Masthead header

i am happy today.

this was the sunrise yesterday at the bus stop.


i have been on the hunt for a new purse for a month.
i knew i would know it when i saw it.

who knew it would be a ginormous bubble gum pink one?  
i can fit my big camera in it and that is important.
and everything else i might need.

i got it locally too!
there is not a brand on it…. made in china is all it says.

i got some HAPPY MAIL today!!


hawthorne threads is a great fabric site.
and this makes me giddy to get sewing for etsy in the winter.

this fabric makes me want to get out a pen and start doodling all over my high school notebook during class.

i went to Talby's school and had lunch with her today.
i have never done that with any of my kids…. do you?
it was so sweet.
i am hooked.
i promised to switch off once a month with both girls. 

annie came in the lunch room & gave me a huge hug with her cheeks bright pink from the cold air at recess
and a big kiss in front of all of talby's friends.

melts your heart kind of stuff. 



i have had three cups of YUMMY coffee today.


i love the Bob's sweet stripe peppermint sticks they sell at christmas.
i drop one in my coffee as it's brewing. (actually half is enough….)


i use my frother from my friend in my sweet little frothing cup.

and have the loveliest cup of peppermint coffee with foam.
it's so good! 

lauren got a job!!
she starts tonight…food service.
i am so happy for her to be getting a paycheck and learning about all that goes with "work"

what was your first high school job?
mine was pizza hut.
good times.



this was sent to me this morning and it fits with my happy post.

edith - Very nice purse, lots of room. I have that exact hat the black one with side buckles, my sister got it for me and then she got her self one, it’s cute!

Retro Jordan Shoes - love Bob’s peppermint sticks. I hoard them in December. 🙂
I”m on the hunt for a new purse too. I”m hoping for Kelly Green or Mustard. I’ll know it when i see it. 🙂
I so regret not having lunch with my kids at school when they were little. Such a simple thing with great lasting memories. It probably would have made a difference with my #1. 🙂

Karen - Babysitting. Then cleaning an office. Then A & W. (I learned the most there. Not all of it was good though.) 😉

Daniele Valois - That coffee, and fabric, look devine. I think I should go make a peppermint coffee now before I go run this evening! …my first non babysitting job was…AHHHh at KFC. I was 14 and lied and said I was 15 so I could work! I worked there for a whole year!

crystalbeutler - You are such a kindred spirit — love Bob’s peppermint sticks. I hoard them in December. 🙂
I”m on the hunt for a new purse too. I”m hoping for Kelly Green or Mustard. I’ll know it when i see it. 🙂
I so regret not having lunch with my kids at school when they were little. Such a simple thing with great lasting memories. It probably would have made a difference with my #1. 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love the sunset photo. One of the many things I miss about living on a farm…
Pretty purse, but I’m probably the most anti-buying stuff made in China gal you’ll ever know. 😉
Love happy mail and that coffee looks sounds so good!!
Awesome video, will have to show the kids that one!

Alice H - I have eaten lunch and breakfast with my kids quite a few times. I need to go do it with my older daughter (7th grader!) but I fear she may be too embarrased. More reason to do it, I guess. Haha!
Love that purse.
And starting a job as a teenager is so fun and scary at the same time. My first job other than babysitting was at a restaurant and I was a hostess.

Deb Meyers - washing dishes and waiting tables in a combination Japanese restaurant and Bait Shop –no kidding 🙂 — in a midwestern small town.
deb meyers

Dena - My first job was at Target!

Anessa - I had a dream about you and your family last night. You were all in a Target commercial an Talby sang in it. It was adorable! Dreams are so strange. I only know you through blog world yet you are appearing in my dreams:)

pam - Please bring Bob with you when you visit. 🙂 Those our favorite and we are missing them! haha.
That sunrise is breathtaking.

Shannon - gorg sunrise. awesome purse. i want one just like it. i can’t wait to go to the lunchroom with my boys. and my first job was as a lifeguard in our teeny tiny town at the teeny tiny pool. thanks for the happy!

D. Jean - Beautiful sunrise. Great post.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love happy posts! My first job was working at a preschool and I LOVED it! My son works in the food industry. He says people sure get grumpy when it’s regarding their food 🙂 Good luck to Lauren. I’m sure she will be great! LOVE Hillsong and that video is the best. I might use it on my blog 🙂 Happy rest of your weekend.

Sara - That sunrise picture makes me miss Kansas…First job? KU cafeteria…hair net. Also good times.

Heather - My first job was carhop! At a driveIn in our very small town in TN. I LOVED it. And secretly wish I could do that again. It was so fun.
I love having lunch with my 1st grader! Lots of parents are always there eating with their kids too. Have fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, that sunrise is so beautiful.
My first job was Wendy’s. They gave great college scholarships!

Tracy - I serve lunch at my kids’ school twice a month! So FUN! I love getting to see their smiling faces midday. Sometimes I don’t tell them it’s my day so I can see their faces light up in surprise when they see me 😉

melissa@joyineveryseason - the rainbow colors on your blog make me happy :o) and YAY i love the video!!

beth - I did lunch and recess duty at my dad’s school (He was an elementary principal). Have a great weekend, Meg!

Georgia - I work at pizza hut as an evening job now! haha

Southern Gal - I was a waitress at a seafood restaurant when I was of hire-able age. I cleaned the beauty shop my mom worked at once a week when I was 11 until 13.
Love that bag and that fabric.

Meredith@count it all joy - Love your handbag Meg….it’s a happy bag. Glad you enjoyed the song, you’ve gotta love some banjo action:) Congrats to Lauren on her first job. Thanks for the peppermint coffee tip too – wow…so much to love in this post. Did I mention the fabric? Meredith xo

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I just realized I have that same gray hat in the picture with your purse 🙂

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - My first job in high school was at Wendy’s to pay for a trip to Europe. Learned a lot working there. I had a happy day too. Thanks for sharing that video, it’s o beautiful!

Jessica - Tonight was her first night?! I would of never known!!! She was all smiles and really friendly! The only reason I recognized her was from your blog. Way to go Lauren! Keep up the good work! 🙂

Kayleigh - hi megan! i just wanted to start by saying that i came across your blog a few months ago and read the entire thing! i love all the stuff you do! you are an amazing person for the charity things you do and it makes me want to be a better person. also, you have the most beautiful kids! thanks for sharing all the wonderful things in your life! also, i saw this on pinterest and had to show you because i know how much you love rainbows!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - my first job was chick-fil-a 🙂
i love to have lunch with my kids at school! i feel like such a rock star! the little kids in the classes are always like “look there’s your mom,!” pointing me out, everybody is scrambling to sit with us. it doesn’t matter that i don’t know them, they just seem to love seeing moms visit. 🙂 i actually blogged recently about visiting my kids school.

Sarah - Meg, I just wanted to comment that Fat Free Half and Half isn’t what you think. It may be “fat free” but the composition of its ingredients make it so it turns to pure sugar in your body. You are better of getting the regular kind or believe it or not… cream. It is higher in fat yes, but it is also lower in sugar and carbs and atleast a little goes a very long way. Just wanted to share 🙂

Kim - I love happy days!
My first job (besides babysitting) was working at a rest home taking care of elderly people.

happygirl - First job, McDonalds. “may I help you?” LOVE the youtube. Thanks for sharing.

Kori - Gorgeous sunrise…kinda jealous you’re up early enough to see it. Kinda.
LOVED going to have lunch with my son…he asked often and I loved it!
My first job was Jack in the Box…HA! One of my first paychecks went toward a Michael Jackson concert ticket…so awesome!!
Good luck to Lauren on her new venture!!

Shann - Mine was Dairy Queen. I can still put a curly-que on top of a cone to this day! My paycheck went for gas for my car. We burned thru a lot of gas cruising around our very small town. I believe gas was like $1.25 a gallon. Five bucks and we were good for the night! 🙂
Can’t wait to see what you put in your Etsy shop with all that loveliness!

Wendy - My 1st job in high school & all though college was at a drug store … I loved it! I can still remember what I bought with my first pay check … photo albums for pictures!

Kristy - WOW! That is one gorgeous sunrise!
My first job was babysitting but my first official where I had to punch a timeclock and learn about Gross Pay and Net, was at a little girl’s boutique called Bishops For Girls. It was in our mall. The best part was decorating the many different sizes of acrylic boxes we sold with names and our signature flowers and polka dots…they were very popular for gifts.
You and your family are just adorable 🙂

shannon - I have gone to lunch once with my little one….but the smallest one started daycare twice a week today so I think maybe once a week or at least twice a month I will go have lunch with my oldest….she loves it! 😀 My first high school job was Baskin Robbins…totally loved it! Ummmm I ADORE that big pink bag!!!!! I want one! And…..where do you get one of those froth makers? more details on that coffee please!

Jen Brandt - school lunch with kiddos – my 1st grader has a severe peanut allergy and sits at a special peanut free table at school, so I went and had lunch with her on her birthday in September. Couldn’t bear the thought of her eating by herself on her special day!
1st job – softball and baseball umpire and babysitter. Great jobs with great pay!

molly - I try to go and eat lunch with my 2nd grader as often as I can….it’s as good for me as it is for her:) I teach (at a different building) so it can be kind of tough to get there but luckily our lunches are the same this year!

Darcie L. - Cashier at a car wash. Followed in the footsteps of my older brother, and got to work with him for a while. Great first job. Can’t wait to teach our kids about hard work too! Starting now (age 3) and officially in about 12 years!

Jen T. - My 16 year old daughter started her first job (also food service) last night! It’s so exciting to see them growing up and start earning some of their own money, but it’s also kind of scary too. My little girl is growing up and earning her own money! *gulp*
My first job was sweeping up hair at a salon.

Suzette - That coffee looks delicious. Thanks for the idea 😉

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Love the sunrise and the pink purse! It’s perfect.
We have the same frother from Ikea but we call it the “fruffer” because that’s what the girls call it! : )
Lunch at school is the best, I drop in a couple of times a year to eat with E in the big cafeteria and visit C’s preschool class to do art with her friends and I always stick around for snack – so fun.
High school job was actually unpaid – I was a candy striper on the maternity ward at our local hospital for a few years – still have my awesome uniform! College was my first paycheck job – actually had three jobs, campus tour guide, art gallery docent and resident assistant.

Jodi - OH! thanks for the heads up on the song! I just downloaded it to my iphone. :o)

Jodi - my first job was at Roses. I don’t think they are around anymore!
I used to go eat with my daughter every Thanksgiving at school! loved it.
I <3 hawthornes threads. :o)

Lindsey Jo - good for lauren! my first job was sonic. i love sonic but working there was awful. i was the fountain girl and without fail i was sticky by the end of my shift. i quit as soon as i could!

Nikki - So glad I’ve stumbled upon your blog.That purse alone makes me smile!
My very first job was at Wendy’s. I even remember my boss’s name because it was kind of weird and she was pretty awful (making minors clock out before 11 but keep us working)Glad I didn’t stay there long!

Tricia - My first job was at Taco Gringo in Joplin, MO! I “got” to wear a dark brown polyester uniform that zipped up the front and a jaunty little tan bandana. I was always thrilled when my friends came by to see me in that particular outfit! 🙁

tiffany gardner - That sunrise would make anyone happy! I got to eat with my kids for the first time a couple of weeks ago…my son loved made my daughter sad when I had to go back home 🙁 My first job….Ken’s pizza!

Tracy H - Besides babysitting, my first job was at Nancy’s Fashion….I even got to work with your mom once in a while!!! I have to say, I really loved my first job….I worked there all through high school.
I love going to lunch with Reese….need to do it again…soon!

seriously sassy mama - My first job was a pharmacy tech at Kroger. Good times.

Leah - Dairy Queen. I can still dip a cone like the best of ’em!

Jill Jones - Meg, you’re just delightful. You make ME happy! I love having lunch with my son at school. It’s fun to pick up a burger first and let him eat GOOD lunch in front of his friends and I look like best mom ever! First job was at Shopko. My heart will always belong to that silly store. :o)

Shelly Werth - I love going to lunch with my boys! They love it to and all the kids think it is sooooo cool that thier mom is there…well they are only in 2nd and Kindergaten so I am still cool to them! haha My first job was wonderful McDonalds! 4 years of my life spent there…ahhh to be young again!

Chelsea in MO - My first job (which actually got me through high school and college) was a hostess at the local Steak and Ale restaurant. I worked there till the Wednesday of the week before I started my first full-time job out of college. Which I still have today. Guess I am not one for much change! : ) I did meet and marry my husband while I worked at that restaurant!! He was a server ; ) ahhh, the memories. Have a good day!

Holly - mine was at a grocery store! Have a great weekend meg!

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oh boy.
i am not sure if i am ready….maybe today is the day to get moving. 

we did get our tree up.
since we have a fake tree it's pretty easy to just get it out and put it up….no cold weather to fight or finding the perfect tree. (i didn't get out the tree so i can't technically say it's easy…but i tlooks easy)

i let the kids do ALL the ornaments.
i gave in last year and realized it was the best idea… they are able and i can relax.
no ornaments broke this year!


we start with the family ornaments first….all different random ornaments i have collected since i got married.


scott was at the gym and lauren was dying her hair…but three is plenty to decorate a tree.

after the family box is empty then they get to put on their OWN special ornaments.
i keep each child's ornaments in their own box.
every year i pick out an ornament for them that represents something that happened that year
or something they would like.
and then we keep them seperate from the family ornaments.
it's very special to them to hang their own special ones themselves.



craig made a fire in the fireplace and we all sat ont he couch and watched ELF.

(sean and i recited this entire scene over breakfast today) 



this year our family ornament is from lisa leonard's shop.
it's so pretty.
i chose the star ornament for us.



they are lovely keepsakes.
and make wonderful gifts for friends and family.

IMG_3998 IMG_3991

she has a heart and a stocking ornament also.

Use the code:  ornament2011 for 10% your order

(also….all of her jewelry would make ANY lady on your christmas list very happy… go find something)



Steel Building - This Christmas tree id looking so beautiful. Your blog more beautiful blog as well as like to visit here again for new designs of suits on this Christmas.

code reduction - Christmas are coming and these all Christmas decoration idea is great. It such an excellent . I love to celebrate Christmas.

Heidi Jo the Artist - December sure is whizzing by! Looks like the kids had fun!

Debby Graber - Al’s mom and I both gave our kids ornaments every year. Then when they had their showers before they got married, I gave them their box to go with them to their new home. Now I am buying my grandchildren their ornaments. Allen and I still get an ornament every year – one from someplace we’ve gone that year (like Dauhpin Island this year) or from something that happened (like a squirrel ornament the year the Webers put a dead squirrel in a frying pan on our front porch! You’ll have to ask me about that sometime)

imovie succedaneum on windows - Awesome .. I’m working all weekend, but I enjoy every minute of it. I would love to see the excitement on the faces of my girls when they get home.

Sarah - Love Elf!
Side Note: Did you see the Fiesta Masquerade flatware at Kohls (other places sell it too)? It has your name on it!

Southern Gal - We love Elf! My son and I quote it all the time. Our favorite? “You stink. You smell like beef and cheese. You don’t smell like Santa.” Ha!
We bought ornaments for all our kids to take with them when they got married. Guess what? The oldest didn’t take hers when she moved away. Only a few. I guess I’ll have them forever.

tami - Wow, I still have NO tree up yet, hate doing it lol. Love yours!

karen - i love that tradition you have! i will have to start that with mine.
that star ornament is lovely.

Jennifer S. - What a great tradition. I love Elf!! Watch it several times during the season and still laugh out loud throughout!! Have it recording on the DVR right now 🙂

Toni :O) - My kids have their own boxes of ornaments as well…it’s awesome! When they move out, they have their own collection of ornaments to decorate their own tree with! Um, is it just me or is the 2011 backwards or is it the camera that did that?

Marla - My mom got us an ornament every year and when we got married she packed them all up in a box and wrote this very cute precious poem about leaving home and having our own tree and gave us our ornaments to start our own tree.

Kori - We LOVE Elf!! It’s our Christmas movie. Sooooo funny…his first time on the escalator? Hysterical to me every. single. time. And the cotton balls? Oh my. 😀

kamana - lovely tree, and looks like your little ones are having the greatest time putting up decorations - Meg, love the tree!!!! Elf is one of my fave Christmas movies. We saw it a couple of nights ago. I like the “Smiling” line….”I love smiling….smiling makes me happy” 🙂

Maureen - Sounds like somebody is a crabby elf…

Lena - I SO hate fake trees. And I SO hate all the Christmas decorations already up the first day of December…where’s the original spirit in that? 🙁 I followed this blog quietly for so long now, it’s kind of sad that the first comment I feel like having to write is a negative one XD Fake Christmas Trees make me sick. Honestly. 🙁

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - This year Im holding out for the first real tree we’ve ever had(in 10 yrs of marriage). I cant even explain why I want real; I just do. Ive got my silver/bling tree up in the diningroom(fake) but only real will do for our main tree this year. On a sidenote, I love the size of your tree. Maybe thats my problem: the two fake ones we have are skinny trees and look anorexic to me.
Both sides of our family have bought us each an ornament every year for ages so we have lots of ornaments. I like the separate box idea. Ive just carefully separated the girls out into baggies but obviously that doesnt protect them well.

tara pollard pakosta - that’s so funny I do the exact same thing with my kids having their own box of ornaments and then the family box!
AND they decorated it by themselves this year too!
yay! it was pERFECT!

pam - ahhh!! my kids were just whining a bit about no Christmas tree this year. they said in this heat it won’t even feel like Christmas! 🙂 but they are listening to Christmas music.
i agree…any of her jewelry is a fabulous gift…loving the two necklaces I have from two of my favorite people. 🙂
so good to hear your voice today.

mel @ the larson lingo - a FAKE TREE?!?! For shame! 🙂 just teasing.
I need to get boxes for my girls’ individual ornaments….I have them in our main box, but individual boxes is a much better idea. On my to-do list!

Jack - I love the ornament box idea too! Definitely going to start that this year!

Tanya H - We are the opposite! 🙂 I let them put their own ornaments on first, and then fill the rest of the space with ornaments that must be technically mine… Every year til now my mom and my grandmother send ornaments for each kid, and my great aunt who gave me one every year has given my kids several for the last few years. I have debated letting them choose one from the store for this year…or not. Our tree is small and full! 🙂

Sherry - I LOVE your ornament box idea. My kids are still young, so its not too late to start. Thanks for the great idea!!

Suzy - I let the girls decorate our tree this year too. It was a nice change and they loved it. We have special family ornaments and each of my three girls have their own special ornaments too. What a great idea to give each child a box instead of the mishmash that greets us when we open the Christmas bins! I’m pinning this for when the tree comes down and the ornaments are put away.

Sarah - “You sit on a throne of lies…” Ha ha! That cracks me up – I love the part where he burps a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally loud and long burp and then asks, “Did you guys hear that?!” So funny.

Kari - great idea about the kids each having their own box -i’m going to have to do that…. we have 2 small trees and want to get a third so each child has their own tree 🙂

Cindy - We do the same thing. But we do that because my mom did that. And what’s so cool is that she has given each of us our childhood ornaments that she got us each year. So now, MY ornaments hang along with our family and each of our kids’ornaments from each year. Then one day, I’ll send my kids off with their for their homes when they are grown and married. Great tradition!

TinaM. - bokeh makes me smile !!!!!

casey - Love the organization! What a great ideas! We haven’t had a tree in YEARS and no I think we need one! Thanks alot… (c: By the way, can I move in to your house? Your family seems so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I have got to get rolling too!! We have started some crafting, my paperwhites are already blooming, (way too early I might add) took the pic for Christmas cards but haven’t figured out where I’m ordering them from – but…we haven’t done the tree or any outside decorating, so I guess we better get on it this weekend.
We haven’t watched Elf yet – but we did watch The Family Stone last weekend LOVE that movie for the holidays. Just the right amount of disfunction 😉 xo

Sue - Thankful to have found your blog. Love the photos, the craftiness, and your love for Jesus. Look forward to reading more!

Kayla - You smell like beef and cheese! We only broke one ornament this year….we are making progress!

Jodi - We have a fake tree too, prelit and everything! and as of right now, two lonely ornaments are adorning it… I was really hoping and praying that Christen would want to help trim the tree, but so far… she’s 17 and too cool for that. ;o)
we LOVE Elf, it’s a must watch at Christmas time. It’s one of the few movies I can watch over and over again… smiling, smiling’s my favorite!

Wendy - I like your fake tree. If you got it at a chain store – please share where and what size. Thanks 🙂

Holly - I think we will put our tree up this weekend after we finish some projects around our house! we are in construction mode for sure!

seriously sassy mama - I have three girls, and each year each girl gets to pick out a new ornamnent. I pick on out also. I am going to need a bigger tree one of these days. My sister and can do the mockingbird song from Dunb and Dumber.

Terrie - Love seeing your decorations for your tree…maybe it will motivate me to get started!
I love buying my kiddos an ornament for every year.
The tree looks empty when your kids get married and take their ornaments. 🙁
Loving the family ornament!!
HaPpY HoliDay Preparations!!

Jennifer - Such a fun time of year! You are a wise mama, Meg, to let the kids go ahead and do their own thing with the ornaments. I need to do that with my son–I micromanage the hanging of ornaments a little too much at my house. 🙂 I think I’ll try your approach this year and see how it goes.
That seen from Elf is so funny….I LOVE that movie. We already pulled it out and watched it this week…and will most likely watch it many more times before December is over.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!

elisabeth (bovagoods) - i really need to get some boxes like that to put the girls’ ornaments in. yours look like really nice boxes. are they photo boxes?

amanda - we do the exact same thing – family ornaments first then each kid has a box of their own ornaments that they get to hang themselves and i buy them a new ornament every year. such a fun tradition!

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breakfast in the car on the way to the bus stop

a run in for stocking stuffers to kill time…i scored.

ran 4 miles with my friends…in 23 degrees….i wore four layers!

went straight to walmart afterwards.

loaded up on food for the week.
happy healthy

my pinwheels from elizabeth street enjoying the sunlight….

a little sewing….

time for non stop christmas music on pandora for me.
i like Vince Guaraldi Trio station  (they are the charlie brown christmas music.)

a little online shopping….

and a little more…..

the house smells like cinnnamon

wrapped this up lovingly and shipped it off to CA for the water4chrstimas Art auction.


it's always a good day for sonic.



sloppy joes and tater tots for dinner.


our front door.

you should make these.  (with a scoop of ice cream on top)
they are super yummy.
s u p e r

some crafty time with annie.

it's the little things make the day good.
like brownies or sparkly chandeliers.
or a drink from sonic.

what are you making for dinner?

tonight we are having lasagna. (my recipe is here)


the second craft weekend is full!!


isn't that awesome?!!!

i am crazy excited to meet those ladies and get crafty!
it will be here before you know it.

happy wednesday.


Linda - Hello, I found your blog today in Country Living Magazine. You talk about going to Bearly Makin-it Antiques in Marion Kansas! I grew up in Wichita and spent many hours in Marion with my grandparents who had a farm in Marion. I have always loved that little town. I was born in Hillsboro and now live in Arizona. It was cool to see the Newton post office. I’m looking forward to following your blog. I wouldn’t be surprised if something from my grandparents shows up in the antique store some time!!

Chi Anne - This misplaced Kansas girl loves the photos you post that remind her of home. Germany is beautiful, but I love Kansas more! Thank you for posting all the things that make my heart happy– Sonic, Walmart, sunshine 🙂

Laura Phelps - I have those Ikea curtains! (I use them as a table cloth now)
and…we made lasagna last night too.

Melissa - Ahh, Newton, I have a college girlfriend in Buhler! I love “visiting with you”. Happy Thursday!

April M - White Chicken Chili = yum and super easy
but no tater tots so we swung by Sonic on the way home from dance class (also = yum!)
Your pictures and perspective are a blessing
(Thanking God for you too!)

Shellie Hanley - Meg, I feel like we’re friends and I love seeing what you’re up to. Can’t miss a day of Whatever!! 🙂

Heather Mattos - I was on the very same Heather Bailey page today. Pop Garden is the best ever! LOOOOOOVE your family photos 🙂 I can’t believe how big everyone looks. So cute.

Shivaun - This post is so lovely!! Thanks! And, FYI, I found some large multi-colored striped coffee mugs at a garage sale for a buck each and I snatched them up, inspired by you! They are my favorite morning coffee mugs now… a happy start to each day. You are a sweetheart!

Alicia @ La Famille - meg, i just love ya. you are so fun. so regular. but so inspiring. don’t ask me what’s so inspiring about going to walmart, but you just are. i smile when i’m here. thanks.

Jen Brandt - Love your pictures, Meg! Totally have not been following our planned menu this week – had Subway for dinner last night. Tonight will be ham and broccoli casserole though, and chicken stir fry tomorrow night. Have a great day!!!!! Oh! I think I forgot to tell you that I made your Spinach Artichoke Party Dip for a party Saturday night – huge hit! Thank you.

Shauna - This is my favorite kind of Meg-post…beautiful colorful pictures, little tidbits about your day, and even a recipe..thanks!

Sarah - FOUR miles! You are good. LOVE those fabric sites-I can’t even sew and I love them!

karen gerstenberger - I love your Africa art with the “The King…” quote – one of my favorite quotes. Your family is so beautiful. Isn’t it a blessing to gather with extended family and share a meal? God is so good.

Rach - Oh nice! We do bath time with Pandora’s “Rockin Christmas” station. LOVE LOVE LOVE! And you admitting that it is 23 degrees there means that I am officially going to live vicariously through your winter starting today. Lots of snow pictures when it comes please.

jennibell - Love posts like this! You live a blessed life. . .and you have these posts to prove it to yourself on the “blah” days 🙂

anna - i am so glad to see these kind of posts, I have missed them! – would love to see your Christmas decorating!!

Adrienne S - Share your stocking stuffers! I love fresh ideas.

Jack - Those little pinwheels are gorgeous!

Emily - I feel like you need a travel mug for your drive to the bus stop!! Ha!

shauna - the curtains look fab

tara pollard pakosta - more than ANYTHING I enjoy your day in the life type posts! I love the random of them!
thanks for sharing!

Stacey Hunter - I love your blog! You always have great photos and crafty ideas 🙂
I also love that you are from the mid-west, as I too can appreciate a good sloppy joe and some tator-tots! (I grew up in Illinois)

jacqui anderson - 2nd craft weekend is ful …… totally NOT AWESOME cause my name isn’t on the list!!!!! LOL 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Panda Kitchen—it’s his birthday.
Give the man what he wants.
And I don’t have to cook!!!!!!!

Kimberly - What a lovely day! And if I could handle a 4 mile run, I’d take stinky at Walmart any time!

Kerry - Love that material! Love the simplicity of your day 🙂 awesome, thanks for sharing x

shelly - Wow-I’m super impressed that you ran when it was so cold out!!! (I was a big complainer this morning just walking to the car to go to the gym!)
Love your Africa art 🙂
as far as dinner, I should take something out…but I don’t want to …

Amber - Such a fun post!!! Love the curtains….Ikea???

Maria - another crazy Wednesday night for us…all 4 boys have overlapping activities and hubs cannot drive…so, we will squeeze in a ‘kids eat free’ night at Times Bar & Grill…

Holly - not sure what we will have since it is church night. Usually a drive thru is in order!

Kensie Conner - we’re having lasagna too! 🙂

happygirl - Just updated my Pandora. Thanks for the tip. LOVE your art. I hope it makes a LOT of $$$ for water for Africa.

Catriona - We had Toad in the Hole which is a lot nicer than it sounds – sausages baked in a big yorkshire pudding – with carrots and broccoli. 5 out of 5 people in our house love it. And there’s not many dinners I can say THAT about! Love your family photos btw.

Vanessa - Love the zebra scissors!!! Your sloppy joes look yummy – have you ever done the recipe from the fix it and forget it cookbook? Jean and Tammy’s sloppy joes. They are so awesome – the look of yours reminded me of them! Totally a family favorite!

Georgia - We were naughty and Chips and pea fritter (for me) and steak and kidney pie from our local chippy! Nothing like a proper english chip shop! yummmm

Lori Austin - I love it when you do “a day in the life of Meg”. 🙂
Those scissors are the best!
Love the curtains.
Good for you for running in the cold. Brrr….I’m a wimp.
Tell me how you finished out the snowman craft with Annie.
What did you use for the face? Googley eyes? Nose?
Looks cute and easy. Love cotton ball crafts. 🙂
Have a great day – oh chili at our house.

lynn-oak hill designs - we are having chicken lasagna for dinner tonight! yum, yum, yum!!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I really, really, really wish my crew liked sloppy joes!!! :o)

Seriously Sassy Mama - My husband left for a week of hunting with the men, so our three girls and I are getting a pizza and watching a girlie movie! Oh, and decorating a cute felt tree I found at Target today. They have fun felt crafts there this year!

Heidi C - I can’t believe you have the curtains that I am DYING to put in my dining room! I love them! 🙂
Loved your family pics yesterday and loving the pictures of your day today. Gives me some motivation to get mine started. 😉

tiffany gardner - happy wednesday! wonderful family photos yesterday…they rocked! wish I could have you over for coffee…but you don’t know me and that might be weird. can’t wait until you have your second craft weekend…so I get to see the photos! end of the month…don’t know what I’ll make for dinner…tomorrow’s will be better. Now I’m rambling…as if you know me. 🙂 Happy wednesday Meg!

amy jupin - could i be the first commenter today?
i miss you.
wanna come over for some coffee?

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couldn’t wait to share…..

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9491117

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9565191

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9559185

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9545171

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9520146

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_943258

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9502128

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9481107

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9513139

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_947197

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9642268

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_946692

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_940733

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9533159

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_941844

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_943460

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9563189

Meg Duerksen November 07, 2011 IMG_9619245_2

i love them.

the family and the pictures.

Blue Lily is my favorite.


go check out their schedule for 2012 and GET ON IT!!!  (it's on the right sidebar of their blog)

wendy + tyler you are super amazing.
i hope someday you come back and STAY for awhile.
or at least eat dinner with us!!!

thank you for these memories!!


(ps….on my computer the photos look FABULOUS…in typepad…not so much…bleh…whatever)


Christina - The photos are amazing, but you have an incredibly beautiful family!! You and Craig make really lovely people. 🙂 I am catching up on your blog and had to stop and comment here!! There are many things that I have wanted to say, though! All good! 🙂 Happy New Year!

Logan - I am late checking in on this, but your family pictures are wonderful. I especially love the one with your 3 girls. They are all so different, but all 3 are lovely!

Kristin S - Meg, what a blessing.

Jennifer S. - These are just beautiful! I love them all but especially the one of you all sitting. God Bless!

mel @ the larson lingo - I am OBSESSED with these!!!!
What a stunning family you have, Meg!
Blessed, indeed!

Sheryl - What happened to little Talby??! She is a young beautiful lady! Wow!

Whitney S - Great photos! Beautiful family! Love the colors! And Talby is so striking… and grown up looking!

SusanA - Simply awesome!! LOVE family photos…kids grow up TOO fast! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family pictures.

Dawn - Love them all!
You are blessed to have these photos.
Back in the day, there were no Blue Lily photographers to choose from. You have no idea how I wish I had just ONE really creative photo of our children while they were young.
Happy for you.

Marie - What an incredible gorgeous family you have. Wow. And the clothing selections is awesome. Good job mama!

Melissa - That last one is my favorite!
Lauren, you are stunning…just like your mama!

Laine Chambers - Wow, these pictures are amazing! I love the one of all ya’ll lying down. And your coat and scarf?? {swoon} Love them. =)

shauna - love um meg!
really great job gettin everyone there and looking happy….that is nearly impossible.
you are the queen.

Lisa - Wonderful! Really like the backdrop. Fav is the family holding hands in front of the barn 🙂

steph - amazing photos!
you all look great!
so happy!
and fresh!
and, might i add, i love craig’s leg squeeze in that sitting on the blanket shot.
love it!
you guys are hot!

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - GREAT photos. I especially love the last one!

sara's art house - LOVE the pictures!!!!!

heather - they are all so lovely, but that last shot is AMAZING!!

Lori Austin - One word….awesome!

Sarah - So beautiful! And where did you get that yellow coat – it’s so stinkin’ cute!

Dawn Burke - Love the pictures !! They are wonderful ! You have a wonderful family. Enjoy your blog !!
Dawn (in Arkansas)

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Beautiful family, beautiful photos…my favorite is all of you laying on the ground and they took the picture over you….LOVE!

tara - 4th one from the bottom one and the last one=AMAZING.

allison drockelman - Love these pics! The outfits you chose look awesome! Ok – where did you get your yellow coat? ;o)

Kfmontoya - I get your posts in email, but I had to link out and sign in especially to comment on this. I love the clothes you chose and your family is STUNNING! The photos are absolutely amazing. Well worth getting up for sunrise. Thank you so much for sharing. Your beautiful gang made my day.

Anne-Marie from CT - These are fantastic!! Great colors, beautiful family, fun shots! 🙂

melissa*320 sycamore - that yellow coat is to die for!! They are all beautiful. Love the colors!

Lindsay K - They look amazing! I love the family shot of everyone laying down. You all look so beautiful! The headshots of Talby though are Stunning! Her eyes are so pretty. 🙂

Sugar Mama - Between the Christmas music I’m listening to and seeing your family pictures I am now sobbing like a baby. Time goes by so fast, doesn’t it? When I see your kids I see the ages of my own kids. I remember what your kids looked like when I first started reading your blog! Just crazy!

casey - BEAUTIFUL!!! Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie - Beautiful! The last one is my favorite!

Sarah Wolfe - Gorgeous family!!!

Rachel B. - Awesome! Love the kids jumping!

brooke - the one laying down is amazing! I love you yellow jacket too!
what a blessing family is!

Briana - Gorgeous!

Cheryl E. - Your family is gorgeous, the pictures are fabulous and you are super talented!

Kerry - Ooh man!! These are too gorgeous Meg!! What a precious family you have 🙂 xx

Vonda - Absolutely beautiful pictures! I really need to get some done-professionally;)! That is a really long word-did I even spell that right?!!! The are inspiring and your family is beautiful! Awesome color choices!

Kris Timson-Bates - These photos are fantastic and quite creative. As a designer I have to admit I am loving the whole CMYK theme you have going on. 🙂
Your family certainly makes mine look very chaotic in stark contrast.
Amazing job by Blue Lily

se7en - Totally stunning photographs!!! I just love them!!! Your kids have just grown up a whole bunch this year… how did that happen so fast!!!

Jessica - So nice! Which one are you using for your Christmas card? They are all lovely!

Danielle - Holy Hannah! These are smokin’! Those outfits are stellar and your yellow coat… I could eat cake I love your coat that much! (And now I shall go eat cake.)

Brittany - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! They turned out so great! You did an awesome job with the outfit coordination!

Leah - These are gorgeous and I love the color combos! I hope Lauren knows how pretty she is!

gorgeous photos of a gorgeous family.
also, the styling couldn’t have been more perfect! love the one of yall laying down…can see the blending of colors and patterns so well. Great job!

elizabeth highsmith - love that yellow jacket and black & white scarf combo, sister friend! it pops!

Mendi Davis - Absolutely beautiful pictures!!

Linda - Totally amazing photos! What a beautiful family you have.

Lia - Fantastic photos!

Kat - I love the last one with all the heads together best. It just seems the most natural and full of fun!
Great pics!

Sandy - Love the colors and the outfits you chose. In the jumping picture…easy to tell who the volleyball and basketball players are. 🙂 Talby is following in Lauren’s footsteps and becoming such a beautiful young woman (when did she grow up?!). Gorgeous family and gorgeous pictures! You are so very blessed.

Julie Kittredge - Oh wow. Crazy seeing all your kids so big! Talby is especially grown up looking … you’ve got a bunch of great looking’ kids there Megan!! xoxo

danielle burkleo - can’t handle the love i have for these!!!

Lisa - Oh my – so gorgeous. What is it like to have children all of the age that they will look at the camera? 😉 Nice outfit selection! I love the colors.

Cindy - WOW! I love each and every one of them! beauty in your fam!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Seriously! Wow. You guys look amazing! Really amazing!

Toni :0) - The kids jumping is just fab and all of you in the group shot is just absolutely lovely. Beautiful family!

Nicole Q. - Amazing Megan. Love them. Love the color scheme you went with. I think my fave might be the one of you all sitting on the blanket wtih fall trees in background. Hard to pick a fave for sure. Love them!! You should be getting our xmas pic soon with all the fun shots you took of us too!

DebZorn - Just beautiful. You will treasure these photos forever. Thanks for sharing.

Christy B - Beautiful pictures and family!!! I also love the outfits! I’m sure it’s hard to pick a favorite because one is better than the next!

Terrie G - these. are. AWESOME!!

Nikki - I’m pretty jealous of that last one!! You’d think with the hubs and I each having a sis who’s a photographer we’d have something cool like that but we don’t :/
These are beautiful! Of course you couldn’t wait to share!

tara pollard pakosta - gorgeous family, gorgeous outfits, gorgeous photos!!

Jen M - LOVE THEM! You and Tyler have similar photography styles 🙂

Linda - Gorgeous! We had our photos taken by Tyler last October. I’m bummed I didn’t book Blue Lily again this year….next year for sure. Your family is beautiful and your Talby looks like you!

Tracy Fisher - you have a beautiful family… inside and out!
tracy Fisher

amy jupin - HAPPY!!!
what a gift and a perfect memory of the seven of you.
great job with the outfits too!
LOVE that yellow coat!

happygirl - Wow, these are gorgeous. LOVE the outfits. LOVE the barn background.

Aby - GoRgEoUs Family Meg!!! Awesome pictures! I love them all…but especially the last one!! So cute! And I love the wardrobe… you match without matching!!! Brilliant!!

TinaM. - awesome location.. they look great!!

kat - Oh my gosh, those are GORGEOUS!!! I love them all, especially the last one! What a treasure!

Amy - What great family pics…I love the last one, you look radiant.
BTW, I joined this crazy thing called facebook a month ago and the first person that came up on that little “people you may know” thing was your hubs. Totally weird, right?

CathyC - AWESOME photos!!!!!!!!

April M - that light was way worth it 😉
awesome family
awesome light
awesome outfits that aren’t too ‘matchy’ but not clashing but still capture each personality
photographers with mucho talent…
wow. <3 it 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Lauren has some serious air in that pic!
Gorgeous, all around.
And I love the outfits.

The Orchard - My goodness you have gorgeous kidlets! Those photos are amazing!

Suzette - Wow Meg….these are beautiful! I love the one of you all lying down. Makes me wish I had a couple more kids 😉

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love the pictures! I love the colors you chose for everyone to wear.

Kimberlee Jost - Thank goodness you found that yellow coat and brought it home. So good!

Jen Brandt - Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family.

Kimberlee Jost - Stunning, beautiful, and so striking…you all are.

Mary - They look fabulous on my computer! You are such a fun family…love that.
Ummm….but I gotta say, I did miss seeing Waffle. ;o)

Ashlyn@Pinecone - They are all great – but really loving the last one!

Lin - What great pictures. I am struggling with my daughter right now. She hates wearing a coat and we can’t agree on anything. Where did you get Annie’s? I love it.

Heather R. - My favorite one is the last one. They are all fab!!!

donna - what a beautiful family you have – i love the pics. however, where is waffle????? you have inspired me to gather up my 6 kids and get a photographer and have some pics done – i have NONE – i will regret that, won’t I?

Alicia @ La Famille - SOO SOOO fun!! i love the last pic bestest!

erin - Your family is absolutely beautiful!

Tanya H - Ok, these are FABULOUS! I love the laying down shot! but why did he make your little girls look so grown up?!
it’s possible that I’m having issues with my own kids growing up and its affecting my perspective……… LOL!

jacqui anderson - they’re beautiful!

Holly - they look great! Talby looks just like you!

Dawn - Oh my gosh! These pictures are fabulous! I love your colors! They are not super matchy matchy, but they go so well together! Love, love, love!!

Lindsay - They are AWESOME!

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thanksgiving ’11

on thursday we enjoyed thanksgiving at my parents' house.


IMG_3736 IMG_3733

huge turkey to feed everybody.


the sweet potatoes were amazing!!!




my niece is such a little lover.
she went around the table and gave everyone hugs and cuddles.
she stuck with craig for along time and said "i wove you uncle cwraig"
it was the cutest thing ever. 

waffle got to play outside all day long and he was SO HAPPY!

best part of thanksgiving…..

i met mr. jake…my cousins son…for the first time.
he was adorable.
he asked as many questions as my scotty did when he was 2.



i only have three cousins on my dad's side of the family and two were there!
we got a picture with our grandma too.

my cousin brought her twin girls too and my kids LOVED having more kids to play with!

my mom wanted a family photo and WE DID IT!
we have talked about it lots of times but this time we got it done.


one big happy family….full of turkey and stuffing.


so my computer is back from the dead….kind of.
it's slower than before.
which is what i was trying have fixed.

computers are awesome.
until they aren't.



Krissy - Love the Jayhawk stuff!!! I’m from Wichita, but stationed in VA so I always rock my Jayhawk tees!! 😀

beth - LOVE all the jayhawk wear 🙂 I’m a MU alum, myself, and am so sad they are moving to the SEC and won’t have KU as a rival anymore (not to mention, they are going to get whooped in–what is the world coming to??? My brother went to KU and my other brother and I are MU grads, so it’s some good ol’ smack talk sometimes–ha!

Jenn - pie is my fave part too!

Meredith Himaya - Beautiful pictures! Beautiful family!
Ok. Please tell me that I’m not the only one who noticed the GINORMOUS grasshopper thing in the pic behind Waffle!?!?! I’ll admit, I’m pretty doped up on cold medicine…..:)

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - ~Hahaha~ As I was typing this I hear “crash…..HEY!!!!!!” My 1 yr old just crashed the game party my kids have going on and there are lego’s everywhere! Made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too!

crystalbeutler - Thanksgiving looked like a good time. I miss celebrating with my extended family so much. I love the picture of Annie picking out her food. I get such a kick out of kids when they are going through a buffet.
Hope your computer gets better. 🙂

Wendy - Can I join you next year?
You are blessed to have such a large family 🙂

Lisa - You need a big purple PowerCat in the middle of all that crimson and blue! 🙂 Happy times!

tiffany gardner - I’m SO happy you got your family photo for your parents. My daddy passed away from Alzheimer’s disease 5 years ago and it really inspired me in my photography to encourage all my clients to have grandparent photos made. Your blog ALWAYS always makes me smile but today…it made me tear up and smile. Thanks for sharing your life with us. It is a good reminder of God’s great love for us! Happy Thanksgiving…my favorite all time blog!!!!!

Cecilia Madden - I cannot tell you how happy those pies make me. My inlaws are happy to have ONE! One?! Growing up we had at least a half dozen…a pecan, an apple, a low-sugar apple, lemon merengue, pumpkin, chocolate…mmmm!

Sharla - Looks great! (except for the KU shirts. JK!) I love that picture of waffle. He is totally smiling.

sara @ it's good to be queen - love the whole family photos…so fun…rock chalk.

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Yay! All that great food and family! You’re one blessed chick. :o)

Maya Catching Butterflies - Those pies look amazing! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Laura Phelps - computers and families
sometimes you love them
sometimes you want someone to fix them
but no way could we live without them
happy thanksgiving! - Isn’t Thanksgiving just the best ever?! Love that holiday!!!

Sarah Wolfe - Looks like a great Thanksgiving. It’s always an effort to get everyone out to take the family photo, but SO worth it! Wish I would have remembered 🙂

TinaM. - I love Thanksgiving…just getting together with family and eating!!
I also love the shot of the drink that wrong,lol 🙂

amy jupin - love the family pic!
love that pic of craiggers.
hope you had a great thanksgiving, my sweet friend!

Han - That family pic is awesome 🙂 I’m going to try and take one at Christmas as we have a new addition this year 🙂

Mrs. - I know what you mean about computers. I have been having a fight with iPhoto for a month…but I love it so much we can’t break up! $100 in repair costs so far…and it’s not fixed, so I refuse to load any more photos as I am afraid to lose them.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - The sweet potatoes look so nice! Please share the recipe : )
Gemma x

Ali - GREAT shots! LOVE the family pic! Hooray for happy family memories 🙂

Leah - Awesome photos. Looks like a great Thanksgiving! I’m loving all these blog Thanksgiving recap posts!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Great pictures, Meg. 🙂 Can’t believe how TALL your kids are!!

bread and jam - Family photos are hard…we usually wait until everyone is about to leave and then we’re like…oh, we’ll get it next time.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Thanksgiving, Meg! I am so thankful for you. So glad you got your picture 🙂

karen - i second Holly’s comment. I would love to know the recipe for those sweet potatoes 😉

Holly - great photos! Thanks for sharing them!

Meg's Mom - It was a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for the great pics. We have so much to be thankful for.

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - So glad to see the picture with your grandma in it! 🙂
That’s a super special one!!!

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the Water4Christmas etsy shop is OPEN.

there is LOTS of fun stuff over there to shop for.

and give CLEAN water by shopping.










Il_570xN.289836968  Il_570xN.289258302



evan - that’s my pillow!! 🙂 how cool!!!

Laura Phelps - second year in a row that I missed the deadline to donate a craft.
I am not good with deadlines.

Tina Jacobsen - Just did some shopping!! Just bought my 6 year old daughter an Africa shirt!! Her Sunday school class supports a child in Africa and she was excited to get one of the shirts!! This is such a great way for her to be God’s helper in this world!! 🙂 Have a great weekend Meg!!
Tina J

Desiree' - yay!! just got a shirt!! thanks for making a “boy” item! 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I cant wait to go check everything out! Today is my day to get some online Christmas shopping done before we go get our (first ever!)real tree. Have a lovely weekend.

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dear santa,

all i want for christmas is a pet owl.

i have been good.





don't forget to enter to win a $50 gift card from Bounce HERE.

AND enter to win a $100 gift card to from Hellman's HERE.


Kelli - I have wanted a pet owl ever since Harry Potter came out! Thanks for sharing such a sweet video – my boys and I loved it!

Sarah - Awww! Who knew owls were so cute! 🙂 Love it!

amy - for real though. the kids and i have watched this about 5 times.

karen - sooo cute!! the power of music eh!

Dina Marie - I love that owl video! So sweet and relaxing! It makes me feel like I want to have that baby owl as my pet. : )

Kristin S - Ack, color… is your computer back to life???

lauren - they are so precious!! that little one?! ahh! be still my heart!! 🙂 *

Kimberly Dial - Such striking creatures … I loved the expression on Mr. Horned Owl’s face & of course the one receiving the massage had a look of total relaxation! Thanks for sharing!

Tracey - The white faced one is too beautiful—looks like the ones from the Gaurdians of Gahool

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - Now I want one too…….that first one was sooo adorable just sitting there getting the head rub and loving it!!!,

SaraG - my girls have just torn up their christmas lists!
so cute – we didn’t believe it was real!!

Ali - Now our whole house want one too!

Lisa - I love that owl!!

Vonda - That is the stinkin cutest thing I have seen in a while!!! I want one too :)!

Kimberlee Jost - I still don’t trust birds.
Even ones that are cute.

shannon - Oh my gosh! I want one, so adorable!

heather - um…that little round owl is the cutest thing i’ve seen in a very long time.

Cathy - How darn cute is that.. I have been asking for a hedge hog for years..

april - be still my heart…why did i almost cry? lol

Holly - how stinkin cute is that!?

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