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the “an-tick” store

i can get annie to "an-tick" with me…


because of these.
the best suckers in town are at the antique store we love.


i should have bought this chair.
it was half off even!
sometimes i go and i find too many good things in one day.
like an old school kitchen aid mixer.


or a holder for aluminum foil.

i hadn't seen one of these before.   
a place for everything…?


jenn – i think miss london needs this vintage metal baby bed for her dollies.
it was so sweet and only $20! (metcalf sisters store on the right side)

after 4 suckers…we settled on this bowl 


and this typewriter.



i love this typewriter.
annie thought it was a cash register.
when we got home she started playing store with it…
"that will be five dollars please."

then she started hitting the keys.
when i heard that click click click i was taken right back to being 5 years old.
my memory was of the sun register newspaper where my parents worked.
i remember the whole office. 
and sitting with sharon hudson.

don't you love when you have one of those moments?
it was such a nice memory.

my big kids thought the typewriter was so funny.
"how did this do what computers do?"
close but not quite.

Jennifer P. - Put my name on the bottom of that typewriter right now so that when you die, everyone going through your house will know that it’s MINE :)!
I can hear it now……sigh. What a great find–great graphic beauty! And your bowl looks like it was made just to hold that watermelon!
And concerning Mr. Ice Cold not wanting that puppy…..there’s just no rhyme or reason to it! Puppy looks incapable of chewing up, peeing on, or digging up anything :)!

Amy - Those little suckers work great in the airplane too…we just experienced that…phew, thank goodness for Dum-dums! (Me want gum gum)…too much tv for me!
Love the pictures…the typewriter…my dad has one in his home…such memories as well! Loved the chair too! I could totally see that in my kitchen…helping make cookies…so cute!

sara - How cute! I love an-ticks!!! I wish my little girls would get into it with me!!! lol

Leah - You are so inspiring! I found your blog earlier this summer on theinspiredroom and love it. Great house, I love your craft room!

Ashley - I love all these finds but that bowl makes the watermelon look even more tempting. I have some at home I may have to go slice up for lunch. I need a cute little bowl like this!

lorel - I love the typewriter – we saw one in an antique store once, and like your kids, Macy said, “Hey! This is like a computer!” But typewriters also remind me of Grandpa Osborne and his funny letters to you. Maybe you should blog about those, although maybe they were only funny to us…
Also, that glass daisy bowl you got – I have a glass pitcher with an identical daisy design. Mine was from Molly’s I think. Maybe they were owned by the same person at one time?

carissa - go back & get that step stool! 🙂
soooo funny… one of our an-tick shops here has suckers too… SMART… keeping those little fingers busy!
how DID they manage without a real computer & printer! some days i think it might be nice… just to be simple… no fuss.
happy monday!

traci - i love that step stool. you’re right – you should have got it. that looks like an awesome shop. i might have to visit a couple around here in the next couple of days. see what i can find.

Amanda - Exquisite, truly.

flutter - your life is seriously beautiful. I am so glad That Girl linked you.

Daja - Your blog is beautiful! I linked to you from “That Girl Blogs.” I’ll be back!

Heidi - Ack! I received that antiquing bug from my mother. But my fav was the books. They smelled like of history. Good stuff! And I love you bowl!

Tiffany Hunt - I need one of those typewriters for my girls for Christmas. After seeing the Kit Kittredge movie (for the third time), they won’t stop asking for one.
I haven’t had the chance to look yet but yours is what I’m hoping to find.

Jen R Sanctuary arts at home - Love it! My kids love the bank for the same reason…..:) Jen r

Lorilee - Oh, you triggered the memories! My Granny has been gone for 12 years now. She had a step/chair like that one only in red! It was in her kitchen along with a dispenser just like the one pictured! Now I want them!!!! She also had some aluminum glasses that the grandchildren always drank from. They were each a different color. I always thought they smelled funny! (I am a bit sensitive in the odor area according to my family) AND my mom had a typewriter similar to that. It may have been a different brand. I have it stashed somewhere around here. I remember trying to type on it, but my pinkies weren’t strong enough!

Staci - Neat stuff! The typewriter—wow…very good find! Love it, but if not for the computer…I’d never “know” a Meg Duerkson 🙂

Jenn Thomas - Russ said I need to check out that bed for London’s dollies. I have a wood cradle that my uncle made for my dollies for her to use. I want that foil wrap dispenser – Stopping by the store tomorrow. I also love that store – it seems to be the only one I buy things at. There is an antique store in Wichita that we need to check out per my sister-in-laws – they spent over three hours there on Saturday – too bad I was at Mushroom State Park with the kids. A place you need to visit with the kids – pretty cool – giant rocks that look like mushrooms.

mom - Meg-
Dad had the typewriter and we (Sharon and I) had compugraphic machines that typeset the copy and made ads. If you ever run across one of those machines, let me know. They are real an-ticks! I remember you sitting on Sharon’s lap too. She would be happy to know that.

PamperingBeki - Hey, my husband’s parents have a booth in that store. 🙂
I know I’m always asking you for advice now that I’m your stalker and all, but I need you to show (or tell) me how to take nice indoor pictures. I think my camera is the same model as yours but my indoor pics always come out grainy and yellow.

Tammy H. - My grandmother had the exact same holder for her foil! I hadn’t thought about that in years. It sat on her counter where I would sit and watch her cook! Smile…………

cjs - now I want to move to kansas.

Mod Girl - “Foil Wrap” — I love the wrap dispenser and the terminology on it.

that girl - It’s like trying to explain phone booths to my cell phone lovin’ kids.
PS I featured you on my blog today!

Lanny Stanard - I love an-tick store’s too, LOL I was just at one last week and got a cute little chair! I was looking for window’s and they didn’t have any! I’ll have to back soon, darn… Have a great rest of the week-end it’s almost over 🙁
LaNnY :o)

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it’s all good…


this has been a good week.
very good.
nothing in particular has happened…i just feel relaxed.
i am sure it has nothing to do with my 4 big kids in school all day.


eighth grade.
oh the memories that come with eighth grade.
i hope she has wonderful ones.  
she found out today she made the volleyball team – woo hoo!
she was super happy and we are proud of her.



they aren't used to this out-the-door-early stuff.
check out those puffy eyes. 

i was so spaced on the first day of school.
like in a foggy haze.
i didn't take a single picture.
i didn't walk them in.
i didn't do anything.  
bad mama.

so i got some the next day or two. 
love those silver shoes!


here is my view on the way to "meet your teacher" night.
post meltdown from scott.
i think he was nervous but didn't want to be so….
he freaked out on me.  
but by the time he got to school he was calm and collected.


we went to the drive-in.
it was a cool night and we were even kind of chilly.
the movie was Wall-E.  
we decided that we will be going back – we loved it.


annie and i have been social butterflies this week.
coffee with ms. kristin.
lunch with isaiah and elizabeth.
mcdonalds with great grandma.


oh and we rode a zip line!
all the kids had a turn or two and me too.
fun for all ages.


i still think our yard needs a mini one from one end to the other…


and i think it's perfectly fine to eat strawberries with cool whip for lunch.
just thought you'd like to know that.


and i have lots of projects going on.
at least…they are going on in my head.
more on that later.


so…how was your week?
good or bad i would love to hear about it.

my house is a huge mess.
gotta get to that.

Kelly - I like Lauren’s “l” magnet in her locker. Target dollar spot, right? I still have my “k” one. 🙂 Kelly

Chrissie - Enjoy the drive-ins they are thing of the past. We are lucky to have two (one is a single screen and the other down the road is a double screen like when I was a kid). My husband and I packed the kids up in a truck every weekend and went. Good memories.
Take care, Chrissie

midwifeliz - Still love your blog! My week has been awesome. My son started Kindergarten last week and my daughter started preschool this past Monday. I never realized how precious this free time is.. I’m loving it. I got a haircut, had Starbuck’s with a friend and had lunch with another friend. I digg it!

Shana - Oh Lauren! My heart is with yours. Yes, I noticed the golden retriever magnet you have in your locker. I have a puppy just like that waiting to go to your house. He’s needing you!
(come on Craig!!! – do it for the children!!)

Nancy - Where, oh where, did you go to the drive-in at? I had no idea there was still one in existence. If it’s in KS, please tell. I loved the drive-in as a kid and teen; would love to take my girls to one. Hubby & I haven’t been to one in ages. I may have to make it a destination!

Shannan - Those flowers…I sort of wanted to kiss them, right on the computer screen. They are divine! The kids are pretty cute, too. How did you manage that shot of your oldest at her locker? Zac Efron is the new Luke Perry, huh?

katie - only one more week until my kids go back…thanks for the preview, i can’t wait!

Stephanie - I love your flowers in the vase. Did you really do this? Such an eye…

Sara - Lets see, firstly I LOVE the flower picture. It has happiness written all over it. Our week back to school was jam packed – Enzo started 2nd grade and I am getting used to this crazy 7 day rotating schedule…plus I am SHARING my art room with another teacher and our classes overlap so while she is talking to highschoolers, I am teaching 6th graders…CRAZY. Its only for one year, but its gonna be a long one! Next year I get a brand new, corner top floor room with skylights and it will overlook a roof top garden. I think it will be worth the wait. Enough blabbing! Enjoy your new daily routine. 🙂

Gina Carlin - Gorgeous flowers! The important thing is that you got pictures the first few days into school. Congratulations on the relaxation. I’m looking forward to hearing about your projects. Congratulations to Lauren.

danelle - i love weeks like that. we love the drive in too and every time we go i swear we will return more often…then time gets in the way and we end up not going for a long time again.

Allikayes Mama - That was a fun packed post!! I love the picture of the locker! It brought me back to how important and fun it was to have it decorated so perfect! And the volleyball team?! Yay! I played all through college and a little professionally – so that made me happy to hear!
Thanks for your positive post…sunshine-y!

Lorilee - Great photos. Love the flowers. We have been getting rain all week, and the weeds are taking over. I have been busy with back-to-school this week too! I’ve been working on my classroom. I’m already tired and the children won’t come until Monday! I teach 4 year olds. I have 2 half day classes, 20 in the morning and 16 in the afternoon.
I just got in from helping dish out BBQ plates for a neighborhood fundraiser.

Aby - Our week has been consumed with getting ready to start school on Monday.. last minute school shopping (including Makinley turning into Linda Blair in Target over a pair of shoes that I refused to buy).. meet the teacher night.. trying to keep the house clean.. last minute summer “to do’s”, etc. All in all… a good week! (Other than the Target incident!)
Love your pictures!! As always… LOVE you blog!

Joni - Your flowers made me smile today. They are just amazing.

traci - tell lauren congrats!! how exciting for her. great pics – as always. so love your shots. you did have a good, full week. my week has been kind of uneventful – i need to spice it up huh? have a great weekend.

Candy - As always, I LOVE all your pictures!!! Glad ya’ll had a great week back to school! We had a great one too. Ethan started 1st grade and loves his new teacher! 🙂 My only problem being the 2 year old who doesn’t understand why she can’t go to school too! :0 Have a great weekend! 🙂

Suzanne - our week consisted of getting ready for school & lots of fighting between the kids…making ME super ready for monday morning!! hubby started working out of the house in an office again & is loving his new place, so we went out to dinner last night after meet the teacher to celebrate! all in all a good week!
miss you though!

Jennifer P. - The decorated locker—-that one brought back some serious memories :)! I love Talby in her silver shoes. She looks so sassy! And your flowers—gorgeous! And as much as I am missing homeschooling my boys sooooo very much, in these 2 weeks between them starting school and when I’ll start, I have managed to get a TON accomplished! I understand why mom’s get excited for back to school now!
Glad you’ve had a good week. Can’t wait to see what kinds of projects you’ve got up your sleeve!

Jen - Check out my blog for my week in review. Some good, some bad. I really love your shots, especially the first and second one!

Beth - My week was busy and tiring but mostly good, parts of it really, really good.

amanda - Great pictures! The flowers are beautiful. I saw a similar fan at our local thrift store -($8, a steal!) I almost got it – your picture made me wish I had! 🙂 I enjoy your blog …

Mod Girl - Love that photo of the paint can!
My week… stomach ick going around my house, the six year old missed the first 5 days of school, looks like the weekend will be much the same. It’ll get better, right?!

meghan - i’m so jealous about the drive in. they just tore ours down to put up a housing development. i have such great memories of going there when i was a kid. we would pop our own popcorn and show up in jammies. i was so hoping to take my little guys (mostly so i could get a movie in). the only other drive in i know of is by the in-laws house in victor, id. it’s called the spud.

courtney - i’ve lurked on your blog for awhile…love it. love how you write, love your pictures (and camera!), your family is adorable.
to answer your question…my week was hard – but i have a 4 week old, so that comes with the territory, huh?

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - Had a pretty miserable week, but enjoyed hearing about (and as always seeing pictures of) your week. We went through major layoffs at work and several of my friends lost jobs. I am counting my blessings, and am working on shedding the dreariness for the weekend!

Lanny Stanard - once again a wonderful post, love the pic’s
have a great week-end…
LaNnY :o)

Heather (Digby's mom) - Wow — that’s a lot of watermelon!! Is that for something special or is that basically how much food you prep with 5 kids??
Talby looks like Lorel in that photo!
Yeah — we’re moving back to be with family. Maybe we can go on a date again!! Woohoo!!

Staci - We’ve had a great week too! Connor started 1st grade on Wednesday and Jake and I have been all over this city…poor little guy! Tonight (after IHOP for dinner, YUM) I needed to stop by Target and get some stuff for our church festival tomorrow night…we pulled up and Jake said, “Ar we ad Targed agin?” Brian just laughed and said, “You guys go here waaay too often!” Yep, we do and I love it! I’m lovin’ this all day school stuff! Jake starts after Labor Day for a few hours/a few days a week…I’ll take it! Glad your Lauren made the volleyball team! Love those flowers! I’ve talked too much, sorry! It IS all good 🙂

meaghan easterhaus - i want to be your friend, and i want your camera

amy d - way to go lauren……your locker looks way cool, they must have put in different lockers since i was there…ours were a little square box and that’s it, no place for fun stuff. can’t wait to see you play vball, that is, if i can come 🙂

PamperingBeki - Ummm, your week was WAY better than mine!
But I’ve already complained to you enough about that so I’ll shut it now.
I’m jealous of your flowers! I want sunflowers in my yard. There were some when we moved in and The Man thought they were silly so he killed them. What was he thinking?! I think I’m going to plant more.

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my drive-by

inspired by melissa’s drive-bys.


on our trip to chicago we drove through hinsdale.
craig used to work in this town.
he got to look at these absolutely beautiful homes everyday.
so much detail and creativity in architecture!
oh this one was so very perfect.
i love the garden.
loved the porch and colors.
loved their garage and play area (not pictured).
we took a bunch of pictures of this and even backed our car down the street.
we drove around quite a bit and filled our heads with ideas.
so beautiful.

tara pollard pakosta - I absolutely LOVE HInsdale! could NOT afford to live there, but I LOVE older homes!!!!! You probably won’t get this since this is an older post and I am searching through and reading and looking at all your old pix! love your blog so much!

Tom - Just read this blog, and had to comment, since I live in Hinsdale, 2 houses from no. 7 and 6 houses from no. 2 in your picture order. Great town, but I live here for the schools for the kids, and the quick train to Chicago. Unfortunately no. 4. the pretty grey and white one, was recently torn down after selling for 1.5 million. I like the way you say that you like the rebuilds, but would not photograph them. Glad your visit was nice, come back whenever !!

margo - I ran across your blog recently and LOVE IT! But one of my friends who also has become a fan of your blog told me I had to look back because, I grew up in Hinsdale. My parents also grew up there too and still live there. I love it more than anything in the world(although I love living in Birmingham,Al currently) But the best part of this post was that the third house was my mothers house growing and the last one was redesigned by my uncle who is an architect in Hinsdale. The best thing about Hinsdale is that it really is a small town family orientated person, I could name the people that live in everyone of the houses you pictured. So glad you enjoyed it and love your blog! Your house is just as beautiful and would fit in Hinsdale!

Natasha - No, these homes definitely come across as HUGE. I can’t imagine how unnecessarily big the other new ones are. Huge environmental footprint when people do that. I’d like a bigger home but the bigger it is the more stressed out I feel about cleaning it. Number 3 was probably my favourite because I love brick and stone but your favourite is one of mine too. Needs more texture or colour somehow, though.

Kari - Okay, I’ve read your blog several times and have finally decided to leave a message. I’m not quite sure how this blog message stuff works, so bear with me. I can relate to you in so many ways. I love antiques, although I don’t really have any. I have four kids (totally know about the piles of clothes) and I love crafty stuff. Your crack me up. I feel so good knowing that I’m not the only mom that loves their kids to pieces but is so glad school started again. I love, love, love old houses. I’m the “crazy” girl that stopped by your house about a month ago to tell you how absolutely gorgeous it is and to ask if it would be okay if I came back sometime and took some outside pictures of it. (Your husband told me there were pictures of it on your blog.) I felt like a complete nut ringing the doorbell and my kids all thought so too. However, after reading this blog I don’t feel so bad. I’m actually quite relieved to see that other people do the same thing I do. My husband is a builder and we are getting ready to build a house and since I can’t find an old house for sale in the small town we live in that’s big enough for my family we’ve decided to do the next best thing and that is build a new house that looks old. I know it’s not the same, but I’m gonna have to settle. I’ve been looking at late 1800 and early 1900 houseplans. I love old four squares. Your number four house picture is my favorite. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

Shanan - Oh my! I could move there tomorrow. Thanks for sharing those beautiful homes with us. Just gorgeous! I love the white one with the wicker furniture on the porch. I can just picture myself rocking and sipping lemonade!

Stephanie - I love these homes. California has very few places like this. I live near the “Fabulous 40’s homes in Land Park, Ca” – beautiful homes where even President Regan lived at one time. Still nothing compared to your pictures. Below is a website with some homes in Pasadena, Ca. Well, I enjoyed your pictures so much! Thanks!

Lanny Stanard - Megan, these are a dream home for me maybe someday! LaNnY:o)

creole wisdom - I have died and gone to heaven. I love BIG old houses, and grew up in Mpls so that’s why ; ) I love Chicago, mostly Oak Park with all the Frank Lloyd Wright.
Oh, and I am new to your blog- found you through Redmittens- looks at your house album… I am in LOVE.
I’ll be dropping by from now on : )

Queenie Bee - BEEutiful my friend! “There were no kids playing” makes me a little sad though. I love balance…A beautiful home that houses beautiful kiddos…you know…a Wally & Beaver neighborhood on a much grander scale. YEAH! That’s where I want to live!
THanks for taking us along on your ride!

chris - Totally unrelated but I am curious , do your children watch a show on the cartoon network called Total Dramam Island ?

Amber - Beautiful homes. Fun to look at and dream 🙂

Jen - Ahhhh the joy!!! Maybe all the women who live there are Stepford Wives and only come out when programmed too. 🙂 That just makes me feel better that I can’t live there.

nora - I love your blog. Your home is beautiful! Your family is gorgeous. Kansas seems like a great place to raise a family.
I wish I had 1/100th of your energy, enthusiasm and creativity!!!
Thanks for sharing your world with the world!

meg duerksen - guess i was wrong about some….
oh well.
i just figured they were updated.
it must be nice living in hinsdale. it’s so pretty and lush everywhere you look. beautiful.

erin {thevintage pearl} - thank you for visiting! I love your blogs and your pics are fab!!! So fun to look at! Your family is adorable 🙂

nora - Okay, so I came out of lurkdom to leave a comment because I live near here!!!!!
I used to think that you could not combine the charm and character of an older home with the modern convenience and layout of a new home. But. I was wrong. You can. It will just cost you a gajillion dollars.
I know for a fact that two of the homes are newer homes. I watched them go up. The are still teardowns, although not McMansions. Beautiful new homes with all the character and charm of an older home. I guess you can call it teardown done right!
And, one last comment on ‘where have all the children gone!?’ This is August in Hinsdale, everyone is on vacation, or at their lake house!! Just like Paris, Hinsdale is deserted in August!!

carissa - i have always wanted an old home with a big ‘ol front porch!
dream… i will dream!
sooooo pretty those homes!

traci - wow – those are gorgeous homes – i mean estates. i think the 4th one is my favorite.

Allikayes Mama - I love the old porches and eaves!! You could show your beautiful house too!

munchkinsandmusic - You crack me up! I haven’t heard of a tween-aged girl yet! Those houses are great by the way!

Jenn Thomas - those homes just make me drool! There are
several that I would take in a heart beat and to have a maid – even better. Great
pictures meg. Russ and I like to dream big about houses – inspiration.

amy d - I love the last picture, how they spelled out the address on the house, i may have to steal that idea, when….if, we ever get our porch done. hey, if i can’t add color, at least i can add character.

Liz - Wow… it might be heaven.
But seriously, all I could think about was the heating bills in a Chicago winter. Yikes.

katie - everyone is at work trying to pay for those big homes!
i still like yours the best. it has LIFE!

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, Meg, you did a FABULOUS job on your drive by. Those houses are incredible! And as usual you did an amazing job of capturing the beauty in photos. BE STILL MY HEART.
But, you know, your house is to die for and I would pick it any day of the week. I only wish we had houses like yours to pick from here in the NW. No such luck.
Happy day to you.

Staci - What a beautiful place! Those homes are absolutely incredible. The Money Pit—love it! Your house is every bit as beautiful and your family is way happier…I’m just sure of it 🙂 It’s cheaper in OK too…we wouldn’t be able to build our house anywhere else for this price! Gotta love the MidWest!

PamperingBeki - Those are beautiful! A few of them look like they could be in our own town. 🙂
And you’re so right, Kansas is much cheaper.

Suzanne - GORGEOUS!! In my opinion, from what I’ve seen what you have done with your home, you could go up against ’em ANYday of the week!

chris - I am in awe of these homes , drooling here, why are new homes so lacking of the this kind of character , things should have gotten better, my husband would never buy an old house , he is convinced they are all haunted , its kinda funny actually, I took him to look at an old home for sale once , he was totally opposed.

foreverfoldinglaundry - So, so pretty!

traci - I hear people say OFTEN they want NEW. Nope, not I…I HEART old homes that OOOOZ charm and these certainly do that. You dont even have to have a huge old home, even a smaller version oooozes charm. Each one made my heart sing. I love the fabulous details they have and you are SO right about the reproductions are JUST NOT the same. I wouldnt even need a gardener and maid…just my old home with CHARM!!!

Aubrey - Okay, I just watched The Money Pit trailer. (I hadn’t heard of that movie before.) Hil-AR-ious. I have to rent it and watch it with my husband and laugh hysterically–although we empathize on a much much smaller scale.

Aubrey - Some of those houses made my heart start to race a little–and oh, to have maids and gardeners. My little dream of heaven.

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so good.






annie and i are already loving this new routine just four days in.
drop off the kids.
watch a few cartoons while mama is on the computer.

ahhhhh….i am so happy school started.
i feel like a new woman.
ready for all kinds of new projects, goals and fun.

hope you are enjoying your new routine.

traci - i will in 5 more days. actually with kar starting college it will be a little different. cute pix on annie!!

melissa @ the inspired room - She is the cutest!
Hello BFF! Hello! Re-emerging from my exhausting season of life. Just about to head into another one (we are moving) but in between exhausting moments, I’m visiting blogs! Hooray! Missed you! Thanks for the prayers, the day was lovely and I can’t wait to share some highlights!

Lanny Stanard - Oooo that donut sure looks yummy, looks like you girls had a great first day of school LOL. How did the other’s do on there first day? hope all went well.
See ya round like a donut!
LaNnY :o)

One Wired Woman - Come swim over to my blog and gawk a little. We all deserve that every now and then. hee hee ~Jill 🙂

One Wired Woman - Girl… swim over to my blog and gawk a little. We all deserve it every now and then, right? ~Jill 🙂

crystal - Our new routine starts today (wednesday). Lots of excitement and nervousness from the girls and even mom. All will be in school all day.

robin bird - the two of you are looking pretty spiffy in your summer clothes while all the other poor family members are stuck in desks and tied to homework. 2 lucky ducks in the carnival of mirrors!

Lorilee - Hey, wait a minute! Peace and quiet! NOT ME! I will have a room full of 4 year olds–a morning group and an afternoon group! I will miss my time at home sewing, crafting and blogging, but I will also enjoy MY children too!
We start on Monday, August 25. I am working in my room this week. Check out the job ahead of me with the “before” room photos!

Nichole - The picture of her eating the doughnut is THE CUTEST!
So much fun, please keep us informed of all your projects! :]

lee ann - We have to wait until after Labor Day to start this rountine. I think I’m looking forward to it 🙂

Suzanne - we’ve still got 5 days to go! then sam and I are on our own till he starts his little preschool two mornings a week…wow, will it be ever so quiet…

carissa - i could eat HER… soooooo cute!
oh yes… i am just getting my feet wet with the GREAT new routine!
yeah for school!

Peps P - You have such a cute blog!
This reminds me of my time with my mother. I am the youngest of 3 and I was lucky enough to have some great one on one time with her just like this. What a lucky girl!

Renee of Austin - What a great Mother-Daughter picture! It catches your personalities perfectly: Silly girl with her tongue sticking out and Mom trying to catch those precious silly moments on camera! Too cute!!!!

Julie K. - You’re so lucky school started already! I have a week and half for one and two weeks for the other! I’m looking forward to it … though, still another year before I have all day with just Kiana and I. It will be surreal I’m sure.

chris - Still have ah let’s see thirteen more days until I can enjoy the peace of my day , no kids not one , not mine not someone else’s I am so looking forward to it , the first time in 10 years.

Staci - I gotta tell ya, I think that’s gonna be me and Jake’s routine after Connor starts school-ALL DAY- tomorrow!!! I’ll miss him, but am looking forward to doing “stuff” with Jake! I mean, who needs a puppy when you have those eyes of Annie’s? What a cutie! Can we prearrange a wedding right now?

Melanie - Cute pictures. Do you photoshop them before you load them on your blog?

Deb - Sounds like a great routine. We still have vacation next week, then school. Our routine will be heavy and fun all at the same time.

Bethany - WOW!! What FUN pics!! Something about those big brown eyes in the first one gets me…probably because my little guy has big brown eyes!! Looks like you two are enjoying your new routine!!
Have a great day!!

that girl - we have 6 days to go…

One Wired Woman - Hi girl!! Our new “school” routine doesn’t start until next Monday, Aug. 25th… but I can’t wait!! I’ve got lots of projects to do. I may need some advice on a few. Stayed tuned in for more… ~Jill 🙂

Aby - No so lucky yet! We don’t start til the 25th! I’m counting the days!!! BOTH of mine are in school… so I have complete quiet and peace… at least for a few hours!! Can’t wait!
Looks like ya’ll are having fun! Enjoy your last little one at home!!

traci - That is One FUNNY girl!!! Because of you I have started carrying my camera EVERYWHERE…of course my isnt as fancy as yours but I still love it.
Yes, Im enjoying some quiet with the kids in school but I wasnt ready for them to go back. I like a peaceful, go with the flow routine.

munchkinsandmusic - She likes that pastery!

Ashley - Love the pictures! So funny with you in the background! She’ll love these when she gets older. Such a mother-daughter bonding moment!
Can’t wait to see all of your new projects!

PamperingBeki - Haha!! I’m HATING my new routine!!
Can Annie teach my baby how to watch cartoons? He things if his big brother and sister aren’t here to entertain him, then he needs to climb all over mommy all day. I’ve shed more frustrated tears in the last few days than I have in a long time.
As long as he has my undivided attention, the day runs quite well. But heaven forbid I sit down to answer an email, or blog, or create any of the orders that are stacking up… Oy.
I love the donut picture. 🙂 Isn’t that place the best?? Haven’t been there in a long time…

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i was wrong.

all these years….i thought fishing was boring.

i couldn't imagine why people (men) did it.
what could possibly be interesting about it?

i was wrong.



fishing was nothing like i thought.
mike set my kids up with real fishing poles and worms 
and within minutes we had fish!
everyone was catching fish!




sean was so proud.
they all were.
this was so much fun.
the sun was going down and it was beautiful outside.
the setting is perfect at mike and carolyn's…beautiful, calm and quiet.



i was loving how the kids would pull the hook out (or try to at least)
or just stick that worm on by themselves.
their second time fishing and they seemed like naturals….at least i thought so.


oh goodie…we can play that game again "find-the-teenager…"
she was seriously mad about being here this day.
which is funny since this was such a highlight for everyone else in our family.
i know when i was 13 i did the same thing.
and i am so embarrassed about that now.
which makes me even more sad to see her do this over and over…
because i think she'll feel the same way someday too.

anyway…back to the fun side of the pond.


look at annie's face seeing talby's catifsh…nervous?
i felt like i had to touch it and it felt just like i'd thought…slimey.


joel was ready to help sean wrap his worm around a few more times.
and then joel caught one too.  
he taught me a photography trick…hold the fish close to the camera
so it will look bigger.


i think it worked.

and look – even i caught one!  
it took about one minute.
the perfect kind of fishing for my ADD personality.



much to annie's dismay, we threw them all back in.


we got to play with max again.
(and we begged craig for a puppy again)
the little girls & my mom helped bring in more tomatoes from the garden.


annie's last fish on the tiny Nemo pole was a big one.
so big that the pole was bent over.
mike took over reeling it in while annie cheered him on clapping and jumping.
it fought hard but up popped the biggest bass we'd seen yet, splashing all around.
then suddenly…it snapped the line and got away.


and that's no fish tale.


thanks again mike and carolyn for a wonderful memory.
(and yummy dinner too)

i am so happy i was wrong.

*hey i just realized that i have known you (carolyn, mike, nancy & joel)
for 24 years.
wow…that's so cool.

Kelly - I love your pics! I wish I were half a good a photographer as you (I got a long way to go!)

traci - what beautiful fish. the kids look like they are in heaven. what fun for them. i’m not much of a fisherwoman either, would much rather sit back with my camera and catch everything.

Aubrey - Does the teenager like to read? I always took a book with me when I was a teenager and just KNEW that wherever I was being dragged with the young ones (I was the oldest too) was going to be the ultimate of boring.

mallory Heffron - I love to fish…I also went with my dad when I was little. It looks you ya’ll had a great time. Maybe you have found a new sport????

emily - Your fishing looks fun! Did your hands stink for hours? Ours did!
I just saw your other post too. Don’t worry, we all have our spazo moments!

cjs - laughing at the teenager pic…it’s becoming like where’s waldo on your blog.
if only she knew how cool her mom was.
someday she will.

Trish - Our kids love to fish too! Although when we aren’t catching anything, they do tend to get bored and start fighting!
And about your teenager. Oh boy can I relate! Your sense of humor will save you, I think! I might have to use your “find the teenager game” line on my 14 year old daughter. Getting her to go anywhere with us (and interact) is like pulling teeth!!! 😉

robin bird - it makes me awfully dang happy to come to your blog meg! how did i live in the realm of happiness prior to meeting the spazo-family?
go annie!
dad…puppy please… please!

Deb - Threw them all back in?! How disappointing. I’m looking forward to my kids catching dinner in a few weeks.

Sara - ADD fishing…sounds serious. hee hee

Staci - What a GREAT day! (And yes, I think…or hope you are right about Lauren feeling bad about it in about 15 years 🙁 ) I love all the pictures! We have a pond and every day we drive down on the golf cart to feed them….they are in fact…our litle pets right now…seeing as we are dogless too..for a while anyway. (By the way…MAX is sooo stinkin’ cute!) Anyway, it is amazing how trained those fish are..they see the golf cart coming and swim up! I swear…if our friends and family hadn’t been there to see it…they wouldn’t believe us 🙂 It is a real frenzy at feeding time! It’s the highlight of our day…are we sad? I love to watch the boys…but I don’t hook the worms 🙁 And yes, catfish are very slimey!

Lanny Stanard - Wow, looks like a great day! my hubby loves to fish, he would fish everyday if he could, thank goodness he works 2 shift… Have a fab day see you soon, when do your kids go back to school?
LaNnY :o)

Carrie - I had the same revelation about fishing not too long ago. It is great fun.
I know all too well about looking back with regret over those terrible teen moments. I lost my mom to cancer when I was 15 (she was just 39). I would give anything for some more of those “boring” family outings. They were cut way too short for our family. Its hard to know that she will indeed regret missing some of those times. You just don’t see it that way when your 13.
You take some great photos.

traci - I have a 12 yr. old and trying to raise her and not lose my mind is the hardest thing my husband and I have ever done!!
Im glad you had fun but I have been fishing a few times and we sit for days and get zip. I think they just loaded that pond with fish! Cute dog too.
Glad you guys are gettng lots of fun in before school.

Nancy - Looks like a great day!

steph - my husband always thought fishing was sooo boring too…until we moved to our new house that has a lake behind it! he and the kids all have fishing rods and they go out nearly every night to fish (and then throw them all back!)
wanted to tell you too that I think Talby is such a pretty little girl…like she belongs in a catalogue or something! all your kids are beautiful..don’t get me wrong! but I always look for photos of her…little girl next doorish!

Jennifer P. - Your pictures suddenly make me want to go fishing….in my swimsuit even ;)! I have gone fishing about 10 times in the past 13 years and caught NOTHING!!! I think I’m cursed!
Lauren never reads or looks at your blog, right ;)?!
We were all 13 though. And get it.

that girl - Good pictures! I felt like I was right there with you, without the fish smell!!

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miniature golf disaster

i think we should have explained the concept of miniature golf 

before we started our game…


they were all over this place.
some were two holes ahead.
no one was taking turns.
balls were flying through the fence into the parking lot.

we did not start this off right.
we had lost control.
and there was a 20 something's couple there on a date ahead of us.
what a bummer for them.
they had the place to themselves to be all goo-goo over each other 
until this big loud spaz-o family showed up behind them.
i mentioned to craig that maybe it served as good birth control for them?


at one point i looked over and i could only see annie's feet 
sticking out of the tunnel hole meant for a golf ball to run through.
she had laid flat on her belly and slid through.
…of course she did!
she crawled out and loudly announced "i'm widdle enough to do that!"
i am glad she didn't get stuck and have to announce that.


ummm….hubba hubba.  
that's all i have to say about that.  



have you seen "night at the muesem?"
the rest of the afternoon we heard "me want gum gum" 
and "you dumb dumb"  
i'm sure that couple loved it as much as craig and i did.


this place had the strangest assortment of figures.
there was also a frankenstein, a ghost, a skunk, an eagle…strange all together.


we didn't win a free game.

on our way out our boys wrestled over a club grip in the pro shop
(aka: causing a scene)
and then scott picks up a towel…that is for sale… 
and wipes all the sweat off his face with it.

this was not our finest hour as parents.

but i think we did our part of ensuring that couple of not going home
and getting pregnant 5 times.

and really, isn't that a nice thing for us to do?
we ARE nice people.  

oh my.

coach bags outlet - Humane Society is the 3rd largest shelter in the U.S., so they got a bunch of the dogs. Moasfdst of them were adopted out in a matter of days, but a few were “special needs” dogs that needed some extra TLC before being given a new home.

miniature golf new jersey - Its really good to see this blog, u have nice information about golf. Images here are also good. I will like too see this blog again.

Ashley - Oh, my! This is too funny! Ya’ll really ARE nice people! Hehe!!!

Sarah - LOL This cracked me up.

Art Cant Hurt - I just got back from running a few miles and was drinking some ice water while checking out your blog –
the bit about wiping his face on the towel in the store made me laugh hard enough that water came out my nose! THAT hasn’t happened since I-don’t-know-when! 🙂
SUCH A RELIEF to hear other parents having tales of woe too! Makes me feel less like a failure and more a part of a traveling family circus! Really – thanks!!!!

kell - ok. you have 5 children. in my mind, if they made it through the day alive, you’re great parents. mini-golf…you’re just brave. i think my 2 1/2 year old has a concussion(sp?) from banging his head on the concrete during meltdown after meltdown…yes, he lays flat on the ground where ever we are…in public. sounds like the craziness was going on all over america today!!!

Staci - Sounds like it’s a good thing you didn’t win that free round 🙂 I am laughing so hard at this post! I bow down to you for all that you do with your family. You guys are Super Hero Super Parents!!!! I hope you have costumes 🙂 I hope that was another check off your list 🙂

Marnie - ha ha! gorgeous! i bet those two went home and didn’t even hold hands the whole way there!

Deb - LOL!

jennifer - Glad to hear we’re not the only ones!!! Oh the stories I could tell but still…the joys of parenthood! Thanks!!!!

foreverfoldinglaundry - Oh, how I relate!!! That’s a great story. That dating couple may have been scared straight (so to speak), but the funny thing is all the people who had kids were probably looking at you with that look of, “It’s OK – I know what you’re going through!”

midwifeliz - That is a great story!! We have had days like that too. Today I took just my 4 yr old daughter to paint pottery. Yea.. while we were there she accidentally “took out” some ceramic mugs that were holding paintbrushes. Shattered. All over the floor. I have a three month rule…we can’t go back there for three months now. Oh. And once my three year old son once had an “accident” in a UPS store..on their brand new rug. I didn’t go back for almost a year.

Melanie - I am laying on the couch sick and of course I had to check in on my ‘whatever’ blog and it made my day! I can’t quite laughing. You’re a hoot! Oh, and by the way, I have been married for 17 yrs. and I feel the same way as you do about the hubby:)

Joanna Peck (Jodi) - OH MY GOSH!! sooo funny!! I have 2 boys and 2 girls…..and the big man (which equals 3 boys) and boy do I relate! Sometimes I feel like slithering out of places! But I can’t cause “I’m not widdle enough to do that!”

Stacey - Hilarious! You know, every year we say we need to take the boys miniature golfing and every year we say, maybe when they’re a bit older. LOL! You are a brave, brave girl. 🙂

Amber - This post was classic. If anything your family gave that couple on a date something to talk about, right? I love the 2nd picture where everyone is doing there own thing and all over the place. Meanwhile your husband is trying to actually golf 🙂 So funny.

diana - Funnier than any sitcom on TV!!!! You always make my day!
Still laughing….

traci - ahhhhhh, your “that” family..LOL
time for back to school…huh

PamperingBeki - Hahaha!!! That’s too funny!
We went miniature golfing in Colorado and I forgot to take my camera. 🙁 It was *very* similar to your trip though, but with three kids rather than five.
Baby was crawling in the tunnels, big kids were climbing on the sculptures, balls flying into the parking lot, The Girl singing Disney songs and dancing like a princess, “serious golfer” husband couldn’t believe the whole mess of us. It was great.

Joni - Holy Geez. Crackin’ up over here. My favorite pick is of Talby climbing up the rock formation. Looks like you were a sight to be seen!

danelle - Did you buy the towel or quickly put it down and get the heck outta dodge?

that girl - Those places always have a “carney” element to them and it sounds like you fit right in… just like when we go and my husband thinks he actually has to “teach” the kids how to play, hold the club etc. Doesn’t he know kids + sticks = hit things? Not my fave outing, but the kids love it and it looks like yours had a great time!

Bethany - That had me laughing out loud!! We only have two kids but I am telling ya that sometimes that is more than we can handle!! we have caused a scene or two as well…but somehow we survive and keep on plugging away!!

Leah Schoonover - HAHA… thats great! I love that he wiped his face with the for sale towel…that cracks me up.

Sara - you totally crack me up. Ain’t it grand being able to cause a scene? Thats how I felt on a 9 hour flight last summer. By the end of the flight I was letting lilly open and tear up unused sanitary pads-she stuck them all over the seat in front of us. I felt like “parent of the year” for that one. ha ha.

Crystal - At least you all made it home in one piece. 🙂 Some days there is something to be said about that. 🙂 Thanks for checking in on me…we are good Doug just had some time off for a change. 🙂

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they’re going back!


i have always loved this commercial. 
that could be me dancing on that shopping cart. 

i love my kids so much. 
we had a great summer…but it's time

sing with me…
"it's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeeaaaarrrrr!"   
and do you like my new profile photo? 
i don't want anyone thinking that 
i am letting all your nice comments go to my head. 
i don't think i am all that (and a bag of po-ta-to chips…(dr. evil). 
i really don't. 
so when you say all those nice things…i laugh because i know
i am not "handling" the teen thing very well (just ask my teen). 
i doubt i am as fun as you seem to think (ask my friends). 
i know that my house is messy (ask my husband). 
i am not an organized person (it's why i can't be on committees) 
i yell and get mad and say things i shouldn't (ask anyone who knows me). 

but i also know that i am trying. 
that hs to count for something right?
and i think that i am normal?? 
let's just leave that there… 

so thank you for all the nice things you've said to me. 
thank you for the encouragement. 
i do think it's made me feel like i am doing okay. 
thank you for reading about this goofy family.

Stephanie - Keep the glasses – they are a keeper! What happens the closer we get to 40? I am always trying to recapture my youth!
I love the ad too! I can only relate for one of my kids. I homeschool the oldest. My middle child told me she did not want to go to school, but instead be homeschooled. I asked her why and she promptly replied because she can do whatever she wants. Ah, and this is the reason she will sit at a desk and listen to someone other than me!

Beth - I love that ad too! It always makes me laugh. And I love your glasses in your new photo! I’m a cat-eye glasses fan, myself. Funny how humbling having teenagers can be. All their friends might think you’re the funniest/greatest, etc. but they still are not easily won over 🙂

Melanie - We are all just mom’s doing our thing and trying to do it right. I only have one son-14 yrs. old- (yeah me!) so I can understand that with 5 kids, you are so ready for them to go back. I think you are fun and funny and shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I check your blog everyday and you always make me smile. Keep your head up and enjoy ‘your’ time while the kids are at school!

carissa - i’ll be dragging my first grader
by her ears!
thank you Jesus for school!
btw… you are normal… we are all in this nutty mom/wife thing together! where is that manual? i need it in book & audio form!
lol… listen closely… i think i hear the school bell gearing up to ring! 🙂

lorilee - I always hate to see the school supplies being put out in July! It seems summers get shorter and shorter every year. Oh, well, once I get back to my classroom, I’ll get caught up in the first of the year excitement!

Deb - And goodness, girl, your house ROCKS! I just clicked on the photos on your sidebar and am instantly fighting jealousy. I can tell you don’t just take bubble baths and eat bonbons while your kids are at school. Your hard work is quite evident. I love love love your kitchen/family room area. Love it for sure!

Deb - TOO funny! Only, here we’re ALL going back to school. Downstairs. Oy! This is the first year I’ve actually envied you moms who send their children off to school. But a week at the beach whilst y’all are getting up at o’dark-thirty in the morning and packing lunches should rectify that! Lol.
Oh, and I LOVE your new post. I used to have a pair of glasses like that. They had rose-colored lenses. I loved the metaphor.

robin bird - well that little film says it all. i loved it! i actually don’t own a TV so when i see something entertaining i am all agog! i am lovin’ the specs and you are always completely adorable to me 🙂

Staci - Meg!!! You are great! I love it that your family is so real! I have to agree…love my kids…but it IS TIME! I’m singin’ right along with you! No tears come next Wednesday…we are all ready! Now, if I can just get this 3 yr old potty trained…he can go too 🙂 Love your new profile pic! Have a happy weekend with your sweet family!

Liz - Meg, reading about your family is the highlight of my day. Really. I dont have a family, but if I did… I’d hope it would be like yours.
And that commercial is great. I’m forwarding that to my dad… they’re sending my youngest sister off to college this week. Their last kid, bless their hearts. 🙂

Jess - I hope that Talby has a great year in first grade! I LOVE being home, but I am going to miss those kiddos. Talby’s postcard made my day. It is so wonderful to feel loved!

meghan - love reading your blog. love the new picture. i imagine that you are a pretty fun momma (even if you are in the midst of the teenage years). it’s always something!

Kristi - I found your blog through Emily’s a bit ago and love it. I can relate to you in so many ways! I have 5 kids. my oldest is 12, and in so many ways like your 13 year old. (isn’t it scary?) I can’t wait for school to start as well. we still have a couple of weeks. anyways, just had so say- love your blog. thanks for sharing!

Aby - Oh Meg! It IS the most wonderful time of the year! Except for that trying to get them up early each morning thing. NOT fun! We’re all (except for hubby) NOT morning people! That part, I’m definitely not looking forward too.
I can’t imagine how you do it with 5! My 2 wear me out! I’m so glad to hear that you sometimes get mad and say things you shouldn’t. I don’t feel so alone anymore!! We are human afterall, aren’t we?
You do inspire me to be a better mom and definitely a more creative mom! Thanks for that!

Holly - I LOVE that commercial! Do they still play it on tv? They should. I do love you new profile pic; I think it personifies your personalitly quite well.
While I have no children myself, I think you seem to be doing quite well with 5….I can’t imagine. All you can do is your best and try. Like I said, it seems that you are doing very well 😀

Marla - Mine go back on the 25th. I’m not sure I’m ready for school to start. Yes I want them to go back, I just don’t know if I can part with my last baby.
I hear ya on the teen thing. My 16 year old I’m sure would say I’m doing everything wrong. But I tell him that’s okay he’s the first one and if I don’t get it right with him I have 4 others to practice on…lol!
Love the new profile pic, very cute! I need to put a new one of me up.

Pleasant Drive - What a great commercial! I’d never seen it before. Being a teacher, I’m afraid I relate to the kids, rather than the parent. Ugh! School starts back on Tuesday for me.

chris - I am relived to hear you are normal , how could you not be with all those kids, I have two that can’t get along , so I can’t imagine 3 more to mix in 24 hours a day,
I love your new picture,
I am scared of the teen aged thing, I took my 10 year old shopping for school clothes yesterday , thought she would be in heaven , she was choosing , I was saying no occassionally , but she was miserable , like it was punishment she seems to hate everything, I don’t get it , my 7 year old was in heaven , how will we cope say in 5 years 12 and 15 ,lock me up , maybe I can learn something fom you .
I love school time, this is the first September that I will have no ones kids to watch during school hours I am going on a me makeover starting the first day of school , I am going to get in shape. Watch me now.

Suzanne - i have been dreading summer ending…not ready at all! i love having the babies home, the laid back schedules, BUT….these last couple days they have been torturous to be around!! fighting from the second they wake up, till bedtime…and if we split ’em up, they somehow WANT to get by each other again!!! aagh! i even thought to myself, i wonder how miss meg handles her 5 children…i love ya even more for being SO REAL…even though you don’t visit me much anymore 🙁
happy friday!

Jenn Thomas - We love you no matter what you think of yourself! I think you are fun to be with – why do you think I come over to visit and let you babysit my little London? Wasn’t that great this morning with the electric popping off at 6:45 AM! All I could think was . . . my neighbors are trying to get their kids ready for school and I am so glad that I got my hair dryed.

Kate LaFave - I read your blog EVERY DAY. You remind me so much of my own mother. I am the oldest of 11 children, and you describe yourself so much like I see her. But, just so you know, we had very rough teenage years, and I have some AWESOME and FUN memories of being from a large family. I could not imagine my life any other way. I am now 30 and still love every minute. My youngest sister is only 9. My mom hollered, she cried, she was a mess some of the time, but she is great. I wouldn’t have asked for a different family or childhood. And I will bet your children will say the same in 15 years. I find that I am drawn to your blog because you are so much like my family and life. I don’t feel like you sugarcoat or put up a front. You make me want to have 5 kids (I have 2) and stay home and make messes with them. I never comment on blogs, but think about it all the time. It is strange to feel like I know so much about someone I have never met. Maybe I will keep moving forward with starting my own blog. You are inspiring because you are normal. Thanks for the entertainment you provide me everyday!

cjs - yes, you’re normal.
that is why we love you.
one last thing…
I hate committees.

Stacey - Do I ever hear you on back to school. I have 5 more days. YESSSSS!
Love the new pic…cute glasses! 🙂
And lastly….I made your chicken enchiladas last night and they were yum! The boys didn’t like them, but they didn’t even try them once they saw a glimpse of the green sauce. LOL! Oh well, The Mr. and I enjoyed them.

Megan's Mom - There was also a GREAT ad with Alice Cooper…they were singing “School’s Out” and a little girl (his daughter?) looked at him like “yay, no more school for me?” and he shakes his head…No.
I’m going to go look for it.
Love visiting your “house” every day.

munchkinsandmusic - That was gut busting funny! Thanks for the laugh! I haven’t seen that yet!

Aubrey - You seem like a pretty awesome mom to me and your house sure looks clean enough in your pictures, but then I realize how easy it is to stage things. 🙂 At least you’re doing things with your kids, which I can’t seem to bring myself to do–I think I dread taking them out in public by myself so much I just don’t do it–and our count only up to three!

Jennifer P. - I remember seeing that photo of you before (was it on your Chicago trip?)–I think it’s perfect :)!
And i know we can all make ourselves appear better than we really are in our blogs–but I’ve never felt like you were one who did that. You’ve put it all out there–dirty laundry, grumpy kids, and all. That’s why I continue to read you even though TypePad blogs take foreeeeever to load on my computer :)!

Marnie - Oh you’re welcome Meg, your blog is first in my favourites list and I love reading it!

that girl - We start the 26th and I have not bought even one school supply… but the excitement is building!
PS – I just bought your camera but it doesn’t make my house look as nice as yours does. Strange…

Carrie - I recently found your blog. I am a big fan of Jennifer P.’s blog and she has a link to you. I actually went back through and read a lot of your older posts recently.
I don’t have kids of my own yet, but yours appear pretty happy and very well taken care of and loved. I am pretty sure that if you ask any teen no parent handles it well (or knows what they are doing). One of my best friends teaches 7th and 8th graders. She once told me that she likens this age to the terrible twos. They are trying to figure out who they are again. They are at this awkward stage where they still need their parents, but have discovered so many things they can do on their own, that they want to do it ALL on their own. And the worst is that they are testing the limits all over again. I don’t know if that story “helps” at all, but when you think about it, its probably pretty true.
For the record, I so want your craft room, and I wish I could have been on your christmas list for one of those fancy, cute aprons. I have a bit of an apron obsession.

PamperingBeki - Haha! I just blogged about back to school too.
It’s okay if you’re not perfect. I still want to be you. Oh wait, that was stalkerish again… haha!

Nikki - I soo love that commercial! I’m pretty tired of playing referee and hearing “I’m bored”.
We start back on the 25th and we are all pretty excited about it.
I really do believe it is the most wonderful time of the year.

traci - That commercial…FUNNY STUFF!!!
I think Im sorta in a club alone sometimes. My girls started school 2 days ago and I was NOT ready. One in Middle School which I was SOOOO not ready for and the other in 5th grade. I miss them.
You seem to “get it” with your teen daughter and we all love that. Mine isnt even a teen yet (only 12) and I struggle, struggle, struggle to want her to be polite, calm, loving, respectful and honest at all times….I dont want much, do I? lol

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