you girls are funny.
i didn't think of sourcing my date night clothes…..what was i thinking?
the dress is from the dress barn (moo.)
(please tell me why anyone would name a women's clothing store the dress BARN????)
i checked the website and it's not there….i got in may.
the cardi is from target of course….also in may.
the flower is from made4adoption.
YOU NEED ONE….or four.
and she needs you to get some….she's adopting and her etsy sales go to her adoption fund!
(she is going on vacation without internet soon so be patient if you have a question for her. )

and the hot mama shoes are from PAYLESS!
and we almost had an emergency that night when i couldn't find my spanx!
i might have cancelled the whole date if i didn't have those.
they are THAT important to me.
i have had five babies living in this body don't forget.
the maxi dress i was wearing in the video (previous post) is from CATO fashions.
they don't have online shopping.
and like dress barn being that it's VERY hit or miss…..but that dress had my name on it.
it had ties at the neck but i sewed them back as straps instead….since we don't let our daughters wear strapless dresses i figured it wouldn't be too cool for me to go to a party with them….in a strapless dress! ha.
someone asked how tall i am.
i am 5' 7". the heels make me very tall but i like that… husband is tall.
and he likes the heels so i love the heels.
if he was short….i'd wear heels for GIRLS NIGHT!
Ali left this comment:
Okay, you look sassy and ready for your big date! I don't know how you manage to go shopping for clothes with your kids! Please give me tips! I've gone a little frumpy these days ( I have 3 kids) tell me how to juggle date nights and cute clothes! I want to be a cute Momma too! 🙂
ok ali….i had to think about it….
#1 – i don't take my kids shopping with me most of the time.
i do enjoy shopping though…i don't know how you women that hate going shopping ever find
anything to wear!!!
when i used to have to take my kids shopping i gave them lots of candy.
suckers and smarties.
it keeps them happy and quiet and me productive.
#2 – i usually pick one store because i don't have shopping DAYS i have an hour here or there.
i usually shop at Target, Old Navy, Dress Barn and CATO…..because they are easy and affordable.
#3 – i try on EVERYTHING i even remotely like.
that way i usually find something that fits and is cute.
sometimes things are really cute even if they aren't so much on the hanger.
i try on like 20+ items.
#4 – i just get one or two things usually.
one piece at a time….i have never bought a "summer wardrobe"
#5 – know your own body….use the body slimming products out there….if you think you'd need them.
they are awesome…makes a really REALLY big difference….sometimes a whole size!
……………………..don't settle for frumpy………………………………………..
tell yourself that YOU need some time for YOU and find that PRETTY girl again.
it is important as a woman and as a mom and as a wife.
it's not about how much money you spend.
it's not about labels (hello….dress barn and payless???)
taking time for you will help you feel GOOD about yourself.
moms need to feel pretty too.
WE DO!!!
and when i feel frumpy….i don't feel confident…or pretty…..
i am not saying to go shopping every day.
or to run away and look out for only you.
but take a little time out for you even if it's once a month.
to remember that you are more than a mom.
some way.
some how.
if YOU don't do it…..NO ONE will do it for you.
go one night when your husband is home from work and stay out till the stores close….and then go to B&N and read till they close too!
go with a friend and both try on everything!
go with a friend and have her be your style consultant!
take time for you or you may end up with a track suit in every color
and MOM jeans before you know it.
your husband will quickly realize you are a happier woman if you've had some time away from crazies at home….if he is supportive of that….it's a win-win…. and dont let him call/text you every ten minutes either 🙂
i've been known to turn off my phone….to be really OFF the clock from home.
get a sitter and GO.
eat dinner where they serve you….not ordering at a counter…but if that's all you can get….TAKE IT!!!
get REAL yummy grown up food.
get a drink if you can't stop thinking about the kids or if you feel crabby or distracted or mad.
trust me….i KNOW.
about hour into our dates i always think
"WHY don't we do this every week?!!! i love this guy so much and i NEED time with HIM"
and him.
do it.
🙂 goodness that was a loooooong wordy post!
can you tell i am passionate about moms not losing who they are?
i became a motivational speaker for a minute……
at least i didn't say "i live in a van down by the river!!!"
i'm going to quickly hit publish before i decide to delete this whole post.
do you have girls any other questions?
lets hear them!
Melanie - Are you too busy making friendship bracelets? 😉
Anj - Ack! The suspense!!
Ali - Yay on your pics of Kylar winning! Have a great BUSY week! We’ll miss you!
~ Ali
Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Yay! I knew she would win! That child is adorable. 🙂
Can’t wait to hear why you’re super busy! Have a good week Meg!
Kimberly Dial - YAY Kyler!
Kimberly Dial - YAY Kyler!
kate - Yippeeeee!! Congrats Kyler!
This Farm Family's Life - Hooray!!
Terrie - Love the photos! She is adorable! Congrats to her Momma for the $1000!
Hope you have a great week…whatever you do!
Melissa - That’s awesome!!!
Holly - so glad she won! She is a cutie!
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Yay! Happy dance!
Sandy - Hooray for Kyler and for Meg’s photography skills!!