Masthead header


have you seen this?
i saw it on this blog...but couldn't find on national geographic's site….i didn't look too hard.
sooooo cool.




of course you saw the movie.
didn't you?
everyone should have.
it's a beautiful movie….the art is so cool.
i cried during the first floating scene because it was SO BEAUTIFUL.
if for some reason you never saw it when it came out…..see it now.
it's even on instant streaming on netflix now.

ps….we are sure that waffle and doug are one in the same.        squirrel!


at blue lily there was one dude.
and tyler.
so i guess there were technically two dudes….but only one male student.

we all practiced taking shots of each other in different light.

cam sent me these shots of me….and i LOVE them.




CAM is awesome.
other than self portraits….i am not in many pictures.

thank you SO MUCH cam.  


one more fun thing today…..

i am guest blogging at Marta Writes today. 

do you read her blog?
you should!
it's very fun…graphic….simple colors….i love going there.

but today you can go and read my answers to 15 questions that she asked 13 bloggers.

(and i can't remember any of my answers…i hope they even make sense)


kristine - you are gorgeous and glowing!!!

Trysha - Beautiful photos!
Our golden retriever is named Dug after the dog in the movie. It’s a very fitting name. 🙂

Camforbes - *blush*… thank you for featuring my photos, Megan!
And thanks for letting me direct you in our little Folgers commercial.
(Folgers… are you SEEING this?)
Of course in that instance the “best part of waking up” was looking out over the vast Pacific from the confines of an awesome beach house filled with fun people. But I digress…
I wish I could remember what I said that made you laugh. Probably something about farts.
And that last one just says… “Whatever”
How fitting. 🙂

Southern Gal - Cool! Up made me cry. Such a beautiful story. Toy Story 3 did, too. Mainly because we took our 19-year-old (who we took to Toy Story 2) and our 8-year-old. My husband and I sat and kept looking at each other around the boys. Tears were everywhere. It was so surreal. Could it have been over 10 years earlier when Jacob was as young as Ethan? Gah. I’m crying now.
Love the pics of you.

kristin - okay. i am showing that up house to preschool. now.
and i love that last photo of you. : )

Kat - You are so naturally beautiful Meg. Love your pics!

AshleyAnn - There you go with that awesome hair again. Maybe I’ll fix mine tomorrow instead of wearing this hat for the third day in a row. Probably not.

amy jupin - beaver orchestras…….you killed me with that.
i am passionate…about beavers…
john jupin is giving me dirty looks.

Kirsten J - Gorgeous photos of you, girl. And my pet peeve is our elementary parking lot, too. Yesterday (and I can’t believe I’m admitting this….) I was using my hand like an imaginary gun at the man who got out of his car and got his kids’ backpacks out of the trunk and put them on their backs!!! REALLY!!! Like, backing up the whole parking lot for that!!! No one saw my gun. And I didn’t really mean it. Just had to get my frustration out somehow. I mean, I couldn’t honk or yell at him. Someday, that parking lot will give me a stroke.

Prudence - love those balloon pics!

hannah - That last picture of you, STUNNING! You’re so gorgeous!!!
Have a happy Tuesday!

Kelly - Those are great pics of you and I love your hair! Yea for guest blogging on Marta Writes. I’ve recently been reading. Good blog. Kelly

Amber - beautiful pics!!!

Shauna - I love your hair. We own Up and my 4 year old thought Russel was hysterical. He laughed so hard he cried. I keep checking your shop to see if you secretly listed everything and a hoodie is just waiting for me to buy it. I know I am pathetic.

Valerie Page - Love your photos. They are beautiful:)
Wish I was in more photos with my family. I am always the photographer. My 12 year old is starting to take more photos with me in them cause my husband hates taking photos.

sarah - that last photo=whimsy, mysterious, simply beautiful.

April M - I have my iPod alarm set every morning to wake us up to the theme music for Up!
(“I have just met you and I <3 you!")
Your pictures are inspiring! Beautiful. Makes me think I should hand over the camera to someone else for a change. There are at least two family Christmas' where I'm not in a single photo bc I was busy taking them!

Courtney Walsh - Love the pics of you and the Up house is so cool. I think I cried 8 times during that movie. ugh.
Hope you’re doing well. 🙂

Celia - Love the photo of you throwing your head back and laughing. It’s beautiful!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I LOVE the Up House!!! My hubby is a balloon artist on the side so we loved Up when it came out. And of course we own it. And yes, our beagle is much the same way “squirrel”.
Love the pics of you too, beautiful lady! Hoping I get to meet you at BlogSugar if Im able to go.

Sam - I LOVE that movie, it makes me laugh everytime I see it…:-)

Anna Marie - My husband and I love the movie “Up”. In fact, we are naming our daughter Ellie who will be here at the end of May :o)

Alisha - We just watched Up for the first time a few weeks ago. I cried at the beginning. His love for Ellie is just priceless. 🙂 Love the beautiful pics of you!
I blogged about Sarah’s, which you recommended to me some time back. THANK YOU!!! I LOVED IT! I could drop some serious dough in that store. Sheesh!!

jaz - Those balloons are so YOU!!
And those portraits are so real and so beautiful!!
PS I love seeing all your cushions together like in the next post – it’s a cornucopia of divineness!

Jenni Carlisle - You look stunning in these pics Meg! Between your hair and Julie’s hair, ya’ll. are. killing. me. I reallllly wanna have patience and grow my hair out like Julie’s, but then you go and look all spunky and sassy and sexy (I like alliteration, sorry) and I wanna chop it.

Suzette - You look maaaah-ve-lous! Are you too young to get my Billy Crystal reference?! Seriously…beautiful!

Erin Leigh - Love this movie. This such a great picture. Love these pictures of you, too. It is so hard to get a good picture of myself. Mostly because i hate saying: Take a picture of me.

Daniele Valois - Those photos of your are gorgeous!!!

Molly Pearce - The first time I watched the movie ‘Up’, my husband turned to me and said ‘thats us’. I cried throughout the rest of the movie! Your pictures are beautiful! Love the one of you laughing!
~Molly P

karen - PYT is a good one!
That movie really was Beautiful…so sweet!
great pics meg..really like the one of you laughing.

Genn - Hi Meg!
Those pictures of you are just beautiful. Really. I love your haircut too, it looks great on you.
I just bought my blog sugar ticket and I can’t wait to hear you speak!!
Have a great day.

Jenny Joy - I love “Up”. We might just have to watch that this morning.
And I, too, LOVE the photos of you. So pretty. And the 3rd one? AMAAAAAAAAAZING!!! (in my best Oprah voice)

Jessica Johnson - just watched up for the first time last week. and sobbed almost the whole way through. especially that darn book. EVERY. TIME. he opened it. i was a goner. embarrassing.
beautiful pictures, meg. i might steal your haircut.

Susan - You are beautiful Megan! I love the pictures of you.

Gemma - Hi Meg!
I’ve never seen UP before…it sounds like I should!
You look fab in the pictures…your eyes are lovely : )
Gemma x

candace - we saw that NG segment on the news the other night – wouldn’t that be fabulous? love, LOVE up. such a good story.
great hair, by the way.

deborah@applesinwonderland - we all loved “up” too. your waffle looks like my sis’s oliver. and your annie? like my niece–my sis’s daughter. love the pics of you and your new haircut, just so you know.:)

Jodi - LOVE the movie “Up”… we believe they modeled Doug after our dog, Beckham… :o)
LOVE the pics. You’re beautiful!

Andrea - I loved Up too. I have a “Doug” dog too but she says “bird.” 🙂 Made me smile to see you were holding coffee in 2 pics. Really liked the third one though – bet your husband would like that one framed.

happygirl - I LOVED Up. I think my dog, Chet, is Doug, too. squirrel. You are beautiful. I’m glad you posted the pics. I’m looking forward to checking out Marta Writes. See you there. <3

Ashley Crenshaw - Love that they did a real life UP house. So awesome! Great pictures of you at the beach!!

Trish - cute pics… i probably should edit my photos:) i’m such a slacker. i haven’t even looked at them since i did my blog post on the trip.

Kimberlee J. - The movie title of “UP” to Talia is forever: “That movie we watched in Megan’s backyard.” Ha. I cried too.
I like you at the beach.
Let’s go to a beach.

Nicole Q. - That last pic of you is stunning!! Have a good day.

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this week….


remember when i partied in my cardigan?
that was for my sister's birthday.
well that was almost a month ago….and i just got her gift to her….really late.

(if you know me in real life….that is the NORM for me…)


but i think her gift was worth the wait.

this is my favorite necklace in lisa leonard's designs.  (i like it all but i really love this one)
it's simple and classic.
you can get printing on both sides.
it goes with everything.
it's my fave.

my sister loved it.
lisa makes giving gifts so easy!  a few clicks and it's all done.  love that.

on friday my three youngest came out of school with reading reward coupons for free ice cream cones.
i drove them straight to the source.
they were very surprised and happy.

talby pulled out her brand new book that was published from her ELP group. 


i swooned over it. 
it was adorable.

i don't know what this was about…..i can't recall….but annie made this face twice in ten seconds.
i caught the second one.

what a goofy girl.

we hit the park.
the sunshine was so needed.
i felt so much lighter.

and it was still so nice friday night that we had a campfire in the back yard!

today….it hailed, sleeted and snowed.

so….this week:

i really want to get my shop opened!

wish me luck.

before i die in a freak pillow collapsing accident in the craft room…..

don't worry there will be no surprise shop openings.
i will give you lots of warning.
i promise.

also….i have a five more rainbow hoodies!



kristine - natalie is on my lap looking at this post with me and she just said, “whoa mommy. a huge stack of pillows!” 🙂

Molly - where do you buy your fabric?
love love love reading your blog!!

Tiffany - OMG…pillow love here!!! Apparently I am living under a rock, I missed the hoodie pic…wonder if you’ll have it in size 7/8?? Or a 10 even…

chasity - it would be sooooo much fun to fill a fort with those piles of pillows and sit down to a good story.
such great colors and fabrics!

Julia - I love that sneaker shot!

carolyn - popped over her via marta writes, and now i don’t want to leave!

shelley - I pray that all those pillows fall onto my couch ! and I totally cant wait to see more of your little hoodies.

elisabeth - I am really. really. really. excited about the rainbow hoodies. Keeping my fingers crossed for a 3 T!
And I stalk your blog ALL the time. Just love it.

Jill - OMGosh…my children and I say, “lovel” too! :o)

Crissie - I am a lurker on your blog. I feel bad because I should have let you know my feelings about your blog by now. I ADORE your blog, and it soothes my soul and warms my heart. I have been lurking for about a year and should have already told you what gift you give me on a daily basis. The thing I love the most about it is how you remind me to appreciate the little things in life and to cherish my children (just as I am ready to wring their little necks! LOL) So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! 🙂
Anyway, I have to have a rainbow hoodie! I spied it in your pic the other day and I thought, “I have to ask her where she bought that!” Then I scroll down and read your caption! Lo and behold you answered my question! LOL I’m glad you are enjoying your sewing!

Sara - My daughter definately NEEDS a rainbow hoodie! Can’t wait!

Courtney Walsh - You know that front stack of pillows? The 8th one up from the bottom. That’s the one I want. 🙂 lol

mel @ the larson lingo - Love that Lisa necklace…I have a giftcard to her shop & can’t decide what to get! eek!
And, I want to buy one of your pillows for my guest room! Can’t wait for your shop to open 🙂

Tracy E. - Open that shop already! I NEED one of those pillows! Stat! 🙂

Shauna - Are you making Rainbow hoodies in baby/toddler sizes too?? (pretty please??)From the response to them I think you need to make 50 more!! Did you go to a trunk party for Matilda Jane or did you just order the stuff through someone? I love their skirts and dresses but Im afraid to buy something only to find out I need a smaller or larger size…I just LOVE Annie’s dress!

Mindy Harris - so excited for your shop to open. i am going to try to buy a bunting if they don’t sell out first.
also, i can’t wait to hear you speak at blogsugar.
i hope you remember me because i am going to come up to you and hug you!

Caroline - Oh my heavens! You are so talented! I have got to get a rainbow hoodie for my twin girls to share…or maybe they each need their own!

LIlly - Lovely things! I live in Ethiopia and am always worried I will miss the “opening” … so glad you will give us some warning. Look forward to snatching up some of those lovely pillows and hoodies for my girls. God bless 🙂

Esther - Hurry up and open the shop!!! I am dying over here with all of them “pillow eye candies” soooo… like loving them pillows!!! Let us all know when…PLEASE!!!!

Valerie Page - Every time I see these pillows, I get so excited. I can’t wait till your shop opens. Those Published books are awesome. As a retired(decided to stay at home with my baby) teacher, I cannot even begin to tell you how long it takes to make those books. All the time and effort that goes into them is well worth it. I used to be exhausted at the end of the day when I would help my students with them. But then, I would just get soooo excited when the published books came in and I couldn’t wait to open them. My students loved sharing them with the other students. My older daughters still look back and giggle what they wrote and drew in the books. Great keepsake:)

virginia - i really think your pictures are more crisp looking since you went to that blue lily thing, what’s your secret?

Ivy Smith - I can’t wait for the shop to open. I have been desperately needing some new sofa pillows but I have been holding out cause I want some from you! Everytime you post a pic of the pillows I pick out the ones I want:)

Jenny Joy - Who knew that an enormous pile of pillows could put a big ol’ smile on my face?!
And I cannot wait to see these rainbow hoodies. Seriously. Cannot. WAIT.

Kirsten J - Love those little books….I had the pleasure of putting them together for my daughter’s 1st grade class…and must confess, I spent a few too many minutes reading all of the books 😛

Hoosier at Heart - Looking forward to seeing your lovelies in your shop! By the way, I’m going to BlogSugar and I’m so so excited to meet you.

Leah - I feel like laying down in the pile of pillows. Looks so peaceful. Are you going to have the Hungry Caterpillar pillow like you did last year? Sophie and I love that story!

Shannon - Everybody better leave me some pillows to buy in your shop, Oh and I want a sweatshirt too! Can’t wait to see all the goodies 🙂

erlfisher - A freak pillow collapsing accident? Well, let me help by taking some of those pillows off your hands! The sleety-snow thing was weird. Glad it didn’t stick around. Great, colorful pictures on such a gloomy day!

megan - can’t wait for your “shop” to open. also, so wishing my girls could pull off the matilda jane look. think they are too old or too finicky! lord knows they could use some new clothes…you should have seen what #4 wore today!!
thanks for the beautiful pics.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love that Talbly has her own book. Is that wonderful or what? By the way Talby, goofy faces rock. Love the pillows Meg. Good luck on opening this week.

Christy - ooh can’t wait for the shop opening! Dying for a rainbow hoody.

Gemma - Love love love that necklace! Very simple but lovely!
I wish I had some icecream : )
Gemma x

ashley jensen - I was so worried yesterday while we were coming home from camping that you could have possibly opened up your shop and I would miss out on a hoodie! Gald to know you will be giving us lots of notice! I think I see a pillow in there I might have to have also.

Hannah - hoodies….are they for adults??? 🙂 hope so… 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie makes the best faces….i’m willing to bet big money that surprise ice cream had a little to do with that. i blame you for my sudden need to fill my artsy/fartsy space with pom-pom ric-rac….don’t worry i’ve already forgiven you:) love when my kid’s wrote book in and out of school. talby’s vacation to michigan? if i had known i’d have baked a cake. or something. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - As we just moved my youngest DD into her own room and will soon be painting her walls just like your girls”(she keeps telling me, “mommy..I want THAT pink room”) I will also be needing a heart pillow. And Im already wanting a rainbow hoodie. I cant wait….

Sonia - ummmm, i hope the hoodies come in adult sizes. 😀

Jeddie - I’ve been checking like crazy, so glad we are going to get a heads up:). Still hope I am quick enough!

Jenn Thomas - London wanted to know if those were Annie’s “lucky tights” Like Olivia (the pig) because she also has a pair of striped tights
that her lucky tights 🙂
I would hate for a fellow neighbor to die from a stack of falling pillows – I don’t think it would be good advertisment for the selling of our house. 🙂 Have a good week – it’s been a while since I’ve seen ya.

Trish - i love the foot shot of annie’s cute shoe. so fun!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - I’m sure you probably got 80 million e-mails about this already, but in case you didn’t: you were featured in my babytalk magazine as a top mom blogger! They did a little blurb about you with a link to your site. Congratulations!

andria - are you going to post a bit of advance notice when the shop will be open? i would love a rainbow hoodie and am worried everything will be sold out before i can access your shop. thanks!! gorgeous pillows by the way!

georgia - I love them pillows!!!! I don’t dare buy one as my dogs are partial to the odd pillow…. Ill be eager to check your other stuff though 🙂 🙂
Eeeeeeeee so excited for shop opening! What do the proceeds to towards, you or a charity? I’m not fussed either way, just wondered if it was for a charity event

Sandy - I know which pillow I want and I hope & pray that I get to it first because I know many others will want it too.

karen - yay for more rainbow hoodies!
i think you are going to crash the etsy server!!

Stefanie Shultz - I want those pillows! 🙂

tam - The weather looked fantastic, we are still dreary and snowy-I’m hoping spring is right around the corner! I love Talby’s book, QB’s class did that this year too. A pillow avalanche would be….colorful! Can’t wait for the shop opening.

Su@The Intentional Home - I have been checking your blog everyday for the announcement of your shop opening…I had to giggle when I read that line that said do not worry, there will be no surprise openings. . .it was like you were reading my mind. 🙂

erica - rainbow hoodie! and love that book by talby…so cute!

Kori - Talby’s real, live, actual book? AWESOME! What a cool memento to have!!

Michelle from Australia - Is it sad that I will contemplate sitting up in the middle of the night here in Australia to try and snag a rainbow hoodie? OK, don’t answer that. I know it is sad. But a girl has got to do what she had to do in search of rainbows doesn’t she???

Jennifer O'Steen - swooning over your pillows! i absolutely have to buy one <3

sue - Lovely pillows !!!

Barbara - Such a pretty stack of pillows!

Christina - I MUST HAVE THAT HEART PILLOW!!! SOOO CUTE! You must know I am serious about that because I am on my phone and had to make all those caps individually! Can’t wait for your opening. 🙂

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it’s friday.

i am so glad.

it's been a yucky week of laying around and not feeling "right" but today…..
we had a calm morning with all good moods!
my kids were all playing outside before school!
good stuff.

and i feel normal.

i slept great.

it is a good day.

my camera was in hiding all week since i was in hiding under my covers….
but yesterday afternoon i brought it back out.


 can you tell which mug is my current fave????


sneak preview of some hoodies in my etsy shop…..literally….i have only 3
and my love for matilda jane is huge.    
annie adores the clothes we got….and everything is SO DARN cute on her spunky little self!


i am so grateful for blogs.
with the help of blogs i have had some excellent dinners this week.

we had this on monday.   
every bite was eaten.
a new favorite.

and this on tuesday. 
raig and i both said several times "soooo good!"
it was.

and THIS tonight.     

OR THIS…..i can't decide.



stuffing pillow forms into cases
cleaning my bedroom 
taking pictures of pillows for etsy
making chocolate chip cookies
going to a park (if the sun stays out)
getting out of pajamas before noon (maaaaybe)


happy weekend to you! 

here's to sleeping in with my man in the morning!!!  woo-hoo.



chasity - i LOVE that annie is watching buster more than the laundry pile…totally cracked me up!!!!!
great photos.
a day in the life…..

jami - You should make the taquitos. That is one of my family’s Top 5. Absolutely love those! And you should definitely make them with the creamy cilantro dressing for dipping.

tam - I hope you had a great weekend! I love seeing snapshots of your life and home. Always so colorful, makes me happy!

Jana - Completely unrelated BUT I spy parenting with love and logic on your nightstand. I love that book. Still working on employing the program 100% of the time…not sure if that will ever happen 😉

Lori - LOVE Our Best Bites! I’ve made both and I vote the Chicken Fingers 🙂 SO delicous!

Daniele Valois - I think your photos have gotten better in the past couple of weeks. It seems the focal point is more deliberately placed, and the depth is really nice. I also love this last photo, and the crayons. The hoodie is adorable!

Kristin S - I’ve said it before but your random posts are my favorite and these photos are stunning! Stunning snapshots of every day life.
I must say your bathroom counter might be my favorite. Why? Because it looks like mine. I have a grand illusion that everyone in the world has clean counter tops except me. Thanks for helping me with reality this morning.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Glad to hear you feel better. Love your pictures of real life with the Whatever Family. Happy weekend!

crystal beutler - So glad you are feeling better!!! Love all the pictures — your house just makes me happy to look at. I love the one of Waffle. And that hoodie — stinkin’ cute!!! Can’t wait until your shop opens — it will make me happy just to go there and visit all the colors. 🙂
Glad someone else has a drawer with a red blowdryer hanging out of it, and products all over the counter. I feel right at home looking at that. 🙂
Hey, would you believe I found a service camp for teens. Sounds really cool. However, the aged limit is 15. Missed it by that much. Dang.

Dina - Does your mug say “morning” or “warning”?
I need one that says the latter:-)
LOVE all your pics…pretty sure we’re related…necklaces, ribbons, quilts, crayons….come on! Oh..and Sonic happy hour — the best! I went today and the kid who took my order first introduced himself as Bruce Wayne then asked me if I’d like to make it a route 44 for just $.10 more…God Bless Sonic:-)

Kimberlee J. - Okay, I might be crafting a hoodie because I’ll never beat the other 450 people who said they loved it.
Tal will enjoy it next Fall, right? I better get started. That’s how long it will take me…just to find fabric I will commit to.
I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Two in bed is better than being alone. 🙂

Sharla - LOVE Annie’s outfit – that hoodie is too cute!

beki - Happy, Happy Friday! And now I’m off to check out those recipes 🙂

Lynn - Where can I find that mug? Anyone? I’m nuts over it!

Shauna - I want one of those hoodies!!!! Love your happy pictures.

Kimberly Dial - I love your posts. They never fail to make me smile. Thank you.

Kimberly Dial - I love your posts. They never fail to make me smile. Thank you.

becky - ah. thank you for being SO. REAL. it makes me feel like i can maybe hang in there as a new-er mommy. 🙂 it’s just. so. exhausting some times. to be intentional. and loving….. and patient. 🙂 and not just drop them in my hubby’s arms when he gets home & say ‘see ya!’ love reading your sincere & authentic words. thank you for what you do. i know it takes a big chunk of time, and we appreciate it out here in blog world! 🙂 happy weekend.

Mallory - Oh Mama those Walmart pizzas are YUMMY! 🙂 Can I come over for dinner?!

Leah - I am SO making those taquitos tonight. Thanks for the new recipes.

betsy - Oh, Waffle! SUCH a rough life 🙂
I want to bring him here to play with my Minnie. They’d have fun. I’m sure of it!

Janine - Oh my goodness! Can I come over and cuddle with Waffle? I only live a few thousand miles away! Have a great weekend!

jaz - WooooOOOOoooo! Did someone get a new macro lens??? Gorgeous shots!! Lovely depth of field!!
(Absolutely GORGEOUS Rainbow jumper!)

Deputy's Wife - Update on me stealing your idea to make the chicken taquitos tonight: I totally missed the part in the recipe where it says to warm up the tortillas before you roll, otherwise your taquitos will crack. Yup… mine are a big cracked mess on my stove. I am still baking them though, I think they are edible, just a little ugly. HA!
Ugly Taquitos anyone???

shauna reed - Can you tell I’m typing in my phone? Gotta love predictive text. I like to keep ya guessing.

shauna reed - Dude. You should make the people bid for your sweatshirt. Would that be mean? Or fun?
Ella would live one-shot those babies. Maybe i’ll try my hand at one…xoxo
Enjoy snuggle time this morning. Lucky.

Christine Ishmael - Glad your feeling better…I may make it to the post office this weekend to mail your “thank you”, it’s on my list…my hubby and I bought those twin “Good Morning” mugs…LOVE them! Have a fabulous weekend!

Liz Prince - do you know how much i adore reading you each morning?! u always inspire me and put a smile on my face. sweatshirt is adorable…. i wish you made it in my size 🙂
happy weekend!

erin - i’ve made the chicken taquitos are they are soooo good!! have a great weekend, and thanks for always making the ordinary look so beautiful!

Gretchen - Meg,
Thanks for the links to some good recipes — feeling at a loss today on what to make for dinner (soooo not a cook and don’t enjoy it a lot) and the pulledchicken seemed easy enough and something my husband and daughter would both like! So, literally, it’s in my crockpot right now! Thing is …. there is SO MUCH sauce, it looks NOTHING like the pics. See why I don’t like cooking? It never turns out like the pics! 😉 (And yep, I definitely checked my measurements b/4 I assembled — that’s how not confident I am.) Why oh why so soupy? Was yours?
And now for the non-cooking questions … 😉
I see I’m not the only one wanting to know how you store/display your necklaces … so can you spill? Perhaps a pic or two? I’ve got mine in two places and one is totally hidden away and seems like a waste (they are so happy to look at) and the other is a fun dish I have, but they’re all in a jumbled pile. Not so happy.) So spill, sistah!
And last question — seriously, how about some more hoodies? What kind of size range do you go up to? My daughter’s an 8. Ahem. Ahem. Would LOVE one for the spring as her go-to hoodie.
How’s THAT for a first-time commenter (I think) and a long-time reader (I know!)

erlfisher - My nightstand looks exactly like yours…carmex…coffee…too many books…except my alarm clock is black instead of white. Love that Waffle. And I vote for the taquitos, too!

Marie - ok that sonic drink just made me jealous. I used to live 2 minutes from one and now the closest one is almost an hour away. 🙁 My favorite, was their Vanilla Dr. Pepper. Just sayin’. Oh how I miss it. That’s all, glad you got to enjoy yours!

RLG - I’m curious: how many hours per week would you say you spend cleaning the house? I’m desperately trying to get a handle on how much time I spend cleaning, or thinking about cleaning.
I think I’m going insane. xoxo

Laura Phelps - Friday mornings are ROUGH over here
not sure why
we always over sleep
rush, rush, rush
hate it
need to go to bed earlier I think
happy for YOUR morning
woo hoo to that
and we have had a sick in hiding week too…
hope for more sunshine this weekend!
love you

Sarah - Thank you thank you thank you.
I am in such a recipe rut.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Well, I just bookmarked the taquitos, so you have MY vote…

april - Wow love your necklace collection!!! And walmart pizza is the best…and uper easy to pick up! Love the pics…whats up with all the cooking lately lady? Can you ship some to cali? hahahah

Tess - i love that mug. i bought it a month ago and i swear coffee is more delicious from it.

Andrea - OMGeeeee those taquitos are so good, one of our favorites. Have.a great weekend.

se7en - A feast of Photographs!!! O frabjous day!!! You just made mine – love it!!!

Timalee - Today I feel exactly the way Waffle looks, can’t wait for the sun to come back out here!

Lisa - What adorable clothes! So cute, and will look quite adorable on my own little spunky almost 4 year old. Enjoy your weekend. 🙂

Jen Brandt - Great post! I love your pictures. Thanks for the new recipe ideas. Jealous that you get to sleep in with you hubby as mine is away for 4 1/2 months of training for the Army. 🙁 But! Happy for you! 🙂 Have a great weekend. Love your blog!

shelley - your pictures make me want to sing !! I just all the beauty you capture !

kate - l.o.v.e. that hoodie! so darn cute! my daughter would love it. and you can’t go wrong with anything from Our Best Bites, but i can say that those taquitos are amazing! we love them around here.

Carolyn - We had the OBB chicken taquitos a few nights ago. They were SO GOOD. Dipped them in guacamole and sour cream–yummy! Definitely put those on your “to make” list if you don’t have them tonight. And thanks for the other recipes!

Jenny B. - So glad you’re feeling better! That rainbow hoodie is ADORABLE. Wish I had a little girl to put one on. 🙂 I’ve been stalking your Etsy shop all week – so afraid you would open it while I was at work, and I would miss it! ha! 🙂 Oh, and your bathroom counter looks all too familiar. And I love that your lamp shade is crooked. Yup. I do. Have a great day!

Kim - Love that Sonic Happy Hour makes a frequent occurrence as one of the best parts of your day – anytime I get to sonic its the best part of my day…just wish they were a bit closer. It’s the little things.
And that might be my favorite picture of waffle EVER. I think he was so happy to have you on his level. 🙂 So sweet.

Britanie - The baked chicken tacquitos are the best, you HAVE to make them, you will definitely not regret it! I love the hoodie, my 6 year old would never take it off! I’m a long time lurker, first time commenter, just want to let you know that I feel my day is incomplete until I check in.

Gemma - Yay for the weekend!!!! I’m looking forward to seeing your cushions : )
Wish I could have some chocolate chip cookies RIGHT NOW !!!

steph - i totally made julie’s baked ziti last weekend!!!
ha ha ha ha!
i love looking for easy and yummy recipes via blogs too.
so wonderful!
i think i’m gonna have to make those pulled chicken sandwiches this weekend.
maybe a good meal to eat after church on sunday?
glad to read you’re feeling better.
feeling sick as a mom just seems unfair, huh?
who the heck is supposed to take care of you?!
hoodie… ADORBS!!!!!!!
i NEED one for one of my daughters at least! ha!

amy d - i nearly had a heart attack when i heard the basketball outside this morning…thinking i had slept til when school gets out!!!!
i woke up thinking, holy moly how could i have possibly slept through the whole day!!! …then i looked at the clock and fell back in bed and was out cold. 🙂
love mr waffle’s picture.

SueWis - Somebody likes silver and gray. Surprising first choices from the new box. 🙂

Heather L. - I want a hoodie. STAT! So cute!

Heather - I know your daughter has been compared to Ramona Cleary before, but it’s worth saying again. Her little outfit is absolutely precious!

ashley jensen - Oh my goodness…I so want the rainbow hoodie for my daughter! Too stinkin cute!

Deputy's Wife - I vote for the chicken taquitos tonight. Actually, after I read the recipe, I am going to the store to pick up tortillas to make them!

Vera - TGIF indeed! So glad you’re feeling better!!

karen - i love this post! colour me happy Meg!
looking forward to your etsy shop!! I hope you are selling those cute rainbow tee’s!

Holly - so glad you are feeling better! I am planning to get out of my pjs before noon as well. Of course I promised Brian I would have lunch with him at school so I think he might get embarressed if I showed up in my polka dot pj pants! Ha! Love the picture of Waffle!

keely - Definitely try the chicken taquitos- they’re soooo good and easy and we love them in our house! Though these are good, too:

happygirl - How can you make a picture of your bathroom vanity looks so pretty. When I look at mine, I would NEVER think of photographing it. You have a wonderful eye, mrs. LOVE the pile of laundry? on the table in front of the tv. That’s where I keep mine. Hooray!!! It’s Friday.

asnipofgoodness - The Lord has been teaching me a lot about imperfection lately, it’s a process, not being perfect, being vulnerable, and letting people see the real me, not putting on airs, being real…….and you are, real I mean, and I really like that. Thank you for being part of the process.:)

Trish - what do you use to hang all your necklaces? i am currently searching for old frames to use for my jewelry, but just don’t have time to go thrifting right now.

Beth - Your little Annie always looks so cute in all the colors! Can’t wait to see those hoodies, too. Glad you’re feeling better!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Your pics make me happy 🙂

Sonia - I. Want. Annies. Hoodie. Love the rainbows!! And glad you’re feeling betta!!

deborah@applesinwonderland - good mornings are no joke. doesn’t everyone have a favorite mug–even though we all have cupboards full of them (the unloved ones). loving your funky-spunky girl in the new hoodie. not to rub it in, but pajamas off at 7am. alright, so i’m wearing yoga pants with no chance of any yoga-y action today. whatev. have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Penny - Oh Waffle, be still my heart. I love him!

Ali - Two things to say: What did we do before the wonderful invention of Day Quil? LOVE that sweatshirt! I’m going to be stalking your etsy page to try to snag one.

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live without?

i got an email from Water4Christmas challenging me to Live Without for the next 6 months starting in april.

living without something different each month….a new challenge.

i went through the email and i got nervous. 

and squirmy.

and sweaty. 

i thought "what?  not even coffee at home?!  umm…..NO……i don't want to give up anything."

i almost deleted the email!!!

that is when i knew i HAD to do it.

i have to take part in this challenge because my first reaction was NO WAY.

i want to look the other way.

i want to just send money.

and sending money is fine….but feeling just a slight tiny tinge of what it's like to go without is more real to me.

the money i would have spent on coffee….restaurants….clothing….will go to charity:water

$20 can provide someone with clean water.

twenty dollars!!!

i am so guilty.

i drop twenty bucks on nothing….on crap that i can't even remember!

so in april i will be joining the Live Without Campaign.

what about you?


this was on the Water4Christmas blog and it touched me.

Liberia: soap and healing. from charity: water on Vimeo.



Mary - My son-in-law works for Clear Cambodia, a water filter project. After visiting Cambodia last month it is amazing how many people live without filtered water and what a difference it could make in their lives.

Janine - Thanks for the thoughtful response and for clarifying things. I may have been kind of confused. I thought charity:water which is a big charity – (they raised over 7 million dollars last year) was the ones advocating this. On a small scale it is something that can be meaningful. I do understand the meaning behind the sacrifice – it’s awareness. I think it’s because I am usually aware of the luxuries I have due to past circumstance, that I don’t necessarily see the need for giving them up now that I can have them but I understand that others may need to. And, I don’t indulge all that often mainly out of habit. Plus I am a bit of a locavore if possible. I live in an increasingly more crowded suburb and I support the local businesses, and charities. As big as we are, small townness still survives, if only barely. (I don’t get my coffee from starbucks but from a local mom & pop grocery with a coffee stand, for example) I do get a bit defensive about trying to save that way of life.
I know everywhere in the world there is need, and if Africa is where you want to pitch in that is wonderful. Clean water is definitely a worthy cause. I did watch the video so I can see the good they do. If everyone chooses their own corner of the world to help, the world as a whole will be a much better place. Please know my gripe was never with you.

jeana - absolutely would love to join in! (and that wasn’t an easy yes)

MEG DUERKSEN - janine:
this isn’t a big charity like the red cross.
water4chirstmas is a group of women that i know.
and we donate to charity: water.
we are aware that everyone in our communities will not be doing this.
so that fear of driving people out of business is not there.
i am not afraid of starbucks losing money from a month of going without.
nor a massage therapist.
nor a movie theater.
you can choose to give in any way you’d like.
you could give and still spend on coffee if you wanted to.
it’s more a call to be conscientious about the luxury we have….the money we waste….being good stewards of what we’ve been given.
i am offering others a way to be aware of the world around them.
that there is a place to give that makes a difference in a way that is tangible.
you have the information and you get to choose what you want to do with it.
i believe in chairty: water.
in the video you can see truly how water projects change communities in west africa.
that means something to me.
that is important to me.
it doesn’t have to be to everyone.
i understand that.
i am not upset at all….just wanted to address my thoughts your concerns.
thanks for sharing your opinion.

Janine - I wasn’t going to do it. I was going to bite my tongue and not say anything. But I can’t. I have a problem with this, and it has nothing to do with you, but with the organization. I know all charities play upon our sympathies to get donations but this marketing campaign bothers me. And that is what this is by the way, a marketing strategy to garner donations. It’s the intent behind it all. They don’t care if you give up something, they don’t care if you think it will make you a better person, all they care about is you donate to them at the end of it. They want money, plain and simple. They want you to have something that is a daily reminder of them and maybe have some extra cash at the end of the month that you’ll give to them. The truth is whether they realize it or not, they want you to hurt your own community, by stopping your support of local businesses to help them. What if everyone in your community did this? What do you think would happen if no one showed up at the hair salon for a month? How many people wouldn’t be able to feed their families, pay their mortgages or rent due to lack of income? Or your local restaurant, retailer, etc. for a month? They would go out of business. You are hurting local families and the local economy which in turn helps no one. They are taking advantage of good people and I don’t like that. Maybe donate to a different water charity because although the cause is good I don’t think the way they present themselves is above board. I am stepping off of my soap box now. Thank you for the space to vent.

karen - wow..that’s a big challenge. and you are so cool sharing this with us!

Cha Cha - What a great idea, this will be an amazing time of growth for you I am sure. Good Luck
Cha Cha

Ami - Not that you need any more things to give up, but this is kind of a fun one for a great cause:

Jennifer - I’m going to do it too! I was giving up Dr Pepper for Lent already, so I will be giving Dr Pepper money instead of coffee money, but man, I’m already having a hard time with it and this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Lisa - Love that you are going to do this and that you shared it with us. I’ve totally done the same thing where I try to ignore something that will “cost” me something big. Glad you listened to that voice telling you to obey and do it!

sue - Wish i could!

Lauren - I have not heard of this but I think it’s a really cool idea! Every time I take a bath I think how lucky I am to just turn on the tap and out flows all the clean water I want.

lesley - Way to go!

Tammy - I’m in.

maureen - I love charity: water and am so glad you introduced my family to this great cause. My daughter was so inspired by Scott Harrison’s September campaign video that she decided to give up her 8th birthday and ask friends and family to donate $8 to her charity: water campaign. She’s half way to her $5000 goal. It makes me believe that even, I–coffee addict that I am, could give it up too.

Sugar Mama - I haven’t checked out the link yet… but I’m already feeling a nervous knot in my stomach. I don’t consider myself a “high maintenance” woman, but I KNOW there are things I could give up and focus more on true needs.
Okay, I’m taking a deep breath and going over to click on the link…..

stephanie @ providence handmde - Oh, my. Giving up is on my mind as I gave up sweets for Lent….we’re one day in and I’m about to lose it. I also think fair-trade coffee is a great idea…we’ve tried to switch to that anyway. What could we replace that with? Desserts? Whatever it is, I’m on board. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Meredith - What a wonderful idea! Live without and help so many.
More than a year ago I would have said I don’t know if I can live without my TV, my specialty face soap, and so many other things that I thought that I needed. My husband was without a job for several months and living without became our new thing. What I thought I couldn’t live without, I now realize I can and do it with a giant smile. You said it in one of your Africa posts, these people have so little but yet are so happy. Our things do not bring us happiness like so many of us think, it is our relationships and serving others! That is why we are here!
I love reading your blog! I love hearing about your faith journey! You have an audience that is listening and you are inspiring so many. You are opening many eyes to many things. I look forward to hearing about your living without journey!

Tracey Husted - I gave up my thrice weekly shopping trips to the thrift store for the month of March just because. I’ll have to think of something else for April.

Jamie - Thanks for posting and making me aware. This is an AWESOME opportunity…totally going to do this.
Love the blog…I tend to smile because of all of the bright colors!!

La - Don’t they mean giving up buying coffee “out” ie: Starbucks?
Why would you have to give up coffee you drink at home? I think buying fairtrade and brewing at home would be a great solution (says the caffeine addict who quickly needs to find a workable option). 😉

Carla - Great Idea. I’ve just quite chocolate for Lent. Ouch. Now, its just a suggestion but here’s my tuppence worth. What about not giving up coffee but just making sure your coffee is fairtrade. Coffee production is a really big earner for most African countries and fairtrade ensures the small farmer gets a fair deal. If everyone stopped drinking coffee, it would be a bad day for him. Just throwing it out there 🙂

~Debra - Count me in!

sarah - i love this meg! you’re so brave! i am so excited for you and excited for what God will teach you through this time of discipline and surrender. those things you feel you can’t give up? i think a time will come when you’ll realize how easy it is to live without them…you can do it!

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kleenex and dayquil.

i got a stupid cold sunday morning.
and it beat me down.
i slept all day on monday and then whined all day on tuesday.
i am hoping for a better wednesday.

i did get some sewing done.
some photo work done.
some laundry done.
but felt icky doing it.
such is life as a mama…..i know.


i finally figured out something that wendy and tyler were teaching me.

made me so happy.

i think i shouted in my kitchen when i got it.



does anyone think it's lame that i am still using my electric blanket in march? 
i do.

do you know that it's not easy storing 40 pillows for an etsy shop?

but my craft room is better than disneyland right now….happiest place on earth.

i downloaded the new adele cd yesterday.
everyone is talking about it.
i was tired of only hearing the same ones on pandora so i just bought it.

love it.

she has got a voice!

annie said this week:

after her soccer game i said "you did so good!" and she said "YEAH and i didn't even cry!"  

at breakfast scott asked me if i was going to china with a group from our church.
i said no.
annie piped up and said
"I want to go to china!  
i want to use my karate chopping on bad guys!
and eat noodles with chopsticks!
and hear their talk!"  

both scott and i smiled pretty big.

(photo by annie with my heavy camera.)

we have three kids in soccer, one in track and one in softball right now.
and two are also in basketball still and one in volleyball.

has this family has gotten out of control???

AND add on that it's march and ncaa is about go gangbusters on us.

calgon take me away!

BUT i will admit to really starting to like their games.
i used to drag my feet getting there but it's growing on me.

put me in a town with a starbucks and i am even happier!


so excited about all of you that signed up for BLOG SUGAR!
it's going to be so good.
i am debating on a dance routine or just a prepared speech……

just kidding.

although i do remember my tap routine to jailhouse rock from the 1990's pretty well…. 


Jen - Kansas is like Nebraska… you should use your electric blanket MORE in March… 36 degrees feels pretty decent in December, but in March it chills you to the bone.
My kindergartener thinks she can already speak “their talk” in China. If it is random syllables stuck together, they are certain to understand. Ay yay yay! (I’m all paranoid… if she does this in public will people think we’re racists??!!)
Hope you’re feeling better soon!

amber - I still remember some of my twirling routine to I’ve got friends in low places.
Is it wrong that an 8 year old was dancing to a song about friends in low places?
Yes. Yes is the answer. Crazy dance people. Oh well.

Tami - I thought we were busy until I read the end of your blog. We have 4 playing on 3 different baseball teams. One with guitar lessons and playing in the youth band at church. Oh did I mention, all of this happens 45 minutes from our house because we live in the mountains (aka the middle of nowhere). You did make me feel better about our crazy life because now I know we are not the only ones.

flowerpowermomma - as always, cute pics.
sorry you’ve been sick. hopefully by now life is easier.
btw, are you even old enough to know the origin of the phrase “calgon take me away” ? 🙂
I say it often and get funny looks often too.

Tiffany - hope you feel better and thanks for putting me on to the new adele cd. heading to pandora… and what is a blog sugar, gonna find that out too.

Andrea T - Feel better! I had it too 2 weeks ago. I actually asked my hubby to stay home GASP! I cant wait for the etsy shop to open 🙂

Heather - Oh how I would love to come to this BlogSugar event. Sigh. Why is everything so far away.

Kacey - Ok, wow – you guys are busy! How do you ever keep up with all those sports?! Yay for figuring out what Wendy and Tyler taught you – those light bulb moments are the best!
Feel better soon!

becky - hope you’re having a happy wednesday! and feeling better! thanks for sharing. love your happy yellow flowers! i think i may need to get me some in my kitchen too – on these dreary wintry days!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - Random responses:
I love that mug…I saw it at world market and begged my husband for it (this is before I saw it on your blog). He turned me down…I have too many mugs.
I love love love the New Adele CD!!!

emily anderson - i want to go to blog sugar. period.
i must make a way for it to happen!

Christy - We must have been hit with the same bug! After a crazy and stressful week last week I finally succombed Sunday night to feeling miserable. Slept most of Monday as well, but a Mom isn’t entitled to that much rest so “family stuff” still had to get accomplished! =) Here’s to feeling better and being able to stuff that electric blanket in the closet until Fall!

Seamingly Sarah - I caught my daughter’s cold on Sunday too! Same timeline and so far this Wednesday has been better. I hope it has been for you too.

Cathy - Love your haircut! Shows up nicely (though a bit blurry) in Annie’s pic

Krystle - I had to laugh… my favorite thing about today’s post is the cute little bum with the wedgie about to jump into the pool. Something about kids’ bums always makes me smile 🙂

Susan - Yay for you! You definitely figured something out. The second I saw the pictures on your post, before reading a word, I thought to myself “That workshop totally paid off, her pictures are looking even better than before.” I can’t wait to see what the next level is going to be for you. I loved, loved, loved your photography before you took the workshop. I can only imagine what is to come!

Holly - We are doing t ball for the first time. Our team is the Grasshoppers. I love it and so does the boy.
I wish I could go to blog sugar but alas it is a long haul from my town.
and…you should totally do a dance. It would be blogland legend!

Anne @ Baking Me - Here in SLC it snowed like crazy Monday and then tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees. It seems spring never gets here fast enough, it’s alway a tease. Oh and I think you should do a dance because dancing is awesome 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Still having to use my elecrtic blanket in March, too… and I’m in SC!
It’s still crazy cold here to me!
Feel better soon!

karen - those kitchen pics are so beauty!
My favorite Adele song is ‘chasing pavements’.. sooo good.

BULLYMAMA - Feel better Meg! Love the new hairdo…your last one and this one are giving me inspiration to get a new stylish do for Spring! Kansas weather seems similar to New England and although March has a Spring feel like wanting to change up our outfits and hairdos the weather doesn’t seem to cooperate until at least mid-May…so electric blankets aren’t lame!!

Emily - Can’t wait to see your pillows on etsy. I love your blog!! You inspire me…I decorated my craft room with colorful frames and artwork that makes me happy. I think of you now when I’m trying to decide what “works” using bright colors. Keep up the creative work! 🙂

Kirsten J - Cool pictures – and my daughter plays softball – both little league and a “select” team. So true about there being a local Starbucks. It makes a good excuse to use something besides a honey bucket if we’re at a lame field 🙂

kristine - 1. feel better
2. congrats on the photog!
3. i would use my electric blanket if i had one.
4. we bought the new adele for our roadtrip a week ago! it’s a goodie!
5. i love yellow and grey.
6. your family is crazy busy! enjoy!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I totally think you should go with the dance routine. For reals.

deborah@applesinwonderland - i am so over winter too. dang, i was over it in november. stay warm, try to get better and whine all you want. whine about not going to china or that your craft room looks like disney but isn’t warm….whatev. i’m still getting over a cold here….the cold that i was sure was going to kill me. i get it.

Jacci - BOKEH!!! Is that what you figured out? How to change your focus and get awesome bokeh in your pics? So fun! And let me just say again how much I love your hair. It could NOT be cuter! 🙂 - bleh….feel better. I still have the down comforter on….flannel jammies….socks…and my LAMO house slippers close by. Spring is taking it’s own sweet time, I tell ya. Ya gotta love the fickle Kansas weather. Or not…which I don’t mostly November thru March.

shauna reed - you have a REALLY good profile.
when you speak at blog sugar, you should have them set you up looking to the side.
then you can pretend you are in your living room and forget about us.
and we can all whisper and twitter about your nice defined jaw line(no double chin for you baby)….just an idea.

crystalbeutler - Hope you are feeling better. So what did you figure out with the camera? Love your shots of the gum machine. 🙂
I’me voting for dance routine and maybe the white roller skates. 🙂 Although . . . I am pretty excited to hear you speak.

Cathy - Oh, do a dance routine! How fun! Way better than a speech.

Jen Brandt - Oh! Do a tap routine! You only live once. 🙂
Hope you feel better. Love your new pics.

Melissa - I would love to hear what you figured out from Wendy and Tyler….please.
I love that Annie! I bet she’s a bunch of fun to be around!

Jodi - There is no other sport in my house. Soccer that is….
I noticed Annie’s shin guard/socks right away. Makes me want to go back to when Christen was that little and playing soccer… now, it’s so… rough! but she loves it!
Don’t know how you do all you do w/ 5 kids…. I can barely keep up w/ my one! :o)

Julie K - Do share your light bulb moment from your time with Wendy and Tyler! And I adore your hair cut!!!

ashley jensen - I live in Oklahoma and there is no shame in still using the electric blanket since it will be 70 degrees one day and 25 the next! I am curious about what you learned at GoPro that you yelled about in your kitchen. I squeal and giggle when I figure things out like that!

EverydayEO - I’m still using my blanket too–in CA!!! Gasp! Shock! I’m a weather wimp, I admit it. Just bought my ticket: ) Your craft room=colors galore=bliss!!

Kathy - My kids shared their germs with me this week too. I spent the weekend denying I was getting sick. I decided to take nyquil the other night (to stop coughing and get a good night sleep) and spent most of yesterday in a fog from it. Winter- be gone! Love the pillows!

Heather R. - Feel betta! 🙂

Sarah @ this farm familys life - So…what did you figure out that wendy and tyler taught you. Please tell…I may learn something.

Katie - It is snowing here today:( I am seriously researching other places to live in the US because this momma can’t take the cold and snow anymore. I can’t believe you guys are playing sports outside right now…that is amazing!

sandy toe - I laughed at your comment about Starbucks. My son travels with soccer and I always think…as long as there is a starbucks:).
sandy toe

Kelley - yay for having another thing from Wendy & Tyler click. their workshop was so awesome. I only need to hear about your crazy sports schedule to realize karate four nights a week, soccer two nights a week and one weekend day taken up by both isn’t so bad.

Michelle - adele rules! happy wednesday!

patricia - Love reading your posts … totally random questions here … where do you buy fabrics at? One special place or just wherever you find it? Have you ever ordered fabric online? I’ve been tempted to but haven’t yet. Hope you feel better soon!

cathy - Annie is so cute I also had that idea about going to China to hear how Chinese people talk so next time I went with my dad to work he took me to a Chinese restaurant at that time there wasn’t that many but I really enjoyed the food but I really enjoyed the shouting from the kitchen
I don’t think an electric blanket is lame if it keeps you warm.

Sally - Not lame about the blanket…I’m in Florida and my heat may or may not have been on the other night. I’ve been making pom pom pillows for our couches, but it seems you’re much speedier than me! These are taking me forever! Maybe I just need to buy yours 🙂
Side note about Pandora. I started getting so frustrated with it at work because I could never listen to the song that I actually want to LISTEN to. My husband found this website called grooveshark and it is now my obsession! You can listen to whatever you want whenever you want!

Jennifer - Feel better soon! I love your photos! We just started my oldest in softball and my middle in soccer, and of course both practices are at different locations on the same day. A mommy’s work never ends!

happygirl - LOVE Jailhouse Rock!!! Feel better soon Meg. Dontcha hate the mom-cold vs the man-cold. Hahaha the commercial about the man-cold CRACKS me up. This one is funny, too. Poor little bunny.

Teresa - Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Hannah - not lame that you use the electric blanket. i still heat up my “rice sock” to warm up my feet in the bed…and i live in ga! 🙂 i would love to see a room full of pillows…which i seem to have a thing for! hope you feel better soon!!!! 🙂
have a great wednesday!

Carla - I woke (was woken!) at 5am this morning and even with three in the bed (one big man, one little) it was COLD. And I’m not in Kansas. Where it is maybe even colder?
Anyway, quick question/request…would you ever consider doing a really basic How to take decent photos of your Kids How To. Angles, Camera, that sort of thing. Would love to know some of your tricks (and I think your job is safe, I don’t see myself getting good enough to steal clients during this lifetime :-))
Just a thought 🙂
Would love to go to Blog Sugar but its a little far away for me. And I don’t know how well a Humanist mama would fit in. But I’m looking forward to hearing all about it 🙂

Four Flights - I think we need to get a flash mob going at Blog Sugar. And I could only imagine how awkward it would be to store 40 pillows?!?

Kori - We’re still using our heated mattress pad and our son is still using his heated blanket.
Not lame.
Warm. 🙂
And also, all this talk of Blog Sugar everywhere….is it only for uber bloggers, or all types of bloggers?
Like ones that blog at random only when the mood strikes? 🙂 And aren’t that super tech-y. (such as moi) It seems like it would be totally fun, but the pics of peeps who are speaking I keep seeing is kinda intimidating….

Leah - So totally random thought. But because of you, I decided to try Le Creme. Only one Vons (Safeway) even close to me carried it. I drove all the way to this store with my asleep kid in the back and I swear to you, there were only three hazelnut flavors left. The rest were gone! I couldn’t help but think it was because of your blog. Anyway, I tried it (even though hazelnut is not my flavor of choice) and it’s so good. And I love that it’s natural. Thanks for the tip.
Oh, and I don’t think it’s weird you’re using your electric blanket. You live in Kansas. It’s cold. And it’s technically not spring yet.

Courtney Walsh - Dude. do the dance. And then make everyone get up and do it with you. People’ll be talking about it, I promise!
P.S. Cute hair!

Erin Leigh - Okay, okay, gotta get the CD, already. so excited for blog sugar. It’ll be fun. sorry you had the worst weather of the year when you were here (san diego). what the heck? it’s like summer here now. beautiful and sunshiney. just wait’ll september! our best weather is september/october. we’ll save it all up for you.

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blog sugar.


i am speaking at blog sugar 2011.

i am nervous……but not.

i know that God will give me the words to say.

but i still have to get up and talk in front of everybody….just my voice….in a microphone.

insert sweatiness here.

are you coming to blog sugar?

this will be my first time.

but already i am so excited to meet so many people that i know are coming.
i hope i get to meet YOU too.

you can go to the blog sugar website for details…registration opens today.

here are the other speakers!


it is going to be fabulous….i am sure of it.


i hear there will be cupcakes…..yum. 

Liz - Yay! I’m so excited to go. It’s going to be great!

Kristen - Looking forward to meeting you!

Tracy Fisher - I wanna go… I wanna go… I wanna go! I just got over my pitty party, take a week off, crazy busy life… and now I am back… better than ever… and I wanna go to this event. I am going to pray daily and see how God can get me there!!
Blessings to you, Meg. Tracy Fisher

the whyte house - i did a double take when i saw blog sugar on your page. i think i even said outloud, “this isn’t rach’s page, is it??” i wanted to be at her blog sugar events so badly, but seeing as i’m a whole 30 minutes away from you, it’s not really a short drive to her house. i am so thrilled for rach to get this all put together and even more excited that you get to be a part of it. can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories about it(and see the photos!! **wink, wink**)

Cathy - I want to go. Really really really I do.

Michelle from Australia - That is only a 14 hour flight from Australia. Tempting. Tempting. Tempting……….

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Ticket…CHECK!
Can’t wait!

mel @ the larson lingo - I bought my ticket this afternoon! So excited to met you & hear you speak! 🙂

kristine - you go girl! and KEYNOTE speaker!!!! wahooooooo!!!!!

EverydayEO - I’ve been following your blog for a short time but always love the colors your blog has to offer~They make me feel happy–eye candy!~When I saw Sarah’s tweet about this–I was so excited to see it’s practically in my backyard!!! Talking to husband after dinner and purchasing my ticket tonight: )

crystal beutler - I am coming to hear you speak my friend!!!! So excited that you are coming back!!! Too bad we can’t do some kind of make and take gathering while you are in town!! If you need a place to stay, or rides, let me know. I would be happy to be your Sherpa. Did you open your shop????

danielle - hmm… i say you wait until september to get your nose pierced and we go together so i can watch it happen in soCAL. yes? yes?
i also need sunrises on the ocean every morning i am there. yes, i do.

pve - darn, wish I could go – sounds sweeet.
blessings to you –

Jessica Johnson - I’ll be there, Meg! SO, SO, SO excited to meet you! You’re gonna be FABULOUS! 🙂

Mummy's Dress - That sounds awesome… you’ll be great.

AshleyAnn - WOW…that is going to be one amazing gathering….not to mention in a beautiful place. Can you record it all and post it on You Tube? 🙂

Sarah - Oh, you will be SO good!

april - Yay…I bought my ticket this morning!!!

Candy - That is awesome! You will do great! Now, you just need to find a blogging conference to speak at in Kansas! I would love to hear you speak!

Staci - Oooooh 🙂 I’m soooo tempted!!!! Gonna check it out!!! You are going to be AWESOME….no doubts there!!!!!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - awww….Rachel just asked me to come last night but I’m in Canada..boohoohoo 🙁
Yay for you for stepping up and speaking! God will show up for you ~ He always does 😉
Have sosososososo much fun!

Sugar Mama - I’ve been online all morning looking at airfare and my schedule trying to make this work. I really think I’ll be there and that is kind of scary. I’ve never traveled alone. Ever!

Laura Phelps - I AM SO JEALOUS!
I have no idea what blog sugar is… Must check this out
But did you know that I LOVE public speaking?
My dream job would be to stand in front of millions of people and just talk!!!!
Ok… Off to read about this…

candace - wishing. and hoping. and planning. and dreaming.

shelley - Dont be nervous Meg !! You are FAB !!! I am so excited to attend the event. Just in time for my 40th Birthday…God knew that I needed a pick me up and here it is the Sugar Event !!! Praise our magnificant God !!!

deborah@applesinwonderland - how sweet!!!! sugar and blogging? it might just be too much goodness–nah. never too much goodness. they are lucky to have you. you’ll rock it, no worries:) have a wonderful day!!!!

tara pollard pakosta - that’s awesome!
you go girl!
you are doing great things for God!
I wish I could do half of what you do!

kim - So excited Meg! 🙂 My ticket was purchased this morning by a dear friend – so I’ll be there! 🙂 Can’t wait, should be amazing!
I voted yes to your Kansas convention, but now you are coming here! WOO!!
Meeting you would be icing on the (cup) cake!
<3, kim

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow, I would LOVE to be there(was even mapping it out to see if I could arrange to stay with my aunt and uncle) but I just dont see it being a possibility. Im in NY.
Have a wonderful time!

Sarah - I havent ever heard of it… but it has sugar in the name which is right up my alley!

Holly - I had never heard of blog sugar but it sounds like fun!

christi - i am SO excited! i’m going! looking forward to meeting you, hearing you, the whole event! oh and your pillows always make me smile! happy sewing today!

danielle - odasjdlaksndowh!!!!
i have no words to express my excitement.

happygirl - Wow, good for you. This sounds like a lot of fun. CA is soooo far from MD, so I guess I won’t be there. I’ll pray that you hear God’s words clear as a bell when you are speaking. Bless you.

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false alarm.

my etsy shop will not be opening today.
there is still too much fun stuff to sew!

if i had gotten everything together this week…..photographed it…..uploaded it…..listed it….
and then you guys bought it (hopefully)….then i had to ship it all…..

i knew i wouldn't sew again before photo season starts.
and once that starts….i don't have time for anything else creative.
(except craft thursday)

and i love to sew.

like….really love.

so instead of doing all of those things above to get the shop open…i just kept sewing.

and now it's monday and i am not one step closer to opening.

want to see a little peek?





i have more pillows to fill.
a few tees to sew.
and lots of the computer part of etsy to do this week.

i will keep you updated.

back to the craft room…….



erin - Beautiful pillows! I have been following your blog for a while, found it through The Lettered Cottage when they featured your guest room, which is so fun! Ok, 2 questions for you about the pillows: 1) do you use pillow forms or loose stuffing to fill them, and 2) how do you close them (zipper, sew up the 4th seam, or overlap the back so they slide in? You have inspired me to do more creative things with my 4 kids and for myself. Thank you!

Mallory - Pretty pillows! I am looking for something beautiful to add color to my living room and your pillows might just be it! I can’t wait!

Su@The Intentional Home - those sneak peaks have me giddy. . . I already see pillows and prints I want. . I love me some bright bold color. . .I am afraid you are gonna sell out in the first day.

Angie P - LOVE! 🙂

Valerie Page - I am excited about your pillows. This is a project I would love to learn how to do. I can’t wait till your store is open. I may have to buy quite a few. Of course, I need pillows for all three of my girls’ rooms and let’s not forget my couches in the living room. I’m getting excited just thinking about it. I will keep checking back and look forward to ordering some.:)

Pop & Lolli - Hi Meg – I’ve been a fan ever since you’ve blessed us with “featuring” Pop & Lolli on your side bar as a thing you love – and I have been hooked ever since! You’re such a wealth of talent and inspiration and beauty and blessing weaved together – it is a happy find to have found you! Thank you for always brightening the day! Your Etsy stuff is GORGEOUS – I could have EVERY Pillow!!

Pop & Lolli - Hi Meg – I’ve been a fan ever since you’ve blessed us with “featuring” Pop & Lolli on your side bar as a thing you love – and I have been hooked ever since! You’re such a wealth of talent and inspiration and beauty and blessing weaved together – it is a happy find to have found you! Thank you for always brightening the day! Your Etsy stuff is GORGEOUS – I could have EVERY Pillow!!

Annika - You’ve been busy! I wish I had your drive!

mandie - I just found your blog from the Blog Sugar site, and I can’t wait to see what your shop is full of! 🙂 Good luck!

shelley - Meg….hurry…i have to have some of those pillows !!! so adorable and colorful !!! I love all the pom pom trim ! Praise God that you can sew..i just stare at my sewing machine in the box..i am scared to take it out. It was gifted to me and I am afraid of it !

mulberrytreehouse - These are adorable! Can’t wait to see your etsy shop!

Kristin S - Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg!!!
No wonder you bought 80 million yards of white pom pom trim. LOVE.
So glad my birthday is coming so I can treat myself.

kristin - i’ll take one of everything, please.
: )

Danielle - Oh man… there’s a pillow I see that I want soooo bad!!! And perhaps a bunting or two. 🙂 I always miss your shop. It’s like everything sells in 20 minutes. 🙂 I’m going to be more diligent this time… because, oh that pillow. OH that pillow.

Christina ( - Sooooo fun! Do you follow a pattern or just make it up?! That made me so happy to look at those pictures!

Kathie Simmons - Bummer!!! I’m having a somewhat stinky day and buying some of those things would definitely have helped. Everything looks so fun and bright and happy. Well, good things are worth waiting for! And that stuff looks AWESOME!!

Andrea - But I’ve set money aside to shop your store! I NEVER set money aside!
I guess the good news is you’re still sewing because the way these comments read you’re going to sell out in no time!

Brooke - I think this might be the first time I’ve commented here, but I’ve read your wonderful blog for some time now. Not only are your posts inspiring, both in creativity but also spiritually, but you also give me a taste of home, as I grew up in western KS and can’t return enough.
I saw the pillows on this post, linked below, and you immediately came to mind. Is that weird? 🙂
Thank you for the work you put into your blog.*+Sycamore%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

rachel / - good for you!!! that IS the fun part & if you still have the time & desire to SEW & be CREATIVE, strike while the iron’s hot. LOVE all your stuff so far! 🙂 [and seriously. so funny you have the problem that you have. you can’t list anything because you’ll sell out & it’ll be game over. i can’t say i know of any other etsians that have a problem like that? hilarious.] 🙂

Michelle - I can’t wait to order a pillow, some wall art and a flag banner!!! I love it all!!!
I will be checking out your blog daily to find out when it will open!!!!

Lisa - I better not forgot to check your blog and then find out you opened your shop a few days after the fact. I’m sure it will sell out quickly. I NEED the flag banner for my kids’ playroom. Like REALLY NEED it.

Linda - I’m so excited pillow and bunting!! Makes me happy!

Heather - Those pillows make me smile!

Nichole - I want to raid your fabric supply, seriously. I can never find such awesome prints!

Jess Mead - I love your fabric. Trying to think of a place for new pillows. I’m sure I could find a place! 🙂

Desiree' - 1-Can’t wait for your store to open…just like everyone else! 😛
2-I LOVE Francis Chan! That video is the first one I saw of him and have loved him since.

Kat - How much each are the pillows? Just trying to work out if I can afford to buy one and the postage to send it to Aus….

Kat - Nice pillows Meg!
Funny, when I read the topic “false alarm” I thought you were going to say that you thought you were pregnant, but it was a false alarm.
Ah must be on my mind, the whole concept of babies and pregnancy seeing as we have (mostly) decided to stop at 4.

Amber - EEEKkkk I need the HB green pillow in the top right!!! PLEASE!!!!

Carol S - Don’t sweat it! That’s the beauty of being a freelancer, you can work on your own schedule. And while procrastinating, you’re building up a little anticipation along the way which is a good sales technique. Smart lady!! Just enjoy the process and have a great week Meg.

tiffany feger - i just saw your name and blog link in my “baby talk” mag today:) it’s on how to be a great SAHM:)

Andrea B - These are all so happy! I covet your mad pillow skillz.
Seriously, though. So lovely!

a pocket full of posies - *SWOON*! can’t wait!

sarah - you’re amazing. we can wait a bit longer if inspiration is still lingering…it will be worth it in the end!

se7en - Would you just look at all those stunning colors… oh come over to our house and play and bring all those colors with you!!!

Jeannine - Gorgeous! Those pillows are dreamy.
Hopefully I won’t be in a class when your store opens and I’ll be able to snag a pillow or two =)
Can you please teach me how to sew? Haha.
Happy sewing Meg!

erica - can.not.wait!

jaz - Oh so yummy seeing all those pillows together like that!

crystal beutler - Super duper cute stuff!!!! You will sell out in no time! You are going to love my new shower curtain I made this weekend. It has pom pom fringe — my fave! I put it on everything.
Hope all is going well. Can’t wait to see your Etsy shop. 🙂
Hey, do you know enough craft people in your area to do a boutique somewhere in Kansas? That might be way fun! I’d participate! You could even hold “make and take” classes as part of it. Get your organizing friend working on that! 🙂 🙂

Sarah@this farm family's life - those photos are killing me. i can’t wait!

Lorie Yoder - I’m just dyin’ for the opening…tell me…do you fill your pillows with fill or a pillow insert? Where do you get all your chenile for the back of some of your pillows? Is it an old bedspread? Totally LOVE all of them! Your admirer in COLD Indiana!

Dawn - Your pillows are so gorgeous! I hope I’m able to snag one up before they are all sold out!

Aimee - I want that sock monkey pillow!!!!

Shelly foster - I can’t wait ! I already see 3 things I want !! Yay !

Ali Richardson - EVERYTHING you just showed up is EYE CANDY!!! WOW! Just gorgeous!!

Esther - I want some of them pillows…how do I find you??? just go t Etsy??? let me know Meg, thanks!!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - I have a question….what kind of fill (stuffing) do you use on your pillows? Do you buy somewhere special? I’ve been buying mine at Walmart and I’d like to find a place with a better deal than $4 a bag.

Sandee - I’m dying here… I cannot wait for it to open!
I’ll take one of each, seriously… Oh and a gumball print too!

JeAnNiE - Oh my goodness … be still my heart. I LOVE chenille and those pillows are DELISH!!!!

karen - & white polka dot one is mine!! I sure hope you are shipping to Canada 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Ohh very exciting! Looking forward to having a nose around your shop : )
Gemma x

Staci - Makes me very happy 🙂 and today is my birthday….so thanks for all the happiness your blog brings me 😀

Sharla - LOVE those pillows.

jennifer - That picture of the pillows is a big tease! 🙂
One of them really needs to come to my house!

Sarah - i LOVE the pillow with the hearts on one side and the red and pink polka dots on the other side!!

mary elizabeth - i want a pillow!!!! i need a happy meg spot at my house 🙂

Janie Fox - bring it dude!!

Kris - Love that pom pom trim!

erlfisher - Torture, I tell you! Torture! I will dream about those pillows! And those colors – would spring get here quicker if I put those beautiful pillows on my sofa? It might help!

april - wow I have to say meg those look awesome….

happygirl - Isn’t it funny how time slips by. I’m constantly struggling with time management. Your pillows are so pretty. I’d love to have one, but they just end up being a chew toy for my dog. I just can’t break him of the pillow chewing. It’s the ONLY thing he chews. I feel the same way about getting my items listed on ebay. Photograph, write description, package for shipment, get to the post office. Where does the time GO…..

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Squeal! I can’t wait! Woo hoo!

Jessie - I really want a pillow for my new office. I am worried I am going to miss the opening! All so cute:). I’m going to be checking like a crazy lady!!!!

Katie - Stop the Madness!!!! I can’t wait!!!!

danielle - pretty sure one of those buntings has my name allllll over it.

Lisa - Ooo-la-la! I want some!!! 🙂

Tracey - Open, open, open, it’s like black Friday and I am salivating at the windows. I want some scrumptious pillows

Patricia - The photo of your pillows makes me smile! Happy Sewing!!

Maria - The black and white pillows are mine for my daughter (I hope)!
What a tease!

Sugar Mama - So excited for the opening because I have a feeling SEVERAL of these items will be perfect for the re-decorated daycare room!!! In fact, I now have neutral colored curtains just so I can add colorful accessories… like pillows and wall art. Can’t wait! (But I have to, I guess) ;o)

Adrienne S - The pillows! I want some of those. Will be watching for the opening of the shop.

Tracie - Oh I hope you are selling the whatever print. I have been eyeing that on your sidebar, thinking about trying to recreate it in photoshop, but I’m way too lazy. I hope you list it!

Trish - fun 🙂 i’m making buntings for my etsy shop too 🙂

jeannett - i just died. my husband is going to kill you. 😉

Kimberlee J. - I am happy you are doing what you love today.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - You’re killing me over here, Meg! Im drooling over these photos:)

georgia - Meg, can u give me a quick email to let me know what UK time ur shop opens as I get totally confused and last time the shop was empty 🙁 boo sniff lol

Jenny Joy - You are single-handedly responsible for my new obsession with pom pom fringe. MWAH!

Cha Cha - ahhh, so glad I am not the only one this happens to. You made my day by letting me know I am not the only one who is behind. Thank for always being real.
Cha Cha

deborah@applesinwonderland - just for fun, wouldya’ artfully arrange all the pillows on your bed? 🙂

Courtney - Are you taking pre-orders? I want the one with the cursive writing on the back of it…pretty please…and a gumball print for my play room!

Amanda - Please open soon! I already see a pillow or two I HAVE to buy and a few prints!!!

stephanie - open, open, open…..i want some of those pretty pillows 🙂

Tara Swartzendruber - Are you taking any pre-orders? I pretty much want all of the pillows. 🙂

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