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one more chance…..

if you didn't get a ticket to BLOG SUGAR and you have been kicking yourself….
there is ONE DAY LEFT.

they re-opened registration today until MIDNIGHT.
go get a ticket.

GO read this post!
i loved it.
that is EXACTLY how i feel and i am speaking!

it is HARD to step out and go somewhere new.
especially if you don't have friends with you.

but i am so glad i am going.
and i hope you are coming too.
with or with out friends. 

i can't wait to meet YOU!


Melissa - Meg, thank you for linking to my post! 🙂 It makes it so much easier to admit that most of us have these fears and apprehensions. If you know other people have the same feelings, you don’t feel so alone in it. 🙂 I am so excited to hear you speak and can’t wait to meet you!

Kate - I’m going alone as well…and I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one! It’s going to be a great experience, but I certainly am nervous!

Janene - I’m going ALONE too–can’t wait to see what the day has in store!!

because love is a lifestyle - I so feel the same away. I am going alone too! I am not an outgoing person… I am going way out of comfort zone! I think it will be worth it though!

Mindy Harris - meg i am so excited to get to go this year and be a swag bag sponsor and hear you speak!

Laura Phelps - I wish I could go…was totally planning on it..but I heard another calling…I am the new third grade religious ed teacher next fall, and a mandatory teacher meeting is blog sugar weekend 🙁
have so much fun…I will be praying for you and wishing I were there!

Tessa - this is totally off topic … but did you know you are in the latest (July 2011) Parenting magazine? I was sitting in the doctor’s office reading it and was excited to see your “Summer List” idea mentioned in a short little snippet with credit to you. You probably already know this, but I didn’t recall you mentioning it here – so I thought I should give you a heads up! Very cool!

Michelle - is anyone willing to share the cost of a room?

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I have my ticket and I’m going…A L O N E !!! way out of my comfort zone! YIPES! I am excited to hear you and the other speakers. I kind of keep wondering why I decided to go ahead and go by myself, so not the kind of thing I do. Maybe being 50 years old I figure I should be able to do things like this by myself, but I still feel like a little kid having to go alone! I hope it’s a good thing!

This Farm Family's Life - Wish I could go, but I can’t! You will do a fabulous job. I can’t wait to hear all about it!!

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it was a good one.

we were invited to our friend's pool party for the fourth.
it rocked.



annie's two buddies.


the kids liked to be thrown by craig!




two of MY buddies…keeping cool with their toes in the water.

after a few hours in the pool….the snow cone machine came out and everyone got to make their own.

annie made me a pineapple one….yummy!



the party house has a turtle habitat in their backyard.
they brought them out for turtle races.



i love turtles…i think they are adorable!





talby was a tattoo artist helping the hostess with her very own AMERICA face tat.

and the fireworks began….

a closed off culdesac is the best place for fireworks!

we love america. usa! usa! usa!

my family is in love with fireworks.
i have still never lit one and have no desire to.







once it was dark we had wonderful seats to a professional level fireworks show…the REAL deal…right there in the culdesac!
it was amAAAAAAAAAzing.
some i had never seen before.


our fourth was really fun.
the kids crashed in bed and slept in until 9:00!
loved it.

how was yours?




Kirsty - Hi! This is my first time at your blog and I have my boys sitting here with me (3 guys under 6) and they’ve been scanning this post for ages now! Talking about every picture – so funny. 🙂 So your family is a hit at my house and I don’t know you at all. Funny how this works.
Love to have you check us out at

Ali - Looks like such a fun 4th! I can’t believe all the terrific colors, striped pool towels, colorful swimsuits, sprinkled cupcakes, strawberries, blueberries, your polka dot shirts w/ red cardigan, fireworks packaging…ahmazing!
Wow, turtle races, fun floats, a snow cone machine, pool time, sparklers! So all American! You and your friends know how to celebrate!
~ Ali

Tiffany - i’m shaking my head, only Meg would have a friend who has a dang turtle habitat for turtle races. how kool is that!? i luvd my front row seat to the festivities in what felt like 3DHD, it’s like a sitcom here 🙂

tara - love the pictures from your 4th celebration with friends. your pictures are so CRISP.

Katie - Awesome pics! Just wondering…what mode are you shooting in for the pool and sparkler pics?

adrienne - those are amazing pics of kids with the sparklers… love the heart by talby

Cindy - The turtle race pictures rock!

andrea - My daughter was jealous of the pool! Also, she asked how you did the pictures with the sparklers. I tried to explain about long exposure time but I think I will just have to show her. She really wants to try.
Turtles are my FAVORITE animal. There is just something about them that makes me go “Ah, aren’t they cute!”

Julie - Glad you guys had such a fun 4th. We had thunder and lightning. I saw this and thought of you so thought I would share.

Tanya H - I love to watch fireworks but I am scared of them. 🙂 We went to the city show with some friends who saved a spot NEXT TO the caution/safety line, and we were pelted with firework debris. Everyone thought it was great – even the little kids- but I didn’t! LOL!

crystal beutler - Awesome firework pictures! Did you use a tripod? You HAVE to show me how to do that at Blue Lily Park City!!! Don’t you just love the 4th! I do, except for the part when I worry someone is going to catch on fire …. which happened once at our annual family picnic. Luckily it happened to my cousin, a fire fighter. Kind of ironic. 🙂

Alice H - Glad you had a good 4th…we celebrated the 4th on the 3rd by going to Rhema for their annual firework show and concerts. It was a lot of fun!
How do you do the pics with the sparklers???

Laura Phelps - we had a great fourth too! pool party at a friends…with yummy peach sangria, bbq, and fireworks. Fire works scare me…not REAL ones..the blow up in your face kind that Nick bought. But my kids love them. I am glad you had a great holiday…I love the USA nation UNDER GOD….:-)


Jenna - that looks so fun! i just love pictures of sparklers at night 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Looks like lots of fun was had by all! The 4th is such an awesome celebration of such an awesome country! Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - Looks like lots of fun was had by all! The 4th is such an awesome celebration of such an awesome country! Thanks for sharing!

ashley jensen - I love that the dog was in the pool with everyone! Puppies gotta stay cool too! We had a fun 4th. Dinner with the my in laws, frozen pie, beer, tons of BIG fireworks. Their neighbors put on just a good of show too so there was a lot of hollerin at each others display!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - looks like a grand ol’ time! 🙂 we celebrated in downtown minneapolis – it was a GREAT show! can’t wait until my youngest learns to sleep in – even though he got to bed at nearly 11, he STILL woke up at 7am. loooong day yesterday. 😉

Doris - Lovely pictures!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Sounds great! Wish we celebrated like that here : )
Gemma x

Jen - my 4th of july was great. time in the pool and a BBQ with friends. but my favorite 4th of july ever was one spent in kansas when i was in high school. your pics reminded me of it. no one beats kansas on the 4th of july 🙂

melanie - Read my recap here!
lotsa of time spent with family and friends, great food and i love talking with my old auntie 🙂

Amy Slavik - I love fireworks! What awesome pictures you got of them! My girl didn’t last to do sparklers, so we’re bringing them up to a friends cabin this weekend. Any tips on how you got such great pics of them? Happy 4th!

mel @ the larson lingo - what a fun 4th you had! Our 4th was fun…pre-parade breakfast with friends, parade & then pool party at our house. It was a great day 🙂

Jenn - Looks awesome! We spent the morning at the lake just putzing around the rocky beach, followed by a nice li’l BBQ at home. In bed by 9:00 🙂 No fireworks here, as it’s wildfire country, but we didn’t mind. JEALOUS of your sno-cones!

Julie - we spent our 4th poolside, eating, and watching fireworks with friends and family. it’s always a lot of fun and especially so this year because the only incident we had was my 4 year old mooning the party. ha!
during the “grand finale” of our fireworks show, the firework was shooting sparks down and out… they were coming so close to us. i screamed out “oh my gosh i don’t like these!!” i got a lot of flack from the other adults for that.
it sounds and looks like your day was a lot of fun. and yay for sleeping in until 9. my kids don’t know about that yet. *yawn*

Leah - We had an awesome Fourth! Made patriotic ice cream (recipe on my blog), community 4th of July parade and carnival, kiddie pool and popsicles at home, BBQ dinner and fireworks. Great day!

Jennifer - how fun!! i have so enjoyed seeing everyone’s July 4th pictures pop up all over bloggerland today…great photographs, meg! 🙂

Aimee - Looks like SO much fun! I’m amazed by the fireworks!
We had a Fabulous Fourth, too. (Although I’m now wishing for a friend with a pool…or a boat.) 🙂

Michelle - so glad to know i’m not the only one with a distaste for fireworks! Texas is in a bit of a drought, so no fireworks for us, but can’t say I minded.

Kelly - fun, low key, invited new neighbors over for homemade ice cream and also family – two ice cream eating parties. 🙂
fun turtle races, tats and goodies. fireworks make me nervous too. GREAT photos though

alicia @ la famille - good. no fireworks display because we had a HUGE storm last night, but other than that it was lovely. hung out by the pool all day…ate way to much. what could be better? 🙂

bobbie - ours was rough, kids fought the entire day. But we used to have a turtle in a habitat and loved it!! I’m hoping to get some more soon. I still have the cedar box for the turtles in the garage and I won’t get rid of it even though my husband is begging me too. Great pets!

Sarah - That looks like so much fun! I wish we had a pool.

donna - amazing pictures once again. what was your camera settings for the fireworks – i tried to take pics with my cannon rebel and they did not turn out 🙁

megan - nice! friends with pools are the best! 🙂 ours included a parade and watching fireworks over the lake in our boat. didn’t get home til midnight though. everyone here slept until 10:30!!!
happy belated 4th to you, meg.
love, megan

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more marcia

i shared a Marcia Ball song "Daddy Said" last week on my video of our home…but i need to tell you more.

when i was 8 years old or maybe 10 my dad took me to a dirty bar at night to hear Marcia Ball play.
it was probably a questionable choice….but i never felt unsafe….except the bathrooms were disgusting.
he interviewed her for the blues newsletter he wrote at the time.
so i got to meet her.
and then he took me back every time she played in kansas again. 
her music has been a part of our family my whole life.
her talent is amazing.
you've never seen anyone play piano like she does.
i have seen her play at lots of different places over the years….even the Hancock Tower in chicago. 

craig & i and chicago dave & jen used to go hear her at Fitzgeralds in Berwyn, IL too.
oh my goodness…..THAT was fun!!!

my parents keep in touch with her often.
i hear she reads my blog on occasion.  :)
she is awesome.
when her music is on….i have to dance.  period.  it's impossible not to.
some of my favorite memories are dancing at a marcia ball concert.
so….find one…get a sitter and go!
i can't imagine bringing my kids because she usually doesn't play until LATE at night.
but i am so glad my dad took me 25 years ago.

AND i just remembered that i used to write her letters and she would write me back and send photos of her and  the band on the road…one photo in particular was the band in costumes at halloween!

my mom showed me this video this morning and i loved it.



written by marcia on her website:

Sometime back in early April while we were touring in the Northeast U.S, my friend Minor Wilson, who has been working at film making for a few years now, called me to say that there were fourteen pianos placed outdoors in public spaces in Austin for a month.  Several were on the hike and bike trail around Lady Bird Lake.  Several were in front of downtown buildings.  One was in a BMX bicycle park.  They were part of a touring art project called Play Me, I’m Yours by Luke Jerram.  In Austin, the exhibition was curated by Johnny Walker.  Minor’s idea was that he and his cinematographer friend, Daniel DeLoach, could film me playing as many pianos as we could get to in the two days I was home between tours.  Well, what else did I have to do?

So, we shot at my house and three outdoor pianos one afternoon and evening and three more pianos early the next morning.  We had to roust a guy sleeping on the park bench by the lake for that shot.  It was about 7:30 AM.  You know how I love getting up in the morning.  And there it is, warts, old pianos, weird tuning, no makeup.  My favorite is the red upright in the BMX bicycle park with the riders flying around behind me.  It was very cool having that project here in Austin.  People were coming by playing those pianos the whole time we were setting up.  There were others filming and taping, and one large event that I missed because I was traveling in which many of Austin’s piano players all played at the same time in tribute to Pinetop Perkins.  




Lori - I remembered this blog from over a year ago! Marcia Ball will be performing in Newton KS at the Newton Fox Theatre this Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 8:00pm. It should be a sell-out!!! I wonder if Meg had anything to do with this???

Julie Weaver - I just got my local what’s-going-on-this-weekend email, and there’s Marcia Ball! Playing in Lubbock, TX this Saturday! And my kids will be gone…maybe I can convince the husband to take me to see her!
I may just have to go alone, if he can’t.

Amy - I love Marsha Ball. Hubby and I saw her play that piano years and years ago in Memphis. I’ll have to dig out her tape that we packed when we moved recently.

patti - Love Marcia Ball and Delbert McClinton!

Dianne - Bunny Trails - Love this video!! She’s awesome.

Erin - I’m loving the Marcia Ball video. Austin is one of my favorite cities!

Sue - Man, I love Marcia Ball and hadn’t thought of her in ages! Nothing quite like the way she could sing and play that piano with her legs crossed and one leg keeping rhythm. Thanks for the reminder. Pulling out her old stuff now!

tiffany m gardner - AMEN! my 5 month old was totally screaming his head off and I brought him with me to check in with your blog (as i do daily) and turned this video on and he loved it! we watched it several times…no more screaming! thank you! 🙂

Jenna - Always great to hear about new-to-me talent. Thanks 🙂

Angie - Thank you for sharing the delightful music of Marcia Ball. I am a brand new fan, thanks to you! The “Play Me, I’m Yours” piano project in Austin is an amazing expression of art, and I am so glad to have experienced it…even if it was via youtube. I shared links to your post and the video today on my blog:

Ali - Okay, I had never heard of Marcia Ball (didn’t have a cool dad & mom who exposed me to the blues from an early age) but, I loved her music! I hopped over to itunes and bought this song and the “Daddy said” song! Love them! Thanks for letting me know about her awesome upbeat fun music! No wonder you are so artistic…listening to cool music like that! 🙂 Any other songs that are your favorites of Marcia Ball?
~ Ali

Cyndi Hamilton - I love to here about amazing people in our own back yard. She will be in Paola in August…
Thanks for sharing,

Stephanie Carroll - I used to go see her at Gruene hall when I was little, too!

lauren - omg meg! i was born in berwyn! lived there till i was 7. my dad was born there and my mom in cicero. would so love to take my kids back to let them experience a little of my youth. we spent summers with my grandparents and cousins in berwyn and brookfield and i miss it so much still. funny how you can be gone from someplace for so long and still know it as home. loved this post.

Jen - Now I’m REALLY SORRY I didn’t go to see her with my husband this past Friday. She played FOR FREE at a new amphitheater in my new town. DARN! I’m such a lump–all I could think of was wearing my pajamas by 7pm and reading a book. Oh well.

Chris - Marcia is awesome!! I love that song!! Thank you for sharing!!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I.LOVE.MARCIA! Always have. I’m a sucker for piano… I used to play, but nothing like her.

Melissa Irvin - FABULOUS!

Amanda - Marcia’s awesome! oh how she can play!!
we live in Austin. so cool they put pianos along a bike trail.

Kate - This is SOOOOO cool. And while I was playing the video my daughter came in the room and started dancing. When it was done she said, “Mom, I like that music!!” Thanks for introducing us to Marcia Ball!!

Jennifer Draper - I’m an Austinite and I love your blog….and love Marcia Ball. You can’t help but feel happy when listening to her music. Wish my dad had introduced me to her music 25 years ago….thanks for a great story!

Holly - songs from youth are like snuggling up in the fluffiest blankies. We used to listen to the music box dancer when we were little. Now on days when I feel a little lost, I turn it on. It always helps remind me who I am.

Kerry - Aaah that was awesome!! Well done Mom for calling her too! 🙂 xx

Jenny B. - That was GREAT! My dad has always been a blues lover too. My parents took me to several bars in my childhood to hear good music. 🙂

sam - love that! thanks so much for posting! what a joy!

Mom - Dad and I called Marcia to tell to be sure and check out your blog today. She was at the airport and would look it up when she was home. :-). Thanks for putting on there!

Lorel - I am so glad you put this video on here Meg! I just love the song and the video.

Becki G. - Marcia is looking good! We used to catch her here in Houston at Fitzeralds, too. Power of Love is one of my favorites. She’s certainly one of a kind.

April M - that was cool 🙂 ty!

Melissa - Very cool!

Kimberly Dial - Thanks for sharing! Oh how I love to hear a well played piano!

Kimberly Dial - Thanks for sharing! Oh how I love to hear a well played piano!

AliceAnn - I very much enjoyed the video. Awesome pianist!!! Maybe you can go see her see her perform in Paola in August?

Short, Sweet Season - Love her! I live in Austin and run the trail 3X a week with my toddler. It’s so fun to see a big part of our daily lives on your blog!

Mindy Harris - fabulous! love that touring art project/idea. i can’t play the piano but would surely plunk down for chopstix.
happy to now know about marcia ball!

Sara - Your mom showed us that too! Loved it, so cool with all the people in the background! Wish I could have seen you when I was in Lawrence…boo hoo.

Lindsay - Very cool! That piano installment actually was here in Grand Rapids last fall for ArtPrize. What a neat concept.

Dina - That’s awesome! Great project! I’m a musician myself (saxophone) and I am now a new fan…what a great woman! Thanks for sharing her with us:-)

Sandy - Thank you for sharing the background & video with us. She’s amazing; I’m gonna have to keep an eye out for some of her CDs. She reminds me of my stepmom.

Michelle - Love her music too! I had to search her out after hearing that song you shared. So fun to listen to. I love finding new music! I am a new fan. Thanks for sharing.

happygirl - What a fun performance piece. Love women of a certain age rocking out. 🙂

Joni - Sugar Boogie is probably my favorite so far!!! Thank you so much for sharing.

Lisa - I love that your dad took you to a bar to hear her sing! Imagine if he had never introduced you to her. That obviously had a huge impact on you. Its not like you thought, “hmmm, this dirty bar is a place I’d like to hang out at when I’m older” At least I’m assuming you didn’t! 😉
She is really great! I had never heard of her before… but then again I am so bad with music and names etc.

Joni - meg! i love this. my dad plays piano and she reminds me soooo much of him. i have to go to itunes and look her up. you’re right…she makes me want to get jiggy with it.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Beautiful. 🙂
Beautiful woman.
Beautiful voice.
Beautiful blog post.
Just beautiful!

Wendy - Thank u for sharing! What a cool video and she is totally amazing! 🙂

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new word at the house after BEAST is now BUCKETS.







 i wonder what sean and talby were giggling about……

high five with Dad.

4 more points for the win.

craig and annie won.
because you have to move out of the way and let the 6 year old dribble in for a lay up.

you just have to.

the best part about all of this……the next night……the kids went out on their own and played together.
without us.
for fun!!!!

it was beautiful… father of the bride in the making.


hope you have a great fourth of july!!
and safe.
firecrackers make me a little….anxious.
we are partying tonight and tomorrow too.
super happy about it all.

yay america.


jaz - Our family used to do this all the time – play b’ball together. So many memories of back yard comps. I miss not being able to experience that with my children. There is so much I wish I could show them and do with them – snorkeling and doing bombies is another…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Hey – I went to Newton! The Ohio one.

Lora - Love it! My brother had a basketball net when we were growing up. It was at the edge of our gravel driveway and he played every day on his way out to do chores at the barn. Ah….I think I’m gonna buy my kids a bball net for my birthday!

Kim - Love it! Being Canadian we celebrated on Friday. Happy 4th of July!
The word at our house right now is “junk”.

leonieke - wow, what a big house and garden you have, must be pretty to live in such a place!
what are the traditions in america with the 4 of july?
is it a family get together day?
have a nice party!

Gemma @ Musings Of A Gem - Happy 4th of July!!!
Gemma x - Father of the Bride basketball clip gets me every time!

flowerpowermomma - YES I agree… YEAH America and all our freedoms won by the sacrifice of others.

karen - have fun party animal!! happy birthday America!! xo your nieghbour, Canada.

Lisa - Nothing brings more joy to my heart than when my kids are playing and laughing and having fun together!! Love love love those moments!

alicia @ la famille - just got home from partying (it’s 9:30pm)…3 day binger 🙂 yeah for the 4th!!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - When did Talby sprout those long legs?
Shouldn’t she still be as little as Annie is in these pictures? 🙂
And speaking of Annie, when did she get so tall, too?
They are growing up!!! 🙂
I find myself telling my boys to ‘slow down their growing up’ all the time.
Hope you have a great 4th!

erlfisher - Oh Waffle! You can stay in the shot because you’re so cute!

happygirl - Basketball, 4th of July weekend, family, FUN!!! You’ve got it ALL. LOVE.

steph - love, love, LOVE how your kids are so athletic!
hope mine are like that as the years go by too! 🙂

james @ agirlcalledjames - aww that’s so cool

Randi - I love seeing families play together … and I love it when my kids play like that. Happy 4th of July!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - It’s been a good weekend. Family, friends, bbq, pool.. Good stuff. 🙂 Love this pics, as always. Happy 4th, Duerksen family!♥

Michelle from Australia - I love Annie’s purple singlet top. I think you Americans call them tank tops?? Happy 4th!

Staci - Happy 4th to The Duerksen’s!!! Forgive me if I spelled your name wrong..i”m too lazy to go check 🙂

heidi - They were laughing about her sweet robot moves. 🙂 totally looks like she’s doing the robot in that picture!
Happy 4th!

Gina - I totally appreciate Scott’s Newton gym shirt. I definitely owned one of those back in my day. 🙂

This Farm Family's Life - Happy Fourth to you as well! Love all the action shots. Have fun partying it up!

Terrie - ‘Waffle!!! Get out of the shot!!!!’ too cute!
Great pics, great memories!! We used to play horse in our shed. We had H-O-R-S-E spelled out on the metal door and used magnets to mark each others letters. Let’s just say that we had some fun slamming them on the doors with gusto! Lots of great memories!
How in the world do they play in flip-flops?
Have a safe & HaPpY 4th!!

Kerry - oh cute!! I love Father of the Bride, thats my fave clip in the movie, makes me chunk buckets every time 🙂
such cool memories for your kids Meg, love it. Happy 4th of July to you! xx

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IMG_7615-3new cookbook.
full of yummy cakes and pies….i want to make them all!

blueberry buckle muffins.
i got a little carried away with the blueberries
at Sam's club…so many for so cheap!

air conditioning.
in the car….in the house….in stores….so grateful for it.

FUN package in the mail from friends.
gumball earrings and even RAINBOW CAKE earrings!
happy smiling girls at our house….thanks Phelps family!!

magazine FULL of awesome ideas
and ashleyann!!!

i felt so proud….i almost told the checkout
guy at sam's "she's my friend"
but i don't think it would have been as important to him.

rainbow toenails.

in a bird cage.

they caught three…one escaped in the night.
they let them go the next day at a farm.



these were the clouds as i pulled up to a
photo session last week.
really dark. 
we could've gotten poured on…but it cleared and was perfect!  

Sarah - I always love your summer pictures.
Cam’t wait for the sunflowers.
No pressure or anything. 🙂

Kori - p.s. the farm chicks also have a christmas book with lots of fun projects and ideas….and yes, more great recipes!

hannah - oh! i want that cookbook-blueberry buckle-holla.
the earrings are ADORABLE.
hooray for rainbow toes!
AND hooray for toads! i had a huge terrarium on my window seat-in my bedroom-when i was a kid. toads and lizards were my fave. it also kept my mom out of my room;)
delightful post! xo

Sharla - Love this – really want to get that magazine now too! loved the frog pic – in a birdcage. . . too funny!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - all FUN stuff!

Jessica - I’m in Phoenix and it’s about 116 lately…excessive heat wave. Yuck! Love the rainbow toenails. My Sophia asks for them constantly, guess I’ll break down and buy the actual rainbow colors…way more fun! Happy Fourth!

tara - woah…love the blueberry muffins…I’ve got a bunch in my fridge, too!! I need to get busy!

Whitney Ulrich - I love your adorable blog and am stopping by to let you know that I featured your chalk board summer fun list on my Pinterest loves of the Week #7 on my blog today. Make sure to come and check it out, follow me back (I am your newest follower, leave a comment and grab my button!
A mommy’s life…with a touch of YELLOW

Holly - Oh girl those muffins look yum! We made a toad house out of a clay pot for our toad….not sure he uses it but its cute!

james @ agirlcalledjames - i always enjoy your pictures. i would have been impressed if you told me that your friend was in a magazine. you would have had to show me the article too haha.

Joy - I realize I need to step up my working when I read your blog. I only have one color of polish in my house and it is champagne. How boring is that?

Martha - Was it a smaller toad… you know they will eat each other!

Doris - again so much happiness from your blog 🙂

andrea - Loved the nail polish photo. I FINALLY found a green that I like – Make Mine Lime by Nicole by OPI. My toes have been green all month! Probably should change it to red for the 4th!
Also, toads do not like to be moved to a new place. I found this out last year when I kept trying to bring toads from my dad’s house to mine. They kept disappearing; I kept blaming the dog. Finally, asked the “Turtle Lady” at a library program and she said I needed to find some eggs or tadpoles in the spring and bring them to my house. Hah! Like that happened! 😉 (Hope that didn’t sound ‘preachy’ – wasn’t meant to be.)

Emily - Meg,I just love your blog!
That’s all. I just love it.

Amy @ dwell in the season - The clouds have been like that in Denver – just crazy! Cute post today!

lauren - i sent my daughter to kansas on a mission trip today. i told her to wave to you.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Okay, the toad thing…so never happening here…ICK, ICK, ICK, but I do love the Farm Chicks.

Nichole Kopp - The The Farm Chicks cookbook yes a must have but going to the The Farm Chicks antique show……..heaven on earth! This year was my third year attending and each time I’m speachless. Amazing displays, fun people, great ideas and endless treasures to come home with! Worth the trip to Spokane! I have a guest bedroom your welcome to join me next year Meg! Check out the amazing pics on her blog of the show.

Gemma - Loving the Blueberry buckle goodness!!
Gemma x

Kristina Carter - oh i just got “The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen” and i am in LOVE too!! isn’t it fabulous!!

Jennifer - You are such a good mom to put up with the toads. I could NOT do it! The kitten would already be a permanent member of our indoor household, but the toads. NO WAY! 🙂

Linda - Just love when you do these kinds of posts! So much fun!

Angela Atkins - That Farm Chicks book is on my Amazon wishlist–and with this post I just realized it is a new month today and I can buy it!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us everyday, by the way. I know it’s not easy in the middle of life. I think of posts I can make on my blog but they are just all jammed up in my head and on my camera, waiting for me to do them.

This Farm Family's Life - LOVE this post. As a farm gal myself, I may just have to invest in that cookbook!

Perrin - Love that photo of the nail polish. With two little girls there is lots of nail polish time at our place too. So fun.

Dawn - Loved the picture of the toads.
I love reading your blog, you have so many great ideas. I was wondering what are some things you do with the other kids? I recently got married and my husband has a teenage daughter and I’m running out of fun ideas that we can do that is not too kiddy and fun for a teen.

happygirl - Awesome Kansas sky. Yucky toads (I’m glad they’re free). Gorgeous earrings and toenail choices. Could you be having more FUN!!

Katie - Loved the video earlier this week! I noticed that you have what I think is painted brick (fireplace) in one of the rooms. I REALLY want to paint our fireplace white. Just wondering if I need special paint for that?

alicia @ la famille - oh those earrings! how fab are those?! sooo meg 🙂 i love that cookbook…have had it for a couple years and need to make more from it. have a good one 🙂

Cyndi Hamilton - I love The Farm Chicks!! Serena has a great blog!
Toads are the cheapest form of summer entertainment. My sister and I used to catch buckets of them on our farm, now my kids do it.
Thanks for sharing,

Necole - I am going to have to pic up that mag on my mommy outing tonight. Grocery shopping with no children = heaven!

Julie - I bought that FreshStyle magazine yesterday and enjoyed reading it from cover to cover while sitting on a swing near Lake Michigan. It was a delightful afternoon!

flowerpowermomma - personally, I stay away from toads, frogs, etc. Kudos to you for the close-up photos and adventures! and keeping fingers crossed there is no ‘house-frog’.
Those muffins look amazing. I made blueberry muffins this morning too. Will certainly check out your recipe though.
re: the blueberries..if you have too many.. freeze them. I buy lots in the summer when they are on sale, then wash, drain, freeze on a cookie sheet on a cotton towel, then pop them off the towel and into a freezer bag. Works great. You have the freshest berries all winter.

Kori - you need to come to a farm chicks show here in spokane…fun stuff!! 😉 love love love talby’s earrings and the toads in a bird cage made me laugh out loud!! too funny! although i have the same question as lisa ↑, were they in your house while one escaped?? that would freak me out. not a fan of ‘jumpy things’…

Laura Phelps - YOU ARE SOOOOOO WELCOME! I am just so happy I finally MAILED the package! Sat on my counter for two weeks…but HAD to get them for the girls…
they are colorful and happy and reminded me of you!!!!!!
I am LOVING….you!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - love your “loving” post! I’ve got to check out that mag!!

Lisa - My husband would have a heart attack about the toads. He HATES frogs/toads. Does that mean the escaped one is in your house or where they outside!? 🙂

Leah - Thanks for all the great inspiration today! I can’t wait to check out the Farm Chicks. Hadn’t heard of them before. And I LOVE those earrings! Too cute! Happy July 4th weekend. Can’t wait to see what you’re up to for the holiday.

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this is NOT helping.

my baby fever is getting pretty strong.













working on these pictures of this BEAUTIFUL baby is about to kill me.
he is perfection.
isn't he???

he is such a yummy baby!

tammy….your pictures are coming today.  :) 

 OK…..some business stuff.

TODAY is the last day of JUNE.

chrissie is donating 25% of her shop sales to DAVIS in june.

Davis   Pillowbutton

TODAY is the last day for that.
go shop!
her pillows would make awesome birthday or christmas gifts….think ahead.
but you don't have to buy a pillow….it is anything from her shop.


last day to enter to win a $100 gift card to Dicks Sporting goods from Gatorade….Click HERE for details.

also the last day to enter to win a $100 gift card to Best Buy from Samsung….click HERE for the details. 

and it's not the last day…..
but you can still enter to win a $100 Visa gift card from Degree MotionSENSE deoderant……click HERE.



x♥x♥, gina - I LOVE! the newborn photo on the colored chairs with the bright blanket and pillow – so unique and fun!! Very sweet. 🙂
I pinned it.
are YOU on pinterest – i’d love to see the boards you’d curate!!!

Maureen S - Meg, every time you post that Pillows for Davis photo (the one with the pillows and chalkboard) I zero in on that crocheted blanket in the back. While the pillows are awesome and the chalkboard is totally cute…I get all giddy over that blanket. Can you tell me more about it? Did you make it? Was is a gift? I just need a pattern or a name or something. Gimme something to work with. It makes me happy. 🙂

elisa - the scrunchy face one is my fave!!1

Cameron - …if you think the ‘baby fever’ is hard, just imagine struggling w/infertility for +2 years… just saying
you are so blessed to have the beautiful children that you have. i know you know that though!

Martina - Oh my goodness! The expressions! I love the colors and textures of the fabric & chairs pics too.

Christen - Such a cutie and I know you said your hubby wasn’t on board with the thought of adopting but have you ever thought of fostering, you can foster sweet newborns who need a loving home before they find their forever home. ( and I encourage you to continue to pray quietly if adopting is really on your heart, God changes hearts and ideas and has changed many through a quiet prayerful wife 🙂 )

Staci - Oh me oh my!!! He IS precious!! And I don’t have baby -fever at all!!!!!!!!! Great pics Megan!!!!

hannah - beautiful photos, love me some sweet babies! xo

Bethany @ 3SonsPlus1...&... - So beautiful!! I know you say Mr. D is not in favor of adopting right now, but things change and hearts soften… 🙂 Praying for you!!

Bethany @ 3SonsPlus1...&... - So beautiful!! I know you say Mr. D is not in favor of adopting right now, but things change and hearts soften… 🙂 Praying for you!!

Kimberly Dial - He is precious indeed. Your pictures are always so beautiful.

Kimberly Dial - He is precious indeed. Your pictures are always so beautiful.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Noooo. I am having baby fever too! This post isn’t helping me either! SO.DARN.CUTE!!
Where did you get that rainbow chevron fabric?

Kathy Eller - Babies are thee coolest thing ever. An amaqzing amazing miracle. Only God can create life. How could we NOT want a part in that.

Kelly - When I saw your post title I just knew it was going to be about babies. 🙂 Kelly

Andrea - Great. Now I want one again.

Rachel - I think these are some of the best newborn photos you have shared so far, great job!! That baby is sooooo handsome and squishy, love it!

Amy Slavik - I love all your fabrics! I have seriously considered hoarding fabric because the cheerful colors and fun patterns make me happy. If only I knew how to sew…

Sarah - Those pictures are amazing. You did SUCH a good job! A good job, also, at giving ME baby fever now!

carrie - oh my…i don’t have baby fever(9 month old) but these pics might of just done it!!! These are beautiful.

Terrie - Precious!! Makes me all anxious for my grandbaby to be born!!!

Jenna - beautiful pics, as usual!

se7en - Oh look at all that crumpled newness… it goes so fast, how darling is that!!!!

Kerry - what a precious darling baby! love the lines on his face in the crying pic, stunning meg. xx

Mindy Harris - what a sweet, perfect baby.
i have baby fever too. but story is only 1 year old so we are trying to wait!

This Farm Family's Life - total sweetness! love them all. so glad it isn’t me deciding which pictures to print!

Chrissie grace - Oh my mercy…I want to scoop him right up:). I get baby fever too!

Necole - Oh my goodness, and brand new piece of heaven. I saw a baby with all the right chubb in the grocery store yesterday. I about died right there.

Lari - Oh so sweet and yummy. Wishing my niece & her new little one lived closer…I could stand a newborn snuggle about now.

Deborah - Oh my he is precious!! I’ve been reading your blog for forever now. I thought I’d finally come out of the woodwork and let you know that I totally understand your baby fever. The Engineer and I had numerous long discussions regarding another little one in our home, but I’ve been cured! The best thing we ever did was adopt three beautiful, bright, precious girls. They drive me crazy, but at the same time I can’t imagine life without them!
P.S. Love your new header! That fabric is amazing!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, precious, precious, precious! These are so great!

shelly - Oh My Goodness—keep showing pictures like those and you’re going to have an epidemic of baby fever going on!!!! (I’ve already been given the “Lucy Look” and a definite No last week….until I caught him making funny faces at the baby in front of us at church…he’s not as tough as he thinks!)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - He IS precious! Im very different in how I view babies. While I love them & think each and every one is a true miracle from our Creator, I was always glad when mine were old enough to be more independent. I just didnt enjoy the age of sleepless nights and having them in my arms all the time. Gosh, now I sound like a terrible person. I can assure you I Do love my kids:) But I was really happy when they were older and able to play with each other, feed themselves,etc…
Im a momma who enjoys the stage theyre in now. We can play together and have fun without me holding them 24/7. Ok Im done trying to justify my comments now:)

Lisa - I have four kids and have baby fever all the time. I think I’ll never “feel” done even if its the right decision. Luckily my sister is having a baby in August. She’ll probably have to ask for her baby back! 🙂 And seriously those pictures are amazingly beautiful!

Holly - he is perfect! Great photos!

happygirl - Yes, he is perfect. So little. I should send my 24 year old still living in his room without a full-time job and never puts his dishes in the dishwasher over to your house. ‘Cause sometimes the cute ones grow up to be him. 🙂

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i am so happy that the tradition continues.
craig played basketball from this age on.
i watched him all through high school and then four years of college.
he still plays several times a week….STILL!
there has been a LOT of basketball in our life already.
and now scott is as into it as his dad is.

a year ago i was rolling my eyes and dreading another game.
but now….i love it.

it's not as fun when the little ones are bored and whine while you watch.
but i still love being there.

it's SO COOL to see them improve so much in a year.
to win!
to make the threes!

last game i told scott there was a mom in the crowd that would shout "DON"T LET HIM SHOOT!!!" every time he would get the ball and that made me so happy.  :)
she knew he'd make it if he got a shot.
that is awesome.
he liked it too.
it's motivating.

yay for basketball.
there are MANY years of bleachers and squeaking shoes in my future.
and i am thrilled.



gabrielle - I love watching my kids play sports and I think we they are all done I’ll miss the getting up and being at those early games. My eldest just started playing basketball for her Middle School and she LOVES it…she has played soccer since she was five so I don’t know if that will ever stop.. Enjoy the season of sports…

Katie H - Love it! I grew up watching my older brother play in a gazillion games. He was always the smallest guy on the court, but played with the heart of giant. His hard work landed him a spot at KU for two years….then on the coaching staff at KU….and now he is the head coach of his own team and couldn’t be happier. Maybe someday you’ll be watching your son run through the tunnel at the fieldhouse! Tell him to dream big!!

alicia @ la famille - i LOVE bball! i used to play in highschool (and was pretty good if i do say so myself :)) i’m tall. it was my thing. so naturally, i’m hoping one of my three love it too 🙂 yeah for your guy!

happygirl - Proud mama. You preach it mama. It’s good to let your kids know you root for them. And thanks for the cool sports action picks. 🙂

Jessica J. - Great shots! I was wondering how you keep track of all your pictures. Obviously you take a gazillion a day and manage to get them all online so quickly! I have such a hard time paring down all the pictures I take and organizing them. Any hints or secrets?

Jenna - Good for you! If you “have to” be there, you may as well enjoy it, huh … and he will always remember the support he was given.

Katrina - I love your picture of his jump shot! Beautiful form.

hannah - basketball is the greatest!! my favorite to play and watch. enjoy! xo

Andrea - Basketball is the only sport I love well and dance for those who consider that a sport. I cant wait till my little guy plays.
P.S. I saw a mention of you in the parenting magazine on page 44 issue for July so cool your famous and I read your blog.

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Juli - I love squeaky shoes!

Samantha Bayer - I grew up being a “gym rat” and now I married a wrestle what a change of pace! Good thing your kiddos have a great bball team to look up to there in Kansas!

Tasha - very sweet thoughts…loved how much the other mom’s shouts made you feel good-it’s good to see them doing well at something-especially something they love! enjoy and enjoy.

Karen Gerstenberger - I love this. Gregg played in high school, and we had a court poured and a nice hoop set in, but the kids did not get the “bug”…until David went to Gonzaga for college. Now he is a basketball maniac, and he wants Gregg to play with him when he’s home. It’s so lovely to see the two guys out there, having a blast together. And the “old man” can still beat the kid…for now. =)
We are BIG G.U. fans, so we will watch for you K.U. (or is it K. State?) folks!

Jena Simms - Ditto to this post. I am also a “Basketball Mom” and lovin’ it.

dotsie (aka podso) - I get this post completely.

jennibell - !!!!!!!

Terrie G - I really miss sitting in the bleachers for my kids’ games. Enjoy it! You get some good shots in a gym!
Love that I have some things to make me smile after a long day of jury duty! Love that 4th of July cake….saw that today too and think I may have to try it!!

Kim - Woohooo! Love it!!! 🙂

CathyC - That is exactly how I feel about my son’s baseball games. And this was only his first year playing 😉

Staci - I wish I loved it as much as you do 🙁 Maybe in a few years 😉 I’m such a loser…I LOVE being home…and not on a stinky bb court on a Saturday 🙁 I need to change my attitude don’t I!!!! Thanks for this motivation!

Tara - love these pictures…and love that you love being there to watch and cheer them on….I have to admit that I don’t always have the best attitude when it comes to sitting out in the BLAZING HOT HEAT of Orlando while my kids play soccer…I don’t complain to them, but I sure complain in my heart and it has to show at times….
you’ve given me something to work on. 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - lucky mom!
I would LOVe it if my girls played basketball!
your hubby must LOVE that he has someone to shoot hoops with!

amy jupin - one word: scholarship.

Jenna - proud mama 🙂 as you should be!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I love that last pic! Great catch!

Kirsten J - I know just what you mean – my girl plays softball and I love hearing the other team shout out “lead off batter!!!” when she’s up to bat 🙂

amy b. - love the whole gymnasium atmosphere! is that weird? and of course, the snack bar junk food!

deb - You may have a future KU basketball player on your hands!! How cool would that be?! We would be cheering for him all the way from DC!!

Leslie - so cool!

Katy - That is so awesome. 🙂

susan ponder - When my 7yo said he wanted to play basketball this past winter season, I was skeptical. Turns out I love it. I love the sounds, the scoreboard (even though we’re not supposed to care about that at this age) and the controlled climate. And my son is really good at it, which makes it more fun.

tam - that’s exactly how I feel about football, I watched my husband play through HS, then in a semi-pro league, then once his body started screamin’, he played in an adult flag league. Now both of my boys play and he coaches….I LOVE football season 🙂 Enjoy it, time passes so quickly!

Sarah - LOVE the new header!!!
From the sounds of it you have a “beast” of a baller on your hands 🙂

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