of course i have no ideas about what to do THIS father’s day for my husband but i thought i would tell you the BEST gift we have ever found for Craig in past father’s days.
he loves ice cream.
L O V E S.
about 4 years ago now… we got him a homemade ice cream machine
he is not into gifts or celebrating really but he was surprised and very happy with this gift.
which made me so happy!
(i AM into gifts and celebrating so when someone loves my gift… it’s a gift to ME!)
he makes really yummy ice cream too!
we even took it on vacation with us so we could make ice cream there too.
it’s the kind of machine that turns & turns, is really loud and you fill the outside with lots of ice and salt.
it is the sound of summer.
does that make you think of your childhood?
i don’t even remember WHERE we had homemade ice cream when i was a kid… but i remember the machines.
i have one memory of an ice cream party outside the library in the town we moved from when i was 7.
i can see it from a short 7 year old’s perspective… everyone is tall… the building across the street is tall… and there is LOTS of ice cream right at eye level on folding tables.
anyways… back to the ice cream MACHINE.
i chose the White Mountain Ice Cream Maker
based off reviews from my friends of what is “the best”.
also because we have a big family so 1 – 2 quarts of ice cream isn’t even enough for each of us to get a bowl.
so i went for the big machine… that is electric… not hand crank.
this machine is pricey but from what everyone says, they last forever.
i wanted it to last through my kids childhood. i wanted to create a memory for them.
making homemade ice cream, outside on the porch, on a summer night… that’s the good stuff.
if you wanted something quieter, smaller, sleeker and i guessing much less messy… you could try this one.
it makes 2 quarts each time.
Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker
this one looks similar to the white mountain one but the motor attachment is plastic instead of metal.
MaxiMatic 6-Quart Old-Fashioned Ice-Cream Maker
then this one i have seen at walmart and all over.
could be worth a try?
it’s about the cost of 5 gallons of ice cream.
and it makes FOUR quarts… that is pretty good!
anyone have this one? does it hold up?
Hamilton Beach 4-Quart Ice-Cream Maker, White
and then i saw this?!!
an in-home soft serve ice cream maker???
ummm….. my kids would think this was THE COOLEST thing ever!?!!
Cuisinart Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker
there is also an attachment you could put directly onto your KitchenAid mixer that makes ice cream?!
did you know that?
KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Attachment + Bonus Soft Thumb Release Ice Cream Scoop
and this has nothing to do with ice cream machines but don’t you think this green mixer belongs in my new kitchen?
it is gor-ge-ous!!!
KitchenAid5-Quart Mixer
– there are a million colors but this green is just the best!
i was looking for recipes and came across these books.
i am a sucker for a beautiful book cover.
this one is just that.
out of curiosity…. are you a fan of waffle cones, sugar cones, regular cones or NO cone… bowl only?

Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones: 90 Recipes for Making Your Own Ice Cream and Frozen Treats from Bi-Rite Creamery
the thought of a cute ice cream shop in brooklyn just seems dreamy…
Ample Hills Creamery: Secrets and Stories from Brooklyns Favorite Ice Cream Shop
and hey… even if you are dairy free there is still ice cream to be enjoyed!
everything in this book is based off coconut, almond or cashew milk.
i would be up for trying that!

Dairy-Free Ice Cream: 75 Recipes 
we made milkshakes the other night and annie requested Oreos in chocolate ice cream.
i tasted it.
it was U N R E A L.
how is that not a flavor in the store?!!!
how are they not making millions off of Chocolate Cookies & Cream?!!
what is wrong with the ice cream makers of the world?!
what is your favorite flavor ice cream?
and help me…. what should i get craig this year for father’s day???
Cathy - I really enjoy your blog. I’m just getting back into mine after a long time off.? I love the shabby chic of your craftroom in the craft house. Can you show us pics of your new craftroom? Can you come shabby mine up?
Janae Mettling - How fun! My girls LOVE catching frogs and toads! After each rain we always have some in the pit of our walkout basement. We have lots of fun pictures of frogs and toads. I love that they aren’t afraid to get dirty and have some fun!
Amy Mak - Love your blog! The frog picture is insanely awesome and I love your new/old coop. We have chickens and love the fresh eggs even though my children are not quite as enthused about doing any of the work anymore 🙂 Enjoy your beautiful place.
Chris - Glad Talby rescued the big guy!
Lisa - The fingers is right…..yuck! Don’t touch it!!!! 😉
Gevay Piercefield - Looks like fun! Your girls are brave. 🙂
Christy - This reminds me of growing up in MO. Love the pictures! Stanley is getting so big!
PS. Is it wrong that I immediately thought FROG LEGS?! Not that I would ever consider eating them now that I live out West, but I remeber that was a big deal growing up. Now I think EWWW!
Tiffany - To add to the above… We have so many around our house I have to walk real slow when cutting the lawn to wait for them to hop out of the way. Last week when mowing I felt like I stepped on something squishy. I turned to see I stepped on a frog! That I mowed over!!! I felt A W E F U L!! (And grossed out!) So I killed the motor, ran away, and left the rest of the mowing till the next day, when I wore my rubber boots instead of flip-flops. 😛
Tiffany - My 6 year old Olivia is obsessed with catching frogs. I love that she isn’t scared of them and getting dirty. Exploring nature is the best!
Hannah - Can’t wait to be able to take Blueberry on adventures – I imagine that Chris will be leading the troops when it comes to that. I used to work in a builder’s merchants and we’d find little frogs hiding in the pallets of sand bags – on at least 3 occasions I caught little frogs hopping their way towards the tills and nearly getting squashed by trolleys. I used to get told off for rescuing them……