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a lot

our neighbor bought this a few years ago and gets it out  a few times each summer to play!
who wouldn't like this?
the grown ups were getting so hot we were considering going down…..












she fell off the ladder to the pool.

embarrassed but ok.


ok…i am off to the pool.  
see ya.



Alice H - I can just hear my children saying “mom, you don’t even care about me enough to put down your dumb camera!” Love these slides, we rented one for an end-of-the-year baseball party along with a dunk tank (for the coaches to get in!) and the boys (along with their siblings and parents) had so much fun!!

Chris - Great pictures!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Heehee…poor Annie!

Jen Brandt - I want Annie’s suit! How cute!!!

Sarah - I don’t want to sound like a debbie downer, but please don’t let any of the children do a head flip like in the first picture.Those ladders aren’t firm enough to withstand the weight of such a tall child and could cause them to fall… on his head… risking a head and or neck injury. Just sayin…. Apart from that it looks like great fun and that Annie of yours is beautiful even with a face full of dirt and sorrow. Happy Summer!

shauna - she needs a strawberry milkshake.
all i could think of is how annoyed she probably was that you were taking all those pictures of her while she was suffering!
my kids love it when i do that!
they’ll thank us for the laughs later…

AshleyAnn - Those pool ladders are horrible for falls….you did spell pool ladder correctly though. Way to go!

Tiffany - πŸ™ extra scoop of icecream for annie πŸ™‚

kat - Bless her heart, poor Annie!!!

Amy Slavik - Poor thing, but it made for some great photos! Hope she got back up there πŸ™‚

Leslie - awww that poor thing. The slide looks like lots of fun!! I would find it hard not to try it out!
Have a fun wednesday

se7en - Oh poor annie!!! Glad she is okay!!!

april - these sunny pictures made me smile…<3

Kimberly Dial - Poor girlie! πŸ™ but it looked like she was having big fun prior to that πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Poor girlie! πŸ™ but it looked like she was having big fun prior to that πŸ™‚

Lisa - My 10 yr old daughter would love Talby’s bathing suit! She is way into peace signs…. I’d love to know where you got it. πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I so need some trips down that thing. Right now we’re scraping our front porch floor boards. Living in an old home(1860) means we will never be bored! I cant wait for a front porch retreat! Im hot, my hands are just about blistered into oblivion and I want to go swimming. RIGHT NOW.

amy b. - who doesn’t love a gigantic wet slide? summer’s awesome!

Kori - aww…poor thing! embarrassment is almost always worse!! πŸ™

Katrina - I have a fun collection of those pictures myself of the kids crying over something ridiculous. Like the time my daughter decided to “pluck” her eyebrows using my razor. So funny.

Georgia - im glad shes ok, i love the way u take photos of her all muddy and embarressed! haha bless

Jess Mead - Poor thing! That would be embarrassing! She is a cutie!!

Mindy Harris - i love these pics. annie is so cute and still has a bit of a baby face, like sean’s.
talby is so beautiful!

Sarah - The photos of Annie with dirt on her face looking all pitiful…SUCH good photos! Some of the angles are really good, and even though your subject probably won’t be happy with how much evidence you got of her fall, the photos look really great! πŸ˜‰ - Dude. What kind of crazy neighbor OWNS something like this!! Dang… that’s my kind of neighbor! Love Annie’s face as she’s going down the slide… kind of petrified enjoyment-ish.
Thanks for sharing a window into your summer {Albeit a bit more of a window than Annie’s probably comfortable with! Poor thing!}

Holly - bless her heart! Glad she is okay! Have fun at the pool!

Jenna - That’s every kid’s dream! (Until you fall off the ladder…) Glad everyone is ok and had fun!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - poor kid!! glad she’s okay!
that slide looks like FUN! we need something like that for VBS!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - That’s what life is all about, especially in the Summer!

Shannon - Great entertainment for a lazy Summer day! Looks like they had a ton of fun πŸ™‚

Katy - PS- It was a pleasant surprise that this post wasn’t titled “Tuesday…”
LOL, just giving you a hard time. πŸ™‚

Katy - Looks like a blast! Wish they made Annie’s bathing suit in my size. Although I am positive it wouldn’t look NEARLY as cute on me as it does on her. πŸ™‚

happygirl - Don’t ya just hate it when someone sees you fall down? And then they take pictures. Oh mom. πŸ™‚

rachel - looks great fun x

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monday morning video

the music is by Marcia Ball…'s the theme song of my life.

i am no steven spielberg. 
i think this has a little bit of a wonder years feel to it.  
ha ha ha


did you love that show????

i did. 

how was your weekend?

how are YOU?

hot enough for ya?  :) it is here in kansas….scorching.
my tan is coming along nicely.

happy monday to you.

Amy - LOVE! I usually read your blog on my phone, so I have to wait until I get time on the *real* computer to see your videos. And with 4 kids, that’s pretty hard to come by! lol I have to say, my favorite part was the sign asking them to use the disposable cups. I need to make one of those!! No matter how many times I tell them, they always feel the need to dirty up the real cups!! ARGH!! πŸ˜‰

Ali - That Waffle steals the show every time – you guys are FUN!

crystal beutler - LOVED the show!!!! Your house is just so happy looking. I need to stay a sit a spell on that cool porch. πŸ™‚
Your photos are looking so amazing lately — even more amazing than they usually are. What are you doing to bump up the color and the clarity? Everything looks super crisp and bright. Teach me oh wise one. πŸ™‚ You will have to share when I see you in Park City. Let me know if you need a ride from the airport, k?

Dawn - That is a great way to document your everyday life. Awesome idea.

alicia @ la famille - this is toooo fun!! how do you get the music in it? i love it! what a fun way to document your day πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - Awww! That was great! I loved getting to see around your house and how the rooms flow together. πŸ™‚

Southern Gal - Just getting around to watching the video while my granddaughter sleeps. You did a fantastic job! And I really like that song.

Doris - I love that video, made me teary eyed.
*hugs* to you and your family

Kacey - Super cute- and so “Wonder Years”! Love. πŸ™‚

julia - You have missed your calling…video-grapher!
I love this vid!

sam - really, really cute! thanks for sharing that! πŸ™‚

Karen - So cute!! I loved this. Sweet!!!!

Laura Phelps - I am crying….

Jessica Kujawa - i love it! the song, the kids, waffle, your house…the everyday of a mom…and it definitley has a “wonder years” vibe to it:) hope to see more!!!

Salma - What an awesome and upbeat video! Also can you please share the blog for those yummy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies? You are such motivation!

amanda - so cute! and it is very wonder years’ish! πŸ™‚

Leslie - So stinkin’ cute!!
Crazy weather in CA too – supposed to be thunderstorms today and then 100 by the weekend – hot!

Ariel - Have you seen this rainbow wedding yet??? When I saw it I thought of you….rainbows, gorgeous photos, handmade goodness! Yes, it is a hippie-dippy-trippy wedding, but it is beyond charming and one-of-a-kind!
Love the video…such a sweet world you live in. Would love to be your neighbor!

Ana - Looooooooved it ! I just missed Lauren… πŸ˜‰

Ann R. - love the sign about the plastic cups…..totally doing that – why did i not think of that before? i hate when the kids yuck it up with all the 20 cups on the table – gotta go one of those days, son with a migraine, daughter with swimmers ear, have to go do the carpool “without” my son, my house is a mess and i start school tonite and work tomorrow – thanks for helping me keep things in perspective, otherwise i might go crazy!

tara pollard pakosta - so precious!!!!!!!!!
you are missing the biggest sister,
was she sleeping?! next time tape her sleepy head in bed LOL~!!!
too CUTE!!!

Lisa - We had a great weekend – minus all the rain we’ve been having! That could stop any time now! πŸ˜‰ I love Waffles – he looks like such a good boy! I love Annie playing on the floor with all her stuff – Waffles doesn’t try to eat any of those toys? We have a 6-month old puppy and he trys to eat everything within his reach. And finally, I love the sleepy, sweet faces on Sean and Talby. πŸ™‚
Have an awesome week!

Bobbie - Super cute. Better than Spielberg, much less blood, guts and blowing up aliens,

Leslie - Loved it! πŸ˜€

Hanny Norton-van der Valk - Love the video,and what a lovely TIDY house you have. It was a lovely weekend here in Brittan too and we went sailing, the only place to be, and picking up a great suntan.

Katy - I always love your videos. This one is no exception. πŸ™‚

Kat - Video is gorgeous. Such a great way to see your home and family on a normal day πŸ™‚
I loved The Wonder Years!!

Sandra K - That was SO awesome. Thank you! πŸ™‚

peta - i loved every single second of this, Meg. Your family are gorgeous. Loved the sneaky peek look around your home too! I am such a sticky-beak πŸ™‚

Lauren - loved it…. thank you for sharing!!

amy jupin - miss you.
big time.

merran tatum - SO CUTE!! loved that. talby is getting prettier and prettier and annie cracks me up every single time. always wanted to try those cookies. how were they? it’s funny to see you looking at MADE b/c everyday i look at your blog first and then go straight to MADE. my two faves!

shauna - yaaaaaahhhh! i LOVE it!!!!!
why do i feel like i got to be in your family for like 2 minutes and 15 seconds?!

Jacci - That was awesome, Meg. Seriously good stuff. This is how you vlog! It fits you to a T! I still like the fun ones where you talk and show us lipstick and stuff, but this is extra fun πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I know others already mentioned it, but a little tutorial would be great!

Rachel Harder - if you want a twist to your yummy morning coffee, try the Pioneer Woman’s version of iced coffee (it’s on her website). it is a-ma-zing-ly delicious and easy. if you make it, please have an extra for me while you are sitting in the sun by your pool.

Kristin S - This was awesome! Now I want someone to teach me how to make videos on my Flip camera.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - That was SOOOOOO good!

Jena Simms - And Happy Monday right back to you… Wonder years, YES! Now where is Whinnie?

Sandy - I love the video and the song. I had never heard it before it’s awesome! πŸ™‚

Kori - p.s. and totally loved the wonder years! can somebody say ‘syndication’ already??!

Kori - loved every. single. thing. about that!!! πŸ˜€

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg …. loved it! Thank you for sharing your home & family … you are a blessed woman! πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg …. loved it! Thank you for sharing your home & family … you are a blessed woman! πŸ™‚

Miranda - Cute vid! Way to start the week off! πŸ™‚

Suzanne - Loved it! Especially Waffle – what a personality he has!
Thanks for letting us take a peek into your world.

Lee Ann - Loved it – even though I didn’t love the Wonder Years πŸ™‚ No tan here in the PNW. Not even hot. 75 and overcast. My girls are making your butterfly canvas art today. We made the oreo, brownie bites as well. More tasty Tuesday ideas for us?

sue - The 108 comments before me say it all. Happy Monday. !!!!!!!!!

Juli - That’s adorable! Thanks for the peek at your darling family and cute house.

Stacia - This is wonderful. I love, love, love this video. And the song! So perfect! My 14 month old climbed right up on the couch by me and danced along. Then she bit me. Ah, life.

jennibell - LOVE IT!!!!!!!! You are sooooooooo inspiring πŸ™‚

Lisa A - Love this so much!! Such happiness & I loved seeing your house:)

Loni - Love that! I need to learn out to make a mini video for my family!
BTW, How do you keep all your white so WHITE with kids and a dog? Maybe I just suck at house cleaning!
Come decorate my house in Texas. I love your house!

Laine Chambers - LOVED this!! I’m so inspired. Totally taking out my video camera…don’t want to forget these days and moments with my three kiddos. (And one on the way!)

Jessica Noble - Very creative! Love it. πŸ™‚

Emily - I love the Wonder Years! Love waffle… he has such a sweet face. If you have satellite tv you can get reruns of the Wonder Years on the HUB.

Jennifer - Love It!
Makes me want to steal my sons Flip for a while…

Iris Brown - I luuuuuvvve your video!!! Absolutely adorable and celebrating the everyday. Thanks for sharing.

amy b. - People in my high school used to call me Winnie-loved the wonder years! awesome video! i’d say life is pretty good at your house! and mine,too-we are blessed!

Melissa Martin - Loved it! Definitely had a Wonder Years vibe to it! Brought a smile to my πŸ™‚

Gina - I am the little sister mentioned in the first comment and I loved it!

aubrey - cute. and i love that it’s scorching hot and you’re nice enough to make cookies. πŸ™‚

Vicki - My kids were dancing around to the song, so I played the whole thing again and they watched. About halfway thru, Jack said, “I want to go to that house!” I think he like the lego rocket. Lily liked the pool. :o) Wish we were neighbors!

lauren - totally made my day. who could ask for more?

Janelle - That was just the cutest little video πŸ™‚

tiffany m gardner - what a nice reminder of what is important….family!

meaghan - SO FUN!!! love that!!!

lisa - Cute video!! My weekend was perfection – I had a baby last Saturday and have spent every day since soaking up baby newborn smells, squeaks, and snuggles.

Lisa - Oh my gosh!! That was absolutely adorable. Loved it!

se7en - Just love it!!! Love all your stuff, especially your coca cola mouse pad!!!

Stephanie A - Loved, loved, loved it!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Huge, huge, huge smiles! Thank you for giving me such an AWESOME start to my Monday!

Holly - love it! You are so blessed!

jen - So fun… and I am jealous of your CLEAN house!

Tammy - awesome job on your video!

the whyte house - it’s been so hot here(a whole 30 minutes away from you)and it’s gonna be so horrible wed and thurs…but it’s absolutley beautiful this morning!!!

Courtney - What a happy home! I just finished my daughter’s playroom re-do which was totally inspired by you! Thanks so much for sharing this!

Kate S. - Now this is the kind of video blogging I would like to see more of! I watched this entire thing with the biggest smile on my face. Wonderful. So feel-good and happy.

Leah - What a great happy video! Awesome start to my Monday morning. I like Waffle’s cameo appearance and all the Pet Shop people. My daughter would be in heaven in that room! Great song too. I’ll have to check out Marcia Ball.

Jimi - Love your video! What a great slice of life you captured.

Tonya - so. i totally cried. what is wrong with me? this video is beautiful. just makes me sad to realize my kids are growing up and I have almost nothing recorded of their daily lives. thanks for the daily inspiration.

ThisMamaThing - Oh, this is so fun! Can I come stay at your house? It looks so busy, happy, colorful, warm! I’m new to your blog, and I’ll definitely be back πŸ™‚

stephany - Love it! You are quite an inspiration!

Juli - Oh, I loved that so much I cried,that’s no surprise since I’m pregnant & I cry at the drop of a hat but…!

Heather R. - Love the song! GReAt video. Waffle, kids, coffee, and an alligator wave…so sweet. πŸ™‚

Mansi - creative & warm

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Loved it. In fact, Id be perfectly happy if all your posts were just like this one. Its like happy in action:)
Oh and I made some of my own Anthro inspired towels( like the ones on the link in your sidebar. Such a fun,easy(& inexpensive) craft project. Want me to come teach it at craft weekend? Hahaha…obviously kidding. Im still sad that I cant come:(

Laura - I love it! I know you don’t have a perfect life. None of us do. But, it looks like a fun, happy life. Such a fun house for your children! They do realize that not everyone has such a cool looking house, don’t they? Thanks for bringing smiles to so many faces!

andrea - Great video! Great to see that someone else’s house is a mess too! A hint on using plastic cups. At my Friday mom’s Bible study, we made cork coasters one day when we didn’t have a babysitter and therefore no Bible study. I cut mine in circles, decorated each with permanent markers with a look that represents each kid. Their cup for the day sits on that coaster. Made one for myself and the hubby too. I need another one, one for coffe and one for water! πŸ˜‰

julie - loved so many things about that video!! talby’s chair bumping sean’s chin, waffle’s legs on the wall (that’s how i sleep, too waffle!), the colors, the fun activities… we had that croc, too… it popped after the first use… boo!
the weekend was fun, but mondays are always rough for some reason. wish my hubby had summer vacation, too.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love this so so much!!! WOW, your house is clean. And your house just looks so happy and pretty and cozy. love it. this is a happy video for this monday morning. you can make a video anytime, yes please. πŸ™‚

Lisa Goldstrich - Ha! My 18 month old was completely enthralled with this and sat still on my lap for 2 minutes…this never happens! I think he especially loved Waffle…”doggie, doggie”…haha! Have a great day!

Necole - What a great video! I am love your house. I live in Texas and it is super duper nasty HOT!

Denine - YOU are so FUN

Beth Ann - I love this!!

Juliann Brenner - hee-hee; super cute Megan! I love it…now to just get a shot of that ever-elusive-Lauren :-))) Maybe you could sneek in her room and take a video of her sleeping – may be the only time she’ll “let” you get her on film πŸ™‚ Hahaha.

Cassie - How fun!! Thanks for letting us in πŸ™‚

Melissa - I loved it!!! I so think I need to do that! You and I are very alike…thing is, everything you Sonia something I LOVE, and so I copy it!

Sharla - Very cute. You know it’s coming . . . what programs/camera did you use for this? It is so sweet – I wish I could look back at my childhood in videos and definitely want to start recording these!

leonieke - love it, it looks like having 5 kids and no school is just fun.
and because that situation (with 3 kids) is comming my way in about 3 weeks i enjoy this video so much. gives me courage πŸ™‚

Elise - What a fun video!! And no, you’re no Steven Spielberg, but You.Are.Meg.Duerksen!!!!! Seriously, that was so cute and I love your home!!

Kelly - Oh I love it! My weekend was great, thanks for asking and I am good. It’s my birthday! My husband made peach/blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes this morning and cleaned up the kitchen! It’s gonna be a good, good day! Maybe I’ll take a video too. hmmm . . . fun stuff. Thanks for sharing. Have a spectacular day. Kelly
p.s. I love the new header!

LeAnne - I loved it! Thanks for sharing. I am reading Crazy Love right now. Thanks for recommending it. It will be life changing. I can’t remember if you have read Radical or not. But that is my rec to everyone other than Francis Chan’s books. It’s a must read for Christians I think.

Shannon - This is so fun Meg! Love the music and I’m thinking I might copy this idea for the 4th of July πŸ™‚

Mrs. Edberg - It is still rainy and spring-like here in MN. I am yearning for heat and sunshine! So is my garden. πŸ™

Beth - Great way to start my day at work! shh don’t tell anyone….
missed seeing your oldest but I am sure she is to busy….mine was at that age.
love love this video…please share how to do this with music…i have wanted to do some myself and would love to find out how.

Ashley - LOVED the video!! So fun! Thank you for sharing!
My sick little one danced along to the music while we watched. I guess it’s on the new download list. πŸ™‚
So, how were the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies? They looked yummy.

Sheila P. - I love this!

Kelly - Cuteness! What a happy home you have there!

robin - your kids crack me up, and so does waffle. Great job on the video…it was nice to start my Monday work morning!

Lisa - Looove the video!
Sorry I don’t usually comment but I always read you in Google Reader!
Love all the color in your life, I am redoing my kitchen right now and I’m actually doing white cabinets and black countertops, I like that I can use accessories to change the color and look whenever I want.

Linda - really loved that! thanks for sharing your life with us.

amy - i usually never watch videos on blogs, super cute video. ahhh..the wonder years, love. i think i need to see if the library has it now, my whole family watched that when it first aired, it is a part of my childhood!

Sarah Alcantara - Loved your video. Loved the Wonder Years. Have a great day!

Kerri - OMGoodness I LOVED the Wonder Years! Remember when Winnie was hurt and Kevin climbed up to look in and check on her in the window and Bob Segar’s “We’ve Got Tonight” was playing – LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! πŸ™‚

Angela Atkins - Love the song and love the video. My two year old has asked me to watch it three times now. Also love getting to see your house as a whole, putting together all the pieces I’ve seen in your photos. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us!

Lisa - That’s so great! Looks like you’re having a fun summer. I have that flip camera too…isn’t it awesome?!

Wendi - Good morning to you, too. Thank you God for Megan and her beautiful family! πŸ™‚

Cindy - That was fun! Loved the song! Beautiful house! Beautiful family! Can’t wait to meet you at our photo shoot !!! Of course, I think my kiddos are just secretly hoping to meet Waffle. ha πŸ™‚

Sugar Mama - My daughter is 8 and she still has those littlest pet shop ALL over the place! Gotta love them!
And did I ever tell you we got a Labradoodle from the Humane Society and when I saw him I immediately thought of Waffle. Waffle is a Goldendoodle, right? His hair is curlier than our Flash. But they have the same adorable face. Love it!
My middle son watched the video with me and he now wants a Foosball table in our kitchen instead of the table. That would be fine and all except the daycare kids would have no place to eat. :o)
Wow, I just left a long blabbing comment.

Dori - Totally a Wonder Years feel..fabulous!

Alisa - you are a “happy” in my day!

tammy - that made me smile!!!

Carly Winborne - this is super duper cute! my little girl watched it over my shoulder and her comments were great. she loved waffle, the piano, all the colors in your kitchen, the globe. she said she wanted to live at that house. and honestly, so do i!!!
what a great way to start the day. precious.

Maria - Thanks, Meg, that was a fun way to start a rainy Monday morning.

happygirl - So cute and it looks like a fun summer in Kansas. I need to learn how to cut video together like that. It looks fun.

Halley T - Loved the video! I am new to this blog (have been reading it about 2 weeks) and I”m LOVING your honest and down to earth style. Your blog is an encouragement to stay at home moms who sometimes think they are going to lose their minds! Blessings to you and your family.

Rachel J - Great video! Love the Waffle part! And the COFFEE part! Have a great day Meg!

Kari - Totally cute. Do you ever get tired of people telling you how fun you are?

Tina I - Must download that song. Loved the Wonder Years and enjoyed seeing your home and family. It was like getting to be the proverbial fly on the wall. Enjoy your sumer!

the domestic fringe - I LOVE your video! Seriously. SO adorable. Your house is awesome and your children beautiful. Those little chairs lined up on the porch…I want to steal that idea. Thank you for sharing your life. Happy Monday!

Karen Lehmann - that made me happy πŸ™‚

Karen H. - Loved it – thank you for sharing… so sweet! πŸ™‚

Dina - Needed that this monday morning:-) SO sweet! Fred Savage was my awkward little boyfriend. That girl he was in love with (was her name Winnie???)…way too skinny:-) Have a great week!

sara's art house - I love your family πŸ™‚ I feel like I am a part of it all…great video!

Amanda - So fun!

Amy Lynne - Fun! Happy Monday!!!

Terrie G - Very ‘Wonder Years’ish! Loved that show!!
The triple digits are going to hit us in a big way this week…live in your pool!
I want a pool…always been a dream of mine.
I’ll just live in my craft room…another dream that finally came true! πŸ™‚
Great weekend…got to make baby things all weekend with my little girl!

donna - good idea…..can you teach us how to put different music to the flip?

Christy - Love the video, the song fits it’s perfect

Heather (One Take On Life) - Fun! Love to see the daily life. What a great idea. Found your blog recently and have really been enjoying it.

Jenn Schires - LOVED it! Makes me want to make a video of my family!

danielle burkleo - um. i love you. that’s all.

Mrs. - Okay, so I LOVE that you had to learn how to do the videos, AND you did it! Sometimes learning new things is hard, especially when LIFE takes over. Good for you.
ALso, I noticed the missing teenager…My 13.5 year old is beginning to disappear from family time as well. Something about friends…

Lori Bowring Michaud - Loved it! Reminded me of when my four were little. It goes by fast, Meg! My baby will be 21 on September.

lorelei - I wanna come over for coffee. all the way from NY.
hey, i am wondering how you attached the song of your choice to your flip video. i can’t figure that part out and therefore can only add songs that come with the flippin program. πŸ˜‰

donna - you are so creative and everything you do is so hAPpY. i love the sign in your kitchen regarding the use of plastic cups! i have 6 kids and in the summer i have to run my dishwasher 2 – 3 times a day, so we use plastic cups and paper plates to decrease the running of the dishwasher – i always wonder which way is better for the enviornment….better for my sanity is the throw aways. Thanks for the early morning smile – have a great day Meg.

Jen - This was really cute…and fun. It really makes me want to record things like this. We never seem to see your oldest daughter around. Is she there, but just doesn’t want to be in included…or not home much? Or still sleeping…:)

Carol S. - Super duper video. Really adorable, yes, quite Wonder Years and thank you God for a wonderful life for Meg! Not all peaches and cream I’m sure but just lovely. It was absolutely gorgeous in Chicago this weekend, sunny and a little breeze, we went to the racetrack and had a ball.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Haha Waffle is so funny!
Hope you have a great Monday : )
Gemma xXx

Michelle from Australia - Loved it! Particularly Waffle. And your lovely mirror smile. Here is Australia it is mid winter. And cold! Well, cold by our standards which considering we are mid-tropics, probably isn’t that cold. Happy Summer!

Jennifer DeLosSantos - SO cute!
I wanted to be Winnie, and was in love with Kevin.

Kim - You always have such great ideas! I love this – no birthdays, graduations, bike riding without training wheels – just EVERYday. I’m tucking this one away….
Yes, i LOVED The Wonder Years. I wanted to be Winnie Cooper so badly. I loved her hair.

Chelsea in MO - LOVE it! Very fun way to document the everyday things that make our lives go around.

Jennifer S. - Love it!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - HEEHaw…that was fun!

Trish - ummm, WOW!! I love this. Such a great song and your video was awesome!
I’m gonna go share it with my little sister, who is the youngest of us 6 kids, married young, became a mother shortly after and now parents 6 kids, 5 of who she birthed and one on loan from the State. You remind me of her.

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friday friday friday!!!!



could take the spot for favorite set of pictures all year….already.
there were several more of silly faces.

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IMG_4073-1Β IMG_3881-5



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i love this family.

they are full of personality and so funny.
it makes for a fun night.


friday! friday! friday!Β 


Lisa - I read your guest post and so appreciated the part about saying “no” to your kids. My oldest is 10 and is definitely becoming a teenager quicker than I’d like. I am also learning to say “no” even when its hard and they get mad at me for it. Thanks for reminding me of that important part of my role as a mom!

Cassie - I am new to your blog and LOVE it!! My kids and I made a summer list and we’re heading to the craft store tomorrow to pick up the supplies we need to make the painted butterflies on the canvas craft (was that the official name? LOL)…and I am not a fan of doing crafts, but can’t resist that one! I could go on about the ideas of yours I have stolen and the inspiration you have given me! Keep it up, Meg. πŸ™‚

Andrea - I love how the photos capture the happiness of them as a family, the couple photos capture the love of the couple.
Meg, I am so proud of that guest post. Your family is blessed to have you.

Jemm - Wow, what a beautiful family! Man, those are somes genes. Hey Meg–I’m sure I’ve asked you this a million times and so does everyone else, but what kind of camera and lense do you use for most of your pics? Do you use a tripod often? And…is it true that to get a great photo most photographers shoot 40 pics to get that one great one? When you have the time…

Katy - Forgot to mention. I’m ready for another video! πŸ™‚

tara - loved your guest post.
love your header…might be my favorite one yet.
love the way you love your husband and long for time with him…
love the way you are learning to say NO and listen to your heart.
I am working on this, too!!
I don’t want to be the mom that says NO every chance I get but I want to say NO when I know that what they’re wanting to do isn’t in their best interest. my mom bought a $50 video game when we visited them last month…my gut said NO but I ended up letting her do it….we got home, they played it for 3 days and then I took it away from them. They were mad as FIRE but in the end, I think they really get that it wasn’t what they needed to be playing…
as moms, we are always so conflicted aren’t we?????? you’re doing a great job, Meg. And, you are making such a difference in this little land of Blog.

Laura Clauson - great family photos!!!

andrea - Love the new header! Sunflower from Annie’s dress? Do they still have Liberty of London at Target? Have been trying to not buy any NEW clothes (just used) but may break that if they still do.
Also, read your posting at annalea’s. Makes me feel better that other people take the summer “off”. I have not been able to do that so far this summer. Does not help that my in-laws have been here for TWO WEEKS! Sigh. Also does not help that my children have been whining, fighting and complaining almost nonstop everyday.

Mindy Harris - gorgeous family. it makes me want more babies. i can just sense their closeness.

Katy - SUCH a cute family! πŸ™‚ But I might be cursing you for writing “Friday” so much, ha! Reminds me of that song.. Ugh!!!
PS.. Love your new header. A lot lot lot.

Sandy - If those boys don’t look like their dad noone does! Beautiful family. Great photos!

Leslie - Cute pics! I LOVE your new header!!!

Melissa - I found your sunflower fabric!
It’s almost at the bottom.
Had you found it yet???

james - You take great pictures. Makes me want to fly you to Michigan to take some of my family haha.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - i reaaally enjoyed the last part about listening to your heart about being in charge of your family. loved it!!

HH - I have wondered if you watch TV in your home. From your guest post I’m assuming you don’t? Not at all or what are your guidelines? Your kids are always so active, that must be why?! (I have 2 under the age of 3 and another on the way and am not fond of TV, and would love for them to be willing to do art… like yours do at their age!)

Breeana - OH my gosh- my comment seems awful! You’re photos were great before and now even more amazing! Love the inspiration on your site!

Breeana - Your photography has stepped up a few notches this year. They look amazing! Great job. Also, love your post at annalee’s blog. I’m one of those who schedules too much- you inspired me to let go a little more!

Ann Williams - I read your post at annalee’s blog and I do believe we are soul sisters! Yep, I’m a total stranger (but not a crazy one) who only recently discovered your blog, but I love it! I have certainly thought the same things you have said and most assuredly have done (and do) the things you do, too! Especially late nights and late mornings! Thanks for the cheerful honesty!

sarah - LOVE the new header, and these people are beautiful. i’m sure their hearts are just as lovely as their faces!

amy jupin - i remember this family from last year (right?)!
meg, seriously, these are GREAT.
i love that them seem so relaxed and real.
i know i tell you this all the time, but i mean it.
you should be really proud of yourself! πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Loved your post at Annalee’s. You rock the photo biz…wish you were closer and could photograph my family. Please let me know when you come to the LA area!

Suzi in Chicago - “A day in the life of Meg” made me cry. Thank you for always being “real” and fun and cute and inspiring. I secretly wish I lived next door to you πŸ˜€

julia - wow, it’s so neat to see your photography evolving…love these.

Kat - Love your guest post and another glimpse into the every day.
Such wise words and advice about Motherhood Meg, thanks!
I find your posts very inspiring, uplifting and most of all REAL πŸ™‚

Sarah - Your pictures are awesome! And I just got back from reading your guest post – it was GREAT. Thank you for being real! It’s so refreshing to hear/read about another mom that struggles with the day to day sometimes.

bonnie - i just love your blog…. i enjoyed your guest post so much. makes me wish i was your neighbor. sorry is that weird? πŸ™‚ i am always encouraged as a mom and christian after i read your blog, and i love getting all your creative ideas as well. hope you have a great weekend with your family.

Terrie G - Great guest post! Can’t wait for next Thursday!! Love your new header!!
here is some encouragement for you…last year, my then 19 year old son told me ‘thanks’ for not always saying yes to everything that he wanted to do. gotta love that kid!! Believe it or not…some day they will love you even more for your ‘no’!!

Leslie - Absolutely beautiful family & pictures!! What an amazing job at capturing their personalities – they shine through right away πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - 1. love your new header…the best one yet. πŸ™‚
2. that is one BEAUTIFUL family…holy cow.
3. 3 boys and a girl!!! that makes me so happy…i have 3 boys and a girl on the way. πŸ™‚
4. these are really, really great pictures meg.
5. LOVED your guest post.

Sarah - What a happy family…you did great Megan!

Ana M - Wonderful gest post. I am a mother of 4 (from 22 to 7) and I share all of your thoughts on being a mom. The one about saying no, about being present, about being tired, about doubting that we are doing the right thing (the kids always think that we’re not). Being a mother is a difficult task but at the same time it’s a blessing God gave us… and I really, really try (every minute) to do the best job that I can do.

Beth - Beautiful family and gosh the parents look too young!
Hey I wanna to ask if maybe you would consider having a day you would share with your viewers about their children have pen pals. I want to find one near my childs age and I had one when I was a child and would love to have my daughter experience it. So I thought with as many readers as you have you might could send a word out and see if anyone else might be interested in this. I only have a couple of regular readers on my blog so I knew I could not find one on
If not interested I totally would understand.

alicia @ la famille - what an adorable family!! so happy it’s friday. i read your guest post and question: what IS a great mom? he**, what’s a good mom? we’re all trying…i hope they’ll thank us later. it’s not easy, that is fo sho!! - Great pictures, Meg! Your photography skills keep getting better and better, and I thought you were awesome before!

karen - hey..i remember this family from last year..right?? Wow..they are really growing up!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, these are so great! What a beautiful family and you capture them so beautifully!

Shannon - How adorable is that family! They all look like they are having the best time ever πŸ™‚

Leah - Great guest post! I love your advice about saying no. Just the other day, Sophie wanted to do something/wear something (can’t remember) and I just said no because I knew it was not a good decision. I couldn’t articulate why (and of course she was asking why), but I stuck with my “no” and feel good because of it. She got over it too. Love the new header! Did you use Picnik to create that?

sam - wowzers that looks like one happy family .. so happy .. those kiddies are the spit of their father !! Love your blog and you and your family are also adorable ..
have a great wkend, love the sunflowers .

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yay to Friday!
Enjoyed your guest post…although i’m not a mum I can appreciate how hard it is!
Have a Fabulous weekend!
Gemma x

Debby Graber - Liked your guest post. And I like what you said that moms do have to say “no” and be the mom. But it can get easy to say “no” too much too. I once heard James Dobson or Chuck Swindoll say that too often we get in that “no” mode and get to be grumpy moms who say “no” because we don’t want to be inconvenienced; not because “no” is the right answer at the time. So we also need to be “yes” moms and not critical, negative mommies. Balance. But for sure being moms who aren’t afraid to say “no” when it is necessary.

Holly - great photos! So easy when you have a beautiful family to shoot! Love the new header!

happygirl - You have a knack for getting the cute faces. πŸ™‚

georgia - Wow they don’t look old enough to have kids!!!!

nicole @ deliajude - terrific family photos! that mom does not look old enough to have 4 kidlets!!! my fav shot is the top one.

amy b. - really love your new header!! so happy! you always take awesome family pics!! how do you find such great locations?? hope you have a great weekend!

Katy - um she is BEAUTIFUL.
cute new header.
you take great pics.

Kim - Cutest family ever.
I love the first shot – the dad and his son hugging him look like clones of each other. So adorable.
I read your post on Annalea’s site. Great stuff. You life seems so calm – I mean, as much as possible with five kids. Like controlled chaos. I’m trying to get there. I just have three kids and it’s just chaos. ALL THE TIME. I don’t know how you do it πŸ™‚

meaghan - ummmm could they be any more adorable?!?!? i wanna look like that when my kids are all big! sheeesh.

Jen - I don’t even know these people and I want to be friends with them. And those parents are going to be in trouble in a few years–what good looking kids!

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love it…..4 things


my new little painting from Paint Me a Pic.
i found her the other night and clicked buy in under a minute!
it’s as sweet and lovely as i had hoped.





this website is amazing…..totally.



Trina McNeilly - So glad you had a quiet day! Pure bliss! Can’t wait to check out paint me a pic!

Michelle - the donut whole rocks πŸ™‚ i am glad you go there. you should try the chocolate pebbles one

Jenna - ahhh silence! enjoy it πŸ™‚

Katy - That first picture makes me smile. It’s so..happy. πŸ™‚ Also thank you for sharing that AWESOME website! I need to take some pictures like that!

james - Everything looks great…off to check out the links.

Stacey - Oh my…cutest ever!!
I love your blog…
can’t believe I havent seen it before.
xx Stacey

Mrs. B. - I would love to have a sunflower canvas picture like yours….is this one of your pictures?

Kirsten P - Hi Meg,
The sunflowers – photo or painting, or painting of a photo?
It’s beautiful!

kelly - hi meg! love your blog. i’ve been reading for a while and have never commented. love your style…so fun. and i love reading about your kids…and how honest you are about parenting. always encourages me! thanks alot!!

Kathi - Love your new banner at the top of the page!

Annika - I found out about Dear Photograph a few days ago. Love it, too! Your pearly top is awesome. Have a happy weekend!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Love that Etsy shop! Full of fabulous things : )
I’m having a giveaway on my worldwide!
Come and enter ladies!
Gemma x

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Ahhhh, so glad you were able to enjoy a nice quiet day. They are few and far between for us mommies. So glad you were able to have one.

Lena K. - I love that the books on your shelf are in rainbow order!

shauna - you dork! i was totally gonna order that black and white camera one first! or did you you order me a matching one and it’s arriving tomorrow…if so, you are not a dork. but and angel πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - Cute little painting! And… that photograph from the past in the present site is SO amazing! It gave me chills… Now, I’m trying to think of a photo I could do that with. Wow. Thanks for sharing! Yay for a quiet day!

Laura Phelps - is that a donut…with wings??????? where are you?
and I have had a little package on my kitchen counter for annie and talby for a week now…
hopefully I will get it out tomorrow…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - oh that is cute. took me a minute to see it i was so distracted by your awesome sunflower canvas. i bought one from you a long time ago and have it framed. cute site.

Kerstie - LOVE the sunflowers! Did you take the photo…. if so will you be selling any prints in your Etsy shop??

PaisleyJade - Love love love!! You are so welcome to link up here…

Laura - YOU were at the Donut Whole! Am I right? I was just in Wichita for my sister’s bridal shower and she introduced us to it. I liked the salty carmel.

Janine - That website made me tear up. Those pictures in a picture are so precious. I think I have to do that for some of mine. Thanks for the great links as usual!

alicia @ la famille - will have to go check out those sites. love the little painting πŸ™‚ glad you had a nice quiet day. mine was not!! actually the opposite. but i somehow got a whole pile of stuff done πŸ™‚ yay for that i guess!

Life with Kaishon - Oh my good heavens. That painting is incredible! I just adore it!

Tiffany - Oh – I love that website – that is awesome. I would love to do that for my hubby for a memory book for his 40th birthday this year.

Maria Bryan-Arnold - Gosh I adore your style!!!

Christy - The painting is cute, although I have to say I am kind of in love w/the rainbow colored organization of the books! That is 3 kinds of awesome. πŸ™‚ love.
That website, amazing! That would be so fun to do.

Lindsay - Where is your tank top and cardi from? Love them!

Terrie - So you crafted in your craft room, right?

Katy - thanks meg!

happygirl - LOVE that your cardigan matches the painting. And how can you be wearing a cardigan??? It’s freakin’ 90 here in the mid-Atlantic with 97% humidity. Jealous.

Michelle - love the painting! What lens do you use?

Holly - LOVE that painting! cute!

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summer is my fave.




Β the new crocodile in the pool has made everyone happy.


my holly hocks and purple coneflowers are blooming.






kids love bubbles.



these pictures are funny because less than an hour before we’d had a hail storm….pretty wild.

they looked like ping pong balls bouncing all over the yard.

so weird.
my girls are so nervous about storms that i am just ready for this storm season to be gone.
i love the rain.
and all the dark clouds and thunder but they don’t….too scary.

we are checking off our summer list….check check check.
crafts and bike rides and sonic runs….

Β Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β summer is my fave.






Χ’Χ Χ™ אירוגים Χ‘Χ—Χ“Χ¨Χ” - I like summer most. There are changed the environment in summer and change season. The mood is very romantic at every evening with some special friend.

Jenna - Summer is the BEST. Love the bubbles! When it hails like that, it always seems to me like it is being spit up from the ground rather than falling from the sky …

Mollie - I love the flower pics! I just got a Canon T3i for fun and to grow my photography hobby. I have NO idea what I’m doing yet, though. Can you explain how we got those colors in those pics? Was it camera settings or editing software? Any quick advice would be awesome!! all your photos are great!

Ana - Aaaah, your house, YOUR HOUSE!!! Just dreamy.

Loni - Love the energy in the weather before a storm. We have moody weather here in Texas too!

Lindsay - so…i totally feel like a stalker. i happened upon your blog via lifeingrace. i LOVE your pictures, then noticed the donut whole and realized you live near by…only to see your house in the background of the bubble pictures…you live around the corner from me! LOVE the blog, feel free to email me seeing as how we’re neighbors!!!

Jemm - Love your summer pics!! Ha ha I posted about Kansas weather today too πŸ™‚

Southern Gal - That one long bubble looks like a foot with toes! Cool pictures.

amy - ahhhhh…..summer. love every little thing about it. well-except the humidity…and the whining.. : ) hahahaha and bu-bye john rambo!!!!

Kristy - love summer too!!! love your photo’s meg. love the bubbles too. heck, i love it all!!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Just to let you ladies know I’m having a little giveaway on my blog.
Open internationally!
Gemma x

alicia @ la famille - um…hi! i’m back. what’s up with this john rambo?! i saw he commented on another post of yours. go ahead…boycott us, dude. i’m sure none of us will mind!!
anyway, just wanted to tell you i did the butterfly project with my kiddos and posted on it today πŸ™‚ just thought you might want to take a peek!

Tiffany - Your flowers are so pretty. its like they are right here with me, popping out the screen. summer is my fav season too, I always thought it was because I’m a Summer baby.
(oh no John Rambo is baaaaaaaaaaaaack!)

Why American men should boycott American women
I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
Love your ‘soft’ pictures, they are very relaxing : )
That weather is crazy!
Gemma xXx

leonieke - i’m a bit jealous; reading this summerblog while outside it’s raining so hard here in the netherlands,… no summer here!
enjoy yours!

christine e-e - your bubble pics… amazing! your daughter’s expression is priceless. those blue shoes = adorable… are you wearing them or do they belong to another person in your family?

shauna - indoor framing? in. your. framing.
dumb predictive text.

shauna - dude. these are my favorite photos i’ve ever seen you take.
you are getting good little momma!
i love the creativity indoor framing and the editing…

james - your pictures take my breath away. they are just amazing.

meaghan - what the crap! your pictures look amazing! what have you done??

Jess - LOVE the picture of Annie on the crocodile!

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - My 5 year old was looking at the pictures of your beautiful flowers with me and when I scrolled down she screamed ” that’s my bathing suit too” and ” mommy I want to make BIG bubbles in my bathing suit just like Annie” it was too cute!!! We live in Florida and summer and afternoon thunderstorms go hand in hand…..I love them, as long as I’m not driving in them πŸ™‚

Lindsey - Love the processing on these photos… I can see the hazy summer heat.

Kimberly Dial - Summer is my fave too but I’m with your girls when it come to storms. They occur all to often in the summer here in WV too & I’m not a fan! :/

Kimberly Dial - Summer is my fave too but I’m with your girls when it come to storms. They occur all to often in the summer here in WV too & I’m not a fan! :/

hannah - delightful. these photos make my heart sing! summer is my fave, too πŸ˜‰

rosita - beautiful pictures. i love the hollyhocks!

Margaret - Great flower pics! I LOVE summer storms–we’ve been having sunny skies in the morning and then afternoon/evening thunderstorms and they have been so nice…they don’t keep me from going crazy inside with my little one all day and they give off the perfect after dinner movie watching/snuggling atmosphere in the evening.

melissa from two little tots - summer is my fave too, but we have had so much rain and cold weather, it doesn’t feel like summer around here. i wish we could put on our swimsuits, play in the water and in bubbles! love the pictures!

Carolyn - Beautiful flower pictures! Happy Wednesday!

Amanda - summer is my fave too. long days, lots of sun. kids can be outside most of the day.
we outlawed bubbles at our house last summer. our boys couldn’t figure out how to not just pour out the giant 2 gallon jug. rrrr
their 5 now, maybe we can give them another shot. making those giant bubbles looks so dang fun!!
nice new running shoes! are you running in this heat?

Erin Kirby - what lens did you use in the photo with all of the hail on the ground? i love the depth of field! what were the settings? thanks!

Anne McD - ….sigh….your photos make me want to move to Kansas πŸ™‚

Nancy - ahh to be a kid, frolicking with bubbles. those summer evenings are just the best. we just started summer and have June Gloom here. A tad of a bummer.
I have a rainbow art project on my blog that is inspired by your love of all things rainbow. Check it out if you get a chance. Happy bubbles to yoU!

Amber - summer is my fave, too. these pics are DREAMY.

Emily - Oh, the late evening lighting!!! I love it. The rosy color of the flowers, your house lit up, your kids with bubbles…Idyllic. πŸ™‚

Janelle - i entered to win the 100$ dicks gift card and thought my first post didn’t go through so i reposted, to find out the first one DID go through so now i have 2 posts. Don’t know how to remove the first one, so if you can somehow that’d be great, cause i would love to still be eligible to win the giftcard! Thanks! πŸ™‚ Love your blog!

Stephanie - LOVE the bubble pictures!!! Annie’s facial expressions are priceless!! The big bubble in the 4th picture looks like a gigantic foot with toes! Awesome! I find blowing bubbles very relaxing! I too would love to know the secret to the coloring on the bubble pics!! They are fabulous! <3 πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - I love summer but we are sick of storms here in the western suburbs of chicago! DONE with it!!!

alicia @ la famille - oh summer is my absolute fave too! and just look at your house in the background of those bubble pics! i want a tour, ms. meg! the storms have been so crazy lately, haven’t they!!?!

Alisa - Have you ever read Thundercake by Patricia Polacco? It is one of my favorites, because (at 41) I am not a big fan of storms either.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Those photos are beautiful!

Kristy - Such beautiful pics Meg! I love the one with Annie and the bubbles and your beautiful house all lit up in the background. I’m also wondering if you used photoshop on the bubble ones?? I like the curve of those photos too. I remember awhile back you said you don’t use photoshop. Maybe Picnik?

Leah - Hey Meg! My daughter and I got crafty with the butterfly art idea. You are so right it’s the best crafts! Thanks for the inspiration. Check it out:

Candice - How fun! I so wish we had a yard or even some kind of outdoor space for my kids, we live in an apt. and it has no outdoor area of any kind so we cant do anything fun like this:( but I can live through your photos, which by the way are AMAZING! I cant wait for the day we can have at least a patio to play on! thanks for sharing.

kylie - Love your pics!! Did you use a photoshop action on the one of Annie and the bubbles?? If so, I’d LOVE to knonw which one!!

Jenna - b.e.a.utiful! pics!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Summer is so my fave too!

Secret Mom Thoughts - I love summer too!

bring on SUMMER!!!
and when I see your pictures, I still can not believe I was at your house..almost to the year!!!!
good summer memory….

Terrie - Love the flower pics! I just got done shooting some of mine and a visitor in my backyard. Who said turtles are slow? Kids love bubbles? So do some of us adults! Especially the BIG ones!! LOL!!

amy kolz - i love this post. the pictures are beautiful. i live on the ocean and yet, this post, these photos, made me feel all summery today.

Holly - I am loving summer also! We have had our share of wild storms here lately. I love them and so does my boy. We should be storm chasers! - these pictures are fantastic! Captures the essence of summer

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Adults love bubbles too! At least this adult does. :o)

Karen Lehmann - i want that bubble wand!

julia - The black and white pic is FANTASTIC!

Chantelle - mmm, i wish i could chomp on those hail balls! summer ROCKS!

mandy madison - The photo of Annie with the goggles is pricesless! Adorable.

happygirl - I LOVE your hollyhocks and coneflowers. I miss having flowers. Something about working full-time and living in the woods is detrimental to flowers. Love the tone of your pics. Is it a special filter or setting or just the lighting (recent storm lighting)? Anyway. I’m glad you are having a good summer. I am too.

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only in june…..

the lightning bugs come out.
just when the sun is down low but not quite dark yet….


grabbing a jar and loading it up with these little guys is a SUMMER MUST.
 you have to be careful when you open the jar….they try to escape.

they had over twenty that night.


when the kids go inside to bed i open the lid and let them all go…freedom!

it is another one of GOD's truly amazing creations.
and i love that they don't bite and are so easy to catch.
thank you Lord for these bugs in june.


(click to see my pics from last year's bug catching….love them…talby changed so much already)


Anna - Definitely my favorite thing about living in the south is seeing all the lighting bugs. LOVE IT!

danielle burkleo - i love these pictures. and i just love everything about talby. so stinkin’ cute.

meat online - This article is a great source of information, you Pictured the things really well. Keep it up and keep blogging.

Moriah - Oh I love the lightening bugs!! We don’t have them in California.

Courtney Walsh - When we moved, I didn’t know we were giving up lightning bugs. I guess they don’t have them in colorado?

the domestic fringe - So fun! We hardly have any lightning bugs…not sure why. I loved catching them as kids. Glad your kids enjoyed them.

aimeeb - That’s what we did last night as well!!

james - i used to love doing this as a kid

Southern Gal - We used to have so many lightning bugs around when I was young. They just aren’t around here much anymore. When we do see them it’s only a few and we just watch in awe. June bugs are the same way. Did we kill them all with the bug spraying trucks we rode behind on our bicycles? Hmmm.

Debbie - This makes me so homesick for the Midwest! We’re moving back next week. I hope the lightning bugs are still out! Thanks for the fun pictures.

robin - one of our wishes for this summer – lightning bug catchin’ πŸ™‚
when i was a little girl and would catch my slew of lightning bugs, i would always take them upstairs to light my room as i would go to sleep… in the morning, my jar would be empty from my sweet friends…instead, however, littered about the bottom, were shiny pennies…one for each of my lightning bugs… πŸ™‚
love this memory and can’t wait to start it with my girls… πŸ™‚

amy b. - I didn’t know so many people have never seen lightning bugs! It’s like never seeing the ocean or something! They are awesome! When we were little we would peel their backs off and make glow in the dark jewelry! Really gross to think about that now!LOL!

Kelly - I am going to have to come to Kansas and experience lighting bugs. It is too dry here in Colorado. Kelly

Michelle from Australia - As far as I know, we don’t have them in Australia. I remember you educating me about them in your post last year. WHERE has time gone that it has been a year since last year’s post on them???

Astrid - We just went out on a firefly hunt last night. I love catching them! We didn’t have fireflies in Alaska (my homestate) so I’m always amazed and in complete awe whenever I see them.
My husband made me LOL last night- bugs whose bottoms light up are fascinating….any other bug and we’d be screaming bloody murder to get them away from us.

Amy Slavik - I wanted to put this on my summer fun list, but didn’t because I didn’t know how easy it was to catch them! I can only picture myself frantically waving a jar through the sky hoping one flies in and then scurrying to put the lid on. Ha! After reading this post, I think i’ll go ahead and add it to the list! Thanks for the encouragement!

Lori - I have lived in Oklahoma my entire life and I never really thought of anyone not seeing lightening bugs. They are one of my most favorite things in the world. As kids, we used to smudge the light on our faces so our cheeks would glow. Cruel to think about that now, but I don’t know anyone who grew up around me who hasn’t done that. My husband used to take me on dates (and still does) where we would just sit and watch them. There is a place in a river bottom not far from our house where they are thick and the trees along the bank glisten like Christmas trees. It’s amazing! We took our daughter there for the first time the other day and she loved it. She has been begging to go back ever since. I don’t comment often on blog posts, but this was so much fun to read, because it reminded me of my childhood!

Jenny B. - Fun! I remember doing that a few times as a kid. We’ve only seen a couple in our yard. They definitely SHOULD be around, but they’re not… maybe something our yard gets treated with? I don’t know. Living in a neighborhood with small yards just doesn’t cut it. πŸ™‚ Nothing compared to the big 2-acre yard I grew up with. It would absolutely light up on a June evening. Ahh… memories.

Carol S. - Gosh I don’t think they’ve hit Chicago yet? My daylillies are just about to bloom, and I think soon the lightening bugs come, too. Happy Summer.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I have seen lightning bugs when we visiting New York…they are sooo cool. We don’t have them here in CA though. So cool that you get to do that every year. Happy June! - One summer when the little kids in the neighborhood were out catching lightning bugs we had them put their ears to the ground to listen for lightning bugs’ partner, “thunder bugs.” They believed us (!) and listened for “thunder bugs” for years! We still get a hearty laugh out of that one!

julia - I like the idea of lightening bugs more than the reality.

justjayma - I’ve only seen one lightning bug in my life…We were on vacation in Virginia…I wish my kids had that tradition….thanks so much for sharing!

alicia @ la famille - hey ms. meg…i saw someone else’s post on lighting bugs and was so sad because we don’t have them in south dakota. so sad, i know πŸ™ but very cute pics!

Belinda - OH that is pretty amazing. We don’t get them in Australia so thanks for sharing xo

Kami - So cool! One of these days, I would love for my kids to see these! I saw them once in TX when I was in highschool, and I fell in love!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Very cool. I’ve never caught a lightning bug.

Mrs. Wonder - I’ve only seen them twice, and both as an adult. I’m not going to let my son wait that long!

Leslie - We don’t have them in CA but when we visited our family in Kansas City a few years back we saw tons of them – our kids thought it was so cool!

Aimee - One of the things I miss about the East Coast. Sniff.
My cousin, who was raised in Nevada, thought fireflies were a myth, like fairies, until he was 20. πŸ™‚

Lori - I grew up in the Midwest and love love love lightning bugs! (In Iowa they are called lightning bugs, fireflies in Minnesota) I always hated when my friends would take off the lit up thorax (is that right?) to put on their ring fingers! Torn off thorax = dead bug. Nonetheless, Great memories of my childhood!
Lori in Colorado

Talia - Wow! Talk about a trip down Memory Lane. We always caught lightning bugs as kids. Thank you for allowing me to relive that warm fuzzy memory!

Jenna - I never did this as a child! What a cool idea, and I’m glad you set them free πŸ™‚

april - ok meg, is it toally pathetic to tell you that i sooo look forward to your post about lightning bugs every summer? I live in cali and the kids and i haver SEEN one! totally unfair! HA!

melissa - we lived in west virginia for 2 years! this was our favorite part. the girls would catch them in a jar-use them as night lights-then release them the next day. they also had a drive-in-theater and before it would get dark,waiting for the movie to start, they were everywhere!!! all the kids would chase them. so fun

Carrie Haywood - me and my niece caught some the other day..i always loved it as a kid and can’t wait til my babies are old enough to join us.. i found it was easier to keep them in the jar if you turn it upside down because they were always crawling up.. πŸ™‚ i didn’t realize that lighning bugs weren’t everywhere.. makes me happy to be from mississippi. πŸ™‚

Jessica Johnson - jealous of kansas. those bugs don’t like california. boo.

Lisa - We have a 6-month old puppy who loves chasing the lightning bugs around the yard. So much fun to watch! πŸ™‚

Kate S. - We had an interesting lightning bug experience the other day–one hitched a ride into the house on one of our dog’s coat and when she had a drink of water, he fell into the ball. It was dark and the lights in the kitchen (where the water bowl is located) were out, so all we saw initially was the water lighting up greenish-yellow in the dark. It was beautiful. One little bug managed to light up the entire bowl. But, don’t worry, we rescued him and set him outside to dry as soon as we realized what he was: )

Summer Crosbie - How awesome! I’ve never actually seen a lightning bug but it would be neat!

Terrie - saw my first lightning bugs of the year the other night!! think a 40 something woman running around the yard catching them would look strange?

Cindy - I was just visiting my dad in Arkansas last week and my kids caught them every night! So fun! I drove through Kansas and thought of you!

Jen Brandt - “Catch Lightning Bugs” is on our summer fun list and last night I told my girls we should go out tonight on the longest day of the year. We’re planning on it. πŸ˜‰
My girls (6 and 4) are getting their pictures taken by our friend tonight in red, white, and blue dresses as a gift to daddy for his class graduation. He’s been gone since March 6 on a training deployment for the Army, graduates in 2 1/2 weeks and will be HOME! As a current soldier and Navy vet, we’re planning on taking a few pics with one kiddo in his old sailor hat and the other kiddo in his Army hat. Can’t wait to see how they turn out! Thought Photographer Meg might like to hear about this. πŸ™‚ Hope you’re having a great day!

Pamela Gordon - Great photos! I love seeing lightning bugs. Our daughter was married 3 years ago today and her husband, on the night before the wedding, had someone deliver a jar of lightening bugs to her. Yes, there were tears! And for Denine in Canada who posted a comment above me – we do have them in Canada. They are best seen where there are no street lights though. Enjoy! and Happy Summer to you and your family Meg!

mandy friend - we don’t have them in oregon:(

stevie - love love lightning bugs. every june they make me smile. πŸ™‚

amy - i did a post on catching lightning bugs last week and i was surprised by how many people had never seen them! one of those little things you know but forget and it just reminded me not to take these little treasures for granted. definitely a good thing about living in the midwest ; ) unfortunately, the kids wanted to put their jars on the ir bedside tables for night lights and i intended to go get them to set them free and forgot : ( ooops. love this post!

Denine - I have never seen them before in Canada. Thought they were just a myth. Now I know the truth. Just so much fun!!

Michelle - I live in CA and have never seen these…maybe they don’t live here in CA? Awesome pictures of the kiddos!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - We havent had a chance to catch any yet but wow are they out in droves around here! We can see them lighting up along the sides of the highway even. I love them too. Im all about simple things. Theyre simple but theyre amazing too. God is an awesome creator for sure!

Katie Sellers - We just don’t get lightening bugs in Florida anymore. Where have they all gone?

tara - 29 and i’ve NEVER seen a lightening bug! EVER. i need to load up the kids and the husband and drive somewhere that we can catch lightening bugs! love these pictures!!!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Wished we had these in northern Canada. Always read about them but never saw one. Very very cool.

happygirl - I love that you call them lightning bugs and not fireflies. Makes me feel more “at home” with you. Such good memories. Pickle jars with holes in the lid and lightning bug night lights. πŸ™‚

Holly - awesome! I wish ours would come out before dark!

deborah@applesinwonderland - love these photos. lightening bugs never get old. we catch them every year, like we did when i was a girl. my gram used to like to tell me the sweet story of catching lightening bugs. i’m sure our future grandkids will catch them too. had a friend visiting from europe that said, “wat are toes boogs tat mak da light? they are crayzy gooooood.”:)

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - These posts are making me so jealous! The weather here is cold and wet at the wouldn’t think it was June!!!
Wish we had lightning bugs here.
Gemma xXx

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craiggers took me on a hot date last night.

how awesome it is to get a break from being mom and dad and just be US!!
we sat at a quiet outdoor table.
we finally relaxed about halfway through dinner. 
we were really free spirited and wiiiiiiiild……we went to eddie bauer.

then we went to see the movie SUPER 8. 

You can watch the trailer here.   and watch 6 minutes of the movie of there too if you like that kind of thing!
i resisted going to see it because i don't like "alien" movies.
but i am telling you now…..THIS MOVIE WAS GOOD!!!
it was like ET and Goonies and Signs all mixed together.
REALLY good.
i was freaked out and squeezing craig's hand so hard.  
and at one point i jumped so big i hurt a muscle in my leg….not kidding.

i will say the boys in the movie had a little bit harsh language for their age….in my opinion.
one of my least favorite things to see in a movie….swearing kids.
but you are a grown up and you can handle it right?

go see it.
but i don't know if you should be as crazy as us and try BOTH eddie bauer and super 8 in one night.
not everyone can handle that kind of HEAT.  

ha ha ha. 



this is my FAVORITE dress of annie's.
i love love love it.
it's from target last year.
i wish it was in my size.
if you have any idea WHERE to buy that fabric please share.
i know it's by Liberty of London and i doubt it's available….but if it is…..tell me where.
it is just the best thing ever.

********holy cows it's $28 a yard**************yikes.
thanks for looking for me girls.
i knew you'd find it for me.

it makes me want to draw and paint.

i am going to make it into a craft thursday project.


we see this face A LOT but this time it was fake.


sean and talby got home from camp.
they had a GREAT time.
thank goodness.
i was so happy to see their faces!
sean took a huge box (like that you buy for a concession stand) of airheads candy to camp.
i told him if he found any rainbow ones in the box to save one because i really wanted to see them sometime!
he got home from camp and opened his suitcase and handed me this. (it's a BIG package)

i got excited and said "WOW!!! this was in that box???"  he said "no….i got it at the snack bar" 
and i smiled and handed it back to him.
he said "mom…i got that for you."
"for me? you spent your money at the snack bar on that for ME??"  
"Well yeah mom…i knew you wanted them"

and then i wiped the tears from my eyes.

it's so silly but i felt loved and validated and heard and proud all in that one sentence.



this time it was scott who left for camp.
i feel completely different about that.
no worries at all.
he will have a BLAST.  


my talk about wanting more babies in the previous post may have made mr. duerksen look bad.

it sounded like he made the decision alone to not have more kids and didn't ask me what i thought.
he didn't.
at the time i agreed….i signed the forms….i went to the doctor with him.
i had a newborn in my arms and had just moved from IL to KS and was exhausted in every way.
and now that i am not dead tired….i wish we had discussed it at a time when my mind was clearer.
aka….more sleep.
does that make sense? 
sooooo…..bottom line….i changed my mind and he hasn't.

i am the "problem".
not him.

God is big enough to deal with any issues i have i my head and heart the way that HE wants to.
i am ok with whatever God wants for my family.
and i know God would not want me bashing my husband all over the internets. (and the googles)
so i felt i needed to make it clear.

should i just shut up already?




we sold out.
oh my.

it's awesome. 


it's going to be such a fun time.

we have planned such a fabulous time for the girls who will be coming!


Χ˜Χ¨Χ” Χ§Χ™Χ‘Χ¨Χ™Χ” - I like all pictures above. I like most this sweet baby face expression. All are very wonderful and interesting. Please keep it up because the internet needs someone like you spreading the word.

anonymous - My husband and I have three children and I was pregnant with the third when my husband had a vasectomy. I remember the doctor looking at us both and asking us if we were sure… “You don’t have this done thinking you can get it reversed one day.” That was 7 years ago.
Welllll…. lately I have felt as if somehow we have prevented children from being born that would have been ours, that God had planned to be ours. It has torn me up. Never would I have imagined seven years ago that I’d have these feelings…

Stephanie Howell - so much to say on this post.
1. i really think annie and sadie would be besties. they remind me lots of each other. including the hair and the faces. πŸ™‚
2. you guys make such a good looking couple. if we lived closer i’d let you hold one of the twinsies to soothe your baby fever. i could use an extra “holding” pair of hands right about now. πŸ™‚ after i had cate and lucy i did a blog post debating if we were “done” or not. i got SO many comments from women saying to WAIT until the hormones and exhaustion were gone. still debating…talking about adopting (shhh, you are one of the few people i’ve told that!)
3. i SO wish i could come to the crafting weekend. i’d be SO shy and starstruck…hahahahhah!

Jenn Thomas - London just saw Annie’s dress and said – “I want that dress, it is so pretty, maybe she will give it to me when it is too little for her” Very cute! Too bad the material is so expensive.

Wren - I completely understand, but in my case its the opposite. The Former Hubby had a vasectomy, but he wants more kids, now that our marriage has ended– I still don’t, but I do feel a bit bad for him.
I’m psyched for the grandkids in about…10-15 years πŸ™‚

danielle burkleo - i love you, friend! and i am praying for you as your heart aches for another baby

april - You should definitely make a pillow out of that dress when Annie out grows it πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Just wanted to let you know that I get all the “baby talk”. I feel the same way. And I too believe God has fun plans for me. So, I say, get ready world… here I come… and I am going to be an awesome Grandma some day… okay, my kids are young… I mean some day in the future. haha. I love your honesty and big heart. Don’t ever change.
Tracy Fisher

Kimberly - Somebody might have already mentioned this but my Target had those rainbow sour candy strips in the dollar bins today. I bought a whole bunch of them. I saw someone make rainbow cupcakes with them on pinterest so I thought I’d try that. You might check your target on your next trip if you are wanting more. It was the first time I have ever actually seen them in person.

Amy jupin - The fake pouty pic of Annie is my most favorite ever.
I can hear her voice when I look at it, and it makes me happy.

shauna - you are a good mom and a good wife.
i think a boy that thinks about buying his mom a treat at camp is the sign of parenting and teaching gone right…
and i can tell you love your husband.
it shows on your blog.
no one who is married and honest with themselves thinks that a couple could EVER agree on all ideas about their families.
i like how you are honest about your feelings and not trying to present false same-ness, but very loving and respectful.
i appreciate that.

Lynne - I couldn’t place the fabric when I first saw it, but I actually had a wallet with it on it from Target last year. It was so bright and cheery and made me happy! I have moved on to a new one, and hopefully can find it to send to you!

Andrea@KnittyBitties - Hi Meg,
I was just going to tell you that Hobby Lobby (do you have one near you?!?) has a couple very ‘Liberty-ish’ prints. They stopped my sister & I dead in our tracks a few weeks ago and we could have sworn it was a ‘knock off’ of one of the prints they used in their Target line.
If you don’t have one let me know … I’ll take a pic while I’m there and hook ya up if ya want ;).
Happy Day!

heatherp - oh my goodness! he bought you candy while at camp…so not only did he think of you and know you wanted it, he was thinking of you while you were not with him. AND he spent his own money!! i would have cried too!!! so sweet!

Lisa - Sweet! I L-O-V-E Libery of London stuff. I love Sean’s gesture. Makes me want a son. I love being a little girl mom but there is something about a boy’s love for his mama. Precious.

james - her dress is so cute. i can’t believe the fabric is that much…wow.
so sweet of your son to remember you and even spend his money on you when it wasnt in his box. i can’t believe they let him take the candy. when i went to summer camp…well a while ago haha…we were not allowed to bring candy.
having another baby is an on going discussion with hubby and i. he doesnt want another infant. he would love to adopt a toddler though. now that i have a toddler i just want a baby and skip the toddler stage πŸ™‚

mary - i want more babies. i have 4 sons age 5,4,3,1… i agreed and drove too. i had a 3 week old in the backseat. is this really agreeing?

Sarah @ This Farm Family's Life - You have some great kids!

Emily - I love your blog and tell everyone about it. It makes me so happy everyday. I actually had a dream last night that you hired me to be your nanny…but I didn’t do a very good job because I lost one of your kids! You do an amazing job πŸ™‚ Now that summer has begun, I would love it if you did a blog post about your typical day. I wonder how you keep yourselves entertained all day long!

Deputy's Wife - When we had my step-daughter and two sons, my husband asked if it would be okay that we stopped there for children. I felt that there might be a possibility I would want more, but my husband rarely asks for anything. He is a “go along” kind of guy. For whatever reason, he felt that our family was complete and I thought so did I. (Two toddlers and a pre-tween girl, I was VERY tired too!)
One day, after drooling over a friend’s newborn baby, I asked God what his plan was. I knew my husband did not want anymore, but I wanted maybe one more. I asked Him how in the world could this be solved with both of us happy? Our answer came a year later. Jack took us REALLY by surprise. And in the end, we were BOTH head over heals happy and in love.
We both can’t imagine a moment without him. Now we are OFFICIALLY done. I can honestly say I have now more baby pangs. (I say this as middle child just tackled youngest child on the hardwood floor. Sigh.)

Vonda - I love Annie’s dress! I actually have a shirt from Target in that same fabric! I missed most of that line when they got it in and I was very upset with myself! They had the best lampshades too. My daughter also has a very cute shirt from that line. I too wish we had talked a little more about having more kids. We have 4 wonderful children, and when the youngest was about 6 months it was crazy busy and we decided we had our 3 amazing boys and adorable baby girl and a flower shop with my Mom and a dairy farm and life was way too busy to add any more! Little did I know that we would be moving off the farm and closing the flower shop both a few years later! Then when it’s quiet you have time to think. I have a lot to be thankful for, but I do so love newborns!:)I love your blog and I so wish I could go to your craft weekend!

Jenna - Very sweet things you say about your hubs. I always try to be careful how I make mine look too. But, sometimes I just open my big mouth and make him look like an idiot when really it’s me. oops πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. You and I both know the real reason you went to see Super 8….
2. Adopt a baybayyyyyyyyyyy! Our social worker just told us about the monumental demand for families to adopt AA newborns. It’s a big, big need. Maybe Mr. Duerksen just wasn’t aware that there was such a need??? That’s what I think. Because I know the two of you SO well.

alice h - I loved Super 8 also! We actually got to go see it for FREE 2 days before it came out. And I thought to myself that I wouldn’t like it and I loved it. I also agree with the kids swearing. I don’t like that or when they smoke/drink or do you know. Young kids (even actors acting) shouldn’t be exposed to that.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Love her dress. Wanna sell it to me when she outgrows it? My K would love it:) It reminds me of a vintage sheet-you could totally sew/make yourself a dress from one(a clean one obviously)if you found the right one!

Kirsten P - Maybe you’ll have to get to recreate the beautiful sunflower fabric for you. OR write a personal letter to Liberty of London and attach a photo of Annie in her dress and suggest they make a mom’s dress!

Kelley - I have a shirt from Target with the same fabric as Annie’s dress that I bought last year. I keep waiting for Liberty to release a new line at Target so I can find more cool shirts or dresses in fabulous fabric. I wonder how long they will make us wait. It’s not right.
Glad you had such a great date night now with Craig!

Jamie - A DATE. Hubba! Hubba!
I too shed a tear over the rainbow Air Heads. I am extra sensative today because my handsome boy turns 5-TODAY! He is very thoughtful and would probably do the same.
Took your rainbow cake idea and made cupcakes for him today. He was THRILLED! I wasn’t sure if rainbow cupcakes are hip when you turn 5 and are a boy, but it was. THANKS for the inspiration.

Joy - Meg,
Thank you SO much for saying that you wish you had waited and made the decision when your mind was clearer! I have said that a million times. I feel like we were pushed into the decision after 2 preemies and my mind was not thinking clearly either. It was sleep deprived, crashing from a long hospital stay, crazy from the beeps of a heart monitor, apnea monitor and an oxygen machine. I would have never have decided that if my head had been clear. I think they should tell couples to wait at least 9 months before making the decision. Just sayin’…

Jessica kiehn - ok I would absolutely cry if my son said that to me. just think of his sweet little mind, busy with friends at camp, and then thinks of his momma at home and that she mentioned liking something and then BUYING IT FOR YOU! it just doesn’t get any sweeter.
also, nothing you could say could make Craig look bad to me! he’s obviously such a good husband and dad. not enough of those in the world today…

jen - I too love that dress, when she out grows it, I think it should become a pillow! As for the snip snip, I know EXACTLY what you are saying my hubby was sooo against having that area cut on, and with my 4th pregnancy nearing it’s end and me having to be monitored for pre term labor, because as the dr. so kindly put it “my shocks were shot” I begged him to get a vasectomy… He agreed so when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant he did it… Ended up having a TERRIBLE experience not numbing on one side and then passing out due to PAIN… Ooops TMI? and to this VERY day I REGRET that choice… My baby will be 9 this year, I think it took… DARN… When I ask if he would consider a reversal, you can imagine the “look” I get…

Ashley B. Chandler - A little girl wore that dress yesterday at church and I fell in love with it all over again! As soon as I saw your first photo with it (in this blog post) I knew what it was. Just yummy!!!! I have no idea why I didn’t buy it for my daughter last year! Maybe it didn’t come in toddler sizes? Maybe they ran out of it? Hmmm… serious regret now.
That story ab Sean and the airhead brought tears to my eyes! That is the best sort of feeling.
Also, I just adore your blog, you, your kids…. Everytime I look at my SUMMER MM mag I think “My friend is in this!” and then I remember you are only my virtual friend. But, I do think of you as my friend.

casey - I LOVE the fabric of her dress and oh how cute is she!! and I’m glad you mentioned super 8 because I want to see that this week!

Necole - I feel the same way about wanting another baby, but I am the one that got fixed because I knew it was the best thing for our family. Anyway, we would probably have another girl, which would make four girls, and my sweet husband does not deserve that torture. lol

Amy - I am so excited about craft weekend!!!! Is it sad that I just sent my oldest 2 off with my parents for a few days and I plan on entertaining my 2 y/o at home so I can stalk the craft blog….I mean, be ready for noon registration?!?! I could be accomplishing lots w/o two extra kiddos…instead I’m setting timers so I’m not a minute late. πŸ˜‰
By the by, my last date night was a rushed dinner followed by a trip to Lowe’s. We’re just 2 wild & crazy kids.

Sugar Mama - My husband and I made the “decision” in the EXACT same way. We had recently moved from NC to IA and I had just had our third child… I was 23. WAY too young to make a decision for no more children, but at the time we were just exhausted (and broke) ;o)
Now that I’m in my 30’s and I have a child graduating from highschool in a few years I’m sad about our decision. I changed my mind a few years back, but the husband never did. And that’s okay. I do daycare in my home to get my baby fix.

staci amy - I love date nights and getting to just be”us”!!!! More importantly….I am so bummed bc I won’t be able to put my name on the list for craft weekend =( we will be in the plane flying home from Philly =( ugggghhh!!!! Do you KNOW how sad I am about that?? But I would be more sad if me trying to use my cell phone to post a comment made the the airplane crash =( sooooooo….I am just hoping this will be the first of many craft weekends!!! Can’t wait to see who gets to come! Good luck everyone!

elz - In the same boat as you with th ebaby- we both made the decision. In fact, I forced him to go. But now, well…there are times I REALLY want another baby…
I loved the Girls Liberty for Target stuff so much last year that I bought that dress in a blue for ME! I got the largest size and wear it all the time. It’s super stretchy! I’d suggest searchign eBay and waiting for the dress to pop on sale and see if you can patchwork something together.

Shauna - I thought that was you and your husband…Noah and I were on a date of our own. We were driving by and you were crossing the street. I saw craig and was like, I know him from somewhere…I looked over and saw you and it hit me! I leaned over to Noah and said Thats Meg! The gal that took our pictures last year!
you both looked quite lovely!!!

Lela Pohlmann - I understand the baby issue far too well. I have a 12 year old and an 8 year old and secretly wish I had another. My second child had a horrendous case of colic and we both decided we were done when he was a baby and hubby had the procedure done. There are days I wish I wouldn’t have been so hasty!

Shana - saw the dress in church yesterday and loved it.
swear i had the same pattern on something as a kid – maybe it was my mom’s wedding dress! ha.

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - we saw super 8 just before the weekend. we had pretty much the same reaction you did – esp. comparing the ‘feel’ to that of goonies/ET/signs. we also thought it was GREAT!
my hubby ‘did the deed’ this spring to ensure our family will not be growing biologically. i’ve got my hands FULL at this point in time and my pregnancies were really hard (VERY sicky) :/ and our 2nd born was sooo very colicy that those few issues combined were pretty good birth control – ha!
just think, one day all those beautiful kids of yours will be filling your arms with multitudes of grand-babies! I’m counting on both my boys giving me plenty of girls to dote on one day! πŸ™‚

Lauren - Not sure if anyone would have that specific fabric, but True Up has a really nice source guide for Liberty of London fabrics:
Hope you find it!

shelly - You guys are Wild—our dates usually end up being chipolte and groceries!
Our oldest bought me a birthday present at camp…seriously…like a really cool book…I’m shocked! (But not as shocked as I was that he didn’t blow all his money the first day!!! I’m sending candy next time–Genius idea!!!)
I totally understand the baby thing. The ol’ snip snip was my valentine’s day present after our youngest was born…get it V-Day–too funny!!! Now I just want someone to hold..who Neeeeeds me…and that baby smell! (Although I hate being pregnant..puke all 9 months..I’d adopt or foster or something!). But…my hub says No more babies…even though I SEE that twinkle in his eyes when he holds a baby…he thinks he’s so tough πŸ˜‰

Katie - After having a 4 and 2 year old my Auntie had twins. My Aunt and Uncle decided to have surgery to not have any more children, she was 34. She said she ached for a baby until she was 45…but she knew it was the right decision. She is the best Auntie…always willing to watch anyone’s children, even now at 60!
We know you love your husband and it shows even more wanting to just “make sure” we all know the story. It is my most favorite thing about you that you love and respect your man!!!! What an example for all of us! Even though marriage is hard at times for everyone you really inspire me to love and pursue and cherish and respect my husband more! Thank you!

linda anderson - the story about sean brought tears to MY eyes!! he is such a sweet boy…
πŸ™‚ linda

Kim - I feel the exact same way with our baby situation. I have three beautiful children that I love with all of my heart…but that is all I will have because we had the same procedure. While my head knows is a good decision for our family..I don’t think my heart will ever get on board…so my youngest is just going to have to deal with the fact that I am going to want to still carry him on my hip when he is a teenager…..;)

Holly - Sounds like a good movie! Love Annies little dress!

Secret Mom Thoughts - I can’t wait to see Super 8. Love that dress too. Cute photo of you and the Mr.

leigh - if annie were littler you could make her cute pillowcase dresses…have you heard of them? you could probably get some super cute prints in those. target doesnt have anything from LoL anymore- it was a limited thing :(:(

happygirl - I wanted to adopt and my husband didn’t. I really think you can’t pressure someone into more children, especially an adopted child. I know God is big enough to handle this. <3

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you were able to have a night out with “Craiggers”. Some times we seriously need some alone time to reconnect! BTW, I didn’t sense any hubby bashing at all. When you’re a natural nurturer that’s what happens … we would love to fill houses with precious babes if our hubbys didn’t say “whoa, wait a minute”! πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you were able to have a night out with “Craiggers”. Some times we seriously need some alone time to reconnect! BTW, I didn’t sense any hubby bashing at all. When you’re a natural nurturer that’s what happens … we would love to fill houses with precious babes if our hubbys didn’t say “whoa, wait a minute”! πŸ™‚

Jen - I think this is it, no? I love that fabric too πŸ™‚ Also love that you had a wonderful date night!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hi Meg, I wish I could sign up tomorrow for your craft weekend. I live way too far away and I really don’t do much crafting so I guess that would be silly of me. The being together with other bloggers and meeting you would be super fun, but hard to justify a craft weekend for someone like me that doesn’t make anything and has 2 of the 3 kids in college and lots of bills to pay. Good luck tomorrow…hope everything goes super well.

georgia - I don’t think anyone would ever think you would be bashing craig about anything online, your so in love its sweet. πŸ™‚

Kat - Aww bless that beautiful Sean.
One of those simple, yet magical parenting moments.
Hm, date night must be an American tradition, as I see very little of it here amongst my friends (and myself) who are married with young children.
Mind you that does not mean we don’t need to be going on dates with our Husbands, because I am more than a little envious of that time you had!!
Gorgeous dress.

Elizabeth - Meg,
This line you wrote made me laugh so hard…
i was freaked out and squeezing craig’s hand so hard.
and at one point i jumped so big i hurt a muscle in my leg….not kidding.

My boy took me to see Super 8 on Saturday night as well, and there were moments during the movie that made me jump so hard that I actually injured myself. I told him afterward (while he was laughing at me) that at one point I actually managed to pull a muscle in my chest.
I thought I had a broken rib, Meg.
THANK YOU for writing this and making me feel less stupid! x

Terrie G - We almost went to see Super 8 this weekend. We got rained out of mini-golf & go-karts instead. πŸ™‚

Leah - I hear you on your date night. It’s a BIG night for us when we go to dinner AND a bookstore. I know, hold us back!

jennibell - “it’s so silly but i felt loved and validated and heard and proud all in that one sentence.” PERFECT. It’s times like that that you know you’ve done a “good job”. That it’s all going to be o.k. My 12-yr-old was at soccer camp (day camp) every day last week. On the last day, when I went to pick him up, he was concerned about getting a t-shirt for his friend that had an out-of-town family death on Wednesday and wasn’t able to finish the camp. Then, he spent 15 minutes in an over-grown field looking for a friend’s soccer ball that had been kicked back there after the friend had left. I was so proud of him, looking out for his friends like that. I’m glad God gives us “sneak peeks” like this every-now-and-again. . .it’s what we need to continue the race, yes?

alicia @ la famille - hey ms. meg. i have to say i thought super 8 was an icky, creepy, killing show…but signs and et?! that sounds good!
and way to rock it on the eddie bauer AND super 8.
you two are crazy!! πŸ™‚ haha!!
glad your kiddos made it home from camp, too!

Amber - Hi there! I looove your blog! I have a 2 yr old and a 3 mo old and it makes me so look forward to the days to come! Your children are beautiful!
Also….Liberty of London fabrics are now at!! I just did a quick search and didnt see annies dress fabric…but there might be something similar.

sam - Now that I look at it, it’s not as bright as Annie’s dress. Sorry. πŸ™

Amber - Ok you have thoroughly convinced me on seeing super 8! And seriously that dress is awesome! When she grows out of it you must make a few pillows from the fabric!

Jennifer - Way cute dress! I sure wish they had them in our size, too. πŸ™‚
And best wishes (and hugs) to you Meg with regard to the whole wanting another baby. I can understand how the heart can yearn so deeply for a child that it literally hurts. My hubby and I have never been able to have children of our own and we have been trying to adopt a second child for over 4 years now. It has been a long and difficult road…and yes, at times, it has left my husband and I at different sides of the fence. As much as he would love for us to have more children, it is difficult for him to watch my heart get broken when an adoption doesn’t work out. So much that I think he would probably be okay if I one day decide to just walk away from the adoption journey. I think he would be okay with us just being a family of three. But for me, I just can’t seem to bring myself to let go of my dream to be the mother to more children (just yet).
A loving God will tell your heart and mind what is right for you and your family, I’m sure of it. πŸ™‚
Hugs to you…

Talysa - Fabulous pic…love written all over it. Oh and I’m digging your hair. You cut it right?

Julia - Thanks for the movie rec’. Do you think a 5 yr old could handle it?
I lurve that pic of A. Scowls are so cute!

Sharla - Love that dress and fabric! Seriously, I look at so many little girl clothes and wish they were in my size. And I’m not being silly – I seriously think, “WHY don’t they make that in my size?!”
Love the story about the airheads – I hope my kids think of me sometimes . . . and I know they will. Sometimes I just wonder if that day will come.

Amanda - The story about Sean made me so happy. I know that feeling and it IS something to be proud of because you raised him to think of others that way! It’s a beautiful quality in a person!

deb meyers - oh yeah, super 8 was good : ) and a mashup of ET and Goonies and Signs, just like you said, that’s what we said in the car on the way home! Only we added Close Encounters to the mash. Though why all Spielberg’s boys have to potty-mouth ? …they could pass on that, please.

Short, Sweet Season - That picture of Annie rocking her baby…so awesome and beautiful. I love it!

Holly Cox - I live in Dayton, so I’m quite psyched to see Super 8!

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