we had our christmas. :)

new jammies….the kids loved theirs and i bought some for me too…thanks aunt jan for the gift card!!

family gifts… we give one gift for each of our kids to open that is for the whole family.

the sandwich maker is a HIT.
they were so excited about it.

the headphones are to stay attached to the desktop computer and no one is allowed to take them off.
this way there is always a pair of headphones when i say "turn the sound off your game" or "i don't want to hear your music turn it off please" and so now they can listen to their game and i keep my sanity.
sibling gifts….they each got each other little things this year with their own money.
that was really cute.
they got us gifts too.

annie made these personalized travel mugs for me and craig. i could not love them any more!!! they are perfect!

talby gave me these sweet birds.
and scott picked a starbucks gift card for me.

sean got me a neck massager pillow but i couldn't find it to take a picture.
i think one of the kids confiscated it already!
then we gave our gift to them.
we give ONE gift to each one of them.
we started this three years ago? i think.
it was to the point of ridiculous with all the gifts they were receiving.
we knew we could not control what others would do so we changed what we could do.
buying less.
they have ENOUGH already.
they have TOO MUCH already.
so they get one gift and they have been fine with that…it's just the way it is.
annie got a keyboard. (my friend suggested the headphones…best idea ever!)

talby got an iPod dock/clock.

scott wanted strength shoes….for basketball….muscle building shoes.

sean got a 3DS that we found a fabulous deal on.
and lauren got an iPod classic that we got through craigslist.
we don't get them whatever they want….but we try to get them something nice that would enjoy…
but that we can afford.
and we do not do gift cards.
or money.
it has helped cut back on the excess.
AND their stocking (gift bags) are filled with little goodies that are picked just for them…
like basketball socks, saxophone reeds, lipstick, squinky sets and candy.
we had a chirstmas dinner.
craig made a ham…so good!!
i made cheesy potatoes and cream corn and fruit salad.
and cream puff for dessert.
we went to my parents house and had another BIG dinner there.

my mom made all the little girls matching fur vests…super cute!

17 people in one room opening gifts….chaos.

my dad had this shirt made for me.
he is so silly.

and today
i am sitting in a quiet house because scott is at basketball with craig, sean and talby stayed with their grandma and aunt, annie is playing with our neighbor and lauren is asleep.
so i frosted cookies peacefully.
and i will make some gingersnaps now.
then we are onto craig's mom's for christmas there.
how is your holiday going?
everyone getting along?
Jyotsna Kandpal - Merry Christmas Meg !!! You know I am the same kind of person… When I make up my mind for cleaning everything then I just do everything in one shot.. Though it takes a lot of hours as you mentioned… And I love everything after that.. But this feeling lasts for 2-3 days and I am back to lethargy again… Eveything in my house also looks like this.. I wish there was someone I could hire to just clean the mess after me… lol…
Lisa - I’m still in Christmas mode! We just celebrated our last Christmas gathering of the year with my siblings and families New Year’s Eve! We had a wonderful time! And so, my Christmas decorations are still up . . . . never want to take down the lights, my favorite part of the holidays. I wish I had a room for crafting – instead I have a folding table in the corner of my bedroom, and some supplies stashed in my closet. But I’m already feeling that need to clean out, make room, get re-organized . . . and your descriptions of what you’re doing helps me, too! Thanks!
Jacci in Ohio - Happy New Year!!! I’m impressed you got your Christmas stuff down already. I always get a little down when vacation ends, so I leave mine up just until I get back in the swing of our normal schedule. I know you’re getting ready for craft weekend, but I thought I’d mention one more time that the neutral background vlog idea thingy is still something I think would make a really great post 🙂 you know, in your spare time 🙂
merran tatum - oh, meg. i just love you! thanks for a great year of blogging. i check in on you every day and think of you as a good friend. you inspire me and make me laugh all the time. PLEASE post a picture of your craft room all clean and organized whenever you finish up. mine is looking a lot like your soon-to-be-avalanche, and i’d love to see how you tidy it up. i think i need the inspiration to tackle mine! hugs to you and thanks for all the hard work and time that you put into your blog. it makes my day!!
mary - Thanks so much for always sharing your real life. It’s nice to see I am not the only creative soul with piles to go through and organize. Here’s to another year of more piles to make and more to clean up!
Tracy Fisher - I am so excited to see that someone else’s craft room looks like mine. haha. I am already saving money and praying that one of these Craft Weekends will work for me. I want it so bad. That will be my gift to myself this summer.
Blessings to you and your family in 2012.
Mrs. Jones - My craft room looks exactly the same. Thank you for showing me that photo. 😉 I feel better now.
Heather R. - Happy New Year! All the best.
April R - inspired.
Happy New Year!
Marla Rae - Happy New Year. love your blog. love the pics!
Holly - You have no idea how glad I am to see that your craft room looks as bad as mine!
DanaD@BoysMyJoys - What happened to the ‘Meg of old’? 🙂
I think I remember a post from one of the first years I read your blog, where you were taking down your Christmas decorations near the end of January!!!
You are off to an amazing start!!!
Here’s to a super productive 2012! 🙂
Sarah Wolfe - I have yet to put my Christmas stuff away. It’s going to make a big mess, and I dread that. With cleaning, it looks worse before it looks better, so you’re headed in the right direction. Happy 2012!
Alisa - In the midst of my mess….your picture of your craft room was a gift. Thanks.
sue - Happy New year to you and your family. You have entertained me all year with your blog. I thank you for that and look forward to seeing what you get up to this year.
amanda - Enjoyed reading you posts another year! Looking forward to 2012 🙂
Amy - Thanks for showing your craft room. Mine looks the same and I really need to get in their and do something so I can create in peace and calm. Happy New Year!
Christine Ishmael - I love that you cleaned/organized for New Years…I’m doing that next year! Get the Christmas stuff down and the house organized makes for a great start to the New Year! Happy 2012!
Siobhan - Ha! That craft room is epic! As much as I hate clutter I love to organize that looks like its gonna be fun;) I hope you have an awesome new years even if your cleaning! You have blessed me so much this year by your blog I cannot Thankyou enough for all of your encouragement and lifting of my spirit! You are such a blessing to me and so many others!
Jenny B. - At home. Drinking frappuccino. Reading your blog. 🙂 Hi back!
Shannon - happy new year Meg! you rock! yep so we went to our friends/neighbors down the street this year with our three littles. the best part of the night, or worst, was me walking through their darkened kitchen (where the fondue pots, one with chocolate in it) were still set up. i dipped a few chips in chococlate and came out like nothing had happened, or no one had seen me. except that my chewbeads necklace dipped in the chocolate and i didn’t know it. until my friend pointed out a huge
smattering of chocolate all over my bright white v-neck shirt from the now chocolate covered chewbeads. it was embarrassing but they know me well enough to know that i would totally do that. so we laughed a lot about it. later, i almost choked on a too big mouthful of chips. sa-weet! happy new year!
Wendy - Love the pics of your craft room … looks like my upstairs.
jen marmen - Hi Meg-Happy New Year! I love your Christmas dishes and was wondering where you got them?
Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh my craft room looks like your pics above. . .please post pics when it is all clean. .. and tell me how many hours it takes.. .so I can be inspired and motivated to do the same. . .I tell you. . my craft room is suppose to be a place that nourishes but all it does is suck the life out of me. . .I love to create but never put anything back. . .my own fault I know. . .but agh.
Ali - D’you know how envious I am of the phrase ‘All the Christmas decorations are put away”?
Guess what’s on my list for today….
Happy New Year!
Leah - Must have been the end of the year because I was a mad cleaner and organizer too. I organized my daughter’s old clothes for giveaway and keep. Got rid of trash and shredding. It feels nice to be organized. Happy New Year to you!
Kari - You are in good company. I have spent this evening updating my blog since I have been neglecting it for the last 6 months… working on a small business: facebook.com/redpoppydesignsbykk. But of course, due to my crazy, quirky tendencies I couldn’t ring in the new year without being up to date! (Oh, and my mom has been begging for recent pictures…) Anyway, happy new year to you and your family! Thanks for the entertainment in 2011 – looking forward to more to come!
Terrie G - Happy New Year Meg!! Can’t wait to see what you cook up in the craft room for us this year!
Thanks for the inspiration, for being REAL, for sharing your heart…for challenging us to give in ways we may have never known about! I’m cleaning my craft room this week too. I think I need to take pics to remind myself that it can be clean…at least long enough for pictures! LOL!!
PS Now that the holidays are over…I’m heading back to Pinterest for more inspiration!!
Tami - Post pictures of your craft room when you get it clean so I can be inspired. Love your blog. Keep it coming in 2012.
Kerstie - Thanks for another year of great posts. Hope you have a terrific 2012. And, YES I was browsing Pinterest. 😉
mel @ the larson lingo - Happy New Year Meg! So thankful for you & meeting for real this year! Blog sugar was a highlight for me this year! Here’s to a great 2012!
Kacy - happy new year! 2011 FLEW by!! I’m excited to see what 2012 will bring. I wish you, and everyone, health, happiness, and peace.
Tiffany - Happy New Year Megs, of course your readers are awesome. Your awesome!! Thanks for sharing your colorful life with us. Big things in 2012.
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im enjoying the QUIET on my couch, girls are asleep and waiting for hubby to get back from our churchs New Years Eve service.
I had no plans of cleaning up Christmas but it totally happened over the past 2 days and Im relieved its done since we go back to school on Tuesday here. I wont have to worry about doing it after I get home. Ive also been cleaning and hoe-ing out, rearranging furniture and it feels good! Fresh looks, pared down, living simply.
Happy New Year! Im thankful to have met you IRL this year:)
karen - HI meg!, yup. at home browsing pinterest and my favourite blogs. happy new year!!
PaisleyJade - Happy New Year!! It’s nearly dinner time on 1st Jan here in NZ and I still haven’t packed up my Christmas stuff!!
Jen Brandt - Totally browsin’ Pinterest and Facebooking. Drove 979 miles in last two days. Back home from Christmas in TX with in-laws. Christmas at home with our kiddos tonight, Christmas at my mom and dad’s tomorrow/New Year’s Day dinner. Just told hubby I am blog stalking Meg and he said, “Tell her I said, ‘Hi'” 🙂 Here’s to a great 2012!
Holly - its only 10:15 here. Not sure I am going to make it to midnight!
Oberheu.wordpress.com - Ha! I’m cleaning my craft room tonight too! Just took a break to peek at fb and see what everyone is up to. New Years always makes me want to clean things up – get a fresh start! Enjoy your cleaning -your right it feels so much better when its done!
Back to work now:)!
Laura Lee - cleaned, chillin’, and lovin it! Happy New Year, thanks for keeping me entertained all year 🙂 And inspiring me! you rock!
kelli - I was browsing pinterest….eating cookies….
Freaky…. Yikes.
Lori Austin - I envy your cleaning frenzy. Dragging my feet here. :-/
Comfy on the couch in my jammies with the husband snoring in his
chair. We are living it up this New Year’s. Ha!
Happy New Year Meg!!