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this is my playlist for running and gardening this week.

everlasting light – the black keys
rumor Has It – adele
roll away your stone – mumford & sons
tighten up – black keys
sigh no more – mumford & sons
howlin' For You – the black keys
rolling in the deep – adele
awake my soul – mumford & sons
I'll be waiting – adele
forever young – bob dylan
change of time – josh ritter 
winter winds -mumford & sons 

i am sure i will be bored by next week but for now…..OVER AND OVER….can't get enough.


and i made a video.
three things today.
that's it.

(niiiiice freeze frame…..) 

you can buy SUMMER magazine at their website….it's not sold in stores.

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i bought a gift for you!

when i was in tulsa, OK….with my man….relaxing and also rocking out….i got to do some shopping.

the only place i wanted to go was ANTHROPOLOGIE.

but i really only go there to browse and fill my head with creative ideas.

in all the times i have gone over the years….

i have only bought one thing.
a tea cup.
it's by my bed and holds my carmex, barettes, loose change, etc.
i love anthro but i just can't wrap my mind around the cost of most of their things…..for myself.

as i walked around the store
and craig made business calls while sitting on the gorgeous couch in the front of the store 
i decided to buy something for you.

so i wandered and wandered and picked out some special things that i liked….just for you!
an apron.
so you can feel cute while you cook!

a tea towel 
in very happy colors….with vintage-y details.

five mini latte bowls 
in rainbow colors….of course!

later that day i was at pier one and i found this pot holder
and i knew this had to be part of the gift.
it's so fun!
and polka dotted.

then….i was at world market and i found these measuring spoons
and they called to me.
for you.




and i would like to give this gift to YOU.







but here is the catch…..

you can only win if you are one of the totally awesome generous people

who has donated to bring SERGEY home.

leave a comment if you have donated.

if you haven't given yet ….GO DO IT.

then come back and leave a comment.



the fundraiser closes on april 25th….and so will my gifty giveaway.

i am hopeful that danielle can say "i am coming to get you sergey" on that day. 

and YOU can be a part of that.

dreamBig. dreamBig. dreamBig. dreamBig. dreamBig.


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not so good….yet.


so i tried cutting waffle's hair this weekend.

it's not easy.
i was so worried about cutting him….then after one hour the first day….and 30 minutes the second day
i just went for it.
and this is what we have so far!


i am nervous to get to the feet, tail and face.
but it will get done….soon enough.

i had a girl day with just this one yesterday.

we hit old navy…target….and orange leaf.

both our first times.
she said it was the best place in the whole world….wants to go there on her birthday….in 7 months.
it was really goooood.
not on jillian's meal plan….but good.
i restrained myself to only a small bowl.
banana yogurt AND peanut butter yogurt!
holy cows.


annie said during foozball with she and i against craig:

"we're winning!  i think it's cause of my muscles!"  
(by the way…we did not win….i am AWFUL at foozball.)

then a few moments later shouted to craig  "GET READY TO EAT MY GUTS!!!"

when she runs hard and then stops she says "OHHH! my heart is beeping so fast."

and my favorite annie-ism….overheard through the window while the kids were jumping on the trampoline….


she is such a hillarious little girl. 


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i was looking at my notes from our Bible Study Fellowship lecture this week & thought "this is good stuff"

i was writing down everything she said this week.
it was not normal for me…i am not usually a very good note taker.
but everything she was saying was just what i needed to hear….God is good at that isn't He?

this is page 3 of my personal notes.
i thought even without hearing the lecture….without even knowing what it's about…..
it makes sense and stands alone.

Scan 110770000

this year i started attending bible study fellowship.
the first time i had heard of this study was when i was just married.
16 years ago.
a friend attended one.
and steadily every year for the past 16 i knew someone who was in it.

i always said "it wasn't for me".

i had convinced myself there was too much homework (not true at all).

and that i wasn't "christian enough" for it.  (there is no such thing…it isn't like that AT ALL)

and slowly slowly slowly God has turned my heart to it……16 years later.
i am a stubborn one.

Bible study fellowship is world wide.
it's all the same studies every week anywhere in the world!
i think that is pretty cool.    (miley cyrus…hee hee heee)

there are classes with childcare….classes for men….night classes….child classes while YOU study.
we meet in small groups and then listen to a 40 minute lecture. 
it is very structured and not a personal time to vent….focused on the study only.

most likely you can find one in your area. 
you can join now if your group has space.
you don't have to wait for the year to start over

i am so glad i joined this year.  (finally….it took long enough)

this year's study is the book of Isaiah.

my group meets every tuesday morning in wichita.
(which means i am guaranteed one starbucks a week and a trip to target….bonus) 

i have learned more than i EVER would have studying it on my own.
(because what are the chances i would study it on my own….slim to none)

i love it.

are you studying a book of the bible right now?  which one?  how's it going?



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random thoughts.

i wish i didn't have to do it.
i know i don't HAVE to but yeah….i kinda do.
i wish that all of the women in the world would unite and say NO MORE.
and then in turn all the men would say "i love your hairy legs….it's hot"
and my problem would be solved. 

28 yards of pom pom trim.

remember i bought all that?
remember i went out in a blizzard to buy it?
actually i have bought over 40 yards of it and i had a bunch before i bought that.
well….it's gone.
i have sewn over 40 YARDS of pom pom trim to pillows.
i am a weirdo.

my etsy shop….will open….in march.
let's say probably

monday march 7.


did i mention that parenting is really hard?
i did ?
ok…just wanted to remind you that i don't have it all together and it's HARD.
and i am feeling….
overwhelmed and under qualified. 

i am on the desk top computer here….so i have the OLD iPhoto library.
here was february 2007:


playing simon says in the NEW kitchen…no furniture yet.

and little talby…

 can't quite tell what the top line says but the second sentence is "the boy is eating breakfast"

then february 2008:


Photo 1
jenny and lisa were visiting this weekend in 2008!  i miss you girls!
AND…i am currently wearing that exact same sweatshirt at this very moment!!!!  oh my.

little laurney.
her 13th birthday night.

then here is february 2009:

looks the same now….but more mature/old.


very close up of our cat emily taken by lauren.

and finally february 2010:

wrestling with dad….and waffle.
waffle always starts barking and jumping around when the kids wrestle with craig….so funny.


i finished my list yesterday.
and took more pictures of oranges.
and watched parenthood.
it was GOOOOOD.

now…i am off to california to be filled with so much RAD photo knowledge that i hope my head won't explode.
YAY for blue lily.
YAY for GoPro.
YAY for beach houses.
YAY for no laundry for four days.


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this is where i am sitting right now… bed.
because it's warm.

after i blog i am going to work on my bible study.
in bed.
cause it's WARM!

i am super talkative today. 
so much to tell ya….or not….just stuff i have in my mind.

we watched Secretariat this weekend.
i liked it.
who wouldn't?
and then i bought the song "Oh Happy Day" on itunes and i have listened to it 25 times since.
you should listen to it too….i am right now.

and then i bought "i'll take you there" by the staple singers.  :)
1972 and 1969.
making me happy this morning.

did you watch the super bowl?
it was on in our home and my men watched it.
i made cupcakes…..played games with the little girls….read books to them….and put them to bed.
then i hid in the craft room sewing.
i didn't see one second of the super bowl.
and that is just fine with me.
it was so loud…i just had to be far away.

how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60's and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.

lots and lots of bunting.

i am getting my etsy shop stocked up again.  woo-hoo!!
pom poms and polka dots and rainbows are all around me.
(my shop won't be open for weeks….i promise i will give you plenty of heads up….)

did you know…..that even with a lock on your door….it is difficult to "be romantic" in the daytime with 5 kids?

well it is!

every 30 seconds a different kid was knocking on our door yesterday!

"mom….mom….mom….are you in there?"

"MOM….can you help me?  i need my shoe tied.  MOM????"

"DAD?  where's MOM?"

knock knock knock "MOM? can i have some ice cream?"  

"mom….hey mom?  when are you coming out of your room?" 

"mom?  the computer keeps freezing. can you come fix it?  MOM….can you fix it NOW?"

and then a blastingly loud rendention of chopsticks on the piano in anger because i wasn't coming out of my room fast enough for their liking.

BUT….romance MUST BE MADE.
no matter what.
it's important.
they will survive without their incredibly important requests of snacks or more computer time or help with zippers met instantly.
mommy and daddy need the romance!

with five kids we have gotten pretty good at ignoring the distractions in exchange for "romance"
but yesterday was one for the record books.

i know.

instead of knocking on my door non-stop they should have been folding the laundry!

the host for SNL was Dana Carvey.  
it made me happy….made me feel all nostalgic….thinking about high school.
wayne's world made me feel like i was 15.
how many times did we quote that in the 90's???

this skit was so dumb but funny. 


i apologize for that.

ok…i need to move on with my day.

and let you move on with yours!  :)


the winner of the Jolly Goode poster is…………

LOVE the poster! I have spots of red in my kitchen and this would be perfect. 🙂 This weekend – Saturday is working on my new craft storage and Sunday is Super Bowl. GO PACKERS! 🙂

Posted by: Sarah | February 04, 2011 at 02:21 PM

sarah….email me your info ok?



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spicy rice & bean dip

this is my lunch at least once a week.


it’s simple.
i made it up.
i am sure others have thought of it….but when i say i made it up i mean that one day i was craving some spice
so i looked through our cupboard.
i had these ingredients and i threw them all together and ate it with chips.


rice…rotel…black beans….cheese…tabasco….chicken…chips.

i make one cup of rice in the microwave.
it takes five minutes.
my friend shana said “you make rice in the microwave?!”  and i asked surprisingly  “is there another way?”
neither of us had ever tried a different way from what we’d learned.
i learned how to make rice on my own…by reading the totally generic brand box microwave directions.
in our apartment…16 years ago.
i have never even looked to see if there was another set of directions on the box!
i am dorky like that.


when it’s ready then i pour everything in the rice bowl.
except i only use HALF the black beans.
i just put the other half of the can in the fridge for my second batch later in the week.

i use like…three? shakes of tabasco…maybe four.

and a hand full of cheese.


sometimes i warm it up for another two minutes.
but sometimes i don’t.

ONCE i had left over corn with cream cheese from the night before…i threw that in…oh yeah….it was delish.


i grab a bowl of chips and i eat till i am full  🙂

and that is it.
it’s good.

and easy.

and not THAT bad for you….i think….maybe the chips?


i am hungry.

i think i will go make some now.

also….i have wrapped it up in tortillas and eaten it that way.

and my friend would like to add LOTS of cilantro in hers…it is probably yummy…but i NEVER have cilantro…
so i can’t prove it.


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