craiggers took me on a hot date last night.
how awesome it is to get a break from being mom and dad and just be US!!
we sat at a quiet outdoor table.
we finally relaxed about halfway through dinner.
we were really free spirited and wiiiiiiiild……we went to eddie bauer.
then we went to see the movie SUPER 8.
You can watch the trailer here. and watch 6 minutes of the movie of there too if you like that kind of thing!
i resisted going to see it because i don't like "alien" movies.
but i am telling you now…..THIS MOVIE WAS GOOD!!!
it was like ET and Goonies and Signs all mixed together.
REALLY good.
i was freaked out and squeezing craig's hand so hard.
and at one point i jumped so big i hurt a muscle in my leg….not kidding.
i will say the boys in the movie had a little bit harsh language for their age….in my opinion.
one of my least favorite things to see in a movie….swearing kids.
but you are a grown up and you can handle it right?
go see it.
but i don't know if you should be as crazy as us and try BOTH eddie bauer and super 8 in one night.
not everyone can handle that kind of HEAT.
ha ha ha.

this is my FAVORITE dress of annie's.
i love love love it.
it's from target last year.
i wish it was in my size.
if you have any idea WHERE to buy that fabric please share.
i know it's by Liberty of London and i doubt it's available….but if it is…..tell me where.
it is just the best thing ever.
********holy cows it's $28 a yard**************yikes.
thanks for looking for me girls.
i knew you'd find it for me.
it makes me want to draw and paint.
i am going to make it into a craft thursday project.
we see this face A LOT but this time it was fake.
sean and talby got home from camp.
they had a GREAT time.
thank goodness.
i was so happy to see their faces!
sean took a huge box (like that you buy for a concession stand) of airheads candy to camp.
i told him if he found any rainbow ones in the box to save one because i really wanted to see them sometime!
he got home from camp and opened his suitcase and handed me this. (it's a BIG package)
i got excited and said "WOW!!! this was in that box???" he said "no….i got it at the snack bar"
and i smiled and handed it back to him.
he said "mom…i got that for you."
"for me? you spent your money at the snack bar on that for ME??"
"Well yeah mom…i knew you wanted them"
and then i wiped the tears from my eyes.
it's so silly but i felt loved and validated and heard and proud all in that one sentence.
this time it was scott who left for camp.
i feel completely different about that.
no worries at all.
he will have a BLAST.
my talk about wanting more babies in the previous post may have made mr. duerksen look bad.
it sounded like he made the decision alone to not have more kids and didn't ask me what i thought.
he didn't.
at the time i agreed….i signed the forms….i went to the doctor with him.
i had a newborn in my arms and had just moved from IL to KS and was exhausted in every way.
and now that i am not dead tired….i wish we had discussed it at a time when my mind was clearer.
aka….more sleep.
does that make sense?
sooooo…..bottom line….i changed my mind and he hasn't.
i am the "problem".
not him.
God is big enough to deal with any issues i have i my head and heart the way that HE wants to.
i am ok with whatever God wants for my family.
and i know God would not want me bashing my husband all over the internets. (and the googles)
so i felt i needed to make it clear.
should i just shut up already?
we sold out.
oh my.
it's awesome.
it's going to be such a fun time.
we have planned such a fabulous time for the girls who will be coming!
Alice H - I can just hear my children saying “mom, you don’t even care about me enough to put down your dumb camera!” Love these slides, we rented one for an end-of-the-year baseball party along with a dunk tank (for the coaches to get in!) and the boys (along with their siblings and parents) had so much fun!!
Chris - Great pictures!
Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Heehee…poor Annie!
Jen Brandt - I want Annie’s suit! How cute!!!
Sarah - I don’t want to sound like a debbie downer, but please don’t let any of the children do a head flip like in the first picture.Those ladders aren’t firm enough to withstand the weight of such a tall child and could cause them to fall… on his head… risking a head and or neck injury. Just sayin…. Apart from that it looks like great fun and that Annie of yours is beautiful even with a face full of dirt and sorrow. Happy Summer!
shauna - she needs a strawberry milkshake.
all i could think of is how annoyed she probably was that you were taking all those pictures of her while she was suffering!
my kids love it when i do that!
they’ll thank us for the laughs later…
AshleyAnn - Those pool ladders are horrible for falls….you did spell pool ladder correctly though. Way to go!
Tiffany - π extra scoop of icecream for annie π
kat - Bless her heart, poor Annie!!!
Amy Slavik - Poor thing, but it made for some great photos! Hope she got back up there π
Leslie - awww that poor thing. The slide looks like lots of fun!! I would find it hard not to try it out!
Have a fun wednesday
se7en - Oh poor annie!!! Glad she is okay!!!
april - these sunny pictures made me smile…<3
Kimberly Dial - Poor girlie! π but it looked like she was having big fun prior to that π
Kimberly Dial - Poor girlie! π but it looked like she was having big fun prior to that π
Lisa - My 10 yr old daughter would love Talby’s bathing suit! She is way into peace signs…. I’d love to know where you got it. π
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I so need some trips down that thing. Right now we’re scraping our front porch floor boards. Living in an old home(1860) means we will never be bored! I cant wait for a front porch retreat! Im hot, my hands are just about blistered into oblivion and I want to go swimming. RIGHT NOW.
amy b. - who doesn’t love a gigantic wet slide? summer’s awesome!
Kori - aww…poor thing! embarrassment is almost always worse!! π
Katrina - I have a fun collection of those pictures myself of the kids crying over something ridiculous. Like the time my daughter decided to “pluck” her eyebrows using my razor. So funny.
Georgia - im glad shes ok, i love the way u take photos of her all muddy and embarressed! haha bless
Jess Mead - Poor thing! That would be embarrassing! She is a cutie!!
Mindy Harris - i love these pics. annie is so cute and still has a bit of a baby face, like sean’s.
talby is so beautiful!
Sarah - The photos of Annie with dirt on her face looking all pitiful…SUCH good photos! Some of the angles are really good, and even though your subject probably won’t be happy with how much evidence you got of her fall, the photos look really great! π - Dude. What kind of crazy neighbor OWNS something like this!! Dangβ¦ that’s my kind of neighbor! Love Annie’s face as she’s going down the slideβ¦ kind of petrified enjoyment-ish.
Thanks for sharing a window into your summer {Albeit a bit more of a window than Annie’s probably comfortable with! Poor thing!}
Holly - bless her heart! Glad she is okay! Have fun at the pool!
Jenna - That’s every kid’s dream! (Until you fall off the ladder…) Glad everyone is ok and had fun!
Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - poor kid!! glad she’s okay!
that slide looks like FUN! we need something like that for VBS!
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - That’s what life is all about, especially in the Summer!
Shannon - Great entertainment for a lazy Summer day! Looks like they had a ton of fun π
Katy - PS- It was a pleasant surprise that this post wasn’t titled “Tuesday…”
LOL, just giving you a hard time. π
Katy - Looks like a blast! Wish they made Annie’s bathing suit in my size. Although I am positive it wouldn’t look NEARLY as cute on me as it does on her. π
happygirl - Don’t ya just hate it when someone sees you fall down? And then they take pictures. Oh mom. π
rachel - looks great fun x