Masthead header

one of the best days i have ever had.

our second photo shoot scheduled in utah…….the models never showed.
we were disappointed.
and hot.
and wendy says "let's do it ourselves!"
and we did.

this is 7 photographers getting to have a BLAST while the other 11 practiced their action shots in sunlight.
that was the point.
a COLORFUL shoot….with action and light……ready GO!

(all of these photos were taken by Kelley and Kim….both excellent photographers!)
Holi Powder War 39-10

Holi Powder War 9-1

Holi Powder War 11-3

Holi Powder War 12-4


this is powder…not paint.
it was a little  hard to breathe but not bad.
it was only bad if it went right in your eyes….but still you could recover….i did….and tyler did too.

Holi Powder War 19-6

Holi Powder War 21-8 
Holi Powder War 20-7



Holi Powder War 23-9





Holi Powder War 41-11

Holi Powder War 46-12

Holi Powder War 48-13

Holi Powder War 61-17


Holi Powder War 56-16

Holi Powder War 50-15

Holi Powder War 49-14

it was the best time.
i LOVED doing it.
i laughed and laughed.
it was soooo fun!

i am so glad the models never showed.
it was so much better this way.

and it all came off in the shower.


Melody - Looks like so much fun.
Where did you buy the powder?

ginger - I am working with some college students who want to do a photoshoot similar to this… can you tell me where to get the powder or how to make it?

Hailey - The most likely thing I found was Holi powder. Though it’s possible it was simply paint powder. Paint powder can be toxic though…be careful about breathing it in!

sandra - merryheart2 - can you please tell me where you purchased your powder and how much you needed for this photo shoot. i googled and found them, but i was wondering where you found yours.

sandra - merryheart2 - what BIG creative, fun! i love all the pictures.

Kristen - Oh my gosh – that is so awesome! Looks so fun!

kasey - Awesome!! What a great time you all had.

TidyMom - I think you may have started a new trend!!! Colored powder shoots!!
I LOVE this Meg!! thanks for making me smile this morning
So I have to ask, like everyone else……where do you get the powder?

Leyla - I’m dying to know what powder you used too. Could you post it in the comments or maybe a new post about the powder? This seems like a very fun shoot…love it!

Chantelle - so funny how everyone sees that you look like an avatar character. this is a tradition in india for the celebration of holi. you look like you had a blast… i couldn’t imagine a bunch of professional models pulling this one off 🙂

Heather G. - Those pictures are amazing!

tami - lol I dont know if I could have done that. I would have participated from a far lol

Marcie - Please, email me how you got the colored powder!

sara @ it's good to be queen - those pictures are amazing! so colorful and fun. and you look beautiful!

Leslie - That is THE coolest shoot EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christa aka the BabbyMama - This reminds me of the Indian holiday, Holi!

AmyM - Please, please, please share where you got the powder or how you made it whatever! I would love to let my kiddos do this and take pictures–they boys might actually smile naturally and have fun!! Just love them!!!!

Heather - I really don’t think that using powder like that seems like a wise idea and it freaks me out to think that readers want to do this with their children. What kind of powder is it? Do you know the toxicity when it goes in the lungs?
Artists have many health risks and this seems like one I wouldn’t take with my children. Hope people reconsider.

Kari - Very awesome! It reminds me of the movie Avatar, with all the beautiful colors.

Kristin Hayne - What a crazy looking band of warriors in Utah… ha ha. Would love to know what powder was used. Need to get some of the boys going crazy with it!!!

Lori Bowring Michaud - Very, very cool Meg!! My daughter just started her first photography class in college and has her first assignment – action shots are part of it. I showed her these pictures and she was floored! Especially the picture of the woman flipping her hair!

Rachelle | TinkerLab - Like Ami said, the powders remind me of Holi as well. Here are our pictures from this year’s festival. We LOVED it too.

Libby Donovan - You look like you could be in Avatar.

Doris - you look great!
really fun photos.

Colleen - That looks like wicked good fun!!!

Gray - I’m wearing the same shirt you’re wearing–today. It’s from Target, right? I LOVE it. I bought four in different colors and wish I’d bought more. I’ve lived in them this summer. Glad to know I have good taste. 🙂

Kristin S - Whoops, I said Kelley above and meant Crystal.
Still love these shots.

Ami - Totally reminds me of Holi festival in India. What a great photo session idea!
Holi image that I think you will like:

jennyonthespot - Oh Meg. Meg. Oh Meg… love this.

Sarai - Beautiful pictures!! Looks like this was a blast!!

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - Like the making of “Avatar 2” LOL Awesome! 🙂

Mary Anne - This is quite possibly the most fun I think I’ve ever seen someone have! Awesome, awesome fun!!! 🙂 Great pictures too! When you said this photoshoot was a ton of fun, I never would have thought it was quite like this! 🙂

Nika M - Looks like SO much fun!

Mrs. Skvortsov - Wow! These photos are incredible. So colorful and fun!

deb meyers - Ah! “Those we Don’t Speak Of” : )

Carrie - fabulous

Meg - Super cute hair cut too!!!

elz - That looks like so much fun. My favorite is the profile picture of you with the violet and blue powder, THAT should be your profile pic!

Meg Carter - I want to play!!!! Awesome idea and pics. Love.

Katrina - Oh my wow! I have to admit I’m jealous. That looks like SOOO much fun. I bet my girls would have fun with that one. Of course someone else would have to take the pics then because I definitely would have to jump in myself ;-).

Tracey Husted - Ha ha ha ha….you guys look like Avatars. TOO FUN!!

Aneta Kudasik - So awesome!

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crystal b - Are you SURE it all came off? I seem to recall some colored cleavage. 🙂
It was the funnest day ever. Kim got some amazing shots. Love the one of Wendy and Tyler at the end. 🙂

Heather R. - The hand on your face powder pic, the side profile all powdered up…GREAT pics. I love when things work out different then they are supposed to…better. 😉

Kimberly Dial - Amazing … the colors were so beautiful and it looked like lots & lots of fun!

Kimberly Dial - Amazing … the colors were so beautiful and it looked like lots & lots of fun!

Christian @ Modobject at Home - I think you got yourself a new set of headshots!

Carrie - Oh my! Please, please, please let us know what type of powder was used. I would love to do this with my kids. And by the way, you are so pretty 🙂

Cory - That looks like the best time, and you guys were the best models. 😉 The pics are gorgeous!

Kristin S - So fun seeing this on Kelley’s blog too.
I think that fourth to last needs to be your new headshot… forget the cute beads!
Loving your sass-o-rama hair cut right now too.

Michelle - It looks like you’re the love child of Strawberry Shortcake & a Smurf! lol! This is great! Looks like my kind of workshop! ha!

karen - omg…this was made for you!! I would have been shocked if you were one of the photographers practicing!!!

Londen - I have to say….this is Awesome!

sheryl salik - what did u use for the colored powder?

alaina - OMW! It is so beautiful! FUN! Creative! Please tell us about the powder. My son is in college in San Diego and he is really into photography and has a lot of people at his disposal! Can you imagine a bunch of college kids on a photo shoot on the beach with that powder?!!! WOOHOO!
I was giggling thinking of the hikers that stumble upon these neon-colored fields!

Janel - I would love to see photo 16 as the new head shot photo. I love it! A lot! They are all really great though!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - You look like one of the people in Avatar!

Nichole - I’ve always wanted to participate in Holi, this is definitely cool.

Summer Crosbie - This is so so so awesome!!!!

Angela Storm - The expression on your face post-handprint is priceless. I love it! And these are all amazing pictures, and it looks like such fun!

Rachel B. - Can you say AWESOME?
Those are some amazing shots!

Helen Wall - That powder looks like great fun. You guys may have started a fad!

Alicia - In the first few pics where your face is covered with blue powder, you look a bit like a character from Avatar (not meaning to sound mean at all… I hope you’re not offended by me saying that- I loved the movie!)
I think these are such cool photos! What a great time you must have had doing this! I want to know though- did it get all over the seats in the car?

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - WOWZAS! I went back & forth between thinking “it looks like you’re casting some sort of visible spells on each other” to….”that is so cool!” to “thats a beautiful shot of Meg.” Such a fun day indeed!
Cant wait to meet you in just a few short weeks in Cali!

Jennifer - It looks like Andy Warhol! coolness

tinycandi - this is so very awesome!! what kind of powder is that?

Kate - I love how vibrant those colors are! Where in the world do you find that stuff?!?

Lisa McCracken - What awesome photos! There are some great pics of you!

AShley - i love these photos. it looks like the progression of an avatar 🙂

Mindy Harris - this is so cool and awesome and wonderful and tribal ish that i can’t stand it. love it love it love it!! i love the profile one of you with mostly turquoise on your face…gorgeous. so flippin’ rad!

Carol - I think your new head shot is actually is this round of pictures. Looks like so much fun! What is that stuff, and how do I get my hands on it?

sue - I don’t understand the powder throwing.?

jenni - You looked like an Avatar.
It sounds like you had tons of fun!

Rachelle Terry - Who needs models when you had a bunch of crazy people on hand! They turned out really beautiful!

Heather - These are wonderful perfection! Where in the world can you get colored powder? My kids would love that! We need it before summer ends so we can then hose off.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I had no idea you joined the blue man group! Rock on!

ginny - Hee hee, I see why the models didn’t show up. 😉 Cool, nonetheless though.

Leah - I love the color! Amazing photos. I can see why they’re called pros.

Brenis - OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 LOVE it! The pics turned out amazing, and ya’ll look like some hidden tribe now! LOL

Robin Canter - I bet you buy this powder for your kids before you even get back home! 🙂

Christy - Oh my I love it! looks like it was a blast

Sharla - these are awesome! Love the colorful closeups.

Sally - Wow! That looks like so much fun!! The pictures you have posted over the past few days have been delightful. What an amazing experience you had. Fun…fun…fun!

Kim - Wow! I feel so honored to have my photos displayed on such an AWESOME blog! Especially because I am super lazy and might not do anything with them myself. Thanks for volunteering to step in for the funnest photo shoot ever. You’re the BEST!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I LOVE the pic of all of you. . no smile. . love the color!! i want to do this. . please share what powder you used. And did ya’ll have to protect your cameras. . or were the photographers far enough away that no powder got on them?

Rebecca - That was COOL!

tiffany m gardner - brave…this cracked me up too!

Tracy - Reminds me of AVATAR – love it – great pictures! 🙂

Rachel - AH MAZING!!!!

kat - That looks like so much fun!!! I love all the colors and the big smiles!

georgia - Haha u look like a smurf. Love it !

Kori - It looks like everyone had a blast!! And honestly, those pictures are amazing! I love the one of all of you looking at the camera with serious type faces on with the juxtaposition of the color all over you all….it’s great!!!
P.S. Turquoise is definitely your color! 😉

Moriah - Reminds me of Braveheart! Fun!

Michelle Torres - Wow!!!!!! How incredible is this? I know you did have so much fun, I mean come on, who gets to get splattered with colored powder on a given day! How cool, I love the color’s and the awesome pictures of everyone all colored up!!!!!! too cool!

Kerry - meg these are awesome! Thank God for Zoom lenses 🙂 I love the picture of you all with serious faces… spooky huh? looks like a fun fun fun time. xx

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - ahhhhh-mazing! love it!

Jen - Ok, this is adorable! What did you use for the colors?

Diana - I think this is my favorite of all your posts so far! LOL! What fun!
I’ve crushed sidewalk chalk (the cheap packs from Dollar Store) and done things like that with it… not people tossing it on people, but things, objects… and then have taken photos of it. Very cool.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love the colors. I am so going to do this with my girls!

Diana - I think this is my favorite of all your posts so far! LOL! What fun!
I’ve crushed sidewalk chalk (the cheap packs from Dollar Store) and done things like that with it… not people tossing it on people, but things, objects… and then have taken photos of it. Very cool.

happygirl - These are WONDERFUL. Can I just say, the hair shot is magnificent.

Katie - that looks like so much fun!

Jenna - How fun!!! Where did you get the colored powder? Also, it reminds me of the Hindu festival of Holi! Gorgeous photos!

nicole @ deliajude - that looks like the best day ever!

Sandy - How fun! I love the group shots at the end and the one of the girl flipping her hair. Awesome!

Karline - Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight!

Terrie - Oh. my. goodness. That looks like a blast! Great pics…loved it! I can see why you had so much fun!! You should have just had a water balloon fight afterwards…they you would have had watercolors! 🙂

lauren - do share how you colored the powder! i so want to let the kids do this with the dog! what fun!

Holly - those photos are awesome! So glad you had a great time!

Southern Gal - Those colors are so vibrant! Beautiful.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Wow! With all that colour I bet it was your dream come true!
Very fun : )
Gemma x

Jen - Looks like a LOT of fun. Kids would love that stuff, wouldn’t they? And I think one of those photos should be your new headshot. 😉

Han - That looks like so much fun! Looks like that Indian festival when they have a massive paint fight.

brandi - GREAT COLOR. what fun. 🙂

Jen Brandt - You look like a warrior! How fun!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I can only imagine what the vehicles looked like before the shower… What a very cool idea. You all look like warriors! Photography warriors.

Meaghan Snider - That looks like SO much fun! I would definitely be one of the ones to jump in and get dirty!

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utah was amazeballs.

out of the 18 of us….there was one PC…everyone else had a MAC.  :)

auwww….walking to the ski lift.


my buddy crystal from the workshop in san diego.
pretty hair.
cute shirt! 

sandy….crazy.  :)

lisa was my roomie.
she takes rad pictures.

kelley was also at the san diego workshop!
and she had mirror glasses…my favorite.

i gave wendy my camera and asked her to take some head shots for me.
you will be seeing these for a year now.
she is goooooood.
i love them. 


note to self:
never go to the top of a mountain without cute red beads on… never know where your new head shot will be waiting for you.



IMG_4531-1the happy couple again. 

the mosquitos were bad.
kim was being smart.
and it was cold.
i was wearing a big puffy red coat that wendy had in her car.
shooting the couple in the canoe….

getting ready to take pics of a newborn baby….


wendy the baby whisperer/disco dancer.
she had her hair twisted the night before & it was a huge afro the next day, which was what she was hoping for.
the coolest hair ever.

one of my baby shots…..his name was denver.

more teaching time before we left for our second and third shoots.

the third shoot had farm animals!


so much fun.

the second shoot is not shown here yet.
it was the most fun i have had in years.
i can't wait to show you.

i made it home easily…….happy to see my family.
ready to go NUTS on craft weekend prep.
it's ON.



don't forget……

enter to win a $100 Visa Gift card from Edy's milkshakes over HERE.

and also come read about my thoughts on being a sports mom over HERE and enter to win a
$100 Dick's Sporting Goods gift card. 


jennyonthespot - Amazeballs. Do you know how very much I love you?

Kelley - total awesomeness all weekend long. so glad you were there. LOVE your shot of the boy and the goat. wendy rocked your headshots. so perfect!

Kelly - fun about the mac preponderance. now I’m curious about the cameras. My husband and I shoot with Pentax but the Canon and Nikon people definitely seemed to be much more in abundance on our recent trip to Chicago. Kelly

honeybeemama - how fun! i will never be a true photographer, but i’m addicted to the work of others! and now…i need to go find my necklace for the day. who knows who will be taking my picture!!

danielle burkleo - jealous and those headshots are amazeballs too.

happygirl - This looked like a wonderful time. And you learned so much. I love my mac. I can’t go back to pc, no way.

brittany - Wow these are beautiful what kind of camera and lens are you using?

karen - awesome pics meg!! you are getting soooooo good!!

Kimberlee - Any place that has canoes and smoked cheese is fine by me. 😉

cam - cool pics chick. sorry i missed it.
nice (red) balls.
(had to say it)

Jess - Glad you had fun Megan! Love the new pictures that Wendy took of you. 🙂

Mindy Harris - meg you are gorgeous in those headshots. i think they really capture the “essence of meg” although i have only come into contact with you 3 times and if i sound like a groupie then i guess i am. they are just cute cute cute pics of you that tell us: “i may be famous but i am approachable. i have normal days too!”xoxxo!

Southern Gal - Is that a lens cap in Sandy’s pocket? I do that all the time.
And Wendy’s hair? I fight my hair everyday so it won’t look fuzzy, curly. Hmm. Maybe I should just let it go? Nah.
Looks like you all had fun.

Jennifer - I LOVE!!!! baby Denver, what a cutie!! and your headshots are AWESOME, of course, NEVER go to the mountains without smoking hot jewelry! note to self!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, great pictures! Those are awesomesauce!

jen @ tatertots and jello - Oh man, if I had known you were in town I totally would have stalked you down LOL. Glad you had a good trip!

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - Awesome photos! It sounds like you had a blast! Can’t wait to see the other photo shoot!

Kerry - oh my WORD meg, those pics are too awesome.. I love the one of the baby being prepped, I always wanted to see how that was done and then the RESULT is just STUNNING! go You! And those beads…. oh man, what an awesome head shot. xx

melissa*320 sycamore - LOVE the new profile pic! Looks like so much fun 🙂

Terrie G - Great pictures!! I can do flowers…not sure how well I would do with people! 🙂

Jen - I LOVE that you have been sharing about your trip! I hope to go to something like this in the future…so much learning. Ohhh, and next time I am hiking in the mountains I will definitely be caring some cool, colorful beads to throw on! 🙂 Fabulous!!

Dee Stephens - WOW! that is amazing! I love Utah!

lorelei - there is nothing better than a baby on a plate. 🙂

emily anderson - man, i’m so jealous about craft weekend. i want to go BAD.

Jenna - What a wonderful trip you had! I’m actually really interested in Wendy’s hair…go figure! Wonderful pics, Meg!

Amanda Evans - Very cute Meg 🙂

Jennifer - All the pictures so amazing! I wish I had been the mother of that baby and gotten everyone’s different pictures…so cool!

MichelleB - Looks like an amazing time! I love the pictures of people taking pictures 😉 What a great opportunity! I really should do something like this and learn how to take better pictures! Of course I always think your pictures are amazing 😉

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friday in utah…..


after a morning of camera talk….good stuff….we went on an adventure.
we rode a ski lift up to the top of the mountain (i think we were in deer valley…) and took pictures.

hysterical isn't it???

wendy is rad.

i call this "meg in the mountains"

IMG_4467-1 IMG_4494-1

tyler and wendy rented a canoe for our mountain photo session….it was a wild ride up to the lake.
and when we got up there….MOOSE!
so cool.
don't see that in kansas!


this was our destination……….


anna and dave have been married for three weeks.
they were GREAT sports…13 photographers shouting out "look here!"  "touch his arm!"  "KISS!"

and just for fun i thought you'd like to see a little behind-the-scenes….

i am having an AWESOME time.

for real.

surrounded by super sweet photographers who want to learn like me is such a cool place to be. 

and this house is crazy amazing!
i feel spoiled.
big time.

more to come…….


tiffany m gardner - ok…miss meg…where did those red beads come from? I have been looking for some forever! looks like so much fun…i am a photographer and your work inspires me! way to go!!

Melissa - What program do you use for editing? How do you get the dark-ish edges that seem to make your subject “pop”???

AshleyAnn - Meg…these are gorgeous. You inspire me to challenge myself to grow as a photographer…Blue Lily one day?

Gretchen P - Moose are amazing! I had a mother and calf follow me while I was backpacking in the Grand Tetons. Very cool! Sounds like you are having an amazing time!!

Mindy Harris - what a neat opportunity, meg. thanks for helping us feel like we’re there. i like your “meg in utah” pic. you are adorable.

Sally - That is a beautiful place! Thanks so much for sharing such an amazing weekend with us. I can’t wait to see more of your pictures 🙂

Gemma - Yay for being nosey…I love it!
Gemma x

Kerry - wow, it looks like a beautiful place! love the Meg in the mountains shot, your necklace is gorgeous!

Kimberly Dial - Utah sure is a beautiful place! You, my friend, are what my oldest granddaughter calls an “Adventure girl”! … glad you’re having a good time! Enjoy!

Kimberly Dial - Utah sure is a beautiful place! You, my friend, are what my oldest granddaughter calls an “Adventure girl”! … glad you’re having a good time! Enjoy!

lacey - thank you so much for posting pics of Utah. I grew up there. I miss it so much. My family is still there. I haven’t been home for almost two years seeing your pictures made me feel right at home! I needed that thanks.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Yay! Meg in Utah! So fun!

Valerie - Weird engagement photos is RIGHT! I admire people for stepping outside of the box…but that is a BIG step!
I love your outfits! You always inspire me on things to wear! Great blog!

Nicole Q. - I’m crazy jealous about your location . . . every where you turn in Utah you see a pictureperfect landscape to shoot pics of. Deer Valley is beautiful. How i miss that state!! So glad you are enjoying it.

Leah - So beautiful! I adopted one of those photos as my desktop background photo.

Rachael - I am so jealous but glad you are having a good time!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hello Meg in the mountains. Glad you’re having a great time! 🙂 Beautiful pictures, as alwasy!!

Jamie Smith - I am jealous of you.. had Blue Lily do our photos and just got them back this week. I LOVE THEM. I am saving my pennies to go to a GO PRO in 2012. And from your pics (both times you have hung with them) I am so staying in the party house.

Doris - I’m so glad you’re having a great time!

Ruth H. - Aww, you are making me so homesick! I grew up in the Utah mountains, seeing stuff like that in my backyard, practically. (Moose, elk, deer, coyotes…) Now I am living in the flat midwest. Love the trees, but miss the mountains! Enjoy that cool mountain air for me.

Peggy rice - I do believe team blue Lilly are the coolest people I’ve ever met. Tell them bonjour from the Rice’s in Paris!!!

Tanya H - ah, you’re killin’ me. I live an hour away. LOL!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - When we did our tour of New England a couple months back, we were on constant lookout for Moose. There are signs on the highways everywhere(so different from New York State where the worst you have to watch out for are deer or cow crossings(or of course snow mobiles, hah!). LOVE that you actually saw some!
Im so glad to hear youre having a wonderful time!

Ali - Mooooooose!

Kirsten P - Great photos of beautiful places! I especially love the birch trees in the ski lift photo – remind me of northern Minnesota and Michigan.

Terrie G - What gorgeous scenery!
I like ‘Meg in the Mountains’!
Moosen! – Have you ever heard Brian Regan’s bit on that? My son do him is even funnier!
Have fun & learn lots!!

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bullet points

*  this house in utah….the party house with all these fun photographers… SICK.
   i am pretty sure it is the nicest house i have been in.  
   it's like a model home for Pottery Barn or something better than PB…gorgeousness in every corner.

really well built.
not to mention the views….
*  i got the exit row on the second plane.    most awesome.

*  i just bought these pants from dress barn and they are awesome.
   i love a wide waist band! 

*  i listened to two Francis Chan podcasts on the planes yesterday.
   two points i came away with that i loved…..
   he said so often we pray "God please show up here….show up for me…get me through…just please
   show up today."  and that is funny because God says "This is MY party.  I invited YOU.  i am already
   here.  i always was here.  be THANKful and GRATEful you were invited!" 

  talking about how HUGE God is….how enormously HOLY and ALL authority is under HIM….
  he made that point that even if every person in the whole world united together and every one of us
  agreed and said "NO….we don't agree with you GOD."  it would not matter.  
  He is still in charge.

  and i love that.
  it's comforting.   
  and truth.

*  is it bad that i want my kids to get really good at piano so that they can play
   "sweet child of mine" by guns & roses?

i don't know this girl…she's not my kid….but she rocks!

*  i have to pick my winners!!!

my winner for the SNAPSHOPS workshop……

Donation to bring Davis home $5

Posted by: Holly Rook | 08/22/2011 at 07:20 PM
and the winner for the Matthew Mead Autumn magazine…..

I have always wanted one of these issues but can't ever justify just buying one for myself. Hope I win!

Posted by: ashley | August 24, 2011 at 02:13 PM

*  last thing for today….we had a guest pastor (robert palmer) at our church last week and i liked his
a lot.  
    you should listen to it.
    it straight from his heart.

have a super day…it's friday!!!  


Stacy - You need to listen to her play Dust in the Wind!

Kristin S - Have so much fun! That house IS awesome.
Francis Chan spoke at our CCC staff conference last month. Boy did he bring it. I need to listen to his podcasts over and over and over.

Sandy - House is awesome! I actually have those lamps, but I bought them at a second hand furniture store. 🙂

Janie Fox - I love the Francis Chan.
I think your house is way cool.
I think I need those pants!
Have a great time!!

Amy - that was supposed to be ‘ever’, not every!

Amy - Meg- every inspiring! Thanks for sharing! Have you read Drops Like Stars by Rob Bell? fun book. 🙂 I saw FC on youtube being “interviewed” by 2 other pastors on why he was leaving his Simi Valley church. Interesting intro to him (I’d never seen him speak before).

Trudy - Our Sunday School class just finished Chan’s Crazy Love & it is life changing. I worry much less now because of what I realized. And, I love his outlook on prayer….so true.
Have a great time in Utah!

Jacqui - Bummer! That comment by Ashley was right above me …… So close!

Sasha Holloway - I wish I were back in the states for this. One more year and I will be able to rock with the US Tawgs again. Love your blog .. keep it coming.

Kerry - oh Meg… That House. Those Pants. That song!! love all your bullet points. hope you’re having a rocking time xx

Joyagg - So, what Francis Chan podcasts were you listening to? Have a great time in UT!

Lisa - I listened to one of those FC podcasts last week while exercising. He gets me every time! Have fun in Utah (it’s still hot in Kansas).

steph - what about november rain?!?!
my high school boyfriend could play it on piano and i thought, at the time, it was incredibly sexy.
ha ha ha ha ha!
maybe you can get craig to learn it?! 😉
have fun in UTAH!

Lisa - Have a superly awesome time in Utah!!! 🙂

Mindy Harris - awww no snappie shop for me. cute post.

kat - Holy fabulous house!!! Congrats to the winners. That version of Sweet Child of mine on the piano is amazeballs!

julia - Is it bad that I want my son to keep up with the trumpet so he can one day play in a dimly lit bar (after working at his highly successful job), whilst drinking a cocktail and smoking a cigar?

Tami - The Sweet Child of Mine thing is really funny because that is the first song my 12 year old learned on his electric guitar. (He had just turned 11 at the time. Now I can’t even list how many 80’s rock songs he knows. Funny how my kids love 80’s and 90’s rock. Oh well, maybe because we listen to it a lot. BTW, I absolutely love Francis Chan.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You are struck by the very same things I’m struck by lately. You need to listen to a David Platt podcast. Need. NEED.
Have a big, wild time in Utah.

leonieke - hai meg,
sounds like you are having a good time. and to go there by plane,…wow!
anyway, you recently mailed me because of my craftsday that didnt work out. eventualy i got the job done!
you can see it on my picasasite:
you inspired me to do more of these creative things with my girls. thank you for that.

ashley - Hey that’s me! So excited!
Did you know that my husband and I were at the Tulsa KOL concert? If I had seen you, and recognized you, I would have hugged your neck.

aubrey - i meant it’s too dang HOT. my four-year-old is pestering me.

aubrey - You’re in Utah?! Any chance you’ll be at IKEA tonight? I happen to be going there with my sister-in-law KID FREE. (just kidding–i know you’ll be busy and stay in the mountains it’s too dang out right now in the valley.)
I think you’re house is a lot cooler than this one–it has more personality. In fact, I think I’m always subconsciously trying to copy you. I love how you decorate.

georgia - My dad sent me a tape with this song on when he used to dj, and on a live set he dedicated it to me. He lives abroad and I haven’t seen him in 6yrs so this made me cry!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Sweet Child of mine rocks… 🙂 Kee hee.

Jalissa - I don’t know Meg, you have a pretty awesome house!

happygirl - Love Utah. The views are spectacular. Enjoy the time and enjoy those pants. so cute. btw, did you hear we had an earthquake out here on the east coast? 🙂

Cyndi Hamilton - Great sermon! We are talking about something similar in our church.
Looks like you are going to have an amazing time in Utah.
I agree about the piano. My son and daughter both play. My five year old is starting this fall. Music is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your child. I can’t play a note…lol
I am so excited for the craft weekend, I can’t wait to meet everyone!!
Thanks for sharing,

lauren@somethingreal - i just bought vintage WWII sailor pants and they are high waist AND have laces to let out just in case you eat too much. i love. 🙂 and francis is always good for introducing you to the God that then proceeds to blow your mind. dangerous. 🙂

Alisha - I lived in Utah for 4 years. It’s an AMAZING place to live. The weather is always mind blowing and the mountains breathe taking. I don’t think I ever got used to waking up and seeing them everywhere I went. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that place and want to go back with my family so bad. My husband’s never been and I know they’d all love it.
Have fun while you’re there. Take a hike or two if you get the time. It’s unbelievable how close you can feel to God up in those majestic mountains!

Wendy - Oh sweet child of mine!!! No, it’s not bad .. it’s an awesome idea! Although my kids have no idea who G&R are and when they play the piano … the dogs park!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Love Frances Chan….he is super amazing. Have an awesome, super fun fantastic time in Utah with your super cute new pants 🙂

Holly - I really like frances chan. And that house is awesome! Have a fun trip!

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you know how when you have a BIG event coming up and there is so much to do…….

what do you do?
you probably get the stuff done.
i get overwhelmed and have a tendency to crawl back in bed….can't face it all.
but i can't do that.
i just can't.

don't let me.
ha ha ha….how could you stop me?
i just won't.


i keep forgetting to tell you….like forever….that i am leaving tomorrow for a
Blue Lily GoPro Reunion!! 


wendy + tyler are hosting a reunion for ANYone who has attending ANY of their GoPro workshops!
in utah.
i am so excited.
ready to learn even more about my camera….hug wendy….laugh (because tyler is a very funny guy)…..take photos in the mountains…see my utah friends……YAY!

so that is tomorrow.

do you think i should pack?  ugh.
YOU need to go to one of their workshops.
you do.
and you need to go sit at their blog with a big cup of coffee for an hour and read about their travels…see their AMAZEBALL photos (wendy's word)…..thier love for life and color……and you will leave happy.
you will.

FIND THEM in YOUR area to take YOUR picture….thye travel the entire world!

and i need to get our family's pictures done again already….time flies….and hair colors change!


DON'T FORGET to go sign up to win a spot in
Ashley's SnapShops….
winner picked tomorrow.

                                            Ashley's button.




would you like to win a copy of Matthew Mead's newest magazine? 
of course you would!

FALL is my favorite season so i can't wait to see what is in this magazine!

Autumn magazine is only availible online…not sold in stores.

you can order it  here on their website.

FALLmock cover 

leave a comment to be entered to win your free copy!


Joziele - Hello FSRA! I am a Calgary-based professional phgrhotapoer who is doing a shoot for Calgary Co-op in September. I am looking for a 40s/50s era pick-up truck to rent for the day. Know anybody with such a vintage piece that would be interested? Any advise as how to source an old truck would be much appreciated. Thanks, Robert Lemermeyer

Arjen - In order to qualify for diiabslity from SS,you would have had to worked and paid into the system for 10 years. If you didn’t work for that amount of time,you would have to apply for SSI. But,SSI is based on household income. Your husbands income would be used to determine if you would qualify. If his income is over the allowable income,you wouldn’t qualify for SSI.

Samantha - HONESTLY, I thought I was the ONLY one that does that! “i get overwhelmed and have a tendency to crawl back in bed….can’t face it all.”
Really, I do it everytime! And then when it is crunch time and I am slowly melting I promise myself that “I will never do this to myself again, EVER!” But I do. What is wrong with me?!
Thanks for sharing & making me feel so much better about myself! (I’m really not the only one!)

rkokes - fall is SO my favorite season!!! Love it!!!

Kim Leppert Lessey - <3 your hat!

sara @ it's good to be queen - very happy about fall. i would LOVE to win.

Danielle Thompson - I’m craving FALL! It looks like 100* temps are in our upcoming week so I’ll keep dreaming for now.

Jenna - oooh I’d love to win!
Also, we need to get family pictures too…my husband no longer has hair down his back!

Helon - I hope kindle never replaces real magazines. It just ain’t the same. Matthew is a genius. And, so are the amazing blogger’s who share their styles and homes with us. I would love to win.
Thanks for the opportunity.

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - I’ve never read a copy but always covet them when they come out! Fall is my favorite season : )
Fingers crossed, would love some new fall decorating and craft ideas!

Courtney - I would love a copy, so then I could find out what all the fuss is about…

dawn - I love fall — but I’m not sure I’m ready for it. 🙂 I’d love to win the magazine though!

Lauren - Oh, I am so excited for you! Enjoy your time in Utah!! But even more amazing that you get to spend it with Wendy & Tyler. Yay! I have followed their adventure’s for a bit now (maybe after Nie Nie posted her pics years ago), and was so happy to see that they will be in Philadelphia this year, but alas, just can’t swing a session. Maybe if I start saving now, they will be back another time. Have fun! Oh, and I love Matthew Mead and all things Pumpkin, so I would love the new fall mag.

Vicki - I probably shouldn’t win because I’m a magazine-aholic. It’s a problem. Especially the giant September issues…

Roberta - Looks like an awesome magazine. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

Kerri - Winner winner chicken dinner! fingers crossed…

Mae - yay – so fun! purchased the summer and winter versions and LOVED them! fall will be fabulous to be sure!

Lynda - I have heard such nice things about this magazine, but I have never seen one. I would love to win 🙂

Kristin S - Oh, dang Meg! What a fun giveaway.
Fall can not come soon enough…

Amy Lynne - I bet it is an awesome magazine! Fall decorating is the best!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Id love to win a copy! I ordered the summer copy so I could see you in print. Its a beautiful magazine.

April - Living in Montana we get very little if any Fall between summer and 10 months of winter, oh how I would love to dream of Fall.

Sara Manring - Looks like a good one!

gail - This looks lovely. I am so looking forward to fall!
: )

Jenny - I keep meaning to order one of these magazines (at your recommendation) every season but then I forget! I love fall and would love to see what is included in what seems to be an awesome mag!

Carin Youngblut - You’re blog is the only one I check faithfully everyday….love your ideas especially crafts. My three girls loved the crayon art…we did our own and love it. Thank you for your most interesting , creative and down-to-earth blog!!! Oh, I am from upstate NY so of course I love Fall and would love the MM mag.
You ROCK!!!

s - would love a copy!

Heidi Durant - i bought my first copy ever. The summer edition. That is where I found you!!! I would love to get the fall issue. If I don’t win, I will just buy my copy. OR if I do win, I will still buy a copy as a gift. Truly a beautiful bookazine!!!!!!

Lori C - So ready for fall! Pumpkins, falling leaves, and all that color! *swoon*

Christine - Fall is my favorite season by far. Unfortunately I don’t get to see much fall here in the islands for at least another couple years so I am living vicariously through blogs, magazines and pinterest.

Mallory - I am so ready for fall. Summers in Florida are not my favorite!

stephanie d - oh happy day! can never get enough ideas for fall!

Carrie - Fall is my favorite but I was always dreading back to school. For two or three years after I graduated I still couldn’t believe that I could just love fall…football, cooler weather, the colors and not have to worry about school. It is GREAT!!!

jamie - autumn = my all time favorite season ever in the whole wide universe solar system…

Carrie - Yes, please.

Angela - Ooohhh I love Mathew Mead!

Deanna - Would love one…!

Kyra - Autumn is my very favorite season! I’ve been digging out my autumn decor and it makes me very happy.

Jordan - This magazine looks like it’s full of awesome autumn ideas 🙂 would love to win a copy!

Michelle - Fall is my favorite too! I save all my money to go “fall shopping” (school shopping but for grown ups).

Kathi - Love fall too. Check Whatever daily!

Alex L - Autumn with Matthew Mead…sounds like a good one to me!

Justine - Winning a copy of the magazine would be AWESOME! Fall is means harvest is closer and we are closer to winter so I will be able to spend time with my farmer husband!!

Lori - Pretty please for the magazine? Fall is fabulous.
Have a wonderful time on the photog trip.

Tracy - Very excited for fall…my favorite season!

Leslie - Cooler nights * Crunchy leaves * Amazing colors * Fluffy socks * Crisp apples * I could go on about my favorite season!

Jen - I’ve heard a lot about it, but haven’t ever bought one. Autumn is my favorite season, so this would be amazeballs if I won!!

Heather - I feel like a movie star is coming to town! I just emailed my friend to tell her that “Whatever Meg is coming to Utah!” 🙂
You should set up a meet-and-greet at a coffee shop for all of your fans!
I would love to win a copy of the Matthew Mead magazine. I’m just about ready for fall.

Denine - I ordered their summer one. Are you featured in this issue? this is how I found your wonderful blog.

jen smith - i’m not quite ready for fall yet but would love a copy for when the spirit finally hits me!

Denise - I would love to win a copy. Autumn is by far my favorite season!

Joelle - Fall is my favorite time of year and I’m finally back in Colorado where I can enjoy it fully….Florida didn’t really do fall well…

Arrica M - Enjoyed the Summer issue. Fall is my fav. so it would be a great season opener…

Becky - Fall is by far my favorite season 🙂

Beth Horn - I’ve never heard of him or his magazine before I started reading your blog. I love Fall and love all the great things it brings, from the rich colors to the kids going back to school, apple picking, pumpkin patches, Halloween parties and everything else in between.
I would love to have this magazine for some fresh new ideas and insights.

Jill - Yes please! Now stop reading comments and go pack! 🙂

Whitney - I love Fall… I just realized I haven’t bought summer (crazy summer with my wedding, my best friends wedding, my sister’s college graudation!)… I want to see your house in it! Luckily, it’s still available! Thanks for the reminder and for giving this away!

Virginia Bibler - LOVE Matthew Mead’s magazines!! Summer edition was great and inspired me to make so many different iced tea’s! But FALL is my absolute FAVORITE season…I would heart a free copy!

Anna Marie - I am a big time procrastinator too. I work good under pressure.

Katrina - Autumn is my favorite season. All the warm colors and the weather transitioning from the heat of summer to the cold of winter. I never know how to make my house look seasonal but not cheesy during autumn though

tricia - I LOVE fall. It is beautiful and smells good!!

Kelly - Fall is my absolute favorite season also – apples, pumpkins, the colors! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Ruth H. - That would be AutumN….spelling errors make me crazy. Sorry.

Ruth H. - Oooh, I would love to win a copy! I love Autum.

Jill - I’m IN! I get excited just seeing THE COVER!

Alma Ruiz Barrera - So ready for fall, and this magazine is awesome!

Hollie - I don’t love fall so much because I know what’s coming. Maybe this would help me get excited? So I need to win, please.

Jayne Barbour - Would love to win a copy-great ideas and fun to look at!

Tanya - I was smiling while I read your family band post the other day. My husband played the trumpet as a kid and still has it. I laugh my head off every time he gets it out, which thankfully isn’t very often!

Jennifer Ware - Would love to get my hands on a copy of that!! Thanks! So ready for fall. I’ve pulled out a pumpkin spice candle already…

tiffaniboren - Would love a copy!! Fall is my favorite season..come on cooler weather!!

Jessica - Fall is the best! What a great giveaway 🙂

Libby Donovan - Fall is my favorite season—the color, the smells, the crisp, cool air. I would love a copy of his magazine!

Heather R. - Lower temps today in Kansas…come on Fall! I hope you have a great trip. Can’t wait to hear about it.

Sarah Alcantara - Love fall….bring on the pumpkins!

Jenn - I would LOVE to win a copy!!! Hope you have a blast in Utah! So fun!

Kit - I love fall, but I am always sad to see summer go. Our summer here in Boston is so short…
Would love to win a copy! Thanks, Megan! Have a great trip!

Heather - Fall is my fave season, decorating-wise. I’d love to win the magazine.
Oh, and I’m exactly like you when I have something to prepare for. Delay, delay, delay, panic. Always.
Have a fantastic trip!!

Beth - Fall is the best! Leaves burning, the crisp air, sweaters, my son’s football games, fall candles burning, spending cozy nights at home with my family, homemade soups, etc.

rebecca w - Oh sweet magazine!:-) although, not looking forward to shorter days, fall smells good.

haydee - Autum is my favorite season…well it’s actually summer…but i love fall too!!!

Maria - love fall.
cool weather.
a wedding anniversary.
and candy…need I say more?
so tired of melting away every day…

Leah - So ready for Fall! A copy of this sweet piece of autumn goodness would save me a whole lot of pinning… 🙂

Tina C - Pick me, pick me!!! – Sort of kidding 🙂 – I love Matthew Mead’s magazines and would love to win one!

Jenn - It looks beautiful! Looking for inspiration for our new home. Have fun in Utah!

alicia @ la famille - oh! love magazines…would REALLY love a free one 🙂 have fun at your reunion!

Elizabeth Ann - I don’t know who Matthew Mead is, but I would like to!

Michelle Torres - I would be so Happy to win the Fall magazine!!!! I am so excited Fall is coming!!!!!! Yipeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle Torres

Barbara Nelson - Love the fall colors and the crisp air, and turkey.

Kat H - I am so ready for Autumn! I have heard so much about his catalogs! I would love to win so I can be inspired!

Wendy - Thanks for the chance!

Christie smith - I heart fall

Sharla - Very cool. I got the Summer one and love your photos in it. You got me started on this mag!:) I’m sure the fall one is great. Love fall!

AshleyAnn - I thought you were talking about Craft Weekend…and now Blue Lily!!! Yeah for you Meg. Have fun!

Tracie - Already feeling a bit of a fall feeling in the air!

Wanda - I love your awesome blog! It’s beautiful!
Just tonight, my college freshman daughter announced at dinner that she IS GOING to Utah for Spring Break!
She’s a real party animal, huh?
Love Matthew Mead!

kat - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a copy of that magazine!!!

kristen - hey fall is my fav and i’m waaayyyyy overdue for a new great magazine like this one!

Lynette - I love your blog!!! - Me, me, please pick me! 🙂

adrienne - I can’t wait for fall! I hope I win 🙂 Have fun on your reunion!

annalea - oh, i mega want Autumn. thanks for the chance, dear. 🙂

Brandi - Love fall and would love to cozy up on the sofa with this magazine!

jackie - Fall is my verrrry favorite season! Would love to win! Jackie

Dawn Eshnaur - I love Fall, too! I would LOVE to win a copy of this magazine! I read their blog and love them!!!

Michelle - Have fun in Utah! Hope the winner loves fall as much as I do 😉

colleen - Would love to win a copy of this amazing mag. We can already feel Fall in the air here in the Northeast!

Emily - I am often sad that I no longer live in Missouri. But even more so, now that I realize that I am living far away from the fun craft weekend! I also LOVE fall! And Magazines!!

Mary - Fall isn’t usually too cool in Arizona…unless you’re up in the high country:)

Stacy - Fall…great cool weather, jumping in leaves, school supplies, fairs with cotton candy, carving pumpkins, camping, beautiful colors on the trees, hosting Thanksgiving…I LOVE FALL TOO! Can you tell? LOL

Stefanie - I don’t know what I love more…fall or magazines? 🙂

heidi - So ready for fall my decorations r already up!

Elaine - Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year! I would love this magazine to get fabulous ideas….cup of coffee in one hand and the mag in the other…priceless!

Joanne B - Fall is my favorite time of year!!
Hope you have a great trip, can’t wait for the pictures!

Angela - Oh, I am lusting after fall so badly this year.
Wait…lust is wrong, right?
Okay, I am just really, really wanting it to get here NOW.

rosemary - I am SO ready for Fall and ready to turn off the AC!

Jenna Y. - I looove fall! And I love these magazines! 🙂

megan - would love a copy!! great ideas, fun stuff, colors….

Shannon - I absolutely can’t wait for fall to arrive…Cooler temps, sweaters, college football…What’s not to love? Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine! 🙂

Michelle - Crud. I JUST bought my copy last night. lol! I can’t wait for it to come out!! I’d love to win one too & pass it along to someone else. 🙂 I”m nice that way. I’m a photographer in Texas & have never heard of Wendy & Tyler!! I KNOW! Ridiculous! I’m at Starbuck’s now, so I’m going to get my big cup of coffee & explore! Thanks, Meg!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - i would love love love to have a copy, even though summer is my favorite season. don’t crawl back in bed, make a list, focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll be done before you know it (hopefully minus the stress). Good Luck!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - i would love love love to have a copy, even though summer is my favorite season. don’t crawl back in bed, make a list, focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll be done before you know it (hopefully minus the stress). Good Luck!

Melissa Morrill - Holy SHIZ BALLS!!! You are coming to Utah???? AHHHHHH! I SO SO SO SO wish I could meet you!!!!

Anne @ Baking Me - Fall is my favorite season too!

crystal beutler - See you tomorrow friend! Why am I sitting here blogging when I have to get ready and pack … and make swag? Why? I need to get to the store and make arrangements for the fam while I’m gone! I’m in avoidance mode too. 🙂

Kristen Chapman - This magazine may be the only way I get to experience Fall…. Texas is not doing me any favors this year!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I hope I win the Fall magazine….that is my most fave season….EVER!

Joanna - I’ve never had a Matthew Mead magazine. I really want to win!

happygirl - Cool blog. And I LOVE their HATS. Bye bye summer. I’m glad your done. 🙂

Amy - Fall cannot come soon enough! My most favorite time of the year…love,love,love.

alaina - This magazine looks amazing!!! Drool worthy!

Sarai - Hope you have fun on your trip! I love autumn. It makes me think of Halloween!!! And I also just ready for cooler weather.

sara's art house - I want to win!!!
Thanks for blogging! You are my favorite blogger by far- I totally copy you (and I do give you credit :)) I made a crayon melt canvas because of you and today we did the planet art project. You’re awesome 🙂

Shawnie - I love Fall and would love a copy of this new magazine!

Kimberlee - Summer is still my favorite season.
I’m a summer girl.

Emily H. - I can’t wait for the leaves to change.

Kara K. - Fall is my favorite season! Michigan in the fall is spectacular! The leaves are already chaning!

*Alex* - Have fun in Utah! I love fall too-such pretty colors and flavors! Apple cider, mulled wine, pumpkin & squash-MMM! Excited just thinking about it 😀

Tracy - I need to win this

kimberly - Already itching to decorate for Fall!

Kirsten P - Autumn is a beautiful season! I would love to win Matthew Mead’s Autumn Magazine.

Simies - I would like to win a copy! I love Fall too 🙂 Thank you for the chance!

dian oliver - have fun in utah!! how could you not? fall is my favorite, too! would love a copy of the magazine? should i not win, how can i order one???

Prairie Mama - Oh, I get the feeling…..too much to do, not enough time. I give you permission to pack and take a break. (: Have fun at your class tomorrow!
I can’t wait for the magazine to come out. Yay!!!

Sheridan Eketone - oooooooohhhhhhh PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!! 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

La - Pumpkins! Cinnamon! I love the Fall and would love a copy! 🙂

Jennifer - fall is the best…

Amanda - fall is the best! have a great trip to Utah 🙂

Jenna - I loved the summer one and could use some help getting into fall, since right now I almost start crying when I think about summer being over …

Lisa - Thanks, Meg! I’ve heard all of you bloggers talk about this magazine, but I’ve never actually seen one. Would love to win this:)

Rachel B. - Fall makes me happy!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - You’re going? Yay! Say hi for me. I won’t… haven’t replaced my passport yet. ha ha. I’m still having nightmares of standing on a tarmac with my suitcase, and all the planes taking off above me. Can’t wait to hear about what you will learn this time around.
Have a great time,

tobi - Oh cool!
I would love to check this magazine out!

TinaB - enjoy Utah and take some gorgous pictures. oh and the fall mag would be lovely to start the fall season.

jacqui anderson - me me me!

Lindsay - I’m so ready for fall after my first summer in the desert!

Lisa Hamelin - i would love a copy! i love fall and my bday is in the fall!

Rebecca - Ohhh – yes please!

kayem - Autumn is the bestest and so is M.M.

deb meyers - Fall is my favorite, too. Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to win this!
deb meyers

Melissa - Would be great to win. I love fall, especially in TX, 80 degree weather!!

Valerie Page - I would love to win a copy. Autumn is my favorite time of year. 🙂
I LOVE your blog. I check it each day because it makes me happy and gives me so many ideas. I love to use your recipes. Chicken enchiladas are my favorite recipe.
My AMAZING husband suffered a heart attack on Friday night and he has been home recuperating.I am so glad that our local hospital helped him so I did not become a 39 year old widow.
I just wanted to tell you that I immediately went to your blog today to give me a pick me up.
Thanks for such a colorful blog;)

Marla - can’t believe summer is almost done….happened upon your blog, enjoy it! would welcome inspiration from matthew mead.

Kelly - Autumn is my favorite season too. That’s why I got married in the fall. Three years this year! Yippee! Kelly
now go pack! 🙂
honestly packing is SUPER hard for me too. Kelly

karen peachey - As much as I love summer I’m actually (slowly) starting to look forward to fall!

Lisa - Dreaming and scheming for fall…come quickly!!

Kate - Oh, I would love a copy! Autumn is my favorite!

Julie - I’m having trouble letting go of summer and welcoming fall. Would this help me? I sure hope so.

Gale - Love fall and SO ready for it – thanks for the chance to win 🙂

Jessica Oates - Fall is the best around here. Back to school, all the birthday’s in the family, and apple picking! love it and i’d love to win this gorgeous magazine.

Terrie - Oh my…I hate packing! What a great reason to pack though!! Sounds like a great trip & I’m all for learning more about my camera!! Can’t wait to see your pics!
I loved the summer magazine!!

Sandee Sosa - Fall is my favorite season too… it makes me soooo gritty!!!! I can hardly wait to start pulling out the fall decor and puttin’ pumpkins on the porch! I would l-o-v-e to get the magazine!

Holly - I’m ready for jeans and sweaters weather. I’d love a copy of the magazine. Thanks!

Amy M - Send that fall mag my way. Please

Renee - i love fall and winning. pick me pick me!

Donna - I have never seen this magazine, but it looks amazing!

Linda - Fall is my favorite season too. I already ordered my copy. Can’t wait. I still love gazing at Summer and Holidays! But if you pick me I’d love to regift it myself!
Hope you enjoy your reunion. Your really living the DREAM!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - Fall is by far my favorite time of year (although clearly I’m in good company here!). I would love to win this. 🙂

Alisa - Fall, Fall, Fall….ahhhh.

katherine - i would love to win a copy! thanks, megan!

Rhonda Fendt - Fall is my favorite season too!. I miss living in New England! Southern California doesn’t do too much for fall. Thanks for your Awesome Blog! I love it!

Catriona - Fall (Autumn!) is my favourite season, too. I would be so delighted to have this plop onto my doormat. Can’t justify it what with p&p to the U.K. but do somewhat regret not buying your issue…

Jen - pick me pretty please!

jennifer - I do the same.exact.thing. when I get overwhelmed. It’s awful! Such an awful feeling and really does nothing to help accomplish all the things piling up that are making me feel that way in the first place. Really hope you get everything done and then have an amazeball time in Utah! Love that word.

Wendy - i would love a copy of this! I bought the Summer issue. Thanks for the giveaway. Chip away at it day by day so it doesnt take over!

ashley - I have always wanted one of these issues but can’t ever justify just buying one for myself. Hope I win!

Cori Barney - I was blog hopping today and saw this
I thought of you! It is happy!

Jody -
ok – i tried to email this to you but couldn’t…this reminded me of you!! rainbow!! too fun (make when you get back from your adventure!!)

Jennifer - One day at a time, girl!

Becky - I love Fall. It’s my most favorite. Ever. And I would love a copy of the new Matthew Mead. That is all. 🙂

Julie Baldwin - Pick me! Pick me!!

sue - Can’t wait for summer to be over !. Just found a Black Widow spider amongst my mail in the mail box. Is no where sacred. ha ha.

Monica Williams - Fall is my favorite time of the year too! Love those cooler temps and all those amazing fall colors!

Michelle - Safe travels! Fall is my favorite season too 🙂

Gemma - Autumn is my favourite season too!!
Have a great time in Utah : )
Gemma x

Lori Tacchino - Would love to win!

Beth K. - Fall is my favorite – starting to get the itch to start decorating. 🙂 It may have something to do with being an October birthday. I have been following Blue Lily off and on since your family had their pics taken – their blog is wonderful!

Amber B - Love reading your blog and would love a copy of the magazine!

Jody - Fall…I’m not there yet…still enjoying the summer! But this mag will get me going…!!! sweaters, cocoa, red leaves!!

tiffany m gardner - OH OH….I love love fall too! With over 40 days in the 100’s in oklahoma…I am more ready for fall than ever!!!! I can’t wait to feel your cool breeze….mr. fall! 🙂

Kristi - so want to go to the reunion (and meet you!)- I did a go pro just a few weeks ago! so fun.
would love the magazine!

elz - I love Blue Lily. We caught them this year as they brezzed through Texas. In fact, my family is on their blog somewhere. Have fun. I’m jealous, you’ll learn so much new stuff and it won’t be 110 degress like it is here!

FeFe - Fall is my favorite too! Too bad it’s pretty short here in Indiana!

Maria - Fall is my fav.
Enjoy your trip to Utah!

Stephanie C. - Fall is def my favorite season too!

Suzette - I adore fall and all of it’s trappings…I would love to win this!

ashley jensen - Fall is my favorite also. My wedding colors were burn orange and deep red like fall. Wendy and Tyler are awesome. They make me laugh with their crazy stories. Would LOVE to take their class someday or Ashley’s! Though I live 30 min away from Ash and went to school with her from 9-12 grade.

Beth in Utah - I would love to win!
Fall is my favorite season….

Erica - i’d love to win. looks like a great big book of eye candy for fall! by the way, have a great trip to utah (i used to live there) and i love your blog!

Iris Brown - Me likey!!! Fall is my favorite. 🙂

Sabrina - I would love a copy!!! Fall is glorious here and I can’t wait to start decorating for it!

Melissa - I love your blog and look forward to reading it everyday!

Jessica - I love everything about fall! Its my favorite season! I would love to win! 🙂

Tanya H - Wait…you’re coming to Utah?? I’M in Utah!!! Come visit! You’re my blog hero! LOL…now I’ll finish reading the rest of your post………..
Autumn is my favorite too! Wish it lasted longer! 🙂

Wendy - WOW … they are amazing photographers! Sooo inspiring!
Fall’s my favorite season … it co-ordinates with my red hair.

Shelly foster - Sooo looking forward to Fall … Especially after having these 100+degree weather !

Lori Austin - So ready for fall after the hot, hot, hot summer we have had. Love the cooler temps, colors, sweaters, food, etc. Love it all!
Btw, I do the same thing when I have a lot to do. Stack of mail, full inbox, sink full of dishes, overflowing laundry…..can’t…do…it. I tend to do nothing instead. Not smart. Uggh. (p.s. enjoy your trip)

Chantelle - lemme win pleeeze! …and i just make a master plan listing all the things i need to buy, make, do… so i can cross them out and feel like a superstar! try it 🙂

Donna - I love fall, too, but am enjoying the last few days before the kiddos start school.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Spring is my fav.
I love the fall for sweaters, crock-pots, and pumpkin spice lattes.

Michelle - Fall is also my favorite time of year! I love anything and everything apple and pumpkin, so it’s truly a “scentational” time of year!

Heather (One Take On Life) - Love Fall, favorite season!

Jen N. - Fall is my absolute favorite!

Sarah V. - I LOVE Fall!!!!! Would love to win too!!!

Helen Wall - I grew up just north of the Utah mountains – in SE Idaho.
Would love to win Matthew Meade’s Fall book. Enjoyed the spring one with you featured in it, Meg.

Ashley - I hope you have safe travels! And fall is amazing. The colors are beautiful!

Kerry - Aaah, maybe the trip to Utah is just what you need to clear your head space and play with your Camera 🙂 And Hello Matthew Mead Fall edition – yeehaa!
Kerry xx

Melissa - Would love to win…and ready for fall!

Jen - Fall is my favorite season as well. I would gladly shorten summer by those 5 or 6 really hot week and just move on to fall. I would love to see this magazine.

Jenny Lynn - Fall is my favorite too!
Would LOVE to win the magazine 🙂

shannon - Would love to win Mathew’s new magazine, I loved the last one of course because your gorgeous home was in it 😉
Have a fun and safe trip!

Jamie - I LOVE Fall!!!!! Would love to win too!!!

Jamie - I love Matthew Meads magazine!
Have fun on your trip!

Christy - I have been stalking Blue lily’s blog since you went on the workshop. I would love to attend one of their workshops.
It’s definatly on my photography bucket list.
Would love a copy of the Matthew Meads fall book,need something to get me in the mood for fall. Ready for big chunky sweater and
the leaves to turn color

Melissa - Im so ready for fall!!!!

Elizabeth Flowers - Fall has always been my favorite favorite season! This magazine would be fun to look through!

Mrs. Skvortsov - I hope I win! Lol!

Courtney M - It would be amazeballs if I won this! Thanks 🙂

Wendy - Have a great time, Meg! I tend to do the same thing as you… too much stuff is oh so overwhelming. 🙂

Emily Kinsaul - The GoPro looks amazing! Love, love, love the fall. Can’t wait to see the new Matthew Mead magazine. I hope I win!

Sarah - Awesomeness all over this post! You can pack – you can do it!

Meredith Welborn - Fall is my favorite too!

Meredith Salmon - As per your suggestion I got the Summer edition and while on vacation I read it from cover to cover, every little caption and all. Tricia Foley worked at my company when I first started here and then you were were in it. Fall is my favorite time of year and I can;t wait to get it. I hope I win.

Dawn - I would love to win a copy of this! I am a summer girl, but I do enjoy fall as well. Friday night high school football games, the leaves turning, visits to the pumpkin patch. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anne-Marie Petersen - Have a great trip! Would love to win a copy!

Lisa - have tons of fun!
and of course i would LURVE to win a copy of Matthew Mead!

Sara Torbett - Would love a copy of this! I was inspired by your house in the last issue 🙂

Shawnie - Yes! Yes! Yes! I would LOVE to win a copy of this beautiful magazine! Love your blog Meg!

Laura Phelps - sure
I would love a free magazine
Id love a free ANYTHING
I’d love it even more if you were in it 🙂

Leslie - Fall is my favorite time of year! I love pumpkins, candy corn, orange and browns and the smells of creamy caramel from B&B. I would love to have a copy of Matthew Meades fall magazine!!! :} AND I know your craft weekend will be great. I wish I lived closer so I could come too!!! :}

Jemm - Yes please!! I’d love to win a copy 🙂
Have a great trip. How do you get to get away alone?
SO jealous!

jeana - LOVE fall, would love to win!

BriBedell - I am excited for the fall!

sam - Thanks for the giveaway, enjoy your trip!

Katie - I would love to win and be inspired for fall! Thanks for doing this! Happy Travels!

Lori - I love Matthew Meade! Count me in for the giveaway. Fall should be 6 months long – it’s my favorite season!

colleen from alabama - Oh how nice fall sounds! It is 98 degrees and muggy here. Maybe that magazine would help me cool off 🙂 Or at least look forward to cooler weather!

Alicia - Fall is my favorite season too and I love Matthew Meade.

Secret Mom Thoughts - I love fall. I’d love to win.

Michele - Would love to win! I love your blog I check it daily you totally crack me up and I love when you keep things real!

Shawna - Fall, what is there not to like. Thanks Megan.

Alyssa Doyle - Fall has always been my favorite season!!! All of the most lovely things to me have happened in fall. Married my husband in November, had our son the following September, and am now waiting as patiently as possible for the birth of our daughter in October 🙂 Winning this and having it to gush over would help distract me for sure!

Rachel Newswanger - He-ha, thanks for keeping things real! Luv-it!

ROBBIE - leaves twist, turn and fall….

Jennifer O'Steen - i wish i was closer to utah! alabama is just so far away from all of the good stuff!!
i am so excited fall is around the corner :))

Becca - I LOVE FALL! And I’d really love to win 🙂

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family band?

sean is about to start band class.
he was discussing which instrument he'd like to play….and i am not sure who got it out….
but craig's trombone from high school/jr. high came out of the basement.

while i was cooking dinner.


oh it was funny.
he is always trying to crack me up.

the kids were jumping up and down to have a turn.
have you ever played a trombone in your kitchen before???
it's really loud.
i don't recommend it.



they were laughing hysterically at the sounds it would make.


it was one of those funny unexpected moments in our goofy family.
i even did some cheerleading moves to go with craig's sports songs.
ha ha ha

annie suggested we have a band!
someone on piano….someone on the african drum….lauren on guitar….someone with homemade maracas.
and of course DAD on the trombone.

i am going to get started on our costumes.

this morning while walking/running i listened to a nora jones duet with dolly parton.

i thought "i wonder if anyone has ever listened to dolly parton
while running before? maybe i'm the first"  :)

then U2's song Yahweh came on….do you know that song?

it's….it's….just awesome.
i almost shouted out "YAHWEEEEEH!" but i didn't want to scare
the ducks on the walking path. 

and i had a flash memory of my grandpa when there was a slight tiny scent of lake water….aren't those the craziest memories?
a memory from when you were 5…30 years later…while running?
it made me miss him. 

then my iPod battery died.
and i had to listen to my breathing…sounding like i am about to pass out….i prefer dolly parton.



  these are SOME of our sponsors for craft weekend.
    come check it out on the craft weekend blog. 


Samantha - Your kids are so adorable!

Courtney Walsh - This is so funny. Adam has a euphonium (sp?) and a trombone and we’ve had similar moments of sheer LOUD horn-blowing bliss in the house. Needless to say, I’ve stashed them both in the garage for now! lol
🙂 Catching up on your blog this morning…you’re so busy!! I hope craft weekend goes well!!!

Carrie K - haahaa…that first picture cracked me up! my first thought…”meg married a band geek!” 🙂 hes a pretty cute geek though so i dont blame you 🙂 i can just IMAGINE the noise in your house…in a happy way 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I love your family band idea…hey the Partridge Family did it!!

Doris - I have every day at least 1 thing from more than 20 years ago that just comes back to me, some detail. and I think of my grandpa every day, and how I miss him. so I understand this completely.
great family fun 🙂
and song is nice.

janet @ ordinary mom - I had a STRONG reaction to a childhood memory when ironing my polyester sheers. Seriously! Warm polyester will throw you right back into the 70s. Wow!

Kelly - the music teacher in me just loves this post! My sixteen month old will already bring our African drum to one of us and then when he’s satisfied we’ll play with him he goes to the other drums to begin playing. Maybe we’ll have to get out my husband’s trumpet too. Was Waffle scared with all that loud noise? Kelly

Jodi - Thanks for sharing the U2 “Yahweh” song…I had never heard it before and loved it! I can just imagine you running and trying to hold in the “Yahweeeeeh!” part…that would have been so hard! 🙂 I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, and you are an inpiration to me! Thanks being REAL.

steph - way TOO funny!
i have some norah on some of my running playlists too.
and that duet, “creepin’ in”, i’m guessing that’s the one you listened to,
is such a toe tapper…
it’s perfect for a run! 😉
glad we have the same strange taste in running music.
there are many times when i’m tempted to start singing out loud too…
“i bless the RAINS down in AFFFFFRRRRICAAAAA!”
ha ha!
i love toto!

becky - Hi Meg! This is totally unrelated to your sweet family post… but my husband just sent me this video and i was tremendously blessed by it. Thought you’d love it too! It’s good to run to!

Lisa - My hubs played the trombone in middle and high school and my 12-year old has been playing it for the past 3 years. They play together sometimes – good family fun! 🙂

Ranee - the trombone photos are hilarious. your craft weekend looks amazing..if only i had a free weekend to spend! I’m sure whoever comes is going to love it. - Oh man, I run to the strangest assortment of music. And it’s where I have my best thinking and the memories flood–must be the adrenaline. I use the term “run” loosely!!! In fact, I’m laced up and ready to roll, but procrastinating at the computer as we speak!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’d never heard this song before – thank you for sharing. Love it.

Janie Fox - I played the clarinet and cheered. You should really start a band.It is a good excuse to get a rocking multi-colored bus. Doesn’t that Partridge Family bus look like something you would have?! Hells yeah!

Julie - When I saw U2 this summer, I had to walk through a group of picketers holding signs warning us about the “satanic” rock concert we were about to enter. Has that ever happened to you? Clearly, they had to be unfamiliar with the band.
Thank you for posting this beautiful song.

Amy - My 11 year old daughter started playing trombone last year and yeah…it’s pretty rockin! Very loud in the kitchen. Or the living room. Or outside. Or at 7 a.m. when you’re trying to sleep!
And I thought I might be crazy because sometimes I listen to Veggie Tales while I walk/run. You make me feel slightly better about myself. 😉

Laine Chambers - This made me laugh because this has happened in our family! My husband began playing the trombone in junior high and has kept it up all these years. I play the piano and we do duets. Good times. Our kids declare that we should have an “orchestra”…one on the trombone, one on the piano, one on the guitar and one on the violin. Can’t imagine how loud that would be!!

nicki - I’ve TOTALLY listend to that Norah/Dolly song while running! “Creep On In”?

Jenn - I really enjoy reading about your family with your “big kids!” Our family is still young and I SO very often wish and hope for my kids to NOT grow up! You and your family are giving me a little glimpse of the future and I think it looks pretty FUN! Thank you!!!

happygirl - My husband’s nephew played When the Saints Go Marching In for his mom’s memorial service. It was wonderful.

Sarai - Looks like you guys had alot of fun! I love goofy silly family time like this!
By the way I love all the colors and open-ness in your house

Jennifer - Love this post…you guys are too cute!

Jennifer - FYI, you are so NOT the first person to listen to Dolly Parton while working out. Have you heard her Christmas songs? They are always on my workout playlists around the holidays. I’m not gonna lie, one or two of Dolly’s Christmas songs sneak in the rotation during other times of the year. How embarrassing for me.

Kerry - aah man, how fun!! I would love to be able to play a HUGE instrument like that. Off on my first run EVER tomorrow… wish me luck, I will take Dolly with me 🙂 xx

Tina I - I, too, have “Creepin’ In” on my running playlist. Does that make you feel better?;-)

Jemm - That’s cute. My oldest daughter plays trombone. I remember how funny it was when she discovered she could make “tooting” noises with it. Fun times 😉 I played trumpet. I loved it. I still miss it. I have a secret talent of being able to look at people and guess what instrument they played in high school. I’m getting a strong vibe from you though. Were you in band? I’m guessing maybe piano or clarinet.

Kasey @ Little Brick House - Oh that looks like so much fun!
Oh man I can’t imagine running to Dolly. I need the likes of Lady gaga to keep my feet going LOL!

Brook @BeingBrook - So funny! We’ve had a trombone and a french horn player at our house. SO LOUD! Looks fun. I love music when I’m running, distracts me from the fact that I may die or pass out any second.

Ali - Oh my goodness. I played the trombone in high school….marching band, pep band and jazz band. I loved being the only girl on the trombone. It was pretty amazing. Unfortunately I sold my trombone so I can’t relive the memories. That’s hilarious that Craig remembered several songs. I don’t think I could. I bet your kids’ lips were all numb and swollen afterwards.

Jennifer O'Steen - it’s so good to see he is joining band! i was in the band for 9 years, and i loved every second of it! i met some of the best people in my life through band.

se7en - That’s brilliant!!! How fun!!! We are building a band one kid at a time: So far I have a trumpeter a saxophonist and a violinist… with five kids waiting in the wings… I think it is going to be so cool a couple of years from now.

Lisa - What a great moment in your kitchen…..the stuff that a good life is made of!
Thanks for posting this U2 song, I was just thinking I needed some new songs for my pathetic attempts at running and this one is awesome. Don’t know how I haven’t heard it before.

Jana - That is cracking me up! We just did the same thing at our house! Except I sent them outside! I had the trombone out to take pics from Craiglist and they started playing it and laughing hysterically! Good times. 🙂

sue - Can we see pics of your basement ?

Jennifer - If he decides to play the drums, I know a great private lessons teacher!!! 😉
Band is so great! Have fun!

kat - Okay, that’s hilarious. I know y’all were laughing your heads off.L Love it. I so wish I was coming to the craft weekend!!! Those are some very lucky ladies indeed!!! Can’t wait to see the family uniforms.

Holly - I can’t imagine the amount of spit that came out of that thing when they were done! What a fun night! I think I have a kazoo somewhere, I must go look for it right now.

Terrie - We did the same thing at our house (a few years ago…ahem) when my son was going into band. Randy played the trumpet and french horn…so those came out of the basement! Hi-lar-i-ous!! I can’t decide if I’m happy that you didn’t have sound or not… 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - These photos are so very fun. Love impromptu family fun!

Crystal - You should read “Olivia Forms a Band” by Ian Falconer (kids book). She attempts to get her family to make a band. Olivia cracks me up. She’s a crazy character. My daughter loves the Oliva books!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I have always admired the noble trombonists. HOW do they know exactly where to stop that slide thingy? It’s different than pushing the right button. It’s gotta be.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love Dolly Parton. Personally, I have to walk/run to music like Beyonce, and Maroon 5 to get me going. I played oboe in school, and was a cheerleader.

Rachel - I’ve never played a trombone in my kitchen, but I have a French Horn that I played in the living room…it literally scared the poop out of one of the dogs and then the other one started barking. Needless to say, I put the horn away.
My daughter and I love Dolly Parton! She knows all the words to “Jolene”; I just know the chorus 😉

blu - love that song. we sing it in church. love u2!! and aren’t you so grateful for the random silly moments? especially right before dinner? me too 🙂

Taryn - So i had no idea Craig played the trombone…..i’m guessing he was sitting somewhere close to Vaughn because we have played out this exact same scene at our house! (without me doing the cheerleading moves:)…although i can see myself trying that out now! ) At least they both had something in their mouths so they couldn’t make up alternative words to the songs they were playing like they did in SNC! Ha! Love ya!

Dina - Ok…Sean should most definitely play trombone in the school band. I taught band before I had babies and looking at his embouchure (mouth placement:-) and the way he holds the slide…pretty sure he would do GREAT! The trombonists get all the chicks, ain’t that right, Craig;-) Loved this post!

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because i have so much inside my head i can't complete a thought.

512EjVu95NL._SL500_AA280_ this is my current favorite song.
and right now it's a free download on amazon!
i was going to put the video but there is no professionalone that i could find….just dorky ones that people make with photos… i make….ha ha ha.
so you can hear it on the amazon site and download it free.
it is a total cowboy country song that is perfect for driving around kansas.  :) 

i took pictures this weekend for Megan Duerksen.

this is her….and me.  :)
we have the same name.
we keep confusing each other when we send emails to each other.

we think those Duerksen boys have really good taste…..

and she told me that there is even another Megan Duerksen around the area. 

mr. duerksen and i watched The Fighter this weekend.
totally loved it.
it was not what i thought it would be….it was much much better.
(fyi….lots of swears if that bothers you…it's rated R )
it's on instant streaming on Netflix right now.

i scraped wall paper for several hours on saturday all alone.
it was pretty nice actually…..quiet house….LOUD music…..satisfaction of doing it myself….LOUD music.   


and last but not least…….


today i want to giveaway a spot to AshleyAnn's SnapShops Photography Class!

click over HERE for more details.

Kelly - no way there is another megan duerksen. So crazy and fun! Kelly

Lori Austin - Random is good. I’ve been tripping over my thoughts for days now.
Thought of you today (ya know cause I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and we’re like BFF’s – ha!). No really. Took my little man for a neighborhood walk this morning and passed a neighbor (that I’ve never seen before) walking her golden-doodle. How fun! Looked just like Waffle 🙂
Hope your day is a good one.

Jennifer - I have so much to learn about my camera, this would be such a blessing to win.

Megan - My kids had fun with you – in fact, Cambry said she can’t wait to take pictures again. You wouldn’t have known it at the time, though! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I feel certain you’re one of a kind! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I feel certain you’re one of a kind! 🙂

Audrey - That other Megan is a sweetheart! My kids go to school with hers. Aren’t we blessed to have multiple Megan Duerksens in the area?!?!?!!!

Emilie - Amazon must have caught on because now it is 99 cents… man! It is still worth it though 😉

Terrie - Food Gawker?! That is amazing!! All those new recipes in ONE place! LOVE it!! I should never have to wonder what I’m going to make for supper again! 🙂

Tami Veer - definitely one of my favorite songs right now too!!

happygirl - I want to watch this movie. thanks for the thumbs up. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - How can three of you(Megan Duerksens) exist, let alone all in the same area? Thats one of the oddest things Ive ever heard.
Granted I dont know these other two ladies and Im sure theyre wonderful, but you’re still my favorite. And if you dont hurry up and show me what youre scrapin wallpaper off of, I might have a fit!:)

Maureen - Loved “The Fighter”. Not so much watching the Oscars last year with my 17 year old daughter continually telling me how “hot” she thinks Mark Walberg is!!! Not that I don’t agree but creepy to hear your daughter say things like that. I am a priss and kept telling her say “cute” not “hot”!!!

Bailey C - Oh, how I love that song! You must have sent too many people to amazon though…it’s no longer free 🙁 Also, loved The Fighter. I totally wasn’t expecting to like it, but it was good!

Kirsten J - LOL on the same name thing…my husband met up with an old friend recently, Michael, who had a son Michael Jr., and a daughter Heather. Turns out the daughter Heather married a guy named Michael and the son Michael is marrying a girl named Heather. None of them like nicknames, the guys don’t go by Mike. What are the odds???

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Loved The Fighter! Oh, Marky Mark. Oh, Marky.
Did you watch the bonus features?
And have you seen Bridesmaids? We paid $16.99 to watch it in our swankyish Chicago hotel room and it was WORTH it.

Jemm - The Fighter is awesome!! We got that on Netflix a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love all over again with Mr. Wahlberg. It was so good because it was totally NOT what I was expecting either. I almost cried when the truth came out about the brother’s “documentary”. So sad. I’ll have to check out that song. Do you know if you can download songs from Amazon to iTunes? I am clueless at these things.

Marion - I love the song too … I hear it every day on my blog or via internet radio! I love your Blog Meg,everyday I’m looking forward to your daily life!You bring me your life and a piece of the amazing USA in my Home… thank you! Greetings from Germany

Kerry - Cool song Meg! Cant believe there are 2 .. no 3.. megan duerksens! That is totally cool 🙂 xx

Krystle - thank you for the amazon share. i just heard it this week for the first time. makes me long for country roads.

Laura Phelps - i think random is the way to roll…
I havent completed a sentence in weeks…:-)

Jennifer - Meg, I have ugly wall paper and I can’t get it off the wall without destroying the drywall. What do you think about just putting texture on top of the paper and painting?

Beth Ann - I love that song! I didn’t know it was free today! Thanks for that!!

erin - Loved The Fighter…yes, it was totally different from what I expected. It sat with me for days. Silly question: Where do you buy all of your brightly colored clothes and fun jewelry? I love this pink and white striped sweater. (silly because I don’t even know you, except from your blog, which I love!).

Terrie - I just took her online SnapShot class!! LOVED it!! Having so much fun with my camera…I still have a lot to learn, but she has given me a great jump start and a real understanding of shutter speed, metering, ISO & aperture used to all be greek to me! 🙂 Congrats to whoever wins!! So Lucky!!

Trysha - Mark Wahlberg floats my boat. He makes bad hair look good (his hair in the fighter wasn’t bad though.) I have to say I didn’t love Amy Adams in the movie. I thought she was trying too hard.

Anna Marie - That song makes me want to cry sometimes. Reminds me of dating my husband. I was the city girl, he was the country boy and he showed me ALL the back roads around his Missouri hometown in his beat up Chevy truck (love those memories and miss those days). Every now and then we take our babies with us on those roads when we visit his hometown. Glad you love it too!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I loved the Fighter. I was pleasantly surprised. Besides, who doesn’t like a little Marky Mark. I am listening to the Pistol Annies right now. Miranda Lambert and some of her friends. This girls from Texas loves it! My fav is Boys from the South. I married one!

Alicia @ la famille - What?! Multiple megs?? That’s craziness! My post today was very ummmmm random too 🙂

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