Masthead header













i love taking pictures of families!
all cuddled up together…..bonded.
it’s an awesome thing.





Kerri - These pictures make me want to have more children! Wish I could afford them, and wish I wasn’t 38. SIGH

Year Old Birthday Party Ideas - Love the family picture! Lovely photos!

Rebecca W - such nice photos!! 🙂

Jenny B. - I love your family photos. They all look so natural… not all coordinated and perfectly posed. And I love that mom’s red shoes. Such a great pop of color. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Funny, I was drooling over those red Toms wedges too:) Great pictures Meg!

se7en - These are stunning!!! I need you in my life!!! I would love a photograph of my whole family actually looking in the same direction – let alone at the camera!!!

Lynette - Loved, Loved, Loved seeing my “little” brother and his family on your blog! I have been watching to see if you’d post any of the pics of the family from the Husker state! Thanks for allowing me a peek into their session!

Terrie G - I know family #5! I miss seeing them since we have moved. They are so sweet! Great pics!!

Wendi - Excited to see the Driggers….love the sweat pants. These are great pictures!

Jess - Love the family pictures Megan…especially the last one. Can’t wait until it is our turn!

Nicole Q. - You made my day to get a glimpse of our family pics!!! THANKS!!!

Jennifer - These are all so beautiful! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the link to Hire Blog Help. I’ll have to check that out.

Shelly Todd - So fun to see a family on here that I know! Crazy! So, I live in Olathe and my husband and I just opened a booth at a local antique place in town. I’m thinking about a road trip out to Barely Makin’ It. What do you think? Would I be able to find some fun things for my booth? I’m filling it with furniture but want to find some fun accessories… I’m doing some yarn wreaths and book page wreaths, chalkboards in ornate frames, etc. Love your blog, by the way!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love you, Meg!

Cindy - Ah what a fun surprise! Love our photo you chose to post, Meg. THANK YOU again!!! It’ll be fun to finally have a profile pic on my blog 😉

Kerry - wowza. these family pics are awesome Meg! That’s so funny you linked up to Hire Blog Help today – I just received my first Virtual Assistant job today 🙂 xxx

Lisa - Fantastic! You find such great locations to shoot. I love the brick background. Sidenote: Red Toms WEDGES?! My heart skipped a beat. Lovin’ her style!

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a galaxy far away…

craft thursday!!

we saw this idea on Pink & Green Mama.
Marylea has the best ideas.
you can download her e-books with LOTS of craft ideas too.
and she is just plain nice and i like her.

we started out by tracing 9 different sizes of circles…. for planets.
we used little plates, a coin, a measuring cup, a glass and some lids.
(oh how i loooove talby’s freckles….. 🙂


then each circle was painted with watercolors.
we were swirly and mixed colors and made each one different.
and then cut them out.
we took black construction paper and splatter painted it with runny white paint.
messy is fun!

then we glued the planets to the spacey starry black painted paper.


they are REALLY striking!

i LOVE them.

sean was not home this day… it was a girls only space project.

thanks marylea for a great idea!



raspberry ketones - You are looking very talented. Such an excellent craft and now i want to make it this for my home. It is very impressive and attractive craft for me. Nice colour use in this post.

flv media player - Great idea which your sharing, Such an excellent craft . I am so impressed by that. I am so excited for make it.

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Adorable!!
How did I miss this post? It must have gotten buried in my reader,
I actually found it through Pinterest! Too funny : )
Thanks for the shout out,
you know I adore you, too.

penny stocks - Great project. Thanks for sharing. I really want to make this art for my students.

Debt Advice - Nice project and these all art looking excellent i really very impressed by that and now i want a new more arts.

Lisa - Super fantastic!

Sue Linse - You are such a good mom! I looked at the picture of Talby and the first thing I notice is the paint so close to the white couch! That would make me crazy.

Jenna - bookmarked!

lisa - cool! thanks for sharing. we painted rocks today and I think more paint got on my two year old than the rocks. You know it’s a good day when the kids need a tub by 10am!

Jemm - You are such a fun mom. I am not. Crafting EVERY week? Wow. My girls would love you. I love your Michigan photos. We went to UP Michigan last summer and Mackinaw Island. LOVED it. I could so live there…in the summer 🙂

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - That is a cute idea…we’ll have to try that sometime soon.

Tiffany - Do people tell you Talby looks like you? I think I see it 🙂 They did a great job – must get watercolors, soon as I score a coupon. I like Pink & Green Mama thanks for the link.

Liana - Great project! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
ps- One solar system has 8 and the other 10. Did they trade planets? 🙂 (I work with numbers all day long and can’t seem to stop counting things.)

Lisa - Love this project! Thanks for sharing.

Jenn - What a GREAT idea!!! My kids will LOOOOVE doing this!!!

Cindy - Love this! And by the way, I love Talby’s freckles too!

alicia @ la famille - i love marylea’s site too. bought an ebook of her’s and have been working throught that all summer. love the space art!!

Diana Gibbs - You have to be the best Mum ever!
Love what you do with the kids.

karen - i love them!

Dena Smiley - I have the same couch question and art project storage questions! Ha!
Love what you do– thanks!

Wendi - Love love love it!!

sue - Great craft to do. Can i ask how you keep that couch at the back of Talby’s pic so white with all the crafts that go on in your house.?

jeana - we are learning about planets this week- what a great project!

hannah - always love your crafts!! this is super awesome, love the vivid colors and textures.

Ashley - What a great project! I love all the ones you find!

Colleen - Great project. Thanks for sharing. My students would love to do this!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Such a fun, messy project.

Jennifer - How fun! This is a great craft I think my little guy would enjoy doing. He’d especially love the splattering of the paint–probably more on his mommy than on the paper! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Jessica Johnson - oh i LOVE this! my oldest has been making planets mobiles on hangers all summer. boring ones w/ no paint. definitely going to do this. too cute.

se7en - Your planets are so cool, love your arty kids!!! We made hanging planets like that while back, it was so fun!!! (

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, Nate would this!

Tracy - Great project! But it’s so funny you should say that about Talby’s freckles – THAT was the first thing I noticed in the first picture and was going to say the SAME THING! Nothing cuter than a freckled face little girl! She’s adorable! 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Really good idea!

Leah - This is a fabulous idea! My daughter is really into the planets right now (thank you, Nick Jr.). So I know she’ll love this craft!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Cool art project. I’m definitely doing this with the kids.

Kelley - How do you store all of these fun art projects? Do you deal with tears when you decide to no longer keep them? I always face tears and possible wailing and begging “I worked soooo hard on this and it’s so pretty and I made it can’t we keep it don’t you love me and my artwork how can you throw it away Mama?!”

Katie - Such a fun idea, I love this! ox

Chrissie grace - We will have to try this one too! My boys are really into spaceships, so we wouldhaveto add a spaceship too 🙂

Christy - Love this! I might have to copy this one. 🙂 I think my son would really enjoy it.

Dawn - Great project!! Also Talby looks like she is really growing up. =) Too cute.

Jessi - Those look awesome!

Holly - that is a great project! Love it!

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last of the beach….

i have more michigan pics but no more beach ones.
these are the end.
kind of sad…..i miss the sand….. but not the stairs.

that's not our boat.
but it made a pretty picture.  


rainbow toenails….
books on the beach…..diary of a wimpy kid is too hard to put down.


and books in the water…..

these two boys were explorers….searching the waters for lost & founds.
they found a dead fish floating…..brought it to shore and then buried it.




we brought home this whole bucket of rocks to make a stepping stone.




man i love that swimsuit.









and that is ALL of the beach pictures i have left.

such a beautiful place.

michigan….i love your beaches.



Penny Smith - What beach are you at in Michigan? I looks wonderful there! I am on the Illinois border (in Iowa) and we use to go past Lake Michigan to go to Indian Lake. 🙂 I have been wanting to rent a house and go to Lake Michigan-so do share! Please email me, cuz I might not get back to these comments! Thanks!

Tracey Husted - Meg,
Your pictures ALWAYS make me smile. Simply beautiful!!!

Maya - These are my favorite pictures. The beach, family, books… love! I love the dreamlike quality of some of the images too. Amazing and very well done!! Treasures!

Kirsten P - I have loved seeing all your photos of your vacation. Your candid photos of the kids are wonderful. The 17th photo – closeup of pebbles on the shore – is now the wallpaper on my computer. And did you notice the bubble at the water’s edge (in the middle of the photo)?

Doris - so many wonderful pics!
I can smell the air 🙂

Tonya - I want to go there…now…. and loose myself looking at all the beautiful pebbles. Thank you for sharing and taking me there for just a moment.

Lori - LOVE your hat!

Victoria Clements - Haa haa did you carry the table and chairs down everyday?? No wonder you don’t miss the steps!! Bet your calves were cut by the end of your holiday though!

Pat - Can you let us know where in Michigan you like to go? Thinking of a Michigan trip- where do I start?

nicki - Thanks for all the Michigan love!!!

emily anderson - your toenails could not be any more perfect.
love it…love all these pictures.

Emily - this place looks amazing… heaven sent!

kasey - Cool photos girl…i’m so glad you got away!

Sandy - Great pictures; thanks for sharing with us. Don’t I remember Talby in that same swimsuit (that you love)?! Your kids are growing up too fast! I want them to stay small. 🙂

Tiffany - I felt like I could feel touch the water on the screen in the picture with your son running the water over his head! One word for your photography – clarity. Great job, Momma.

alicia @ la famille - MEG! your photos! my word, you’re good! 🙂

Michelle from Australia - Loving the rainbow umbrella. We Aussies are BLESSED with beautiful beaches. They are long and white and sandy. No rocks. Maybe you should come out here for a ‘craft weekend’ and we could show you 🙂

Sarah - i LOVE the rainbow pedicure!

Simone - LOVE your photos 🙂

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Love all the rocks! Every year we bring a boat load full of shells home from North Captiva Island, FL. We have them all over our house. Maybe this year i’ll make something creative with them, like a stepping stone 😉 Would that crush them though? And your hat is uber adorable! Do you mind sharing where it’s from?

Melissa - i was wondering if you stayed at a place you rent or if it was someone’s private home? we have never been there and i was wondering if you could give me some details on the place you stayed? thanks so much!
Melissa @

elisa - Your photography is getting better and better! Love these shots!

Melissa - I’m trying to be better about “saying” compliments out loud instead of just thinking it, so here you go:
Meg, you’re gorgeous!
Those beach shots of you are beautiful!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love your pics. What is your favorite everyday lens you like to use?

betsy - You got some GREAT summer vaca pics. But of all of them, my favorite is the close-up of all the colorful pebbles along the shore line. Stunning!

Leah - Such great photos! We did a beach afternoon at our local shore in San Diego recently. Posted some photos here — — although yours are more colorful. I need to incorporate rainbow into our beach outings.

Anne - L-o-v-e these pictures! Thanks for sharing them (and the previous ones)!

julia - Best Beach Pics Ever.
oh..and there were stairs at the beach {she says with a smirk}

Molly - i want to go there. great pictures!

becky@oursweetpeas - LOVE THAT HAT, must know!!!!
I am a Michigander…Did I miss where exactly this is? Or are you keeping it on the DL? I understand if you don’t want a crazy chick from Michigan who may or may not steal your hat knowing your whereabouts. 🙂 Just curious.

Mindy Harris - you are so pretty in your suit and sun hat. so BROWN. love all of these.

Terrie G - Love your beach pics….your water seems bluer than mine. I’m getting ready to do a post about our last day at the beach too. Makes me want to go back…soon!! We had the rainbow umbrella…and I thought of doing pink & green toes! Didn’t have rainbow colors! Loved the reading in the water…only way to go! 🙂

tiffany m gardner - BEAUTIFUL!

Katie - Love the shot of the umbrella, and your rainbow toes! xo

dani - Amazing pictutres! Looks soooo fun! Love the rainbow toes!

Pamela Gordon - Beautiful Beautiful Pictures!! I saw the rock duck too! 🙂

Stephanie - Love the pictures!!! I was going to comment on the rock looking like a duck too but Jolene beat me to it!!! We actually do live in the U.P. (Upper Penninsula) of MI!!! It is very much nature in abundance!!! We live on the Lake Mi end- are will be traveling up to Grand Marais on the Lake Superior shore next week for our yearly camping trip! CANNOT WAITTTTT!!!!!!! It is so peaceful!

shannon - Lovely beach pics!
Your photography is always so fun and colorful 🙂
We just got back from a week at the beach and I’ve slowly been posting ours as well. It is making me sad everytime I go through them. Life was so easy and lazy there, I miss it!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I love living in Michigan…we adore the U.P. though and if we could move up there…we so would!
By the way, there is a stone in the bucket that resembles a duck. Go check it out!

BriBedell - Love love love your pictures!!!! @Anna Marie I have lived in Michigan my whole life! (very close to where these pictures are taken), our summers usually start in June (maybe late may) and last through early September. This year as been one of the hottest with temps coming in the 90’s – 100’s! Usually we are high 70’s to low 90’s. We do have the humidity too which can make it seem even hotter! We can have big waves anything from 2ft to 8ft and above. We have what the weather man calls lake effect weather, which can result in some crazy thunderstorms and snow storms! For the most part the beaches are calm but we also have rip currents that are very strong, the water can get into the 70’s but for the most part we can deal with it being cooler! Were use to it 🙂

Holly - I love Annies little tan! Wow! Great pictures!

Toni :0) - Thanks and we do too, a little bit of heaven on earth is what I like to say! Great pics Meg!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I’m sad that’s the end of your Michigan pictures. Looks so fun. I feel like I’ve been there too. P.S. I love the picture of you in your son’s glasses

Sally - Aw…looks like great family & friend memories were made. Thanks for sharing!

Anna Marie - So are there not as many waves as an “ocean beach”? The water looks so calm and peaceful! What about temps up there? Is there only a small window of time when it is warm enough to be in the water? I am thinking I would prefer one of the great lakes versus the ocean for a vacation. I am not a fan of salt water. Thanks for your input 😉

Lisa - If only all of life felt like these vacations. 🙂

Courtney Walsh - I want to go back there so bad. It’s been too long… these are such fun pictures and I love the one with the dumping water on the head…my son does the same thing!!
Looks like a GREAT time! 🙂

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monday stuff


this is your reminder to buy markers & crayons for the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes for november.
right now markers are .99 instead $2.97.


the winner for the Katie Daisy prints is…….

I love the Be Kind To Others and the Teach Love prints!

Posted by: Leslie Davison | August 05, 2011 at 03:27 PM

congratulations!!! email me Leslie at cdduerksen at yahoo dot com.


this is katie's print i just bought…..and looooove the happiness of.

i set it in front of the kids and we studied the detail she used on her turtle:
the separate squares on the shell….the eye….the claws….the un-squareness of the "squares"….
and then we each drew one and painted it with water color.

annie's turtle….love the use of color!
talby's turtle…..fabulous shell….and the head with lovely eyes!
sean's turtle… the color blocking and the blue body….and it makes me laugh.  :)

and mine.
i was REALLY cranky and knew that if i sat down and drew and painted it would help.
i took a loooong time on mine.
slowly like a turtle.
and it did help my mood a whole bunch!
craft thursdays help me too! 


i like this.
it called out to me.
i love being known.
by people of course but when you realize how less important it is compared to being KNOWN by God.
and being reminded YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED.


i am making THIS  and THIS.  
my kitchen is CRAZY messy.
there were 8 kids at my house today.
our sewer line backed up and the drain guys are here.
four people rang our doorbell today….so far.
usually weeks go by without anyone. 
this day feels a little bonkers.





josy - I would buy your turtle painting! Love it.

Heather - That verse just spoke to me loud and clear. I’m in a place right now where I’m feeling very unknown. Loved, to be sure, but very unknown. It can be lonely.

heather - i’m so so so glad you put the reminder about operation shoebox!!
i’m adding it to my wally world, i mean wal-mart, shopping list right this minute.

Tabitha - Long time blog stalker – you are one of my hands down favorites! – but I don’t think I’ve ever come out of the shadows to comment.
Just wanted to let you know that I’m so glad you posted the Katie Daisy giveaway. Finally had a chance to go through her images and realized that a computer image I have at home but had no idea where it came from was one of her gorgeous peices. So excited to buy the real one! … And ten more, when I can afford it!
It’s a blessing to watch your family grow – you are very inspiring to me. Much Love.

deb meyers - Definitely Shoebox shopping season! I love Target sales in September just for that reason. You’re a dear, Meg.
deb meyers

casey - where did you find the markers on sale? I check in at my local target and walmart and couldn’t find them for that cheap.

emily hope - love each of the turtles! so fun. if my kids weren’t out playing in the water, I’d start an art project right now 🙂 oh, and i need to find where markers are on sale right now! I’ve been looking and haven’t seen them cheap yet …

Karen Gerstenberger - Thank you – I needed that Bible quote! God bless you, Meg.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - we just moved to va this summer and i long to be known by people. i want friends so badly and to feel like i belong here. such a great reminder to me that i am known by my savior. He’s with me. oh and your turtle rocked. seriously that was good. you are an artist!

Kerry - Man that lasagne just made me HUNGRY!! love the art – they’re all fab, what a great idea 🙂

Alice H - I made lasagna the other day! And I used this recipe!

Rosana Santos - Hi!
Just wanted to tell you you’re a great inspiration. I absolutely love your blog 🙂
(from Portugal)

alicia @ la famille - SOOO sad I didn’t win the Katie Daisy giveway…I’ll just have to buy the 24 prints I want 🙂 And LOVE your turtles…so fun! Who knew turtles were so cute?! Also, good thinkin with the Operation Christmas Child…way to plan ahead!

Lisa - I love, love, love your lasagna recipe!! Doesn’t hurt that the fam does too! 😉 Have made it many times and shared with friends. PS – Can I have your turtle? 🙂 Beautiful!

Doris - we need crayons too!
Those drawings are amazing! Your kids are you and very talented.
have a good day!

Heather aka moreygirl - LOVE that verse! I’m thinkin I need some lasagna now! Thanks a lot! I’m trying to be good:) good post

Chris - Next time you want something a little different, try mixing instant chocolate pudding with creamcheese, spreading that on the creampuff base, then topping it with whipped cream- divine!
Love the verse you chose, always love coming here to see your heart in action, even with the bumping and bruising.

Annika - Mmmhhh. Cream Puffs and Lasagna. I’d eat it in exactly that order! :o)
P.S.: I really love how you get creative with your kids.

Tessa Brungardt - I’m a new reader from Wichita and found your blog through my sis-in-law in KC. I love the verse you posted. Sometimes we need those reminders that we do have all we need. Also, your dessert looks very yummy! (

Tiffany - Meg, painting helps me relax too, what is it about painting that does that? I wish I had mad skills like Katie*Daisy, but I know I have my own skills, so I shouldn’t covet Katie’s. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful, I am, even when I’m cranky.

Secret Mom Thoughts - The turtles are fabulous!

Crissie - I check in with your blog every day. Love it, identify with it, reflect on things you say sometimes, sometimes I get warm and fuzzy inside and wish I had your life-lol-, and it makes me try to be a better mom. I usually click on your little links on the right side of the blog each day when you add new ones. I love the little surpises that pop up since I can’t tell what most of them are just by the title or by your mouse roll-over typings (whatever that is called LOL). Sooooo, I clicked on Jamie the Giraffe today. I read the first post about the necklace and think, that’s weird…Meg usually has a direct link as if to buy the giraffe necklace. So, confused, I continue reading back in time. Within 2 minutes I am bawling my eyes out!!! Girl, you needed a warning with that link!! Put “Jamie the Giraffe-grab kleenex” or something like that!! I’m so depressed and amazed at the parents and just so sad for them. Ugh…thanks a lot my dear! 😉

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I love Lasagna. Looks like a good recipe. I just made one the other night and it was soooo delish!

Kat - You are amazing to be cooking all of that with 8 kids in the house. I have 4 and that is enough to send me “bonkers” most days. Love the beautiful chaos of it all though!
Beautiful turtle pics. You are all very talented artists.

amanda - I saw the turtle picture on pinterest tonight. I think it’s a sign. I’m supposed to buy it. 🙂

Lori Austin - Not sure how I found your blog, but so thankful I did. Thank you for speaking from your heart, keeping it real and reminding us that there are many mommas out there just treading water most days. A few areas that have clicked since I started reading your blog: 1) crafting more with my kiddos 2) stepping out of my comfort zone in the kitchen and trying some new recipes 3) being okay with “just okay” days and most important 4) working on my relationship with God and how much time I’m giving Him each day. Thanks Meg – I feel like you are a new found friend that I can’t wait to check in with each day 🙂 p.s. hope tomorrow includes nothing “bonkers” 🙂

tiffany m gardner - Thanks for the AWESOME blog today!! I needed it. God has been knocking on my heart to know him more intimately…and today realizing I am known by Him! Your turtles are also a reminder of how different we are all created. Again…AWESOME! Thanks my blog friend!

seriouslysassymama - It has been bonkers here also. I think all this heat is finally getting to my kids. There is only so much to do inside.

Tanya - Love that verse too…it spoke to me. Thanks.

Sarai - Love your blog!! The turtles are adorable.
I live in wichita. It’s nice to finally find a blog close to home 🙂

Jenny Logan - I made your cream puff squares for a teacher appreciation lunch this last year & they were a hit! Just thought I would share. =)

Terrie - Thanks for the reminder to go and buy markers!! We partner with 3 schools here in town & do ‘operation christmas’ like things for them. Every student…it’s so cool!!
Your turtles are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!! Can you teach me to draw? I can only trace! 🙂
I heart cream puff dessert!!
Sorry about your sewer back up… ;(

Holly - oh sewer back ups are no fun. We have a septic system and I dont like it at all!
I stocked up opn lots of inexpensive school supplies this weekend! yay!
The turtles are cute..for reals! They are boss. That is the new cool word in our house!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oooh, thank you so much for reminding me about the OCC shoeboxes!!

Loni - Where are markers 99 cents!?
I was horrible at doing craft Thursdays with my kids, but you sure are a pro at it.

sara's art house - EEEEK!!!!!!!!!! Those turtles are the cutest thing I have seen in a long while. We are going to do those tomorrow! thanks for the idea 🙂

Katie - The tortoises look great, what a talented family of Monet’s! 🙂

se7en - Those tortoises are too cute for words!!! Gotta love it!!!

Janel - Well, I’m a first time commenter here. I love the blog and family Christian life, adore it really. So nice to see how your family lives and loves each other.
The real reason for my comment is that the art is amazing, you all deserve a “print” of one’s own. But Meg, yours is so wonderful, I think you should frame it. Really.
Or send it to me, and I’ll frame it> hee hee….

happygirl - Such an ambitious girl you are. I am constantly amazed. cute turtle.

Jessi - Thanks for sharing that verse. It kind of smacked me in the face when I read it. The make-you-feel-sheepish-but-loved kind of way.


Laura Phelps - it is bonkers here too
sister and her husband and five kids here all weekend
11 people in my house
and our plumbing went bonkers
raining in the garage kind of bonkers…ceiling caving in
had to turn off water supply
then my washing machine broke
carpet soaking wet
waiting for new part
no laundry
11 people!
then the car broke down at the lake
with 11 people
and guess what I made?
and that is all need, really 🙂

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Oh, goodness! That lasagna looks DELISH! Saving that recipe. 🙂 Also I love all of the pretty painted turtles! Wish I could paint as well as you!

Heather R. - Sitting at Kansas city airport waiting to fly. Love reading your blog. Our girls love your crescent chicken they call it chicken bundles. They love it. Love the turtles. Today is hectic.

Rachel J - OK Meg, what time is dinner? I’m coming over! I heart lasagna.
Monday is almost over dear friend. Hang in there!

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we have 10 days left before school starts.
i am ready for a quiet house.
for some reason everything felt very loud all summer.
hardly ever any quiet.

but i will miss the water….the tans…..the heat…..kind of the heat…..and sleeping in.

only ten more days.


april - oh to be young again! my son starts school in 2 days!!! wow….hes gonna be a 5th grader…scary! on a side not i used your cheesecake recipe in a jar! thought you might like to see it:

happygirl - I keep reminding myself of the lovely spring we experienced here in the mid-Atlantic. The summer, Blistering. 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I am counting the days til school starts too 🙂
Would you mind sharing what kind of camera you have. I am in the market for a new one. Thanks for the creative inspiration!

Perrin - Oh,, that photo of your daughter jumping into the pool is just amazing. So cute. I’m sort of sad to see the end of pool trips coming so soon, for us tomorrow! Ugh.

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Summer goes too fast…or does it 🙂

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Wow, that went fast! How did you make out on your summer fun list?

Sarah - Not that you are counting or anything. 🙂 I know EXACTLY how you feel.

flor - I completely understand. School starts back up for us next Monday.. and I’m looking forward to it to be honest with you {as I’m sure my kids are too}. This summer went by so fast, I feel like I didn’t get to do as much with them as I had hoped for 🙁

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Yup, we start two weeks from tomorrow(girls and I). Most schools around here dont start until after labor day though. Its rough at the end of the year when they dont get out until mid-late June. By then it feels like summers already been going for weeks for others.
I will miss the summer. So many chnages for all of us here(with me going back to work-teaching 3rd grade- after 8 years of being a SAHM). Pray for me!:)

tara - I wanna be jumping into that pool…this orlando heat is ridiculous.

Janie Fox - I always felt like doing cartwheels in the front yard when the school bus drove off. Is that bad?

colette - i am also loving the pool, heat, and sun way too much this year! so not ready for it to be over. for us, we have about 30 days left of it. gotta pack it all in. it flies by too fast.
love your jumping pics, btw!

Katie - Man I wish I was jumping into a pool! I can’t believe there are only ten days left, where has this summer gone too?! I’m not ready!!!!

Emily - Crazy my son does not start until Sept 21 . . . .

Leah - It did feel like a loud summer. And so hectic this year. I don’t remember last summer feeling so hectic! I’ll be counting down your 10 days with you!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Our school starts Monday… It seemed to go by faster than ever this summer.

Terrie - Can you believe summer is almost over? Wonder how many ‘heat’ days we’ll have? 🙂

Janine - 10 days!! We have another month! We start the summer vacation late though. It’s nearly July by the time the let the kids finish. Get off just in time for the 4th and back just after Labor day. It goes by too fast. Enjoy it!

Kristin - Thinking of back to school, I was browsing lunch box ideas. This rainbow bread made me think of you!

kasey - you can still have the heat and the tan…just minus the kids;-)
Yeah for school!!

karen - did you put annie in swimming lessons or did she learn on her own?? i’ve got to put my almost 4 year old soon!

D. Jean - Love your photography. Just catching up. Looked like a great vacation. Too much fun.

Holly - Meg once school started here I switched over to “Im ready for fall” mode! I will miss the summer fun, but we have had some great saturdays the last couple of weeks since school started!

Julie K - Lucky you!17 days for us …
I love the swimming suit butt cheeks – my favorite. 🙂

Lisa Currie-Gurney - 😉

alicia @ la famille - 10 more days? holy moly y’all start school early! enjoy your little kiddos, but enjoy your time alone too 🙂

beth - Wow, only 10 days? We have about 3 more weeks of summer. I have very mixed emotions. I, too, am ready for quiet, but since my husband works at school, I know how crazy busy the school year can get.
Are her fingers crossed in those pics? Too cute–love the bright colors! Our poos doesn’t allow cameras (no idea why-silly) so I can’t get any cute water pics. Yours are adorable.

Lorilee - I am not looking forward to school starting yet. I will have to go back to school too, as a teacher. I really need just a few more weeks to catch up on a few more household chores! I just got my fridge pulled out and vacuumed behind!

Aimee - I will miss it all this year. This is the first 100% enjoyable summer I’ve had since having kids.
Of course, I will mostly miss the sleeping in.

Penny - It is always bittersweet to have them go back to school. I am looking forward to school starting, it means I will also be back to work! But I am going to enjoy this last month! We start back on Sept. 6. My college girl goes back on the 19th of August. It is my baby’s last year of high school. This will be bittersweet! Enjoy these last few days, before we know it the snow will be flying and we will all be complaining about the cold! 🙂

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katie daisy

i've told you about my favorite artist before.
i love everything she paints.

her name is  k a t i e  *  d a i s y.

i just bought this print… made me happy.

we are going to use it for a craft thursday soon….as the example….can't wait to see what they make.

everything in her shop is happy.
it's colorful.
it's positive.

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i have several of her prints in my home.
how cool is that?


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katie is letting me giveaway TWO of her prints!

you are so lucky!

GO VISIT her shop…..tell me your favorite one to be entered to win!
(you will have a really hard time choosing…..i bet you can't pick just one….there is no way)

also go read her blog.
it's beautiful.



Amy M in Indiana - I think the Be Kind to Others is my favorite!

colleen - i’d like to put “teach love” in my 1st grade classroom…

Caroline - You are right..choosing just one is tough! I would have to say Life is Beautiful! Thanks for turning me on to her.

emilee - Cultivate Solitude, because, like your’s, my home has been loud all summer long.

Stephanie - i think let’s go anywhere would be great in my kid’s room… and then when we move into a larger home, it could work in the playroom… but then again, i love, love, love be kind to others… so really, it would come down to a coin toss. 🙂

Kristen - I love the “Let’s Go Anywhere” on the US map. I have a collection of map prints, and this would fit in perfectly. I LOVE to wander and travel anywhere. My family has always said I would be happiest if I was plopped in the middle of a random city with a map in my hand. I LOVE it.

Caitlin M - Love them all, so hard to choose. I really love the salt in my hair one.

Nikki - So glad I added you to my favorites list … have loved checking in every once in a while. I love the Notecards from the Prairie!

Erica Cooper - Thanks for introducing us to Katie Daisy. Love.
I would love to have the “Dream List” in my home…. so hard to choose!

Mrs. Dunbar - I REALLY like the Freshcut piece. I think it would go well in just about any room of my house. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Sonya - I love “Free to Fly” but you’re right, I didn’t want to choose just one. Such beautiful pieces!!!

michelle - practice patience please. love it. need it. 🙂

Maureen Enoch - My most favorite print is you are my sunshine……I sing this to my babies (now kids) and I want to hang it in my house….love it!!

Brei - ilove the be kind one. so fun and cute!

Laura - I love the “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” I sing that to my boys every night before I put them to bed! 🙂

Jackie - Love the “Bless This Home” and your blog!

amy lenhart - love the wild air one!!!

Lexie - I love the “Be Kind to Others,” and “Sweet Pig”

Renice - you’re right, I can’t pick just one. I have L.O.V.E.D her prints for a while now. They are so deliciously lovely. My top three faves are: Joy, Be Kind & You are my sunshine

Alice H - I want that BE KIND TO OTHERS print, it is something I have to tell my children on a daily basis when they start fighting! I also like the “Practice Patience Please” print for myself!

C*rtney - So lucky to have checked-in with you and to see this giveaway.
I am WI girl at heart and would love to see Katie’s super cute Dairy Land print everyday:)

Emily - I love her work! The “you are my sunshine” print is one of my favorites!

Emily - oh my word, how can you possibly choose??
I love the “take me to the sea” or “I love salt air in my hair” they would be perfect in my (wish I lived any where but Ohio bathroom!)
But the Be kind or Teach Love would win ….

karen peachey - I’ve been drooling over her shop for ages! Love the be kind to others & you are my sunshine prints best!

Annie - I’m torn… The ABC’s or the Bird Chirping Weather. I think I’d take the birds…

kim smart - the “someday cottage” is awesome!! probably my fav although the turtle is great too!!

jessica - pocket full of posies – so pretty!

Susie - Definitely the “Be Kind to Others” !! We all need to be reminded of that! I’m going to buy that one!!

Steph - If Etsy were danger then “the wheatfield” shop is my kryptonite! LET’S GO ANYWHERE would be my guilty pleasure print. I’d love to travel someday but being a stay at home mom to my girls is well worth holding off on traveling. God willing one day my girls and I will travel the world together:)

Jess - Be Filled With Joy and You Are My Sunshine…definitely my favorites!

cailan - It IS VERY HARD, but probably the Life IS Beautiful one!

Stephanie C. - Tough choice! Probably the Be Kind is my favorite!

Jessica - Meg, where can you find the “Let’s Go Anywhere” print with the U.S. map in the background? It’s not on her site, but I love it! Sorry, this is my second comment, so I don’t want to enter the giveaway twice, but I just realized this map wasn’t in her shop, but I want it!

Amanda Ferreira - They are all so colorful and lovely, but I think I’d pick “Teach Love.” Thanks for the giveaway! Better keep an eye out at Target!

Janel - “love yourself to love another” I really liked the “Let’s go anywhere” with the map of the states but i couldn’t find it in her shop…
They are all beautiful!

Jessica - I love the painting that says “My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather.” It’s so true! A warm spring day with everything in bloom is the best!

Brenna - They are all beautiful, but I like Wild Air for myself and You are My Sunshine for my kids playroom! 🙂

Courtney M - Wow – I will be acquiring at least one of these for my home, somehow, some way. The turtle one is my fave, followed by “Someday Cottage” and “Blob”.

Laura - Wild Air is just wonderful. I also love Salt Air Hair.
lauramlyons at gmail dot com

meghan - how does your garden grow?
they are all amazing…

ranee - Be Filled with Joy is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah - It *was* hard to choose! I think I finally picked my favorite, though – “Salt Air Hair” would go perfectly in my office….for those afternoons I’m dreaming of the beach.
Thank you for sharing her artwork!

Sarah - I love the Be Kind print…always have. But now I’m thinking, maybe I want to do a triptych in my living room with the Be Kind, Be Filled with Joy and Teach Love prints. Wouldn’t that be an excellent reminder on the really long, hard days of mommyhood?

Tamara - Wild Air. I love Emerson 🙂

Staci - Love them all, my picks are…Be Here Now and Wild Air.

jodi - love pocketful of posies! so gorgeous!

Jill - I love the “Let’s Go Anywhere” or the “Bird Chirping Weather” prints!

Juliann Brenner - I have looked at the “Be Kind to Others” print several times…love it!

Christina - I love her “You are my Sunshine” print. SO bright and cheery!

Jenny Waldrop - I cant decide between the LOVE print and the wild air print!!! Ugh Love her designs, I have her wrapping paper!

Corrie - My *favorite* is the Let’s Go Anywhere one- but I didn’t see it in her shop! I also LOVE the Drink the wild air one. They are all so beautiful!

Naomi Miranowski - Hi!! I have had the “This is It” 8 x 10 in my cart at Etsy for a couple months now. Never seem to have enough “playing around” cash to jump and buy it:) I would just love it. I also love her MN print (my home state:). You’re right I can’t just pick one… Also love the “You are my sunshine” one. I sing that song to my daughter all the time. Thanks!

Melissa Mackler - You’re right, it’s almost impossible to chose just one! I like the “love” print and the pocket full of posies! Either one would be a fun addition to our new home!

Andrea - They are all wonderful. Bless this Home is my favorite.

Kelly - Someday Cottage for me!

Heather - Love her designs. I just recently purchased the Be Kind to Others print.
I would love to have the “Be Filled with Joy” print or the “You Are My Sunshine” print.

Ruth - Love the “Texas” print!

Christine Ishmael - “Going to California” (my home state) and “Take me to the Sea” are my two favorites…I love her stuff!

Jami - I LOVE the “you are my sunshine” print! 🙂

Tamara - I couldn’t pick just one! My favorites are “Be Here Now” and
“You are my sunshine” Just love them!

Lizbeth Ann - “I long for salt air in my hair”! I LOVE the ocean and feel the need to be there every day!

carrie - um…love them all. but love the ABC’s, Let’s Travel Anywhere and the Love ones 🙂

Kristina - Be filled with Joy for sure! Beautiful, simple, love!

Ashley - I LOVE Be Kind to Others! I cannot wait to order something!! 🙂

Jessica - oh they are all great but I love the wild air print! 🙂

Dena - I like so many of them. I have the “You are my sunshine” print in my daughter’s room. I’d have to say the “Be kind to others” one is my next fav. Thanks!

Robyn B - I long for Salt Air in my Hair – that’s my favorite! I would love to be on any beach, any time…plus the colors would match my office/craft room!

Angela - I love “Live in the sunshine…”~ so inspiring and beautiful.

Jennifer Allred - I love the Be Filled with Joy print! And you are my sunshine… when my babies were brand new it was the only song I could remember the words too, LOL!

Katrina - Patience, please was made for me. I have gotten so much better but I still pray for patience every night. I could use a reminder during the day too.

staceyb - So true…I can’t pick one favorite so I picked 3 favorites! Life is Beautiful
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Be Kind.

Amy - I love “Let’s Go Anywhere” because that is my life motto!! But “Be Kind to Others” needs to cover an entire wall in our house! 🙂

Jill - It is definitely “All Who Wander Are Not Lost”. It reminds me of my mother…a true nomadic soul who has always, always taken time to literally stop and smell flowers or taste foods at newly discovered places.

Jen N - Katie’s “Live life in the sunshine” print has been on my Etsy to-buy list for a while now. If I don’t win, it’s probably time to buy it!

Mindy M. - You’re right. It’s hard to choose. I like the turtle one that you posted the best. A very close second is the “Take Me to the Sea” one.

Rankin - Love! I have her Peach State print and I love to add the Michigan or Moon Faces print to my collection

natalie (the sweets life) - LOVE the “let’s go anywhere” map print…it’s my motto lately! 🙂

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Bird Chirping Weather is my fave right now.

Sophie - The Joy of Farming - Absolutely impossible to pick just one… She is one of my all time Etsy top most favorites! My first favorite from her shop was Live in the Sunshine, and my most recent favorite is Cultivate Solitude. LOVE this so much! Thanks for the chance to actually OWN one!!

Stef - Love is my favourite, I LOVE it!

Jane - it’s hard to choose. my favourites are bird chirping weather, you are my sunshine and be filled with joy.
what a heartwarmingly lovely giveaway! thanks!

Amber - Her artwork is so happy and fun! I love the “Be Kind to Others” print. The “ABC’s 8 by 10” and “Going to CA” print are fun too. You’re right…I can’t pick just one!

Ana G - You’re right- it was hard to choose my favorite, but I’m going to go with “Be Filled With Joy”. So beautiful- I love all the flowers and colors in all the prints.

Kim - Salt air in my hair, and those who wander are not lost!

betsy berre - we just got back from a wonderful vacation tonight (with an 11hr car ride). kids and husband are happy in bed…so i am loving the Home Sweet Home print.

Katie - Oh geez..that is a hard one! Wild air,Be kind to others,let life flow. I love them all and have been wanting one forever!!!

Cara @ Color Spot Paintings - I can’t decide between bird chirping weather and you are my sunshine. Love this!

Chris - I love the large format – Be kind to others!

Amy R. - Love them all, but the “Lets Go anywhere” is my favorite.
Hope I win!

melissa - I love them all!
my no. 1 favorite is the Let’s Go Anywhere. I’m always saying that to my husband since he’s such a homebody!

Megan - Holy cow! Way harder than I thought it’d be. I think my absolute favorite would have to be large “Be Filled With Joy” but it is hard for me to pick that over my lovely state in the “At Home in Minnesota” poster. All so pretty!

Jody - I’m a BIG fan of her’s!!! i love her stuff. She is a remarkable artist.
I long for salt air in my hair…which I DO!! live in WI now – moved from CT…miss that ocean air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa - I love “You Are My Sunshine,”. That song goes way back in our family. We keep passing it on. Beautiful memories….I love all her work too…so nice!

Erin E. - The moon phases one is FANTASTIC! My 3 yr old loves to go look for it at dusk. What a peaceful and inspiration collection.

Gina f. - I love her prints too and have you are my sunshine and the alphabet print. I would love the go anywhere print or the be kind. Hope you had some quiet time this weekend! Thank you!!

Kate - You’re right – choosing one is about impossible! But I do love the Not all who wander are lost print 🙂

Amy - So hard to choose! My favorites are Here and Now, Teach Love and You are My Sunshine. Just lovely.

megan - I have had my eye on BE KIND for awhile…love the colors she chooses on her work!

kari - I believe my favorite is the stargazing print, but to be honest I’d gladly take just about any of them. Simply beautiful.

Ani W - I like the Be Kind to Others and Bless This Home and would love to own either!! Beautiful!!

Joanne B - I love You are my sunshine, I always sing this to my kids. Bless this house is my 2nd choice.

Cindy Nguyen - They’re all so beautiful! I love the “Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea, Drink the Wild Air” print!!

Vicki - I’m in love with these prints! I have to say my favorite are the Michigan prints. . .Michigan is my homeland and I can’t get enough of her!

Prairie Mama - Oh they are all sooooo darling. Being from Wyoming and loving our mountains I would choose….
“Mountain Bouquet.”
I have the perfect spot for it!

Jennifer - Definitely “Bird Chirping Weather”! I hadn’t seen that one, but I LOVE IT! I am repainting all the rooms in my house. (The paint on the walls is icky, flat, used-to-be-white but is now more like grey.) I think this would be amazing in one of my freshly painted bathrooms!

Suzette - These are all so pretty in her shop. My favorite is the Be Kind to Others print…

Lorie - I love the “Lets go Anywhere” print. I have a thing for maps. LOVE it!

Liz - I love “take a hike”!! We are avid hikers here! 🙂

Kathryn - I especially love the Be Kind to Others…i could hang it by the door to serve as a gentle reminder to my children as they come and go. OH and the ABC print.

Christina - Oh i love her stuff! my three year old just came over and wanted to see all the pictures in her shop. I love the alphabet one!

Amy L. Weber - I want one for my classroom: We are ALL “Magnificent Creatures.”
AND I want “Wild Air” for my daughter’s room. They are ALL so beautiful.

Hannah DeVries - I love Wild Air, but all the prints are BEAUTIFUL!

Mary McGrath - I have LONGED for the Be Kind to Others print. I have it saved in my favorites and I look at it longingly about every other day. The colors! The flowers! The design! The saying! Amazing! I’m crossing my fingers that I’m finally going to own it!!!

elisa - I have had the salt in my hair one bookmarked for years!! I need to buy it.

JOY - Just love the background map with “Let’s Go Anywhere” and “You are my Sunshine.”

Suzi - Someday Cottage because it just makes me smile.

Robin@ The Sweetest Pear - “You are free to fly” is gorgeous. They are all great!

stephanieT - Hard to choose, but I love the Lets Go Anywhere print!!!

amac - I love the “Be Filled With Joy” print. But you’re right, it was really hard to choose just one!

Christin - Would love to win the “bless this home” print! awesome giveaway!

Ashley de Henriquez - I love the You are my Sunshine one (i sing that song to my daughter all the time) and the NC one!!

Jena - Be kind to others would be my choice but you are right, really hard time choosing JUST one! Thanks for the chance to win!

Katie - LOVE many it’s hard to decide. I’m gonna go with Bless This Home and The Great Lakes.

Julie Briggs - Be Kind to Others!! I love this.

jody bachand - Bless this home and Magnificant Creatures. What beautiful work!

anj - Cultivate Solitude and Blob are super cool. And I do love the motto ‘be kind to others’.

Evie Houston - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the “Let the Beauty we love be what we do”!!… and pretty much everything else in her store too 🙂 Great giveaway!!

Libby Donovan - I just got back from a week in Maine, so I would love the Salt Air in my Hair!

Angie P - You are My Sunshine…Love it!

Charlene - Love the Be Kind to Others one – the colors and the message are wonderful!

Stephanie Z - you are my sunshine AND Be kind to others.

Hsing3kinder - Live in Awe!
Those colors <3

kate - love the “here and now” one!…but you were right…there were many to love!

Lianne - I very much like the “Cultivate Solitude” print. Words I need to heed!!

amie - Katie Daisy uses her talent in such a positive way – and I love that! As for what I’d love to receive?…..I’d say, because we are a military family and moving constantly (we currently live in Germany) — we’d love “Let’s go anywhere”. It would fit our wall of maps (of the places we’ve visited) AND pretty much state our family lifestyle/motto. 🙂

Tanya - I love bird chirping weather, it’s such a happy picture!

Heather Anderson - I love them all…but “Be Kind to Others” is perfection.

Tonpia - I love the salt air hair. Love it, love it, love it. It’d be like summer all year long.

Jamie - The 13×19 wild air is amazing. I love it so much. ♥

K - I love “Be Kind To Others”. Words to live by 🙂

Beth O - Your right it is hard to choose just one, but I love the you are my sunshine, then someday cottage, and the pig, there are just so many!

Christy - I totally bought her plates & napkins at Target this summer not even realizing that it was the same artist, I have checked her Etsy site several times. I just fell in love with the prints & had to have them. Used them for Easter & Mom’s day. Neat!

Shannon S - I love the Stargazing with you print but quite a few others want to come home with me as well!

Amy - Let’s Go Anywhere! I really <3 these! 🙂 Thanks for posting

Katie G - I love “Love” and “pocketful of posies”

Michelle - Oh my word!! So hard to choose!! But I gotta go with You Are My Sunshine. 🙂 I sing it to my girls all the time. Second would be the Ralph Waldo Emerson stuff. But I LOVE all of them! haha!

sumshay - i love her work, it’s so hard to choose just one!! would probably like “wild air” best. but honestly love them all. will have to check target!

Jen Sully - I love the I heart NC and You Are My Sunshine prints!! She does great work!

Whitney R - I love the ABC’s & Teach Love. Swoon!

Jen - I’m from TX so of course I like the Texas with the heart.

Allyson - I love Someday Cottage but it was SO hard to choose. I have 10+ runner ups.. I might need to make a trip to Target soon!

April - I also fell in love w/ her prints when I saw them on another blog a few months back. My faves are Be Kind and Let’s Go Anywhere – would be perfect for my newly converted playroom/office!

KatieD - Love the be kind!

Denise - The LOVE and BE KIND are my favorites!

Randi - I love so many but I think I would choose Be Kind to Others since we’re always working on that in our house.

Becky - Oooh, I just love her use of color!! My fave is “You are my Sunshine…”, closely followed by the “ABC’s” under the wheat field, and then the “Teach Love” print. They are all so alive and beautiful!

Wendy - Free to fly is my favorite

Dawn - “Be filled with JOY”… what a great reminder… an I tell you that print fills me with joy… thanks for sharing this artist! I think we’ll have to get a print to put in our house! 🙂

Ashley - I LOOOOVE the Be Kind to Others print! An great reminder! and they’re all so happy and cheerful! I love the colors!!!!!

jackie - Here and Now is my favorite, however I could change my mind at any moment. They are all beautiful, and I would love one for my new sewing room.

emily - I think Land of Ampersand would look just perfect in my new apartment!

amy - I adore the Sweet Pig print….and the heart Texas!

Jana M - I really like the “love” print!

Jenny B. - It WAS really hard to pick just one. 🙂 I think my favorite is “Pocketful of Posies.”

becky@oursweetpeas - Love “be kind to others”. I tell my boys this DAILY! I also love “you are my sunshine” or “I love MI.”

One_day_soon - Life is Beautiful 🙂

Paula - Hard to choose just one, but I will follow the rules and say, Be filled with joy and

Tiffany - Why the Love print of course! And how cool to be given the opportunity to giveaway prints from ur favorite artist. Lucky duck!

Ashley - Those are gorgeous. I like the ‘love what you do’ posters, and the 5×7 love notecard. so so pretty!

Ashley - Wow! Everything is beautiful, but I love the 13×19 You Are My Sunshine!

Kerstie - LOVE THEM ALL! I must say, the be kind to others, always gets me. The practice patience… that would be good for me to glance at when dealing with my kids… a beautiful reminder!

amy S - I LOVE the turtle print. I have 7 kids and they have turtles!

Megan - You are free to fly is my favourite. But ‘the peach state’ is a close second!

Terri Monshaugen - Beautiful work! I love it all but I guess I would choose someday cottage. I love the colors and it makes me smile.

Anna - Love the ‘you are my sunshine’ print but the sweet pig is a close second!

nancy beach - yep, its hard to pick one. I think I leaning towards the blob or the love the beauty.
Very talented that is for sure!

Kari - I love them all but my favorite is “Be Kind To Others”

Lisa - I love the “You are my sunshine” print as I sang that song to my babies every night. Also, love the “Go Anywhere” and the “Love Texas”. Used to live in TX and my first baby was born there. 🙂

Meredith - Wow, I love her work! I love the “Love What You Do print” and “Let’s Go Anywhere” but I couldn’t find that one in her Etsy shop. I will have to look for her stuff at Target next time I am there! Thanks!

Joanna - My favorite is “Free to Fly.” It makes me feel like I can do anything.

amelia wright - If I could only choose one it would be ” How does your Garden Grow”. They are all beautiful!

Tara - I love the ‘greatest pleasure of life is love’ AND ‘be kind to others.’ LOVE THEM!

jess - i heart..Love, you are my sunshine, and be kind to others….love her work!!!

Meredith W. - “Be Filled with Joy” and “Be Kind to Others” are my two favorites. They are so lovely. I think I need them both.

Sara's art house - Bless this house is my favorite- although I would love anything from her!!!!! Hope I win!!!!

Cory - I LOVED “My favorite weather is bird chirping weather”.

Emily - Sooo hard to choose but- the ‘be filled with joy’ poster is so pretty and a great daily reminder

Julie Weaver - I can’t just pick one, but I love the Texas print the most.

Vicki - I love them all, but I TRIPLE love the Wild Air (Emerson quote) and Pocketful of Posies. and The Blob – it looks like my dreams. Thanks for sharing this! Her work is beautiful!

Jamie Lincoln - I love the “Let’s Go Anywhere” one. They’re all so great though!

Kirsten - I have Be Kind to Others hanging by the door to my home, and I would love to add Be Filled With Joy! Or possibly I Love MI since we lived there for 3 years and have so many very dear friends still there. I adore Katie Daisy!

Lydia - I’ve always loved the Be Kind.

mandy friend - hmmm…teach love or life is beautiful…

Barbara Nelson - I love the Lets go anywhere map and Be kind to others. These are so happy as you said.

Ann - I love them all but my favourite is save our seas

Danielle - Ooh the Daydream list and Let’s go anywhere prints are my favorite!

Erin Hills - I love your blog and all you’re awesome pictures! You’re an excellent photographer. I would love to travel to Kansas and have my daughter’s pictures taken by you!
I would love to win the “be kind to others” picture.
Thank you<3

Valerie Alexander - Love them all….But I think my fave is Be Filled With Joy!!! So hope I win!! 🙂

Cindy Nguyen - They’re all so beautiful! I love the “Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea, Drink the Wild Air” poster the most! 🙂

Kristen Chapman - The texas one and the move slow one!! I do adore her stuff.

shelley - i love the “live in awe” print!

MichelleB - I do love everything! I especially like the You are My Sunshine print. My MIL sings that song to my kids – and it would be fun to give it to her for her bday.

kimberly - dreams and wild air. so great!

shelby - I love the salt air one since I love the beach, and I dont know if she still had it, but I love the California one 🙂

Routhie - I love The Blob. It’s so different!

Sharla - My favorites are You Are My Sunshine and Be Filled With Joy. Her prints are all amazing!

La - I love ‘Live in Awe’.
I love ‘Love’. 🙂
I love ‘Let Life Flow’.
I love ‘Be filled with Joy’.
You’re right, I couldn’t pick one! 🙂

Lari - You’re so right…hard to chose just one. I love the Texas one and the someday cottage…and several others 😉

Jen - I would pick the Pocketful of Posies!!! LOVE!!!!

kat - I love all of her gorgeous prints. I especially love “Wild Air” and the Someday Cottage.

nicki - I LOVE Katie Daisy! I have her “you are my sunshine” print. I really love the RWE quote print! How come I can’t find her stuff @ Target??

Jenn N - Ok, to say it is hard to choose just one is an understatement. LOVE so many of them. I really like the Magnificent Creatures turtle you just bought but also really like the “One of the greatest pleasures in life is love”. I’ll definitely be bookmarking her blog.

Jodi - So funny, but I had her I Long For Salt Air In My Hair as my FB page picture. I truly long for it too. So, that’s the one I’d pick

Melanie Campbell - Those are all soooo pretty. I love “Be Kind to Others”!
~ Melanie

Julie M - I love “Teach Love”.

Amy Lester - Hi Meg. I love the “Be filled with Joy” print. 🙂 Thank you for your beautiful blog.

Becky J - My favorite (YIKES, how do you pick???) is “Bird chirping weather” …ooh, my fingers are crossed 🙂 Blessings

Melisaa Barber - I love the “You are my Sunshine”….My grandpa and I used to sing that song together around the campfire. It takes me back every time!:)Oh and I like Be Kind to Others and the Someday Cottage……………sigh

Krysta - ‘Take a Hike’ or ‘Let’s go Anywhere’. She is truly talented!

Melissa - Thank you for sharing this great artist! I was drooling while looking through her shop…I love the be kind, teach love and prairie sampler, but my favorite would have to be You Are My Sunshine. My Grandmother sang it to me when I was little, and I now sing it to my girls. So sweet, so true, it would be wonderful to have. Oh and I love your blog, check it every morning with my coffee! 🙂

Jennifer O'Steen - i loooove the ‘let’s go anywhere’ printed on the map. but you were right, it was super hard to pick one!!

BeckyB - I love them all! But ‘Pocket Full of Posies” is so sweet!! Thank you for sharing her blog too!

Vonda - I think her ‘LOVE’ print is my very favorite! I also adore her ‘Be Filled With Joy’, and her ‘Bird Chirping Weather’ prints. She is so talented and her art is absolutely beautiful! It makes me smile:)!

Patricia - You’re right ~ I can’t pick just one! My two favorites are the quote by Emerson and the quote by Thoreau. Beautifully done!

Rachel - I have had that stargazing on in my Favorites for awhile now – LOVE her work!

brantlee - They are all beautiful but I love the “you are my sunshine” one.

Becky K - I love her “Bless this house” one. Beautiful!

Michelle Whitlow - oooh, i love all of them!!! Esp the turtle, ‘the world is a playground’, bird chirping weather, & free to fly. I would looove to put some of those in my daughter’s nursery 🙂

Janelle - Love the butterfly print – it goes well with your butterfly art project!

kristiina - I love her too (I have the TX wander the states print on my mantel)…my other favorites are the ABC print and the LOVE print. Thanks!

Beth - I really love Take a HIke and Someday Cottage:)

Patricia estrada - My absolute favorite is Wild Air. I love this quote by Emerson.
She is so talented.

jodi - i’ve always wanted the “be kind to others” print, but as she adds more and more, it gets harder to choose!
jodi in pa

Julie H. - Definitely “Take Me to the Sea”~beautiful!

stephanie silva - They are all very lovely. But my favorite’s are ” Not all who wander are lost” and “Cultivate Solitude”.
First time leaving a comment, and truly love your blog! It makes my day.

Jennifer - I absolutely love love love the someday cottage print, and the cultivate solitude print.

Christina - My daughter Chloe loves the butterfly print “free to fly.” It would be beautiful in her room.

Andrea - I can’t pick just one! Love the Texas, ampersand, and “Let’s Go Anywhere” ones! 🙂

JulianneB - Wow they are all amazing…either the turtle one you got or the salt air one for my bff. Can’t wait to go look for these at Target now.

rae - ooo i love her too. i gave her prints as gifts last christmas but didn’t get one for myself. i love the turtle one the best i think.

Roberta - What amazing artwork. While all the sayings are very inspiring, I live Someday Cottage the best! So detailed and I would definitely love own a little cottage like that someday!

Margaret - Oh dear, I LOVE katie daisy! I have the ‘be kind to others’ print hanging in my kitchen. I think my other favorites are the ‘teach love’ and ‘be here now’ prints. Oh man, I’m crossing my fingers on this giveaway!

Melissa Barnhardt Martin - The Love Yourself print is one of my favorites!

jen smith - i just love the “let’s go anywhere” print. but i could put just about all of them in my home.

Juli - You’re right, it is nearly impossible to pick 1 favorite but I’d have to say…(going back to check the website) Yeah, my favorite is ‘Bird Chirping Weather’.

Tonya - Gracious, you’re right! I can’t choose just one! I love Be Kind to Others and the turtle one and……

Jen W. - I love the “Be kind” print! We always need that reminder around here. 🙂

Lindsey - You are right, WAY too hard to pick only one! Therefore, I pick two 🙂 Lets Go Anywhere because I think a lot of us forget the world is bigger than our one little state and Teach Love because this is my first year teaching and I would like to encourage my students to love one another (the golden rule 🙂

beth - The Blob is one of my favs….rich. But I also love the States!

Tracy - My favorite is be kind to others. Sometimes even I need that reminder…and so do my children.

charlotte - ‘Wild Air’ has been my fav forever! Heart it soo much!
Someone in the comments mentioned Katie Daisy products at Zellers?! omg! I didn’t know that! I figured us Canadians were out of luck since we don’t have Target. I wonder if I could still hunt some down…

shannon - you’re right – can’t pick just one….love the emerson quote one and ‘live in awe’ and….i could keep going!

Corie - Oh I cant pick!!! Every message is one we need to be reminded of!

Andria - My favorite is Take Me to the Sea print; followed by the Be Kind To Others print. It is difficult to choose!!!

Jessica R - Be Kind and Wild Air are my favorites..they are ALL beautiful!

Erin - I love ampersand and breathe and smile, but I think my favorite has to be let’s go anywhere. I think I’ll be buying a couple of these!

Leslie - “You are my sunshine” b/c I sang this to my daughter when she was born…it’s still “our song” 🙂

Andrea - Oh my heavens! You’re right…impossible to choose only one! I have found my new go-to website for my hubby when it’s gift-giving time. I am currently sprucing up our RV, so think the Go Anywhere print would be perfect! Thanks for hosting.

Natasha Wheatley - Yay! I love Katie Daisy! I have the “BE KIND” and “JOY” prints hanging in my kitchen and I always get questions as to where I purchased them. I’ve been eyeing the “TEACH LOVE” print for months now!

Lori Huggins - I love the Wild Air print. I think my sister may be getting one of these for her Birthday. Beautiful & whimsical just like her.

jeana - Let’s Go Anywhere has been in my wishlist for a while now. Love it!

Michelle - I love “you are my sunshine!”

shannon b - What beautiful prints! I love the “teach love”. And “be filled with joy”.
P.s. I’ve been following your blog for a while, love it. :). I was pleased as punch a while ago when I noticed that you linked my date basket idea on your sidebar of happy things. Thanks! Dating definitely makes US happy.

Trisha - Wow, they are all amazing! I particularly like Wild Air though.

Kimberly - I love “Be Filled With Joy!” That’s how her art makes me feel– joyful!!

Amy Sentell - Meg, thanks for the link to her blog! We have Be Kind and lov it! Love the seas/ animals group and Go Anywhere gives me wanderlust!

Stephanie Carroll - LOVE the Texas one 🙂

Mara - “Be Filled With Joy” is my favorite, with “The Great Lakes” and “Michigan” tied for 2nd.

Jordan H - I love the “Be filled with Joy” one. What an encouraging, daily reminder that would be! 🙂

Andrea - Definitely “Take a Hike”…we DO live in Colorado, after all 🙂

GlitteryKatie - ‘I ove stargazing with you’ because my little girl has just discovered the stars outside her window and her joy is infectious!!!

Laurie - A tie between Free to Fly and Be Kind to Others. My kids could use the “be kind to others” reminder!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - the someday cottage has been my favorite for a long while…i don’t know how she managed to see inside my mind and draw my dream home. (sigh.)

Stefanie - Be kind to others & someday cottage….you’re right, I couldn’t choose just one 🙂

Joy - I love the Magnificent one and all the rest too. I couldn’t choose!

tara - what are the chances that I’ll win at comment # 513, but I’d love to have “be kind to others” in our home cause who doesn’t need a constant reminder? 🙂 thanks for the opportunity, Meg!

Brenda - I Love the Let’ go anywhere print! I have the Be Kind to others print and I LOVE it!

Stephanie - OMGosh! I love them all but my favorite is the Let’s Go Anywhere printed on the map!

Cassy - My favorite is the “I love stargazing with you” print. My husband finally got the telescope he’s wanted since before we were married (17 years ago). We have had so much fun looking at the stars and planets together with our daughter this summer. This print is perfect!

Meredith - Her prints are so amazing!! I love the Bless this Home print.

Jennifer Ensor - I love the You are my sunshine and be kind to others.

tracy - wow- lots of Katie Daisy love 🙂
my favorite is the Save our sea creatures! but seriously hard to choose.

Cory - My favorite is “be kind to others”.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh I love that you highlighted one of your favorite artist. . would love to see more posts like this. . .I love the color in Katie’s art. . .I want the Let’s Go Anywhere print. . my hubby and I for our honeymoon took off for 5 weeks across the US. . no real plan. . .camping and backpacking. . .which sounded more romantic than it was. . I will do hotels next time 🙂 But that print reminds me of our honeymoon. Thanks for sharing Katie’s art. I may not be able to wait. . may have to order some prints now. . .

Christy - I love the Let’s Go Anywhere and Take a Hike prints.

Shelly foster - I (heart) the Let’s Go Anywhere print …. And the Be Kind to Others print ! Well, gosh darn, I like he new turtle print as well … Tough to choose ! - I LOVE the “Teach Love” print. I’m a school teacher and that is my motto! If everyone practiced “Teach Love” the attitude of the world would be better. I’m new to the blogging world. I haven’t even posted anything to my blog yet, but your blog is absolutely inspirational!

Lori McDonough - Wow! what a great giveaway…love Katie Daisy! My faves are Joy and Salt Air Hair.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Catherine Murphy - My fave is the bird chirping weather. Cute!!!!!!!!

Liberty - WoW!! What a fun giveaway. I love this artist too. Some of my favorites is the: Filled with Joy,the greatest pleasure of life is love, be kind to others, etc., etc.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love love love her work. loving the pocketful of posies right now. 🙂 crossing my fingers….

Kari Machal - Beautiful! I need to get my paints out again 🙂
I would get the Salt Air Hair and give it to my parents b/c their favorite place in the world is Hawaii….

Brandi - Such a tough choice. I’m stuck between You Are My Sunshine & Be Filled With Joy. So cute! Thanks for sharing. I’m sure I’ll be adding her stuff to my home soon!

Gretchen - Too hard to pick. They are all beautiful! I’m adoring Bird Chirping Weather, Love what you do,and be kind to others. And, You are my Sunshine. Actually, I love them all. They are so happy and cheerful.

Kat - the Earth Is Alive & the Golden State are my faves!

rebecca - LOVE the love print and the stargazing print!

Celeste - Oh how I love the “take a hike” & “let’s go anywhere” prints!
What a perfect way to keep my southern heritage close at heart while traveling & teaching English as a Second Language!
thank you so much for the opportunity, meg!

Deb A. - Love love love “Be Filled With Joy”

Stephanie - Good morning – what a wonderful chance!!! I would have to pick the bird chirping weather, or the greatest pleasure,or hand for Haitie, or Teach love! You were right – I couldn’t pick just one!!!

Biz - I would adore the “Take Me To The Sea” print!
It would be perfect for our nursery…only 8 more weeks until our baby girl is here!

Danielle - So hard to choose! I really like the Dreams one.

Stephanie - I already have the “I Love Stargazing With You” hanging in my home!!! I would love the “I long for Salt Air in my Hair” for a special birthday gift for a friend of mine.

Ann Parsell - You are right-it is hard to choose just one! I really like the Let’s Go Anywhere map. I will have to make a trip to Target in the near future!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - As if I can pick just ONE Meg!:) I love them all too. The You Are My Sunshine one is special b/c hubby used to sing that to me when we were dating. In college, he and his roommates even made a casette tape(‘member those?) of the song…they all sang it to me!(one of the best…and funniest moments ever)

Sarah - I’ve loved her art for so long! My favorite is wild air! I can’t believe I could win it! Awesome!

lori hooper - I long for salt air in my hair! LOVE this so much!!!!!!!!!!!

kelli - I soooooo love “let’s go anywhere”. Love, love, love it.

Amy Lynne - I love the Be Kind print!

Anne - gorgeous. I love “this is it,” but there are so many beautiful ones. she is talented — and her blog is great, too!

Jenna - I LOVE you are my sunshine and patience please. I sing sunshine to my babies ever night. A visual reminder for patience would be nice too!

jennibell - I think I would choose the notecards. I love, love, love this site!!! Problem is, I’m bad about buying prints then never getting around to framing and hanging them. If I was better at that part, I would get the Pocketful of Posies. Wow. . .GREAT stuff here 🙂 Thank you, Meg, for sharing some more good stuff with us!!

Dianne - Here and Now & I long for salt air in my hair. I need to be reminded of both 😉

lauren - katie daisy is one of my favorite artists. so fun and whimsical. her talent is amazing!! my favorite print currently in the shop is the “bird chirping weather” print. it is so true!! 🙂 *

carly - pocket of poiseys and LOVE. what a great give-a-way.

Misty - They are all beautiful!!!
I would love the large print “Wild Air” such a true mantra.

Doreen Wallace - Life is beautiful. Yup. love it.

Adrienne S - I love the Practice Patience.

Andrea T. - What a great giveaway! I love the 8X10 You Are My Sunshine. I sing that song to both of my children and the print makes me smile 🙂

Katie - I looooove the “Life is Beautiful” print and the “Let’s go Anywhere”. They are awesome!

Allison - “Save Our Seas” just pulls me in, although I have to say that choosing a favorite Katie Daisy print is like having to choose a favorite child! It just shouldn’t be done! 🙂

Terrie G - Take Me to the Sea…seriously let’s go now! Love her shop!!

Gemma - I love love ‘Be kind to others’!
Good lucj everyone : )
Gemma x

Alicia - I love the Hand for Haiti, Life is Beautiful & LOVE prints. So much prettiness!

christine - Oh dear, must I really choose only ONE?!?! Tell you what, I win the “Be Kind” one and I’ll buy the “Bless this Home.” Cause I kinda need them both 😉
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Amanda - I absolutely love the Wild Air quote by Emerson. The colors…ooohhh the colors! Absolutely perfect!

Lizelle - “You are my sunshine” – love love love it!

Catriona - I love Bless This Home for its gorgeous autumnal colours. But I am also tempted by the Texas print for my sister who has just moved there all from the U.K. – boo!

k(is)sing - I Luuurrrvvveeee the “LOVE” print! 🙂

Angie - I love her print of Alaska with the little heart! I’ve been thinking that would be a great gift for my hubby for Christmas- he’s Alaskan! I seriously love so many of her prints, it really is hard to choose.

Jenn - My favorite quote of all time…”not all who wander are lost”….oh the wanderlust! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica - you are my sunshine…hands down…because they are…all 3 of my little ones!

julie h - teach love 🙂

Jennifer Lundqvist - love take me to the sea…
love it 🙂

Corey - I seriously love them all. I am a big fan of the turtle print you got, but I also love the Garden Party and the Pocketful of Posies. So happy!

Risa - You’re so right! It’s almost impossible to choose just one, but I think “Be Kind to Others” is my most favorite.

Sarah Burgis - Not all who wander are lost, and Teach Love.

Bobbi Jo - All so much fun! I’d go with either “Teach Love” or “You are my Sunshine”. Fingers crossed :0)

Elizabeth Grandon - I love her paintings as well and would gleefully own one already if she had an Iowa painting…maybe should would make one for me!? Otherwise “teach love” and several others!

Valerie - “Be filled with Joy” or “Be Kind to Others”. GReat messages for my little one to grow up seeing on the walls.
Wow. The colors & her approach is breathtaking! Really speaks to me!
If I dooon’t win I might have to just go and buy one!

Debbie W - Bless This Home, You are my sunshine, Teach Love and Be Kind to Others are my favs!

Denise - WoW! How do you choose? I love all of them

Erin - I would so like to win! I would get the “Teach Love” print. Great reminder and so beautiful!

Sarah - Magnificent Creatures = because my sister in-law loved turtles (and all creatures) and she’s not with us anymore.
You are My Sunshine = because my mom used to sing it to me, and I now sing it to my daughter!
Be Kind = just because
You were right, I couldn’t pick a favorite.

Kelly Wodehouse - I really like the simple LOVE print. However, the Michigan print is very near and dear to me! Love them all!

Heidi - I love “Anywhere”! I’m always up for a trip!

shannon - i LOVE the “be kind to others” print. so simple yet so profound! i am about to move and it would look so perfect in my new house! but choosing just one is nearly impossible! they are all beautiful.

Ashley - Wow, so hard to choose! I’ll say either the Anywhere or the Be Kind!!

Stacey - My favorite is “Joy”

Kristi Thomsen - You are my sunshine, my only sunshine! I sang that song to my belly everyday while I was pregnant with my daughter! And I still sing it to her!

Carrie - I love Be Kind to Others!!

Mary Anne - Sooo hard to choose! Maybe the 13×19 “Wild Air”

The Lovely One - The Land of Ampersand is speaking to me!

Melissa Brent - I want one for every room! After going back and forth, I finally decided on “Be Kind.” It would look lovely in my classroom.

Pamela - I love the “Love” print! Also, the turtle one that you bought.

Erica - My husband and I dream aboutour “someday cottage”. I love that.

Alysa - Oh, they’re all delightful but I must go with the Great Lakes, especially since I grew up on Lake Huron, in Canada.

Kim - I LOVE the piggy one. Pigs totally rock, that and I grew up on a pig farm, so seeing a pig is like that comfort food feeling. 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa - I too, Long for the Salt Air in my Hair! That has been my favorite for a while now 🙂

Bailey C - You’re right…hard to choose one! I do love Blob and Free to Fly, but the one that best fits my house is Take a Hike!
Thanks for the chance!

Laura B - What a beautiful artist! I absolutely adore the Stargazing print because my husband asked me to marry him while we were stargazing 🙂 (If I had to pick one more–it’d be the Here & Now print—it’s so easy to get caught up in planning the future. What a great reminder to enjoy the here & now!)

robyn - i honestly can’t decide! love them all!

Kelsey - I love Be Filled With Joy! Such beautiful work!

shauna - the golden state print has my name all over it!

Lisa - You’re not kidding! I have so many “favorites.” LOVE the Someday Cottage. Love Be Filled with Joy. I think right now I would choose Be Here Now. I need that reminder most days. I want her to do a Kansas piece. I would buy it in an instant!

Barbara - Woooooooah! So lovely. I am loving the phases of the moon, too cute!

Megan - I like the Joy print!

Elizabeth - “One” of my favorites is “Bird Chirping Weather”. I know spring is on the way after a Kansas winter when I hear the wrens chirping loudly outside my bathroom windows in mid March. Love these prints!!!

shannon - I have a few prints in my home as well, her art is amazing. I’ve been wanting that LOVE print you posted and the Take me to the Sea one. I’m gonna go check out her blog now 🙂

colleen from alabama - “Be Kind” is a phrase that often leaves my mouth, and heads in the direction of my children 🙂 If i had the “Be Kind to Others” print, i could just point! Love it!

Sarah Alcantara - Oh my goodness! I love her work….I mean really love. i have her work pinned, I have her as a favorite on etsy, I have purchased a print but it was a Christmas gift for someone special last year (i had a hard time letting it go! lol) I want the Salt Air print and the Be filled with Joy print among tons of others! Really gorgeous work and I had no idea her stuff was at target!?!?

JulieA - My fave was “Be Filled with Joy”… so sweet!

Becky - Love them too. “Wild air” is the one I’d pick!

Heather - I LOVE the “You Are My Sunshine Print” and “Daydream List” and “ABC’s”….they are all beautiful but those are my favorites!

Kerri - I LOVE these and I really, really, really LONG for the Salt Air in my Hair! That print is so wonderful, seeing it evokes a mini mental vacation. 🙂

alicia @ la famille - oh my gosh…i LOVE her shop! it’s been in my favorites forever! right now i really what the one with ralph waldo emerson’s quote…love that quote. that’s what i’d pick…but there’s 25 that i want too 🙂

Mary Wangerin - love love LOVE every single one…
but the ‘lets go anywhere’ really hits home with me. <3
thanks for this wonderful opportunity!

Karen - The “Life is Beautiful” print, for sure! I love it!!

Jess Mead - Oooooooh I love Katie too! I need the Be Kind print. LOVE!!

Tara Hershberger - Love the LOVE print. Actually, LOVE them all 🙂

Sandy W - My favorite is The Great Lakes, but they are all beautiful!

Amy - I have the “Be kind” and “joy” prints I would love to add the “salt air” to our collection! LOVE THEM!

Sarah - You’re right, I can’t narrow it down. It’s between two. I love the “Take Me to the Sea” but I also love the “Be Filled with Joy”. Beautiful stuff.

Sheri - “Be Kind to Others”. Love it and love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Lisa - I just got lost in her blog! So pretty and cheerful. I had a hard time choosing, but maybe “Be Kind to Others” or Anywhere:)

Cathy - I love the “Let’s Go Anywhere” print. I would give it to my 17yo daughter. She just loves to travel!

Kristin S - She DID do an NC one! It must be new. Oh, I’m on my way over…

Kristin S - Currently it is “Take a Hike” but if she did an NC state one, I’d grab it in an instant!
Saw some her prints on notecards in a museum shop in Ireland. Such a small world.

Jennifer - I like the LOVE print!

Karissa - I love “Take me to the Sea” or “I long for Salt Air in my hair” One year ago we moved from Hilton Head Island, SC to Philly. Not the same. I miss the beach. 🙁 Love these beautiful prints.

Melanie - Oh my I love the take a hike and the star gazing! What an awesome giveaway!

TonyaElise - I love “Be Filled with Joy” but there is something about her “Someday Cottage” that really calls to me. I think that one is my favorite, even without any words. It’s like it says it all without words.

jayne Barbour - That Sweet Pig is Suuuuuuuiiiieet! Love his sweet piggy face. Love that turtle’s face too. I kept seeing her work at Target and thought it’s so cheerful and looks just like that girl’s on etsy! It’s her!
Thanks Meg!

kelly - “Take Me Anywhere!”…yes, please!!!
Maybe it can go right over the piano. 🙂

Maria - Love those prints….Cultivate Solitude is FAB
Teach LOVE is also FAB!

brinn - love her stuff, just recently purchased my first print. so hard to choose…. teach love and the lets go anywhere are top contenders! Thanks for the chance to win!

brenna - I’ve loved the Be Kind to Others ever since I saw it on your blog. Although there are so many more I would consider.

Michele - LOVE LOVE LOVE the wild air and need it…only because we named our daugter Emerson AND I’ve had the print on pinterest since the day she was born! NEEEEEEEEEEED it.

Amy - I love the Be Kind to Others one. I need it on my kitchen wall to remind my 4 kids. And sometimes me and DH too. 😉

Stephanie - I LOVE the “Let’s Go Anywhere” print! Love, love, love it!
I got the “Be Awesome Today” print that you have. If I don’t win this giveaway, I have a feeling I’ll be getting this one too. You have great taste 🙂

Sara M - absolutely love “salt air hair”

Stephanie - Live is Beautiful. Because…of course it is!

Michelle - Love the ‘Let’s go anywhere’ one, but they’re all great!

Amy Mierzejewski - be filled with joy is my favorite. i do love the turtle one too though!

Meredith - I love the Be Kind To Others print!! Thanks Meg!

Mar - I love “Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea, Drink the
Wild Air” cause it reminds me of Maui 🙂

natalie - i was going to say the “you are my sunshine”, but looks like everyone is saying that…SO…i also love the free to fly one 🙂

Dee - I didn’t know she had a line at Target! I have one of her prints, found her through you. I like the “Patience, Please” print.

Halley T - So, you were right, it’s so hard to pick one! I think the “Be Kind to Others” would be the best one for us. Something we are always trying to teach our kids. So pretty!

jess c. - I love the turtle one too “we are all magnifcent creatures”, i’ve looked at it a bunch of times trying to decide whether to buy it or not for my kids room (and a few others)!

april - all of them 🙂 esp~ be kind.

Malissa - Be kind to others. I have loved it ever since you showed it on your blog.

Gena - Love, love, love the “you are free to fly” butterfly print!

megan - I love her “Love” print that is shown here on your blog and the “Be Kind to other”. They are so pretty and she is so talented!!

cheryl - “Be Kind to Others” 🙂

April M - wild air wild air wild air <3

melody - oh my goodness oh my goodness i am IN LOVE with her shop! one of my faves is the ralph waldo emerson quote “live in the sunshine…” such great words to live by. so excited i found this blog! 🙂

SaraG - The Emerson quote is so great – and beautiful!

Ashley - I would love the Map print – “Anywhere” – LOVE it!!
I love all of them!

Sonia Metts - I LOVE them all! But “Cultivate Solitude” is my absolute fav! - I LOVE them all!!! I’m a first grade teacher and several of them would look great in my classroom. The “Be Kind to Others” or “Breathe and Smile” would be perfect in my quaint little classroom. But all of them would look great in my home!

Katrina - I have loved the “You Are My Sunshine” print for a while now, but I just saw the “Daydream List” and I like it just as much!

bloggymommy - I love all of them…but I think that I will say “Wild Air”. Beautiful!

Michelle - So torn between Be Kind & Be Filled With Joy!

Kirsten P - I like Katie Daisy’s print ‘i heart MI’ (michigan) and ‘The Great Lakes’. If I win a print I’d get ‘i heart MI’ and give it to my niece who misses living in Michigan.

Linda B - I really like the “pocketful of posies”

Kristin Cronk - Woot! I bought the “Live in the sunshine…” print when my daughter was born, but I’d love to have Moon Phases for our playroom. so cute and educational. WIN! 🙂

Kim - I love her greeting cards, however, my favorite print is “Be filled with Joy”

Susan - Oh I so want a beach house so I can hang either “I Long For Salt in my Hair” or “Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea, Drink the Wild Air.” Beautiful stuff!

Angela Ellis - free to fly…wander…joy…
i’d love her to do an i love ks print…

Suzanne D - So hard to choose! I like the “Be Filled With Joy” and the “You are my Sunshine”

Jaime S - You are my sunshine picture! That is my oldest daughter’s and my favorite song I have always sung to her at night before bed! And she’s 10 now but still likes it! 🙂

beth - “you are my sunshine” b/c my mom has sung it to all 6 of her grandchildren. also “someday cottage” b/c…just b/c

julia - You are my sunshine…state song of Louisiana, dude.

Katie W. - So hard to decide! I love the “Bless This Home” one most of all.

Courtenay Homan - wow. her work is amazing. i love Here and Now. It speaks to me because I need to focus more on the present instead of being sad about what happened in the past and worrying about our future.
I hope I win!

Julie - I love her work too!
I’d have to pick the Michigan print…lovely!!!

Mindi - Moon phases! I had seen it elsewhere on the internet and lost track of who did it. Awesome!

Anne Galindo - I love the Bless This Home.

Jessica Clarke De Rosa - BE KIND TO OTHERS!! Love it!!

Arlene - I love the ‘live in awe’ print. And I wish there was a Florida print because I would be ALL over that!

Meg - I’m loving Anywhere and Does this serve me? Both of them speak volumes to me!

Dawn Hoffman - Beautiful work! I like the “Live with Awe” print!

Tracy Sheehy - I love the you are my sunshine print…we just made a birthday card for our son who we are in the process of adopting from Uganda…and the song in it is you are my sunshine! But all of her stuff is awesome!

Fairlight - I have a slight obsession with Katie Daisy. I bought all of her Target line except the tea pot (of which I already have 2!) and compulsively follow her on FB. 🙂 Choosing one print is impossible! Daydream list, Wild Air, Land of Ampersand, Joy, Take a Hike, and Bless This Home are all current favorites.

lisa - I ADORE the “Be Filled With Joy” print. LOVE IT.

ashley lagestee - lets go ANYWHERE-
for sure… Sounds like a great plan.

Rachel J - I lalalalalalove the Be Kind to Others print! 🙂 It’s really great. 🙂

Nichole - I’m loving “Not all who wander are lost”. Definitely from one of my favorite books, as well.

Audrey - She has so many that I adore, but I especially love the “Teach Love” print. Such a great reminder to me when mothering 2 little ones!

Amber M - I love the Salt water in my hair one. That describes me so well!
I actually live within 30 minutes of her!

casey - I Love the You are My Sunshine. My mom always used to sing that to me when I was little & now I sing it to my son.
But I ALSO really like the I Love Salt Hair in my Hair- which I was bummed I couldn’t find it on her site. Awesome stuff though! Love it!

Alise M. - I loved the take a hike print. It cracked me up! love it!

Sabrina - I have the You Are My Sunshine print in my nursery and I love it. I also love the Life is Beautiful print!

Jenn Shock - Since I am totally missing home and family, I’d love the Texas 8×10. Texas is definitely where my heart is! - I have her “You are Free to Fly” print…love it. I love the map print “Go Anywhere”!!

Corinne Shark - Hands down, the Emerson quote!!! I’ve been drooling over the wild color for weeks now and have a big blank wall over the kids’ bathtub that is begging for it! Pick me! Pick me! I’m also loving the Salt-Air-In-My-Hair print too though… I dream of salty eyebrows as I’m landlocked in the desert. (sigh)

AnnMarie - They are all so beautiful!!! I love the “You are my Sunshine” print and the “Teach Love” print. Hope I win!

Tracy Fisher - “Not all who wander are lost”…. that’s my favorite. I wander all of the time… try new things… dabble in the unknown… and I know it is a path to “somewhere”… and I will find out soon enough. 🙂
tracy fisher (

Cory - AHHHH!! Love her stuff! I have always loved the ‘You are my sunshine’ print!

Louise - Teach Love is definitely my favorite!!! I’m a teacher – so this would be amazing for my classroom!!

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Ooh, I love finding new treasures! Funny how i’ve been on etsy a gazillion times, and then some, and you can always find something/someone new! I LOVE the MN print, how can you go wrong with a shout out to your home state? I’ve marked her in my favorites and will definately be back! Thanks for sharing.

Katie - I’m so, so, so in love with her shop!! My favorite (of the moment) is the Bird Chirping Weather print. It would look great in my new apartment! 😉

Ashley B. - “Someday Cottage” 🙂 It’s just too cute!

Tara S - I love the “Love” one and the “be kind”. They would both be perfect in my entryway….perfect colors and style and perfect messages to see every time we come and go from our home. 🙂

Angie - I LOVE the “Be Kind To Others”. Something I try to instill in my children daily! I would love to put that one up in my house!

Melissa S - Hard choice – ‘Be Kind to Others’ and the ‘Someday Cottage’

Jessica Johnson - all over that ca print. SO getting it either way. also like be kind. thanks meg! 🙂

kari Kim - Be kind to Others! of course!

kari Kim - Be kind to Others! of course!

Kate - Pick Me!

Rhonda Christian - I need “this is it” in our bedroom!

Shawnie - Love the Be Kind and You are my Sunshine prints!

LibraryGirl62 - The “salt Air in My Hair”, of course 🙂 It is my goal in life!..or the Wild Air…or the Someday Cottage, tho mine will be on a beach. Such cute stuff!

TankTop - I love her “Someday Cottage”

Sally - Love love love “the sweet pig!” There are so many great prints, it’s way too hard to choose!

Diana D - Wow… is SO hard to pick a favorite! But, I must say that the “Lets Go Anywhere” speaks to my heart. Every year my mom and I just get in the car and “GO” for vacation. We love to just go on adventures and do what we call “See Snakes Live” vacations……meaning we stop at all the cheesy roadside attractions and whatever looks fun to us. No plans, just follow our hearts and desires. It is like our theme in print!!!

Talysa - I love “Be Kind to Others”, “Be Full of Joy”, and “Magnificent Creatures”, and “Teach Love”….you were right. Couldn’t pick just one. 😉

Maria - You were right, too many favorites…I love, Magnificent Creatures, Save Our Seas, Bless this Home, Bird Chirping Weather, Be Kind to Others…and so many more

Ginny - I love the love print and the be kind print!

Dawn - You were right it is hard to pick just 2 but I would have to say the Texas and Be Kind print. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Janet C - I like them all! But if I have to pick, I’d say the Be Kind print.

Janet C - I like them all! But if I have to pick, I’d say the Be Kind print.

Alissa - I LOVE the “not all who wander are lost” print” along with every single other one:))

Julie Wearmouth - Be Filled With Joy has to be my absolute favorite; love your blog Meg. Thanks for the opportunity to own one of these awesome prints!

Danielle - You’re RIGHT! It is hard to pick just one. They are all so happy and colorful and fun. Right up my alley. My favorite, thought, is the “Wild Air” one. You have it up above in your post… it starts with “Live in the Sunshine.” If you take a look at my blog address, you’ll easily understand why. 🙂

KatieTW - I LOVE the “You are my Sunshine One”, I sing that song to my kids all the time. and it has gotten us through fevers, sicknesses and all kinds of boo-boos.

JessicaF - Your right!! I’m in love!! I like the “Be Kind to Others” print the best!!!

sarah mc. - I love “Let’s Go Anywhere”. And also “Be Here Now”.

Cristi Clothier - “Be Kind to Others” is my favorite. Beautiful work!

Southern Gal - Ooooh!!! “I long for salt air in my hair” should be my mantra. Love the beach and that print is calling my name. I love “Wild Air”, too.

Katie H. - I have always loved the “You are my Sunshine” one. Katie Daisy had 20% off, but I missed it. I sing this song to my little girls, and want to get it for their new room:)

Mary Ley - I really like the Dairy Land one for Wisconsin! So many great prints.

Annette - I like “You Are My Sunshine”. I sang that song to my kids when they were little. Now that they are older, when I sing it to them they sing with me and we see how goofy we can sing it. FUN MEMORIES!!

Meghan - Hard to decide! ABC’s would be a top pick. Like the You are my sunshine though, too….off to shop:)

Manarose - Her “Love” print : )

Andrea - I’d pick JOY!

Rebecca - I LOVE the “Lets go anywhere” print!! We love to travel!!

amy - i love katie daisy art! she’s so talented! being from nc, i looooove the new nc print!

Brooke @ Bright Wishes - There is no way I can choose just one. I have had her shop bookmarked for so long trying to figure out which one I want. I love the Love Yourself on and Salt Air Hair!

Lori Tacchino - I love her Golden State print. Would be perfect in our sunny Ca. home. Her stuff is darling and i will definitely keep my eyes open in Target.

jenni - Katie’s work is FABULOUS. I was not familiar with her art – thank you for sharing. I LOVE “… bird chirping weather” and also “Look within…” but I’d hang ANY of them in my house!

Megan Wilson - I love her “Love” print. Going to Target tomorrow to check her stuff out! I’ve been waiting to go for such a long time!

katherine - I love all of them! My favorite is probably the Bless This Home one, though. The colors are awesome!

Mindi M. - Love the Be Kind to Others print. Have been wanting to get it for awhile.

michelle - I have “Be Kind to Others” print in my dining room and LOVE it!! I just did a little browsing in her shop and now love the “You are my Sunshine” print!! It makes me want to burst out singing the tune!
p.s. You have to admit that katie daisy is the most adorable name EVER! Whatever she does is BEAUTYful!!

sharon - such prettiness! so hard to choose….probably the LOVE. thanks for the chance….LOVE your blog too!

Katie - Oooh, Mountain Bouquet would match our living room perfectly!

laura moffat - I’m not one to enter giveaway but these ate too cute to pass up! I love her Someday Cottage and You Are My Sunshine. I love everything!

Christie - I love her work! I have two of her prints in my babies nursery! So cheery! I would love the ABC print for my classroom!

sarajane - you are my sunshine! love it!

Annika - The Emerson quote is my favourite! Thanks for the giveaway and have a lovely weekend!

Lisa - well i’m going bonkers over the “magnificent creatures” print! Love it! It totally makes me happy too! And what a great inspiration for craft thursday! Can’t wait to see what your kiddos create! Off to read her blog now! Thank you (meg and katie * daisy) for the wonderful giveaway! Have a wonderful weekend!

Kimberlee - “Let’s Go Anywhere” is me…I wonder if she’d make me a world mapped one? 🙂

Kari - Golly, it’s hard to pick! I think my favorite one is the “Practice Patience Please” because of the simple reminder that this wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend could sure use 😉 Thanks for introducing me to Katie Daisy’s artwork!

karen - Wild Air….these are all so inexpensive and adorable!!

Melissa - I LOVE her shop! Wow! Everything is beautiful! I can’t choose just one- I love “Be Kind To Others”, “You Are My Sunshine”, “Magnificent Creatures”, “Be Filled With Joy”…. and on and on. Thanks Meg!

Angela Atkins - I love a pocketful of posies lots. But I love lots of her art. She’s on my next etsy purchase list. My son would love that turtle and I hadn’t seen it before. I’ll get it for his b-day.

lora - heart them all, but really like salt air in my hair. those are my colors too!

Heidi Conger - “You Are My Sunshine” That’s what I sang to my middle daughter when she was a baby, and it brings back such good memories. I might need that one to hang in her bedroom!

Sarah K - I just pinned the “I long for salt in my hair” print on Pinterest. Absolutely love her whimsy! Just makes me happy!!

Allison - LOVE LOVE LOVE the “Teach Love” print. Would love to have it to hang in my office at school!

alicia - “be kind to others” is my favorite!

Penny - You are right it is hard to chose! I love the “Someday Cottage” and the Michigan lakes. I would love one of these hanging on my wall. I will have to check out the Target line.

Valerie - I own the ‘Bird Chirping weather’ print and just love it! My next favorite would be the ‘Pocketful of Posies’!

Carly - I love the “Be Filled with Joy” Print. What a great reminder and so beautiful!!

Amy - I love them all. But my favorite is …um, um…so hard to choose. It’s ‘Take a Hike!’ Have my fingers crossed; I want this so bad.

Kimberly - I wish she had a print of my state! I love California, but since it’s not my state, I’d say the “we are magnificent creatures” is my favorite. Thanks!

Sarah - Love her work! I’d love to get a Teach Love print!!

Mary - Katie Daisy is officially my hero. Let’s see, Wild Air! …or “Not all wander are lost” …or ANY OF THEM! I can’t decide. I want to fill all of my walls with her beautiful, whimsical work.

Lin - “Be Kind to Others”. I am struggling lately to remember this lately. It would be a nice reminder.

christine - i love the “be filled with joy” print. i keep buying it & end up giving it away because i love it so much. xo.

Jenna Chastain - EVERYTHING in her shop is amazing! I just ADORE the ‘be kind to others’ & ‘teach love’ prints. Those would be excellent additions to any home.

Marisa - “Be Kind to Others” and “Teach Love”—I could use those hanging in a very conspicuous place as reminders for all of us. The colors are just beautiful!

Emily U - The Emerson quote, “Magnificent Creatures” and “Bird Chirping Weather.” Such beautiful work!! Thank you for sharing.

Vicki Misner - Lets Go Anywhere on a map of the US. Exactly what my husband says when he is ready to load our trailer and hit the trail 😀

Aimee - Bird Chirping Weather and Joy…all of them are SO unbelievably fabulous

Heather - I love You are My Sunshine, Prairie Letters, and Going to California…but they are all great!

Jen - love “let’s go anywhere” and “sweet pig”

Sarah Marie - That is a toughie!
I love the “Be filled with Joy” print. So happy and pretty!

Kate - It is hard to pick one! The one I kept going back to was Land of Ampersand…so lovely!

Katie @ explanationrequired - You’re right. I can’t pick one. My faves are The Greatest Pleasure and Pocketful of Posies.

Crystal - I love the turtle one!

Lora - Love, love, love the Take A Hike print!

barb c - love print, please!!

Kori - Going to California poster (mine and our son’s state….and if she had one, a New Jersey (hubby’s home state) one and Washington (where we now reside). 🙂 Also the Someday Cottage has my name all over it!

Angie Angel - Be kind to others is my favorite. I have coveted that one for awhile. I also love the Let’s go anywhere. She is very talented.

Becky K. - You’re right. Hard to Choose. Summer Cottage is my fav. Next fav is Blob – how I can resist with a name like that!

Shaina Brown - Without a doubt the sign that says “free to fly” with the butterfly. Yesterday would have been my Grandma’s birthday and whenever I see a butterfly I think of her. When we took her “home” to the place she was born to spread her ashes, a butterfly came out of nowhere and graced us all with its presence and to this day (3 years later) I still get teary eyed when I see that type of butterfly.

melanie - ooooh i love
– the sweet pig
– let’s go anywhere (pinned it on pinterest!)
– be kind to others.
yep. *fingers crossed*
p.s. can she make any prints about colorado and nebraska? 🙂

Carrie - The Moon Faces is darling and I adore the Be Kind to Others! My son just started kindergarten and “Be Kind” is our theme for the year!

Erica - Mmmm Salt Air Hair!
nothing says summer like beach time and the salty air!

Jamie Burdorf - You are my Sunshine. I sing that song to my 4 kids all the time! What beautiful work!

Tessa - It is hard to pick … but I am going with “you are my sunshine”!

Mindy W - the “someday cottage” because it’s exactly what i’ve been dreaming of.

jennifer - I love her! I bought the bird chirping weather a while back! I would love to win the be kind to others! A great reminder for my children!

Jen - I would choose the Let’s Go Anywhere! print

Angie - love the let’s go anywhere poster

Arielle - I’ve been a fan of her Wild Air print for a while, but I got so excited when I saw her I Love NC print! Hooray for my home state!

Suzy - I love Katie Daisy and have her “Be Kind” print. I would love to win the “LOVE” print.

Catherine - I love the “This Is It” print and the Texas print, too!

Aimee - It really is hard to choose. My favorites are “Pocket full of Posies”, “You are my Sunshine”, “Michigan” (my family is from there), and “Love”

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I really LOVE “Let’s Go Anywhere!”

Jana Moore - I love the “You are my Sunshine” print.

Traci Healey - i’m loving all of them but especially You Are My Sunshine.

Kelli Seawright - I love the “You are my sunshine” poster! I have come so close to buying it a couple of times. Congrats to her that her designs are being sold at Target!

michelle - They’re all beautiful!! I really like “A Pocketful of Posies”!!

Mendi - Hard to decide but I love…love Wild Air and Save the Sea 🙂

Karen - There are so many wonderful choices. I have been admiring her work for awhile!! I would have to choose, ” My favorite weather is bird chirping weather”. We had a long winter, it was a joy to hear and see the birds out again. Thank you for the giveaway and for your wonderful blog. Good luck to everyone!!

jenn - Definitely the butterfly one!!! Working on a wall butterfly collage right now and it would be perfection!!

Dena Smiley - I need– I long for salt air in my hair– the beach is my happy place and I live in CO;)

Amanda M. - I love the be kind to others print. It’s amazing.

Jennifer - So hard to just pick one as a favorite…I’d probably say the “Life is Beautiful” 🙂

blu - The Mountain Bouquet print is incredible!! This girl is supra talented!!

Kim York - I Love the Lets go Anywhere on the map…would be perfect in my sons room :0)
Kim York

AmandaK - We just bought a camper. I like the Lets Go Anywhere print. but the colors of the be joyful print are so pretty. All are so happy feeling!

Lisa - It IS hard to pick just one. But I do particularly love the “Lets go anywhere” with the map background. Trying to figure out where that could go in my home! 🙂

Chelsea in MO - I already own one of her prints, that hangs in our master bath. I love it! I’ve had my eye on her 8×10 ABCs for awhile now, or the large format of Be Kind. So beautiful!

Rachel B. - “LET’S GO ANYWHERE”!!!!!!

Sara - “Let’s Go Anywhere” for my can’t-stay-in-one-place sister!

Amy - DREAMS!! Go confidently….LOVE it!!

Mandi Humphrey - As a teacher, I was automatically drawn to the “teach love” picture–but I am also keen on “be kind to others.” Wouldn’t they fit so well into a classroom?!

Beth I - I really like the Someday Cottage and Cultivate Solitude. Pretty and dreamy.

Diane P - It is hard to choose, but I’d go with the Peach State! We just moved to GA so it would be fun to hang up in our new house!

Angie - I love “Bird Chirping Weather”. So cute!

se7en - These are simply beautiful!!! I could Pin the whole store!!! Love “Save our Seas” and so many more!!!

Brandy Allen Ipock - I love the Lets Go Anywhere and the Salt Air in my hair one. They are all fabulous though!

Laura Phelps - OK
I checked out her blog
does she have to be talented AND adorable?? With a really cute guy????
I was happily reading her blog…when I heard my children outside…fighting…Annie crying…fell off her new bike…Belle told her to “shut up”…I am sure my neighbors hate me…
but back to Katie Daisy…even her name…c’mon…to cute
I love her
thanks for sharing
suppose I should get Annie a band Aid now …I would rather paint canvas…:-)

Nicole Q. - Favorites . . . Be Kind to Others, Live in Awe, Cultivate Solitude. I love them all. THe colors are inspiring all by themselves!!

jenn - i love the lets go anywhere print… adorable!!

Secret Mom Thoughts - So many good prints. I love the Salt Air Hair and Bless This Home.

Emily - Oh I couldn’t choose just one so I am choosing two. Iv’e been drooling over the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote (Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea, Drink the wild air) for awhile now. And the Golden California print speaks to my heart. We just moved from California to North Carolina and I am missing home.
I love love love all of her stuff though!!

Melissa Jo Poling - my fave is def. “Free To Fly” with the butterfly…my gramma passed away a little over a year ago, and for several days after I saw so many butterflies, I have faith that it was her telling me she loved me and was safely wrapped in the loving arms of Jesus, so now I look at butterflies SO differently…my Faves!!!!

Laura Phelps - BE KIND TO OTHERS
and the mountain bouquet is beautiful
doe she custom make…I would love TRY GIVING THANKS…:-)

Karen U. - I LOVE the “Let’s Go Anywhere” – perfect!

julie - Ohhhhh. I love Katie Daisy too. I so would love the Here and Now print. Love that one.

Ellen J - Ack!! You were so right! I can’t pick just one!! I love the “Teach Love” print (I’m a 1st grade teacher, and that’s my self-motto) and the Be Filled with Joy large print!

Kristina - Ummm, all of them…pick me 🙂

Melissa - i would pick the “LOVE” print…it’s so cute!

carrie H - You are right! I can’t pick one! Maybe “be Filled with Joy” so pretty!

Wendy - I love “The Blob”. Too cool. You were right her stuff is great. Thanks for the giveaway!

TinaB - oh my my… how do I pick just one or two? Your right it is difficult. I do like the “Practice Patience Please” it would be perfect for my girls who are driving each other crazy, time to get back to school.

Maria - You are my sunshine…we sing that to our daughter every night before she goes to bed…LOVE IT!

tiffany m gardner - I would pick the “you are free to fly” for my 7 year old son Jude. He is a very energetic fun loving boy. He climbs any tree, lifts up any rock, jumps off any ledge, climbs on top of the monkey bars…he for sure needs the you are free to fly print. I would love love it!!! xoxo

kyle - i love the life is beautiful and the be filled with joy prints!

shea - Hi Meg! I just love your blog. It’s one that I usually save for last in my reader each day because I know it’s gonna be great and have lots of fun photos. Like a much anticipated dessert at the end of a meal!
I love Katie Daisy and it would be a toss up between the Emerson quote, Be Kind, and the State Love ones she has. I’m a GA Peach.
Thanks for the giveaway!

ajdked - I love the Hand for Haiti print!

Jennifer G. - Can’t pick just one! My two favs are “You are free to fly” and “Be Kind to others”

Aimee - There isn’t a single thing in that shop I don’t LOVE!!! However, I’ve had the Let’s Go Anywhere print on my wishlist for moooooonths….

Stacy M - I like them all! But if I had to choose one it would be the You are my Sunshine one for my soon to be baby girl’s room.

Trindin - TEACH LOVE is perfect for my home.
My hubby and I are both teachers and this would be the perfect fit in my foyer.
Trindin in Michigan

keely - OH, I love her stuff, too. My sister got me the “Be Here Now” print. Love it. My new favorite is the “Let’s go anywhere” print. I say that to my husband (or at least think it) at least 50 times a day.

Angela Miller - The “you are my sunshine…” print. It’s the same verse my husband had engraved inside my wedding band.

Kirsten - oh swoon, i have drooled over her stuff for years now. i’m still in love with “you are my sunshine,” but there are so many others that give me warm fuzzy feelings and whisper “buy me” in my ear. 🙂

Katie g - My favorites are the Mountain Bouquet and Love!

Dawn - YouAre My Sunshine is my fave, because I sing it to my daughter at bedtime every night.

Rachel Vincent - The Michigan print is my fav. Yup, I live in an awesome state 🙂

jennifer - Hadn’t seen the Salt in my Hair one yet… I need that!
You Are My Sunshine hangs in my daughters room and I just love it!

Jill - Easy — it’s meant to be. We moved from California to North Carolina last summer. We love it in NC, but miss our friends in CA. She doesn’t have many states but does have those two!! “Going to California” and “I love NC”.

Karie - I love “Be filled with joy” and Pocketful of Posies…so cute!

Nicole G - Love these prints! I really love the “Free to Fly” and the “Be Kind to Others” Prints! Awesome giveaway! My kids would love these!!!

Jenna F - I love the “be filled with joy” one….Would look great in my kitchen

diabra - You are free to fly is my favourite. I want my kids to know this in their very core. Love it.

Jenifer Higgins - You’re right, I can’t just pick one favorite, I want all of them! But since I haaave toooo, it would be the Love print.

Shanalea - I already have two of her prints because I saw them on your blog. I would love to get the California print because tha is where I live.

Jane Little - Love this artist!! Thanks for offering a giveaway. It was hard to choose, but I love “Teach Love” and “Let’s Go Anywhere.”

Michelle Torres - I love all of her prints, have a few already, but I would love to have the “Patience please,” and free to fly…
Michelle Torres

Karyn - Wow – REALLY hard to choose. I love the “Bless This Home” and the “Someday Cottage.”

Susy Manduley - I love Going to California because that is where we went on our honeymoon.

Christie - I’ve always loved her prints and I’d love to own one or 5! I love the Michigan print and Be Filled with Joy print. So cool her stuff will be at Target!

Allison Y. - True story – I was just thinking about going through your archives to find where you referenced her before – we are painting and I wanted some new prints. I love it all – but would choose (probably) the California (we just moved here last year) and “Teach Love” Thanks!

Nikol - I love the “Let’s Go Anywhere”, my dream is take the whole family on a road trip in an RV across the US.

Gretchen - I heart ‘The greatest pleasure of life is love’!!

Denise V. - They are all super! Love the “Let’s go anywhere” one the best!

Erin - Ooooh. I love this art. My favorites are the LOVE one for my daughter’s room. I would like the Be Kind to Others for my collage wall. Beautiful! Thanks for a chance.

Dawn Gahan - My daughter is in college to become a special ed teacher. I do believe that the Teach Love is made for her!

adrienne - I bought Be Kind awhile back b/c I loved yours so much…. but I also really, really like Teach Love (I’m a teacher of littles) and I also like Here Now. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

Courtney - I love Stargazing with You! I also really like the NC one, but would love it more if there was also a PA one so I could hang them with the & in the middle. The Sailor is from NC and I am from PA!!

Joelle - Be Kind has always been my fave…..

Emily - SOOO many great ones to choose from…I like ‘Be Kind to Others’ the best. With 3 girls in the house, that’s one I’m really trying to teach!

Beth - I love “Be Kind to Others”

Mary Ann Winters - I would choose, “You are free to fly” for my best friend since she is going thru a difficult time. They are all precious.

Shelly - I Long for Salt Air in My Hair. That one is so me! Saying, colors and all!

Andrea - The LOVE and the great state of Texas :).

Leslie Davison - I love the Be Kind To Others and the Teach Love prints!

Whitney Pate - i love love the ‘i long to have salt air in my hair’ print!! Have already ventured to the ocean twice this summer!!

Chelsi Lecrone - So hard to choose! But, I settled on the 13.19 Breath and Smile poster. I’d love it for my hallway in a clean white frame! I even pinned it, it’s definitely on my lust list

Leah - I love these! My favorite is either the “Let’s go anywhere” or “Land of Ampersand”

Jennifer - Let’s go anywhere…I love it but can’t find it on her store. I also adore Someday Cottage.

Angela B. - They are all wonderful! I like the “Joy” print the best, I think.

tricia - Live in the sunshine!!

Sara Torbett - I love her art too! My current favorite print is the “love what you do” print.

Emily B. - Love the ‘You Are My Sunshine’ print! I sing this to my kids all the time!

Heidi - “Teach Love” OR “I love stargazing with you” OR any of them!!

the.mrs - LOVE the world is a playground, of course the i love mn one, and the not all the wander are lost one.. she’s awesome!

CB - Save Our Seas for sure. My son is obsessed with all things oceanic!

Molly - i have always loved the be kind to others print…love her stuff…need to buy some:)

Ashley - I like a LOT of them but I would choose the You Are My Sunshine one since my mom sang that to me and I sing it to my girls. Would love it for their room.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Emily H. - Choose 1? That is tough. I would start with the Garden Party print. Gorgeous!

Lesley - If I had to pick one I’d pick “Teach Love”!

Katie - I have small children. So: teach love and I live in MN so the I love MN. Awesome work. I am going to bookmark for sure and go shopping!

april - i heart the LOVE and mountain bouquet print…did i spell that right? hahaha i dunno!
loves all of them…

happygirl - GO ANYWHERE LOVE it.

Denissa - I love Be Kind To Others! 🙂

Tami - I like the “Let’s go anywhere” or “You are my sunshine”.

sarah - I have been looking at her stuff wondering what I should get since you mentioned her a while ago. I love the “Let’s go Anywhere” Speaks to my little family, as we love to travel and just want to go… anywhere and see everything 🙂

Lisa McNew - I LoVe the print with the butterfly::: you are free to fly::: the colors are amazing!

amy jupin - hey there, twinbo.
the turtle print is hanging in ben’s room.
you really are a brothafromanothamutha.
except you are a sister.
and that doesn’t sound as good.
i love all of katie daisy’s stuff.
each and every one.

Jennifer Ware - They are all simple beautiful. I think I would actually try to talk her into a “heart” Mississippi print. BUt if I couldn’t I’d love to have The Someday Cottage or Let’s go anywhere. Look forward to finding her line at Target.

Toni :O) - Oh man, so hard to choose but definitely the one that says Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea and Drink the Wild Air….that is SO cool! Would love to have that hanging in my home for sure! Thanks Meg for the chance to win! I’m sure you’ll have a bazillion entries!

katey - Ok my name is Katey Deasy and so it freaks me out that her name is sooo close to mine and I saw a box of her note cards at Marshalls the other day and I had no one to show and tell… I was so excited!!! Too cool!

Kendra - I need the pink piggy for my daughter’s sweet little vintage room. . . she daydreams about pink piggies. Would be perfect! 🙂

Katy - I love Mountain Bouquet…and How Does Your Garden Grow…no, MB is the fave…yes. Yes.

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - i love the turtle you just purchased. it’s so hard to pick just one, her stuff is amazing. i think i would probably go with the “how does your garden grow” print. thanks for the giveaway, fingers crossed!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - i love the turtle you just purchased. it’s so hard to pick just one, her stuff is amazing. i think i would probably go with the “how does your garden grow” print. thanks for the giveaway, fingers crossed!

Nichole R - I love the be kind to others print!!
I have had that on my wish list for some time!!
All of her prints are gorgeous!

robin - i <3 "You are my Sunshine......." 🙂

Dixie - Love them all….but will have to say favorite is be filled with joy!!

Gretchen - It is TOUGH to decide. I’m thinking I may need to make some purchases from her shop for Christmas gifts this year. So, I would choose “I LONG FOR SALT AIR in my HAIR” for my west coast sister. But for me, I’d choose “MICHGIAN” or “YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE.”

Jenna - Oh my! I love the Great Lakes print. My husband’s job is moving us in February and I will have to be away from my Great Lakes for a year 🙁 This would be such a great thing to hang in our new place until we can return. I love my Michigan!

Karen - I love the colors of Someday Cottage. But my daughter is always singing “You are my Sunshine” to me to make me smile so I wouldn’t be able to pass that up either.

MeaganBechtel - I’ve bought several of Katie’s prints, via your suggestion! I love the Lg. Format JOY print. Need that in my life right now!

Jenni Carlisle - My favorite of all time is her Be Kind print, simple and beautiful. BUT, I also love the Your My Sunshine print because it reminds me of rocking my babes to sleep as itty bitty heavenly baby babies.

Laine Chambers - I’ve been drooling over her “Be kind to others” print for so long!! LOVE it! There are so many others that I love. If I had the money, I would buy so many!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jennie - I think my favorite is You are My Sunshine – my daughter and I were singing it in the car today!

Joanna W - I already have “Be Kind to Others” but I would love to have “Not all who wander are lost”…big Tolkien fan!

sam - Since I have the Be Kind print, I would go for either Lost or Joy. Or both.

Grace McC. - I think the “Let’s Go Anywhere” and “You Are My Sunshine” are my favorites. 😀

AMORRIS - Definitely “Going to California” – I’m from Alabama and live in California…I’m a true Cali Girl!!

Jen M - “Not all who wander are lost” LOVE IT! They are all so beautifully done.

barbara - You’re so right! Can’t pick just one! But if I had to . . . I’d pick You Are My Sunshine 🙂

Jennifer - the you are my sunshine print, because that is what i sing at night to my daughter before putting her to bed.

Amanda C. - I love the “I love stargazing with you” print 😀

Bethany - Ooh! I need the the Teach Love print for my home school room since we’re officially starting home schooling this year! Love it!

Tanya H - ohhh my!! I love “free to fly” and “LOVE” and “dreams” and…! and a Target that is closer to me! 🙂

Deb - I love the “Love” sign. It makes be happy 🙂

Heather - I LUUURRRRVVVEEEEE the Let’s Go Anywhere U.S. Map. It’s my goal to get myself and family to as many of the 50 states as possible! My girls are 7 and 9 and I’ve gotten them to 22 so far! 🙂

Caitlin Baker - You are right, it’s impossible to choose! I’d have tpo say the “Teach Love” one though.

Megan - It’s impossible to pick a single favorite… but Be Kind to Others is pretty to look at, and it is a message that my children need to be reminded of… frequently.

Dawn - “You are my sunshine” without a doubt! I sing it to my daughter every night when I put her to bed.

Jill - I love “Patience, please.”
I am always reminding myself that patience is a virtue…and a guns’n’roses song!
Beautiful prints. 🙂

Michelle - hard to chose is right. . . i love her. i think i would land on the Teach Love print.

Amber - Love her and have been drooling over all her prints for a while now. I will be adding “be Filled With Joy” to my home when we finish painting it.

A Horn - Love them all but “Land of Ampersand” truly sings to me!

Rachel - Gosh, you’re right. It’s impossible to pick just one. So here are my favourites:
Sweet Pig
Be Kind
Live in the Moment
and Let’s Go Anywhere (it would be even better if it was a map of the world)
Awesome stuff!

Kristin - You Are My Sunshine or the Pink Prairie Letters – LOVE them both!

Tanda - I love the Be Kind print!

Karenth - Someday Cottage or Does This Serve Me are my two favorites! It is too hard to choose just one – all her work is great!

Maria - I think the “be kind” print is my favorite…but I also love the emerson quote, ‘let’s go anywhere’, and ‘not all who wander are lost’….such happy prints…

Courtney - OOOOOOOOooooooohhhh I LOVE LOVE LOVE Katie Daisy! I love her Etsy shop, the line at Target, and her blog. Everything just seems to make life prettier. I haven’t been able to buy anything from her shop yet despite looking often for over a year now, so I REALLY hope I win! It’s so hard to pick just one thing, but if I win I think I’d like the “Breath and Smile” print (along with about 10 other things!). Thanks SO much for the chance to hang one of her works in my home!

Keli B. - oh, definitely salt air hair!

Jen - teach love, alphabet or be filled with joy…or all of them…i want them ALL!

bonnie - you are so right! so hard to choose. they are all lovely. my fav is “Be Kind to Others.” thanks for sharing

Brandy - I love “Be Kind to Others” so pretty!! Thanks!!

Whitney - I love “Wild Air”… I also like the NC one, since I live there now… but my heart is in my home state… Maine… how about a <3 Maine? 🙂

Kari @ Beautiful Inspirations - I LOVE her work. I would probably buy everything in her shop if I could, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the ‘You are my sunshine’ print because it was the very first I noticed of her work.
I live in Canada, but for a little while a line of her greeting cards were at our local Zellers. I snapped up my favorite (Our Life Is Beautiful) and framed it for our room. I see it first thing when i wake up in the morning.
There’s just something about her artwork that makes me happy.

Ali - The Home Sweet Home one is my fave!!!!

Annie - i love the “you are my sunshine” print! My daughter and I sing that song every night before bed!

Marcie - I love the You are my sunshine one… perfect my little sunshine’s room 🙂

Katherine - She is my favorite too! In fact, I just ordered the You Are My Sunshine print for my baby girl’s nursery. So excited to get it!
I really like the Love print, but it’s so hard to choose a favorite.
What’s her line at Target? That’s so exciting!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Ever since I saw her prints on your blog I’ve loved them. My favourites are Do What You Love and the Let’s Go Anywhere! But there are so many more, if I won, I would probably change my mind a dozen times! They would look so good in our soon to be brand new beachy basement!

Ann R. - love them all, but be kind to others says it all!

Julie - I love the turtle one and would give it to my mom. She absolutely loves turtles and sees them as her inspiration.

Lindsey Jo - how can i choose?! a long time fave has been the “be kind to others” print.

Alicia - I love the Salt Air Hair and Stargazing prints!

Rachael - I love, love, love, kiss and hug the someday cottage!

Megan - i love…
{1} the star gazing one you posted above
{2} sea air hair
all are really beautiful!! {ok… so i picked two favorites ;)}

Amy - Ahhh! You’re right….can’t pick just one. But I LOVE the Take a Hike print. I neeeeed that one. Altho my kids would probably say I need the Please Practice Patience print. Ha. Ha.

Amy - The “Someday Cottage” but I have at least 10 second choices! She’s incredible.

Jen N. - I LOOOOOOVE the “Let’s Go Anywhere” print.

Debra Pena - I love ” Salt air hair” Thanks for the site 🙂

Leah - I am a HUGE Katie Daisy fan! I’ve bought a few of her pieces as well. Right now, I’d LOVE to have the Summertime Soiree piece that’s on her blog. And I love that turtle print too.

georgia - I long for salt air in my hair! I love it I really do!

amalisa - You are right. Choosing just one is very difficult! Although, if pressed, I would choose, “Life is Beautiful.” For it is!

Megan - I love the be kind to others one the colors in it are perfect for our new playroom!!! The NC one is a close 2nd though!They are all so beautiful!

Amanda Jo - I LOVE Katie Daisy! I found a box of her cards at Marshalls and nearly wet my pants from excitement.
I LOVE her “bless this home” print and the “sweet pig” print. Not sure why I love that little piggie so much but I want her in my kitchen.

Mary - I have the “Let’s go anywhere” print hanging in my living room! I love it!
I’d love to add her California print and Texas print to my collection!

katherine - I love “Bess this Home” the best, but I love them all really!

Heidi - Only one???? 🙂 I think I’m going to have to save all my money and buy one of everything!
But I really love the “Let’s Go Anywhere” and “All who wander are not lost”. I think the Let’s Go Anywhere one is going to be part of my wedding gift to my sister. It’s perfect for the two of them!

Ellen Patton - I like “Not all who wander are lost”. And the Going to California (that’s where I’m from). I like her work!

Cindy - Woah! You’re right! All of her stuff is awesome, I’m gonna save as a favorite on etsy. I really like the Salt in my Hair and the Golden since we just returned from our honeymoon in California, but I think the TEACH LOVE is my fav since I’m a middle school teacher. I’d post it in my classroom. Thanks for sharing her artwork. I’m going to share her with others for SURE!

Becky - Be Kind To Others is my favorite!!!!!!!!

G. - SO hard to choose….but, I really love “blob.” 🙂

Jen Garthe - I love the ABCs print! I can totally envision it in our playroom. 🙂

Jen - Love What You Do print rocks!

BriBedell - The Great Lakes print or Life is Beautiful print!!!

Ellen - “You are My Sunshine,” makes me think of my mother singing to me and is now the song I sing to my little girl. Love it!

Christy B - Just beautiful & so talented! I love the Free to Fly print & the Be Kind to Others – great reminders set amongst pretty swirls of colors.

Gina - I love all of them! I think I’d choose Be Kind to Others though.

Kim S - Six years ago I moved from the beautiful Smoky Mountains, where Katie Daisy is living…so by far my favorite is the I (heart) NC!!
I miss the mountains!

Caroline - I love the ‘dreams’ print – I am feeling so challenged to simplify my life more….

Regina - I love her work too! Makes me want to paint. 🙂 I have MANY favorites of hers, but I think our family could use the “Practice Patience Please” print the most. 🙂

Sarah M - My daughter would love the Free to Fly print for her room!

courtney - number one fave – be kind to others. number two fave – teach love. number three fave – all of them?. :o) she is amazing!

Heather B - I love the “Let’s go Anywhere” print! What a great giveaway!

Jess - You are my sunshine I always sing that to my babies:)

Missy - It’s a tie! I can’t decide between the You are my Sunshine and the Be Kind to Others.

Karen Giddings - I like the classic “Be Kind”. 😀

Emily - She is right, the Be Kind to Others is so simple, yet so powerful! That one is my favorite!

courtney - The the ABCs one. Too cute for the nursery. And you are right, its impossible to pick just one. The be kind to other’s and live in awe rock too. But I love the map above with “let’s go anywhere”. I did not see it in her shop though!

Jenna - Teach love, live in awe, be kind to others, be filled with joy: I love all these reminders, and I love the “you are my sunshine” because it reminds me of my grandma. They are all wonderful!

Julie Baldwin - Um you were right. Love it ALL!!
The Texas print would be my choice.

Nicole - I love the “Lets go Anywhere!” I love maps:)

Cindy - You are so right…it’s impossible to choose one!!! Let the beauty we love be what we do…the greatest pleasure of life is love…here and now…the world is a playground…look within you are the world…be filled with joy…! They are all truly such beautiful reminders, aren’t they!!

amy - It is hard to choose, but I think I like the turtle best 🙂

jen - Amazing, I am a HUGE fan of her 13×19 You are My Sunshine print!

Wendy - So hard to choose – but I keep coming back to Wild Air – love the saying and the beautiful way she has captured it!

christine - So hard to choose—You are my sunshine wins always for me. 🙂 I hope I win!

Richelle Newton - I love “Be Filled with Joy” – – what a great reminder. Thanks Meg.

stacie jameson - Let see, Be Kind to Others,Joy, I Love Stargazing with you,Teach Love, Love, Wild Air, Love What You Do, and Bless this Home. Love every thing, She is also one of my faves!

Meredith - It’s a toss up between the LOVE print or the You are Free to Fly…the Texas print is pretty cute too! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anna Marie - I am in the process of finishing up my baby girl’s nursery and I already have 2 prints in there from Katie. I just LOVE her work!!! My next choice would be the “Life is Beautiful” print.

Hope - I love Be Kind to Others…I try and teach that every day in my home.

Amanda - Love the state of Texas print… and the Be Kind To Others is perfect.

Holly - they are all beautiful but I love the “Be kind” print and the “someday cottage” is pretty also!

Julie - I LOVE the “Magnificent Creatures” print! Oh Lord. I’ve never won anything, but I’m just prayin’, PRAYIN’ I win this print 🙂 She is my FAVORITE artist too!

Wendy - Teach Love is fun and the ampersand is pretty cool Ü

Stephanie - You are correct, I can’t pick just one! So, how about “Teach Love” and “Be Kind to Others”. Two very important lessons for everyone, I would love to have these in my home!!

sara - be kind to others is my absolute favorite. i think more people should live by that and we would be in a happier world!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - I’m about to die for the Stargazing one!

Donna - I like the LOVE print on the 1st page. And the Teach Love print. I see a pattern here……… All awesome stuff!!

Elaine - I love love love “Practice Patience Please”! Pretty sure my kids would love this print as well 🙂

Sharla - Oh wow, I don’t remember all of these. I love the turtle one you just bought the most. I LOVE turtles. Can’t wait to see what you do for Craft Thursday with it! My next favorite is the map with “Take Me anywhere” on it I think . . . or the You are free to fly butterfly. Beautiful work!

Ali - “You Are My Sunshine.” Adorbs. Love it!!!

Quinn - I love, love, love the Cultivate Solitude print…

Christine C_D - My absolute favorite is “Not all who wander are lost.”

May - So beautiful! I’d love to get the ABCs poster

sarahkc - i love michigan for sure!

Marla - I’m a big fan of the Anywhere print…someday when we have our own home I’m decorating a room with maps.

Tonya - I Love the Bird Chirping Weather print..

Becca - I love the “You Are My Sunshine” print. It would be perfect for my daughter’s room. Thanks! 🙂

Mallory - Hard to choose — I love {Michigan} under wander the states and you are my sunshine 8×10!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love Be Kind To Others

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sunsets and bonfires


most evenings….the sunsets into the water right in front of our bluff/cliff.
quite an amazing site.
wiffle ball games and big pushes on the tire swing while we soaked up that yellow light.


photo by talby.  :)  i think this is my i-love-being-in-this-place-so-much-and-i-don't-ever-want-to-leave face.

suddenly the dads proclaim "bonfire on the beach" and all the kids run to the stairs.
i think to myself "really?  do we have to go down those stairs again?"
but i go because there is no place in kansas to have a beautiful bonfire on the beach that will trick your mind in to thinking you are on a tropical island or living in a LOST episode.

this is not even the halfway point….
goofy boys.  jake telling me "don't put this on your blog!" and me saying "you didn't sign the waiver jake!"


sean discovered monarch caterpillars at the bottom of the stairs.  my favorite!



depending on which way you faced the pictures turned out quite differently.


making smores on a windy beach is challenging….but they find a way when there is chocolate involved.


and the fireworks came out…..

and then it was dark.
i used my flash….the first time in years.  

the smoke from the fire made it look groovy man.
i think they were jedis? or harry potter fighting? who knows.  
they are using the cardboard the glow necklaces came in….not sticks.




it was beautiful.
and fun.
and worth the 223 steps back up…..i think.

school enrollment today.
$$$$ writing checks and filling out forms……my favey……..not.


you can enter to win a $100 visa gift card from Degree motionSENSE
deoderant over here…have you done it yet?

why not?
it's $100!!!

how is your summer list coming along???


deb - I am a native of Northern Michigan,and still live in the same town I was born in. After seeing your pics, and reading the comments, I am reminded of how very BLESSED i am to live in “God’s Country” Mario B., Michael Moore, and a few other well knowns have now made this area into home…you should come for a visit!

Kim Barlow - Our summer list is about half way done. Only a few things left on it and some of those just aren’t going to happen! HA!

shasta - love your pictures…the “golden hour of photography” makes everything look so perfect and dreamy!

Jenny B. - Oh, it all looks so dreamy… And the weather… Sigh… 🙂 Thanks for the reminder about the summer list. Ours has been sorely neglected. Maybe we need to do a fall list. 😉

Heather Bachman - Long time lurker, first time commenter… I feel like I know you even if you don’t know me. 🙂
Talby looks like a mini-Lauren in those pictures. So beautiful!
Your vacation looks like so much fun.

Trisha - Just wanted to say that I love your Michigan posts – I am from a suburb of Detroit, and I so love my state (despite all the bad stuff), ESPECIALLY Western Michigan. Heaven.

tara - talby is beautiful.
pictures are awesome.
what a wonderful trip with loved ones.
makes me think I’m gonna really miss being 40 minutes away from the beach when we move from Orlando in 2 weeks….

amber - I love monarch caterpillars too. That picture of Talby smiling on the beach looked so much like Lauren. And…the beach is our favorite. Texas lakes do not have beaches like that. Crazy, awesome, huge lakes…God is so cool.

happygirl - Such wonderful pics. WHAT A LOT of STAIRS. You got to do cardio every day. Awesome. 🙂

elisa - You are making me want to go to Michigan so bad!!!
Love the pics!

jen - Those stairs remind me of a lot of things. Most of all, they remind me that God has so many blessings and good things planned for our lives. Sometimes we look at the things that He asks of us and are like, “Are you kidding me?” and the work to get there seems tremendous. But the blessing at the end of it is SOOOOOOO great! Enjoy the rest of your summer. BTW…this is my official delurk post:)

Ayca - where is waffle?

Kristin Cronk - Ahhh Michigan. We like to savor our summers here too… because come winter we’re itchin to get back outside and see some sun!
I adopted your Treat Tuesday tradition in my house a few months ago, and I have to say… it makes me soooo happy! 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - We are rockin’ our summer list! Thanks for such a fun idea! We’ve checked off about 2/3 of it, and with a few more weeks of summer we just might do it all! Love the monarch caterpillars, all butterflies are just gorgeous!

jennibell - WOW!!! The tourism dept for the state of MI should contact you and GET those release forms signed and pay you top dollar for these photos. . .who doesn’t want to visit the beaches of northern MI after this post???? I would post these *everywhere* in my house to remind me of happy, happy days on even the crummiest and cold winter ones. You are a blessed momma, Megan.

Tina I - We only have 2 things left on our summer list! It’s a catch 22….I’m so sick of my kids that I can’t wait for school to start, but know I will miss them terribly when it happens. Glad you enjoyed your vacation! I really love reading your blog. Wish I could be as calm and laid back as you seem with my 5 kids. Also wishing for a Lake Michigan vaca, now, too:-)

karen - very nice. i love your ‘i-love-being-in-this-place-so-much-and-i-don’t-ever-want-to-leave face’!! go black meg..would be stunner with your eyes!!

Tracey - We have one week left and have gotten through about 1/2 of our summer list. As much as my kiddos can make me crazy, I LOVE summer with them, and I am not ready for school to start back up.

Lisa - Every time you share your pictures of Michigan it makes me want to vacation there. Even with all those stairs! 😉 Really beautiful pictures.

julia - I love those stairs…in theory.

alicia @ la famille - that is quite the set of stairs…bet you’ve got some toned up legs after that vacation! our summer is list coming…just not ready for school yet. 🙁 we homeschool, but i have TONS of planning to do…TONS!

Gretchen - These pictures make me want to abandon my declaration of being done with summer.
LOVE the bonfire on the beach idea. NC usually bans them. Oh, and waves without the fear of sharks? Divine.
I CANNOT believe the picture of the stairs. I sure hope no one had to make a potty run back to the house 🙂

Kimberly Dial - I’d go down (& back up) 223 steps for some s’mores & that sunset! 🙂 I’ve never been to Michigan but you sure make it look like an awesome vacation spot … you should contact their Board of Tourism, show ’em your blog, say “You’re welcome”! LOL 🙂

Kimberly Dial - I’d go down (& back up) 223 steps for some s’mores & that sunset! 🙂 I’ve never been to Michigan but you sure make it look like an awesome vacation spot … you should contact their Board of Tourism, show ’em your blog, say “You’re welcome”! LOL 🙂

Ali - Wow, that all looked like so much fun! Wish I was one of your kids! Although I think you are a year or two younger than me! 🙂
Do your kids go to a private school? Is that why you put $$$$ in your posts about back to school? Or do you just talking about school supplies and back to school clothes?
~ Ali

Tiffany - amazing photo of ur talby on the beach. ah.mayyyy.zing!

michelle - Hi Meg!
Just wondering if you can tell me the name of this place you rented on Lake Michigan? It looks like a super fun vacation and fun to do with another family….if you are able to send me the name of this place, I would be interested in looking into it. We live in MN and when we head to Duluth we always enjoy time on the beach on Lake Superior. THANK YOU!!! Michelle

Heather - I totally get the “I love this place and I never want to leave” thing. It’s how I feel on the gulf coast of Florida. It’s why we’re going back May 2012. It’s why I have a hard time when we plan a trip elsewhere. The fireworks shots are great! - Love that you’re sharing your trip with us. Looks like such a fun time.

Pamela Gordon - That is a lot of steps but so worth it. What great pictures!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Those are some stairs. These photos really show that you had a great vacation.

Karen Gerstenberger - Those photos and memories are treasures that you & your family will dip into for years to come – so beautiful! And the steps? I can see that one would have to eat a lot of s’mores to have enough energy to go back up. On the plus side, all of you probably slept so well after the glorious fresh air and exercise!

Aimee - What a divine trip. I would love to create a family tradition trip like this.
We never got around to making a summer list this year! I can’t believe it. After a long, busy school year, we’ve just been having the laziest, most relaxing summer EVER.

Katie - Wow looks so amazing, a bonfire on the beach sounds like heaven! 🙂

Cindy - We’ve had tons of fun with our summer list! But sadly two of my favorites won’t get checked off this year…we sort of missed the window for them: catching fireflies (why, oh why are there none around our home? next year we will SEEK them out!) and picking blueberries at the berry patch (apparently the robins beat us to them this year!) But we still have a few fun activities to carry us through the end of the summer…and then we start our Fall List!! Totally think it’s my fav season…pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, apple orchards, football games, hot apple cider…ahhhh!

elma - WOW All those steps!!! School is comming way to fast.

colette - gorgeous. a campfire on the beach sounds wonderful.
i’ve been following your blog for a while but have never commented. just wanted to tell you that i love it and am always so inspired by your words and pictures. thank you!

Jill - The vacay looks so peaceful. The stairs are lovely, I think I’d get a bad case of vertigo on them!

Diana D - I have been reading your blog for a few months now and have never commented. I really enjoy your wit and outlook!
It looks as though you guys thoroughly enjoyed Michigan. We still have 3 weeks of summer break left (although the heat will stick around much longer here in Texas), but we have accomplished most of what we had on our Summer List. The extreme heat has sidelined us a few times, but we have traveled quite a bit to escape!

Seriously Sassy Mama - We have almost completed our entire Summer List. It was so much fun to be able to do all the fun activities with my girls. Only three weeks left till school starts.

Jen Brandt - What great pics, Meg. Love the one Talby took of you. 🙂 Summer list is almost done = 🙂 and 🙁

Jenna - Summer List: have a baby
Check! Now just trying to find time to sleep 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Since we start school in two weeks I was just thinking last night of making a FALL List. We never actually made a formal summer list. It seemed everyone else but us made them. But we seized the opportunities that came at us each day and made the most of our summer. Its been amazing and I cant believe its almost over{sniff sniff}. But we’ll be moving on to new things, the changing seasons and cooler weather. Lots to look forward to:)

Darcie L. - Almost done with our Summer List, but we only had a few items on ours… just a 3-year old and me, plus newborn, so we don’t get too far! Still have to have a Poker Nite for daddy and his friends. Love your blog… next year’s list will include finding time to come meet you!

staci amy - What a gorgeous place =) our enrollment is next week!!!!!! We are sooo ready!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Can you believe school starts to soon?! Forms, forms, forms… that has been my week! Ugh!

Jessi - I’m loving these Michigan posts. Gah… I need a vacation. Is that possible with a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old? Do people even do that?

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I’d love to go there looks like such a get-a-way!
Gemma xXx

Kerry - Meg you look sooooo relaxed! And I love the last pic of Lauren, so cool. Looks like you had such a chillaxing time, Kerry x

Holly - our summer break ended last week but we got a ton done! Do you make your older kids help fill out paper work for school? I totally do! ha!

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