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each month for Craft Weekend we have sponsors who send their product
for our craft weekend guests as an extra special treat.
it's so fun to be able to give the product to my new friends
and i LOVE being able to feature some of my favorite shops with you!

these are our september Craft Weekend Sponsors.

………….. the pleated poppy …………….


the pleated poppy sent petal pushers for each craft weekender!
her shop has handmade pretties for everyone…i love it all.

shop | blog

get 15% off your entire purchase with code WHATEVER15



…………….. crystal b jewelry…………….

crystal b sent beautiful necklaces and earrings for craft weekend.
her shop is filled with lovely jewelry.

shop | blog 

get 10% off your purchase when you use the code cw912 (good through 9/30)


…………. American Crafts …………..


American Crafts sent all kinds of fun goodies from their line of Amy Tangerine & Dear Lizzy.
each crafter got all this awesome stuff!!

shop | blog



……….. stitch | craft | create magazine………..

every crafter got their own copy of the fall Stitch Craft Create Magazine!

shop | blog



…………… jamberry nails …………..


nikki brandt, a consultant for Jamberry Nails sent each crafter a sheet of patterned nail shields.
these are the coolest!!
they change everything about manicures!
i can't wait to cover my nails in polka dots….red and white polka dots! 🙂


………….. broward patch ………….

Broward Patch sent camera straps for everyone in all differnt patterns.
i fell in love with the rainbow chevron immediately.
they are all so fun.
use the code: craft  at checkout to get 20% off their entire purchase

shop | facebook



………….. bake it pretty …………..

Photo 1

Bake It Pretty sent these fun party treats for everyone.
their shop makes me want to have a party…a really amazing colorful party!!

Use the code: CRAFTWEEKEND for 20% off your purchase

shop | blog 



………….. pam garrison ……………

pam garrison sent her beautiful print "YOU ARE LOVED" to all of our girls.
i love her work…unique and colorful.

shop | blog



………….. 31Bits Jewelry …………..

31Bits sent these awesome yellow bracelets for every crafter.
i love 31Bits for their product and their purpose.

shop | blog 


 ………. barn owl primitives …………

Barn Owl primitives sent this sign for one lucky crafter 
(and it happened to be Jenny!) 
and she sent one for the craft house too!


……………. SayHello Shop ……………


SayHello Shop sent their FABULOUS wood bunting for us to get creative with during our weekend.
it comes unfinished and we paint it with chalkboard paint and decoupage it with fabric.
it's totally adorable.

use code: fall10 at checkout and get 10% off your order.



thank you so much to all of our awesome sponsors for september!!

now go click on all their shops.



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a little link love today.


i love this super cute globe remake from A Night Owl.


ticket paper chain in yummy colors from Pam Garrison.



dying over this wall art from Sweet Pickins.


and this sunshine art makes me happy!!


i want to make pillows like this that are from the long thread.


how much fun is this wall??  oh it gets my creativity going!!  (source)


and oh how i would LOVE to make a wall like this.  :)
i would probably get tired of it… but i would love the process of making it.


i LOVE ashley's blurb book she just did.
i want to make 100.  but i can't even get ONE done.


i want this in my mouth immediately… coconut cream pie bars.

Photo 3

everything julie makes is RAD.


these cookies should be on my kitchen counter right now..i want them.  i NEED them.


i loved this print.  its the perfect mom thing to say.



very funny.


i want to paint a door pink.


if i came across a green cabinet like this….i think i would pass out.
it is THE best in every way. 


loving this necklace from LISA LEONARD.


this is adorable.  and i LOVE that name.  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
i need to have one more baby and name her Harper. 
mr. duerksen? what are your thoughts?

i want to eat this.
and i want her to make it and we eat dinner together and talk and talk and talk.
because i think she is amazing and i want to know her better…and eat her food. 
with a glass of wine. (or three)
when can we make this happen fpfgirl???

katie daisy is fabulous.
she is just so darn talented. 


and that's it.

i am headed to the craft house to work work work.
kimberlee and i are finishing everything up today for our August CRAFT Weekend.
the swag is so good.
the crafts are going to be completely awesome…ALL NEW (except the amazingly cute apron)
and someone super fun is coming to help…


i'm a happy girl today.



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from the week…

                                                              orange dress.                                              souvenir from NYC for me.

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                                       scott is starting to drive. :O                               annie can flip from the diving board!
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                                                  zinnias in the garden.                   watching You've Got Mail for the 100th time.
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                          i found this funky owl lamp at the antique store….then found it's twin! did not buy = $60 each.
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                            i finally cleaned the craft room up.                                added a new plate to my collection.
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               bought 25 cans of spray paint at Home Depot.                                         Craig's 20 year HS reunion :) 
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time flies by at the laundromat with the Avett Brothers.                                         Julie & Julia also 100th time.
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                                               time to make a garland.                                      i have a spray paint addiction.
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                                      this is enabling my addiction.                      um…yeah…i had to get glasses….hmmm.
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                                    new quilt for $7.50…sweeeeet                                                                        hot dog.
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                                     1. turquoise cords from target
                                  2. canvas i loved at hobby lobby
                                                           3. book i want 
                               4. new pillows for the craft house                          annie has NEW freckles on her cheeks!
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                           started this book & i feel something…
                                                  not sure what it is yet.
                                                  i will keep you posted.                                                      summer's superstar.
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what did you do this past week?
did you make anything?
did you go anywhere?
did you spray paint for 3 hours?
did you go to a class reunion?

tell me.


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hot hot summer

when we moved out to the country….we did not bring our pool.
and I MISS IT!
a certain someone who sits in an air conditioned office with other grown ups all day and NOT five children and all of their friends decided that we didn't need to put it up this summer.
it was not a unanimous decision.
i am not bitter….but man…. we are hot and bored…. and hot.


so we took it old school ….the sprinkler.


at first my daughter didn't even know what to do in a sprinkler that is not at a splash park.
"do i just stand there?"
"why is this fun mom?"


i brought even more OLD SCHOOL toys….practically vintage even…. bowls and cups.



they got a little excited.
"YAY!!! we can pour it on each other!!!"
"we can fill them up and throw it on Waffle!"


but then it came to be….. "LETS MAKE SOUP!!!"


"I need more leaves!"
"my soup has lots of rocks!"
"i like adding more mud to mine!"



"these leaves make the soup extra spicey!"


it was a successful play time with antique toys and no dogs were harmed.

but we still wish we had that pool…..


we are headed out to the zoo because it's only 90 today!
and i am surprising the kids with a movie afterwards.
and sam's club pizza for dinner. 
AT sam's.
cause we're fancy like that.

i do make them share a drink though.
when your only option is 32 oz….one per kid is quite ridiculous.

have a super day wherever you go!



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fourth of july!

cruising around pinterest i was noticing my eye kept finding ideas for the  4th of july.
it's always such happy stuff!
love the colors.
U-S-A all the way!
(one time we sat a parade and a lady next to us chanted that the whole time…it was…odd 

here are some cuties i found today.



















Uncommon 4th of july burlap banner 2 2011

i actually do nothing to decorate or get cute for the fourth….
but when i see it all together
it sure does get my creativity going!

what are YOU doing for the fourth?
going to a party?
hosting a party?

i miss our fourths in illinois….chicago jen knows how to party.  :)

 i am going to pick ONE thing from this post and do it.
but i am not sure which one yet.
i have a week to decide.


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just moved in.

we are still loving the neighbor's chickens.



the kids keep asking when we are getting OUR chickens??
i think….why should we get chickens when the neighbors already have some!
if some one would build me a coop and tell me how….i might consider it.
but then what do you do about the dogs?
and what about when we go on trips?
it's just easier to enjoy the neighbor's for now.

but look who just moved in across the street from my front door!!!

this is LITERALLY the view from my front door.  (say that like rob lowe…)

i went out to the fence to see what happens when cows live across the street.
they saw me.
and just kept eating and slowly walking side-by-side-touching-non-stop in a line got closer and closer.


i knelt down and covered my face with the camera but still right out in the open on the other side of the fence.
the fence is barbed wire so i wasn't hiding.
they seemed very curious about the camera.
when my face wasn't covered they would get startled and back down a little.



especially 109.
we were about two feet apart.

eating but keeping an eye on the crazy camera lady…..


they were all so close together it made ME feel claustrophobic!  

i love the grass stained knees!
what a show off you are number 132.

my driveway….with cows.

the spirea bushes bloomed last week.

and another sunset picture.
the cows would be on the left side of the road….our house on the right.


this is my outside area that needs work.

my mom said "i thought you were taking a break?"  
i guess maybe i could take a break from gardening….but i doubt it.
i was planning on doing some kind of gardening out here.
this little space is SCREAMING to be worked on!
i don't think i can leave it alone.
after SNAP i may have some time to work on it….if i decide to.

this past weekend we had such a beautiful night that we decided to have a campfire.
with s'mores.
behind the barn.



it was pretty much a perfect night.
you can see the whole sky filled with stars when you are out here.

pretty amazing.

i may even agree to do some tent camping in the yard this summer.




btw….i just made it to Utah.
it's going to be very fun!!! 
bring on the bloggers.
or maybe i will just go hide in my room instead….i get so weird about big groups of women!

i can do this.

deep breaths.

smiley face.

i need to go find more deoderant.
i am sweating.


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a little lisa….


ahhhh…… Lisa Leonard ….i just LOVE her shop!!

Keepsake-Bowl_01 DevotedBracelet_01

she has a beautiful selection of jewelry & gifts making it easy to pick something perfect for the special person in your life….even if that special person is you!!

you could shop today for Mother's Day!
the mothers in your life would be so in love anything from Lisa!


today Lisa is letting me giveaway TWO gift certificates!
to be entered you need to sign up for her newletter …..that's it!

it's on the bottom right corner of her shops front page.
it will take you about 8 seconds…maybe 9.

then shop around.
find your favorite items…..then shop for your mom….your sister….your friends…..

then make sure you leave a comment here that you signed up to receive lisa's newsletter.

and i will pick TWO winners later this week!

thanks LISA!!

(and surely you read her blog don't you?  well if you don't yet…YOU SHOULD!!  it's lovely.) 



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