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california 1…the airport

it wasn't bad at all.


everyone had their own carry-on rolling suitcase and back pack.
they were in charge of their own…which they loved!
i took your suggestions and loaded each of their bags with surprises.
they were told not to look until we got on the plane.
in each bag i included candy, granola bars and gum,
a new activity/coloring book, a notebook with a pen, crayons or markers, 
and everyone got one special thing….a book or a cheap movie, UNO or a calculator.
it was so fun for them. (and me too)

we got the back row of the plane.
it was loud so they could be loud.
the people in front of us didn't speak english….so they couldn't complain.  :)
we had one window for all of us.
but that was fine…it was ALL exciting.

sean: "i could LIVE on this plane!"
and "this is the flight on my life!"

who knew a sprite would make such a great iPod holder.
every seat was full.
and i will admit…i hate the smell of airplanes.

the notebooks were a hit.
talby and sean even wrote a comic book together…Puke-ah man and the Poisioned Banana.

is that the cutest thing?  

lauren was in lots of my pictures but she deleted almost all of them that had her in it.
silly girl.
she listened to her iPod and watched a movie on her iPod…pretty much 99% of the week…24/7.

spotting taxis (loudly), riding the shuttle bus, going through security, getting a rental car…
so thrilling when it's your FIRST time.

we made it without losing anyone, losing any bags, no tantrums or throwing up.

dawn - I love your blog! And I agree — airplanes stink and the back of the plane usually smells the worst. Great pictures — glad you had fun. The surprises in the bag do the trick at our house too. 🙂 My girl is all of 3 and has been on more flights than we can count. It doesn’t matter — she still loves her window seat and her “surprise” when she gets situated — WITH her seatbelt on. (That’s our one “issue”! It’s required some bribery…)
OH — and congratulations on the Country Living spot! Adorable picture.

Dee - Hi Meg,
I lurk on your blog all the time. Thought I would say HI. I really enjoy your colorful stories and photography. I opened my Country Living magazine for July and said, boy that looks like Annie with that fish, and it was! She is adorable. I love her cheeks. They did nice size feature.

wendy - Great pictures Meg, as always! Oh Lauren, I love her. I can totally relate, unfortunately. Just a phase. Just a phase. Say it with me. Just a phase…

traci - Great shots as always…….might be too personal a question but just curious what your husband does for a living?

Emily - We have the same ipod and holder. Great idea with the soda can. I’ll remember that for the next time we fly. I hate the way airplanes smell too.

Julia - whenever I take pics of surly teenagers (rarely) I tell the parent (within hearing distance of the teenager) something like – this is great, now you’ll have their grumpy looks recorded for FOREVER.

Sandy Coppertone - I’ve got to know; who was pulling your carry-on bag when you were shooting the airport shots? 😀 Does anyone ever get irate and tell you to move when your setting up shots in places like a busy airport? I’ve started leaving my camera at home when we go out because I’m always holding the family back when I start fiddling with camera settings and repacking the camera after I’m done shooting. Plus I seem to piss off a lot of people who want me to get out of the way when I block sidewalks and walkways. Yesterday I went to my daughters last day of school party. I have no memory of it and never interacted with anyone because I was too busy taking pictures. You must have a secret I haven’t discovered on getting photos on the road. Maybe I should just get a little point and shoot…

missanne - yay for quality time as a family… and traveling no less! 🙂

Lorilee - I love the photo of everyone pulling their bags! So sweet. I’ve only been on a plane once–before kids. I love all of your photos.

Toni :O) - Not only do you have great posts but terrific photos. Looks like fun and I hope to have that experience next year when we take our 10 year old son (11 by that time) and six year old daughter to Disney World in Florida from Michigan! Can’t wait to read more!

Lisa - I hate the smell of planes too! And airports and hospitals!

Sharla - Okay, I hope I haven’t missed Ms Annie’s picture in Country Living. . . . . What issue was it in?
Thanks for the ideas on traveling with kids – we’re going to Oregon next month!

adrienneK - ah! i love this! we will be traveling in july (first time on a plane for my whee babies) i am a mess, not knowing what to pack etc, BT backyardigans on the ipod looks pretty promising!;) cant wait for more!!

Angela Conklin - Oh, fun! What great memories!!!! Love all the pictures…even of Lauren!:)

Beth - I, too, HATE the smell of airplanes… and doctor offices.
Love your photos, the colors just pop. How do you adjust them for the color? Do you simply saturate the color? Is there a certain camera setting you favor?
Oh, and what breed of dog is Waffle??? He is SOOOO cute!

Shann - I have a fourteen year old daughter. She too LOVES to listen to her Ipod. I am with you on parenting a teen girl….IT IS HARD! God gets “talked to” frequently from me about what to do with her. 🙂 Please tell Lauren I think she is BEAUTIFUL!! And, I love it when I get to see pictures of her that she does not delete. 🙂
Hugs, Shann

Tracy - AWESOME pictures as usual, Meg! I love the way your pictures always tell a story. Lauren sounds like my two 15 year olds too – that’s all they ever do anymore is listen to their ipods everywhere we go and I have to literally force them to leave them in the car when we are out shopping somewhere – *sigh* – but what can you do?! LOL
The first time I took my kids on a plane ride – they were both 9 years old and as we were taking off I looked over at them and my son was making a sign of the cross and I just cracked up! The funny thing was that I am the one terrified of flying (but I never let them know that) and was trying to be the strong one for them and he’s doing that – I thought I was going to die! HA! First times always make for nice memories! Glad to know you guys had a great time and a wonderful trip.
Thanks again for always sharing your “story boards” with us.
Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Wendy - I noticed that you guys didn’t fly hubby’s airline….. it’s ok. I forgive you. lol. Glad you had a great time. We opt for the back of the plane when we travel too. Closer to the bathrooms and you don’t feel the need to rush into the isle to get out first….. you already know you’ll be last, so what’s the hurry. 🙂 We take a trip to Maine every year and my youngest daughter’s favorites are mini golf and a local ice cream shop (and of course the plane ride).

pve - I wish that they still handed out those plastic wings for flying,
If I were the “stewardess” or “flight attendant” – I would give you a special gold one.
Brave woman you are. Glad you had a safe landing.
Stunning photos.

Kathy - Your a pro traveller! Rarely does travelling with that many go so smooth.

Laura - great pictures! wish I could have met you at the airport.
congrats on your little blurb in Country Living! I turned the page, saw the picture, and said out loud…”I know that little girl! That’s Annie!!!!!”
Very cute.

Sarah - Great shots!
Your family is beautiful! And I love getting to peek in 🙂
Question…Do you use macro on any of these shots? If not what setting are you using? I’m really trying to work on my photography in daily life…

Christina - Ha, ha, I checked under “my camera”-no info there! Well, I’d love to know what your favorite photo gear is. I’m sure you have more professional stuff than I might be able to acquire, but knowing what is worth getting is fun. I really admire your skills.

Christina - So funny-save that comic forever! What lens do you use? You have probably said it somewhere, but I just started reading…ahhh, maybe under your camera? I’ll check there.
Kids love airplanes so much…I think they’re awful! Sometimes I wish I could get back to that “Everything’s wonderful” stage.

Staci - What fun it looks like you had! Can’t wait to hear and see more!!! I think Annie’s answer from your last post sums it up….about her loving the candy from the gas station….when we took the boys to DisneyWorld a couple of years ago….Connor said his favorite part was the swimming pool at the hotel 🙂 Glad you are all back safe and sound! I hate the smell of airplanes too 🙂

Nicole Q - Yea you made it! Traveling is so much fun with kids but so much fun. Did you get lots of looks in the airport? We always do. I know people see us and think “please don’t let them be on our plane.” Glad you had a good time! Love Annie’s quote!!! Reminds me of when Jas and I got back from Hawaii and our son asked if Hawaii had a gift shop?

Ashley - Puke-ah man…totally genius, my boys would love reading that comic strip!

donna bourgoin - how fun. I have 6 kids and we traveled a lot….we lived in England for 3 years and we did our best to see Europe ………it was a lot of work and I got used to a lot of nasty looks from fellow passengers….but those were the best memories!!! I have so many funny stories, maybe I should blog about them!!! I am glad you are back – love reading your posts.

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it was fun.

one week in california…it was great.

and wow we are exhausted.
dragging five kids around wears us out.
but it was a super time.

i have 708 pictures to share.
don't you wish i had slides?  ha!
no…i promise i won't force you through 700 photos.

my favorite quote of the whole trip:
craig: annie what was your favorite thing about California?
annie: the candy at the gas station.

i will leave you with this one for today.


Quinn - hahahahah, i giggled at that picture.
a reallllllly great shot (:

turquoise - So sorry to see people think it’s funny to feed wild animals junk food, especially right in front of a sign saying don’t do it. There are many reasons why this is harmful to nature, which does not seem to be your intent. Here’s a link for more info about why people should not feed wildlife:

lauren - absolutely hilarious.

gabrielle - you are such a great photographer! I wish I could of met up with you one day…but my schedule was busy and I knew you would of been. we have a squirrel that lives in our tree but we have to be careful they have rabies. I love that picture! he looks like he is doing the jumping jacks..

kristine - omg. all your pictures are great and worthy of print, but that one has GOT to be published somewhere! hilarious!!!

traci - that is a priceless photo. glad you had a great time. can’t wait to see your photos!!

valerie @ Robots and Candy - Oh my goodness. That picture is amazing! You couldn’t have done better if you had just photoshopped all of the elements together.
Long distance internet high five!

Sandy - I was just creeping through your 365/2008 pictures again and I just LOVE the (April) one of Craig and Lauren where he’s leaning over her tieing a tie. The love and smile on her face is wonderful!…especially during these difficult teenage years. Thanks for letting us stalk your oh-so-cool life!!
Troy, OH

Lori - My daughter will croak when she sees the squirrel photo. She really wants one as a pet. She grabbed my purse one day when we were out, and tried to coax a squirrel to hop into my purse! Can’t wait to share my mom’s copy of CL and see Annie.

CathyC - I literally just got my Country Living magazine in the mail, opened it up and said, “That’s Annie!” How cool is that?! Great job Meg!

Lori Danelle - Hmm. . .that’s a pretty tame rodent.
Glad you had fun!!

Kathy - OMG All I’m thinking is ouch rabbies shot!Welcome back!

amy d - welcome home…we missed ya in da hood!!
please tell me you brought that little guy back
to live at my house 🙂

Jennifer - That picture AND the quote are PRICELESS! LOVE ’em both!

Holly Bodner - Can I please ask where you were in the squirrel photos? Was it at the SL Marina in the SF Bay Area??? Looks wayyyy to familiar!

Lauren Kirk - Saw your info and picture in Country Living – so cute! Well done!

mom - How come the Country Living magazines aren’t in Lawrence yet? Mine hasn’t come in the mail and none of the stores have them either! Glad you’re back safe and sound and you didn’t lose anyone!

Tracy - Meg – you couldn’t have gotten any cuter picture than this one! It is just precious and SO CUTE! Glad you guys had a great time and made it home safe and sound. I, personally, would love to see your 700 photos – you have such a knack for taking pictures such as this one that they ALL have to be GOOD! Thanks for the smile this morning!
Big hugs, Trac~:o)

kasey - how cute…i was so excited to receive my CL mag, and to see Annie in it….and on page 20 is a short story about my business.

Sandy - love the quote and the picture!! Glad you’re home.

Cheryl - Ha ha ha that is hilarious!

joy c. - Rules were meant to be broken, esp. when the little guy is hungry!

sara - ha ha! that’s a funny one.
welcome back home! glad you had a great trip!

Tami - I have been following your blog for a little time now. I absolutely LOVE this picture! How perfect! Good timing and great eye!

deb meyers - Great picture Meg!

pve - I love it!
Squirrel’s gone wild!!!

Ruth - oh that picture is priceless! welcome back!

Lanny Stanard - Glad your home 🙂 and what a cute picture… Hey maybe it will get in a magazine LOL. Have a happy day.

princesslasertron - HAHAHAH
that is one valuable picture!!

Becky - wow!! that is insane! just the whole situation including the fact that you got that picture.

adrienneK - no way!! is that squirrel real?!!? ha ha so funny!!!
glad you got back safe!!!
adrienne K.

Kelly - Absolutely fantastic!

maribeth - ha! how funny! your children are like dr.doolittle or something-they have such a way with animals! amazing!

andrea liese - lmbo

Shannan - What is that thing? A prairie dog? A jacked up squirrel? Regardless, that photo is fantastic! Can’t wait to hear more about The Trip.

Heather Mattos - could this have possibly been a crazy monterey squirrel? they’re out of control there!

CherryTreeLane - BRILLIANT!

Kim - You have to enter that photo in some sort of contest. You MUST! It’s wonderful and has put a huge smile on my face tonight…made me laugh out loud. Glad to hear you guys had a great time. And leave it to Annie to provide the best quote. I think she should write a book. I am still going around saying…Worm, meet worm. Worm, meet worm.

Tami Veer - hilarious!!! look at his cute little fingers begging for marshmallows! i love it!

kat - That picture is hilarious! I can’t wait to see the rest! Glad you had a wonderful time!!!

ang - Can’t wait to see the pics.
So cool that you’re in Country Living. I really looked at Annie’s picture and thought, “Where do I know that girl from?” You’re famous…

Madelyn - that photo is AWESOME!
and that quote…well, typical isn’t it?
(though thinking back to my own childhood trips…I can recall how FANTASTIC the toy was that my dad got at a gas station when he filled up…)
I took my (one) kid (eight months old) outta town for 5 days, and I think it’s going to take me another 5 to recover, and another 5 after that to unpack.
I can’t believe you dragged all those kids around!
that’s impressive.

Whitni - I’m so glad you guys had a great time in California! Annie is too cute! Is Sean feeding a squirrel or a chipmunk?

alice - oh my word, how great is that! enter it into a contest – quick!

Jenn Thomas - Welcome back – we missed ya

amy - welcome home.
love the pic. funny and perfectly you. 🙂
what a nice blogger you were to still post every day while you were gone! you’re too kind, my friend!

A pocket full of posies... - SOOOO ca-ute!!!! and congrats on Annie’s photo in the newest Country Living magazine!!! cutie-pie fisher girl!! 🙂
Many Blessings!

Chrissie Grace - Ok, that photo will win an award.
Glad you’re all back safe:)

Jess - Thanks Meg….I think I just peed my pants! That is the gosh darned cutest thing I have ever seen!

Kasey - Cute! I saw the photo of your daughter in Country Living. : )

Starnes Fam - This is priceless. So cute!
We are going to Cali for 2 weeks with 3 kids (2 in diapers). I’m very excited, but a bit anxious, too!

Jessica - HA HA!!!!! Love it!

Kelly O. - that is the cutest! Love that you got the sign in the background!!
Glad you had a good time.

Anna Marie - Oh my gosh…how stinkin’ cute is that! I hope you had fun and that you get some rest. Can’t wait to see more photos. Glad you are back 😉
God bless,
Anna Marie

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the non-skiers.

well i had big plans for the time i had while the five were skiing.

i was going to go here.
tara whitney even gave me the address.
the family was skiing….annie was in her car seat…star mill was typed into the GPS.
i buckled my seat belt and then said to annie 
"you know….i should call and make sure they are open on mondays."
i called 
and the answering machine message said 
"happy holidays!  we are open through dec 27 and will not reopen until march 21."
noooooooooooo! i shouted out in the car.
it was march 16.

now what?

how about a dinosaur museum?
annie was much more excited about this than the antique store.





we wandered the museum…taking as long as she wanted.
she wouldn't touch this sand digging exhibit.
that was frustrating.
but we did see the entire place and got a dinosaur drink when we were done.

on our way to the car i spied a store i wanted to see.
we opened the door and i was so happy.
it was my kind of store.

umm….yes.  i will have that please.
all of that.
that blue cabinet!  that polka dot blanket!  that turquoise angel!


annie found these babies shoes and shouted "MOM!  they match!"
mine cost fives times LESS that those.
(yay for wal-mart!)

i was in chandelier heaven.

we settled on that pink star…it's covered with glitter (right side of photo).
i really wanted to crawl into these beds for a cuddly nap.
i can promise that it would be good for sleeping….all 15 pillows.


"mama…i want this for my birthday"
all of it.  
she's just like me.  

traci - wow, that looks like a wonderful store. i would have walked around it for hours. every lap you see something different.

Kristy Murphy - Awh, I’d love to visit that store. Grab a cup of coffee and just enjoy the store :O)

Tami - That store looks like so much fun,very whimsical I would have wanted everything in there lol

Aubrey - I forgot to add that I hadn’t even heard of the Star Mill and am now hopping mad because I was in American Fork yesterday all day with NO KIDS. I guess that’s what I get for taking a blogging hiatus. Next time I’m that way, that place is my #1 priority. Did I mention how sad it is I haven’t known about these places? Then again I live farther north and don’t trek down there often.

Aubrey - Is that store by Thanksgiving Point? I’ve heard about those little shops and almost went there yesterday. That would have made reading this a little surreal. 🙂
Now I think I better take my kids down there. We’ve only ever gone to the one north of us and I think it’s time for a change. So sad I have to learn about fun places by me to go from an out-of-towner.

Susie - I have a picture of my baby about to be “eaten” by that freaky fish thing. He looks absolutely terrified, which is perfect!
That’s a super-fun museum.
Oh, and now I’m sad that I don’t live there anymore. It’s such a beautiful place! (But at least my friend lives 2 minutes from Thanksgiving Point, so I get to visit sometimes)

chelsea - oh my gosh that store is amazing!!!!!

gina - Two great stops! That store was just divine!

Tess S. - i want to live in that store and frolic.

liz - ack! your posts are making me SO homesick!!
thanks for sharing. whenever i go home i have forgotten how BIG the mountains are and am amazed.

Jeanne - Oh my goodness….that shop..I could live in there!!!!

Rachel - Ooh I would take all of it too!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Annie’s style!!!!

susanne p. - every town needs a store just like it. and how you settled on just that star is beyond me. i think i might have taken one of those pillows, too.

Jill Adkins - Oh MY!!!!! I want the whole store shipped to me…right now!!!!- LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!
How fun!

Katie Snead - amazing!!!!!!!!!!! love it all! i was looking at your pictures and fell in love with the pink star, then saw you purchased it. wahoo..great find!

artbyanya - What a beautiful shop! Can’t wait to see where you put the pink star.

Wendy - My boys LOVE that museum! They love the sand/water area as well as the dino dig at the end. My mom and sisters LOVE the shops at Thanksgiving Point. They have wonderful cooking classes there as well.
Glad you found a fun non-ski activity to fill your day. 🙂

Anna - I am drooling!!! I immediately went to google to see if that shop has a website…no such luck. You know how I love those polka dots AND all the red :o)

Trina - What a cool museum but lets just be honest I’m really more interested in the store.. what a fabulous store.. that is the kind i could spend a couple of hours in looking, looking again and looking one more time in case I missed something! Glad you all had a fabulous trip!
xx Trina

danyele - that store is a little slice of heaven…
i love the birdies…and the chandeliers…and now.
now, i must go and see for myself.
hopping a plane.

kathy b - The Utah Star Mill looks just like you with the jars full of colorful things…too bad. It looks like you both had fun anyway.
I have the box packed and I will mail it to you tomorrow! OK!
Kathy b

jennifer - Mmmm! That’s what Heaven is going to look like for me! 🙂

Laura Phelps - LOVE the dinosaur drink in hand as she takes in the fantastic merchandise.
And I wold like the bird with party hat, please….

Ruth - You and Annie have the cutest clothes and shoes! And that shop is just gorgeous. Definitely a good call over skiing!

kasey - that looks like heaven.

ang - That store looks totally amaaaaazing!!! Just wish it was a little closer to the middle of Nebraska!

melissa - oh me too!

sara - what a pretty store & the musuem looks like it was a lot of fun! glad you had a great spring break!

chas at the wild raspberry - oh, i forgot to ask….did you ever find Nacho Libre and watch it? we watched it for the third weekend in a row–it is hilarious!!! we finally found it at a used dvd/cd store called vintage stock…

carissa... brown eyed fox - that STORE!!!!!!
a little slice of heaven walking through there…
my head would have been spinning!
glad yall found fun too!

chas at the wild raspberry - the first photo of that lovely boutique literally took my breath away!!!

katy - What a neat neat store!!! I love and want that angel shown in the cabinet. Looks like you all had a nice time.

Nicole Quiring - So sad your store wasn’t open – just means you have to return to Utah again. You were right by our place. We live right by the museum, just a minute away – sometimes I feel that I LIVE AT the museum with three boys. Glad you found that fun store . . . I like walking through it to dream!

Trish - oh my that store is di.vine.
loving the star that you bought.
i hope my little girls will love shopping with me someday too 🙂

elisa - those chenille pillows with the puffy dots- LOVE.
Love the pink star too 🙂

Nina - I just love how Annie dresses… cute!

Brooke - i can definitely tell you two places i now will be hitting up when i pick up the ladies from grandpa’s in july….better start saving my pennies and ups boxes now!

Jenn Thomas - This is much better than skiing! I would love all those chenille pillows.

Julia - when I go to places like dino museums or ZOOS – I’m sending thought waves to my kids “you so owe me…the things I do…wait til I’m 85 then payback!

sandy toe - I want it for my birthday too~
sandy toe

Courtney - I could kiss that store.

ForeverFoldingLaundry - Oh, I could do some serious damage in that store. (Or, more like that store could do some serious damage to my checkbook!)
From one non-skier to another: you made the right choice!

Melissa Mae - You’re making me so homesick for Utah! I love Thanksgiving Point, and the Dino museum is awesome.

Debby Graber - Exactly where is that store? Also, very much my kind of store. My husband would hate it! He would think it was just cluttered junk. I could spend hours. Once for my birthday, my son, Josh took me to those kinds of stores in Arkansas. Love it!!

Heather Mattos - i’m freakin out

Starnes Fam - Oh, you should open your own store. Such fun. A distant dream of mine.
And, I want it all, too. Every last piece.

Lorelei Eurto - Meg
That’s the prettiest place I have ev-er SEEN. thanks for sharing pics from you special day! 🙂

Alyssa - that store is very yummy!!

Alyssa - You should open your own shop….I can see you having your own place. How much fun would that be???

Cami - You must have went to Thanksgiving Point. Am I right? Skiing at Brighton is also awesome. More for snowboarders, but good none the less. Glad you came to visit and liked.

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snow bunnies


craig took the four oldest kids and allie skiing for two days at brighton in utah.


Collage ski

they all had lessons the first day…a refresher for the boys.
first time for girls.
they LOVED the skiing.
i think they love the freedom of the mountain on their own.
just guessing.




i wish i could have watched them more but annie was not interested AT ALL in the snowy mountain.
she and i had other plans to keep us busy.
warm places.

but i am so happy that they all love to ski.
maybe SOMEDAY….i will try skiing again.

but i doubt it.

Betty - So this is where i can find you! It all looks so fun! No wonder i havent heard back from any of my e-mails! Miss you. xoxo

traci - it looks beautiful. we did park city last year and loved every minute of it.

Mommy - Looks like you all had a great time!
I have been reading your blog for a long time but never commented until now. I just LOVE your blog. I love the photos! I have also tried several of your recipes and love them too!
Keep up the great blogging!

My First Kitchen - It looks like you had a great vacation! I’m not a skier either. I usually stay in the lodge and sing karaoke. I actually won one year and got a gift certificate to the ski store. Did I need anything in there? Nope. Since I don’t ski. So I bought A LOT of chapstick.

Steph - I’ve never been skiing. I would love to try it sometime. It looks so beautiful out there. What a fun time those kids must have had with Craig. Lauren is beautiful! 🙂

sandy toe - What great pictures~
sandy toe

danyele - so much fun…
i am the watcher…me and annie can hangout in the lodge sometime. last time i skied, i bit it hard and ran smack into hubs with my skis on either side of his chest…i gave up!

Sandy - Thanks for clarifying about the pictures, Lauren; I was wondering who took them. Your mom has taught you well. I will say the one of you with your chin on your hand is the best one – I love the look from behind the glasses. It looks like a GREAT vacation!

Jeanne - Nothing is better than a day skiing. What great pictures. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time.

ang - Great pictures!!! It looks beautful(and fun-for others) I’m such a horrible skier!! Glad you’re back!

carissa... brown eyed fox - annie & riley… would have been two peas in that pod!
the first time we took riley… in her lesson… she sat down on her bottom & wouldn’t get up! she didn’t even have a tidge of interest… OH wait… she LOVED the ski boots! 🙂
GREAT pics! my word yall DID do alot on that trip!

Ashley - So fun! I miss skiing… haven’t been in a few years.

Katie - Love the pictures of your trip. My hubby and I lived in Utah for a couple of years while we were both in college. Those mountains are what we miss the most! We still talk about them, and that was seven years ago. We live in Oregon now, and while it’s pretty, there’s just nothing like those mountains.

Rachel - Some day I will try it for the first time. I love these pics!!

Nicole Quiring - Yeah, I made the blog!! HA!! It was so great to meet you in person after following your life via blog and hearing about you from Jason, Rod, and Lynette!! You have a great fam, so glad you enjoyed Utah, it really is a breathtaking state to live in!! Your pictures of Josh are AWESOME, you have to share those with Lynette. I’ll have to let her know how many of your readers think he’s HOTT!! My kids adore him too, I’m hoping at least one of my boys grows up to be like Josh!! Glad you made it home! Thanks for the craft blog sites . . . I’m lovin them!

Mary Beth - I used to like skiing, but then I became a MOTHER and that skiing gene was replaced with the “eyes in the back of my head” gene.
No more skiing for THIS mama.

Staci - Yep, I’m with you…maybe some day I will ski again…but I doubt it. I “learned” to ski when I was 23 and it was VERY icy…NO FUN 🙁 Bad experience, I need to overcome because my almost 7 yr old LOVES IT! I think it’s key to learn when you are little—NO FEAR 🙂

Aubrey - Your kids have officially gone skiing a lot more than I have. I’ve only done the water kind, and not even that lately. I’m so out of shape, I think I’d last 20 seconds. Oh well, can’t do that right now anyway, seeing as how it’s stinking snowing again.
Did they take you to Gardner Village? There’s a very cute quilting store there.

alyssa - I hate skiing. My mom is from Colorado Springs, so my family has gone skiing A LOT, but not me. I have gone twice and hated every second of it both times. The second time was when I was maybe in 8th or 9th grade. Yeah, pretty sure I cried when we got to the top of the mountain. Not for me. Your idea for the few days sounds more like my kind of thing. Hope you and Annie had fun.

Mindy Harris - Don’t worry about the skiing part…I tried it once in Junior High–at Snow Creek in Ks City, mind you, where the hills are manmade…& I didn’t like it. At all.
I’ll let everyone else perfect their pizza wedge.

traci - HOW SAD that Annie did not like Skiing!!!! I would have cried. There is nothing like it. The beauty, the crisp air, the flying thru the mountains, the fun, oh my word….OH AND AGAIN….FANTASTIC pictures, as always!!!!!!

Suzanne - what a great trip!!
now that we’re all back into “normal” 😉 i’d love to see what we can do…are you still interested in doing the t-shirts for my kiddos?? if not, i’m happy to make a donation to the playground, but would LOVVVVE to have a piece of you in our house…you always make me smile!! we talked about the kid’s initials, but didn’t know if you had boyish fabric and would just rather do annie one or what…you tell me!!! i’m waaaay easy:)
happy monday!

Kim - Looks like you had a great vacation! We have the count down going for our Spring break trip (11 days). This is the first “real vacation” we are taking as a family!! However, we are leaving snow and going some place warm!

Lanny Stanard - what a nice family trip! still looking for Mr. Waffle! LOL come on over for a visit I havr something to show you 😉

Laura Phelps - I’m with Annie!

Wendy - Great pictures! They sure make me miss skiing… My husband won’t go with me because he’s afraid of running into a tree. *insert eye roll here*

Wendy - I’m with you on the skiing. Museums, shopping, bookstores. All much more preferable than skiing for me even though I married an Austrian who was born with skis.
Love your pictures. Your daughter is beautiful.

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utah trip (part one)

**craig wants me to clarify that we lost an hour on the way home so it was only 18 hours in the car…. not 19 like i had stated.   he likes to "make good time".  ***

we left town on friday one hour later than scheduled….no surprise there.                                             we dropped off waffle with friends.

he got to be outside the whole time with a new doggie friend.
(he has been moping around ever since we brought him back)

then we hit the road.

we got in to colorado before dark so the kids got that view…one minute there are no mountians…
then suddenly…THERE THEY ARE!
i remember my first time seeing that…so awesome.
we checked into a hotel in fort collins, colorado.  
and went straight to the pool.


we had two rooms…everyone went to bed at the same time.

then craig and and i watched a recorded 30 rock on a dvd player sharing headphones in the dark.
i saw lauren was reading by the light of her camera.

in the moring, we ate our free breakfast….spilling only one hot chocolate 
and dropping one glass syrup bottle.
not bad for our family.
then we were off towards utah. 


this picture cracked me up…taken by someone in the back seat…
me using the internet on craig's phone.  
i looked back at one point & told craig "everyone is using a personal electronic device of some kind."
kind of funny between the dvd players, video games and iPods how they can all be entertained.
not necessarily okay….but also much appreciated for such a long drive.

and another photo from the back seat…
i love dramamine.
it's my new favorite travel friend.
they were all out for a long time…it was awesome!!

we arrived at our friends' UTAH home early afternoon.
so good to see them!
so nice of them to let us all crash with them…seven is not a small number.

their oldest son josh took us to the skatepark near by so we could see his skills.
not too shabby….
as a mother i was nervous and i kept flinching.
josh was fun to watch 
but can you imagine that view at the park?  it was everywhere….mountains!!

pretty cute right?
josh is the nicest kids just adore him.

our friends we stayed with, rod and lynette, were our youth pastors when craig & i were in high school.
(long long ago..)
they had to put up with so much from us as kids…and now they had to put up with OUR kids.  

they moved to utah a few years ago to be part of a church plant called Daybreak.
we got to go to it!
that was awesome…we saw their ministry up close…met their friends…we loved it.
rod and allie, their 14 year old daughter play guitar on the worship team.

then you walk out of church and there are those mountains again!
i couldn't get used to it.

we all ate lunch with other friends jason and nicole and their kids after church.
10 children and we actually got to talk…we went to playplace.   
what a smart choice…i wouldn't have thought of that.

i noticed that one child is missing here…a twin.
he must have scooted right out of the shot.



they played on this curb for a long time.
so funny what they choose to entertain themselves.


it was fun to check in with jason and see how utah is for them.
they moved to utah from oklahoma.
and i finally met nicole!  i've heard about her for years.  she's a blog reader.  ;)

i got annie down for a nap and immediately the big girls left for….

it was all i had hoped for…i miss that place.

i found goodies. (not the stuff on the car…that's an ikea display)
lauren found goodies.
we saw this license plate right after….very appropriate.

we met up with everyone else for dinner.
such good pizza!


then over to boondocks where josh works.
it's got an arcade, lazer tag, go-karts and bumper boats.
so basically….heaven for my kids.


everyone rode go-karts but annie.

oh yes…that means me.
i got to ride.
we said "we're just going for a sunday drive"
and after four laps we asked to quit.  
we were the only two out on the track.
we pulled over and i shouted "we're bored!"  
the guys were disappointed in us.
the thrill is just not there for me…no desire to beat my friend in a go-kart race…crazy, i know.

we got back and put everyone to bed.
they had a big day of skiing to rest up for.
i sat on the floor in lynette's living room pinning flowers on shirts for etsy.
we all watched a movie…talked and laughed…just like old times.
don't you love the real friendships…that never change…over years and miles?
i do.

ok…that's it for this post.
you are awesome if you made it this far. 
it's like getting trapped watching someone slides…sorry.

but just think of the mountains when i bore you.

princesslasertron - those purple pants are soooooooooooooooooooooooo cool

traci - oh meg!! it looks like you had a wonderful vacation. lots of smiles in those photos. that is the greatest!! utah was beautiful. i would definately love to go back sometime. glad you had a good trip and made it back home safe and sound.

Jennifer P. - You were soooo close to me :)! The Wasatch Front mountains are looming, no? In the late 80’s/early 90’s when all the girls wore that “wall” of bangs–the guys in Utah use to call it their “wasatch front”!
Glad you all had a good time and got back safe!

Randi - What a great vacation! We have a photo with that huge bear … he’s in a gas station, right? He looks cleaner than when we last saw him. 🙂

emily k - whoops. guess its not your nephew. pictures of cute boy distracted me.

Steph - Oh Meg, what a great trip! I felt like I was there. 🙂 I can’t imagine looking at those mountains all the time like that. They are gorgeous! Yeah, we don’t see that in Illinois. lol I loved reading your post and looking at all of your posts. How fun! Yeah, I’m with everyone else, Josh is a cutie! 🙂

emily k - what a fun vacation [: looks like everyone had fun… seems to be a rare thing these days. fun pictures, gorgeous mountains. looking forward to april 11 :]
p.s. your nephew… way cute haha.

Alyssa - love the pictures!! the scenery is just GORGEOUS!! i wouldn’t be able to get used to it ethir!!

meaghan easterhaus - OMG!!!! you have so many comments! these pics are totally gorg!!!! we’re about to move to ft. collins to work at CSU with athletes in action…a ministry of campus crusade. we’ve never been (going in a week for the first time!!!) these pics are killing me! i want to be there so badly! love your fam!

Sue - Your vacation looks like everyone had fun. Those mountains are breathtaking!! The mountains in NJ don’t look anything like that!!
Much love from NJ,

Melanie - Not boring at all! I kept looking at your photos of the mountains – they’re so beautiful, they look fake! Coming from northern Illinois where we barely have hills, these glorious mountains are a site to behold. Thanks for sharing.

ang - This is such a small world!!! I’ve been reading your blog for the past couple of month’s-since Cora was diagnosed. I’m looking at your vacation pictures thinking, man, those people look so familiar! I’m pretty sure that Rod and Lynette grew up in Henderson and still have family around here. I remember when they would bring their kids to the pool and thought they looked like such fun people. Plus, I went to school with Jason’s brother. Wow. Crazy. Looked like a fun trip!

Jenn - Love seeing your pictures! Utah is on our someday list.

Erin - Thanks for sharing your vacation with us! I’m from Nebraska, so I know the sense of wonder that comes when mountains are in sight!

Rachael - I quess I SPY in the car just dosen’t cut in anymore! Rachaelxo

Kirsten - Thanks for taking me along on the trip!

Ashley Ann - The spilled hot chocolate and syrup cracked me up…that is pretty good for 5 kids. I would count it as a good breakfast

Amy - The trip looked awesome and soooo beautiful!!

Aubrey - you CAME to UTAH?! If only I’d happened to go to Ikea that day. But then, you wouldn’t have known if I HAD seen you, I’m so shy, I would have been hiding behind a display gawking. Yes, I’m weird that way.
I keep hearing things about Daybreak, but we like it north of Salt Lake.
Your pictures of the mountains are so surreal–it’s funny, I guess after 15 years, you don’t even notice the mountains anymore, except to be ticked if there’s snow on the tops of them in July. But I do miss them when I go somewhere else because I don’t know if I’m going north or west or up or down. Too bad we didn’t get a whopping snowstorm while you were here–we’ve had plenty this year and are due for another next week. wa-hoo.
I have to know–what’s that pizza place you went to?

Sandy - I’m guessing you didn’t have to play your ‘find the teenager’ game when Josh was around?! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your trip with us – it looks like a GREAT time!!….and far better than being trapped by family videos! 😉

Lisa Liddell - Wow wow wow, looks like an amazing place to visit, and it is so true what you say about true friends, time and distance mean nothing. bless

Lanny Stanard - wow look like a great time and even a trip to Ikea! love it now go get Waffle I’m having withdraws! stop by soon there’s some new changes happen…
Lanny 🙂

elisa - Ha- I thought the same thing about Lauren and Josh. 🙂
Loved that last picture of you!
Still planning to stop by next month and say hi!

Ashley - sounds like a wonderful time! The mountains ARE so beautiful. Don’t you just love family trips? I’m glad your back.

Diane - Makes me want to visit Utah! Looks gorgeous there. Talk about photo ops, you got some awesome pictures in.

Gini - Looks like a most amazing time. I will tell you, after 36 years in CT, the 8 years we have lived here in NV – I have just about fallen in love with our mountains. Though not snow covered as much as in your photos – you grow to miss them when you are not around them. It is almost like they are hugging our life everyday. Great great pictoral!

Shana - I totally see why Lauren had so much fun…that josh is CU-UTE!

Irene - But I love your entries – even if very long! Your updates and great photos were missed while you were away. I only came across your blog over the past few months (first time commenting!) but have flicked through much of the back-catalogue – thanks for sharing!

carissa... brown eyed fox - is Utah not SO pretty! we love to go there… we’re actually only 20 miles from the border!
what a fun trip! and it looks like EVERYONE had fun!
oh the drive… i agree… in the car… you can not have enough electronics… they sure help A LOT!
on a trip to see friends sounds like a perfect week!
had i known you’d be in the area… i would have hunted you down just for a hug! 🙂
i bet you are SO glad to be home!!!!
i will pray that all that laundry goes smoothly!
bless your heart!

Shannan - Looks like so much fun! And there’s no way that Lauren doesn’t have a crush on that cute boy, right? Does it make you mad that we’re all saying that? If it does, then I’m sure we’re wrong. I just know that it would have been my dream at that age to stumble upon a cute crush while on vacation. I’m pretty sure I read about it once in a Sweet Valley High book.

Lisa - It looks like you had a great time Meg. You’re family is so cute! You really have a great eye for pictures too.
Take care,

Rachel - Meg; these pictures are great! What an awesome group of friends you have.
We are moving to Colorado from Florida next weekend…travelling with a 24′ truck towing a car and me and Love in the other car…oh boy….am I nervous for my hubby to drive that truck with a car attached but I can’t wait to see those mountains!

kristine - great start to your vacay! gorgeous pics! isn’t it amazing?! you could have stayed w/ my sis in ft. collins (jennifer!) Four kids but no pool 🙂

kirbey - I love the pictures, they are amazing! Your blog makes me want to hurry up and have kids, and learn to sew!

adrienneK - such great pics i think my fave is the one of……josh in the air on the bike very good pic mama!!!

Staci - Oh are you KIDDING me??? I could never get “bored” reading your trip!!! What fun! And yes, I agree, friendships like that are just priceless 🙂

Brooke - it looks like you had a truly amazing time…my dad lives in northern utah and we trekked it out there this christmas and he too had one of these gorgeous mountain views right out his back door…i definitely wouldn’t mind doing the dishes as much if i got to stare at that while doing the chore.
love all the photos..especially the bear hug cute!

Laura Phelps - So, exactly how inappropriate is it for me to have a crush on JOSH???????
Looks like that “kid” that was on Lipstick Jungle.
Oh dear…am I a COUGAR?????????

Helen - For a girl that’s only been out of the UK 4 times in her 23 years, your post has just stirred up a whole load of wonderlust in me. It looks an amazing part of the world to live in or visit. Thank you for bringing it to my small corner of England. All I have to do now is see it in real life!
Keep up the great blog and those brilliant photos!
Best Wishes

andrea liese - you are never boring to me and you are just a stranger, lol. looks like a fun trip, love all the pics

Tess S. - those mountains are breathtaking!

Julia - We get to experience the mountains when we go on vaca to NC – nothing as grand as the Rockies though.
I love the glass goggles pics!

Ashley - What a fun trip and great pictures!! Those mountains make an every day activity so amazing. How neat to actually live there!!!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - I moved to Oklahoma from Utah about 3 years ago, and I MISS my mountains. I totally feel like a dork, but your photos made me giddy. I was going “Oh, I know that place! Oh, she had coffee at Beans and Brews! Oh…I LOVE Daybreak!”. Thanks for the snapshot of home :).

Jess - Looks like a wonderful time! The fact that you take such awesome photos makes your blog so interesting to me. We have talked about going to CO for years now, it looks beautiful. I check in daily…I just love going back and looking at your pics over and over and over! I DREAM of having a craft room like yours(esp. the chalkboard wall). Not that I craft..yet…you make me want to!

Kate - My favorite is the random people on horses in the picture with Josh catching air on this bike. Only in Utah!

sarah - Ps. and I’m glad you guys got to take a big girl trip to Ikea! that place is fantastic.

sarah - I Love hearing about it all!
And seeing the great pictures 🙂
I especially enjoy that Lauren was capturing photos of her sisters.
And the mountains …. oh man! Makes me jealous!

Kaitlyn - I read the whole thing and I absolutely loved it! I’m longing for a trip like that. I love seeing your kids having fun. I LOVED the mountains. Thank you for sharing!

Bailey - Your fascination about the mountains was funny to me, but I guess because I live in Idaho I just take for granted having mountains all around me. Can’t wait to read parts 2 – (?) !

Lee Ann - Loving every word. I’ve been looking….waiting….for a post. Is that odd? Ya, it probably is. But I’m over it…being odd. 🙂
Looks like you all had a great time. And yes, those friendships are THE BEST!!!!

Wendy - Did you eat pizza at The Pie? Looks like you hit most of the hot spots. Fun, fun, fun.

Meg - I loved all of these pictures! Awesome post!

Amanda - In the ‘sleeping in the car’ picture is your son wearing a “The Hippies Were Right” shirt? I have that shirt…I wore it yesterday…

Darby - I read the whole thing and loved every minute! Those moutains! Oh my! Absolutely breathtaking and they’re everywhere!! How beautiful. Glad y’all are home safe!

Kara Janzen - Awesome Megan!!! I LOVED reading about your trip since I actually KNOW Rod and Lynette!! It was so fun to see pictures of them. Such a small world! Looks like you had so much fun. It’s so beautiful there–maybe we’ll have to make that trek sometime. Also, it was good to see you the other week in KS. Maybe one of these days I’ll see your kiddos again. Take care!

Jennifer - P.S. The mountains… took my breath away… like I could reach out and touch them! Wow!

Jennifer - Oh my gosh… I loved looking and reading this post! I actually felt like I was on vacation! I had a smile on my face the entire time!
Ok… any chance that Lauren and Josh might hook up? Because he is a C.U.T.I.E.! (Just curious. wink. wink.)
Glad you had fun… or are you still there? If so, have lots more fun… and shop at IKEA for the rest of us that wish we could go!

jennifer - It looks like you had such a wonderful time! We moved to CO almost 5 years ago from CA and I still am in awe of the mountains here. And they’re even more awesome in Utah, so I know what you’re saying! Hope you enjoyed your quick pass through Fort Collins. That’s where we are and we love it.
God is so good to bless us with friendships. There is just nothing quite like a good, true friend.
Thanks for sharing and welcome home!

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we made it.

only a short 19 hour trip back to kansas yesterday.

with 5 kids in the car.
it was actually fine…not as bad as it seems like it would be.
there wasn't any singing campfire songs but many movies were watched, video games & music played.


utah was beautiful.
we got to look at this everywhere we went the entire time.

now it's back to reality.
i have to pick up the dog…get some groceries…start on the laundry…clean out the car….

Steph - Welcome back! That photo is gorgeous! I can’t wait to go and read your posts about the trip and to look at your photos. 🙂

Sandy - That’s an AMAZING picture! We’re glad you made it home safely!!

Lisa - Glad you’re back now. Hope your family had a wonderful time. Can’t wait to see and hear all about it.
Take care,

Nina - welcome back! love that picture and hope you’ll post some more….

chas at the wild raspberry - wow. that photo doesn’t even look real…it is amazing!
welcome home. {i hate the cleaning out the car part of a trip…and catching up the laundry!}


liz - how funny – before i read the post i saw your picture and thought “oh, that looks like home. but i’m sure it’s somewhere else. why would they be in utah?” (i live in CA now) and then. . .you were in utah. i love how familiar some things are.

Ashley Ann - I’ve been checking the blog waiting for those vacation posts…selfishly glad you are back and will be posting again…sad for you that you couldn’t have stayed longer.

sarah - Gorgeous!
Never been. want to go.

Amber - Ummm so wait. You only give us one picture? 😉 j/k.

Emily - You visited my stomping grounds! Yay! I guess I’m lucky I get to look at those mountains everyday. Good Luck getting back to normal, whatever that is, right?

Wendy - Oh I so miss those mountains!!!!!!! I am a New England transplant originally from Utah. I haven’t been home in a couple of years, but we are headed there this summer and I can’t wait to see my mountains!! (Oh, and my family too, of course. LOL!)

ang - What a great pic!!! Totally addicted to your blog-glad you’re back and that you survived a great family vacation!!!

Shana - OMGosh! I wouldn’t have been able to leave that view…of course I am soooo happy to have you back home.

Julia - 19 hours!!! I thought my 13 1/2 hour trip was bad (I’ll be doing that next Friday).

Anya - That’s just amazing…..makes me want to visit America one day!

Melissa Mae - wow, you’re right by my house in this picture! well, my parents house where I USED to live 🙂

Sara - Glad you made it back in good spirits…the ride home can be iffy at best. Cool picture, welcome home!

Staci - Oooh, beautiful! Never been to Utah, looks amazing. Glad you are back. Re-entry back into the real world is so hard 🙁 I’ll say an extra prayer for you 🙂

Michelle - Hi, Meg.
I was given a blog award and have passed it on to you. I so enjoy reading your blog! Please stop over and read my post and feel free to pass the award along.

Wendy - Looks familiar. We moved from there last summer but drive there frequently to visit my mom, my sister and lots of friends and relatives. Hope you enjoyed it. Glad you’re back. Good luck on the laundry.

Starnes Fam - We lived in Colorado and finally sold our house….headed to Kansas City. Excited about the move…..great for my husband’s career and a good move overall….but I will miss the Rocky Mountains. Lovely.

Laura - losing your blog and daily inspiration was worse than Lipstick Jungle going off of the air.

Lisa Liddell - Wow, that view is amazing! Missed your blog this week.

Regina (QueenieBee) - BEAUTIFUL!!! Glad you’re back…I’ve realized this week that I’m addicted to your blog. 🙂 Do they make one of those patches for blog addiction?

katherine - Gorgeous! Glad you’re back…

Ashley - Wow! That is just amazing! So huge… and right there. Beautiful!

sandy toe - How beautiful…just like a picture~
sandy toe

Kendra - Gorgeous! Absolutely breathtaking! I will have to put Utah on my list of places to visit before I die. Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to hear about your trip.

heather lea - what an amazing view!

kat - That picture is incredible! My husband and I used to do yearly ski trips to SLC before we had children. So beautiful! Glad you made it home safely and had a wonderful trip!

Shann - Glad you had a safe trip! Seeing those beautiful mountains makes me wonder why the heck I live in Illinois???? Flat, flat, flat! 🙂

Leah - Glad you are back! Husb and I went to Utah last December…totally loved it! Moab was our favorite city!

Gayle - HEY! I thought I recognized those mountains! I’m 30 minutes north of SLC – it IS beautiful here!

Amanda Jo - Oh to have a view like that in my backyard! 🙂 Glad you made it back safely!!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Oh my gosh!! I’m from Utah! I think I can see my mom’s house in the distance :). Ohhh darn, that makes me homesick. I’m glad you had a great trip.

Trish - so pretty! i’ve never really been out west, just a lay over in CA for Hawaii 🙂 which i don’t think really counts?! can’t wait to hear all about your trip!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Beautiful! Glad you had a safe trip.
Heidi Jo the Artist

kasey - i’m jealous. I love it there.

Keri R. - Those mountains look like they are painted! Beautiful!

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