Masthead header

kind of a lot of junk….

my washer broke (AGAIN) last friday.
it won't be repaired until NEXT thursday

my laptop has been unusable since saturday.

i have been feeling VERY out of my element without it.
and i may have cried.
i miss it.

i have pics of the africa shirts i made….but i can't load them anywhere so they won't be for sale tomorrow because i can't send them.

(don't forget to shop the Water4Christmas etsy shop on friday)

i have pictures of a lovely thanksgiving but it will be later that you get to see those too.

i brought 8 baskets of laundry to my moms for thanksgiving.

i did them all.

the toilet overflowed twice since we've been here.

my grandma fell this morning without her life alert necklace on.
she said "my first thought was "i've fallen and i can't get up!"
she snorts when she laughs.
she definitely snorted.

i ate too many sweet potatoes today.

i am going to bed now.
i am getting up for black friday.
at 6 AM…not 4.
old navy, target and whatever else that looks like fun.

with a non-fat-sugar-free-peppermint latte in my hand.

good night.

sorry this is the most boring post ever.

are you shopping for any special deals tomorrow?

(p.s. erin condren is 50% on friday….)



Wendy - I too am washing machineless ;(
My big laptop needs a new battery & charger … so I’ve been squinting on a little teenie tiny netbook.
Fortunately my toilet has not overflowed … but our water heater went & we’re still drying out the basement carpet.
We are lucky to have such minimal troubles. My little girls are fed & healthy — so life is good 🙂

Lori Austin - Not boring…we love you pics or not. 🙂
So sorry about the washing machine and computer. Booo! I grew up without a washer/dryer in my house and have NO idea how my mom didn’t go insane. Laundry mat every Saturday…uggh.
I am SO thankful for that convenience in my home.
Black Friday was a little sad for me this year. I’ve been shopping with my bff for the past 10 years, but she had surgery last week and couldn’t go out. Not as much fun when you don’t have your friend to stand in line with, drink lattes with and talk and talk about the great deal you just scored. We did have lunch together though – that made me smile.
Have a great weekend!!

Bobbie - never boring! I came and dropped the family off at my inlaws for the night and then went shopping until 3 am, crashed on their couch for two hours and then went back out to get the cheap rug at Home Depot that I wanted. The sad thing is that when I went back out with my husband to grab something this afternoon they had almost the same stuff still at Target. It’s ok, the chase is part of the fun!

tiffany gardner - i went this morning at 6 a.m. too. it rocked. target still had everything that was on my list. sorry about your washer. that is bad news for a family of seven. hope the latte helped. 🙂

karen - Meg, I just went through your HomeSweetHome. Those are some great shots! I love your style. I swear looking at them put me in a better mood. - Not boring Meg, still love your blog. We love our technology don’t we? No washing machine is really tragic. Can you imagine it really wasn’t that long ago that mommies didn’t have washing machines?….Yipes! Just to make me sound really old, I remember when we got our very first dryer! Hope your shopping was fun. I am still in my jammies and NOT going shopping 🙂 Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

Holly - boo on the washing machine and laptop! I hope you get them fixed soon! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

michelle - My dishwasher is on the fritz…blah for not worthy appliances. 🙁 I would cry too without my computer … just so you know. 🙂
I stayed up ALL night last night. I didn’t go to bed until 6am…ironically when you were getting UP! Walmart was pretty much vomitous. I watched people practically kill each other over a trampoline. Also watched a little boy get knocked down. Disgusting. Target, however, was wonderful – good, friendly crowds, no chaos, helpful employees…this why I love them dearly. I then spent the remainder of the evening sitting outside of Sports Authority trying to win an awesome scratch off gift card. First 80 people in line got them. I was number 12. I got $10. lol! Oh well…had fun with the masses & it gives me an excuse to drink more coffee today! 🙂 Hope your weekend is SUHWEET! 🙂

TinaM. - lol, we live very similar lives. good to know I’m not the only one.

Colleen - Our dishwasher has been broken for a month – it broke right when two of our friends moved in with us while their house is being built!! Yeah, I cried as well.

Amy Lynne - I hope your stuff gets fixed soon! Have fun shopping…I don’t think I’m brave enough for that!

Dawn - Oh NO! Washing machine interruptions are the WORST!
Followed by computer glitches. OY!
I am heading out to shop. Leaving soon.
Want the flannel deals at JoAnns. I make pillowcases for my grands every year. Fun ones.
Stocking up, you know?
happy shopping!

Mae - Sounds like an exhausting week!! Enjoy yourself tomorrow!

Leah - Happy Thanksgiving, Meg! Thanks for always brightening my day with your blog (even if pictures aren’t present).

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Even without pictures, I still love your blog. 🙂 Hope your laptop and washer get fixed SOON! A Mom just can’t survive without either of those things, in my opinion. 🙂
No BF shopping for me this year.. What are you getting?

Seriously Sassy Mama - I went to walmart to see what a Black Friday was like. I was there at 10 pm, and the parking lot was full. I was completely appalled at the behavior of the majority of the people. i was getting a barbie for my daughter and a lady asked if they were on sale. i said no, and she laughed at me. Really? My sister and I went to Ihop and had a blast. I bought the majority of my gifts on amazon right there eating eggs and drinking coffee.

Ellen J - I snort when I laugh too!!!
That’s all. 🙂

Terrie G - I may have just shed a tear because you can’t upload your pics of your africa shirts…
So excited to make what I donated for water4christmas!!
Such a cool project!
HaPpY ThAnKsGiVinG…and happy shopping!

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giving is FUN!!!

Give a Stove this Holiday – The Adventure Project Campaign on Vimeo from The Adventure Project on Vimeo.

Jody was the leader of the trip i took to africa.
she is the second woman speaking on that video.
she's awesome.
i am so proud to know her.


what an awesome cause!

can you imagine half a million people in tents????

can you imagine losing your child because of smoke from the fire you cook their food on?

these stoves save lives.

they provide income, jobs and diginity for women in port au prince.

they give TIME to women in haiti.

they make an awesome christmas gift too…. donate in someone's honor.


giving is fun.

visit for all the details.  


and in other news….

my friend Pam moved to africa on saturday.

it was a hard goodbye to say.
we cried a lot.



what an adventure!  
God is going to do GREAT things through them in Liberia.

pam…i miss you so much already!!!!!
you are amazing.

i am so happy God gave me Pam.
my life is completely different because of her.
i know about clean water.
i went to africa.
i love africa.
i love Jesus even more than before i met Pam.
because i understand Jesus more than before.
i see people differently than i did before i met Pam.
i want to give more because of the example Pam set.
i want to see my kids deeply like Pam sees hers.

she rocks.

pam…i hope you don't lose internet.


keep her family in your prayers as they all adjust to life as family in AFRICA.
it is so cool to have gotten to watch how God worked all of this out for them…
step by step.

they were obedient.
literally watching God provide their basic needs in his perfect timing.
i have never witnessed anything like it.

and now… they live in liberia!!!

i can't wait to go visit her. 

(i love this post about pam…..) 

Jenna - my sister and brother in law just moved to Ethiopia at the end of October. they are ALSO doing business as mission. they are involved with a group that gives micro-loans to African women [some men]. i am so proud that they were obedient like your friends. thanks for this post. i enjoy reading your blog. i will pray for Pam and her family. what an exciting adventure for them in life following Jesus…

The Orchard - What a fantastic opportunity for your friends! My friends from high school lived in Liberia as children. They just made a documentary about a trip they made and it is getting a lot of buzz. Here is a link to their page and documentary.
Thanks for sharing about your friends!

rental mobil - Very nice, thanks for sharing.

pam - Thanks so much for all the prayers everyone! 🙂 Meggie – this post came on the heels of a very homesick day. Wow. God’s timing is perfect. More tears. I love you. Can’t wait to see you on this side of the ocean!

Beth - Just lifted your friend and her family up in prayer. I mean, do we really know how hard it would be to pick up and move to ANOTHER COUNTRY? Wow, I am impressed! Her family is awesome!

amanda - this made me teary! I have a friend serving w/ her family in China and my heart nearly busts when I think of her. So proud of her … and she makes me love Jesus more too. what a sweet post … so glad I stopped by here this morning. Blessings – hope you and your fam have a happy thanksgiving. 🙂

Wendi - I love your heart, Meg. It’s so fun to see God moving in friend’s lives– and friends of friends. It’s a universal joy that sisters in Christ can get all excited about.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Pam, I don’t even know you but I Love your heart!! My family will be lifting you up very high in prayer!

Katy - this post brought tears to my eyes as my husband and i just moved back from living in africa. its such a huge adjustment but so wonderful. my heart has been heavy for my ‘2nd home’ this week. it steals your heart… but you already know that well. 🙂
praying for them right now.

Lisa - I love Haiti! Been there two times and fell in love with the people. What a simple and practical way to be able to help others!

Rebecca - thanks so much for the post about the adventure project!
i’ve been to Haiti and know a stove will be a perfect “gift” for someone on my christmas list!

Melissa - God is great! I’m so happy for your friend, it’s truly wonderful what’s she is doing. My family will pray for them in Africa.

Laura Phelps - “I see people differently because of Pam”…
can I just say…
this morning at mass that was my THANKS to GOD
because as I grow closer and closer to Him, I have noticed that my SIGHT is better
the people working at McDonalds
the man who bagged my groceries at Trader Joes
the lady that always sits alone in the back pew of daily mass
I have an overwhelming sense of “we are all brothers and sisters”
and yes
Pam and her family are in my prayers
it is beautiful to witness God working through people we know and love
just so awesome 🙂

Heather - Please email me! I have a question about your blog! 🙂

happygirl - I’d like to do this project. Do you have any problem with me reposting this? I think this may be my “after Thanksgiving” project. Thanks.

Lea Carter - In 2010 my sister, her husband and my 5 nephews moved from SC to Botswana, sent by their church as missionaries. Your words…
“it is so cool to have gotten to watch how God worked all of this out for them…
step by step.
they were obedient.
literally watching God provide their basic needs in his perfect timing.
i have never witnessed anything like it.”
…are exactly how I described their move. It is amazing to watch God work in their lives. His provision is amazing (so many stories I could share about this!).
This morning they boarded a plane for the 16 hour flight to the USA. I am so looking forward to seeing them! I can’t wait to spend some time with them. Because it is so short, it will be so special.
Praying for your friend and her family as they begin this journey! Go God!

Kimberly - What an amazing adventure awaits her. God is doing amazing things in Africa. I went to Namibia in September and I know someday I will return. I will keep her in my prayers.

TinaM. - Wow!

Elisabeth F - This would be a perfect Christmas gift for my MIL who loves to cook, but needs no gifts! Is there a quick link you can add to send us to these ladies site?

tiffany gardner - AWESOME

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things i liked at the mall….

while browsing around the mall this weekend i found all kinds of cute things.
these aren't necessarily things i want but just cute stuff.

                                frog hat at jcpenny's




                                      the Wine Monkey


                                   this purse in red OR the green


                              everything at The Gap Kids
                                         report cards for life

                                        slang flashcards

                   hard shell case for my Macbook….it looks like polka dots.

                         cute dress for annie at Old Navy

                          gingerDeadmen cookie cutter

           Hanging Photo Clip Mobile by Moma Design Store

                             CUTE red dress from jcpenney


we actually have these Sound Machines...they are annoying but my kids LOVE them.

 i saw this at francesca's but their website doesn't have it… i found it on amazon though.
i thought spray painting it hot pink or yellow….or turquoise….CUTE!


and then this is an outfit that i would want to wear all day everyday.
a little much?  
it's a lot of pink.  
but how much gray can one person wear?
i say go big or go home.
pink leisure suit for me thankyouverymuch.


i am home again from my getaway with the mister.
it is so nice to just be off the clock for awhile.
Soooooooo NICE!
my friend hooked me up with a college girl that has watched her kids to watch my kids.
it was perfect.

i encourage you GREATLY to think outside the box when looking for a way to get away.
ask everybody in your church…. ask your friends…. ask your neighbors…. ask your co workers 
"Who watches your kids? Do you know anyone that would be good to stay with my kids"
and you will find someone.
when i was a young lady of the college age….i would have LOVED to be asked to watch kids for an entire weekend.  it would have ranked higher than a party or a date or anything.
so i know they are out there waiting for you to call.


you need it.
HE needs it.

it is too much fun!!


ps….we went to see Tower Heist and i really and truly DID like it.
we had super low expectations and we really were surprised.
it was a good movie!

not perfect…. but not bad….some language but it is PG 13.
i am saying it's for grown ups.

and i liked it.





come see more sponsors over on the Craft Weekend Blog.
i know you will loooove this one.





Steel Building - Every thing are very attractive, Especially i like very much this black dress. I am so excited for the article. I want buy it.

moped - It may seem you great weekend! It is very important to spend time together without children around!

code reduction - Every given replies are great and useful for us. Every thing are very attractive. I am so excited for the article.

Annika - I would totally embroider that Macbook case!

pam - i keep thinking you should have blogged by now today…and then I realize you are 6 hours behind me. 🙂 I’ll get used to that soon but I like waking up to new posts. ha! love you and miss you!

Naomi - Heck yes, I’m a university student and I would LOVE to watch kids for a weekend. Anyone in England needing a weekend away, give me a call!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - you gotta check out the birdcage at DaySpring. It is slightly larger (a plus in my opinion). . .it has a scripture on it (This is the day the Lord has made) and the words (be still, share joy, hope always) and the best part. .in November it is only $16.99!! (normally it is $36.99)
Here is a link:
which is my affiliate link (I get a few cents if you purchase thru me). But if not that is ok to. . .just when I saw the birdcage in your post, I was reminded of the one at DaySpring.

avchd dvd player - I love that berdkagi. I am thinking of buying for myself, and used as a place of jewelry. I’m going to draw just like you.

Jen - I’ve been thinking we need to get away “just us” more often, thanks for the inspiration! And I may or may not have the exact pink outfit you posted…the sweater socks are way too comfy 🙂

shauna - you are cute.
i want to go shopping with you.
i saw a similar bird house deal at cost plus world market!
do you have one close by?

lc - I made a LOT of money in college watching peoples kids during their getaways. So much fun.
and I think I saw you out this weekend, but saying “hi, I read your blog” sounded super creepy. So I kept walking 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I don’t think the all pink is too much. Looks just like what I’ve been wearing all weekend 🙂

Alicia @ La Famille - glad you were able to get away…we just moved to NC and know NObody so i feel like we’ll never go on a date again! let alone a weekend away 🙁 we’ll get there tho…and thanks for the nifty list of things i need now 🙂

Kate - I love any think made by knock knock. they have the best journals, notepads, grocery lists, ANYTHING. I just LOVE them.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I received the wine sock monkey as a gift this year! We are using it to hold a very special bottle of wine that my brother bought us for our wedding. It has to age ten years before being drank, so we have to wait until our 10th anniversary. He is such a thoughtful bro!

tiffany gardner - I rocked a leisure outfit like that at walmart this weekend..but it was blue and some 20 something guy said….”seriously…this that a blue suede suit”…funny..I said…No! It is velour…thank you! And I am a mom…and even had one of my children with me. She said…boy mom…he must have liked your outfit. So glad she doesn’t know sarcasm yet! 🙂

D - I just ordered that dress for my 11 year old, don’t you just love it? I love the bird cage thing too but I don’t NEED it so I won’t be ordering it:(

Holly - sounds like you had a great weekend! It is so important to spend time together without the kids around!

Jess - Wow. Slang Flashcards and Real Life Report Cards are TOO cute.

Cindy - Okay, so the slang flash cards are a riot. We ordered some as a “guy exchange gift” one year. They have great options on (best website ever, by the way) for other slang cards. They stole the show at the whole family get-together that Christmas. They’re hilarious!!!

CarrieBeth - i want that wine monkey!
and i’m glad you and your hubby had fun! y’all deserve it!

Rebekah - I love that birdcage. Am thinking about buying it for myself and using as a place for jewelry. And I’d totally paint it like you mentioned!

happygirl - I am not going to the mall this year. I love the cute things, but this year it is mostly homemade and service. Am I a fuddy duddy? I’m just trying something different this year. LOVE the wine monkey, though. 🙂

Meaghan - I am 25 and I still babysit! My favorite was babysitting 3 year old twins while their (single) mom was away for a week on a business trip. Super fun! There are websites that you can use to find reliable sitters and see what other parents have to say about them. Am I allowed to put in a plug? Sittercity(.com) and Care(.com) are the two I am registered on. I encourage parents to check it out because I agree, every couple needs some personal time!

brooke - girl…you get that pink leisure suite and ROCK IT!

Alycia - those slang flash cards are hilarious! can you imagine giving that to your grandparents hehe 🙂

sarah - I would have LOVED to do that in college! Lets be honest, I am 25 and would love to do that now! Too bad I’m in Tulsa and not Kansas!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I so want a weekend with my mister.

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fridays are awesome.

it is SUPER windy here today.
i have some girls i go running with a couple days a week and this morning in the dark we were all texting each other hoping someone would want to bail out so we all could.
"is it cold out?"  
"YES and windy!"
"really windy!!!"
 "anyone want to run"  
"UMMMM…. i guess so"


we did it.
i am so glad.

it was miserable into the wind.
but the second half was fabulous.


WATER4CHRISTMAS…. (see the post below this one)

let me be clear:  where is says "make a donation"  it means a hand crafted item to donate.
not money.
you can give money to Water4CHRISTMAS right here but that is not through the etsy shop.
and you can SHOP in the etsy shop.
but donating money and donating crafts are two different things.

what are you going to make?!!!


yesterday i sat on my couch in my pajamas wrapped in an afghan in front of a space heater
with a stocking cap on….i get cold in this drafty house.

i worked on pictures and emails.


i looked out my window and leaves were blowing everywhere.
it looked it was snowing but it was all yellow leaves.


one of our trees lost ALL of it's leaves in about an hour.
i had to go capture it…. in my pajamas.

i wish i had a baby so i could set them right in those yellow leaves and take pictures of it.
i should have brought waffle out!
ha ha ha.
he's the closest thing i have to a baby now.



i was loving my bible study yesterday!
in BSF we are studying Acts.  
but last week we jumped over to Hebrews for a while.


sometimes i read the bible and it's like i have never read it before in my life….
everything seems so new and clear and means so much.
even though i have read those passages over and over for the past 20 years.
but God makes His Word just STAND OUT and SPEAK even after all those years.
after reading it maybe 100 times… suddenly it means something new to my new heart.
i don't want to ever stop growing in my faith.

the bible is just so stinkin' AWESOME!

can i get an amen?


my mom sent me this video in a chain email.
and i had to share.

this just proves how lazy waffle truly is….


mr. duerksen and i are getting away this weekend.
i am giddy about it.
i get him all to myself.
and we are off the clock.

it's going to R O C K.

when was your last getaway with your hubby?

do you need to get planning on that?


you will thank me.


Mulia - that Christ is ioncmg and He says He’s ioncmg quickly! This to me shows that we need to be prepared for His ioncmg at all times! Well what does that mean? It means that we need to be living our lives as if Christ is going to come back tomorrow. We don’t want to be living with the attitude of Oh I got time, I’ll start acting like a real Christian in college! You may or may not have time to do that, that’s why it’s so important for us to start living like Christ now! We need to be making an impact everyday not just when we feel like it, but the coolest thing is that we know that the grace of Christ is with us! It’s written right there in verse 21! We just sang a song in youth group two weeks ago called Your grace is enough. Your grace is enough, Your grace is enough, Your grave is enough for me! His grace is enough and it’s been given to us! these verses are amazing and a great reminder that we don’t know when Christ is ioncmg back but He said it was quickly, so we need to live our lives like each day is the last! & that should be living it out with a bang!

Kristin S - Amen sista!
Happened to me in Exodus and Numbers yesterday. Craziness. Awesomeness.

Anthony - Appreciate your making the effort to discuss this, I find myself strongly about this and lovmind updatie reading much more about this topic. Whenever possible, as you gain knowledge, do you mind updating your site with extra information? It’s very helpful for me.

jamie - the first photo of the leaves is absolutely GORGEOUS. i’m in love with it!!

Lisa - Amen! So thankful for His Word. I would be a mess without it. Heck I am a mess WITH it!! LOL. Hope you’re enjoyed your weekend away. Sounds truly wonderful. I think I will get to planning one of those…

Heather G. - Haha – that dog is amazing! The hubby and I got away for our anniversary for 2.5 days. It was amazing!

Gretchen - AMEN! I totally agree! Thanks for taking the brave road and speaking of your love for Him. Have always loved your blog.. now love it double!
The way your friends and you hint around that you’d be willing to NOT run b/c of the weather cracks me up! My exercise buddy and I do the same thing! Hilarious!
Have fun with your man. Weekends away are so important. Hugs!

emily hope - Love your leaf pictures. Such a cozy, beautiful time of year, isn’t it?
And I am giving you a huge AMEN on the incredible awesomeness of the Bible. I was just thinking the other day what it would be like if we didn’t have God’s Word written down in black and white. What a confusing mess we would be in!
Have fun on your getaway 🙂

Leslie Davison - Amen! Which version of rhe Bible do you study from?

Heather R. - Amen! I hope you have a great time with your hubby. Dog video=Amazing.

Cindy - Funny, we have a tree that does the exact.same.thing. And it’s always right after my husband rakes the rest of the yard. The next day, they all have dropped their yellowish-green leaves. Cool to me. Annoying to him. Second thing, about the Bible. It is amazing how God does this with his Word. Thanks for sharing those verses. I will go dig into it today. Seems like a good thing to do. Enjoy every second of the trip away.

Jen Brandt - AMEN!
Good for you for running! You go, girl!
Love the leaf pics.
Good for you for getting away with your hubby! Happy couple = stronger family.
My hubby and I got away the first weekend in October to a secluded cabin in a state park. It was WONDERFUL! My husband said, can we do this for a week next time?
Meg, I am very frustrated with my small, inexpensive camera and want one that will take decent pics. I take pictures of my family – playing outside, crafting inside, dance class pics, soccer pics, etc. What kind of camera would you recommend ($400 limit)?

Jody - We are in bad need of a getaway…been FOREVER!!! (we have a 6 year old son & 4 year old triplet boys)…I won’t even admit how long it’s been – it’s too embarrassing… our marriage needs it!!!! Thanks for the reminder to do something about it.
On a side note – just read “Heaven is for Real” last night – have you read it?! Written from a 4 year old’s experience of heaven – amazing!!!

Ani G W - We had our last real getaway in June to celebrate our anniversary. Before that though it had been three years! It was time and I made a pact with hubby that we wouldn’t wait 3 years before the next one. We try and have a date once a month, but sometimes it only gets done once every couple of months!

tiffany gardner - nope…no get-a-ways for us…its been years. not much help in the department of anyone wanting to watch our kids. our get-a-ways consist of watching movies when kids go to sleep…if we can stay awake! 🙂 happy for you though….count your blessing of wonderful grandparents who help.

Kat - My last get away with my hubby was bc (before children) and so that would be over nine years ago now.
We have 4 children aged 3, 5, 7 and 9.
We are lucky to get out for a date together maybe twice a year if that!!
Enjoy your break away and btw I looove those leaves!

shauna - love the yellow leaves.
love the Bible.
love babies.
hate running.
no idea what to make.
a banner?
guess what?
i don’t watch tv really.
but i just started watching parenthood.
reedo and i watch one or two very night (apple tv)
we are like half through the second season!
i want to come over to your house and get all bundled up with your space heater, watch the leaves fall and watch a freshy episode while not running.

Juli - AMEN!

beth - Amen!! It was crazy windy here, too, but fairly warm. Glad you got your run in!

Maggie Nunez - Your comment about waffle made me laugh..the one about him being lazy, poor waffle. I need to plan a weekend with my hubby, its been too long, can’t even remember when was the last time we had date night :(.

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - Ummm…..I can’t even remember the last time my husband and I got away by ourselves. Sad, isn’t it. : ) Have fun this weekend!

heyruthie - the first part of your post reminded me of George McDonald’s “At the Back of the North Wind.” a great read. - AMEN sister! I’m also giving you an AMEN for a weekend away…I’m planning that tonight. We don’t make that a priority often enough, so thank you and enjoy your time away to play 🙂

April M - amen 🙂
(and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who takes pictures of leaves)

Susan - Amen! I am in BSF also and am loving the study of Acts. I have been a Christian for many years, but am seeing now more than ever how it all fits together. My love of Jesus is growing daily! BTW-Your post last year about BSF spurred me to actually sign up this year. I love how God uses others-some who don’t even know us-to bless us! Enjoy your time with your husband. It is time well spent! Our nest is empty now and I think our time away when our kids were home is one of the reasons we have such a great time together now.

Kelly - Amen!
and we don’t have a whole get away planned but we do get to drive 45 minutes alone to Denver and have dinner with a gift certificate tomorrow and we are really looking forward to that!! Kelly

Short, Sweet Season - Amen! I’m in BSF too, and the study of Acts has been amazing. I’m so glad you mentioned BSF on here previously…when my friend asked me to join her this semester, I was afraid it would be too formal, but I felt like I already knew someone who loved it (you!). Thanks for that!

Melissa - Even if it’s for only one night or just dinner out I feel like our relationship is renewed. Spending this coming Monday with my honey and looking forward to lunch together. That never happens! Have a great time and enjoy!

Seriously Sassy Mama - How I love 3: 12-19 in your photo. AMEN! My husband and I got away for a weekend June 2010. It was for a wedding. It will be a long time before we get away again. Sad but true.

gina f. - AMEN! Have a fun weekend! Beautiful leaves photos!

stacie - Amen!!!
Have such fun going away with Mr. D.

TinaM. - It’s been three years since our last weekend getaway with no children. Although we do try to sneak in a date night more regular than that.
Have a great time!

Susan - Amen! Our last get away as April 2010 but before that it was August 2003. That must be a fruitless Mulberry…ours lost all it’s leaves in one afternoon several years ago. The temps dropped suddenly one fall and they all fell off and they were still green.

Logan - Have a great weekend with your husband! My nest is empty so I have mine a lot more often than those of you that still have kids at home, but getting away is still fun and romantic and important for us!

Jane - AMEN!!

CarrieBeth - i wish we lived close to you. i’d bring my baby right over and let you take pictures of him in those yellow leaves!

Denissa - AMEN! My hubbie and I have never had a getaway since we’ve had our boys. My oldest is 10! We need one and we’re planning one now, thinking it’ll be our Christmas gift to each other 🙂

Terrie G - AMEN!!!
SUPER windy doesn’t begin to describe today…
Love the leaf pics…that is one thing I haven’t done is take leaf pics.
And unfortunately it’s too cold and windy to take the new grandbaby out in it…maybe I should bring some leaves indoors…hmmmm
Have a GREAT time this weekend…we need to do that soon too!

Kati - I’m in BSF too and I’ve noticed many friends (some I didn’t even know were in BSF) posting on Facebook this week different verses from Hebrews. So fun!!! 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - what version is your Bible? HCSB? NIV? Inquiring minds want to know. or at least my one inquiring mind wants to know. :o)
Yay for a get-away!!!
It’s been too long for me and the hubs…

Kirsten J - Seriously? August 2004. Sad but true. I love when things happen, like seeing the Bible with new eyes. Excellent happy doodles!!

happygirl - Have a wonderful weekend. My dog is lazy, too. I think his job is sleeping. You are so inspiring. Running in the wind or like the wind or away from the wind. Inspiring. 🙂

Amy - AMEN, sister!!! Preach it!!! 😉
Is it sad that my man & I have never NEVER in almost 8 years of parenting gone anywhere just the 2 of us? We have never left our kids. He goes places all the time. Craft Weekend was the first time I left all 3 of my kids. {& it was sooooo worth it}
Is that weird?!?!?! We keep planning trips…but they never happen. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Tanya H - I’ve had two husband-dates in a month, after going for at least 6m stretches, it IS so great!!!
I love your leaves! I swept my back porch yesterday and after our wind last night I sure don’t know why I bothered…! LOL!
and, AMEN. The Lord leads us to what we need to read.

shannon - Amen! I agree…I love the bible…I love my Jesus and I love when it He just speaks to me. Often at times when i think what the heck…..
Mr. Stout and I got away this past March….he mentioned a weekend away sometime again and I am all for it! Have no idea when that can be….probably around valentines day when the mil can come keep kids….:)

Lia - Haha you should have taken waffle out for pictures. I kind of love waffle posts. We are getting a goldendoodle in 2012 and I couldn’t be more excited. Have fun with your hubby!! Mine got home last night and isn’t traveling again for 7 weeks!!

Southern Gal - Amen.

robin - AMEN!! I’m fairly new in Christ, so it’s no surprise to me that it’s amazing every time I dive in, but I am filled with joy to know it will continue on like that all of my days. :):):) He is so good.
Enjoy your weekend!

Kimberly - AMEN! It’s living, breathing, and always surprising me with new insights. Love the image of snowing yellow. Not yellow snow though because that makes me think of something gross…
Happy Friday!

lisa willis - AMEN!
I’m in bsf too, and the words in Hebrews have been speaking loudly to me, comforting me, and showing me that Jesus is alive and at work TODAY!
I love bible study, I love Jesus!
…and I get to go out of town with my hubby in a couple weeks! So excited!

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first watch this video…

Choose Life from Living Water International on Vimeo.


Remember the Water for Christmas etsy shop? 

Well, the Water for Christmas team is at it again, excitedly working on getting their etsy shop stocked and ready to go for a November 25th opening. 
They are currently accepting donations to help stock their shop and are looking for your support. 

You can donate one item or lots of items. 

Big items or small items. 

Every donation counts. 

And every donation WILL make a big difference for someone living without access to clean water. 

Can you help?  


1. Consider making a donation to the Water for Christmas shop.

2. Mark your calendar to shop with a purpose on November 25th. 

3. Both of the above:)

All proceeds go directly to fund clean water and sanitation projects, specifically in Sierra Leone, West Africa. 

For more information, please visit

your items do not have to be Africa or Christmas or Water related.
anything you make is great!

i am making these again.


*read about my Mary Kay review here & enter to win $100 in MK products.
*read about my thoughts on the Bounce Dryer Bar here & enter to win $50 Visa card.
*read my recipe for turkey cutlets made with Hellmans mayonnaise here
     and enter to win a $100 gift card to! 

Meredith Salmon - I made it in last night with 3 petal bags. I am so glad I got something in.
Your shirt is great by the way.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Ellie - That shirt is wonderful, there is a family here that has some for their little ones so I immediately recognized it. I am going to check out the shop.

Ashley - I know this sounds odd, but my son would flip over an Africa shirt. He is obsessed with going, the animals, an helping people because, in his words,” God want us to help other people. It is the right thing to do!”

Tracy Fisher - I didn’t realize I had to send the donation now. Oops. I leave town in 2 days. And I guess you have to submit a form and wait for a reply. So sad but I don’t think I can pull it off. I promise to be more “on the ball” for the next one. What a great cause. Children always tug at my heartstrings. Happy Happy Thanksgiving to your family. Tracy

Vanessa - Hi There!
email me o visit my blog or etsy. I can donate soaps from my shop. Will be a blessing.

Laura Phelps - brainstorming…brainstorming….
and i have an idea 🙂
of course i will help
and the kids are on board too
luke just asked “why did God make these people poor?”
I told him, “God didn’t make the people poor, but He did make people that can help them.”
it will be a small contribution, but i know that every bit counts

Amanda Angert - YAY! I was hoping they would do this again!! I better get cracking….. 😉

Yaz - I would love to purchase a shirt for my son! hopefully there will be a sz 6/7 in there. I ll keep on the look out!

stephanie - OOOOHHH! Yes! I want to do this. I have been so down because my husband has been unemployed (we retired from the military) for 6 months and we don’t know how much we’ll be able to do for our own kids, much less giving to someone else like we did last year. But I have fabric! I can sew! This will be great. Thanks! 🙂

TinaM. - Wow.. that’s great!

Tracy Fisher - This year I am going to be on top of things. I will donate. Something. Somehow. What a great cause. Have a happy Thanksgiving! Tracy Fisher

Terrie - Okay…I have decided…I’m making hooded baby bath towels!! Thanks for the great way to donate!!!

happygirl - Thanks for showing your love of Christ through your blog. And putting your money where your mouth is. :$

Terrie G - YES!! I want to donate something to sell!! Will see what I can come up with!!

Holly - yay! I love the shop. Such a fun way to get some Christmas gifts for a good cause!

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today was cold and dark.

i drove out to my friends farm and we did bloggy stuff.

i like bloggy stuff.

and coffee.
and cupcakes.

and talking with my friend.

i stepped out to say hello to the ladies….

this one even mooed at me.
it was a nice quiet moooooo.
i think she was saying politely "please leave now…and take that camera with you"


i came home with some FRESH milk…YUM.

between talking about blogs we talked about everything else, her phone rang several times, a truck of cows came and left, two people came in to buy milk, she baked and frosted dozens of cupcakes and picked up a sick kid from school. 
i know how that life feels.
it's my normal too….just hers has cows.
there is not a break.

but it's all good.


Kerry makes FABULOUS cupcakes!
she catered for craft weekend and she has baked for parties for me too.
they are unreal.
my favorite is the coconut….. oh my.  YES!!!  so good!
local kansas girls: you need to call her.
you need these cupcakes.

birthday party?  family reunion?  christmas party?   

or even just for dessert!

(or breakfast)

you will love them.  

L O V E them.

i drove to back to town to pick up my kids in the gray kansas country watching little snowflakes blowing
all around my car.
i felt grateful…
for kansas.
for school buses.
for cupcakes.
for dreamers.
for laughter.
for tears.
for friendship.
for God…the REAL true God who loves me more than i can imagine. He is abundant in blessings.
He is the Hope i have.  He has me in His hands.  He knows all the questions and thoughts i have.
He knows my dreams and desires.  He knows what's best.  i am so grateful for that.  





Stables and Arenas - I also like that mug with the little flowers. I am so excited for eat cupcakes. Everything is awesome in this post as well as this recipe is really very testy for eat.

Steel Building - It is interesting post. Every pictures looking great and impressive. This Texas girl will be just fine without them. I impressed by that.

code reduction - I’m not sure if my husband will let me drive 3.5 hours for Donuts and visiting a cow! But it all looks so delicious….

mov editor - I am grateful we didn’t have any snow frequencies. These girls will be just fine without Texas. To convert colors began leaving, and it’s beautiful.

imovie for pc - yummy… Those cupcakes sure look good. I also love that mug with the little flowers. I am so excited for eat cupcakes.

kris - thank you for this. i haven’t been here for a while- we live in africa now- as a medical missionary-and the internet is spotty. today i needed to just hear this- to be reminded from a little voice in kansas that our God is Big Everywhere- because even missionaries need to be reminded!

avchd dvd player - Every pictures looking great and impressive.I am so impressed by that. Thanks for sharing such a great moment of your life.

Amber - I love reading your blog! After all it’s full of creative and fun tidbits from life. But I also love it because I grew up in that community, and your blog is my taste of home. Thanks for posting Kansas pictures! I miss home! We used to go buy milk from that barn, although it’s changed a lot since I was there! And I was just recently home shooting a wedding reception in the barn. Kerry is amazing! Thanks for sharing your life with the reading world!

jacqui anderson - that post, meg, was great! so calming, so real, so relatable! i love reading your blog every day and look forward to 2 mins by myself to jump online and read 🙂

Melissa - Love the packaging on those cupcakes!!

Amy - Those cupcakes sure look good. I also love that mug with the little flowers! So adorable.

Ann Williams - Thank you for your sunny, optimistically real posts. I always look forward to them and dare I say…I can just relate to your life so well…mine is much the same. I’m really thankful for that, and for being inspired to create more, and for moms of FAITH, especially! God is sooooo good. I tell my mama friends about your blog, and I feel like I’m giving them a gift! 🙂

karen - those look so yummy!! your a great friend meg!

Tanya - I’m so grateful for who He is too… - Love your grateful list…so important always and especially this time of year. I wish I had a friend with cows. That sounds fun and her cupcakes look amazing. I love cupcakes 🙂

Lisa - Wasn’t that weather crazy yesterday? Dark and dreary, then the snow starts, and starts really blowing, and then the sun comes out as strong as can be . . . . while it’s still snowing! And then the sun stayed out and it was beautiful the rest of the day. Ahhhh, Kansas.
On my lunch break today, I started reading Debbie Macomber’s book “One Simple Gift” (I think that’s right) and my brain is tumbling with the words of the first chapter about having an attitude of gratitude, and living a generous life. Seeing everyone’s list of blessings is reinforcing her words. We are so blessed in this life, aren’t we?! Thanks for your list and your down to earth words.

Kari - awesome post! i am thankful for so many things but lately i am thankful for the beautiful skies i’m seeing this fall – breathtaking!

Melissa - Thank you for your post! I was so sad driving in to work today after having dropped off my chubby littl’ baby at my friend’s house… I appreciate your list of things you’re thankful for!
I’m thankful for
-my baby
-great girlfriends to watch him while I work
-and a husband who will listen to my tears after I drop him off

Katie - Thank you Meg for all the energy you put into this blog! It amazes me that you have such a busy life and minister here as well. You are a blessing!

Cindy - Like always, I love your blog posts about simple, day-to-day things. You remind me of the beauty of my everyday. Blessings to you. p.s. The cupcakes look SOOOO good!

Amy - Thank you for those last 3 lines you wrote, I needed to hear that today for sure!! I am thankful for Kansas too!
From a fellow Kansas Girl, Amy (Topeka)

April M - I’m with Wendy – a hectic day in Kansas? 🙂
seeing it through your eyes was truly sweet!
thank u!
thank u!
thank u!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love your list! I am grateful for:
baby smiles
staying home
learning to sew
baby smiles
apple cider
pretty fabric
baby smiles

Vanessa - Love time with friends! I heart that mug!!!!

Elizabeth Macleod - Wish I lived close to those cupcakes!!!yum!! Wish you were my friend, you seem like so much fun.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I am grateful we did not have any snow flurries. This Texas girl will be just fine without them. The leaves are starting to turn colors, and it is so pretty.

tiffany gardner - very sweet!

colleen from alabama - It was 74 degrees in Birmingham on Wednesday… had our air conditioning on. It was 41 last night (supposed to be 32 tonight) 🙂 Maybe a couple of days of fallish weather? Thankful none the less. God is SO good to us, miserable, rotten, no good sinners who are desperately in need of a savior. He knows, and He is that and more! Thanks for refocusing me this morning!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - the cupcakes and the fresh milk look delicious…that’s quite a pair. 🙂
i loved your grateful list. it’s nice to know that the one true God is holding me in his hands.

Wendy - Why does a hectic day not sound so hectic in Kansas?

happygirl - Oh My Goodness. Two of my favoritest things. Bloggy stuff and dairies. I WISH I had a friend to visit to do bloggy stuff with. I need so much help with my blog. And dairy fresh milk. THE BEST. fyi, do they sell raw milk on the side? I wish I could find THAT.

Jen Brandt - I am grateful for your posts – ray of sunshine in my day! Thank you.

Becky J - Meg, Thank you for those closing words..amen, the Living God loves so richly and freely through Jesus Christ, His Son and the gentleness of His Holy Spirit..may His strong arms keep you warm! And Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Kimberlee Jost - Yay for Keri and her AMAZING cupcakes.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten cupcakes as good as hers.
That’s why she is making Bruce’s birthday ones…for him. Ahem.

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, thank you so much for all your nice things you said. I’m not one to cry easy but I had a little tear as I read your blog this morning!! Thanks SO much for coming out yesterday you made my whole week. I so enjoy your company!! You are such a blessing in my life!! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful in everything because there are days when I just feel like, I’m just getting by with all my 30 thousand jobs!! Thanks again and don’t forget when Jenny Craig isn’t looking I will slip you a coconut cream cupcake!! Love Ya Girl!

TinaM. - I consider cupcakes part of the breakfast family. Is that wrong ?!

Laura Phelps - wish i were loving the bloggy stuff still…
and wish i had you to promote MY cupcakes 🙂
and so with you on God
His amazing love is so present in each moment of my life..especially the not so fun ones
that is the only way I can explain getting through the enormous amount of cow poop I have been swimming in lately!
there is a horse at the end of my road
no cows
but a cute horse

Jennifer - Sounds like a perfect day.

Jack - I love the title of your friends blog! Would you PLEASE write a post about your blog and how you’ve built it up over the years?

casey - So I didn’t read your posting until this morning (thursday AM) and wow. what an ecouragement for me this morning and GREAT reminder. Just what I needed this morning! And I really do need to remember that HE knows best! (c: Thanks for being so real and for your post!

Shayne - Hooray for time with friends. That is one of the biggest gifts that God gives us. (And a friend who bakes scrumptious cupcakes? Can’t get much better!)

Kris Timson-Bates - I really need to get more organized so I can start up a blog. After reading your posts, I really feel like it would be a great idea. If for nothing else, it would be a great way to find myself again. I think it would also motivate me to get to work on the other projects I have put on a back burner- just so I could post and blog about them. You are an inspiration. Thank you!
My list of thankfuls:
My loud and obnoxious, beautiful children
My soon-to-be husband
My chaotic household
The chance to have a second go at finishing up school
A vehicle that is still running
The few friends I can count on and talk to
A set of eyes that can wear some creative make-up concepts
The ability to unload my creativity into many different mediums
A stocked food pantry
and the opportunity to have a small peek into your life, learning that even with a full plate- there is always time for crafts, baked yummyness, home cooked meals, and a little girl time.
… I don’t think I have actually sat down and made a list of what I am thankful for since grade school. It felt good. 🙂

Michelle - Loved this post Meg. It makes me want to curl up with a coffee and a cupcake and talk bloggy business.

jackie grandy - I love cozy days like that. Looks like you have the MacBook air. I just got one and I love it. It’s so nice not to be chained to the desk to blog or do emails etc.
That cupcake looks divine!

Terrie - love your grateful list!
here’s a peek at mine…
new grandbaby
fall weather
bloggers with awesome ideas
just to name a few…
and those cupcakes look awesome! Will keep her in mind if I need cupcakes!!!

Nicole - Love Kansas too! And those cupcakes, oh my gosh, look divine! I will have to check out her site. Does she ship to little ole SW Kansas?

Samantha - I’m not sure if my husband would let me drive 3.5 hours for cupcakes and visiting cows! But it all looks so yummy!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Amen. About the cupcakes. About Kansas. About thankfulness for our God. Amen.

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i have made it 16 years and 4 kids without having a giant slumber party.

but it happened.
talby had her 10th birthday this weekend.
and she partied with 10 of her friends.

and we survived!

it was actually pretty fun.

i listened to them tell scary stories to each other in the dark and they were so CUTE!
this 10 year old girl wanted a Selena Gomez CD, pink converse low tops, glitter boots and new headphones.
and i found her a cute vest and hoodie at old navy… SUPER cute.
the best part… SHE LIKED IT.


we had an overwhelming response to the first CRAFT WEEKEND!
it is going to be January 27 – 29. 



we added another date!


February 17 – 19


there are some really exciting ideas and dreams coming together for Craft Weekends.
it's so cool.
i am really encouraged by the emails and kind words you girls pour out on me.
it keeps me dreaming BIG.


check your spam.
some people we didn't hear back from….what a bummer if it was in your spam.

CLICK HERE to get on the waiting list.  ( see…#10)
there are several hundred on the list but we are using a lottery to pick names
so you never know who we be picked next! 



and what is this???

Ashley ann christmas card design
Whatever christmas card design
Stitched christmas card new

heather has a REALLY fabulous surprise going on right HERE.



Penny Smith - MAN! I missed the post, and my spam doesn’t go out that far! Darn it! And February is my birthday month.
If we got an email and it spammed, are we now off the list?? Cuz it has been so crazy since my Dad got sick, I haven’t been on much. Is there a way to check??

Air Jordan Shoes - Happy Birthday, Talby! My god daughter had a slumber party recently, but the girls all just came in their pyjamas for the day and left again after a few hours! :o)

Jennifer - In regards to Craft Weekend, were there people who didn’t make the cut for either weekend? Just curious because I didn’t receive an email. Thank you in advance 🙂
Happy Birthday to Talby!

kim - hey there meg….a while back ….a long while i think :-)… showed some really cute camera bags/purses… you remember who made them??? thanks ~ kim

Live_Long_Day - Happy Birthday, Talby! My god daughter had a slumber party recently, but the girls all just came in their pyjamas for the day and left again after a few hours! :o)

andrea - My Abbe turns 10 in January and Eian turns 7 this week! LOL so funny. Abbe had a slumber party two years ago with only a couple of friends. But Abbe doesn’t like to stay up. By 8 or 8:30 she is ready to go to sleep and gets grumpy! Now she is saying she wants to have another one in January. I told her we could do everything but have them stay. Come in their jammies/watch a movie/craft/etc./but GO HOME at around 8! She wasn’t very pleased with that option.

Kat - Good to know you are in the b’day season like us.
We have just had two b’days in Oct and two in Nov and I am all baked out.
You have done well to avoid a sleep over for that long.
My oldest is 9 and only had and also went to her first sleep over this year, but it was one girl sleeping over so that was easy.
Talby is a stunner like her Mamma.

Linda - I’m so excited about your craft weekends. And I don’t even get to come. I live in the Northwest and the air travel is just way too expensive to swing. I wish you would do an online version. I participated in a couple of those. I’d love to learn how you did the aprons and the bunting. SO fun. But for now I will live by proxy through pictures!

happygirl - I’m glad she had a good time. Slumber parties for middle school are the BEST!

TinaM. - man I sew {get it,lol} wish I could come to one of the crafting parties. why does kansas have to be soooo far away ?!

Kim - oh slumber parties. i think you were lucky – but it sounds like it turned out awesome. as a kid i always wanted them, but they never were my favorite in the end. 😉
but looks like everybody had a blast. cute scary stories sound like my kind of story. 🙂
PS can’t WAIT for craft weekend, and to see you and Kimberlee again! 🙂

Leslie @topofthepage - darn it, meg. sophie turns 10 in may, and that is what she wants to do. slumber party. i don’t want to do it. i’m pouting.

Alice H - wow 16 years and 4 kids without a slumber party! LUCKY!! Haha! My daughter who is almost 13 has had 5 slumber parties and my son who is 11 has had 4 of them. Ugh!
When I saw the first card, I was like “hey they aren’t the Johnsons’ lol.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Slumber parties are a blast!

Ryan - Love those pictures of Ashley’s family! 🙂

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