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a different halloween.

for the first time in 16 years craig was gone on halloween.
for the first time in 16 years i had to take my kids trick or treating.
it was always Daddy's job.
i stayed home and passed out candy and kept warm. 


i didn't really know how far to go….
how long…..


side note:  do you remember UnderRoos?

i was wonder woman when i was in first grade too!  
i wore my UnderRoos over cable knit tights and a turtleneck!


but we figured it out.
it was just me and the little girls.
scott and sean were with their friends.
lauren went up to take a nap after school and didn't wake up until 9:30.


afterwards i grabbed a pizza for them for dinner and they ate candy for dessert.

ots of candy.
and we all survived the halloween with out Dad.
we definitely missed him very much.

and i scavenged their bags for any York peppermint patties.
and butterfingers.
my two faves.

i miss the days of the little kids…baby costumes….toddlers trying to say trick or treat.

here are some halloween pics from the past…

2010    2009     2008   2007  




come read about my experience on the Jenny Craig program and enter to win a $100 visa gift card.


i got to review Mary Kay products.  Come read about it and enter to win a Mary Kay gift basket.



Christina - I don’t remember a whole lot about my growing up years, but one thing I do remember is my Wonder Woman underoos. I got them for my birthday, ran straight away to put them on, and came back out with them on AT MY PARTY. 🙂
Your girls are so cute…Annie looks so very big and Talby looks grown up!

Amy - I am new to the blogging world, and I had a friend tell me about your blog! I was shocked when I read the name for your blog because it is so brilliant!! And I love that you give all the glory to God!! He is a good God and deserves it, but not very many people give him the glory. And I love all your photos and really everything! I just really got into blogging a few months ago. I am still working on my style and stuff. But yours is very inspiring that is for sure!! God bless ya=)

Kiki Craig - I had Wonder Woman Under Roos. I wore them EVERY Sunday because as soon as we got home from church, Wonder Woman would be starting on tv. I would run into the house, and spin around just like Linda Carter and try to strip down to my Roos. Ahhh, the memories.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I know what you mean about Daddy taking them trick or treating…My hubby is a firefighter so there were times when mine were little that I’d be in charge. I wasn’t good at that so my sweet brother in law would usually come over and all the cousins would go together and that started a great Halloween tradition. Now they are too old to trick or treat…boo….but we all still get together. Your underroos are too funny!

christine - york peppermint patties is what we gave out this year. it was the first time my boys had them and now… they’re in LOVE ;o)
ps: love your blog!

Rach - OMG UnderRoos. I seriously got a flashback from seeing that picture of them.
We did our first trick or treating Halloween with our 2 1/2 year old and 6 month old. So much fun. I know I will love looking back over the years when my kids are the age your girls are now.
And BTW, 9:30?? Really?? Wow. Oh to be a teenager again.

Jill - Love the first picture of Annie…so cute!
My best friend and I wore our Wonder Woman Underoos all the time when we were little. I have a picture of us when we were 5 and 7 wearing them. She hates the picture, I love it. So I bring it out every chance I get to torture her with it. 🙂 I think I’ll go dig it out now…good times.

Janie Fox - I was so glad when my kids were too big to go trick or treating. We live in the country so everywhere we went was in and out of the car. Mostly strung out family members houses. That is the houses were strung out all over town, the family members were not strung out! haha.

crystal beutler - How in the world did you get out of trick-or-treating for 16 years? You lucky you. Love the pics. So darling. Funny, I was just talking about under-roos last weekend at a costume party. We were thinking we need to get a petition going around to bring them back. They were awesome. So were Granimals. I think they need to make those for men.
I love Peppermint Patties too. And Jr. Mints.

Lena K. - I loved my Wonder Woman Underoos. I would put foil on my wrists and deflect bullets left and right!
Daddy was gone on Halloween over here, too – it was exhausting!

Jennifer - Too cute!

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - Ahhh…Underoos were so cool! They are so cute in their costumes.

Heather G. - Love their costumes!

Georgia - The 1st photo of Annie is by far the coolest photo ever.
Something im sure she will treasure when shes an adult!

kathy - i have that ikea chandelier you showed in 2008 in the pink room. Just want to tell you something to watch out for:
Mine is in my loungeroom and actually what happened is it collapsed from the ceiling (and was left dangling by its cord) because the attachment that comes with it thats attaches it to the ceiling decomposed, its plastic and it breaks down or something?> Anyway ended up getting an electrician to fit a really good quality one. So its back up and all good now. I love that light so much.
So just watch that , because i went into a boutique around the same time and they had several of the same chandeliers hanging, and the same thing had happened to them too.

jennie w. - I wanted Underoos in the worst way but my mom thought they were too frivolous. So I was super thrilled that my daughter wanted to be Wonder Woman this year. I was too lame to buy a costume ahead of time so I was left to sew one the day before. When will I ever learn?
(Did you have tons of people think your daughter was Supergirl? We did. What a bunch of dummies!)

Kerry - good grief meg, I took a look at your previous year’s posts and cant BELIEVE that was a year ago that Annie had those precious little red shoes on!!!
I also dig for the sweets I love. Then I hide them. So mean 🙂
Happy Halloween to you and yours xx

Kit - That Talby. She is such a stunner. Love the look in her eyes in these pics!

Jenn - Totally remember UnderRoos! Were they not the coolest thing or what?! ~Jenn

Annette - Great pics!
I was wondering if you’d be interested in sharing your articles with other like-minded parent bloggers? If yes, please email me at with Parents in the subject line.

Jen Brandt - Totally wore UnderRoos – had Wonder Woman, Daisy Duke, and maybe one other set. Loved them! That first picture of Annie is awesome!

Talysa - At first I was like, “I would not want to mess with that Wonderwoman.” {she looked very into the role} Then, she smiled and I was like, “She’s too cute to zap me.” 🙂
I dig for Baby Ruth and Snickers…which there is a shortage of if you ask me. 😉

beth - My friends and I just had the EXACT same conversation about wonder woman and under roos while we warmed the front porch and the daddies walked the kids around. I had WW’s under roos but I love Annie’s costume–where did you find it??? We saw lots of super girl’s this year, but no WW. Awesomness.

Karen Gerstenberger - Adorable costumes. And congratulations to Lauren and the team on the State Volleyball Championships!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - This was our gal’s very first Halloween, so my hubby and I both went. The weather was actually nice for the first time in my entire life. If it’s always like that, I might go. Otherwise, I’m with you. Staying warm!

Jen - Underoos story.. My sister and I each had Wonder Woman Underoos well she thought with them on she could really fly, so off the couch she went, only she didn’t fly but instead landed on her head on the coffee table, stitches were needed and my mom threw our Underoos away…

4FabFranklins - oooomygosh! Yes! I remember underoos…and garanimals too. Big Daddy and I had the discussion on Halloween that it must be the dads job to take the kids trick or treating. A lot of them wanted to be home before kick-off. =)

Karen U. - I was alone for the first time this year too – hubby out of town! It was very different, but we survived. Glad you did too.

Jeanne - Underoos rocked!!! I was used to jump off the couch with my Wonder Woman Underoos on. We should try those on now:-)

Nancy - We are the opposite this year. I had to stay home and hand out candy. It was ok. Except for the Christmas commercial I saw on Halloween night. Really? Those pics are rad.Your girls are just darling. Underoos. I wanted those so bad and Days of The Week underwear. Someday maybe????

Seriously Sassy Mama - My 6 year old was a pink bat man this year. She was a superhero last year also. I love Halloween.

Leslie @topofthepage - i was totally wonder woman at that age too. my brother was superman that year of course. my mom made our costumes, but i’m certain i had the underoos too. gosh talby is getting so grown up. she has your very beautiful eyes. glad you got to experience the trick or treating. i love it. though i do miss having littles in fluffy animal costumes.

happygirl - I always used to steal the butterfingers. They were bigger back when my son trick or treated. 🙂

TinaM. - I didn’t know kids knew Wonder Woman these days. Good to know 🙂

Joanna W - Yikes Meg! It’s CRAZY to see how much your kids have changed over the last few years. They were and are so precious!

Nikki - Wonderwoman!! how cool! I used to love my Wonderwoman Underoo’s back in the day.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg,
Halloween looks like so much fun in America. We only do it on a tiny scale here in the UK compared to you guys!
Gemma x

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state volleyball

last week our entire family traveled a few hours away to watch Lauren and her team compete 
for the 5A state championship.
they did AWESOME!!
it is so much fun to watch.
they are intense! 



mostly my little girls played video games or drew pictures for lauren.
they did so great for the amount of hours we were there.






they have a great crowd that cheers for them.
it's really cute.

i know… i know… WHY so short???
i am not a fan of all volleyball uniforms.
not at all.
but no one asked my opinion so i will just shut up.





in the end they got SECOND!
they played really hard against the 4 time title holders but lost.
they were a private school and our girls got to public school.

they held up #1 because they are #1 in 5A public schools.  :)


all the duerksens in one frame.
we are super proud of her.
she did an awesome job playing hard all season.


Addison_Acton - people prone to Liver imbalances such as migraines, menstrual irregularities or PMS, eye problems, muscle cramps or twitches this is even more crucial. As spring approaches and energy starts to rise it is important to direct this energy towards physical activity or new projects to prevent it from becoming stagnant or scattered.

Rach - Congrats to Lauren! Yay for the whole team!

crystal beutler - State games are so much fun. Congrats to the team! Second in STATE??? That’s sooo cool.
Your action shots are great Meg. And Lauren is beautiful.

Heather G. - You got some awesome pictures. Congrats, Lauren!

jenn - Rock on No. 2!!!!

steph - awwww, your first girl!
you must be so proud!
she wears my number when i was high school vball too.
#2… PLUS, i also hit right side back then.
it brings ME back looking at all these pics.
way to go, girls!
say congrats from me!
is she planning to play in college?

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of Lauren. You have beautiful children! And, I am a sucker for volleyball. Do as many volleyball posts as your heart desires!

Sarah - Great pictures and congratulations to Lauren! I love that family shot at the end.

Susan - Great photos for such a great event! Looks like all the girls came out as winners and they have such a cheering section, how could they not be proud of each teammate! Way to go families for supporting all of them!

amy jupin - i agree with you…the outfits are a bit…much.
way to go lauren on an awesome job!!

Jenna - Lauren is beautiful in many ways … and I love that her sisters are right next to her in the family picture 🙂

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - Congrats to Lauren and her team. Love all the action shots.

Kimberly Dial - YAY Lauren! Congrats!

Missy - Looks like a fun weekend…the craziest part about the volleyball uniforms…they’re longer now than they were back in the day when I played volleyball (and the ball was still made of stone j/k LOL)

linda lou - congratulations to Lauren and i love the family photo! don’t know how you do it with 5 beautiful kids, i kept busy with just two back in my day 🙂

jen - two things…#1 congratulations lauren! i just love watching high school sports. #2 what are your camera settings for inside the gym? i tried taking pictures of my sons first basketball game and they s-u-c-k-e-d big time. nothing but blurs and horrible lighting. i have a rebel xti but you’d never know it with the pictures i produce :O)

Sandy - That brought tears of joy to my eyes. Because 1. my daughter played volleyball and I miss watching, 2. I’m so proud of them for going to state AND for getting 2nd place!, 3. It’s so great to see Lauren (the missing teen) again and see her smiling and so happy. It’s obvious from your pictures that she’s an awesome blocker – great pictures! Way to go, Lauren & team! We were rooting for you all the way over here in Ohio!!

Tina I - Congrats to Lauren!!! What an accomplishment!!!! And that vertical!?! To die for. And those legs that look that great in those too-short shorts!?! To die for, too. My favorite part? Seeing your whole family! As a mom of 5, I’m a sucker for a big family:-)

chrissi - Beautiful family! Great win! You are truly blessed.

Tracy Fisher - woo hoo lauren! way to go duerksens!
tracy fisher

Lori Austin - Great pics.
Congrats to Lauren and her team!!

julie - Yay Lauren!!! State!!!! Amazing. Maybe the Cali sun right before volleyball started had something to do with it.

ira lee - i know, volleyball shorts are outrageous!!! but one day all the girls will look back and say, wow, my butt looked awesome!!! lol, dont we all wish our bums looked as good now as they did at 18?!?!?! hahaha

tiffany gardner - you go Lauren!

4FabFranklins - Woo-Hoo Lauren! Woo-Hoo Meg! You got some really great action shots! I’m impressed.
I know…Carody wears her spankies All The Time! {cheer} It drives me crAAAzy!

happygirl - Good for Lauren. And GREAT action shots. So exciting to see how HIGH those girls can jump. FUN

shabby mama - she is LOVELY girl! congrats to the hard working team!
those shorts are short but they have the figures for them lol!
great shot of the family too!
happy november!

Sugar Mama - My 8 year old daughter LOVES volleyball but HATES the short tight shorts. So she says that when she gets to highschool she is changing the dress code for women’s volleyball! Ha! 🙂 I just loved it.

Sarah - How fun!!! Who does Lauren resemble the most? I can’t quite decide

Kerry - oh I wondered about the bikini thing too! hahah!
well done Lauren! you go girl.
Meg, love the family shot – so nice to see you allllll together 🙂 xx

Kara @ June & Bear - I remember being so worried when we switched over to the tight little shorts my sophomore season. Our attendance sure went up. Congrats to Lauren. What a great achievement and great memories for her. I miss volleyball almost every day and it’s been close to 20 years since I played.

Kara @ June & Bear - I remember being so worried when we switched over to the tight little shorts my sophomore season. Our attendance sure went up. Congrats to Lauren. What a great achievement and great memories for her. I miss volleyball almost every day and it’s been close to 20 years since I played.

Southern Gal - Volleyball is a great sport. Love to watch those girls play so hard. Congratulations to Lauren!

Leonie - Man seriously… Well dome Lauren, that is a great achievement! And on the shorts…. I remember having legs that could wear shorts that short… I only wish I worked harder at keeping those legs……. I know it’s short but if a girl can pull them off confidently without needing to be sexual then you should be as proud as punch! She seems like a sweet mature responsible girl from your posts, enjoy her xxx and well doe S mum and dad… We are the same age Meg and I cannot imagine anyone over 8 yet!!! You are doing great!

TinaM. - Too cool. My sisters team won states in cross country running back in the day.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yay go Lauren!

Jane - congratulations Lauren! awesome photos of a great competition.
re the short shorts – Meg be happy that she doesn’t (yet) play beach volleyball – they wear a bikini!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh Meg! Congratulations! How exciting. I bet you are super pumped. You should probably jam out to some Black Eyed Peas for a while. Woo hoo!

Jack - Aw! You must have been so proud of her! I even get emotional watching my little ones taking part in school sports day (all that effort on their wee faces!) so I can’t even imagine how you must have felt.

Kori - Watching kids play sports is always so fun! To see them persevere and succeed…regardless of where they place. Congrats to Lauren (who is so pretty, btw) and her team!!
I was never a fan of playing volleyball….all that pain in my forearms from the ball slapping on them? No thanks. 🙂 I’ve always been impressed by those who aren’t bothered by that. 😉

Shaina Brown - Congrats, this post brings back SO many memories for me! FYI- when I was playing the “shorts” were called bunners and were basically swim suit bottoms so Lauren’s are WAY better!

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow that is so exciting! love the family shot of all of you. and Lauren is gorgeous.

Elizabeth - Your daughter is so beautiful and strong! I’m always shocked at those shorts volleyball players wear and thing they should probably just put on a bikini bottom, right? I think I’m just jealous, though — 🙂

Lisa - I just realized, it wasn’t a leotard type outfit, but more like bikini bottoms with a long sleeve jersey. Felt the need to clarify! haha 🙂

Lisa - I love volleyball! My 10 year has played for a couple years now. I secretly hope she continues to play at a more competitive level. So fun! By the way, I remember YEARS ago, college volleyball players wearing a “leotard” type outfit. It wasn’t even shorts!! I remember as a young girl going to watch games with my dad and thinking, ” I will NEVER play volleyball if I have to wear THAT!” 🙂 Congrats to Lauren. What an awesome thing to be a part of!!

Terrie G - Don’t you just LOVE volleyball?! I miss watching my daughter…
I’m so with you on the uniform thing!! Not sure my daughter liked them either actually.
Is one of your coaches Jamie? IF so…we went to the same church and I may have been a youth sponsor for her at one time or another. Can’t remember if she was in youth group when I was a leader or not. Congrats to your team! Loved your action shots!! Wish I had a great camera like I do now, back then!!

Mary Susan McConnell - So exciting! Great shots! Loved seeing the whole family in one shot 🙂

Kimberly - Great post Momma! My youngest is really into v-ball this year, for the first time, and is doing great with it. She’s in grade 7 and is the tallest on the team. They’re wearing their school uniform gym strip shorts… looong blue satin! Julianna is so glad they’re not short! It’s a Christian school and so far I think the school finds the short shorts too ‘distracting’. I’m with them!

Melissa - Wow!! That’s incredible! Go Lauren!!
I played volleyball in high school.
I would not have had we had shorts like that, though.
I could not pull off the booty shorts. 🙂
Awesome, pictures, too!
Gym lighting + action shots?
You’re amazing.

Sharla - It looks like she was a key player on the team – look at her jump! Great job Lauren! I would go back to high school just to play volleyball again 🙂

Wendy - YAY … that’s awesome!

Debbie Hargadon - Okay – I live in the Central Coast Section of the California Interscholastic Federation — where we have some of the best girls volleyball in the nation. I work during playoffs and have for 15 years. I KNOW what a big deal this is! Congratulations to Lauren and her team! Anywhere in the top 4 is huge, so 2nd is great! I also recognize how high she gets on her blocks! Very nice. An experience she will hopefully have for the rest of her life! Meg – every volleyball girl in America wears those same shorts. At least their bellies weren’t showing. 🙂 ha! That would be California. :/
I’d rather watch volleyball than soccer. 🙂 You get a little of every Kansas sport, it seems. The fall out of 5 kids.
Thanks for sharing. These were great.

kasey - wait till she starts playing beach volleyball in a bikini…..

Dana Banana - So glad that they got 2nd!! Lauren looks like she loves to play. About the short shorts…I agree they seem SO short. But I seem to remember a time when a group of girls went to cheer camp and had to have matching outfits everyday. That group chose shorts and sports bras for 1 of their uniforms! I can not believe that we did that!!

Darcie L. - Hey, for all that hard work, they deserve to hold up a #1 or whatever they want! Congratulations. And I love the family pic – what a crew. What fun it will be (and what good lessons) for us to teach our kids when they’re older, how to support one another in their activities… even if it means sitting and drawing and not watching an ounce of it. 🙂 I can’t wait for our kids to cheer one another on!

Julie - Congratulations, Lauren!!!

karen - way to go lauren!! i miss playing volleyball…that was over 15 years ago!

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three things

1.   pumpkin waffles….

i put the recipe in the AWESOME recipes side button.
my kids looove them.

the recipe makes a bunch and everyone leaves the table full.

 2.  my laptop snuggie…. it's adorable.

Rags to Stitches gave me one at BLog Sugar.
it's happy.
it makes my laptop happy too.

mine looks like this one but the flowers are turquoise and yellow.

Rags to Stitches is a super cute shop...go check it out.

3.  winner for the book by Elizabeth Owen…..

Love books, love to find new blogs! Thanks for sharing with us!!

Posted by: Stephanie | October 28, 2011 at 02:29 PM


4.  this baby's cheeks are so chubby i can barely stand it.
     i bet her mama just kisses her all day long.
     i know i would.


5.  happy halloween.

does all the candy at halloween just kind of gross you out sometimes?

i feel like it's just TOO MUCH.


but whatever…it's one day….and 3 days later i throw it all away anyway….yes i really do.

and i guess it was 5 things instead of 3.  BONUS!    :)

April M - i just wanted to say that we tried the pumpkin waffles and they were yum and fun. (i used a whole cup o’ the sugar) thanks for sharing.
i was surprised to see some of the candy comments 🙁 just bc they could’ve been a little “sweeter” ’bout their ideas for using up the extra candy 😉
it’s great to make a suggestion to someone in a caring way if you think it will help, maybe that’s what they meant…
i wonder…have you ever received a gift that someone spent a lot of time or money or thought on and for whatever reason you just couldn’t use it or you already had one?
you loved the thought and the care the person put into it and you really appreciated that
so it wasn’t wasted even though you couldn’t use it like the person hoped you might.
anyway, pumpkin waffles – yum.

Shelley - I have to admit that I am very disgusted that you and soo many others throw the candy away. I agree with above comments- I spend my hard earned money on good candy and am excited to hand it out on Halloween. To know that it is just being thrown out because parents are sick of it makes me sick and mad. Yes, go to less houses, give it to a shelter, save it for later, pretty much anything but throw away. Our landfills are filled with enough garbage, we don’t need it filled with candy as well. Filled landfills will be more harmful to your children then a few pounds of candy.
So many people are giving up on handing out candy and just sit home with their lights out, and now I am understanding why. Why waste money on candy and time handing it out for people to just throw it away a few days later because the kids don’t have control to eat it slowly and the parents don’t have the sense to save it or do something useful with it.

4FabFranklins - Yep….I don’t through it away, but I do give it to the college students. Except for the really cheap candy that shouldn’t even be sold in the first place. THAT goes in the trash!
awww…love me some chunky baby cheeks!

Christine - There are also many homeless shelters and wonmens’ shelters that really appreciate offering some sweet treats to residents and guests. Even though the candy seems so unhealthy, there are some folks who would so enjoy the occasional treat!

kris - why don’t you cut down on the number of houses you visit- so they get less candy? I am a little disturbed thinking that the candy I buy to share with kids is just going to be thrown away. freeze it- put it in their stockings, use it in an advent calendar, give it to a shelter. put some away and eat it later- for rewards or something. just had to get that off my chest!

Clean - I really have to admit it’s quite a novelty to arrive at a relatively ‘different’ blog like this, great job. I expect I’ll be coming back fairly soon and I look forward to reading your next post when I do.

linda lou - the laptop cover is so cute, and the baby adorable and with left over candies they go to the office with my husband, the guys in the breakroom eat anything!!!

amber - Yes. I am officially grossed out by the candy. And by the price of the candy. Yuck. I love what the first commenter said about dentists in your area. Awesome. I’ll be checking. Thanks for the waffle recipe. I have an almost 2 year old, who LOVES waffles. Especially the word;). And, the baby cheeks…sigh.

Tanya H - ooo! Thanks for the recipe! I will need to make these soon! 🙂

mel - ha! i throw out the halloween candy after a few days too. well, after i go through and get out the good stuff. 🙂
can’t wait to try the pumpkin waffles–maybe this weekend!

Kim - Love the laptop snuggie! Much better than the people snuggie 🙂 That baby? Gives me some serious baby fever. I cannot have any more of my own but am thankful for a little niece arriving soon to help get my baby need filled! And halloween candy? Yes, I throw it out too after a few days. My kids get ugly about candy and that is as intolerable as the unnecessary sugar & dental concerns!

Catherine - My kids come home and sort what they won’t eat and put it in our candy for trick or treaters, that cuts down on some of it. Then I throw it out a little at a time, I can then say, “wow, how much candy have you had??” hahaha, I’m not that mean, or am I?

Alice H - I send our Halloween candy to my kids school, the teachers like to have it for little incentives. Or their dentist “pays” us per pound.

Stephanie - You have no idea how excited I was to see my name as the book winner!! Thanks so much Meg!!

Holly - I hope to get a new laptop for Christmas…then I will need a cute snuggie for sure!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I ration the candy. I need something cute to snuggle my laptop in.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I wish I could make myself throw out the candy…but I figure I might need a pick me up here and there 🙂 xo

tiffany gardner - so funny… me too…i throw ours out after a few days. thanks for being my blog i go to everyday. you just make me happy….plain and simple. have a blessed day.

happygirl - I don’t miss having to have the candy. No trick or treaters come to my house. Driveway is too long. 🙂

Cathy - I took all the chocolate out of my kids’ bags after the church party Saturday night. I left the tootsie rolls though. I don’t think that counts as chocolate but they do. They’re 3 and 4 so I figured it was my parently duty to reserve the chocolate for people who are old enough to appreciate it. People like me!

Amanda - My friend told me last night she saves the candy to make gingerbread houses in Dec. I thought that was a good alternative to throwing it out because I’m with you… it’s just TOO much. After a few days it has to be gone!
Our dentist buys it back as well. I guess that’s a popular alternative.

Diana - We always take our candy to the fire station and give it to the firemen. They give it to children when they go out on calls.

Sarah - I heard that some dentists are collecting candy and sending it to our Troops. Just a thought. I love reading your blog!

sally - Hey Meg, I was just reading the bonus and saw your comment about throwing away all the candy. I usually do that too; however, this year I am going to save it for our ginger bread house…just a thought! I read an article that suggested using all the extra candy for your winter crafts.
Happy Halloween! Sally

Adrienne S - Our orthodontist buys it back the day after for $2lb. and then $1 for the next 4 days. It is great because it is out of my house, but awful because the kids want to hit EVERY house possible. They just keep saying: BIG BUCKS! all night long.

TinaM. - we only make about 5 stops to friends or family. we live out in the sticks and have to drive anywhere to trick-or-treat. so luckily we aren’t on to much candy overload.

Kerry - that baby has melted my heart this morning – oh the squishi-ness!

kathy - when you say “can of pumpkin” is it solid pumpkin? we dont have canned pumpkin in australia. So would chopping up pumpkin be just as good or is it pureed?

Alison - I’m not sure what they do where you live, but a lot of locak dentists here in SoCal buy the candy from the kids and send it over seas to the troops 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - and I thought I was the only “mean” mommy that threw away Halloween candy 🙂

Lizelle - Oh those sweet, sweet baby cheeks – how adorable! Must be one of my fave photographs you have taken 🙂

nicki - my daughter’s preschool collects leftover Halloween candy and uses it later to make their traditional mega-gingerbread houses at Christmastime (I’m sure the kids still sneak a few bites, even when it’s old & covered in Elmer’s glue!) 🙂

Terrie - Oh how I have missed my time with your blog…hope to catch up soon!
Love those chubby cheeks! Can’t wait to see my little grand-one tomorrow.
It’s been almost 2 days since I’ve seen him! I’m dying here!! 🙂

Mindy Harris - i am working on changing the focus of my blog and am taking an e-course. one of the exercises was to write down things you like about your favorite blogs. yours is one of my TOP 3, and it’s because of your honesty and GORGEOUS photographs. LOVE!!!! i so want to do jenny craig. maybe blogher will pick me!

nicole @ deliajude - i throw it out too.

leslie @ topofthepage - just got all caught up. looove the painted punkins. esp the chevron baby. too bad pumpkins are like a zillion dollars each here. becuase if they weren’t i’d get a giant porch full too. also i’m waiting for a footloose review. you were so excited. i want to know if it was naughty or nice. oh, and our rule is that the leftover candy gets thrown out on easter, and leftovers from easter get thrown out on halloween. serious rationing, ha! really, its just what we did in my house growing up. happy halloween tomorrow!

Leah - I’m the first to admit that I love Halloween and candy more than anything. But I’ll be happy when tomorrow’s over and I can put away my Halloween decor. My house is looking a little cluttered and the candy is now bordering on yuck. But I do love the pumpkins.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love a bonus! Yippee!

Rags to Stitches - I throw my Halloween candy away too! That stuff will rot your teeth. haha.
PS I’m so glad you’re loving your Snuggie!!

Heather - Sell the candy to the orthodontist! Ours donates it to charity!

Jessica R - Before you throw away the candy you should check and see if there’s a dentist in your area that will buy it from you! I know there are a few in Wichita. They buy it from you and send it over seas to the soldiers.
Thanks for the new recipe. Sounds yummy!

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a book….


i have read Liz's blog for probably 4 years.
i was drawn in by her decorating.
i liked her words.
and she enjoys turquoise like i do.

well…she wrote a book.

i am proud of her.
it's so cool to watch people change, become more confident, try hard….

and succeed!

go read Liz's blog and see her CUTE new baby.

tell her hi!

leave a comment HERE first for a copy of Liz's book… from me!


Tara - Looks like a great read! I have missed reading w/ the busy-ness of little ones and summer time, but am finally finding some spots of time to do so. This looks like a great one to add to the list — or win! 🙂 Hopefully it’ll be me..

robyn - looks like a good read 🙂

Amber Stewart - I would love her book!

Elissa - I just visited her blog at your suggestion and LOVE IT! I added her book to my wishlist. I laughed out-loud with tears in my eyes at some of her posts… would so enjoy a copy of her book.

Renee - i want to read it! 🙂

Nicole - Awesome! Thanks! I am now following her!

Amy - Just visited her blog. LOVE! Would love a chance to win her book! Thanks, Meg! 🙂

Mandi Humphrey - Looks like a very good book. Would love to read it!

Carla V. - I’m definitely going to check out her blog. Thanks for the hook-up 😀

Julie Wearmouth - I would love to win this book; love your blog Meg!

Amanda C. - I’d love to read this!!

Kelly W. - Looks like a book I’d like to try. Thanks for the giveaway!

veronica garcia - looks like a great book!! definitely going to check out her blog.

Casey - Oh I want to write a book! Her’s looks like so much fun!

Lisa B - I’m going to check her out!! Would love to read the book . . . Just from the title, I can tell I will relate to it 🙂

Emilee Prenevost - ooohh!!! Would so love to read this!!! 🙂

Tiffany - Looks like an amazing book, I’d LOVE a copy! 🙂 Thanks Meg!

Rachel - She seems so fun! I would love to read her book!

Juliann Brenner - sweet website!! This book looks great 😉

kathy - Yes Please. I could use a book by a kindred there really someone who doesnt like turquoise? Dont send me their book 😉

Andrea - I just went over to Liz’s blog and it was, after two posts, “added to favorites.” Anyone who realizes the house is ruled by the schnauzer, as ours is, and that Erma Bombeck rocked in a way that never ends, is a friend of mine! thanks so so so much Meg, for sharing her. I would have never known.

Joy Kinard - We must ne sister from another mister. Turquoise speaks my love language too.
I probably need that book now that you brought it up.

Karie - Would love a book 🙂

Stacey - Sounds like a fun read!

Alma - gonna check her out. the books sounds intresting

Iris - Would love a chance to win!!

Sylwia - I love to read books! I just wish I had more time to do it.
Someone ones said “So many books so little time” and I agree.

suzi failing - would love this book
suzi f

lisa willis - Looks like a good book…and a good blog!

julie - i wanna win!

Heidi - Yes! A book I don’t have to remember to take back to the library! Sign me up please!

Jennifer - Would love to read her book. Love her blog!

Sandy - Thanks for introducing us to Liz…can’t wait to win her book and go read her blog.
Btw, how did Lauren’s team do at state? When I get off of here I’m going to google to see if I can find out. I’m dying to know!

Melly Bee - I have only just discovered how inspiring blogs can be and I’m addicted !! But a blog book? Heaven !

sarah mc. - Love this book. Would love to win an extra copy for a friend!

Kimber-Leigh - oh, looks like a great read…adding it to my list! thanks for the chance to win!

jennifer - SO exciting! I love Liz’s blog. It’s actually how I found you.
Thanks for doing this giveaway. Super fun!

Trudy - Looks like a great book!

Marla - yeah a new book!!!!

Misty S. - I’d love a chance to win–the cover is adorable!

Ashley B. - I love turquoise too! I just went over to her blog and it’s awesome…I love how positive she is in her posts (you are too, btw, which is one reason I love your blog!). Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

Lisa - I just read the little synopsis of the book on Amazon, and it sounds really good…I will be adding it to my wishlist for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!

FeFe - I love that cover! Looks liek a great read!

Tracy - Sounds like a great book!

Kristin - I would love to win this book! Thank you for the opportunity :)!

Lisa - oooh, I’d love to win a copy! 🙂

Kimberly C. - Looks like a great book….I know I would enjoy reading it. Thanks!

Roberta - The book sounds great. I definitely want to read it. Thanks for pointing out her blog too. I put it in my favorites. And you’re right- her baby sure is a cutie!

Lela Pohlmann - Love the title of the book. Sooooo true!

Beth - I love reading her blog too!! I would love to win her book:)

Tina - I would love it…how cool for her.

Tina Jacobsen - The book looks good and I’m excited to check out her blog!! Thanks Meg!!
Tina J

Annette - Would love to wrap this up for myself and be ‘surprised’ to find it under our Christmas tree!

susan brandano - I love Liz! Great blog and I follow her posts – thank your for the give a way!

Naomi - Love the cover of the book!

Denise - I’d love a copy of her book!

Sam Andrews - I am constantly searching for the next book to read.

Lisa - I would love to read this!

Tracy Fisher - I love her blog. Just went there to take a peek and couldn’t quit reading. I added her to my favorites. And one day I will update my favorites on my website… one day! Sounds like a great read. Tracy Fisher

Joy Foster - I’m going to go see her blog right now…you don’t know me.. but i read your blog everyday..i look forward to all you have to say. You are a great friend to me. I promise I am not a weirdo..well, sort of..but i mean it from the bottom of my are great!!! Thanks for that!!

Toni :0) - Love a good read and heart your blog so much-just makes me happy! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :0)

michelle - AH! That would be so awesome! 🙂

Lori Austin - Happy weekend!
Looks like a great new read.

Julie - I read Mabel’s House too! I’m looking forward to reading her book. Thank you for giving a copy away!

Lisa - yes please!!!!!!

Kara Tait - I totally see why you have been reading her blog for four years now, Thanks for introducing her to us! That book would be great to add to my collection!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

~ Lollipop Doodles ~ - HOW MUCH FUN ARE YOU!! Wish I lived closer so I could attend one of your CRAFT WEEKENDS! OK…the TITLE of the book and the picture on the front cover are absolutely HYSTERICAL!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Thanks for keeping it real… and for a new blog to follow. Would LOVE to win it! hugs!

Molly Pearce - I love Liz and her blog and her baby 🙂 Would love to win this book! I heard her interview on the Shellie show and was amazed!
~Molly P

Cindy - I love your blog! What a nice lil something you’re offering to your reader.

katherine - yay! i would love to win a copy of her book! thanks! 🙂

Sharla - Thanks for sharing another great blog! It looks like a great one. Thanks for a chance at her new book!

ivy - Awesome. I’d love to read it!

Christy - Going thru her old post, Would love a copy of her book. Her blog is pretty cool

Jenna - A new book? I’m in!

Lisa - I’ve been following Liz’s blog for quite some time now and would absolutely love to read her book. It’s on my wishlist!

Angela - I’ve been reading Liz’s blog for quite some time. Love the decorating. Of course. Can’t wait to read her book!

Alicia @ La Famille - yeah! love books and love new blogs! thanks!

Jessie - Super cute book! Can’t wait to peek at her blog!!

Julie A - The book looks great! So fun to actually meet you last Saturday on Mass St! 🙂

Chrissy Boerman - thanks for the chance to win.. Thanks for introducing us to Liz

marita - i would love to read this book!

Rachel - That’s awesome! My one, big life goal is to write a book. People like Liz give me faith that I, too, can be an author.

Sandy W - I am headed to her blog right now to check it out. Would love a copy of her book.

Lori Tacchino - Ooh! I would love her book!

cindy - can’t wait to check out her blog and learn more about the book. awesome all the way around.

Kimberly - I need a new book to read!

Elizabeth Macleod - I went to her blog. Thank you for the link, I love her writing and would love that book!!!

Lorilee - I’ve been following “Mabel’s House” for quite a while too! I loved the short stories that she put on her blog! I would love to read her book.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - ~Cute stuff~ The book looks great!

Carla G - The book looks GREAT. Would love to read it!

Sandy Johnson - I love her blog!

Alexis Hamilton - Would loooovvvee a new book to read. and this one looks just right for me. Thanks Meg!

lindsey - a book i would pick up at the bookstore (judged on it’s cover and word of mouth) 😉 i’m heading to her blog!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Id love a new book! Since going back to work full time its been hard to find time for “me.” Im behind on sewing I want to do and reading is much more “me” right now anyways. Off to check out her blog:)

Lora - I love books!!

Virginia Bibler - love a good read!

Kim - This book looks like a great read. Thanks for the suggestion.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Thank you for this opportunity!

lovethosecupcakes - I’ve been a reader of Liz’s blog for about four years, too, and her book is on my Amazon wishlist. As for baby Jane……….scrumdiddlyumptious!

Jaime S - Looks like such a fun book-all of the books I have had the chance to read from bloggers have been so awesome (Pioneer woman and Kisses for Katie for example)!

Candice - I love her blog and would love a copy of the book! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Misty Schluchter - looks like a great book!! love your blog, meg!

Christy Vincent - I LOVE HER BLOG!! She is an awesome blogger and I can’t wait to read her book. And you are right – her baby is CUTE!

Cheryl E. - Oooohhhh, just read the overview and it looks like a great read. Love new books! Thanks to your blog, I have found things, learned things and have become a “color me happy” kind-of-girl (compared to um, 30 plus years of gray, black and white)! Thanks for the info on Liz’s new book!

keely - I would love to win this for a friend!

Holly - very cool!

Anna Marie - looks like a good one 😉

mel - i just read the first page of her blog–going to have to subscribe now. her book looks like an interesting read.

TinaM. - people who write books amaze me!!

Georgia - Oooh i love a good book!

Heidi Henderson - Love books, will defanitly go and check out her blog. Would be neat to win.

Shar - Looks like a great book! On my way to see the blog…thanks for sharing!

Kerry - ooh ooh pick me! pick me! love the tea in mid-air on the cover – classic. off to blog hop x

Amy - Okay, now I’m hooked on her blog! I love the photo on the cover.

Melissa - I love the cover and title and am gonna go check out her blog!

Stephanie - Love books, love to find new blogs! Thanks for sharing with us!!

Becky - Looks like a great read!

Britta - I always decide on a book due to the cover -> i would have definitely bought it if seen in a book store <3
I want it 🙂

Janelle - Love the cover!

Megan - I would love to read her book!

shannon - I LOVE it when people succeed! Can’t wait to see more of her blog…I am going to be a new follower! 😀

Sheila P. - Oh I would love to win this book!

Daniele Valois - oh, this looks interesting. Love the cover.
off to see you blog!

Lisa - Good for her! Going now to check out her blog…

Pippa - Can’t wait to go check out her blog! Then I will anxiously be awaiting the book – that’s postive thinking that I’m gonna win!

Amanda - I love books!! How exciting for her, I will check out her blog for sure!! Thank you!



Lisa B - I would love to read this:) I have read her blog for a while now:)

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love reading her blog too…and would love a copy of the book!! xo

Sarah Wolfe - Me me!

Dani - Thanks! I’d love to read this! 🙂

julie - I would love to win this book!

Ali - I love her blog. She is so genuine and real. As a young married wife, I can relate. Even if I don’t win I plan to pick up her book.

holly - i love her blog… and yours of course too! Two of my daily blog visits.

Melissa - I’d love a copy!

MegM - Oh my goodness, her blog is adorable. Thanks so much for sharing!

Maria - Looks like a good book, I need a new book to read. Thanks for the chance to win!

Danielle H. - Oh, I always love to learn about new blogs to read and enjoy! Thanks for the chance to win. On my way over to her blog right now!

Leah - It looks like Liz’s book has almost all my favorite characters in it…what a fantastic idea! Even if I don’t win, I’ll definitely be adding this to my list.

tiffany gardner - cute house. cute baby. cute book cover.

Nicole - Looks like a great read! Thanks for sharing another blog for me to follow! Love it!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Love the cover of this book! Thanks for the chance to win. Also, I love that you love watching people grow. It makes me so happy! You are just genuinely happy for people when they succeed, and that is a fantastic quality in a person 🙂

Jackie - This looks like a great book! I would love to read it!

Stephanie Woods - Love the title and cover!! Putting on my list of must reads!! Fingers crossed I win a copy!! Yeah- thanks for sharing Meg!!

Michelle - Oh, my goodness! Thanks, Meg, for letting me know about her blog! I can’t wait to keep up with Liz and getting to know her! 🙂

Maya Catching Butterflies - This looks really interesting. Yes, I’ll checkout her blog and thanks for the tip.

Laura Phelps - So you know that I choose my wine based on how much I love the label?
Well, I am the same way with book covers.
Consider it read.

Jill - Heading over to check out her blog now!

dotsie (aka podso) - I’ve been reading Liz’s blog for years and have sent many to her blog, as you have just done. I told her that I was at a shower recently where three women, from different cities in the southeast were talking about her like you would talk about a mutual friend. It just struck me funny that they were all “up” on her –and had never met her in person– it’s a “small world” in the blogging world too!

Ashley - looks interesting!

amy jupin - liz is a doll.
love her blog and can’t wait to get my hands on that book of her’s!!

Karen - Would love a copy of this book. Looks like a great read!
Karen H.

Jes - I love your blog recommendations, they are always a WIN!

christi - meg! you always recommend the BEST blogs to read! I want to know your whole reading list. 😉 I just ordered her book – looks great and my nightstand was empty!

Debra - I’d love to win this book! Thanks.

Southern Gal - I’m always looking for good blog reads. Thanks for passing this on. I love the cover photo!

Kristi - It looks great! thanks for sharing!

Mrs Skvortsov - i would adore getting this book! Woohoo! Let it be me 🙂

Tammia - That cover is GREAT! (I’m sure the inside is, as well). : )

Christy K - Looks like a good read! Thank you for the opportunity! Have a wonderful weekend Meg! 🙂

Deb A. - I just went and visited her blog – looking forward to spending more time there. Thank you for the chance to win what looks like a good read!

Stephanie - Love the cover!

Melissa - I’m always looking for a good book to read.

Leah - Looking forward to checking out Liz’s blog. Always exciting when a blogger gets a book published. We should all celebrate.

Rhonda Fendt - How truly exciting and inspiring! You were my first Blog experience… I totally enjoy your posts and miss you when you are away! Keep it up ! you are an inspiration! I will check out her blog too! Thank you

Lelia - Looks like a good read! =)

Shawna - I need a new great read!

Maria - Happy Weekend! thanks for the book suggestion…I love a good read.

Kimberly Dial - YAY for your friend Liz! I’ll read it … I’d sure like to win it! 😉

Kristen - I saw the book listed on her blog yesterday and forgot to look into. I would love to read her book and even more so to win it from you. How awesome posson could that and would that be. Happy Friday friend!

Mary Susan McConnell - Oh I can’t wait to check out her site & book! I love seeing people gain the confidence and courage to pursue their dreams… makes everyone else try a little harder and believe in themselves a little more.

Nikki - I can’t wait to read this! I’ve been reading Liz’s blog for about 3 years.She’s so witty 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - would love a chance to win her book! I’m headed over to check out her blog now. :o)

Juli - I’ve read her blog for sometime too. After all, she is a fellow Arkansan! Love her and would love to get a copy of her book. I’m so glad she is starting to feel better.

Ashley - I would LOVE to read this! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - Another book for my list. I love reading. I will check out her blog!

Penny - I wil be reading her blog and hoping to win her book! Thanks Meg for sharing some of your favorite blogs. It is fun to find new blogs that I like.

Carla - Looks like a great book! I’ll be heading over to her blog to check her out.

Kim - headed over there now! Sounds like a great new find, and I’d love the book, thanks!

Mrs. B. - sounds interesting!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love her blog so I think I would love her book 🙂

4FabFranklins - Man you have some creative friends!

Cerella M. Di Mondo - Looks like a good book and I LOVE the cover! {And I absolutely LOVE your blog, Meg! You are the ULTIMATE Super Mom!}

Jennifer - love her blog…

Johanna - This looks like a good read:) Blessings!

Lexie - I have been anxious to read Liz’sbook. I am on a “me” spending freeze until January. Sure hope I win so I don’t have to wait that long! ADORE Mabel’s House & Whatever. Both blogs are often the highlight of my lunch break!

Mrs. - I never win, but I just keep on tryin’!

Amy James - I would love to read her book. Thanks Meg. Have a great weekend!

Anne-Marie P - I would love a new book to read. I too like turquoise…used to have a powder room that looked like you were on the inside of a Tiffany’s box!

Margo - I could certainly use a new book to read!

Ashley - I would LOVE to read her book!! 🙂 Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!

Meredith - This looks like a great book – thanks for a great giveaway!

Laura L - I just went and visited her blog – looks like another for me to follow! Thanks for the chance to win the book!

Jenny - Oooh looks like a great read!!

Rebecca - I can’t wait to see her blog!

Katie Lockhart - I love all things turquoise too! Does that mean we are all kindred spirits?

sharon - thank you for the chance to win! i love the cover picture, so creative! have a great weekend… i’m off to check out her blog!

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this week is trying to bury me.

and because of that….you know stuff will happen like your freezer will break.
needing you to empty it and let it thaw.
in the middle of 10 other things going on.

just so lame.

i had pics last night…


these pictures are so much better than typepad is showing.

just add that to the list i guess.

i think annie has the perfect plan.
just camp out in front of a bowl of cookie dough with a spoon.

at breakfast she asked me "MOM…which is more famous….MILK or CHOCOLATE MILK?"



i love her so stinkin' much.

and then i found this on my desktop…..


this is what i feel like.


lauren's volleyball team is going to STATE!
so we are taking all our kids to the tournaments tomorrow…leaving at sunrise….

should be an adventure. - Great post shared by you. I like it. I never found such a great and amazing post. Enjoy life peacefully.

Melly Bee - Um I mean POPPING , POPPING OFF MY SCREEN !!! There, I said it , finally! Think I need caffine (and smaller fingers to text with ) LOL

Melly Bee - I mean pooping OFF MY screen , not oddly lol 🙂

Melly Bee - Meg your portrait pics look amazing!! Dont worry the colour is popping oddly screen 🙂

Tiffany - WAY TO GO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL – WHOO WHOO !!!!!!!!LAUREN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex L - I love that your family is such a big part of your blog. Those pics of your girls gave me a big smile…as they always do!

Julie - You need to treat yo self.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Go Lauren!! That is so exciting!

Nicole Q. - You and me both this week – — buried !
Have a great tournament!

Kat - Feeling like this today too and the feeling of “should I have #5” just won’t go away. Crazy!? Probably!! Ah hormones!
I hope your week gets better – almost the weekend here, it’s Friday afternoon in Aus. Can’t get better than that.
Good luck Lauren and team!!

Tracy Fisher - I love that your family eats raw cookie dough. That is our family tradition. One of my cousins even had his 40th bday cake made out of raw dough. Awesome! And you know what??? Not one person in our family has ever gotten sick in 10-15 years of doing this. Great photos!
Tracy Fisher

Erin - i think i want to hang out with your family…what a circus! love it!

Kimberly Dial - Awwww, Annie …. I love the way that girl thinks! Congrats to Lauren & her obviously awesome volleyball team! (BTW, which is more famous, milk or chocolate milk? 😉 LOL

Mel - I love your posts…but I am still waiting for the PUMPKIN WAFFLE recipe!!!!!!

Heather R. - Congrats to Lauren. I’m with Annie. And Talby’s expression=priceless.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I think if you babysat for Silas for just a few days he would somehow tip the scales back to your favor. Go on, pile on a little more chaos! It’s a great idea!
ps – That lady in your photos is Gorgeous! You captured them so very well. I can feel the love.

crystal beutler - I need some of that cookie dough — and the wig. I’m having a bad hair week. 🙂
Have fun at the tourney. So cool that they are going to State!!!!!

Lori Austin - Annie has the right idea!
Good to luck to Lauren – that is awesome!
This week – uggh! We’ll leave it at that.
Fall Break has officially started though – woohoo!

Maya - That cookie dough picture is awesome!! I love it!!

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - Sitting in front of a bowl of cookie dough with a spoon sounds like an excellent idea. Good luck to Lauren’s team. : )

Jennifer - That Annie is a DOLL! Hope your week gets better!

Georgia - Meg, Go grab the crazy Wig get a spoon and tuck into the cookie dough! and r-e-l-a-x!
Good luck to Laurens Team, and have a safe journey!

Darcie L. - And, camp out in front of a bowl of cookie dough with a spoon, wearing a tie-dyed rainbow shirt and striped leggings. Even better. When can I get away with that again… when I’m 90? No one questions you then, right?

jackie grandy - Meg, I hear you loud and clear. I had one of those days yesterday where nothing went according to plan and it was chaos. I am trusting that today is a better day. I’m there with Annie and she has inspired me to make my yummy chocolate chip cookies today!
Thanks Annie 🙂

Stephanie - Your kids are always so colorful!! Have a super weekend!

Krista - Thank you for a good laugh today, needed it!! I’ll be pulling a chair up next to Annie at the cookie dough for sure!

This Farm Family's Life - I have had a week like that too. Sunday I dropped my new iphone in the toilet. Tuesday, I was mowing and put a hole in my MIL’s car windsheild. Hope things get better for you!

Kerri - Congrats to Lauren.. My Daughter’s first year of HS volleyball just wrapped up here in Ga. So much fun …

Shabree - I want your apron in the background!!! Did u make it?

Southern Gal - If that makes me crazy….

Tracie - I’m with you! My husband has been gone since Sunday night on a business trip and it has been a crazy week. I’m ready for him to come home tomorrow! I think I’ll be sleeping in all next week while he puts the kids on the bus!

4FabFranklins - lol! Now THAT’s a big wad of cookie dough! I love the childrens artwork on the back. Makes me smile.

karen - take it easy meg. order in.

Jen Brandt - I know I don’t know you, but I love you! This too shall pass. It’s rainy, nasty, cold here and I had to run 5 errands in it for work. Boo! Congrats to Lauren and her team for making it so far and good luck! Talby and Annie = 🙂

becky@oursweetpeas - Hope things slow down a bit so you can breathe! In the mean time just pray A LOT. 🙂

TinaM. - love your daughters outfit 🙂 !!

Alicia @ La Famille - hate days/weeks like that. sorry. hang in there, girlie. have a fun tourney!

Kerry - uurrghhh… i feel your pain, im just about to write a very similar blog post! (((big hug)))
Well done Lauren – rock it girl xx

Holly - I have had that kind of week as well. I think we are going car shopping, boo… I hate car shopping. I wish I had some cookie dough! and Wtg lauren!

tiffany gardner - CONGRATS LAUREN!

Seriously Sassy Mama - How awesome for your daughters volley ball team. Sounds like you have a house full of athletes. That cookie dough looks awesome. i am making bread and apple pie today.

Sharla - Hope your luck turns around soon. CONGRATS to Lauren’s volleyball team!! My niece is a senior and got beat out in the finals at sub-state. So sad when the season is over.

charity - annie’s picture with the cookie dough and your art hanging in the background make me very happy!

andrea - Know How You Feel. My morning was absolutely CRAZY!! And everything seemed to go wrong. Ruth’s home school computer froze up while we were trying to print stuff off for the tutor session. Eian is home sick (coughed so bad he vomited) and the school phone system isn’t working so I can tell them he is home sick. My cell phone was almost dead – and while I was trying to call the school using that phone, the dog trips over the charger cord and unplugs it. And on and on… But I am thankful that these are just little things! Now, two hours later,I can smile. 🙂

Being a volleyball mom is crazy. We are off this weekend too.

Carrie - Good luck beating the week that is trying to do you in.
Have fun at the tournament – Way to go Lauren and team!

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right now.

stealing this post idea from kimberlee.
i am using pictures from my phone.

right now i am…..

watching:  It's Complicated.

eating:  an apple   
drinking: ice water.


wearing:   ruffle tee from Old Navy,  striped cardi from francesca's,
                    dressy jeans from dress barn (moo)  & silver converse



avoiding: organizing my mess of a house (and life?)

feeling: overwhelmed.
            SO MUCH going on and SO MUCH needs to get done and SO MANY
            decisions to be made….

            i am not complaining.
            it's just at a point where i am feeling a little C R AaaaaA Z Y .

missing: chicago jenny  :)

thankful:  good friends…. i love/need to talk stuff out with people & my friends are so good at doing that with me and for me.

weather:  perfect day.  80 degrees.  sunny.  fall colors out all my windows!


praying:  for Pam leaving soon for Africa. 

needing:  to go for a run today.

thinking:  about what to make for dinner…something with chicken…. probably this.

dreaming:  about craft weekend and where God wants to take it…. who will come…
                      what we'll make… and eat.

                      it's all very dreamy for sure. 

loving:  my new cottage style magazine (guilty pleasure from the grocery store)


            new fabric from sarah's


             loot from michaels that had to come home with me (GLITTER paint!)



what about you…..

what are you doing?



קידום אתרי אינטרנט - Great post always with new topic! It is very informative and useful to me. I like to read it. I never found such a great and amazing post.

Melly Bee - Must be something in the stars…. I having that kind of week too 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - I drove to Portland (OR) with my blogging friend, Laura (Live Happy) to hear a Franciscan monk (Richard Rohr) speaking about his new book, “Falling Upward,” and about “Sacred Balance.” We visited friends, ate well, learned a lot, talked about faith & family & everything in between. It was my first time away from home without my husband in about 2 or 3 years…and it was wonderful to have “girlfriend time.” Thank you for asking, Meg!

amber - i saw the glitter paint too! my husband said don’t you have that?
I was like umm hello it’s GLITTER!!! duh.
he didnt get it.
oh well I will go back without him and purchase =)

jennibell - What a fun post! Doing right now: avoiding the few things that need to be done before we can leave the house (in an hour!) to start the day. Already showered, make-up on & hair done, and dressed, though, so just need to realize that all of my favorite posts will be here later for me to read. Time to go get the brownies I made last night cut and packaged, put my cooking co-op lesson in order, and finish my bible study lesson. . .yep, I’m leaving to go do all that! Have a great day Meg. Keep praying about where God is taking you and your blog and your craft weekends. . .what an awesome opportunity He is giving you right now!!

leonieke - wow, you are having a good day! i just spend mine cleaning the house and cooking, and will be spending this afternoon driving the kids from a to b….. it’s not exciting but i love my house, especially when it’s all tidy and clean!
but have to say; watching a movie sounds a lot better 🙂

linda lou - forgot to tell you never..never pick up a glass or candle with a lip on it 🙁 its sad!
today I looked at keurig coffee makers (at body,bath & beyond) love that store ….talk about$$$$$$$ the are way out of price for one cup of coffee. today i did buy the :donut house collection “chocolate glazed donut” can’t wait to try it. what i’m doing since i’m cheap for now is put the coffee into my coffee filter and it makes 4 good cups of coffee and i’m happy for now 🙂 🙂
linda lou

linda lou - i have watched “its complicated” so many times i can repeat it line by line……….i love that movie even though happy and sad but life 🙂 blessings,
linda lou

Ashley - I did morning bible study, just put the baby down for nap, made three dozen cookies for my eldest’s Halloween party tomorrow, watching him play on pbskids, contemplating how to deal with the rest of the afternoon, needing a new hairstyle, and thought of you when I saw rainbow ice cubes in sprite on Pinterest.
Oh, the days of being a mom…
I LOVE the Converse! I may have to seek some out for winter! ( I have the same color ballerina flats.)

tiffany gardner - struggling. today…i am struggling. my kids are in public school in okc. it is a nice neighborhood school. sure…i don’t “get” all the teachers…but they continue to go. God seems to just be putting on my heart to homeschool…which scares me to death. i know what the “truth” is…if He asks you to do something..He will equip you to do it. the demands of my very young children, the rigorous schedule, the sadness of my daughter every night before she goes to bed worrying about school the next day, the “yuck” my son is learning in 2nd grade. anyway…just praying. today…struggling and praying. thanks for always making me feel better.

Lizz - Meg, I love the fabric that you get and Sarah’s choices are great…
How to you decide what to choose and do you order online? I need help on ordering fabric online, since where I live in Fargo, ND doesn’t have any trendy great fabric shops! - I am your biggest fan in Lithuania. I’m a midwestern gal too and you have no idea how much it warms my heart (and eases my homesickness) taking a peek into daily family life in Kansas. Also, I just ordered those shoes. My mother in law is coming for Thanksgiving and I am praying she can find room in her suitcase!

jodi - meg!
you need to go get yourself some of this:
appreciate you!
jodi in pa

Kerry - i’m skipping through blogland, hiding from the kids under my duvet in bed… I should be doing washing.. or something ‘mommy-ish’….
I LOVE WHAT YOU’RE WEARING!!! need those shoes.
mwah xx

Jill Franklin - OH! LOVE those silver converse! Love-Love-Love!

Lorie Yoder - Thinking I’d rather be chatting at your house with you, than being at work right now. Thinking I’d also like to get those items from the store, and go home and craft. Right NOW!

Lisa - Looks like a pretty good day! You typing “moo” after Dress Barn…it will never get old. I laugh every time!

JustMommer - I am sitting on my chaise.
Playing on my computer.
Putting off starting laundry.
Worrying about my Hermione who is at the vet.
I will be driving to Fayetteville.
Meeting my daughter.
Signing a contract to reserve wedding tents.
Delivering a tutu for my grand-dog Luna.
Life is weird some days.

casey - 80 degrees?!?! WHAT!!! I live in Maine and it was like 40 yesterday! NOT FAIR.
And loved the outfit by the way. I’m a stay at home mom, so my fashion sense these days is completely out with window! I feel like all I have in my closet these days is jeans and old t-shirts. Some how I have to convince the husband that I need to go clothes shopping! Suggestions?

Terrie G - It’s 2:25 am…and I’m reading your blog, watching a youtube video on how to swaddle a newborn while my daughter nurses…daddy sleeps and I get to burp and rock him to sleep. Great reason to be sleep deprived!! Wish blogs were around when my kids were little…maybe I would survive the nighttime feedings! 🙂

karla @ bluegrass jewelry designs - Reading your blog while watching reruns of Friends. : )

Jenny Joy - I’m sitting here on my laptop at 1:16 am, trying to get sleepy. My husband is in the next room, snoring like a freight train. My children are sleeping. The dog is curled up next to me with his head buried in my butt. And I can’t stop thinking about how tired I’m going to be tomorrow if I don’t get some rest. COME ON, Mr. Sandman! Bring me a dream!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I wore THE SAME ruffly T today, only mine was stripes, so it wasn’t really THE SAME. Maybe just the same.
But was yours $4???

Jacci - lol – i’m listening to The Sing Off with my husband on his laptop and sitting beside him reading on *my* laptop. guess what i’m reading… i’m reading your archives! and i’m thinking that we’re really similar in a lot of ways – 5 kids, believers, working hard a thappy marriages, polka dots, hormonees … but different in quite a few, too. for one, i mean, i’m willingly listening to the SING off… on tv. i don’t mix playdoh, either. oh, and i love canteloupe. now i’m going to bed, though. good night!

Kimberlee Jost - Watching Frasier in bed.
Listening to Talia snore between Bruce and me.
Drinking water.
Feeling sore…3 miles on the treadmill today.
Missing Phood this week.
Craving pumpkin cheesecake.

Jennifer - I am a Playstation 3 widow this evening so I am reading blogs!

TinaM. - I love It’s Complicated !!

Sara Torbett - I am smiling at everyone’s comments and your post-make me feel so much more “normal” 🙂 about to put my baby to sleep, need to do cleaning chores. Booooooooo. Would rather sew or craft 🙂

Astrid - Just came home from a super fun trunk and treat put on by a school group (we dressed our car trunk to look like a giant monster mouth with teeth and a huge tongue, so much fun!!!)
Not getting stressed about our impending move to china. Nope, no stress at all. LoL!
I gotta get me a cute ruffly shirt. 🙂
Life would be boring without challenges!

tara - I’m laying in bed with two of my three kids watching 19 kids and counting.
We had dinner tonight with a couple from the them.
that’s all. it’s the end of the day for me, and I’m wasting time on the computer….and the only thing I’d RATHER be doing is watching It’s Complicated. HILARIOUS movie. YOU WILL LAUGH…get ready.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - eating the best recipes I have ever put together! and looking at my super cute baby 🙂

Darcie L. - We painted pumpkins today per your previous post. So entertaining with my oldest being only 3 years old! She wore one of my old t-shirts and it touched the floor. By far, hers was my favorite of all the pumpkins. My “symmetrical and artistic” painting style had nothing on her creativity.:-)

jennie w. - That movie is one of my favorites!!!

Nichole - Eating rice after not feeling well today and wishing it was fall out here. We don’t get fall, we get summer and we get winter.

happygirl - Drinking myself into a stupor after working to find hotel rooms for 350 students displaced from their dorm rooms because of mold. I’m exhausted. 🙁

karen - watching x-factor…and pinning 🙂 love your shoes

Susan - Reading your blog! Wondering if I should buy another one of those Starbuck’s double wall glasses…I have broken 3 in the past 2 years…3! I am terrible at not screwing the lids on tight enough and then of course grabbing it from the top and onto the tile floor they go!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I bought the Cottage Style too. I always feel a little (a lot) guilty spending $10 on a magazine – but when I see it I get so excited, I HAVE to buy it.
My life/house is a disorganized mess too. I am still unpacking and looking for things even though we moved 2 months ago. Tonight I found my stapler and ipod…it was actually pretty exciting 🙂 xo

ann - I love that movie – especially where Meryle Streep has to admit to what she likes a lot of OMGoodness
Right now I am reading your blog which I love to do, I’m eating Maltesers and watching Anderson, considering a house move and thinking longingly of my bed

Seriously Sassy Mama - Sitting on a stool with my computer on the counter reading your blog. Just finished dishes, and really need to empty the dryer. Finished my questionnaire for my MD appt tomorrow. Really need to start my knitting for gifts, not to mention my other homemade gifts. Really want to buy some new clothes and boots, but will buy for the kids first. I could write a toilet paper list.

Jessica Johnson - 100% procrastinating. avoiding my bickering children. avoiding making halloween costumes for bickering children. texting husband to pick up dinner instead of cooking. because i’m SOOOO busy. reading blogs. 😉

julia - Today I made pennants for my daughter’s birthday x-trav-a-ganza.
Plus driving and folding laundry and making dinner and no exercise.

Heather - right now i am…..
watching: Listening to KLove and reading your blog in my 15 minutes of downtime before I start dinner
eating: nada
drinking: nada
wearing: yoga capris, champion tee, champion socks
avoiding: thinking about what I have to do tomorrow
feeling: grateful to my hubby for doing the ballet rush so I could get groceries and dinner alone
missing: my sis
thankful: the two hours I got to chat with my bestie over Starbucks this afternoon
weather: cloudy now, but was gorgeous until about two hours ago
praying: for revelation. God is stirring in our hearts – it feels BIG – we don’t know what it is yet
needing: a hot bath – sore muscles from workout yesterday
thinking: about how to appreciate my hubby this evening…..
dreaming: about vacation in the spring. Hopefully heading to the Gulf Coast for a week.
loving: being in my house COMPLETELY alone (homeschooling mom here – this is a RARITY)

Wendy - … typing with sticky fingers bc I am eating rice krispy treats that aren’t set yet 🙂

Kimberly dial - Right now I’m reading over my favorite blogs while watching last night’s episode of RHOBH that I DVR’d … put on a pot of decaf, lit a candle … trying to relax … feeling a bit overwhelmed by the day’s events … trusting in the Lord … (I didn’t have to cook dinner ’cause the hubs & I ate out this evening! YAY!)

Courtney Henson - I just got the same magazine the other is chock full of eye candy and inspiration! I was just searching a friend’s blog for a really inspirational do something good type of project that I want to replicate…but then I saw your new post and thought I’d hop over here!

lisa willis - Wishing I could come to a craft weekend (but I’m pregnant- with our 3rd…and we are pinching pennies right now). Interested in doing a craft weekend in Seattle?
Looking at the sunny (!) Seattle day…from inside during nap time. Thinking about going for a walk later.
Procrastinating my bsf and womens group studies until…later.
Looking around my messy house thinking about all the things I need to pick up before our small group comes over tonight, but I just don’t have the energy to actually pick anything up.
…that’s it.

Malia - Hey there Meg, wanted to “introduce” myself since I have been reading your blog for at least a month or two now. I have a small handful of blogs that I read on my iPad while I do the elliptical and I found yours one day and it stuck. Reading your blog and some others are my main source of motivation for getting on the machine! But that is why I haven’t been able to comment at all yet. Please know that I admire your honesty, faith, photography, humor, craftiness, family and zest for life. Thank you for sharing pieces of it with me all in the way in Hawaii Nei. There is so much goodness to explore where you are. (Like I so wish we had anything even remotely close to that antique shop I saw you post on once when scrolling through but that’s another story.) Anyways, thanks again, good luck with your to do list and know that I am reading. mahalo, malia

shannon - Love that movie and watched it yesterday while my girls napped and even crazier is I am wearing the exact same sweater from Francesca’s except mine is blue and white!! How cool are we 😉

Becki G. - Obsessively watching my new photography website’s stat counter!

Tracy Fisher - I love that you wear sparkle tennies. Gotta get me some of those! Could be a fun craft project, you know. I just wanted to say I relate on the overwhelmed feeling. I just got a call from my friend who told me she saw my daughter (when picking up hers from after school activity). Oh my goodness… I forgot to get her! She said she would. But how humiliating I had to tell her that. Thought you might appreciate that today! 🙂
Tracy Fisher

Jen Christians - Trying to sell my home and get ready to move to Colorado! Trying not to be the Devil mother everytime my kids touch something! And praying for God to open doors that humans cannot. BIG life choices going on here… Maybe someone on here wants to buy my house… it’s in KAnsas…
I really don’t want to be a single mom to four for too long. Okay, enough whining,
I am heading out the door to Cross Country practice to watch the CUTEST little “Flying Angels” (that is their team name)Do what they do best..
That is all.

Laura Phelps - cooking turkey burgers in my VERY CLEAN HOUSE because life smacked me down HARD this week and when I get super stressed and sad I CLEAN….and I have candles lit and kids are outside with neighbors playing and I am feeling very on top of things for the first time in a very long time and I am looking forward to doing some lesson planning for my religion class tomorrow and watching Parenthood with my husband who I will be married to for 15 years on Thursday 🙂
and reading blogs while dinner…burns!

Lori - I am waiting for my son to come home from his behind-the-wheel lesson. Making a TON of food to take to my Dad since my mom is in the hospital after hip-replacement surgery. Well, you did ask 🙂

Georgia - Im just writing my blog post about my Wedding and Honeymoon, and took a well needed break to read your happy colourful post 🙂

Leah - I’m reading your blog instead of doing actual work at my job. This is way more fun.

shannon - I have also avoided cleaning my messy disorganized house all day and I will probably repeat tomorrow. We have been on the go every single day, all day for 2 weeks now and I’m tired of it! I was actually able to scrapbook 1 page today….was hoping for lots more but the little one did not cooperate! We have been to the park and we are about to head out for soccer, then home for dinner and baths and bed!
LOVE the outfit….where did the striped sweater come from?

Michelle Rotner - love this idea.
i do something very similar called “wednesday senses.”
trying to savor the hear and now.
fun twist using pictures.
your weather looks heavenly.

Mindy Harris - eating sinfully delicious pumpkin chocolate chip oatmeal cookies!

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what i did this weekend….

i drove to Lawrence with my two little girlies.
i met my mom and her friend for dinner.
there was a WILD game of Sorry with my girls, my mom and her friend.
i put my girls to bed.
i spent four more hours moving folders of photos from Light room to my external hard drive.

then bright and early i left for a day of photo sessions.
i met SEVEN awesome families this weekend.

(and typepad is still making my pics look weird colored….)








i love my full photo weekends.
lots of fun!!

thank you sweet families for traveling to meet me for pictures!

thanks mom for watching my little girls!


i posted another update on my trial of Jenny Craig!
come read about it and enter to win a $100 VISA card.

i recently reviewed some new MARY KAY products.
click here to read it and to enter to win a Mary Kay gift basket. 


מרפאת שיניים - Beautiful post! Enjoy holiday with families. Small and sweet family is very happy family. Thanks for sharing this happiness here.

Ashley - Looks like your families had a blast! Great photos!

Michelle - My mom’s family is from Lawrence. One of these days I WILL take my whole family to Kansas and show my kids where great-grandma and grandpa came from!

Tiffany - the last picture grabbed me, the boots, the knees, the skirts, the tennis shoes, the lollipop! Well done Mama Duerksen. I haven’t heard about the game Sorry in ages, I might have to score one of those this holiday season.

Kristen - It was such a joy to meet you and have you take our family photos! We appreciate your patience with our girls and cannot wait to see the other photos from that beautiful day in Lawrence! Thanks so much! BTW – I absolutely adore the pic of all 3 of my loves!

Wendy - it was great meeting you as well. Our family loved the experience!! I love the pic you posted as well! Can’t wait for the others!

Angela RH - I met your girls and your mom at the Handmade Market in Lawrence this weekend! I was the crazy etsy vendor who told your girls I recognized them from their mom’s blog. Hope I didn’t creep them out too much! Would have loved to meet you too!

ALYSSA - Hey Meg
My niece is about your Talby’s age and she just bought her very own camera! I was wanting to get her a cute little case and I was wondering if you could reccomend and etsy seller? I tried just typin in camera case adn whoa!
I know you are busy, but I love your style and new you probably new of some great ones, so if you have a chance i would appreciate it!

Carrie - I love Sorry! I should point out that after your vacation post this summer, I picked up Sequence and Farkle. My husband and I (along with our Friends) are hooked on both games!
We even took Farkle on our recent cruise and played for hours.

Danielle - The pictures look great!! I wish we lived close I would love for you to take pictures of my family:)

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - Loving all the beautiful happy photos!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh Meg, great pictures! I spy Amy!! Beautiful!

Amy - When you are traveling to Lawrence or Overland Park next, PLEASE let me know….
I am that weird girl. A couple of years ago. I emailed you after you were at Deanna Rose in OP, Kansas. I was too afraid to say something to you, but I knew you right away. I wish now that I had said something, I am still kicking myself.
You take the best photos.
😉 amy

Molly - Love this! I really want to get in on one of your Lawrence shoots sometime!

Jennifer - Typepad is doing the same to my photos. Your photos are always beautiful though! Hope they fix it soon!

Kimberlee Jost - Amy’s family is beautiful!!!!!
I miss that girl!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - LOVE the last pic. I just think it focuses on a member of the family that often can get overlooked when life goes on. So cute!

Mindy Harris - i want to review mary kay and jenny craig, too! how do you do that?

Becky Smith - Wow–your pictures are OUTSTANDING! Definitely smile-inducing, which are the very best kind!

susan - Love the pictures, particularly the one with the boots and the little girl – it made me smile the second I viewed it.

Dani - I love the picture of the family with boots! That little girl is precious! Your work always amazes me! Wishing I had the gift you have!

Jill Franklin - Super pictures Meg! The weather was Perfect for picture taking this weekend!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow! You were a busy lady this weekend! Arent moms the best? Mine is super sick right now(and spent her birthday in bed with a viral infection):( Shes always been the first one to watch the girls at the drop of a hat. We’re very blessed arent we?

mel @ the larson lingo - What fun photos! Love brick backgrounds! And, that last one if my favorite. Too cute!

Kristin - the last picture is my absolute favorite!

keri - forever folding laundry - I love them all!
You were one busy girl this weekend.
And…HI AMY!!!
What a gorgeous family! 🙂

Tricia - I love Lawrence and it has been far too long since I’ve been there! I think that your pictures look amazing and I’m sure that your clients will love them. Have a great week!

Terrie G - I think your pics look great!
I’m thinking of getting Lightroom…haven’t researched it yet.
Do you have to have photoshop 1st?
I’ve moved over 10,000 pics last week to make room for all the new grandbaby pics!!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Sorry was my favorite game to play w/ my Grandma. Gosh I miss her! There’s nothing better than a wild game of Sorry! ;o)

happygirl - I don’t even know what moving folders from Lightroom to external drive means. I know what an external drive is, but I don’t know what Lightroom is. It must be a photographer thing. I hope I’m not THAT “not with it.” 🙂 - Your photos look amazing!

sarah - oh moving Lightroom folders. I find this task to be most zen and a huge pain.

Holly - the photos look great as always!

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