Masthead header


con: getting up at 6 AM is not fun for me…

pro:  there was a HUGE rainbow on the drive to the school bus today at sunrise.

(have you listened to the double rainbow song….please say yes….if not…go do it.)

pro: my kids bus stop is in the country.  it's beautiful
       and calm and quiet and no other cars around.
       i will try to take a picture sometime. 

pro:  holding babies in the nursery at BSF (bible study fellowship) this morning…rocking them to sleep

con:  missing BSF lesson to watch the babies.
        (one time in 3 or 4 months is ok) 

pro: shopping with my friend who sits and gives me input for almost 2 hours and then brings in the
       jeggings that saved the day.
       these pants are super cute and super comfy.
       they aren't as Olivia Newton John/sandra Dee as they appear….trust me!
       i bought a 31 (i am usually a 14/16)
       in the store they had 32 and 33 also….fyi.

       they actually aren't jeans…they are stretchy cotton.


con: never getting enough time together with my friend!

pro: getting an early birthday card with $25 Starbucks gift card!
       the perfect gift.   
       Venti iced coffee for me please!  

pro: finding an outfit for blog sugar, a starbucks and making it home in time to pick up my kids  :)

pro: kansas speed limits up to 75 mph.  

pro: everyone had homework!!!  i love homework.  not kidding.

pro:  PARENTHOOD is back on.  
        that makes me so happy. 

mostly pros outweigh the cons. 


i am taking some baby pictures today.
i am going for a run.
i am cleaning up my house….do you know if you are busy that your house gets dirty??  :) at least that is what happens here.  but it's weird….it gets dirty when we aren't busy too!
i am working on pictures i have taken.
i am writing a speech/talk/presentation/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. 
i am making meatballs for dinner.
i am …….

desperate for a nap. 

and for some reason i feel out of blog post ideas……anything you want to know or wish i'd talk about???


you can read about my favorite bag designer Elisalou over HERE and receive a coupon code for your bag!
come check that out.

also you can enter to win a Keurig and Green Mountain Coffee back here.



Janel - Where did you get those awesome sparkly shoes 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - I am desperate for a nap, almost always!!

Natalie - You really make me miss Kansas a lot. 🙂

Lana - I had no idea you did BSF! I am in year 7…never thought I’d make it that far! I love that I have sisters around the world that I am studying with and don’t even know 🙂 Yay for Acts!

julia - What local stuff do you do? Restaurants, gardens, pretty churches…that sort of thing.

Michelle Torres - I may not be one of the best commenters around, but it is a fact that I have to check out your awesome Blog every single day because you ROCK!!!!!! Love, Love your Blog!!!!!!!

Kristin S - Meg, Meg, Meg… you know these are my favorite posts of yours. The ones that are just normal, every day life. Though, you do a lot of those and that’s the main reason I follow your blog.
You also help me to step back and enjoy the little things in life as things go a bazillion miles an hour and can feel out of control.
Thank you.
I MAY try those jeggings. Just don’t know. The word still scares me… as I’m wearing leggings today and swore i’d never do that after 1987 either.

Lora ~ Charmed - I wish PARENTHOOD was on everyday!!

Ashley - I LOVE PARENTHOOD! It is seriously the best show ever! I would like to know if there are any devotional books that you would recommend?? I am 22 and have been looking for a really good one for a long time, but just haven’t found the right one yet! Also, since Christmas is coming up, I am wondering how you buy gifts for 5 children! Do you spend a certain amount on each child?? I hope you have a big family one day and just wonder how you and Craig do it! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

Michelle from Australia - I too am wondering whether you are taking Baby Mac photos? I know Jess is probably tired from what she’s had to do this week (insert laugh here!) but I’m hoping she’ll update soon!

Londen - Sounds like a good day, especially the starbucks gift card!
I always love seeing pictures of your awesome house…can you share more?

anna - share your testimony! tell us about your walk with Jesus and how your family incorporates your faith in daily life 🙂

Rachelle - I just recently found/discovered your blog and I’m completely enjoying your writing. I loved today’s pros/cons — such a calm ‘aaahhhh’ (sigh of contentment) moment. lovely. keep it up!

adrienne - I love reading whatever you write about! But since you asked .. 🙂 I am about 3 months along with my husband and I’s first baby and I would LOVE to hear some of your advice, tips or ideas for a new mom since I think you are an awesome one!

Meredith - Soooo what are you wearing to Blog Sugar? Did you find something to go with the sparkly shoes? Will be praying for your speech – that you’ll be calm and relaxed and fully able to enjoy it, rather than terrified:) I’ve just read Bear Grylls autobiography and he gets incredibly nervous when he speaks publicly. If Bear Grylls, former SAS trooper, part-super hero gets a wee bit nervous, I think you’re allowed to feel a little apprehensive too. It’ll just make you all the more endearing to the women gathered. Meredy xo

Toni :0) - You are so awesome and so real!! Your blog always makes me happy as does Starbies…mmmmm new Salted Caramel Mocha Frappachino makes ME happy! I love the idea of a question and answer segment with you and the love of your life. Also I think it would be cool for you to share how you are financially successful in your marriage, child rearing and the businesses you run, you are obviously doing something right that I believe we all could learn something from your good sense! Have a blessed day and thank you for sharing your awesome life with us! :0)

Kathryn - A question for you:
Is your home going to be on the historic homes of Newton tour this Sunday afternoon? Reply quick so I can extend my Saturday trip if I need to!!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I’m so jealous of your 75 mph speed limit! Although most people here in San Diego (including me!) drive at 70mph.
Yay for the early birthday present! Mine is coming up pretty soon too 🙂
I really love your blog. For some reason it always cheers me up, so just talk about whatever you feel like, it’s always great 🙂

kristina - anything you write about is great…even a pro/cons list 🙂

TamiV - I’d love to know what you plan on wearing with those jeggings. And…I;d love to see some more of your home. Love the bright colors and whimsical details in your living room, would love to see some more of your spaces.

Jenna@MomofManyHats - I love Pinterest posts! I can’t help sharing what I love with non-pinterest peeps!
Jenna (formerly momofmanyhats)

Jessica Johnson - jeggings! they make me NERVOUS. but jessica clearly likes them. so maybe i need to give them a try. alone. in a room by myself. can’t wait to hang out with you this weekend! you are going to do great.

Donna - I love Parenthood too and I am so happy it’s back on. I love those jeggings, I may have to try. You will do great at BlogSugar! Wish I could go.

Tracy Fisher - One more for you… My kids had to fill in the blanks for their mother’s day bookmarks. You should hear how they described me (I blogged about it a few weeks ago… cracked me up). ____ Hair. ____ Eyes. likes ______. Wears ______. Needs _____. Makes ______. Fears _____. Saves ______. Enjoys ______. Collects ______. Loves Me! Have your kids fill in the blanks for you. It’s fun. Tracy

Tracy Fisher - Blog ideas I’d love to hear from you… Top 10 treats for school lunches. One appetizer, and One dessert recipe you’d allow me to use in my new cookbook that I am frantically writing (with permission of course). 10 things you love about your life. 3 Bible verses on living a good life. 3 great quotes from famous women. Is that a start??? Tracy Fisher

Kate - I would like to know when you are coming to lovely er, Delaware…to take pictures of MY babies!!

Nichole - Jeggings creep me out. I touched a pair last time I was shopping for jeans and it made my legs itch, seriously. I prefer denim, I think.
I honestly just read your blogs for the day to day things. Seriously, my days are boring (no kids, I live in an apartment without pets and work 9 hours a day), so I don’t get the excitement of ‘people’. My fiance doesn’t really snap up my day unless, you know, he kills a spider and wipes it on the floor.

Lisa - I know you said at one point that you don’t feel comfortable giving photography advice. But what if you shared a few tips that helped you at the beginning? Things you learned from other photographers. A few tips that you use when you are taking pictures. I’d love to know what time of day you think the lighting is the best for pictures. I’m still trying to learn that. 🙂

crystal beutler - Happy Birthday Missy!!!!!!!! I hope you had a fun day celebrating with your family and friends. Here’s to another great year filled with amazing adventures.

tara pollard pakosta - a day in the life post of photos would be so aweseome! starting with waking up right down to bedtime stories!

karen - what outfit did you buy??
i love your random posts…but i would like to see another vlog…with waffle!
maybe more yummy recipes too.

Janelle - Would love more of your recipes, ideas for gifts that you have gotten your kids that have gone over well, what a day of your life is typically like…

Linda - I always love your post! I would love to see an updated home tour. I miss you craft Thursdays. Photography tips maybe? All your pictures are amazing. I love your decorating style! It has helped me find my own! A day in your life! Anything Love it All!!!!! You are awesome!

Penny - I love your blog. It is my favorite because you are honest and open and feel like you could be everyone’s best friend or sister. I would love to know more about your house. Do you know the history of the house. Have you found anything interesting as you have remodeled? The house just seems like it has a story. Anytime you post pictures of the inside of your home I feel all inspired. Keep on posting, we all love you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’d love to know the story of your blog. I’ve been following/stalking (heehee) you for the past year…love to know why you started and how it grew!

Lori Austin - Being honest about your size….you rock!
You will also rock at Blog Sugar 🙂
Annie’s in 1st, right? How about a day in the life of Annie.
A day in the life with any of the kids would be great.
Not sure they’d all be willing….
You keep it real and I love that. Thanks!

Natalie - How about your recipe for meatballs? :0)

stephany - I LOVE Parenthood!
I didn’t watch last night since I went to bed at 8:30 with NyQuil and a box of Kleenex, but recorded it to watch while my kids have nap/quiet time today!
I find most days have more pros, it’s just that sometimes the cons seem so much bigger…good idea to list them and see how many more pros are in each day!

Kathi - You are my favorite blogger. I love that you love JESUS and are not preachy. You are godly by being authentic. You do not stage your photos and you don’t do things for the blogs sake. You tell us your good and bad, your ups and downs in words and pictures that make you YOU. Please keep doing the same. I check in on you everyday. You give me inspiration to create and to be who God created ME to be.

Jeannine - I just want to say that I think you’re awesome and I’m really, really bummed that you aren’t my big sister/friend/mentor. You inspire me daily!
That is all =)

sharon young - I really love your blog. I have a 4 year old girl who is a crafter. (she gets it from me) We seriously do a craft EVERY day. It’s like she’ll die with out it. 🙂 So, I always enjoy your crafty posts. Any house posts are great too.

Jill - I would love to see the finished project of the pillowcases from craft weekend and how to make it. Also loved the aprons!

happygirl - I love how you find the pros in the cons. You are a positive person, you.

Stephanie - House pictures, house pictures and more house pictures!!! PLEASE!! Got a glimpse of your hardwood floor with the design in the center and am dying to know more about that. It was from your post about painting the hallway. Also, more of your recipes!! You have no idea how many of “yours” that I use on a weekly basis. I need some new ideas please!

Lisa - Yea for an outfit! And amen to 75 mph in Kansas…I’m lovin’ that! Blog posts – how about “a day in the life” of each of your kids? That would fill a week!

Joy McLaughlin - I think that you and Craig should do a video and interview each other!

deb - Do you decorate for fall? I’d love to see your ideas if you do. I love your blog – its the colour in my week. I live in the Pacific Northwest and lately we have had a lot of grey!

Annie - I’d actually love to hear more about your BSF study, if only briefly. I’m considering joining one in my area, but I’d like to hear more about it from someone who regularly attends. Maybe a small part of an upcoming post??

Jen - I would love to hear more about Craft Weekend!! And, I just love seeing how bright and colorful your house is. AAAAND, I love how you blog daily, it is the first one I click on – your optimism makes me happy! (OK, so first it’s Facebook THEN, it’s your blog!)

Gina f. - What are your plans for your red /white chippy paint glass knobs (cabinet?) find?

Heather - I love your photos, I love your honesty, I love your posts like this that are really sort of just your random thoughts – no theme, just a window into your mind.

shannon - Love your home so more pictures please!!!
I wish I would have bought a blogsugar ticket so I could meet you 🙁 but I chickened out. Can’t wait to hear all about it though.

Jen Brandt - You make my day with whatever (ha!) you post, but if you’re looking for something…have any kick-butt, easy, yummy soup or crock pot recipes???

Jackie - I would love to see more house pics. Also could you share what paint color your kitchen,living area with all the windows, and dinning room are? Would you say they are close to the color you pick for the upstairs hall?

Jennifer - I too would love to see house pics, especially the third floor! I love pictures on blogs…so really anything with pictures is just great! I also love when you show what you cook. Its real and everyday like the rest of us.

LO - Maybe you already talked about this before I started following but here’s an idea:
Write about when you decided to move back ‘home’ and how you found your gorgeous home and you reno plans etc….xo

Kati - Love hearing about other people at BSF! We started back recently and my almost two year isn’t sure about it yet…. 🙁 She’s been going since she was in my belly….but of course doesn’t remember it!

Tiffany - What inspires you to be so creative? I find creativity is the first thing to go when I am tired, or stressed, or feeling blue and at the same time being creative gives me energy, is stress relieving, and cheers me up and makes me feel good about myself. Does this happen to you?

Cindy - how about a tutorial on the aprons you made at craft weekend? I’m thinking about making some for Christmas gifts- they turned out great!
and anything with your decorating – fall decor.
always love craft Thursdays too.
the hall turned out great- tips for painting the trim/doors. Would love to do that but it looks like a lot of work! 🙂
always enjoy your blog!

Rebecca - You posted your clothing size on the internet. I LOVE THAT! Brave and real and good.

Tiffany - “Olivia Newton John/sandra Dee” – I will crack up in my head on that one all day.

seriouslysassymama - DO you really like the jeggings? I was blessed with a JLo figure and just bought a pair of skinny jeans that I really like. I do not know if I am ready for jeggins. I cannot wait to hear about you trip and blogher. How does everyone doing their own laundry really work out?

Shellie Hanley - I would love to see more pics of your lovely home and the renovations you’ve made along the way. You’re home is fun, fresh and full of character. LOVE it!!

Christy - I second Sara Torbett’s comment – balancing being a wife, mom, friend, etc. Or photography tips/how you do things. Or some of your favorite etsy shops – holiday shopping is upon us! (PS – thanks to your blog, I just ordered 2 custom name pillows from Chrissie Grace and I’m beyond excited.)

FeFe - I just started BSF last week. I think I’m really going to like it. Though some of the study questions have already stumped me. Have fun loving on the babies!

Alicia @ La Famille - i’m feeling a little uninspired to blog right now too. we’re getting ready for a cross country move and it’s got me WAY distracted! um….how about your BS outfit? give us a tour of your blogging corner? show your favorite beauty products…wait, don’t do that one…i’m planning on doing one like that…everyone will think i copied 😉 ha! have a great rest of your week!

Jessica M - I love your post about date night from a while ago. Would you mind sharing more about being a wife ( joys and struggles)and how you balance that with having kids? Do you ever find it hard to make your marriage a priority when the demands of kids can be, well, demanding? 🙂

natalie (the sweets life) - i love whatever you write, seriously….but i especially love pics and stories about your family…maybe more about Lauren? We haven’t gotten an update on her in awhile 🙂
But really, I keep coming back because I love everything you post!

Danielle H. - Are you taking baby pics of the new baby mac? I have been eagerly awaiting an update on their blog 🙂 I just love hearing about all your favorite things – you really have great taste! What shirt are you wearing with the jeggings?

Renee - blog topics…the whole getting-paid-to-write-about-life-on-a-blog-thing, what camera do you use? when did you get into photography? i ditto the before/after edits

Rachel J - I would love if you told us how everyone AND their mom started reading your blog. Also recipes. And talk about what your bible study is about these days. Because of you I picked up Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. It’s awesome. You were right 🙂

Wendy - How bout some house pics … it’s been awhile – and I just love your house. Perhaps some shots of areas we’ve never seen before … foyer, back staircase, hallways. Did your laundry room get painted?

Holly - Remember way back when you said the kids were painting your laundry room? I think you should give us an update on that.

Naomi - I’d love to see some before/after shots of your edited photos.

Susan - I love the jeggings! I was thinking something like that or skinny jeans would look good with your sparkle shoes and then just about any top would go. Sorry I didn’t make the suggestion when you asked for them.
Yes, my house is the messiest when we have a busy week and it was awful when I was working outside the home and I only have one 11 year old girl! We homeschool so most days I have a little help;)

Alisa - I love it that you just posted what size you are. You are awesome, Meg.

Kat - How often do you run/exercise and for how long/far?
Favourite thing to do for yourself?

megan - Are you going to blog about Craft Weekend? What you did? Who was there? 🙂

Heather - I want to hear how you keep motivated. I’ve been following your blog long enough to know your house isn’t always perfect, sometimes you have bad days, that you’re actually human. 😛 But I’d like to hear about motivation to craft/create.
How do you just make yourself go and make stuff? I find that the rest of my life (keeping home, cooking, taxi-ing the kids around and trying to get a workout in) sucks all the energy out of me and my craft room FULL of supplies sits lonely and unused.

Kirsten P - I’ve heard/read that professional photographers edit photos from a shoot before they are ready to show to the client. What exactly is involved in the editing process? Maybe you could even show us a couple examples.
Have a great time at BlogSugar!

sarah - I really love your blog! 🙂

Meredith - Favorite ways to de stress? Favorite beauty products and guilty little pleasures shopping?

Jack - How did people discover your blog when you started to write it? Did you promote it anywhere?

jen marmen - Do you plan to redo your third floor anytime soon?

Sara Torbett - I’d love to hear how you’re able to balance being a wife, mom, friend, etc. I’m a new mom finding it’s difficult to take care of husband, baby, house, church, etc. And still have a moment for myself somewhere too! Any tips?

liz - we can’t wait to see you at Blogsugar. we all support you. you inspire so many. you give back what you put out and I hope you will be able to feel the love this weekend! my prayer for you that even among the nerves you can see the beauty of the fellowship, for we are all beyond joyed that you willing to speak. xo.
any must haves for flying?

Mindy Harris - what did you end up getting for blogsugar? i’ve gone shopping two days in a row and am leaning towards a cute flowery dress over skinny jeans…

Leah - Any recent Craft Thursdays? Would love to get some ideas. How about other recipes? Have you put up any fall decor? I always love your house photos, especially the seasonal ones. What do you want for your birthday?

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monday monday.


what a full month this has been already so far.
sports for five…..craft weekend….craft fairs…family visits….anniversaries….
and coming this week…BLOG SUGAR.
i am getting excited but nervous.  (i sang a song called nervous but excited…..)

what if i trip?  what if i say the wrong word?
(once my friend said organism instead of organization during a presentation. it could have been worse……)
what if people don't listen?
what if i forget what i was going to say?
what if i cry?   how much will i cry? 

i am wearing some fabulous shoes….

and right now….that is all i know about the entire trip.
don't know what i will wear.
at all.
nothing matches glitter shoes.
tomorrow i WILL find something….right??? tell me i will.  i need to be reassured.

i picked up my barn treasures this weekend that i bought last week at craft weekend…..

a dirty OLD cabinet with glass knobs and doors and RED chippy paint!!!

did your heart just skip a beat?  
red chippy paint does that to me.

so does white chippy paint.  :)


on sunday morning i woke up in my happy place.
after a loooong night of POURiNG rain for hours on end…scary storms…got up in the night to check the weather.
we got to enjoy the pond full of that fresh from rain loveliness.
and go fishing in the morning!
we've never done that.
it was all girls except mike.
teeny baby frogs were so fun to catch.

 "i need mo' woooooms"

talby caught one and macy caught two but neither two made it out of the water….they pulled free just as she was about to lift them out of the water.
no fish for annie or maya.
annie was talking quite loud all morning and one point shouted

so true.

i went to see The Help AGAIN.
loved it as much as the first time.
cried through 6 kleenexes.
that is a good thing….

i had pictures last night.
love this one…..
plain and simple.

hope your monday is fabulous.
i ran this morning and that really helped my day start well.



our hallway is done!
come over and read about how we did it with Glidden paint.

i want to share each of our CRAFT WEEKEND sponsors with you.
come see who i like today!

gatorade is teaching me about being a sports mom…. 🙂
come see how i am doing. 



nicole @ deliajude - i spotted your shoes at kohl’s today and thought of you…and prayed for you. blessings from afar.

ViVO Candles - Everyone needs a bright red chair in their life…it just gives you energy looking at it.

Cindy - Might just be the BEST family photo ever! It speaks volumes and I.Love.IT!!!

Kelly - i loved catching tiny baby frogs in my grandparents yard when I was younger! If they still lived there I would go and catch some. Kelly

Leslie - Love your barn finds…have you seen “Picker Sisters” on Lifetime? Fun show…

hannah singer - BLOG SUGAR!
super looking forward to hearing you speak and meeting your lovely self.
and those shoes are the jam.
your chippy paint treasures are perfect! love! xo

Lisa - I wish I was heading to southern CA… It’s where I grew up. I think you are gonna do great speaking. Anytime you speak from your heart it will be well received! And I’m jealous of your fun chippy paint finds. 🙂

lindalou - love…………………the shoes i would kill myself wearing them 🙁

Marcie Millholland - I’m a little in love with the white chippy paint – I am a chippy paint kind of girl, too.
You will pull off the shoes – of that I am certain. They’d be great with anything. From jeans to a ball gown 🙂
And on the previous post- I love Waffle stories. I have a “Biscuit” and you have a “Waffle” ! And I’m from the South so all I can say about his haircut is… Bless his heart!! Thanks for the great blog. Marcie


Sharon Kindall - As almost everyone else said; glitter shoes go with anything!!!!! I would wear any solid color with them. Meg I love, love , love your blog but what is Blog Sugar? I go up to The Pocono’s for my craft weekends and it’s sooo much fun, but I didn’t know anyone else did them. I’m glad to hear there are others around. sharon

Melissa Bolton - Meg! That family picture is fantastic!!
Not that I’m one who should be giving fashion advice, but I love those shoes!
I’d wear an understated outfit, like great jeans and a black or white shirt. Let the shoes and accessories steal the show.

Maria Bryan - So excited for you and Blogsugar…I live like 10 minutes from the Rose Center…you could stop by and I will style you up….you will be the chic-est one in the entire place…that I can assure! 🙂 Have fun…cant wait to see pictures!!!!

Melissa - That family photo is adorable!!!

janel - I think you need a really great black dress, that is all. Let the shoes “be” the accessory. a sparkly bracelet and earrings and you are good to go! Oh, and a little clutch.
Have fun!

elz - I have glitter shoes almost exactly like that (Mine are the kate spade Charm heels. LOVE). I usually wear mine for evening events. If I were to wear them during the day, I would wear black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a solid shrug or cardigan or a colored scarf. Let the shoes do the talking. You’ll be great!

andrea - Your sunflowers look so happy! I tried to bring some in and they were covered with aphids! I would think glitter shoes would match anything. That family picture at the end is priceless!!!!! Would LOVE to have a photo like that of my family that captures the family dynamics and personalities.

Candy - Are you kidding me? Glitter shoes go with everything! You always look wonderful, you will be amazing!

Kim - You WILL find something to wear! Love your new finds of old-paint-chipiness. So good. And I love the painted hallway.

Emily - Great finds! Especially love the old cabinet and glass knobs!
Would you mind sharing where ‘The Barn’ is or name so that I might find it? I’m planning a day trip from Olathe with friends to come down and check out the antique store and would LOVE to go to the barn as well.
Good luck this weekend! You’ll do (and look) fabulous!
Emily Palmer - i just bought those shoes too … they go with EVERYTHING!!! i asked my friends when i could wear them, they all said, when CAN’T you wear them?? good call. 🙂 have a great time, you’ll be AMAZING!

Emily - Fabulous shoes! With something so sparkly, you can go basic black on the rest of the outfit. Skinny black pants or a simple black wrap dress. Good luck!

karen - can’t go wrong with a very fitted black dress with pencil skirt style and then add a super colourful cardigan with some of your cool accessories.Your shoes are awesome!

danielle burkleo - what you mean….orgasm? THAT would have made people smile.
you are going to do fabulous! i can just see it now… killer little black dress, sparkly shoes, tissue in hand, ready to go!
five days!!!

Alice Nakles - wear a black sexy dress. it will make your beautiful shoes pop!!! post pictures too!!

Molly - I read that all you were going to wear was the shoes. Oops, you said that all you knew was the shoes… big difference!

shauna - that video (nervous but excited) made me laugh.
the shoes make me a little nervous (because i think i might look like a ragamuffin in boots or something)
and that last photo is priceless.
really good job capturing them!
see you soooon!

Mick - Just found your blog. LOVE the shoes. Glitter shoes, go with EVERYTHING!!

amy jupin - it sure is a FULL month for me too!
loving the barn finds.
can’t wait to see where they end up.
those shoes are fab. i can see you with a yellow shirt or a bright blue to bring out your eyes.
maybe with a pencil skirt…so mad men style.
don’t be nervous. really. don’t.
you got this.
just be you.
because you are wonderful just as you are.
and now i have HOME in my head.
maybe i should just buy that dang song too and get it over with.

Danielle Thompson - The shoes are fantastic! You will be AWESOME!

Lori Austin - Love the shoes, love the hallway…
You’ll be great. God knows exactly what you need/want to say and He will help you do just that.

Ellen - think your glitter shoes are fabulous!!!
An idea: wear a cool, moderny black shirt, some awesome girly/sparkly earrings, an awesome chunky bangle, THOSE shoes and you’ve got it made. That’s what goes with glitter shoes 🙂
Can’t wait to see the pics!

Whitney S - Black pants… cute tank in ivory or winter white (like this… or this or this…… with a cute cardigan…and the pretty shoes will pop! Love them! Have fun, can’t wait to hear all about it!

Wendy @ Living Creatively - Love your pictures. LOVE them. And those shoes. Amazing. Are you kidding? *Everything* goes with glitter. You could wear them every day!
You will be amazing.

Morgan - Please tell me where to find these SHOES!! I LOVE them!! I agree, go with black and let the shoes steal the show!

Anne Marie - Everything goes with glitter!

siobhan - bought those shoes at kohls,love them:))))

Ami Davis - Let me echo the sentiment that simply everything goes with fairy princess glitter shoes. That’s the whole point of them!
I am certain the other Blog Sugar girlies will ooo and ahh over them and over you when you drop some knowledge on them.

Naomi - A black dress with those sparkly heels and you are sorted!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Ooooohh you found some great stuff!! I just got a giant sideboard on craigslist that I’m pretty excited about.
I checked your hallway out too…gorg!!

Alicia @ La Famille - my heart nearly STOPPED at your divine treasures! love them…you MUST show where they end up! you sound like a busy busy girl right now. blessings to you in this busy/stressful/full month 🙂

Nicole - Fantastic shoes! Have a wonderful time at Blog Sugar Meg!! You will do great and you will find an outfit for them. :0) I love the treasure you picked up, can’t wait to see what you do with them. I missed the “big” craft fair this year, but I’m so excited for the Hesston Barn Sale coming up. This will be my first one and I’m so nervous I won’t have enough stuff. Have a wonderful time! Wish I could attend Blog Sugar! Maybe, someday.

This Farm Family's Life - My cousin wore those same shoes in a wedding. The dresses were deep purple and they looked awesome!!! So maybe wear a dark purple top???? Love them! You will rock it!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I cant wait to see those shoes in person in just a few days!!! Pray for me: I hate flying:) And I’ll be flying alot to get there.

Jen - The glitter shoes are too much fun to drab out with a black dress…why not try royal blue or hot pink? (knee or tea length).

Laura - Yes to the glitter shoes! Everything goes with glitter shoes! Have fun and wear the shoes!

Laura Phelps - glitter shoes, I would imagine, can be treated like animal print shoes…”because they go with nothing, they go with everything.”
I want to go to blog sugar.
God had other plans for me this month…hate when he does that
miss you

Lisa - I think a black dress would look good with the shoe(slimming too, not that you need it!) :), and maybe some colorful, rainbow-y jewelry? Glitter goes with everything!!

Kerry - oh those shoes…… those shoes!! divine! what a fun, awesome september you are having, and you still managed to fit a run in? wowza! :)) xxx

Allison H. - I consider glitter to be neutral, the new black you could say, it goes with everything. As long as you don’t pair it with something like a hot pink feather boa, you’ll look great!!

happygirl - EVERYTHING goes with glitter shoes. Break a leg. Just be your AWESOME self. 🙂

Vonda - Love your shoes!!! I have a pair that are very similar, just no peep-toes! I think glitter shoes go with anything! I feel like cinderella when I put mine on!:)

crystal - I’m sort of hoping that you have a Freudian Slip and say “orgasim.” I for one would laugh my head off — not at you, with you. Because it would be so funny, and you are someone who could pull it off.
Good luck to you. I covet those sparkly shoes. 🙂

Nikki - Honeygirl, EVEYRTHING goes with glitter shoes! Don’t be afraid of showing off your blogger badself!

amanda - oh…..glitter shoes go with anything!

Heather (One Take On Life) - First love the shoes, those rock! And that cabinet, I heart that cabinet, what an awesome find.

Jenna@MomofManyHats - Annie has so much wisdom! What a girl. My husband has taken me fishing so many times. So far I’ve caught a tree, the dock, some seaweed, a bush and the side of the boat. A fish has to be next, right?
Also, don’t underestimate a LBD with sparkly shoes!

kelley - I love the shoes! wore them as a bridesmaid in a wedding 2 weeks ago! We had solid purple dresses on. Honestly- I think any solid will look great! So what’s your favorite color? go with it! The material we wore was shiny, I think that helps.

Wendy - How bout some fantastic leopard print ensemble to go with those glitter shoes!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Love the shoes! I would go with a little black dress.

Tanya H - Looove the shoes, looove the antiques, looooooooove that family picture. Wow, that really just captures it all! 🙂

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - Great furniture finds and those glitter shoes are FAB.U.LOUS darling!!! Love them. You’ll do great!

Sarah B - I love white chipped paint…love love love it.
Also I love those shoes…I think they would go great with anything and everything. And it is a good thing you are a little nervous for Blog means you are human! I am nervous for it and I am just attending it..but yippee, very excited!

Rebecca - I wore shoes almost exactly like that for my wedding. They looked fabulous but felt terrible. I’m just warning you, girl: BREAK THEM IN!!!

Holly - Yes, chippy red paint is awesome! Here’s the plan: if you screw up while giving your presentation at BlogSugar, I will burp really loud and put all the attention on me. I love you that much. Looking forward to meeting you and burping for you this weekend. Now, I seriously need to go find some better shoes.

Karen Gerstenberger - You will find the right thing to wear – glitter shoes will go with “whatever” else you find that you like. It will match because the same creative spirit that inspired you to buy the shoes will inspire your vision for the rest of it.
I wish I could hear you speak.
I love your photos and your fresh perspective, Meg.

seriouslysassymama - Glitter shoes go with EVERYTHING! I love the furniture, and cannot wait to see what you do with it!

Mrs. Edberg - I think almost anything would match glitter shoes. Especially a nice pair of black slacks or a cute black skirt. Keep the bottom simple and your sassy shoes will POP big time! So fun!

Holly - I saw the glitter shoes recently and almost bought them, but decided that nothing would go with them! ha! Cant wait to see what you come up with!

Nikki - My heart skipped a beat over those shoes! They are fantastic! I could never wear them though,I’d fall flat on my face!

Tamara - I think black might accentuate those awesome glitter shoes! Just so you know, I was in a bad mood on Saturday…and read through every one of your Waffle, the Wonder Dog posts…and they lifted my spirits. He really is a Wonder Dog!

Melissa - I love that cabinet and all it’s chippy paint charm!
I love those shoes but I could never in a million years wear them!
Am I really the first to comment?!? I rock!

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so dorky.

mr. waffle got a haircut.
he is always a total weirdo after losing all his hair…..can't get comfortable….itchy….spazzy.









he's a goober.




winner for the family rules poster!

Love love love this! We are working on a family mission statement and this is a GREAT place to begin. Also would make a wonderful gift. My pastor just moved into a new house and they have small children – perfect housewarming gift! So glad you shared.

Posted by: Jessica @ MyArdentLife | September 15, 2011 at 11:56 AM

congrats Jessica!
send me your info… cdduerksen @ yahoo . com


happy weekend to you. 

Lisa Ryzenga - Ha! Just came across your blog. We have a goldendoodle too. he recently got his haircut and looks just like your dog. Its so short and he acted like such a spaz too!!! Good to know it wasn’t just our dog:)

Janina - Hi!
I’m a silent follower of your blog. You are a beautiful photographer and this post inspired me to draw. Check out the sketch I did of your Waffle on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the awesomeness. 🙂

Verdopple Deine Dates - I looked around your blog and you’ve got some good content and I was thinking our readers would both find value. Thanks!

Ashley - These pictures are great! I’ve been lurking at your blog for almost a month. Your life seems amazing.
I tried to find an FAQ or something where you mention what type of camera or lens that you use. I’m saving up for a new lens! Do you have any suggestions?
Happy Thursday-

Di - made micah and me smile…it will just take him a little while to “own” it. 🙂

amy d - lauren cracked me up the other day of fb when she said “the more boys i meet, the more i love my dog” 🙂

Dylan - ehehehe, so cute!

Jaime A. - Meg – I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now… and the pup crush is still as strong as ever.
i heart oh-so-much one Waffle the Wonder Dog.

Jill - AAAAwwwwwwww, I love him!

elisa - love him

Cranky Catholic - Dogs don’t have sweat glands, so why do you shave him?

Kelly - I LOVE your Waffle. He’s adorable and doesn’t seem like a dork at all. He fits so perfectly into your family. I love when he’s in your family pics!

Jessica Johnson - dorky dogs are THE greatest. also i changed my blog name to my ardent life. no? ok…

Doris - Gave you Versatile Blogger Award, in my new post!

Laura - I have a Waffle too – except mine is a girl and her name is Bailey and she too is a freak when she gets her hair cut, and usually eats something in the house she is not suppose to. She usually does not get in that kind of trouble! I am assuming Waffle is a goldendoodle, which is what Bailey is also.

Lori Austin - Love the waffle pics. He’s such a cute dork 🙂

Tania k - I gotta say your Waffle posts are MY favorite. He is too darn cute!

karen - oh i could just nuzzle in that neck of his!!!

Lora ~ Charmed - he’s handsome.

tara - I just got my hair cut and colored this morning, and I’m a dork, too! … a total goober.
feels good to go short again, but I feel totally naked…..
so, I’m with Mr. Waffle.

crystal - He’s so cute. My dog Elphie is like that when she gets a shave. Sort of insecure about the way she looks, yet happy to be rid of the heat and weight of fur. Dogs are awesome.
See you next week for the last round of our summer palooza! Can’t wait.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I have always wanted to name a dog Waffle…but you beat me to it! What a cute goober!

Penny - Love seeing Waffle. Aren’t Goldendoodles the best! Our Sophie is such a goofball. When we cut her bangs so she can see she just looks and acts so silly. Waffle is such a sweetheart. You can see it in his eyes. Enjoy him.

Holly - Waffle is too cute!
Congrats to the winner! I ordered the family rules poster yesterday! I can’t wait to get it!:)

Karen - What a cute dog! My pooch would never sit still long enough for me to get multiple pictures of him!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love all your pictures of waffle – animals are so silly 🙂

Jen L - He makes me happy!

Jenna@MomofManyHats - Awkward dog! Love it 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hes still so cute, even after his cut. And Im not even a big dog person(we have a big fat beagle whos super loyal and a great dog; its just me:))

Jen - Maybe it’s not the haircut…but the camera in his face. 🙂
Purely a joke, as my dog is completely embarrassed after her haircut.

Tracey - awww waffle! You look so purty!

Mindy Harris - waffle i would so mangle you in real life. u r too cute.

Elizabeth - So silly! Our standard poodle, Valentine, is exactly like that when she gets a serious cut. It’s almost as if the air finally hits her skin and she just can’t take it!

Melissa - Can we trade dogs? Please?

ann - such a cutie!
Does he shake and shake and shake his head when he gets a haircut? My Golden Doodle did and he got nasty blood clots in the ears and they felt like frozen peas. It was icky. Now I just keep his coat shortish all the time to avoid the dreaded matting.

Leah - He is so cute? Where does Waffle sleep?

Toni :0) - Haha I absolutely love your Waffle doggie! Dogs are just plain cool!!

happygirl - Wow! Your dog has such WHITE teeth. LOVE how dorky he looks.

Pamela Gordon - I love your dog Waffle. I think he’s so cute. Tell him Marshall says HI!

BriBedell - Ha!! It’s like you have two dogs!! Shaggy Waffle & Sheek Waffle!

Lori Winger - Our golden doodle, Lily, who wears her hair long and wavy, got a hair cut this week only because she got sprayed by a skunk! She is mortified (so were we, PU).

Sharla - Don’t they look so little after their haircuts?! We have never given our goldens a haircut, but we used to do it to our dogs when we were little and she always got so embarrassed and hid under the bed for a couple days. LOL!

Julie - That is so funny…my dog is a total weirdo too after she gets a haircut! One time we got her haircut so short, it really took her a couple days to start acting like herself again. She was all mopey and quiet. I think she must have really hated it!

Anj - Ha, so funny… I saw the title of this post and even before I scrolled down to the photo I knew it was going to be about Waffle the wonder dog. Cute! Must have dog on the brain… 🙂

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the family rules.


i am LOVING my new artwork from Ryan Alexander.
he sent me an email saying "my wife says i should send you one of my posters" and i clicked over to check it out
and i think i gasped….and smiled….and was thrilled he sent the email.
it is so great!!


of course i love the graphic punch with the black and white but i REALLY love what it says.
i agree with ALL of it.

it is stuff moms say every day….use kind words…..share everything…..NO Bad Attitudes….and my favorite one
"hands are for hugging not hitting"

i love that it's BIG….i like BIG artwork.

his shop has lots of other cool posters too.


leave a comment here to be entered to win one from Ryan's etsy shop.

but really…..only one of you will win.
so go to his shop and get one for your house.




pam - This would look good in an African house. 🙂

Debbie - Love It!

Andrea B - I live this. I need this right now. A constant reminder to me and the kids of what is important and what we all need to do!

Katie - LOVE it! I have been looking at these on Pinterest. Thanks for the chance to win.

Nicole Barker - OMGOSH! I LOVE this!!! Oh I hope I win, pretty please pick me!!!

Lacy - Perfect for our house!

Sarah - Very cute! Good for the kids AND the parents. 🙂

Dawn Eshnaur - Please pick me! I love the beginning!!!

jennibell - I have been eying these for WEEKS. Pick me!!! You’re right, though, I’ll definitely just have to break down and buy one unless Lady Luck is on my side this time. . .

Amanda Larkins - Beautiful poster and I know exactly which wall i would hang it on.

Stlouisgurl - so positive! complete <3!

Karen A. - I LOVE this!! I will hold off buying one just in case I’m lucky and win one!!! thanks Meg for sharing!
Love your blog!

Patty - It’s like having my Mom in the house! Love it!

Sara - LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!!

Deborah - Well, if I don’t win, I am soooo going to his shop to buy one. I LOVE it!!

courtney - oh.em.gee. pick me! i am so in looove with this!!

Melissa Caitrin - I love, love, love this!

Lisa - Total awesomeness… I’ve honestly never won a contest in my entire life. I’m okay with that… but it sure would be nifty to win this loveliness… I already have visions of this displayed where all 7 of us see it lots of times each day. Gonna have to check out his store.

marcy blake - Yippee!!! Thanks for the chance.

Karen Gerstenberger - Maybe it’s going to sound silly but I think senior citizens/retirees/grandparents sometimes need to be reminded of these words of wisdom. I love this!
I can see one customized for you, all in rainbow colors. xoxo

Vicki - Love his signs! Marry me reminds me of my daughter who just married in May. That song was one of the background songs for their video.

Katie Mathieson - oooooo pretty! i would like one. yes, yes i would.

Rebeca - Love this! What a beautiful reminder. I have the perfect spot for this in my house 🙂

Jen K - I would LOVE to win this poster!! So, so cool.

Cortney Hardy - Its perfect!!! I love art with text!! All the different sayings are perfect!!

Stacey - Very cool! Fun and meaningful!

Prairie Mama - Oh this is awesome!!!! Yes, I agree, Hands are for hugging not hitting. (:

jessicakiehn - would fit perfectly in my humble abode!

Kristen Maness - I have been looking for a family rules picture for our family room, and this would be perfect….makes me so happy to think of this in my house!

valerie (in TX) - Love love LOVE! Would love to win this! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. 🙂

kathy - Love IT!!

Jennifer - love his artwork…

Karen - Love these rules! It would be super to have these posted in our home!

Ashley - I would hang this over my bed and read it every single day! I think its such a great idea and would love to own one!!!

Trina McNeilly - I LOVE this, Meg! These are def words to live by! I think I need a copy!

Sheena - This is Beautiful!! I love it!! is there a link to the etsy shop somewhere?

Kate - LOVE IT!!

Ali - come on lucky comment #800!
I’m asking for this for Christmas if I don’t win!

Ali - come on luck comment #800!
I’m asking for this for Christmas if I don’t win!

Julie - thanks for the great giveaway!!

kathy shay-shapiro - Beautifully done. Wonderful words. I would frame and give it a prominent home in my house. thanks, kathy

zoraya - Love the poster! - I WANT THIS!

Brandi - This is awesome!

Anne - I keep thinking I’ll make my own. It’s been more than a year and this sums it up perfectly anyway, so…

Hannah DeVries - I got this print and would looooooove another:)

amosclutchpedal - I like it!

Amber B - LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! What a great reminder!!

Kate - Pick me!!

Molly L - I would LOVE this for my home!! What a great giveaway! Thanks!

April M - <3
trying to be 'doers of these things instead of hearers only'
what and cool, clear reminder!
(thanks for the post!)

Megan - That’s an awesome poster! I love how bold and striking it is.

Jenn Murphy - So absolutely perfect… Especially with 4 kids 6 and under. I neeeeeeeed this!

lindsay - love it! and my house is so boring so please pick me! 🙂

Vonda - Awesome artwork!!! I know exactly where I would hang it!:)

tasha roe - I have been wanting one of these, but didn’t want to go through the trouble of making my own. this is PERFECT!!

amy - i LOVE this!!! thank you for all the awesomeness contained in this blog!

Larissa - I HAVE to have one of these! Hope I win!

Shannon - What a great poster, & I love it with the mini globes! So cool!

Michelle - What a great poster. I also love the “only speak words” poster. Great saying to remember every day.

Andrea - I love it!! Can’t wait to look around the etsy shop!

Amy Swanson - I love it! I already ordered one for myself but would love to have another to give away to a friend 🙂 Amy

anne c - what a perfect poster! and I love how you have the books lined up by color!

Sarah B. - Wow! That is great! 🙂 I love it!

Katie - I love everything about it. I hope I win one though I will head over and look at the other stuff and bookmark it in case I don’t win;)

Joelle - I love it! Hands are for hugging not hitting…I’m going to need to post that all over my house…

Meghan - yes! I need those reminders for myself!

Jordan - love this!!! would love to have one for my new home 🙂

Carrie - LOVE this!!

Emily Langston - With my number 2 on the way… I will have to remind them of these things MUCh more often! I love that LOVE JESUS is #1!!!

Samantha - lOve “hands are for hugging not hitting” too! With raising 3 boys there is ALOT of hitting going on around here! One day they will hear me ( I hope! )!

Dani - I love that it says LOVE JESUS right at the very top!
That pretty much sums it up in two words!
Sing Silly. Dance Crazy. Both something my kids and I love to do!

Colleena - LOVE this : )
I also LOVE your blog!

tania willis - FAVORITE thing you’ve shared on your blog EVER! i would love to have it hanging in my house. i already know the perfect spot for it.
ps…..can you share where you got your frame?

Holly Rook - I love this and I love that you can do a custom family rules sign as well. I also saw in Ryan’s shop that boys sign that will be great for my son’s room. I had been looking for a family rules sign and think I found the “one”. Thanks for sharing. I also love how it starts with “Love Jesus”

Julie - Fantastic poster! I can’t wait to check out the rest of his posters!

D - Would love one for my classroom!

Alicia - That poster is beyond words AWESOME!

Stacey - Oh my goodness!! I LOVE this!! I also agree with every single one!!

karen peachey - I love it!! And it’s just what I need in my house!

Elissa - Fun! Fun! And what a reasonable price for the poster too!

Jessica Anne - awesome!

Karissa - *sheepish* Just as much for me as for my kids. Wonderful words!

Sugar Mama - Here is my comment. 🙂 Sorry, that’s all I’ve got this morning… I haven’t had my coffee yet.

Amy Flederbach - LOVE this poster! What a great giveaway!

Laura - Gorgeous! I’d love one!

Pri - I love love love this poster! I love black and white artwork…
P.S. I also love the color coordinated books, such a great idea! I am definitely going to copy that (if that is alright with you?)

Gina in Louisville - Way cool…

Julia - Love the print. Going to check out his other stuff.

janene - LOVE IT!!!

Becky J - Oh, Meg….this would be a lovely consolation prize since I didn’t get to attend your amazing craft weekend 🙂 ..wink, wink….Amen..I am off to try to obey those rules and I love that it starts with LOVE JESUS!! Blessings, Becky J.

Sarah - <3 Love it!

Michelle - Love that! I’m going to check out his shop now!

Tracie - Oh I LOVE how his first rule is to Love Jesus! That is so awesome!

Lisa from Vermont - Love this!

Jen - Oh, wow — that looks so great in your house! Love the messages. I would love to win one!

Robin Canter - I love that the first thing says LOVE JESUS. so true. pick me to win please! 🙂

karen brown - love, love, love this! coveting your as we speak.

kristina - Great poster — love the bold graphics!

Brittany - Love it! All of it!

Amy - Love this! I have wanted something like this for a while!!! Thanks!

jodi - love it!
jodi in pa

Kristi K - love it!

Donna - I love this poster!!


Sarai - Love these “house rules”. This poster is a must have for any house!!!

Shannon - Love, love, love!

AmyM - Thank you for posting this! Just ordered one for our home! Can’t wait for it to arrive! And how sweet are you to bless someone with this print! Happy Weekend! Thanks for the inspiration!

Nicole - This will look so much better than my written list of rules hanging up!

Annette - Fab.u.lous!!!!

Sarah - Love it love it love it!!

Shari - So needed for this house! Great giveaway–thanks!

Han - It’s so cool 🙂 I love that “Love Jesus” is right there at the top 🙂 Dance Crazy is also very cool!

beth p - I ams o buying this if i don’t win it!!!!!

Lindsay - Very cool!

Ann R. - love it – and yes this sums everything up! awesome thanks for sharing, if i do not win i am totally getting this!

Yolanda - love it and, honestly, N-E-E-D it for our homeschooling room!

Rhonda Fendt - I Love Love Love this poster…. All the Golden rules in one spot! I have just the perfect place for it! Thanks Meg!

Crystal Swoverland - Must.have.this!!! I love, love, love every single thing about it! Thanks for always sharing your wonderful finds!

Jennifer Cooper - Great idea. Putting it on my wish list.

Heather - I am in love with this! I need to have this in my house.

christa - I dont know what is most awesome: the poster, the globes or the color coded books! lol

Denise - Those rules are perfect for us!

Molly - That is awesome!

sarah - Oooo…pick me! I too lurve big artwork! 🙂

Lisa - Oh my gosh! I’ve been coveting one of his posters for months!!! 🙂 love love love this!

Kat - Perfect!

Kylie rott - Love it!

Chelsea - I saw these on Etsy. I love this sign! So perfect!

Andrea - Fabulous!!!
Ordering one right now for my niece’s baby shower. Thank you SO much for sharing!

GretchenP - share everything except bad ideas.. ha! love it! thanks for the giveaway!

Jill Denton - If I win I will give this to my sister– She’s loved this print on Etsy for a long time.

Michelle - I couldn’t love this more!!!!!!!!!!!

Knitmaker - Wow, these are awesome-would love to win one!

Amy S. - This poster perfectly expresses so much! Love it!

Crissie - I’m so sad that so many people are discovering your website now! It’s great for you, but bad for us who have been around for a while! LOL 660 comments!!!! Wow! Anyway…I LOVE this sign! I am loving all the subway art on pinterest and would love to win this! 🙂

Dee - Love, love, love the Family Rules!!!

The Lovely One - There are a zillion comments already on this post, but someone’s go to win, right? I hope it’s me!

Christy - Love it!

Christyn - I think my kids would try and hide the sign, because I’d be pointing at it all the time! So many awesome reminders.

Karen - great, great, GREAT poster! i would hang this right in the middle of our living space! my girls are little now… so this would be a great set of rules to go over for years to come! 🙂

rachel - Love it! So true and I hope that I win 🙂

Alysa - okay, so hard to choose – very cool stuff. i love the family mission statement … and of course, the family rules one, too!!!

Maria - Love it. May have to pick up a “boy” print soon…

Eliece - Love it too! I’d love to win it.

Taryn - Oh man, i’m the last to leave a comment! Does the last comment ever win!?!?!? Anyways, love the print too….very fun and very true!

Jenn Decker - I am that girl that doesn’t have a family yet but dreams of the day I can share these things with a husband and many children, I love them all so much already, and know that even though I imagine my perfect family right now, we will need the reminders like these…

Wendy - I think that poster is one I want to read every day.

Christie - Love this print! Am looking for something just like this for our house!

melissa erin - pick me. pick me. please pick me. 🙂

Liz - totally what i needed to see/hear/read today. LOVE the poster. Thanks for sharing!

Ani W - I wanna win this!! This looks totally meg! 🙂

Jessica P. - Good rules!

Jody - I already have a spot for this in my house!

sara - Oh, my goodness. Love! Great sentiments to reflect well-lived family life. And life in general as children of God!

Kathy - Love it! Even though my boys are nearly…..ok mostly grown…it still applies!

Nicole Q. - I want one so bad!!! Pick me. Love it.

Elizabeth LeFever - if you love Jesus first, all the rest will fall into place 🙂

Angie - Love this poster!!!

betsy - Love it!
I just realized that I’ve been looking at your rainbow-order books for forever, and I have done the same thing in my loft. My friends made fun of me for organizing my books by color, but I L-O-V-E the way it looks 🙂

Kristin - Can it be mine? Please oh please!!

Lori - I want in! I have looking at several similar items and refraining from spending the money for a while now. Maybe it will be my lucky day!

Natalie - Oh this is great! Playroom wall here you come 😉

Jane - Soooo perfect – love love love!!!

Missy P - so perfect! we need this! - I just read an art blog where the author marveled at how the subway letters were larger or smaller to take up that particular space. I love how he uses this to as artwork! Very cool.

Carrie - I’ve been following for a few weeks now. I am not crafty, I don’t craft, sew, paint walls or things of the sort. But I LOVE seeing all your beautiful creations. I have have huge empty walls and would love one of these posters!

Cindy - This is SUCH a cool print! LOVE it!!!

Stefanie - Love it! I always think I’m going to make one but lets face it…I’m not, so I need to win one!

Shannon - I love it!

Jenny B. - His wife was right! 🙂 I love it!

jenn - This is awesome!!! I’d hang it in our office/homeschool room.

Angie Guidry - LOVE this print!! I have it pinned…would love to win it but if not, I’m buying it!!

Lauren - I love this and would adore hanging it in our home!

julia - PLEASE pick me!!! So I don’t have to have this tattoed on my forehead!

Erin - Really like this! Would love to win one! Thanks for the chance!

Jill Jones - Love it!

Gretchen - LoVe this art. Love the message, love the size. Love, love love!
Thanks for the great giveaway and leading me to yet another great etsy shop!

Suzanne - Oh pretty please, pick me!

Linda - I love these posters!

Kate - I love it and I’m so glad to see I’m not the only one thinking/saying these things on a daily basis! 🙂

marita - I love this artwork!

Lora - Oh my! LOVE IT!

Ms Carson - I love this poster!

Julie Briggs - Love his stuff!!

Sarah Burgis - “Speak words that make souls stronger”

Hanni Stones - Great poster!

Rebecca - Love this!

Kasey - Love that! Must check out his other work.

AshleyAnn - I need one of these!!!!! It is so perfect…all of it

Kristin S - I like “no whining”.
While I hate it when others whine, I really hate it when I do.

Andrea - Would love this in my home!! **fingers crossed**

Amber - Oh this is a good one!!! Love all the rules!

Renee - Love me some graphic goodness! Please send one Down Under!

alise - Freakin’ LOVE it!!!!! thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa - LOVE that!!!!!

Paula - Love it…So great!

Amy - It literally brought tears to my eyes. (Yes, this momma is T-i-R-E-D.) But, it’s such a beautiful sentiment that I would love to display proudly. Wish I knew how to upload a pic of the empty easel on my hearth where this would go. xo

Sarah LaVallee - This is incredible! Perfect for my family!

Jamie J - LOVE this! Hope to win!

Kate - So true and since some people are visual learners rather auditory or vice versa what a nice way to encourage good habits 🙂

Bailey C - Love it, it’s perfect!

Katrina - The poster looks great! I’d love one!

Julie Wearmouth - This poster is pure awesomeness!

Andria Koehler - I love the rules and I love graphics and differents size fonts. So excited for the chance to win something! I love this blog and try to check on it every day!

Isabel Khan - I could not have read that poster in a more appropriate time. Im almost in tears because my kids keep fighting. I NEED that poster NOW 🙁

Isabel Khan - I could not have read that poster in a more appropriate time. Im almost in tears because my kids keep fighting. I NEED that poster NOW 🙁

Linda B - I want this poster!!

Heidi Conger - I am suddenly and madly in love with his “Only Speak Words” print. Admittedly, I am also coveting it 🙂

Amy - Fabulous!!!! I don’t have kiddos, but plenty of others to choose from!

dellie - I would love to win this – what a beautiful idea.

Tee Bousquet - that poster is AWESOME!!

Lauren Fortney - i love his stuff and already have his shop as one of my favs on etsy. was hoping to get a print for christmas, but now would be even better!!

Katie - The poster is amazing. you have also inspired me to sort my books by color. 🙂

Elizabeth Grandon - Pick me I want some cool art for my walls!!

Wendy - If only one who can win .., may it be someone wonderful.

Lindsey - Great words to live my life by and model for my family!!

Emily - I ALWAYS say “hands are for hugging not hitting”! LOVE it!

Bernice - This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Looks awesome 🙂 And good thing he listens to his wife 😉 hehe

kimberly - love it!

Trudy - Love this!

Ady - just what we need ! Love it

Marla - Cool Sign. love it.

erin - LOVE. like absolutely MUST HAVE love.

MeganM - This would be a perfect addition to my home! I love it!

Kristin M - That is one of the best family rules I have read so far! Love it!

Melissa S - Love It!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow what an awesome size! I have many favorites on that list but my fave is #1:)

Short, Sweet Season - That poster is awesome. Those rules rock. Mama likes. 🙂

Katie F - Awesome poster! I would love to win one!

Pamela - I love it!

Karen Giddings - I would love to have it in my house, toooooo! 😀

Mica - Sounds like wonderful rules to me…I love it. Thanks for sharing and for the offer….Blessings! Mica

Holly M - We have been looking for something to fill a wall in our apartment! LOVE THIS!

Michelle from Australia - Love it!

Pat - Okay – a MUST for my Sunday School classroom of Kindergarteners and first graders!

TankTop - Love, love, love this!

Linda R. - Love this so very much. And I love how you introduce us to all of these different artists!

Meg - Love it! Perfect set of rules!

Erika - So fun! I love it!

Kelly - I’d love an inspirational poster for my K5 class! Or for parents right outside the door!
Wouldn’t that be fun – for many!

Peta - It’s awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!
(enter me only if it’s eligible for Australians to win)

Katie H - Love it!

julie - I want this soooo much!!!

Lisa K - i LOVE it!!!

Shannon - Love it! Very oh-so-cool. 🙂

Debra - This is wonderful!!!

Suzy Adams - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS POSTER! I also want to come to your next craft weekend, Meg!

LibraryGirl62 - I have to go write a family mission statement! Such a cool idea.

Karie - Would love this!!

Robin - Oh how I love this…makes my heart happy.

Amanda - Great poster!

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - This is fantastic!!! I would love to win it, I know just where I’d put it! What a fantastic giveaway!

Lena Flores - love it!

AmandaK - LOVE those subway art posters!! Would look great anywhere!

Angie G. - OMG, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!!!!! And I agree with everything too…..would love to have one in my own home!!!!! Please, pretty please!!!! I wonder if he has it in spanish 😀

Jamie - That is awesome!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Love his work….fingers crossed!

Halley - I NEED this!! Love it!

Katrina - That is too perfect! I’ve been working on some kind of list myself of house rules and that is perfect. It’s art and a reminder to the kids.

Amanda - Wow, what a great set of rules. You’re right… I should just hop on over and make sure I get one!

Claire - I love these types of posters 🙂 I’m hoping this competition is open to Australians too!

laurie - pick me! pick me! I would love to have this print!

Katie - Love love love!!!!!

meg schmidt - LOve this, and i know exactly where it would hang. 🙂

Kathryn - Simply and perfectly put!

Maria Burke - Wow, that is so beautiful! Would love one for our house!!

Leyla - My kids need to be reminded of these things now and then…heck, we all do 🙂

Ali - I love every single word! Totally things I say day in and day out! It would be great just to point to his art hanging in my breakfast nook! I love that it’s big and graphic and black and white! 🙂
~ Ali

Jennifer s - Love it all, have the perfect spot for it 🙂

amanda - Love!!

Jenna - That is just perfect!

Michelle - I saw one of these the other day!! Loved them!! And so true!

Heidi - I would totally put that in my classroom!

Meredith - I would LOVE that sign. How neat!!

Erin - Love them!!! Great posters to live by! I would love to own one:)

brenna - I love this! Hope I win!!!

Emily H. - Love his stuff!

lora - well, who wouldn’t want one?

Brandy - Agree with every word! I love “share everything.. Except bad ideas” so true!!

Angie P - Yes, please. 🙂

erica - i think i should win. because it’s still hot in california and my due date is today and i’m still pregnant. yep, that would make my day 😉

Nichole - I like the family rules, but I think I like the Marry Me one better. This could be because our ‘family’ isn’t quite married yet and has no kids, LOL.

ann - Awesome!!!
and can I come live in your house – life there looks so fun!?!?!

Jenni Carlisle - Love this print, the rules are perfect!

Jennifer Ware - Oh I just love that! I’m so grateful to your blog for introducing me to some great etsy shops!

Ali - WOW!!! Such an awesome poster! Rules for a happy halthy family, I love it 😉

Michelle Whitlow - that is awesome!!! i SO need one of those…esp for the ‘no whining’ part 😉

Rachel - I love this art!! I’ve been on the look out for a way to display our family rules and this is perfect!

AmberC - We really need one of those posters in our house =)

Deb A. - Awesome! I would love to have one! Thank you for the opportunity!!

Rachael - I love this!! I will be ordering one for sure.

Vicki - We’re getting ready to move to a new house and this would be perfect for us!

stephanie - oh my gosh! this sign sounds just like me! lol. I would LOVE love love one. and once I get a house of our own I am planning on getting one of these! and maybe one of those great signs from Jones Designs (or something like that?).

vicki - He has got some GREAT stuff going on….good man to listen to his wife! We have one more family rule that is the number one, at the top of the list rule….”be nice to your mom.” Best rule ever.

abby - Love it!!

Anne-Marie P - Hope it’s me!

jamie - love love love LOVE

Shari - I got this several months ago and it hangs in our kitchen. Everyone that comes over loves it!!

Shannon - I couldn’t have said it better myself! LOVE IT!!!

Carrie - Fabulous! What a perfect reminder for everybody!

Carrie Haughey - Oh my goodness! I have been wanting a family rules poster/canvas/SOMETHING! I really hope I win! Thanks!

ctymouse - A very excellent give-away!

Tiffanie - I LOVE this! I just added his shop to my etsy favorite! Those would make great Christmas gifts for any family too! Thank you for the chance to win and God bless y’all

Linda - Checking out his site as soon as I leave this comment!

Sherry - What a great list of “rules.” Love it, fits perfectly on your bookshelf too.

Jennifer - Um… Yes. Our family needs that.
Love it!

Renee - These are great! I love them all and already have a spot picked out…

Shelly - Oh my! Awesome! It would look FAB in my basement playroom. All my accents are black & white!

Jody - I love it. Pick me! 🙂

Toni :O) - I adore the Wedding Vows, just so sweet…even after 18 years of marriage it still rings true! :O)

MC - This art work is awsome. I have the perfect place to hang it where my children will see it all the time.

Kerri - Love love love this

Karen - I need this for my house! Especially the part about whining.
Thanks for the chance!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Oh my gravy! I just love that poster! Awesomeness!

Christy - That is great!! If I don’t win it (fingers crossed!) I might just have to buy one anyway. Thanks!

valerie - couldn’t have said it better myself.

Rachel B. - Love the family rules!

se7en - This is so cool, love everything about it!!!

Elizabeth Claassen - Words of Wisdom on a Poster… who woulda thunk it??!

Kristina Carter - love love love this!!! i have been wanting one for a while 🙂 now i know where to get one if i don’t win 🙂

Jessica M - I would love to put this up in our family room!

Lara - love it. it would go perfectly in our house.

Michelle - Love this! Would love to add it to our playroom!

dawn - love this!

merran tatum - i would love one…thanks for the chance!

cheri - Love the power of words in a room. It seems that i glance up at them just when i need to be reminded 🙂 this is wonderful!

Carin youngblut - what timing….i think i just uttered half of these to my girls! i would love, love this so perhaps if i just point to the poster they’ll always attempt at being the best they can be.

Michelle - i love love love this!

Alice Nakles - I love that the first rule is to love Jesus. That is the best rule. Thanks for a chance at winning something.

tara pollard pakosta - I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
it’s the most awesome piece I have seen!
I need that exact one!!! off to check out his shop!
you share the most awesome finds!

Michelle - Great stuff – a must for our new house! Thank you 😉

Vicki W. - Luv, Luv, Luv this!

Dena Alexander - So cool…

Stephanie - Would love this in my home! Have the perfect spot 🙂

Erin - love it! needed a bday gift for a fabulous friend – this is perfect! AND i pinned it for future use:)

Courtney - Love it! Only one child in my house though – so it would need a slight alteration 🙂

Jessica - I wanna win! I love that poster!

heather - i LOVE his shop! full of awesome prints.

Amber - Love this!!!

Nicole B. - I LOVE it! I have been wanting to paint one of these for our home, but it would be so much quicker to win one 🙂

Sara B. - Awesome!

erica - I know exactly where I would hang this.

MJ -…I LOVE this poster!! Crossing my fingers that I win. If I don’t win, I will definitely be purchasing one from his shop. Fabulous find.

AnnMarie - that is so cool it’s like really smart subway art! I love it!

RebeccaF. - This looks so much better than my handwritten, large print lettered list on the fridge.
Thanks, Meg!

Nikki - LOVE the message & design!

Jill Helman - I love it and agree with all of it too! I love the LOVE JESUS across the top and sharing in your siblings joy… love.

Joy McLaughlin - I love that so much!!

katherine - love it — and would love to win!

Jen - LOVE it! I hope that lucky winner is me. 🙂

Regina - oh wow meg ~ i would be over the moon if i won this!!

Sarah - LOVE this poster! We could really use this in our house right now!!!

karen - love it!

Katie - What an awesome poster!

Renee - love this poster. agree with 100% of the rules. pick me pick me!!!

Julie - love this awesome poster!

Lisa - awesome poster! love ALL of what it says!

Melissa - Love the one he sent you & the Definition of a Boy – a noise with dirt on it- is a perfect fit for boy number 2 at my house!


Melissa - Awww I love this poster, so true! My family would love this poster.

rachel beverlin - I’ve been looking for something for the new babes. I think a poster would be perfect! I’m gonna go look right now!

Jennifer Ensor - Love it!

Sarah - I want one for my 2 little boys!! This is exactly how I want them to grow up!

Rachael - so. want. a. piece. of. his. work. for. my. house!

Cindy@Crayon Wishes and Popsicle Dreams - AWESOME! I’m so glad he emailed you too…or I may have never discovered his shop 😉

Melissa Bailey - With a 1 year old and a 5 year old so far, I know this poster would get a lot of use at our house! I love it! And I have to admit that if I don’t win, I will just go buy one. Thanks for the link to Ryan’s shop – will be using it for sure! Actually, this might make the perfect housewarming present for a friend of mine…hmmmm…..

Ann marie - I love this! he must have followed me around for a day and listened to everything I say to my daughter!

Candice - Awesome poster! - Love this!!! I wanna win. I wanna win.
pretty please…cherry on top…

Julie - Would love one!!

Christy W - That is so cute!

Andrea - love it!

Ellen - wow that IS awesome! Think I say all of those things on a daily basis lol 🙂

Kelli - So sweet!

Tina I - Just bought one in red for our home. Should I be so lucky as to win one, I have just the friend in mind that I would give it to:-)

Tracy - For Pete’s sake, would you pick me? Really, Pretty please?

BriBedell - Love, love, love, the family rules 🙂

Beth - Love this poster!

Linda - That poster is totally perfect! Love it!

Christina Self - super cool! I want one 🙂

Benay - Great words for families!

ajdked - Love it! I want one too.

Jennifer - I love your blog and I love this poster!

Molly - I love this! Perfect rules, and I too have written them out in colored marker and taped them to the wall. Love this one.

Becky - Sooo need this!!! The kiddos have been fighting too much this week.

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - i’m not kidding when i say that i literally got tears in my eyes when i read the “marry me” print from his shop! my husband and i are musicians and we met in college…that line “i promise to sing to you / when all the music dies”….killer!!! love it!

Maura - Love it! Love it! Love it!

Tricia - Oh my goodness! How I love this!

sara @ it's good to be queen - #1. love. this. if i don’t win, i will be getting one. i love everything it says. awesomesauce.
#2 i wish our books looked that neat.

Lisa - What is not to love about this? Fantastic looking and full of wisdom. Score. I think Ryan is going to be thanking his wife for the increase in business!

Katrina - Yay… I LOVE this group of rules!

Catherine Murphy - Love my family & would love a poster like that in my home. Good luck everyone. :0)

Melissa - Fabulous!! I have been window shopping for one of these for a while.

Jane - ~Words to live by!~ I love big, graphic word art too!

Tonya - Oh my word…that is amazing!!! I LOVE how big it is and the words are perfect!

Angela - Love these! I am just beginning to redecorate my dining room (which is also now our homeschool room). We spend a whole lot of time together in there and this would be so awesome to see every day!

Victoria Clements - As soon as i saw it i wanted it badly! Just perfect!!

Angela Miller - What a special keepsake for your family!!

shelli - ok. so every time i stalk, i mean READ your blog it just makes me smile. thanks for who you are.for sharing your faith and for the chance at the give-away.

Brenda - Love it!

Lisa - Whoa! Love this!

Kristi Barrett - I love this poster! I have had it “pinned” on one of my Pinterest boards for a couple of months. Love it!!!!

Melissa - i would love to win this!

Kelly O. - I love that it is made with a Christian perspective!

Lindsey - I love it and all that it emcompasses!

Michelle Etheridge - I love it!! As a mom of 4 girls those are the same things I say and pray for on a daily basis

Jacci - I love it, only I think I would want “I am the Vine, you are the branches; apart from me you can do NOTHING” nearby. A lot of this stuff is just not possible w/o the Spirit. Thanks for the giveaway Ryan & Meg!

Alisha - I say that stuff all the time! Love it!

Julie - Perfect! For a house full of boys! 3 sons, 1 husband and 1 golden retriever!!!

robyn - Love it!!!

Sarah P - I love it!

Jill - I must have one!!!!!!!!! OH MY!

Sandra K - Would love to win – thanks!

Rachel - This is GENIUS! I love it so much. The b&w poster with your rainbow books? Brilliant!

Jenny W - how perfect…all i’d have to do is point at the poster and move on!

Michelle - Love this!! It will be perfect in our house and is much needed! 🙂 I would hang it right in our entry way!
Thank you for offering such a great give-a-way!!

Regina - “Dear Lord, please, oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE let me win this one!”
Amen 🙂

Jena - Totally love this and just ordered one! Thanks for sharing!!

Courtney - I love the family rules prints too – except we are a one kid family so it doesn’t fit for us – sadly. If I won though I’d totally want one of the Only Speak Words print – in green – it’d be awesome in our house on our yellow walls!!!!!!

Elizabeth - Oooh, how neat! Love!

Sara - Sigh…I love this and I love talented people. This rocks!

Sheila P. - Really fun giveaway! Enter me!!!

Julie L. - So many awesome reminders…think I need this as much as my kids!

Jenna@MomofManyHats - How do you score such awesome giveaways??

Hope - I love it! I want to buy or make one myself. Thanks for sharing!

Mary Susan McConnell - I love it!!

Tara - Words I say each day…love it!

Mansi - It is the same set of lines which every mother tries to teach her kids

happygirl - I couldn’t covet this more. And now I’ll ask forgiveness for coveting. But, seriously. I Want This.

Laura - Love this! Meg, I know you hear this all the time but, your house is fabulous! Thanks for the opportunity!

jess - very cool!!! i know just where to put it!!!!

Jenny - this is fantastic!!!

beki - I love this! I must have one!!!

Courtney M - Phenomenal! My house could use some reminders!

Janelle - Love this!! Would love to win one to hang in my dorm room! 🙂

Mandy Draper - Your blog makes me SMILE every day!!! Thank you for your awesome words and amazing pictures 🙂

Lesley VW - Oh my stars, I have been eyeing this for.ever! Such truth in those words.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - again, I love when you highlight artists 🙂 I love finding new treasures. Thanks for the chance to win a poster.

Colleen - Love it! The encourage your siblings made me tear uP thinking about my boys!

Becca - I love it! It would look so great in our new home. Thanks so much <3

Annette - Such a COOL Poster!!!

Brenna - I am in the process of turning our basement into a playroom for my little boy, so this would be PERFECT!

JulianneB - awesomeness in a frame…I have just the spot for it, too 🙂

Erica - This is fabulous.

Christy - Love the rules! Love the top one especially!

Ashley - I love this!! It would be awesome to have this!

Sara Torbett - love! 🙂 What great reminders 🙂

Stephanie C. - I’d love one!

Sandy W - Love it!

Krista W. - WOW!!! What a great statement piece! Plus, it would probably save me alot of talking and I could just oint to sign! ha 🙂

Amy Moon - Outstanding! Just checked out his Etsy site as well…so happy!

Eva Scott - I absolutely LOVE this poster! Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Ali - i love that poster!! its so good!

Anna - Very cool and graphic! I love it hung behind the globes!

Adrienne S - This is great! I love how big it is. We have a small one and one of the phrases is “we do second chances”, my kids like to point to that one alot!

megan - Love it!! I like how simple it is but yet BIG for big impact!

Mandi Buccafusco - I love this! I’ve been wanting one forever!

jen - I’ve been stalking this etsy shop for months!! I love love love this print….best “family rules” out there!!

E Jones - How great!

Cassandra - Looove this, i agree w/ everything it says!

Nikol - Great poster… how many times a day do I find myself saying some of those phrases!

Lynn - I love it. I love how the most important things are the biggest. All the little things add up to the big things!!! 🙂

sharon y. - I LOVE reading your blog. Seriously. For real. 🙂

Lindsay E. - Love it! I also really like the ‘Only Speak Words’ print too!

colleen from alabama - Sing silly… i do that, but a i need a reminder every once in a while to not take life so seriously… as in “sing silly” 🙂 thanks for sharing it! I’m smiling and not being so serious!

Cass M - Oh, that really is fantastic!

Marie R. - I would really love to win that poster!!!

Becca - The Alexander’s rules RULE! 🙂

Heidi - I’ve seen lots of versions of the ‘family rules’ but I really love this version! So cool!

megan - amazing. love it. must have it.

Angie M - That would really be put to good use at my house!! Love IT!

Jeannine Airo - These are all the things that you want to tell them each day but do not get the chance because you are simply too busy. It would be nice to have the reminder that they could read for themselves. Your site offers such inspiration to me……I do not know you but I know that if I did we would be wonderful friends. 🙂 Happiness to you and your family.

Jennifer - SWEET!!!

Kristin | snip&scribble - Oooooh, I would love this for my entry way. What a nice reminder to all. 🙂

Kristin | snip&scribble - Oooooh, I would love this for my entry way. What a nice reminder to all. 🙂

Tara Hershberger - now, THAT is cool!!

Meredith Salmon - I love this. My son and I both need to practice what these words say. Always nice to have a reminder.

Amy - ooh, me, me, me! My 4 kids get tired of hearing me say these things over and over and over…maybe if it’s hanging on the wall they will just remember!! This would make me so happy!

maria - This is fabulous! Love it, love the message it sends and love the typography. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Ana - Beautiful!

Joleen - So cool, I love them!

Arielle - Love this! I’ve seen lots of family rules posters floating around blogs, but I LOVE that this one starts with Love Jesus. So perfect.

Kelly - LOVE this poster – and I don’t even have any kids yet!!

Jessica @Zocal Creative - I absolutely LOVE this poster! I hope I win..cause it’s going in our new family room!

Sabrina - Exactly my thoughts for expectations in our family.

Emily - I’ve been meaning to DIY something like this for awhile, but this is so much cooler!

Craig C - I love it! All the right rules to live by.

Jaime S - Oh wow-I just love that and love that the first thing on the top of the list is Love Jesus!

Alisa - Love, love, love this print too 🙂

J - All my kids are grown and we are on to grandchildren and still, this print is valuable advice, eben for this season! Love it! And how you displayed it!!

kimberly - Just perfect! I know right where it should go, too! Love the rainbow sorting of books underneath as well. 🙂 BTW-Phil 4:8 is our memory verse for the week.

juliana whisman - Working on a family photo wall right now and this would be perfect in it!! Awesome poster!

Chantel - Oh my goodness – I love, love, LOVE this! So perfect!

LaRae - That is awesome! I also fell in love with his “boy” art!! How do you just pick one?

Tami - I found this piece on another blog and I have already listed it on my ” I would love to have list” for Christmas. I’m keeping my fingers crossed but would LOVE it as an early surprise!

Jessica @ MyArdentLife - Love love love this! We are working on a family mission statement and this is a GREAT place to begin. Also would make a wonderful gift. My pastor just moved into a new house and they have small children – perfect housewarming gift! So glad you shared.

Erin - Love it! Off to check out his store…

Emma - I read your blog every day, but never leave a comment. So I dont want you to think I am just commenting to win! But I LOVE what this poster says! And I also LOVE your blog!

Dawn - Awesome poster. I would love one.

Dena - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!

Tina C - Love the look and love the “treat others as you want to be treated” philosophy! If only everyone lived this way 🙂

Amy - Oh my goodness! LOVE!!

Leah Stutzman - Awesome! I agree with them all as well. 🙂

Katie g - These are great!

Stacey - I love it for all the same reasons.

shelly - Seriously–that is the Cutest display ever!!! Love the poster, envy the globes…and How in the Heck do you keep the books so beautifully color arranged (I’m pretty sure that one of my sons would fiddle with them just to mess with me ;))

Mae - great piece! i will be adding this to the home sometime soon!

kribss - this would be a great reminder for my kids!

Andrea - Would love to have this to hang in our house!

Tiffany - This is great!!! I love it!

sarah - This is one of my favorite ‘rules’ art that I’ve seen out there.

Kim - I love it! I think the aqua blue one would be perfect in our playroom!!!

Annie - Love it! I’ve been eyeing one similar to this, but I like this one alot more.

Lydia Skaggs - Funny how when I was reading this I could only hear my mom’s voice in my head 🙂

julie f. - love it.

mollie b. - love it, and need it…would save me from reciting the same speach over and over!!

Deanna - Love your new artwork!

Melissa Martin - Love the design and the words couldn’t ring truer!

Sarah kf - How perfect.

Melissa - I am so into subway art right now. These posters are great! Love!!!

stephanie - Want one bad!

casey - Oh my goodness! YES PLEASE!
This is so fabulous! I saw one similar to this on Pinterest that says something like “IN THIS HOUSE… We do mistakes, we do sorry, we do love” etc etc. Over the past few days I’ve tried to make my own and lets just say that it not going so well! (It just doesn’t look so hot- you know how you get this vision of somehting in your mind and know matter how hard you try and NEVER comes out like that?!) So anyway, it would be wonderful to just scrap it and get one of these instead (c:

Christy B - Great words to live by!

Kathi - Love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

Carrie - LOVE THIS!!

Krista - LOVE this and LOVE your blog.

Lauren Cladwell - i would LOVE to hang this in my HOME!

bonnie - love this… pretty much say all those things numerous times a day.

jill - So cool!

Shana - You know I love this – so I’m gonna enter and win something!!!

Stacy M - Love this poster!

Tori - I love it…. and love that I could use those reminders as much as my kids could!

Carla - Thanks for the chance to win – absolutely love it!

megan - this is awesome! thanks for the giveaway!

Stacey - That’s a great poster!

lisa - love this lots and lots … and lots. 🙂

Suzette - oh my gosh! I need this ASAP!!

jen lacey - Love love love it!!

Sarah V. - I LOVE this!!!

Kim - I love these rules!!

Stephanie - WHATEVER would I do without your cheery blog Meg? As I read the words of your artwork I had 4 little boys lined up on the couch all hitting each other! Guess what I told them?!! “Hands are for hugging NOT hitting”!! My NEW favorite saying!! Thanks for sharing

Lisa - wow! fantastic! *squeal* i am crossing my fingers! have a wonderful day! love your blog!

Tammy - I LOVE It. We have a lot of those rules. I say them 9 billion times a day. Now I could just point to it.

Lelia - It’s an awesome print! Love it! =D

Jennifer - Love it! I also like the gallery-wrapped canvas version and “only speak words” print. I like getting acquainted with new-to-me etsy shops.

kate - would LOVE this!

Lindsey Jo - i agree with all those rules. and i love that it starts with “love jesus.”

Christy - Love it!

jayne Barbour - Love it!

Laura W. - Would LOVE to win. Your website is an inspiration!

Karenth - I don’t have kids, but would love to win this as a gift for a friend.

Lisa - So inspiring!
Great reminders for all ages – even Mom.

elizabeth - swoon! I am in love with this print! I’m off to find a wallspace big enough!

Jen - i love that its big too! so fun!!

Mary Wilbur - Love it!!!

Jennifer - LOVE it! Gotta HAVE it!!!!

Jen - Great rules!!

Patty Hunt - Wonderful words to live by……..every single day!

Amy - Sing silly. Dance crazy. Yep, love it!

Sarah - LOVE this! Would hang it in the playroom!

Debby - This is so awesome!!!

Niki - I’m in love. Perfect words.

Hilary - Really run artwork!

Lynette - Love the poster!!!

sarah roberts - lovethis!! i need one.

Julie - LOVE!!!!

Kelly Krause - Your blog is the ONE THAT I HAVE TO READ EVERY DAY!!! I’ve been wanting to make a family rules subway poster since they started showing up on blogs last spring but could never decide what to put on it. This one is PERFECT, love the graphic black and white!! If I don’t win I will beg for it for Christmas!!!

denise - Love it!!! What a great gift!!!

Becky Z - I always love the things you feature, but really– I. love. this. poster. - I want to win one!!!

Chelsea - ooh! I want one! How cool!

Stephanie - Love this! Want this. Would like to say I’ll make one if I don’t win, but more that likely, I’ll just add it to my ever-growing list of “things to make” which never seem to get made. I really should win it. That would make things easier for everyone. Okay. Just for me, but whatever.

Lynette - Love the poster! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kimberly - Pretty please pick me? (I used my manners!)

Kristen - Everything aboout this poster is fan-freakin-tastic. LOVE

Busayo - i love it, soooo perfect.

Elizabeth - Love!!! Need!!!!

Ashley @ The Hillside Home - love this. i hope i win!!!!! (duh.) i’ve been looking around for a great family rules poster. i think this is it. love the first line. biggest rule in our house. 🙂

Hannah T - I have seen the house rules before and love them. Would love some of my own 🙂

nicole @ deliajude - I love that his wife told him to email you and he did. so sweet.

carrie - LOVE…redoing the playroom,so this will be perfect. PS love the globes, I have found my first one, now to find more all because of yours. LOVE YOUR STYLE!!!

Jen_Schoeph - awesome. the perfect print for any house!

Meredith - I LOVE that print! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Shiloh Walter - Love this!

shelley - love everything about this!

Laura @ so alaurable - This is perfect!!

Jen Brandt - LOVE it!

carmela hershey - Oh please let me win!!

Kellie - Love it!

Amanda - whoever wins will be lucky! that poster is awesome… the words are perfect for all families. i love that loving Jesus is at the tip top.

patti - Love, love, love this! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

SJ - Oh, I would love to have this in our home!

Liana - Love it and need one for my house!

Patricia - That is perfection! Would LOVE to see that hanging in my home :o)

Amy - LOVE it! Love family rules, but some are a little too “cutesy” for me. But these are great. I love the top 2 lines. Love Jesus. Encourage your siblings. Share in their joy. Hallelujah! Gonna go get one of these. Or two. 😉

Alexis - So awesome! I think my favorite is that it says HAVE FUN, sometimes life can be too serious. Such a good reminder for myself!

Beth K. - Just a few weeks ago I came across this etsy site through a friend’s pinterest (I do not have one, but I enjoy looking at her choices). I love this print! I even have two spots that I would consider putting it up – next to the time out spot (yes I have one of those) or in the family/kitchen area. I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win.

Nichole R - I ADORE this print! The saying is SO perfect! I would love to have this print hanging in our kitchen for a great reminder each morning! I LOVE it!!!

Iowagirl - Every time I see these sort of prints I think it is the one I will finally order … just haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Love it!

Bianca - LOVE THIS!

Amanda @Wandering - I love this!

Lindsey Claassen - I have the perfect place in mind for this poster! : )

Ana Hogan - some days i need these reminders more than my kids do. thanks for sharing! 🙂

Olivia - The prints are terrific! Thanks for sharing.

Theresa - Love what it says. Love the visual reminder for our family.

Angie - Very cool. Would love to have one for our house!

Emily - Super Cool Art with a great message!

The Orchard - I would absolutely LOVE that! It’s is amazing!

Lindsay - Would love to have this!! If not, I’ll just have to go buy one.. 🙂

jen smith - love it!!!

Jermaine D. - I agree too and would love this poster!!

Melissa - Thanks for being faithful in the blogging world to keep us inspired & hopeful. Love it.

Rebecca - I want, I want! Love it.

Kit - ooo, ooo, I love this! thanks, Meg, you always introduce us to the coolest things!

Amanda Angert - LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Must have it!

Mindi - I have been wanting one of these forever!!! I was contemplating trying to make one.
Pick me!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Favorite!!!! I love big, unfancy, wordsy art.

Kati - So great. I love the “Hands are for hugging not hitting” too!

Mindy Harris - u are so lucky to be sent such fun goodies all the time. i love love love this print.
where do you find all of your metal globes? the last one i bought was $23 because i just wanted it SO BAD. they are hard to find but perhaps i’m looking in the wrong places.

Rebecca - Love this!

Dena - This is perfect!

Cristi Clothier - Oh boy, what a fabulous giveaway! Great art, love it!

Wendy - This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Love it!

Jennifer W. - That is EVERYTHING I repeat a million times a day!! 😉 Love it!

Kate - Love it 🙂

tara - i love THAT one. SOOOO cute. and i know right where i would hang it. 🙂

Sonya - Wonderful family rules! I would love to have one of these!

Penny - Love it! I would love one in my Kitchen!

Lori - Thanks for all the links to such cool things! Pretty please—-I would love this!

Christy - I really love it!!! I will have to order one unless I win of course!

amie - Plain, simple and straightforward. Rules for everyone and every age. Thanks for sharing!

Tracy - What a great poster…such great words! I’d love to win!

Joy - I love this. Love it. Love it. Love it.

Jody - Love it. Love the size. love the words. how fun!!!

Lisa - I would love to win this print! What a great giveaway!

beth davis - I would LOVE this, too!! The golden rules … are the best rules, hands down.
BTW – I loved your September in Kansas pictures. I have lived in Kansas my entire life — LOVE to travel away from here, but NEVER would be able to leave this place – for reasons you shared. It’s home – period.
Thanks for sharing your sweet life.

Emily - Love it. Good truth without being sappy. Thanks for sharing!

Heather Crawford - Oh baby..I want this!

Vicki - OH MY GOSH – I would LOVE that!!!
Thank you for the chance – crossing my fingers!!! 🙂

Amber - I have had this print for awhile and still love it to pieces!!!

Breeana - Love it! I have just the place for one of these!

Amanda Jo - Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know just where I’d put this! 🙂

Lisa Habluetzel - Love it!

Lisa Hoeme - I love that! I would LOVE to win!

Gretchen - love this!! i agree with all of it, but love that hands are for hugging not hitting. We used to say that alot in our house! Thanks for sharing!

Hsing3kinder - Woah- love that!!! Pick me please 🙂

Lisa B - Love the reminder of the simple rules to make our homes a happier place!!!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I think I would want mine w/ a green background and white letters… a rebel, I know! ;o)

Barbie - Love it! Very good daily reminders. 🙂

Kara - I want it! My kids need it! 🙂 all people should live by these ‘rules’. The world would be a kinder place.

Emily - I’ve sign the family rules artwork before but THIS is by far my FAVORITE!! It’s awesome!

Sarah - Lovely!

Michelle - Thanks for the opportunity!! I love these kinds of things as well and could definitely find a great place for one!

Blaire - Love that! So nice!

Heather S - Very nice! Reminds me of a the “rules for life” that I posted on our kitchen chalkboard… Be Kind, Be Grateful, Say Your Prayers 🙂

Anna Marie - He is an awesome artist! Love the posters!

Christy - How awesome, love this. Would love to have this in my house

Susan - Awesome!

Wendy - I love it! Thanks as always for the giveaway!

Jen W. - Love it!

the domestic fringe - I LOVE that poster! I think I need one.

keely - I love that!

Michelle Webster - Oh I am so hoping that I win this! I love everything about it! It is perfect. We just repainted all of our living spaces and are trying to find simple art work that means something to our family and reflects our faith. This would be fabulous in our dining room where we homeschool. =)

Tanya H - LOL, talk about God’s answers for us! Yesterday was incredibly difficult and I got a call from my son’s teacher before the day even began! THIS is fabulous! 🙂

becky@oursweetpeas - Great poster. I may spring for the boy one if I don’t win, that is.

Meredith Welborn - I love this! I have the perfect spot for it in my kitchen.

Melissa - I LOVE that poster and the rules are perfect!!

natalie - i love all the color in your home. and those posters are awesome.

Ana - Hi Meg! Really, really, really LOVE it and want one for me and my family ! Please pick me…hahaha Take care. 🙂

Lorena - Have this pinned! Love it.

Michelle - Love the boldness but especially the first line! 🙂

Farrah - Oh my gosh!! I love it! I’d love to win, but just in case I’m heading over to his Etsy.

Katie Sellers - Everything that makes up a families love is in that poster! I would love one to hang in my kitchen!

Megan - What a great print! I think I say “Hands are for hugging not for hitting” at least once a week. It would be such a unique way to post the house rules. Thanks for the chance!

Jen N. - I love this kind of big, bold artwork.

Heather - Oh my goodness. This would be divine in our home!!! Sure hope I win! =)

Kristin Hayne - That is wonderful… I think I will make my kids memorize it. 🙂

Ashley - those are the perfect rules! great poster.

Terrie - Heading to his site now! This is fabulous!! Maybe just what my daughter & son-in-law need for their house as they welcome new baby soon…it’s never too early!! 🙂

Janet - Love this! Have these rules in our home! Would be great to have them displayed so beautifully! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - I need one of those for the playroom! Good advice … every word! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - I need one of those for the playroom! Good advice … every word! 🙂

Brianna - Expecting our first baby in just a month and would LOVE to have one of these hanging up to remind us all what life in our house should look like!

Mrs. B. - Love it!

Christy Rose - Oh! I so want one of these!!

Nicole Bolyea - This is awesome! I love it!

Anne - Couldn’t say it any better myself, and since my kids are in the fighting stage, we NEED this.

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - Love it! This is what our house will love by when we have kids (and I suppose it already does now with just the two of us). Looks awesome with the globes and colorful books, Meg!

Deeanna - Wow, awesome love love it… Thanks for a chance to win…

natalie (the sweets life) - this WILL hang in my house someday. i LOVE it!

linda - AMAZING poster!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! thanks for the chance to win it, meg!!

Stacy - Love it! Headed over to see what else he has 🙂

Mary Ferrara - So wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

Denise Sandberg - These rules should apply even to the oldest of us! ;0) my girls are both considered “adults” and I continue to say these things! 😉 LOVE LOVE LOVE it! and would love to put it on my wall!!

Emily - Love it!!!!

Jen - I LOVE the family rules poster. So cool.

april - Totally awesome!!!

Leslie @ {Tiny Wings} - Okay, that is AWESOME!! Must obtain!! 🙂

Melissa - Love this!

Kelly K. - Love this! It would look great in our house!

Maria Benedicto - This poster rocks! awesome…would love to have one for our home! lovely…

Ariel - In love with it all. If I don’t win, I will be purchasing. I love the marriage ones too.

Michelle - this is my favorite of all the house rules posters out there right now. so perfect 🙂

Jen - I have been eyeballing this since I saw it on Pinterest. I LOVE this print. It is perfect. ( :

sam - Love it.

Mandy - love, love, love, So much!!!

Allison - Neat piece. Thanks for the chance to win!

Maria - WOW! Love the words, so simple yet so POWERFUL!

Amanda - Fave line: Encourage your siblings…Share in their joy.

Erin - I would love this for my home!

stephanie - Love this. It would look great in my school room. : )

Jenny Logan - I would love this!

Amy Giffin - YES PLEASE!!! I already have a spot for it!

Brooke Plemons - I would love this for my family! It would be perfect in my living room under my “family” sign. LOVE it!!!!! <3

Kim Barlow - I have placed my order!! Thanks for sharing these are awesome!

tiffany m gardner - Oh…this makes my HEART so happy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. xoxo

holly - Well DUCKTAPE my MOUTH and HANG up a POSTER!!!

Tracie - LOVE THIS!!! I also love that you displayed your books in rainbow fashion. So cute!!! Love, Love, Love the poster.

Amy Griffin - I love the “be a Giver”. That is awesome!!! his Etsy site is cool also.

Megan - I love that it says “LOVE JESUS” really big across the top! Everything else flows from that! 🙂

emily carmack - i’m really going to need one of those. please.

Amanda Abney - love this poster 🙂

Aimee - The “Definition of a Boy” art made me tear up a little. I joke around a lot about how hard it is to have all boys but they are so close to my heart. I MUST get one for their room.

Becky - Great poster!

Amber Davis - Oh my gosh I would LOVE this picture!!! It is EVERYTHING I say to my kids on a daily basis!! I absolutely LOVE the one that says hands are for hugging, not hitting too!!!

seriouslysassymama - I love art like this. I would love a whole wall of words!

Stephanie R. - Love it!!

Robyn B - I love it! I would love one for our home 🙂

Ruth - Love these words…especially that it all starts with LOVE JESUS!

Lindsay - love it!

Laine Chambers - Wow, I love that! I was actually just thinking this morning about making subway art that said many of the same things!
Thanks for a great giveaway! =)

Holly - I LOVE this! I mean like LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Marla - I love the black and white.

Misty c - wow – i am off to shop
thanks for the alert!!

Tamara - Love this!! So true…

Kyra - Now I can point to the poster to get my point across.

Jessee Baldwin - I would love to win this for my kids. :o) Thanks for entering me! :o)

Deb - I would love to win this-we all need these reminders every day!

Amy Schulz - THis is OUR LIFE! LOVE IT!!!!!

Tracy Ball - I want that print!!! I love it!

Talia - I would love to win this! Thank you for the opportunity!

Jen G - Such awesomeness – I love this and might have to just buy one!!:)

Lori Austin - Great rules to live by…..all of us. 🙂

carolina nunes (@nunes__carolina) - Hi I found your blog some weeks ago. And it have been inspired me so much. God help me to one day a Mommy so creative love and full of joy as you seens to be. But for now I’m just at my trainig… LOL I’m from Brazil and Im living here in USA as an au pair. this experience is changing my life. I used some of your ideas with the little girl I take are of. BTW I love the sign is so true and everything they need to know. that’s a great sign to have at home and remind then about… every single minute. =) God bless

Jenna - so cool! I feel like I should wallpaper my house with sayings like that some days. 🙂

Raquel - How cool! Absolutely love it!

Sarah - Love Love Love this!!

Kelly - Love it, have wanted something like this for a while.

Beth Ann - Love it! I know exactly where I would put it!

amy evans - so cool.

Karla - Good words. Great reminders for all of us.

Emily B. - Perfection. Love this! Would love the daily reminder hanging in our house!

stephanie a. - im in love 🙂 thanks for sharing this work, simple and yet bold statements. i have the perfect spot for one !!!!

lisa - I love this and it is so much better than the list of rules I made out of note paper, taped together as I added stuff and left on the microwave door (since that is where everyone ends up!)

Liesl - I would love something like this for my classroom–almost exactly like the family one, but adjusted to students and loving your peers. Awesome stuff!

Amy - Love this! Would be perfect to hang in our kitchen where we all gather.

Keri - I love this!!! It is amazing!!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Sweet!! Share everything…except bad ideas! ha.
xo Ashlyn

Terri Fretwell - I too LOVE this! Simple yet Amazing! I want these to be my new house rules…..we do some now but what a wonderful display of art to remind us how to be good to one another and appreciate and take care of the people God has blessed us with.

Chaos-Jamie - LOVE it!

Tracy H - Love the poster!!!

julie - this print is perfect …

Faith - Oh goodness! I LOVE this!

Christie - This is fabulous! I will definitely be visiting his shop. Thanks for the tip!

Shawna - Love it, lucky you!

Melissa - Yes, please! I NEED more art on my walls. For real!

Shanda - Love the posters- and that they are so big!! Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Jen - I have been on a serious hunt for the past week for the perfect family rules sign – this is perfect! Love it!!!!!!!

Stephanie - Ive got just the spot for it!

Camm Taylor - Love it!! I have the perfect spot for it to remind us each day!!

julie - Love the poster! Very cool!!!!!!!!!!! I love black & white!

Amanda Ferreira - Those are fantastic! I dig oversized art, and I appreciate that it is so affordable, too.

Karen U. - Love it!! This would be awesome in our family room – thanks!!

Michelle Torres - I would love to have this in our home!!! I tell my daughter’s these thing’s all of the time, and it would look good on my mantel!!!!

michelle - LOVE, LOVE this poster!!!

Sharla - Very cool – love what it says!

carrie - Would love one of these for our house! I have the perfect place for it…and then just the goal of teaching my girls what it says 🙂

Rachel A. - This would be awesome!

Jackie - I love BIG art too!! I think it’s a great idea to have a “mission statement” in the home so everyone’s on the same page. Totally rad!

Elise - Oh, I LOVE that!! I’ve been wanting to make one of those family rules signs myself. For the last two years…Ha!!

Tiffany - SO AWESOME! You are right, what every mom says (or is thinking) everyday! Would love to have this on my wall. Thank you both! 🙂

amy S - Pick me! Pick me! Love it! Today is my oldest’s sweet 16, how sweet if I could win! She is the oldest of 7 so I could use this for a reminder to ALL of the kids!

Sally - Wow! These are great 🙂 I LOVE that they have one specifically for boys. I have a daughter and son and there are always more girl options then boys…I know which one I want!

Kell - Love it! Saying these words this very night to my teenager.

Jenniferjkeating - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! I have been wanting one for a long time! Good reminders for kids…..and parents too! 🙂

melissa rice - i would just look at them and say “go read the sign” probably 100 times a day!

Amy R. - Awesome! I would love to have one!

Jen - That’s so cool!

Michelle MacEachern - What a nice piece of art 🙂 I love the part that says “encourage your siblings and share in their joy” I think that it is a proud mom moment when you witness your children doing this!

Mariliz - I’ve been admiring these posters for awhile. Thanks so much for the chance to win one!

Kerry - Awesome-O! I would put one in each childs room :)) Sometimes i sound like a stuck record repeating all these things, now I can just hold the poster up in front of them!
Kerry x

Suzanne - Wow- I love that! I could just point to the poster.

jerusalem - so great! would love one of these : )

Linda - awesome poster!!

Andrea Smith - Oh I love this poster! Maybe my kids would believe me if they read it instead of hearing me say all those things! Thanks!

lindsay - WOW! What a great giveaway! I love your website–full of inspiration and FUN! Thanks for the chance to win.

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september in kansas.


right now in Kansas we are DRY dry DRY.
everything fried up in the 110 degrees and it's very crispy around here.
but every september these kind of sunflowers bloom everywhere even in the drought.



they line the ditches all over the highways……all around the crops… makes every drive so pleasant.


i wanted to do a family's photo session here but got nervous.
so i went afterwards alone to catch the sunset.
it was beautiful.
but so glad i didn't have a family session there…..grasshoppers….bees….BUGS everywhere.
kids would have been terrified.









i never knew i missed kansas when i lived in the "city".

and now even after being back here almost 7 years i think i say "i love it here" to myself on a daily basis.
i can't get enough of the fields, the trees, the crops, the wildflowers….the wide open spaces.
i love it here.


ok… clicks:

you can enter to win a Keurig Coffee Maker & Green Mountain Fair Trade Coffee right HERE.

click over HERE to see how my Glidden Paint project is coming along and enter to win a $150 Walmart gift card.

i wrote about being a sports mom and how Gatorade helps me out over HERE.


i forgot that LISA LEONARD said we'd give away TWO bracelets!
the second winner is…..

I love my family. And I look forward to your colorful posts every day! Thank you.

Posted by: Amy Bounds | 09/06/2011 at 10:19 AM

congrats Amy….email me at cdduerksen @ yahoo . com


i am off for a run….a very slow run….with dolly parton.  :)

and my house is a HUGE mess.
so i guess i will clean up a little.
pumpkin waffles for dinner!!

and i declared last week that every Wednesday is SONIC DAY after school.
so they would quit asking me
and then be mad when i would say no.

so now….it's something to look forward to!


feel free to copy this fabulous idea in your car after school.   ha ha ha
maybe i will see you there! 


michelle - these pics are just GORGEOUS Meg!!! seriously.

Nicole - Love thia post! Nice to find a fellow Kansas girl in blog world….I’m in SW Kansas…Garden City to be exact!

Kimberly Dial - Sunflowers are lovely. So is Kansas. 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Sunflowers are lovely. So is Kansas. 🙂

Chaos-Jamie - I think being away in the city makes us appreciate it more. I am unapologeticaly in life with the landscape here….now.
I’d buy one of your sunflower sunset photos. Been thinking about taking one myself.

Karen Gerstenberger - I only get to go to Sonic when we take David to college – there is one in Spokane, and I love the real fruit slushes.
Meg, please make a poster collage of those sunflowers and sell it on etsy. I think people would love it. You could include your favorite quotes or verses. The photos would make beautiful note cards, too.

Cory - I Love that you are there… in Kansas. One of my most favorite places ever. Part of my heart will always live there. My dad lived in the North West corner for my whole life before he passed. I lived there with him for a bit, and managed to make a trek to Beloit, Emporia, Great Bend, and Newton. Don’t ask.;) That was so many years ago, but my memories are fresh… and my heart smiles because of it.

Julie Cosby - those pictures are GOR-GEOUS!
I also go to Sonic every wednesday during Happy Hour! We call it “Sonic Wednesday” 🙂 A co-worker and I started at the beginning of the summer and have loved it ever since!

Courtney Walsh - awww, I love these photos. So pretty. Frame ’em!! 🙂

Rach - Maybe I missed your post on this, but how did you do with the summer list?????

Natalie - Whenever I see sunflowers I miss my home, which is in Kansas, too. I have pictures of my sisters and I in sunflower fields as little girls- such a fun picture. Thanks for stirring up some great memories!

stephanie - Gorgeous. I love sunflowers.

Shirley - Ilove the photos you take of flowers. I use them as my desktop background. Fantastic work.

happygirl - Love sunflowers. Hate bugs. Love sunsets on sunflowers. You are so brave.

Cassandra - Love the pictures, I live in SE Colorado & we have tons of those sunflowers too! We also got a really nice rain last night, hope you received some moisture too!

Sue Linse - I know you love Kansas, but you are still missed here in Des Plaines!

Jenny - These pictures are stunning, Meg. I miss the wild sunflowers, we had this in Ohio too…now I’m living in Annapolis, MD (military spouse!) and sunflowers are hard to come by! But Blue Crabs and traffic – we have plenty of both!

leonieke - wow….kansas looks so beautifull on your pictures!
be sure to call me when you want to change houses for a week or so :-))

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Ah, you are making me miss Kansas!! I was born there and have lived there on and off my whole life. My Mom’s side of the family all live there. Beautiful pictures!

Bobbie - Texas is in the worst drought in it’s history. There are rivers here that are so dried that you can walk from one bank to the other on the opposite side of the river! My inlays have a house at Toledo Bend (between louisiana and Texas) and their dock is sitting on dry land. It’s horrible. We need rain.

Laura - Thank you, Megan. I feel as if this post was for me as we are quite possibly moving to Kansas soon. I haven’t ever been to Kansas. It makes me feel better knowing that you love it so much. I hope I will, too. The sunflowers are definitely gorgeous!

Lasso the Moon - Hey, we have a Sonic day too! Ours is Friday, if the kids get a good behavior report all week. (they do. they’re little and sweet and still worship their teachers!) I’m new to your blog, and loving all of it!

Amanda - I was born and raised in Kansas…until I met my husband. He swept me off my feet and carried me all the way to Georgia. But, oh, how I miss it sometimes! Thank you for these lovely pictures of my home state!

Janie Fox - I love the pictures. We have those in the ditches or central IL. It has been so dry here too but it rained today! I love where I live too!

julia - We do Sonic after Walmart on Sundays. We’ve learned to do it AFTER Walmart so that we can avoid the Walmart bathrooms.

Stacy - Love your idea for a Sonic Day! I am a teacher and I have a project on Donors Choose and Sonic is having a contest where people vote and use codes from Sonic to help fund projects. I am asking for a Flip video camera for my classroom to use. My project is:
It’s free to vote and you can vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thanks so much!
Mrs. Costner
5th Grade Teacher

Suzanne - Beautiful pics. We have the same pretty sunflowers throughout Spotsylvania, Virginia. I live about a mile from the Chancellorsville Civil War Battle Field and let me tell you, September is just spectacular here. Sonic Wednesdays sounds like a plan!

shannon - my closest sonic is 35 minutes away!!! I have always wanted to go to one because of those dang commericals now even more so with you always writing about it. I think I see a 35 minute car ride for lunch coming soon 😉
LOVE the flower pictures, they just scream Fall!

Sarah - We have those same sunflowers in Manhattan. I love them. Will you post a recipe for pumpkin waffles? They sound delish!

Tracy Fisher - will you please share your pumpkin waffle recipe with us? my son was born on halloween and the two of us cannot get enough of pumpkin treats!!
thanks, tracy fisher

Lisa - I moved from California (LA area) to Bend Oregon. I absolutely LOVE being in a smaller town and having more nature right outside our door. When I am walking next to the river or with my family at a lake or drive through the area of town with fields, I breath deeper and feel so happy!

Jennifer - Gorgeous photographs. I’ve never made it up your way, but I’ve always heard Kansas is such a beautiful state.
I really enjoyed seeing all the pics this week from your craft weekend. It looks like everyone had a great time.

elisa - Love those sunflowers- great dreamy shots!

Kerry - Awesome-oh photos Meg! Love!

Dee - What incredible photos, wow!

Nicole - I never comment but I felt compelled to tell you that those are some gorgeous pics! I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere and now live “in the city” and that makes my heart ache as I miss it! Love your blog:)

Mindy Harris - gorgeous pics, meg, especially the last one. kansas is beautiful. have fun at sonic. if i were there i’d get a chocolate malt.

susie - I was wondering about the craft house your used for craft weekend?
Did you rent it?
Is it in
Was it furnished?
How big is it?
Were those your quilts on the beds?
I just loved seeing all
of the photos on everyone’ blog and think the details were amazing!

Melissa - It’s FINALLY raining here in CO.
I hope it’s heading your way next. 🙂

amy rhodes - Amazing Pictures, Meg. I have declared Fridays as Slurpee days because Sonic is too far to drive (probably a good thing for me) because my kids ask ALL THE TIME.
Your craft weekend looked amazing. I may need to get in on that next time!

Molly - Hi, found your blog through Crystal Beutler’s.
I love sunflowers! Makes me want to go buy a bunch for my kitchen table. 🙂
We had $1 Baskin Robbin scoop tuesdays, starting yesterday. The girls really enjoyed it and it was fun to talk about their day and enjoy our scoop before heading home and doing homework.

Lisa McCracken - Beautiful sunflowers!!!!

crystal - Sun flower pictures are A. Ma. Zing.
You captured the feeling.
I wish I lived in Kansas, I really do.
Cuz I’d get to drive down those long roads with farms, and sun flowers,
and I’d get to go to Sonic on Wednesdays and see you and your kids there.
And maybe I could even work at Hallmark.
Kansas is awesome.
Thanks for sharing it with me.

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - I LOVE sunflowers!!! LOVE them. What a happy place!

tiffany m gardner - pics are beautiful. and friday is our sonic day! yay for 1/2 price drinks.

Kristin - i’ve always lived in kansas and can’t imagine living somewhere else. BEAUTIFUL photos!

ktmade - What gorgeous photos. I love sunflowers!

mel @ the larson lingo - BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love Sunflowers! My first time I vistited Kansas was in the month of September. I was in college playing soccer for the University of Colorado. We played KU on a Friday & then took a bus to play Iowa State. I remember the sunflowers & was blown away at how pretty it was! Great photos, Meg!

casey - Can I move to Kansas?? Absolutely B.E.A.U.BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!

Lori Austin - Love the sunset as the back drop. Beautiful!
Pumpkin waffles – yum! My kiddos would totally love those.
I could make them with whole wheat flower and the pumpkin – bonus
fiber (fiber’s a big deal at my house – kiddos with colon issues – not that you want to know that!) Anywhoo – thanks for that idea.
Hope you and Dolly had a great run! 🙂

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - That is great idea… we have Wendy’s. Your photos are beautiful. And yes, once you’ve lived in the prairies, that sky and those fields. Nothing like it.

Judy @Considering the Options - Once again, fabulous pics! I was in Valley Center recently and cut cross country – thru Newton to Emporia on my way back to KC trying to find a big sunflower field. I didn’t find the kind I was looking for, but did stumble onto an old stone arch bridge and gorgeous sunset. It made me happy and fed my soul. Kansas is such a beautiful, peaceful place!
And I’ve cut myself down to only 3 Route 44 diet coke’s a week – gets my morning going:)!

Nicole Q. - THese pictures or BREATH TAKING ! ! ! ! FABULOUS !

robbie - did i miss the laundry room update?

Ryanne - I feel the same way about Kansas. I live in a small town outside of KC, where there are lots of open fields. Thanks for showing others Kansas’ simple beauty.

Lori - I love sunflowers! You are so lucky to be surrounded by them. Enjoy your Sonic Happy Hour!

katherine - These pictures made me smile….gorgeous pictures, love those flowers! Blessing to you! kathy

Karen - We have fountain drink Fridays! It’s been an after school tradition for years. Sometimes we have Milkshake Monday if I’m feeling extra nice 🙂

Lindsay - this post made me so happy! i love sunflowers and open fields, just the colorful start to my day i was hoping for, thank you!

Sharla - Oh wow, the pics are amazing. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks

Meg Carter - Awesome pictures Meg! I really like the one that is like a silhouette.

Lia - Your pictures are A-ma-zing as ever.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Yay for Sonic Day!

Molly - 1. love the sunflowers
2. we moved back to Iowa from Phoenix a little over 2 years ago…I know how you feel. Every day it makes me happy…will never take it for granted.
3. Your Sonic idea is brilliant!!! I teach and we don’t get out of school until 3:45 by the time I pick up my girls it is always after 4…grrr! i don’t know why they didn’t think about sonic happy hour when they decided on our school hours!

erlfisher - Kansas has the greenest greens and the bluest blues! And this time of year is best with the beautiful sunflowers – gotta love a flower that is always looking for the sun!
And I agree with merlin – had the same thought, “Waffle’s for dinner.” Ha!

Sarah - We have the lovely sunflowers in MO too! I’m 20 min. outside KCMO and it really is so fun to see the roadside colors come up every year. It’s the perfect transition from Summer to Fall. I love reading your blog every day. 😀 You inspire me to be more colorful and creative!

Jen Brandt - Thank you for all your uplifting, awesomely wonderful, colorful posts, but especially this one. My 93-year-old grandma is from Champan, KS – the small little farm town destroyed by tornadoes about three years ago. I am happy to see these HAPPY KS pictures. Love from OH…Jen

merlin - Glad it isn’t “Waffle’s for dinner” !
I had to reread that line several times to finally realize you meant waffles not Waffle, must be too early for my brain to think clearly, but I had a good laugh at my own expense.

Holly - Sonic day is a great idea!
I love the mountains here in Tn. Of couse I think the sunflowers are gorgeous also!

Laura - I love your “Sonic day” idea! Such a clever mama. I must remember this, because my kids don’t bug me daily like that, but it is sooo something they WOULD do. So when they do, as I’m sure they will, we wii have Sonic Day too!

seriouslysassymama - I feel the same way about living in Texas. I live in the suburbs, but I love the look of spring when driving down the road and all the bluebonnets are in bloom. It really is a beautiful flower. I need to run. Or walk, or do something.

Terrie - Don’t you just LOVE all the sunflowers beside the road?! I want to stop and take pictures every 50 yards!! Love the sunset in the background! I like taking pics of these as much as the big fields of sunflowers! Must be a waffle week…I made blueberry waffles for supper the other night, so good!

Gretchen - love sunflowers!! they make me smile!!

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CRAFT WEEKEND…the awesome that was.

i don't really know where to start….this post is going to be long.

craft weekend was so good.
so fun.
so funny.
so relaxed.
so yummy.
so special.
so colorful….

just so wonderful.

plans changed in the beginning and i ended up loading up for the weekend by myself instead of having help.
3 hours later i was on the road to the craft house.

that is a 15 passenger van!
it was like driving the bus to Happy Land.

kimberlee and i set up and decorated over the next 24 hours and had 15 minutes to spare.
we sat out on the porch and thanked God for all that He had so perfectly arranged for Craft Weekend. 
we were so excited to see what he was bringing to us.

we were READY!

this is the main room….

(banner made by shauna reed

gotta have sunflowers if you come to kansas!
every spot had a bag of goodies waiting for them…. very fun!!


all the fabric choices we had available to craft with…arranged in rainbow order.  :)

the sewing room….


the entry way….




the women came and were so much fun to meet.

we ate kimberlee's YUMMY dinner and then started to CRAFT! 




ironing should always look this happy right??


half the group were self-proclaimed NON-sewing women.
and they did AWESOME.

the women who could sew just helped everyone along.
no fear.
i promise you it is not as scary as it looks….REALLY!

happy messes.

we worked laaaaaaaate into the night on our ruffley aprons.


kimberlee and i finally got to sleep after 3 AM.

the SWAG fairy brought more goodies while the crafters were sleeping….  :)

kimberlee is a really good cook!!

adding a little more trim and pom poms in the morning after some sleep.  

after brunch we took a field trip to shop for antiques!


Bearly Making It Antiques is probably the most organized antique store there is.  (and my favorite)


in my opinion….melissa scored the best thing.
i loved this OLD print with a gold frame.
you just know that hung in a grandma's house for YEARS and YEARS.


greg and marcia paper dolls!!!!!!!!!


out to my favorite barn in the whole wide world.
it was FULL and over flowing with chippy paint loveliness everywhere.


Sonic happy hour on our way home.

and then we were right back to crafting!!

we did two crafts at once to spread out the sewing machine demand….. a pillow case with frilly circles.
and ashley led a craft of bib necklaces of rosettes and beads and trim.






the HAPPY aprons.

the gorgeous necklaces.

all the SWAG in one spot….it was amazingly fun to give.

melissa from colorado and kate from arizona.

IMG_5765-24 IMG_5726-14

kimberlee with keri from california.                                crystal was from california too!
blythe from wisconsin and lisa from illinois.

keri and amy from arkansas.

cyndi from missouri and amy from Kansas City!

susan and angela from oklahoma!


me and ashley and kimberlee.

lisa and amy.

the women talked and laughed together so effortlessly.
real friendships were made.
it was so cool to watch!
God provided such a wonderful group of women to come together.
i think they left full of inspiration and encouragement.
this kind of weekend to rejuvenate can get you through the tough times ahead or the monotony of mommy hood.

i am so satisfied with our first craft weekend.



i have new friends.
i have a full heart.
i am excited to plan the next one(s).
my mind already has lots of ideas for another!

i am so grateful with every detail that God worked out for us.
down to the BEAUTIFUL scenic sky on the way to barn and the late plane coming in so we had time to take a shower before the craft girls arrived!
He knows what we need.
He wants the best for us.
He wants us to share HIS love with others.

i think we did that.

HOW AWESOME is God that He would make CRAFTS another way to glorify HIM.


and so do crafts.


and i slept ALL day today….till 2:45 pm.

CLICK OVER TO OUR CRAFT WEEKEND BLOG to get on information on craft weekends in the future.
and get on the waiting list. 

susan duncan - would u please email me the CHRISTMAS BULBS




thank u susan

Kerrie - I would love this pattern to make for Christmas gifts. Can you email it to me?

Andrea - Can I get the pattern to the apron??????

Lizzie - so how about THE PATTERN??? Why are you ignoring all of these requests?

Sue - Did anyone ever receive the advice on where to locate the pattern, please?

Lisa Simpson - These aprons are absolutely adorable! Is there a pattern available? Did you take a basic white apron and just put ruffles on it? I would love to make one! Thanks for sharing!

Stephanie Girling - just came across this on pinterest!!! How fun!!! Thanks for sharing!! Anyway I can get the pattern? What great gifts these would make and I have a gazillion pounds of scraps!!

Patti - I just came across this site on Pinterest and I fell in love with these aprons. And I so enjoyed viewing the pics and captions. I would “LOVE” the pattern, please? Thank you for sharing!

Liz Pratt - These are so stinkin cute!! I am doing a cooking party fro my girls and would love to make some of these! I would love the pattern 🙂

tonya - Where can I get that apron pattern?!?! Soo cute!

mary - I too would like the pattern if it is available

Loretto Oyarzún - Chicas, qué bello es lo que hacen… Me inspiran para confirmar nuevamente lo que deseo estudiar, sigan adelante y llenen éste mundo de color!!!
Cariños desde Chile,

Thelene O'Donnell - I would love to know where to get the apron pattern too!!!

Deanna Zigray - I would like the apron pattern as well. PLEASE! Thank you!

Susan Cook - I would love to get the apron pattern as well.

Tina Beatty - Absolutely love the aprons & flower necklaces. What a wonderful weekend you had, looks like a great time. Would it be possible to get your pattern for the aprons? Thanks so much!!!

Paula Pitre - I would like one for every Holiday! I think this will be my first project with my very first sewing machine Santa brought me thus year!! I can’t wait!! Can you please email me the pattern?

Jo Ann - How can I get a copy of the pattern for the aprons? My little girl would love it!!

jeannette - awesome !!!!!! Could you email me the apron´s pattern .
I live in Bolivia …..

carol adams - Just saw your post on Pinterest. Love, love, love those aprons. Could you email me the pattern.

Nancy Molitor - I have been given about 20 yards of fabric to make things for the Festival of Trees next year in Salt Lake. These would sell like hotcakes for this great charity! Can you email me the pattern please??? - And keep the rest of us posted pls:) I would love to attend a craft weekend:)

Nancy Mitchell - I too would love the pattern for the too cute apron. Wanting to make 3 for Christmas gifts and haven’t found one as cute as that. That looks like such a great fun filled weekend! It is sooo me. If you ever head to Kentucky, look me up!!

Yvette - So many colors of fabric ans so many smiles! SIgn me up! Yvette

Rebecca Taft - Would also like the pattern for that adorable apron.

PJ - Oh my! You girls know how to have fun. I am SO inspired. I foresee a Craft Weekend in my future!!!
Thank you for sharing all the fun and God bless.

SLS - WOW! Looks like the perfect way to spend a weekend. Great work!!

Sharon - Patterns for all would be appreciated along with the time and place of the next weekend. I would love to attend.

Brandy - I didn’t see the Patten for the apron anywhere! I would love to have it!

miny smith - I would love to have a copy of your apron pattern.
What a fun time you had. Thanks

Denise - How can i get patterns for your items from your craft weekend? I love them.

Lorraine - Love Love the aprons–been looking for a pattern–could you
please email me the pattern.
Weekend looks like so much fun–wish I was there.

Angela - Those aprons are adorable!! Would you e-mail me the pattern pleeaaasse??

Krista - You guys look like you had SO much fun! I love it!

Nancy Wagner - My daughter-in-law would love an apron like these! Can you email me the instructions? It would be a wonderful surprise or maybe even a project we can do together!

Mariana - Wow! You are amazing! I’m from Argentina and I love crafts. I wish I had something like this in Buenos Aires! Congrats!!!!!

Sorem - nettamenente suoeirpre alla media dei giochi attuali x wii, ma nettamente inferiore alle controparti nextgen (graficamente parlando).le texture di mostri e ambienti sono inguardabili (persino quelle precalcolate sono talvolta senza AO o GI), le geometrie low-low-low poly roba da avr ancora la wii lo comprer perch mi piacciono i giochi cos , ma non lo osanner come la manna dal cielo come i fanboys che a furia di vedere giochetti fumettosi perdono di vista che tecnologicamente siamo nel 2008.diciamo che se le potenzialit del wii sono proprio tutte qui forse meglio davvero che escano solo i giochi fumettosi popolati di mii.

Subhash - I would like to learn the piano as a hobby, but I’m currently atnitdeng university and won’t be able to afford a weekly teacher. Do you happen to know a good website or even a decently priced book that would be a good substitute teacher?’ Thanks in advance!

Beth Cahill - What a great weekend away!!! This blog has been sooo inspiring!!

Vicki V - I think I’m in love. What colorful projects and ideas! Swoon!

Kate - this is SEW on my dream list, bucket list, whatever you wanna call it. Who knows-maybe I will be at the next one 😉 LOVE seeing this wonderful wrap-up! Fabulous!

ellen patton - J is for jealous. I want to go to a cool craft weekend and I want to go to that antique store!

Cher - So fun! Are you and your family Mormons?

Mimi - A friend just forwarded a link to your blog. I’m blown away. Love it so much, I’m blogging about it on MY blog.
Thank you for sharing in such a beautiful and honest way. It’s really a pleasure to read a blog of this caliber.

tami - Loved all you guys made! Very colorful and fun! xoxo

Sophie ROSEY-MARECHALLE - Dear Meg ! am a active follower of your wonderful blog ! first is a big thank you for your colourful life and sharing it with us !
I would dream of sharing such a crafty week end, but …am too far away ! am in Northern France !! Well, hope you keep be creative and maybe one day, I will join you there !
take care !
hugs from France

Courtney Walsh - Meg, I’m so so glad you’re doing this. what fun! 🙂 If you ever want to take your show on the road to Colorado I’m the girl to help you arrange it all!! 🙂
Oh, and I want you to teach me how to sew!!

Savita Gilbert - What a fun idea!!! Looked like you all had such a great time and expressed some wonderful, creativity too! Would LOVE to see a tutorial on the aprons….those would make the CUTEST Christmas gifts!

Amy - Howwwwww funnnnnn! where did you get those nametags/who made them/how can I make or buy them?!

Kristin S - Thanks for this post! What a fun weekend and picture of community.

holly - Freeezing today at my house. Just picked up the manboy from preschool, put on a pot of coffee and read this post. again. Love the junk you hauled to decorate!! Makes me wanna go rearrange and sew stuff. Thanks for the good company while I warm up! :o)

Amy - Awesome post. You said it perfectly. I had hoped for the chance to share the Gospel, and instead left so full & BLESSED!!! Loved every minute of every day. My first time to leave my kids & it was perfection. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work!! I hope you feel like it was worth it! It was!!

Katie - Thanks for posting pics! It looks like it was a great time! So beautiful and colorful. My kids are excited to sew now after seeing all the fabric!

Laura Villarroel - ¡Oh! ¡qué bello equipo!! me encantó todo el recorrido con las fotos, me encantaría que algo así se hiciera en mi ciudad. Felicidades a todas, buen trabajo!
Saben lo que más me gustó? los delantales, ¡qué hermosos son!

Margaret - Whoa! This looks like a weekend straight out of my dreams! I love your reminder about God’s creativeness revealed through the creativeness He graciously gives women! Awesome!

stephanie - WOW! My friend Amy and I are biting at the bit to come to one soon. I can’t come until I don’t have nursing babies, but we would love to come to one of these in the near future! I love that you gave God the glory for crafts. I would have never thought of it that way, but He is a God of beauty and craft weekend is such a Proverbs 31 thing to do! - **Sigh** Wish I could go!

mel @ the larson lingo - These pictures are AWESOME!!!! I TOTALLY want to come to a craft weekend. So much fun!!!! I can tell you & Kimberlee put so much time & effort into this weekend. So happy it was a huge success!!!

Erin - Love all the pictures. Would you consider coming to San Diego, CA to do a craft weekend?? Please! Where did you get the bird trays behind you in the van? I am going to make an apron for myself and for some gifts. Thank you for the inspiration and ideas!

Melissa - Kristen M, I linked up all the swag in this post, if you want to see where to order that print. It’s really cute…stamped, not photocopied.

Dawn Eshnaur - How fun!! We were right ahead of you! My friend and I came to visit our friend from fredonia and had a flea market weekend! We visited barely makin it and I agree…the most organized place! Then on to the mill. We spent the morning with Denny and got lots of treasures! We were loving that place! When we went back to town we saw your van at barely making it! How fun!!!!

Laurie Star - WOW! Simply stunning pictures – thanks for sharing with all of us! I am drooling over here! How do people like me sign up for the next one??? Awesome aprons. Love it!

Sara - Looks like SO much fun! Where is that barn??? Headed to Hillsboro and Marion this weekend!

Tracie - Sweet goodness gracious you all had a great time. Looks like an absolute blast!

Kristin M - Looks like such a fun time! I *need* that Rise and Shine print…care to share who gifted those you all?

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Next on the agenda: BLOGSUGAR baby!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot woot!

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - Okay, I knew it would be awesome but this is so infinitely awesome, I can’t take it. I so wish I could have been there! Lovely lucky ladies, looks like a fabulous and merry time was had by all!

Cindy - What a BALL!!!

Angie P - It looks like SO.MUCH.FUN!!!! I will definitely make it to one!!!! 🙂

Caroline - awwwwwwwwww, how wonderful it all looked! That house was like a happy house on craft steroids! The ladies looked like such fun. I want to come next time!!!! Great job Meg! Hope everyone loved my give away of Multiple Blessings fabric! xoxo, Caroline

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Kimberly Dial - I love, love, love those aprons! I’d love to make one for me and for each of my grandgirlies! Looks like you had an awesome time! He is so mindful of our needs & I can only imagine many needs were met in the midst of all the fun you gals had. I agree … God rocks!

Mindy Harris - looks awesome, megan. i bet those girls were FLOORED!! neat neat neat and you’re right, it’s all for God’s glory. he made the mind creative!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh my word. that is some eye. candy. i am so inspired just reading this post! love it all.

Debbie - So much fun! Adorable aprons and fun girl time, what a great idea! Love your blog!

Julie - Wow, that looks like a great time! You did such a great job on all the decorating and little details! Looks like everyone had a blast!!!!

bonnie - oh its like a dream come true, all of it. the crafts, the antiques, the friendships, the swag and all with God being the center of it. SO wish i could be there. you dont know me, im just a blog follower but i think you are really amazing. your love for Jesus is evident in all you do… you are inspiring.

CathyC - Absolutely Fantastic!!!!!!

Kimberlee - Oh the happiness of seeing these faces again!

Stephanie R. - I love the nametags…can you share how they were made?

Shabree - Looks like so much fun! God is good All the time! I hope I can get in next years!!!

elz - Oh, how fun! Next time for sure!

Jenna@MomofManyHats - Meg-
I think you just made my whole life! That weekend looks amazing and I just so wish I was there 🙂 Wonderful pics, beautiful women, fun fun fun! If you ever want to have a craft weekend in MI, I wouldn’t be upset 🙂

tiffany m gardner - A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I just want to be there by looking at those pictures! With three kids and not much help to ever watch them I don’t know if a craft weekend would ever be in my future…so thank you for sharing your fun with the pictures! My husband, kids and I are planning a trip to kansas this fall for some antique love….please….where is the BARN???????? Please share…if you can. xoxo my favorite blog girl!!!!!!!!!

Lisa - Can you share the patterns/directions for those incredible projects!!! Us lonely crafters of the north (Manitoba, Canada) would LOOOVE to have our own Craft Weekend. Please share in an upcoming post. You have inspired me to go on a fabric-run and create.

Kate - What a wonderful weekend…I would love to participate someday when I don’t have a nursing baby! I love the flash-card garland. I’ve got a box of vintage flash cards sitting in my craft room, and this is just the inspiration I needed. Thanks!

Susan - We had SUCH a great weekend. Thank you sooo much for your hard work and time to put it together. You are a blessing to those around you!

Jen - Where did you get the fabric on the lampshade?????? My 7 year is changing her room and that fabric is perfect! Please, help! Also, I get inspired EVERY time I visit your blog. Thank you so much! And please, I would love to know where to get that fabric from!

Julie - Looks like you had loads of fun and what a beautiful weekend you had for it. In case no one else mentioned it, I loved the name tags. How cute are they?!

Lori Austin - What fun!
You are truly inspiring me to reclaim a space in my (tiny) house
to dig down and find that crafty girl I used to know before I
became a momma. I’ve also always had a desire to learn how
to sew…..I need to get on that!
Thanks for sharing all of the beautiful pics from the weekend.
The group shots on the porch – the best! 🙂

Ranee - that DOES look like happy land. You are awesome!

Simple Mama's Shutter - Oh my word, what a grand time you all had! I might have to save my pennies and come to one of your craft weekends! I want a ruffle apron too!

Brooke - How awesome! I wish I would have been there!! That looks like the perfect weekend! 🙂 🙂

Tiffany - so colorful and festive. can u breathe now? Looks like an awesome time.

seriouslysassymama - Holy Moly that looked like so much fun! I love how you guys decorated for he weekend. I am going to have to get myselfon that waiting list!

Mindy W - a long post from you is a long drink of happiness- what a success your craft weekend was! way to go!

Jennifer - It looks amazing!

AshleyAnn - You got such beautiful pictures of the ladies! Wow..I just want to read and re-read this post all day. Thank you for an incredible weekend!!!

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - What an amazing weekend! I love how colorful everything is! I hope you keep doing these – I might eventually work up the courage and the money to come to one!

Alicia @ La Famille - oh ms. meg! i love alll this!! your crafts are awesome! the junk is awesome!! y’all are so adorable!! great job 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Lovin to live through this post!! :o)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh, you sure did do it! Looks like SO much fun. And I’m happy to see that the non-sewers represented, yo.
ps – I don’t know what I would do with Greg and Marcia paper dolls, but I don’t think it would be possible to walk away without them.

Michelle from Australia - OH MY GOODNESS!!! That looks totally amazing. And this is me the non-crafting Accountant who couldn’t thread a needle if her life depended on it 🙂 Thank you for inspiring me to at least THINK of crafting Meg.

Annika - Thank so much for sharing this. The way you decoarted the place was awesome. Looks like you all had an amazing time.

Kerry - oh i’ve been waiting for this post for like Weeks!! Meg, it looks like these girls had and AMAAAAZING time, and the Crafts? man oh man, you cannot get any cuter!! What an AWESOME weekend…. Just too Awesome xxxx

Heather G. - Oh my gosh, what an amazing weekend!! I’m going next time, even if I have to sell a kidney!!

Kimberly - God is so good to share that many wonderful women with each other!(And if ever there was reason to covet someone’s creative-ness, I think this is it!)

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Oh, brings back happy memories 🙂
I REALLY hope to make the next one.
Especially since I am missing BlogSugar 🙁
You and Kimberlee seriously ROCK! The house looks amaaaaaaazing!

Southern Gal - I would have loved to have been there just to look at all the eye candy. Gorgeous!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my heavens.
I cannot thank you enough.
My heart is so very full and i am seriously considering buying a sewing machine this weekend.
Love, love, love to you!

nicole @ deliajude - okay. please host again so i can have the courage to come even though i will not know a single other soul. you are going to this again someday, right? get more sleep and then answer the question.
ps: i can load vans!!!

Helen Wall - I wanna know what Jana is doing in that picture?!

Melissa - Oh, and I don’t have a home for that print just yet, but I will!
Thank you for encouraging me to buy it.
I’d be so sad had I not. 🙂

Melissa - I love the pictures!
I can’t say “thank you” enough to truly express my gratitude for this past weekend.
You and Kimberlee are the BEST!!
I’m so thankful I got to be apart of this!

Terrie G - It looks like you had a wonderful time!!! So glad it all went well for you! In the future…if you need help loading up, me! Seriously…I mean it. I would have helped you in a heartbeat…cause that is what I would do. 🙂 Rest up!!
I crafted this weekend too! I finished 3 quilts in the last week…my craft room has been crazy busy! Just finished the binding on the last one tonight.
Are you ready for Parenthood tomorrow night?!

keri ~ forever folding laundry - Meg, you captured the weekend beautifully.
Those three days were inspiring and energizing
and a blessing. Truly.
You and Kimberlee are amazing hostesses!
You e-a-r-n-e-d that sleep today.
I don’t know how it could have been better.
Well…maybe if some of that chocolate peanut butter cake
had been in the swag bag. I could have used a piece
of that in the airport yesterday.

Leah - This weekend look AMAZING! You all must have put in so much work. But I’m sore those moms who attended are so grateful and will never forget the experience. You’re right it probably was exactly what was needed. You all rock!

amanda - p.s. forgot to add that it looks like tons of fun! i love the swag bags!

amanda - did jana sneak into the antique store with you guys?

honeybeemama - oh my goodness! this is the same craft weekend i read about on ashleyannphotography this morning! i didn’t know you were connected! i want to go to a craft weekend!! and i’m imagining myself sounding like the girl in charlie and the chocolate factory saying, “but daddy, i want and oompa loompa NOW!” how do you get invited to craft weekends?! i may just have to host my very own!

lisa biedebach - I wanted to sign up, I talked myself out of it. I knew I would regret it and I do! It looks like so much fun and I love the aprons.

Lasso the Moon - What an awesome time. I am inspired by this. I might even email you for more info. The Lord has something like this in my future…He’s been hinting at it for years! And this idea of “crafting for His GLORY” plays right into it. Thanks for sharing this.

Margo - Looks like a great time! I hope I can come sometime!

Nicole Q. - It looks like so much fun! Glad it was an awesome weekend! I’m sure you’ll be recooping all week!:)) You and Kimberlee make a great duo! You both are awesome.

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oh my goodness…..this is fun.



it's 3 AM.
i have been on my feet preparing and greeting and crafting for 19 hours.

i am having the best time.

i can't wait to show you more.
but i can't right now i need to sleep….really bad.

more soon.


winner of the lisa leonard necklace is:

I feel like I love so much – My husband and kids, God, the rest of my family and friends – life,
cookies, coffee.

Posted by: sarah 

 email me sarah!!!




Chikita - Jaelyn Scott – Oh my goodness. You are so icdlenibry beautiful!!! taking after your sister, i see. the shots are amazing. i love the camera angles and poses as well as the backround scenery. such a good job on the photography. love love love. p.s., i think you should put the 5th one down or the 2nd on up in the yearbook. much love =]

Maman - What two little cuteis with the best smiles ever! =)(I used a cheap black throw for the baby picture. I put it over a big pillow and then put the baby on it while her Mom held up the back. It looks alot blacker than what it actually is because I painted it black in photoshop! =) Don’t know it that was what I should of done but I like it. )

Rach - Please please please let me come next year. Just looking at the pics makes me want to be creative.

CathyC - This is so lovely and fantastic, I wish I had been there! Great job!

Jaclyn - OK, seriously???!!! HOW FUN!!! I want to go to the next one!!!

mel @ the larson lingo - SO fun!!! Can’t wait to read more about it & see what you guys made!!!!

Krystle - ha! you mentioned cookies and coffee and obediently I’m going to make some.

Kerry - I KNOW you girls are having the most Awesome time and you are loving every minute :)) cant wait for the pics Meg! xxx

leonieke - it must be soooo much fun! enjoy! (and sleep a little,…`)
looking forward to the pictures!

Elizabeth Grandon - Woot woot! I had hunting weekend with my hubby…came back with great memories, good photos, and a life long scar to show for it, wish I was getting pricked by a needle at craft weekend!!! Hope you’re recovering better than I am:)

Liz - I know my friend Keri is having an awesome time!!! She had to get the prize for farthest away!!!

Melissa - Best. Weekend. Ever! I can’t say “thank you!” enough.

Melissa - DYING to see what y’all have done all weekend!

Kimberly Dial - Glad you gals are having so much fun (not that I doubted it for a moment! 🙂

Samantha - jealous.
can’t wait to see your creations!

sharron - have fun!
yay for the winner of the ll giveaway too!

alicia @ la famille - kiiiinda thinkin you need to do this twice a year and kiiiinda thinkin i should be there next time 🙂 glad you’re having fun!

Shannon A. - How cute is your house?! LOVE the banner, pumpkins, and topiary! Happy crafting!

Suzanne - That craft house is awesome! I was there earlier this year for part of the day with my mom and some of her coworkers. I just wish I had a group of people to go there with again. Glad you are having an awesome time!

Heather G. - Awh, man I wish CA was closer!! Have a fabulous weekend – I can’t wait to meet you in a few weeks at Julie’s house! xo!

Julie - This definitely looks like a fun place to be!!! I can’t wait to see the photos of Craft Weekend in action!

Alicia - Have a complete blast ladies!!! I wish I could be there to join you…maybe next year! Have Fun!

Melissa Bailey - Swag banner, SO cute! I’m off right now to raid my fabric stash and copy it! Now all I need is a cute house to hang it on! Mine is so ugly and NOT my style, but at least we have a roof over our heads! And hey, maybe the banner will help!

miss lynn - wishing i
was there!!!!

Jenna@MomofManyHats - So happy for you and Sarah 🙂 Can’t wait to see some of your crafty work!

Sally - Can’t wait to see/hear more about the craft weekend. Have a blast!
I want to make it to next craft weekend!!

Terrie G - You are a hardcore crafter girl!!
I’m sure you are having fun!!
What a great weekend!!
And to think you can recuperate while watching Parenthood!!!!!

Lori Austin - Hope you girls are having big fun! 3 a.m. – wowwheee!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh man I just about jumped off the couch when I read the name of your winner but then realized its not me afterall.:( Congratulations to Sarah, the winner:)
I cant wait to see pics of this amazing weekend you girls are having. Ive got my own excitement going on here as we’re just about finished with our master bath reno(that started LAST summer). Remodeling in an 1800s home is never quick or easy:)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

tiffany m gardner - So happy for you and all the gals! Have super fun this weekend. I would have tried to have been there but yesterday I had 10 little eight year old boys at my house for my son’s birthday and who wouldn’t love that? 🙂

Sarah Alcantara - I’m so jealous!!! I’m sure you are all having a blast!

Southern Gal - I was sewing until 3am. Craftiness must be in the air!
(Why am I up at 7:45???)

Holly - I bet yall are having a blast! Have fun!

Michelle from Australia - Wishing Australia was closer to Kansas. So I could have seriously contemplated coming to the Craft Weekend. Which my husband says is total madness as I am THE most uncrafty person ON THE PLANET. But a girl can aim for miracles can’t she 🙂

Kat - Love the bunting and the house. Both gorgeous!
Have fun!!

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