Masthead header

my morning.


loving my soft new pj pants.
on sale at target for $10….  go get some and we can be twins.

ran a bath for annie.
at 6:10 AM.

chocolate donut coffee?  yes please.

pumpkin waffles to fuel their wednesday…

our dishwasher is broken again.

we load up and leave.
the moon was still up and bright.
a full moon.

but on the other side the sun was coming up a lovely orangey yellow.

when annie said goodbye at the bus she shouted "SEE YOU LATER! DON'T FORGET….IT"S SONIC DAY!" 
how could i forget?



 when i got home i had heard
the Fugees
Tony Toni Tone and 

it was a pretty diverse morning on 90's on 9.

it was time to run.
i love to start with Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford & Sons blasting.
it was PERFECT weather today.

it's 2:00 and i still haven't showered since that run….gross.
i had better get moving.
how was your morning? 


mulberry handbags - I love your blog very much, more more info, I will concern it again!

Christina - I have to ask this question…do you like your waffle maker? I bought one not too long ago, and it stinks! I made waffles the other night (breakfast for dinner πŸ™‚ ) and the batter exploded out the sides and back! There is no way I can see to clean it off of the springy-hingey thing in the back! Anyway, yours looks kind of kick-butt…I am looking into a new one and wondered what you thought of yours. πŸ™‚ I know you are super busy, but if you get a chance to tell me about it, I would love to hear your opinion. Thank you!!

Kristin S - I’m a week behind reading blogs (40th birthday vaca trip!).
Girl, you have some awesome legs.
So proud of you for running 3.5 miles without stopping to walk! I’ve been running for 3 years and can’t do that. Press on! So worth it.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - comfy PJs. Is there anything better? So proud of you for running. Rock on!

Jennifer - love love love 90’s music!

Lynda - Meg please share your pumpkin waffle recipe – I’ve been craving them all day! Love your cute polka dot pj’s – I must get to Target soon πŸ™‚

Christie - Ha! I NEVER not shower right after a run….. errr…. πŸ™‚ You’re my must read everyday.

Anne-Marie from CT - Thanks for blogging in the midst of your daily days. You make me laugh with your words, and your photos are like drugs(good ones), for the eyes. In the midst of a busy blogland…yours is my favorite! just sayin’

Sandy - I can’t remember everything I saw that I adore, but your coffee cup and Annie’s comment are priceless!! I don’t use my dishwasher anymore with only 2 of us in the house, but I can’t imagine your crew without one. πŸ™

crystal beutler - My morning was awesome — bible study day. I wish I could ad Sonic to the mix. πŸ™‚
I want those P.J’s πŸ™‚

linda lou - where do you get your donut coffee???? amy d’s mom need to know πŸ™‚ blessings

Moriah - Cute post today. Just wanted to chime in that 80s on 8 is what I get movin to in the morning. πŸ™‚ Love it! Enjoy Sonic!

Kristen - showering is over-rated. πŸ™‚

Jenn - Love it all! My morning was good…very much like yours. Up at 5:10 (Boot Camp at 5:30), back home at 6:30, everyone up, dressed, out the door to school and work. Made a quick stop at Target for some deals. Now I sit and work. I love mornings minus the whining from the 5 year old.

TinaM. - I had to drive my boys to school so I could run next door to the middle school to drop off my daughters french horn mouth piece she forgot. Then quick ride back home for a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer {my favorite}

Bobbie - now I’m craving chocolate donuts…. not chocolate donut coffee but chocolate donuts…. but I would have to stop and put gas in the car in order to go get them.

Janelle - When you get a chance we would all love your pumpkin waffle recipe πŸ™‚

jennyonthespot - Run. Gotta do that. Yes. Gotta. Today. Or tomorrow? πŸ˜‰

danielle burkleo - i will get those pj pants and i will be your twin…only pregnant.
i daydreamed about going to africa with you the other day when you blogged about it. i want to.
have a beautiful day, friend!

Heather - I’ve missed you. I’ve been in a depressed funk for a couple of months now and stopped reading all my blogs that lift me up, yours being one.
I actually started praying for God to bring my sorry ass back to reality and open my eyes to my blessings, rather than leave me wallowing in sadness over the thing I wanted and can’t have.
As soon as I started praying (which I don’t often do for garden variety angst, rather I save it for life and death stuff) the clouds cleared and I’m on my way back.
And so here I am, back to reading your loveliness. And today is lovely, as usual.

Kerry - aaah what a lovely morning Meg! love the bath shot. pumpkin waffles – yummo!!!!!! xx

Leigh - I want those PJ pants but I know if I buy them I will wear them too much and end up sitting on the couch with a movie and hot cocoa…daily. πŸ™‚

Catriona - My morning has just begun; it’s 9:25 here. Got up at 6:45 after a shocking night’s sleep – 1 child up 3 times for no apparent reason, me and the husband awake from 3-5. Made lunch for 1, breakfast for 5 then walked 6-year old to school while husband and 2 littlies stayed here. Friend randomly texted me a verse from Lamentations about resting in God’s sovereignty today. So timely and encouraging. Off to make coffee and hide from my children. Wouldn’t you know that the one who was up 3 times has the most energy…

Von - Another gorgeous, inspiring post. Big fan over here. I imagine lots of people have asked for a running playlist – it would be a community service, surely?!

Mel - Wow your kids go to school on a real YELLOW school bus…that is so cool. Can you tell I’m not from the USA?
PS: thanks for always keeping us informed as the what music you have been listening to , exactly the kind of random/useless information I love to know about people ( that, and what are they having for dinner) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Jessica Johnson - um. that *almost* makes me like coffee. almost. but now i just want a donut.

Wendy Hagen - I love your pjs. I will be your twin. And then maybe you could be the twin who does all the dishes and never showers.. I did my INSANITY workout this morning and went to a special chocolate cafe to get hot chocolate with a a friend and her kid today. To counteract my workout, of course.

Maria - Seriously…”dit”? Wish autocorrect caught that…they need an auto grammer check I think…

Maria - I also have the polka dot pjs—white (Minnie Mouse) dot version…I pick dit up last year along with long sleeve grey super soft pj top…one of my faves!
Pumpkin waffles…sounds yummy…

Laura Phelps - i barely remember my is almost tomorrow morning!
but it looks a lot like yours πŸ™‚
and my toe polish is blue…and badly chipped

Heather G. - My morning was awesome!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Oh My Goodness! That is one early bath! Also, I love that pic of your running shoes. Can I ask how you took it?

Sandra K - Rockin’ calves girl! Your house is amaze-balls!! Morning was swell, thanks for asking! Put the kids on the bus with a hug, highlander grog coffee from local coffeehouse, off to my fabulous part-time job. God bless you & your family!

Tiffany - Holy crap, baths at 610a. Whoa. Pumpkin muffins, u rock. Chocolate coffee, pass. Sweetness from Annie, yes please. Still sweaty at 2, story of my life.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Do you think I’ll run once all of the kids are in school? I like to tell myself yes, I will.
My morning was frazzly, as evidenced by the fact that I just realized that I only put one earring in. I wore just the one around all day long.
ps – Nice calves, Lady.

Julia - I was sitting in strings class with the 5 year old at 7am listening to d d d {rest} d d d {rest}
then same thing over again with g and f sharp.
Did my Bible study at Starbucks while mumbling Romans 1:16 to myself over and over again.
Bible study then back to school to have lunch (good news she didn’t cry when she saw me this time even though I didn’t bring cookies…again)
Stared at the ceiling for 15 minutes….pick up at two schools, was in the car for 5 hours this afternoon.
What day is tomorrow?

Kristen - I love the pj’s! I think you should share more of your workout songs. I’m curious now…aaaand I need a running playlist renovation.

Amy - Funny….I just brewed myself a cuppa chocolate glazed donut coffee at the kid’s dentist’s office this afternoon! Sooo yum and WAY less calories than the real thing! Loved it! And love those polka dotted jamma pants, too! πŸ˜‰

Risa - i love the running shot! awesome!

shannon - everyone keeps posting about pumpkin waffles and now I really want some!!! already have the same pj pants so we are twins, yay πŸ™‚
thanks for sharing your morning with us, mine was not too exciting unless you consider mopping exciting?

nicole @ deliajude - i love your ability to “keep it real”

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I loved this post! It’s always fun to see how others spend their day. πŸ™‚

Kristi Rediske - What a day you had-I think I know where you are running-I can tell from the background in your picture-Do you run along the creek on the trail?

Silvia - My morning was great. Got up at 5am to swim laps with my hubby and then after getting the three big kids off to school I sat around and watched PBS with my twins and scrapped for way too long. Then I started feeling blah from allergies-Houston can sometimes be tough on the allergies. But I’m thankful I have a child that’s driving so she can run to Chick-fil-a for dinner πŸ™‚
P.S. you’re so awesome for making homemade waffles on a Wednesday, I only do that Sat. or Sundays!

Michelle Rotner - better than yours starting at 6:10. we’re on fall break and sleeping in.
the pic of your running shoes and legs is stellar.

amy - Lots of wishing going after looking at your blog post….wish I could be out of bed by 6:10am, wish my brain function enough in the morning to make pumpkin waffles, wish I could motivate myself to run and more than anything — wishing that Germany had Targets. Blast.

jackie grandy - Love Target and their jammies especially Nick and Nora. My daughter (who is 11) and I have the same purple owl flannel jammies from last year! We love them. She is still young enough where its not embarrassing to wear the same jammies as mom! I’m a huge runner as well! Have you tried the New Balance barefoot shoe? Amazing! My knee problems are gone!!

Heather aka moreygirl - haha! Love that you haven’t showered yet:) I do that all the time. glad to know I’m not alone!

amy - Our dishwasher has been out for 2 months πŸ™ We finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a new one only to find that the one I picked wont be in stock until Nov. 2! Love the pj’s, BTW

seriouslysassymama - We will not talk about how I forget to shower, or just plain run out of time from being lazy. Having the husband move the DVD player in the living room so I can start my morning with a workout. Chocolate doughnut coffee? I must tell my sister about this. I wish sometimes I was a runner. Then I remember how much I jiggle when I run and it makes me sad. I guess if I ran I would not jiggle. Go figure!

Erin Whitney - Must try pumpkin waffles! In the past 2 days, I’ve made 5 loaves of pumpkin chocolate chip bread and 1 pumpkin cake roll. (As well as about 5 freezer dinners.) I’m assuming this is nesting, as I’m 6 months pregnant….and we’re buying a house. So since I can’t “nest” and organize, I’m baking. At least my house smells good. πŸ™‚

sarah - I love your yellow laces (and the bathroom tile).
My morning sort of sucks. Who says vacations are relaxing? Trying to pack, keep the house clean with 3 kids, one sick, and laundry is hours from being done. I still feel completely and totally blessed amongst the crap. That’s only the work of God, because I really want to go to bed and forget today.

meghan - i always read your blog but hardly ever comment. i don’t know why. but today…
on my way into the city this morning i heard the head and the heart and i love them so much! i saw you post on that a couple of weeks ago.
then…mumford and sons. i listen to that song over and over again when i run.
we might me music soul mates.

Melissa - I just got a waffle maker. Pumpkin waffles sound amazing…wanna share your recipe??

Tammy - Love this post. A wonderful glimpse of a perfectly normal morning. Love it.

Erin - i love posts like this – an inside look at our days. i wrote one recently like this – it was fun to pause and think about all that we do in our crazy filled days ( love your blog!

Jacci - it was great morning πŸ™‚ thanks for asking.

Tracy - I just found your blog (it’s lovely!) and scrolled through a few pages (Sept 30th is my birthday, too πŸ™‚ I just wanted to tell you that my 2 1/2 year old daughter kept saying, “gorgeous, gorgeous” at all the photos. And she’d occasionally add a sigh and a “I love babies!”
Hope your afternoon is awesome, too

Cindy - I don’t know why, but I always love your “random” posts so much. they make me smile. πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - My new normal for mornings is to wake up between 6 & 6:30, make sure the girls get up and into their uniforms, get showered & dressed and we’re heading downstairs at 7am for breakfast and so I can do my hair and check emails. We feed the pets, brush teeth, make lunches and get out teh door no later than 7:30. We have a gorgeous ride up a mile long hill to get to school where I teach and the girls attend.
On a daily morning basis, we see deer(including bucks and fawns), groups of turkeys, foxes and even one time, an owl. Its like a nature reserve and makes me feel so close to God on that ride!

Southern Gal - I love to run to that song, too! How can you not be motivated with that blaring in your ears? πŸ˜‰

BriBedell - My morning was good. Hubby let me sleep in until 10 (even though he worked last nigt and got home at 6 this morning). Then I fed the kids toaster waffles, got my oldest ready for preschool. Then I have been printing off free templates to make baby number three (my first boy!!!!!) his very own bibs πŸ™‚

Nichole - I’m taking this week off from work. I exercised and have done nothing else! Which is bad, because I need to run to walmart to pick up a box for a wedding gift, which I need to have done by tomorrow! I guess I should finish the gift, too.
Does not quite match up to waking up in Vegas yesterday, but you take what you get. πŸ˜‰

AshleyAnn - You have awesome calves!

happygirl - You know, if I got up with the moon, I’m might get a lot more done before I plop my butt behind this desk. LOVE the jammies. πŸ™‚

Sarah - your morning was much better than mine! If it makes you feel any better I found out this morning my dishwasher is also not working.. such a hassel! Then I reminded myself that I might not have a working dishwasher but I have clean running water! Happy sonic day!

Holly - I have polka dot target pj pants from last year but mine have white dots. They are still one of my favs. πŸ˜‰

Nikki - I love to start any day with Roll Away Your Stone!!!

Aimee - I got the boys off to school and realized I hadn’t had any hugs. πŸ™ At least I made them smoothies for breakfast, though, and I made their lunches.
I rowed on the lake, and Mother Nature held back the rain until practice was over.
I ate a salmon & egg scramble, cuz rowing makes me huuuungry.
And I still haven’t showered yet, either. But it’s only 12:07 PDT.

Tanya H - awesome photo journal! πŸ™‚ Now I’m going to see if you’ve posted your pumpkin waffle recipe……….YUM!

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a few pics…

october is a super duper busy month for my photography biz…
which i love.

and the weather is so fabulous (when it doesn't rain).

are those the glasses not the cutest little thing you've ever seen???

photo session just before the new baby arrives….


can you FEEL the love in this one???

he is a dreamy snuggle baby.
i wanted to keep him.

photography is so much fun!!!


Sam Times - You guys really look happy. And these pictures are taken nicely. I also agree that those glasses looks cute on him. πŸ˜€

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my goodness. Kimberlee’s picture is so beautiful. Wow. Meg, they are all amazing! Great job.

Heather G. - In love with Kimberlee’s family picture!!

Momma Bug - I was trying to figure out what that 3 was for when my little daughter came up behind me
“Awwwwe, it’s a little baby number three!”
she said.
Very darling and colorful – I love your colorful-ness!

happygirl - I love the pics. You must be the most fun person to be around. You are able to make your subjects look so relaxed and just plain HAPPY. πŸ™‚

Jill Franklin - awww…Great pics! I love the one of the baby and the number 3 sign. You made me smile! =)

Kerry - awesomeness! the last pic with the number 3 is just stunning – those lips! xx

Michelle - GORGEOUS! Love your photography!

Suzette - You are amazing, Meg!!!

Janelle - Meg – do you decorate for Halloween? I love your style, would love to see your cool Halloween decor!

amy jupin - i love all of them, but oh my goodness, kimberlee!
i think she needs to order a ginormous one and put it on the mantle.
yes, yes!!!

Kimberly Dial - Love all the pics & the one with the tiny one & the number 3 gave me the best idea ever … thank you Meg! I wish I lived close enough to bring all my grandgirlies to you for a photo shoot — I’d sure do it! Thanks for sharing your wonderful work!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - You are lucky to have such a fab job!!
Gemma x

Mindy Harris - megan i just wanted to thank you for putting up the pic of the little boy in glasses.
it is a total “Jesus moment” because i’ve been struggling with wilder having to get glasses. his glasses will probably be here by friday and my heart is just so sad about it. he will look cute (duh), but i’m just so sad that we GAVE him a genetic thing he didn’t need. i spend all my time trying to give him things he NEEDS, not what he doesn’t need.
griffin is edible.
kimberly’s lipstick is like, amazing.

keri ~ forever folding laundry - KimberLEE!!!!
I love it so much!
She needs a GIANT one of those in her house.
{and little griffin. too much sweetness for words.}

Kate B. - Yay for sweet Britton! Great pics – all of them!

Rach - Oh my… the 4th one is my fav. Talk about unspoken love in all of their faces. BEAUTIFUL!

Laura Phelps - RUN away with it
not RIUN away
certainly not RUIN away
red wine and comments don’t mix well for me πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - as if Parenthood tonight didn’t leave me CRAVING a new born…now THIS little polka dot swaddled bundle of goodness??????
Good grief.
Need to hold that baby…and RIUN AWAY WITH IT!

Michelle from Australia - Is the last pic of Griffin? Even if it is not, he is one uber-cute little bundle of joy. p.s. WHEN are you going to come to Australia and take some photos here? We need a photographer like you Meg!!

Kimberlee Jost - I love you more than donut frosting.
I do.

Terrie G - Every single one of your new baby pics makes me loonngggg for that new grandbaby to come! Lot’s of Love on that family pic! Thanks for sharing!!

AshleyAnn - Is that little Griffin? Love, love the #3 next to him. And…wowzers on Kimberlee’s family picture. She needs a big ole’ canvas of that one…so much love.

Lori Austin - Beautiful pics – as always.
The little guy in glasses…too cute!
LOVE the one of Kimberlee’s family. Precious! (p.s. I *love* her

sarah w. - Beautiful.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I don’t think I could have your job. I would be in jail for kidnapping all those snugglies!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Babies….they are so sweet aren’t they? I want one! Beautiful family picture.

seriouslysassymama - I love your pics!

This Farm Family's Life - Beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I LOVE Kimberlee’s photo and that last one as well. My sister just had a baby yesterday and Im in love all over again. Those sweet little baby noises and smells…just wonderful! You must love your job:)

Jo(ke) - I just got back from Paris (blogged about it today if you feel like reading) and I wish I had your photography skills. Beautiful pics. Beautiful families.

Leah - Awesome pictures! On another subject, I made your pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and they were SO good. I wrote about them here:

shauna - love the one of kimberlee!

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we had a rainy rainy weekend over here.




annie saw our neighbors playing in the puddles and asked to join them.  :)
oh they had so much fun getting soaked.

there was more volleyball, soccer and football this weekend too.


i was planning on going to sean's football game but it was raining.
i just dropped him off at the field and said
"honey…i love you but i can't sit in the rain and watch football….because…. i am a girl."
craig went.
but i did not.

i like this gum.

a lot.
it was on sale at our grocery store….so i just bought it all.
because it's the thing i have to have to feel ready to go somewhere…..
i think " keys? check. coffee? check.  gum? what no gum? oh no. oh no. oh no."

also deoderant.
i am a total spaz about smells.
always paranoid about B.O.
i have deodorant in my purse.



umm….i started the Jenny Craig program….for reals.
come over here and read about it.  :) 



April R - The puddle pictures were so awesome made me wish it would rain!
(I have deodorant and gum for on the go as well)

Jenny - I have deoderant in my purse too! and my desk drawer! You just never know.

kristin - oh, sweet annie. she looks more and more like talby all the time!!

Mel - LOLs Meg…you are such a funny lady πŸ™‚

Wendy Hagen - Great pics! And glad your breath always has the opportunity for freshness.

crystal buetler - You are getting the most fabulous shots!!!! Love all of these, especially the rain photos. Glad to know someone else is a freak about certain things. Mine is Carmex. I buy tons of it, and can’t leave home without it. πŸ™‚

Carla V. - Great picks of playing in the rain. I’m also weird about B.O. and other smells. Especially in my home. I also cary deodorant because living in AZ, you always need it. Thanks for sharing those lovely family photos.

Hannah - These photos are LOVELY!
And I’m a freak about BO, too…like unnecessarily paranoid. And when I read that you kept it in your purse my first thought was: “Good idea!”

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Is that the gum with the “juice” inside? if so, I love that stuff! And Im the exact same way-deodrant and gum all the way. In fact, Ive carried my toothbrush and travel sized paste around with me before. Theres just nothing worse than bad body stink. πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Looks like you live in WA state..haha. Love the rain for about 1 week (to water my lawn and watch the kids play in it), then it gets old. Cute photos. One day I want you to photograph my kids. You seem to bring out their personalities unlike me as their mom yelling “come on.. smile at the camera..just one more time.. i promise… come on… do it now… now i’m getting mad…”. haha
tracy fisher

Teresa Marie - I have a friend who keeps deodorant in her purse, I keep it in the glove compartment of my car.
I love the line you said to your son, that’s totally going to be me when my boys get bigger. Sorry, I can’t I’m a girl.

Michelle - That is Ramona Quimby FOR SURE in the top photo!!

Kirtley Adams - I love the pictures! We just moved to Kanas this weekend while it was raining.

Kerry - wahahha! love how you just bought it all … i do that. if I’m shopping and I’m cold, I just go buy a jacket. pfffttt!
love the pics of laurens volleyball. awesome-o. xx

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I’m a freak when it comes to smells too, especially how I smell πŸ™‚ I have to say, never heard of anyone keeping deoderant in their purse….hmmmmm!!!! I might have to try that!

amber - I have a friend who can’t leave the house without her toothbrush & toothpaste. Makes me laugh:). Also, the pics of Annie are so fun, & Lauren looks like a serious volleyball player. Awesome.

kelly - Kids and puddles…it’s a magnetic force.

Heather G. - Those puddle-jumping pictures are amazing! And I’ve never seen that gum before – now I’ll be on the hunt for it. Best of luck with Jenny Craig!

stephanie - I carry deodorant in my purse too! πŸ˜›

Kristin S - My fave gum too!

Lori Austin - Gum is a must!
Fun puddle pics.
Good luck with Jenny. So wish that weight wasn’t an issue all the time, but it sure is. I’ve lost some this year, but not nearly what I was hoping for. I keep trying, doing my best….that’s I can do. I mentioned in the other comments that my BIG hangup is emotional eating. BIG problem! Can’t wait to read about your journey. I’ll keep trying right along with you πŸ™‚

Andrea@KnittyBitties - I feel the when I don’t have a drink with me. Not like a hard drink, LOL, but my iced tea or water when I go to jump in the car.
And my sister carries deodorant in her purse too ;). Looks like you’re pretty normal!
Happy Day!

mary - That is not weird about the deodorant. I do it too. Except mine usually ends up falling out of my purse and onto the floor in my car and then melting because I live in Texas. So I am always buying deodorant. I wish more people did it too!

Emily - I also have deodorant in my purse. And in my desk at work. Deson’t everyone? Ha!

Heather - Stinker – you got all the rain they kept promising us in Topeka that NEVER showed. Poo! We REALLY need it!

Susan - I absolutely can’t function without my gum. Deoderant in your purse? You are a genius!

CathyC - I have deodorant in my bag too!!!! HA! and I can not live without Chapstick. So basically, if I was stranded on an island, 2 of my must have items would be deodorant and Chapstick.

happygirl - I love the way you catch the water droplets as they fly in the air. Ethereal.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Love the volleyball pics. I just took my baby over to a volleyball game. Totally forgot how loud they are. She FREAKED! Poor baby. My bad.

Tracey - Meg, where do you get your super cute fabric?

Kacey - I love the puddle photos! Makes me want to go jump in one! Every time it rains here in AZ, my kids get excited about jumping in puddles. Sadly, most of the time it “rains” for 5 minutes and then stops, leaving no puddles. Bummer!

Holly - Im the same about diet coke and chap stick. they are my gotta haves but I am working on the diet coke habit… could get ugly:)

Terrie G - Love those puddle pictures!! Ahhhh, how I miss Saturday volleyball tournaments!
Totally don’t blame you on not wanting to sit in the rain for the football game, but I did it on Saturday for the KSU game…so worth it since we beat Missouri! HaPpY MoNdAy!!

seriouslysassymama - I loved all the rain this weekend! Splashing in the puddles is a must. My 8 year old is crazy weird about smells. I have to have lipstick before I leave the house. That and mu iPhone. It is like another organ to me.
Good Luck with Jenny Craig

Sandy - Great picture of Lauren hitting the ball over the net. Were you afraid of getting your camera wet taking the pictures of Annie & friends?

Jill Franklin - Love Love Love the puddle pictures! LOVE!
awww shucks! The rain mised us.

gina f. - these are the best pics ever of Annie, and there’s been some good ones!!

Amy Griffin - You take the most amazing pictures. Love Annie in the first picture. Priceless

Jack - Love the photos of the girls splashing in the puddles!

FeFe - I can’t leave the house without lip balm and sunglasses…ever!

Tami - That’s funny about the smells because I am the same way. I keep deodorant in my car in the console. And I always keep some kind of mints and never leave without the mint lip gloss from bath and body.

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sooo…..are you going to go see it?

did you see it IN THE THEATER when you were a kid?

i think i did.

i loved that movie.
watched the original so many times.
and i lived in a pretty conservative small town so it felt "relatable"
i don't know if it actually WAS….but as a teenager i thought it was.

i think it would be fun to go with girls my age now….

throw a footloose party for grown ups?

will i miss sarah jessica parker and kevin bacon?  
did you notice how much the new willard looks like the OLD willard????
did ariel's boyfriend scare you when you were a kid…..he scared me.
i knew i never wanted a boyfriend that hit me in the face after i watched that.
or….i had never thought about it until then and that made it official.
because i was 10???
and i loved when they taught willard to dance.

my favorite scene was when all the glitter falls at the prom and they yell "LET"S DANCE!!!"

but i am uncomfortable with group dance scenes in movies….and singing with dancing in musicals.
so i would probably think it was pretty lame.

AND i would probably be a little grossed out by the behavior that is portrayed by "high school" students in this movie….since i have a high schooler.
AND i really don't want to think about my teenager racing tractors or school buses…
or sneaking out to bars in the city to dance with old cowboys…..

i am on the fence.

what about you? 

Stefanie - I’m making my husband take me to see it for my birthday, wha ha ha!

Katrina - I loved the original movie!
This one? I think I’ll wait until I can Netflix it.
But it does look slightly entertaining. I think I’d be more interested in seeing it just so that I can compare it with the original.
My favorite episode of Will & Grace is when Will and Jack “stalk” Kevin Bacon outside of his house and Kevin catches Will outside and invites Will in and they end up dancing to the theme song from Footloose…. and then Jack runs in the house, all jealous and furious, because he knows that Will isn’t even a fan. Such a fun episode. Ever seen that one? YouTube it!

crystal buetler - I’ve been thinking about this very same thing. Footloose again. Can’t we stay loyal and love the old Footloose? That was filmed at one of my favorite small towns in Utah — which is no longer a small town. {sigh} My favorite part was when they taught Willard to dance. He’s dead you know. So sad. I’m all or an adult Footloose Party. 80’s wear rocks. πŸ™‚

Emily Langston - One of my all time favorites… though I LOVED the intro credits with all the dancing feet! My sister and I would name which person in our family would be which shoes. I don’t have much hope for the newest version… I don’t think I’ll be wasting 20 bucks to see it in the theater. But I’m kinda a purist when it comes to childhood memories trying to be redone.

D9 - Hmmm ,
I am on the fence too.
Hollywood does SEX everything up now. With a teenager in our house you need to be picky about the things they view. PG is not all it is cracked up to be anymore.

susan - Jen,
SJP was the friend:)

susan - So remember the old one… there was a line around the theater to see it. I think it was my second movie to see:)
Hard to recapture that…. this one looks much more sexual.
Not sure –

leslie @ topofthepage - i’m out. sorry. i don’t have the nostalgia related to the first, but was out after seeing the trailer and how much sweaty sexualness was happening on the sly between cutie/angry boy and the pastor’s daughter. it bums me out that it’s marketed to children, that’s all. robin above makes a very good point. however, i am not a fan of all the sensuality in every teen movie these days. it’s way too much, in my opin.

Jill Franklin - I Loved the original! After seeing the movie like five times I went out and got me some Red boots! I thought I was all that in those boots. I will most likely wait till it comes out on dvd. It looks like it may be good, maybe even better…eeps! did I just say that!?!

TinaM. - I was trailer for this movie and think it will be cool to see. I think I may have only have seen the original one time, but I jam to the soundtrack on my ipod all the time.

Jen - Hi Meg!
I feel compelled to tell you that it wasn’t SJP in the girl role–it was Lori Singer.
I am a fountain of useless knowledge. It’s a gift.

Robin Heim - I think you need to take a deep breath, really remember when you saw the first FOOTLOOSE and what you did afterwards. Did you rush out to do all the crazy things it portrayed — even when you were finally old enough to attempt them? Probably not. And neither will your children. Why? Because you’ve raised them. You’ve taught them the difference between real life, reality TV, and movies –> and you’ve let them dance. πŸ˜‰

Michelle from Australia - I’m 41. I think I am WAY too young to be able to remember the original clearly and have a remake out already. Maybe this is what happens as you age? Either way, I’m curious about how the new movie is different so I’ll probably wait for it to come out on DVD.
And as for Dirty Dancing, I saw that when I was 17. Just got my driver’s licence. If they remake that anytime soon, I will be most unimpressed. Well I’ve had the time of my life…… πŸ™‚

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i was too young to watch the original when it came out (not to mention my parents were ultra careful with the movies we were allowed to watch) i watched many, many years later, though and loved it. πŸ™‚ being a preachers daughter and growing up in a small town with very conservative parents i could totally relate to the movie. however, i hate remakes when the original is so fantastic!! so i will not see this one, i can just about guarantee it’s going to be too risque and too cheesy…and i’m totally with you on group dancing scenes. lame.

Lisa - I saw the original in the theater TWICE! My sweet dad took me both times. I think I’ll have to see the new one…

jessica kiehn - If a movie is made by MTV you can count me out. That movie looks like straight up pornography. So sad and dissapointing. These are the kind of films that we have to chose from now?! I think i’ll stay at home with my sweet little family and NOT fill my mind with filth.

ingrid lapp - I don’t want to think about mine having sex in the woods either. Good grief I feel so old.

Christi Hoffman - I was 13 when the original came out! My older sister and I went. She was 18 and WILD. I LOVED the dancing! I remember thinking : Why do ppl drink?, it makes you act stupid! LOL! And I am NOT going to high school parties if that is what ppl do at them. I am excited to take my 13 & 20 yr old to see it. I often use(d) movies to start conversations with my daughter. It worked for us. It is working (so far) with my 13 yr old son. He went to his first “sevie party” on Friday. sigh…..

Jen Brandt - Footloose is one of my all time fav movies and I am shocked that so many of your readers have never seen it!!! I don’t know that I want to see the re-make because I’m afraid it will ruin the whole “Footloose fantasy” for me.

got2havefaith - Why do they always have to “sex it up”? And why can’t Hollywood come up with original ideas? Leave the classics alone already!
So, that’s what I think anyway. I will probably check it out when it comes out on Starz out of curiosity…but no one can replace Kevin Bacon.

Cori - I am going to see it for sure. I loved the original and I am excited to see what they do with the remake. The original was filmed in Utah in the community I live in. I have friends and family who are extras in the movie. It will be a little sad to watch the new one and not see anything or anyone that is familiar.

kristine - I don’t like remakes but this is one I am going to see….won’t be Kevin or the real WIllard but we’ll see…

kate - didn’t think it was sarah jessica…someone else noticed to…lori singer…but don’t think i’ll see it again…loved the cheesy!

Toni :0) - My family went and saw it last Tuesday at a special screening! I love the original so wasn’t sure what to expect. My coworker’s daughter is one of the extra dancers in the movie and I have to say we LOVED IT!! The guy who plays Willard (Miles Teller) is TERRIFIC and so are the little girls too. We thought it was updated nicely and it’s fun and we loved the line “The wheels on the bus go boom, boom, boom!” My son is almost 13 and he saw the original and this one and liked them both! I highly recommend!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Well Miss Meg, I was a grown up when I saw Footloose for the first time…HA! I don’t like remakes…leave the orginals alone is what I usually think. Of course my girls want to see it and I’m not sure I want them to πŸ™‚ so like you I haven’t decided yet either. Let us know if you see it and what you think!

sara - not going to see the new one. no way. kevin bacon was IT! no replacing! i dont need the update either…i liked the clean version verses the updated skanky highschool escapades they will show. willard was the best…he was very underated.

Cathy - I probably won’t see it. But I do live in the city where a lot of the original movie was filmed. And I can see my Grandma’s house in one of the scenes…if I don’t blink. No kidding.

Kerry Wiebe - I’m looking for your super tight jacket and having your shirt made right now that says “Dance your ASS off!! HA HA Can’t wait!

Kat - Loved it then and I was probably 13.
It would be interesting to watch the remake but what if they ruin it, or it’s just not the same as I remember it?
Maybe I will check it out when it comes out on dvd.

Kerri - I am TERRIFIED they are going to RUIN it! I have been agonizing over this for months!

PrairieJenn - So, I was eleven when the original came out and loved it. But I’m absolutely sure I would see it in a different light now as I think about my own kiddos. Sounds like the remake might be s good choice for date night or moms night out:)

Jen - i just can’t. personally, there are some originals that can’t be messed with. this is one of them. kevin bacon, sjp, john lithgow, chris penn, & lori singer…nope, no, no, nope. bumping & grinding is NOT a way to re-make a classic. hollywood needs to leave well enough alone.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - This makes me laugh because now that I am a mom, I am viewing all of those types of things in a new light, too! I hate to say it, but I have never seen Footloose. Shame.

Christy - Take some girlfriends and go see it!! It’s not a duplicate of the original and the dancing is better! I think you will enjoy it and then you can decide whether your kids should see it.

jennibell - I have *no* desire to see it. . .I think they’ll probably ruin the original. Like you, even in the trailers, I don’t like the way the girls are portrayed. I saw that Redbox has the original in their kiosks and wanted to rent it tonight and share with our kids (12, 10, 9, 8) but my husband wasn’t comfortable with it. . .so I’ll watch it again on my own sometime. Have you seen the Kevin Bacon you tube video (I think it might be an advertisement. . .can’t remember)? I laughed so hard at it and it made me want to watch some of his old stuff πŸ™‚
Are there ever any re-makes as good as the original? I never saw the remake of Dirty Dancing either (KNOW I saw that in the theatre). . .again, just didn’t think it could be as good.

seriouslysassymama - I will never see the remake. You cannot do better than the first. I am tired of Hollywood remaking good 80’s classics. It will be over sexed as most of the teen movies these days. - just buy the soundtrack… πŸ™‚

ashley - nope, no way. wont ever see it. Should not be remaking it. It is a classic. Would they remake wizard of Oz or Gone with the wind? Hollywood just wants to make a buck

eliz. - not going to see it. Definately cant top the original and shouldnt have even tried. Do not like any of the remakes I have seen. Sorry, hope you enjoy it though.

Elizabeth - I don’t know — I saw the preview in the theater and it looked terrible to me. I remember watching the first — and my favorite line was when John Lithgow yelled: There will be no dancin’ in this town!

Amanda - Not so sure about the new Footloose … but saw Courageous this week and it was GREAT! πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - I loved the original and will probably see this one. I’m a bit hesitant because Hollywood tends to ‘sex’ everything up to the point of ridiculous. Add that to the fact that I’ve been disappointed by more than a few remakes …. hmmmmm, maybe I won’t see it in the theatre … I’ll wait & rent it … (can you tell I’m undecided? πŸ˜‰

Su@TheIntentionalHome - My hubby and I were just talking about this the other day. . .I grew up with Grease, Footloose (I was 14, 8th grade), Flashdance, Top Gun. I have a 14 year old now and would not want her watching any of those movies now. So the new one is out for her and me to go see. Perhaps my sister and I should go see it together. . .and compare the 2.

Missy - No way, no how. It wasn’t broke – doesn’t need to be fixed! Who could ever replace Kevin Bacon? Somehow this movie just seems wrong, wrong, wrong. LOL If you do go and see it, be sure to let us know your thoughts.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I have no choice but to see it.. I went to high school with the new Willard. πŸ™‚

Janelle - Not that I saw the 2nd one, but I kind of liked how the Karate Kid remake was the same, but different – they used the same plot, but made it their own. This looks like an exact match, which is a bit lame. I won’t go to the theatre to see if but maybe I’ll put it on netflix. When my girls are older, I’ll let them watch the original!

Kimberlee Jost - I saw today that Redbox has the Kevin Bacon version!
And yes, I will miss SJP, but it’s been so long, that perhaps I need a Redbox refresher.

Jennifer - I am with you…still on the fence. I definitely want to see it, mainly because I want to see all the dancing in it. But, I’m just not sure how I feel about the idea of trying to remake such a classic movie. It will be hard to beat the original. πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - I will probably see it because I loved the original, but I would be nervous about letting my kids watch it. The new one looks more risque (at least the dance scenes, anyway).

Grandma Honey - I am totally on board for this new Footloose. As long as they don’t mess it up. We’ll see πŸ™‚

Michelle - No way!! I think it’s ridiculous to try to take a classic and remake it. It’s like trying to remake Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles, it’s just not possible to do the original justice. Who can replace Kevin Bacon?

Southern Gal - I thought it was pretty risque when the first one came out and I was 21 then. My sister was 16 and she and her friends loved it. (I guess it was to her like Grease was to me. I was 15 when that came out. If my mama had known what we were watching…) I’d like to see it just to see how it compares to the older one. I didn’t like Lori Singer at all, but I love Julianne Hough. No one can replace Kevin Bacon and Chris Penn. I guess you can say I’m torn.

happygirl - I’m such a purist. I mean, really, who could replace Kevin Bacon? And the truck scene with Ariel on the car windows? and Kevin’s mad dance? I’ll take the original ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Lori - I definately want to go see it! And maybe see the old one before I go… The original came out the year I graduated from college and I loved it then.

Christy - I got free passes for a screening of the new movie and took my two teenagers (14 & 17). The movie was pretty good, definitely pushed the envelope as far as a PG movie rating but overall not too bad. The original came out my senior year of high school, so it was kind of odd to take my senior child to the same movie! There are some suggestive sex scenes but I think it does convey the message (especially by the end of the movie) that it’s not the right thing to do. No I don’t want to think about my kids doing any of the dangerous things in the movie, but the overall theme was that they are kids and can’t be proven to be trustworthy unless we actually trust them. I would take your teens to see it – at least it can open the door for discussions if needed!!!

Kerry - oh my gosh i’ve never seen it.. im so lame! i know the song… does that count??? πŸ˜› xx

Holly - I have to say that I dont think I have even seen the original! Sad, right? I guess I should watch it first, huh?

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friday ramblings….


mmmmmmm……sweet baby emmet.
i love his name.
and he was dreamy.


have you noticed our lack of craft thursdays???
my kids have.
i realize that is a sign of having too much on my plate.
i just can’t do it.
and with so many sports practices we just don’t have the time.

BUT once the photo season is done for me….27 more days….i will be able to do it.
football will end.
volleyball will end.
we will have more time at home….i hope.
and craft thursdays will return.

annie just came up with her own project instead.


lauren’s volleyball team is so much fun to watch.
they are serious.
they hit so hard….i would never stand on the other side of them!

there is BIG NEWS at our house…..

she was so excited to tell me.
she kept saying “daddy is going to be so proud of me!!!” Β  πŸ™‚
pretty darn cute.


she came home from school yesterday with this face.
i said “you have a mustache”
and she smiled so big and announced “YES!!! my friend did it with marker FOR FREE!!!!”

well ok…as long as you didn’t pay for it.
oh annie.




chelsea - Where did you find your sign in the back ground of your picture? the grey sign that has family rules on it/ I love it!

leonieke - pffff.. it’s a relieve to hear something is not going your way ( crafty thursdays) you still sound like a miracle mother to me! making beautifull pictures of your own children and others.. enjoying your daughters sport, and still visit lots of blogs and write your own. wow..
this dutch girl is still impressed. πŸ™‚

Heather G. - Go Annie!! And I’m dying that “the mustache was free.”

Kimberly Dial - Emmet is soooo cute! I loved volleyball in high school (I feel certain I’d die if I tried to play now! πŸ˜‰ I love your Craft Thursdays so I’ll be glad when you have more time πŸ˜‰ and that Annie is a girl after my own heart. I have a feeling (a strong one!) that my oldest granddaughter Emily & her are kindred spirits! Gotta love ’em!

Shaina Brown - Love a sweet little baby named Emmet, my “baby” Emmett just turned 3. The volleyball pics make me miss my glory days, love that she isn’t wearing knee pads! And Annie? what can you say, it was free after all!

Michelle - ahhhh. . . it wasn’t even a year ago you were taking pictures of my sweet babe & that sweet Emmett makes me want to rewind to clock (or get pregnant!) Love Annie’s stash. . .too funny!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Heehee Annie…way cute!

Lori Austin - Hip hip hooray! Good job Annie! We just celebrated this milestone at our house too. I think our girls are close in age. Fun times!
Lauren looks so intense.
The baby pics are about more than I can take. Why did we stop at 2????? Sniff….
Happy weekend.

Christine H - Hi! I’ve been searching your website for awhile tonight trying to find out where you got that print on the top of the cabinet that Annie is painting in front of (see 2nd photo from the top on this post). It has all the words/sentences on it like “use kind words” ” be considerate” etc. I know that you’ve probably mentioned it before but I had no luck finding a source reference. If you wouldn’t mind sharing I’d appreciate it! thanks!

Jenny B. - Yay that Annie can tie her shoes! We’ve been working on that at our house too. I’ll have to show my 6yo son this post. Maybe knowing that Annie can do it will give him a little boost. πŸ™‚ So funny about the “free” moustache! Has she read the book Moosetache? It’s funny. πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - O my gosh! Annie cracks me up. She has an eye for a deal.

Angie G. - I love the photo of Emmet – we can’t wait to see them all!! Thank you so much! Angie

Tracy Fisher - If we lived closer I’d let you in on our whacky carpool! haha. It’s one of those carpools where everyone starts texting each other by 3pm trying to figure out how to get all of the kids to their sports… and trying to get a night off every once in awhile to make a nice dinner…haha.
Love the baby in the photo!
tracy fisher

Kat - Oh gosh that little baby Emmet makes me want to have #5 now!!
Annie is so sweet – love the moustache and that Lauren, she is gorgeous. (Oh to have toned legs and a butt like that!!! You go girl!)
I so get why you are so busy all the time and I only have 4, but wow it is always busy!!

shauna - that top baby pic!
so great.
you are so great.
even without crafts.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Ooooohhhh that sweet babe!!!!!! Happy weekending!

Tanya H - I love the links you share, gets me thinking about gift-giving!

heather - friends that give free mustaches are THE best kind of friends.
happy weekend!

This Farm Family's Life - We haven’t been doing very many crafts either. My oldest has been begging me. We finally made spiders last night. Ready for things to slow down also.

seriouslysassymama - Your Annie should get together with my Abby. They would totally hit it off! Oh baby Emmett. I would almost ask for the Doc to untie my tubes for a cutie like that.

Kimberlee Jost - Yay, Annie!
So glad she didn’t pay for the mustache.
Tell her I’ll give her one for free, too. πŸ˜‰

Elaine Entz - oh good… now for the rest of us moms who rarely do crafts with our kids, we can feel less guilty πŸ™‚
love love love that b/w print behind the globes. did i see that at kitchen corner?
lauren’s fun to watch… great to see her blooming in her volleyball talents…

Sarah - What type of lens/settings do you use for the volleyball pictures. I’m trying to get better pictures of my daughters games. Thanks!!

Ashley - that picture of emmet? my ovaries hurt. thanks for that. πŸ™‚

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Baby Emmett is a dream!
Love the VB shots! Lauren looks fierce!
Annie is cute as always!

ingrid lapp - I just found your blog about a week ago and have spent a lot of time reading thru all of your old posts. Very enjoyable….however the laundry piled up and we didn’t eat very good meals πŸ™‚
ps. loved every one of them

Jen Brandt - LOVE…Annie’s moustache and sweet baby Emmet. Have a wonderful weekend, Meg!

Jennifer - Oh my goodness, Emmet is one handsome dude! Beautiful photograph.

Kate B. - Lauren’s not wearing knee pads. How tough is that girl?

Holly - cute little Annie!

happygirl - Such a precious baby. LOVE the free mustache. LOVE the kids noticing the crafting is missing. It lets me know they LOVE it and it’s not just a photo op. Things like this are what make you the authentic and special blogger you are. πŸ™‚

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couple things….

yesterday was a good day.

-went for a run right away in the morning….endurance is on my side now.

-my computer problem was a broken charger….YAY!

-i had dinner in the crock pot by 9 AM for the family later.
  (which i forgot to mention and they got pizza instead and then found dinner waiting for them at
   home…oops….oh well…more dinner for tonight! )

and then i left with a friend to see another friend for the whole day.
because my friend Pam….who took me to africa….is MOVING TO AFRICA!!!
oh my goodness.

our time together is special.
it's NEEDED.
it's fills of my soul with Christ's love through them to me
it's sharing everything…anything….laughing and crying….and eating….and more talking.

literally 14 hours of non stop talking….by all of us.  :)

and about 15 bathroom breaks.

it's so good.
and i NEED it.

she is moving with her family to Liberia for missions.
it was SO COOL to listen to her share so many AWESOME things God is doing in their lives RIGHT NOW.
tangible, real amazing things they have seen just this month alone….needs he is providing….
it gave me goosebumps it was so EXCITING. 

oh how i will miss her!!!

but i get to go visit her too!
i can't wait to go back to africa.


one of her daughters is a spectacular artist.
i mean….wow.


i think Beth is 11 years old.
is that not amazing??
truly fabulous talent she has.


i can't wait to see what she finds to create in africa!

we got home really late and i crawled into bed so happy.
i am a girl who needs time with my close friends.
i crave it.
i need to talk things out…..share….listen….encourage and be encouraged….be REAL…and honest.
we are each SO different in our life paths and what we are doing but we love that for each other.

i love those kind of days.

what about you?
what kinds of things feed your soul?
what encourages you and keeps you going for a few weeks after you do them?



Heather G. - Happy for your special day. Your friend and her family sound amazing.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - I REALIZED A LONG TIME AGO…

Kristin S - What feeds my soul…
Reading your blog and others that are real and Christ-centered.
Reading God’s word.
Time with kindreds. I’m SO THANKFUL God created us for community.
Next week my best friend and I are taking a 4 day trip. I’ve been saving for years so I’m not going in to debt for it. We are going to eat well, get pampered, shop some, talk lots, read, spend time together, probably laugh a lot and cry as well.

Mel - glad you had a great visit with your friends, your happiness just bounces off the page !
reading your blog is very inspiring for me at the moment πŸ™‚
my sister (i really heart her xoxo)
my friends
cups of tea in vintage tea cups πŸ™‚
home decorating magazines & blogs
daydreaming about the places I am longing to travel to
and of course , my beautiful family , but all of the above is just for ME , us Mums really need “just for me” time & interests πŸ™‚

Bernice - WOW! Her daughter has incredible talent! I can’t even draw a good-looking stick man… gee. Glad you had some good time with your friends. Every mama needs some of that!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Glad you had a great time with friends. Something that gives me a boost is listening to music, playing the piano, and spending time with friends πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - yes, time with the girlfriends feeds the soul for sure. helps you feel not alone. i also crave time alone with my man. to feel like me…and not just a mama.

Melanie - Time with girlfriends? Ah yes, I’m leaving tomorrow for a girly weekend in Michigan. Can’t wait!
I can’t believe the artistic talent of that 11-year old girl…I mean, WOW! She is incredible.

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Next to my hubby and kids girlfriends and girlfriend time is waaaaay imortant to me and my mental health πŸ™‚

Life with Kaishon - That is a GREAT drawing. Wow. I am so impressed.
God bless her greatly in Africa!

Nicole - Quality time feeds my soul. It doesn’t matter where or what we are doing, but just being with my friends/family makes me happy.

Shauna - Thats one of my favorite recipes from Smashed Peas & Carrots. So easy & soooo good. I think you led me to her blog….so thank you!!

Lisa - PS- Prayed for Pam and her family… what an exciting act of obedience!

Lisa - As much as I love my 4 kids… time away from being a 24 hr mom is what feeds my soul. Time away with my husband or friends. And as much as I love just hanging out with dear friends or my husband, I really prefer the deep, meaningful long chunks of time. Kinda like your 14 hrs of non-stop talking! Not that my husband and I would spend 14 hrs talking… he’s good for an hour at a time. haha πŸ˜‰

Megan H. - She is an extremely talented artist! When listening to the radio this morning a preacher talked about recognizing and using God given talents. What an AMAZING God given talent she has!

betsy - What a great day! I saw on Twitter that you went to an UnForked. Were you in Overland Park visiting your friend? The new UnForked here is literally just down the street from my condo! And I haven’t been to it yet πŸ™‚
Need to go … maybe you can come back in town and go with me πŸ™‚

Jen Christians - Oh MY Goodness! TALENTED!!! I cannot believe how amazing those drawings are! I want one… for real
I love me some good friend time, unfortunately it has been way too long

Staci - Love those days with close friends too!!! Just got to have one myself today!!! Not for 14 hours…only about 4, but I”ll take it !!!!!!! So exciting for Pam πŸ™‚

Melissa - what you said about having time with close friends is so true! i love the hours i get when i can chat with my girlfriends and be encouraged. since we moved to CO last year, it takes awhile to gain those close relationships, so when you get to be reunited with an old friend, it is amazingly wonderful! thanks for sharing!

Brenda - Wow! What an amazing artist! Please share her drawings of Africa, if she will let you. I am hoping to go to Uganda this summer with our church! How exciting.

Catriona - Three of us girlfriends try to meet for dinner once a month at one of our homes and we make/bring a course each. Then just talk to, at and over each other for about 4 hours non-stop! I always wake up with a sore throat (and sometimes a bit of a fuzzy head…) the next day but it is SO worth it and I so look forward to those dinners.

happygirl - Such talent. Amazing. Sounded like a GREAT day. I love when you discover that the computer is NOT broken. friends, family, leftovers for the next day. πŸ™‚

tara - her daughter has an incredible talent…in…cred….ible.
what feeds my soul?
being outside.
coffee in the morning.
in a very “shallow hal” kind of way…my pumpkin spice candle.
my family laughing together.
deep conversation with dear friends.
hitting the bed every night with my husband and FINALLY being able to catch up and debrief our days.

Kerry - goodness me, she is so talented!!
Aaah, my heartstrings tugged at the ‘move to Africa’ I miss Africa every day!! xx

Jenn - Feed your soul….now that’s important. I have to be creative. I need it….its me. I like to flea market. I don’t need to shop, just walk around. Of course its best with friends on both. I feel rejuvinated, fresh, like someone has charged my battery.

Holly - yay for you Meg!
Our church started a seperate jr high youth group in August and I am one of the two leaders. We started our first class with 4 kids. Last night we had 10 and that was with 3 missing. We never imagined our class would grow so fast and it is amazing to watch God start to do his work in these kids. It is also amazing what God has shown me through them. They are awesome and I totally feed off of them.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - That kind of talent is god given. She needs to set up an Etsy shop.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - That kind of talent is god given. She needs to set up an Etst shop.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I’ve been thinking about the time I need with friends. You’ve inspired me to make a few calls.

michelle - I’m the same way, I HAVE to have that time with good friends (& no kiddos) to recharge. I’m headed to Oklahoma tomorrow to spend a few days with my besties from college. Women need other women. Period. πŸ™‚
So glad you had the opportunity to have the lovely day you did. And let me just say…Pam’s daughter? Holy moly! That girl is amazing!

Laura Phelps - well, YOU, for one…you me dear are a fabulous gift for my soul.
and my 3rd grade class! I have the beautiful honor of teaching 10 amazing children about GOD!!!
and broadway musicals…that curtain…the overture…the costumes…brings me back to LIFE

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I am glad you had such a great day.
I am completely blown back by the artist talent of Pam’s daughter!! What a gift! xo

amy jupin - craving some girl time myself.
pam’s daughter is amazing.
i am def gonna show this to anna. she’ll freak.
and one more thing…

Lisa - Awesome! So glad you had that time. I had one of those days too. Sharing and being real – crazy real – with a friend all day yesterday. What a gift. In the words of my sister-in-law “People are my treasure.” πŸ™‚

Joy McLaughlin - Good for you! Sounds like a wonderful day! Girlfriend time definitely does it for me, and when the whole family is together. We only have one left at home, so when they are all around, it fills me up. On the other side of that, alone time rejuvenates me as well. I need both!

Sharla - Wow, I can’t believe her daughter’s drawings. They are spectacular. Sounds like her family is on a great path!

Jen - SOunds like a very special day, indeed. You are blessed! And, I don’t mean to be snarky at all, but what the heck did you put in the crock pot??? I am always looking for good crock pot recipes! πŸ™‚

Kelley - Both of the Blue Lily workshops were so energizing for me. Not just with my photography, but creating a greater appreciation for my husband, kids and life. Time with my closest girlfriends does the same. It doesn’t happen enough, but is sooo needed.

Tricia - I think that it is wonderful that you were able to spend time with your friend before her giant move! Isn’t it amazing how energizing it can be to spend time with other women? I love my family, but spending time with friends always gives me a fresh perspective and it’s definitely something that I should do more often.

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how did this happen?

my computer is acting up.
as in….BLACK SCREEN and nothing else.
it's getting looked at today.
i am pretty sure it is just the battery but….i know about 1% of computer stuff so who knows what the problem really is.

so i sit here on the desktop computer that the rest of my family uses and i looked through iPhoto on here.

and i think i may cry.

i found the pictures from when we potty trained annie.
when she was officially "trained" i took her to the store to pick out anything she wanted.
she chose a box of marbles.


i love that she chose that….it's so her.



and then there was talby…on her teeny pink bike….and her sweet baby face.
where does that go?


oh i miss that little munkin.

i loved my hair that way.
it was a great cut!
maybe soeday again……

look at my babies!!!
so long ago already.

it physically aches me to look at this.

he has muscles now.
and man sized feet.
and a low voice.

wiping away the tears…..


 oh wait….i do remember something that i don't miss so much.
the bang-your-head-on-the-floor-scream-for-a-day-for-no-apparent-reason-other-than-being-three-years-old
kind of tantrums.

but i would do it again in a heart beat.

i just can't believe how fast it changes.

i miss my babies being babies.
i really do.

let's all hope my computer gets fixed really quick because how many posts like this can a heart take???



Kara - I am so glad I am not the one who physically aches when they see pictures of the littles…I do the same (and my kids are only 5 and 4)–but I do miss the baby snuggles, the “need” for mom, and even potty training (a little). love it.

Tiffany - *sigh* This actually made me cry a little. I’m going through that bang your head on the floor and cry stage. =) I love my babies to pieces, but sometimes they can be emotionally exhausting. And you just put it all in perspective for me. And now I just want to stay right here in this stage when they’ll still crawl on my lap and into my bed for cuddles and snuggles. And give me big huge bear hugs and butterfly kisses.
Your kids are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing these!

ana {bluebirdkisses} - Old pictures make me cry too, and baby J is only 7 mos old! But I feel like one day I blinked and he was instantly older. I wish I could slow down time just a little bit.

Sarah - I can’t look at old pictures. I have albums and albums and scrapbooks and all of that, and I can’t even look at them because I just get in an awful teary funk. Darn those kids for growing up!

Corey J - I am in LOVE with to fix my mac. It’s so much cheaper than the apple store and they do a great job. My husband stepped on my laptop and they fixed the screen for HALF THE PRICE.
Good luck with your computer!

julia - I will accept that shirt as a hand-me-down.
Surprised the 5 year old at school with lunch. COMPLETE melt down because I didn’t bring cupcakes or cookies for the class (she thought it was her birthday). Assistant principal and two or three teachers talked to her…I had to leave for 10 or 15 minutes. She wouldn’t eat the lunch that I brought. When I picked her up at the end of the day she begged me to come again.

Leslie - I visit often, but don’t comment much. However, I must comment today!
Out of shear exhaustion, I am dying in laughter after reading the “bang your head on the floor tantrum” line. Thank you for that.
I have a three year old.
And it’s been that kind of week. It’s nice to know we aren’t the only ones like that. Thank you , thank you , thank you.
And thanks for reminding me to enjoy these days. With a three year old. πŸ™‚
They are precious.

Lori - I had the same thing with my mac book and I took it to apple. It ended up being a memory card. (Nothing was lost – I don’t understand too much about computers but when I here damaged memory card I think lost info but apparently that’s not the case). They said it just happens – no warning and it cannot be prevented. It took them 15 minutes and it was up and running. Hopefully that’s the same problem with your’s!

Jennie - Thank you for that sweet reminder today, Meg! I have a 19 month old and a 3 year old, and we are certainly in the midst of the three year old tantrums. Yesterday, it involved a fit pitched because “the couch wouldn’t move” to let her by. No lie. I want to pull my hair out on so many days, but this was a good reminder that these days will be gone before I know it. thanks for that.

Kelly - I have the hardest time looking through those old pics myself (my one and only baby just turned 19!!!)…yours made me cry, mine make me weep! The eternal tug at a mother’s heart strings, oh to do it all again. πŸ™‚ sigh..

Ruth Baumgartner - I have been in a bit of a funk since my baby went to Kindergarten a month ago… thanks for brining tears to my eyes, I am not alone in wonderful Motherhood. Now I think, maybe just one-or 2 more?…. What am I thinking! πŸ™‚ Thanks Meg.

Jessica Johnson - ok. you need to stop this right now. and you are right – GREAT cut. definitely NOT 10 years ago. πŸ˜‰ wish we could have chatted more, too. and we WILL meet again. before you post pictures of your kids from today 4 years from now. kim and i are on the wait list for craft weekend! REALLY, really hoping to make it happen. even in the snow. miss you, new friend! xxoo

TinaM. - I love your hair in the one pic πŸ™‚ I love flipping through old photos. Thanks for sharing.

Lori Austin - Memory lane is hard on the heart, isn’t it?!
I’ve been watching a 20 month old this week and I keep thinking “oh I remember when my little girl did this” or “oh that stage was so fun”. Blah blah blah! Sniff….
Good thing you rec’d that box of tissues for your b-day πŸ™‚

casey - aw! I don’t even know your kids and I felt my heart get all mushy inside!
I do have to say though, I REALLY needed this today! I have a 2 yr old PLUS I was currently watch two little girls in my home who are 1 and 1 1/2 so I have many a times during the day where I feel like I wanna bang my head against the wall!
Thanks for the reminder (c;

lovethosecupcakes - I blinked and find my gorgeous girlie is planning her walk down the aisle next year.

Mrs. - I love Annie’s chubby fist full of marbles. Life is in the details!

Yaz - I have to say I dont usually post anything on your board but I am always reading and enjoying everything you have on your site. BUT this touched me. My son is turning 5 in January and it literally makes my heart hurt knowing he is growing up so fast. I truly with all that is in me try to enjoy every moment with him. Often having mommy guilt for being a working mother but I am always looking for us to do things together after work or on weekends. He is my only son and I will probably not have any more so I am even more sad that I wont see that infant/toddler stage but I at least did once for a couple of years and when my son potty trained he picked a book when I took him to the store! It is so beautiful being a mother and I never even knew it would be like this.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Right?! Julia is about to outgrow me any second and I am seriously not sure what happened!

beth - i am crying with you. my kiddos are 7 & 9. i long for baby/toddler days. they seem so much older than they should be. i am understanding everyday more and more why parents cry at graduation and weddings and births of grandbabies. okay, i’ll stop now.

Kat - Awww so cute!
How old was Annie when you toilet trained her?
I only ask because I am going through this with my 4th and youngest child atm and she is going to be three in Nov. (I think I have just been putting it off!)
Some days when I look at old pics, it really makes me want to have #5.
My #2 is 7 today and the others are 9, almost 5 and almost 3 and I know it is all relative cause that probably sounds so little compared to yours, but I am still sad that it is going so damn fast!!
How wonderful that we make the time to capture these moments in photos.
Parenthood started back here last night in Aus and I so LOVE that show!!!!!!

Stephanie - I know exactly how you feel. My kids are 8 and 6 and I don’t know how we got here! It went so fast. Everyone always tells you to enjoy the time with your kids because it goes so fast. I always thought, “Yeah right. Whatever you say.” But it did, and it does. I miss my babies.

Tonya - Meg…oh how blessed we are to have the gift of seeing our children grow up…I wouldn’t want it any other way. But that doesn’t mean it has to happen so fast! πŸ™‚

karen - your kids are so beautiful. i like to see them grow up…makes me feel good. maybe i feel like that because they are only 4 and 1 1/2…

Kimbery Dial - I agree. It happens way too fast. Sad to report that it happens with the grandbabies too. So very sad. :*( Praying your computer is fixed pronto! πŸ˜‰

Jenna - I am getting teary-eyed FOR you! So sweet.

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I totally hear you…makes me sad too!

Aby - I feel your pain! It truly is physically painful sometimes. I have 9 year old twin girls. And that’s it. They’re both going to leave me at once!! Oh my. I dread it already.

Kori - Yes. Please don’t do this again…lol!! πŸ˜€ I teared up looking at your pictures thinking of how you must feel knowing I feel the same here about my son. I have a different type of longing also because our first child, a daughter, was stillborn and I always think of what could have been with her. I can never decide which is worse: knowing or wondering.
Is it weird that when I look at pictures of your cute kiddos it sometimes feels like looking at pictures of extended family or someone I actually know….I hope not!! πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I totally get you on the physical pain thing. Every time I go back through photos from our fiels, I end up in tears and just saying to Eric “how did our girls grow up so fast?!” Theyre still young (5 & 7) but seriously…just yesterday I was birthing them. Insert me bawling here…

Linda - I have never commented on any post before, but this took me straight to my heart. I know how you feel. Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is, they don’t need me as much. How I miss those days.

Michelle from Australia - Great post!

Logan - I took one look at that picture of all of you and thought “Meg needs to grow out her hair”! I love it long like that! - Good afternoon… stumbled onto your blog while searching for “bunting” inspiration. I have to tell you this- *I* have a 3 year old who could almost be a twin to your Annie. I did a double-take. So now we ARE in the bang-your-head-against-the-floor-for-no-reason-only-because-I-am-3 stage. But your post made me pause and think… in a few years it will all be different. I do love the cuddles before bed and the innocence and the giggles. I will try not to take them for granted. Even when the next tantrum is about to start, in .. 03…02…01…… :)jody

elisa - I so avoid iPhoto. No way. Or archives on the blog. Sigh.
It goes waaaaaay too fast. And it’s not fair. Boo.

Grandma Ruth - I don’t mean to discourage you, but I’m actually the great-grandma of a darling three-month old…and I STILL tear up at pictures of my own babies and my grandbabies (who have had the audacity to become old enough to go off to college and one to get married.) Maybe that intense love is what keeps us praying for them year after year.

Alicia @ La Famille - oh my gosh…why would you do this to me!?! i’m already an emotional wreck, getting ready to moving across the country and leave all my friends and family…now this!?! πŸ™‚ i think i need to go find my husband…we need more kids πŸ˜‰

Michelle - Awesome photos! I don’t even know you and those pictures had me tearing up too! I’m right there with you. Every time I look back at the sweet baby faces of my two, it has the same effect!! Glad to know that I’m not the only mom that this happens to. Thanks for sharing!

alyssa - I agree, how much more can we take! Stop it! You need to tuck it all away, otherwise you’ll make us all cry!!!

tara pollard pakosta - precious photos!
keep em’ coming! I LOVE looking at my older photos, but you are right, it does make my heart hurt a little because I want them to be that small again>!
LOVE this post!

shannon - This post even made me sad!!! That picture of you and all your kids, they were all soooo little in that picture πŸ™ I wish they stayed small FOREVER!

Southern Gal - Annie and Talby look so much alike! My heart hurts every time I look at my now 22, 20 and 9 year old. And my grandbaby is now 15 months old. What????? Enjoy every single minute of it. It’s gone in a heartbeat.
P.S. I love your hair like that. Love it.

Southern Gal - Annie and Talby look so much alike! I’m dying everytime I look at my “babies” who are now 22, 20 and 9. My grandbaby is now 15 months old. What????? Just enjoy it. Every single minute of it.
P.S. I love your hair like that. Love it.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I think God broke you computer so you would be able to look back at these wonderful memories! So adorable. Now, let’s just hope he fixes it too πŸ˜‰

Aimee - Awww…
I dreamed last night that I met all your kids at an outdoor cafe, on a beautiful street with cobblestones, right next to a vintage store. They were so sweet, and they were there with an older teenager/young twenties girl, who was watching them for some reason. They gave no indication where you might be, and I was trying very hard not to be rude and ask. πŸ™‚
Our subconciousnesses (huh?) are so funny.

Tiffany - Yeah, this one hit home. Your THEN is my NOW. So, is there one thing…or maybe a few things…that you might have done differently as a mommy when they were little? Or if the “seasoned mama Meg” could go back in time and tell the “new mama Meg” a few pieces of advice, what would they be? Love, A Mommy of Four Little People Who Sometimes Forgets Her Name πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - the only thing that upsets me more than my kids growing up so fast, is a computer with a black screen.
THAT made me cry.
good luck

Lisa - I was just telling my husband that I can’t really remember the feel of my kids as babies anymore. It makes me sad when I think of that. The thing is we can’t slow it down so I am trying to embrace them getting older and focus on the joy of watching them turn into adults. I’m sure the joy will come AFTER the teen years πŸ˜‰

Elizabeth Walters - I only have an almost two year old and an 8 week old. I feel like they have grown so fast and they are only babies. I am learning to treasure the now moments because they are gone so fast.

Jen Brandt - Sweet, sweet photos. I miss my little kids, too – and they’re only 4 and 7 now. Seven was a hard one. Just happened two weeks ago. I told my husband that this all needs to slooowwww down.

Tracy Fisher - Isn’t it fun when you find a blessing in your broken computer?

Kerry - oh mommy! even I can see how they have grown and i’ve only been reading your blog for 2 years… they do grow up so fast. Oh my heart, Be Still. xxx

Vonda - Love your pictures! I totally feel the same way. My oldest 2 boys have both moved out now-they are 20 and 22. We still have the 13 year old and the’princess'(who is 11) at home, but the house is so much quieter now! We used to have a houseful all the time! Dinners were awesome:)! I miss the noise!!! Yes I said that! We still get them home for a dinner once in a while, but not always at the same time. They grow up way too fast! So glad I took as many pictures as I did!

Geli - Every mother is like this, we miss our little ones, don’t we? I used to have baby and toddler pictures all over the house and always was commenting how cute she was. Then one day, she got all her guts up and asked me if I don’t like her as an “older” child (she was 14 then), since I only have her kiddie pictures on display and always talk about how adorable she was. I felt so bad, I had no idea how it came across to her when I was reminiscing…..I still do, but in private and all her pictures on display are current ones – of an adorable 16 year old teenager (with attitude *sigh*)

Shauna - Oh, you are breaking my heart. My 3 are still so little, and it makes me ache to think they will grow up and not be these little people anymore…i think I’ll go hug them right now!!! πŸ™‚

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - The first few pictures of Annie made me smile. My daughter Abigail is the SAME way! Just the other day we were at the store and she picked out YARD SALE stickers! That was all she wanted, and she had the biggest smile on her face as we were walking out of the store with them. πŸ™‚
I enjoyed this whole post. Isn’t it crazy how from day to day, you don’t really notice a change in them, but looking at pictures from even a year ago the change is drastic?

amanda - Old photos are so hard to look at (and videos – can’t even go there!) Mine are twelve, ten, and two and growing up too fast.

AshleyAnn - So many great pictures….iPhoto is a vault of oldies on my old computer too. It is has been forever since I dug around in there.
Good luck on the computer. I had to buy a new one a month ago…yuck on the $$$, but wow how did I live with that old slow thing for so long!

happygirl - I know what you mean. Time FLIES by. Hang on, it goes way faster the older we get. I have a theory on this. You can ask me about it some time. πŸ™‚

tiffany m gardner - wow. that made me cry too. i have an 8 year old boy, 5 year old girl and an 8 month old. on my hard days…i try to remind myself that one day they will be grown. i try to remind myself that cleaning and laundry can wait until tomorrow. i try to remind myself to just breathe and try to love the moment that we are in. thank you for reminding me of all of that today. that is what your blog does for me… it lifts me up…just when i needed it.

Mindy Harris - i feel your pain, sister. and my babies are still 3 and 1! i look at their newborn pics and just DIE.

keri ~ forever folding laundry - I’m going to have to ask that you please stop posting these types of pictures immediately. Because for some reason it makes me go back to old pictures of MY kids and then I become a teary mess before I have my second cup of coffee.
I miss my babies, too. And I know when they’re hairy teenagers I’m going to miss my elementary school-aged kids like crazy.
OK, I need more coffee now.

debi meyers - me too, me too, me too. My eldest is 18 in about 6 weeks.
I started reading your blog when Annie was teeny. Thanks for the years of pure pleasure.
deb meyers

Amy Griffin - My heart hurts looking at the pictues with you. Like it was said before, I wish I could appreciate the moments when I was in them, as much as I do when I look back. I think I am gonna go look at some of our old pictures. HAve a good time remembering.

jennifer Wells - Aww, mine are still babies (oldest in Kdg) and I already miss them being babies. My baby is 7 mths old and I hate the thought of no more newborns! I hope when we get to heaven we get to hold our babies again. It’s heaven and that would be heaven to me so who knows!

Kirsten J - Ahhh what a reminder. How does it happen?!?!? I had a little tantrum thrower, too. I used to put her to bed at night and feel the bumps on her head from throwing herself on the ground. And this morning as she rushed out the door to school….yeah, she’s still kinda like that.

hannah singer - meg! i am weeping with you! love all these photos. such sweet memories!! my little guy will be three right after christmas. it feels like last month we were bringing him home from the hospital, adopting him into our family. i pray the lord has more children in our future! letting go of baby and enjoying the growing is such a tug of war!
happy tuesday, make it great! xo

Tricia - Meg: I absolutely love my six-year-old son, but I sure would love to spend some time with the baby he used to be. It’s such a bittersweet experience to look through old photos! Tricia

seriouslysassymama - I still have a three year old, but when I see pictures of my older girls that little I cry. I cry every time. My husband just shakes his head and says. Forget it, your tubes are tied and we are not having any more babies. Oh well. I love to look at the old pics! I could so use that tantrum shirt!

Christie - There’s a Mumford and Sons song (“After the Storm”) with the line: “There will come a time with no more tears and love will not break your heart.” It always makes me think of my kids – how much I love them and how much their growing up and away hurts. I can only hold on to the hope that there is a day and a place in store for us where love won’t make us cry.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Awww Meg! Hope you cheer up a bit πŸ™‚
Gemma x

Kristi - Wow! This post made me choke up. I am the mother of a 2.5 year old and a 5 week old. Sometimes I find myself wishing them older just so I can have some time to myself. Thank you for reminding me to live in moment and enjoy these little ones while they are little.

Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - FIX THAT COMPUTER!!! I am a sucker for things kinds of things. I can’t handle it. My only child just turned 2. I started crying in the hospital about her growing up when she was only 2 DAYS old!!

Sugar Mama - I just took my son to get new basketball shoes… size 10 1/2 is what he needed!!! When did THAT happen? He was my little boy, the one that I had as a young girl… I never dreamed it would go by so fast. His zit covered forehead and deep voice make me angry sometimes.
And my other two, 12 and 8… they just made me realize something. In December they will be 13 and 9 adding another teenager to the house and the LAST year that I’ll have a child in the single digits. Boo hoo hoo hoo!

jackie - Oops!! I meant I have THREE daughters!!!

jackie - I am glad for one thing.. that I am not the ONLY mother that hurts SO much and gets tears in her eyes when I look back at pictures – and I mean HURT. I am a mother of four… I have 2 daughters ages almost 15, 12, 10 and a son who is 7. My daughter started highschool this year, and my Sarah is in middle school – how did this happen so quickly?? My son doesn’t call me Mommy anymore…I am Mom to even him now! I look back at when they were babies or little tikes and it DOES hurt.. it really does… and know I am glad I know that I’m not the only one and sounds like you understand. And when I was in the thick of taking care of them all when they were babes, I didn’t realize HOW much I would miss it!! Don’t get me wrong… it is wonderful to see them grow too…but boy I miss my babies!!!

Sarah Wolfe - My baby just turned 3… and it pains me too to look at pictures when they were younger too. It was an exhausting time, but much simpler… tantrums and all πŸ™‚

colleen from Alabama - My laptop is on the blink too! My husband is good at that sort of stuff though. He has run about a gazillion scans and they all have found something different!!! I’m using his laptop now. I had a moment this morning like your “picture moments”. My nine year old son was lying in bed and for just a mili-second, his face looked like it did when he was three. It took my breath away! Oh how i wish we could just freeze life sometimes. Wonder if that will be what Heaven will be like, frozen perfect moments.

Joy McLaughlin - Over the weekend, I did the same thing – old computer, old photos. I may have shed a tear or two myself! It goes way too fast! I hope your computer gets fixed today!!

Sue K. - all i can say is… I KNOW!!! why oh why cant i really treasure those moments when i am in the thick of them? only when i look back do i really, clearly see the wonder?! maybe thats why grandkids must be so amazing? hug!!!

nancy - I am the same way when I look at the babes from the past. Where did time go? I think it is a good way to be reminded how quickly it speeds by. I need to press pause a little more often to really soak it in! πŸ™‚

Holly - oh gosh Meg! Me too! We met our high school daughters boyfriend the other night and all I could think was wow, were we that goofy at that age!?
Oh and I was sick on the couch yesterday so I started watching Parenthood from season one…..I am so hooked!

Karen Lehmann - oh my gosh. looking at YOUR photos made ME cry! what the heck! off to look at my own “days gone by” {thanks}

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