on friday:

YAY…….made this coconut banana bread but realized i had no coconut and it still tasted AWESOME.
best i have ever EVER made….ever.
BOO.. kids with bad moods and doing naughty things
YAY…….took the three youngest to the pool and three of their friends and for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE
as a mom i got to sit on the chair the entire time
and listen to my ipod and watch the kids while catching some sun
BOO..very grumpy older kids about being "forced" to go somewhere
with family
YAY……craig declares "might be the BEST burger i have ever had in my life!" at dinner
BOO…walk to the River Festival and we are surrounded by yelling
mothers at their toddlers running around wearing no shoes
while a (lame) HEAVY METAL band plays on a side stage
YAY……we move to a better spot by the river where we can hear the orchestra

BOO…the police come and say the whole crowd on that hill has
to move…back to the heavy metal.
YAY…..craig takes a few kids for carnival rides and i text with my friends to pass the time.
BOO…fireworks show finally starts
and the heavy metal band won't stop.
YAY…….we decided to pack it up and leave…our heads may have exploded if we stayed any longer.
BOO…i drop my phone in the grass as we pack and i don't notice.
so that means….i no longer have a phone.
it's been stolen and used we already know that.
YAY…….it's already late so we get late night hot donuts when we get back to town.
BOO…we get home at 11:45 and our air conditioner is broken….
the bedrooms are 84 degrees
YAY…….kids are so tired that they sleep fine and after a cold shower and two fans on us…so do craig and i.
i said "this feels like africa….except africa was WAY more hot!"
that put it in perspective, helping me fall asleep with a big smile dreaming about going back someday.
on saturday:
YAY…….wake up and sneak out early to run errands…hello sunshine and chirping birds
YAY…….gas is 30 cents off a gallon!!!
YAY…….walmart is EMPTY at 8 am on a saturday
BOO…ONE checker for the whole store….and we were all done at
the same time…loooong wait.

YAY……early morning photo session with a fun family.
YAY……scott's shoes that he ordered with birthday money arrive just in time for his game…he was pumped.
he looked BEAST.
YAY……they won the first game of the tournament.
YAY……we spent exactly one hour in between games at the YMCA waterpark
BOO…the whole place was FULL of lounge chairs that had bags on
them….but no people.
i was so tempted to just TAKE a chair.
but i did not.
i rolled out my blues clues towel and laid on the cement.
but i was thinking….BOOOO!!
YAY…….someone was leaving and offered me their chair
YAY…….craig's mom took the three youngest kids home with her overnight
YAY…….i had four hours to get work done
YAY…….we watched the King's Speech….very good….loved it.
over all….much more YAYs than BOOs.
today is quiet and i expect much more work to be done.
i have to get you the details of craft weekend….
photos need to be edited….
emails to send….
and clean sheets for everyone since it's so sweaty up stairs….
more ice coffee for me.
what went on with you this weekend?
Ellsworth Mciltrot - Those storm clouds look pretty strong. Well, it seems you managed to pass through that without any trouble. Driving during heavy rain can be very problematic.
Nonetheless, the photos of it look great, and so are the other pics!
happygirl - I have to say your cloud pics are AMAZING. I’m originally from the midwest, so I know about storms. I’m glad you are safe. Those things can turn bad so quick. Amazing pics.
james - that had to have been kinda scary. those clouds are insane. i absolutely love your flowers. so beautiful
Laura - I LOVE the drama of clouds and a good storm. But I don’t live anywhere near that.
I’m sure it’s hard to not live somewhere that gets something! Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, wild fires, etc…
erlfisher - We were at swim lessons when the storm hit – we had a perfect view of the storm moving in while in the pool at the NW Y. As soon as lessons were over, we grabbed the kids and booked it home. We made it in plenty of time and were able to watch the hail from the front porch. My moonflower leaves have giant holes in them! You are sooo right – Kansas weather can be wack!
Kimberly Dial - The worst storm I’ve ever been in in my life was while driving thru Kansas! I was 14 & now (nearly 50) I still compare all storms to it …
Kimberly Dial - The worst storm I’ve ever been in in my life was while driving thru Kansas! I was 14 & now (nearly 50) I still compare all storms to it …
Debbie - Oh, how I miss that huge Kansas sky! Three more weeks and we’re there (Lord willing and the creek don’t rise). Love the pic with the bug.
Misty - This is very off topic but anyway. The other day I was sitting in the waiting room at the medical centre and an ad came on the t.v for some hair dye or something anyway the celebrity who was promoting it was Evangeline Lily and I wondered who she reminded me of and then it hit me…You! Evangeline Lily is your doppelganger Meg… Random bit of info for you lol.
Jennifer - We had a similar terrifying storm in CO 2 nights ago-woke my children up and had hail the size of quarters. Luckily no damage to the house or cars, but SHREDDED our flowers. 🙁 Very sad! But
Lisa - I’d love to hear about Kansas weather too! I’ve never lived anywhere that has that crazy of weather 🙂
Jenny - I’m in St. Louis and I think we’re getting what you had earlier. I’m not sure if it’s the same storm, but it’s super windy and raining really hard right now. Lots of thunder! I’m hoping it drowns all of those cicadas! Do you have those?
Aimee - I planted Zinnias two years ago (by just dumping a ton of seeds in the wholes I made) and they came up again last summer and this summer too. A few have already bloomed and a bunch more are about to. I LOVE Zinnias!
beth - What part of Kansas are you from? I noticed that your favorite antique store is in Marion. I’m from Wichita.
shauna - oh gosh! chilis is a thorn in my side….i know i sound so spoiled, but really, my kids and husband love it and i want to never eat there again…ever. and your chilis looks EXACTLY the same as mine. i didn’t even have to read where you were before i new….sad.
glad you are safe and your flowers are happy little momma.
Amanda - “Kansas, you are whack!” Favorite phrase of the day. 🙂
Margo - That weather last night was whack! I made it out of town and back homw just in time although I ran into hail about half way back. My neighbor got stuck in Town West for almost 3 hours, but not because she was shopping -she was stuck in the shelter!
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hah! Youre dad looks thrilled. Is that just how he smiles or did he feel trapped too?:)
Molly - weirdorama…..thats my new word!
glad you made it home safe! we have had some whack weather here in Iowa too! but we should be used to it by now…right?
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Whack weather? I don’t know if I could live in a place with Whack Weather. I live in LA with no Whacky Weahter just Whackies…heehee.
amy b. - That pic of the girls being bored is too funny! You do look a lot like your Dad, I’m sure it’s nice having them so close! My parents are 9 hours from me! Boo! Hope you have a great, storm-less weekend!
polka - o my.. who doesnt love fridays? It is my favorite day, especially after work and everything
i love cajun pasta at chillies 🙂
beautiful pictures of the flowers and the crazy storm
Kelly - You look like your dad. Fun. That’s a crazy storm!! Yea for zinnias. I wonder if they would grow well in Colorado? Our sugar snap peas, basil and arugula are coming up nicely. Yea! Happy Friday!! Kelly
Weza - That is what it looks like when we get our summer storms here in Queensland Australia. It can be a beautiful hot humid day and next minute a storm rolls in looking just like that. Full of thunder, lightening and sometime huge hail. I LOVE THEM!
That pic of your dad cracks me up. He looks thrilled to be stuck at chillis. haha
Jen - Holy crap! Kansas sure has its beauty but the weather freaks me out.
crystal b. - That storm looked amazing!!! But is it scary because there’s a change of tornados or twisters???? I’d be a little freaked out. 🙂 The only week I’ve ever spent in Kansas, there was a hail storm with golf ball sized chunks of hail. I’ve never seen anything like that!
That being said — I miss watching a storm roll in and out.
And this random thought just came to my head — some day I hope to see lightening bugs. 🙂
Helen Wall - Dear Non-Ozites,
When you drive north and the storm is on the right, that usually means you’ll be alright because they generally keep moving north and east.
Just a little FYI.
Georgia - I always worry about you in Kansas, i think of The wizard of Oz!!
Is there ever tornadoes in Kansas?
The sky looks proper moody and stormy, good pics… were you driving under the influence of a Camera?! 😮 lol naughty meg! hehe xxx
kellie s. - Meg, I am not a meteorologist, so I could be wrong about this, but I think you got a picture of some Mammatus clouds. I have only seen them once in my life – on Good Friday this year when we had all the tornadoes here in the St. Louis area.
Look >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammatus_cloud
“…mammatus are often indicative of a particularly strong storm or maybe even a tornadic storm…”
You really were driving in some SCARY weather then!
Holly - I love zinnias! My dad plants them every year except last year because we were busy rebuilding his house from the floods, but they are so pretty! He is very frugal and starts them from seeds in any container he can make work……even a milk carton or egg carton! ha!
The weather here has been crazy this season! SO many major storms. I feel like we are in tornado alley!
Gemma - I agree with Sue! When I saw your picture of the storm I thought ‘tornado’! Does it make you feel on edge when the weather turns?
Have a nice weekend X
Bridgette - the weather this season has been whack all around. ick. however it’s bringing summer so i say… bring it on sister!
sue - Meg. Does it bother you living in a place that could get a tornado. ? I often wonder how people can do that. Just courious.
Shannon - Beautiful pictures of your flowers and that sky looks crazy but you are not supposed to be taking pictures while driving crazy girl 😉
have a great weekend!
Terrie - We were sitting in Chilis too! Only in a town the opposite direction you were in…watching the weird weather on the tvs! Bad weather…had friends stuck at the mall in the tornado shelter…Not shopping! Wishing for rain, but no whack storms! I planted flowers from seeds too this year, 1st time in a loooonnnnggg time! They are coming up nicely…can’t wait for them to bloom!