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Search Results for: owl


while i was on a run on sunday afternoon my girls found a turtle in our yard!

they named him Phil.

sean, talby and annie came up with a great plan to keep it in the area that we think is a trough for horses?
but honestly….what do we know?
i have seen Charolette's Web…the original….and that is about the extent of my knowledge of farm life. 

but the trough had probably a year or two of leaves in it and the week of rain made it a perfect turtle world! 
it's very wet and muddy. 

turtles are amazing little creatures.
so much detail on their entire body.

just look at that face!
he is an art project waiting to be made!
the lines and the colors….oh i love turtles.

sidenote:  one time when i was annie's age i had a box turtle i found and i went to the pool and asked my dad to watch my turtle in the laundry room while i was gone.  when i got home he told me it had escaped.
i believed him until just recently when i remembered that story and relaized i had been tricked.  turtles can't escape a laundry room!!  REAL nice dad!  

why would God put orange on the bottom of turtle shell?
it's so interesting!
there is probably some reason…..there always is.


then on monday i found another turtle in the middle of the road.
i pulled over and jumped out and put it in a big pot i had in the trunk, took it home and put it in with phil.
they can be buddies.

this photo is called Ode to Spring.   or maybe it should be called Ode to Allergies.     HA HA HAAAA.

craig mowed the yard on saturday.
it took all the time it takes to play all the avett brothers songs we have.

and last night i laid in bed at midnight with the windows open and i heard four things.
1. craig breathing
2. frogs
3. cows….or should i say COW…just one…MOOOOOO.  pause.   MOOOOO.  pause.   MOOOOOO…  repeat.
4. owls

i like this place.

my running….
i am at 86 miles.
i have 4 days left.
totally going to make it!!
a w e s o m e.
i would have LAUGHED IN YOUR FACE if you had told me last year i would be running 6 miles in march.
but i did it on sunday by myself with no one to make me finish but myself.
and Lance Armstrong came over my Nike+ thing on my iPod congratulating me.
i know it's just a recording but still it feels pretty sweet.

ok…WINNER for the elissa Hudson prints?! *********************************

Oh soooo many choices….it's gotta be, the Busy as a BEE print!

Posted by: Monica Williams | March 27, 2012 at 06:37 AM


send me your information Monica and i will hook you up with elissa!

aren't giveaways so much fun?!

don't forget to enter these:  ———————————————————————————————

enter to win a starbucks $100 gift card HERE.

enter to win a $100 gift crad to walmart from IHOP over HERE.

enter to win a $100 visa gift card from Hostess HERE.

happy wednesday.


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world water day

so it's here.
today is World Water Day.

most of us reading this….we take our water for granted.
we can turn on the tap anytime we want.
we can use a drinking fountain just about anywhere.
we can bathe whenever we feel like it…in CLEAN water.
we can jump in a gigantic swimming pool or soak in a hot tub to relax.
we give our dogs big bowls of clean water…we make sure they are never out.

we don't have to worry about our babies getting sick or dying from the water we have to serve them.

we don't have to walk for hours EVERY DAY to get dirty water in buckets for our family.

we can help those that do have to do that.


and we HAVE.

we have built many wells through water4christmas and from your donations.

today we are rasing money to support the well mechanics that are desperately needed to keep the wells working.

for World Water Day, The Adventure Project is setting a goal to enable 186 people to become well mechanics.
if successful they could serve 930,000 people with CLEAN WATER.


it is a briliant plan.
to teach….to be effective….to bring solutions to a problem.
we can help.

but how about i throw in a little incentive?

i have a giveaway today for those that donate to The Adventure Project.

20 items of Craft Weekend SWAG.

let's explore it a little closer…..







 1. whatever….the shop                2. twirling betty
 3. out of eden soaps                     4. the pleated poppy
 5. artsyville                                 6. joyshope handmade
 7. crescendoh                              8. jeanne oliver designs
 9. jones design company             10. CM handmade   
11. studio calico                          12. ike & co.
13. Lisa Leonard                          14. DecoArt
15. Elizabeth St.                          16. rags to stitches boutique
17. crystal b                                18. daisys & dots
19. pretty lil packages                 20. Just Lovely Things

this is all for you!!!!

to enter this giveaway all you need to do is donate to The Adventure Project!


GO CRAZY….tweet it, facebook it, blog it!

GIVE BIG…..every dollar counts!

PRAY for the mechanics that will be trained because of your donation!

BE AWESOME….our huge goal is to raise $25,000 today together!!

come over to my page and donate….CLICK HERE.

one entry for every $5 you give.


let's make a BIG difference on World Water Day!!! 

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it’s good. all good.


these are my 50 mile marker reward.


they are super bright and happy.
Nike Free Run +2
they are so comfy.  
today we did another 6 but only ran a little over half…but 6 miles is 6 miles.  

kimberlee and i went to the world's best barn for some craft weekend neccessities.
since i have moved out of the my house in town i had to replace a few of the things we took with us.
and add some more really fun things!

i almost got this.

check out this table kimberlee is sunning herself near.
it's giant.
it's covered in the perfect amount of rust…from sitting outside somewhere forever.
it weighs a ton.
it's the perfect height. 

it came home with me….delivered on a trailer.

it had to….if i didn't get it i knew Anthro would have come by and snatched it away.
i had NO choice.
ha ha ha

IMG_7981-2 IMG_7985-3

craft weekend SWAG is pouring in my mail box everyday.                                                        sunshine by sara
there is another one coming up in just two weeks!
it's such fun to prepare for!

IMG_7990-4 IMG_7996-6

                                                                house 8810                                                my paper doll designs


                                                    hawthorne threads                                                                          31Bits

                                                                                                                                                   Lucius Art

so now these are all in my kitchen at the old house.
how fun is this?
and messy i know.
i had the tables built for this room by the guys at the Barn from old barn wood & old porch posts (turquoise!!!)
i am IN love with these huge tables.


rust AND bright yellow?  
yes please.

oh Ree.
you are super woman.
this cookbook is so beautiful.
i hope to make every recipe.
you make it look so easy. 

check out this happy table!
this is not where things go….it's things that are stacked waiting for places to land.
but it is one happy corner for sure!
do you see my awesome canvas from  
i absolutely adore it.
crystal clear….BRIGHT perfect colors….amazing quality….i could not love it any more than i already do!

and lastly….do you know what this means?

my etsy shop is making it's way to a comeback.
slowly but surely.

ok…gotta get dinner made.
and i think tonight deserves a dessert.
something super yummy.
hmm….maybe from Ree's cookbook?!  

happy weekend to you.


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2 AM

there is a reason i don't go to bed early.
i hate to be woken up.

but today…i put in a full 12 hours of not sitting down or stopping.
i went for a five mile run.
that is the longest i have ever gone.
i got the house ready to move into…it's ready…every floor mopped, walls washed, bathrooms bleached.
and i got new toilet seats because it just has to happen whenever we move into a house.
you do that too right?
even if they are fine (which they usually aren't) it's just gross…in my opinion.

i came home and we had chicken tacos….aren't crockpots one of the best inventions EVER?!

then craig took the little girls to his moms and i texted at 8:30 "i'm going to bed" 
that is unheard of.
i never go to bed before 11.

and three wake ups later…
that is why i don't go to bed early.
once i wake up i have a really hard time going back to sleep.
so…here i sit at 2 AM with a bowl of cereal and browsing the web for shower curtains.  
Do you know that for every one decent looking shower curtain there are at least 247 really ugly ones??

it's true.

so….in a few hours we move to the farmhouse.

i know from all your comments that you are sad that you won't see this house much on the blog anymore.
but you know that's not true.
it will be here for craft weekends and other fun stuff.
don't cry. 🙂
and i think the farm house has lots of great photos, projects and love to come.
in fact…i KNOW it does.

what i have figured out from all of this and from everyone's comments…

1. craig and i are not afraid of change.
2. we love our home but we don't want to love anything so much that we cannot leave it.
3. we love the small town upbringing we were blessed to have and want it for our family too.
4. we love our family….and that family can bond and love and grow stronger anywhere…not just this house.
5. we are very content and at peace with this choice.

and that all feels so good.

it's just a house.  
this one or the farm or anywhere….it's just "stuff"
it's a project….the bathrooms…the kitchen….the painting….they are beautiful!
but when it's done i just turn my head and say "what's next?"  
i know not everyone feels that way about their home and that is fine too…we can be different. 

will i miss my kitchen?  my big bathroom? my tall windows?  
of course!!!  i am human. 

but i am choosing in this new season of my life to focus on letting God show me the goodness of my life even without a granite countertop.  :)

i am choosing Phillipians 4:8  "whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about these things"

five kids and two houses and two full remodels later…we are tired.

the farm house gives us a mandatory break from remodeling.
we get to use our time to enjoy other things….like…i don't even know what yet?!!

and that is exciting to me.

ok…i am rambling because i am sleepy and wide awake.

bottom line:  it's all good baby.
there is nothing fishy….nothing i'm not sharing….nothing wrong…we are just moving to a farm.  
it's A.G.

(i ran the same route as i did yesterday and this time had my nike+ in my iPod and yesterday's run was actually 4.5 miles!  SWEET!  i will take it.  5 miles today, 4.5 yesterday….90.5 to go.  YAY for Rockin' the Bod in MARCH!) 


time to try to sleep again.
i have a BIG day.
and i saw there are cinnamon rolls AND donuts on my counter….hmmm.
oh my.


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monday stuff.

waffle is a dork.
craig and i watched him last night try to curl up on a small throw pillow….and we were cracking up.
he circled it….tried to put all four feet on it at once…..circled again….then laid on it but just buried it because it was so tiny and he is so not.
it was hysterical.
he looked so defeated. 

he really likes that hamster….
in a eat-it-for-dinner kind of way.

we were very chill during the super bowl.
watched it together as a family…mostly.
but i made little smokies and the rotel cheese dip with hambuger and i made some mac & cheese too.
annie shouted "YES!!! I LOVE SUPER BOWL PARTIES!!!"  
i guess if eating IN the living room with your mom and dad while watching a football is a party…..


we tried shauna's no heat curls on talby this weekend.

made me miss my long hair.
kind of.

have you ever heard of a fruit called a budda's hand?!!!
freakiest thing ever.
and it was $7.99 for ONE at our grocery store.
i am guessing they don't grow anywhere NEAR kansas and certainly not in february.
it looked like something off of starwars?!

100th day of school last week.
annie carefully counted out 100 M&Ms to take for the party…..and left them sitting on the countertop.
of course.
someone forgets something every single day.
it is nuts.

ran the four miles with two of my running buddies today.
there was frost all over everything but it was a great run….
even though i was ready to be done 3/4 of the way through.
very ready. 
i'm still in my stuff….gross.
i thought my reflection in my laptop made a funny picture.  :)



i keep forgetting to tell you…..

i am speaking at SNAP.
how could i forget that?
who knows why i forget so much stuff….i just do.

please say yes.
i want to meet you there.

it looks like LOTS of fun….can't wait!
i am speaking with jeanett gibson from liferearranged about using your blog for GOOD.
it's going to ROCK.

go check their site and register!!



i saw this super mom "barbie" on pinterest.
i tried to follow the links but it lead me no where.
i am pretty sure it's not a real toy you can buy…..but it should be!

funny isn't it?  :)


don't forget to go enter to win a gift card to the Olive Garden.
doesn't a dinner OUT for free sound lovely?
i sure think so….
(mmmm….dreaming about caprese flatbread right now…….mmmmmm)



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pretending i am a chef….

I was asked by Chef Boyardee to participate in a recipe program!

Chef Boyardee has a website full of recipes using their product.

I was encouraged to review those recipes, and then my family and I could make up a recipe of our own.

We chose to try to make Ravioli Soup!

Start by browning 1.5 – 2 pounds of ground beef in a skillet.


After your ground beef is completely browned, you should drain the grease from your pan.

Then add in 2 TBSP of minced onion and 1 TBSP of minced garlic and 2 t. oregano.

You could use fresh ingredients for this part, but i didn't have them.

And honestly…the smaller the better when it comes to things like onions with my kids.

Mix it in and cover the meat with the spices.


Cook that for a few minutes until the onions are soft.

In a soup pot begin heating up the chicken broth.

Add in a 28 ounce can of petite diced tomatoes.

This next step isn't important, but it makes the cooking more fun.

Put on a cute apron.

Because you will feel cute if you have one on!

And your husband will come home and say, "Look at how cute you are!" making him dinner.


Next I added the meat mixture to the soup.

Bring the soup to a boil and then turn down the heat, letting it simmer for about twenty minutes.

THEN you will add 3 cans of Chef Boyardee Ravioli into the soup.


Kids like the taste of Chef Boyardee but I like that I can use it as an ingredient in other quick meals.


After it cooks a few minutes it's ready to serve.

Chef Boyardee ravioli just needs to be warmed up, and it's ready to eat.

I dished out bowls for my family and added a handful of shredded cheese to each bowl.


Then I got really wild.

I took our pizza maker kit, and instead I made breadsticks with cheese,
and we dipped the breadsticks in the pizza sauce that came in the box!


My family really enjoyed this meal.

The breadsticks were devoured.

Sean said, "What did you put in the noodles?! IT's DeLiCioUs!!"  
that guy cracks me up every day. 

Here is my recipe:

1.5 – 2 lbs ground beef
2 T. minced onion
1 T. minced garlic
2 t. oregano
6 c. chicken broth
1 large can of diced tomatoes (28 oz)
3 cans of Chef Boyardee Ravioli
shredded cheese for topping
salt and pepper to taste

Brown hamburger, drain the grease. Add onion, garlic, and oregano. Simmer for a few minutes.
In a soup bowl add chicken broth and tomatoes. Combine meat mixture with soup mixture.
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let simmer for about 20 minutes.
Just before you are ready to serve, add the ravioli.
Let it cook a few minutes and then it's ready to eat!
Serve with breadsticks.


So here's the deal….

YOU can make up your own recipes and enter Chef Boyardeeís Make It Boyardeelicious Recipe Contest from December 29, 2011 through March 11, 2012 for your chance to win free groceries for a year as well as one of ten $500 weekly cash prizes. Then visit Chef Boyardeeís Facebook page from March 26, 2012 through April 8, 2012 to vote for your favorite recipes from the ìMake It Boyardeelicious Recipe Contest.î Each day, one voter will be selected to win a $100 cash prize.

Be sure to visit the Chef Boyardee Roundup page on to check out other bloggersí recipes!


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