if you hold them like this they don’t squeal. (don’t be offended…you eat bacon)
i set my camera down low and they kept creeping in on me.
Category Archives: Uncategorizedcraig’s uncle and aunt told us this was the last round of baby pigs.
after 30 years they are going to be pig-free.
sad for us but so liberating for them.
i can’t wait to hear about your first big long vacation.
you really really deserve it!
since these are the last ones…we had to get out there!
so we called them up and invited ourselves over…last minute.
we gave them a 20 minute warning.
wasn’t that polite of us?
if you hold them like this they don’t squeal. (don’t be offended…you eat bacon) i set my camera down low and they kept creeping in on me. it was cool but kind of creepy too.
“please craig…can we keep just one?”
earlier in the day we’d laughed about the thought of having a pig as a pet.
they get to be like 800 pounds…the size of a couch?
who wouldn’t want one?
the babies are cute though.
if you had one all cleaned up and could teach it tricks?!
i need to join 4H and get all this stuff out of my system.
annie was watching the mama…keeping track of her.
good plan.
she’s gianormous.
i will miss this janet!
what we will do without the baby pigs to visit?
maybe you can start raising puppies?
ray is the biggest golden retriever in the world.
he has to be.
but such a sweet dog…if he doesn’t knock you over by accident.
sean wanted to ride him.
ray could do it but we said no.
lots of corn this year – everywhere in kansas!
it is so pretty to see fields of it everywhere you go.
the kids got to pick some and check if it was ready.
not quite yet.
janet took annie out to the garden and let her pick cucumbers.
she couldn’t wait to eat them.
(the ONLY vegetable she eats??)
i love this blurry picture (so many of these were blurry?)
fruit punch on her lip, dirty hair stuck to her face, cucumbers in her lap…
completely zonked out.
we love the farm.
we’ll miss the pigs.
thanks gary and janet.
next time we will have a cookout so we can check that off our summer list.
but i promise we’ll plan it more than 20 minutes in advance…
maybe even an hour?
sean’s 8th birthday was success!
after VBS (where he didn’t want to go but managed to have a great time)
we picked up 3 of his friends for a 2:00 showing of Kung Fu Panda.
funny movie.
(does anyone else sit in cartoon movies just concentrating on whose voice it is?
i really like to do that.
and so proud of myself when i figure it out…i am a dork.)
we were the only ones in the theater.
oh, except for my mother-in-law who came seperately with my other kids.
sean said “they aren’t allowed to sit by us”
but once it was just us…we all sat together.
we didn’t expect to walk in and have the whole theater just for sean’s birthday!
pretty cool.
after the movie…at sean’s request…we went to subway.
craig took him here on their ski trip and he loved it.
meatball sub on wheat.
i have lived here over 3 years and have never been into subway?
and we were the only people here too.
it was adorable (he’d hate that word) watching these boys read the menu board
trying to decide what they wanted without their moms.
of course.
time for presents.
KU hats, legos, transformers and singng birthday cards with the star wars theme song.
he was so happy…truly happy.
sean’s buddies.
he is the old man of the group.
the party ended there
and started again at home after dinner.
california family is in town and got to celebrate with us!
almost every year we have this photo…
sean hiding while everyone sings happy birthday to him.
he’ll outgrow it someday i am sure of it.
a hulk mask that lights up, legos, golf balls, cash and his own set of golf clubs.
that’s a pretty good birthday.
he sat down right way to begin building his legos.
his brain is MADE for legos.
i love that all my kids are so different.
i’m sure yours are too but it is just so cool to think about.
i really enjoyed my time with sean today.
he is a special blessing to me.
happy happy birthday sean.
Just found your blog and I love it! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!
wow – what a great day. happy belated birthday sean!! Happy day to Sean!! OH! And I made your Mexican Chicken last night!! Let me just say…YUM!!! It is a new favorite at our casa!!
Happy belated birthday Sean! Talby is bringing our present home with her when she gets back from Grandma’s. I wish we could be there to give you a big hug and sing an embarrassing “happy birthday” song to you. I just recently learned that 8 is a lucky number in China, and you will be 8 years old on 08/08/08! How lucky will that be?
Happy birthday to Sean! Landon LOVES legos probably just as much as Sean. That’s all he wants for his b-day (next week). The two of them should get together to build! sean is eight today.
he is not happy that he has to go to VBS on his birthday.
but we have party plans later so he’ll be alright.
i can’t believe it’s been eight years since the happiest baby entered the world.
Pardon me, I’m not American – may I ask what a VBS is? Ta! 🙂 Ah man! There were exactly 8 comments and mine is going to mess up the balance! Still, can’t resist the opportunity to wish a great kiddo a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Oops…I just realized I spelled his name wrong. Of course I meant Sean! It was fun to be in Shawn’s class today. He even told me it was his birthday…it sounds like you have a fun day planned. He was pretty excited!
Happy Birthday!!! My Son turns 8 on Friday, his LAST day of VBS! 🙂 Happy Birthday Sean! I hope VBS rocked this year and you have a fabulous birthday! happy birthday little man….eight is great!
we’ve had some rain this week.
after awhile you just have to get outside and splash around.
did you know…
bubbles stick to the ground really well when it’s wet?
I love the top picture with the bubbles! Oh girl, in California we are not having rain! Even though the Lord knows we need it with all these forest fires! Instead last week we were 104 degrees and this week, the 90’s. We swim alot and eat lots of popsicles in the summer!! awesome pictures with the bubbles!!!! you should enter them in a photo contest somewhere – they are great! Beautiful pictures! I especially love the touches of pink running through all of them. wonderful pictures Meg! you make me want to look at things differently than just my usual point and shoot! thank you. : )
What amazing photos!!! They look like they are having quite the time! Wish we were getting rain here in Southern Cali!!! Love this blog by the way!! 🙂 i love your pictures!! i want to live in your neighborhood, especially on the fourth of july! You inspire me to take better pictures! These are amazing. It rains almost everyday here and the kids love it as well. A good lesson for me as well. i found these at little momma and company. she has such creative fun in her kitchen.
i was in love with the color…of course.
i doubled the recipe since there were four of them.
and i think if i ever do it again…i will make some for me to play with too.
ours looked nothing like little momma’s but that’s not important.
(hers were pretty. ours were not.)
this was just for fun.
and so we could check something else off the summer list.
it is real cookie dough that looks like playdoh.
it was good enough to eat.
and they did.
they each got their own pan.
there was no wrong way to make them.
if we make these again i will add more flour…it was quite sticky.
annie was the only one who wanted to eat annie’s.
they turned out pretty good.
kind of flavorless…but so colorful.
it was a little strange to eat a bright blue cookie.
but they managed to get it done.
and for those of you who will comment that i am “such a fun mom…”
they were all grounded from tv and video games yesterday
and this was to keep my sanity.
and 20 minutes after this….
they all got sent tho their rooms till their dad got home from work.
but i am still a fun mom.
just want you to know (in case you doubted) that we have plenty of UN-fun here too.
I LOVE your blog~what great ideas~you inspire me very much! I too am very relieved to know that you are sometimes unfun. I aspire to be a fun mom, but man it’s a lot of work. Maybe if they’d help me clean up the fun.
Just found your blog, and this is the CUTEST idea! I can’t wait to do it with my kids!! Thanks for posting this!
I bet they are thinking about getting grounded more often! (Just kidding) It looks like a lot of work to keep 4 kiddos entertained for a decent stretch. Kuddos to you for still planning something fun for them. I am STILL way impressed. I just wanted to say hello since I’ve enjoyed peeking into your life through your blog. I found you through Emily (little momma and co.) and was drawn to your beautiful pictures. What a cute family! Looks like you’re having lots of fun this summer. I have a summer list too but my son is only 13 months so it’s pretty simple:) Enjoy the weekend! We buy this cookie dough each year for the school fundraiser. It is a lot of fun and not too bad tasting either. Looks like sticky fun!!! And yes, you ARE a good mom.
YAY, you tried them! I am so glad, they are so much fun. I was mean mommy though and had all the fun myself. Next time I should let the kids join in too! My favorite picture was the 6th one down. Classic!
we took the four youngest to the local carnival last week.
it was at bedtime.
it was a surprise.
they loved it…lots of “yeah the carnival!!!” in the car.
then annie got on the first ride…
pure terror.
this ride is 2 feet off the ground and i am literally 3 feet away.
i can touch her as she goes by.
but still the scariest thing she’s ever done in her life apparently.
she sat the rest of the rides out.
but she loved watching and cheering for her brothers and sister.
i don’t think these rides have changed since i was a child.
just as rickety as they were then.
i remember screaming (like annie) and begging to be let off this ride
when i was in jr. high.
i have no tolerance for this stuff.
i have even thrown up!
aren’t you glad you know that?
when i looked over and saw craig riding in this silver bullet ride with sean
i thought “oh please don’t die in a fiery explosion”
sean was pumped after going on that.
he loved the fact that he was the bravest kid in our family that night.
don’t those cars look scary?
annie sure thought so.
the girls wanted a stuffed animal so bad…
but we had no money after buying the ridiculously priced tickets.
it was perfect weather,
family fun together and
super memories were made.
the kids can’t wait till next year.
(we’d better start saving our money now.)
gotta love the carnival. used to love the tilt-a-whirl!!! can’t do it now though. poor annie! You take amazing photos!!! Looks like a lot of fun. But I hear ya on the $$$ we go through a small fortune when the PRCA rodeo is in town. I LOVE carnivals! Poor Annie. I love the pic where her dad is holding her, her little face is so suspicious of those scary rides! Adorable.
love those rides . . . two years ago kassade, keyton and I all shoved into the bullet together . . . screaming the entire time. . . keyton thought he was going to fall out . . . what a great memory. I know how I felt after the bullet ride – wonder if craig felt the same way? You are so right about how much money it costs. But for us I figure it’s once a year and it would be a shame not to let the kids experience a carnival or county fair – especially since I went all the time as a child and have such great memories. I’m right with Annie regarding rides, I just don’t like them. Can’t even watch them. How wimpish is that?!!
Your pictures made me feel like I was there! I could smell the funnel cakes and popcorn! I was a scaredy girl too when I was little – and better to play it safe than go on those scary rides!! But still…you are so good at making those memories…and capturing them with your skillz!!
Holy cow, those carnivals are expensive. Worth it for the memories, though! Glad everyone had a good time.
we were mean parents and said “no we aren’t going, it’s too expensive”. Oh my… poor Annie. I remember the first time we took Macy on a ride. This was “pre-language” but she knew some sign-language at that point. I was riding on a similar ride like Annie’s WITH her, and she turned to her daddy and grandparents who were watching and while crying signed “all done.” I felt so bad. The operator stopped the ride for us. She clutched onto me for the rest of the day, even after we left the “ride” section.
i actually don’t even know my mailman. but i love him (or her) because of all the goodies he brings. my bloggy friend crystal went and got herself knocked up (lucky girl)
so she decided to send ME her coffee.
because she knows my
and she sent me this mug too.
on the inside it is the color of winter spinach exactly.
how cool is she?
she did this just to be nice because she is such a nice person.
her blog is so fun to read so be sure you go and say hello.
her shop is full and FUN.
i love everything in it.
have a great day crystal.
thank you so much.
here is me this morning…jammies and my first cup of coffee today.
mmmmmmmm….so good.
i am now charged and ready for my big trip to wal-mart with 4 kids!
be sure to enter the drawing in the post below.
I just found your blog from The Inspired Room. You make me so excited to have kids! Love your house and your blog style. I’ve also given up caffeine in preparation for getting preggers, but I still drink decaf! Luckily the withdrawal is behind me. What a great gift. I have a post about an almost free Senseo coffee maker on my blog if you want to check it out. It takes more than a cup of coffee to get me charged for any WalMart trip – with or without kids! Good thing you’ve got a BIG cup to drink from. i say we tell the mailman that megan is on vacation and just to deliver all the packages to your house (in case it rains of course) and just keep delivering the bills and junk to her house. she’s not going to read this is she? 🙂 info@terroircoffee.com Its a hobby I picked up of tasting different coffees all over the world. You can read about the farmer and farm where the beans come from. They ship it right after they roast it. So eye rollingly delicious.
yummy! I love it when I receive surprises in the mail! It makes all the other junk mail and bills worth the look 🙂 any trip to walmart calls for a “charge”!! just for all the NO’s you have to say for the things they think they HAVE TO have! hope it went well… that is one big coffee mug. should keep you going all day. how sweet, enjoy!!! Oh Meg…you are too sweet. I am still grieving my coffee in the AM…no joke but I am glad it found a good home! 🙂 I have the same mug and it is one of my favorites…LOVE that shade of green. 🙂 Thanks for thinking of me at wal-mart…I’ll have to check it out. Have a beautiful day! How can I get your (our) mailman (it is a man, I’ve seen him) to start bringing your fun mail across the street to my house? Amy D, any ideas? I’ll share stuff with you. 🙂 How sweet and giganic is that coffee mug! She sounds like a great blogfriend…..
Shana - You totally need a puppy! They are cute, cuddly, can be ridden (eventually) and are the “farm” of city life. How do you think I have survived after growing up with dogs, cats, horses, goats, cows, rabbits, and one lamb named “thumper”?
Gotta bring the farm into the city!
melissa @ the inspired room - This is the best, I just love this post! Thanks for sharing the piglets!
Katie - I just stumbled upon your blog and love your obvious appreciation for small town farm life. I too came from such roots. Thanks for providing a great read.
Diane - Little piglets are so cute, I just can’t look at their feet.
Lisa - Happy Belated birthday to Sean!
The piggies are so cute.
I confess – I read your blog every day. Annie cracks me up. I actually tell my freinds and family all the funny stuff she does. So innocent and blissful, to be that young again.
After months of reading your blog I would like to say that I am a bit envious of the mom you are to your kids. You seem to be the cool mom that all us kids at school wished we had. I am not a mother yet, hopefully soon, but when I am, you’re the type of mom I want to be. I will keep reading and taking notes. Your blog is great research.
Take Care,
Amanda Jo - It looks like you all had a GREAT time! Those pigs are adorable…it’s pictures like those that make me feel bad about loving bacon so much. Great pictures, especially of the Pig Mob.
Marla - AWW I love pigs. My son raised one for FFA his freshman year. We named him Chester and he was the biggest baby. He would roll over so you could rub his tummy and pose with hats on his head so I could take pictures. He weighed a little over 300 pounds when we took him to the market after the last show. We all cried for a week.
FFA is a great program, you just have to remember when it’s over they go to the market. Well at least the market pigs do.
Amber - How fun to have a family farm to visit! I don’t blame you for wanting one of those little piggies. They are too darn cute. Well, pretty much any baby animal is hard to resist 🙂
traci - they are so cute. wonderful photos – the kids look so happy. we used to have pigs when we got married.
Shelly H. (in Overland Park, KS) - ——————————————————————————–
Timon: [singing] Luau. If you’re hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat/ Eat my buddy Pumbaa here, ’cause he’s a tasty treat/Come on down and dine/ On this tasty swine/ All you gotta is get in line/Are you achin’…
Pumbaa: Yup, yup, yup.
Timon: For some bacon?
Pumbaa: Yup, yup, yup.
Timon: He’s a big pig.
Pumbaa: Yup, yup.
Timon: You can be a big pig, too. Oy.
LOL! Thought I would lighten things up with a little pig humor and quote from The Lion King =)
Stephanie - I lurk at your site all the time because I just love your pictures and the way you capture your life. I especially love the pig pictures. I must admit I almost spit when I read “don’t be offended…you eat bacon.” Totally spot on and funny, too! A great example of what I love about your posts. Okay – enough gushing for now! Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us!
robin bird - i smiled the entire way through these with my brow a little furrowed too cause they do look too cute to eat…. the ‘getting down low’ shots are fabulous! i love how you captured one little face amongst many each time. perfection!
Sharla - Hi from Kansas City! I’ve been lurking on your blog every since I saw it on Creative Blogs and love all your pics/stories. I thought you might live in Kansas since the boys love KU. Sorry, I’m a KSU fan but still love to see what you and your cute family are up to! 🙂 You inspire me – I have two little boys that I’m always trying to entertain.
Dayna - I love them! I raised little piggies for 4-H for YEARS and I can’t wait to get my girls into it.
Love the Annie sleeping picture, so precious!
Nope, I don’t live near you…I’m all the way in California =)
meleea - what a beautiful piece of america! i love the pigs. my daughter just started dog 4-H so we will be at the fair a lot – not sure i could do pig 4-H! beautiful pictures as always.
Jenny - The pigs are gorgeous.
I remember a few years ago in Sydney there was a family going to court to fight for their right to keep their family pet pig, who had grown enormous – this had upset some of the neighbours.
The pig in question acted just like a dog. It would go for walks with the family, and lie on the floor of an evening while the family watched tv etc. It was very clean too.
Jennifer P. - I loved these pictures so much. I say that a lot on here—but it’s just so true! You have such a great eye!
Speaking of eyes—I have never noticed how human-like pig eyes are. The ones on the giant mama pig were creepy—like it was really a person in a costume!
Glad you got lots of great photos of the pigs before they’re gone. I’m sure they’ll do their job of being delicious.
Marnie - Excellent, EXCELLENT pics!
I have a great love for piggies. When I was titchy we went to visit a friend of the family’s farm and he farmed pigs … Oh! the “love affair” began! They are such sweeties – unless you get them cross of course! So those “low” pics of the little ones coming towards you just made me grin and grin.
And yes, I love bacon & ham … 🙂
Amy - That looks like a great time…those pigs are adorable…I agree, older ones might not be so fun!
Great pictures! Even your older boy has the Kool-aid mustache! 😉
One Wired Woman - Oh my goodness!! Those are the cutest piglets ever!! That is really special that you’ve been able to field trips to your uncle’s farm. So cool for all of you. 🙂
~Jill 🙂
amy d - so very cute, if u go again take me!! oink, oink 🙂
Suzanne - too fun! my hubby & i were both 4-Hers…he raised show pigs & i raised show lambs…a lot of work, but some great lessons & memories! i bet your kids had a ball…love the cornfields!!
PamperingBeki - I want a pig!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty Cottage - I love the piggies! Too fun! You know your kiddos will never forget that? Annie is A-Dorable :o) We live super close to Kansas; just on the other side of the mighty MO. What part of KS are y’all in? I love the midwest, wouldn’t live anywhere else. This is only my second time to your blog and I love it! Thanks for entertaining me…ha!
Staci - Too cute! I got my hard cast today so I can type!! I must say I’m enjoyin’ catchin’ up on my favorite blogs! Although, your bubble and water picture gave me nightmares of falling 🙂 I’ve gone a little freaky about wet surfaces since…”The Fall”!
trish - Soooo cute! I used to raise pigs for 4-H.
I had a great big sow named Kupcake and she’d have two litters a year. I always got to keep three to raise for auction and we would sell the rest. ahhhhh the memories. I even bottle fed a few runts in my day. Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
and I love annies ribbon wrapped around that little piglet!!
Lee Ann - Those are great pictures! I love the little piggies. But, Annie with her hair glued to her face is priceless.