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it’s the great pumpkin…..

talby had a rough day on thursday.
she was really down.
and when that happens…. because it's so rare…  it is hard to watch. 
i just feel so bad for her.
as her mom i just want to give her a hug and make things ok.
or at least try to!

well we were dropping off her brother at a friends and drove past the nursery.
i remembered an email that morning saying ALL PUMPKINS 70% off.
i thought "hmmmm…. i wonder if this would cheer her up?"

we pulled in and i said "let's get the biggest pumpkins we can find!"


"YES.  I really am serious!"  

big smiles all around.

i even channeled my inner home school mom and we did the math per pumpkin to figure out 
the cost at 70% off.


that top pumpkin is HUGE.
it took me and sean together to carry it.
it was a STEAL.
don't you love a bargain?  i do.


the painted pumpkins are still making everyone happy as they enter our home.


so cheerful!

can yo believe it just over a week till Halloween??
how does time fly so fast?

do you have your kids costumes figured out yet? 

we do but there are alterations to be made…. meaning i have to dig my way into and out of the craft romm…..


Hillaryscorner - Super cute!! I’m so doing this for fall -Thanks for the great idea!

Vogel3412 - Megan, came across this blog while on Pinterest. Looked at the first photo and instantly knew it was yours. Your daughter is a “mini-me” of you when you hung out at our house when Meg was born. Hear you have grown up to be a lovely young woman and mother. Joanne

Dottie - These are so cute! Love the polka dot one! We’d love if you’d join up to our Countdown to Fall link party! Hope to see you there! Happy weekend! πŸ™‚

Χ§Χ•ΧžΧ™Χ§Χ‘ - Beautiful pumpkin collection. I like it too much. I feel fairly strong about this collection. I have collection of different types of mangoes.

D - thank you so much for a great idea. what kind of paint did you use?

Gretchen - your painted pumpkins are on pinterest. everyone loves them!

Chelsea - What kind of paint did you use?

Sharla - Love the painted pumpkins! They are so bright and cheerful!

Rach - No costumes for us this year. I have a 2 1/2 year old with very strong opinions about what she wants to wear and a costume is not one of those things. πŸ™‚

TessSmith - I meant to say something on the painted pumpkin post. That chevron pumpkin reminds me of nacho libretto. I have npclue why but it is so awesome!

Annika - I really love your pumpking arrangement. It’s just the prettiest. And your photos are, too!

Danielle - WE ARE TOTALLY PAINTING PUMPKINS THIS YEAR!!! I am never let down when I come to your blog. I always leave with a smile on my face. Thank you for continuing to inspire me and make me want to be that fun mommy that often gets hidden away by all the demands and pressures of life. The Lord is using you Meg in ways you don’t even realize:)

tiffany m gardner - Love those pumpkins too. Next year there will be painted pumpkins at my house! Thanks! Thinking of your sweet daughter…whatever the issue. Speaking of channeling your home schooling self….ever thought about that? I am struggling with the school where my kids are here in OKC. Actually struggling with public school in general. Never in a million years thought I would homeschool….probably why the Lord will make me sometime in the near future. Happy thoughts to you and your family.

Darcie L. - Handmade Wizard of Oz costumes at our house this year. We are finally a family of four, so we can pull it off! More pics to come after our dress-up event, but I’ve posted the “making of” photos on my blog. Can’t wait to see what you guys end up doing!

Liz - The painted ones are totally cheerful!!! Love them.

Jami - Oh the painted pumpkins are the best! I love it.Soooo not ready for Halloween.

TinaM. - can’t wait to show my daughter the green polk a dot one. They are here favorite colors !

Angie G. - I have a very honest question: IsnΒ΄t it wrong to celebrate Halloween? I mean being Christians, isnΒ΄t Halloween against what we believe and the Bible teaches us? I really think itΒ΄s not a good idea…..I donΒ΄t participate in this “holiday” with my kids at all. I still decorate my house for Thanksgiving and Fall though.

PrairieJenn - Love the giant pumpkin and so glad to see it cheered Talby up:) I just love a sale…70% off is awesome, but so is channeling your inner home school mom to calculate the prices together!!!

leonieke - what a great idea to paint the pumkins!! i’m just back from our holiday to new york, and we loved everything about it, but especially all the halloween items and decorations. Here in holland we don’t celebrate halloween ( but we do have st.maarten ) so it was great fun to witness it in america.

jennyonthespot - Meg… You make me smile… your pumpkins make me smile… You choice to spend that time with your girl… clearly made her smile. Go, mom, go. xoxo.

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - The bumpy ones are the best! And your rainbow pumpkins just make me happy! What a sweet way to cheer up your girl.

lindsey - love it!! a fresh reminder that it’s the “small” things πŸ™‚ have a great week!

Tiffany - I love that something so small could cheer her up πŸ™‚ channeling all my happy thoughts to you (well Talby). Do people tell you she looks like you, I think so. Ok back to channelin all my happy thoughts….for a better week

Jenna@CallHerHappy - the pumpkins look particularly great with the chippy paint! i hope it helped bring halloween cheer to your gal!

Alicia @ La Famille - love your pumpkins! hope that cheered her up. that would cheer me up for sure! i could be more cheerful if i could find ANY pumpkins for less than 10bucks. they’re so expensive here! holy moly! your porch is adorable, ms meg πŸ™‚

Lindsay - This really makes we want to paint the pumpkins we bought a few weeks ago. Whether I will get up the motivation, that is a different story…

amy jupin - pumpkins always make me happy too.
hope miss talby has a better week this week.
loving the painted pumpkins.
we are so copying.
and btw, your latest family pics are my absolute faves.
kimberlee’s was so gorgeous.
and the last few too.
really, really great, meg.
i think it’s time to increase your session fees. πŸ™‚

Lisa - aw! Talby! I hope you are doing better today! Huge hugs from my house (full of girls) to you!

Ani G W - Ooooh, I love HUGE pumpkins, but never feel like they are worth the $$, but at 70% off! That’s awesome!
You’re such a good mom. I hate to see my littles have bad days too. It’s so hard being a mom, but making their lemons into lemonade is what makes a good day for everyone! Way to go, Meg! LOVE all the pumpkins!

Mel - Your pumpkins are so beautiful! I wanted to paint some as a craft at my kids Halloween morning tea party but they are like $25 each! Sorry kids, we may have to paint & glitter styrofoam balls instead!!
Hope you guys in the States aren’t paying that much πŸ™‚

Terrie G - Love all your pumpkins!
It’s so hard when we come to the day when we can’t solve all of our kids’ hurts.
Have had a hard few days watching my little girl in labor and dealing with a c-section…but oh the joy of seeing her with my grandson. So, watching the hurts continues never really ends… - Don’t you just love pumpkins? They scream happy to me! Glad your little Talby is happier too.

Holly - we are decorating pumpkins today. The kids can choose to paint or carve. Glad you were able to cheer Talby up!

Leigh - Okay I have seen so many pictures of painted pumpkins, I am going to do one tomorrow! Glitter will be involved…

sarah - I love you pumpkin display (and all the pretty painted furniture).
I’m way behind on the costume thing. The littlest has to wear the hand-me-down dragon, he’s less than enthused. I bought a Wonder Woman – too small and there were tears. The oldest is waiting until the very last minute to decide what to be, thereby requiring the hardest to find items. I think it’s all just to torture me.
That said, I absolutely love every second of Halloween. The pumpkins, the makeup, the candy and how excited they are about every little thing!

Ali - SERIOUSLY the very BEST assortment of pumpkins, painted and natural, that I have see. EVER!!!!! Smiling over here in CA πŸ™‚

Katie Beth - Your children are precious. Love these pics of the girls…and your pumpkins are pretty sweet too. There is nothing like a bargain on something you love!

Lisa - I’m crazy for pumpkins, so I appreciate this post, glad it cheered her up too! The painted pumpkins are darling too…I miss the Halloweens of past when the kids got so excited and I spend hours sewing costumes ( I don’t really miss that part THAT much!)

Susan - I love this time of year! My daughter and I (11) were just talking about painting the pumpkins we got at the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago. She is going to be a zebra…costume from Party City. When she was little I worked full time outside of the home and so all costumes were purchased. Now that I stay home and can make them, she doesn’t want me too. I guess I need to prove to her my mad skilz!

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - C is weraing a Target costume this year but I spent yesterday sewing “E”s costume. : )
I’ve re-named Satin “satan” after trying to sew with it all afternoon — so. very. slippery. ugh.
We bought our pumpkins at the beginning of the month and two of them have rotted and collapsed on themselves, we’re down to one very sad little white, lonely pumpkin. Trying to decide if we can swing the cost of going out and buying more at this point. Wonder if our local places have pumpkins on clearance? : )
Love all those colorful pumpkins – hugs to Talby, hope they helped to cheer her up!

Tricia - I”m glad that the pumpkins made Talby feel better! I’m having a bit of a freak out this morning because we have no costume and my son needs one by Friday. Ummm…October? Where did you go?

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - One of my girls internalizes everything, which scared the socks off of me when I first noticed it happening. Then hubby said “well, who do you think she gets that from?” Ouch(me). Its hard to watch them struggle. Love that this cheered her up.
We bought some small punkins yesterday to do the painting on. The girls cant wait:)

happygirl - I cannot believe how fast October is flying by. Your pumpkins are so cute. If you have the opportunity, please give Talby a hug from Happygirl. πŸ™‚

angela - I love it when they are still made happy by those LITTLE things! (Can you imagine making Lauren happy with a pumpkin?)LOL!!! Talby is at such a precious age…..LOVE that head shot of her…PRECIOUS!
Oh, and I want to sit on your porch! I’m like Talby….those pumpkins make me happy!

Kat - Aww you are a sweet Mum and Talby has your gorgeous green eyes.
I bet she is a sweet girl too.
Love your pumpkins.
Everything you do looks fantastic, even an arrangement of pumpkins!!

Four Flights - Very, very cool pumpkins, especially that brown bumpy one. I’m so bummed though about our painted pumpkins, they’re rotting πŸ™ The ones we didn’t paint are just fine so I’m thinking it’s gotta be the paint that’s making them go bad quicker. Yours are just fine though? I painted mine all black…wonder if that has something to do with it?

april - isn’t it funny how such a simple thing can turn around your day…loves that.

Leah - I love the fact that buying awesome pumpkins cheered up Talby. That is so sweet. I can only imagine how tough it is as a mom to see your little girl upset. I know there will be many days like that in my future. I just hope pumpkins cheer her up too.

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couple cute ones….









ok….i don’t know what’s up with typepad….but these look a little grainy….and funny color… ish.
they aren’t.
and yesterday annie and waffle’s pics were grainy too.

shauna - super hero one.

Kate B. - Great pictures! How fun that our family is right above my sisters – the way it should be. πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see the rest! Thanks a million.

sarajane - I love our pictures! Thanks for capturing our favorite super heroes!

TinaM. - cool location !!

Melissa - Have you ever considered a Prophoto blog? It is staffed by the awesomist most amazingly helpful guys (one of them is my husband πŸ˜‰ The superhero pictures are great! I can’t wait to make those masks with my kids!

Cathy - GREAT photos looks like you all had a blast!

Kristen - Oh I really hope I make it the lottery. I would LOVE to be able to go.

Tiffany - I agree, they are AWESOME pictures! But I had the same thing happen to me once with the color being off…so I wanted to at least let you know what it ended up being in case it happened for you too. I’d edit (in Photoshop at the time), they’d look just how I wanted them to, but then once I uploaded to anything, the color would be wacky. For me, it was a setting under “Image”, then “Mode”. It needs to be on “RGB Color” and “8 bits/channel”. Somehow that setting got switched for me. Okay, that is all. πŸ™‚ LOVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY!!!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love seeing pics of people!

melissa - ilovey, love, love the suer hero pic!

Briana - Great pics!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - You must have a better eye than I do because they look great! Also, superhero pictures? So cute! Have you seen the super hero kit on Pinterest? Or the fort building one? It just seems like you should check those out!

emmeline - any advice on keeping kids happy during a photoshoot?

Sharla - LOVE the super heros on scooters!

This Farm Family's Life - GORGEOUS PHOTOS MEG!!! Grainy or not they are fabulous! Keep up the good work.

hershey's moma {amy} - Those are some cute ones!! I LOVE the picture of the 2 super heros riding the scooters-

happygirl - Yay, first. πŸ™‚

happygirl - I guess I must have a crappy monitor, ’cause I can’t see the graininess, just those precious blue eyes. πŸ™‚

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my two dorks.









love these two.
a whole bunch.

annie was just eating a ham sandwich and shouted "MY TOOTH FELL OUT!!!"  
ha ha ha
she is hoping for a thousand dollars from the tooth fairy….
the dreams big.



Diana Dickert - They’re one good couple! LOL! Your dorks are adorable. And it’s funny that she shouted that her tooth fell out. Hahaha!

kids T shirts - Love your pictures,I miss my doggilie it’s my dog’s name.Since I work in the city I need to left him in my mother’s house.Miss my doggilie so much.

Connie - Ok, I am in love with your dog. Yes, I have a wonderful dog of my own… but there is just something about Waffle that makes me want to let him lick my face, something I never let Spooky do! =)

Jill - LOVE her brown eyes! DREAMY!
Waffle is adorable too.
Ummmm, think I would PULL one of my teeth for $1000!! Okay…NOT really…

Denissa - Cutest dorks ever! πŸ™‚

Julie - Something about Annie reminds me of Ramona Quimby. Remember that Beverly Cleary book? She just seems like she has a lot of spunk πŸ™‚

deborah@applesinwonderland - FYI, “dork” means whale penis. I still use that world everyday– and I’m not a marine biologist. Just useless information that is taking up way too much room in my brains. πŸ™‚

Anna Marie - She is really starting to look like Talby πŸ™‚

Sugar Mama - awww… they are like my labradoodle and daughter together πŸ˜‰ So cute, sweet, playful and funny… a perfect pair!

jamie - i {heart} waffle. he has such personality.

Leah - Tell the Tooth Fairy to stop here if she’s giving out $1,000. And my dogs are looking at this blog post, so jealous of Waffle right now. They can’t understand how he gets candy corns and they don’t. - Love the pictures of two very adorable dorks!

Tracey - awww what cute dorks!

leslie @ topofthepage - i’m glad to see someone else uses the word “dork” as a term of endearment too. they are both super cute.

brian - what a cute pic a girl who loves her dog!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - She does dream big! Yay Annie!

Mindy Harris - i love seeing your globes in the background. i have 7 now!

Anita - Is it weird that I LOVE Waffle? just saying

Brandi - Wandering if her pants are from Naartije? You need to check out their girl stuff, it’s dreamy. Oak Park in KC has a store. Great pics.

Heather - You don’t want to hear this, I know. But…..Annie is looking older. Something about her face is changing. So adorable!

happygirl - Wow, my kid is 24 and for that kind of loot, I’m afraid he’d get a pliers and start yanking. πŸ™‚

BriBedell - Seriously. The cuteness! Btw, do you have instagram??

Shannon - they are so cute! i need to show our doodle Maverick, these pictures. seriously, these two might be siblings! πŸ™‚

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - I’ll definitely be pulling some teeth for $1000.

TinaM. - Once my daughter lost 2 teeth at the same time and I told {I mean asked} the “toothfairy” to leave $5.00. “She” left $ 5.00 per tooth !!! Yikes. p.s. we have a new mini goldendoodle.. you should check him out πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Crossing my fingers for Annie πŸ˜‰ My uncle once left money under my cousin’s pillow in a sleepy moment. My cousin ran downstairs yelling the next morning, “The tooth fairy left me 20 bucks!” oops.

Kimberly - What wonderful dorks you have!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - cutest dorks ever!
$1000?? If that happens, let me know.. . I’ll pull a tooth and be right over!! ;o)

denise - ah, I just posted pictures of my dog too.

Mary Susan McConnell - Soo cute! Love these pictures!

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random (and a CRAFT WEEKEND announcement.)

i ran to walmart this morning at 6:30 for cash for my kids to take to the book fair.
there was one other couple there.
speed walking.
and me.
it was SILENT in walmart.
kinda creepy.

but also made me wish i was a morning person that could get all her grocery shopping done at 6:30 because it was so awesomely quiet in there.

scott is now 2 inches taller than me.

and he can spin a basketball on his finger for a long time.

and he's cute.


she is getting so tall too.
i might end up the shortest in this family????

i heard the song "Then" by Brad Paisley in the car today and thought
"this could be the best love song in the whole world."

i'm right.
makes me get all teary when i am driving and it comes on the radio….makes me think back to the beginning.
or what i dream the beginning could have been like.
and how i feel now…. this is it!!!
i love that song.
i want to dance to it at my first dance at my wedding…..17 years ago.

(we had no dance….17 years ago…btw) 


ok…NOW for the important issue of the day.
     C R A F T  W E E K E N D 

The only thing better than getting to know so many wonderful people through my blog would be to have you over to my house and sit at my island with coffee – or maybe cheesecake! 
I love having friends over!!!

So… you're invited!

The next craft weekend is at my house!  :)

i want to share my home with YOU.
i want to get crafty HERE.

It will be just like a giant sleepover weekend of crafty, girly awesomeness.  

i think even Waffle is excited about i

WELL…. if you want to come….



we are going to email those on the waiting list & fill the spots that way. 
it will be done in a lottery.
so even if you get on the waiting list today….
you might still get one of the first tickets!


if you have left a comment on a post in the past saying you want to be
on the list but never sent an email…
you are not on the list.

and i want YOU on the list.
come craft with me at my house!
it's going to be amazing!!!

all craft weekend info is on the CW blog.


do you have any questions?



Angela Storm - “Then” was my wedding dance song and it was AWESOME!

Jodi - I would so love to do this! I love seeing the photos. But instead …..I am going to Blue Lily in SD because of your awesome posts. I am spending all of my money there! Because of you! And I am on like cloud 10! Whoot. Thanks for the recommendation. Have fun at craft weekend. I will catch you in 2013!

julia - Yes, actually, I do have a question but I ask it with some trepidation. Because it isn’t about the craft weekend. And when I’ve asked you things in the past I’ve gotten some tough love. Er…so, here goes, how do you make all of great buttons and headers with the dot backgrounds and frames (on the craft weekend site). I have a client that wants me to make her Christmas card and I can do the grids for pictures but plain white background is b.o.r.i.n.g. And I don’t think I can draw stripes or dots that would look pro-fessional.

Jessica Johnson - ON. THE. LIST. confirmed with your favorite sidekick. who has the exact same name as my favorite sidekick. CANNOT WAIT!!!

Shellie Hanley - Meg,love you and your blog. I feel like we’re friends, although I’ve never met you. I would love to be your BFF and come over for craft weekend. I’ve never been to Kansas, live in Florida. Love Brad Paisley. Love your home. You seem real, I love that. LOVE that you talk about the Lord. Love Waffle, would like to steal him. Your blog makes me smile every day!

Shana - Let me number my thoughts:
1. Wow! Scott is a man! and that all happened in the last month! Isn’t it weird? One day our baby – the next day we are looking at our husbands 20 years ago. (maybe that’s just me)
2. Brad Paisley has the sexiest guitar.
3. I love that song too. I love that feeling every morning when I wake up and as the last thought before I fall asleep. This marriage can’t be real!!
4. The song doesn’t make me cry – but you know craft weekends do. πŸ™‚ have fun!

Mel - One day i will come all the way from Australia for one of your craft weekends πŸ™‚
Scott is a cutie πŸ™‚ All mums think their sons are gorgeous! My son is 12 and I think he is the most handsome boy in the world … I am loving this age so much πŸ™‚
Even though we don’t really do Halloween here in Australia , I am throwing a Halloween morning tea party for my boys and some friends…we’re gonna paint pumpkins πŸ™‚ Can’t wait!
Mel X - I love Walmart in the early morning…I cried when I watched the video, such a beautiful song…my kids are all older than yours and I’m now the shortest one in the family, you may be too in yours one day and it’s not a bad thing…I’m going to throw my name in the hat for craft weekend because I love cheesecake πŸ™‚

Jenn - I’m on the list…woohoo!

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - I love that song too. Wish I could craft with you but I live in WA. bummer.

Krissy - Go Kansas Jayhawks!!!!! Wish i could go! Thanks for your blog, love reading it! πŸ™‚

Rach - woudl love to go but of course I live in Ireland …. maybe someday, thanks for the inspiration through your blog xx

Meredith@count it all joy - Enough! First you make me cry with that beautiful, touching song that reminds me of my husband and I and THEN you announce a craft weekend at your house which is on the other side of the world. I might need to go and eat a whole cheesecake now. Meredy xo

melissa rice - everytime you post a pic of that guy he looks more and more grown up!

Christy - This is awesome news!! I would love to come. But I was curious what airport I would fly into ? Want to check out airfare before I put my name on the list. Need to see if I can save my pennies up.

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - I had the same thought about Walmart when I stopped by quickly yesterday morning just before 8 after dropping off my kindergartener. Super quiet – weird!
Craft weekend will be amazing – wish I could be there!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Ooh I wish I could come! I bet your home is full of rainbow awesomeness and smiles! I know you’ll take lots of cool pics. And, maybe someday when Ellen is older, I’ll be there πŸ™‚

Lori Austin - I *love* what Penny wrote. She is exactly right. The years of a loving marriage are so much more important than the one day you said “i do”. (that song is wonderful, btw)
I SO WISH I COULD AFFORD CRAFT WEEKEND AND AIRFARE. (yes, I’m yelling) I will just have to continue to live vicariously through all of you ladies.

Laura Phelps - I can not listen to that song. I do the ugly cry when I hear it. it is beautiful.
belle needed money for the book fair today too…had to tell her “we have no money.”
man, I hate that.
I know its not the end of the world. She will grow up fine.
I just feel like such a loser.
I went to church for quiet this morning…people were annoyingly LOUD
should have gone to walmart πŸ™‚
and i want my own private craft weekend
just me and you
is that selfish???

Holly - all this talk about Brad Paisley and I forget to mention that I live down the street from his light guy. It is so funny to see the big Brad Paisley semi coming through our little town!

seriouslysassymama - You need to grab your husband after dinner and play that song and dance in the kitchen. My parents dance in the kitchen, on the deck, etc. They have been married for 46 years.

Carrie - Two things:
1. In my eyes, Brad Paisley can do no wrong. His songs are either clever and witty, or incredibly touching; I can only imagine what kind of man he is, but I would guess he is pretty wonderful.
2. I have to have a clean and orderly sign like the one in the first picture…it is FABULOUS! Anyone know where I can get one? Ebay only has a brand-new corrugated plastic version.

Jackie @ Marin mama cooks - Hi Meg! You are so much fun that I would jump on a plane and totally come for craft weekend anytime, but i am not crafty at all though :(. I can cook though and could go run with you and the other gals:)
I have been following your blog for about a year and I love your sense of humor. I just started 2 blogs of my own and this blogging thing is addicting! One is a cooking blog and one is a random blog! You helped inspire me :).

jaxcheryl - You two can dance to this on your 20th anniversary party. Perfect. Love your very real blog.

Hannah - I have to know…does Craig like country music? I LOVE it, but my fiancee still isn’t a fan. How can I help him into the light?

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I hit walmart early on saturday mornings… I treat myself with a mocha frap from Rockin’ Joe Espresso, our locally owned coffee shop and go before the crowd is there! I do have to share the aisles with the stockers, but that’s way better than fighting the crowd…
so wish I could go to craft weekend… but we’re pinching pennies with my daughter going off to college next year… y’all have a blast!

Stephanie - Really? What a great song to wake up to!!! Our first song was “When God made you!” Goes a little like this – “I wonder what God was thinking when he made you?…….(then later in the song it goes) he musta been thinking of me!!! It was perfect!! Wish I was closer for craft weekend!! Have fun with that!!

Danielle H. - Okay, so could you let us know which weekends would be available in 2012? I have a very busy 2012 but could plan around the tentative dates maybe…. What if we get on the list but can’t attend the weekend we are chosen for?

Penny - Meg,
Your comment about the Brad Paisley song, (we had no dance 17 years ago…btw) made me thing about marriage. Some people have a big beautiful wedding and end up with a shell of a marriage. You seem like you have a wonderful marriage full of family, God and a genuine love for each other. Wedding celebrations can be beautiful, but truly it is the life you and your partner build that is important. You are a fine example of just that! I really have no idea what your wedding was like, but your comment made me relly think about this. Put that song on and dance with Craig and celebrate all you have built together!

Kara D - oh my goodness that song! thanks for making me cry this morning before my first cup of coffee meg πŸ™‚ thanks for sharing!

TinaM. - man do I wish I lived close!!

Ann R. - hello. left an email indicating i would love to come, but on the blog, it would not allow me to click over when i clicked on craftweekend and the button….left that in my email – when is it? also forgot to leave my name on the email – oops.
crazy how the kids get so big fast, i remember people saying to me, they grow up so fast (when mine were toddlers) and at the moment when you are IN that you think ok, but now that they crazy got big on you – you really do wonder where the time went – my 13 year old boy is also taller than me and wears a crazy big shoe – how did that happen????

a-m - I love popping over to read about you, it’s honestly a highlight in my week, although I’m aware I’m a very quiet visitor!
I read about your craft weekends a while ago and was very envious. So I’d love to come, but won’t be able to (I live in the UK), so have fun and please post pictures – I’ll be joining you in spirit, have fun!

Michelle from Australia - When are you going to come to Australia and do some family photos? Or host a craft weekend? Or just talk to your fans here? We are waiting Meg πŸ™‚
p.s. I will be in the USA sometime next year. My best friend is moving to San Francisco for her work. I’ve told her she and I might NEED to do a road trip to Kansas. She asked why. I told her that Kansas has the best rainbows I’ve ever seen πŸ™‚ She said that sounded like a good enough reason to her!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’m with Melissa! Craft weekend counselors… kee hee.

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I love that song by Brad. My husband and danced to it at our wedding two years ago πŸ™‚

Kelly - I am one of those people who gets up super early to get the grocery shopping done. It’s awesome. πŸ™‚

nicole @ deliajude - i just sent an email. ack.

Melissa - Can I come as a craft weekend counselor? πŸ™‚
Oh, or maybe as a maid.
Kimberlee and do the cooking and I’ll do the cleaning!
I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Best weekend ever!

beth e. - no first dance?…what a bummer! Back in 97 we tied the knot and had our first dance to tim and faith’s it’s your love….still remember that. Wish I could come over in my p.j.’s and eat cheesecake, and be crafty with lot’s of funny ladies. hmm…but that’s a long way from vancouver island british columbia (home)

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I might consider pretending to be a crafter, just to see your beautiful house. But I’m an honest person, so I can’t.

april - Hmmm how long of drive is it from california to kansas? πŸ™‚

AshleyAnn - He is cute…some days I think teenage boys will be awesome to have in this house. Then I think…wait they are cute boys…teenage girls at my house to see my cute teenage boys. Maybe not so awesome.
Yeah for Craft Weekend at your house!

Leah - Woo hoo! I believe I’m on the list too since I got an email from Kimberlee. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. And yeah, I hear you about not being a morning person. It does sound so delightful though. I will never be able to conquer Black Friday.

Holly - awesome! I emailed a long time ago and got a reply from Kimberlee saying I was on the waiting list so I assume I am good for a chance?

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happiest pumpkins in town.

i was inspired by alisa burke's happy pumpkins.
and annie was dying to craft something.
so we got busy on saturday.

annie painted hers bright raspberry pink and painted the family's names on her pumpkin.
super cute.

i found this pack of paint brushes at walmart in the craft isle…by the popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners.
it was only $1.97.
i was really happy about it.


talby made a pattern of colored rows.


i made one that was rainbow striped…..naturally.



i LOVED making these.

i couldn't stop working on them.
the girls left with their friends and i kept on working.

it was such a fun surface to paint on!



annie has had orange paint in her hair for four days.
no biggie.


i am loving them.


i see three more in the back that need some painted loveliness.

this project cheered me up so much.
and i love walking by them everyday.


carving is out!

painting is in!  

ha ha ha.

i made a little VLOG about my two weeks into Jenny Craig.

you can come watch and enter to win a $100 visa gift card. 


winner of the Pleated Poppy gift card….

I know that family – so cute!!!! And I love everything at Pleated Poppy!!!

Posted by: amanda | October 15, 2011 at 07:07 PM

email me amanda…


Randi - Those are so fun … they look awesome all grouped together!

PrairieJenn - Love the pumpkins! We did the same thing at our house, but with mini-pumpkins for a centerpiece:) They do make me happy…what’s not to love about a painted pumpkin with glitter?!? I do like that you used the big pumpkins though. Hmmm…maybe next year we’ll do both!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Oh GOODNESS! Those pumpkins are so cute! I can’t take it. πŸ™‚

Meredith@count it all joy - We don’t really “do” Halloween in Australia, but after seeing these I think that needs to change. I’m sure these have already made their way to Pinterest…if not, I’ll pop them up and make sure everyone gets to enjoy your non-scary, rainbow Halloween. Meredy xo

Angie - Just adore these shots! I feel all Halloweeny now! Cheers.

julia - I was tempted to steal someone’s rainbow umbrella today. I’m blaming your influence!

Anne @ Baking Me - These are adorable! What a great idea πŸ™‚

Heather G. - Happiest pumpkins ever!

Kerry - oh a polka dot AND a rainbow pumpkin?? Le Sigh…. beautiful-ness. Your vlog is GREAT and your hair was awesome xx

Tracie - We have our kids paint pumpkins each year at our family bonfire and they LOVE it. We were planning to carve our pumpkins this year, but someone smashed them. We have a few more that we’ve hidden in our back porch and inside to save them from vandals.

Jessica / Green Skies and Sugar Trips - beautiful!!! The colors are so bright and lively, a great change from the dark of fall!

kristen - it’s like halloween meets easter with those painted pumpkins. very cute!

Jenn - Love the pumpkins! I’m all about the no carving….what a mess! Plus you get to enjoy your pumpkins longer. Congrats on the weight loss. You are doing it, just think in 4 weeks its will be 8 lbs and then 16! Woohoo!

Kimberly Dial - What a cute project! Loved it!

Kait - We have three under age five – painting is going to be a LOT easier. What kind of paint did you use? (I’m not terribly crafty – sorry for the stupid question)

Kristen - They look so fun! I like the polka dots the most though…great color!

Chris - What happy pumpkins! I agree, the rainbow striped one is my favorite, too. Thank you so much for linking to my paper plate skeleton. My kids were so excited to pull ours out this year. πŸ™‚

Kari - Those are awesome – so many paints in my basement I must try this πŸ™‚

kelly - Love!

Melissa Bailey - We are SO going to do this! I have to tell you that I am a fellow rainbow lover, so I will also be making a rainbow pumpkin…and possibly a polka dot one because I’m a fan of those as well. Great idea! I love being inspired by all these great ideas we all find on the web – viva la craftiness!

Flor @ Life in Progress - We have painted out pumpkins too.. something about all the pumpkin mess is just eeewww. especially because I always end up having to clean it all up :I

Kacey - Ok, now I totally want to do this. So fun and unexpected!

AshleyAnn - Love these. Now to convince my boys we do not need to carve anymore Star Wars scenes into pumpkins.

Hannah - These look wonderful all bunched together!

Candice - We paint our pumpkins to because 1. Pumpkin guts=gross and 2. They last longer not carved. I love the bright colors you used. So fun and happy!

Lori Austin - Awesome idea.
So cute!
They look so happy all piled together.

Katie - These pumpkins are fabulous! I’d love to paint one or two of them – so cheery and eye-catching…

Dee - You continue to inspire. My kids and I are *so* doing this after school tomorrow. πŸ™‚

julia - I thought the package for the paint brushes said “Paintin’ Brushes” and I thought “that’s SO Walmart.” But it doesn’t say that. I definitely spend too much time thinking about or being at Walmart.

Michelle from Australia - We Australians are only SLOWLY (and far too slowly in my humble opinion) embracing Halloween. The costumes seems to have caught on, our street Trick or Treats but pumpkins haven’t happened here yet. Probably because it is Spring and we are too busy thinking about swimming? Love the rainbow pumpkin!!

lorel - Love these! Have been noticing people in my neighborhood putting pumpkins out on their porches again. So far no teenagers have stolen/smashed them in the street. Might have to take a chance and join in…

Dianne - I absolutely luurrrrrrve these pumpkins. The Missoni pumpkin is my favorite by far and I can only imagine how hard it was to paint!!! I just finished a pair of Missoni style shoes for my 14 yo daughter and they took twice as long as any other shoes I’ve done. (I should post pictures on my blog – they turned out really cute.) Love your blog Meg, you’re always my “last” read because I save the best for last! An Okie Reader…

a pocket full of posies - OH MY GOODNESS!!!! THE happiest pumpkins EVER!!! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!! gathering my paints RIGHT.THIS.VERY.MINUTE!!
Thanks for inspiring!

jennibell - We are doing this! It looks like so much fun — thank you πŸ™‚

Kristin - those look great! what an alternative to the typical halloween look.

Tracy Fisher - Love the pumpkins. I haven’t even started decorating our front porch. So sad and guilt ridden since Halloween IS my son’s birthday! Now I know what to do. Do you mind if I use your inspiration and make my own painted happy pumpkins?

Jenny B. - SO cute and happy! I love it!!! I may have to go invest in a few pumpkins, brushes, and paint myself. I mean paint, myself. I’m not going to paint myself. Though, that might be a good Halloween costume idea. Not! πŸ˜‰

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wowzers! And I thought I was in love with the polka dot painted pumpkins on Pinterest. These blow those out of the water! They make me smile instantly. Thanks for sharing.
Was Annie just thrilled that you did an art project with her? I think you’d said she was missing Crafty Thursdays, right?

Michelle - LOVE THEM!!! I may have to get some small pumpkins for my daycare children to paint! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Alicia @ La Famille - TOOOOOO FUN! you are such a fun mama!

Lelia - Those are so cute!!!

Amyshka @ Kiwi Chic - These are the first pumpkins I’ve seen that I’ve actually loved. The pictures with them all piled together was gobsmacking! Coming from New Zealand we definitely don’t do pumpkins at this time of year (or any time of year, except for eating!) and I’ve never understood this AMerican thing about orange+brown every year… but these pumpkins knocked my socks off! Painted is the new black!
πŸ™‚ Amy

Courtney - These are awesome! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the line green with teal polkadots! SO fun!

Kati - Love these! They are SO fun!

Laura Phelps - we did this when we were kids! Thanks for the reminder…and great activity that we WILL be doing.
why are we not neighbors?

megan - cute-o-rama, meg. love the chevron one. yes, we will be doing this, too. have a lovely week!

Paula - you say “carving is out” at the same time I was reading and thinking…these might really be cute carved too. Just a thought, paint now AND carve later. Even more bang for your buck.

Mindy Harris - loved your vlog. i need to lose weight. ugh…

stephany - I LOVE these!
We just went to the pumpkin patch, so we may have to do this with our pumpkins!

Pamela Gordon - These are gorgeous! So bright and cheerful. Great idea for kids to do.

Terrie G - These are adorable! Maybe my new favorite way to ‘do’ pumpkins!

katie - adorable! totally copying you on this one! so cheery and different than normal halloween decor! In a really great way!!! LOVE!!!

Kimberly - You rock, Momma!

Holly - those are very happy pumpkins! I think we will decorate some this weekend!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - There is nothing better than a seasonal craft that puts a smile on your face. Also, I love this idea for smaller kids, too. I’m always leery letting a little one wield a knife!

happygirl - These are cute. I still can’t get over the fact that your children BEG to craft. I couldn’t get my son to draw a stick figure when he was young. πŸ™

jackie grandy - I am LOVING these pumpkins! I especially love the polka dot & rainbow one. I am all about color as well! Going to try this with the kiddos! Thanks for the inspiration!

Gale - Sooooo cute!!!!! Love ’em πŸ™‚

Sarah Wolfe - What kind of paint did you use? Looks like something my boys would love doing!

Janet Caldwell - I know we’ll be seeing these on Pintrest shortly! love them!

Leah - I was hoping you’d post pumpkin pictures soon. I LOVE the idea of painting them. We grew 5 in our yard this year (my blog has a post about it today) and was thinking I can’t bear to cut them up. So I think we’ll be painting them this year too. So cute!

Robyn Farmer - That’s it….no more orange plain jane pumpkins! I’m busting out the paint pronto!

Polderkolder - Love your pumpkins!

andrea - We painted faces on ours for years because the kids were too small to carve. Then, I would just turn them around and keep them through Thanksgiving.
Last year was our first year of carving and we made roasted pumpkin seeds (cinnamon sugar and salt/pepper). This year they were seeing which pumpkins had the most ‘lines’ because supposedly more seeds!

Tracy H - You inspired me…..I love them!!! They are so bright and colorful, what an awesome idea!

Rachel J - Oh my! I love the pumpkins! I think the green with polka dots is my fav. And Meg….talk to us about your lovely eye make up in the Jenny Craig vlog!? I’m loving it!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Dying over the chartreuse spotted one!! xo

Chrissie Grace - I love these! They put a big smile on my face.
I wonder if I could talk my kids into this instead of me ending up doing all the carving???

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so stinkin’ cute!!










Kelly - It would be so fun to win!! Kelly

Dana S. - What a great giveaway! Love the Pleated Poppy. Thanks πŸ™‚

Beth Ann Thornhill - HI there!!!! πŸ˜›
I am brand new to you and found you in a round about way through Pinterest! (Which I’m still learning about!)
This is fabulous and I hope to get a chance for the drawing too! Thank you!
Beth Ann

Amber - Love everything!

karen peachey - I love, love, love the pleated poppy! I’d love another petal pusher!

Laura - Oh how lovely! Thanks for the give away.
lauramlyons at gmail dot com

Courtney - Love her stuff!!!

kim - So cute!! Love all the fabrics..

Meghan - Great photos. And I hope I win!

Amy Croley - Yay! I love the Pleated Poppy.

Jessica - Would love to win some Pleated Poppy goodies. Thanks for the chance!

Alice H - I need that pink chevron pillow for my daughters room. so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Jenna - love her shop, i want a petal pusher so bad!

Jenn - Ooooh neat, love her fabrics!

Lynn - LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

Julie - Pick me please πŸ™‚

Jayne - Come on free Christmas gift!

Shelly foster - Oh my goodness gracious …. How I would love to have a bloom bag !

Vanessa - Nice!

Erin - I love her stuff…so, so cute! She always puts the cutest fabrics together!

Juli - That looks like so much fun. What a great gift giveaway!

nan - I have been following her for a while. I love the colors she puts together.

Jessica - I love everything she makes! Great Fabrics! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - i have been wanting one of her scarves forever….

Janelle - The name Pleated Poppy itself is just adorable!

Susan - Love The Pleated Poppy……..such a delightful shop!

Alicia - I love her ruffled scarfs, the chocolate one.

Chelsea in MO - I drool over her Petal Pushers, so stinkin’ cute!

Arlene - LOVE the Pleated Poppy!!

Kerri - I wish I could win – I LOVE her stuff!! Scarves are awesome!!

Nicole - I love the pleated poppy! what a great give away!

marita - I love all her products! the bright fabrics look so happy and cheerful:)

Tiffany - Pleated Poppy,
I love you!
You are super cool too πŸ™‚
(Side note) I had a funny dream last night that I was chosen to be a part of the Craft Weekend – I came by myself and was nervous because I didn’t know anyone and I even forgot my CAMERA and was sooo disappointed) Weird huh? hahah

tara - am i too late?! i love her stuff!!!

Sheila P. - Love her. Love her stuff. So much goodness.

Jennifer W. - ooh…I LOVE the Pleated Poppy!!! πŸ™‚

Allie - Oh I just love love love the Pleated Poppy πŸ™‚ Such a happy little shop!

Virginia Bibler - LOVE a giveaway! πŸ™‚

Jade Cook - love all her stuff – so cute!!!

Katie - I would love to win…a little something for this momma or my baby girl!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Would love to win : ) Everything is so pretty!
Gemma x

Bernice - I love her products and choices of fabric! Thanks for the chance to win.

jimaiemarie - oh man, that little wallet is adorable- the colors are perfection! Love the Pleated Poppy.

Dee - What a gorgeous family!
The Pleated Poppy looks amazing!

Heather G. - I love everything about Lindsey and The Pleated Poppy!

erica - What a great shop!

Chelsea - I love all her stuff too!

Carol - Love Lindsey’s stuff and really enjoy her WWW posts, so fun!

Elizabeth C. - Pleated Poppy would be the Perfect Pick for me!!

Kensie C - “I love the winning, I can take the losing, but most of all I love to play.”
Hope you pick me ;-)And I really hope your day is blessed

Jody - Her colors and all are so fun!!
My friend’s daughter’s name is Poppy. How cute is that?!

Robin - i’ve been drooling over her site for awhile now… what a fun giveaway!

Jill - I love her fabric combinations! Everything in her shop is beautiful.

Stephanie F - Love all of her stuff…I wanna win πŸ™‚

Lelia - Too cute! Love the great colors!!

Susan - Her stuff is so cute.

colleen from alabama - Love it! Her stuff if so lovely. Especially the fabric! Thanks for sharing it with us! πŸ™‚

melissa erin - would love me some free pleated poppy. thanks. πŸ™‚

Stephanie C. - Love her shop!

Naomi Williams - i love her stuff! pick me pick me!

martina Fegan - Love the beauty of the Pleated Poppy! your children are adorable!

courtney r - love the zippered pouches!!

Bethany Moore - AMAZING! I would love to have one of her bags! I love your blog and am so inspired by you as a mother, crafter, and blogger.

Lisa B - Agh!! I would love love love to win this πŸ™‚

Robin - I LOVE The Pleated Poppy!!!!! Would LOVE to win some $$ to spend over there!!!

stephanie - Oh, how I love me some Pleated Poppy!

Kim Bernhardt - oh an early Christmas gift for me would be so nice!

Jaimie Cahill - Love her blog…and yours!! Thanks for the inspiration from both of you ladies!!

Lynda - Beautiful things! I would love to have one of those cute little zippered pouches πŸ™‚

Adrienne S - LOVE…LOVE…her stuff! Perfet gifts for everyone!!!!!!!

amy j - her stuff is beautiful!! would be very excited about winning this πŸ™‚

merran tatum - i LOVE her shop. would love to win!!!

Emily - Love the happy colors! πŸ™‚

Kaylene G. - Hubby got me a Kindle for my 50th birthday. One of her e-reader cases would be perfect. Love them!!!!

Kristi Barrett - LOVE her stuff! Thanks for the chance to win! πŸ™‚

Melissa - Please pick meeeeeeeeee! I love the beautiful fabrics she uses and I especially love her chevron print clutches.

mel - love lindsey’s stuff! i’ve been a reader of her blog for awhile and would love to win the gift card!

Marisa - A giveaway from The Pleated Poppy!?! I’ve been eyeing her scarves and petal pushes FOREVER! Fingers crossed!!

Melissa - Please please please pick me! I have being admiring a chevron print clutch for quite some time. Fun giveaway!

Sam Andrews - The Pleated Poppy has such neat stuff. You are lucky to have so many talented sponsors.

Brittany - I loveeeee the fabrics and her designs!!

Laura O - I would love to win this! I LOVE the pleated poppy!

Kathi - Such a happy shop! So much to choose from – all lovely, must have items. Thank you for a chance to win something fun.

Dawn - LOVE the Pleated Poppy. I’ve been eyeing things in her shop for over a year, but alas, my pocketbook has not made allowances for purchases. But, with a gift card…watch out!! πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love love love lindsey and her sweet blog and her charming shop. i would love to win this. i need some petal pushers for fall. πŸ™‚

Denise - I love the picture of the kids on the stairs!

MH Toth - pick me please!

Christie - I’d love a little clutch as a small purse when running quick errands! so cute!

carrie H - I love all of Lindsay’s things! I want it alll!!!!

Courtney - had my daughter in her posie headband today and she looked so darn cute, love pleated poppy!

Karne Gibson - Her stuff is adorable, which i had that type of talent. Until then, I’ll just admire and support her talents! Thank you so much!

sharee - just scrumptious stuff:) would love to win anything…

Renee - i want to win πŸ™‚

andrea - I love the pleated poppy!! I hope I win!!

Karie - Love her stuff!! Pick me!

Angie P - Love love her stuff!

katherine - I adore her things, so happy looking! And, I love WIWW…never miss it.

Anna Marie - I love all of her stuff! She is so talented!

Megan B - Yes, the gift card would be great, but I want to say – those kids! Oh my goodness, how cute! I love how they all look different, but still like siblings. Adorable.

Ali - Pick me! Pick me! I love her stuff.

andrea - I would love to win! There are so many fun things I would love to buy!

Tracy Fisher - Love, Love the Pleated Poppy. It makes me feel good just to brouse her shop. Tracy Fisher
ps… The eyes on those kids…. fabulous!!!

Tami - Are you heading up to New England any time soon???? i would love some pictures of our family! :0)

Erin Whitney - I heart the Pleated Poppy! πŸ™‚

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - oh wow, her stuff is so cute! so creative!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Oh, my gravy! Gorgeous stuff!

Shelly Primm - love lindsey and the pleated poppy!

anna - i’ve been reading her blog foreva! i could get some christmas shopping done with the store credit! love it! πŸ™‚

Chas - What a great giveaway! I love the Pleated Poppy items!

Liesl - I wouldn’t know where to begin in making a decision! Love it all!

Tina - Beautiful Family…Beautiful photos…Beautiful blog…and The Pleated Poppy…Beautiful!!! Have a rockin weekend!! πŸ™‚
Tina J

Tina - I would love to be the winner…her stuff is awesome. It just brings a smile to my face.

Ann Griffin - Love the Pleated Poppy! All of it!

Dawn - I love her stuff. =)

Aimee - would love love to get one of her new infinity scarves…do pick me πŸ™‚

Tracy - Wow such great stuff! I’d love to win!
You’re right. Those kids are so stinkin’ cute!!

Heather - Adorable. Love your blog!

Chrissy Boerman - i covet everything she makes!

Juliann Brenner - Hi Megan – will you post your pumpkin muffin recipe?? πŸ˜‰
I love the notebook covers at the pleated poppy!!

Amy Coose - I love her stuff, thanks for the chance to win!

Gretchen - Love her stuff and her blog.

Danielle - Everything is so cute! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!

Rachel - What a beautiful family – they make all kinds of cuteness!
And I love the Pleated Poppy- every single fabric!

Leslie - Would be hard to choose…so many lovelies!!

Maria - Such happy things in the Pleated Poppy shop!

Roberta - Oh I would love to win! Love all her goodies!

cassie o - i would cut off my left arm for a bloom belt. seriously, they always sell out right before i get to em! i feel like it’s just not meant to be, and that makes my heart sad πŸ™

kristin - wait, wait, wait….is that my micah look-a-like? maybe not…but close.
beautiful stuff!!

kate - Lovely things! Would love to win!

Melissa - Awesome Post – from the adorable kids to the fun Give Away!

Karen - Love all of her stuff!

Kate - I LOVE the Pleated Poppy! I have a few of her things, and they are treasured.

Karen Giddings - I love all of her stuff. So cute and original. πŸ˜€

Sherry - Love!

Lisa - Would love to win something special for myself! πŸ™‚

happygirl - Where did those BLUE eyes come from? Such STINKING cute kids. I love your oxymoron of an adjective. At least, I hope they didn’t smell bad. πŸ™‚

Shaun - The Pleated Poppy happies my heart!

Lauren - Love!! Happy birthday to me please.

Gina f. - I love all her stuff too!

erica - love love love her stuff!!!

Stephanie - Love her Petal Pushers and Posy Pins!

Susan - very very cute

Kate H - I would love to get one of her new infinity scarves! Or her ruffled scarves. Or another petal pusher. Or maybe a checkbook cover. I love her shop!

Aimee - Ooh, her stuff is adorable!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Love the colours these kids were wearing. And where or where did those blue eyes come from. Have a great Sunday Megan.

debbie @ happy little cottage - I adore the fabrics and ruffles! I can’t decide what I like best!

Christine - Love love love her shop!!

Margo - I would so love to win this! - I have been wanting some of her products forever!!

lacey poag - yes please!

Nicole - I love The Pleated Poppy! I’d love to get one of her new scarves for the colder months.

lacey poag - yes please!

Tiffanie - I love those happy colors! Especially the black damask with the blue wave pouch! LOVE! Thank you for the chance to win.

jamie - Love the pleated poppy!!

Danielle Thompson - Oh Megan….. I can’t wait to see the rest! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM! You totally rock! Thanks so much!
I read Lindsey’s blog too…..she mixes such fun fabrics…Brian and I stopped and considered living in SLO when we trekked to California …ended up landing in Monterey for awhile before returning to be close to family in KS. Reading her blogs makes me long to be back there.

robyn - I love her stuff! how do you pick?! the ruffled scarves, bloom bag, petal pushers….

Karen - So colorful, so pretty, so happy.

Amy - Yea!! So many fun choices!! πŸ™‚

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh I already have 3 of her flower pins. . .but could so easily spend $40 more πŸ™‚ thanks for the generous giveaway!!

Keri - Love her stuff!!!

Sarah - Cute Stuff!!

Rhonda Fendt - Wow… Great Colors… they put a smile on my face!

Michelle - Look at those blue eyes! Great photos Meg.

Cory - I love her blog, and shop… it is on my favorites list. πŸ™‚

dawn - oh, i love the multicolor chevron! great giveaway – thanks for the chance!

Jen - ummm i’d looooooooooooove to go shopping!

Sandra K - Would love to win – thanks!

Sarah - Awesome giveaway! Very pretty things!

Julie - Love tpp! Thanks for the chance.

Tessa - How fun! I would be thrilled with a Pleated Poppy gift card … it would be so hard to choose what to buy! πŸ™‚

Kat - I love Lindsey, her home, her cute family, her pleated poppy goods, her blog and love, love her what I wore Wednesday posts!!

Lori Austin - Happy Fabric = Happy People πŸ™‚
Super cute kids, btw.

michelle - Oh gosh, I love her stuff!! I want some hair clips so bad!!

Catherine - I would love to win something from her beautiful shop! And I have to stop looking at your pictures. I’ve very recently had two little boys in two years and don’t plan to have more children, but that little girl makes my heart melt!

Becky - I love the Pleated Poppy! I have bought several things as gifts from her shop! So fun!


Meredith Welborn - Love her stuff…love her blog too!

Kendra - As a BAMA grad, I need the houndstooth petal pusher. πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Yay for pretty pretty giveaways! Hope it’s for me πŸ™‚

Noreen Johnson - Lindsey’s use of colors and patterns is so beautiful! Her work is uniquely fun and pretty!

Heidi - She is on my Christmas wish list! LOVE her products!!

Tracy H - Love her stuff!

Linnea - the zig zags! the ruffles! too cute.

Kate S. - love love love her things – I want a reversible scarf!

Lisa - Beautiful photos (and beautiful kids πŸ™‚ Pleated Poppy? Yes, please!

Marla Rae - cute happy useful stuff! Love it all!

Elizabeth - Such adorable stuff over there! Thanks for the opportunity to win something — and for sharing her site with us. I’ll be back —

Jen - i would love a wristlet-LOVE

Johanna - love-love her bags!!! they sell faster than hotcakes:)

Jeannette - Love, love, love her stuff ( its on my christmas wish list already)

Holly - Love all her stuff!

Astrid - Oooooooo!!!!!!!! I would LOVE something from the pleated poppy!

seriouslysassymama - I have one of her bloom bags and I love it!

julie - pleated poppy card? yes, please!! - love just about everything in the shop! too cute!

Kristen Brink - This stuff is adorable!r

tammy - love her stuff…bought a bloom bag after i saw yours!!!

Lizz - Count me in!

TonyaElise - Lindsey has such a great eye for fabric selections and puts together the cutest patterns. I’d love to add a clutch to my fall wardrobe!

Mary - I love her shop. I sit and drool over it almost daily…

Christie - Love Pleated Poppy! So cute!

Marla - Hey that’s cute!!!

Wendy - I love the Bloom Bag … it’s happy!

Susan Lanthrip - Such cute stuff! Thanks for the chance to win.

Melissa Bailey - LOVE it! I want to win!!!

amanda - I know that family – so cute!!!! And I love everything at Pleated Poppy!!!

stephanie - What beautiful children. Their eyes are amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!

carrie - So cute. I want it all lol

Stacey - I LOVE the Pleated Poppy!!

Anna - I love her stuff! What a great giveaway!

tiffaniboren - Love her stuff!! Would love to win!

Elma - Wow I love the Pleated Poppy:) Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!!!

Jermaine D. - Such neat things, would love to go shopping!

Michelle - Love her stuff! Thanks!!

Mel - Thanks for sharing Meg…
P retty
L ush patterns
E xquisite detailing
A mazingly talented
T urquoise damask (heart)
E -reader case (so handy!)
D on’t you just love them
POPPY ****

vicki w. - Adorable…luv all the colors!

Tanya - Lovely shop, she has so many sweet things

Yolanda - a great store…love her products.

secret mom thoughts - Love the bright colors of the Pleated Poppy. Those kids are crazy cute.

Dawn Eshnaur - I would love to win! All the things are so adorable!

Christy - I love Lindsey’s shop, I’ve been wanting a wristlet

Jess Mead - I love everything she sells! Happy Weekend! πŸ™‚

adrienne - beautiful children!! i love the pleated poppy too…. not sure how i found her, but glad i did! her petal pushers are my fave!

Stephanie Sorenson - my sister was at the craft weekend and got such a cute gift from the pleated poppy! i’m jealous and want one of my own! πŸ™‚

Jen - I would love to win a Pleated Poppy gift card, I have had my eye on a few things in her shop for a loooong time…

katherine - ooooo, i would love to win! πŸ™‚

Carrie K - those kids ARE pretty stinkin cute! and the photos are beautiful! i would love that gift certificate…theres a zillion things i want to buy πŸ™‚

Kimberly - Jeepers, look at all those amazing peepers!
(and that cutie little pouch!)

elisabeth (bovagoods) - love everything she does. she is amazing. her house is do die for too!

Michelle Torres - You are so right, those kiddos are Adorable indeed!!!!!!!! I would love to win this giveaway!!!!!!!!
Michelle Torres

Jane Mc - I want a Petal Pusher, I love them!

Annie - Those kids are adorable. I wish I lived near you so you could take me kids photos!

Cindy - Love love the Pleated Poppy! All those lil pouches! OH MY!

Kathi - Very nice, thank you!

Rachel B. - B-E-A-UTIFUL things! How talented she is πŸ™‚

Amy - OOoooo…pick me!!!!

Stephanie - I love the fabrics. I hope I win so I can have something new and cute.

Priscilla - I have just started reading your blog and love it. I have gone to the pleated poppy and love everything! I would love to win a gift card and do some shopping!

Kristin - i would love to do some shopping at the pleated poppy! πŸ™‚

Sherry - She has so many great items!! The choosing would be so fun!!

Nikol - Love the the Pleated Poppy – her fabric combinations are beautiful.

Jen - I would love to win this! I love Lindsey’s blog and all of her creations!

Gretchen - When I look at her stuff I’m in my happy place. πŸ™‚

Lisa - I love both of your blogs! Seriously. And I’m not just saying that because I want to win. πŸ™‚

Kasey - I’ve always wanted something from her store. Everything is so pretty!

Christy - Everything she makes makes me smile!

sandee prince - ooooh love her! she is def a talented girl. ps- u too! u always take such beautiful and honest pictures.

Rachel J - I have been wanting something from her shop for a loooooong time but always feel bad spending the money. I would LOVE a gift card to her shop! Love her!

Lisa - All of their eyes are so beautiful in these pictures!
I love everything from the Pleated Poppy too. I have been wanting one of her bloom bags for a looong time. πŸ™‚

jenni - Stopping by mostly to say that Celie wore her rainbow hoodie to a Batten Disease fundraiser this morning – her red hair and your special handiwork, Meg, were quite the hit πŸ™‚
And also:
What a BEAUTIFUL family. The little girl is just gorgeous… And the photos are all stunning.
Love the Pleated Poppy!

Kendra - I love her stuff! Winning a gift card to her shop would make me so very happy!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I dont need to be entered in the giveaway but did want to say how beautiful those kids are. Especially that little girl. You must adore your job:)

melissa - Love all of her things but especially her scarves!

Sarah - love lindsey and her house and her poppies! especially loving those new infinity scarves. πŸ™‚

Holly - Love her stuff and her blog!

Kimberly Dial - I totally agree … those are some cute kiddos!

Halley - I read her blog all the time. Love all the patterns and the ruffle is the icing on the cake.

jackie chappell - oh my just too too cute !!!
the name alone is wonderful !!!

Becky K. - As my son would say… she has “swag” (cool stuff)!

the.mrs - so lovely!

Ruth H. - Oh, I totally want to become a Pleated Poppy customer. This would get me off to a great start! Thanks for hosting.

jill - i love her fabric choices! thanks!

Jen@ADropintheBucket - Oooh, winning tis giveaway would make my day!…no, no, probably my month!

Jane - would love to win!

Laura - everything is so beautiful!!! count me in!

Jessica - please PLEASE pick me!! I love everything she makes! :o)

Nicole - I’m BIG fan! Wish I had her sewing skills:)

Terri - I LOVE everything that Lindsey makes. She is so creative and so happy! I especially love the bloom bags!

Southern Gal - She makes some pretty things.

Laine Chambers - Wow, I love everything she makes!

Sabrina - Everything from the Pleated Poppy is adorable!!!

Mary - Ooo, her infinity scarves look perfect for this cooler weather! Love your blog header!

Molly - love love love pleated poppy!

Lisa Q - Lindsey does have the cutest things! I get so much inspiration from her blog…and just as much from yours too! Thanks for being so transparent and sharing in such a fun way!

Denissa - LOVE all her stuff πŸ™‚ The kids and pics are beautiful!

Rachel - Something bright and zingy…that’s what I need. And the Pleated Poppy seems to supply lots of bright and zingy. Love it!

Jenny B. - That is so cute! (both the kids and the little wallet!)

Michelle - I have ordered a few of her poppy pins and love to wear them! I gave my sister a teal pin for Christmas and she loves to wear it on sweaters! I love the Pleated Poppy blog and visit it often!! Lindsay is so cute and has incredible ideas!

Toni :O) - Beautiful, beautiful photos and I would LOVE to win a giveaway!!! Yay, such fun stuff in her shop, LOVE it!

Toni :O) - Beautiful, beautiful photos and I would LOVE to win a giveaway!!! Yay, such fun stuff in her shop, LOVE it!

Debby - Such beautiful stuff…so fun and fresh!!

Mary Susan McConnell - Love it!!! The fabrics are adorable!

Jack - Beautiful shop! Would love the chance to win!

Kari - She makes beautiful things – thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Love everything in her shop, I have been looking at one of her scarves for the winter.

Jacci - she does have super cute stuff πŸ™‚ you should do a what-i-wore-wednesday, meg!

Chris Lawlor - Oh my… just love her stuff… I would be absolutely delighted! I especially love the scarves and posies.

Kari - I would love to have one of her IPad covers. Everything in her shop is adorable!

becky@oursweetpeas - Her stuff is really cute. You should get in on her WIWW posts. You have such a cute style (says the girl who would break out into a cold sweat if I linked up). πŸ™‚
Anyways, those pics are great. My first girl after 2 boys is 15 months old and hairless. I love her little bald head but what i wouldn’t give for that little girls gorgeous hair every once in a while. πŸ™‚

Amber - I would love to win this. I want one of everything in her shop!

Sunny Haynes - She has such beautiful stuff! I would love to be able to purchase something from her with my $40 gift card! ;o)

Mindy Harris - dying for some of her brooches and a scarf!!

Christy K - Oh goodness! I just love her store! So many fun prints and bright colors! I would LOVE to win… the holidays are just around the corner and who wouldn’t love to have a gift from her store waiting for them under the tree!? : )

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Thank you for this opportunity!

Emilee P. - love it!! soo colorful! would love to win! πŸ™‚

Lisa - oh! wow! thank you for the generous giveaway!!
the ruffled chocolate scarf is adorable!! yummy colour!
happy weekending!

Becky - Oohh… she has great product! Fun!

Julie A - Love the pics and love the Pleated Poppy! Cute!

Talysa - Love Lindsey…love her products. Thanks for hosting. πŸ™‚

nicki - If I don’t win the gift card for her adorable stuff, can I at least go live in her adorable house? πŸ™‚ You two are AWE to the SOME!

Jennifer - I love Lindsey and the Pleated Poppy!

Emily B. - Such super cute stuff! And great for gifts, too!

Amy - I love her stuff, so much fun. Just what I need on a cold gloomy day. πŸ˜‰

shannon - Love her stuff! So bright and fun!!!!! πŸ˜€

Christy - I love the Pleated Poppy!

Christina - Oh i love the pleated poppy store- thanks for the giveaway!

Samantha - LOVE her ereader case!!

Lori - Her fabrics are so happy! Count me in…

Gina - I really need a business card holder just like the one you have shown above. I would love a gift card!

Erin - I can’t find one thing I don’t LOVE!!!

Kodi - I LOVE TPP!!!

Ashley - great variety of cute products!

JulianneB - Pick me, pick me…love pleated poppy

Jane Little - I too would love to win a GC to the Pleated Poppy! Such lovely things!

Giuseppina - Oh my goodness! So so cute!!

Melissa - Yes, please.

Ellen J - I love the fabrics she uses!!! Pick me! Pick me!

Eva Scott - Love her infinity scarves and petal pushers!

Jen N. - Love her bright colors!

Heather - Such delightfulness at pleated potty!!

Chantel - I’m such a fan of her stuff! The ruffles get me every time.

Sharla - LOVE her stuff! So fun. Thanks for the chance!

Sandy - I love the fabric she uses and would be so happy to win!
The picture of the brown eyed beauty looking up at you is adorable!

Gretchen Nelson - Love the vivid & bold colors! So much fun πŸ™‚

Erin - oh, so cute! would love some loot from lindsey!

Michelle Webster - I love the fabric she uses. It is so eye catching!!

deb - Please pick me! I have been looking at one of her bags for a while!!

Kati - I love her stuff!! That ruffle she puts on everything is so fun! And she always uses such great colors and patterns!

Jen - I have been eyeing her stuff forever!!! A gift card to her shop would be a great gift…for ME!!!!!!

Jennifer O'Steen - i would LOVE a gift card to her shop! such cute stuff!!

Rachel Newswanger - So many happy fabrics! The fun, the color!

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i didn't mean to miss a day of blogging….it just got away from me.
i left at 7 AM for the school bus and didn't stop till bedtime.
it was a good and busy day.

although i prefer the lazy hanging out kind of days much better.

wednesday was indeed Sonic Day.

DYING over the rainbow quilt that arrived in my mailbox from a super special california friend that lives way WAY too far away. i almost cried when i opened the box.
if she had been here i would've.
i felt so loved.
don't you love that kind of moment?
when you FEEL super loved even when you are all alone in your messy kitchen.

i ran as soon as the kids went on the bus.
i won't keep telling you if i run or not but it was such a good one!
i never stopped to walk!!!  i ran THE WHOLE 3.5 miles!
big day for me.
and i will share my playlist for yesterday….meaning i kept hitting >> till i got a song i liked.
Miracle Drug – U2
Rehab – Amy Winehouse
Beautiful Day – U2
La Ti Da – Marcia Ball
Creepin' In – Nora jones/Dolly Parton
Yahweh – U2
Jackson – Walk the Line Soundtrack….so Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon 
Read My Mind – Killers
Long Way Around – Dixie Chicks (i looooove that song….LOVE)
Home – Edward Sharp &the Magnetic Zeros
Hey Mama – Mat Kearney

Late in the Evening – Paul Simon

i treated myself to a french manicure.
am i the only person who has terrible luck with this?
it was not a great manicure…
and i was there f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
i know these are not big life problems i have…i know….but i was annoyed.

then i got an email that could be the best email EVER from someone awesome.
and my mood changed.
i hope i get to tell you about it.  
but not yet.

i went to kimberlee's house and had a meeting for craft weekend!!!
i will tell you about that soon.

i drove straight to the bus stop from kimberlee's.
on the drive home after school annie asked "can we PLEEEEEEEEASE do a craft when we get home?"

i said "YES!" 

i sent her outside for step one.
she collected acorns from the driveway and counted them.  
and we didn't make it much farther….the plan is to make THESE.
but painting them was harder and messier than i thought so we will need a longer craft time to finish.

we ate a super fast dinner of pasta and sauce.
nothing else.

and out the door to football and soccer.

when we got home and got the kids to bed i ran a HOT HOT bath with bubbles and Stress Relief Bubble Bath
and sank up to my nose and watched Parenthood from Tuesday.

and i cried.
because i love it all.
i love childbirth…i love people realizing about autism….i love seeing crisis in family and how they portray it.
I know it's a show.
and they are actors.
i know this.
but i just love how they do it.
i like good tv and movies.
a lot.

then i was OUT like a light.
and my kids are off school today so i got to sleep in!!!!

today….we clean.
and make a craft.
and chill.

happy friday.

making THIS for dinner. 
pumpkin waffle recipe soon to come.  :) 

Salma - sandhya Aaji – Dear Ruta & Marc,Great photos and great pearonslities. Ayanna is growing so cute. I know Sameer& Deepa have tough competions to keep the attention on them with two little wonders around the place! Your friend has done great job of capturing all good moments. Enjoyed every single picture.Also was impressed that you are able to fold mandi’ and take Ayanna on the lap. That was my favourite way of putting Zoya to sleep. I miss her! Grand parents are so happy to witness family extensions. I know they had to wait for a month. Enjoy the function on 5th. All the best

Dawn W. - Oooh, my goodness! The rainbow quilt. I confess. I ended up loving them so much I bought THREE. I bought a full for my bed & a twin as a throw, but when I went back one day there was one more full one for sale… I like sales. Especially when I’m in love with the blanket. o.0

jeana - Hey Meg, I wanted to chime in and say thanks for your appreciation in people realizing autism. Living with this in our home, it melts my heart when our boy has someone around that truly cares and is interested in him. I cry every week when I watch that show. It’s my favorite EVER. AND your quilt is beautiful, what a nice friend you have. It’s nice to be on someones’ mind and heart. Have a blessed week!

Debbie Hargadon - Thanks for the inspiration for dinner tonight! My brain is dead and I need make ahead treats due to kid’s sports – like you.
Great nail salons are really hard to find — we are lucky in California as there are SO SO many — but it always amazes me that there are not that many who do a truly great job, where polish lasts 1 week or longer, they work on problem nails, etc.
Loved the 4 kids with the HUGE dark eyes!

Hannah - love the craft….we have about 3782 acorns on our deck…so guess what we can do today? πŸ™‚
parenthood is my fave also…i cried during the baby scene…but laughed my tail off at his hip-hop outfit! ha! hilarious!
i so hope to come to your craft weekend one year…because i just learned to sew! whoot! πŸ™‚
happy monday!

Heather G. - YAY for your happy quilt! I’ve never seen Parenthood….seems like a show I’d probably love, but now I think I’m too behind to get caught up.

Alicia - Long Way Around is my favourite song ever! I even taught myself the violin part by ear because I love it so much! LOVE the Dixie Chicks!

Donna - So, I have to know………are those your nails or acrylics? I removed my acrylics after many years and am trying the Shellac route. Is your french white tip painted on?
Love your blog, by the way. Wish I had half of your creativity!

JustMommer - Parenthood – Best show ever!!!!!!!

Kat - Love your blog and love Parenthood. My fav show atm.
We haven’t gotten up to the birth yet here in Aus though. I am looking forward to that!!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your every day-ness. I adore that about your blog.

Kate - 1) I love the tile on your floor from the previous post – it’s the same as we have in our bath.
2) Your new rainbow quilt is the quilt my daughter has in her bedroom. It’s so cheerful!

Selina - That is a fabulous day. I think you are allowed to skip a day of posting when you come back with such a great post!
I adore your rainbow blanket and if you were closer I may attempt to steal it! LOl

Lori - Parenthood makes me cry every week. Seems so real to me. My other favorite show is Modern Family. Makes me laugh so hard!
Good job with the running…keep up the good work!

Lisa - I bought that rainbow quilt for my daughter at college last year, we loved it so much we used it again this year, it held up really well. I love it so much, when I visit her I can’t stop looking at it, lol! Parenthood is my absolute FAVORITE show on TV right now, Tuesday’s episode was sooooo good, I watched it again w/ my daughter on Thurs. She and I both love it, and she is only 15, she’s kind of an “old soul” I think πŸ™‚ Have a greaet weekend!

Jolie - I just wanted to say what a great inspiration you are – I love how comfortable and confident you are in your own skin, and I must say (from someone who struggles with self esteem and body confidence) visiting your blog is always uplifting and aspirational for me (just add life coach to your list of careers, lol!) Ditto on the running (woohoo on no walking!!!) – and I love seeing your playlists – if it helps for you to write it down here, no complaints from me!!
And oh my but that quilt is making me drool!!!

Megan B - I also really love Parenthood. I am not a crier at all (at ALL), but gosh darn it, that show makes me tear up a little. It is just a great, great show. Every time my husband and I watch it, I’m like, “Is that it? It’s over? Why can’t this come on every night!?” haha Such a great show.

Liz - Things I love: Parenthood. Crying over Parenthood. The photo of your kids enjoying cones in the rear view mirror. The scrumptious quilt. Great friends. Your creativity. Your humor. Your soft new pj bottoms. Your invitation to get some and be your twin. Your blog. Thank you for brightening your corner of the world, and mine.

Mel - Totally get the tv show thing…these days we become so entwined with the characters they feel like friends, and you like , miss them when the season is over.
Have been thinking about this the last few weeks, ( just finished watching Season 1 of Treme, Davis, i miss you πŸ™ )
Why do we feel so close to tv characters? Is it us, or are script writers becoming better us giving us what we want/need emotionally?
Have been pondering this, any ideas?

michelle - you are pure awesomeness! seriously.
in so many ways. we have GOT TO meet in person one of these days! congrats on the 3.5 miles. xoxo-m

Janie - I love Parenthood…it is my most favorite show. So real and these days hard to find something that is so good for the soul. I have to tell you about Nail Envy for your nails. It is the best stuff and you will have long nails in no time. It is worth the price.
Love your posts…just have to hear about your days.

Katygirl - I just watched p-hood. Amazing.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - LOL ~ i am not good at the manicure either. After my last one, I had ugly, ugly hangnails for two weeks. What is WITH that?

Kari - Those pumpkins are super cute. My boys LOVE pumpkin muffins so pumpkin waffles I must try. Hope we get to hear about the email sometime – have a fabulous weekend!!

Kiersten - That playlist is flippin awesome!!! I have already loaded it up and am ready to run tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration!

Lisa - I have recently stumbled on to your blog and I love it! You make me smile. I enjoy your details like your run or the music you listened to, the crafting and the photography.
I have recently fallen behind in my blogging but now realize that I miss it so especially while visiting your blog.
Thank you I am off to update and will be back to enjoy your daily updates!

Meredith@count it all joy - What a productive day Meg! I love that song, Jackson…I remember when INXS did a version of it back in the early 90’s and I bought it on a….cassingle! Do you remember those? A cassette tape, but a short one. Remembering made me laugh.
Haven’t watched Parenthood yet, but a girlfriend of mine with a son with Asperger’s finds it very inspiring and encouraging. Must make a note to watch it. Hope all is well with you and your lovely ones. Meredy xo

Meg B. - hmmm…realizing autism….I hope it’s well done and showcases the incredible gifts of autistic children, maybe it will inspire some to reach out to the often isolated families of autistic children? My son is a an incredible gift that many, many won’t take the time to get to know.

amy jupin - posts like this are why i love this blog of yours so much.
because i cry watching parenthood too,
because happy mail is the best,
because i can’t believe how much annie looks like talby now,
because i am so proud of you for sticking with the running–it’s so hard!,
because i LOVE the pic of the rearview mirror,
because i hate manicures,
because i would give anything to sit in kimberlee’s house with y’all and have a cup of coffee right now.

Tracy Fisher - I am hooked on Parenthood now. Thanks! I had watched it once or twice flipping through the channels… but the other night it just grabbed me. Powerful. I know what you mean. Love, love, love the Sonic photo of your kids through the rear view mirror. Ok, I am much too sentimental now.
Tracy Fisher

christine - I started watching Parenthood this month on Netflix. Only because of you πŸ™‚ And, oh my. I just love it. Love! I cry so much during that show. Good tears, sad tears, this is life and it is so amazingly beautiful tears. I actually didn’t realize that the show was still on until the other night when I saw a preview for the new episode that you mentioned. I seriously squealed out loud! Cause…hello! A baby! EEK! And, more importantly cause I get to keep on watching this fun show.
Have fun with your little punkins πŸ™‚ We made those a couple years ago and totally enjoyed it!

Astrid - I just love reading your posts. They make me HAPPY! Right now I’m in the middle of moving our family to China for three years. My head is spinning and i don’t know what i should be doing. Stress????
Anyway, be sure to bake those acorns (google for oven temp and time…not sure on either) to kill off any bugs living in the seeds. Then you won’t have a nasty surprise!
I am so impressed that you jogged 3.5 miles! I totally need to do that! It would help with me keeping my sanity. Or what is left of it anyway.
LOL! Have a great weekend.

Ami - Parenthood and PMS equals a lot of deep breaths to prevent crying. But then she had the baby and that’s all she wrote. Such a fabulous show.
And I have to think as fabulously crafty as you are, you can totally do your own french manicure. I do mine and save trips to the nail spa for my toes.

Kimberlee Jost - I have no idea what we’re eating tonight.
Can I come to your house? πŸ˜‰

Lindsay - I’m not even a parent, but I adore Parenthood the show! I truly have wanted a family like that forever. Never going to happen- mine is crazy, but I love the Bravermans. πŸ™‚

Stefanie - So glad to discover I’m not the only one that cries at Parenthood every week!

nicole @ deliajude - i cry EVERYTIME i watch parenthood! everytime.

Mindy Harris - love these posts that are just like having a chit chat with you. you have such pretty hands and your nails look good. pretty wedding ring, too.
also, i am a parenthood diehard.
i go to the gym every night now (thanks for inspiring me) so i hafto watch it a day or 2 after i work out, but, it just builds up the suspense.
i love watching childbirths, too. except the baby they picked looked 3 months old…but i guess it’s probably hard to find newborns in hollywood…they are all with their nannys. πŸ™‚

happygirl - Such an adorable craft. And 3.5 miles running the WHOLE time. AWESOME. No wonder you look so good. I’m glad you have friends that know JUST what you love. πŸ™‚

Kristi - glad I wasn’t the only one crying through parenthood. loved it.
and I love that quilt.
and I am so impressed with your run! good job.

Julie - Despite not being your pajama twin, I am your quilt twin! Its so happy.

TinaM. - love the acorns πŸ™‚

Jen - Hi, Meg! I love your blog. It is happy and colorful and it is clear your heart is in everything you do. You inspire me!
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about my own children (ages 6 and 2) and chores. You wrote that you were going to clean on their day off from school. I’m curious to hear more about that — how do chores/cleaning/etc. work in your house?
Have a great day!
~Jen from Missouri

amber - Okay…have you seen the comedian Anjelah Johnson talking about manicures? If not, here’s the link:
It cracks me up, & seeing as how you didn’t enjoy yours so much, you could get a good laugh about it. πŸ™‚
Your kids are too cute & Annie did look like Talby in that picture!
Oh! And last thing…someone told you about worms in acorns. I read on the MADE blog last fall that you can bake acorns to kill the worms. Can’t remember how long or what temperature though…helpful, aren’t I? Have a great weekend!!

nora - I think I’ve been reading your blog for forever now b/c I did a double-take when I realized that was Annie – not Talby – in the photos.
They picked the best name for the new baby on Parenthood in my humble opinion πŸ™‚

emily anderson - when will the next craft weekend be?! i want to go so bad!
and i totally feel ya on parenthood. ugh, gets me everytime.
okay, that’s all πŸ™‚

Laura - Thanks for the playlists. I’m always trying to find some new music, and we seem to have similar tastes. Glad I’m not the only one who hits >>> repeatedly!

amanda fuentes - 2 things: 1, your husband was suggested as a friend on my Facebook….how random is that?! Or perhaps we know someone in common?! And 2, be aware that acorns are full of worms! I’ve been displaying them in a mason jar and every few days have to dump them out and remove the tiny worms that fall to the bottom…..ick!

Kim - you got the rainbow quilt! ack-ity-ack-ack! that is a whole lotta happy that headed your way! πŸ™‚ it makes me smile just seeing a glimpse of it.
you are a running rockstar. still working on that whole running without stopping thing.
kind of a problem that i’m running a (totally untrained for) half marathon this weekend. YIKES πŸ™‚
you are my running hero today!

Meredith Salmon - Love this craft. I have been looking for acorns that size forever. Our tree has baby marble size acorns. I wanted to make owl ornaments for my sorority family tree for Christmas. I have even been looking in stores for them, but think they need to be recycled not bought. If I sent you paid packaging could Annie pick 20 or so for me? The pumpkins are adorable.

Terri Christian - I cried at Parenthood too……

Kerry - hey meg – your dinner looks Scrummy!!
I didnt know acorns had worms in them…hmm…*rushes off to throw acorns out the window* but that craft looks uber cool!
3.5 miles, wowza…. I cant even walk that far πŸ™ maybe i need an ipod filled with awesome music…xxx

Mae - Awesome craft idea πŸ™‚
I won’t have kids for quite a while but reading your craft posts makes me want them sooner. Haha.
Have you thought about spray-painting the acorns? It might be faster.

Heather - I’m totally stoked about your 3.5 mile run! I have been exercising regularly for the last 6 years and only last summer began to try to run. This fall I have made it to running 2.5-3 mile routes, but I can only run about 1.5 miles without having to slow to a walk for a bit. I am wondering, though, my whole area I run is hilly – and by hilly I mean like large hills – the kind it’s even hard to bike up. I’d LOVE to try running on a flat surface….I bet I could go much farther! But hey – this isn’t my blog – it’s yours and you totally rocked that run!

Lori Bowring Michaud - Umm, Meg, do you know that most acorns contain a grub? Yep, they do. I collected a hand full last week because I was going to use them to decorate for fall. My 21 year old said, “Gross, why did you bring those in? There are worms inside them.” I said, “Yeah, right.” The next morning, I had 3 small, whitish grubs curled up on my dining room table and one on my dining room rug. Well, let me tell you there was lots of swearing, gagging and cleaning up. You might want to leave them outside until the grubs have worked their way out. There’s usually a hole in the acorn where they’ve eaten their way out.

Kori - How funny was Adam after walking out of the store??!? πŸ˜€

Nancy - I watched Parenthood this week too. I totally bawled too. I might have been the mass amount of pain killers the hospital gave me, or the hysterectomy induced mood swings or the music they always seem choose for their episodes (which I always love!. But, I love that show. NO matter what state of mind I am in. Happy weekend to you.

Holly - One of my girls has that quilt in her room. It is my favorite! I think it is from Target but I could be wrong. I am still only on season 2 of parenthood. I keep hearing about the new episodes and it is killing me to not watch but it is so hard to find time to catch up! Have a great weekend!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan, I’m in love with your kids in the rear view mirror shot. Honestly I would blow it up and frame it. It’s such a perfect slice of life. Love the burst of colour in the top right too.

Krista - Can’t get over how Annie is starting to look like a little Talby in some pictures! Those little faces in the rear-view mirror after Sonic are cute cute cute! Have a great weekend!

seriouslysassymama - I LOVE reading your blog. I miss the Dixie Chicks. I love hearing about your running. It makes me want to get up and talk about my exercising. Your days sound like mine minus the great emails, and sports. I am in Texas Rangers mode, so that is all I am watching right now. Well that and Forks over Knives. Have a great weekend.

Jen - I LOVE LOVE LOVE Parenthood. Even my hubby LOVES it. I would even consider moving to California if I could live IN the Parenthood set. It’s so good!!!
And, I am planning to do those acorn pumpkins too. I am going to spray paint mine orange though. And then put the faces on with Sharpies?? Is that cheating or just smart?? HAHA
Have a lovely lovely Kansas weekend!

sarah w. - 3.5 miles is so super! You should be so proud.
I love Parenthood.
I cry at every episode. It’s such a good show. So real.
…but this past episode, oh man.
Kenzie said ‘OH she has a baby!’ and I said yes, your brother will be here soon, and he’ll be a bit like that. And then I just lost it.

meghan - this is my second comment this week. woot.
jackson is the best running song ever. johnny cash comes up a lot on my shuffle. one of my go to songs when running is jim croce’s leroy brown. the beat is perfect for my pace.
parenthood is my favorite show. when christina had her baby i burst in to tears and blurted out that i wasn’t done having babies and it was still in my heart to have one more. my husband was like a deer in the headlights…i heard crickets…:) that show moves me something fierce.

shelly - Keep sharing your running journey!!! You are inspiring πŸ™‚ I’m headed to my second day at the gym…focused, gonna keep on movin down this road!
Love Parenthood…I.Always.Bawl!!!
At least bad mani’s can be fixed with polish remover….much better than a bad haircut!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Love the happy quilt and looking forward to hearing your news!
Gemma x

Nikki - I’m absolutely swooning over that quilt!!

Chelsea in MO - Wow, I am impressed, 3.5 miles is no joke! Good job! Keep going!
I LOVE Parenthood, oh man did this weeks show get to me too. I cried twice or maybe even three times, but I’m pregnant so that’s okay, you know, I cry at everything these days : ) . I second how you explained what draws you to the show. It is AWESOME! The “thank you” from Christina to Amber and the Crosby situation with Christina, Adam’s clothes! This episode tied up a lot from last week that I felt like was hanging out there. It was SO good to watch.
Have a great Friday and Weekend! – Chelsea

Kirsten J - I get the nail thing – seems like everytime I find someone I like, 2 months later they’re gone. The gal I go to now has been there for over a year. I tip her BIG, hoping she’ll stay. And I get the sunup until sundown thing (and beyond). And Parenthood. So cute with Haddie getting Max to apologize. And I admit even though it was stupid, I laughed at Adam’s outfit. πŸ˜›

michelle - Oh girl, I am so jealous of your running. I’ve never been able to distance run and want to SO bad. I’ve always imagined it would be a great way to clear my mind. πŸ™‚
And that quilt? I have TWO of those! One in a full size & one in a twin size. I bought them at Target 2 years ago on clearance with the hope of one day using them for my two littlest girls bedroom! Just did that bedroom last month & FINALLY got to use that quilt! I love it! And it’s such a happy quilt! Your friend is good people for sending it to you!
Enjoy your day of cleaning & chilling …. those are the best. πŸ™‚

Ashlyn@Pinecone - You had a crazy long day…not much to say as I really need to get to the grocery store (but no I just had to look at your post) but I LOVE LOVE Jackson with Reese and Joaquin. We used to listen to it all the time in the car. Thats it…happy friday! Ashlyn

Jenna@CallHerHappy - pumpkin waffles! mmmmmm!
Also, those acorns are so cute!
And, if I would have seen that quilt somewhere, I would have totally though of you πŸ™‚

Jessica - just a little FYI… I made that crockpot italian chicken last night and it was DELISH!!!!

Carrie - Thanks for sharing your day. If it encourages you to run, then you should post about it as often as you like. Great job going the full 3.5 miles with no walking. I have tried to start running so many times and never stick with it. I give you credit for sticking to it. I remember the post about your first 5K.
I stopped going for manicures and pedicures. I had too many bad pedicure experiences. So, it seems you are not alone. And while, yes there are bigger problems in the world, it is disappointing to look forward to something and not have a good experience.
Have a great weekend – enjoy the day with your kids.
PS – We have our nieces next weekend and we are going to do one of your crafts. I think the ornament with the little pom pom balls. The girls are 11 and 13 and I remember you mentioning that even Lauren liked that craft so we are going to give it a shot.
Thanks for the inspiration

Trish - πŸ™‚

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