Masthead header

i got snot on my leggings.


i fed a one week old calf yesterday.

and she snotted on me.

but i got to wear my boots.





Seamingly Sarah - Ah – this totally makes me want to go home and see my family’s farm. I grew up on a dairy farm and there’s nothing cuter than a hungry calf – there’s also nothing more annoying as they head butt you for food in the process! Thanks for posting this and making me feel nostalgic.

Valerie - You’re so funny. P.S. Love the bracelet!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yee haw cowgirl! x

sandy toe - Okay…I can’t handle that w.o.r.d.
Hee hee…sandy toe

kaylee@life chasers - so cute!
i grew up on a dairy farm and i miss the baby calves.
the snot is totally worth it 🙂

crystal beutler - Now that I mention it . . . one of those houses is Wendy & Tylers!!! I guess that was a good trade. Baby lambs in exchange for Blue Lily. 🙂

crystal beutler - Love that photo! And I know how much you love cows! Don’t you just love baby animals! I am so missing the flocks of sheep that used to visit the pasture that was once in our neighborhood when we first moved here. It was so cool to see all the little lambs in the springtime. Now we just have rows and rows of houses — and they all look the same. 🙁

Amy - I can’t say that I have been snotted on today, but I was puked and pooped on : )

carissa... brown eyed fox - cute snot face! :O)
and i have been meaning to say…
you look SO great!

hannah - sounds fun;)
super cool boots!

Daniele Valois - AWESOME!!!

linda@limein the coconut - …actually, you got leggings on his snot.
just sayin’.

Lauren - Calves are so cute, my sister lives on a farm and I love to look at them. But just looking at the end of their noses is enough to keep my hands away, I just can’t bear the thought of cow snot! Maybe I need to wear cuter shoes to distract myself.

Sarah@this farm family's life - I grew up on a dairy farm, so I love holstein calves.

Jenny Joy - My computer browser is really “short”. All I saw was your post title. And while I was scrolling down, I kept thinking, “Man… I wonder if it’s HER snot on her leggings.” I’m just glad you’re not sick or something. 🙂

Tracy Fisher - Boots are cool. I wish there was more “country” in our world. By the way… I love, love, love your bracelet.

Tanya - One day I was reading the Pioneer Woman and she talked about how she feeds her dog calf-“nuts”. I scrolled down, asssuming there was NO WAY she’d actually post a pic of it… as the post revealed a pic of a “nut” being dropped into her dogs mouth. I almost barfed.
I’m really really happy you didn’t show the snot. You’re aces 🙂

Jennifer - great title…cow snot is definitely an experience! i think we should all wear our cowgirl boots more often. 🙂

Jessica Johnson - me too. but not from a cow. i actually wish it was a cow. motherhood can be so gross.

amanda - This title made me laugh, I nearly snotted in my coffee!

Patricia - I tentatively hit the down arrow waiting to see the “snot shot” ;o)
You crack me up! Hope you’re having a great time with your friends!

deborah@applesinwonderland - thanks for not posting the snot shot. there are some things that cannot be un-seen. cute boots, though. 🙂

Janie Fox - I have been snotted many times. We have lots of them in the Spring. Cute boots!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ewwwww. I will say though that Im thankful there wasnt a big blown up pic of the snotted up leggings. Thank you for that:)

Vicki - teehee! This made me miss our cows. My dad is getting sheep for his farm now instead. *sigh* i love cows.

Necole - I love those boots, and I love reading your blog!

georgia - Awww i love Mooo cows!
My fiance works in Agricultural engineering so many a time he has had to help delivery a calf, or had baby cows coming over to say hello or inspect his work, there so cute!

Anne @ Baking Me - I don’t do well with snot, it makes me gag. Cute cow though, I do just fine with cows as long as they don’t snot on me 🙂

jennifer - Love the boots!
And why is it that the thought of calf snot is not that bad but full grown cow snot is disgusting?!

becky@oursweetpeas - Totally worth it. What’s a little snot to a Mom? I am currently in the stage where if it’s not snot its spit-up.
Ahhh, the glamorous life we lead as Mama’s….again, totally worth it!

Beth - cute boots, always nice to have a reason to wear cowboy (girl?) boots 🙂

carolyn - yee haw is right!
omg, so cute! did you want to take her home?

Jodi - cute boots!! a must have when trekking through cow territory…
calf snot = yuck! but worth getting that photo for sure. :o)

Holly - crack me up! Very cute boots!

happygirl - Cute boots. Thanks for not showing the snot. *snort*

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IMG_0012-1  IMG_0019-2

                    before the haircut.                                                                  during the haircut.


after the haircut.

it's exciting around here…..always doing wild stuff… haircuts in the bathroom.

sean had sworn off haircuts.
he wanted it long.
this warm weather equals sweaty hair and that makes me want to gag.
BUT i also hate to force him to compromise his personal style.
so i bribed him.

the price was little chocolate donuts and a dr. pepper.

totally worth it.


come see my new bracelet and win a $50 gift certificate from the vintage pearl.


click here to enter.


sarah harper - meg-when i read that you bribed him with little chocolate donuts, i immediately thought of this classic from SNL:
so funny! 🙂

crystal beutler - I am so making me one of those! Super cool! Remind me to tell you next time I see you about a statement that outlines the basic beliefs of the Mormon church called the Articles of Faith. One of those statements incorporates this phrase of the Apostle Paul. I have it hanging in my house too — and when I saw that you had it too, I knew you were a kindred spirit. It’s something I think about every single day, and I try to conduct my life accordingly. It says:
“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

Misty - ha ha so funny… I was watching something last night with Jason Segel in it and I kept thinking who does he remind me of??? and then it hit me… Sean looks a little like Jason Segel.

Charlotte - such a cute boy!
great those eyes!

Janine - Justin Bieber just cut his hair off so it’s all good!

Marisa Berry - I love these. My father just passed away on Christmas eve after a hard battle with cancer. He loved St. Francis. I would love to get my mom (married 43 years) the cuff with the prayer of St.Francis on it. Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. where there is darkness….light. Where there is sadness…

Gemma - Love the new haircut! I entered on your other page : )
Gemma x

Crystal Swoverland - I would definitely get the Africa one! We just adopted our son from Ethiopia, so naturally I am in love with that place and a very special lady who lives there!

April M - yep – short hair = easy to see the big green eyes 🙂 sweet bribe too! my son will “endure” the torture of a haircut if I let him watch an episode of Mythbusters while I cut it. (btw – was fun to “window” shop at tvp and read everyone’s wishes)

Jess Mead - Ahhhhhhhh I bribe my boys with little chocolate doughnuts too!!! Love it!!

Diane - This blog makes me smile.
thank you!

sally lee - definitely the chunky message bracelet. i love that it can be all lowercase.

Courtney Henson - Well, first of all I love, love, love your bracelet. That verse has become really special to me lately. So I would totally want that or I love the messy nest necklace or the message rings!

sarah - gorgeous bracelet! simple and classy.

Rach - I am finding that M&M’s are an awesome bribe tool for a 2 year old. 🙂 We’re such good mommies.

Jennifer - Maybe you should tell him that shorter hair really makes his eyes *POP*? Just joking, but it’s true! I love at home haircuts, it unleashes my inner stylist 🙂

Kerrie Kaufmann - tough choice, i love the chunkie bracelet, but I also love the cross necklace that says faith. how fun!!!!! thanks for sharing!!!

Amy - I would love to be able to cut my kids hair! (and have it actually look acceptable) I do buzz my son’s hair in the summer, but I can’t fade it like I would like to. Practice makes perfect!….and an embarrased little boy when momma messes his hair up! : )

Sarah@this farm family's life - love the haircut…love the bracelet even more!

Cindy - Great photos! Love the expressions and the haircut!!

Kori - My son has the same dream, long hair, with the same response from me. No sweaty hair. It is icky…especially after sports.
And the short hair is so much better for the pool! Right? Right. 🙂
Have fun with your friends!!!! 🙂

Deanna - Love your blog! Such a hard decision but I love the necklace that has an initial inside a heart with a pearl charm on it! So precious!

Katie - The pics are cute! I cut my 7 yr old’s hair a little this weekend, too, but I guess my mom didn’t like it because when I picked him up yesterday she had taken him and gotten it buzzed off shorter. Lovely. Thanks, Mom. I still feel like a kid.

Patricia - Beautiful bracelet! And the hair cut photos are awesome! I’d say the bribe was a win-win situation :o)

Jodi - he’s a cutie!!

Mendi - LOVE them all…hard to decide! But if I have to narrow it down, it would be a toss-up between the chunky message bracelet and the hammered star necklace. What a great contest! Thanks!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Love the haircut pics:) But i Love that bracelet even more. Its beautiful and how special to have something so personal and unique to YOU…even though its a Biblical scripture…its your signature scripture. Very nice!

deborah@applesinwonderland - we must be on the same haircut schedule….as i cut and took pictures of the boys getting haircuts from me in our bathroom–last night. weird. and bribing is sometimes necessary. the trick is to start low. little donuts and dr. pepper–very well played. 🙂 and what would i do with a gift certificate? i would like to say i would get something for own momma, but the truth is i would love the name charms…for myself.::blush::.

Jenn - Okay…that was hard. Too many awesome things! For now I would go with the danty heart charms and a pearl. I’m thinking about my initial and my husbands. I already have a chain with charms with my girls names, but I could easily switch it out for well anything. Thanks for the chance to win!

shelly - seriously–that’s all it took?!? I’m off to buy some dr. Pepper and donuts:) My almost 11 year old decided he wanted hair like the lead singer from Journey! Where do they come up with this stuff?!?

happygirl - oh my goodness. I was first!!!

happygirl - Love the haircut. LOVE the scar. I know there is a story there. I used to cut my son’s hair, but I did it outside on the deck. He has A LOT of hair. I mean a CRAZY lot of hair. Hair to spare. Lucky him. Thanks for the smile. and cute bracelet. I like it.

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this monday makes me happy.



so….i will be distracted from the blog because i will be laughing and talking and eating 
and enjoying all the fun our little town has to offer our chicago friends.
i have giveaways for you this week.
a few really fun ones.
but today….

i am guest blogging over at  Matthew's Mead's…..

come read and order YOUR copy of SUMMER magazine!!! 


Carol S - So lucky to have each other! Hope it was a blast.


Gemma @ Musings of a gem - You all look glowing in your picture!….Lovely : )
Gemma x

Juliann - Have fun Megan – hi Jenny H 🙂 I missed talking to you at the card-thing; your little girl is growing up!!

danielle - you look hawt!!
have so much fun!

Leah - Loved your guest post. And I’ve already ordered my copy. Can’t wait to read it!

stacie - how fun! besties make life so much easier. good food, drinks and fun help too. yay! and i love your kansas spirit. you look great!!
i love reading your blog.
thanks for inspiring me all the time.

Gail - What a great week for you, beasties and KU in the sweet 16,

Kat - Yay for you guys!! My closest friend lives a long way away, so I only see once every few years and it’s hard 🙁
Enjoy this special time.
Meg, you are looking great. Have you lost weight again? 🙂

crystal beutler - This is a seriously darling picture of you!!!!! Have a blast with your besties. There is nothing that fills my cup more than a day or two with great friends. I think it’s the laughing and the eating. 🙂
Off to read your post on M.M.

Stefanie Arnold - Enjoy your time!

Melissa - Rock Chalk!!!!!!!!!

Karen Lehmann - are you wearing a paperclip necklace? LOVE IT!

amber - i hope you have a fabulous time with your chicago friends. i am sure you will be watching ku on Friday no matter what!! oh, and I am so happy for you article in the magazine, so cool!

Sara - Love the picture of you in your Jayhawk shirt…you look 18. : )

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, I am so happy for you! Have an awesome week with your friends! Great job at MM! You rock!

brooke - hooray for friends! and for basketball! and for dreams coming true!
great post over at matthew mead’s place 🙂

Jen - LOVE THEM!!!
Enjoy 🙂

Daniele Valois - yay for besties, and paperclip necklaces! 🙂 Now, please tell me when I can buy my rainbow hoodie!!! 😛

Sarah@this farm family's life - We just reconnected with some of our friends that we haven’t seen in 5 years. It was THE BEST and it was like nothing had changed. I watched the KU game last night just for you! Have fun!

Kimberlee J. - SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!
And yes, I’m shouting!
Happy week to you! 🙂

jodi @ back40life - have fun! enjoyed cheering Kansas on last night – made me think of you guys! happy week!

happygirl - My bestie lives in the Chicago area, as well. (I guess that’s ’cause that’s where I’m from, even though I live out here in MD now) I know if she and her husband came to my house I’d drop everything in a NEW YORK minute. Have FUN.

deborah@applesinwonderland - enjoy every moment!!!! and a magazing called *summer*? i’m smitten already.

Jenny Joy - YAY for besties! Have fun!

Jodi - Have fun!!! I was able to see my “bestest friend” over the weekend and even though it was only for an hour, it was just what I needed. :o)

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i was looking at my notes from our Bible Study Fellowship lecture this week & thought "this is good stuff"

i was writing down everything she said this week.
it was not normal for me…i am not usually a very good note taker.
but everything she was saying was just what i needed to hear….God is good at that isn't He?

this is page 3 of my personal notes.
i thought even without hearing the lecture….without even knowing what it's about…..
it makes sense and stands alone.

Scan 110770000

this year i started attending bible study fellowship.
the first time i had heard of this study was when i was just married.
16 years ago.
a friend attended one.
and steadily every year for the past 16 i knew someone who was in it.

i always said "it wasn't for me".

i had convinced myself there was too much homework (not true at all).

and that i wasn't "christian enough" for it.  (there is no such thing…it isn't like that AT ALL)

and slowly slowly slowly God has turned my heart to it……16 years later.
i am a stubborn one.

Bible study fellowship is world wide.
it's all the same studies every week anywhere in the world!
i think that is pretty cool.    (miley cyrus…hee hee heee)

there are classes with childcare….classes for men….night classes….child classes while YOU study.
we meet in small groups and then listen to a 40 minute lecture. 
it is very structured and not a personal time to vent….focused on the study only.

most likely you can find one in your area. 
you can join now if your group has space.
you don't have to wait for the year to start over

i am so glad i joined this year.  (finally….it took long enough)

this year's study is the book of Isaiah.

my group meets every tuesday morning in wichita.
(which means i am guaranteed one starbucks a week and a trip to target….bonus) 

i have learned more than i EVER would have studying it on my own.
(because what are the chances i would study it on my own….slim to none)

i love it.

are you studying a book of the bible right now?  which one?  how's it going?



Karen - I love learning new things about you, Meg. I am a BSFer too. I will never be the same again because of how personal my relationship with Christ has become from this way of studying. It’s a good thing 🙂 What a wonderful thing to share on your blog.

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Yay for BSF! This is my fifth year attending, and my first year as a Children’s Leader. God seriously moves in both women AND the kiddos through BSF! I LOVE it and it just tickled me pink to see that you are doing it too.

Erica Cooper - Oh I am sooo happy for you! Yes, God seeks us out and thankfully He keeps at it, even when it takes 16 years!
I have been in a similar bible study for 7+ years. (Coffee Break Study- also International.) After the first year I was hooked and became a leader. This last year I became Co-Director. What a blessing this study has been to my life. I have learned so much and developed such wonderful relationships. We are currently in Romans, but have studied 2-3 books each year.
Meg, may you be blessed beyond measure with this new closer walk with God. He rejoices in our obedience…Let him stretch you and give you wings. 🙂

Debra - Hi there, I just happened to find you thru Urban Farmgirl. I attended BSF around 10 years ago and went thru all the studies. I know it was a real life changer for me. I learned more in those years than I could have ever imagined. So nice to see you sharing this with blogland. Come by and visit when you can. Besides my regular blog I have a Bible Study Blog,(sort of) that’s linked on my sidebar.
So nice to meet you,

Susan - I was so excited to read about BSF. It was just the push I needed to do some research and I discovered there is a group not TOO far from me. You have inspired me to start in the fall! Thank you!
We are just about to finish Beth Moore’s Esther study. I have really enjoyed it, but my favorite so far has been Jesus, the One and Only. I guess that makes sense….why wouldn’t studying love- in- human- form be the best?

Julia - I’m leading a study on Psalms. Wednesday mornings at my church. We started out with 8 and five weeks into it 4 are coming. Whatever 🙂

Kelly - I am actually doing a really cool thing right now. My mother-in-law asked her two daughters and I if we would like to do a Bible study together. We are spread out between two countries and three time zones and every Wednesday we video chat with each other and do a Bible study. It’s been really neat. We are studying the beatitudes. Kelly

ESTER RODRIQUEZ - THANK YOU for posting this, I needed to read this, you will never know how much this spoke to me TODAY, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Tanya - Those were great notes!
AND they spoke to me!
I just had to stop before I even got to the end of the post and pray for God to show His strenght in an area of my life.
Thanks Meg.

Emily B - Great note-taking! I am in the Weds. morning Wichita BSF, and sad to hear I could’ve been in a group with you, if only Tues. would have worked! Yet, I know I’m in the right place. This morning I was irritated at what seemed like a redundant question, but then I had a lightbulb moment from said question. They know what they’re doing, it’s such a good study, why do I doubt? 🙂
Sorry for the giant comment, but there’s more. 🙂 My mom avoided BSF for the longest time too. A friend had been pestering her to go so long that she finally gave in and went thinking afterward she’d tell that friend that two hours was too long to have her two-year-old in childcare (me). But then I started to sing “Jesus Loves Me” in the car on the way home from what was supposed to be our one visit, and she was hooked! Isn’t it incredible how God can use even a toddler to bring us closer to Him! She ended up participating in BSF for 20-ish years and was involved with leadership too. I started last year with my two-year-old daughter and she is the reason I keep going when I feel too busy and want to put it off for another year. The teachers love and invest so much into the little ones! God is doing some awesome things through BSF.

Darcie L. - Studying Psalms this week with my girls on Tuesday mornings as well! Child care, yay! We’re doing a study where you do one book of the Bible a WEEK. Which means it takes 66 weeks (3 year program) to finish the whole thing. I am loving it! It’s called The Amazing Collection. Don’t know how I’ll finish reading Psalms by tomorrow, but at least they don’t judge when we haven’t done all of our “assignments.”
Love your blog… love your honesty about faith, life, kids, wife-ing, parenting. Love that you’re “real” and you’ll show your dirty laundry (literal and figurative!)

Kristin - I am studying Breaking Free by Beth Moore. It also camps out in Isaiah. I love the way God uses these studies to meet you where you are and teach you something new each time.

Kelley - I am currently reading in the book of Job. yikes!! Lots to learn there! I am learning all about being Steadfast. 😉 Also, if you are looking for a new book to read…one that will make you question, laugh, cry and dig deeper… Radical. wow. wow. wow. WOOOWWWW!!!!!! Amazing!!!!

Rebecca - I am doing Community Bible Study and LOVE it. We are studying Peter. I’m a single mom who has lost my job and the Lord is really using it to speak to me. I loved your notes!!!

Joel Rodell - I agree with Mel. It’s awesome to see God using you through your blog. Our church, Westlink Christian, is currently studying Lee Strobel’s “Case for Christ”. Makes me have to think, which is good. Go Meg! Go God!

Mel - I so love that you posted this. It’s so awesome how God uses you and your blog to reach out. That takes courage. Who knows how many people you have encouraged in their study of the Word? Well done! : )
I’m studying 1&2 Peter (Community Bible Study) and John the Baptist (Beth Moore). I’m not all that ambitious. I just need all the help I can get. I have two-almost three- teenagers. Bible Study changes my life.

Jemm - I’ve been doing “The Amazing Collection” the last 2 semesters now. This week we’re on Job. We cover a book per week, each semester is 12 weeks. It’s a 3 year study I’ve been told. And it is Amazing. It’s just great for getting to know the Bible.

happygirl - I’ve done MANY BSF studies. And, I had to drive a LONG WAY to get to them. You are going to LOVE it. I’ve never taken the Isaiah study. I did think there was a lot of homework, but it was probably a prioritizing thing for me. I think I was in BSF for 9 years. I’m glad you are doing this. You will learn SO much about God’s word and how much He loves you.

Fanee - I rarely read comments or leave comments, but I have to share a study I did about a year ago called The Story Formed Life. To say it changed my heart is an understatement… I fell in love with God. I definitely did not feel “Christian enough” going in, but it didn’t matter at all. I can’t recommend it enough 🙂

Tracie - My husband and I are studying Isaiah in our Sunday school class. We are incredibly privileged to have a seminary professor as our teacher. The history he is teaching us has been eye opening for me. I love studying God’s word. I need to be doing that more than just reading books about faith. I am also doing Beth Moore’s Esther study with my mom. That one is awesome too!

Ann - Hi Meg,
I’ve been doing Community Bible Study now for three years and it’s been great. The homework takes some time but it is so worth it. I’ve learned so much! I did BSF International when I was in Cairo. BSF and CBS are very much alike. Good move trying it out!

Melinda Knatterud - Thank you for posting about BSF! I joined this year for the first time, so I’ve been studying Isaiah right along with you! It has been challenging and so amazing. I have never studied the Bible this way, and now I’m totally hooked. It’s great to hear how the same study has impacted others. 🙂

tara - the one year I did BSF was the best year I’ve ever had of personal bible study.
I really, really, really need to do one again…and the fact that Isaiah is set for next year makes my heart skip a beat.
i just might find one in orlando and do it!
thanks for the push, meg.

crystal beutler - Oh Meg, I can’t tell you how much I loved this, especially that you shared your personal notes. Loved it for several reasons.
First, I’m with you. Making time each week to meet with others and study the scriptures is life changing. It really is. I began 3 years ago at a time when life was hard. What I gained by faithfully going every single week helped fill my cup. I received personal revelation from a loving Father In Heaven as we discussed different chapters, and verse. I wrote it down — all those thoughts that come into my head, as we talked as a class. Those answers I received gave me great strength that helped me carry on, and do the things that were required of me. I felt such peace even though I was surrounded by turmoil.
Second, it amazes me how as we study scriptures as a group, each of us individually is inspired in completely different ways. The thoughts that come into our minds is so personal to us, and our circumstances, isn’t it? It teaches me that God and his Son personally know, and love, each of us; and that we are never alone. We have Heavenly help whenever we need it, and all we have to do is ask.
Finally, I know that making time to study each week has made me a better mother, wife, friend, fellow human being. I have drawn closer to Christ, and doing so has helped be become more like him. And even with my many flaws — He makes up the difference. I am thankful for His mercy, and His grace. I know it is real.
Thanks for putting yourself out there, and sharing who you are. You are such an inspiration. Can’t wait to see you next month at Sug.

Krystle - So glad you posted this! I attend CBS, Community Bible Study which sounds just like BSF. Brilliant idea to share and encourage like this on here!

Melissa - Thank you for posting that!
My favorite is the lines “Rise up! You are free!”
I think I’m going to write that somewhere where I’ll see it often. 🙂

Cara - So glad you posted about BSF!! I heard about it from another bible study I’m in, and I’m attending my BSF intro meeting at the beginning of April. I’m a little worried about the time commitment, but so excited about learning more about the books of the Bible!

SoCalLynn - My womens’ bible study group is studying the book of Romans. I have been afraid to join BSF for many of the same reasons you were. I’m really sorry I didn’t get in on the Isaiah study though. No excuses for next year. None.

Valerie - Meg, I’m like you, I’d heard of BSF years ago, know lots of people who have/are taking the class and think I should join one…but like your reasons, I haven’t yet…but maybe I should! Your notes are true and words I need to hear right now.

Amy - Studying Acts in Community Bible Study (CBS) in Virginia. Thanks for sharing Megan. 🙂

Jess - I love BSF. I am learning so much. The message of hope in Isaiah has been an amazing encouragement to me this year. I just love going every week. And the kids program is amazing too. Levi loves it. Wish we were in the same one! 🙂

Michelle - That’s awesome you’re doing BSF this year..I AM TOO (in Houston)! It’s my 1st year as well, and I’m LOVING IT! I love love love the program for the kids too. I love it that all over we’re all studying the same thing! Thanks for sharing.

Tammy - Your notes were awesome. what I needed to hear. Funny how God works that way, huh?

Julie Schmidt - We are doing a 6 week lenten bible study of the Psalms. I, also have never done a bible study. I converted to Catholicism after my 3rd child was born (I have 4 children). We send them to Catholic school so they all come home and discuss bible stories, and rattle of prayers like they are nursery rhyms – I love that! I am always asking them to “tell me that story again”. I figured it was time for me to learn for myself. I have really enjoyed it. I leave the discussion feeling closer to God. We all need that. Happy Sunday.

Happygirl02 - Right now I am reading Stormie Omartian’s book, “The Power of Praying Through the Bible.” It’s a great book. I read the passage she chose for that day, study it, reflect and pray on it, and then I read her portion and prayer. It’s great if you don’t have a lot of time OR if you want to dig in. I’m about to start leading a study by Beth Moore, “Jesus the One and Only”. Can’t wait!! It’s sometimes hard to get into the habit of studying the Word, but it’s SO powerful and I am always so blessed when I do.

Stefanie Arnold - I love your notes. I needed that tonight – thanks for sharing with us.

Ashley B. Chandler - BSF always sounds great. I (like several other commenters) attend CBS- Community Bible Study, which I understand to be pretty similar to BSF. There are tons of CBS classes all over the world, too. So readers, if you can’t find a BSF class in your area check out CBS. Visitors can come see a class in action anytime in April. My class is studying Luke this year and it has been just what I needed. Glad you have plugged into a great study. And thanks for posting this- what an encouragement to others!

Wendy - I love BSF. I am a graduate! But not really, I guess, since I haven’t studied Isaiah yet. I’ll go back again, though. So glad you’re enjoying it. ♥

Lindsey - I’m studying Isaiah this year too. It’s Beth Moore’s Breaking Free (there is a lot of homework). I love it though! I have always been Christian (but not really) but since my son was born 2 years ago I found a need to know God better. I love the girls in m BS and I love reading blogs of women who love God too!

Cynthia - Hi Meg! 🙂 So glad to know you are enjoying BSF. This is my second year…AND I LOVE IT!!!!!! My 4 year old son went last year, and he loved it and learned so much too. My Mom started going this year for the first time too and says it’s the best Bible Study she has ever been a part of.

Joni - I did BSF for years and was a group leader, it is so good; so much to learn. I should join again, I think I missed the year they taught major and minor prophets! So glad you are going, Meg! Really something to look forward to each week, unless you don’t have your study questions done!

HopefulLeigh - My mom is a BSF leader and loves it. Glad to hear you’re getting so much out of it!

Robin - Currently studying the book of Proverbs and it’s wonderful! So practical and applicable to everyday situations.

Joy - I just finished Hosea and it was so eye opening. I mean God, who is GOD, loves Israel despite the fact that they consistently reject Him. He practically begs them to return to Him. It just made me think in my mind about that teenagery way of obsessing about a boy. God wants us with that same obsessive desire, and He wants to lavish us with His gifts. He just wants us to love Him back. So why the heck are we so STUBBORN?

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - I facilitate a weekly “Women in the Word” Bible Study and we’re focusing on the Book of Genesis and we sponsor a child in Mexico as a missional aspect. It’s a multi-generational group and I know I learn more from them than they ever do from me. 😉

tara pollard pakosta - there was a BSF right down the street from my house and I planned to join when my girls were babies, but they didn’t do well in daycare, so I never did join! totally regret it and was going to look for one in our area, but my girls homeschool now, so not sure what I would do with them! plus we may be moving, so still not sure what to do! but eventually I will join! I always hear great things about it. my sil is in it!

cathy - i loved bsf, too 🙂 i just started studying the Psalms of Ascent (beth moore) and love it! thanks for including your page of notes — good stuff!

Molly Abshire - I love BSF and I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with us! Molly from Texas

Julie - My college roommate has attended BSF for years as has my cousin who was my flower girl in my wedding 23 years ago ~ both highly recommend it! It’s great to have your “two thumbs up” as well. The closest one to me right now is Paris (yes, as in France); too far for me to go, but I’ll be in the US in a couple months (YEAH!!!!) and plan on finding one ASAP!!!!! Thanks for sharing your experience with BSF. “Not Christian enough” made me laugh. I think most of us often feel this way. 🙂

Shiloh - My small group is just finishing Acts and our sermon series is on James. I am really enjoying both. Act’s always intimidated me so it’s really refreshing studying it with a small group. James has rocked my world. It was just the right message for me this year.

Carla G - Wow. God is amazing. I needed this, today, so much. Am going through a weird and HARD trial at work . . . the words from your notes spoke right to me – what perfect GODLY timing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Sigh.

Julie - It is a great study. I did it for 3 years, and had my little girls in the program. I went because of the program for my girls….and left with so much more. Last year it didn’t work with 1/2 day kindergarten. I made excuses for myself this year…and I do miss it. I miss being challenged. I miss the lectures. I miss being in the Bible almost every day. I miss the mental stimulation. I don’t miss some of the clique feeling, and the anxiety that provided me each week….but maybe I should think about it again for next year….

Maggie Nunez - OMG{goodness},you hit home. My sis has been going to BSF for the past two years.She always tells me, you should go. I have been wanting to join but i feel the same, not christian enough, i work and don’t have that kind of time…and a bunch of other thoughts that paralyze me…but in my heart i want it, need it, seek it…thanks for sharing your thoughts once more.

colleen - Am currently studying Hebrews in the Bible Study I am in and Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free” in my personal time with the Lord. Both have been a tremendous blessing. Love the time with other women each week that are seeking to walk out the truth until Jesus takes us home!

megan - can you believe it…..not ONE in the whole state of Maine. ugh! i really needed this 🙁

Timalee - I’m participating in something similar this year, Community Bible Study (also worldwide). I had been on the waiting list for 3 years before they had openings for my kids! We are studying the book of Revelation this year and I am loving it, I had never even read it before. My general knowledge of the bible is improving, and the focused study helps so with finding my peace and joy in the Lord! Thx for another great post!

Vicki - I just started attending MOPS this year (Mothers of Preschoolers) and every other week, they have an optional women’s bible study you can attend. And they have the same teachers on all the weeks for the kids, which is nice. We’re studying James and I’m still a stubborn lout – I won’t study – I just show up and try not to talk (aka: LISTEN (which I’m horrible at, generally)). But it’s growing on me. The best part is, my kids are learning Bible verses every week and are learning how to be good friends and helpers and they LOVE it.

Jenny B. - I keep hearing about BSF. I’m starting to think maybe I’m supposed to go also. 🙂

brooke - Our church in Wichita (First Free) use to host ABF a few years ago. Where do you attend?

Kari - Yay for BSF! This is my first official year in it as well and I love it! I know that I’m being stretched by God through BSF and I’m so thankful for it! Thanks for sharing this!

Patty M - My bible study group just started Priscilla Shirers study on the book of Jonah. I can’t imagine my life without my core group of girls, studying God’s word together and living life out loud.

Karen Gerstenberger - When I decided to leave the Christian Science church, a friend invited me to BSF. It was very different from what I had learned growing up, but I LOVED the Bible study and the women there.
That is when my relationship with God took a new shape, and when I “gave myself to Him.” I had always loved God, but this was more like a marriage. I still try to run my own show, and I still forget that I am HIS, but BSF was a wonderful place to be at that time. Because of it, I was baptized with our children, and joined a different church.
There are several amazing connections that happened at BSF – one of which is that I met my friend, Kathleen, whose son Hayden had cancer. Their journey broke my heart open. If I hadn’t met her, I would not have known what to do when Katie was diagnosed. We were swindled by a home builder while I was in BSF, and the ladies in my study group prayed with me – and that helped me through it. I am so thankful for the founder – her life story is fascinating. You can get the book, if you’re interested – I think it’s called “Created for Committment.”
Thanks for bringing this up, Meg.

april's craft nest - my MIL went to BSF years ago and loved it. i have not checked it out yet. i have been in other Bible studies before my son was born, but not this one. so glad you love it!

Janie Fox - I attend a bible study with a group of women that has met for about the last 8 or 9 years,. We have done organized studies ,like Beth Moore series and others. Now we are just doing scripture together. I LOVE it and I love those ladies.

Jessica Johnson - i’ve been dragging my heels about BSF for YEARS because i’m scared of the homework and attendance policy. i need to just go for it. i hear so many wonderful things about it. i’m studying ephesians right now. predestination vs. free will. tough stuff. it really hurts my head. but it’s challenging me. in a good way.

georgia - I don’t believe in religion personally, I tune out when people get all God this, god that. But each to their own etc
I believe in angels, and I believe my great grandads spirit is always with me when I need him. But I dnt believe there is some higher almighty person.
I guess its not something I need in my life, maybe one day I will.
It must be nice to have a lot of friends to meet up and talk and learn with every week though 🙂

Melissa - thanks for sharing! i’ve never done bible study fellowship but i’ve been in quite a few bible studies. i just finished Jonah by Priscilla Shirer. it’s an amazing study! it challenged me and was stretching!

Esther Dee - Great stuff Meg!!!! I used to do BSF and it got way to difficult for me, but I so encourage all of you young brains to do it. I am old and my brain doesn’t work as good. hahaha!!

Kristin S - Meg, this was fun to read. I’ve considered joining a BSF study for years and years. I didn’t in my early 20’s because it seemed the trendy thing to do. I don’t like trendy. Then I was a part of a women’s study at church I LOVED but had to stop due to my work schedule. Now my best friend is a BSF leader and I love hearing what she shares. I just might join in next year… Thanks for the push (you didn’t intend). 🙂

Kris - That sounds very good. I need to attend something like that. I am going to meet you Blog Sugar!!

Patricia - I’m doing Isaiah with you! I’ve done lots of studies through my church and with friends over the years, but never BSF. I joined for the first time this year, too, and I’m so glad I did! It’s so amazing to think of the thousands and thousands of women around the world (and men, too!) that I’m studying Isaiah right alongside.

megan - For the last few months, I have been reading two pages of OT, one psalm, and one page of NT every morning. I’ve never read so much of the Bible before, and it’s has been very interesting! Especially the OT which most Bible studies don’t cover in depth too much. It’s also such a blessing as a way to refocus and start my day with prayer and meditation on His word.

Liana - Yay! So glad you posted this. At first I wondered why I didn’t know you did BSF before now…and then I kept readying. So happy for you that you joined this year. I took the year off (new baby) and really miss it. I did it long ago as a single and then again after having kids. My dad is a leader and my 91 year old grandma is back in a class after a 15+ year break. Love how they put you in a small group with people in your same life stage.
You are motivating me to find a class for next year! I so wish I could have done Isaiah (new this year, I think?).
Anyway, so happy for you. Thanks for sharing!

Catriona - Our sermon series at church is on the Lord’s Prayer – breaking it down line by line, working out what it means – and we have been looking more at that in our Growth Group (what we call our small groups at church). I am reading ‘Praying The Lord’s Prayer’ by J.I. Packer alongside this and can really recommend it. So encouraging that God would give us even the words with which to pray!

pam - AMAZING post with just one picture. I love BSF…haven’t been to one for a few years. Even a Beth Moore study is not too much homework….do what you can….there will always be nuggets even if you listen and never do anything else on your own. We just finished a Joyce Meyer DVD….Battlefield for the Mind….glory she is a cheer leader, reminding us who we belong to and what His Word says….BELIEVE IT! So good to be with others on the journey…hears other views, others heart for God. AND Starbucks…great topper.

Vera - I am doing a course this year that actually IS a lot of homework – it’s a four year course offered through the theology department at the University of the South at Sewanee, and I too have put it off for a few years. Actually, I always wanted to take it, but I never had a full year where I wasn’t having a baby ha! It’s WONDERFUL, but it’s a lot of work… I am in year one, and we are doing The Old Testament. Yeah, the whole thing. But it’s wonderful and has blessed me SO much!

Kelly - This makes me want to jump up & down and shout HOORAY! I love that you posted this. I was talking to my sister recently about how it seems everyone in blogland talks a lot about “stuff”. There are linky parties for everything under the sun – what we’re wearing, what we want to be wearing, what we make, the parties we throw – but nobody (that I have found) has one that says “Hey how’s God working on you right now?” I’m not sure why that is but I love that you shared this, shared how God is working and then asked how He is working in others!
Anyway – 2 Timothy is where my attention is right now. It’s challenging me so much in what I’m doing to make sure I’m instilling TRUTH in my kids. It’s been so good!


Heather R. - I’m not in a bible study group right now. But I love hearing about your faith. Miley Cyrus…pretty cool…and all. 🙂

Lori - Thanks for sharing this, Meg. I have been working on the book of James – yes, it’s really short but that’s my starting point. It is full of good advice!

Juli - There’s also Community Bible Study (CBS) which is the same… in communities everywhere, free, has childcare/classes (kids study the same things you do at their level!)daytime, night-time classes, have homework…
They have a website too. I don’t know if I’m allowed to show a link in the comments so Google it, if there isn’t a BSF in your area.
I too, have been so bad about joining even though I’ve had several friends take part for as long as I’ve known about it. I’ve committed to starting in the Fall (though you can start anytime) We homeschool & that will be our Bible curriculum next year for everyone, including my 3 yr old!

Melissa - We are reading through the books of acts. Good stuff!!!

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what does it meeeeean?



in case you are not one of the 26 million in the world who did not see the double rainbow video…… 

(warning….he is tripped out for sure and says omg about 75 times….)


happy friday.

i hope you find something that makes you so happy today that you start laughing and then bawling.
and then laughing again. 


margo - my husband and I are crying laughing – yeah, we hadn’t seen the vid before!
I love the tee and hoodie too – very cute!

Alison Vaclav - I love rainbows. I think they are very important and here are my thoughts on why:

Kris - That guy just made my day. I love that he is so overwhelmed. Really shouldn’t we all get that excited about a double rainbow? I always make the kids come look when I find one! BTW your daughters double rainbow is too much too!!

Perrin - Oh, love the tee shirt and sweatshirt. So very adorable. My girls would love that.

kristine - can we have annie’s handmedowns?! 🙂

Michelle from Australia - I love Annie’s double rainbow outfit. Girls size 8 or 10 would work for our family just in case you are thinking of listing any in your etsy shop. Hint hint hint!!!! 🙂

Karen - Genesis 9:13
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
This guy needs to study the Bible along with you (and I). Then he’d KNOW what it means! 🙂

Pam @ Keeping Life Creative - I LOVE her shirt and jacket! Might need to dig out some fabric scraps…but I’ll probably just drool over yours!

karen - oh meg.
but have you seen this?
you should watch their other songs too…hilario.
(and i totally will ignore the fact that posted to the world that i watch these videos and think they’re…well…hilario…take the plank out of your own eye people!)

Su@The Intentional Home - well all I could think of when watching the video clip (and I have not seen it before) was I wish I had that reaction when God showed His glory. . showed His power. . showed His beauty. And I wish that was what this guy was responding to was God. . but I too thought he must be on something. . but wouldn’t it be great if he wasn’t on something. . if that was just his reaction to God’s splendor. . and God was talking to him. . .and showing up for him. . .I am rambling. . thanks for sharing

lauren - a full on double rainbow all the way!!!! goal for my next rainbow siting: to get half as excited as that guy and make my family pretend to not know me. saweeet. 🙂

emily - Where have I been? Never seen it … but I’m dying!!

Katy - i love that video. my husband and i quote it all the time. 🙂

Juli - “It’s a double PROMISE from God”, I meant. Sheesh, my hands can’t keep up with my brain. 😉

Crystal - I hope you’re making plenty of those shirts & hoodies for your shop….in a size 24 months or 2T, hint hint!!!!

Juli - I laughed SO hard with that video. Then the comment above where she responds, “It’s a double from God…you know the one you keep screaming too”…made me laugh so hard my water come out of my nose!

Kelly (kelly is inspired) - Her Rainbow shirts are way too cute!!!

Jenna - LOVE the outfit, the “real life” double rainbow, and the dude … I didn’t exactly laugh, cry, and laugh again, but my throat is now raw from all the shock and laughing I experienced watching the video! I must share it with my family: instant hit!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i had never seen that video…it kinda creeped me out! why is he crying?!

Courtney Walsh - We are HUGE Gregory Brothers fans over here. Their “Poke Me” song makes me giggle uncontrollably. Seriously. But they’re legit musicians!! Sarah Gregory has a band called Sarah and the Stanleys and they are AMAZING!!! I LOVE them!!! 🙂
And the Backin’ Up song. omg. I have to go watch it again. lol

amy - That video is hilarious 🙂 I need a double rainbow for my little bebe girl! Gonna be stalking your store!!! Great job the sweatshirt and tee make me want it in my size 🙂

Courtney Henson - I was one of the rest of the world that had not seen this. Truly happy for this guy that he experienced such joy seeing this. Totally hilarious!

tara pollard pakosta - he sounds like he is crying to me!

jessicakiehn - haha oh brother dude, get over it!
hahahahaha this is SO FUNNY! He’s most certainly high on something, or drunk. But I’m thinking it’s the first one.
You find the funniest videos. I loved “email may, tsuh-day” girl from SNL…I apologize for that!

Melissa - love the rainbow shirt and jacket! i need one of those today…my daughter is turning 5 today and we are having a rainbow themed party! super cute!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I cannot tell you how frequently Cory references this vid. It’s a lot.

Patricia - LOVE double rainbows!

Shaina Brown - loved that video. love that hoodie/shirt comb, will they be in your etsy shop? thinking my niece HAS to have them 🙂

Emily - Where did you get that shirt and sweatshirt? You made I hope! I want one for my daughter!

Christine Ishmael - Does that rainbow sweatshirt come in child’s size 8?

Molly Pearce - hahahahahahaha! It was like watching The Blair Witch movie, hahahahahha! I feel sorry for his dog, hahahahahaah! I can’t stop laughing and I have got to show this to my brother, he will love it. Happy Friday Meg!!!!
~Molly P

Molly - We quote that video ALL THE TIME in our house. DOUBLE CHEESE SANDWICH!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!

Melinda Owens - Such cynics…maybe he’s just overwhelmed with the beauty…it happens. 🙂 Spontaneous worship. Thanks for sharing this. I loved it!

Lisa - That was a great start to my Friday. Thanks!

Shannon - Oh. My. Wow. Thanks for the morning laugh…it felt good! 🙂 LOVE Annie’s double rainbow. Adorable. My blog post today features a quick and easy rainbow treat, Thought I’d share since rainbows are so dear to your heart!

Anne @ Baking Me - Hilarious, thanks for the laugh 🙂

Sheila P. - What does it say about me that I can see the same double rainbow as that guy and not feel anything but embarrassed for him and slightly annoyed at the same time? Maybe I need a second cup of coffee or a little of what he’s been having.

Maria - I had never seen the video – I love that double rainbow!

Linda Sousa - Oh my…that is too much! I had never seen the video until now.

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie is too cute with her wrinkled up nose, peace sign and double rainbow. that guy is loving life. can’t fault a guy for that. how do you not laugh until you cry? i do all the time. but, then again i laugh until i….nevermind.

Cari - We live in LR, AR, but all of our extended family lives in Northeast OK. My girls and i were driving home after a weekend visit and I was listening to a song called “Faithful”. As we were driving down I-40 there was a beautiful double rainbow (though only a partial) and I kind of had the same reaction as the guy on the video (though not near as intense. Ha!). I got excited and showed the girls, did an ultimate no-no and snapped a pic while driving, and then I began to cry. It wasn’t a coincidence that I was listening to a song about God’s faithfulness & then He revealed a physical reminder that, no matter what, He is Faithful. Faithful and True. Happy Friday, indeed!

ashley jensen - Seen the video before…the dude is WHACKED OUT on something! Stop teasing us with the dang hoodies!!! Why don’t you give us a round about hint when your shop will open….PLEASE!

Tiffany - she is too cute! i want that smile. that energy. that hoodie. have a great weekend.

alyssa - After watching this video a minute ago, Kade just said, remember that rainbow guy?
Me, “yeah.”
Kade, “he was so funny.”

Marla Rae - Annie is adorbale! And her rainbow outfit is too!

Kimberlee J. - God rocks.

karen - i saw this before! Too funny!!
I think he is on something…i hope he is not..but i really do think he is!
P.S. I love annie’s double rainbow 😉

Beth - Ok, I guess I’m the only one to have not ever seen that before…..oh. my…..well, that was something. hahaha! What is with that? Too funny, thanks for sharing.
enjoy your Friday!

candace - did you see that guy’s Tosh.O web redemption?
love the hoodie/shirt combo. how do you come up with such cute things and such cute kids?

Heather - Did you make Annie’s sweatshirt and t-shirt? I want those for my girl! Adorable!

happygirl - Hahahahaha. I hadn’t seen this video. Thanks for sharing. btw, I LOVE the double rainbow in YOUR yard. <3

Andrea - This guy was TOTALLY tripping! But, anyway, I used to see rainbows and double rainbows on the bus on the way to school all the time. We got on the bus at 7:20 am. That was a LONG, LONG time ago! I always thought, and think, of them as God blessing my day.

wendy, NJ - I have to say that honestly I’m not sure that I want to see the video. When my grandfather passed in 1989 (he was my best buddy when my parents divorced) it poured the day of his services, a huge rainbow appeard. Then in 1997 when my other grandfather passed it rained all day until we came out of the luncheon to find a double rainbow. I recently lost my grandmother in 2009. we left for vacation the day after her services and when we arrived at our destination after driving most of the way in pouring rain there was a beautiful double rainbow. so you see, rainbows represents something very special to me. Although as I write this I realize that it would be unfair of me to not look at the video..after all, I love everything you post…BTW the sweatshirt ROCKS!!

Regina - I hadn’t seen it either…and had to turn the sound off to make my dogs stop barking, lol! I would like to think that guy was high on God’s glory, but something tells me it was something else alltogether… 😉

Sarah@this farm family's life - I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t seen this video yet. That guy is kind of scary!

Ruth - Well, I really am in favor of appreciating the handiwork of God, but it sounds like this guy is on a “trip”. Love the double rainbow in your yard though.

tami - evidence of psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
soooooo awesome….

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Bwahahahahahahahaha…I guess Im THE only ONE who hadnt seen the video…til now. All I can say is WOW…this guy needs to get out more or something. He was starting to scare me a little:)And “what does it mean” dude? Its a double promise from God…you know, the one you keep screaming to.

Tara M. - Umm, wow! I had never seen that video until now! I love the rainbow outfit!! Can’t wait for your shop to open!

Kerry - haha! Cute!! Double Rainbow all the WAY! (I am now no longer the one person in the world who had not seen the vid)
Thanks Meg for putting a huge cheesy grin on my face on this cold grey day in the UK 🙂

Trish - i saw this for the first time in a starbucks… i laughed til i cried… this guy is too much 🙂

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it was finally warm.
and sunny.

i am so happy.

so ready for the heat of the sun on my face.
i need it.

i was beginning to go a bit stir crazy.




i came out to take these pictures not because of the weather and certainly not because it is pretty outside.
because it's not.
everything is still DEAD.
but i came out to take these photos because…..

and laughing.

it's been awhile.

and i really miss it.



i have to grab those moments when i can.
take notice.
cherish it.

because the fighting is a real downer.


i think the fighting (with each other and with me) is something i feel and felt surprised about with parenting.

no matter how well i speak….
no matter how well i care for them….
no matter how many cookies i make….
it doesn't make them nice.

they still fight.


and i have been exhausted by it.  i AM exahsuted by it.  i want it to stop.  i can't take it!!! 

i don't know if it will.

i don't know how to change it.

but i want to if i can.

i think we are normal.    i think their feelings….emotions….reactions are "normal".
i can't be the only one who is feeling like this.

i can't be the only one who feels at a loss for dealing with fighting….unkindness….anger….outbursts.

so….that is it.

i have no answers.   i just feel depleted by it.  

i miss diapers and bottles and cuddly babies that don't call names or throw things or slam doors.

i am trying to notice the great times.
encourage more good times.
reward the GOOD behavior…..the kindness……the LOVE.
to talk kindly myself.
to calmly respond to fits….to insults….to the crazy.

i fail a lot.

but i am trying.

but dang it….it is SO hard!!!!

who knew i would need to be so strong?

i don't really know how to get there….how to become strong(er)?


that's it.

it is all i've got right now.

and really….that is a pretty great thing.

because GOD wants the best for my kids.  for me.   for us.

but working through it…to get there….to get to the good…….AAAAAAAAAAA.



this post was completely unplanned.
it just came pouring out of me.
kind of scary.

Kat Montgomery - I googled “my 17 and 12 year old daughters hate each other” and you came up. Your post says so elequently what I am feeling. I have a four year old daughter too so she is too young to be involved in the fighting. The two eldest are so harsh and hateful and constantly saying terrible things to each other. Makes me feel ill. And makes me cry and wonder what I have done wrong. But then I remember my brothers and sisters and the horrible ways they treated each other. I guess it is normal but it still makes me want to barf. Thanks for the words that make me fell not so alone.

Sandy - This has been encouraging to me, knowing I am not alone in the sibling rivalry. The fighting is so depleting and I agree that at this point, all there is is prayer. Thank you for your honesty.

Cara @ Twice Lovely - Dorothy never had a sister, but if she did, I think she’d have gotten back home a whole lot sooner.

Cara @ Twice Lovely - That pic of the ruby slippers in air… one of the best pics I’ve seen all year, Meg.

Megan - I so understand the place you’re in. The fighting is not fun… It’s difficult to not be consumed by it. Keep the faith! Writing helps… and it helps those of us who read your words. Thank you!

Kara - oh thank you for this. mine are still in the baby phase, but I can totally understand where you’re coming from because with us it’s WHINING. oh my goodness, nothing drives me closer to the edge! I feel like my days are consumed with praying to be rational and patient! I guess it is training me for the days of fighting that will come 🙂 hang in there, meg!

Lemonade Makin Mama - Ummm… were you in my house this week? Cause that’s exactly where I’ve been too! So over this sibling fighting thing… does sad things to a Mama heart!
Nice to know it’s not just mine who struggle to be kind to one another. Just saying.

Donna - I can sooooo relate!! I feel like the answer is always the same though-PRAY! Pray all day long if you have to. I am still learning too. I think we will always be learning to have more Faith 🙂

Andria - I have three boys who do the same thing. Your words echo my feelings exactly. We are trying an experiment where kids say something ugly to each other they have to go to their rooms. Then they have to come up with 5 things they like about the brother they insulted.

Karen - How true that it will still happen. But my mom’s policy, with 5 girls and one boy, was ‘let them fight it out alone’ and believe me, it was a big policy failure. I was determined to not adopt it. As the youngest, I was always the ‘whipping boy’ for stronger, older sisters.
I held my 5 kids accountable for their actions of how they treated each other, and though there were many bumps in the road (most ALL of them comitted by the oldest-so they all learned from his mistakes), they are all close now. We truly enjoy getting together, and they celebrate each others little victories via email, and texting, even though they are very scattered geographically over the last few years. Hooray! (I dread getting together with some of my siblings and their kids.) Don’t get me wrong, I understand my mom did what she thought was right, but, uh, it wasn’t. Keep fighting the good fight, Meg. It pays off in teaching them compassion and empathy.

tricia - I have not read any of the other comments here Meg, but judging by the sheer volume, it’s obvious that we are all saying the same thing. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! My girls have been at it A LOT lately too. Makes me batty! I want it to stop. I try to make it stop. I do everything I can, and it still happens.
Luckily (even though it’s hard to imagine), you’re right. God loves our children even more than we do. I guess it all comes out in the wash, so to speak.
Keep on keepin’ on, girl. Thank you for sharing. I think that the warmer weather and the sunshine are going to do wonders! Stir-crazy does indeed make us crazy!

Andrea R. - My girls fight and fight and fight. The next minute they are lovey dovey…only to fight again in an instant. Sometimes my solution to it all is to separate them because even though they fight constantly, they cannot stand to be separated even more. You are right ~ this is harder than I imagined and I was fully aware that is would not be a piece of cake.

jerusalem - i feel your pain.

kim - I so understand what you are going through! I also miss the little babies that are always sweet and are so innocent. I have four boys and my youngest is 3. He has already started to pick up the “fighting” Thank you for your post. Thank you for your honesty. It truly makes me feel like I’m not alone. It wears you down…But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I know one day they will be adults and past the neverending bickering. Glad you enjoy the moment..That is what gets you through 🙂

Kasey G. - My baby is in Afghanistan. What I wouldn’t give to have him home fighting with his older brother again! It is hard to live with when it happens but it is just another phase in their growing up years. Hang in there!

Tami - feeling your pain the last several months!! Prayer!! That is it!! I need to be doing more of it!! Thanks for the reminder!

Diane - So right there with you.
Parenting well is a lot of work.
The days are long but the years are short- I remind myself of that everyday and that tomorrow will be a new day.

Kristin S - Meg, seems you’ve touched a nerve for so many who couldn’t express in words what they were feeling. You did.
I’ve passed this post and comments on to a few mom friends and they’ve also been encouraged.
See? Those unplanned posts….

Cris Marsh - All I can say is that it will eventually get better. Lots of prayer, and plotting to run away will help. I always told my husband if he planned to run away he had best take me with him or I would track him down. 🙂

Tami C. - I am SO glad you wrote this post and SO glad I read it. My girls are 7 & 10 and oy, do they fight. They also pick at me, ugh. I asked my friend who raised 3 great girls for wisdom, she said “dark chocolate”. I asked for me or for them, she said “both”. We’re all is this together!

Megan Duerksen - You definitely are not alone!! I have a 7 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. They have never gotten along well. However, I also have a 7 month old. I know exactly what you mean by missing the “baby years.” When the other two are at it again, I find refuge in her smiles, giggles, and outstretched arms. This post was a good reminder to savor every minute of that because I know what is bound to come!

Katrina - You are totally not the only one. I’ve got two girls who are my world but it breaks my heart and frustrates daily to see them pick on each other. I grew up with 5 (yes 5!) step-sisters and I understand that it is indeed normal. It’ll mellow out more and more as they get older. In the meantime, I think prayer is just what we’ve got to do. I pray for patience and tolerance every single night. Seems to be helping. Most of the time. 😉

Sara - I know…it can really really drag you down, deflate you, make you just want to run away sometimes. At least thats how I feel. So I run, I exercise, I think about happy things or nothing when i run and then I feel more equipped to deal with them when I am finished. I know that when they do get along its magical. We spent spring break at the beach and when they were playing in the (cold) waves and in the sand they were so happy and there was no fighting. Mostly I hate it when I join in on the yelling and then I make everyone end up in tears. Thats when I feel horrible. Hugs!

s - oh thank you for this – this truth, this honesty, this painting of not such a rosy pretty picture because this is my reality too – the constant sniping. the anger, the hurt, and then my boiling over anger when it pushes me over the top – its so draining, so unnecessary. how many times can I actually repeat the same old thing “don’t say anything if you can’t say anything nice” (with a “it will be awfully quiet ’round here muttered under my breath) or “if you don’t let it get to you, she’ll stop – she just likes to get a reaction out of you”. no idea the solution. make them sit together and hold hands? send them to their rooms? I don’t know. I hope the fresh air will lessen the fighting – maybe feeling penned up fuels their fire. I just hope it ends before the youngest gets in on the action!

alyssa - I’m right there with ya. My kids definitely go in spurts. Right now they are fighting and it makes me not look forward to spring break. We are tired around here for the time change, the yucky weather, who knows. But we’re all tired and maybe that has something to do with it. The sunshine can’t hurt! I hear myself in my kids’ responses to each other. Super scary. Moms have to be the strongest all the time and that is exhausting. I feel your pain. We can do this!

Jen - The most encouraging thing I’ve heard on the subject was “parenting expert” Dennis Raney (Family Life Today) saying his kids faught until the day the last one left for college. He has six kids. I think he said they are friends now ;). I think we teach and redirect and teach and redirect but it is “when they are OLD they will not depart from it” (as in train up a child in the way he should go…). It’s not here in the daily process of raising them we see the seeds we planted…though we catch glimpses like you did when you took these pictures.
Blessings from another mom in the trenches! - amen! i have a 7 year old son and a 5 year old daughter and feel the same way. why can’t they just love eachother and play nicely more than not? i also have a 7 week old baby boy who has colic…so not much cuddling here either. mostly he is unhappy and screaming…which is so sad. but through it all i try to remember that god gave these little people to me and they are just that…little people. it is hard enough for me to express my feeling the right way sometimes. as i search the scripture i also see that jesus is close and drawn to the tired, brokenhearted and wounded. so see…jesus it just trying to be close to us mamas. thanks for being so honest and real. sometimes parenting is just messy and hard. i love knowing im not in it alone. thanks also for being my morning cup of coffee…i start everyday with your blog. you always make me smile! xoxo

Beth - Yes. It is so hard. I wonder where they learned to respond like that? I don’t respond like that. Their dad doesn’t respond like that . . with mean words, door slamming, etc. I have been really working on talking calmly, not getting upset/angry myself. It’s hard. And they still respond angrily sometimes. Prayer seems like the only answer! (And by the way, I love Miss Talby’s boots. If they made those in my size, I would have them. Also, those sparkly sneakers that light up. They would be mine.)

Kimberlee J. - Fighting stinks—whether you’re young or old. And it’s exhausting. I’m happy that you blogged about this. I love it when things pour out…everyone reading this surely can relate.

kristin - i can relate. completely. i hate the mom i become so quickly when there is fighting…or complaining…or whining…or backtalking…or ungratitiude…
i’m humbled and ashamed often.
but yes, god has a hope for this all. i want to find it.

elizabeth highsmith - my oldest brother and i grew up driving long hours to see my father’s grandparents and we fought. and it was awful, for him. we made the haul for my grandmothers funeral i was ten and we fought i remember my dad asking if we could just really not fight seeing how he was grieving his mother. i hope we stopped fighting. a good ten years later my brother and i made the drive together as grownups for my grandfathers funeral. we didn’t fight, we talked, we had fun. my dad asked numerous times how we made the trip. he was baffled that somehow as adults we’d ceased the grind. i love my brother to pieces-somehow all that fighting made us stronger as grown up friends.
all of that to say i do not have children, but somewhere those cuties know the fighting irks you to to the core. and one day it’ll cease! prayers.

Shaun - You aren’t alone….we’re in the throes of that right now too!

jeana - i just wrote a post about this yesterday. i understand.

Katie - Thank you for your transparency. It’s encouraging to read! My girls are 5, 2, and 9 months, and I know I have some rough years ahead of me as they grow. The older 2 play together pretty well now, but there are days that things seem to all fall apart, and I worry about if my sanity will stay intact in the coming years!
Lately I’ve been encouraging myself by the reminder that kids just tend to act their age. So my 5 year old will act like a 5 year old, and so on. So when they’re 18, they’ll act like 18 year olds, 30 like 30 year olds, and so on. I don’t know why this encourages me, but it does! I guess maybe because it reminds me that they won’t be stuck at a difficult age forever.
I also am encouraged to think that God will slowly change and mature my girls just as He has gradually changed and matured me. God has used my struggles and mistakes to teach and grow me, and the same will be true of my girls. I love to think of myself as a gentle nurturer into adulthood, because growing up and being an adult can sure be hard. If only I was truly gentle with them all the time! Some days I am a pretty nasty mama. 🙁 Thank God His grace is bigger than my mistakes, for me and on behalf of my children.

Trina McNeilly - the fighting is just beginning at my house, with the older two and I’m feeling the same way. Crazy. I totally remember doing the fighting as a kid. Of course never thought about how it made my mom feel. I just wish it wasn’t so non-stop. And I just wish that I didn’t feel like I have to yell to talk over the fighting. That does no good. It’s hard to know what to do and then when you think you might have an idea, stick to it. I’m with you…. prayer. What else? xo

Julie - For me its the hardest part of being a parent, you are not alone.

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - Oh my, were you just in my living room…….I just had a blow up with my 14 year old and 5 year old about all of the things you just mentioned!!!!!! I’m tired and feel like I am at my wits end most days. There is lots of prayer involved on my end, I will pray for the both of us that God gives us the strength.

Daniele Valois - holy heck the fighting eats me alive! When they get along, I ask them to kiss and be lovey, just for me, but it doesn’t work. I never stop asking though!
These photos are some of my favorites! I have been so into taking the feet shots too. The swing shots are great!!!

Tracey Garcia - This post made me cry. I had the most awful afternoon with my youngest today. He threw a couple of fits and screamed at me a couple of times. Then I threw a fit and lost my temper. And I made him cry and broke his little heart. And I felt horrible and held him and told him how sorry I was for losing my temper and making a bad choice. Mommy-ing is sooo hard. All I want to do is snuggle them and love them. And then real life gets in the way! I’m glad you had a great day to enjoy with the girls! 🙂 I’m hoping tomorrow is just as great for me and my boys. Tracey

Sheridan Eketone - So needed this today Meg! So so agree with everything you said. Have been feeling overwhelmed by it all this week, so glad to know I’m not alone! God is good & he has given us such a beautiful family & I WILL enjoy every moment.. good & bad! 🙂 Your blog makes me smile! Dieng for the shop to open! Hope you ship to NZ 🙂 🙂 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Totally, Totally relate. Nate is going to bed 30 minutes early tonight. We did not have cake on Monday. It’s been an interesting Spring Break.

Katie Sellers - I have the 3 year old who thinks her mom hung the moon and the baby who is cuddly and lovey…I dread the fighting that I know will come. Tell me about the good part of them growing older so I have something to balance it out against. There is always good with the bad, right?

Kris Grover - Weeeel, hate to scare you, but it is going to get worse, most likely. My two girls are 30 & 28 now, and when they were teens…OMG…watch out. They couldn’t pass each other in the hallway without an all out war in the mornings before school! I do NOT miss those days!!! Your girls are beautiful!!! Just tune them out!

katherine - No, you aren’t the only one feeling like this.
Geez, I’ve still got a lot of years of parenting ahead of me.
Thanks for going before me, and sharing about it.
It helps.

Karen Gerstenberger - Look at how many comments there are on this unplanned, honest post! It must be ministering to you AND your readers. Thank you for your courage and love, expressed to your kids and to us here. That’s why we love you and keep coming back.
I felt the same way when our kids fought. Since she passed away, there is only one kid, and he is at college most of the year. When he’s home, he likes to fight with me (not with his dad). What’s with that, I ask you? I think it’s because we are alike.
Love to you, Meg.

Holly Cox - My kids fight a lot too…it is exhausting…unbelievable exhausting. Believe in yourself, Meg….and I’ll believe in myself, too!

Gina - Thanks for reminding that I’m not only parent to agonize over this.
Thanks for reminding that the most important thing I can do is get on my knees and pray. I forget that sometimes, too often actually. I needed this reminder today!

Maureen - Thoughts to share- My mom and her sister were 4 years apart with a brother in between and one after. All the time that I was growing up, my mom and aunt were best of friends and we lived 3 blocks away from each other’s families. I have 5 brothers and no sisters so I always was so intrigued and envious of their relationship, Once I asked, “Were you and Auntie always best friends?” Her answer, “Good Lord, no! We couldnt’ stand each other all thru high school and college years. We fought like cats and dogs growing up. It wasn’t until we started to both have babies and raise families that we got so close.” My aunt and mom have both been widowed for years and really relied on each other. My aunt died 2 weeks ago at 85 and my mom at 81 says, “So hard to think of the world without my big sissie in it, I miss her so…” Your girls will always have each other plus the brothers…

mandy friend - i feel the same. we do it ‘right’ and they are still little heathens…

TonyaElise - There are four kids in my family. Four kids in eight years. Perfect space between each for fighting. And we did. All the time.
But now…my siblings are my best friends. All three of them. And we are experiencing things with each other. Marriage. Babies. First homes.
It is wonderful. I’m so thankful my parents had four. And so glad they endured all the fighting. And so glad they prayed through raising us.
I have the best life because of the family I came from and am a part of. It is all worth it. You are giving your kids a great life.

Denissa - I’m right there with you! NEVER did I imagine all the fighting that would come along w/ siblings..that is completley magnitized when they are sick! Which we have been dealing with too. Sometimes it is just comforting to know that others are there with you too, but most importantly God is..halleluyah for that!! 🙂

BELLE PHELPS - about to write this on my own blog, but I will write it here first….
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” (and while typing this, I told Luke to shut up under my breathe…nice…and he heard me…HAHAHA)
keep doing what you do
bake the cookies
talk nicely when you can (it IS hard)
respond out of faith
they see this
they do
they will imitate it
they will grow up to be beautiful like you
and they cant fight forever…right?? RIGHT? OH PLEASE SAY RIGHT!!!
my kids are fighting as I write this and it is CRACKING ME UP!!!
love you
I pray it ALL DAY LONG
I will pray it for you too 🙂

Robin - You might enjoy the info at All about personality types and how we interact as a family unit! And it’s COLORFUL!!! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - I totally get it.
my girls get along 90% of the time, but that 10% it can be reallY UGLY: i hate you’s, your this, your that, blah blah. sickening when it happens. yup prayer is the ONLY thing that can save your sanity!
how about having them pray for each other? I find that really helps!!!

sharon - my kids are in their late teens and early twenties now. my advice, talk quietly, it makes them listen AND remind them that “after mommy and daddy are old and gone, they will only have each other to count on” haha, rather drastic but i remember it would get their attention. good luck!

Leanne Mackenzie - Hi Meg,
I have been following for a while, and just had to say, these words could be mine right now.
My eldest son is 8 and I am exhausted by his outbursts and tantrums which are relatively new for him. Not to mention the fighting that goes on between 4 children anyway!
Thank you for this post, it has made me feel less alone in this struggle. I was meant to read this today 🙂
Leanne xo

Ry (AKA: LUCY) - Cool! It was warm here too. Today we played tennis and walked. It was really fun!

chasity - we’ve been going through the same thing at our house…
having two girls that are two years apart.
i think that the hormones are already playing a part for girls at 7 and 9!!
and while fighting may be the “norm”…it is not going to be acceptable with me.
i have read MANY books…most of them not so helpful. but the latest book i read had some really great information and advice.
it was called ‘keep the siblings. lose the rivalry’
i had a very good bible study/heart to heart talk with my girls and we made some new family guidelines.
they still have their moments but things have definitely improved over the past couple of weeks.
watching them get along….laughing…playing…reading together.
that is my greatest and happiest moments as a mom.
you should check out the book from the library.
very insightful.
have a great family night together!

Nancy - I am so with you. Especially being a mother to 2 girls, they can really be hot or cold. BFF or at each other’s throats. I have found like you said, just giving it to the Lord, does help. A chocolate chip cookie or two does too! 🙂 Hang in there. Your family is just beautiful and I appreciate your real-ness.

Canada Gal - Good timing for this post. I just had a big talk last night with a good girlfriend of mine regarding this issue. “Birdie Blue”‘s comment is completely spot-on. That’s the way I started out with my kids (strict, good boundaries) and somewhere along the way in the last couple of years I strayed and it shows. They sass me, and treat eachother poorly on a more regular basis. Not good. Today I was back on the strict ‘take no crap disrespect’ from 4.5YO and almost 3YO (both girls) and already things are way better. Doesn’t mean I don’t love them, they just need to know that mama (and dad) are boss and we’re just trying to help them learn to be the best people they can be, well that and respectable citizens, which sometimes I think has gotten lost in today’s society.
Anyway, love your blog Meg.

Kirsten J - Totally normal. And here’s a theory: I’m 10 years older than my sister, and 3 years older than my brother. My sister and I never fought – I mothered her, and still do. Today? We’re really not the best of friends. My brother and I fought and fought. And today we’re great friends. Vacation together, talk regularly. My mom has an Irish twin and they fought terribly growing up, she has 5 other siblings, but is closest to that sister. I predict you are laying a great foundation for your kids, and they will be the best of friends. Now, if I could only survive my own fights with my daughter. Phew!!!!!


Karen - how is it that so many of have had similar days?? Mine are almost 2 and almost 4 and beat the tar out of each other. It angers me, saddens me, defeats me and makes me feel like I’m failing at modeling Jesus to them. There are days that I feel so overwhelmed with it and tell my hubby that I’m not sure I can handle any more kids though we both would love a big family. I grew up with two brothers – the oldest is 4 years older than I am, the other in between us- we fought hard- all.the.time. I remember my mom’s tears and her pleading with us to be kind, pleading with us to recognize that when we grown up, we will want to be able to lean on each other- for we are the only ones who have all these shared memories together. I remember it sticking with me and somewhere around the time the oldest started college and my other bro and I were in high school- it just clicked with all of us big time. We are all super close now that we are in our 20’s and 30’s. They are the first ones I call when I need a listening ear or someone who really gets me. My mom is reaping the benefits of years of prayer, and years of telling us the same thing over and over again. I imagine it makes her momma heart so overjoyed to see us now choosing to spend time together. You are a great mom- one who is inspiring other moms every day with your unique ability to say it like it is, to encourage us by your realness and by showing us new ways to love on our kids (craft day happens often around here now!).

Raylene - I don’t know why siblings fight…most do and I did with my brother. I still regret it. The last time I remember fighting with him was when my mom say us both down and said “we all live together for such a short period of time..can’t we all just get along?” It made me cry. And not fight with my brother anymore.
I’m sure my mom had to have the same feelings you do. Hang in there!

Trish - fighting is the pits… it really does deplete me and makes me on edge. today was rough.

Leyla - Honey-child; all I can say is that kids have us reeled in as babies, otherwise; we’d return them! We all feel like failures as parents. My belief is that it is the difficult stuff and the stuff that makes us feel like failures that actually challenges us to be better parents. Reading your blog, you are a good mom. Make peace with your girls fighting, know that they love each other, and trust that God is working through them. They will be thick-as-thieves as adults. My sisters (4 of us) used to even get in physical fights and we are very close as adults. We still fight but we make up too.

sue - My eldest boy is 31 now and I can tell you that time flies.It won’t last forever and when its gone you long for it back. Chin Up. !!!

Teresa - I’ve been a stalker on this blog for a while (and I TOTALLY LOVE IT!!!), but being that I have a sister and she and I are 15 mo apart, I felt compelled to comment today…
It sucks, but it is normal. It’s not easy. They will probably spend more time not liking each other than they will liking one another for the next several years. I’m sorry. Two things that I remember my parents doing (which probably means that these worked) were 1. taking the slammed doors off of the hinges and then just not having a door for a week or so. It was LAMESAUCE, but I totally thought twice before slamming the next door! And, 2. making both of us sit on the couch HOLDING HANDS for however long Mom felt it was necessary. It was HORRIBLE!!!
It’s all about surviving. Take lots of deep breaths and have lots of coffee dates, and say lots of prayers! AND, keep making cookies and being an AWESOME Mom because their fighting it isn’t about you, you just get to reap the benefits. Hang in there!

Dianne - whoa…God must have known that I needed to hear that someone else was having this issue today too! I’ve been thinking that all I’ve been doing today is yelling at my kids who are yelling and fighting at each other the whole time. EXHAUSTING. I think that prayers are all that we can do…pray for them to get through this time…and prayers for our own knowledge of how to best deal with these situations. Hang in there…I’m trying to, too 😉

jill - I hate when my kids fight, breaks my heart. I savor the moments when they get along so well.

Rebecca - The fighting can be awful, can’t it? Now that I am a momma myself, I think back to the torture my brothers and I (mostly my brothers, lol) put my parents through. It helps me to remember this on the tough days: childhood prepares for adulthood. All this fighting; with you, with each other, with their friends, is teaching them to be adults. If all they knew was how to be peaceful, how would they ever learn to fight fair? Disagreements are sometimes unavoidable, and I take a little heart in knowing that if they develop their disagreement skills now, they will have better marriages, roomate situations, etc. AND, they will be better able to guide their own kids through the minefield of childhood. You’re doing a great job and setting a brilliant example, so hang in there!

rosemarie - i remember my mom’s friend telling me when her kids fight that was the worse thing… now that i have kids i see how she was right it hurts mothers alot to see her kids being rude to each other.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Uh, hello, you and your family are called, “Normal”. It would be really weird if you all got along all of the time…now that’s a problem. Thank goodness we have prayer on our side.

lucy - put them to work! my girls are 8,10,12 and there are LOTS of jobs they can fact, if they start ‘it’ I tell them go ahead, fight, I have lots of jobs I need done 🙂

Vicki - I think in our experience of parenthood there are phases. When they were infants it was sleepless nights, then there was potty training, then comes the independence phase where their job is to push you, the limits, their family, all while in their safety zone where they know no matter how naughty or terrible they are they will still be loved. The beauty of it is that it won’t last forever. But just try telling that to a new, first time mom of an infant. Those words don’t matter when you are in the trenches. I think just like when we were new moms we need to be surrounded by other moms in the same phase of parenthood who can commiserate with us and we can try on ideas and tips that have helped ease the pain of a particular phase. I have to apologize to my kids all the time. For losing it, not using my nice words, getting upset. I don’t want them to grow up and become mothers and think, “how did she do it, she just always had it together and was calm.” I want them to grow up and know that as a HUMAN you will fail. And when you do you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and say your sorry. I love that tomorrow morning will come, I will pray the same prayer, and little by little my God is going to help me get where he wants me to be.

steph - oh how i love to read this.
not b/c i like to know that you’re in a tough spot right now…
but to know that you and i are the same.
i think that means we’re normal?! i think? ha ha!
i’m hoping so with all these other comments, at least.
the fighting… oh the fighting.
why is it so hard?
i feel like i’m constantly fighting with my own girls, or they are fighting each other.
so much yelling… so much grumpiness… so many expectations (from me and for them).
this mothering thing is dang hard.
i feel like giving up some days…
and all of a sudden you get a nugget… a perfect view of why you’re doing what you’re doing.
and yours came today with your two girls playing like friends in the yard.
how wonderful!
i hope those times come more often for you… and for me… and for all of us struggling.
hugs and prayers to you, my friend!
we can all do this together. right?!
you are awesome!!! xo

Amy - Meg…you’ve already gotten 63 comments….I’m sure they are FULL of ‘you’re normal’ and ‘you’re AWESOME’….which is totally true!
I deal with it daily….I struggle with it and wonder….is it just me?
PARENTHOOD….NO ONE told me it was only to get harder as they get older….it does!
Keep smiling and keep posting the real you…
Meg Duerksen….people like you! (A little SNL parody for you!)

Nicole Q. - Loved this post – so relate – I think I posted some similar thoughts not long ago — i really agree with your statement on it being a “a surprise in parenting”. I think it caught me off guard too. Glad to know I’m normal.

Short, Sweet Season - My little sister is 13 months younger than me. We fought and fought as little girls. I even bit the feet off her Barbies once!! Horrible, I know. We became best friends after college and are so close and encouraging with one another now. These girls make me think so much of us. They will be close one day. The fighting will stop! 🙂

Gina - Funny you posted this today as just last night I was at Bible Study (we’re doing a Precept Upon Precept study of Matthew) God convicted me greatly over “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Because I am weary of being a peacemaker between my children. I don’t want to do it. I often expect them to deal with…which is sinful on my part. They aren’t born knowing how, or WHY for that matter, to be peaceful. They’re born with tiny selfish hearts and every fight, every outburst of anger, every fit, I should view as another opportunity to point them to Christ and their need of the cross. To remind them (and myself!) that we do have hearts of stone and we can’t be kind and loving on our own…BUT because of God’s great love, he’ll take away our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh.
Do I do this? No. Not often. My oldest is 4 and I’m due with # 4 in a few weeks and rarely do I see all the fights and fits in this light. I grow weary and lose sight of the cross…but God is faithful.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - You’re singin’ my song Meg.
How can it be that I just thought of you (really randomly) this morning and thought…is she just happy all the time…does she just take everything in stride??
I too have been taken off-guard by this side of parenting. My kids are 2 and 4 and they squabble a lot. They also seem to whine a lot.
I have also wondered…where on Earth am I going to get the strength to deal with this or change this or whatever you’re supposed to do with “this”. I’m not a natural at tuning it out or staying emotionally uninvolved. It wares on me, there are days when it defeats me.
Yes prayer! Prayer is not the least we can do in any given situation…it is the MOST we can do.
Chin up…Spring is on the way:)

Candy - Boy do I know how you feel. I am constantly talking to my kids about being kind to one another, saying kind words, having a good attitude. I feel like a broken record, and I know that I fail many many times, I lose it with them when they never seem to get it. That is when I hit my knees and pray, but prayer should come first before the meltdowns! I can tell when we are going to have a good day, its the days that I pray before the day even gets started, it always helps to have my mind right before I jump on the parenting train! Thanks so much for sharing, you are such an encouragement!

Tina I - Oh, you must have been in my car w/ my 5 kids today, or outside, or in the bathroom, or anywhere more than 1 of them are at any given time. If you figure out how to make the fighting stop, will you please let me know? I continually pray for peace. Not for the world, but for our CRAZY household. Good luck.

Michelle - Here is how I look at it. My sister and I hated each other, we would fight, we fought with my mom, we argued about stupid meaningless things. And now we are best friends. We love each other, we love our parents, we turned out ok. I think hormones and the pains of growing make you crazy, but you always come back around.
Sometimes you just need someone to say, you’re doing a good job and raising upstanding citizens. And Meg, you are.

Beth - Normal? Yes. Still frustrating? YES! Oh my, you spoke straight to my heart! The fighting, the non-stop-make-me-yell kind of fighting makes me crazy sometimes. I fail so much, too, but am trying. Prayer. you said it, right now, it’s a mommy’s only hope.

Meredith - word.

Jenny Joy - I have no wisdom. But, I do have understanding. I could have written your post word for word. And all I know is that I’m so exhausted by it all. I just want some peace. And one day, I might very well have it. But, for now, with four loud, chaotic kids hanging around, all the peace I can seem to find is in the bottom of a coffee cup, or behind the lens of a camera, or in mindlessly kneading bread until my wrists hurt. So, I’m going to grab hold of that peace. Refuse to let it go. At least it’s something.

Charlotte - i am so glad i follow your blog…
thank you for sharing..honestly…
beautiful pix. and heartfelt thoughts…
your posts are always a pleasure to read.

birdie blue - mine argue occasionally, but don’t really fight. i have four girls…14, 12, 10 and 3.
maybe, it’s because i don’t allow them to speak disrespectfully to me, or to each other (they’re working on that part). i think kids really like firm boundaries, the clearer you can draw the line between what’s acceptable, and what isn’t, the better.
i’m strict, and you have to get up and follow-through on everything. by that i mean, if you say ‘don’t do something’ and they ‘do it’, you better have a logical consequence to implement. i cannot stand when children ‘talk back’ to their parents, i just won’t have it. never have, never will. not easy, but totally do-able. it’s all about respect really. speaking respectfully to them, and expecting respectful talk in return.

Lindsay - Ahh. I needed this today. Thanks.
I only have 1 kid (pregnant with #2) but today I was sitting at the table listening to her and wondering what the hell I did wrong today.
I hope she wakes up in a better mood. Blah.

Christa - Meg,
I feel like you looked in my windows and wrote this post, right down to being surprised by it. I don’t remember fighting this much with my siblings growing up.
We are on a two week break from school right now which makes it all a little nutty here. Good thing the sun is shining.
It feels as if it doesn’t matter how hard I try…(sigh)

Alisha Gibb - Oh, wow! You summed it up for so many parents! I have a 13 year old step son who considers me his mortal enemy. We share custody so I REALLY have to put forth the extra effort to just get along and let certain things go. I fail miserably a lot. I beat myself up about it a lot! I can see the effects of this strained relationship on my own children. I constantly pray for peace and stability. I have faith that one day it will come. Thank you for your honesty.

Jen Brandt - It’s therapeutic. You needed it. We need it. We’ve all been there or are there. My 3 and 6 year old daughters do it too. It is very trying. We’ll make it. Prayers.

Fiona - Oh, how I feel your pain. I’ve been following your blog for a while and I love your honesty and openness. I have 3 boys, 8 and twin 6 year olds. Some days I just want to run away especially when the fighting starts. And I can’t understand how they can be so mean and vicious one minute and best friends the next. Maybe that’s God’s hand reaching down.
But you explained it so well. The frustration, the lack of patience. I feel like a failure sometimes too and a bad Mom when I shout back. But I come on here and you and so many others have the same frustrations and I think maybe I can get through one more day.
My kids asked the other day what was the best job I ever had. After thinking I realized that even with all the fights and arguments being a Mom is the best. The rewards of kisses and hugs and ‘I love you’ outweigh the bad times.
With that in mind and God beside us I think we can get through the ‘tough’ times.

Meg Carter - No worries Meg. My sister and I did the same thing yelled, slammed doors, threw things at each other. One incident of me pouring ice water all over her. Now we are the best of friends and laugh at all of that. It will pass (unfortunately it is not for a while) Hang in there.

Shannon - errrrr Why do they Grow Up!!!! I know I have hard times ahead with two girls…let’s just hope I can always remember how sweet and cute they were when they were little 🙂

Lari - I know exactly what you mean. My boys fight (what seems like) all the time lately. Especially #2 and #3. It wears on me. I hate it because when they get along it’s so great, they have so much fun together. I don’t have an answer, but you are not alone in feeling this way. I think it’s just part of being siblings. Sigh…would be nice if there was a quick fix!

Shelly - I swear you jumped into my head and wrote EXACLTY what I was feeling! Its nice to know its not only at my house! Not that, that will make you feel any better! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Janelle - Yes. I was just mentioning to my husband the other night…remember when the kids were an infant, 2, 4, and 6? (They are now 4, 6, 8, 10). Everything seems SO much easier back then…but back then it didn’t! Remember bottles, naps, cuddling, having them glued to Little Einsteins. Much, much easier the younger they are. This morning my boys (the 10 and 8 year olds) got into a toothpaste fight. Toothpaste everywhere…it’s like they grow older and grow harder!

Tricia - You are not alone! I have one child, a five year old boy. I love him so very much, but lately he has been driving me completely nuts. He argues and uses such a mean voice and what is even worse is that sometimes I hear myself using that same voice back to him. I have to remind myself that he is (really!) a great kid who is growing and changing and trying to figure out his world. I have to pray for patience (again and again). I have to try not to curse the makers of Legos for making Star War ships that will not stay together, no matter what we try (today’s battle!). I have to remember to thank God for this boy of mine. We just have to keep trying…

Jenni - I’m sitting here bawling because I just sent my four year old to her room – again – for the nasty attitude. It kills me. I take it personally, too. I just don’t get how someone who has never known anything bad, who has been raised in a home filled with all the non-harming, careful language, calm voices, can have developed such a mean streak. I fear that it will never end and ohmygosh she’s only four! I can’t even imagine what she’ll be like in ten years.

Iris Brown - Are we parenting the same children? :)Your reading my mail. Thanks for putting to words and in your blog what I feel & fight with daily. I feel such a failure when I see the Duggar Mom on tv(mom of 17 kids) not yell at all when disciplining her kids!!!!???? I know they probably edited some stuff out, but that’s why real moms like you are so refreshing in keeping things real with your struggles and victories. Thank you.
On another note, can you give gardening tips? I’ve seen pictures of your bouquets and garden in full bloom and would like to do the same with my postage stamp of a back yard. What type of flowers do you have? I recognized some of them. I live in MN and think have similar climates/times to plant. Just when you have a moment in your long “To do” list.

Jennifer Rizzo - Meg, My girls beat the living snot out of each other. I keep asking my husband- are we sure we didn’t have boys. And the mean things that come out of their mouths…. this is all in first and second grade!!!! I feel you pain…..

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Being cooped up all winter was doing the same thing to my girls(5 & 7). Last weekend we moved the little one into her own room(the small guest room). Its done WONDERS for their relationship…and therefore my sanity!:) I know not everyone has that option but its worked very well for us. My girls are normally the best of friends but being shut up indoors for so long day, day in and day out, would do that to anyone!
Have a wonderful day! Today its supposed to get near 60 degrees which is like a miracle for this time of year in NY!

Julianne Brimner - Oh thanks for sharing…I can so identify with this…my sister and I were 10 months apart and I remember us fighting and bringing my mom to tears…but now we love each other immensely. I had two boys three years apart and they fought, still fight at times (getting better though). I have talked to friends who have kids close together, all boys, all girls, etc., etc. and the fighting always seems to be there. So we pray and cry some and pray some more….I know this too will pass but I agree it is one of the surprising parts of parenting. Go get a good sonic drink or cup of joe and breathe deeply.

rhonda - Oh YES! i feel that way too….I once asked my two (now 6 and 8) out of frustration: WHY do you fight so much?
the oldest just cocked her head and looked dumbfounded: ‘Cause we’re sisters!
And that about sums it up perfectly.
Hang in there!

Valerie Page - You are not alone. I have days like that. In our house, we just started this new thing that they have to say 3 positives about their day at dinner and have to give a compliment about each other at bed time. It’s cute. They scream a compliment to each other from their bedrooms right before they fall asleep. Leila (my 9 year old) screamed out to her 12 year old sister, taylor last night….I loved the way you did your hair today.
and of course my 12 year old struggles at times with kind things to say to her “annoying little sister”. But she screamed back….I liked your dress that you wore to your award assembly at school today.
This helps at bed time so there are no arguments. Have to admit it’s working and I go to bed less stressed. It’s good for my 2 year old, Ivy to see them compliment each other too:)

Kari - I soooo know what you mean! We have four kids and they seem to fuss and fight all the time. They are 10, 12, 14, and 17 – parenting tweens/teens is kicking my butt! I, too, was very surprised about all the sibling fighting. My siblings are quite a bit older than me so I never experienced any of that. Everyone says it’s normal but it is hard to take day after day. I also cherish those rare moments where they are talking/laughing/playing together. Thanks for sharing this heartfelt post!

Tracy Fisher - Thank you for talking about siblings “fighting”. I can’t stand it either. Mine decide to wait until I am working at 10pm (shouldn’t they be asleep)… or in the car (in 3rd row where I can’t reach them)… or in front of the grandparents (that’s the worst!… because it makes me feel doubly the worst mom ever). Anyway, thanks for being real. And don’t you just love it when they get along and are loving on each other. Reminder to take lots of photos.
Tracy Fisher

happygirl - Thanks for blogging even when you are tired of fighting kids. Thanks for catching them when they are being sweet. I love your blog.

RebeccaH - fighting is a fact of life for us as well – mostly it is between my daughter and myself, and since she is only five, i’m thinking i have really got to get some answers to this or it will be a long 13 years ahead of us. like you i try. like you i fail. i find that i am 100% better prepaired to address and navigate the tough times when my focus is on God. i find that if I can shift her focus to what is good and what is right then she is much more easily defused. this is part of life. part of shaping and molding and teaching. yes, it is a fact for most of us. no, we do not have to resign to it as a permanent fixture. hang in there. i will be praying for you and your family, as i’m sure you are also praying. thanks for sharing yourself so honestly. you are an amazing woman of God and an inspiration to many.

Hannah - There is a book coming out in May that you REALLY should read. It’s called Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. It’s a very refreshing perspective to be reminded of how to parent our kids in light of the grace we have been shown through Jesus Christ. Check out - The Family Virtues Guide from this project : are VERY helpful with teaching one’s children (and one’s self)to live with less fighting and more good.

Jules - Amen to everything you just said. And yes, prayer is the answer! THANKS for the reminder!!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!
Spring greetings from a kindred spirit! 🙂

Ana M - I feel your words like as they are mine…
So hard to parenting, so exhausting…
Tired and weary…
But somehow, someway we mothers, do stand up again and move forward, don’t we?
And, thinking of that, you still have the strength to go outside and take pictures of some good and rare moments of your girls…
I admire you…

Sabrina L - Thank you, thank you, thank you. My kids aren’t old enough to fight with each other yet, but my 6 year old argues with me ALL THE TIME. About everything. It’s exhausting and I’ve started to feel like I’m failing as a parent. So nice to know that I am not alone. And like the poster above, I also have a cute, cuddly 18 month old baby in diapers who slams, throws and screams all day long. I almost prefer the fighting.

Brook - I could have written this myself!! Our house has been filled with fighting lately. Our kids used to get along so well and all the sudden the oldest ones seem to hate each other. It just hurts my heart. I had 6 siblings and boy did we argue about EVERYTHING! When my kids fight I want to call my mother and apologize for the arguing I did! I love all my siblings now and we get along so well so I have hope for the future! Thanks for this post it made me feel better!

Tamsen Fussell - Just to make you laugh: my youngest(6) informed me the other day concerning her older sister(12)- “Emily is being ridiculous, I’m fed up to here and I’ve had all I can take! I’m going in for a nap!” Who DOES that? Cause I’m pretty sure I’VE never said anything like that before…Gotta laugh or you’ll cry, Sister!

Kim - I have three girls, ages 5, 8, and 10. I can totally relate.

Ali - I can definitely relate to this post! I can’t wait for a time when they play nicely together, or when they are each to wrapped up in their own activities that they don’t have time nor desire to fight with each other. I doubt this time will ever come, but I have hope. They’re still little, and I still have hope. BUT, I remember fighting with my siblings all through life. I am an identical twin, and my sister and I fought tooth and nail. Even our little brother was a major brat and totally a whiney baby. But, now that we’re grown, we are the BEST of friends. I can honestly say that when I look back on my childhood, I don’t even remember the fights…I only remember the fun and the love. Seriously. Hang in there Meg! They will no doubt be best friends one day and will be having playdates with their kids and having special sister outings and they will be so grateful that they have each other! I know it 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I feel ya.
I am actually counting the number of times today that Ruby spontaneously bursts into tears. Just for fun. Just as a diversion to the INCESSANT crying. It’s usually because Calvin sat in the brown chair or beat her to the front door or something equally earth-shattering.
Also, I have a cuddly-ish baby(ish) who wears diapers and slams things, throws things, hits things, screams things. ALL. Day. LONG.
Wanna babysit???

Luckygirlamy - i stumbled upon your blog today following a link from Pinterest…
and am so glad i did!
i read through your post twice, absorbing your words & rejoicing in realizing i could have spoken the same words. as a mom, just the knowledge that someone else is out there, feeling just like you, failing just like you, praying & trusting in God just like you.
Thank you…

Abby B - When my sisters and I were this age we fought like cats and dogs too, but now they are hands down two of my best friends. Your kids will grow out of this and end up realizing that sisters are fantastic, it just takes time to grow up and realize it I suppose.

Adrienne S - You took the words right out of my mouth:)

Kim - Love your honesty Meg. Your pictures really capture the amazing bond of sisters.
The pic of annie jumping on the trampoline in her ruby reds is to die for. Everything about that shows joy!
You are doing a great job. I am not a mom, but I can tell from what you wrote that it is a challenge now – but I’m certain you will reap the fruit in the years to come.

amy - Unplanned posts are some of the best! Praying for you (and secretly not wanting my kids to get older!!)

kathleen - oh me, this is me, every word, every feeling. We have six, and when I pictured our big family (before we had them), the fighting never entered into my mind. I never knew how down it would make me, how much it would try me to the very core some days, and how much sin would flow from me as a mother. I am always wondering what I have done wrong? I am so thankful that I had no idea! I love em’ so much, but man, the hardest job ever. And the part you wrote about missing those baby years, I have thought that so much over the past year. My oldest is 12, so I am just now realizing how everyone is getting older and bigger and I feel older. I have longed so many times to be able to go back and start over, pregnancies and all, to be a young mother again. I miss it. I do have my sweet fella’ still only 18 months, but wow he’s growing faster than any of the others. We’re pretty sure he’s the last little one, and oh that makes me sad. And it’s good to see them grow, and SO GOOD when they are kind to each other. And even better when they say sorry for their wrongs against each other and really mean it.
Well anyway, this post really struck home and I had to finally comment on your dear blog. I love it and thank you for always sharing so faithfully the good and the bad…it’s a comfort and an encouragement to me! Take care girl!!

Bailey - You’re definitely NOT the only one. I’m currently exhausted and depleted by it as well, my oldest, who just turned 5 (only 5, I thought this was something for pre-teens?) is developing an attitude problem as well call it. Some days are fabulous, and thank God for those days because they do help the bad days (in other words, at least they aren’t all bad days).

Courtney Walsh - I have been thinking this same thing lately, wondering if there’s a reason, something I’m doing, that causes them to not be nice, or to be selfish. I think maybe they just haven’t quite learned to ask for what they want and to express their feelings…and my tendency is to get so frustrated by that. I really struggle with it. The fighting makes me nuts!
I’ve also got three strong personalities meshing with my own…and I’m trying to build future leaders. Good lord, it’s a lot of pressure. But I agree with you. It’s normal. We fought when we were kids too. Being able to send them outside is a god-send!!!
Love Annie’s red shoes, btw! 🙂

brooke - Thanks for sharing so vulnerably with us. I have two one year olds and I find myself yearning for them to be more independent, out of diapers, and off their bottles. Thanks for perspective.
I have been memorizing this verse. It’s been an encouragement to this mommy!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for in the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

karen - Oh you said it best.
“no matter how well i speak….
no matter how well i care for them….
no matter how many cookies i make….
it doesn’t make them nice.”
my 3 1/2 year old is just starting to slam the doors! and my 9 month old is still unaware of it all.
I feel like i am doing something wrong.

ashlee - i feel this way all the time. i was an only child so i was totally unprepared for the fighting. my kids are so kind and sweet and loving… to other people! i cant figure out why they aren’t that way to each other!
*sigh* prayer is all i have as well. and i am so thankful for that.

Wendy - I have 3 girls …. and when they fight – I make them hug & tell the other “I love you”! Doesn’t work all the time – but sometimes it’s just corny enough to make them giggle cause they soooo don’t want to do it!

Jodi - My brother and I fought constantly… to the point where hard objects where thrown and other things that could have really hurt us… but now? we’re like best friends. He still gets on my nerves, don’t get me wrong. But it IS normal for them to fuss and fight.. it just is! :o)
God’s got it… you don’t have to worry. :o)

Amy - Oh, preach it, sister. My oldest 2 (both boys) are 6 & 4. And their fighting has resulted in many a gray hair for this Momma. (I refuse to accept it as genetics. I also plan on using it -much like my pregnancy stretch marks – to hold over their heads when they’re about 16-52. Hopefully that works. *wink*) This winter, my most dreaded season, has been brutal for us. The problem w/ their fighting is there is very often no right or wrong person. No clear line in the sand. No winner. Makes it hard to settle matters. I need to be on my knees more…praying for me to demonstrate self-control & patience. I fail so often. I don’t want to be *that* mother… Sigh. Yes, Lord, bring on the warm weather!! This granola girl needs the outdoors!! 😉

Melanie - Hang in there! I am an only child and have an only child so I don’t have all the fighting etc. I have been really lucky and have no attitude from my almost 17 year old.
One day at a time.

Andrea - So glad to hear that I am not the only one who has had fighting kids lately (not that I am glad yours are, but you know – the kinship of it all). The past two nights they have gone out in the backyard and played NICELY together! I felt like if I heard one more of them say something mean or take something or hit someone or… I was going to explode on them. Then I hear God say “Take deep breaths Andrea and walk away til you calm down.” Now, when the kids hear me taking deep breaths, they say “Uh oh Momma is taking deep breaths!”

Tammy Miller - Hi Meg,
I have just started reading your blog recently. I just want to let you know how much you have touched my heart, and my life. You are so honest, open, vulnerable. I am so encouraged by you, your heart for the Lord is amazing. I am so happy to find a woman who is not trying to show the world that she has the perfect family with no problems and all the answers. We are all a mess!!! Thats why we so desperately need Jesus!!! Just want you to know I look forward to reading your blog everyday. We have lots in common. I love being a wife,a mom, crafting and good recipes. God has given you a special gift and you have used it wisely. I struggle everyday to be a good mom, and my kids fight A LOT!!! Be encouraged today because you are loved!!!!

nancy - i hear ya. i think all mothers do. you’ve survived it with one older girl, you will with these 2 as well.
my girls fought until this year. now they’re inseparable. best friends by choice. sisters by chance. i don’t know what will happen come august when the oldest moves off to college. i’m sure there will be tears. it makes me a happy mama to know that my girls like and love each other. hang in there.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I know what you mean!
On days when I feel like I’ve failed terribly, I find myself thinking about my wise grandmothers.
Thinking about how they never seemed to lose their patience with us.
Thinking about how they always seemed to stay so calm.
Thinking about how peaceful and safe their homes always felt.
But, looking back, I think that they got there by years and years of trial by fire.
That’s where we are now!
You’ll get there!
I’ll get there!
And one day, even our kids will get there!
Just keep doing what you’re doing…

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our third year of the junk sculptures.
here are links to previous projects….

2009……..2008……….…..we were inspired by ms. kristin's junk scultures.

i just start saving little things i find on the floor or in the car or on the sidewalk.
i save corks from wine bottles, bottle caps, mentos gum containers and throw them all in a box.
and finally when we have a free day and i can handle a giant messy craft…..

we build.


they just started.
everyone had their own glue gun.
i give them no instructions other than "be creative.  do whatever you want"




we decided it looked like Times Square.
then i googled times square so they could get more ideas and so annie could see what it was.



mustache break.



i am aware that it looks like a big pile of trash…..because it is.
but to the creator…..the artist… has shape and meaning.
they see billboards on the sides of sky scrapers…..air conditioners on rooftops…..doors…..tunnels….statues.





it's a fun project.
next year we will definitely be doing personal junk robots.
i think they would enjoy making something of their own…..not having to "share the vision" with their siblings.

i guess i should start saving things again.

currently Times Square is on top of waffle's kennel….a perfect fit.
quite fancy.

all the craft thursday projects are here.



Erin - oh man i love this! so starting this tradition in our family! thanks!

Fran Gospodarek - Megan, I think this is a marvelous idea and helps create creativity! Although I currently don’t have something in mind, I am constantly saving various things so one day I can create something different. I like to think of it as recycling, too.

kristine - it totally looks like time square. you could take great photos of it and frame it. i love that you do this craft. and so fun for annie to get to hot glue!!

Jill - Oh, and I just read the comment from one of your readers suggesting that you spray paint the whole thing one color. I like that idea too!!
So inspired…can’t wait for “Camp”

Jill - Oh, I am so excited to see this project!! Every year, we have our grand-kids come to “camp” and this will be a great project for the oldest. I was a little worried about the glue guns, but it seems as though your kids are handling them just fine!!! And…I have PLENTY of junk!!!
Thanks for the inspiration!!

Anna - The Duerksens rock!
Spray paint the whole thing with primer and then a solid color. Then you will really be able to see the shape. If you do, I wanna see it. Can I please come over for craft day? I will be really good and not burn myself or spill anything…promise.

deb meyers - These remind me of the “LookAlike” books and puzzles. Have you ever seen? Love.
so fun, Meg
deb meyers

wendy, NJ - This is so why I LOVE your blog! You are the best mommy ever…What do you do with it though when the novelty wears off?

nicole @ deliajude - what do you do with this project later…like 6 months form now or even next week? Just curious.

Katie - I love that they worked together.

chasity - hurray for trash art…a favorite around here too!
love their creativity!!!!

Beth - You are such a cool mom! I love that you just let them go at it — that is the best thing to let anyone do! Just have fun and create. I had so much fun with kindergartners recently, giving them each a plate with 6 colors of paint on it — they could paint however they wanted and mix the colors! They were in heaven, seriously!! They loved it. And on another note, Sean’s moustache reminded me of a little tidbit of information I (re)learned today while teaching about facial proportion — that little indentation under your nose and above your lip? It’s called the philtrum. You needed to know that, right?

Talysa - Such a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing!

april's craft nest - super fun!!! one day when my son is old enough we’d love to try this! i have junk!

Vera - Awesome! I started collecting junk when y’all did this last year… but someone kept throwing my junk away!!

Michele Renee - Turn in that Box Top!
My kids would love this–but Hubs would have a nervous breakdown.

sandy toe - That is super fun…you would be a perfect home schooler
sandy toe

BELLE PHELPS - I love the crafts you do. My favorite were the bird houses. Tell Talby I say hi!

kristin - love it. and YOU will love that we are about to make a RAINBOW JUNK sculpture.
: )

Diana - They’re learning and having loads of fun no matter what they’re doing with these things… and that’s what counts. Think I’ll go build my own Times Square out of junk. =)

crystalbeutler - Super fun idea! My kids would have loved this! You genius you. 😛

Ali @ HuYoung Heaven - I love how you encourage their creativity! That’s something I really hope to foster in my daughter….when she’s just a tad older than 5 months. Is 5 months too young too start building junk sculptures?

Hannah - Hello Meg, I have only just discovered your blog – through your guest post on Marta Writes. I am captivated! Your creativity is so very inspiring, as is your love for Jesus : )
I love the colour, passion and photography that you have put into your blog – thankyou for sharing your gifts and skills with the world. I will most definitely be stopping by again!

Erin Leigh - This is so fun Meg. Can I be your kids for a day?!?!?

se7en - Oh I have been reading and loving your blog so long that I knew what this post was before I opened it!!! Totally love the art work!!! Why have I never thought of giving my kids a glue gun to play with … like hello!!! They would love it!!!

Lindsay - I LOVE that you encourage such creativity with your kids! It will have such a long-lasting impact- when they are working on projects much later in life, they will have the ability to draw on their imagination and see things in new ways- such a gift you are giving them!

Janene - Such a fun mom!! saving all that junk would drive me bonkers: )

Stefanie Arnold - alright, show of hands… who says she wins MOM OF THE YEAR award for this one? My kids would adore you. Which means I need to let them do this one soon 🙂
Loved these pictures. The concentration on your girl’s faces was priceless.

Lauren - My kids would love this. I wonder if I could get them to use up all those worthless McDonald’s toys they have, maybe create some kind of scene with them…

Marcella - Great that you did this with your children- I dream of doing trash art too and then worry that I’d be at a loss of where to display it…
BTW,to the commenter on glue guns in kiddos’ hands, there are low temp glue guns available, if the heat issue worries you.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You’re a fun mommy!

Anne @ Baking Me - What a fun idea! I love the Times Square creation, it is so cool 🙂

Courtney Walsh - I was just going to ask the same question Shauna asked. I do all kinds of projects with my kids and then am at a loss for what to do with them!!!

Shauna - What happens to the Junk Sculptures after theyve been created?

danielle - so fun! you are supa mama.

mel @ the larson lingo - this is so fun! you have the best ideas! my oldest would love this….she is a hoarder 🙂

hannah - wonderful idea, looks like y’all had great fun!
thanks for sharing!
love your blog!! xo

Ali - SO SO awesome!!! I definitely want to start doing this with my kids 😉

Jill - So it’s a post on a craft project and I’m going a little deep here but you said this about it:
i am aware that it looks like a big pile of trash…..because it is.
but to the creator…..the artist… has shape and meaning.
It just struck me. We often feel like/’look like/act like a big pile of trash but to our Creator we have shape and meaning. A good thing to remember. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - This is one of the reasons I love your blog so much Meg. My parents never did stuff like this with me so, sadly, I have to learn how to entertain my kids, let them be creative,etc… It just doesnt come naturally to me to let them do stuff like this. And they LOVE to be creative! Thanks for sharing:)

elissa - ok, this is a super cool idea and a fun way to use all the little broken and leftover bits from toys and games… however, what on earth do you DO with it after it’s done and everyone is done looking at it and taking pictures? do you just chuck it then?

Penny - I truly believe that fostering the imagiantion and curiosity of a child is the best gift you can give them, besides our love of course! You are doing an awesome job of this. And I am glad Waffle gets to guard “Times Square”.

candace - LOVE it…..i think this may be what originally drew me to your blog. well, and the shaving cream. and the peonies. and your kitchen.
it is incredible you are teaching them to see the beauty in what they create.

Jen Brandt - I do believe you’re up for Mother of the Year. Very cool, creative project! And! What happy childhood memories.

Shauna - One year when I was in high school I found an old vase and glued a bunch of “junk” to it (including my old retainer! Ha!), spray painted it gold and gave it to my mom for her birthday. It was fun to make and she loved it. Or at least she said she did! 🙂

Staci - You’re so awesome 🙂 I am sooo not as fun as you 🙁 My kids would be burning themselves with the hotglue gun and then I’d want to throw it away about a day later ;( I soooo need to lighten up 🙂

happygirl - By the look on the artists’ faces, this looks like SERIOUS art. Thank goodness for the mustache break. I love that you have ideas to engage your children’s hands and minds. It a credit to your mothering skills. Fun, fun and more fun.

Kiki Craig - What do you do with the sculptures after a week or two? Toss them?

karen - This is so fun!
Talby always looks so concentrated when she is crafting. Very sweet.

Jen - I am very impressed. You are such a good mom. Just the thought of saving all that junk for a year gives me HIVES!! And then the thought of glue guns in the hands of my sweet offspring gives me hives on top of those hives!

Katie - What a fun way to get them to create! I love it!

Valentina - This is soo cool! Remind me the Heidelberg Project.

Amy - I am dying to know where your blue sofa came from. I have had a sofa like that in my mind but haven’t actually seen one for sale. Help!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi!
Love the junk building : ) It reminds me of that game…Rabbids go home or something or other!
Gemma x

ashley jensen - HA, the telephone!! Looks like you have a bubble boy there too! I love it.

deborah@applesinwonderland - my youngest is saving all rolls–toilet paper, paper towel and wrapping. he has big plans. it will be spectacular. he assures me. i believe. what’s not to believe? have to say you have some impressive junk. and mustaches are all the rage–what a BEAST!!!!! 🙂

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