i’ve been thinking about all the gifts we have given or received over the years.
i thought it would be helpful for some of you to get new ideas for Father’s Day gifts this year!
these are all things my husband, father or friends would enjoy.
this was by far the best gift i have ever given Mr. Duerksen!
i surprised him many years ago with the White Mountain Ice Cream Maker like the ones we had when we were kids!
he LOVES it!
i have never even made ice cream in it!
it’s all his job.
ice cream is his thing and i am totally ok with that.
these recipe books make homemade ice cream even more fun!
Sweet Cream & Sugar Cones The Ultimate Ice Cream Book Ample Hills Creamery Lomelino’s Ice Cream
and if the White Mountain machine is not quite the investment you are ready to make…
this Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker looks so totally cool!!!
get a box of cones and you’ve got dessert! 🙂
Bean Bag Toss is a favorite game over here.
it’s great for all ages… great for parties… and it makes a great Father’s Day gift! 🙂
(or some people call it Cornhole? but not me)
a grill basket is wonderful for cooking veggies on the grill!
it is so easy!
any dad that grills needs a spatula!
this gift set makes it clear who runs the grill.

Bear Paws for shredding meat are a great manly gift!
we have these and they get used any time that craig smokes meat but i also use them when i cook meat in the crock pot.

this book Franklin Barbecue is great for dads who like smoke to meat!

The Ultimate Book of BBQ is for all grill loving dads.
dads and tools go together.
this tool set has all a dad needs to fix your stuff!
and at our house we are always looking for a screwdriver or the pliers… so extras are a good thing! 🙂

if the dad in your life is into fitness… or wants to be – everybody LOVES the Fitbit!
it tracks your steps, distance, activity, calories, heart rate and even your sleep!
i know couples who have competitions between husband & wife to see who gets in more steps per day/week.
that’s pretty cute.
i am positive i would lose to craig every week… no doubt.
don’t all dads need corny shirts?
give dad a gift card to go see a movie together!
you can package it up with popcorn and candy to make it really cute.

OR make a a gift basket to stay home and have Family Movie Night at home!
you can pick up a few of dad’s favorite dvds together with his favorite snacks and cuddle up on the couch!
if your dad is outdoorsy… maybe a back pack for hiking would be a good gift?
a new gym bag would be a hit at our house!
they get a lot of use here.
and they need replacing because… they eventually start to stink.

the camera lens coffee mug is such a fun gift to give to photographers!
any Star Wars loving dad would love to get one of these funny Star Wars aprons!

these stadium seats have made ALL THE DIFFERENCE for all the sports we get to enjoy every week of the past decade.
if you have kids in any sports…. if your own dad comes to your kids’ games…
there are 32 different color options too.
these are probably our favorite “thing” we own.
your back and booty will thank you for finally getting these seats.
books make GREAT gifts!
these are books that are good for dads, some of craig’s recent reads and some that are just plain good for everybody.
Love Does Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters The Heroic Path
The Grace of God Tattoos on the Heart Courageous Leadership
Boys in the Boat Elon Musk Mere Christianity
what about this for dad!?
The IllumiBowl Toilet Night Light – it lights up your toilet at night to eliminate turning on the light!
it’s sensor activated and has 9 color settings.
brilliant…. and a good gift for dudes.

this Bluetooth Speaker is a favorite at our house.
this speaker is wireless, weatherproof and rechargeable.
this is currently sitting right in front of me as i type.
but Mr. Duerksen takes it to the gym with the kids… golfing… out in the yard while he’s working.
we love this!

my own dad really enjoys feeding the birds in his backyard.
and while searching for something in that category… i found these!
Unicorn Squirrel Feeder or the Horse Head Squirrel Feeder
it’s so funny!!!
a Hammock is such a great gift!!
we had one at our last two houses but there are no trees here!
sad face.
i guess we could get the kind with a stand…. maybe?
i know 5 different kids who would give this mug to mr. duerksen.

a basketball net trash can for all those basketball shots in the office… 🙂

of course you can always give an Amazon Gift Card and let him pick whatever he wants!
AND i am giving away a $50 Amazon gift card too!!!
Yes! For reals! So exciting!!
leave a comment below telling me the best father’s day gift you’ve ever given
(or received if you’re a dude)
to be entered to win.
winner chosen on Tuesday May 31st.
Seamingly Sarah - I LOVE homemade whipped cream. I totally failed my first time making it, but I’m a pro now. My birthday is my perfect time of the year (coming up next week!) to try out all the new dessert recipes I’ve been eyeing. My favorites so far have been a lemon blueberry cake, s’more cupcakes and cherry chocolate cupcakes.
Lee Johnson - Yes, I know how to make whip cream! My mother only made “whupped cream”! I refuse to use & eat cool whip so I am Whipped Cream Snob and proud of it! 🙂
Kim B - Megan’s artwork is so pretty, thanks for the introduction!
You has me at “I don’t have to do any work” with the Pedi Perfect! Its on my next Prime order!
Michele - I just the bought the foot thing because…well, flip flop feet and I don’t much like pedicures because of small talk either. =/
OH…and hey! I was born in Des Plaines! Small world!
Shanna - I have made your Blueberry Buckle a couple of times. No complaints other than it doesn’t last long enough. It is delicious!
LESLIE - Oh I loved the whip cream discussion. I live in the bay area of california where many moms I know do not make food from scratch. One time I had a friend over and was making popcorn -from kernels!- and my friend asked what yellow liquid I was pouring over the popcorn. When I said “melted butter” she was like “you mean the REAL thing?”. Yup. Fun times. I need to move to Kansas, apparently, where I’d fit in better. Real foods all the way…
Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More - Oh my goodness! Not a huge fan of chickens in decor, but I LOVE the style of that painting. Thanks for posting! Off to see what of hers I can’t live without…
Lori - My mom bought me a Pedi Perfect for my birthday last year. She swore by it and I love it- especially in the summer. So easy to use!
Also, the blueberry buckle sounds fantastic. So festive!
Happy Independence Day!
Michelle - I think I’m going to try that blueberry buckle! Have you ever used frozen blueberries? Is that just crazy? 😜
CassM - Always love all your ‘Favorites’, Meg!
I had to laugh though … I mean … do most people NOT know how to make homemade whipped cream?? Oh dear. If that’s the state of the modern baker …
I jest … but really … no to Cool Whip! Real cream all the way!