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a change of scenery


my husband took me on a hot date last night.
it was a dinner for his office but i still got to shave my legs, wear high heels and be OUT for the night.

it was a wine tasting dinner.
that was a lot of wine on a wednesday night for this mama.

for real.

it was good to get out of the house!
i needed it.

although…thanks to the wine…..i was up at 3 AM unable to sleep anymore…..i fell back asleep at 5:30. 
can't win with my stupid sleep.

AND sean came into my room when i was up at 4:43 am and scared the snot out of me.
he couldn't sleep either.

probably because today is his birthday!
he is a thinker and i bet he was dreaming up what his gifts might be and then couldn't go back to sleep.


sean's day of birth was quite dramatic.
it was fun to tell him about again.


we barely made it into a delivery room and craig had to lie down on the delivery room floor and the nurses brought him juice while i looked down at him.
i think i said "what are you doing? i am the one that just had this baby!"
it was very fast and very overwhelming for everyone. 
ha ha ha

i am so glad that sean was born.

he rocks.


airplane - Antes pensaba de otro modo, agradezco por la ayuda en esta pregunta.

Jennifer Ware - I know this is an old post so I hope you actually see this comment… while the outfit is super cute I’ve got a question about your paint color. I’m looking for the “perfect cream” color and was wondering what color is on the walls of the background of these photos. Finding the right cream is gonna kill me. Thanks!

Kim Barlow - You are one foxy Mama!!! Happy Birthday to Sean…he looks like such a sweet, easy going guy. My oldest Trent will be 11 this month. Time flies. PS. Wine does the same thing to me but I still drink it too!!! LOL!

Lauren - You look amazing!!!! Hope date night was fun!!!

Kristy - absolutely darling you look. love the heels. love the dress, how excited and fun you look 🙂
so happy you got a night out with your hubby 🙂

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Hot Mama! Love that you took the time to take some photos of yourself! We Mamas need to strut our stuff when we get the chance! Hope you had a fun night out!

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the hubs! Too much wine keeps you up? I would have thought the exact opposite was true 🙂 I hope Sean had an awesome birthday!

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the hubs! Too much wine keeps you up? I would have thought the exact opposite was true 🙂 I hope Sean had an awesome birthday!

Courtney Hohimer - WOOWOO! Look at you hot momma! Glad you had a chance for a great night out!

Gevay - I am sure I am not the first to tell you this but you looked fabulous on your date night. I am sure your husband was proud to have you on his arm!

Carol Beiler - I’d love to know where you got the dress?

Carol Beiler - What a great outfit!! I love the dress!! You look great!

Kristin S - Well, hey Hottie McHottie! It is fun to get dressed up and be girlie. You look great!

Ali - I guess we all wish you were a fashion buyer for an affordable store! We love your style!
We all need the scoop on where you got…
> the shoes
> the dress
> the cardigan white sweater
> your hair cut what is it called
> toe nail polish color and brand
> makeup
> the flower on your sweater
Thanks so much!
~ Ali

amy - What an adorable outfit, cute and sexy! Love, love, love it. You looked amazing 🙂

Denise Sandberg - Where did you get that DRESS??? It’s a dress I’d love to have!!! 😉 CUTE! and you looked so adorable!

tammy kay - lovely! you are beautiful! I love your home. Just found out I’m expecting number 5 and I really want your 5 sign now! ha.

Julie - i want to know about the dress, too–do tell!!
happy birthday sean!!

andiejaye - happy birthday to sean!!! you look so cute in that outfit. i wish i had a place to wear clothes like that 🙂

AshleyAnn - mirrors. 😉

Meg Carter - Wow,Hot mama! You look great Meg! Happy Birthday Sean!!!!

Amy - You look fab 🙂 Where did you get those shoes!? I WANT!!

elisa - you are so beautiful!

the domestic fringe - You look SO adorable! I LOVE your outfit. Seriously. It’s so cute and yet still looks comfy. Great shoes. Glad you got a night out!

Kate - You can’t post a sassy outfit like that and then not tell us where you got it!!! You should do the What I Wore Wednesday because you always look so pulled together! Now spill, where did ya get the dress!!

Carrie - You are gorgeous! Seriously!
I love your outfit.

Andy - you are the cutest

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - You are so beautiful!

Kelly - Happy birthday Sean! He looks a lot like Scott in the first photo but all Sean in the second.
Impressive that you wore a white sweater to a wine tasting! I love the whole ensemble. Kelly

Sara - You look super happy and sassy. No “slacks and a nice blouse” for you! ha ha. Glad to hear you got to go out – every hot mamma needs a few hours to shine!

Joyce - Happy Birthday to your dear son…..I love your shoes!!

Staci - I need a change of scenery too!!!! And you look super adorable in that dress 🙂 I have those same shoes…I believe, Payless??!!! So cute 🙂 I’m glad your Sean was born too 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You rocked that dress girlie! So glad you had a hot date…so fun.

julia - how about you whisper in my ear all of your outfit details and I’ll let everyone else know…promise…right after I go shopping.

TamiV - You look fabulous! Where did you find that adorable dress?

Megan - YOU LOOK AWESOME!! Also love the banner in the that a coffee filter dyed banner? LOVE to know how you did it!

Brooke - Love the dress…and shoes! You are so so cute!! 🙂

Robin - Bow-chicka-wow-wow!!! You look amazing!! You go girl!! LOVE the dress and shoes…and this is yet another request to tell us WHERE THEY CAME FROM!!!!

shauna - you are the cutest.
and so is sean.

se7en - Happy Brilliant Birthday young man – hope you have a wonderful year!!!

Leigh - Where is that dress from?!?!

Kat - Ps great legs! Must be all that running.
PPS I would love a break from my kids today!! Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kat - You look like one smoking hot Mamma!
Love your outfit, looks so fresh and summery compared to me here in Aus rugged up for winter.
Where did you get the red flower? Is that a pleated poppy one? LOVE it and your jewellery!

Sally - You look like a beauty! I want one of those dresses…where did you get it??
That is awesome to have a birthday summer! Birth stories are awesome…I love that my children each have their own very different and unique day. Happy b-day to Sean!

Suzanne - Great “date night” outfit – especially the shoes! By the way, I love your haircut – it really is so cute!
Happy Birthday to Sean!
Suzanne Gallagher

Tamsen - Random comment that has nothing to do with date nights or birthdays (yay for both of them, BTW!), but I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to get crafty with my kids each week. We started a “craft thursday” ourselves about a month ago and are having a blast! My 3 younger kids (age 6, 10, and 12) and I have been going crazy with paint, glue and glitter. Last night my son said, “YES!! tomorrow is craft day!!) and his younger sister started dancing around the house saying, “this is better than kindergarten!” And then, my 17-year-old daughter chimed in and said, “I think I want to do crafts tomorrow with you guys, too.” Say what??? So tonight, I will sit at the table with all 4 of my kids and create. Pure. Heaven.

Tami Veer - you look great!! i love your style!

Rachel B. - Look at you! Get down with your bad self!
(Yay for date nights and birthdays).

jacqui anderson - wow! you get more gorgeous every day if thats possible!

Sandy - Here’s a question for your next question/answer day…how tall are you?
I would love to wear shoes like that, but I’m already 5’8.5 and my man is 5’8 on a good day. :-/

Sandy - Look at you all dressed up pretty! I hope you had a great time despite losing sleep.
Happy Birthday, Sean! I realized the other day that he is next in line for missing from pictures. Don’t think we don’t miss seeing your two oldest because we do (I’m sure I can speak for every one of your readers). 🙁

This Farm Family's Life - Lookin’ good! Happy Birthday to Sean!

Amanda - Cute dress, cute shoes, cute mama!!!! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Glad you were able to get out 🙂

steph - ME-OW!!!
hot mamma!
you look great!
those shoes are killer.
glad you had an awesome date night out with craig.
jeez louise… i could sure use one of those too.
(of course NOT with craig but MY hubby mike) 😉
happy bday to your boy sean!
love to tell the ‘edited’ birth stories to my girls too.
they find it so fascinating.
i wish my mom could tell my story but she just says i was born and my dad was there (unlike the other 2 siblings… when it was still so long ago that the husbands weren’t allowed in the room!)

amy jupin - you look sassy.
and skinny.
and ah-dorable.
and just like talby!
happy birthday sean!

Tracy - Glad you had a great night out, Meg and happy birthday to Sean! Hope it’s been a great day for him! P.S. Love the dress and the rockin kick-a@@ shoes! You’re adorable and I enjoy learning all about your family. 🙂 Big hugs!

Wendy - First time commenter here! First, I love your blog! Second I have a brother Sean who also is a July 14th baby! Happy Birthday to your Sean!

raquel - so glad to hear that I am not the only one who can’t sleep after a night with too much wine. I fall right asleep only to wake up a short while later! Wish me luck, i have a wine tasting tomorrow night!

Sarah - Super cute shoes!

Julie - Meg, you look so adorable!! Love your outfit, head to toe! I, like everyone else, would love to know where you bought your dress and shoes from. And your bracelets! I wake up for a couple hours during the night too if I drink too much wine. It stinks but I love wine!
Happy Birthday to Sean!
I absolutely LOVE your blog! It’s SO bright and cheery. I always look forward to your posts!

Ali - Okay, you look sassy and ready for your big date! You are seriously pretty and I love the way you dress! 🙂 I don’t know how you manage to go shopping for clothes with your kids! Please give me tips! I’ve gone a little frumpy these days ( I have 3 kids) tell me how to juggle date nights and cute clothes! I want to be a cute Momma too! 🙂 Love that white cardigan and the red flower! Cute shoes too!
Happy birthday to Sean!
~ Ali

MeganM - Great outfit!! You looked fantasic! As others have request, please, please, please share wher you bought your dress and shoes!

Shellie Hanley - Hi Meg, I read your blog every day and LOVE it! I even had a dream that we were friends and were hangin’ out.(Weird, I know.)I have that same dress and haven’t worn it yet,glad to know it looks so cute!! I got mine at Belk.
Hope your Sean has a great b-day. Just wondering, how is your oldest daughter? Don’t see her much in photos or hear how she’s doing. I have 2 daughters, one almost 18 and one 13, I know it’s a tough age.
Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. 🙂

Angie M - You look great! Love the shoes:)

MichelleB - today is my owen’s bday. he is 5! not such a dramatic birth…planned c-section. you look so cute dressed up! love the shoes! happy bday Sean!

Kristy - No doubt….. you look HOT! but you’re also ADORABLE! I bet Mr. Duerksen loved those high heels 🙂

Kelsey I - WORK. IT.
What a hottie.


Marissa - Another request for that dress info…TOO CUTE!!!!!!

April M - LOVE this! Made me smile so much! You look AMAZING!
And Happy Bday to Sean 🙂

alicia @ la famille - you look adorable! hope you’re having a better day 🙂

Denissa - You look adorable! Love your sassy shoes 🙂 and wine keeps me awake too! I can drink coffee at night and sleep fine, wine up all night..crazy..haha 🙂
Happy birthday Sean!

Jill @ Barnes Yard - How CUTE are you?!!

Tam - you look amazing and those shoes are fierce! Happy birthday, Sean!

Kerry - one HOT mama! you have gorg legs, and those shooooeesss!! too cute. Happy Birthday Sean 🙂 xx

sarah - Your outfit is so so cute and so are you, hot mama!

Alisha Gibb - Cuuuuuuuuute dress! Can I ask where u got it? You look FABULOUS!

Beth - Cute shoes! Well played. 🙂

Juliann Brenner - Megan – you are so funny; thanks for the Sean-story and the laugh – I needed it today 🙂
I LOVE your dress…please share details – where is it from? the sweater too? I have a hard time finding cute dresses….I think I need a date too!

happygirl - LOVE the birth story. LOVE the outfit (but don’t understand the cardigan with 105 heat) Love the shoes. 🙂

stevie - Awesome outfit…love the dress and shoes. Aren’t date nights the best?

BriBedell - I love dates 🙂 you are one hawt momma 🙂 happy birthday to Sean!!! I would like more details on this crazy birth!! Oh and do you have other boy names you were considering naming yours?? I’m…uh…asking for a friend, yeah, a friend 🙂

Jenna - hehe I have a feeling that will be my husband too! Also, that outfit is so wonderful! It is everything I love in clothes! Where did you get it all?

Lisa - Just like everyone else wants to know – Where’d you get that awesome dress and shoes! 🙂 Happy birthday to your sweet boy Sean!

Terrie - You look gorgeous! Glad you got out! I’m ready for vacation! Have a super happy birthday celebration! HapPy HaPpY BiRtHdaY to Sean!!

heidi maggard - CUTEST. SHOES. EVER!!!!!!!

Donna - You look great meg! I love that dress; would love to know where you got it. date nights are the best:)

Karen Gerstenberger - So glad that you and your sweetie got out for a “date night.” We all need those! You looked chic, sassy, beautiful and happy.
Happy Birthday to Sean!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Alright, first of all, I love how sassy you’re looking here. These pics scream “Im goin on a date!” And secondly, Mrs. Deurksen, you should totally know by now to source everything you wear.:) You looked great…glad you got out.

melanie - vavavaVOOM! you clean up nice. 🙂 gorgeous eyes! really great outfit — where did you get that dress?
i hope to be married again someday and still go on dates 🙂

Ali - drink RED wine! took me years to figure out why i would wake up in the middle of the night after drinking (a few glasses of) wine..if you are having more than one glass, stick with a red! its the sugar in the white that keeps you up! i promise!
i’m sorry you missed out on sleep, thats stinky:(.

Jill @ Cora Anne Designs - LOVE your outfit (and the attitude to match!)

tara - you look hot tamale, meg!
love the dress…
love the hair…
love the red flower pin…
LOVE the shoes.
yay for HOT dates with our hubbys!
and, Happiest Bday to your sean!

Laura - Awww…date night. It’s been a while! Where’d ya’ get the shoes?! I need them.

Jules - Aww Meg you look gorgeous! As a funny coincidence I bought a very similar dress yesterday (albeit without the cute ruffle) and I was wondering what to pair it with – love the white cardi and big flower! Hope you had a fab time, and happy birthday to Sean! x

Amanda - adorable outfit Meg!
so glad you got a night out with hubs. how fun!

mel @ the larson lingo - You look adorable! Love your cute outfit.
I love wine tasting dinners…FUN.
Happy Birthday Sean!

Tiffany - Go Sassy! Go Sassy! Go Sassy! I have that flower too in linen blue. Etsy much? Happy Birthday Sean, your a cutie patootie.

Tonya - Too cute! Would love to know where you got your dress!

Windy - You look soo nice!!! Where did you get that dress?? Love it…

Lori - You are one hot mama! You look amazing 🙂 And, happy birthday Sean! Love the pictures of him 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Very hot! lol
It’s SOOO nice to get out of these 4 walls every now and then.
Gemma x

danielle burkleo - hottie!!

Schmidt’s love you!

Shana - Such a hottie!
And I had this feeling that you were in Lawrence last weekend. . . we were too!!!! I should always check in before we head up – just in case. 🙂

amy b. - You look so cute all dressed up, love the red flower!! Don’t remember the last time I had a date night-must do something about that!

Annie - Yay for date nights! Even better when it’s in the middle of the week! I LOVE your dress!!

Kimberlee - You are simply stunning.
Glad you two were able to get out for some fresh air. 🙂
Happy Birthday to Sean!

Loni - Happy Birthday to Sean!
You are one hot mama! LOVE the outfit.

Beth - Agreed that you look great! And I am glad Sean was born too! Tell him Mrs. Burns says Happy Birthday and I will miss having him in my class this year! He makes me smile. That photo of him with the chocolate mouth is precious (don’t tell him I said that, I have a feeling he wouldn’t be too impressed with being called precious!)!

Jeanelle - seriously adorable outfit…happy birthday Sean!

Tonia Hobbs - I had a date too this week! Arent those always like. . . miracles! You looked so so pretty! LOVE.THE.SHOES!!
Love your blog too! Have a great day!

Sarah - you look beautiful!! glad to hear you had a great date night!

Seriously Sassy Mama - What a sassy outfit! I love the shoes. I would LOVE for my husband to take me out to a place where I had to shave my legs.

Sarah - Love that shoe picture and your giant roll of paper towels ;). You looked killer on your date night!!

lauren - what did we do before we had kids??? they are EVERYTHING awesome!
p.s. i think our toenails match! haha! 🙂

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Love, love, love your cute outfit! Would you share where you found the dress and shoes? So happy you got a fun night out with your hubby. And happy birthday to Sean!!!

Holly - you look great! I love that you GOT to shave your legs! ha! Happy birthday sean!

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i got nothing for you today.

i am……..tired?
worn down may be a better choice of words.

the four kids at home have lessons or camps this week.
i am in the car like….hours a day.


but i have been working out during lessons.
so at least i have done that.

but there has been A LOT of fighting and whining and crying and screaming here too.
99% not by me….but i have had my 1%.
that kind of stuff is EXHAUSTING…..always thinking "how do i handle this?" "what do i do now?"

i can NOT wait for vacation.
i wish it was today.
i want to be away from all these activities.
but yet i love the activities that keep them busy and teach them.

i think i just need more sleep?

crawling back into bed sounds really good.
but i can't.
i have to get to swim lessons and basketball camp and sams club for groceries and joann's for cake decorations and target for one last birthday gift and find a sitter for my husband's work dinner date tonight that he just told me about five minutes ago and the car is out of gas.

tomorrow will be better.
it will be.

enjoy these completely unrelated and happy (not whiney) pictures today. 





Crystal - My girls have fussed and complained more this week than all summer put together! I shipped them to my mom’s for a day just to get a break, so I feel your pain! 🙂

Logan - Well, all I know is that they are adorable!!!

Jessica - Nothing? I think not…those bright cool pics of the water tubes are pretty great.

karen - i love the colours in those pics!!!

leonieke - at least you have sun! here there’s stormy weather, lots of rain. the kids are watching a dvd, with a hot cup of tea, and i’m wondering if it’s ever gonna be summer here in the netherlands,…one week to go until all my kids are free from school.. it’s strange to act like it’s fall in the middle of the summer..

Margaret - Oh, I sometimes find myself wishing for the day when my three year old can make his own pb&j’s and not try to wedge himself between me and the hubs in the middle of the night. I always think I will be alot less rested when this time comes, but i know that I’ll be just as exhausted playing chauffeur and referee. Wishing you good, stress-free days between now and your vacation!

Heather Crawford - I feel your pain….

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hope your feeling better soon! I hate days like that.
Pure Stress!
Love Gemma x

Maria - I am there with you…in addition to swim team craziness, taekwondo whiny-ness, we all have VBS this week, and I’m in crafts every day…can’t even think straight and finally crammed in a workout tonight…
Longest week ever.
Much needed retail therapy to come on Friday…

andrea - Ugh! My thoughts exactly! I love that they have stuff to do because it gives me a break and lets them see other people. BUT they sure are crabby! I guess it is because they try to cram their normal summer day into the time that they are here which exhausts them enough as it is.
My kids spend A LOT of time in our pool too! We didn’t get it up until about two weeks ago and I was ready to leave. By myself. Done with it. The, as I say “whining, griping and complaining”!

Amy Slavik - Love your kids’ facial expressions! Hope you got it all done today, and that you get some restful sleep tonight!

Joy - That Annie tickles my funnybone!
I may getting a bit whiney myself. Summer throws life into a whole different level of stress. We do away with one thing and replace it with three more.
Still, I do NOT want it to end.

Courtney Walsh - my gosh. is it in the water? same here. last week our baseball and dance were on hiatus and it was kind of awesome…but i’m with you on the loving them learning thing. ugh. it’s a catch-22!!!
at least you’re working out. i am definitely not doing that.

Southern Gal - Working out? Good for you. My mom wasn’t above making us kiss and make up. Stay cool.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hmmmm…wish I could say whining gets better with age, but it doesn’t and I know it’s more of a head game isn’t it? Always trying to be Dr. Phil and Father Albert and What Would Jesus Do all in one person. Being a mom is just plain old hard. I do have a random question for you….do you keep your camera attached at your hip 24/7? You must with all the great pics you get. Love you and your blog. Happy summer!
P.S. Can’t wait for Blog Sugar. I just signed up for my seminars. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say (not to make you nervous or anything 🙂 You’ll be great!

Elizabeth Horn - I have four kids at home this summer, too and it is exhausting. I started out optimistic, thinking I would be so organized and fun, but instead I feel like the break is rushing past and the house is a disaster. I think I have given up on keeping it clean. Maybe when school starts?

amy jupin - to say i can relate is an understatement.
josh has been gone for two days. after being home 5 minutes, he has a major breakdown and was sent to his room.
parenting is HARD.
why don’t they understand that i would LOVE to give them soda and candy for breakfast and let them watch tv all day long??!!
i would!
but that’s not being a good parent!
work with me PEOPLE!

Tracy Fisher - It’s summer. We are moms. We can whine. If you lived closer, and you weren’t going to a party, I’d invite you over to try my new cheese ball recipe… and I’d even pour you a little glass of wine. Tracy Fisher

debbie - Hi Meg,
It seems hard while you’re going through it, but you will miss it when they are grown and gone 🙂
I love the pics, and I love seeing snippets of your neighborhood in the background. I adore old houses!

Kimberly Dial - Unfortunately, summer seems to be flying by & soon (sniff, sniff) it will be over & school will be in session. You are such an active momma with active kiddos & you’re to be commended for it! BRAVO Meg! I have a feeling a ‘date night’ with the hubs (even if it is a business dinner) will make you feel better. Enjoy!

Kimberly Dial - Unfortunately, summer seems to be flying by & soon (sniff, sniff) it will be over & school will be in session. You are such an active momma with active kiddos & you’re to be commended for it! BRAVO Meg! I have a feeling a ‘date night’ with the hubs (even if it is a business dinner) will make you feel better. Enjoy!

sharon morrissette - Hey Girl ~~
I’d recognize the scenario you just shared a mile away.
The Kids Need Sleep.
( It’s not you! . . it’s them 🙂

angie - Ha! Feelin’ your pain! You got too much summer, sister! Can’t wait for summer and then you are ready for school!
It looks like it might ease the pain a you maintain it, is it a pain? what size is it?

colleen from alabama - Yep,its summer! Why do i always have the expectation that it will be different than during school? It’s the same just multiplied by 24/7! That means multiple fun times but also multiple stress 🙂 We leave for the beach Sunday… praying it is a time of refreshing where the “deserving mentality” is replaced by a grateful “priviledged mentality” and the dissention is replaced with peace. Guess i have to start by looking at myself! 🙂 thanks for keeping it real.

liz larson - well, i saw your playroom a looooong time ago on apartment therapy, and every once in awhile i go back and search “meg’s playroom” or whatever, and it always makes me feel happy and inspired to maybe clean my house. HAH! anyway, just wanted to say that i have spent the ENTIRETY of naptime today reading your blog and even though i too was having a BAD DAY, i can honestly say that it was the perfect remedy for my blues. i am a mommy to a 2-year-old and 3-year-old and this blog, on this day, has given me hope that i can make it through my own kids whiney, fighting, screaming, crying, spilling-everything day. THANK YOU.
ps. we live in kansas city actually, by the International House of Prayer (i’m originally from NC) and i would LOVE to hear of more fun places to go to with kids outside of the kc metro area if you have any great ideas for future posts! we love to travel and take day trips. 🙂

Rosa @ flutterflutter - I hear ya! Worn out over here too. 🙂

Terrie - I’m with ya…loved your pics…perked me up!
I’m ready for vacation …is it Friday yet?

Jamie - I LOVED your honesty. I am the mom of four kids – 5, 3 and 3 month old twin boys. One of my twins has kidney failure and is on dialysis at home during the night. My husband and I do all his medical stuff ourselves with no nurses. Between the kids, a job, housework and everything else there are days when I ask myself the same question – can I do this? Can I handle it? Then I remember that the Good Lord must really trust me to handle all of this stuff otherwise he wouldn’t have put it on my plate. Some days are better than others, so hang in there!!
Love your blog! I get excited when I see you have a new post! 🙂

Anj - More sleep makes a big diff for me when my kids are driving me crazy! I am nicer and have more patience when I get enough sleep. And good food- less sugar & junk, more fruit & veggies. A good coffee helps [okay, and good shot of Bailey’s doesn’t hurt either 😉 ]

Amanda - oh how I can relate! motherhood, parenthood… it’s so awesomely wonderful challenging and stretching isn’t it?
love the pic of the 3 littles together in the pool.
awesome! i bet having that pool is a lifesaver during the long summer days at home.
i think it’s great they get to go to camps and lessons.
tiring for everyone, but great life experience for them.
hang in there momma! you’ll be back in the burb dropping them off for 7 hours of quiet in no time. rest is coming 🙂
have fun on your spontaneous dinner date tonight!

casey - Oh my gosh! Preach it sistah! Its like you’re living my life today!!!! Its just one thing after another with no patience! I will hold on to your comment for the rest of the day- TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER!!!
Thanks for the post- its helps to know I’m not alone!

tiffany m gardner - it’s summer. it’s hot. 3 kids myself. i understand. enough said.

Vicki - Keep your chin up happy campers!! I think it’s got to be the mid way point of summer vacation. Just seems like something sets in. The thrill is gone, we’re forgetting to appreciate how good we have it, we forget that the new school year is sneaking up on us. Totally feeling ya on this one. I have one more morning of swim lessons to drag everyone to and then we are done with that. There’s really just one answer…more iced coffee. That’s it. Try it, you’ll see. Cheers!

Shayne - Some days are like that. And you’re right…tomorrow is bound to be better.
Doesn’t it get tiring driving around to stuff like that? I never thought I’d be that worn out from being chaffeur…
Thanks for the pool pictures! They’re terrific. 🙂

julia - that was June for me. summer is not supposed to be harder then the school year. but it is…for moms.

danielle burkleo - hope today is bright.
hope the Lord is the light of your day!
hope you keep thinking about september and that you get giddy excited!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I feel your pain too. And the last minute notification by your hubby? Yup…been there. Today I was having a conversation with the Lord about people and how they disappoint. I was whining and waiting for answers. And guess what I got? Theyre human…they make mistakes(just like you). So let it go. Love them anyway.
If I were your neighbor Id watch them for you(not that that helps at all….just thought Id tell you)

Lia - Oh we’ve all been there. When summer is good, it’s really really good. And when it’s not well it just stinks.

jackie - You wanna know why I LOVE reading your blog? Because you keep it so real. So many blogs I read out there I feel like those “authors” live such a perfect life…do they ever, ever have a bad day? I feel like you live a very “real” life. I am a mother of 4 children and so many of your days remind me so much of mine. I like you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!! Thank you for keeping it real!! You have a beautiful family!!!

Susan - Meg, you are superwoman!! I totally understand the exhaustion of summer home with the kids. I struggle with the guilt of counting down the days until school starts (19!), then I know I will miss them everyday and kick myself for all the things we didn’t do from the “summer list”!
Enjoy even the difficult times, it will be over in a flash…

Anna Marie - Oh my do I understand. I was actually just in my room 10 minutes ago having a cry spell. We have a 6 week old (with colic) at home and I had to start my babysitting business back up last week (no maternity leave with that), plus my husband started a new job the week the baby was born and he is working 12 hours a day (sometimes more) 7 days a week. Plus other stresses (which are all made worse when you are exhausted). We don’t even get to go to church right now. I hate this! I love my new baby girl but THIS. IS. HARD.

alicia @ la famille - oh ms. meg…i feel your pain! why is being a mom so hard sometimes??!! the whining about puts me…over…the…edge!! i can’t stand it! i don’t have any answers…just, that i feel ya! hang in there 🙂 tomorrow will be better.

lauren - i’m jealous of you right now….want to trade places?? just way too many deadlines looming for me with work and community projects & at 4 months pregnant and mom to 3 kids already, pulling all-nighters is rough. i’m just sayin’ that you’re not alone, sister, we all want to crawl back in bed 😉 hang in there ♥
take care!

Belinda norrington - Aaargh, the bickering really gets to me, hate rudeness, so unnecessary, and having four myself, I empathise so much with this!Kids whining and scrapping just penetrates to the core probably because we find it so disappointing as well as frustrating maybe? I read somewhere it is important though, being one way they find out what they think/feel/how to negotiate etc. Hmmm, not sure…
How about getting a sitter for one afternoon every couple of weeks, so you could have some de-stress time? I have found it a sanity saver during the long summer break!

Melissa - Girl, I feel ya! I am SO ready for school to start!!!
Next week I’ll be in your shoes. My big boys have sports camp that is 30 minutes away. I’ll have to have them there at 8:00 and go again to pick them up at 4:30. It’ll make for quiet days but, long ones too.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Right?! Whew, it’s hot and sticky and lots of fussin’ going on.
they had the ‘opportunity’ to fold and put away four loads of laundry before any TV last night… you can imagine how great that went.

Sandy - I love the dirt on Annie’s legs. 🙂
Enjoy the dinner; sounds like you need some adult time. Tomorrow WILL be better!

Jenna - sounds like one of those days where you secretly wish you were sick!

Alice H - I make my older 2 (12 years and 10 years) sit on the couch and hold hands and talk to each other nicely until they have apologized to each other and ME when they fight, whine, etc! They hate it! Haha!

beth - ugh, the whining!! It really gets to me, too. AND the arguing. it’s perpetual.
A question for you: we made the chocolate covered sprinkled oreos (YUM) but the sticks made it so the oreos feel apart. I even used double-stuffed. yours look like they stuck together…..any tricks?
hope today is a GOOD day!

happygirl - Take care of yourself girly girl. You can’t let them get on top of you. Their boundless energy will mow you down. 🙂 I’m praying for you. And the pics. Gorgeous.

Cassie - Hang in there, Mama. I am right where you are in my head too. This too shall pass. God will never give us more than we can handle. Even when we are in bed crying because we are so insanely tired and empty, He believes in us. You have an infinite well of strength inside of you. It’s there. Trust me. Until you see it, just keep hanging on.
You got this.

megan - sorry, girl…i feel your pain. and, YES, get some more sleep (or, maybe, more coffee!) 🙂
hopefully you’ll have a good meal tonight and all will be dandy in the morning.
by His grace,

Emily - I’ve never met you, but I love you. Your blog is so honest and real and I wish we were neighbors. The pictures are great. Those colors! The personalities! Hope you get a chance to catch your breath soon. XOXOX

ingrid - those pictures are the happiest ever! i hope you find that sitter so you can enjoy a date night tonight!

Lee Ann - I feel ya. And….it’s 65 and raining here in the PNW. I know that might sound nice to some of you who are melting, but when we only get 30 “HOT” days a year, it’s not. *sigh* *whine* Love your happy photos 🙂

kristi rediske - Those kids just look to sweet to cause any problems-they just look like they have never whined in their life! Are you sure this is all going on! HA! The summers sure can be stressful but I am sure you are doing a great job. Get some rest when you can!

jeanne - I only have one kid in basketball camp this week and the 6 am wake ups are KILLING me. You may just be my personal hero:-)

Necole - I feel your tiredness. My kids are not even in activities, and I feel like we are always moving. I would love a mommy vaca just for a couple of days. Or at least someone who will come over a clean my house and do my laundry….

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black & whites

my dad used to use film and a dark room.
we have two books (and many many more books of the negatives) FULL of 8×10 black & white photographs that he took and developed way back during my childhood.
i love to look at those books.

here were some standouts…..

my sister laughed and said “i’m wearing a full sweat suit and you are wearing a tank top and shorts! i wonder what the weather was like that day!”
that was our dog Toto…he had three legs.  🙂  seriously.

getting flipped at the pool!

remember that commercial jingle “beautiful skin can be a breeze with SEA BREEZE!”
someone must have sang that when they saw this picture 25 years ago because i think of THAT every time i see that photograph.

oh my.

rain coats on the porch in neodesha.

10 years later……
love the braces AND the bangs and perm.
i was wearing my favorite silk shirt from Express and a brass clip in my hair!
lorel looks like a classic pretty college girl.
i look like a high schooler in the early 90’s.
i like hers better.

pink sponge rollers getting ready for easter morning!


i was a thumb sucker.
for a looooong time.

that picture is from my grandma’s house.
i loved sleeping in that room….with the electric blanket controllers hung over the headboard.
loved it.

love our whistle necklaces.
my girls would love those!  i am going to try to track some down.
i think that mural was in wichita like 30 years ago…….but i could be wrong.


not only is the snake real…..i REALLY wore my hair like that?!!
side pony tail in the front with a scrunci!

that was probably the last time i held a snake!
i used to go to Audoubon Nature Camp with my dad and they would  find snakes and creatures and we could hold all of them….and i did….no fear.
but now i can’t do it.
i got squeemishly afraid of them.   it’s all mental.   i hate that.






Cathy Newman - These are super whack Meg, and you’re so freakin’ CUTE! When I was a kid, I was not afraid of everything! And like any other kiddo, I also loved summer because that was the only time I got to swim nonstop! Oh, you’ve gotta miss the old times. =)

Jessica Johnson - talby looks like your sis to me! yes? no? am i crazy? and i wish scrunchies never ever left. ever.

Ali - Fun pics! 🙂
My kids are getting worn out with our late nights, fun times, and lack of sleep! I’ve noticed a little more whiny voices this week too! Hang in there and give your self a little extra rest! That’s my plan (extra sleep for Mom) for the next two weeks!
We have a lot going on Music camp, tutoring, ballet camp, etc this week and next. I can’t wait for the ‘no driving’ them around weeks that will follow!
~ Ali

steph - sweet!
is it just me or does your early 90’s style look not as bad b/c it’s in black and white?
i bet if it was in COLOR, it’d be even more wild.
i can probably picture that your clothes are magenta and hunter green and some neon thrown in.
good times! 😉
ok, is it just me… or does your lauren totally look like your sister in that first picture?!
it’s kinda striking, if you ask me.
great pics!
thanks for sharing!
you were a cutie… and i agree with the others, a good mix of talby and annie!

Melissa - Love these old photos.

Kimberly Dial - Thanks for sharing these … black & white photos prompt me to think of my childhood days of long ago … I wore those sponge rollers to bed many a Saturday night before Easter!

Kimberly Dial - Thanks for sharing these … black & white photos prompt me to think of my childhood days of long ago … I wore those sponge rollers to bed many a Saturday night before Easter!

x♥x♥, gina - i remember pink sponge rollers!! We had ours put in to wet hair and had to sleep in them over night – painful!!
What great memories to have and –
It’s easy to see where you got your inspiration and talent from!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Those are some fun/funny pictures. My fave is the one where you’re flipped in the pool and the girls behind you look scared to death…heehee.

Lisa - I have one of those whistle necklaces from my childhood!!

julia - I love the black and whites..especially the pool one. Don’t get your kids the necklaces, you’ll regret it..Too bad none of your kids look like you 🙁

Kat - I had the same permed and teased hair! Eeek!
Love the pics!

Tonya - The pic of the flip in the pool looks just like your Annie!

Linda - I used to have pink sponge rollers in my hair the night before Easter too! Such great photos you have.

Amy Slavik - What great pics and memories! You can’t go wrong with black and whites! I was a thumb sucker too….for 12 years!!! Yikes. And I didn’t even need braces! How’s that for a miracle?! Thanks for sharing!

pam - YOU are the one who taught Lucy that wide-mouth smile. I KNEW IT! 🙂
You look exactly the same in the face. Wow. It’s like just your hair has changed.
Like totally. 🙂

amy jupin - oh, i almost forgot.
thanks again for posting about davis boy.
i appreciate it more than words can say.
love ya!

amy jupin - oh man.
this post made me cringe and laugh out loud.
especially with the pink foam rollers, the brass clip, your scrunchie and permed hair and express shirt.
i was obsessed with forenza and outback red and esprit.
oh my goodness…do you remember those m.c. hammer pants?
i had a pair and wore them to thanksgiving dinner at my aunt’s house!
but really? a big black snake? really?
that’s when i cringed.
i’m so totally glad you hate them now.
you know, so we can be friends and all.
that’s if you forgive me for the mc hammer pants.

Staci - Ohhhh myyyy 🙂 Takes me back too 🙂 That shirt must’ve been THE shirt to have…had one in several colors and I too wore my hair in a scunci with a ponytail on the side…I think my hair was even bigger than your’s if that makes you feel better 🙂 YOu are so fortunate to have these pics to remind you 🙂 Thanks for taking me back 🙂

Secret Mom Thoughts - Love the B & W photos. I have similar photos with the Express shirt and clip.

This Farm Family's Life - Love the flash back photos!

sarah - annie’s resemblance to you here is unreal! so darling!

Terri Upton - Meg, those are the funniest pictures. You remind me so much of myself. I was a thumb sucker tooo. For far to long. HaHa.

Jenni Cummings - Wow- if you hadn’t been in that first picture I would have sworn it was Macy! I had no idea how much she looks like Lorel!

Aimee - We ALL had hair like that in the late 80’s/early 90’s. It was an epidemic. Sigh…

Maya Dammand - Nice black and whites! Thanks for sharing with us almost each and every day!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Whistle necklaces, silk Express shirts and thumb sucking…all beloved parts of my growing up years too. Snakes? not so much:)
Loved the flashbacks!

Chantelle - You were and are so adorably beautiful! 🙂 Great pics! - You used to live in Neodesha? I’m from Thayer…right north of that! Do you know where that is?

Laura Phelps - I had the whistle necklace…and a roller skate necklace…and a scunci….

Leah - First of all, you look just like Talby and Annie! What great shots. And secondly, when and how did you stop sucking your thumb? My daughter is a thumb sucker too and I have no idea where to begin! Did any of your kids suck their thumbs?

patti - Great shots! So wonderful that your dad captured your childhood on film!

Tracy - OH MY GOODNESS – I LOVE the pictures but can NOT believe you held a REAL LIVE SNAKE – I would have passed out! ACK! I agree with the others – you look SO much (or they look like you) of Annie and Talby when you were young. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I loved shopping at Express – I really loved Esprit too…do remember that? Of course I had the braces and perm too…plus for me some ugly glasses.
Your dad took some great pictures! My family only took about 3 rolls of film for our (me, and my brother and sister) childhood. I don’t even think my poor brother has more than a couple of baby pictures of himself.

Pamela Gordon - Oh, I love those pictures! Thanks for sharing and making us smile. Your Annie sure looks like you did!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You look like such a great combination of Annie and Talby!

Denissa - So, so fun..felt like I was looking back at my old pictures! Had the brass clips, perm, scrunchies, electric blankets at grandma’s! 🙂

Kim - i had a dog named toto, too! but he had four legs.

Simply Lanny - I see where Annie gets it from 🙂

Southern Gal - How priceless are those pictures to you now? Love it. My grandfather used to take Polaroid pictures in B&W all the time. He gave me all mine a few years before he died. I love the memories associated with them all.

Tam - I love that your Dad captured your childhood on film 🙂 I hope my children appreciate me doing it for them when they are older. Photos are so much fun to look at and reminisce. Thanks for sharing.

beth - Ah, the bangs. I had those, too 🙂 And I’m the same way–I used to be WAY more outgoing when I was a kid, now that I’m a mom I am a chicken! Don’t know how that happened.

Debby Graber - Gosh, Megan, you haven’t changed!! I can see where you got your photography skills from! My mom’s dad used to take pictures and develop them in a dark room in the cellar back in the ’20’s.

Dawn - Great photos. I love looking back at old photos that is why I am so into taking pictures and saving those memories.

Lacey - The snake picture killed it for me! Love the other pictures though. Seriously how is no one mentioning the snake!? The fact that it is black makes it even more creepy! Did I mention I have an irrational fear of snakes 😉

Sarah - You sure can see Annie in a lot of those pictures of you. I love looking through old pictures. Too fun!

Sandy - I love the pictures. It always amazes me how people always look the same, just older and with different hair and clothes.
Were the whistle necklaces in case you got lost? I remember a Barney episode where they went camping and the girl that was lost kept blowing her whistle so she could be found. 🙂

Holly - those are great!

happygirl - I love old hair styles. SO MUCH FUN to look at old pics. Believe me, it gets much easier when you get much older. 🙂

Beth - Those photos are so cool. I was just telling my kids about taking a photography class in college where we used film (gasp!), and learned to develop them in a dark room with chemicals. They were kind of amazed and thought it sounded cool. I wonder if it will disappear completely of if people will keep doing that? It’s actually a pretty magical process, seeing the photos appear in the chemical baths (can’t remember the correct name :). And, you were such an 80’s girl, weren’t you? With the side pony tail and scrunchies?? I took a group of Girl Scouts to Mexico in 1989 and I joked that one girl had her hair in pictures that the rest of her wasn’t in (the years of big bangs and lots of hairspray!). I also had a very curly perm during those years and my girls’ look at pictures and say “really mom? What were you thinking?” and I tell them it was very IN at the time!

Sharla - Great pics! I love that one in the pool with the flip.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Heehee..had to giggle at the side ponytail. We’ve all had the dodgy hair!

Lela Pohlmann - I taught yearbook years ago and we developed our film and made all of our pictures for the book. There is just something about waiting for that picture to hit the developer and watching the image apperception. It truly is a lost art!

alicia @ la famille - oh my! the scrunchies, silk shirts…i laughed out loud! 🙂 you’re dad is a great photographer, just like you! oh, and there’s tons of whistle necklaces on etsy 😉

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - ha! I had the exact same shirt from express. 🙂 i loved mine so freaking much, it was a deep forest green. i think i even bought a second one that was pink.
how fun to have these pictures though, i was the third child…which means in my home they aren’t many pictures of me since they couldn’t afford the film by then! 🙂

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                                                i found a few fun doors this weekend.

                                                best for last.


come read about my goals for keeping active this summer & enter to win a $100 Dicks Sporting Goods Gift Card!

but i have to admit….it's been difficult with this HEAT!



aimee - meg — i saw the multicolored tile garage on pinterest and immediately thought: “oh, that looks just like something that would live in lawrence!” clicked on it, then realized that it was your picture and that it WAS from lawrence! oh, sadness, i miss it so much.

Holly - Hey Meg! Did you notice that the second and the fifth doors are the same, just different colors and the class on the second one has been replaced with wood. Love them all!

Mindy - Ah, the doors of Lawrence! Great pictures!

Jenny B. - Love all those doors! Makes me think of this post:
I’m catching up on a few days, and I love the b&w’s of you and your sis too!

Leslie - great photos!

shauna - oooooooo! love the red and aqua one! and the sunfire ceramics one!

Laura Phelps - AWESOME
I am in Cape Cod right now with my best friend from LA…and you would LOVE some of the houses and door ways!! My camera has not been far from me…

Amy - I miss Lawrence dearly. Such an inspiring place! The red and turqouise…where else would you find that?

Rita - Here’s one more for you! Thought your family might enjoy making this!

Wendy - Meg, we were in Chicago the last 5 days and I was really missing you. Remember the fun that was had one year ago? Alas, more fun will be had in less than 2 months. YIPPEEE!

Cathy - Oh, man! I love ’em all!

Kimberlee - The double blue doors make me want to watch Notting Hill.
I love a colorful post like this.
It makes me happy…even when it’s 110.

nicole @ deliajude - those are some great doors.

Stephanie - LOVE the doors – after the CRAP day I’ve had – this made me cheer up a little!! Thanks – question – I have come across a door or two that I would have loved to shoot – but thought I can’t just take a picture of someone else’s house – Is that what you do? or do you have to get permission? what is the norm on something like that? Thanks

Heather - These doors make me sorry I live in drab, homogenous JoCo, the home of Johnson County Beige.

Tiffany - The seventh door – the one with the star – that looks like a star from the Order of the Eastern Star. Very cool doors – BTW.

sara's art house - Love, love, love! The last one is awesome- and I love the red + turquoise. Happy Monday to you 🙂

kim - Meg ~ can you give me the reference for where you get your photos blown up to poster size. i know you mentioned it a while ago, but i can’t seem to find that post. thanks so much……kim

Short, Sweet Season - That last door is aMAZing! So perfect for taking pics of families with a fun background.

Amy @ dwell in the season - My mom and I have been taking pictures of doors for years! We finally made a Shutterfly book of them. I love your pictures of doors! 🙂

Margaret - So many fun pictures just waiting to be taken in front of those doors! And i totally agree about the heat making it difficult to get active outside–our little family went for a hike on Saturday and only made it for an hour before we treked back to the car and headed for some air conditioning.

Nicole B. - I LOVE that in the 7th photo, the door on the right has the street number 924 1/2 – the 1/2 makes it a little more whimsical I think – like something out of Harry Potter 🙂

Cindy - Beautiful! I love old doors and windows! The red one is gorgeous! I always drive a little bit out of the way when take my kiddos to their classes and every time they ask why I go that way…and every time my answer is the same…to drive by the church with the beautiful front doors! Perhaps next time I should stop for a photo 😉

Tiffany @ Easie Peasie - Oh these doors are DELISH!!! I wish I could use a few for a photo session! They are GORG!!! Happy Mondy!♥

Kristin Bommer - meg, i’m blogging about you…. check it out 🙂 you are on my “keep it real” blogger list lol!

SaraG - Cool post! That one with the star at the top looks awfully familiar… 😉

Alysa - ohhh, i love a good door, too. always on the lookout for color and texture and variety of material! fun post, Megan.

Holly - those are fun! We are in a small town and there are a ton of fun old barns and buildings here!

happygirl - Oh my I love Dick’s Sporting Goods. and I think you have a wonderful eye for photography. I would NEVER have thought to shoot doors. So pretty.

Sharla - Very cool! Love them – especially that last one 🙂 - Love them! I’m picturing them printed and mounted in an old window frame, with a different door in each window pane. Wouldn’t that be cute? Maybe by the front door with some kind of welcome sign. I think you’ve inspired a new project!

amy - i have a thing for doors too…and old signs and cameras and vintage fisher price toys… : ) i love the two doors next to each other and that last one was definitely the coolest!

Christy - love em you must use some of these for a background for family photos..

alicia @ la famille - so fun…they’re all beatiful in their own way. i love the blue double door.

kristi rediske - I love doors too-I need to go around and find some neat ones myself! Are those doors in your hometown-I am guessing no because I am from your home town and I don’t remember seeing them. I saw on the news that it is very hot where you are-i am in arkansas and its hot here too but not as bad as you all-try hard to stay cool!

Terrie G - You found LOTS of great doors! Thanks for sharing them

ClassiclyAmber - I love a good door! These are so cool…

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i am at my parents house taking lots of photos of very cute families in the sweltering heat.
and eating banana bread.
and drinking my mom's margaritas.

when i got home from my sessions i had to change ALL my clothes because they were soaked from sweat.
how gross is that?

i realized last night (again….so more of just a confirmation or a validation…) that i REALLY love my job.
even in the HOT sweaty kansas sun.

i love seeing the kids warm up….and catching that sparkle in their eye.
today the kids said "i love you meg." when we were finished.  ha ha ha
and they squeezed me with hugs.
how could someone not love that job? 

and i am happy that my mom has a starbucks in her town.
and that my dad takes my kids to garage sales.

annie had a tantrum in the toy store today.

i drank 3 Liters of water yesterday and today too!
i went to my FAVORITE fabric store Sarah's and got to work on supplies for CRAFT WEEKEND.


and i am driving home soon.
in 105 heat.
with only annie.
talby stays with grandma for a week!
we will have to ease the loneliness with ice cream on our way out of town….and a redbox movie.



Mindy - Sarah’s is my favorite too! I just bought that grey and yellow fabric there a few days ago. Love it! 🙂

Laine Chambers - Oh wow, those are gorgeous fabrics! Wish I could visit that store!

Jessica - HURRAH for Sarah’s! I love her store and agree with Angela, how DO YOU choose? I love your choices. I’m assuming you’ve hit up Sunfire Ceramics just around the block then too?

alicia @ la famille - great weekend! even with all the heat and sweatiness. i could just die in the fabric store…it’s my weakness, that’s for sure! all those beatiful prints! just love it!! enjoy your time with one less kid…it’ll be so fun to pick her up too 🙂

angela - Lawrence girl here…I love Sarah’s, but I don’t know how you choose. I walk around picking out fabric forever, but then I leave empty handed because I can’t make up my mind! Starbucks is my last choice for coffee though. So many wonderful, local coffee shops (unless you’re at Target or Dillons…then you might as well pick up a sb).

pam - I LOVE Sarah’s….I wished I lived closer. Although it might be best that I have to drive an hour to get there….I LOVE SARAH’S!!!! I don’t know what I would make but I want to go there now. Althought a new tied quilt for my bed would be just grand. I don’t quilt but I can piece them. I love to go to Sarah’s with my sister in law who does quilt. Makes me smile just thinking about it. - Thanks so much for doing Mason’s pics today Meg! He was so relaxed with you. I can’t wait to see the pics- I know they will be awesome!

Katy - it was 108 yesterday. gross.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I always loveee your fabric choices! So bright and pretty. 🙂

Katie - Growing up in Lawrence, I could have spent hours in Sarah’s and made my mom buy out the store if she had let me! We still go there every chance we can!

seriouslysassymama - Sounds like a great day!

Cindy - Oh Meg! My girls talked about you all night last night and again today. They loved you! In fact, Addison told me she wanted to make a note to send to you and asked if you could always be our picture-taker! Thank you so much for making us all feel so comfortable! I’m glad that you love your job because without even having seen the results, I know that we’d love to hire you again sometime!! I’m a bit envious that you made it to Sarah’s Fabrics…that’s on my summer list along with a stop at the farmer’s market there!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Did someone say craft weekend?! giggle.

Heather - Sarah’s Fabrics? You must be in Lawrence! 😉 And my hat is off to you shooting photos in this heat! Don’t sell your readers short – they really need to know that today’s heat index was 120 at 4:00 pm today. It’s all about the heat index in Kansas, this is no dry heat baby!

Tiffany - how awesome to luv ur job!!! awesome, yo. no bringing up craft weekend. no fair.

Holly - wow 105! I shot my sisters wedding yesterday. It was fun and so totally out of my comfort zone but I loved it. I love being a photographer!

sue - I saw on the weather channel that it was going to be hot in Kansas,Its actually cooler in the Nevada desert. !!

happygirl - 105 degrees, wow. That’s HOT. You are so good at what you do. Being a photographer is a hard job. I’ve learned they lay on the ground, climb ladders, hang over cliffs and do WHATEVER it takes to get the shot. 🙂

Terrie - Love your fabric purchases!!!
I finally bit the bullet and ordered my camera today! Can’t wait to start playing with it, but I have soooooo much to learn! It will be fun to challenge myself though!
Thought about you as I worked on my latest project. I blogged about it today. It makes me smile!
Tell Annie…it’s so hot, I wanted to throw a tantrum too! Only 111+ here today! 🙁
I bought stuff for your mom’s margaritas today! Happy Sunday!

Leslie Davison - I think that sounds like a wonderful day: love from grandpa to grandkids, love from your mom to you, and love from you to your clients. Love Starbuck’s and Margaritas!

Corey Villicana - Sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for your blog, I just love it! Take care! xoxo

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a seriously good night.

this week has been busy.
stuff every night and craig and i in different towns at different sports.
i had the three youngest for sean's baseball game.

then out for ice cream afterwards.
yes….still sporting the 4th of july face tattoo….4 days later….i promise to bathe her soon.
(she just swims non stop and i forget!! she seems like she is always WET!)


oh they were laughing!
i don't recall why but it was VERY funny.

so funny that sean laughed so hard he cried.


we got in the car and i said "let's go see the turtles!" and there was a loud "YAY!!!!" from the three.
i was so happy to hear it.
we realized we had no food in the car for them so i pulled into the gas station.
i walked all around  the store and finally decided on a box of cheerios.
over priced for cereal but worth every penny for fun.



it's a beautiful place.
quiet and calm and green!

these are ALL turtles….there are a TON!

and they liked cheerios!


he was big.

he would come up about that far and as soon as my camera would go up to my face he'd be gone!
they all have moss on their backs….i'm not a scientist….i have no clue why.

there is the big guy in the center.
and the "small" ones are dinner plate size!

the kids were very happy to be there.
the weather was fantastic.
we walked around the pond searching for frogs and snakes.
i am thankful we only found frogs.


we found a ginormous tree to climb.
it made me remember how much lauren used to love to climb trees.
when she was talby's age she would&#3
9;ve been WAY in that tree….the higher the better.

love nights like that…….so much.

Anne - I love, love, love, love, love, love, love your blog. Like SO much! Some baby oil on a cotton ball will help get the temporary tattoo off with less scrubbing. Someone told me that trick a while back and it really works. The mossy turtles are too funny!

Logan - Precious post, Meg. I loved everything about it and it brought back great memories of doing fun, cheap entertainment with my daughter and her best friend (like a 2nd daughter to me) when they were young. Love it!

Lauren - Man on man that big turtle gave me the hee bee jeebees…. Love this post. Love your take on mommyhood. Makes this “future-someday-still not sure” Mommy smile 🙂

Kayla - Oh my word….how creepy is the picture of that huge turtle?!?! I don’t think I have ever seen that many turtles all at the same time! Awesome! I love the look on concentration on the kids faces as they are feeding them! What a fun and over-priced Cheerios aside, a relatively cheap way to make memories with the kids!

Kat - The thing beautiful memories are made of!
You are a great Mum to make time to do the fun little things. They will always remember that 🙂

Molly - i love how even though your life is busy you take the time to make wonderful memories with your kiddos. you are an inspiration!

Andy - What a beautiful day

robin - what a GORGEOUS tree shot!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Do you know how cute I think it is that you circled the turtles!

amy jupin - anna said, “that is turtle central!”


jcole - Haven’t seen Lauren in a long time! Will she not let you post her picture anymore? She is a beautiful girl – just wondering???

This Farm Family's Life - I’m glad someone else considers swimming a form of bathing!;0)

Michelle from Australia - The pic of the children up in the tree looks the stuff that dreams are made of. Titled Perfect Summer growing up!

Breeanna @ A Brilliant Melody - those turtles are awesome! how fun! What a beautiful day 🙂

Jana - Love the Arboretum and love reading your blog!

Andrea - Just stumbled across your blog (from my friend Jenny and and LOVE your website, photos and ideas!!!

rachel - My husband was a biology major in college, and so I had to ask him about the mossy shells. Apparently it’s a good thing. It means the pond is clean and the ecosystem is healthy. Random, but good to know.

jennibell - It makes me so happy when I see a post titled “best” or “great” or “awesome” or something like that!!! I just know I’m in for a super-fun post with a good idea for spending time with my kids or hubby. Once again, Meg, thanks for the inspiration!!! And smiles 🙂

sarah - Looks perfect!
Love that one of Sean laughing. Makes me smile.

amy - i love nights like that, too…so much!

Debby Graber - Which pond is that? West lake? Love the turtle pictures! We have seen some here too behind our house at our lake. I’ll have to take Hannah and Sophia out with Cheerios and see if we can attract more.

patti - I didn’t know turtles liked cheerios, packing up cheerios and heading across the street to pond….

Becky - Looks like a ton of fun!
I saw this link today and it had your name written ALL over it! Check it out,’cause I KNOW you’re gonna wanna do it with your kids!

Kristi Visser - Entertainment at it’s best–unplugged and outside! Looks like it was worth every cent of the overpriced cereal.

Christy - Love the pics! These are great. I take my son to a local park at sunset so we can feed the bunnies that live there. So much fun. No video games, TV, just us & the bunnies.

james @ agirlcalledjames - your pictures make me smile.
i love the turtle pictures.

Tanya H - That is so cool! I’ve never heard of wild turtles except in the ocean! yup, I’m a desert girl.

Leah - Great picture of the kids in the tree. Isn’t it fun how you just find something like feeding turtles and it turns into an awesome adventure. We had an impromptu outing like that where we fed ducks a few weeks ago. It was BEAST.

rae - wow! that turtle pond is so amazing!

Jessica R - Where is this little turtle pond? I want to take my kids there! Looks so fun. Great pics!

Lisa - Haha! “I promise to bathe her soon” You just made me so happy with that one line. My 4 yr old went almost a week without a bath cause of all the swimming she has been doing. Unfortunately she has curly hair. I almost couldn’t get the tangled mess brushed out! 🙂

Holly - ok the big turtle looks huge! Awesome shots!

Laura Phelps - what? you’re not a scientist? Funny. I thought you were 🙂
Please send the turtle eating cheerio shot to Cheerios. It is adorable.
Just bathed Luke and Annie yesterday..can not tell you the last time they were in that bath.
The memory of Lauren climbing trees got me a bit weepy…
and seems like Nick and I do what you and Craig teams are killing us.
good summer fun

Lisa - Meg, just the best post. The photo of the turtle with the Cheerio in his mouth made my day!! Your family is so sweet and so good at finding the pleasure in every day. Love it!

Mindy Harris - awww a turtle feeding it.
that last picture of the tree is amazing!

Sky - So fun! I like the picture of the turtle with the Cheerio in its mouth 🙂

alicia @ la famille - those turtles were crazy! almost tame! looks like a great night: ice cream and turtles…nothing better 🙂

melissa - i have SO missed your posts this week….i know you’re a busy gal.
love the cheerio in the turtles mouth. fantastic shot!
that annie cracks me up! i love her smile!

Joanna - What a wonderful night!

x♥x♥, gina - That closeup of the turtle with the cheerio in it’s mouth is MONEY! looks like a fun, fun time. 🙂

Jamie Burdorf - I felt like I was having fun right along with you! Love the photos! What a great bunch of memories. 🙂

Jenna - that was majestic 🙂

Pamela Gordon - Awesome post of a fun summer evening. I love the huge willow tree with 3 kids living in it. LOL What sweet memories you’re making! Enoy your weekend. Blessings, Pamela

Kimberlee - What do I love about this post more?
Sean laughing so hard he cried?
Ice cream?
Overpriced Cheerios for turtles?
Trees big enough to hold three kids?
I’d say that was a great night!

Kimberly Dial - I love nights like that too … what a memory making momma you are Meg! Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - I love nights like that too … what a memory making momma you are Meg! Thanks for sharing!

Kerry - oh the pic of the turtle with the Cheerio in his mouth is fantastic!! So cool xx

Southern Gal - That huge turtle reminds me of the snapping turtles at the lake where we spent our summers. We would NEVER fall while skiing because we just knew wherever we fell a HUGE snapping turtle would be right there! It kept us on our skis anyway. Your pictures are always the best. Thanks for sharing.

Heather Barry - Meg, your photos are the best! The turtle with a cheerio in his mouth is HILARIOUS:) I can’t stop laughing

Katie - Lovely post, Meg. Almost felt like I was right there with you.

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treat tuesdays

i had the rare opportunity to have talby to myself.
i don't even remember where the other kids were?
but it was just the two of us.
we went to the grocery store and got the ingredients for OREO pops.
(and an entire cart full of groceries too)


pretty simple really.
lollipop sticks in oreos….dipped in almond bark…dipped in sprinkles.
we let them harden on waxed paper.

                we had a system going of me dipping them in the almond bark and she did the sprinkles.




they didn't last long.
not even an evening…..everyone loved them.

loving treat tuesdays. 

we also made Pizza pretzels last week.



the boys liked these more than the girls.

and we made Dana's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies too.
but no pictures.
because they were gone so fast….a double batch!


there is a BIG fundraiser on amy's blog to help bring davis home.

i am so excited for her family!!!


there are BIG prizes.

maybe THIS is the one where I will win the iPad?!!??


we all know that it's not about the prizes.

being generous is FUN.
it bring YOU joy.
it is a blessing for everyone involved.
the Lord loves a cheerful giver!
you can't NOT be happy when you GIVE….it's the best feeling!

the prizes are just the icing.


he has a mama and a daddy who wants him in her arms NOW.

and sisters and brothers who want to love on him.


Steve Verdon - It is so rewarding to see a site that brings to mind a healthy Mom and her best loves. Thank You

Heidi Quick - PS…I put pictures up on my new blog of our versions…I linked to your page and gave you all the credit. 🙂

Heidi Quick - So fun! I’m brand new to this blog world, and yours is my favorite! My 2 year old and I started Sweet Saturdays (or sundays) because of you! Keep the good ideas (and pictures) coming!

Laura - I think the oreo pops may be my new Christmas gift idea!!!! No one could pass those up. I never thought of pizza pretzels, it has been printed off. It will be on the menu very soon. Yummy!!!!!

Leslie - Looks like a fun day in the kitchen!!! I love days like those.

Amanda - Just added you to my Reader. Beautiful blog. What kind of camera/editing program are you using? I am in love with your photos!!

Margaret - YUM! They look so yummy and so pretty!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Those look delicious and easy. Must try soon!

sarah - OREO POPS?!!?!?
who knew.
you’re too kind to us, meg.

Holly - yum! I love having one on one time with each child!

jenni - “Being generous is fun”… Maybe that’s why your name showed up as a contributor in our Batten Disease newsletter. Big thanks!
We made pizza muffins recently, that sound similar to the pretzels and were a big hit with the two year old. I really, really wish we had some Oreo pops!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - OK, these look too good…….dangerously good, in fact. I have a question for you totally off the Oreo subject…I would have emailed but my computer is being a bit…well…difficult this morning. We are looking to get a puppy and have been considering a labradoodle or goldendoodle…isn’t Waffle a goldendoodle? If so, I was wondering about shedding? Does he shed crazy, mild or what? Thanks!!!! and now I am off to the store to buy Oreo’s and sprinkles…….my kids thank you!!!!

Bethany 3SonsPlus1...&... - Yumm-o! Must make those oreo pops TODAY!! =)

Bethany 3SonsPlus1...&... - Yumm-o! Must make those oreo pops TODAY!! =)

Jen Brandt - Just want to say happy weekend! Thank you for your happy, inspirational posts. They always make my day. I hope someone makes your day. 🙂

Jenna - I love how serious she looks while applying sprinkles! It’s a serious job 🙂

Angela Atkins - Thanks for the awesome ideas. I have Treat Tuesdays with my kids too, and these will be great for them to make with me. The oreo pops would be great for my daughters birthday party too!
You sort of had a picture of the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. It was on your video, with the Daddy Said song. I remember cause my daughter wanted to watch the video a zillion times, and because they looked yummy so I tried to find the recipe website showing on your laptop.

Kimberlee - Oreo pops. I wish I had one now. T
hey would go great with my coffee.
It’s not too early is it?
I didn’t think so.

Jenn - Oh, wow, do those Oreo pops look good! I think I may have to make those with my kids next week!
Off to check out the pretzel recipe……….

Leen - Those oreo pops look awesome! they would be fun for a birthday party.
Off to Amy’s blog, thanks for the link 🙂

Laine Chambers - Oooo, I need to make those with my kiddos. They would LOVE this! And the pretzels sound so good. Thanks for the great idea!
Your kids might like Homemade oreos for treat Tuesdays…they are easy. The recipe is on my blog here:

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Those Oreo pops look soo good!! Off to check out that pizza pretzel recipe.
Gemma x

alicia @ la famille - those would be dangerous in my house…they’d all eat one and leave me in the kitchen with them. Alone. i’d eat ’em all. 🙂

Marie - I am SO making those oreo pops. My kids would flip out over them!

mel @ the larson lingo -!

Terrie - I’d like the pretzels better & my son would like the oreos. Seems to be an oreo themed summer…my friend made oreos wrapped in chocolate chip cookie dough…have you heard of those yet?

Amy Slavik - What a yummy treat, and adorable! Now i’m gonna have to make them with my 2 yr old 🙂

happygirl - These oreo pops look delicious. and pizza pretzels look good too.

Debby Graber - Yum! Enjoyed Annie’s picture in the paper! Hannah is taking that class too and I blogged about it (I can’t blog like you do, but you might enjoy it anyway)

Trysha - Yum!! I need to update our summer list to include Oreo pops.
Annie’s Eats has a fantastic pumpkin butterscotch chip cookie recipe on her site. Amazing!! Sooooooo good!!

lauren - oh man. those are baaaaad news. how could something that looks so good be so dangerous?? atleast you have kids who will eat them. i would be found later that night in the pantry finishing up the baby’s. ;)how fun for your talby. 🙂

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Treat Tuesdays.. How fun! Wish you had a picture of the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, though. Actually, nevermind.. I might drool all over the keyboard, ha!

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