um…thank you for buying (pretty much) everything in my shop.
you ladies are UNBELIEVABLE.
i love you.
i'm sorry for you that there were only so many of each thing and it went so fast.
i'm sorry that it gets crazy.
but it's fun too isn't it? like black friday without the uncomfortable eye contact.
there are two matching quilty striped pillows left….and some prints.
i restocked the prints a bunch of times yesterday.
the two pillows are really cute….i was surprised they were left.
i think they are perfect for a boys room….blues, greens and browns.
so again….THANK YOU.
it was really fun to watch it all disappear!
now i will ship and ship and ship.
PLEASE go and double check that you paid and you completed your payment.
it's a bummer for me to have to track you down later.
now….here is my REAL post.
my friends kerry & dan have 5 kids of their own and they run a dairy farm.
i went to visit this farm in january and it was… eye opener.
i have seen pigs and horses but never a cow close up.
not like this.
and i was not prepared.
i thought we were going out there for dinner.
i had no idea we'd go into the barn to touch the cows and be all up in their space.
i was wearing cloth leopard shoes.
i think it's safe to say i may have been the dorkiest person they have had out at the farm yet.
i tried to walk into the barn a bit and see the baby cow but i was so squeemish that i chickened out.
i blame the shoes.
but it was fascinating.
i said "i will be back…with my camera…..and my cowgirl boots….this MUST be on the blog!"
so when my city friend chicago Jen brought her family to town i knew it was the perfect time!
while our men golfed in the ridiculous kansas wind…..we went to the farm with the kids.
kerry had warm cinnamon rolls in the kitchen, coffee for jen and i and fresh milk for the kids.
it was an all american scene.
my kids were loving every second!
scotty was loving on baby kyler…..melts my heart!
kyler is so darn cute!
i got to be at her birth…a home birth….it was so cool.
annie loves to watch kyler's every move.
i like to cuddle her when she is sleeping. :)
after our coffee we put on our boots and braved the barn.
poor jenny….we don't have the same size feet so she couldn't wear my extra boots.
i gave her some of our snow boots.
when we got out to the farm we realized they were both right feet!
she did just fine in her two right boots. HA!
it was very funny.
i wasn't nervous….but i was being…..cautious.
i am such a baby.

everyone peeked into the milk tank.
it was ALOT of milk.
no fear from the kids though….kisses for cows? well of course!

we got to bottle feed a one week old calf.
seriously….i could have picked her up and taken her home.
if only they stayed that size.
except for all the snot…..that was a little gross.
oh how i love this kid.
he is just enough to make me crazy but when he is having a good day it's a great day for all of us.
and THIS was a great day.
i was so happy he was with us.
(excuse me but when did my boys think it was acceptable to grow up and be as tall as me??)
aren't we a fabulous farm group?
we fit right in.
don't look out of place one bit.
dairy cows are HUGE.
i couldn't get over how big they were……GiNORMOUS.
our gracious hosts.
seriously…..dan & kerry you were so good to us.
you spoiled us.
thank you thank you thank you.
sorry i was spazzy to the kids about the rules before we went in the barn.
i just wanted them to be good.
i am sure it was the joke of the day for you. :)
i live to entertain.
and just when the kids thought it couldn't get any better……TRACTOR RIDES!!!
it just went up and down but it was better than an amusement park for sure.
i love when my kansas friends get to meet my jenny!!
(kerry…..doesn't jen have the best laugh ever?!)
kerry's 10 year old son built this tree house.
by himself.
he is 100 times cooler than ty pennington in my opinion.
see how cool it is to live in kansas!?
the farm rocked.
i loved it.
jen loved it.
the kids loved it.
there is no one nicer in the world than my friend kerry.
she calls me Megs.
when i tell annie we are going to see her she says "which kerry?"
i answer "annie poo-pie kerry" because that is annie's nickname from Kerry.
and annie gets so excited!
kerry has a blog!
i want you all to mozy on over and give her some love right now!
those are farm words for "get going"
Julie K - Megan, I love your eyes and your smile. Your self portraits are always so cute!! 🙂
Maggie Nunez - Love the earrings, they are super cute! Also love your bathroom and that it is “real” and not at all perfect…mine usually is sporting all the hair products and beauty supplies…cause I needs lots.
caterina - Yippe…Can’t wait for my pillow to arrive!!!
The earings are super cute.
(By the way,your eyes are truly amazing!)
karen - beautiful eyes! go black!! I tell you it will be stunning! - Loving those earrings!
Natasha - ~That is on seriously full bathtub!!
~If you don’t get ’em out soon you might just get stinky!LOL
sarah - gorgeous, delicate, classy earrings. love love love.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - I found those exact earrings through you and then I bought them for my BFFs b-day. Exact. Same. Ones. You are twins!
Kelley - love the earrings. but on another note- LOVE the bathroom- do you have more pictures of it? we are currently building a new master suite and I really want tiles like those- did you install them? do you know the brands? or the color of the grout? Thanks!!
Heather - Meg! You look beautiful! Great picture of you. 🙂
Danielle - Those earrings are GORGEOUS!!! And so are you:)
Maureen - What’s up with the cute sweater that you are wearing in the picture…looks adorable too!
Kimberly Dial - Lovely lady! Love the earrings too (but I could barely see them in your self-portrait 🙂
julia - That’s a great self portrait!
I can’t believe one of your kids hasn’t decided to take a dive in your tub!
Jennifer - That picture is hilarious! Love it!
Lisa - Your haircut is making me want to cut mine! 🙂
Nancy - THose earrings are simply lovely. The color combo is so me. I think. I might have to do a little shopping today from home since we have a house full of sicko’s. That might brighten my day!
Ana - Curious to find out about the material you’re using to mail the pillows? Is that fabric or a plastic mailer of some sort? Thank you!
Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love the colours of the earrings! Lovely : )
Your bathroom looks so luxurious!
Gemma x
Maria - You are just so Cute!
ashley jensen - I would totally dive into that tub of pillows. Looks comfy!
Tam - You are so pretty! Love the new earrings. your bathtub cracks me up, I’m sure the post office people love you! 😉
Jacci - Seriously – you look 25 with your hair that color. Okay, not 25? Well, how about… even younger than you actually are! 🙂 I love it your natural color.
Jemm - No clue you had another blog. I’ll have to check it out. LOVE those earrings! And your bathroom-it is perfect!
Tami Veer - you looked super cute @ AWANA last night when I saw you!
Sarah @ this farm familys life - LOVE those earrings! Have a fabulous day!
Sugar Mama - How cute when I clicked on your page and the first thing I saw was your smiling face! Adorable!
And I’m so sad that one of the pillows in that tub is not for me! whaaaaaaa (that’s me crying). ;o)
deborah@applesinwonderland - those earring are gorgeous….and so very you!!!! i predicted this onslaught of packing and sending parcels. couldn’t you arrange all those pillows on your bed? i still think that would be funny. i’m a nerd. whatev. heading over to your other blog now. 🙂
asnipofgoodness - Cute earrings, cute lady, cute hair, beautiful eyes, really funny bathtub! I second the house pictures, love your style, L O V E it!
Jodi - the earring are CUTE!
Hannah - that is THE FUNNIEST picture! love it! i got online to shop 5 hours after you opened and everything was GONE!!! how awesome is that? (for you…not for me!) ha! congrats on your sales….that is super super cool! 🙂
happygirl - Are you losing weight? Love the earrings and Love your shipping room. Work work work. Enjoy.
Jes - wow somehow with all those pillows in it, your tub still looks inviting!! 🙂
Trish - cute self portrait 🙂
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Those earrings are very pretty. And I love your stuffed tub! Can I request more house photos please? I live in a really old home too and love seeing yours!
Have a great day. Cant wait to get our rainbow hoodie. I know it’ll make my day when it comes:)
Christy - luv luv the earrings!! Loving your hair cut too!
Dang girl that’s a whole lot of pillows..