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may = peonies

my favorites.

please enjoy a bazillion giant pictures of my peonies…..with some ruby slipper and white daisies mixed in.













they are really big flowers.


my grandmother loves to garden.
her yard has always been gorgeous.
when she comes to visit me she always does a walk around my yard and tells me what is planted…
points to what is coming up…..she knows so much.

so i cut my peonies and put them in the vase she gave me.

my dad goes to visit my grandma every morning and has been reading my blog to her.
he said they even watched the video of me and the lipstick…HA HA HA.
she has gotten to see the baby birds and now she gets to see my garden!

hi grandma!

when i was a little girl i remember picking strawberries in her yard…near the door of the fence.
i loved to play in the sand box.
but my favorite thing to do was to rock/bounce on her metal chairs around a round table in the grass.

don't you love to go back in your memories to times that are warm and fuzzy? 

i have more flowers to plant….gotta go.



oh yeah….baby #2 is here.
and #3 is cracking out of it's egg with in the morning for sure….. 

these are robins….in case you didn't know.
and here is our set up to observe our babies. 


i guess i should also clean the porch today.


Kelly - The peonies are beautiful and I am in awe of the baby bird photos! Thank you for sharing and Go God!
Question: I was at the Horticultural Arts Society plant sale this weekend and eyeing the peonies. One of the volunteers told me that they attract a lot of ants. Do you find that to be true? Kelly

Melissa - I love peonies and am anxiously awaiting mine blooming. So jealous yours already are!

Janie - Don’t the mama and papa birds dive at you when you walk under the nest? Years ago I looked into a robin’s nest and then every I went by they were diving at me and really after me. You are so lucky.

Julie K - I am loving your baby robin pictures. They are amazing. You could sell them! 🙂
I’m also very jealous of how far along your spring is … my poor garden is just peeking it’s head out … and I’m anticipating two peonies for the first time this year!! Beautiful!!!

Staci - Simply spectacular 🙂 Love em 🙂 And congrats on baby bird #2!!!!! I’m planting strawberries today….I’ll think of your grandma….and I’ll think of my poppa’s HUGE garden I used to “help” him with 🙂 sigh…..

Jacqui - love your flowers …. wow it looks beautiful and warm and sunny where you are …. the snow has finally melted up here in Fernie BC although its on 7degrees Celsius here at the moment and there’s a frost on the ground. we hope summer is coming soon 🙂

Kim Barlow - Lovliness…pure and simple.

Erin - your blog totally cracks me up – absolutely love it!

chasity - peonies make me so happy….
lots of good memories wrapped up in those beautiful petals.
your photos of them are superb!

Jess - I drove by your house this week and your flowers looked so pretty. My peonies just started blooming and I LOVE them too. Definitely my favorite. Oh, and the bird pictures are awesome. 🙂

Jen Brandt - God is at work right in your yard and on your porch. Absolutely beautiful pictures. Thank you for brightening my day!

Karma - Gorgeous … I also love the back-lit, light pink peony photo … about took my breath away, sooo beautiful! These photos seriously made me wish I had a yardful of peonies! The baby birds are amazing, thank you for sharing your peeks of the peeps with us! 🙂

elisa - love the bird picture!!

BULLYMAMA - What a beautiful collection of Peony’s you have. Mine are a week or 2 away from blooming. Unfortunately they always seem to bloom around Memorial Day when we are away and when I get back rain and wind tend to make them disappear way too fast. I saw on Martha Stewart last year that you can actually freeze the buds just before they bloom and take them out of the freezer as needed. I thought that was such a great idea that we ordered about 8 more plants last year so we can give it a try. I’m not sure of the specifics but if you search Martha and Peony’s I’m sure you can find the info if you are interested!
I too enjoy stories of your grandmother. I feel so blessed to have had mine in my life she was a great influence and still a big part of who I am today.

Deanna - You’ll have to let me know how you keep your peonies bug free. Mine get covered with ants! UG!

Toni :O) - Thank you for taking me back to my house I grew up in and remembering the beautiful peonies that lined our driveway each Springtime. I LOVED those bushes and my mom had many of them alongside our drive. It was SO pretty! I really should plant some of those myself, they are gorgeous! Loved the baby birds pic too…awesome especially since I unfortunately saw a dead baby bird (a robin) on my neighbor’s driveway this evening…sniff, sniff. Happy Spring to you…hopefully it shows up in Michigan one of these days…sheesh! Oh, and I’m SO envious of your beautiful porch…sigh!

Toni :O) - Thank you for taking me back to my house I grew up in and remembering the beautiful peonies that lined our driveway each Springtime. I LOVED those bushes and my mom had many of them alongside our drive. It was SO pretty! I really should plant some of those myself, they are gorgeous! Loved the baby birds pic too…awesome especially since I unfortunately saw a dead baby bird (a robin) on my neighbor’s driveway this evening…sniff, sniff. Happy Spring to you…hopefully it shows up in Michigan one of these days…sheesh! Oh, and I’m SO envious of your beautiful porch…sigh!

meghan - Your peonies pics are so pretty. I made one my screensaver. thank you. and you need to send those baby birdie pics to national geographics or something. they are amazing.

Shelby - I think I need to go buy some peonies and plant them right this minute. Yours are absolutely gorgeous!

Kirsten P - Great photos of beautful flowers. I especially love the 7th photo – sunlight filtering through the green leaves of the light
pink peony plant.
We don’t have a nest in our yard but I’ve been watching nest cams online of baby eagles (almost ready to fly away, baby bluebirds who flew away on Sunday, and baby loons who will hatch in a couple weeks.

Leslie - Beautiful flowers!!!
I’m following the birds too . . .

The BabbyMama - Ooh, I can’t wait until my peonies bloom!

Andrea T - crazy. i just posted a pic of the peonies i purchased today!!! i cant grow them bc my husband is alregic to bees. love THEM though

Shirley - Your pictures are awesome. Peonies, or pinies, as my mother and grandmother used to call them are one of my favorites. They bring back many childhood memories. I’m not very lucky in raising them so will enjoy your photos instead! Thanks for sharing.

Sara - Your peonies (or panties as I used to call them as a child…) make me smile! They are gorgeous, so so beautiful. They are never that good in Atlanta, so I enjoy your pictures. wish your pictures were scratch and sniff…

Liza Morgan - peonies are my favorite! what lovely photos. happy day.

Dawn - Your poenies are beautiful! I wish I could grow them down here in South Texas but it is too hot. And I am glad I to see I am not the only one that has a messy porch sometimes. haha…By the way loved all the colorful images from the other day. Make you feel happy.

julia - Oh my goodness!!! If anyone ever asks me “Julia, what are you missing out on by not living in Kansas?” I’m going to say “Seeing Miss Meg’s garden in person.”

sara @ it's good to be queen - they’re gorgeous. nothing smells better than a peony. yum.

Jodi - I really loved the pictures of your peonies! My grandma loved peonies and grew them all around her yard. After she passed away last February, I dug up some of her plants and transplanted them to my yard. I am so happy that they survived, and two of them even
have buds on them!

Nicole - I love peonies!! I wish I would have planted them years ago. Our small town restaurant had a vase of them on their counter yesterday. I about died with the beauty of it. Not really, but could have. 😉

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I am SOOOO Jealous!!! I love peonies, but I don’t think they can grow in Texas.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - As I sat down after lunch… I said in my head… ‘ok, meg, make me smile.’ And LOOK! You did it! hugs to you!

Prudence - my sister and I just had a discussion yesterday on how to pronounce them, so which is it? peoooohhhhnies or peuuuhhnies?? I grew up saying the first, but now everyone corrects me with the second!

Wendy - Love, love, love the Peonies!! I so wish we could grow them in the south! Enjoy your beautiful flowers and sweet little porch visitors. 🙂

Mindy Harris - i have been anticipating your peonies post. my friend has scads in her yard and always gives me some.
it makes me thankful for the intricacies God chose when he made them. the same careful, thoughtful design-work when he made me.

amber - Your flowers are beautiful.
We have a martin nest on our porch with 3 hungry babies inside.
I love remembering the fun I had climbing my Nana’s tree, eating her snacks, rollerblading at my Naw & Grandaddy’s, & enjoying their snuggles. My Nana’s the only one on this side of heaven now. Grandparents are definitely a taste of heaven…praying for yours.

Gemma - They are really nice flowers…perfect for a wedding!
Gemma x

steph - ahhhhhh!
i SOO love peonies!!
they are also my favorite.
they bloom here in june so we still have to wait a bit.
but they are so beautiful.
are you getting ants all around though?
that’s the one bad thing…
peonies inside=ants!
and i love to hear about your g’ma.
i only have one grandparent left and i love her so.
i have so many fabulous memories of being small and hanging at her and my grandpa’s house too.
now you’re taking me on a trip down memory lane.
loves it!
enjoy those peonies… and those baby birdies!
they are kinda strangely cute, huh?

andrea - I love my peonies too! How do you get all the ants off yours to bring them in the house? My grandma had peonies and I brought some to this house. They split really easily and well. You are so lucky that your grandma is still alive. Mine has been with the Lord almost 20 years and I still miss her very much! (I am tearing up just thinking of missing her.)
Also, please don’t clean your porch! It makes me feel better to know someone else’s looks like mine. 😉

Sarah Wolfe - The flower pics are gorgeous. What lens did you use when you took them?

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - So sad I can’t grow Peonies in SoCal…they are seriously the most gorgeous flower ever. Yours are so pretty and I love your memories of your Grandma…grandmas are special.

Debbie Hargadon - There are no ants in those peonies! Your weather must have been great lately. I love them. My little girl memory of peonies was dropping their flower petals in weddings I was in when I was small – 4 or 5. We would always practice with peony petals and have pretend weddings from that point on. I’ve tried growing them in zone 14 in the Bay Area of California. The bush will grow but never flower. After a few seasons of that – the bush got pulled out. No flowers – no stay. 🙂 Thanks for a blast of spring! Peonies mean birthdays (mine) and mother’s day to me. They are tied up in all my May/June memories — along with LILACS!

lauren - Flowers = Pure Happiness!

Beth - Kansas has some of the prettiest peonies I’ve ever seen (brother used to live in kc). Wish I could grow them here! they’re some of my very favorite flowers. What do you do to get rid of the ants, or do you just live with them?
You all have a great view for those little birdies!

Anna - #1… my fave thing about that picture is that your porch looks like a normal person’s porch… thank you!
#2… has the momma bird gotten angry at you? we had a turtle dove nest on our porch and we got too curious and we were chased by angry momma bird.
#3… you rock. that’s it.

Lisa - Those baby birds look a little like miniature aliens. 🙂 But the whole thing is quite amazing isn’t it?
What a great relationship you have with your grandmother. I’m so thankful for the way my own parents are such wonderful grandparents to my kids.

SoCalLynn - I live in Southern California. That means no peonies. I *dream* of a day when I can grow peonies, but I don’t think we’re moving any time soon.
Love the pictures of the tiny robins with their mouths open!

Emily - I can almost smell them!! Thanks for sharing!

jodi @ back40life - gorgeous – love the peonies! I have 2 that bloom and bought 2 more this year…I just hate that the blooms don’t seem to last long. I keep thinking I need to look for a tree peony but have yet to find one.
love all the flower eye candy!!

Alisha - Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the intense color and can almost SMELL them!

Molly - I love peonies! and your are gorgeous!! My husband and I just dug a bunch out of a flower bed at my parents farm that had become over run with weeds! I could not let them go:)

Sheila P. - Megan – your blog is my happy place. Thanks for sharing your flower pictures today!

Kate - LOVE the pictures! Please make some into HUGE prints and put them in your etsy shop. Or just send them to my house. 🙂 We have several of my great-grandmother’s peonies but they’re not quite ready to bloom yet. By the way – Betsy Kate’s pictures are super sweet. Thanks!

Chantelle - why don’t we have them here in zone 8/9??? i would so steal your peonies too! And i love that your porch looks like that. 🙂

Amy - Wow!! Your pictures and garden are amazing!!

Hannah - I absolutely love peonies! They are my all time favourite flower. I love them in the bud stage, so tightly wrapped up, carefully concealing the beauty beneath. Then when they burst open – they’re so huge! It’s yet another part of God’s beautiful creation that makes me smile. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
And the baby robins? How incredible that you and your family have such an insight into their precious little lives : )

Jill - All your photos are lovely, but the one of the back-lit, light pink peony in the sunshine stopped me in my tracks- GORGEOUS!
And I’m loving the baby robin photos. I never knew their eggs are so blue! I love nature. =)

Irene - Be careful the kids don’t scare the Mommy bird away from the nest and make her reject her young – v important that they don’t touch or freak out the mother.

Mindy W - Oh, I’m enjoying! And cursing myself for only having 1 peony plant when I LOVE them.

mandy madison - Thanks for sharing! I love peonies and they are the main flower in my upcoming wedding 🙂

Laura A - I got married 2 weeks ago and carried peonies…they are my favorite too! I hope to plant a yard full of them one day!

Ali Richardson - WOW!!! I have serious Peopny envy!! SO gorgeous!!! And those little baby birds, my goodness! So sweet!

karen - Love the mohawk on the one bird!
Hi Grandma!! How sweet of your grand daughter to post this today…you must be one special grandma. xoxox

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Your birdie pictures are awesome. Love that Grandma is reading your blog. Just makes my heart melt.

deborah@applesinwonderland - gorgeous photos. the memories of time spent with my grands are the best. i heard that peonies require ants to help them open. is that true? ask your grandma, i bet she knows. 🙂

RLG - Great post. Peonies are my all time favorite. And the pictures of the birds hatching are priceless. Thanks for sharing with the class. Cheers, girlie. xoxo

Kirsten J - You do know how lucky you are, right? We just set a record overnight low here in Seattle…and might see our first day about 70 later this week. My grandma was a gardener, too – I have plants from cuttings in her yard which I treasure. Those peonies are amazing!

Katy - do people ever steal your flowers? i would if we lived closer.
we have a bird nest on our ceiling fan on our back porch. rude cause we can’t turn it on now. but i can’t wait to see those babes!

Mary - I’m loving your pictures of the birds! Make sure to place something on your porch because the poop gets outta control! 🙂 We just place a cardboard box top and some newspaper and then it’s easier to clean up and change out. Because the birdies don’t want to poop in their nest so that means it just falls onto your porch! 😀

tara - sigh… love peonies.

Southern Gal - Oh, how I wish we could grow peonies around here. I have too much sun and too much heat for them. Thanks for sharing. And the babies are beautiful.

happygirl - I LOVE peonies. It’s so sad that they’re only around for such a short time. So beautiful. And, your pictures, gorgeous. Thanks for posting.

Cindy - I can smell the peonies right through the screen, I swear! Love ’em! And now 2 birds? Get out!!! These pictures are just so amazing!!! I adore your front porch, even if you think it needs cleaned. Looks like a great spot to read a book or have a morning chai. Be blessed.

Kerry - Aaah Meg! The colours are to die for! Did you put those flowers up because its my Birthday? 🙂 haha! Also, Welcome Baby #2 x

Jessica Johnson - i adore peonies. i almost adore those baby birds more. kind of like sad, pathetic and helpless meets the cutest thing i ever did see. so precious.

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I needed that burst of color this morning! So beautiful!
I’m not a bird lover, but those things are so ugly they’re cute! :o)

Jeannine - Lovely pictures as always. Your blog makes me so happy!
Your peonies are gorgeous! My Great Grandma used to have peonies alllllll over her garden, so seeing them always brings back good memories of spending time with her in the summer =)

Tam - Oh, thanks for sharing 🙂 I love photos of your home. My peonies are no where near ready to open…June is peony month for us. I also have baby birds, I’m jealous you can use your camera to take pics, our nest is on my truck tire(!), I have to use my cell to take photos!

Beth @ Dirty laundry - Your porch is gorgeous with or without cleaning it up. Love the birdie picture, especially yesterday’s…something hopeful about those two waiting eggs. I think you should submit that one somewhere.

Shauna - Hi, Im back to bug you about selling those as prints…now I think I love the 2 baby birds even more! That beautiful blue egg is so lovely…Gods handiwork is everywhere for us to enjoy. Amazing. So when will those pictures be in the shop?? 🙂 Im glad to hear your Grandma is able to enjoy your blog…she will love this post.

Mary Ferrara - I love these pictures so much! I feel so upliftd seeing such beautiful flowers this morning! Thank you so much for that. I love your garden, and hope to have one like yours one day! 🙂

sarah - The picture of those birdies is incredible. We had some mourning dove babies on our porch a couple of weeks ago. It was always so fun to go check on them. those babies flew the nest though… so now i am a 20 something single empty nester. ha!

Kimberlee Jost - Gorgeousness all around.
My peonies opened up and they are not the kind I thought I was buying.
I guess that means I get to buy more. 🙂

Jenni Carlisle - Can you A. adopt me or B. turn your house into a bed and breakfast so I can come stay with you? Every post of your home makes me wanna move to Kansas and move into the Museum next door.

Leigh - All of those pictures are incredible, but I really like the bird ones – WOW!!!

Terrie - Thanks for all the pictures of your peonies!! We lived on the my husband’s family farm for years and we inherited all of Grandma’s plants. Peonies were one of those treasured plants! When we moved to McPherson…I moved them with me and gave some to her daughters. When we moved to Hutch last year (in the coldest part of winter) I moved them again and transplanted as soon as I could. Sadly…they didn’t make it. Peonies are in my backyard plan somewhere…but it’s not the same as having Grandma’s Peonies. They always make me think of her! Loved every pic!! Back to quilting and then finishing some flower planting for me too!

Sarah Alcantara - Amazing bird pics! Gorgeous peonies….I’ll bet your grandma is going to love this!

Laura Phelps - don’t be surprised if you spot me crawling in your garden with a pair of scissors…

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on a sunday??

i can only explain it by saying i think i felt good from being AT church
and fully experiencing church yesterday morning.
i came home from church and instead of going inside, i stayed outside and watered my plants….
meaning i was in the quiet yard for a few more minutes still holding on to what i had just learned.
not going right inside the house with the kids, noise, life, meal needing to be made, tv, computer, mess, laundry, dishes, dog, and everything else right away.
and i even stayed outside long enough that lauren made lunch! (frozen ravioli)

all that to say…..i had enough energy for making a craft thursday craft on a sunday afternoon!!

my friend angie is an art teacher and i saw this in her school's hallway.
i knew my kids would love it.

we will call it the……all about ME silhouette collage

this is how we made silhouettes at our house….


i taped paper to the wall and had them sit in the little chair.
then shined a flash light at our subject.
taking a pencil, i traced their shadow on the paper.
it was easiest to have it sit on the arm of the couch to keep it from shaking.
we learned that the the closer you got the bigger the shadow….and vice versa.


they really wanted to trace my shadow too.
and they saw how hard it was….to trace a moving subject.
no matter hard you try not to move you still move a little tiny bit.
it was fun!

next step was cutting out our silhouettes.
then gluing them to a piece of colored paper.

i set out a big stack of magazines and let them go crazy.
seriously….they were SO happy!


they were supposed to find things to glue to their "head" that described them or was something they loved.

they worked together picking out things they liked or what they knew their sibling would like.

annie had one melt down crying about the baby she wanted to cut out got ripped and blah blah blah.
but quickly got over it.

(i really dislike crying/whining/fighting during craft time….REALLY dislike)


great craft.

definitely things he likes....because he does not have a phone, a playstation or an xbox.
he does like the Nate series, loves his kindle and the jayhawks and zoo animals.
i told him that was bruce lee….but i think he thinks jackie chan IS bruce lee.
taylor swift….laptop….camera….ipod….phone….puppy….ipad….money…..slippers….pop tarts…basketball
love it.

soccer ball….wendys…hersheys….doughnut….justin bieber…coins….pizza….baby…jayhawks…baby lion.
annie ended up loving this project once her tears had dried.

and i made one too!
pretty self explanatory.
and i did not get a top lip…

i love collage.
i used to make this kind of thing at home by myself with the jcpenney catalogs when i was a kid.
it was a challenge to see how perfectly i could cut out a person in detail…..for real! 

thank you ang for the great idea!



the winner for the pleated poppy gift certificate is:

I noticed that cute bag in a couple of previous it! And I like how you threw in a little homage to TPP's "What I Wore Wednesdays" posts…I just started reading those! She (and you) sure have cute stuff! Let's see…weekend plans: last night – went on date with hubby and wore new shoes, got to pull 6-yr-old's dangling tooth (while wishing I could soak feet from wearing afore-mentioned new shoes); today – shop for birthday party present & supplies for tomorrow's Sunday School craft, go to birthday party, veg out; tomorrow – Sunday school, church, lunch out…make sure we have enough clean clothes & food to get us off to a good start on Monday. 🙂

Posted by: Leslie R | May 14, 2011 at 09:21 AM


send me an email leslie!

UPDATE on the family on my porch:

one baby so far.
the second one hatched but it was too dark for pictures yesterday.

how can something that ugly be so cute at the same time? 

and it's like 2 inches long.


crazy awesome… 



Kristi - LOVE this project!!!! I’m stealing this after my older two are out of school! And your craft weekend looks like sooooooo much fun! 🙂

Melissa - We made your craft today…well, a spin off of it.

Gina - Love this project! That would be good for the many rainy days we’ve been having….and that bird. Oh. my. Hideous and cute all at the same time!

amac - I love that Annie put Biebs on hers! 🙂

Carol S - Hmmm…no top lip or is it your chin that’s missing? That is such a cool project. Have a fantastic week!

Taryn Smith - Love the silhouettes! We used to cut up the Sears catalog and make paper dolls and elaborate houses all over our bedroom floors. We’d cute out whole rooms of stuff, refrigerators, chairs, people, it was alot of fun.

bobbie - Have you played or started learning photoshop yet? love the baby bird pic. so cute!

Linda Sousa - Great craft! …and i LOVE the picture of the bird. We, too have a bird’s nest. It’s in the kids’ play fort. As of yesterday, there were still 4 blue eggs.

Vanilla Bean Crafts - Adorable craft! Not sure I would have the steady hand either, but I know the kids would love it! Cutie pie birdy babe…but it IS a little wierd looking! haha!

Lori - You are so right. So ugly. So cute. Amazing picture. Ugly or cute- I like that picture either way 🙂

Lin - You are so lucky to have birds nesting on your porch. I have missed things like this since moving in to an apartment.

crystal b. - YOu have absolutely no idea what I would give to have that on my porch. No joke. Robins have a place in my heart. I’ll have to tell you a story about the nest I found in a tree at my grandmothers house. One of my favorite memories.
I have little wild canaries that nest at my house and the first year that we lived here, it rained every single day for about 3 weeks. I was so worried about the little birds drowning that I rigged up umbrellas to shelter them from the storm. I would get up in the middle of the night to check on them. It made me cry when every single egg hatched, and we watched them grow. One day, they were gone. Moments like that are the things that make my life precious.
I’m so glad you love birds too. 🙂
Saw a few Blog Sugar gals at the Queen Bee market. Forgot to tell you that last week in my emails. Super nice women. Can’t wait for the conference.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Awww on so many levels, awww to the baby birdie (albeit a little ugly), awww to your kids’ craft (they are all so adorable), awww to your oldest making lunch, awww to your special time to yourself in the garden. Have a great day Meg.

Susan Bruner - Does Annie always put a tornado by her name?

Kerry - I watered my plants tonight too before coming in to the chaos after school – it is sooo therapeutic! Love the silhouettes, such a clever idea, and I ADORE that picture of the baby birdie!!! Well shot Meg 🙂 x

Alicia @ La Famille - what a fun craft 🙂 and what a cute little birdie! i think that’s the most gorgeous blue i’ve ever seen!

Anne @ Baking Me - What an amazing picture of the baby bird, I just love it!

danielle burkleo - oh my that bird is creepcreeping me out

Tricia - I love your Sunday craft! I think I’m going to have to try this with my son. Have a great week…

Mel - God is so creative!! Adorable ugly baby birds in bright blue eggs. Only Him!!
Thanks for sharing your fabulous photos of your bird family!

Jes - I am so in love. Some years ago we had a hamster give birth, and they were peanut-sized hairless wiggly things, but beautiful as any of God’s creations. Pure life in raw form 🙂

Kimberly Dial - You’re the funnest mom ever! My mom was soooo not for anything that might have had the slightest potential to make a mess so, with that said, even at (almost) 50 years old I love watching kids do things like this … unscheduled, random & oh so creative … does my heart good. BTW (I didn’t mean to be critical) I had a great mom – she just suffered from ‘messie-phobia’ (her daughter is a bit OCD too!;) The baby bird pic is awesome!

Kimberly Dial - You’re the funnest mom ever! My mom was soooo not for anything that might have had the slightest potential to make a mess so, with that said, even at (almost) 50 years old I love watching kids do things like this … unscheduled, random & oh so creative … does my heart good. BTW (I didn’t mean to be critical) I had a great mom – she just suffered from ‘messie-phobia’ (her daughter is a bit OCD too!;) The baby bird pic is awesome!

Debbie - What a fun project! Will have to try it with my kids.
That robin picture – just amazing!

erica - tucking that craft away for my summer stash! thank you:)

mindy - what a fun craft sunday!! and that baby bird picture is AMAZING!!! love it!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of your house on the last post, too:) You make me want to make my house more colorful and have a house full of kids (don’t think I can convince my hubby to have more than a couple of kids, but color, I can work on:) Thanks for such a fun/inspirational blog!!

ashleylikescupcakes - oh my the picture of the baby bird is amazing

nicole @ deliajude - great project!
wonderful bird & egg shot.
life is like that ugly and beautiful all at once, isn’t it?

Jennifer - What a great craft idea for silhouettes. Thanks for sharing. And I have to agree with you, it is such a good feeling when you have those uplifting, spiritual moments at church on Sundays. And even better when they linger in our hearts throughout the day. I don’t know about you, but when I have those Sunday morning experiences, I seem to have a greater understanding of why God asks us to set aside this one day each week to worship him and remember him…it’s to bless us our lives. 🙂

Laura Phelps - that cute/ugly bird is so AMAZING
miracles ALL AROUND US
love that the ugly will turn beautiful…
keeps me hopeful when I am reminded of all of my “ugliness”
love the craft
love you

Ashlyn@Pinecone - The baby bird picture is AMAZING and the bird itself is cute-ugly (more on the ugly end of the spectrum.)

Cindy - You MUST enter that picture of the baby bird, nest and eggs into a photo contest somewhere, anywhere, EVERYwhere! It’s that good!!!

julia - We have some baby birds in a hole in a dead branch on our Poinciana tree. When I’m waiting for the school bus I stand there and marvel at how annoying they sound. No wonder the momma bird stays gone looking for food. As soon as she feeds them they start complaining again. Good thing just baby birds do that.

Shauna - That bird photo is amazing…looked Blue-lily-ish style to me…Ive noticed since you went to that workshop your photographs have started to change. They were good before, but now sometimes they actually make me gasp or yell, “WOW!” So….I would buy that print from your shop if you wanted to sell it. hint hint. Could you pretty pretty please think about selling it??? PLEASE???

Georgia - aWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW baby birdie!!! its cute but ugly.. lol
Does muma bird not mind you taking pics?

Sarah Wolfe - Love those collages. You are so great at doing the crafts with your kids. They will have so many memories of doing stuff like that with you.

Melissa - I must make these with my kiddos!!! My big boys are leaving for the summer…it will be sweet to see their sillouhettes while they are away.

Holly - We made the rainbow wind catchers on saturday night…..when we should have been cleaning to get ready for a party on Sunday at our house…..but we crafted instead!

ashley jensen - I too have a bird story coming up! My cousin, brother, and I used to run around trying to find bugs (mostly roley poleys) to feed baby birds when we were little. It looks like everyone grasped the concept of this project quite well. I might have to try this!

happygirl - What a cute craft. I’ve got to start REALLY attending church again. I might like it if I could think about the message and not the people. How can something be cute and ugly at the same time??? A question for the ages.

Staci - We have a turret right outside our master bedroom….needless to say…it is THE perfect place for momma birds to nest 🙁 I loved it last year…because we could just open the door and the nest was right there….soooo crazy cool….BUT…they are LOUD little thangs 🙁 Annnnd they were hungry alllll night….their poor momma ;( We of course let them grow up and get big enough to fly away… Well, I’m nice and all and LOVE animals but, I do need my sleep! Sooo…our exterminator recommended this Spring we put a fake snake in the turret window….and as much as I hated doing it…it worked…and now we don’t have a ton of baby bird poop to clean out of the turret either 😉 Wonder when they’ll pick up on the fact the snake isn’t real?????? Happy Monday!!!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Holy goodness! Are you so proud of that shot?! Look at that bird! So amazing.

april - that picture of the baby bird just blew my mind!!


flowerpowermomma - really enjoying the bird family chronicles and photos. thanks.
of course your craft was fun too. neat idea.
What a blessing you got a lunch reprieve by watering and enjoying God’s beauty and presence longer. I love that. I’m headed outside soon myself.
fyi, when i was a little girl, lots of my paper dolls were made from the catalogs. You could cut out an entire family, and furnish their ‘home’.
kept me entertained for hours and such a way to foster creativity. although you do an excellent job in that category.
blessing on your week Meg, and your momma-ing.

Susan - thanks for the bird update!!!!! Still amazed at the color of those eggs!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yh baby birds are totally weird!lol
Love the craft project…reminds me of a picture we got done in Disney World!
Gemma x

Kimberlee Jost - That baby bird picture is crazy good.

Sarah Wilks - SUCH a brilliant baby bird photo! I love that it looks like he’s holding onto his future siblings!
Great craft idea, too!

Necole - Another great idea for some summer craft fun!

carolyn - I gasped so loudly when I saw that baby bird. I love it. In a sad place today thinking about loss and endings. It is so good to see beginnings.

Dianne - That is an UNBELIEVABLE picture of that baby bird! AMAZING!

Dee Stephens - Love that everyone include the dog on their collage!

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other photos….

that didn't make it into SUMMER magazine.

i couldn't stand to see them go to waste……
























happy happy happy.


and it hasn't been that clean in here since i took those……in february.





Holly Schmitz - What inspiration! Love all the bright and cherry colors…like the way you combine things that compliment each other!! & cute rustic touch, too!

Heather - I just fell on love. Big puffy heart love.

Robbie Marinero - ABSOLUTELY! Your kitchen’s actually my favorite. I love it because it’s pretty, and it’s not like the usual kitchens I see on other blogs or magazines. So what are your plans for this spring and summer?

Nikki - I LOVE your house! What fun wonderfully inviting textures & colors. Where did you get the large chalkboard where you have written, “Be nice. Tell the truth….”???

Rachael Kiefer - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your house!!! It is so my style! The combination of clean surfaces and lines with “older” or antique furniture!!! It is beautiful!!

Michelle - On the bulleton boards you have the coolest photo collages hanging. What are they of ( high lights of each month or season? or favorite things of each family memeber?)and where did you make them. I love them.

Mique - I want your house. The end.

Kelly - We have those same polka dot glasses at my parents’ house! Very fun! I scored a globe at a garage sale on Saturday for $1 (I tried not to smile too big when they told me how much they wanted.) and thought of you. I have three big ones now, a small ornament one from Crate and Barrel and a tiny pencil sharpener one. Sounds like enough for a grouping somewhere in my new house that we hopefully get to close on tomorrow! Here I come house, so long apartments! Yippee! Still anxiously awaiting my copy of Summer. Kelly

michelle - wow! it’s amazing how far i have to scroll to leave a comment! 🙂 you are a loved woman. love these pictures! i too want to move in! and your profile craft post… so cute and good memories for them of what they love right now. i did something like that with my oldest many years ago and we were just looking at it the other day and laughing about all that has changed.

Wendy - Just gorgeous. Can we trade houses?!

Nichole - Looking at pictures of your house makes me so happy! I can only dream about having that kind of color in my home but I will try! Beautiful pictures!!


RLG - Love the pictures. I wish someone could take magazine quality pictures of my clean house! You do kids-friendly so well. You should do tutorials! Got Matthew Mead Summer (and the last Xmas) at your suggestion. Love it. Cheers, girlie. xoxo

Karina - BEAUTIFUL pictures! I love your outfit in the one you are using the blender, too. Very inspiring, all of it. The colour just makes your heart SING!

wendy, NJ - Oh Meg, I just fall in love all over again every time I see pictures of your home. I love your style and I so wish I was the type of person who visualized like that. Unfortunately, everytime I try something different I get scared and go back to my traditional decor…any advice?

Beth - Ok I REALLY think you should do a magazine with nothing but pictures, no words not that I wouldn’t want to hear anything you have to say cause I love hearing you words…vlog! Now that is one magazine I would buy and buy for a few friends…Something like the old Ideas book that was in my grandmothers homes when I was a little girl. They were the best color pictures and I loved seeing them…had pretty poems in them. I don’t even think they make it anymore…now that would be awesome to see a modern day mother make one of thses…
Ok if you don’t do it…well do it once a month for all your bloggers…I would be glad to share that with everyone cause u have an EYE for photography like noone else I see in blogland…Yours is so eye popping…just love it!
I have really enjoyed looking at those pictures…the cupcake and smoothie look like it could jump off the screen into my hands…yummy pics your have!
Oh and I am 50 yrs so my grandmothers have been gone since the late 70’s and early 80’s.

Samantha - These pictures make me so happy. So bright and colorful and my house is not this pretty! I aspire to have your clean house. The mess I can make very well on my own 😛

becky - LOVE all of your throw pillows. makes me want to get to sewing! where do you get most of your fabric – especially the HAPPY HAPPY polka dots?! i want some big polka dots!!!!

Jody - I could look at your happy home all day long!!
One request (please?!) show us newer-than-new sewers how to add pomspoms to pillows!! that could be a video idea!! really!! i have tried to do it and i don’t get it!!
Love your blog.

Maria - Love it.

Amnah - Hands down, my dream home. Seriously, I adore your style Meg.

Cindy - Love every single thing! Thank you for the bright and cheerful inspiration!!!

Emily - happy… happy… happy!! Thanks for making my Monday morning with these bright cheery photos! Go Meg!!!

Su@The Intentional Home - what inspiration. . .
makes me want to take pics of my house. . .the random things. . .that make it home. . .the things that say “home”. . .good motivation for me to clean 🙂 thanks for sharing!!!

Nikki @ Mummy's dress - I love all the photos… your house is beautiful. I love your style!

Hannah M - I saw your Singer and need some advice! My Grandma is offering to by me my first own sewing machine as a wedding gift, she just told me to pick one out.. Do you like your singer? what would you reccommend getting?! any advice on sewing machines would be AMAZING : )
email me!

danielle burkleo - ok i love all the pictures. it makes me sad that i don’t have one of your pillows. was an hour too late to your etsy shop that day. boo that. but it also makes me happy to see the picture of your READ room. that is how i first came across your blog you know? from that picture…. and from there…. it’s all history ….or destiny ….or something like that 🙂 have a great day sweet friend! love you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You seriously have the cutest house ever. I could sit there and drink a strawberry smoothie and chit chat with you all afternoon.

Nicole - I love your style Meg! Your home is so peaceful and cheery. I can’t wait to get the Summer magazine. It should be here in a few days. Wa-hoo! Also, your pillows are gorgeous!! When do you open your shop back up? I am a new reader. 🙂

Nicole Q. - Your smoothie and cupcake pic are WAY better than the cookies!!!! :))

Kat - Love, love, love the colour in your photo’s, in your home, in your life.
It is so uplifting and happy!
I was just wondering how much cleaning, tidying and decluttering you had to do with 5 kids to get it looking that fabulous and picture perfect, lol.
My Husband is always telling me not to believe what I see in mags and blogs.
I for one know that you also show us the flip side of “real life” with 5 kids, washing, messy bedrooms etc, so I really appreciate that!

Mindy Harris - you could make money on home tours.
just sayin’.
love it all..the GLOBES!
talby in that picture. model material.

peta - can i move in, please?

Rebecca W - umm love the pictures – the rock collection = rad
and like that the books are organized by color

Shaina Brown - can i please come vacation in your house? i nannied for 4 kids for 10 years so i can handle the chaos of mutitple kiddos, love to clean, love to play… who am i kidding, want to adopt a 32 yr. old?
your house makes me happy:)

Erin - i love your kitchen!

Elise - I am so in love with your home!!!! Can I move in?? I’ll clean your toilets and bake for you, sound good?!?!

Katie Sellers - Beautiful!!!!

karen - eye candy!

Kimberlee Jost - So much color—so much happiness.
Great pics!
I’m glad you posted the other ones too.

Vonda - Your pictures are beautiful! You have a beautiful, happy home, and I just want to thank you so much for sharing it with us! You and your family are just amazing! You make me smile!:) I love a colorful home. I think kids do too!

Beth Horn - I love your crisp clean photos! So SPRING-y and vibrant! I especially love daisies and your flowers are stunning! Good job!

Lori - Your pictures made me happy! I love your blog!

robin - so pretty and cheery… i love the kids’ rooms… 🙂 polka dots, reading inspiration…so neat… 🙂 and i love the little messages you have on the chalk boards… 🙂
one question… what is the rest of the quote hanging on the board behind your sewing machine? “Today I will be happier than a bird _______________________.” 🙂

Bernice - These photos are beautiful! I love how every single one of your pictures are so full of vibrant colour!

Angela Atkins - I love these. Thank you so much for sharing them. I haven’t been able to convince myself to spend so much for SUMMER–have too many other things on my wish list. Your house is so awesome, colorful, and looks like people live there!

happygirl - Shasta daisies are my FAVORITE summer flower. LOVE them. Yeah, loved the clean house, too. I’m so jealous.

Jenny B. - Ahh… my Pinterest is now an even happier looking place! 🙂 A couple of questions (sorry if you’ve answered them previously)… Did you make the bedding for the girls’ room and the “read” room? Do you like your sewing machine? I really want to get one, but I haven’t sewn anything since 9th grade home ec. So, I need one that is super user-friendly. Thanks for sharing!!

Sandy - Your house is so white yet colorful…I love it!
I saw a globe at a garage sale yesterday and thought of you. 🙂

Christy - love the photos!!

marla rae - Your home looks like a happy family home full of love (and color)!!! I am still waiting for my magazine too! I know it will be great! Have a super duper Sunday!

Jenn S. - Beautiful, feel good pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Kerry - Beautiful Meg – every single picture made me Smile 🙂 Love the girls rooms, we have the same heart duvet covers – need to get the rest of the girls room looking that good! xx

mandy madison - Your house is a nice little ray of sunshine on my rainy Sunday…thanks for sharing! love it!

anita - You have the happiest home on earth!!!!!!!!

DebZorn - Your photos are beautiful. I love the heart rocks.(I have a collection, too.) I love the books in the basket. I love the photo of your daughter the most. She is beautiful

Lisa - Great photos. I love the one with the heart shaped rocks, it would make a great print.

Ali Richardson - Your house is SO dreamy!! Sigh! You have a gift!

Shauna Howington - What a blessing for your children to grow up in such a happy home. They will always have such warm memories of all the color, the art work proudly displayed, the messages on the chalkboard door! Thanks so much for sharing!

jen - Ok so I am going to pin sooo many of these on pinterest that I think I might need a Meg album!

Linda - Love Love Love!! I’m sure you’ve been told this before but I just want to move in. I love all the color and brightness in your home!

Shannon - Love all the color! Brighten my morning since I am stuck with clouds here 😉

Deputy's Wife - Seeing your pictures of your globes reminded me that I bought a globe at a tag sale last week! I saw it WAY back in a corner and thought “Hey! I love Meg’s globe pictures, I should buy one for myself!” Ha!
I love it in our living room. The kids love it, even the hubby does!

Samantha - If you ever feel like coming and decorating my home, please feel free! however i am Husker fan, hope that doesn’t cause any conflicts! ha jk! beautiful pictures!

stacey - A lot of comments went through my head as I looked at your amazing photos…mostly…just…
can I come live with you ? 😉

Courtney Henson - So fun to see more of your home! I think I’ve said it before but your home is my absolute favorite in blogland! So pretty, so me, and so many great ideas to be had just by looking at these pictures! And the photographs by the way are stunning – not just the subject matter!

april's craft nest - gorgeous photos! i love all the awesome color. i waver back and forth about really colorful or all white. i can never decide.

ingrid - they are all so beautiful. super happy home filled with love….

Sarah @ this farm familys life - Love them all. All those colorful pix were the perfect pick-me-up on this gloomy rainy day we are having here. Happy Sunday!

Hannah - Meg, this is such a beautiful collection of photos from your wonderfully colourful home. I love how you have added your creative touch to everything in your home – it looks like an inspiring environment for you & your family. Thanks for sharing : )

Ellie Perez - I always love seeing pics of your house! If I wasn’t married to a man who is in love with beige, Mine would be much more colorful too! Loved the pic of Talby, she is GORGEOUS! She will be quite the hearrbreaker. Tell Craig to go get the shotgun ready for her teenage years! He’s got some boyfriend scaring to do!

Short, Sweet Season - Happy happy eye candy! I love the little girl books and sparkly nail polish together. The picture of Talby is so striking…gorgeous eyes!

carolyn - Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I love the way you’ve punched up your home with so much colour. I struggle with colour! Thanks for the inspiration.

Linda Sousa - Yay…thanks for sharing the rest of the photos..gorgeous! I think that Talby looks so much like you in that picture.

shelly - Girl–how in the world do you keep your furniture White with 5 kids (cough…2 Boys?!?). My 3 boys make our dark couch look dirty!
Love your Home! Such a happy post on a dreary IL morning 🙂

Beth - I was gonna ask if your house was always that sparkling clean. If so, I would have to hate you! LOL j/k j/k (as my teenage daughter used to say to me all the time – it’s probably not a cool thing to say anymore, since I said it). Beautiful pics.

erica - lovely, as always – thank you for the eye candy this morning!

Danielle - love your style! i am so crazy about your kitchen!

Amber - I always love to see pics of your home. It makes me happy 🙂 You are wearing 2 of my favorite MJ pieces…..sigh One day I will own them…I hope!

Kimberly Dial - All the colors make me happy! Thanks for sharing those!

Kimberly Dial - All the colors make me happy! Thanks for sharing those!

Dianne - I have a dream that I will have a HAPPY COLORFUL house just like yours one day. I’m really working toward that… one room at a time. Gorgeous pictures.

Stacy - Love your house and the photography is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it all with us!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I did a major splurge and ordered the magazine weeks ago. I cant wait to get mine!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - LOVE it all. Seriously, I think you could make a magazine of JUST your house. Its fabulous Meg! And Talby looks so grown up and beautiful in that photo. Wow!

Sonia - ahhhhhh…. i’m stil waiting on my copy of MM… can’t wait!

Lori - Truly gorgeous pictures, Meg! Saturated color, so cheery. And to think that these are the ones that didn’t make it in the magazine?! If I had a spare $25 to use for the Summer magazine, I would. Just wish they made it more affordable. I am sure it is a fabulous bookazine, though!

jill - As always, pictures of your home make me so happy. You have a great way with vintage pieces and color. Your home always seems perfect for both kids and adults! Love it! Thanks for sharing!

Emily - Love the kids rooms so very much! I pinned them for sure!!!

Carla G. - Gorgeous!! I love your shabby style mixed with such bright, happy colors!! Love, love, love it!

Lori - Great pictures – especially the heart rocks. And I seriously want your kitchen.

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - Where is the bicycle fabric from… or what is it called… because I think I neeeeed it!

Debbie - Oh my, I’m pinning several of these to my idea scrapboard – we’re moving to Kansas next month, and I love some of these ideas for our house! I love the chalkboard and picture clothesline especially.

Shauna - Beautiful photos as always…I love your outfit in that picture–must be matilda jane! I couldnt help but notice those photography books and just curious…do you recommend any of those?? I just want the basics of how to work my camera (I know a little but not a LOT) and use of light to get the best pictures of my kids that I can.

lori - Your house is beautiful! It is so HAPPY. I wish you come over and decorate my house for me!

sue - Each photo has a theme of colors. Love that.!

Zoet & Zo - I’m wondering about the photo’s that made in into the SUMMER magazine, because thése photo’s are a-ma-zing! I love the mix of coulours and vintage.

Zoet & Zo - I’m wondering about the photo’s that made in into the SUMMER magazine, because thése photo’s are a-ma-zing! I love the mix of coulours and vintage.

Danielle - I love your home! So very happy:) I spied a few of your things that I own as well! I think we have very similar tastes and styles. Thanks for sharing the extra pics!

Courtney Walsh - oh wow, Meg. So much colorful eye candy!! And that Talby is stunning. 🙂
I need to get a copy of that magazine!!

Amy @ dwell in the season - What beautiful pictures! I especially love the one with all of your heart rocks – so fun! 🙂

Terrie G - Still waiting on my Summer magazine 🙁 These pics sure make me happy while I wait! Love your taste! Really loved the globes on your happy links! BTW…my hubba asked me what else I needed to complete my craft room. (He & my son bought me a tv for it tonight.) Kidding, Preston said…how about a fridge…I told them Meg has a pink one…I think they both rolled their eyes! I laughed! Happy Sunday!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, thank you for sharing those! Talby is so beautiful!

Leah - Love all the photos! I get tons of inspiration just looking at your photos and decorated home. I love your spread in the Summer magazine too!

Lisa - Love all these pictures… they really are just happy! 🙂

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i have a new bag.
it is such a sunny, happy bag to carry around.

 (cardi from francescas…..tank from target….)

don't you love it? 

i know you do.

it is from lindsey at the pleated poppy.

how amazing is that shop??
every time i go there i am smiling though page after page of her awesomeness.


   i love the yellow stripe with the pinks, browns and orange!

she puts THE cutest fabrics together.
i love it all.

it's the perfect size to hold the stuff you need and a few extras.
you could fit a magazine in there too….your ipad….it's a great size.

but here is the BEST PART for me…….
i am going to make it my camera bag for the season!

since it's got the sling strap i can use during my shoots for all my camera junk. 
and wear it while i shoot!

it's perfect!

there are a few pockets that will fit my lens cap, my phone, some extras and my gum (very important to me)

(i actually wrote guN at first….HA HA HA….lindsey even has a pocket for my gun….ha ….a gun purse)

the pleated poppy has great gifts for teachers….
do you only have 9 days left like we do??
i betcha….there is time for something cute if you ordered today!

look at all these fun finds over at her shop! 


there is so much to choose from!

i know that the bloom bags like mine have been really popular
and lindsey is having a hard time keeping them stocked in her shop because they sell out so quickly.
you will have to keep checking on her for more.

but with how much she has in her shop right now i think you will be happy you went.

——–she is offering 15% off when you use the code WHATEVER until may 20————

and just for fun…..lets have a GIVEAWAY!

how about a $35 gift certificate to the pleated poppy! 

leave me a comment telling me your weekend plans
and i will draw a winner on monday!


LittleMissAwesome - I Just finished the play of Annie Every day for a week it’s been non-stop Morning show, Lunch, Night show, and come home at 11:30pm Just about every night. Having to miss some school. I love it! C.Y.T. Wichita is such a blessing to me, and It’s been my first show. Pleated poppy has been on my wish list every since I’ve seen it 🙂 LOVE YOUR BLOG <3

Karen Peachey - we hung out at home & I worked on some birthday sewing!

Amanda - So cute!! I would love to buy something for my kid’s awana teacher!

Amy Moon - Clean, clean, clean…and prepare stuff for a youth activity for our church.

Lisa B - Our weekend plans included packing for vacation!!

amac - Shoot! My weekend is over, BUT maybe I’m not too late by your time zone 🙂 My plans this weekend were to help out a guy who wanted to ask out another friend on a date! So fun! I was the distraction that got her out of the house while he left flowers and a note for her. Just call me cupid 😉

Meaghan - Fun! We went to a birthday party on Saturday, Sunday School celebration at church, and cleaned out our office/craft/guest room.

s - its probably too late but would love a gift cert! This weekend kicked off with a wonderful evening down at the lake – we had a surprisingly warm night so ended up staying down there much longer than our planned quick trip there to get some things done…it was nice to chat with good friends while the kids took an unplanned dip (COLD – there was ice on that lake not too long ago) and then pilfered through the bags in my trunk – they were wrapped in scarves and winter hats that were still in there! the rest of the weekend included a band trip, baseball game, and errands!!

Deanna - you’re just do dang cute!

danielle burkleo - oops! i am a little late… but our weekend plans were to put up our new swingset but then it rained alllll weekend long. so we just chilled. and it was the best 🙂

Annie - I had quilt group, a bridal shower and gardening to do this weekend.

Christie Smith - Love the Pleated Poppy. I’ve wanted something, anything for a long time. This weekend was cold here in Kansas so I made chili and we roated marshmellows, it was perfect.

katherine - Celebrated with a baby shower for my sis!!

Emily - Happy colors!! I want one!
I was just in your town this weekend! I’m not a stalker, my in-laws live there 🙂

Bre Ann - Love, love, love your new bag! I think I need one. 🙂 This weekend is yard work, trip to the zoo, a poker party, church, and naps. Ahh, weekends are so wonderful.

Heather - Taking the kids to my parents house so dear husband can paint all the hallways, entryway and stair, shampoo the rug, mop all the hardwood and supervise the pouring of our new patio. Yes, he is a gooood man!!

Becky - I graduation from UNCC with my masters in school administration this weekend and threw myself a party 🙂 It was great! And I love the bloom bags and EVERYTHING on her website!

Ann r - Went on our 3rd annual girls only camping trip – no kids or hubbies! The weather was cold and rainy but still managed afire and lots of noshing and catching up – very therapeutic. Love the camera bag!

Bernice - A whole lot of relaxing is in store this weekend. Maybe some sewing on Saturday and some time at the park on Sunday. Must take advantage of the beautiful weather!

Eva - Well, the weekend is about over but my hubby & I celebrated our 6 year anniversary and then headed down to Orlando to shop at Ikea! A great weekend!!

Meg - My two girls (9 & 11) are appearing in our church’s production of GodSpell. I will be spending most of the weekend driving them to and fro and sitting in the pews cheering like crazy!

LK - my weekend plans were… thoroughly enjoying my daughter’s dance recital while one of my sons travelled out of town on a bus for the first time without his mama to participate in special olympics; my hubby working; playing with and taking care of eight adorable kiddos! A happy gift certificate to Pleated Poppy would be so fun! 🙂

suzi failing - pj days——-rainy days=pj days!!!!!!!!!
suzi f

Jenn Decker - my weekend plans: going to Mackinac Island on a work trip. I loved EVERY thing about my time up there. It is such a magical place. And the grand hotel, a fairy-tale come to life. although i’m 24, you would have thought that I was 11….. if you’ve never been, it should be for sure on your bucketlist 🙂

Elise - LOVE it!!! I got to help style my cousin’s wedding this weekend-an awesome, rustic, outdoor wedding and it was perfect!!!

Kathi - Wow – what a giveaway! Love that gorgeous, big bag.
My weekend was spent at an awesome lake house with five scrappy friends and we’ve already made plans for November & next May. A few days away at the most peaceful place with happy girls is the BEST weekend. EVER.

Stephanie C. - I threw a wedding shower this weekend!

megan - Matron of Honor is a wedding…and recouperating today! Whew! Glad that is over. 🙂

Heidi - My weekend was amazingly fabulous (which is why this is the first time I’ve been on the computer in a few days). I spent Friday and Saturday being blessed at Women of Faith. It was AWESOME! Saturday night was my niece’s first dance recital and today after church we watched the baptism of a friend’s little girl. Such a great weekend!!!! (That this exhausted, pregnant momma to be topped off with a nap!)

Becky J - Spending time with my momma who just had a biopsy done last week..hugging longer and talking later into the night…life is precious!!

rachel beverlin - Date night with my hubby and shopping! 5 50% off coupons to old navy…woohoo!

sharon - hahahaha i laughed out loud at the gun/gum comment! i finally tore down the outdated (but beautiful…) cabbage rose wallpaper border in my living room….yay!!! thanks for the chance!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i’m a little late for the party. just getting back from vacation and trying to come down from that high. i feel like a pleated poppy goody would perk me right up. 🙂

elisabeth (bovagoods) - laundry, clean, birthday party, another birthday party, another birthday party sleep-over, clean and more laundry. yippee for me!

Lari - No big plans this weekend…resting up on Sat from working the night shift on Friday, then church Sunday morning, lunch w/ the family…naps…

Nicole Rickman - Oh my word. Must have this bag!!! Sooo cute!
Weekend plans??
Coffee with my best girls, planning a friend’s bridal shower, kids having friends over for sleepover, eating and plenty of coffee!! Yay!

AmyM - Love your photos as always. Love Linsey’s stuff! Love her attention to detail–all the way down to her packaging! So fun! Our weekend was small group, two baseball games, friends over, church, a rained out baseball game, piano recital, evening church, a meeting and then a big sigh and rest and getting ready for next week! Never a dull moment around here! Hugs to you! Love your blog!

tricia - This weekend has been filled with a lot of nothing terribly important. It has been fantastic!! BTW, I am Sooo coveting that bag of yours. 😉

kribss - doing a bunch of nothing and loving every minute of it!

Wendy - Going to watch my dad in a Duathalon! He is 69! So proud of him! Thanks for the giveaway!

Ashley - Yesterday I ran, we walked around Target for no reason, and had a friend over for dinner. Today a couple more friends and their kids are coming over to play. Overall a pretty laid back weekend!
The bag is SO cute.

Tanya - We are taking our rabbit to the vet, helping Nan move house and having some rabbit loving time!

Megan - Lovely weekend with Friends and my sweet little family–my 2 year old and Husband who was away all last week. SO nice for him to be home, if not so I can sleep in 🙂

Laurie Takens - Painting the wicker chairs on my front porch a nice sunny yellow and planting my flowers! Yay – I love Spring!

MomBE - Our weekends is full of time outdoors. Smores and hot dogs, camping in the backyard, and am java on the front porch!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - LOVE THE PLEATED POPPY!!!

Shaun - Chaperoning 14 Daisy Girl Scouts at Camporee! That should do me in!

Southern Gal - How did I miss this until now? Love the bag and The Pleated Poppy.
We picked strawberries yesterday and today we will head to church. I’ll be keeping my granddaughter overnight while her parents celebrate their second anniversary. It’s her first time to spend the night away from her mama – she’s 10 months old. Pray for me!

hannah - Well, my Fiance graduated today from the University of Arkansas, so I went to watch him walk, and support him in his accomplishment! It was so exciting! For the rest of the weekend, I’m spending as much time with him as I can before he goes home (to MS) for the summer 🙁 This time next year though, we’ll be married, and I won’t have to be apart from him! Hope you have a great weekend Meg!!

Faith - LOVE that bag! And I’m needing a cute camera bag for a wedding I’m shooting soon. So…..we’ve gone on a birthday campout and are now home preparing for another b-day party sunday at lunch. I’m exhausted.

Maureen S - This weekend is my oldest son’s birthday weekend. He turned 8 on Friday. We had a huge neighborhood movie night in our garage. Totally GREAT! But I’m glad that’s over…enough said. I just love your bag. I’m going over to the pleated poppy and do a little window shopping. Hope I win.

Karin - Late mothers Day this weekend. Were doing a surprise flower bed/garden for her. Hope she loves it!

Jena - Take my girls to dance, jewelry party at my cousins and enjoying family time! Thank you for such a great giveaway!

Amelia Wright - I am hosting my girl’s first sleep over! Then I will go to a few garage sales and a birthday party!

Kristi - Such a cute bag! We are watching basketball and going to graduation parties. Will be lots of fun!

Kelli - I went to some garage sales this morning and then did laundry… Tomorrow we’re going to see our niece and nephew. I love your bag!!!

Lara - Oh what a FUN bag! LOVE it! I would just love anything from her shop…thank you for the giveaway! This weekend we are moving my office/craft room downstairs into our old dining room. We are adopting a little boy from the foster care system and that will be his room. Lots of purging and organizing still to do! LOL

Christy - After a quick trip to St. Louis, I get to spend the weekend with my little sister. Great surprise that will make an otherwise dreary weekend bright!

Brenda H - Lots of homework – no fun right. But the weather is beautiful and my kids are enjoying every minute of it while mama studies.

Angela - Tonight we had neighbors and friends over for a big smores roasting! So much fun! Tomorrow we will go to our wonderful church and then finish packing up the kitchen to begin the big remodel on Monday! That way too cute bag would help me be happy when my house is a big mess for 8 weeks!

kari - Second time ever we’re getting a babysitter so the hubs and i can go to a wedding. SOOOO excited to get away. Love the new bag!

Jennifer - Precious bag! Luau-themed birthday party for my nine year-old has left me wiped.

Melanie - I am absolutely crushing on your bag and would love one of my own! My weekend plans include a lot of “homeyness”…cleaning, laundry, cooking, puttering, rearranging, decluttering…and maybe even relaxing with some magazines.

stephanie - anywhere outside with my family.

Amy - cute bag!!!! My husband and son will be at a father/son campout which means a girl’s night for my daughter and me at home… sundaes, movie, and breakfast out! Lots of fun!

lacey poag - 3 of each please!
friday & saturday in baltimore and sunday back home in indiana for church, a picnic lunch, and loads of play time with our girl & boy:) the best!

Kristin Bommer - holy crapola, meg! there are like 730 comments already! you are so popular 🙂
anyway, my weekends are always filled with my part time job at Lush!

sam - oops! forgot to talk about our weekend plans! we went to a children’s museum today and let 2 of the boys run wild. they had a fabulous time going down the slide head first into a pile of pillows and encouraging other kids at the museum to do the same. i’m sure i was the envy of all of the parents there! (uhm… sure!) sunday includes a haircut for my husband and power washing some baby items.

sam - the purse is so cute! and so is your target tank & the cardigan. i love target. and your blog is just so fun! thanks for doing it!

Drea - that bag is freaking adorable. i’m dying.
weekend plans? surprise again.sleep eventually…but i’m going to curl up on the couch and catch up on shows with my honey now. =)

Erin - Enjoy your blog! Hubby took our junk…I mean treasures…to a garage sale while I played with kiddos in the backyard. New kiddie pool and they are excited! Tomorrow is church and more swimming (OK, splashing) and a trip to our favorite yogurt shop!

Megan - cleaning an yard work! We had a great bbq with my parents too. Lovin the sun!

Bailey - LOVE your new bag!
I’m visiting my brother, sister in law, and niece this weekend. I’m a happy girl. 🙂

Lucylu ~ - Oh man…. PICK ME! I’ll share the gift certificate of course….

Sarah - Cousins grad party and cleaning. Nothing else to do when it is freezing out!

Trudy Wischropp - My weekend consists of birthday shoots…one for a 90 year old great grandpa and one for a 1 year old girlie girl! 🙂 Love it!

kristen - LOVE that bag you have!
I went to our school’s grad ceremony this morning. It was really neat – great music. And for the rest of the day and into the night I am making fun things for my students’ Kindergarten graduation which is this week!!*!!

HannahM - We’re going for the “simple weekend” at our house- with our little kiddos. It will be another round of Madagascar…and then my choice: Mary Poppins {**love**}. ps. love the your sweet birdie bag hook.

Amy - Our oldest graduated from HS last night, had his party today. Tomorrow is our middle sons 9th birthday. Lots of partying and cake for us this weekend!!

kristy - Love the bag! We got to have dinner with our friend who grew up in England…. made us his local cuisine. So yummy! Tomorrow is a kid birthday party.

Mary Ann Fisher - I love that Bag! Im going to check her site out now… My weekend is full of BEAST activites haha… Friday my husband and I found out we are having a beautiful baby girl, who is due in October. Today I went to my nieces little league game, and have a movie night with the hubby, and tomorrow I have a big family cookout complete with my grandparents that live far away! Hope your having a Great weekend too.

Kris - I love your bag. Such fun colors. My weekend plans: drive kids around and host a sleepover for 13 year old girls — and in between, I will do laundry and make a wreath for my front door.

Carla - I’m spending the rest of my weekend relaxing after a great half marathon finish this morning!

elizabeth - My 7 wk old granddaughter is being christened in the morning, then lunch for family and friends at my house.

Shannon - This weekend is the great purge! Oh my. I’m having a yard sale but I think I’ll end up having to pay someone to take it away. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win some absolutely awesome stuff!

stefanie - My plan is to do as little as possible! (I’m long overdue!!!)

Kelly - I am going to carry stuff upstairs and down, get projects set at the dinning room table, and get the house ready for recovery from my hysterectomy on Wednesday.

Tiffany Wingrove - Love that bag!
This weekend… Italian dinner birthday party, wine, friends, laughter. Strawberry Festival – Fundraiser: Selling burgers, fries, for my youth groups mission trip in July, baseball game, haircut, oil change, relaxing on the couch. Church, Sunday nap, Youth Bible Study, hanging out with the sweetest man on the planet. 🙂

Karen A. - Girls on the Run 5k, nap, Kick off Summer Block Party, church, soccer and more soccer , bible study dinner party and that’s it!

Jennifer - spending time with my grandbabies…my favorite thing!

sallymander - I’m working this weekend at Comanche Acres Iris Gardens. We’re close to full bloom and it’s absolutely beautiful! Hard to have a bad day at work here.

Christi Hoffman - I LOVE the pleated poppy! How clever of you to use it for a camera bag! I think Jillian is working for ya, you look skinny in the close up picture.
Today we had a soccer game. We also shopped for bright color clothes for our pictures coming up! YAY! SO excited. Tonight were are making smores and watching movies.
Tomorrow doing laundry and making teacher gifts. My girls are out of school this friday and my son has 7 more days left. SUMMER is around the corner…. whoohooo!

Andrea T. - Love the Pleated Poppy! My weekend will be filled with soccer games and a yard sale.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Weekend plans WERE to let my 7 yr old go to her first sleepover. Plans changed and we had to go get her.
Plans WERE to go yard sale-ing with a bunch of friends. We found out they moved the event to NEXT week b/c of weather forecasts and we’d all gotten babysitters and made plans for the day together.
Plans WERE to continue working on my front porch. I came down with a nasty sinus head cold last night and Im now flat on my back on the couch.
This entire weekend has proven to me that Im not in control. Its not an easy truth until you realize that there are no “Plan B’s” with God. He knows it all.

Robin - We are having unusually cool, rainy weather here in CO. I plan to cozy up with my family, and finish The Help!

Sarah Alcantara - Gorgeous! So happy and pretty! Weekend plans… shopping, cleaning out the pantry and some home organization! Fun fun!

Maile - A BBQ tonight with good friends and then a Mommy-Daughter day tomorrow. Probably some errands and shopping.
Love the bag!

teresa - weekend plans: host a baby shower, celebrate a graduation, plan for my last baby bird’s graduation next thursday, conquer Laundry Mountain!!

Sunnymama - I am sick this weekend, so the couch and more TV than I have watched all year!

Megan - Love, love love the bag! This weekend we have been painting the living room, going to a ladies banquet at our church and then visiting some friends on Sunday afternoon =) FUN!

Alison Vaclav - AND where do you find time to read all these comments?

Alison Vaclav - My husband is working, so me and the kids are hanging out with my single-mom friend and her daughters and eating strawberry shortcake.
I love the name of that shop. pleated poppy. like.

Melissa - Had big cleaning plans….but down with a bad headache. Tomorrow church, birthday party and maybe a movie with the kids. Love that purse! Cheery fabrics on a crummy day here in Illinois!

Kristina Carter - what a lovely giveaway! i actually had a yard sale yesterday so i am relaxing today and then church tomorrow 🙂

Nichole Merrell - I love that bag, and also The Pleated Poppy! No big plans for the weekend. The hubby is out of town working, so that means movie night with the my little girls.

mimi b. - planting, steaks, family night and magaritas w/hubby after kiddos in bed….

jeannie - Love the camera bag! We are celebrating a belated Mother’s Day:) as I spent last Sunday in the ER with my mother:(

Jill - Going OUT for Italian TONIGHT! YIPPEE!

Amy Jo - Shopping, church, cleaning, wrapping presents! Love the Pleated Poppy!

Gale - LOVE that bag – how happy! 🙂 We’re mowing, cleaning carpets and then – as a reward – goint to eat pizza and see “Water for Elephants”! Fun weekend – love the Pleated Poppy already but that bag is too darn cute! 🙂

Andrea - Taking our foster puppies to adoption events.

jayne Barbour - oh snap! this is awesome! so glad you posted on your new purse-I loved that sneak peek a few weeks ago!
Our weekend plans were a surprise! We drove by to see where my daughter’s new school will be for kindegarten and they were having a carnival! We were able to go inside and check it all out! Then we rescued a turtle from the road on the way home. We’ll be watching his every move for the remainder of the weekend:)

Whitney Pate - My baby sister just graduated from Carson Newman College in Tennessee yesterday!! I spent yesterday getting sunburnt at graduation (totally worth it–so proud of her)!! Tonight we are having a huge party for her at my older sister’s house!! YAY baby sissy!!

Amy Harris - Adorable Bloom Bag! I would love one! This weekend I’ll be planting, going to the gym and hanging out with my sweet husband. 🙂

Michelle - We went to an open house at the local fire station….so much fun for the kids!

julie - Must. have. that. bag. Our weekend plans included a visit with friends and a trip to the locally Amish run Bent-n-Dent store. I cut apple blossom branches to display in my blue mason jars throughout the house and I am currently waiting for the rain to stop so we can start tilling up our garden. I LOVE weekends!!

Johanna Santiago - You have great style!!! I am at school this weekend (weekend college for mommy), watching my 8yo in a church musical, and seeing dear old college friends at a baby shower. If I am lucky, getting a Sunday nap:)

Jessica R - Visiting extended family to help celebrate with the newest college graduate!

Carrie - Love all of those colors! So pretty!! We are resting and unpacking after taking a trip to the beach last week.

Ashley B. - I took a CPR certification class today, and tomorrow I have a “Learning to Meditate” class. A weekend full of classes! 🙂

erin j - We are celebrating the end of my husband’s semester by doing not a lot. We’re cleaning, sleeping, sitting, and maybe some minor shopping. Woohoo for a relaxing weekend (finally)!!

Wendy - Love her stuff!! My plans this weekend are just visiting with my niece and her fiance, then picking up my daughter from her church retreat and finally topping it all off with Mass Sunday evening. 🙂 Nice and simple.

Alison - ooh!! How fun and happy!! My weekend plans consist of relaxing,shopping topped off with some backyard wiffle ball and grilled burgers! LOVE our happy days!

Jen - That bag is to die for. LOVE it! The colors make me happy. 🙂 This weekend is a fun one…a Glamor Girl birthday party & Disneyland.

Jamie - oh how i love her stuff!
we are mostly staying at home but are going to venture out to get our daughter some clothes for the summer and hubby and i are going to get some running shoes. we are trying to get healthy and manistee has a beautiful boardwalk along the river canal.

Hannah Joy - My daughter’s first ballet “performance”… she’s 3! 🙂

Stephanie - freezing cold parade yesterday. 5th grade madathon after that – more cold! coffee with a bff this morning. laundry. cooking YOUR YUMMY potatoe soup for supper tonight (where is my May??) and graduation open house tonight. church tomorrow.

kris - CUte bag! THis weeknd of NO BASEBALL will be spent in the yard and regrouping for the week!
Church….lawn mowing…rest!

Tiffany - I’ll be packing all my things for a big move from Alabama to Texas, that will be happening in a week!

Cara L - i LOVE the pleated poppy! this is a great weekend for me…yestrday i got to see my little brother graduate from college and be commissioned into the air force. today we are throwing a bridal shower for my future sister-in-law. lots of family time!

Dawn Eshnaur - I LOVE that bag! t is so cute and fun! I will be doing the usual this weekend… shopping and cleaning house. Sure do praise God I have a house to clean! Hope you have a great weekend as well.

Elizabeth Walters - Hello! That bag and I were MADE for each other. Weekend plans.. my baby is getting a “big girl” bed (tear). Her new brother will be here in a couple months and so we are going to start getting her adjusted before his arrival. Wow, I feel all grown up.

Quinn - I have always loved all of her stuff… and your bag is gorgeous! I guess my plans are to paint…. and paint and paint and paint! Fun for me 🙂

Amanda Larkins - My weekend plans include going to my son’s all star band concert, my daughter’s soccer game, laundry, and hopefully some rest!

lena - my family has a weekend full of blessings. we have 2 First Holy Communions and 1 Baptism. Deo gratias!

Dawn - Love the bag! Suprise birthday party, softball game, clean my house, go to the grocery store, and BBQ. Should be a good weekend.

Cpmkeim - love the bag / my weekend is relaxing with my kids + dinner w good friends. can’t beat it!

Kathy - Busy weekend ahead: My older boys are helping with a church playground building project, my younger will be bouncing away celebrating a neighbor’s birthday..Somewhere in there I need to pay the bills:)

Jermaine D. - I live in Manhattan, KS so I will be busy tracking down Food Networks “The Great Food Truck Race” contestants around town and tasting all their unique food (and maybe trying to get on TV…)

Amy - Flag football, birtday parties , gymnastics , church, mission trip meeting , wedding , gotta go I’m too busy to type more… Already tired

karen - We will be at the garden center picking out new trees and shrubs for our front yard. Now that’s a good time for me.

Leslie R - I noticed that cute bag in a couple of previous it! And I like how you threw in a little homage to TPP’s “What I Wore Wednesdays” posts…I just started reading those! She (and you) sure have cute stuff! Let’s see…weekend plans: last night – went on date with hubby and wore new shoes, got to pull 6-yr-old’s dangling tooth (while wishing I could soak feet from wearing afore-mentioned new shoes); today – shop for birthday party present & supplies for tomorrow’s Sunday School craft, go to birthday party, veg out; tomorrow – Sunday school, church, lunch out…make sure we have enough clean clothes & food to get us off to a good start on Monday. 🙂

Sue - Just came home from helping cook at the new Young Life Camp for our son’s school trip -(awesome)-so I am re-connecting with the rest of the family. The rest of the weekend is full on Ballet Year End shows- for my two girls -complete with lots of family coming to watch. We are so blessed to have a ballet teacher who loves the Lord and wants to glorify Him, so her shows end up being worshipful and inspiring (bring kleenex kind of shows). It is going to be great. Time to get the little dancers up and ready. Have a great weekend dreaming about cute bags everybody.

Kari - We have a busy weekend. Our 14 yr. old daughter is attending a church tea party with her grandmother, our 12 yr. old son has two baseball games, and our 17 yr. old son has Prom tonight. We’re also hoping to get some flowers planted in pots for our front porch.
Adorable bag! Love her shop!

Beth Anne - My weekend plans are…hanging out at home playing with my 5year old boy and 2year old girlie! Especially after just reading your post from the other day about your little boy turning 13-I just ran over and gave my little guy a squeeze-because he is exactly like you described your boy-and it’s overwhelming at times! but worth it 🙂 okay-i’m crying now! love your blog-your the kinda momma i’m striving to be!

Shelly in Overland Park - I love would love to win this!! There are so many cute things, and I can’t seem to have enough bags 🙂 LOL!

Jessica Shibley - I am about to be in the Strawberry Festival Parade! In the rain!

Biz - My weekend plans include my BABY SHOWER!!!! Lots of friends are gathering around to help us celebrate our first Bitsy Hitzy!!!!

eliz. - relax on saturday and go to work on sunday (I am a nicu nurse)

Robin Riley - Very cute bag! Today — Taking cat to vet this morning, Cub Scouts rocket launch, oldest son’s bowling tournament, graduation party. Tomorrow — church and hopefully some relaxation!

Christine - No AAU basketball this weekend. So it is soccer, soccer, and more soccer.

Angie P - Bead Expo!!! Yay!

Dana - The bag is awesome! We are busy with sports this weekend. Lacrosse games and soccer games – all in the pouring rain. Yeah me!

tiffany m gardner - Well….I HAD great plans….and then it hit…THE STOMACH BUG. Ugh! I’m so bummed last weekend was so busy…2 soccer games for my oldest son…then a birthday party to go to that night for my daughter…then mothers day..traveled to be with my mom and the mom in law. (didn’t really have much time for my family) SOOOOO…this weekend…I had planned to take my family to the park. Let them ride bikes, picnic…let my 3 month old hang out on the blanket…take my daughter for some mommy/daughter time…and have some sweet time with my hubby on the porch after everyone goes to sleep….then I woke up throwing up yesterday. There went my plans. There has been a stomach bug going around the school and I had been praying for the Lord to keep it from us and if it had to come that I would get it. Well….I did. Today is better. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck..but it is better. Isn’t it funny how sometimes our plans don’t work out. Well…if no one else gets sick…it was worth it. And just being able to check in with you and see that cute bag made me smile. Thanks.

Karma - Cute bag! We have our dance recital this weekend, last night was rehearsal – tonight the performance. It is so much fun to watch all the girls dance, from 4 years old (they are just the cutest in their little tutus!)to 18. My girls are 10 and 12,been dancing for 5 years, did great last night! Tonight’s performance will be beautiful, the whole show – I just love it!

Naomi Williams - My mother from 1000 miles away just surprised me by showing up for the weekend for our church’s mother/daughter brunch! I’ll be spending some time with Mom/Grandma this weekend!

Danett - I am a busy soccer mom this weekend. T-ball practice, a wedding to shoot tonight, work at church tomorrow, then soccer games. Fun with work, church, and family… and I love all her stuff!

Sarah - Dinner with friends last night, watching an extra little today and then celebrating birthdays and mother’s day with family. (all a week late!) 🙂

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - LOVE the new bag!!!! We have no plans and it’s wonderful because for the last 2 months every weekend was filled with stuff we were doing so we are just going to chill……we did have kid free night last night so went out to see some friends 🙂

Stacy F - Big plans for the weekend – watching our youngest make her stage debut in “Cheaper by the Dozen”. Maybe squeeze in a little gardening too – LOVE THE BLOOM BAG!!!!!

Mary Wilbur - Planning to pick up trash with the conservation group in my neighborhood, coffee afterwards and then hit a few of my favorite stores (hubby out of town!)

Kerry - 643 comments???! Wowza! I’m working allll weekend – so that just made my comment really boring 🙂 Lurrrve your bag, going to hop over there now to see if I can get one for my camera too. Have a fab weekend 🙂

jess - pretty pretty!!! the weekend is all about the kids…soccer, tennis and gymnastics!!!

Donna - That bag is all about you. Super cute. Weekend plans: movig my daughter into her house up at college for the summer… the rain 🙁

Elizabeth - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bag! I’m completely bananas for yellow.
Let’s see what do my weekend plans entail tons of time with the family 🙂
Hope you have a fab weekend and I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
~ Elizabeth

Kelsey - Garage sales early this a.m., than a baptism class at church, then dinner with friends and our kids!

Renee - It’s freezing here in Melbourne, Australia at the moment so I’m sitting in front of the fire at my in-laws house, about to have yummy homemade soup and apple pie for dinner, wishing I had one of those ruffle scarves!

Rachel - I have totally been drooling over her Blooms for the longest time!
And this weekend? Is the BEST! Today was our miracle boy’s 5th birthday! And tomorrow is mine! Dana Suggs (yes, the AWESOME iHeartFaces photog) is coming to take pictures of my Mother-In-Love. She knew that we’d just received a terminial diagnosis and she is flying out to take the pictures at no cost…
And the best reason this weekend is going to rock? Because us birthday kids get to spend it with Mother-In-Love who is NOT SICK FROM CHEMO! She is feeling great and we are so blessed!
(Okay, so pictures like the ones you just posted just make me EXTRA cheerful! 🙂

Yolanda - outing with kids, church meeting, yard work, then church on sunday morning! love your entire outfit!

Marisol Avila - We have our last soccer game of the season and lots of cleaning out of closets to do! Fun, fun! 🙂

Allison - My husband and I are having a Cold War themed birthday party on Saturday night. I can’t wait! Thanks for the chance to win — Lindsey’s items are super cute!

Rachael B - this weekend I am helping my parents with a big moving sale all day saturday 🙂 they are getting ready to sell the house i grew up in and decluttering!

Alice Nakles - I am going to make chicken pot pie for my baby brother’s 16 birthday. I cannot believe he can drive now, it crazy. and on Sunday, I am trying out a new church, one that is closer not a crazy 50 min drive. Thanks for the give away.

Denise Crabtree - I love reading your blog. I’m starting to come out of blog lurking :). I love the neat things over at the pleated poppy! The color combos are amazing! This weekend I’ll be getting my classroom ready for open house and then head down to the happiest place on earth. I hope to do some online shopping for handmade goodies as well! Hope you have a good weekend!!

Lisa - LOVE this bag! I want one! I will be shopping for graduation gifts tomorrow and going to graduation parties Sunday evening.

Melissa S - cute, cute, cute!
I will be working :<

Lizz - Love her fabrics and designs, PLUS I need a new bag!!
This weekend I will be running around: setting up my students art show, firing clay projects, and visiting my grandma who is going to teach me how to knit! I am exhausted and super excited ALL ready!

Amy@LifeAsAMomma - Tonight I am pulling an all-nighter to bake goodies for hubbies Not-So-Surprise Birthday Party.
Taking my son out for donuts early tomorrow morning because I was not able to attend his “Muffins With Mom’s” at school this morning.
Spending time with family and friends all day tomorrow and Sunday I plan to DO NOTHING for once!!!!

dawn - The husband is out of town — so me and the girl are going for morning coffee/hot cocoa and then heading out to take the dogs for a nice long walk around the vineyards. We won’t even care if it rains! (When you’re five, it’s even better when it rains!)

mandy - my husband is a camp director and his camp is hosting a family fun day tomorrow. and then on sunday our staff arrive for a training week and i am teaching the life guard training.
love your blog, love you, love the bag!

Nichole Kopp - CUTE BAG! Selling PTO Raffle tickets at the local grocery store..attending a wedding at a gun club:)

Emily - Finally seeing the sun here in utah…lots of yard work this weekend.

Tonya - OMG! i love that bag………..
Saturday, my plans if it does not rain is to first take a bike ride all by myself then plant a bunch of flowers.
Sunday, i will be working on my queen size quilt… i need/want to get it finished as i have about 4 other quilts i need to work on also.

catie - love all of lindsay’s stuff! i just sit there and drool over it all! we have a super fun weekend ahead of fixing up our rental house on saturday and then turning around and working on out house on sunday. i might be able to sneak away to the farmer’s market at some point in time… 🙂

alisha w. - Nothing fun happening here, I have to work all weekend 🙁

melissa rice - love love love it! soccer tournies all day saturday. cold rain 45 degrees yuck. church sunday.


Suzanne - Love the pleated poppy! Weekend plans of work on Saturday then home with the kids the rest of the weekend as my husband is going out of town. Wishing the weather was warmer to hang out outside, guess we will do some crafts and baking!

Laura O - I am hanging out with my visiting aunt, SHOPPING(!!), and baking a cake! love the pleated poppy 🙂

Talysa - My weekend involves getting up at way too early am to peruse yard sales kid free. Heaven. 🙂

Robin@The Sweetest Pear - Adorable bag, and love her shop! Going to some garage sales…hope to find some good buys, then a Monster-themed birthday party.

Juliana - After a long, tiring week, I’ll be doing fun stuff! Going for a run, putting finishing touches on a bathroom redecorate, and posting for the first time on my new blog!

michele zakeri - What an awesome shop and I LOVE that bag! We are holding a yard sale to raise money for baby #2!!!

ronda beeman - Saturday, we’re taking our girls to Midway Airport and surprising them with a visit from their grandparents (who have a layover) and Sunday is church and the Lilac Parade!
I cannot wait until they see their grandma and grandpa!

Erica F - I’ve been drooling over one of her bags for a while now! I will be working all weekend, and hopefully cleaning my house.

Marla Rae - babysat my sweet grandson this evening, rummage sales tomorrow morning and then laundry tomorrow afternoon…cook something yummy for supper and then church and rest on Sunday…perfect weekend!! :o)

Sarah@this farm family's life - I have no plans. My husband is a farmer so he is planting corn.

Arlene - Wow her store is so amazing! This weekend I am taking my mom to the Islands of Adventure in Orlando to see the new Harry Potter World– can’t wait!!!

Kristin M - All our weekend plans of parades and outdoor fun got cancelled since it is only supposed to be in the 50s and raining! It has been in the 80s the past few days so it makes me so sad to see the nice weather go away! Such is life in Michigan! Maybe we will finally go to Chuckie Cheese to reward my middle child for being so brave in the hospital a few weeks ago – he got promised a bunch of tokens every time he got poked.

Denissa - Saturday is a huge outreach day for our church where we go out and serve our community to share the love of Jesus 🙂 a birthday party, church on Sunday. Would love to plant a garden too, thinking I may have a few too many things planned! 😉

Stacy - Cute bag! I will be planting flowers and working on my little mans first birthday party…one week away!

Courtney - SWOON! That bag is gorgeous <3
I am having a much needed sewing day on Saturday with my soon to be sister-in-law, and a lazy Sunday brunch with my honey! Hope you weekend is FANTASTIC!

Wendy - that bag is so cute! i’m headed over to check out her shop! 🙂 weekend plans… tomorrow is cleaning the house with my roommates and brunch with them, then i work 3-11. sunday is church, lunch with friends and gearing up for another week of work.

cindy haude - Soccer/Cleaning/Laundry/Church

Roberta - I’m in LOVE with your bag! How stinkin cute! Weekeend plans are BORING! Just doing a major spring cleaning and swapping out the winter clothes for the summer ones. Not fun but has to be done.

Alison - Love the bag!! I bought all my herbs during my lunch hour today so I’m planting!!! Can’t wait! Ummmmm…..basil.

Tonya - Cleaning the gardens still in between yet more rain.

Megan B - I am hopefully house-training our new puppy! 🙂

Jess Mead - I’ll be spending my weekend hunting for vintage treasures in this unfortunate chilly Missouri weather….brrrrrrrrr!

julie - i’ll be cleaning my house 🙁 why does the weather turn yucky every single weekend? my yard is a wreck! i just wanna bbq in a beautiful yard!
also, i have 14 days of school left. it’s almost open house though. it’s a crazy busy time right now.
btw, as a teacher, i’d love a bag like that! 🙂

christy - Love the bag! And wow you are a popular lady!!
Funny how many people comment on blogs when theres a AWESOME giveaway!! This weekend,going out for a much deserved girls night out!!

Amy R. - Love that bag! I have an early morning bible study on Sat. where breakfast is made for me! So nice! Then off to the pool with the kiddos for the first swim of the season. They are so excited. Birthday party to follow on Sunday…

Anna Marie - My weekend plans are to get things checked off our to-do list before our baby girl comes in 3 weeks.

Liz Prince - mooooving…. weee! always fun to move 🙂

Ellie Perez - Sewing and crafting and trying to stock up our Etsy store….oh the joy of sitting in front of my sewing machine for hours and hours on end! haha! Luckily I’ll get a break for the kids gymnastics and the dogs training class!

Jen - My hubby is taking our kiddos to his parents house for the weekend! I get to be in our house all weekend long…ALONE! How awesome is that?!

KatieD - Love your boom bag! Jealous! She’s always sold out when I go to look! Love the chance to win… - We have a coach-pitch baseball game to attend on Sunday…and the rest is some good R&R!!

megan - 1 HS lacrosse games friday night, 6 lacrosse game on saturday with PROM on saturday night….kind of a really fun weekend!
i could totally use the bloom bag!!!!

miracle balsitis - swim lessons, making mud pies, sand box (and of course some eating from our 13 month old), walks and church. Oh and a big run to Costco. Out of just about everything.

Alison - I have been following your website for at least a year over here in Michigan. I read it and smile and wait for the inspiration to overcome me. But, on to my comment…what am I doing this weekend? Running a 5K with my sister. We raised money for a local charity called Bethany Christian Services who find foster homes for children. We are running for “David”. I run to help him find a home.

andrea - how cute is that! I am running my first 5K!

Christy pair - Ummm, not so fun. Dryer broken, must go buy new.

Stephanie - We’re off to the City of Brotherly Love tomorrow! And hopefully a day of rest and recovery on Sunday. That bag is adorable!!

Terrie - Love the purse! I’ve been to her sight looking at the lovliness in the past week! Trying to decide what I want! I’m planting flowers and shopping for a new camera this week! Going to join the big girls and get one that needs different lenses! I’m gonna be in way over my head, but I can’t wait to learn some new things!!!

Shannon Reagan - I’m running a 5K at the zoo, date with the hubby and church with the fam.

Deborah - Love the bag–soooooo cute! Having my garage sale, friends over for dinner, church, and a niece’s birthday party (busy but fun).

Cheryl W - finishing up yard work and watching my 2nd born in the kids program at church. Lots of down time, hopefully.

robyn - local children’s festival with the kids, then off for a night away with my twin sis to do a running race 🙂

Robin - Every weekend in May is crazy busy for me!! My son got married last weekend….2 more weddings…3 graduation parties and a baby shower! I need something cute from the Pleated Poppy to accompany me!!!

Alicia - I love the Pleated Poppy! I read Lindsey’s blog every day.
My weekend plans? Helping out at a concert at the school where I teach Saturday afternoon/ night, then church on Sunday and a date babysitting my favourite 1 year old in the city while her parents take their older kids to see the Mary Poppins show at the theatre.

alise - my weekend will include a soccer game, food shopping, planting flowers, haircut and color, church, another soccer game and the norwegian day parade. FUN stuff!!!! thanks for the chance to win.

Kat - Love her blog, shop and her “what I wore Wednesday” posts!
Hm this weekend in Tasmania, Australia it is freezing cold (autumn) and has been wet.
I am still in my pj’s at 11am on a Sat morning and am enjoying being in go slow mode, while my 4 littlies do the same.
I am looking foward to a long, hot shower and then will do baking for my oldest’s 9th b’day on Mon.
Later I will head out to buy myself a warm winter jacket and browse the shops ALONE with a hot chocolate. 🙂

Agnieszka - Love your new bag!
We’re having cousins over for my daughter’s birthday tomorrow, and 6 year old neighbor’s birthday party on sunday. Also a soccer game each day. Too bad weather decided to turn bad after few beautiful days.

Misty - Used the new grill I got for Mothers’ Day to cook dinner tonight. TWO kid b-day parties this weekend, boo, and my birthday Sunday, yaay!

Tiffany - I hope to have a baby this weekend! I am 38.5 weeks prego and have been having contractions on and off for the past two days.
I love your blog and the pleated poppy and all its goodness!!!

Kristin Yeager - Love these bags!!! Our weekend is going to be filled with soccer games, communion party, and a 10k. Fun times with the family!

Jody - Goin’ rummaging!! My fav pastime.

Stacy - Helping with a yardsale and getting my plans ready for one more day of science review for my 5th graders before the end-of-grade test!

Katie @ explanationrequired - My little girl turns 3 on Saturday, so we’ll be having a small party (the big party is next weekend). Then we’ll head to my brother and sister-in-law’s on Sunday to help landscape their new place.

Myriah Mae - My hubby is away all weekend, camping in the woods with my dad and brother and a whole bunch of guys for my brother’s bachelor party weekend….so while the hubby’s are away the step mom and I are going to play (and eat great food, like steamed crabs!!) and go to the movies and be bums!!

Karen - I’m going scrapbooking tomorrow with a good friend and then lazy Sunday morning 🙂
Love the bag! SO cute!

Maggie Nunez - you, your blog are such an inspiration for me to use more color. You are awesome!Love the new bag!
This weekend I will be hosting prayer group, going to my son’s baseball game, watching “Thor” with my boys, planting flowers in the backyard, church, and hopefully getting acquainted with my new camera so i can learn to shoot awesome pictures, just like you! hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.

Donna - Soccer games and doing preparations for our Relay for Life event. So excited!!!

Jen H. - My daughter is going to a b-day party and we are planting some seeds in our garden. 🙂

Amanda - A date night with the hubby and then sleeping in!

Tessa - May Day, flag football game, local baseball game, and working in the garden!

Catherine Arnett - My 14 yr. old son is getting confirmed Sunday morning! Tomorrow, I alter pants and press his shirt, clean my studio, plant some flowers. Then Sunday it’s celebration all day with family and friends at other confirmands’ open houses (our party is a little later). A GREAT weekend!

Alisa Muir - Ohh got sidetracked by the colours..
I am going to a ceremony to watch a friends wee girl receive a new bike as she was seen in her school community as being kind, caring and helpful.
Housework, washing and some reading.
Nothing to major

Alisa Muir - OMG love the colours of that baq so much.

Louise - Hi! We are going to my little cousin’s first communion and then playing in my parents’ pool on Sunday! Birthday dinner for me on Sunday – ice cream cake! YUM!!I love your blog, Meg! It makes me so happy every day! 🙂

Ady - busy weekend, soccer practice, soccer game, groceries, laundry, cleaning, birthday party, homework ( our kids finish end of June here in Montreal) and rain, rain, rain! At least there’s lots of wine in the house!

Alise M - I’m spending my Saturday hopping from graduation party to graduation party. On Sunday I’m goign to catch up on the rest I missed Saturday and study for my finals!
I love the Pleated Poppy. Lindsey has some awesome stuff on her blog too!

KTG - This weekend, hair cut,plant some herbs,get things ready for next Saturday when we celebrate my 2 May babies 1 and 3 year old this year!

Cindy - I’ve been with my boyfriend for nine years. Yes, NINE! Well, technically he’s been my fiance for the past year. I get to be his wife in 28 days. This weekend I’ll be getting showered with gifts as we look forward to the big day! My 4 sisters are hosting a wedding shower for me in my hometown. I drive out of the city tomorrow for the small town with my bestie, my future mother in-law and my future step-daughter. It will be a FUN and BLESSED day. I just know it!

Sarah - That bag is fabulous! I’m a teacher, and today was field day, so the rest of my weekend will involve nursing my sunburn from today and planning/prepping for my last week of classes.

Jenna - I want that bag!! Going home to KS this weekend to spend a belated Mother’s Day with my mom and family.

Mallory - I LOVE the Pleated Poppy! I am a teacher and the $35 gift card would be such a nice reward for such a great year! I love your site Meg!

Sandy W - We plan to hang out at home this weekend. We are in need of some family time.

Cris Marsh - I am graduating from college this weekend! : )

Lorie - First of all, I have one of the Pleated Poppy’s notebook covers, and it’s adorable! Also, I’m going to finish off my garden planting and finish my flowerbeds this weekend if the rain holds off!
Thanks for the chance!

Melissa D - I’m biting the bullet and going back for my master’s in graphic design – but first I have to be reviewed by the University’s School of Art committee (oh joy) but going back at almost 42 with 3 kids is a much more peaceful experience – wish me luck 🙂

Bailey C - Super cute bag!!! Quilt group/baby shower in the morning tomorrow and then we need to get the rest of our stuff moved – we just bought our first home and trying to get the rental house empty and clean is a nightmare!! Enjoy your weekend!

Jenn - I love your bag! You are so right, the colors and patterns are perfect. We actually are not doing anything. And that’s kinda nice.

Maeva - Preschool lesson planning!

Tami - Oh how I love her shop! It’s so fun when two favorite blogs support each other and show up at the same time.
We’re working and gardening, with hopefully some much needed sun here in the pacific northwest!
Thanks! Have a happy weekend!

Gretchen - I’m a bag lady through and through. Shoes? Meh. Bags? Love.
Our weekend starts off with a night at home ALONE (squeal!)
followed by baseball practice, a picnic with friends and church. I have so much to look forward to … even on Monday if I win! 🙂

Melissa Hermon - Garage sale, baseball, small group bbq- busy but fun!

Julie Schmidt - My husband is camping with my middle son. I am home with my daughter, oldest son and my baby (who’s turning 6 next week 🙁
We are going to plant flowers and herbs, eat pizza, have ice cream and top it all off with mass in the morning. Notice I didn’t say we were going to ANY sporting events…yay!!!

Stacey - You always show us the best stuff, Meg!
Great BaG!
The little one has dance recital this weekend…”Hula Baby”
Adorable…can’t wait!

Astrid - Super gorgeous bag! Gotta love anything with flowers like that on it!
This weekend? Non-stop do this and do that. Friends over for dinner- YAY! Hubby leaving on business trip- boo. Planting, planting, planting followed by weeding, weeding, weeding. And then weeding some more. 🙂

Lisa - I am loving those fabrics. So so so cute. My weekend plans involve kids kids and more kids. Plus Hubby is working Sunday so we will be laying low after church. xxx

Ashley Sumners - Such a cute purse! Today is my birthday, so I’m visiting my family in Texas and hanging out with them all weekend!

Margo - For me – Saturday consists of working at the thrift store and then nothing but relaxation after that!

Michelle - MOPS end of year picnic, taking a vanload of 9 yo girls to the 1,000,000 meals event for Kids Against Hunger, church & maybe, just maybe, a wee bit of reading for me! I LOVE the PP shop!!!!!

Carrie H - Going to a birthday party Saturday, church and the aquarium on Sunday! and trying to relax a bit in between 🙂

Jennifer G. - I am hosting a sleepover for my daughter who’s 11th birthday is this Sunday. We are off to a local church’s spring fair tonight and swimming in the pool all day tomorrow…..

Jamie - I am a teacher to 25 4th graders. I will use this weekend to remember how much I love my job, even in the last few days of school when the kids are OFF THE WALL! I want to get my hands on a bloom bag because my last name-Blum, is pronunced Bloom and I think it is meant to be. Carrying a cute bloom bag with all my school stuff each day, would make me oober HAPPY!

adrienne - i love the pleated poppy and am a follower of hers. weekend plans, hmmmm…. hubs is painting the garage and i am cleaning out our walk-in pantry. both huuuuuuge jobs. boring to others maybe, but i will love the clean look of a freshly painted garage and organized pantry. hamburgers on the grill after… yum!

Jenny B. - Weekend plans… well, my husband is playing in a tennis tournament (even though he stayed home from work today with 102 fever). My 6yo has a baseball game Saturday morning, and I’m working the nursery on Sunday morning. That’s about it!

Sarah - Graduation party for my sister and a date with hubs. Cute stuff!

Danae Kaufman - Well…I’m a teacher and with only three school days left I’ve got LOTS of grading to do! 🙂

Libby Donovan - Baseball, baseball and an All-American cookout!

eliz. - yard work and prom for my senior son!!

Aimee - Love the bag! Love the colors! We are going to the farmer’s market this evening, out for breakfast at a restaurant where we have been wanting to try their breakfast tomorrow morning, and church Sunday morning. Other than that we will probably just hang out and do something outside if it doesn’t rain. I also have some new flowers to plant and grocery shopping to do. Just your typical weekend.

cassie o - i love the pleated poppy! i gave each of my sisters a gift from her shop for christmas and wish i had ordered something for myself too!
this weekend i plan to do a little garage saling, go to a local festival, and celebrate mother’s day with my mom and sisters by pigging out and watching movies … perfect weekend

Jessica - My weekend plans consist of doing the same thing I have done every weekend for the past 3 months! Work on the new house we bought so that hopefully we can move in next weekend!

Allison - Curling up with a blanket and a good book to ride out the cold wet weekend ahead!

Maureen Troop - This weekend my littlest boy will finally be home from DisneyWorld!!! He is there with his grandparents who take all of their grandkids sometime when they are five (sooooo awesome)! I was laughing out loud at your almost mistake of guN for guM, so my other two boys were wondering what I was laughing at….they loved the idea of a gun purse! Back to my weekend….undoing the spoiling that has taken place in DisneyWorld, soccer, working out, church and family time! Have a great weekend yourself!

Summer Crosbie - My plans for the weekend…. I get a Mother’s Day re-do! We spent the day on an airplane with two toddlers. No fun! 🙂

Ami Lynn - Working, stuff around the house, church, and a dinner with friends to plan for the mission trip coming this summer… I’m bringing a blackberry cream cheese pie… YUMMY!

Rachel Newswanger - Skipp’in out of town this weekend…spending some time with family we don’t see often, & hubby’s preaching engagement… Lots of talent over there at pleated poppy!

Krista - Love that bag! The colors and prints are awesome! This weekend—unfortunately I have lots of work to catch up on. And my kitchen floor should probably get cleaned (it’s been awhile- yikes) but I am also on planning something crafty for me to to do…gotta keep my sanity 🙂

Mariko - I love your bag! Our weekend plans consist of putting sod in at my parents house and working on the garden at our house.

Tami - Weekend plans…….i get to go shoot guns with my husband (work related), then to my daughters soccer game and a bike ride.. sunday is church and then i work the night shift!! Here’s to a great weekend!! :0)

Mary - I’m heading to Richmond to see Amos Lee on Saturday. On Sunday, I’ll work with a friend planning our youth mission trip to Macedonia! I can’t wait! Looooooooove your bag! SO SO SO happy!

ashley jensen - We are taking our daughter to what our town our little town calls “Trail Days” that is like a miniature fair with a parade and rides and food.

elizabeth of course - Oh my goodness, how PERFECT is that bag!? I mean, with a gun pocket and all…? LOL This weekend we are rocking out to my baby’s fifth (fifth!??) Birthday and my baby brother’s twenty-sixth! ( wait, how did he get so old, too?!) Hope your weekend is awesome. Your blog brings me JOY!

Widge - Watching my second born play rugby on Saturday morning and church Sunday morning. Hanging out with the fam for the rest of the time. LOVING that bag!

Lesley - So cute! Lindsey is so talented!
This weekend I’m getting my haircut for the first time in 6 months! (I’m long overdue!) We are also doing lawn work and planting flowers! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

Rebecca - We are laying rock down in our landscape and also planting flowers. Looking forward to the flower part, but not so much the rock part. I foresee a lot of Aleve in my future this weekend :). The bag is adorable. Will check out the shop.

Jessie - I am doing 3 paint parties today and tomorrow, then on Sunday we are painting at the fit Family 5k Run at the Waterfront! Yeah!!

Short, Sweet Season - Yay for bright accessories! My hubs and I are going on a double date to see Thor at the iconic Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Tx while our in-laws watch our baby. This mama needs a drink! 🙂

Kimmie Elks - Sweet bag! Lets see….dress shopping with my 11 yo for her 5th grade social tonight and tomorrow is lawn work (for my hubby), laundry (for me) and then Disney/Epcot for the evening (it’s already too HOT during the day). Should be fun!

Christi Hoffman - What a fun bag! What a clever idea to use it for your camera!
I am going to spend Saturday with my MOPS Mamas. We are going to the farmers market, shopping, and to eat lunch downtown Lawrence. Then soccer, church, and lastly making Teacher gifts.
My daughters are both out of school this Friday. My son has 7 days left. YAY! SUMMER is around the corner!!!!!

Jenifer Higgins - It’s my birthday weekend as we are going to do something fun, but I’m not sure what. Probably go to the beach, or check out some museums and gardens in L.A, or maybe all of those things!

JulieA - We have a soccer game and piano recital on tap for the weekend. And, here’s to hoping the kiddos might let us sleep in a bit on Saturday! 🙂

debbie - This weekend I am finally going to plant flowers! YAY!

melinda - my family is going to a baseball tournament out of town…i am going to be home alone (can’t remember the last time that happened!). i am working on some stuff to do…

Jen K. - Going to visit the extended family to celebrate May birthdays. The oldest of us is 32, the youngest is 2 weeks!

Emily - Soccer and shopping!

Kate - The cutest stuff, I LOVE her shop! I really want a belt, but they are always sold out!
My big weekend plans are to sit a a lot, rub my tummy, put my feet up… I am 38 weeks pregnant! Just waiting waiting waiting for her to make her appearance! 🙂

Wendy - It’s the weekend of my middle child … the one who was put on this earth to test me … the one who’s more colorful than a rainbow … the one who colors outside the lines … the one who can just look at something and it breaks before she even touches it. She’s receiving First Holy Communion on Sunday and is also turning 8 … I hope the church will survive her … & I pray she closes her mouth and doesn’t chomp on the holy wafer or use her finger to pry it off the roof of her mouth! I hope her curly red hair has grown enough to get it up in her veil since she decided to cut it a few months ago. She is unique and makes me laugh … sometimes. So … that’s my weekend … and it’s gonna rain 🙁
PS … that bag is great!

Meg B. - I get the awesome pleasure of watching my 11 year old daughter bowl in a state family tournament with her papa..two generations sharing the same past it.

Jen - CUTE bag! it’s a perfect bag for outtings!
our weekend is going to consist of tee ball (keep your fingers crossed the rain holds off), tee ball pictures, spring cleaning, & general just our nuclear-family togetherness (it’s long overdue!)
happy weekend to you!

Meggan D. - I LOVE the Pleated Poppy! I just discovered her shop not too long ago. This weekend is DATE night! Yippee! Not sure what the plans are, but it really doesn’t matter as long as we’re alone! 🙂

Carol S - Oh geez, 484 comments! Volleyball tournament and Sunday brunch, it’s a good life!

ajdked - Date night Friday, birthday party Saturday, church and baseball game Sunday. Sunday night collapse and watch the season finale of Survivor!

Mrs. Dunbar - baseball games, laundry, church, and time with my favorite guy ever… my husband.

Tabby A. - What a fun bag! I really want to get the nursery this weekend so I can get some flowers on my front porch! It is looking rather drab!!!
What a cute bag. Does it have a zipper?

Leslie - Oh I love her store!
We are going to our cabin in the country for the weekend!

Linda War Bonnet - We are going to take our toddler to a Pow Wow. He is going to be so excited!

Heidi - Planning on sleeping, eating yummy food, and finishing my lesson plans for the year! Woohoo!

Kelly - I’m in my first trimester and tired, tired, tired! So I plan to sleep, rest, and nap 🙂
Love that bag and her shop!

Ali Richardson - My little girl woke up with a 103 degree temp today so it looks like we’re layin’ low this weekend. Happy Friday!!

Caitlyn - I’ll be going to Six Flags with the Best Friend and letting her drag me on whatever rides she wants. Then making dog treats to sell to raise money for the animal shelter. Sunday I’ll be having a supply drive for the local animal shelter at Wal-mart!
Busy busy weekend! 🙂

Hannah S. - Love the bag! Hanging out with the hubby and kids before the hubby goes on a trip for a week! Boo on work trips!

Becky Hinkson - Soccer games and hopefully vehicle shopping!!!

Amy M - Love her stuff! I am actually going to prom Saturday night!! My husband is a high school teacher so we get to go to prom every year. Love it every year!

Amy - I’m going to run 8 miles….geez! that’s good enough for a cute bag!!
Love the colors!!

Eli - Going to the beach with my grandma!

Amy - I love The Pleated Poppy! The products are all so cute and I love her blog too. I will be doing baseball with my boys and heading out of town for some wedding festivities for a high school friend.

Laura Phelps - ok
i am so excited
i am sitting outside, on my new laptop for the first time
and i chose YOUR BLOG to be the first thing I look up
and that beautiful BAG JUST CAME UP
on my beautiful new macbook
and it is all making me so happy!
the colors of this post on my laptop are amazing that i screamed with delight!
can you tell how much i love my laptop
AND that bag????????
my weekend?
lots of sports
one cake order
a fancy party for just grown ups tomorrow night
nie nie on 20/20 tonight
and SURVIVOR FINALE (GO BOSTON ROB!) Sunday night!!!!!

Carla Grace, Middleburg, Florida - Your Jillian workouts are working…you are looking really skinny in those photos!! My weekend plans, cropping all day on Saturday and celebrating a 3rd birthday on Sunday. Fun!

Kristin - This post is awesome because I have that sweater in green and I have that bag. 🙂 I love the pleated poppy! 🙂

Karen - What a super fun bag. You’re right, Lindsey does do a great job putting fabrics together. My plans for the weekend: spend time with my husband since I’ve been out of town all week, work tomorrow at my job at a sewing store, church on Sunday, napping Sunday afternoon.

Dana S. - Love your new bag! Think I need one 🙂 Beaching it this weekend with the hubs. Florida sun, sand, and salt water. Let the fun begin.

RebeccaH - the bag is perfection! instant smile on my face! 🙂
this weekend my brother-in-law will be visiting our new home for the first time! very excited to see him! other than that, it’s just gonna be family time – doing something fun with the kids – maybe fishing? maybe bike riding? maybe both?
have a happy weekend!

Melissa - Love it! Thanks for the giveaway…hoping to have a slow down and relax kinda weekend.

Wendy - My son has his football party tomorrow, that’s really all we have planned!

Cameron Paneiko - i’ll be workin’ for a livin’! somebody’s gotta hold down the hospital-fort on the weekend…

Tanya H - You send us to the funnest shops and sites! (no, “funnest” is not a word)
Super cute bag!! I need something new so badly. everything gets lost in my purse right now. 😛
Weekend plans- work, work and a little more work. My job may kill me this week. First the work job then the fun job. And being mom in the middle of it all! Fortunatly Dad is home this weekend and that will make it all possible! 😀

lucy - relaxing!!!!

Emily Langston - Garage Sale to finish up… church and some family relaxing time! I just started following you from Under the Sycamore!

brenna - Tonight: dinner at a local restaurant then to our high school production of Babe, the sheep pig! My boys loved that movie!! Tomorrow: wood chips, wood chips, baseball, wood chips,wood chips. Sunday: Church and then to Lake Michigan! Fun.

Heidi - I am cleaning out the garage- fun times 😉

Chris - I have the same cardi in yellow- LOVE it! I am spending the weekend refinishing our dining table and chairs. Hoping the weather cooperates! Great giveaway!

Amber H. - I will be taking the kiddos to a tractor show where they get to climb all over the vehicles. Hopefully while I’m there I can shoot some pics for my photography class!

Amanda - I’ll be hanging out with my friends at my baby shower and praying baby girl stays another week. I can’t wait to meet her but I’m hoping to make it past 36 weeks!
Thanks for all the smiles meg!

Emily - Such a happy bag! My baby girl is turning 2 on Monday so we are celebrating this weekend with family. My parents are visiting from Illinois for about a week. My children have so much fun with their grandparents. They don’t get to see them very often. Happy Friday!!!

Jenae - I love that bag!! I have a fun weekend ahead – going to Chicago with my three sisters for a girl’s weekend! I can’t wait.

Kimberly - T-ball game, family outing to our local minor league team, church, and a MOPS cookout…whew!

Allie - That is a great bag. I have been hunting around for a camera bag and now I know where my search can end!
This weekend we are going to a Wild Game BBQ cookoff.

Sandy - Dinner with my man tonight and we’re going out to dinner at a wine vineyard/restaurant with friends on Saturday. Completely excited about all of it. 🙂

regina - friend of ours just found out they are having a baby and they r comin over for dinner:)

Jennifer R - We are having a community yard sale and it is my 4 year old’s first dance recital!! Oh and my 11 yr. anniversary today!

Alisha - baseball games, baby showers and bathing suits are on the agenda this weekend!! I love your blog and lindsey’s too…I am a loyal follower of both!!

rkokes - the hubby has reserves, and the boy is teething, so probably not much. I am hoping to take the kids to the play outside day event on base though-should be fun!

jen smith - lovin that bag! this weekend we have dinner with friends, lacrosse game, farmers market, church and a birthday dinner for the hubs.

Lori McDonough - Love the bag and the shop! Let’s see, my weekend plans…
soccer games for my boys and hopefully opening our pool! yay!
Thanks for the chance to win, Meg!

gina - Cute bag! I’m hunting down a vintage credenza this weekend for our guest room. Wish me luck!

Kasey - I’m potty training my son this weekend. Fun, fun!

shea - We’re hoping to have a lot of pool time this weekend if the weather cooperates. And we’ll be meeting up with some friends we haven’t seen in a couple of years. I’m excited!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Toni :O) - It’s my 18th wedding anniversary Sunday…we’re celebrating by going to Frankenmuth, Michigan…so excited!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Toni :O) - It’s my 18th wedding anniversary Sunday…we’re celebrating by going to Frankenmuth, Michigan…so excited!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Holly - Not a lot of plans this weekend, except for my younger daughter’s dance recital. Woohoo!

Kelley - going home to St. Louis for a cousin’s wedding and seeing family!! PERFECT weekend! can’t wait!

Laura - A little shopping and a lot of resting!

Amy J. - A soccer game, house cleaning, bill paying, church going and a lot of family time with my husband and two precious daughters is on my calendar for this weekend.

Marisa - I am having a garage sale so that I can sell all of my old bags and make room for one EXACTLY like yours. 😉

Catrina - We have a very busy schedule, fishing, gardening, drive-in, grocery shopping. I cant wait for it to start!

Amber - No plans as of right now, but garage sales sound fun!!!

Sarah - What beautiful bright & sunny things! My plans include our local country market with my husband and sweet toddler tomorrow and throwin down some mulch after that!

ginny - Bunco with the girls tonight!!! Saturday one kid has church event and the other has friend pool party. Then Saturday a friend bowling party! Fun weekend!! Thanks so much and I always go to Pleated Poppys Blog but hve bought anything yet. I love it all!

tammy - love her stuff!!! i am scrapbooking this weekend. My son graduates from high school in two weeks!!!

kayem - painting my bedroom!love your new camera bag!

Courtney - Just moved into a new house…we’ll be unpacking and painting! Your bag is BEAST. :0) have a good weekend!

taralee - so cute!
i think we’re hanging out at home tonight – it’s been super rainy here and that helps me to chill and relax well.
tomorrow i’ll sleep in as late as i can, then probably start organizing my craft nook. =]
what about you?

Molly - cook out with friends, a long run Saturday morning (training for a 20k), heading to my parents farm, graduation party, and relax? 🙂

Sarah - Going out with girl friends, hanging out with my family… Love that bag!

Erin Whitney - This weekend, we are announcing that our son, Owen, will become a big brother in January! 🙂

Lee Ann Willis - LOVE the bag Meg, makes me happy too.
Braves game, piano recital, church and after church a picnic!

Tonya - That’s such an awesome bag!!! I’m taking my girl to KC for a little girls weekend…I’m so excited! I’m planning to do a little purity talk and then we’ll hit the American Girl store at Oak Park.

Annika - PRETTY! Thanks for the giveaway. On the weekend, I will organize my latest holiday shots, bake rhubarb cake, do some cross stitching and the laundry!

Lisa - I’m headed to a womens retreat this weekend with our church. Very excited about that! 🙂

Katie Sellers - Husband is home early today 🙂 We are doing pizza on the grill tonight and probably some house work tomorrow and a friends birthday party on Sunday! Love a weekend! Thanks for the give-away!

Holly - So cute! We are doing some DIY stuff around the house and then having a little party for father in laws birthday on Sunday!

Megan H. - I’m going to a scrapbook event on Saturday! 6 straight hours! Boy do I need it!! 😉

Christy - Cute Bag! Baby shower and my daughters first ever church musical:)

Tammy Johnson - Love your new bag! My daughter loves it too, yellow is her favorite color!
Sat.-planting sunflower seeds & weeding other flower beds!
Sun.-to my parents for my birthday celebration lunch (it was the 12th)

Kelly Miller - Oh my golly! That bag is a must have. I’m thinking it would make a trendy diaper bag for my new twin girls! This weekend we are having friends over to meet our girls for the first time. Can’t wait.

Gretchen - Adorable! Love the color combos. I’m looking forward to planting more flowers and a cousins Graduation party. And, spending time with the kids.

Valerie - I love her stuff! I agree, her fabric combinations are amazing! I’m a quilter, so am always interested in what people put together and how. Anyway! Our weekend is full of soccer and playdates and church and hopefully, some alone time for mom!

Kristin Sollars - LOVE the pleated poppy, I have bought gifts for others from her site, I would totally spend this $35 on me! This weekend I am going to a super interesting wedding, first ceremony is the christian ceremony followed by the hindu ceremony, can’t wait!

amosclutchpedal - Dogwood Festival in our town and lots of garage sales!

Danielle Thompson - that bag is CUTE! We tend to fly by the seat of our pants so we have no plans in place other than to maybe grill and try out my new silhouette that should be arriving any minute.

Terri Upton - Your bag is so cute! We finally have a slow weekend. We are going to relax and stay at home.

Karen F. - Love that bag!
We’ll be spending our weekend celebrating some graduations . . . it seems Graduation Season has begun early in California!

Tami - Going to Movie in the Park tonight and Saturday is a full day of scrapbooking followed by a golf tournament on Sunday.

Jenny Logan - Such a cute bag!! We don’t have much planned for this weekend, which is nice, so probably just hanging out as a family. :0)

holly - Wow! That is a great bag and a wonderful giveaway. Our plans include dinner with some friends tonight and a dinner date tomorrow night. Such fun.

mel - baseball game tonight for my oldest–for the championship! exciting stuff! hangin’ out tomorrow, then church as a family on sunday.

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - LOVE your bag and just about everything else in her store!!
my weekend is jam packed! yardsale/fundraiser in the a.m., show choir spring show in the p.m., church sunday morning, bridal shower, choir party, and church in the p.m. sheesh… I need to start resting up for my weekend!! :o)

merran tatum - dinner with friends tonight…work tomorrow night…church sunday…nothing too exciting.
and yes, i LOVE the pleated poppy too!!

Carrie - Fun weekend here! Saturday starts with our 9 year old daughter running a 5K for Girls On The Run, then our 8 year old son’s baseball game, then LifeGroup for church..yeah!!

Jenn - I’m hoping for a quiet weekend with my husband. No major plans.

Ann Griffin - My husband has to travel for his job and is on call and he finally has a weekend off! We are just going to enjoy each others company, go to an MLB game and play with our daughter

jenni - No plans so far…just family time, farmer’s market??I love the bag for sure. But wanted to tell you that you are looking SO skinny in these pictures. Be encouraged!

Sheryl - Unfortunately my weekend will consist of major punishment for my 6th grader. She is making me crazy! She got caught skipping class today….. 6TH GRADE! I could really use some Bloom in my day!

Stacey B - This weekend is much like the other weekends in May. Soccer on Saturday, church on Sunday & then the grocery store. Weather permitting, some play time in the yard & maybe even getting to buy some flowers?!?!

sarah - love the bag!!! I have a bunch of projects to get completed so I will be painting and sanding a lot this weekend. Fun fun!!!

Nicole Q. - Dinner with my guy tonight and maybe plant flowers tomorrow!! I’m in love with your bag!!

MaryAZ - what a great bag!
Farmer’s market Saturday morning!
Then…who knows!

Cindy - Such wonderful happy stuff! Love the bag!Can’t wait to see it at my photo session this summer! We followed along with Dani’s Pineapple Paintbrush art class this spring…so we are inviting friends over for our art exhibition this weekend. We hid all our artwork so it’s going to be a surprise for daddy too! Can’t wait!! Thought of you today as we began preparing our rainbow party food 😉

Lindsay - I am going to sit around and do absolutely nothing! Well, that’s the plan, not sure it will happen…
I had a crazy last couple weeks making a fancy wedding cake. So I need some time to chill.

Dena - Try to get something done while the kids pull me in all directions???

Sandra K - Walking in Race for the Cure, date night with hubby, church. 🙂 Good stuff!

Bincy - I’ll be saving lives at work 🙂

becky - looove pleated poppy! we’re going to a graduation party & attempting to have a make-shift date night after the littles go to bed saturday. fondue & all! thanks, meg!

Beth - Her stuff is so very cute, love your bag!
our weekend plans include soccer and nothing–yea for nothing!

Staci - My hubby’s been gone since last Friday….traispsing all over Scotland without me….I reeeally deserve this bag, rigggght???? heeeheee 🙂 So, this weekend…I’ll be running around crazy trying to wear these kiddoes out until our Daddy returns 😉 Counting the hours!!!!!! Thanks Megan!

Mindy Harris - i’m in love with all things pleated poppy. this weekend we’ll be in ks city attending a b-day party and wedding.
kids in tow.

Carly Winborne - it’s a birthday party weekend at my house! i’m in the middle of the final details for an over the top birthday party for my 6 year old…it’s a “My Favorite Things” party with dress up, a tea party, pearl bracelet craft and “My Favorite Things” bingo. party tomorrow, recoup on Sunday with a nap, hopefully.

Janie Fox - I love the bag. I am working in the yard, going to a dinner where my Mom is being surprised with an award for all her years in ministry and then plenty of hugging on grandbaby time too!

Bethany - Assuming the biggest boy is well… we plan on taking he and his sister to swim. (He’s been begging for weeks!) If not, we’ll be hanging round home for day 2 and 3? of movie marathon. Yuck!
Either way, baby boy and I are going out tomorrow evening with a girl friend from college!
Super-cute bag for your gum or gun… whatever you like to carry!

erica - oh her stuff is beautiful!
we are going to “the wedding of the year”… you know those people… prince charming marrying a princess, the nicest people who deserve all the happiness in the world, two young & beautiful people who have been together since they were 12! almost as excited for them as i was for my own wedding 🙂

Deb - Our youngest daughter wil be shaking her bootie all weekend, with year end dance recitals, and our other daughter is running the clothing booth at church for our city’s Life Clinic to help the underpriveledged and homeless. There are all kinds of amenities for them from clothes, to food, to salon services, dentists and Dr’s. It’s a beautiful thing when you can see your children step up to the plate to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus. So, I will once again be shuttling kids to and fro, and thanking God for all of the many blessings He gives me daily.

Amy Brown - T ball game tonight and then taking my son to a Texas Rangers game on Sunday! He can’t wait!

becky@oursweetpeas - This wknd’s all about the fam. I have my nieces and nephews play tonight and then a nephew’s birthday on Sun. That means lots of time with my sistas which is always an AWESOME time.
Saturday is up for grabs so I am hoping to get some rest but with twin 4 yr olds and a 10 month old the odds on that are a bit slim. Ah well.
Have a great wknd.

Kerry - Saturday is community planting day, then off to take my daughter to tap. A cookout is the evening with good friends….can’t wait!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - I would love to say I have a nice quiet weekend ahead, but unfortunately, that is so not the case…. birthday parties, classes, meetings, you name it!

Jessica - Picking up my dogs from my parents, who were watching them while we were out of town, and going to a work event. Pretty low-key!

Lora - Love, love, LOVE your new bag!
Weekend plans include going to a rodeo, planting herbs and sewing myself a tote bag- I’ve never done this before but really wanted to try something new. I’m about 1/4 of the way through and so far so good. It’s the liner that scares me…..
Thanks for the chance to win. I love just about anything from The Pleated Poppy 🙂

Nicole F. - Working on our baby’s room! Got room painted a happy green and the crib put together yesterday!

Melissa - I have big plans to nurse my severely sore throat!

Jamie - Tonight: movie at school sponsored by PTA…if my boy doesn’t get any blue (bad) marks today. Tomorrow the fam will go to a birthday party while I work the rest of the weekend away. 3p-3a in the ED, Sat, Sun, Monday.

keely - on my agenda this weekend: make waffles, go to a dollar movie with my family, church on sunday and lots of resting. 🙂

Mindi - I will be mulching like a maniac…in between running around like a headless chicken to different events…all the while dreaming of sleeping in, doing the crossword, and having a tray of coffee and croissants appear.

Autumn - camping!

Bri - My husband unexpectedly took today off work so we took the kids to the zoo and out to lunch! L.O.V.E. the Pleated Poppy!!!

Rachel - My little man graduates from preschool this weekend 🙂 He’s my last preschooler, I can’t believe how fast time flies! Hope you have an awesome weekend Meg!

Carmela - Ohhhh I love the Pleated Poppy!!! We are deep into baseball season here…living at the ballpark!!

Nicole - Love the purse! We are planning to try a new mediterranean restaurant with friends. Then it’s off to several b-day parties and a cheer picnic. I’m exhausted already!

Cory - I love your bag & I LOVE the pleated poppy so so much! I actually have NO PLANS for this weekend & I could not be happier about that 🙂

Jessica - Love the bag.
My husband is working this weekend (photographing the grad ceremonies at the college he works at), then we are heading to his parents place to work on stuff for his sister’s wedding (me) and his parents landscaping (him).

Su@The Intentional Home - I just bought a pack of 3 flowers. . .black, white, pinks, and turquoises. . .but I would love to pick up a few things.
My plans for the weekend. . are take a bunch of 8th grade girls to see Scotty from American Idol. . his hometown in 30 minutes from us. And then I do want to take a road trip (about an hour away) with some of my girlfriends to Hobby Lobby. . never been.

Marcie - Love the new bag!! We’re supposed to have an engagement session this weekend but it looks like all the rain and wind headed to Chicago may damper those plans… in that case, we’ll be spring cleaning our entire house!!

Jennifer - Ahhh!! I love it! I’m going to have a relaxing weekend by the pool, and grill out with my friends for dinner. I’m loving summer break!

Kelly O. - that bag is A.Mazing!!
my weekend plans will be wet as we’re supposed to get a lot of rain so I’m hoping to sew….oh, and do some shopping at the pleated poppy!

Ryanne - Working. But I don’t mind.

Vanessa - I can’t wait for the weekend! We get to enjoy our son’s last flag football game, take my daughter and her bestie to see another bestie perform in “Annie”, go to the graduation of my mentee from church and graduation parties to celebrate such an awesome accomplishment! I’m most excited to give the scrapbook I made to my mentee as her grad gift – it’s just a fun book of high school tidbits she can share with all her new friends next year in college. A wonderful weekend of celebration ahead!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Beautiful bag. I’m going to work this weekend.

Katy Pflaum - This weekend we have Dad’s Day at my Christian girls sorority and all the dads will be here for a BBQ and college baseball game. I am hoping to get some shopping in with pops here amongst all the festivities.

Carrie - We are hosting the class gerbil all weekend…big fun!!

Kirsten J - No way!!! I love the Pleated Poppy. And you should do WIWW, you know – cute outfit 🙂

michele fry - Haning out with the family, hopefully making some family signs and some pillows for my sofa and bed!! Love the pleated poppy!!!

Val - Wow! Love this! Neighbor get together on friday night, t ball on saturday, wonders & worries volunteering on sunday 🙂 hope I win!

Tracy Fisher - I love the Pleated Poppy. Her color choices always make me happy. Your camera (gun) bag is so awesome.
My plans for the weekend….. Celebrate Brooke’s 14th birthday with a few of her friends… 2 Baseball practices… Paint 30 “GOD GIVE ME GUTS” pieces of art for ONE client… fold 15 loads of laundry that happen to be in my bedroom… sketch some samples for art for a restaurant I am working with… And have myself a little glass of wine when the kids are asleep (as Greg is out of town)… Is that enough????? haha.
Tracy Fisher

Tracie - We were planning to go to a bid kid’s festival, but it’s supposed to rain and storm all weekend. Maybe we’ll just hang out and watch movies all weekend….

Deb Bounds - We are getting haircuts, mowing multiple lawns, grooming the dog, cleaning the bedrooms, eating some pineapple and hopefully laughing a lot!

Kori - cleaning, painting furniture, planning and just plain getting excited for my bestie to stay the weekend with me in a couple weeks to go to the farm chicks show.
*gum is extremely important to me too…as i wish it was for lots of people. :/

julia - This afternoon: pool
Saturday: beach, go see a play at school, return something to the mall
Sunday: Church, Walmart
9 Days??? How are you going to manage to get down here and go to the beach before then?

ilana - This shop (and your blog) are new to me – and both are so much fun! Our weekend consists of laying new soil over the back lawn to prepare for new sod, taking my eldest to a birthday party, and holding a garage sale which will likely be rained out….

amy Mumaw - Spending time with my two babies!

amy Mumaw - Spending time with my two babies!

Katie P - Both of my daughters have a dance recital Saturday! In laws visiting, swimming, grilling out and just enjoying family time. Love your bag!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - My youngest daughter is having a sleepover tonight, which means I won’t get any sleep. Tomorrow is probably a boring cleaning day, maybe a BBQ at night. Sunday church and maybe talk hubby into going out to lunch. Hope I win 😉

Kathi - Tonight I am going with a friend to see Trans Siberian Orchestra! Saturday my husband and I are going to ShoGun restaurant to celebrate my nieces birthday, looking forward to both. Maybe fit some yard work and laundry in too 🙂

Allison - for once we don’t have any plans for the weekend. and i’m pretty excited about that!

Kara Janzen - I’m enjoying a weekend at home hanging out with all three of my wonderful boys and am really looking forward to the down time.

otilia - This weekend I plan to get some work done. Attempt to paint a chalkboard with me daughters help. And hopefully spend some quality time with my girls (maybe take some pictures).

julie - a bunch of us moms are going to have a slumber party and bring our girls…going to be very fun, and then spending the rest of the weekend preparing for baby number 2 (due in 5 wks)!!!

Amy - I asked for my b-day & Mom’s Day for an entire day of shopping. Sans kiddos. So tomorrow I’m hitting all our glorious antique stores (aka not kid-friendly stores) to SHOP! I never do this!! An entire day of only MY seat belt to put on! No car seat buckles!!! No bluegrass music for my 6 y/o!
Is it wrong to be this excited?!?!

Heather S - I don’t have anything planned, but I hope to get some much needed rest in! I am a teacher with 9 days left and the end of the year is brutal!

Barbara Nelson - Great purse or camera bag. I will be going to see Bridesmaids it’s going to rain in NorCal

Crystal Swoverland - Very cute stuff!
My plans are not so fabulous…funeral and working!

Vonda - Cute, cute bag!:) I would love one of those! Must get the lawn mowed tonite. Our 12 year old has a baseball game in the morning. He loves baseball! Then dance pictures for my daughter. She gets to try on her recital costumes, and she is so excited! I would love to get some flowers planted too. It’s just been so cold and rainy. Must have some sunshine!

Joy - I have a date with a little shut-in from our church. I am so excited about it! She wants hot dogs! Can you believe that? I love little old ladies!

Kara - The bag is adorable and you look so slim and trim. 🙂
I am hosting a b-day party for my best friend’s little boy. It was supposed to be at a park but there’s a lot of rain in the forecast. Lots of last minute cleaning….throwing stuff in closets. hehe

Molly Pearce - This weekend I will be cleaning chicken coops with my hubby and our church revival starts Sunday night and lasts until Wednesday. I am super excited about it, I hope many lives get saved! Happy Friday Meg!
~Molly P

Sara M. - We will spend time with my dad who doesn’t have many days left…

alaina - I just finished my last final and I have to, ummm I mean get to, work a 10-shour shift Sat. 🙁 but i will get to watch my husband and son play softball tonight on their church league and worship as a family on Sun. LOVE when my college boys are home during the SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!! (One college son doesn’t get to come home this summer as he is off to New Zealand with a college a capella group and then has made it into a medical research program – it will be so sad not having him home, but oh so proud of him).
Have a beautiful weekend Meg!!!

BriBedell - Staying dry in the rain that is coming while I attend my niece Lily’s 5th birthday party!!!

Jen - i have a friend coming in from out of town {can’t friggin’ wait} and a wedding to celebrate. hoping not to get rained on…its outdoors!
happy friday & thanks for the giveaway…PICK me!

Heather R. - Love the bag and your cardi! Going to Worlds of Fun on Sunday. Our littlest daughter is determined to ride the Patriot and is tall enough! Yay!!!

amy - LOVE the cute.. Our weekend plans….we will be at the soccer fields, redoing our bathroom, having company, attending a party, and my oldest has his senior prom.. Life with 6 kids is hectic. 🙂

Maria - This weekend my daughter comes home from college so I plan on getting in a bunch of hugs and hope to get some work done in the garden…i love the Pleated Poppy – I got her iPad case for Mothers day!

sullyj - I love her bags! I have been trying to figure out how to convince my hubby that I MUST have one!
This weekend hubby will be working, so kids and I will be staying home and cleaning the house! I’m actually looking forward to it, believe it or not!

Tiffany Kraght - my husband is a high school teacher, so we’re going to chaperon prom!!!

Christy - I love the pleated poppy! So many cute things!!
I am celebrating my dad’s birthday, by taking him to lunch at his favorite restaurant and hanging out with family. The best kind of weekend.

Karen - If the weather is rainy, like they are calling for, I plan to catch up on some sleep.

Carrie Haywood - that bag is so cute!! no plans for this weekend.. just gonna cuddle with my sick little man.. he’s been needing his mama alot the past few days.. 🙁

tristan - defeat ALS walk, 1st bday party, 3rd bday party, church!

Laura R in MS - Soccer, soccer, soccer, and more soccer 🙂 Dying to get a few of her things!!!

Diana - My weekend will be a little bit ‘o everything… making jewelry, gardening, reading, watching the birds in our backyard… just enjoying and doing whatever.

Katie - My weekend includes a Women’s Retreat at a mountain lodge with about 20 other women from my church. I’m about to have my first baby and would love one of those cute bags as a diaper bag!

Jill G - Weekend plans: running a 10K!

Charlotte - i love you bag…super cute for sure!
this weekend me & mine are going to cookout, relax, watch movies, play board games and go to church. i love weekends! hope you have a great one too! xo

Jana Nelson - Taking the kids to the “Sid the Science Kid” exhibit at the Science Place. Love Lindsey and all her blooms.

Stephanie - I will be going to a graduation ceremony, and getting ready for my wedding coming up in two weeks! 🙂

Julie - Enjoy the cooler weather, get some plants in the garden and I am sure I will cart my son to and from 700 activities.

Anne-Marie Petersen - Nephew’s first communion and my son’s second birthday party!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - My mind latched on to that bag from the first time you showed it (last week?) and it hasn’t let go.
I’d love to win me some PP swag!!
ps – I have a burning nugget of truth to share with you. Do you know who Chelsea Handler is? Me neither. But if I DID know who she was, I would tell you that you sort of remind me of her! She’s very pretty (duh) and something about her just looks like you. She’s dang funny, too. And inappropriate. Not that I would know…

JulianneB - Friends from out of town stopping in tonight. Early childhood ministry candidate and wife coming in for the weekend and the regular weekend ministry stuff that comes with being married to a minister….and enjoying cooler temperatures!!

Karen Willis - Go to the AWANA derby car races Saturday at church, finish laying a tile floor, install a new washing machine and then church on Sunday!

tracy dickinson - hanging with my dad, church and dinner with family!

Gretchen - Our weekend plans include lots of Tball! 🙂 So entertaining at this age to watch.

Lindsey - Chicago Cubs game and family time! I loooove the bag! I want to make it myself 🙂

Danielle - We are kicking off wedding month! We have three weddings to attend in the next three weeks!

Christie - I love this bag! I’ve been waiting for her to list another yellow one…maybe with a little turquoise?! HA! This weekend, we have absolutely NO plans! It’s sort of a treat!! So, we’ll probably do pancake Saturday, go to the park, play Legos…you know, the important stuff!!!

Tracy S. - Love her stuff! I am grading papers all weekend.

Kelly - Love your new purse – so cheery!! My weekend is full: dinner with girlfriends tonight and tomorrow (wow, TWO nights out at once, I’m SO excited!), and my 3 year old’s preschool end-of-year program on Sunday afternoon.

Diana G - I have 13 soccer games, two lacrosse games, one volleyball game, one track meet, a heaping load of laundry, an empty fridge and a partridge in a pear tree! And I love every minute of it!

Julia - Two birthday parties sat and cleaning my poor neglected home on Sunday 🙂 I love the bag!

Barbie - LOVE your bag! I love all of Lindsey’s items. 🙂
Our youngest two are running in their school districts FUN RUN! They are soooooo excited to run that mile. The rest of the weekend will be spent outdoors doing something because the weather will be beautiful!

Tina - The bloom bag is simply gorgeous! Weekend plans include a day trip to Santa Barbara 🙂

Nicole B. - Love these!! I will be drawing. Drawing, drawing, drawing. I have a portrait due to a client before I leave for a Mommy vaca on the 27th… and I haven’t even started it yet. YIKES!

Danielle - I love your bag! Let’s see for this weekend I will be watching my friend’s son for a few hours. Having my downstairs office ceiling ripped out because of water damage from the upstairs bathroom, my husband is working all day Saturday because they are short on staff. Then church on Sunday:) Wow, my weekend sounds like a blast, lol! But I’m smiling because God is still good!

Mindy W - Do I have to list it all? Here’s my favorite thing I’m looking forward to: daughter’s 7th grade musical TONIGHT!

shelly - That bag is adorable—it’d make any guN look cute!
I’m heading to our local huge flea market…should be a fun day spent with my little seeester 🙂

Alisha Gibb - I’m such a bag addict! I love the flower bag!
I will be spending some much needed down time with my kiddos!

shannan - currently cleaning out my craft room!!!! going to be doing it all weekend at this pace!!!!

Jodie Reimink - We’ll be going to the Tulip Parade in Holland, MI on Saturday and going to a track meet. Then on Sunday–a picnic in the park with all of the small groups from our church. Busy, but FUN. Thanks for the giveaway–

julie f. - i know a few people who keep a gun in their purse- or bag– so it’s not out of the question… although, i’d guess lindsey didn’t intend for it to be a gun purse.
this weekend i am going SHOPPING to spend my birthday money. yay!

Valerie Alexander - Hoping to do a bit of shopping and maybe catch a few rays. I really need to get working on my tan!! 🙂

Michelle - A trip to Lowes, planting flowers, taking the kids bike riding are all the plans for the weekend! Yea! for summer fun.

wendy - I love Lindsey’s blog and shop. So far I’ve just window shopped, though. This weekend hopefully brings sunshine and family time! ♥

Wendy C - Such an adorable bag! I want one for my own! Plans for the weekend right now include shopping, practices/games, a renaissance festival and a dinner auction for our school (date night for me and hubby) Whew! I’m already tired!

Jeremie Shaffer - Love the bag!!
I will be working on Graduation Slideshows for our Graduation Sunday at church!
Have a great weekend!

Erin - This weekend I will be starting up Wedding Season! I’m also hoping to find some time to do a few craft projects.

Julie - Love that yellow, it’s so happy. I could use a bag like that this weekend while at the soccer field and the pool and church and everywhere!

52scrap - So cute! We are having a garage sale this weekend! Hope it don’t rain!!! 🙂

Julie - baby girl’s third birthday complete with tinkerbell dirt cake, planting garden, organizing summer/winter clothes, enjoying spring.

Shanna - My baby shower is this weekend!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

Amy Jo - Adorable Bag! I love her stuff! All we are planning to do aroung my neck of the woods is administer pink eye drops and bleach things! Fun times!

Sarah - Spending time with my 3 favorite guys (sons and hubby!) and doing the obligatory laundry. Can’t wait til next weekend though–date night! 🙂

Kodi - I love the Pleated Poppy! I plan to do some cleaning and hit a 5-year-old’s b-day party.

Elizabeth - We will be picking out granite for our newly rennovated (our ourselves) kitchen. YAY!!!

Heidi - I am REJOICING because we have a sports-free weekend! Well, sport GAME free weekend, since there’s still practice. 🙂 But, I will be working (I’m a bit behind) so no fun times planned. 🙂
Love that bag!

Amanda - Plans? 3 soccer games tomorrow followed by a birthday party for my youngest to attend, church and a visit to my classroom to prepare for next week’s lessons. Phew!
Peoria, AZ

Jess - Love the bag…I might need one too. We don’t have any plans this weekend which is unusual and wonderful! Hopefully that means lots of hanging out together. 🙂

April - I love the bag. This weekend is my husbands birthday. We aren’t doing anything big. Just staying home and making a cake and his favorite dinner. 🙂

sherry - I’m a sucker for the petal pushers, but all of her stuff is super cute!! We are headed to Seattle (we live just outside of it) and running a race :), should be fun!!

Micah - Tonight I’ll be spending time with the fam. Tomorrow morning I’ll be shopping at the preteen fundraiser garage sale at our church then heading to a friend’s church to help make 1500 burritos for their youth camp fundraiser. Then tomorrow afternoon we’ll be heading to The First Tee’s First Saturday so our sweet daughter can practice her golfing skills with plenty of tips from some local golf professionals. We are LOVING The First Tee. Then Sunday… we’ll be spending most of the day at church worshipping the Lord and fellowshipping and serving Him through our AWANA program.
I might be in a puddle by Monday lol but I’ll have plenty of strength left to let out a big WOOT! if I win The Pleated Poppy gift certificate.

Kate - this weekend consists of studying, studying, and more studying for final exams. yay.
glad i took a study break to check the blog – shopping at the pleated poppy would make for another great little break. 🙂

yolanda - Weekend plans = hanging with family, baseball, park and beach. Yay!

Shivaun - The seasonal kids’ clothes “change-out” and a Saturday grill-out with friends! Peace out 😉

Nichole - Wow, I LOVE your bag! This weekend holds good weather which means spending lots of time outside!

Gina - Love that bag! This weekend is about the garden and one long run! Hope your weekend is awesome!

because love is a lifestyle - I love love love the bag! Lets see this weekend… maybe the beach, spending time with some visiting friends, and hopefully relaxing a little.

Lindsey - Love the bag! Spring cleaning for the weekend..

Jacqui - forgot to say …. LOVE the new header …. very cool!

michaela - Love Lindsey at the Pleated Poppy (and Meg at Whatever….duh!). This weekend the husby is going to be gone. That means I get to do, or not do, whatever the heck I want and clean like a mad woman on Sunday afternoon to make it seem like I slaved away all weekend. Just tricks of the trade…

Jacqui - I love the cardie!! where is franciscas? we will be hanging out at the dirt park, its a park where teenage boys built dirt jumps for their mountain biking jumps etc and they smaller ones for the little boys who aspire to be big boys like them! very cool and my 5 year old would live there if he could!!

monica - fabulous bag ! i am hoping for a peaceeful weekend, but yeah NOT going to happen ! our oldest is having a sleepover with her bestest friend in the whole wide world ( her exact words to desscribe her friend – to be 9 againg !!) and with her away we are going to try to get our 4 month old to sleep in her crib. she’s been sleeping in her bassinet and she has out grown it, so
hopefully we can get her to sleep in her crib. this is no small task, we have a very strong willed little one ! pray for us and maybe a few hours of sleep !

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan… Is that you? I thought at first you were getting Lauren to model the bag. I think Jillian worked some magic, or maybe your runs with Waffle? You look Fab! Have you been holding out on us?

Angela Mazzolini - Tonight is my preschooler’s end-of-year program and then hubby and I are shipping the kids off to granny’s for the weekend. Tomorrow I’m getting a haircut and color! And laundry….there is always laundry. Then Bible class and worship and potluck on Sunday! YAY!

Alma - ballet dress rehersals on friday and recitals on saturday and picnic in the park on sunday 🙂

Angela - Cute bag! We are packing over here–moving in two weeks.

courtney - Finishing our chicken coop if it’s nice…and while we’re doing that the kids will be helping Grandma with a food drive. LOVE the pleated poppy!

Laura - I’ll be taking my daughter over to see my mom on Saturday…we’ll be helping her wash windows and clean woodwork before she goes on vacation. And, we get to bring furniture back from her house, so that’s always fun!
lauramlyons at gmail dot com

Candice - Great giveaway! We don’t really have any plans for the weekend, for once, and we like it that way. =)

kristi rediske - Ok last weekend I went to Silver Dollar City so this weekend will be low key-but I do have plans to take my mom shopping, her birthday is Monday and she will be 83 – so thats my big plan , should be fun!

Abbie Swartzentruber - I just love your blog but don’t think I’ve ever commented – just wanted to say that your new bag is soooo sweet and cheerful! My weekend plans are to hit up some yard sales and snuggle with my little boy, Max:) Have a great weekend!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - My weekend plans: Julia’s 11th Birthday Party with like 28 girls? I am insane. It’s ok 🙂

Casey - I LOVE the pleated poppy! I read her blog daily!
My weekend plans: While since the husband works 3rd shift all weekend long its usually my quailty time I spend with my 2yr old son. I’m seeing a nature walk, a trip to a local farm, church and some scrapbooking in my near future. (the scrapbooking after he goes to bed of course!)
Thanks for the give away. Hope your weekend is FANTASTIC!

Julie - I’ve designed a spa party for a client and she’s hired a masseuse so her guests can have hour long massages as well as a nail tech for mani/pedi’s. So I will be decorating her house for her party.

Amber P - I LOVE that bag! Our weekend plans….volunteering at a 5K to benefit Young Life tomorrow, then a dinner date with my hubby!

Kendra - I LOVE LOVE LOVE her shop!! I have had my eye on those bloom bags ever since she came out with them!! Let’s see, this weekend… just relaxing with the family hopefully! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Michelle - Bible study Saturday morning and then getting ready for a short trip back home! Very excited!

Staisha - My weekend plans. 1. a good cuddle with my best buddy. (Hubby) 2. Closing day ceremonies for my little softball players. 3. Pizza Party 4. BABY SHOWER! 5. Visiting with my Soul Sister that is arriving in LAX from South Africa. (Missionary) The weekend is full but I’m excited.
This purse is really cute and mine is falling apart. I think my current purse is six years old so I was just going to start looking for something cute like this.

DONNA - if the rain holds off, then some gardening , If not then movies.

Lori - SaWEET! I am hosting an American GIrl mystery party tonight (I teach American Girl classes) and a yard sale in the morning! If I can drag myself out of bed! Ack! Lori

Nichole - I’m digging the coat hanger thingy that you have, with the birds. Thats awesome.
This weekend… well, I’m taking Monday off for my birthday (because that’s the only present I get besides some cool magnets my mom made for me), tomorrow we’re going to play Dungeons and Dragons and… I’m chillin’. And cleaning, of course. Oh, and getting paid, haha. That’s pretty important.

Kristi Barrett - Hanging with the family, neighborhood cook out…good stuff.

Jenn - Who’s the skinny minnie behind the bag in the photos?! Looking great Meg! Love your ruffle shirt. Weekend plans: headed over the mountains to Seattle right now to meet my newest little nephew, Soren Carl Sorensen. Yup, he’s got some Swedish blood in case you were wondering with a name like that! Ha!

sara's art house - I love the bag!!!! I love her stuff- amazing!
I am going to the boys’ football game on Sat and church on Sunday. Nothing huge going on here.
Thanks for the giveaway! You are awesome…I love your blog 🙂

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt - I love all my pins from her!
We had 3 graduations last weekend, Mother’s Day, (which meant tons of family in town), followed by our 9th anniversary and my hubby’s 30th birthday on Wed and Thurs – so this weekend? WE’RE DOING NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynda@Me and My Pink Mixer - Cute bag! I’m going to a baby shower on Saturday for a friend that lives 2 hours away from me, so it will be a fun road trip with my other girlfriends 🙂 Birthday party for my nephew on Sunday. Hope to plant a few flowers somewhere in between all the running around!

Stacy M - Love the Pleated Poppy! We have friends coming to town for the weekend. She and I are going to go get pedicures, shop, and go to the movies. Then we are all spending Sunday in New Orleans eating and shopping. Great weekend! Hope yours is wonderful also.

Amanda - so pretty and colorful! Love The Pleated Poppy!
My husband and I are taking a lil road trip out the Pittsburgh tomorrow to go play the slot machines at the Rivers Casino. It’s our first time to a casino and I’m loaded with a big bag of nickles that I hope is going to make me a millioniare! 🙂

Marie - I love The Pleated Poppy! Our weekend plans are gardening, working on a treehouse, and attending my boys’ first piano recital. Have a great weekend!

Jennifer - Love your bag! I’m having dinner with some girlfriends tonight. Hooray 🙂 - We are headed to our nephew’s graduation!

Shanalea - Love the bag….this weekend I am going to keep myself busy because my husband is out of country. So a little shopping, a little working out, a lot of keeping 4 boys busy.

Joleen - I love Lindsay and The Pleated Poppy. Crazy weekend for us, church clean up day and plant church garden, bible study, soccer games and a bridal shower. I had to hire a sitter for the younger kids, because I have no idea how I’m going to get it all done.

Sonya - My weekend plans include baseball, baseball, and MORE baseball! 🙂 LOVE the new bag!

Danielle Albini - My weekend plans include babysitting for a friend so they can get dinner just the two of them, a family session on Saturday morning, and moving boxes the rest of the day! I’m kind of surprised how excited I am to move boxes, though!;)

Andrea - Love, Love, LOVE the bag!
Busy weekend…I have one graduating from high school and two from middle school in the next two weeks, plus two birthdays thrown in in case I didn’t already feel frazzled enough!

Andrea - headed to NE to celebrate my lil bro’s hs graduation!

Amy - Love love her shop! Weekend will be endless outside time cause in a few weeks the bikes & toys will be put away cause it will be 105 degrees here til September. Living it up while we can!

marcy - Oh cool… I have the same bag… minus the pleats and flowers!

Amy - Love her stuff!! So cute!
This weekend, I’m working…and by “working” I mean, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the amazing place I get paid to be at 5 days a week–Give Kids The World Village in Kissimmee. If you haven’t heard of it, you need to check it out! (

Liz - I will spending the weekend with my fiance. I haven’t seen him in a month!

Courtney Walsh - So funny, I was on her site yesterday! This is just the kind of bag I’d love to carry…so full of personality!! 🙂 Love it and it looks adorable on you!

Porche - Love your new bag, but I must have that ruffled scarf in yellow!
It’s graduation season, so we are headed to Philadelphia this weekend to celebrate our cousin who just got her Masters in Higher Education.

Melissa - cleaning out the garage… maybe I’ll find some treasures I’ve forgotten about!

Amy Giffin - I love the Pleated Poppy! There are 3 blogs I like to start my morning with- yours, Pleated Poppy and La Famile! This weekend I will be in the car on a very long road trip with my sweet family. 22 hours in the car with my 4 kiddoes. It will be fun. I am choosing to have a good and patient attitude. Have a wonderful weekend yourself!

The Future Mrs. Knifton - Shopping for my fiance’s tux and wedding ring this weekend! Less than 4 months to go…

Carrie - Nothing!!!! We are FINALLY doing absolutly nothing this weekend and it feels great to have no plans. Now if the sun would just come out to play:-)

Amanda - LOVE that bag and LOVE The Pleated Poppy! I bought petal pushers for my MIL for Christmas 🙂 This weekend is pretty low key but we’re starting off with date night (hooray for in-laws who love to keep my kiddos overnight!) and ending with the hubs going out of town Sunday for work. I think cereal will be on the menu many many times this week 😉

lala - Hosting family pizza night tonight, nothing tomorrow, my little sissy comes home from Costa Rica and we’ll have dinner here at my house.

jerusalem - Oh that is GREAT! how cute and what a fun giveaway – sing me up!
This weekend I am going to go see my BFF and play with our new little chicks. And maybe write.

Meredithingle - I was due to have a baby several days ago….my weekend plan?! GET THIS BABY OUT! 🙂

Kim - love the pleated poppy! i have the green chevron notebook – LOVE it. 🙂 now i want a bloom bag! <3 <3 <3

Necole - I have been trying to get buy a bag like that since I saw it on one of your previous post.
I am taking my girls to my sisters for the weekend. I work weekends, but it will be nice to come home to silence.

annette wedel - awsome bag….i plan on being in the garden as much as possible!!!

Dana Banana - Graduation parties to go to this weekend!

Jack - Love your bag Meg! We are going to plant flowers all weekend!

AnnMarie - I love that bag! It is summer perfection! We are going away to Niagara Falls this weekend to celebrate a baptism with our very close friends. I hope the weather is nice!

Michelle - This weekend we are going to spend lots of time outside working in our yard…planting flowers and putting out mulch. So fun!

linda anderson - my son and i are attending a lunch and tour of the cleveland browns stadium thru an invitation from his school for a “mother and son” event!!

Amber - It is my 4 year old daughter’s first dance recital this weekend. She is so excited because she gets to wear makeup 🙂

Laura - I think we actually have an event free weekend! SO, I will try to do some weeding and enjoy watching the garden grow. What a perfect bag for spring!

Laura Martin - Very cute bag! I am going to be watching my husband graduate law school with the in-laws. Three long years of playing second fiddle to studying is finally over! 🙂

Kris - Fun! I’m a new reader, found you through something on Pinterest & I love your style.
This weekend my sweet teen & I plan to hit the local vintage clothing store. They are
having a $5 grab bag sale! Also she & her brother have a cello recital. Good times!

Katie - I love your bag! 5k run, roller skating birthday party, Church and a 1st grade school project to finish. I am also just trying to survive with four children ages 7 and under and dad out of town for work until Tuesday!

Jill - Awesome colors!
My husband and I are heading to the first farmers market of the season. Spring has sprung in Colorado!

Nicole - Fun! We are having a girls night and echanging funny tshirts!!

Ashley - Yay! I always want to buy from her shop, but mulah is tight, so no “little extras” for mama right now, so this would be sooooo fun for me! THanks for the opportunity!
My weekend will consist of hopefully sleeping in on saturday (one year old permitting!), a little gardening and bubbling blowing and a local baseball game on sunday after church and said one year olds nap!

stephanie - Love the yellow stripe! My plans include a baby shower and catching up around the house. I’m looking forward to all of it!

Jenn - We had big plans to work on trimming out our library, but I am sick…so it looks like it will be a movie weekend!

Stephanie F - Love the bag! Unfortunately, I am doing two 12 hr shifts this weekend so no time for anything else. And the weather is to be fabulously glorious….

Lisa - Ooo, I love this bag. So cute! Weekend plans….going to dinner with friends on Fri night, my niece’s HS graduation on Sat. and visiting my Mom and Dad(who just had open heart surgery. Hope I win!

nicole @ deliajude - my husband and i are photographing a wedding up on the coast…a weekend of fun.

nicole @ deliajude - my husband and i are photographing a wedding up on the coast…a weekend of fun.

Sarah - My summer plans are to pack, pack, pack, finish a 15 page paper (my last paper of my college career), and get ready to graduate next weekend. Plus, I’m getting married in August so I need to do a bunch of stuff for the wedding over the weekend, too.

Nicole - doing a little demolition before my husband puts in new floors. what an awesome excuse to NOT clean for awhile! we have to attend a lame corporate thing tonight, but at least there will be a band and fun food and drinks. heading out for a run so i can enjoy a few extra:)

Holly - Adorable! Well, this weekend my mother in law is coming b/c on Tuesday my second child will graduate from high school. We have baseball, Awana awards, baseball, may take the boat out, will definitely eat lots of food and junk and talk like crazy.

virginia - helping out with miniature horses :0) visiting with friends & family

april - soooo cute!!! we are traveling for a baseball tourney and a softball tourney~~busy, busy:)

Bekki - We have a busy weekend – baseball games and walking in the Relay for Life tonight, dinner with the entire high school baseball team Saturday night (my husband is the coach) and church on Sunday.
I LOVE the bloom bag (saw it in one of your earlier post) and have been trying to get one, but there have been no more in stock. I’m going to keep trying! 🙂 Love, Love, your blog by the way!!!

Sheila P. - Attending son’s college graduation and if the rain ever stops, doing some gardening.

Emily Horton - I’ve been reading your blog for the past three days and it’s my new favorite morning thing! You’re so much fun! The bag is adorable and will be perfect for summer. My plans for this weekend are… um, I would LIKE to till an area to plant some flowers. Other than that, just hang out with my family and relax! 🙂

Cassandra H. - graduation & planting flowers–yippee! I’m so glad everything is greening up!

Meredith Salmon - Girls day tomorrow with my Sister in Philadelphia @ the Art Star Craft Bazaar ( then off to Alvez for a late lunch, early dinner. Can’t wait for some sister time.
Sunday my 7 yr old has tryouts for travel soccer. I am so excited. I love sitting and watching him play. We make it a family affair, inlaws and all come.

Angie - My best friend is coming to visit! She has never visited the town where I live now so we are going to explore some shops downtown and just spend quality time together. I’m sure there will lots of be cheezy chic flics, laughing, and good conversation.

Londen - Adorable! I need to be more colorful like you. This weekend we will be shopping for our fairy garden plants and spending time digging in the dirt. I started zinnea seeds indoors for the first time and need to get them in the ground.

Melissa - weekend plans…zumba class, church, birthday party, and hopefully some relaxing!

Sarah - Going to my niece’s college graduation – outside…wishing it was a little warmer 🙂

Amy - i’m giving the dog a bath, buying a sewing machine, and making bootylicious cookies…YUM!!!

jenn - Hmmm….weekend plans. Does sitting around sulking that my husband is out of town and left me with all 4 kids count? Ok…maybe fast food and a babysitter????

Melissa - I LOVE the bag!
We’ll be making PW’s chicken parm tonight for date night and then I’m shooting a weddding this weekend. Lots of fun!

Tania Knapp - I will be attending a 5th grade party. I am a teacher and my students (second graders- 3 years ago) are about to go to middle school. So, I am attending their ‘going away’ party 🙂

andrea - Love the tank – I bought it too. This weekend have gardening (if it will stop raining) probably make-up softball games and Sunday we are going to Family Fun Day at our local park. Canoeing, hiking and a whole lot of fun!

Tere - No soccer. No baseball. What should a mama do? I need to make a list, otherwise I might just around and do nothing 🙂

Amanda O. - I love the bag! This weekend will consist of helping my 5 year old practice riding his bike with no training wheels, a concert at our church, and driving around a nearby city that we’ve never visited.

Sarah Rollins - I’m taking my 3 year old to a birthday party tomorrow morning while my baby boy stays with his Grandma. We’ll probably hit a quick lunch at Chick-Fil-A and then home to hopefully make up some jam with some yummy strawberries I hope to pick from the berry farm. Church on Sunday and then hopefully home for some quiet time for the kids!!!! Hope you enjoy yours!!

Lisa H - LOVE that bag! The whole shop looks amazing. I’m spending the weekend with my Cricut and planting flowers 🙂

Kirsten - Oh, I love your new bag! So happy.
My weekend plans include running all the errands I was going to run today (caring for sick kid instead), and then hopefully (insert crossed fingers here) the rain will hold off long enough for a church service and picnic at the park.

Stacey - Swim class with my baby girl and traveling to visit family! Love your bag!

Courtney - Well here is KC its suppose to be cold and windy, so I will probably stay home and paint my bathroom. I am thinking a melon and grey color!

Meredith - It’s supposed to rain all weekend, so we’re going to do some much needed inside house work!

Sarah Wolfe - baseball games and my husband’s birthday 🙂

Emily - This weekend we’re making our yard beautiful on Saturday so we can have family over on Sunday for lunch to celebrate the blessing of our fifth baby. Yea!

megan c. - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Pleated Poppy. I am spending the weekend with my parent’s in chicago!

Melissa - Love Pleated Poppy (and you of course!). Our weekend plans include a house full of company – my family is in town visiting for the weekend. Should be lots of fun:)

mandy - I’m a middle school Drama Teacher and our show is this weekend–Once Upon a Mattress! I’ll be hanging out with my 75+ member cast making theater magic happen. And my parents are in town to see the show (who am I kidding–they’re really here to see their 5 month old grandson!). 🙂 Happy weekend!

Amy G - Ball practice tonight, ball game tomorrow followed by a birthday party, And then on Sunday I’m gonna try to find some time for myself to go walking. I’m walking in my first 5K next Thurs. Super Excited about that! Have great weekend, LOVE the bag!! 🙂

Shannon - Date night with my girls, age 10 and 14. We’re going to see Soul Surfer. Then planting the veggie garden!

Leah - I am going to sleep. And sleep. It’s been a crazy week and I’m still recovering from Mother’s Day antics. That is an awesome bag, by the way.

Sarita - I love the bag!
This weekend I plan to do yardwork. I’m on my own now so I’ve got lots to keep me busy.

Routhie - Just got a lot of insulation added to our house, so I’ll be sweeping, dusting, and mopping all weekend while I put rooms back together.

Kris Lewis - This weekend….moving, moving, moving. Did I mention we are moving!

Ruth H. - AWESOME giveaway! My husband and son are going on an all-guy camp-out, so the girls and I are having movie night with our girlfriends. We’re going to watch Tangled on the big screen, and eat lots of yummy treats. I’ll probably spend most of Saturday writing. Good times!

Andrea Boone - taking the boys FISHIN’
Whats up with this weather????

Kelly - relxing weekend. Catching up on life and laundry.

Andrea - I love your bag! I will be sewing cleaning and hopefully getting a couple of runs in.

jenn - weekend plans? Must. Get. ORGANIZED!!! Summer’s coming and if I don’t get a schedule figured out it will be pure mayhem around here. That, and maybe clear out the nuclear fallout that is my house at the moment… not sure.

mindy - CUTE bag! relaxing with my boys, watching the thunderstorm, going out for mexican food, finishing the slide show for senior sunday, chuch potluck, baby shower. thanks for the chance to win:) happy weekend to you!

Linda - Love that bag and I love the pleated poppy. I drool over her shop on a regular basis! My weekend plans! Well it starts off with a service project for our community, 1 soccer and 2 baseball games, swim team, lots of gardening, church, and hopefully a date with my hubby! Sounds like a great weekend for me.

Megan - love,love,love everything in her shop so happy! We have very minimal plans for the weekend and i could not be happier to have a lazy weekend! I am excited that my husband is going to finish putting up shelves he made for my sewing/craft corner!

Kim - Love the bag! Let’s see…this weekend brings a daughter and father princess ball at our church (My daughter is so not into the whole princess thing, but they are raising money for charities both locally and globally. She loves her dad and thought she would go, calling it a fancy social action meeting…love her!), hanging out with my little guy, running kids to art lessons, baseball games (watching game, probably in the rain, gardening, church, and I’m sure there are other things that I’m forgetting….

Rachael Culver - I plan to make waffles, go to yard sales (if there is no rain!),drive around looking for a new place to call home,…and most importantly….lay on the couch with my wonderful husband!
I am so excited to finally have a lazy weekend…hopefully ending with a new gift card!!!

Rachel B - Super CUTE! I’m going CAMPING for the first time this year (actually first time in quite a while). I hope it doesn’t rain! 🙂

Alison - Two swim meets to attend! Such cute things she is making!

jill - Love your bag! You are right. She does make the best fabric choices! This weekend I am getting the air conditioning in the van fixed. Yahoo! I’m also going to see some of my old students perform in the high school musical. Too fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

Barb Cassidy - Wow! That bag is soooo cute! I am definitely shopping at the Pleated Poppy! This weekend I am going to visit my Dad, who is terminally ill. It won’t be exciting or even very relaxing but it will be very nice to visit with him and take care of him. Hope you have a great weekend!
P.S. I am in LOVE with Waffle!

Karen - Grocery shopping, garage saling (weather permitting), graduation open house, church, Dave Ramsey seminar, another graduation open house and hopefully a Sunday afternoon nap. This old gal will certainly need one by then!

Beth Abb - Love that bag and everything in her store! I plan on doing some major Spring cleaning this weekend v

Sarah - Love this! We are getting our house ready to sell… and showing it to one possible buyer. Fingers crossed!!

Megan - what a great bag! This weekend I’ll be in my garden! Rain or shine. I can’t wait!!

Jen N. - What an awesome shop!
This weekend we’re going to go visit our friends and their 5 day old newborn. I can’t wait! Then, if the weather holds, we’re going to get our vegetable garden planted.

jenni@talkinghairdryer - Weekend plans…
Honey is working out of town til Monday night…1 school talent show, 1 softball practice, 3 baseball games, 1 40th birthday party, 1 5th grade graduation at church Sunday morning, 1 Memory Work Banquet at church Sunday afternoon, and maybe I’ll throw some stuff in the driveway for our neighborhood garage sale Saturday morning and see if anyone wants our junk.

Kate - Super cute bag! Certainly wouldn’t mind one of those to carry around my “gun”. This weekend is actually really special as the Hubs is celebrating his 12th year of sobriety on Saturday. We are going to spend the day playing as a family and then I’m taking him for a special dinner. I’m so proud of him!!

Brandi - Love the Pleated Poppy shop!
I am in charge of residence life at a college, so I’m going to spend my whole weekend making sure all of our residents leave (yeah!!!) and then I’m going to take a long nap. 🙂

Ali - I am going to Avery’s (my 3 year old) first dance recital!
So excited!
LOVE the cardigan and the purse!

Krista - Tonight I’ve got a date night planned with my hubby, and tomorrow night is ladies night out!! Sunday will be a lazy day…horray for weekends!

georgia - I have to say u do look like you are slimmer! I just bought jillian 30 day shred so hope it works for me!
I’m spending the weekend wedding planning and relaxing 🙂

Tasha - the pleated poppy is great. this weekend is my daughters first ballet recital, looking forward to the cute 4 year olds dancing.

natalie (the sweets life) - LOVE that bag—I hope she makes more!
my weekend includes dinner with friends tonight (at our place…French themed) and a party at a friends tomorrow (theme: Bourbon Bacon & Blues…yes, we like themes :))
Sunday I hope to RELAX!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - how can someone be in a bad mood when they’re carrying something yellow around? Love it! I’m the fundraising coordinator for my oldest’s little league and this weekend is my big fundraiser that i’ve been putting together for the last 6 months. it’s basically throwing a party for about 300{ish} boys under the age of 13 and their families. no pressure or anything. have a great weekend!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - how can someone be in a bad mood when they’re carrying something yellow around? Love it! I’m the fundraising coordinator for my oldest’s little league and this weekend is my big fundraiser that i’ve been putting together for the last 6 months. it’s basically throwing a party for about 300{ish} boys under the age of 13 and their families. no pressure or anything. have a great weekend!

Janet C - My kid’s first horse grooming lesson (thanks Groupon!) and a friend is sharing some of her perennials with me. Hopefully we’ll be rain-free, but it’s not look real promising right now.

Christina - I love this bag! We are taking an adoption education class this weekend which will bring us one step closer to adopting our baby girl from China!

sarah - Cute bag! This weekend I will be going on a date with the husband, taking the kids over to my in-laws for a bit, and cleaning house. Should be a fun and productive weekend!

Donna - It’s rummage sale season! So excited to go and also, hopefully will put my very first garden in. Hope the weathers nice!

dawn neale - Friday=dinner out with the whole family. (Late Mother’s day gift)
Saturday=Costco shopping and pizza night.
Sunday=church followed by a church picnic. Then getting ready for two days at Great Wolf Lodge!

Becky - I’m leaving for the weekend with my sister! No kids 🙂

Jamie - Love it! Working this weekend on getting everything in order for a family vacation.

Val R - I graduate from nursing school this weekend!!! =)

Amanda Jo - Oh, how I love EVERYTHING on Pleated Poppy!!! This weekend’s going to be great – my son’s last baseball game is tomorrow (with award ceremony!) then I get to go on a date with my amazing hubby!!

Reeanna Altom - I’m planning on a relaxing and enjoying the sunshine with my little family.

Kris - Love her shop! My big plans are the last two soccer games of the season and a baseball game. Then Sunday we’ll just be hanging out, no plans at all, except mass if we don’t go Sat night!

erica - love the pleated poppy! and adore your bag!
weekend – it’s supposed to rain – boo! we have tball games and grilling out to do – and as always, sunday = hang out by the river at the inlaws, drink wine and eat a great dinner:)
rain can’t come!

Andrea - I was hoping to mow the yard, but I think I’ll take this weekend to just have fun with my kiddos in the yard. Maybe I’ll even dig out the sprinkler. 🙂

Tiffany - Love your bag! We will be working on the nursery for baby boy #2!

Karen Thurman - I will be helping a friend move on Saturday, taking dinner to another friend Saturday night, and then church Sunday morning.

Jill - Love the bloom bag! Fun weekend ahead with Prom for my oldest, a birthday party for my 3rd child, and swim team league finals.

Jill Tracy - Love that bag–and the whole SHOP for that matter! We are celebrating our littlest 4th birthday this weekend! Party in the Park!

Dixie - Planting flowers!

Lauren Smithee - That bag is way too cute! This weekend the hubby is gone in Las Vegas for a bachelor party and tomorrow I have a bridal shower to attend. After the shower, I’m meeting my parents and son at the bowling ally to watch my parents bowl. Sunday I think my son and I will head to the nursery and buy some pretty flowers for the front porch. It definitely is lacking some color right now.

Lisa B - Very cute bag!!
This weekend I will be …
… Rockin’ the bass at our women’s retreat at church (yeah for a girl band!!!)
… checking out the first weekend of a local farmer’s market
… hanging with my family!!!!
Please let there be SUN

Michelle - Well – my triplets turn 8 today and I am really sick, so this weekend I plan on feeling better and hanging out with my babies.

Tracy - Very cute!!! We have a weekend full of graduations. Not real exciting, but it gets us out of town for 2 days!

Shelly foster - This weekend I will be watching a really, really cute lil 7 yr old play soccer Saturday ! I love it ;).

Shawna - Yeah! We are staying home most of the weekend. Such a treat for us. So I will be catching up on organization and cleaning.

sarahkc - we are having a weekend to ourselves after family has been in town celebrating our daughter;s first birthday. we are going to ride our tandem bike (with kids seat) to breakfast, i am going to yoga, and then we are going to spend the rest of the weekend outside, playing in the little pool and sprinklers. can’t wait

Jacci - Soccer game tonight for the 9 & 10 year olds, gymnastics tomorrow morning bright and early for the 6 year old. THEN, (please Lord!) we really, *really* need good weather to finally get the dirt in our new perennial/shrub border ready to go. April was so crazy WET, we never got to get out and work on it! I have 22 baby plants, waiting for a home!!!
Love the Pleated Poppy. It would be cute if you did a “What I Wore” vlog! 🙂

Ruth - My folks are coming, late Mother’s day celebration, graduation party, band concerts in the park, and greenhouse hopping with Mom. Should be a fun weekend!

Emily - This weekend I am playing with my toddler twins and headed to a wedding shower before I leave for a work trip on Sunday. Good times 🙂

Jennifer - This weekend is a welcome home/birthday party for our neighbor, and lots of gardening. Love that bag

Krista - love the pleated poppy!
the weekend –
saturday: annual trip to the flower market with my hubby, daugther and MIL, then celebrating my goddaughter’s 3rd birthday.
sunday: planting my flower market additions 🙂

Lacy Brauner - I am going to work! Boo! I work weekends at a resturant, so it is what it is.. My son and I have pink eye today, yay. Cleaning and organizing and watching Toy Story for the 10000008 time. Feel bad for my little girl, she needs out of the house! Just hope she doesnt get pink eye too!

JennyW - Love your new camera bag!! Matches your fun personality! This weekend my kiddos (3 – ages 1, 3, 5) are going to my in laws 6 hours north…I am going to CLEAN, hang out with my husband, watch a movie that doesn’t have animated characters and have a garage sale where I try to sell the toys they never play with (hence them leaving)…I am looking forward to it and trying not to feel guilty that I am looking so forward to it (loved your Mom’s day post about the same thing btw)…but we need this time to regroup, air the diaper smell from the house, remind our hubbies we love them..etc! Keep on bloggin always a fun read!!

Leadia@TheBreeder'sDigest - Rain in the forecast (again), so our plans for soccer and baseball games might not come to fruition. it’s been bright and sunny here in Illinois, but of course, the weekend has a mind of its own and says that it’s going to stay firmly planted in the 50’s. Thinking sunny thoughts just the same…

Dawn - We’ve got a baseball double header, followed by a soccer game. Then we are taking my in-laws to see our new house. Church on Sunday, followed by getting our house ready for an open house. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Linda B - Garage sales on Saturday, Church potluck and Church annual meeting on Sunday.

jodi @ back40life - work on the yard…weed {boo} plant flowers {yea!}
work in our shop
enjoy peace while the kiddos are at Gma’s 😉

Lindsay E. - my daughter is staying with her granny this weekend so i’m doing a little yard saling, going to a free luncheon for moms, going out for a meal without looking at the kids menu and spending some time with her daddy! 🙂

Ana - Baseball/Tball games, Death Star piñata making, church . . . those are my plans- we’ll see what actually happens! 🙂

Jaimie Cahill - LOVE your blog!!! So real and so inspiring!!! Weekend plans: family heading to my daughter’s t-ball game on Sat….hope to get some cleaning done & complete the absolutely dreadful task of shifting out the kids winter clothes and fully bring in the summer (we’re in CHGO, so the weather shifts from 50 to 90 dat-to-day 🙂 my sister is in from NY, so she and her b/f are coming over for a bbq to hang w/ our 4 girls on Sun…hope everyone has a gr8 w/e!!!

Alisa - Having a garage sale tomorrow, hoping to rid our house of some baby/kid clutter, and going to the Brewers game with the fam on Sunday 🙂

Kim - I LOVE the bag…and you! Your openness, your vibrant spirit. You are so refreshing and just what I need many mornings! Anyway…my weekend plans…I am taking a FREE online photography class from Creative Live. It will be my first and I am SUPER excited about it.

angela - i plan to clean and hang out with my kiddos!

alyssa - hmmm. cleaning is on the agenda for part of the weekend…I could use a new purse to cheer me up…

Jennifer s - Love the bag and hope I get to see it in oct on our photo shoot, hubby coming home after a long trip, yeah!

Vickie - Competing in the Memphis in May Barbeque Festival this weekend. Love the bag and the beautiful items in her shop. Thanks for the chance on a fabulous giveaway!

Lydia - I’ll be making a plethora of ruffle butt onesies for my little niece that’s due to arrive any day!

meredith - what a fun bag!! this weekend we get to go to a 3rd birthday party and then we’re doing a ZIPLINE!! EEEP! so excited!

Jennifer - Holy cow, I love that bag! We have a softball game for my oldest on Saturday, starts at 8am. Eek, so early! Then hubby and I are going on a date . We have tickets to see Michael Winslow (the sound effects guy from Police Academy and Space Balls) and doing dinner.

Shannon - I love the bag.
We have so much exciting stuff going on this weekend… cleaning, organizing summer clothes and more cleaning. ha! njmhgfcsza

ashley - going shopping with a friend for new clothes to wear for a race we are running in next weekend!

Cassie - This weekend I have a photo shoot, lots of family time, family craft time, photo editing, and cleaning out our storage unit! 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend yourself! Love the bag!
Cassie Allen

Kim - I love The Pleated Poppy as well and already have a few of her things. I would love the bloom bag though.
For the weekend, us “kids” are all meeting over at my in-laws house to paint their living/dining rooms and do some general spring maintenance. Thanks for the opportunity.

Adrienne S - Soccer games, track meets, and my own training for my tri. This weekend is bike,run.

Amanda - Dog park today and house cleaning, crawfish boil with neighbors tomorrow, and church bright and early 8:15am Sunday morning, then lacrosse games. LOVE pleated poppy’s goodies!!

Penny - I hope to have a relaxing weekend. Just finished a very busy week at work and another busy one next week. So this weekend I hope to find time to sit on the deck, enjoy my little garden pond and my doggies and read my book!

Maine Mummy - Cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning – finally!

Amy - On Saturday we are building walls for 3 churches in Haiti, in our church parking lot. And graduation on Sunday! Such cute things in her shop!

Tina C - I have a jam-packed Saturday – meeting at our church at 8:00 for church clean up. 10:30 shower/brunch for my daughter and her fiance. And at 6:00, a church social. It’s gonna be a fun day! 🙂

Stephanie - Love the shop and you by the way…
My husband is one of six children (spread out over 24 years) and the baby son is getting married this weekend. My boys (11 and 8) are grossed out by the whole love and marriage thing. Should be fun!

Katie - Tough weekend ahead: my husband will be out of town and so it will be me and our 4 small children and it is supposed to be rainy and cold. Pray for sanity!

Rachel J - Dogwood Days Festival, BBQ and Bonfire with good friends,planting flowers and most importantly-spending time with my main squeeze….my hubby Teddy! 🙂 Happy Weekend Meg!

Meredith - She has the best way of putting fabrics together! Love all of her stuff – SUPER cute bag! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Michelle - love love love the pleated poppy!
this weekend we are headed to kansas city to see the hub’s parents who are visiting my sister-in-law from south carolina. should be fun- especially since our babies are old enough to enjoy their cousins (or at least notice each other exists)

Alissa - Hoping to buy all my flowers to plant but the weather’s supposed to be cool and rainy…..blah! Maybe a pedicure instead!

Rachel B. - Women’s event at a friend’s church with my mom tonight, dinner out tomorrow night w/my SIL & BIL, and family b-day party for my sweet niece is turning 12–YIKES!
Last, but not least, hubby and I will celebrate 12 years of wedded bliss on Sunday! Blessed!

Debra - LOOOVE the bag:) This weekend I will be watching my boys in their baseball games, doing some housecleaning, yardwork and dinner at my parents. Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Kristi - I am heading off to a girls weekend away with my sister in laws, and my mother in law! it will be so much fun!

Andrea - My weekend plans:
Take youngest to soccer, watch 6-year old version of soccer.
Take 16 year old for up-do for her first prom.
Take 14 year old to her soccer game, watch soccer.
Pick up corsage for prom date.
Watch 16 year old dress and help with makeup for her first prom while she says “please don’t cry mom. MOM, it’s FINE. Stop looking at me like that!”
Then take pictures of 16 year old, who grew up TOO FAST, in prom dress with date, then watch her get in the car and worry worry worry worry, sniffle, worry. Knit till she comes home and act like I didn’t worry and hope she tells me ALL ABOUT IT!

Krista W. - This weekend my son has a school won auction party (that I am hosting) followed by a basball playoff game and to end the night (yes, this is all happening today-Friday, which I consider after 3:00 the weekend!!) a birthday party! Then Saturday, my olderst daughter is “flying up” to a Junior Girl Scout followed by a 24 hour pure crazy fun party for the whole troop that ends with a campout in MY backyard!! Then on Sunday, after ther troop leaves, my daughter has a party! Just pure crazy fun around here!! 🙂
(and we still have 15 school days left!)

Amanda - BBQ with the family! that bag is so so cute!

Alicia @ La Famille - track meets, graduations, sewing 🙂 love the pleated poppy!

karen - dodger game and graduations!

deborah@applesinwonderland - what’s not to love about happy? we’re baseball tournamenting it all weekend long. praying for sunshine–actually praying for no rain. or only a little rain. who am i kidding–i’m praying the rain doesn’t give me *bad hair* all weekend. have a happy weekend, everybody!!!!

Jennifer - We have birthday parties to attend, and my daughter wants to have a dog tea party at the park. Not sure what that entails, but she has already made invitations, so it has to happen!! I would love to win!!

amanda - Absolutely no plans, and I love it. Just family time and maybe getting a headstart on packing for vacation.

Hannah DeVries - I’m going to see Bridesmaids. I’m crossing my fingers that I will laugh until my side hurts…

Stacey - I have a few parties to go to and my fun Bunco night Saturday night! LOVE that bag!!

Sharla - Gotta work this weekend! Winning this would make it all better…

Heidi Bohrer - A wedding, a soccer game, 3 year old bday party, soccer party, baseball game, celebrating my hubby’s 36th bday!

Marita - this is so cute! over the weekend I’m planning on sleeping :D, feeling tired after long hours of helping with the sandbagging up here in Manitoba.

Lisa - SO cute! Two college graduations and lots of driving!

Tamara - I love her stuff!!
Let’s see…I hope to have a baby this weekend, but in reality, I’ll probably just be cleaning and enjoying the cooler weather!

Mandy - Throwing my dad a huge surprise 60th birthday party!

Jennifer - Love the bag!
We’re going to Worlds Of Fun this weekend with my husband’s middle school band! Should be fun!

Stefanie - Love her stuff, I need a little color in my life 🙂 I’m finishing painting my kitchen this weekend and helping my husband with the garden….oh, and of course getting caught up on laundry. Hope you have a great weekend!

Mallory - My family is headed to the beach on Sunday for a belated Mother’s Day celebration. I can’t wait to eat all that yummy summer food!

Melissa - Birthday party, and most importantly my sons NICU reunion on Saturday. We can’t wait to see all the doctors and nurses who looked after him. Also, Survivor finale on Sunday night, I know, I can not help myself I love that show.

E Jones - Yey for a giveaway!
Baby Shower for a friend and possibly brunch.

Rebecca - This weekend I am flying from Michigan to Pennsylvania to be with my sister for the week while she has her 2nd chemo treatment. Bittersweet. I get to see family, but certainly not under the best circumstances.
Love your new bag! So bright and cheerful! Bright and cheerful is good!

cindy - Love the bag and you looked skinnyminny! I am finishing up two flag football seasons and volleyball too. Our weekends will be alot slower after this one! Thanks!Hope you have a fun one too!

amy b. - Love the bag! So cute! We will be gardening, if it stops raining! And playing with our 1 yr old baby. Have a great weekend!

Lisa - A birthday party for a five year old friend – Mario themed. And probably some yard work. Oh, and church. 🙂

Valerie Page - I love your cardigan!!! I am a huge fan of cardigans!! Our family is driving to St. George, UT, which is one hour and 35 minutes from Las Vegas. We drive there because we have no Cracker Barrel. Then we go shopping at Tai Pan. Can you believe that there is no cracker barrel in LAS VEGAS?

Sharla - Love her shop, love your purse. We are having my son’s 5-year birthday party (Angry Birds theme)!

Lisa - Happy Friday, Meg! Little bit of soccer on Saturday and a little bit of baseball on Sunday. In between, I hope to get the boys’ closets cleaned out of clothing that does not fit (which there seems to be a lot of), get to the grocery store and get the heaps of laundry done. Have a good one!

Lindsay - graduation! yeah!

Michelle - Your new sunny bag is SUPER fun! I am actually wearing one of The Pleated Poppy flower pins right now!!
Our weekend plans are: rollerskating with friends tonight, yard work tomorrow and Pizza Party for Sunday School teachers on Sunday after church!
Happy Friday!!

Niki - That bag is so cute! Even if you use it to conceal some heat!
This weekend is full! We are helping my sister and brother move on Saturday and also might sneak away to the lake for a visit at a family reunion. Then, Sunday will be church and “Tacos with the Pastor” and hopefully a nap after that! 😉

susan ponder - Soccer, soccer and more soccer! But then I’m sneaking away to have a slumber party with my bestie at her house!

Erin Kirby - i will be gardening. it’s been neglected for too long!

Danielle - My husband and I actually get to go out on a date! Alone! Without kids!

Kerry - Love the bag!! Does she have a website?
And we are installing new doors in our house!

Gram - Having the 2 year old grandson for the night tonight; yard work tomorrow.

Karen - I’m in SHOCK – you only have 9 days of school LEFT? My kids go til the END of JUNE!!! Your bag is adorable – with or without a gun. 🙂 We are having a cookout to celebrate hubby’s b-day this weekend! It is supposed to storm all weekend but I love a challenge! Happy Friday (the 13th – gasp!)

Jessica - Love Love the new bag! so pretty!
My husband and I are going to being planting our garden and then we have a tiki party to attend! 🙂

jennifer - I absolutely love her stuff! Please count me in.
And… this weekend, um let’s see… the first baseball game of the season – YEAH! And, then back to the grindstone of getting stuff done to our house before summer is here.
Have a good one!

Lael - Celebrate my mom’s 60th birthday plus the usual soccer game and trip to the park. Love her stuff!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - The hubs and I are going to see Bridesmaids with Kristen Wiig tonight…I need a comedy!
The rest of the weekend, I will be spending a lot of time dropping off and picking up my kids.

Jessica B. - We’ve got a one year old birthday party to attend, and a wedding rehearsal. Our three year old is going to be a flower girl. This should be interesting 🙂

Beth - Love your new bag!
Let’s see what shall we do this weekend…
baking a five flavor pound cake recipe from another blogger…..
wishing the heat would calm down some in the deep south….so I can work in my yards…
& resting!

Chris - Getting our house ready to sell this weekend. Lots of work to do! I love your new bag!

Trish - a surprise birthday tonight… tulip time parade if it doesn’t rain… a photo session sunday morning before church. busy, but fun!

Rebecca - Meg- What a pretty new bag- so you!! We have a weekend off from travel baseball YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!! So many possibilities! Tonight I am going out with other moms from my son’s school for a moms night out. We are having din din and seeing Water for Elephants.
Love you to pieces!

Mrs. B. - Graduation & graduation parties all weekend….that means Momma won’t be cooking! Yea!

Sherry - Such colorful happy goodness!

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this is my playlist for running and gardening this week.

everlasting light – the black keys
rumor Has It – adele
roll away your stone – mumford & sons
tighten up – black keys
sigh no more – mumford & sons
howlin' For You – the black keys
rolling in the deep – adele
awake my soul – mumford & sons
I'll be waiting – adele
forever young – bob dylan
change of time – josh ritter 
winter winds -mumford & sons 

i am sure i will be bored by next week but for now…..OVER AND OVER….can't get enough.


and i made a video.
three things today.
that's it.

(niiiiice freeze frame…..) 

you can buy SUMMER magazine at their website….it's not sold in stores.

Valerie Page - I love that you love lipsticks as much as i do. I used to be a pen hoarder and i would carry around like 50 pens in my purse in high school. Now as an adult, i am a lipstick hoarder. 🙂 LOL
anyhow, i love reading your blog. i try to look everyday to see if you have written a new post. Me and my three girls LOVE to do crafts!!! Our house is loud and busy all the time. but most days i love it…most days that is:)
anyhoo, since you love lipsticks so much, i just wanted to let you know that I sell avon and we have a great special going on …2 for 5.99 lipsticks and nail polishes. avon is not just cosmetics anymore though:)
don’t know if you have an avon lady, but i am always trying to make new friends 🙂 so if you like lipsticks, check out my avon rep. website. You can order long distance and any orders over 30.00 is free shipping and handling…BONUS:)

Melissa - Loving that you have three songs from Mumford and Sons as I am going to see them in concert next month. I sheepishly admit I have not heard their music yet though – best downlod of Itunes pronto!

Beth - I think Vloging is definitely for you! You’re a natural!

jamie - love the video…so stinkin cute
the lipstick is so pretty
and yay for being in summer magazine. i’ve never heard of it so i’m going to go check it out.

Tammy Johnson - Love the video, feels like we’re chattin’ and having a cup of coffee!

BriBedell - The pictures of Craig…so cute! I should get my hubbies out! I love your videos you should do them once a week 🙂

Charlotte - you are silly & fun…you made good random videos! 🙂
hahaha happy weekend!

Sugar Mama - Seriously, I can not wait to meet you and hear you speak in September at Blog Sugar. And I am now completely convinced that I need to download Adele’s album from iTunes. I keep putting it off (out of laziness).

Kim - Great video and made even better by the pop-ups. You are adorable.

Gale - LOVE the songs you listed… would love a copy of the magazine, too, but at $22, it’s out of my price range as long as gas is this ridiculous – but appreciated the vicarious look at it in your video 🙂 You rock!

Amy Lynne - I hope you have a great day too! Happy Friday!

Karma - LOVE the lipstick – just bought those exact yummy colors about a week ago! Waiting for my Summer mag to arrive in my mailbox … and I’m going to check out your playlist while I have my second or third cup of coffee … always love new music, it’s inspiring …get’s me through the day, keeps me calm like you … you’re awesome! 🙂

Meagan - Congrats on the mag! Your too cute! I have four kids and Im so! I really like that lipstick. Would you mind sharing your eyeshadow…that color is to die for…
Your colorful blog brightens my day. Blessings!

karen - My magazine came today. Love it. Love hearing your voice. Is it weird to talk back to the screen like we are really having coffee together? 🙂

Andrea T - love it! you posts always have such perfect timing. i was just telling my hisband i dont feel so pretty lately, time to go lipstick shopping 😉 and i love the chalkboard wall, painted one in our kitchen and it just makes me smile!

Simply Lanny - Hi Megan … love to hear your voice ! I’ve been thinking about doing a video post myself 🙂 congrats on the new summer magazine I love it, didn’t know you would be in it so nice ! hope all is well 🙂

danielle burkleo - i wanted to eat that lipstick with the almond name! and i think we need to start a vlog series. something funny. something fun. mmmkay?

Teresa - You can change the settings on your webcam so that it doesn’t do the mirror thing

Annika - How funny to hear your voice! You talk in a much calmer way than I imagined you would. But you sound very nice! Not surprising really, seeing as your writing is also very nice. :o)

Michelle from Australia - Love the video! Still getting used to your ‘accent’ 🙂 As soon as I pressed play on the video, I saw your lipstick. Now I’m an Accountant and usually TOTALLY blind to all things cosmetic. So that means one of three things…..(1) You should be a lipstick model?? (2) Great lipstick?? (3) Both of the previous options???

Esther - Meg, you are so adorable. Loving the videos alot!!! and want to know about them lipsticks–what brand are they?? I am interested in the sparkly one…lol.

Beverly - Hee hee hee. Congratulations on the magazine! It must feel supremely satisfying to have lovely photos of your home…in print on somebody else’s pages. Not that that makes your own *actual* home any less wonderful. Your craft Thursdays idea inspires me. I’ll have to check out your site for more specifics.

Bailey - You’re so cute! Hope you had a great day as well!

sarah harper - great post… i caught myself saying aloud, “awww, i just love her!” after watching your video. 🙂 thanks for sharing your 3 favorites today!

sheri - Ok, that video was too cute. You talk just like you write. awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Jen - Adele rocks it!!!

Alicia - Meg- I love your videos!
And I think they’re fascinating (not boring like you seem to suggest in your little text commentaries on the video haha!)
Keep doing them! I wish I had a webcam on my laptop so I could make cute little vids like yours!
Also- the way you (and all Americans, I guess!) pronounce “Craig” cracks me up. It sounds like “Greg” to me… “Creg” perhaps?
We (I’m Australian) pronounce the “ai” a lot more so it sounds like “Cray g”
I wish I had a web cam so I could take a video and show you how we say it 🙂

Katy - You know what makes me sad? The fact that I love your videos and I can’t hear this one right now. 🙁 We are in the midst of moving.. Our computer is here and the speakers are at the new house. 🙁 BOO!

Whitney - mumford & sons…you have to know and love the avett brothers too!!!! their lyrics are ace!!

Anne @ Baking Me - What a pretty lipstick and I love your playlist I want to put it on my ipod too and attempt some gardening.

tiffany - Waht about Adele #6? and #12! maybe next week? This week they rock for me. Holla. Does it take long to edit vid? Just curious. Lata. Peace. Deuces.

Jacci - Are you really that calm? 😉 You’ve said before that you’re entire family is super loud, but in all your videos you seem completely Mrs. Chill. I loved this, though. Not dorky. Very fun 🙂
How about letting one of the kids take a video during some crazy right-before-dinner-time. I think I’d like that 🙂
~Jacci in Ohio (who’s expecting our 5th in September and just found out IT’S A GIRL!!!!)

Joy - I swear you are so stinkin cute. Hi back to you.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You did it again! Such fun to watch you. Congrats on the magazine article. Love the lipstick!

Heather R. - I was reading your comments to this post. Some things that made me giggle: the bloggy Oprah(pretty true) and I tell my hubby about you, too. All good! I love the video of you and fab new lipstick. I think I can remember the color of the liner: wine 🙂
The pic of your Greg looks Talby-ish. Hope you had a great day.

Gretchen - I love randomness. Makes me feel normal. 😉
Thank you for posting your playlist. I’m all about some new music on my own playlist! I had never heard of Adele (I know, you’re probably thinking “WHERE has this girl been?!”) So I just added 4 of her songs. Woot woot!
PS. Your video was adorable

Jen - Love the lipstick! need to go shopping for some!

Maria - You are so cute! Love the video and love, love, love the summer magazine…got mine last week, even the hubs enjoyed it!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - You are killing me with the vlogs –
I love it!!!
Call the newspaper.
Awesome to the max.

Melissa - you are just too cute! thanks for sharing!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You made my day 🙂 Have an awesome weekend!

Erin - Thanks for doing a video! You and your comments made me smile 🙂

the whyte house - i think i laughed through that whole video! lol. the magazine looks so great. love the shots in it. congrats!!

Wendy - Loved your video Meg! It made me smile. 🙂


happygirl - Wow, do I see Annie in that kindergarten pic??? Congrats on the magazine spread. You are AWESOME.

Jermaine D. - I just got to enjoy hearing our band play Mumford and Sons “Awake My Soul” as part of worship at church last Sunday, so fun!

Regina - you are so cute meg! i love these vlogs ~ keep em coming!

megan - i have that shirt!!! love it!
and love the video blog!

Ashley - Could you be any cuter? 🙂 LOVE your videos! Oooo how did I not know about this magazine?!? How exciting your house is in it!!!!!

Marie - You are so funny. Loved the video! The lipstick is uh-mazing, and I’m def. going to have to get me some! The magazine is awesome! yay! Oh and by the way, your hair cut is super cute. That’s all. 🙂

Kelli Ann - I LOVE LOVE LOVE when you do videos! Well, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. It is sparkly and makes me smile and I am always excited to see what you have to say! THANK YOU!

Denissa - How fun..I have the same shirt form Old Navy 🙂 love that shirt! And I think that Annie looks like Craig! so cute..

Mary - We have the same taste in music! I am obsessed with Josh Ritter these days!

Ali - Totally just bought the same lipstick, except mine is all smashed in the lid because my 3 year old got a hold of it!
Yay Summer!

Amber - lovin that lipstick color! i LOVE your playlist. pretty much obsessed w/adele right now. and my other faves are ray lamontagne and the civil wars. good stuff!

Staci - I just love you!!!!! I just love these vlog posts too 🙂 LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!

Holly - LOVE it! Your videos are so much fun!

georgia - Love the lipstick!
Annie is the image of Craig!! thats so sweet!
have a great Day, love the video blogs!!!!

Leah - haha…you make me laugh. Super cute video…keep em coming.

Marie - Loved your video! It was so nice to hear you talking and see more of your personality. Loved the pop-ups too! Funny 🙂 Hope you’re having an awesome day!

Routhie - You are so random and funny. Boom.

Su@The Intentional Home - so you flipping thru those pages in the magazine made me go order one!!! can’t wait to get it!!

Cindy - Seriously. Could you be any more adorable!? The pop ups as you spoke cracked me up, especially the BOOM at the end! Hope you’ve had a great day too. Peace.

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - well,yay! congrats on the summer mag. that’s way cool!
a new lipstick makes me feel like a new woman, spring/summer is a fun time to get new shades for lips and nails!!
the added text to your videos are fun! nice touch.
Hope you have a happy day!
We’re still in full on birthday party mode ’round our parts…last weekend was ‘Braves and Bandits’ and this weekend it’s a Pirate Party, ARGH!!! 😉

AshleyAnn - awesome to the max.

Krista - AWWWWW Meg YOU are so stinkin’ cute! Hope you’ll do more videos!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - meg, i just wanted you to know that i watched this on my bed and my 22-month old was watching with me. he literally started crying when your video ended…so i replayed it, and he started bouncing on the bed. hahahaha! you’re a rock-star!

julia - The first time I heard your voice, I thought “that doesn’t sound like Meg” Hmm…I guess you didn’t sound like the Meg voice I had in my head. In this video you sound like you. Yes, I wake up weird.
I like your lip.stick.

Kerry - Meg…. My friend just sent me this link and after reading your playlist I thought of you 🙂 Take a look – too precious
Mumford & Sons

tiffany m gardner - YOU INSPIRE ME! thank you thank you thank you. i joke with my husband that your blog is my morning cup of coffee…since i’m not really a coffee drinker. its funny how i’ve never met you but i talk with my husband and kids about you like we are bffs! 🙂 so bff…thanks for sharing about your lipstick, magazine (which is on my list to get today) and your pics. i look forward everyday to your blog.

Courtney Walsh - ooohhhh I love your new lipstick! I am seriously a lipstick fanatic! I feel like my face sort of fades away without it! lol
Love the videos. Super fun.
and I really need to go get that magazine!

Suzette - You are just adorable! I never comment because I feel like it gets lost in all your bazillion comments, but I just felt pulled to do so today. You are cute and I love your favorites….Kinda like the Bloggy Oprah! Now excuse me while I go get me some Sugared Almond lipstick + order the magazine. Have a great day.

Maria - too cute!
Your hair looks cute too!
off to listen to some music now…can’t wait for my magazine to come in…

Jennifer - I absolutely LOVE your haircut! Makes me want to chop mine off…
Can’t wait for my Summer magazine to arrive and see all your fun, colorful pics.

Jacqui - your video is great! i love watching cause i feel like we’re having a chat! does that make me a stalker ….. 🙂 happy day to you.

Jen Brandt - Love your video! Too cute. I also adore your hair – cut and color. Hope you’re having a good day.

LK - you are just too cute – each time I hear your voice I think that’s not the voice I was expecting lol – I guess I had imagined something else all this time – ha!

Cris - Fun!!! I hardly every where lip stick but where lip gloss all day long (I am addicted).

Kerry - Just bought the Adele CD today – so cool 🙂 LOVE the way you say Awesome … and LOVE your sugary almond lips – haha! Kerry x

sarah - Playlist stollen. thanks!

Brianna - Have you ever heard of Lecrae, Sho Baraka, PRo, or Trip Lee? They are Christian hip hop artist that my husband LOVES and they’re awesome songs for working out to. Great lyrics and beat.

angela - Your teeth are gorgeous. You are too! Love the video…Off to order the magazine!

Angela - LOVE the video!!! You’re so laid back, I’m a lunatic with just 3 kids! Thanks for holding up the magazine, it looks thick so I’m def. going to order one. Hope you have a FAB weekend!

Lindsay E. - Loved your video… especially the pop-up comments! Too funny! 🙂

April M - hi back at you! that was fun!
made me ponder, what would be my fav 3 things for the day…hmmm
1 zig-zag part on my daughters hair (it wasnt perfect but fun to try something new)
2 Third Day on pandora
3 and listening to my guys laugh while watching myth busters

Leah - I got my copy of Summer the other day and I just keep staring at it! It’s beautiful. And I love your spread. So colorful and happy. Speaking of happy, I’ll have you know that I read your blog every morning at work (don’t tell my boss) and it brings a smile to my face and gets me going when I need to first thing in the AM. So thanks!

carolyn - you are so cute. i love videos on blogs — so much more personal.
and i totally dig your playlist and second PP mandy’s suggestion for the avett brothers. and i’ll add my own recommendation for the head and the heart.

Kristy - VA VA VOOM! The video loves you Mrs. Duerksen! I noticed your lipstick right away….purty. I received my magazine 2 days ago and I love it! I shouted to my husband, “my Kansas blogger is in here!!” I have no business saying “my” but it was just quicker than saying “you know…my favorite blogger with FIVE adorable kids, hunky husband, lovely restored Victorian and Waffle who I stalk every day?” lol! My daughter noticed the artwork and pointed out the ones we have done (they love your crafts!) For playlist try Amos Lee – Windows Are Rolled Down and Be Here Now by Ray LaMontagne is a beautiful song. I’ve been listening to Carole King lately and Coldplay’s Parachutes which in my opinion is one of the best albums ever! And last, did you have your chalkboard in the mag custom made or is it one of your scores? Have a splendid day!

Alicia @ La Famille - you’re too cute, ms. meg 🙂 love your new lip color…i just got a new Burt’s Bee Tinted Lip Balm and i’m in love! oh, and your playlist matches mine…we’ve got good taste 🙂

Lisa - Love these videos!! 🙂 Is it totally lame to say I feel like we could be friends? 🙂

Jennifer - Love the video!!! You’re a hoot! 😉

Kimberlee Jost - This got me to thinking…we should skype coffee time. Why haven’t I thought of this before?

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Love, love, love Mumford & Sons, the Black Keys, and Adele. Do you like Ellie Goulding? Her songs starry eyed, lights, and Your Song(remake of the Elton song) Love her…she was on SNL last week.
Got my Matthew Mead yesterday…you article is fabulous!!

Mandy - Hey Megs! Love your playlist, lots of goodies that I listen to on there. So, I have a suggestion, you should check out The Avett Brothers. Even my kids love them and sing along!

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wednesday for me.

last night was annie's kindergarten recogniton.
pretty cute.

they performed "the very hungry caterpillar" and sang "what a wonderful world"

annie has thrived in mrs. claassen's class this year.
has loved going to school every day.
has made art projects, gifts and cards for her everyday all school year.
that is a good sign of love to me.

ezra is her best buddy in the class.
at bedtime we were talking and she shared that everybody says "why do you always play with boys?!" 
i told her it was ok to play with WHOever she wants.
she said the girls always say "annie…come play princesses with us!"
and i laughed and said "you should say…..DO I LOOK LIKE I WANT TO PLAY PRINCESS WITH YOU?"
talby said "don't say that annie….you'll get in trouble"
we all laughed.

she likes some girly things like babies and house and littlest pet shops
but boys have more energy and action
and they are louder. 
just like annie. 

she has friends that are girls too.

the magnificent chef 
ANNIE will prepare  KAK for your meal

i cannot believe this year is almost over.
it's crazy.
i feel like i am in some weird time warp sucker.
making everything go at super speed.
everyone is growing up and changing so fast.
i want to shout "just stop already!"
for the good moments.
the hard stuff….the tough stuff….it can go away as quick as possible.
move along angry hormones of teenagers….

get going feelings of entitlement and greed or laziness…..
please move faster self centeredness…..
but this good awesome wonderful stuff…like hungry caterpillars & teacher hugs….they can stay forever. 


Lin - It’s not fair that first grade is just a few weeks from over, that my baby is just a few weeks away from turning seven. It’s not fair that it’s already May. I want time to slow down. I want it to stop, just for a little while.

Sarah Wolfe - adorable pictures!

Staci - I hear ya 🙁 My little kindergartener graduates next Friday….seems like I have wished for them both to be in “all day” school” for a long time…and now that it is rapidly approaching…I’m sad! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?????? I guess I’m a little scared of having alllll that time to read blogs and get nothing else done 🙁 EEEEEK!!!!!! Need a hobby….NEED TO LEARN TO SEW!!!!!!! Anyway…congrats to your sweet and precious Annie 😉

gina - I am so glad Annie likes playing with boys because Ezra sure loves playing with her! And I agree, this year flew by. Pretty sure it was just yesterday that we were bringing them into the classroom for their first day of school.

Kelle - I once said something about watching my kids grow is like trying to hold water in my hands. It just trickles through no matter how hard I try to keep it cupped, and it makes me sad. My cousin (who has older kids) said “yes, but the puddle the water makes below is just as beautiful.”
So true.
Catching up and always, always loving your words, your color, your zest. xo

Jen@thecottagenest - I feel the time passing much too quickly too. This year we have so many endings, one girl graduating and one moving on to middle school next year for 5th grade. Lots of tears here, mostly for the little one. I completely understand the need for time to pass a little quicker for the older ones.

emily - You are the best at documenting your life in such a sweet and sentimental way. I am right there with you not wanting the good things to go so quickly.

happygirl - I love Annie’s haircut. So cute. Yep, they grow up fast. But, sometimes, they move out slow.

Jaime - I keep looking at Mrs.Claassen and I think I might have gone to college with her. Do you happen to know if she went to a small Christian college in Oklahoma? If so…she was the sweetest girl around. She wasn’t married then so she had a different name, but she looks so familiar. Anyway, I would love to say “hello” to her if it is her. Haha! I love blogs, such a small world.

Carol S - I hear the grandkids stage is fun too…..SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!!

Kait - I’m echoing everyone else who said PLEASE spill on where to get that adorable dress! Annie is always so cute and her clothing is so vibrant. I love it!

Charlotte - annie is precious!
i too love the look of your photos!
i am curious how you tweaked them to make them colored like they are…and also can’t help but wonder if it was a trick to cover up the yellow lighting that always seems to come out in gymnasiums! please…tell us how you did it! 🙂

the.mrs - So cute! LOVE her dress. Need it for me! Spill the beans laday! - I so relate. So many emotions raising kids.

Rach - Oh such a sweet post. I hope my daughter enjoys school as much as Annie seems to have.

Nicole Q. - man i relate . . . twins almost done with kindergarten and I can’t even believe it. C R A Z Y !!!

Janelle - Check this article out…I keep rereading it and remembering the saying….”don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” My youngest of four is starting school in the fall and I am having a difficult time thinking about this change :\

Danyelle - I know EXACTLY what you mean. These days, the ones where our children are little + happy + sweet as can be pass far too quickly. The good news is, summer’s just around the corner and I absolutely adore summers with all my children home.

Jessie - Had to share this kak with you 🙂 LOVE your blog.

elissa - oh my gosh. that little boy with his little open tie. good heavens, i suddenly feel all sappy

Molly - my 6 year old (soon to be 7!) plays with boys alot too! I think it is just fine!

Sarah@this farm family's life - i feel for ya. our oldest will start kindergarten next year. not looking forward to that!

Sarah - LOL, the KAK for for your meal is cracking me up!
I totally understand, I have an 18 month old and I just can’t believe how fast she’s growing up. When I saw that her next Dr. appointment will be her 2yr checkup, I almost broke into tears…no joke! 🙂

Jess - Yeah Annie! Kindergarten is definitely the best. 🙂 Glad she had such a wonderful year.

Shannon - She is so stinkin cute! My older daughter tends to play with boys more as well for the same reasons. She is not much of a girly girl and I’m fine with it but daddy does not like the boys as friends at all! 🙂

sam - I love your blog! Thank you for all that you share. I have 4 boys and feel some kinship with the things you write about. Hope you are having a great day!

julia - I’m currently in the throes of being sad about the last day of pre-school coming up. I can’t even let my mind dwell on kinder for next year.
Pls dish on the dress….must know…

Janine - So adorable. I love that her buddy is a boy. I got teased for having a boy as my friend in 2nd grade. 25 yrs later I married him!

merlin - To me this is the perfect stage/age of life, capable, innocent, sweet, carefree, full of possibility….if only we could all keep that part of us forever in the forefront of life.

Maria - sigh…our kindergarten play/celebration is next Wed…these end of year plays always get me…last year was the worst…the preschool graduation…I am always a mess.
Such cute pics…our littlest has girls for friends too…but they are NOT his girlfriends…lol
Our oldest goes off to Jr High (they are actually touring the school today) next year…so.not.ready.
I am ready for a non-homework, sleeping-in filled summer though…

Southern Gal - Love the profile shot. And I’ll take kak anyday.

Cathy - I’d love Chef Annie to prepare kak for me (or even some cake would be fine)! She’s adorable!

Danielle - Hahaha! What did Annie say Kak meant? She is a little spitfire:)

Alisha - I’m right there with you! My son is graduating from preschool next week and he is the sweetest little guy.
Our 13 year old is EXACTLY how you describe your teens. It’s frustrating and will be wonderful when that stage has passed.
Guess we all have to go through it though. Good with the bad, right?

Kerry - Too sweet Meg 🙂 I had to Laugh… I’m from South-Africa and in Afrikaans, ‘Kak’ means poop 🙂 hee hee – Have a fab day, kerry x

Terrie - Isn’t that the truth?! I was going through a mini album that I made for my son when he was in grade school…some days, I just want to go back in time! To the good parts…only the good parts! Well, no maybe some of the bad parts too…then I can have a do-over! I could use a lot of do-overs! sigh….oh well, I think my kids still love me! 🙂
I saw a commercial about crayola glow-in-the-dark sidewalk chalk…I think you need to put it on your summer ‘to-do’ list! I think I will….maybe when my nephews come in a few weeks! Even if they don’t stay the night…I think I need some for me!
HaPpY WeDnEsDaY Meg!

Cara Kapp - Hi, just like to say I really LOVE reading your blog, have to wait till late afternoon with the time difference!! It’s so funny I’m from South Africa and speak Afrikaans – KAK is a really bad swear word in Afrikaans – it’s a “another” word for pooh.

Katy - that is the cutest little hair cut!

Jessica Johnson - that cut is too, too cute on her! and can mrs. claassen be the cutest name ever for a K teacher? you almost have to teach with that name.

Kristi Barrett - Amen. Very well written!

Jessi - What a sweetie pie.
I’m getting nervous about my babies growing up. My oldest is 3 going on 13.

Cindy - very sweet! i have tears in my eyes now. my firstborn has her preschool promotion celebration next week and then is moving on to kindergarten. and my second starts preschool in the fall. i am just going to be one teary emotional mess 😉 we’re really gonna live it up this summer!!

Georgia - Hahahaha – KAK! im sorry but this is so funny, im cracking up at my desk. I dont ever want her to cook me KAK for dinner..haha

erica - love this post:) and i love that your annie likes to play with the boys…my oldest – doesn’t play with the girls – she loves to be in the action with the boys:) i hope they can all continue to accept her in their little circle (and i haven’t dealt with drama, yet!) she’s going into 2nd grade and it brings tears to my eyes when i think about it. aren’t kids wonderfully awesome?!?

Leslie - I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL!!! Great post…thanks for sharing!

Mandy - Meg – I love the color of your pictures in this post. How do you get them this way?!

Holly - oh Meg! We have kindergarten graduation next friday. It makes me sad that my baby is getting so big so fast! I am ready for summer though!

Heather R. - I love teachers who love on the kids. Sweet. The pic of Annie and her Dad are great. Kak is yummy…especially rainbow ones. 😉

tara pollard pakosta - awwwww I am with you on the good stuff can stay,
tween girl (age 11) outbursts of tears lately, can GO!
cute cute cute annie!

Melissa - It all happens so fast, huh!?!?
I got my box of goodies!!! Thank you so much, Meg! You’re a doll!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I know what you mean about time flying waaaay to fast…it doesn’t seem that long ago you were posting about feeling sad that Annie was moving up to Kindergarten!
Gemma x

Routhie - I want Annie’s hair and her dress. For me. She is so cute!

Niki - I feel you! My oldest son’s last day of Kindergarten is tomorrow! I can’t believe how fast it has gone! Just think…we have a summer full of fun to look forward to. At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself. It will last one day until the “I’m bored” starts!

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how can this be?

how can 13 years have passed since i gave birth to this boy?

he was born ON mother's day.
with out drugs.
just me, craig and dr. saleh quietly in my little tiny room.
they both cheered me on and told me "you're doing great" and "you're almost done".  

it was the calmest of all of my birthing experiences.


which is funny because he was the least calm baby of the five.
he cried for the first two weeks non stop.


he was my second baby.
my first boy.
my baby that threw up and threw up and threw up.

i switched him to cow's milk at 6 months old after my mom suggested it.
literally from that very bottle…..
he never threw up again.
after 6 months of non-stop reflux it was GONE in one day.
i had to switch doctors because she was up in arms about the dangers i was causing him.
sorry lady….you aren't the one cleaning up this kid 20 times a day…..he's cured.
see ya!


he taught me to notice things like trash trucks and construction sites.
we used to drive to a construction site and park there and watch while we ate a happy meal.
i can still name every construction vehicle and tell you what it's for.



and he asked a lot of questions.


sigh…….i miss that little boy.

because who is this man that is living at my house?
eating non stop?
talking with a low voice?
wearing giant shoes?
worrying about how his hair looks and if his breath is ok?????


waffle is always a scene stealer…..

those ginormous candles were from party city.
they are fun! 

i made it a KU cake…..but honestly….no one cared.

the older they get the less exciting the birthdays are.
and the more OLD i feel.

he was a sweet baby.
a fun kid.
and a funny high energy young man right now.
i love to watch him play ball.
i like to listen to him to talk to his dad about basketball (95% of what he talks about during his waking hours)
i think he is going to be an awesome adult.

how cool is parenting?

we get to birth them, feed them, care for them and then watch them grow up and become adults?!
it's crazy.
and awful.
and humbling.
and HARD.

but still so very cool.

happy birthday SON.

i hope it's as BEAST as you are.

his real birthday is today but he will be at a track meet all afternoon and evening so we celebrated early. 


Christina - This made me cry! He does look so old in the present day pics! Hope his day was a happy one (it sure looks like it was)!

danielle burkleo - be still my heart. this makes me so excited and a little bit sad about my boys reaching that stage. but mostly just excited. i love this. what a handsome son – happy birthday!!

Nichole Kopp - My son turned 13 the last week in April. All I could think about was when he was three. He would put his stuffed elephant in his bike basket and ride up and down the sidewalk on the bike he called “steady ears”. His big blue eyes, blonde hair sticking out of his bike helmet. And now? He rides his bike across town and down trails. And his big blue eyes glare at me when I ask him to wear a helmet. Where does the time go? Happy Birthday to our “little boys”. At least they still let us hug them…. when nobody is looking.

Kat - He is gorgeous as a little boy and now too.
Cracked up when I saw the beast top. Lol. Bet that was a hit.
Personally I love your cake and I love, love, love that like me you get so sentimental about each birthday and each year of growth.
It’s what makes us love being Mums and helps us to appreciate it all.
So many mixed emotions and feelings huh?

Sarah - That is one GOOD LOOKING kid.
I love how you listened to your mom and yourself, and not your doctor….I think us moms need to do that more.
Why do your cakes always make me salivate???

Kerry Wiebe - Cow’s milk ROCKS!!!!

Tess S. - My oldest is 4 (going on 34). My husband was upstairs putting the “big” kids to bed and I snuggled the babe to sleep on the couch while watching Glee. It was the prom episode and for the first half I kept thinking about my own proms. All the fun I had and all the emotions that went into it. And then I looked down at my sleeping baby and realized she’ll be going to prom. She’ll have all those feelings. And I have 2 others that will be going through it too. It was a very REAL awkward moment. Parenting in hard. And I’ve only just begun.

Wendy - Happy Birthday! You’ve done a great job I’m sure Meg! Funny, when I saw the first pic of the cake you posted, I thought, “What a tiny cake for 7 people.” Then I saw the next pic…. WOW.. those candles are huge! My little man is 19 this month, it does go by so fast. I remember the names of all of the Thomas the Tank Engine trains and the construction vehicles he loved so much. Times change but I’m so thankful that our memories stay the same, they’re only added to. 🙂

Beth - Mine are growing so fast also…but I did plan mine little different than most moms…lol.
He sure is a cutie! Happy Birthday!

elisa - Right there with ya sista!

Amy Lynne - It was my youngest boy’s birthday too! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Deanna - My son just turned 12 on Sunday and I have the same feeling – How can this be? They grow so fast! Beautiful post and Happy Birthday to your handsome boy!

Ellie Perez - Aw, beautiful post…I had one of those upset tummy ones too! We did goat milk….after 6 months of seeing every doctor we could find. Chiropractor suggested it and she was great after 2 days! who knew!

Toni :O) - GREAT post! Our boys are only seven months apart in age…crazy! I’m like, I had that same sippy cup for my boy too! I, like you, am amazed at the big feet, but I get “don’t touch my hair” and unlike yours…mine talks about cars, cars, cars in his wakeful hours….nonstop, it’s all about cars-makes, models, colors, types. The boy loves to just ride in the car so he can check out all the other cars on the road! If he doesn’t design cars for a living when he graduates from college, he’ll be some type of engineer for the automotive companies! Good times I tell you! Happy Birthday to your amazing son…boys are awesome, it’s so fun raising a baby boy to be a young man!!! Woot Woot!

Yaz - I am crying. Mine is only 4 and he is soooo fun.. so cute and loving and I am only having one. I cant believe he will be all big and will leave me one day. I swear Ive cried for 20 minutes thinking about it.
You have a great family. Thank you for sharing.

Stefanie A. - oh gosh… this post made me cry. My boy is 6 years old and I feel these days fast approaching. But some days I feel like his teens will never get here and then I remind myself not to long for those days – they’ll be here before I know it AND I’ll wish for the 6 year old days back. Ha! Did I just confuse you? Loved this post and your son is turning into one handsome dude!

Nana - He got that crying business from his dad (I remember it well!), but my theory is that each child has one bad spell and I’d rather it be the first few months of their life than when they’re older. He’ll probably be as easy-going as his dad which will be a real blessing for you.

Amy - I had a *really* tough time when my son turned 9 in January!

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday Scott! My big boy is off at college *sniff* – the time does fly. And when I do his laundry, I often wonder how those socks are being worn by toes I used to kiss….BTW, love the cake!

Jen - Just entering the “construction vehicle” phase with my 2-y-o son, who demanded I let him drive a truck today… and was incensed that I didn’t comply. Seeing pictures of your son from baby to handsome teen are making me cry. I can’t bear to think of him being a teenager!
Looks like a great day… even if it is hard to believe it happened.

se7en - Oh Happy Birthday, May your year be totally cool!!! We love living with our 13 yr old!!!

Heather R. - I love the KU cake…Rock chalk! I love the picture of him smiling with “beast” t-shirt and the first one with Waffle. 🙂 I have two girls 10 and 11. I’m not ready for them to get ANY older.

Melinda - My son just turned 13 too! I also had no meds when he was born and he also had horrible reflux. I also put him on cow’s milk under the advice of the pediatrician that delivered me and it worked. Who would’ve thought? Best kid…15 year old daughter = much more drama! Happy Birthday to your son! I love your blog!

Staci - Happy Happy Day to Your Scott!!!! He looks like an awesome kiddo 🙂 and I thought the cake was great! They’ll appreciate in about 15 years 😉

Rachel B. - You two have some beautiful kids! Thanks for sharing and encouraging other moms like me 🙂

Rach - All I can say is “go mom!” How awesome is it when a seasoned mom comes up with the solution over a licensed pediatrician. I love to hear that stuff.

Courtney Walsh - the picture of him on the bike remind me of where my son is right this second and remind me to stop wishing it away so quickly. He’s in the question asking stage and I admit, I’m not always the most patient with my responses!! Love these photos!! He’s such a handsome young man!

Karen Gerstenberger - These are precious reminiscences & photos – the best kind of birthday card. Happy birthday to your precious guy!

Tanya H - Well I was sniffly reading your post and then the comments made me worse. 😛 My {oldest} baby is about to turn 9 on me and I can’t even handle it. LOL. My baby loved trains and every peice and part and what they do. I miss that so much, even tho he’s so fun to have conversations with at this age. sniffle… Scott is such a handsome guy. Good for you and thanks for taking us all on this journey with you.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Born on mother’s day! How cool is that?!

Ann R. - First, I have to laugh because my son too is turning 13 – on the fourth of july! I think I notice the original CM letters used in your scrapbooking – looking back those pages back then seem so archaic don’t they? I too am like what… did you get all this hair on your legs, you are so not a soprano anymore and well you are taller than both grandmas and soon are going to pass up your dad and I – crazy! Congrats, I swear doesnt it just seem like yesterday I was worried about raising him up in this crazy world (after 9.11) that he was in preschool. I am sure you can relate. I feel as if from 4th to 7th grade just went in the blink of an eye! Enjoy his thirteeness. I read you EVERYDAY and I am so glad you had the lets say gumption to discuss what we all want for mothers day so freely. I have participated in your vitamins to africa, laughed and cried with you and love you are so real. I can so relate to you that you make my not so great days feel like I can get thu anything cause we are all in this together!
Take care – Ann

Courtney R. - My little guy will be 3 tomorrow…he was born on Mother’s Day too!
I love your blog and look forward to reading it every day!

steph - oh gosh….
you so will NOT want to hear this,
but he looks so much older than 13.
he looks closer to 15.
he always seem so mature when you talk about him too.
maybe that’s the difference.
he doesn’t seem like the atypical teenage boy.
he seems like the ‘i’d like to hand pick him for my 12 year old girl’.
ha! that’s if i had a 12 year old girl.
7 year old… yes.
would he mind the age difference?!?!
ha ha ha h!
just kidding.
he is handsome and i hope he has a very blessed year!
your cake is awesome! 🙂

Kelly - I don’t think it matters if his hair is messed up or his breath smells like broccoli, you’re going to have girls lined up for that handsome dude!
And I thought the cake was cool! 🙂

Christi Hoffman - My second baby and my only boy, =/ is going to be 13 in June. I have been longing for the past days when he would run to me, screaming “mooommmy”! after of school until he was in 4th grade. Boo. He still comes home to me but, the scream has turned into, a cool deep voice, “hey Mom check this out today”….. I just listen, look into his bright brown eyes and wonder where in the world did my 4 pound 17 inch premie go? He is going into middle school next year, he is 135lbs & 5’6”. sigh. I am going to make him a KU cake too. He LOVES KU, my husband and him talk “shop” Maybe I should make a k-state cake…they would notice THAT! HA.

Marcella - I married young and had my oldest at 19. He’s turning into a young man now-headed for 10 years before too long.
It’s a bit scary to see him broadening out but he’s also getting more mature which is nice.
Happy son raising!

Laura Phelps - similar post over at my place 🙂
WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO GROW??????????????????????
and eat
I hate that they eat so much
I can’t afford to feed them
nursing was cheaper

Ashley - Happy birthday to your boy! And I just wanted you to know that I LOVE your KU cake. It made me smile :o)

stephanie - You’ve got a heart-breaker on your hands with that handsome boy!!

Stephanie - And what a handsome young man he is!! I’ve got a 13 year old girl in the house who is pretty amazing too. However I just realized in the past few months that I know NOTHING! She on the other hand knows EVERYTHING!!! Good times I tell you, good times! This too shall pass right????

karen - Happy birthday Scott! Is it weird that I am looking forward to my kids growing up?? They are 3 1/2 and almost 1…and I just love seeing them be more independent.
Who knows…i may be eating my words in years to come.

Amy James - I was reading this at work and an audible cry slipped out. My baby boy just turned 23. Where did that little boy go? I miss him so much but I do love the man that is here as well. We have so much fun together and he will sometimes let me hold him and sometimes if I am really lucky he will slip and call me Momma like he used to when he was little, instead of Mom.
I also switched to cows milk at 6 months for the same reasons. I thought the sky would fall at first and everyone I happened to mention it to was so upset but he was able to keep something down for the first time and he grew. Other than the 3rd eye, I think he is perfect! 🙂

Jen Brandt - What a good lookin’ kid! Better watch out, Mama!

Catriona - I mean Whateversary. As if that’s even a word…

Catriona - Love this post! My first-born, a boy, is 6 next week and the thought of him ever being 13 feels like a lifetime away. I think the hilarious post with all Scott’s questions was the first ‘whatever’ I ever read. That means it’s my first Whatverversary!

Alice H - Where did you find the BEAST shirt? My 10 year old must have one. He says it non-stop!! Happy birthday and I would have been impressed with that cake!

LittleMissAwesome - I must say, your cake looks VERY yummy. One time my sister had a pony on her cake, and she didn’t want to eat the horse! It was in the freezer for months.
He looks so adorable as a baby :} chubby cheeks! awww! :3

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - He is soooo handsome! Lovely : )
Gemma x

Camille - I just went to hug my 5 year old…

Hannah - just what i needed to hear…that it goes by soooo fast. my little guy is turning 4 tomorrow and i can’t believe it. and he is a question asker….which i have to admit….sometimes i just want quiet…while he is asking me questions about things i don’t know the answer to…like toilets and electricity and trucks and bugs….but you reminded me that it will be gone before i know it! 🙁

Cutzi - This brought tears to my eyes. What is it about little girls? They almost seem grown up from the minute they’re born. But boys? My son is going to be 6 next month but he still often seems like my little boy. I know he will grow up some day but I’m happy waiting as long as possible.

Karen - I, too, have a Mother’s Day baby. Isn’t that the best Mother’s Day present? Her birthday is the 9th and she was 29 yesterday. You have a handsome young man – Happy Birthday to him!

Ashlyn - The cake is great…the kid is great…watching them get older is… hard!! My baby is turning 13 in a couple of weeks too -sigh!! xo

Leah - I care about the cake. That’s the BEAST!

giozi - Congratulations!! Happy Birthday 🙂
You have a handsome guy.
My little chubby is single yet 😉 he he he

emily@remodelingthislife - He’s so handsome, Meg. Happy birthday to him! I love the cake and candles.

Suzanne Lay - Everything that you just said at the end about parenting it SO TRUE!!! and it made me cry but they are happy tears! I have three and they just tug at my heart so much!! There is so much love…indescribable!!!XOXO

Teresa - I care that you made a KU cake!! I love it!
What a sweet son you have…Happy Birthday!

shauna reed - meg, he is beautiful.
(hope he doesn’t read this 😉
there is a sparkle in his eye.
he knows he is loved…i can tell.
good job momma! - Parenting is the most complex and amazing thing isn’t it? My “little” boy just turned 19…sniff, sniff, where oh where does the time go?

amber - What a cute little boy:). And, how crazy to see those pictures build up to that kid you have now. Crazy, crazy, crazy. He’s still a cutie now, too. And, 13 is still little, right? Happy Birthday!

Karen - Awe. I LOVE this age! We have a 13 year old in our house too! They are fun to be with, independent, smiley all the time, helpful (well, sometimes), and yes, they are the “black hole” of groceries…! Lovely cake too! Happy Birthday – you are officially a teenager!

Ana - He is a very cute kid. I love his awesome smile!
Happy birthday!

Jacci - My little guy is about the age of Scott in the pic with the red truck. SO weird to go through the photos and watch the same little fae turn into your 13 year old “man”! All I have to say is, I’m glad it happens gradually. AND I’m glad for posts like these that bring some sweet perspective. Happy Birthday, Scott!

Amanda - Oh my goodness, I just have to share. My little brother will be 15 in August, but I remember he had the same sippy cups, with the dinosaurs! I remember taking the little plastic piece out of the cap when I cleaned the dishes for my momma. Such wonderful memories. Thank you for reminding me. Enjoy 13!

Tonya - Happy birthday, Scott! I love what you said about knowing the names and uses of ALL the construction vehicles…my boy taught me those things as well!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hey…he looks like a pretty happy kid to me. Terrible teen here? Nah…I dont think so:)
Happy Birthday to your BEAST.

sharron - you had me at no drugs..yikes!
he is so handsome and has a sweet soul that shows in his eyes.
happy day to your son and the cake looked awesome!

Mindy Harris - makes me want to cry.
you said it perfectly:
it’s crazy.
and awful.
and humbling.
and HARD.
but still so very cool.
love this. happy bday to scott!

kristy - Oh gosh, 13…. I’m going to faint when my little ones get to that age…. you aren’t old enough to have a teenager, right? 🙂
I LOVE the cake…. stinks when no one oohs and aahhs over it. Before you said that, I thought, “That cake is amazingly cool!” So yay to you… I’ll appreciate it for you. (said from a Mom who tries to make her kids cakes!)
You are a great mom!

melissa - he’s a handsome one.
happy birthday!!!!

Jemm - Happy birthday to your boy! My oldest will be 13 in Oct. I’m really scared for the teen years. Parenting is HARD! I’m TRYING to see the awesome-ness with two “tween” girls…really I am 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Happy Birthday, Scott!
Why would anyone want to have their picture taken with Waff is beyond me?! Ha.
He IS a scene stealer. Big time.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - They will remember the special cakes Megan. It just happens later. Even if it seems like it isn’t a big deal. It is. Your love is in each and every piece. It would seem I’m feeling a little sentimental this morning.

Kris - What a handsome boy! MY little boy turned 22 a few months ago. I miss his little hand in mine. But now I have three marvelous grands whose hands I love to hold, and they have stolen my heart!

freckled hen - Happy birthday to your handsome young man…I guess that means that you have two teenagers now. And though in any other conversation it would sound like I’m bragging I feel the need to tell you I have three. Which really just means that my hair is turning gray faster than yours. My 13 year old son wears athletic clothes everyday and only speaks basketball, too. I miss him in overalls.
I received my Summer with MM yesterday and wanted to tell you your article is great!

andiejaye - aw…you made me all sniffly. my little man will be 3 this fall and i’m already having those bittersweet moments. this just gave me a little peek into what i’m in for. happy birthday to your son. thanks for the continued blessings and enlightenment you give me when i read your posts.
andiejaye @

Carly Winborne - he has a fantastic smile!

RLG - I know he cared, but he’s probably too cool to say the cake was awesome. Your family is breathtaking. It’s such a pleasure to watch them grow. I feel old too, and I’m older than you, Meg, with twin 4yr-olds and an almost 7yr-old. Sigh. So much to look forward to. xoxo

Lia - Happy Birthday young man.

Lindsey - My son just turned 2. You made me cry thinking of him growing up. His little body is pressed against mine as I type this. I wasn’t so happy this morning waking up at 6:30 with him but now I’m thinking I should cherish these moments (even early, early in the morning).

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I’ve got two boys born in May – one just before Mothers Day, the other just after…gonna make me a sentimental wreck every year because of that, I’m sure! 😉 One just turned 3, the other will be 6 in a few days – you’ve gone and got me all sappy thinking about the day they’ll be man-boys! Just getting started with the sports thang and I LOVE it!

Shannon - Happy 13th Birthday to your 1st boy! I think your cake looks very impressive 🙂

Molly Pearce - Oh Happy Birthday! My brother just turned 15 and has finished drivers ed. accckkk!!! I miss when he was little but we have so much fun now hanging out and talking and laughing! I love my baby brother so so much!!! Again Happy Birthday! Enjoy being 13!!
~Molly P

Holly - I can’t even imagine! My son is turning 4 in August and 13 seems light years away but so did 4 when he was turning 1! I have tears welling up in my eyes thinking about my babies turning into boys and girls and then on to men and women! boo…
your cake is beautiful.
waffle has to be the cutest damn dog ever!!

Southern Gal - Happy birthday to your man boy.

Chaos-Jamie - Ack!Another 13yo! You’ll have to tell me how boys compare to girls. 🙂

jill - okay, you just made me a little teary. 🙂 my oldest boy just turned five and i thought that was huge. hard to imagine that some day he will be 13! so proud of you for getting your boy this far!

Tiffany - Handsome Guy! Great memories you shared. Ur doing just fine, give yourself a hug Mom.

Holly - I know how ya feel! Gosh they grow up fast!

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