Masthead header

my late ten on ten….kinda.


technically it's not ten on ten.
so let's just call it "tuesday."

i tried to make some decisions on the bathroom….
what about a urinal???
IF had a bunch of boys….why not?!
but three is not a bunch….it's a few…so no urinal in our home.
the end.


the goat book caught my eye….

i tweeted on sunday that i saw a dead goat on the side of the highway.
like where the deer usually are…but it was a goat!
i thought it was so weird!


did you know that you can buy glitter duck tape?? 
this was at michaels….there was pink glitter tape too!
things just got a whole lot happier in the world!


i was loving these dishes at target.
L O V E!
so simple but so cool….at least i think so. 


this bathroom….
oh please be done sweet bathroom for craft weekend.


lauren gave her sisters a hamster for christmas…her name is coco.

hot cocoa break.


she beat me.
then i beat her.
then it was bed time.

what can i get checked off my wednesday list?? 
probably painting something.



Deborah - I have that same Starbucks cup that is in your first photo. Don’t you just LOVE IT! I got mine as a gift and LOVE LOVE it. I love that is doesn’t sweat! Oh and off the subject here–I love how much you love Sonic happy hour…me toooooo! Good luck with the bathroom project!

Kasey - p.s.
Call me too!!!!

Kasey - I think you need a BIDET!
You can thank me later……

Krissy - Love the duct tape!! They need to make KU duct tape…must look that up. Anyway, the hamster is super cute too! 😀

Shannon - Meg!!!!!! will you call me?? i have a really fun and interesting question for you! it has to do with networking! seriously, i can’t believe i’m doing this, but for reals, give me a call. 701.238.9547.
i swear i’m not a whack-job. i have a goldendoodle too so that must get me some
street cred! call me, call me!

Barbara Nelson - That duck tape is too cute and the mac & cheese sure looks good right about now!

Melissa - Love the glitter duck tape. But, not for $7.00!
We are about to give our guinea pig away. So much work. Well, so much work when you already have four fish, a bird, a dog, and four kiddos! I think the bird’ll be the next to go. The kids and the dog stay. Fish aren’t long lasting pets anyhow.

Kimberlee Jost - Yay for 10 on 10!
Those hamsters aren’t dead, yet?????

stephanie - ok so i guess i am not one…i mean genius:)

stephanie - the urinal thing is hilarious…and genious! when my father in law comes over he always misses the toilet…GROSS!

Stephanie - so… i have a son. and a husband. and a bathroom that is old and nasty and hard to clean. and EVERY TIME i wipe up pee, i say to myself… “my next house, it WILL have a urinal. it will. for the love of all things holy, i will have a urinal for boys to pee in. period. maybe your boys have better aim than my 2 do… but i would so so so get the urinal 🙂

Kerry - Cool list 🙂 Hope the bathroom gets done, can’t wait to see what you do with it 🙂 xx

Heaven Bentley - I have nine (9) boys. Zero (0) girls. You can bet that the hall bathroom has 2 urinals (and a toilet). It also has no tub, and a big shower that, right now, they all fit in (they are all under 12), though my eldest is not really interested in sharing showers anymore and the littlest ones are only a few weeks old. It’s really the greatest thing to say “shower night” and have them all in there at once. I put on my bathing suit and get in there with them and it’s like an assembly line. We’re talking about turning the big shower into 2 smaller shower stalls, just like in a locker room, in a few years.
You can also bet your bottom dollar that this Momma has her own bathroom. With a lock on the door. I don’t even share with my husband!

Amy @ - You always find the most fun things in life. Colorful and happy. You’re a gem.

Sandy - Last summer my son bought a goat and brought it home. He seemed to think it would be ok to let it live in our shed. We live in the suburbs. Totally not cool. He was so disappointed when I made him get rid of it…and he lost out on the money he paid for it. I had to chuckle when I saw your book. 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - Excited to see the bathroom on craft weekend!
That tape is speaking to me… Going to michaels today with kids to pick up some valentines craft supplies
And we are about to start building a house, and with 5 boys, we did consider a urinal, but in the end decided that might weird out future buyers 🙂

lynn-oak hill designs - this year during homecoming week at my kids’ high school, they had ‘duct tape day’. my daughter made her outfit TOTALLY out of crazy, fun duct tape! it was so cool!

Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - I like 10 on 10. Or 10 on 11, as the case may be. 🙂 And that duct tape?! Yum.

Laura Whistler - I’m going to buy glitter duck tape today!!! We have hamsters too, but be ware of those wire cages. We had a dwarf siberian a few years ago who got her head stuck between the bars and died. Where the door clicks in to the side the bars were shifted just enough from opening and closing, she got her little head in there. We have an auarium now and not fear of that, just didn’t want any tears at your house.

Nancy - Hey, we just bought those swirl dishes Saturday! Love them!

Rachel B. - Uh oh…somebody’s got your mug 😉

Seriously Sassy Mama - I thought zebra duct tape was heaven, but glitter? Now that is divine bliss! I am on a fasting of spending at craft stores. So far so good. i have so much yarn at the house that I am knitting till it is gone. My Wednesday…cleaning a toy room, packing up stuff for goodwill, and groceries. Fun times!

Cecilia Madden - lovely list. have a fantastic day 🙂

Tami - I would absolutely get a urinal if we had the space and a way to put it into it’s own little nook in the batheroom. I would love the convenience but I really wouldn’t want to look at it everyday :~)
Have fun making all those bathroom decisions! Tami

tara pollard pakosta - Love your 10 on 10 pix!
I am doing 12 on 12 day in the life every month!
tomorrow is my first one! so excited!

colleen from Alabama - Laughing… Coco is what my nephews call me! Gotta love sharing a name with a hamster!

Tricia - I’m sorry about the hamster, but yay(!) for the bathroom remodel!!! It will be exciting to see how you decide to do it. You have such a cozy, inviting style! Maybe you could incorporate the glitter duct tape somehow? Good luck!

Lanny Lou - Where is the duck tape from ? Oh do tell ? happy hump day 🙂

happygirl - Hamster, oh boy. If I wanted rodents in the house I’d just quit baiting the traps. Good luck on the bathroom. I love a project, when it’s done. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hahaha…Im laughing at the comment above. Sorry about the mouse!(eeks!)
Love teh glitter duct tape. Maybe I’ll get that for my Easter basket:)
And we’re walking through bathroom reno at the same time with you. We bought our pedestal sink last night and had painted the walls only 3 days before the fire.(Its been one week already) and so far all we have are estimates for all the cleaning, furnace cleaning, drycleaning, front door repairs,etc… Its so overwhelming and I HATE not having my girls home with us. Thats the worst part, aside from the smoke:(
I cant wait to see what you do in the bathroom. Are you and Craig doing all the work? We do and it saves a ton of money but I know not everyone can do that.
Well, have a Happy Wednesday!

Mrs. - Umm, Lauren could have saved some $$ if she had come to my house. I just TRAPPED a MOUSE! In my house! Oh, the horror!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love target..wish they’d bring it to the UK AND have deals just as good as the ones in USA!
Gemma x

Kristen - Ha! I saw that this past weekend and was truly impressed with the selection they have as well. My mind was instantly rolling with ideas for them ALL! Prayers for your bathroom…oh and the joy of having it all finished with be huge!! Good luck with your Wednesday doings.

Han - I love you call it duck tape hehe. It’s actually duct tape but duck tape is so much better! I didn’t know you could get glittery duct tape though I think it must be an American thing – we get silver duct tape that’s about it and you have to buy it from the builders merchant - Glitter duct tape? Reason #101 why the USA rocks!!! Jealous.France has no cool duct tape and no Target!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I think I spot Kraft Mac and Cheese…I haven’t had that in ages. Hubby is a firefighter and works 24 hour shifts and when the kids were little I could make a box of that and rip open a bag of salad and then tada dinner was ready. That doesn’t really work anymore that the kids are older and want to eat healthy. What’s up with that? Happy Wednesday.

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how are ya?

i am good.

really good.

i spent a couple hours at the barn/antique shop this weekend with kimberlee gathering quilts and a few beds.
i went to talby's basketball game.
i went to a birthday dinner with girlfriends and we had a blast.
i saw new year's eve… was….fine…..predictable…exactly like valentine's day.

except WHY WHY WHY bon jovi?! 
he was 25 years too old and i do not like his music from the past 20 years.
his song ruined it all for me.
everytime he would come on i completely lost interest…and rolled my eyes…and said things like "OH Puh-leease!"

oh well.

over the school break i took my kids to see We bought a Zoo.

that was good.
i think its not for little kids neccessarily but better for big kids.
and i do not like hearing 7 year olds say bad words in movies….at all.
but it's only once.

i did like the movie.

it helps that matt damon was in it….


annie got a set of legos for christmas from her grandma.
she really wanted legos but we had a hard time finding a set that was "her".
until we found the Creator sets.


it is the cutest little house with an apple tree in the front yard and a blue roof.
A D O R A B L E.

and unlike sean….she is still working on it.
he would get his legos on christmas morning and have everything built by christmas night.

she has it all on one table and stops by and puts a few more touches to her home and then moves on.
i was surprised at how good she was at following the instructions.

legos are really cool.
even for girls.


christy - We have this lego set too & it’s a hit! I think my son made 2 of the 3 houses. It even has a basketball hoop. How awesome is that?

kristine cline - Ok, LOVED New Year’s Eve…figuring the couples out…I thought it was cute and entertaining….I’m sappy like that! Legos the great imagination builder…we got several of the architecture series at our house this year…small but cool replicas a famous buildings!!
ps a friend put a urinal in his house BECAUSE he is the only man in his house, surrounded by girls! 🙂

Julie - I totally agree on all of your points about Bon Jovi. It just felt like a miscasting…and the song at Times Square was not at all cool enough for such a party!!!

Briana - Ha, everyone else beat me to it. I was gonna say – Did you know they came out with Lego sets for girls? Wah-wah… I’m defeated & deflated. Meg from whatever… will never know who I am. Haha. That was my in. J/K. Sort of. Haha. 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Just checked in to catch up on your blog and this is too funny!! “E” just added the exact same creator set to her birthday wish list because it’s totally her. We need to be next door neighbors so we can play and craft and eat yummy stuff while our kids all play and build and craft together too!! xoxo MaryLea : )

Carrie - I loved Legos when I was a kid. Loved to build stuff. Which I brought into my adulthood with me. My favorite set was a horse stable. I would make all different kinds of houses out of it. I am so jealous of the creator sets! I am thinking maybe I should buy one… I am surely not to old to play with legos. 🙂

Heather R. - Liked “We bought a Zoo”…didn’t like the curse word…
Have a great day.

mollie's mom - Love your blog. So fun. Where ,oh where, did you find all that glitter duct tape??? I have other designs but must have the glitter tape asap!!!!

Jenny - Legos???
Funny. I have never heard the term “Legos” until now.
In Australia it is just LEGO. Never the plural. 🙂
Love your blog.

tammy - I LOVE Legos! I’m 36 and still get a little set each Christmas from my husband! This year it was a little boat and the lego person has a life jacket on!

Mindy Harris - i am so “buying story” one of those lego sets.
and i agree about new year’s eve.
i was stumped by bon jovi.
his songs were DORKY.

shasta - Those Legos look fun! My kids are still kinda small for Legos, but I can’t wait until I find little Lego houses all over my house! Love those sparkley shoes Annie was wearing too!!

beth - LEGOs ARE cool for girls!! My girls loves them, too, and it’s so nice that they have the CReator series. Much more varied than StarWars and Ninjago, which my boys love. We bought a zoo looks cute!\.

Lynn - When did Legos become gender specific?

Jenn - Legos are way cool…my son loves playing with them. But for a mom—they sure are a pain in the bum to pick up or when you accidentally step on them in the middle of the night…in the dark…argh! 🙂

Sandy - I saw We Bought A Zoo too….very good! Let’s just say I cried several times. 😉

amy jupin - my mom took anna and josh to see ‘we bought a zoo’ over the break.
when they came home, i asked them what they thought of the movie.
the only thing they said, the ONLY thing, was “they said a curse word!”

Lisa - I wanted to take my kids to see We Bought a Zoo but I read a review that talked about some underlying sexual talk from the dad’s brother I think? Is that true? Thats the stuff I hate exposing my kids too. My older two are 10 and 8. Anyway, just curious to hear from someone who saw it! 🙂

Lindsey@ PiecefullyHome - i stayed away from taking my family to see we bought a zoo since two of mine are 7 and 3, i figured the 10 year would be okay. i heard about the language and didn’t want the younger two to hear it. so we go see the adventures of tin-tin instead….big mistake! great for the 10 year old but WAY to bloody and violent for the younger two. i had to take my 7 year old OUT of the movie b/c it was too upsetting for her and kept shielding my 3 year old’s eyes while we were in there. why oh why can’t there be more FAMILY friendly movies!!

Michelle - I want to see “We Bought A Zoo”! I loooooooooove Matt Damon! I have a favor, no you do not know me so maybe that’s kinda weird but you are an amazing photographer and I would love it if you would stop by my blog as I am doing a 365 photo project. It would be great to get some feedback from someone who knows what they are doing! I am very much a beginner but I love taking photos and have been asked to be the photographer for my brother’s wedding in October. I really enjoy visiting your blog too. If you have time, please stop by. Thanks for listening to my ramblings!!!

Jodi - I kind of like that New Year’s Eve was predictable. I think that’s why I love movies like that. Just about everything in my life is unpredictable now a days, so I love predictable where ever I can get it! And, well… I just love Jon Bon Jovi. I can’t help it.

Melissa - Have you seen that they are introducing Lego sets that are just for girls??? What the heck took them so long???
I love seeing your Annie. She’s such a cutie!

Stephanie - Go to the Lego website, there are a bunch of new kits geared for girls. All pinks, purples and adorable. I think one was a pet shop and maybe an ice cream parlor, super cute! I want one!

Penny - Great photos Meg. My oldest LOVED legos. From the age of 3 until about 13 she played with them every. single. day. She is now an Electrical Engineer. Annie looks so cute concentrating on her building. Brings back memories!

happygirl - You don’t like Bon Jovi??? Umm… this may be a deal breaker. I wish I did not know this about you. Like legos, don’t like the forced marketing regarding buying “kits.” I’d rather have a bunch of legos and make anything I wanted. 🙂

Cecilia Madden - I felt the same way about New Year’s Eve. Bon Jovi and Ryan Seacrest as Dick Clark…yes, there was some definite eye rolling.
And I feel the same way about legos! I’m a little conflicted about the girl-themed legos though. Do girls really need a purple and pink lego bakery in order to find legos engaging? (nothing against purple or pink or baking…i like them too) Your daughter and countless others have clearly been enticed without such pandering. Those Creator sets look awesome!

Jen - I have to disagree about Jon Bon Jovi. He is adorable and I, for one, love his newer songs! Also, I have boys who are so into LEGOs – we are planning that for this year’s birthday party (they’re twins). I saw Wal Mart was advertising some girl centered sets to hit the stores sometime in January. They had purple and pink and girl minifigurines.

PrairieJenn - Liked We Bought a Zoo- except a couple language issues.
Loved the homeschooled girl and how they portrayed her in the movie. Matt Damon is my all-time fave:) I think I’ll pass on Bon Jovi…though I really liked him when I was in ninth grade. How old is he anyway?!
My youngest just asked for one of the Lego Creator sets for her birthday. Looks like fun- she would love it! Thanks for sharing:)

holly - hi meg,
since i have boys and an embarassing amount of legos in my house, we get the magazines. guess what they came up with? legos for girls. about time! you can see it on the lego website.
by the way i am bummed that i didn’t get picked to come to craft weekend. i need a trio somewhere and a trip to go somewhere cold and craft would be the cherries on top!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I took my grandgirls to see “We Bought A Zoo” over Christmas break & enjoyed it but I totally agree with you about the language. I did not enjoy (attempting) to explain (while actually trying not to) that the word in question was another word for ‘jerk’, which isn’t a nice thing to call someone but infinitely nicer than the one in the movie. I just love your Annie … I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, my Emily & her would bond instantly … they’re so alike I’m not sure they weren’t separated at birth! 😉 Thanks for sharing.

Sarah - Abbey would have loved to build those Lego houses-and my Andrew had every set finished by the 26th too! It was like a race against time. Love your photos.

Mrs. - When my girls were young they made a set called “ello”. they loved it, because it wasn’t really legos at all. We recently downsized and those are some of the few toys we saved for future generations.

sam - LEGO rules in our home .. my son just loves it..we have too much ..and i like to play it too haha i’m 32 lol
Have a great day 🙂
Mantha xx

Han - I love Lego! My brother used to get at least one set a year lol. I even asked my Mum for Lego two/three Christmases ago – I’m 25 now! I was like 22 then lol I could spend like an hour in the Lego Store!
I saw New Years Eve with my “little sister”. We really enjoyed it but I’m pretty sure there was a massive plot fail with SJP but I need to see it again to work out if I’m correct lol.

Heather Mattos - Oooh, I can’t wait to see more of the beds and quilts! Chayse got those creator sets too this year, and I am FREAKING OUT over the new Lego Friends sets for girls. So fun!!!

Katie - Jon Bon Jovi was the only decent part of the movie! Even though they made him do lame covers.
Agreed Leslie, the costumes were awful. Halle Berry looked so hot and they put her in an awful pink dress. Katherine Heigl’s blue latex-looking dress?!

Leslie @topofthepage - saw new years eve on my birthday last week by my big girl self b/c my other peeps were sick and i was making lemonade out of those lemons. sat staring at bon jovi’s RED leather jacket baffled. is this the 80s? 90s? what is wrong with those costuming people? {did you get my email?}

Maria - Bleck…I feel the same way about Bon jovi…why why why?

Kim Garner - My 10 year old daughter loves Legos too…she has the Log Cabin and that same house. I don’t know if you have seen, but on January 1st Lego came out with a set of Legos called “Friends” for girls. They have a few good sets. Just thought I would let you know.

Jill - My girls LOVE Legos! For so long I complained that they did make much ‘girl stuff’ but we love all the houses they have now! For Christmas my Abigail {my 9 year old} got the Lego VW van, have you seen it? I don’t know who enjoyed putting it together more, Abigail or her assistant {daddy}.

Tanya H - We love legos around here. My son got the log cabin set you showed, becuase we cannot afford the Harry Potter or Star Wars sets he so desperately wants! 🙂

Jennifer - My girls love Legos! We have that same house. I also just found out about the new Lego Friends for girls. One of them is a photographer! Too cute! I actually want them for myself. How pathetic is that?!

Jenn - I love that Annie likes Legos :). I was totally into Legos growing up – I still have all of my sets, in their boxes, with directions… Yes I am a nerd I know! (i am totally not letting my sons play with them till they are a bit more responsible with the million pieces… Though my husband has informed me that no boy will ever be that anal about Legos so I should just give up…). Anyway, keep on encouraging her building, and not just the ‘girl’ sets…! I still don’t think girls get enough encouragement to pursue professions like engineering and science these days. Who knows where her creativity with blocks may lead 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Meg, tell me it’s not so, Bon Jovi…hello!?!? Super cute. Maybe that’s because I’m so much older than you?! Saw New Year’s Eve with my youngest (15) and every time he came on the screen I tried to not let her know how cute I thought he was, because after all, my hubbie’s so much cuter! She was like, “mom, Bon Jovi’s in this movie, you’re going to really like it” and I did. I will give you he was miscast, I think technically Kathrine Heigle could have been his daughter….yuck! Don’t worry I’ll still follow your blog 🙂

Kristin - i would have loved a set of those legos… always wanted to be an architect. 🙂

Tanya - I like Bon Jovi but I didn’t think he fit at all in that role…
I bought my 4yo a little lego firetruck kit for Christmas.
It was ME who spent ALL day on the 26th building them for him and they were taken apart again within 5 minutes.
He’s asked me to build them for him again.
I said…

Robyn Farmer - We liked “We bought a Zoo” also but felt like it didn’t totally classify as a children’s movie or an adult movie. Still good though.

Alicia @ La Famille - i wanna go to that barn place too!! and legos are SUPER DUPER cool! go annie!!

BON JOVI - But I love you, Meg….

laura phelps - our relationship won’t change if I tell you that I like Bon Jovi, will it???
FYI…I am PEEING over your comment re: games.
Sure! Because we NEVER fight when we play games! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

shauna - jake says, “whoa. boooyaaah” (about legos. obvs)
ty says, “LEGOS roooooock!”
i say, “hi megan, i reeeeeeaaalllllly want to go to that barn place. bad.”

Hanni Stones - Thank you for this post. I have a little girl that loves legs and have never seen these. She would love them!

Amy @ - My kids are 3 and almost 1, and my husband has already started a lego collection for them. I KNOW he is secretly looking forward to the day he can play with them and not feel foolish 🙂

keri - forever folding laundry - I miss that store!
I’ve never seen such an awesome quilt selection.
I may stow away in my two NorCal buddies’ suitcases: just to warn you. 🙂

Southern Gal - I’m drowning in Star Wars Legos over here. My only daughter didn’t like Legos. So I missed out on the girly ones.
Thanks for the heads up on We Bought a Zoo. i was considering taking my 9yo. He used to love The Devil Went Down to Georgia, but when we accidentally played the version that doesn’t say “son of a gun” he won’t listen to it anymore. Even when I tell him I’m sure it’s the clean version! Stupid Playlist.

seriously sassy mama - They have lego sets for girls! They are too cute!

Kelly - Legos are great even for girls! I’m sure someone’s already said this but just in case, Lego just released a new girls line. It’s pretty cute. Some of them have adorable little animals in them. My niece used a gift card she got to buy two little sets and she loves them. Lego has also (finally) joined up with DC comics and will be releasing Batman & Superman Legos this summer. 🙂
I’m kind of undecided about going to see We Bought A Zoo. Even considering Matt Damon. I think we’ll wait for Redbox.
Can’t wait to read all about Craft Weekend!

tina - I can’t wait to see the new Marky Mark {please tell me I’m not the only one who still calls him that} movie Contraband!
And my fingers still hurt from the 5,000 pieces of legos i put together after Christmas 🙂

Laura in LA - This is totally off the subject…but have you seen the latest Boden catalog? There are a ton of things you are going to like! Polka dot tennis shoes!

tinycandi - I took my kids to see We Bought A Zoo on New Years Eve…that’s where we were at midnight. 🙂 I thought it was a really cute movie! And we LOVE Legos in this family!

Mindy - Did you know that there are new girl legos out now? Cute ones. I saw a bunch of sets at Target the other day and my hubby saw them advertised on TV. I have no idea why they would wait until after Christmas to put them out but it’s something to keep in mind for Annie for the next gift giving time.

Jenn - So funny how much we are all alike. My oldest has the exact same Silver boots as Annie, both of my girls got the girly pink legos for Christmas and I don’t care for Bon Jovi either.

Claire - I agree with you about Bon Jovi being in New Years Eve – I didn’t like that either. Although I still managed to enjoy it (despite it being predictable and cliche) for it’s feel-goodness. 🙂
I used to love Lego when I was young – it’s good to see they’ve got some sets for girls. I would have loved those houses back then!

Kacy - So funny I was just posting about how much fun Legos are a few days ago :)…even for moms 😀

molly - I think your Annie and my Ellie would make good friends. My Ellie really likes legos too:)

Tami - Did you know that they recently came out with a series of Legos for girls. They had a couple of sets for $5.99 on Amazon. Not sure how many pieces or the details but might be worth checking into for a future present. 🙂

No.17 - I secretly want Annies shoes.

cheryl - If you visit the lego site and put in Valentine they have a valentine box you can buy for the holiday. 🙂

cassie - I felt the same. exact. way about We Bought a Zoo. WHY OH WHY can’t they leave the bad language out? It ruined the movie for me. It’s been a week since we saw it and I’m just now starting to remember all of the good parts. 🙁 It was a good movie, maybe in a few years, when it’s on ABC Family and edited for televsion, it will be a GREAT movie!

Heather - I would have loved those Legos as a kid! My grandparents had Lincoln Logs for me to play with, and I think were originally my uncles’ toys. I loved building houses with them!

Meg D - My son loves legos and my 8 year old daughter has recently become interested too – I just noticed this year at Walmart that they have a series called Lego Friends that are sets geared towards girls. They are compatible with all other lego bricks but are more “girly”. It looks like the only difference is the people are more like little action figures rather than the traditional lego mini figures. They have a lot of cute sets online and also on the lego website. PS – love your blog!! i haven’t commented until now but I’ve been catching up on the last 4 years and loving every minute : )

Terrie - I never thought I’d say this, but I miss having Legos all over the house!
My son would play with them All. The. Time.
He would build the ‘kit’ once and then use his imagination to make tractors, combines, anything farm related! I think he should go work for them!

Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - Oh, how fun! I have an 8 y/o old daughter who would love a Lego set. Maybe for next Christmas…

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three things

Pam Garrison was a little overwhelmed by my awesome readers' love for her prints.  
she said "pick three winners instead of just one"
yeah….she's cool like that.

so here they are:

Love it. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by: Susan | January 03, 2012 at 05:11 PM

Oh my!! I LOVE it!!

Posted by: Ellen J | January 03, 2012 at 07:57 PM

whoa nellie. SUPER giveaway! mama want me some prints! 😉

Posted by: the.mrs | January 04, 2012 at 01:40 AM

email me at  to claim your prizes ladies!  





                           jeanne oliver has an e-course that starts on monday, january 9.

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                                      all the details can be found here.

                                                you should try it!


IMG_5295-1 IMG_5306-3

kimberlee and i had fun today getting stocked up for craft weekend!

sleeping under these cozy, worn, well loved quilts on a winter kansas night = dreamy!!

everyday i get more excited about craft weekend.
and a little freaked out.
but mostly super excited.
i can't wait to meet all the girls coming!

and say "let me show you to your room…."

ha ha ha

happy weekend.
it's almost over already….BOO.


jennie w. - You definitely need to take Craft Weekend on the road!

Amy @ - Meg! I woke up this morning in a sweat realizing I didn’t even leave you my email address! So sorry about that. But a pleasant surprise to find your comment here, thank you SO much for taking the time to answer my question! There is a quilt I REALLY want for my daughter’s bedroom up on ebay right now, bids are already up to $90. Yikes! It might just be worth it through, i’ll watch it through tomorrow and see what happens. Thanks again. You’re the best 🙂

Meg Duerksen - The most we paid was $65….the least was $20. But Kansas is different from other places. Things don't sell if they are priced higher.
Good luck.

Amy @ - Meg, I tried to email you through your link on the right but it wasn’t working for me. Anyways, i’ve been searching ebay for awhile now for a patchwork quilt, but I have no idea what a decent price to pay for one is. Would you mind emailing me and giving me a range of all those ones you purchased? If I went to that store of yours it would feel like I died and went to Heaven. I know this is kind of a crazy request, but I would appreciate it sooo much and finding an email from you in my inbox would make my day 🙂 Thank you bunches!

suzka - Woo hoo hooooo hoo hoo hoooooooo! I’m going I’m going I’m going to Craft Weekend!

kristi borden - Oh, love those quilts, wish I could go to craft weekend, sounds like fun:)Crossing my fingers that my name comes up for craft weekend 2012:)

Kirsten P - Meg, I know you like posters and turquoise and I think you like
cupcakes. So I thought you might like this poster for $.98 is having a sale and I thought of you when I saw it.
I got this for Christmas from the same website:
It’s a 12 x 16 photo of birch trees – my favorite tree.

angie - Oh my! I collect vintage quilts and the photos have me swooning!

Maija Lepore - Just looked at the first of Jeanne’s videos- love it so much it gave me chills!!!!

Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - Oh, those quilts! Lovely, lovely!

Tiffany - crack me up: “let me show you to your room….” WAHAHHAAAAA – when and IF I ever get off the east coast, I’m COMING OVER!!! & bringing dinner so I can negotiate my way in 🙂

Robin Canter - I feel like I’m on the dodge ball team and will get picked last. ha! I hope my name comes up for one of the 2012 craft weekends. I love crafting and would love to visit Kansas!!

Mindy Harris - i’m so hoping i get picked for one of the craft weekends!! can’t wait to see all the gorgeous pics. what a fun, fun thing and amazing ministry, megan!

Rach - So bummed I didn’t get picked but looking forward to all of the pics. Have fun!!

Pat allen - Oh I wish I were going, if only to sleep under those quilts. Meg, please tell us how you came to have so many!

Katie - I love your photos the quilts are beautiful. I am your newest follower.

Amy @ - Those quilts are heavenly! I’ve been searching for the perfect patchwork quilt for quite some time…still looking 😉 I was dreaming of your craft weekend last night, maybe the stars will align and I will get chosen for one inbetween nursing a baby (almost 1!) and getting pregnant again! Happy weekend!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Too bad I live on the West Coast. The craft weekends sound so much fun!

Tracie - Oh the quilts the quilts! They are so gorgeous! Where do you find them?

amy jupin - SIGH.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - OH those quilts look amazing…esp that darker colored one on the top left(L-O-V-E). Enjoy the rest of your Sunday afternoon:)

Kimberly Dial - Those quilts look so warm & cozy … nothing like sleeping under one (or two or three! 🙂 I wish I was coming to craft weekend … maybe someday … enjoy (& don’t be nervous 🙂

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Oh my, do you have A LOT of quilts. I love quilts and am fortunate enough to have two, one made by my grandmother, Mama C, and on made by my husbands grandmother. But I must say, I am jealous of your 2 massive piles. So colorful and comfy looking.
I wish I could come to your craft weekend. As a recent stay at home mom, that just moved to a new city/region, the thought of having a weekend filled with adults/women and creating/making/gabbing away seems so like… heaven!!!!! Can’t wait to see and hear all about it.

Lori Austin - Quilts – they make me happy and remind me of my Grandma who passed away 7 years ago. I like to think about the history of a quilt: who made it, who slept under it….the stories they could tell.
Have a happy Sunday!!

Carrie - I love quilts. My grandmother is an expert quilt maker and someday I hope to make one too.
Sad I didn’t win… so I ordered a print. Lookout beige walls you’re getting some color!

Elizabeth Walters - I am pretty much in LOVE with the quilt that has the polka dots! I wish so much that I was able to come to your craft weekend!

Wendy - AMAZING quilts! Where do you get such great things?

Tanya - I love to love some quilts 🙂
My great-grandfather was a quilt maker in his spare time. How cool is that?

Emily - Crossing my fingers I get picked to participate in the next craft weekend!! Those quilts look like a big hug from Kansas to Florida:)

sam - Oh those Q U I L T S = the most amazing thing ever ..
Have a great day 🙂
Mantha xx

Jennifer - I want to be wrapped up in those quilts so badly! My mom has always collected quilts and they make me feel at home! Those look perfect! 🙂

Maggie Nunez - How awesome, i wish i could go or that you lived close to California. maybe next time or maybe you can offer a craft weekend in the summer? just planting a seed. I look forward to living vicariously through your craft weekend in pictures.

Laura Phelps - I think she should pick 4 winners…
or 5…
or 520 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh how fun! Those quilts look amazing! Have a restful day tomorrow!

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a little of everything…..

um…. hello.

i am so random in my head.
there is a lot going on around here and i feel a little…. tired.

in a good way.

tired isn't bad necessarily….just showing me that i am getting stuff done.


yesterday….this room was raining.
water everywhere.
there was a crazy pipe breaking incident and now every towel i own is being washed again.
it was a river in here.

never a dull moment at the duerksen's!

but it was clean water so i was able to check "mop the dining room" off my list.

i took my old curtains that hung here and added the ikea leaf curtains to the top of the old curtains.
the polka dot chenille was from a martha stewart bedspread i bought when we lived in Illinois from kmart.

i think i will hem up the bottom of the curtains.  
unless i forget.


craig has been painting and painting.
and this was the window i washed….it's blinding in the mornings now.  
but so pretty.
i love that window.
i still need to hang pictures in this hallway ….soon enough.

IMG_5239-2 IMG_5235-1
this was the kid's bathroom on wednesday morning.  
old school.
it had a vintage charm/dirty insane asylum kind of style
it was cracked everywhere and the white would not get white any more…
and the mildew….and the rust.

and this is it now….
and that is what the water was from….not because there was a problem….just an accident.

so i have been spending time in the bathroom isles at home depot and am so looking forward to this new space.

um….side note:
while at home depot this week i went to use the bathroom and wasn't paying attention and i walked into the employee lounge….full of people.


my fabric found a happy home.
Coca-Cola sent me this adorable hat!!  
they are partnering with the world wildlife fund to save polar bears.
remember when i went to Coke for the Women in social Media conference?
that was awesome.
i want them to do that again!  it was FUN! 

the lady at the checkout said "whoa….that's a lot of sheets!"
i just smiled.
because how do you explain craft weekend in a quick way without sounding like a weirdo?
i picked up some cute new jewelry at Accessory City. (horrible name for a store…as bad as dress barn)


and i decided to change the rules and declare today to be Sonic Day!
we missed wednesday.

and i needed one.


what's up for saturday for you?



Elinor Haswell - First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for handling that leak very calmly. If that was me and I was home alone, I’d freak out a bit too, hehe! Second, I absolutely adore your bathroom! Your color combinations are so perfect and vivid. I love it! <3 Great job!

Darryl Iorio - Phoebe’s right. It would be a disaster to have to tear down the tiles again just because a pipe was not placed properly or worst, leaking. You might avoid another flooding disaster if you check on your pipes more often, too. 😉 I love the way you organize your things, btw.

Mallory Dates - It’s hard to believe that the room was filled with water from the broken pipe, it looked so pleasant and well-decorated. It’s a relief that it’s been taken care of. You sure have a great taste when it comes to interior design. I personally love the star and the green curtains in your windows. They’re fabulous! 🙂

Althea Tumlin - Oh my! That’s unfortunate. But the good thing is that the water is clean so there’s not much damage. Anyway, I’m impressed at how you handled it and how quick you resolved it. I like how you redecorated the house while cleaning. You’ve got good taste when it comes to design.

Phoebe Clarke - What a beautiful work of art, Meg! The pictures are very interesting and artsy, and it’s great that you’re having fun redecorating your kid’s bathroom as well. Are you done with the remodeling? Maybe you can put an interesting piece there, like a photo or a mosaic! But before anything else, make sure that all the pipes are sealed and the water ways are clear to avoid future repairs. Damp walls and floors might ruin the artwork you will place there. Good luck with the bathroom revamp. I hope to see another art in progress!

Dwane Zelinsky - It’s funny how you said “raining in that room.” Anyway, it seemed like you were so busy that day that you weren’t able to take photos of the pipes that leaked! Thankfully, nothing important got wet. How did you fix the leak?

Kitchen Benchtops - Fantastic bathroom the colours are stunning! This is lovely!

Zak - If you have a sec, could you let me know the wall color you used in the photo of your fireplace? Seems to be just the right amount of yellow!

Laura Magas - loooove your quilts – and the fabric stash makes me happy!

Courtney M - I always enjoy all the pretty details in your house. Do you mind sharing what the green color is on your wall with the leaf curtains?

Amber L Peters - You are too cute. and i love the architectural details of your house!
Love the curtains! Love your colorful, happy style.

Perkey - I want that you see reaction on my face, when i see this sweet leaf curtains.
OMG! I just fall in love and want to have it so badly.. >___^
Look so fit and good with the green walls.

Jen Harnett - I thought of you when I saw this Christian comedian doing a bit about the “dress barn” and thought I’d pass it on to you. Hope you LIKE it! Thanks for the great blog and honesty. Blessings! ~jen

JET_24_ - Hello Meg!
I love the green color of paint used in the above picture! If you don’t mind me asking where did you get it and what is the name of the color? Your home is beautiful and you are SO CREATIVE!

Juliann Brenner - cute hat – David (4) came up while I was reading and said, “oh, what a cute liddl powlaw bear”. 😉

Diana - I go to Assessory City all the time. My thing is the purses. Lots of fun in that store.
Tons of fabric. Me, too. Thinking of quilting some curtains… or should I say making curtains by quilting. Haha. I’m sure you understand what I’m trying to say.

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Wow you have a lot of projects going! I don’t know how you have the energy to do it all. This Saturday I got a new and bigger bed for free! A California King! and a new dresser, so I got to rearrange the bedroom a little! It was a good day.

tara pollard pakosta - I just LOVE LOVE LOVE how you document your days! I have been writing ours down in a 365 + 1 (leap year) journal this year and I love it, but I need to now blog it better! and take more pix!
love your random shots!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - my mom has those curtains. you would <3 her!

Karina - I can’t wait to see what you do to re-vamp the “insane asylum” bathroom, lol!
Is that inlay in your landing floor?? Wow.
And both windows are gorgeous, the bright curtains one and the one with no need for curtains at all.
Note to Andrea with the streaky windows: All you need is a spray bottle of water and a good microfiber cloth. Honest! I am NOT a rep for the company, but I swear by Norwex. I have stopped using Windex or anything like it COMPLETELY!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love seeing pics of your house, it’s so darn cute and if I were you I would “forget” to hem your new curtains, I like them long!

Maggie Nunez - love the curatins, i just love all the color you use throughout your makes me happy! Love love love te fabric storage, going on my pinterest!

shauna - i love that a picture of you.
and your curtains look great there.
perfect with that wall.

Heather - What do you do with all your fabric?? It’s so pretty. I want some just stacked up around my house. And I don’t even sew! HA.

LibraryGirl62 - I too declared yesterday Sonic Day! I got my usual Diet Coke with Cherry and Lime..and BONUS…Jenny was back from maternity leave-she makes them PERFECT-not to much lime, just enough cherry-PERFECT! I <3 Sonic 🙂

Meg - We had one of those corner tubs in our old house, only it was PINK! The entire bathroom was tiled pink to match!

April R - window love
window love
window love
Thank you for sharing it 🙂
Happy Saturday!

Cheryl E. - Love, love, love that window, too! So cheery! Where did you get the picture of the bird that is hanging by your fireplace/foosball (??) table in the dining room? LOVE THAT!

se7en - Busy, busy week and I totally love your hat!!! Pinned it!!!

Vera - When I got to the “after” picture on the bathroom my jaw literally dropped open LOL! Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s done!
Our Saturday is nice… birthday party this morning, piano lessons this afternoon, now – Legos.

Vera - When I got to the “after” picture on the bathroom my jaw literally dropped open LOL! Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s done!
Our Saturday is nice… birthday party this morning, piano lessons this afternoon, now – Legos.

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - I can’t wait to see how the bathroom turns out….can’t wait. Ok, I need your secrete on cleaning windows…..we have amazing windows in our kitchen and they are ALWAYS streaked after I clean them…..HELP…your window looks amazing and no streaks in sight!
Wish I was coming to craft weekend! Looks like it is shaping up to be a fun and crafty time! Just my cup of tea.

leonieke - o how i love the reality of your blog! i just visited the yvestown blog, love it, but it’s all so perfect, i’ll never get it this way. and then i visit your blog, and see; family life does that to a house. but i still do like it. ( not the water flowing through the room, not that part).
today i changed our livingroom, and honestly, i’m not sure if it was a good change, but my partner in crime wants me to give it a few days,…mm,. wonder if i’ll change my mind.

Jenn A. - That window is GORGEOUS!!!

Lisa McCracken - Oh, Meg, I love your blog! So colorful! It makes me cheery! Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Have a great day! (That’s alot of exclamation points, huh?:)

Anna Marie - My Saturday will end with something I have not done forever…a date with my husband 🙂 We have reservations at a very nice restaurant (Em Chama’s) and I am so excited!
Can’t wait to see that bathroom all finished!

Elizabeth Walters - Girl, I LOVE your house!! SOOO stinking cute! I am also loving that brick in your bathroom… are you going to do anything with that???

Lisa Goldstrich - I gotta say, I just keep coming back to your blog 🙂 Love it, so authentic. And also, I have serious window and hardwood floor envy. The inlay is gorgeous on those upstairs floors…whoa. Good luck with the bathroom redo (and LOL at insane asylum description…”insane asylum chic”??) Thanks for keeping it real 🙂

Tami V - Just love to read your random posts! That window is gorgeous! And those curtains are so fun! Love the polka dot chenille! Can’t wait to see what you do with your bathroom!

Prudence - I had those IKEA curtains at my old farm house, wish I would have taken them with me when we moved 🙁

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I love all the color you put here & there in your home. So cheerful – so you! Looks like you’ve got a lot done; me, on the other hand, will spend her Saturday putting Christmas away. My oldest son & his family left to go back home to FL this morning so Christmas will leave too. BTW,I don’t think any store will ever be as badly named as the Dress Barn … I mean, really? Why didn’t they such name ‘Big Farm Animal Clothing’? 😉

Bobbie - For the record…. Dress Barn is so much worse. That is all. Love your house beyond belief. Happy Saturday

PrairieJenn - Our bathroom had a vintage charm/dirty insane asylum look to it too. Hmmm… must be an old house thing. Love the remodeling/rearranging/redecorating pics:) We are slowly restoring our old farmhouse, and I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from your blog. We’re adding a craft room now- we really need another bathroom, but I have my priorities!

Lorie S. - Well it is a beautiful day in WV. 60 degrees and I am celebrating my birthday with my family. Doesn’t get any better than this. Happy Saturday to all of you. =)

Lisa A. A. - In a state of demolishment or not, your house is beautiful! SO full of character! When I saw those curtains… I need to do this! So tired of my dark curtains and I even have a Martha chenille bedspread not in use so maybe I’ll get creative, too! Thanks for an awesome blog!!!

Marla Rae - It’s my birthday! The day will be filled with an assortment of things..this morning …taking down Christmas 🙁 (won’t get it all done but I do plan on starting) Then this afternoon dessert and gifts with my hubby, daughter, SIL and GRANDSON!! Dinner out with my loving wonderful fantastic hubby and THEN
*who knows* winkwink!! After all it is my birthday!! 52 wonderful years!

colleen from Alabama - I totally get the pipe thing – we live in a 90+ year old house. We just had to cut a hole in the wall to fix pipes (knobs in shower completely disintegrated)! I was soooo encouraged to see you have plaster walls! I NEVER change what is on my walls because of the hassle it is to patch and paint. You have given me the encouragement i need to switch things up a bit. We’ve redone both of the bathrooms in our house – the first when i was prego with baby #2! CRAZY! I’ll be @ my son’s basketball game, shoe shopping with my daughter and putting away Christmas decor!

Kayla - For the record, I think Dress Barn is a waaaaaay worse name

Ahh..Saturday morning…slept til 7:30 am. That is sleeping in for me! Bitty basketball at 9, Jacks bball g ame at 2, looking at the gym for gymnastics classes for Annie, baking a Kings Cake, Michaels for some project stuff, and lots of cake planning…got a little something in the works 🙂
hmm…maybe you didnt really want to know exactly what my saturday was going to be….
oh well.
love you
miss you
want to craft weekend with you one day….

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh, one more thing: in my current choosing to see that it could always be worse attitude: arent you grateful that this leak(AKA waterfall incident) didnt happen during CW? That would’ve been a nightmare. The smallest blessings can be the biggest!:)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I still have a patched area of drywall in the dining room ceiling where our master bathroom leaked down into it FOUR times since we’ve lived here. Thats why we’ve been working on the MBath for 2 years now. But Im thankful that its finally taking shape.
Literally three nights before the fire we had painted the walls this beautiful gray color and for Christmas I got the ruffled shower curtain from Urban Outfitters. Now we’re waiting for insurance estimates of our damage. Its such an awful wait but we couldnt get around it with the weekend.
All that to say, I cant wait to see what you do with the bathroom. Im sure it’ll be fabulous(I love that exposed brick behind the tub…very urban looking).

Heaven Bentley - I had a tub like that in my first apartment, but it was pepto bismal pink, and the wall/floor tiles were hunter green. It was such a weird tub – too small for a real bath (unless I’d have had children back then – it would have been the perfect size for a child), but I’d still fill it up and try to take a soak. The radiator was right next to the tub, so I’d crank up the heat and hang my feet out that side and they’d stay toasty warm.
Thanks for the memories.

Amy Lynne - Love you and all the crazy things that happen at your house! I hope you keep making progress on your list!

Jane - Love your blog! I’m from Canada (Nova Scotia to be exact), and we don’t have Sonic. Is it a fast food restaurant? Next time I am stateside (once a year a little trip to Maine), I’ll have to check it out. What do you get there? I always read about your sonic trips and wonder!!! Take care, and your house is beautiful!

Jen - Love it all but especially those glorious wire baskets that you have your fabric stored in! May I ask where you got them?? Happy Saturday! Mine will be filled with basketball games and homecoming dance preparations!!

sam - Just L O V E your blog and your happy family, beautiful homely pictures too, hope the wash room gets sorted soon.
Have a great day 🙂
Mantha xx

nicki - How funny that you mentioned the Coca-Cola gift–one of my coworkers is best friends w/the girl who is in charge of their social media–they are working on a very special HANDMADE gift for you Coca-Cola bloggers come Super Bowl time! 😉

Carrie - I am a week behind. I am returning Christmas to it’s boxes this weekend.

Kelly - wow, big difference with the bathroom! Glad you’re keeping the tub (looks like), it’s really cool. We hope to re-do our bathroom sometime soon. I joke that when we have our next baby, the bathroom is so small that there is no place to put a baby in a bouncy seat or whatever so how will I ever get to take a shower?!
Right now we are in the middle of redoing out basement, a craft room/family room + home office for the hubs/guest room/library – my amazing hubby made built in bookshelves for one whole wall (!) and a bit of laundry room re-do are all in progress. Whew! So you asked about Saturday, tomorrow will be painting first coats in two rooms, maybe painting the built-ins, deciding how wide I want my horizontal stripes to be in the craft room and what the second color for the stripes is going to be (I want it sort of white on white but you know you still have to pick a white)
Excited to see what you do with the sheets! Happy weekend! Kelly

Jennifer - We are headed to the zoo! It is 65 degrees here in St Louis! Also, are you gonna tell us whats up with all the sheets?! Did I miss something? Lol!

Amber Rae - I love your posts!!!

Stephanie - I take back everything I said about my husbands movies movie picking skills. The movie is “Warrior” and is turning about to be great! Haha

Barbara Nelson - That window is a work of art just beautiful!

Tanya H - Ahhh your house makes me happy! I try so hard to be content becuase our place is perfect for us in this stage of life but maaaan when I grow up I want a gorgeous old home like yours! and then you to come decorate it! 😀

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - So exciting!!!
But… you could always scrap the whole bathroom idea and just sling a couple of sets of bunkbeds in that room for more CW peeps! 🙂
I mean, kids don’t need showers, right?
Just sayin’ 🙂

jackie grandy - Wow, you have been busy!! Sorry about the pipe bursting 🙁 That’s not a fun surprise.
I love your new header and you look adorable in that hat 🙂

Mindy Harris - your house is amazing. are you keeping the hexagonal tile and the big tub? that window is so beautiful!

Lindsey - LOVE what you did with the Ikea curtains. I have the same ones in blue and what you did really dresses them up! LOVE Sonic too, you are so lucky to have one close by!

Melissa l - Woohoo – awesome post. Today’s blog makes me want to sell our house and find an old one. The window is simply amazing! Ps. I’m going to our Ikea tomorrow in connecticut to find some funky curtains like yours!

Melissa l - Woohoo – awesome post. Today’s blog makes me want to sell our house and find an old one. The window is simply amazing! Ps. I’m going to our Ikea tomorrow in connecticut to find some funky curtains like yours!

Wendy - Geeze … no wonder why your tired!

Melissa - Why so many new sheets??

Jenn - Meg, I love your blog! You never disappoint. Always great photos, words and laughter. Thank you!
PS. Have you done anything with the third floor?

Amber - Adore that yellow cart and wire baskets for your happy fabric. And that window?! Crazy amazing. I wanna come to craft weekend! 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - I have been at a girl scout cookie rally! I work Saturday like I do all weekends. I am so in love with your old house. Cannot wait to see the bathroom!

Stephanie - Its Friday night and I just sat down with my husband to watch a movie (his pick) I never learn that it is best for me to run to blockbuster or at least go with him:) this is some new release but as soon as I saw the title (something to do with a boxer) I grabbed the iPad before laying down with him to “watch” it. Anyway….I came to your blog first and am so glad that I did. Have I ever told you how much I love your blog:) my absolute fav. Can not wait to see the bathroom redo and also…that window is beyond amazing!
Have a super weekend!

Brooke - Oh boy…bathroom remodel!! We just remodeled our bathroom in our 1939 college hill home last year..i loved looking though all of the pictures of bathrooms in old homes…there are some amazing hex tiled baths out there!! the pic of you in the hat. How do you pull off looking cute in a coke hat?
Have a great weekend!!

Leah - I wish I had your courage to rip up a bathroom one day and do it myself. I admire you! My husband wants to know if you removed a shower next to the bathtub at some time because she spotted the drain on the floor.

bread and jam - That window in the stairway is amazing. I love the exposed brick in the bathroom re-do.
You make Dress Barn cool.

AshleyAnn - You tore out your bathroom before Craft Weekend!!! You are crazy. Around here we just hang a suitcase on the wall and call it good 🙂 Can’t wait to see it all. And the stairwell all bright white is AWESOME!!

happygirl - Oh my goodness you do a lot of great things. I wish my bathroom could be redone. I hate it. But, I don’t want water all over my downstairs. I just did that with the hurricane damage. LOVE the fact you think Dress Barn is a bad name. I don’t shop there just because of the name. Love the hat. Keep truckin’ girl. 🙂

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it's getting there….
coming along….
still not done cleaning the craft room but i have also done LOTS of other things…
like wash some windows (i said "how long have we had that tree out that window?" once it was cleaned…ha ha)
or move furniture in the girls room and go through all their clothes.
or tons of laundry….that machine breaking really screwed up my WHOLE laundry system
and we can't seem to catch up.


this is my favorite room to clean.
it is so happy even when it's out of control.

i organized my fabric by color this time.


so pretty in the morning when the sun is SHINING in.

soon everything will find it's place.
it's almost there.

i have watched/listened to two disks of parenthood season 2, you've got mail, love actually and the family stone since i began this cleaning frenzy.
isn't that a great list of movies?
yes it is.


this cabinet was a built-in from the old cruddy basement of our illinois house.
i made sure we rescued it when we remodeled that basement. 
since annie was born it has held her clothes but her clothes were getting too wide for the shelves.
so i slid it across the hall and made it into the craft weekend cabinet.
and now i had a place for all that stuff that was in the other picture on new year's eve.

my gigantor 2 page list of all the things i want to get done in each room before CW.
i have added more since i took that picture.
i love when there is a deadline and things get DONE.
it feels good!

so…my thursday is going to be another day of check! check! check!
when you are on a roll you gotta run with it.




Kerry - I love the Erin Condren Planner! I have it nd love it!! Might I recomend packers tape to reinforce the tabs. 🙂

Diane Pierce - Not sure if you actually reply or answer your comments but I would love to know where you found your planner that is pictured. It looks great and I’d love to find one like that! Pl

patsy - Started a to do notebook too! A wonderfully blessed new year to you and your family! Patsy from

Kimberly Dial - You go girl! (BTW, your fabric stacks & movie list are pure fabulosity! 🙂

Lisa - Don’t you just LUV “Love Actually”!?! Every time I watch it I cry with/for Sarah, my heart breaks for Mark, I crack up at Billy Mack (thought I have to do the “quick-mute” a few times), and my heart aches for Karen . . . “knowing that life will always be just a little bit worse”. And can I please have Kathleen Kelly’s NYC apt for a girl’s get-a-way spot . . . for real!? Love your movie list!!! Oh, and your craft room 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - yay! it’s coming along!
my goal is to do 2 rooms per month so by the end of the year each room will be de-cluttered! and then some!
to start : my laundry room and then my basement! ick!

Kasey - looks like we both have new headers;-) Love yours….xo

Marla Rae - Meg – take 3 or 5 0r 6 loads of laundry to a laundermat and get yourself caught up! It is the best way to accomplish a ton of laundry in a short amount of time…it feels so good to get back on track! Love your craft room and all of your awesomeness!

Robin Canter - If I lived near you, I would come over and do your laundry because I ADORE laundry. Really. It’s my most favorite household thing. there’s just something about the fresh clean smell and bleaching something until it’s sparkling white.
l-o-v-e- it!

Wendy - Please send some energy … & a cup of coffee to Pennsylvania! 🙂

jen - i took on the challenge myself and was happy to see you were too! i’m painting this weekend – i hope! – and then piecing together the rest to make it a more inviting. love the fabric – what do you use it for?? also how did you make your new top banner? love it! happy cleaning!

Dawn G - That fabric is gorgeous … The thought of sewing makes me break out in hives! :0). Love the crayon banner !

Barbara Nelson - So happy,have fun checking!

brooke - i LOVE your new banner…LOVE!!!

Lisa - Love your blog…I found your link on Pam’s blog. I think I say “whatever” too much and find your blog name hilarious…and I have a craft room just like yours:) Seeing your fabric almost makes me feel sane, but I know my husband would beg to differ on that account.

Cheryl E. - All that fabric in your craft room makes me smile! Love all the color.
And You’ve Got Mail is a fantastic movie!! You have such good taste!! 🙂

Amy @ - The colors in your craft room make me happy. Love your style.

Andrea - Nice! Keep going! My craft room is an utter disaster ALL THE TIME. Then I clean it…then I make a mess! But it’s fun! And worth it!

shelley - i would also love to know where the planner/organizer is from 😎 what a happy crafting space!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I love that you organized fabric by color. I do that too and it makes it much easier to find something when you need it.
On the downside, we came home from church last night to our big old house full of firemen and police. Long story and Im still really shaken up but we’re safe. Now we deal with the smoke damage. Its awful. Girls and I went to school today reeking of it(trying to keep things normal for them).
So your pictures made me smile on a day when its hard to do that:)

casey - awesome!! Wish I had a craft room to clean! I love cleaning! (I know… sick, right?!)

Michelle - I love that as I was reading this, the song “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep” came up on my iTunes. And “Count Your Blessings” is atop your notebook page. Have a great day Meg <3

Melissa - Where’s the wonderful fabric from? I LOVE all the bright colors and patterns!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I must be like you and things really only get done when I have a deadline. My hubby teases me that it’s a good thing we have friends that like to come over or the house may never get a good cleaning…HA, it’s probably true 🙂

Lisa Biedebach - I’m on the waiting list and can’t wait to be picked! I figure the more you clean the closer I get. Ha ha so go with it!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - You have a huge fabric collection…I’m totally jealous!!
I’m really looking forward to seeing all the pictures from CW at your home..take lots!
Gemma x

Aimee B. in Oregon - okay, talk about a BEAUTIFUL mess. I want to come over and take in all the wonderful color! yummy!
* I am curious to know more about your notebook you pictured with your list written on it. That looks like something I cannot live without. 😉
Aimee in OR,

Melissa - Curious. What are the stack of plates in that cute white cabinet? Making something?
I love your craft room! I wish I had a room with all of that light!

tiffany gardner - yes…i love love family stone. your craft room makes me happy too.

Katie - Is it weird that I love seeing other people’s messy craft rooms?! The colours are so beautiful. Good luck on the rest of your organizing – have fun!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I have what amounts to a craft cabinet at the moment – and even it is a mess.
Love all of your fabrics!!! xo

Kimberlee Jost - I am coming over to sun myself every Thursday in the Craft Room.
Not kidding.
I fully expect my Vitamin D levels to go up this winter, thanks to you.
And speaking of Blog Headers—weren’t we?
Shazam. Bam. Boo. That looks fabulous!

Cerissa - Hi there! So I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now (stalker status im sure!) I love to sit down with my cup of coffee in the morning & check in. You inspire me to be a better mom a better christian and a better person. Thank you for always being so real & sharing your heart-and pictures of your gorgeous home!!! Have a beautiful day!!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - My roll comes in spurts. I absolutely love your list of movies. I am probably the only person int he world that owns only three dvds. That should be a goal for 2012. Buy a DVD a month of my favorite movies. I love fabric! Sometimes I buy scraps just to have the color around the house.

ellen keeton - Hi Meg…my name is Ellen and I love your blog… I may even be your biggest fan! I did’nt realize hoew often I visit your blog until over Christmas break Lily Kate(my 7 yr. old) jumped up beside me and said”hey Mom… what’s Meg up to today?”. Yes she is always that hysterical!! She is a huge crafter just like us!! Would love to know where your planner came from. Thanks for taking the time to blog… you are an inspiration!!

Lori Austin - You go girl! I so need to get busy cleaning/organizing. I can feel I’m getting close to being in the mood (sounds silly, but sometimes it just kind of builds inside and then bam! I’m a crazy cleaning mommma – yeah, corny!)
Love the list of movies for sure. You’ve Got Mail is kind of my life (hubby and I met online – eek!). Family Stone – sigh….always makes me cry but so, so good.
Have a great day!!

Emily Kinsaul - I love all your posts! You inspire me daily. Btw, where did you find your awesome planner/notebook? I’d love to get one myself.

Lorie S. - I soooo wish I had a room like that to work in. Maybe when the kids are grown and gone it will happen. For now the kitchen table will have to work.

Tiffany - I’m liking the fabric sort…and you piced some good movies (love actually and you’ve got mail) two of my all time FAVS!!

Anne - thanks… I needed that. my new year is off to a slow start and I have been searching for motivation. I think I have found it.

Kacy - So true. My “craft room” is part of my laundry, not nearly as beautiful as yours, but that’s ok because I’m not nearly as crafty as you are :). Good luck with your list!

Julie - I would like to live inside your craft room!

happygirl - I’m a list making, checking things off, love it when it’s all done kinda girl, myself. I just wish I didn’t have this crummy 8 to 5 job. It gets in the way of getting things DONE. 🙂

regina - i would love to have a craft room. right now mine is ALL over the dinning room table. i LOVE lOVE how real u are. LOVE it!!!

Jen - last night i had a dream and you brought me and all my friends rainbow colored cookies. maybe i shouldn’t blog before bed. oh yikes!
the craft room looks awesome! mine looks like a disaster zone. keep truckin’

Alicia @ La Famille - you are on a roll for sure, girl!!! GO, meg, GO!!!

tina - what a beautiful collection of fabric… oh how i wish i was a better sewer 🙂

Heather R. - Love Actually. I love that movie. I’m on a roll, too. Keep on rollin’! Have a great day.

Leah - Don’t you just love the planner? I’m so happy with mine. I feel more organized just looking at it! I currently have a craft shelf in the garage that needs organizing. Maybe I can graduate to a craft closet next.

Mae - I don’t know how to sew, but looking at that room makes me wish that I did… Seriously. Unbelievable.

Charity - I just love your fabric choices! I want to buy them all! <3

stephany @ home is what you make it - BTW, what planner do you use? I like it!

Magda - Hi there! I’m Magda from Greece,17. I’ve been following you since last week i think,and i’m in love with your blog already! Actually i so very much adore the tons of energy you have and the way your whole family comes together in order to create and have fun. That’s exactly the type of family I wanna make too,and for that you are officialy one of my role models(does that sound too formal? okay, in other words, I admire you:)) I love crafting and creating sooo much as well. So far i can not take up lots of crafting (although i’d love to) because i’m in my senior year at school and my leisure time is limited. However,i’ve tried the melting crayons one and it was so much fun and turned out pretty beautiful! thanks for that:) oh,and i’m so jealous of your craft room and your fabrics! I’m gonna have a whole craft room on my own when i have my own house! Aww^_^
that was all pretty much. Normaly i’d have sent it in an email,but your email address doesn’t appear.
anyway,have a nice time cleaning up! Oh,and as for the movies, if you run out of idea, try “Burlesque” with Cher and C.Aguilera. Soooo good!
Ciao ciaoo!
(woohoo,that was BIG! Sorry for that)

Cerella M. Di Mondo - Absolutely gorgeous. Wish my craft room looked like this!

stephany @ home is what you make it - I can’t wait to be picked for a craft weekend. I fondly remember visiting my grandma and grandpa in Wichita (from Denver).
I am so green with envy of your craft room (even i it is a mess)…someday I will have one.
Until them I have a small closet under the stairs for storage and my dining room for my drafting/sewing/crafting!
I absolutely look forward to your blog posts everyday. You are an inspiration.
Thank you from Oregon!!
Happy, happy!
stephany @ home is…what you make it

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - So true! Roll with it baby!

Terrie G - My craft room is only partially done too…
I also organized my fabrics in RoYGBiv order!!
So Pretty!! Makes me want to do another craft quick!
Problem is I have about 4 I want to do next…
ah, now which one to pick! 🙂

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let’s start this off right…..

with a giveaway.


i met pam garrison at silver bella….way back when….when was that? 2009?
she taught one of the workshops and i introduced myself.
i think that was it.

well i have clicked in on her blog over the years….always checking what she is making because she is a beautiful artist that is always inspiring.

then i noticed a picture going around pinterest.
and it linked over to her blog as a page in her art journal.
i asked her if she sold it in her shop and if she didn't she should because everyone loves it on pinterest
that means they would love to buy it…. me included!

look what just showed up in my mailbox!!

she said "thanks for the encouragement! i made them into prints!"

and she sent me an extra to giveaway to ONE OF YOU!

leave a comment to win this print of You Are Loved.

it's so pretty.

i love the detail…i love to draw and this is just my style.
i really want to drop everything right now and start drawing!

and what else did she send me???

a little sister sledge….  i got all my sisters with me…yeahhhh….get up everybody and SING!
(i used to listen to that over and over…on a tape)

i love the colors in this one.
and a big print of Love Lives Here.


aren't they all so pretty?!
they are printed on heavy paper that looks like she watercolored it just for you.

go see her shop and find one just for you.

and don't forget to leave a comment to win an 11×14 print of "You Are Loved" for YOU.

thank you PAM!

i can't wait to hang them up!


Ioanna - It’s amazing! I love love love them!!!

Beth - Wow! I love these prints. Beautiful colors. If I don’t win one I may just go and buy one . . .

Tonya - Beautiful…..LOVE to hang it in my entryway for ALL to see and feel 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

pam - thanks soooo much everyone for your enthusiasm and kind words…and etsy sales too! anytime i need to feel understood and supported, i’m going to come back here; you all know how to make a girl feel good!!! and again, thanks to meg for being such a generous conduit and for supporting all creativity in everyone!! xoxo

Julie - so beautiful, so talented!

jenna collins - i love love love it!!!

Katie m - Love this!

Allison H. - It makes me want to hide out in my craft room with the door locked and not come out until I have lots of new creations! which would be what Heaven is like in my world!!!

Erika - So pretty!

Jenn A. - ooh, these prints are so happy and bright! I would love to put one up on my “LOVE” wall in our home. 🙂

Stephanie C. - Love these prints!

Carrie - Such a happy thing you did for your friend! Love the art she creates and hope I win! Thanks for the chance!

Molly - I love them. My daughters are adopted and they would love the You Are Loved poster or the We Are Family poster. It has cool colors and that’s something I’d love to hang up.
Love reading your blog Meg. I found you through Crystal Beutler’s blog.

Jessica B - Love, love, love. It would look perfect in my daughter’s room!

stephanie armstrong - they all just make you want to smile 🙂
i like the we are family one !!

patsy - They ARE pretty! and how wonderful of you to encourage her and give her just the right push!

Renee - love them!

Jessica - these are awesome! would love to frame one 🙂

Teah B. - I love Pam’s work! She is so inspiring! Please enter me in your giveaway and thnks for sharing!

Natasha Wheatley - Amazing prints!

Jennifer - Those are fabulous! Your right, it make me want to doodle too. Although mine never quite turn out this fantastic. Off to check out her blog!

Kari Jesch - With tears in my eyes, I LOVED the reminder.

sara - Love this! What cheer it brings.

AmandaH - Love! Headed to her Etsy shop now 🙂

Kari - Love These… I have been looking for some encouraging word art to brighten up my room. These are wonderful. [[Also, it reminded to me tell you that YOU are loved! I found your blog about a month ago and went through THE WHOLE THING. It took me a few days but I was so in love with the whole thing, that I didn’t mind!]]

Stacy McNew - Love the print. Would be great in my daughter’s room.

Stacy McNew - Love the print. Would be great in my daughter’s room.

susan brandano - I love the print ! She does a wonderful job and I think that was so nice of her to send you the prints. I love pinterest and see you both there!

Merran Tatum - Wow! Her embroidery is amazing! Would love to win one of her prints…thanks for the opportunity!

sarah - So colorful! Love them!

Sharon DuBois - Love Pam’s prints and would love to have one!

kathy n - my daughter needs that reminder…

kat - SWOON!!! I love these!!!

Bailey C - Those are beautiful beautiful prints! Thanks for the introduction to the shop!

Melissa - Those are so pretty! Thanks for sharing, I will go check out her shop.

dodi - beautiful! Thanks for sharing her work. So colorful and whimsical. Makes you happy just looking at them! 😀

Ally - AMAZING! I hope I win this. 😀

Deb - Beautiful ♥

Dee - Love it. Makes me want to get my pencils out too 🙂

Lauren - I would feel loved to win one! Beautiful!!

Tami - I would love to hang this in my teenage daughter’s room! It suits her perfectly!

Leslie J. Moran - I ordered her embroidery kits and can’t wait to dive in. I love the synchronicity you two have!

Diana Camomile Peck - A simple reminder is always needed 🙂 Love the prints and love Pams work – always have – always will! 🙂

colleen - Love love – sign me up!

LindaSonia - Great looking art makes an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance… count me in!

{beth} - Love her work. I met her at Sivlerbella too….super sweet and yes, always inspiring!

Elizabeth - Love the colors. Such a happy print!!

lindsey - Beautiful prints and a wonderful giveaway! Happy New Year 🙂

debbie - they are all amazing!!!!

Melissa - So pretty! I would love to win that print to go in the room my daughters share!

Whitney R - Adore these!

Tammy (Not Merely A House) - Wow, what a beautiful print!

Cathy - Love those prints and I’d love to win one. Thanks for opportunity.


Frances - These are amazing. I love love love all of the colors and details. 🙂

Krissy - I love these!!!!! Would love to have one for my new house!! 😀

karen - am i too late?
i love it!

Christie - I have the perfect spot for this in my dining room! HA!! LOVE IT!!

Becca - I’m going to join the throngs hoping to win that print. I have seen her work on the internet and so love that print! Becca 🙂

Becky Joyce - So, so happy. I love all three!!

Tara Swartzendruber - LOVE these. Perfect for our family room. 🙂

Kristen - Looking for artwork for our new playroom. That would look fantastic in it!

Trina - Love all of those! The colors are perfect!!

Amy - So pretty! I love it!

Ruth V. - Oh, I love these prints. One would look great in our nursery 🙂

Anne Overbeek - Love these! So glad you encouraged her to sell them in her shop sometimes you just need a little nudge from a friend 🙂

Tina - Love them! I am always so inspired by you! Thanks for sharing your life and God-given talents with so many!

alexis - i want one! those are so awesome…and happy…and i love her blog now! thanks

Alice H - I want one! Going to check out her shop now. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica Oates - wow! i’m in love!

Jessica R. - We are in the process of adopting a baby girl…and I am having fun decorating the nursery! One of these would be perfect for her room 🙂

Sonya - Love all of them!

Wendy C. - These are beautiful – so cheery and colorful – I could just look at them forever!

Ali - BEautiful Words…Beautiful Art!
I would love to win and I would plan to hang it in my daughter’s room!
~ Ali

Tara - Oh my goodness, these are beautiful! I LOVE them, all of them! This would hang great in our hallway… hopefully I will win, or off I go to buy one on etsy!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Allie - oh how fun!! I love them!

kristy - love them all. color, detail, alllll. would love to win 🙂

cheryl - Love the colors and the happiness they portray!

Gretchen - Wow. These just speak to me! Thank you for the introduction! Surprised I missed it on pinterest.
Oh how I would love to win — I know JUST where it would go. A collage wall off the kitchen that I recently put together that I use as a happy place for my little family (I have a first-grader, too!). We have to pass it as we move to the kitchen or out the door in the morning. The print is inspirational, bright, full of happiness and just so … wanting to be embraced! (Hmmmm … sounds like a particular colorful blog I know.)
Anyway, thanks, Meg, for the chance. Fingers crossed (although it’s hard to type this way.)
And by the way, I was in Tucson last week for the holidays and they have a World Market there — we don’t have one here in NJ. Anytime I find one I HAVE to go in there! And I saw (and grabbed!) that Good Morning mug. Sipping some tea from it now while I work. (Well, work, in theory.) I drove down to Washington DC two years ago after a blizzard in order to snag World Market’s Sourav farmhouse style table, chairs and bench from craigslist. Had to search the area of the closest World Market, of course, in order to find it on craigslist.
Sorry for the tangent — just never realized that fun mug came from WM. Already feeling like a kid in a candy store there, when I saw the mug I admit I got a bit too excited! My husband just looked at me strangely for a second and then smiled and immediately began going through them looking for the “best” one!

julie - 834 comments!?! Well, my chances aren’t looking great, but I LOVE the print and have had it pinned for a while. Love it!

julie - How pretty!

Stephanie - I’ve always envied those who can create such amazing works of art like this! They are so gorgeous and yet so playful! I love them and her shop is amazing!

Celeste - Thanks for the opportunity & inspiration! What an adorable shop!

Lora Hill - I LOVE the “We Are Family” art piece. Reminds me of when my brother would call me and sing this to me back in the 70s! I went over to Etsy to think about purchasing one, and then looked at my bank balance – uh oh!! Not today! Perhaps, I will win one of yours! Thanks for sharing, Meg!

Kim - Love the explosion of color! Awesome!

Routhie - That’s gorgeous. I need that sort of encouragement this morning.

Deb A. - Love them all!
I know just where I would put one. 🙂

MeganM - Her art work is wonderful, love it!

Leslie - “You are loved” would be perfect for my daughter’s room. A great reminder for her to see every day.

kate - so pretty! would love to win

melissa - Adorable! This would look great in my baby’s nursery. He/She is our first baby and is already so loved!

Sheridan Eketone - Gorgeous.. would love one of these 🙂 🙂

Emma - I want it so badly…. pick me! pick me!

Leah j - Beautiful prints! She is so talented.

Lisa - A very fun print. Thanks to you both for sharing!

Mel - Loverly! How can you not smile when you look at these?!

Erin @ The Speckled Palate - Oh my goodness. LOVE THAT! I definitely need a print like that in my life… what a great reminder!

Romana - oh, we all so need to hear this more often!!

Jennifer - Is it really just as easy as leaving a comment?!? I am so there! Gah! I wish I could doodle like this!

VKHodgman - These are so gorgeous. In MY sewing/craft room.

Cerella M. Di Mondo - So, so cute! Even if I don’t win…I’m going over to her Etsy shop to buy one!

Karen G - I love her work. Thanks for such a wonderful blog!

Jena - Love these prints! It would hand in my craft room where my two daughters and I spend a lot of time! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Love YOUR blog!! 🙂

Heather W - Oh, I love all of it!

Maureen - So beautiful!!!! Love the family one…..I forsee it over my empty mantel!!

Stacey - beautiful!

Kirstin Longson - Love it! Thanks for sharing the fun with us!!

Lisa P - I would just love to have that print! :))))

karen - soooo pretty! i would put that in my kids washroom.

rae - want.
so lovely! i need this in my house.

Lisa - Beautiful prints! So lively and such rich colors. What wonderful words of encouragement for days like . . . today.

Kim Farr - I just Love these, they are beautiful!!!

stephanie - Oooo! So cheerful! Love it! I’m heading to her shop to check out her other creations!

Pam - First time I have come to your blog. I love it! That print is great!! I will have to “favorite” her shop on ETSY 🙂

Lisa R. - LoVe It!

lisa watson - Love these and LOVE your blog too. So colorful, whimsical, and meaningful.

Laura - I love that print!!! So precious!!

Jennifer - Awesome! Such uplifting works of art.

Jennifer W - LOVE that..the colors are fabulous!!!
Jennifer W

Tracy Rush - I LOVE ALL OF HER WORK! Thanks for sharing her!

Tara - wow, they are so beautiful…all of them. i’m just starting to fill my walls up with lovely things.

Kristie - So beautiful! I love it!

Holly - Love it too! Love your fun and inspiring blog! Happy 2012!

young nanny - I SO can’t draw and I would just LOVE to win this print!

Stacy Hyatt Costner - Cool ~ like the doodles that I used to make on my notebooks in school!

valley - I have no great prints!!! It would be an amazing way to start.

shelley - Love these! So gorgeous!

Karen - You are loved, and so is this blog!

Christen - That is absolutely adorable! Would go perfect in my apartment 🙂 Yay for newlyweds and our crazy style !

Tanya - I just said this to my dad last night-you are loved, you are SO loved. He is battling cancer and the cancer seems to be winning. Everyone needs to know they are loved 🙂

Debby - Beautiful!

loni - I love positive messages and pretty is a plus! Plus, her last name, Garrison is my son’s middle name!

BarbB - I actually have not come across her yet on Pinterest (maybe I need to find some new boards to follow!) But these prints are awesome! I’m going to have to check her out now!

Tonya - her work is amazing…i’ve drooled over it for quite a while!

Deana - love, love, love!!!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Oh. Those would look so cute in my daughter’s room. Thanks for the chance 🙂

Emily - this print is amazing (and so is pinterest!) love the colors it would be PERFECT in our play/family room!

Sandy Johnson - So cute!!

Momma Bug - Please O’ PLEASE! I NEED one!
Just lovely 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - so happy and beautiful! love the watercolor paper and off to visit her Etsy shop!
xoxo thank you!

Tami C. - How beautiful are those?!

Katie Sellers - Love that beautiful print!!

Bekah Moon - Love, Love, Love!!

JustMommer - It was a hard year last year, I lost both my parents, and that hurts more than you know, but I can say with all my heart…I am loved.

Christy - My 8 year old fell in love with this print as soon as she saw it! Anything with color, color, color!

Gretchen Nelson - I love this so much! The colors are great!!

Ami Lynn - Love them!! I want one for every room!

Carrie - love this!!! hope I win 🙂

Crystal - These make me want to draw too. Too bad drawing isn’t one of my skills. I like to dance, and I think I’m pretty good I’ll have to dance these pictures into life somehow *smile*

ashley - Love this! Will be perfect in my new home!

lisa willis - These are beautiful! I would love to have one 🙂

ingrid lapp - so glad I don’t need to buy one of those lovely prints…cuz…I am going to win one!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Reminds me how important it is to keep doodling and drawing. Amazing artist! 🙂

rachel / - love them!!!!! 🙂 and so sweet of her to thank you for the encouragement!!!! i know some of the most popular things i’ve done were ideas from my friends, family & customers!!! sometimes it takes other people to see what’s right in front of us! 🙂 THANKS for introducing us to her shop!

Arlene - SO beautiful!!

Wendy - That’s awesome! I think you mentioned her before … I love her work.

alecia kleiner - Love Pam. Love you. Enough said.

Megan B - I’m just starting to decorate the nursery for the twins (gulp) that I’m carrying. This would be perfect in it!

Janie Fox - Oh man, these are so me. I hope I win!!! Of to her shop right now!!

Ashlee - Love these!

Carrie K - Wow! just wow! gorgeous and so fun! definitely shopping her shop 🙂

amy - What color! What joy! I love them all!

Susan - Can I beg?:)

katie - I would love to hang this in our new home!

katie - I would love to hang this on my gallery wall!

Gretchen P - I needed to see this today. It was just one of those days, kind of down in the dumps! her art is so uplifting! Love it!! Thak you for sharing!

tara - love it!

michele alexander - It’s so ornate and beautiful!!

Michelle Whitlow - Those are GORGEOUS!! I would love to put the ‘you are loved’ one in my baby’s room 🙂

joanna ozgo - This is so beautiful! Colors are so vibrant. 🙂

Hollie - that is so cute! it would look perfect in my daugter’s room! fingers crossed for the win 🙂

melissa erin - fabulous-ness. would love to own a print. thank you. 🙂

Heather - Oh I love these!!

jamie - bright, happy, cheerful, fun! thanks for the giveaway!

Terri - Love it!!!

Elizabeth - Gorgeous! And made just for MY house! 🙂

Sandra K - Would love to win, thanks!

Mollie - that is soo cute! Would go great in my daughter’s room!

Patti Hill - Those are beautiful! Would love to win one! Thank you and Pam for this beautiful giveaway!

jen smith - what a fantastic artist! beautiful work!

Jessica S. - Love them ALL! 🙂

Ashley - Love them all!

Carrie - So beautiful!

Suzanne Pennington - Going to her shop now to look around! So cute.=)

Susan - Love this colorful piece of art…and the message is perfect! Thanks for sharing.

Stephanie Z - YEp, would love love love it. Stephanie Z.

Alyssa - Love the colors!

Hannah - That is so beautiful!!! I hope I win it! 🙂

susan - They are all so beautiful. Thank you, Meg, for encouraging such a wonderful artist to share her work with us!

Kristin Hayne - ABSOLUTELY GORG…

Renae - So very pretty…creative people are so lucky!!

Ashley - Oooh! It’s so pretty! I have the perfect place in our new home for it. Thank you for the sweet giveaway.

Roxane - love these – sometimes people just need a little encouragement! 🙂

Rebecca - These are beautiful can’t wait to go to her Etsy shop!

Julie Baldwin - Pick me! Pick me!! Love this!!

monica - This is so lovely!

Shivaun - Pretty!

Dawn - Pretty prints, lovely sentiments!

Becky K. - Beautiful prints. Both the colors and the sayings would brighten anyone”s day.

Noreen Johnson - She is a wonderfully talented artist! Her use of coloring is so appealing!

Natalie - Great bright piece of art with a great meaning!

Stephanie - Love it! It makes me want to doodle!

Johanna - love-love<3

Talia - Love these. The art is amazing. I have no artistic ability whatsoever, so really admire the talent!

Annie - Those prints are so awesome! would love to have one in my home.

Kathleen - Love the use of colors!

Lisa Tyner - beautiful

Lorie S. - I love this also. Very much my style. Can’t wait to check out the others. I would love to have this to hang in my kitchen to remind everyone in my home how much they are loved.

Larissa - I would love this for my teenage daughter’s room!

marcy blake - These are fantastic!

Anna - Wow – love this! I think I’ll order one and if I win this one I’ll give it away!

mary - thanks for giving this away! what a fun print.

Jenny - These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing her work!

Cindy Singer - Those are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

Leah - I love that print!! I wish I could draw like that!

Shelly - Ooooooo…. Yes! I want one 🙂 ! Checking out her shop NOW !

Leah - Her work is gorgeous! Love, love, love it.

deb gregoire - Beautiful print! Pick Me!!!!!!

Lisa - i absolutely love this print!!!

erin - so cheerful! love!!

The Frat Pack + Me - Pick me! Pick me! Love your new header, Meg!

Jessica - These are all so pretty! I would love one.

Elizabeth Ann - gorgeous! i would Love to win this print!

Samantha - LOVE! They are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

eva - I know what friend I would give this to. She just need a hug right now and what a lovely way to do it 🙂

Michelle - PRETTY!!!

Lindsay - Would love this for my Annie’s room. . .

Jennifer - I would love one of those. I am writing from a hospital bed, i lost a pregnancy on nye and nearly lost my life, but hope to go home tomorrow to my husband and 3 year old daughter. And that is enough family for me.
Thank you Meg for your gorgeous blog and cheerfulness.

Wendy - Happy New Year, Meg! Thanks for the giveaway! I would love this.

Jamie - Love those prints!!

Roberta - How pretty! I would be thrilled to win. Thank you both for the chance!

julie h - love the whimsy!

Lorilee - They are beautiful! I love all the bright colors.

Karenth - Beautiful prints!! Love them!

Mary Craig - Oh I love this! I’d love to hang it in my daughter’s room!

Becky Mueller - I love all three! I’m bookmarking them for the folder I show my husband to pick from for my birthday, Mother’s day, etc. Hopefully I’ll get one soon!

Danielle - I saw that print on pinterest and thought it’d be great in my office. Encouraging and reminding all the middle schoolers that I work with that they are loved. AND a great way to introduce them to the healing powers of art! I’d love to win it!

carmela - love them all!!!

Allison H. - so talented!!

Laura - Love all of them!!! thanks for the giveaway – I’ll have to wait and see if I win and THEN decide what to order from her shop!!!

Ashley - LOVE

Elizabeth - Love these prints – so fun and bright. Would look adorable in my girls’ room!

Jill - Love the words the color…SO SASSY!

Meg - Love them! Going to click over there now…

Courtney - Are you kidding? What an awesome woman! Love this.

robyn - oooh, LOVE!!!

TonyaElise - Love. Her pictures are so happy. I’d love to have one in my home.

Brenda - Love this! Would look great in my classroom.

abby Gossard - I was just about to say I love the details, & then it seems like everyone does! Super cute!

Elisa E - These are so nice. I will visit her shop next and might find one that has my name on it.

Brittany - Love these! And I too want to drop everything and draw now, thanks for the inspiration!

Andrea - Thanks for the introduction. Those are BEAUTIFUL! I think I know where my birthday money is going.

Gina - These are so fun, bright and cheery:) perfect for my girls’ new room!

Cindy - These are soooo pretty!!! I’ll be adding her shop as a ‘favorite’.

Tami - What???? I’m leaving the 660th comment! You are one popular girl! :0)
Maybe 660 is the lucky number today. Love the prints! So pretty!

Jen H. - So gorgeous!

Diana D - Those are awesome! What a great gift! I tuck my little mancub in with this saying each night….

Emily - this would be so awesome in one of my kids’ rooms!

Tracy - Yay! Thanks for the link. I just bought one for my mom in law!

Peggy in TN - Talent like that amazes and inspires me. Love them all!

asnipofgoodness - Love her style! - Perfect for the nursery I’m putting together.

Tracy - Beautiful and would make such a special gift!!

Megan - LOVE THESE!!! Sooo gorgeous.

Meredith Salmon - Love the prints. The colors are perfect for our family room. I am going to have to go over and take a look. Happy New Year!!!!

Alicia - BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE IT!!!!

Amy M - High five for encouraging your friend. Those prints are so pretty!

Denise - What a great print!

jessica - So cute!

Tracie - So beautiful. I wish I could draw…..

Melissa - These are beautiful!! I really need to check out pintrest more often! Happy New Year!

Misty Schluchter - love the prints! she is SO talented. Love your blog, too!!

Karla - Would love the prints!!

Evie Houston - Absolutely love this! It would look adorable in my little girls’ room 🙂 Love it!

quinne sowell - That’s wonderful! I would love to have it in my home!

Carrie H - SO pretty! This would look great hanging in our nursery!

Holly Spangler - I just saw this on Pinterest yesterday and LOVED it! I think if I don’t win, I may have to order a couple. Perfect for my little girl’s room. 🙂

lulusparkles - total awesomeness…makes my heart sing!

Sharla - Beautiful!

Michelle Torres - Beautiful prints!!!!!!! I would love to give this to my daughter that graduates high school this year!!!!
Michelle Torres

Dianne Hwang - Just gorgeous! I love that style of art too.

secret mom thoughts - Beautiful prints!

Annie - Okay, this is a totally new-to-me Etsy shop. Thanks for sharing! (P.S. — Did you watch Parenthood last night??)

Jill B. - This is beautiful! Love the colors and it’s message.

SoCalLynn - Beautiful! I’m trying to add more color into our home and this would be perfect!

Tessa - So pretty and inspirational!

Ashley - I love those prints!!!

Jennifer - Love it!!!

Becky J - Would love to be your winner…who couldn’t use such a lovely reminder? 🙂

Val - Love this!!! I’m going to check out her shop next! I lost my wedding ring yesterday and I’m feeling really down so I need a pick me up!

Wendy - Gorgeous, and so happy-making!

Brandie - Beautiful!!

Cassie - Love these!

Anna - Love it!!! And I Love your new blog header! Happy new year!

Jody - Love it – so pretty….I know, makes you want to break out the colored pencils & draw!!!!!!!!! so fun!!

Cory - Great Prints!!!

Christine Ishmael - Enter me to win…love her stuff!

Michelle Gallimore - These just make me happy!

cindy - I just checked our her blog – what fun! such neat pieces of art! motivating to go paint! 🙂

amy h - What beautiful art! Love the words, love the reminder, love the colors!

Tracie Behan - I so love that print!!!

Liz Butler - Oh my goodness, they are stunning! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lia - This would look so great in our new house!!

Keri - Love these!! They are beautiful!!

Janel - Oh wowsers…605 comments I sure hope I win 🙂 Awesome giveaway – Pam is very gifted – her work is beautiful!

Shannon - These are beautiful – I am just redecorating my kids’ room and these would be the perfect finishing touch to remind them how much we love each other!

Tiffany Belford - Absolutely beautiful. Just saved her blog as a favorite and will enjoy it so much! Thank you! 🙂

Sabina - I just got married two months ago. I feel so loved and I would love to have this print. It’s gorgeous : )

Laura in LA - I love how whimsical her art is! Lovely!

katherine - Oh my, I LOVE these prints….they are beautiful!! I am on my way to check out her site….thanks!

laura r. in MS - So bright an cheerful! This would look amazing on my wall!

Amy C - These are beautiful.

Tiffany - Love these. They make me happy!

Nicole - Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy New Year!

Susan V - So Beautiful – doesn’t it make you happy just to look at it?

elz - Grogeous. Bright and wonderful sentiments. Love it.

shelli - that is God’s truth: “you reap what you sow.”-translation mine because I don’t have my bible at the computer with me. anyhow, thank you for the kind words to others and for your sincerity to help them progress. ok. back to the giveaway. it would be a nice little reminder to my husband who seldom gets the attention he deserves…

Carrie - This is beautiful! Going to check her out!

Cara L - those prints are amazing! that one would look great hanging in my stairwell!

Amanda - Such happy and colorful prints!

Kimberly Dial - I love it … I’ve got the perfect spot for it in my living room 🙂

Tammy - Gorgeous! I have a frame for prints that I change out with the holidays. THis would be my go-to print!

Melissa - Love the print!!!!

Amy Bogan Griffin - I love the colors, You know Amy means “beloved”, kinda the same meaning. It would look so pretty over my desk.

Amanda Angert - That is GORGEOUS!! I might have to buy one for my friend’s nursery……

Sandy - I will right now and look at her beautiful stuff and see what I would love to have. Thanks for sharing with us!!

Lisa Hamilton - oh oh pick me!!!! so cute!!

Melissa - Beautiful!!!

Teri B. - Such amazing talent! Beautiful!

Ryanne - I would love to hang this in my girls’ room.

Asccnelson - Your friend is talented! Love the prints:)

Katie - How beautiful! I live the simplicity of the message, yet it means SO much. Love her Etsy shop!

nicole - The colors are fabulous! Time to check out her shop. 🙂

K - Gorgeous art!! SO talented! 🙂 Would love one!!

Heather E - Those are beautiful! I am headed over to check out her shop now!

natalie (the sweets life) - so glad you encouraged her–these are GREAT!

Jen - I love all the fun colors! I would hang the “Loved” one in my daughter’s bedroom. She’s 14 and at times is SURE we’re all against her. Hopefully this would let her know we do love her – plus her room’s a fun teal color and it would look awesome there!

Stephanie campbell - Oh my goodness. Those are all absolutely beautiful. I am collecting word pcitures for our eventual home and this would fit right in. I think I’ll go to her shop and get one (some?) even if I don’t win!

Jen M. - Those are beautiful! Thanks for introducing me to her work.

Robin - You are loved . . . what a beautiful reminder! A visual memorial of God’s love to hang on our wall.

Amber - Absolutely love these! I’m going to add her shop to my Etsy favorites right now. Thanks for the recommendation!

Lisa McCracken - I love that! It’s so beautiful! Thanks for offering the giveaway!
I am fairly new reader (couple of months)…found you through one of Matthew Mead’s magazines. I am so happy I did! I love your blog. So inspiring.
And, thank you, for the video you posted that your pastor showed you at Christmas. I loved it.

Brenna - I love it!

Jen D - LOVE them, I know exactly where to put it.

SusanA - I have the perfect spot in our home to hang it! It’s so beautiful.

Kim Black - Love these prints! Thanks for the giveaway!

Gina in Louisville - I love all of them….just looking at them makes me happy.

Dena - These are lovely prints!

Heidi Durant - AHHH I pinned this. It was one of my very first pins in the wonderful world of pinterest. I love the colors and details! Yay! I ordered one just now, but it would still be fun to win one for a friend.

Jennifer R - Love this!! Would love to win it! Thanks!!

Tracy S. - I would love to give this to my daughter – she is a wonderful 14 year old artist and I like to remind her daily how much I truly adore and love her – they all need to be reminded of that as much as possible!! 🙂

Ruth - LOVE THESE! The details are amazing!

Kristy - So bright and cheerful!

Christine - Love the prints! Would love to have this one hanging in my house!!

Karissa - So unique and lovely! What a beautiful reminder that we ARE loved….by Jesus. And THAT is the best!

Kendra - I would love to have that print in my kitchen! I have a perfect place for it.

Amy - Perfect way to add some whimsy around here-one of my resolutions!

Heather - WOWZERS!!! These are amazing and I sort of, um, want to eat them. LOVE!

Kelly W - Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica - Love the print! The colors are great! 🙂

amy - Love it! And love that you introduced me to a new blog and artist!

Analia - Love the colors! The Prints are so sweet!

stacey bloodworth - I AM loved! 🙂 and love the print.

Jill Weiler - Colors…oh love the colors!

Verna Lantz - Oh, I love that. So very pretty!

karen peachey - what absolutely cheerful prints! Love!!!

Angela - 546??? What are my chances? Ha. I love this, it fits my motto this year, 20twelve..the year after the most painful year of my life. I love, LOVE your blog!!!

liz wilson - love the print and would love to hang it in my home!!

Sara - Beautiful….this would be perfect in my daughters room. She needs encouragement right now…..13 is such a HARD age. Thanks for the chance.

tina - I’ve seen these on pinterst too, love them. You are loved would look awesome in my daughters bedroom 🙂

Jennifer Ware - These are beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Pretty sure I’ll order the “we are family” print even if I don’t:)

Kristin - beautiful art! so inspiring and lovely.

Jen - Oh I LOVE these too!! How fun!

Ashley B. - This is so colorful and gorgeous, I’d love to have it hanging in my house! 🙂

Sarah F. - These are soo cute!

Anna Marie - Oh I love her style! And I love your new header 😉

Ashley - B-E-A-utiful! I love those! So fun and colorful and inspirational!

Michelle - That print would be amazing in one of my children’s room! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Ginny - Love it!! the colors are fabulous!

Sara - Love the print!

Virginia Bibler - beautiful!

Kirsten Dehmlow - Love them! You are right, the colors are amazing.

crgw - this is SO awesome! i love the happy message and happy colors! way to go encouraging her Ms. Meg! 🙂 these turned out great!

holly - love love love!!! Pick me Pick me 🙂 - have a lot of readers!!!

nora - love them! she is so gifted!

Amy G. - Those are fabulous! Such happy messages and colors! 🙂

Gale - Love them. LOVE THEM. Makes me want to get out watercolors and have some fun 🙂

Robin Canter - would love to send the “You Are Loved” to my 22 year old son!

Suzette - Oh! Those are wonderful prints!

Michelle - I would love to win one! I just ordered one from her shop for my sister in Texas that I miss and love dearly!!
Thank you for letting me know about this awesome artist!

Kate B - Just beautiful!

Tracey - So cute!! Would be perfect for my two daughters’ bathroom!!

Beth - Very cute and colorful. The “You are Loved” print would be cute in my daughter’s room.

BKM - Love it!

Jermaine D. - So pretty!

Kate - Ooooo, I love them!

Joy Foster - OOOH! SO SO PRETTY!!!! Love the YOu are loved so much!! Off to check her shop!! happy day!

Stephanie B - Those are awesome!

Kara - Love!

cathy - how great would it be to win this?/ Perfect start to the new year!

Meg D - I am hoping to win but am planning to buy one anyway! Such a talented artist!

Laura Phelps - me thinks at comment number 520 I wont win 🙁
but I CAN draw…hmmmmm….might have to totally copy her
wouldn’t that be great?
love you Meg

Amy Lynne - Wow! They are all beautiful!

Robin - What a great way to start the new year!! Waking up to such a beautiful print would make my heart smile each day:)

s - beautiful!!

robbie - What a happy reminder! Love, Love and more Love

angie - LOVE!!!!! this artwork would make me smile everyday : )

Julie G - Would you believe it…. I have just the perfect spot for this 😉
Thanks for the opportunity,

Lela Pohlmann - Meant to say…but I love the simplicity of the message! Darn autocorrect!

Lela Pohlmann - Beautiful! Crazy but they are so colorful and have lots going on design wise
But unloved the simplicity of the messaage!

Annette - I love looking at pretty things…and pretty things with a story behind them are even better…and pretty things with a story behind them with words to inspire/remember are the best!
Well, the free part doesn’t hurt either…..
LOVE them all!

kelly - I would love to win this for my 14 year old daughter, just the message I want her to see in her room every morning!

Chantel - Oh, how beautiful! I love all of her work. So colorful and inspiring!

ellen - I love all of her colors….they remind me of you!! xxoo

Suzanne - I love her stuff. Happy New Year!

Jane - Wow! I love this so much!! I have decided to have more positive messages around my house this year as I have realised that I need to listen to these things more than the garbage that is told to me by the world… thanks for sharing!!

Dee Dee - Love !!!

Stephanie - I LOVE these! Thanks for sharing the link. I’m off to pin.

Deeanna - Love love all the colors :).. Thanks for the chance to win one off these amazing prints 🙂

becky - i love these. so simply perfect.

the.mrs - whoa nellie. SUPER giveaway! mama want me some prints! 😉

sharon morrissette - Super Love.

Nicole - I found your blog via a tag on Pinterest… I was up half the night reading old posts! Love!
Thanks for the giveaway! This would look excellent in my home 😉

Dawn - Love it and love her blog!

Amanda - So great!! I had just peeked at her stuff today because of Pinterest . . . crazy fun timing! LOVE her work . . . would LOVE to see it in my home.

Chelsea - i love the colors in you are loved!

Kendra - Would be PERFECT for our girls’ room. . . bringing home 2 4-yr old sweeties from Uganda very soon. 🙂

Jennifer - How lucky you are to receive such happy mail! I absolutely love her work, and I think this would be a fabulous early bday Present to myself 🙂

Lilly - Beautiful. Ordering one for my girls room!

Michelle - Sweet! 🙂

Mary - Want, want, want…These are so beautiful and just my style!

Tracy Livingston - These are lovely!

Shelly Clark - Each of those prints just make me smile!

Kate - Adding beautiful inspirational artwork to our walls is one of my New Years resolutions, having one of her prints would be a great beginning.

Sunnie - Definitely sunshine for your home, how beautiful and how sweet the sentiments. Thank you for sharing! Just love them!

Cory - What a great print. Would love to win it. 🙂

christy - Love it! So pretty. Have to check out her shop.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - A great print to have in each of my girl’s rooms. Fingers crossed.
Dana @ Bungalow’56

Becky - Love them! Going to check out her Etsy shop right now!

Nicole Q. - Beautiful prints!
Pick me.

Lindsey - Those prints are beautiful…very inspiring. They make me smile:)

jamie - Those are fabulous!

Grace - It gives you this “love” smile… LOVE it!!!!!!

Katie - BEAUTS. those new prints are the best!

Vonda - Beautiful prints! Would love to have one for my home!!!:)

A Facebook User - I love this and it’s such a great reminder for me right now…..

Eliece - What a great reminder to see each day.

The Lovely One - Love the colors in all of them! So fun– that print would look great in my daughter’s room.

Ashley Cook - So fun, love it, want it!

Erin - I love the colors and the sayings. They are bright and cheerful — perfect for a fresh, new year!

Jen - That’s beautiful! It would be the perfect addition for our dining room as I’ve been trying to add some little pops of color. Would love to win. Just checked out her etsy shop too!

sarah - these cheerful prints make me happy! thanks for introducing me to this artist!

Diane Hutchings - I love this print!!

alamama - i just love when you introduce me to new folks. love her art. thanks for the chance!

Kirsten J - Truly. I saw “You are loved” on her blog, and was head over heels. Yay!

Jen Young - I love all of those! Beautiful work!

Carrie - Wow. These are amazing. I love them for the same reason I love your blog…the color! Unfortuantely I suffer from beige-itis and everytime I look at your photos I am imspired to de-beige-ify. I think this print would be a good start, don’t you?

Melissa - Beautiful! Thanks to both of you for the generous giveaway. Now..pick me!

Paula - I really love these prints. So want one for my tween daughter’s room.

Tanya - I love it! One thing I definitely need more of is meaningful art to hang on my walls 🙂

Jodi H - My 21 year old single daughter needs to be reminded that she is loved even if she isn’t married yet. The Lord’s timing is perfect though! Great giveaway!

Dawn W. - Thanks for the chance to win!! They are super cute. I am going to look in her shop.

jessicakiehn - GOSH THESE ARE GORGEOUS!!!!

Shairee Bass - Beautiful! Totally perfect!

Hilarie - Lovely, I may just need one of those in my home 🙂

Kari - Wow! Just what I was looking for to add to my new babies room. Going to her shop right now…

mindy - beautiful!! i had it pinned, and i’m so glad you encouraged her to make them into prints! i’m putting one on my wish list:)

Mary Beth - now an original PAM would be FUN to own!

Jenn - i love this print!!! I am trying to get art together for our new home & this would be a GREAT starting point! What inspiration!!!

Lori - As much as I would love it for myself…if I won, would immediately give it to my sister…9 years younger than me and truly the nicest person I know.

Kristin - Love the print! Thanks for the chance to win!

Aimee - These are FABULOUS!!! If I win, I’m decorating my whole craft room around it.
If I don’t, I’ll probably buy one and do it anyway. 🙂

Christyn - It’s awesome! Her style is perfect.

Emily B. - Beautiful and so happy!

April - Love this we just found out we are going to get our kids in Ethiopia in the next couple weeks. Each print speaks volumes today.

mpoggie - Oh. That’s so sweet! It would be perfect for my baby girl’s room…So colorful and lively and heart-warming!

Anne-Marie - I would LOVE to win this! Hitting some speedbumps in the road of life lately and would love to see this as an encouraging reminder!!!

Lisa - Girl power! What great messages!

Rebecca - Oh, yes please. I love them!

Benay - Would love to win one of these! They are beautiful!

amanda - definitely need one for Gavin’s nursery!

Emily - Would love to give that to my daughter 🙂

Emily H. - What fabulous inspiration!

nancie - oh i LOVE these!!
i love to draw too and want to create now 🙂

Tiffany - I LOVE ALL hEr wOrk (and YOUR blog)!!!

alise - great prints!! thanks for the chance to win. happy new year

Carol S. - Those are awesome. I officially joined pinterest yesterday and will add one of these great prints to my board! Would love to add one to my real wall too. Coincidence, I commented on one of my pinterest posts…I need some word art. Happy New Year Meg, I’ve enjoyed your blog very much this year!

Ann Marie - Beautiful! I would love to hang this in my daughters room or play room. It would help inspire creativity in there!!

Lydia - That would be perfect for the nursery I’m helping decorate for my soon-to-be-arriving niece!

Katy - Gorgeous!! I love them all!

Amy R. - I love it and want one!!

anna - I like these! A LOT!

Lisa Gering - Love the sayings, bright colors & designs! FUN!

Jennifer - SO beautiful!

Leslie - I so love these~~~~

April R - makes me want to whisper
“you are loved”
to each of my children
as I tuck them in tonight 🙂
(Thank u!)

Sylwia - These are beautiful! so happy, warm and colorful!
Love them:)

Heather - I love this giveaway! Thanks for the chance! These are beautiful!

Becca W. - So pretty! I love them all!

Jenn - Love this print! I want one to give to my

Kit - eeeeek! those are so so awesome. just today in bible study we were talking about the fact that we need to REMIND each other that we are loved. with an everlasting love, no less. now i want to try to copy her…just for fun.

mel - love that!! and now i want to go draw too instead of work on lesson plans! maybe tomorrow w/my girl after she gets out of school. 🙂

casey - oh and love the new blog header by the way (c;

casey - absolutely beautiful! I haven’t seen them on pinterest yet,so thanks for letting me in on these little slices of heaven (c;

Lori Austin - Love the whimsical, colorful look of these prints. So pretty.
Btw, the new banner (is that what the top of the page is called?) looks great. Fresh and bright!
Happy New Year!!

Emily - Beautiful and Creative, Love!

Kate - I love these…love, love love.

Juliann Brenner - Love these prints! I am going to show my little artist, Olivia – she’ll have inspiration for her doodles 😉

Stephanie - First, Happy new year!
I love that print! So colorful and fun!!

andrea - I’ve seen her work all over pinterest, love it all.

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage - How fun, and beautiful and inspiring! Thank you!

Amber - Beautiful! What a colorful way to start out the new year!

Julie - These are so fun! I checked out her shop as well. Wish this kind of stuff would flow out of me and onto paper….

Maggie Nunez - i love them. did she make the prints that are hung in your rec room? i saw those the other day and fell in love with those too. I just love the colors!

Nichole - Why have I never seen these and why is there not one hanging in my office? Seriously, this is the perfect thing for my super bland office. Very awesome.

Tiffany - Yes please! The lettering is so pretty.

dixie - LOVE these prints!! just gorgeous!!

Jamie - So pretty! I love all the colors!!

Vanessa - Love this!

Annette - Love it! It would brighten up our home for the new year!!

Lindsay F. - Oh wow, beautiful! Would love to have one!

betsy - SO beautiful! Any one of these would be beautiful in my niece’s Big Girl room … which she’s DYING to move into at their new house 🙂
Happy New Year!

Jeannette from PLant City - I LOVE them all, that was very sweet of her to send them all to you!! if I don’t win i will definitely be buying one, if she doesn’t sell out that is!!!Thanks for sharing :o)

Christy - Oh my goodness they are BEAUTIFUL! Love all the color!

Jessica - they’re AWESOME!!!!!

Amy - LOVE all the colors….they are perfect!

Eva Scott - Oh.My.Word. Everything is just GORGEOUS! Love those postcards too!

virginia - ah! i LOVE those prints!

lorena - What wonderful art! I’d love to win this, thank you!

Laurel - I love them- they are just beautiful!

julie - Love, going buy one from her shop!!

megan c. - these are wonderful! and so is your blog! thanks for your words and for being you!

Stefanie - These are beautiful!!

Mary N. - I love the colors, saying and the whimsy. Would be honored to hang it in my house!

Jennifer - Oh my goodness…so beautiful!

Katie Harmount - Gorgeous! I would absolutely love one for each of my girls!!!

Melissa - Love the print and LOVE the colors!

Katie - I would LOVE this to hang in our nursery. I am redoing it for when our adoption finally comes through and we have our little Ethiopian Princess in our family forever. Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win this.

Holly - very pretty! Pam is one talented lady!

Christy - Ohhhhh! I’m looking for the perfect print to go with our new couch covers and that would go perfectly!

Katelyn - These are very cute prints!

amy - love the prints! they make me smile 🙂

Jen - I just love these too. Something I want my little ones to always know and feel! I love your blog Meg!

Summer Crosbie - So very pretty!

katie g - Love it!

Tina Jacobsen - Those are beautiful!!! Love, Love, Love!!
Tina J

Shelly Primm - oh, how i wish i could draw! so inspiring!! would love to put that in my girls bathroom!! thank you!

Julie - Those are AWESOME — I love them all!

mary - such pretty colors and doodles!

Amber - So colorful!!! This would brighten up any room!

Susan - I would put you are loved in my daughters room.

Kathi - So vibrant – I love each one! Thanks for sharing her awesome prints with us.

JessicaF - AWESOME! In love for sure!

emmeline - would be perfect in my baby girl’s room!

Courtney Walsh - Pam is one of my favorites! All the details are sooo fun! 🙂 I’m a blog stalker of hers for sure!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday, Megan!

Michelle - Love it! That would look great in my kids’ room!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love her art!! I have one of her samplers (haven’t managed to do anything with it yet though). I would love to win this print. xo

Sandy W - I really love all of those prints! I am going to go check out her shop right now.

Crystal - So pretty!

Victoria - LOVE IT SO MUCH! Thank YOU for taking the time to contact her and encourage her to sell them. YOU are also an inspiration to those of us who follow your blog!! You’ve inspired me to let just let it go and not to worry. Hugs to you from Atlanta, GA!

Suz - Such beautiful sentiments!

Marla Rae - way to be an awesome encourager Meg! I love them all!

Barbara Nelson - love it, this would make any place happy.

Susan Clark - I just found your blog, and what a perfect way to start the year off…knowing that indeed you are loved. Beautiful

Lauren - So beautiful! Definitely need that message in each of my miracles’ bedrooms. =)

Amy - Love them all!!

Marla Rae - I can totally see that in my house! I have a perfect spot! Way to be awesome encourager Meg!

merlin - It has taken me most of my life to even begin to believe that I am, in fact, loved. This would be a beautiful reminder to hang in my home.

Natalie - Love all of the prints!!

jennifer s - Amazing! Love the colors..esp love lives here. Must have 🙂

Molly Lawton - Absolutely lovely!!

Marie - LOVE It!!

Michelle - Love her work!

Kathi - Thanks for starting the new year with a give a way!

Alison - The colors are beautiful!! Would love to hang it in my kitchen. 🙂

Tanda - Would love this print!!! May have to order one if I don’t win!!

colleen from Alabama - Oooooo! The Happy Day print is amazing! May order it as a happy for myself!

Jennifer Ensor - This print is beautiful! I love it.

AnneM - What beautiful prints! Will have to check out her shop.

Karla - The prints are wonderful. I also like her blog!!

Tara Hershberger - I think this would look great in the future baby room!! 🙂

Anna - What a prefect reminder that would be…hanging in the staircase and greeting us as we greet the day.

Kelli Ross - Would LOVE this in my girls room…..

Ali - I wish I could draw like that!!! Those are awesome!!

Ellen J - Oh my!! I LOVE it!!

cynthia - “you are loved”, I really need that. The drawing is wonderful, 60’s style with a modern twist!

Andrea R. - So pretty! That would be perfect in the kids’ playroom that’s slowly turning into a teenage “lounge.”

Toni :0) - Love all the colors! Beautiful!

vicki w. - Those are sooo awesome…love, love, love.

meredith - ohhh, these are just my style too!! i’d LOVE to have ALL of those!!

Jessica - They are beautiful! She’s very talented!

Rebecca - Those are beautiful!!

Lisa - These are so beautiful! I would love one!

Julie - I love these prints and would love to see it hanging on my wall! Thanks Meg

Laura - Wow! She does gorgeous work! That would be perfect on my sort-of-gallery wall!

lynn - It’s gorgeous. Would love to hang by the door so everyone gets a special reminder, every day.

Meghan - Lovely! Happy 2012 to you and your family!

Mia - Beautiful and puts a smile on my face!

Ann - Beautiful!

Anne W - lovely – they are so sweet!!

amy kate - Precious and profound. I love her samplers patterns, too. May have to put one of those in my cart.
New Year’s blessings to you!

Megan - Love it! This would be beautiful for my daughters room! 🙂

Jessi - These are so pretty! I’d love one (or two…or three) of these in my home!

megan - We are family to put next to our new family pics!! Love the COLORS!!

Hannah - Adorable!

Cristi Clothier - It’s beautiful!

Jenn Shock - beautiful…just beautiful.

Christina - Love these! Thanks for encouraging her and for sharing!

Kimberly K. - So beautiful. Love it.

Linda G. - Beautiful work, I love them all!

jackie - Had it pinned. Would love to own it!!

Lynne - Those are GORGEOUS!

Amy @ - Whoa, offer a giveaway and look how many people respond! That artwork is beautiful, so colorful and inspiring! I just ordered some prints on etsy to make a collage wall in my daughter’s room of inspirational sayings. Looks like I may need to add to that now 🙂 Happy New Year!

Laura - It is such a beautiful print!

Rebecca - I don’t need it. But I really, really, really want it. For my daughter who should be coming home soon from Ethiopia. Perfect for her room. 🙂

Brianna - These prints are awesome! Inspiring me to do something similar!

Mindy Harris - such fun mail, megan!

Sarah Wolfe - Love the colors in this..

Jody H - What a beautiful print. I would love this in my family room. I’m so glad you encouraged her to print them. hickenfam at hotmail dot com

michele fry - Love them, and would LOVE to win the you are loved. Actually would probably give it to a dear friend who is going through a really hard….she could use the encouragment!! Thanks.

Mrs Skvortsov - awesome giveaway!! Thanks

ang - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!!

Karmen - I would love to win ‘You Are Loved’ It’s amazing how people touch our lives and we touch others… what a great start to this year! Can’t wait to check out her shop!

Bridget - Beautiful! Our house would be blessed to have one hanging!

Caroline - Just beautiful!!

robin - those are beautiful!

Julia - Oooohhh…I’d love to win this!!!

Katy - Beautiful! Love the colors! It really does make me want to draw when I see those prints. 🙂

Jennifer - This would be lovely in my baby girl’s room!

Cindy Downey - WoW!!! Love them so much.

ellen keeton - Struggling with a very special family member right now…never thought I would be in this spot… this was nice to see today:)…put a smile on my face!

Alli - So happy and uplifting!!! I’d love one!

Rachel - Awesome bright and cheery! Love those

Sara's art house - Sooooo cute! Hope I win 🙂
Happy new year, Meg! I love your blog:) it’s my favorite.

evan - so pretty! my daughter needs it in her room!

Julie - So pretty – love them!

Carla V. - Awesome of you to encourage! The prints are adorable and it would be fantastic to win one! Thanks for sharing 😀

Jen - LOVE! I am working on one of her cross stitches right now! Would love it!


Donna - Oh my goodness, how awesome are these???? Beautiful, lovely, inspiring, creative…

Mandy - Love these! I would hang the you are loved one in my 6 month olds room! Too cute!

Catherine - these are just my style, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loveeeee them!!!!!!
what fun!!!

Debbie - Wow! Love it!

Kelly - I love it! I have the perfect place for the print! Pick me 🙂

jennifer - Oh I have pinned that one! Would love to have one!

Betsy - I would love to hang this in my preschool!

Janet C - LoVe the colors of her prints!

Janet C - LoVe the colors of her prints!

Tiffany Clark - So pretty! My 3 year old was looking over my shoulder and asked what it said. I told her and she said, “I AM loved!” Yes you are girl! It would be a perfect fit in her room! 🙂

Jen - Love this! Would you post how you frame it and where you display? Love your blog- always inspires me!

Rachel J - Those are truly LOVELY prints! And how thoughtful of her to share them with you. Friends are the best!

Tiffany - LOVE! These are so pretty and perfect for gift giving for so many occasions!

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - So beautiful! I’d love to win one!

sarah harper - so fresh and colorful…love her work!

Shannon - Love love love! 🙂

Amanda Larkins - Those are so beautiful! I would love to win one!!

Michelle Zak - What a beautiful style! It’s going to be a good year, I can tell 🙂

Meghan Hansen - How wonderful!!! Thank you for introducing me to this artist. I hope I win:)

Belinda - Lovely, lovely, lovely – heading over to her shop now. Thanks xo

CathyC - Love it! so pretty!!!

Shannon - Love, love, love this print. So beautiful!

april - Wow these are amazing…..xoxo

Debbie Smallie - Love all of the prints!

Shawna - These are great! I can see this perfectly in my family room near the toys.

Megan - Those prints are gorgeous! Love them all!

jayne Barbour - These are grand! love them! so talented!!! I want to learn to embroider!!!

Caitlin - I’d LOVE to win this print, perfect for my girls!

Sarah - I love the print and I love the new header too!

Connie - I absolutely love her style of art! Thanks!!! - Love these! would look great in my kitchen!

Deputy's Wife - So love it!

Janelle - Cute stuff! Can’t even tell they are a print!

dellie - Wow they really do look water coloured – so pretty

Emily - Those are amazing! I will be checking out her etsy shop ASAP!

Meredith Gibson - Love it!!!

Katie P - I would love to have one of these for my girls’ bathroom! So great to see random people encouraging other people in their loves and passions!

emilyjmwi - I love PG! Her doodles are so inspiring

Laura Putnam - I almost never enter giveaways – but these are beautiful – I have whispered in my girls ears when they sleep “You are so Loved” since they were babies! Thanks for the opportunity!

Aislinn - My walls would love me!!

Amanda - The one thing I have the hardest time internalizing, though my name means “worthy of love.” What a beautiful print! Thank you for sharing.

Lisa - I love all of these!

Leah - I am starting to get excited about putting together a nursery for our little one in Ethiopia! This would be perfect. Even if I don’t win…I think I will buy it. Everyone needs to know they are loved!

michelle@decorandthedog - Beautiful! I love all of these!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - OK Im sure my chances are super slim but these prints are fabulous so Im goin for it:) And I love your new blog header…very YOU:) Happy 2012!

sara @ it's good to be queen - yes please!!! that is awesome!!

Alysa - That gal has talent! Beautiful work.

Jenn - Beautiful prints…love all her vibrant colors and tender messages. Thanks for the introduction to her Etsy shop.

Carol B - beautiful!! I would love one!!

Amy K. - Beautiful!! I can’t wait to check out what other goodness she has in her shop.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - ~Woot~ Sooo pretty! I might have to go buy some of these!

Andrea Jeanne - I am with you..they make me want to color. Thanks for the chance to win and for turning me on to such a wonderful artist.

Tonya - Going to check out the shop as soon as I post this, Thanks Meg !

Kristen - I love it! All of them! I know exactly where I’d put it in our home.

Margo - I would love to win this…what a great reminder…one that I needed today!

Danielle - I find this so inspiring — doodle to art! Love it!

Lindsey Jo - it does look like they’re handpainted! way to go for being an encourager!

Sarah LaVallee - Those are gorgeous! Even if I don’t win this, Im buying one for my daughter and each of my sisters.

niki - love it. so uplifting and bright.

Marla - I totally agree with you these prints are gorgeous and just a fun fun fun style of art.

Tammy - absolutely beautiful!….there’s a place on my daughter’s gallery wall for this for sure!

Lynna cherry - Might have to order a few if I don’t win. Love it’

Courtney Henson - These are so beautiful! I love them all…can’t believe I hadn’t seen these on Pinterest yet!

Aby - Love them!! Beautiful! What a nice mailbox surprise!! :))

Leslie Davison - Beautiful and inspiring. I love the colors!!!

Tracey - I love these!!! So pretty!!!

Theresa - Such a sweet and lovely print. It would look beautiful in our daughter’s room. Thanks for sharing.

Heidi - so pretty! i love it!

Michelle Rotner - redoing my kiddos bathroom soon and this would pull it all together. I love it…don’t know if I can wait for winner to be announced, may just have to place an order. Thanks for the heads up.

jen - i would proudly hang that gorgeous print right in my living room! if i don’t win i’ll just have to buy one. but freebies are more fun right?

Nichole L. - Love.

Kristin S - Absolutey love the You are Loved one. For some reason it reminds me of the cover of Free to Be You and Me from the 70’s (loved this crazy album back then) and the Beetles. I am not doing any investigating to know why I think that. Regardless, love!
Her shop was just added to my favorites on etsy.
Thanks Meg!

Erin Whitney - SOOOOO cute! This would be perfect in our new home. We’re supposed to close on it this month…oh yeah, and I’m due with baby #2 next week. Nothing like some sweet words to unstress me. 🙂

Nicki - Love all the colors!!! Would love one in my home 🙂

jenn - LOVE THOSE!!!!!

The Orchard - Those are so pretty! I wish I were that talented! I hope I win one! 🙂

Katie - Oh my word, those are cute! Love the colors.

Heidi Henderson - That does really make you want to get up and start drawing… love it.

jackie - Great prints and I would love to win it to hang in my soon to be craft room. I am off to check out her other prints.

Kim - Neat print! Thanks for sharing.

Tracey Nichols - I absolutely love all those prints. I would so love to win this and put it in my daughter’s room. Thanks!

Jen N. - Gorgeous prints!!

amy jupin - SHUT UP!
i have loved pam garrison forever.
she is an amazing artist.
oh meg, couldn’t you just picture this in the little boys’ room?

Jenna - oh these are so awesome. i really want to give the “you are loved” print to my friend Kathy. she ALWAYS writes that at the end of her messages and emails…its so HER. 🙂 in short, i will go buy it if some one else wins it! btw, i’ve been enjoying your blog for a few months now. i love your big beautiful photos. anyway. fun giveaway!

Kelsey - Love love LOVE.

Karey - LOVE those! So great!

Catriona - Ooh, pick me, pick me!! I would hang this where everyone can see it and read it to themselves.

tiffany gardner - my oh my…they are all full of beauty! my heart loves…you are loved.

happygirl - These are gorgeous. You are such a rock star in the blogosphere. Wow!

maribeth - they are beautiful!

debbie - These are already in my favorites on etsy! Pam is super talented!!!

Anne-Marie Petersen - Love the new header and would love to win!

Lori S - Oh these are fabulous! Love them!

Jenn - Those prints are kind of awesome! The colors are so pretty. By the way, I love your blog, it’s the first one I check everyday.

Dianne - What a great story to remind us to encourage others. I can’t tell you how much I love her work. I will be visiting her shop next!

annette - love it!! so beautiful

Melissa l - So cool. I’m going to go check her out now

Trindin - LOve them all!
Heading over to her Etsy now!
THanks for the chance!
Trindin in Michigan

Rhonda Fendt - I am going to order some of those for Valentines day! Thank you! You are very encouraging… by the way! Im noy quite sure how you do all you do…truly inspiring

Tracy Fisher - love love love her work. thanks for introducing her art to all of us. i am for sure getting something “just for me” and “just because”. happy tuesday. tracy

patti - Wonderful, just wonderful!!

Amy - So cheery! I absolutely love it!!

Jill Jackson - i am moving in two days and this print would totally match my living and dining room when i’m done with ’em!

Amy - Ooohhh! I have the perfect spot for it!

Terrie - That would be a beautiful reminder…everyday!
And her artwork…GorGeoUs!!!!
Wish I could draw, but it doesn’t matter, cause I am Loved!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I would love to win one of those prints…I have the perfect place for all three of them 🙂

Ana - Is saw these and pinned them on pinterest. They would look so pretty in any of my daughter’s rooms.

Lucy F - Love the print! And I love your blog!

BriBedell - Love this!! Would also love to win it 🙂

Elma - WOW I love all the prints in her shop:)Just ordered some and can’t wait to get them!! Thanks!!!

Yolanda - All so pretty. I love the one that says “Love lives here”.

Linda Bartelt - Right up my color alley! This would be ideal for my teenage daughter’s room.

Adrienne S - How perfect that would be by the door so that everytime you left you are reminded that you are loved!!!!

jill - That is just beautiful! Congrats to you for helping make the print possible! 🙂

Eli - gorgeous! I wish she had them in Spanish, too — they would be a great gift for my in-laws!

Jennifer B - So pretty! Thanks for this post 🙂

Lisa - Love these! 🙂

Mary - oh, oh, oh…would love to win “you are loved” print.
yes please, enter my name, and thanks oh so much!!

Sarah - These are lovely!

amanda - Beautiful!!

Amber - Love it! Would be awesome to have for when my family moves into a new house in a few weeks!

Jan @southernjunkin - Beautiful! Love ’em!! This print would be great hanging in an elementary classroom! Thanks for sharing the prints and the site!

shannon - The colors in all of them are so pretty! Love her artwork 😉

Charity - I just pinned it too! Love it! So colorful..

Heather - I love these prints! I’m pregnant with my first and I think the colors and shapes would make for delightful nursery art. 🙂

Mandy - Love the colors! Love her shop! Going to have to do some serious thinking about which one I want to buy. 🙂

Jen@ADropintheBucket - EEK! My sister-in-law’s bday is VERY soon, this would be PERFECT!

Jo(ke) - Beautiful. I just got engaged on Christmas Eve and this would be a unique gift to give to my fiance.

Heidi - How lovely and wonderful!

Sally - What great ART! I really like her work. It reminds me a little bit of the 70’s. Awesome time period!

PaisleyJade - Count me in! i have loved this on pinterest too!

Julie G - Oh, these are just lovely, and I may just have the perfect spot for one 😉
Thanks for the chance to win,

Kim Elks - They are all so HAPPY!!

Ali - WOW!!!! Those are stunning!!! Fingers crossed!

Carrie C. - These prints are so lovely, thank you for sharing!

Susan - Love it. Thanks for sharing.

AmandaK - You have good taste! Very pretty, wish I was talented in that area!

Christi - I would love to win! We are changing our dining room (because we have never once hosted a formal dinner there) to a playroom for the new year. This would be an awesome way to start the transformation.

Emily a la Blog - Beautiful! That would be a great addition to my decor. 🙂 And a good, uplifting reminder to everyone who sees it. Thanks for another great find!

Angela B. - Wow! Those are so great. Love!

Julie - Those are all so great! Colorful and whimsical! Love!!

Jess - i love the you are loved print…but they are all so pretty!

Tammia - sweet words, sweet print.
Thanks for helping spread the sweetness!

Amanda K - Awesome! You point me in the right direction. I got my house rules for my Birthday, and now another items to add to my wish list.

Melissa - I NEED to see this everyday!

Linda - WOW!! Those are beautiful and inspiring! I think I need one!

Erin - oh i love this! i want to win one to keep but it would be a great gift for my friend’s newly adopted baby girl!

Hannah O - ohhh ohh pick me! she is an AMAZING artist..

Nikki - Thank you soooo much for that link! ‘We are Family’ is a big deal in our family. We play it at every wedding/party. We all get in a circle and someone gets in the middle and dances. It’s a blast.
(and quite bittersweet when we played it at the fundraiser for my cousin battling cancer)
My mom and her 2 sisters(Triplets!)are turning 50 in March.That print is the PERFECT gift for them. Love it!

Linda B - Beautiful!!

Susie - Simply beautiful. What a wonderful reminder !!!!

Angie P - My living room needs this! Love it!

Ann - Love the colors, love the fine-point outlines, and especially love the sentiment. I’m buying some!

Kim - Gorgeous! Would be perfect for my daughters nursery!!

Molly - those are soooo cute! If i don’t win i definitely will have to get myself one!!

Maureen Troop - Perfect for my family picture wall…I am wanting to add in a little color with the photographs!

Claire - What beautiful prints 🙂 I love the colours and the simple but lovely message in them all!

Sarah - Pick me! I love your blog!

Rebecca @ Enjoy Life - Oh, I love it!

Southern Gal - I love her artwork. It’s all so lovely!

Lisa - love that you gave her the confidence to print these! friends give the best encouragement!
happy new year! xx

Katie H. - So pretty! They make me smile!

Megan - Absolutely beautiful! Would love one!

Kate - These are SO lovely!

Heather Fortney - Beautiful!

Michelle - This would be so perfect in my youngest daughter’s room! So fun & bright!!!!!!!! - Awesome! Thanks for sharing and I hope I win!

Katie - The You Are Loved one is so awesome. Great colors!!

Christy K - Beautiful prints. Love the bright colors!

Rachel - I love the You Are Loved print! I think my daughter should have one in her dorm room at university…just as a reminder ♥

jacqui anderson - they are so fun and flirty, happy and bright!!!

Charlton M - So cute! I love all of the prints!

Amber - These are gorgeous. Going on Pintrest!

Ashley - Oh MY! Yes, Please!?!?
Thanks for the chance! I’m off to explore her shop!

Shiloh Walter - Love. Love. Love.

Anne - LOVE it!! Just ordered one from her Etsy shop. 🙂

kateh - love the prints!

Jenny Joy - THOSE. ARE. GORGEOUS. *Swoony McSwoonerson*

kathryn - Love is a beautiful thing.

Lisa A - OM GOODNESS!!!! These prints are fabulous! I know exactly where to hang it!!

Chelsea - Oh this would be so perfect in my new daughter’s room!

Suzanne D - those are so pretty. I love the “You are loved” one. I think both of my little girls need one!

Liesl - I can think of several places to hang this and I can think of several people I’d like to give it to… them!

jen - oh my goodness – love these so much! that’s my mantra for this year – focus on us – focus on loving more. how perfect. thanks for the chance and the link!

christiejayne - Beautiful colors! Love them both!

Margo - Lovely colorful words—-

Weza - gorgeous! It would looke fabulous in my girlies room. xxx

jennibell - Yea! I love the colors too 🙂 It would look *perfect* in my new classroom. . .love her site, her style. Thanks for the “introduction”.

Sara B. - Beautiful!

Rachel K - Wow! What beautiful prints! I love the colors!

Rachel B. - Oh, wow! She is so talented! Lovely things 🙂

Janelle - Cute 😉 Would love to win!

Trisha - Oh, I love those! The “You are loved” would be a perfect picture to hang in Baby Girls nursery (due in May)!

Briana - They are so bright and fun!

raquel - Love this!! So beautiful!

Tracy Sheehy - Yep, I love her stuff! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

jenni - I would love to hang that print by our garage door so my kids can see it every day before they go to school. I love it!

Joy - Oh my heavens! I whisper those sweet words into our Pie’s ear ALL THE TIME! If I win that print I will hang it in her room! It is beautiful!

Jenny - these prints are delightful!

julie - Love the prints. Great colors, and I love her “doodle-y” style!

Stephanie - So bright and fun…..perfect way to start the new year:)

Cathy - I love them all!

Yby5 - Great colors and message! I would love to hang this in our family room for all to know “You Are Loved”.
Thanks for all your ideas-you’re an inspiration!

Kristi K - love these prints! the colors are fabulous! would love to win 🙂

Lael - So bright and happy!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I am loving the “Love Life” one!! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Love your new blog header, by the way!

Anne Larson - So fun!!!

jess - I’ve been wanting something like this. Love the colors! Going to her shop now!

Sarah - I listened to that fun song on my little record player. 🙂
Beautiful art! I’d love to win.

Tanya H - I’m sure I’ve commented this before, but you find the BEST stuff!! These are all fabulous and gorgeous and YES I want them all! sheesh………. LOL!

Allie - Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

Jennifer Dixon - I totally call dibs on winning! Love those!

Kiki Dee - These are just lovely! The color is so bright and cheerful! : ) I would love to have one hanging in our home. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

Annie - love the colors! would look so cute with the turquoise accents in my home 🙂

Alisa's Garden - Love the bright and cheery colors! Her work is awesome!

Jen - great prints! the print would look great in our loft that i am currently updating!

Karie - Love the colors!

Holly S. - This would look perfect in my colorful kitchen. 🙂

jen@thecottagenest - I love me some Pam G! Her prints are gorgeous and will look right at home in your house. Or mine! 😉

Bethany - so beautiful… reminds me of those little buttons i’d always get at the jewelry shop as a child! “you are loved!”

Mae - LOVE THESE!!!!!!

Christy - These are beautiful! I would LOVE to win one! Thank you for the giveaway! : )

Angie - All these prints are beutiful. I would love to have one to hang in my daughter’s room.

Lea - - Love the colors! Very Pretty!

Sarajane - These are so great! They would really brighten up my house!

Maria - Such a beautiful reminder…You Are Loved!
thanks for the chance to win

Sheila P. - Love these. Heading over to check her etsy shop out now!

Christina - How great colours! I love them all!! I was wondering, is it ok to send this in Europe? Hope it is!

Amanda Jo - So pretty and I know EXACTLY where I’d put it!!

Robin Riley - I would love to put that in my pre-teen daughter’s room…just as a reminder.

Michelle - Ooooo…These are great – I would love one!

Ashley - one of those would look fabulous in our new apartment! - Beautiful!! And I know just where I would hang it. What a great message to send to your family each morning at the breakfast table!

Beth - Wow! This would look fantastic in our kid’s room. We are moving and I am changing up how things are decorated and organized. This cute print would certainly make our new house feel more like a home. : )

Ashley - wow, those are gorgeous. the lettering is amazing and the colors are beautiful! i’d be very very happy to have one 🙂

Dawn - Yes Please, I would love one in my house too!

tammy - very pretty!!!!!

Amy - I love Pam and took her journal class when I did a retreat at the Art Nest and then had a class at Silver Bella. She’s as cheerful and fun as her drawings. These are fantastic.

Leah - Wow, those are beautiful! Good thing you encouraged her to make prints!

Laura Mann - What an artist! I love them all!

shara - so pretty! i would love it!

lauren b - LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! I adore the colors & the sayings are just too cute!

Ali - They are all so beautiful….love, love, LOVE the colors!

Leslie - Pick me! Beautiful!!

Stacey - I LOVE it and would love to win!!

kris - LOVE these prints! 🙂 - ohhhhh I LOVE this!! I love love love color & the sayings are just too cute!

beth - Those are ALL so beautiful! I’ve seen that around pinterest, too, glad to know where it comes from.

Mandy Hewitt - I love these prints! Thanks so much for sharing!

Courtney - OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!! These are lovely and just my style as well!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

katherine - love it! and would love to win! 🙂

Tracy H - Ooh….I love these….I need some color in my life!

Meredith - What a great giveaway! I wish i could draw like that 😉

Aimee B. in Oregon - Beautiful! Would love to have one (or two…)
Aimee in Or.

Christine - Inspiring! It’s motivating me to doodle :o)

RebeccaF. - Neeed these. In.My.House.
Thanks, Meg!

shannan - Love the style! Would be perfect for my daughter!

Karla - It’s beautiful! I love it!

Dawn - Those prints are beautiful! I love all the colors she uses!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love the art work. Great doodling.

Trisha - This print makes my heart happy! Like really really happy….

Clare Scruggs - Love, love, love the drawing, it would look great in my classroom! Will check her blog out ASAP!,

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Love your new header by the way!

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Hilarious timing. I just clicked over on her blog last night, subscribed, and then read through it endlessly. So gifted and talented. Love this print of hers:) Happy 2012 Meg!

Suzanne - Love the colors! The prints make me smile!

Terri - I love her shop. I think I would hang this picture in my girl’s room. Thanks!

Rachel - Ohhhh, I love that!!! I am heading to her shop now to see which others are my favs.

Sara Torbett - What happy prints :)!

Cerissa - I SO love that print! It would look so darn cute in my little girl’s room!

keri - forever folding laundry - Love – all of them!
I know just where I would put one. 🙂

Jenn - I love to fill my house with precious words!

Kacy - BEAUTIFUL! I would love to hang this in my daughter’s room! So pretty!

eapawsat - I so want that print!!! My kids could definitely use to hear/see that more…couldn’t we all, really????

melissa hermon - Love those all- heading over to check those out at her shop! Happy new Year!

Stephanie - It’s amazing what happens when we encourage each other!! Good things happen!

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best of 2011




                               oh my…..what a fabulous reminder of all God's goodness in 2011.

                              my heart is full to the tippy top today looking at the year in photos.

who is ready for a big year?

2012….i like you already..


Amy - Love your re-cap in photos! Question, did you create your collage in photoshop? Would love to know if it’s a template. Thanks so much 🙂

tami - Happy New year to you and your family! xoxo Many blessings!

Annika - Happy new year to you, too! I’ve been meaning to tell you: my blog is turning one in February and I was inspired by Whatever… to start writing it! I wanted to try blogging, but never had a ‘proper’ theme for it and thought nobody would be interested. When I saw how much fun you were having just writing about your family, your life and your photography, I felt that that was what I wanted to do, just write about the things that are dear to my heart. If people wanted to come and read, fine, if not, I’d have a diary of sorts. And it’s been so much fun, I’ve come into contact with so many lovely people through blogging, some of which I would even dare to call my friends! So: thank you, Meg, for being an inspiration and doing what you do!

Daniele Valois - What a colorful like you have! I don’t comment here often,, but I love to come visit! (And I was just in SF the other day and took a very colorful crayon pic with my phone and I just posted it and thought of you…and came here to see your colorful blog!)
happy day!

jen - thanks for all the inspiration and happy new year to you as well!!!! can’t wait to see what 2012 brings us all.

Kerry - Fantastic collage!!
Happy New Year sweet Duerksen family,
Kerry & Family in the not so sunny UK 🙂 xx

jennibell - This is great. The kids (and I) have a snowless snow day off today. . .I might play around and try to make something like this for us. . .our walls can always use more pictures!!! Thanks for your awesome inspiration Meg 🙂

Saks2Salvation - Your blog seriously gives me inspiration through imagery. What a year you & your beautiful family have had! My favorite pic is of you in the hat with your friend. Flawless face. Happy New Year!

AshleyAnn - Last year… I told myself to do this for 2011. Forgot. Glad you didn’t. The photo of you towards the middle is stunning..

Tiffany - Your photos made me smile. Now I just wanna collage my crew. To 2012!!!!!

Michelle Versace - Love you, love your blog, love your photos … Truly, for some reason always makes me happy.

tiffany gardner - love the life in your pics. i’m always encouraged by you. xoxo….

Carla G - I forgot about Sunshine the cat (was that his name?) until I saw his (her?) picture . . . whatever happened with the little kitty? Need an update on the cat status, please! 🙂 Your little Talby is getting quite beautiful. Like her mama.

tara pollard pakosta - gorgeous photos!!!
I love seeing all their cuteness little faces!!
Tell Lauren I would love to see more of her beautiful face gracing the family photos in 2012! Teenagers are hard to get photos of unless they are taking themselves with their iphones LOL!
as my girls get older (12 and 10) they are harder to get photos of too! But she’s so pretty and I would think later she is going to really wish she had let you capture her more at this age. TEll her to embrace the camera LOL!!!

Suz - love.

Kimberly Dial - I’m ready!

Katie - Happy, happy! Annie’s “double rainbow” outfit makes me giggle!
Hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful 2012 – can’t wait to see what it brings.

Joy Kinard - That was fun! I love visiting your blog!

I know what you are talking about…FULL HEART…
I am BURSTING today!!!!
And so thankful for 2011…

Ashley - Happy, happy New Year! I hope 2012 is full of new and amazing blessings!
The boys got me a phone cover for Christmas that reminded me of you– rainbow colored Mickey Mouse. It’s so cheery! (My five year old loves to look at your blog with me.)

Julie - Great pictures, looks like a great year! Happy New Year Meg!

Bobbie - Your new header is super cute. Love the crayons!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Meg….this is why I love to read your blog…..always bright and colorful….you make me smile……and pictures of waffle don’t hurt either!!!!!

amanda - These are great!

carol78 - i follow your blog for some time now and really enjoy it! wish you all the best in 2012 for you and your family

tina - happy new year!

Sarah Wolfe - so full of life, all these photos… happy new year!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - So many happy memories in this post. My faves? Annie in the superwoman costume and Waffle with his new haircut:) Happy New Year!

sandy toe - What great photos!
sandy toe

amy - i am beyond ready fro the new year. yay! happy new year!

Hannah - Looks like you had a beautiful year!!! Happy 2012!!!

Annette - Awesome collage… what a colorful 2011 you and your family had! Looking forward to reading your blog in 2012.
Do you use Big Huge Labs mosiac maker for your collage? Thanks!
Happy New Year!

Becky - I too, would love to know how you put your pictures together! So cool.

Denine - You are a wonderful, inspirational woman. I opened up my “Popular Photography” magazine and there you were inside the front cover.
Thanks for all the great ideas for 2011.
I can’t wait for what 2012 has to hold.
God bless
Happy New year.

Theresa - Meg, These are beautiful pictures. I hope that you have a wonderful 2012. I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your life, crafts, and amazing photos.
I saw this on etsy and thought of you.

jessicakiehn - I just want you to know…that when I look at you I see a hard-working, extremely devoted, loving, real wife and mother. I know your kids are young and have no idea how much love and work you put into everything to make it beautiful, meaningful, and fun, but one day they will look back and thank you from the very depths of themselves for what great parents they had. You inspire me to put my family first and know that God will take care of me and my needs, so I don’t have to.
If you ever feel like you’re not “cutting it” in the mother department…know that it is a lie from the devil himself, because let me tell you…I am Spirit-filled and the moment I looked at this collage and saw the pictures of you I saw you for who you really are and it leapt in my spirit…you are an amazing Momma.

Laura Putnam - Great recap – please do tell how what you used to put all your pictures together like that?! Thanks, Laura

happygirl - I see your 2011 was pretty good. My 2011, not so much. I’m looking forward to 2012. The bar is set pretty low, so I’ll bet it will be even better. 🙂

Sheri - Made your cheesy potatoes today – they totally rocked! Thanks for sharing.

Amy jupin - This is beautiful.
Much like YOU.
Happy new year meg!

Regina - i LOVE the photo recap. meg you are beautiful! your pics, realness, outlook, fun colors & home decor, commitment to the Lord & his people are all so encouraging. i always look forward to your posts!

Lisa - Glorious! The photos are amazing.
Happy New Year!

No. 17 - this makes me happy too.
happy 2012 to you, friend.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Love this idea Megan, I think I might be stealing it : )

Kacy - Love it – love your pictures, love your kids, love you! I hope your 2012 is even better than 2011!

PaisleyJade - Love your blog! thanks for your inspiration. happy new year!

Leah - Beautiful photos! Happy New Year, Meg!

Holly - great year! I am super excited about 2012!

Kat - Beautiful! Love you, your family & this blog, though I don’t know you. 🙂 You inspire me and bring joy to my world. Thank you.

Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats - Happy new year!!! You had quite the colorful year, as always. 🙂 I’m looking forward to another year of reading your blog.
Just a question – how do you get the photos into the squares? Do you do it by hand or is there something that does it for you?

Margo - Love it! I hope you have a fabulous 2012!!

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