Masthead header

so happy it’s friday.

if it's friday that means we don't have swimming lessons.
and that means i don't have to drive to swim lessons.
i don't mind the drive as long as they have a dvd.
whoever invented the dvd systems in cars with wireless headphones is a genius.

i can even have a silent ride with that.

we met my dad for a quick dinner at chilis after lessons.
and then we were trapped there for 2.5 hours because of a huge storm with hail and lightning and flooding!

my kids tried to behave but after awhile they were just so bored…..
when there was finally a break we made a run for it.
the kids said "we didn't even say goodbye to grandpa!!"

this was me driving out of the storm….weirdorama.

out my side window.
kansas you are whack!

the flowers were thrilled about the water.
opening so bright and colorful this morning.



my zinnias are coming up so nicely.
i am so glad i got my act together and actually planted them again.
i missed them last year.

and the pool is nice and icy cold again too.

YAY for rain.
even if it traps me in chilis with children for hours on end.


Ellsworth Mciltrot - Those storm clouds look pretty strong. Well, it seems you managed to pass through that without any trouble. Driving during heavy rain can be very problematic.
Nonetheless, the photos of it look great, and so are the other pics!

happygirl - I have to say your cloud pics are AMAZING. I’m originally from the midwest, so I know about storms. I’m glad you are safe. Those things can turn bad so quick. Amazing pics.

james - that had to have been kinda scary. those clouds are insane. i absolutely love your flowers. so beautiful

Laura - I LOVE the drama of clouds and a good storm. But I don’t live anywhere near that.
I’m sure it’s hard to not live somewhere that gets something! Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, wild fires, etc…

erlfisher - We were at swim lessons when the storm hit – we had a perfect view of the storm moving in while in the pool at the NW Y. As soon as lessons were over, we grabbed the kids and booked it home. We made it in plenty of time and were able to watch the hail from the front porch. My moonflower leaves have giant holes in them! You are sooo right – Kansas weather can be wack!

Kimberly Dial - The worst storm I’ve ever been in in my life was while driving thru Kansas! I was 14 & now (nearly 50) I still compare all storms to it …

Kimberly Dial - The worst storm I’ve ever been in in my life was while driving thru Kansas! I was 14 & now (nearly 50) I still compare all storms to it …

Debbie - Oh, how I miss that huge Kansas sky! Three more weeks and we’re there (Lord willing and the creek don’t rise). Love the pic with the bug.

Misty - This is very off topic but anyway. The other day I was sitting in the waiting room at the medical centre and an ad came on the t.v for some hair dye or something anyway the celebrity who was promoting it was Evangeline Lily and I wondered who she reminded me of and then it hit me…You! Evangeline Lily is your doppelganger Meg… Random bit of info for you lol.

Jennifer - We had a similar terrifying storm in CO 2 nights ago-woke my children up and had hail the size of quarters. Luckily no damage to the house or cars, but SHREDDED our flowers. 🙁 Very sad! But

Lisa - I’d love to hear about Kansas weather too! I’ve never lived anywhere that has that crazy of weather 🙂

Jenny - I’m in St. Louis and I think we’re getting what you had earlier. I’m not sure if it’s the same storm, but it’s super windy and raining really hard right now. Lots of thunder! I’m hoping it drowns all of those cicadas! Do you have those?

Aimee - I planted Zinnias two years ago (by just dumping a ton of seeds in the wholes I made) and they came up again last summer and this summer too. A few have already bloomed and a bunch more are about to. I LOVE Zinnias!

beth - What part of Kansas are you from? I noticed that your favorite antique store is in Marion. I’m from Wichita.

shauna - oh gosh! chilis is a thorn in my side….i know i sound so spoiled, but really, my kids and husband love it and i want to never eat there again…ever. and your chilis looks EXACTLY the same as mine. i didn’t even have to read where you were before i new….sad.
glad you are safe and your flowers are happy little momma.

Amanda - “Kansas, you are whack!” Favorite phrase of the day. 🙂

Margo - That weather last night was whack! I made it out of town and back homw just in time although I ran into hail about half way back. My neighbor got stuck in Town West for almost 3 hours, but not because she was shopping -she was stuck in the shelter!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hah! Youre dad looks thrilled. Is that just how he smiles or did he feel trapped too?:)

Molly - weirdorama…..thats my new word!
glad you made it home safe! we have had some whack weather here in Iowa too! but we should be used to it by now…right?

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Whack weather? I don’t know if I could live in a place with Whack Weather. I live in LA with no Whacky Weahter just Whackies…heehee.

amy b. - That pic of the girls being bored is too funny! You do look a lot like your Dad, I’m sure it’s nice having them so close! My parents are 9 hours from me! Boo! Hope you have a great, storm-less weekend!

polka - o my.. who doesnt love fridays? It is my favorite day, especially after work and everything
i love cajun pasta at chillies 🙂
beautiful pictures of the flowers and the crazy storm

Kelly - You look like your dad. Fun. That’s a crazy storm!! Yea for zinnias. I wonder if they would grow well in Colorado? Our sugar snap peas, basil and arugula are coming up nicely. Yea! Happy Friday!! Kelly

Weza - That is what it looks like when we get our summer storms here in Queensland Australia. It can be a beautiful hot humid day and next minute a storm rolls in looking just like that. Full of thunder, lightening and sometime huge hail. I LOVE THEM!
That pic of your dad cracks me up. He looks thrilled to be stuck at chillis. haha

Jen - Holy crap! Kansas sure has its beauty but the weather freaks me out.

crystal b. - That storm looked amazing!!! But is it scary because there’s a change of tornados or twisters???? I’d be a little freaked out. 🙂 The only week I’ve ever spent in Kansas, there was a hail storm with golf ball sized chunks of hail. I’ve never seen anything like that!
That being said — I miss watching a storm roll in and out.
And this random thought just came to my head — some day I hope to see lightening bugs. 🙂

Helen Wall - Dear Non-Ozites,
When you drive north and the storm is on the right, that usually means you’ll be alright because they generally keep moving north and east.
Just a little FYI.

Georgia - I always worry about you in Kansas, i think of The wizard of Oz!!
Is there ever tornadoes in Kansas?
The sky looks proper moody and stormy, good pics… were you driving under the influence of a Camera?! 😮 lol naughty meg! hehe xxx

kellie s. - Meg, I am not a meteorologist, so I could be wrong about this, but I think you got a picture of some Mammatus clouds. I have only seen them once in my life – on Good Friday this year when we had all the tornadoes here in the St. Louis area.
Look >>
“…mammatus are often indicative of a particularly strong storm or maybe even a tornadic storm…”
You really were driving in some SCARY weather then!

Holly - I love zinnias! My dad plants them every year except last year because we were busy rebuilding his house from the floods, but they are so pretty! He is very frugal and starts them from seeds in any container he can make work……even a milk carton or egg carton! ha!
The weather here has been crazy this season! SO many major storms. I feel like we are in tornado alley!

Gemma - I agree with Sue! When I saw your picture of the storm I thought ‘tornado’! Does it make you feel on edge when the weather turns?
Have a nice weekend X

Bridgette - the weather this season has been whack all around. ick. however it’s bringing summer so i say… bring it on sister!

sue - Meg. Does it bother you living in a place that could get a tornado. ? I often wonder how people can do that. Just courious.

Shannon - Beautiful pictures of your flowers and that sky looks crazy but you are not supposed to be taking pictures while driving crazy girl 😉
have a great weekend!

Terrie - We were sitting in Chilis too! Only in a town the opposite direction you were in…watching the weird weather on the tvs! Bad weather…had friends stuck at the mall in the tornado shelter…Not shopping! Wishing for rain, but no whack storms! I planted flowers from seeds too this year, 1st time in a loooonnnnggg time! They are coming up nicely…can’t wait for them to bloom!

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waffle and craft weekend

waffle had a birthday party with me, talby, annie and lauren.

on the floor in the kitchen.

such a poser…..

very unsure that he was not going to get in trouble as soon as he got too close…..

falling in love….

going for it…..

does not like cherries….check!

almost done… birthday ever……..

and then as soon as we walked away

he ate the candle.

what a dork.


    if you want information on craft weekend
                 CLICK HERE
           for the new crafty blog
             it's very exciting!



Eleanor Rae - Hahaha, I’ve just found your blog and this post made me laugh so much. I just love that he ate the candle! What a silly billy! Great blog, I’m really enjoying reading it! Love Eleanor xxx

Jessica @ These Are The Days - Great pics. I’m embarrassed to say I was about to write…”my kind of cake”, since I LOVED waffles but since it was meant for a dog…:)

Sheryl - What kind Of dog is waffle?!? He’s so cute!

Melanie - I’m not even a dog person and I loooove Waffle! Every time I see a picture of him, I want to reach through my screen and give him a big hug! He is one of the cutest dogs I’ve ever seen. I love how you gave him a plate of waffles for his birthday. 🙂 My nieces are here with me this weekend and I just showed them Waffles’ pictures and of course, they were both “awwwing” over him. Happy birthday, Waffle!

Jodi - Those pictures cracked me up! I needed that! Too perfect that he ate the candle!Happy Birthday Waffle!!! If he’s 3 in dog years that means he’s really 21 in human years. Hope he doesn’t sneak out to the bars this summer! 😉

virginia - that made my day!

kim - “As soon as we left, he ate the candle” made me laugh out loud.

kat - Bahahahaha! Love Waffle. Love him!!! I think it is so hilarious that he ate the candle!

Jennifer Rubeck - So cute! Glad he had a good birthday. The waffles looked delicious.

crystal b. - Oh Meg, you are such a kindred spirit. LOVE these photos. 🙂 When next we see eachother in person, I’ll have to tell you the story of my friend who’s mom used to throw a neighborhood dog birthday party. It was hilarious. It inspired me to throw parties for my own pets. When I lived with my Aunt, we had them for her cats each year, and her kids thought that was the coolest thing ever.
You are such a fun mom.

aj - whipped cream & sprinkles are very bad for doggies! be careful there 🙁 we splurge and get doggie ice cream, great little treats! i think it’s called frosty paws.. peanut butter flavor might not taste too bad, because I may or may not have tried it 🙂
happy birfday waff-dog!

merlin - over at Pioneer Woman’s blog is your face, yep your mug on the side bar…….so many celebrities, so little time to follow you all!

elisa - You are such a good doggie Mama. Waffle is a lucky pooch.

adrienne - Happy Birthday Waffle! Thanks for a morning smile 🙂

nancy - what a fine hound. your craft weekend looks and sounds amazing! great idea.

Kimberly Dial - Happy birthday sweet Waffle! What a great idea. I can only imagine that the kiddos enjoyed this as much as he did! Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - Happy birthday sweet Waffle! What a great idea. I can only imagine that the kiddos enjoyed this as much as he did! Thanks for sharing!

ashley jensen - We give our puppy mini birthday parties too. His first one I made him dog bones and the 2nd one I bought him this little gourmet type meal. He will be 3 in October so i will have to make him a dessert this year. Oh and my cat will be 12 on Sunday so we will do something for her too! Love that he ate the candle…silly boy!

SR - Soo cute..

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Will have to do something similar for my dog!!!
Gemma xXx

Diana - ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪
♫ Happy birthday ♪ to youuuuuu! ♫
♪ Happy ♪ birthday to ♫ youuuuuuuuuu!
♪ Happy birthday, ♫ dear Waffllllllllllllllle! ♪
♫ Happy birthday to ♪ youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! ♫
♪ And many ♫ morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre! ♪
*balloons confetti noisemakers*
Yayyyyyyyy, Waffle! ♥

kari - absolutely classic!
happy birthday waffle!!

Mindy W - Maybe I’m the first to say so, but I love the cakestand! And of course, who doesn’t adore Waffle?!!

Kimberlee Jost - Talia and I are wishing Waffle a happy birthday!
Waffles for waffle…of course.

Kelly - I love that waffled had a waffle cake! Kelly

Emily - Birthday waffles for Waffle = perfection
Love it!!

Jess Mead - Best post ever!! Made me laugh!!

Helen Wall - Love that dorky puppy! Always good for a laugh. Thanks for sharing.

Laura Phelps - BEST
and now Belle is sad
she wants a Waffle of her own

Penny - Happy Birthday Waffle! Lucky dog. Our Goldendoodle, Sophie, just turned two on June 1. She didn’t get a Birthday like that. Shhh don’t tell her. She did just have a litter of little doodles though. I just love this breed. They are sweet, loving, goofy and just plain great! Glad Waffle has such a great family and glad you have such a great Waffle!!

Lia - So so cute. Happy birthday Waffle!

Jenny B. - Cute! And love the new craft site! Are you going to be posting lots of crafty things there, or will it mainly be for craft weekend posts? I would love to come… We’ll see! 🙂

rachel / - HAAAAAAAA! 😀 happy birthday, waffle!

miley - happy birthday waffle! i can’t believe i didn’t get waffles?…just a zebra cake. oh well, maybe next year!
i don’t like cherries either…yuck!

karen - My daughter, Mary (11) love the Waffle stories….Our weiner dog is 3 too!!!!

tara pollard pakosta - My cockapoo turns 4 years old on June 18th!
I love waffle, he’s so cute and reminds me so
much of my sweet dog!

Kerry - aaah what fun!! He does not like cherries – check! too cute man xx

Kristin Hayne - Now THAT is funny….
How did waffle get his name?

he ate the candle?? haha silly waffle!

crystal - Oh, Waffle is so stinkin’ cute! Happy Birthday Waffle!

Nicole - Happy Birthday Waffle! What a fun idea to do. 🙂 I hope I get my craft weekend ticket in time. So exciting! Thank you for hosting.

Amy jupin - happy birdoo waffle, the wonder dog!
yea for craft weekend!

Debbie - This is hilarious! What a fluffy dog – beautiful.

happygirl - HILARIOUS!! I would never let my dog eat that. He’d have diarrhea for a week. I’m glad you took pics. And HAPPY Birthday Waffle. My dog is 17 years old and in dog years, that REALLY old.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hi Meg, that Waffle is one spoiled doggie. My dog can’t eat people food like waffles she would have some messy problems after that if you know what I mean 😉 She’s definetly a dorky dog!

Cindy - Love it! I have to say, I think this is the best birthday party ever!

Debby - That is SO funny!!!!!

amy b. - ok,it took me a minute,but I get it,waffles for waffle! So cute! Hope the candle situation turns out ok!

Lisa - That is so great. It made me smile big 🙂

Sandy - That is awesome! I still say you are mom of the year! What dog wouldn’t love that?!

Pamela Gordon - I love Waffle! He’s such a sweet dork! I wondered what was under the topping and, of course, it was waffles. Very cute idea!

Terrie - Seriously, the candle? And here I was worried about him eating the pit in the cherry!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Aww…hes so spoiled!:) Better not let our beagle see this post or he’ll be expecting the same.Haha:)

Southern Gal - What a great way to celebrate a doggy birthday!

Tam - Happy Birthday Waffle! I would love, love, LOVE to spend a weekend with you and other crafty women 🙂

Lauren - Adorable 🙂 What kind of dog is waffle? My fiance and I are planning on getting a dog in the next year or so and he’s just so darn cute!

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we had some pretty HOT nights with the AC broken upstairs.

finally we had to sleep in the living room.

it was on the summer list but i wanted to make it a fun night not forced and saying “EVERYONE GO TO SLEEP!!!!”

so we will try again with a little more planning.

today is waffle’s birthday….apparently.
his sister bella sent him a message on facebook.  🙂

we may celebrate later.

treat tuesday was OREO Brownie bites from HERE.


they were SO YUMMY.
the batter was awesome.
the Oreo frosting…..for reals….good.

of course in our family they were gone in a couple of hours.


my kids are watching Jurassic Park today.
that is such a good movie.
kinda scary but SO good.
that scene just happened…jeff G yelled “GET THE KIDS!!!” and i choked on tears!
i have seen it no less than 20 times but i still teared up…what would i do if giant dinosaurs were after my kids?!

annie lost her tooth FINALLY while at her grandma’s house.
she gave me this note with her tooth in it.
and MIRACULOUSLY….the tooth fairy came on the first night.
first time for everything.

i spent my morning with sweet baby tanner.

(click on this picture to make it big….it’s adorable)
he never made a peep.
newborns are….the best thing in the whole wide world.
i mean that.
there is NOTHING better.
they are my favorite favorite favorite.
even if they cry and poop and barf on me.
i don’t care.
they are the best part of God’s creation.

i want one so bad.



happy wednesday!


Arabelle McCuen - Such a stunner! Your kids are simply wonderful, especially Annie who reminds me of my niece who just lost her tooth the other day. It’s nice to see how kids love their tooth fairy so much because of their tooth fairy’s generosity in giving rewards! And the baby pic, ooh! Love it sweetie! Everything in here is so stunning! <3

Nantucket Weddings - Hello! Love the baby picture. I would just ask. If I can save it on my computer. I’ll made it my wallpaper. 😀

Lesley S - Your photos are spectacular. I am always inspired when I visit. Glad to know I’m not the only one who chokes up at those little things (mine happens to be from “The Incredibles” when she shouts “There are children aboard!…”- gets me every time- ha!). Blessings to you!

aplaceforthoughts - Love that newborn pic and I’d love one of those brownies! First time visiting your site. Love it.

crystal b. - I am dying over that photo of the baby on the chairs. Sooooo adorable. I wish so much I had a cool photo of my kids when they were babies. Why or why wasn’t the internet invented then???

nora - “what would i do if giant dinosaurs were after my kids?” this is one of the many reasons i read your blog. lol.

Kristin S - Meg, that baby shot is amazing!

leonieke - wow,did you make that picture??
and baby’s,…they are such mysteries… they dissapear and turn into big long teenagers!

Denine - That was beautiful.
I have a son named Tanner, I love that name. Brings back beautiful memories.

Liz - Oh. My. Gosh. That baby portrait is beyond fantastic! I wish I lived there, I would so bring Jane over. Except she would probably yell during the shoot. But still, I have no doubt you could make even an angry baby look good. 🙂
And thank you for all the comments and baby advice over the past couple of months! You were so right about the swing. 🙂 I appreciate you!

Vanilla Bean Crafts - ugh….sorry Meg! We had the same thing last year and ended up going to grandmas house down the street for a few night! WAY too hot upstairs!

tara pollard pakosta - Meg,
every time I come to your blog
it’s like discovering a treasure,
from recipes, to cute kids,
to a product you love,
to an everyday moment,
what a treasure and gift you are in my life.
I love your blog.
I love you!
that is all!

kasey - It was so hot here the last few days i would probably make B take us to a hotel for the ac.
Not it’s raining…and wonderful.

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I’m in total agreement about the newborns. Fresh from Heaven, there is nothing in this world more wonderful. I think it’s because we sense where they have just been — in His presense — gives me goosebumps! Thanks for reminding me how awesome they are! I will be blessed (with a new niece) in August & I plan to soak up her newborn preciousness at every opportunity! Happy birthday dear Waffle — you are so stinkin’ cute! YAY to the tooth fairy showing up on day #1 (love Annie’s note!) YAY to you Meg — your children are blessed that you are their mom (I just know it!:) I love your blog my friend — thank you for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I’m in total agreement about the newborns. Fresh from Heaven, there is nothing in this world more wonderful. I think it’s because we sense where they have just been — in His presense — gives me goosebumps! Thanks for reminding me how awesome they are! I will be blessed (with a new niece) in August & I plan to soak up her newborn preciousness at every opportunity! Happy birthday dear Waffle — you are so stinkin’ cute! YAY to the tooth fairy showing up on day #1 (love Annie’s note!) YAY to you Meg — your children are blessed that you are their mom (I just know it!:) I love your blog my friend — thank you for sharing!

Sarah @ This Farm Family's Life - Love that baby photo and I can’t wait to try those brownie bites.

Debbie - Love those chairs, love the backdrop… but don’t tempt me. I just got my fourth (and last!!??!) past the one-year-old mile marker – TODAY! 🙂 Happy birthday (yesterday) to Waffle, too.
Love Annie’s note. So sweet.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Happy Birthday Waffle man!:) Love the picture of those chairs. Yes, the baby is precious. But the chairs….Im drooling:) Just being honest.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Birthday Waffle! I’m now going to check out that recipe…looks soooo good!
Gemma xXx

Kat - Oooh would so love another baby. Hm, not sure I could manage 5 kids in our small house, 4 seems to fill it up.
Love Annie’s note. You must keep it to look back on.
All that phonic style writing is so gorgeous.

Jeanne - Best baby photo I have seen you take. So cute and love all the colors. I don’t want a I will just keep on looking at the photo:-)

Elizabeth - my bad, didn’t just have a baby sorry! super cute pic of Tanner. by the time i got to this photo i was completely blown away by the previous events and didn’t even read the caption.

Elizabeth - okay serious, not sure where to begin. the tooth fairy came, you made a fab dessert (looks divine, i want the recipe) oh, the powers out AND you just a baby A N D managed to capture all of this on camera AANNDD you blogged about it… you rock mama 🙂

Jenn Thomas - LOVE the baby picture! Just think in about 9 weeks there will be a little one 3 houses down – you can babysit anytime – and get that baby fix 🙂

ashley jensen - I have noticed that you’ve been really original with your post titles
again. I think its nice and to the point!

Darcie L. - Meg – we have a 3 week old new baby boy and I remember you posting about one of your photo shoots and saying that the newborn smelled “delicious” or something to that effect. I can’t agree more and I’m trying to cherish every day of that newborn smell. I wish I could bottle it up and save it for when he’s older. Just wanted you to know your words are ringing true in my mind every day. Soak up the deliciousness… before you wake up and he’s a teenager!

hannah - LOVE the newborn photo. OH THE SWEETNESS!
must try those brownie bites. pronto.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That baby picture is spectacular. And I’m not even a baby person. Hate me.

Jennifer Rubeck - I can’t wait to try those oreo bites! My son would so love to see Jurassic Park and we have had many conversations about the premise of the movie but he is only 4. Good things come to those who wait. Glad your family enjoyed it!

Amy Giffin - I just wanted you to know that you inspire me to be a fun mom. I think I will make a treat with my girls tomorrow. I also LOVE that you too struggle with getting the tooth fairy there on time- I’m running out of excuses for that darn fairy! 🙂 And I hear ya on the baby thing. I have four kids and knew with all my heart that we were done. But lately . . . when I hear a baby crying in Target or church . . . my heart sinks a bit.
I think you’re simply precious. Thanks for being you.

Wendy - Totally agree … newborns ROCK!
BEST feeling ever!

julie - now i’m all teary eyed. i want another baby too and my baby is just 10 months old. i don’t want her to be my last! i love, love, love the newborn stage. i despise advanced maternal age and money and 1200 sq feet of living space.
jurassic park is scary! i can’t believe your kids watch that. i can’t watch that!

happygirl - Happy Wednesday back atcha. Yep, you are right about the newborns, but I don’t want one. Love the sleep in the living room sleep over. haha, Go To Sleep NOW!!. haha. Thanks for this.

Jamie - I know how you feel with your a/c out. We don’t have a second floor and been without a/c for 4 days and finally was able to find a window unit on craigslist, and getting two more tommorrow. So we have all been sleeping in the living room too. I’m so ready to get things back to normal soon, and I hope you do the same. Stay cool!

Anna Marie - Cute newborn photo. Wish I lived closer…I just had my baby girl last Tuesday. 🙂

Rachel B. - Annie could start her own blog…she’s too funny!

Nicole - Those Oreo brownie bites look yummy and the newborn picture is beautiful! I love it and the colorful chairs. Have a great day!

Janelle - I so so so am with you with the newborn baby fever! I just want another one…but my husband says I would always just want another one!!! Here’s my question for you…or your readers…how do you get over that baby lust??? I wish I could find a hospital that would allow baby rocker volunteers 🙂

Amber - Oh my….can I say baby fever struck with one look at that little guy!!!

Kerry - aaaah ! love the way Annie spells ‘disgusting’ – so precious mommy. oreo cupcakes on our summer list too now 🙂 That photograph is gorgeous, my sister is due in 3 weeks, cant wait to play around with her on camera. have an awesome-dawson day,
Kerry xx

Jenny Logan - I wanted to tell you that I made your YUMMY cool whip frosting. It was the best frosting I’ve ever had. Thank you!! =) I am going to use it for my daughter’s rainbow cake(also from you)for her Birthday Party on Saturday!!
Also, Facebook keeps recomending your husband as a friend to add. I don;t know why. I just thougt that was funny. =)

Kristy - Annie’s note gave me the biggest laugh! Your kids are so adorable!
I got the baby urge this morning as a mom in my son’s Kinder class lowered baby for big sister to kiss before leaving. Ugh!!! Just melts my butter. They grow up too darn fast! But I wouldn’t be able to take my kids on an all day outing this Sat. up and down our beautiful So Cal coast with no set plans other than to see where the day takes us! I have to look on the bright side 🙂 LOVE YOUR BLOG and just want to say how deserving you are of all the good things that have come your way from it 🙂

Terrie - Must confess…don’t think I’ve ever seen Jurassic Park all the way through. What?! I know, I know…will add to my summer ‘to do’ list! 🙂
That baby Tanner…too precious! Makes me start counting the days until my grandbaby will be born! I also need to order my new camera so I can practice before he/she arrives! Nikon vs. Canon…I must decide!
HaPpy B-DaY to WafFle! Makes me want another dog!

Mindy W - The baby shot?! AMAZING!!! Love the colors and the chenille blanket! Oh, and the precious baby, too!

Holly - My baby is almost 6 and my big girl is going to high school….no more babies here…boo! Those oreo bites look beast! I am going to make that heart attack creation on your side bar this weekend!

Catriona - …but they don’t stay newborn. Alas.
Just kidding. 95% kidding.

Shannon - LOL at your comment about Giant Dinosaurs attacking 🙂
I want another baby too but I want them to sleep at night, that’s all not too much to ask for right?
Your tuesday treats look yummy, we made Berry Yogurt pops yesterday. It’s the best way to get my girls to eat blueberries and they think they are getting a yummy dessert!

Jenna - Did you take that picture? It rocks!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Babies….where did mine go? Love them to and want one but I am for sure waaaaaaaaaay too old 🙂

erica - that pic of the baby – ahhhhh! my youngest will be 2 next month! how in the world did that happen!?? i wanna have another!

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we signed up for the summer reading program.

we paid our over due fines.

we checked out 7 books and 2 books on tape.

we biked there and back….locking all of our bikes together was quite a challenge.


summer is here.

too bad i don't read books…….

my brain cannot do it.

i try and try but i can't.

good things my kids can.

talby is reading Ralph S. Mouse and Diary of A Wimpy Kid again. 

Sean is reading 39 Clues.

annie was thrilled to find a book called Ode to Toilets…..oh my.


time to make our treat for  Treat Tuesday! 

chocolate REQUIRED.


stop by my other blog to read about gatorade
and enter to win a $100 Dick's gift card!
click HERE.

kimj - try books on tape.. I listen to them going to and from work/grocery store..etc..library has lots…

lindsey - the pleated poppy - you just made me feel so much better! i don’t read either. try as i might, i buy great books, but i crack it open and zzzzzzzzzzzzz. i’m out.

Jeanne - Sooo funny! We ALWAYS have overdue fines…ALWAYS! I swear WE are the reason they can buy so many new books. Thank you for making me feel better. We love the library..except for that whole singlehandedly supporting them thing…..

Courtney Walsh - I have a confession. I’ve never taken my kids to the library. Omygosh. I know. I seriously want to do it this summer though–I will. As soon as we get moved! 🙂 Sophia loves 39 Clues too!

Jami - I just put some of our summer reading books on hold at the library. I have promised myself I am going to read this summer. I miss it! And my kids have just discovered the wonderfulness that is a book on tape. YEAH!

andrea - Just bought 6 Patricia Polacco books off our library’s used bookshelf. She is one of my girls’ favorite writers! We do the summer reading program every summer. Was one of my favorite summer memories – goin’ to the library. It had AC and books! Couldn’t beat it.

virginia - cool bike meg!! i have a blue one, i love it. i find it so hard to read too. your mind just is fast and creative and hyper.

Staci - I’m with you….I sooo wish I was a reader 🙁 I am just lame and read blogs and magazines…and I only get to read magazines when I’m getting my hair done or at the doctor’s office ;( Can’t wait to check out your special chocolate treat!!!!

candace - Patricia Polacco is hands down one of my favorite children’s authors. You and the kids should read “Thundercake” when there is a storm coming and make the recipe at the end of the book – surprisingly good.
Sweet, sweet family stories!

Amy - I can’t focus long enough to finish a whole book either, so I know how you feel.
I love Annie’s outfit. Wish I could wear stripes and polka dots together.

jen - Hey, just read your blog for the 1st time – I live in China and it made me so sad and homesick – we went to the library so much that the librarians took us out for lunch to say goodbye when we moved away! Oh, summer – oh north america – oh long hot days where you just sit around and drink lemonade and watch your kids play…
Living an adventure is great, but sometimes so is good old day to day!
thanks !

sonja - This comment has nothing to do with this post–although it is a great one. We love us some books over here.
No, this is a story of lost and found. I just had to tell you that I lost my favorites this week due to a bad virus. Sob.
Even though I just found you a month ago. You were one of the first blogs I wanted to find. But I couldn’t remember your name!! Noooo! So I thought and thought, and then typed: whatever. Nothing. (Well, a whole lot of stuff that wasn’t you.)
Then I typed these three words: whatever blog rainbow.
BINGO!! The top search result.
Just thought you’d like to know this.
Rainbow cake was the entry that popped up.

Sue - Meg -I love your photo of the Patricia Polacco books. She is right up there on my “favourite children’s authors” list, and she is the illustrator too. No body can draw older people’s faces like she can. Lots of her stories are based on her own childhood, and they are fabulous.
I dare you to read her book CHICKEN SUNDAY to your three youngest, and try to get through it without tearing up. Come on, you can do it…. it is short with lots of pictures!

Sarah@this farm family's life - We started the summer reading program today too.

Jenna - reading blogs counts! it’s just a different type of reading 🙂

Stephanie - Patricia Palacco is amazing! She visited our elementary school and we have many of her books – awesome!
I know – I never have the time to read, I can barely make it through my magazines let alone a whole book, but the kids must read and complete their summer reading books! Very important for them. Have fun with all of your summer plans – sounds great! 🙂

Jen - Whatcha mean you can’t read books??

crystal b. - You are doing the funnest stuff this summer. I want to move to Kansas and hang out in a laid back town. It reminds me of what summer was like when I was a kid. I loved your chalk board summer bucket list. So inspiring. I have one, but it’s scribbled down on the back of a business card. Lame. 🙂 Hope you are having loads of fun, and surviving the challenges of everyone at home 🙂 Bitter sweet for me. 🙂

mary - i know with a busy life…wife, mother and a great blog…it is a challenge to find a few moments in your day to read a book, let alone finish it! but as the mother of an older boy that has reading challenges it is so important that we all sit down as a family every night to read for at least a half hour or so. It has set a great example for him, allowed us to have a few quiet peaceful, moments together, and given us all a new perspective. No judgement…but maybe try it as family time…any time of day. Those moments have been a blessing to all of us.

alicia @ la famille - we signed up for the library program today too. must be the thing to do 🙂 happy tuesday!

Julia - Ah bikes and books – nothing better

amy b. - We love the library here too! We,unfortunately, have yet to pay our fines. Love your bike,by the way-so cute!

Melissa - I’m a children’s librarian in Maryland and we’re doing the same theme (I can tell by the book log Annie is sticking up the back of her skirt)!
I love reading books. To me there’s nothing better than starting a new book and sometimes I cry when I’m finished a good book because I don’t want it to be over.

shelley - I always just love you pictures. Very inspiring and full of love and joy and just normal everyday!

Meg Carter - Meg, I absolutely LOVE Annie’s outfits. They make me smile. She rocks stripes and poke a dots like no one I know! 🙂

Lisa - Glad to know I’m not the only one who can’t seem to read. I blame it on always having a million other things to do. And that I love beautiful things. My brain wants to scramble just staring at words on a page. - I’ve been silently reading and absolutely LOVING this blog for a few months now. You seem to have such a balanced view of life, love, marriage, motherhood, design! I think ‘I wouldn’t mind being like her when I grow up…’-should be rephrased to ‘when I decide to mature a bit’ LOL That said I stumbled upon the following link and thought of you:

merlin - Is there anybody out there who can explain this phenomenon of mothers not being “able” to read? I have this same problem. I love to read but motherhood has made reading a book for myself nearly impossible and I can’t figure that out. Your admission/confession helped me to not feel alone, but at the same time made me question if this is a mother-syndrome….and I want to fix it, I miss reading for myself, getting lost in a great novel, stretching my mind and imagination with a good book…we deserve to read for pleasure too. Don’t we?

Megan - I came across your blog a few months ago. And other than LOVING your name, I LOVE your blog and you! You really brighten my day! I am a new-ish mom, so all of your ideas/crafts etc.. LOVE them! Thanks for being great!

Terrie - has anyone else noticed how grown up Annie is looking lately? I ran the Summer Reading program at our library one year for a dear sweet teacher because she was dying of cancer. It was awesome and so much fun to fire kids up for summer reading! Maybe you could read if you had the right incentives Megan? Like some of your mom’s awesome margaritas? forgot to tell you that we tried those Memorial Day weekend with b-i-l & his gf. We all thought they were awesome!

Jacci - Woo hoo! Yay for books 🙂
I have a little girl that just wrapped up kindergarten, too. Are you familiar with the Little Bear books? They are SO SWEET and the illustrations are very nice – they seem like big kid books to early readers because they have short, separate stories labelled like chapters. Maybe 4-5 “chapters” per book. I bet Annie would love them! here’s a link –

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - how awesome to be able to bike to your library!!

happygirl - Oh, summer reading and bike riding. so much FUN. Have any of your kids read Mrs. Piggle wiggle? I used to LOVE those books.

Jemm - We did our signing up last Wednesday. The kids read like mad until Thursday… Well, my youngest anyway. My oldest is still at but with much less gusto. It’s so dang hot it’s one of the only activities I can muster 🙂 I LOVE to read!

Leah - I love the summer reading program! My daughter did it last year and it’s on our list for this year too. Can’t wait for the full write-up of Treat Tuesday!

Sandy - I can’t read books either, but they sure are a good sleep inducer!
Love the bike ride to the library!!

Holly - I rode one of the kids bikes the other day…..I am so out of shape! I cant wait to see what you have for treat tuesday! We are cutting a watermelon and roasting hot dogs later! Maybe smores too!

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he could quit his day job…..

let's just call him Magnum P.I. from now on.

he checked on my phone through t-mobile & got all the numbers that had been called since i'd lost it friday night.
i had lost my phone 30 minutes away from home.
he called them.
he got names and figured out who took it and was using it.
and then talked to the thief's neighbor!
she said "what?! that is terrible!  i will go and get it for you! that is AWFUL!"  
and she called back with my phone.
Magnum drove to her house and picked it up and surprised me with it.
we are sending the neighbor a thank you gift! 

he is awesome.

like….way awesome.
thanks MAG.

so yeah…….i googled magnum pi and there were over a million results for images.
a million!?!
that is pretty crazy.
and worthy of a picnik collage don't you think?? 

come on….you know you want THAT on your pinterest!

when i look at those pictures i feel like i am 6 years old.
my uncle had that mustache….my parent's friends had those….everyone!
can't you hear his voice in your head????  smoldery tom selleck…..mmmmm. 

but you can't stop there……i had to YOUTUBE him.

and then i found you can find full episodes on hulu from season one!

oh my.


how was that for a monday morning post???

there was NO WAY you saw that coming.




answers to the question on the photo collages above the summer list?

i posted about it here.


chrissie grace has had a FABULOUS response to the fundraiser for Davis!
thank you so much for ordering from her shop so we can get Davis to his mommy!
amy was so surprised and happy.
she was crying and texting me.
loved that!
surprises are too much fun!

well……chrissie decided to be PURE awesome 

and give 25% from ANY sale in her entire shop in june to davis's adoption. 
what a beautiful heart chrissie has! 

she answered some questions you may have about the pillow order on her blog.

i think i may need this….

and these two are really cute…..
Il_570xN.216065866   Il_570xN.224694207

25% of chrissie's sales in june go toward Davis's adoption fees through resses's rainbow!

i cannot wait to see davis in amy's arms.

go shop!



Dianne Avery - Tom lives near me!!!!! And let me tell you he doesn’t disappoint in real life!! He is yummy. 🙂

angie - I think I’ve only commented on your blog once or twice, but I couldn’t resist commenting on a post about Tom Selleck! I grew up with that mustache! No, Tom Selleck isn’t my dad, but my dad had one just like it. But I think it’s the dimples that make it especially delicious.
So glad you found your phone! Your hubby is quite the sleuth!

jessicakiehn - gosh…don’t you just love awesome husbands? You are so blessed!

Kristin S - Never in a bazillion years would I have thought to call through the numbers. So smart! Brave neighbor too.

Aimee - Woot, go Magnum!
Speaking of, have you seen Waterfall-Selleck-Sandwich? I know I got the order wrong, but it’s too much trouble to retype it.
Fun. 😉

megan - hahahahahaha! magnum….oh, how my 5-year-old self loved tom selleck and i wanted monica to end up with him so bad on friends! and, wow! that was some amazing detective work! good job hubbie!
blessings to you this day, meg…

Courtney McIlwain - How cool is that!!! You have an awesome husband

deborah@applesinwonderland - i wasn’t ready for that shock. magnum. aw. but, craig? he does sort of rock, doesn’t he? you should fashion him a cape. he’s a SUPERHERO. that would be funny. would he pose for that pic? yeah, i just mustached my whole family on picnik. they didn’t think it was quite as hilarious as i did.

elz - Ah…Magnum. Sigh…So happy you found your phone.

amber - Amazing. Really amazing…

alicia @ la famille - that’s awesome! what a stud!!

Talia - Your husband rocks! And the neighbor who went after your phone — she rocks too! 🙂

Amy Lynne - Yay for Craig! That’s awesome!

jodi @ back40life - way to go magnum & way to go neighbor…you have some rockstars on your team! woo hoo!

kristen b - okay meg – this shows my “real” age, but i used to watch dear Tom EV.ER.Y. thursday night during my freshman year away at college while my roomie and i did our nails. a huge big family room full of young gals watched him too so i wasn’t the only one drooling. AND i hung his poster above my bed so he was the last thing/ i mean man, that i saw at night. ahhh. . .
i’m thrilled to know who i can call in the future for my local detective work!

Janine - Glad you got your phone back. I looove Tom Selleck. Me and my friend were the weird 8 yr olds who were in love with him on Magnum PI. Like it was his poster on the wall along with NKOTB. Loved the mustache. Yeah we were weirdos but he was and still is dreamy!
Oh and those pillows are amazing. I may be ordering 2 for upcoming Christenings. I think they will make a great gift for the girls.

Kimberly Dial - Really aging myself but here goes … Oh how I loved Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck still makes my heart go pitter-patter every time I see him!

Kimberly Dial - Really aging myself but here goes … Oh how I loved Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck still makes my heart go pitter-patter every time I see him!

jen - okay, that is the funniest thing i will see probably all week.
i have more of the western movies crush on him.
but your hubby rocks as does the neighbor.
that’s absolutely AWESOME!!
but the moustache, it does kind of creep me out a little, there’s too much of it!

rachel - that. is. awesome.

Tiffany - I want to send that neighbor a thank you gift. AWESOME!!! what does she like? how’s that for doing God’s work.

Kate - YEAH, your husband! YEAH, Chrissie (her shop is AWESOME!)! And as for the ‘stache. What is REALLY sad – is that it makes me think of my dad – he still sports on of those…

Chrissie Grace - oh my word…I laughed out loud at that story.
I’m not much of a mustache person…

Michelle from Australia - I’m so happy that your phone came home thanks to your SuperSleuth husband. WAY TO GO CRAIG!!!

Lisa - I cannot believe he was able to track down your phone!! That really does make him awesome. btw my dad totally looked like Tom Selleck back in the day. 🙂

Kacey - Way to go, Detective Craig! That is awesome!!!

happygirl - YOUR HUSBAND ROCKS. the mustache. I met Tom Selleck 20 years ago at the ProAm at Pebble Beach. I got to put a bandaid on his hand. I was twitterpated. He was So Handsome. But I was 20 years younger and pretty cute myself. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Cindy - GREAT you found your phone. Last school year an 8th grader walked my classroom after school when my door was open (I teach 6th, so it was just a random drive, I mean, ‘walk-by’) and long story short, I ended up tracking down my phone by having Sprint put a GPS track on it. I found the exact house where it was at, knocked on the door the next day w/my principal next to me and got my phone back. ha ha SUCKA!! and since then I pay $5 a month for contact back up. I wanted to cry when I thought about losing all those numbers!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - We just did that EXACT SAME THING when our son’s phone got stolen on the last day of school. Except we had to threaten to get the police involved before anyone was motivated to help us. They finally did help, though, and we got the phone back. My son dug in his piggy bank and gave the man a reward. He was glad to get the phone back, but bummed because the people who had it erased everything and he lost all his numbers 🙁

dotsie (aka podso) - What a guy (your husband) and T.S. isn’t bad either … thanks for the memories!

kat - Okay, you are seriously hilarious! I love your posts, they always make me smile. I just know we would be awesome friends in real life! 🙂 Your summer list inpires me each year to make one of our own. It is such a great idea. As always, thanks for all the laughs and the inspiration. Thanks for being awesome!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - that is so stink’n AWESOME! well done!
no lie, my hubby and i were just talking last week about how fun it would be to have the Magnum P.I. intro as a ring tone.
i think mr. duerksen must absolutely have it! ha! 🙂

miss lynn -
what a man!!!!

Jenny B. - That’s amazing about your phone! He’s a keeper! 🙂 Love Magnum too. A channel here still shows it at least once a week, and we end up staying up late to watch it quite often. I just ordered the Isaiah 43 print from Chissie Grace. I had my eye on it a while back when you first posted about her shop on your blog. I’m so glad that it will help Davis and his family!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - So glad you got your phone back!
I hear Magnum too. We own seasons 1 and 2 and can’t wait to buy the rest. *sigh*

rachel / - that is TOO FUNNY about your thief’s neighbor! 😀 loved that story! also, my son’s name is davis. i know he would LOVE to help out a little boy named davis. he just saw a photo on CNN of a boy named davis who lost his home in the joplin tornado & he still brings it up – it really struck a chord. we’ll have to check out the shop together!

sam - Love magnum! Your post has made my day:-)
Glad you’ve been reunited with your phone – clever husband!!

Jennnifer - my ring tone for a long time was the magnum theme song… it just makes me happy. My dad is still rocking that mustache 🙂 Julie’s story above cracks me up. But it is a little scary. hahah.

stephanie - I LOVE that he tracked down your phone. What a guy. : )
And, I have bookmarked those pillows – I can’t afford them now, but I would LOVE to have one for each of my kids. Someday.

alyssa - my dad had that mustache!!

Kim Barlow - Way to go Craig!! Love the Summer List, the Pillows, and the BOO/YAY recount! Way to Rock IT OUT girl!

Kirsten J - omigosh he’s a hero! I think he should hang his shingle right now…you could be his cute assistant…and then Bravo could get wind and you’d have a series 🙂

Julie - Want to know some of my childhood trauma? My mom had this Tom Selleck poster in her armoire. Scandalous right? And weird. When I asked who it was, she said “if he shows up at the door I am leaving your dad for him.”
WHO SAYS THAT TO A KID????? Because believe you me, every time the doorbell rang, I was afraid that it was mustache man coming to take my mom away.
Thanks a lot Magnum.

Courtney Walsh - I have such a crush on Tom Selleck. Blue Bloods is one of our very favorite shows and he’s amazing in it. Seriously. Sooo glad you got your phone back! 🙂 I wish someone would steal mine. I need a new one. ha.

Debbie - I love this post! Hot.
And I love those pillows!

Cathy - I love Tom Selleck! Did you know he’s on a show on CBS called “Blue Bloods” right now. Well, I guess it might be done for the summer but you can watch episodes on hulu. I love the mustache and the dimples.

jen - WoW he does have mad detective skills… I am glad you got your phone back unharmed and lets hope you don’t start getting a bunch of calls from the yahoo who found its friends… hahaha Happy Monday!

melanie - wow that neighbor sounds awesome! glad she could help and yay for good husbands who save the day.

BriBedell - This post is awesome. Seriously, can we be friends in real life? Lol glad you got your phone back 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - What a great “Craignum P.I.” you have! Good work, Craig!
I loved that show…had a BIG crush on Tom Selleck. I was a very serious student in college, but during my senior year, we used to start the weekend early by watching “Magnum” on Thursday nights! Woohoo! Getting pretty wild there! =) – I am wilder now (in my 50s) than I was then. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, and the eye-candy! That guy STILL looks great.

Necole - No man could wear those sexy khaki daisy dukes like Magnum PI. What a yummy way to start a Monday. Thanks

Jennifer - That is really awesome-I love it when people have the stones to stand up and go after someone who does wrong. So very cool!

Jennifer - Yeah. George’s got nothing on Tom! 🙂
SO glad that your own personal Magnum got your phone back for you. That totally ROCKS!
And I’m thinking Magnum P.I. might be the show we watch for the summer with our two older boys. Too fun!

pam - GLORY, what a grand way to start the week! And can I say WOO HOO about HULU! LOVED that show!

Lorilee - We keep our phones “locked” with a password to make it more difficult for someone to use if they find it! My husband once found and returned 2 phones in one week.

robin - I ordered a print from her site when I saw your first email, and was sad that I wasn’t contributing to the 25% pillow discount, but I couldn’t pass up the print. Now I know it counted towards Reece’s Rainbow, too. Awesome!

amy d - it’s gotta be that he’s named craig…they make awesome detectives! glad you got your phone back…i would freak if i lost mine! craig in the stash is creeping me out though… 🙂

Linda - YAY….What a way to start a Monday! 🙂

Terrie G - Blue Bloods…friday nights…just sayin’! You are so lucky to be married to Magnum’s twin! And he could probably have a full time job as a phone locator p.i.!! So glad you got your phone back…unless you did lose it on purpose. 🙂

Siobhan aka Kiwivandal - I have a laundry list of things that have “gone missing” if you feel like lending him out? No. 1 on the list is the powercord to my computer, that my kids swear “got up and walked away, Mom”

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Bwahahahahahaa…Magnum. I used to watch that show every day after school when I was little. Good times!
I just may have to ask for Craig’s John Hancock if I ever meet him in person. Afterall, hes a total hero. Ive lost different cell phones three different times. And I feel like Im missing one of my kids when I do. Glad yours is back. Poo poo on the person who stole it. YAY for the awesome neighbor who retrieved it:)

Holly - ha! That is too funny! Glad you got yoru phone back!

Chelsea - Awesome news all around! SO HAPPY you found your phone and about the fundraising, HAPPY MONDAY!

amy b. - ok, that Magnum montage brought back alot of memories! Loooved that show!! The 80’s were totally Awesome! Glad you got your phone back! That mustache on your husband cracked me up!!Funny!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yay! So glad you found your phone : )
What a hero !
Gemma x

Courtney - That’s great! I got a “lewd” phone call the other day and went totally Magnum on that guy’s butt. Found the “unlisted” number and turned it over to the cops who were looking for him. Felt great! I like to be called Nancy Drew now 🙂

Niki - Don’t you love it when your husband turns out to be your hero!!!!! Awww! That is PURE awesomeness!

Kerry - Wowwwee! Go Magnum aka Craig! thats awesome 🙂
Love the love that is being spread through your blog, the pillows are just too gorgeous and for such a great cause.
LOVE that rainbow book, if shipping doesnt work out too expensive i may just have to order myself one 🙂
Have an awesome day meg,
kerry x

Helen Wall - MAGNUMnumnumnum!!!

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on friday:


YAY…….made this coconut banana bread but realized i had no coconut and it still tasted AWESOME.
              best i have ever EVER made….ever. 

BOO.. kids with bad moods and doing naughty things

YAY…….took the three youngest to the pool and three of their friends and for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE
              as a mom i got to sit on the chair the entire time
              and listen to my ipod and watch the kids while catching some sun

BOO..very grumpy older kids about being "forced" to go somewhere
     with family




YAY……craig declares "might be the BEST burger i have ever had in my life!" at dinner


BOO…walk to the River Festival and we are surrounded by yelling
      mothers at their toddlers running around wearing no shoes
      while a (lame) HEAVY METAL band plays on a side stage


YAY……we move to a better spot by the river where we can hear the orchestra 


BOO…the police come and say the whole crowd on that hill has
      to move…back to the heavy metal.

YAY…..craig takes a few kids for carnival rides and i text with my friends to pass the time.


BOO…fireworks show finally starts
      and the heavy metal band won't stop.

YAY…….we decided to pack it up and leave…our heads may have exploded if we stayed any longer.

BOO…i drop my phone in the grass as we pack and i don't notice.
      so that means….i no longer have a phone.
      it's been stolen and used we already know that. 

YAY…….it's already late so we get late night hot donuts when we get back to town.


BOO…we get home at 11:45 and our air conditioner is broken….
      the bedrooms are 84 degrees

YAY…….kids are so tired that they sleep fine and after a cold shower and two fans on us…so do craig and i.
              i said "this feels like africa….except africa was WAY more hot!"
              that put it in perspective, helping me fall asleep with a big smile dreaming about going back someday.  

on saturday:

YAY…….wake up and sneak out early to run errands…hello sunshine and chirping birds

YAY…….gas is 30 cents off a gallon!!!

YAY…….walmart is EMPTY at 8 am on a saturday

BOO…ONE checker for the whole store….and we were all done at
      the same time…loooong wait.


YAY……early morning photo session with a fun family.


YAY……scott's shoes that he ordered with birthday money arrive just in time for his game…he was pumped.
             he looked BEAST. 

YAY……they won the first game of the tournament.

YAY……we spent exactly one hour in between games at the YMCA waterpark 


BOO…the whole place was FULL of lounge chairs that had bags on
      them….but no people.

      i was so tempted to just TAKE a chair.
      but i did not.
      i rolled out my blues clues towel and laid on the cement.
      but i was thinking….BOOOO!!

YAY…….someone was leaving and offered me their chair

YAY…….craig's mom took the three youngest kids home with her overnight

YAY…….i had four hours to get work done

YAY…….we watched the King's Speech….very good….loved it.

over all….much more YAYs than BOOs.

today is quiet and i expect much more work to be done.
i have to get you the details of craft weekend….
photos need to be edited….
emails to send….
and clean sheets for everyone since it's so sweaty up stairs….

more ice coffee for me.

what went on with you this weekend?



Dell Ledermann - That’s the perfect way to spend a hot summer afternoon. When the AC is broken, go to the mall and indulge in ice cream, hehe. It’s ridiculously satisfying. Is your AC still broken? That’s a definite boo.

Carrie - I have been making that banana bread for years and I totally adore it. I tweek it a tad (using applesauce instead of rum and unsweetened coconut) and it is always so divine.
CUTE blog you have here!

lindsey - the pleated poppy - yay – we watched the king’s speech this weekend too! and loved it too! never has swearing been so funny and seemingly appropriate!
boo – rain. in california. in june!
i soooo want to come craft with you! save a special spot just for me 😉 and i want to steal your idea and do craft weekend here. you can come, ok? i’ll have julie and jeannett come too!

Rachel J - I went camping! First time EVER! With my hubs and 2 other couples. We grilled fish that the guys caught, swam in the spring, sunbathed, took walks, campfires, smores- it was FABU! So sad it ended.

Jennifer DeLosSantos - TJ’s is so good! Pretty sure I could eat there daily, you know if someone forced me to! Thought of you while doing a project today, fizzing sidewalk paint. Have you tried it? The idea came from I used her search bar to find the recipe. So sad that I missed the photo session sign up. If you post any extra times, I’ll try to grab one!

Carrie Holler - What a surprise to see my smiling family here! Thanks for the awesome morning! You do, in fact, rock!

Kacey - Sounds super busy but wonderful…except for the air conditioner. Hope you get cooled off FAST!
My weekend: thrifting, furniture-refinishing, movie night with the kids (“Tangled”) and LOTS of cleaning!

Doris - oh and yes-I also made banana bread on Friday! for real. here’s pic so u see

Doris - so sweet post 🙂
YAY-been out with hubby and baby, we bought her pink sandals, been to park and had ride in little train
BOO-It’s HOT out
YAY-we have air conditioner at home
YAY-I found and bought few wonderful frames, pens and more home stuff
YAY-Had time for scrapbook

Cyndi Hamilton - BOO…Have to pack my parents house due to flooding
YAY…Found my grandmas and mom recipe boxes
YAY…Got to play our first T-ball game with no rain
BOO..T-ball game was an hour away
YAY…Garage sale weekend in town
BOO..Ran out of cash before I got to buy a set of antique chairs
YAY..Taught Sunday school
YAY…Kids Day in the city much fun!
BOO..10 thousand degrees outside …so HOT!!
YAY..My husband got two kitties for the littles
BOO..They need shots and have fleas…YUCK!!
YAY… Great weekend and the house is quiet this morning

Staci - YAY!!! We got a pool…kind of like yours
BOO….Had it allll up and filled…shocked and ready to go….Hubby says he doesn’t think it’s level enough (he IS an orthodontist…and VERY particular about measurements!)….it was like 9 “mosaic tiles” off on one side :(….sooooo, he leveled and he leveled and now, it is almost perfect! Yay for hubbies that care so much and don’t want their children to be crushed by 7,000 pounds of water! Don’t know if it really would’ve happened…but scared me when he told me 🙁
And YAY!!! My kids are at a daycamp from 9-3:30….never done this….they wanted to sooo badly…I’m excited for them…and excited I get to run errands alllll day….and clean 😉
BOO….they will probably come home covered in ticks and mosquito bites 🙁
Have a happy Monday!!!!!

Kimberly Dial - YAY … this posting! I loved it!
BOO … WalMart is on my ‘To Do’ list today too!
YAY … tomorrow is the last day of school for students in WV
BOO … DIL’s (who is a teacher) last day is Thursday.
YAY … Nana is looking forward to a bit of a break!
BOO … I know I’ll miss them!
YAY … I feel certain their momma will let me ‘borrow’ them 😉

Tess S. - YAY! last ngiht we were all at my in-laws house and they had gotten a new dyson. my nephew found it, rolled it into the kitchen and shouted “MOM. CHECK OUT THIS NEW VACUUM. IT’s BEAST!” it made me smile.

Jenna - That’s what life is about: trying to have more yays than boos 🙂
This weekend:
Yay: Our baby shower with so many wonderful ladies
Boo: The air broke and this pregnant lady sweat like a pig!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - YAY for amazing yard sale finds on Friday:
YAY for a rare lazy Saturday morning at our house
YAY for hubby bringing home some extra bacon(hes a balloon artist on the side) on Saturday night
YAY For bedroom air conditioners finally getting put in!
YAY for family bike rides
BOO for DD#1 jumping off her bike, bending her training wheel and locking up the back tire. And walking the bike all the way back to the car
YAY for a new Kids Church program being successful
YAY for some sewing time today!
Have a great day Meg!

Siobhan aka Kiwivandl - YAY for slowing down and doing a whole olot of NOTHING!
Yay for snuggletime with babies
BOO for lots of laundry waiting for me this morning
BOO it was over too fast 🙂

Sarah - Yay… Finally got the sign I won in YOUR giveaway hung in my kitchen! I’ll email you the pics today! 🙂

Leah - Pretty nice YAY weekend!
Daughter’s last day of preschool party
Goodwill Bookstore and donuts
Farmer’s Market
Nap 🙂
Pasta w/ fresh tomatoes from Farmer’s Market
Watched some DVR shows
Pumpkin growing contest kick-off at local nursery:
Visit family
Grocery shopping
Photo editing

Lindsay - Yay!! We went to the U2 concert (Seattle). Decided Saturday morning to go and scored some great seats. I thought of you many times and how I just ‘knew’ I had to be there. Best Yay! of the weekend…
Followed by:
Boo…lots of lawn work and cleaning outdoor furniture, but allowed me to enjoy…
Yay!…The first dinner outside of the summer
Yay! Finally sunshine in Seattle
Boo! First sunburn of the season (too long at the Farmers Market and I got a farmers tan/burn)

Kirsten J - Yay! my girl came back safe and sound from 5th grade camp
Yay! we went to my nephews 1st grade baseball game
Yay! we went to the nursery and had a picnic
Boo! when I went to plant my flowers, ants have taken over the back patio….
Yay! my mom and dad took us out to dinner
Boo! the weekend is over….

alicia @ la famille - wow! that was a lot of boo’s and yay’s!
how do you remember that much? you’re good 🙂
we just got home from a week-long vaca, so my weekend was allll good. besides the airport, which is always a boo…especially when the security guys think your 5-year-old is a terrorist or something and insist on searching, swiping with cloth thingies, and freaking him out. boo.
oh well, mostly yays for me too.

Kelly - Just today:
Boo – Stressful morning getting out the door to church and trying to get my baby checked into a new nursery.
Yay – Great church service with my brother and sil.
Yay – Out to lunch with bro & sil, having a great time.
Boo – Baby threw up at the table. 🙁 Poor little guy.
Yay – Chili’s people super nice getting all our food to go (they hadn’t brought it out yet thankfully).
Boo – Baby wet on me while we were waiting to put him in the bath when we got home. (my fault for leaving him without his diaper with running water on)
Yay – Baby, hubby and I napped!
Boo – Our sewer backed up for the 2nd time in three days in the house we’ve owned for 11 days.
Yay – Played with my little guy and enjoyed hearing him laugh. One year old is soo fun!
Yay – I got a lot of painting done on the linen closet shelves and interior to take it from brown to white!
Yay – Got to go over to our neighbor’s house as she kindly offered for us to use her bathroom, shower, whatever and chat.
Yay – Ate some delicious watermelon.
Yay – Counted 45 buds on our pink rose bush!!!
Yay – Got to talk to my grandma and tell her about the rose bush.
Yay – Chatted with my mom who is recovering from surgery for breast cancer – so good to have her conversational again rather than doped up on pain meds.
Boo – Cleaned up sewer water and bleh stuff off the bathroom floor, toilet, sink and shower BUT
Yay – Husband took over painting (which was getting tedious and hot) for me while I did that.
Yay – Enjoying a brownie and some computer time before bed.

Debbie Smallie - We had 11 baseball games this weekend and it was so friggin’ hot and humid. But, I did get to go to the movies and dinner with my girlfriends. We saw “Bridesmaids”…very inappropriate and hilarious. It was the first movie I’ve been to since “Hitch”…no joke.

karen - phew!! that was quite the roller coaster ride!
low key weekend…
i swear i can’t remember what i did yesterday!! that’s got to be bad. for real…what did i do……oh yah!! i took out my husband for a birthday dinner. WOW..that’s bad i couldn’t remember that! Today i went to a bridal shower and brought my baby girl for the first time..tear!

Heather R. - Boo-Husband deployed.
Yay-Got a free dinner, free movie, and free Archie comics for the girls because of their great grades.
Yay-they haven’t bickered all weekend…fingers crossed that continues.
Yay-finished summer list with lots of distractions
Yay-I get to read your blog 🙂
I hope your a/c works soon. This baby heat wave is supposed to be almost all week.

Londen - your posts are so fun to read! our weekend way mostly yay hanging out in the baby pool. the big BOO is that I can’t find the right exterior paint color, and I need it by tomorrow, yikes!

Emily Zimmerman - You always having me chuckling and laughing out loud. Love that you were able to sit at the pool for the first time ever! I have a four year old and nineteen month old, a day at the pool for me is exhausting! I was just talking about it with a friend this weekend, that pool days aren’t that much fun for me anymore. This kids love it, but inevitably there’s a meltdown about something, and at the end I’m exhausted 🙂

Angie P - I most definitely think that you should have a Yay/Boo blog party next weekend…kind of like highs and lows only much better! 🙂 We loved The King’s Speech too. Along with the academy. 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Yay – Stopped at a 50’s drive-in diner on our way back to IN from OH.
Boo – Calvin sneaked a tambourine into the car….. and that’s all I have to say about that.
King’s Speech. Have mercy, that was good. You should watch The Fighter next. Or maybe you’re a step ahead of me.

tiffany m gardner - BOO…..SICK AGAIN….my sweet family had the stomach bug for two weeks that we finally got over had a weekend off and then this week we all got sick with head cold and fever stuff. BOO….being sick all month! got a call from a special friend in Connecticut… 6 year old daughters classmate died of cancer last week….puts my “sick week and weekend” in perspective. Thanking God we have medicine to help with the cold and fever. Praising God…even in our “sickness” because I know things could be worse. Praying for that sweet girl’s family.

ashley jensen - We spent alot of time in the water. Saturday we went to Big Splash and today we went to a splash pad. Just trying to stay cool. Oh and I made some decotations for my boss’s wessing shower I am giving her Wednesday and finished putting together her flower boquets for the wedding next weekend!

sara's art house - That is our lives as moms- YAY, Yay, boo, boo, Yay! Haha….I totally feel like that all day long- and good for you for putting things in perspective with the heat reminding you of Africa. Loved this post.

linda anderson - LOVE this post–what a fun idea!! does that mean you get to cross off the “get donuts late at night” from the summer list??

Jennifer - I had my phone stolen last year… totally stinks! Loved all your yays and boos. Loved King’s Speech too. So good.

alyssa - I think it is funny that the majority of people that responded to this post did so with yay and boo comments.

Maria - Starting our weekend with Thursday, since that’s when it really picked up!
Th: ds 9’s baseball team held onto their 1st place spot & WON the championship game!
Post game frozen yogurt at our new favorite place for it: Berry Tart
Fr: baseball team BBQ/pool party for ds7 and a lock in for ds 9 (swim team)
Sat: lazy day at the house ( much needed after 3 days straight of nights at the baseball park), ending with a home cooked meal with minor complaining and a family movie night
Sun: groggily make it to mass, then off to the blueberry farm with some friends to pick some fresh organic blueberries…searching for recipes now… - Love your “real slice of life”.

Cindy - Loved your YAY/BOO blog!!! Reminded me that not every moment is happy, but it won’t be long before one pops back into life.

kate - We watched The King’s Speech too this weekend…a definite YAY!
And I’m gonna need to try that banana bread STAT.

Melissa - Yay for a spontaneous road trip with the fam.
Boo for chuck e cheese…that was NOT part of my plan.
Yay for Panera two days in a row.
Boo that there isn’t a Panera for 45 minutes.
Yay for a wonderful morning at church.
Yay for a Sunday afternoon stroll to walmart.
Yay for a new shirt that only cost $7 at walmart.
Boo that hubs is busy doing school work on a Sunday afternoon.
You’ve inspired me to write my own yay/boo post…

jeannett - Yay for a lost phone that means you can now get an iPhone and take instagram pics!!!! 😉

Kristin S - No clue why it posted that link. Here’s the right one!

Kristin S - I love this yea/boo format. Forces me to think with a thankful heart.
Boo… it is ridiculously hot today
Yea… it wasn’t yesterday!
Yea… copied your hot pink toes –
Yea… defrosted something unidentifiable in the freezer and it was delish chili
Yea… got my eyebrows waxed for the first time in a year
Boo… she made them uneven
Yea… I have bangs that cover the mess up
Yea… I love my church and truth taught from the Word
Yea… people have been so generous giving to my summer ministry
Boo… had to buy a new battery for my computer and THEN a new adapter cord too – suspicious – could have almost bought a new computer for what it cost
Yea… National Donut day so free one at KK with a dear friend
Boo… that dear friend is moving to Argentina in August
Yea… she’s going for a great reason – to tell others about Jesus
Yea… caught up on laundry and cleaning
Yea… my master bath shower is clean for the first time since I moved in – found a cleaner that works!
Yea… three trips to Target on Saturday
Yea… walked to new FroYo spot with neighbor
Boo… restaurant owner next door stormed in yelling for no reason
OK, that’s more than plenty. Good weekend. Off to dinner with my ministry work team to celebrate the year. Our team is teeny tiny this year and we survived!

Deputy's Wife - Yay… Camping with our family and best friends!
Boo… Kids were REALLY grumpy the second day.
Yay… Our summer vacation finally began!
Boo… I hate snow make-up days.
Yay… I picked a SUPER cute baby quilt pattern to start.
Boo… I think I have bronchitis now. (Who gets bronchitis in the summer?!?)

Dawn - Yay..time to scrapbook
Yay.. house to myself
Yay..dinner and movie with the girls
Yay.. My bridal shower my house and laundry

melanie - Boo! I made a dear friend really angry.
Yay! But i speaketh the truth (albeit harsh).
Undecided: did I have to? it’s been on my mind all weekend.
Yay! Lots of thrift store finds including a pair of jeans, two pairs of sandals, two pairs of sunglasses, a belt, a pretty shirt.
Boo! Yardwork. It’s cutting into my blogging time/energy.
Yay! grocery shopping. I love a full pantry and fridge.
Boo! My dear neighbor is moving away this week.
p.s. i think you would make a GREAT neighbor. won’t you be … my neighbor? If you ever move to colorado … 🙂
Yay! Afternoon naps. makes the AC-less house seems less hot when you’re not conscious of it.
Yay! I made it to church today even though i was totally not feeling it. which means i prolly needed it.
yay! I bought a dry erase board to make The Kid a chore chart. we’re both nerdily excited.
thx for being a bright spot in my weekend!

Christi Hoffman - Yay..craft weekend!
Yay..we started our VBS planning for 250 kids..
Boo..older kids crabby cuz they have to babysit younger kids while I plan VBS.
Yay..we scored a like new princess bike at the goodwill for my 4 yr old!
Yay..husband suprises us with taco bell for dinner!
Yay..we went to DQ for mini blizzards.
Boo..the drive thru was broke..
Boo..I will have to run more to work off the fast food.
Yay..we pack for my 12 yr old son to go on his 1st mission trip.
Boo..I broke my husbands gold chain he has worn for 30 yrs.
Yay..I made a low carb recipe for margarita’s…it is YUMMY!
Boo..we had to get up @ 3 am to send son off to mission trip.
Yay..The boys were so pumped and ready to serve!
Yay..husband let me sleep in unitl 11am and had coffee ready when I woke up.
Yay..quiet sunday, pool, bbq, and margarita’s.
Hope you are all staying cool.. happy sunday …

happygirl - Love Yay & Boo. Isn’t that just the way life goes.

Kerry - aaah – life sounds busy busy for you! Love the Yay & Boo’s, you are so funny..
YAY! I managed to take my 3 girls swimming without any of us having a fight about ANYTHING at all
BOO! I have been surrounded by negative people this weekend and i dont like it.. but another YAY… its my day off tomorrow

RLG - Boo. #2 decided to put a bug glue trap in her hair. After a bath, the glue remains. I dunno what to do. Ideas?
Yay. Gorgeous husband takes the kids to the park/market/Starbucks while I do laundry, drink Arnold Palmers and blog.
Fun post. Love your show, babe. xoxo

Gail - Yay, I enjoyed River Fest Fireworks too. But I really enjoy the final night with the symphony. I agree TJ’s best burgers in the area and close to me. Hopefully your AC is working again because it is hot here.

Terrie - Yay! Shaved ice with hubby on Friday night after he grilled dinner on his new grill
Yay! started sewing on diaper bag for new grandbaby-to-be
Yay! shopped @ Michael’s & ScrapFun*Attic
Yay! Wedding!!
Boo! little too hot
Yay! good breeze and shade off & on
Yay! Orange Leaf Yogurt on the way home
Yay! More sewing
Yay! awesome church service
Boo! bad lunch (but it was @ Wendy’s…so my expectations weren’t too high!)
Yay! Putting away new craft purchases!
Yay! More sewing and listening to some iTunes! while I do it…
So….my boos are less frequent and not as dramatic…one good side of grown-up kids and a mostly empty nest…Yay!!
Yay!! we get to hear more about craft weekend!
Yay! Thanks to making those coconut-lime cookies…I have coconut and bananas!!
HaPpY SuNdAy!!

shauna - i didn’t read ANYTHING after the phone losing part!!!!!
do you expect me to believe that was an accident?
but if it was, i guess you must be thinking that God listens to me since i was supposed to pray naughty things on that phone….instagram here you come!
email me when you get your iphone cause i want to be instagram friends with you,baby.
you are a piece of work lady!

meaghan - hahahhahaha!! i LOVED this post! i love them all really 😉 i’m so glad you mentioned iced coffee…off to score me some 😉 oh, and it’s actually refreshing to hear that someone elses kids have bad attitudes. heehee

erica - yay! awesome field day on friday with elementary kids (double yay cuz it wasn’t 1 billion degrees!)
yay! all day bday party to attend on saturday (again, a double yay for the awesome weather)
yay! for worn out kids
yay for fresh crab cakes!
boo for a ton of rain this morning – then humidity.
yay! weather has cleared up and im sitting with a sleeping babe while the others are off on the boat. yay for quiet!
yay! sunday dinner at inlaws – yay! no dishes, etc for me!:D

Diana - YAY! two of our grandgirls had a stayover with us Fri/Sat AND they were so GOOD.
BOO! for the awful heat we are having here, huh… can you believe this so early in the summer?! Ugh, BOO!
YAY! for worship in the park this morning and YAY! for such a wonderful time of fellowship and potluck lunch afterwards!
YAY! hubby is up to going fishing with his dad for a while today.
BOO! wish I was feeling better myself but YAY! for Jesus always seeing me through.
YAY! for, well, all things beautiful and happy!

Holly - Yay! We got to spend a few hours at the pool on friday!
Yay! the boys tball game got moved to 8 pm so it would be cooler!
Boo! There are a lot more bugs out at 8 pm!
Boo! the tball game was at noon and it was super hot!
Yay! they won! they are the under dogs!
Yay! we had a late great dinner and the girls and I soaked our feet in the tub while it cooked and talked!
Yay for a great church service and lunch!
Boo! it started storming so we are canceling our trip to the park!
Yay! we are now cooking some yummy things and about to start a fun craft project!

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in honor of the birds…..

craft thursday = robin style

this craft was found via the crafty crow….like so many of my great ideas….she finds them first for me.

we started with paper plates and paint.

we had those really heavy duty chinet plates….they worked awesome for this craft!


we painted half of the plate "sky" blue and the other half "nest" brown.


then we used A LOT of school glue and began fluffing our nests.


we used brown packing shredded stuff that i have had for a long time.

and sticks from the sidewalk….

and string and paper shreds




i cut out some birds that were free hand….just a random bird shape.
we added a red belly.
and glued it on to the bird shape.

then they cut out eggs from blue paper left over from the owl craft last week.


when they were done….i helped with the most important step.

i COVERED the nest in glue.


i used a ton of glue on top of everything they made and let it sit over night to dry.

it worked!

………………………………………………..S E A N …………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………..A N N I E……………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………… T A L B Y …………………………………………………….

we thought talby's eye was prety realistic since they always look like they are staring at you and mad.

they are glued enough to hang on the wall and not lose their fluff.

craft thursdays ROCK!!

you can see ALL of craft thursday projects in the sidebar rainbow square!


alicia @ la famille - love this craft…birdie crafts are always fun 🙂

renee cauley - You guys have so much fun. Thank you for sharing the bird video i showed my grandson and he thought that was so neat. I love Love your house how old is it? I have a old home and love it . My house is 108 yrs old. Thanks again for sharing i love your blog.

Courtney Walsh - girl. what do you do with all the crafts? We want to do more with the kids, but I’m not sure where to store everything!

Nika M. - Those are cute!

happygirl - what a great craft. Love that you do this with your kids and that they will DO them. You bribe them, right?

hannah - loving the nest! what an easy and sweet craft!!

JustMommer - Sooo cute!

jamie - how cute are they

Erika - May I ask what to you do with all the kids’ projects and artwork when they’re finished?? I LOVE your blog!!!! I think you are an amazing mom, photographer, etc. I look forward to reading your blog every day.

karen - so cute! i like them all…but i just love annie’s bird!!
I will totally do craft thursday’s (or another day) when my kids get a bit older.

sara's art house - This is a cute craft. Good idea to add the extra glue on top of it all.

kylie - You are awesome adn amazing and inspirational and so so fun!! Just a quick question…what do you do with the crafts? Hang them up?? And for how long? And then do you toss them/save them??? How do you do so many fun things but avoid huge amounts of clutter over time? Thanks!!!!

adrienne - such a great idea! filing this one away for school.

PaisleyJade - I love this!! They are so cute.

amy jupin - i love the crafty crow too! i think i have bookmarked 100 of her ideas!

Karen H. - I was reading the comments about your cute craft and I 100% agree with Chantelle!!! I thought the EXACT same thing!!! I picture someone dropping their paint brush (or paper plate) on the couches and pillows!!! Heart palpitations just thinking about it. Maybe I just have really messy crafters!!! lol!

Rachel - Love these crafts. I think I’m going to have to pull this project out for my kiddos. 🙂
By the way — I found ya via the blogher gatorade ad. I am another one of the reviewers and I love what you gleaned from that call. Super cool. It was fun to read another perspective.
Blessings to you!

Lisa - Where have you been all my life?!? ha! What an amazing blog you have I LOVE IT! – I AM THRILLED to have been introduced to you via the Matthew Mead Summer magazine! YAY!!!! Greetings to you from Kincardine, Canada! I’ll be back to read often!

Astrid - Love the Crafty Crow too! I’ve gotten some fantastic ideas from that site.
Love your robins!
I’ve already made our summer bucket list but I think I’ll be adding Craft Thursday to our list. 🙂 Thank you for the ideas!
Today was the last day of school. *happy day!*

Anj - So cute Meg! Love all the craft thursdays, so colorful.
Please tell me- what to you do with all the kids’ projects and artwork when they’re finished?? I drown in artsy stuff from only 2 kids in playschool and library/craft class…!

Shirley - This is a perfect classroom art project. Perhaps you should look into being an elementary art instructor.

Jenna - love this! i am forwarding it to a friend who teaches preschool/kindergarten 🙂

Holly - So cute and I am with Amy b.! We need to have craft thrusday in honor of the cicadas! ha!

Shannon - These are so cute and fun ~ I might be copying this one for my oldest ot do 🙂

amy b. - Those are such cute little birds! Love Talby’s with the huge eyeball! Now, if there was a craft to honor our crazy cicadas (locusts) we have here in Tennessee-they attack me as soon as I go outside!Yuck!

Chantelle - This is sweet! But can you tell me, honestly, how do you not get paint stains on that beautiful white table and light colored furniture?? That looks like the acrylic paint that stains everything at our house. No? Love to know your tips! 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - cute!!!! love it!

Sherry - Love this craft — such a cute idea. And what a way to honor and remember the robins that lived on your porch.
Thank you for posting your crafts — they are inspiring!

Kimberly Au - Very cute! We are on our 2nd family of birds using a nest that was deserted when the 1st family grew up and moved out. It’s fun to watch from our patio.

Terrie - Great idea! Wonderful way to honor those beautiful birds…even if they do dive bomb you! It’s what we mommas do to protect our babies!
So, I was reviewing your summer list…”decorate bikes” reminded me of weaving streamers in the spokes and jamming it into the handle bar covers. Did you ever put cards on the spokes with clothes pins? Can’t forget the sound those made! Would it look weird for a 40+ lady to ride her bike through the neighborhood with cards and streamers on her spokes? Maybe I’ll go for a ride in the dark! LOL!!

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