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green mountain coffee and a Keurig!!

my favorite drink is coffee.
i want coffee all day every day.


and when i find out ways to help people in need….i tell you!
whether it's special needs adoption or clean water for africa or charcoal stoves for haiti….

well now i have a way for you to help by buying your coffee…using fair trade!

Fair Trade is a strategy to help aid in alleviating poverty and sustaining development.  
It's an approach to trading which aims to ensure that producers in poor countries get a fair deal. A fair deal includes a fair price for goods and services, decent working conditions, and a commitment from buyers so that there is reasonable security for the producers.

today i am talking about Green Mountain FAIR TRADE Certified coffee.



it even comes in K-cups for the Keurig Coffee Machine! 

you probably already know about it….cause you are smart and IN-THE-KNOW.

but i have been choosing to look the other way.
i have heard that term "fair trade" but just let it float in one ear and out the other.


not anymore.

now that i know better….i will do better.

want to be a part of helping farmers have economic opportunities and empower them over poverty!
and i want coffee.
it is a win-win for everyone!


have you seen the amount of work that goes into making coffee from plant to your coffee pot????  
it's incredible!
our morning coffee comes from SO MUCH work from farmers and their families.
it's humbling.

Go visit the Green Mountain Coffee Facebook page to read about the Fair Trade Certification and 
sign up for free samples or coupons.
while you are there you can see their entire product line.

BlogHer and Green Mountain Coffee are letting me giveaway a 

KEURIG COFFEE MAKER and K-cups of Fair Trade coffee!

i am so excited for you!
leave a comment today telling me your favorite hot drink…
even if it's not coffee….and you are entered.

Read the rules to find out more ways to enter. 
This contest runs from SEPTEMBER 8 – 24.
to find more contests and prizes visit the Blogher Round up Page. 

No duplicate comments.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a)      Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b)      Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c)       Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d)      For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry. 

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.
You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.




Sean Carter - Interesting to see where the technology of coffee is going. Everyone seems to love these things! I really do prefer my big coffee maker that can make a ton of cups! Krups parts are so easy to replace too that it has become a fixture of my kitchen, and will remain that way for years to come!

dwi attorneys - Keep it up; keep posting more n more n more.

payday advance - Info is out of this world, I would love to read more.

additional fat loss info - Thanks guys, for sharing such informative data.

learn more here - Cool website buddy I am gona suggest this to all my list of contacts.

Linda Davies - I love dark roast coffe, but for an occassional treat, I enjoy a coffee flavored with chocolate, vanilla, or hazelnut.

Michelle Spayde - My favorite hot drink IS coffee! DARK ROAST! 🙂

Kandi Smith - I drink Vanilla Caramel coffee in the morning to get me going but I prefer tea throughout the day. At night I sometimes relax with a mug of hot cocoa.

meme - I love hot chocolate in the fall and winter and of couse my coffee

Allyson Bossie - I love coffee and if I could hook up an iv I would be set. I drink a 12 cup pot a day!

Mari - I like Peppermint Mocha drinks.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Debbie St Cyr - My fav is french roast…:)

Tabathia - I love hot chocolate
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Margaret Smith - I tweeted:!/peg42/status/117656223989506050

Margaret Smith - I love coffee. I usually drink about 3 – 4 cups per day and love flavored coffee’s.
Thanks so much.

Pamela Hansen - my favorte is hot spiced apple cider on a cold winter’s day

Jill L - I love hot apple cider the best but I see that I can even get those for the Keurig. Coffee is big in this house too!!!

Gina - Mocha

Tracey Hodges - I’m a hot cocoa kindagirl!

Stacy - I am more of a tea drinker, and I also love hot chocolate. I actually prefer my coffee iced. But, I do love flavored coffee, especially Pumpkin

Shannon Dagesse - I love hot decaf tea especially just before bed

Maria - I love hot chocolate with a lot of marshmallows.

Sally Armstrong - Coffee with a splash of hot chocolate! Yummy! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂

sherri crawford - i love coffee, sweet milky or black

Jessica Rockwell - Hot apple cider!

Sunshyn V - As much as I like cocoa, coffee definitely holds the spot as my favorite hot drink.

debi brown - Coffee Hot or Cold anytime and all the time!

Sarah - I loooove my coffee!! :))

Cori Westphal - I am a coffee addict!
coriwestphal at msn dot com

Amanda - I love love love my breakfast blend, couldn’t get through the day without it! I love iced Chai as well, it just can’t replace my daily coffee!

Angela W. - I love COFFEE with milk and that Bailey’s French Vanilla creamer…oh so good! Oh, I hope I win!

Amanda - I could not live with out my morning coffee. I love iced chai, but nothing could replace my Breakfast blend.

Amanda Jasinski - My favorite hot beverage is coffee – with sugar and healthy dose of cream – preferably 18% milk fat 🙂
mssluna02 at gmail dot com

Lori L - My favorite hot drink is Starbucks soy latte. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that… but I’m a sucker for Starbucks! Put a splash of Hazelnut syrup in there, and i’m in heaven:)

angie - I love love love chai tea latte! I drink it almost every morning! I also love coffe mixed in with it, like at Starbucks, for a spicy coffee treat!

Jill L - My favorite hot drink is coffee

Nicole G - Coffee! Iced coffee when the temps are 70 and above and hot coffee for anything lower. Love it!!! I have to seriously limit myself on how much Starbucks I buy each month. Once a week treat for me, tops!

Dahbou - My favorite hot drink is always coffee! Decaf, regular, flavored, you name it!

shel - I love flavored coffee especially mocha. Many times I put chocolate sauce or Maraschino cherry juice into my coffee to give it more flavor.

sy - I love hot chocolate and coffee with lots of cream and sugar.
songyueyu at gmail

dawn - coffee some days, chai others, and tea sneaks in when I’m bored with the other two!

Jodi - There is nothing better than the smell of coffee brewing….except drinking it when it’s done! I love it even better with some hazelnut creamer…Mmmmmmmm!

Whitney R - Coffee, with cream & sugar! Yum!

Jennifer - fresh, hot, regular (not decaf!) coffee with plain old 1/2 & 1/2, no sugar.

Lelia - I love coffee & I thought I already posted on this, but I can’t find it so I’m posting again …. =)

kristina - I’m really not trying to enter twice!! I forgot to tell you my favorite hot drink….english toffee coffee…love it!

kristina - I recently started drinking coffee and I’m loving it! I’m being laid off from my full time job and am excited to start working part time. I decided to change my hours in the meantime to 6 am to 2:30 pm so I can pick my daughter up from school. This would be awesome to have in the morning to keep me awake 😉

Audrey - My favorite hot drink IS coffee. And I’ve been trying to talk my husband into buying me a Keurig for a while now. How awesome would it be if I actually won one?!?

Debby Graber - I LOVE my Keurig but I need another one. Mine is starting to go out. I bought mine several years ago and now almost everyone in my Bible study has one too! My favorite drink is Nantucket Blend. LOVE COFFEE!!!

Laura - Coffee in the morning and a seasonal spiced tea in the afternoon during the winter month.

holly - oh gimma chai latte

Dawn Oberholtz - Love the cause and know that I would LOVE the keurig just as much! I HAVE to have my coffee everyday! However I am the only one that drinks it and I have yet to figure out the proper coffee ground to water ratio that doesn’t leave a ton of coffee going to waste.(and the price of coffee grounds?!!! YIKES!) :0) So a single server maker would be ideal! If money was not an issue my favorite EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. hot beverage would be salted caramel hot chocolate from starbucks! YUM!!!!! Dawn O.

evan - I LOVE coffee. i put silk vanilla soy creamer in mine. it’s my fav.


Jill - Gotta have coffee–good all year round but much better on a cool/cold morning. Even better with Skinny Caramel Macchiatto creamer!

allie - My favorite go to hot drink is a thai cafe – which is espresso and condensed milk. it is to-die-for good, but thanks to the calorie count it is only a once in a while treat…

sandra - i love a good chai tea latte

Shellie Hanley - I love coffee,especialy in the fall,with all the pumpkin spice yummy flaves. I also really love spiced cider!

Hannah DeVries - Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. So expensive, but so worth it!

Susan - coffee…give me coffee with hazelnut cream in the morning…a fancy coffee in the afternoon…tea at night before bed. I love cofee!!!!!!!!!

kimj - My favorite coffee is Kona blend..

Jen - My favorite hot drink is tea (even though it makes my perimenopausal self sweat when i drink it) but I’d love to win the Keurig for my best friend who just find out she does NOT have breast cancer. Woo Hoo!

Beth M - it’s coffee! love it!

Myne Whitman - After using instant for years, I’ve recently discovered the joys of real brewed coffee!

Jammie - This is a tough one, I think I would have to say my favorite hot drink is apple cider. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Elizabeth H - We love our coffee. I love strong and hubby not so strong. Green Mountain makes it easy for us each to get our fave.

Eugenie - my favorite beverage is a tie between coffee and tea.

Lee - Coffee gets me moving in the morning, tearelaxes after dinner.

T to the N-A - I love coffee but I wonder why Keurig is not making bullion K-cups. I mean, if I have a cold, how cool would it be to have chicken broth in a cup! They already have hot cocoa, tea and coffee, why not chicken broth!

Natalie J Vandenberghe - My favorite hot drink is strong, dark, HOT coffee. I’d love to win a Keurig because my old Mr. Coffee doesn’t make or keep coffee hot enough for me! Thanks for the giveaway.

A. Ashley - I can’t function without my first morning cup of coffee to clear the cobwebs and get me awake and motivated.
That doesn’t mean I stop after the morning cup, I pretty much have coffee throughout the whole day, but the morning cup is the most important cup of the day.

Annie - My favorite hot drink is a latte with a bit of sugar.

courtney - I adore coffee, but especially lattes! I like it strong, with one raw sugar and whole milk! And I like it in the morning and afternoon and I absolutely feel giddy with a latte in my hand!

Jen - Wonderful! My favorite hot drink is peppermint hot chocolate yum! Thanks 🙂

Selinda - My favorite hot drink is white hot chocolate!

Andrew Dankleff - gotta love coffee!

JM - Unfortunately, I’m a hot chocolate or apple cider kind of girl… but DH lurves coffee!

Annalisa - My favorite hot drink is hot cocoa with whipped creAM.

Helen Keeler - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate.

Lynn Mills - Coffee with cream and sugar!! My morning does not start until I’ve had that first cup.

Linda Jones - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate with whipped cream

Mary Beth Elderton - I’m a coffee drinker.

Andria - For me coffee is it every since law school. Coffee with one Truvia packet and your recommended La Creme creamer with a biscotti is my sanity in the morning b/f getting three boys off to school.

D - Love Love hot black coffee!

Josh - I love doughnut shop coffee and hot chocolate.

Leann Lindeman - I love Vanilla Chai Tea…. I am particular though, there is a certain brand I favor…. A chai snob I am! 🙂

Sandra - A good cup of coffee, sweetened, with some half-and-half!

Debra G - My favorite hot drink is coffee…can’t start my day without it.

nancy - I have Keurig envy. GM coffee is yummy too.

Simone - Oops! I meant thanks for the giveaway.

Simone - My favorite hot drink is Peppermint Tea. I love the smell of mint.
Thanks for he giveaway!

Cindy - I tried one of these at a friend’s house and loved it! - Oh my! I can’t limit it to one. Hot Tea is probably number one. Mint tea is tops with an orange spice tea close behind. Hot Chocolate and Hot Cider are tied. It all depends on whether I’m in the mood for chocolate or spice. Yum!

Jon - Hot Cocoa!

nan - coffee with splenda and creaM
nannypanpan at

Stephanie - Peppermint tea… tastes like dessert!

Tina - I love the Chai…yummy

kay swederski - I love coffee – Mocha if I go to a coffee shop!

Debra F - My favorite hot drink is Starbucks Caramel Machiatto

Winnie L - Cafe Au Lait is my favorite drink!

Dawn - I LOVE coffee…and have been wanting a Keurig SO badly…thank you!!!

Christina Cox - Coffee, Chai Tea, Green Tea, English breakfast tea, Flavored Coffees of any kind! Been dreaming of a Keurig!Pick Me! Pick Me! <3

Diane B - I drink so much cofee that I think I have it running through my veins. Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!

Annie - I’d have to say mine is chai tea latte…but other times it’s coffee only I have to pour half coffee and half milk. Just how I roll 🙂

anne c - well the weather today here in SC is in the 70’s….so perfect for pumpkin spice coffee! yum! its my favorite of the season!

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Steva Spottswood - Hot chocolate

Jenn Decker - I would DIE without a cup of hot coffee in the morning, but I drink it everyday and I don’t feel like I value it as much as I do a soy pumpkin spice latte or hot apple cider…. I also think educating yourself on fairtrade is totally awesome!

Morganfarris - i LOVE a pumpkin spice latte’ or even pumpkin white hot chocolate….yumm yumm

Crystal - My favorite is a hot hazelnut latte from Sonic! However, I was sad the last time I went to order one & they said they weren’t making them anymore!! Only the cold ones!

Christy W - Coffee & sweet tea!

Diane H - Definitely COFFEE!!

Lynn - My favorite is Hot Chocolate 🙂 I absolutely love it!!

Kerrie Flanagan - I love hot tea, especially earl grey and rose petal black.

Joy Barcome - I love coffee…however I can’t resist a good chai tea.

Gina @ The Crave to Save - Coffee is an absolute must for me in the morning and is my favorite hot drink! Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Abby - I really want a Keurig, and how wonderful to be able to supper fair trade :).

JET_24_ - I love coffee and tea and from what I hear the Keurig is great for brewing both. Adding a dash of almond milk or soy vanilla creamer is the best way to start my day with coffee. If I’m in the mood for tea I love blends especially Chai blends. I’m thinking I need a Keurig next to my desk at work. That would be a great way to start the work day!

Pri - I love my coffee with a little bit of fat free milk and 3 splenda’s… I love my coffee sweet!!!

Janet - I’ve been a tea drinker my whole life. Mom said coffee would “stunt your growth”. : / I do like it now though.

carly gonzalez - my favorite kind of hot drink is hot chocolate! with the weather getting colder that nice big cup of chocolate with big fluffy marshmellows is calling my name 🙂

Megan M. - My husband and I switched to coffee a few months ago because its healthier than pop, and we love it!!! Black for him, creamer for me, a great way to start the day. 🙂

Tina M - I love hot coffee with cream

Sylwia - I love coffee too! I like to try different flavors. Just recently I got Vanilla Macadamia Nut one – delecious!!!

Tami - Coffee always and forever!

Mysie - YAY Fair Trade! I love So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer – Hazelnut Flavor. It’s the best.

D - my favorite hot drink is most definitely coffee!

Jenelle - I love what my husband calls coffee kool-aid…you know, where there’s enough sugar and cream that it doesn’t even taste like coffee!!

E Jones - Coffee with no cream or sugar!

Julie - Oohhh, there’s nothing like a hot drink. I love coffee (or as my husband teases) “a little coffee with my cream” and chai lattes. Delish!

Library Momma - I love making my own mocha cappuccino. I mix coffee, with a little hot cocoa mix…YUM!

Mary M. - Tweeted!/marybug2/status/114125717377261569
marybug2 @ yahoo . com

Mary M. - I just love just my plain coffee and cream. Not much on flavors.

Allison - My favorite hot drink is actually chai lattes, especially in cool weather. Mmm… Unfortunately they are higher in calories and lower in caffeine than my regular morning coffee with skim milk, so I stick with that on a daily basis and make chai a special treat. I’m glad you got on board with fair trade coffee, by the way! For something I use every day, I am happy to pay a little extra to make sure the people making it are paid fairly.

Elizabeth Tarsi - I drink coffee throughout the day to keep me warm in this cold office! My favorite flavor is Blueberry Cobbler from Starkville,MS

Mary - love my keurig…

Vicki - I LOVE COFFEE! But I can’t have it any more. Danged olderness. So my new favorite cup-o-brew is Mate Chocolatte – a tea blend that has tasty spices and a little cocoa, but not so much that I feel desserted. Just comforted and refreshed. and even tho I can’t have coffee any more doesn’t mean I should win this! I’d love to have one of these to make coffee for my guests! I used to always have a pot on, but I just can’t do it or I’m too tempted. So this would be the perfect hospitalic addition to my kitchen.

Shannon - So my favorite hot drink is Hot Chocolate! I could drink it all day but only when it’s cold outside. I don’t drink hot drinks when it’s hot outside. But my husband REALLY wants one of these so I would be the BEST wife ever if I won him one!

Jess - I loooooooove hot chocolate with marshmallows on top!

Alison - Vanilla latte is probably my favorite. I have recently been drinking coffee with some Caramel Macchiato creamer in it and that does the trick.

Janet Dreher - My favorite drink in the morning is a good strong cup of BLACK COFFEE! I am a SWEDE, so a true Swede doesn’t put anything in it.:) My last name is my married name. My maiden name was Anderson.

Jessica - Coffee…black…and super hot…the minute I get up in the morning.

jaime - Is it weird that I like to drink hot water? Wow. I’m totally boring, aren’t I? Hope I win so I can branch out and live a little! Thanks, Meg! Love your blog!

Caitlin Weaver - Definately coffee!

Elizabeth - My favorite drink is iced tea, but a cup of coffee in the morning is most essential! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Lindsay E. - coffee, coffee, coffee! any way i can get it… black, half & half, flavored creamer, hot, cold, lukewarm, fancy, regular… just gimme some coffee! 🙂

beth phillips - hot cocoa. not a coffee drinker at all, but i do love hot cocoa.

erin - coffee–good strong coffee with a touch of creme. oh the pleasant-ness.

hilary mays - my husband is the coffee drinker. i love hot cocoa.

Stephanie - Skinny Carmal Latte.

Ryanne - I am jons-in’ for a Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte.

Kristen - Vanilla lattes!

Laura in LA - Coffee with lots of cream and sugar, yum!

Meredith - Mmm. I love a pumpkin spice latte.

Deana Bagley - My fav hot drink is definitely pumpkin spice coffee! Yummo!!

Michelle Etheridge - Everyone in my house knows Momma is not happy without her morning cup of Joe

GB Jost - My favorite coffee is either Carmel Latte or White Chocolate Latee. Hmmmmm, do I have a sweeth tooth or what?!

Andrea Boone - Pumpkin Spice Coffee!! YUMMY…I love fall

Robyn - COFFEE is my thing! It is there everyday to greet me and bring me to life and then in the afternoon to make it through my afternoon classes (high school art teacher here). I like it so many ways…even straight up black :).

Sheri - hot coco and coffee with hazelnut cream and lots of it. i want to win 🙂

Jamie - White chocolate Mocha. With apple cider a close second.

Lora Cecil - I love love love me a Pumpkin Spice flavored Coffee.

Kerri - I love hot tea. Thinking the APPLE CIDER would rock too

Wendy - I don’t think I’ve met a coffee I don’t like.

Julie - A great cup of coffee is my favorite hot drink.

Rebecca - Favorite hot drink—-hot chocolate with marshmallows! YUM

Amy - I love Coffee! Any coffee drink will do.

Sarah - Ooh pumpkin chai lattes are my fav right now.

Gail Gedan Spencer - Favorite drink is coffee, followed closely by coffee, and sometimes I’ll drink more coffee.
Yes, it’s coffee.

Debbie Bellows - my favorite hot drink is hot chocolate!

Stephanie - I love coffee! I love to drink it all different kinds of ways….

Lethea B - My favorite hot drink is coffee, love it=)

Kerry - Coffee with flavored creamer is my absolute favorite!

Anita - My favorite hot drink is coffee! Thanks for a chance to win!

s - hot chocolate, complete with whipped cream and hey some rainbow sprinkles doesn’t hurt either!

Christyn - Chai Latte is one of my all-time favorites, followed by coffee, tea, hot chocolate…can’t go wrong with hot drinks!

Laura Major - My favorite hot drink is hot mint chocolate milk, soooo yummy!

Lara - I love drinking coffee all day long….:))

Morgan - My favorite hot drink…coffee of course! I can’t live without it.

Lyndsay - I’m in love with cinnamon lattes… any time of day I can’t say no to one!

Leah - I love hot chocolate, and coffee.. Iced coffee to be exact.
I have coffee brewing in the fridge at the moment so tomorrow morning I’ll have nice cold coffee. I even made some caramel to spice it up a bit. I’m so excited!

Janet - tweeted!/jheavenly56/status/113404745175142400
jheavenly56 at yahoo dot com

Janet - carmel lattes are my FAVORITE hot drink
jheavenly56 at yahoo dot com

sarah - peppermint mocha from caribou coffee! to die for!

Tiffany - Love me some COFFEE!!!! With plenty of sugar and half & half of course! XoXo

nancy - easy one! Coffee all the way. I am kinda an addict. Strong and black please.

Erin - I love my morning cup of coffee!!

Stacey - Cafe Mocha is my very favorite!! It is also Pumpkin Spice Latteseason at Starbucks now! Yay!!

kim smart - love a nice hot cup of vanilla caramel coffee!!! mmmmm…..

Kimber-Leigh - my favorite drink in summer is an iced hazelnut latte and in winter is an earl grey latte. i have been wanting a keurig since i tried my mom’s!
thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Kelly Massman - I love hot chocolate or coffee with a mocha flavoring!
thanks also for a chance to win!

lyndsey - pumpkin coffee *swoon*

Melissa - Coffee is absolutely my favorite. =D

Logan - I love hot tea, the green tea like you get at an oriental restaurant or just plain, unsweetened hot tea. My husband loves coffee. Did you know you can make great hot tea and iced tea in the Keurig? It’s good too!

Megan Smith - I’m not a coffee drinker (blasphemy, right?) but my husband LOVES coffee. If I surprised him with a Keurig and fair trade coffee, I’m pretty sure he would think I was ‘wife of the year’. Thanks for the fun opportunity!

Dani - I like coffee, but my favorite hot drink is Irish Cream Steamer! When I was in college I had one for the first time at a small coffee shop. It was great. Now every time I go to Starbucks or Books-a-million I have to get one!

Becky J - I looove all things coffee 🙂 But you would make my month if I could win this for my hubby, the coffee-junky!! Blessings, Becky

Beth P - I love coffee and need a Keurig! End of story! 🙂

Kim Inge - Mocha!!!

Urska - Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer and soy milk. HMn, the best.

Kari - My favorite hot drink is a fresh cup of medium blend black coffee.

Kim - I love a nice cup of BLACK coffee. I also love hot tea in the winter, nothing better to snuggle into bedtime with a hot tea.

Melanie - Am a serious coffee drinker and I would *love* to have a Keurig!

B Smith - I love love love Starbucks Hot Chocolate!

Carla - Coffee, hot cocoa, cider…yum!

sonya - Well. I love cold coffee since I’m in Texas but for whatever reason I heart hot milk tea so much! Also definitely behind Fairtrade buying in our family life as much as possible

Carolyn G - Mine is coffe. I have a few cups a day.

LeeAnn - Coffee with creamer makes me happy every morning, but I LOVE Starbucks Peppermint mocha!

Daryl - I love coffee. It’s a moirning and late afternoon must

Christyn - This is a lovely coffee!

the.mrs - sometimes i call my husband a hot drink… (HA) but for real, my favorite is hot tea, with a ton of local honey swirlin around!

karen M - Coffee, with different creamers to try. Also love a good cup of Hot chocolate,

Nelly Rodriguez - Favorite hot drink? Coffeeee! But, if not…Apple Cider..or green tea 🙂

Carrie K - coffee…peppemint mocha creamer…in a giant fancy mug 🙂

Debbie - I love just plain old coffee, but if I’m near a Starbucks, I’ll get a White Peppermint Mocha.

Juliann Brenner - my favorite hot drink is coffee, coffee, coffee….!

Amanda C. - I love skinny vanilla lattes!!

Kathryn - No question about it–my favorite hot drink is hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows. If I’m feeling generous, I might just share with my kids!!

DebbieQ - Is there any other drink besides coffee? If there is I don’t know about it. Coffee every day all day.

Tracy Sheehy - I love coffee!! I am with you…could drink it all day! My favorite is the Uganda blend from Julia’s coffee shop here in Charlote!

meaghan - COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandra K - My favorite hot drink is a cafe mocha, followed closely by warm apple cider. Yum!

meredith - i love pumpkin spice lattes!

Jennifer Ware - Just tried the Salted Caramel latte from Starbucks – it is delish!! At home just a nice cup of non-flavored coffee with a splash of half and half.
I have a Keurig and I LOVE IT!! Should I win I will gift this one to my very deserving sister:)

Amber - Tim Hortons french vanilla is my fav!!

Jenna - Coffee, hands down!

Lisa K - My favorite warm drink would either be a cute mug of vanilla cream with sugar and a dab of coffee 😉 … or … extra creamy hot chocolate with whipped cream … in a cute mug 🙂

Stephanie Sorenson - i am drinking that same coffee right now as i read your blog! love it!

MaryAZ - Coffee in the morning….or a glass of red wine at night!

andrea - Coffee, coffee, coffee, oh how I love my coffee!

Ann B - My favorite is Coffee with a touch of flavored creamer!

Georgia - Tweeted here too!/gmissycat/status/112531205320224768
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Georgia - My all time favorite hot drink is a Chi Tea.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Mallory - Love my coffee in the mornings and hot chocolate on winter afternoons!

Ashley - I love, love mixes berry tea, but coffee is a staple with teething babies at the moment!

pam - If I win this little wonder I would use it for the rest of my family WHO ARE CRAZY FOR COFFEE. My favorite hot drink….Chai tea latte! Although I can enjoy a nice cup of Jamaica Mountain Blue coffee….straight up! Glory that is good stuff….which it should be at around $50 a pound.

Jess Mead - I gotta have my coffee too, but now that cooler weather is upon us I love to mix it up with hot chocolate and hot apple cider with a squeeze of caramel!

elizabeth normandin - I live in FloridA AND EVEN DRINK HOT COFFEE AT THE BEACH! Love your giveaway! Beth N. (

Sarah Alcantara - Love, coffee and hot chocoalte, but I think my favorite is a really good chai tea! YUM-O! What and awesome giveaway, and I also learned something new, I had no idea what fair trade really was either!

Melissa H - My favorite hot drink is of course, COFFEE! I love black coffee. yummm

Tricia - HOT CHocolate love hot chocolate

Cori - My favorite hot drink? But I kinda love a lot of them. Coffee, tea, chai, cocoa, cider, all with all kinds of customizing done to them. Chai with a shot of espresso, cider with caramel, tea with condensed milk, coffee with homemade creams.

kasey - I love coffee….but i really love boxed fine wine. Bet you didn’t know there was such a thing as fine boxed wine.

Dee - I’m stuck on white chocolate mocha with a peppermint shot. No matter when I have it, it reminds me of Christmas wrapping sessions and family time. I love it! Thanks for the chance to win and for spreading the word about this great cause!!!

Jamie Lockard (jujuducky) - Coffee is a HUGE thing for me in the morning since i teach High School. I tend to like anything cinnamon flavored, a good strong brew with cinnamon and some chocolate syrup and a slight tip of creamer 🙂 one happy awake teacher

Lori C - My heart melts for tea. Black tea, green tea, chai tea, flavored tea… I’m a tea girl (though on a cold winter day my arm can be twisted to drink a peppermint mocha).

Lisa - Homemade Chai lattes with a splash of espresso. Yum!

Louisa - I am most definitely a coffee girl. Love, love, love!

naomi williams - Coffee is fabulous, but sometimes I just love a little Vanilla Caramel tea with honey to sweeten the deal

Amber Hutchinson - I must say that I love chilly mornings and hot cups of tea. However, Sunday mornings when the aroma of coffee fills the air as I am slowly rising from my slumber has to be one of my favorite weekly moments.

Chris P - I love the flavor and smell of coffee. My favorite is green mountain breakfast blend…

MJ - My favorite hot drink is coffee…hands down.

Carla G - Coffee in a pretty mug with creamer. MY FAVORITE. At home! 🙂

Jill - I am a coffee-a-holic! All day and every day!

Lynette - Pumpkin Spice Latte!!!

Melissa - I love coffee. My day is not right until I have a hot cuppa joe. The best cup I’ve ever had was in a Best Western in Paris. I crave the stuff!

Jody - My favorite hot drink is COFFEE! 🙂

Susan Smith - I love hot chocolate

Melissa - I must confess – I don’t drink coffee. But my husband will so I’m learning how to make it! For me nothing beat a good ole’ Hot Chocolate – yummy!

Shannon H - Definitely coffee, so much in fact my daughter has nicknamed me Coffee Bean! But I am also very excited for hot cocoa season, (especially the hot cocoa from William Sonomas) and all the fun outdoor winter activities that will be preceding the cocoa!!

Kristin Joy - I have wanted a kcup thingy for a while now 🙂

Amy - I love, love, love a toffee nut latte. I also love seasonal drinks, like pumpkin spice or peppermint!

sara matherne - Peppermint Mocha!! But now that I’m on Atkins, I need to learn to make a low-carb version…..

Sue B. - I can’ t remember a day that did not include many cups of coffee.

kristen - I also love me some coffee!! buying fair-trade anything is always such an important thing try and do. i’ll definitely look for more ways to support the farmers around the world.

Julie Carruth - I love both coffee and tea. My favorite coffee is from SightGlass in San Francisco.

Garrett Nunn - A good chai latte cannot be beat. I can’t get over how happy it makes me.

Alaina Bennett - hands down – COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy - Hot chai latte is the way to go, or anything hot and chocolatey! 🙂

Susan Lanthrip - I love a good cup of coffee with caramel creamer. I haven’t tried Green Mountain, I will have to try it next time.

Rebecca L. - Oh my gosh! I would be so excited to win a keurig coffee maker because I LOVE coffee!!! I have been looking at their coffee makers, but it’s not really in my budget right now.

Amber Buck - there is nothing better than a hot cup of steaming coffee in the morning. Just had my first cup of green mountain coffee. Lovin’ it!!

Amy - Earl Grey Tea all the way baby! Sweet and milky, please!

Megan - My new favorite is a dirty hot chocolate from Lincoln Perk – Yummmm! It’s hot chocolate with 2 shots of espresso. My perfect blend of chocolate and coffee!

Antonette - Definitely coffee. I love everything about it! The taste, the smell, the feeling you get when you’re drinking it on a cold morning…. Love it!

Karen - I love vanilla lattes! Thanks for the chance at this awesome giveaway. I want a Keurig SO bad!!!

Marielle - I’m not participating in the challenge (I don’t live in the US and I have a coffee machine), but since you seem to love coffee as much as I do I just wanted to show you a series of illustrations I made under the title ‘ode to my friend coffee’:

Samantha Wagner - I love a hot vanilla latte! - My all time favorite hot drink is a vanilla latte…simple but so yummy!

erin j - Starbuck Caramel Apple Spice. It’s like apple pie in liquid form and makes me happy all over.

Jan Thomason - My favorite hot drink is chai tea. Vanilla chai tea;) Yum!

Pam - Favorite drink? The mocha latte, caramel in caramel out, that a lovely parent brought me one day at school. Yum.

Jenny B. - Vanilla cappuccino is my favorite hot drink.

Stefanie - Pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, yummo!

Jennifer Evans - I am a Folger’s black…..kinda girl!

Susan - Plain Latte. Yum!

Nicole - Let’s see….I love my morning cuppas, coffee with cream & sugar, coffee with honey like my South African friends, mid-morning coffee, Dutch coffee, mocha, latte, toffee nut americano, afternoon pick-me-up coffee, pumpkin spice latte, Cuban cafe, evening decaf, even instant (ack!)! But most of all-I have to agree-free trade coffee is the BEST for everyone involved! I’d LOVE to win a Keurig-it would safe me making pots of coffee all day!

Amy - My favorite hot drink is mocha! hm….combining coffee and chocolate=heaven! 🙂 I can have a cup any time of the day.
amy [at] utry [dot] it

jamie - hot chocolate is my favorite. peppermint to be exact. but i know some coffee lovers and i would love to give them this if i win!!

Ashley - hands down, coffee!

Julie,momto7 - I love coffee too, and have wanted a Keurig for quite a few years now. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Leslie H. - Definitely coffee! LOVE IT!

Jana - My fave hot drink is salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks on Tuesday mornings with my bestie! 🙂

Stephanie - I love a good cup of coffee with chai flavored creamer – yum!

Crystal - I love my coffee!!! It is my special treat everyday! My favorite is an venti iced white mocha from Starbucks or at home coffee with Coffee Creations, caramel macchiato creamer. It is how I start my day.

amy@flexibledreams - I just love coffee. Pure, non-flavored, coffee… with 1% milk. Mmmmmmmm.

Christy - I could drink coffee 24 hours a day. Love it!

Suzanne - Coffee. Hot or cold. 🙂

Jamie - I love hot chocolate – anytime of the year!!

Christine - I love a big ol soy latte! Yum!

alicia marie e - coffee with a bit of creamer, all day long!

Mrs. Dunbar - My favorite drink is the Chai Latte, but since Starbucks does not live in my kitchen my daily drink is coffee with vanilla creamer. Lots of creamer.

Yolanda - I absolutely love a soy vanilla latte. So comforting! Thanks for the opportunity.

Ashley - I really like hot chocolate. Mmm.

Joanne B - Hazelnut or blueberry coffee from dunkin donuts!!
Joanne B

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - coffee, coffee, coffee. there really is nothing else. with sugar free hazelnut creamer = swoon!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - coffee, coffee, coffee. there really is nothing else. with sugar free hazelnut creamer = swoon!

Kim Franck - hmmm my favorite hot drink….I love a hot drink! Just something peaceful, calm & happy about holding that hot drink in your hand. I have been a hot tea w/milk drinker since I was 10 years old. I had it every morning for breakfast. I finally branched out to coffee, although unwillingly, when I was twenty one. I started to love coffee by twenty five. I love to grind beans fresh in the morning. Highlander Grogg is my favorite ‘flavor’ of coffee. I don’t like sweetener, just a little half&half. Nothing better in the morning! Hot tea in the evening. Unless I’m passing by a favorite local coffee house 🙂

Christy - I love hot chocolate…reminds me of my childhood:)

Sarah K F - coffee is definitely my favorite hot drink. i sometimes drink tea or hot cider if i’m sick or the season dictates, but i love coffee everyday.

kathy - Skinny Vanilla Latte- on a crisp fall day!

Deana - Apple Cider!!!

Jennifer - Coffee!Coffee!Coffee! 🙂
Know who said that? Miss that show…

Beth in Utah - I love hot chocolate!

Abbie Swartzentruber - My favorite drinks are lemonade shake-ups…you can usually find them at fairs:) Yumm!!!

Sara - i <3 coffee 🙂 strait up latte for me!

Nicole C - Do not ask me to function before I have my coffee in the morning!

Joy - I love me some chai tea with a hint of pumpkin spice. Yummo!

DiAnn Cardona - Coffee. Whole filter full of organic beans. 8 cups of water in pot for 2 cups (we like it thick). Use real 1/2 & 1/2 and 2 packets of Truvia. This is the best way to start the day!

Jill Lombardo - I love hot hazelnut coffee! Thanks for the opportunity!

Jenna - drinking a keurig chai latte right now. mmmmm doggy!

Denise - It is absolutely coffee!

Christian Bruce - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate with cool whip or whipped cream…YUM! But my husband’s favorite is coffee and he has been itching to get one of these Keurig machines 🙂

KarlaConner - tweet tweet 😉

Gretchen - Mmm … coffee. Although at this very moment, perched next to my computer, is a big ol’ cup of tea. I do love my tea.
I start most mornings with tea and then infuse the coffee during the day when I need a jolt of somethin’-somethin’. As for my husband, he’s a coffee guy all the way.
And we’re all for fair trade. Even some of our Christmas tree ornaments are fair trade, hadn-carved gourds in various designs and shapes. Very cool.
My daughter’s six so a bit young to truly understand the idea, but it’s one of those lessons I try to teach her. (Most recently, this community-minded life lesson has been talking about the effects of Hurricane Irene. Our town was hit very hard and our streets are lined with debris, miles and miles high it seems, of debris. I’m trying to use the devastation as a way to teach her about caring for others even when we, ourselves, are immersed in the loss.
How did this get so serious?!?! All I meant to do was enter to win some coffee and a Keurig!!!! 😉
Off to refill my cup ….

Melissa - I LOVE pumpkin spice lattes, and I’m so excited that it’s pumpkin spice latte season again!

Karla Conner - I’m boring, but I just like a plain cup of decaf. I know, it seems to defeat the purpose, but that’s just how it is. Would love a KEURIG COFFEE MAKER and K-cups of Fair Trade coffee!

Wendy - My fave hot drink is a latte. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Too expensive to buy every day though, I’d love to make them at home!

Melissa - Tweet! Tweet! @jonahbonah

Rachel - I love a good latte!

Sam Andrews - I love a plain old black cup of coffee. 🙂

Laura Phelps - I am number 587. That is INSANE. And I had no idea that there was another hot drink besides COFFEE.

Barbara - One word….COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Southern Gal - We love Green Mountain coffee around here! My husband’s favorite is Nantucket Blend. I drink a cup every morning with my husband, but my favorite hot drink is Ghirardelli Hot Chocolate. I’m such a girl.

Christy pair - I do love coffee, but apple cider in the fall is pretty tasty as well!

Amy - I Love coffee too! For fall I love to make pumpkin spice lattes at home!

tonpia - I like my coffee, but I like it to taste like dessert. Yummers.

Courtenay G - Oh wow….I can only pick one? In the fall, I love a good pumpkin coffee. In the winter, either a Chai Tea or a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.
During the warmer months, I love a butter pecan or french vanilla coffee:-)

Kelly - I love coffee with real half and half. It’s my morning indulgence.

nicki - My fave local coffee shop uses fair trade organic coffee & espresso, and make an amazing drink called The Scooter: a mocha latte with ancho chile! YummmmmA

Joy - I love coffee! It is the perfect way to start the day!

kelli - coffee. all. day. long.
I stocked up on fair trade coffee at Trader Joes before moving and will soon have to find a new brand. would love a keurig but I drink too much coffee now so can’t imagine how much worse I would be with something so easy to use 🙂

Lori Austin - Daily grind: hot tea (about 3 jumbo cups)
Starbucks: Grande Latte
Breakfast out with the fam: coffee
Sledding: Hot Cocoa with mini marshmallows
Different day different drink. 🙂

Kara - My favorite is Starbuck’s caramel apple cider, but my husband loves coffee, especially with some Irish Cream. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Donna - Hot chocolate for me! Whipped cream is a bonus!!

Tracey - Favorite hot drink is coffee! Lots and lots of coffee! Sometimes if we are out of milk or cream, I use vanilla ice-cream. Yummy!

Sharon - Hazelnut coffee with french vanilla creamer. Yummo!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Gina in Louisville - My favorite hot drink is coffee. I need another cup right now.

Alyssa Mutryn - The donut shop kind is my favorite. Or the new dunkin donuts Kcups.

melissa rice - dark coffe… with hazelnut creamer…. yummo!

Mary - I LUUUUVVV my coffee and would love to win a Keurig and Fair Trade Coffee! Whoop Whoop! Whoop!
(Maybe decaf?!)

Maranda - I love coffee and hot cocoa the best!!!

Julie - a local coffee shop makes something called the frozen coffee chaos. a little chocolate, a little coffee, a lot frozen. very yummy.

Amber - I’ve learned to love coffee since having kids. It has to have Italian
Sweet Cream creamer in it though! 🙂

Margaret - Have tried many hot drinks, but coffee is by far the ultimate best there is!!!

Adrienne S - I have just found my love of coffee this year! I can not believe what I have been missing out on.

Amie Long - I love coffee!

Emily - With fall in the air, my favorite drink is hot apple cider! YUM!

Krystle - i love coffee and i love it as it was meant to be… black. untampered with. sometimes, on a saturday morning, though, i’ll go for a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. unless it’s fall and then hot cider! or i’m sick, then it’s hot water and lemon.
or coffee… definitely coffee.

Christina - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate.
My husbands favorite is coffee. I enjoy the smell of it at least. 🙂
My department at my university has one of these machines at the honor bar. They offer green mountain for it too. It makes me smile.

nissa - Love me some coffee…since I am the only coffee drinker in the house this would be perfect.

Chantel - My two favorite hot drinks are hot apple cider and hot buttered rum! The first is a childhood favorite (a throwback to when my father was a teenager and worked at a cider mill) and the second is something I discovered as an adult – so rich and creamy and dessert-like but with an adult twist!

beth - I love coffee!! I would love to help support fair trade products, especially coffee! Thanks for the opportunity.

Meredith - I forgot in earlier comment to say my favorite hot drink is Salted Caramel Mocha @ Starbucks 🙂 You don’t have to put this extra comment in but I wanted to follow the rules that I forgot when I posted yesterday 🙂 Have a great Friday!

Kate W. - hot chocolate

Kristin Boyd - Favorite hot drink…Hot Chai Tea Latte. SO GOOD! 🙂

elizabeth - i love coffee too!

Celeste - coffee or spiced chai for me, please–complete with a dallop of vanilla soy milk!
thanks for the chance, meg!

Monica Williams - Strong black hot tea with cream and sweetner is my go to drink! It warms me up, and soothes the soul!

Hippyfrog -!/katschic
Here is my twitter page…I hooked you up with a little tweet!

Hippyfrog - I love coffee…but my favorite hot drink is Hot Cocoa with Whipped cream and SPRINKLES! 😀 I really have a love for sprinkles and it makes my hot chocolate look so pretty!

Rachel - Peppermint mocha, especially my first of the holiday season.

Kristin - Love my coffee too! Anytime of day, everyday! And I think fair trade coffee is awesome and will be purchasing that only from now on! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Jaime S - Iced tea lemondade but my hubby is an avid coffee drinker! 🙂

Joelle - I do love me some coffee…the older I get the more basic I go…I seem to be starting to steer away from creamer and just go for a bit of stevia…mmmm…too late right now for some..

Grace - my mom’s spiced tea 🙂

Kat H - My favorite hot drink is definitely coffee with hazelnut creamer. Makes my day a million times better. And I will definitely be looking for fair trade coffee when I shop tomorrow!

Kat - Love a hot chocolate. No tea or coffee for me.

Nicole - Definitely coffee! Love my hazelnut creamer!!

jayme pack - My favorite hot drink is a “Perfect Blend” which is a vanilla and caramel latte! It’s awesome!

Andrea - Chai Latte, especially from Starbucks.

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - Coffee, coffee and yes……more coffee!!! I’m super excited that Pumpkin spice is back at Starbucks YUMMO!!!!!!!!!!

Leadia Jarvis - coffee with cream and sugar is the standby, but a little Baileys or Kahlua in the coffee never hurts either.

Katelyn - Hot chocolate.

Jessie C. - I’m torn between tea and latte.

sarah - chai tea.
and meg, i’m SO glad you posted this. as americans and consumers, it is both easy and powerful for us to “vote” with our dollars. i’m trying more and more to support only those companies who treat their employees justly, even if it means i don’t get the best deal every time. i don’t want to buy something for a buck if it means i’m causing someone else to live in poverty–i’d rather pay a little more to know the product is being made fairly and in a way that is honoring to all of God’s people.

Carol - Gas station coffee and one quick push of the cappuccino button is yummy and cheap with half-price refill.

Michelle Torres - I Absolutely Love coffee!!!!!! I also love all of the flavored creamer’s too!!!! I always look foward to the flavor’s that come out only at Fall…. Yayyyy for COFFEE!!!!!!!!

Meghan - Pumpkin Spice anything… Chai Tea… Coffee… Latte… Black Tea. It’s always perfection.

siobhan - a yummy carmel latte:)

Vanilla Bean Crafts - Definitely a vanilla latte!!!

valerie - Yep, my favorite hot drink is coffee too! 🙂

Elizabeth - I am pretty sure I squealed with delight when I realized it is Pumpkin spice latte time . . love all that cinnamony goodness!

kathy - I’m with you on this one–COFFEE all day every day. Black. Strong. I think my Mormon neighbors pray for me:)

Annie - Give me Ugandan chai, preferably on site in Africa!

Kelly Jackson - Oh, I would LOVE to win this giveaway! It’s been cold and rainy here in central Indiana…perfect hot coffee weather!

Gwen B. - Mocha,iced or hot

Sara Torbett - I love a cup of black coffee in the mornings..current favorite is “Black Silk” by Folgers. 🙂

Lisa - My favorite is hot chocolate or caramel apple cider!

mollie b. - right now….pumpkin spice latte, yum.

Jamie J - My favorite hot drink would be hot chocolate….which I would love to sip on straight from a Keurig!!!

Michelle - i love a white chocolate mocha…YUM! making my mouth water right now. oh, i’d love to win this!!!

Gretchen - Chai latte is my favorite, but I’ll take coffee any day that ends in “y” 🙂

Jimi - I love a pumpkin spice latte (making myself wait to have one until the first day of fall, though) and have been wanting a Keurig. Please pick me.

Denise - I love coffee and also really strong black tea.

Aaron Zapata - just tweeted the article to and have completed my 2 entries. I love Dawn Zapata!

Ann - Definitely coffee but I also love hot caramel apple cider. I REALLY want a Keurig machine but I can’t ever talk myself into spending the money.

jessica - believe it or not it is green mountain coffee breakfast blend. i grew up in vermont and most of my friends worked at green mountain coffee. awesome company. awesome coffee!

Aaron Zapata - i like HOT coffee with creamer. My wife said i needed to do this so we could win. 🙂

Tessa - I have to pick a favorite? I love ice cold water with lemon, Fanta, and in the winter … I have a “warm beverage” every night! Either flavored decaf coffee, hot chocolate, or hot tea! I guess I just love beverages!

Emily F - I love my coffee with LOTS of creamer… or is creamer with a little bit of coffee? Either way LOVE it. Fav flavor? Coconut creme. Mmm yum, I may be drooling a little bit thinking about it!

karen peachey - Love, love coffee, but spiced apple cider is a close second!

kelley - I get motivated to go to sleep because I know when I wake up I get to drink COFFEE!! I Love coffee! seriously love it.

Dawn - I’m a Chai tea girl too, but I love Green Mountain coffees for the Keurig. My all time favorite is: Island Coconut Mmmm…mmm! On a sadder note, my Keurig died two weeks ago after 6 years and we haven’t had the money to replace it. We have been grieving the loss…sniff…sniff, so to win…I can’t tell you what a blessing that would be!!!

Chastity - I HAVE to have my coffee maker preprogrammed EVERY night–or else I would not get up so easily in the mornings! I look forward to my morning coffee–I am not pleasant without it!! 🙂

allison - i love apple cider. especially in the fall!

Molly Pearce - Raspberry hot chocolate! I am in love with that drink 🙂
~Molly P
P.S Plus my husbadn always gets me on from dunkin donuts 🙂

Janie - Coffee! With a little cinnamon sprinkled in. Mmmm

Michele McNickle - I live to drink a good cup of coffee.

Jamie - I drink tea most mornings. I’ve been trying to get into coffee, so this would be the perfect help! 🙂

Julie H. - I LOVE coffee!!!!

Jill Utecht - My favorite all time drink is a Starbucks Soy Chai Latte. It’s like autumn in a cup. LOVE IT!

Maggie - Coffee with any kind of fun creamer and sugar of course….or splenda….not sure if it is still coffee after I am done with it…but it sure is yummy!!!

Sarah A. - Coffee, coffee & more coffee!

Rebecca - Coffee, coffee, coffee!

Toni :O) - I love a good coffee drink but my favorite is homemade peppermint hot cocoa!!! Absolutely the B.E.S.T. on a freezing cold day after playing in the snow with the kids or shoveling the snow from the driveway…best part of Winter I think! Yum!

Winter Johnson - I love enjoying a nice cup of coffee in the quiet morning hours before everyone else is up- its amazing. I enjoy the green mountain coffee and definatley am for the fair trade coffee and peppermint mocha creamer:)

Toni :O) - I love a good coffee drink but my favorite is homemade peppermint hot cocoa!!! Absolutely the B.E.S.T. on a freezing cold day after playing in the snow with the kids or shoveling the snow from the driveway…best part of Winter I think! Yum!

Rhonda Fendt - I Love coffee… I have to have it everyday! More than once a day lately… I love the way it tastes and smells! I have gone back to school to become a Registered Nurse… I am spending many hours studying Anatomy… my coffee helps me along… and allows me to burn the midnight oil! I am glad to hear about this coffee being a fair trade product! I will support them!

Pat - I LOVE a Mocha from MoJo’s at Bethel College in N. Newton, KS!!!!

Zizette - Coffee light and sweet, all the way!

vicki w. - ahhhh…coffeeee!

Erin - Coffee is always a favorite, but sometimes, I just need an overdose of chocolate and fat…I go with hot chocolate made with dark chocolate syrup, whole milk (sometimes half and half!) and topped with real whipped cream…unfortunately, at this stage of life, my body (and my jeans!) can only handle this goodness about once a year…

Gretchen - Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! My favorite. I used my brothers Keurig machine this summer and fell in love. The kids keep eating up my coffee machine savings :o.

Claire - I love bold coffee!! soo good, but I hate weak blends.

Jessica - White chocolate mocha from Starbucks!

Isabel Khan - My favorite drink it Black Tea with milk. My mother in law adds cardamon. I’m excited because I hear Keurig has tea. Nice.

Tori - Coffee. Any kind, any time. Hot, iced, reheated….. I’m not picky. Some of my favorite moments of each weeks are the time I spend watching cartoons w/ my kids on the weekends while we all enjoy our “coffee”.

Randi - my fave is green mountain dark magic….

holly lang - chai; in the summer iced tea, in the morning a BIG tea

jennibell - Hot chocolate is my favorite hot drink. . .and I’ve had them with Keurig — yum. . .so much easier then my microwave method 🙂

kat - Fab giveaway! My favorite hot drink is a salted caramel hot chocolate! Yum!

Angie Guidry - Coffee is my favorite hot drink. I have to have at least one cup a day with my cinnamon vanilla creamer!

DLG in Mich - I am useless without my morning cup of coffee, but I also like me some Chai Tea latte!

Amanda Larkins - My favorite hot drink is hot tea. I love it on a chilly evening!

Lori McDonough - Thanks, Meg! i LOVE a good cuppa joe with Fat Free Vanilla Coffee Mate…yum! I tweeted too!!/LoriMcDonough

Meghan - My fave hot drink is coffee as well. Make it a latte and I’m good for the day!

Dawn - I love coffee in the morning with International Delights Chocolate Caramel creamer. My absolute favorite.

Kelly - Guess what I like to eat with my coffee:
Ben & Jerry’s (unveils) Schweddy Balls ice cream!
I thought of you when the announcement was made!
I hope the package includes Alec Baldwin’s proud face !

jessica marston - Starbuck’s Mocha Frappachino. I wish it wasn’t.

Jenni - Mama like!

sharon - morning coffee with milk and sugar. yum. thank you for the chance to win!

Jen - Ok, I’ve got to comment. My favorite beverages are seasonal… pumpkin spice lattes in the fall, straight up lattes in the winter and spring, and iced lattes in the summer. Of course, since I’m a teacher and short on time and money I mostly just drink drip coffee!!

Michelle - I create a mixture at my office as soon as I get in to work every morning – 1/2 hot chocolate; 1/2 coffee. A couple weeks ago while waiting for my sister to get out of surgery, there was a coffee machine in the waiting area that made Mocha Cafe – 1/2 hot chocolate; 1/2 coffee. The best part of that – it was totally free!!! WOOO HOOO! I put that machine to good use.

Carolyn - My favorite hot drink…wow, I don’t know if I can choose just one. I do enjoy coffee, but it’s more of a relaxing, social thing for me than a daily must-have. I guess that’s how I feel about all hot drinks. Probably my favorite go-to hot drink is tea. I like lots of different kinds of tea. I also LOVE hot cider, and of course hot chocolate! 🙂 Thinking about all of this makes me eager for fall! 🙂 I’d love to have a keurig and we have been trying to only buy fair trade coffee for the last several months, so I’m especially interested in that too! Thanks!

shea - I love a good rich hot chocolate but I also love chai lattes. Great giveaway! Thank you!

Meghan - Coffee is my favorite, too. Just love it!

Stephanie Carroll - coffee. duh. I also love love love hot dr pepper

Melissa S - coffee with french vanilla!

Kristin S - It is coffee!
And I adore my Keurig… it is four years old and I’d love a new one. 🙂

Kristin - Coffee for sure and iced tea is a close second

Heather - Boo!!! No Canadians? 😛

D - coffee coffee coffee! i have to have it! have you ever watched the tv series gilmore girls staring Lauren Grahm? well she is crazy about her coffee and so am i :)))

Becky Mueller - My favorite hot drink is coffee….ideally a peppermint cappacino from Starbucks, and not just at Christmas time.

amy jupin - every year at our pumpkin carving party i make spiked cider.
and it is crazy good.
don’t you love the keurig?!

Julie - I love coffee, especially with vanilla cream…but I really love hot chocolate!

She Loves Life - coffee, tea, apple cider…anything hot is my favorite but what I NEED in the morning, I mean really, really NEED is coffee. I don’t think I could be a good momma without my coffee to start the day!

Emilie - I don’t know how to leave a URL to the specific tweet but my twitter is!/Bunch_of_Scrap and I tweeted “Meg is giving away a Keurig coffee maker and some Green Mountian coffee!

Stephanie - Hands down, coffee is my favorite drink! I started in the fourth grade and I have been hooked ever since!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I love hot chocolate (non-dairy), tea and of course, coffee!

Sandy W - I like coffee with stevia and soy creamer. I have been buying fair trade coffee for a long time.

Samantha Pierce - coffee is my fav!

Happygirl02 - right now my favorite drink is the salted caramel mocha from starbucks! Sounds gross but it’s SO good!

Nicole Suarez - I love hot apple cider! It reminds me of when I was a kid and that makes everything feel like home 🙂

Emilie - coffee for sure and I drink it hot year ’round.

Leah - I love everything about coffee. Everything. I can’t imagine life without it! 🙂

Emily - Hot chocolate is my favorite hot drink…with extra whipped cream! Mmmmm….

AmandaK - Hot chocolate. Not a coffee drinker.
But found Caramel Apple Spice last year at Starbucks – good thing I live very far away from a StarBucks!

Kristi - I would love a Kuerig! My all time favorite hot drink is Pumpkin Spice Latte. Mmmm. And they are in stores now!!!

Dana - For fall — definitely Pumpkin Spice latte or Apple Cider. Peppermint Mochas for winter…iced coffee for summer. I love so many!

Eli - hot spiced tea — that combo of tang and instant iced tea we used to mix up when I was little….

Wendy - Ooooo …. I enjoy a nice large caramel latte! I’ve wanted a Keurig for a year now — but simply can’t afford to spend that much $ on a coffee maker right now.

Christy - Give me a hot cup of coffee with a shot of LaCreme french vanilla creamer…yum!

Emily - I ADORE a pumpkin spice latte. I am not one of those daily starbucks kind of girls. And this is a special treat! I’m told it’s back for the fall. Might have to treat myself this weekend.

Kirsten J - My favorite hot drink is a caramel macchiato….but coffee & black tea are my go-to drinks at home 🙂

Beth - Coffee, all kinds of coffee, and lots of it. I love coffee!!!

Jane Sims - Oh.. yeah… coffee is the best thing EVER!!

Annette - A hot green tea or hot cocoa for me. I always get yelled at from my family because I don’t own a coffee pot… neither myself or husband drink it, but my family & friends would LOVE it if I had this!!!

Nikki - My favorite actually IS Green Mountain Coffee!! Wild Mountain Blueberry Coffee to be exact. Trust me,don’t knock it till ya tried it!!

Andrea - I have been drinking a lot of iced vanilla latte lately. I am thinking of ditching the ice now since it’s about 60 degrees outside. 😉

Beth Ann - My FAVORITE hot drink is the spiced caramel apple cider at Starbucks. I make my own knockoffs to save $$. Yummy

Cathy - Hot coffee for me, definitely! Love hazelnut creamer in it.

another Meg - a soy latte is the best way to get some caffeine in me with some great protein too!! except this keurig would have to be a gift for my dad who has been eyeing them for awhile!!

Deb A. - Definitely coffee, black. (I’d use creamer if I could find the one you love here in Wisconsin.) I start each and every day with it.

Sherri - Cider!

michelle@decorandthedog - White hot chocolate!!

Ashley - I love, love an eggnog latte! It’s a good thing they are only available for such a short time!

Erica - I LOOOOVVVEEEEE coffee and have always wanted a Keurig!! Pick me! Pick me!
Hugs 😉

Sandy - French Vanilla coffee and lots of it!!!!!!!!! <3

colleen - favorite hot drink…coffee! I make a pot everymorning in my 1st grade classroom…the kids love the smell (and they like me better after i have a cup of coffee…funny, i like them better too!)

Christine - Hot Chocolate is the best hot drink for me. What an awesome thing to support. I love this!

Jenn - I love Twinings Tea and Celestial Seasonings Teas. Currently in love with their India Chai Spice tea.

Erica A - I have a cup of coffee every morning! I am totally not myself without some java! My favorite though, is a london fog from Bluestem Bistro in Manhattan! It is like fall in a cup and it is perfection down to the last drop! It is Earl Grey tea steeped, added to soy milk with honey, vanilla and hazelnut. It is to. die. for. YUM.

Stacey - I love hot cider.

barb - Yep . . . plain ol’ hot coffee. Or iced coffee when it’s hot outside 🙂

Denissa - Posted about it here:
Also I used your picture, hope is was ok!

Lisa - Favorite drink is probably a mocha frappe!

Meredith - Please enter me…also check tresweeties on twitter for my entry there. Thanks!

Denissa - Coffee, can’t start my day without it! And I would drink it all day too if I could! 🙂

Tanda - COFFEE all the way!

Jedens1 - I love my Keurig coffee maker. I do not think there is a coffee that I do not like. My favorite would have to be the Breakfast Blend with a touch a cream and sugar. Would love to win!!!

Erin - I like vanilla latte any ol’ time of the year and gingerbread latte in the Fall and Winter! Yum! Thanks for the chance to win

Stephanie F - I love coffee…especially in the winter. I can have my arm twisted for hot tea and hot cocoa too 🙂

Kris - I love me some Mocha!

Staci A - I love a good cup of hot chocolate!

Linda B - Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa - That is an awesome coffee maker! I don’t drink coffee but I love my ice tea from the keurig, my husband loves donut shop coffee and anything from green mountain. This would be wonderful to win for my in-laws!

Carlie - I have a very equal love for Coffee and Diet Coke.. help me!

mel - I love coffee! Now that I’m a working mom though I’m having a hard time fitting it in. 🙁 I have to leave the house by 7:20 and it’s hard to squeeze it in. I need my sleep! Thankfully I only work 4 days/wk though so I get 3 mornings to drink it. Going shopping in the “big city” tomorrow and getting a pumpkin spice latte! can’t wait!!

Aislinn - Hot Chocolate!!

Rebecca - Coffee is my absolute favorite. No cream or sugar – just black coffee. I’m a fan of fair trade too! Our son is from Ethiopia, the motherland of coffee!

Alisha - Oh, coffee, coffee, coffee. Crazy as it may be I didn’t discover my absolute NEED for this until about 3 years ago. Now…if I don’t have my ritualistic pot every morning I am reckon to be dealt with. Not. A. Pretty. Sight.
I will definitely be checking this out! Thank you for sharing.
The end.

natalie - chai tea latte. yummm.

Emily B. - My very favorite is simply strong dark coffee with a splash of half and half! Yum:)

Mary Susan McConnell - Definitely coffee!!

Kirsten P - Favorite hot drink – hot chocolate with a dollop of vanilla ice cream to cool it a bit, and to make it creamy.

Michelle - I’m a hot chocolate kind of girl. 🙂

*Alex* - I love chai lattes with almond milk-reminds me of Christmas! 🙂

Sarah - My favorite hot drink is coffee with vanilla creamer–no starbucks for me.

melissa erin - love me some coffee…i guess that’s what 5 kids does to a girl. 🙂

mary - a really good hot chocolate
or red rose tea , reminds me of my grandma

JulianneB - a latte made breve style with a bit of sugar free hazelnut flavoring…yum.

mary - Coffee too! Just had my second cup.

Megan - My favorite is coffee for sure…. with a bunch of french vanilla creamer! Too bad I am limited to one cup a day for now since I’m pregnant! :0)

Grace W. - Although I love tea, my sister loves coffee! And I bet if she had a Keurig, she would drink coffee more often and not leave the kitchen a mess every morning 🙂
I guess that’s my way of getting her to be less messy 🙂

Nicole - I love coffee! Especially with my favorite Vanilla Caramel Creamer and a few squirts of agave syrup! YUM!

Amy - Coffee!!! I’d love a Keurig!

Anne Galindo - Coffee and hot chocolate….especially excited now that Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back!

Nichole - Hot chocolate for me. I love coffee, but I prefer iced coffee, especially in this 110 degree weather!

shelly - I am a coffee snob all the way! Thank you for bringing up the subject of fair trade—something that we seriously take for granted!!!

Jermaine Dillon - Yea, thank you for sharing about Fair Trade! I love Fair Trade hot chocolate or tea!

Melisa Gutierrez - My favorite coffee is dunkin donuts coffee with cinnabun creamer! Yum-o

Rebecca @ Enjoy Life - Sugar-free vanilla latte, latte, latte! Apparently I’ve had one too many today 🙂

jamie - I love me some Keurig coffee:)

Amy - vanilla latte, mmmm……

Trinda - While I have to admit it’s Coke, I also don’t drink it daily. Hot tea and water for everyday.

Katie - My favorite drink IS coffee, for sure! I spent 24 years hating it and feeling like a complete child for not being able to drink it, and then right before I moved out of my parents’ house, something clicked. I now can’t get through the day without a cup (or five) of coffee!

Victoria V - Hot cocoa!! I love it. 🙂

Suzanne D - Coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Maybe some hot chocolate with marshmallows at Christmastime…but usually coffee 🙂

Connie - I love chai tea and coconut coffee with French vanilla cream

Julie - Once my daily dose of hot green tea is taken, I MUST have at east two cups of totally leaded, hazelnut-creamered-to-perfection coffee. My 8th grade students greatly appreciate me having those before they get to me!

Lisa from Vermont - Defintely Green Mountain Coffee from this Green Mountain Girl!

Carol - Coffee Coffee and more Coffee!!

jenni - Coffee, with cream and sugar. Just one cup in the morning these days… Hope to try Green Mountain soon!

Elizabeth Claassen - I wouldn’t even THINK about starting my day without my mug of coffee! Iced in the summer, steaming hot in the winter… it is my morning “vitamin.” :o)

erica - i actually don’t like hot drinks… but my husband LOOOOOVES coffee 🙂

Janelle - Decaff – I can’t take the caffeine!

Tami - I love coffee! I NEED it (with cream and sugar) in the morning and LOVE it (straight up black) in the late afternoon.

amber - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate;)…not a coffee drinker. But…my husband would drink coffee all day long if he could. This would be awesome for him. And, I love the fair trade coffee! Awesome…

Stephanie - I love lattes or coffee with LOTS of creamer 🙂

Paige Woody - Oh I would love to try Green Mountain Coffee. I do love my “regular” coffee. Nothing too fancy for me!

Gayle - May favorite is coffee with hazelnut creamer…yum

ruby - I LOVE coffee! 🙂 even my kids know I need it to function in the morning 🙂

christy a - coffee for sure….or a nice hot white chocolate mocha will do as well! Thanks for the chance.

christie walker - coffee is the one i drink the most….but i think hot chai tea is my fav fo sho!

allisonjd - Hazelnut coffee with a dash of skim milk 🙂 iced or hot it’s my favorite thing in the world!!

Melissa Jo Poling - My fave is any flavored coffee (strong please ;~) with Creme’ Brulee creamer….YUMMMMMMM!!!

Angela - My favourite hot drink is a caramel macchiato! Or hot chocolate! Or green tea! But mostly the caramel macchiato, which I haven’t been able to consume for 8 months so far thanks to being pregnant. One month left and here I come, coffee!!

Abby - Anything from a Dunkin! 🙂 And I noticed they just got K cups!

Ana - I love next favorite is Mexican hot chocolate!

Cjnation98 - I LOVE coffee! Any version, except chilled… {{SHUDDER}}

Katy B - this week? it’s Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha…next week…who knows?

Halley - Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. Just plain creamer in a hot cup of coffee… perfection!

Elizabeth Millard - Tea. I love the Vanilla Chai with a bit of sugar and a splash of French Vanilla creamer.
Or White Hot Chocolate too….boths….

Carla V. - I would say Mexican hot chocolate with a dash of ground red pepper. It really brings out the taste and it’s a wonderful experience!

Kathleen - I love, love, love coffee! I’m also a hot tea, hot chocolate drinker….but coffee is my favorite!
Thanks for such a great post!

Amanda - I love hot apple cider. From a box is okay, but from an apple farm is the best!

rebecca - I LOVE coffee and I LOVE your blog!!!

Michelle - My favorite hot beverage IS coffee and I have been eyeing the Keurig. If I win, I’ll always think of you and Team Duerkson when I drink fair trade!

Daniela - oh, i LOVE coffe – i’m addicted!
and i can’t have any right now because i’m pregnant…

Laura K - Although I love coffee dearly and drink it every morning I do have to confess that my favorite hot drink is a cup of earl grey tea with a little sugar and milk. It is so soothing and comforting.

Kimberly Dial - Coffee tops my list! I have a friend who has a Keurig & loves it … good coffee! I’m so excited for an opportunity to win one! To my knowledge, I’ve never had Green Mountain coffee but I’m nearly out so I’ll certainly give it a try 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Coffee tops my list! I have a friend who has a Keurig & loves it … good coffee! I’m so excited for an opportunity to win one! To my knowledge, I’ve never had Green Mountain coffee but I’m nearly out so I’ll certainly give it a try 🙂

Abby - I’m a sucker for Dunkin’s vanilla/cinnamon coffee…and being cheap helps me love it even more!!

Misty - I love my morning coffee so much I start thinking about it the night before.

Colleen - New coffee drinker!! Moved away from diet soda! Way way better

Courtney McIlwain - I love hot chocolate!!! They even make it for
the Keurig

Tiffany Kraght - well, my super favorite is a grande, non-fat, extra hot, caramel macchiato!

Susy M. - I love Dunkin Donuts Coffee extra cream with 1 splenda. Yum…

Brei - Coffee with Splenda and skim milk

adrienne - Yep, coffee is my favorite too.

Christina - Mmm. Coffee. Now I want to go have some more.

Alice H - This is the coffee we buy at my office!! I love the KEURIG COFFEE MAKER but definitely cannot afford it on my own. This is an awesome giveaway. Thanks!

Debby - I love coffee, too…but iced for me right now. It’s still super hot down here in south Florida.

Stephanie C. - Coffee for sure! Hot chocolate and hot apple cider are close runners up though.

Amy - I love love love a good cup of coffee!

Sarah - love the smell of coffee, but cappuccino’s my favorite!

stephanie - I love coffee with any flavored creamer- but if the coffee is real good I can drink it black 🙂

Karie - I love caramel lattes….mmmmmm.

Jessica R. - After spending a year studying abroad in Scotland, my absolute favorite hot drink is tea! Specifically, Tetley’s British Blend that comes in the round tea bags. There is nothing that is so comforting or as warming 🙂

Shawnie - Green tea!!

Larissa - My favorite is a white chocolate mocha…trying to duplicate at home! Love my morning coffee!!!

Regina Troyer - Coffee, it’s the highlight of my day! I’ll take it hot or cold!

megan - I love cafe Mocha’s because I like a little chocolate with my coffee…especially Starbucks! Otherwise if I am at home I just mix a little chocolate with my coffee. 😉
This would be perfect!! My husband and I don’t like/drink the same hot drinks we have dreamed (since we couldn’t afford this) that an individual coffee maker would be awesome!!

Alise M - Give me some hot chocolate and I’m a happy girl! 🙂

Brenda - I love hot apple cider! Can’t wait for fall to get here!

Lee Ann - Coffee is my addiction.

Shari - COFFEE – in any way, shape or form!!

amanda - I love coffee with some pumpkin spice creamer…or really anything in it that makes it taste more like candy and less like coffee.

Elizabeth Flowers - Mmmm, my favorite is coffee closely followed by hot chocolate closely followed by apple cider!

Amy - I LIVE for coffee! Any kind will do with half n half or Bailey’s Irish Cream creamer.

Tracie - Coffee, coffee, and yes, more coffee! Our really nice coffeemaker is on the fritz and we are trying to make it last as long as possible.
We went to all fair trade coffee about 2 years ago. We heard that for the regular coffee you buy, the farmer gets about 10 cents a bag! With fair trade, it’s more. As much as we drink, we want to honor those who do the hard part of growing and harvesting!
Great giveaway!

jaxcheryl - I love me some coffee!

Stacy Heffington - I love love coffee! And in the fall I love the pumpkin spice coffee creamer…drool. And most importantly, I need that Keurig!!!

Becky - Coffee with chai latte creamer….yummy!!! Also this time of year hot spiced cider, with a shot of rum(evening drink), sitting on the deck with a blanket wrapped around me.

Mimi - Coffee is one of my love languages! Love Green Mounatain coffee. Lately, I have been adding sweetened condensed milk to my coffee. Though, I am an equal opportunity sipper…just about any flavor makes me smile.
What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Brandi - Love me some coffee! I really enjoy Green Mountain’s hazelnut flavor. Now I love it even more knowing that they support free trade.

jeana - We just started drinking coffee about 6 months ago. I’d love to try all these wonderful sounding flavors…wow!! We buy a lot of fair trade stuff, but not coffee. Can’t wait to try some!

Meredith Welborn - I do start each day with a cup of coffee but I flavored steamers (basically hot milk with sugar).

Denise C. - Coffee! A white chocolate mocha to be exact! Yum!

Amanda Fuentes - I have been debating getting a Keurig, wouldn’t it be awesome to WIN one?!
My favorite hot drink is a White Chocolate Mocha, nonfat, no whip, with 1 pump Raspberry OR Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Lynda@Me and My Pink Mixer - My favorite hot drink is a Chai Tea Latte, but my all time favorite drink is a fountain Diet Coke. Love, love, love Diet Coke!!

Kimmie - I love a good mocha 🙂

Melissa - I love a hot drink in the cool weather-from coffee to hot cocoa or hot spiced apple cider…just might have to go get a mug now!

Kimmie - I love a good mocha 🙂

Kara D - my favorite hot drink is a chai latte… mmmm. but coffee is a close second!!


Lori - Coffee! Black! Thank you for challenging us in this way. Not knowing is no longer an excuse!

Kimberly C. - Love my coffee with Almond Joy creamer, yummy!!

Alexis - I love coffee – hot and iced. My favorite hot beverage would have to be a mocha. It’s got coffee and chocolate. Mmmmm!

Lisa - Sweet! Tall, half-caf, light mocha (and a good friend to drink it with!)

Meaghan - definitely coffee! and i need a new coffee maker because i dropped and shattered my carafe last week. 😉

Sarah Rollins - Hot tea is my drink of choice, but my hubby is a hot coffee guy…and you can get both in a from a k-cup…now that’s good news!!!

Sarah - current fave drink: decaf with lots of vanilla natural bliss creamer and a sprinkle of cinnamon…yum. yum. super yum.
it is the poor man’s attempt at a cinnamon dolce latte at the bucks. 🙂

amy j - this time of year, a pumpkin spiced latte 🙂 but that is a rare treat! usually its just a good strong cup of coffee and lots of cream.

Heather S - I am a coffee girl too! My coffee maker just died on me recently so I’ve been taking the slow approach with my French press. It tastes great, but takes a little too long when getting ready for work in the morning, so I was thinking about investing in a Keurig. Winning one would be even better!

Stacy - I gave up caffeine over a year ago for health reasons, but I do still enjoy decaf coffee from time to time. I love hot tea and hot cocoa in the winter, so warm and yummy! My husband, on the other hand, drinks black dark roast Guatamalan blend coffee 365 days a year 🙂

Tiffany - My fav is a decaf chi tea latte….delicious!!!!

Meg - Coffee for sure! Coffee & blog reading = my favorite way to start the morning!

ingrid lapp - I think my favorite drink might be spiced cider. Warm, spicy and smells terrific. Reminds me of fall during my childhood.

Janel - I have been supporting Green Mountain Coffee since I discovered them at my local Whole Foods, 4-5 yrs ago. I read their mission statement on a box of cone coffee filters I picked up which in turn converted me to buying their coffee too. I was a convert that very day to buy Fair Trade as much as possible. I haven’t tired the coffee pods yet.
Hot drink I am coveting now is the SB Pumpkin Spice (crack) Latte. oye vey!
ps. pick me! Please? Pretty Please?

Meredith - My favorite hot drink is a grande nonfat extra hot triple vanilla latte from Starbucks. Yeah, I’m high maintenance 🙂

rachel beverlin - I’m pregnant and REALLY craving coffee this time! So I could definitely use some more yummy coffee 🙂

Kim - Coffee is my favorite hot drink for sure! I can barely function without it!!!

Lori - I love coffee and hot chocolate!

sharon y. - Coffee! Some times with a splash of coconut. Yum!!

Erin E. - My favorite hot drink is for sure COFFEE! Now, I may have to reheat the same cup 3 and 4 times as my morning goes along……my dream is to someday sit and drink the whole thing piping hot on the first try – LOL.
I love being a momma!! : )E

Sarah - I love coffee. It pulls me in with that smell every morning. Just bought some Green Mountain Coffee K-cups for my MIL!

Karissa - I am a devout coffee drinker. But I have to say that my fav hot drink is hot apple cider. Probably because delicious fresh cider is only available for a short time in the fall. I had a paper route as a kid and LOVED to come home to find a piping hot mug of cider waiting for me! And with a bit of caramel drizzled into it??? Heaven.

Leah - Coffee. No question. Coffee.

Sarah H. - Hot apple cider or spiced vanilla bourbon cappuccino…Thank you for the chance to win!

jayne Barbour - love peppermint hot tea! but my hubs LOVES coffee and his keurig machine-says it has changed his life!:)
thanks for the chance to win:)

Andrea - i love myself some coffee!!!

Stacy - Coffee-most definately!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love coffee! It makes me smile 🙂

Amy - Definitely coffee with cream and sugar. Flavored creamer preferred! Yum!!

christine n. - dark coffee, cream and sugar, thank you ! (sometimes chocolate instead of sugar – yum!)

Jamie - Dixie – peppermint hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows…sounds absolutely YUMMY!

Hollie - My favorite drink is Starbucks Verona!

Andrea - Coffee is the only way I function most days, I could drink it all day hot warm iced doesn’t matter. I currently have green mountain ground coffee which is so good and one of their fancy travel mugs yes I advertise for them for free but hey it’s a great company.

Jamie - My fav hot drink is a decaf coffee with chocolate creamer and splenda. Add in a packet of hot chocolate mix and its mocha time baby!

Deanna - My favorite hot drink is coffee! Love it, drink it everyday!

Lexie - Strong coffee w/ a splash of fat free half & half. I tried giving it up but just ended up cranky!

Meredith Salmon - I love all things coffee but coffee itself (I feel it is such a shame and I want to like coffee) Coffee ice cream is my favorite ice cream. My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate. I can drink it any time of the year.
I heard Kurig machine makes hot chocolate as well. Would love to try that. My husband is a green mountain coffee drinker, will have to look for fair trade.

Diana - i love coffee!!

Sherry - I love*love*love coffee, but would give it up for some good ole Chai tea.

jodi @ back40life - I’m a chai girl – David Rio is my absolute favorite, but it’s a bit pricey for me, so I get the one Sam’s has which is a pretty close 2nd and a fraction of the price!!

Bethany - mmm coffee!!! i don’t allow myself to drink it very often, but when i do i LOVE using my french press and some natural, undyed sugar…LOTS of sugar! i sometimes wonder if i love the smell of coffee and the ritual more than the actual drinking!

jennifer wells - I LOVE coffee, sadly it’s all I drink most days!

jill - Coffee, coffee and hmmm….more coffee please! =D

Christy B - Coffee with Irish Creme or Vanilla creamer! I could drink coffee all day long hot or iced …it’s definately a major part of my life!

KelleyW - It would absolutely be coffee! I cannot start my day without it! Oh I hope I win this!!

kribss - Since fall is right around the corner, I’m ready for some hot apple cider with a little splash of spiced rum. [depending on the day that splash could accidentally turn into a pour]

Elizabeth Macleod - I love coffee with cream and NO sugar…do not like sugar in coffee!!

Amy Bounds - Strong Coffee with cream and splenda.

Julie Weaver - Just yesterday I told the huz I wanted a Keurig. He started talking about fair trade coffee. And here it is…together! Totally awesome. Coffee, and chai tea are my favorite hot drinks!

Emily Langston - My favorite hot drink is coffee, of course, but since I am 3 months pregnant I can’t have all that I want. My favorite flavor is dessert coffee… cinnamon bun, pumpkin spice…. mmmm.

Ashley - I love a good hot peppermint mocha with whipped cream! Yum!

Kristin Hayne - I love a good white mocha coffee… YUM… and I was NOT in the know but now I am!! 🙂

Erin - Without a doubt…coffee!

seriouslysassymama - Coffee is my favorite. I drink it all the time. Decaf only though.

Erika - My favorite hot drink of all time is Hot Chololate, it always brings me back to such great memories of when I was little.

Amy S. - Mmmmm. I love white hot chocolate or hot cider. Love the smell of coffee but my husband’s the coffee drinker in this house.

Carrie - Coffee….I’m not a very good mommy if I don’t get my coffee! Sad but true!!

martina fegan - Coffee is definitely my favorite, but I do like Chai tea as well!

Tracey W - Love some Coffee!! and super excited that Pumpkin spice Latte’s are back at Starbucks!!!

Jessica L. - Coffee is my most favorite drink of choice!!!! 🙂

K - Linked this to my blog! 🙂 Win-Win!! Bring on the coffee!!!!

ShelbyP - I also tweeted because I have had my coffee this morning. 😀!/blondiestarr101/status/111839915339296768

Jenna - A coffee girl myself…Chicory, french roast, espresso, or just a simple, lovely, bold dark roast. It’s only a day until that coffee…then it’s a Good Day!

Johanna - give me coffee and nobody gets hurt!!!

ShelbyP - I love my coffee. Can’t go a day without it. Actually, I could, but no one around me would like me very much. So, I choose to not go a day without it!

chelsea - If you register your keurig on their website they will send you a coupon for buy 2 boxes get two free. My favorite is green mountain blueberry and timothys cinnamon pastry

Helen Wall - I had to start drinking coffee in high school because my brother went to college and he told me I had to dring coffee with my mom. Have loved it ever since. Coffee was/is the drink of choice for nearly all my relatives, and it has become mine also. Nothing starts a day like a good cup o’ joe!!

Michele - Me me me! I LOOOOOOVE my coffee. Hot coffee every morning. NEED it.

Joleen - I love coffee, nothing gets me going in the morning but a good cup

Jenny Waldrop - my favorite drink is a toss up between coffee w/ lots of half n half or diet dr pepper!! I drink way too much of both 🙁 I love buying fair trade, it’s insane how little some people are paid in other countries.

robbie - With fall at our doorstep I would love some hot apple cider

catie - i love coffee and tea both equally, especially CHAI tea! decaf for me, caffeine tends to give me headaches. what a great giveaway!

Sarai - Coffee!!! I like trying different flavors also. I love the butternut cream!! Tiny

Arminda P - My Favorite is the Green Mountain seasonal -Eggnog!

Rebecca - i tweeted!! 🙂!/iloveluca1

Ashley B. - Hot chocolate, of course! 🙂

April - OMGosh I love coffee and this would be so perfect because I broke my coffee pot last week and have to wait until I get to work before I can have any. This weekend is going to SUCK (since I don’t have the money to go buy a new one until payday)

karen - Coffee with Vanilla creamer

Rebecca - i LOVE a 3 grande, extra hot, light whip, toffee nut latte!

Cindy - Cool giveaway! My most faaaavorite drink is chai latte! mmmmm

K - I NEED THIS 🙂 Coffee with extra cream…..yummy.

Annette - I LOVE HAZELNUT COFFEE!! The Wild Mountain Blueberry by Green Mountain is GOOOOO TOO!

Carrie - Coffee for sure! However, during the winter I also enjoy some hot tea in the evenings.

Elizabeth - COFFEE, first thing I do in the morning, every morning!

Andrea - I’m with you…coffee, coffee and more coffee…all day, every day.

Lisa Q - coffee and I go way back….I like it hot or iced. this would be fun to win. thanks!

casey - I don’t drink coffee every day- but lately… oh man I have been craving it. And BAD. Whenever I have gone grocery shopping lately, I seem to convienently not have those same cravings. So every once in awhile i have to make a pit stop to starbucks! Of course this doesn’t happen very often because they are like $4.50 a pop! But whenever I do get to go, I ALWAYS get a white choc. mocha with skim milk, no whip & 1/2 the amount of mocha pumps. BUT THEN… (wait for it!) replace those pumps with 1 pump raspberry syrup! So good!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it looks like Pepto but let me tell you its like drinking candy! I highly suggest it! (c:

alyssa - good old black coffee. yum!

anna - i’m drinking instant coffee right now. not delicious, but EASY and FAST. so i think a keurig and i would get along just FINE. 😉 life is too short for instant coffee and not supporting fair trade any opportunity we have!

Emily - I LOVE coffee and am even drinking some right now!

Alisa - Pumpkin spice lattes!!! mmm, my favorite ♥

Molly - pumpkin spice latte…nothing better! one of the reasons i love fall!!

Jordan - I enjoy my morning coffee every day and as winter approaches I will enjoy several more cups throughout the day to keep me feeling warm and cozy.

Stacy M - Coffee, my favorite quote: I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee. By Harry Mahtar

Mandy - Chai tea lattes are my weakness…

Sara - Chai Tea is my favorite. So soothing and I can whip it up with my Aerolatte, fun!

Misty Lambert - My favorite hot beverage is:Coffee. Any coffee. Flavored coffee. Coffee with cream and sugar. Coffee black. Coffee on a cool, crisp fall morning. You know if you type the word coffee enough, it looks funny!


ajdked - Coffee, lots of coffee every morning. Mmmmmm coffee!

Rachelle - decaf coffee… or iced in the summer!

Shar - Coffee, for sure! Usually, Verona, bought by the pound from Starbucks but love trying new stuff!

Agnieszka - I start every day with coffee and drink at least a cup or two more during the day. I would love to give Keurig a try. In the evenings I always switch to tea, mostly green but sometimes black with a slice of lemon or chai with milk. As a treat I sometimes get a good latte. And there’s nothing like a hot cocoa to warm up after time in the snow. Can you tell I love me some hot drinks? 😉

Jes - I love black coffee, nothing added mmm mmm

Corinne - Hot tea, any kind…so good.
And wow, what a give-away…good luck everyone!

keely - coffee coffee coffee.

Lelia - Coffee!! And ever since I tried La Creme when you posted about that I have been obsessed with it too!

Toni - Coffee with yummy creamer! I am pregnant now, so I am on a coffee hiatus and I really miss it!

Samantha - Absolutely COFFEE!! Love it aLL the time. I am curious about a Keurig…

Suzette - Coffee, java, cup a joe….I love it!

Maria - I was a coffee-aholic. I was up to about five cups a day – I am down to two or three now…..I love the Keurig – we have one at work, but would love one for the house! Mocha is my favorite!

Robin Riley - Definitely coffee in the morning, preferably with a yummy creamer like cinnamon or hazelnut.

Michelle Webster - I am from the Pacific Northwest so I admit that I am a coffee snob. =) My favorite is a caramel latte or any iced coffee.

Secret Mom Thoughts - My favorite hot drink is chai tea.

Crystal - I love hot apple cider – it’s my favorite fall drink 🙂

Lindsay Willman - My favorite hot drink would have to be hot chocolate. I don’t think it can get any better than melted chocolate in a cup.

A future Mrs - i’m a hot chocolate or chai tea latte girl. but my future mr is a coffee man for sure

erica - Coffee! Hot with half & half in the morning, iced in the afternoons (if its warm otherwise I just make a second pot), and decaf at night.

Robyn B - Coffee, coffee, coffee – all the way! My kids joke how “mom, HAS to have coffee in the morning.”

Katie - Coffee…please…throw in a shot of Bailey’s & I can now drink coffee 24/7 🙂

Amy - Hot chocolate. Or warm apple cider…maybe with some rum 🙂

Hannah T - I love hot steamers, especially pumpkin spice in the fall.

ctymouse - I think I bleed coffee. It truly is my favorite haot drink. Everyone I know is all excited that Starbucks has brought back their pumpkin spice chai latte for the fall. I say psssht! Just give me my joe… hot, black and strong!

brenna - Coffee, of course!! I don’t know about Green Mountain, but will look into it now. Thanks!

julie f. - not that Fall is in the air… pumpkin spice latte!! can’t wait for those! (and the gas station version, too 🙂

Janelle - I’m feeling lucky Meg…even though I always feel lucky even when it’s a chance in a million or so 🙂 My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate. I’m attempting to switch over to coffee from my addiction to Diet Coke but it is not working. A new coffee maker would help 🙂

RebeccaF. - Strong coffee with half n half. All day.
Thanks, Meg!

Sarah M - I cannot survive without coffee 🙂

Kathi - COFFEE!!!

Mrs. - Cappuccino, hands down, unless it is late in the evening on a cold day, then my choice is hot chocolate…made with whole milk, because that alone is worth living for!

angela - coffee coffee coffee here (tho’ i’m trying to intersperse some water here and there – trying!)

Shawna - Coffee yumm, but not without the creamer and sugar, and my husband and good conversation.

Beth@Dirty Laundry - Coffee! And OH! How I’d love a Keurig!

Melanie Campbell - Definitely with you on this one…Coffee is my favorite!
P.S. I LOVE your blog! I check in every day. Thanks! 🙂
~ Melanie - I’m in love with hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream and a few chocolate sprinkles 😉

Kara - Coffee, coffee, coffee! Definitely!

Tess S - i loooooooooooooooooove coffee. love it!!!!!!

Jennifer - I have become a serious coffee drinker since I started grad school last month. I went from a cup once a week, to a few cups a day! Plus, anything free trade sounds great to me!

Kelly Weatherly - My favorite is Chai Tea, or the spice tea that I make using Tang, Lemon-aid, brown sugar, and instant tea.

Annie - I love coffee all day every day as well!

Jen - i am all about coffee. it can be 100 degrees outside & i still want/need my cup of coffee (or three). i do occasionally switch it up with a chai but i always return to my faith cup o’ joe.

hannah j - Ohh, it’s coffee! My absolutely very favorite is a no-fat white chocolate mocha. I die. . .

Renee - coffee. coffee. coffee. hot coffee any time of year please 🙂

Janelle - My favorite hot drink would have to be hot chocolate with marshmallows or coffee with French Vanilla creamer!

Katie g - Coffee is my favorite too and I love Ethiopian fair trade coffee!

Tamara - I love a Chai Tea Latte because it tastes like Christmas in a cup! And who doesn’t love Christmas?

KatieD - Love me some hot coffee with a little flavored creamer!

Michelle Zak - Hot cider in the fall, coffee any and every other time 🙂

sarahbob - earl grey tea w/ vanilla almond milk. seriously. love it.

Amy - Grande nonfat extra hot no whip mocha!

MC - You can’t go wrong with coffee especially now that it is starting to cool off a little. Caramel lattes are my favorite. Thanks for making this available.

Barbara - Mmmmmm, hot chocolate for sure!
Blessings to you, Meg, for bringing Fair Trade to people’s attention!

marley - I love coffee and chai lattes! Yum!!

Maine Mummy - We visited Green Mountain Coffee when in Vermont and got to see a bunch of videos about the fair trade beans, it was great and the retired gentleman who gave us the tour was wonderful.

Jane - Swiss chocolate almond coffee, my favorite Saturday morning treat!!

Nicole - Im like you..start the day out right with a cup of coffee…then start lunchtime out right with a cup of coffee…and so on! 🙂

Elizabeth - My favorite drink is definitely coffee with milk and 1 teaspoon of real sugar.
Thanks for the opportunity —

sam - Coffee…mmmm….

Jen Christians - I love COFFEE… Grande skinny caramel machiatto from SB if I have the $$$… but if not, a cub of good DARK roast coffee with sugarfee caramel creamer hits the spot… OOOOHH Coffee how I love thee!

stephanie - Love, love coffee. My favorite K-cup flavor is Donut Shop’s Glazed Chocolate Donut, but for regular coffee, I usually just drink Folgers or Dunkin’ Donuts (when it’s gifted to us). I will definitely be trying the Green Mountain coffee!

Terrie - I’m not a coffee drinker…you just shuddered didn’t you?!
Our old church had a cafe and I did enjoy the English Toffee Cappuccino…which is really just glorified hot chocolate. 🙂

Linda R. - I love coffee – my favorite (but infrequent) splurge is a mocha from Starbucks. But I’m pregnant right now, which means I have an aversion to anything coffee-related. I can’t wait until this baby comes next month and I can enjoy the cooler weather with a hot cup o’ joe.

Tracy - Coffee all the way!! I think I need some now……

Dawn - Coffee with a healthy splash of half & half. Creamy and delicious.

Jacci - Oh, Meg. My absolute favorite is really, really BAD news for my waistline! I hardly ever splurge enough to make my coffee with way I really love it, but here goes! 🙂 I make a good, strong black coffee (we’ve had Green Mountain, and it *is* really tasty – not sure which variety it was, though). Anyway, a strong black coffee, really hot, then add a little full fat cream (the whipping kind!) and a few spoonfuls of sweetened condensed milk. It is FABULOUSLY good. Seriously. Especially in the long cold months or at Christmastime when breakfast can be that delicious coffee concoction and a handful of Christmas cookies 😉 Thanks for the chance to win a Keurig! My hubby would be out of this world excited if we won!

Lane - my fave is a non fat latte from starbucks with one pump of pumpkin spice syrup…no whipped cream!! Oooooh I’ve been dreaming of a Keurig!!

Karline - Strong coffee with cream. Real cream, not that sweet syrupy stuff. gag!

happygirl - I love coffee and I bought 2 Keurigs for my office. I want one so much. LOVE green mountain. I hope I win.

Conner Academy - My favorite is hot chocolate, but when I’m trying to be good, I drink 100% pure green tea.

Summer Crosbie - My favorite drink is coffee! Hot or cold, I love it all!

G. - definitely coffee….drinking some right now, AND it’s fair trade. I’m very passionate about fair trade and so glad that you posted about this. I’d also really love a Keurig, it’s been on my wishlist for awhile. 🙂 thanks.

Amy - Pumpkin Spiced Latte! hands down!! 🙂
and if it’s the non foo foo kind…a strong bold drip! Can’t go wrong with how strong it is!!

jen smith - i have so many hot drinks that i love. coffee, of course, but also cider with red hots, tea with vanilla creamer and dutch bros mochas.

Heather - I’ve been dreaming of a Keurig!! Pumpkin Spice Latte’s are by far my favorite hot drink especially for the fall!!

Julie - I love love love coffee!! And wine, but that’s not a hot drink!

Rebecca Bradley - Oh, I live for coffee…LOVE IT!

Kasey - My favorite hot drink is peppermint hot chocolate. Can’t wait until it’s cool enough to drink it!

Karen - I LOVE my coffee! Would LOVE to try a Kuerig too, but never have so far. I am also a dairy farmer, who would LOVE to see FAIR prices for all farmers! It’s a good thing you’re doing Meg!

lorelei - well it’s Fall so my favorite hot drink these days is a hot caramel apple cider! mmmm! Cool giveaway, you rock!

Brittany - Coffee for sure, but since I’m pregnant, I’m “trying” to be good. So right now I’m into this spiced pear tea. Yum!

natalie (the sweets life) - peppermint patties–a DELISH hot chocolate/liqueur concoction topped with whipped cream 🙂

CB - I’m with you…it’s got to be coffee. I’ll drink it any form or fashion, but prefer black.

kendra - craving African milk/spice tea. . . had it in Ug in May during our adoption process. it’s unreplicatable (did i make up that word?). . . milk is different, sugar is different, spices are different. *sigh*

Amber Matson - My favorite is Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

taralee - coffee, for sure!

suzanne - my favorite is coffee and now thanks to you I will def look into fair trade.

Jen - I do enjoy me some coffee… I love a big cup of a strong blend (now to be a strong blend of Fair Trade!) with my all-time favorite creamer: Southern Butter Pecan. M’mmmm… you had me at butter.

Mary - my favorite is green mountain’s extra bold double black diamond!

s - hot chocolate my fave followed by tea. have tried to like coffee but with no luck, but my husband loves his coffee.

Maggie Coursey - I’ve just started drinking coffee and I love it with french vanilla coconut creamer that I was just turned on to by a friend. So good!

Jules - My new fave is Breakfast in Bed with Wolfgang, oops, I mean BY Wolfgang Puck! Great blog you’ve got here.

Candice - i want to drink coffee all day!

Kelly - Coffee with FF Hazelnut Creamer! I have to have it! It is a necessity!

CathyC - OMGoodness!!!! Coffee is my FAVORITE drink!!!! And I drink way too much of it but I don’t care!!!!! My husband & I have bought fair trade coffee for years but I dod not know that Green Mountain uses fair trade too. Very Cool.
I hope I win!!!!!

mrs edberg - OMG I have wanted one of these forever and my husband keeps telling me NO because of the waste it causes! My favorite hot drink is green tea, or chai tea…but all time favorite, that is reserved for a caramel latte mochiato. YUM!

Dixie - Peppermint hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows…yummmm

Christy - I tweeted 🙂!/MCHPHOTOGRAPHY7

Karrin - Oooh! This would be fantastic! I love helping wherever possible, and the fact that I’m the only one in my house who drinks coffee makes the Keurig a fantastic buy!

callie grayson - I am a huge coffee drinker! in fact I have a huge cup right now 🙂 with a wee bit of cream mmm
I have been looking at the different coffee makers and this one is on my research list!
I try to always buy fair trade coffee and I am glad you shared that bit of information with other…. they do work really really hard for our pleasure of that first sip of rich dark coffee. It takes a lot of beans to make a cup.

Ani W - I really like white chocolate mochas, but I am dying to have my own keurig! I would LOVE to win this!!

becky@oursweetpeas - I love the fall coffee flavors. Gingerbread latte and Pumpkin Spice are awesome. I also like the latte that I make at home which involves fresh ground, french roast, coffee, milk and sugar, just the basics.
Love that you explained the fair trade thing.
Crossing my fingers for that Keurig! 🙂

Helen - we gave a keurig to the teachers at my sons school – they looove it! love the convenience and all the variety!!

Ann Griffin - My favorite drink is coffee. I could live off of it. Homemade coffee, Starbucks, hole in the wall cafes. I love love love coffee.

AmberK - My favorite hot drink will always be hot cider!! Yum! But coffee and hot chocolate are not far behind.

Sara - I do love coffee, but for me its the combination of drinking it with someone I love – namely my husband…I don’t like to “drink alone” ha ha.

Vicki - I love hot chai tea latte – It is my FAVORITE and of course coffee which I drink all day long!! 🙂

shannon - My favorite hot drink is also Coffee! I love it flavored!!! and I would just absolutely die if I won that keurig!!!!! I have been wanting one for 2 years now!!!! 😀

stevie - coffee…with cream, without cream, coffee coffee coffee is my favorite.

Erin - Coffee…black! I love it too. I prefer it hot but end up drinking it cold throughout the day…b/c it cools in my mug. I”d LOVE a Keurig!!! And I promise to drink fair trade coffee.

Sheila P. - coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, please.

Andrea - I have to have my coffee in the morning. I would love to have a Keurig!

Jessica - I love green tea but during fall I love love hot apple cider! 🙂

Laura - My favorite hot drink…that’s tricky, because initially I was going to say coffee (I’m drinking some joe right now), but then I thought well, I love chai and hot chocolate when the mood strikes. So favorite hot caffeine: coffee, favorite spicy hot: chai, and favorite indulgence: hot chocolate.
Man, what a great thing to mull over.
lauramlyons at gmail dot com

Kim - Hot apple cider is my absolute favorite!

Jen T. - Coffee with Coffeemate creamer. It HAS to be Coffeemate french vanilla or hazelnut. Every time I try a creamer different than one of those, I get burned. They just aren’t as good. No fat/sugar free creamers for me either please. 🙂 (I swear I don’t work for Coffemate. I just love it.)

Melissa - chai latte!!! love it!!!

Sarah Crosby - um without a doubt coffee!!! 😉 yum!

Missy P - I love COFFEE!!! with a tiny bit of cream

Amanda - I’ve become a coffee person and I start my day with it now and it is slowly becoming a favorite of mine.

Dianne - My favorite drink is definitely coffee… Coffee in an IV please 🙂

Jessica @Zocal Creative - I LOVE a good cup of hot chocolate!…with marshmallows of course!

Rachel A. - I love hot chocolate with freshly whipped cream on top. yummy!

Penny - I love a good Hot Chocolate. My husband loves coffee and would LOVE this prize.

Karen - love hot green tea…even in the summer!! Got to have my morning fix!

Christy - I have been crushing on one of these, We have one at my office.
My favorite is Green tea or Chai Tea 🙂 This is great a cause.

Jennifer - I like hot chai tea, but my husband is a coffee drinker.

Jen N. - My favorite hot drink is a mocha with a shot of mint. SO delicious!

Rachel J - COFFEE of course! I love a dark roast with cream and sugar. And my favorite season of coffee drinks is fall and winter. Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Peppermint Mochas. Yum!

debi meyers - favorite: Hot chai tea Would love a Keurig!

Amanda - A hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning is definitely my favorite drink of the day!

Jennifer W. - MUST.HAVE.COFFEE. 🙂

Megan - I LOOOOOVE my coffee every morning. Dont talk to me until I have it. Love the Keurig!

lauren - my favorite hot drink is a cup of strong, black tea. i love to drink it year-round…even on the hottest summer days! 🙂

Becky - Coffee is my absolute fav…have to drink decaf during the day since I love it so much!

Emily - I love the peppermint white chocolate mocha from starbucks!!

Tina I - Coffee. If I could get caffeine through an IV, I probably would!

tiffany m gardner - well…my husband would get coffee through an iv drip if he could but my favorite hot drink is hot cocoa…of course with whipped cream!

Melissa - Hot Apple Cider.

Krista - Hot chocolate gives me my superpowers…at least that’s what I believe to be true 🙂 Throw on some whipped cream and a handful of small marshmallows, the world is mine!

Jodi - London Fog. Now I want one and have to go make it for myself.

Misty c - all about my coffee, with flavored creamer of course…most any flavor

Sarah - Good coffee = happy Sarah

Dawn - I do love a cup of coffee every morning, but I also love a good mug of creamy hot chocolate, piled high with whipped cream.

Danielle - I love hot apple cider! I don’t want it year round but it’s on my mind right now with fall approaching. I love my coffee too though (:

Anne-Marie P - I love coffee with cream, but also enjoy a chai tea latte!

Mandy - Coffee with skinny caramel creamer and Chai tea lattes from Starbucks!

april - Its totally coffee!!!

Angie - I don’t function until I’ve had my morning coffee!

amy kate - of course, my pick is hot foffee…with a pinch of stevia and splash of cream…in my favorite, big-as-my-head mug
java blessings!

Amanda Ferreira - Coffee, chai, cider and hot cocoa! I’m a winter gal, for sure. Our coffee pot and tea pot see lots of action.

Sarah - Love a good caramel coffee drink but I also love sipping hot chocolate at chilly football games!!

Jennifer R - Anything with coffee, Cold or iced!!

jill - My favorite hot drink is coffee!

amanda @ fake ginger - I love all coffee drinks!

kim - Love Love Love Coffee….with creamer please! Iced or Hot!

Stephanie campbell - Oh! My husband would love this! He loves coffee. I do not. I don’t like much of anything hot, but if I had to choose a hot dry k it would be hot chocolate.

Sarah LaVallee - My favorite hot drinks vary from day to day. I LOVE hot cocoa (and I can’t seem to find my favorite Hershey’s Goodnight Kisses cocoa anywhere anymore), but I also love a good spicy cider.
Also, I wanted to tell you that your coffee mug reminds me of my new Scentsy warmer! It’s super cute! Where did you get it?! I need it!

Heidi Devereaux - Coffee…coffee….coffee~

Amanda - good ol’ fashion hot black coffee 🙂
I prefer Dunkin Donuts brand these days. But honestly if it’s hot and black I’ll drink it. not toooo strong though, please.

Betsy - I drink tea in the morning, but if I need a pick-me-up, I love frou-frou coffee.

Christy - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate – not the powdered kind, but made with real chocolate!!

Deidre - My favorite hot drink is coffee with pumpkin spice creamer!

Ruth - Love Coffee…Love helping others….it’s a win/win!!

alisha - I love coffee. I go to bed at night thinking ‘I can’t wait to have coffee in the morning!’.

Tammy - I love coffee- the breakfast blend is one of my favorites.

julie - Hot English Breakfast Tea!

Elizabeth - My fave hot drink is definitely coffee, but I love hot tea as well. Really, any hot drink makes me happy!

jessica - I LOVE my coffee…a lot! This time of year as the weather changes, I am craving hot apple cider with extra nutmeg…yum-o!

Lori - I love coffee in the mornings – and Green Mountain is one of my favorites I always have in the coffee carousel. I have my two college age girls hooked on the Cafe Mocha for the Keurig – now I have to buy them BOTH a Keruig.

katherine - i love me a latte!

Katie - I love coffee with amaretto creamer in it. Delicious and I drink 2 cups a day. It is my treat!

Tracy - My favorite is coffee in the morning and hot tea at night.

AmyJ - My favorite hot drink is tea but I want to start drinking coffee. I see so many people enjoy it and it smells so good!

stephanie - coffee for sure. a latte is my fav.

Shelly foster - I love coffe … I drink it everyday… Several times a day … Even on these HOT summer days ! Yup, I’m a coffee addict ! Love it even better with flavored creamers 🙂 . This new mom of a non sleeping baby would love to win 😉 !

TammyJapan - My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate. :o) Mmmm, anything with chocolate!

Olivia Stewart - I love how having hot tea relaxes me and there is nothing like hot apple cider in the fall. I wish I liked coffee as I could use the extra energy boost! My husband loves coffee and I would love to have a Keurig for entertaining as I don’t know how to make good coffee!

Laura L - I drink my green tea with lemon every morning. I do like a nice hot chocolate every once in a while during the winter though!

Emily - I love coffee but my new favorite hot drink is Bigelow’s Peach Green Tea. Yum!

Lisa A. A. - I would love to try a Keurig! I’ve heard fantastic things about them!

Mary Wilbur - I love coffee, any kind, any time!!

Mariliz - Definitely coffee, I start each and every day with it. It is a well loved ritual.

Shelly - I love coffee… it makes me happy and knowing others have good working conditions and earn a fair price on their goods makes me happy too!

Virginia Bibler - I live for a hot chai tea latte…anytime of day, all times of day!

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outdoor movie party….2nd annual


we hosted our second annual outdoor movie party this past sunday night.

we provide the toppings and each family brings their favorite kind of ice cream to share.

it's super fun.


 (blurry but too cute not to share)

there were kids EVERY WHERE! 

the plan was for them to swim but it the weather changed the day before and we even needed blankets!
we could not have had better weather!

as soon as it was dark enough and every one had had their first helping of ice cream
we started the movie.


i passed out blankets when it got chilly.
it was so fun to look out at so many friends watching them cuddled up with their families & laughing together…..
in the dark. 

craig found the screen and projector on
he looked for a full year.
and then this one came along….AWESOME….he was beaming.

we are already excited for next year's party!

or maybe one with a campfire and LOTS of blankets in a month or two!  
sounds cuddly warm to me. 


we are painting the hallway with the help of Glidden Paint.
come and read about it over here and you could
win a $150 walmart gift card!

come here and leave a comment to win a lisa leonard bracelet
and get a coupon code that is good through today.

i am talking about being a "sports mom" over here and not sure i am too good at it
but i am trying!  enter to win a $100 Dicks Sporting Goods card from Gatorade!



75 Parties | a glass of milk - […] tasting//friendsgiving//ugly sweaters//barbecue//pajama//birthdays//half birthday//pizza//ice cream and a movie//potluck//soup//picnic//new year’s eve//cocktails//fondue//s’mores//tapas//beer […]

gap year south africa - Great stuff the children were enjoying very well it looks awesome the parties all are cool and would have a great fun in those parties thanks for the blog to share a lot of things…:)

Axel Booe - Wow, that’s an ice cream party at its best! Those kids surely enjoyed this day. And the place is great too! It definitely made the event livelier. Cheers to this!

sugarbee - cool stuff…you must have a great camera…visit my blog please 🙂

Audrey - Recently discovered your blog and am loving the craft ideas! We do movie night in our drive way 2-3 times every summer (for the last 3 years). It’s is so much fun and the kids LOVE it! We just project onto a big sheet hung on the garage door and it works out quite well but I may have to keep my eye out for one of those screens on craigslist. 🙂
Thanks for all the craft ideas!

Heather G. - Oh my gosh, how fun!!

susan - So fun! What movie did you find to keep all ages happy?

leonieke - hai meg, can i ask you for some advise? my daughter, who turnes 17 this month, wants to go to america to study for one year. Ofcourse there are lots of organisations trying to get us in, and we do orientate us, but i would love to here the experience of guestfamily’s. do you know some?
by the way, you are one of the reasons she wants to go, it looks like your life in america is one big happy party :-))

alicia @ la famille - HOW FUN!! i wanted to do an outdoor movie night, but couldn’t round up a projector. i found a cool old roll up screen at a rummage sale, but no projector 🙁 gonna keep looking tho!

Jen - Me too, Michelle! I’m in melbourne and thankfully my local small IGA sells peanut butter m &ms and a few other US snacks!!

Michelle from Australia - Do you know how many of those scrumptious toppings and ice cream flavours we Australians are deprived of? When we were in Hawaii last November, I loaded up a duffle bag FULL of Reese’s pieces/sauces, Hershey stuff etc at Walmart. Coming back into Australia, the customs officer opened the bag, grinned at me and said ‘I can see you have a sweet tooth. And great taste!’. Oh how I wish the USA were closer to us 🙁

gina - We love the pic of Jobie! Thanks for a super fun evening!

amy jupin - anna’s looking over my shoulder saying,
“that looks fun!”
“i want to do that too.”
“me and annie should be friends, right?”
“i like her hair.”
“i like the polka dot tablecloths.”
ok, i said that last one.

Julie - This looks like so much fun!!!

Rachel - That looks like SO MUCH FUN! I think it’s great that everyone was cuddled under blankets. And Despicable Me is a fantastic movie. I watched it while I was sewing one afternoon – see, not just for kids 😉

Bill - Hi–Stumbled on your blog and posted with an FYI for you or those following you.

I hope, with all the people you had attending, that you acquired a public performance license for the movie(s) you showed. Movie Licensing USA and Motion Picture Licensing Corporation between them hold licensing rights for most of the major studios, and offer either one-time licensing or umbrella/blanket annual licensing for the studios with which they contract. Though it’s not likely that they will investigate local movie parties like this, if they do, they jump on “offenders” with boots on (and posting about a movie night online makes it more likely they will find out).

Looked like lots of fun, and I hope you enjoy many more!

Jes - I love Caribbean Sea!

jill - we just use a sheet, too! our favorite is to watch scary old movies with the grown-ups around halloween. we use lots of blankets!

Kinze Schilling - now that looks like a good time!

Sarah - I have been dying to plan this for my neighborhood in our cul-de-sac. A ‘drive in’ (bikes and trikes) movie so to speak! Cute!

Mindy Harris - that little boy in the osh kosh sweatshirt is so adorable you should’ve eaten him instead of ice cream. precious.

Jenny Wren's - This looks like a blast! I think you should definitely do this in the later Fall months, pick a good Christmas movie for everyone to watch, light a fire, eat popcorn, drink cocoa and just enjoy!

Tina I - We do the same thing and love it! No fancy screen for us, just a sheet tacked up against the screened in porch. Ours is coming up in a couple of weeks, just might have to steal the ice cream pitch in idea!

Kimberly Dial - We have a neighbor who that the same thing a few times every summer … it’s a great way to visit with fellow ‘Fall Creekers’ and the grandgirlies love it!

Kimberly Dial - We have a neighbor who that the same thing a few times every summer … it’s a great way to visit with fellow ‘Fall Creekers’ and the grandgirlies love it!

Casey - We do this often in our backyard with a white sheet clipped to our patio cover. The kids love it!

Holly - Our cousin has a huge inflatable screen that we have used in the past for movie parties. They are so much fun!

seriouslysassymama - That looks like alot of fun!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh how fun! That projector looks amazing!

Christy - That’s what I was thinking, no need to wait another year! Looks like a great time. Hot cocoa & popcorn + blankets & a fire, you would be all set! What a fun time! What a great neighborhood, almost makes me miss the midwest.

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tuesday already.

did you have a great weekend?

i feel like we never stopped going going going at all.
and that's ok.
during our prayers at bedtime i said "wow…you kids have had an awesome weekend!"
lots to be thankful for.


no hot and steamy anniversary date would be complete without a stop here and here.

but a yummy dinner with a really yummy margarita was awaiting us!
so glad i married that guy 17 years ago.
best thing i've ever done.

it's finally cooling off in kansas.
the 100+ for two months was ridiculous.
our windows are OPEN!
the kids are breathing fresh air!
i am so happy. 

do you recognize this box?


click over here to see what it is inside……..


health information management - Because the typical hospital bill is extremely complicated, often containing several hundred.

Emily - Wait! I recognize that box! Lisa Leonard Designs! Ohhh what was inside?

Ugg Sale - Neverthele ugg tall boots ss us miserable Cheap UGG Boots UK Ugg Sale mortals could be moderate and cosy even though Uggs had been we really actually fooled ‘hideous&rsquo,Classic UK Ugg Boots
Ugg UK Crochet is among the trendy boots; method to some plus, but when generic copies crept everywhere from Claire’s to mixture in using the eco conscious too. UGG youngsters shoes attributes precisely the same Ugg Boots Bailey Button glimpse and benefits since the grownup adaptations so your kid can sign up for in within the UGG craze.

the domestic fringe - Funny. Most of our evenings out end up in Lowe’s. It’s only because Lowe’s is closer than Home Depot. Happy Anniversary. Your dinner looks good.

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Happy Anniversary! Glad to hear your weather has cooled down. We were at 103 today here in San Diego, but the summer overall has not been bad. Have a great week!

Michelle from Australia - Sad there is no photo of those basketball legs in this post 🙂 Well done on 17 years of marriage. We are coming up to 11 years and my husband has just smiled at me and announced he would have done less time for murder. I am only **just** resisting the urge to throw something that could be classified as a blunt instrument at him!

Tonya - Happy Anniversary to you both. i got to drag my husband on our 24 wedding anniversary on the 8th of Aug to Babies r us, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s and to Jo-anns, but we then got to have a wonderful dinner and a late night movie. Oh, how they love us…. 🙂

Sarah D - Isn’t the weather wonderful?! We’re in Wichita and it’s divine!

Nicole - I am enjoying the cooler weather too! Thank goodness Kansas decided to cool down. It made recess duty so much more enjoyable today! Happy Anniversary Meg! And….I spy Lisa Leonard! ;0) Have a great day!

Lisa - Haha! We do the same thing on dates. I actually love running errands with my husband! 🙂

Jennifer - awwww, Date Night at the Depot! Congrats on 17 years together, that is truly inspirational!

Mindy Harris - happy anniversary, you two! shawn and i have been together since oh, age 15 so we are kindof on 15! but really 8.

Denine - Hey it was our 17th wedding anniversary too this Labor day weekend. Hope you had a wonderful day.

tiffany m gardner - That looks like my dates with my hubby. Multi-tasking…that’s what we do…right? 🙂

Jemm - Happy Anniversary to you guys! It looks very familiar to how ours usually go 😉

seriouslysassymama - Yep, that would pretty much sum up an anniversary for me. I would have been cooking that dinner though. Happy Anniversary.

Holly - too funny! It is only going to be 64 here in Tn today! Crazy! It was over 100 a week ago!

Penny - Looks like a lovely dinner. I LOVE both of the stores you pictured. Hubby would go to HD but stays clear of HL! Congrats on 17 years! We will be celebrating 28 years in ten day.

Jen Brandt - Hahahaha! My husband and I almost always end up at Home Depot on our hot dates. Glad you had a nice anniversary!

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daddy found a helper.

and she did a pretty good job too!

we are busy working away today.

hope your day off is awesome.


andy - oh how i want doors like that

Melissa - I have dreams about living in a big old house in a small town, but I live in the city… I can’t wait to see the finished white woodwork & whatever color you decide to paint. That stairway is gorgeous, & the leaded glass & the inlays in the floor…

holly - dang i need a little of this kinda motivation…and this kinda woodwork ;o) there is a housefull of trim to paint here…and walls, but where to start…where to start?????

Kerstie - Love white painted woodwork, and the two hands on the paint brush too. 😉

Londen - Adorable picture! That big beefy trim and door are going to be so pretty painted white.

Lisa - This same scene played out at my house today, only outside!

julia - We bit the bullet and painted some gorgeous cypress white. Even though it was painful the room ended up looking so much better.

Michelle from Australia - I’ve just showed the picture to my husband. And said ‘Why don’t you have legs like that?’ He scrolled up to the picture of you Meg. He pointed and said ‘Why don’t you look like that?’ Touche my dear!! 🙂

Wendy - I give you lots of credit for painting your woodwork white. I love the crispness of white … but I don’t know if I would have the guts to do it. Good for u!

Natalie - Too cute! Can’t wait to see the “afters” 🙂
You take some really great photos. I just booked a wedding for 2012 and I’d love your input on which lens{es} I should consider purchasing!
Natalie 🙂

Sally - Boy, you are one busy woman. No rest for craft weekend! I am sure that your newly painted space will be beautiful. Enjoy your day!

Molly - isn’t it like a sin or something to paint all that trim white? haha just kidding I love white trim! it really is the only way to go:)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh Meg, my darling….I cant wait to see how this turns out! I just posted about all the projects we’re doin today on our big old house. We will never be bored in an 1860 home, for sure! Happy work day to you too!:)

jami - I know some people think painting original trim is akin to blasphemy, but oh how I love crisp white trim in old houses.

Mindy Harris - the vintage fiend in me loves that wallpaper! craig has nice calves. 🙂

seriouslysassymama - We rent, but I am having fun doing what decorating I can. I love your house.

Holly - cant wait to see the finished project!

Terrie G - We are woking away too. Labor Day rarely means rest for us!
Just finished helping hubba with our pet cemetery…not really it’s the foundation for his new shed.
It only looks like a pet cemetery.
I’m headed to the craft room to bind another quilt!
How’s your crafts coming?

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star winner…..or TWO?!



how cute are these boys?


happy weekend to you.
i am sewing.
and sewing.
and organizing.
and glueing.
and sewing.
and shopping.
and not sleeping.

and my husband is taking me on a hot date tonight because
it’s our 17th anniversary.



Ugg Sale - Neverthele ugg tall boots ss us miserable Cheap UGG Boots UK Ugg Sale mortals could be moderate and cosy even though Uggs had been we really actually fooled ‘hideous&rsquo,Classic UK Ugg Boots
Ugg UK Crochet is among the trendy boots; method to some plus, but when generic copies crept everywhere from Claire’s to mixture in using the eco conscious too. UGG youngsters shoes attributes precisely the same Ugg Boots Bailey Button glimpse and benefits since the grownup adaptations so your kid can sign up for in within the UGG craze.

Nicole - Happy Anniversary and congrats to the winners!!

Doris - Happy anniversary!
my husband and me celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary in July.

Jessica Johnson - happy anniversary! we celebrate 12 years on the 11th. september is a great month to get married! have a fun date! 🙂

Gray - Happy Anniversary to you both! We’re celebrating our 5th anniverary this weekend. My parents have the kids, so we’re having a fabulous time just being by ourselves!

Dawn - What a busy weekend. Happy Anniversary.

brooke - Congrats to you both 🙂

Julie - Happy Anniversary Meg!!!
Can’t wait to see and hear all the details from Craft Weekend after it’s over! Sounds like a great time!

Kerry - Happy Anniversary Duerksens! Hope you had a HOT date.
Those lads hair is just tooooooo gorgeous!!

Shaina Brown - Happy, Happy Anniversary! We just got home from celebrating my parents 40th anniversary and my lil’ guys 3rd birthday! Happy Celebrating!

Michelle Torres - Happy Anniversary!!!!!!Hope you had a Awesome time celebrating!!!!!!!!!

heather - happy anniversary to you and your hubs!
17 years of awesome. 🙂

happygirl - happy anniversary, 17 years, wow. my husband and I always say the first 25 years are the toughest. You guys ROCK.

Kimberly Dial - Happy 17th anniversary! Enjoy your date night! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Happy 17th anniversary! Enjoy your date night! 🙂

Maria - Happy Anniversary…we celebrate our 14th next month…have fun!

Lori Austin - Happy date night for your 17 years. Enjoy!!

Angela Storm - Happy Anniversary! My husband and I are celebrating our first!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Deurksen!:) Wishing you many, many more.

Southern Gal - Congratulations to the winners!
And happy anniversary to you two.

Tiffany - Happy Anniversary, yay!!!!!!!! for HOT dates. Extra points for steamy, enjoy enjoy enjoy!

se7en - Wonderful!!! Happy Anniversary!!! It goes so fast!!! Wishing you many many and then some more!!!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Those boys are SO cute. I am such a sucker for curly hair. Both of my girls have it and it makes me melt. 🙂 Have fun on your date and congrats to you and Craig on 17 years!! You rock!

Jennifer - Those boys are too cute! Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Congratulations! 🙂

Christie - it must of been a good day to get married…it’s my 5 year anniversary….Happy anniversary everyone!!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Anniversary to you & Craig!

Terrie G - Today is your anniversary?? Mine too!! 28 years…crap I’m old! Darn it all anyway!
Happy Celebrating!!
Happy 17th – We’ll toast you!
Hugs! Terrie

sue - 17 yrs. Cool Its going to take you a while to catch up to me 33yrs. Have fun tonight.

Shannon - Wow 17 years awesome!

Melissa - happy anniversary!
those boys all have amazing hair!!!!

Sandy - Happy Anniversary. I never tire of your love story.

Holly - happy anniversary!

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the countdown is ON.


some scenes from the craft room that is quickly closing in on me……

so much fun to make ruffled streamers!!

and bunting! 

the SWAG pile has grown to out of control proportions.

the ladies at walmart couldn't believe i bought ALL their scissors.

special bunting from a friend….LOVE.



pretty pretty pretty.


fun garland….doilies, ruffles, flash cards, paper, ribbons…..awesome.


i treated myself to some zebra scissors this week.
i bet i can't lose those!
and they make me smile when i look at them.

i don't think i will be sleeping much between now and next sunday.
i am so excited for each and every woman who is coming to craft weekend!

if you are new here…..and a bunch of you are… can read about craft weekend HERE and HERE and HERE.
and get on the waiting list if you want to!

happy long weekend to YOU.

winner for the star is picked tomorrow.  :)


Tracy Fisher - Good luck with your craft weekend. It’s a pain to go through all of that work… but so worth the feeling you get at the end! Believe me, I just posted my art from my art show. Crazy. Hectic. Lots of laughter, tears, shortness of breath, etc. But I did it. I am proud of you!!!!!
Tracy Fisher (

Heather G. - I so wish I could come!

jennyonthespot - You make me want to craft again. Oh I wish I could be there… *sigh*

Maggie Nunez - wow, looks like it is going to be fun…wish i could go just to make or win that bunting…wish Kansas wasn’t so far…maybe one day..enjoy!

kasey - maybe you should do a craft weekend here…
just sayin’

christine S - I’m probably too late to enter but here goes anyways – I’ve bought 5 stars for me and 2 stars for sister-in-law. The wrapping of sister-in-laws package was so wonderfully done and special that it made her cry. And she hadn’t even seen the stars yet!!
My sister-in-law NEVER cries!!!

Laurie Star - This is so not fair of you to show all these pictures and I can’t go! Whaaa whaaaa.. Looks like something right up my alley! I am checking out the waiting list..

Courtney Walsh - SO fun and colorful!!! It looks soooo happy! 🙂

kristin - i want some swag right now. and zebra scissors.
and thank you for the bunting you gave preschool years ago…it adds so much.
have a blast!

karen - looks so delicious!!!
love your snippers (i said snippers because i don’t want to bother checking the spelling for you know…that other word)
when i was working i printed out a piece of paper with zebra pattern and i cut out a strip and glued it to the top of my stapler. it was a show stopper! 🙂

Juliann Brenner - Hi Megan – looks like fun! How I’d love a craft weekend where I didn’t have to shop for and organize supplies, try to craft around my kids’ never-ending needs, and eat, drink and talk talk talk to other ladies! Even the ideas and samples are already done – ’cause I need lots of help with crafting 🙂
Are you going to post any tutorials once the weekend is over??
I’d love to come sometime if I could scrounge the $$ to go. 😉

Jen Giorgis - That all looks like so much fun!!! I am going to love visiting your blog! I need to email you some pics…I’ll try to do that soon. Love, Love, Love…wish I was coming to your craft weekend!

Nicole - Looks so fun and inspiring! I wish I could be there this time!! :0) I will definitely work on my speed for the next one. Have a wonderful time Meg! Greetings from a fellow Kansas blogger.

Linda - How do you make ruffled streamers?

alicia @ la famille - yeah!!! excited for those lucky ladies!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Ahh, I am so excited for you! I will admit I am a tad bit (okay extremely) jealous of everyone who is going. I bet you will all have a blast!! Will you be having another one in the future?
Remember when I asked for your address because I made you something? I am terrible at mailing things and just sent it out to you today. Should be to you by the middle of the week. 🙂 Hope you like it!!
Also, I included you in my most recent blog post, here:

sam - so sad i can’t be there but hope you all have a fabulous time. wait — i just realized i typed almost the exact thing as everyone else! oh well…. it’s true!

Linda - So excited for you…. so sad for me. Ok I’m down right jealous. I’ll work through it! 🙂

Jessica Johnson - SOOOO SO SO envious. one of these days… 🙂 have an awesome time, meg. can’t wait to hear all about it!

shannon - WOW! Your blog and your photos are SO yummy I just want to jump inside my computer and play with your art supplies! My husband just took the pro-photo workshop with you in Utah and that’s how I discovered your amazing space here. Thanks for sharing!

Shannon A. - Have a BLAST! I shall lie vicariously through your pics. Once my kiddos are a little older, this Mama is going to vie for a craft weekend slot! Enjoy!

Jennie - It looks like it’s going to be awesome, Meg! Way to go!! Those are some lucky ladies!

Brittany - You are going to have such an awesome time. I SOOOOO wish I was going to be there!

Michelle Whitlow - That all looks sooo great!!! Sure wish I could come!!!

Alma Ruiz Barrera - Aaaaaaah I wanted to be there really bad! I tried and tried many times to get in (tears in my eyes)!!!!

Kirsten J - Aaaack! You’re killing me….here’s the deal: I have to live vicariously, so make sure to give the play-by-play, dawn to dusk and beyond!!!!

happygirl - This looks like it’s going to be SO MUCH FUN. I can’t wait for the pics and recap. 🙂

tiffany m gardner - So excited for you…so sad for me. Wish I was going to be crafting with you all!

sue - i feel tired just looking at the pics !!!!!!!!!

Ali - Is it too early to request a spot for the next craft weekend!?! It sounds like an amazing time! I’d love to come to one! Are Texans welcome!?!
You all are going to have a terrific weekend! Enjoy every second!
I love those zebra scissors! What a perfect treat for all your hard work preparing for craft weekend!
~ Ali

Susan - I should be there….I had 2 spots…I had to give them up to keep Baby #7 safe while growing inside of me. I cried when I saw this post. I want to be there…. I NEEDED to be there. It just isn’t my time to be there. I don’t know if I will be able to read your posts knowing that I should have been there. One day I WILL be there! I hope and pray you all have an amazing time. While you do….I will keep on living the dream here!

Kimberlee - A-W-E-S-O-M-E
{High kick into the splits}

Amy - I’m so excited!!!! I even dreamt about it last night. 😉 Really, reeeeeally looking forward to it. How can I wait another WEEK?!?!?!

Jennifer - ditto…very jealous! you girls are going to have a blast! love those zebra scissors, too. 🙂

stephany - I am jealous…so wish I could come to craft weekend!
I LOVE the burlap bunting!! I have been searching the internet and Pinterest for fabulous burlap bunting ideas and I love your the most!!!
Thanks for the inspiration!!

Mrs. - Awesome! Is that bunting made from coffee bags? Great idea! Wish I had thought of it. Rats!

elz - I’m so JEALOUS.I hope you do this again next year, because I’m coming!

ktmade - Wow – I really wish I had found you in the blog world earlier. I’m super jealous of all the fun that will be had!

Naomi - Oh I am so envious of all the craft weekend ladies!
Meg if possible could you tell me what model your sewing machine is? Mine has given up (just this morning) right in the middle of a project – it was an old cheapy so I think I may invest in a decent one. Thank you x
P.S. Love the zebra scissors!

Jenna - So excited for you! I know you will have a wonderful time! I wish I could be there, too! Get messy for me!

Melissa - Jealous. The end.

Melissa - I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kansas,
Please don’t be 100 degrees next weekend.
Love, Melissa

Michelle - Have an amazing Craft weekend!!!! I would LOVE to attend sometime!!! I teach kindergarten part time, so Sept. may not be the best month for me to miss a day. 🙁 I LOVE your blog, Meg!!! I have been a fan of it for about a year now. Can’t WAIT to see all the photos of your weekend!!!!!

kat - You are going to have so much fun!!! I so wish I could be there too! Can’t wait to hear all about it and see all the fun pictures from your fabulous weekend!

Kim - Meg, you always seem to have the most fun! 🙂

Nicole Q. - I know it will be a rocking weekend. Have fun!

Ainsley - Hello! I’m a new follower and just checked out your post from your last get together! What fun!!! Have a wonderful time, and I can’t wait to read about this one too!!

Kerry - oh the boxes and baskets and swag and bunting and and and and!!! Looks like it is going to be an AWESOME weekend!!! Have fun ladies 🙂 xx

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Those women are super lucky! Have a great time!

Danielle - I am so so so upset that I had to give up my spot at craft weekend! I pray pray pray that I can come in the future! It looks FANTASTIC! Plus, I would love to meet you and Ashley Ann… I still can’t believe it… both of you in the same room! I wish I could be there! Have. A. Blast!

Terrie G - Oh what fun you will have! Lucky girls!! I’m ready to be inspired…actually…I already am. I still want to make some sweet bunting for my craft room.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, Meg! My heart is racing!!!!!!

BriBedell - Looks like so much fun!!! And the burlap bunting…I’m going to have to make a Halloween version I’m afraid 🙂

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have you heard of Kurt Knudsen of Piggy&Dirt?


i thought so.  




i love the extra details on some of the center of the stars!

their shop is FULL of these beautiful handmade stars in all kinds of colors.
i have drooled over their shop for quite some time. 
this is ART!
such happy art. 

they also have baker's twine in lots of colors….

in large and small quantities.  

and these very cool and unique banners made from metal letters.
kinda quirky….new and different…..i love them.


and i linked this glass robot awhile back in my happy things list ….isn't it so fabulous?!

i am still hoping for it to be in my home someday.


how adorable are those little baby stars on necklaces?!!!
i swoon. 


this is my star.
clear with 5 different patterns in the glass with a turquoise blue center.


it was a hard decision….and probably the first of many i will own.
it is so happy to look at.
i hung it in my craft room because that is my happy space.

would you like to win some of your own loveliness from Piggy & Dirt?

of course you would!

leave me a comment today to be entered to win a
$30 credit to their store with free shipping!   🙂  

winner picked on saturday.

go check out their shop!

Alaina Bennett - These stars make me smile! Pure happiness!

Lori Austin - 557 comments?! Wow! My laptop crashed over a week ago….sigh. Catching back up with my new “whatever” addiction 🙂 Those stars are just beautiful!!

Chaos-Jamie - That robot! I think I need one in my house too.

Andrea - There are people who find happiness in “big” things: a fancy house, a new car, diamonds.
My happiest things are little, fun and make me smile! Like a postcard in the mail, or a happy star like Meg’s!

Penny Smith - Ok, I am coming into this late, AND I never win anything, but hadda try, cuz LOVE!!, thanks for the chance!!

Crystal Swoverland - the stars are so pretty! so whimsical! I would love every single one of them! 🙂

lindsey - …commenting a few days after your post, however, i love the stars 🙂 good luck to all (not only do i love the stars, i enjoy your sight, philosophy on life, and fun approach to everyday!! God is so good) sorry, first comment 🙂 i’ll keep future posts short and simple.

Misty S. - Oooh, I would love a star!

Erin - I’d thank my lucky stars if I won. Sorry for the awful pun but I couldn’t resist.

Kimberly Dial - They’re so pretty … they make me feel happy! 😀

Kimberly Dial - They’re so pretty … they make me feel happy! 😀

Tonya - Beautiful!

jennibell - OH, I love these!!!

suzi failing - I love those stars——–love yours

jill - oh i looove them all! Who knew they made necklaces too! going on the list…. =D

DLG in Mich - Those stars are very fun. I’d love one for my kitchen!

Jenna - I LOVE the stars! How beautiful and fun …

Elizabeth Claassen - I liked the robot as much as you did… though the more I looked at him the more it felt like he stared back at me! hahaaha! What an fun and wacky and artistic site! Thanks for sharing! El.

Angie P - LOVE!!!

Laura Kelley - would love to be entered. So awesome.

jodi @ back40life - what great stars – so pretty!

Shairee Bass - piggy & dirt!! THAT is the funnest name for a store – ever!

Britanie - I’ve been contemplating purchasing some Baker’s Twine for awhile now, it’s just so pretty, and tempting! And I need to get a star necklace for my mother-in-law, she would LOVE it!

Hannah O - LOVE the marriage/wedding/anniversary star – would be the perfect gift for my parents on their 30th this month..

Misty - Pretty, fun and unique! Thanks for sharing.

LaRae - so lovely. I would love a whole row of them in my window to relax with and enjoy!

Timalee - I agree, ruffle streamers are too fun to make, I way over did it with them for my daughters birthday this weekend. At least the house will be all happy, I might just have to leave them up til Christmas! And those stars are gorgeous!

Kim - Adorable necklaces!

Carly - I love love love the stars! Going to buy a couple if I win the giveaway or not 🙂

Amy - I would love to win a star like that. I always check them out at craft fairs! P.S. I love your blog… addicted.

Jenn - Beautiful stars!

Liesl - I wouldn’t know where to start–which one to chose, where to hang them, who else to give them to! Love them!!

Lisa - LOVE!

Lisa - I would love to win one for my mom, my shining star who cares for my dad with alzheimer’s.

Sheila P. - Turqs and Cake Ohs! pretty cool. Want.

Cat - L.O.V.E stars! Count me in!!!

Jamie - So many pretty things! Those stars are just beautiful!!

Marie - I love the whimsy of those stars! So cute 🙂

Jena - Love atlantic ocean, swimming pool, cinnamon star! So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!

Christy - So cool, I love these. My favorite is the teal one.

Kathyrn - The stars are wonderful! Count me in!

Amy R. - I would love one of these in my sunroom window!

Bridget Whittredge - Those stars are AMAZING! Love, love handmade and glass! SO AWESOME! Hook me up asap!

Kathie Whisman - I need one of those for work…so I can turn it into my “happy” place 🙂

Lydia Skaggs - I’ve been looking for a cute way to add color to my kitchen and those stars are perfect!

Heather M. - So pretty! I love the colors and textures!

Denine - I love your star. You have 5 kids right? Your star is perfect for your family. I have 5 kids too.

Cindy Nguyen - how lovely! ♥

Amy - You always find the CUTEST stuff! 🙂

zoraya - You are right, those stars make me smile. I would love to win.

Darlene - I love the stars, especially the ones with the faces in the center.

Erin T. - Love these stars and I love your blog!
Have a happy holiday weekend.

Kimberly Ray - I had never heard of them before! Thanks for the great tip!

Tessa - They are gorgeous! So fun!

Ann Parsell - The stars are beautiful!

Jen - Love them!

Laura - I would the love star with the dogwood flower in the middle. Reminds me of my Grandmother who recently passed away. She had a dogwood tree in her yard that my Grandfather planted for her. So beautiful 🙂

robbie - everyone needs a little star power.

Dee - Those are gorgeous! I’m perusing their shop right now. 🙂

Rebekah Withey - So cute! I love stars. They’re sparkly and shiny and remind me that Jesus loves me : )

the.mrs - oh my. did you see the ‘swing on a star’ necklace? too cute to handle.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I’m loving the swimming pool star. It’s perfect.

Chelsea - i love all the colorful glass!

kristen - Love it – I would NEED one in red. reminds me of my dad’s beautiful stained glass work. he can’t make us anything now due to alzheimer’s.
wouldn’t it be fun with lots of them on a christmas tree and LOTS of little white lights!!
Pick Me!!

Becky - I love the stars!

alyssa - didn’t you know I love stars?!

Kristin - Those stars are amazing!! I agree that they are true “art”! Love them!

Angela - Thanks for sharing such beautiful finds!

Leigh Anne @Yourhomebasedmom - I have purchased a star from Kurt before for a friend of my daughter’s. We gave it to her on the one year anniversary of her mother’s death. We had a beautiful quote about stars being the windows to heaven on the star. Not only was the star beautiful but the packaging was amazing! I almost didn’t want to open it. Would love a star of my own.

Amanda - love love love those happy, pretty stars!

Morgan - I LOVE the necklaces!! What creative pieces!

Stacey - They are gorgeous and make me smile!! 🙂

Stephanie campbell - Im a new reader of your blog and I love it! I’m also in live with that baker’s twine. 🙂

Hanna - You have a great blog Meg I check it out all the time.

Tiffany - love. love. love all of these stars!!! I think I will be purchasing one for my bestie for her birthday and…..maybe one for me too! 🙂

Beth - I just visited their etsy store the other day. I rEaLLy want a star necklace! I’m an elementary school teacher, and I like to wear hApPy jewelry. SO beautiful… 🙂

Stacey - I would love a star to hang in my kitchen to represent the 5 members in our family….these are so cute!

lindsey - It IS happy art, isn’t it! I am obsessed with stars. Love them!

tara - What are the chances that I will win one? I’m comment # 482.
but, I can’t help but try…these are the prettiest creations ever.

Ellen J - How gorgeous!!!!

Tracy - I hate to admit I’ve never heard of them before – oops. BUT I DO love what I’ve seen and would LOVE to win the gift card so please enter me to win – purty please! 🙂

Secret Mom Thoughts - beautiful stars!

Robin - The stars are delightful!

Erin Whitney - So cute!! I just found out today that I’m expecting another little boy, due in January! I’d love to have something to hang in his room! 🙂

melody - I want lotsa lotsa stars! Their beauty is hypnotic.

alise - the stars are gorgeous. thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Dena - I agree – happy stuff!!!

Dawn Gahan - In love. Period.
(It’s what so great about the blog world . . . we chance upon beautiful things that we wouldn’t have otherwise. Thank you, Meg.)

sam - stars, stars, stars. they make me so happy. the only tattoo i have is a star. so fun! thanks for posting!

Amy - Beautiful stars!! I would love them to hang in my kitchen window, to look at while I lovingly wash my family’s dishes. Ha!!
Really beautiful!

megan - i like the color of the 5 inch kiwi
and the metal letters…to spell our last name
fun stuff!!

Jeannie P - a star with five different patterns to represent your five different kiddies:) so cool! must check out the site! thank you tons!

Elizabeth - I StumbledUpon your site and the first thing I see are THOSE STARS! Oh my word, they are so lovely. I have a clerestory window that I would hang a whole galaxy of those in.
Beautiful site, I will be back.

Regina - I’ve loved, loved, LOVED those stars for quite a while now, but still don’t own one. Here’s hoping! 🙂

Sarai - These are beautiful!! I liked the blue thistle.I would also have to have a necklace!!

Cindy - absolutely beautiful and happy stars! love em!

Erica - Love the colors and the sense of light!
Have a great long weekend!

Molly L - They ARE so happy and beautiful! Would love to own one!

julie - Pretty! Pretty!

Leah G - You are a hoot:) I am enjoying being a “newbie” to your blog!

Arlene - Oh my goodness these stars are GORGEOUS!

Kathy - PICK ME, PICK ME!!!(thats not too obnoxious-is it?) Love Kurts stars! It would be a great way to kick off my birthday month!
• ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ░H░A░P░P░Y░(¯”•.¸*♥♥♥* to me!!!!
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Sonya - I just ordered for the first time from Kurt – but sadly, it is not for me. I bought it as a gift for my step mom, who LOVES stained glass creations. So, now I’m hoping to win this so I can have one for myself!

ViVOchic - Great stuff. Very Beautiful way to capture the light.

katherine - Yay! I love their stars.

Brandi - I just want you to know that since I stumbled upon your blog I’m incorporating more color into my life. It brings me great joy to move away from being a beige girl. These little stars would brighten my day as well.

Karen - What a neat shop! Would love to get 3 stars! Each for my 3 beautiful daughters!! 🙂

Amy - How beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Jenn N - I just recently came upon this site and just loved it. So, so beautiful!

jess - so beautiful!!!

Stephanie C. - These are fantastic!

Megan - love the turquoise in the centre of the star – beautiful!

Amy - Ooh, I need those letters!! Or a necklace!! Or….I love it all. 😉

kim - oh my I love those stars! just discovered them today and would love to win one!

Angela Storm - Those are beautiful! I love the imperfection and how it all just works!

Madelyn - I have 22 of these stars laid out on my floor at the moment! Trying to decide what to do – what to do!! I give them as gifts every chance I get!
Love them!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama

Tina - such beautiful stars!


Anne @ Baking Me - Wow these are so cool! I love the checkerboard koi!

Lana - I often wonder why didn’t I think of that?!? Love them.

Jessica L. - so pretty!!!

TankTop - I love those!

Mandi Humphrey - I need a star…I need lots of them for a big window in my living room…beautiful.

Nikki - I would love a few stars for my windows during the long winter!

Lisa - I want the red star with the blue center. Yes, please.

Hilarie - I love these, I’ve been drooling over them for a while now…

Amy - I love these stars! One would look wonderful in our kitchen window. Our 6 month old would love to look at it!

Wendy - love the stars! So pretty and peppy!

Carrie - I would love a star for our front room … or a necklace. All so beautiful!!!

lacey poag - artfully beautiful. would love to have one in my window!

holly lang - ohhhhh love………pick me 🙂

jill - i love these! one of the hanging stars would make a great present for my brother and sister-in-law as a housewarming present!

Amy Moon - Ooooh! La! La! Yes please! These are wonderful, bunderful stars, and I adore them!

Heidi Henderson - Those are really neat, would surly brighten any dreary day!

Andrea Rauhut - LOVE the stars! Thanks!

Katie Holeman - i just adore those stars! So beautiful!

Staci - Soooooo beautiful!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!!

Trena - Love! they are so beautiful. I love the one you picked…your fav colour in the middle. Did you pick 5 different textures to represent your 5 kiddos? I think you did! AMAZING!

robin - i have seen these beauties before and would LOVE to but a “twinkle twinkle little star” in my sweet daughter’s new bedroom 🙂 <3 thanks 🙂

Jess - Love the stars. Can I have one just like yours?

jamie - i would like a pretty star please and thank you.

Kimmie - So beautiful! Hanging in a window they would make you smile on even the worst day 🙂

Juli - Is that Divine Twine? Love that stuff!

robyn - these stars are beautiful!

Shelly - I love baker’s twine for wrapping gifts! I think the wrapping that a package come in can be just as beautiful and as much as a blessing to the reciever as the gift itself! Cool Shop.

Sandy - I love stars! WOW it’ll be hard to choose!

Alicia Ellison - Love the robot. It’s so fun. The colors are great! Thanks for sharing.

Candy - I love stars! That jewelry makes me drool just a bit! Love it!

natalie - beautiful!

Camm Taylor - I would love to have gobs of stars hanging in my windows! Love them!

Annie - Love em! they are so cute! I would love to hang on in my house

Amanda Jo - Pick me! Pick me!!
This just is great!! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

kendra - i love stained glass–was my grandpa’s hobby for a long time. too bad he’s not around, he and i could strike it rich together the way things like this are so popular amongst “young people” now! 🙂

Danielle - Love these – would send one to my daughter at university – she starting first year and we just dropped her off!

Heather - OOOooooo!!! Stars are my favorite!! I even have 3 tattooed on my feet! This would be a fabulous prize!

Jessica - These ARE happy stars. I would love to own one…or ten. 🙂

Andrea - I would love to have one of these!

Tanya H - THIS is fabulous! You find the coolest things!!! I love the necklaces and the idea of hanging them in windows!

Denise - Would love a chance to win! Thanks:)

Roberta - These are gorgeous. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

Heather Crawford - YES, I saw the stars on NieNie’s blog…awesomeness…i WANT one!!!

JustMommer - Love the bakers twine, stars, so many pretties!

Halley - Had never heard of them before, now I want a necklace!

april - Love it all.

Tiffanie - Wonderful! I love it all!

Traci COlquhoun - I would LOVE LOVE one of these stars!!!!!

ingrid lapp - o my stars, I love them.

ellen - you’re right — so many awesome designs…
be a toss up between Atlantic Star, Blue thistle or diminutive rosy.

Sandra K - Would love to win, thanks!

robin - I have stars tattooed on my neck, that’s how much I love stars…what an awesome store!

Prairie Mama - I love stars….more than hearts. I’m just quirky like that….And bakers twine, I need to get some before the holidays!

Emily - LOVE THIER STUFF! Oh the stars are just amazing! Thanks for the introduction and chance to win.

Sonya - I’m a huge fan of the stars!!! Love them!

Nicole - This are so beautiful! I love the one with the postage stamp in the middle! How creative!

Tara - Oh pick me, pick me! I would LOVE to have one of these hanging on my window by my kitchen sink…they are so pretty:)

Heather - So beautiful! Love them…

holly s - What a beautiful shop! This is real art for sure. Thank you for this fun giveaway!

Karen Giddings - Love them. I really like Lucy in the Sky stars. 😀

Carrie - Love these! The window stars will be so lovely and bright hanging in the windows in the winter, to bring in some color!

jeana - i’ve been wanting some of these!

katie s - so, so many stars I love! Loving the necklaces!

Jes - I love the star you choose, my favorite as well!

Kerstie - Love the stars….. and that robot makes me giggle.

Andrea - Thank you for yet ANOTHER introduction to inspiring, beautiful, handmade art for my home! Those stars are so happy!

Elma - Oh what a fabulous giveaway!!! They are beautiful what better to hang on your windows!!!

lindsey - i would love to have a star of my very own! 🙂

Amy M in Indiana - Beautiful!!

eliz. - love them. hope I win

Becky J - Hi Meg…I would LOVE to hang one of these stars over my kitchen sink!! pretty please 🙂

Courtney Henson - Oh these are super cute! I’m going to go check out their shop right now!

Stacy M - What a happy thing. Love them, the necklaces are awesome!

Gretchen - Would love to get one of those beautiful stars in my hot little hands!

beth e. - I LOVE the orange patterned star. It would be like sunshine in the window everyday, helpful on vancouver island where 3 seasons of the year we see a LOT of rain!

Jen - The stars are great, and I adore baker’s twine!!

Lori - September 1st! We have survived two full weeks, plus one day, of school! (I am a teacher—–and a mother) I would LOVE something from Piggy and Dirt to celebrate!!!!!!!! Pretty please?

Jessica - I LOVE stained glass! I used to make simple pieces with my dad when I was younger. This brings back memories! They are perfectly lovely!

Laura W. - Would love to win! LOVE those stars.

kim smart - what beautiful stars!! i would definitely love to win! thanks for the chance! oh, i love the robot too!

Marla Rae - ohhhh absoooooooolutely darling. love the star and your blog.

Jill - Oh my stars! I love them! So pretty…

Jill - I would love one of those stars!

Becky Z - Love the stars. So does my son! 🙂

Alicia - Beautiful…I love them!

Jennifer - love the stars…

rychelle - the rainbow twine! i die!

Krista - Oh I absolutely love those stars! And yours is gorgeous.

Lisa - Seriously how would I choose?! Such fun and beautiful things. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Yes…would love to win!

Caroline - ohh, the necklaces are so sweet!!!

Jennifer - Very cool! I like the one you got and the five green cranberry stars. I would love to have some to hang in my window.

Sarah A. - I love them. *sigh*

jen smith - how did you pick just one?! i guess i would have to say ‘lucy in the sky tickled pink’ simply because my 8 year old daughter sings that song on rockband and it’s a hoot to listen to.

Jennifer - Those stars are so awesome! I want to win!!

Jenna - I was surprised to see you got the clear one with your love of colors! However…it is just gorgeous. I love the different glass. Nice choice 🙂

Melissa Hill - Would love to win!

Stacy - Those are some happy stars!

Teri B - What an awesome shop!

Ani W - Such gorgeous things. I LOVE the star jewelry!

AmyM - So fun! The glass is beautiful! Love the different textures. And love, love, love all the different colors of bakers twine!!!! Fav!! Ribbon and twine–always a great thing!!

Janel - Love these cute stars! They are so FUN!!

Betsey - The stars and the necklaces are most fun! Love it!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa - Me! Me! Me! I love stars!!!!!!!

Tami - Would love one of these to put on my front porch. Beautiful!

Suzanne - I have given a star to a 16 year old ballerina. I would love to start my own collection. Love the way it comes packaged too. Such care and love!

Amber Myers - What a nice pop of color that would be hanging in a window! Thanks for the giveaway, crossing my fingers!!

Jemm - Wow those are cool! So creative. I’m already picking out spots where they could go 🙂 I love that bakers twine too.

Jennifer - Wow, I just went to the shop to see what my fav would be, and I couldn’t choose at all. They are all so charming. Great items.

Kelly - I love their stars. I have been wanting to get one forever.

Nancy - Beautiful glass things! They’d make any space happy!

Lexie - Abosolutely beautiful!!! Stars have such a special meaning to me. One of those necklaces needs to have a home around my neck!

Dena - These stars are lovely and would make great gifts! Thanks for sharing!

Laura - Happy art is wonderful, especially in its simplicity. Love what the star means to you.
lauramlyons at gmail dot com

Kate - They are so cheery!

Megan - I love the robot! I bet it casts such pretty colors and shapes on the wall!

Melissa - I’d love to win!!!!!!!

Tracy - I want to get a star for each of my kids.

Shelly foster - Ahhhhh….beautiful ! My fingers (and toes) are crossed ! I really need one for baby boys nursery 🙂 !

erin j - I had not heard of piggy&dirt. Those stars are adorable! Now I want one too.

Emily - Another great find!!! Thank you for sharing. I love your taste. Your favorites become my favorites. 🙂

Heidi Durant - I found out about these stars from the nieniedialogues. I love them. I love how they are the same but totally different. Great decor piece for any house, especially mine!!!!!!

Liz - So so so amazing. I have feelings of great want. Absolute beautiful!

Karen - Those stars are so fun! I love all kinds of colored glass and those stars are especially cheery and nice.

Catherine Murphy - Adorable stars!

sarah - I have so many places in my house in need of cheery stars!

Chris - Beautiful

Kristin Hayne - I would LOOOOOOOOOOVE one of their stars!!! Thank you for sharing!!

lauren - beautiful stars! i would love to have one to hang and admire! 🙂 *

Sarah Osborne - I would want one like your turquoise one! so cute!

Robyn B - Those stars are awesome! I want some….

tiffany m gardner - So So So Pretty!!!!!

valerie - Love, love, love! So beautiful. Pick me! 🙂

Sharla - No, I’ve never seen these before!! How beautiful and cute.

Jenny W - All these beauties make my heart go pitter patter!

Jennifer - Love them!

Lindsay - i love stained glass! i even bought some similar stars for a gift this year!
i would love my own.

jenni - Andy and I started dating, and were married (years later) over the Fourth of July weekend… We tied in a subtle star theme that day, and have forever considered stars a symbol of our relationship. We’d LOVE to own a Knudsen star (or two or three…)!!! The one you chose is beautiful.

Alice H - so cute! I can’t believe you didn’t get the 5 pointed rainbow star!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Heidi Devereaux - Your blog is always such a constant source of positive energy….thank you for that. You are a star yourself!

Becky K. - Thanks for introducing me to Piggy&Dirt. Their stars are so pretty!

Jennifer W. - LOVE those stars!!! I love looking at each center, so different from all the others. 🙂

Emily H. - I love the stars! They would be awesome to hang in my kitchen window. I could stare at them while doing dishes.

SusanA - We’re decorating our son’s bedroom with yellow stars. A couple of those glass stars would look awesome in his windows! Awesome!

rachel beverlin - I love those…I could definitely find a place for those in my house!

beth davis - I have a star, too!! I love mine – it’s hanging in my kitchen – and it makes me happy!!

jessica kiehn - Love qhen people can express themselves through something like that. Very cool!

Jill - I love the robot. Great colors!

Elisabeth F - Wow! These are amazing, I love them! Thanks for introducing them 😉

Gabrielle - Love your site, Meg and love this new shopping site as well! Have already found one star that will make a perfect gift for a good friend!

Jody - I am a big fan..Love their daughter’s blog too…they make beautiful things.

Holly - Just Beautiful!

Candis - The stars are adoreable…. so happy!

adrienne - very cool!

Rebecca - We have a name star with rainbow points for my sons bedroom, the clear with cranberry centers for our Christmas tree…I guess it’s high time I get in gear and order the new baby her own name star, wouldn’t want anybody to get jealous.
They make me happy hanging around the house!

Stephanie - my dad use to do stained glas…maybe, just maybe i can try try try to convince him to bring it out again?!?!?! gotta go look at his site and maybe order know, just to have an inspiration piece 🙂

Rachel - Tooo cute!

lisa - I love the stars and your last picture from the side, the detail is amazing. I often use pictures to buy with my mind and keep in mind for later, I have added this site for some Christmas gifts and also maybe a little something for me! Love your blog! you start my day off with a smile. thank you!

melissa erin - of course i will leave you a comment to win some free beauties. 🙂 love your blog!

natalie (the sweets life) - i LOVE her stuff! pick me pick me 🙂

Donna - That robot would fit right in at our house!

Lynn - I love all their starts but the 5 Points 11 Petals and Red All Over is my favorite!

Kate S. - I love those stars. I would pick out a star with orange in it – my favorite color!

Valerie Alexander - Love this site!! Beautiful stars and that twine is lovely. So many uses!

Lora - Oh my stars! They’re gorgeous!

Jen - I love the store!
Thanks for sharing.

stacy - Love the stars. you picked the exact one i would have. so pretty.

AmyJ - Love these! Thank you so much for sharing your find. They will make great gifts for every age group. Love!

Meredith Salmon - I love stars and can not wait to check out their shop. Again thanks for the good find. I would never know about half of the stuff I love, if you had not found it first.
Love the glass robot, my 2 yr old is totally into robots right now and doing a robot dance.

TonyaElise - Super cute! I’d love to have some of those in my kitchen window!

Shawna - Lovin Dainty Dollie!

nora - that photo of the twine makes me happy. random!

Virginia Bibler - gorgeous! so many beautiful things!

brinn - thanks for the chance to win such awesomeness.

Katrina - I totally picked the one you have as my favorite from the pics up top! They’re beautiful. I would love to have some for my porch.

Stephanie - Love them! 🙂 I would pick the MOST colorful one they have! 🙂

Jennifer - Love the stars! How do you even begin to decide which one to pick? They are all FAB!

Jennifer - So pretty! Would love a bunch of these! Thanks for sharing!

Gina in Louisville - LOVE those stars. They make me happy.

Diana D - Oh! These are gorgeous! I love the creativity and meaning behind each one also….the little stories embedded in them make them all the more special. Very cool!

Anne-Marie P - Love the one you picked. So simple.

Sandy W - I LOVE those stars!! I am headed over there right now to check it all out.

Anna Marie - oh wow, no I hadn’t ever seen that shop…cute stars

Maria - Those are wonderful…I would love Vivaldi with a red center in the kitchen window!!

Carrie - Love the star necklaces!!

Sarah - I love how perfectly imperfect they are! so cute!

Robin Canter - swooning with you! I have stars on the inside AND outside of my house. Now I need one in my window and around my neck! Love em!

Jennifer R - Beautiful!! I would LOVE one or many of these!

Kelly - Love that shop!

Rebecca - I had never seen but thanks for sharing!

christine - i love stars. the word “stern” (star in german) was one of my son’s first words, & he has a whole bunch of them in his room (mini barn stars, he picked out the colours.) i think one of these bright happy stars would be the perfect addition to his room. 🙂

Amy M - So, so pretty. I do believe I need one.

Lindsay E. - Their stars are absolutely gorgeous! I love the necklaces too! 🙂

Marla - beautiful stars

tricia - their shop is awesome! I bought my mom a star from there for Christmas last year:)

rosemary - Thanks for sharin all the Happy here! Love the stars!

Jenny - These would be perfect for my daughter’s 1st bday party! Her name is Macy and we are having a “the magic of Macy’s” bday party, playing off of the star from Macy’s department store 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway opp!

Sarah Alcantara - gorgeous!!! Love these stars!

Lyndsay - loveliness! now that i’ve seen them, my kitchen window won’t look quite right till it has one! 🙂

Leslie - Spicy!

Christy - Beautiful!!

Patricia - I love this and love how Nie, Nie from The Nie~Nie Dialogues uses them at the beginning of each school year. Would love to get one for my son. Thanks so much for posting about these too and for the chance for a give-away. Your the best Meg!!

amie - Lovely indeed. Very creative and unique. Thank for introducing Piggy and Dirt. 🙂

Meredith - How adorable!! These are amazing. I would LOVE to own one!

Karline - Great shop! Thanks.

Angela Miller - That robot is the bees knees! Love Piggy&Dirt. Love. Love.

Jennifer Ensor - They are all gorgeous! I would love one of each 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Would love to have the difficult task of finding just one thing to buy in their shop w/ that gift card! :o)

Janelle - So pretty!

Deb A. - Love them! Would love to win! Thank you.

Kirsten Dehmlow - So pretty! I know I will be doing some Christmas shopping in this shop.

Jamie Forsyth - I’ve got just the spot for one of those beautiful stars–where the sun shines in and bathes my home in loveliness!!

linda - such fun art! all of it whimsical and fun! would be so so hard to pick a favorite–love something about all of them!

Amy - I am coveting those beautiful star necklaces!!

Adrienne S - Beautiful!

Deanna - Beautiful! It would be hard to choose – they are all so pretty!

angela - oh my…i just fell in love with hazel!

MeganM - Twinkle, twinkle….these stars are fabulous! Even if I don’t win the gift certificate, I’ll be purchasing a few!

Jermaine D. - Love the stars! I have a similar one from an artist in NC and they would go great together! I also don’t think i have ever seen that many colors of bakers twine, so fun!

Shauna - Ive seen them on nienie and have always wanted one!

Maria - So cool! I think I am going to have get some too!

Allison - Cool stuff, thanks for sharing!

karen peachey - cute cute stars!

Lisa Tyner - I would give it to my Nanie to hang in her window.

Jenny - I love these stars to pieces. I know what my next purchase will be! You are always linked to the coolest things. I would probably have more money if I didn’t read your blog…lol!

Franny - Oh my heavens I’m in love!

Amy Coose - Oh, I am a star fanatic, and I love their shop! Thanks for a chance to win.

Dayna - LOVE the stars!!

Charisse - LOVE! Is this shop located in Newton? I’m less than an hour north of there.

Michele - Ohhh the Atlantic Ocean Star is yummy. And the twine is such pretty, pretty goodness.

jackie - So many to choose from!!! I would love one hanging in my kitchen window.

Amanda Larkins - Those are gorgeous! I would love one for my daughter’s room!!

Brittany - So pretty! Thanks for the shop info!

Misha - Yours is a beautiful choice! Adorable necklaces too!

Annika - What beautiful sun catchers! Great find!

julie - Fabulous dah-ling!!

beckyk - oh my word! sometimes the internet surprises me with a treat like this one. thanks for sharing! I’d LOVE one!

Jayne Barbour - I have been admiring these for awhile after seeing them on Nie’s site. I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE the blue and red one. I think it has a fun name like “3rd grade potholder” and it makes me so happy. One day I will own one or three or five. I want them hanging in my windows:)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer - The robot as amazing!

Amanda Angert - Wow, that shop is AMAZING! I love the dancing hazel star 🙂 Very sweet.

Rachel Newswanger - Count me in!

Lisa - We should all fill our homes with happy things!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I love when you highlight some of your favorite artists. Just checked out their shop. The “Spicy” star makes me smile. I want to add more orange to my home.

Lucie - Wonderful! You picked out a nice one!

Tara M. - I am in love with the necklaces! I’m having a giveaway on my blog too!

carly - love this store. thanks for recommending!!

Simply Lanny - I would love to win … how fun !

Michelle from Australia - I have always LOVED stars. Hearing over to the etsy shop now! Thanks for the tip Meg.

Lisa - I saw these on NieNie and have wanted one ever since, but it wasn’t in my budget 🙁

Meaghan - Beautiful art! I want a green one!

Mar - Love stars! I imagine them in my daughters room window. Love the pink one 🙂
thanks for sharing.

Sherry - Love the stars but would also love the twine…FUN stuff!!

Charla - I have drooled over Kurt’s fabulousness for awhile and haven’t yet chosen the perfect piece for our NEW home! I wanna win, K?

Donna - Love the star necklaces!! Thanks for the giveaway:)

Mindy Harris - so THAT’s where you can find baker’s twine!

Corey Villicana - Oooohh… The stars are beautiful and the bakers twine… to die for! xoxo

Rebecca W - love stars, love these! so great!
oh please can i win? 🙂

pam - I have no idea what you do with Baker’s Twine….but I love their stars. I already picked out my favorite. Giveaways are so fun to do aren’t they?

Rachelle | TinkerLab - what a generous giveaway! the stars are gorgeous and i love all the little details too. thanks, meg!!

Ali - I am in LOVE with those happy stars! SO beautiful! Your craft room is the perfect happy spot for it too 🙂 (fingers crossed)

Jen@ADropintheBucket - Love, love, love all of the stars and baker’s twine. I don’t even know what I would do with the twine, but seems like something fun could come from it!! You always find the most colorful, fun stuff!

Lisa - I love your blog, and would love to win!

se7en - Oh the stars are the best on this earth!!! Love them!!!!

Leah - Love it! That start is gorgeous. I’d buy a similar one and hang it in my kitchen window … since I’m always in my kitchen starring out the window.

nicki - These would be so amazing in an east- or west-facing window…they really are neat! I love the necklaces too. I recognized a lot number of them from NieNie’s posts.

Jennifer - Such pretty little stars! I would love to have a necklace!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my goodness! Thank you for introducing me! These are beautiful.

Cassie - Oh…I know just where I would put one of these…actually, I know just where I could put 3! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

carrie h - I would love to have one of the star necklaces!! So cute! Or a big one too, or lots of them, yup, lots of them! 🙂

Michelle - They are beautiful! I’d love to hang one in my kitchen window. Thanks for sharing!

Robyn - Love to have a “super star”…please

Cindy - Love these! The swing on a star neckace is adorable!!

Kat - Beautiful!
I love your choice, simply yet beautiful.
Blue is your colour!

Linda - WOW i love the stars. But i think the twine is my favorite. I’m a total push over when it comes to rainbow colors

Mary Ferrara - wow, so lovely! These are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

Cheri Greenwood - I’m so glad I found your blog today – I will “thank my lucky stars” if I win!

lauren - oh my…i think i will be doing some Christmas shopping there…maybe a gift for me first.

Tina C - Sooooo cool!! I recently started reading his daughter Katy’s blog – No Big Dill – what a talented family! I would love to own one of his creations 🙂

sarah - oh love these happy stars!

Katie - I love those starts. So beautiful!

Kim - Those stars make me happy 🙂

Mary Wilbur - I love the stars – they are absolutely beautiful!!

Mae - so in love w/ these stars! the green is calling to me…

Kristi - so pretty.

Melissa - I love the way the light filters through the glass! Thanks for sharing!

Linda B - What fun and beautiful things!

amy rhodes - It was great meeting you this weekend, Meg. I love your blog and love the stars.

Penny - What beautiful Stars! I loved the colors and the style. Yours is perfect. I would love to win.

Megan - Preeeetty.

Terrie - Love stained glass…and that twine… I swooned!

Ashley - I think those are beautiful! My grandfather is dying with Alzheimer’s and I would love to hang one of those beauties in his room, because he is my STAR!

Linda - I was checking out those stars just the other day. They are beautiful.

Erin - I love these! It’s going to be hard to decide which one to get!

Dianne - Thanks for the giveaway! I love the twine. The stars are wonderful too!

Tonya - those stars put a smile on my face. would love really love to have one to own..

Jennifer - Love all their dreamy stars!! 🙂

Maria - I think I’ll start a star collection…they are Beautiful! and would make a great Christmas gift.

Karie - Beautiful stuff!

Erin - Think these are so fun! Really like the jewelry too! I could definitely find something here to hang in my home! Thanks for the chance to win!

mandy - the stars are beautiful. thank you for sharing

Susan harris - They would look beautiful in my sunroom!

Jen N. - Their glasswork is awesome, and I’d love to just display those gorgeous spools of twine…so colorful!

karen - i love the star you chose! i can see why it’s so hard to make a choice.

Kim Gayeski - love them – gorgeous!

Andrea - Absolutely and officialy IN LOVE.
NEED some stars badly!!!!!

Kathi - So jealous wish I had a happy space of my own. Love your blog, read daily.

josephine - So beautiful! Yes please.

Katie - I love these! I checked out the page, so hard to choose my favorite!I do LOVE the Christmas Window Decor in a Box- Stars Galore!

Sylwia - Love it! This makes me smile:)

Katie - I would like to win me some jewelry! (did I spell that right?)

Jessica R - Those are super cute! 🙂

G. - love it! so cute. I really like the star necklaces. 🙂

julie - A bunch of these stars would be so cool in my kid’s bedroom window. Thanks for the chance.

beth - Beautiful stuff! I can see why your decision was so hard. That robot is hilarious.

Samantha - I LOVE STARS! Their stars are GORGEOUS! Dumb ? maybe, but what is bakers twine used for? It looks much to pretty to use in the kitchen…

Janet - THe start necklaces are absolutely stunning-thanks for sharing.

Katy - Need one of those stars to hang in my kitchen!

Rachel B. - Rainbow ‘Round Your Star necklace—wow!

Jenny Logan - There are SO many to choose from!! Such beautiful work. =)

Christina - i love these- esp the Atlantic star!

april - I love the stars and the metal letters. I would have a star in every room.

Christy B. - Beautiful stuff! Thanks for sharing the link & the opportunity to win some shopping money! Happy stuff!

steph - so awesome!
i’ve been drooling over these stained glass stars for a couple years now.
dang intranet! ha ha ha!
please pick me!!! 🙂

The Lovely One - I love the necklaces! My favorite is the tiny glass bubble star!

Ann r - How beautiful – thanks for sharing!

Mary Beth - I recognized that stuff from NoBigDill’s website! and one thing I love is some FREE SHIPPING!

colleen from alabama - How I wonder how much i would love one of those necklaces! Beautiful!

Trudy - Adding Piggy & Dirt to my favorites! Love those stars!!

Heidi - That banner is great! And the bakers twine. Oh, the bakers twine! Love.

Ryanne - What a lovely giveaway. Thank you.

Carla - If I could I would smatter dozens of stars at the top of one of our windows. So happy. Thanks for the chance….

Debbie Smallie - Love all of the stars….could use some happy in this house!!

Julie Wearmouth - The stars are so unique and cute; I’d love to have one of them!

Kimberly C. - love those stars! so cute 🙂

Michelle - Oh, how I love those stars! I am going to their shop right now!! I love the star you chose, Meg! Each star point is so unique and different! The turquiose blue in the middle is GORGEOUS!!! I may have to get a star for a Christmas gift!!!!

Bernice - I love the star you chose! Very beautiful.

Jen - Ohhhhhh!!! I love that banner! Adorable!

Bailey C - Fabulously, wonderfully, beautiful stuff! Thanks for the chance to win and for sharing!

Barbara - When I let the dog out at night and look into the heavens, I feel like I’m looking at God’s face when I see all the stars. I like stars.

Julie - Breathtaking- I would hang one in my new classroom. All students should reach for the stars! But not literally… wouldn’t want it to break!

Kirsten P - The stars are beautiful! And I’d love to wrap a gift with the bakers twine.

Noreen Johnson - Gorgeous works of art! How could one not smile when looking at them?

natalie - i would love to cover our bay window with those stars. they are so beautiful.

shannon - WOW! I have no idea how you narrowed it down! but you made a great choice! 😀

Julie L. - Gorgeous!! I would totally smile every time I saw the star if I had one in my house. 🙂

Sarah D - These are beautiful!

*Alex* - I love the Sing on a Star Necklace & the Anchors Away Star! So cute! 🙂

Meggan D. - These are WONDERFUL! So fun and full of life! I can’t wait to get one of for my kitchen!
Thanks for sharing!

Myriah Mae - LOVE this!! I mean IN LOVE!!

Jacqui - Me …… pick me 🙂

Heather - Oh how pretty! I am loving the Sparkling Grape star, and the necklaces….especially the Button Star Necklace! LOVE!

julia - What the heck??? I love these! Where did you learn about them? Do they make their own stuff? Is this a Kansas store? Dang…reminds me of ornaments my mom had when I was a kid.

Mandy - Very cute stuff! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Torres - Oh wow!!!!! Would so Rock to win!!!!!!

rebecca e - Love this post and love your star! Thank you!

Jackie - I just love these stars — they are so pretty!

katherine - Oooo, I would love to win!! 🙂

Katie g - They are all beautiful!

Lisa - So lovely!

Aimee - OMG, I’m in LOVE! I am totally going to buy “2nd Grade Hotpad Redux” because its the colors of my kitchen/great room and I’m also eying “purple paper glass star”. There are so many I want!!

Melissa - Those are so cool and I LOVE stars!

sumshay - wow–i’ve never heard of them before! going to check out immediately. the details and colors are beautiful. one more thing to add to my wish list!

Susan - How awesome.

BriBedell - I would love some bakers twine!!!

Allison - Those are great! So happy 🙂 Thanks for the chance to enter.

Andrea - yay!

Stephanie R. - I love the stars!!! I could see one hanging over my kitchen sink…might make the chore a little more enjoyable 🙂

sue shermetaro - Love it all:)

Ella - Wow! What an awesome lil shop! So loving… Graceful Kelly & Granny Smith Apple stars (perfect for my kitchen). I also have my eye on Nantucket Beach star… might be a nice unexpected addition to our master bedroom.

Toni :0) - Sooo fun and so cool! Thanks for the chance to win! I just knew when I stopped here it would make me happy! :0)

Jenn - These are so cute! I love the one you picked, it is perfect!

The Orchard - I LOVE those! I adore that kind of art.
Thanks for sharing about them. I hope I win! Selfish of me, I know!

Melissa S - beautiful stars!

Corey - Absolute magic. And what a beautiful piece you chose. Thank you for sharing their shop!

SedonaMichelle - so, so beautiful! thanks for the opportunity!

Kellie B - I am in love with the stars!!

Jamie - Love glass!!

Melissa - I wish I learned how to do glass work in college. His work is so beautiful!

Carolyn mackie - I’ve never seen anything like this–they are beautiful!!

Jamie - Looks very fun!

Angela - gorgeous!!!

happygirl - oh my goodness. I would LOVE one of those stars. 🙂

Megan - Such beautiful work, I love it all!

Bethany - I love these stars! I think one would be fantastic for our new house. Thanks so much for sharing…I’m off to check out the site right now! 🙂

Joy - For the love of Pete. I didn’t see one single thing that I didn’t like. How unlikely is that? Pick me! Pick me!

barb c - seriously great stuff!!

Michelle - Purely joyous, all the way around!

Megan B - That robot is super fun. And your star is gorgeous. 🙂

Lisa - oooh! happiness!

Kasey - I love those stars!

Dawn - I had never been to Piggy & Dirt, until just now! The stars are amazing! I can think of several windows in my house that would love to be dressed up with them. They would also make a great house warming gift! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Stephanie Armstrong - super cute !!! my heart melts for the little robot guy 🙂

Jessica - awesome stars!! Would love one on my kitchen window!!

Suzanne - Sweet Stars! Would love to have one!

Dawn - So cool. I have a slight Americana thing going and I’d love to add one of these stars to my collection!

Libby Donovan - Oooooh—I love these! I think my kitchen NEEDS some!

Rachel - I love the name of the shop! Heading over to check it out right now…

Amy S. - What beautiful works of art! Inspiring, fun, and so colorful, too 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Beth K. - Love the stars! Beautiful work. A star would look great in an odd shaped window I have, so with every sunset the sun would come through. Of course I love the necklaces too! Thank you.

Stacey - Beautiful….I’d love to have one : )

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - ~EEK~ Those are fabulous! I just adore those stars!

Gretchen P - the stars are awesome!! they put a smile on my face after a log day!! i will have to get one. I love your favorite one! I am thinking Christmas gift ideas!! love

Kristin M - Lovely lovely stars! Both the big and the little ones on the necklaces. Did you see the Pale Summer necklace – oh my! I need it!

Jenn - Love, Piggy & Dirt. LOVE.

Southern Gal - I love the colorful glass! Thanks.

Catherine - Those stars are beautiful! My dad used to make stained glass pieces.

Mindi - Wow, a red star necklace? Guess if I don’t win I’ll have to drop some hints around Christmas time…

elissa - oh yes please! i adore those necklaces! shop is fun as kites… thanks for the chance….

Angie M - Fun art! Great gifts too!

sharon - i have always been a pink and white girl….but, the more time i spend on your blog the more i’m loving color! these stars are so happy. thank you for the chance to win!

Heather W. - These are gorgeous. I think my kitchen needs one!

brandi - such beautiful unique art. love them.

Jen - I have wanted one of these stars for a long time. I love the other items you highlighted, as well!

Kasey Laughlin - Those are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to get some of this happiness! 🙂

Donna - These stars are total awesome-ness! And baker’s twine, too….all happy stuff! I love your star. Great choice.

Melissa - Oooooo aaaaaaaaaah! Beeeeeautiful. Those stars really do make you smile!

Sarah - Love these!!

Caroline - I love them all! Would be tough to decide!

KatieD - Neat! Love the one you chose!

AmandaK - Can’t decide if the window stars or necklace stars are dreamier. Great gift!

Nicole - Beautiful…I love all of the patterns in the clear glass..

amanda - such fun stuff! baker’s twine has been on my shopping list for awhile – and of course I love all that stars!

Janie Fox - I love their stuff. I will have a hard time deciding a color!

Sarah - I am going to spend hours agonizing over which star to buy!

merlin - Oooooh, I would like one of those stars. Just one.

Julie - Yes, I like these! They are beautiful.

Shannon - Love love the necklaces!

Jessica Anne - very happy stuff!

Meg - So pretty!! I fear I will want everything when I go look at the store!

Julie - Oh I love their stars! I have visited their site a few times but could never decide on a color!

Sarah Wolfe - Love it too!

Crystal - Love them! Would love to win! Those necklaces are awesome!

Victoria Vicary - Would love to have a star!

Erin - Love all of it! So neat!

Rebecca - Love their shop! Lots of beautiful things!

Carrie Davis - YAY – love the necklaces 🙂

Wendy - All of the stars are so awesome! They make me smile … bc they make me think of my Mom 🙂 … and she was so awesome!

jill - Too gorgeous! I think you picked out the best one!

Elizabeth Flowers - Fun fun stuff! Yea for giveaways involving Baker’s Twine. 🙂

meghan - Those stars are just too cha cha for words!

Mrs. - And, their daughter has 5daughters! You can find her at
I’m a big fan of the whole family!

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