i can only explain it by saying i think i felt good from being AT church
and fully experiencing church yesterday morning.
i came home from church and instead of going inside, i stayed outside and watered my plants….
meaning i was in the quiet yard for a few more minutes still holding on to what i had just learned.
not going right inside the house with the kids, noise, life, meal needing to be made, tv, computer, mess, laundry, dishes, dog, and everything else right away.
and i even stayed outside long enough that lauren made lunch! (frozen ravioli)
all that to say…..i had enough energy for making a craft thursday craft on a sunday afternoon!!
my friend angie is an art teacher and i saw this in her school's hallway.
i knew my kids would love it.
we will call it the……all about ME silhouette collage
this is how we made silhouettes at our house….

i taped paper to the wall and had them sit in the little chair.
then shined a flash light at our subject.
taking a pencil, i traced their shadow on the paper.
it was easiest to have it sit on the arm of the couch to keep it from shaking.
we learned that the the closer you got the bigger the shadow….and vice versa.
they really wanted to trace my shadow too.
and they saw how hard it was….to trace a moving subject.
no matter hard you try not to move you still move a little tiny bit.
it was fun!
next step was cutting out our silhouettes.
then gluing them to a piece of colored paper.
i set out a big stack of magazines and let them go crazy.
seriously….they were SO happy!
they were supposed to find things to glue to their "head" that described them or was something they loved.
they worked together picking out things they liked or what they knew their sibling would like.
annie had one melt down crying about the baby she wanted to cut out got ripped and blah blah blah.
but quickly got over it.
(i really dislike crying/whining/fighting during craft time….REALLY dislike)
great craft.
definitely things he likes....because he does not have a phone, a playstation or an xbox.
he does like the Nate series, loves his kindle and the jayhawks and zoo animals.
i told him that was bruce lee….but i think he thinks jackie chan IS bruce lee.
taylor swift….laptop….camera….ipod….phone….puppy….ipad….money…..slippers….pop tarts…basketball
love it.
soccer ball….wendys…hersheys….doughnut….justin bieber…coins….pizza….baby…jayhawks…baby lion.
annie ended up loving this project once her tears had dried.

and i made one too!
pretty self explanatory.
and i did not get a top lip…
i love collage.
i used to make this kind of thing at home by myself with the jcpenney catalogs when i was a kid.
it was a challenge to see how perfectly i could cut out a person in detail…..for real!
thank you ang for the great idea!
the winner for the pleated poppy gift certificate is:
Posted by: Leslie R | May 14, 2011 at 09:21 AM
send me an email leslie!
UPDATE on the family on my porch:
one baby so far.
the second one hatched but it was too dark for pictures yesterday.
how can something that ugly be so cute at the same time?
and it's like 2 inches long.
crazy awesome…
Kelly - The peonies are beautiful and I am in awe of the baby bird photos! Thank you for sharing and Go God!
Question: I was at the Horticultural Arts Society plant sale this weekend and eyeing the peonies. One of the volunteers told me that they attract a lot of ants. Do you find that to be true? Kelly
Melissa - I love peonies and am anxiously awaiting mine blooming. So jealous yours already are!
Janie - Don’t the mama and papa birds dive at you when you walk under the nest? Years ago I looked into a robin’s nest and then every I went by they were diving at me and really after me. You are so lucky.
Julie K - I am loving your baby robin pictures. They are amazing. You could sell them! 🙂
I’m also very jealous of how far along your spring is … my poor garden is just peeking it’s head out … and I’m anticipating two peonies for the first time this year!! Beautiful!!!
Staci - Simply spectacular 🙂 Love em 🙂 And congrats on baby bird #2!!!!! I’m planting strawberries today….I’ll think of your grandma….and I’ll think of my poppa’s HUGE garden I used to “help” him with 🙂 sigh…..
Jacqui - love your flowers …. wow it looks beautiful and warm and sunny where you are …. the snow has finally melted up here in Fernie BC although its on 7degrees Celsius here at the moment and there’s a frost on the ground. we hope summer is coming soon 🙂
Kim Barlow - Lovliness…pure and simple.
Erin - your blog totally cracks me up – absolutely love it!
chasity - peonies make me so happy….
lots of good memories wrapped up in those beautiful petals.
your photos of them are superb!
Jess - I drove by your house this week and your flowers looked so pretty. My peonies just started blooming and I LOVE them too. Definitely my favorite. Oh, and the bird pictures are awesome. 🙂
Jen Brandt - God is at work right in your yard and on your porch. Absolutely beautiful pictures. Thank you for brightening my day!
Karma - Gorgeous … I also love the back-lit, light pink peony photo … about took my breath away, sooo beautiful! These photos seriously made me wish I had a yardful of peonies! The baby birds are amazing, thank you for sharing your peeks of the peeps with us! 🙂
elisa - love the bird picture!!
BULLYMAMA - What a beautiful collection of Peony’s you have. Mine are a week or 2 away from blooming. Unfortunately they always seem to bloom around Memorial Day when we are away and when I get back rain and wind tend to make them disappear way too fast. I saw on Martha Stewart last year that you can actually freeze the buds just before they bloom and take them out of the freezer as needed. I thought that was such a great idea that we ordered about 8 more plants last year so we can give it a try. I’m not sure of the specifics but if you search Martha and Peony’s I’m sure you can find the info if you are interested!
I too enjoy stories of your grandmother. I feel so blessed to have had mine in my life she was a great influence and still a big part of who I am today.
Deanna - You’ll have to let me know how you keep your peonies bug free. Mine get covered with ants! UG!
Toni :O) - Thank you for taking me back to my house I grew up in and remembering the beautiful peonies that lined our driveway each Springtime. I LOVED those bushes and my mom had many of them alongside our drive. It was SO pretty! I really should plant some of those myself, they are gorgeous! Loved the baby birds pic too…awesome especially since I unfortunately saw a dead baby bird (a robin) on my neighbor’s driveway this evening…sniff, sniff. Happy Spring to you…hopefully it shows up in Michigan one of these days…sheesh! Oh, and I’m SO envious of your beautiful porch…sigh!
Toni :O) - Thank you for taking me back to my house I grew up in and remembering the beautiful peonies that lined our driveway each Springtime. I LOVED those bushes and my mom had many of them alongside our drive. It was SO pretty! I really should plant some of those myself, they are gorgeous! Loved the baby birds pic too…awesome especially since I unfortunately saw a dead baby bird (a robin) on my neighbor’s driveway this evening…sniff, sniff. Happy Spring to you…hopefully it shows up in Michigan one of these days…sheesh! Oh, and I’m SO envious of your beautiful porch…sigh!
meghan - Your peonies pics are so pretty. I made one my screensaver. thank you. and you need to send those baby birdie pics to national geographics or something. they are amazing.
Shelby - I think I need to go buy some peonies and plant them right this minute. Yours are absolutely gorgeous!
Kirsten P - Great photos of beautful flowers. I especially love the 7th photo – sunlight filtering through the green leaves of the light
pink peony plant.
We don’t have a nest in our yard but I’ve been watching nest cams online of baby eagles (almost ready to fly away, baby bluebirds who flew away on Sunday, and baby loons who will hatch in a couple weeks.
Leslie - Beautiful flowers!!!
I’m following the birds too . . .
The BabbyMama - Ooh, I can’t wait until my peonies bloom!
Andrea T - crazy. i just posted a pic of the peonies i purchased today!!! i cant grow them bc my husband is alregic to bees. love THEM though
Shirley - Your pictures are awesome. Peonies, or pinies, as my mother and grandmother used to call them are one of my favorites. They bring back many childhood memories. I’m not very lucky in raising them so will enjoy your photos instead! Thanks for sharing.
Sara - Your peonies (or panties as I used to call them as a child…) make me smile! They are gorgeous, so so beautiful. They are never that good in Atlanta, so I enjoy your pictures. wish your pictures were scratch and sniff…
Liza Morgan - peonies are my favorite! what lovely photos. happy day.
Dawn - Your poenies are beautiful! I wish I could grow them down here in South Texas but it is too hot. And I am glad I to see I am not the only one that has a messy porch sometimes. haha…By the way loved all the colorful images from the other day. Make you feel happy.
julia - Oh my goodness!!! If anyone ever asks me “Julia, what are you missing out on by not living in Kansas?” I’m going to say “Seeing Miss Meg’s garden in person.”
sara @ it's good to be queen - they’re gorgeous. nothing smells better than a peony. yum.
Jodi - I really loved the pictures of your peonies! My grandma loved peonies and grew them all around her yard. After she passed away last February, I dug up some of her plants and transplanted them to my yard. I am so happy that they survived, and two of them even
have buds on them!
Nicole - I love peonies!! I wish I would have planted them years ago. Our small town restaurant had a vase of them on their counter yesterday. I about died with the beauty of it. Not really, but could have. 😉
Dana@Strawberrytart! - I am SOOOO Jealous!!! I love peonies, but I don’t think they can grow in Texas.
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - As I sat down after lunch… I said in my head… ‘ok, meg, make me smile.’ And LOOK! You did it! hugs to you!
Prudence - my sister and I just had a discussion yesterday on how to pronounce them, so which is it? peoooohhhhnies or peuuuhhnies?? I grew up saying the first, but now everyone corrects me with the second!
Wendy - Love, love, love the Peonies!! I so wish we could grow them in the south! Enjoy your beautiful flowers and sweet little porch visitors. 🙂
Mindy Harris - i have been anticipating your peonies post. my friend has scads in her yard and always gives me some.
it makes me thankful for the intricacies God chose when he made them. the same careful, thoughtful design-work when he made me.
amber - Your flowers are beautiful.
We have a martin nest on our porch with 3 hungry babies inside.
I love remembering the fun I had climbing my Nana’s tree, eating her snacks, rollerblading at my Naw & Grandaddy’s, & enjoying their snuggles. My Nana’s the only one on this side of heaven now. Grandparents are definitely a taste of heaven…praying for yours.
Gemma - They are really nice flowers…perfect for a wedding!
Gemma x
steph - ahhhhhh!
i SOO love peonies!!
they are also my favorite.
they bloom here in june so we still have to wait a bit.
but they are so beautiful.
are you getting ants all around though?
that’s the one bad thing…
peonies inside=ants!
and i love to hear about your g’ma.
i only have one grandparent left and i love her so.
i have so many fabulous memories of being small and hanging at her and my grandpa’s house too.
now you’re taking me on a trip down memory lane.
loves it!
enjoy those peonies… and those baby birdies!
they are kinda strangely cute, huh?
andrea - I love my peonies too! How do you get all the ants off yours to bring them in the house? My grandma had peonies and I brought some to this house. They split really easily and well. You are so lucky that your grandma is still alive. Mine has been with the Lord almost 20 years and I still miss her very much! (I am tearing up just thinking of missing her.)
Also, please don’t clean your porch! It makes me feel better to know someone else’s looks like mine. 😉
Sarah Wolfe - The flower pics are gorgeous. What lens did you use when you took them?
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - So sad I can’t grow Peonies in SoCal…they are seriously the most gorgeous flower ever. Yours are so pretty and I love your memories of your Grandma…grandmas are special.
Debbie Hargadon - There are no ants in those peonies! Your weather must have been great lately. I love them. My little girl memory of peonies was dropping their flower petals in weddings I was in when I was small – 4 or 5. We would always practice with peony petals and have pretend weddings from that point on. I’ve tried growing them in zone 14 in the Bay Area of California. The bush will grow but never flower. After a few seasons of that – the bush got pulled out. No flowers – no stay. 🙂 Thanks for a blast of spring! Peonies mean birthdays (mine) and mother’s day to me. They are tied up in all my May/June memories — along with LILACS!
lauren - Flowers = Pure Happiness!
Beth - Kansas has some of the prettiest peonies I’ve ever seen (brother used to live in kc). Wish I could grow them here! they’re some of my very favorite flowers. What do you do to get rid of the ants, or do you just live with them?
You all have a great view for those little birdies!
Anna - #1… my fave thing about that picture is that your porch looks like a normal person’s porch… thank you!
#2… has the momma bird gotten angry at you? we had a turtle dove nest on our porch and we got too curious and we were chased by angry momma bird.
#3… you rock. that’s it.
Lisa - Those baby birds look a little like miniature aliens. 🙂 But the whole thing is quite amazing isn’t it?
What a great relationship you have with your grandmother. I’m so thankful for the way my own parents are such wonderful grandparents to my kids.
SoCalLynn - I live in Southern California. That means no peonies. I *dream* of a day when I can grow peonies, but I don’t think we’re moving any time soon.
Love the pictures of the tiny robins with their mouths open!
Emily - I can almost smell them!! Thanks for sharing!
jodi @ back40life - gorgeous – love the peonies! I have 2 that bloom and bought 2 more this year…I just hate that the blooms don’t seem to last long. I keep thinking I need to look for a tree peony but have yet to find one.
love all the flower eye candy!!
Alisha - Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the intense color and can almost SMELL them!
Molly - I love peonies! and your are gorgeous!! My husband and I just dug a bunch out of a flower bed at my parents farm that had become over run with weeds! I could not let them go:)
Sheila P. - Megan – your blog is my happy place. Thanks for sharing your flower pictures today!
Kate - LOVE the pictures! Please make some into HUGE prints and put them in your etsy shop. Or just send them to my house. 🙂 We have several of my great-grandmother’s peonies but they’re not quite ready to bloom yet. By the way – Betsy Kate’s pictures are super sweet. Thanks!
Chantelle - i.love.peonies. why don’t we have them here in zone 8/9??? i would so steal your peonies too! And i love that your porch looks like that. 🙂
Amy - Wow!! Your pictures and garden are amazing!!
Hannah - I absolutely love peonies! They are my all time favourite flower. I love them in the bud stage, so tightly wrapped up, carefully concealing the beauty beneath. Then when they burst open – they’re so huge! It’s yet another part of God’s beautiful creation that makes me smile. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
And the baby robins? How incredible that you and your family have such an insight into their precious little lives : )
Jill - All your photos are lovely, but the one of the back-lit, light pink peony in the sunshine stopped me in my tracks- GORGEOUS!
And I’m loving the baby robin photos. I never knew their eggs are so blue! I love nature. =)
Irene - Be careful the kids don’t scare the Mommy bird away from the nest and make her reject her young – v important that they don’t touch or freak out the mother.
Mindy W - Oh, I’m enjoying! And cursing myself for only having 1 peony plant when I LOVE them.
mandy madison - Thanks for sharing! I love peonies and they are the main flower in my upcoming wedding 🙂
Laura A - I got married 2 weeks ago and carried peonies…they are my favorite too! I hope to plant a yard full of them one day!
Ali Richardson - WOW!!! I have serious Peopny envy!! SO gorgeous!!! And those little baby birds, my goodness! So sweet!
karen - Love the mohawk on the one bird!
Hi Grandma!! How sweet of your grand daughter to post this today…you must be one special grandma. xoxox
Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Your birdie pictures are awesome. Love that Grandma is reading your blog. Just makes my heart melt.
deborah@applesinwonderland - gorgeous photos. the memories of time spent with my grands are the best. i heard that peonies require ants to help them open. is that true? ask your grandma, i bet she knows. 🙂
RLG - Great post. Peonies are my all time favorite. And the pictures of the birds hatching are priceless. Thanks for sharing with the class. Cheers, girlie. xoxo
Kirsten J - You do know how lucky you are, right? We just set a record overnight low here in Seattle…and might see our first day about 70 later this week. My grandma was a gardener, too – I have plants from cuttings in her yard which I treasure. Those peonies are amazing!
Katy - do people ever steal your flowers? i would if we lived closer.
we have a bird nest on our ceiling fan on our back porch. rude cause we can’t turn it on now. but i can’t wait to see those babes!
Mary - I’m loving your pictures of the birds! Make sure to place something on your porch because the poop gets outta control! 🙂 We just place a cardboard box top and some newspaper and then it’s easier to clean up and change out. Because the birdies don’t want to poop in their nest so that means it just falls onto your porch! 😀
tara - sigh… love peonies.
Southern Gal - Oh, how I wish we could grow peonies around here. I have too much sun and too much heat for them. Thanks for sharing. And the babies are beautiful.
happygirl - I LOVE peonies. It’s so sad that they’re only around for such a short time. So beautiful. And, your pictures, gorgeous. Thanks for posting.
Cindy - I can smell the peonies right through the screen, I swear! Love ’em! And now 2 birds? Get out!!! These pictures are just so amazing!!! I adore your front porch, even if you think it needs cleaned. Looks like a great spot to read a book or have a morning chai. Be blessed.
Kerry - Aaah Meg! The colours are to die for! Did you put those flowers up because its my Birthday? 🙂 haha! Also, Welcome Baby #2 x
Jessica Johnson - i adore peonies. i almost adore those baby birds more. kind of like sad, pathetic and helpless meets the cutest thing i ever did see. so precious.
Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I needed that burst of color this morning! So beautiful!
I’m not a bird lover, but those things are so ugly they’re cute! :o)
Jeannine - Lovely pictures as always. Your blog makes me so happy!
Your peonies are gorgeous! My Great Grandma used to have peonies alllllll over her garden, so seeing them always brings back good memories of spending time with her in the summer =)
Tam - Oh, thanks for sharing 🙂 I love photos of your home. My peonies are no where near ready to open…June is peony month for us. I also have baby birds, I’m jealous you can use your camera to take pics, our nest is on my truck tire(!), I have to use my cell to take photos!
Beth @ Dirty laundry - Your porch is gorgeous with or without cleaning it up. Love the birdie picture, especially yesterday’s…something hopeful about those two waiting eggs. I think you should submit that one somewhere.
Shauna - Hi, Im back to bug you about selling those as prints…now I think I love the 2 baby birds even more! That beautiful blue egg is so lovely…Gods handiwork is everywhere for us to enjoy. Amazing. So when will those pictures be in the shop?? 🙂 Im glad to hear your Grandma is able to enjoy your blog…she will love this post.
Mary Ferrara - I love these pictures so much! I feel so upliftd seeing such beautiful flowers this morning! Thank you so much for that. I love your garden, and hope to have one like yours one day! 🙂
sarah - The picture of those birdies is incredible. We had some mourning dove babies on our porch a couple of weeks ago. It was always so fun to go check on them. those babies flew the nest though… so now i am a 20 something single empty nester. ha!
Kimberlee Jost - Gorgeousness all around.
My peonies opened up and they are not the kind I thought I was buying.
I guess that means I get to buy more. 🙂
Jenni Carlisle - Can you A. adopt me or B. turn your house into a bed and breakfast so I can come stay with you? Every post of your home makes me wanna move to Kansas and move into the Museum next door.
Leigh - All of those pictures are incredible, but I really like the bird ones – WOW!!!
Terrie - Thanks for all the pictures of your peonies!! We lived on the my husband’s family farm for years and we inherited all of Grandma’s plants. Peonies were one of those treasured plants! When we moved to McPherson…I moved them with me and gave some to her daughters. When we moved to Hutch last year (in the coldest part of winter) I moved them again and transplanted as soon as I could. Sadly…they didn’t make it. Peonies are in my backyard plan somewhere…but it’s not the same as having Grandma’s Peonies. They always make me think of her! Loved every pic!! Back to quilting and then finishing some flower planting for me too!
Sarah Alcantara - Amazing bird pics! Gorgeous peonies….I’ll bet your grandma is going to love this!
Laura Phelps - don’t be surprised if you spot me crawling in your garden with a pair of scissors…