Masthead header

need sleepy.

i miss my sleep.
i loved my late nights of the summer and sleeping in.
this 6 AM stuff is something else.
so sleepy.
can't stay awake if i sit still.

today i took some baby photos.
she is my neighbor.
and she made me work for it.

this sweet little baby is not even 6 pounds yet.
my smallest baby was lauren at 7.9….so when i see this baby girl i am amazed.

this came in the mail for me today!

it is from…you can get one too!
i am impressed over and over with the work that jody and becky are doing in the world.
makes me want to do more….help more.

it really makes me want to go back to africa. 

Uganda's poor recount how Living Goods has changed their lives and improved their health. from Living Goods on Vimeo.


i have started thinking about craft weekend on an hourly basis.
the planning is in full force.

pages and pages of notes….mulitiple trips to craft stores….menus being tested…packages of swag goodies arriving at my house everyday for over a week….
it is SO exciting!!


you can read more over here on the craft weekend blog.

My family tried Edy's Milkshakes and Smoothies.
Come over here and see what we thought and enter to win a $100 Vise gift card!


have a really super weekend people!

i mean that.
make it great!!! - I love your site!! Is there a Facebook link to follow daily? Please let me know! So glad a friend shared πŸ™‚

heather mattos - okay, you know i need to know what that alphabet fabric is!

Molly - what adorable fabric in the first photo – where is that from??? love this blog – i’m always checking out your posts (i have you listed as a favorite on my blog). love it all!

Alexis - So adorable, it’s hard to not have baby fever! lol

Shivaun - Need sleepy! Housekeeping… Tommy Boy!
I just looked that up on you tube and my husband and I were cracking up πŸ™‚
Love ya, Miss Meg!!

Julie - Please oh please tell me where the letter fabric came from. I’m in love!!!!

Kelli Seawright - Where did you get that top fabric with the letters, it is soooo cute!

Oh the Fun We will Have - Oh My cuteness, frowns and all…It is such a great thing to be able to take pics of other peoples little ones, it tends to keep us grounded, for a minute πŸ™‚
Very Fun, and beautiful pics.. I’m sure your friend will be very thankful.

Marla Rae - Please tell me how big the Africa bag is. (

Melissa - Craft weekend sound slike so much fun!!! I so wish I could come! maybe one day when my littles are a little bigger πŸ™‚

n - Look at those little chicken legs! My first baby was 9 lbs, so when my second was born and weighed in at 7lbs 11 oz, I kept asking if she was okay because she just looked so small to me!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Love your baby picture…how fun for you!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’m going to Chicaaaaaaaaaaagoooooooooo (said in my loudest Oprah voice) tomorrow!!! With no kids. Overnight.
All we can talk about is the sleeping in. And we have 3 eat-outs, so the pressure is on. We must choose correctly….
Happy weekend to you, too!

kasey - school starts here at 740….and the roosters wake us all up at about 5…sometimes even 4.
Hope you get some sleep….i like a little Advil pm on occasion…with the help of a few glasses of wine to wash it down with.

Wendy - Newborn babies …. nothing else can bring a smile to my face as fast as that. So precious … so blessed πŸ™‚

D. Jean - Very cute little neighbor. Have a great weekend.

Kirsten J - BAH!!! Can’t stand the early start times!!! (and really? it’s all good….when my little one was 3, my big one was 9 and I “didn’t have time”….and 2 years ago when he SUDDENLY graduated, I tried to get involved and “oh we’re fine, we don’t need any help” made me quickly realize I needed to put my foot in the door!!)sleeping in isn’t so important now.
Anyway, lame way to make you see that those hours when you can sleep in are fleeting….but here we go!!!

happygirl - Oh my goodness. What a precious little child. You are the BEST photographer for kids. You have the eye.

Kerry - Oh what a precious little thing! I have the same bedspread thingie – gorgeous πŸ™‚ I so wish i could come to Craft Weekend… it would be Awesome-Dawson. Kerry x

kat - That baby is soooooooooooooo adorable!!! I so wish I was coming to your craft weekend. Y’all are going to have THE best time!!!

Shar - Love how her fingers are in the same position on each hand. I can’t stop looking at that photo. Soooooo cute!

tiffany m gardner - Wish I could be at your craft weekend. πŸ™ I will be excited to see all the photos and fun from that weekend. (a little jealous…but also excited) xoxo

dani - so cute and tiny!

Lori Austin - Love that fabric 3rd from the top (green/white). Love!
I’ve been a bit spoiled sleeping in this summer also (you know…sleeping in for a momma is like 7:30/8:00). We head back
to school Monday so I’m totally going to be whining right along
with you. Blah!
Have a great weekend yourself πŸ™‚

Jenna - Love that baby! After having my own, I am so gaga over babies. I never knew how much joy they could bring!

Terrie - Need help checking out the menus…going to the craft store! I’m game!!! πŸ™‚
going to see my prego daughter tonight! can’t wait to see how big my grandbaby-to-be is getting! I love prego bellies! Especially when they are carrying my 1st grandone!!
Happy Weekend to You!!

Cathy - My baby was 4 1/2 pounds when she was born. Talk about tiny. Now she uses her very own preemie clothes for her baby dolls.

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - That baby is ADORABLE! I wouldn’t know what to do w/ a tiny thing like that… my only baby was 8lbs 2ou

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you knew i was going to make one.

they are all over pinterest….
(i still am not signed up for pinterest because i don't have time for one more thing but browsing is fun!)

so we made one.

i took a box of 64 crayons and took out the blacks and browns.
i used another small box and doubled up on the good colors i liked and hot glued them to the top of our canvas.

then we turned our blow dryer to hot on high.


not long after you set the hair dryer by the crayons they get shiny and then the wax starts to melt!
it's practically instant gratification.

and it dries really quickly too.



what could be happier than this??

GREAT project.

loved it


today is the first FULL day with ALL my kids in ALL day school.
yeah…i am smiling as i type that.

it's good.

it's quiet.

i am rockin' it.

removing wallpaper…..making code for craft weekend stuff…..doing my hair….going to lunch…..

it's all good.

hooray for school!



shar - wooshies awesome deff doing one!! rainbow stuff is my favorite. i guess i dont like putting weird colors together. i just like rainbowish stuff! i love ur blog its sooooooo creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan Adams - Great projects to do with my grandchildren.

Help A Leprechaun! Make a Rainbow for St. Patrick’s Day - […] Melting Rainbows It’s a science experiment and art class all rolled into one. Meg Duerksen and her crew tried their hand at the colorful creation and the results were awesome. With just a little hot glue (to keep the crayons on the canvas) a hair dryer and a steady hand, watch the oozing and goozing turn into amazing. Don’t want to buy a whole new box of Crayola? Downsize and use broken crayon bitsΒ instead.Β Find out why it’s best to leave out brown by paying a visit toΒ Meg Duerksen. […]

Se hvordan du lager en stilig fargeeksplosjon! - Kreative IdΓ©er - […] til Γ₯ ta fatt pΓ₯ et stort maleprosjekt, kan du heller prΓΈve dette tipset vi fant pΓ₯ bloggen Whatever. Du trenger fargestifter, et lerret eller en stiv kartong, lim og […]

Sian - Wow! this is fabulously colourful. I’m going to safe this idea for some wall art in my daughters bedroom.

Jessy - Can you tell me what colors you used in order? pretty please

Will - Good one, innovative, impressive, thanks for sharing

Jennie - Make sure you use Crayola… I tried using Dollar Store crayons yesterday… an hour later and they STILL handn’t melted!

Vicky - My daughter just showed me the one she did just today. Eof school gifts for the grandkiddo’s teachers. Awesome!

Shannon - It works on a foam poster board:)

Olive Toys - I have everything ready to create such rainbow but in shape of heart!
I hope it will look as good as yours πŸ™‚

Angela :3 - no, you can change the # of crayons to fit the canvas (:

Chandler - I will definately remember this project for this summer

Hollyknitter (Sharon) - Thanks for sharing – I will have to try this with my grandchildren as a craft project.

jheristjames - You can also use pieces of crayons on a flat surface, place waxed paper over them, then apply a hot iron. After awhile, you may be able to splash the crayons into interesting patterns as well as just melt them. Also, interesting found items could be added–buttons, colored foil confetti, etc.

Becky Teeters - Did you still use hot gue to adhese the crayons to the canvas? I read that hot glue wont stick to th actual crayon.. ??

Angela - She said hot glue gun

Dorothy - What holds crayons on?

Amanda - You can block off silhouette with painters tape. Another way to make the “rain” is to fill water balloons 1/4 way with desired paint, block off silhouette, and pop balloons. Paint runs down canvas. Either way, it is alot of fun!

Lara - Hi Jessi,
What an awesome idea! That would be a super cute gift for my newly married sister and brother in law. How did you block off the umbrella?

Gina - Oh wow, this looks amazing! I’ll have to try it out when the materials go on sale. Thanks so much for sharing this <33

Heather - What did you block it off with. I was wanting to do the crayon melting and then block off my son’s teahcer first intial of her last name and leave that white. What did you use?

Miranda (: - Does it matter what size canvas you use for it?

Joan Mcleod - Can I use other canvas? I have left in my house the one that I used when I joined one competition before. That is a great canvas to use I know.

Sarah C. - I keep seeing these and just ‘stumbledupon’ your version.. I’ve bought the crayons, the canvas.. and keep putting it off! You’ve just convinced me to have a go at it tomorrow! Thank you!

Kimberly - Thanks for this…reminded of projects when I was a kid, when we did this to Chianti bottles. Then we stuck one big taper candle in the top of the bottle.

Vanessa Rauguth - I totally made my own today. Thanks for the idea! <3

Johan - Can’t wait to try this one out…pretty cool, inexpensive DIY! love it

devin mct - u could try melting the crayons on wax paper and gently peeling it off when u are done. not sure if it would work, but if the wax was really thick it might

Mike - I love how by melting the crayons you get to see all the different shades of colors.

PatB - It looks like the paper stays in place. There is enough crayon left to hold the shape. - This is a must try. need more creative things like that for kids

marina - very nice
visit here for more cool ideas about handmade craft free tutorials

nabila - so how do u remove the the paper surrounding the crayons?

Fiona G. - I read this twice. Ii is amazing idea.I hope you enjoy in this.

Jennifer Hill - Great bonding for families! It also provides education to the kids. This must be another way to play with crayons! Turn your backs from the basic use of the color!

verobeachgal - What a fun project! I love working with colors when I’m creating my doodles. When I was a kid, my brother and I melted crayons on the top of the steam radiator. This is “messy” but way cooler!

Cheryl - Looks like fun!

Hearing Aids Colorado - Lovelovelove this idea! Would look so sweet in a classroom or maybe a playroom. Melted crayon can be fun, as long as it’s not on the carpet from the sun, lol!

cchristine - Taking the paper off was a major chore!!! And the hot glue wouldn’t stick to the crayons. I used elmers haven’t melted them yet…I need to remind do that outside πŸ™‚

Bridget Harrison - My daughter is a kindergarten teacher and one of her parents did this for her as a gift. It looks very nice in her room. - ABSOLUTELY!!! The very first one I saw finished was with the paper taken off. Have FUN!!! πŸ˜€

Jessi - What I did to have it so the crayons would not stay on there was I found an old spoon, and melted portions of the crayons in the spoon and ‘spilled’ it on the canvas. I drew a kissing couple under an umbrella, and blocked that area off so the crayons would look like rain.

ashley - Hey I was just wondering if it would work with the paper taken off of the crayons… have any idea?

Ken Palosi - I will definitely be making one for my granchildren’s art room.

allison - i tried this without the paper on the crayons and my crayons started to slide down the canvas as i was blow drying it (i had the canvas propped up against a wall). help!

Monica - This is amazing and so simple. That’s it I’m going home tonight to dig out all my kids old crayons that they never used!!

Annette Formella - what size should I look for in the artist canvas. I’m excited to make this for my granddaughter’s room. Also. someone mentioned taking the paper off the crayons, which I’m not sure how that would look but if so, would you still hot glue the crayons to the canvas. I kind of prefer the paper showing but just asking. Thanks, Annette

SugarRaisin - Try taking the paper off the crayons before attaching to canvas.
Then melt the entire crayon. It has a nice effect.

Mango - I used a piece of foam board and i worked fine, anything thick, works. trust me.

johanna - How do you do the heart thing?? This awesome single dad I know wants to do this for his adorable daughter

Jen - I wonder what this would like if you took the crayons off the top after they were melted?

Sarah Jackson - WoW this is brilliant idea man πŸ˜€
also check out thi Festival of Colors:

babydollsville - You obviously don’t have children.

babydollsville - No, you need to use an artist’s canvas. They can be had for a few dollars at any major craft store if you use a coupon. The posterboard would not be strong enough to hold the weight of the wax.

Lomosio - I found this on Pinterest and loved it so much I just had to give it a go. So simple but the pay off is amazing.
Check out my efforts:

Michelle W - This is an EPIC (as my son would say) project! This has got to be what happens to all of our old crayons this summer. Thank you so much for posting this. πŸ˜€

Kerry - I love this! I’ve re-pinned this off Pinterest, as it is something I wasnt to do for my kids (if I have any) when I’m older, so they can have it in there room πŸ™‚

Dorria designs - so brilliant and bright project What an awesome idea!

Kathy - Would this work on a poster board?

Audrey - A friend’s daughter made one of these and I would love to make one for my son’s room. He’s two so I’m not sure how helpful or interested he’d be but I’m sure we’d have fun!
A blog for stylish moms despite all the spilled milk!

meganbowling - why would you even touch it or lean on it. once it is dry i would be hanging it up on my wall

S K Sinha - How beautiful and looking very easy to do. Just wondering If you can help us by giving some more tips on how to make different , desired patterns. Thanks !

Judycockrum - I’m writing an article about melting crayons and would love to use a few of these photos. Please respond to if I have your permission to link to them and maybe edit one or two to fit photo requirements. I’ll send you the link to the article when finished. - I’ve tried this myself….had great fun! Would suggest doing this on a canvas board though and not on stretched canvas – the dried crayon wax cracks if the canvas is touched or leaned upon.

Galy - cool!!!!! just what i was looking for as an idea how to spend the summer wuth my kid at home all day long. thanz so much πŸ™‚

Bess Olson - Me & my 12 year old grandson made one on a matting board about 8″ high by 20″ wide! Then he turned it upside down and put flowers on the tips of the melted crayons! It looks cool with flowers in a field of colored grass!

Jenny - Wow, this is so cool, haven’t seen anything like it before

Jill - Wow, this is so cool, haven’t seen anything like it before!

Habibies - Super Cool Celebration

Kevin DIY Dork - Awesome results from such a simple idea. Love it! Makes you wonder what would happen if you glue the crayons on the canvas in different shapes & then melted them down.

Chalise - this looks like loads of fun….i’m thinking we’re going to try it on a board and a shirt!

echo - wow, it looks wonderful. The first thing I should do is looking for a set of crayons and a big board.

Lisa - Love this! How could you do it so the crayons don’t show when you are finished??

Ady - You did it so very well, my attempt was a complete mess up…

Irene - Love it. Must have a go myself.

bhumi maurya - very nice concept and awesome creativity

Hilary - Totally cool and very inspiring! Can’t wait to try it out myself.

Emerson - I just did this today! It’s so easy, and it looks hard!!

Cathy - This reminds me a lot of when I was a kid and we were melting crayons down the sides of long, slender candles, as to make a sculpture of them.

Emily - I just saw this and really want to make one now. I have an old window that I have been trying to find something to creative to do with it as a frame. Any Idea if this would work on glass?

rachel - i did this and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

Dyll - GREAT Idea!Will definately let the kids try it out.

Tyler - What size canvas is this?

chanae - love the idea

Virginie - Hi
I have blogged your “now famous” melted crayon artwork today and linked back to you from
Thank you for sharing your amazing ideas
Virginie @ That Cute Little Cake

Gunnel Svensson - Looks so great!

A Facebook User - Oh, this looks flippin fun! Gonna have to do this myself! πŸ™‚

victoria - OMGGGGG!!! I just bought a painting that was done like this!! AMAZIING!!!!!!!<3

A Facebook User - can’t wait to make my own! i am already giddy about it!

Sikandar - They turned out great! I tried this over the weeeknd and it was a huge fail. The silicon tray I used started to melt in the oven. Plus when the crayons melted, some of the wax separated from the color and rose to the top. It was all very strange; I’m not sure what we did wrong. Perhaps the wax problem arose because we had some cheap crayons mixed in? Oh, well

alexis - how many inches is that canvas

Kim @justByou - Yep, I’ve seen it on Pinterest and pinned it too. Now I’ve pinned yours. This is something we want to try for sure! SO cool. Looks GREAT!

sally hartsfield - I don’t have a hot glue gun. Is there another way to attach the crayons?

Mackenzie - I did this and I put masking tape to make a design on the other side of the board (opposite of the crayons) and it turned out awesome. I would suggest though to peel the crayons I do think that it looks better even though they melt together

Mallory - Somehow I’ve missed these on Pinterest so far, but this is such an easy & fun project! LOVE it!

vlad - very cool ! i love it how they melt together !
make time for pinterest ! πŸ™‚

alyssa - i have had so much fun with this project!!!! we however had a bunch of random crayons so we had to unwrap them.. so we started out with the blow dryer but it would blast the crayons off after a min. i ended up using a lighter and got some really cool effects.. but my thumbs are raw

Riikka - Oh my! I so NEED to do something in a smaller scale to children’s room!

Theresa - Wow! That is so vibrant. What fun. Thanks for sharing.

S1717 - You’ve just made my day πŸ™‚ just looking at it is satisfying!

natalea - I’m definitely making this and also one for my daughter’s teacher! can you tell me the size of the canvas you used?

Mamali :) - It seems expensive, Isn’t it?

dana - very nice and so much fun, bravo!

Sports Electronics - Great fun and idea! Thank you for sharing! My Grandkids will love it!

Bonnie - Great project. I’ll be linking back.

Meg Duerksen - 16×20. πŸ™‚

kt - what size canvas did you use?

Amy - Great idea! I used crayons from the dollar store and they didn’t melt very well. I would suggest using Crayola. Going to try it again. πŸ™‚

Sha - Hello,Meg…I am so needing your assistants on what size canvas did you use for the crayon project.Could you possibly help me out on that?I saw that you were asked that and the answer was never never posted.Thank you for your time.

Liv - So cool! I’m going to try doing this with my sister when she comes back from college, it’s such a great project! I made a few already (to test it!) And after making them several times, I still didn’t get bored! I’m goin to sell them at the upcoming art fair in my neighborhood along with some of my other creations, they’re beautiful, and fun to make!

Lisa @ Snappy Gourmet - Can’t wait to try this with my kids this summer!

learn to surf - These kidzz rock!! I am surprised after watching this simple tip making a wall paper background.. Keep rocking kidz, god bless you πŸ™‚

Janissa - I’m thinking of putting a raised area made of cardboard painted the same color as the canvas on mine, and letting the crayons melt around the shape…

Caleigh - While this is a great idea/project, you should know that even though crayons are non-toxic, melting them changes their chemical makeup that releases very harmful fumes into the air. Take caution when doing this around children. Either heat the crayons outdoors or in a very, very well ventilated area. Long exposure to these fumes can cause irreversible damage.

Sara - Hi!
Your ebautiful DIY is on my blog!
Thak you so much!
Sara - Wow. That is beautiful. Great pictures by the way. I am going to have to try this one soon. πŸ™‚

Ashleigh Reko - AWESOME! Can’t wait to try this!

Jacqueline Satterfield - This is so cool!!!

Carrie Thibideau - So doing this over spring break with my girls and even having some of their friends too.

Brian - Love it!

justine h - what size canvas is that for the 64 crayons?

Kelli R - I wonder how this would work with birthday candles? Great project!

k - What size canvas did you use?

Chloe - Holy mince! I love it! It reminds me of the time when I was about 5 and my Mum went crazy at me for melting all my crayons on the radiator!

adriana - oh this is super cool!!
too bad that crayons and canvas are SUPER expensive here in Israel, making it just about impossible to make this.

Angie Wilson - You really need a dryer that is very hot on low. Mine was only hot on high and we had too many splatters of crayon. It is still cool – but we couldn’t get the effect we wanted.

BusyWorkingMama - I love this! I think this would make an awesome colorful addition to a child’s room…or my living room πŸ™‚

julie - I must try this out.
What an awesome idea!. Thanks for sharing
hugs Julie

Melissa - Wonder if this would work if placed in sun on a hot summer day?

donna - beautiful work. Nice colors πŸ˜‰

Linn - I’m definitely trying this! πŸ˜€

katie klatt - any tips on how to incorporate a name into it? I would love to make one for each of my boys’ room and match it to their room colors with their names on it, something they could keep forever!

Darlene S. - This makes my eyes so happy! I LOVE this idea!!! Must try! Thanks for posting!

Daquiri Mascitelli - I am TOTALLY going to do this!! My kids will love it, and it would look great in the playroom πŸ™‚

Rachel - Reminds me of something I used to do what I was a girl: melt the tips of individual crayons and drip them on a piece of paper to form patterns. πŸ™‚ Oh to be a kid again.

Carolyn - a heat gun for scrapbooking would also work. This would look great on a black foamboard.

Tanya Thurnau - What size canvas did you use for this?

Katt - wow!!! this is a good present to give to someone too!!!

Katt - this is the best art that i have been inspired by!!!

Caitlin - This is so cool! Thanks for the idea!

Annie - I did this with cheap dollar store crayons, not the same effect. You need to do it with good quality crayons!

Myra - Oh, thank you, thank you!! Now I know what I’m gonna put up on my living room wall! I am so tired of the poster I have up now, so I wanted something with lots of color!!! This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in quite some time!!

Julie H. - This is amazing! Found you on Pinterest! Way to go!

Gel - How clever! I don’t know how you even thought to think of this. I envy you creative types =) Great job!

nancy - anyone know if you have to use hot glue or if elmers will work?

nancy - Love this project. Will pass it on to my daughter for preschool… and then I’ll do it myself! Love lots of colors. Not sure where I’ll put it yet, but my daughters just moved out which opened up some rooms for me to redecorate (no more music posters all over the walls!)

Jen - LOVE it – I better not show my daughter or she will want to make one!!!

ATS - I wanna say to try tilting the canvas at time intervals, but I think you’d have to be able to heat all the crayons at the same time.

Stephatto - On my to-do list *now*!

Sherry - I love new craft ideas. I really would like to try this project. I hope mine turns out as good as yours.

estarnike - it is cool

kaitlyn - my friend and i tried this but it didnt drip a solid line. so we tried it again but it still didnt drip right, any suggestions?
I loved doing this project, i just wish i could get the solid line out of it more.

john1989 - awesome combination of colours.
great post

nicole - I love my crayons too much to do this… πŸ™ I have 2 towers of 150 crayons.. I’d rather try using crappy Rose Art and peel off the label hehe πŸ˜€ but I do love this. Great job!

Pamela Walker - I just love your art… amazing…

Alexandra - Amazing craft!I made one yesterday and it turned out really nice!
I love the way the wax crayons melt and leave a watercolor effect on the canvas.I definitely recommend doing it!The only problem I had was managing to place the crayons in a straight line but it turned out amazing.My only tip would be to point the nozzle of the hairdryer downwards from the top of the crayons and reduce the speed of the dryer after they’ve melted a bit so the color doesn’t splatter.

maddie - did you glue on the crayons??

Clipping path service - So Cute I Love this Art

Clipping path service - So Cute I Love this Art

Greta Zarro - This is a great project but you should warn people that, at least when I did it, the wax flew everywhere! On to me and the carpet! I put newspapers down underneath the canvas but didn’t expect it to fly so far! The wax easily came off my hand without pain but I’m not sure it will come off the carpet. Also, I didn’t have hot glue so I used scotch tape to attach the crayons and that works just fine too.

Emily - This is soooo COOL!!!!

Debbie - Love it, my student’s enter a huge art show in the spring. It’s for high school and I always thought the crayons category was odd and no one ever enters it at that level but this is great!

emily - This is such a cool idea. Looks like tons of fun! Love how you can use whatever colors you want.

Janeris - This probably looks sooo cool upside down

Veronica - Love this piece of art for the kids playroom! Are you suppose to remove the crayons when you are done and do you melt the entire crayon?

Free India Classifieds - Really this was amazing, but how much time did it take for the crayons to melt completely ??

Heath - I made one as well but placed cut out letters on the canvas and then removed them when it dried.

Joanna - This is so neat! Would love to make one myself as well πŸ™‚

Elizabeth - Love this..I think I might have the kids make it for their toy room…thanks for sharing such a fun idea!!

Rachel - This is incredible!!!! My daughter and I have decided we are going to make one of these for her school teacher!!! πŸ˜€
Question…for my own personal piece I’m going to make for my house…how would you suggest possibly doing this so that the actual crayons weren’t apart of the final product? πŸ™‚
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing creativity! πŸ™‚

August - One of my best friends is gay so I’m going to get the colors of the rainbow and put her first letter of her name in the middle, wait for it to dry and peel it off so it looks real neat. Then put that in one of those hollow picture frames and give it to her as a decoration for her apartment!

Lina - That is great. I LOVE IT!! It is so cool. I am so going to try that!!:)

Expo - great and simple πŸ˜‰
i think 90% of the people who commented on this, did it too
P.S. i will try it, tommorow πŸ˜‰

Brianna - What size canvas did you use?

Debbie Deller - My kids made this for my 48th birthday today, they had fun and I have a treasure.

jaycee - making one right now. thanks for the idea

Selena Thomas - So cute and fun! My girls will love this. Such an easy/fun craft to let them help me with.

Caitlin M - I just did this with my friend Brit! I can’t believe how easy and fun it was! And it looks so awesome! I saw something similar online for sale for $100!! I can’t wait to do this again with different colors. Any suggestions on how to do this without having the crayons glued to the canvas?

simone tessitore - Tried it. Low setting on my blow drier wasn’t hot enough to melt. High setting melted immediately but splattered too much. Set in the oven to melt but 300 was too high. Good thing I was only using a 5 x 7 canvas for starters

Schan - How big it the canvas you used?

Tara @ Baby Lifestyles - In love with this idea! Would you mind if we repost it in our nursery section under “Fun DIY Ideas”? Let me know!

My Made Up Story - Cool project! I’ll have to try this!

Colortude - This is so cool! Very origianl idea.

jennifer hunter - I love it! So the hair dryer does not melt the hot glue that you glued the crayons on with, right?

Sarah - Such an awesome diy! I really wanna try it! It looks so beautiful and colorful!
Have a nice day!

Victoria Christine Bingham - Wowowowow. I can see this being color specific to your space.!
Bring on the grays and the browns and the oxide yellows!
!CRAYOLA~! You ROCK! Victoria Bingham

Erin - Absolutely beautiful & such happy colors! I am so trying this! Thanks for sharing!!☺

liz - amazing! how cool is that!
i know what we are doing this weekend πŸ™‚
thanks for sharing your inspiraiton!

Eveline van Heijst - I LOVE THIS!

Kerri#1017 - I’ve seen someone try this on tv & i thought AWESOME ! but i must add glue gun to my list of must haves,cos even on a mini canvas this would be great & bright…imagine if with chunky crayons !!

Amber - what is a good way to display this? you leave on the crayon at the top, right?

Lisa - love this, great inspiration for my rainbow nursery. May just have to have a go sometime soon.

amy - This is AMAZING!!! P.S. So funny to hear the other side, because those of us who are teachers feel like summer is our time for peace and quiet, so it’s just the opposite. Ha! πŸ™‚

Aubrianne - Thanks for the inspiration! I decided to go from a different angle and used blue crayons at the top. I painted the silhouette of a girl with an umbrella and melted the “rain” all around her πŸ™‚ using the “flying splotches” of crayon to my benefit. Thank you for sharing the creativity and inspiring mine πŸ™‚

Su@TheIntentionalHome - just posted about our Family Canvas Night. . .and how this was our latest project. Linked to your blog. Here is the post:
We had fun!!

Gabriel @ Cool Finder - Modern art… interesting!

Krista - That is so COOL! I love this!! Beautiful photos.

Vanderbilt Wife - Love it. I think my daughter would really enjoy making this. Maybe my sister could hang it in her first-grade classroom. πŸ™‚

Daniel Mihai Popescu - This is such a wonderful activity, and more than that, stimulating. Congratulations! The possibilities seems infinite, πŸ™‚

Rodolfo Grimaldi - So simple and so artistic. As you say, “instant gratification”.

Fiona - Just awesome… my 2yr old grandie did one this weekend… thanks…. so awesome…

sam - nice

SlightlySamie - I saw this today on Tutorializer and knew i had to make it. my hair dryer was a little stronger than yours i guess, instead of all the colors being in lines they formed big sections of each color group. very pretty. love it,

Karlene - Beautimous!! I love it!!

Bbakeca Grosseto - πŸ™‚ Great project…I’ll try this with my kids…think they’ll love it!

Rachel - Aha! I saw these pictures all over tumblr with people wondering who to credit – now I know!

Angie - I’m going to give this to my artist sister for her art room/neices play room! Ohhh and for my sons room…

Kristen - Oh my gosh – that is too cool!

daisyjay - I LOVE this idea and the blowdryer is such a nice touch! Does it do anything to the hot glue, or does that stay solid??

Justin - if you set the canvas outside in the hot sun the colors will cover more of the canvas when they melt πŸ˜‰

Jayne - Fantastic – love it and am going to do this with my little one! πŸ™‚

White Suit - That’s what you called abstract art and it is really amazing.

Jennifer - Do you leave the crayons glued on at the top?

Tracie - I love this project idea!
I’m going to have to make one with my daughter.

Natalie - Just made two of these!! My daughter (3rd grade) is going to take one to her art teacher! VERY COOL!!!

damsellefly - When my son was two he put crayons on the radiator pipe. The vibrant colours of the melted crayons brightened up my otherwise dull living room so much I couldn’t bring myself to clean them off!

Whitney - You completely inspired me to make one! Loved it, and blogged about it and your post: Thanks again! I adore your blog!

Lisa - Very cool idea!

Lisa - Wow! I am really excited about this one. It would work great with kids and adults. The organization of the crayons is key. If the message was fire, for example, where would you place your reds, yellows and oranges? Where could the blue go? After the reds and yellows and oranges dried. I would turn the canvas 90 degrees to the right and work with my blues. It might even be neat to then get into the fire colours and blow them to the right to show the effect of water on fire.
Thanks for the great ideas. This was awesome!

Maria Benedicto - made one with my 3 kids & we all had a blast! thanks for sharing…i love your blog, your photos & your style…most of all i love how you enjoy your kids…good luck!!!

Frau Haselmayer - This is so so so AWESOME!

Multi-Testing Mommy - Ok – how much fun is that?!
Did you glue the crayons on? What kind of glue did you use?

Billie - I can’t wait my Grandkids start on the 7 of Sept. I love them but will enjoy the time to do other projects.

kristine - Very lovely and inexpensive piece of art, fun for the kiddos too!

Apron Appeal - Hey! I already have art projects like this. They are on the carpet near the heater vents in my car.

Melissa Blake - WOW!! this is so amazing!

zill.y - This is really intense, wow! I’ll keep it in mind for next year, when the kids come home with all the left over crayons from school πŸ™‚
Thanks for sharing, zill.y

CakeStory - Wow. Just wow. I am trying to decorate my new apartment and have found nothing inspiring to put on the walls. Until now. I can’t wait to try this!!

Nardina DeLeon - I’m going to do this one day this fall! its amazing!!

Karpouzaki - Really awesome!! I love crayons and rainbows on a whole new level πŸ˜‰ Nice!!!


sandra - WOW! Love this, will have to try with my 9 year old niece.

... ...M... ... - love this idea — thanks for the awesome tutorial…there are so many ideas inspired by this craft!
we just created one for my niece for her 5th birthday…now she can have her very own rainbow! :o)
i also Pinned it on
All the Best,
…M… @ RequireLife

Karen - Are you kidding me?!?!? This is all my childhood dreams coming true!!! So awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy Ward - Wanted you to know I posted a link to this tutorial today.
Nancy Ward

Carrie Thompson - I made one for my preschool art room, but it didnt come out near as good as yours. mine was way more drippy. I didnt get the nice spread of color like you did. Very fun to make though.

Melissa - This is so cool! I am going to do this! No choice but to do it!

anita kouwenberg - what a great project you made…it’s awesome!
yes kids at school right after the hollidays that’s always a day to remember!

Andrea - Fun! Fun! Fun! I will definitely have to try this!

Sundeep @ Designwali - wow…i have to do it with my kids!!

Cat - This looks like *a lot* of fun – think I might give it a go too!

ludid - with this heat, i bet we could just leave outside and let the sun melt them away. fun project.

Nancy - Christine Young pointed me over here because I was lamenting on my blog about not having the 64 pack of crayons as a kid. I think this made me feel a whole lot better! πŸ™‚

Jen Eskridge - Ok, I absolutely love that!

kelly Booth - OH…..I gotta try this!!!! LOVE it!!!!

Tracey - This is one of the cutest, happiest pieces of art I have ever seen! TFS

image masking service - Good good and fantastic idea.

michelle - wow

C.B. Grace - I wonder if I could just hot glue the crayons onto the canvas and put it outside…it has been over 100 degrees for over 70 days here in Texas. πŸ˜€ Cute project. I am going to try it.

Judy - This is totally cool!!

Tracy Romero - My daughter and I just did this! So fun!

Missy K - This is so cool. Never would have thought to do this. The dryer doesn’t melt the glue gun glue?

Denine - Making one today!!

Janelle Shultz - i am so making this for my daughters 1st grade teacher πŸ™‚

Tina Hutton - Love this project!
Love that you did it.
Love that you are boycotting Pinterest (though I’m an addict)
Love that I found you through Pinterest (love the irony of that)
Love your blog!
Consider yourself added to my favourite destinations.
Tina.x - Sharing this with my Preschool PLC chicks! Fascination is all I can say!

Lorie - I have been thinking about making one for the girls room. I think you have inspired me to go ahead and do it! Does it smell too crayon-y?

Liette - fantastic…….

sarah - this is too awesome.

Artsnark - fantastic piece & post! School starts tomorrow here & i am so ready. Enjoy your freedom πŸ˜€

Erin Ward - Whaaaat?? this is the coolest thing EVER.

crystal beutler - This is about as cool as it gets. I can’t to make on of these for myself! You always have the best ideas.

Heather - Love the crayon art. We tried yesterday and it was awesome! The kids loved it. But I have a bone to pick with you about those happy chalk paint pictures! Didn’t work out so happy over here. LOL Alas, I will try again. (This time with paint brushes) sheesh!

kim smart - just wanted to let you know…..i made one!!!yeahhh!! it was so much fun, thanks for the idea. i’m hanging it in my scraproom!!!

Laura @ Family Spice - So cool and love all the gorgeous colors! We’ll definitely make this and maybe hang it in our playroom?!!

Cathy~As the World Flops - This is so cool…

Cindy - All kinds of love for this!

RellyAB - I saw someone had pinned this on pinterest, so I checked out your post and then made my own with one of my boys today. Here in the UK it’s pretty hard to get hold of the 64 pack of crayolas so I got three packs of 24 and just put them together in colour batches.
It came out really well, here’s a picture:
Thanks for sharing. I’d have never attempted it without your reassurance it was simple and I *love* it.

Rachel - I love your craft ideas!!!! I always feel so inspired to craft with my 3 older kids. They think this is the coolest craft ever:)

leonieke - boy o boy, dit we try our best, we dryblowed for about 40 minutes and only a few crayons did what we hoped they would do….
zo frustrating! after seeing 100 of those paintings on pinterest..
can’t believe we are the only people who didn’t end up with someting beautifull :-((
but yours turned out great!

Ali - Meg, what size canvas did you use?

Kathy - Now I want to make one too!!! It would be cool to have it hanging in the hallway outside of my art classroom.

Nat - This is so awesome. Officially in my list of projects

Charla Liedahl - I made this yesterday mere hours after your post. I must have one heck of a powerful blow dryer because the colors did not run nicely the way yours did. They blew in every direction and splattered…but it still looks really cool!

Marjorie - This is the favorite of the day for me, for sure! Love this. Should be great experimenting with different color arrangements. This is definitely on my list of thing WE HAVE TO DO!

ViVOchic - Totally in love with this….now to decide how big I want it and how many cranyons I’m gonna have to steal from my kiddos to make it…tough!

Melissa - You have some awesome ideas! I tried the sidewalk paint with my daughter the other day and had a blast. This looks so cool!

Missy - This is so awesome. My daughter is moving into her “big girl” room and wants it to have rainbows but I’m not one for the “obvious” – this art will be a must for her new room.

Lizabeth - Are you going to hang it? I so would!!!

Nicole G - Love that idea!!! We will be doing that the next weekend I am off work! So pretty!!! The kids will adore that! Yes, I have been really enjoying these first few days of school too!

Nicole Q. - OH my goodness that is amazing!!! I want to make one too. How fun! I haven’t seen it before – just haven’t browsed pinterest yet. No time. Happy QUIET day at your house day.

Janet Nordfors - Hello – I am a first time visitor, do you ring a bell or clap for me now? I love the artwork and since I am a teacher (4th grade) I feel very appreciated! I will definitely be doing this with my class. Thanks for the inspiration and the appreciation.

ann - I recently tried this and I think it is the simplest craft ever and the results are just fabulous!

Bernice - LOVE how that looks!

Trexxann - Fantastic! I really think I’m gonna do this!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Super cool project! I just saw something like this the other day and thought I’m going to have to try that, and I was thinking it would be fun to tweak it, like all purple hues, that says Heidi!! Even cool hues or warm hues would be pretty cool. And then I saw your cool close-up photos of crayons yesterday and thought of the project again. Need to get some new crayons first though…and make the time.
It is weird to hear all the kids going back to school when you homeschool. I wonder what I’d do with the free time, guess I’ll find out in 20+ years from now, eh!?! πŸ˜‰

se7en - That is top if my interest list too – and you did it!!! Wonderfully awesomely COOL!!!

Sara @ Happy Brown House - It’s funny, because I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you. It’s on my “to do” list…which, thanks to Pinterest, is getting longer by the second!

Kacey - Love, love, LOVE this! I think I might actually try this.
Yay for all day school and free time for you! My 3 year-old just started preschool and my 5 year-old started kindergarten. I’m having a hard time with it!

Regina - Oh. My. Word! I’m *so* doing this with my kiddos. They will LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

Sara W - Oh my, that is SO fabulous! love it.

Annie - Such an awesome idea! I love how much you love color (did that make sense?) πŸ™‚ It’s nice to see someone who acutally uses color in their house and daily life. I’m sick of all this white stuff!!! Thanks for the little pick-me-up today!

melissa*320 sycamore - MEG! I absolutely love it. I was still in love with the crayon pics from yesterday…I’m on Pinterest. I don’t do FB or Twitter, but I was already kind of doing Pinterest (saving pics or ideas I loved on a folder on my computer) and it just made it easier to put it all in one place and I love that I can access it anywhere. You could join under a secret name and just be an in the closet pinner..:)

MaryAnn Kohl, art book auhor - By the way, you can soak off the paper easily overnight. Place crayons in a plastic tub, cover with water overnight, and tomorrow, the papers slide off easily!!!

MaryAnn Kohl, art book auhor - I have melted crayons in many ways, but never this. I can’t wait to try it. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures… amazing and totally fun!!! It might also be fun to place crayon stubs on a canvas, glue them in place, and do the same, for a more mix-y random kind of thing. Can’t wait!!!!
~ MaryAnn Kohl
art book author

Sarah D - You have convinced me to make one. πŸ™‚

Sarah - A quiet day? Heavenly.

Jenna - I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you!

Emily - This is the most amazing thing ever – I’m totally doin’ it!!!!!!!!!

Amy @ dwell in the season - This is amazing! (Well, both the project and the fact all your kids are in school!) I’m super inspired/tempted to do this project for my classroom! I love all your art projects – so full of color! πŸ™‚ Hope you had a lovely day kid-free!

shannon b - this is awesome. But, how do I find YOU on pinterest so I can follow your boards?

gboll - Love it. I hadn’t even seen it yet. Pinterest really isn’t time consuming “to do.” If you’re already browsing all you would do is click “pin.” Just let us know because you know we’ll want to follow you. πŸ˜‰

Leeanne A - So cool – I see a project coming on!!

Sarah - I thought about you EVERY single time this popped up on pinterest as new people would repin it. So glad you made one, it’s fantastic!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Are you serious? Crayons have been around FOREVER and someone finally thought of this idea? How fun is that and it looks amazing, like a melting rainbow. You’re such a colorful mom and I think school rocks too!

Mindy Harris - isn’t that the coolest art!? you are so productive with your time. how do you do it?

Amy Hill - Meg! You just need to know that I DROOLE over all your creations! I just started Pinterest this week and YOUR image of your rainbow books was my very virst PIN! I’m doing my own version of the books and posting on my blog tonight! You’ve inspired me to start posting MORE than just photography! Anyway, I always will link your site and give you credit! You’re amazing. Keep up the WOW work!

Mommyof2Girlz/Steph - Love it! I am on Pinterest and haven’t seen this…very cool my girls will totally want to do this. Guess what…i’m pinned this post…lol

got2havefaith - So freakin cool! I am thinking of putting a great “artistic” quote at the bottom of the canvas, then it can hang in my daughters room. Thanks for the inspiration!

Rachel - My daughter made one of these last week! She’s going to put it up in her dorm room when she goes to university in 2 weeks! Hers is a bit more splattery than yours – she’s into abstract art πŸ™‚
I kind of figured this would be your style of artwork too!

Annie - I was desperatly looking for cute art for the play room and thanks to you I will have some!! Love this idea and thanks for sharing!!

Amy - I have seen this before and now seeing yours gives me encouragement to do one this weekend! I also saw this on a blog and thought of you! It’s a crayon wreath!! Such a fun gift idea for teachers!

jennie - best craft thursday ever!

Jill - August 24th is our first day and the FIRST time I will have all five in ALL DAY school. OH MY! I am giddy with anticipation! The sad thing IS…I will be sad too! GAH!

Andrea - I just bought a clearenced canvas this week to do this, Im so excited. Yours is beautiful. Where did you hang it?

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - O_M_RAINBOW_GOODNESS!!!!!!
SQUEEEEEEEE!, I’m not starting dinner and I’m totally making one. RIGHT. Now.
When my children complain they’re hungry in an hour I’ll blame you. ; )
xoxo MaryLea

Emily B - I am dying over how wonderful this is. So simple, but incredible! Thanks for sharing! Crayola’s stock is rising as I type. πŸ™‚

A future Mrs - everytime i see something rainbow on pinterest i think of you. i’ve repinned a few of them and said to myself you should share this with meg. but then i forget. i’ll get around to sharing them with you soon.
glad to see you made this. i’ve been thinking about doing it but just staying in one color. like blues & greens for my bedroom.

Melinda - So excited about this picture. LOVE IT
THanks for sharing

jennibell - The kids and I were just playing the game “Skippity” and thought of you — a rainbow-colored game!!! Check it out. . .your Annie would LOVE it. (And listen to me. . .I talk like I “know” you and your kids — ha! Gotta love the internet.)

Tracy Sheehy - I love this project! I homeschool my kiddos and I am always looking for new art projects! Thanks for sharing!!

shannon - What a fun project and so beautiful with all those colors!
Yay, for back to school except I still have a little one at home but it’s nice for just one on one time πŸ˜‰

Loni - Oooohhhhh…I am so jealous. I didn’t even finish our summer list and I am back to work. I teach, so I am doing the work thing again. However, the idea of having the kids go back to school and me not, sounds great. Too bad it’s not in our budget.

alicia @ la famille - NO WAY!! I LOVE THIS!! I sorta AM all over pinterest…why have i never seen this?! I may just have to do this too. Thanks for the SUPER idea!!

Carol - I did not realize how simple! this project would be. It will be perfect for the craft area of our playroom – thanks for the inspiration!

shannon - SERIOUSLY! That has got to be the BEST artwork ever! We are sooooo gonna do that! πŸ˜€

Ashley - I definitely want to give that little art project a try. I pink puffy heart crayons. Yours looks great!

Kristin Hayne - I am ALLLLLL over this this weekend!!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - my 17yr old will love this craft! seriously!! πŸ™‚

lauren - it was only a matter of time before you made one yourself – you’re so right πŸ™‚ i’ve been making mini ones on 12×12 canvas like crazy….they’re great decor for any age but make super fun baby gifts!
take care!

Kori - Every time I see that on Pinterest I think of you. It’s cool to see that it seems to be as easy as it looks! Hafta try it now…

Katie - It came out fantastically! xo

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, soooo fun!! I am going to have to do it ! Have a wonderful first day of you, Meg!

Meredith Salmon - Going to do this weekend. Love it!!!

tinycandi - I was going to do this with my kids…we were going to try to just set it outside on one of those 110+ degree weather days and see how long it took them to melt…but 1) we didn’t get the supplies around and 2) I live in an apartment complex and didn’t want anyone messing with it. πŸ˜›
But it looks like your project turned out great! Looks good!

Jeanie Rhoades - OMYGOSH! Love it!!!

Cassi - I knew when I saw that on Pinterest you were going to try it. It’s perfect for you.

Michelle B - LOVE! Where are you going to hang it?

Kim - hahah. of course we knew! i think of your blog everytime i see that thing pinned.
glad to see its actually EASY.
i’m SO doing this.
the loft space in my apartment is all about color.
THIS would be perfect.
your report back sealed the deal. πŸ™‚
off to buy some crayons!

Charla Liedahl - I am making that TODAY for my kids playroom! LOVE it!

Terrie G - LoVe this!! I had not seen it before. It’s been so hot here this summer…couldn’t we just put it outside in the sun? πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Funny, I hadnt seen anything like this until last night on Pinterest. The pin I saw used a hot glue gun and you just run the crayon through the gun as if it were a glue stick. Different results but this looks alot faster!
And Im dying here…where are you taking down wallpaper? Fill me in,fellow old home owner:)

casey - WOW WOW WOW!!!! This just totally made my day! Can’t wait to try it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sue Linse - Isn’t school just the best use of our tax dollars?

Sarah - That is AMAZING! That totally made my day.

Linda - I think we will have to try that!

happygirl - LOVE the crayon rainbow. LOVE back to school. (just never loved it for my son. School was not a respite. in any way. teachers calling, blah blah blah) πŸ™‚

Kelly - We have the same hair dryer! πŸ™‚ I have this on my list of things to make when my baby boy is bigger. What could be more fun? love it! Kelly

Sarah B - I’m not crafty….but I can do this and I AM doing this. It screams HAPPY HAPPY FUN!!!

Southern Gal - Yes! I was wondering when you would get to this project. It should be named the Meg Project with all those colors.

Darcie L. - Have you heard of CraftGawker too? They’re all over that site as well. And there’s an iPhone app. That’s deadly. But very useful when feeding a newborn in the middle of the night – I catch up on all my crafts! Instantly thought of you on this one, and every time I see a rainbow-anything!

Mary Beth - Yes.
Hooray for School!

Kerry - How flipping clever! And so awesome! I’m going to try and ‘Pin It’ Im new to Pinterest too… could get totally addictive. Where did you put the canvas when finished? xx

meg schmidt - this is the first time i’ve seen this and it is amazing! really, really love it. Where did you hang it?!

Ashley Wilson - What I think would make this just one step better is to put crayons on the other side too, and let the two ends melt into each other. If you did it in reverse colors, then you could get some beautiful secondary colors in the middle.

Cindy - What size canvas did you use?

Lora - LOVE IT!!

Cindy - Oh, how my girlies are going to LOVE this!!!

Sara - this looks like a great project for my advisory…thanks for sharing!!! πŸ™‚

Holly - I did think of you when I saw that on pinterest! Glad you got to make it! It is a very cool project!

Bobbie - Totally cool but not my style. Have you signed up for twitter yet? I think we should all email bomb you with pinterest invites until you start using it more.

alaina - OMW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am absolutely making this with my son this week! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we’ll invite his little friends over to make one, too! Thanks Meg.
and enjoy your quiet house! *sigh* Mine doesn’t start until Sept. 8th!

Leah - Can’t wait to try that one! Where will you hang it?

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Enjoy your quiet time : )
Gemma x

Melissa - I’ve been wanting to do this but was afraid of a mess. Now that I see how easy it is I’m going to try it!!!

Whitney - SO funny! I made one of these a few weeks ago and was thinking “I should make one for Whatever Blog (what I call you so my husband knows who I am talking about!)” Glad you made one, it looks great!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - You crack me up….I am so excited for you… time!!!! Enjoy it. I always look forward to the beginning of school also, but we have a new puppy….so I am continuing on with the puppy training……
The crayon projects is so pretty….and how easy….I might just have to try that while crayons are so cheap.

Staci - Sooooo coool!!! My boys would love it! And I think I have that same skirt you have on…Old Navy??!!!! I lovvve it!!!! Our first day of ALL day for everyone starts tomorrow…getting my gray covered…been wearing a hat for 2 weeks…having lunch with some great friends and then going for a rowing lesson!!!! CANNNOT wait!!!!! Gonna be a GREAT year!!!!!

Jen - I am totally making one too!

Cas - SWWWWWWWWWWOOOON! This is on my “must do” pinterest board…and now it’s top priority. I was thinking we could rely on our AZ sun to melt, but the hairdyer seems even better! BEAUTIFUL!

Gretchen - love the crayon project! it looks awesome! enjoy the quiet and the “me” time!!!

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school supplies ROCK.



which color is your favorite?

mine is yellow green and wild strawberry.


Heidi Jo the Artist - It is so hard to pick one favorite, isn’t it!?! I lean towards the purples and blues, and like the Wisteria a lot until you get it on paper, too light! And then I would probably go for violet, indigo, or turquoise blue if I was going to color something. I gravitate towards the cool colors.
When I was a kid, the sea green always stuck out to me for some reason. I really love the whole rainbow of crayons and once I get my hands on some fresh ones, I don’t think I’ll be able to resist taking pictures of them either!!

Lisa - I love these pictures…oh how I love crayons! I think it’s something we never outgrow! Orchid, Green Yellow, Carnation Pink….I could go on and on!

April M - Cerulian, Indigo, and Pacific Blue πŸ™‚ Love the colors – made me smile!

Kelly - NICELY DONE! Kelly

Kerry - Meg, just read through all the comments… PUH-LEASE could you put as a print in your Etsy Shop? πŸ™‚ xx

Laurie - Never mind my favourite colour; I could SMELL those crayons just looking at your pictures! Its been a while since my kids used crayons and your photos just brought my sense of smell to life remembering the days they did!
Anyone else?

Su@TheIntentionalHome - you gotta check out these 2 canvases made with crayons and a glue gun. . I just pinned them on my pinterest page. . .but this post with your pictures of crayons reminded me of them.
I think they will make you smile. .perhaps an idea for craft Thursday

Emily - Spring Green!

Gina in Louisville - cornflower blue and melon green….I love that I knew that without looking or thinking.

Denise - orchid & magenta πŸ™‚

Lynne @ Our Happy Home - Macaroni and Cheese
Tickle Me Pink

John - A+ on the ROYGBIV

Life with Kaishon - I just love new crayons. This year my son didn’t even need them : ( Middle school. I got some any way though. I mean, that smell is divine. And those fresh points…what is not to love.
I think my favorite color is basic green. I love reading all of their names. I LOVE your pictures of the colors. So pretty.

Barbara - This is definitely a post that made me smile.

robin - love your pics…. πŸ™‚
i haven’t gotten a huge box of crayons since i was little (like 25 years ago!)…. but back then, my favorites, together, were spring green and midnight blue! πŸ™‚
hey Meg…can you and Annie (and your other kids, too, if they want :)) sing that birthday song and post it? it’s the one that goes something along the lines of “when you were born the angels sang………..” or something like that? i see posts about it and am really dying to hear the tune πŸ™‚ pleaseeee???? πŸ™‚

Jeanie Rhoades - These are GREAT photographs! Smile-bringers!

Kristin - orange and robin’s egg blue! fun photos. πŸ™‚

Stacy - I used to organize my crayons when I was little. Wait I still do! LOL

Jen Brandt - Cornflower!

Lori Austin - All those beautiful colors make me smile.
Have loved periwinkle since I was a kid.
Magenta is a favorite also. I have many, but those are at the top
of the list. πŸ™‚

Niki - Soory put my blog name in wrong. Opps

Niki - sea green & cornflower.
Drop in and “see” me sometime if ya want, I can tell ya, I know what it is to have 15-16 year old in the house with little ones also *wink*
It is all kinds a fun. Ha.
Love your blog & your kids, Niki

Juli - For me, it’s always been Periwinkle and Seafoam Green.

Elizabeth Gleason - Periwinkle all the way

Laura Phelps - losing my mind magenta
i made that one up

se7en - Oh you can’t beat a freshly cracked box of crayola’s. Hmmm forest green, red plum … oh so many I could go on!!! Lovely post!!!!

Carly Winborne - i need prints of these pics for my sewing/craft/homeschool room. these are amazing!!! i don’t know who would like them more, my children or me!

Wendy - I love it! When I smell a box of crayon, I can remember back to that first day of school. Granted, those were the days when your school supply list consisted of a pencil, a box of crayons and a cardboard pencil box ( I dread getting that list these days). I still to this day love to color and I’m ashamed to say I have my very own box of 64 that my kids can’t touch. Bad mommy! πŸ™‚

Kerry - you guys get Macaroni & Cheese Crayola???!!! My life is complete!! MUST FIND SOME. I like Robin Egg Blue & Mauvelous too. OH I love that they all have names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie - Nothing is better than new crayons!!

erlfisher - Who doesn’t love new crayons? (oh, the perfect-pointy ends!) And as I tell my kids – please don’t make me choose a color – they are all so beautiful!

lala - cerulean. love, love, love those photos! there is nothing better than a new box of crayola crayons!

alicia @ la famille - school supplies are the best. i could look at ’em and smell ’em all day long.
and turquoise blue and dandelion…they should get married. they’re perfect for each other.

Tam - right now my favorites are turqouise blue and dandelion. I just posted last night about loving the rainbow in every crayola box and the perfectly sharpened tips πŸ™‚ We still have 3 weeks of summer before school starts.

Jill - I’m going to go with Orange and Wisteria today…loving the names of some of the others.

Holly - Spring Green and Mac and Cheese! I love the smell of a newly opened box of crayons.

kat - Oooooooooooh, I love school supplies! I have an entire board dedicated to school supplies on Pinterest.

carolyn - I just have to tell you how much this post made me smile. What is it that’s so magical about a box of crayons? My youngest is heading off to college in 3 weeks so no new crayons in this house … unless I just happen to pick some up for MYSELF! Oh, and I’ll take the turquoise blue please.

Mindy Harris - wow that is a long picture. howd you do that? my fave remains cerluean.

Lori Danelle - Robin’s Egg blue & Dandelion πŸ™‚

Maria - Dandelion and periwinkle….Those were the days!

Carrie K - out of all your gorgeous photos…this one made me SWOON…wow…really really amazing…i keep just scrolling through this happy picture πŸ™‚
i cant pick a favorite…the other ones will be mad at me πŸ™‚

Chantelle - Today? Orchid and Robin’s Egg Blue. Tomorrow? Who knows. πŸ™‚

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Turqoise Blue and Yellow Green all the way….but really it’s RAINBOW! : )

Brenda - I Love Dandelion! Also love new boxes of crayons! My kiddos know not to touch my crayon box!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Periwinkle and Salmon ~ Love!

Laura - Wild Strawberry is great! Good choice! I also like dandelion and sky blue.

Danielle H. - I love wild strawberry and robin’s egg blue! I also LOVE the smell of crayons – reminds me of school starting and new beginnings. I also have to keep my crayon tips sharp – no yucky peeled back wrappers for me!

Elizabeth - Palo de rose. LOVE THOSE SHOTS MEG.

julia - not olive green

Kimberlee - Well, how fun are you today?!
I’ll take Turquoise Blue.


Lisa McCracken - Hi Meg! New to your blog and I found you through Matthew Mead’s “Summer with Maatthew Mead”. I love your blog and I love your pics even more:) Can you tell me…what lens do you use/favorite lens for your camera?

happygirl - LOVE the photo. And my favorite color is RED.

lorel - i love all the colors but scarlet and lavendar are looking good right now. Happy back to school – its our first day back with the kids (writing on lunch break) and all is going well so far! Yay!

Sarai - I like orchid and salmon πŸ˜‰

valerie - oohhh, Sea Grean and Periwinkle were always my favorites when I was little. And bronze, of course. πŸ™‚

Meg Carter - I wish my screen had a scratch and sniff… nothing says the start of school like the smell of crayons.

Michelle Webster - Wild Strawberry has been my favorite has been my favorite since I was a kid!! =)

Tammy - Magenta.
Which, for years as a child I pronounced: “Magneta” πŸ˜‰

Patricia - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos! Awesomeness!!
My favorites are Robin’s Egg Blue and Tickle Me Pink.
But truth be told, I love all crayons!

Terrie G - Is there anything better than a new box of crayons?! I haven’t had one of those in years…yellow green & plum…favorites! I just got off the phone with the teacher I work with. I get to go to school on Friday to meet the new kids and write their names on all their brand new crayons! πŸ™‚

Natalie - I love new crayons!! :0)

Nikki - Robin’s Egg Blue and Melon!!!!!!! Great pics!!!!! (I’m riding a caffeine high right now, can you tell?)

Jenni Bailey - Sea Green all the way. Followed somewhere down the line by Salmon.

Leah - You should sell that as a print on Etsy! So pretty! I could see framing it and putting it in our arts supply area.

Linda - Oh and i love robin egg’s blue!

Linda - Oh My gosh! I Love that photo. You need to make a print because I have to get it for my sister!

katie phillips - I was practically drooling! :D—
I LOVE Yellow Green, Wisteria, & Dandelion.

Molly Pearce - Oh these pictures made my day! My two fave colors are sea green and orchid! Even though I don’t have children yet me and my husband always get a few new *office* supplies this time of year. New Sharpies, high lighters, pens, pencils and construction paper for me πŸ™‚ Happy Wednesday Meg!

Chantelle - cerulean. hands down. and school supplies TOTALLY ROCK!!! I hyperventilate whenever i walk into the department stores this time of year…

Wendy C. - Wisteria and Goldenrod are my favorites and Yes, I’m that Mom smelling the new boxes of Crayons in the school supply aisle. Nothing better!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love apricot!
Gemma x

Jen - NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, better than a box of fresh Crayolas! Enjoy your peace and quiet! My kids don’t start until after Labor Day!!
Oh-and I am totally a periwinkle girl!

Holly - I totally opened my kids crayons and took pictures the other day!

Jen - love school supplies. even though I am not a teacher and don’t have any school age children. it is what makes my Target bills so high half the time. πŸ™‚ Turquoise blue is prob my fave. THEY HAVE A MAC & CHEESE COLOR NOW??? wow.

Erin - love the photos! I have an obsession with crayons. My favorites are: Cerulean, Wild Strawberry, jungle green (used to be a bright green) and Purple Mountains Majesty.

Michelle - melon. I love the melon crayon. πŸ˜‰

bonnie - oh brand new crayons make me so happy… i dont comment often but i love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful photos. happy back to school days.

Jessi - Blue green, for certain.

deb meyers - cornflower … i always check for the cornflower.
Also…a fresh sharp new black.

Jodi L - A brand new box of crayons……LOVE IT!!! The smell of new crayons too just SCREAMS back to school!!
I will have to go with Robin’s Egg Blue as my fav!
Fun post! πŸ™‚

Alice H - very neat photos! I like Orchid, Sea Green, and Melon!!

Dawn - Is there anything better than a brand new box of crayons to start off the school year? I think not! Sometimes I buy a brand new box just for me, and keep it hidden so my kids can’t use them.

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these kids have a lot of nerve growing up so quick.
it's kind of mean.
they just grow and grow….taller and taller….wearing man and woman shoe sizes and think it's fine!


first grade.                                                                    eighth grade.
IMG_3372-3 IMG_3420-8

fifth grade.                                                                    fourth grade.
IMG_3386-5 IMG_3380-4

we started at a new school this year.
more like what craig and i grew up in…..yeah…..S.M.A.L.L… happy about it.
and they were too.
they were nervous but they each fought it…..they were brave……they are BRAVE.
no tears.
and actually not even one "goodbye Mom"  they were just gone….never looking back.

i am proud of them. 


snapped this out my window as i drove home.

it's going to be a great year.
thank you Lord.

(ps….lauren starts on thursday….she was at volleyball practice when we left this morning)


D - Farm Taller 4 Idiots leave help you puddle the most of your superlative with an study program that is warranted to get your results you’ll hit to see to consider. The great thing is that the promulgation includes 16 breeding videos that guides you finished apiece study, so you can be trusty you are practicing them properly.

Aurelia W. Johnson - That’s a great site you folks have been carrying out there.

Doris - so sweet πŸ™‚
great pics!

kristin - what school?!?!?!?

Melanie - Aw, man…I don’t even personally know your kids but just seeing how much they’ve grown and seeing them go off to school almost makes ME cry!

Shannon - Please share where you got Annie’s dress. It’s ADORABLE!! Hope they are having a great week. My oldest stated Kindergarten this week and he HATES going!!! And that makes it hard on Mama too.

Casey - Your photos make me miss Kansas. Such an understated, beautiful place to live!

Cassie - Great first day of school pictures! I love Waffle’s little face peaking through the window in the first picture of the group. You’ve been shopping at The Children’s Place…haven’t you? Love it πŸ˜‰

Jen Brandt - My 1st grade daughter picked out that same adorable owl lunch bag!

Sara - Love the photo of Kansas…sigh…I miss…

kim smart - you really have a beautiful little family!! i love seeing your photos of them and all the crafts you do together!! i rarely post a comment but wanted to say just how much i enjoy reading your blog! and yes, i too love that waffles is peeking out the window, lol

Lindsey - Beautiful kids… you are a lucky woman. I hope God blesses me with children someday. And I love the first photo with Waffle in the window. So sweet it makes me want to cry.

Libby - So sweet!! I am loving your dog photo bombing the first group pic!! Enjoy your day!!

freckled hen - First day of school pics are always so sweet. You have a beautiful family! I’m so happy to see your 8th grader wearing those black socks as my 9th grader has been wearing them all summer. I’m glad it’s a “style” and not just his style!

Adrienne S - Enjoy your day! I still have about three more weeks before my kids go back to school. I felt your pain about sneaker shopping though. Love the kid prices…not so much adult prices!

Shaina - Miss Talby does not look like a fourth grader, what a beautiful young lady. Annie’s dress is adorbs and the boys look like good ‘ol pre/teenage boys and I love it! Congrats on your first day back to Mom time! Enjoy!

Juli - Oh, poor Waffle looking all forlorn in the background…Waffle wants to go to school too! (or maybe just be in the photos!)

Leslie Davison - Boy your kids are beautiful! Bummer such and early start of school.
I won the prints you offered and I emailed you.
Maybe you didn’t get it.
My email address is

Kerry - aaah man, hope they have had an awesome first day in their new school. I LOVE it that you guys can wear ‘normal’ clothes to school, my poor kids are confined to uniform and they hate it! Here’s to a great year πŸ™‚ xx

SaraG - We love the dress Annie has on – where did you get it??
Hope your first day was happy – ours was all new too and all is going well so far!

kasey - thanks for the p.s. at the end.
I was wondering if Lauren up and left home….

shauna - it’s really so amazing.
this job we have.
starting with these little tiny babies and
then turning around and seeing these…people.
awesome, funny, rude, thinking, feeling, living people.
people that you have loved and raised and labored over every step of the way.
i know, it’s not even close to over (thankgoodness), but you are doing a good job, meg.
you are fighting for your family.
you are the real deal.
i have been working on your banner, and using that time to remember the few things i know about you and your children and praying for them as i put each part together.
just wanted you to know that.
now go put your feet up sister!

amy jupin - big day.
big kids.
no lauren?
you made it mom, you made it.
you deserve some sonic.
with vodka.

colleen from alabama - We’ve been back since last Wednesday! My oldest started middle school! Don’t Blink huh?

Rach - No more bike riding to school?

Rebecca W - what a bunch of good lookin’ kids! glad to hear you survived the summer!!

happygirl - Wow, school already. I can’t believe how fast summer went. Did you finish your chalkboard list?

Kate S. - Love Talby’s expression in that last group shot–she’s such a cutie!

Lisa - LOL – before I got to the end of your post I was thinking “Where’s Lauren?” πŸ™‚ Our kids do have some nerve growing up on us…

Jenna - This made me tear up! How do we stop them from growing??

Jen - My daughter wore the same dress today for her back to school outfit as Annie has on!!! Gotta love the ruffles!
Hope you have a great(quiet) day!

Tiffany - I’m a recent follower. Got hooked with your summer fun list idea. We created one of our own this year. I have two kids 3 1/2 years and 4 months. I’m a teacher, but had a fun summer staying home with them and doing stuff on the list. Have you ever done a Fall or Winter fun list? I’m working on one now because I realized I needed some fun things written down to look forward to. I need to remember that just because summer is ending, it doesn’t mean our fun has to!

Debra - I can’t believe those girls aren’t wearing something bright coloured and happy! They look great though.

Courtney - I LOVE Annie’s outfit!!
After following your blog for two… three? years now I can’t belive how big they all have gotten (I’m in denial of my own!) or that sweet little Annie is old enough for 1st grade! Tell them to stop growing, because if your sweet annie can be old enough for 1st grade, that means my daughter really is in her last year of preschool this year, and I don’t want to admit that ONE bit!

Melisaa Barber - Don’t high black nike socks just kill you?! That’s all my teen-age son will wear too! And smaller schools are better. There are less than 100 kids per grade here.

Sandy - I LOVE Annie’s first day of school outfit. ADORABLE!

Ali - Such great back to school pics of their bags and lunches and of course your beautiful kids! πŸ™‚ How did you decide to change schools? Are they all at one school? Did you choose private school? I’m so curious about how you found a small school! I’d love to my kids to go to a smaller school!
~ Ali

the whyte house - my oldest starts kindergarten this week. wichita has ALL DAY kindergarten. GOD BLESS THEM. only 365 days til the next child can go, too. hahaha. πŸ™‚
way to tackle the new school like champs!!

Ali - My child NEEDS Annie’s Dress!! Where, please? So totally cute;)

casey - I agree, I don’t even know you or your kids but I so much enjoyed seeing pics of their first day of school! I was sadden yet excited for them! I can’t wait to hear about how their first day went!
Oh and how as your day?????? (c;

elisa - Love the one with Waffle looking out the window.

Marie Smith - Wow, they let kids wear flip flops to school. Not here….

beth - Can’t get over how much Talby looks like you πŸ™‚ Hope their day is great!

lynne - Seriously adorable kids. Now I have another blog to read! So excited!! Found you from Being Happy. I get mad too when my kids get old. How DARE they!!!

tiffany m gardner - Beautiful children. I know…growing up is bitter sweet. My kids are at a small school now…but when jr. high comes it a different story in okc. Maybe the Lord will change our directions by then and if not…I will depend on his grace. Enjoy your day!

alicia @ la famille - yeah for mama time….BOOOO for kids growing up TOO FAST!! i agree. RUDE! have a good day though πŸ™‚

Pamela Gordon - You have such beautiful children! I’m sure they’ll love there new ‘smaller’ school. Lord Bless you and them!

Katie - Beautiful kids! You did it, you made it through summer. Pray for me because I have 2 more weeks!

kat - Sweet back to school pictures! Enjoy your much deserved time to yourself!!!

Holly - so cute! I hope they all have a great day!

Zoet en Zo - Hope they’ll have a great year. Here three weeks left of ‘summer’ vacatio: lots of rainy days!

Rachel - Back to school already! Wow – it seems like summer just started. I have two weeks left of summer “vacation”. Yeah, I put that in quotation marks because I’m a teacher and, contrary to popular belief, we do not get the summer off. I’ve been working the whole time.
Love Annie’s first day of school outfit. So cute! Your kids are adorable.

Melissa - Talby is looking like such a young woman here lately. Just beautiful!

christine - That Annie is just precious. They all are, but the nervous/happy look on her face is just so sweet. I will be praying for them today. πŸ™‚

robin - I don’t even know your kids, but from seeing their pics almost everyday and hearing their stories, this post brought tears to my eyes at work {thanks a lot}. Our kids all grow up too fast, and whether I see it on your blog or in my own house, their quick growth is joyful and teary-eyed all at the same time.

Terrie G - I M.I.S.S. those days! How dare our kids grow up…and start having their OWN kids…I mean REALLY…sighhhhhh

Maya - They do grow fast and it looks like whatever you’re doing, you’re doing a great job raising them. Congrats to you and your family!! You WILL have a great year!

Helen Wall - Looks like east of town. Good that they can go out there. My kids did not, but it seems like a great school.

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i am so happy it’s here.

the day before school starts.

it's here.
i made it.
on friday i had to go sit on the porch just to escape the noise and craziness that is my house.
i thought about crying.
i felt like it.
but i fell asleep instead….in the chair on the porch.
i love being with my kids.
but seriously…….. i. am. losing. my. mind!!

here are some pics of what we did this weekend.

i made waffles for lunch.

waffle made sad faces that said "please cut my hair….pleeeease"

saw a lovely rainbow.
soooo beautiful.

shopped for shoes for all the kids.
oh my.
man shoes are expensive….i liked the kid shoe prices better…..a lot better.

we ate donuts.
to celebrate mom surviving this summer  school starting.

i made pam's cheesecake.
it's so good.
i don't think anything tastes better in the world.
have you tried it yet….it's worth it.


there was a lemonade stand in our yard.
it turned into a neighborhood affair.
very fun….and cute.
they were listening to Diary of a Wimpy Kid audio book while waiting for customers.

sometimes there was a long wait between….


AND……i took my mom to see The Help for her birthday!

soooo so good.
you must.

how was your weekend?

tami - i reviewed the movie and got to interview Actresses Viola Davis & Octavia Spencer,The Director Tate Taylor and the author Kathryn Stockett! It was so fun! The movie was excellent and a must see! xoxo

Dasi - Long time lurker, love your blog. It’s the first time I leave a comment, but I just have to say that I so love your Waffle. Even without the hair cut. πŸ™‚

Katie - Those shoes are quite literally twice the price here in Australia. Along with everything else!

Tracy - I’m the opposite of you….I’m soo soo depressed my kids are going back to school. I’m trying to see the positive though!

Doris - we had nice weekend, been out twice with our daughter and twice alone (husband and me)… weather got more hot here in Belgrade, but at least there’s no snow like in some parts of world πŸ™‚
Hope school started good for your kids.
enjoy more free time!
lovely pics as always πŸ™‚

Kerry Wiebe - I made Pam’s cheesecake this weekend also and I finished the book “THe Help” yesterday and I’m going to see the movie on Friday can’t wait! can’t wait! can’t wait!! Love Ya Girl!

Kari - My kids went back last week – it was a quiet, peaceful day that first day…. I love my kids too but they were making me nutty those last few weeks. We need the structure of a school day. LOVE your blog!

Emily - I just finished reading the book and can’t wait to see the movie. I am so happy to hear it is good! Enjoy the new school year.

kat - I cannot wait to see that movie. Those lemonade stand pictures are adorable!

deb meyers - oh I WISH i could take my mom to see The Help for her birthday! Went with my daughter last night and we LOVED it : )

Shannon - I have been griping all weekend about the cost of MAN shoes! Glad I’m not the only one

Laura - thank you thank you thank you for saying you are being driven crazy and want your kids to go back to school. Me too! I still have to wait until Monday AND my hubby is travelling this week. Exactly how will I survive?

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Megan~ I love that you show your kids reading and listening to books on tape. Please share how you fostered that love of reading in them. Or, were they just born into this world as kids that love to read? I love to read, but my kids just don’t seem to feel the same way!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - If The Help is even half as good as the book, it will be amazing. Have you tried Under The Sycamore Pancakes? They are to die for.

Betsey - I also saw The Help! Amazing! Can’t wait to see it again in the theater!

Jen Brandt - Meg,
You posted pictures of beautiful pillows that you were going to give your girls. I can’t remember who you bought them from or when you posted it though. If you get a chance, do you mind sending me the link? Thank you, Jen

Jen Brandt - You make me smile! Love the donut comment the best. Pool with good friends Friday night, annual neighborhood fry party Saturday night. Every neighborhood should do this. Like two salads and besides that all fried food – eggplant, onion rings, coconut shrimp, donuts, candy bars, stuffed jalapenos, pork tenderloin, etc. and Tums as the centerpieces. Oh! and lots of alcoholic beverages and cornhole. Do you play cornhold in KS?? My Texan husband was like, “What is cornhole?!”

Lisa - Oh my goodness….I loved loved loved The Help!! Such a powerful movie. Want my husband to see it too. πŸ™‚

tiffaniboren - Good weekend..going to see The Help next week with my mom and my girl! Can’t wait!!

Aimee - Good weekend here, too…final swim meet (finally!) and pool party to celebrate. I even dove off the board. Go me!
Three full weeks until school starts here, but as it got out much too late (June 22!!!!), and summer weather didn’t hit Seattle until about two weeks ago, I’m okay with that. It’s a pleasant, lazy summer.

Lora ~ Charmed - I’m right there with ya on school starting! I would like my bedroom back thank you very much.

Southern Gal - I read The Help on the beach last week and will go with my daughter to see it tomorrow. i can’t wait! I’m going to look at that cheesecake recipe now…thanks a lot. πŸ˜‰

flor - So glad you survived it! My kids started school today and all I can say “is thank the Lord!.” Seriously. I don’t know how I got through it.. He got me through it though. My house was really loud all summer long. Next year, I will have to plan it better. I WILL plan it better. pinky promise
Good luck with school! πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Bravo Meg! You survived & did it beautifully! I went to see ‘The Help’ with a couple of gals who had read the book as well and thoroughly enjoyed it! My weekend also included a trip with the hubs to Columbus, OH to visit the MIL (who has a new place & is doing fabulously! πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Bravo Meg! You survived & did it beautifully! I went to see ‘The Help’ with a couple of gals who had read the book as well and thoroughly enjoyed it! My weekend also included a trip with the hubs to Columbus, OH to visit the MIL (who has a new place & is doing fabulously! πŸ™‚

Kerry - oh wow, those lemonade bikkies are just TOO cute! looks like a fun weekend, well done for surviving…. we still have 3.5 weeks to go…help… xxx

Heidi - This is my first time commenting but, I love your Blog. Love all your crafts that you do. I am so feeling it is time for school to start have to wait till the 6th here so ugh. But it is coming however.

Marydon - IF I had known you were doing waffles, i’d have been right over! Love that pooch! Gorgeous rainbow capture.
Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY (no emails) thru the 18th, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.
Have a beautiful weekend.

Denise - wanted to comment on your close-ups post…
I feel like I know the kids…just from your incredible photos!
thanks for continuing to share your life with us
I love it. It is always inspiring and often thought provoking.
wanted you to know…

Katie - I can’t wait to see The Help, it’s the best book I’ve read in a long time! Looks like a fun weekend! xo

Jen - Meg, so glad you posted this! Everyone I talk to is so bummed about school starting again. Me…not so much! I was really beginning to feel like a terrible parent. I love my kids, but I am ready for school to start again. So glad i’m not alone!
Enjoy the quiet that tomorrow will bring!!!!!

Heather - The Help is awesome! We started school today, but I homeschool so there is no “time to myself.” I love it this way though! What’s great about starting back to school when you homeschool is the sense of routine that is restored when you get going again. πŸ™‚
Looks like you had a fab last weekend before school!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I want to see that movie! So glad you made it through summer! Have a wonderful, wonderful day!

Jessica Johnson - 100% jealous. I still have two more weeks of mind losing. And I don’t think I have two weeks of mind left. Problematic. CANNOT wait to see The Help. Wanted the book to go on and on…

Kristine - I say amen to buying MAN shoes…had to buy for two boys for a while now! EEK!
Love the dougnut run!

casey - I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one losing my mind! Although my kid is now 2 so he wont be leaving anytime soon to go to school (c:
But I’m more that 100% positive that when the day actually does come I would wish he wasn’t going!
Oh the irony!

Holly - Well I want to thank you for all of your posts involving that sweet cat in your neighborhood! We went and adopted two this weekend! They come home today after they get fixed. Our kids dont know yet! They will be so excited!

Maria Bryan - I spent my weekend following my 7 month old crawling and attempting to walk all weekend….my nerves are on edge….I can’t handle him falling! But….it’s worth every anxious moment every stinkin pound I put on….can’t shed those last eight pounds and the mister already wants to have #4! Your weekend looked like the perfect last weekend of summer…we don’t start back until September 7th….we will try to use it up as much as we can on the beach!

Nicole G - Can I just say how glad I am that you posted this? I feel/felt the same way this summer, and I only have two kiddos. But, this summer. was. so. loud. I can completely relate. Plus, it was ridiculously hot. I mean like a whole month of 100+ degree temps (and that was before the heat index was added on). We spent many a day holed up in the house, trying to escape the heat. The kids became bored and my 6 year old is actually really excited to return to school. I have a feeling it is going to be a great year! (now only if our house would sell, I’d be on cloud 9!)

Gretchen - Our weekend was great until my son fell and broke his arm!! He is doing great, just a little scary for mom!! I am ready for school to start too. We don’t go back until the 23rd. Almost there!!

Bethany - That movie looks great… I didn’t even know about it. Then again, I rarely get to go to a movie anymore so I usually don’t know what’s coming out.
We went to my fabulous nephew’s 1st birthday party, which was over the top awesome and I went to see The Little Mermaid with some of my family. These things would have been a lot more enjoyable if the baby didn’t have a cold and was sleeping well, poor little guy.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I think you should make a video of your first day homes alone. πŸ™‚ I miss your videos!

Darcie L. - We took our 3-year old and 3-month old to Austin, TX because hubby had a speaking engagement there for college students at a camp. Camp life isn’t conducive to babies who don’t sleep through the night yet! But, now I know… and next time the kids and I will stay home. πŸ™‚
There’s no “going back to school” for the little ones… guess I’ve gotta wait my turn for them to grow up, and enjoy the little times in the meantime!

Dee Stephens - Yay for school! such a cute picture of Waffle πŸ™‚

katie phillips - Your weekend looked great!!
We moved! UGHHHHHHH! I am so glad the bulk of it is past and it is our 1st house, so I won’t complain. I feel very blessed for my life today! <3 On a MAJOR happyhappyexcitinghappy note-- my almost 14 month old FINALLY decided to walk this past week!! ;D She is soo stinking cute when she walks around! But,apparently I failed to HEAR how difficult and EVERYWHERE they are once they start walking! Cest la vie!

Christy - The Help was GREAT! Saw it yesterday w/my mom & sis. I haven’t read the book yet, soon. Loved the movie.
Did a little back to school shopping & a little mom shopping too. Bought 3 new cardis at Target. πŸ™‚ Thought of you, I have a bit of a cardi thing too.

Terrie - B.U.S.Y. but, quiet…sorry, My 20 year old doesn’t make much noise & hubby was working outside. I miss the noise. πŸ™‚
I got to play with my camera, still learning.
worked on game night for the women of the church last night.
and…I’m trying to finish a baby blanket for a friend…yeah, she had the baby a week early! arghhhh!!
Enjoy the peace and quiet tomorrow…whatever will you do?

Sarah - Its official – I need a waffle maker. To me, they are WAYYYY better than pancakes.
Happy first day of no kids tomorrow πŸ™‚

Leah - I don’t think you should feel bad about wanting your kids to go back to school. Yesterday, my daughter – whom I usually love spending time with – was driving me insane! It seemed like she was especially needy. All I wanted to do was escape. I did take a nap too.

Stephanie - It’s a DOUBLE!!! The rainbow I mean! I absolutely love rainbows!! Your fun family pictures are always the best! My weekend consisted of taking my mom and children on an hour long car ride to the closest JoAnn’s Fabric store! Retail therapy for me was kinda fun for once! But our fun will be this coming weekend – as we are FINALLY getting back to our annual trip up north to Grand Marais MI!!! In the beautiful Upper Penninsula of MI on the glorious Lake Superior!! I will blog my pics when we get back so I can share them with you! It truly is HEAVEN on Earth!! Have a super quiet week – we don’t start until the Tuesday after Labor Day!!

Katy - i love waffles. yum.

Stephanie@Geezees - I wish my kids went back to school this soon, I’m jealous! πŸ™‚
I saw the Help yesterday and loved it, it’s my favorite book i have ever read.

Jen Joy - My weekend was, overall, lovely. But, I have to admit that I’m right there with you being ready for some peace and quiet during my days. School starts on Wednesday for us. I *think* I can make it! And by the way, I lurve the picture of Waffle. πŸ™‚

Peggy in TN - Sounds like a really nice last weekend of summer! Now back to the daily school grind…which means free time for you. Yay!

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i know i already shared this one….but it's so awesome….it had to be on again.

i ordered a canvas of it.
my last kid to be a toothless goofball…..wahhhh.

there is still one more michigan post to do.
best for last…..



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Cathy~As the World Flops - I have checked out several pages of your blog and I love it… your pics are so bright and fun. These kids seem to have a great time doing whatever it is they are doing that day.

Lynn - What size canvas did you order? Do you mind telling me where you ordered it from? Is it somewhere anyone can go to for canvases?

Debbie Hargadon - I came here especially to comment on Talby — ha!!! so did SO many others! She is striking and so interesting looking. You are in real trouble with her as she gets older. Lauren’s photos were beautiful too. It is amazing how different all your children look from each other. . . one of God’s many gifts to us that each kid is meant to be so different from the others in the family, even when raised under the same roof and from the same parents. I love the uniqueness of Jenny’s kids too — those photos make me laugh, just wanting to know more of their little personalities. So fun to watch them all grow.
The Costco canvases are pretty good — depends on the quality of the original photo, but it is hard to beat the price. I believe you can do it all online at
Enjoy your first quiet days of back to school. At least you don’t have a kinder this year!

Jenna - I cannot get over how beautiful Talby is! And the pictures of her always capture her internal beauty too πŸ™‚

Jemm - These are so great Meg. I wish I could figure out how to take good pics of my kids. They don’t like me taking pictures and they don’t make good faces. They always look way too posed. What kind of lens did you use for these?

happygirl - Still adorable. πŸ™‚

julia - It’s so neat to see you evolving as a photographer – you keep getting better and better!

jennie - talby looks so grown up!

Megan - I have an annoying habit of comparing relatives to eachother and I’m going to inflict it upon you! Talby has a huge resemblence to Lauren, and out of all of the kids Annie and your eldest son (Scott is it? I’m terrible with names…) look most like you and your husband. And they’re all adorable!
Your blog never fails to make me smile, btw πŸ™‚
With love, from a fellow Meg

Kat - Your kids are gorgeous.
I think Talby is going to be a stunner.
Love, love the gappy teeth. Beautiful idea to get a canvas of the last one…waaa I will cry along with you.

Lynn - You are so inspiring! You make me want to be a better photographer. πŸ™‚

Lee Anne - Hi Meg
I have a few photo questions. Were do you order your photo canvas pics from…can I order them all the way from Canada? Do you shoot in RAW format? I have a Canon Rebel XTi and have never tried RAW, mostly because Walmart photo lab can’t handle that size of file. I always take a portrait of my kids in yard the morning of the first and last day of school. I think if I started to shoot in RAW, I could probably get a better quality picture that would produce a better print, but I just not sure how to handle these files.
By the way, I love your pictures! I’ve been visiting your site religiously for about 2 years, and love seeing the happy pictures of your family and how fast they’re growing up. - …I’m ready for my close up Mr. DeMille.
You have a gift, Girl!

Annika - These kids are so beautiful!

Shauna - By the way, I love those close-ups! Beautiful….

Shauna - Just curious…where do you order prints and canvases from? Im so sick of getting poor quality prints from cvs…I need a better place to get them done. I do my photobooks with my publisher, but they dont do prints or canvases. Id love to know! Thanks πŸ™‚

Kerry - These are awesome Meg! Too precious πŸ™‚ xx

Michelle - That photo of Talby is absolutely gorgeous!

Katie - So cute! What’s better than missing teeth?!

meg schmidt - I’m so glad you’re putting that one on canvas- it SO deserving! Love your blog, Meg (and your name;)) and i finally commented because there were only 3 ahead of me and usually when i want to comment there are about 50 ahead and i always think, “She definitely has waaaay better things to do than read what commenter #51 has to say.” Haha πŸ™‚ Anyway, i love your realness and appreciate you sharing your life with all of us.

Terrie - Still love that toothless grin! I’m going to play with my camera on a newborn next week. What lens do you like to use for portraits …esp. babies?

Jack - Love the wrinkled nose shot and the gappy tooth – Bet it will look fab on canvas! Thanks for introducing me to ‘Paint Me a Picture’ by the way. I now have one of Lindsay’s wee canvases on my mantlepiece.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Great, closeups!

keri ~ forever folding laundry - I love them all!
Every one of them has twinkles in their eyes.
The sign of happy kids, in my opinion.

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chalk paint…check it off the list.

i love when my kids surprise me.
i thought all summer that most of my kids were too big to care about chalk paint.
i was wrong.
sean and annie had friends over.



i finally whipped some up while they wereΒ Β fightingΒ swimming.





it’s so easy.

the recipe is equal amounts of cornstarch and water.
and food coloring.
that’s it.

it’s thick to stir up at first but easily doable with a whisk.
i tried using my mixer and it worked better with a whisk and muscle.


IMG_3272-1Β IMG_3280-19

i took a moment to admire my tiny patch of garden that did not FRY up on vacation….
the zinnias make me happy.
i should just plant them everywhere and not worry about anything else. Β πŸ™‚






i took it outside thinking “they won’t even care but whatever”
and they came out of the pool and painted until it was all gone.
it looks clear at first and dries REALLY bright.


this is my favorite picture…his masterpiece of splatter paint.


kids jumped in the pool and they were clean.


and this morning it rained….and it’s all gone.
simple as that.


our summer list had 45 things on it.
we have done 27.
school starts tuesday…..we’ll see what happens.



Bethany - Ok so I wanted to add to my previous comment! I learned that either a lot of rain OR just waiting until it dries πŸ˜‰ will make it come off completely clean. This is seriously one of my favorite activities with my baby! I just love creating things with him and your blog is such a great source for ideas. I hope I can be a mom like you.

Bethany - We did this chalk paint and my drive way is stained blue now!! Any tips to clean it off? Just more water or does it need
Soap or something?

s - I bought some cheap cornstarch last night and one of the boys and I just mixed up this paint and all the kids are outside happily painting! Figured we’d take advantage of a nice sunny day…and kids who desperately need to be distracted from TV!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - We have made that paint for the last couple of years…trust me it NEVER gets old. Even my older kids love painting with it. We use sponge brushes to paint with…way better than the little brushes, try it next time.

elisa - awesome idea- I love it when the older kids still get into stuff like that. Always surprises me too πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - You’re the funnest mom! πŸ™‚ PS: Zinnias make me happy too!

Kimberly Dial - You’re the funnest mom! πŸ™‚ PS: Zinnias make me happy too!

Kari - I checked out a book this week with my daughter and it made me think of you, “My Heart is Like a Zoo.” The animals are all made out of different size hearts. Perfect for a craft day. πŸ™‚

Tammy - We did this last summer and my kids still talk about how pretty it was. Should whip some out soon since we have a clear forcast for a few days. We have 12 things left on our list. I know some won’t get done, but that’s what next year is for right?! We are having our “sleepover in the living room” tonight, and built a fort out of sheets to go with it. They are in heaven. I’m wondering if I can sneak up to my bed in a couple hours!

Theresa - that looks so cool!

Jacci - Awesome! I know my kids would love that!!! πŸ™‚
Thanks for the update on your list. We took the plunge and did a Summer List for the first time this summer. We started pretty late in the summer – 3rd week of June, I think, but we have until Labor Day to wrap it up (we homeschool, so I pick when we start the school year). We have a little over half of our list done so far. Yikes! We need to get on it! We busted our 3 items in one night tonight, though πŸ™‚ Shaving cream (thanks so much for that!), water balloon fight, and a trip to the drive-in Root Beer Stande for dinner. It wasn’t without it’s tears (water balloon inequality) but it was still an AWESOME family night. YOU inspired it, Meg πŸ™‚ I hope that encourages you. My kids have another memory tucked into their Childhood Memory Bank – thank you πŸ™‚

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - You can do it! Soak up every last bit of summer that you can!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Fun, fun, fun…you’re a fun mom!

Lisa - We have done 23 of 29 on our list but I say summer isn’t over until it’s cold! (Besides, this mama wouldn’t camp until September πŸ™‚ I love that Talby always has a look of pure concentration in your photos – the girl can focus! Looks like a fun time.

Linda - I always love the glimpses into your life. Thanks for sharing.

Cyndi Hamilton - We have gotten 25 out of 43 done on our list. Not to bad. We are going to do a few things after school starts. It is hard to do some of the outdoor stuff when it is 100 degrees outside.
I am going to do a list for fall and holiday too. Love the sidewalk chalk, I will have to try it.
Thanks for sharing,

Alicia @ la famille - Awesome! Way to go mama πŸ™‚

Nicole Q. - So fun – I just might have to make this happen yet this summer!!

Secret Mom Thoughts - I love this idea. Definitely adding it to our list. We have 18 days till school starts. Not that I’m counting.

Angela Atkins - You need to check out Chrissie Grace’s new print, if you haven’t seen it already.

colleen from alabama - Our school started this past wednesday… bummer and happy all at the same time. We didn’t finish our list either but for me the point of a list is to be intentional. Even if we only did 5, or 10, thats probably more than if we didn’t have list at all. AND we might be able to squeeze a few more in even though school started back.. just sayin.

Laura Phelps - I love it
I am a chalk lover
I am weary of people who don’t enjoy chalk πŸ™‚
totally doing this
we left the chalk out in the rain…and I went outside alone and drew with it…love relaxing
good luck with the list..
can you roll it over to next summer like cell phone minutes?

Donna - Ahh, we are checking things off our list, too. Such fun to create so many fun memories as a family. The ones that don’t get checked, oh well, we’ll just include them next year. One item was “a day with no crying.” It must be about the 60th day of summer by now, and we just checked it off yesterday πŸ™‚ (That was for a certain 5 year old, and he was pretty proud of himself!)

Katie - One thing on our list that I am sure we will not due is pick blueberries. Maybe next year. Otherwise we are making our way down the list!

Ashley - looks like fun :), and 27? that is a pretty good number.

Courtney - That is awesome! But summer isn’t over yet, right?

Melissa - Love. I think I make some up for when the kids get out of school today!
We had 28 on our list and have completed 18. My kids have already started school…I’m going to go til the officially end of summer.

DWall - new to this blog! Love all the color! any chance you will share your photo editing strategy for us newbies? πŸ™‚

Heidi - So nice to know it washes away! I was scared to let the kids do it and be stuck with food coloring marks on the concrete! πŸ™‚
And thank you for sharing that your summer list may/may not get completed. Because I was kind of feeling like a failure when I looked at our list last night and realized we just don’t have enough time left to accomplish everything. Next year, I will be more realistic about how much time I spend working. πŸ™‚ Kinda hard to do things out of the house when you’re stuck at the computer 3 out of the 5 days!

Jennifer - How fun! Your zinnias are beautiful…

Courtney Walsh - So fun, Megan! Looks like a total blast!
I am so sad school is starting for us Tuesday too. πŸ™ I’m just not ready for early mornings and homework and charts and not having my kids voices in the house and yard.
I’m such a baby.

Kimberlee - I love these pictures.
And I love Zinnias.
I just realized that I didn’t plant ANY this year.

Tanya H - THAT is cool!! TFS!
I hear ya! We write up a summer list thanks to you πŸ™‚ …we’ve done 6 out of 18. We have one more week. HMM.

Brianna - long time reader, first time commenter…Love your blog, and your family! Have a great weekend!

Judy @Considering the Options - I kind of want to mix some up and see if my teenagers will play with it. I miss the days of sidewalk chalk and driveway art…

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, that looks great! I love it!

Kerry - aaah wow Meg! looks like such fun! Talby is looking so summery, gorgeous girl πŸ™‚ Enjoy your last few days of summer hols xx

Lindsay - Looks like fun! We will have to give it a try today!

Terrie - Here’s to a busy 4 days!! πŸ™‚

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