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art makes me happy

you know how staying inside (with 5 children) can make you feel crazy?

i do.
and yesterday i was pretty close to having a meltdown.
at 2:00 i sent myself outside for a time out.
while the kids were zombies in front of spongebob
i dead-headed all my flowers.
cheap cheap therapy.

afterwards i was calm enough for a project.


i dug out my paints from the dusty dirty craft room. 
(still a construction mess from the bathroom remodel)



annie got the marbles she wanted…
dropped them in the box with the paper and paint.
and watched them go.



just tilting the box back a forth till your picture looks the way you like.
talby liked to cover every bit of white on her paper.
annie was loving the marbles covered in rainbow paint.
and i was happy just seeing the colors.



so between gardening and paint we have dodged another bill for a therapist.
there other outlets too…coffee…chocolate…shopping…a quiet bookstore…

but for now…this is doing it.


thanks for the idea lauren.

Beverly - These are just gorgeous. I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

Beverly - These are just gorgeous. I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

Monica - Miniature golf, haven’t done that in a while. I feel inspired to go now!
I love the idea of using marbles for art!
This is my first time here BTW. I saw your link on Steph’s blog.

kell - coffee and chocolate have gotten me through this summer too!

Sandra - What a great idea! Three of my granddaughters are coming for a few days next week. We’ll definitely try this out.

Peggy Rice - Great idea! I think I will let my kids do this project so that I don’t lose mine.

Julie K. - Super gorgeous! That would cheer me up too!! You are such an inspiration.
Wish you had a whole week here so we could connect – I haven’t been to the flea market in a couple of years believe it or not – it’s too depressing to go with no money. So, until I have an extra $20 – I remain content because I don’t know what I’m missing out on! :o) Next time when you have more than 3 days in Chicago we’ll have to do a morning coffee at the minimum to connect. In the meantime – I’ll keep checking your blog! :o)

Nancy - What a cool project! Thanks for the idea and I hope you plan to frame those.

Stacey - Fun project! I may have to have my kiddos try it.
And staying inside with two kids drives me nuts, let alone five! I feel your pain. Thank goodness school starts next week. 🙂

The Mama's - That looks like so much fun! I have to try that.

Deb - I’m checking blogs in order to avoid chocolate. Lol. Love the paints!

Art Cant Hurt - Looks like your kids had a blast!
Glad you had a chance to try it out!
It’s so easy…so fun…and so much color!
Now get some mats to put them in and hang ’em up!
Take care!

Lanny Stanard - Okay are these masterpieces for sale? they are so cool, when do the kiddies go back to school? have a great rest of the week!

meleea - that looks like a great idea! my daughter would love that! we will have to give it a try.

cynthia - i am so doing this!

Staci - Too cool! I was having that day today…I think it’s a good thing school starts next Wednesday or people might be hearing about me on the news!!! (Of course, I kid!) I’m gonna do this with my kids tomorrow!! As long as Meg posts all her fun creative things she’s doin’ with HER kids…my kids are sure to stay alive another week 🙂

Stephanie - I love to marble paint – I think it is time we do the same! We just got back from camping and 8-9 loads of laundry later. Probably more, but I stopped counting!

Anna - Love this one…always have. Great fun for just about any elementary grade…however, the younger ones seem to appreciate it a little more 😉 Glad you all had fun doing it!

emily - love this . . . can’t wait to try it with my 3 girls!

Holly - What a great idea, and much cheaper than a therapist. I am in awe of your patience and how lovely your house is.

meg duerksen - HA!
these are books i would need to read….not write.
i am not thin.
not organized.
the house is soooo not clean.
and i doubt i am sane anymore.
but i think it’s funny that you all might think these about me.
do you have books for me about these things? 🙂

PamperingBeki - Chiming in with other ideas for your book.
– How to stay thin while consuming large amounts of chocolate and coffee.
– How to stay sane when the kids are out of school.
– How to keep a clean house with 7 people in it.
– How to keep an ORGANIZED house with 7 people in it.
Seriously. 🙂 No really.

Pleasant Drive - I do this with my class when I teach “how to” writing. Fun stuff, once again!

Mod Girl - “and i was happy just seeing the colors.”
I agree.

lorilee - AHHH one of my pre-school students’ favorite art projects! They also love dabbing paint and folding the paper in half. We often do this with butterfly shapes. In the fall,we use numerous drops of food coloring mixed in just a little water, dabbed onto a coffee filter to make fall leaves. These are really pretty in a window!
Happy Creating!

Aby - Too cool! We’ve got to try it before school gets started again! The girls would love it and I could definitely use some therapy!!

Amanda Jo - You have the best ideas for things to do with families! If you haven’t already, you should write a book!!! I’m serious.
Thanks for another great idea to add to my “to-do” list!

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i just wanted to say that…since it's so trendy this year. 

we stayed around kansas and (tried to) entertained the kiddos.

we lodged and ate at my parents house.
one stop was Deanna Rose Farm near Kansas City.
and it is FREE!
if you are local you must go.  
it was a great great place.



lauren was very unhappy to be at such a baby place.
she found a huge goat to sympathize with her.
and braid his beard.
we were bummed out we didn't have a pony tail holder.
it cracked me up…




talby's first pony ride!
we tried to get annie to do it but there was no way that was happening.
talby thought it was the best…of course….all 2 and a half minutes that it was.



scott tried his best to stick with lauren and be mad.
but once he was near me i tickled him and teased him into laughter.
he can't stay mad for long (lauren can though).
and it was really really hot so crabbiness is a given.



then they found the fishing pond.
eyes were lighting up!
excitement was in their voices!
oh thank goodness.
we bought 2 buckets of worms and grabbed some poles (sticks with a hook).


they had never seen anyone put a worm on a hook
so all eyes were on dad. 
mine too.
i had never done it either….ewwwww.
but it really wasn't so bad at all.
i even did it myself…i had to take one for the team.
(like when i have to kill spiders myself when craig isn't home to rescue me)



they got one!
it was about 4 inches long.  
such a proud moment for the girls.
pretty much all the fish did was eat all the worms off the hook.
we threw it back in and annie screamed 
"NO!!! i wanted to eat him for dinner!!!!"



here's a fun game we can play all year….
it's called
we could possibly play this game in every post i write.


oh look what i found…my very own windmill.


good times were had in the end.
even in the hot hot sun.
and we got to check fishing and kansas city (area) off the list.
and then we changed "get a horse" to "RIDE a horse" on the list and checked it off.

robin bird - sheesh your stay-cation was far more pleasant than ours…we are on it right this minute and i tell you all we are doing is working on the house. no kids to entertain therefore no excuses for not working 🙁
is that a white turkey? like an albino?
scott looks too sweet all snuggled up on his mamma’s shoulder. i love that shot.

Emily - Oh my goodness how fun!
We just took the kids to Deanna Rose Farm last Sunday! We live very close to it so it’s great to be able to spend the afternoon there if we don’t have other plans. The kids both love it.
So fun to see pictures of your family there too!

Chaos-Jamie - Isn’t the farmstead awesome? Back in the day there wasn’t much back by the Fishing pond and NO water. Now it is fun even on hot days.

jerusalem - Stay-cations are fab. I am such a girlie-girl but the one outdoorsey thing I can do is cut a worm in half with my finger nail and put it on a hook. Ewwww, I know but I have to say I am proud of my talent!

Deb - What amazing photos! And what fun you had. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

carrie - It must be hard for the teenager at times. Being the oldest you have to do activities appropriate for little ones. I am sure the little ones would find her activities quite boring as well.
I think its great that you just let her be. She is still out with the family. Like you said she is still there, so can decide to not have fun, and thats her loss.

Nancy - Love your little gal’s sparkly pink shoes. And, I have a teenage girl who plays the same game your teenage girl does — must be a behavior that is instinctive!

Lanny Stanard - Looks like you guy’s had a nice family day! it’s so nice to see that! it’s great that you make the time, sometimes it’s hard to do that! Thanks for Sharing!

crystal - That looks like so much fun. My girls would definitely enjoy it. Please tell me it gets somewhat easier to deal with the teenage thing. My oldest is a month away from being 12 and I swear she acts like she’s going on 17. I want her to grow into her own person but somedays I don’t know how I’m going to be able to handle the next 5 years without just locking her in her bedroom.

Marnie - Oh that looks like so much fun!
You guys always look like you have such good times together … well, almost all of you.
The line about “find the teenager…” cracked me up … I can remember when every one over 25 seemed like a moron!! Ha ha!! Good on you guys!!!

meg duerksen - OH my goodness.
if by “handling her” you mean going crazy and fighting and argueing and trying not to fight and argue every day….then i guess we are handling it.
she is not quiet about her displeasure.
she does not just go off on her own to hide.
everyone knows she is ticked off.
we let her be just to keep peace for the rest of us.
we’d LOVE to have her participate but if she’d rather pout?? go somewhere else.
so we constantly feel at a loss.
we struggle with answers or solutions.
how strict is too strict? what do we let slide?
it’s very new territory for us.
and we get to do it 4 more times after this!
by the time annie is a teenager we will be totally insane so that will be better for her i think.
i don’t want anyone to think we have got it together.
but we are trying hard.
that counts for something.
God’s grace will cover the things we mess up.
He knows we are trying and He wants the best for her too.
oh it is not easy.

traci - looks like a very fun trip and you seem to handle Lauren beautifullly. I have one that is one yr. from her teen yrs and I struggle with the giving space thing. You seem to have it down pat 🙂

lorel - Hey, it’s funny about that Megan’s windmill – last time we were at Deanna Rose, while waiting for the girls to go down the slide by the sheep pen, I actually read the 2 paragraph sign about the “Dempster windmill”. A man named Mr. Dempster didn’t invent the windmill, but basically perfected their marketing and became really rich, and in his home state of Illinois they named a street after him. I thought you might recognize the name…small world. hee hee

Jennifer P. - Hooray! another thing checked off the list!
I remember being Lauren’s age and wanting to appear as though I just lived on my own. Having my mom drop me off at everything like 1/4 mile away! Not that I didn’t love her—she was just so “mom-ish”. Lauren braiding the goat’s goatee was hilarious! I think she probably enjoys herself a lot more than you know 🙂
Thanks so much for leaving a memory of me today!
Mine of you would be discovering you in TCB archives. Yours is one of the first (and only) blogs I have read ALL OF—all the archives and right back to the first post! LIke everyone else, I’m just in love with your house and your pictures, but I also love that you can say so much by saying so little.

Kim V - What a great family trip…unless you are a teenager of course…lol! But hey… she did braid the goats beard and he was pretty tolerant of it! Love that picture!
Have a great night!

Kristy - We live five minutes from Deanna Rose–my girls LOVE going there. Glad you got to enjoy it with your family!

Queenie Bee - Cute, cute, CUTE! And the goat would have EATEN the ponytail holder anyway.

beth - I went to the zoo this summer all by myself…and loved it !!! I had never gone without my children…..and well, zoos are fun no matter what.
And as far as teenage girls go…hmmmm, well my oldest daughter is 20 and now she is my best friend and won’t leave my side….so they do change !!!

Staci - I think it’s hysterical…Lauren braiding the beard on the goat! Oh how I dread the teenage years…2 boys…I can’t even imagine how THAT will all turn out 🙁 Good luck…it’s good that you make her go anyway…one day she will be so glad you did!

Sandy - Let me guess…Lauren was mad when you took that picture of her? Oh yes, it gets better. My daughter is 18 and we’re best of friends. My son on the other hand…he’s almost 15 and can’t stay far enough away.
Troy, OH

Dawn - I know about the teenagers. My oldest daughter is 17 and she text nonstop while we were on our minivactions this summer (even the one to the college she wanted to tour). Drive you crazy!! BUT you won’t beleive what I saw on our trip to Red River this summer…a family was on one of those buggies that everyone is suppose to peddle together…the whole family was peddling except the teenage girl in the backseat with her mother…she was texting with her feet propped up on the seat in front of her. That mother is MUCH nicer than I am ..if I have to peddle that thing then by golly everyone is going to peddle. ( It was too funny).
I hear the teenagers get better in a couple of years. I hope so!!

Lorilee - Yes those teenagers are FUN. I have a 13 yr old boy and he is just TOO COOL FOR US!! That is unless HE wants something from me. He and his friends always want me to take them somewhere–the mall, fishing, another friend’s house, the local burger joint etc. He also comes to me when he needs fishing help. I know how to attach hooks and weights!

lee ann - Wow! what a great FREE place! Love the pics with Scott. Too funny about the teenager game.

carissa - FUN… farm… for sure!
“i spy” your teenager! that is too funny!
bless her heart… i have to admit… i remember feeling that way! one day she won’t be able to get enough of the family!

Suzanne - Ya’ll are just the coolest parents, so I can’t imagine her wanting to be away from the group!
Love the picture of your hubby & the kids fishing!

Aby - Too fun! The teenager game cracks me up! I don’t have any (yet)… Lord help me when I do! My girls are 6 and already think they’re teenagers. One of them just asked me today.. “Can I have a boyfriend when I’m 12 and can he stay with us during Christmas?” Nothing like planning ahead!
“Stay-cation” cracks me up too! We’re headed to the beach this weekend (4 hours away)… I’m done STAYing! Gotta get out!!
Your pictures are great! You always get the best shots with such different perspectives.. Love them!

Pleasant Drive - What a fun place! I’m with you, though, I’m not sure I would’ve baited the hook. There’s just something about the actual puncturing of the worm’s skin. ICK! Just can’t handle it.

PamperingBeki - Looks like fun!
The word staycation cracks me up.
My daughter plays that game and she’s only 8… I’m really in trouble when she hits 13. 🙁
I could never touch worms.
I almost never see Scott in your pictures!
I’m impressed that you could hold your camera and do self portraits. I’ve tried and I can’t seem to manage with a big camera. You need to show me your trick.
That’s all. 🙂
Happy Monday!

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a quick getaway

we dropped off the kids at their grandparents

and we were off duty for 3 whole days!

we drove to chicago for a very quick & very fun weekend away.
we were busy every minute and had a blast!


we don't have this in kansas.
can you see what we got?
wood hangers for our new closet.
we are total dorks…drive to illinois to buy hangers??



we stopped by to see my great aunt.
she is 97.
she was happy to see us but had to leave after 40 minutes.
she didn't want to miss her bridge game. (HA)
and oh boy did she load me up with craft supplies.
felt and velvet, sequins and beads…all vintage.
and her bouquet of beaded flowers i've been eyeing for years!
i am super grateful.
it was wonderful to see her again.
she was sitting there talking to me and i just took her picture.
she was a bit annoyed but i said 
"this is my memory, you on that couch & me on this one, talking like always."
i wanted to capture it.


while i was at the flea market craig was at the cubs game!
they won and he got to sing the song?  i don't know that song.

we stayed with friends who live in the boonies by wisconsin.
the ulrich hotel was as lush as ever.  
thanks jim and lisa.
and we stayed with dave & jen…who have a Wii.
they made me play.
guess what…i stink at it….no surprise there.
thank you for your hospitality hill's…it was too fun.
even if had to feed your kids breakfast, play legos and watch mythbusters.








this is the best picture of us from our 14th wedding anniversary trip!
but you know what… i love it.
craig is about to say something funny (that's always his look before a joke)
and i am licking my teeth to make sure there's no food on them.
and i am about to laugh.
he is so funny and our friends are too.
our yearly dinner…5 years strong with our best friends we left behind.
more food than necessary, apple-tini's, pedro our waiter, 
and picking up right where we left off as if we'd never been gone.




dinner with THE BEST potato salad & yummy pie with our Illinois "family".
i miss that house.
i miss all those memories there.

and later some Sequence with neil diamond, guns & roses, and tom jones.
jenny – we rock.
we won 3 games in a row.
without jokers.
i just don't want the guys to forget that.

it was a great weekend.
it's so good for your marriage getting away together.
at least i sure think so.
we have so much fun just hanging out and not being "mom & dad" for awhile.
enjoying the quiet, talking with no interruptions
and quoting tv and movie lines the whole time.
it was too short.

thanks again deanne, mom and dad.

maile - i just posted a comment, but i think there was an error. ANYWAY, 🙂 thanks for playing along. Your shots are amazing…i love the one of your grandma especially. and the “crap shoot” one is great! love the story!

maile - i love it! thanks for playing along! That’s such a cool story behind the picture.

robin bird - p.s. dorks are usually really nice people 🙂

robin bird - happy belated anniversary meg! it is good for a marriage to have time away…i think to myself: “duh why on earth are we doing the stay-cation thing then?” oh well i guess we did the go-way part when we went to vegas.

Stephanie - I love the picture of your aunt. You captured a beautiful moment. You are such a gifted photographer. Keep clicking!

Mod Girl - Earlier this summer my husband and I drove 2 hours to fill an Ikea shopping cart with wooden hangers. My closet is beautiful now!

cjs - ikea with your husband? I feel your pain. mine would have said the same things. we would have left with hinges.
love the pic of your grandma and what you said about it. and yes, the one of you and your husband is so real. great pic.

Gina Carlin - I’m an IKEA junkie. And yum that meringue. I love the picture of you two — it truly captured the emotion and mood.

Gina Carlin - I’m an IKEA junkie. And yum that meringue. I love the picture of you two — it truly captured the emotion and mood.

Kelly - Congratulations on that anniversary!! I just love the photos of your aunt. Tell her she doesn’t look a day over seventy–and that’s the truth!

mallory Heffron - what a great time, I have still never been to a IKEA, I need to go.
sounds like you had a great time with friends and family.

joleen - that all sounds/looks so great! 🙂

Staci - Oh what a great trip it looks like you had! I agree whole-heartedly…makes a marriage stronger when you can get a way and just be the people you both love so much…not that we don’t love being mom and dad…it’s just nice ever so often to be newlyweds again 🙂 Happy 14 th Anniversary!

midwifeliz - That is so great for you to be able to get away. Totally worth it for a drive to IKEA. I LOVE THAT STORE. Especially without the kids. Good for you for having a getaway.
Beautiful B & W pick of your great aunt. Actually great pix all around.

lee ann - It seems like the week for anniversaries and get aways. Why did I have to wait and get married in September? Maybe because I got engaged the end of July.
Great photos. Glad you had so much fun.

Jaime Melcher - I stumbled onto your blog by accident! … what a treat! It’s funny to hear about your weekend b/c ours was exactly the same -minus the trip to IKEA… we went to Best Buy instead.
I’ve enjoyed reading your blog & touring your beautiful home! WE have a lot of similarties… But your craft room is crazy! …in a good way, of course! Have a great Sunday!

Joni - That’s so funny about IKEA, I just posted about IKEA on my blog a few days ago, it was my very first trip there since we don’t have one close by. It was ahhhhhmazing.

Aby - Great pictures! Looks like ya’ll had a great time! We went on a family vacation down to the river walk in San Antonio for a few days this summer and while planning it, our 6 year old twins INSISTED that we put IKEA (which is on the way) on the agenda. Like Mother like Daughters! 🙂 We even let them pick between IKEA and an underground tour at Inner Space Caverns and they still wanted IKEA! So that’s where we went! It’s pretty bad when it’s one of your PLANNED vacation spots!!

Julie - Okay, so where was this flea market? Does anyone know of a flea market in the Kansas City area? If this is what a flea market is like, I wanna go. What great stuff.

Lorilee - Great photos. Your aunt is priceless! It is nice to see that I am not the only one that carries a camera with me just about everywhere I go. I am often teased about it!

Bethany - What a fun trip! Aren’t friends like that the best?! Thanks for sharing a little bit of your time there with us!!

PamperingBeki - What a great trip!!! I’m so glad you guys had a good time.

Stacey - Hi Meg, I love your blog and finally had some time this weekend to catch up on quite a bit of it. I found you through The Inspired Room. Your home reeled me in, but your photography has kept me coming back.
Anyway, I have a question: I’ve been wanting to do something similiar in my hallway that you’ve done in your foyer with the photos on the ledges, shelves? Anyway, where did you find those? Those are the best I’ve seen because they’re so much more substantial-looking than a lot of them I’ve seen. Thank you!!

beth - what a fabulous trip….thanks for taking us all along with you. Your photos told your story perfectly and the shot of your great aunt on her couch….how special is that ??…..and in black and white…so wonderful !
{and hey, we don’t have an IKEA either, so we buy everything and anything when we go there..including hangers}

Jenny - What a great holiday.
I love IKEA. It is one of my favourite haunts – except on the weekends when it is crazy.
I like the martini shot.

Leah Schoonover - Great pictures! I like the pic of you and the hubby and the one of your aunt… thats so great. Makes me miss my Mema even more!

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3 years later…

i got to go back to the flea market!  


i have missed it so much.
this is my favorite place to shop. 
the first time i came here i remember thinking 
"i don't think i will ever shop in a store again"
(of course that didn't happen)
but i was totally hooked.
i went all year round even in the snow for years.
i love everything about it.
and then we moved away.



there is so much to see.

so many ideas swirl around in my head.
i am filled with creative inspiration when i am there.
the last time i was here i was more than 8 months pregnant with annie & alone.
walking is good for labor you know?
i figured i had done it 4 times before 
and surely someone would help me if i went into labor.
and thought "this town has hospitals"  
so why wouldn't i go to the flea market?  (i am crazy i know)



i almost bought this.

i really liked those nurses…all 500 of them.
and then i almost bought this mirror.
but i was pretty sure craig wouldn't appreciate that.



and you have to have ice cream on a hot day right?
this was yummy.
i only ate one…the other was joy's.
i promise.



at a flea market you think thoughts like 
"what could i do with this giant box of tiny plastic babies?"
or "where else could hang a chandelier?"
or "could i strap a bench to the top of my car all the way back to kansas?"




i had the best shopping partners!
10 years ago they took me to this flea market for the first time.
i bought the white cabinet in my living room holding my red dishes.
and now here we are again.
it was an awesome day.
jenny and joy…i had the very best time.
thank you for taking me 10 years ago and last week too.
and thanks for my flowers joy!
i can't wait to tell everyone "these are from my illinois mom!"

traci - are you at kane county? to bad i wasn’t home – i would have probably run into you there. wouldn’t that have been a hoot?

Kelly - Hi there, I just wandered over to your blog from, hmm . . . maybe modgirl, do you read her? I can’t remember. Anyway, I love your photography and this flea market looks like the best of the best and I know some flea markets! 😉 Where is it? What is it called? I would love to go! Kelly

Trish - That looks like an wicked good time! Where is/was that flea market? How did you keep from breaking the bank there? 🙂

jeanetta - Pyrex heaven! Pyrex heaven! Pyrex heaven!
OMGosh I almost swallowed my tongue!

Jen - How fun!!!! Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer P. - Am I weird to think that I would have bought the big mirror and the box of plastic babies and then glued the babies around the frame :)?! That would make for an interesting mirror!…

carissa - THAT flea market RULES!!!!!!!
i wanna go NOW! shooooooot!

Nancy - I’ve never been to a real flea market like this one. Would love to though. Do you know of any in KS? Or closer than Chicago? If so, please share.

Amanda Jo - WOW!! That flea market looks GREAT! We don’t have fun flea markets down in this area. It’s a pity!
Looks like you guys had a ton of fun! 🙂

laura @ shorehouse chic. - This looks like an amazzinnngggg flea market! I (sadly) probably would have scooped up those plastic babies and put them in a fancy glass apothecary jar for a good chuckle.

beth - was this by any chance the Kane County flea ???
I used to live in St. Charles and I think you are in Illinois too….
anyhow if it was….gosh, how I miss that show !!!

Julie - What a fabulous day! Love the flea market and the great pics. That mirror would have been great painted….
The ice cream cone sign… want it!
Every year my friends and I ditch church one Sunday and head out for a day of Starbucks, vintage treasures and end it with pancakes. Paradise. Only 10 weeks to go…

princess lasertron - I have never seen a flea market that was that cool!!! looks like there’s something for everyone. I want all that colored pyrex.

danelle - I want you to take me to my first one!!

Gina Carlin - I’m inspired. I’m grabbing up some buddies this weekend!

Bri - OH MY GOD!!!
I so want to go to one of these even more than before. I was always curious, but now I am very sure I would find EXACTLY what I’ve imagined I could find. ….just wish I had a truck.

PamperingBeki - Oh I am so jealous!! I’ve wanted to go back to the flea market for ages and haven’t had the chance.
It looks like you had a great time!

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - Wow, that flea market looks much better than the ones we have in Ohio, where can I find a flea market like that?!

mallory Heffron - oh what fun…where is this wonderful place.
I’m glad you did not come home with any of the plastic babies, they were kinda freaky….

chris - Oh I love flea markets too, now I am inspired to go , it is far but fun for our whole family, I love seeing my girls find wonderful quirky things.
Thanks, and what did you buy, those lights were gorgous.

Aby - I’m jealous! I LOVE really good flea markets! That looks like a great one! Glad you got to go again!!

Lorilee - Wow, what a great place. I hope to get back to the Warrenton, Texas show this year. My husband and I went years ago and came back with a hutch that just fit into our van with all of the seats folded down. We joked that it was a good thing we didn’t have the kids along. They would have had to stay there or ride on the roof.

kristin at praire daze - i could do so many things with that giant box of babies.
oh, beautiful pictures.
jerry said you stopped by…sorry to miss you…sorry we didn’t have a swimsuit. : )

sally - love, love love these pictures – I just want to go now! Hey Meg, where did you get your top from – love that too!

Jenny - That looks like great fun!

Leah Schoonover - You are so darn cute! I wish I lived near a cool flea market like that… we dont have much of that in the Pacific Northwest. Makes me miss my southern family!

Keri - I’m heading over to our town’s huge annual flea market tomorrow. I was already excited, then seeing your pics just made me more so! That reminds me…I’ve got to go the ATM. =)

robin bird - this is a real honest to goodness flea market! wow! buckets of babies and Oxydol for show and tell. this is thrilling…very midwest and i wish so much i could go. you made me laugh at least four times…500 nurses, adventure in home design with plastic babies. i’m glad you stopped over to see my flea market pictures tonight. gave me a poke to come visit you. and i would not have wanted to miss this… mine are completely tame compared to these 🙂 xoxox
i’m so glad yo had fun just like you knew you would 🙂

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i'm certainly not going to be opening a candy store anytime soon…
but i made the lollipops.


there were no rave reviews for taste.
but it was fun to try something i've never done.
i will try them again someday.
emily you are a true inspiration.

mallory Heffron - looks like lots of fun

susan - great drinking glass in the 2nd pic. where did you find those?

PamperingBeki - Ack! Sticky mess!!
The OCD part of me would never do that. I think. Maybe someday, but I don’t know.
I had the same feelings when you guys made those colorful cookies. haha!
You’re such a good mom.

that girl - If my kids see your blog, I’m doomed! Too fun.

carissa - sean & the keys… i love that… very “engineer” of him! smart… eager one on your hands!
you made suckers! i want to be Meg! my kids want me to be Meg! i want to be your kid!

Pleasant Drive - Tasty or not, those are adorable! What a fun project!

Debbie - You took some amazing photos! I especially like that last one with that sweet little hand gripping that colorful pop!

Staci - I made those lollipops after she posted the recipe….man, mine did NOT turn out pretty like her’s or your’s! Crazy mess! I’m not sure if the humidity made the difference or not but whoa…it was not fun for me :)I will try again in the dead of Winter with no humidity 🙂

April - Ya’ll are checking right away on that list….Go Meg and Meg’s buch….Go !!!
The suckers look fabulous….SuperMom !!

Suzanne - how fun! did you already post the instructions.? sam LOVEs lollipops so this would be really cool to do!

Amanda Jo - Why have I never thought about doing this?! My little guy is going to love this project! It looks like you guys had a ball!!

traci - they look beautiful!

Jenny - I saw these on Emily’s blog too and determined to try them… when I get time.
Your’s look great.

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jingle jingle


this ring of keys was purchased at the neighborhood garage sale.


today sean spent at least 30 minutes trying each key in our door.
it's not that interesting 
but it just shows a bit of his mind.
his patience to try to understand something…
to think it through.

he is a challenge in many ways but wow i LOVE his mind.
i love how he was wonderfully made.
he is my sensitive one that melts my heart.

robin bird - these kids you have are amazing 🙂 i love getting to know a little bit more every week i come over to see you.

Sandra - Cute kid on a “mission.”

Staci - Wow! And aren’t you happy that none of them fit 🙂 What a wonderful mind! And such a cutie too 🙂

kristin at praire daze - this is WONDERFUL. i love his mind, too.

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old friends….

are the best kind of friends.

my best friend and neighbor from my childhood came to visit!

ahhhhhh…it makes my heart so happy and full.

this picture is silly but so perfect of us.

she brought her kids and her husband too whom we also love.

these two are too cute together.

we can’t wait to see “grace from california” again!

our time always goes so quick.

we want to come visit you but driving 5 kids to CA feels more like 

possible torture than vacation.  

(think national lampoon’s)

but we really do WANT to come.

we were in each other’s weddings.

-i’m sorry about that bride’s maid dress…

we were cheerleaders together.

-the hula bowl in hawaii…state championships in hutchinson…cheer camp!

we went to high school together

-i’m sorry about that time i talked you into skipping school with me…

and these boys were our high school sweethearts.

-double date 16 years ago and prom…i still love that striped dress!

we’ve gone on vacation together.

-you are brave people…no wonder you waited so long to have kids…

great memories.

i loved every minute of your visit tonya!

(except when annie hit your baby in the head with a basketball 

and knocked him down and my heart stopped thinking 

he would have no teeth when he lifted his head.)

Oh! we should have gotten out my notes from high school!

there’s always next time.

Deb - Oh, those are the BEST kinds of friends!
By the way, how do you get such brilliant color photos on your blog? Do you tweak the colors? Mine seem to wash out with the white background.

Keri - So sweet! This reminds me of the song I used to sing with my brownie troop in 4th grade: “make new friends, but keep the old – one is silver & the other gold.” Remember that??

Suzanne - that is so neat!
now where is the high school prom picture missy?!?!

Deputy's Wife - That is a great post! My best friend from high school (actually kindergarten) is STILL my best friend. We live five miles from each other and talk ALL the time on the phone.
After reading this, I think I will call her at work (which she hates, tee-hee) and tell her to come read this post.

carissa - how neat is that!
yall have come a long way together!
great pics!

pam - meg…you are such a joy to read and one of the first blogs i peak in on while sipping my starbucks…keep it up!!! xo

Pleasant Drive - I love your blog! You are a brave woman!

Nina - that is so wonderful for you…..old friends to visit!

traci - how wonderful for you all that you had a chance to reconnect. aren’t old friends just the best.

Ramona - Old friends are so special!!! I just came across your blog and wanted to tell you how amazing your house is! I clicked on the “my house” gallery and it is an incredible, inspiring home. Great job!

Jennifer - This post makes my heart happy! My very best friends are my HS friends and we are still in touch and get to see each other often! How great it is to share your adult life w/ memories of a “younger” you!!!!

Jennifer - This post makes my heart happy! My very best friends are my HS friends and we are still in touch and get to see each other often! How great it is to share your adult life w/ memories of a “younger” you!!!!

traci - I have a friend just exactly like that EXCEPT we didnt marry our high school sweehearts (I think she wished she had and Im very happy I didnt 🙂
Looks like AWESOME times!!!! Wouldnt it had been even better with a family DOG??? lol

PamperingBeki - How fun! And what sweet memories.

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