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two things:

1.  i love jenny on the spot and her vlogs.
     i met her at the Coca-cola social media event in atlanta and wished we'd had a few more days together.
     she is EXACTLY like her vlogs.
     that is her through and through.
     when you watch that video you are seeing HER. 

so……i would like to copy her.
and vlog.

but really….what would i say???

i talk and talk and talk but when it comes to this….i am blank.

what do you want to hear come out of my mouth?
besides my dorky voice.

should i have a friend?

should i be with waffle?

should i show you my new mom swim dress……ha ha ha!!!!

only the special people that frequent the public pool in our town get that lovely treat.
and only for two second before i quickly drop my towel and jump-in-the-water-before-anyone-saw-me.
and also there was one time a kirby vaccuum salesman came around to my backyard while i was in my suit on a lawn chair thinking he'd get my business by coming in my yard with me barely dressed with my children all around.   
yeah….he did not. 

tell me.

tell me what to do.

cause you have the best ideas. 

update:  it took 61 comments for someone to notice that i said i had two things to share…..
and only shared one.
i was sleepy when i wrote it.

and also….not to worry.
IF i do a vlog it will be once in a blue moon.
they take WORK.
thanks for the suggestions…


Terrie - I just had a flash of you sitting on a couch…(of course it would be a gorgeous antique find that you had reupholstered in a rainbow floral fabric…or maybe stripes or polka dots) and there would be lovely throw pillows with white pom-pom trim… in a basement with paneling and you had painted over the boring brown and adorned it with colorful rainbow stripes…and your husband was playing a guitar and your kids were singing “meg’s world, meg’s VLOG, mom’s world, excellent…you get the picture! (And yes, I just had to go to you tube and watch some ExCeLleNt videos of SNL Wayne’s World clips!! I’m such a dork!!)

Ashley - I want to know what your favorite daily products are! Such as for your makeup, hair, body! Everything!

liz - hi meg, i absolutely love love love love love your blog. i am a “newcomer” and i actually started reading it from the wayyyy beginning! i was almost sad when i was caught up, because i love reading it so much 😉 i agree with some of the others…i’m not sure about the whole “vlog-ing” thing? it could be the whole “mystery” thing, i don’t know? but, if you did, i liked the suggestion above – if your kids interviewed you i think that would be hilarious.

crystal beutler - If you start vlogging, can I come and be your Ed McMahon? We could have a few minutes of witty banter before you launch into your post. 🙂
So glad you got away with the hub for the weekend. Those are always so much fun. Matt and I always end up saying “I forgot how much I like hanging out with you!”

Amber - Hi Meg!
Are you on twitter? x

Terrie - Okay silly girl…you still didn’t tell us what #2 was! I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep!! LOL!!!
PS – I got my ‘whatever’ print yesterday…and today I got the frame and tomorrow…my husband will hang it in my newly redone craft room where it will inspire me! It’s the little things that make me happy! 🙂

Shairee - You could vlog HOW you get all those things in the HAPPY THINGS list!! A craft thursday!! How to Tackle a laundry pile because yours sure do get big sometimes!! You could vlog your sewing projects!! rainbow sweatshirts, happy pillows – just don’t burp 🙂 Anything else you do would be great! Annie reading was totally adorable!
You should have your oldest with you so she feels special! Wait, would she? No, I guess not. You could vlog something SHE loves…maybe?
Anyway good luck!! Super exciting!! - I don’t care what you vlog…just do it…I’d watch cuz you’re so darn cute!

merran tatum - i think you could do exactly the same thing you do in every post, just spoken and recorded. i love your blog b/c it’s just you and your thoughts and a glimpse into your daily life, and for me it’s like spending a few minutes with my good friend meg every day. i think it should just be you and your coffee, sitting on the couch or in your kitchen or in your craft room, and talking to us for a few minutes…maybe about what you are working on in your craft room, what you are reading this week, you and the kids working on a thursday craft, you throwing together a yummy easy dinner, or maybe taking us on a tour of your favorite spots in your house (i LOVE your house and would love to see more!). don’t stress too much over it and don’t script it. just be you and we all will love it!

Katy - I agree.. A day in the life of Meg! That would be so fun!

Janelle - I would love to see what your average daily schedule is like. With four kids and a new puppy I am going a little crazy and would love to know how you do it…or maybe know how you don’t do it so I feel a little better 🙂

teresa - Am I missing where I can subscribe to WHATEVER?
I would love to have YOU delivered to my email each day!

teresa - Hi Meg~
My name is Teresa!
You don’t know me…but every now and again…for several years or so…I pop over into your FUN world!
The other day I popped in and read in AWE about the CRAFTy weekend you hosted at your FUN house!
What a GIFT you are.
I know this…and yet I don’t even really know you.
I too like to watch Jenny’s vlogs.
She lives not too far from me…way up here in the Northwest.
I watch Jenny and think how natural she is!
I mean the other day…she created a VLOG in her car…for crying out loud.
As far as vlogs…I have posted several on my own blog.
My readers seem to LOVE my vlogs.
Crazy thing is…I never have anything planned to say.
And they LOVE it!
They say it makes them feel like I’m right there…in their kitchen with them.
My sister told me she thought my vlogs were boring and long.
Sisters can be brutal like that! ;o)
But my readers seem to LOVE them.
So I say…just be you!
Most of the time…I don’t even wear any make~up.
Just talk to your readers as if you would a good girl~friend!
Once my sister told me I needed to stop saying the word “SO” so much.
I went back and re~watched the VLOG and I said “SO” like 20 times! Ah….haha!
Any~hoo…I trust my readers and know that they won’t be counting the times I say “SO.”
They don’t care if I have anything OFFICIAL and PROFESSIONAL and PROFOUND to say.
They just want to visit.
And don’t you just LOVE that about blogging friends.
I hope you SHARE a vlog with your readers.
I just KNOW they will LOVE it!
They will surely SMILE the entire way through it…I’m certain of it!
Happy Day Meg!
I love your style!
You are precious.
Oh…one more thing about vlogging.
Today I popped on someones blog I didn’t know.
A tweet led me to this blog.
I happened upon a vlog.
I clicked on it.
And guess what happened.
She was up early…no make~up…no kids…just her.
She had been listening to hymns…on a record.
She began to read the words from my very favorite hymn…The Old Rugged Cross.
How precious.
How sweet is that.
I teared up…I was so touched.
I didn’t even know her.
But now I do.
Hearing her read those words connected me to her so much more than if they had been written.
Go for it Meg~
Your readers will LOVE it!

Josie - I love your entries when you give a shot at the real life – laundry to do, rooms to pick up, dishes to do. It makes me smile. I think a video of it would be funny since you you are so creative!

Kristin S - What is #2??
I love your blog just the way it is. I love that you surprise us with completely random posts. I love when you share your kids’ crafting days (I only wish I had an ounce of their creativity). I love that you are real and normal!

Jess - Okay so I love vlogs, and love your blog. But I do not want your blog to turn into an every post is a vlog. I can’t always view your blog on my home pc, mostly at work. And I cannot watch vlogs at work 🙁 Silly flash rules 😉 So sure, once in a while, but not an every post kind of thing.
I used to read Ross’s blog from Jay Leno, love him, all the time, but he went to vlogging and I just lost interest. Maybe its the mystery? Either way, you’ll do what you think is the best thing.

Suzette - The Mom swim dress! Hilarious!

karen - ahhh yah you should be with waffle!!
For real Meg…just vlog exactly what you blog about…don’t think about it too much…you are loved because you are you! 🙂

Rachel - Do vlogs! When in doubt, answer peoples questions, or make up questions and say someone asked them. No one will know.

Tracy Fisher - I thought you meant tell me what to do about the swimsuit…hahah… because I was going to read the answers… I am going to CA in less than 3 weeks and have to get into one myself…yikes!!! … and go to a waterpark… yikes!!..

Chantelle - I A-DORE Jenny too and was just thinking the same thing!!! Problem is that I’m not naturally A-DORABLE like you and Jenny… Hmm. Anyhoo, I’d like to just SEE you. And yes, with your pup. 🙂

Julie - Perhaps share what you are passionate about.
Man voice optional.

Sandra K - In my opinion, please don’t vlog. I often read your blog in the quiet of my house at night or sometimes (gasp) in the office and I’d rather read then turn on the volume on my PC, wait for the file to download, etc. Whatever you do, I will still check in every day though. Keep up the good work. 🙂

Krystle - I’d take a tour of your home! I think it’s beautiful!

Su@The Intentional Home - craft demo. . tour of your home. . .sewing demo. . .

Staci - Oh Megan…it soooo doesn’t matter what you do…people will love it!!! I’d watch whatever you decide 😉 Looking forward to some vloggin 🙂

Kristin Bommer - i feel like such a dorkus when i do video blogs too. but everyone else always thinks it’s so fun 🙂

Danielle - Hey Meg, just a head’s up. I’ve sent you a couple emails would you mind checking your junk mail they might have gone there:) Thanks!

Lindsay - Have your kids interview you! That would be great. Kids ask the funniest questions. And what else could be more REAL?

Christy - How about some sewing tips? Or a tour of your town? Question and answer session?

Jenny B. - Every idea I had has already been mentioned, so I ditto the above! Especially craft Thursdays, Q&A, or a video house tour (messy laundry room and all). 🙂 I will say that I tend to skip videos that are longer than 5 minutes. That’s just me, though… 🙂

Anna Marie - So many people seem to have various questions for you. Until you find your vlog “groove” you could do a bi-weekly “question post” where we ask you questions and then you answer them in vlog form. I bet it would go faster than having to type. Plus you might be able to “show” us things to go along with those answers.
Also, I too would like to see tours: house, specific rooms, not-so awesome spaces of your house like maybe an icky basement or something cool and/or odd, neighborhood tour, driving tour of your town (if that is safe), etc.
Irregardless of what you do I really do think it would be neat to have you vlog regularly. It just adds something more to this blog…I don’t know…I can’t find the words for it but I know I would like this blog even more.

Jennifer - I want a tour of your lovely house from your perspective!

Julia - How about a blog with you and Chicago Jenny? Or, chatting in the car on you way to Sonic?

Anne @ Baking - I think a photography tutorial would be awesome 🙂

carissa... brown eyed fox - oh YES… vlog!
do it!
do it!
i want to hear your voice!
that sounds so odd… i want to hear your voice! ha!
when i have met or talked to fellow bloggers on the phone that is always the biggest surprise!
how they talk!
all good… just to HEAR them is such a change!
so much personality in one’s voice… so much of them… you know?
plus… they usually have an accent i never thought they would!
SO fun!
i say anything you end up talking about will be a hoot…
everyone will get a kick out of it for sure!
can’t wait!

Courtney Walsh - I’ve thought about the vblog thing too, but I have to be honest, I don’t really watch them! I think this is just me, but I’m more of a reader, so I’m not sure it would fly on my blog. lol
I like Shauna’s idea…tap dance baby!

Jacci - My favorite is when she goes through the junk drawer. That one cracked me up. Something like that would be fun. Or take us through the school pick-up/Sonic routine complete with edits that showcase Annie-isms 🙂 Or just pick a time to vlog when the house is *extra* full of energy, everyone is doing something practically on top of everyone else, it’s LOUD, and you have to yell at the camera to get us to hear you clearly. LOL. I’d like that. Again, plenty of Annie, too 🙂 Just my 2 cents. I think it’d be fun whatever you do.

Regina - Yes, include Waffle (in a dapper bow tie), and name it “The morning show with Waffle”, 🙂

Shauna - Tap dance routine?

Sheri - Ok Meg – I LOVE your blog. Love love love your cooking. Have tried several of your recipes. You are just so down to earth and funny. Would love to see you include vlogs in your blogs. That would be awesome. It could be called “From the Mouth of Meg” – ah haaaa. How’s that. Keep up the good work and keep posting – AWESOME.

deborah@applesinwonderland - i am considering vlogging too. i’ve done it for other sites, but my own–just me? scared. i’m scared. why? are you scared? what are you scared of? oh boy. do it. do it. do it. (i’m chanting for both of us now) alright, not really chanting–more like enthuastically encouraging. how’s that? art thursday could be a vlog for starters?

ashley jensen - Oh my goodness she is hilarious! I love the swine flu masks. My question would be (since you LOVE rainbows so much) what would your reaction be to DOUBLE RAINBOWS in your backyard? I dont know if I could ever do vlogging. Scary stuff. Especially for someone shy like me but it wouldnt really matter since I am just talking to myself, basically. Right?

Amanda - How about a walking tour of your house? It’s awesome 🙂

jennyonthespot - I like what Jill above suggested!
I’d like to see your reaction to the vacuum salesman. Can you re-create that in a vlog? Heehee…
Oh girl… tutorials or show us areas of your home (or projects) that you have shared in pics and expand 🙂 Got any good jokes?
My friend Lu has recently started vlogging ( and we’ve been roommates at a couple of events. I LOVE watching her videos because it makes me feel like we’re gettin’ together a little bit.
I want you to vlog so I cna feel more like we’ve had a little date 🙂

katey - You could have done the vlog of trimming waffle, if only you had thought of it! LOL!!! That would have been funny! No really start out with something easy like answering questions, then advance into a craft! You will decide the right thing!

happygirl - I love your blog as it is. I love your pics. I think your home decor is wonderful. I love your stories of life. I love your fearlessness of putting it all out there.

Jill - Maybe a Q&A. Your readers can submit questions that you can answer in Vlog. I think that’d be pretty cool!

sarah - I think people should vlog you their questions and then you answer them!! More vlogging to go around 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - A Day in the Life of Meg
A house Tour(I cant get enough of that gorgeous-ness)
or WHATEVER… I’ll watch it no matter what its about:)
Have a fun weekend!

Sarah - Cook, craft thursday, decorating project, vlog a tour of your craft room! or vlog a home tour….bet everyone would love that!

Sandy W - I prefer reading to watching video. It is rarely quiet enough around here for me to listen to a vlog.

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - i think you’d be great at vloging! many of your posts could easily transfer onto that platform. check out mama mary’s blog – she is a vlogging PRO and was even recently invited to speak at a blogging conference about it!

melissa rice - I like you just the way you are. I wouldn’t want all vlogs b/c out here in the country we don’t have fast internet!!! it would take me 30 mins to watch you !!!
you make me giggle! thanks for the inspiration.

sara @ it's good to be queen - yes do a vlog! we would LOVE it. and double yes, show us the mom swimsuit dress. you are a hoot!! 🙂

Terrie - I wish this were like facebook…’cause I’d ‘like’ Jenn Shock’s answer! 🙂

Jenn - I’m for the answering of questions. I also think a craft demo would be good too! And a cooking demo 🙂

Jessica Johnson - I would LOVE to see your mug in a vlog. Honestly, normally they freak me out a little bit and make me get all anxious for the person. Kind of like watching Dr. Phil or Jerry Springer? Do you feel me on that one? Like “train wreck! train wreck! Stop! STOP!” But I think you would be fab. I vote you talk photography. Or dog grooming. 😉 And Waffle definitely needs to be in it.

Holly - I love the vlog idea! I have been thinking about doing one for a while now. You should totally do a craft thursday vlog!
oh and I just watched annies video and I was cracking up at her licking her fingers whne she turned the pages! So cute!

Kimberly Dial - Why not mix it up & do a bit of both? Your blog is a fave of mine but a vlog may be fun too (on occasion) … oh my, decisions, decisions …… have a great day!

Jenn Shock - I like the idea of answering questions via vlog, but how about maybe doing a video of Craft Thursday?

jill - you talk, i’ll watch. it won’t matter what it is about. 🙂

Heather R. - Whatever 🙂

CathyC - Good morning Meg! Your blog is my FAVORITE. FAVORITE. I look forward to a new post every single day and I am always pleased thankyouverymuch.
But, I do not think you should copy anyone else, Vlog, or whatever (no pun intended). I think that the reason I like you so much is because you are so genuine and lovely and it is expressed perfectly through your written words and your photography. Vlog would take away from that, even though I understand that it works for Jenny on The Spot.
Now I am not saying that I would not want to see you on video, (especially if you are taping a tour of your house, just saying), but I hope you know I, and probably most, like you just the way you have been showing up every day.
That’s all.
Cathy C.

Becki G. - how about Q & A?
or a craft video?
i also think you’d be awesome at making a day in the life video
set to music. c’mon…do it!!!

KTG - You have a lovely voice not dorky. I remember when you read some Dr.Seuss with Annie. I think it was. I thought you sounded like a sweet lady!

Rachel J - I LOVE the recipes. We make your peanut butter pie here pretty regularly. 🙂 Vlogs with Waffle would be really cute. You could interview your kids about goofy stuff or more about your walk with God, the ups and downs or what books your reading or music your listening, movies you watch. We love you and and your blog. Just keep being you and we’ll keep reading! Happy Friday!

Teresa - Teach us how you edit your pictures as well as how to use a DSLR. Talk about the funny things your kids say. I always read them and wonder if you’re cracking up as you’re typing.
Talk about what you LOVE 🙂

lorelei - this sounds fun. i have done several vlogs, it gets easier as you do them. i know you’ll be great! can’t wait to see your first one!

Kat - Go for it. I am sure there are lot of us who would love to just hear you chat, answer questions and muse like you do on your blog.
Lets have a “get to know Meg” better session as a starter.

Sophie - I’m sure people have A LOT of questions to ask. (I for one have always wondered how you came up with Talby’s name) I think at the beginning, at least, you should just answer people’s questions. When you’re more comfortable, you can start talking about whatever takes your fancy. I’d definitely watch (:

Michelle - i love that you’re up late too 😉 seriously Meg I would love more recipes! I am proud to say I have made all of the recipes on your blog, I know I know, it’s a bit “stalker-ish” but I couldn’t help myself, everything is so dang easy and so yummy.
But I honestly think anything you vlog about will be great! You should do sit down interviews, with your kids, have them ask you questions, and vice versa. Or have your followers submit questions that you answer on a vlog 😉
Off to bed!
Hope this helped!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I agree with Megan….Cook! Your recipes are always ‘comfort food’ to me and I’d LOVE to see your kitchen a bit more : )
Gemma x

Georgia - I would like to know –
1) Who is the person you look up to and admire?
2) Do you have any regrets – (i.e fashion, life, jobs etc)
3) Whats your no.1 favourite food.
4) Whats your favourite pair of Shoes that you own?
Ooooh i cant wait! if you want more tips another blog i read ‘younghouselove’ they do video’s all the time answering questions.

Megan - Cook! I love your recipes and think you have mad kitchen skills and quite a beautiful kitchen to boot! I’d watch you!

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giant squids

craft thursday!

this was a BIG craft… go along with the title of the book that was our inspiration.

i love the illustrations in this book I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean.

very cute and simple.

annie can read it by herself and SHE suggested we make a giant squid for craft thursday.
it took some thought but we did it.

i thought it would be fun (and artsy) to use painted paper like collage artists often do (eric carle….lois ehlert)
instead of construction paper….but that would work great too!
and you could complete this project in one sitting if you did.
we chose to paint paper one day.
and make the squid another.


they each painted FOUR sheets of white paper the color(s) they wanted their squid to be.


when this painted paper was dry we took TWO of the sheets and made a squid head with the full sheet.
we made them 3D.
one full sheet was the front and one full sheet was the back.


they drew the pointy elongated shape on one and traced it to the other.
then they glued them together at the side egdes only.
no glue in the middle.
no glue at the bottom.

we use our low temp glue guns because it drys so quick….regular glue will work….just takes longer to dry.


we stuff the head with tissue paper (newspaper would have been perfect but ours was gone in the recycle)
it just needs a few sheets to make it puffy and 3D.

the other TWO sheets of remaining painted paper get cut into 10 strips for the “legs”.
annie used wavy edge scissors and it looked awesome….very realistic detail.


glue them to the inside of the squid head…so that they hang down….like a squid!


we used white egg cartons for the eye balls.
hot glued them low on the head and wide set.

black sharpie for the eye ball.
sean used big black buttons for his eyes.


AND THEN….we cut strips of bubble wrap and glued them to the legs to make the suction cups!  🙂

i glued a sheet of tissue paper to the bottom of the inside of the body to hide the legs and stuffing.

soooo cute!

big project but they loved it.

the hair….the snaggley loose tooth that she won’t pull out…..the red sonic slushy upper lip…..oh my.
she is such a six year old.


we love them all.
i hung them with string above our computer area.
they are so silly.


and for an extra special motivational treat…..

ANNIE will now read the book “i’m the BIGGEST thing in the OCEAN” for you.



happy crafting.


Hugo Arnold - These are super cute and creative! Can I have one of those? =) And that little girl’s wiggly tooth is super adorable! Well, your kids seemed to enjoy getting a little crafty. My two kids love arts and crafting too!

Amanda - Oh my! Those squids are totally adorable!
I run Fun Family Crafts, a site similar in nature to Craftgawker and Spotlight, but different in that it’s a library of craft tutorials geared only at kids. I would love it if you’d stop by and submit this to be featured! (I link to you, I don’t post your tutorial on the site) Feel free to submit as many kid friendly craft tutorials as you like!

lindsay - i work at a daycare and this months theme is under the sea. we read the book then made these yesterday/today in the infant room. i put the paint on the paper and let them have at it. it was a GIANT mess, but hey, that fits with the book, right? the squids are so super cute. thanks for the idea!

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - OMGosh!! These are freakin’ awesome. I love it when the kiddos get all crafty and make fun stuff. So wish we lived closer so we could hang out for crafty play date goodness. xoxo ML

Jenny B. - Love the video!! I like how you put the text over it telling us about the sandwich making. 🙂 Fun project! I’m thinking about doing “craft Thursdays” this summer… maybe… I don’t know… the mess kinda scares me. We’ll see! 🙂 You inspire me, as always.

danielle - loveeeeeeeeeeeeee these books! we have them 🙂 got them at the annual book sale for like $1 each! love the craft too, looks super fun!

merran tatum - seriously. i adore her. awesome job, annie!

Wendy - My 5 yr. old came running as soon as Annie started reading … and she was fascinated! When Annie finished, she said “Mom – she did a really good job”. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Juli - Licking the finger…that is just too much! Could that kid get any cuter?!

Genephur - LOVE that you, too read Twig with your children……Wonderous book!—and adorable craft idea!

Laura - THIS IS AWESOMEEEE!!! The project & Annie’s video are so great! Can’t wait to try it!

Staci - Awesome!!! So totally fantastic!!! And I love the way Annie licks her little finger to turn the page 😉 SO stinkin cute!!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - “shhhhhhhhh”… loved that part!
i need to pinch her cheeks! :O)
and i heard you!!!!!!
just said that in precious comment… and look… i heard you!
so funny!
you sure make me smile!

Taiya - That is quite fantastic! Love it!

Anne R. - Your Annie is beyond ADOREable & the licking of her finger to turn some of the pages was just over-the-top CUTE! Thanks for sharing. Fantastic craft, too!!! L-O-V-E your blog. It’s da bomb!!

Anne R. - Your Annie is beyond ADOREable & the licking of her finger to turn some of the pages was just over-the-top CUTE! Thanks for sharing. Fantastic craft, too!!! L-O-V-E your blog. It’s da bomb!!

Alice H - That is such a cute idea! I wish I had more time (and money) to do crafts with my kids.
The loose tooth that she won’t pull…my 12 year old just had one of those and when she went to the Dentist, they pulled it. It had been loose for about 2 months. Anyways, she ended up having some gum damage from that loose tooth. Weird, huh!

Stephanie - This is so cute! I am seriously wondering if I can do this with my 20 first graders… big project but they would be so great hanging all over my classroom!! You are so creative~ you should make a craft book:) Love hearing Annie’s sweet voice, she is a great reader!!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - That is a super cute craft!! We just made an octopus using bubble wrap for the “legs”. Maybe we’ll try this one sometime this summer. Oh and we LOVE that book too, it’s one of our faves!
Thanks for sharing!!

Sarah - So adorable!

cassie o - so precious how she kept licking her finger to turn the page
thanks for sharing 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Really love them…especially Annies…so colourful!
Gemma x

Ali - Oh, I could watch her read for hours. Why did I never video my own children at that stage?

karen - very sweet…love your video’s!

Julie - I love that book!
And I loved watching Annie read it! And, now I want to make a craft with bubble wrap!

LAURA PHELPS - the squids AND the kids are so big
how did that happen???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kimberly Dial - Love the squids … every one of them! Your children are such cuties and Annie’s reading …. spectacular. Thanks for sharing!

katie - oh man. i almost didn’t watch that video and i’m SO glad i did.
i cannot even handle that Annie was licking her finger before she turned the pages. so incredibly cute.

Lori - The finger-licking page turning is toooo much 🙂 Such a big girl!

mandy - love!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - You are a fleepin awesome momma. I cant wait to meet you @ BlogSugar in September! Can we do a crafty project together when we meet?:)

Beth - Oh my goodness!!! Annie reading that book was toooooooo good. Loved her licking her fingers to turn the page (I’m guessing maybe her mommy does that???). And that snaggle tooth — has it come out yet?? She wiggled it at me when she came to art on Tuesday and I do NOT do well with loose teeth!! When I was secretary Edna and I always said NO NO NO we do NOT do teeth 🙂 That project is also the BOMB. You are the best mom ever.

Heather R. - She did finger lickin’ good. Too cute. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the squids! Great job. 🙂

amy jupin - i love everything about this post.
annie’s voice.
hearing yours.
seeing more cuteness hanging over the computer.
ben is laying on your pillow next to me.
just so you know. 🙂
miss you.

Wendy - THose are really cute!!
I have to ask, incase you know – any idea why I’m getting so much traffic from you? I had almost 200 visits that list you as source. But I can’t figure out why?

Angela Atkins - My two year old daughter loves it. So we are going to watch it again. Probably a lot.

Kathryn - 1) A PERFECT snack for this activity would have been the deep fat fried and glazed squid ‘donuts’ from Drubers!

Marla Rae - how fun. i am going to put this book on the list of books i want to get my grandson and then of course make a squid to go with it! WOW MEG YOU ARE A GREAT MOM! the sound on my computer doesn’t work but i will listen to annie at my office tomorrow! way to go you guys!!

se7en - I just love your giant squids – awesome!!!

Callie -
i think annie would appreciate this video! my kindergarten students loved it!

Leslie - I love seeing your crafty Thursday goodies – you are so creative. What a cute video – I love how she licked her finger to turn the page – lol!! And she reads so quietly until the attention turns to Waffle and then her big voice comes out – love it!

Penny - Meg,
Your home looks and “sounds” like a wonderful place to be! I love Waffle getting in on the action. And the music in the background. I hope I was as good a mom, mine are 23, 20, 17. It’s funny how I wish I could transport myself back for a day and relive the wonderful times with little ones. Cherish, I know you do!!
You did a great job reading that book. You are an awesome reader. I love how you used your imagination for the pages without words. Keep up the good work!
Miss Penny

Happygirl02 - um, how cute is she licking her finger like an old librarian?! Adorable. Thanks for sharing.

Toni :O) - Okay, by far one of my most favorite videos! How adorable is her finger licking and then Waffle (he has HAIR!)coming by and swishing his tail into the book…so hilarious! What a great craft project, you truly are a terrific mother and extremely creative. Such a beautiful family!

Amy L. Weber - YAY ANNIE!!
I’m a 1st grade reading teacher from South Dakota, (can you find it on a map?) and LOVED your reading! You are doing so many things that good readers do: going back and re-reading, checking your pictures, using great expression, and fixing it up when notice something! Wow! Those are great strategies! Way to go!

kelli - too cute!! i love how annie licks her finger then doesn’t really use that finger to turn the page 🙂

Kimberlee J. - My librarian from school used to lick her finger like that. I remember practicing licking my finger to turn the pages to be just like her. 🙂
Annie rocks at reading.

Jennifer - You Rock!!!
In your spare time (HAHA!!!) would you tell me what your desk is made out of? We’re wanting to pull some kind of desk/workspace area together and I don’t have an extra 3 grand lying around to order the ones from Ballard that I super want and I’d love to figure out some other creative, re-purpose-y way to do it.

Esther Dee - Meg, I totally admire you as a mom so much. I love how you let your children engage in so many art projects regardless of the messes, art is such a great way for children to express themselves. I meet so many mommies and they say to me oh I can’t have them do this or that because of the paint mess. I was just like you when my children were small, now I do it with my grandchildren. Keep it up, honey!!!

Routhie - Love the background music. Gave it a Masterpiece Theatre feel. 🙂

Regina - Very, very, oh-so-very CUTE! Now, I wonder if I can talk my 12 and 16 year-olds into making giant squids with me too?! Wish me luck…

sarah - I love that she licks her finger to turn the page! too cute

Lisa - Good job coming up with a plan for crafting squid! They are so cute. That reminds me of the year I had to figure out how to make a pink seal costume for my three year old. Oh my.
My little girl said as I watched the video “She’s a good reader!”

Juli - Oh, she is so cute! I wish I’d thought to videotape my kids back when they were learning to read. Ah, well….
There’s always videotaping the grandkids. Someday.

Steph at Modern Parents Messy Kids - Those turned out so great!
I also wanted to thank you for featuring my Paint Chip Egg Garland tutorial.
Your site was one of the first blogs I ever followed. Then I had my daughter and lost track of the blogging world for a while. I’m so glad to have found you again – your site is full of lovely inspiration!

amanda - So cute! 🙂

adrienne - yea annie!!! cute cute! love the giant craft

Cindy B - Thanks for sharing. Love the craft and the bonus read by Annie. TOOO Cute!

Jemm - So cute-I hadn’t heard about that book. I miss having younger ones to read picture books to. My baby is turning 10 tomorrow-yikes!

Sandy - Love that book and loved Annie reading it!

Shayne - The squids are cute, but Annie’s reading was AWESOME!

Meghan - Now those are awesome!

Jes - I sense we will have squid hanging in our home soon too!
What a great story, and I especially liked her own words at the end!

happygirl - So cute. Painted paper. What a GREAT idea.

Tracie - We discovered this book at the last school book sale and we LOVE it. It is great. What a fun craft!

Whitney S - Oh my goodness, I love it! I cannot wait to have children so I can make fun things like this with them! My mom is a teacher so I have always been into fun book crafts- love them!

Nicole Q. - Super cute!

Jen Brandt - Love, love, love it and totally stealing the idea. Thanks!

Christy - Love it!! Love the finger licking AND hearing your voice. Just like the other commenters, not what I was expecting:)

Christy - What a GREAT craft! Love it! My son has this book too & we love it. I think my son & I will have to make one of these too. Great job, love all of the squids!

Lindsay - Finally hearing your voice is wild! Like the previous comments, I had a different voice for you in my head.
She is a doll reading that so confidently.

Jen - lalalalala… Love it my favorite part was the finger lick when she turned the first page… hahaha Hi Waffle…

rachel / - annie’s paint job is BEAUTIFUL! LOVE the eyes & bubble wrap accents! cute video – love the commotion in the background. 😉 p.s. your voice doesn’t sound like it does when i read your posts. 😉 i think because you kind of look like one of my friends, i gave you her voice, too. not the same! you’re less raspy than i imagined! HA HA HA! i’ll have to tweak my meg-reading voice!

sharron - i love how she she licks her finger before turning the pages!!! she is a doll!
love the squids too and that you hung them above the computer area!
happy crafty thursday!

Lisa - Oh my goodness! That video was so great. Love how Annie was licking her finger to turn the pages at the beginning. So cute. And the background noise and the “word commentary” made me laugh!

Lauren - I love that she licks her finger before she turns the pages! How sweet, Miss Annie. You are a pro-reader! Way to go!

Holly - those look like a lot of fun! I have a kindergartener and I love hearing him read!

Kari - You are such a fun and creative mom! I sure wish I was more crafty. Thanks for sharing your projects.

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i need it.

ok….NEED is a strong word.

but i do WANT things….like iPhones….iPads.

even though i never travel to places that may need this.
i still want it.


really awesome.

what a brilliant way to use technology!



thank you for all the nice things you said about my blog yesterday.
not what i was expecting….i thought you try to help me answer the question….but your nice words were a good boost to my stuffy achey nyquil filled head.
i guess i settled with lifestyle/creative family blogger. 
sounds made up.
oh well.
there isn't a real category division anyway….i just wondered what you thought.


ALL my etsy orders have shipped.
every single one.
even to the girls in the united kingdom.  :)

it's all done.
i am so glad.


jillian and i are still on.
i am almost ready for week 2….i'm scared.
and i SUCK at the meal plan.
like i am probably at 15%.
oh well.
i am still letting her kick my booty in the living room everyday (except yesterday)


IMG_0270-1 IMG_0292-2

he doesn't look that bad.
he doesn't look that good either.
but it's done.
i may never do it again…..but maybe i will…..groomers are expensive.
and i definitely understand exactly why now.
but i like trying new things.
i can check dog grooming off my life list of things i am not great at but just semi-ok at.


and he still loves me.
thank goodness. 


Jodi - Just wanted to let you know I groomed my Shih Tzu today. I’ve had this post in the back of my mind while my Sammy grew out. Today I did it. Same thought…he doesn’t look horrible, but not as great as his $60 groomers haircut would look. Then again, he’s now cool in the hot summer sun and I still have $60 in my pocket!!

Kelly - Oh, dying laughing here. That is not a happy Waffle in the first photo… and it’s looking like Waffle has a wattle… it happened to our dog at about age seven… but you are a good mom. He is so loved.

Megan - After you started the Jillian Ripped in 30, I hopped on Amazon and ordered the DVD! It came today and I just did the first workout! Ow. I am just looking to become more toned, and WOW am I sore! Hopefully this will work!! Thanks for some inspiration!

Kelley - I just checked out the app….its 10.00!!!!!!!!! too much for this broke college student!!!! (But so totalllllyyyy awesome!!!) <3

rachel / - i adore this dog – shaggy or shaved. so glad you posted the other pics of him because it appears in the top left he is thoroughly MIFFED as all get out. 🙂 hope you’re feeling better!

Jessica Johnson - waffle!!! good job, mama. and yes, brilliant app. there will need to be lots more DIY doggies cuts in my future to be able to use it… 😉

tara pollard pakosta - I just love Waffle, sigh>>>he’s so cute!
I know it costs us 55. to groom our cockapoo and he’s only 30lbs sheesh! but it is alot of work, we tried and couldn’t do it, we only trimmed him a tiny bit and gave up! he was too scared!
go YOU on jillian!
I only did 2 days and am scared to go back.
I did 5 days of it a year ago and it took me this long to get back to it! the good news is since feb 14th i Have lost 14lbs!
not from jillian though LOL!
just watching what I eat!

ashley jensen - Our puppy dog is in dire need of a massive trimming. He looks like Chewbacca (he’s half brussels griffon half yorkie). I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to trim some dogs but Waffle looks like a pretty laid back. And before too long his hair will grow out just enough to where you can’t tell a diy dog groomer did it!

Kimberly Dial - Waffle is adorable and his name — too cute! - They do say that the difference between a bad haircut and good haircut is a couple of weeks, so Waffle, who doesn’t look half bad now, will look Awesome in a couple of weeks. 🙂
I had an accident with my sony walkman a couple of weeks back (it got very wet and sadly passed away) and “upgraded” to in iPod Touch… which now just makes me really want an iPad! Though there is no way I can justify why it’d be any use. At least you can make calls and send texts with an iPhone!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - He is such a fluffy dog…adorable!

bobbie - I groom my dog myself too but entirely with scissors because he’s terrified of clippers. He always looks very.. um.. inventive… the first few days. But after about a week it grows out a little and just gets fluffy. Well, except that one time…poor dog.

Kat - Go you with the workouts!
would love to hear what they involve and what kind of food do you have to make?
Ah I agree with a pp, you have to cook for six others and that is hard at the best of times.
Would love to know what she says about snacks, as I think that is the tricky part!
Keep up the good work Meg.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Awwwwwwwwww…Waffle looks so much better without his poodle feet:) I say keep doin it yourself. You’ll get better each time and save money doin it. And think of all the bonding time you will have with him:)
We LOVE our rainbow hoodie. It came yesterday.

Kimberlee J. - Based on what I saw in Waff this week, I’d say you did well.
And he totally stuck with me….like all day. And then I spilled diet coke on myself and just went to work like that anyways, because seriously, WHO looks at me?

karen - LOL!! that first pic of Waffle is too funny…he does NOT look happy with you!

April M - if only they had an app that translated for dogs – then Waffle could tell you that he appreciates your efforts on his behalf 🙂

Laura - Couple months ago I saved at least $75 by giving our puppy his vaccine booster myself instead of going to the vet. Never gave anyone a needle before, but it got done! Wahoo for figuring stuff out for yourself!

Jennifer Williams - I think you did a good job with Waffle. Doesn’t it make you feel a little better about spending the money on things when you find out just how hard some jobs are? It sure gives me appreciation for things.

julia - Waffle looks like he feels violated. Either that or his dignity has suffered a major blow.

Stefanie Arnold - Wow… I didn’t know Jillian’s work out comes with a meal plan! here I lost my weight, thinking she was amazing, with just her work out! After this pregnancy I’ll have to try the meal plan 🙂
Did you get it with your DVD’s? Mine didn’t come with one. But I only bought the 30 Day Shred at Target. Maybe that’s why.
I want the ipad2 too. My Mom just got hers and skypes with me to show it off 🙂

Pamela Gordon - Waffle looks great today 😉 And he still loves you indeed. He probably feels a lot better with all that hair shaved off. I hope you are feeling much better tomorrow! Blessings, Pamela

Lisa - I have resisted lots of technology for years but I officially want an iphone. 🙂 Can’t wait for my print to come in the mail too! Hope you are getting healthy… this years been a rough one in our family. Hoping the cold season is over!

Heidi - Never commented on your awesomeness before, but that picture of Waffle giving a somewhat stink-face at the camera is just a hoot!!! I get home from teaching and skip on over to see what’s up. Today you gave me a good laugh with that Mr. Waffle’s “stink-face”. Thanks for encouraging us to all try something new!

Abby B - I saw that app a month or so ago, and if it actually worked like that (no idea if it does) and I actually had an ipod that wasn’t broken, it would be amazing! There have been several times on our recent vacation in Italy that I’ve lamented about not having this app! - Waffle looks much better now that you fully trimmed him up. Yea Meg! Jillian scares me but I’m considering buying her DVD because I’ve become such a marshmallow…..hmmm.

happygirl - Such a cool app. I’m going to show it to my boss. He travels to Italy often and never know what they are saying to him. I think he will LOVE it. I KNOW I will. And, good jog grooming. Do you cut your daughter’s hair, too? hahahaha

Jennifer - Waffle is working the Billy Idol sneer in the first picture. But the last one is soooooo cute. He does love you! What a meatball nose he has! I think you did a pretty good job.

sue - Good for you tying new things but there is one thing i will not to do my dogs and that is cut there nails. It scares the you know what out of me so i have the vet do that. It costs me 10 dollars per dog but worth every penny. !

Nicole Q. - That is a super cool app. Amazing really.

georgia - Do you ever cut waffles claws? I have tried with my dogs but they don’t like it one bit! Lol

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - LOVE the look Waffles is giving in that first picture..
I would have to agree w/ the category

Erin Ward - What??? That app cannot be real. If I was cool enough to have an iPhone, I would totally play with that all the time.

Marie - I’m letting Jillian kick my butt too and I’m horrible at the eating plan too 🙂 - Okay, I’m going to have to take up for Waffle here, I think you’re the best Meg, but dog grooming may not be at the top of your list of skills;-) Bad hair or not, he is still cute!

sarah w. - Oh precious Waffle.
He’s still the cutest dog.
I love Jillian.
She got me into great shape.

Marla Rae - Waffle looks super dee duper and I just love that his name is Waffle. How did he get his name? I am so curious about how Waffle bacame Waffle. Thank you for your you-ness. If you lived in North Dakota I am sure we would be friends ……vintage…except I have never clipped a dog although I did go to beauty school and worked in a salon for 7 years…people tho not dogs. Have a great day!!

Wendy - Omgosh seriously LOL’ed at the picture of the dog!!! That is hilarious.

Anne @ Baking Me - Waffle looks great!

Daniele Valois - oh, your dog looks so handsome! …I am still getting ripped too, but I took off Monday for a cold!, and I am not very good with the diet. I am not doing horrible, I just need more carbs! …so, it will be interesting to see how we do with mostly letting her kick our butts with the workouts! I”m not stopping!!!

Staci - I don’t even think I checked in on your blog yesterday ;( sadness 🙁 So this is probably a little late…but awesome…that’s what you are….you groom dogs…do crafts, cook, sew….YOU DO IT ALL!!! You are in a category all of your own…and I think it’s a great one 🙂

Jennifer - Awww…Waffle is so precious! He looks like an old soul and one who has a tender spirit. I think you did a great job with his grooming.

sharron - he looks great!
glad you are feeling better too 🙂

Leah - I’m a firm believer that if you’re working hard exercising, you can have some leeway (did I spell that right?) with your food choices. Not saying to go hog wild. But if you’re working Jillian hard. I’d say that itself is an accomoplishment. And does she have six people to cook for every night? Probably not. That’s all I’m saying.

Ana M - You are great !!! So easy to laugh with the way you put things in perspective…(Ok, sorry about my english but I’m brazilian and even though I graduate from english school you can realize that sadly I don’t practice very often…)
Waffle is fine and time would bring you more skills…
Thanks for you blog, your posts and thanks for being just you…
God bless…

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random again.

caught a cold today….really fast….and it's being dumb.
i have not been as sick in years as i have this year.
what gives?!
i have taken nyquil so who knows where this post may go.

i bought four songs today…

Loving wings by dave matthews live at las vegas  (i finally found a DMB song that i adore)
Everything by michael buble    (it's just so catchy!)
Sort of by Ingrid michaelson  (i like the way she says heart in the beginning & the line "my love's too big for you")
and Baby (you've got what it takes) by brook benton & dinah washington

i listened to it 8 times.


i had a nightmare that the SUMMER magazine came in the mail and it was beautiful.
then i got to my article and all the pictures were awful and so dark you couldn't even see what was it them.
not a good night's sleep.



i packaged and taped all the prints to be shipped out.
makes me happy to know that so many homes will have more rainbows.  :)


i watched EAT PRAY LOVE while packaging things this past week.
i remembered my favorite line from the first time around

"ruin is a gift" 

i am dreaming about having a week in my home alone.
or alone with just craig.
nothing that has to be done but just enjoying my home….having some quiet….

it sounds DREAMY.

maybe this summer i can work that out. 


what kind of blogger do you think i am?

do i have a category?

is it obvious and i just don't see it?

who am i? 

ha. just kidding on that last one.

i was asked what i am and couldn't give an answer!
and it's been bugging me.
what do you think?


i have another giveaway for you on my other blog……from french bull & huephoria!

come see.

it's a quick one though….so don't miss it.



SuigNeure - effexor pharmacy coupon pharmacy technician job in dayton ohio

Bernice - With a blog title like “Whatever” do you really need a category? 🙂
I just got the hubby to get Eat, Pray, Love for us to watch together… because I watched it on the plane and keep making references to it and they’re all flying over his head.

crystal beutler - Man – you and are are on the same wavelength! I was just talking about trying to find a an app. that would allow me to translate text, or speak with people while I am in France this summer. And voila, here it is — on your blog! Merci Meg. 🙂
Love the music choices.
You are getting sick a lot because you have a lot going on, and it is probably more stressful that you realize. Every time I have too much going on, I get sick. Every single time. I think it’s the curse of a busy mom.
As far as blog categories go — I put you in every one of these: awesome, inspiring, and funny.

jennifer delossantos - What kind of blogger are you? Inspirational.
What category? Reality.
I love that your blog is filled with a postive outlook, but yet not an everthing is rainbows and sunshine outlook. You just seem real. It come across to me that you post like some days things are rough, being a mom is hard, the house isn’t always spotless,…yet you are thankful and rejoice in all of it.
Love your blog!

Trina McNeilly - Hope you feel better!!!!!
A week at home in quiet and clean does sound kind of dreamy!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your blog runs the gamut! I’m not sure what categories there are but ‘delightful’ & ‘always makes me smile’ come to mind … do those qualify?

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your blog runs the gamut! I’m not sure what categories there are but ‘delightful’ & ‘always makes me smile’ come to mind … do those qualify?

jackie - What kind of blogger are you? A FANTASTIC ONE! REAL, GENUINE, FUN! Just a few things that come to mind.

Karen - Hmmm. I have different folders for hundreds of different blogs (such as Decorating / Recipes / Sewing / Crafts / Holidays)… well you get the idea. Your blog is under “Favorites” 🙂 You are the first thing I read every morning. You are happy, inspirational, fun, creative, full of life, lovely and REAL. You INSPIRE me to more LIFE – does that make sense? And it doesn’t hurt that you take awesome pictures AND you can write!!! love ya, can’t wait for the pillow & print!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You are a wonderful, precious, blogger that is a mommy full of faith, fun and rainbows. That is my take anyways!

Courtney Walsh - I’ve heard my blog categorized as a “lifestyle” blog. No idea if that’s true, but maybe that fits you too? lol

mia - Hope you feel better…
Have a blessed wednesday!

Becca Rojob - Have you heard of Regina Spektor? I think you’d like her music. You can listen for free on Listen to Fidelity or Samson.

Jenny B. - You are MEG. You are a hoMEGrown Momma to Energetic Girls (and boys). You know who the alpha and oMEGa is. You fill up your MEGabytes with style, create MEGaprojects, and maybe cook something with nutMEG (had to throw that one in). That’s what you are, and I think you are MEG-eriffic! But, you know… whatever works. 🙂

karen - Awesome Blogger Meg…that’s the category.

Brooke - Whatever you blog is I love it 🙂 I really enjoy that you are random and blog about what is going on in your life – enjoyable or not so much.
I just watched Eat Pray Love and actually really liked it, I had heard the contrary so I was glad it was better than I thought it would be 🙂
Get better soon.

Tonya - I love your blog. It’s about life and WHATEVER it brings! Thanks for letting us in!

Tracy Fisher - “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – e.e. cummings. That’s what I love about you and your blog. You give me courage. Does that answer your questions?
Keep on keepin on!

Jennifer - I love reading your blog because you are real. I guess that makes you a real blogger. 🙂

Mary - Duh! You’re WHATEVER!!! :)In the best kind of way! I didn’t have time to read everyone else’s comments, but I am sure others told you the same ;O)

hollie - rockin blogger, with a mix of family, crafts, photography, and lots of grace!

elliottsurf - Your blog category would be”inspirational” or “family”. I love your take on things, mostly positive, but realistic. You inspire many of us out here! Where did you get the rainbow tape? Please post your source.

gina f. - i think your blog is an “every girl (or guy?) blog. There’s crafty stuff, kid stuff, home stuff, Meg stuff, inspirational stuff, real life stuff, random stuff that = fun stuff. Every day is different but it is all you and i like it! i have 5 kids and have the same dream as you… a week at home alone to accomplish stuff (besides laundry, cooking, cleaning, chauferring). love the every day (most days) but dreams are good!

rachel / - i don’t know if you would fit into a category either. 🙂 you are “WHATEVER” in every sense of the word, spelled out in rainbowy letters. love the pic of the prints & your cute tape. 🙂 get well!

Julia - You ARE….someone who has never visited my blog 🙁

jennibell - I agree, you’re in the “real life inspirational” category. If there is one 🙂 I would love, love, love a week home alone!!! I *think* we’re going to get one this summer. . .think. It’s on the calendar at least. I can’t wait. I had the morning home alone today and it’s been an awesome treat. I love my four kiddies. . .love, love, love them. . .but this has been refreshing too. Can’t wait to check out your songs. . .I definitely need some new tunes. Hope you’re over your cold soon — I have one too and it’s tough being the mommy and being sick. Not too sick that you can’t get out of bed, but run-down for sure. Have a better week!

can you imagine if BELLE wrote that???????

BELLE PHELPS - I have no idea who I am, let you alone YOU!
I hate those questions
had to answer in a sentence for project mom who I am and what my blog is about
UMMMMMMMM…..I dont know???
sounds convincing, doesn’t it?
but if I HAD to answer on YOU….hmmmmm
“WHATEVER is where I go when I am so focused on the perfect, that I miss out on the ordinary.”
I love you
my day sucks
can I just start talking a bout ME here?
I need therapy
all for now
Luke has kindergarten evaluation now…my baby is leaving…:-(
(ps…do you like SUGARLAND? My new favorite!)

Jenn - I am so excited for my print!!!!!!! I think your blog is a great mix of family life and creative crafting. I think all your readers enjoy seeing how you work your style into your home and how you pass along your creativity to your kids – gives us all lots of ideas too! - What type of blogger are you? A GOOD ONE!

deborah@applesinwonderland - dave matthews IS the background music in my house. loving “die trying” and “you and me” right now. and my new answer to people wanting me to categorize myself? i am trying to live without labels. pop out of the box, baby!!!! hope you feel better soon. nyquil makes me nuts.

Sarah Wolfe - You have something for everyone. I’m not crafty, but I like to see your crafts… and some day I just might do one. Love your home ideas. Love your creative photography. But mostly, I think people read blogs to feel connected and inspired. You’ve got both, connection to your audience. And inspiration. Best of both worlds 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - get better!
does that mean you are taking a break
from the shred?!
I lasted 2 days, needed 2 days to recover.
now I have to get back on….
in good news since feb 14th I have lost 14lbs!
I would say you are the crafty, honest, down to earth, faith filled, mom blog!!!

Beth {Embracing Twentysomething} - You are a beautiful mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter, and inspiration to all. Not just any mom blogger, but a true example of what it means to be living openly, honestly, and in faith. I love the raw truth you share – straight from your heart.
Thank you, thank you. 🙂 {oh, and feel better!!}

Jenny - Some of the most amazing things cannot be categorized! They cannot be explained, but they make you feel good inside. They make you happy. I would say that you cannot be described to fit into one category and that makes you AWESOME! And, that AWESOMENESS spills over into the parts of the world you reach. Thank you for being you!

Jessica Johnson - i’m sick, too. boo. i say blame jillian. i can’t. but you can. and i would go with lifestyle, too. or maybe “larger than lifestyle?” because you are so much more. <3

Sugar Mama - You just defined why so many of us love your blog…. because you are “you” and don’t try to conform to one specific category. I love that I can come here for craft ideas, parenting stories, pictures of your half shaven dog, or read about the love you have for your husband. It’s fabulous.
But if you MUST tell them something, I’d say “lifestyle” blog fits you best. Or “fabulous” blog if that category is available. ;o)

Jacci - Lifestyle blog 🙂 We’re expecting our 5th baby in September, and I’d say your blog is about married life with five kids – your lifestyle. Other lifestyle blogs may feature fancy pants restuarants – you feature SONIC! Other blogs may feature great night spots like clubs or bars – you feature romantic getaways in the BATHTUB (which get interrupted by puke. Other lifestyle blogs may feature gourmet recipes – you feature rainbow Jello-O. Interior design inspiration? You’re all over it with pom pom trim that never ends and doodly “Summer To Do” lists. Definitely lifestyle – Meg and Craig style, mom of 5 style, Waffle lovin’ style, Christ-honoring style lifestyle. That’s why we read you!!! 🙂 You’re our own lives in a lovely blog page.

Jen - I don’t think it’s going to help much but I have your blog bookmarked under “Home.” All my favorite blogs are under that tab.

Tonya - I don’t know what category, but whatever you love, I end up loving. So maybe you’re “Influential”…I bought myself a polka-dot nalgene…can’t say polka-dots were ever on my radar before. and I just danced to Baby (you’ve got what it takes) and memorized Phil 4:8 and have it on my wall. I have all boys, but I’m wondering how I can incorporate rainbows, actual rainbows, in their room. 🙂

Carla - I’d say the category is ‘craft, pray, love’ 🙂

Claire Wood - I consider you an honest, Christ-following (faith-in-action), creative, hilarious-funny, REAL woman who encourages others through her mothering, crafting, traveling, photographing, and living.

Astrid - I just gotta know- where ever did you find that Rainbow Tape?

Susanna - oops! scene NOT seen! HA HA

Susanna - You are my favorite blogger! You make me laugh, so that’s the best category to be in!
I have had 3 of my 4 kids sick this week + my husband. YUCK! I feel your pain about a quiet and alone house.
I loved Eat Pray Love too…read it and saw/own the movie. I love the bathtub seen in Italy with the old woman. HOOT.
BTW as far as DMB–try the Grand Canyon(IMAX film) album.
It’s fabulous…made the whole family a fan and we listen to a lot of the same music y’all do.

Meg Carter - Meg! you are in a category of your own… the “whatever” category could not fit any better. I read many blogs, but always have a slight excitement when I see whatever in bold on my reader. I think what draws me to your blog most is that I never know what to expect it is always all over the place and I mean that in a good way. It is kind of like a grab bag and who doesn’t like a grab bag surprise. Some days it will be a mommy blog some days it will be a craft blog and so on, but it is always fun to read. BTW I literally laughed out loud at the pictures of waffle.
Thanks so much for your inspiration and entertainment! 🙂
-another Meg

Terrie G - You are a real life blogger! That is what I LOVE about it! We could call you the Rainbow Blogger! Love that too!! Can’t wait for my print to hang in my new craft room! Moving furniture in today!!

Necole - I love sitting down with my morning coffee and reading your posts. It is like calling a friend in the morning and having a chat.

Heather R. - You ARE “Whatever”…and I love it. I fell in love with your hallway a LONG time ago(red polka dot rain boots)and have been reading ever since. You are family life, decorating, crafting, and laughing. Love Buble. ~Heather R.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I would put you in “creative moms” category. 🙂 Was it me or was Eat Pray Love a long movie? I think it was an interesting movie though. I love watching movies while I work, and have more recently became a big fan of listening to audio books. I’m currently listing to which is pretty good if you haven’t read it.
Ok, I’m kind of curious where you got your rainbow tape, but a little afraid to ask since most tape is made in other countries… I’ve become a bit of a made in usa freak and am having a hard time with all the crap made in China. No Wal-Mart shopper here.
Hope you feel better soooon! I take vitamin D to avoid getting sick, it definitely helps. 😉

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I recently said the same thing about the sick bugs this season.
2. That’s one heck of a stack of prints.
3. You are the first person to tell me that they love Eat, Pray, Love. I am inclined to believe you.
4. I dream ALL THE TIME about alone/Cory time in my own home. I would stay up until 2 a.m. and sleep until 10. I would eat an entire meal of just bruschetta. I might go to the 10 pm showing of a movie. I would crank up my music. I would not wipe bottoms.

Su@The Intentional Home - me personally come here for creative inspiration so would that make you a “crafty blog”. . .oh so much more that that though.
and oh I so dream of having the house to myself for a week to. . to create and putter and spruce and nest. A few years ago, I sent hubby and kids to his parents’ lake house for a weekend and I had a girlfriend over and we spent the entire weekend creating and scrapping and ordering in Chinese.
I check out your blog everyday. . I enjoy it so much. Thanks for the time and energy you give it.

Maureen - Two summers ago, my husband went on a fishing trip to Canada with our two sons and our daughter went to camp in Colorado the same week. When I actually figured out they would be gone all at once, I took vacation time from work. One friend was horrified that I would use vacation days without my family. But I have to tell you, it was absolutely perfect. Empty clean house all to myself. And then being so excited when they all came home, win win for everyone.
I think of “family” when you ask what kind of blogger you are…

Shauna - Your dream made me laugh out loud…you are funny. You are a happy blogger. Thats how I think of you. When I visit your blog, its radiates happiness. Colorful, warm, honest, inviting…you dont try to pretend you are perfect. Beautiful pictures, crafts, recipes, good stories, the ups and downs of motherhood…Its a good balance. Completely original.

Hannah - i think your blog is about…LIFE! and i love it..and obviously so do LOTS of people! you are REAL and that is what people love!!! loving the rainbow tape! awesome! 🙂

Kezinengland - bwahahahaa – i just saw your pics of Waffle!! hilarious!! i would so do that, except he would prob still be like that in 2 weeks – im such a procrastinator!
I also downloaded the M/Buble song this morning! the very same one 🙂 Great minds think alike huh?!
Hope you feel better soooooooooon Meg,
Kerry x

leonieke - i think your blog is all about creativity, and inspiration.
at least, for me it is. so i think you are a colorfull, creative, original woman. (and i think you’re a real funny mother to have as a kid,.) but who am I/ i don’t think i can judge you from another country, only by reading you’re blog.
one thing i know for shore,…you are a really bad dogshaver:-))

Annika - I actually referred to you as “a kind of mommy blogger” the other day, when I was talking with a friend who also reads your blog. But I would definitely say your blog is not just about family life, but also is about crafting, photography, your sense of humor and finding joy in the everyday. I also get a very strong sense of you being a Christian, but I do not think that that would be what defines this space. How about “love & happiness blogger”?
Hope you feel better soon!

happygirl - If you tell me the blog categories, I’ll have a better chance of pigeonholing you. I wonder where one finds the category list?

Jen - Ummm, that’s a hard one. You’re definitely a mum who blogs as opposed to a ‘mummy blogger’ if that makes sense? Maybe a family/home/life blogger. Whatever it is, like your style!

Valerie - I would say your blog qualifies as random lifestyle 🙂 Love it!

Leah - I’m thrilled to know my typewriter print is in the midst of that very large stack. I already bought the perfect frame for it at a Goodwill Store (love buying things there). Can’t wait for the rainbow stickers to arrive. And I don’t think you fit into a category, Meg. You have so much going on — family, crafts, photography, cooking, reality. I know I’m absolutely no help. And finally, was Eat, Pray Love good? I can’t decide if I want to watch it.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Hmmm…a lifestyle/family/’find the lovely in every day’ blogger?
That is a tough one, you’re right.
And springtime colds are bad.
Shouldn’t there be a law against
being sick in the spring?
Happy Nyquil-induced stupor to you. 🙂

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not so good….yet.


so i tried cutting waffle's hair this weekend.

it's not easy.
i was so worried about cutting him….then after one hour the first day….and 30 minutes the second day
i just went for it.
and this is what we have so far!


i am nervous to get to the feet, tail and face.
but it will get done….soon enough.

i had a girl day with just this one yesterday.

we hit old navy…target….and orange leaf.

both our first times.
she said it was the best place in the whole world….wants to go there on her birthday….in 7 months.
it was really goooood.
not on jillian's meal plan….but good.
i restrained myself to only a small bowl.
banana yogurt AND peanut butter yogurt!
holy cows.


annie said during foozball with she and i against craig:

"we're winning!  i think it's cause of my muscles!"  
(by the way…we did not win….i am AWFUL at foozball.)

then a few moments later shouted to craig  "GET READY TO EAT MY GUTS!!!"

when she runs hard and then stops she says "OHHH! my heart is beeping so fast."

and my favorite annie-ism….overheard through the window while the kids were jumping on the trampoline….


she is such a hillarious little girl. 


Kelvyn - With the thousands of peolpe Google employs, coupled with the fact that Northern California (where they’re located) has some of the best bud in the states .I’m surprised they didn’t create this themselves!

Christina - The things Annie says make me laugh so. The other day my youngest was using the toilet and when she got off of it she asked me if she would ever have a “something” like Christian (her brother). I could not make out the word she was saying and I finally figured it out. She was saying “thingy” meaning boy part. I laughed so hard (on the inside…I didn’t want to traumatize her). Kids are so very funny and cute and sweet.

Jenna - I “lol”ed quite a lot during this post between Waffle and the nuts: HA!!

Lisa B - My son says his heart is beeping really fast too!! I love it!!

MommaH - Your Talby is becoming a real beauty like her older sister. You and Craig certainly have made gorgeous children!

ronda beeman - First off, your dog is hilarious. Secondly, your last “annie-ism” made me laugh out loud while all my loves are sleeping! So funny!

Tiffany @ The Domestic Fox - OMG…Waffle is such a good sport.
Hint…Kool Lube for your clippers. Friction is one of the top reasons people knick the skin of their dogs in an attempt to clip their dogs. It keeps the clippers cool – it also cleans and lubricates your clippers. In another life, before kids, and pets, and homework, and never ending house duties…I was a dog groomer. The first time is scary – especially when it’s your dog. But Waffle looks like he is being calm for ya – that is always a plus! When you get ready for the feet – use your slicker brush to back brush his fur between the toes to be on the top of his foot. You can cut this with scissors or just trim it when you clip the top of his foot. Sometimes the toes are the trickiest part. It will mean that you will need to watch the hair on the feet – it will grow faster – but you won’t be worried about clipping the skin between his toes.
Good luck on finishing that clip job – you are doing great!
Annie-isms…I love them. She is quite a character!

jeana - our orange leaf just opened. we have had some crazy frozen yogurt movement over the past few months…this is the 3rd one open in our town. can’t wait to try it out though! love the annie-isms!

Wendy - i laughed way over here in australia. too hilario!

meghan - best. hair. cut. ever!
And…i can’t believe all those prints you sent out! Nice work lady.

Quinn - HA. It takes a lot for me to laugh at something written or in pictures… but I laughed out loud for Waffle.
And the kicked in the nuts comment Annie gave… oh boy.

Courtney Walsh - that’s what Adam’s hair looked like the last time I tried to cut it myself.
hahahhahaa. 🙂

Lori - That was one of the best laughs I’ve had all day, especially the kick in the nuts! 🙂

Lizz - So, I just looked back at Waffles first picture and well I definitely see some Chuck Norris in his face and wonderful gruff face! Good luck with the rest!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - OK, so you know when people type LOL? I’m usually like, really? Did you really laugh out loud? Well, I literally LOL, to the point of tears. Poor Waffle!!! But seriously, thank you sharing! You have made my night.

Patricia - Hope you’re not offended that I laughed at Waffle and my first thought was “poor guy”. He’s still adorable, even with his interesting trim ;o)

Karen Gerstenberger - You had me at the Waffle photos. Best LOL of the day! Thank you, Meg! xoxo

Nancy - waffle, waffle, waffle – that was the best laugh all day. big fat thanks – that laugh was much needed!

Karlye - Meg,
I was so excited to see you mention Orange Leaf. My husband and I opened an Orange Leaf in Lawrence, I’ve been meaning to email you that if you guys are ever up that way taking in a KU game, come by and say hi. Free yogurt in exchange for getting to say I met you in real life! 🙂

Julia - {she says with more than a little jealousy in her voice}. Your photographs have gotten a lot better in the past year.

betsy - Poor, poor Waffle! He looks so embarrassed … but I think he looks super cute. I’m only brave enough to do Minnie’s nails & a trim around her face when her fur gets really long. You are REALLY brave!
Can’t wait to see the next batch of pictures 😉

Shannon - I also laughed at Waffle, but he’s so stinking cute! So, about the Annie’s heart beeping…my daughter also said that when she was younger. I was never sure where she got it, but apparently, it’s a pretty normal description!

Ellen J - Okay, so I definitely just laughed at Waffle for a good two minutes. I’ve thought about getting a kit to groom my morkie, but I haven’t been brave enough to even purchase one yet!! Great job with Waffle…love it. hehe

Lucylu ~ - Wow, Waffle, new look! Yum… Orange Leaf. I LOVE that place!

Cindy - This post made me laugh! All of it. The dog. The fact that Jillian got tossed to the wayside for a girly day and the part about the “nuts” Thanks for the smile.

Courtney Henson - Waffle looks really good! We have a Wheaten Terrier and he looks so much like Waffle. I’ve tried grooming him myself and it is really a nightmare! And it took forever! So I’m super impressed that you are doing it yourself and it looks that good! And I love the furry head and feet look…very cute!

leonieke - i’ve cried three times today, so much fun looking at waffle with my kids and husband..thanks, haven’t had such fun in days:-))
please don’t ever try to cut your kids hair.

Barb - Ohmygosh, that’s hilarious. What do the girls think of Waffle’s haircut?
My son always said his heart was beeping, too. Love that.
I am jealous. We had snowflakes this weekend and it looks like you have spring buds on your shrubs.
Did you ever get your new lens? How do you like it?

Mindy Harris - oh, waffle. bless you.

Julie - I would get a guard and then try cutting Waffle’s hair next time. Keep an eye on her skin they can get razor burn and irritation. Sometimes it will show up more a day after.
I found you blog in Sept when I was looking for a rainbow cake and have been stopping by since.

Jill - I’ve heard Wonderful things about Ornage Leaf. *must go there soon!* You are a much braver woman than I am with the dog hair cutting! You’ll get it in no time. You got the creative gene though, I missed that day…Boo!

Pamela Gordon - I am still laughing at poor Waffle! He looks like a french poodle doodle. Thanks for the LOL moment ;-D

Rebecca - Thank you for my laugh-out-loud moment of the day!

steph - holy… i’d be so scared to cut him too!!!
that is kinda freaky!
but he looks like a standard poodle. hilarious.
(oops…i first wrote poople!)
annie is hilarious.
you can tell she’s the youngest of 5 sibs with all she says. 😉

Anne @ Baking Me - My dog always looks so silly when I cut his hair. I don’t have clippers so I just use scissors, it gets the job done. If he was aware of just how silly he looked, he’d be really embarrassed 🙂

Clare - Ha ha ha I haven’t stopped laughing at poor old Waffle. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to do something like that myself lol (“,)

Sarah - I love Annie’s freckles.
What a beautiful girl!
(And good luck with Waffle…too funny.)

Kimberly Dial - Poor ‘Waffle’ … will he ever recoup from the humiliation? Meg, as always, you make me smile & (often times) laugh out loud!

Kimberly Dial - Poor ‘Waffle’ … will he ever recoup from the humiliation? Meg, as always, you make me smile & (often times) laugh out loud!

Jenifer Higgins - Oh, my goodness, that picture of Waffle is so funny, I laughed out loud! There is an alpaca ranch down the street from me, and every summer they shave the whole herd just like you shaved your dog. Hilarious! I laugh when ever I drive by them, and I have to drive by at least twice a day.

Andrea T - i just laughed out loud at the annie-isms! needed that…so cute the things they say 😉 we have a fozen yougurt place by us called cups. there was a line with a rope like it was a club on friday night!! . they have red velvet and cheesecake yuuuummy. ps jillian will be kicking my butt for 30 days as of 2morrow!! thanks for the inspiration 😉

melissa - two of your commenters made me laugh too!!! “won’t he get cold?” and “you can get a job on a sheep farm”.
you have some very funny followers! send some my way!!!! LOL

melissa - ok.!!!
waffle looks so proud of his new haircut.
annie is a hoot!!!!!! i’d love to spend one day with that girl! i bet my sides would hurt by the end of the day!

Kristin@BringingPrettyBack - He got an extreme makeover! He looks so handsome!!! hahah!I was thinking of shaving our dog coco myself… thats it! I am goung for it!
Have a pretty day!

Jennie brewer - I’m not sure which is funnier….waffle or Annie’s last comment!

Kristy - I can’t believe you groomed your doodle! You are a brave woman! We have a labradoodle so I know what you mean about paying for the groomer once again. I can’t wait to show my kids Waffle when they get home from school. I know they are going to ask to do the same to Mr. Rudy.
I think Annieisms should be a regular post 🙂 She’s a doll!

amy d - now you know why groomers get the big bucks!
he looks so silly!
did you know we are getting a twisted cow frozen yogurt place?
in the old quiznos…it’s like orange leaf! May 1st is opening day! CAN’T WAIT!!!

catie - HAHAHAHA! waffle’s cut is awesome! you should totally leave it like that, start a new trend! i love this entire post, “you’re gonna eat my guts.”
hahaha! i can’t stop laughing!

Terri Fretwell - I love where Annie says her heart is beeping! My son, who is now 8, used to say “can you hear my heart beeping” when I would hug him or sit next to him. He quit that when he was 6 or 7.

karen - HAHA … love it!

Sandy - Oh how I love the chuckles I get from your posts each day. Talby looks SO grown up! And Annie…gotta love that girl! You’ll always be able to tell she has brothers. I’ve made some comments (not that one, mind you) over the years (even as an adult) that some men have said, “where did you learn that?!” My answer is always, “I grew up with three brothers!” I love your family.

Julie K - Oh my gosh, you had me cracking up from the beginning. Waffle looks like he’s wearing boots and the Annieisms are killer! So funny. Great start to my week – thanks!! 🙂 - Hahaha! Just spat diet coke all over my keyboard at that photo of Waffle! If I tried clipping my Westie I’d have no fingers left by the time I’d finished. 🙂

becky - my almost 3 year old was sitting with me when the first picture of you “shearing” waffle came up and she said, “oh look, a sheep!” thought you’d like that!

Christine - Haha! Good stuff. My Ethan says “My heart is beeping so fast” too! All the time. I love it so much, I never correct him. 🙂

Renae - First, your hair is just so cute!! Second, my 6 year old always tells me his heart is beeping!! 🙂 And he calls his “nuts” his “guts” so I know what he’s talking about but it’s much more censored. These sweet moments in life are such a riot…glad i’m not the only one who cracks up at the goofy things the kiddos say.

Necole - What great annieisms. Personally fav “You kicked me in the nuts”

sam - I think you should keep Waffle’s ‘boots’ they look so cute;-)

Katy - Ohh, I love the Annieisms. 🙂

Michelle - I was thinking, if Meg can do it, I can probably do it… we spend a fortune on getting Monty groomed. He is half Waffle’s size and now I’m thinking, it is money well spent. I can’t do it. HA!

Karen - Ohmygosh!!! I cracked up over Waffle! And I remember the “first time” my little girl got kicked in the, ah-hem, “b*lls”…. hee hee….I have ALL GIRLS – where did THAT come from???!!! It really wasn’t a talk we were ready to have!!! Too funny!!!

ky - Oh you sucker punched me with that last Annieism! I burst out laughing! Too funny!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh my gosh, although we have a beagle I am so not a dog person(I love kitties). But Im feelin for waffle. hurry up and shave his feet please!:)
And I am rolling with laughter over Annie’s sayings. What a funny kid!:)
Have a great Monday!

Toni :O) - OMG…poor Waffle….I couldn’t help but burst out laughing! Another commentator was right…it will grow back, he just may not want to be seen in public during that timeframe! You get an A for effort right?! Your Annie is a doll…love her sayings, just too cute!

Edie Steinmann - My husband shaved our two black dogs down last summer. They looked mangey (sp?) for months with their white skin peeping out from all the gaps in their black fur! We’ll be buying a guard for the clippers if he shaves them again this summer. Annie is so cute! I love the things kids say!

Amy - I tried once to groom our goldendoodle, and it was baaaaad. Poor thing looked so hideous that I would only take him walking after dark as to not scare the neighborhood children. 😉

Janie Fox - everything…just everything about this is the greatest. I love your life. Mine rocks too.

Mummy's Dress - Poor waffle 🙁
You might want to pop over and enter my Easter giveaway 🙂

Jenny Joy - I need to give our Charlie (the dorkiest Dorkie on the planet) a shave down, but I’m too SCARED. Yay for a handsome looking Waffle! You’ve done a great job so far, lady! 🙂
And Annie is the cutest. Seriously. Cutie Patootie with a side of HILARIOUS!

Heather R. - Our girls’ hearts beep, too. sweet. 🙂

Trish - haha… addie says the same thing… my heart is beeping so fast. just the other day she was eating a tootsie pop and when she got to the middle she says, ‘ohh, look mom i made it to the casserole!’ 🙂

Tess - “you just kicked me in the nuts!” i just busted out laughing.
orange leaf is in ohio… just nowhere near cleveland. {sad face}

Gemma - Heehee…cute waffle!
Gemma x

Southern Gal - Waffle looks like he has a French poodle cut! His poor pride. Oh, those Annie-isms! She is hilarious.
I’m getting Jillian’s DVD today. If no one hears from me tomorrow they’ll know what happened…

happygirl - Love your waffle cut. Now you know why those groomers get paid what they do. It’s hard work. And, it’s GREAT you hear your daughter when she speaks. I love the attention you give your children.

lovethosecupcakes - As my mum used to say to me after a, ahem, “unusual” haircut, never mind, it’ll grow.

Annika - He-he! Once you are done with Waffle, you can get a job on any sheep farm you want!

leonieke - o my god, he’s naked!!!!!!!!!!!!

leonie - Meg I am curled over laughing at waffle! not just because thats hilarious but because we have just bought our very own Groodle – Murphy, he is divine…… we are friends on Facebook you can see him there…good luck with the head and feet and please share your tips x

georgia - Ahaaaahahaha poor waffle!!
He looks like a posh poodle!

Valerie - Heeheeheeheehahaha…poor little Waffle…hahahaha

sue - Won’t he get cold?

sarah - oh my goodness…that first photo of waffle LITERALLY made me laugh out loud…so funny. and talby is adorable.

melissa @ the inspired room - Poor Waffle. We got a good chuckle over him though. He is a good sport. 😉

Terrie G - Orange Leaf Yogurt is the BEST!! My Hubby wants to open a franchise! 🙂 And you are so brave with the dog haircut!!

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very random thoughts.

i am writing this whole post in comic sans for julie
because it's her favorite!  
i got ripped with jillian.  annie was home with a fever so she did it with me.  halfway through she asked "do we HAVE to do this? like….will it be ok if i stop?" 🙂  
she could but i couldn't.  
i wanted to.

* i am out shape….like a whole bunch…i have done nothing for 2 months but sew and sleep….and i liked it.

* i AM okay with being curvy…i think i always will be. 
i am not okay with my clothes from last summer not fitting…that is why i am letting jillian torture me.

* i went over the diet plan and rememebered something…
i have 6 others to cook for every night.
oh yeah!
so i will do the diet plan everyday except for dinner….
because i can.

* all the packages in my bathtub have shipped! 


* i am cutting waffle's hair this weekend….my self.
it will be quite a challenge!  i just couldn't bare spending the money on grooming one more time.  we shall see if i can do it.  craig has to help me.

* i love sunshine!

* i hate being yelled at.

* i love to sleep…..yet hate to go to bed…terrible habit.

* craig asked me to watch a movie last night at 10:30.  i said i needed sleep.  he said "come on!" so i said ok.  he was asleep in 20 minutes and snored and i was awake for the whole thing!  i am embarrassed to share the movie.  i should have gone to bed.

* i did like spending that time cuddled up next to him….even if he snored

Nicole - Hehe, Meg, what was the movie?

sheri - Meg, I am a relatively new blogger and you my friend are by far my very favorite blogger. Your post crack me up. I have the 30 day shred with Jillian and it’s still sitting in the DVR – I need to get motivated – maybe if I keep reading your post it will happen. Thanks for the great post and for adding sunshine to our days. Be blessed…..and ripped 🙂

julia @ Simpletruths - Love to sleep, but hate going to bed. This is my reality almost every night. I’ve started brushing my teeth and washing my face early (~10). It keeps me from snacking the night away AND when I finally get up from the couch/put away the yarn/ turn off the computer/take the zucchini bread out of the oven…. I can just hop into bed 🙂

Jill - I wanted to tell you that you inspired me, I went out and bought Ripped in 30 on Friday night! I already exercise but want to take it up a level… plus I think Jillian is awesome. I’ve done it for 2 days, so far so good. I’ve resisted looking at the food plan, but suppose I should…
Thanks for the great blog! It’s one of my favorites!

Kristin S - Press on! You can do it! Curvy girls unite! I love being curvy too but my middle is getting a bit too fluffy for my taste. As soon as all my 40th birthday cake is gone, I’m eating salad all week. Maybe.
Is comic sans REALLY her favorite? It is my biggest pet peeve font.

Sarah - Jeff did the same gosh darn thing to me about the movie…but I was annoyed because I was trying so hard to stay up for the whole thing and I look back and I could tell he’d been sound asleep the whole time. And I cut Sammy’s fur because I am a cheapo and he looks a little funny but I don’t care. I can tell he hates going anywhere anyways, he shakes like crazy. But I’m not doing it to be nice, honestly, I am doing it to save $30.
I love that Annie. I like easy exercise videos, the hard ones give me a headache. I am doing Cindy Crawford circa 1993 on VHS. I am not kidding….and I’m doing it for the same reason you are…I just want to fit in my clothes! 🙂

Jes - i too love sleep, but not going to bed. Its a power struggle i think. My husband is always first asleep but we always watch his show before bed. I don’t argue b/c he never lasts long- and I agree about the snuggling, even when there’s snoring 🙂

Lin - Come on Meg. You’re safe with us. What was the movie? ** I made myself watch The Hangover this week because it somehow ended up in my Netflix queue and I couldn’t return it unwatched (for reasons I don’t understand).

Stephanie - I always say, the morning me hates the night me! Someday my children will learn to sleep past 6 and then it will balance out… I hope:)

Mindi - I am doing shredded with jillian and my three year old loves to do it with me… her favs are the butt kicks , jump rope and high knees. She did ask me yesterday, “why is Jillian yelling at you?! lol

leonieke - i can’t wait to see the pictures of your dogs makeover,.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - “i love to sleep…..yet hate to go to bed…terrible habit.”
This is the perfect encapsulation of my life and all of its sundry woes.
ps – It’s 12:15 a.m. and Elton John is being a weirdo on SNL and tomorrow in church I’ll swear that I’m going to go to bed earlier next time…

Jami - I love you blog! You gave me an epiphany, I love to sleep but hate to go to bed! I never realized that.lo,

steph - ugh… diets with a family? that is hard!!!
good luck!
i find it hard to cook for all the individual tastes in our home.
if it were just me, i’d cook SO different!
you’re gonna look awesome at the end of april. 🙂
ha… and if you feel the need to quit, i have a great diet/weight loss plan.
i’m just getting over being really, really sick.
sinus infection, ear infection, the flu.
it’s been brutal!
BUT… i did lose 5 lbs! ha ha ha ha ha ha!
don’t worry… i’ll gain it all back soon enough. 🙂
oh man… i can so relate with the sleep too.
right now i should be sleeping… trying to get better (i’ve felt the best i have in 4 days right now but i don’t wanna backslide)
and here i am… just parusing the interweb.
staying up late when i’m sick b/c i like to stay up late!
need to sleep now!

shauna reed - jillian is so rad/horrible
we have an on again off again relationship.
she reveals muscles that i didn’t know i had and i silently curse her….
good luck toning up those curves hot momma.
you can do it.

Catherine - I began reading and thought…”she got drunk in the middle of the day??” knowing full well that it didn’t make sense, but you “got ripped” lol… you need to search “Comic Sans man” on you tube. Good luck with Jillian, I need to do the same thing! (c:

jodi @ back40life - girl – that is so us watching tv at night…my DH can fall asleep in 2 mins flat, seems like, and if I start watching it…it’s like I can’t stop. I’ve finally said NO – we just can’t watch that to some things…because it will drive me crazy 🙂
most nights now, we fall asleep to “modern marvels” – that monotone voice gets me everytime!

Necole - I do not think my husband and I have finished a movie together since we have had our three girls.

karen - oh..i love to sleep yet HATE going to bed too! Such a baddd habbit! My kids are in bed by 8 and my husband is in bed by by 12 or 1am i can get about 3 hours all TO MYSELF!
I pay for it in the morning and unfortunately sometimes so do my kiddies 🙁 Got to change that habit Fo Sho. Yay for shipping!! Now i’m so curious as to what movie you watched!! Just tell us!

Andrea - I do the same thing. The time at night when everyone – hubby and kids – are safe in bed and the house is quiet (and sometimes even picked up!) is so peaceful. I read blogs — this one first, of course – or knit or watch reruns. I know I should sleep but that’s such a neat time to be awake!

Valerie - I love when you write your random thoughts because I love your randomness. Jillian…wow, you’re serious! She scares me 🙂 Let us know how that goes, I might just need the torture.

Amy S. - Any idea if Ripped in 30 is the same as 30 day Shred? I’ve been doing that one and it’s good. Good when it’s done that is. Way to go. I also said yes to a movie at 10:15 last night and will also not say what it was. Complete waste of 2 hours of my life. Should have gone to sleep.

Julie - Comic sans. My love language. Throw a clown in there and all would be right with the world.

Maria - I walked by the Jillian DVD the other day and thought of you! You go! I am currently being tortured at the gym (body pump, body combat-ouch, extra strength-super ouch, and my beloved Zumba).
I love to stay up late…always regret it when the morning comes…but take frequent naps! ( laundry?, what laundry?)
Love your saturday posts too! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and good luck with waffle!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
I fall asleep whenever we watch a film in the evening…I remind myself of an old granny!
Gemma x

Lisa - I don’t know why but I love this post! Probably cause it sounds a bit like my life. Especially the out of shape part and choosing to watch a movie with my husband even when I should go to bed. And watching a movie all the way through because I always think it will redeem itself! 🙂

Routhie - I bought the ripped dvd. During the 1st work out, I only did wall push ups. Even at my peak as a gymnast, I could not do a push up. Wall push ups are good, although I bet Jillian would disagree. 12 days in, I caught the flu. Keep us informed on how the other workouts go! I only did the 2nd one a few times before I got sick. It was hard and made me think if I did the 1st one for 30 days, that would be good enough.

Jessica Johnson - i’m thinking about grooming our dog myself, too. our groomer always yells at me b/c i don’t bring him in for his monthly nail trim. i try to explain that the dog is not going to get his nails done more than me but she doesn’t understand. or i think maybe i need to find a new groomer. b/c i hate being yelled at, too. especially when i pay to get yelled at.

Gina - I completely understand your first yellow comment. I have always been curvy, but you’re right, it’s kind of a bummer when your clothes stop fitting!

Kimberlee J. - I thought Julie liked Papyrus. 🙂

Jacci - I love when you post on Saturday 🙂

Photography Bumblebee - it’s too bad that you have to let yourself be tortured by jillian, but i know that it works, so i’m rooting for you. 🙂 all the best.

Nicole Q. - I love your random thoughts … me and two of my kids just finished Ripped in 30. Now we are eating some chips. HA! Have a good weekend.

Tricia - Don’t you hate it when you’re too tired to go to bed? So many nights I find it impossible to work up the energy to brush my teeth and wash my face so instead I fall asleep on the couch until 1am. I can only imagine what Jillian would have to say about that!

Maggie - I’m curvy too, at one point we just have to embrace the shape God intended for us.

jennibell - Ha! Will be starting with Jillian as soon as my DVD arrives. . .today I think? Good for you. . .I like your food plan. . .may have to adapt that for myself. I always feel like I could diet if I didn’t have to be in the kitchen 🙂 Have a great weekend and hoping there’s lots of sunshine in it for you!!
And, nobody likes to be yelled at. Sometimes I have to remember that when I’m frustrated. And not cry when it comes right back at me.

debbie - PLEASE be careful grooming Waffle. My cousin wanted to save on grooming costs and ended up paying the vet $200.00 for stitches!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Arielle - comic sans=nails on a chalkboard. totally share that pet peeve with julie.
i don’t think you can mess up with waffle. even if you butcher it, he’ll still be adorable. that is one cute dog!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - LOVE the rainbow paragraphs. LOVE that my girl’s hoodie is on its way(and yay for you who can now take a bath once again). Love that you’re giving the doggie home-groomin. You can totally do it. And then come over here and clean my doggie too. Have a great day!

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg … you crack me up! Be sure to post pics of dear ‘Waffle’ … Jillian digs the torture — I keep telling myself it’s good for me 😉

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg … you crack me up! Be sure to post pics of dear ‘Waffle’ … Jillian digs the torture — I keep telling myself it’s good for me 😉


Trish - jillian is torturing me too… i pretty much hate her right now. hoping that i will love her in a few weeks 🙂 today is my day 11. down almost 7 pounds. pretty happy about that.
oh and you looked fab-u-lo-so in Cali… oh and I just ordered that Matilda Jane dress that you had on in San Diego… LOVE it 🙂
hugs to you 🙂

Hillcrest Cottage - I am going to cut my labradoodle’s hair for the second time soon… you can do it!!!!
What a cute dog!

georgia - Diets = evil
Pizza = yummers!

Sarah@this farm family's life - I don’t believe in diet food. I think it is all about portion control! Good luck with Jillian! Happy weekend!

Sugar Mama - I got the workout dvd too for the same reason… except I have spent WAY more than 2 months doing nothing. More like 2 years.
The dvd will be arriving at my house on Monday. I’m excited AND scared at the same time.

lauren - once my mom and i cut our old airdale terriers hair to save the money. she looked like a drowned rat.. you could see the shame in her eyes… like you could really see it since we cut off all her eyebrows and face hair and poofy legs..;)there was nothing on that dog you couldn’t sese. clearly we should have actully studied a picture of an airdale cut before we took the clippers to her. 🙂

Heather - My hubby is forever asking me to join him for a movie late in the evening and then he slips into unconscious bliss while I’m up watching the thing!
Comic Sans is my fave, too – but I take a lot of flack for it!

Karen Lehmann - oh my gosh – I love to sleep but hate going to bed too! I will stay up until 12 or 1 and then regret it every morning but i just LOVE my late night time to myself. Currently running on three to five hours of sleep a night which is not nearly enough time for me. I need to nap!

Chaos-Jamie - better wife than me. Brent wanted to watch DVR’d Fringe and I fell asleep in the first 10 minutes. At 10, I gave up and went to bed. And I LOVE Fringe.

amy smith - let me know how the whole cutting waffle thing goes… i am debating grooming guster myself… but everytime i think about it, i end up trimming his eyes and between his paws, and calling it good. 🙂

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30 days.

so today begins the month of april.

i have big plans for april.

starting with this.


i know!
but i am totally doing it.
dreading it but doing it.
starting today.
and i am even going to do her diet plan….exactly.

i am going to do every single thing jillian says and in 30 days i will tell you the difference.
(if there is one)

kimberlee is the one who came up with this idea.
i have a support group.

and i had to go to FOUR stores to find the dvd… i had better do it!

for 30 days i will be jillian's……..slave.

i can do this….right?


april also brings me a list of things i want to get done.


i am a doodler….can't stop it….don't want to.

all things i want to do that have been waiting for etsy to be over.
and before photo season starts up again. 


and finally….

today starts the Live Without campaign from water4christmas.
water4christmas is an organization of people who have a passion for getting clean water to west africa.
we raise money and then donate it charity: water for west africa.

they had a Q & A section on the blog discussing some of the topics.

i was very happy to learn they meant for it be giving up coffee drinks OUT
(starbucks $4.25 vanilla lattes)
and not my coffee at home that

but i am giving up my expensive habit of coffee OUT….for april….
and donating it!  

and i am excited about it.


SO…..YAY for april!!!

i am going to attack it.
like a ninja.

i looked for a clip from tommy boy when he is doing kung fu in the factory with cat like reflexes…it's nowhere!

such a bummer because it would have fit so perfectly right there.


Nike Shox - The idea has alternative. A little mystery novel!!

Erica Cooper - Congratulations! You will do well, I just know it as you have made goals with details. Whenever you are needing motivation read your bible and the comments on your blog. With God’s strength you can do anything and feel the support of your readers as well. Prayers for strength, organization, energy and grace. 🙂

Kristin S - #1 – as always you are so adorable!
#2 – both bob and jillian’s workouts are great. i’ve never loved dvd work outs but theirs are great. i use them when traveling.
#3 – you can do it!!!
#4 – i wish i could doodle 1/2 as well as you
#5 – that bathtub pic is classic! only wish i’d been speedy enough and one of those pillows was coming my way… (yeah, i know, different post but i just read both!)

katie - do it!!!!! everything like she says! i have been and my abs are starting to look like hers, no lie!! it can be done && YOU can do it!!!

Cindy - whoo hoo for 2011 photo schedule! I so want to be on it! Please, please schedule some in Lawrence!

Andrea - You go girl!

dori - I’ve been doing Jillian’s 30 Day Shred. I thought for sure I would be able to do TWO 20-min workouts (Levels 1 & 2) in one afternoon. WRONG! Level 1 was SO hard. I was ready to quit after a few minutes. After a couple days though, my thighs didn’t burn with every step. I wish you well! 🙂

Daniele Valois - ok, so I saw your post this morning, and I instantly told my hubs to get to Target and get me the dvd! And he did!!! haha! I only have a little extra preggo weight to loose, so I am doing it too! …now where is her diet plan?
So, as I down a sugary latte, and eat 5 graham crackers, I comment about loosing weight, diet, and exercise! well, I really am doing it!

Jana - You know what? You are going to learn to love exercise! You are going to get up everyday do your workout and feel a sense of pride that you did something good for yourself and good for your body! AND you should know that the exercise is really important, but what is really going to change your body is the food. Eat clean and you will see results fast! As supplemental motivation/resource I recommend The Eat Clean Diet (and cookbook) and oxygen magazine for inspiration and recipes (even if you are not interested in being all hardcore about it)
Go Girl!!
Ok I see that my comment looks a little know-it-all..I dont know it all, but I feel very passionately about fitness and nutrition and I get excited when others embark down the same path 🙂

Kristin - You can totally do it! I did it the month of February. My baby was 2 months old and I had just gotten the go ahead to workout after not moving much for 4+ months. I lost 8″ overall. I did it only 5 days a week because of the little guy not always cooperating. 🙂
I am starting it again this month since I started weight watchers too. It sucks and is hard. But oh so worth it. 🙂

elz - Jillian’s great. I mean, I hate her when I’m doing the DVDs, but after is good. The Shredheads are doing to 30 day challenge this month too. You should join in for more support.

jennibell - 30 days – yea! Wish it wasn’t 1:42 on Monday afternoon of April 1st….but I read this today for a reason, right? Yea. . .so going to look for it and join in with you and Kimberlee a few days late. Is that o.k.??
And love your cute “April” list. . .gets me thinking. . .maybe I need to make an April list too?
Glad you had such a great spring break!

jennifer - You’ve got me motivated. For almost all of the above. (Jillian and coffee donating, anyway.)
Maybe if I made cute lists like that I would get more things done.
I miss Chris Farley…
As my friend Tracy would say,
“It’s on like Donkey Kong!”

Katie - Thanks for the inspiration. I am doing a spend less month and excited to see how much we have left at the end of the month. The exercise things would be really good though. I need a list!

April M - <3 this post!
Doodles, donating to Africa, Ninja attacks, good health, and to-do list
(I luv lists - especially doodle-y ones!)
um, you meant the month April right? cuz we've never met and your plan of attack sounded serious... ;)

Wendoww - Oh I love your doodles!!!

tara pollard pakosta - Meg, that is so funny, I have that EXACT goal of Jillians 30 day shred!!! so funny!!!! I even made sheet with all 30 days to cross off WHEN I do it!!! I will be checking in to support yOU!
you should do an update each day!! good LUCK!!!

Elena - I see you are making photo books on MyPublisher. On, there is a deal for $25 for a $55 Hardcover Photo Book with a Custom Cover – 55% Off… from MyPublisher! Hopefully you can use it 🙂 Happy Month of April to you!

Missy - 30 day shred kicked my butt and I lost 7 lbs. I’m a runner but had totally plateaued and this got me through. Just listen to her and don’t give up!! 🙂

Julie - Nice knowing you!!!!
Rip it up.
Scary, scary, scary!
But awesome.
Ninja kicker!

Jen - I ordered one! I HATE exercise videos because I hate aerobics and that they’re so repetitive but after reading the reviews, I took the plunge! I figure I can do almost anything for 25 minutes.

Kelley - Good luck being Gillian’s slave for this month. I just started her 30 day shred last week. I can already feel a difference in my body and endurance. The first five days, my calves screamed at me. Even when not in motion and walking. Just push through. You can do this.

jeana - Oh my. I have 30 day shred. I do 2 days and rest for a few weeks…you have inspired me to push through this month. This is something I desperately want to accomplish…please keep us posted and motivated!!

Kimberlee J. - I am busy thinking of what I can give up to give more to Charity Water. I love that idea.
One thing I will not give up is Jillian…I refuse to let her beat me even though I am the most out of shape I have been in almost 2 years.
Can’t wait to hear about your ripping.
Loved the comment by someone that said you will need help getting up from going to the bathroom—that’s exactly how I felt when I did the Shred! What the heck am I thinking???

Jemm - You go Meg! That is THE prettiest to-do list I have ever laid eyes upon 😉

ali - I want to attack April like a Ninja, too!!! Where did you get the video? I can’t seem to find it in store anywhere, and I NEED it!! Like,,,NOW!! You are awesome!

Tracy - good luck with jillian. I am thinking of starting the 30 day shred again. Starting a new “diet” plan tonight and pretty excited, so I figured I should at least start a new exercise routine too.
love your doodles…maybe if my to do list looked like that I might actually want to get something done.

Prudence - I have Jillians 30 day shred, I always start day 1 but day 2 I am hurting so bad I literally can’t sit or move or walk… then I have to recover for 3 days, then by that time I am so mad that I have wasted the last two days and not done the 30 day shred that I never go back!! And here’s the kicker, the workout is only 20 minutes!!!
but now I know how those people feel on biggest loser when they are cryng and begging to stop!
but good luck to you!

Ana - Love you…Please be my friend….:)

Jessica Johnson - jillian scares me. i already told kimberlee that if she makes it all month without dying, i’m in for may. ok, i lie. she really scares me too much. i’d just rather be portly.

Amanda - You’ll be cursing Jillian after a couple of days-hehe. I have the shred video and about a year ago did 2 days. Maybe I should dig that back out again…I signed up for a 5K in May and am so not in shape but needed a motivator. Good luck!

rhonda - even your doodles ooze creativity! (I’m so impressed) Jillian? Bless your heart!

Necole - I have a 5 mile walking walking video I need to start working on. I also need to make an April List. You can be my inspiration to get something done so thanks!

wendy, NJ - Meg you are such an inspiration…as soon as I saw your blog I wanted to go out and get the same DVD so I could get ripped with you…but we are headed on vacation at the end of the month — so instead, I’m going to make myself a cute little to do like yours for this month with goals leading towards next month so on May 1st I can begin…maybe if I just go for 31 days instead of saying I am going to loose xx lbs I will be able to stay with it! Can’t wait to hear your results!

Courtney - LOVE jillian!!!
so, i broke my foot a couple weeks ago and can’t start this now. i can’t walk on my foot til may. BUT…i’m thinking maybe i’ll do this for the month of june…once i’m SURE my foot is healed.
question. can you post about the diet/menu? i don’t know if you can state specifically what a typical day is (copyright and all) but, can you give us an idea? that’s always what i have a hard time with. i don’t want a diet that is going to have me make some salad that costs $30 to buy all the ingredients for it at the store! i want it to be stuff i can easily have in my house. not “weird” stuff…
i LOVE that a diet IS included!

Kim - get it meg! wish i could join you and kimberlee for the fun. ok, not really. but kinda sorta. 😉 jillian’s dvd’s are rough for 3rd floor living.
but i’m right there with you in reading your bible. and finishing photobooks. 🙂
I’ll throw in a little exercise and healthy eating for good measure. 🙂

Jacci - I love the idea behind Live Without. Problem is, I pretty much never buy coffee out (we moved away from my beloved drive-thru Starbucks and who wants to haul 4 kids out of the van for coffee?), never get pedis, get a massage maybe 1x a year… some of the categories they chose weren’t really part of my life. Eating out, though… hmmm… that one will nail me.
Good for you on the 30 day Jillian torture commitment.
I’m very proud of you!

happygirl - Good luck with Jillian. I’ve been doing 40 days of yoga for Lent. I was FAR from perfect, but I’ve learned a LOT. I just have to get serious about what I’ve learned in my blog and quit the whining. btw, I’m going to bet we get to hear a bit of whining in the next 30 days on whatever. just sayin’

Nancy - First of all… Tommy Boy… one of the “classics”. That shows you what my movie classic library is!
Second, oh. my. Jillian is going to rock your world. She is a stud and don’t let her tough persona ruffle your feathers or the fact that her workout pants are always a tad too low! But, she is awesome. Have fun. 🙂 Love your list. Mine is always on realtor notepads and never cute.

Danielle H. - Okay, I bought that DVD a week or two ago to start today. But then I have family coming into town on Saturday for a week and was going to put it off until after they left. But I’m sure then I’ll find another excuse and another and another. So, you have motivated me to start today and do it every day for the month of April – no excuses! Can’t wait to hear about your progress!

Sarah - I am doing the same thing!!! I actually blogged about it a few weeks ago. At first I thought I would do 30 day shred but I changed my mind last minute to Ripped. Its a good workout. Whats great is that it isnt that long at all. I cant wait to hear about your progress!!

Jessica B. - I’m on day four of ripped in thirty. I almost gave up last night, but followed through. You will barely be able to move the first couple of days, but today I woke up and felt much better. I love it so far, and I’m following through with it as well. I’m not following the strict diet, but I am cutting back a lot and trying to maintain the same number of calories as what she recommends in the plan. Good luck!! I’ll keep cheering you on, and fingers crossed that it will be worth it 🙂

Tiffany - good luck meg!

Cory - Good luck with Jillian. I’m afraid of her. Also, your sweet little list is precious. I would be way more inclined to do things if my list looked like yours.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im gonna break away from all the Jillian comments because…well its Jillian! Jillian=death! LOL
No but really, I was thinking this morning that I needed to make a to-do list for this month. Nothing like New Years Resolutions but things Id actually be able to accomplish. 🙂
Your list is way cuter than mine. You overachiever you(doodler). You made my list look like poo.
But my birthday is this month so theres something to look forward to(I’ll be 31 and yes, I still love my birthday b/c my love language is gifts)Wonder if I’ll still feel the same way when Im 50?
Have a great weekend. You’ll be dying while the big J screams at you through the screen to keep going and I’ll be…sewing while I chew on a Snickers bar.
Love you Meg!

melissa rice - I thought you were okay with being curvy 🙂 She does hurt!!

michelle - i loved everything about this post.

crystal - i’m on day 21 with jillian! you WILL see a difference. and for the next couple of days you WILL need help getting up from the potty. not sure if you follow my blog anymore…but here is me at day 15.
TOTALLY worth being able to wear a bathing suit in public!! 🙂

jamie - Wishing you the best with Jillian…I am lazy, so please keep it up…I am sure you will ROCK-IT!!!
Love your blog…It’s bright colors make me smile!! Thanks for brightening my day!

jenny - Meg-you inspire me most in the blogging world. Every single time I visit you I’m inspired, laugh, am touched and just want to be a better person. When I saw the pic of all the packages in your tub, I was so excited thinking WOW! one of those is mine-a real live package from Meg!!!!!!! My baby girl will be so cute in your rainbow shirt-I can’t wait. 🙂
Happy Weekend!!!

Ariel - You will see changes….Jillian is a smart lady, and her stuff works if you do it. I am proof 🙂
Good luck and keep your eye on the prize, ninja!

asnipofgoodness - Jillian Michaels, for reals??? Is this an april fools?

Lori - You can do it Meg!! And I look forward to seeing how it works for you. I am stepping up my gym time this month as February and March were so busy that I slacked off. Love the to-do list…need to be making one also to keep me on track. Otherwise the month slips by and I haven’t accomplished anything!

Alissa - Good luck with Jillian’s video….if you do it for 30 days you will definitely see results – you do need to take a before and after picture (even if it’s just for yourself) And her way of eating is very restrictive so you may want to cut a few things at a time….but good for you if you can make that big of a change! I am a huge Jillian Michaels fan! Having a body that halfway resembles hers is always my goal when I’m sweating through my workouts! Good luck….and I ordered one of your pillows, cannot wait to get it:))

Georgia - I am such a slacker when it comes to Workout dvd’s, but since im getting married in september and need to lose a couple of Stone… kg’s.. i need to get my work out dvd’s out. So im with you on this challenge!

leonieke - wow,…30 days and then you ‘ll look like that body on the front…. could you take pictures everyday? because if this works i will be soooooooooooo impressed! imagine how may will be looking like that, won’t be in the home, you’ll be walking in an tiny bikini in the garden, with a lot of jealous neighbours,..
I know what i’ll be doing this month; reading your blog (sitting:-))
good luck!

Terrie G - That clip would have really made me laugh! The thought of it was enough…and Lord knows I could use a good laugh after this week in Er’s & pediatric ICU”S! Thanks for making me smile…I needed it! Love your doodles…wish I could doodle that well! You can even make a ‘to do’ list look pretty! Maybe I’ll practice tomorrow at the hospital…I’m taking my paper & colored pencils! 🙂

Marija - oooh for the start I LOVE YOUR BLOG:)
it’s so inspiring and your kids are great, and I can see you give them all love you got:)
and I’m starting with Jillian too, again, hope this time it will last more than 17 days 🙂
I want to do it so badly!
good luck with it 🙂

Lisa - I have that same Jullian dvd! Its intense! Although I never followed it exactly and never did it everyday for 30 days. So I’m curious if it’ll work. Also LOVE that you referenced Tommy Boy. That is one of the funniest movies. Especially that specific scene. I watched that probably 15 yrs ago. Now I want to rent it again and see if its still that funny. 🙂

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I have her 30 day shred video,
it’s tough.
I hate it.
But I love it. 🙂
I’m excited to hear about her diet plan…
I didn’t know she had one.
Jillian is good.
Love the doodle list.
And where did you leave off with your crafty weekend?
I’m serious…you host one there,
and then next I’ll host a west coast version.
Deal? 🙂

eryn - love it!

Stefanie Arnold - Yay!!! I am so glad you’re doing this! I’ve done her workouts for 2 years now and have stayed in (if I don’t say so myself) great shape! I had 3 babies, back-to-back-to-back and her workouts kept me fit and with lots of energy.
Good for you! I’m cheering you on, literally 🙂 I even do them while pregnant!

Marisa - Jillian is a rock star. She can see you through the tv. I bought 30 Day Shred for the workouts. Tried level 1, got overwhelmed the first time and wanted to quit. Just then, Jillian said, “I know you want to turn off this DVD. But keep going, you can do this!” So I listened. I continued. I submitted to Queen Jillian.
Enjoy it! She’s a total motivator. Good luck with your month!

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