Masthead header


i have new earrings.
they are there….can you see them?  

thanks crystal!!!  i looked fancy today.  I usually just wear my diamond-elle teeny ones….these are awesome!

my bathroom has been turned into a mail room.


i am sending out every pillow, bunting and clothing first.
the prints will go out soon after.
because i miss my bathtub!


 i'm talking about sports & kids & being a "sports mom" on my other blog today…COME SEE.
(there is a $100 gift card involved….)


Julie K - Megan, I love your eyes and your smile. Your self portraits are always so cute!! 🙂

Maggie Nunez - Love the earrings, they are super cute! Also love your bathroom and that it is “real” and not at all perfect…mine usually is sporting all the hair products and beauty supplies…cause I needs lots.

caterina - Yippe…Can’t wait for my pillow to arrive!!!
The earings are super cute.
(By the way,your eyes are truly amazing!)

karen - beautiful eyes! go black!! I tell you it will be stunning! - Loving those earrings!

Natasha - ~That is on seriously full bathtub!!
~If you don’t get ’em out soon you might just get stinky!LOL

sarah - gorgeous, delicate, classy earrings. love love love.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I found those exact earrings through you and then I bought them for my BFFs b-day. Exact. Same. Ones. You are twins!

Kelley - love the earrings. but on another note- LOVE the bathroom- do you have more pictures of it? we are currently building a new master suite and I really want tiles like those- did you install them? do you know the brands? or the color of the grout? Thanks!!

Heather - Meg! You look beautiful! Great picture of you. 🙂

Danielle - Those earrings are GORGEOUS!!! And so are you:)

Maureen - What’s up with the cute sweater that you are wearing in the picture…looks adorable too!

Kimberly Dial - Lovely lady! Love the earrings too (but I could barely see them in your self-portrait 🙂

julia - That’s a great self portrait!
I can’t believe one of your kids hasn’t decided to take a dive in your tub!

Jennifer - That picture is hilarious! Love it!

Lisa - Your haircut is making me want to cut mine! 🙂

Nancy - THose earrings are simply lovely. The color combo is so me. I think. I might have to do a little shopping today from home since we have a house full of sicko’s. That might brighten my day!

Ana - Curious to find out about the material you’re using to mail the pillows? Is that fabric or a plastic mailer of some sort? Thank you!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love the colours of the earrings! Lovely : )
Your bathroom looks so luxurious!
Gemma x

Maria - You are just so Cute!

ashley jensen - I would totally dive into that tub of pillows. Looks comfy!

Tam - You are so pretty! Love the new earrings. your bathtub cracks me up, I’m sure the post office people love you! 😉

Jacci - Seriously – you look 25 with your hair that color. Okay, not 25? Well, how about… even younger than you actually are! 🙂 I love it your natural color.

Jemm - No clue you had another blog. I’ll have to check it out. LOVE those earrings! And your bathroom-it is perfect!

Tami Veer - you looked super cute @ AWANA last night when I saw you!

Sugar Mama - How cute when I clicked on your page and the first thing I saw was your smiling face! Adorable!
And I’m so sad that one of the pillows in that tub is not for me! whaaaaaaa (that’s me crying). ;o)

deborah@applesinwonderland - those earring are gorgeous….and so very you!!!! i predicted this onslaught of packing and sending parcels. couldn’t you arrange all those pillows on your bed? i still think that would be funny. i’m a nerd. whatev. heading over to your other blog now. 🙂

asnipofgoodness - Cute earrings, cute lady, cute hair, beautiful eyes, really funny bathtub! I second the house pictures, love your style, L O V E it!

Jodi - the earring are CUTE!

Hannah - that is THE FUNNIEST picture! love it! i got online to shop 5 hours after you opened and everything was GONE!!! how awesome is that? (for you…not for me!) ha! congrats on your sales….that is super super cool! 🙂

happygirl - Are you losing weight? Love the earrings and Love your shipping room. Work work work. Enjoy.

Jes - wow somehow with all those pillows in it, your tub still looks inviting!! 🙂

Trish - cute self portrait 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Those earrings are very pretty. And I love your stuffed tub! Can I request more house photos please? I live in a really old home too and love seeing yours!
Have a great day. Cant wait to get our rainbow hoodie. I know it’ll make my day when it comes:)

Christy - luv luv the earrings!! Loving your hair cut too!
Dang girl that’s a whole lot of pillows..

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spring break 11… 2

going to the zoo and mini golf was the choice for fun on monday
with a Sonic treat in between.

why can kids run and run and jump on a trampoline or play a a soccer game 
but when you ask them to walk around at the zoo they act like you are torturing them?
"i'm soooo tired"

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talby brought bunches of quarters to be able to feed the animals.
i never have change.
she is smart to have brought it along.
annie was nervous….recalling being nibbled on last time.

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jake got a few pictures of every single animal in the zoo.
dave joked that since lauren was asleep when we left for the zoo she could just sit down with jake 
and he could give her a slide show of all the fun she missed.


annie didn't remember having ever been to the mini golf course.
she has….but she was a little(r).

(oh my goodness it is so much fun to go back and look at those old pictures!!!!)


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every one really had a good time.


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there were also go-karts rides.
talby got her own because she was finally tall enough!
she was so excited.  
she said "you were right….it IS good to be tall!"

the weather cooperated so well….so warm!

dave is good at organizing games.
we played our first all family basketball game.
even me.
what a riot.

i miss them.



WINNER OF the GiRLs WorLd book???

How cute! I love it! 🙂

Posted by: Erica Y | March 26, 2011 at 09:57 PM

Erica Y sent me your information!  :)

Amnah - Yay for spring break!

karen - flip flops!

Jemm - Hey, I’ve got to say a big thank you to you for adding a link to my blog on your sidebar. I’ve had tons of visits today from that link. Thank you!!

Short, Sweet Season - A random comment: I love the pictures of Annie’s outfits on your blog! Color and sparkle…so precious!

Erica Y - what? I won the book? How do I get my info to you??? HOW COOL!!!

Tanya - can’t believe it’s flip flop weather there…boohoohoo

taralee - thanks for sharing!
have you seen this rainbow garden??
basically everything rainbow makes me think of you — “rainbow meg”!

Anne @ Baking Me - What a fun spring break, lots of activities. I can’t even remember the last time I went miniature golfing, looks like a blast 🙂

steph - diggin’ that last pic with the toews #19 tshirt.
jonathan is from my hometown… and he’s also our friend’s cousin.
go blackhawks!!! 😉
glad you had a ton of fun.
and yeah, what’s with the zoo? “i’m TIIIIIIRED!!!”
why does it do that every time?!

danielle - since when did you start calling me erica?

Tanya H - I love that you said Annie was little(r). My daughter is her age and is constantly telling me about “when she was a little girl”. what the heck is she today?! LOL!

Leah - Wow, I’m impressed you did the zoo AND mini-golf in one day. In my house it’s one activity like that per day. Maybe when my daughter gets a little older she can do it. Not sure about me though.

Marla Rae - SO, I can’t believe you have never watched American Idol!! Watch tonight in hopes of seeing Joy and you will be hooked…hook line and sinker. LOVE.IT. This is the best year ever so now is a good time to start watching. I Love your blog and Joy’s too. I am a Grandma from North Dakota – your lives are so exciting!!

happygirl - Too cold here for the attire I see in the pics. Kansas is looking better every day. LOVE mini golf. Thanks for not having the Sonic pics. I’m on a 3 day fruit “feast” and I’m HUNGRY all the time.

deborah@applesinwonderland - flip flops and shorts? c’mon. you’re torturing me. who knew the animals at the petting farm ate change? 😉 too fun!!!!

Sarah@this farm family's life - love all the pix!

Kristi - I am so jealous that you are wearing flip flops. still tons of snow up here.
you are the best mom!

Jenny Joy - What fun!!! The zoo AND mini golf? Awesome sauce!!!

Heather - Flip flops? I don’t know that I can call you my favourite blogger anymore. 😛

pam - Flip flops…warmth…we’re still having snow and we’re really not that much further north than you. Embrace the warmth for the rest of us.

Amy - I think I saw one of your kiddos outside lastnight playing basketball! No, I don’t stalk you. ; )
I have to drive past to pick my son up from his after school group that is a few blocks away.


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spring break 11

um…thank you for buying (pretty much) everything in my shop.
you ladies are UNBELIEVABLE.
i love you.
i'm sorry for you that there were only so many of each thing and it went so fast.
i'm sorry that it gets crazy.
but it's fun too isn't it?  like black friday without the uncomfortable eye contact.

there are two matching quilty striped pillows left….and some prints.
i restocked the prints a bunch of times yesterday.
the two pillows are really cute….i was surprised they were left.
i think they are perfect for a boys room….blues, greens and browns.

so again….THANK YOU.
it was really fun to watch it all disappear!

now i will ship and ship and ship.

PLEASE go and double check that you paid and you completed your payment.
it's a bummer for me to have to track you down later.

now….here is my REAL post. 


my friends kerry & dan have 5 kids of their own and they run a dairy farm.

i went to visit this farm in january and it was… eye opener.

i have seen pigs and horses but never a cow close up.
not like this.
and i was not prepared.
i thought we were going out there for dinner.
i had no idea we'd go into the barn to touch the cows and be all up in their space.
i was wearing cloth leopard shoes.
i think it's safe to say i may have been the dorkiest person they have had out at the farm yet.
i tried to walk into the barn a bit and see the baby cow but i was so squeemish that i chickened out.

i blame the shoes.

but it was fascinating.
i said "i will be back…with my camera…..and my cowgirl boots….this MUST be on the blog!"

so when my city friend chicago Jen brought her family to town i knew it was the perfect time!

while our men golfed in the ridiculous kansas wind…..we went to the farm with the kids.


kerry had warm cinnamon rolls in the kitchen, coffee for jen and i and fresh milk for the kids.
it was an all american scene.
my kids were loving every second!


scotty was loving on baby kyler…..melts my heart!
kyler is so darn cute!  
i got to be at her birth…a home birth….it was so cool. 
annie loves to watch kyler's every move.
i like to cuddle her when she is sleeping.  :)

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after our coffee we put on our boots and braved the barn.
poor jenny….we don't have the same size feet so she couldn't wear my extra boots.
i gave her some of our snow boots.
when we got out to the farm we realized they were both right feet!
she did just fine in her two right boots.  HA!
it was very funny.

i wasn't nervous….but i was being…..cautious.
i am such a baby.

everyone peeked into the milk tank.
it was ALOT of milk.


no fear from the kids though….kisses for cows?  well of course!


we got to bottle feed a one week old calf.
seriously….i could have picked her up and taken her home.
if only they stayed that size.
except for all the snot…..that was a little gross.

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oh how i love this kid.
he is just enough to make me crazy but when he is having a good day it's a great day for all of us.
and THIS was a great day.
i was so happy he was with us.

(excuse me but when did my boys think it was acceptable to grow up and be as tall as me??)

aren't we a fabulous farm group?
we fit right in.
don't look out of place one bit.

dairy cows are HUGE.
i couldn't get over how big they were……GiNORMOUS.


our gracious hosts.
seriously…..dan & kerry you were so good to us.
you spoiled us.
thank you thank you thank you.
sorry i was spazzy to the kids about the rules before we went in the barn.
i just wanted them to be good.
i am sure it was the joke of the day for you.  :)
i live to entertain. 

and just when the kids thought it couldn't get any better……TRACTOR RIDES!!!
it just went up and down but it was better than an amusement park for sure.

i love when my kansas friends get to meet my jenny!!

(kerry…..doesn't jen have the best laugh ever?!)

kerry's 10 year old son built this tree house.
by himself.
he is 100 times cooler than ty pennington in my opinion.

see how cool it is to live in kansas!?

the farm rocked.
i loved it.
jen loved it.
the kids loved it.


there is no one nicer in the world than my friend kerry.
she calls me Megs.
when i tell annie we are going to see her she says "which kerry?"
i answer "annie poo-pie kerry" because that is annie's nickname from Kerry.
and annie gets so excited!

kerry has a blog!
i want you all to mozy on over and give her some love right now!

those are farm words for "get going"


Mrinal - Hi Tamara,Both Mike and I are well impressed with the couarge you showed by bringing your story into the open. The main theme in your story is your strong will and it shows your journey through life by applying that strong will in different ways. The fact that you have definitely found the way to use it in a very positive way currently, plus that you have the couarge to open up, makes you an only STRONGER and MORE inspirational role model as far as we are concerned!Mike and Saskia

Trysha - Whoops…that’s Annie, isn’t it?

Trysha - Love that photo of Talby getting ready to kiss the cow! Adorable!!!

Carol S - Awww, what a great day. Enjoyed all the pics of the day on the farm. Yes, your boys are getting bigger and bigger…it’s sort of cool and sort of scary, isn’t it? They only grow in one direction, and I’m getting ok with that (no option!) Have a happy Sunday.

Jenna Mitchell - the 2 right boots for Jenny made me laugh out loud!!!! And then when you posted the group picture I was drawn to Jenny’s feet…and laughed even harder. 🙂

Jenny B. - So fun! I agree, though… big cows are a little scary up close.

happygirl - I love a dairy farm. I think dairy farmers are the hardest working farmers out there. Do they sell the milk? Do they make ice cream? I love a dairy farm.

EllenVR - I spy an OU shirt! Boomer Sooner!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love. Lu-hu-huv Chicago Jenny’s boots. (Are they snow boots?) I hope so.

Tiffany @ The Domestic Fox - Love love love moo cows – but Jerseys are my favorite! Can you tell I miss our cows?? 🙁

april - ok ok meg…Im totally convinced….kansas IS cool!!!
april from california

Katy - Okay, when I first read that everyone peeked into the milk tank I thought it said that “everyone peed in the milk tank”! I had to reread that one. 🙂 Looks like fun!

Amy - ..I guess I should have said does she live close to the town we both live in. I re-read that and it sounded kind of confusing. : )

Amy - Does your friend Kerry live close to the same town as we do Megan? I am trying to meet other local mom’s who have home birthed and would love to talk to her if she is willing.

Kelly - You Kansas people are all so fun! I am about to move to CO. Why do Kansas and CO have to be so big?! It would be so fun if we were only an hour or two away and could all play together! Kelly

tiffany - can kerry come to craft day? i wanna nickname too. sweet post.

Tracy Fisher - That was so awesome. I love the simple life…for a day or two every now and then. And I loved the snow boots!

Jenna - Kansas is the best! I recently moved away after living there all my life, but I remain very proud to be from there 🙂 Looks like fun times at the farm!

Jennifer - What a fun post! I can appreciate the cows. I grew up in the country in a small town in northeast texas. We lived on 28 acres and my granddad kept his cows on our land. It was great for my dad because he never had to worry about mowing the pasture…the cows kept it looking all nice with all their grazing. We had an electric fence to keep them in, but it never failed, one or two would always escape every once in a while. It usually happened when my dad was at work and so mom had to deal with it. I can remember how she (a born and bred big city girl who moved to the country because of my dad)…she would park our big ‘ole 80’s van at the end of the driveway to block the cows from escaping down the oil road and honk the horn to keep them in until my granddad could get out there to chase them back in behind that electric fence. Good memories your post drudged up…
Last thought…love your hair, Meg!! It makes me want to cut mine short again. 🙂

hannah - what a fun friendship! i’ve always loved visiting farmer friends, such a treat to taste their beautiful lives! thanks for sharing, love all your photos:)

Erin - what a cool all-american experience! i live overseas and before moving abroad i was a city girl but i am jonesing for the country (hubs grew up on a farm/in a farming family in iowa). yes, it was still fun to try to buy your stuff…better luck next year. 😉

Heather - I had a crazy hectic deadline day yesterday and was so sad that I missed out on all of the fun pillows in the shop, but your pictures today cheered me right up! I think it’s just in my blood to love farms. 🙂 Also, I need to know where you got your boots- they’re cute!!

sarah - work those cowgirl boots, lady! - That is SOOOO COOOL MEG! I’m a city girl. Born and raised in the LA area and I want to move to Kansas! I just might be your neighbor one day 🙂

kristine - scott holding kyler is one of my faves so far from 2011. he looks so proud and his smile is CHAR-MING!
that tractor ride is AWESOME and the tree house!??!?! holy cow! he could grow up and have his own show like ty! 🙂
so bummed to miss out on a hoodie yesterday. by the time i’d click to see what size the listing was and have to click back, they’d be gone. i’m SO proud of you. what did craig say!?

pam - I think that’s one of the cleanest barn floors I’ve ever seen. Always good to expose ourselves to different ways of life….it will amaze us what people do to provide that daily glass of milk or that slice of bread. I miss the wheat fields of Kansas….they are so gorgeous in the summer.

Vonda - The cows made me smile! We had a dairy farm for 10 years. Lots of work! I used to be in charge of feeding the calves, until the boys got big enough to do it! Then I would go work with my Mom and sister at our flower shop. That smelled a lot better!:) We live in a town with lots of dairy farms, so we’ll be driving along and my daughter will go “ew, what’s that smell?!” Then I have to remind her that she used to live on a farm! We moved when she was 2 so she doesn’t remember it at all. Dairy farmers are special people-always on call!

virginia - now THAT is country living!
the tractor ride picture is so cool, i like all that it conveys

Jennifer - That tree house is amazing! My boys wouldn’t even know where to begin doing something like that. Very cool!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Wow what an amazing experience…those cows are HUGE!
Gemma x

Lori Danelle - I LOVE Kerry!! (Although, it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen her, I’m not sure she’d remember be any more!) Excited to start reading her blog. I watched Footloose for the very first time at her house while hanging out with her sister Jenny & friend Kristy as they got ready for Berean’s Jr./Sr. Banquet WAY back in high school. (Fitting, eh?) Needless to say, we had a bit of fun!
And I love being from KS. DEFINITELY NOT a country girl, but I do love the country. I got to experience the best of both—not that Wichita was exactly a booming city when I was growing up, but I suppose it sort of counts. 🙂 One weekend we’d be running around Wichita doing whatever crazy teenagers do, and the next we’d be roasting marshmallows over a fire in the middle of a field and playing hide-and-go-seek amongst the hay bales.
LOVE it.

Jennie brewer - I’m sitting at the salon under the dryer that magically makes me a blonde. I just laughed out loud at your comment about wearing cloth leopard shoes. People are staring, but I’m just gonna keep on enjoying my day with no kids, my starbucks, a new haircut, and your hilariousness. Thanks Meg!

Amy T-Y - Yes, it is AWESOME to live in Kansas! I’ve lived here all my life, both in Kansas City & in a small town called Basehor (about 30 min. east of Lawrence). My dad has 60 acres, a barn, cows, 4-wheelers. The whole she-bang. (Did I just say she-bang??). And he lives on a gravel road with rusty, dusty pick-up trucks. The midwest is awesome. Did you let the cows lick you? They have seriously thick & scratchy tongues! And if you ever get a chance, you should definitely take your kids to Shatto milk farm (an hour outside KC) where they produce the hugely popular organic milk (you even get to sample the root beer, orangesicle & coffee flavors!). Also visit Deanna Rose Farmstead (in S Overland Park), it’s free even! Ya know, just come up for Worlds of Fun & make a weekend (or week!) of it. & feel free to take my family’s pics while you’re in town . . . just sayin.’

Andrea - We had milk goats when I was growing up. When I went to Ohio State Univ., I worked at their dairy farm. It took me awhile to get used to how BIG the cows are! But milk cows are pretty complacent – until they come into heat! The OSU dairy had Jersey cows too. They were the best! More personality and beautiful big brown eyes. I had to start work at 4:30 am…but got to watch the sun rise over downtown Columbus. (Also, could fit in the classes I needed but that is besides the point.)

Sandy - I hope Talby hasn’t taken over the starring role in let’s find the teenager. Looks like great fun! Your family is so blessed!

Christy - Love these pix, looks like you guys had a good time. I love how fierce Annie looks in the group shot…lol

karen - wow..look at the size of the cows head compared to yours!!
That looked like so much fun! My 3 year old son would have loved that tractor ride…now that’s a tractor ride!!

Samantha - I loved this post! I am from a small town and my uncle was a diary farmer! It’s awesome your kids get to experience that when so many don’t anymore!

Jodi - You.are.brave.
I grew up with cows all around me and never have I ever petted one (unless they were in the stall about to get their meds and they couldn’t go anywhere)… I was always too nervous around them…
then again, my granddaddy raised his for meat… not milk… so maybe milk cows are happier??
looks like a wonderful day was had by all!

steph - ha! i’m diggin’ chicago jen’s boots in that group pic!
LOL! that is awesome!
and i love the pic of the kids on the tractor.
so fun and cool!
FWIW, i would have been kinda nervous around the cows too.
i’m pretty freaked of larger animals.
scared they’d bite my finger off or something. ewww!
glad you guys had a great time!
are you convincing jen to move to kansas yet?!?!?!? 😉

Heather - Very cool! We went to friend’s dad’s farm where he still HAND MILKS one of his cows twice a day! My girls got to milk the cow! My 6 yo can seriously squeeze some udders! Did you try any FRESH milk? It’s hot. Like steamin’ hot. Would’ve been OK with some Hershey’s, without – not so much! Livin’ in Kansas can totally rock, when you know some cows, that is. 🙂 Looks like you showed Chicago Jen a boot scootin’ good time!

shelly - I remember my Dad doing the same thing with me and a loader when we lived on the farm! Oh, the memories!!! There’s nothing better than those huge calf eyes and the smell of milk replacer (yes, even with the slime!). 🙂

Heather R. - Cool farm! I love the fact she had the milkman’s kids…ha! The cows are huge. And I love the tree house. 🙂

crystal - if you think dairy cows here are huge…you should see them in holland. they were like giants there and SO beautiful! 🙂

Jemm - Cows ARE huge. When we moved out to the ranch it was amazing to me how big they are. Huge and gentle, it’s amazing. Glad you and the kids were able to experience that. I think that’s really important for kids to see were our food comes from. What great friends you’ve got!

julia - Things I would have wanted to ask…is this skim milk?…is it pasturized?…..where are the cows that make chocolate milk?
Love the poses of the little girls in the group picture!

Holly - that looks like a lot of fun for sure!

Sarah@this farm family's life - Yum! farm fresh milk…that’s all we drink here. glad you had a good time experiencing the farm life!

Kimberly Dial - Tractor rides … how fun was that? Looked like lots to me! Thanks for sharing your eclectic adventures ‘Megs’ — I love it! Have a great day!

Kimberly Dial - Tractor rides … how fun was that? Looked like lots to me! Thanks for sharing your eclectic adventures ‘Megs’ — I love it! Have a great day!

georgia - Awwww i love cows!!! there so cute!
(you google ‘Dexter’ cows that breed is SO cute!!)
Love the farm photo’s! but where is talby??

se7en - Thanks for the morning chuckle!!! I especially love the photo of you all fitting in so well!!! And Annie kissing the cow is just the best!!!

fm - Meg that looks so fun!! Your kids are real lucky to have you 🙂
But… where’s talbyyyy?? hehehe sorry Talby for being stalkerish!!

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shop opens at noon!!

(central time)


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Monoverse Yellowverse  



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i am so happy to have it all done and ready!!


be there.


Yesica - Mze apne phn pr ivr sewa active krnawi hai…aur yhe jan na hai ki isme daily bapu ji ka live satsang sun skte hai kya.. Monthly rent kitna hai Plz tell me

Suzette - Great Beach and great Virgin Daquiri’s . you see, lil miss can’t handle her coiacktls uhhh that would be me :0) had a little to much fun on the first night of our adventure, so withheld beach drinking on our first stop .no worries there’s always next year! Team Cocktail ROCKS!

Kristin M - So sad to have missed your opening! Ended up in the hospital with my little boy for 9 days. I need one of those rainbow shirts though so I guess I am going to have to try to make one myself. Great job on the selling out so fast!

Linda - i’m bummed I go on vacation for 10 days and come back to the shop being open and sold out. Happy you did so well!

Chantelle - i missed all the pillows? boo.

Stephanie - BooHoo…I missed it again! I am so sad. It seems like I always miss your shop opening with all the beautiful goodies for some crazy reason!!! I absolutely LOVE your pillows. Can you tell me where your favorite place to order fabric is from.

TINA SHUPE - hi I missed your opening as well Bummer!
I am wondering… is this a sign you made to sell in the shope?
about the child not being accident???
I VERY MUCH NEED THIS SIGN! my 20 old daughter said these words to me not but a FEW DAYS AGO..

Jen - I’m like Michelle, missed out due to time difference here but so happy you sold so well, Meg! Way to go!!

Lisa - well, apparently I missed it 🙁 I was at work, I really wanted to check out those hoodies…will you have anything more to sell? Can you tell me how much they were? Sad for me, but happy for you :0)

EllenVR - Wowza!! Way to go on selling out! I had no idea I needed to be on right at 12! I couldn’t have been anyway, oh well!

AshleyAnn - Store nearly empty. You are a ROCKSTAR.

Kristin S - My day got away from me and I totally forgot to check in on etsy. Now everything I was eyeing is gone. Good for you! Sad for those of us who missed out.

crystal beutler - I just stopped by to say good luck!!! But I’m guessing that when I leave this comment and visit your shop, there will be nothing left. 🙂 And if that’s the case . . . WAY TO GO!!!
But, I’m hoping you have some banners left because I need one. 🙂

danielle - holy cowza. i did not get there in time! …but, there is always next time. and there will be a sweet little wreath sent your way tomorrow 😉

julie - man, it’s practically empty now. that’s a good thing for YOU, but i’m a teensy bit disappointed. as a working mom, i couldn’t make the 12:00 opening. add the time difference to the equation and i didn’t have a chance. LOVE the rainbow shirt and the bright pillows… it’s no wonder they all sold out. you are talented and people love your work and YOU. i love that you give the glory to God though. i’ll stop pouting now and call it what it is… awesome!!

Maggie - Wow! I sooooooooooooooo wanted a bunting banner..I was at work and couldn’t log on to shop. So I will resort to begging, PLEASE please pretty please make some more soon. Congrats on the awesome sale!

Patricia - Congrats on such good sales! I was a little late checking in … but I’m happy for everyone who snagged something so quickly!

Michelle from Australia - Did I forget to set the alarm at 3am Australian time? Yes. Did I look at your post now and cry like an utter baby? Yes. And then to make myself feel worse, I went into the etsy store and saw all those lovely rainbow hoodies and t-shirts that sold. I shouldn’t have done that. Why just rub salt into the wound??? I hope all the hoodie buyers treasure their purchases.

Staci - It’s 7:10 pm…I am just seeing your post ;( I am QUITE sure you are sold out…but I’ll go look anyway 😉 YAY YOU!!!!

Marla Rae - I am just curious…how many items did you have in your shop?? I just went now and there are only 8 left!! EIGHT!! WOW!! good for you!!

Rachel - Wildly unfair…! I was at work and couldn’t log on to snap up some of your goodies! 🙂

The BabbyMama - Wow, amazing! And congrats on so many sales! I love all the rainbow gear 🙂

Nicki - BAH! I just peeked (5pm CST) and your shop is nearly empty! 🙁 Please make more pillows! Congrats on such a success.

Valentina - Soo cool! congrats!!!

Erin - Oh what a rush trying to get one of your rainbow hoodies for my little girl! As I was in paypal it was bought by another lucky mama. this means i might have to dust off my sewing machine since the cuteness was spotted by the intended recipient. 😉
kudos to you-your creations are gorgeous. and i love that you love the Creator. makes it that much better! 🙂

amy cornwell - Holy sales, Batman! Congrats on that! Your items are amazing…love the prints, love the pillows, love the hoodies! God has gifted you in amazing ways and is blessing you for sharing that gift! Have fun shipping 🙂

rkokes - Oh my goodness-everything is pretty much gone already! Congratulations! I hope you are considering making more or taking special orders??? PLEASE??? I would love to get two hoodies or shirts and a pillow!

Jill - please make more of those beautiful pillows and hoodies!

shea - Way to go, you! I can’t believe how fast that went. I am bummed that I wasn’t able to get rainbow hoodies (or shirts!) for my girls. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a store empty that quickly. Impressive.

Mindy Harris - Meg,
I had company over and remembered to log on at 12:23 but the buntings were gone.
I would love to order a bunting but no pressure. I know you are busy. Story’s b-day party is May 28th.
I should just get my hiney in gear and learn how to sew…
Love you and your shop…and can’t wait to hear you talk @ BlogSugar.

Sarah - Super bummed! I was going for a turquoise/polka dotted flower pillow. You are fresh out! Happy for you – amazing quantity of amazing stuff! Things must’ve gone like hot cakes. More notice next time, pretty pretty please?!

Cathy - oh man-wanted bunting-so sad—but glad you sold out of all–

Caroline - ughhh, so sad reeeeeeeally wanted a rainbow hoodie for my twins to share…can I order one??? Love all your stuff meg!

ginny - oh so sad. i missed it all!! it’s all so gorgeous! i wanted some pillows for my couch to brighted it up, like the ones you sewed for your couch. hopefully you have more, right, right, right? 🙂

another Meg - all I wanted was some bunting.
sad sad day.

Su@The Intentional Home - ok. . so I totally missed it. . agh!!! I checked at noon my time (not realizing you were central time). . then had to go pick kids up, drop kids off, etc. . got home and there are only like 2 pillows left. . .agh!!!! And it is only 3:28 here (EST). . I am excited for you though. . how fun!!! let us know when next one is. . if there will be one. . I know this must have been sooo much work

Laurie - I got a hoodie for my daughter and am SOOOO excited. She draws me rainbows everyday….and I always see them as a sign from my son Jayce who is now in heaven. Thanks for making my Monday!!!!!!

deborah@applesinwonderland - well done. sooooo….i’m guessing the next few days will involve lots of shipping–it’s like i’m psychic. those rainbow hoodies went like hotcakes or like double rainbow hoodies. whatever, that means:) that avatar of annie in the glasses? ridiculously cute.

Katy - Oh no! I was too late for the rainbow hoodie for my 3 year old! Will you be making more any time soon? (Nothing like being in demand as soon as you open your shop, huh?) 🙂

Jes - WOW! I’m so excited for you on all the hundreds of sales!! Wish I could have been one to snatch up a rainbow hoodie 🙂

jennifer delossantos - Wow! That went fast! Congratulations.

Nicole - WOW!! Almost all sold out ALREADY!! Congrats to you, sad for me; I was hoping for a rainbow hoodie for my daughter. Now I know I’ve got to be MUCH faster next time!

Shelly Primm - i am so bummed that I missed the sale. i was at the doctors office. i love the rainbow jackets.

Irene - Delighted that everything sold so fast! Such a testament to your skill! I didn’t order as I live abroad and don’t have a paypal account – but I did check in and, my, what pretty stuff!

Andrea T - daaaarn it!! I miss
ed it! but on the other hand i am soooo happy for you! i would have been happier if i had some bright md goodness, but happy for you just the same. bummer

Lydia S - My lunch break wasn’t till 1! No yellow pillows left! boo.
But congratulations on all the sales! You’re rocking it!

Lisa B - Boo! I was ready at noon and tried three times to buy one of the simple buntings. I even got all the way to paypal and the complete button, but someone stole it away 🙁 I really need one for my kids’ playroom. I could make one, but you have the most amazing fabrics. (Sob)

amy jupin - you know this is coming right…any custom orders?

crystal - wow, only 12:45 & everything is pretty much sold out!! 🙁
I hope you will make more rainbow shirts & hoodies! I want them really really…….REALLY bad! Congrats on your quick sales!!

Georgia - I was 30 mins late and everythings pretty much gone! 🙁
Couldnt leave my dogs cross legged for much longer ! haha

I hope who ever got the I AM HERE TO SERVE WITH JOY print remembers ME as they serve!!!
too busy this morning..stuck in traffic due to huge accident
jack sent to two doctors for a bad ankle
never ending duties of the mom, right?
so even if I don’t have my print, I certainly am serving! and TRYING to do so with JOY!
some days are more joyful than others!
but still, always blessed
congrats on the shop!
love it all
glad it all went!
now put your feet up and make a margarita
you rock

Jenny - Wow! I got my heart pillow! I was going for a rainbow hoodie and another pillow, but they were gone 🙁 I’m thrilled that my daughter will have a special pillow to put on her bed. She will love it! Thanks Meg!

Ali Richardson - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of those pictures are DREAMY!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - WOW!!!!!!!!!! I was out running errands and set my phone alarm to give me 15 minutes to get home with a few to spare. I was frantically searching through the hoodies to get 2 for my girls in the right sizes. BUt they were SOLD as fast as I could look. Finally snagged the Lg one for my 7 year old…Phew! It wouldve ruined my day if I hadnt gotten anything.
Loved all the color. Now enjoy your big fat paycheck today:)

Sarah - The speed of sales was really & truly amazing!! I hope you’re thrilled!

Andrea - Etsy made me sign in and when I did the stuff in my cart was GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I bought a pillow that matches nothing and my husband can just keep quiet about that because the pillow I dreamed of was gone. Next year. Right? RIGHT?
Good job girl!

Janelle - Can’t believe I was able to nab a rainbow hoodie! Great shop and added a lot of fun to my Monday!

Beth - Shucks!!! I went in an hour earlier cause I did not notice it said central time so I left it opened to refresh and was going to get me one of those bunting…dang it someone walked in the office 5 till and did not leave till 10 after…I was like oh no no no no ….Well if you add anymore anytime soon please let me know.
Good Luck with your shop today…it will sell out quick!

Terrie G - Yikes Girl!! I was there at noon…but before I could check out…stuff in my cart was gone! That was intense! You should have seen me on this end…sooo funny! And DAM was right! LOL!!

Catriona - During the 2 mins I popped upstairs to check on my sick boy, the things I had my eye on in your shop went!!!! How’s about another ‘whatever’ print? Guessing more bunting would be harded to rustle up… Really pleased for you that your wares are flysing off the e-shelves, though! Ker-ching!!

karen - WAHOOO! Thank you for the 18m rainbow tee!! will be perfect for my daughter’s 1st rainbow birthday party!
Wow if that was exciting for me..i wonder how if feels for you!!

edie - my dear sweet friend meg! thank you for love and support. your words cheer me up so much. i rushed into the shop and snagged a ‘whatever’ print. can’t wait to find a spot for it in my new house. you’re absolutely one of my favorite people. i’m so blessed by you and your colorful, inspiring way of life.

Courtney Henson - You are CRAZY popular! So excited I nabbed some stuff! Way to have an etsy shop…no wonder you only stock it a few times a year! I’m giddy with excitement for you!

Cindy - Loved your shop. Beautiful and inspiring! It was funny watching those rainbow hoodies and tees fly right out of there…as soon as I would click on one, it’d be sold and a couple more would disappear at the same time…5 min and they’re gone! How fun for you!!

Janine - whoa. I saw everything appear in your etsy store and now I am watching it disappear! Good for you 🙂

Tonya - i want one of everything… I’ll be there.

Leah - I can’t wait! I even blocked off time on my work calendar for this.

BriBedell - My clicker finger & paypal account are ready!

hannah - hooray!! super excited!

Courtney Henson - So excited! Your stuff is amazing! I’m just opening my own shop now…put my first few things in yesterday. It’s a cottage life on etsy. I have a Philippians 4:8 embroidered piece in the shop. Love that verse…really special to me right now. Would love to get one of your prints. If they all sell really fast is there any way to do a special order from you? Everything you have pictured here is so cheerful and lovely…way to go Meg!

April M - yipee 🙂 tic toc till 12 o’clock!

Jennifer - Yay! Can’t wait!

Beth - Woo hoo!!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yay…excited : )

rachel / - CONGRATS! 🙂 that’s a huge accomplishment!

Jenny B. - I’m so excited! …and worried that it will all be gone before I can even decide what to put in my cart! Ha!

beth eacott - Congrats! To work so hard on something for so long, then see it all come together….you must feel fantastic!

brooke - oh boy!!! I can’t wait to get a little bit of your color into my home!! I want one of those rainbow hoodies in Momma size 🙂

Christy - Yay! So excited. Got my eyes on the rainbow hoodies

Tanya H - OKay, I’m pretty sure you’ve posted that fabulous qoute before but I love it even more today. I HATE when people call their new baby an “accident” or an “oops”. It might be a surprise, but it is NOT an accident! I was a surprise but my parents never indicated they were disappointed to have me. anyway. thanks. lol!

happygirl - Looks GORGEOUS. I know you are going to SELL OUT!!!

Sarah - Looks so great meg!

april - be there or be square!!!!

Sarah - I’m so excited to check out your shop! The preview pictures you’ve posted have me imagining every bed & chair in my house filled with polka dot pillows with pom-poms!

karen - i’m ready meg…i hope i get a rainbow hoodie or shirt for my babies 1st b-day..i’m doing a rainbow theme!! So happy you are done too. You should be so proud!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - AGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Ive been waiting all weekend for this!!! I feel like a crazy Black Friday shopper, camping out at my laptop for hours on end waiting for the amazing deals:)

Nicole - so excited, can’t wait! congrats1

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girls world

i have such a cool gift for you today!

jennifer paganelli sent me a copy of her new book to giveaway.
you can't even get it yet!
it's that new.

every single page.

jennifer is the designer of SIS BOOM fabrics.


i love the colors that jennifer uses.
everything is so happy.




it's gorgeous.

the photos in this book are bright and cheery.
i am so excited to make the projects that are in here!
there are patterns for the cutest stuff!
but it's not just dresses.
there are all kinds of home decor and party items too.

twenty one projects.

all tied up with a pretty pink bow.



thanks jennifer!!!

leave a comment today for a chance to win your own copy!
i will pick a winner on tuesday, march 29.

THEN go visit the SIS BOOM blog and tell jennifer hello from me.  :)


Trudy Wischropp - Hope I’m not too late…this looks like a fab book!

Emilee Prenevost - ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! I want it!! please?! pretty please?!?! 🙂 love ya meg!

Ashlee - I love this book-I need a copy….Please!!!!

Katie Clements - That is a gorgeous book! What an exciting book to be able to add to a crafting collection. 🙂

Andrea - The book is really pretty for sure, love that bow every book should have a bow! 🙂

Mommi249 - This books brings me back to my childhood when my great-grandmother would sew matching dresses for me and my dolls. I still me have a few of them packed in my mom’s attic, but I am sure these fabrics are much more extravagant!!! I can’t wait to start the same tradition for my daughters with their great-grandmother!!

amber heagerty - I found YOU via Jennifer’s site 🙂 Love your blog! Have to check it out more…
Thank you for sharing your Joy!

andrea - I have ThREE little girls to sew pretties for!
And March 29th is my birthday, too!

Sarah Vaughn - love the colors of the book too! 🙂 Awesome giveaway!

Carol - Just in time for Spring blooms.

melissa tichy - oh i need a new craft darling

Sarah - This book looks amazing! Perfect things for my little one!

May - oooh, oooh, pick me! My oldest daughter is totally loving matching clothes with her baby sister and my best friend just had a little girl too (my daughter calls her a “cousin”) and I would absolutely love to make all the cute, cheery things from this book for all of them.

Margaret - This book looks so beautiful. I would love to make some of the projects for my little girls.

kim - i have two girls…..this looks fun 🙂

melissa king - would to win this little gift. 🙂 thanks.

Karen Lehmkuhl - My girls love color and have forced me out of my “khaki” safe world. I now love sewing in all these bright colors for my gals! This book would be fun to explore!

Tammy - I’d LOVE this book! I have just had my 2nd girl (and last baby) and can not get enough of girly things…loving all those bright inspiring! Thanks

Kelley - I have to have this book! PLEASE!!!! I just started sewing and I just had my first GIRL!!! Pick me, PLEASE!!!!

Roberta - What a fun book! With 2 girly-girls of my own, I need a copy! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anita - Absolutely gorgeous and inspiring! I’d love to win!

Debbie - That book looks fantastic!

Amnah - Crap! I missed the re-opening of your shop. Hopefully I’ll win this.

kim - Love her ideas! Great for Mother’s Day ideas……..

Heather - ooooo… what fun!!!

Jennifer - thanks for this Meg!!!!!!!!!!

Britanie - I have three little girls, who I could dress up, play with, and teach all from that precious book!

Terri Upton - I need some pretty colors in my life. Very cute book.

Kristin - Love Sis Boom!

Kelle S. - that book looks fantastic! would love some direction from the patterns!

Megan - This book is the motivation I need to get my sewing area back up and running! It’s gotten lost amidst my kids’ great room swap of 2011. Also, my 7, almost 8 step-daughter will love these projects!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Thanks for the chance to win Jennifer’s new book!

Jeanna - I would love this book. If I don’t win it I am pretty sure I will buy it.

Meredith - I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for a GREAT giveaway!!!!

Beth - Such a cute book! I would love to have a copy!

Erin - Love the lil pink bow detail! That totally makes the book!

JennaLynn Self - This looks so fun! 🙂 I’d love to have it!

Heather M. - Love it! Lots of possibilities for my three girls!

lacey - what a gorgeous book! Would LOVE to win one, if not will definitely have to buy, though!

Lynn - This is beautiful! With two granddaughters, I think I’d stay busy with it! 🙂

allison - sooo cute I LOVE it!! 🙂 It’s going on my wish list!!

Dawn Gahan - My girlie is 19 now, but there’s always a chance for a granddaughter someday to sew things for!! Regardless, the book looks like a delight to read and look through!!!

Erin - Beauty-full!

Brenda Romie - ohhh Hope I am not to late. New grand daughter and I am trying my hand at sewing for her….what a fun book!

Prudence - what a cute book! hope I win!!

Laura in LA - How lovely!

Alice H - My daughter would LOVE this!! She is so crafty. She will be 12 years old on Friday. This would make such a great gift!!

Wendy - Pick me! love this and think all of it would be great for my girls!

Elizabeth C. - Would love love love this book for my daughters (and me!)
And any future granddaughters… :o)!!
Elizabeth C./Whitewater

jen smith - yes please!!! what a HaPpY book!

Molly Pearce - I would love this!
~Molly P

Kim - Would love to have this for my little girl!

jaye h. - oh the colors….. 🙂

Kelley - wow. wow. wow.
simply lovely!!!!!

mary a - I have two little girls, 2.5 and 10 months and would love to make some things for them!

Vicki - I am already in love with what you’ve shown–the colors and projects are perfect!

Becky - I have 2 little girls so I would love to win!

Christine - The book looks gorgeous. Would love to have a copy.

Meredith Salmon - I am a wife and mother in a household of all boys including the dog. I tend to do crafts for little girls for some reason. I always wanted boys, but love making girls gifts. I would love to have a bit of girlie in my house. This book looks beautiful.

Kelly O. - hadno idea she had written a book!

kim - What a great book! I would love to win!

Alison King - How fun! … love dressing up my little girl and this book looks like a blast to have!

Deidre - Love it…will come in handy with 3 girls of my own!

Shawna - Oh, pick me…

Laura - What a gorgeous book! I can’t wait to check it out. Hope I win!

Rebekah - Oh so pretty! I need this for my beautiful granddaughters!!!!!! Such a wonderful idea for a book!

sharon - there is nothing more adorable than a little girl in a pretty dress. what a wonderful book, thanks for the chance to win!

Stephanie Carroll - gorgeous!

Kris Lewis - Love the colors! What a sweet book. Whether I win or not, I am getting this book and me and my sweet Em are getting crackin’!

Becki - How do I love the let me count the {21} ways!

Kathrina - This looks like the perfect way to spend Saturdays with my nine year old daughter — creating beautiful projects with amazing fabrics!

EMLott - It’s stunning! My girl is 2 and just beginning a fun age to sew for. I’ve made a few little dresses for her already but have been waiting to get to this age and beyond. I’d love some inspiration!

Anna Marie - Oh wow! Beautiful designs and such a pretty book!

Gretchen - Oh! I am so excited about this book! With two daughters and my crafty mojo on the lamb, it is perfect for me! It would make a great gift for some of my friends too!

Tess - girlie projects are the greatest! love love love!

Ranee - This book looks amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!

Angela - Very cute! Would love to make some of these for my 2-year old little princess!

Stacy - I am having my first little girl this summer. And I am learning to sew. So this would be a perfect book. Great giveaway.

julie - This book is absolutely SCREAMING my name!!! I have four daughters ages 4-9 AND I am desperately addicted to bright color! Just the little tease this post provided shot me into a delirious state of giddiness. Must win!

Karen Peachey - I have a daughter who loves dressup!

Sheryl - Always looking for things to help me with ideas for sewing. I’m pretty new at it and want to get out of my box! Beautiful colors in this book!

kelly mcqueen - I would LOVE to have that book! Thanks for the opportunity!

melissa rice - four girls would love this little book!

Hollie - I can hardly breathe!! love that so much!

rhonda - How adorable! Going to check out her blog and fabric now…

Ann - Wow! Looks so cool…
I ♥ it so much 🙂

Shelly Primm - You have inspired me to take a sewing class so this will be handy for me. Plus I have 2 girls. 🙂

Heather - Oh, they look like such pretty projects!! Yes please.

Glenda Beeler - This book looks precious. My daughter-in-law would enjoy it so much making the adorable things for my granddaughters.

Julie - thanks for the fun giveaway!
julie dot m dot mall at gmail dot com

Erin T - It is a beautiful book! I am just learning to sew (well, I did learn to sew back in middle school, but need a MAJOR refresher!) and got a new sewing machine for Christmas that I need to start using. 🙂

Danett - Amazing… this is what I need. I just bought a sewing maching at the begining of the year… this will get me motivated to make some more cute things! And it would look darling on a shelf for decor!!

Alison H - Wowza what a beautiful book! LOVE IT! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Audrey - Gorgeous book!

cathieb - oh so cute ~ this will be so much fun!!

Stephanie - What a beautiful giveaway. 🙂

julie h - Oh how beautiful! I’m expecting my second little girl this summer!

Vita - This would be vitamin bomb for spring. I even felt it through the computer screen… 🙂 Pictures are jucy and the craft ideas hit the highest tops. This is perfect for girls and their moms, and for father and brothers to be jelous 🙂

Pat L. - I would love to get new ideas for my granddaughters!

Lisa Johnson - That book looks like a dream 🙂 I have 5 daughters! There not all little anymore, but I know we could have some fun with this. They got me a new sewing machine last year for Mother’s Day and (I’m embarrassed to admit) I haven’t completed a project yet. This looks like just the motivation I need!

Vonda - Oh My goodness!!! So beautiful! Would love love love to win this!:)

Jennie P - That book looks amazing!

Jen - Looks like a really fun book!!

Stacey - What a gorgeous book! I would love to win!!

Kristen - i could use some fresh new ideas for projects…this book sounds perfect!

Kristi - adorable!

♥Lola - Goodness! Everything in this book is so pretty!

Diane - Will make the perfect gift for my BFF!

Lisa - Looks like such a fun book!

Wendy @ Living Creatively - Whoa, already nearly 400 comments. Well, dang, i’m gonna try anyway!! I’d love to get this!!

Jennifer - what a beautiful book…

julie - in august, i had my first baby girl after 3 boys. i can’t wait to girly-up my house!!

jenny - how lovely. the fabrics and patterns and colors are so delightful. i’m just learning how to sew but that apron is the cutest thing ever… i would love to attempt that! 🙂

Naomi Williams - Would love this!!!!

Liz - Wow, I love sewing books…now if only I knew how to sew, I hope to teach myself in the next two months while I will have a lot more free time. So on that note I would love to have a copy of her book!!
Pick me, pick me.
And if birthdays count I am turning 27 on the 31st of March!!

Kari - I would love this! I have recently been attached to my sewing machine! I have two little girls who could use some homemade cuteness in their lives! 🙂

Janene - Such a burst of happiness!!

Mary P. - How Adorable! Oh, and I can’t wait to buy stuff from your store 🙂

Kim - I am so in love with all of her fabrics. Winning would be a great early birthday present!!!

Canadian Vintage Gal - How fun! Love color too! My two little gals would adore this book. Thanks for the giveaway Meg!!

MeganJ - I want to learn to sew…and have looked into taking a class…maybe this book is the push I need…would love it!

Kirsten - The book looks fabulous. I only have one girl but I have 4 boys so I love to do girly things with my girl.

tasha roe - love her stuff. that book is so cheerful and fun. just what i need on a SNOWY day.

Patricia - What a charming book! So colorful and cheery!

Christy - Would love a copy of this book! I love her patterns & color combos. Looks like a fun book

Lauren - This book looks full of inspiration, I would love to check it out!!

Amber - I love this!!! I must have a copy, when does it come out?

Shelly - Just a peek at this book makes me want to sew something 🙂
I’m going to go straight to her blog!

Mary - I have a one year old girl that I have just started sewing for. I would love some new ideas!

Jessie - Lovin the colors too! So many great projects from Jennifer!

Lin - I struggled this weekend. Feeling like a not so great mom after a melt down yesterday. Seeing this book made me feel better. Even if I don’t win I think I will make something for my girl. Something to show her how much I think of her.

Ashleigh - Just taking beginners sewing now. Im hooked!

anne - What a pretty book! I just bought my first sewing machine off Craigslist and can’t wait to learn to sew.

Lucylu ~ - Oooh…. Awesome. Count me in. 🙂 (I HOPE I WIN!)

chavala - LOVE IT! I really hope I win a copy of this book!

Amy Segrest - OOO…I’m so excited. Growing up its was just me and my working mom so I didn’t really learn domestic stuff well. Your blog has really inspired me to cook and sew for my family and teach my little girl the things that I didn’t learn…God bless you! I’m also a month old baby in blogland,…YOU’RE awesome!

Alicia - Looks like a great book!

Lissy - A book to drool over that is for sure!

deb - It’s completely beautiful!! I’d love to win a copy. Love Jennifer!

elliottsurf - Oooh, I love those fabrics from sis boom. I would love this book to inspire me to make some fun things with all the little girls in my life!

Karyn - So beautiful! My girls and I would LOVE to make this stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kristin S - Beautiful! I’m close to pulling out my sewing machine again and this could be just the best last push!

marci - ooo that looks delightful!

Jenna U - This book would be PERFECT for my cousin!

Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - Love all the colors – just get you creative juices flowing!

Jamie - It looks so fun!

Colleen - This looks like an awesome book! Makes me feel like a little girl, even though I’m a mom to two!

lindsey patrick - i’d love that book! love making pretty girly things 🙂

karen - gorgeous!

Shannon - My daughter would be thrilled to have this! Fun stuff!

McGee - This looks like so much fun! My daughter Meredith would LOVE to help me sew some of the pretty things in this book!

Ady - just the thing that might inspire me to start sewing!

Jes - I’ve been looking for the motivation to start sewing Ella’s clothes, and now that she is two she NEEDS some great dress up items!!! We would love this book!!

Julie D. - gorgeous book!

Katie Sellers - OH, I LOVE it! I have 2 little girls that I love to sew for!!!

Suzanne Lay - I have my own line of clothing and my daughter McKenzie wants to be a “Designer” like her mommy :)…looks like a lot of fun projects that I could work on her with. The book looks amazing! I love the prints and colors shown in your pics.

Stephanie C. - That book looks fab!

angie - How pretty! With three girls, two sisters, two nieces… I need this book!

jayne Barbour - hot diggity dog! love it!

Sandy - Adorable! My daughter is 21 now so the projects wouldn’t work for her, but I would love to make things for my niece and my (no time soon) granddaughter. 🙂

Marta - I would love to win this, it’s perfect! I just recently started sewing and LOVE it! I have a daughter and have recently been searching for patterns to make her some prettys…this book is just what I am looking for!

Donna - I have 4 wonderful granddaughters and I would love, love, love to make them each something special from the ideas in this book. So cute!

Carly Winborne - love. this book looks heavenly!!

Jenn - Oooh, very cool book! Would love to create some dresses for my nieces 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh i would love to win….i’m pregnant with a girl ….my first girl after 3 boys! i feel that i need this book. 🙂
and sorry about your jayhawks. 🙁 there was some sulking around here.

Arrica M - too cute! love the fabrics! fingers crossed…

Kelly - Maybe the cute new book will help me get my mind off the Hawks’ loss. What a let down!

Amber - How cute are all those things in there, I’m salivating over the fabrics!

gina f. - this book has been on my wish list since the first time i saw it. Jennifer’s fabric is always so happy! Thanks for a chance to win!!

Brooke Henage - Very cute things. Promise if I win I’ll use it:) - That would be so much fun to win!

Jennifer D - I would love some sewing inspiration for my little girl and all my nieces! Thanks!!!

Reeanna Altom - I would love this!!

Gina - That is beautiful! How fun!

Amy R. - Beautiful! Need a sewing project with all this basketball on t.v.!

Sara - I have a 12 and 3 year old girls and I think these would be fun projects for both girls. I would have to break out the old Singer though…..beautiful book. Thanks for the chance.

robyn - i would lOVE a copy of this book!!!

Michelle Whitlow - Wow, what a gorgeous book!!!!

Juliann - oooohhh – girlie goodness 😉

Nicky Simmons - You had me at fabric… ohhh I mean “hello” {wink}! Nicky from Momma Gets Real.

Kristen - Awww- this book looks so cute! I would love a copy!!

vickie m. - I have three girls this would be perfect! i love it.

amy - I can remember making sewing projects with my grandmother when I was little. My favorite was a toothfairy pillow, (that I still have and will pass down to my daughter when she loses her first tooth.) There would be times I would sit and just watch her sew, it came so naturally to her. When my grandmother passed away, my mother asked me if there was anything I wanted out of her house, the first thing I thought was her sewing machine and table. I can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to start making little sewing projects with her. I can’t wait, to share my stories about my grandmother with her and make new memories!

amosclutchpedal - Love the yellow fabric on the cover dress. So pretty! I’d love to look at this book.

karen - Meg, I am wanting to learn how to sew and asked my husband for a sewing machine..this book would give me great inspiration!!

Anna - Adorable! My daughter is very girly and would love that apron!

Karla Conner - Very cute! It would make a wonderful birthday gift for me as my birthday is March 29th. I am planning on doing some sewing projects with my 2 daughters this summer and that would be perfect!

ellen - what a lovely book! i’d love to whip up some fun projects for my daughter!

Dawn - I’ve been eying this book…would love to have it! - LOVE it ALL!!! Thanks for sharing and the give away!!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
This book looks adorable on the outside….let alone on the inside! Would LOVE to win : )
Gemma x

Hannah - This book would be perfect for a feiend of mine who has recently taken up sewing projects! Looks like such a fun book!

Amanda - As a mommy of all boys, I could use a girly sewing project book! So pretty!

Meredith - I was just looking at fabric that was designed by Jennifer for a project I am working on. Love it!

Christie Smith - my 4 year old and 6 year old would love this book.

Megan - Rah rah sis boom bah!! Bring on spring and all the bright and cheerful colors!! - So pretty! I absolutely love the colors!

Jennie - oh, I would love this! How sweet!

ginny - looks like a great book!! hoping i win 🙂

Karmen - I would love to win this book! I have 5 nieces that would LOVE these projects!!

Naomi - What a beautiful book, whoever wins will be a lucky ducky 🙂

Lisa - Oh, I have two little girls who LOVE that!

Tonya - looks like such a great book, too bad my daughter is 16. But i do have 3 nieces that would love for their aunt to make them some cute stuff….

shea - Oh my goodness! You cannot look at those colors and not smile. I have two little chicadees and I’m in the process of learning to sew. I need this! Thank you so much for the giveaway. I enjoy your blog so, so much!

amy jupin - i’ve always wanted to make a quilt with all jennifer paganelli fabrics.
then again, i’ve always wanted to make a quilt period.

Lindsay - Gorgeous book!!!

Jessica - Lovely book! I adore the pink ribbon!

elissa - well, that’s just happiness in print right there! would love to have it… thanks for the chance!

Erica - Such an explosion of SPRING. How fabulous!

Tanya - It looks like such a sweet book and I love their fabric! I have a little girl who I’d love to make some things for.

michelle pulley - I would love to win this book! Thanks for the opportunity!

martha brueggemann - I would love to win this book:) I have two granddaughters that I started sewing for, loving the new hobby, and would love to try out new ideas:) Thanks for the giveaway:)

Courtney - what a beautiful book!

Ashley - Oh, I neeeeed this book! I have a daughter who LOVES all things girly! Plus I am just starting to make some clothes for her, so this book would give me so much inspiration and technique help, that I need!

The Bearded Iris - I have an 8 year old little girl who is growing up way too fast before my very eyes. I would love a book like this to help me extend her “little girl-ness” as long as I can! Please help!

danielle - so sweet. would love a copy!

jodi @ back40life - looks so fun – makes me want to get the sewing machine out!

katie - the apron! oh my goodness!
so pretty, so happy, so lovely!!!
thank you for sharing this!
just found your blog…i am worried i may become addicted!!!

BELLE PHELPS - I have been to Jennifer’s house AND your house
I feel so cool
she is the sweetest woman
Annie and Belle loved her
her home is just as happy as her designs!
come to CT and we can visit her together!

Nicole M - wow, what a pretty book. Love all the bright girly colors.

Kerry - Gorgeous happy looking book! Imagining my 3 gorgeous happy lookin’ girls in that gorgeous happy looking stuff… haha!

Janet - This looks like the perfect book to inspire me to start sewing for my 2 girlies!

Jen N. - What a beautiful book!

Tonya - OMG…what a fun book! And her website is AMAZING!!! Thanks for introducing her to me!

Danae K - So fun! I love it! 🙂

Sarah - 2 girls = I NEED THIS BOOK!

Vicki - How do I not know about this fabric….how is this possible???? SO pretty, with three girls in the house I could see lots of use out of this book. Just beautiful. What a lovely giveaway! Thanks ladies!

Erin - I love it! After having 3 sons, I finally have a daughter. She is 13 months old. This would be perfect to get me started on some sewing projects for her. 🙂

Jenn - Oooh! Pretty, pretty!

linda@limein the coconut - I need me some girls world!

Monica - Love this and with two little girls to make Easter dresses for, this would be perfect!

katie - i love her fabric!!!

Amy - This looks great! So many projects for my little nieces and I! (Fingers crossed!)

Tanya - SO pretty! I would love to win 🙂
I got a sewing machine for Christmas and have yet to attempt a project… of the sole reasons I want to try is to make cute frocks for my little girl!

Jennifer - I have this book on my wish list, what a treat it would be if I won it 🙂

Valerie Page - I have a New Viking sewing machine and so far all I have made is EASy stuff….like sewing fabric letters and numbers on shirts and dresses. I would love this book so that I can make other things. I REALLY want to learn to make toddler dresses. That is my DREAm:)

Suzy - Yay! lovely book..Thanks for the chance!

Nichole Martinez - I have been WANTING to start sewing and you know a book is good when it makes a person so MOTIVATED to sew that they’re going to go out and buy a sewing machine just create those beautful patterns! I would LOVE to own this book!!

Mel Grant - This is beautiful, even as a mom you feel drawn back to the inner little girl just looking at these pages. Truly a book for a princess.

Bre Ann - Looks dreamy!

connie libby - Oh Gorgeous! I would love that!!!

Alcheme - OOh, my little girl and I really want this book!!!

Heather L. - Wow- that book looks fabulous!!

Eva - This book is simply gorgeous! I will learn to sew I can promise that just so I can make something out of that fabulous book for my 14 month old baby girl Liv. If anything I owe it to her 🙂
Loving today 🙂

Shairee - Oh this book looks so amazing! WHAT an amazing talent to put all that lovely color & fun bound into one book! Thanks for offering it MEG!

Chantel - How lovely! I have a ‘tween and it is so hard to find clothing that fits and still looks age appropriate. I’ve been thinking of making some of her clothes but I have no idea where to start. This would be perfect!

mary wilkerson - Girls are the best to sew for. Looks like some great ideas here! Thanks for the chance!

Maria - Simply Beautiful!

Trindin - Hello-
Would love to have the book to use with my mom and two daughters to sew fun projects!

Krista W. - So Awesome!!!! The pictures alone are enough for me…!!! 🙂
Just beautiful!!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Christine Ishmael - Beautiful book, love the colors and good pictures Meg! I’ll take one please! 🙂

patti - Love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Charisse - FUN! Pick me, pick me!

Kathi - So much bright color! I love it. Thanks for the awesome opportunity to win this book!

Robin - What a FUN book! Would LOVE to add it to my collection!!

Karen - It would be so awesome to have this book!

jennifer - Oh my gosh – the book looks AWESOME! I can’t wait to get my hands on one! :o)

Stacey Schauer - Love it!

Tammie Longiotti - What a pretty book! My two little girls and I would love it. Thanks for the opportunity. I love reading your blog. Tammie

Alise M. - This book looks awesome!! I can only imagine the things I could do with it!

martha b - cute !! i loved the colors !!!

Tracy D. - So beautiful! I would love this. My girls are wanting to sew dresses so we need to learn how.

Michelle - The colors are magnetic…my 4 year old would go crazy! 🙂

jessica manier - Beyond amazing! Would love to make these cute things for my daughter as she starts kindergarten this year!

Nichole R - I was dying over the cute quilt on the cover! The ball trim is just the icing on the cake!
I think that may have to be made for my youngest! Love!!
With 3 girls, this could keep me busy ;). The dishes & laundry can wait, right??!!

Beth - That is AdORaBLe!!! My mother has sewn for as long as I can remember and always tried to get me interested in sewing. When I was 15, my parents bought me my own sewing machine and I made a few things with it and put it in my closet. After having my own daughter, 20 some odd years later, my interest in sewing ExPloDeD! I pulled out my old sewing machine and started making things for her, her bedroom, our son, my husband, etc. I even bought myself a nEw sewing machine! What a difference in my two machines! I would love to have this book, because I’m always looking to make something new. Also, I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing your book! 🙂

Trish - I love Jennifer Paganelli!

Kristen - I am the lucky mother to three girls and I have been looking for inspiration in creating new things for them. Up to now their Nanny has been sewing all their dresses and quilts. I seem to be lacking this creative and crafty gene and would love a chance to get my hands on Paganelli’s beautiful book to help get me motivated. Thanks for the opportunity!

kristine - Love it! i have been looking all morning for ideas for my daughter’s 4th birthday pictures and i think this book could have what i’m looking for…and more! woohoo!

Routhie - How generous! I love all the colors!

Charlotte - what a beautiful book!
so many pretty sewing projects, just perfect for my pretty girl!

kristi rediske - I love rooms with alot of color and I love colorful clothes also-this book would be so fun to have! Looks like it could be a motivational book-HA! I have always loved Mary Engelbreit so I know I would love this. Sure hope I win! 🙂

Jen B. - So pretty! Perfect for my two little girls (and me)! Thanks for the chance to win!

tobi d - My daughter would think that is the coolest thing, and she has been harping on me to teach her. This would be a great project to do together.

Karen - Love her fabrics!

Adele Chalker - I adore books like this – inspiration at your finger tips . Gorgeous

amy - Sure beats the “sewing for dummies” patterns I’ve been picking up : )

Sara - What a beautiful book with beautiful girls!

Andrea - I have wanted to work on my sewing skills, but haven’t had the time or inspiration to get started. This book looks like a great place to start!

Mindy Wise - I have two little girls and I’m sure there are some fun projects that I could make for them.

Kimberly - Wow! The book looks amazing!

Tami Veer - looks amazing!! love it!

Jermaine D. - this book looks so fun!

mary beth - Um those fabrics look good enough to eat! So happy’! thanks for a great giveaway, Meg..just awesome!

Penny - Looks like a beautiful book. Would love to have a copy!!

Kimberlee J. - Want…who do I think I am?
I think I could try to make some of this and my girlios would be nutters over everything.
They would think they had a cool mom and who doesn’t need a little help in that area???

connie - Beautiful

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - I love it! Maybe this baby will be a girl. 🙂

Dawn - What a beautiful book! Her fabrics are gorgeous!

Dóra Csabai - Hello, I would love to get that book. my daugther is in love with sewing, she would adore it. greetings from hungary

Becky - So cool! I have three daughters (5, 2, and 7 mo) and this book would be so fun!

Melisa Gutierrez - My sassy 6 year old would love this book. She is dying to learn how to sew and this book would be wonderful inspiration!

Julie - This looks absolutely adorable…and would be so fun to use with my 3 little girls!

Mindi - Ohhhh.. so pretty. I am just learning to sew and have a 3 year old little girl who is for now, happy to get mam mades! This would be perfect!! Thanks!

Hoosier at Heart - The cover looks just like the inside of your house. Gorgeous!

Connie Lutz - I love it! It’s so girl-y and fun. My niece would def love to receive some of those sweet items! God bless.

jackie mccobb - How beautiful! I hope I win!

Gina - So pretty!!!! Love all the colors!!! Would love to win….fingers crossed.:)

citymouse - Awesome! I love beautiful fabrics and fun projects!

Jennifer Lundqvist - so beautiful and full of inspiration! 🙂 fingers crossed!

Leanne lawson - Would love you to send this book to me in sunny South Africa 😉

Bernice - Look at all those lovely swirly letters! I’d love to see what beautiful projects this book has hidden inside.

Karen - Please, please, please – I would love this prize!!

dawn - Oh I loooove that book!!!

Ana - Beautiful! I can’t wait until it comes out. I will get a copy for my friend as well. Thanks for sharing!

Lacey - LOVE IT! I am just begining to sew and I Love it! would totally love this book. My little girl Irelyn would certainly love it too!

Joy C - What a great book! I love her stuff. She also happens to have the best shoes around too!

amy - I look at the outfits my son’s Kindergarten classmates wear and think to myself “I want to dress like a little girl: Rain boots with frills and big twirling skirts.” How much brighter the day would be!

K - What a beautiful book. So gorgeous.

otilia - What a lovely book! It would be perfect for my little girls.

Karen - Sis Boom, how I love thee…let me count the ways! 🙂

sherry - Love the tunic picture. What a fun book!!

Lisa - Gorgeous book, would love to have this and make stuff for my nieces!

Julia - That girl is so freaking talented. I love her fabric.

Leanne Mackenzie - OH my, that looks adorable. I will be keeping my eye out for this book, with 2 little girls who have lots of girlfriends…
Leanne xo

Esther Harper - What a darling book!!! I would love to have it so I can share it with my little almost 5 year old granddaughter. Please pick me!!! thanks

Laura - I would *love* to win this!!!

Kris - I hope you pick me! Tuesday the 29th is my 51st birthday. And I have two beautiful little granddaughters that I love to make things for!!!

Cindy - Beautiful! Love this! Love my girls! 😉

Amanda - so pretty!! That looks like one happy book!

Jenn N - Looks like a great book – and such wonderful colour!

Nancy - I have a sweet little girl that is turning 1 next month. We would give this book a great home 🙂

Stephanie - Oh I love it! And so would my four girls!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I’m living in a Girl’s World, so this sounds like the perfect book for the Bungalow!

Beth Eaton - Oh how I wish I had little girls to sew for!

Stephanie - Love it!

Eileen - This book looks lovely.

Chris - So so pretty!

Katherine - I love it & I know my two girls would love it!!

Sarah M. - I would love to win this for my sister. She is the crafty one in the family!!! LOve your colorful life!!!!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - Bright and colorful and pretty. LOVE!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jenni Carlisle - Such a pretty book, total bonus that it has amazing ideas inside! Love the detail of the sweet pink bow!

cindy mandernach - I love the colors in the book….so bright and happy.
thanks for the chance to win….

Lynette - Love it!!!

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - It looks amazing! I have 3 girls, it would be well used! 🙂

Kelly - Adorable. I have two girly girls who would love for me to make them some stuff.

Jennifer - Looks like such a fun book! Can’t wait to look through it in person.

Ashley - I would love this!! I know your girls will too 🙂

Sara Torbett - Would love to have this-I’m having a girl in June 🙂

Jenny Joy - The rainbow of colors! GORGEOUS! I can absolutely see my little girls in these dresses. 🙂

Erica Y - How cute! I love it! 🙂

juliana whisman - Love it….and definitely want some of her fun fabric!

Sherri - What a cool book! Love the bright colors for all the cute little girls!

Carla - My daughter is just one, but I can’t wait to sew some girlie things for her!

Courtney Henson - It looks so pretty! Now to find all of her fabrics to make those projects with!

Lori - I have a little girl who loves to dress up. This book could be dangerous for a mama who doesn’t have a lot of time to sew. It would be tons of fun.

Kari - Oooooh I hope I win. It looks beautiful. I hope she sent a copy for you to keep!

shasta - Wow…gorgeous!! This book will be going on my amazon wish list! I have 7 sisters and 1 daughter…so this book would be enjoyed for sure!!

Sarah - That is the cutest looking book ever!! I would love to make some of those projects.

Elizabeth Walters - That book looks AWESOME!!!! Could use some cute new sewing ideas for sure!

Carrie - What a sweet book…and a great giveaway!!

kathleen - oh sweetness! I would just love to win, thank you…

Dayna - Gorgeous! It would be perfect for my two girlies and myself 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

Kristi - Looks like a great book! I love all of the colors and fabrics!!

Suzanne D - What a cute book!

Ruth H. - That looks like a beautiful, beautiful book. Even if I don’t win it, I’ll probably go looking for it!

Leah - Wow, what a gorgeous book! I can see using that with my daughter. I’d buy it just for the photos.

Shannon - Oooo..pick me!! I’ve got one girl in a house of boys.

Megan B - Perfect gift for my crafty (and new mom) cousin!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - I can’t wait to get my hands on this gorgeous book.

Kellie C. - Ohh that apron is to die for! I’m so excited for a sewing book with all little girl stuff…and the pictures are just gorgeous! Off to find out when it will be released!

Molly - love it! looks amazing!

Priscilla sibayan - My daughter and I would love to make lots of beautiful things from this book!

KatieD - Love to sew! This looks like so much fun!

Missy - I would love to make those projects for my little girl!

Beth - What a beautiful book! Just got my sewing machine out today 🙂

Lorie - How exciting! I love a good sewing/idea book! Sign me up, and Thanks!

Charity - Amazing book – thank you!

Jenny Logan - Oh My Gosh! That looks adorable!!

shannon - Oh! You had me at the pink bow! Such beautiful, vibrant colors! Yummy! Just the right thing to get in the spring mood!

Tessa - How fun … my husband and I are in the process of adopting a little girl and I would love to learn how to make some homemade things for her!

Jenni - Looks like a fun book. I always need new idea for projects. Oh and ROCK CHALK!

sam - This book looks lovely. If I win I have the perfect recipient.

Melissa - I would LOVE to get my hands on this book! How fun!

Deanna - Ooohh! I need this book to share with my 7 yr old who is learning to sew!

Jenny - What a happy book! One can never have too many girly finds. Fun!

erin - how beautiful, i would love this to give me new inspiration for my sweet girl!

Debby Graber - What fun would that be to sew for Hannah and Sophie!! Just darling stuff!!

Rachel - I would love to win this book! I just picked up a sewing book from the Library, and wished I could buy it.

Marie - LOVE it! The colors are just amazing and Jennifer is as sweet as can be. 🙂

Ellen J - What a fun book! Love the colors, and I would love the book! 🙂

Alissa - So, so pretty!

Shelly Todd - 2 of my 3 girls’ rooms are done in her fabrics… I would love to win!
Shelly Todd

Michelle - Oh my~ I’m sure I’d find lots for my 3 girlies in there!!!!!!

Sharla - It looks like an awesome book! Very “happy” colors

Lisa - OH! This mama would be thrilled to get her hands on that. Love it!

Denease - Oh I LOVE the quilt on the cover!! Pick me, pick me!

Kate - I have a 3 yeard old son, but am pregnant with a little girl…so a whole new world is opening up to me!

HopefulLeigh - My best friend just got into sewing dresses for her daughter. This would be the perfect gift for her!

Caitlin Baker - so pretty! I love sewing for little girls!

Kathy - Oh WOW!! This book looks so great! I bought a sewing machine on Black Friday and am hoping that my duaghte and I can learn to make SOMWETHING. boy could this book be a handy inspiration:)

Karie - What a fun giveaway! I have a little girl and would LOVE this book!

Erin E. - GAH! This is just what I need for my 4 yr I-just-had-2-babies crafting/sewing hiatus!

Jenn - I would love it!!

Janet C - I <3 Sis Boom. The colors are so beautiful.

Jen - Cute…and March 29th is my birthday. 🙂

Lelia - So pretty! Love the pink bow on the side – what a sweet touch! =)

Leigh Ann - I really, really want this book!

Angie M - Lovely! But I never win:( Hope my luck changes today!

Stefanie Arnold - SO cool! I’m probably the only commenter that wants to win this 😉
Love it.

Kirsten parr - Love this! Fingers crossed!

Mawry - I would SO love this book.

Amy - ahhh! love it. need it. *need* it…. 😉

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh my goodness I caught myself smiling just looking at those pics. What a beautiful book. And Id love some new sewing inspiration. Thanks for the chance:)

freckled hen - Nice! I definitely live in a girls world…I would love this book!

steph - perfection for my home and for my life with three little princesses! 🙂

Southern Gal - So beautiful! I’d love to win!

Jennifer kasper - Love it! I’m in need of some inspiring project ideas!!

Julie - Looks like a great book, I have 1 little girl and 1 due in a month!

Jenn Thomas - I love Jennifer’s fabric, made London and I dresses from her patterns. I was going to pre-order the book but haven’t. If I don’t win – I will still order it.
By the way – the dress London was wearing in our family pics – was one of her patterns.

Erin - That looks like a fun, fun book!

Leah - Beautiful! I love little girl projects 🙂 (Don’t we all??)

Jenae - So beautiful! I would love to do this for my little girl!

Emily - Love It 🙂

Jemm - WoW!! This is a very cool book. I’ve never seen Sis Boom Fabrics before. I’ll go check it out!

Juli - Ooh, ooh, ME! Please! I have 2 little girls and could have loads of fun with this book. I love everything you’ve shown!

Sara @ Happy Brown House - Love Sis Boom Fabrics and Jennifer Paganelli! The fact that she talks to me on Twitter still amazes me! I want this book so badly!

Julie Schmidt - me likey…oh, how I hope i win!

Chris - Love the colorful book!

Heidi - That is a beautiful book! Would love to sew some of those projects!!

Andrea Fisher - Adorable. This just might be the reason I’ve been looking for to learn how to sew.

Amber - Love Sis Boom!!!

Donna - So pretty!

Joyagg - The book looks amazing! I love all of the bright colors. Love the bright colors on your blog header too!

becky@oursweetpeas - I am intrigued now that I have a GIRL! Yay.

Trish - yes please 🙂

Beth Iversen - I have a 4 yr old and she loves dresses and anything girlie! That book looks amazing!

Melissa - So pretty! The book alone brightens my day- it’s dreary and rainy here!

Meghan B - My first baby is due any day now- and its a girl!

Christina - Oh I’d love this book- i just got a new sewing machine!

melissa - i have a two year old…that is so girly! please pick me!

Amber - So cool…I have a 2-year old little girl; how fun would this book be?!!

april - girl power!!!

Tiffany - Beautiful

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Looooove it!

Astrid - Oh my! That book looks like it’d be a lot of fun to look at! I love happy colors!

kat - Woohoo! So excited about that book. Such a fun and fabulous giveaway!

Kate B - Looks like a beautiful book!

jill - darling book!

tristan - how awesome!!!
i need this for my little girl..hahaha

happygirl - Gorgeous!!

Melissa - loving it! i have an addiction to fun colorful fabric!

Victoria Clements - Awesome my daughter would love me to make her any of these beautiful things, and as she’s the only other girl in our family we always try and have as much girlie stuff as we can!!!

kate - I just got my first sewing machine and am learning to sew! I also have twin daughters who are dying to help with the process so this darling book is right up our alley! Thanks for sharing the fun find!

Angela - Gorgeous! I would love to win.

Jess - Looks like an awesome book. Pick me!

Joy - I need that book. I have a brand new girl after two boys. I’m up to my ears in pirate garb and need some frilly tips!

Julie Weaver - I love the colors! I’d love to win!

Maria - I would love this this, so pretty! Would really enjoy making stuff for my little girl.

Megan - Oh SoSo SoSO beautiful!!!! I would love to make all of these for my little girl.

jill - oh, i love it! so gorgeous! thank you for the giveaway!

Alisha Gibb - Beautiful! I’d love to have this book!

sally lee - so pretty!!

se7en - Too darling for words!!! Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!

Amanda - I went to a new fabric store this past week and the owner showed me this book! I WANT IT!!!! There are so many super cute ideas and projects in this book that even a beginner like me could handle 🙂

Melissa Jo - OHHHH….that book is too cute!!! Love it!

Chas - What a beautiful book! Would just love it!

Suzanne - Ooooh so pretty!!! And I just found out we are having a little girl in August so this book would be so handy!! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Michelle - so fun! i’m wanting to learn how to sew, and i think this looks like such fun stuff to begin with! i hope i win!!!

keely - I can’t sew, but my sister can, and I just gave her a niece. So…I’m thinking it’s a match made in heaven!

shannan - love to see new projects and try new things…would be perfect for the sunshine that i just know is going to show up sometime this year

katie m - I was just looking at her fabric, seriously 5 minutes ago!! Would love to win. Thanks Meg!

Peggy in TN - This looks like a beautiful, inspiring book. Whoever wins will be a lucky ducky!

stephanie - Oh my gosh you’re right! It is absolutely wonderful! So bright and beautiful!
Thanks for offering us the chance to win!

Lanny - love this … hope you pick me 🙂 if not thats okay too !

Sherry - Cute, cute. Love the Sis Boom line.

Cindy - My daughter would flip over this book, so cute!

Debby - I have two little girls who would LOVE to make (or have made) these projects!

michele fry - I have two girls, my five year old just got her first sewing machine for christmas she would love this book!!! So much fun, and I love the colors!!

ashley - Love! Hope I win!

Lindsay - Jennifer is my favorite fabric designer so I’d love to check out this book!

Keli Cook - What an amazing book!

Ali Richardson - AWESOME!!!! I would LOVE to win!

Jennifer Ware - Just getting back into sewing and would love to jump back in with some fun new projects for my daughter. Thanks!

Rachel - Oh beautiful! I know two little girls who would look gorgeous in outfits from this book!

sheri - Awe – I want it – it looks awesome. pick me 🙂 Be blessed.

amy - Looks like lots of fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

Wendy - Oooooohhhhhh LOVE! ♥ It looks so fun. I have twin girls. xox

Daniela - ooooh, this would be awesome! i have one little girl and just made her a dress (first one!). after three boys it’s so much fun sewing stuff for girls!!!

Mindy Harris - that book looks so, so pretty. i’ve inherited a sewing machine and can’t wait to learn; my daughter needs all things frilly and sweet!

Terrie - Book looks lovely! Fabrics are gorgeous!! I’ll be ready to start sewing as soon as my craft room re-do is complete!! Can’t wait! And maybe my grandbaby-to-be will be a girl!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh how beautiful!

Sarah morgan - This book looks amazing. My daughter loves to wear dresses and this book would be a great addition to my pattern lineup.

ingrid - oh this is beautiful! it reminds me so much of tricia guild and all her amazing colors!

April - What a lovely book. 🙂

lauren - that apron!! can i make one big enough for ME?? 🙂

♥ Carrie Shan - How cute! I love the colors!

Georgia - Lovely colourful book! 🙂

Lisa - I would LOVE to win this!!!

Tara M. - I have three girls! This would be perfect!

Jennifer christians - Oh my…I love all the fabrics….winner winner chicken dinner….

jenni@talkinghairdryer - Tired of basketball, ready for sewing! The book looks so cute!

Juli - Would love to give this to my niece, who just had a baby girl.

Jennifer O'Steen - that book looks beautiful! i don’t have children yet, but i have plenty of little girls to make clothing for! so cute!!

Sonia - Ooooohhh… It’s so pretty!! I just wish I had a little girl!

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our craft thursday this week has March Madness theme to it.

i found these big paper mache letters at Joann's for $3.00 each on sale.

(how great is the NEW joann's in wichita?! awesome.)

i grabbed the KU paint colors and we had the glitter at home already.
my kids get excited about new sponge brushes too.



sean and talby painted the K.
annie and i painted the U.



it took a few coats to get it covered fully.
then when it was dry we painted the front side with glue.



then covered it in glitter.



we also made posters for our windows (just like when i was a cheerleader!)
we made signs to hold during the games.
and we filled out our brackets.
according to our scoring annie is winning so far.

tonight we are going to watch the game together as a family.

i will fight my urge to get up and do other things while it's on….it's hard to sit still and just watch.
but i will do it.

i think.

ROCK —————————————–
CHALK —————————————
JAYHAWK ———————————–





vintage pearl gift certificate WINNER!!!

I would get the angel wing with my husband's name on it. Sadly, he passed away a year ago, and I know he is watching over my son and I. He is forever in my heart, and I know God put him in my life for a reason. I know I will see him again, and it will be a sweet reunion.

Posted by: Gretchen P | 03/22/2011 at 07:58 PM


gretchen…….send me your info and i will pass it onto erin at the vintage pearl!



Kelly - I have a small cheer girl with big cheer dreams. KU is on her radar which delights me as it is just close enough to be away from home. She would love to know about your cheer experience. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic

Dawn - Great craft. Now we are Iowa Hawk fans but I loved your craft. Good idea.

Brooke - I am so sorry that you haven’t even had a chance to talk about your sad jayhawk loss. I am wondering if I could borrow your letters and turn them into UK for the Wildcats 🙂 My sweetest friends are Jayhawks…and we always joke because they live in LExington, KY….home of UK. We always talk about how their letters are confused. But through the years, they have turned me into a jayhawk lover (behind the cats)….so I was so sad to see them go out of the tournament to VCU. Hope your kids are not too bummed!
I am SO BUMMED, I missed your store opening, like so many others, I am sure. I am so sad :). I had my eye on a heather bailey/polka dot pillow for so long!! Maybe next time! Happy week to you!

christine - Hubby and I were just in San Antonio for our 10th anniversary & the KU people were everywhere! There was a section of the Riverwalk that was sectioned off with large KU Alumni Association welcome banners and all that. It was fun, festive and reminded me of you 🙂

Kirsten P - So glad you and your family got to enjoy the cool glittery KU letters with a win on Friday!! So sad they lost today.

Candy - Love those! I need to make some of those before the game tomorrow! ROCK CHALK!!

Lisa - Super cute! I bought a couple of those letters awhile back. Love them!

Staci - I love this so much 🙂

Elizabeth - Adorable, but we would need U N C — go Tar Heels! 🙂

the whyte house - the kids and i were out east this week and noticed they had opened the new joann’s. i told my husband that the store looked huge and he said, “greeeeattt”. haha.

Courtney Walsh - These turned out so cute!!! 🙂

Kat - Gretchen sounds like a very deserving winner! Enjoy Gretchen!

Teresa - Goooo Jayhawks!!! Love the letters!

Jamie - That looks so pretty on the computer, but I REALLY Want to know if it looks like that for real?

Sally - That is awesome that Gretchen won!

Kelly - Those letters look GREAT! Kelly

marta - i am so doing this. i love glitter. i love letters. i love getting crafty. thank you. p.s. i appreciate the guest post so much. you are a new and likely forever favorite. xo.

Allison - Rock Chalk!
(And April, or anyone else who is wondering, “Rock Chalk Jayhawk!” is a cheer for KU. “Rock chalk” refers to the particular limestone that is prevalent in western and central Kansas… if you drive through Kansas, you’ll see limestone post rock fences lining the fields.)

sherry - Love this. I am also a Kansas native, living in Seattle, I think I need to represent :). Rock Chalk!! Looking good so far!!

Stephanie - Here in Tucson we are U of A fans all the way… maybe our teams will meet up for the championship game!!! Love the letters though:)
Can’t wait for your etsy shop to open so I can order that cute rainbow shirt that Annie is wearing (or the jacket) LOVE IT!!

Heather - Rooooock….Chaaaaaalk….Jay….Haaaaawk…K……U…..!
Rock Chalk JayHawk – KU!
Love. Love. Love. The letters! Awesome! I have glitter envy.

Margo - I saw all of your posters in the windows this week – they are great! I love your KU glitter letters as well – ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!!

Danielle - Love Annie’s shirt!

Molly - ROOOOOOOOOOOCKKKKKKKK CHALLLLLLLKKKK JAYYYYYYHAWWWWWWKKKK! I might just have to make letters like that, but I really want a glitter covered Jayhawk!

Amanda - seriously??? are you TRYING to dare me to stop reading your blog?!??! Because I can’t handle this kind of stuff. I tried so hard not to hear you actually saying that chant as it was typed out – but it was SOOOO hard, and SOOOO annoying!!!
I guess you may be awesome enough I can look past this.

Tracy Fisher - First, your winner was so meant to be! What a touching story. And second, Go Jayhawks! They are on my bracket too. I figured that if I can’t win (the tv remote, that is)… then I should join them (yes, I had my 10 yr old help me out with my picks and I am beating the whole family).
Tracy Fisher

karen - i love glitter!! love the letters!
it makes me cringe a bit when i see it being poured like that. i know it’s weird…when my 3 year old uses it…i keep saying ‘don’t waste it’!
I know I know…i got to get over it!

Tricia - This Mizzou alum will be rooting for Kansas tonight! Just don’t tell anyone! 🙂

Sarah@this farm family's life - LOVE IT! I’ll be watching tonight also.

Sharla - I agree with Catie 🙂 – but this KSU fan will be watching tonight’s game with my brother, who is a big KU fan. . . .

Mindy Harris - gretchen’s comment is making me cry!!
i’m a k-state alum but i still read your blog. 🙂

Brianna - KU is playing U of R! This city of Richmond is going nuts with two of our hometown teams in the Sweet 16! Go Spiders! Sounds like so much fun to be watching the game together 🙂

deedrap - Hey Meg- a friend of mine sent this to me…thought the Duerksen’s might enjoy it!!! Rock Chalk!!!

Molly - Very cute!!! We are hopeing KU wins…but only because we cheer for the Big 12 when our team is out (….and they have been out for awhile). We are hopeful they get back into the big dance real soon! We are {huge} Iowa State fans:) Have a great night!!

MommaH - As the one other KU fan couple at church: ROCK CHALK!!!

Terrie Galle - Dear Megan…I’ve LoVeD all of your posts..up til now…bet you can’t guess why! I still love ya though!! Sincerely…a kSu fan 🙂 You’re laughing right?! Cause…I like to keep you laughing! It’s what I do best 🙂

Jemm - I was so bummed I didn’t win, then I read Gretchen’s comment and felt like a dork. So glad she won and God bless.
As far as THE game goes…stinkin’ Jayhawks. But I’ll be cheering for them tonight anyway. I’m just still smarting over the Wildcat’s loss, I’m an Wildcat alum after all! Cute letters 😉

pam - Love the letters….Rock Chalk Jayhawks! One of my roommates in college was the baby Jay mascot. I used to go into a storage room at the arena to help her get into her outfit. I still remember the size 20 something men’s B-ball shoes laying around in there. Thankfully when I was in college in the 70’s it was not as hard to get tickets for the games and we won a lot then too. I can never walk away from our boys when they’re on….they do some amazing passes and slam dunks….just don’t want to miss any of it.

emily anderson - rock chalk! i have a hard time watching the games though—i get all funky and nervous.

Kate - LOVE IT! Rock Chalk!

Nancy - Love the sparkle and the team spirit. I lived in Witchita from 1999-2000. A brief stint but I loved it none the less. So glad there is a new rockin’ Joann’s. Congrats.

ashley jensen - Hmmm…I noticed a shirt change on Annie in the pictures. We only watch the Superbowl. The letters would be cute for anything though!

april - they are sparkly!!! But what in the heck is rock chalk jayhawk??? I dont get it??? Please help!

Tonya - I’m so glad Gretchen won the vintage pearl gc!
We’ll be watching the Hawks tonight…you just might hear us cheering! ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK…KU!!!

Kimberlee J. - Love the KU letters so much I’m thinking of doing some for myself….KJ.
Too much?
Yay for Gretchen!

heather - yay for gretchen!!
God loves you and your son Gretchen. He loves you both so very much.

Jodi - Fancy letters for sure!
We are not BBall fans… Soccer is our sport! :o)

Dana Banana - Lovin that you made signs to hold up during the game!

catie - the letters sure are cute, but i’d rather add an S and paint them purple and white! GO CATS! 🙂
and, YES, the new joann’s is FANTASTIC!! i’m going there after work tonight!

Beth - Love those letters…ok I am going do this with Lexi and will share one day..not sure when we will but we are…this looks like lots of fun for the both of us! We will have to have a “U” in ours also…UGA Rocks!
Oh so happy that Gretchen won! I don’t even know who she is but oh so happy!
Have a great weekend!

Karen Gerstenberger - Those letters turned out great! Since Gonzaga (the men’s team) is no longer in the running, I will root for your team.

Leah - Can your kids to SDSU for my Aztecs? I know they lost yesterday, but those letters are awesome!

Jenny Joy - I can’t think of a better way to commemorate Gretchen’s husband! 🙂
And ROCK CHALK! We’ll be watching, too.

Courtney - so great i totally need these!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love it! so fun. you’re a good mama. my husband hasn’t lived in kansas in 14 years but he is a through and through jayhawk fan. he puts them to win on his bracket every. single. year.

tasha roe - love me some KU and some “fancy letters”
glitter makes everything better!

Meredith Salmon - So glad that Gretchen won. She deserves it. God bless to Gretchen and her son.

Amanda - LOVE IT! 🙂 Rock chalk!

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soooooo tired.

i stayed up until 4 AM talking with chicago jen last night.
and until 2:45 the night before.

i love my nights with jen.

but i am tired today.
VERY tired.

the men golfed one day 18 holes.
so jen and i decided to take some time without kids too…just moms…when the dads were back.

we went to get pedicures.
and jenny's was good.
mine was…….not.

here is jen's.
we started at the same time.

here is mine at the exact time as hers.

notice how the chair is empty?

it had already been empty about 10 minutes at this point.
my feet were on a cold wet rag.

jenny's girl put on her shoes….gave her the toe seperators….massaged her legs with warm lotion…..
did all the things she was supposed to do.
she was pampered (and i am happy for her)

i got….my toenails painted.

and it's not because my feet were in such good shape that they didn't need work.
my last pedi was in july.

it was just a really bad pedicure.
she never came back either….she just talked to her friend in the back and then started on a girl who came in for a manicure.

something to laugh about.
it was ridiculously funny.
i kept thinking i was getting filmed to see how i would react. 
it was CRAZY!

ok……..i need a nap.


my ETSY SHOP will open on MONDAY.

for real this time.
i promise.
cross my heart.

MONDAY at noon.


need sleepy.


elisa - I’m sorry about your pedi but your right, it IS pretty funny. I think I would have started saying stuff really loud. Like ask how Jen’s feet feel, because yours are kinda cold. Of course I probably would have sat there in shock instead.

Carol S - And another thing…this one’s for Jenny in Chicago…if she’s anywhere near Schaumburg, IL get over to FOOT FINESSE for a $28 ONE HOUR “foot massage” which is actually a full head, shoulder, foot and body massage, you’re fully clothed, and in a lazy boy type reclining chair. BEST value in the world! They don’t paint your toenails, but it is a very solid relaxing experience.

Carol S - Awww, at least your were a gracious hostess and gave your guest the good pedicure! I really dislike those wet towels…and have ALMOST said something, like, any chance I could get a dry rag to rest my feet on, please? lol. I can relate though, these are my kind of problems!

Peggy - The bad pedi was almost worth the good story……wasn’t it?
See you Monday.

katie - oh, i hate that! that’s happened to me before!

Alice H - I hope you didn’t have to pay as much as Jenny did!!

Myriah Mae - I soo have a pedicure story very similar to this… except me and 2 friends went and we all had BAD I MEAN BAD pedicures….they painted all over our skin and didnt try to fix it and they were mean….but like you said wenow laugh our butts off about the weird pedicure situation we found ourselves in.

CK - Sooooo want your whatever print:) I need it for our new home for the next 2 years. Can’t wait until you open!!

Jenny - If you’re ever in Greenville SC, you should stop by the spa I work in for an awesome mani/pedi. It takes about an hour (per service) to be soaked, scrubbed, masked, massaged and given wine or mimosas (your choice). Then, maybe you could drop by to see me for a massage or facial. You would love it :)! Waiting patiently (well, not exactly) for your shop to open!!! Woo hoo!

karen - If you have not already seen it look up Anjelah Johnson on You Tube and hear her mani/pedi routine. It is so funny!!!!

Sugar Mama - Sorry about the toes BUT I’m SOOOO happy about the shop opening! I’m eyeing a pillow or two and if anyone even tries to buy them before me I’ll start throwing elbows. Kidding. Maybe.

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Love the nail colour : ) Looking forward to your shop opening
Gemma x

Janelle - Why do I feel like I’m standing in front of a department store at 3am on Black Friday waiting for the doors to open?! Can’t wait for Monday at noon – is it possible to push and shove online? I want a rainbow t or hoodie, darn it!

Astrid - It’s so disappointing to get a lousy pedicure, isn’t it? Sadly, I only manage to get a pedicure once a year (my nasty feet could use one more often than that!) and the one I had last year was similar to your experience. The lady was just plain rude and did such a lousy job.
Thankfully, I got an AWESOME pedicure on my recent Hawaii vacation….so at least I won’t give up on getting pedicures.
Cute feet! (my toesies are bright blue. hee hee)

Katy Stone - bummer. i’m counting down the days until i get a pedicure. after a year in africa, my feet are baaaaaad.
reminds me of when i got my nails one on my wedding day- the lady used the cuticle clippers and went to town on my FINGER. (and it was on my left hand… the one that would be in pictures later that day!?) i was bleeding so bad and kept telling her to stop and she’d just say “it ok, it ok”. i left there with a wad of cotton on my finger… and she got no tip.
excited about your shop! 🙂

Erin - I gotta laugh at the lame pedi story. Been there! I am so anxious for your shop to open, my daughter NEEDS a rainbow hoodie. Where we live (Lithuania) it rains constantly, a little rainbow hoodie action to go with her rainbow rainboots are just what we need this spring!
Love this blog. Great photos, great colors, Godly inspiration. 🙂

Mind Movies Review - What a very tiring nights indeed! You toenails are stunning!

hannah - ha!! sadly, i can relate! today though, i actually had a surprisingly perfect, pampering pedicure. holla! hope you can have one soon;)
i’m ready to SHOP your shop!! xo

Valerie - Meg, you crack me up. Glad you can find the humor in your pedi 🙂

Michelle from Australia - By my estimate, Kansas is 15 hours behind Australia. Which means your shop will open at 3am on Tuesday morning, Australian time. Do you think I would get divorced if I set the alarm to get up and log on in the hope of snagging a rainbow t-shirt and jacket for my daughter? Probably but for the hope of a double rainbow, it just might be worth it 🙂 3am Tuesday, here I come!

Greatfun4kids - Hey Meg
Just wanted to wave and say from Auckland New Zealnd… I am long-time blog-freinds with Laura from Piece of Cake; I know you are one of her favourites so i thought I’d come by and see what she loves… I’ve put you in my blogroll so i remember to read your updates… (I remember reading your post about when she came to stay on their road trip cross country)
So, Hi!

Short, Sweet Season - Oh my gosh, bad pedis are the worst. In college, my BF and I went to get pedis after I had a horrible date with a very rude man. On the drive over, we talked about how we didn’t want to see any men that night and we were just going to have a fun girls’ night. After I chose my polish color and sat in the chair, guess who walks over to give me the pedi. A MAN! BOO!

because love is a lifestyle - That sucks! Hope you get the rest you need! Thanks for writing your blog, you do an awesome job. I love it!

jennifer - Lame pedi’s are such a huge disappointment. And you must be so stinkin’ exhausted! Worth it I’m sure though. Great friends are a rare thing.

Kristine - ha ha i HATE when that happens. and don’t they know you guys are there together and they should be on the same pace?! annoying. at least they look cute but sorry you weren’t more pampered. maybe you can go back to the *good* girl before july?? 🙂

amy cloud - SO HILARIOUS!!!! not that you got a bad pedi but the situation. Life is a wonderful adventure and you can either laugh about it or be miserable. I love your response!!!!!! Coffee soon! AMy klaassen cloud

Mindy Harris - i am excited for your shop to open. i am crossing my fingers for a bunting for story’s 1 year b-day partay!
sorry about your pedi–that’s a REAL BUMMER.
most of the time they do a great job…hmmm…

karen - cold wet rag doesn’t sound good!
yay for monday!

Lisa utu - Ahhhh…. Good friends! I don’t think everyone can say they have good friends like that. I feel lucky to have such deep, real, honest friends that I want to stay up all nite just to catch up! 🙂

Homeowner Insurance - Your blog makes me smile, you have cute nails!

Kimberly Dial - Awwww, it’s a shame about your pedicure but hey, your toes still look great! Glad Chicago Jen got a good one! You are so funny! Love reading your blog!

Kimberly Dial - Awwww, it’s a shame about your pedicure but hey, your toes still look great! Glad Chicago Jen got a good one! You are so funny! Love reading your blog!

happygirl - I don’t know what to add to all that has been said about the pedi. I’d be looking for a new nail shop. Glad you had fun with your Chi’town friend.

Sarah - At least you have pretty nails

Kelly (kelly is inspired) - Reading that made me so mad for you grrr.

Margo - You were so robbed!!! Glad you are having fun with Chicago Jen!!!

Jeddie - I can’t wait for the shop! The only downfall is we will be on spring break in Florida Monday, I don’t want to miss out! I am hoping for an adorable pillow.:)

Tami Veer - i have had some super crappy pedicures/manicures there too! i don’t bother going there anymore.

mary beth - You was robbed!! I think I would have been tempted to complain to the shop manager and I don’t blame you for not wanting to be the mean customer..I am a wimp about these things! You at least got a cool color!

Christy - That stinks & I would have been upset too. Glad Jen’s was nice though. 🙂 I have only had a pedi like 3 times, #2 was enough for me to never want to do it again, but #3 was a girls day out, so I obliged.
I have your shop opening on my outlook calendar!

april - girl u crazy….you should have said something….you should have got snot on her leggings! hahahaha

Kacey - So yours was half the price of Jen’s, right?! What a bummer!

aubrey - I love your color–you did NOT leave a tip right? She so did not earn it.
ou’re opening at noon your time, right? I don’t want to miss it. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I will be 31 next month and, believe it or not, have never had a pedicure. But if this would’ve happened to me, she wouldnt have been getting a tip, I can tell you that! What a bum!(Just kidding but she should’ve worked on you longer).
Cant wait for Monday. You’re killing me!

angela - That pedicure thing has SOOOOOOO happened to me. UGH!

Sarah@this farm family's life - Oh no! I would have been very upset.
Can’t wait for the shop to open.

lauren - mmmm.. not cool. i think i might have said something. unless i was afraid jon quiones or whatever that guy’s name is from what would you do was sneaking around the corner. then i probably wouldn’t have wanted to be the jerk lady. so good call. 🙂 my mom always wrangled me into giving her a foot massage so maybe there’s still hope for you.. promise a big tip! 😉

Leah - I would have complained big time and asked for a refund. That’s how I roll. … Noon your time?

kat - That is crazy. I can’t believe she just left you there… so unprofessional. On another note, I am SUPER excited about the Etsy shop opening!!! Yeehaw!!!!!!!

Georgia - I have n-e-v-e-r had a pedi…
I think you should have coimplained, i know i would have! lol
Toes are a pretty colour though 🙂

Deb - Hope you didn’t give her a good tip!

Jodi - sorry you didn’t get your pedicure! I would say, why didn’t you go over to her and say: “Excuse me, but you’re not done are you?”… but I can’t tell you to say that b/c I wouldn’t have… ;o)

alyssa - the only time I get a pedicure is usually with my mother and sisters -in-law. I am always the last one to sit down and the first one to be done. I get gypped every time! It never fails. It pisses me off! but I’m not bitter…

Shannon - Sux about your pedicure especially when it’s something you look forward to for some relaxation! It’s happened to us all though 🙂
I’m glad I know what I will be doing Monday @ noon!

Su@The Intentional Home - I am there. . Monday at noon 🙂 Your blog makes me smile.

Jenny Joy - What a bummer about the pedicure! Although, I will say that your toes look pretty darn cute. 🙂

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