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good morning.

this is what i have been working on in my yard….mulch.


i spent several hours yesterday moving it.
it's mindless exercise.
and i barely made a dent in that mountain of mulch.

good thing i have three strong men in this house….


jeanne oliver has her new line of goodies out today in her shop.

she sent me the photos to preview…..gorgeous.
i meant jeanne at silver bella in 2009.  
i liked her from the start!
i love to see her taking herself SERIOUSLY as an artist.
so cool.

on her blog today she is giving away a $500 gift certificate to her shop!!  

that is amazing.

go check out her new shop.

you will find something you love i am sure!


so how did mother's day go?  
be honest. 

this is the project i had my 3 & 4 year old sunday school class do.
i brought them jars, the sticker, ribbon and a big stack of flowers to pick for their mom.
they were so cute when their moms came to get them!

i made myself one too.

so…..i told you i got the weekend off.
and it was great.

but i will also tell you that i also had EXTREME guilt all week before about it.
i changed my mind everyday of what i wanted.

i felt guilty i wasn't going to the basketball games….because a "good mom" wouldn't want to miss even one!

i felt guilty that i wanted to be alone….because a "good mom" would never want that.

there was a lot of guilt on many levels.

but when i really thought about mother's day….
and recalled all the others that i have had over the years…..
and the kind of family we REALLY are….
remembered the stage of life we are in right now….
and i was honest with what i wanted to happen on my "special day" and what is my reality…..

i decided that the quiet time…..the time to think….the time for NO voices or questions or yelling…..

was what i needed to be a good mom.

and i was right.


Robin - My weekend plans include sanding (and hopefully) painting some used cabinets we bought right out of someone’s garage. We put them in my laundry room where I now have LOADS of storage. Even tho I have a bad back and its really bugging me today I simply must try and get these cabinets painted. They are battleship gray in color and oh so depressing. I’m painting them ‘cotton white’ in semi-gloss and the walls will then have to be painted (next weekend). Just got that paint color today and it’s called ‘Moose Mousse’ – a lovely tan that looks like delicious mousse! Gotting stop commenting and get busy!! πŸ™‚

Kat - Good on you for trusting your instincts and going with what YOU wanted for Mother’s Day.
I too suffer from waaay too much Mother guilt. Why do we do it to ourselves?
How on earth do we get past it?!!
My Mother’s Day was okay, but I ended up having “words” with my Hubby and I was not really the happy Mummy I should have been on that day πŸ™
My kids (aged 2, 4, 6 and 8) gave me all the lovely little handmade gifts and cards and I truly LOVE that bit.
I also got a sleep in and some time to read in bed ALONE, so that was my wish πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - First I have to say, I love your honesty about mother’s day. I asked for a nap and 3 hours to finish a painting. And it was amazing how productive I was… it finally won over guilt. But I hear you on that one! Second, I love love love the Jeanne Oliver stuff. I immediately ordered the blonde girl print that says “I Love My Life” and a BLESSED leather cuff for my daughter. Thanks for encouraging her.
And finally… happy mother’s day. It’s YOUR day everyday!
Tracy Fisher

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m so glad that you had a happy Mother’s Day – and that you used your voice and asked for what you truly wanted. And that they gave it to you! My day was good – you can read about it on my blog. =)

AshleyAnn - That is a crazy amount of mulch. Mulch is the one part of a garden I don’t enjoy – I always end up with splinters. I’m a better mom too if I get time alone.

happygirl - My mom’s day was WONDERFUL. My son remembered to call me (I only had to send 4 texts) And, I LOVE mulch. Your garden will LOVE it.

Gemma @ Musings Of A Gem - Hi Meg!
Cute idea for your sunday school…I love the flowers : )
Don’t feel guilty about your time alone on mothers day. Having a break from it all makes you a happier refeshed mum!
Gemma x

Vonda - Amazing pink fridge!:) My absolute favorite color! My daughter gave me the sweetest handmade card(she’s 11). I also got a beautiful card from my Mom. We’re supposed to spoil her and it always turns out the other way. Brought flowers to the cemetary for my beautiful sister(can’t wait to see you again sweetie). Had lunch and then dessert with both Moms. Busy day! My boys took me out for lunch today. It was special. Being a Mom is very busy…..and very wonderful!

Kait - Mother’s Day was rough. I cried because my little boys are still in Africa, waiting to come home, and I thought these adoptions would be DONE by now. (incidentally, the doll I bought off your website as a fundraiser for your Africa trip is in their room. which just drives home to me how very long we’ve been waiting!) I cried because my baby is sick and I had to spend the whole day on the couch while she shared her fever with me. Then I cried because I realized my little boys don’t even have someone to spend the day holding them if they are sick.
It was rough. It’s better now. But I think it’s amazing you got your quiet weekend with no kids.


Sarah - That is a heck of a lot of mulch! I was wimpy on the mulch this year, and will pay for it all summer long. And I secretly wish Mother’s Day was never invented…too much pressure for EVERYONE…and none of us moms need more pressure, nor do our husbands!

Allison - I am the oldest of four kids (we are 24, 22, 18, and 16), and I remember my mom having some not so great Mother’s Days when we were in the age range your kids are now. This year she did have a nice quiet weekend (my 16-year-old brother, the youngest, was the only one home) and when I called her she said that she was finally getting to a point in life where she actually wanted quality time with her children on Mother’s Day.

Wendy - Love the rock’n pink fridge … and u drink BEER! Woo-hoo!!!

karen - my husband was working. he asked me if it was okay…and i said sure…it was lots of overtime…and we are doing our front yard landscaping this summer. So i had lunch at his parents and went over to my parents in the afternoon. For me.. i still feel like i’m a kid…I feel Mother’s Day is for my mom and hubby’s mom…not for me. I guess because my kids are still very young. The best part of the day was the weather..finally some heat!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You are so tootin’ cute and honest. Yes, real mommies like their time off but we love our families the best.

Nina Diane - because you are such a great mom is why you deserved the weekend you had!!! (I would “bold” “because” and “great mom” if I knew how….

heather - i’m so glad you share how you really feel.
i love that about you.
happy mother’s day!

Amy - I saw you working in your yard this weekend! We also worked hard in ours over the weekend!
I LOVE me some pretty yards!

Sarah Wolfe - Love the flower thing you did with Sunday School class. Such a pretty, simple idea. I wanted to be by myself for Mother’s Day too. And I didn’t feel guilty at all πŸ™‚

georgia - Hope you had a happy mothers day. It was in March in the uk, so my mum celebrated a while ago.
Hope you had a lovely weekend to yourself, a little alone time is good for you once in a while. πŸ™‚ xx

Regina - I received my copy of SUMMER today…and I LOOOVE your pages! (just like I knew I would!)Great job!!! <3

Judy @Considering the Options - I love your honesty Meg. I blogged about this very subject Sunday and was hesitant to post it. I read it to all my guys first and by the end I was sobbing. A good cry. My day was not what I would have dreamed of – and yes, I feel a little guilty for dreaming something so different. But I came to the realization that it’s about enjoying the life I have. I love my husband and sons very much and I am blessed by them every day!
As Moms we need to tune out this hyped-up expectation of what the day is supposed to be and enjoy our life as it is – imperfect.
And btw the guys all though it was ok for me to post:).

Emily Zimmerman - My birthday last month was so bad that I had no expectations for Mother’s Day and it was great πŸ™‚ My birthday fell on a busy weekend and week and it didn’t turn out the way I thought it would in my mind. I like to celebrate birthday week and it just didn’t happen. I thought it would be a week of celebrating, spoiling, treating myself, babysitter, it just didn’t happen and I was crushed. So as mother’s day grew closer I kept reminding myself not to have any expectations. Little hugs and kisses from my kiddos would be enough for me. But my hubby did get my a necklace from etsy…ok I have to admit I sent him the link to it…but he actually pulled the trigger and got it for me! I also had the stomach bug, but was able to enjoy some alone time with my little girl while my husband and son went to church. And the day before my husband actually participated in cleaning the house and helping me get rid of some things. Nothing turns me on more than a man cleaning πŸ™‚ So Mother’s Day weekend was great because I just let it be about me being a mother and having these two precious babies in my life.

becky - thank you SO MUCH for your honesty. i have two itty bitties and it always makes me feel bad when i think about shouting when the precious hubby gets home: “i need a break!!!!!!” but you’re right. we need them occasionally. even regularly – to be better mommies. and wives. and daughters & friends! hope you still feel relaxed & refreshed by the end of monday!

Tanya H - I understand completely. I spent most of Sunday with my kiddo’s while my husband made fresh salsa for snacking, a carrot cake from scratch (not my favorite but it was tasty) and a yummy italian dinner. Then they all watched a movie while I went and scrapbooked. That’s what I wanted to do and I am working on the kids’ books but I felt guilty for being away from the people who made me a mother…..! Oh well, I think it ended up a good thing and it WAS a good weekend so no real complaints here!

amy jupin - being completely honest here, that pile of mulch scares the bejesus out of me! πŸ™‚
i am proud of you for listening to yourself and enjoying some alone time.
it does not make you a bad mother, so shush!
and if only someone could stop texting you, you probably could have gotten so much more done! haha!

Christy - I LOVE, love your honesty. πŸ™‚ For me as a mother, I can’t say anyone went our of their way for me. They did what I asked, for the most part, went out for bagels & a quick hike, I received a card, a potted plant (a tree to be planted in the fall – IOU) & the most wonderful coupon book from my 7 yo. It wasn’t so much what I received as what we did for my mom, that will last to the end of time. πŸ™‚ That made my day special.

Julie - oh I WISH we were sitting together in your kitchen and we could get to the bottom of it. the freedom to be honest?… thank you. i have been stewing over who i could share these thoughts with – not husband, it is about him and i don’t want to be petty and “emotional.” not mom, because once i am over it, she is still not. not friends, because i only want to share with them uplifting things about my husband, not drag his name through the mud. could i share with you? i never have high expectations – i have learned that the hard way. i expected nothing from my kids because they are too little to get the spirit of the day. but my husband? should know better. i don’t want gifts. didn’t even need to spend a dime on me. but wasn’t there SOMETHING he could have thought of to make me feel special and appreciated? i can think of 100. i did enjoy and feel blessed to be able to celebrate my mom and mil. but went to bed wondering why i wasn’t valued as the mother of his children and the woman who takes care of everyone else. i was hoping just sharing these feelings would make them less intense and they would go away. but i still feel hurt. even though it felt like any other day, it was still a good “any other day.” i like my life – i just wanted to feel a little special.

julia - I love that “be honest” bit. It feels like we’re sitting at the counter in your kitchen and you just handed me a mug of tea and you’re going to get to the bottom of things.
Your Sunday School project blows me away. You are so creative! I’m sure those mamas were thrilled!

jodi @ back40life - good for you – those moments of quiet, while much needed, are seldom found with 2 kiddos around…can only imagine what adding 3 more does!!
my day was excellent…kiddos gave me their cards & a Lowes GC the night before, great time at church, then time spent with my family and Dh’s…then on to a pleasant date night while the kids spent the night at Gma’s – about as close to perfection as it gets! A day to be treasured for sure!
your flower project was awesome – know those moms loved it!

Kristy - we had a great day.
but i feel for so many women that don’t have kids and are longing for them. my heart goes to them before me. i wish i could make it better for them.
love your flower project. love it!!!
happy you got some quite time πŸ™‚

Holly - So glad you had a lovely Mothers day! I spent mine painting our family room. Hopefully it will be done tonight so I can blog about it tomorrow!!

Jenny Logan - Every good mommy knows she needs a break every once in awhile! It’s what makes us good mommies. Glad you had such a great weekend! :0)

Necole - I think I have worked every Mother’s Day I have been a mother. My girls made me some cute gifts, and I am awaiting my cute necklace from the Vintage Pearl. Thanks by the way for the post about it. I cannot wait to buy more.

Heather R. - We did nothing and it was great. I would love a night in by myself. πŸ™‚

Amy Giffin - I LOVE that you had time to yourself! After I read your post I knew what I was going to ask for next year. πŸ™‚ I have four kids and I also need a break from the noise, constant questions and requests . . .! All I asked for Mother’s Day was a “work day.” It was the first time I really asked for what I truly wanted and not what a “good” mom would ask for. And I LOVED my day! Glad you had a wonderful day too! Here’s to a week starting with happy and rejuvenated moms!

Tam - I”m absolutely jealous of your weekend! Good for you, you deserved it! I had an ok day, I kept my expectations wicked low this year, (I’m not a fan of the day). I worked outside and the weather was beautiful, typical Sunday for me. I asked my kids at breakfast to not argue and be mean to each other for the entire day, it lasted maybe an hour…ugh πŸ™

melissa rice - I like the fridge!! Good mother’s day. Got gifts where my family actually thought about me!! 2 bottles of wine yay! and new glasses. and stuff i said I would like. i really think satan has a hay day with the minds of mothers ohhhh the guilt. we need breaks alot alot alot.
posted mothers day feelings on my blog

Ann Griffin - I dread Mother’s Day every year. Every year I get my hopes up (God only knows why) that Mother’s Day will be an amazing day filled with lots of love and laughter. Every year I am mistakingly wrong. Yesterday was horrible. I feel guilty for complaining because I know there are single mom’s out there that have to make the day special themselves. I’ll never understand why my husband can go shopping every year for a gift to give his mother but I end up empty handed. I don’t ask for much. Just something simple, even homemade would be nice, to show me that I’m appreciated for spending 99% of my life chasing after the kids and taking care of his needs.

Jennifer - Good for you! All mothers need time to themselves to recharge their batteries. πŸ™‚ My Mother’s Day was wonderful–enjoyed the day hanging out with my two best fellas…my hubby and son. I must admit though that Mother’s Day for many years was a painful day for me. I dreaded it with a passion. My husband and I have lived with infertility for years. But the greatest blessing of our lives happened in 2006 with the adoption of our son. I learned on that special day that God does hear our prayers, they just are sometimes answered in a different and more meaningful way. He knows what is best for us- it took me a while to fully understand this. Mother’s Day is now a joyful and blessed day for me! πŸ™‚
Oh, and I love Jeanne Oliver…she is so sweet and an amazing artist. I’ve come to this conclusion through following her blog- would love to meet her in real life someday. So glad to see her business taking off!

mel @ the larson lingo - Happy Mother’s Day Meg! I also got the weekend “off”….I was able to sleep in, go on errands without the girls & just be mellow. It was SO nice…and SO needed. I feel so refreshed today!

Lauren - sounds like you made the most of YOUR time & that is good for the whole family πŸ™‚ happy “moms” day!
I’ve been sicker-than-a-dog and found out three days before mothers day why….I’m pregnant. with our 4th. our youngest is 8 1/2 so this was no expected. this year’s day was very different than I had planned but God is good and we will enjoy our little blessing due December 26th πŸ™‚ take care!

Leah - Honestly, I think this is bogus holiday because it sets up this expectation that we – as moms – will have a blissfully pleasant day for us. And as moms, we know that’s probably never going to happen for an entire day. My day had its moments. But I did find myself annoyed with my husband at times and the “celebration” for my mom was less than fun. So all-in-all, the day was fine. The best part of the day was sitting at the dinner table and Sophie saying to me, “Mommy, I forgot to tell you: Happy Mother’s Day.” That made it worthwhile.

Tricia - I’ll be honest: My Mother’s Day started out pretty well, but ended with my almost-six-year-old son telling me that I never play with him. Um. Never mind that he said it because he was cranky and upset at his dad. Never mind that it’s not true and that I spend 99.8% of my life taking care of his every need. It made me feel like the worst mom in the entire world. It made me feel like running away from home. It made me feel guilty, sad, tired, ANGRY… And then I went to bed and was awakened by my kid three times because he wasn’t feeling well. I may not be much fun, but if you need Tylenol in the middle of the night, I’m the one for the job. So that’s my life as a mom. Ups and downs. Guilt and happiness. In sickness and in health. Glamorous, isn’t it? πŸ™‚

T. S. - Last year for mother’s day I went out with a friend in the morning. Later we went to my MIL’s house and my husband told everyone what I had done that morning. Very proud of himself for allowing me to have some “me” time. My MIL was shocked that I didn’t want to spend mother’s day with my children. Hooray.

Linda - My mother’s day was just so so. It’s not a Holiday I love. For some very silly reason it ends up making me feel like not so good of a mom. But I did get to spend it with my mother who is here visiting which was awesome. My kids loved having grandma here too.
My exciting thing for the weekend was I got my Summer with Matthew Meed Magazine! Fabulous. The only thing I didn’t like was that there wasn’t more of you. Really it could just be a Meg Magazine. Your home is just amazing and so inspiring I just love it! Thanks for being so willing to share your beauty and your style with so many people.

Taiya - Yesterday was fantastic as a day, but I gave myself a little pity party about the fact that it wasn’t even remotely mother’s day-ish for me. As a Sunday, though? It was just perfect and amazing!

nicole@deliajude - every year i have a sneaky suspicion that i don’t like mother’s day. turns out that i don’t. next year i want a day to myself, by myself. alone and preferably at a spa. seriously how painful is breakfast in bed when you can hear the chaos in the kitchen, knowing you’ll be the one cleaning it up???
i must add though, i love being a mom and i love my mom…it’s just a faux holiday.

Sarah @ this farm familys life - I am with Michelle in that mine wasn’t the greatest. The hubs and the kids made it wonderful but others made it horrible. In-laws!!! Ugh!

Penny - Yes, you deserved to do something for you! And I am glad that you did. It is always nice to have the special alone time, but I do know some of the guilt!
I had a surprise call from my mother-in-law saying her little place on the lake might not be ready for her to get into. (She spends the summers here in Michigan, winters in Florida.) She informed us that she may have to “bunk” with us for a day or so! Ahhhh panic. The house looked ok, but not for overnight guests!! She is a neatnik and we are a busy family! Ekkk. The girls pitched in and we got things looking much better, quick. Then she called and said, all is fine at her place, won’t need to stay after all! At least things in the house were really clean.
Fun times. I need that pile of mulch. I love beautiful flower beds, just no desire to do the work. Glad you have helpers. My hubby is great, just strapped for time.

jen smith - #1-i love that you have a pink fridge with beer in it. in your craft room. awesome. i hate beer so if i had a fridge it would hold malibu rum and coke :O)
#2-my mother’s day was fairly good. except when my kids were fighting all the way to my moms and i had to yell at them that it was mother’s day and i was so disappointed that they couldn’t get along for one day. sheesh.
#3-as a mother you have to do what you have to do. if it’s alone time them so be it. i have a friend who walked around target for hours…alone…on mother’s day. she was ecstatic. just what she needed and sounds like just what you needed to.

Michelle - Mine was sucksville, but after going to bed early last night and getting a luscious 12 hours of sleep, I’m ok with that. Stupid pregnancy hormones will turn you into a lunatic.

Jacci - It started out a little rough – Hubby is still learning how to handle our emotional older girls (ages 9, 10) who had definite ideas for how they wanted the morning to go. My oldest took too long doing her hair and came down all upset because I had already seen the flowers and the other kids had already given me my card. A few tears before church. Me, too. I’d much rather they had all gathered together and made it “special” (for the kids! they love that), but it was more like, “Look flowers. Here’s a card.” And they all felt a little weird about it, I could tell. Hubby was spreading himself too thin, trying to make breakfast, too, and nothing seemed special, just rushed and feelings got mushed on a little. He’s still learning, just like me.
BUT, then we got Chipotle for lunch, everyone was smiling, then Hubby rounded up al four kidds to clean the house and get it ready for the small group we hosted last night. I made a really big deal out of what a BLESSING and what a BIG GIFT this was for me, and I think the kids wound up feeling like they got to give me more that way. Hubby sent me upstairs to *read* and *rest* and I did. For two hours. And when I got up, small group was in 30 minutes and the house was all ready to go.
Rocky at first, AWESOME overall.

Alicia @ La Famille - we all need a break! and a good mom knows when to take one. i even have a small private fantasy of renting my own apartment so i can go there to be alone sometimes πŸ™‚ how’s that for “good mom”!! Ha!! have a great week!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Meg, mommy guilt plagues all of us. But Im a firm believer that we’re never better moms than when we’ve had a chance to BE refreshed ourselves. We cant give give give all the time unless we’re FILLED from time to time. Otherwise, we run on empty and then everyone suffers(If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy at all”).
Im glad you got time to yourself. And Im sure the kids had a fun weekend with Craig!
Have a wonderful week lady:)

Dana Banana - Saw you yesterday in your front flower garden. You looked great. No really, wish I could have been doing the same in my yard. Went to KC with Jamie last week to see Wendi. We celebrated her birthday…….maybe we can all get togehter sometime this summer. Wendi is sure to be moving to the area soon. πŸ™‚

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mother’s day….today.

my saturday.


waffle and i went for a run…..ran into a friend running with her dog.
that was fun!
kind of….waffle is so dorky and a spaz.
but we made it….all four of us.

after the kids finished their chores craig loaded them all up and they left for scott's basketball tournament.

they left me home alone.


craig offered it to me a few weeks ago to have the weekend off at home alone
and i thought for sure it wouldn't really happen….

but it did. 

as he was backing out of the driveway he rolled down the window and said "why are you smiling so big?"
ha ha ha.

i made a pineapple and banana smoothie.

i checked on mama.

those are my legs in the bottom corner…..up on a step ladder.

look at how her nest is almost off the edge!
that ledge is……at the most…3 inches wide.


found these two little globe banks when i stopped in at my favorite antique shop….and i met a blog reader!  
love that.
hi sarah!

i got all ready for my evening alone…..

i went up in the craft room and opened my mother's day gift.

that i bought for myself and haven't told anyone that i did.

i bought myself a pink fridge.
for my favorite snacks and drinks.

all mine.
in the craft room.
it's so darn cute.
technically the pepsi is for craig….because i like sharing with him.

i stayed up in the craft room for 3 hours cleaning.
it was a wreck.
and now it's not.

i watched The Dilemma.
vince vaughn…..why did you do that to me????  you made me waste my time on my one night alone?! 
your movie SUCKED.
there was no chemistry and i could tell in the very first scene.
BOOOOO vince vaughn.

(but i still love you….)

i looked for some pictures of my mom for mothers day in my one box of photos i have.

when i was a kid my dad took my sister & i to an Audubon camp out in ark city, ks on mother's day weekend.
i never even knew that it was for more than a camp out.
it was to give my mom the weekend off!
i just loved catching the snakes and running on the rocks.

for real….snakes.




happy mothers day mom.

i love you very much.
you did a great job dealing with what a brat i was.
i am grateful.

and so sorry.

thank you for not giving up on me.

i hope your day is great!


and mine is going to be full of more gardening.
while i wait for my carload of goofy kids to return with all their lovely voices that i miss already.

i mean…..i hope they take their sweet time getting here…..but i still miss them when we are apart.


Χ“Χ•ΧžΧ™Χ™ΧŸ Χ‘Χ’Χ‘Χ¨Χ™Χͺ - I wish to all my friends Happy mother’s day. I got several unique thought regarding mothers day. I like it all. Thanks for sharing this blog. - Please please please please tell me you’re going to sell prints of those gorgeous blue eggs in the nest???????

Melissa - Where oh where did you get that pink fridge?? I need one very badly!

danielle - i could go for a couple days in the craft room with you and that fridge. mmmkay?

Brooke - The fridge is to die for!!! So cute! I want one for my sewing room, had no idea I could get a PINK one! Yeeeehaw!!! A day by yourself…..fantastic!!!!!

Megan - At first I thought…is that a pink fridge? then read it’s a pink fridge! love it! pepsi, chocolate, beer…all my favorite things.

Londen - I love the fridge and everything inside…makes me want a bud light. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I really wanted a whole day to myself but it didn’t work out. Soon.

bobbie - We watched The Dillema too on saturday night. ugh. I agree.
Annie looks so much like you as a kid!! really.

Janie - I just love your blog!!! I have to check out what you are doing everyday. I feel like you are my girl friend across the states. Keep up the great work.

Lisa - I asked for the same thing on Mother’s Day – my hubs took the two boys to the soccer tournament for the majority of the day on Saturday and Saturday evening leaving me at home with the puppy. πŸ™‚ I ate ice cream with chocolate sauce and watched a movie – Brothers with Toby McGuire and Jake Gyllenhall. Good to get time alone in my own house! πŸ™‚

Toni :O) - Okay, we love the same candy!!! No wonder I love your blog and the pink fridge…adorable! Glad you had a great Mother’s Day, mine was spent napping for a good portion of it, hence, the reason I’m wide awake at 1 a.m.! I often wonder how in the world you keep white furniture with five kids??? You are SuperWoman! :O)

Toni :O) - Okay, we love the same candy!!! No wonder I love your blog and the pink fridge…adorable! Glad you had a great Mother’s Day, mine was spent napping for a good portion of it, hence, the reason I’m wide awake at 1 a.m.! I often wonder how in the world you keep white furniture with five kids??? You are SuperWoman! :O)

Kacey - Sweet pink fridge! Happy Mother’s Day – glad it was wonderful.

karen - too cute Meg..too stink’n cute!!
Happy Mother’s Day!

Rebekah Brummel - WOW! Lauren looks like your sister!

Carly Winborne - everything about this post is de-lish. loving that pink fridge, the pineapple smoothie and a stack of magazines. the time alone sounds like . . . well, i don’t have the right word. perfection? bliss? heaven? unattainable? πŸ™‚ all of the above. glad you enjoyed the day.

Heather R. - Just check my mail…Matthew Mead’s Summer was in it. And your blog. πŸ™‚

jeana - My Birthday was today…I’ve been spoiled since Friday. I kinda wanted a morning alone too, but decided not to be ungrateful for all I did get. Although it still sounds pretty stinkin dreamy! i’m so glad you you got time and I love the idea of having your own snacks in a room far away ha! Happy Mother’s Day sweet Meg!

stacie - Happy, Happy Mama’s Day to you!! Your gift is my dream … the time alone (well, I hadn’t thought of the pink fridge, but I’d love to have some of those goodies too :)). Thanks for being an inspiring, amazing mom to your readers who are mamas too.

Emily Zimmerman - Happy Mother’s Day Meg!! I love your blog!! You always have me laughing out loud! Like today when you bought yourself a mother’s day present, genius idea, I expected jewelry, a book, but when I saw the fridge and a pink fridge…priceless! I love it and think I need one for myself. Every mom needs there own little stash. And I agree about the movie Dilemma. Just watched it this weekend with my husband and I was disappointed. We both love Vince Vaughn but this movie missed the mark. Have you seen Wedding Crashers?? It’s been my husband’s favorite for a long time, but it’s been growing on me. Very funny and classic Vince Vaughn. - happy mother’s day meg! kudos on that bud light!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Ah sounded wonderful. While we here at the Bungalow are emptying out the basement getting ready for a reno. Ugh! Took a Starbucks break though, and did a little walk through at Costco. Just the hubs and me, while the girls cleaned the house back at home. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Tracy Fisher - Happy Mother’s Day Meg. I love your photos and stories (except the part about snakes). Your kids look so much like you when you were yournger. Isnt’ it funny how we appologize to our moms now. My mom pretends she doesn’t remember the bad things I did. She just says that to be nice. They all do. But notice how they still like to hear the appologie? haha.
Have a great day.
Tracy Fisher

Tara - i love when i visit here and i laugh out loud like i did when i saw your pink fridge in your awesome craft room with beer in it.
still laughing….

Julia - Thanks for saving me from renting a bad movie – I hate wasting the time!

Kimberly Dial - You always make me smile. Thank you for being you. I love it!

Kimberly Dial - You always make me smile. Thank you for being you. I love it!

Terrie - In LOVE with that PINK fridge! Maybe my craft room needs one of those! LOL!!
Hope you got some awesome crafting done!
Have a FaBuLoUs MoThEr’S DaY!!

Jill - Perfect gift!!!
LOVE. THAT. FRIDGE. and everything IN IT! LOVE!

Shannon - Happy Mother’s Day!!! I just received my Mathew Mead mag. and I love the article on your home, great pics!

Kimberlee Jost - Pink fridge + time alone= double love.

Heather R. - Happy Mother’s Day!

Shayne - Your pink fridge gift to yourself made me laugh out loud! I think that’s fantastic, and it’s a perfect color.
Craig was so insightful to give you time alone. I’m convinced that that’s what most moms would ask for, if they didn’t feel guilty doing it. Time alone makes us enjoy the time with our families so much more.
Glad you had a wonderful weekend. πŸ™‚

betsy - HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! I don’t know how you do it all … and get a blog post up every day!
LOVING the pink fridge. Maybe I need one for my classroom. Will you tell us what brand it is? Pretty please?
Have a great day! Enjoy the Spring weather that finally decided to show up in Kansas πŸ™‚

april - my mothers day wish…i could sit in your craft room and craft, drink a beer and make cute stuff….i know i know….dorky…hahaha

Carol S - What a gorgeous mom you have, runs in the family. Nice break for you. I appreciate the mom’s day post. Gotta make a couple salads, have pulled pork in the crock pot for dinner, get to church, then my parents and mil are coming for late lunch in the backyard (gardened last week). Thank you God!

Short, Sweet Season - A weekend alone…that is going to the top of my wishlist! My husband and baby went to the store to buy ingredients to cook breakfast this morning, so that 30 minute break was pure relaxing bliss for me! Have a wonderful rest of Mother’s Day!

Alicia @ La Famille - oh ms. meg…a LITTLE jealous of your weekend AT HOME…ALONE! that’s better than winning the lotto πŸ™‚ ha!! glad you are having a great mom’s day weekend. i went shopping for summer clothes alllll alone last night. that was fun πŸ™‚
oh, hey…did you check out page 39 of that magazine on top of your pile? still a little giddy πŸ˜‰ i consider it a big mom’s day gift πŸ™‚

Leah - Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for giving me something fun to read every day. And my husband just took my daughter to Starbucks to buy me a drink. I’m cherishing the 15 minutes of freedom and silence. It’s like I’m on vacation.

Penny - I love your pink fridge too! I am looking for globes and can never find any. boo hoo. I remember when my kids were young.
(2,5,8) my husband gave me the entire day alone, to do what I wanted. I soaked in the tub reading magazines, I watched a movie and read my book. I also just ate whatever I wanted, no cooking. It was the best mother’s day ever. I am now waiting for my girls to come and shower me with love! They are 17, 20, 23! I really don’t think the 17 year old is ready to shower me with love though, she hates Michigan’s new law that new
driver’s under 18 must be in by 10:00. I love the law because I didn’t make it, but IT”S THE LAW! πŸ™‚

Lisa - I hope you had a great time alone. I may need to suggest to my wonderful husband that he take the kids for a night like that. I could use it!!!! πŸ™‚

Annika - Happy Mothers Day! That fridge is so cool! (Pun intended!)

Esther Dee - ok…where did you get that pink fridge??? waayy to cute.
Happy Mothers Day, Meg!!!!!

Trina Curran - Oh. Em. Gee. I have to get a pink frig. That is freaking awesome! And I’m so glad your momma birdie is doing well. She looks like she will have a fabulous mother’s day too! πŸ™‚

Sharla - Happy Mother’s Day Meg! Your weekend sounds great – this KS weather is making my weekend too! Thanks for your wonderful blog and starting my day off right πŸ™‚

brooke - You had me at “pink fridge” and bud light πŸ™‚
so glad you had a day to yourself!

Sarah@this farm family's life - You are so lucky and I love the pink fridge! And the Bud Lights look delightful. Enjoy your time alone!

ashley jensen - The pink fridge is awesome!! I want one. I have no where to put it but still. I have no problem with snakes either. Happy Mothers Day Meg!!!

Holly - cute fridge! Wish I could justify that but the kitchen is right off of my craft room so the big fridge is already close by! I am wanting to do some gardening today also but word is that the cicadas are back and I dont love them at all so we will see! Happy mothers day!

Ruth Elder - THANK YOU for validating the thought I had that all I wanted for MY Mother’s Day was time alone, away from my 5 kids!
I don’t feel so terrible now. I mean, we need to re-charge, right? Being a Mom is the hardest job there is.
And the best.

jill - Now I want:
a. to try a pineapple/banana smoothie
b. more globes
c. a PINK FRIDGE! I didn’t even know such a thing existed! Your mother’s day gift of time alone sounds perfectly wonderful (except for the lame movie). πŸ™‚
Enjoy your day today!

se7en - Love your blog, love your comics, love your pink fridge, love your craft room … just love your weekend off, love how kind your dad was to your mom, love how kind your hubs is to you!!! Love it!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!

Krista - i luv ur blog. it makes me happy and i read it every single night. my fav part: happy things! happy mother’s day to you!

I want it.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Pink fridge in the sewing room…flippin genious! LOVE your globes too. I FINALLY found two this weekend here at a massive annual boy scout sale we have. One regular sized globe and one that fits in my hand. I had completely given up hope that Id ever find any for a good deal:)
Happy Mothers Day!

Sheri - You are too darn cute. Your post crack me up. Always look forward to them. Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy.

Michelle from Australia - Hooray for time alone. What a GREAT gift. LOVE the pink fridge. Too cute and functional. The first photo of you and your family. The girl in the red jacket. Is that you or your sister? To me, it looks like Talby. Happy Mother’s Day!

mary - I can’t get over how much your kids look exactly like you! I’m not sure why but when I see that in families…it always throws me for a loop. You’re all cuties!
Happy mother’s day!

Rebecca W - i like the pink fridge!
happy mother’s day!

sue - A weekend off with out the kids. What a great idea. Does that go for kids still at home age 26 and 28. What do you think? ha ha. Happy Mother’s day Meg.

Jennifer O'Steen - i am very much in love with that pink fridge! happy mother’s day!!

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no david.

i am trying out some art projects relating to our favorite books.

we love david shannon's books.

he is a fabulous artist!

the idea of the project was to read the two David books we have 
"no david!"  and  "David gets in trouble"  
then the kids would draw a picture of themselves getting in trouble for something THEY would do or have done.



they didn't quite get what i was saying but it still tured out ok.



they basically copied a page from the book instead.
i was thinking they would be a little more original.
and i chose these books because the art is a little messy and not perfect….as encouragement.
i wanted them to see that it's ok to just have a triangle nose or funny shaped hands.
the picture isn't ruined when things aren't perfect. 

we drew with pencil.
then filled in some oil pastel.
then watercolored.
then added black detail when it was dry.

sean's work…..eating all the cookies.


first annie drew herself just standing there crying.
then she didn't like it and threw it away.

then decided to copy the picture exactly.
she did pretty well at that!

talby drew herself having to eat brocolli.
this is pretty realistic.


i think we will keep trying the book ideas.
it is fun to see how other artists work and their materials.

craft thursday has been slow going for awhile.
it's because of tired mommy.

because annie asks to make something almost everyday.

see why i am tired???


happy friday.


Χ‘Χ’Χ“Χ™ ΧžΧ’Χ¦Χ‘Χ™Χ - Nice painting draws by every one. It is very beautiful. Please keep it up because the internet needs someone like you spreading the word. Thanks for sharing this paintings.

Cheyenne - This is AMAZING! I popped onto your blog and only had a couple of minutes before bed to check things out…and I’ve just sat and sat here. I love every single thing about your blog!! Thanks for sharing some of your life!

Gabby - What a cool idea! Might have my kids do this on a hot summer day when we need to burn some energy πŸ™‚ We too love the No David books. Thanks for sharing!

Mique - David Shannon is my ALL TIME FAVE (yes I’m yelling at you). He is the best! I love Alice the Fairy. We have almost all of his books. And I love this idea- I need to do it with my kids. Thanks Meg!

Heather - Amazing!! What a great idea.

ranee - Umm. yeah, those are pretty amazing. apparently al lyou kids are going to grow up and be artists!

Rach - First of all… yummy header!!! Mmmmm jelly beans.
Second of all… I used your colorful summer list idea to make our house to do list. It is a daunting list but the colorful nature of it makes me smile and being able to cross things off the list is so rewarding.
And lastly… do only 3 of the kids now participate in craft days and art projects?

gina - I LOVE how all of your art takes place RIGHT in the middle of your rooms….;no worries. πŸ™‚
Great work!! Sometimes “copy” work is good for learning a new technique – all of your kids are very talented. πŸ™‚

Dina - Love love LOVE this idea!!!! and we love love LOVE the David books! Thanks! We’ll be copying you soon:-) …

Renee - Meg,
I have been homeschooling, but just a couple of months ago the kids began attending a private school (we moved). Any way, I am going to be teaching art at their school next year and we have emphasized this subject at home, too. I believe this aspect of learning to draw (Charlotte Mason called it a “picture study”) where kids try to re-draw a piece of art is equally as important as drawing something original. They are learning great techniques! These pieces of artwork really are beautiful! Some of my favorite things that my children have created were picture studies. My son tried to recreate the Mona Lisa when he was in third grade and I still have it framed. So fun. Love that you make time for these activities!!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I always enjoy your tutorials Megan, we’ve tried a few…..and loving the new header too!

Carol S - You’re creating some real talented artists Meg! These pictures are sensational. Treasure these moments even if they’re not always (very rarely) easy. Good things never come easy. I really thing you’re going to have one of these three end up with an art type career.

Jenny B. - This is great!!! I Love the combination of the oil pastels and watercolors.

Kat - Your kids drawings are fantastic, particularly Annie for her age, wow!!
Love all the crafty and creative things you do.
I really need to do some of this with my kids.

Tracy Fisher - That was fabulous. I loved it.
Tracy Fisher

amy jupin - forgot to mention earlier…no mention of your boyfriend, george clooney’s 50th bday today??!! he will not be pleased. πŸ™‚

se7en - Oh your kids are so clever!!! I love their art!!! Brilliant work!!!

Phoenix_Rising - I LOVE THIS!!! Great idea and great results!!!!

Carly Winborne - no way! i have never heard of these books, first of all. so i’m sitting here looking at this post and halfway paying attention to what my little girl is unloading from her backpack (kindergarten). she looks up, sees a picture from this book and says, “hey, we read that today in music.” i am shocked! what timing! i’ll need to go find these books to add to our library! aside from that, i’m loving your blog, daily. seriously, you’re one of three families i check every single day. (i mean that in a very non-stalkerish sort of way.) that, plus you and i have the same birthday! πŸ™‚

Amanda F. - Very cute! Their drawings are spot on to the artist’s in the book.

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - Great Job!
I can totally relate to being asked everyday about doing an art project, my youngest, Nathan (5 years old) asks me everyday too. Sometimes it’s hard to think of something to do…I use books alot for inspiration.
I think for me it’s running around all day, doing errands, cleaning and whatnot and then the kids come home from school and all the rush that goes with that, plus ball games or practices, etc….Yep, totally makes for a tired mom (I have a big family too, 6 kids, so I know exactly how tiring it can be).

Libby - There’s a book you should check out for these book craft ideas. It’s called Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg. It’s a cute book that makes you look at mistakes, like drips or stains or ripped paper, as an opportunity to make a great piece of art. It’s a fun little book and would make an excellent craft project!

Alyssa - Those are pretty amazing artist you have…They are awesome work!!

amy jupin - WOW! these are soooo good!
very impressed with the kiddos are this one. πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This is such a good idea! My favorite is the No, VID!DA! πŸ™‚

melanie - my kiddo just came home with a school art project where they had to draw what kind of “wild thing” they would be from “Where The Wild Things Are.” I love it and will be framing it. have you tried something like that with your kids?
p.s. i love love love your blog; thank you for blogging. also your story a few weeks ago about getting preggers and your hubby choosing you and this life totally made me bawl my eyes out bc it hit a little too close to home (though i had a different ending). anyway, sweet mama, just wanted to say thanks.

Karen Gerstenberger - We love those books – especially fun when you have a son named David!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hi Meg, just had to say that my son, Spencer, so loved that book, No David. He wanted me to read it to him every single night when he was little. The book finally fell apart. He still talks about it every so often. He just turned 19…boohoo.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Very, very fun idea! I love this!
I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful Mother’s Day!
It’s ok to be tired. Sometimes we just wear ourselves out a bit πŸ™‚

Julia - Wow! Copying or imitating is a great way to learn.

tara pollard pakosta - they all did a fabulous job, but Annie’s is spectacular being she is sooooo young! they are all true little artists though! I would frame these! LOVE THEM!

Sandy - All of the pictures are wonderful, but I was especially impressed with Annie’s considering her age. Way to raise up creative & artistic children!!

merlin - I think there is a profound message in Talby’s, for me at least, given the sorry state of our world and all of its suffering, look at her plate, she is faced with something that looks like she has to take on the world! Her subconcious (?) has her having to manage the world, not just some broccoli. Talby, I don’t want to either!

Sarah @ this farm familys life - Cute idea and Annie is a good drawer for her age!

Jennifer DeLosSantos - Love it! When I was teaching, we read the “David” books while we were setting up our classroom rules. Their pictures are SO good! Have you done any Eric Carle type art? He was one of my favorite classroom artists/authors.

arlene - We also have a robin’s nest on our back door. She built it in my grapevine wreath….perfectly. There are three beautiful blue eggs in it. Will she be able to stay long enough to hatch them as we go in and out the door? I hope so.

Leah - Wow, your children are quite the artists! I’m so impressed. And I love this idea. So creative! Love the new header too. Happy Mother’s Day!

happygirl - You have some talent kids in your house. No wonder you are tired. This was a great idea. I love your creativity.

Jennifer - I love David Shannon’s books! The kids really did an amazing job with their art work. What a great kid-friendly, art idea. πŸ™‚
Happy {early} Mama’s day!

andiejaye - me likey. i appreciate projects that have a literary base. it’s a nice expansion on what they’ve read.

jen - I LOVE it, books are my favorite, children’s art is my favorite, oil pastels, paints, and pencils are my favorite! hahaha Happy Friday!

Tiffany - Annie nailed it (for 5, wow) And your kids will treasure this time and talent you give of yourself, it is an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work Tired Mommy.

sarah - Sean is a pretty awesome artist! I love how you inspire your kids creativity!!

Katie - I kind of get burned out too of our little craft tuesdays (inspired by you). We did really well in the summer and fall and through Christmas. I think I totally crafted out for Christmas. So I took a break for mid winter and spring. Hopefully we will get started again in June.
*We did make our own boats and then try and float them…that was pretty fun and sciency!

angela - Good Grief! Your kids are AMAZING!

Juli - I see. No, I know. I am exhausted too.
I think I deserve the super-sized box of DOVE chocolates this Mother’s Day. Oh, and a yard full of flowers and that rose arbor I’ve been eyeing. A trip somewhere without the kids might even be order. Couple that with my husband rubbing my feet, yeah, I might make it ’til next Mother’s Day then! πŸ˜‰

Penny - Great drawings. They are all really good. I am impressed! Annie’s is great! I love Talby’s colors and I like that Sean changed the cake to cookies. Very good! I love children’s art. I have some of my favorites of my girls hanging in the hallway. My girls are 23, 20 and 17 now. But I sitll love to look at what they did when they were 7 or 8. I want to make them sit with me and do crafts still, but they are normally too busy. I miss those crafty days. My 23 year old comes over on Sunday’s, she has started knitting and she brings that. Maybe she could teach me!

Holly - Brian just finished reading “No David” for school. We have been trying to incorporate projects with our books also.

Hoosier at Heart - It just can’t get any cuter tha that! I want to roll back time to when my kids were little and then be you!

Beth - one of my favorite books is A Bad Case of the Stipes–it’s SO cute! And our family loves lima beans, too. I’m amazed, your kids are incredible artists–I’m not sure I could copy Shannon’s seemingly easy drawings–impressive!
i’m hoping to implement a form of craft thursdays here at our house this summer as well. thanks for always sharing yourself in this beautiful blog!

Kim - We love using books as inspiration for art here too! So fun.

Terrie - Should I be embarrassed that your kids can draw better than me? I can only do stick figures…barely! LOVE your crafts!

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annie received this little tiny pot with 5 sunflower seeds and dirt for easter from her nana.
the pot is no more than 2 inches tall.
we followed the instructions and it is growing!
she yelled excitedly "it's even still wearing it's seed cap!"
she has been learning a lot about seeds at school.


i remember my first time gardening in our first house.
i was AMAZED and couldn't believe that all you do is put the plant or seed in the ground….
water it….
and it grew!

i was hooked.


we have a mama bird right outside our door.
i love her.
today i was so curious…i had to find out what she was protecting….and how many.



three perfect lovely blue eggs.
isn't that miraculous?
there are living birds growing inside those gorgeous blue eggs RIGHT NOW!

life is so fantastically awesome!


we watched her work for a few days on this nest.
she made a MESS.
but look at it now!
it's like a finely crafted masterpiece.
just her size.
just right for three babies.



i am in awe of how God made this world.
creating a bird….to build a magnificent home for herself…making eggs…keeping them warm!
and that is just ONE animal.
there are like….a million different kinds of animals and living beings!
each unique and equally fascinating.




i'm not going to go all "double rainbow" on you….don't worry.

what's really on my mind is…….my grandmother loves birds.
bird watching was her thing.
and she is not doing so well right now.
she is 94 and has had a rough 2 weeks.
she loves my blog and it makes me really sad to think she won't see this post.
because she would have LOVED it.
it may have been her favorite.

i am not sure i am loving this part of my grown up life right now.
hospitals and phone calls and hard decisions having to be made and seeing your dad cry. 
it's stressful to go through or even just to observe your parents deal with it.
it's just so…..

grown up.

God is still good and crazy awesome even when our bodies don't do what we want them to.
or we get sick.
or we grow old.
we can still praise Him for every thing we have and have experienced, everything HE is.
and He'll comfort us when it's sad or too hard.

my hope is in that.

and birds are awesome.


except geese.
they are still creepy and psycho.


the other thing my grandma loved more than birds was gardening.
so i am going to do that all day today.

for grandma. - Nice post regarding life. Every one is struggle for survive include bird, animal and human being. I like your post. There are many similarities between them to survive the life.

Natalie - This post really tugged on my heart. My grandmother just passed this week, on Wednesday, at age 93. I know exactly what you mean about watching your dad cry and feeling that grown-up sadness.. it’s heartbreaking. I am holding on to the hope that she is in Heaven and happier than she’s ever been, after living a long and full life on earth. How sweet it must be to see Jesus after so long! Thank you for the reminder of God’s goodness!

the.mrs - Thank you for the beautiful post. Really awesome to be reminded of God’s amazing truths and creation. Your family is in my prayers!
(on another note, LOVE love LOVE the new banner!)

JustMommer - I’m sorry about your Grandma. My mom is on hospice right now, we are staying with her around the clock, spending as much precious time with her as we can. My dad died in November, in early spring the tulips and daffodils he had planted bloomed, it was like he said hello. I’m praying for you and your family.

Karen - Blessings to you and yours, Meg. It’s a tough time, but anyone who can appreciate things like gardening and bird watching, is probably OK with meeting the creator of all things. Keep that in mind and heart, and remember, it’s in HIS control for the good of all who believe.
On a lighter note, get back to us on how much you appreciate those birds on your porch after weeks and weeks of bird poop building up underneath, not just from one busy little mommy bird, but also three messy babies, toddlers, then teenage birds until they fly the coop! πŸ™‚ Been there. Done that. I appreciate them just as much…and more…..from afar. πŸ™‚

flowerpowermomma - Some days are hard.
I”m working on the ‘breath in….breath out’ concept currently.
Not only did my grandmother enjoy nature and creativity. She had beautiful white hair. When her hair brush needed cleaning she would take the clump of hair and put it out in the trees so the birds could feather their nests with it.
Not too long ago I was cleaning out my hairbrush. I looked down to see my grandmothers hair in my hand!
I was not sad to see so many white ones….it kept my connection closer to her in fact.

Kelly - Megan, even before I got to the part about your grandma I felt so blessed by this post. I have spent the day at the hospital with my sweet, wonderful mother who was having surgery for breast cancer. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Being a grown up is hard and yet a privilege and I am so thankful for your reminders and LIFE and how cool and wonderful God is! Yes, yes, yes! Those eggs are splendid! He didn’t even have to make them beautiful but He did! So wonderful. I am so sorry about your grandma. I am so thankful for hospitals and at the same time it’s hard to spend time in them. Blessings on your night and the morrow. Kelly

Nicole - {{Hugs}} to you and your family Meg. We just walked this road this year with my grandpa. {I miss him like crazy.} Praying for the peace of God to surround all of you. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
Your photography is beautiful.

Amy @ dwell in the season - A mama bird just made a nest right outside of our place too, and we discovered 3 little eggs just like yours yesterday! You’re right, what a miracle!

Jen Joy - I love this post. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.
After I read it, I said a prayer for your grandma. When I water my flower garden this evening, I will think of her and say another little prayer. May she be scooped up in the magesty of God’s love when the time comes.
This all makes me miss my grandma. She’s been gone for 4 years now. When I miss her, I make a pie. Chocolate cream with a ridiculous amount of Cool Whip, thank you very much. It makes me feel like she’s in the same room. Probably because she is. πŸ™‚

Andrea T - i relate to your post ALOT. my mom is going through a rough patch with her health right now. i think it is so sweet that you gardened all day for your grandma bc she loves it that is such a great way to honor her!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m sending love and prayers for comfort and strength to you and your family, Meg. xoxoxo

shauna reed - you are not alone.
my seven year old would tell you “at least you have your family”
i would tell you, “have a good cry Meg” that always makes my feel a little better.
it doesn’t fix any of this broken world and make the pain and suffering go away, but at least it does something with the emotions besides come out in anger on every one else.
just a thought.
my heart is with you friend.

Rachel B - This was a beautiful post! Beautiful.

Dawn - Those were amazing pictures and I love the color of those eggs.
Also thinking of you and your family during this tough time.

Kristin S - 1. ADORE the new blog header.
2. That is quite possibly the most perfect color blue. Only God could/would have that kind of creativity.

Jenny B. - I’m so sorry about your grandma. I’m learning that each season of life has its own joys and challenges. I wouldn’t have guessed that mama bird’s eggs would be such a beautiful bright blue color. I hope you enjoyed your day of gardening for Grandma.

Julie - prayers for you and your family tonight…this was a beautiful post.

betsy - Sending some warm thoughts your way about your Grandma. I’m sure she’d love this post!
P.S. That egg color is amazing! I can’t believe colors like this exist in nature!

wendy, NJ - Oh Meg, I can so feel the sadness you are feeling about your Grandma. My Gram was 92 when she went to be with Jesus. Due to distance, I unfortunately didn’t get to really know her until the last 6 years of her life. She was incredible. Her passion of nature and gardening sounds very similar to your Grandma.
And it’s ok if you go double rainbow on me because I believe that when I see a rainbow (or a double rainbow) that it’s my grandparent’s looking down on me. You see when we buried both of my grandfathers and my grandmothers they were dreary days, but at the end of the day a rainbow appeared. So I consider it a beautiful thing!
Hugs to you!!

Erin - Happiness. Wonderment. Sadness. Hope. So many emotions went through me while reading this post. Might be my favorite one to date. I can’t imagine what this feels like. Prayers for your Grandma…your dad…you…and your children. Much <3 being sent to you!

karen - lol at the “i’m not going to go all “double rainbow” on you”!!
Sweet post.

Liz Prince - My grandma is going through the EXACT same thing right now too. She is 95. Been in the hospital 3 different times in the past 3 weeks. Doctor says there is nothing more to do but take her home and make her comfortable. I am sad. Not for my Nana but for my dad. He adores him mom. And soon she will be gone and it will be my dad’s generation that will take over with the “aging.” And I will be taking care of him and my mom. Circle of life ya know? Anyway sorry for rambling but know that I am thinking of your grandma as I think of my own.
Keep up your honesty and being real. I look forward to getting my “meg” fix everyday. You rock! πŸ™‚

Charlotte - i too am going through a lot of “grown up” things…taking care of my aging mom….surgeries and aftercare….emergency hospital stay with the hubs…a child with multiple teeth extractions..etc., etc…..being strong for everyone, has left me weak and weary. your post was uplifting…thanks for sharing your little mama bird’s eggs..they are indeed a miracle. πŸ™‚

Charlotte - i too am going through a lot of “grown up” things…taking care of my again mom….surgeries and aftercare….emergency hospital stay with the hubs…a child with multiple teethe extractions..etc., etc…..being strong for everyone, has left me weak and weary. your post was uplifting…thanks for sharing your little mama bird’s eggs..they are indeed a miracle. πŸ™‚

Diana - Sending up many prayers for your grandma. xx

Mindy Harris - you are precious.
just precious.

Renee - I know what you mean about grown-up stuff. Both my grandparents passed away last year (I am 35, too!). I had many lunches alone with my Dad as he cried on my shoulder and I prayed for him. It is even more difficult to understand how he and my mom are now the oldest generation. Both mid 60s. But times heals. And I enjoy every day reminders of my grandparents- each so special. Especially my Lydie-girl who walk around with my Nana’s name!! Praying for you now.

Jenny Logan - Love this post! I’m praying for your Grandma. (and you & your family.)

Liana - Oh my goodness. I could have written your post, Grandma in declining health, Dad crying, bird loving, gardening…but we are both 35 so I guess it makes sense that we are both in the same place. My grandma died on Monday. I’m happy that she’s happy and healed and with her love (Grandpa) again…but it is still hard. How lucky to have had 35 years with her! Your family is in my prayers!

Laura Phelps - your grandma and I would get along beautifully
I am tight with the birds πŸ™‚

Amy - My ‘hubby’ just gave me a new sewing machine so I could get back into sewing. Sitting and staring at it brings back so many memories of my grandma from when I was younger. She sewed all my clothes and taught me to sew at a young age. Man I miss her!

happygirl - I LOVE Robin egg blue. It’s my favorite blue. Hugs to you, friend.

crystal - I just can’t believe this post…I love it! What is so strange, just seconds (literally just seconds) before I read it, I’m sitting at the dining room table on the computer about to open up your blog, and I’ve been seeing this same type bird here on our back patio for the last couple weeks, and it landed on the ceiling fan today, I wanted to jump up & get my camera & take some pictures of it, but my memory card is in the bedroom & hubby is fast asleep after a late night at work, so I decided to wait & will try to photograph it another time. I just couldn’t believe it when it was the first thing I saw after opening your blog! Great minds think alike, right?!

Beth - Simply beautiful! Life is beautiful and sometimes the not so good news. However, the end is even more beautiful!
Hugs to you, Meg! I know it must be hard on you and your family! I lost mine when I was in my early 20’s. I do hope your granmother gets better! Enjoy your gardening today.
Love your new header!

shannon - Hi Meg! I don’t know if you read all your comments or not. So you may or may not get to mine but it just made me feel better to know I wrote something to you. Your post made me cry. I totally understand and I believe the same as you….I don’t like being a grown up sometimes. I am learning more and more how fragile life can be….my gparents whom I have not been all that close to until the last 2 years or so….are getting older…in their 80s….and their family members, their age, keep getting ill and passing on and I know in my head it’s only a matter of time and I have been trying to prepare my heart but I just cannot do it. They are, on all accounts pretty healthy, but I know the day will come. It makes me sad….and I know God is there to comfort me….it’s just…hard. πŸ™

Ryanne - Wow, what a wonderful post on this dreary day. Thank you. I am sorry about your grandma.

Sandy - “I’m not going to go all double rainbow on you”…you’re SO funny! πŸ™‚

Staci - Oh Megan, I”m so sorry to hear about your grandma πŸ™ Yes, being a grown up does suck in these times…I will be praying for her…and you too! And those eggs…yes, completely awesome! We had a pair of geese (I KNOW!!!! They are mean little suckers!) at our pond that were nesting….she RARELY left that nest….and when she did…it was for a quick little swim (Man do I get that…she JUST needed time away!) and the funny thing…the daddy goose was flapping his wings at her…letting her know he didn’t think this was a good idea….and she just kept on swimming and then went back after a brief few moments to herself πŸ˜‰ We would watch every morning at those two….my husband I LOVED it!!! Sad to report…something did eat their little eggs…circle of life…it’s a sad, tough thing. God is amazing to give us all these things to adore…if only for a little while πŸ˜‰

jess - oh my goodness meg…my thoughts and prayers with you and your family. I was just thinking the same thing, in the last year i have watched my parents health go downhill and our conversations that use to be short and sweet are now filled with health and medical talk….this chapter in my life will be most challenging i’m afraid. on another note…i am in awe at how beautiful those eggs are….the color!!!!!

Alisha - I know exactly how you feel. I think about having to do the same with my grandparents who are now in their mid 80’s and the thought is unbearable. My prayers are with you and your family.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love that God made that perfect shade of aqua, just for us. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it before this post…and I’m not sure it exists anywhere else in nature? I mean, maybe on a tropical island, somewhere. But definitely not in Indiana.

Maegan - Meg, I loved this post. I was recently thinking the same thing. That life is so amazing…that there are tiny baby birds growing in there! However, my four year old found a broken egg that had obviously been dropped/fallen, and it made me think about sin and how awful it is. But our hope is in Christ! We need not fear death!

Shannon - You putting my Sonic sign on your list of Happy Things makes me SUPER HAPPY! πŸ™‚

Molly Pearce - I will be praying for you and your family Meg! Love the color of the bird egg’s! I have a chicken that lays teal green eggs and they are gorgeous too! My granny loved birds as well and had a ton of porcelan musical birds all over her house! I used to love waking up in the mornings and hear her crank the handle and hear the little song sing! That’s one o fmy favorite memories πŸ™‚
~Molly P

Sarah - I love those eggs. So humbling.

Beth - Thank you Meg! I needed this, my husband’s Grandma had a stroke this morning. He used you to speak to me today.

Jennifer - Meg, I lost my grandmother very unexpectedly in March. My BFF lost her aunt in December and her uncle last week. We too have decided that this part of our lives is going to have new challenges that we don’t feel prepared for. It’s going to be an adjustment for sure. I hope your grandmother makes a recovery and you get to enjoy her a little longer. Your post was beautiful and I hope she will be able to see it soon.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Dearest Meg, I am so sorry to hear that about your grandmother. Your family will be in my prayers. Please enjoy your gardening day! I hope it is extra special!

Terrie - Beautiful eggs!
Prayers going up for your Grandma. I understand about the not liking this whole grown up thing sometimes! My 1st grandbaby is on the way…while I’m over-the-moon excited for that…it made me think that my Dad is gong to be a Great-Greandpa. Yeah! On the one hand, I was so excited…then the whole stupid circle of life thing hits me and it was like…Holy Crum! My Dad is going to be a Great-Grandpa!! I’m not ready for his to be the next generation to go!! None of us are promised tomorrow…I know that…and like you, I know that God is in control! But, sometimes, it’s just HARD!
Sidenote…LOVE your new header! Made me smile when I saw it! I have one similar with pretty spring colored skittles! πŸ™‚
Just saw on Hoda & Kathie Lee…ivillage is doing a contest about hot dads…I had to think of you and all your wonderful ‘hot’ comments about Craig. Winner gets some kind of WEEK long cruise vacation…I think you should check it out and enter! Think of the awesome pics we could see of the trip! I’d even volunteer to do crafts with the kids while you were gone!
Have a HaPpY ThuRsDaY!!! I’m off to have some fun with 1st graders!

Kim - I lost my grandfather about 16 years ago now. I still miss him. He never got to meet my kids, and he would have gotten a kick out of them for sure. I hope you enjoy your day gardening,watching birds and enjoying the sunshine while loving your grandmother.

jes - how beautiful. i (obviously) dont know your grandma but i am positive she would have loved it.
sending love and peaceful thoughts your way…
hope the sun shines on your gardening day.

amber - Double rainbow….funny, funny stuff.
I have one grandmother left. Her heart is showing it’s age. She’s had a hard life. I was just thinking last night about how much she’s gone through, & yet has lived so long (83). I wonder how she feels about feeling so bad all the time. It stinks. I’m praying for your grandmother. Peace & comfort, no matter the outcome.
I love grandma’s. And how God knows exactly what He is doing.

Sarah@this farm family's life - loved this! praying for your grandma and your family…

mel @ the larson lingo - those eggs are the most beautiful turquoise color! How neat!
So sorry to hear about your grandma, I will be praying for her & that she gets better quickly! Have fun gardening….the gardening bug bit me this year & I got my garden started last week. So much fun!

adrienne - i love how you captured the bird and her blue eggs! what a fun surprise for your when you finally got up there! great pictures, great post… sending lots of love and prayers your way.

Jenna - Tears … this post hit close to home with me. What better way to honor our loved ones than by celebrating or doing the things they loved? I’ll say a prayer for you, your grandma, and your dad.

Kacey - Beautiful post. Prayers for your grandma and your family.

mandy friend - and if you want to see a funny old movie that kinda sorta includes bird watching rent Mr. Hobbs takes a vacation. hilarious!

mandy friend - prayers for your granmother meg. just remember , if He took such care creating those robins in all their beauty, how much more care He took to create the beautiful life your grandmother must have lived and is living. i haven’t had to face it yet, but my grandfather isn’t doing so well either, and he doesn’t know the Lord…
“we are only passing through to the promised land beyond the blue…”

Jessi - Actually, that would be an adjective. Grammar fail.

Jessi - I love that you just used “double rainbow” as a verb.

tiffany m gardner - Thank you for reminding all of us to see the beauty in small things. Life is a crazy, wonderful, scary, exciting beautiful ride. I am 33 and just had my third child. So I just experienced “building my nest” and “protecting my babies” too! This time my daddy wasn’t there to experience this new life with us. He was celebrating with Jesus. He had Alzheimer’s and went to be with Jesus four years ago. Sometimes life is just tough! My mama who as experienced a lot of loss in her life (my oldest brother died of cancer when he was sixteen..I was 2) always reminds me that everyday might not be great…but there are GREAT moments in everyday. Watching your bird build her nest and seeing those gorgeous eggs were great moments. Watching your sweet daughter’s amazement with her flower and seeds…great moments. Being reminded of your grandmother in doing something she loved…great moments. I will lift you up today…each time I see my flowers. I too will be thankful for the great moments. I will stand in awe of Jesus. I will be thankful for LIFE! ……thanks for being my morning cup of coffee! You Rock Meg!!!

Amanda - I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I just lost my paternal grandmother a month ago and I have had those same thoughts so often lately-this part of adulthood is just no fun.

Jen Brandt - Meg, I love your posts. Look forward to them everyday. You’re right. God is awesome. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing Mother’s Day.

tara pollard pakosta - You truly are blessed to still have a grandma!
It’s hard and stressful, but wow, to have had her that long!
I never met one of mine and the other died of cancer when I was 5 years old….so just know that this time with her has been so very special and just hang on to the beautiful memories. much love and prayers and I hopes she recovers.

Danielle - So sorry about your Grandma:( I will be praying for her. And you’re right, God is so very good to us. Such a beautiful post Meg:)

amy jupin - well hello there momma bird!
your eggs are perfectly lovely.
and your nest is a work of art.
i hope your babies are snuggly and warm.
meg, my grandmother was the greatest gift in my life for so many years.
i am so grateful for all the time i had with her.
just as you are for yours.
i pray your grandma gets well again soon.
i pray she knows how much you love her.
sending many hugs your way.

elizabeth seay - love all your posts- but this one is especially inspiring and hopeful. life is hard- but God is so good!
thankful with you that we have hope!

Vicki - I think that grandmas are one of the greatest blessings God gave us. That and the color of robin egg blue. Garden on today sweet friend. Give that love you have to all those that are around you, your kiddos, your hubby, your daddy, and especially your grandma.

Kris - My Grandma…Nana is 96 yrs young. She is a gem, and I adore her. She is not a bird lover, but she is a unique and special Southern Lady, who I will one day, miss so very much. I savor every day I have her in my life.
I am a huge bird nerd!!! Love to go birding, and I don’t have to go far, as I have a one acre orange grove with so many species nesting here. I also attract them with feeders, and plants and water stations. Gardening is also a passion of mine. And I am trying to pass these things on to my three wonderful little grandchildren.
Have a happy day. I enjoyed this post of yours!

Penny - Prayers for your family as you go through this hard time. I know we are dealing with hard times with my parents, 87year old Mom with Breast cancer and 90 year old Dad crushed watching her deal with this. It is hard. So I will pray for your family and your special grandma. Growing old is not fun! Our hope is in all the new life around us, knowing God has a wonderful plan!
Great post Meg.

Courtney - Thanks so much for sharing those photos, I am in Florida and we get the robins for a few days, they are such lovely birds! I hope that your sweet grandmother gets to see the photos as well. Hugs and prayers for your family during this time! God Bless!

Holly - Praying for your sweet grandmother. My grandmother reads my blog. In fact she calls if I dont post enough. We had a momma bird on one of our colums on our front porch last year.

Sherry Cartwright - Beautiful post and photos. Hugs to you as you celebrate your grandma today — through nature’s beauty. Hugs.

jill - Beautiful eggs and JELLY BEANS! πŸ™‚ We will be thinking of your family and your grandmother.

colleen in Alabama - Hey Meg, My Memommie went to be with Jesus 2 years ago this month. My Andaddy (her husband) is still alive at 96. He has an anuresm (sp?) in his stomach and just found out he has bladder cancer! He is SO ready to go home to be with Jesus. He sings “i want to see Jesus most of all” all the time. I am almost 46 and am so thankful to have had this precious godly man in my life for this many years. I will be sad when He goes to be with Jesus but i choose to pray that God would take him quickly and without pain. Then I will continue to praise my Savior that He kept Andaddy Faithful and finishing strong to the very end. Praying for you and your grandma right now.

Amy - My Grammy just passed away 2 weeks ago today. It still doesn’t feel real but I think its starting to sink in a little bit. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by in the last 2 weeks that I haven’t thought about her. She was 72 and she loved birds as well. Especially hummingbirds. πŸ™‚ I love this post and am praying for your grandmother and your family during this difficult time.

Taryn - Just checkin’ in….it’s been awhile since we’ve connected. Know that i’m thinking of ya during this time with your Grandma. Love how you continue to keep it real. Enjoy your time gardening, soaking in all God has created today! Love ya!

sarah - Wow…incredible pictures. I want to frame the one of the three eggs shot from above and hand it on my wall! Would you be willing to sell it?
We don’t have many robins where I live now, but I remember ever-so-quietly tiptoeing up to their nests and catching peeks of those gorgeous eggs when I was a little girl and lived in the Midwest.
I’m so sorry your grandmother is suffering and that the rest of you are working through that right now. What a difficult time. πŸ™

mel - your post got me all teary.
last year at this time we lost my grandma.
prayers for you and your family.
sometimes being a grown-up is so not fun.

Allison - Beautiful as always… Hugs to you as you deal with facing your grandma’s situation. But what a blessing that you have had a grandma for this much of your life, whom even your children are old enough to know. I am 23, and my one remaining grandparent just turned 89 and isn’t in very good health. I wish with all my heart that my amazing grandpa would live to see my 35th birthday and know the children I don’t have yet. So whatever happens, just be thankful that your grandma has known you for so much of your life. The grandparent/grandchild relationship is so special.

Ann Griffin - Beautiful pictures! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Katie Sellers - That picture of those blue eggs in the nest almost took my breath away—how incredibly beautiful–what an unexpected surprise!!!
Hope you find comfort in the beauty around you today!

sarah - My poppa passed away on December 16th. Watching my family greive was one of the hardest things I have had to do to date. One thing I learned though, is time heals all. God is the author of time and to me that means he slowly mends our hearts. Growing up is tough, for sure! The color of those eggs also reminds me of how great our God is. So beautiful, eh?

Meg Carter - Meg!
We have a nest too!
Sorry to hear your grandmother is not doing well. I just recently did a tribute post to my grandmother that was also very into bird watching and gardening!
Thoughts are with you and your family.

Laura - I have been reading your blog for over a year now and have never commented. Many times I have noticed that a lot of similarities between our lives.
The last 3 weeks have been rough around here as well. My Nana has just found out she has a fast growing brain tumor and has been hospitalized. She is 88 years old and has lived by herself for the last 40+ years on 3/4 of an acre without a car. I flew out to see her last week. I had some wonderful conversations with her, thanked her for all that she has done for me and taught me. I held her hand and told her I love her. In all of our conversations she kept telling me that all she wants to do is go home and garden and she misses riding the bus. Your post today has inspired me to have the most amazing garden just for her and to take my kids on a bus just like she took me when I would come to visit.
As your blog always does it reminds me to delight in the simple things…just like my Nana does.
Keep your memories close and remember she will always be there in your garden. Hugs to you πŸ™‚

Sheri - We have had a lot of birds nest on our front porch but never ever had blue eggs – that is beyond awesome.

Amanda - This made me teary (in a good way). I’m 34 and still feel jolted when I have to make grown up decisions. Really, me? 3 kids, a marriage & a mortgage and it seems I should still be eating at the kid’s table @ Thanksgiving. (btw love the bird’s nest pics!)

Shayne - Ninety-four is such an amazing number of years, which means you have made some wonderful memories. What a thing to treasure, but in another way, even harder to walk through the ending-ness of her life. Our thoughts and prayers are with you; strength for your days and peace for your nights.

Tiffany - Warm thoughts for your Dad and Grandma. We have a nest under our deck, I think birds pick sweet families to build their nests. All the best to you and yours.

Kayla - Just sending hugs your way…and a few prayers!

Ruth Elder - Your post today made me think of my Grandma. She, too, loved Gardening and gave me ‘the bug’. She passed away 13 years ago. I still cry when I think of her. I still plant pink roses that make me think of her. Just remember: True love stories never have endings.

AshleyAnn - are you going to eat what you grow in that garden?

April M - blessed by your post today, thank you
wish i could offer something back but it sounds like God’s got you covered
(He’s so awesome!)
so that’ll be my bit, prayers that you and yours (and others in similar circumstances)
are covered by His grace and love
thanks again

Heather R. - P.S. love the new header. πŸ™‚

Heather R. - Life is amazing. All of it. Enjoy your gardening, your bird with her eggs, and most of all your love for your grandma. Hugs!

debbie - Prayers for you and your sweet grandmother. Thanks for sharing a bit of happiness and beauty even though your heart is breaking.

Wendy - “Fuzzy baby Robins” … a FAVORITE of ours! Celebrate ur Grandmom’s 94 years – u & ur children r so lucky to have had her. I’m so envious of those who still have their Moms & Grandparents. Life … although amazing – is sometimes too short.

Sarah Alcantara - So sorry about your Grandma, beautiful post, beautiful pics….hugs!

Katie - Sorry to hear about your grandma! When my grandma passed away a few years ago I had the feeling that my biggest fan on earth was gone! She was the best!
Also fabulous print! Absolutely beautiful, thanks for following your curiosity and getting the shot! A must have!

deborah@applesinwonderland - my dear grandma loved birds and gardening too. and i loved and still love my now-departed grandma. ((((hugs)))) to you this morning and a good day for your grandma. it’s good to know that we are all connected too, through love and understanding and the need to carry on from one generation to the next.

Nancy - I have been down that road with the aging grandparents. I am sorry to hear about it. Never easy. No matter what age they are. Thoughts and prayers for you.
On another note, were you thinking of putting that robin’s egg picture in your shop or may I purchase an 8×10 of that. I LOOOVE it and would love to frame that lovely and remember God’s beautiful and abundant gift. Just gorgeous. Could you email me and let me know yay or nay. Thanks. xoxo Nancy

Catrina - I have the exact same bird/nest and 3 eggs in my back yard tree! yesterday I was brave enough to snap some pictures! And strange as it may sound, my great grandma is also not doing so well, she has been in ICU for about 2 weeks… So good luck with your grandma, I will keep you in my thoughts.

Donje - So sorry to hear about your grandma. It is hard. My prayers are with you and your family.

Caitlyn - I have the same cute little sunflower pot!

Beth Bowen - I follow your blog, but have never commented. I love this post so much that I’ve come out of hiding. πŸ™‚ I will pray for you and your family. How awesome is God that He gave your family the “gift” of that mama bird and her babies right now in the midst of the situation with your grandma, reminding you that He is Creator and He cares for all living things. Have a blessed day and enjoy your birds and your “garden therapy”.

Carol S - God bless your grandma, gardening and birds. My grandma lived with us growing up and at 95 and passed away on Christmas Eve 2001. The last several years I visited her at assisted living places with my little ones which made her day, then the last 6 months were real hard, and she told me in confusion on my last visit, pointing at her body “this isn’t Alice, this isn’t me anymore and who I am” meaning it was time for her to leave. Huge believer, super faithful woman, and she adored cardinals and gardening. So, Meg, I’m right there with you. It’s hard, but she will live on in you forever.

Lindi G - Hi Meg…I absolutely love this post!! Having to be a grown up for situations like this does stink!! I hope all works out for the best!! The colors in the pics of this post are stunning!!
PS…loving the new profile pic and header!!

Marcella - I hear you.
When I was a kid I always thought grownups always had everything under control.
Now as an adult I realize my kids think I’m the one who has everything under control and can handle everything.
It’s scary because as you said, there are things that feel way too “grownup” to handle for even us grownups!
If we can remember our Father’s previous faithfulness that helps us through our present trials!
Beautiful post!

Gretchen - big Hugs meg! I know that feeling having been through it when my husband passed away. I kept thinking to myself, we are too young to deal with this being 31 at the time, it was a year ago. My faith has brought me great strength in times of trial, and I know yours will too. The nest, eggs and mama bird show how great God’s gift of life is. We are lucky to be a part of that gift!

Trina Curran - Oh, I love this. The bird is beautiful and so is her work of art. And, yes, I believe your grandmother would have loved it…bless her heart. And yours. We watch for cardinals to know that my husband’s dad is keeping watch over us…we see them at almost every family event. Coincidence? I don’t think so. We have one that lives in the tree outside in front of our house. πŸ™‚

stephanie - Aging parents and grandparents is so hard. I’m starting to see some of those slowing down signs in my own parents (even though they are VERY active still), but it’s still hard when they have more dr. appointments than my four kids combined. Prayers for you and your grandma today.

Chantelle - Gorgeous pic of little eggs! Wow!! What a blessing to get to see that. Thank you for sharing!

Trish - hugs, it’s never easy watching our loved ones age!

Hoosier at Heart - I’ve never seen eggs such a vivid blue color. Gorgeous! Prayers out to your grandmother. Maybe you could print the pics out and take them to her to have in her room. Love ya, darlin!

Michelle from Australia - My Mum was orphaned at age 6. And as she watched her friends have to take care of their parents she said to me that she always thought she lost out on the parent lottery in life. But she said watching people have to make horrendous decisions on how to care for ageing parents, she realised that maybe she had pain young but was spared a more acute pain later in life. Her parents died young, beautiful, in love, they were her heroes, she has no bad memories of them and they didn’t suffer.
I will pray for your Grandma and your family in the days ahead.

Julia - I’m sorry your Grandma is not doing well. You are a source of comfort and strength for your family, though. When my dad was in the ER with congestive heart failure last year, I was there with my mom. I kept watching the ER doors, thinking someone I knew would come through the doors to help us. I realized that I was the one that came to help my mom and dad. It was a “grown up” realization and I didn’t like it. But, I did the best I could to help my mom and dad. (He recovered from that near fatal event- six weeks in the hospital and lots of hard work).
I love that momma robin. What a nice gift for you on your porch. Down here in Texas, we get them as they pass through onto other places. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen “robin-blue” eggs. Thank you for sharing.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Sadly, I never knew either of my grandmothers(my moms mom, her best friend, was buried the day before I was born and her only wish was to live long enough to “meet the baby”). But I totally know what you mean about life being hard, tough decisions and all that. Im watching it happen with my PARENTS. They had me at 38 so although Im only 31 their healths have been on a downward slope fopr years now and it totally stinks.
Im praying for you. And your grandma. And that bird is absolutely beautiful!

Nicole - Cannot say how much I love and needed this post. My grandfather has been fighting cancer for 4 years and this past month has been the worst. He has decided to forego further treatment and like you said, seeing my mom cry and watching her heart break for her daddy is way too grown up for me.
Beautiful post. Great pictures. Awesome God.

JulianneB - Praying for your sweet Grandma and you, too. It is the hard stuff of life, and it makes me stop and go…okay I guess this is what being grownup means. I lost both of my grandmas and my mom all within a one year span. So blessed to have had my grandmas into their nineties. My daughter was only 3 at the time, and I am sad she will miss having her grandma and great grandmas around.

Southern Gal - Sorry to hear of your grandma’s hard times right now. Yeah, growing up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Those eggs are gorgeous. Such pretty pictures of that mama bird, her eggs and her masterpiece. Yes, God is amazing.
Love your header. It’s so rainbow-y.

Sandy - I’m so sorry about your grandma, Meg.
I think you should frame the picture of the eggs…those totally match the mirror you painted. Yes??

Bernice - Those eggs are beautiful! Sorry to hear your grandma’s having some rough days. I hope things will get better for her soon.

Shann - So sorry to hear about your dear Grandma Meg. I lost my sweet Grandma last September. I can not tell you how many times I have wanted to go see her to tell her something that has been going on with myself or my kids and she is not there in her little blue chair anymore. It stinks. Although I am thankful for the promise we have in Christ that I will see her again someday…it is still so very hard. I just prayed for you and your family. Grandmas Rock!!! πŸ™‚

Kerry - Those eggs are my fave colour!! Beautiful πŸ™‚ Love the seedlings too! Sending your granny love and strength across the seas x

Annika - I like your new banner! And the bird photos are amazing. Nature is amazing!
All the best wishes for your gran!

georgia - Beautiful eggs! Your house is even more colourful now! Pls try and get baby bird photos too when you can πŸ™‚

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Those eggs are beautiful!
I really hope your Grandma recovers. All you can do is be strong for your family : )
Gemma x

Amanda F. - How blessed you are to have gotten the chance to be with your grandma this long and for your kids to know their great grandma! I lost my grandma when I was only 8 years old and my mom’s mom I never got to meet at all. Prayers for your family during this time.
And beautiful pictures, those eggs are gorgeous! I totally see them as the new “sunflower print” for Summer 2011… πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Awww Meg, I just love this post for lots of reasons…the little bird and her amazing nest, her most gorgeous blue eggs, the reminder of who God is. Take care. I know this is a hard time for you and having to deal with the reality that life isn’t always rainbows. I will keep you in my prayers. Sending you a hug.

heather @ cookie mondays - lovely post πŸ™‚
those turqouise eggs are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kori - My grandma just found out some not-so-good news (not really *new* bad news, but it’s confirmed…does that make sense?) and I agree that this part of grown-up life sucks. Bad.
I do love your houseguest and her family. They truly are a beautiful thing.
All the best to you and your family…

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four random things…..


i have a new running partner.

i have to say "heel" about 100 times per run….but he'll get it pretty soon.
just bought a harness to help me out.

i missed running. 

i think i will finish jillian too….but this IS perfect weather to run.
perfect temps.
and i like to wear long sleeves so it's great.
so jillian may lose.
(don't tell her….i'm afraid of her)

soccer season is over.
it was a long one…..softball starts friday.
thank goodness we have a two day break!!!


i don't like geese.
they freak me out.
but i faced my fears (and zoomed in my lens) and got a few shots at the park tonight.
they are so creepy.


SUMMER magazine starts shipping next week.

isn't that a beautiful cover???
love it.
you can just feel that breeze…..

matthew asked me to tell you this:

Head on over to Matthew Mead’s blog  to purchase your copy of SUMMER with Matthew Mead.

If you order your copy by May 6th, you may be one of the lucky readers who receive a GOLDEN TICKET, tucked away inside of your magazine!

There are ten fabulous prizes (check Matthew’s blog for details) and ONE of those lucky readers will win a grand prize of a $1000 Visa travel card to take you wherever you would like to go!! And visit our website to see the other fantastic prizes you can win (each golden ticket will be assigned one of the prizes)!

Please note, all readers who have already purchased a copy of SUMMER with Matthew Mead have secured their chance to win. But if you haven’t yet ordered your issue,
head on over here 
and get yours now!

You just might be the lucky recipient of one of the coveted Golden Tickets!!!


and finally……YOU ROCK.

my entire photography season is FULL.
every single spot is taken.

so cool.

you will have fun.
i will have fun.





Four Flights - you best be scared of Jillian. She does not mess around and I could just hear her now “you’re not QUITTING are you?!?! You’re a quitter!” oh that woman gives me chills. CHILLS I tell you! but yeah, running when is nice outside cannot be beat πŸ™‚

Amy @ dwell in the season - Waffle looks wiped out, how far did you go? Nice job, by the way, I’ve been seriously slacking in my running lately. I think I need a fluffy dog to come with me, OR scary geese to chase me.

Diana - Heyyyyyyy, those geese are my buds. (Those specific gray ones welcomed us to our new home way back in 2002!) LOL! I know, lots of people don’t care for geese. We just happen to enjoy their antics.
Don’tcha love that park with all the new playgrounds! It’s just across the creek from us (basically), we love to take the grandkids there when they’re having overnights with us.
Hehe, Waffle is gonna get buff runnin’ with you! LOL! πŸ˜€

the.mrs - Those shots of the geese were worth the fear factor part of it! So fun!

karen - those jelly beans!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - great new profile pic meg…sassy:)

Jennifer in VA - Have fun running, the gentle leader will make a big difference. My 85lb lab could pull me all over the place without it. It works on the same premise as a horse halter – where the nose goes, the body goes.
Just a quick tip though… after a week or so of use, it started to rub the hair off Beauregard’s nose and it got pretty bare. Then I got the idea to wrap that top nose strap with moleskin (look for it in the first aid/bandaid section). I bought the large sheets and just cut two pieces that were long enough to each cover from the middle of the top strap down to his chin and all the way around the strap. Anyway, no more rubbed off hair and the bare spots grew back in.

Julie - the new blog banner is beautiful!!!! i love it!

Genevieve - Too funny how the creepy geese photo seems to have struck a chord. I too confess to being creeped out by geese. My grandfather had a whole gaggle on his farm and I was scared to death of them when I was a child. In my mind, they were about 5 feet tall and mean as snakes. I’m probably off on on the height, but not on the meanness.

Carol S - good for you, running! gotta stop sitting so much over here, heading out to garden and garage cleanup tomorrow. ok your friends won’t like me for saying this, but if you sold out in two days your prices are just a little low. I know it’s a fine line, and you want to be fair, but…you’re clearly talented and in demand, sooooo…might have to make a little adjustment up next summer, just your basic supply and demand economics girl talking over here. don’t hate me customers!!

Lin - The geese at our park attacked my dog so often, she eventaully refused to get out of the car. She wouldn’t budge.

happygirl - I hate running. I need to start exercising again. I’m a slacker. And, I agree with you about the geese. Hate ’em.

Kristy - I have a very hyper Australian Labradoodle who started out as a very hyper running partner but now he’s awesome at it – doesn’t pull, ignores the barking dogs and will even manage 4 miles. I find my runs are actually easier with him because he helps keep the pace (without pulling). And it wears him out which is always a good thing! Ordered my magazine the first time you posted about it…can’t wait! “Summer time and the livin’s easy…..”

Amber - so glad i’m not the only one that thinks geese are totally creepy. also i need you to come to ohio for 2 things: to take my family pics, and also to give me running/working out motivation. k?

Wendy - Ordered his magazine! Love your blog!

Nichole - Geese are creepy! We had them by the hundreds recently at my workplace. They just sort of stood in the grass making noise or stood in the road making noise. I probably would have stayed as far away as possible from them, nevermind taking photos!

Jennifer - I don’t like geese either, but yours are much better looking than the ones we have here. There’s even a sign outside one of our libraries to beware of the geese because they are NOT friendly.

Staci - Not a huge fan of geese either…I hate it when they open their little mouths and kind of hiss at you with their gross little tongues ;( But your Talby sure is a cutie pie πŸ˜‰ Wish I liked running…or any type of exercise for that matter…whyyy can’t I get addicted to exercise like some people….instead of being addicted to sugar?????????????? UGGGGHHH!!!

lisa - you are the woman for even doing jillian … i can barely even see her commercials on tv (or watch biggest loser) without saying ‘that woman is psycho’. scares me for sure. and your pics of the geese … awesome.
jillian and geese … need to keep their yappers shut and the world would be a quieter place. scary.

Danielle - So I guess that was five, lol! Did I ever tell you I was horrible at math in school?

Danielle - Okay so here’s my four random things:) Is that picture of Waffle before or after the run?:) And look at those skinny legs you have lady, woo hoo!!:) Believe me when I tell you, say no to the puppy feeling, just let it pass you on by you’ll thank me later. And that Talby is GORGEOUS!! You guys make beautiful kids:)

Kim - Geese scare me. We always stay away from the Canadian Geese here. Too scary! Have fun running with Waffle.

Heather - The geese pictures made me shudder. I’m not afraid of snakes or spiders, but certain birds really freak me out! (when I think they’re getting too close to me.) I’m glad I’m not the only goose-phobe.

Short, Sweet Season - I can’t even believe you got close enough to those freaky geese to take that photo. I literally have chills on my arms and neck right now.

melinda - Hope the gentle leader works with you and your dog. We just got a gentle leader and wished we had it sooner, but it works great!

Tiffany - Talby is adorable & we should get her on contract NOW to continue to smile for the camera. Such sweetness in her face. Mattie’s magazine is a lil pricey…I was afraid to say it because sometimes I can be cheap, but another commenter said it so I have to 2nd that. Does he offer any coupons? discounts? sneak peeks? Aha, maybe I can get it for Mother’s Day, I don’t want any gifts, flowers yes, gifts no. I will tell the hubbs. Meg, this will be my FIRST photography season with you. I CAN’T EVEN WAIT to see the gorgeous photos. Will you share tips? Please share tips. P.S. I luvd seeing the brown boy in your photos yesterday, I didn’t know there were any in Kansas, just being honest πŸ™‚

Trish - not only are geese creepy, they are mean and so are swans! bravo to you for taking the pics!

sara @ it's good to be queen - talby is adorable. geese are el creepo. i was attacked by one in the park when i was 9 months pregnant with my second son. it was awesome. imagine big fat prego girl carrying a 2 year old, running through the park away from a geese who would not let go. good memories. luckily another mom came to my rescue. i hate geese.

Heidi - Yep- baseball ends soon for us. Is it bad it say I’m semi-thankful for a child’s knee surgery that gives us THREE WHOLE WEEKS OFF before kid sports starts again? Because I kind of am. It’s a nice break after 6 years of year-round no breaks. πŸ™‚

Meg B. - Those geese are creepy, in fact I spotted them last night and walked the other way. However the great blue herons are really cool.

Trina Curran - I. Love. Your. Posts. πŸ™‚ They are just funny, and serious, and inspiring all rolled into one. The geese crack me up. We used to have one that chased us and would bite. Haha! The cover of Summer magazine is BEAUTIFUL! Can’t wait to read it!

Kirsten - you should get together with my son – he loves geese! not creepy – just loud (HONK)! πŸ™‚

Libby - We use the same collar for our Australian Shepherd and it works great! Some people think it’s a muzzle for a vicious dog, but really it’s to keep our big goof from jumping on and loving everyone he sees!

Sandy - I’ll be sad when Talby gets older and doesn’t want to pose for the camera anymore. πŸ™

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ive always WANTED to be a runner. To enjoy it. But I dont. You see, I hate to sweat. Isnt that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? But I swear, its true. I hate sweating. I hate hurting. Yet my waistline and my overall health are screamin at me to get off my duff and try it out.
Itd probably also really help my marriage(not that we’re in a bad spot mind you; we’re more in love today than when we married 10 years ago). But hubby is a hardcore runner. And a track coach. He loves to run.
Stupid sweat.

Jen - I thought…I’m going to do it…I’m going to buy the Summer issue of this “magazine”….but YIKES…it’s almost $30.00 for this Canadian gal to order one! Too much for my frugal sensibilities. I was thinking it was half that price….oh well. Hopeully you’ll show us some pics. πŸ™‚

Gemma @ Musings Of A Gem - The pictures of the geese are enough to freak me out a little!
I like your new running parter…if I ran with my dog he’d be dragging me along the street…pulls way too much!
Gemma x

Kori - ha-ha! When I saw the pics of the geese I thought “I don’t like geese. They freak me out!” πŸ™‚
Once at the park my son and I were being semi-attacked by some (we had a bit of crackers for the calmer ones) and as they got more aggressive we left. They rounded on a poor granny and her granddaughter. Yikes!
We felt bad, but were too scared to help. So we ran for it…..

georgia - That goose is like ‘hello, what do we have here’ lol
I tried running with my two jack russels, but they both try to run different directions and it ends with me tripping up all over the place… LOL

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I agree, geese are super creepy. One day I was being good and walking/exercising and a whole flock, gander, whatever, flew right at my head. They literally missed me by 2 inches. I still swear they did it on purpose. My kids think I’m crazy when I tell the story. They don’t believe me πŸ˜‰

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the weekend.

i was on my own this weekend…..with all the kids.

craig was away with guys from our church.  
at a lake?  in missouri?   or arkansas?  
mostly golfing i think.
i was happy for him to get a break.

really….i was.
i know how badly i need them….so i was happy for him.
if i can keep my attitude in check then a few days on my own holding down the fort is ok.

i took pictures of saturdays good stuff.

i did sleep in.
the benefit of bigger kids….they let you sleep because they don't need things like diaper changes or bottles.
they can turn on the tv and computer by themselves.
they make their own breakfast.

so i get to sleep.

and they let me get ready in peace for almost an hour!
that rocked.

i snapped a shot that i decided to use as my new profile pic…i have been so happy with that mirror in the kitchen.

most of the kids finished their chores and it was almost noon.
scott was already gone at his basketball practice.
we dropped off sean at his friend's house.
lauren was still asleep.
the little girls and i went to the nursery.


annie was dressed for a birthday party.  
she had come into my room and said "don't i look fancy for the party?"  it was boy party!  :)



my ginormous geranium was my passenger on the way home….
sparkling lemonade….
bloom bag from the pleated poppy!!! 

we dropped annie off at the birthday party (forgot the gift!)
talby and i grabbed groceries at the walmarts.
and a cute swim suit cover up for her.
(and a gift for the party)
then came home and her friend came over.

my dinner.
dinner for everyone else was make-your-own.  (aka: cereal or chicken nuggets)

sean came home.
scott was back.
lauren and her friend came home.
annie came home.
and two more friends showed up.

lauren announced to the 8 of us that she is making a campfire.

(time for me to join the group instead of listening to everything from the kitchen windows…fire is involved)

they did it….very well in fact.

the light was almost gone…..that is the museum that we live next door to behind lauren.

we made smores with reeses.
the marshmallows MAY have had ants in the bag….but we were desperate….. 
people in other countries eat ants right?
it's protein.

expert fire makers.
we have them to thank for our nice end to the day.
it was great….for real.


i wrangled in two for baths.
one started her laundry.

i got the three youngest to bed.
the two older watched a movie.
and i crashed.

it was a good day.

i have flowers to plant.
the house is a wreck.
and half the groceries i got are already gone.
i guess that is what happens when 10 kids are in your house in one day….

and it's fine.

perfectly fine.



Joseph - pleased to meet your blog…
COME VISIT ME…OK…thank you very much

Karen Gerstenberger - I love…
…your haircut…your new blog header…Sonic…Annie’s outfit…the fact that you went with the campfire…the flexibility that you live with…the fact that your sweetie went on a church trip on his own…your blog…your honesty…your faith…your family.

Kimberly - Sometimes that level of chaos is so awesome πŸ™‚

Anne-Marie from CT - I want to be adopted into your family! Your house looks full of love, laughter, fun, and just plain crazy-kid stuff. πŸ™‚
Btw~Your haircut is fantastic!!! So stinkin’cute. luv, luv, luv it!!

Kate - I love this post. It sounds like a wonderful happy weekend of Mom and kids. It just made me smile.
And yes, people eat ants.

Gina - Love this post! You make the ordinary stuff sound great on your blog-things I wouldn’t normally think about blogging but they are so real I keep reading…. and we are alot alike πŸ™‚ when we had our 1st kid, 5 kids (although my youngest is 11 yr step-daughter and my 2 oldest girls already left the nest), photography, scrapbooking, treasure hunting, I even used to sew (a LONG time ago) although I gave my machine to GOODWILL when we moved 6 months ago! I love the new pic – and the mirror in the kitchen! I’ve been hunting at garage sales for cool frames to paint awesome bright colors for my home and for designer framing for my customers…. I hope we get to meet in person one day πŸ™‚

Wendi - My mother in law eats ants. She bought me some ant eggs to eat one time. Kinda sweet πŸ™‚ I went to a bridal shower next door to you over Christmas… it was fancy yet cozy. Sounds like a great yet full day!

Aimee - Wow, that day gave me chills. Perfection. I can’t wait until we establish nearby friend relationships like that.
And you hit the nail on the head about one of the best parts of kids getting older. I LOVE that they can take care of themselves in the morning. Love, loooooooooove it!!!!!

Kat - Sounds like a great Saturday. (always good to hear what others do on their weekends. I always feel with 4 young kids like I spend lots of time doing washing, feeding kids and more of the same iykwim?)
Sounds like you juggled it all well!
It’s nice to see Lauren hanging at home with the family and wanting to make a campfire to share.

Kristin S - Seriously, your random posts are my fave. I think I’m sick of saying this every time you post random! But it is true. So there.

julia - soooo, who’s Lauren’s “friend”?

Risa - This made me smile! SO. MUCH.

casey - your pictures made me happy;0. love smores, love the giant glasses, love your snapshot of your self in that awesome mirror! Great captures!

danielle - love the smores with reeses…campfire is in order for me and my man after the boys are in bed friday night.

karen - Great profile pic! looked like such a nice weekend.
i want to be in a greenhouse right now!
Here in Toronto…spring has barely sprung.
off to get some left over chocolate from Easter and scoop up some peanut butter πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - i love a house full of kids
and i love lauren in these pictures
love that she started a fire
the good kind πŸ™‚

Su@The Intentional Home - I am sure you have heard the quote:
If your children spend
most of their time
in other people’s houses,
you’re lucky;
if they all congregate
at your house,
you’re blessed.
You are indeed blessed. . .10 kids!!

jennie - sounds like a picture perfect day. how nice that it’s in print, to be remembered forever.

Jessica Johnson - mac + great lash = all you need in life. my make-up bag looks identical.

regina - i LOVE how real you are!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - chocolate+peanut butter = PERFECTION! Love it!

se7en - Oh fun!!! You have such a great attitude – love it!!!

Sarah@this farm family's life - sounds like a fabulous weekend! I am so jealous that you all are in shorts…it is still cold here.

happygirl - Such a fun Saturday. Love the new profile pic. and, I’ll eat s’mores if they have Reeses AND ants. Not just ants.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Where do I start? Profile pic…LOVE, Craig away…sad, you took care of the whole family by yourself…awesome, S’mores with Reese’s…sounds like a plan, out of groceries already…sounds like my house πŸ™‚

Danielle - Sounds lovely! I love your bag from the pleated poppy, might have to get one for myself, it’s almost Mother’s Day so I can justify it, right?:) I miss Sonic:( We don’t have one close, literally like an hour and a half away. So when my husband is on that side of town he goes to Sonic and buys me two bags of the crushed ice so I can make believe for awhile. I might need to buy some styrofoam cups to get the full effect. Have a great day!

Amanda - Phew! I’m so glad that things went so well (or they didn’t and you just chose to not tell us about that)!
Reeses smores sound wonderful.

Samantha - Maybe Lake of the Ozarks? Heck I wouldn’t know living in Missouri just a little over a month. Just know from what my grandparents told me that the place they are staying at the Ozarks has a golf course lol.

Jennifer S. - These are the days that I am looking forward to…my kids and all their friends in and out all day long. I love having a house full of people all the time and the kids and their friends are going to be apart of that.

sara @ it's good to be queen - s’mores with reeces?! i. die.

Diana - Part of my ancestry is in that museum next door to you. Such a great heritage. Yeah, I cannot lie, I’m proud of that. πŸ™‚
Flowers so pretty. Gardening… my #1 interest. Too bad winter interferes. LOL!

Alicia @ La Famille - what a nice saturday. and how sweet of you to let your hubby have a break while you took over. i think it’s harder for moms sometimes because we’re with the kids all the time, so we think we’re the only ones in need of a break…at least that’s how i feel πŸ™‚ (most of the time) you’re a sweet mama!

Julia - Sounds like an awesomely exhausting day. I have two little ones (2 1/2 and 4 months) and I not-so-secretly hope when they get bigger, that our house will be the ‘hub’ of kid activity.

Molly - Talby is so cool!!

Cindy B - So fun! Last night I was supposed to go to the movies with my book club, but my 12 year son said, “You’re not coming to my game, Mom?” So I changed my plans because those days will be gone too soon. My 16 year old has her friends over for lunch every day and I am always running out of food too! That’s what Costco and Walmart are for!
You’re looking skinny must be Jillian at work!

Cindy - This all sounds so good! Love the smores photos! Makes me long for summer nights. Can’t wait for our frosts to be done. For good. I want to head to the nursery for plants! Thank you for this post. It lifted my spirits and reminded me that groceries that are just purchased and so quickly gone means that there is a house full of loved ones around me.

Jes - That brings me back to summer nights being a kid (except we never had reese’s smores!) Your kids are all so beautiful and unique πŸ™‚
And I am very interested in that Museum next door (wonder what sort of treasures are inside), and how cool that would be for a neighbor!

shelly - What a blessed weekend—for everyone around!!!
I want be the friend hangout (and maybe the museum behind you–loks gorg!)

Kim - um, s’mores with reeses? i just died.
it is a good thing i don’t have easy access to a fire pit right now… πŸ™‚

katie Phillips - Thank you for making me smile today! πŸ™‚ I love all of this…it makes the inside of my ears warm and fuzzy! (that is a good thing!)

Kacey - So that’s what life with 5 kids is like – busy busy busy! And I think my two boys wear me out…
Honestly, it sounded lovely to me. Lots of kids around and a happy house. I love it when you document your days!
P.S. Love the new profile pic!

Amy - We are going camping at East Lake this weekend and I CAN’T forget to pack the smores!!

Lisa - I love a house full of my kids and their friends! So fun. Loved that you ate marshmallows with ants! hahaha I would totally just flick them off and go for it! The heat of the fire would kill any germs right?! πŸ˜‰

Ashlyn - I am with you on the sleep. If I can sleep in on the weekend, I am much happier and ready to drive everyone to & fro!
Love your pleated poppy and what is better than a Sonic drink?

Courtney Walsh - wait. what? S’mores with REESES? Are you KIDDING? I have never even considered that but now I won’t rest till we try them!
And the sleeping in part made me hate you a little. But only for a fleeting second. πŸ™‚
Also, your bag from pleated poppy?? LOVE.
Your hair? Love.
Fancy Annie? Love.

kristy - I’d like you to know, the only thing I heard in this post was “when the kids are older, you get sleep”. Thank you for giving me hope!!!!!! πŸ™‚ And can I live next door to you?

Georgia - My mum has 3 kids, me being one of them, and quite regulary when i go over there ,y 17yr old brother has about 6 mates round all playing xbox in his tiny bedroom, and my sister will have 3 mates round sitting watching a dvd in the lounge.
My mum is so laid back, her motto is as long as you have fun, and your safe thats all that matters πŸ™‚
(even if she is re-stocking the fridge and cleaning for days afterwards… hehe)

Holly - I recognize your saturday! It sounds similar to mine! We live right in front of the ball fields in our town so we always have kids coming over…..and eating of course!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - LOL, can’t believe you guys ate ants (maybe?) I would’ve freaked out!
My kids used to let me sleep in like that too, but now the two youngest boys fight every morning until I wake up and separate them….then I can’t fall back asleep…totally sucks!
Looks like everyone survived and had fun!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Sounds like a fab day…I am in love with campfires and s’mores at the moment. It’s part of my summer rital!
Gemma x

valerie - Love your Blog! The pictures in this post are getting me hungry for summer. I have the same thing, flats and flats of flowers just waiting to get some love.

sara@augustfields - megan….you look FABULOUS in that picture! i can not wait to start planting flowers…we have to wait a few more weeks….
i loved your video too πŸ™‚ i did my first video a couple of weeks ago…
hope you have more days like this ahead!

BriBedell - Sounds like a good day to me! I often wonder now how my parents could afford to feed us 6 kids and all our friends….CRAZY!!!

Heather - Mmmmmm. What was your dinner?

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Sound perfect and I would say that by toasting/roasting the marshmallows those ants didn’t stand a chance! Love the new profile pic and your cute hair-do!! Inspired by your daughter’s haircut last week I think I’ve convinced “C” to let me chop hers off into a short bob again for this summer.
xoxo MaryLea

Ana M - do simple and mundane things are always the best…specially with family…thanks for sharing these moments…

Cathy - what is your yummy looking lunch?

Catherine - I love hearing how similar our times can be! I only have 3 but ages range 17, 12,and 7. 2 boys and a baby girl. Our summers are like that, kids coming and going and just a good time. Don’t you love having kids that are so self sufficient!?

april - Love the new profile pic….sooo cute!

Sugar Mama - I loved this entire post, but what caught my attention the most was “half the groceries are already gone….” That has been my life lately with older boys and their friends over at the house. I spent $400 at Costco less than 2 weeks ago and almost ALL of the food is gone!
Life is good. And I like that their friends hang out at our house. And I love that my kids have good friends.
(but do they HAVE to eat all of the food? can’t they bring some from their own home to share?)

ashley jensen - Smores with Reeses???? That sounds awesome. Now I will just have to remember to do that the next time we go camping! I noticed that your tree stump seats and picnic table is paineted with bright colors too!

Molly Pearce - Sounds like a super fun weekend!!! I will have to try smores with Reeses’, thats my hubs favorite candy πŸ™‚
~Molly P

Melanie - Sounds like a great weekend:)

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hey…..remember way back when…..

back when i used to take photos….

of families….and babies….and seniors….and couples….


like this!


remember that????



i am excited to get started again!!


can’t wait to meet you….or see you again. Β πŸ™‚




shelley - Meg,
my inspiration !! (no pressure haha) if you make it out to california let me know. i would just love to have you take our family pictures for the year.

Debbie Hargadon - Oh, and one more thing I’ve been meaning to tell you — honestly, the Tourism Board of Kansas – I have to believe they have one, should be connected to your blog or employ you for photos. You make Kansas look like the greatest place on earth and make the weather seem far better than it really is! I grew up in Iowa. I have not seen the Kansas you so wonderfully project. They are seriously missing out! The sunflowers, the antique shops, the water hole place you hike with your family, the dairy farm, KU — so many other days you’ve shared. Wonderful. Thank you.

Debbie Hargadon - Oh my goodness! YOUR SESSIONS ARE ALL BOOKED – the ENTIRE YEAR — SO FAST! Don’t you just laugh? Wow. . . so good for you! Just like your entire etsy shop sold out – well, nearly – in 10 minutes! You need some clones, I think. seriously. Your blog gives me an immense amount of needed relief, and has turned me onto many other really great resources / blogs. Thanks for all you do!

Katy - hi. πŸ™‚ i have been to your blog a few times and have always wanted to leave a comment but you always get so many and i always feel like one little comment isn’t gonna make a diff. but i just wanted to say that i really like your blog. and that i’ll meet you at blog sugar and i’m looking forward to it. have a great day!

shauna reed - ah i just clicked on there to check it out, and are you kidding that you booked up that fast!?
you are so seriously amazing.
my husband thinks you are a genius.

sarah - love the new photo! you’re so sassy!

Michelle from Australia - If only Australia was on your photo tour schedule. Now wait, that is great idea! How about it Meg??

Cari - Let me just say how bummed I am you’re not in the Little Rock area. You’re so talented!

Katie - I wish that we lived closer. I`d love to get new photos of my darling and I done – our wedding photos left much to be desired. Hope you have a trip planned for Canada in the near future… hahahaha πŸ™‚

Sarah@this farm family's life - Wish I lived in Kansas so you could take our pix!

Molly - i am seriously considering a little vacation to kansas:)

danielle - i like your new picture of yourself up there. and your hair. and you πŸ™‚
i debated booking a photo session so i could hang out…

Maria - hmmm…wonder if I can talk dh into a 15 hr road trip…

Leah - Are you coming to Southern California at all?

happygirl - I live too far away, and I hate pics of myself. I’d love a tip sheet on what you do to get your subjects relaxed, how many shots you take to get a good one, angles to hide chub, etc. Do you ever do this???

Holly - yay! Wish I lived closer!

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