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Category Archives: traditions

i like this.

halloween always seems a little crazy don’t ya think?
but at the end of the day it always feels like it was fun…. right?
we painted our pumpkins instead of carving because of time.
and i like doing it 1000 times more that way anyway.

my trick-or-treaters got bunches of candy and were completely exhausted at bedtime.

fall is so beautiful here in kansas.
i never feel like i appreciate it enough.
i try but how can we really grasp it all?  it is GORGEOUS all around us!
and changing literally by the minute.
i was reminded again that fall is my favorite season.

we are headed for a hike in the woods today to soak it up while we can.

happy saturday!

Rach - I cannot wait for a little true Fall next weekend! Yay!

Erin Shannon Thibodeau - As a mom who has lived through this (26 and 22 year old)… Separate the ideas….Pumkins either early October or after dh fact..Haloween

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I like your people.

Amy K. - I was all set to rue the day I ever thought of making my kids’ costumes until my oldest said, “I’m so glad you’re the kind of mom who spends time making exactly the costume we want instead of making us choose something at the store.” Well played, kid, well played!

tara - i love those painted pumkins.

we didn’t paint or carve this year.
but, we did have 4 other families over and we had a big pot of chili with all the fixins’ and then we all walked the neighborhood together for trick or treating…so much fun.

enjoy that hike! fall is my favorite, too! for sure!!!

happy weekend.

Kristin S - I know I might look ridiculous, but I wish they made Annie’s leggings/tights in grown-up size. I love them!

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it’s a tradition.


we try to make it here every year.
we have missed a few times usually because it’s over 100 degrees or there was a drought.
but remember all that rain we have had in central kansas?  20+ inches in a few weeks?
well it caused flooding all over the place but in this case… it was SO COOL!
the waterfall we visit has been dry before and sometimes it has a little stream.




talby reenacting an old favorite photo of ours…





we thought it would have water.
but THIS is unbelievable!
this is in KANSAS!







It was amazing.
we said a few times that we may never see it like this again…. ever.
kansas doesn’t get water like this.


i wanted some pictures with lauren since it would possibly be the last time she was with us here.
scott is a character… always joking around.




look at all those kids in one shot.
i can’t believe that all of those people were in my belly at one time.
they are all mine.


and i get this guy too?
i am one lucky lady.




kinda creepy how alike craig and scott look….




It is such a cool place.
And every time it’s different.
i love that.

you can see the other times we have visited this place…..

2012   *  2010   *  2008

there are probably more posts but i can’t find them.
oh well.


beth larson - Meg!!! Is that your own personal waterfall? If not how did you possibly have it all to yourself? Such wonderful shots of your beautiful family frolicking in the water together…
and now let’s talk about all the other amazing photos in this post…you are a rock star photographer girl!!!! Love all the critter pics so much- thanks for making me smile again this morning, xo b.

p.s. your family is so darling!

Kimberlee Jost - Just sittin’ over here weeping in my coffee over the fam.
All of them.

Tracie K - Great family photo, I don’t even know you but it brought tears to my eyes *happy* tears!!

Tiffany - You have a beautiful family, and I’m so happy for you to have this chance to create family memories! What a lovely place to spend quality family time!

Whitney - UGH, last comment did not belong on this post… now I just sound crazy and random 🙂

Whitney - This is going to sound stalkerish, but every time I see photos of your house I always think, “I want all of the stuff in her house it all looks so beautiful! But I will never find any cool stuff like that in thrift stores here!” WELL, today, looking at these pictures I saw that you have the same ALL laundry detergent bucket I have that I got last summer at a thrift store… yay! But why does yours look so much more awesome than mine?! (My husband thinks I was crazy for buying it, btw.)

Whitney - WOW! They do look alike! They are all so grown up, beautiful family! And the waterfall looks amazing too!

tracy fisher - that last picture made me smile. how awesome. -tracy

Erika - Hi Meg! I live in KS and am curious where this place is? I’d love to take my family there sometime. If you get the time, would you mind slipping me a note to let me know? thank you!!

Lisa - The waterfall is beautiful, but so is all the scenery around the lake. I love the Flint Hills, and all the Kansas prairie! I’ve been wanting to take a tour of the Kansas waterfalls, and this looks like a great one to start with. “Pinning” the beautiful scenery pics!

Renee - Is this place a secret!? Where is it? 🙂 Awesome!!

Also, how do you get your pics to be side by side like that – love the editing!

shar y - This is a great post. Lovely photos of nature + your wonderful family. Win-win! Those lovely kids of yours, wow!! And, the water, amazing! Truly blessings all around!

Gale - wow – so cool!! Where is this? I’d love to go someplace in KS with great water – I miss that the most living here. Fun to look back at the old posts and see how much your sweet kids have grown!! 🙂

Keshet Starr - Adorable photos! And an important question–where can I get that chevron skirt??

Gina - Wow, all those people were in your belly at one time? That’s amazing! How did they end up being different ages? 😉

Lisa - The first time I ever read your blog was this 2008 post! I was instantly smitten! 😉 I loved your pictures and that you had a big family. Your post in 2008 (and again today) made me want to visit Kansas just to visit this awesome place! So beautiful!

Becca Sutton - It’s so weird that I can look at these pictures and know that your kids are growing up. How long have I been looking at pictures of them?? It made me a tiny bit sad! The modern world is so bizarre!!

Dara - do you live near there? I’m going to be in that area over labor day, I may just have to stop by there and see this in person!

amy jupin - your pics are gorgeous, as usual.
loved seeing your whole family all together.
especially lauren. she’s so beautiful.

Bethany - Awesome waterfall and the blue of the sky is amazing! Looks like a lot of fun.

Julie - You have a very lovely family – I think it is great that you have some annual traditions. This is what your family will remember, when hey have their own families.

meg duerksen - This is the Chase Co. Fishing Lake near Elmdale/Cottonwood falls. You walk over the dam and down to the left at the end.

Gina - What precious memories and priceless pictures!! 🙂

KirstenP - What an awesome place! Love the photos of all the kids, especially the color photo of the five of them in the water all fitting together like a puzzle. And the close-up of Annie is beautiful – so pretty and grown-up!

Amanda - That is incredible!!! The family photo at the very end is absolutely perfect. =)

Necole @seriouslysassymama - That looks like fun. Boy would we here in Texas have loved that rain. My herb garden is kaput. We are only allowed to water once or twice a week. I love all the green!

Tammy - Ok, I have to know where this is. I grew up in Wichita and now live in Oxford. Talk about a small town! The waterfall is wonderful, we must take a road trip.

happygirl - Great memories you’ve captured here. I love traditions.

Lisa M. - Awesome pictures! What memories. Thanks for sharing!

Tracy - You got some great photos of your family!!

I can’t believe that’s in central Kansas!

Kristin S - Oh, Meg, these pics are treasures! With Lauren going off to school, so fun you got all five plus you two all together.

(don’t call the grammar police)

Jenn - Beautiful pictures! Beautiful family!

Gemma - Lovely photos! It’s so much fun to look at the pictures through the years!

Gemma x

kimberly oyler - cute pics of you and your guy!

Jen - Absolutely beautiful family and absolutely beautiful pictures. Happy memories for sure!

Rebecca - What strikes me is how tall Annie is getting. Wow~ When I started reading you I will never forget the story of you having a Bible study at your house and having to send someone to one house for toilet paper and someone to another house for cheese for the dip, becuase you are out and Talby comes down to report that Annie has gotten into some yellow paint and it’s everywhere, even on a television!!! Remember that?

Stephanie - WOW. This brings tears to my eyes, and I’m not sure why. Seeing your family all together just after Lauren left for college just seems so bittersweet. And it will be my own family here in three short years. But Kansas. Oh, I miss Kansas. I love the big sky and grasses. In Florida it’s hard to have a view (where I live, at least) because of all the pines. That waterfall is gorgeous.

Tiffany - If nothing else this photo made me want to schedule my family photo immediately. Can’t believe the differences through the years, wow.

Amy - We live in KS too! Where is this beautiful waterfall? We live in KC but often travel to Wichita and Hutch or Sterling, KS if you’ve ever heard of that. Love your blog.

Melissa - That looks so fun! The waterfall is crazy.

admin - it’s from old navy last summer Donna.

Donna - LOVE that skirt! Where did you get it? I must have one.

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class of 2013


well… she graduated.
we are VERY proud of her.
the ceremony was outdoors and the sky was so dark… even lightening in the distance.
it was nice to not be SO HOT but the weather was very iffy and made me nervous.
as soon as it ended the entire stadium emptied almost immediately.
it was raining shortly after. 


so we did not get photos of her afterward with friends or with her tassel,etc.
but we got this one really quick before the ceremony.
she got a new dress and looked so pretty! 


our party almost didn't happen because of the weather.
there was even a tornado 30 minutes away!
i said "well… it's not a TRUE Kansas party without a tornado watch"


she requested rainbow cake.
i hadn't made one in a few years…. remember when i first made it?
way back before they were EVERYWHERE.
BEFORE martha stewart.
granted martha's was very professional looking and perfect.
but mine is filled with a mama's love.
perfection is not the goal. 

it was so fun to make it again.

we kept the snacks and drink very simple.
and credit to my boys… they helped me big time preparing the food.
they rocked yesterday!
it was "Duerksen Team Effort" for sure all week long.
that was a huge blessing we kept it simple since it POURED hard rain just before the party.
anything elaborate we would have done would've been ruined.



every party should have a baby.
it should be a rule.
so many of craig's family came by to wish lauren good luck in college and give her hugs.
one great thing about big milestones like graduations or weddings is seeing the family you don't see as often.


lauren with my mom and lauren with craig's mom.



it was so fun to have my friends show up to love on me as well as lauren. 
high school graduation is big deal for the kids but also a BIG DEAL for the parents too!
and they snuck off and were cleaning up in my kitchen and doing dishes when i wasn't looking.
grown up friends are the best! 



although… i prefer babies at parties that are not wearing K-State onesies.
he is so cute that i made an exception.
i was so busy that i never even got to hold this guy! lauren took over as baby holder for this party. 



family friends that we have had since i was 8 years old came to celebrate. 
(my dad did not get the memo about the black shirt…)

i LOVE that they came.
that is love ya know?  showing up for your people.   taking the time.  it is meaningful. 
it makes me teary.  






craig was face timing with his sister during the party.
isn't that fun?  she got a little tour of the party and said hello.  
2013 is pretty awesome. 


i took an after photo this morning since it was too crazy yesterday.
our new little patio that we put in and all the pots of flowers make this place even happier.
it's so peaceful out there.
my chippy painted metal benches got new cushions. (home depot online)
i used all old pots, buckets and planters i already had to plant flowers inside.
the bunting is the same as what i sell in my shop…not weather proof but who cares.
it holds up just fine.

great party.

i think lauren felt loved.
and that was the most important part of yesterday for me.


and now i am going to go sit on that yellow bench.


Lynn - Congratulations and many blessings to you and your family. Your daughter Lauren has such a God blessed sweet spirit. Kudos to you as parents.

TAB - What a lovely party, lovely family and lovely grad. She’s beautiful.

Heidi - Beautiful post all-around. Our family recently drove 8 hours round trip (with two small kids) to attend a family graduation and we were so glad we did!

Rhonda Quaney - She is such a beauty. I can just feel her gentleness from here. Had to pray for your sweet girl. And every party should definitely have a baby. Your graduation party was complete with love, darling-ness, ….and the baby. Thanks for sharing it all.

Barbara (WA) - What a special day beautifully done! Time flies (my sons are in their 30’s now). Have a great after the big event weekend!

Kat - I got all teary seeing Lauren so grown up, so I can only imagine how you feel.
What a gorgeous girl.
You have inspired me with your potted colour everywhere. So many beautiful flowers and I adore the pots.
Simple but oh so effective. One of those things that I often think I must do but rarely get around to.
We need some pops of colour on our deck as it is autumn and soon to be winter here in Aus.
It looked like a beautiful, colourful party, full of love.

Whitney - Love your patio, I want those benches!
Second- I cannot believe how grown up Lauren is! Gorgeous girl! I wish she let you tell us more about her life… so happy for you all, the party looked wonderful. Best wishes for Lauren in the future!

Angie - Congrats to Lauren! What a huge moment in all your lives
The party looked amazing. Your rainbow cake turned out just perfect
Wishing Lauren a future full of blessings 🙂

Bree - Congratulations to your daughter and to you all! Prayers for her transition into this new season of life. On another note-new pictures for the shop- yellow daisy picture, flowers with the green chair, and the fabulous yellow chick in the Barbie car! Love it! Happy and blessed week to you.

Barbara - Congratulations HS so many memories made in those short four years, love the patio all of it!

Kayla - Lauren, you are beautiful. You look so happy in your pictures! Congratulations on your graduation. Thanks for letting us get a glimpse of your life….we don’t see you enough on your mom’s blog. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

Rach - I never knew until I became a parent how emotional all of our children’s milestones are on us as the parents. Our eldest is just finishing her first year in pre-school next week (which I am sure seems like so long ago for you after watching your eldest just graduate from high-school) and I find myself filled with heartache at the passing of such a milestone in her life. There will be so many more of these end of the school year events in her life and with each I will shed a tear as I watch her grow and thrive and get one step closer to leaving our home to become her own person and start her own life. Congratulations Meg on raising a wonderful young woman. May she only continue to thrive and grow outside the shelter of your heart and home.

elisa - I love the pic with your daughter surrounded with older women on the porch. We all need older women to look up too and help shape us.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - She did it!!!!! I remember my HS grad and party like it was YESTERDAY. Weird??
Your party was awesome. You looked so pretty. Lauren, too.
I’m glad your people showed up for you. 🙂
Hope you all felt way loved.
And I was going to tell you that I’m probably going to steal your bunting idea but I figured it was waterproof. Since it’s not, I’m extra-on it!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Congrats to your beautiful Lauren!

Tracy - Congratulations to Lauren and your whole family! Next year we will be celebrating my oldest’s high school graduation. I can’t believe it! Where has the time gone??
Where has Lauren decided to go to school? I’m in KC and went to KU. My husband went to Missouri. My son is leaning toward Mizzou 🙁 I feel the same way about K-State as you do!!
BTW I love your blog!

chrissi - congrats to lauren. what a wonderful circle of family and friends that came to show their love for such a pretty girl. (congrats to mom and dad too for getting through a graduation day/party.)

Lisa - Such a big deal having a child graduate high school! Congratulations to both of you!

Lori Austin - Congrats to Lauren (btw, she is so beautiful!).
Looks like a wonderful celebration with family.
You bright, fun patio is fantastic.
Container flowers turned out beautiful as well.

Rachel Reeves - It looked special and sweet, Meg.
A day that she won’t soon forget.

susan - Congratulations to Lauren! Love to read about FAMILY gatherings. Memories
to keep forever.
Meg, you have a beautiful family. Blessed by your writing.

Carol S. - It all looks wonderful. Congrats to you and your family. Good things are coming next! Freshman college son just home now and we are enjoying a “new and improved” version of him. After a year of independence, he seems engaged and appreciates of home and our family. Yay! Gotta plant more large buckets of flowers and get some festive bunting…fantastic inspiration pics. Awesome patio.

Tiffany - This makes me happy. I’m so glad you have such fantastic family and friends around you. What a blessing. (And your place looks SUPER cute!) (AND, Martha has nothing on you.)

Amy - I just love everything about you. (As much as I can know from reading your blog for the last four+ years) Except the fact that you don’t love K-State. Oh well. No one is perfect. 🙂
Just kidding.
Congratulations!! The party looks amazing! Your family is beautiful!

Dawn Gross - Congratulations! That’s a big milestone.
Your house looks super cute – patio is lovely.
Glad you all are safe & sound.

Mac - Congratulations to Lauren and your family on her graduation. Your rainbow cake which I saw on the Poppytalk blog a couple of years ago is what inspired me to start following your blog. It certainly is a great symbol for your happy, optimistic but always realistic blog which I continue to enjoy every morning once my 4 children are off to school.

Kristin S - Beautiful!

misty - congratulations lauren!!! I have been following your blog since july of 2008 & it doesn’t seem possible that your lauren is graduating!
love your seating area & those striped cushions. what a fun party. I alway associate a rainbow cake with you meg! not martha! i think martha must have ppl reading your blog to find out what’s cool 😉
stay safe from this crazy weather! we have been taking cover & praying.

elma - What a wonderful party!! Congratulations to Lauren may the Lord be with her and Bless her!!

The Domestic Fringe - Congrats to your daughter! Looks like a fabulous party. Love the cake.

vicki - You, my darling, can make anywhere feel like a home. What a lovely way to go through life. Your daughter is breathtaking. Congratulations family. And friends. And family friends. I firmly believe it takes a village….congratulations village…what a lovely woman you have all raised. Happy summer to you and your dear family. Good luck young lady on what lies ahead.

Pat - congratulations to Lauren on her big day! I must say, that yard looked like the perfect place for a party. I’m a little jealous, wished that was my happy patio!! You guys did an amazing job!

Alicia @ La Famille - congrats to your little girl!!! and your pictures are so happy! glad the weather held up for you. 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Beautiful.
I am happy that Lauren feels loved, and that you do, too.

Georgia - Love the photos, lauren looks so grown up!
Good luck to her, college next?
I dont know how it works in the USA, as she would still be in 6th form, or college in the uk.. confusing! 🙂 x

Cindy in WA - Congrats to Lauren!!! My oldest is graduating in a few weeks too! Is she going to a local college or far away?

jerusalem - ok, now I am weepy too! I have a yellow glider like yours-it was my great-grandmothers and came here all the way from Mississippi. I love it and I love your little patio area.

Chantelle - Congrats to you all. Lauren is a beautiful girl! PS: love the cake!

Susan - Congratulations to your pretty daughter, Lauren. She will treasure this moment forever. Congratulations to you and your husband. These moments are bittersweet. However, she will still need you both and she will seek your counsel in the days and years to come. Then, one day, you will discover that not only do you love her but you like her! Those are precious moments also. From a mom who has already traveled that road, it seems that you did a GOOD JOB!

lisa currie-gurney - Congratulations to you and Craig.
You’ve done it.
God is good.
So good.
Hugs From My Heart

Katey - Congratulations to the Whole Family!!! My son graduated last year and I will have another one next year. It goes by way too fast!! It’s tough. Tough on everyone. Glad you had a nice party and loving memories of the day.

Terrie G - Congrats to Lauren & You & Craig!! You are so right…it is a big deal for the parents too!
I worried about all of the graduations going on with our crazy weather yesterday!
Glad that you were able to celebrate & all were safe.
LOVED the rainbow cake! And your home was decorated beautifully.
Lauren is growing up into quite a beautiful young lady!
And that baby!! I must say, I had to make sure I was reading your blog
when I saw the K-State onsie..but I thought it was the cutest outfit EVER!! Wink, Wink!!
Hope your week is relaxing!! 🙂
I’m off to buy flowers…well, maybe after this storm passes!
Can you believe I haven’t even purchased one yet this year!

Jennifer - So fun, a day she will remember forever!

sally - Awww, everything was beautiful…Lauren, you , family, flowers, just everything!! 🙂 I love having family get togethers like this at my home over a restaurant or other place any day!! 🙂

Ana - Congrats Lauren!!! Best Wishes for her in this brand new fase of her life. This is awesome. Congrats for you too Meg!! Beautiful party, flowers, cake and FAMILY.

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oh boy.
i am not sure if i am ready….maybe today is the day to get moving. 

we did get our tree up.
since we have a fake tree it's pretty easy to just get it out and put it up….no cold weather to fight or finding the perfect tree. (i didn't get out the tree so i can't technically say it's easy…but i tlooks easy)

i let the kids do ALL the ornaments.
i gave in last year and realized it was the best idea… they are able and i can relax.
no ornaments broke this year!


we start with the family ornaments first….all different random ornaments i have collected since i got married.


scott was at the gym and lauren was dying her hair…but three is plenty to decorate a tree.

after the family box is empty then they get to put on their OWN special ornaments.
i keep each child's ornaments in their own box.
every year i pick out an ornament for them that represents something that happened that year
or something they would like.
and then we keep them seperate from the family ornaments.
it's very special to them to hang their own special ones themselves.



craig made a fire in the fireplace and we all sat ont he couch and watched ELF.

(sean and i recited this entire scene over breakfast today) 



this year our family ornament is from lisa leonard's shop.
it's so pretty.
i chose the star ornament for us.



they are lovely keepsakes.
and make wonderful gifts for friends and family.

IMG_3998 IMG_3991

she has a heart and a stocking ornament also.

Use the code:  ornament2011 for 10% your order

(also….all of her jewelry would make ANY lady on your christmas list very happy… go find something)



Steel Building - This Christmas tree id looking so beautiful. Your blog more beautiful blog as well as like to visit here again for new designs of suits on this Christmas.

code reduction - Christmas are coming and these all Christmas decoration idea is great. It such an excellent . I love to celebrate Christmas.

Heidi Jo the Artist - December sure is whizzing by! Looks like the kids had fun!

Debby Graber - Al’s mom and I both gave our kids ornaments every year. Then when they had their showers before they got married, I gave them their box to go with them to their new home. Now I am buying my grandchildren their ornaments. Allen and I still get an ornament every year – one from someplace we’ve gone that year (like Dauhpin Island this year) or from something that happened (like a squirrel ornament the year the Webers put a dead squirrel in a frying pan on our front porch! You’ll have to ask me about that sometime)

imovie succedaneum on windows - Awesome .. I’m working all weekend, but I enjoy every minute of it. I would love to see the excitement on the faces of my girls when they get home.

Sarah - Love Elf!
Side Note: Did you see the Fiesta Masquerade flatware at Kohls (other places sell it too)? It has your name on it!

Southern Gal - We love Elf! My son and I quote it all the time. Our favorite? “You stink. You smell like beef and cheese. You don’t smell like Santa.” Ha!
We bought ornaments for all our kids to take with them when they got married. Guess what? The oldest didn’t take hers when she moved away. Only a few. I guess I’ll have them forever.

tami - Wow, I still have NO tree up yet, hate doing it lol. Love yours!

karen - i love that tradition you have! i will have to start that with mine.
that star ornament is lovely.

Jennifer S. - What a great tradition. I love Elf!! Watch it several times during the season and still laugh out loud throughout!! Have it recording on the DVR right now 🙂

Toni :O) - My kids have their own boxes of ornaments as well…it’s awesome! When they move out, they have their own collection of ornaments to decorate their own tree with! Um, is it just me or is the 2011 backwards or is it the camera that did that?

Marla - My mom got us an ornament every year and when we got married she packed them all up in a box and wrote this very cute precious poem about leaving home and having our own tree and gave us our ornaments to start our own tree.

Kori - We LOVE Elf!! It’s our Christmas movie. Sooooo funny…his first time on the escalator? Hysterical to me every. single. time. And the cotton balls? Oh my. 😀

kamana - lovely tree, and looks like your little ones are having the greatest time putting up decorations - Meg, love the tree!!!! Elf is one of my fave Christmas movies. We saw it a couple of nights ago. I like the “Smiling” line….”I love smiling….smiling makes me happy” 🙂

Maureen - Sounds like somebody is a crabby elf…

Lena - I SO hate fake trees. And I SO hate all the Christmas decorations already up the first day of December…where’s the original spirit in that? 🙁 I followed this blog quietly for so long now, it’s kind of sad that the first comment I feel like having to write is a negative one XD Fake Christmas Trees make me sick. Honestly. 🙁

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - This year Im holding out for the first real tree we’ve ever had(in 10 yrs of marriage). I cant even explain why I want real; I just do. Ive got my silver/bling tree up in the diningroom(fake) but only real will do for our main tree this year. On a sidenote, I love the size of your tree. Maybe thats my problem: the two fake ones we have are skinny trees and look anorexic to me.
Both sides of our family have bought us each an ornament every year for ages so we have lots of ornaments. I like the separate box idea. Ive just carefully separated the girls out into baggies but obviously that doesnt protect them well.

tara pollard pakosta - that’s so funny I do the exact same thing with my kids having their own box of ornaments and then the family box!
AND they decorated it by themselves this year too!
yay! it was pERFECT!

pam - ahhh!! my kids were just whining a bit about no Christmas tree this year. they said in this heat it won’t even feel like Christmas! 🙂 but they are listening to Christmas music.
i agree…any of her jewelry is a fabulous gift…loving the two necklaces I have from two of my favorite people. 🙂
so good to hear your voice today.

mel @ the larson lingo - a FAKE TREE?!?! For shame! 🙂 just teasing.
I need to get boxes for my girls’ individual ornaments….I have them in our main box, but individual boxes is a much better idea. On my to-do list!

Jack - I love the ornament box idea too! Definitely going to start that this year!

Tanya H - We are the opposite! 🙂 I let them put their own ornaments on first, and then fill the rest of the space with ornaments that must be technically mine… Every year til now my mom and my grandmother send ornaments for each kid, and my great aunt who gave me one every year has given my kids several for the last few years. I have debated letting them choose one from the store for this year…or not. Our tree is small and full! 🙂

Sherry - I LOVE your ornament box idea. My kids are still young, so its not too late to start. Thanks for the great idea!!

Suzy - I let the girls decorate our tree this year too. It was a nice change and they loved it. We have special family ornaments and each of my three girls have their own special ornaments too. What a great idea to give each child a box instead of the mishmash that greets us when we open the Christmas bins! I’m pinning this for when the tree comes down and the ornaments are put away.

Sarah - “You sit on a throne of lies…” Ha ha! That cracks me up – I love the part where he burps a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally loud and long burp and then asks, “Did you guys hear that?!” So funny.

Kari - great idea about the kids each having their own box -i’m going to have to do that…. we have 2 small trees and want to get a third so each child has their own tree 🙂

Cindy - We do the same thing. But we do that because my mom did that. And what’s so cool is that she has given each of us our childhood ornaments that she got us each year. So now, MY ornaments hang along with our family and each of our kids’ornaments from each year. Then one day, I’ll send my kids off with their for their homes when they are grown and married. Great tradition!

TinaM. - bokeh makes me smile !!!!!

casey - Love the organization! What a great ideas! We haven’t had a tree in YEARS and no I think we need one! Thanks alot… (c: By the way, can I move in to your house? Your family seems so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I have got to get rolling too!! We have started some crafting, my paperwhites are already blooming, (way too early I might add) took the pic for Christmas cards but haven’t figured out where I’m ordering them from – but…we haven’t done the tree or any outside decorating, so I guess we better get on it this weekend.
We haven’t watched Elf yet – but we did watch The Family Stone last weekend LOVE that movie for the holidays. Just the right amount of disfunction 😉 xo

Sue - Thankful to have found your blog. Love the photos, the craftiness, and your love for Jesus. Look forward to reading more!

Kayla - You smell like beef and cheese! We only broke one ornament this year….we are making progress!

Jodi - We have a fake tree too, prelit and everything! and as of right now, two lonely ornaments are adorning it… I was really hoping and praying that Christen would want to help trim the tree, but so far… she’s 17 and too cool for that. ;o)
we LOVE Elf, it’s a must watch at Christmas time. It’s one of the few movies I can watch over and over again… smiling, smiling’s my favorite!

Wendy - I like your fake tree. If you got it at a chain store – please share where and what size. Thanks 🙂

Holly - I think we will put our tree up this weekend after we finish some projects around our house! we are in construction mode for sure!

seriously sassy mama - I have three girls, and each year each girl gets to pick out a new ornamnent. I pick on out also. I am going to need a bigger tree one of these days. My sister and can do the mockingbird song from Dunb and Dumber.

Terrie - Love seeing your decorations for your tree…maybe it will motivate me to get started!
I love buying my kiddos an ornament for every year.
The tree looks empty when your kids get married and take their ornaments. 🙁
Loving the family ornament!!
HaPpY HoliDay Preparations!!

Jennifer - Such a fun time of year! You are a wise mama, Meg, to let the kids go ahead and do their own thing with the ornaments. I need to do that with my son–I micromanage the hanging of ornaments a little too much at my house. 🙂 I think I’ll try your approach this year and see how it goes.
That seen from Elf is so funny….I LOVE that movie. We already pulled it out and watched it this week…and will most likely watch it many more times before December is over.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!

elisabeth (bovagoods) - i really need to get some boxes like that to put the girls’ ornaments in. yours look like really nice boxes. are they photo boxes?

amanda - we do the exact same thing – family ornaments first then each kid has a box of their own ornaments that they get to hang themselves and i buy them a new ornament every year. such a fun tradition!

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a different halloween.

for the first time in 16 years craig was gone on halloween.
for the first time in 16 years i had to take my kids trick or treating.
it was always Daddy's job.
i stayed home and passed out candy and kept warm. 


i didn't really know how far to go….
how long…..


side note:  do you remember UnderRoos?

i was wonder woman when i was in first grade too!  
i wore my UnderRoos over cable knit tights and a turtleneck!


but we figured it out.
it was just me and the little girls.
scott and sean were with their friends.
lauren went up to take a nap after school and didn't wake up until 9:30.


afterwards i grabbed a pizza for them for dinner and they ate candy for dessert.

ots of candy.
and we all survived the halloween with out Dad.
we definitely missed him very much.

and i scavenged their bags for any York peppermint patties.
and butterfingers.
my two faves.

i miss the days of the little kids…baby costumes….toddlers trying to say trick or treat.

here are some halloween pics from the past…

2010    2009     2008   2007  




come read about my experience on the Jenny Craig program and enter to win a $100 visa gift card.


i got to review Mary Kay products.  Come read about it and enter to win a Mary Kay gift basket.



Christina - I don’t remember a whole lot about my growing up years, but one thing I do remember is my Wonder Woman underoos. I got them for my birthday, ran straight away to put them on, and came back out with them on AT MY PARTY. 🙂
Your girls are so cute…Annie looks so very big and Talby looks grown up!

Amy - I am new to the blogging world, and I had a friend tell me about your blog! I was shocked when I read the name for your blog because it is so brilliant!! And I love that you give all the glory to God!! He is a good God and deserves it, but not very many people give him the glory. And I love all your photos and really everything! I just really got into blogging a few months ago. I am still working on my style and stuff. But yours is very inspiring that is for sure!! God bless ya=)

Kiki Craig - I had Wonder Woman Under Roos. I wore them EVERY Sunday because as soon as we got home from church, Wonder Woman would be starting on tv. I would run into the house, and spin around just like Linda Carter and try to strip down to my Roos. Ahhh, the memories.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I know what you mean about Daddy taking them trick or treating…My hubby is a firefighter so there were times when mine were little that I’d be in charge. I wasn’t good at that so my sweet brother in law would usually come over and all the cousins would go together and that started a great Halloween tradition. Now they are too old to trick or treat…boo….but we all still get together. Your underroos are too funny!

christine - york peppermint patties is what we gave out this year. it was the first time my boys had them and now… they’re in LOVE ;o)
ps: love your blog!

Rach - OMG UnderRoos. I seriously got a flashback from seeing that picture of them.
We did our first trick or treating Halloween with our 2 1/2 year old and 6 month old. So much fun. I know I will love looking back over the years when my kids are the age your girls are now.
And BTW, 9:30?? Really?? Wow. Oh to be a teenager again.

Jill - Love the first picture of Annie…so cute!
My best friend and I wore our Wonder Woman Underoos all the time when we were little. I have a picture of us when we were 5 and 7 wearing them. She hates the picture, I love it. So I bring it out every chance I get to torture her with it. 🙂 I think I’ll go dig it out now…good times.

Janie Fox - I was so glad when my kids were too big to go trick or treating. We live in the country so everywhere we went was in and out of the car. Mostly strung out family members houses. That is the houses were strung out all over town, the family members were not strung out! haha.

crystal beutler - How in the world did you get out of trick-or-treating for 16 years? You lucky you. Love the pics. So darling. Funny, I was just talking about under-roos last weekend at a costume party. We were thinking we need to get a petition going around to bring them back. They were awesome. So were Granimals. I think they need to make those for men.
I love Peppermint Patties too. And Jr. Mints.

Lena K. - I loved my Wonder Woman Underoos. I would put foil on my wrists and deflect bullets left and right!
Daddy was gone on Halloween over here, too – it was exhausting!

Jennifer - Too cute!

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - Ahhh…Underoos were so cool! They are so cute in their costumes.

Heather G. - Love their costumes!

Georgia - The 1st photo of Annie is by far the coolest photo ever.
Something im sure she will treasure when shes an adult!

kathy - i have that ikea chandelier you showed in 2008 in the pink room. Just want to tell you something to watch out for:
Mine is in my loungeroom and actually what happened is it collapsed from the ceiling (and was left dangling by its cord) because the attachment that comes with it thats attaches it to the ceiling decomposed, its plastic and it breaks down or something?> Anyway ended up getting an electrician to fit a really good quality one. So its back up and all good now. I love that light so much.
So just watch that , because i went into a boutique around the same time and they had several of the same chandeliers hanging, and the same thing had happened to them too.

jennie w. - I wanted Underoos in the worst way but my mom thought they were too frivolous. So I was super thrilled that my daughter wanted to be Wonder Woman this year. I was too lame to buy a costume ahead of time so I was left to sew one the day before. When will I ever learn?
(Did you have tons of people think your daughter was Supergirl? We did. What a bunch of dummies!)

Kerry - good grief meg, I took a look at your previous year’s posts and cant BELIEVE that was a year ago that Annie had those precious little red shoes on!!!
I also dig for the sweets I love. Then I hide them. So mean 🙂
Happy Halloween to you and yours xx

Kit - That Talby. She is such a stunner. Love the look in her eyes in these pics!

Jenn - Totally remember UnderRoos! Were they not the coolest thing or what?! ~Jenn

Annette - Great pics!
I was wondering if you’d be interested in sharing your articles with other like-minded parent bloggers? If yes, please email me at with Parents in the subject line.

Jen Brandt - Totally wore UnderRoos – had Wonder Woman, Daisy Duke, and maybe one other set. Loved them! That first picture of Annie is awesome!

Talysa - At first I was like, “I would not want to mess with that Wonderwoman.” {she looked very into the role} Then, she smiled and I was like, “She’s too cute to zap me.” 🙂
I dig for Baby Ruth and Snickers…which there is a shortage of if you ask me. 😉

beth - My friends and I just had the EXACT same conversation about wonder woman and under roos while we warmed the front porch and the daddies walked the kids around. I had WW’s under roos but I love Annie’s costume–where did you find it??? We saw lots of super girl’s this year, but no WW. Awesomness.

Karen Gerstenberger - Adorable costumes. And congratulations to Lauren and the team on the State Volleyball Championships!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - This was our gal’s very first Halloween, so my hubby and I both went. The weather was actually nice for the first time in my entire life. If it’s always like that, I might go. Otherwise, I’m with you. Staying warm!

Jen - Underoos story.. My sister and I each had Wonder Woman Underoos well she thought with them on she could really fly, so off the couch she went, only she didn’t fly but instead landed on her head on the coffee table, stitches were needed and my mom threw our Underoos away…

4FabFranklins - oooomygosh! Yes! I remember underoos…and garanimals too. Big Daddy and I had the discussion on Halloween that it must be the dads job to take the kids trick or treating. A lot of them wanted to be home before kick-off. =)

Karen U. - I was alone for the first time this year too – hubby out of town! It was very different, but we survived. Glad you did too.

Jeanne - Underoos rocked!!! I was used to jump off the couch with my Wonder Woman Underoos on. We should try those on now:-)

Nancy - We are the opposite this year. I had to stay home and hand out candy. It was ok. Except for the Christmas commercial I saw on Halloween night. Really? Those pics are rad.Your girls are just darling. Underoos. I wanted those so bad and Days of The Week underwear. Someday maybe????

Seriously Sassy Mama - My 6 year old was a pink bat man this year. She was a superhero last year also. I love Halloween.

Leslie @topofthepage - i was totally wonder woman at that age too. my brother was superman that year of course. my mom made our costumes, but i’m certain i had the underoos too. gosh talby is getting so grown up. she has your very beautiful eyes. glad you got to experience the trick or treating. i love it. though i do miss having littles in fluffy animal costumes.

happygirl - I always used to steal the butterfingers. They were bigger back when my son trick or treated. 🙂

TinaM. - I didn’t know kids knew Wonder Woman these days. Good to know 🙂

Joanna W - Yikes Meg! It’s CRAZY to see how much your kids have changed over the last few years. They were and are so precious!

Nikki - Wonderwoman!! how cool! I used to love my Wonderwoman Underoo’s back in the day.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg,
Halloween looks like so much fun in America. We only do it on a tiny scale here in the UK compared to you guys!
Gemma x

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these kids have a lot of nerve growing up so quick.
it's kind of mean.
they just grow and grow….taller and taller….wearing man and woman shoe sizes and think it's fine!


first grade.                                                                    eighth grade.
IMG_3372-3 IMG_3420-8

fifth grade.                                                                    fourth grade.
IMG_3386-5 IMG_3380-4

we started at a new school this year.
more like what craig and i grew up in…..yeah…..S.M.A.L.L… happy about it.
and they were too.
they were nervous but they each fought it…..they were brave……they are BRAVE.
no tears.
and actually not even one "goodbye Mom"  they were just gone….never looking back.

i am proud of them. 


snapped this out my window as i drove home.

it's going to be a great year.
thank you Lord.

(ps….lauren starts on thursday….she was at volleyball practice when we left this morning)


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Aurelia W. Johnson - That’s a great site you folks have been carrying out there.

Doris - so sweet 🙂
great pics!

kristin - what school?!?!?!?

Melanie - Aw, man…I don’t even personally know your kids but just seeing how much they’ve grown and seeing them go off to school almost makes ME cry!

Shannon - Please share where you got Annie’s dress. It’s ADORABLE!! Hope they are having a great week. My oldest stated Kindergarten this week and he HATES going!!! And that makes it hard on Mama too.

Casey - Your photos make me miss Kansas. Such an understated, beautiful place to live!

Cassie - Great first day of school pictures! I love Waffle’s little face peaking through the window in the first picture of the group. You’ve been shopping at The Children’s Place…haven’t you? Love it 😉

Jen Brandt - My 1st grade daughter picked out that same adorable owl lunch bag!

Sara - Love the photo of Kansas…sigh…I miss…

kim smart - you really have a beautiful little family!! i love seeing your photos of them and all the crafts you do together!! i rarely post a comment but wanted to say just how much i enjoy reading your blog! and yes, i too love that waffles is peeking out the window, lol

Lindsey - Beautiful kids… you are a lucky woman. I hope God blesses me with children someday. And I love the first photo with Waffle in the window. So sweet it makes me want to cry.

Libby - So sweet!! I am loving your dog photo bombing the first group pic!! Enjoy your day!!

freckled hen - First day of school pics are always so sweet. You have a beautiful family! I’m so happy to see your 8th grader wearing those black socks as my 9th grader has been wearing them all summer. I’m glad it’s a “style” and not just his style!

Adrienne S - Enjoy your day! I still have about three more weeks before my kids go back to school. I felt your pain about sneaker shopping though. Love the kid prices…not so much adult prices!

Shaina - Miss Talby does not look like a fourth grader, what a beautiful young lady. Annie’s dress is adorbs and the boys look like good ‘ol pre/teenage boys and I love it! Congrats on your first day back to Mom time! Enjoy!

Juli - Oh, poor Waffle looking all forlorn in the background…Waffle wants to go to school too! (or maybe just be in the photos!)

Leslie Davison - Boy your kids are beautiful! Bummer such and early start of school.
I won the prints you offered and I emailed you.
Maybe you didn’t get it.
My email address is

Kerry - aaah man, hope they have had an awesome first day in their new school. I LOVE it that you guys can wear ‘normal’ clothes to school, my poor kids are confined to uniform and they hate it! Here’s to a great year 🙂 xx

SaraG - We love the dress Annie has on – where did you get it??
Hope your first day was happy – ours was all new too and all is going well so far!

kasey - thanks for the p.s. at the end.
I was wondering if Lauren up and left home….

shauna - it’s really so amazing.
this job we have.
starting with these little tiny babies and
then turning around and seeing these…people.
awesome, funny, rude, thinking, feeling, living people.
people that you have loved and raised and labored over every step of the way.
i know, it’s not even close to over (thankgoodness), but you are doing a good job, meg.
you are fighting for your family.
you are the real deal.
i have been working on your banner, and using that time to remember the few things i know about you and your children and praying for them as i put each part together.
just wanted you to know that.
now go put your feet up sister!

amy jupin - big day.
big kids.
no lauren?
you made it mom, you made it.
you deserve some sonic.
with vodka.

colleen from alabama - We’ve been back since last Wednesday! My oldest started middle school! Don’t Blink huh?

Rach - No more bike riding to school?

Rebecca W - what a bunch of good lookin’ kids! glad to hear you survived the summer!!

happygirl - Wow, school already. I can’t believe how fast summer went. Did you finish your chalkboard list?

Kate S. - Love Talby’s expression in that last group shot–she’s such a cutie!

Lisa - LOL – before I got to the end of your post I was thinking “Where’s Lauren?” 🙂 Our kids do have some nerve growing up on us…

Jenna - This made me tear up! How do we stop them from growing??

Jen - My daughter wore the same dress today for her back to school outfit as Annie has on!!! Gotta love the ruffles!
Hope you have a great(quiet) day!

Tiffany - I’m a recent follower. Got hooked with your summer fun list idea. We created one of our own this year. I have two kids 3 1/2 years and 4 months. I’m a teacher, but had a fun summer staying home with them and doing stuff on the list. Have you ever done a Fall or Winter fun list? I’m working on one now because I realized I needed some fun things written down to look forward to. I need to remember that just because summer is ending, it doesn’t mean our fun has to!

Debra - I can’t believe those girls aren’t wearing something bright coloured and happy! They look great though.

Courtney - I LOVE Annie’s outfit!!
After following your blog for two… three? years now I can’t belive how big they all have gotten (I’m in denial of my own!) or that sweet little Annie is old enough for 1st grade! Tell them to stop growing, because if your sweet annie can be old enough for 1st grade, that means my daughter really is in her last year of preschool this year, and I don’t want to admit that ONE bit!

Melisaa Barber - Don’t high black nike socks just kill you?! That’s all my teen-age son will wear too! And smaller schools are better. There are less than 100 kids per grade here.

Sandy - I LOVE Annie’s first day of school outfit. ADORABLE!

Ali - Such great back to school pics of their bags and lunches and of course your beautiful kids! 🙂 How did you decide to change schools? Are they all at one school? Did you choose private school? I’m so curious about how you found a small school! I’d love to my kids to go to a smaller school!
~ Ali

the whyte house - my oldest starts kindergarten this week. wichita has ALL DAY kindergarten. GOD BLESS THEM. only 365 days til the next child can go, too. hahaha. 🙂
way to tackle the new school like champs!!

Ali - My child NEEDS Annie’s Dress!! Where, please? So totally cute;)

casey - I agree, I don’t even know you or your kids but I so much enjoyed seeing pics of their first day of school! I was sadden yet excited for them! I can’t wait to hear about how their first day went!
Oh and how as your day?????? (c;

elisa - Love the one with Waffle looking out the window.

Marie Smith - Wow, they let kids wear flip flops to school. Not here….

beth - Can’t get over how much Talby looks like you 🙂 Hope their day is great!

lynne - Seriously adorable kids. Now I have another blog to read! So excited!! Found you from Being Happy. I get mad too when my kids get old. How DARE they!!!

tiffany m gardner - Beautiful children. I know…growing up is bitter sweet. My kids are at a small school now…but when jr. high comes it a different story in okc. Maybe the Lord will change our directions by then and if not…I will depend on his grace. Enjoy your day!

alicia @ la famille - yeah for mama time….BOOOO for kids growing up TOO FAST!! i agree. RUDE! have a good day though 🙂

Pamela Gordon - You have such beautiful children! I’m sure they’ll love there new ‘smaller’ school. Lord Bless you and them!

Katie - Beautiful kids! You did it, you made it through summer. Pray for me because I have 2 more weeks!

kat - Sweet back to school pictures! Enjoy your much deserved time to yourself!!!

Holly - so cute! I hope they all have a great day!

Zoet en Zo - Hope they’ll have a great year. Here three weeks left of ‘summer’ vacatio: lots of rainy days!

Rachel - Back to school already! Wow – it seems like summer just started. I have two weeks left of summer “vacation”. Yeah, I put that in quotation marks because I’m a teacher and, contrary to popular belief, we do not get the summer off. I’ve been working the whole time.
Love Annie’s first day of school outfit. So cute! Your kids are adorable.

Melissa - Talby is looking like such a young woman here lately. Just beautiful!

christine - That Annie is just precious. They all are, but the nervous/happy look on her face is just so sweet. I will be praying for them today. 🙂

robin - I don’t even know your kids, but from seeing their pics almost everyday and hearing their stories, this post brought tears to my eyes at work {thanks a lot}. Our kids all grow up too fast, and whether I see it on your blog or in my own house, their quick growth is joyful and teary-eyed all at the same time.

Terrie G - I M.I.S.S. those days! How dare our kids grow up…and start having their OWN kids…I mean REALLY…sighhhhhh

Maya - They do grow fast and it looks like whatever you’re doing, you’re doing a great job raising them. Congrats to you and your family!! You WILL have a great year!

Helen Wall - Looks like east of town. Good that they can go out there. My kids did not, but it seems like a great school.

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a kitten and peaches and an {e}book

what a weird title.  

we almost always go peach picking when we are in michigan.
it's something to do that is good for all ages.
as soon as the kids got out of the car they saw this kitten.
and they all mobbed it.
it never touched the ground until we left.

we went out in the HOT sun and picked a basket of peaches.
with the kitten.
and a dog followed us too.

they weren't quiiiiiite ripe yet.
but we found a few in there that were ready.

it was really hot.
too hot to be there i think.
so annie was out of sorts…..and wanted more turns with that silly kitten.

gosh darn it i like that guy a whole bunch!


dave filled a basket of the peaches already on the ground (ruined ones) and made our michigan sign.
he is pretty creative.
and then everyone got to throw them back into the orchard.
we took home all the peaches we picked….with grand intentions as always.
but nothing was baked with the peaches.
they just weren't ripe enough.

i don't even like peaches.
i don't hate them but i am not going to just bite into one!
i wish there were strawberry patches.
or it was pumpkin picking weather.
those are two things i like to pick.  :)

and after this jenny and i got to go out for lunch just the mommies!!!
it was wonderful.
(possibly the highlight of the trip for me…..i love lunching with my friends….and getting a crisp cold salad and eating outside by a beach….and getting amazingly yummy brushetta as an appetizer….without our conversation interrupted once with the words "hey MOM?!!" )


yesterday….i was blow drying my hair and my blog friend Jeannett popped into my mind.
i shot her a quick email saying hello and that i was thinking of her.
she told me that she wrote an {e}book.
and i thought "oh that's nice" and "too bad i don't read books"   (ha….seriously)

then later that evening after a day of throwing around a lot of frustration and thoughts i have been having
about the businesses that i have….balancing this home life with all these kids…..taking care of this house…..
wanting 20 more hours in a day…..missing my sewing machine…..looming work deadlines……

i checked her blog to support her in the {e}book.
i was shocked.
can you guess what it was about????

here is what i found as soon as i opened the page:

Are you a blogger or have a web based business and are running yourself ragged?

Do you love the community created through Social Media,
but you don't know how much longer you can keep up?

Or are you handling it all pretty well, but there are just a few things that you really cannot stand to do? 


i bought it immediately.
why had i never thought to ask jeannett about this stuff?
she is experienced.  she knows!  
maybe you are having the same questions/frustrations…..maybe you are curious…maybe you want to be hired?
Click here to visit Hire Blog Help.

i love that she did it.
that she put herself out there and used her experience to help other people freaking out like me.

i told her that God knew i was struggling….i was telling him constantly…so He told me "say hi to jeannett today"
while i blow dried my hair.
and i did.
and she was there for me….thanks jeannett……thanks God!!!
you are awesome.

Renae - I just bought the e-book because I have mad organizational skills and want to help bloggers be all that they can be!! Hint, hint! 🙂 Thanks Meg…have been away in Minnesota for a week so missed your posts. Love that you’re back to making me giggle.

michelle - I agree with you on peaches…they aren’t that great on their own. Try them sprinkled with sugar (ok maybe I put a lot of sugar) and some cream….Yummy!

Tracy Fisher - here’s an idea for you… just experimented the other day with my kids. put peaches in buttered baking dish. we added blackberries too. sprinkle with a little flour and brown sugar (if they need sweetening). take a roll of pillsbury sugar cookie dough and crumble it over the top. bake in 350 oven for 30-40 minutes or until brown. serve with vanilla ice cream.
yum! tracy fisher

deborah@applesinwonderland - it is blueberry season late july–next year do that. easy picking but not so much bending over–like strawberry picking. we’re eating blueberries with everything, it’s ridonkulous. 🙂

Laura Phelps - I need a book about the frustrations of so many ideas with NO business…at speak of, and life is slipping away, and you are not using your God given talents, but you have no idea where to even begin, and why does everything seem so HARD…and well…
do you know anybody with THAT book?
maybe I should go blow dry my hair….

alicia @ la famille - so cool how God works 🙂 will have to check that book out!

Astrid - Where in michigan were you? I would love to go pick peaches but most of the orchards do not have u-pick peaches. Awesome photos as usual! We are hoping to go blueberry picking in MI this weekend. 🙂

amanda - I love how God meets us right where we are (yay God!) I’m leaving your site to go check out the ebook. I have such a love/hate relationship w/ all things social media. sigh. I don’t want my kids to remember me pecking on a silly computer all the time, but it can also be used as an encouragement and ministry tool. Just have to keep it all balanced … (btw great pictures!)

Jill - I now know that I’m obsessed with your blog. I was at the Bob Dylan concert at the Ryman last night and 2 of the guys from Kings of Leon sat in front of us and my first thought was, “Meg loves KOL!!!” I live in Nashville so obviously I don’t hang out with you, but… I did think about you at Bob Dylan last night! Isn’t that funny?!
Jill J.

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Love all your peach pictures. Wish we could do that around here somewhere…i’ll have to look into that! But we do have strawberries and raspberries 🙂 Hope you have a happy week!

Sharon Kindall - God is awsome and the way he gets our attention is so subtle sometimes, but when we pay attention it is so amazing! I’m glad you e-mailed Jeanette!

Jill @ Cora Anne Designs - Definitely try blueberries, raspberries or cherries next time you’re in Michigan – they’re all perfect right now! (strawberries are in June!)

Heather - Pumpkin patch weather…a little nip of cool in the air mixed with warm sun and plenty of blue skies. And that wonderful shade of sunlight that only comes in the late afternoon of a midwest autumn day. Sigh! It’s 110 degrees in Olathe, KS today and summer has worn out its welcome.

Kelly - God is amazing! I love the way He does stuff. Wow.
I love the pic of you and Craig!
The Michigan 2011 shot is super fun.
Wish those peaches had been ripe. I do love a good, soft, juicy, ripe peach!
Pumpkin picking weather! That makes me so excited just thinking about it. Kelly

Janet - Meg,
I noticed a picture of Talby about a year ago, how ‘naturally’ beautiful she is. The one in this post of her holding the kitten, well all I can say is she is gorgeous. She has such natural beauty. From what I’ve read on your blog, it’s inside and out.

Kimberly Dial - I love it when God does that! Awesomeness, pure & simple! YAY God! YAY you (for obeying His voice 🙂 BTW,what did you do with all the peaches … jam, jelly ….?

Kimberly Dial - I love it when God does that! Awesomeness, pure & simple! YAY God! YAY you (for obeying His voice 🙂 BTW,what did you do with all the peaches … jam, jelly ….?

Jessica Johnson - love jeannett. one of my fave blogs. love peaches. one of my fave fruits. LOVE the michigan 2011 picture. so creative. “let’s jam” sourface? KILLING me! so funny.

Heather aka moreygirl - Hey Meg, I bought that ebook too! But i don’t know Jeannett. When I was reading it though, I thought of you and wondered if you had a va:) Hope it works for you!

Susan - It looks like you guys had a great time. On a related note – is it possible that I saw Chicago Jenny’s son at the Kohl’s Children’s Museum today? If so, small world! If not – he has a doppelganger in the area! 🙂

Toni :O) - Hiya Meg…did you hear that Kings of Leon are not getting along and may possibly be breaking up? It was on our radio up here and I immediately thought of you! Hate to be the bearer of bad news but didn’t know if you’ve heard. Funny how YOU popped into my head after hearing that as I was driving to work this morning but I know how much you love them. Here’s a link about their latest concert fiasco:
Hope you have a blessed day and I heart your blog…SO much!

Stephanie - Great Michigan vacation picks! WE in MI do have strawberry patches!!! Lots of them!!! You must not have come UP far enough!!! 🙂 I picked 3 (not 1, not 2) but 3 flats of strawberries!!! My 2 year old calls them staw*bee*rees! They are so yummy!!!

Jodi - Your blog is so stinking fun! I love it!! 🙂
Curious if you could share what lens you use for your camera just for general purpose? I am looking at getting a new one, and love your pics! I use a 50mm and love it!

Amanda - i’m learning to recognize those whispers. when we live in a relationship with Him it’s so much easier to know. what a blessing! i wish Jeanette the best with her ebook. so great she is sharing her knowledge with others.
my hubby has been unemployed for 6 months. our third lay off since 2008 🙁 i sew and blog. hoping this isn’t too forward of me to ask…if i can help you with your businesses in any way, i’d love to!!

Jennifer - Love the kitty cat…your family seriously must be a magnet for sweet, precious kitty-cats! 🙂
What a tender mercy from the Lord you had about your friend, Jeannette, and being inspired to reach out to her. And even better, how wonderful that you acted on that prompting. Sometimes I am guilty of not acting on those promptings. I love when little blessings come to us from above when we stop, listen and heed the inspiration God is sending to our hearts and minds. Such a neat story–thanks for sharing, Meg.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - A great post Megan,
I call those God nudging moments, the little miracles he provides on us a daily basis. Some we are aware of, some not as much. I used to keep a small miracles book beside my bed. This post is making me think I should start it up again.

Michele - I read daily, I comment, um, never. sorry. But today I cried when I read the story about God telling you to say hi to Jeanett today. I love that. Mostly I love how you KNEW God was talking to you. You know what? Most of the time I don’t think I’m listening. Thanks for reminding me to listen!

nicki - You were definitely too early for Michigan peaches (I’m guessing you were here recently?), and yes, you missed the strawberries (June), but it’s been prime BLUEBERRY season! Raspberries too…cherries if you head north to Traverse City 🙂 God is good in many ways, as seen by both subjects in your post!

Jen Brandt - LOVE the picture of you and Craig.

Maggie Nunez - hi Meg, i enjoy reading your posts. i think you are amazing…that fact that you can do so much and still focus on your family is admirable. the love you have of family is very evident in your blogging…i look forward to reading your posts and looking at your pictures…thanks for being real.

Susan Ponder - I call them “God winks!”

Judy @Considering the Options - I love those God moments! When I’ve been telling God what I’m struggling with, but not really expecting a solution right then. And a name comes to me, or an opportunity, or the right thing happens. You just know, God was guiding you.
It probably happens 20 times more than I realize, I’m just grateful I actually notice it now and then! God is Good! All the Time!

Terrie - I love peaches! Loved your Michigan 2011…we always find a way to do that on vacations.
Don’t you just love how God gets our attention…and some of the crazy times He does it? If only I would listen to those nudges more often..or maybe if I should say, if only I would act on them more often.
HaPpy TuEsDaY!!
PS…any cooler in your area yet? Not here! 🙁

Kirsten P - Meg, you do know about ripening peaches in paper bags, correct? I put 3 or 4 in a lunch size paper bag for a few days. They do ripen and smell wonderful!

Holly - looks like a fun trip for you all! I will definately check out her book although my blog isnt too high maintenece yet with all 2 of my readers! ha!

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