Masthead header

and that is it.

where in the world did this year go?

it was SPEEDY.

really really fast.

i traveled more than ever….did some BIG fun stuff.

i loved this year.

all the christmas decorations are put away.

i cleaned out my closet today….and cleaned my room….and my bathroom….hours of cleaning.
as much i hate cleaning….i love when it's done. 


four bags to donate…three bags of trash.

now for my new year's eve celebration….i am going to clean the craft room.  
i haven't gone in there since september.  
no joke.
it is an avalanche waiting to happen.

IMAG0319-2 IMAG0321-3

but i NEED it for craft weekend prep.

and that is in 26 days!!!

so i will be a busy busy girl this month.


by the way….

i have received the nicest emails and gifts this month from blog readers!!
that is so cool.

i have such awesome readers.

that is YOU.

YOU are awesome.
thank you.
so much.

i hope you are doing something way cooler on this new year's eve than cleaning a mountain of junk.
but if not….and you are chillin' at home….browsing pinterest….eating cookies….


happy new year.

it's gonna be a really good one. 


Jyotsna Kandpal - Merry Christmas Meg !!! You know I am the same kind of person… When I make up my mind for cleaning everything then I just do everything in one shot.. Though it takes a lot of hours as you mentioned… And I love everything after that.. But this feeling lasts for 2-3 days and I am back to lethargy again… Eveything in my house also looks like this.. I wish there was someone I could hire to just clean the mess after me… lol…

Lisa - I’m still in Christmas mode! We just celebrated our last Christmas gathering of the year with my siblings and families New Year’s Eve! We had a wonderful time! And so, my Christmas decorations are still up . . . . never want to take down the lights, my favorite part of the holidays. I wish I had a room for crafting – instead I have a folding table in the corner of my bedroom, and some supplies stashed in my closet. But I’m already feeling that need to clean out, make room, get re-organized . . . and your descriptions of what you’re doing helps me, too! Thanks!

Jacci in Ohio - Happy New Year!!! I’m impressed you got your Christmas stuff down already. I always get a little down when vacation ends, so I leave mine up just until I get back in the swing of our normal schedule. I know you’re getting ready for craft weekend, but I thought I’d mention one more time that the neutral background vlog idea thingy is still something I think would make a really great post 🙂 you know, in your spare time 🙂

merran tatum - oh, meg. i just love you! thanks for a great year of blogging. i check in on you every day and think of you as a good friend. you inspire me and make me laugh all the time. PLEASE post a picture of your craft room all clean and organized whenever you finish up. mine is looking a lot like your soon-to-be-avalanche, and i’d love to see how you tidy it up. i think i need the inspiration to tackle mine! hugs to you and thanks for all the hard work and time that you put into your blog. it makes my day!!

mary - Thanks so much for always sharing your real life. It’s nice to see I am not the only creative soul with piles to go through and organize. Here’s to another year of more piles to make and more to clean up!

Tracy Fisher - I am so excited to see that someone else’s craft room looks like mine. haha. I am already saving money and praying that one of these Craft Weekends will work for me. I want it so bad. That will be my gift to myself this summer.
Blessings to you and your family in 2012.

Mrs. Jones - My craft room looks exactly the same. Thank you for showing me that photo. 😉 I feel better now.

Heather R. - Happy New Year! All the best.

April R - inspired.
Happy New Year!

Marla Rae - Happy New Year. love your blog. love the pics!

Holly - You have no idea how glad I am to see that your craft room looks as bad as mine!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - What happened to the ‘Meg of old’? 🙂
I think I remember a post from one of the first years I read your blog, where you were taking down your Christmas decorations near the end of January!!!
You are off to an amazing start!!!
Here’s to a super productive 2012! 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I have yet to put my Christmas stuff away. It’s going to make a big mess, and I dread that. With cleaning, it looks worse before it looks better, so you’re headed in the right direction. Happy 2012!

Alisa - In the midst of my mess….your picture of your craft room was a gift. Thanks.

sue - Happy New year to you and your family. You have entertained me all year with your blog. I thank you for that and look forward to seeing what you get up to this year.

amanda - Enjoyed reading you posts another year! Looking forward to 2012 🙂

Amy - Thanks for showing your craft room. Mine looks the same and I really need to get in their and do something so I can create in peace and calm. Happy New Year!

Christine Ishmael - I love that you cleaned/organized for New Years…I’m doing that next year! Get the Christmas stuff down and the house organized makes for a great start to the New Year! Happy 2012!

Siobhan - Ha! That craft room is epic! As much as I hate clutter I love to organize that looks like its gonna be fun;) I hope you have an awesome new years even if your cleaning! You have blessed me so much this year by your blog I cannot Thankyou enough for all of your encouragement and lifting of my spirit! You are such a blessing to me and so many others!

Jenny B. - At home. Drinking frappuccino. Reading your blog. 🙂 Hi back!

Shannon - happy new year Meg! you rock! yep so we went to our friends/neighbors down the street this year with our three littles. the best part of the night, or worst, was me walking through their darkened kitchen (where the fondue pots, one with chocolate in it) were still set up. i dipped a few chips in chococlate and came out like nothing had happened, or no one had seen me. except that my chewbeads necklace dipped in the chocolate and i didn’t know it. until my friend pointed out a huge
smattering of chocolate all over my bright white v-neck shirt from the now chocolate covered chewbeads. it was embarrassing but they know me well enough to know that i would totally do that. so we laughed a lot about it. later, i almost choked on a too big mouthful of chips. sa-weet! happy new year!

Wendy - Love the pics of your craft room … looks like my upstairs.

jen marmen - Hi Meg-Happy New Year! I love your Christmas dishes and was wondering where you got them?

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh my craft room looks like your pics above. . .please post pics when it is all clean. .. and tell me how many hours it takes.. .so I can be inspired and motivated to do the same. . .I tell you. . my craft room is suppose to be a place that nourishes but all it does is suck the life out of me. . .I love to create but never put anything back. . .my own fault I know. . .but agh.

Ali - D’you know how envious I am of the phrase ‘All the Christmas decorations are put away”?
Guess what’s on my list for today….
Happy New Year!

Leah - Must have been the end of the year because I was a mad cleaner and organizer too. I organized my daughter’s old clothes for giveaway and keep. Got rid of trash and shredding. It feels nice to be organized. Happy New Year to you!

Kari - You are in good company. I have spent this evening updating my blog since I have been neglecting it for the last 6 months… working on a small business: But of course, due to my crazy, quirky tendencies I couldn’t ring in the new year without being up to date! (Oh, and my mom has been begging for recent pictures…) Anyway, happy new year to you and your family! Thanks for the entertainment in 2011 – looking forward to more to come!

Terrie G - Happy New Year Meg!! Can’t wait to see what you cook up in the craft room for us this year!
Thanks for the inspiration, for being REAL, for sharing your heart…for challenging us to give in ways we may have never known about! I’m cleaning my craft room this week too. I think I need to take pics to remind myself that it can be clean…at least long enough for pictures! LOL!!
PS Now that the holidays are over…I’m heading back to Pinterest for more inspiration!!

Tami - Post pictures of your craft room when you get it clean so I can be inspired. Love your blog. Keep it coming in 2012.

Kerstie - Thanks for another year of great posts. Hope you have a terrific 2012. And, YES I was browsing Pinterest. 😉

mel @ the larson lingo - Happy New Year Meg! So thankful for you & meeting for real this year! Blog sugar was a highlight for me this year! Here’s to a great 2012!

Kacy - happy new year! 2011 FLEW by!! I’m excited to see what 2012 will bring. I wish you, and everyone, health, happiness, and peace.

Tiffany - Happy New Year Megs, of course your readers are awesome. Your awesome!! Thanks for sharing your colorful life with us. Big things in 2012.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im enjoying the QUIET on my couch, girls are asleep and waiting for hubby to get back from our churchs New Years Eve service.
I had no plans of cleaning up Christmas but it totally happened over the past 2 days and Im relieved its done since we go back to school on Tuesday here. I wont have to worry about doing it after I get home. Ive also been cleaning and hoe-ing out, rearranging furniture and it feels good! Fresh looks, pared down, living simply.
Happy New Year! Im thankful to have met you IRL this year:)

karen - HI meg!, yup. at home browsing pinterest and my favourite blogs. happy new year!!

PaisleyJade - Happy New Year!! It’s nearly dinner time on 1st Jan here in NZ and I still haven’t packed up my Christmas stuff!!

Jen Brandt - Totally browsin’ Pinterest and Facebooking. Drove 979 miles in last two days. Back home from Christmas in TX with in-laws. Christmas at home with our kiddos tonight, Christmas at my mom and dad’s tomorrow/New Year’s Day dinner. Just told hubby I am blog stalking Meg and he said, “Tell her I said, ‘Hi'” 🙂 Here’s to a great 2012!

Holly - its only 10:15 here. Not sure I am going to make it to midnight! - Ha! I’m cleaning my craft room tonight too! Just took a break to peek at fb and see what everyone is up to. New Years always makes me want to clean things up – get a fresh start! Enjoy your cleaning -your right it feels so much better when its done!
Back to work now:)!

Laura Lee - cleaned, chillin’, and lovin it! Happy New Year, thanks for keeping me entertained all year 🙂 And inspiring me! you rock!

kelli - I was browsing pinterest….eating cookies….
Freaky…. Yikes.

Lori Austin - I envy your cleaning frenzy. Dragging my feet here. :-/
Comfy on the couch in my jammies with the husband snoring in his
chair. We are living it up this New Year’s. Ha!
Happy New Year Meg!!

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cheesy potatoes

before you make your new year’s resolution to lose weight….

make these and start your diet the next day.


i have made these since we have been married.
it’s a tradition.
any special day HAS to have these cheesy potatoes.
HAS to.
it’s non negotiable.


all the good stuff. sour cream…cheese…butter….potatoes

mix all of the ingredients together except 1/4 c. of butter and the cereal.

press it into a 9×13 pan.

then….smash up the cereal in a ziploc bag.
the cereal is….frosted flakes.


then pour the 1/4 c. melted butter into the bag.

i know i know….i told you….start your diet tomorrow….it will be worth postponing it one more day.


pour the buttery cereal on your potatoes and smoosh it down.


now i have two kids in my house that don’t like the crunchy stuff on their potatoes so this is how i handle that.
i leave a small portion un-crunched.

then you cover it with foil and bake it for an hour at 350.

this will be the HIT of any meal.
it’s the yummiest homey sidedish of comfort food there is.
if you walk into any church potluck in the midwest on a sunday afternoon….these potatoes will be on the table i can promise you that.

i hope you LOVE them.
we had them on christmas day.
my mom had them at her christmas dinner too.






Aaron Greenwood - I have to giggle at this! In Utah, they are known as funeral potatoes….drives me bonkers too! The cereal on top just took it to another level though! I am for sure sharing this with LOTS of my peeps! Thanks!
& a VERY happy, blessed & mildly uneventful 2012 to you & yours.
I say mildly because well, we all have to gather strength & patience from somewhere & with no eventfulness [is that a word?!] I doubt that could take place 😉

Courtney Walsh - We make these too…funeral potatoes. YUM. 🙂 They’re a favorite for sure!!!

ginny - we make these a lot too! for years. except i put more shredded cheese on top instead of the cereal. that’s the way we love them.

Kristin S - Meg, there are NO words. I’ve made a version of this for years but never with FROSTED flakes. Brilliant salty/sweet.

summer - Oh my gosh, you just made my day! We call these funeral potatoes in Idaho and I love them but I’ve never had the recipe 🙁 My best friend’s grandmother would make us a 9X13 every month when we were roommates in college. Yummo. Resolutions can wait another day right?

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Even in LA these potatoes are a hit, BUT I have never made them with Frosted Flakes, that is too weird, but I will definitely try it because it looks amazing!!!! Happy New Year!

crystal beutler - These are my fave!!! I could eat the entire pan myself. Maybe I should — since the diet starts up again next week. 🙂

Maria - In the oven now…can’t wait!

Tina I - We have this every Christmas morning! I use shredded potatoes, but delish either way. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Maggie Nunez - my hubby loves these cheesy potatoes, my sister makes them for him at family gatherings. i have never tried making them, your twist with the frosted flakes sounds interesting, gonna have to make them for hubby one day. Thanks for sharing!

jackie mccobb - Ack! Why must you torture me so? I can’t find half of these ingredients in Paraguay. 🙂

Jacci in Ohio - Lol – I live in Ohio, which is kind of a Great Lakes/Midwest blend 🙂 I was *just* planning to get the ingredients for these potatoes to take to a neighbor who had back surgery. I’m like a few other commenters… I prefer the shredded hash browns and plain corn flake topping. Have you ever noticed that pre-shredded cheese doesn’t melt as well because of the anti-caking agents used in packaging it? Lame details, i know. It’s good no matter how you make it! But, I like to shred my own sharp cheddar and add real diced onion. Makes it feel a little more “homemade” to me that way. Enjoy your NYE tonight, Meg! And thanks for posting through Christmas Break!

Heather R. - You went all “Paula Deene” on it…ha! YUM. Thanks for sharing.

Holly - Yummy! Where i come from these are called funeral potatoes. Maybe because of the ingredients, but more likely because there is usually a big dinner put on for the family by our community when someone dies and these are always on the menu.

andrea - We call these Ostrander potatoes because that’s where my brother-in-law was living when he started making them for all family dinners. I accidentally bought the hashbrowns with the onions and red peppers in them once, and they taste really good too. Make them this way on purpose sometimes now.

Ami Davis - I make the same dish every Christmas with a few substitutions to make it vegetarian.
In my recipe, I use cream of celery soup and mexican/southwestern spicy shredded cheese. I also use vegan butter and tofutti sour cream. The final change is panko bread crumbs instead of frosted flakes. The end result is a yummy savory dish that we have as a breakfast casserole with biscuits. Delish!

Heidi Durant - we call them funeral potatoes, because most likely, they are at every Mormon funeral! Love them…love your blog and a happy new year to you and your family!

Melissa - Must. Try.

Celeste - I’ve been doing this for years! Everyone always wants me to bring the cheesy potatoes!

Laura Phelps - SO TEMPTED…
but one by one we have been hit here with a nasty tummy bug
and sadly, NICK has it today…New Years Eve 🙁
I am thinking all this butter and crunch and butter and butter and cheese and butter might have to wait.
does look good
Belle would eat the entire tray
and ya know, I have always wanted to stop in on a church potluck in the midwest
putting that on my new years resolution list
(will you take me???)
love you

Elizabeth Macleod - This sounds like a heart attack special but I will have to try it tonight!! I’m with Mindy that it is great you use no-name because groceries are sooooo expensive especially where I live.

angela - We make that at EVERY gathering but I have never put the crunch on top. Great idea! We call it Hash Brown Casserole…because we are creative like that!

Southern Gal - Now that’s different! The potluck dish of choice in the South is macaroni and cheese – homemade, of course, full of butter, cheese, milk and eggs. Good stuff. I’ll have to try this potato dish. - Love these potatoes! And I have adapted them to work in the crock pot. I take them to work any time we have a potluck:). I have learned a new trick to cut some of the fat- greek yogurt! I substitute it for the sour cream and it works awesome! Same flavor with less fat. No one has noticed and I don’t feel quite as guilty eating them:).

Mindy Harris - my mom TRIPLE batched cheesey taters this year! i love it with the frosted flakes on top. you are so cute for leaving some off of a wee bit on the side.
also i love that you don’t buy just name brands. thanks for keepin’ it real! groceries are expensive!

Michelle From Australia - Why do we Australians not have recipes like this? No Hobby Lobby, no Walmart, no Reese’s Pieces, no so many other things. Sigh….Happy 2012 Meg!

erica - I don’t smash up my frosted flakes and my recipe calls for a can of cream of chicken and a can of cheddar cheese soup and omits the grated cheese. I used to take them to MOPS every time I had to take food. The nice name for them is Granny Hester’s Scalloped Potatoes but most of my friends call them Better Than S*x Potatoes 🙂

Paula - We love these cheesy tatters too. I have always made with corn flakes not frosted flakes. You have me wondering now about the frosted. I have also tried with crushed potato chips but it’s not as good as the corn flakes. Frosted? Really? Hmmmm…..

Kelly - These are very similar to the cheesy potatoes that are always on my mom’s Christmas dinner table. If we’re lucky, they show up at Easter too! 🙂

katie - I make the version without the flakes. Thought – make with chopped onion and chopped green pepper added. yummo!

Leah - I want these now! I’m putting hash browns on my grocery list.

shannon - I Love these too! My mom always made them for holiday dinners and now I make them, they are sooo good 🙂

Molly - I love them, but ewww, not with the cubed potatoes. Must be shredded hashbrowns. Preferably the fresh(er) simply potatoes kind. And real onions. Apparently I’m a cheesey potatoes snob. But yum!

Kerstie - Oh YES, definitely before the diet! Or, maybe I can wait and make them for Easter!!
I live in California, and I like the “mid-west” recipes you share.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Weird question, but can you actually tell that it is frosted flakes? I ask because I think I would like the crunchy texture, but I do noootttttt like the flavor of FF. :/ I guess I will be like your kids and make it without the “crunchy stuff” Ha. Thanks for sharing! I always love your recipes. 🙂

Heidi C - My mom used to make these with plain cornflakes until one year she only had frosted flakes……it was AMAZING!!!! 🙂 Thanks for reminding me about these, I may have to make them tomorrow!

michelle@decorandthedog - I’m worried about your kids that don’t like the crunch. That’s the best part!! These were served at Christmas dinners on both sides!

happygirl - My cholesterol levels flew through the roof just READING the recipe. (although the frosted flake crunch has me wondering) Thanks.

Northern Cottage - We have the same tradition!! And the kiddos gobble it up every time! Xoxo

Terrie G - This is a staple at our house!! Always requested by my kids.
Only I have never used the frosted kind…only the plain.
The Crunchies are the BEST part!
Have a HaPpY NeW YeAr MeG!!
Thanks for all you have shared this past year!
Love the constant inspiration!! 🙂

Alicia @ La Famille - looks yummy!!!

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gingerbread house 2011

i forgot to share these!

my friend GB makes gingerbread houses that you can purchase.

i tend to burn things…..
i do.
and i thought if i wanted a memory of the house with the kids….
it would be best if i don't try to bake it AND cut it AND decorate it.

so i asked GB for a big house that i could decorate with my family.



the three youngest were the only ones who wanted to help.
no surprise there.

everyone got one side ….. and me too.




that was my side….. i like candy.
it's fun to craft with.

and snack on too. 

talby covered the roof with fish and gumdrops.

sean covered his roof with licorice and wrote fish in fish.
so funny.

so sean.

and i didn't get a picture of annie's side.

i just missed it.

i know it's past christmas….
if you would like a gingerbread house made by my friend GB to decorate with your kids over the school break
send me an email and i will get you her contact info.



Kristopher Diss - I didn’t know gumdrops and fish candy can make great shingles! The licorice twists certainly would ensure a water-free interior! Great and creative bonding experience with the kids!

crystal beutler - If you were to ask my kids about their favorite Christmas memory, this would be it — making gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve. We do it every year — except this year. This year it was about the Christmas lamp, and a hotel. 🙁 They were mad at me.
I’d have to say this is one of my favorite memories too — of my dad, and my grandma.
You can never go wrong with a gingerbread house.
Yours turned out really cool!
P.S. If you tend to burn things, try building houses out of sugar cubes. Super fun, but not as fun as gingerbread. 🙂 - OMG!!!! I love your gingerbread house!!! so bright and colorful!! the swedish fish are a cute touch! 🙂

Sharla - Love the snowmen too 🙂

Jessica Johnson - #1. i want a friend that makes gingerbread houses. #2. can’t WAIT to see you in just a few weeks!!!!

Kacy - Cute gingerbread house! I just wanted to say that I love your blog!!! You’ve inspired me to be crafter (is that a word?) with my kids and start my own blog ( Have a great new year!!

julie - merry (belated) christmas! for christmas dinner i made your chicken enchiladas and served your mom’s margaritas to the adults. for dessert i made pam’s delicious cheesecake. YUM-O! on new year’s eve i am making your artichoke dip and for the second year in a row, rainbow cake. i cannot wait! thanks for sharing all of your wonderful recipes in blogland!

Amy @ - That is one sweet gingerbread house! Beat ours for sure, although ours was decorated by a three year old, so that can be pretty sweet too 🙂 Great pics!

Ryanne - Talby is very talented. All of the things she creates seem to be very pleasing to the eye. Her crafts are always my favorites.

Ruth H. - If you tend to burn things, don’t feel bad. Every time I burn something, I think back to one of my all-time favorite movies, the original, black and white Sabrina (with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart). There’s this line, where one of Sabrina’s fellow students at cooking school tells her in his charming french accent, “A woman who is happy in love, she burn the food. But, a woman who is unhappy in love, she forget to turn the oven on.” See? It’s all because you are happily in love! Congratulations!

Laura Phelps - this was the year I was going to make a huge gb house from scratch.
oh well.
next year maybe.
sean kills me.
love that kid.

Chrissy Boerman - i love how much candy you put on your house very festive

Lori Austin - Love the big house. Turned out so cute.
We did the graham cracker village. I actually hot glued the houses together and then gave each of my kiddos a ziploc full of icing to cover them with candy. Worked out great.
I can’t bake gingerbread either – just not happening.
Btw, I introduced a friend to your blog over Christmas break and she is now addicted. Your welcome. 😉
Happy New Year!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Last year was the first year that I thought to make one with my girls. We bought a kit on super sale from Michaels and went to town. The girls loved it and were begging for one this year which we never got around to doing.
Then on Pinterest or a blog(cant remember which) I saw someone making one with their kids…an entire village actually using graham crackers! Yes, much smaller scale but way more likely to get made in this house:)
And I just have to comment how much I love all of your red bowls. Theyre so fun & festive! I have a set of red dishes from my grandmother(whom I never met) and theyre really special to me.

Valerie Ransom - I love that! So sweet. We made a tiny one with our 2 year old today – I had to resist the twitches that came from the insane icing amounts being dolloped on! It turned out great, though!

Alicia @ La Famille - so fun! i want to eat those swedish fish. bad!!

Leah - This looks awesome! Was hoping you’d have a gingerbread house post this winter. I did the same thing last week – that is bought the house pre-assembled and we decorated it. Here’s the post that chronicles our house:

Trish - my mom made a gingerbread house replica of her big old house. it was so cool and so fun!

Holly - very cool!

Tere - I love this tradition. Would you share your camera setting for such bright pictures in your home. I’m assuming it was at night. Much thanks!!

karen gerstenberger - If I lived nearby, I would love to do that…but my kiddo is too old to participate. I’m glad that your three youngest still enjoyed it with you!
Happy New Year to you and your family!

happygirl - I’ve never done a gingerbread house. It looks like so much fun. I just can’t bake, so it’s never happened. LOVE the licorice roof. I’ve never seen those colors of licorice. 🙂

Terrie - Never made a Gingerbread house in my life…
I feel very deprived!!
Must do this with my Grandson one day!

Quin - Oh boy, Sean’s fish side is too funny… Looks like you guys had fun!

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so far…

we had our christmas.  :)


new jammies….the kids loved theirs and i bought some for me too…thanks aunt jan for the gift card!!

family gifts… we give one gift for each of our kids to open that is for the whole family.
the sandwich maker is a HIT.
they were so excited about it.



the headphones are to stay attached to the desktop computer and no one is allowed to take them off.
this way there is always a pair of headphones when i say "turn the sound off your game" or "i don't want to hear your music turn it off please" and so now they can listen to their game and i keep my sanity.

sibling gifts….they each got each other little things this year with their own money.
that was really cute.
they got us gifts too.
IMG_5111-4 IMG_5112-5

annie made these personalized travel mugs for me and craig.  i could not love them any more!!! they are perfect!


talby gave me these sweet birds. 
and scott picked a starbucks gift card for me.
sean got me a neck massager pillow but i couldn't find it to take a picture.
i think one of the kids confiscated it already!

then we gave our gift to them.
we give ONE gift to each one of them.
we started this three years ago? i think.
it was to the point of ridiculous with all the gifts they were receiving.
we knew we could not control what others would do so we changed what we could do.
buying less.
they have ENOUGH already.  
they have TOO MUCH already.
so they get one gift and they have been fine with that…it's just the way it is.

annie got a keyboard.  (my friend suggested the headphones…best idea ever!)
talby got an iPod dock/clock.
scott wanted strength shoes….for basketball….muscle building shoes.

sean got a 3DS that we found a fabulous deal on.
and lauren got an iPod classic that we got through craigslist.

we don't get them whatever they want….but we try to get them something nice that would enjoy…
but that we can afford.
and we do not do gift cards.
or money.

it has helped cut back on the excess.

AND their stocking (gift bags) are filled with little goodies that are picked just for them…
like basketball socks, saxophone reeds, lipstick, squinky sets and candy.

we had a chirstmas dinner.
craig made a ham…so good!!
i made cheesy potatoes and cream corn and fruit salad.

and cream puff for dessert.

we went to my parents house and had another BIG dinner there.
my mom made all the little girls matching fur vests…super cute!

17 people in one room opening gifts….chaos.

my dad had this shirt made for me.

he is so silly.


and today
i am sitting in a quiet house because scott is at basketball with craig, sean and talby stayed with their grandma and aunt, annie is playing with our neighbor and lauren is asleep.
so i frosted cookies peacefully.
and i will make some gingersnaps now.

then we are onto craig's mom's for christmas there.

how is your holiday going?
everyone getting along?


Lisa - I remember Craig wearing those strength shoes all the time. Every time I saw him in the gym, back when I was in middle school, he always had them on! 🙂

Christy - Sandwich Maker – Best thing EVER! We’ve had one for over 10 years now. Best “I don’t know what to make for dinner” fix ever. Some of our favorites – Tuna melt, Egg and cheese (One egg per sandwich cook for 3 minutes for a runny yolk), Chilli and cheese, and finally Spaghetti (I know that sounds weird but sprinkle garlic salt on the buttered/outside side of the bread and fill with pasta and sauce premixed. It’s good.
Blokus is a great game. Quirkle is another good one.
Good choices!

crystal beutler - I am dying over those handmade cups — I think I would cry every time I pulled one out of the cupboard. I have this little shrinky-dink heart Claire made me when she was four. Something about the handwriting — love it.
Big question: How goes the muscle building with those shoes???? 🙂

Kathy (kathyb) - I love your approach to gifts Meg and will be making a note ready for next year. I too would love to hear if/ how you do Santa. Also how do you approach stockings? Do you have a set number of items or set budget or do you work more flexibly? Thank you for sharing your family’s traditions.

Tracy Fisher - I love what you say about Christmas gifts. Our family is the same. I was so proud of our son when friend of mine asked if he got everything he had on his list… he said, “I didn’t have a list, but I got the perfect things”. Almost makes me cry since we cut back this year more than ever. So, I thank you for your post. And I loved the ginger bread houses. I must get to those next year.

Laura Phelps - love the mess of family and wrapping…after ten years of Christmas with no family, it is such a special gift to have a room full of noise.
off to get Jack and show him those sneakers….I would love to get our boys together to shoot some hoops.
miss you

Cheryl - @Heather Bachman – Lauren got an ipod classic… didn’t you read the whole post?
Always love your posts, Meg. Sounds like a really nice Christmas. What a great idea to just give one gift.. i also like the 4 gift idea as some of your readers have mentioned.
Happy New Year!

Kelly - Did you get your red and white polka dot glitter ribbon at Michael’s? I had that too. yea!
LOVE the Cosby show!
I also like the one gift idea. We got our little guy three and I already felt like that was showing a lot of restraint. 🙂 Kelly

Kimberlee Jost - Yo! Tell Annie her mugs rock.
And that I miss her. 😉

Jenny B. - Meg, thank you so much for sharing about the gifts! I have been stressed about the excess of Christmas for the past few years, and you’re so right – you can only control what you buy – not what everyone else buys. It is so helpful and encouraging to see/read about how you do things in your family. Thanks again! 🙂

julie - Those shoes are CRAZY!!!
One gift is my fave.
Sugar cookies are not.
Unless they show up on my door. Then they too are my fave.
Merry more Christmas friend.

amy - i love the idea of everyone getting a family gift and then one big gift each. ooooh… but the sesame street fever t-shirt? awesome. this child of the 70’s needs one, too ; ) happy new year!!

JennyW - meg thanks for sharing the great photos!! Our family does 3 gifts each – just like Jesus received on his “birth”day. It really helps me to limit myself too – with all the good deals and holiday hooop-la it is easy for everyone to get carried away. Enjoy the new year!!

megan - Blokus is really fun. I actually enjoy it when the kids want to get that one out. Unlike some others–I’m looking at you Chutes & Ladders.

Kimberly Dial - Looks like a Merry Christmas was had by all!

Tanya H - Nope. Christmas Eve was mostly peaceful, Christmas Day was fabulous. But since then? I swear my kids have a bi-polar relationship. They are either going to kill each other or they are so happy they are collectively and excitedly OUT OF CONTROL.
I like seeing how you do Christmas in your family.
And I love the Cosby Show. My husband gave me the whole series a couple years ago. Its so handy to stick in a 1/2 hour happy show. 🙂

Heather Bachman - What did Lauren give and get? I miss her when you don’t mention her. 🙁
We stick to four gifts: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. 🙂

Staisha Klein - I love your new shirt! It’s A seriously thoughtful gift. I loved that album as a kid and at 36 I’m not ashamed to say so. lol “Do’n the pigeon!” Happy New Year! Love the blog. God Bless!

Trish - good for you for sticking up for not going crazy on christmas. we do three gifts for each kiddo and that works great for us. it does seem to control the madness and it is way less stress for me!

Shannon R - I would like to know also if you do Santa. We have three little ones (1,3 and 6). We do not do big Christmas for several reasons and it’s hard trying to balance our gifts and Santa gifts. I see some pictures of people’s living rooms covered in gifts after Santa comes. It makes me feel sick. One because all that money was spent on toys when so many people have nothing, and two I get that guilty feeling for a second that in some way I’m depriving my kids. Then many times I wonder, if we really are serious about teaching our kids about giving to others should we skip the gifts all together and use that money and energy to give to others who really need it.

Joy Kinard - I feel like my Christmas went by way too fast, but left me so tired! I love your one gift for each kid and lots of family gifts! Great idea!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Your Christams looks like it was wonderful. Just the way it should be with lots of family, food and fun. P.S. Would love me a Dr. Pepper cup 🙂

erin - I had that grover album. Did you? Doin’ the Pigeon… That was my favorite song on it.

Nikki - I love reading how others do Christmas and sharing ours.
A few years back I felt the gifts were getting excessive as well.
I remember a friend from when I was little. Her family did 3 gifts per kid. Jesus got 3 gifts so if it was good enough for him…..
So we do a big,medium and small gift. They all take turns and then open one shared family gift and stockings.PJ’s are opened the night before.
So much easier now that we have 4 kiddo’s.Chaos free 🙂

Jennifer B - Sesame Street Fever was my favorite growing up…I still have the album :-). Grover is the BEST & always my favorite!!!

Vonda - We have done the four gifts for many years. They get one present that is very special to them, and the rest are little things that they need or are practical, like pajamas, or a book or a family game. We do fun little things in their stockings too. Our older 2 boys have moved out now, and one of them wanted a new pasta pot and a set of wooden spoons(they went in his stocking)! I love it that they are so content and that they know they will not get everything-but they know they are very loved!!! Your Christmas pictures made me smile-I love your colorful cookies!:)

Holly - we only had one Christmas this year. It was great except the part where I was sick! But our little break has been going great! I love spending time at home.

Meredith@count it all joy - Headphones! Brilliant! What better way to encourage peace on earth & goodwill to all:). Merry Christmas to all at Chez Whatever. Meredy xo

Alicia @ La Famille - sounds like a good time. i love your idea of one gift. they all really do have enough stuff. my kids got way too much again! i saw a thing on pinterest where you do four gifts: 1. something to wear 2. something you need 3. something you want 4. something to read. thought that was a good idea too 🙂 have fun christmassing!

mary - omg my sister had sesame street disco…still does
last year we played “doing the chicken” song during my mom’s birthday dinner…hillarious!

Erin - I love that you changed what you do because you can’t change what others do with respect to gift-giving. We have our entire family within 3 miles of us. My 4 kids really don’t want for anything and it is overload. I love the idea of one present, especially as the kids get older — ours are 10, 8,5 and almost 2. Happy New Year! — a reader in San Diego!

Monica - Cute PJ’s…where? where? where? 🙂

angela - Everyone getting along? NO. You asked. 🙂

Sophie - I got a sesame street related gift too! My parents bought my sesame street finger puppets because I’m training to be an elementary school teacher! ^_^

Christine - @Sarah@Handbags–my son did that when he was 4. It was awful for everyone, him refusing to open one more gift. So we have been trying to find a way to cut back. Meg, I would love to hear more about this (of course, only if you want to share).
Do you do Santa? Both my boys still believe in Santa. This year it was ridiculous with EXCESS. After 4 Christmas parties with family, my children have MORE than enough to have for all year. We haven’t opened the boxes to nearly half of the gifts so I put them all up in the closet and plan to just pull them down randomly. What did your kids think the first year you changed this and how did you explain it to them? I think the one gift idea is a fabulous one.

Emily W - Hi Meg! I would LOVE to know where you got that Big Badminton set! My daughter LOVES badminton, but due to a stroke she suffered years back, struggles with the small rackets and birdies. And it wouldn’t hurt for this 37 year old(and little too fluffy around the middle)momma to have some extra help as well 🙂 I have looked everywhere I know of(online) and cannot find it annywhere. She has a birthday coming up at the beginning of March and I would LOVE to get it for her! If you could just email the info to me I would really appreciate it!

shannon - Can I just say that I get so excited everytime I see you have a new post up, it’s like opening a Christmas present for me 🙂
Love all the pictures and gifts! It looks like everyone got some great items and I’m gonna have to find those Cosby DVD’s that was such a great show back in our days 😉
We are all done with all of our Christmas celebrating now but we have moved on to Birthday celebrations, we’ve got 3 to celebrate in the next week along with New Years, it’s hectic but so fun!

Gemma - Sounds lovely Meg!!! I’m with my boyfirends family tomorrow for another christmas.
Gemma x

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - We’ve ALWAYS done very little for our two girls because everyone else does so much for them. For instance, when our oldest was about 2 or 3 she was in tears crying “PLEASE DONT MAKE ME OPEN ANY MORE GIFTS!!!” Im not bragging here; it was a nightmare for her and for us.
We’ve started doing special things with the girls to create memories as opposed to giving them one more thing to open. Taking them on a date, doing something special as a famile, etc… It works much better for us anyway.
Sounds like you had a very nice Christmas. Im enjoying a semi quiet home today too- such a special treat to be on vacation from school for a week!
And I just commented on Twitter about the shirt from your dad.WHATEVER! 🙂

Sarah - i love hearing how other people do christmas. and i love how you guys do gifts, it’s probably more meaningful and it probably helps focus more on the reason/meaning of Christmas than just on the gifts. hope your Christmas with craig’s fam goes great!

Hannah - I love the one gift idea. I think I will have to use that when I have kids (way, way in the future:).

Terrie - We are finally done with our 6, yes SIX Christmas’s!!
So crazy tired, but so much fun! And everyone got along!!
Seeing the grandson 5 days in a row…priceless!!
Loving those slippers! Just my color!
I think your idea of one gift is great!!
I would have a hard time with that…I LOVE giving!! 🙂
And the family gift ideas…super!!

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you would think i have tons of photos to share of presents and family time.
umm…yeah….i don't.
i just haven't felt like picking up my camera.

BUT i did not have a meltdown.  (woo-hoo)
i have had a relaxed and laid back holiday.  (double woo-hoo!)
i was able to just go to to bed on christmas eve because i was prepared.
that was a w e s o m e.

this video was played at the end of our church service christmas morning.
they turned out all the lights and it was just this on the big screen.
i was crying by the end.
it's kind of rap….kind of poetry….kind of preaching….definitely praising God.
i hope you enjoy it.

thank you pastor adam for getting this to me.


well…two christmases down….three to go.

so far it has all been lovely.
and i have eaten WAY too much.



Crystal - Thanks for sharing that video. It got me. 🙂

Emily - great video thanks for sharing it

Carrie - Oh that video. I am crying. Wow.
Thanks for sharing. God is indeed with us.

Gretchen P - powerful video! thank you for sharing, sometimes we need to be reminded we are not in control.

Tracy Fisher - 5 Christmases? You beat me! We had 4 (and even combined 2 into the same day..woo hoo). I loved your holiday posts this year. So real. So loving. So true. I wish you and your family the best in 2012.
Tracy Fisher

Starting a New Business - Very inspirational. Is this a first timer? Hope to see more of your creations.

Randi - That’s Isaac Wimberley doing the spoken word on the video … he’s from my church. Every time I hear that video I get goosebumps and cry … it’s even more amazing in person. It’s the most awesome presentation of the gospel, isn’t it?

Jennifer - love this! thanks for sharing

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Something must be in the air, no meltdowns here either…I let so many things go this year and it was amazing! Merry merry!

Toni :0) - Beautiful and powerful! Thank you for sharing! :0)

Jenny B. - I also have same concern/question as Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails. Coming home on Christmas Eve Eve after having Christmas with my family is what put me over the edge. That mound of toys, no where to put it all, and still more to open! I just have two boys, and I have been wondering how families with more children handle it all. And how do you (or anyone) get the grandparents to stop buying so. much. stuff. ? I feel guilty for being stressed about having too much when so many have too little, and I just keep thinking that there’s got to be a better way. I said, “I hate Christmas” more times than I want to admit this year, and it just shouldn’t be that way. Anyway… Sorry to vent! But, I just wondered if you had any tips. 🙂

Jenny B. - That’s awesome that you didn’t have a meltdown. I thought I was going to make it through this year without one… but sadly, no. It is a definite goal for next year, though! 🙂 I’m so thankful we went to our church’s Christams Eve service. I didn’t want to go (so much stress and stuff to do at home), but it was just what I needed.

Beth - Beautiful. Meaningful. Powerful.

Lindsey Jo - that video is awesome!

jennifer - Yay for no meltdowns! None here either. Just a nice peaceful day.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

Kelly - Wow. Thank You, Jesus!

happygirl - Rap isn’t my favorite, but this was very good. Thanks for sharing. I’ve eaten WAY too much, too. And I had the best Christmas, EVER… Love Christmas. 🙂

Holly - very good video! Without Christmas there would be no Easter!

Lori Austin - I was meltdown free also this year. So thankful for that.
Powerful video. Thank you.
Enjoy the remaining celebrations.

Kelly - Thanks for sharing this video. Wishing you all God’s best in 2012!

Kayla - I would have loved to experience that video in a darkened church….very powerful! Is your pastor Adam Hamilton? Good luck with the rest of your Christmases! I pray for no meltdowns….from anyone in your family!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hooray for being present in your Christmas celebrations!!!!!! Making memories is the most important thing for us…and our families. Capturing them is the next best thing:)
And wow, I though we had alot of Christmases to attend with 3. You have 5?! Question:how do you keep up with all the new STUFF coming into the house? Each year the grandparents ask for a list and I make it. This year they stuck to it well but still went (way) over and beyond. And now the living room is chock full. I know they just want to bless us but it gets overwhelming. Id love any suggestions.

Southern Gal - It didn’t play for me, but if it’s what I think it is it’s an awesome video. They play it at our church around Easter.
I made my kids stand in front of the Christmas tree yesterday just so I’d have a picture of all of them “on Christmas Day”. Ha! I was too busy watching a granddaughter say, “Wow” and “Oh!” all day long to get many photos. You’ve got memories and that’s what counts.

flowerpowermomma - “thank You God for blessing Megan with peace, no meltdowns and good rest. ”

Trudy - I know how you feel about not wanting to pick up the camera. I hope I don’t regret it someday, but it seems I’m just out of gas these days.
Thank you for sharing the video and your love of Christ for all to see. Definitely using your blog for all the right reasons. Thank you.

Lisa - Thank you so much for sharing that video. My husband is a pastor and we are in the beginning stages of starting a new church. An adventure of trusting God and being obedient to say the least. Anyway, I know he would LOVE this video and would want to use it on a Sunday. So powerful!

kim - ugh. so glad i listened to the whole thing. the best part is the end.
truly the message of Christmas engraved on my heart this season is EMMANUEL. God WITH us. Unreal. Crazy. In the best way possible.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - The video…Just beautiful Megan.
I didn’t feel like picking up my camera much either.
Just wanted to be present.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
God Bless and Merry Christmas,

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boom….my kitchen exploded.







i baked ALL day yesterday.
craig was off work and i was able to just be in the kitchen.

i did have to throw out one batch on cinnamon rolls…expired yeast.
so disappointing.
but we are stocked with sugar for christmas.

merry christmas eve.



please enjoy this beautiful christmas baby.

he was dreamy.







oh those lips!!!
did you just try to kiss your screen?
i want to.


newborn babies are my absolute favorite thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
not kidding.

now…..we are off for a very different christmas eve.
we are going to church and out to dinner….that never happens with five kids.
and looking at lights…with starbucks for mama.
and home for new jammies and charlie brown christmas.

i am really excited.

have a wonderful CHRISTMAS!

i truly appreciate each one of you.
thanks for reading.


Brady - Totally just realized that’s my friends new baby boy! Great pics. LOVE them!! Thanks for sharing your life with us 🙂

amy jupin - well, we made it. it’s over.
and it was good.
momma only had one break down.
(and a secret cry in the shower)
now, if only someone would help me throw away all these treats and school would start tomorrow!!
merry merry and happy new year!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I was a bad momma and did not bake. I had to work both Christmas and Christmas Eve. That baby makes me want a tubal reversal!

Shannon - Merry Christmas! Love the kitchen. Love the baby! Love Waffle in the background-Maverick says Merry Christmas to Waffle. Oh yes, I just did that! I told your dog hi from my dog. Oh snap.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - My entire house looks like that right now(not sugar and flour but the aftermath of three days of Christmas with different parts of our family). Its all good though. And a week off of school with my two favorite girls is ahead.
Im so sad that Christmas is here and now almost over. But we’ve upheld traditions and created memories…the best part of it all:)
Hope youre having a wonderful Christmas surrounded by your family and friends.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Merry Christmas dear Meg! That baby is precious!

Hanny Norton-van der Valk - Have a wonderfull Xmas, We’re just off to my step-son for a lovely Xmas lunch. Brilliant not having to have to do the cooking. Skyped all my grand children living in France and Spain
so from a Nederlandse living in Great Brittan have a lovely holiday

Michelle From Australia - Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family Meg. Thank you for sharing your world, inspiring me, colouring my world with rainbows and making me smile. You are wonderful. God Bless.

Kimberly Dial - Merry Christmas to you & your sweet family! 🙂

Kelly - Merry Christmas Megan! Kelly

Maria - Merry Christmas! Sounds like a great way to spend Christmas eve!

karen - So nice to see a post! Christmas Eve is my favourite!!
Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.

Debby Graber - Out to eat? Starbucks? Is any place open tonight? Just finished driving around town and the businesses are closed. Wal-mart parking lot – empty! Dillons – empty! Only the Great Wall was open that we could see.

Mindy Harris - merry christmas to you guys, too! those newborn pics are too much. you are so photographing my 3rd baby whenever that happens. maybe i will plan a december baby just so i can have those colors!
all blessings to you. thank you for inspiring us!

Meredith - Merry Christmas!!

Sarah - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God bless you! xoxo ♥

Elma Riedstra - Merry Christmas Meg!!! I look forward everyday to read you blog!!

Kim - Can’t believe how much baking you did! 🙂 Have a very merry Christmas!

amy - oh wow, sounds like the perfect christmas eve if you ask me! have fun–and have a peppermint mocha for me ; ) merry christmas!!

Toni :0) - Thanks for always offering a brightspot to my day, it’s truly a pleasure to join along on this ride called life. Merry Christmas sweet family! :0)

Katie - Merry Christmas! I loved your Joy to the World on your chalkboard and made one on a whiteboard with red marker. It looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing your talents.

Heather R. - Sweet, sweet baby! Merry Christmas, Meg! I hope you have a great time with your family. All the best.

Amy - Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

sarah j - happy christmas meg! thanks for doing all you do–for your crafty ways, your lovely sense of humor, and your wonderful vulnerability and honesty in inviting us into your life each and every day. you’re the best!

shannon - I think I want another baby for Christmas now 😉
Merry Christmas Meg!

tiffany gardner - merry christmas my fav blog girl! you are inspiring and make me smile daily! it is like a gift every time i log on my computer and go to your blog and you have a post! thanks for taking the time to share your life and faith with us all. this is my first christmas eve for it to be just my kids and hubby and we are doing the same thing tonight! so excited! xoxo!

Jessie - Those newborn pics are precious!!! Your Christmas eve sounds great!!! Merry Christmas!

Lori - Merry Christmas Meg! Thanks for all you share with us during the year.

Wendy - Merry Christmas! 🙂

Anna - Merry Christmas! I love your blog and read it every day. I hope you post the recipes for the desserts…they looked delicious!

Sharla - Merry Christmas Duerksens! Thank you for inspiring, making me feel normal and making my world a little more colorful 🙂

Holly - that baby is precious! Merry Christmas Meg!

Courtney - Oh, the picture of babe with brothers is PRECIOUS!
MERRY CHRISTMAS MEG (and family)!!
PS I asked for Santa for a Waffle Dog for Christmas hehe, don’t think I’m getting one though – maybe someday when a vacancy opens in our zoo of family pets. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Merry Christmas Meg! You are such a blessing to each one of us that gets to read your blog! Enjoy every minute with family. There’s nothing more important!

April R - Merry Christmas Meg and family 🙂
(Thank you)

Carolyn - That sounds like an amazing Christmas Eve! 🙂 Thank you for your inspiration all year long. I love your blog and thought you should know it. Merry Christmas!!!

Laura Phelps - my entire home has exploded
trying not to stress
but 18 people come here tomorrow and I can not figure out how it will be all put back together by then!
mass is in 3 hours
and kids are WACKO today
loving your card hanging in my exploded kitchen!

Leah - Merry Christmas, Meg! Thanks for bringing happiness, color and creativity every day of the year!

Siobhan - I hope you have a very merry Christmas!!!

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one more thing….


i want to give you ONE more chance to give this season on my blog.

Donate $10 to charity: water for Project 320 and come back and enter my favortie things giveaway.

ONE WELL is completed.
but we can keep giving.

ten dollars is so little with how much we are blessed.
even if you don't feel blessed….YOU ARE.

you have a computer or a phone you are reading this on.
you have water to drink, to bath in, to clean your clothes in, to splash in, to wash your dishes, to water your garden, to clean your floors!!!

YOU ARE BLESSED……give to those who aren't.


pam - I am so sad that only 2 people commented on this post.
But I am SO glad you continue to provide awareness on clean water and blog about this important need.
Typhoid comes from contaminated water and food. We don’t even realize our luxuries in America…even clean water is a luxury.
Lucy is struggling to kick the Typhoid, and we are CAREFUL what we drink. Imagine being the other millions of people in Africa who don’t have a choice.
THANK YOU for not looking the other way. I love your heart!

Maria - Yay, one well and now hopefully a second one…I donated $10.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Heather Simnitt - Thank you for continuing to plug away with this! What a blessing it will be to so many who have so little! And yes – we ARE blessed!

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