes me so envious! I was actually kinda depressed when I got back. Glad you got a chance to enjoy the beauty. To bad it was cold….brrr!

georgia - Sounds like a supeR cOol weekend!
I see they are in london, if only I was wedding saving I wud be there in a blink of an eye!

Trish - lovely πŸ™‚ i’m going to pull out my photos tonight and see what i have too. my brain hurts. πŸ™‚

Ryanne - wow, i was kind of jealous when you first posted about your go pro weekend. but now i am so happy for you. congratulations and keep up the good work. and thanks for the 411 on the tummy trimming leggings. totally trying them.

Courtney Walsh - so so awesome.
i mean, learning new things in a creatively conducive environment is so inspiring!! so so fun. πŸ™‚

Holly - very cool! Looks like you had an awesome time!

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my current fave…

since i have had plenty of airport time…..
i have decided this is my favorite song on my kings of leon playlist.
i love the beginning.
i wish i was a rock star.


or that i could play a guitar like that.

but that would be ridiuclous.

gotta board my plane now.


Danielzim - I can’t wait till than I have a few people I want to intive so if there is limited space please let me know and is there going to be a cost or do we need to bring something with us?

Annika - I LOVE that song! Got the whole album for Christmas last year! - I am so in love with Kings of Leon…my daughter took me to their concert when I didn’t even really know who they were. Now I’m hooked and they totally rock!

Rachel J - I love them too! Just recently starting hearing things from them. I bet you like them because they sound like U2 πŸ™‚

Carla - Silly copyright laws won’t let me watch it. Am taking my business to youtube πŸ™‚ Hope you had a nice welcome home πŸ™‚

Toni :O) - Very cool song and LOVE this group! The lead singer’s voice is just awesome!!! Oh, and Girl…YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR…when it comes to being a Mom and a crafty gal!

deborah@applesinwonderland - i love when i hear the influence of others in music. this is a rocking song, but it is 6:18 am here and the rest of the fam is asleep. so i’m playing it itty-bitty. it’s not the same. rock stars need volume. and cool guitars. my husband is a rock star around here. i’m a lucky girl.

Debbie Smallie - Love the song. Have a safe trip. Hope you arrive home to an even cleaner house, ALL laundry done and put away, fridge and pantry stocked…is that too much to ask?!!

Shelby - I am a little sad to say I have this song but have never listened too… i actually only just realized I have all their CD’s. sometimes idk wk where i get all my music.
totally have to start listening

danielle - love me some kings of leon

Rebecca - Love, love, love this song! Saw them twice in concert. They’re the definition of rock n’ roll.

Nicole - I am so in love with Kings of Leon, no matter how old you are it’s okay to love art…lol. My hubby and I took the kids to see Justin Beiber’s new movie, it was actually really interesting and being with our children made it ok. LOL

happygirl - <3 Kings of Leon. I'm not allowed to say, though...'cause I'm old.

Shauna Howington - Good choice! The entire new album is great!

Tonya - they also remind me of needtobreathe…love them!

Hoosier at Heart - Have a safe flight! If you visit my post today you may just see something familiar. Please forgive me. Love you!

Andrea R. - The guitar at the beginning reminds me of U2 ~ I bet that may be one reason you like it so much. πŸ™‚

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i am HERE.

and it's awesome.

sooooo AWESOME.

i have learned so much.  
and it's only day one!

it's great.
today halfway through i thought "man….i wish all my blog readers could be learning these things!!"

so in love with the set up and the style of learning.
it's like a dream course.
just perfect for my brain….perfection.

i traveled all day yesterday.
two planes and i got a rental car all on my own….alone.
i drove it with three other ladies who also flew in for goPro with the gps and it was not graceful.
BUT i did it.
it doesn't sound like a big deal….but it was. 

first time ever for this mama to be out on her own.

i wore these with a skirt.
IMG_9398 IMG_9399

they are called sweet nothings tummy toner leggings and i got them at walmart.
and yes i wear an XL.
it's ok…i'm curvy….i am ok with that.
but these are these softest most fabulous piece of shape wear i have ever owned.
crazy soft.
no weird tightness……nothing uncomfortable at all.
i want to wear them everyday for the rest of my life.
this is not a paid advertisement.
i promise.
they rock.
order them for yourself….you will be so happy.  
for $12 how could you NOT order them?!

this is my room at the beach house.  
pay no attention to the sump pump alarm….it's fine….look at the window!
that is the ocean in the window.
the chairs are on sand.
can you believe this???

i am amazed.

and i got a haircut before i left kansas.
and i love matilda jane clothing for women.…a lot. 
i feel like i finally found MY style.

it only took 35 years….

time for bed for me……it's 1:43 AM in kansas.
much much more learning to do tomorrow.

i have smiled today more than i have in quite awhile.
and i have unlocked a little part of me that i didn't know was missing.

{happy sigh}

Zansma - Cute hair! I ran to Walmart twice this week and no sweet nothings at my store. I will have to drive to next town’s Walmart.

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt - hahaha! Someone commented on MJ’s FB page about meeting you wearing MJ and I’d been to your blog before so it just tickled me – had to come see. πŸ™‚ LOL. (I think it’s a clothing cult, yes?)

katie p - love your hair! the color and cut is awesome on you!

Kirsten J - Oh bliss! And you are brave – while there is so much I’ve done, and traveled here and there…I’ve never gone like that all on my own – cute hair, btw!!!

The BabbyMama - Oh man, I so want some of those leggings now!

Tiffany - You hair looks young and hip! and also mom appropriate.

Andrea T - your happiness is contagious! I will start my day with a huge smile! i really needed that post ps loooove the haircut;)

jennyonthespot - CUTE. Hair. Sounds like your time away was deelightful… can’t wait to learn from what you learned! πŸ™‚

Sheryl M - LOve the hair.
I also bought the leggings today!;)

evelyse - i love the haircut! and also, i love coming to your blog..always fun, funny, interesting…and i will check out those tights…or whatever they’re called πŸ™‚

Andrea - Must you look fabulous in every cut? And that clothing line… wow.

karen - you tease!
so happy your enjoying yourself!!

danielle - um.. i love this post. i love your words! you’re so beautiful, enjoy your time – i am SO jealous. get to that ocean and get me me some of those leggings!

Deb Meyers - oh meg, have a great time!
And…Walmart Sweet Nothing control tank tops beat Spanx. Stayed put better, didn’t jump up in a roll around the rib cage. Just about $12 too.
deb meyers

rachel / - love the leggings – will be getting some PRONTO, in every color they carry. thanks for introducing! and your cardigan! i had NO idea matilda jane had a line for ladies!!! the cardigan you got & the navy one with the ruffle [i just saw on their site] … are perfection. glad you had fun. glad you got to see the beach. πŸ˜€ yay for you.

Lindsey - I’ve been wearing those leggings for almost a year now, I have them in every color!! Best leggings ever – I tell everyone about them! They sell them at Target as well. πŸ™‚

kim sisto robinson - Very hip hair-cut…wish i could try something new! xx

Kat - You have THE most amazing eyes!! Gorgeous.
I too would love to see more of your haircut, looks great.
You sound very happy and proud of yourself. Go Megan!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ok so first off…love your hair. Secondly, althought Ive gotten a few girls’ dresses(off Ebay, 2nd hand) Ive never purchased anything for myself from MJane. Can you tell us how their sizing runs? Id LOVE to get a couple pieces for my birthday but hate ordering online when I have no clue what the sizing is like.
Actually, I just remembered they only do trunk shows right? Do you know someone who does them? HELP!

Debbie - Oh Meg, I’m still smiling (can’t stop)
Love your hair!
Love that Dress, it’s you!
Love that pair of leggings, I want them too!
Love that killer room with a view!
Love that you introduced Wendy and Tyler to me!
Love that this workshop has me smiling too!
Love that I had the privilege of meeting you!
I’m just feeling lots of LOVE and I have you to thank for it…Thank you Meg, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

steph - waaaaaaaaaaaah!!! why can’t i be a budding photog to come to the gopro?!?!
i hope you’re having tons of fun!
you look gorg, as usual. and what?! i had no idea matilda jane sold adult clothes? i came across them one time a while ago (prolly from a mormon blog) with their kiddies clothes. their adult stuff is super duper fun!!! i love that skirt that they paired with the sweater you’re wearing (ooops… i wrote swearing instead of wearing and backspaced TWO times!!!! ha ha! although maybe you are swearing while wearing that sweater?!?).
can’t wait to hear all about your w/e… and see all of wendy and tyler’s pics too!!! eeek!

Lynette - so glad you re enjoying, i love the hair!!!

Heather - love all of this times a million!!!

Chris - Love your hair!! Have fun! Can’t wait to hear about your weekend!!

Kori - it makes me soooo happy to know that you’re enjoying yourself so much. it’s always so awesome to do something for yourself and realize it’s long overdue..and i know what you mean about renting a car, etc. being a big deal. it would be for me too.
k. i’m off to check out the leggings and the other link…i forgot it’s name already. durr.
HAVE A BLAST!!!!!! πŸ˜€

christi - i am so glad you are in socal meg! i know the rain is coming and going, sorry i did a little dance hoping you’d get the incredible weather we had in january. anyhow … if you have time, stop into a world market (cost plus world market, do ya’ll have them?), the have a HUGE rainbow selection of all things. candles. tea lights. mugs. plates. measuring spoons. i walked through the store the other day and thought about you! thanks for the constant inspiration and honesty! enjoy the beach!

Lina - Gorgeous!! have the same leggings, delish, not sure how you wear them with a skirt….send pics please…. can you email me your address?? have to send you some beautiful things my cousins in colombia sent…. Mind you they think I am the same size of Lauren, hence the gift will be for her not for you or I…..skinny witches in colombia…Yes, I have not been 110 pounds since middle school…. great…Anyways, I hope you are having a wonderful time and can tell us all about it soon. I am sure you are missing your children dearly but I am also sure they miss you and all you do for ALL of them, plus you always need YOU time!!!! enjoy…

Heidi - I thought about you today when it was POURING rain and just now it started hailing. I wish the weather would have cooperated! πŸ™‚ I can picture the driving/GPS thing- I live here and driving anywhere near the airport freaks me out! πŸ™‚
So glad to hear you’re having a fabulous time! That room looks amazing! And I love the haircut!!!!!

Gemma - Glad your enjoying yourself!
Gemma x

Kristin S - So glad you are having fun!
I wish I knew your voice because I just love this post and would love to hear you speak it. Yes, I’m weird.
And while I’m a medium in everything else I choose XL for leggings! Who cares?!?!? I just might have to go check those out with your endorsement.

candace - cute hair. i hope you did a happy dance ~ in your cardigan πŸ™‚

sue - Go say Hi to my sister-in-law.She lives there. have fun !!!!!

Aimee - You sound SO happy! Have a great time. πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - YAY! I am so happy for you!! Smile on, friend!

sara's art house - I checked out those clothes- super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your shirt. Their ruffle pants are adorable!

kat - Meg, you are so adorable! Love the new cut and color and the outfit too. Sounds like a fabulous workshop. Would love to be there!

Routhie - I should be cleaning and cooking–dinner party in 2 hours, but I have to say you look stunning. The darker hair suits. πŸ™‚

jayne Barbour - This post made my day-that you are having such a great time! I recently started reading your blog and have enjoyed it so much. You’re real! And I’m LOVING your new hair cute and your cardigan! LOVING IT! Have fun!:)

Jenny B. - YEA! I’m so happy for you!!! πŸ™‚ Oh, and I would be wearing the XL too. AND I would be very proud of myself for riding two planes and getting a rental car by myself… this 35yo has never done either of those things either! ENJOY YOURSELF! πŸ™‚

Terrie - Love that you are THAT close to the ocean!! I miss it! Over-the-moon happy for you!

amy - Love the hair cut, and I am definitely going to go check out my Walmart for those leggings. I bought a pair of the Danskin ones there and they are so tight around my tummy I can’t stand to wear them!

Maria - Sounds like you are having so much fun…love that beach view…can’t wait to hear more!

Shauna - Teach us everything you learn..ha ha. Your haircut is cute and I LOVE the clothes on that website. I think I need a few skirts…

Jennifer - Your hair looks fabu! And I love that you don’t care about your XL leggings. You are the shiznet Meg.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the trip.

jes - k…..your hair looks soooo cute.
i need tummy toners NOW.
your room at the beach house looks FAB.
matilda jane clothing??? um hello! cutest ever! and i had never heard of them! where have i been? not paying attention, apparently…
enjoy your time away. :))

shauna reed - you are the cutest ever.
just meg.
your own big girl self.
non of the loud crowd always surrounding you (i know you love them, buuuut…..)
this is so amazing for you friend.

Nicole Q. - LOVE the hair – you look fabulous!! Have a blast!!

Cathy - Very happy for you! So glad it’s everything you dreamed of and more! Show more hair… AND…. your eyes look spectacular in that pic. HAVE FUN!

Tammy - Enjoy every moment!!

Von - Gorgeous hair AND makeup! I’m just getting to know you through your blog and feel very excited that you have this chance to flex your artistic muscle. Look forward to the results!

annalea - how exciting! your hair looks amazing, that sweater is uber cute and it is such a cool thing to be doing it all by yourself. (and thanks for the tip on the leggings!)

Heather - your hair is so cute!! so happy that you are finding out new things about yourself. you are lovely!

Jacci - You’re so great. Really.
And, I’d like to say that I really, really love your hair BROWN πŸ™‚ You always look super cute, but my favorite look is your natural hair color. And the new cut is both stylish and flirty. I bet Craig likes it πŸ™‚
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!

Toni :O) - You look fab, haircut is awesome and I love how real you are…there’s a reason why I keep coming back to your blog, it makes me truly so darn happy!!! Have a wonderful time out there and savor every moment, you certainly deserve it chicka!!! God bless!

Leigh - I love your haircut!

Krista - What a happy post, I SO enjoyed reading it, can’t wait to hear more about your adventure! Your haircut looks great!

Geli - Looks like, you’re somewhere on Mission Beach. So sorry that it’s raining today, but the sun should be out tomorrow.

Leah - I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to see all the photos and things you’ve learned. Too bad it’s stormy and rainy today in San Diego. And oh yeah, I’m an XL too and proud!

Robyn Farmer - This makes me so happy for you. Enjoy it and soak up all that info and then share what you learned with us. We love you!

debbie - Way to go!!! Driving in a different city is SCARY! Enjoy the ocean and beach, and your class sounds so awesome. And if you wear an XL, I must wear an XXXXXXXXL. πŸ™‚

stacie - You look great and sound great! I love that. I also just love how very, very real you are. I wish I was with you!!

Cory - Ok those leggings look awesome! Glad that you’re having a wonderful trip!

Lisa - Go Meg!!! Enjoy and soak in every minute! πŸ™‚ Safe travels!

Shayne - So happy for you. Love the line about how long it took you to find a style that felt like you. I’m still on that journey. πŸ™‚
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Jenny Joy - I’m going to live vicariously through you while you’re there. Mkay?
You sound so happy! Go you! πŸ™‚
And I can’t wait to see more of the hair! Crazy cute from what I can tell!

Suzanne - Your hair looks great! I live in San Diego & feel so bad that it’s raining. I’m sure that you’ll still have an amazing time, though.

Kimberly - Traveling alone is so liberating.

Lisa - Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

Anne @ Baking Me - How fun! Enjoy your trip! Love the hair and the Matilda Jane Clothing and the leggings! Cute! Cute! Cute!

Jennifer - LOVE the hair!!!!
I’m going to Walmart to look for those leggings!

Andrea - Your hair looks awesome! Makes you look even younger. You sound soooo happy and it makes me happy to think another mom has “found her happiness”. Can’t wait to find mine! I’ll just keep praying I know He has a purpose for me.
Keep us posted on the rest of the week! So jealous of the BEACH!


Danielle - It looks AMAZING!
On the Matilda Jane deal, PLEASE become a trunk keeper then I can shop for my little girl!!
I can’t wait to see the mad skills you are learning come to life on your blog!

Laura Phelps - YOU ARE SO BRAVE!
I am HAPPY for you!
discovering a new piece of ourselves is THE BEST

Stephanie - I am so excited for you to be there… you look and sound so happy. Can’t wait for you to share about the rest of your trip. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Gotta get those leggings:)

jodi @ back40life - Yea! – love the new do!

Danielle H. - LOVE your hair! Let’s see the back of it!!! Thanks for sharing your favs! Have fun!

Amber - soooooo wish i was at gopro too!!!! might have to start saving for that…or a new lens. πŸ™‚ LOVE the hair, and can’t.wait. to get those leggings!
ps hair is fab

Michelle - GO MEG!! Sounds like you’re off to a fabulous start, I hope you’re weekend only gets better and better!

Myriah Mae - So happy for you that you are having such a great time!! I LOVE your haircut, it looks AMAZING! And I’m thinking I’m gonna have to order those leggings (I’m an XL too, LOL I think us curvy girls are way hotter anyways, LOL). Thanks for taking the time to post while you are on your AWESOME adventure.

Rachel J - Hey Meg!
So glad you are enjoying yourself! Sounds like Meg got her groove back?! πŸ™‚
Love the hair! Have a great time!

kristiina - I am so excited for you!!
(and not that you asked, but am loving your hair sans highlights–you look so much more striking!)
can’t wait to hear more about your adventure…

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Your hair is gorgeous! Have fun on your trip and learn lots. Hope the weather is great for you too.

RLG - I get it. All of it.
I’m so happy for you, Meg.
Enjoy the adult time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Sarah - So glad you are having fun!

Renae - So happy you’re having a great time! Nothing beats the coast in the winter, especially when we’re newly covered in snow here (I assume KS is too anyway). Love the post about the leggings and your admission of XL. It’s nice to know that someone out there embraces her curves…I hate mine. LOVE the new haircut!
Blessings to you!

Ann R. - This is crazy leaving 3 comments in three minutes but I just realized something. Seeing your header on the way out of your site I wanted to let you know before I forgot that in the Winter edition of Cloth Paper Scissors, I saw a great idea for your bolts of fabric and sew (ha!) easy too. She just had 3 plain white shelves perfectly measured one after another on the wall to perfectly fit her bolts of fabric. You probably already have a totally cool way of keeping those, but if not thought I’d pass along!

Carrie - You just made me cry a little. To read about what you are discovering about yourself is amazing. I am so happy for you that you were able to be a part of this.
You hair is awesome!
I think I need a Matilda Jane Shopping spree!

Ann R. - Just reread my comment and of course that was supposed to be SAHM, not SAWM! And yes kudos on doing all that stuff on your own – I can totally relate – this is for YOU so relax, enjoy and let your creative juice go!

Kimberlee J. - You sound happy. And you look stunning!

Ann R. - Am so happy for you! That does sound like a SAWM’s dream come true. You look super cute and YES we want to see lots of pics of your fab weekend and more pic of your new do! That room looks like its the best. Have fun – already looked into the leggings and a skirt by MJ.
Take care and keep us VERY updated!

Jen@thecottagenest - You put on your big girl panties and did it! I’m so excited for you. I totally get what a big deal all of that was. You look fab. Love that you claim your curves. I hope you have the happiest of weekends. It sounds like you are well on your way.

happygirl - Looking out at the ocean from your bedroom window. Perfect! Have a GREAT time. I love San Diego. Learn everything and share with us. That would be such a gift. and eat some REAL tacos. You’ll never go back to Taco Bell again.

tami - Have fun chica! xoxo

Heather - Tummy control leggings? What?!?! Walmart this morning I tell you!
Hair rocks. You’re so pretty.

Janie Fox - 1. Fab hair!
2. I am ordering the leggings, You know it!
3. That beach, those chairs… awesomeness.
4. 2 planes, rental car and you driving…I think you are a grown-up. I am not sure I could do that!
5. Enjoy it!!

Irene - Looking fab!

georgia - You sound like your having alot of fun!
If i was in a room that close to the beach, i wouldnt leave it, i would be on the beach jumping over the waves like a kid and squishing the warm sand between my toes… πŸ™‚
Oohhhh your so lucky to be there!!!! πŸ™‚
Have an amazing time! xx

Rebecca - Want to see more hair!
Because it looks tres, tres cute on you.

Carla - Sounds so fun, enjoy the view. I booked a session with these guys when they come to
Ireland, very excited πŸ™‚ I hope you’re allowed share some tips when you’re done. Doing the rental car bit on your own…I completely get why that’s a big deal, I shudder at the thoughts!! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Enjoy every second!!

Sonia - i want to see the skirt!! i love skirts, but just don’t know how to wear them anymore? that doesn’t make sense, i know. but my way of dressing has changed as i’ve “grown up”

Ali - You sound very happy – enjoy the rest of your trip!

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