the farmers all around us were cutting wheat on wednesday.
everywhere we drove there were fields full of combines and trucks….so awesomely kansasy beautiful.
i was driving sean to a friends house wednesday evening and a storm blew in.

it was a BIG storm.
so big that i turned around and knocked on a friends door and said "can i come in till the storm blows past?!"
it was freaky.
trees were falling down!
we made it home safely and a few hours later my sister and nieces came for a visit.
poor thing had to drive in the rain the whole time.
the storm knocked out the power so the morning was lovely and quiet.
no tv just LOTS of art. :)

my sister saw a turtle just outside our door!
it entertained us for awhile…. a sweet little box turtle.

he went in the glitter from the art work…. ha!

talby wiped the glitter off.

turtles are cool.
we put him back in the yard and went to the neighbor's pond to look for frogs.

talby caught this one right away…. it was HUGE!
Yay for the new target butterfly net!
no one would pick it up…..

so i had to lead by example.
"Come on girls….nothing to be afraid of!"
it wasn't nearly as slimey as i thought.

the nicest dog (when he isn't stealing our potato chips)

we found this GIANT striped feather.
it's so pretty.
we don't know what bird it's from….but we will google it.

they caught five teeny frogs and almost caught several more big frogs.

lauren was exploring with us…she was REALLY good at catching frogs when she was little…it was her favorite.
she almost caught this SNAKE!!!!!!!!!
after the snake left we saw all these frog eggs?!! awesome!
there are like….1000 eggs? so cool.
also there were tadpoles all over the pond.
we were all so happy and having a great time….

until we weren't.
annie lost her balance and SPLASH!
it wasn't deep and no snakes were nearby…. i pulled her out real quick.
it was more surprising than anything.

after annie got a bath…. we went over to the arboretum.
and out for ice cream.

talby had a softball game at 6:00 and she did great! she was first base several innings. i loved seeing that!
we came home and set up the tent and made a fire!
we are so outdoorsy.

sean was the only "MAN" to help us because scott and craig were gone.
he was essential in the fire building.
how awesome is the fire pit at the farm?
we roasted weenies for dinner….in our jammies.

hot dogs, carrots, cucumbers with ranch, chips and s'mores…..YUM.
we set up the movie and the girls watched RIO from the tent up on the barn.
and they fell asleep!!!
and slept out there all night…we were shocked.
fabulous awesome day.
and now we are being treated to "restaurant" from the little girls.
Jenny Lynn - these are AMAZING! such sweet memories and BEAUTIFUL pictures 🙂
i can’t wait to go to a blue lily weekend! i’m dying to go!
danielle burkleo - i cannot handle these photos. LOVE.
Lisa M. - Yes, I know you told us this just recently, but I cannot find the post. Sorry…
Lisa M. - Hi Meg, I know you just told us this in a recent post, but what is the camera lens you use most of the time? I am looking into buying a new lens and I’m having a hard time deciding.
Thanks for your help!
Ann Williams - I wish my girls got along as well as your do! 10 and 7…like yours? So sweet!
Penny Smith - Great weekend!! Fun seeing the girls in “3D”! 🙂
Thanks for everything!!
Kerry Wiebe - Megs, so sorry about the cow poop it’s a regular hair accessory around here. HA HA Thanks so much for coming out and bringing your troops. Loved seeing you and Kimberlee
susan - OMG number 7 – enough said.
amber - these photos of your girls are priceless! beautiful use of light and love!
tara - had a marriage retreat this weekend….wonderful getaway with just my man.
your girls are looking so much older, especially Talby.
the one of them laying together and smiling real big is a keeper….those moments where they are happy to be next to each other and smiling don’t always happen at our house these days..(12 and 10 year old boys) …maybe that’s why I’d treasure that picture.
Kate - Oh Meg – they are so beautiful! Great pictures. Um, and sorry about the poo. That is all.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Now I miss our hopper. That’s what the Amish folk around here call them, Hoppers. (An Amish guy once patched our hopper top.) ha
talya - they are so adorable !!! but please put a safety net, pleasssee.
April R - makes me wish i had a sister 🙂
makes me wish my daughter had one…hmmm 😉
shauna - what a beautiful set of photos meg!
the light and the setting are dreamy!
and your girls are heart wrenchingly precious.
what beauty surrounds you, my friend!
thankyou for sharing.
Tiffany - Those photos are amazing! You are so talented! Thanks for sharing it with us! 🙂
Tanya - Your pics of the girls remind me of me and my younger sister growing up. Besties.:)
I missed my kids all weekend and worked on a quilt that is SO over-the-top outside of my skill set…yikes. I’ll be shocked if I can pull it off!
Thanks for sharing…it was a smiley moment for moi!
dee - Your girls look so blissfully happy.love the pictures-love dee x
Tracy Fisher - The photos of your girls are precious. -tracy
Sandy - Stop! I can’t take it anymore! Annie is growing up FAR TOO FAST! And when did Talby’s hair get so long?! I must not have noticed because she probably had it pulled up all summer. What beautiful and loving children you have! …says a lot for their parents! Blessings to you & Craig!
jackie grandy - I love the shots of the girls Meg! They look like they’re kindred spirits, so happy and free. We biked tons this weekend as a family, and I just have to say that it made me so happy. The weather was gorgeous here as well and we made sure we got outside and enjoyed it. We purchased headlights for our bikes and biked to dinner and then biked around the neighborhood in the dark enjoying all the Halloween decorations. It was brisk, but so fun!
Happy Monday!
BTW, I am saying “for reals” all the time now and the kids and they keep rolling their eyes at me!
Christy K - Love, love, LOVE these photos Meg! Seeing all that beautiful sunshine made my heart so happy… and your girls! My goodness! They are getting so big and look so mature now… wow! These pics are framers for sure! Thank you for this little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day here in good ol’ Winnipeg. A very Happy Monday to you! : )
Lisa - These pictures are stunning!!! The lighting and their smiles are awesome!
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love the pictures of your girlies and the cow poop thing is why I don’t enjoy nature that much 😉
Erin - I see a little bit of you in each of your girls. Do either one of them look more like you when you were growing up?
domesticali - Your sweet girls are really growing up all of a sudden. Beautiful pictures.
seriously sassy mama - The pics remind me of my daughters. They are such good friends.
angela - I cannot get over how much Talby…or is the older one Annie? Anyway, the older of the two looks so grown-up now! Precious girls! I need to go get myself on that craft weekend list!
lindsay - this is why i read your blog – cows, beautiful pictures, cheesecake, family, gratitude. and the picture of them looking at each other, i die, it’s so sweet.
Angela - Beautiful pics, Talby looks a bit retro with her jeans and sneaks, so fun! Had to post re: the cow poop- I just started doing night milking at a dairy barn (way up in Canada, woo!) and let me tell you I have had my fair share of poop in the hair, on my face, down my shirt, you get the picture… My kids say I stink and I actually smell up the whole room when I get home from work, LOL! I have to admit, this may be gross, but I actually kinda like the smell! Yikes!!
Lisa M. - Your girls are beautiful. They seem to really have fun together and enjoy one another. Beautiful pics too!
Jodi - i am pretty much in LOVE with these photos. seriously what a perfect combo of sisters and lighting! awesome!
Shannon - The girls are looking so much older!
Hubby and I had a great weekend without kids but I’m happy to be back home just wishing I could stay in bed all day today and sleep!
Dani - I had the most amazing weekend! My husband watched the kids so I could attend the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk! I’m a beginner at photography, but I had the most fun!
Your precious girls are just so beautiful!!
Shannon B. - I love how much they love each other and how much it shows! Precious! Glad you were able to have a nice relaxing evening with the family, not so much about the cow poop! Haha!
And I’m totally making the cheesecake this week…in my apron!
beki - How funny, I had to pull out my camers for some golden light trampoline photos of my kids this weekend, too! Annie is looking so grown up these days. Where does the time go?
Kathryn Goertzen - so . . . my friend and I (both from Nebraska) were in town this weekend for the festivities at the college. At 11:30 p.m. Saturday night as we were driving from our hotel to Druber’s for donuts we saw the Craft House all lit up. Seriously considered dropping in. Would that have been o.k.? Would that have freaked you out? Have you ever considered taking your craft girls to Druber’s in the middle of the night. Fresh deep fried and frosted at midnight . . . yummy!
sara @ it's good to be queen - gorgeous girls. gorgeous photos. gorgeous light. happy monday, meg.
Jen - Beautiful girls, awesome pictures – happy all around! Talby and Annie are getting so big! I’m glad you had such a wonderful craft and family weekend, Meg.
Kristin S - I love that they are not too big in their britches (we stay weird things like that in the South) to be silly on the trampoline. Proof of good parents!
My mom’s visiting from Colorado and is in major home project mode. She won’t sit still!
Megan - Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Your photos fuel my DEEP DEEP desire for a 24-70. 🙂
Trish - some of these need to be on a canvas! BIG… like the one of annie and talby together… sisterly love, just the sweetest!
i want to put my name on craftweekend list, but need to wait until the little baby doesn’t need me, if ya know what i mean 🙂
left over cheesecake would make be very grateful too 🙂
i probably would have dunk my head in hand sanitizer if i found cow poop in my hair 🙂 glad you survived!