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it was a good weekend…..


8:03 on my birthday is better than 6 AM .
craig took the kids to school for me….speaking my love language baby!


met my girls for a birthday run.

kleenex as a gift…because of all my tears everywhere…all the time.  :)

roses from craiggers.
i have been missing my coffee the old way since the Keurig…gonna try this out.

huge basket of all polka dot goodies from my friend.  :)

dorky dog.

cards from the kids.  

coconut cream cupcakes….oh my heck.

annie's soccer game.

talby's soccer game.


sean's football game.

i was ROASTING at sean's game.
i was definitely not dressed appropriately for 95 degrees. 




the moon.

smores over the campfire in the yard.


bedtime stories.


scott playing basketball hours of everyday.
rocks from lake michigan.

family soccer game.
waffle is a poser.


sean practicing his saxophone.  
he decided against the trombone….i think because we HAD a trombone so he had to try something different.

this was my gift from annie.
a family portrait.
i couldn't love it more.
especially the "Cireg & Magin" part.  

how was your weekend?


Beatrice Dalton - Those all picture looking awesome. I really like this photography. I hope you enjoyed weekend. Above everything is perfect for that. I appreciate you.

windows blu ray player software - I’m working all weekend, but I enjoy every minute of it. I would love to see the excitement on the faces of my girls when they get home.

Beatrice - ยกQue fotos tan bonitas haces!
Es un gusto ver tu blog.

amber reece - hope you are framing that portrait, it’s priceless! i love how the shirts “say” what each child is about! : ) love love love it!

jennyonthespot - OH friend! I missed you birthday! Looks like it was simply lovely… {hugs}

anne c - happy belated birthday! the picture annie made is so great! I love how everyone’s arms are behind their cute!

Jennifer - It’s so good to hear that someone else is a crier too! I cried 2 times yesterday in my bfa class. Once was over the review of the notes! Come on now. But those kleenexes were so sweet. I love how a super thoughtful gift doesn’t have to be expensive. Although, I wouldn’t turn down some diamonds….
Happy Birthday!

tara - whatever you do, please frame that family portrait that Annie made for your birthday.
put it on your kitchen countertops.
okay, that was bossy…put it wherever you want, but for the love of all things awesome, put it somewhere for EVERYONE to see and never remove it.
okay, the end.

jennibell - Sounds *perfect* — yea!

emily anderson - looks like your day was fabulous! and that family portrait is perfect. framer for sure.
happy late birthday friend!

andrea - Glad you had a great birthday! Love the picture of the white mums. I put yellow on the deck this year. My mom brought me some beautiful dark, dark red ones that I put on the front porch in place of the geranium that DIED. Never had one die before. Also, love love love the container of rocks. My kids and I are always bringing rocks home from everywhere we go – even a parking lot – much to my husband’s chagrin. lol. But if they sparkle or a neat shape, home they come.

lisa - Great family portrait! What does Talby’s shirt say? Soooo cute. ๐Ÿ™‚
Your Talby is a stunner. Just beautiful. What a lovely birthday weekend! Cheers to you!

jamie - i am {so in love} with the family portrait. absolutely love.

Maggie Nunez - Happy birthday! love the pictures. Had to share that i had a dream that i met you in real life and do you do it all? and you just smiled!…too funny…i tried the k cup because i didn’t think it was green to use the plastic ones and because i missed my favorite brand of coffee {yumyum hazelnut} but it just didn’t taste the same. thanks for sharing.

Jen - You HAVE TO get the family portrait framed!

Kim - love your running groupies.
and love that you ran ON your birthday.
you are much more devoted than i.
and that family portrait.
i think that might be my favorite “craft” i have seen posted on your bloggity blog, of all time.
it’s for sure a framer. ๐Ÿ™‚
have a great day friend!

mary elizabeth - you must frame that ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristin Hayne - 1. Happy Birthday…
2. Love Sean’s one eyebrow….
3. That family portrait is the best gift ever…
4. OK… maybe taking the kids to school was the best gift ever…
5. Your life looks three times as busy as mine… how DO you do it?
6. How did Waffle get his name?

happygirl - Happy Birthday. This was a wonderful post. LOVED the family portrait. ๐Ÿ™‚

Leigh - This entire post made me so, so happy. It looks like you had a great birthday- you are surrounded by so many great people (especially your family!!)!!

Sandy - I love that you got a pack of tissues. We gave our mom a box of tissues one year for mother’s day “because no matter what we bought she would cry”. She didn’t see the humor. ๐Ÿ™
I also love Annie’s family picture. You have GOT to frame that for safe keeping!

Kayla - So, is Lauren really taller than you? Thanks for the glimpse into your life with the kids….love it!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Great weekend. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that bring so much joy!
Gemma x
P.s – I launched my website the other day and would appreciate a visit from you girls!

haulage scotland - You people enjoying well with so many things like sports,foods,stories,music,camp fire.I really like these all.

kathy - make sure you frame that portrait that annie drew. It is simply priceless
she is quite the artist, she has a good drawing style for her age

Tracy Fisher - Happy Happy Birthday. Loved your photos. What a great day!

dawn - Awesome birthday post. I come and go on a lot of blogs, but not yours — yours is solid. Thanks for sharing, it really is something I look forward to. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy belated birthday.

Vonda - Happy Birthday!!! Wish I was just turning 36!I just turned 44!!! Love your family portrait, it’s beautiful!:) Glad you had a good day!

Genn - happy belated birthday meg!
what a nice day.
love your pictures. always do.
that drawing from annie is the sweetest thing. so stinking cute.

Paula @ Simply Sandwich - No comparison! Loved the handmade card. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kat - What a fabulous b’day and weekend.
That Annie is one little talented artist. How old is she five?!!
Wowzers, she is amazing. Love it!!
The homemade cards and drawings are always the best huh?

betsy - Happy, Happy (belated) Birthday! Love the picture catch-up posts ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to do more of those.
Annie is a fabulous artist! I was just laughing at some of the dogs my 4th graders drew for an assignment. Some looked like penguins, some like people, some like jelly beans. ๐Ÿ™‚ Not that I could do any better.
LOVE the polk-a-dot basket. That’s a great idea for a gift … I should start collecting now for my besties!

jenni - I LURVE the family portrait. You all look like you’re hiding something behind your backs with the best guilty grins I’ve ever seen.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am SO glad you had a good birthday! That is awesome! So great!

Alicia @ La Famille - adorable everything ๐Ÿ™‚ love how you all have your hands behind your backs in annie’s portrait ๐Ÿ˜‰

Danielle - Happy Belated Birthday!!! Haven’t talked with you in a while,need my Meg fix:) I’m still praying for you friend. Love your heart rock jar, I may need to copy that;)

April - This comment if for Annie….please don’t ever stop creating…you have talent little Annie. That drawing is AWESOME. If I send you a pic of my family…would you draw us….happy to pay you in art and craft supplies ???

Lori Austin - Looks like your birthday weekend was filled with just perfect things. So glad for you.
Annie’s pic is fantastic! ๐Ÿ™‚ Frame that for sure!
Our weekend was filled with birthday celebrations too. My little guy turned 4 on the 27th. My house was filled with firetruck theme birthday craziness.

Toni :0) - Great great GREAT family portrait! Your sweet Annie is precious!! Loved all the fun photos! :0)

Janelle - Annie really drew that?? I’m 32 and I can’t draw that good!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Annie is awesome… just like her mom!

Mindy Harris - i can’t handle the family portrait. so cute…she can draw! i love that you got a bunch of polka-dot goodies. how many miles are you girls running? are you doing a 5K or anything soon? i need to get my butt in gear.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Tell Annie she has a gift! How cute ๐Ÿ™‚

Kirsten P - Meg, sometimes I put my rocks from Lake Michigan in a shallow glass bowl/vase and cover them with water. Water brightens the colors of the rocks and soon little bubbles form in the water. At times I like to use it as a centerpiece – I add tealight candles to float in the water.
I enjoyed the photos from your special day – thanks for sharing.

Theresa - What a great Birthday weekend! Love Annie’s family drawing! That is a framer for sure! All the best for an awesome year!

Amy @ dwell in the season - It looks like you did have an awesome weekend! Happy birthday to you! I love Annie’s picture; everyone is so polite with their hands behind their backs ๐Ÿ™‚

BeckyB - Looks like a wonderful bday! Love Annie’s family portrait. Thanks for your great posts!

Kerri - I feel like I need to rest now!!
๐Ÿ™‚ Look’s great! – Happy Birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Reminds me of my sports mom days…I miss those chaotic weekends! Your dorky dog is so cute and you family is adorable.

Jenna - I was so happy to see that same moon in KANSAS this weekend! And I loooove Annie’s “hands behind the back” portrait. It’s perfect.

tiffany m gardner - looks like a great birthday weekend. happy birthday…again.

Amy G - I’m 29 and still can’t draw as well as Annie! What creativity and detail! Way to go, Annie. That looks like it could be the illustration in a book. Priceless gift right there.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Love the kleenex box!! My kids are always teasing me about how much I cry about everything…sweet commercials, them getting older, baby pictures, the national anthem blah blah blah. They don’t believe it when I tell them that I never used to be that way UNTIL I had kids. It’s true!!!

Lisa - Oh that picture by Annie is the sweetest thing ever! She draws people a million times better then I do! ๐Ÿ™‚

Christy - Love, love that card/portrait from Annie. So, so sweet! What a doll. Happy belated b-day. - Annie rocks!!!

Southern Gal - Lovely list of random. I would think a saxophone would be much better for the ears when practicing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday a little belatedly, sweet girl! That does look like a good weekend. Mine was a softball tournament in Eastern Washington – yay for sunshine! – and then back to the drizzle on the west side of the mountains. Love Annie’s picture – that’s a keeper!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, I’m so thankful you had a great day!!

Amy Griffin - by the way 36 is not old!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy Griffin - Sounds like you had a very busy Birthday weekend!!!

Kimberly Dial - Love, love, love the family portrait! Glad you had a good weekend!

Kimberly Dial - Love, love, love the family portrait! Glad you had a good weekend!

shauna - that family portrait is the best gift ever.
you are blessed momma

Jill - FUN STUFF ALL!!!!!

Kristy - Megan–LOVE the card from Annie! And, the coconut cream cupcake–I am in love with anything coconut. Glad you had a great day-I will always remember your day as it is also my moms!

Terrie - Love the family portrait! I patiently waited for my 1st grandbaby… yeah…patient is not what I’d call me. My poor daughter! Praying that it comes soon!
So, while I waited…I went to an awesome K-State game! (Oops…did I just say the bad K-word on your blog?) ๐Ÿ™‚
Went on a photo walk, but didn’t like most of my pictures…could be related to the impatience of waiting for THE call.
And finished knitting some pumpkin hats and a baby hammock (photo prop) for the grandbaby!
All-in-All…a good weekend!
Glad yours was awesome!

Katie Lockhart - I almost have to stop reading your blog every time you mention running because I am not motivated enough to do so for than a month.
That is the best family portrait I have ever seen. Love it.
And I want to hug your dog.

Julie - Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day. Love the family portrait that Annie did! It’s too cute! She’s a great little artist!

seriouslysassymama - I work every weekend, but I enjoy every minute of it. I love seeing the excitement on my girls faces when I get home.

Summer Crosbie - LOVE the family portrait! Looks like something to frame.

Melissa Bolton - Wow, Annie! That picture is awesome!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Meg!

Donna - happy birthday. i would guess that annie is an artist – that picture is so cute. i would love it if she would do one of my family ……….. i am serious it is beyond cute – what a great idea for a christmas card too!

Kompankansas - Huge fan of the Keurig Single Cup…just sayin’.

Jack - We’d a great weekend! we stole yet another idea from you and had our very own outdoor movie night. We’re having a bit of a freak heatwave here in England, so it was a rare treat to be sitting outside on an October night. Happy Birthday!

Danielle Grabiel - That family portrait is awesome.

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very happy video….

Blog Sugar 2011 from jakfoto productions on Vimeo.


i think this portrayed the day so nicely….lots of smiles and laughs.



Donna - love that! someday i wish to be there..i can feel the love and sisterhood just from watching it:)

Sharla - You look awesome – as in beautiful and so comfortable and entertaining. Thanks for sharing!

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - LOVE! It’s fun how many friendly faces I recognized from the many blogs that I absolutely adore. Lucky girls to be able to share that special time together.

Sandy - Looks wonderful! And it looks as if everyone loved you!! (No surprise)

Jakfotofilms - I’m so glad you like the video! Meg, your talk was awesome and really got me thinking about why I create and what God has planned for the future of my films. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

Belinda - So many familiar faces……. and I haven’t met any of them! I love the land of blogging!!! xo

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Hey Meg-
I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you in church today. The second reading was the inspiration for your blog! Many prayers for you and your family ๐Ÿ™‚

Karen Gerstenberger - It looks like a wonderful event – so glad you could be part of it. And that song is lovely.

BriBedell - You are so pretty!! I love Julie talking with her baby in the front carrier ๐Ÿ™‚

Su@TheIntentionalHome - so we got to see what you wore with those sparkly shoes ๐Ÿ™‚
thanks for sharing!

Kerry - oh the Awesomeness!!! love the shot of you on your first Tweet :)) what a cool song too xxx

Terrie G - Looks like a super fun time! How many women attended in all, do you know? I’d love to go to something like that…but, I’m not sure I’m brave enough to go by myself! Crazy, huh?!!

AshleyAnn - I love seeing Heather laughing and smiling. I was like “I know her!”…now I just need to meet her…and about 20 other girls I saw on this clip! Thanks for sharing.

wendy, NJ - I love that I get to experience these types of events through you. thank you for sharing!

laurie - Your blog title made me think of this book and the video that goes along with it…I know you’ll love it too. In case it doesn’t work, go to Pete the Cat live telling on youtube. Enjoy!

Janie Fox - That looks like an amazing time. I wish I could have been there. You looked cute as a button, as always!

Paula @ Simply Sandwich - That was so awesome! I want a re-do on that fun day! ๐Ÿ™‚

hannah singer - love the video! wondering why the heck i look so angry in it, though! haha!!

Jennifer Mask - Oh, I so loved watching this video. I am still bummed that I didn’t get to attend. Maybe next time… ๐Ÿ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Awww, I loved it! I sooooo want to go! Thanks for sharing it! (What a great song too!)

Meaghan Snider - As soon as I started watching the video I thought, WHAT IS THIS AMAZING SONG! So I googled the lyrics. It’s called Whole Wide World by Mindy Gledhill. The video is as amazing as the lyrics. (Great video by the way :))

Cindy - Loved that video. And song! Do you know who sings the upbeat song that is playing?

Mindy Harris - it’s a gorgeous video..could’ve done with out the shots of my fat self dancin’ a jig, though!

Kathi - Awesome!
If I had something to blog about it would be a blast to join you.

Holly - that was a fun video for sure!

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it’s my birthday.

thirty six.

hmmm….sounds old and young at the same time.

so far it’s been an awesome day.
my husband took the day off of work to be with me.
it was exactly what i wanted but would never have had the nerve to ask for.
he is so gosh darn awesome.


do you want to know the last 10 songs i have purchased on iTunes????
too bad…. i’m telling you anyway!

1. ย  Ain’t No Monutain High Enough ย – ย Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
2. ย  Raise Your Glass ย – ย PINK
3. ย  Knee Deep ย  – ย Zach Brown Band
4. ย  Miracle Worker – Super Heavy (Mick Jaggar)
5. ย  Dog Day are Over ย  – ย Florence & the Machine
6. ย  Hey Mama ย – ย  Matt Kearney
7. ย  Lost in my Mind ย  – The Head and the Heart
8. ย  First Day of My Life ย – ย Bright Eyes
9. ย  Late in the Evening ย – ย Paul Simon
10. ย American Honey ย – ย Lady Antebellum

pretty random eh?

all great though….love every one of them.



cute siblings.


cute family.


beautiful baby girl.


scrumptious baby boy.


happy smiley cuddley family.





Kristen - How did you make your “Happily ever after?” sign? Love it!

Jen Sully - Happy Happy birthday a few days late! It was my birthday as well…I turned 37, though! We can be “old” together! ๐Ÿ˜‰
I am glad you had such a wonderful day!

heidi of Wonder Woman Wannabe - Happy Birthday to you! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m a fall baby as well (October)
We have such similar music tastes! Serious, I think I’ve got all but 2 or 3 of those songs already – now I must check out those other few…

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Happy belated BirthDay!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tiffany - Happy Birthday! No more internet, enjoy love.

kim - happy birthday meg. ๐Ÿ™‚
i hope it was fabulous.
and that happily ever after shot is my fav.

Heather G. - Hope your birthday was happy, happy, happy!

gina's - ps. I am not sure if you have ever mentioned it on here, but I am taking the HUMONGOUS step of investing in a DSLR and photo editing
and would really appreciate if you could share what camera you have, what are the MUST HAVE accessories you suggest (there seems to be hundreds of lens, etc and what photo editing software you use.
My daughters are very talented with my in between a point and shoot and a DSLR camera and picnic- My oldest has taken senior portraits for her friends who cant afford professional ones – and they were approved to be published in the yearbook! and photography and graphic art has given my autistic 14 year old a way to communicate and express herself – her work with just her itouch and instagram has been amazingly beautiful and she is building quite the following (if I do say so myself) – I’d love to see what they could create with the “right” tools.

gina's - HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 36 SOUNdS VERY YOUNG, compared to the 38 I am turning on FRIDAY. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anne - happy birthday! my birthday is also september 30th. hope you had a great weekend.

shelby rice - happy birthday!
speaking of music, you may like this guy:
he goes to our church and is so creative and awesome

tiffany m gardner - happy birthday. thanks for making my days all a little brighter. hope your special day is great!

Lisa - hoppy birdy two ewe! i hope you had a wonderful day!
thanks for making our days brighter with you (& your blog!)

Randi - Happy belated Birthday! Hope it was great.
I just had to tell you that I’m in love with that happily ever after photo … I HAVE to do that with my family!

Sheridan - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG! My birthday was Sep 13, and I turned 36 too! Did you get my e mail?? Would love to know what you thought of the song I sent you! (I realize you probably get so so many e mails you may have missed it!) Have a great year… 36!! One step closer to 40 ๐Ÿ˜‰ EEEEEK! Sheridan x

AshleyAnn - BUMMER…I’m a day late. Happy Birthday!!!

Natalie - Happy belated Birthday!
Love the “this is my happily ever after” quote ~ so cute! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristin S - Love your song list and happy birthday!
It only gets better Meg.
Today’s my 40 1/2 birthday. I love celebrating happy half birthdays. ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy - Happiest of birthday to you, sweet Meg!! Here’s hoping you get super spoiled rotten (sounds like you already did ๐Ÿ˜‰ all weekend long. And here’s hoping your birthday celebrating includes some time at the barn. Miss that place……. Love u!!

Caroline - Happy Belated Birthday MEG!

janene@EverydayEO - Happy birthday a day late–just catching up on my reading! Denise from Victory Road called it our mid-upper thirties. . .I’ll meet you there Friday: )

Katie - Happy Birthday Meg! Thanks for being an inspiration to love and enjoy my husband, get creative with the kids, and love God and my life more…and craft and decorate my home with joy! You are a must read each day!

Cindy - Hap hap happy birthday!

Rachel B. - Hope your day was most blessed. Happy, happy birthday!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Birthday, Meg! Blessings on your day and your year!

Denissa - Happy birthday Meg!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love Raise your glass (best song to run to!) and American Honey ๐Ÿ™‚

Kori - happy birthday!
p.s. i made your mom’s margaritas last weekend (i’ve never made margaritas before…is that weird?) and they were soooo good!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Cara @ Today - Meg- you are so talented! i hope someday to fly you out so you can take pictures of all six of my beautiful children. Fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚
Happy birthday to you!

Lyndsey Sander - Happy Birthday! I love your blog, however, I think this is the first time I’ve commented. I live in the Wichita area and I’m interested in getting some family pics taken soon. My son turns one in November. Do you have any available sessions? Also, could you e-mail me your pricing information? My e-mail address is

Heather R. - Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you got spoiled rotten.

Nichole - Due to family tradition, once you hit 42 you can stay there forever. This is only because I can never remember how old my mom is, so she’s always 42. (I think it’s been… more than 8 years now?)
Hope your birthday is really good!

leonieke - 36 and acomplished so much! beautiful family, lovely blog and lots of creativity and talents,.
happy birthday!

Sarah - Happy Birthday!!! 36 sounds YOUNG to me! Have a great day!

lindsay - happy birthday meg!! i love reading your blog!

Joy McLaughlin - Happy Birthday! I hope you had an awesome day!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday a day late! It’s nice to stretch it out, isn’t it?
Love your recent downloads. I know more of them than I thought I would. Knee Deep was our Summer 2011 anthem. I’ll never forget my daughter and I sitting in our beach chairs in the surf watching the guys swim in the ocean when she took her ear buds out and put them in my ears. She put on Knee Deep, turned it up and told me to listen while she joined the boys for a swim. I know people must have thought I was loony lying there with my eyes closed and a big ole grin on my face. Enjoy those tunes!

Polderkolder - Happy birthday!

Kat - Happy b’day Meg! 36 sounds young to me as a 39 year old ๐Ÿ˜‰
Hope you had a fabulous day!!!
What kind of cake/b’day dinner did you have??
Love Florence and the machine and raise your glass by Pink.
Good choices.

Leah Johnson - I never comment, but I just had to say Happy Birthday! You share your special day with my hubby…and you’re both pretty cool. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope you had a great day!

Lori Austin - Hope *your day* has been just great.
Happy Birthday to you!

PaisleyJade - Happy Birthday!! Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration!!

keri ~ forever folding laundry - Happy 36th!!
I’m just a couple of months behind you,
so I’m going to go with NOT old.
Hope today was BEAST.

Amy - The happiest of birthdays to you, Meg! Thanks for your sweet comment…I could kick myself that I didn’t chat with you more inside. Darn nerves! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Next time for sure! Such a treat to meet you, though. All the best to you until your next b-day and always. XO

Danielle Thompson - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WOOHOO!

shauna - im really glad you were born.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Happy Happy Birthday, on this your special day!
Happy Happy Birthday, thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m here to say!
Hey! Happy Happy Bithday, may all your dreams come true!
Happy Happy Birthday, from me to you!
To this tune (from my favorite restaurant of ALL time):
I changed the words a bit, but you get the gist! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Chris - Happy Birthday to one cool chick!!! Enjoy!!! (I’ll be 46 next week…yikes!!)

Samantha - Happy Birthday! My son shares the same birthday! Its an awesome day!

Toni :0) - Woot woot! Happy Bday and here’s to many, many more!!!

Michelle Torres - Sending you lots of Happy Birthday wishes from NC!!!!!!!!

amy rhodes - Happy Birthday, Meg!!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Yuo make me feel old! Happy birthday young one!

Maria - Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day!

Jill - Happy Birthday Meg….I my next birthday I will be 45, now THAT sounds old! I loved 36, just had my last baby, mmmmmm! And I love your play list – just saw Zac Brown Band in concert with my hubby and loved every minute of it!

Kimberly Dial - Happy birthday Meg!

Molly - Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday…I turned 30 and I am ok with that:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love American Honey. And America. And honey.
Happy Birthday. It is my wish for you to experience the awesomeness of MKG in this, your 36th year.

Krista - Happy Birthday!!!! Your pictures are beautiful From seeing your taste in music I think you’d love Ellie Goulding. Try “Lights” & “Starry Eyed” :):) she was the only performer at the royal wedding, but she’s still a tad underground.

Glen - Happy Birthday!

se7en - Happy HAPPY Birthday – I wish you bazillions more – just so you can write your happy blog… Love visiting your blog and watching your cute kids grow up!!! Lovely!!!

Cristi Clothier - Happy Birthday! Great song choices and the photos are fabulous.

Lisa - Happy Birthday MEG! I love the Glee version of Raise your glass. The one done by the boys choir. So so good. Loving all your pics too. Did you realise that 4 out of 5 of them have bald heads. hehe. I love a bald head. ask my hubby. xxx

Jill - Happy Birthday Meg! LOVE the Happily Ever After pic!

megan - yeah! happy birthday to you, meg! we’re age twins! hope you had a huge slice of the BEST CAKE!!!

becky@oursweetpeas - Happy Birthday. You are my fav daily read. Pics are awesome. BTW I am checking out the music and so far LOVING the ones that I wasn’t familiar with. Thanks

Amy Harris - Happy, happy birthday to you!! Best wishes for an awesome year ahead! Blessings!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa - Happy birthday!!! I actually look forward to getting older cause I assume that will come with added maturity and wisdom. But you know what happens when you assume?! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, I LOVE the picture with the “this is our happily ever after” print in front. It makes for a cool picture, but has such a greater meaning. A small reminder to me. Hope you felt extra loved and spoiled today!!!

Sharla - Happy birthday!

carolyn - Happy Birthday! 36 was the best . year . ever! I can’t explain why and I’m not the only one who feels that way. Enjoy.

Mindy Harris - i recognize jennifer h’s kiddos and of course griffin!! happy happy birthday, Sweetheart!

Kimberly - Happy Birthday and welcome to 36-dom-ness. I arrived here on Sept. 2nd and so far it’s been… well, let’s just say that it’s been.

Shauna - WOW. Those photos are amazing….all of em! Happy B-day.


Sarah - Happy Happy Birthday to you!!
Beautiful pictures as always! ๐Ÿ™‚

Aimee - Happy Birthday! I felt sort of the same on hitting 36 this year, but 37 truly strikes me as a turning point, for some reason.

Debra - Hope you have a great birthday!! I am 36 also and think about it being old and young at the same time…old enough to know better but young enough not to care:)

Lisa - Have a great Birthday!!

Kristen @ Hope Abound - Happy Birthday Meg. Thanks for being so hip! You’re the youngest 36 year old I’ve ever seen!

Kahi - Happy Birthday!
Enjoy your day with your ROCKIN HUSBAND!
Embrace 36 and live the year to the fullest:)
Thanks for sharing.

Mary Ann - It’s my birthday too! Happy Birthday to you! (PS … I’d be happy to be turning 36 … it’s 42 here!)

Terrie G - HaPpY HaPpY Birthday!
Your husband Rocks!!
And 36 is Y-O-U-N-G! Lucky!!
Have a Ridicously happy day!

Selina - Happy Birthday! What a lovely husband! I hope the rest of your day is as fabulous.

shannon - Happy Birthday Meg!!! You are a beautiful, inside and out, 36 years young woman ๐Ÿ™‚
P.S. Great pictures as always

Karen Giddings - Happy Birthday!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Your blog makes me so happy. Thanks for being you!

Lori S - Happy Birthday! I hope is rocks! I agree with a lot of others here, You Are Not Old! I will be 50 next Saturday….now that is old! Oh wait, is it? Yes, well…no….HAHA…you are a Libra as well… probably know what I’m talking about when we can’t make up our minds!! LOL

Holly - Happy birthday! 36 is totally NOT old! ๐Ÿ˜‰

hannah singer - happy birthday, meg!
oh, i love your music picks, especially the bright eyes song. and mat kearney. and all of it.
thanks for speaking at blog sugar!
i so appreciate you, you’re the jam! xo

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - Happy birthday! The photos are gorgeous!

leslie @ topofthepage - 36 is my same age! congrats! so glad your hubby “saw” you in that way. that’s a priceless gift. also, looove mat kearney.

seriouslysassymama - I love the pop of color in your pictures. It is perfect. I love siblings!
Happy Birthday! We are the same age. Well, I will be 36 in April.

Kristin - Happy Birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope it continues to be fabulous.

Kelly - happy, happy birthday!!

Chrissie Grace - Happy Birthday Meg!
I hope this year is full of laughter and grace… ๐Ÿ™‚

Brittany - Happy Birthday!! May you feel loved and celebrated today!

Danielle H. - Happy birthday!!!

Jennifer - Happy, Happy birthday, Meg! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Happy Birthday!! Old? No I don’t think so!…I’m on my way to 46…that does sound old ๐Ÿ™

Jennifer Henry - Happy Birthday Meg!!! It sounds like you had the perfect day!! It was so great to finally get to meet you on Wednesday. We are so looking forward to seeing our pictures!!!

Maria - Happiest Birthday Wishes, Meg!

jen - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Meg! Hope your day is filled with AWESOME~NESS…

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more biz-naas.

check out this family from a few weeks back….


they are adorable!
all boys.
love that…they were very sweet.

i am waaaaaaay behind on photo editing.
gee i wonder if it’s because i have been gone so much?
could it be?

i am planning on cuddling up and watching Parenthood on the DVR and editing till my eyes won’t stay open any longer tonight.
and i have not forgotten the questions you asked me last week.
i will answer them soon.


Yael from Israel :) - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! wish you joy, love and health. hope you keep inspiring with your energy and creativity.

Walmart Coupons - I really love the pics.. which are natural…

Janine - Happy Birthday!! I hope you are enjoying this fantastic day and are being well taken care of. I know I am. ๐Ÿ™‚ (we share a b-day today)

carissa... brown eyed fox - hAppY BiRthDaY pretty mama!
hope the sun is shining big & bright for you today!
loads of love + hugs + wishes!

Ali Barnes - Ok, so I just discovered your blog… maybe a week ago, via Pinterest. Can I just say, without being too creepy, that I feel like you are maybe the (a little) older, craftier version of myself. I already love your blog and I want you to know that I am praying for you and your family and your success with spreading the word and love of Christ.

tiffany m gardner - cool pillow.

merlin - Could you check this out, as a mom, the song is meaningful and the purpose for the song is soul-growing. ( I don’t know if links can be cut and pasted this way, it is called Butterfly Child by Rob Duskey and Friends)

Lori Austin - Must make time to see that movie!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love Chrissie Grace’s shop too. And praying Davis gets to come home to his parents soooooon!

Claire - that is one jam packed post. the and yes, the little boys are very cute!

Stephanie - I am so glad you said that you can’t say that line out loud without tearing up because I saw the picture of the pillow and the tears just started falling! I LOVED The Help and sat in the theater doing the “ugly cry” with my mom because our hearts were so touched by the women in that movie.
Parenthood is such a great show!! Probably one of the best cast shows on tv. LOVE IT!

Jennifer S. - I love that your pictures are so real – natural.
I love Parenthood and have missed the first episodes this season. I am so mad at myself! Gonna go dvr it right now! Thanks for the reminder.

Jen - I LOVE that pillow! I was gulping from crying during the movie!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Great pillow! I haven’t read The Help (hoping to in the next few months). Great family photo btw : )
Gemma x
P.s- I just launched my shop website so would love it if you guys could have a little look at it!

Melly Bee - Love this pillow! The Help is one of my all time favorite books ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been telling my 3 boys that THEY are kind, smart & important and a few days ago I treated them out to lunch. While we were waiting for our meals , my adorable 3 year old sat absentmindedly playing with his fork, and repeating this quote to himself. It was a teary, proud moment for me to see they are listening & taking this beautiful message to heart ! I really should get a cushion to remind us every time we sit on the couch together
Mel xoxo

flor - Beautiful family and beautiful pictures! I have to admit I haven’t read the book nor seen the movie.. I’ve heard such great things about it so I’ve gotta make time to see it.. I just love that pillow, the colors and the design.. love it!

Kori - I read The Help a few months ago and just got around to seeing it today.
Holy smokes!!
LOVED it!! That line was so emotional to me in the book and to see Abilene say it to that little cutie Mae Mobley and the sweet way way Mae Mobley says it back?
Gets me right in the heart. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - That line from The Help gets me every time. I saw it right after I got married and it had me yearning to have a baby I could say it to. Still yearning for a baby, but I can wait!
That family is beautiful! I love your photography so much!

Katie - I, for one, wish that quote from The Help would die a quick death–I’m all bout improving one’s self confidence, but promoting ridiculously poor grammar in the process is absurd.

Stephanie - Love the pillow. Fantastic.
Haven’t seen Parenthood. Ever. Haven’t even heard of it.
I’m going to Google it to see what all the fuss is about.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - oh The Help! Gotta love it. Beautiful pillow too!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - That pillow is awesome! Love it!

Anna Marie - My husband and I are watching the 2nd season of Parenthood. Just watched the Halloween episode where Crosby proposed. We love that show!!!

Elizabeth Grandon - I wanted to ask how did you decide to paint your ceiling Brown in the Hallway? Looks great, but I would be scared that it would go all wrong…and too many coats?!

Paula @ Simply Sandwich - That pillow is so awesome! Loved the movie and the quote and now the pillow! ๐Ÿ™‚

Holly - LOVE that pillow. And that quote. And Aibileen. And The Help.
So much goodness.
Okay, prepare yourself for the awesomeness that was Parenthood last night. So sweet.
So much goodness.

Tracy Fisher - I love that quote from The Help. So true. Want to tell my kids that every day. And should probably tell myself that once in awhile too.
tracy fisher

Karen Gerstenberger - Meg, I know that you are super-busy but when you sit down for a moment with a cup of something, would you be kind enough to visit my blog and watch the 5-minute video I posted, please? We did it for the Ben Towne Foundation’s benefit last Friday and I would love for you to see it. It’s for pediatric cancer research.
Thanks so much! God bless you.

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i am home.

and i am all sugared out.

what a fabulous weekend it was!!!
holy cows.

and i took my big camera all the way to california and back and i took ZERO pictures with it.

i took a handful with my phone.
1. palm trees!!   2. cool art at the OC Mix Mart   3. 31 Bits jewelry  4. julie and shauna and shane at claires.
             ( 1. IKEA  ( 2. new coat from H&M   ( 3. MAC-over   ( 4.  julie's guest room fabulousness
       (1. the baby i wanted to steal.  ( 2. dry bar beauty   (3. more DB beauty   (4. my SHOES!!!

kimberlee and i snuck in to the men's room to get ready for blog sugar…. HA!
(1. the cute table decor  ( 2. my first TWEET….i am on twitter now!  i tweeted on stage at blog sugar!
come follow me….  @megduerksen  i don't know how to tell you to follow me yet….i am too new!!

i was the last to go on at Blog Sugar.

i thought my heart might jump out of my chest.
i think you could see it pounding.
and i knocked my GINORMO earring out of my ear first thing….and then tried to put it back in…i got it.

i calmed down about halfway through….
i think.
i did cry.
it was sad stuff i was talking about though so that is to be expected.

i told the group about when God rocked my little blog world and showed me so clearly that He wanted me to blog for HIM and not myself…to be bold and OPEN about my faith.
it was during the Cora Playground Fundraiser.
recounting those memories was hard and definitely hard to talk about out loud.
but it was the story He wanted me to tell.

also that our blogs are a modern way of preaching on a hill like in the bible like the disciples did.
we get to speak to a crowd of people everyday.

i said "you have a plan that is unique to YOU….that God made for only YOU….created by HIM and for this……that NO ONE else can fulfill but YOU."

all the glory to God that he would take a kansas girl in sparkle shoes all the way to Cali to share the gospel.

thanks julie for being an awesome host…and fabulous shopping partner…and letting me hold your baby A LOT.
thanks rachel for asking me to speak! 
thanks Kimberlee for traveling with me and being my wingman and being awesome.
thanks shauna for letting me buy the same curtains as you.


janene@EverydayEO - Blog Sugar was what my soul needed. You helped to be a part of the healing. Thank you.

hannah singer - meg! thanks again for sharing part of your story with us at blog sugar. the lord used you, girl! so blessed. praise jesus. xo

tiffany m gardner - Thanks for sharing your blog sugar love. I can only imagine how many people you all blessed. I am so blessed by your blog. I read (as does everyone..I am guessing) everyday. You are a little part of my life and you didn’t even know it. Thank you for using this blog to be real, to show God’s love and power and to encourage us. Blessings..

Heidi Jo the Artist - I wish I could have been there, maybe next year!?! Glad you had an amazing time and all things went spectacularly. God sure is powerful and awesome!!
Love those sparkle shoes! I saw photos on Ruth Anne’s Photography blog–photos of you and I love the color of the blouse you picked to go with the shoes, perfect!

keri ~ forever folding laundry - Loved listening to you Sunday.
Not a single nerve gave you away!
You were poised and lovely and transparent.
It’s clear that God has a grand plan for you.
When you were speaking I was thinking
your story was so esther-like.
“For a time such as this.”
Love your story and you.

Kristin S - So glad it went well. Answer to prayer!

Lindsay Lee - Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story! You truly touched my heart. I wish I would have come up to you to say hello! NEXT TIME ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I’m going to follow you on Twitter right now! I am @callherhappy

Sonya - I love your sparkly heels. I have the same ones except flats and those were my wedding shoes!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Crystal - Your makeup looks so good! Did you do it yourself, or did you go have it done? Is it all Mac? I’d like to know details on the products, if you’re up for a post on that!!!!

shauna - um. cannot believe you posted that picture.
that’s pretty funny/awful.
good thing i like you so much.
and im glad you found the jacket in the right size.
you found it at my mall.
the one i’ve gone to all my life.
thats fun.
and i want to see where you put your curtains.
i threw mine up last night.(not hemmed or anything)
they look….awesome!
PS. thanks for letting ME buy the same sweater as you ๐Ÿ™‚

maureen - Any chance you have a written version of your talk that you’d consider posting? Wish I could have been there and I would love to read what you had to say!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - It was a fabulous weekend, all around. And you were one hot momma that night! Too bad we cant get drybar-red and Mac-ed every day huh?
Your topic was right on. I think far too many are afraid to blog for Christ. Yet Hes the one we should emulate at all times. Sometimes it takes heartbreak for Him to shine through us. Thanks for being vulnerable. I could see your hand shaking but honestly, Id have never known you were nervous. Your voice was very steady.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Sure would love to hear the story that you shared at Blog Sugar.
Sure would love to see what you ended up wearing with those sparkly shoes.
Be bold, my fellow blogger ๐Ÿ™‚

Laurie - I rarely comment, but I have always loved your blog and the fact that you have no reservations about sharing your faith. So glad that you are not afraid to share the good news through your blog! What an awesome way to spread the gospel! Congrats on making it through your presentation. I’m sure you were fabulous!

kasey - YOu probably don’t remember me introducing myself…i was just all ga ga over your shoes. I was the one with the mullet and unibrow……and pleather pants.

Lori Austin - So thankful God is using you in a GREAT way through your blog. Very thankful to have found your blog….God is good.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I remember telling a friend a couple of years ago that I didn’t know why, but I just wasn’t super comfortable blogging about my faith. Say WHAT??? I meant it. I thought it was totally fine. And I swear, within a month I heard the same truth. And I’m sure all of the decoratey people who started following me back when wondered what the heck happened.
Also, your haircut rocks.

Kris - Hi Meg. I have been peeking in on your blog long before I knew anything about Blog Sugar. I went to Blog Sugar with my daughter Gennifer (who follows your blog too) and several other friends. I knew that I was going to be in the minority, being a woman who’s kids are grown, and have kids of their own. But still I was eager to go. I am so glad I did. I wanted to come say hello to you, and tell you how much your speech touched me. I could identify with so much of what you had to say. And by the way, when my kids all went back to school every Fall, I hosted a “Hooray, the kids are back in school” party every year!!! At any rate….the words you used, the tender emotion you shared, the raw truth to it all, truly struck a chord in my heart. You are obviously a very special lady. I just wanted to tell you that.

Kim - it was a treat meeting you (and hearing you speak – of course!) and your shoes WERE ridiculously high – the pictures are blurry because i was shaking so bad in them haha!
and thank you for what you shared – about sharing Cora’s story – I could relate, a lot. Some sad stuff has happened to people close to me – but not me directly – and it is such a weird thing to share that kind of stuff – but God is using it! And he used you in tremendous ways! So thank you for doing that!
and i seriously may need a trip to Claire’s for Julie’s funky glasses. I think I could rock those. ๐Ÿ˜‰

bonnie - yes indeed… like sharing the gospel up on the hill. thanks for sharing your story with us sitting in the grass listening.

kristen - i loved hearing you speak at blog sugar.
your message was from your heart. i appreciated your honesty and vulnerability. your message definitely challenged me.
thank you for being willing to step out of your comfort zone and speak to us. it was a blessing to me.

Lisa - Way to go – I knew you would do great! ๐Ÿ™‚

Teresa Marie - Love the guest bedroom! What a fabulous idea. I’m new here, a friend sent me over because she knows I’ve been pondering my purpose for blogging and suggested that your words might help. Did they ever! Glad to have found you, love your photos and you honesty.

happygirl - You spoke about God at a blog conv? You are the bravest, most authentic person. I admire you.

Kristen - I wasn’t at BlogSugar to watch you share your story. I’m pretty sure you have never even heard of myself let alone my blog. But I visit your “Whatever” world atleast daily because you’re inspiring in everything that you do. Even through the simplicity of being blah (in reference to your vlog you did just shortly ago), it’s shows that even those that have it together can sometimes…not. So thank you. I’m praying that the next time you speak at a conference I’ll be able to sit in the crowd to listen and that maybe, fingers crossed, I’ll be able to make the list for Craft Week next year.

Kerry - Megs on Twitter. Whoop whoop! Megs on Twitter. Whoop whoop!!

Holly - You touched each and every heart on Sunday. The tears, the earring fiasco, the sparkle shoes, I keep hearing your voice in my head when you were telling us that at one point you believed you were “Awesome!” in that cute little sing song voice of yours. So glad I didn’t have to burp for you like i said I would,thank you for doing something that was way out of your comfort zone. It was amazing!

Rags to Stitches - Meg it was SO great hearing you speak!! I loved it!! I’m totally not that mom either. hahaha My heart is full and I’m inspired after a weekend spending time with you and so many other amazing women bloggers!!
Hope you and your new Laptop Snuggie had a safe trip home!

Meagan - Meg, thank you SO, SO much for speaking at Blog Sugar. You spoke right to my heart and I love you for that. It was so awesome meeting and chatting with you. Hope to see you in January! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe I can teach you how to make a ‘hoot’.

Emily - So glad I got to meet you and spend the weekend getting to know you ๐Ÿ™‚
You in general and your message really encouraged me. I have had a hard time sharing Jesus through my blog and feel like I can more effectively and honestly now.
Love you and thank you for sharing your heart with us!

deb - you were fabulous….I loved your shoes, and your hair!!!!!!!
I was probably the oldest one there but I loved every minute of it!!!!!!

denise@victory rd. - great pix, even without your fancy camera.
your message was authentic and approachable.
i am going to be more intentional about this hill and the crowd God has me speaking too. i’m going to stop thinking i’m incapable and realize the Spirit is capable through me. i’m going to. i mean it. i am.

Gina f. - Go, Meg, go…. You are awesome!!

Juli - AMEN SISTER, preach it! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don’t blog but it is an awesome way for God to work through us women who were, previously, voiceless & so completely occupied with Mommyhood. You go, girl!

robin - your trip sounds awesome…
i have a question for you…
the wall art (quotes) that i see in the background of your pics (like in the guest room and where you’re holding the sweet baby… how do you make those, do you know??? someone told me to make them on picasa…but i have no idea how to do that…. please help ๐Ÿ™‚

Melissa Bolton - 1. I would like to “like” Kimberlee’s comment for talking about urinals.
2. Meg, you are so beautiful! Sounds like it was an amazing trip. I hope you’re getting some time to recoup after a super-fun month!
3. Do those sunglasses have a moustache dangling from them?? GENIUS!

Kimberly Dial - How awesome is it that you had such an amazing time with some amazing women? Pretty awesome … ain’t that just like our God? YEP! Glad you’re back … I’ve missed you! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kimberly Dial - How awesome is it that you had such an amazing time with some amazing women? Pretty awesome … ain’t that just like our God? YEP! Glad you’re back … I’ve missed you! ๐Ÿ™‚

becky - i have meetings in LA a lot (almost three hours from my house) and i have dreamed about just hitting the road and hitting the dry bar when i get there. sigh. someday. and i heard it was only $20 bucks – which is cheap when you need to look all professional and together after a 3 hour drive – after getting up at 4 in the morning.
glad you had fun. from a fifth generation californian – it’s an amazing place and we hope you come back.

laura panfilio - loved your talk at blog sugar…so glad to hear your words of encouragement and your story in person…and though i only met you briefly in person, I’m glad i will continue to get to know you on your blog…keep doing what your doing…xoxo *laura*

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You rock my socks.

Debby Graber - Cool Meg!! This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, right? What an inspiration you are to me!

No.17 - God used you.
My heart is full.

Tammy - You were completely amazing! Thank you so much for coming and talking to us!

Amy J. - Amen, Sister! ๐Ÿ™‚ … if it’s not for Him, what’s the point, right? All else is futile. Glad you and Kim got to go!

Gina - Welcome back! You were missed:) Can’t wait to here more and more about your amazing weekend…you are an inspiration to all of us!

Kimberlee Jost - That might be my favorite picture of us together…urinals and all.

Mindy Harris - you looked like a million bucks at blogsugar. your beautiful heart matches your outward beauty, and i know you pulled on some heartstrings. there’s going to be a wave, in blogging, of letting go of “stuff” and selfishness and a move toward writing about what God wants us to write about. thank you for being our ringleader. thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart.
i may be stoned for saying this, but i was glad to get home to the gorgeous kansas weather…none of that fog. ๐Ÿ™‚

Paula @ Simply Sandwich - I was at Blog Sugar 11 and I have to say your words touched me so much! I have been processing what you shared with us and so wish I had connected with you on Sunday. And BTW LOVE the shoes! ๐Ÿ™‚

Laura Phelps - it is late
nick has been out of town for two weeks
i am too tired to read your words tonight
but i will tomorrow
i am glad you are back
i am still jealous you went
and i am happy you are home
and i miss you

Cindy@Crayon Wishes and Popsicle Dreams - Would love to have been there. But since I wasn’t ๐Ÿ™ would love to hear more ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the beautiful reminder! I decided in the beginning that I would blog as long as God was in it. And that’s something I don’t ever want to forget!

leslie @ topofthepage - um hold it. if you got the same curtains as shauna did from ikea, i have em too. love them. my husband, sadly, does not. for the last 4 years. it was great to play in the OC this weekend with you. thanks for comin to our hood.

mel @ the larson lingo - Meg, you are great. So fun spending the weekend with you!
You are even more awesome in person. Thank you for sharing your heart & soul with us at Blog Sugar. Your speech was straight from the heart and I loved it. Thank you for your honesty & vulnerability and for encouraging us to be better bloggers for the Glory of God!

Genn - Hi Meg!
I wish I introduced myself to you at Blog Sugar!!
You looked beautiful. (and I think we had on the same black jacket? LC from Kohl’s? yes? maybe?)
I absolutely loved hearing you speak. You did great. You were so real and I think that is why so many people love you so much. You are so relatable. I left with such a happy heart and a renewed purpose for why i blog. thank you for that.

Candice - It was such a pleasure to be at Blog Sugar and to hear you speak! You definitely rocked it!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Meg, thank you for speaking at Blog Sugar…you were super amazing. You made me want to be a better blogger and a blogger that remembers to blog for God’s good. I started my blog wanting God to lead the way and sometimes I forget that. Thanks for the reminder. You are awesome and so are your sparkly shoes ๐Ÿ™‚
P.S. I introduced myself to you. I’m sure you thougt I was a dork, because I know I was. I got all giddy to meet you and then I didn’t know what to say so I talked about your shoes. I’m not really that goofy, well, usually.

Karen Gerstenberger - Glad to hear you had a great time…welcome home!

Rach - Welcome to twitter. ๐Ÿ™‚ I tweet too. @Rottenstinker

Jacci - sister. i like you. solo deo gloria.

Sally - Wow. Amazing. You are so inspiring and thanks for keeping it real.
As you wrote about Cora’s playground in 09′ that is when I discovered your blog and boy did I cry reading that post…whew!

Elizabeth - What a wonderful weekend!! I love the verse artwork in Julie’s guest room……..any idea where she got it?

Heather G. - Meg – what you said was awesome. I loved getting to spend time with you and get to know you a bit this weekend. Thanks for letting me buy the same shirt as you at Old Navy, by the way.

heather - so happy i got to hug you.
you are a delight.

Selina - But what did you wear with those shoes??
(I’m glad you made it through!)

Holly - SO glad you had so much fun! I am going to check out your twitter now!

Robin - I got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye reading this. I love the way God works. He is reaching the masses through fabulous blogs like yours. Keep shining your light, Meg.

seriouslysassymama - I hope you know how awesome you are!

Michelle Torres - WoW!!!!!! This is so amazing to hear right now, because for awhile now I have been feeling lead to start my own blog, and I knew that thru having a blog and sharing many stories of my life and where God has brought me and my family, and keeping much Faith no matter what come our way that really there is so much to share with the world, and I am praying about this, and have already had several people tell me that I should start my own blog for other reasons as how I love decorating, baking, and taking care of my four Beautiful daughter’s, that is fine but I feel I could help someone out there that feels like they are ready to give up and that nobody cares! Thank you for sharing this, and It is so awesome that you were able to have so much fun and more importantly you talked about God!

jen - Super AWESOME… Looks like a wonderful was had by all!

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oh baby


does it get better than this????




elizabeth was 6 days old.
and perfect.

and so loved.


i am off to california!!!
i typing this from the denver airport.

Danae - Sooo lovely

Heidi Jo the Artist - Super sweet, love these. I can’t believe my baby boy just turned 8 months yesterday, crazy.

ana {bluebirdkisses} - These pictures are just beautiful. So so precious. I can’t help but think back to when baby J was a newborn. I miss those days {just a little bit}.

jennifer - i can’t tell you how much i love that last picture. i will have to be making some decorations like that. i was too exhausted to take any pictures of my little when he was born, so i am trying to make a point to come up with a backdrop (much like yours) and take a picture there monthly so i can document his growing!
love it. oh and i am giving away from free printable baby tags on my blog, be sure to stop by!

Carla V. - Oh how darling! It makes my uterus ache… ๐Ÿ™

Karyn - That baby is ADORABLE! But seriously…4 whole days without a Meg fix!!! Hope you’re having fun in California. :o)

Heather - Hooray! I found your blog. easy peasy – just googled “meg whatever” I love the google.
Ok, so I totally lied. After seeing all the rainbow stuff on your blog I realized that I have been here. Anyway, You were great last night at Blog Sugar and was really delighted to meet you. I appreciate how REAL you are, both on your blog and in person – sometimes the two aren’t the same, you know? Thanks again for a great keynote. Enjoy your day!

Rosa Contreras - So cute.. the last picture is amazing!!!! love your blog…

Liz - Enjoyed your talk. Glad you were at Blogsugar. It was nice meeting you!

Rach - It’s a little late, but welcome back to Cali. Hope you have a wonderful visit!!

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - What a cutie-pie! She looks exactly like my little Livie-Loo did at that age! Precious!

ViVO Candles - Baby fever coming on…uh oh!

Joyce - gorgeous baby- oh and i love those glitter shoes from the previous post!

Annette - love the last one with the colorful banners and quilt!

Wendy - pure love

se7en - Oh wonderful… sigh… you are killing me with baby love!!! Love her in the bunting!!! Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!

Karen - Are you kidding me?! I was AT the Denver Airport at the same time you were! Would have loved to meet you! Oh well….another time. Have a great time in CA!

melanie - Denver airport? Dang! I would have come to see you at DIA ๐Ÿ™‚ hope you have a great trip. And those photos? omg. now i wanna make babies with someone. squee!

Lela Pohlmann - OH…that baby is beautiful! I love your baby photography! I so wish it would have been around when mg kiddos were little!

Rachel - Oh my she is beautiful! Good thing my husband is in another state tonight, seeing her makes me want a third! Amazing photos Meg ๐Ÿ™‚

Mary Elizabeth - That’s my girl ๐Ÿ™‚ so pretty. Can’t wait to see the full set

Melissa - i love the picture with the bunting…so cute!

Tracy Fisher - Makes me want more kids! But after having a hard time just getting up at 6am for high school, I decided it might be a better idea to wait to become a grandma..haha.
Have fun on your trip.
tracy fisher

Katie - I love the bright pink picture and also the chippy white paint, flag and pillow picture. That is my style!

Tiffany - i want to steal a snuggle. 6 days old, she still has that new baby smell. mmmmmmmm. she’s beautiful.

Jennifer - So, back to fashion! Are you wearing those sparly heels with the skinny jeans during your speech? What top? You are going to be hecka cute!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh Meg… these are great! Love them. Have a safe flight! Hugs to you.

CarrieBeth - beautiful pictures! i have a one month old, are you jealous? haha

Simply Lanny - I could eat her up ! great pic’s once again ๐Ÿ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Fly safely! Im leaving in a few hours. Detroit will be my connecting flight to LAX.
Cant wait!

Nikki - Ugh!!! I miss this painfully. It’s just not fair that they are that little such a short time. My big girl will be a year in a few weeks. She’s so much fun but I’d sure like to snuggle a tiny head again. Doesn’t help that she’s our last!
These pictures are gorgeous. What a treasure !!

leonieke - ooo,….i want one,.
i want them to stay this way for years!
beautifull pictures!
did you keep the baby? ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristin - beautiful pictures! love the last one the most. have fun at blog sugar!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I just love the third pic! I wish you could photograph my little bean! Maybe next time you’re in MI ๐Ÿ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - adorable!! she looks so snuggly. have fun, ms. meg!!!

seriouslysassymama - I love your use of color and pattern. What a happy soul> Have a safe trip.

Lisa - You go girl!!! Have a great time!!!

tiffany m gardner - beautiful. have fun. be blessed.

Kristy - i don’t think it does get better then that. a new baby, nothing like it. simply wonderful.
so looking forward to hearing you ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s going to be a good weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

amy - oh my…the little fuzzy baby face just slays me. one of my babies had this little peach fuzz face and it is the main memory i have of his baby days. beautiful photos. i’m sure you made her mama sooo happy with these memories!

Kerry - oh my gosh what an awesomely GORGEOUS baby!!!!!!! and the pics are just divine Meg. Have fun in Cali! xxx

BriBedell - Ahh I love me some babies!! Good thing I’ve got one in the belly! Can you just come to Michigan in March when I have it and take pictures…seriously love these!! Oh and love Elizabeth! I’ve got one of my own ๐Ÿ™‚

stevie - awesome pics. i should really stop looking at baby pics because it only makes me a little sad that, that phase of my life has closed and it’s way too early to get excited for grandbabies. ๐Ÿ™

Sarah - Perfect pics! I loooove the bunting!

happygirl - LOVE the B&W. Precious.

Kimberly Dial - Precious pics … Miss Elizabeth is gorgeous. Have a safe journey my friend … enjoy!

Han - Those pictures are adorable! Have a fab time ๐Ÿ™‚

Amber - Oh my….baby fever!!! I LOVE the patchwork pillow in the last pic….did you make or can I get me one ๐Ÿ™‚

Taryn - Emailed Kimberlee this morning….have a fantastic time!!!! Will be thinking of you both and lifting you up in prayer as you walk in the Spirit! Love you guys!

Terrie - The only way it could get any better is if it was my new grandbaby!! I’m so super excited!! Where did you get the gauzy-like fabric? Love that!
Have a super time in Cali! Wish I were in your suitcase!

sharon young - beautiful pictures!

Penny - Beautiful! You are very talented. Almost makes me want another. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great time this weekend.

Sharla - Love the last banner one!

Kimberly - Nope, not much better than that!

Wendy - Have a wonderful time! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the baby pics. You are so talented!

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here is a dorky video blog about how messy my house is.
it's way up in my face.
sorry about that.

i left this morning to go running.
i charged my ipod before i left… for 8 minutes….i took the kids to school…..opened my bag…..
my headphones were gone….UGH!!!  
i can't stand when my kids take my things.
makes me so angry.
someone in that 8 minutes decided to sneak them off the iPod at the computer.
how lame is that???

it's going to take some serious shift in my attitude to get over that.
that is what the RUN was for.
but i can't run without headphones….if you can do that then great for you….i can't.

my list for today:

return some clothes to CATO
return overdue library books i found yesterday
schedule/calendar fix
make a meal for my family for when i am gone
change sheets on the kids' beds
PACK for california
finish "speech" for Blog Sugar
that last one is non-negotiable. 
let's hope it's better than the last one…… 

tomorrow i get to see her and her with her!!!
can't wait. 



Christina - For reals I want to be your real life friend. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am showing my husband this video so he can see your laundry room, and stop asking me if we are still behind on the laundry!! haha ๐Ÿ™‚

jennyonthespot - Oh lady. My house. I have to leave it to relax these days…

Heather D - Maybe you could do something with the laundry basket drawers. I have seen ideas for them all over Pinterest. You could just do them up and put their names on each set or whatever. Here is a link to the blog that I saw them on.
She has the plans and everything on how to do them.

sam - i know i’m several days overdue with a comment, but i just had to say thanks for that video. you are way cool! ๐Ÿ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - Oh, and I forgot to write that I love the rainbow list of things to get done. I think I’m going to have to do that with my sharpies, maybe more will get done then-with the happy colors!!
And um, catching up on your blog…I’m avoiding house work, shhhh, don’t tell!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Uh, messes! I wish I could wave a wand sometimes and the whole house would magically be clean, ha ha. I feel like I’m always cleaning up something, the life of a mom.
I have to say though, I like to think of this quote when I get frustrated with the messes around our house: โ€œIf a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk?โ€ ~ Albert Einstein

Jennifer S. - Hey! That looks like our house, but there is only two of us ๐Ÿ™‚ You guys LIVE there, of course there is going to be a littlle mess. Great Vlog, by the way. I felt like I was there visiting and you were talking to me! Hope to see more! I just did our first real vlog…on a chili recipe, haha. The world needs more of those, right? It feels weird to me, the whole vlogging thing, but I want to try more. Hope you will to!

Paige whitley - I say NO to more hampers and more signs. I say YES to less clothes. Less clothes equals less laundry. With four boys myself I had tobchange something otherwise I was taking the emergency credit card and heading to Mexico, alone. They now have four pair shorts, four tee shirts, two pair jeans, two collared shirts, on pair khakis, five pair undies, two pair pajamas. Easy peasy babe!

s - thank you thank you thank you for that video – hysterical! I always think geez, why can’t I be more organized, why can’t I be like so and so who is always on time, car neat, clothes neat, and house neat. my kitchen table is piled with papers, bills, riff raff. I’ll clear it and it comes back. argh! and my laundry room…its a mess, although its usually a mess with CLEAN clothes not dirty, but still not organized!! so thanks for keeping it “reals” and no, you are not a big fat mess, you are a busy mom like the rest of us who admit to keeping it “reals”!

crystal beutler - Oh sister, I thought of you today as I cleaned up 7 bags of crap out of my kids rooms and located my blush, blow dryer and several pair of earrings that have been missing for weeks. Soooooo bugged! I think my blood pressure went up about 20 points.
You did awesome at Blog Sugar. What a great event. So glad I got to see you.

LeAnne - You are so cute! I love how real you are. It is so refreshing in a world where everyone reveals a partial reality. Love it. I’m right there with ya!

your friend - wow. i honestly cannot believe you are that concerned about your headphones. I would do ANYTHING just to have time to work out. i stumpled upon your blog and just was dumbfounded by your post. hope your mani and pedi were great! and I also hope you find some peace with yourself and that you are so lucky and blessed beyond your belief. you definately have “first world issues.” maybe take a step back and realize what you have and what you just posted!

Deborah - Ahhh, Meg, you are the best! Thank you for keeping it real! You know you’re not the only one right? I’m off to fold laundry shortly.

Angie P - Oh, Meg…you are officially my hero. Because you are real. And I really needed real today. ๐Ÿ™‚

dawn - You’re awesome. And your big fat mess looks so familiar…!

Wendy - Love how u can embrace the mess with a smile ๐Ÿ™‚

melissa - I love that you are keeping it real for all of us that love and follow your blog. It can frustrating to only see the seemingly “picture perfect” homes and lives on blogs and then look around at our own homes and see the daily mess. I so enjoy your creative ideas and colorful home. Keep up the inspiring work!

Amanda - You are so adorable!

Ella - Thanks for every moment of truth you share with us Meg! We have a hot mess of a laundry room too. However we do have a laundry system that’s working. It’s a vast improvement over what we used to do… yup mom doing it all and kids not caring and clothing strung all over the house more often than not.
We have an almost 15DD, almost 12DD, 11DS, 9 1/2DS and an 18mosDD. All but the youngest does their own laundry (mostly) on their assigned day. They start in the morning (before school) with picking up any stray dirties and stripping their bedding and toss the first mixed load into the washer (yes we wash cold most of the time to). I move the first load to the dryer and start a second load (if they have a second) in the washer. As soon as they come home from school, they put away the first load from the dryer & transfer the second. The second they put away after dinner/before bed (the last load always has the sheets…incentive). Each kid has their own hamper… for us it works best to have the hampers in our shared full bath. Easy to tell if we need to reassign days with overflowing hampers so obvious. Our laundry room is between our full bath & our kitchen and was previously a small bedroom w/out a closet. We turned it into a family closet since we have an older home with very little storage/closet space. Our eldest doesn’t have an assigned day as she’s old enough now to determine when she needs to do her laundry. However, if she chooses to do her’s during the week on someone else’s day she has to do all of hers after theirs and still get it all put away before bed. I rarely have to touch her laundry anymore.
We used to have those laundry mountains in our living room for days on end as I sorted clean laundry by person. That was the bane of my existence… it really was. Then we had the invariable laundry trails all over bedrooms and from bedrooms thru much of the house. It really drove me bonkers. But led me to realize that teaching kids independence with their laundry was a very smart thing. Now we just have a hot mess of a laundry room that occasionally trickles into the full bath. It’s not perfect, but it’s close enough for us most of the time.

melissa erin - i don’t know you. i don’t even know how i found your blog. but i love it! i love your honesty. i had my 5th baby 9 weeks ago, so you are now a role model of mine, from afar. ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for the video. LOVED it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sophie - I just watched this with my 4 months old and he started smiling and laughing at you! I guess you have a new fan.

Daniele Valois - HA! “For Real”!!! You’re awesome sauce! I love your mess, and not trying to hide it.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - YOU are not a mess…you’re wonderful. Love how you keep it honest. I got a mani/pedi a few weeks ago…it’s my happy pill. Anyhoo the guys put a new kind of polish on my nails that WILL NOT come off. You have to try it. It won’t chip. It’s amazing. Have no idea the name…just say the polish that won’t come off. Good luck on your conference. You’ll do great. Say hi to Heather for me. I’d love to meet her too.

Jill - Seriously, I adore you and your freedom to be Raw and in the moment. <3 AWESOME!
I am a mom to 4 children (10,7,5,3) We seem to make a major move every two years and because of that I live in a perpetual disaster! I've heard it said that it takes 2 years to really get settled into a home - well considering out moving pattern... Well, you get the idea.
After our recent move, in which the moving truck delivered our stuff on the kids 2nd day of a new school year and at new school(s, I have learned that I do not need probably 90% of the stuff we have! I now thrive to not only get my family organized in a home that is less then 1/2 the size of a previous home and also to convince the rest of my family that we (ALL) need to get rid of about 30 - 50% of our own stuff. It's amazing what you realize you actually need and don't need to survive after living with your stuff in storage for 9 (long) months!
So you see, my dream is to live in this perfect little show house where everybody has their things in the perfect little places and you never step on even a grain of sand but alas, my home looks like something that could nearly be taken out of the show "Hoarders". I shall conquer this task at hand but I may need to find a bit more of You in Me to be content in the mean-time.
Thank you for bringing light to my dark, cluttered days =)
<>< Jill

Debbie - You are sooooooo REAL! I love it! Thanks for sharing, and making the rest of us feel ‘normal’, whatever that is.

amy - love it. loved hearing your voice and seeing the mess outside the frame, thanks for sharing : ) and the sonic cup on the couch mad eme laugh because i came out into the living room the other day to see one of the kids’ chocolate milk in a glass cup with a straw in it balanced on the couch. really!???! have a fantastic weekend, meg.

debi meyers - bleah, i hate when they change the desktop wallpaper on MY MY MY computer!!!
I prefer screenshots of inspiring interiors. Last week I booted up to Kip Dynamite layered with floating soap bubbles. see what i mean.
love your little video, you’re fun.
deb meyers

Tracie - Let me just say that I wish I could be a little more of a mess. I am compelled to be neat and orderly and it’s horrible. I get almost panicky at the messes my kids make and have to let them go. I have learned to let them keep their rooms/ playroom as they want it and to try to keep the common living areas less messy. I had to learn to walk away and to remember that it was just stuff. And often cleaning that stuff can wait!

Kim - Love your blog Meg!! I also have 5 kids and have FINALLY found the best laundry method for our family so I wanted to share it with you…. We have tried everything…. from me doing all the laundry, to the kids doing their own laundry, to me doing the washing and then putting the kids laundry in “their” individual baskets to be folded (which always resulted in wrinkled clothes)…. So here’s what I do now…. When I know I will be home all day, that’s a day I pick to do the laundry (or spread it out over 2 days if you’ll be really busy). The kids all have a laundry hamper in their room. I ask the kids the night before I know I will be washing to bring their hamper to the laundry room and separate their clothes. I usually know it’s time when I see more clothes on their floor than in their hamper. In the laundry room I have 4 baskets – one for darks, one for lights, one for whites, and one for darks to be washed in hot. Once a load is finished, I take it out of the dryer (preferably while it’s still warm and not too wrinkled), shake it out, and lay it over the back of the couch in the family room. I lay shirts/tops in one pile and pants/bottoms in another pile. I put items to be hung up over the arm of the couch and have a basket for undergarments/socks. I do this until all the loads are done. I just keep alternating loads during the day. When ALL of the laundry is done, I assemble everyone in the family room for the “folding party”(which usually includes the bribe of a movie) and I start tossing them their items from the pile. They fold as we go and believe me, when I have finished tossing out items (which is actually funny in itself), they are practically done folding. I then pause the movie until they have all taken their items to their room AND put them in the proper places. I then fold mine and my husbands items and I, or one of the kids, will take care of the undergarment basket during the movie. Believe me, I have tried everything and this works great (and yes, sometimes, those items sit on the back of the couch for a day or two but this eliminates wrinkles pretty well and also eliminates having a ton of baskets floating around the house….. Love to you Meg – Good Luck!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Meredith@count it all joy - You crack me up. Thanks for being authentic – it is SO encouraging….far more inspiring than showing a spotless home. Loved the Sonic cup. That made it art. Meredy xo

Library Momma - You are too funny! Glad to see there are “real” mom bloggers out there who don’t have everything perfectly in order. My house looks similar, but you know what, that means that there are lots of wonderful loving memories being created with my family. I will have plenty of time when they have moved out to clean! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope the baby pictures went well!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love seeing your big fat mess because it looks like my big fat mess! They say creative people are messy people. I like to believe that. As far as kids doing their own laundry. It’s something we did in our home. As soon as each child enters high school they are responsible for their own laundry. It works out pretty well and they usually get it done by the time they are down to the last pair of socks or their underwear is running low. There is an exception with my son and I won’t give you details let’s just say I need to jump in from time to time so that he wears clean undergarments ๐Ÿ™‚
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Michelle Whitlow - that was too cute ๐Ÿ™‚

Yaz - THank you! i am a working mom and I swear I am always feeling guilty for my house not always neat and clean. oh god thank you. You are normal and I think I am too. I ll tell you this…were both pretty good moms! ๐Ÿ™‚

Shivaun - You are beautiful!!! Inside and out. Your family is blessed to have you!! Thanks for the sweet vlog. Can you feel the love from the ladies here? You’re our hero!! Enjoy your fun time ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I miss your sweet laugh!! i love this post. Awesomeness. For reals. Hugs to you beautiful mess!

Ann Williams - You are my soul sista. Yes, I want to see the inside of your fridge next, because right now mine is disgusting and I need to feel better about it. Or clean it out. Or both.

Allison - I love your blog!! It is so nice to know that I’m not the only person that doesn’t have a perfectly clean house all the time!! Thank you so much for sharing with us all!

Holly - haha! My laundry room kind of looks like that too. You should totally show us the inside of your fridge next!

Emily - I love you Meg and your big fat mess! ๐Ÿ™‚ Your honesty makes me smile. When I first became a mother I was always running around trying to keep my house clean wondering how others did it, but then one person told me, that sometimes moms with the messiest houses are the best moms because that means they are spending the most time with their kids rather than worrying about the mess all the time. Keep up with the video postings, they are fun to watch! ๐Ÿ™‚

Aby - Meg!! You are so darned cute!! And REAL!!! You crack me up!!! I just love you!!! Thanks for keeping it real and making me feel so normal!!!

Heather - man. that made my day. seriously. there is really no way a human being can do all the *extras* you do and keep a spotless house. you have five capable kids and i am ALL FOR kids doing their own laundry. i only have 2..a nine and a seven year old. they do their own. it’s awesome!
and i am totally with you on the headphones…i totally cannot run without them. in fact, i can’t run unless the song playing on them rocks out. for real.

karen - did a vlog!! where was waffle though???
ur so preeeety ๐Ÿ™‚

Wendy - Meg, You are so *awesome* and *real* and *funny*! I think having a mess just means that you have a house full of family. How sad when the day comes when I walk into a room and there isn’t just a tiny sign that someone, anyone has been in there but me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you got your earbuds back and got your run.

Jenny Wells - ok, I LOVE your blog and it’s like a little pick me up when I see a new post in my reader! thanks for being so honest….just realized as I tried to capitalize my “t” that my kids must have broke that along with the # five that no longer works ๐Ÿ™‚ I have 4 kids and the oldest is five and a half… glad my house is not the only one that is a mess! I feel like mine is never “dirty”, i vacuum and dust often but it is ALWAYS messy! Guess I better get used to it cause it doesn’t get better as they get older?!?!

Kristin S - You are the cutest thing ever and your hair looks super sassy in this video.
Your living room looks like mine. I bet it looks like most of your readers’!

Emily - We all appreciate your honesty! We are all in your shoes!

Lisa - 2 things… first, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a hard time when my kids take my stuff. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Second, thank you for keeping it real. I was just feeling discouraged about the mass amount of laundry I have piling up and about my house being messy. I decided to avoid the mess longer and get on the computer. You made me feel better! And a little motivated. Good luck getting your list done. Hope the day ends better then it started (i.e. having your ear phones taken) ๐Ÿ™‚

Hannah - hey meg! what lip product/shade are you wearing in this video? i love it!

Ali - Love this blog since it VALIDATES REAL LIFE!
I’m right there with you as far as laundry and clutter and random things in random spots (although I only have 3 kids) but my 3 kids leave a trail of messes like the average 6 kids would! Haha!
When I’m in a good mood I laugh about finding random stuff in random places! Like ice cream in the fridge instead of the freezer!
But, when I’m in a bad mood I’m hacked that they don’t pick up more and help out!
Tell us more about this Saturday cleaning thing? Do they help? This sounds amazing!
Love you! Love your blog!
~ Ali

Hannah DeVries - That video made. my. day.

Lindsay - You are so pretty Meg! Really! Did you ever get your teeth bleached at the dentist or are they just that white on their own?
I haven’t commented before but I want to now to tell you just what your blog means to me. I found it a couple of months ago and have read through a lot of your old posts. Your house, your love for color and just general craftiness and love for family inspire me! And my husband loved your cheesy mexican chicken dish too. So even if you are feeling not a lot of motivation for the blog right now just know that you are still serving a purpose and you are helping our little family of 3 + our dog who could be waffle’s (smaller) twin named Grover. Anyway, thanks for sharing your mess…I’m off to clean up mine!

Amy G. - Okay. I loved you before, but I like love you to the second power now. I was ready to call my husband – at work, no less – to tell him that my mental breakdown is imminent because of: the state of my home, the huge pile of clean clothes we hid in the closet when guests were coming over – 5 days ago – that has yet to be removed, the entire roll of paper towels I had to remove from the toilet – AFTER my son had pooped on them… Um, yeah. You get the picture.
Thank you for the video and letting me know that I am not alone (okay, I may be alone on the whole poop/paper towel thing). And that there is hope for fabulousness in my future because you are fabulous. ๐Ÿ™‚
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Jessica Johnson - um so. your laundry room could be in your garage. that is still full of unpacked boxes from a move that took place in APRIL. full of stuff this is going to the Good Will on December 26 (because the christmas ornaments are somewhere at the bottom). CANNOT wait to meet you and share war stories. ๐Ÿ˜‰

julia - seriously, I think you’re great…I’d really do it for you.

julia - How a control freak does laundry….the other day my son did laundry without me knowing….I asked/interrogated everyone in the house until the culprit finally owned up. He DRIED IMPORTANT things that shouldn’t have gone in the dryer. AND HE WASHED dark denim jeans with whites. I KNOW!!!
If I lived near you, I’d sneak into your house and do laundry for you….your AWESOMENESS shouldn’t have to deal with laundry.

stephanie - ahโ€ฆ..comfort. lol. hanks for posting this. i know i am normal, but liivng here with my parents temporarily makes me feel like the biggest slob in the world sometimes. we have seven children and we are staying in my parents upper floor. so 9 people in 3 bedrooms. things get CUH-RAZY but no one understands here. YOU get it. thanks, Meg. yu have the prettiest smile, btw! you look like Nancy McKeon.

Amy - Oh, Meg. Your video makes me love you even more!!! I mean, if that were possible. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think we are kindred spirits. I crave organization….but it doesn’t come naturally to me. At. All. Most days I think I need to hire a professional organizer…but then she’d have to come everyday for the upkeep. *sigh*

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I havent watched the VLog yet because Im watching Temple Grandin, a movie that was recommended to me as a teacher(about autism). I cant wait for this weekend. I fly out tomorrow as soon as I can get out of school. Im nervous and scared about flying/traveling alone by myself(all the way from NY).
And you’re gonna do/look great! Have a safe trip and we’ll see you soon.
PS Im staying with Shauna and some others!

mary elizabeth - 1. your amazing. thanks for dropping everything/being okay with me being crazy late/lost yesterday AND taking great pictures
2. Thank you for treading lightly with the adoption/baby/mom talk during/after pictures. IT is HARD to spend a great deal of time with a teenager. much less one who has chosen you to parent her baby. much less navigate an open adoption relationship. On no sleep. In a state not your own.
So. thank you.
PS: I COMPLETELY didn’t realize or forgot your oldest is 16. and a junior. and so is my daughter’s birth mom. ok she just turned 17 but whatever. hope that wasn’t too too hard.

Toni :O) - Join the crowd…we all have rooms or houses like you so you are sooo not alone! By the way, I just have to comment, you have BEAUTIFUL teeth and a great smile!!! If anyone else said that, I promise I didn’t say that to steal from them but those pearly whites certainly showed up on your vlog…so fun by the way…and I wanted to just give you a compliment. Have a beautiful day, hope you find your ear plugs (so annoying, I’d be really mad!) and have the best time at Blog Sugar, you will rock the house I’m sure! Woot Woot!

Prairie Mama - This is so sweet!!! You are darling! But I must correct you….and I’m yelling, mmmmk…..
YOU ARE NOT A BIG FAT MESS, YOU ARE NORMAL!!!!! Yay for you being so honest.
Bless you today!

Alicia @ La Famille - AAAAAHHHH!! Meg! you’re a doll, not a mess! BUT I thought of the BEST IDEA EVER FOR YOU!!! Well, it’s not my idea, i found it on pinterest….this would be terrific for your laundry situation….
you can thank me later ๐Ÿ˜‰ have a great day!

casey - Oh my goodness! I LOVE your hair. If only mine looked that good on a regular basis!

ira lee - i just have to comment EVERYTIME a blogger does this….THANK YOU!!! thank you for letting us know that we are all busy, unorganized, and have messy houses. its so easy to let the pretty pictures on the internet trick you into feeling not up to par with the rest of the world! and this relates to a pin i saw yesterday and it was soooo true: dont let comparission steal your joy!!! AMEN!!! and horray for messy moms!!!!!

CarrieBeth - oh my goodness, the comments you typed MADE the video. you’re hilarious!!

Kerry - I am so glad i’m not the only one with a house in a big fat mess!!! You make a great vlog Meg. I love how you say Craig ๐Ÿ™‚
And only just this morning I flipped at my girls for constantly taking my things… drives me C-R-A-Z-E-E-E-E-E-E!!!!!!!!!

Juliann Brenner - you’re cute; not a big fat mess, Megan. Aren’t we all a mess? So good to see the “for reals” – i love it, makes me feel like a normal person…..
I’m not in MOPS anymore, but miss your input in my life just the same. Thanks for keeping this blog up; its fun to see you guys and see how you keep your head up in the midst of the whirlwind of life!!

Kimberlee - You’re a natural vlogger!
And our lists are very similar today.
Can’t wait to jet!

Alice H - I posted a link to Pinterest earlier for a Laundry room dresser thing that held hampers, but I don’t see it now though. I’ll email it to you.
I hate when my 12 year old daughter steals my CHI Straightener and my makeup. She is getting ready to be in the same size shoe as me too. So I better start locking stuff up.
Have fun at Blog Sugar!

julie - Thanks for keepin’it REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!m

Rebecca - AWww…..I wish I could come over and help you clean and organize your house. I used to have a lot of houses to clean but have cut back on those jobs. I only have one house I clean now but today, I did a “one-timer” job for a lady.
Here’s a suggestion for your kids and the laundry and they could still help:
Have them sort their clothes in different hampers [whites, darks, sports, towels, etc…]. Then, each kid could do a hamper. That way they’re all contributing and the laundry gets done ++ the terrible job of sorting is already taken care of.
This is what we did when my Mom was sick with cancer when we were younger. My brothers sorted their laundry for me and it helped make that whole process run smoother.
I love your blog, Meg!!!

becky@oursweetpeas - You make me laugh. I recently wrote a check to the library for around $20. Yeah, ridiculous. I am usually on top of things except for when I am not. ๐Ÿ™‚
Good luck with your to-do list. My kids just went down for nap so I am off to make a list also. Today I wasn’t “on top of” making the list so here I am at 2 p.m. when the day is 1/2 over.

Ruth - its good you keep it real – so many people have the ridiculous notion that the perfect life that we see in blogs is a daily reality – it’s not and I think so many women think they are not good enough because we keep comparing ourselves. Good for you!

shauna - oh wow! my house i never dirty like that!
ha ha! see you tomorrow!

Lisa - You’re too cute to be a big fat mess…I hope you have an awesome trip! ๐Ÿ™‚

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - The only way I can keep from ‘backsliding’ and doing my kids’ laundry for them, is by keeping them on a schedule. Each child (I only have 2) has a set day of the week that is THEIR laundry day. If they miss it, they get to spend weekend time doing it, instead of whatever fun activity we may have planned. We don’t miss they fun, but they do! It took them only once of missing the fun, and then they realized I meant business. Think about adding it to your chore list on the chanlkboard. If they only need to do one load, they could probably get that in between the start of dinner and bedtime. There have also been times when they bartered with each other- if one needed just a few things washed to re-wear in the week, he offered to help his brother fold his clean clothes, if he could throw in what he needed washed with his brother’s load. Just a thought! Have fun at Blog Sugar!!!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I have to admit, I miss busy days. Staying at home with an infant is tough work sometimes!

Katherine - Our six kids have been doing their own laundry for about a year–we’ve got a system that manages to keep the laundry room clean and their bedrooms reasonably clear of crushed clothing. They each have a hamper in their rooms and a designated laundry basket/cubby in the laundry room. We’ve assigned each of them a specific day for doing their laundry and we enforce it.
So on their laundry days, they get the laundry basket (which should be empty of clean clothes, but often is filled with clean, unfolded clothing or stacks of folded clothes that have to be put away) and empty their hamper into it. They’re also supposed to pick up whatever clothing is littering their rooms–they don’t often do it, though. Then they can sort and start their laundry.
We have a deal that if they get up before school in the morning, gather and sort their clothes, I’ll finish the laundry during the day, either by drying it or hanging it on the line. I may or may not fold it, depending on how much time I have. The hope that I might dry and fold it for them is often enough to get them out of bed a few minutes early on their laundry days (well, the younger ones, anyway–nothing gets the older ones out of bed early). Hope that might help you some!

April M - Thanks so much for the post
for reals ๐Ÿ˜‰
(and btw I can’t run without music either. zero motivation without tunes)

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I would be so mad if someone took my headphone when I planned on using them. I have music playing all the time.
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with a messy house (but I don’t have the excuse of kids!) Just me and my hubby.

Leah - I’m glad you posted the video. I was walking around my own house yesterday thinking it looked like a tornado came threw. And I don’t even live in Kansas.

got2havefaith - You’re so funny…that’s great! I hate when my kids take my stuff! I even have a sign taped to my closet door that says “Kids stay out!” but it doesn’t work. They are always sneaking in to get something. I hate sneaky kids too. Whew! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

Michelle Webster - Ha ha ha! You are so cute. Thanks for sharing. Your house looks like mine and I have four kids. =)

tiffany m gardner - Thanks for showing us you are real. For reals! Sometimes our life through photos looks a lot more put together and we feel pressured we have to be put together all. the. time. I love that your home looks like a home. Laundry, dishes, crafts and even a sonic cup on the couch tells me that your life is full. Full of little people, full of love and full of life. Isn’t that what it is all about?

Eden - I visit your blog all the time, but have never commented. I didn’t take the time to read all the other comments, so there may be someone else out there that has already shared this idea, but I’ll share it anyways.
I have a friend that makes her kids do all their own laundry. She hates a mess…and hates that the clothes just don’t get washed half the time, so she came up with a “laundry deadline”. If the kids don’t get their laundry done, she does it…and then holds the clean clothes for “ransom”..they have to pay her for her laundry services and then they can get their clothes.
My kids are still little, but this is one I might try out as they get older!

Michelle Torres - You are not a mess at all!!!!!! Your home is still Beautiful and you are a Beautiful woman too!!!!!!

tara - love this post.
thanks for sharing your mess.
your house is still adorable and so are you.:)

Brook @ BeingBrook - Love your haircut! So cute.
My kids steal my ipod headphones too. HATE IT! I even bought bright pink earbuds thinking that it would stop my 3 boys and husband from “borrowing” them and they still take them. Ugh! They all borrow my chapstick too!
I don’t think your house looks messy, I think it looks lived in. Love the sonic drink on the couch. I thought stuff like that only happened at my house and I usually don’t notice until someone is over. Laundry is my biggest challenge too so I have no advice. I can get mine all clean but then I put it in a GIANT pile next to my bed to fold…sometime. Our clean laundry has even earned a nickname “Mt Laundry”.
Good luck on your speech!

cindy - thank you. you keep giving me reasons to like you even more! good luck on your speech. wish i could come hear it! you will be great! but i will throw some prayers up on your behalf just in case! ha!

beth e. - if anyone ever gives you a hard time about your house mess, you should kick it old school, and tell them these 3 words – “sorry for livin’!!!” Nuff said! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lynette - Just wanted to share how we do our laundry here. My kids do their own laundry (they have since 4th grade). What I did is give them their own day do get it done. It was a day they picked. They each have a hamper (or 2) in their room for dirty clothes. No dirty clothes are ever in our laundry room except on “laundry day”. So, basically the hamper fills up in their room during the week. Then on their laundry day, they have the laundry room for themselves for the day (we have a washer where you can set it for small loads if needed). My kids usually have 3 loads each (dark load for school, dark load for gym clothes – towels – undies etc., and then a light load). Some weeks they get it done in 2 loads. They have all day to get it done – the only rule I have is the laundry room has to be cleaned up and cleared out before they go to bed. Right now, my 2 boys are splitting Saturdays – one starts around 11 and gets done around 3, and the other starts at 3 and gets done around 7. When they each picked a school day, they would start their laundry right after school and have it all done by bedtime. That was back when they wanted their weekends off. The benefit to doing it this way is the laundry room is always clear unless laundry is actually being done. Then the clothes go right back up to their rooms. I go to bed with a clean room, and walk in to a clear laundry room when I begin on my days. I also know who should be in the laundry room and on what day so if someone is slacking, I can remind them that bedtime is coming up really soon – and they can finish.
Before I started this routine – there were clothes all over the house. Now we only have clothes in the bedrooms, well, and downstairs on laundry day.
My boys are in high school now, and I don’t even do anything with their clothes. I only handle my clothes and my husband’s clothes. It took some training that first year, but now there is no more fighting or whining about “the shorts I want to wear aren’t clean….when are you going to wash shorts Mom?”. They now have total responsibility for their own clothes.
Thanks for your wonderful blog. I enjoy it every day.

Jennifer - That is great! I mean it brought a smile to my face. You are real….just like the rest of us. Thank you for sharing your mess. It looks just like my house. Big hug!

Fizzy - As someone else said (or maybe many someones!), you are adorable! Thanks for the smile… and have a lovely day!

Simies - You are beautiful! And so realistic, I like it ๐Ÿ™‚

Jaima - You are adorable! And I LOVE your honesty! Raising 5 kids and still managing everything you do, is truly inspirational ๐Ÿ™‚
I feel like there’s NO way other bloggers can have such a “perfect” clean house with numerous kids running around.

jenni - I’m not going to take time to read all the comments so someone might have already said this because it isn’t that earth shattering, but here’s what works for us with the laundry. I have 3 kids, 11 yo boy, twin 8 yo girls…
Each kid has a hamper in their room. (The girls share a hamper because they share a room.)Each kid is assigned 1 day per week for laundry. After school that kid does 1 load of laundry
we wash almost all of our clothes on cold, so we don’t spend a ton of time sorting. In the winter when we all have jeans, I usually do a load of everyone’s jeans.)…lugs to laundry room, washes, dries, folds and puts away. Kid days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I schedule their days based on after school activities and those days pretty much stay the same until the next school year. (The rule for the girls since they share a room is that they clean all the clothes out of the hamper that are there when it’s their day…one is Monday and one is Thursday, so they get a pretty equal amount of laundry.)
Wednesday and Friday are my days to do my laundry, towels, sheets, etc. Occasionally I do a load of my hubby’s laundry.
That leaves the weekends open for Honey’s laundry and any extra loads that the kids need.
It works for us.

BULLYMAMA - Love your truths, the written ones, pics and vlogs…they help me get thru my days!But…I don’t wonder about your motivation for cleaning your house just your motovation for ALL of the awesome things you do crafting, blogging, traveling to Africa, pics never mind just running the family home in general!! It is all so inspiring and yet you are so down to earth.
I can’t run without my ipod either and never can figure out how others can.
Keep up the great work!

shannon - soooo….i love the video! you’re so funny! i saw where you are returning things to cato….i LOVE cato…so you asked for questions….what are some of your favorite finds at cato? what’s your style?

Jackie - Hi Meg. I thought of an idea that may help your laundry situation. You might have already thought of this, but how about each kid has their own laundry day. On that day when they get home from school they do their laundry. I hope this might help. You are super great and so funny! Have a great day!

Michelle - You are adorable!

Donna - Would it weird to say I love you? Yes? Ok, never mind then….

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - You are so cute and hilarious! Thanks for a look into your home! I don’t feel so bad when my home gets messy – although it’s only my hubby and me so far. Hopefully you can figure out a way to get the laundry room in order because that would be very stressful for me (which it seems to be for you), especially if kids were running up looking for a certain clothing item that they couldn’t find because they left it in a heap in the laundry room. I say kudos to you for making them do their own laundry and hopefully someone will chime in with some advice. I don’t have kids yet so I know nothing about it, sorry!

Kate - This may sound absurd but I use to have a laundry room that look exactly like yours then I got rid of the dryer! Yes, I up and sold the dryer and my laundry room has been clean ever since. I still wash our clothes but they never pile up , my motivation is Mother Nature herself. I never know when it’s going to rain so if I wake up and it’s sunny the clothes have to be washed and hung out to dry by 9am(it takes at least 6 hours for them to fully dry) and usually their still damp at 5pm (our humidity’s crazy) so the kids(4) are forced to hang their clothes up right away or they’ll stink!

Chantelle - Really (reeeeeeally) appreciate seeing your mess. It’s so easy for us to see these gorgeous houses and moms (like yourself. man, you’re BEAUTIFUL!) and feel like you have it all together and we’re a hopeless disaster. Thanks for keepin’ it real!!

leigh - i forgot to say…im 21 and my laundry is always behind….its inevitable….but i do have 3 hampers so I can separate my laundry and take it to the laundry room then back to my room….one basket at a time

leigh - I decided that checking your blog was more important than reviewing a case study for school ๐Ÿ™‚ i love your vlog….and i love how real you are…have fun at blog sugar!!

Denissa - Love it…we are all the same at the end of the day. Moms who can’t do it ALL! I always try to tell myself when I feel like I’m suffocating in the messes and the laundry, there will be a day when the its all gone and I will miss it! I’m so bummed I can’t make it to Blog Sugar ๐Ÿ™ I’m in northern CA!
Have a great day! Can’t wait to see pics of you in your RAD shoes!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lori Austin - First…your hair is fab!
Second…sharing you actual size and your “messy” house in one week. You rock!!
Safe travels.

susie - thanks for letting us know that you live a real life with lotsa rainbows scattered about!
girl love those glittery hooka shoes too! lol please show us your outfit!
have a blast!

TamiV - Thanks you somuc for sharing your real life!!! I feel so much better! ๐Ÿ™‚ Those sunflowers in the background, are they real or faux? If faux, where did you find them?

Kara - YOU ARE AWESOME!! Thank you for your honesty. I feel much better about my own mess at home now ๐Ÿ™‚

beth - Thanks for sharing your mess! ha ha–we ALL have them. I know that even the moms who look like they have it all together, really *don’t*, and it’s so nice to see a mom being REAL! Love that!
And, I can not run without music. Impossible. My husband can’t not (?) run with it. Crazy.
Have a blast at the conference–you will do great!

Renee C. - Love the video! I live by the quote, “Dull women have immaculate houses.” Thanks for making me smile today, Meg!!

Mickey - Thanks for that. I feel much better now. Your hair looks cute though! Post a video of Waffle, whom I cyber love. Would love to see and hear him fer reals (fur reals?) instead of pictures.

Dianne - You’re so brave to share – I think creative minds are always a little messier (at least that’s my excuse…) You’re my favorite “read”, and my inspiration to add more color to my life. Thanks for keepin it real.

Shar - I found some really cool laundry sorters in a stand at IKEA. they were pretty cheap and work pretty well for sorting things. Don’t worry about the mess, you are just living!

Meg's mom - You may have a messy house, but you are not a mess! And you have CUTE hair! Have fun in California!

Susan - Love it! I love homey homes that are “for reals”!

Jackie - You are great! I’m glad I’m not alone. I loved it! You should do more videos. I hope you have a great day and a safe trip.

Courtne Huffman - I’ve been reading your blog for over a year and the thing that keeps me besides your creativity, is how real you are. I appreciate it so much. Thank you!

Kimberly Dial - I know I’ve said this before but I just have to say it again … You are just too funny! Take it from me, one day you’ll only be doing laundry for the two of you & it will make you sad ๐Ÿ™ BTW, I know you don’t believe me but ’tis true, ’tis true ๐Ÿ™‚ You should work for the Kansas Department of Tourism ’cause you make me wanna visit … have a great day!

Kimberly Dial - I know I’ve said this before but I just have to say it again … You are just too funny! Take it from me, one day you’ll only be doing laundry for the two of you & it will make you sad ๐Ÿ™ BTW, I know you don’t believe me but ’tis true, ’tis true ๐Ÿ™‚ You should work for the Kansas Department of Tourism ’cause you make me wanna visit … have a great day!

seriouslysassymama - I doubt you are a big fat mess. After reading your post, I went to check to see if my headphones were where I keep them. My girls love to use them. I must have music when I exercise. I have a big to do list today. Camping this weekend! I have decided that I am going to have to introduce chore charts into our family schedule. My girls are ridiculous. Happy Day to you!

Julie - So funny! Thanks for providing me with some humor before I clean my own messy house today!

Colleen - @amadisonmom - I just really love watching videos of people telling about themselves. Watching a video makes a person all that much more real.
And… I love that you shared your mess. I feel so much better. I don’t think I would ever be brave enough to share my mess. I’m sure my mom would immediately call me up and yell at me to clean my room. ๐Ÿ™‚

Janelle - THANK YOU!!!!! Just came in after bringing three of my kids to the bus…the dog attacked the newspaper, there are shreds EVERYWHERE…the kitchen is a disaster, laundry, the basement with all the toys I haven’t even looked at in a week. I can not tell you how much I appreciate seeing the reality of life happening at others houses as well!

Sarah - I am loving your vlogs. They are so honest, and simple, and they make us other moms out here feel normal like you!

Terrie - My house is a big fat mess too…and I have no motivation to clean it. I’d rather be making baby quilts…and knitting baby hats…and baby hammocks to hold that new grandbaby in all the photos I’ll be taking! Can you imagine what my house will look like when the baby actually comes? I won’t care…’cause I’ll be at my daughter’s…with the new baby!! ๐Ÿ™‚
Oh and my SIL just told me that she grocery shops with her ipod and headphones too! Why didn’t I think of that??!!! It will make my shopping trips more fun from now on for sure!!
Have fun at Blog Sugar! In one of my favorite places…home sweet home!

Angela Atkins - You’re not a big fat mess, you know. You’re a mom with a lot of kids, and a life. I’m not sure on your current process with the hampers. We keep them in our rooms and then take them down to the laundry room when they are full and its time to wash. Then you wouldn’t have to see it and smell it when you need to take care of your own stuff? Of course my laundry is in the basement. Maybe though, after this trip you will have some time to rest and recover from the crazy summer, craft weekend, etc, etc? I hope so.

alamama - i hate when the kids take out stuff too. i knwo i don’t always comment, but i ALWAYS read your blog. so much so that i dreamt about you last night. what! it’s not something weird, we met. hubby and i drove to your house. your hubby was there, i think a couple of your kids were running around in the background. even your really close friends were there (the ones you always post about). sorry i can’t remember their names. anyway, you and i hit it off right away [of course;)]. you showed me around your house, which did not look like your current house. anyway, it was nice to wake up with you this morning! heehee hope your day gets better.

Han - I always listen to music when I cycle other wise the sound of me dying winds me up lol. And when I do the shopping at the supermarket.

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